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Stefan Marinov's Magnetic Vortex Hyper-Ionization Device (MAGVID)

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Page dedicated to the memory of Stefan Marinov and his

Magnetic Vortex Hyper-Ionization Device (MAGVID)

By Vencislav Bujic

All the data and information on this web site is for free and may be used only for private
and/or educational purposes, but not for commercial purposes and/or applications.

This page is dedicated to the memory of Stefan Marinov and his device titled "Magnetic
Vortex Hyper-Ionization Device". It was reported that Marinov was working on it, which
means working with real device that he build, just one month before his sudden,
unexpected dead. There is high chance that his dead has connection to the testing of this
device, and that it was not 'suicide' as officially stated. Marinov was good Christian and
nobody expected him to commit suicide. According to official news he presumably
jumped off from the top of the four level outside emergency staircase of the Bibliotheque
in Graz, Austria, but nobody actually saw him jumping off. He was still alive, not even
bleeding, then ambulance and police arrived, and Marinov died on a way to hospital. The
police never notified anybody, including his soon in Bulgaria. They sealed his apartment,
not letting anybody inside, and also refused to release any letter found there, and refused
giving any information.

Stefan Marinov was born in Bulgaria, then when he got a passport, he moved to
Washington. Secret agencies and their 'elite' bosses, who control sources of energy, and
are confusing people, the same that prevented Tesla and many others from giving to all
the people source of free energy, didn't let Marinov alone when he went back to Europe,
this time to Italy and Austria. His life was ended abruptly... He had big plans for the
future, making various future collaborations, planed to attend International Physics
Conference in Koln, Germany, on 25th of August 1997, and even made hotel reservation
for the conference, for him and his college Professor P.T. Pappas from Athens, Greece.

The design of this device was brought to my attention recently, I haven't been familiar
with Stefan Marinov or his work, including this device, and most important reason I want
to make this page is because I feel there is something important in the device since it
bothered too much those who are currently in power. So, let me transfer this knowledge
to everybody who wants to learn more. You are invited to download all the material from
this page on your computer, so this information will not disappear.

Note - Again, I have not build this device, all I have is just papers that I received. I don't
know does this device works as claimed, it is here "as is". And I'm only presenting this
material to all researches interested in truth. Since I don't work on devices that are
'ionizing' space, my main area of interest are +propelentless, electromagnetic motors that
create unidirectional thrust+, and probably I would ignore this material and device if it
hadn't been developed and tested by Stefan Marinov just one month before his 'suicide'
on 15 july 1997, which gives this device weight, so to speak. Also, it does look similar to
one of my designs of motor, although theory behind it is somewhat different.

If you have some document about Marinov's work and devices and you want it to be on
this web site, then just submit it to me, with description what it is. Here you can also read
Marinov's work ANNUS HORRIBILIS.

Vencislav Bujic
14 January 2002

Reported effects of Magnetic Vortex Hyper-Ionization Device:

1) Production of extreme High Voltage.
2) The rotating magnetic field spins compass needle.

1) EM Doppler effects.
2) Time dilation (measured from inside) with all that follows it:

- Resultant time compression of EM radiation.

- Resultant decrease in perceived inertia and mass.
- Resultant greater perceived acceleration with less force (measured from
- Resultant speed compression (low speed inside, appears as high speed
3) Shielding effect on the inside by the oblate spheroids of ionized particles and electrons
outside the device. Anything that comes in contact with the rotating ionization cloud
would be heated and swirled.

The description of Magnetic Vortex Hyper-Ionization Device

First part is text, then images follow:
( while reading, keep in mind that only second, better method "a four-coil, two-phase ring"
described in text bellow is also shown on the images at the bottom. )



...The extreme electrical ionization of matter in this experiment produces many

anomalous effects with many uses, i.e.: as a lightweight HV power supply, non-motional
EM Doppler effects, time dilation and associated bandwidth compression in violation of
the Shannon’s limit, a=F/m inertial modification, as well as spectacular visual display
around the experiment (above 3MHz).

There are three fields we can use to set up an electric vacuum inside of the experiment by
pumping electrons into an external electric sheet. These are:

(1) Static magnetic fields

(2) Alternating magnetic fields
(3) Pulsating (PDC) magnetic fields

Let's start with classical electromagnetics point of view: Imagine a permanent magnet
with North pole out of your computer monitor. Its flux lines can be imagined as a large
number of X marks on your screen. An electron moves in the plane of the monitor from
left to right. As the electron cuts the lines of magnetic flux, Lorentz force F = qvB
deflects it downward. The electron actually spirals clockwise in the plane of the computer
monitor with radius r = mv / qB, with B in Teslas and all other measures in MKSA units.
If the electron came from opposite direction it would spiral same direction, or clockwise
as we see it.

Lorentz force derives from static magnetic fields when there is relative motion between
the magnetic field and electron. No force acts on the electron when its motion is parallel
to the lines of magnetic flux. The force acts on the electron only when the magnetic flux
lines are cut. And this static magnetic field is conservative (performs no work). The
relevant Maxwell equation here is curl E = dB/dt, and since the flux density is static here,
dB/dt is zero, curl E is zero, and the field is by definition conservative. No work is done
on electrons, so we deduce that the electrons spiral but maintain the same velocity and
kinetic energy.

