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Israr - E-Auliya

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The key takeaways are about the advice and discourses of Khaja Fariuddin Ganj Shakar and how saints viewed suffering as a way to get closer to God.

The book is a translation of an ancient Persian book about Sufism containing the sayings of Khaja Fariuddin Ganj Shakar on various spiritual topics.

Examples given include Junaid of Baghdad performing 1000 prayers daily when ill, and Khaja Mansour Hallaj continuing his worship for a year while suffering from fever.


Israr-e-Auliya by Baderuddin Ishaque

The mausoleum of Hadrat Khaja Fariduddin Ganj Shaker

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Hyderabad, India.

Published by

First Published 1437/2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

In the praise of Hadrat Khaja Fariduddin Ganj Shak...............................8
1.The discussion about the secret of holy persons....................................9
2.The reality of Abid (worshipper) and the Darwesh....... ...19
3.The sustenance.....................................................................................28
4.The reality of repentance.....................................................................40
5.The service and respect of the holy persons........................................50
6.The recitation of the Quran and its excellence and blessing....57
7.The excellence of reading verse Iqlas..................................................65
8.The reality of Qirqa (saintly dress) and indigence...............................70
9.The reality of Glim (blanket) and wool..............................................82
10.The stages of love..............................................................................91
11.The reality of fear and trust..............................................................101
12.The two kinds of caps......................................................................110
13.The reality of the Darweshi (mysticism).........................................117
14.The love and enmity of the world...................................................122
15.The disciples elegance of faith.......................................................128
16.The kissing of the hands of pious persons.......................................133
17.The group, which used to engage in the invocation of Allah.........140
18.The service of Ulma (theologians) and Mashaiq (learned persons)..
19.The scarcity of the rainfall.............................................................. 145
20.The miracles and revelations..........................................................147
21.The respect of the spiritual master..................................................150

22.The grief and misery.....................................................................,,,152


This is a very old book by Badruddin Ishaque about the advice

and discourses of his spiritual master Khaja Fariuddin Ganj Shakar and
which was translated from Persian into Urdu language and the first time
I am translating this book into English. This translation of the most
ancient and celebrated Persian book about Sufiism will, I hope, be
found useful not only to the number of students familiar with the subject
at first hand but also by many readers.
This is a very old book in which there are advises and instructions,
especially available for Taleb (student) and it refers to a person who is
committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual path) of
Sufism and it is also known as a Salik (Arabic: ), a Mureed is an
initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism and all these details of
advices by the spiritual master Khaja Fariduddin Ganj Shakar by
Baderuddin Ishauqe are added in this book and also in this book there
are some great achievements which are not yet known to the general
person are published in a very interesting style so for this reason the
readers will find great interest and attention in this matter.


There are lots of praise to the Lord of the worlds and due to His
favour and kindness the person of grace, the king of pious persons, the
Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot) of the world, the heir of the
prophet, the crown of the holy persons, the sun of Arif (mystic) persons
Khaja Fariduddin Ganj Shaker. So I have heard many good pieces of
advice and instructions with me for Taleb (student) and it refers to a
person who is committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a Tariqa
(spiritual path) of Sufism and words of piety, benefits of the saintly
court which told by Khaja Fariduddin Ganj Shaker and which I have
collected and gathered in the book Israr Auliya.
When the honour of kissing the feet of Khaja Fariduddin Ganj
Shaker was available to the well wisher who is among the Darwesh
persons, and known as Baderuddin Ishaque who is the servant of
mystics and who is collecting the saying in this book. Then at that time
Sheikh said with his holy tongue, Oh : Darwesh for the secrets and
Anwar (lights) there should be required wide courage in this matter. So
that the secrets of the friend will firmed with him and with its help who
can make his position in this matter. If there will be disclose of one
secret, then the secret will be destroyed as it was happening in the case
of Mansour Hallaj. Because these are the secrets of the friend. So the
secret which was available to the man by the divine light, then it should
not disclose by him. It is generally known and famous that those who
will disclose the secret of the king then they are not suitable to keep the
secrets of the other persons.
Afterwards he said, Oh : Darwish there are 70,000 secrets of Allah
are there and which are sent down into the hearts of holy persons from
the world of light. So their heart should try to search for the secrets. But

oh : Darwesh the first stage is that when divine light of the secret of
Allah will befall on the lover and from which even smaller portion the
of divine light will be out from there, than with that there will be a
cause of enlightenment in the whole world. So in this way one should
be true in this matter and which is must so that he should be able to
know all secrets of his friends and he should not disclose its smaller
portion in this matter. In the first place if he will disclose the secret, then
he will be deemed a as less courageous person so he will be not eligible
for the secrets.
He said again that, Oh: Darwish in the book Mashaiq Tabqat in
which it was written that when somebody will be informed about the
secret, then if he is not bearing it then he will be punished for disclosing
the secret. And he will get such punishment like such person, one who
discloses the secrets of the kings.
Afterward this servant of Darwesh persons, helper of indigent
persons and poor persons that is this weak person Baderuddin Ishaue,
who is author of this book and when this slave was getting the chance of
kissing the feet of the sky and ability Khaja Fariduddin Ganj Shaker the
Sheikh was kind enough to me and honoured to accept my pledge (bait)
there and he was also kind enough to me and put on my head the four
ends Turkey cap which is a treasure of both worlds for me.

The discussion about the secret of holy persons

Khwaja Mansour Hallaj and the disclosing of the secret of Allah

When the honour of kissing the feet was available to the well-wisher
on the 18th Shaban in the 831 Hegira year, Sheikh told by holy tongue,
There was a sister of Khaja Mansour and she was used to go to the
jungle in the Baghdad and worship there and at the time of her return
from such place, then there were being commanded by Allah to give her
one cup of heavenly wine in her hand and she used to drink it and goes
back to her house. When Mansour was learnt this information then he
was began watching her secretly in the jungle.
Once she left her house, then Mansour began following her and he
was reaching the jungle and he was watching everything there. In the
last part of the night when she was finished her worship, then the angel
was brought the cup of heavenly wine to her and she began to drink
some of the wine and still there was remaining of wine in it, then at that
time Mansour came there while calling, Oh: sister to keep his share in
the cup. When she was turned back and she saw Mansour was there so
she was regretting that one of her secret was revealed in this matter and
she told to him, Mansour if you will drink it but you will not bear it.

In short Khaja Mansour drank one sip of the heavenly drink, then he
was went on the condition of intoxication.
In what is considered the most compelling entry in this book, the
author relates the story of the execution of Mansour Hallaj, the mystic
who had uttered the words, I am the Truth in a state of ecstatic
contemplation.So her sister began weeping and she said to him, Oh :
Mansour, you are a less courageous man you not only brought insult
on yourself but also insult on me along with you.
Afterward Khaja Mansour came to the city and he started saying the
world, I am the truth in a state of ecstatic contemplation, so he was
sent to the cross. Her sister went there and she said to him, Oh:
Mansour did, I haven't told that you will not able to bear the secret. So
for this reason you will be killed in this matter.
In short the mankind began saying about Mansour that he was a
brave man who was killed on the way of his friend. Upon this her sister
told them, Oh : careless persons if her brother was a brave man then
he would have not become intoxicated upon drinking a little wine of
love so he was not brave and he was becoming intoxicated in this
way. Then she described about her narrative that, Since about 20
years she used to get one cup of secret from the friend and she used to
drink it, and she never becomes intoxicated and she will daily demand
more and more.
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khaja Saheb
began weeping and he was becoming un-conscious. When he was
becoming conscious then he said, Oh: Darwish persons in the way of
Allah, there are such persons are there who used to drink many 100,000
of the secrets of the rivers of the friend in one moment but they will not
show any effect of their drink in this matter.
Afterwards, he said, Oh: Darwish, if one who is firm in the love and
he is not true in his pledge so know that on the day of judgement he is
will be ashamed in the love.
Afterwards he said, In his history book Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori
wrote that on the day of judgment there will be commanded to present
Majnu (desperately in love) there. When he will present there, then all
holy persons will be also called there as they are the claimants of the

love of Allah and they will be asked if they were claimant of love of
Allah, then why they did not become the lover like Majnu who did
such love with Laila. When he was living in the world he was always
drowned in the love Laila and he was also dying in the love of his
beloved Laila. When at the time of resurrection, when he will be there,
then he is also drowned in his love of Laila.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish, Nizami Ganjavi who was a great
man of grace and whatever he was writing about the mysticism that no
one did write such record. Once he was present at the meeting place of
Darwesh persons in which choristers (Qawwals) sang the following two
couplets and due to this reason there was different effect and a
condition of the surprise which was prevailed upon the people and if it
will be demanding such time in 100 years then it will not be regained
later. The Persian couplets are as follows.

Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh, the Fakir (indigent) persons are

the people of love and Ulema (learned persons) are persons of wisdom
so there is available difference in between them for this reason.Again
he said, Oh Darwesh, the persons who are eligible for this work are
those who have love and wisdom in them. On the way of mysticism the
love of Darwesh persons is overwhelming on the wisdom of Ulema
persons. In this situation, he said, One Darwesh who was his friend
whose name was Bhaiya and he was belonged to a person of the recital
and realization when he used to walk on the way like intoxicated person
and used to walk in an ecstasy.

From the worldly love to the love of reality

Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh one person in his youth period was
become lover of one woman. One night he went to the wall of the house
of the beloved and he was standing near the window and his beloved

lowered her head from the window and both of them began to talk with
each other and they were engaged in the talking of love from evening
until the time of dawn and at the time of the Fajr (morning) prayer they
thought it was the Eisha (night) prayer. And when they watched again,
they find it was time of dawn. And suddenly there was a divine call in
which it was heard Oh: young man you have finished the time from
evening to the morning in the love of the woman. How you ever did
fall in the love Allah.? When the young man heard this, then he was
repenting in this matter and busies himself in the invocation of Allah.
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam began weeping and he said, In such
secrets one is that who was returned back towards the love of Allah
so Darwish, one who will find such liking with him then how he will
love with the unrelated person.

In this situation he said, Once Majnu (desperately in love) heard that

Laila was giving sadqa (charity) at her place so he stood with wooden
cup and he began wandering here and there. Laila was given something
to all but she did not give anything to Majnu and she did leave the place
and entered back into her house. At that time, Majnu began dancing with
merriness and joy. The people blame him, what is the situation in this
matter that she did not give you anything or she did not pay any
attention towards him.? Majnu said, Surely she did not give him
anything but she saw him there.
Afterward the Sheikh of Islam began weeping and he said, The
importance of this thing is known to such person, one who will be
drowned in the river of the love or who will get his sustenance from the
invisible running stream.
Afterward he said, One who is a claimant of love and affection, then
he will knock the door of the beloved till there is soul available in his
body. So that at any time it will be opened and he will get position in
this matter.
Afterwards he said, Oh: Darwesh in the Bani Israel nation, one
mystical person who was worshiped for a period of 70 years. At that
time there was a command of Allah was sent to the prophet of that
nation, To inform the mystic person that he should not give him

trouble in the worship as his worships is not accepted by Him. When

the prophet has informed the news on this matter, then the mystic person
began dancing in this matter. When he asked the reason in this matter,
then the mystic person told him, His sincerity is not accepted, but he is
be considered and he was remembered by Him.
Afterward he said, In this way such person is true and the lover
one who bears the difficulties and problems of the world of secrets
which will be sent down to him and for which he should be patient and
in the agreed condition in this matter. So it is mentioned in the holy
Quran as follows.

Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam was recited two couples of Persian

poetry and for this reason, there was special condition and a surprise was
prevailed upon him.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh, in the person who is having secret
should have such personal power with him so that he should protect the
secret of Allah with him when it will be sent down to him.

The secrets of the friend are beautiful

Afterward, he said Khaja Moinuddin Sanjari wrote that the secrets

of the friends are beautiful and which enter into the heart of the beautiful
love. Due to this, When asked with Yahiah Maaz Razi why he was not
seen any time talking or laughing? Then he said, Always there are
divine light and secrets which will prevail upon his heart. So in his heart
there will be light and secrets of his friend will be there then how he
will be busy in talking and laughing with other persons. So there will
talk and laughing will be done when there will be a command that
Weasel al Habeeb al Habeeb. It means the friends have met with his
friend. In this situation he said, When Umar Bin Qattab (R.A.) was
asked what thing you were seen and become the friend of Allah. He
said, Once he was sitting there and he was given the mirror of the love
in which he has seen one stature on him so he was falling in love and
made his requests of repentance in this matter that this grace should be

given to him. There was command there that he should not disclose this
secret to others. So that he will be eligible of other secrets in this
Afterward, he began weeping and recited one Rubai (quatrain) which
he once was heard by Hameeduddin Nagori in one meeting place.

The favour of Khaja Hasan Qaqani

Afterwards he said, Oh : Darwesh Khaja Hasan Qaqani was

walking on the way and during that time his mustaches were increased
so one barber told him to come towards him so that he will shave him.
He told him, He did not have money with him. The barber told him,
He can pay him later. When the barber was finished his shaving under
a tree, then he was looking at the sky and he said, Oh : Allah what I
will make a request in this matter.? Still Khaja Saheb did not finish his
request, then the tree was shaken, and with red Dinars of gold the earth
was filled there and the barber was surprised in this matter. Khaja Saheb
told him, Whatever he wants, he can take the Dinars from there and
saying this he left that place.
Afterward the Sheikh of Islam said, Oh: Darwesh the holy persons
used to do such things and give grace to every helpless person and left
from there.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh one lover used to make requests
every morning so that to get the love of the friend and to get lost his
One day he was burning down in his fire of the love and he became
alone in this matter. So, Darwesh when the love of the friend comes
then there will not be two there. So there should be singular in the case
of the love so that he will able to enter into the house of the meeting of
the friend. If there will be no such case, then he will be not able to enter
into it.
Afterward, he began weeping and recited the following Masnavi
(verse comprising couplets) and he said he heard this from meeting place
of Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki and still he is in fond of it and which is as

The worship of Zulekha

Afterward, he narrated the following event in the overwhelming

fondness, When Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was married with Zulekha and
she was accepted the religion of Prophet Yaqoob (A.S.) and she was
engaged in the worship of Allah. Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) used to run
behind her, but she was used to avoid him in this matter. At that time
Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) said to her, Once there was a time that she used
to run behind him, but he used to ignore her. But now he used to run
behind her, but she used to ignore him so what is reason in this matter.?
She said him, Oh : Yousuf in those days she did not have the
friendship of Allah. So she was away from His devotion. She did not
have a friendship of nobody except with you. So I think that there was
you only with her at that time. So for this reason she used to run behind
him. But now she was recognized Allah so she used to worship Allah in
this matter. She reached to the stage of the observations from the stage
of endeavours and His friendship was established in her heart firmly. So
: Yousuf now you and like you of 100,000 persons who are better than
you are not in my sight.When she was becoming a lover of the Allah,
then how she will love the unrelated thing, then for this reason she will
become the false claimant or she will become not true in the love of
Afterwards he said, Oh : Darwesh when Prophet Mosa (A.S.) was
requested to sighting Allah, Rabbi Arni Unzar Alaink, then there came
the command of Allah, Oh : Mosa what rudeness you have done in
Our court by requesting to show Our sight because We have promised
that unless the last prophet and his nation which are Our lovers will
not have Our sight till then the other person will not able to have Our
sight. So, Darwesh because Prophet Mosa (A.S.) was overwhelming
with the fondness and love of Allah, therefore, did not hear this
command and he again was requested Allah in this matter.So there
came a command that Oh : Mosa you witnessed a glimpse of divine

light (Tajall-e-Ilahi) but you will not bear it. So Mosa said, Yes, he
will bear with it. So he commanded on the mount of Senai and to pray
there two rakat and sit on the two legs with respect and attention there so
that there should be Our divine light. When there was the fall of a small
portion of divine light there and due to this affect the mountain was
shattered and the Mosa (A.S.) was there in condition of un-
consciousness for a period of three days on the mountain of Senai. Then
he was heard a call, Waqir Mosa saiqan. Oh : Mosa (A.S.) did not
We tell you that you will not bear the power of the divine light. Then
there was command of Allah,Oh : Mosa (A.S.) you were becoming un-
conscious due to the little portion of Our divine light and you have
disclosed our secret. There will be Our many such slaves who will born
in the last days of the world and they will be in the nation of Prophet
Mohammed (peace be upon him) and for whom there will be Our divine
light of 1000 times daily, but they will not exceed a little in this matter
and they request further in this matter as per Ana mustaq ela Habib.
Afterward he said, The fire of love is such that which will only be
settled in the heart of the Darwesh person and it will not establish in
other places. If the person of invocation of Allah will a make sigh from
his chest then all things which exist from the east to west will be
destroyed for this reason.

The command of Allah to Prophet Mosa (A.S.)

In this situation he said, Oh: Darwesh when there was a fall of

divine light on Prophet Mosa (A.S.), then he was enlightened with love
of Allah. Afterward, he said, When he was began burning with the
light of the love, then he was gone behind the gold and silver, but both
of them were not remained and burnt down. Then there was command
of Allah came and in which he was told If you will hide in 100,000
veils then all will be burnt down. If you want to keep safe then beg for
the dress from the rag dress person and make veils for you which will be
not burnt down. When he followed it, then even a thread of the rag
dress was not damaged and not burnt in this matter.

The secrets and divine light

Afterward, the Sheikh began weeping and he said, Oh: Darwesh it

should be clear that whatever there is in the existence of the Darwesh
and all that was created by the divine light. So which is the reality, then
how it will be burnt down.? He also said, The Darwesh persons were
born by the following things.
1.The earth of the love
2. The divine light
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwish in the book Zad al-Muhbin it was
written that when Allah want to create the lovers in the world of
existence with his knowledge and power, then he saw the area of the
earth with his fondness and fervour, divine light and by the look of
secret of love and due to this reason that area of the earth was begun
shaking and, in the beginning, it was in the condition of intoxication and
it was began crying and made request as follows.
The Lord of two worlds it is desirous of Your sight. From that land
the lovers of Allah were created. For this reason, there will be a zeal of
love to the Darwesh from their beginning to the end of their lives and
they will be always drowned in the river of love.
Afterward he said, One lover of Allah used to say in his hymens that
oh : Lord of the worlds, if you will send him to hell or burn him on the
day of judgement, for the sake of your majesty and honour, I will swear
that I made a sigh at the door of the hell at that time so which will
swallow all fire of the hell and so it will make the hell worthless.
When he was asked, Oh : Khaja what are you talking about this
matter.? How the fire of the hell will be swallowed.? He told, Because
against the fire of love if there will be 100,000 fires will be there in the
hell then if the person of love will make a sigh from his chest then all
will become worthless due to this reason and there is no fire than the
fire of love which is faster than it.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwish, in the chest of the Darwesh there
is such type of fire is kept and from it, God forbid if one fire particle of

it will be leaving from there, then from empyrean to the nether region
all things will be destroyed by that fire.
Afterward, he was reciting the following one couplet and its meaning
and interpretation is as follows.
In the chest of the lovers, there will be such great grief is hidden
He was used to reciting the above line of poetry and used to become
unconsciousness, and when he was gaining back his conscious then he
said, At the following three times the mercy of Allah will be sent
1. At the time of ecstasy on the persons in the meeting.
2. At the time of discussion about Darwish people.
3. At the time when the lovers will be drowned out in the condition of
the divine light.
In this situation he said, Oh: Darwish, one time Khaja Bakhtiar
Oushi, Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori were engaged in the meeting of the
ecstasy. They were engaged there in one night and day in it, but at the
time of prayer, they used to perform the prayer. During this period he
caught my hand and began flying and also he was dancing there. The
Qasida (encomium) from which ecstasy was started is as follows.

Afterward he said, Oh: Darwish once, he went to see one Darwish,

who was a man of status and who was in fondness and fervour and due
to grief and ecstasy he used to put his head every time in prostration and
he was used to standing up and he was used to reciting the following
couplet and its meaning and interpretation is as follows.

This life and he himself belong to the lover and if there he will
posses 100,000 lives in his body, then he will sacrifice his lives for the
sake of his beloved.
I began counting down that he was going into prostration for 1,000
times and every time he used to become un-conscious and he was used
to putting his head in the prostration.
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khaja Saheb
engaged himself in the invocation of Allah so for this reason the well
wisher and all other persons left from the meeting place.

The reality of Abid (worshipper) and the Darwesh

When the honour of kissing the feet of the Sheikh was available to the
well-wisher and in the meeting place Darwesh Kamaluddin, the local
ruler of Ajudhan and some other Darwish were present there who were
coming back from the visit of Makkah in the meeting place. The Sheikh
was told by his holy tongue , Abid are called such persons whose zaher
(manifest) and batin (innermost) should be adorned with reality and
they should keep away from the following things in their manifest and
And they should do sincerely for the sake of Allah and not for the
show of the mankind. Because Abid (worshipper), who do worship for
the sake of the show, then his innermost will be spoiled. And his every
worship will be returned back and throw down on his face. But on the
way of mystic it is possible that there will be a disturbance in his faith
for this reason.
Afterward he said, There are such Abid persons are there and
whose manifest is well decorated and they do more worship to show the
mankind, but in the innermost they will not go near friend.

Four kinds of worshippers (Abid) persons

Afterward, he said, There are four kinds of Abid persons.

1.Their manifest is well with sincerity, but the innermost will be not
2.Their manifest is not well with sincerity, but the innermost will be
3.Their manifest and the innermost will be not good.
4.Their manifest and the innermost will be decorated with sincerity.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish listens, the person whose
manifest is well decorated, but their innermost is not good and they are
such people who do much worship to show the mankind and they like
the mankind so much and they engage their hearts in the world.

An Abid (worshipper) person of Israeli nation

Afterward he said, Once in the Israeli nation, one Zahed (mystics)

worshipped for a period of 500 years and when he was dying, then he
was seen in the dream with the fire collar in his head and the shackles of
fire was on his feet. There was a fire was burning around him and the
angels were beating him with maces to him and he was calling for the
repentant. He was asked, You were Zahed (mystic) and you have
worshipped Allah for a period of 500 years, then why is so such your
situation with you there.? He said, Oh: Muslim persons whatever he
used to do the worship of the show to the mankind only. In the
innermost he was engaged in the world. So for this reason his worship of
500 years was rejected by Allah and was thrown down on his face and
there was command of Allah in this matter that this Zahed is deserved
for hard punishment so he should be punished severely.
The Sheikh of Islam said, Oh: Darwesh, then a second group
whose innermost is well decorated with sincerity, but they manifestly are
not found good with them and they are mad people who are engaged
with Allah in their innermost way but in their manifest they do not have
anything and no arrangements cannot be seen with them.

Afterward, he said, The mad people used to engage in the worship

of Allah in such a way that nobody knows this matter. Because nobody
knows about their condition of the manifest.

The disclosing of the secret of the Darwesh

Afterward, he said, Once he was seen one mad person who was in
the condition of insanity for a period of 60 years, but he was used to
engaging in the worship of Allah to such extent that there was prevail
light on his face but he was un-aware of the light. So I have seen him
busy in the reading of the holy book in one night. At that time there was
light from him, which was spreading from the empyrean to the veil of
greatness. So I went forward to get some share from that grace. When
he heard the sound of my feet, then he turns towards me and he said,
Oh: Darwesh as you have come to know his secret so keep it secret with
him and not disclose it. He said this and he was looking at the sky and
he said, Oh: my Lord, as you have disclosed my secret so now there is
no place for him in this world. And he was still talking and he was
dying suddenly there.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh the people whose manifest and the
innermost is not good are general people of the world. They do not have
information about sincerity. But the people whose innermost and
manifest are decorated with sincerity are Mashaiq (learned) people. And
by chance if some sincerity will be disclosed as a show, then, for this
reason, they will engage themselves in the endeavours until that time
they will be free from a show of that sincerity in this matter.
Afterward he said, The Mashaiq are such persons when there will
be condition prevail upon them, then if there will be an attack of
100,000 of swords or if they will be cut into many pieces then they do
not have knowledge in this matter or they know nothing about it.
Afterward he said, One person came to see one Darwesh and paid
him respect and requested him to remember him when on him prevail
the condition of the love of Allah with him. The Darwesh smiled and he
said to him, oh: person at that time and in that condition, there is very

much regret that if I will remember you in that situation by leaving

Allah there at that time.

Afterward, he said Allah said in the Quran

It means whatever there are doing in the world and at the day of
judgment, their body parts will witness in this matter.

What is Darweshi (mysticism)?.

Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh, the Darwesh have made

themselves as dead persons in their lives in the world and they kept
themselves from all other things and shorten their hands so that not to
take the thing which is not suitable for him and made their tongue dumb
so that's not to say something which is not suitable for him. And made
the legs lame, so that not to go somewhere which is not suitable for him.
So those are such type of people who are really having reached near the
nearness and due to the grace of Allah on the day judgement they will
free from the punishment.
Afterward he said, Once he was seen one Darwesh in Baghdad and
he was engaged very much in the worship of Allah and he was a person
of grace, of Allah. Once he left the mosque after Friday prayer and his
eyesight was looking at one woman there and he suddenly covered his
two eyes with his hands and he was beginning saying Ya Gafur (The
forgiving) Ya Gafur.
In short, he came back to his house and he prayed, Oh: Lord of the
worlds the eyes, which you have seen you so do not allow the eyes to
see another thing. Still the Darewesh could not finish his conversation
then he was become blind and he prayed two rakat as thanksgiving in
this matter and after the prayer he was sitting there. When the Sheikh of
Islam was reached at this conversation he was began weeping and he
said, To look at the other thing other than friend is shortsightedness.

Afterward that even some days have not passed and the Darwesh
person was heard something by his ears, which was not suitable for him
so immediately he put his two fingers in his ears and he prayed with
Allah that The ear, which was heard other than Your name then that it
is better the ears should become dumb and suddenly he was become
Afterward, he stood from there and he made fresh ablution and he
prayed two rakat as thanksgiving in this matter and he said, Hoping
that he will leave the world with faith because of his these two things
has been taking back from him.
When the Sheikh of Islam was completed this narration he began
weeping and reciting one couplet many times and looked at the sky and
said, Oh: Lord of the worlds I desire that I should leave the world with
faith. And he again he said if the people leave the world with faith, then
think that they have done some work in this matter.
Afterward he said, Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal was seen in the
laughing condition except at the time of agonies when the Satan was
standing at his bedside and he was in his great condition of regret and
sorry and he was saying to him that Oh: Imam Ahmed you have saved
your faith nicely from his hands and so, for this reason, he was laughing
at his last time and he said al-Hamadu-lilah. (All praises to Allah) and he
is taking away his faith with him.
Afterward he said, Oh :Darwish,one time he and his brother
Maulana Bahuddin Zakaria were sitting at one place together and we
were busy in the discussion about the mysticism. After some time my
brother Maulana Bahuddin Zakaria was standing there and he was began
weeping and making a loud cry there and he said, Inna ilahi rajigun.
So he asked with him, What is this condition.?. He told me. To
stand and see. When I was standing and come to see and it was known
to him that the funeral of Saduddin Hamuya was passing from the gate
of Baghdad city and it was going towards the grand mosque in
Baghdad and the funeral prayer was being performed there.

The miracle of a holy person


Afterward, he said Oh: Darwish, once he was entered in the limits

of Lahore City as a traveler there. There was a Darwesh there who was
perfect in revelation and secrets and who used to spend his life on the
agriculture and no government agency did not collect the land revenue
from him. Once one un-kind person was appointed there as a local ruler
and who asked from him the land revenue. He told him, You have
benefited from the crop of the land for many years, but you are not
paying the land revenue. Either to pay the land revenue or show you any
miracle in this matter?. The Darwish told him, He is an indigent
person and he is not related to the miracle. But the ruler did not accept
his views and he was insisting on his own demand. So after some time
he said him after disgusting upon this thing, What miracle did he
want from him.? He told him, If you possess the miracle with you
then he should walk on the water. The Darwish puts his legs on the
water and crossed the river to the dry land. From the other side of the
river, he was requested for the boat to cross the river and come back to
his place. So the people asked him, Why he did not come back in the
same way which he was crossing the river first. He said, There
should be no pride in the mind.

The questioning of the dead person with Ali bin Ali Taleb (R.A.)

Afterward, he said on the day when Abdul Rahman Maljum tried to

follow Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (R.A.) to kill. So Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (R.A.)
was coming down to the bank of a river upon passing from the village.
He was looking at the graveyard which was near there and he called the
name of the somebody and he was received replies from the graveyard,
Welcome oh: Ali. Ali asked him, Where there is the river water is at
the leg level there.?. The dead person told that, level of the river is
available where you are standing. So he crossed the river in this way.
Maljum came and told him, You know the name of the dead person
and his father, but you do not know the place of low level of the river
He told him that, He knows well in this matter, but as the mind will
become bold and fondness so he asked it with the dead person.

Who is a perfect Darwesh person ?

