MITOCW - R3. Document Distance, Insertion and Merge Sort: Professor
MITOCW - R3. Document Distance, Insertion and Merge Sort: Professor
MITOCW - R3. Document Distance, Insertion and Merge Sort: Professor
So did everyone turn in PSET1? Yes? Good. OK, so there is a PSET1 critique due
in a few days. My advice? You already did PSET1. You remember what you wrote
out on the proof. Look at the solution. Write one paragraph today, and you're done
with it. Then you go focus on PSET2. If you leave it off until Tuesday, you're going
to have to read your proof again, remember what you're thinking. It's a lot more
work. Just do it now, get it out of the way, and put PSET1 behind you.
Is the critique only for the proof? Or is this for all of them?
Nope. Just the proof. So you have to compare your proof with our proof?
Uh. PSET1 be Stellar. Oh, no, sorry. It's not in Stellar. It's on our new grading site
that just went out. So you have to go to our new grading site, and you have to type
in your critique there. And it's one paragraph. You should aim for one paragraph. If
you're doing more than that, then you're doing something wrong. And it's LATEX
Plus math mode. So you can use math mode, and that's about it.
OK, any more questions about the critique? It's a new thing. We care about it
because it will make our grading life easier. And because it'll force you to look at the
solutions and see what you understood and what you didn't. So we care about it.
Don't ignore it. Yes?
Like, how much is it weighted? How much does it count toward the grade?
If you don't have a critique, we will most likely give you a 0 for proof.
If your proof is bad and your critique of the proof is good, then you might get
something. If your proof is bad and you have no critique-- actually if your proof is
whatever it is and you have no critique, you get a 0.
Any more questions about that? OK. Who needs help remembering what the
document distance problem is? OK. Everyone who went to lecture or to
[INAUDIBLE] remembers. That's good. Who went to lecture last time? Cool. That's
So we did insertion sort and merge sort from a theoretical standpoint. Today we're
going to look at the code for the insertion sort and, if we have time, look at the code
for merge-sort, and use the same strategy as we did last time to analyze them, look
at the running time, make sure the running time matches the theory, and see how
pseudocode turns into Python.
So you all have your listings. Last time in document distance, we covered Main, and
we covered most of the functions except for count frequency. Can anyone remind
me what the call graph looked like? So the call graph is the tree that I had up on the
left, and it started at Main. Thank you. So Main calls word frequencies for file, which
in turn calls?
So we pretend we don't see the read file called. We assume that the data is already
in memory or that the call takes time that's proportional to the running-- to the
length of the file. And we only look at get-word from line list and count frequency.
OK. Who else does Main call?
Vector angle?
Inner product.
OK. Let's put up the constants for-- for the document distance problem that we used
last time. So we said that the document has W words. And then when you take that
list of words and you turn it into a distance vector, you will get assigned to a
document vector. You will get L elements, which basically means L unique words.
So L is the document vector length.
And we assume we're using a natural language like English, so all the words are
bounded in size. Like 5 to 10 characters, for example. And to make our life easier,
we say all the words have the same size W. So w is the word length.
Using these numbers, can anyone remind me what we said the costs for these
methods are? And we didn't analyze count frequency, so it's OK to not take my
word for it and not tell me what I said last time. But I would like numbers for word
frequencies from file, get word from line list, vector angle, and inner product.
OK. Which-- which one? Does anyone-- does anyone else want to try? Let's not do
guessing. I'll pull them up if nobody remembers. I spent an entire hour on that, and
you guys did too. It was painful.
I know. But we had to, like, you know, add them up, and then--
Yeah. So we did a lot of work for those numbers. So get word from line list was
order of W squared. Does anyone remember why? What made it take so much
'Cause you append it to the word list. For, like, you add it to the end to go through.
So, like, every time you need it, you, like, do word list equals word list plus words in
OK. Excellent. So get words from line list, line five. There's a plus there. And that
plus sign messes up the performance. So that's why it's w squared. Count
frequency, we didn't cover it, you had to take my word for it. So we will cover it now.
And, inner product.
So suppose you have two vectors of line-- length L1 and L2. How much time does it
take to compute the inner product?
L1, L2 time.
L1 L2 time.
L1 L2. So it makes three calls, right? You get the two things. First, it computes the
inner product of the two lists. And then it has to compute the inner product of each
vector-- of each document vector with itself. Because that's what's on the bottom of
the fraction. So what's the running time for that?
Plus L1 squared, plus L2 squared. So someone was really helpful last time and
asked me, can you make this simpler with some math? And I said, I don't know so I
don't think I will. But I looked at-- my, I looked at my high school math afterwards,
and it turns out that these-- so L1 squared plus L2 squared are guaranteed to be
greater than L1 L2 as long as these numbers are positive. And we're working with
document list, so they're always positive. So this will go away.