Static electrons can also be accelerated by magnetic fields. In that case curl E is nonzero
and electrons must absorb energy, or must be accelerated, by the time-variant magnetic
field. This case is actually the same as the above case, but as electric current changes in
the coil producing the magnetic flux, this flux expands or collapses. There is still a
relative motion and electrons still experience the same Lorentz force. For example,
sending pulsating (PDC) instead of direct current through the same coil in the same
direction causes the same spiraling effect on static electrons as the static magnetic field
had on moving electrons. Sending alternating current (AC) through the coil causes
periodic reversals of electrons. The field around the coil can be given by E(r,t) =
1/2pir*dP/dt, where P is flux in webers. The electric lines form concentric circles about
the coil, and another way to say this is E = f * B, where f is frequency in Hz, B is average
flux density of a periodic flux, and E is in volts per meter close to the coil. These three
fields, static, AC, and PDC make for any manipulation of electrons inside the experiment.

Two methods exist to produce the electric sheet outside of the experiment. Both require
pumping electrons from inside the experiment into a sheet of electricity outside. The first
method does this from a central magnetic pole. A strong static magnetic field is set up,
and PDC is sent oppositively through the pole to set up circular electric lines around it.
Electrons are accelerated circularly around the pole and as soon as they move they
experience an outward centrifugal deflection qvB. Each electron which leaves the center
of the experiment leaves a positive electric hole, and so there is also an internal electric
centripetal field F = knqq/rr, where n is the number of electrons removed to the external
electric sheet. Each electron has potential energy - kq/r, and the experiment has the same
potential energy, so it is electrically excited, because excitation is the only way matter
absorbs electric energy without heating. Also, one may view removing an electron from
an atom as "exciting it past ionization potential." The problem here is that the electrons
are limited to the speed of light, and one may assume they gain lightspeed (or close to it)
instantly in any tangible electric field (by v=Eqt/electronmass, provided that the inter-
collision time is high enough). Thus speed of light acts to limit the qvB centrifugal force
and so limit the power in the field to around 40 megajoules, very marginal.

The second method (shown on diagram bellow) utilizes a four-coil, two-phase ring,
exactly the same as in two-phase AC motor stators. The time variant magnetic field
produced by such AC motor stator arrangement is identical with a magnetic field of a real
permanent magnet rotating around the axis Y in the plane XZ. Imagine such a rotating
magnet in the plane of your computer monitor (plane XZ on diagram). It can be shown
that the lines of rotating magnetic flux cut electrons in such a way that Lorentz force
creates unidirectional electric lines through the plane of your computer monitor (plane
XZ on diagram). In other words, electrons appear to be "blown through the surface of the
computer monitor" just like air molecules are blown by a circular fan blade. When we
add a static magnetic filed (a central pole) just like in the first method (i.e.: by a
solenoidial coil positioned into the monitor, or along Y-axis), its magnetic lines of flux
are perpendicular to the flux lines of the rotating magnetic field. As a result of this unique
juxtaposition of these static and rotating magnetic fields, electrons are sucked from in
front of the monitor surface, but since they are limited to the speed of light, they enter the
static magnetic field only so far before assuming a circular orbit through Lorentz
deflection. Electrons are pulled from inside of the experiment parallel to static flux lines
and when they begin to cut the static flux lines just below the surface of your computer
monitor, they spiral out to the same radius as above. Without velocity greater than light
they can go no further. So light speed, once the limiting factor, now allows the field to
achieve almost any energy. No energy is lost in this field except through collisions with
air molecules, which effects are minimized at higher frequencies, and become
nonexistent in vacuum. The density of the field is a function of solely the frequency of
the magnetic vortex (rotating field) and flux density B, or in other terms: the resultant
electric field strength in volts per meter. The stronger this electric field, the more
electrons are stripped from inside the experiment and more dense the external electric
sheet becomes. Very little energy is required at higher frequencies to produce sheets
dense enough to exhibit anomalous effects.

Note: an oblate hemispheroid sheets of charge are formed outside of this experiment,
which may become very dense. Anything in these hemispheres will be heated electrically.
However, inside the experiment, despite powerful electric fields, the internal Joule
heating is nonexistent because electrons are held outside, and the electric fields are no
more dangerous than the 10 kV/m field under a thundercloud. Outside the experiment,
the charge in either hemisphere rotates opposite to that in the other hemisphere. This can
be seen by considering the Lorentz force. Electrons entering the static magnetic field
from outside are deflected in one direction. Electrons leaving the static field from the
inside are deflected in the opposite direction.

The main problem we had, was finding means for excitation without relaxation, which
normally releases all stored energy in apx. 10 nanoseconds. Energy required for any
significant frequency shift is enormous. Setting up a weak static magnetic field allows a
sort of resonance effect, where massive amounts of energy are absorbed by the field
without release. Excitation and resonance are only obtainable when relaxation is
eliminated as it can be in the magnetic vortex system...


Four-coil, two-phase ring desing:

The same image as above, but with 180 degrees turn:
Note classic flying saucer shape, with disk, central dome and central tube. The part with
large AC stator rings for producing the rotating field will be at the bottom in disk shape
enclosure, with cylindrical enclosure for orthogonal solenoid which produces the static
field. Note that solenoid in the center looks like coil/tube that was reported so many times
by people who were inside extraterrestrial crafts (UFO). Its usually a tube/coil structure,
in diameter between 30 to 70 cm / 1 to 2 feet (depends on case) that goes through central
part of the craft, and the tube/coil is always in vertical position, exactly in the center.
High Voltage separation:
more to come...

Standard disclaimer:
I take no responsibility, any form of liability for anything that might
happen if you decide to build and/or test this device.
This device includes high voltage and is not intended for the
All the risks and damages are entirely the responsibility of the user.

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