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Final Exam Study Guide SP16

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Principles of Management (MGMT 3361): Study Guide for Final Exam

The final exam will be worth 100 points and will consist of 50 multiple choice and true-false
items. It will cover all material that we covered since the midterm exam (Ch. 9, 10, 11, 13, 14,
15, 16, 18), with emphasis on material we discussed in class. Please bring a scantron with you to
class on the final exam date (Monday, May 9, 10:15 AM-12:00 PM). The questions listed
below may be used as a general guide to help you prepare for the test. Sections of the textbook
that are not indicated below will not be tested on the exam.
Organizational Design (Ch 9)
1) Distinguish between organizational structure and process.
Organizational structure is the vertical and horizontal configuration of departments,
authority and jobs within a company. who reports to whom and who does what and
where is the work done
Organizational process is the collection of activities that transforms inputs into outputs
that customers value. It ask how do things get done
2) What is job specialization? A job composed of a small part of a larger task or process.
Simple, easy to learn steps, low variety and high repetition, characterizes specialized
What are some examples of specialized jobs? Mcdonalds drive through.
How can job rotation, enlargement, and enrichment be used to improve specialized jobs?
Job rotation attempts to overcome the disadvantages of job specialization by periodically
moving workers form one specialized job to another to give them more variety and the
opportunity to use different skills
Job enlargement increases the number of different tasks that a worker performs within
one particular job. Instead of being assigned just one task, workers with enlarged jobs are
given several tasks to perform.
Job enrichments attempts to overcome the deficiencies in specialized work by increasing
the number of tasks and by giving workers the authority and control to make meaningful
decisions about their work.
3) What are the 5 core job dimensions of the Job Characteristics Model?
Skill variety: is the number of different actitivites performed in a job
Task variety: is the degree to which a job, from beginning to end, requires completition of
a whole and identifiable piece of work.

Task significance: is the degree to which a job is perceived to have a substancial impact
on others inside or outside the organization.
Autonomy is the degree to which a job gives workers the discretion, freedom and
independence to decide how and when to accomplish the work.
Feedback is the amount of information the job provides to workers about their work
How do they influence the 3 critical psychological states?
Skill variety, task identity and task significance influence in experienced meaningfulness
of the work
Autonomy influence in experienced responsibility for the outcomes of work
Feedback influences the knowledge of the actual results of work acitivity
What outcomes will result? How does employee need for growth influence this process?
Managing Work Teams (Ch 10)
1) What is a work team? A small number of people with complementary skills who hold
themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance
goals, and improving interdependent work process
2) Be able to define the following types of work teams:
cross-functional teams are intentionally composed of employees from different functional
areas of the organization. Because their members have different functional backgrounds,
education and experience, cross functional teams usually attack problems from multiple
virtual teams; are groups of geographically and or organizationally dispersed coworkers
who use a combination of telecommunications and information technologies to
accomplish an organizational task.
project teams; are created to complete specific one time projects or task within a limited
time. Are often used to develop new products, or to improve existing ones.
traditional work groups where two or more people work together to achieve a shared
goal. In these groups, workers are responsible for doing the work or executing the task
but they do not have direct responsibility or control over their work
self-managing teams are different from semi autonomous work groups in that team
members manage and control all of the major task directly related to production of a
product or service without firs getting approval from management.

3) Why are work teams popular? They help organizations respond to specific problems and
challenges. though work teams are not the answer for every situation or organization, if
the right teams are used properly and in the right settings, teams can dramatically
improve company performance over more traditional management approaches while also
instilling a sense of vitality in the workplace that is otherwise difficult to achieve.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using teams in organizations?
Improve customer satisfaction; one ways is to create work teams that are trained to meet
the needs of specific customers,
Product and service quality, teams take responsibility for the quality of the products and
service they produce or sell.
Speed and efficiency in product development.
Employee job satisfaction, it gives workers a chance to improve their skills. (cross
Decision making : because team members posses different knowledge, skills, abilities and
experiences a team is able to view problems from multiple perspectives. This diversity of
viewpoints increase the odds that team decisions will solve the underlying causes of
problems and not just address the symptoms.
Initially high turnover, teams arent for everyone, and some workers hesitate at the
responsibility, effort and learning required in team settings.
Social loafing occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share
of the work. Social loafing is more likely to occur in larger groups where identifying and
monitoring efforts of individual team members can be difficult.
Group thinking: members of highly cohesive groups feel intense pressure not to disagree
with each other so that the group can approve a proposed solution.
Minority domination is especially likely to occur when the team leader talks so much
during team discussions, effectively discouraging other team members from speaking up.
When that happens, team performance drop significantly.