So let's assume count frequency is w squared or smaller. So the total running time
for word frequencies from file is w squared. What's the running time for everything?
Well, almost. So here W works, assuming you get one document with W words. But
word frequencies from files is called twice, once for each document. First document
has W1 words, second document has W2 words. So what's the running time?
W1 squared plus W2 squared. So I take this, and I add this. Right? Except when I
add this, if I want to add L1 squared, I know L1 is the number of unique documents- of unique words in the document. And W1 is the total number of words in the
document. W1 guaranteed to be greater or equal than L1, so it's going to dominate.
I don't need to add it. Same for L2. This is it.
OK. You guys don't seem to remember the numbers for these. So that means I
didn't torture you enough last time. So let's do more. Let's look at count frequency.
And let's compute the cost for that.
So what we did last time was, we went through each line of code. We thought, how
much time does it take to execute the line once? And how many times does the line
run? And then we compute the product of that, add everything up, and that's the
cost for the function. First off, before I put numbers here, what does the method to
For each item in that list, checks to see if it's-- you know, list of words that it's-counted, right?
Try to look at Main or try to look at word frequencies for files. So look at it top-down,
Making a list of-- and each object is a list with a word and a number.
OK. Excellent. So big picture, I have the first document. I read it in. I break it up into
words. And I have a list of words. That's what word frequencies for file gives me-sorry, that's what you get words from line list gives me. List of words. The fox is in
the hat. And this gets passed to count frequency, and count frequency gives me,
you said, an object, which is a list. Of lists, where each of them has the word and
how many times it shows up. So I would have "the" shows up twice, "fox" shows up
once, "is" shows up once, "in" shows up once, and-- I need a shorter example-"hat" shows up once.
So it takes this and turns it into that. So on line 2, I have a list L that's initialized. And
then, at the end, it's returned. So I'm going to guess that L is going to look like this.
Line 3, for new word in word list, iterates over the input. So iterates over this. And
then, line 4 checks to see, for each new word, it looks at the list that I have under
So exam-- for example, if I ran through all the words and then I'm trying to put in hat
right now, I wouldn't have it here. What line 4 does is, it looks at all the entries. And
it says, if I can find the words-- so if I can find the word hat somewhere here-- then
increment the number. If I can't, then make a new entry and say that the word
shows up once, because it's the first I see it.
So this is what the code does. Now let's see how fast it does that. So line 2 initialize
the output to an empty list. What's the cost for that?
Very good. How many times? For new word in word lists. Cost?
OK, so we are-- here, it's a bit confusing, right? We're saying that, oh, there's does
iteration over a list. And each step of the iteration is constant time, but the iteration
happens L times. I'm sorry, not L times. The length of the list times. How many-how many elements are in word lists?
I heard a very low W, so I will pretend I heard it. Or I hope I heard W. So word list,
the words I got from the document, W. How about the if. So, it looks at the word that
I have-- oh. This code is confusing because I forgot a line, right? Pretend that
between line-- oh, no, sorry, I didn't. New word is-- new word is assigned in line 3.
So new word in line 3 is compared to the first element of the entry that's assigned in
line 4. So hat is compared with the, fox, so on, so forth. And if the comparison is
true, it runs line 6 and 7. And if not, it keeps looping.
So line 5, the if how, many times does it run? Just the comparison.
Oh. Yeah. I'm getting confused too. So let's start with line 4. Sorry. Shouldn't do line
--new word, then you're not-- like, you're not going to run through that again.
Yeah. Let's worry about that right afterwards. Let's do line 4 first. Sorry, I jumped
over line 4. So, line 4 definitely runs W times because it's inside the for loop from
line 3 to line 9. So everything here will definitely run W times. But how many times
does it run overall? So, line 4 iterates over all the entries here. How many times
does that happen?
1 plus W over-- times 10/2, because it's just worst case, L-- the length of L
increases by 1 every time. [INAUDIBLE].
OK, so I like that you started with worst case. Normally I would say exactly that.
Worst case or W. But we had a different constant for the number of words that you
have in the end. So let's say something a little bit better than W. Let's say, let's put
the lower bound on it. So yeah, worst case, all the words are different. But what if
they're not all different? And what if in the end I know I have L words?
Worst case. Almost. So, I know I have a W from the outer loop. For each word in the
outer loop, how many times does the inner loop execute? How many times do I
have to go through something in the inner list? So I know here I have W words,
suppose here I have L elements in the vector. For each one of these, how many
times do I have to go through-- So how many elements do I have to go through
Depends on where you are, though. For the first word, you only have to go through
Yep. But--
Yep. But I heard the worst case. And I like that, because it's easier to reason about
the worst case. And most of the time it's sort of like the average case.