Afterward the Sheikh of Islam said, Oh : Darwish when any friend

able to get full knowledge of the wealth of the secrets of the friend then
in that case if there he will say some secret by his tongue then there is
not objectionable in this matter. Because when there is no place for him
so where he will put it so it is the condition of the pious perfect Darwesh
persons. But that person who will disclose secrets in the beginning
period due to overwhelming of fondness then it is wrong. Because up to
the limit of its safety, he should take care to keep it safe. But yes, if will
be more of the secrets then he should disclose some of it so for this
reason some people of mystics forgive him in this matter and allow this
act as legal.
Afterward, he said, The heart of the Momin (faithful) person is like
pure earth, so if there will be a sowing of the seed of love is there then
there will be many kinds of graces will be created there. So from it you
can share with the other people and also it will be enough for the
Darwesh person.
Afterward, he said, Unless you will not involve shedding of the
skin the like snake then you will not become true in the claim of love of
the reality.
Afterward, he said The complete Darwesh person is such one who
will not require anything but when he will receive of the graces of the
secrets from which he will share with it other people and fulfil the needs
of the person one who visit him and return them to this matter. But one
who is claimant of the Darweshi and who will visit the king and richest
person for the sake of money to fulfil his needs then think that he is not
having grace with him. If he will possess something with him, then he
will not reach the doors of the mankind and he will not expect from
others. Where there will be reach the feet of the Darwesh persons then
there will be no reach of access by other persons. Because on the
Darwesh persons the door of the graces will be opened for them and they
will have possession of the treasury of the kingdom, so they spend it for

the livelihood of the Darwesh persons as per their will and desire and so
they are not depending on the others in this matter.
Afterward, he said When the Derwesh person gets such status, then
he can see all things of the earth to the empyrean and in everything
which will be sent down from Allah in which they have reached in it.
Afterward, he said As such the condition is there for holy persons
like the condition of the prophets of Allah.
Afterward, he said Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori who writes in a
history book that the conditions of Darwesh persons depend upon due to
an excess of love of the reality and its fondness. When there will be
overwhelming of the love of the friend then he will be busy, very much
in the divine light of the friend and for this reason, he will be unaware of
the remembrance of the mankind.
Afterward, he said with his holy tongue, Khaaja Imam Ghazali, who
wrote in his history book that once there was condition prevailed upon
the Prophet of Allah so he went out of Madina into a garden in which
there was well. He sat near the well while putting his legs on the inside
of the wall. He was in the condition of amazement. At that time Abu
Musa Ashari was with him. He told him if any companion will come
there to see then do not allow them to enter there without his permission.
When Abu Baker (R.A.) and Omer bin Qattab (R.A.) came there so he
was informed him in this matter. The prophet asked to allow them to
enter and sit on his right side.Then Usman (R.A.) and Ali bin Abu Talib
(R.A.) came there and he informed him in this matter. So he was given
permission to sit on his right side and they sat there for a long period.
The prophet was sitting there in such condition. Afterward the prophet
told them, Oh : friends as we have sat here together in our lives, then
also in another world we will sit together there. So our end will like this
and we all will be in the heaven in togetherness. Upon this the
companions stood there and paid respect to him in this matter.
Afterward, the prophet said, The heaven is in his sight in which I
am watching a palace there which was created from a single piece of
ruby and near that palace there are four palaces are there. When I was
asked the palaces to whom belongs. He was informed that one palace
for him and the four palaces belong to his four friends so I was

overjoyed in this matter and told to all of you that we will live together
in the other world.
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said, The conditions are like such
that when any person of secret busy in it, then he will be drowned in that
Afterward, he said, When he was busy in the secret of the friend
then at that time it is sure that any of the matter of the friend will be
reveal upon him. When my conversation heard by brother Bahauddin
Zakaria then he did not like it. He immediately looked at me and he told
me. Oh: Darwish what mistake you are doing in this matter.? That you
are revealing the secrets of reality. And this matter is not good for the
people of a secret.
I have written him that, Oh: brother the work left from talking and
my chest is full with the secret of the friend so, for this reason, there is
no little space available to fill the secret there. As a matter of fact, if
there is no space available there so for this reason when with the world
of light, of the secret of the friend will come down there and due to
very much of it will fall down from there. So, brother, I try my best to
protect it and want not able to disclose it a little, but in this matter he is
not successful in it. So tell me what should I do in this matter.? When
this letter was reached in his hand, then he put his head down and he
said our friend was completing his work to its end.
After this narration the Sheikh of Islam made a slogan he was
becoming unconscious and he was in this condition for two days and
nights and he was found on the prayer mat and there was not known
about this condition to him in this matter. When he was becoming
conscious then he was standing and looked at the sky and he recited the
following Persian couplet.

Afterward, he said Oh: Darwish once one person came from Multan
and he said he was in the service of Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria and one
day there condition was prevailed upon him and he was with him there
so riding on the horse and wandered around Multan and it was
proclaimed in the Multan City One who will see the face of the
Bahauddin then he will not be sent to the hell for which he will

guarantee in this matter. So for this reason a large number of Muslims

gathered there to watch his face in this matter so by swearing he said to
them that they will not be sent to the hell. Because it was said to him
that those who will look his face today then he will not sent to the
hell.When that person was ended, his narration then upon me the
condition was prevailed so I said, Oh : Darwish if Bahauddin was
said that if one who will see his face will not be sent to the hell, then
now by swearing I will say that in the world, one who pledge to me or
shake his hand with him or who hold the hands of my sons, or pledge to
my disciples, to pledge to my lineage, then he will never go to the hell.
Because my spiritual master Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki once told him that,
Oh: Farid Allah will grant you such position that person one who will
become your disciple or disciple of your sons or disciples of your
disciples or one who will become disciples of his lineage then he will
not be sent to the hell. And he will not send surely to hell. Also he
heard this call 1000 times Farid Ajudhani is a pious person. When
the Sheikh of Islam ended this narration then he stood in the condition of
surprise and I was with him. He was busying himself in seven days and
nights in the condition of surprise and he did not eat and drink during the
above period. When he was returned back in the normal condition then
he himself was engaged in the sincerity.

The sustenance

When the honour of kissing the feet of the Sheikh was available to
the well wisher and in the meeting the discussion about sustenance was
started. He was told by his holy tongue, Oh : Darwesh in the Shariat
(Islamic law) and Tariqat (mystic path) the true person is one who not
love the sustenance. But he should with large hearted-ness engage
sincerely in the worship of Allah. He should know the reality in this
matter that whatever which is written in his fate will be given by Allah
to him and there will be nothing, less or more in this matter and so such
portion of his sustenance as per fate will be given to him to him. So oh
: Darwesh person if you try for it and wander here and there for many

years, but the sustenance which is written in your fate will be given to
you without your endeavours and demand in this matter. If you demand
a little more, but you will not get it. Oh: Darwesh on the way of the
indigence such person is firmly one who doesn't take an interest towards
his sustenance and he should not think today I have eaten, but what he
will eat tomorrow.? The people of mystical way call them as follows.
The people of mysticism said , The death of the man, which is
written on the shoulder of the man and the death will chase the man and
in the same way, the sustenance which is written on the shoulder of the
man, which will also chase a man so it searches a man and where-ever
the man, goes and it run behind him. If he sits then it also sits there.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh be free from the thinking of
sustenance as your sustenance is written on your shoulder. So you with
wholeheartedness should engage in the work of Allah. Because whatever
written in your fate surely will be given to you by Allah.
Afterward, he said, You should become a person of Allah so that
whatever things there is in control of Allah then will demand you.
Because in the book Asar Auliya it was written that when one Muslim
will demand the world, then it will not never reach near him. From him
the world will run away as from the Muslim will run away from unclean
thing. When one who will demand Allah and then he will not demand
from the world, the world will run behind him with 1000 desires but he
will not look at him. But he will run away from like Muslim will run
away from the unclean things.

The excellence of Sadqa (charity) and generosity

Afterward, he said, The prophet said Al-duniya al-mazra

akhira and it means this world is the place of the cultivation of
another world. So it means that in this world we should give Sadqa
(charity), Zakat (Islamic tax) and show generosity so that we should
sow this for reaping the fruits. Because in this world, there is nothing

which is not more than charity and generosity. Everyone was successful
in the works with the help of charity and generosity.

As per the fate everything will be available

Afterward, he said, The trusted persons are free from the care of
sustenance so they have freedom from care and doubt in this matter.
Afterward he said, The people of mysticism when they see any
person who is worried for the sustenance, then they give the order to the
Darwesh to remove him from the shrine by holding his neck because
such person is unbelieving Darwesh and he has not having the truth
with him.
Afterward he said, He heard from a holy person that it is also a big
sin to worry for the sustenance that today he was eating, but to think
what he will get tomorrow or not,?
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh if the one who will be wandering
here and there for the sustenance for a period of 100 years and if he will
demand more or less than his fate then he will not get it.
Afterward he said, One person wandered here and there for the
obtaining of the sustenance and he was visited from one city to another
place, but his sustenance was not increased at less than his fate. When he
was come back to his place, then his condition was very bad. The people
asked him what is your condition.? He said, Oh Muslim, he visited
many places for the purpose of increase of his sustenance but he could
not get more than what it was written in his fate.
The Sheikh of Islam began weeping and he was reciting the following

Afterward, one Derwesh person asked the permission to recite some

couplets and the Sheikh said, Yes so he was reciting the following

Afterward he said, Oh : Darwesh if one who try for 100 years to

enhance of the sustenance, then he will not get more than his fate. So in
all conditions and in all works one should be true. Some unwise persons
used to say that if they will migrate to other city then it was possible for
him to get enhancement of the sustenance. So it is their big sin and un-
truthfulness in this matter and if one who think like this. This is their
worst thinking which will keep them in worse condition. So: Darwesh
where you will go you will find the Allah everywhere and He will not
change anywhere and whatever He was kept written by Him will be sent
to you.
Afterward he said in this situation, Once one person wants to leave
his place due to disgust with his sustenance and he went to see one
pious person at the time of leaving so that holy person asked why he is
leaving his place and where he will go.? He said, He was leaving this
city so that there will be an improvement in sustenance. That pious
person told him, To convey his salam to the God of that city. So he
was surprised and asked him
and he asked, Whether there is different, God is available there. As
God is only one. That pious person told him, Oh: unwise person when
do you know that everywhere there is one God, then do you not know
that in every city your fate will be same. Go busy yourself with
wholeheartedness in the worship of Allah, then see what the grace of
Allah will be available to you.
Afterward, he said, One holy person was there and who was starved
for a period of 12 days and due to worry about this problem his children
told him either bring food for them or kill them so that he will be free
this problem. He told them, Be patient for today and he will go for
labour work on tomorrow. So that person left his house upon doing
ablution and went to the jungle and he was busies himself in the worship
of Allah there. He came back to the house at the time of Asar prayer
(later afternoon prayer). His children caught his edge of the shirt and
asked with him have he had brought something for them ?. So he told
them, To abide in this matter that the person where he do labour work
told him that tomorrow he will give him two days wages together. So
the children made huge, loud and cry in this matter. And the children

told him, Oh: unkind father we are dying due to the starvation, but
you are not arranging food for them. Next day the Darwesh promised
the children and he went to the jungle and he was busies himself in the
worship of Allah there. At that time there was command of Allah to the
angles to send the following things to house of Darwesh person.
1. 2 kilograms of the flour
2. Some quantity of the honey in the cup
3. 2,000 gold coins
And also in the command of Allah it was told to tell the children of
Darwesh that the man was sent all these things where their father is
working for two days and ask them to tell Darwesh that if he will not do
any carelessness in his work then we will also not decrease his wages.
When Darwish came back to his house he has seen that the kitchen was
hot at that time and there was an atmosphere of happiness which
prevailed there. The children came to see him and hugged him with
happiness and they described all details in this matter. Then Darwish
made a slogan and he said, Allah kindest to us a hundred percent if we
will be firmed in his work.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh one who does worship with
wholeheartedness and he will not doubt about the sustenance of his
fate, then Allah will send him sustenance like the above Darwesh.
In this situation he said, The love of reality is such pearl that and
its cost is not known to the jeweler or other person who knowing the
worth of the things.
Afterward, he said, Such a great grace was not available to any
angel of nearness and it is given to the man only. As per saying of Allah
as follows.
Wa laqad karmana Bani Adama. When the love created and it was
commanded him, Oh: love to go settle down in the hearts of
sorrowful persons because such place is for you only.
Afterward the Sheikh of Islam recited the following couplet of
Rubai (quatrain) due to overwhelming of fondness.

The creation of love

Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh when Allah was created love

and on that day he was also created many 100,000 chains and fibers
and there was called the souls of Momin (faithful) persons, then there
was a command to the angles to bring the love with thousand whims
and miracles before the souls. The souls which were suitable for the love
came forward and put their hands on the threads of love and the chains
of the affection and in the first dome they were drowned in the river of
love. Their names and signs vanished away and those were the souls of
the following persons.
1.The prophets
2.The holy persons
3.The lovers
Some souls were drowned which belonged to the people of the
world of love who first turn towards the love of worldly and then they
come for the love of reality then they able to know about reality. Then
the Sheikh of Islam began weeping and recite the couplet of follow
Rubai (quatrain).

At that time one person who was present there and who recited one
couplet of Imam Ghazali which is as follows.

Then the Sheikh of Islam said, The fondness and chanting of the
lovers will be there from beginning to the ending time. That is existing
from that day when they become lover of the face of the love. So oh :
Darwesh you do not know its value that in your heart such a beautiful
grace is there and the soul is the king of all parts of the body and upon
its creation it was given to the heart. For this reason where there is love,
there a heart is available. The persons know its importance in whose
heart there is secrets of friends and light of love is available there.

The kinds of sustenance

In this situation he said, The categories of Mashaiq (learned person)

classified sustenance into four kinds.

1. Riziq Maqsum
2. Riziq Mazmum
3. Riziq Mamluk
4. Riziq Maud

1.The Riziq Maqsum is that which is written in the fate and it is

available on the tablet and which surely available to all.
2. The Riziq Mazmum is that whatever one who get for eating and
drinking, then he will not be patient with it and as for this Allah is
guaranteed in this matter and Allah promised in the holy Quran
Wama min dabati fil arze illahi aizqaha. So why they did not patient in
this matter. So what is meant in this matter.
3. The Riziq Mamluk is that in which cash and other sources are
accumulated for doing the commercial activity. But in it there will be
the grace of Allah will be available there and with which there will
available power. But oh :Darwesh, the people of mystic persons of this
way said, The person who is in such business he did not ignore about
the kindness and favour of Allah in this matter. But for Darwesh it is

better that whatever he will get cash and sources, then he should spend
on the way of Allah and he should keep a little with him.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh the Maud Raziq is such
sustenance which is promised by Allah with pious and Abid
(worshipper) persons. In the holy Quran, Allah says, Waman yataq
laha yajal lahu makherijan warizqahu min haisu ya hahtasab. It
means the holy persons should be free from the endeavours of
sustenance. Because there is a promise of Allah for them that they will
get sustenance without their demand and their needs will be fulfilled.

There is no doubt that Allah is Al-Razzaaq (The Sustainer)

Afterward, he said, Once he arrived Suistan as a traveler there.

There were some Darwesh with him there. There was one Dervish who
was busy in the worship of Allah in the cave which was situated outside
of the city. When he reached there he finished reading of the Quran and
then he busied himself in the worship there for a long period. Then he
started this narration, Oh dear persons he was busy in his travels for a
period of 20 years. Once he reached to a holy person who was used to
live in the mountains in the forest area and where even the birds could
not enter there. So there came an idea into his mind that from where he
used to get his food in the jungle area. When this thought came into his
mind then that holy person told me, Oh: Darwesh you are surprised for
the food. Perhaps you did not believe that Allah is the Sustainer. Allah
says in the holy Quran Enna Lahu huwa Razaq quwatal matin. It
means Oh: slaves, whether you live in the jungle or in habitation you
will sure you will get whatever there is written in your fate Then he
asked to sit there and see the divine work in this matter. When the holy
person said this so I was shivering in this matter. He asked to me broke
the stone which kept him there. When I broke it and if found that there
was one insect in the stone in its mouth there one green leaf was there.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh the one who will provide food to
the insect in the stone did not He will not give him his food as per his
fate. I spent the night with him there. At the time of breaking fast one
person came there with his two breads and some sweets with him and he

put these things before Darwesh and paid respect and left from there.
When he was completing his reading the holy book, then he was asked
him to come near him and eat the food and said to me that, You used
to think that from where I will get food.? See that Allah will provide
sustenance in this way. At the other day at the morning time I was paid
respect to him and left from his place. So oh: Darwesh the thing which
Darwesh told me for which I was paid full attention for it and he was
settled down there and since the period of 3o years, he is living there
and he is getting his sustenance by divine source and also those who
come there to see him will get sustenance here.
Afterward the Sheikh of Islam said, At the evening time myself and
other Darwesh persons were performed the prayer together there. After
the prayer one person came there with one cloth for eating food
provision and he kept it before that holy person and we have eat full of
our stomach but there was no decrease in the quantity of food provision.
Then that holy person strikes his leg on the ground so there water spring
was appearing. When we drank water, then the cloth of eating of food
provision was vanished away from there. When at the time of the break
of day when I bid him goodbye from there, then I saw one of his hand
was not there with him. So I was surprised in this matter that what is
wisdom in this matter.? When this thought came into my mind, then that
holy person told me that Oh: dear persons once he went outside from
here before the prayer for the fresh ablution and find one Dinar was
there and my mind desired it to take it. So it was reached there from the
divine world and belongs to sustenance. When I began to take it, then I
heard a divine call in which it said Oh: false claimant. Is your trust and
Our promise is this.? Which you have made by w Us. And so while
seeing one Dinar you want to take it. May you have forgotten Us in
between this. When I heard this I was taking one knife which was lying
there and cut the hand with that knife and it was thrown out of this place.
The hand which took anything without the willingness of the Allah is
better it should be cut from the body. So the dear persons since 20 years
he could not see the sky due to shame and feeling of guilt and he used to
say that oh: what he was done in this matter.?

Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said, The brave man is that one who
will not leave a little the way of Allah and he should not worry for the

The reality of trust

Afterward, he narrated this event, Once some Fakirs (Darwesh)

went outside of their place to visit the Holy Kaaba in Makkah for the
matter of trust and they said that they will not disclose the secrets of
their hearts to anybody and they should not demand anything from
In short when they have reached in the jungle and there was no
human population was not available there, but there was available one
water spring there and where they made ablution and prayed two rakat
there. At that time they have seen that Prophet Khzier (A.S.) came there
with some breads of barley. All have approached towards him happily
on this matter, and they have thanked Allah that they were able to see
him there. Another thing was that they were hungry and they got food
from him. When this thought came into their mind, then a divinely
called was heard in which it was told oh: bad convent people have you
made convent with Us? And at that time one sword was coming there
and cut their heads.
The Sheikh of Islam said, Oh: Darwesh person, one who will break
the convent and who is not firm on the trust then he will punish in this
way. Then be began weeping and recited the following couplet which he
was heard from Qazi Hameed Nagori at the bank of the Shamsi reservoir
as follows.

The start of the love

Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh the love was started by Prophet

Adam (A.S.) and when it was created in the world, then he was shown
the grace of the love so he was become a lover of it. So oh: Darwesh

so it was all due to the gesture of the love. He kicked on the gallery of
the paradise and he came out of there as a mad person. He was made to
accept in the ruins of the world. But he has committed mistake in this
matter. So there was a command to the angels, Oh: angels he want to
create comforter for Adam (A.S.) so that he can love with his partner
otherwise he will not tolerate and he will be killed in this matter. The
angels went into prostration and they said: Whatever you know we will
not know in this matter you are Our Lord we obey Your command.
Then there was the command, Oh: angels see how we will create the
friend of Adam (A.S.). The Prophet Adam (A.S.) was sitting lonely
there and Eva (A.S.) was created from his rib. She said salam to him and
she sat near him. So Prophet Adam (A.S.) asked her, Who is she.?
And Eva (A.S.) told him that, She is his partner and from her he will
get satisfaction.
Then the Sheikh of Islam said, Oh: Darwesh the loud and cry of
the real lover will be there unless he will not reach his final destination
and if he will find the beloved then there will be no loud and cry in this
Afterward, he said, He remembered one couplet of Sheikh
Bahauddin Bukhari who was a great lover of the reality and who said
this in his fondess and overwhelming of his love as follows.

In this situation he said, He heard Rubai (quatrain) from Qazi

Hameeduddin Nagori who said this on his fondness and overwhelming
of his love of reality as follows.

The trust and the sustenance of the fate

Afterward the Sheikh of Islam said, The trust is available only in the
sustenance of the fate. Because you know that whatever there is written
sustenance in your fate you will get it. But it is not such in other kinds of
substances. The sustenance of Mamlok in which there is trust available.
In the sustenance of Maud also there is no trust available because of the
sustenance which is promised will be given to the person. But if there is

trust in the sustenance of the fate, then it is legal in it. So in this matter,
one should think that whatever written in his fate that sustenance will
be given to him.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh in the other kinds of substances
the ancient persons could not trust in this matter. Because some have
trusted for a period of 20 years, some have trusted for a period of 10
years and they lived their lives free from the world.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh, Khaja Ibrahim Adham was
spending his life for a period of 50 years on the trust of Allah and he
was away from the mankind in this matter and during this period he was
not allowed anybody to come near to him. If anybody will bring
something for him, then he used to return him from the door and he was
used to telling him that he is a slave of Allah and whatever is his
sustenance which will be given to him.
Afterward he said, Oh: Darwesh, Sheikh Bakhtiar use to live in the
service of the Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti and during this period he was
not seen that he did not allow anybody to come near to him. But when
there will be nothing available in the public kitchen, then one servant
use to go and stand before him. Then Khaja Moinuddin used to lift the
prayer mat ask the servant to take the requirement of cash, which is
enough for today and tomorrow. For the entire year, he was used to
following this method. If any traveler comes there and asks then he will
use to give him whatever as per his demand in this matter. At the time of
the farewell time, he used to put his hand under the prayer mat and used
to give him whatever is available there.
Afterward he said, One who claim for the friendship and love of
Allah then he will become Darwesh in this matter. Then he should
follow the trust and be firm in it. If he keeps hope from the mankind
other than Allah then do not think him as a Darwish person.
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khaja Saheb
went inside of the house so, for this reason, the well wisher left from the
meeting place.
The reality of repentance

When the honour of kissing the feet was available and many people
were available in the mosque, then Moulana Bederidden and Sheikh
Jamaluddin Hansavi came over there and after shaking the hands they
sat there.

Kinds of repentances

Afterward the Sheikh of Islam said there are six kinds of repentance
as follows.

1. Repentance of heart and tongue

2. Repentance by the eye
3. Repentance by the ear
4. Repentance by the hand
5. Repentance by the feet
6. Repentance by the soul

The Sheikh explained details of all the above repentances in this

1.When the heart doesn't certify the repentance and the tongue will not
accept then such repentance is not useful. Because when the heart will
not be free from the following things and if there will be no true
repentance in this matter, then such repentance is not termed as
1. Friendship of love of the world
2. defect
3. Greediness
4. Grief
5. Obscenity
6. Show
7. Evil
For example, one person is doing sin and at the same time he is asking
for repentance, then his repentance is not termed as repentance. He is
doing sin as per the desire of his soul and he talks about repentance. So
how this will be right.? Unless he will not clear, his heart, of this matter

then his repentance will not be right. Because in the holy Quran it is
mentioned: Oh: people of faith do repentance certainly, but do such
repentance, not only from his heart by his tongue. This repentance of
Nassau is known as repentance of heart. When one who does this
repentance, then he should come back towards Allah. When the heart
will be clear from the defects of the world, then the repentance will be
accepted and that person will be equal to a pious person. As per the
saying one who repents, then he will become such person as he did not
do any sin. So in this condition the penitent and pious will be become
equal in the status.
The repentance is required from the heart and if it has done 100, 000
by tongue but unless it is not certified by the heart then it is not
becoming right. When it is accepted by the tongue, then it should be
certified by the heart.
Afterward he said, Some person does repentance of the heart, but
they their heart like the bad deeds. The patient does repentance from the
morning to evening time and when the illness will be over then he will
fall in the forgetfulness and carelessness and they will not remember
their repentance by chance also.
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam began weeping and he recited one
Rubai (quatrain) and he said, It should require repents before the
death. Then he was narrating this event that when Basher Hafiz was
asked what was the reason of his repentance.? He said, Once he was
sitting in the wine shop and he heard a divine call there Oh: Basher does
repentance before death.?. And when he heard this call then he was
repentance in this matter. Then he was not going near the sins and for
this reason, Allah granted him such a higher position and status.
Afterward he said, When the man will clear his three hearts from
the defects of the words and do repentance in this matter.It means from
his hearts if there will be smell available to other person's mind then
understand that person's repentance is repentance of Nassau (sincere).
Regarding the other three hearts Ali Ibn Taleb (A.S.) defined it as
follows. There are three kinds.
1. Salim
2. Munib

3. Shahid
The heart of Salim is that in which there should be nothing except
the knowledge of Allah.
The heart Munib is such that which repentance from all things and
should come towards Allah.
The heart Shahid is that who observe Allah in all things.
Afterward when he said, These three things will create in his heart
and if he will be firm with them, then really it is known in this matter
that his heart was becoming Salim, Munib and Shahid. So his repentance
is becoming repentant of Nassau (sincere). If the heart is still involved in
worldly endeavours, lust, inclined in this matter, then think that his heart
is dead. If it is clear from all these things, then he will be alive for
eternity to end of the world.

The veil between the man and Allah

The reason of the veil between the man and Allah is due to filth.
When the filth is clear then he should clear him by the repentance, then
the veil will be removed. This is called the endeavours of clearance of
filth of the hearts. So one should clear, his heart from lust and desires so
that the veil which is there in between should not be there. So that there
should be an available taste of observation and revelation and one
should attain position and status.
Afterward he said, Oh : Darwesh you have heard the repentance
of the heart and now hear the repentance of the tongue. The repentance
of the tongue is that upon this repentance, one who keeps away from
the bad talking and do not talk absurd talking and one who keeps away
from un-necessary talking. The second condition is to make fresh
ablution and pray two rakat prayer of thanks and to sit in the direction of
Qibla (the direction in which Muslims turn in the prayer) and pray as
Oh: Allah grant repentance to my tongue from saying bad talking and
except Your invocation , nothing should be come on my tongue in
which there are no Your willingness is there and keep it away from
saying such things.

At the time of day break all parts of the body say to the tongue Oh:
tongue if you will not protect yourself then we will be killed.
Afterward he said, Khaja Hatim Asam was told on uncivilised
matter so he was pressed hard his tongue so much that there was a
discharge of the blood from it and afterward he was promised that till his
life he will not talk to anybody.So for one absurd talking he, didn't talk
to anybody for the period of 20 years.
Afterward he said, In the meeting place one person who was
realized the reality was sitting there and he was asked about one person
whether that person came.? Upon this he thought in his mind that he was
talking this instead of the invocation of Allah and for this expiation, he
will not talk with any body for a period of 30 years.
Afterward he said, He was heard by the tongue of Khaja
Hameeduddin Nagori that he was seen one Darwesh who has realized
the reality and who was busy in the invocation of Allah. He was with
him for a period, of 10 years, but during this period he has not heard any
un-necessary talking with him. But one thing he was heard from him that
he said, Oh: Darwesh if you want to take a safety in the other world,
then protect you from absurd talking and upon saying this he was
pressed hard his tongue so much that there was a discharge of the blood
from it. He said to him, This matter is not proper for him to say to
him. So for this he will not talk for a period of 20 years.
Afterward the Sheikh of Islam said, Oh : Darwish when Allah
wants to put the tongue in Prophet Adams (A.S.) mouth and then he
told the tongue, Oh: tongue sees it that with your creation, there is a
special purpose in this matter that you should not call another name
except My name and should not recite another talk except His talk. If
you do other than this then remember that you and all other parts of the
body will face problems in this matter. So oh Darwesh the tongue was
made for the following things.
1. Ziker (Invocation)
2. For reading of the holy Quran
The group of Mashaiq (learned persons) written that in every human
part of the body there are desire and lust is there and which is the cause
of veil and problems in this matter. Unless one should not repent from

lust and desires, then he will not clear all his parts so, then he will not
get the position and status.
Afterward, he said, The details of the parts are as follows.
First is the soul in which it is kept lusting.
Second the eyes in which it is kept the desire of seeing.
Third the ears in which it is kept the desire of hearing.
Fourth the nose in which it is kept the desire of smell and sneeze.
Fifth the hand in which it is kept the desire of holding and touch.
Sixth the tongue in which it is kept the desire of praising.
Seventh the heart in which it is kept there is pain.
So the person who demands Allah, then he should repent of all these
things so that Allah will hear him in this matter and who say He will
make him respectable among the mankind by His wisdom to the one
who will be take away his heart from the love of the world. One who
will keep the soul from sight of other things. So He will make him
respectable due to ignoring of the sins and one who will forget all things
except Him and then He will make him respectable on the day of
The following of heart and the tongue
Afterward he said, When from the world of light there will be a fall
of the secrets of the divine light and the lights will fall on the heart first.
When the tongue and heart will work together then there will be lights of
love will be there. If there will be no togetherness of the tongue and
heart, then the light of the love will leave from there and settle on the
place where there are togetherness of the heart and tongue will be
Afterward he said, When one person of whom realized the reality
was asked who is firm in the love of reality?. He said, Where there is
togetherness of heart and tongue is found. Because first, the love of
reality is found in the heart, then on the tongue. When the heart and the
tongue will become together in the of love, then that love will become
the reality of love. The tongue is king of all parts of the body. When the
tongue is safe then all parts of the body are in the safety. So it is well
known saying is that when the king will do disturb in the religion then
there will be a problem for all people of the kingdom. When the king is

safe then all affairs of the kingdom will run in the safety manner. So:
Darwish ear, eyes, soul, and all other seven parts of the body are under
the control of the tongue. So if the tongue is safe then all parts of the
body are in safety condition.
Second the repentance of the eye, for this repentance there is a
condition of taking bath in this matter and pray two rakat and sit in the
direction of Qibla (the direction in which Muslims turn in prayer) and to
raise two hands and said, Oh: Lord of the worlds I will repent of all
things which are prohibited by You. Next time I will not see such things
which are prohibited by You. I will see such things which are only legal
and afterward protect the eyes from seeing the prohibited things. This is
repentance of the eyes because this is such thing with which the
condition of the grace of presence will be available. The eyes are such
things with which the people are involved in the problem and
difficulties. So oh: Derwesh the first condition of love is available in
the eyes. The people should try to do such work in which there is
available the grace of observation and so they should not see other than

Afterward, he said, Oh Darwesh once the Prophet of Allah was

passing from the house of Zaid and his look was fallen on the wife of
Zaid from the outside so he closed his eyes and he was passed from
there.At that time immediately the angel Gabriel came over there and he
said, Oh Prophet of Allah the wife of Zaid is legal for you and so you
can marry her. And now she has become illegal for Zaid. The prophet
was becoming very much sad and in grief for this reason and he said,
If it would have not been this eye from seeing such thing then this event
not have been happening.