4) Understand the following concepts related to teams:

Autonomy is the degree in which workers have the discretion, freedom, and
independence to decide how and when to accomplish their job. .
Team cohesiveness. Is the extent to which team members are attracted to a team and
motivated to remain in it. Team cohesiveness suffers when members are allowed to
withdraw from the team and miss team meeting and events. It creates additional
opportunities fro teammates to work together. Engaging in nonwork activities as a team
can help build cohesion. Companies build team cohesiveness by making employees feel
that hey are part of the organization
Social loafing, behavior in which team members withhold their efforts and fail to perform
their share of the work.
Team size, the relationship between team size and performance appear to be curvilinear.
Very small or very large teams may not perform as well as moderately sized teams. The
right size is between six and nine members. A Team of this size is small enough for the
team members to get to know each other and to contribute in a meaningful way and is
large enough to take advantage of team members diverse skills, knowledge and
Team conflict. Primary cause of team conflict is disagreement over team goals and
priorities, also it includes disagreements over task-related issues, interpersonal
incompatibilities and simple fatigue.
Cognitive conflict, focuses on problem related differences of opinion, members disagree
because of different experiences and expertise,
Affective conflict refers to emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements
become personal rather than professional. It results in anger, hostility, resentment distrust,
Team norms. Informally agreed-on standards that regulate team behavior. It regulates the
every day actions that allow teams to function effectively. Teams with negative norms
influent team members to engage in negative behaviors.
Managing Human Resources (Ch. 11)
1) What is human resource management?
The process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people to form a qualified work
2) Explain what job analysis

is a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important workrelated aspects of a job.
How is it used by organizations?
It collects four kinds of information; work activities such as what workers do and how,
when and why they do it. The tools and equipment used to do the job. The context in
which the job is performed, such as the actual working conditions or schedule. The
personnel requirements for performing the job, meaning the knowledge, skills, and
abilities needed to do a job well.
What are job specification and job description?
Job specification, a written summary of the qualifications needed to successfully perform
a particular job
Job description, a written description of the basic task, duties, and responsibilities
required of an employee holding a particular job.
3) Describe how the recruitment process occurs.
Distinguish between internal and external recruiting.
Internal recruiting:
is the process of developing a apool of qualified job applicants from people who already
work in the company. Internal recruting, sometimes called promotion from within
improves employee commitments, morale, and motivation.
Job posting is a procedure for advertising job openings within the company to existing
employees. It helps organizations discover hidden talent, allows employees to take
responsibility for career planning, and makes it easier fro companies to retain talented
workers who are dissatisfied in their current jobs and would otherwise leave the company
External recruiting:
Is the process of developing a pool of qualified job applicants from outside the company.
The methods include advertising, employee referrals, walk-ins, outside organizations,
employment services, special events, and internet job sites.
4) What is selection? is the process of gathering information about job applicants to
decide who should be offered a job.
Describe the major selection techniques:
Application Forms and Resumes: first selection devices, it contain similar information
about applicant. May only ask for valid, job related information.

