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Review of Related Literature: Henny Roessellaningtias, SS.M.PD

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Academic Writing

Lecturer :
Henny Roessellaningtias, SS.M.Pd
A. Definition of Teaching
Before the writer go to the definition of speaking and vocabulary skill , we
have to know first the meaning of teaching. As Slameto (1988:31) states that Teaching
is plant the knowledge to someone as shortly with the appropriate ways or technique
and Usman & Setiawati (1993:6) state that the teacher must be able to organize
students activity which can use the environment as teaching media.
B. Definition of Speaking and Vocabulary Skill
a. Speaking
Brown (in Islamiyah, 2007, p. 14) states that speaking is a productive skill that
can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably collared by
the accuracy and fluency. While, he also states that speaking is the product of creative
construction of linguistic strings, the speakers make choices of lexicon, structure, and
Poerdarminta (in Islamiyah, 2007, p. 14) states that the classical meaning of
speaking is the ability to talk, and to speak. The main purpose of speaking is to send
the message for the other one or to be able to communicate about something in
language and understood by someone who becomes a listener.
b. Vocabulary
Henry Guntur Taringan (1988:2) states that the people who has many
vocabulary, it probably make their active to speak. Whereas

Sartinah Hardjono

(1988:71) states that all of aspect of foreign language that must be mastery by students
in teaching learning process of foreign language is vocabulary that consider very
important one,
Based on the definition of vocabulary by expert we can get the point that
vocabulary is important aspect in communication that can make it more
C. The importance of Teaching speaking and vocabulary for students
Harmer (2001:267-270) states that there are four point of language feature of
the element of speaking that speakers have to be competent in speaking skill,they are:
Connected speech. It is the sounds modifying in producing
utterance when people speak. In which includes modifying
(assimilation), omitting (elision), adding (linking), or weakening
(through contraction and stress patterning).
Ahmad Torik
English Department of
Jl. AR Saleh No 21 Nganjuk

Academic Writing
Lecturer :
Henny Roessellaningtias, SS.M.Pd
Expressive devices. It is the stress and pitch variation in
producing utterance in order to convey the truth meaning of the
messages meant by the speaker. It includes the variation of the
volume and speed of the speech. By using these devices, people
will be able to show what and how they feel to whom they are
talking to.
Grammar and lexis. People live in different ways, places and
environments which is causing a different mind set too. Therefore,
teachers need to supply their students with various phrases for
different function in their speaking
classroom activity. For instance, students will know what
expressions theyhave to use appropriately in different stages of
Negotiation language. This is the speech clarification. It is the
use of language on how to clarify and to show what they means.
Sometimes people do not hear or understand what other peoples
saying. Therefore, it is necessary to have an appropriate language
of how to clarify in order to avoid missunderstanding between
speaker and the listener (Harmer,2001: 267-270)
As an English teacher, we believe that in learning English as a second language
the learners should mastery the base component of English such as sound system, the
basic structural pattern and a limited number of vocabulary items. Mastery vocabulary
is must be in our life both in interacting and learning. Without vocabulary we cannot
express our idea, it is a tool in our mind to think and solve the problem. More words
you have in your mind give you more ways to think and solve the problem. We realized
that vocabulary is the most importance think in our life for communication.
Pikulski and Templetion, (2004:5) states that one reason teachers are concerned
about teaching vocabulary is to facilitate the comprehension of a test which students
will be assigned to read. If students do not know the meaning of many of the words
which they will encounter in a text, their comprehension of that selection is likely to be
compromised. When the purpose of the vocabulary instruction is to facilitate the
comprehension of the selection, it is obvious that this instruction must take place as an
introduction before the reading of the selection.
Vocabulary is not a developmental skill or one that can ever be seen as fully
mastered. The expansion and elaboration of vocabularies is something that extends
across a lifetime (Hibert and Kamil 2005:2). Most of teaching program has a major
aims as a process for helping the students to gain more vocabulary of useful word. As a
teacher, we have to introduce the new words or vocabulary and the students need to do
some practice by relating a word to another words or making in a sentence. Vocabulary
is exactly important in mastering English, because many vocabularies which are
mastered, it means more ideas they can express or many ideas of people. So the
students will realize that a word can show many meanings and many words have one