Afterward he said, Prophet Dawood (A.S.) was seen the

prohibited thing so, for this reason, he was weeping for a period of 300
years. Then there came the command of Allah, Oh: Dawood why you
are weeping?. He said, What did he say in this matter. He said, The
eyes were put him on the problem. As this mistake in the eyes. So for

this reason, the eyes should be given punishment in this matter. Because
the eyes were seen the prohibited thing.
Afterward he said, Prophet Shoeb (A.S.) wept so much that his
eyes were becoming blind. When he asked the reason in this matter, then
he said for the following two reasons.
First that he was seeing the prohibited thing.
Second that the eyes which were seen the grace of the friend so it
is regret for him to see another thing. If he will see another thing, then it
is better for him to become blind. So that on the day of judgement when
he will become alive then he should see the grace of the friend. After the
above event, he lived for a period of 60 years but nobody was not seen
while opening his eyes.
After he said, In the love of Allah, such person is true in whose eyes
there will be antimony of the of reality is available, then he should close
his eyes and he should not see towards the un-related things and on the
day of judgment only he would see the divine light.On that day if the
friend will request him to open his eyes then he should open his eyes.

The repentance of the eyes

Afterward he said, There are three kinds of repentance of the eyes.

1.To see the prohibited things.
2.If some other person backbite another Muslim brother and see
something then he should repent in this matter that why he had seen such
3.If eyes see something then he should not say this to another person.
Afterward he said, The repentance of the ears is that it should not
listen to bad things and not listen the prohibited things, then his
repentance will become repentant in this matter.
After this he said, The power of giving hearing, which is given by
Allah so he should engage himself in the invocation of Allah and also
where there is recitation of Quran available then he should hear it. It is
not given for the following things.
1. Bad deeds
2. Joking

3. Singing
For the above, there is information available on this matter that on
the day of judgment the metal lead will be melted there and will be put
in the ears of the persons one who hears the above sounds.

The repentance of the ears

Afterward he said, Once Abdullah Khafif was going on the way

and he was heard illegitimate talking so he put his two fingers in ears
and went back to his house and he was asked to bring melted lead and
when it was brought there, then he asked to put it into his ears because
he heard some bad things so that on the day of judgment he will be free
in this matter. So today he is making expiation for it. So oh: Darwish,
Darwish were tried to keep themselves away from the mankind and
adopted loneliness. So that they should be safe from hearing about bad

The repentance of the hands

In this connection he said, Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki was seen one

Darvish in Badakshan and who was among holy persons and his name
was Sheikh Burhanuddin and his one hand was cut off and he was
resting in the hut for a period 30 years there in the condition of etekaf
(retirement of continued prayer). When he was asked about his cutting
of the hand, then he said once he was present at the meeting and without
the permission of the owner of the meeting place he was cut one grain of
the wheat into two parts.So there was heard a divine call in which he
was said, Oh:Darwish what act you have done.? Without the
permission of the owner you did two pieces of one grain of the wheat.
When he heard this call then he cut his hand and thrown it out for this
reason. So that again, he should not hold any things which is not suitable
to hold in this matter.
Afterward the Sheikh of Islam began weeping and he said, The
people of Allah will do such things and will obtain status and position in
this way.

The repentance of the legs

Afterward, he said, The fifth repentance of legs and in which one

should not go to the places which are not suitable and should not put
his leg for the fulfillment of his desire there so that the repentance
should be termed as repentance.
Afterward, he said, Once Khaja Zanon of Egypt during his journey
he went into the jungle and where he was found one Darwesh person
who was very pious and a man of grace in one cave and whose one leg
was cut off so he was saying salam to him and he was asked him in this
matter. So he said once he was left the cave from ablution and he was
looking a woman there so he desired for her so he put his leg out of the
cave to catch her but that woman was vanished away from there. So he
immediately took the knife and cut off his leg. So oh : Darwesh since 40
years he was standing on his one leg in the condition of shame and
regret in this matter that how he will show his face there and what he
will give an explanation on the day of judgement?.
Once one Darwesh was asked Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami did the lover
will always get the observation or some time.?. He said, Always
because if the lover will be in the standing position, then he will have on
the condition of observation. If he will be in the sitting or sleeping
conditions, then he will be in thinking of observation of the beloved. So
the lover will be always in the condition of observation of the friend.
Afterward, he said, For the lover observation and backbiting are
both same and equal. So as the observation is there so the backbiting is
also same. In this matter he was heard one couplet from Zikeria Multani.

The repentance of the soul

The sixth repentance is repentance of the soul. So the soul should be

kept away from the following things.
1. All desires

2. Eatables
3. Lusting
And one should be repented from all the above things. No work
should be done as per the desire of the soul. And in the holy book of
Quran, it is mentioned And as for him who fears to stand in the
presence of his Lord and forbids the soul from low desires. Their abode
will be the garden

The control of desires of the soul

Once there were some differences between caliph Harun al-Rashid

and his dear wife Zubaida. So she told him that, He is a hellish man.
Harun al- Rashid replied her that if he is a hellish man then he will
divorce her. He left her, but due to his extreme love for her, he was
worried to solve this matter and so he called all the learned persons of
Baghdad in his court and asked them, Am I a hellish man? But no
person answered this question and all of them told the caliph. Only
Allah knows this matter. Imam Al-Shafei, even though he was very
young at that time, he was also among the learned persons who were
present in the royal court of Harun al-Rashid. He told Harun that, If he
permits him, he would reply his question. When all other learned
persons heard his reply they were surprised. They thought that he might
be a mad person because when all other learned persons were unable to
solve the matter, what then will he do?.
After the permission of caliph, Imam Al-Shafei asked the caliph
Whether he is in need of him or he is in need of the Caliph.? The
Caliph told him that He needs him. So Imam Al-Shafei asked him to
come down from the throne because the status of learned person is
superior to kings. The Caliph came down from the throne and asked him
to sit on the throne. He sat on the throne and asked the caliph to reply his
question first to enable him to solve his problem. Did you have any
chance of committing any sin, even though you had the power of doing
it, but due to the fear of Allah, you escaped from it?
The caliph replied swearing, Yes, I had many chances, but I was
always away from such sins. Imam Al-Shafei told him, You are not a

hellish man. When the Ulemas (learned persons) asked him to furnish
proof of it, he told them that Allah says in the Holy Quran:
And as for him who fears to stand in the presence of his Lord and
forbids the soul from low desires. Their abode will be the garden
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said, There are three kinds of
repentances are as follows.
1. Present
2. Past
3. Future
In the present to be repentance from the sins of the present time.
In the past, to bring the enemy in the agreed condition and return back
the things if you would have snatched from his things because without
the return back of the things his repentance will be not accepted. But he
should return back him the double of the things to bring back him in the
agreed condition, then repentance will be accepted. If he will say bad
things to anybody then he should regret him in this matter. If that person
died, then he should release one slave. The act is like that with which
he would have given life to the dead person. If he has done adultery with
someone's wife or his slave girl then do not regret with her, but he
should approach towards Allah and repent in this matter. If he would
repent from the drinking of wine, then he should give a drink of juice
and cold waters to the persons. At the time of repentance, he should
regret about the sin which he was committed.
The future is that in which he should determine that he will not
commit the sins in the future.
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khaja Saheb
went inside of the house so, for this reason, the well-wisher left from
the meeting place.

The service and respect of the holy persons

When the honour of kissing the feet was available, then the Sheikh of
Islam said with his holy tongue, Oh: Darwesh everybody was getting
felicity by service only because the grace of the world and religion will

be available from the service of Mashaiq (learned persons) and spiritual

Afterward, he said One who do the service of the spiritual master
for a period of seven days than in his account Allah will write the reward
of the worship of seven hundred years in his record of the deeds and for
every step there will be given the reward of Hajj pilgrimage and Umra
(off- seasonal pilgrimage to Mecca ) for him.

The style of service of Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrizi

Afterward, he said Sheikh Jaluddin Tabrazi after the death of his

spiritual master who did such service to Sheikh Bahauddin that such
service will not be made available by any servant. So Afterward, I saw
him in Baghdad, he was going there with the load of stove on his head
and there was a cooking pot on it and in which something he was
making hot. I have asked him where he was going.? He was replied
To Hajj pilgrimage. So I was surprised in this matter. I asked by the
people for how many years he is doing this service. They told him for a
period of 25 years, he is doing such service to the Darwesh.

The style of service of Khaja Abdulla Khafif

Afterward, he said, When Khaja Abdulla Khafif was asked from

where he was getting the wealth.? He told, By the service of one
Dawresh and who used to ask him whatever, then he used to do that
service for him. So once that Darwesh asked him to go another Darwesh
and convey his salam to him and inform him that tomorrow there will
be Urs (the annual death anniversary) of his spiritual master and there
will be available, food provision there.So present there and so bless the
place so that the food will be distributed in his presence there. There
was fear of tigers in the place where that Darwesh used to live there. The
Derwesh was given this work to me for trial only.
In short, I was going there and at one place the tiger came before me
so I told the tiger that he was going to see the Darwesh as per the
instruction of his spiritual master so allow me to go there. Upon hearing

this the tiger given him the way and paid respect to me and left from
from there. I passed the way and reached near the Darwesh and was
given the message of my spiritual master and he accepted the message
and he said he will come there. So I paid respect to him and come back
in the service of my spiritual master so for this reason that Darwesh
hugged me and he said it was really the right of service which you have
done in this matter. Then he holds my hand and he looked at the sky and
he said Go, he allowed him the wealth of the both worlds. From there
I came back into my hut. So whatever you see the grace in him is given
by that Darwesh.

The reason greatness of Khaja Bustami

Afterward, he said When Khaja Bustami was asked from where he

got such wealth.? He said From two matters. One from service from
his mother and other is by the service of his spiritual master. Then he
narrated first matter that One night my mother asked me for water. I
went to fetch her some water, but there was none in the jug. I fetched the
pitcher, but none were in it either. So I went down to the river and filled
the pitcher with water. When I returned to the house, my mother had
fallen asleep. The night was cold. I kept the jug in my hand. When my
mother awoke from sleep, she drank some water and blessed me. Then
she noticed that the jug was frozen in my hand. Why did you not lay
the jug aside? she exclaimed. I was afraid that you might wake when I
was not present, I answered. Keep the door half-open my mother then
said.I watched till near daybreak to make sure if the door was properly
half-open or not, and that I should not have disregarded her command.
At the hour of dawn, that which I had sought so many times entered by
the door. After his mother resigned him to God. The event of a spiritual
master is like that he was in his service for a period of 20 years and
those days and nights were equal to me. So one night we were engaged
in reading the holy book of Quran and in that night in the presence of my
master nobody was not there in his presence. The Sheikh Saheb called
me and he said Oh dear, to bring the holy book of Quran and when I
took it there he prayed for me.

Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said Oh: Darwish unless you will
not do service to the Darwesh persons, then you will not reach to the
position of status.
Afterward, he said Khaja Moinuddin Sanjari carried the bed
spreads of his spiritual master for a period of 20 years and with these
luggage he went to Hajj pilgrimage then he was getting such grace and
after that this grace was found in the favour of all people of the world.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh he was heard by one holy person
that the service of one day of the spiritual master with truth is equal to
the worship 7,000 years of un-truth persons.

The rules for the visitors

Afterward, he said the last prophet said One who give drink water
to others, then he should drink it at last. Also in the same way one
should provide the food for others first. It is obligatory for the servant to
eat the food at last.
Afterward, he said It is obligatory for the host to wash the hands
of the guests and in it there is wisdom is that first he should wash his
hands and kept it clean so as enable to wash and clean the hands of his
guests. But at the time of giving water to others to drink, then he should
not drink first so he should give water to others first for drinking then he
should drink at the last.
Afterward, he said Oh: Derwish once one person brought the water
in the service of Khaja Junaid to wash his hands and he sat there. Khaja
Saheb stood there. When he asked the reason, then he said as you sat
there. So it is obligatory for me to stand there. As it is not obligatory
for the washer man to sit there. Because it is out of etiquette in this
Afterward, he said Once Imam Shafi was a guest at the house of
Imam Malik so he washed the hands of Imam Shafi by himself.
Afterward, he said Once he arrived in Baghdad as a traveler, there
and he was seen one pious person who praying at the bank of the Tigris
river and who was a man of greatness and he was a man of graces. But
he was very weak and lean person who busies himself in the prayers in

his hut at the bank of the river Tigris. When he was finished his prayer,
then I said salam to him and he suddenly said Wa Laikum Salam Ya
Farid. So I was surprised in this matter that whom was told my name to
him. He said Who brought you here was told him his name. Then he
told me to sit there. I was in his presence for some period of time. At the
time of the fast breaking two persons used to come there with a cloth for
the spreading for eating and food provision before him and then they
used to go away from there. One day some Sufi persons came there and
we all eat there together. But that Darwish washed our hands by himself.
So I told him in spite of the presence of so many people he was washed
the hands of all guests. So he told me that it rule that the host should
wash the hands of the guests.

The difference between Kalim (interlocutor) and Habib (friend)

Afterward, he was narrating the tradition that the Prophet of Allah

said, When Prophet Mosa (A.S.) was reached on the mount of Sinai,
then there came the command of Allah to him that he should remove his
sandals and come there. So that if there will be dust of the mount
Sinai will fall on your feet, then you will be forgiven. But when the
Prophet of Allah reached near the empyrean on the night of accession
then there was command of Allah came there Oh: Mohammed (peace
be upon him) came there with your sandals. So that with the dust of the
sandals there will be tranquility in its movement.
Afterward, he said Oh : Darwesh when Prophet Mosa (A.S.) will be
wake up from his grave, then he will walk intoxicated condition with
divine love and he will strike hands on the parapets of empyrean and he
will make a request Rabbi arni anzar alaik and then there will be
commanded to keep silence Mosa (A.S.) today is the day of accounting
and upon accounting there will be sight available. But when the Allahs,
last prophet and his nation will come there and among them there will be
such lovers that for them there will be command of Allah to take them in
the chains to the paradise. But they will break the chains and they will
come down from the paradise while requesting from there. Then there
will be same command from Allah and they will again come down

there from the paradise from there. In short, 70,000 chains will be
broken by them, then there will be a command from Allah that there is
promise of sight in the paradise and go there so that there will be
available tranquility to them.
Afterward, he said Once the Prophet of Allah was making ablution
and there was a ring in his fingers and he was moving it and there was a
command of Allah came there Oh: Mohammed (peace be upon him)
we has not created you for such engagement. After that time, the last
Prophet of Allah never engages in such things.
Afterward, he said Oh : Darwesh on the day the King of Egypt
was sent Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) to the jail, at that time he told one
prisoner who was going to release from the prison that he will become
the cup bearer of the king and to the other person and he told him that
he will be eaten by crows and eagles. On that day Prophet Yousuf
(A.S.) told the cup bear to tell the king about him. At the same time
angel Gabriel came there with the command of Allah in which it was
said Oh: Yousuf (A.S.) you have ignored Us and giving Our
information to others. And for this mistake he was in the jail for a
period of more than nine years as punishment. The above event was
explained from the Quran as follows.
And two young men went to prison with him. One of them said: I
dreamed that I was pressing wine. The other said: I dreamed that I was
carrying upon my head bread, where of the birds were eating. Announce
unto us the interpretation, for we see thee of those good (at
interpretation). O my two fellow-prisoners! As for one of you, he will
pour out wine for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be
crucified so that the birds will eat from his head. Thus is the case judged
concerning which ye did inquire. And he said unto him of the twain
who he knew would be released: Mention me in the presence of thy lord.
But Satan caused him to forget. To mention it to his lord, so he (Joseph)
stayed in prison for some years.
Afterward, he said When Prophet Sulaiman (A.S.) in spite of
having his wide and grand kingdom when he will use to arrange the
meeting or party, then he used to stand at the door and used to weep by
holding with water jug and saucer and used to wash the hands of slaves

and other guests by his hands and he will give drink water first to the
guests and he was used to drink water at last.

The apology of Prophet Sulaiman (A.S.)

In short, in spite of wide and grand kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman

(A.S.).He was used to sew the mound baskets and from its sale amount
he was used to purchase for his breads. One day he thought in his mind
that oh: Lord, you have given such a large kingdom, but from it there is
nothing for his fate. And he is living on the sale amount of mound
baskets. On that day he went to the bazaar with his mound baskets for
sale there. But nobody did not purchase the baskets on that day and he
was returned back to his place with baskets. In this way seven days
passed and no basket was did not sold. So he was surprised what is the
reason for it?.At that time angel Gabriel came there and he said, Oh :
Sulaiman you did not get your food from the sale amount of baskets. So
see the above. When he saw the above he was found all his baskets were
hanging in one corner of the sky. And there was came a command,
Oh : Sulaiman we have purchased all your baskets and it was just a
name in this matter that the mankind used to purchase it. Upon hearing
this he was regret in this and repented of it.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh the man should not think that
whatever he will do his action so from it in the manifest and in
innermost things will be happening. So think that it is happening from
the side of Allah. All such things will be happened by the will of
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh it was the habit of Imam Abu
Hanifa that when the guest arrived in the house than he was used to
wash the hands of his guest. He used to say this is Sunnah (practice) of
the last prophet of Allah and other prophets of Allah. Imam Malik used
to wash the hands of his guests and used to give drink to the guests by
his hand. So, Oh: Darwesh you should follow the prophet and the
Imams (leaders) as for as possible in this matter so that you should not
be ashamed of them on the day of judgement.

Afterward, he said Once Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) was invited the
companions of the prophet in his house and at the time eating of the
food provision he was stood with water jug and washed the hands of the
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khaja Saheb
went inside of the house so for this reason the well wisher left from the
meeting place.
The recitation of the Quran and its excellence and blessing

Sheikh Burhan Hansavi, Sheikh Baderuddin Gaznavi and other pious

persons were present at the meeting place. He told with holy tongue
Oh: Darwesh the worship of the recitation of the holy Quran is best
among all worships and from it there will be available position and
status in the world and hereafter. Because there is no greater worship
than recitation of Quran so the men should not be careless from this
grace and they should not be away from this. After this he said there
are many benefits of the reading of the Quran are as follows.
1. There will be increase of eye sight and it means there will be no pain
in it.
2.For each word there will be reward of worship of 1,000 years will be
recorded in the account of the reader and such number of bad deeds will
be removed from the account of the reader.

The conversation of Allah

One who wants to talk to Allah, then he should busies himself in the
reading of the holy book Quran.The pious person is one who engaged in
talking to Allah. The felicity of talking with the friend will be available
with the reading of the holy Quran. There will be call 70,000 times in
the heart of the man that if you desire for us then leave all things and
start reading of the holy book of Quran.
Afterward, he said, Usually the people get the grace of the presence
and observation at the time of the reading of the holy Quran. Because
the secrets which are available in the world which will be revealed at the

time of recitation of the holy Quran and when he will think about each
and every word and every meaning then on him the secrets of the pen
will be revealed upon him. When he will reach the verse of observation
or verse of mercy, then he will be drowned in the river of observation
and he will be getting 100,000 graces. When he will reach on the verse
of punishment, then he will think about it, then he will be melted like
gold in melting pot.
Afterward, he said, When Sheikh Bakhtiar Kaki used to reach on the
verse of warning, then he will beat his chest and used to become
unconscious. When he will be consciousness, then he used to start again
reading of the holy Quran. In this way, in one day he used to become
unconscious 6,000 times and when he will reach on the verse of
observation, then he used to smile and used to stand and drowned in the
world of observation and live in the condition of surprise and he was
used to live in the condition observation in one day and one night and
about such condition he will not aware of it.

The position and status of Quran Conner (Hafiz Quran)

Afterward, he said, When Quran Conner will die then his soul will
be put in the lamp of light and will be taken towards empyrean and on
his soul every day there will be a befall of graces of 1000 times divine
Afterward, he said, On the day of judgement there will be
commanded by Quran Conner to proceed into the heaven and there will
be divine light on him. So it is said that on the day of judgement there
will be also divine light on the following categories of personalities.
1. The prophets
2. All holy persons
There will be divine light separately on Abu Baker Siddiq (A.S.) in
the heaven. This will be possible due to his excellence.
Afterward, he said On the day of judgment the lovers will be
brought into the place of divine light and there will be commanded to
open the eyes. Each lover will be brought there and there will be divine
light on them separately and they will become un-conscious, there and

live in such condition for a period of 7,000 years and when they became
conscious then they will demand Hal Milne Mazhid it means, For
more and more. So in this way, there will be divine light on them for
7,000 times. Then they will send back to their previous places.
When the Sheikh of Islam was reached at this point in this discussion
then he was becoming un-conscious.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish once in Baghdad, he was heard
from his holy tongue with the Sheikh of Islam Ajal Shrirazi this
narration that when Sheikh of Islam Saifuddin Bakhaerzai was in
Bukhara. Once he was left for outside for the journey and during his
journey, he was seen in one city in which there was a full population of
Muslim were there and men women and children all were engaged in
reading the holy Quran there. They used to busy themselves in reading
the holy Quran from morning to the evening time. We could not find any
time when they were not engaged in the reading of the holy Quran. In
that city, we find one pious person in the cave which was located outside
of the city and he was a disciple of Sheikh Shams al-Arifin and he was
also used to busy in the reading of the Quran there in the cave. When he
will reach on the verse of warning, then he will use to become
unconscious and used to become restless and uneasy condition there and
when he will become conscious then again he busies himself in the
reading of the holy Quran. When he will reach on the verse of glad
tiding or mercy, then he will weep bitterly and used to say that this verse
is in favour of such persons who do good deeds. I do not have little
good deeds with me so I do not become happy in this matter. When he
will say this and stop for a while and then he will address with the
persons oh: dears if you know that there is a command of Allah in every
verse and in every word, then due to horror the skin of the body will be
displaced and it will be melted and it will be destroyed.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish once one Quran Conner was died
who was realized reality. Somebody asked him in the dream, how Allah
has blessed him.? He replied, Allah granted His mercy and blessings
which He used to give to his special persons.
When he was asked, Whether he left in the grave or he was taken
upper side in the sky.? He said, His heart was taken under the

empyrean and he was allotted his position in the Quran Conner place
and still he is living there.

The reading of the Quran is the source of salvation

Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish, upon the death of Sultan

Moizuddin Mohammed Shah somebody asked him in the dream how
Allah has blessed him.? He said, Allah was forgiven him. Then he
was asked, For which deed.?.He told, One night he was sitting on
his throne and at that time, there was coming voice of reading of the
Quran. So I came down from the throne and sat on the floor with the two
legs folding and began hearing the recitation of Quran with full
attention and care and for this reason, he gets much comfort in this
matter. When he left in the world, then he was forgiven for the cause of
listening to the Quran.
Afterward, he said, For the listening of Quran many persons were
forgiven for this reason.
1.The person who is a teacher of readers of the Quran.
2.The reader of the holy Quran.
3.The listeners of Quran in the neighbourhood.
The Sheikh of Islam smiled and narrated this event and he said,
Once he was sitting in the service of Khaja Ajal Shirazi then at that time
four more Dareweh persons came there. Among them, one Darwesh
want to kill Khaja Saheb. Khwaja paid attention towards that person and
he said to him, Oh: Darwish did Darwish will have the intention to kill
Darwesh.? Then that Darwish paid respect to him and he said, No, he
does not have such intention in this matter. Afterward, he said him,
To change his intention. When Khaja said this then he was standing and
put his head on the feet of Khaja Saheb. He said, Yes, surely I had the
intention to kill him. But you are a holy person so you were able to
know in this matter so I repent in this matter.
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said that, Man should busy himself
in the reading of the holy Quran. Because in between the lover and
beloved the love will be increased due to the conversation. So on the
way of mysticism, there is no other thing which is more important than

this thing. Because, as per mystic people, there is no observation like

this observation. Did you know such comfort which one person will get
at the time of talking with the friend.? Oh: Darwesh the talking about
Allah is Quran.So one who knows this test, then upon this if he will
engage in other things then he will be called false claimant in this
Afterward, he said, When one person who read the Quran then he
should think about its meanings and at that time he should not think
about any creature in his heart so in this method he should recite the
holy Quran. Then one angle will come there along with 100,000
Houries in front of the person one who reads the holy Quran. That angel
with Houries will adorn the meeting that the eyes could not able to see
such things. Then that angel due to love will put his mouth on the mouth
of the reader of the Quran. Till the life of that person that angel will be
with him along with the Houries and upon the death of the reader that
angel will leave him and goes back to heaven along with the Houries.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwish when Ali Ibn Taleb (A.S.) used to
read the Quran then he used to shiver like the leaves of cane tree. When
he will reach the beginning of any verse, then he will use to stand like
waiting and then he was used to sitting there afterward. When he will
use to read the Quran then he was used to engaging in for a period of
seven days and seven nights in it.
Afterward, he said, As the person who enjoy the reading of the
Quran in his loneliness. In the same way, on the day of judgement, there
will be divine light on him in the loneliness.
Afterward, he said, In Ghazni there was one Darwesh and his name
was Maqri and who was very pious and a man of grace was there. And
he knows the seven methods of recitation of holy Quran. His miracle
was that one who will read one verse of the Quran with his help then to
that person Allah will grant him in his fate the memory of the whole
Quran. So I also read one verse with his help and due to its blessing I
memorized the whole Quran. His one brother used to reside in
Damascus. One person came to Baghdad from Damascus, so he was
asked about his brother. So that person told him that he is well there, but
he was already dead. That person who is coming from Damascus said,

There was very much rain fall was there due to this reason many houses
were destructed. There was also one fire accident took place there and
due to this reason, many houses were destructed. When he has finished
his narration then Khaja Mohammed Maqri said to him, Perhaps his
brother was no more there. Then that person said Yes and he was
dying before these happenings.

The excellence of verse Fatiha and other verses

Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh for the men to see the pure soul of
the prophet and to see the soul of any other souls of the leaders of the
religion then he should engage in the reading of holy Quran and verse
Fatiha. So that due to holy Quran and the blessing of the soul his works
of this world and the other world should be completed well in this
matter. Also, he should get position and status and he should become the
person of nearness and the person of the secrets of divine lights. Oh:
Darwesh one who recites the verse Fatiha for the recovery of any patient
or for any work he should follow the following method.
1.41 times recite Tazou and Tasmia.
2.To read the alphabet Mim of Rahim with the alphabet of Lam of al-
Humad. So that there will be relief of pain immediately on this matter.
So the khatam (finish) of verse Fatiha is a recitation of it for 41 times.
Oh; Darwesh you should know that the verse Fatiha is the cure of all
diseases. Afterward, he said, The verse of Baqeras khatam (finish) is
a recitation of it for one time. The man who reads verse Baqera in
between the Sunnah and obligatory prayers for 3 days, then his desire
will be fulfilled by Allah.
Afterward, he said, Once there was some need for Khaja Bakhtiar
Kaki so he was started reading it and still one day was not passed then
Allah fulfilled his wish.
Afterward, he said, For the desire of this world and another world
we should recite two times verse al-Umran. Afterward, he said Oh:
Bedridden Darwesh whatever he is told to him so he should follow it so
that he will get perfection in his condition. As you are related to us in
this matter. Because the spiritual master is one who will by adoring

him. Afterward, he said, One who will recite verse al-Nisa daily,
seven times, then he will be free the punishments of the both worlds.
One who will recite verse al-Maida then in his city, there will be no
scarcity of the rain anytime. The Khatam (finish) of verse Enam is
reading it for 70 times or from another tradition to read it 41 times. So
one who will read it for his any desire, then Allah will fulfil his needs.
Afterward, he said, The verse Araf should be read for the
repentance as follows.
1. To recite 70 times Astaghfar.
2. To pray 2 rakat prayers as follows
3. In the first rakat after verse Fatiha to recite 100 times verse Qul Ya
Ahul Kafirun.
4. In the second rakat after verse Faitha to recite 100 Qul Wallahu Ahad.
For the release of the prisoner to recite 4 times verse Enfal and one
who will read this verse daily then Allah will free him from the prison
of the world and the prison and also he will be protected in the other
Afterward, he said, In the world for the betterment of another world
and success of the works, then one should recite verse Touba forty
times. And one who will read, then he will be successful in the world.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh khatam (finish) of verse Hud is
to read it for ten times.This Khatam is to be read for the success and
victory on the infidel persons. The verse Ibrahims khatam is to read it
for ten times for salvation of the deceased or it should be read at the time
of the reading of the Quran or memorizing of the Quran and one who
read it then he will become Quran-Conner.
Afterward, he said, The prophet said one who will recite the verse
Yousuf then he will memorize the Holy Quran certain.To free from the
fear and worry of the enemy of the Islam to recite the verse Raad seven
For the patient with epilepsy and an insane person to recite the
verse Hajj 70 times and blow on the patients then Allah will recover the
patients. The person who will recite 10 times the verse Nahal then
whatever he will ask with Allah, then he will get his needs.
The khatam (finish) of the verse Bani Israel is to read it 10 times.