Interviews is a selection tool in which company representatives ask job applicants job
related questions to determine whether they are qualified for the job . unstructured
interviews, interviewers are free to ask applicants . Structured interviews, standardized
interview question are prepared ahead of time so all applicants are asked the same
questions. Semistructed intwerviews, lie between structured and unstructured interviews.
Topics to avoid children, age, disabilities, physical characteristcs, name, citizenship,
lawsuits, arrest records, smoking, AIDS, religion, genetic information.
References/background checks: employment references are sources such as previous
employers or coworkers who can provide job-related information about job candidates.
Background checks are procedures used to verify the truthfulness and accuracy of
information that applicants provide about themselves and to uncover negative, job-related
background information not provided by applicants.
Cognitive ability tests: tests that measure the extent to which applicants have abilities in
perceptual speed, verbal comprehension, numerical aptitude, general reasoning, and
spatial aptitude.
Aptitude tests: (specific ability test), measures the extent to which an applicant possesses
the particular kind of ability needed to do a job well.
Work sample tests, (performance tests) , require applicants to perform tasks that are
actually done on the job.
Assessment centers: use a series of job specific simulations that are graded by multiple
trained observers to determine applicants ability to perform managerial work.
5) Describe the differences between structured and unstructured interviews.
Structured interviews- standardized interviews questions prepared ahead of time so that
all applicants are asked the same job related questions. It also ensures that interviewrs ask
only important, job related information. Situational questions (ask how they would
respond in a hypothetical situation) Behavioral questions( ask what they did in their
previous jobs) Background questions( ask about their work experience) Job
knowledge( ask to demonstrate their knowledge))
Unstructured interviews, interviewers are free to ask applicants anything they want and
studies show that they do. While unsturcutred interviews do predict job performance with
some success, they are about half as accure as structured interviews at predicting which
job applicants should be hired.
Which types have more validity?

6) What is performance appraisal?

Is the process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs. It is used for
fourbroad purpose: making administrative decisions (pay increase, promotion) providing
feedback fro employee development, evaluating human resource programs and for
documentation purposes.
Distinguish between objective and subjective performance measures.
Objective performance measures: measures of job performance that are easily and
directly counted or quantified.
Subjective performance measures: require that someone judge or assess a workers
7) Describe the 360 degree feedback approach to appraisal.
A performance appraisal process in which feedback is obtained from the boss,
subordinates, peers, and coworkers, and the employees themselves.
Motivation (Ch 13):
1) What is motivation?
Is the set of forces that initiates, direct, and makes people persist in their efforts to
accomplish a goal.
What are the three elements of motivation?
Initiation of effort, is concerned with the choices that people make about how much effort
to put forth in their jobs.
Direction of effort, is concerned with the choices that people make in deciding where to
put froth effort in their jobs.
Persistence of eforst is concerned with the choice that people make about how long they
will put forth effort in their jobs before reducing or eliminating those efforts.
2) You should be familiar with the basic idea behind each of the following motivation
theories: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs; McClellands Theory of Needs; Goal-setting
Theory; Equity Theory; Expectancy Theory; and Reinforcement Theory.
Maslows hierarchy of needs- suggest that people are motivated by physiological(food
and water) safety (physically and economic), belongings (friendship, love, social) esteem
(achievement and recognition) and self actualization (realizing your full potential) needs.
McClellands theory of needs. Suggest that people are motivated by the need for
affiliation (to be liked and accepted) the need for achievement (to accomplish challenging
goals ) or the need for power (to influence others)

Goal setting theory says that people will be motivated to the extent to which they accept
specific, challenging goals and receive feedback that indicates their progress toward goal
Equity theory, a theory that states that people will be motivated when they perceive that
they are being treated faily it stresses the importance of perceptions. Regardless of the
actual level of reard people recive they must also perceive that they are being treated
Expectancy theory. The theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they
believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be
rewarded and that they will be offered attractive reward.
Reinforcement theory. The theory that behavior is a function of its consequences, that
behaviors followed by positive consequences will occur more frequently, and that
behaviors followed by negative consequenes, or not followed by positive consequences,
will occur less frequently
3) What are the roles of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards in motivating workers?
Extrinsic rewards are tangible and visible to others and are give to employees contingent
on the performance of specific task or behaviors. Companies use extrinsic reward to
motive people to perform four basic behaviors, join the organization, regularly attend
their jobs, perform their jobs ell, and stay with the organization .
Instrinsic rewards are the natural rewards associated with perfomring a task or activity for
its own sake. Examples include a sense of accomplishment or achievement, a feeling of
Leadership (Ch. 14)
1) What is leadership?
Is the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizationa goals.
2) Know the basic idea* behind each of the following approaches/theories of leadership:
Trait Theory, Behavioral Leadership Theories; Fiedlers Contingency Theory; Path Goal
Theory; Transformational (vs. Transactional) Leadership; and Charismatic Leadership.
(*This involves knowing the different styles of leadership that are associated with each
Trait theory.(great person) Says that the effect leaders posses a similar set of trait or

