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2010 Content Analysis RUBRIC

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Name: __________________________________ Due Date __________________.

All of the concepts below are important. However, the portions in grey are weighted more heavily in each section.

Criteria NE – Level 1 – Level 2 – Level 3 – Level 4 –

< 50% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 100%

The expectations for this Limited grasp and use of Some grasp and use of Considerable grasp and use Thorough grasp and use of
assignment have not been course terms and concepts. course terms and concepts. of course terms and course terms and concepts.
met. concepts.

The expectations for the There is limited utilization There is some utilization of There is considerable There is through utilization
assignment have not been of content analysis content analysis strategies. utilization of content of content analysis
Knowledge/ met. strategies. analysis strategies. strategies..
The expectations for the Incorrect bibliography/works Some portions of Many portions of Bibliography/Works Cited
assignment have not been cited list. bibliography/works cited list bibliography/works cited list list done precisely.
met. formatted correctly. formatted correctly.

The expectations for the There is little or no effort for There is some effort to title There is a creative title. There is an effective,
assignment have not been a creative title. the work. inventive and creative title.

The expectations for the Limited organization of Some organization of Considerable organization of Thorough organization of
assignment have not been research. research. research. research.
met. Primary and Secondary Primary and Secondary Primary and Secondary Primary and Secondary
Thinking/ research has been conducted research has been conducted research has been conducted research has been conducted
ineffectively. in an adequate manner. in an effective manner. in a highly effective manner.
The expectations for the There is little evidence of There is evidence of some There is sufficient analysis There is thorough analysis or
assignment have not been analysis or interpretation of analysis or interpretation of or interpretation of the issue interpretation of the issue in
met. the issue in relation to the the issue in relation to the in relation to the social relation to the social
social sciences. social sciences. sciences. sciences.

The expectations for the The introduction and/or The introduction and/or The introduction and/or The introduction and/or
assignment have not been conclusion is weak and conclusion attempts to conclusion engages the conclusion provokes strong
met. unclear. engage the reader and to reader and outlines the interest in the reader, and
outline the hypothesis. hypothesis. clearly outlines the

The expectations for the There is limited overall There is some overall There is considerable overall There is thorough overall
assignment have not been organization and coherence organization and coherence organization and coherence organization and coherence
met. between paragraphs. between paragraphs. between paragraphs. between and within
Communication paragraphs.

The expectations for the The diction and level of The diction and level of The diction and level of The diction and level of
assignment have not been language demonstrates language demonstrates some language demonstrates language demonstrates
met. limited knowledge of the knowledge of the considerable knowledge of thorough knowledge of the
requirements of a formal requirements of a formal the requirements of a formal requirements of a formal
research report. research report. research report. research report.

The expectations for the The use of language The use of language The use of language The use of language
assignment have not been conventions and mechanics conventions and mechanics conventions and mechanics conventions and mechanics
met. (spelling, grammar, (spelling, grammar, (spelling, grammar, (spelling, grammar,
punctuation) is limited. punctuation) is inconsistent. punctuation) is almost punctuation) is correct.

The expectations for this Techniques of citing Techniques of citing Techniques of citing Techniques of citing
assignment have not been resources applied with resources applied with some resources applied with resources applied with high
met. limited effectiveness. effectiveness. considerable effectiveness. degree of effectiveness.

Application The expectations for this Limited connections of Some thoughtful Considerably effective Effective, mature
assignment have not been course concepts to research connections of course connections of course connections of course
met. concepts to research concepts to research concepts to research

Things to Consider in the future:

Seek assistance with organization Have a parent or another peer read your work

Get help with Bibliographies


Be critical about Internet sources

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