For every muhim (important affair) to read the verse Kahaf 40 times
on every Friday.
To read the verse Mariam every day 20 times for the increase of
grace and increase of the work.
To read the verse Taha on every Thursday 3 times. Allah recites this
verse without his tongue and uvula. One who recites this verse is like
such person who is talking to Allah.
Afterward, he said, For the oppression of the enemies to read the verse
Anbia 75 times.
For the success in the both worlds to read the verse Qad Aflahal
Muminoon 7 times.
To be free from the all kinds of calamities to read the verse Noor 7
times. Afterward, he said.
The khatam of the verse of Furqan is its reading of 7 times. For the
success of the enemies of Islam to recite the verse Shams 75 times.
For the thanks of the graces of Allah to recite the verse Qul.
For reading the verse Qasas ten times, then there will such reward
available which was available to the prophets.
To read the verse Ankabut 10 times to be free from Satanic
To read the verse al-Rome 21 times to be free from prevention from
the enemies.
To read the verse Luqman 70 times for felicity in the both worlds.
To read the verse Sajda 21 times to get a status of martyrdom.
. For the completion of important affairs to read 75 times the verse
Alm Nashra.
To read the verse Saba 41 times for the willingness of Allah.
To be free from calamities and for the passing of the reward to dead
person to read 70 times the verse Fatir Samavat.
For every important affair to read one time the verse Yasin.
To be free from fear to read 21 times the verse Safat.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh in the worship of Allah to be
prevented from the Satan to recite 5 times verse Tanzil al-Kitab.
To read the verse Sajda 2 times to be free from the plague disease.

To read the verse Hamim Aainseenkhaf 7 times to be free from the

problems and to get felicity.
To read the verse Zaqraf 21 times for the safety of eman (faith).
To read the verse Duqan 75 times to get felicity.
To read the verse Mohammed 41 times for zahur (revelation) of secrets
of Allah.
When the Sheikh of Islam reached on this point and he said, Oh
Darwesh the one who is wise and he is not careless from the reading of
the Quran. Because in the Quran there in every command in it and
there is available the secrets of divine light and radiance. So Darwesh in
this thing in which the grace is available so why the man should be
away from it.?
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish regards other khatam (finish) of
the remaining verses of holy Quran he will be discussing later.
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khwaja Saheb
went inside of the house so, for this reason, the well-wisher left from
the meeting place.

The excellence of reading verse Iqlas

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh and then a
discussion about the excellence of verse Iqlas was started. At that time in
the meeting following persons were present there.
1. Moulana Nasihuddin who was the son of Qazi Hameeduddin
2. Jamaluddin Ansari
3. Shams Dabir
And some other Sufi persons were also present there in the meeting
place in his service.
The Sheikh of Islam said with his holy tongue that, There is
tradition reported from the prophet that one who want the reward of
khatam (finish) of holy Quran then he should recite 25 times verse Iqlas
in the night. Oh : Darwesh in the verse Iqlas there is Wahdanit (the
belief in the unity of God) is mentioned in it and Qul Wallu Ahad is its

attribute. So one who reads it with the right devotion than he is like a
person who was described all attributes of Allah. Even though Allah is
without attribute and so there is no attribute of His.
Afterward, he said, Once the prophet was sitting and he told his
companions They should not sleep unless they should not do the
following five things before they sleep.
1. To compete for the recitation of whole holy Quran.
2. To do Jehad (religious war).
3. To please the prophet.
4. To perform the Hajj pilgrimage.
5. To please Allah.
So for this reason, the companions were worried in this matter that
how they can do the five things in the night.
So he told as follows.
1. The person who does not complete and unable to recite the whole
Quran in the night, then he should recite 25 times Sura Iqlas, then he is
like a person who was completed the whole recitation of Quran.
2. One who wants to do Jehad (religious war) in the night, then he
should recite 10 times the phrase Subhan Allah.
3. One who wants to please the prophet, then he should recite 100 times
Darud (blessing) on him .
4. One who wants to perform the Hajj pilgrimage then he should recite
100 times La Ilha Illah al-Hakim al-Karim.
5. One who wants to please Allah, then he should recite many times La
Ilaha Illah Mohammed Ur Rasul Allah.

The excellence of the blowing of the verse Iqlas

Once one Darwish went to visit one patient and blow him upon
recitation of the verse Iqlas so, for this reason, he recovered from illness
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish once he and Khwaja Bakhtiar Kaki
was in travelling and we have reached to the upper side of the river and
we have reached the bank of the rivers tributary and there was no boat
was available there to cross from there and it was a dangerous spot to

cross. The Sheikh of Islam smiled and he said, Oh: Farid as we have
reached here so to have crossed from there.? So he replied it is excellent
felicity but there was thought in my mind how we will cross from
there. Still the thought came into my mind, then Khaja Qutubuddin was
standing in the way and he was crossing the river site. Upon reaching the
other side of the river, I asked him how we have crossed the river
way.? Then he said, When we have reached to the river side then he
was recited 3 times the verse Iqlas and blown on the water and due to the
command of Allah river was cut and there was way was created there so
in this way we have crossed the river.

The verse of Iqlas is one-third of the holy Quran

Afterward, he said, The Prophet of Allah said the verse Iqlas is

one-third of the holy Quran. This verses khatam (finish) is its reciting 3
times. After the khatam (finish) of the holy Quran, this verse is recited 3
times because there is wisdom in it that if there will be any mistake is
left if any then it will be covered by reciting it 3 times.
Afterward, he said, Upon the khatam of holy Quran some verses
from verse Baqura are recited because once the prophet was asked
Who is the best person.?Then he said, Al-Hal al-Murtahal. And Hal
is that person who has arrived and Murtahl is such person, one who left
from the destination. It refers to this thing that when one person who
will complete the whole recitation of the Quran then he will reach the
destination.When he will recite some verses from Baquera then he will
re-start his journey to a new destination. So the best person is one who
will finish the Quran and start its new recitation once again and for such
reader the Prophet of Allah told him al-Murtahal.

The release of Khaja Tamim Ansari

Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh once he was heard with his

spiritual master Bahauddin Bukharis holy tongue that once Khaja
Tamim Ansari was captured by the Negro persons and their leader want
to kill him. For this purpose, he kept him in the prison for a period of 7

years. The day of the killing was promised by him, but on that night
Khaja Saheb has seen his spiritual master Khaja Abu Said Abul Khair in
the dream and who said to him when you will go to the leader of the
Negro persons then recite verse Iqlas 3 times and blow on him. Then
Khaja Saheb was wake up due to the terror of the dream. When he was
taken before the leader of the Negro persons he recited 3 times verse
Iqlas and blown on his side. When he saw him, he was fallen on his feet
and was requested to forgive him then and he told he will release by
him. When he asked the reason in this matter, then he said that there
are two pythons are standing at his side and they want to kill him. Khaja
Saheb told him I have given back your life. Then he was released
from there.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwish once he and Jalaluddin Tabrizi
were together in one place. Maulana Alauddin Sufi was passed from
there and when the Sheikh saw him, then he called him there and he
was given his dress to him and recited 5 times verse Iqlas and blown on
the dress. Due to the blessing, Allah granted him many graces to him.
All such graces were possible to Maulana Aladdin Sufi due to the
blessing of Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrizi.

The protection of Khaja Hasan of Basra

Once Khaja Hasan of Basra was fled from the prison of Hajaj Bin
Yousuf. He was running ahead and the royal police men of Baghdad
were following behind him. When he reached in the shrine of Habib of
Ajmi then who asked him what is his condition then he told him the
policemen of Hajaj Bin Yusuf are following him to catch him. Khaja
Saheb asked him to enter his shrine. Then Khaja Saheb began engaging
in the worship of Allah. The police men of Baghdad asked him where is
Hasan.? He said, See he is praying there. When they enter inside of
the shrine due to the help of Allah they could not find him there. The
police men came again to see Habib of Ajmi and they told them that It
is right that Hajj Bin Yousuf kill you as you say such false thing.
In short, when the policemen left from there Khaja Habib told him
Oh: Khaja if he will not tell correct, then he will have been arrested

there. Khaja Hasan of Basra said to him, You were trying to arrest by
the police and you have shown him to them. Then Khaja Habib said to
him If he will not speak correctly, then we both of them will be
arrested by the police.
After that Khaja Hasan of Basra asked him, What you recited
when he was gone inside of the building?. He said, He was reciting
ten times the verse of Iqlas and was blown on his side and which
become intervening in between you and them.

And this event is available in Tadhkirtal Auliya by Farid al-Din as


One day officers of Hajjaj were searching for Hasan.

He was hiding in Habibs hermitage.
Have you seen Hasan today? the officers demanded
of Habib.
I have seen him, he answered.
Where was he?
In this hermitage.
The officers entered the hermitage, but for all theirsearching they did not
find Hasan. (Seven times they
laid their hands on me, Hasan afterwards related,
but they did not see me.)
Habib, Hasan remarked on leaving the hermitage,
You did not observe your duty to your master. You
pointed me out.
Master, Habib replied, it was because I told the
truth that you escaped. If I had lied, we would both
have been arrested.
What did you recite, that they did not see me?
Hasan asked.I recited the Throne-verse ten times, Habib
answered. Ten times I recited The Messenger believes,
and ten times Say, He is God, One. Then I said, O
God, I have committed Hasan to Thee. Watch over him.

Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said, Once he was engaged in the

worship of Allah in the loneliness and when he was reached on the verse
Iqlas then from the world of divine light there was a fall of secrets and
its radiance upon him. So due to such lights, he was fallen in the desert
of love and fondness. When he was out from there, then he was drowned
in the river of the love and affection of Allah. So he was in such
condition for a period of seven days and nights. Then he was out from
the condition of consciousness.

The verse Iqlas and the conquest of Khyber

In this situation, he said, One day Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) became
helpless in the battle of Khyber and he was trying his level best for the
victory in the battle but he was not become successful in this matter. At
last, upon his helplessness, he wrote to the prophet of Allah. The prophet
of Allah has replied him that he forgets the verse Iqlas. Upon reaching
the reply Ali Iban Taleb (R.A.) was started reading the verse Iqlas and
still one day was passed, then the next day the Khyber fort was
conquered by him. He was pulled out its gate from its foundation and
he was thrown it 40 yards away.
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then the prayer call
of afternoon prayer (Zahur) was started so Khaja Saheb went inside of
the house so, for this reason, the well wisher and all other persons left
from the meeting place.
The reality of Qirqa (saintly dress) and indigence

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Shiekh, then at that
time some Sufi persons were present in his service. He said with his holy
tongue, The dress of rag and wool is the dress of the prophets of
Allah. So Oh: Darwesh this dress is legal for such person and whose
innermost and manifest is clear from the bad attributes. As the Sufi is

that person in him there will be no filth and ill-will of the world and
human nature will not be found.

To wear Qirqa (saintly) is the Sunnah (practice) of the prophets.

Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh this tradition reported by the

Prophet of Allah that to wear rags and wool dress is the Sunnah of the
prophets of Allah. At that time when the prophets and holy persons
when they need something, then they used to put the rag dress on the
shoulders and will put before them wool, then they used to start hymns
in the praise of Allah and will make rag and wool as intercessor then
Allah will fulfil their important affairs in this matter.
In this connection afterward, he said Oh: Darwish it is coming to
the tradition of wearing of the saintly dress of the prophets and their
Tabain (successors to the holy prophets companions).
Afterward, he said, Once inside the mosque of Kaif in Baghdad
Khaja Zanon of Egypt and some other Sufi persons were gathered there.
Then there was questioned that what is the origin of Qirqa? And first,
who was started it.? All the persons in the gathering began thinking, but
they could not reply in this matter. So Khaja Suhail Tasteri said as per
tradition of some Mashaiq (learned persons) the saintly dress (Qirqa)
system was started from Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.).
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish on the day when Prophet Ibrahim
(A.S.) was put in the catapult then at that time the angel Gabriel was
brought the heavy dress and put on him. Afterward, the same saintly
dress was worn by the following prophets of Allah.
1. Prophet Ishaque (A.S.)
2. Prophet Yaqub (A.S.)
3. Prophet Yousuf (A.S.)
But as per other traditions when Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was put in
the well by his brothers then the angel Gabriel was brought charm and
put in his neck. But the research persons say it a was saintly dress and
which was sent by Allah. So the person without saintly dress, without

scissoring work, without company and devotion, then who claim himself
as the disciple then he is misleading and not a disciple.
Afterward, he said, One one who dis-approved of Qirqa (saintly)
and scissor working so, for this reason, he is among Zindiq (hypocrite)
persons and not siddiq (true) as per saying of the group of Mashaiq
(learned persons). Oh: Darwesh among our masters the reality is
connected with Allah. That on the night of Meraj (accession) the saintly
dress was awarded to the prophet and also there was a command from
Allah to give it to any one of his companions who will reply the
question and there were given the details of question and answer to the
prophet in this matter. So the prophet asked the question with his
companions and among three of them could not reply to the question. In
the last Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (A.S.) was replied that if he will be awarded
the saintly dress, then he will not disclose the defects of the persons. So
the prophet was given the saintly dress to Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (A.S.) and
from him, the system of the saintly dress was started.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh once he arrived in Baghdad as a
traveler, there and he was present at the meeting of Khaja Suhabuddin
Saharwardi. The other holy persons who were present at the meeting are
as follows.
1. Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrazi
2. Sheikh Bahuddin Suherwardi
3. Sheikh Ohud Kirmani
4. Sheikh Bahuddin Suwastani
In the meeting the discussion about the saintly dress was started and
at that time the son of Sheikh Bahuddin came there and he has
requested a saintly dress for him. So Sheikh Suhabuddin said him sorry
for today and to come tomorrow and it will be given to him.

Who is deserved for the saintly dress?

In short, in, that night Sheikh Saheb was seen in his dream that the
angles were taking two persons towards the upper side while putting the
chains of the fire in their necks. He caught the edge of the shirt of the
angles and he was asked them, Who are they.? They said One is

the spiritual master and the other is the disciple. That master has
awarded him the saintly dress to him, but he has not fulfilled the rights
of the saintly dress in this matter. But he was used to wonders in the
world in the streets, lanes and bazaars. He was used to presenting
himself in the company of kings and richest persons. We have given a
command that this dark nature of innermost Pir (master) and the misled
disciple should be tightened in the chains of the fire and should be taken
to the hell.
When the son of the Sheikh was seeing the dream, then he was
waking up from the dream and he went to see the Sheikh so the Sheikh
was smiling in this matter and he said Have you seen the condition of
the persons who wear the saintly dresses. So my: son the Qirqa (saintly
dress) should be worn by such person, one who will disconnect himself
from the both worlds and he should follow the way of his masters and
the Mashaiq (learned) persons.You are still in 70 veils. The time of
wearing the saintly dress does not come to you. So, return back from
him otherwise your position will be in the same condition which you
have seen the condition of the master and his disciple in the dream.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish unless the man should not be free
from the following things then he should not wear the saintly dress.
1. Worldly disturbances
2. Filth
And the master should not award his disciple the saintly dress without
cleansing the filth. Because the saintly dress belongs to the dress of the
prophets and holy persons. Because one who will be with the filth of the
world, then he will not be able to fulfil the rights of the saintly dress. So
in this way he will be fallen on the wrong way and both master and
disciple will be misleading in this matter.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh it is easy and simple to wear the
saintly dress, but it is difficult to fulfil its rights. If there will be possible
salvation from wearing the saintly dress then all will wear the saintly
dress in this matter. But it requires the work of wearing the saintly
dress. If you wear the saintly dress and do the service of the devotees
then it is good otherwise, you will be away from the right path and from
which you will not be able to come out from there.

Afterward, he said, If you wear the saintly dress and do the acts of
saintly persons of a wearing saintly dress, then it is good. Otherwise on
the day of judgment the saintly dress will become claimant there and it
will ask him that you have worn me, but not fulfil my rights. Then there
will be command of Allah to the angels to put on the dress of fire on his
neck and there will be given orders to take him into the hell.
Afterward, he said, If one who want to wear the saintly dress, then
he should wear it for the sake of Allah only and he should not wear for
the show of the mankind so that they should respect him in this matter
and if you do this then you will become helpless and weak on the day of
judgement and you will be arrested there.
Afterward, he said, On this way the Pir (master) should have
personal power so that if any person approach him in his service to
become his disciple then he should check the three disturbances of the
world and that he is free the following things of his heart.
1. Ill-will
2. Malice
3. Defects
And then he should clear all the above things from the heart of the
disciple. So he should keep that person with him for some period of
time and then order him to do endeavours in this matter. Afterward, if
there will be not available ill-will of the following two things.
Greed and lust, then he should award him the saintly dress, then it will
become legal for the disciple. But if the Pir (master) does not have such
personal power, then he will not award the saintly dress to the disciple
as he will be away from the right path as well as he will mislead the
disciple on the wrong path.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh the saintly dress and cap should
be given legally to that person one who become successful in the
endeavours and who has become pure in the love of the holy persons.
Afterward, he said, When my brother Bahuddin Zikeria when he
was completing his endeavours in the love and affection of Allah then
he was approached in the service of Sheikh Suhabuddin Suherwardi and
he was with him for a period of three days there and on the fourth day
the Sheikh was given him the following things.

1. Saintly dress
2. Staff
3. Sandals
4. Prayer mat
He said to him, Go: the dominion of the saintliness of Multan city
was given to you. So there was a feeling of the envy to the persons who
were present at the meeting place and they said that an Indian person
was given Velayat (saintliness) within three days and we are in his
service for many years there without getting any benefit from him.
When Sheikh Suhabuddin Suherwardi heard this then he said, Oh:
Darwesh persons you are not like him. But Bahuddin came there by
doing his work and he was brought dry woods with him. So for this
reason within three days with one blow, there was a fire, but all of you
have brought wet woods with you so there is the time required in this
matter so that there will be an effect of the blow on the wet woods.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh the saintly dress should be worn
by such person, one who will make his eyes blind so that he should not
see the defects of the mankind.
Afterward, he said, Once Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori was at the
Shamsi water reservoir and in the public gathering he was given the
saintly dress to Sheikh Shahi Motab and immediately he was looked at
Sheikh Mahmood Mouza Doze and he told him today he was given the
saintly dress to Sheikh Shahi Motab do you like this thing or not?. So
Sheikh Mahmood Mouza Doze said him, Whatever he will like then
such thing is liked by him. Because to whom you will award the saintly
dress, then that persons in no doubt will be eligible for it.
Afterward, he said, Once he was arrived in the area of Damascus
as a traveler, there and he was reached in Damascus city and went to see
one holy person in his hut and paid respect to him and that person was
engaged in the worship of Allah very much there. He was replied of my
salam and he asked me to sit there. At that time, some disciples of the
holy person who was wearing saintly dress came there and they paid him
respect. Then one more Darwesh came there and he sat there. At that
time that holy person told them that he wants to give saintly dress to this
person do you all agree on this matter.? Then all of them paid him

respect and said that whatever he will like will be accepted by all
persons in the gathering. Then those Darwesh have started a discussion
about their conditions. At that time that Darwesh to whom the saintly
dress was being given said something against the Darwesh persons
without asking in this matter. So the holy person stood and engaged in
the prayer. After the completion of his prayer the Sheikh said to send
back that Darwesh from there because he is not eligible for the saintly
dress. And he is an opponent of it and he is a false person and such
person is not eligible for the award of saintly dress in this matter.
The excellence of Qirqa (saintly dress) and its attachment to the
person who wears it

The Sheikh of Islam said, The saintly dress is not credence and if
it were credence then all the world will wear it. But due to the person
who wear it will become excellent.
Afterward, he said, When the Prophet of Allah wore the saintly
dress on the night of ascension, then there was the command of Allah
came in which it was said, Oh: Mohammed (peace be upon him) does
not think that you have got excellence due to the saintly dress. But you
aware that due to your greatness and excellence it was awarded this
saintly dress to you. So it was given to you that it was to become
excellent due to your merit. So oh: Darwesh one who wears it and then
he will not fulfil its rights then he is not a person of credence and also
his saintly dress is not belonging to a thing of credence.
Afterward, he said, Junaid of Baghdad, said if there will be the
importance of the saintly dress, then it was made of fire and iron. But
every day there will be a call which is heard in his head that there is no
importance for the saintly dress. On the day of judgement, there will be
many persons of saintly dresses on whose necks there will be put the
dress of the fire in their necks. And those who will fulfil its rights then
they will be sent to the paradise.
Afterward, he said, Once Dawood Tai was sitting there and at that
time one person came there wearing a quilted coat to visit him and he
paid him respect and he was sitting there. Dawood Tai was looking at
him and he then saw him at many times and smiled. At last, he was

addressed to the persons who were present at the meeting place that he
will find the things in this person which are required in the persons who
will wear the saintly dress.
Afterward that the Sheikh of Islam while weeping said When the
group of persons who will tear the saintly dressed in the meetings of
ecstasy, then they will drown in the sea of friendship and in the
fondness of the friendlier they will be found in the condition of the
surprise such that there will be no particle of life available to them and
in the cup of love they will melt like that there will be no sign of their
available there.
So due to the reason of envy and jealousy the person who wears
saintly dress due to the reason of singular status he will tear off his
dual personality. The effect of this saintly dress wearing persons will be
in such condition due to the drowning in love of the friend. So there
will be affect on them and for this reason from a conscious condition
they will not go in the condition of unconsciousness.

In the religion of mysticism who is Darwesh.?

Afterward, he said, One Darwish, who was lying on the earth and
he was saying the name of Darweshi (mysticism) is that whatever he
will get in the day then he should not keep a single penny for the night.
If he will have something in the night, then he should not keep for the
day. So he should give all of it on the way of Allah. The name of
mysticism is not that he should tie loincloth or wear leather and even
for a loaf he should wander from one door to another door. He should
beg from the persons who are like him. But the name of mysticism is
that one should not raise his head from the prostration but he should
wear a nice dress. Whatever he will get and with that money he should
cook delicious food for the Darwesh persons and whatever he will get
then they should spend on the way of Allah.
Once Khaja Bayazid Bustami was asked what is Darweshi
(mysticism).? He said At the 18,000 worlds of the gold and silver,
which are available and if he will get such wealth, then he should spend
in the way of his friend.

Afterward, he said, There are 70,000 positions of Darweshi

(mysticism) and unless he will not cover all these conditions, then he
will not called Darwesh. Some person will become Darwesh for the
filling of the stomach only. The every stage and position of Darwesh is
not free from fear and hope. At every stage, there will be difficulties
and problems for the Darwesh since for his trails only.And if he will
exceed a little from that place then he will not get the position. But the
person who will pass patiently from those difficulties happily from the
18,000 worlds, then his works will be developed in the double. So such
person is called Darwesh (mystic) in the religion of the mysticism.
Afterward, he said, There are 70,000 stages from which the
Darwesh is required to pass from there. And among these stages if there
will prevail condition upon Darwesh in the first stage, then he will
perform the five daily prayers around the empyrean in the sky along
with residents of the empyrean. And when he will come back from there,
then he will see himself in the Holy Kaaba in Makkah and come back
from there and then he will see all worlds in between of his two fingers.
So oh : Darwesh this is his condition in the beginning stage. But when
he will cover 70,000 stages, then his condition will not be understood by
wisdom and knowledge and there will be no capacity available to the
un-related in him. This is one secret which is in between Allah and his
slave and for which nobody knows in this matter and only Allah knows
well in this matter. Then the Sheikh of Islam made a slogan and recited
some couplets from the Masnavi (verse comprising couplets).
The status of Darwish
Afterward, he said, Once due to the fondness and desire the blood
was passed from the eyes of Khaja Bayazid Bustami and when there was
relief in this matter, then he said, The friend lives upon you and he
called the empyrean and he said Oh: empyrean it is said that the
friend is used to reside there. The empyrean said, Oh: Ba Yazid what
is the situation of this talking. For me, it is said that Allah lives in your
heart. Oh: Ba- Yazid many of the residents of the sky ask the residents
of the earth about the address of Allah and many of the residents of the
earth ask the residents of the sky about the address of Allah in this

Afterward, he said, From this conversation, it should be known that

the status of Darweshi (mysticism).It means the Darwesh will reach at
such stage that in his one step he will reach under the empyrean and also
he will reach upper side.

The difference between the prayer of Ulema (learned person) and

Fakir (indigent)

Afterward, he said, My brother Jalaluddin Tabrazi was passed

from the house of Qazi Najamuddin Sanami of Badayun and asked what
Qazi Saheb was doing ?. So the servants told him that, Qazi Saheb was
praying at that time. He said, Did Qazi Saheb know the praying?
When Qazi Saheb knows this then he was immediately going into his
presence, and he said to him, What he was said in this matter.? He
said He was told correctly. Because there are differences in between
the prayer of Ulmea and Fakirs (indigent). So Qazi Saheb asked him,
How it is.? He said Ulema can see the Qibla (direction in which
Muslims turn in prayer) or if they will not see Qibla then upon
satisfaction of the heart then perform the prayer. Unless the Fakirs
(indigent persons) will not see the empyrean or will not reach there,
then they will not perform the prayer.
In short, when Qazi (judge) came back to his house and he was seen
in his dream that in real Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrazi was engaged in
praying on the prayer mat over the empyrean and he was waking up
from the dream and he went into the service of the Sheikh and requested
him to forgive him. Then the Sheikh told him, Oh: Najamuddin what
you have seen the Darwesh praying at the empyrean and this is the
lowest status of mystic persons. There are also other stages are there and
if you see them, then you will not live and you will die due to the excess
of the light in this matter.

The sin of Prophet Khizer (A.S.)

Afterward, he said He arrived in Baghdad as a traveler there. Upon
reaching the Tigris river, he was seen one holy person was there and
who was engaged in the prayer while spreading his prayer mat on the

river there. When he was finished his prayer and he went into prostration
and he said Prophet Khizer (A.S.) was committed a major sin, so
forgive his sin. At that time Prophet Khizer (A.S.) was arrived there
and was asked him which sin he was committed by him.? So that he can
repent in this matter. That holy person told him, You have planted one
tree in some jungle and he was used to rest under that tree shade and he
used to say that he was doing that work for the sake of Allah. So
Prophet Khizer (A.S.) was repented in this matter. Afterward that holy
person said to him, In the matter of leaving the world and he should
follow him. He asked him How it is.? If he will be given the
whole world and if it is said that there will no account of this and then
also if it will be said to him that if you will not accept this then you will
send to the hell. Then also he will not accept this and he will prefer to go
to the hell instead of the world. He was asked Why.? Then he said,
Because there is an anger of Allah is there and Allah thinks the world is
his enemy. So I think hell is good instead of the world.
Then the Sheikh of Islam said he was approached that holy person and
said Salam to him. He was replying his salam asked me to come
there. So there is a thought which came into my mind how to pass from
the water. Upon this thought the way was created in the water and I was
approached near that pious person. After some time he said to me, Oh
: Farid since the period of 49 years he could not sleep on the ground and
unless there will be no traveler he does not use to eat his food. Also,
unless he will not give any portion of his food to others, he will not
satisfy in this matter. Because the name of Darweshi (mysticism) is to
give something to another from his portion. At that time two cups of
stew and 4 breads were coming there by invisible source. He was put
one cup before me. We both of have eat bread with stew. During the
night after Eisha (night) prayer, he was started supererogatory prayers.
So I was also standing there. In two rakat he completed the recitation of
4 Quran. After finishing the prayer he put his head in the prostration and
he wept bitterly and in his supplication he said, Oh: my Lord, he could
not do such worship which is required by Your court so I could know in
this matter.

Afterward, after the morning prayer, he said goodbye to me and I

found myself on the bank of the river and that holy person was vanished
away from there and I could not know where he was gone from there.
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said, Oh: Darwesh they were able
to get Darweshi (mysticism) and from the world except the broken water
pot they could not get anything. When the night comes they used to
throw the water from the water pot on the earth and during the day and
night they used to engage in the following.
1.Checking of the accounts
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish, one Darwish, who was very
pious, having property and wealth and he was used to saying if he will
be asked how he will spend the life in the world and he will say he was
in loneliness.
Afterward, he said, In the previous period there was a holy person
who was engaged with the condition of surprise for a period of 20
years.He does not use to eat anything for a period of one year. After one
year when he will use to become conscious then he will use to suck the
date which will be kept in the window of the mosque and then put it
back there in its place.In this, way he spent his life for a period of 50
years on one date and which was not finished away and during that
period he was dead.

The un-cleanliness of the manifest (Zaheri) and innermost (Batin)

Afterward, he said Once while passing from the street the edge of
Khaja Bayazid Bustamis shirt was touched with the dog. When Khaja
Saheb was folded his shirts edge, then the dog said, Oh: Khaja why
you have folded your shirts edge? Between me and you there is truce
possible with the three waters. And in me there is filth in the
manifestation. If your shirts edge will be touched with me then it will
be cleaned by washing of the water by three times. But your filth is more
than me and which is in the innermost. It is compulsory for you that you
should leave the filth of the innermost. If you wash yourself in the seven
rivers, then you will not become clear. Oh: Khaja see you will be asked
by others to call yourself as Sultan Arifin and you are claiming of

Darwesh. Upon this you have kept stored the pot full of the wheat. The
Darweshi (mysticism) which is called and it is available to me that if I
will get one bone, then I will spend on it and not stored for another day.
But you claimed so much Darweshi (mysticism) but still you stock
wheat for the next day. When the dog said then Khaja Saheb made a
slogan and he said He is not eligible for the friendship and company of
the dog in the world. Then on the day of judgment how he will become
eligible for the company of the people of mysticism and in the court of
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then the prayer call
of afternoon prayer (Zahur) was started so Khaja Saheb went inside of
the house so for this reason the well wisher and all other persons left
from the meeting place.
The reality of Glim (blanket) and wool

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time Sheikh Jamaluddin Hansavi, Sheikh Burhanuddin and Moulana
Yahiah were present in the service in the meeting place. The discussion
about wool and rag was started. With his holy tongue, he said, The
dress of wool and rag belongs to the prophets and holy persons. So this
dress is legal to wear to those persons whose manifest and as well as
innermost is free from the filth of the world because one who is Sufi
person so he should be free from the filth of the world.