Drive. Refers to high levels of effort and is characterized by achievement, motivation,

initiative, energy, and tenacity. Leaders always try to make improvement or achive
success in what they are doing.
Desire to lead. They want to be in charge and think about ways to influence or convince
other about what should or should be done
Honesty/ integrity. Honesty is being truthful with others, is a cornerstone leadership,
Integrity is the extent to which leaders do what they say they will do.
Self-confidence. Ir believing in ones abilities, also distinguishes leaders from
nonleaders. Are more likely to gain others confidence.
Emotional stability. Even when things go wrong, they remain even-tempered and
consistent in their outlook.
Cognitive ability. Leaders have the capacity to analyze large information and see patterns,
opportunities or threats where other might not see them.
Knowledge of the business. Understand the key technological decisions and concerns
facing their companies.
Behavioral Leadership Theories.
Initiating structure is the degree to which a leader structures the roles of followers by
setting goals, giving direction, setting deadlines, and assigning task. A leaders ability to
initiate structure primarily affects subordinates job performance.
Consideration is the extent to which a leaders is friendly, approachable and supportive
and shows concern for employees. Consideration primarily affects subordinates job
Fiedlers Contingency Theory.
A leadership theory that states that in order to maximize work group performance, leaders
must be matched to the situation that best fits their leadership style. Leaders are effective
when the work group they lead performs well. , they are generally unable to change their
leadership styles and they will be more effective when their styles are match to the proper
situation. The favorableness of situation permits the leader to influence the behavior of
group members.
Path Goal Theory
Leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and performance by clarifying and clearing
the paths to goals and by increasing the number and kinds of reward available for goal
attainment. Leaders behavior must be a source of immediate or future satisfaction fro
followers. Leaders must complement, not duplicate the characteristics of followrss work
Transformational Leadershio

Generates awareness and acceptance of a groups purpose and mission and gets
employees to see beyond their own needs and self interest for the good of the group.
(charismatic, inspirational, intellectual, individualized consideration)
Transactional Leadership.
Based on an exchange process in which followers are rewarded for good performance
and puished for poor performance.
Charismatic leadership . the behavioral tendencies and personal characteristics of leaders
that create an exceptionally strong relationship between them and their followers.
Communication (Ch. 15):
1) What is communication?
Is the process of transmitting information from one person or place to another.
What are the components of the interpersonal communication model (e.g., encoding,
decoding, feedback, noise)?
2) Distinguish between formal and informal channels of communication.
Formal communication channel. Is the system of official channels that carry
organizationally approved messages and information.
Downward communication flows from higher to lower levels in organization. It is used to
issue orders down the organizational hierarchy, to give organizational members jobrelated information, to give managers and workers performance reviews from upper
managers and to clarify organizational objectives and goals.
Upward communication flows from lower levels to higher levels in an organization. It is
used to give higher-level managers feedback about operations, issues , and problems
Horizontal communication flows among managers and workers who are at the same
organizational level, it helps facilitate coordination an cooperation between different parts
of a company and allows coworkers to share relevant information.
Informal communication channel(grapevine) the transmissions of messages from
employee to employee outside of formal communication channels. It arise out of
informal communication networks such as the gossip or cluster chains. The information
flows freely and quickly through organizations.
3) Distinguish between oral and written channels of communication.
Oral communication.