Ahmad Torik
English Department of
Jl. AR Saleh No 21 Nganjuk

Academic Writing
Lecturer :
Henny Roessellaningtias, SS.M.Pd
meaning. If students has know about that, they will try to make a sentence in other form
and try to look for a new word which the meaning almost same or synonym.
From those statements above, we know as clear that vocabulary is really needed
especially for young learning English in learning a foreign language because it helps
them to know how to express and understand others idea as well. Students with poor
mastery of vocabulary cannot communicate in target language well; consequently they
will not be able to infer any ideas transmitted to them. In learning English vocabulary as
one of the aspects of foreign language component is deemed to the big problem. If
learners have sufficient stock of vocabulary, they will not be able to graphs any
expression to them.
D. Definition of drill technique
Speaking skill preceded by listening. Through listening, people know
vocabulary they do not know before. Larsen-Freeman (2000:46) state that we have to
use drills if we want the students to be able to speak English communicatively.
Furthermore, she explained that drills, as part of audio-lingual method, have been used
in teaching speaking. Since the primary goal of the audio-lingual method is to use the
target language communicatively, drills are suitable for teaching speaking or
From the statement above writer can conclude that drill technique suitable for
teaching speaking or vocabulary
E. The classification of drilling technique
There is some kind of drill technique that we can use in the classroom
activities such as :
1. Inquiry technique
In this technique a group of students given assignment to solve
the problem through cooperative team
2. Discovery technique
In discovery technique teacher ask students to make discussions
to other students
3. Micro teaching technique
In this technique students taught to brave and confidence, by
guiding the teacher students can more actively to make communication
without shy
4. Students book technique
Teaching students base on students book activities
5. Independent technique
Teacher Ask the students to study by their selves in school
home or others
Ahmad Torik
English Department of
Jl. AR Saleh No 21 Nganjuk

Academic Writing
Lecturer :
Henny Roessellaningtias, SS.M.Pd
F. Developing speaking and vocabulary skill by using drill technique
Drilling deals with Psychomotoric process in which the competencies that are
developed by the technique are listening and speaking skills. Listening is one of the
skills in which the learners try to get information (word, phrase or sentence) from the
teachers statements, vocabularies or sentences. Then, they repeat it. That repetition is
the realization of learners speaking skill and as the media for the teacher to check the
learners pronunciation .there are five step to use drill in class room :
1. Students first hear a model dialogue (either read by the teacher or on tape)
containing the key structure that are the focus of the lesson. They repeat each line of
the dialogue, individually and in chorus. The teacher pays attention to pronunciation,
intonation, and fluency. Correction of mistakes of speaking or grammar is direct and
immediate. The dialogue is memorized gradually, line by line. A line may be broken
down into several phrases if necessary. The dialogue is read aloud in chorus, one half
saying one speakers part and one other half responding. The students do not consult
their book throughout this phase.(2). The dialogue is adapted to the students interest
or situation, through changing certain key words or phrases. This is acted out by the
students.(3). Certain key structure from the dialogue are selected and use as the basis
for pattern drills of different kinds. These are first practiced in chorus and then
individually. Some grammatical explanation may be offered at this point, but this kept
to an absolute minimum.(4). The students may refer to their textbook, and follow-up
reading, writing, or vocabulary activities based on the dialogue may be introduced.(5).
Follow-up activities may take place in the language laboratory, where further dialogue
and drill work is carried out.

G. Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this study is :

Alternative hypothesis
There is influence of developing speaking and vocabulary skill by
drilling technique at Accounting Class of SMK PGRI 2 Nganjuk in
Academic year 2015/2016

Ahmad Torik
English Department of
Jl. AR Saleh No 21 Nganjuk

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