To wear of Glim (blanket) and wool is the practice of the prophets

Afterward, he said, There is tradition was reported by the prophet of

Allah that it is the practice of the prophets of Allah to wear rags and
wool dress. When there will be any need for the prophets, and holy
persons, then they used to put the rag dress and wool before them and
used to pray Allah while making the intercession of the rag dress and
wool cap then Allah will complete their important affairs.
Afterward, he said, When the time of departure of the prophet of
the world was reached near then he told Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (A.S.) who

was present in his service and told him that he was having a memorable
rag dress of Prophet Abraham (A.S.).and he was commanded by Allah
to give it Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (A.S.) so that he should give to the persons
of his Ummah (nation).
Afterward, he said, The commencement of wearing the rag dress
started from the time of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.). The start of Qirqa
(holy dress) was with him and also wearing of the rag dress was also
commenced from him. One day Prophet Abraham (A.S.) said in the
court of Allah that he was able to know the way of Safa (right). Now he
required rag dress so at that time angle Gabriel was brought him black
rag dress for him and he said, Oh : Ibrahim (A.S.) there is a command
of Allah that it was made for him in the heaven. So wear it and make it
practice of the usage among your sons and it should reach to the last
prophet of Allah.
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam said, In this conversation, it is
known that its origin is from the paradise and which was given to
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) and which is reached to us from him. So the
clean Darwish is one such person who wears the dress of the prophets
of Allah then he should fulfil its rights so that he should not face
disgrace on the day judgment in this matter.
Afterward, he said when Khaja Basher Hafi was repented then he get
a rag dress and wool cap from his spiritual master and he was not
smiling for a period of forty years. So the persons asked him the reason
in this matter. He said from the day when my spiritual master was
awarded me rag dress and wool cap so since that day he was in the
condition of surprise. So he will not know about himself. Because the
spiritual master did his work. So it is required of him to fulfil the rights
of the rag dress and wool cap. So the holy persons who did lots of work
while wearing rag dress and a wool cap. If I will not do such works, then
on the day of judgement, then the rag dress and wool cap a will become
black snake and will hang around my neck there. So those who will wear
rag dress and a wool cap, then how he should think about the laugh.
Afterward the Sheikh of Islam said with his holy tongue, When
Darwesh will wear rag dress and a wool cap with them, then it is an
obligation for him to adopt loneliness and seclusion and leave with the

meeting with rich and wealthy persons then he will become the real
Darwesh. So it is his right to wear the rag dress and wool cap. But while
wearing the rag dress and wool cap and continue to visit the courts of
kings, rich and wealthy persons and visit the bazaar with the dress of the
prophets and holy persons so in that condition his rag dress and the wool
cap should be taken back and he will not be given permission to wear
this holy dress of the prophets because he is not eligible to wear this
holy dress.

The intercession of the rag dress and the wool cap

Afterward, he said, The group of Mashaiq (learned persons) like

Junaid of Baghdad at the time of helplessness or at the time of need they
used to make intercession the rag dress and wool cap and pray in the
court of Allah then due to the rag dress and wool cap their supplication
was accepted by Allah.
Afterward, he said, When the Prophet Musa (A.S) was taken
interest to wear the rag dress and wool cap and he was requested in the
court of Allah in this matter, then there was command of Allah, in
which he was heard Musa, you will not able to wear the rag dress and
a wool cap of our lovers unless you will not thanks in this matter. First,
thanks in this matter and then wear it later. Upon hearing this command
of Allah Prophet Musa (A.S.) came back to his house and given away all
his belonging in the house in the way of Allah and even he was given his
dress on his body. When he was nothing with him, then he went to the
court of his friend. Then there was a command came from Allah, Oh:
Mosa as you do not possess any filth of the world with you so now you
can wear the rag dress and the wool cap. So it is your right to wear it
In short when he has worn the rag dress, then he went into loneliness
for a period of ten years and not come out of it and he was used to
engage in the worship of Allah. At, that time Pharaoh was become
rebellious. The Sheikh of Islam began weeping and he was reciting one
couplet and its meaning is as follows.

Whenever he will be worried by the atrocities of Pharaoh then at

that time he used to pray in the court of court of Allah by making
intercession of the rag dress so for this reason there will be no problem
will befall upon him.
Afterward, he said, He was heard with the holy tongue of the
Sheikh of Islam Bakhtiar Kaki that on the day of judgment when the
persons of the rag dress will be brought there and every person will like
drunk with divine love will come there while putting the rag dress on his
shoulder and in every rag dress there will be 100,000 threads in it. The
disciples and Murshid (spiritual masters) will come there and hang with
the threads there. Allah will give them strength so that they will able to
bear the weight of all such persons. All will pass safely from the
pathway of paradise soon. Then they will reach into their places and they
will say there that where are those people who did not dis-obey from
their path. But they have done our service with great respect and honour.
So then friends will come there and will be cling with the threads. And
they will also cross the pathway of the paradise safely. And afterwards
all of them will reach to the paradise along with the last Prophet of
Afterward, he said, The works are known by those persons who will
wear the rag dress and the wool cap and who know its rights.
Who deserve of Galim (blanket) and wool cap?
Afterward, he said, The man of wool will be getting correct of heart
and when he will clear his innermost from the filth of the world. So the
Sheikh of Islam said He should leave the following things.
1. Malice
2. Greed and enmity
3. Greediness and lusting
4. Pride
5. Show
Unless the Sufi will not clear from the above things, then the rag
dress and wool cap will be not legal for him because it is the religion of
the people of wool persons.
Afterward, he said, He was seen in the books of mysticism that
Sultan Ibrahim Khawas was said about the religion of Sufism that One

who have greed and enmity with the people of Sufism and indigent
persons, then they should do research with saying of the ancient persons
and then understand that they have circumambulation of the garments
and there is no outcome of it and nor he will influence on it. On this
matter there will be no little effect on the indigent persons. Because the
Fakir (Darwish) is such person and there will be no signs of such things
in him. Oh : Darwesh there are many stages in indigence and Sufism.
But these stages will spoil by malice. And malice will created in the
heart of Sufi person when he will be desirous of worldly status and
property and wealth.
Afterward, he said, When the Sufi person will make the rag dress
for the kindness and the source of the rule, then that Sufi person is false
and he claims falsely.
Afterward, he said, He was seen in the book Umda of Khaja Junaid
of Baghdad in which it was mentioned that, In all religions of Sufism
to meet the Sufi person with the kings and the people of the world is
Afterward, he said with his holy tongue that, It was known that in
the religion of Sufi persons it is a must that in the morning and evening
there will be no malice and greed and enmity in his heart of the Sufi
person. Allah says the people of Sufism and Galim (blanket) should
keep away from the people of the world and sins. And this thing will not
be available unless leaving the company of the people of the world and
living in the company of the Sufi persons.
Afterward, he said, The people of miracles should know their status
and position. Allah was mentioned this attribute in the Quran as follows.
Wa laqad karma bani Adam. In some commentaries of the holy
Quran it was written that this verse is about the people of Sufism.
Because they have excelled over the other human beings. The people of
Sufims having excellence over all other creatures.
Afterward, he said, Prophet Adam (A.S.) is called Safi and its
reason is that in the knowledge of incantation he accepted the religion
of Sufism.
Afterward, he said, One who will not keep away from illegitimate or
doubtful loaf and who will not leave the company of the king and

wealthy persons, then he is not eligible to wear the rag dress and wool
cap. The value of rag dress and wool caps is known by the following
1. Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.)
2. Prophet Mosa (A.S.)
3. The categories of Mashaiq (learned persons)
4. The people of knowledge
Afterward, he said, One who wears the rag dress and wool cap then
as per the requirement of the religion of Sufism he is not permitted to eat
delicious and sweet loaf of the food nor he should have contact with the
king and the people of the world. If he will do like this then he is in the
dress of the prophets and he is cheater in the people of mysticism and he
is not fulfilling its rights.
Afterward, he said, There is a difference about the colour of the rag
dress and wool cap so some Mashaiq (learned persons) say not to wear
red green as it is this dress of Satan.
Afterward, he said, The categories of saints of Khaja Junaid of
Baghdad and some other Mashaiq they used to wear Pyjama (trousers)
of rag dress and shirt and a turban made of general cloth, but there is a
difference about Pyjama and some say the prophet of Allah used to wear
the above dress.
Afterward, he said, One who did not disrespect this dress and who
did wear this dress and not desirous of more income than normal and
he is not greedy like other voracious people, then he is a man of
patience and a man who have trust on Allah.
Afterward, he said, Once he arrived in Damascus as a traveler, there
and I have seen one pious person known as Sheikh Shuhabuddin
Zindubais there and who belongs to the relatives of Hakeem Tarmazi.
When I was arrived at his shrine building and said salam to him and who
replied my salam and asked me to sit there. At that time some more
Darwesh came there and they told him that one of his disciples is having
too many relations with the people of the world. Upon hearing this that
holy person was, called by him there and he asked him to remove the
rag dress and wool cap and then put them in the fire and with great anger

asked him to get him out of there. Because he was not eligible for the
Afterward, he said, This is the dress of the prophets and those who
do not know about it, then on the day of judgment this dress will be put
in his neck and he will be asked to march in the ground among all the
creatures and then there will be call in this matter that this person
belonged to the group of wool and rag dress and but he did not fulfil
its rights.
The rules of religion of the Sufism
Afterward, he said, The rules of mysticism and Sufism is that the
man should be always silent and he should be in a condition of
surprise. There are no use of the customs and knowledge. But whatever
is there is manners only. It is said Tuqluqu Bil Akhlaqillah, it means
there is no success with customs and knowledge, but on it is
successfully with the manners.
Afterward, he said, The people of Sufism are enemies of the world
and whatever is there in it and they are friends of Allah. Afterward, he
said, The people of Sufism are such strong persons that when they are
drowned in the engagement of invocation of Allah, then they are
unaware of other creatures. They remove in between them the
conversation and they will drown in the witnessing the divinity, such
that till their lives the friendship of Allah will be available there in their
hearts. Afterward, he began weeping and he said, The name of Sufism
is that the Sufi does not possess anything with him and he should not
become the property of the others, then his condition will become like
this so he will become eligible to wear the rag dress and wool cap.
Afterward, he said, Once one holy person was asked what is the
thing of perfection in love and Sufism.? He said that, A person should
perform the five times prayers on the empyrean in the sky.
Afterward, he said, The mysticism is the name of the pure
friendship of Allah. The real mystic person will get the excellence of
love of the Allah in the both worlds.
Afterward, he said, The Sufi is that person when he will get
cleansed, then everything will not be kept away from his sight.

Afterward, he said, There are 70 grades of the people of mysticism

are there. Among those, positions there is one status is that to be free
from all desires of this world.

Afterward, the discussion about the love of reality was started. So he

said, Among the people the affair of the love, it is initiated due to the
witnessing of the beloved. When the people do exaggeration in the
endeavour, then they will able to get revelation and when revelation will
become endeavour, then lover will witnesse beloved then he will get
the blessing of the observation of the beloved and there will be an
increase of love in this matter and there will be increase of status there
and the veil will be removed in between them and upon reaching a
special position than the lover will get satisfaction in this matter. Then
he will fall into the condition of surprise.

When the Sheikh of Islam ended these benefits, then he began to

shut, tears and he was repeating some couplets with his holy tongue
1000 times which he was heard one time by Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki. When
he began repeating the couplets, then his surprise was used to increase
in this matter.
Afterward, he said, On the lover if there will be a fall of the
secrets of divine light and radiance 100 times in every movement then
he will not be satisfied in this matter. This request will be continued till
he will not able to get all desires of the observation. So oh: Darwesh
the people who do this work and they are always found in the
observation of the friend. Their any movement is not free from the
observation. In this situation he was heard some couplets from Masnavi
from Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori in which there was a description of
drowning of the lover in the surprise.
To endurance of the sight of Laila
Afterward, he said, One who is a lover of the beloved then in his
sight, he like all things of the beloved. The lover like the street of the
beloved. This thing will be happening due to very much of the love. As
per tradition one day Majnu did not eat his food. One deer was caught in
his net then he was respected and admired her and freed her from his net.

And he said, The eyes of the deer are similar to the eyes of Laila. So
how he can give her trouble which is similar to his lover.
Afterward, he said, One who is a complete lover of Allah. So there
will affect of un-consciousness on him at the beginning of the Mushada
(witnessing the divinity). Because he is drowning in it. So it must
require un-seriousness upon him. So he will become drowned at the
time of witnessing of the divinity.
So once Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori wrote about the overcoming of
love that the people of the tribe of Majnu said to the people of the tribe
of Laila that, Majnu is being killed due to the love Laila. So in this
what is hindrance that a sight of Laila should be shown to Majnu. They
said There is a hindrance to him, because he will not bear on this
matter. Then there was very much pressure on this matter, then Majnu
was taken at the residence of Laila and the veil was made between them.
Still the shadow of Laila was not reached there and Majnu was
becoming unconscious there and he was fallen on the earth and he was
beginning restlessly. So they said, As we have not told that Majnu
will not bear the sight of Laila. At, that time the Sheikh of Islam made
a slogan and he was becoming unconscious there. When he was
becoming conscious then he began reciting one couplet relating to this
Afterward, on this situation, he said, His brother Sheikh Bahuddin
Zakaria once he was drowned in the world of love and fondness. On
him, there was prevailed surprise and condition of the love. So every
time he was used to reciting two couplets and he was used to become
unconscious. So for this reason, he was drowned in the surprise of those
two couplets in seven days and nights and due to this reason he
becomes unaware of the world and whatever there in the world.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh you do not know what secrets
and lights will prevail upon the heart and for which he will be drowned
in this matter and this condition is known either to the lover or the
beloved that what is a relation in between them?.
Afterward, he said, He was seen in the book, Israr Arifin that one
holy person did worship in the loneliness for a period of forty years and
rarely he used to see the creature. One day the persons have asked him

that his sight is not seen frequently and what is the reason in this
matter.? He said, The people of mysticism if they will engage with
the mankind, then they will be away from the nearness of Allah. So, for
this reason, he is living in the loneliness and during the period of 40
years, he is away from the pleasure of the world.
When the Sheikh of Islam was reached at this point, then the call of
afternoon prayer (Zahur) was started so Khaja Saheb went inside of the
house so, for this reason, the well wisher and all other persons left from
the meeting place.
The stages of love

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time Sheikh Burhanuddin, Sheikh Jamaluddin Hansavi, and Badruddin
Gaznavi were present in the service in the meeting place. He said with
his holy tongue, Oh: Darwish there are 700 stages of love. The first
stage is that whatever calamity will be sent to him from his friend then
he should be patient on this.
He said, In the book Kitab Mohabbat I have seen there was one
tradition, written in it and which was reported by Abu Huraira in which
the prophet said, The love of Allah is like the king and which is not get
tranquility in every heart. But it is found in that heart which is suitable
for that love. That it is according to the order of the sky and which is
created in the heart in which there will be found out painfully.
He said the prophet said, The love is like a scorpion on which that
person will put his step and one who will not think about 18,000 worlds
and not see anybody in between it and he should see only his friend and
in which he will become involved in the oneness
Afterward, he said the prophet said: The parts of the body of the
lover are made with love. That person from disposition, able to know
and he will make the slogan of Rabbi Arni Anzar Alaik and he
knows always what is the love of the Allah.? So oh: Darwish in the
eye in which there will available the antimony of love so for him there
is nothing hidden in his eyes the things from the empyrean to the nether

Afterward, he said, The love of should be like the love of Prophet

Ibrahim (A.S.) with Allah and for the sake of friendship he was ready to
sacrifice his son. When Allah saw him his firmness in his love, then he
was given command not to sacrifice the son and instead of his son, Allah
he sends sacrifice from the heaven.
Afterward, he said, On the day when Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was
made the slogan of the friendship of Allah, then angel Gabriel requested
in the court of Allah to check him in this matter so he was given
permission from there and he was commanded well to go for the
checking. The angel Gabriel was sent down and he was reached on the
top of the mountain and he was called Oh: Allah in loud noise. At that
time Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) was engaged in the building of Holy Kaaba
in Makkah. He came out and asked to call one more time the name of
Allah. Then the angel Gabriel said to him, To bring the thanksgiving to
him. When the Sheikh of Islam was reached at this point, then he began
to shut, tears and recited two couplets from the Masnavi. (Verse
comprising couplets)
In short the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) said: He had many thousand
camels with him, which he was given in Sadqa (charity) of Allah. So he
asked him, To call one time, Oh: Allah. Then the angel Gabriel said,
Oh: Allah. So whatever he had with was given in the way of Allah.
Then he asked to say one more time, Oh: Allah. So angel Gabriel said
to him, This time what he will give.? He said In the body there is a
soul which will be given by him. So angel Gabriel said, Oh:
Allah. And for this reason, he was becoming unconscious and was he
fell down to the ground.
When he was becoming conscious then angle Gabriel said Prophet
Ibrahim (A.S.) in reality he is truly in the friendship of Allah. So when
he returned back in the court of Allah, he said while putting his head in
the prostration and he said, Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) in reality is true in
the friendship.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish in the love of Allah, such person
is truly one who will be engaged in the worship of Allah and he should
not be away from the engagement in the worship of Allah even for a

The people of mysticism said, The people who used to remember

things very much which they love them.In the same way one who will
love Allah, then he will not be away from the invocation of Allah.
Then he said, He was seen in the book Hujjat al-Arifin that one who
will have love anything, then he will remember it very much.
Afterward, he said, Once Khaja Hasan of Basra was sitting with
Rabia of Basra and they were discussing about the love of Allah. Khaja
Hasan said, There was came an idea into his mind that he is male and
she is female person. When he was left there he said by swearing that
he was found him poor and she is sincere in this matter.
Afterward, he said If all legal and un-limit world will be given to
the friends of Allah, then they will ashamed in this matter to take all of
them like the man is away from the unclean thing.
The fire of love and sincerity of love
Afterward, he said He was seeing one pious person in Baghdad
who was frustrating his head so many times in the prostration and he
was praying to Allah, oh: Allah, if you send me to hell on the day of
judgement then I will disclose one secret of the love there. So for this
reason, the hell will run away from him to a distance of a journey of
1000 years. Because nobody could not do a competition of the fire of
the love. If someone will do competition, then he will be destroyed.
Afterward, he said, Once Rabia of Basra was in the condition of
fondness and affection and she was doing prostration so many times,
then used to stand there and she prayed.
."Allah! If I worship You for fear of hell, burn me in hell,
and if I worship You in hope of Paradise, exclude me from paradise.
But if I worship You for Your Own sake,
grudge me not Your everlasting Beauty.

Afterward, he said. Oh: Darwish if the lovers will be given all

things duly decoration, then they will not look at such things. They will
only search for the reality of love.
Afterward, he said, When Khaja Bayazid of Bustam used to engage
in fondness then he used to stand three nights and days or four nights

and days and used to say in a loud noise that such day will come when
this earth will be folded and new earth will be created.
Afterward, he said, When Ibrahim bin Adham was asked why he
was leaving his country and throne.? He said, Once he was sitting
there and at that time the mirror of love was shown to me. When I
looked it then I found my destination of the grave was there. Where
there was no company available with me there and also there were no
goods of the journey with me there. There has been just judge is there,
but I found nothing with me. At that time the love of country was left of
his heart. So I left my kingdom and migrated to another country.
Afterward, he said, The love of Allah is like the king when it will
enter into someone's heart, then it will not give permission of the other
things to live in that heart. Afterward, he said, Once he was met one
Darwesh in Ghazni who belongs to the people of the love. From him, he
was asked, Oh: Darwesh is there result of love is there or not.?
When he heard this question then scolded me and he said, Oh: lair
there is no limit to the love. Afterward, he said, The love of Allah is
such a sword and when it will fall on anything, then it will cut it into
many pieces.
The love of Allah
Afterward, he said. He was heard with the holy tongue of Khaja
Bakhtiar Kaki that there is love of Allah, which is available in the all
parts of the human body. In the mans disposition there is available
love. If there is an eye, then it should be drowned and engaged in the
love of the friend. If there are legs are there, then they should engage in
the reality of love. So oh: Darwesh the parts of the human body are not
free from the love of the Allah.
Afterward the Sheikh said with a holy tongue that, The heart of
lover of Allah is like a such lamp which is kept in lantern of light and its
light is spreading in the world. So there will be no fear of darkness to
such person.
Afterward, he said, The silence of the soul is the invocation of
Allah. One who is engaged in the invocation of Allah, then his heart will
not die. One who is not engaged in the invocation of Allah, then to him
there will no effect of grace on him.

Afterward, he said, He was seen in the book of Kitab Mohabbat

that hunger is like a cloud and with it there will be rain of mercy.
Afterward, he said, Once Bayazid of Bustam was asked what is the
of love reality.? He said, The name of love of Allah is that thing it
means to take out from the heart the world and whatever available in the
Afterward, he said, The love of reality belongs to the country of
the love and its king who is sitting on the throne and who is holding the
sword of faraq (separation) and hijar (parting). And he was given union
of Nergis (narcissus) in the hand of qaza (fate). And every moment there
will be used to cut 1,000 of the heads by the sword. So one who is the
lover of Allah, then if his head will be cut for thousand times, then again
his head is created there. So if his head will be cut like this way, then he
should not go back from this way. Then the Sheikh of Islam recited two
The lovers call
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish once one lover at the time of his
killing was telling something slowly so the friends approached him and
heard that he was saying, When he was living in the world then he was
living with His name and now he is leaving the world with His name.
And his resurrection will be happening in the invocation of His name.
Afterward, he said, He called the name of Allah in loud noise and he
died there. When the Sheikh of Islam was reached on this point and he
began to shout, to tear and he said The lover will die in this way and in
this situation he was reciting two couplets.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish at the bank of the water reservoir
of Shamsi in Delhi he was heard two couplets from a Derwesh of the
grace of love and so at that time there was such condition of ecstasy
which prevailed there and which could not exist like that any time.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh he was heard with the tongue of
Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori that once he came to Baghdad from Bukhara
and he has seen there one holy person who was a person of grace and
who drowned very much in the love of Allah. When I said salam to him
and he has seen him in such a condition that which could not be

described in the words. He was drowned in the invocation of Allah,

such that due to this reason he was un-aware of his own condition.
In short, he was in his service. When he will prostrate then while
weeping, he used to pray the following and become un-conscious.
Oh: Allah, he was not made a such prostration in Your presence which
is eligible for Your excellence in Your court.
Afterward, he said, If there life is there, then it is available in the
knowledge. There is a comfort which is available in the Marafat
(knowledge of Allah). There is fondness is there in the love. The
pleasure is there in the invocation of Allah.

Afterward, he said, Once he was present in the service of Sheikh

Shabuddin Suherwardi and Sheikh Oud Kirmani. There was discussion
about mysticism was in progress. Sheikh Shabuddin said, Knowledge
is God and Marafat is a course of action. And the love is witness of the
divinity. With the help of endeavours the witness of divinity is available.
Afterward, he said, When one who kills his heart with pleasure and
lust. Then it covers in the coffin of curse and bury it in the earth of
Afterward, he said, The lovers of Allah except meeting of friend
will not agree on anything.
Afterward, he said, The lovers of Allah will not avail the facility of
the witnessing the divinity unless they will not leave the mankind and
live in the loneliness and also they will not get the position in the
mankind and unless the lovers do not think the following.
1. Friends as enemies
2. Woman and sons as orphans and prisoners
When they will follow such things, then they will able to get status
and position in this matter.
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam began to shut with tears and started
reciting some couplets.
The status of Majzub (one lost in divine meditation)
Afterward, he said Once he was met with one Majzub on the way
and we both began our journey and we have reached in one jungle. Then
there was tremendous demand for the water for myself and there was no

sign of the water there. But I could not express about thirsty due to the
presence of the pious person.
In short, that holy person by his pureness of heart he was able to
know that I was thirsty, so he was asked Are you thirsty.? I told him
Yes. So he strikes his feet on the earth immediately, so for this reason,
the water stream started from there. He asked me to drink water full of
stomach. Upon drinking water I got such taste which I could not get
from any water so far in my whole life period. Upon passing from there,
we have reached to our destination. Then that pious person after
performing the Maghrib (sunset) prayer was engaged in the worship of
Allah there. After some time he addressed me and he said, Oh: my son
on the day of judgement when the people of love will leave from the
grave and then all of them will camp in their tents at the gates of the hell.
When they look at the hell, then the fire of the hell will become
extinguish and it will not raise then there will be hope of comfort for the
people there. And then there will be relief of fire available to the people.
For this reason, they will be camping in the tents at the gates of the hall.
Afterward, he said, Once he and Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori were
together in one place. At that time one person came there and asked,
What is Farz (obligation) and what is Sunnah (practice of the holy
prophet).? Qazi Saheb told him, The company of the spiritual master
is the obligation and leaving of the world and other things are called
Afterward, he said, He was heard with the holy tongue of some
holy person that Darwish is such person, one who will search the
treasure of his heart (and this is called disrespect of the other world)
and so if he will get that pearl which is called love, then he will be
called the person having attribute of Darwesh.
Afterward, he said, The love will reach at the point of perfection
when one who leave everything in the love of Allah and he should not
love the mankind. Afterward, he said, When the such condition as per
above will prevail with Darwesh, then Allah will take him to His
Afterward, he said, Once Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki was asked how to
reach towards Allah.? He said, The blindness, dumbness and

deafness and when all these things will be leaving from him then think
that person a man of Allah. Unless these enemies will be attached to
him, then there will be nothing possible in this matter. The people of
love will not get tranquility in any places except in the following four
1.The lonely corner of the house where there will be no disturbances of
any person.
2.The mosque, which is placed of the friends.
3.The graveyard which is place of lesson (ibrat) for the sinners
4.The place where there is no access for others. It means the place where
except the lover and the beloved are there, then nobody will not be
Afterward, the Sheikh of Islam began to shut, tears and recited by with
his tongue two couplets.
Afterward, he said, He thinks that the friendship of Allah, which
is equal to the black grain is equal to the worship of 70,000 years
without the friendship of Allah.
Afterward, he said, The work of the women is better than man
because they take a bath every month and become clean a pure, and we
do not take a bath in our whole lives and not become clean and pure.
The gift of love and willingness
Afterwards he said, Khaja Bayazid said that he went on the
condition of fondness and keenness to the court of the friend alone there
he was surrounded around Malkut (world of angles) so there was
command of Allah Oh: Ba Ya-zid what you have brought gifts in Our
court.? He was replied He brought the love and willingness to both
these things You are king. Then there came calling that good thing you
have brought there. This thing is suitable for our court.
Afterward, he said, Once he saw one Darwesh who was used to
engage very much in the invocation of Allah (Ziker) in Lahore who
was a great holy person as well as a great person in the invocation of
Allah there. In short, upon getting the honour of kissing his feet and he
lived with him for a period of some days there with him. When he will
use to perform the obligatory prayer, then he was used to do invocation
of Allah very much that there will discharge of the perspiration from

his pores of his body and which will fall on the earth more than 100
times. Then he used to stood and he used to say, He was seen in the
book of Kitabe Mohabat in which it was mentioned that Allah say
when His invocation is becoming overpowering on the Momin (faithful)
person then as I am his Lord then used to become his lover. It means he
used to love him. So why the human beings should be keep him away
from this grace and why he should not engage in the invocation of
Afterward, he said, Allah was especially created the hearts for this
purpose only that they should circumambulate around the empyrean.
Afterward, he said There are three kinds of hearts as follows.
1. Some are such type of mountains which did not move like hearts of
Majnu (desperately in love).
2. Some are such type of trees which will stand on the roots and their
branches move with the winds.
3. Some are such type of leaves which move as per the direction of the
Among the claimant of love who is true.?
Afterward, he said, In the of love such person is truly one who is
not like the thing other than the love of Allah. Afterward, he said,
When Prophet Mosa (A.S.) was commanded by Allah to proceed in the
court of Pharaoh then he was instructed to talk with him with the
calmness and slow. So that his heart may not hurt in this matter.
When the Sheikh of Islam was reached on this point and he began to
shout, to tear and he said, To see the person who is claiming that he is
God and he says, Ana Rabakumal Ala. And for such person Allah is
very kind enough to him that Allah does not want to hurt him. So the
person one who says five times Subhan Rabibul Ala. Then how he
should be disappointed with the kindness of Allah. So such person will
never disappoint from the kindness of Allah. Because there will be
kindness and mercy in his favour from Allah.
Afterward, he said, One who is a lover of the Allah in the world
and who will engage in the invocation of Allah, then on the day of
judgement there will be no punishment for him there and he will be free
from the punishment of the day of Masher (the day resurrection).

Afterward, he said, When Qaroon was reached down with his

wealth and properties to the fourth layer of the earth and then there he
was asked by the people of that world who are you and what sin you
have done there.? Why did you throw inside of the earth.? He replied,
He belongs to the nation of Prophet Musa (A.S.) and he was not paid
Zakat (religious tax) on his wealth and properties and he was declared
himself equal with the Prophet of Musa (A.S.). For this reason he is
facing such condition in this matter. When Qaroon said the name of
Prophet Mosa (A.S.) then immediately at that time there was a command
to the angles to allow Qaroon to stay there and not take to him further
down. Because he remembered my friends name. So for Him it is
obligation that he should not punish him in this matter.
When the Sheikh of Islam was reached on this point he began to
shout, to tear and he said: One who is engaged in the invocation of
Allah then surely he will get his purpose on the day of judgement in this
matter and he will be blessed with the divine light.
Afterward, he said, One day Khaja Yousuf Chisti was asked who
are the people of love.? Then he replied, Such persons who are
engaged with friends and not engage in the other things. Because the
person who is happy with other thing than his friend then he is actually
near the grief and one who love his friend, then he will never feel
horror .One who will not love his friend then in that case his claim is not
Afterward, he said, The man who is having courage towards
love, then soon he will become a pious person. The man who is not
having courage then he will reach towards the hell.
Afterward, he said when, The person of love when he will
claim for the kingdom then so in reality, one should know in this matter
that he is away from the love.
When the Sheikh of Islam was reached at this point, then Khaja
Saheb went inside of the house so for this reason the well wisher and all
other persons left from the meeting place.