Includes face to face interactions, Managers generally prefer oral communication over
written because it provides opportunity to ask questions. It is a rich communication
medium because it allows manager to receive and asses the nonverbal communication
that accompanies spoken messages( body langues, facil expressions and the voice). When
the message is simple, a memo or email is a better medium
Written communication.
Includes letters, email and memos. It is well suited for delivering straight forward
messages and information. Email is fastes growing communication form in organizations
because of convenience and speed. However it lacks the formality of memos and lacks
nonverbal cues.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each channel?
4) What is nonverbal communication?
Is any communication that doesnt involve words. Alwmost always acoompanies verbal
communication and may either support or contradict it.
What are the forms of nonverbal communication (e.g., paralanguage) discussed in the
Kinesics. (movement) are movements of the body and face. These movements include
arm and hand gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, folding arms, crossing legs, and
leaning toward or away from another person. It plays an incredibly important role in
Paralanguage includes the pitch, rate, tone, volume, and speaking pattern (use of silences,
pauses, or hesistations) of ones voice. Unsure- people decrese their voices, when they
are nervous, they talk fast.
Why is nonverbal communication important?
Understanding the different forms of non verbal communication can benefits teamworks,
or businesses.
5) What is active listening?
Means assuming half the responsibility for succesfull communication by actively giving
the speaker nonjudgmental feedback that shows youve accurately heard what he or she
How can one become an active listener?
Clarify responses, by asking the speaer to explain confusing or ambiguous statements.
Paraphrasing, is restating what has been said in your own words.
Summarizing is rewing the speakers main points or emotions.

It gives the speaker the chance to correct the message if active listener has attached the
wrong meaning to it. It also show that the listener is interested.
What is empathic listening?
Means understanding the speakers perspective and personal frame of reference and
giving feedback that conveys that understand to the speaker.
How can one become an empathic listener?
Show your desire to understand, by asking people to talk about whats most important to
them and then giving them sufficient time to talk before responding or interrupting
Reflect the speakers emotions, is also important for empathetic listening because it
demonstrate that you understand the speakers emotions.
Why are these listening techniques important for good communication?
6) Distinguish between constructive and destructive feedback.
Constructive feedback
Is intended to be helpful, corrective, and or encouraging. It is aimed at correcting
deficiencies and motivating employees. Of it to be constructive it must be immediate,
focused on specific behaviors and problem-oriented.
Destructive feedback. Is disapproving without any intention of being helpful and almost
always causes a negative or defensive reaction in the recipient.
How can we make feedback more constructive?
.Of it to be constructive it must be immediate, focused on specific behaviors and

Control (Ch. 16):

1) What is control?
Is a regulatory process of establishing standards to achieve organizational goals,
comparing actual performance against the standards, and taking corrective action when
What steps are involved in this regulatory process?
2) What are standards?
A basis of comparison for measuring the extent of which various kind of organizational
performance are satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

How do companies set standards?

1st must enable goal achievement. If you are meeting the standard but still not achieving
company goals, then the standard may have to be changed.
2nd listening to customers comments, complaints and suggestions or by observing
Benchmarking, that is the process of determining how well other companies perform
business functions or task.
What is benchmarking?
The process of identifying outstanding practice processes, and standards in other
companies and adapting them to your company.
3) Distinguish between feedback control, concurrent control, and feedforward control.
Feedback control.
A mechanism for gathering information about performance deficiencies after they occur.
Concurrent control. Gathers information about performance deficiencies as they occur,
thereby eliminating or shortening the delay between performance and feedback.
Feedforward control. Monitors performance inputs rather than outputs to prevent or
minimize performance deficiencies before they occur.
4) What methods do companies use to maintain control?
Describe each of the following control methods: Bureaucratic Control; Objective Control
(behavioral and output control); Normative Control; Concertive Control; and SelfControl (self-management).
Bureaucratic Control, the use of hierarchical authority to influence employee behavior by
rewarding or punishing employees for compliance or noncompliance with organizational
policies, rules and procedures. Managers emphasize following rules above all else.
Companies are highly resistant to change and slow to respond to customers and
Objective Control. The use of observable measures of worker behavior or outputs to asses
performance and influence behavior.
Behavior control, is the regulation of the behaviors and actions that workers perform on
the job. The basic assumption of behavior control is that if you do the right thing every
day, then those things should lead to goal achievement. It is management- base, which
means that managers are responsible for monitoring and rewarding or punishing workers
for exhibiting desired or undesired behaviors.