The reality of fear and trust

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time Moulana Burhanuddin Hansavi, Sheikh Baderuddin Ghaznavi and
other dear persons were present at the meeting place. At that time the
discussion about fear and trust was started. He told with holy tongue,
Oh : Darwesh the fear is like flog for rude persons. So that due to fear
of Allah, they should be away from the sins and follow the right way.

The heart and fear of Allah

After he said, Allah says in the holy Quran, Oh: my slave is that
time doesn't come to you that due to My fear your heart will become
soft. Or is anybody is there among you who should make truce with Us.
It means doing repentance which We will accept it.
Afterward, he said, There is fear of his justice (adal) and there is
hope due to his fazal (favour). So the respectable person of His court is
such person, one who is having the above two things in him.
Afterward, he said, One pious person wept for a period of 40 years
due to the fear of Allah. When he will remember the death then he was
used to shiver like the leaves of cane tree and he was used to become
unconscious 1000 times. When he will become conscious then he will
recite the following verse from the holy Quran.
It means the pious person will be sent to the paradise and sinners and
disobedient persons will be sent to the hell.
Afterward by making slogan he was again become unconscious and
fall on the ground. And he used to say among these two groups in which
group he belongs he did not know.? After his death somebody saw him
in his dream and asked him how Allah treated him? He replied him, He
was given the treatment of friends. When he was taken under the
empyrean and he was asked, Oh :Darwesh why you used to weep so
much and did you not know that I am not Gaffer (The Forgiver). He
said, He was afraid due to His Qahari (The Dominant,) so that all his
worship may not spoil in this matter. For this fear he was used to weep

in this matter very much. When he said this then there was command to
go We have forgiven you.
Afterward, he said, When Prophet Yahiah (A.S.) was even a child,
then once he was weeping very much so for this reason the flesh and
skin from the cheek was melted there. In short, one day he was weeping
very much while putting his head in the prostration of the mountain and
his mother was reached there. Upon seeing his condition she was
affected very much due to her mother love. He thought her that the angel
of death came there. So he said To stop for a while. So that he can see
the sight of her mother. After hearing this her mother made a slogan
and she said, Oh: the life of your mother, I am not the angel of death
but your mother. So accompany with me and have food.
In short, not doing disobedience in this matter he was accompanied
with his mother and he came to his house. His mother told him, Oh:
Yahiah you are still a boy and you didn't do any sin for which you are
weeping very much in this matter. He said her, You are right in this
matter. But if I will be put into the hell on the day of judgement, then
can you take me out of there.? She said No. So it is not right for
you to keep me away from weep and fear of Allah. Because I have
started the course of action from today in this matter. So that on the day
of judgement I will be safe from the punishment of the hell.
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwesh the prophets and holy persons
used to melt due to the fear of Allah just like the gold in the test cup.
Because nobody knows what will be his result and how he will pass
from the world?.
The excess of fear of Allah
Afterward, he said, One holy person Abdullah Khafif did not sleep
for a period of 40 years and due to fear of Allah, he wept very much and
for this reason, there was formed hollowness in his cheeks. In which the
birds made nestles there. But he was engaged such in the surprise in the
fear of Allah so he was not un-aware of it in this matter. When he was
used to explain about the events of grave and day of judgment than he
was used become shiver like the leaves of cane tree and become
unconscious and fell down there and used to become restless like the

fish and when he will become conscious then he was used to reciting
the following verse of the Quran.
One group will be in the paradise and another group will be in the
hell. And he used to weep bitterly and said, In which group he
belongs.? Afterward, he said, His condition was such till his last
period of his life and also in such condition he was left in the world.
Afterward, he said with his tongue that, Imam Hanifa of Kufa did not
sleep for a period of 30 years and during that period if there will
overpower of sleep than he was used to become unconscious for one day
and one night or more than this period. When he will become conscious
then he was used to scold the soul in this matter and he used to tell him
that you did not have a show of any sincerity which is required in the
court of Allah. For this purpose on the day of judgement you will not be
successful, there as you have not recognized Allah as per its
requirements. Oh : soul you will be helpless in the both worlds. In this
way he spent his life in the world. He was used to mourn for himself and
weep in this matter. At the time of reading the Quran when he will reach
on the verse of punishment, then he was used to stand in the condition of
surprise for a period of one or two years, but in such a way that no
creature won't be able to know in this matter. When he will become
conscious then he used to say that it is a matter of surprise that if Abu
Hanifa will be successful on the day of judgment.
Afterward, he said, There was no sign of the flesh of the body of
one pious young man due to fear of Allah. When the night fall, then he
was used to put a rope on his neck and he used to hang with the roof
and used to weep throughout the night. When he goes in prostration then
he used to say that he did so many sins and there was no limit on them.
Oh: Lord, if You saw all my sins, then how he can show his black face
there.? And in this way he spent his whole life that he was used to weep
in the night and he was used to become un-conscious. When he will
become conscious then he used engaged in the worship of Allah, such
that there was no care of himself. When he becomes ill, then he was
kept one brick under his head and when his last time came then he was
called his old mother there and he told her that when he will die then
while putting a rope on his neck to be moving his corpse in the four

corners of the house and at that time it should be said This person
was such who is fleeing from the court of His owner. The second thing
is that his funeral rites should be performed in the night so that anybody
could not see him. Because if anybody will see then he will regret for
my sins. The third thing is that when he will be put in the grave than she
should be present there. The angles may punish me, but due to the a
grace of your feet and sigh of your chest I may be forgiven there. upon
this advice he was dead. When that person died, then his mother wants
to put a rope on the neck of that person, but there came a call from the
corner of the house that a friend was met His friend. So leave your hand
from this young man. Nobody does do such thing with the friends of
Allah. Do not put the rope on that person. Because he is one of His
friends. I have forgiven him.

The weeping of the fear

Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh one day Khaja Hasan of Basra
wept greatly that there was a drain of tears was flown. Rabia of Basra
was standing under the building so she came to the upper side of the
house and she was seen that Khaja Hasan of Basra was weeping there.
So she asked him Why he is weeping there.? He said Due to fear of
Allah. I do not know on the day of judgement in which group he will be
Afterward, he said. The prophet of Allah said, One who does
not have fear of Allah then he does not have faith. He is not even
Muslim. Because such person is Muslim in whose heart there is fear of
Afterward, he said Once Khaja Mansur Emad was passing from one
street and he was heard loud voice of weeping from one house in which
one person was saying oh: Lord, I have done many sins and I do not
know what will be happen to me.? When he was heard this then he was
reached near the house upon hearing his weeping, he put his mouth on
the gap in the house and he began weeping and he put his hand in the
gap in the house and he recited the following.

The hell is such a place and its fuel are men and the stones on them
there will be appointed strict angels who do not have mercy for
anybody. As per the commandments of Allah, they treat with the men
accordingly. Khaja Mansur said
when he was reciting the above verse from the Quran then there was a
voice came from inside of the house. After some time he was hearing a
slogan and one person was dead there. Afterward, he stayed there for
some time, but he was not heard any voice from inside of the house so
he left from there and he proceeded further. At the daybreak I went to
that house again and inquire about the condition there and saw the
funeral was ready there.When I was going to ask who is the owner of
this house?, and then one old weeping lady came out of the house so
asked her What is her relation with deceased person?, then the old
lady told me that She is the mother of the deceased person. That person
who died was a very pious person and he used to be in prayer of Allah
throughout the night and he was used to keep fasting during the day and
he belonged to the family of the prophet of Allah. Today in the early
hours of the morning he was engaged in the hymens of Allah and at that
time one person was passed from his house and who was reciting one
verse from the holy Quran. He was dying immediately upon hearing that
verse and he was falling down to the earth. Upon hearing this Mansour
began weeping and he said He was that person who was recited that
verse at his house in the early hours of the morning today. Afterward,
he was joined in his funeral prayer.
Afterward Sheikh of Islam made a slogan and he was becoming
unconscious and he was in such condition for one day and one night.
When he was becoming conscious then he said Khaja Abdullah Tastari
was weeping in the fear of Allah continuously for a period of 40 years.
During this period nobody did not see him without weeping. He was
asked questions Oh: gentleman you were not seen without weeping.?
And what is reason in this matter.? He said Dear persons when there
will be fear and horror on the day judgement and on that day the
parents will not care about their sons, sons will not care for the parents,
and father will flee from the sons, son will flee from a father and
brother from brother and Muslim from Muslim. So for this reason there

will be no laughing in this matter and so how such persons weeping

will not be stopped.? That person is hard hearted one who will not weep
for the fear of that day and who will not think about this thing that how
to become successful there from those difficult situations in this
He said The prophet said on the day of judgement all people will be
raised with fear and with weeping. But as the holy persons who used to
weep at the world will be raised with laughing and they will not care
about the day of judgment.
Afterward, he said Allah said about the prophet that he is His
friend. But despite of his greatness and holiness and when there will be
fear of Allah on him, then he was used to be drowned in it and in that
condition there will be no information from him for the day and night.
He was used to stand in the prayers during the night time and due to this
hard work there will be cracks in the feet and there will be a discharge of
blood from his feet. When he was asked in this matter, then he said
Oh: my companions on the day of judgment if he and his friend Prophet
Eisa (A.S.) will be put into the hell so who will say there not to do such
thing. Because all worlds belong to Allah. The person who does an
extravagance in his kingdom, then it will not say as injustice. The
injustice is called when such an extravagance will be done in the
kingdom of another person.
Afterward, he said Sheikh Najamuddin Mutwakil was used to
engage very much in the invocation of Allah. I was travelling so much,
but I could not see such a person who did such invocation of Allah
equal to him. When there will fear of Allah on him, then he could not
able to know the following details.
1. The name of day
2. The name of month
3. Details of the year
Such condition will be prevailed upon him always and he was used to
be found drowned in the condition of surprise.
The person who is having fear is called fearful and the following 3
things are required of him.
1. To eat less for the fasting

2. To less talk for the prayer

3. To sleepless for the invocation of Allah
So if the above 3 things don't find in any person then he is not called the
fearful person.
Afterward, he said As the above 3 things are necessary for the
Darwesh person and, in the same way, there is required and it is a must
for him to have fear, hope and love with him. If there will be fear in the
heart, then he will be escaping from the sins. Then he will able to get
salvation. To keep in his heart the hope of the sincerity which he was
done by him, which will enable him to get the position in the paradise.
To recover from the bad things is called the love and with which the
willingness of Allah is available.

The trust of Allah

Afterward, he said, That person is a wise person, one who will
depend on Allah in all his works and he should not keep any kind of the
hope from others.
Afterward, he said Once there was the desire of Rabia of Basra to
perform the Hajj pilgrimage so she was going to Makkah on the donkey.
When she reached in the jungle her donkey died there and her luggage
was fallen on the earth. So the people came to her and told her that they
will carry her goods to Makkah. She told them that she does not depend
on their trust. On whom she had trust will take all her baggage to
Makkah. Upon saying this the caravan left from there and she was left
alone in the jungle. Then she looks at the sky and she said Oh: Lord,
how You have treated with this weak lady and killed her donkey in the
jungle. Still the conversation was not completed then the donkey
become alive, so she put her luggage on the donkey and continued her
journey of Hajj pilgrimage towards Makkah.
Afterward, he said Ibrahim bin Adham lived a life of trust of Allah
for a period of 30 years and he was away from the mankind and during ;
this period he was not contacted with any side. When he was, decided to
perform the Hajj pilgrimage, then he thought the people to go to Makkah
for Hajj pilgrimage on the feet so he will go to Makkah by his head. So
he was used to perform two rakat prayer at every step of the journey.

When he was preceded in the jungle and he found 70 dead persons in

the veils and their heads were cut from the bodies and blood was passing
from their heads. Among them one person was in critical condition and
who was, called him Oh : Ibrahim as you see us in the dead condition
and its details are that we altogether 70 Sufi persons were there. We
were proceeding for the Hajj pilgrimage on the trust of Allah and was
promised to Allah that we will not talk with anybody. When we have
reached in this jungle, then Prophet Khizer (A.S.) was arrived there so
we were engaged with him and visiting him and at that time heard a
divine call in which it was said Oh:people of the bad agreement and
false claimant persons did you promise like this with Us .? You have
ignored your promise in this matter and engaged with the un-related
person. At that time suddenly one sword was coming from the sky and
which cut all our heads. Oh : Ibrahim one who will step on the way of
trust, then when he will ignore a little in this matter than his condition
will become like this same as per our condition. That person who was in
the veil upon telling the details of the event died there. So Ibrahim bin
Adham was surprised in this matter. When he reached in Makkah, he
was seen that at some place Rabia of Basra was sitting there and Kaaba
was circumambulating around her. So upon seeing this Ibrahim bin
Adham was surprised in this matter. And he told Rabia what loud and
cry, she had made there.? Then Rabia told him whether she or he.? For
14 years he has been going for Haj pilgrimage, but he could not sighted
the Kaaba. Upon asking the reason in this matter, then she told him that
you had desired to look the Kaaba but she had desired to see the owner
of Kaba. So one who had a desire to look the owner then he will enter
into the house.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh, Khaja Qutubuddin Chisti spend a
period of 20 years on the trust of Allah and he was away from the
creatures. During this period if there will be requirements in the kitchen,
then the cook used to ask in this matter, then he used to instruct him and
show him the place from where he can get money and grains as much as
required by him in the kitchen and provide the food for the Darwesh

Afterward, he said That person is eligible to sit in the shrine, one

who will live in the condition of trust of Allah and he should not desire
for the creatures and not need anything from others. If the above things
are not found in him, then he is not eligible to sit in the shrine. So for
this reason, he is a false claimant as per sayings of the mystic persons in
this matter.
Afterward, he said Trust was that which was available to Khaja
Bakhtiar Kaki. So he was not seen by collecting the money from
conquests. He was not seen or heard by expecting something from other
persons. When the servants need some money or grains in the food of
the Darwesh persons so he was used to give them gold coins from the
prayer mat and this money they used to spend from the morning until
evening. When there will come a traveler in the shrine building , then he
will not allow to go empty hands and he used to give some money.
There will be no decrease of food items in the cloth which used to
spread for eating of the Darwesh.
Afterward, he said For the people of trust in the reality when there
will come such time for them that if they will be thrown into the fire
then they will not know anything in this matter.
Afterward, he said Once Khaja Habib was arrived in the country
of Damascus as a traveler there. In the condition of the trust, he used to
stay in nights in the lonely places away from the inhabitants. From the
invisible source he was used to get food supplies for him. At the time of
daybreak he, was used to continue his journey towards Damascus.
When he reached in Damascus, he was seen there one holy person and
who was very much engaged in the worship of Allah. That holy person
used to keep fast during day time and in the night time he was used to be
engaged in the worship of Allah. He went inside of his residence and
said salam to him. He asked him to sit there so he was sitting there. So
there was thought came into his heart that as he's living in the jungle so
how he will get the food provision there.When this thought came into his
mind then that holy person told him, He is living in the jungle for a
period of 70 years.He was receiving the sustenance by invisible source.
If you stay tonight as his guest then you will be know my level of my
trust and able to know from where he was used to eat my food.

In short, he was prayed Maghrib (sunset) prayer with that holy saint
and at that time one person came over there on the back of the tiger with
the food provision and with Dastar Qan ( piece of cloth spread on
ground for serving dishes on). When he came near that pious person
then he spread Dastar Qan and he stood while folding his hands at the
some distance away from him. When that holy person was finished his
prayer and he was asked to bring a hawkers tray before him and still
he was not started eating then at that time some more Sufi persons came
there. In short all people eat the food together there. After finishing of
food that pious person strikes the earth, so from there the water spring
was started and all persons drink the water and thanked Allah and said
Allahu Akbar (God is great) and all sat there. That pious person told
me Oh: Khaja you said from where this person use to eat.? So see I
will get my sustenance in this way.
He also said The person in his condition of trust who believe in
the grace of Allah then he will find his substance from the invisible
source and whatever he will demand then he will get the same thing
When the Sheikh of Islam was reached at this point, then Khaja
Saheb went inside of the house so, for this reason, the well wisher and
all other persons left from the meeting place.

The two kinds of caps

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time there were some Sufi persons who were coming from Baghdad
were present there in the meeting place. Also in the gathering Sheikh
Burhanuddin Hansavi, Sheikh Bedridden Ghaznavi were present there.
The discussion about Latia was started and he said with his holy tongue
As per sayings of Qazi Abu Yousuf there are two kinds of caps are
there as follows.

The Latia cap will be downward from the head
The Nashiza cap will be up from the head
The first kind of cap was worn by the prophet of Allah on his head.
The second type of the cap will be available in the black colour which
will be worn by mystic (learned persons) persons. But it was worn by
the prophet few times only.
Afterward, he said Once Qazi Abu Yousuf was teaching his
companions the lesson on the Hadith (sayings of the prophet) subject
and at that time he was wearing a Sufi cap on his head. At that time, one
person came there and he questioned him did the prophet of Allah wore
black or the white colour cap on his head.? The Qazi told him Black
cap. Then again, he asked him, Whether he was wearing Latia or
Nashiza cap.? He said Latia cap. That person told him You are
wearing a black colour Nashiza cap on your head and in this way you
are opposing the two practices (Sunnah) of the prophet and giving a
lesson of sayings of the prophet to your companions. The Qazi thinks
on this matter and told him You have talked to me two things which
are according to following two reasons. Is it said for the sake of
Allah? Or it is said to me for teasing purposes.? And if it is for the sake
of Allah then he will accept it otherwise if it is said for the sake of
causing me trouble then it is regret for you in this matter. That person
said He said to him for the sake of Allah as you are the leader of the
religion so you should not do against the Sunnah (practice) of the
prophet of Allah.
The reality of the cap
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh the reality of cap is linked with
Allah and the angel Gabriel was brought four caps from the heaven and
was given to the prophet and he requested him there is a command of
Allah that first you should wear these caps and then give them to others
as per your wish and desire in this matter and appoint your caliphs. So
the prophet was first worn these caps on the head and then he was given
a first cap, of the one end to Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) and told him
This is your cap and you can award to anybody as per your wish and
desire. Then the second cap of two ends, he was given to Umar bin

Khattab (R.A.) and said to him This is your cap and you can award to
anybody as per your wish and desire. Then the third cap of three ends,
he was given to Usman bin Affan (R.A.) and said This is your cap and
you can award to anybody as per your wish and desire. Then the fourth
cap of the four ends, he was given to Ali bin Taleb (R.A.) and said
This is your cap and you can award to anybody among Sufi persons as
per your wish and desire and it was commanded of Allah for me to
award this cap to you.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh, the man who puts a cap on his
head, then he should be disconnected with the world and he should leave
the company of rich and wealthy persons and the people of the world.
He should fulfil the rights of the cap so that he should not be ashamed
with the prophet , the caliphs and the categories of Mashaiq (learned
persons) on the day of judgement.
Afterward, he said It is easy to wear the cap on the head, but it is
very difficult to fulfil its orders and conditions in this matter. And if he
will not fulfil its orders and conditions a little, then he will become a
false claimant in this matter and then he will not belong to true and right
Afterward, he said It was the habit of Khaja Yousuf Chisti that
whenever any person come into his service, then he used to take
continous service from him and then check him if he is eligible to wear
the cap then he will award it and said to him, See if you fulfil the
duties of the cap then you will get salvation otherwise the cap of the
prophet of Allah will punish him.
Who are deserved for the cap
Once one pious person from Badkshan went into the service of Khaja
Mouded Chisti and requested him to award of the cap. When Khaja
Saheb checks his innermost condition and he was found that he was
involved in the filth of the world so for this reason he was refused him in
this matter. That person was brought a recommendation of one pious
person of saintliness. So he was given his cap and said him See, you
are taking the cap but if you will not respect it and one who respects it
will not be deceived by the world. But he will not cared in this matter
and he took the cap and went to Badkshan. As per his habit he engaged

himself in the bad deeds and removed the cap from his head and he put it
on the shelf. When Khaja Saheb heard this news then he said Why the
cap is not taking action against him.? So in the short period of time
that the person who belongs to the pious family was arrested for some
charge and his two eyes were removed and, due to its pain he died there.
The Sheikh of Islam shut with tears and he said During this period
there is system of wearing the cap on the head so everybody used to
wear the cap as per desire and wish but not caring a little about its rights
and duties.
Afterward, he said So there is no respect of saintly dress and cap
and for this reason there is not available goodness and blessing in this
period. Most of the people of saintly dress and cap used to find in the
gambling dens and in the company of rich people and in the court of
the kings. During this period if such people of saintly dress and cap will
be there then how there will be available blessing? . But it is thousand
thanks that there is no fall of calamity and if it will be fall then it will
first affect on the people of saintly dress and cap then other mankind will
be affected in this matter.
Afterward, he said It is a very strange case of that Darwesh who put
the cap of the prophet on his head, but he will not fulfil its rights and
duties and he will seek the company of rich and wealthy persons. It is
very strange that his face is not ruined in this matter and why he was not
disrespected in the mankind.?
Afterward, he said The master should give the cap to that person
whose manifest and innermost must be bright and when he will approach
for the cap, then the master should clean the filth of the world from his
manifest and the innermost by his light of knowledge. When his
manifest and the innermost will be clear and if there is no filth of the
world remaining there then he should award him the cap. If he will not
do like this then he will be away from the right path and also he will
mislead his disciple. So oh : Darwesh so many people of saintly dress
and cap are wander door to door for the sustenance and they are in need
of bread. The reason of this is that they all are dishonest, it means they
put caps on their heads but not fulfil its rights. So for this reason they are
victims of bad sustenance in their fate.

Afterward, he said The people of cap are such people who will not
bow down their heads other than Allah. If it is seen that the people of the
cap will visit the kings and rich and wealthy person then in such case
their caps should be taken back from them as they are not eligible for
the cap. Because by wearing the cap of the prophet, they should not
disrespect it by going to see the king and wealthy person.
Afterward, he said Once he was in the service of Khaja Ajal
Shirazi and at that time there was complaint came to him about his
disciple that he used to visit the king and wealthy persons secretly. At
that time immediately he told with his holy tongue that why the cap of
his master will not damage vertebra of the neck of that disciple.? Still,
his saying was not completed and the disciple was falling down from
the roof of the house and his vertebra of his neck was broken.

The rights of the cap

Afterward, he said This tradition, oh : Darwesh, it was practiced of
Sheikh Bakhtiar Kaki that if 100,000 people come in his service to
become his disciples then he used to add all of them among his disciples
and used to give them the caps and he used to tell them one who will
not fulfil its rights then he will not remain in the pledge of his spiritual
master and this cap will punish him in this matter. But among his
disciples there was no such person was not found who did not fulfil the
rights of the cap.
Afterward, he said The cap will give punishment to the people of
the cap, but they do not know from where they have got punishment on
this matter.? If they will fulfil the rights of the cap, then they will not
find any sign of problems and difficulty in them and they will be safe
and secure in the both worlds in this matter.
Afterward, he said The reason of disrespect of the people of cap
wearing person is that they did not fulfil its rights. Oh : Darwish there
are found 4 ends of the caps are as follows.
1. Shariah (Islamic law)
2. Tariqat (mystic knowledge)
3. Marafat (knowledge of Allah)

4. Haqiqat (reality)
So those who will firmly on the above four ends, then for him it is
legal to wear the cap on his head.
Afterward, he said Once Sufi master Khaja Hasan of Basra was
asked for whom it is right to wear the cap on his head.? He said, One
who should not be interested in the 18,000 worlds.
Afterward, he said, Unless the people of the cap will not ignore the
following four conditions then for them it is not right to wear the cap on
their heads.
1.Not to see the prohibited things from his eyes.
2.Not to hear the prohibited things from his ears.
3.To make the tongue dumb.
4.To stop the prohibited actions by his hand and feet.
Once Khaja Zanon of Egypt was asked For whom it is right to wear
the cap on his head?. He said, To whom one who will give divorce
three times to the world and whatever there in it.
Afterward, he said Once Khaja Ba Yazid was asked among the
people of cap who are true.? He said , Those who will give away all
his wealth and belongs in the way of Allah and did not keep for
The secrets of the caps
Afterward, he said Khaja Sahil Tastri wrote that there are four ends
of the caps.
1.Secrets and lights
2.The love and trust
3.The love and affection
4.Willingness and conformity
So one who wears the cap on the head, then the above four things
will be gathered in his head.
Afterward, he said
The first end of secrets and lights
The second end of the love and trust
The third end of the love and affection
The fourth end of willingness and conformity

So why the people should keep them away from the above graces.?
When they wear the caps, then why they will not fulfil the rights of the
Afterward, he said One Darwesh came to see him. At that time he
and Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori were present in one meeting place and
where the discussion about the cap was in progress. He said the cap is
the consoler of the friend. It is the compound of the love and affection
of Allah. So on the way one who is a lover of the reality, then who know
the value of the cap.
Afterward, he told this tradition In the book Sulook Auliya in
which it was mentioned that the person of cap who will do as much as
sincerity, worship, and endeavours, then he will get that much shadow
of the grace of Allah and which will be there for him. Because the cap is
shed of the grace of Allah. When the people of the cap will be raised on
the day of the judgement, then the cap will become a veil in between the
hell and that person and its distance will be equal to a journey of 500
Afterward, he said, He was heard from one pious person, that
man will not become pious unless he will not wear the cap and will not
become a disciple of any person and will not do too many endeavours in
this matter.
Afterward, he said, When Khaja Ibrahim bin Adham was asked in
which thing there is the available felicity of the both worlds. He said he
heard of Khaja of Hasan of Basra that there is kept the felicity of the
both worlds in the cap and one who wear it and fulfil it rights then he
will eligible to get the felicity of the both worlds.
Once one person of cap involved in one work which was against the
will of Allah and when he was finished that work, then he was heard a
divine call in which it was heard Oh : claimant you wore the cap of the
prophet and do such work so leave this bad deed or leave the cap from
the head and give it another person who deserve to wear this cap. So
upon hearing this he repented in this matter and he was in the Holy
Harem (grand mosque) of Makkah for a period of 40 years in Etakaf
(retired for continued prayer). When he died there he was buried in the
holy city of Makkah.

Afterward, he said This tradition which he was heard by Khaja

Bakhtiar Kaki that Darwesh should give the cap to the mankind when he
will find the following four things in them.
1. Except natural call he should not leave the prayer mat.
2. Not open the door of the hut, but open it when there will find
anything by invisible source.
3.If somebody will desire for the cap then he should check his manifest
and the innermost by his light of the innermost and then he should give
the cap to him.
4. In his mosque there should be overpower of the knowledge.
If any person will ask about something then he should reply him
satisfactorily and adequately in this matter and he should not say to
refer any book.
5. He should have Valayat (saintliness) with him so that by holding the
hand of the disciple he should make him holy person. He should give
Velayat (saintliness) to the person of excellence and if no such person
available, then takes it with him to the other world upon his death.
When the Sheikh of Islam was ended these benefits, then the call to
Zuhar (afternoon) prayer, was started, then Khaja Saheb went inside of
the house so for this reason the well wisher and all other persons left
from the meeting place.