Output control, is the regulation of workers results or outputs through rewards and
incentives. It measures how workers behave on the job, it gives managers and workers
the freedom to behave as they see fit as long as they accomplish measurable results. It is
often couple with rewards and incentives.
Normative control, the regulation of workers behavior and decisions through widely
shared organizational values and beliefs. Companies that use normative controls are very
careful about who they hire. Managers and employees learn what they should and should
not do by observing experienced employees and by listening to the stories they tell about
the company.
Concertive control, the regulation of workersbehavior and decision through work group
values and beliefs. Develops in two phases. Group members learn to work with each
other, supervise each others work, and develop guiding values and beliefs. 2nd in the
emergence and formalization of objective rules to guide and control behavior.
Self-control ( is a control system in which managers and workers
control their own behavior. Leaders and managers provide workers with clear
boundaraies withing which they may guide and control their own goals and behaviors.
Leaders and managers teach others the skills they need to maximize and monitor their
own goals and theories. Individuals establish self-control by setting their own goals,
monitoring their own progress, rewarding and punishing themselves, and constructing
positive thought patterns.
Managing Service and Manufacturing Operations (Ch. 18):
1) What is operations management?
Managing the daily production of goods and services.
What is productivity?
A measure of performance that indicates how many inputs it takes to produce or create
and output. The fewer the inputs it takes to create an output, the higher the productivity.
Why is it important?
For companies. Higher productivity results in lower costs, lower prices, faster services,
higher marker share, higher profits.
For countries. Higher standard of living, increased wages, more charitable giving.
2) What is quality?
A product or service free of deficiencies, or the characteristics of a product or service that
satisfies customer needs.

What are the quality-related characteristics for products?

Reliability, the average time between breakdowns.
Serviceabilitity, refers to how easy or difficult it is to fix a product.
Durability is the mean time to failure.
What are the quality-related characteristics for services?
Reliability,is the ability to consistently perform a service well. Reliability matters more
to customers than anything else.
Tangibles. Refers to the appearance of the offices, equipment, and personnel involved
with the delivery of a service.
Responsiveness, is the promptness and willingness with which service providers give
good service
Assurance is the confidence that service providers are knowledgeable, courteous, and
Empathy, is the extent to which service provides give individual attention and care to
customersconcerns and problems.
What is total quality management?
Is an integrated organization-wide strategy fro improving product and service quality. It is
not a specific tool or technique. It is a philosophy or overall approach to management that
is characterized by three principles
Customer focus, means that the entire organization should be focused on meeting
customers needs.
Customer satisfaction, the result of customer focus, which occurs when the companys
products or services meet or exceed customers expectations.
Continuos improvement. Is an ongoing commitment to increase product and service
quality by constantly assessing and improving the processes and procedures used to
create those products and services
Variation, is a deviation in the form, condition, or appearance of a product from the
quality standard fro that product. The less a product varies from the quality standard, or
the more consistently a companys products meet a quality standard, the higher the
Teamwork. Means collaboration between managers and nonmanagers, across business
function, and between the company and its customers and suppliers.
3) Describe the service-profit chain?
The key behind the service profit chain is internal service quality, meaning the quality of
treatment that employees receive from a companys internal service providers.

Employee satisfaction occurs when companies treat employees in a way that meets or
exceed expectations. How employers treat employees is important because it affects
service capability. Service capability is an employee perception of his or her ability to
serve customer will. When organization serves its employees in ways that help them to do
their jobs well, employees are more likely to believe that they can and ought to provide
high values service to customes. High value services lead to customer satisfaction, longterm profits and growth.
What is service recovery?
Restoring customer satisfaction to strongly dissatisfied customers. Sometimes requires
service employees not to fix mistakes but also perform heroic service acts.

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