The reality of the Darweshi (mysticism)

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time Moulana Mohammed Sufi, Khwaja Aziz Darwesh, Moulan
Yahiah Gharib, Moulana Burhanuddin Ghaznavi, Sheikh Jamaluddin
Hansavi, Sheikh Alauddin alias Gharib and other dear persons were
present at the meeting place. The discussion about Darweshi
(mysticism) was started. He said with his holy tongue Oh: Derwesh the
real Darweshi (mysticism) was available to the prophet. By choice he
was adopted indigence and he wore the rag dress. Then there was
command of Allah to wear the rag dress for the angles from the veil of
greatness to the sky. When all the angles wore the rag dress, then they

went into the prostration and they said Oh: Lord informs us to whom
we are following the conformity of this dress of rag. Allah said In the
conformity of the prophet who is His friend and who is wearing the rag
dress today.
The high status of Darweshi (mysticism)
Afterward, he said, Oh: Darwish if the prophet was not accepted
Darweshi (mysticism) then there will no blessing available in the world
and nobody could have survived and all have would be dying.
Afterward, he said Once Prophet Eisa (A.S.) was asked Allah
what is the foundation of the worlds and the peoples of the world.?
Allah said him, Due to the blessing of the feet of the mystic persons.
Oh: Eisa if there will no Darwesh persons in the world or if the earth
will not accept them then the rich and healthy persons will be killed by
His anger and all will be killed in the world.
Afterward, he said, Actually, if there is love available, then it is
available in the love of Darwesh. When there will no arrival of Darwesh
in the mosque of Sheikh Shabuddin Saherwardi then he used to say that
today the grace was taken back by Allah so, for this reason, no Darwesh
came there.
Afterward, he said, Once the prophet was sitting and at that time
angel Gabriel came over there and given the message of Allah Oh: My
friend those who will love Fakir (indigent) persons and sit with them so
you should have friendship and sit with them.
Afterward, he said, The prophet said the two rakat of prayer, of
patient Darwesh, is better than the prayer of 70 rakat of rich and
wealthy persons. The thankful wealthy person is one who will spend all
his wealth and all his belongings in the way of Allah.
Afterward, he said, It was the habit of Prophet Suleiman (A.S.)
that he was used to sitting at the time of fast breaking at the gate of the
mosque and used to find hungry Darwesh and used to eat with him and
then he was used to return back from there.
Afterward, he said, On the day of judgment there will be regret
with Darwish and there will be a settlement of accounts by the wealthy

Afterward, he said, He was heard by Sheikh Ohud Kirmani that on

the day of judgment there will be commanded to Darwesh persons to go
the pair of scales and take away the persons to the heaven who have
done good behaviour with them.
The punishment of disregard of Darwesh persons
Afterward, he said, On the day of judgement there will be
command of Allah to the persons who were sincerely prayed and
fasting and all other things but for them there will be order to go hell.
Then they will ask that they have done pious deeds in the world, but why
they are being sent to the hell.? Then there will be commanded to them
that they have disregarded Darwesh persons. There will be also such
persons available there who did not do good deeds and they were
engaged in many bad deeds, but for them there will be order to go to
heaven. Then they will be surprised in this matter that they did not do
good deeds, then why they are being sent to the heaven.? Then there will
be command of Allah will be there You have done many sins in the
world, but you have love of Darwesh persons in your hearts so you have
treated with them piously and due to its blessing you are getting the
chance to enter into the heaven. No comfort is not better than the love
of Darwesh person, but it is difficult work. The night of starvation is the
night of accession for the Darwesh person.
Afterward, he said If there will be no blessing of Darwesh persons
in the cities and places, then they will be converted into deserted places.
The cities and places which are populated due to the blessing of
Darwesh persons.
The blessing of Darwesh persons
Afterward, he said There was the command of Allah to Prophet
Mosa (A.S.) oh: Mosa if there were no supplications of Darwesh
persons, then We would have turned down all cities and places into
deserted places. All the world is populated due to their prayers only.
Afterward, he said, Darwesh should not leave from any place in the
condition of regret otherwise that place will be deserted in this matter.
Afterward, he said As a matter of fact, Sher Khan the ruler of
Multan was not a devotee of me so for this reason I asked him many
times not to keep enmity with the Darwesh persons and due to this

reason there will be disturbances will come into the country. But he did
ignore my instruction in this matter. Because the Mughal army attacked
his place and nobody was not killed except Sher Khan.
Afterward, he said When Allah wants to destruct any place, or send
calamity or send problems or starvation, to send problems and
difficulties on the people of any city and street, then from these places
he will take away Mashaiq (learned persons) and Ulema (learned
Afterward, he said Once the city of Lahore was distracted and at
that time one pious person and whose was named Budhan Miya and
who was a person of loneliness and he went to the central mosque on
that day when the Mughal army attacked in Lahore city and he
addressed the people there and he said Oh : Muslim now he is going
to leave Lahore city. So somebody asked him Why he is now
leaving the city?. He said It is better for Darwesh to leave the city at
this time. When he was leaving the city, then the Mughal army attacked
the city and plundered it and large number of citizens were imprisoned
by the Mughal army.
Afterward, he said When in any city learned person or Darwesh
will die then the angles will regret for their deaths and used to weep in
this matter. So in any city if there is no Darwesh available then there are
no blessing and goodness available in that city.
Afterward, he said, Once Prophet Eisa (A.S.) went to visit one
Darwesh person and at that time he was sleeping there so wake him and
asked to stand and busily in the worship of Allah. That Derwish person
told him he was doing such worship of Allah that which is not possible
by any person. He asked what is that.? He said by leaving the world.
Afterward, he said In the Quran it is said Ain Allah talla taqlil min
amal. Afterward, he said The person who leave the world without
leaving after him Dinar and Dirham then he is a real indigent person.
And for him, the prophet said: A person who belongs to the persons
of heaven.
Afterward, he said , Once one beggar was asked something from
the prophet. At that the prophet did not have anything with him so that
person went away from there and not getting anything from him. So

prophet thought in his mind that if he would have something with him,
then beggar would not go deprived. At this thought the angel Gabriel
came over there and brought all keys of treasures of both worlds to him
and said him, Your honour if want then you can use it. So the prophet
smiled and said one who like by thinking indigence then what he will
do with these treasures?.
Afterward, he said the prophet said Al-Duni al-Marza al Akhira.
It means the world is a field of the other world. And which means to
offer charity and which will be benefited in the other world. There is a
famous saying is that as you sow as you reap.
Afterward, he said, Darweshi (mysticism) is the thing which was
available to Khaja Shuhabuddin Saherwardi and he did not use to eat
anything from whatever he received from the morning to the evening.
The excellence of Darwehi (Mysticism)
Afterward, he said One Sheikh Saeed Tabrazi who was the
spiritual master of Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrazi and he used to have
starvation with him always. But he did not borrow anything from
anybody. Once he was with him for a period of three days, but during
this period any kind of food was not cooked in the shrine building.
Darwesh and he himself was dependent on the eating of musk melon
and this news was reached the ruler of the area and he said Sheikh did
not use to take anything from us so what we do in this matter.? By
saying this he was sent some money for him and he said to give his
servant and ask him to spend it little by little. The soldier was given
money to the servant and asked him to spend it as per requirement, but
Sheikh should not know in this matter. But the servant could not hide
this matter with Sheikh of time. So asked him who brought the money
and to dig the earth where he was putting his feet and throw that earth
outside of the building. He asked the servant to leave the shrine with the
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh there was starvation of six days
of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (R.A.) and on the seventh day there was available
to him some food, then he was going to eat the food and at that time one
beggar came over there and he was requested for some food as he was
facing starvation since seven days so he was given him some food in the

name of Allah. So he was taken back the food which kept before from
his sons and was given to the beggar and told them that he is facing
starvation of seven days and we are starved for six days so it is good to
give the food to him.
Afterward, he said Oh: Derwesh the name of mysticism is that
which was available to the prophet. When Darwesh lows down his head
in the meditation, then he was used to seeing 18,000 worlds and come
back from there. When he put his step, then he used to visit from
empyrean to the nether region. This is the first stage of Darwesh.
Afterwards, he said Oh: Darwesh the heart of the lovers used to
engage in the circumambulation of the veil of the greatness of Allah. If
for some time this grace will be taken away from him, then the lover
will be nothing in this matter.On their hearts, there will continuously fall
of divine light and secrets of Allah and so they will be used to live in
the condition of a surprise for this reason.
When Sheikh of Islam has ended these benefits, then Khaja Saheb
went inside of the house so, for this reason, the well wisher and all
other persons left from the meeting place.

The love and enmity of the world

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time in the meeting place Moulana Bahuddin Bukhari, Moulana
Shabuddin Ghaznavi, Sheikh Burhanuddin Hansavi, Moulana
Baderuddin Ghaznavi and some other Darwesh were present there in the
service of the Sheikh of Islam. The discussion about the love and enmity
of the world was started and he then said with holy tongue Oh:
Darwesh there are three kinds of the people.
1.There are some people who love the world and always they used to
keep its remembrance and demand for it and this type of persons are
there too many.

2.There are some people who think it as their enemy and they did not
love the world.
3.There are some people who did not think it as their enemy or friend.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh the third kind of people is better
than the other two kinds of the people.
Who is the friend of the world.?
Afterward, he said One person came to see Rabia of Basra and he
began saying abused by the world. Rabia of Basra told Oh: person
goes away from here as it seems that you are a friend of the world.
Because you are discussing it very much in this matter.
Afterward, he said In the area of Khuram, Sheikh Badni used to
reside there and he was used to living in the loneliness and even he did
not use to wear the cloth on his body.If any person used to visit him to
discuss the world and the people of the world then he used to instruct
him not to visit with him again. He used to tell them he is a lover of the
world because when somebody will find his beloved with others so then
he will discuss certainly about beloved. That Darwesh used to worship
very much and he said It is, alas the heaven is the best place, but there
is no available prayer there. At that time one devotee said If the
master is the lover of the world and if he will instruct the disciple to
leave the world. He said There will be no effect in this matter.
Because the preaching and advice will not be effected unless the master
will not become the model of the instructions.
Afterward, he said Oh: Derwesh once Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami
was asked what is the reason that some of the people remember very
much the world.? He said, They are friends of the world. Because
when they see the beloved with others so, for this reason, their love will
be increased very much so they remember it very much during the day
and night.
Afterward, he said Once Rabia of Basra was asked what is the
world.? And who resides in this place.? She said The world is an
unclean thing. The persons who demand it are dogs. Except hypocrite
nobody will not demand the world and this is the place of hypocrite

Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh when you will see any Darwesh
in the demand of worldly position and status. Then understand in this
matter that he is still in the jungle of misleading.
Afterward, he said When Ibrahim bin Adham was asked from
where he got such position .? He said He was given divorced to the
world three times.
Afterward, he said If there is the love of the world is very much in
any person then in such case that person will be very much away from
the other world. So the veil in between the man and Allah is the world.
It is the root of all troubles. So the prophet said, The person who
demands Allah will not be attracted from the world.
Afterward, he said, The thing which Allah thinks His enemy, then
you should also think that thing as your enemy and do not go near it
and do not mention its friendship and enmity with others.
Afterward, he said From the day when Allah created the world he
did not see it due to His anger. So such person is the unwise one who
loves for such thing which Allah will not like it.
Afterward, he said One who is obedient to Allah, then the world
will do a service for him. One who is obedient of the world than he will
face difficulties and problems.
Afterward, he said One who is careless as such level of Allah then
he will engage with the world at the same level. Afterward, he said
He was heard by Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki with his holy tongue that there are
three kinds of works which are best among all works.
1.To know the world and to keep away from it.
2.To the obedience of Allah and take care of manners in this matter.
3.To desire of the other world and try for its desire.
Afterward, he said, In this way the brave man is one who will act
upon the below three things.
1. To be kept away from the world.
2. To start preparation of the grave before the death.
3. Before seeing Allah to please him.
Afterward, he said, Zanon of Egypt wrote in his biography that the
lovers of the world will be placed in the hell for not doing for the

sins,but for the reason that the people of the world and the people who
love them should see their insult there and do regret in this matter.
The matter of Allah or matters of the world
Afterward, he said He was seen in Ghazni, one Derwesh who was
very much engaged in the worship of Allah and he was with him for a
period of six months. During this period he was not heard about the
world by his tongue and by chance if he will talk about in the world,
then he was used to weeping on that day from morning till evening
time. When he asked the reason in this matter, then he was told Since
30 years ago one person came to visit him and he said something about
the world and for him he was also followed in that matter. So at that
time, there was heard a divine call in which it was heard Oh: Fakir
(indigent person) whether there will be discussion about Us or about the
world.? So for this reason, he wept from that day to regret that how he
will show his face to Allah in this matter.?
About the mysticism, it was written that to remember that thing it
means the death which will be disturbed the luxuries and will end the
lives. One who will remember the death, then Allah will be happy with
him. One who will be not caring, so much with his death, then with
such level, he will be discussing the world and which will be available
and firmed in his heart. The obedient will be hard for his heart and he
will do the sins easily.
Afterward, he said Khaja Moudud Chisti said if there will be
gather bad deeds in the house, then it think that house as the world. So
if the love of the world is firm in the person's heart, then he will be away
from Allah. To the person if the world is tightened, then think that he is
in the nearness of Allah.
Afterward, he said There will be a call to the world for five times
that oh: the world you should be become hard for our friends so that they
will not look at you from the eyes of goodness. And become sweet to
the persons who demand you so that they should discuss you more and
more and give them luxury so that they should involve in the problems
and difficulties.
Afterward, he said Khaja Abdullah Mubarak used to live always in
solitude and one who will visit him will not go without his favour from

him. He was in the habit of visiting the rooms of his disciple after
Maghrib (sunset) prayer and if he used to find stocks of food and water
in their rooms then he used to ask them to give away to other needy
Darwesh and pull down pots of water on the earth. Because it is not
Darweshi (mysticism) to stock the things. When used to hear the
discussion about the world from disciples in the shrine building, then he
used to remove them from there and afterwards he will not allow them to
come to see him again.
Afterward, he said He had lots of stock of goods with him. Then
further goods will come there, then he used to hand over the goods to
one person who was custodian of the store. And who used to tell him to
keep the accounts of the goods with him and not allowed to bring the
goods in his presence so that he should engage in the matters of the
world. Oh : Darwesh once Sultan Shamsuddin was sent some bags of
gold coins in the presence of Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki and when he was
seen some persons bringing these bags so he said to them from the
distance To take away and go back and said to him that he thought
him as his friend but he became his enemy because he was sent such
thing which thinks by Allah as enemy to Him. This thing is demanded
by many persons so give them these bags of money.
Afterward, he said Oh : Darwesh, Khaja Harunis spiritual master
Khaja Sharif Zindani spent his life in loneliness for a period of 40 years
and he was in Etekaf (retired for continued prayer) in Khurasan. In the
period of 40 years his diet was only vegetables and during this period
whoever will visit him, then his servant used to tell him, Be careful do
not discuss about the world otherwise you will be deprived of felicity of
his visit.
The censure of the world and wealth of the world
In short, one day the ruler of the kingdom came to visit him and he
brought some money with him and paid respect to him and he sat there.
He said some tradition about the world. So the Sheikh smiled in this
matter and he said Oh: enemy of Allah. How you treated by him with
the action of enmity that you have brought the enemy before me. Which
is not the matter of friendship which you have committed in this matter.
So take it away from here and give it somebody who demand it. Then

he turns its palm leaf mat on which he was sitting and he told him to
see and when the ruler saw there and he was found there was flowing a
river of Dinar and gold under it so all persons who were present at the
meeting stood there and put their heads on his legs and the ruler
requested him to forgive his mistake in this matter. Khaja Saheb said
One who had such treasures of wealth, then why he will need such
unclean wealth of the ruler.?
Afterward, he said Once one person went into the presence of
Khaja Qutubuddin Chisti with the intention that Khaja Saheb should
give him some Dinars and he was seen that there is flow of the river of
milk at the place where Khaja Saheb is sitting there. That person still far
away from him, but he said the friend is coming there and he will
demand the thing on which incurred Allahs displeasure on it. As there is
such thought in your mind so take out the brick on which you are sitting
there and he found lots of gold coins were available there. He asked him
To take all gold coins as all these belongs to your share. So he was
collecting pile of the gold coins from there. Then Khaja Saheb told him
You desire milk and rice, which is before you so eat as per your
requirement. When he saw before him and find a river of milk and rice
was flowing from there.
Afterward, he said Once Khaja Qutubuddin Chisti was walking on
the way and there was construction of the mosque was in progress and
the labours were trying to take one rafter to the upper side and that
rafter was the smallest of 2 yards from other rafters so they were
surprised and worried how to take it at the upper side. So Khaja Saheb
told them upon putting it on the upper side then inform him. When it
was put on the upper side, then Khaja Saheb reached for the wall and
pulled the rafter so for this reason it became one yard larger than other
rafters. Still today that rafter is available there and which is out of the
Afterward, he said Khaja Yousuf Chistis master Khaja Mohammed
Chisti who used to live always in the condition of the surprise. So he
did not sleep for a period of 30 years. He got endeavours with him so he
did not eat sustenance for a period of one or two years.During the night

he used to perform the prayer of inversely (Sajda-e-Makus) and he used

to perform the prayer by hanging and by standing upside down there.
The things of wrath, of Allah
Once he was sitting at the bank of river Tigris and he was sewing his
saintly dress there. At that time one pious person's son came there along
with an army of soldiers and after seeing Khaja Saheb he was getting
down from his horse and he paid respect to him. He said to him the
prophet said If any old woman will be sleep hungry in any kingdom,
then she will make complain to Allah by holding the edge of the robe of
ruler and without finding justice from there she will not leave his edge
of his the robe. Upon saying this he was given him whatever he
brought for him. Khaja Saheb smiled at that time and he said to him, It
is not the practice of our masters to accept the things of the wrath of
Allah. So take back all these things and give to such persons who are in
need of them. Then he has thrown one Dirham in the river Tigris
and he looked at the sky said Oh: Allah, whatever you show to the
people so show the same to him. At that time the fishes came out of the
water with holding the gold coins in their mouths came into his service.
When the son of the pious person saw this then he was paid his respect
to him and he told him It's real fact that there will be such a power in
the people of Allah with them. Khaja Saheb asked the fishes to give
him back his Dirham and one fish bring back his Dirham.
Afterward, he said Oh: dear brother one who will get such lots of
wealth, then why he will require another persons wealth in this
When the Sheikh of Islam has ended these benefits, then Khaja Saheb
went inside of the house so, for this reason, the well wisher left from the
meeting place.

The disciples elegance of faith

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time in the meeting place Sheikh Jamaluddin Hansavi, Moulana

Nizamuddin Badayuni, Shams Dabir, Moulana Shamsuddin Bukhari,

Sheikh Baderuddin Ghaznavi, Sheikh Najamuddin Sunami and some
other Darwesh from the lineage of Chist were present there in the
service of the Sheikh of Islam. The discussion about the elegance of the
disciples of faith was started. He told by holy tongue If there will be
no good faith about the master of the disciple then he will not become
the disciple.
In the presence of a prophet is better than the prayer
Afterward, he said Once Umar bin Qattab was performing
supererogatory praying and at that time the prophet was, called him for,
some work as he was busy in the prayer so he did not replied him in
this matter. Upon the prayer he was present in the service of the prophet.
Then the prophet told him that he called him. So he told him that he was
busy in the prayer so he did not reply for this reason. Then the prophet
told him, When he will call him, then he should break his
supererogatory prayer and reply him immediately. Because doing such
act is better than the supererogatory prayer.
Afterward, he said Once he was present in the service of Khaja
Bakhtiar Kaki. Once Darwesh Sheikh Ali Sanjari was performing
supererogatory prayer there, then Sheikh was, called him then he breaks
his prayer and he said welcome Sheikh. The Sheikh asked him Why
he did not reply after completion of the prayer. Why did he break his
prayer.? He said him, It is better than prayer to reply the Sheikhs
call. It is mentioned in the books of mysticism that if Sheikh will call
his disciple then he should reply to him immediately then he will be
eligible for the reward of one years worship. So my respected persons
why then the man should leave this reward from his hand?.
Afterward, he said The master should have such power with him
that when any person approaches him to become his disciple then he
should check his righteousness of the faith. If he will find him not right
on the commands of Allah then he should tell him slowly that his time
has not come so go back now from there.
Afterward, he said The disciple who come in the service of the
master and put his head on the earth and this service is easy. Because
those who will come in the service of the master with the intention of

iradat (faith) and pledge. This irdat (faith) and pledge refer here the love
and affection of the master. So in this case to put the head on the earth is
the easiest service in this matter. If there will be no personal power in
the Sheikh then he won't call as a Sheikh. Because Khaja Qutubuddin
said Unless the Sheikh will not see the manifest and innermost of the
disciple then it is not right for him to accept any person as his
Some miracles of Khaja Moinuddin Chisti
Afterward, he said Once one Muslim, servant of King Prithivi
Raj was present in the service of the Sheikh with the intention to become
his disciple sincerely. But Sheikh did not accept that person as his
disciple. So that person reported the matter to Rai Pathura and he sends
some men to him and asked him why he did not make him as his
disciple.? He told him there are three things are found in him and
which are not going to an end in him. Because these are recorded in his
1.He will commit a large number of sins.
2.He is your servant.
3.He was seen in the Tablet that he will leave this world without faith.
When the Rai Pathora heard these things, then he was becoming angry
in this matter and he said this Darwesh was said all invisible matters. He
asked him to leave this city. When he was heard this then he smiled and
he said there is required time for three days in this matter. Whether he
will leave or Rai Pathura will leave from this city.? So after three days
the army of Sultan Shuhabuddin Mohammed Ghouri attacked the city
and caught alive Rai Pathora the ruler of Ajmare city and took him
away from there. The person who came to become disciple was drowned
in the river and died.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh you should know clearly that if
the Sheikh or spiritual master will be angry then he can disturb the
Afterward, he said He was heard by the tongue of Khaja Bakhtair
Kaki that he was present in the service of Khaja Moinuddin Chisti for a
period of 20 years and during this period he was not seen in the
condition of angry with any person. But one day he was passing straight

in the street and he was seen that one person caught his disciple Sheikh
Ali and that person was asking to pay him his due money. The Sheikh
was passed from him and he convinced him, but he was not agreed in
this matter. So due to anger, he was throwing his cloth from the
shoulder on the earth, and which was filled with gold coins. He asked
that person to take from there the required money but he should not take
more money from there. But due to his greediness that persons hand
was dried there. So he said he was repenting in this matter, then he was
praying for his hand so his hand was becoming well.
Afterward, he said Once Khaja Moinuddin Chisti was sitting with
his friends and at that time one person came there and requested him to
make him his disciple. But he came there to kill him. When he was
seated there upon paying respect to him. Then the Sheikh smiled and
said to him Darwesh visit Darwesh for the cleanliness and not for the
cruelty. So you should do as per your intention or rectify your faith in
this matter. So he stood and accepted that he was coming there to kill
him and he went outside and thrown the knife which he was brought to
kill him there and he becomes his disciple. Then he was become a firm
believer and Sheikh was used to asking him to do every difficult and
hard work and who used to attend that work with sincerity and with
much attention and care of his heart and mind.
When he reached the place of the perfection, then was performed 45
Hajj pilgrimages and he died as custodian of the Holy Kaba in
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwish if there will be written felicity
by eternity, then his condition will be like that person who came there to
see the Sheikh with the wrong intention, but the Sheikh has cleared all
his ill-will from his chest.So that person stood and accepted his wrong
intention and paid respect to him said to him that there is clarity now in
his heart about him. So, for this reason, he was becoming his disciple
and he was getting the honour of the pledge with the Sheikh.
Afterward, he said, One person came to see him, and from him he
was heard that the disciple should be firm in all works otherwise he will
be ashamed on the day of judgement.
The king who has knowledge of revelation

Afterward, he said Khaja Junaid of Baghdadi wrote in his

biography the details of about the goodness of faith of the kings.Once
one king who had firm faith and pious and who was person of
revelation. He was sitting on the upper portion of the palace and from
where he can see the below portion of the palace and along with him his
wife, was also sitting there. When his sight was fall over on the
activities of the court of Allah so he was looking at the sky for a long
time. Then he looked downward. Then he looked to the sky for a long
time. Then he was seen with his wife and wept so much. When his wife
saw the event, then she asked the reason in this matter. So the king said
to her that let it and ignore it. This is not matter to be disclosed. When
his wife requested him in this matter very much then he told her that
when he was looking at the Tablet, and he finds his name was no more
there. So I come to know that I should leave this world. When he saw
the person in his place and he finds the gypsy who is standing in the
lower portion of the palace will become his successor and who will
marry you after me. When his wife heard all the details, then she told
him now what he will do.? He said nothing should be done in this
matter except to follow the fate as per willingness of Allah. Then he
was called gypsy and was given his dress and made declared his
successor and sent him by the army to fight with the enemy along with
ministers and the royal court persons. As per the order of the king the
gypsy left from there and fought with the enemy and captured the
enemy and found the large booty in the war and presented all things in
the service of the king. When the gypsy came back in the night and on
the next day the king died. During the war period, the gypsy treated
well with all army personnels so all become happy with him. When the
king died, then he was become the king of that country and he has
married the queen.
Afterward, he said, When the prophet was left the world then many
thousand Muslims were apostatized and they sent their application in
the service of Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) and requested him to cancel the
Zakat (religious tax as a basic in function of Islam) otherwise they will
leave the religion of Islam. So he discussed on this matter with friends
and some of them asked him it is better to follow leniency in this matter

and cancel the Zakat. So he has taken out his sword in his hand and he
said If they will pay less than Egal (the rope with which the bell tied
to the camel's neck) then he will wage war with them with his sword.
When Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (R.A.) was heard this news he said it's not a
good thing if Zakat is cancelled then in this way slowly all Islamic
commandments will be no more available in the religion of Islam.
The Sheikh of Islam addressed Khaja Nizamuddin Badayuni and he
said Many Darwesh came to see him and become his disciples and
when they left for him, then their love with him was not remain in the
same level in this matter. But Moulana Nizamuddin was become his
disciple, but there was no change in his intention and temperament. If
Allah wills his love will not be decreased. So Moulana Nizamuddin
stood and paid respect to him for this reason. On that day the Sheikh of
Islam awarded him Qirqa (saintly dress) and black rag dress. And he
said Among his disciples Moulana Nizamuddin will become an
international personality and his disciples will remain in the world till
the last time of the world and will be available all over the world.
When the Sheikh of Islam was ended these benefits, then Khaja
Saheb went inside of the house so for this reason all persons left from
the meeting place but Moualana Nizamuddin was remained in the
mosque of the shrine building

The kissing of the hands of pious persons

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time in the meeting place Moulana Nizamuddin Badayuni, Moulana
Yahiah Gharib, Sheikh Burhanuddin Hansavi, Sheikh Baderuddin
Ghaznavi and some other Darwesh of the lineage of Chist were present
there in the service of the Sheikh of Islam. He told by his holy tongue
Oh: Darwesh to kissing of each others hand is the practice of the holy
prophet. One who will kiss the hands of the Mashaiq (learned person)
then Allah will clear him from his sins and he will become just like a
newly born baby from his mothers womb.

Darwesh and Mashaiq persons used to kiss the hands of each other
so that they can hold the hands of the forgiving person and with their
blessings they will be forgiven.
The blessing of shaking and kissing of the hands
It a was habit of the prophet that if any person want to say salam to
him and shake his hands, then he used to first say salam to him and
shake hands with that person.
Afterward, he said Ali Ibn Ali Taleb (R.A.) said he was trying his
best to say first salam or shake hands with the prophet but he could not
get that chance.
Afterward, he said Khwaja Qutubuddin was in the habit that
unless he will not kiss the hands of all people, then he will not use to
pass from any street and he will not move further on the way and he
used to demand their good invocations for him.
Afterward, he said After the prayer when the people used to shake
and kiss their hands with each other then their sins will fall like the
leaves of the trees in the winter season.
Afterward, he said, There are goodness and blessing is available
there for the both worlds in kissing the hands of the pious persons.
Afterward, he said He saw one pious person in his dream and asked
him how Allah treated him? He replied, He was shown there
whatever he was doing in the world. Then there was came a command of
Allah to the angles to send him to the hell. During this period there was
another command of Allah was came there that once he was kissing the
hands of Khwaja Sharif in the grand mosque of Damascus. So for its
blessing he was forgiven in this matter.
Afterward, he said On the day of judgement many sinners will be
forgiven for kissing of the hands of a pious person and they will be free
from the hell.
Afterward, he said Upon the death of Hajj bin Yousuf, when he
was seen in the dream and he was asked how Allah treated him.? He
said He is in the place of killing but there is still hope that he will be
forgiven by Allah. When he was asked for which good deed.? It is said
Once in the meeting place he was kissing the hands of Khaja Hasan of

Basra with respect. So for this good deed he will be forgiven in this
Afterward, he said When Khaja Qutubuddin Chisti used to leave
the grand mosque, then his disciples used make a circle around him and
he used to stretch his hand so that all people used to come there and kiss
his holy hand.
Afterward, he said It was seen by him in the book Isar Auliya in
which one pious person said by swearing that the person who will kiss
the hand of the Sheikh or pious person then he will be forgiven surely
by Allah. Because one who will hold the hands of Mashaiq (learned
person) is like the person one who hold the hands of the prophet Allah.
Afterward, he said Whenever Imam Abu Hanifa of Kofa used to sit
in his meeting place and if the visitor will come there, then he used to
stood and shake his hands and also when the visitor will leave from there
then he will use to stand and shake the hands.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh when Prophet Dawood (A.S.)
used to sit on the throne for justice and equity so many persons used to
visit him in the court to redress of their problems and to get justice and
equity for them. When any pious person of Bani Israel community used
to visit him in the court then he used to stand from his throne and kiss
his hands and used to look at the sky and say Oh: Lord given grace to
that persons hand. So allow him your protection. So oh: Darwesh as a
matter of fact, all prophets of Allah were without sins, but they used to
demand for themselves for goodness and blessing. And they used to say
that due to kissing of the pious hands, oh: Allah forgive them.
Afterward, he said when Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) met Prophet Yousuf
(A.S.) and on that day he kissed the hands of the persons with great
respect and reverence on the way who were coming and going from
there. When he was asked in this matter, then he was told Due to the
blessing of kissing of the hands of the pious persons of Bani Israel
Allah was provided him the meeting of his son.
Afterward, he said The prophet used to see one old lady and ask
her to pray of goodness in favour of Mohammed. But in fact, in all
creation there is nobody dearer to Allah than the prophet. As a matter of
fact Allah created all things for the sake of him only. So when the

prophet will demand the prayer of goodness, then it is must for us to

demand goodness from the pious persons by kissing their hands.
Afterward, he said When the prophet used to walk in the way, then
if he will find any old person there then he will not move forward than
those people. Because the prophet used to respect them very much
because of their white hairs. When that old person used to kiss his
hand, then the prophet used to kiss his hand first.
Afterward, he said Once one young man was going into the lane
who was in the condition of intoxication and when he saw Abu Ben
Adham was coming there, then he put his head on his legs with great
respect and reverence and he kissed his hands. And in that night that
young man saw him in his dream that he was walking in the
paradise.Then he was surprised in this matter that he was such a great
sinner but how he got such a grace.? Then he heard the divine call in
which it was said that it is a fact in this matter. Because you have kissed
today my friends hand. So for this reason you have been forgiven.
When he was waking up and he went into the service of Khaja Saheb
and he was repenting.
Afterward, he said, If there grace of Allah will be available then
many thousand sinners will be forgiven for a sake of little mercy of
Allah and they will be free from the hell.
Afterward, he said When the people will shake their hands, then
there will be many thousand mercies of Allah will fall there. When they
will done kissing of the hands, then all mercies will befall upon them.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh, it is available in the mysticism that
the people of mysticism in the mosques used to wait for the persons
who should visit them so that they can kiss the hands of the visitors.
Whether they will be engaged in the reading of the Quran or in the
The fulfillment of the needs of the needy persons
Afterward, he said When Khaja Junaid of Baghdad used to sit on
the prayer mat and he was engaged in the invocation when if there will
be any visitor comes then he will leave his invocation of Allah and he
used to talk with the visitor and while talking with him he uses to fulfil

his requirements from his side. When that person left from there, then he
will use to engage in the recitation of the Quran again.
Afterward, he said It is right for the pious persons sitting on the
prayer mats, then they should busy in reading of the Quran. If there will
be any visitor there, then they should leave the reading of the Quran and
engage with the visitor. Because, as per the religion of mysticism, it is
better to redress the needs of the persons and is better than daily recitals
and repeating of the incantation. It is fact that the reward of the
fulfillment of the needs of the needy person is equal of the one years
Afterward, he said One day Abu Saeed said he went to visit one
pious person in Makkah for some of his needs. At that time that pious
person was engaged in his worship schedule. So he comes back from
there un-successful in this matter. When he was present at the meeting
place of the prophet, he was sad and in the condition of grief. The
prophet could able to know in this matter by the light of his prophet-
hood and he was asked Why he is sad.? He told him He went to
see one pious person for the fulfillment of his needs with him, but he
was engaged in his daily recitals. So for this reason he was returned
back unsuccessful from his place. The prophet said It is a right for
him to be engaged in the work of redress of the needy persons. As per
requirement of justice, he should leave his work of daily recitals and
should redress the needs of the other persons and upon fulfillment of
another persons needs, then again he should be engaged in his work of
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwish, when Khaja Shibly used to busy
in the reading of the Quran and at that time if there will be any visitor,
will come there, then he used to stand and kiss his hand and used to talk
with him. Till he's sitting there he used to talk with him. When he will
leave from there, then again, he used to engage in the invocation.
Afterward, he said Khaja Muhib said that how is such heart when
the empyrean of Allah when comes to his door for some important
work, but he will not engage to fulfillment of the needs in this matter.
Here he refers empyrean as the heart of the person. Because it is said in

the saying of the prophet The heart of a Muslim person is the

empyrean of Allah.
Afterward, he said, Once Sultan Nasiruddin went towards Multan
then he reached Ajodhan to visit me there and he upon fulfilling of the
condition of the service then he was returned back from there.
The good devotion of Sufi persons
Afterward, he said When he was upset and worried with coming and
going of the persons so for this reason and he wants to enter into
loneliness. Then there was thought came into my mind that it was not
the practice of the masters of Chisti chain. But it was their practice to
shake their hands with every person. So he was used to sit on the roof
and used to stretch his hands from there and for this reason the people
who pass from there used to kiss my hands and shake my hands and go
from there. Due to the very much crowd and for this reason there will
torn ten shirts everyday and the people used to collect the pieces of the
shirt as felicity. So I was surprised in this matter for their good
devotion. So see how they possess the confirm faith. When upon coming
back from the Friday prayer he was used to upset with the large crowd.
So one day one of the servant who used to spread my bedding and palm
leaf mat pulled my leg to kiss it which was not looked me good for this
reason. So that servant told me, Oh : Sheikh Farid is thankful to Allah
as there many 100,000 peoples are there who are desirous of kissing
your feet. So I like his talk in this matter.
Afterward, he said, One who is popular in the court of Allah, then
such person is also popular in the mankind.
Afterward, he said Once he was heard by Khaja Qutubuddin
Bakhtiar that he was circumambulation with one pious person in Kaaba
in Makkah there. At that time, one more person came there and said
salam to that pious person and he began talking with him. So he was
surprised in this matter as it is not good to talk with him there.He
immediately addressed me and he said: He heard that the prophet
was doing like this and once he did the same.
Afterward, he said He was used to visiting his master once in a
week or after a two week period. But against this Sheikh Badruddin
Ghaznavi and other disciples used to present in his service always.

When the time of the death of my master was near then at that time one
pious person was much interested to become his successor. But at the
time of his death, he told that the following things to be given to Farid.
1. The staff
2. The wooden sandals
3. The dress
In short, in the night when he was going to die and on that night I
have seen an in dream in Hansi that he is taking to the court of Allah. So
in the morning he was starting from Hansi and he was reached to Delhi
within the period of four days. Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori was given me
the staff, the wooden sandals and the dress. So upon praying two rakat
of thanks prayer, I wore the above things of my master and I was
staying in the house of the master for a period of three days in
Delhi.From there I was started toward Hansi. The reason for leaving
from there is that one person named as Sirhanga came from Hansi to
visit him in Delhi. He was visiting the shrine building three times, but he
was not permitted to enter into the building by the guard. When he was
come out of the building, then he put his head on his legs and began
weeping there. So I asked Sirhanga why did you weep.? He said Your
visit was easy in Hansi but it was becoming very difficult in Delhi. At
that time I told my friends I will go to Hansi. They told me your master
Khaja Qutubuddin was, asked him to stay in Delhi. So why you are
leaving from here. I told them The grace of Khaja Saheb is available
equally in the city as well in the jungle.
Afterward, he said The reason of this event is that kissing of the
pious persons is good in all conditions. So that from the kissing of some
person there will be available salvation in this matter.
When Sheikh of Islam has ended these benefits, then Khaja
Saheb went inside of the house so, for this reason, all persons left from
the meeting place.

The group, which used to engage in the invocation of Allah

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh then at that
time in the meeting place Sheikh Baderuddin Ghaznavi, Moulana
Nizamuddin Badayuni, Maulana Yahiah Sheikh, Jamaluddin Hansavi,
Moulana Yahiah Gharib, Sheikh Burhanuddin Hansavi, and some other
Darwesh were present there in the service of the Sheikh of Islam. The
discussion was about the group which used to engage in the invocation
of Allah was in progress. He said with his holy tongue, Oh: Darwesh
as per the religion of Sufism and as per mysticism that person will not
become Sufi and mystic unless he will not engage himself in the
invocation of Allah. Because he do not know at the moment when he
will be away from the invocation of Allah, then that time what graces
will be taken out of him. So it is good to be engaged in the invocation of
Allah as for as for as possible.
Afterward, he said, One who will always drown in the invocation of
Allah, then if there will be a sword on his head, but he did not know in
this matter.
Afterward, he said Once somebody was requested with a Derwish
when he will engage in the invocation of Allah, then he should pray in
his favour. He said, Alas: at that moment of invocation of Allah, if
your thought will come into his mind then he should away from the
invocation of Allah.
Afterward, he said When Junaid of Baghdad will be used to
engage in the invocation of Allah, then he will be drowned in it and he
was used to be in such condition for a period one year and also for two
years and he did not aware of his condition in this matter.
Afterward, he said Once Sheikh Moinuddin Chistii was engaging
in the invocation of Allah, then at that time the world of the calamities
were present in his service and said the calamities will fall down on the
mankind. At that time one of his disciples came there and said him,
The ruler of the city want to expel him from the city. So Khaja Saheb
asked him Where is he.? The disciple said He went on the hunt.
Then Khaja Saheb said He was made a mistake. If he will reach
safely and securely, then it will be a matter of surprise. When Khaja

Saheb said these words then immediately it came a news that the ruler
was falling down from the horse and died.
Afterward, he said When the person of condition used to be
engaged in the invocation, then the grace and problem both will present
in his service. So if there will be difficulty in the fate of the person then
he will given the difficulty. So oh: Darwesh that person is the wise one
who will not disturb when they will engage in the invocation. Because
nobody knows what will be said by the holy tongue in that condition.
Afterward, he said When Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki used to engage
very much in the invocation during his time and when the condition will
be exceeded, then he was used to become unconscious for one day and
one night on the prayer mat and then he will not able to know his
condition in this matter.
Afterward, he said, The people of mysticism think that heart alive,
which will be engaged in the invocation of Allah and so one should not
be away even for a moment from the invocation of Allah in this
The careless is not alive, and also, he is dead
Afterward, he said Once one pious person was left invocation of
Allah so for this reason in that city a call was heard that so and so Sufi
person was no more in the world. But when the people of the city
visited his house and they find that the Sufi person is living in the
house. When the people were going back from him then he called all of
them and he said Actually that call was correct. Because he was used
to engage always in invocation of Allah. But he was left the invocation
of Allah for some moment, so for this reason that called was heard that
so and so Sufi person died.
Afterward, he said The hearts of those persons are dead which are
not engaged in the invocation of Allah. Because the people of
mysticism think that the heart which is away from the invocation of
Allah is as dead. Their saying is that the heart which is living will not
be away from the invocation of Allah.
The attack of Ibn Maljam on Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (R.A.)
It is said that when unfortunate Ibn Maljam was promised to kill Ali
bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) so everybody told him that like you if there will be

many thousand persons could not kill him. Yes, you can kill him if he
will be engaged in the prayer or he will be in the invocation. Because in
that condition he will be drowned in the invocation and in such
situation he will not able to know little about his condition. One day he
was engaged in the prayer and he was drowned in the invocation in such
condition that he could not able to know his own condition due to his
high level of worship of Allah. The unfortunate Ibn Maljam came there
with a sword in his hand and attacked him from the right side and
injured his stomach. When he was finished his prayer, then he finds
himself in the blood and asked what is the condition.? Somebody told
him, When was engaged in the prayer, then Abdul Rahman Ibn
Malajam was attacked with the sword on him. He said Thanks to
Allah, he attacked me at such a time when he was engaged in the
invocation so he could not able to know about his condition in this
Afterward, he said Once he saw one pious person in Lahore when
he used to start his invocation, then he will go bazaar and sit in the hot
oven in which breads are not being prepared there and after a long time
he used to return back from there and there will be no mark of fire burnt
was not found on his body.
When Shaikh of Islam has ended these benefits, then Khaja Saheb
went inside of the house so, for this reason, all persons left from the
meeting place.

The service of Ulma (theologians) and Mashaiq (learned persons)

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh and at that time
in the meeting place Sheikh Baderuddin Ghaznavi Moulana
Nizamuddin Badayuni, Jamaluddin Hansavi and some other Darwesh
persons were present there in the service of the Sheikh of Islam. The
discussion was progress about the service of Ulma (theologian) and
Mashaiq (learned persons). He said with holy tongue that the prophet
said One who love the knowledge and Ulma (theologians) and

Mashaiq (learned persons), then there will be no sin will be recorded

for him.
Afterward, he said Their true love is as follows. If their love is true
then they will follow them. And they will be away from bad deeds. And
then their condition will become like this so no sins will be recorded in
their deeds.
A slap of Hadrat Khaja Qutubuddin Kaki
Afterward, he said Once one person was starting his journey to
Delhi so that he will see Khaja Qutubuddin Kaki and repent there.
During his journey, a prostitute also accompanied with him and she
wanted that she should have established her relationship with that man at
any cost. But that mans intention was true. So he did not have any
interest in that woman. At last at one place both of them have boarded in
one camels saddle and that woman sat near that man and in between
them there was no veil available there. Perhaps it happened that the man
talked or his hand was approached towards her so for this reason he was
seen that a man came there and slapped him and told him you are going
to see such a pious person for repentance and doing such an action
there.So for this reason that man could not see that woman after this
event. When he reached in the service of Khaja Qutubuddin Kaki then
he first told him that on that day Allah saved him greatly.
Afterward, he said In this way one person was coming to see him
at Ajodhan from Delhi with the intention to become his disciple. On the
way, he wanted to interfere with one woman. At that time, one hand
was appearing there by the invisible source and slapped him and told
him you are going to become a disciple and you are doing such an
action there.
In short when he came to see me in Ajohdan then I told him See
how Allah saved you greatly.
Afterward, he said The friendship of Ulma and Mashaiq (learned
persons) is the friendship of the prophet of Allah. So oh: Darwesh if any
person who do the service of Ulama (theologian) and Mashaiq (learned
persons) for a period of seven days sincerely, then he will become like a
man who have done the worship of Allah for a period of 7,000 years.

Afterward, he said The Satan used to deceive and defraud, but he

could cannot deceive and mislead Ulma (theologians) and Mashaiq
(learned persons). Because there is nothing greater than the friendship
of the Ulma and Mashaiq.
Afterward, he said, In the heart if there is the love of Ulama and
Mashaiq is there, then his sins will be burnt down with one particle of
the love of them.
Afterward, he said The learned (Ulma) persons are the successors
of the prophets and Mashaiq are pious persons of Allah. If there will be
no grace of Mashaiq and Ulma in the world, then there will be ill-luck
of deeds of the people every day and there will be a fall over of 1000
calamities in the world. So oh : Darwesh the prophet was pride on these
groups of his nation which are called Ulma and Mashaiq person because
they are the pillars of the religion of Islam. So one who follow them,
then he will be free from the punishment on the day of judgment.

The excellence of Alim (theologians) over Abid (worshippers)

Afterward, he said It is available in the saying of the prophet that
one Alim Fakhia (theologian and jurist) is better than 1000 Abid
(worshipper) persons. The worship of one day of Alim (theologian) is
better than the worship of Abid (worshipper) for a period of 40 years.
Afterward, He said when Alim (theologian) or Sheikh is dying, then
all things which are available in the sky and the world are presented
before him. Because the lives of the people of the world are dependent
upon the lives if Uma and Mashaiq. There is 1000 regrets for that city in
which there are not available any Ulma and Mashiq.
Afterward, he said, When calamities befall from the sky, then it
will be less effective in that city in which Uma and Mashaiq live there.
When Sheikh of Islam has ended these benefits, then Khaja Saheb
went inside of the house and he was engaged in the recitation of the holy
Quran, so for this reason, this well-wishers and all other persons left
from the meeting place.


The scarcity of the rainfall

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh and at that time
in the meeting place Moulana Nizamuddin Badayuni, Maulana
Badruddin Ghaznavi, Jamaluddin Hansavi and some other Darwesh
persons were present there in the service of the Sheikh of Islam. He said
with his tongue that The scarcity of the rainfall is due to the reaction of
the misdeeds of the people.
Afterward, he said If such condition will prevail, then he should
give charity in this matter, and they should engage in the worship and
prayers to Allah. So that due to the blessing of their worship and prayers
there will be rainfall from the sky. Once it was happened that due to the
scarcity of the rainfall the fields of the crops were damaged and the
people began dying for this reason. So all people gathered in the service
Zanon of Egypt and requested him to pray for the rainfall. He told them
to gather in the mosque and when the people gather there, then he stood
on the pulpit and he was reciting the supplication for the rainfall and he
was looking at the sky and he said Oh : Lord, if there is someone's foot
is blessed there in the gathering, then sends the rainfall. Upon saying
these words of Khaja Saheb, suddenly the heavy rainfall was started
there and which was not stopped till seven days.
The rainfall is due to the prayer of pious persons
Afterward, he said Once there was scarcity of water in Delhi city.
The people requested Nizamuddin Abul Moid for the rainfall. So he
stood on the pulpit and recited the supplication of the rainfall and he was
looking at the sky and he said oh :Lord, if you will not send the rainfall
then he will not live with the population and he will go to the jungle and
he will reside there. Upon saying this he was getting down from the
pulpit, then there such a great rainfall was stated that there was not
limited to it.
Afterward, when he met Khaja Qutubuddin then Khaja Saheb told
him We were proud of our devotion with you that you are close to
Allah but why you have said that if there will no rainfall then you will
not live in the populated area and go and live in the jungle area. Sheikh
Saheb told me that he knows well that surely the rainfall will be there.

Khaja Saheb asked him how he did know in this matter.? He said
Once on the sitting on the floor near Sultan Shamuddin there was
arguments between me and Syed Nooruddin Mubark and I said such
things to him with which he was angered with me in this matter. When
the people requested me for the supplication of the rainfall then I went to
the mausoleum of Syed Saheb and said there You are angry with me
and the people are requesting me to pray for the rainfall and if you
comprise with me then I will pray on this matter otherwise I will not
pray for the rainfall. And he heard the call that there is comprise in this
matter so go and pray for the rainfall.
Afterward, he said Oh: Derwish, once there was starvation in
Basra city and there was no rainfall there.The people gathered there and
requested Hasan of Basra for the supplication of rainfall and if he will
pray then surely there will be rainfall. When there is very much pressure
on him, then he asked all of them to gather in the grand mosque in Basra
So Khaja Saheb after the Friday prayer, stood on the pulpit and recited
the supplication of rainfall there. He brought turban and robe in the
sleeve and he took out these things to the pulpit and prayed to Allah and
he said due to the dignity of this dress which was touched by the prophet
of Allah send the rainfall. Still, he has not completed his prayer, then
heavy rainfall started and there was such rainfall that which was not
stopped for a period of seven days in Basra city.
Afterward, he said There was severe starvation in Delhi city so,
for this reason, all Mashaiq (learned persons) and all people left for the
city and went into the field for the supplication of the rainfall. Sheikh
Nizamuddin stood on the pulpit and recited the supplication of rainfall
and he was taken one cloth from his sleeve and he was looking at the
sky and said something by his lips so then the rainfall was started there
and afterward it was continued heavy rainfall. When Sheikh Saheb was
returned back to his house, then he was asked about the cloth. He said,
It was the edge of the shirt of his mother.
Afterward, he said, In the city where there is no rainfall then verse
Duqan from holy Quran should be recited during the night time.

When the Sheikh of Islam has ended these benefits, then he was
engaged in the worship of Allah so, for this reason, I and all other
persons left from the meeting place.

The miracles and revelations

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh and at that
time at the meeting place Moulana Suhabuddin Bukhari and some other
Darwesh were present there in the service of the Sheikh of Islam. The
discussion about the miracles and revelations, was in progress. He said
with his holy tongue As the miracles of the prophets is reality and in
the same way miracles of the holy persons are also truth. As per
requirement of the religion of mysticism, it is not good to disclose
miracles. It is written in the books that Allah made obligation for the
holy persons for not to disclose their miracles in the same it is made
obligation for the holy prophets of Allah to show their miracles to the
mankind. In short, if one who will show his miracle, then he will
become a person who is not following an obligatory thing.
The stages of the mystical
Afterward, he said Our masters of Chistia chain have shown us 15
grades of mysticism. Among them, its fifth grade is miracles and
revelations. If during this grade if the mystic person will do revelation,
then it is not legal. The mystics should pass 15 grades then he should do
revelation in this matter.
Afterward, he said Khaja Qutubuddin was asked how the people
should know that any person is made progress and he is perfect in the
stages of mysticism and he was completed all grades. He said If he
would blow on the dead body, then the dead body will become alive by
the order of Allah, then understand in this matter that such person was
reached at the height of the perfection.
Afterward, he said, When Khaja Qutubuddin was explaining these
benefits, then at that time one old woman came there by weeping and
she said salam to him and she said that she had one son who was
innocent and to whom the king was hanged him on the cross. Upon

hearing this he was standing with his staff along with his friends and he
went outside of the shrine building. The old woman was walking ahead
of all of them. When he reached near the dead body of the boy where
many persons of Hindu and Muslim were there in the gathering around
the boy's corpse. Then Khaja Saheb prayed Allah and he said Oh:
Lord, if the king was hanged him on the cross due to no guilty reason,
then give him life again. Still Khaja Sahibs prayer was not completed
then boys become alive and stood there and began walking. On that day
many thousand Hindu persons were accepted the religion of Islam.
Afterward, he said Khaja Qutubuddin addressed his disciples that no
person could not able to get position more than this which was available
to the spiritual masters of the Chisti order of Sufism.
The excellence and piousness of mother of Khaja Farid Ganj Shaker
Afterward, he said His mother was pious woman and her
excellence was well known. Accordingly, once one thief entered the
house and at that time all persons were sleeping there, but she was
waking up there.When the thief could not able to go outside of the
house, then he said if there are male members in the house and who
are like his brother and his father.If there is a woman in the house and
who is like his sister and mother and due to horror his sight is lost. So
they should pray for his light of eyes, then he will promise that he will
never involve in the robbery in his entire life. Upon, hearing this my
mother prayed for the recovery of his eye sight so he got the light of his
eyes and he left from the house. At the day break my mother did not
disclose this event to anybody in this matter. In the morning time that
the thief came there to his house along with his family members with a
pot of buttermilk on his head and he was accepted into the religion of
Islam and he repented of the work of theft.

The miracle of the prophet

Once the prophet and Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) went towards
mountain side and where they find Abdullah bin Masood was grazing
the goats there. The prophet was asked some milk from him, but he said
to him that He is a trustee so how he can give the milk to him.? Abu

Baker Siddiq (R.A.) said to him, He is the prophet of Allah and myself
is his friend. If you give some milk, then what will be happening to
you.? He said He is trustee and there is no permission in this matter
to give milk. The prophet asked him to bring such a she-goat who did
not give birth of goats. When it was brought then the prophet touched
her back with his hand, then that she-goat was given very much milk
that there was no limit to it.
Afterward, he said It it known that she goat till her life used to give
daily five liters of milk.
The miracles of the pious persons
Once he arrived in Ghazni as a traveler there. I have seen there one
person in the cave and who was pious person and he was engaged in the
worship of Allah there. I was entered into the cave and said Salam to
him. He replied my salam and asked me to sit there. After some time he
told me, Oh dear, he was in that cave for a period of 30 years in the
worship of Allah and his sustenance is received by an invisible source
there. If he will get something, then he eats the same and if it is not
available anything, then he will be thankful to Allah in this matter.
In short the prayer time came then he was joined with him and want
to see how we will break the fast. There was a tree of dates was there
near of that cave. So that pious person shakes that tree and ten dates
were fallen down there. He was giving me five dates and he himself eat
five dates. But there was no water available there. So he strikes his feet
on the ground and one water spring was appearing there. When he was
leaving from there, then he was paid respect to him at that time he was
given me five gold coins from the inside of his prayer mat.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwish once he and Sheikh Jalaluddin
Tabrizi were reached to Badayun. One day we were sitting inside of the
porch of the house, then one butter, milk seller while putting the pot on
his head was passed from there and who was from village Musa, and
that village people were well known for theft and robbery.
In short when he looked at the face of Sheikh Jalaluddin then there
was effected in his heart. When Sheikh Jalauddin looked at him, then he
said that There are such brave persons are there in the religion of
Islam and he becomes immediately Muslim on the spot. He was given

his name as Ali. He becomes Muslim and brought 100,000 Jetil local
currency of India and given to him. Sheikh Saheb accepted that amount
and asked him to keep with him and asked him to spend the amount as
per his advice. From that amount he used to give some amount to the
needy persons. From that amount he will used to give needy person 40
0r 50 Jetil or some, less or more than these amounts, but every person
will be paid not less than 5 Jitil. When one Jitil was left, then Ali thought
now Sheikh will ask him to pay 5 Jitil. So from where he will bring 4
more Jitil. When he was thinking like this one beggar came there and
asked for help to him. He asked him to pay one Jitil. So that person was
surprised in this matter. When Sheikh was leaving from that place Ali
then wants to accompany with him. So he told him to go back. Sheikh
tried his best and convinced him in this matter. But he requested him
greatly. But at last Sheikh told to go back there is reason in it because
this city is in your favour and when Sheikh was left from that city Ali
came back to his place.
When Sheikh of Islam has ended these benefits and he went
inside of his house so, for this reason, I and all other persons left from
the meeting place.

The respect of the spiritual master

Today I was sanctified to touch the feet of Khaja Saheb and at the
meeting place Moulana Yahiah Gharib, Moulana Nizamuddin Badayuni,
Sheikh Jamaluddin Hansavi, Sheikh Burhanuddin Hansvi and some
other Darwesh persons were present there in the service of the Sheikh of
Islam. There was a discussion about the respect of the spiritual master
was in progress. He said with his holy tongue Oh: Darwesh, the
disciple should obey the order of the master willingly.
At the situation, he said Once Khaja Qutubuddin was asked what
extend are the rights of the master on his disciple.? He said, If he will
carry his master on his head for his entire life during the journey on the
way of Hajj pilgrimage then he will not fulfil his rights.

Afterward, he said He was with Khaja Moinuddin for a period of

20 years during the journey and stay period. Once we have reached a
jungle in which even the birds could not enter there. We have wandered
in that jungle for a period of 3 days. I heard that there is a mountain near
that jungle in which one pious person used to live there. At that place he
was giving me two hot breads from inside of his prayer mat and he
asked me to go and convey his salam to him and give the breads to that
pious person.When I have placed the breads before the pious person and
conveyed salam to him. Then that pious person gave me one bread and
he kept one bread at the time for his breaking of the fast.He was given
me four dates from the prayer mat and he told me to give these dates to
Sheikh Moinuddin. When Sheikh Moinuddin saw those dates, then he
was very happy and he said Oh : Darwesh the order of the spiritual
master is just like the order of the prophet. So one who obeys the order
of the master then he is obeying the order of the prophet of Allah.
Afterward, he said with his holy tongue that the prophet of Allah says
There will be two comforts which will be available to the fast, keeping
person one is at the time of the fast breaking and another at the time of
sighting of Allah.
When the fast, keeping person will complete the fast, then he will get
these two comforts. Due to thanks to Allah, he was fulfilled this
obedience so he was expected these two graces for him.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh there is a reward for every
obedience and reward for the fast, keeping is a sighting of Allah. In this
way, the fast, keeping a person will be happy at the time of the breaking
of the fast and, in the same way, he will be also happy for expecting the
sight of Allah.
When Sheikh of Islam has ended these benefits and he put his head
down in meditation and he was in that condition for some time and then
he stood and was engaged with the condition of the surprise so, for this
reason, I and all other persons left from the meeting place.

The grief and misery

Today I sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh and in the meeting
Moulana Bahauddin Gharib, Moulana Nizamuddin Badayuni, Sheikh
Jamaluddin Hansavi and some other Darwesh persons were present there
in the service of the Sheikh of Islam. There was discussion about the
grief and misery were in progress. He said with his holy tongue Oh:
Darwesh when there will be a fall of grief and misery on the man then he
should think that why and from where it was falling upon him. So he
should take warning from it. One who will be in the condition of
obedience, then he will not face any kind of grief and misery condition.
For this reason not only the rope for him is made, large, but also, he
will be kept safe from such things which will cause him disrespect and
Afterward, he said Ayesha Siddiqa (R.A.) said If there will be
thorn be thrust at her feet, then she will come to know the reason of it.
So when there will blame upon her than she was told in her hymns to
Allah Oh: Lord, I know why there was blame upon her.Because the
Prophet of Allah used to claim of Your love but he had some of his
nature of the inclination with her. So for this reason, there was blame
upon her.
The benefits of patience on the misery
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh those who will be patience on the
misery then Allah will put an end their sins.
Then he said Pain and problems are good things which clear the
sins of the mankind. The thing which will clear the mankind is problem.
Afterward, he said felicity is an expiation of the sins.
Upon this he said He was heard by Khaja Qutubuddin that once he
was present in the service of Khaja Moinuddin Chisty, and he was seen
that there was a decline in his health but he was not seen praying for his
health. But he was used to pray Oh : Lord, where there is pain and
misery, then send them to the life of Moinuddin.On one occasion Khaja
Qutubuddin told him How you will pray that and ask to involve in
severe grief and misery upon you.He said One who prays like that
then think it's a sign of his correct faith. Then he will be free from the

sins and he will become like a person who have just born from the
womb of his mother.
Afterwards he said It was the practice of Rabia of Basra that she
used to desire and wish for illness and pains for her and on the day
when if there be no fever type misery, then she will pray with Allah
Oh: Lord You may have forgotten this old woman and not sent down
misery on her.
Afterwards he said When Junaid of Baghdad will suffer from
fever, pain or problem, then he used to perform the prayer of thanks of
1000 rakat every day.
Afterwards he said When the time of recovery of health of Prophet
Ayub (A.S.) was there, then one insect was falling down from his body
to the earth but he collected the insect and put on his body. So it stings
him so he was made a slogan and he was fallen on the earth. At that time
angel Gabriel came there and said it is the command of Allah for that
insect to fall on the earth. But due to disobedience to the order of Allah
you have collected the insect from the earth and put it on your body. So
one who will do disobedience, then he will be punished in this way.
Afterwards, he said Oh: Darwish once he was in the service of
Khaja Qutubuddin Kaki and at that time Sultan Shamsuddin sent his
minister there and he requested him for the health of the king. When the
minister came there and requested for the health of the king then Khaja
Saheb asked the persons in the meeting to recite a verse of Fatiha
sincerely for the health of the king. When the persons recited the verse
of Fatiha then the Sheikh told the minister To go the king became
healthy. But the illness is signifying of the perfection of Eman (faith)
and due to this reason the sins will be forgiven by Allah.
When the Sheikh of Islam was ended these benefits and he wept and
he said Oh : Darwesh on this way the lovers made the pain and
calamities as their food. When there will no fall of calamity on them,
then they will mourn in this matter. Because on that day, their friend did
not remember and ignored them. If he will not ignore them, then surely
he will be remembered them and involve them in some illness or
calamity. Whenever he will face pain or calamities then he will use to
perform the prayer of thanks of 1000 rakat. In this way, such thanks will

be shown to the friend for remembering him. So oh : Darwesh on the

way of love such person is truly one who desires very much for the pain
and calamities because the pain and misery are always a source of the
light and secrets of Allah.
Afterward, he said Oh : Darwish, Khaja Mansour Hallaj was in
suffering from fever for a period of one year and during this period,
nobody has not seen him decreasing his sincerity of worship of the
Allah. But he was increasing his worship in that condition of illness.
Afterward, he said Oh: Darwesh the people of mystics wrote that
pain, problems and calamities are like sweet to the persons of love which
are distributed among the children at the time of happiness so that they
should feel happy in this matter.
So if there will be no grace in the pain and misery, then Prophet
Adam (A.S.) will not accept both of them. If in grief and sorrow there
will no very much comfort, then Prophet Ayub (A.S.) will not do
patience. If there will no shock and fondness in misery and calamities
then Prophet David (A.S.) will not desire them and will not do
endeavours in them. So while considering these matters the prophets,
pious persons and the lovers wished very much for the misery and
calamity. One who does not have pain in this world, then he will not
become successful in this matter.
Afterward, he said Oh : Darwesh when the Sheikh of Islam said
these words with his holy tongue, then he shut, tears from his eyes and
he said Oh : Darwesh person, we are travelers and we are sitting on
the calamity and which is known as the world. Suddenly our capacity of
life will be folded and our final place and destination is grave. Upon
saying this he was standing and he was engaged in the condition of
During the period of 12 years the words which are heard from me
with the Sheikhs holy tongue of literacy, secrets and symbols, are
recorded in this collection. If the age will allow me for some time, then
I will record the sayings of the Sheikh.

The End.

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