The length of the list, and that's L. Worst case, the first words that I see will be L
different words. And then all the words that I see will be the same as the words that
I saw before. So worst case, the list will grow to L very fast, and then I'll keep seeing
L L L. And I'll ignore what was there in the beginning, and I'll say L times. So I know
the second list is bounded by L in length, the first list is bounded by W in length. So
worst case this runs L times W times. And what's the cost of iterating?
What is the difference between L and W? L is the document vector length, and W is
the number of words. But isn't the number of elements in the document vector the
number of words?
6, yeah.
Well, I think, at the max, there's actually around 250,000, but a lot of them are not
used anymore.
OK. So 250,000, right? Max. So that's a constant. If I have a document that contains
all the writings of all the authors that were ever done, and say that's a billion words,
L is still going to be 250,000. Right? So L can be very different from W. That's why
we're keeping track of them separately.
One W L times W. What's the cost of iterating? So we know how many times line 4
runs, but what's the cost of one step of iterating in the list? 1. Very good. Line 5.
How many times does it run?
W times L?
Yep. Same as line 4, right? The if is run all the time. And lines 5 and 6 only run
sometimes, but-- sorry, line 6 and 7 only run sometimes, but line 5 runs all the time.
What is the cost?
We can say it's constant. I like we can say it's constant, but why is it that we can say
it's constant? Why don't I just say 1, if-- this is an empty list. This is a number.
And we're assuming that words are all the same length.
OK, very good. So we do assume that all the words are the same length. But unless
I tell you that the length is really small, which I did, you can't say 1. So, when you
said we can say it's constant, it's right. We can say, but we also have to say why, or
at least think why, that's the case.
So it's W-- we're going to use W here and when we copy it here, we're going to
forget about it.
Can you put a top bar on the W, just so I can tell that it's not the other W.
OK. So string comparison, not constant. If I have two very long strings that only
differ in the last character, I have to go through them character by character by
character until I find the last character that's different. Because until I look at that,
the strings might be equal. So comparing two long strings takes time that's
proportional to the length of the strings.
OK, so line 5 costs w, tricky part, runs L times W part-- L times W times. How about
line 6 and 7? I didn't ask line 6, I asked line 6 and 7 together, because there is a
trick there.
'Cause it's a number. And one place in the entry. We've already grabbed the entry.
So the cost of running it once is 1. Good. I can tell you that that's the same case for
7. How many times do they run? This is the hard part.
Yep. Break breaks out of the loop between lines 4 and 7. I have a question.
It is supposed to be where it is. I will talk-- yes. So what happens is, that else is in
line with a for. And if the for loop runs to completion, then it does get executed. If
there's a break somewhere inside the for, then it doesn't get executed. So the idea
behind that is, usually use this for finding stuff. So you iterate over a list, and when
you find something, break out of the loop. You did something, you break out of the
loop. If you didn't find it, you can put an else and then say what code happens. And
you don't have to write code on your own to check if you broke out of the loop.
So if break executes, then it's going to take us out of the loop. It's going to ignore
the else. And it's going to run the loop on line 3 again. So it's going to do another
iteration. So line 6 and 7, how many times?
W minus L?
W minus L.
Like, if it's the difference in number of words and number of-- unique words.
Smart. You gave the precise answer right the first time. W minus L. Very good. And
what happens once-- what happens once this runs? Why do I know-- why do I know
that the if won't be-- Oh. Sorry, I'm getting myself confused. So it's going to run W
minus L times total, right? Total times overall without this W thing here, so I should
put an arrow and say-Now suppose I didn't notice this. Is there another way I can get the decent bounds?
So this is the right, perfect answer. You have this, you're done. You don't need to
think further. Suppose you don't have this. What else can you do?
If I didn't notice that, hey, there are L words-- There are L new words, W words
total, so W minus L words repeat themselves. So this is how many times the if is
going to be true. If I didn't have that, then I could see that line 7 breaks out of the
loop. So if that if runs once, then we're done. We're out of the loop. It's not going to
run again. So a bound that's not as precise as the one you gave me is 1 times W,
because it runs, at most, once per loop.
Does people see this? So this is an easy way to cop out of thinking. And I don't like
to think more than necessary, because you have finite time on a test or in life, and
you don't want to spend too much time on one thing. We covered the loop. Let's
look at else and append.
I already got a helpful question, so I explained when the else would run. The
running time for else. Else is a flow-- control flow statement. It's like break, so
Python will keep track of whether a loop completed or not in constant time. I'll give
you that. That's in the cost model. How many times does this else run, at most? OK,
L. Good. Perfect. How about line 9? Loop stops here. How about line 9? How many
times does it run? That's easy.
Yep. And what does it do? It's an append. What's the cost for append?
You guys didn't listen to me last time. So I was saying you have to look at the notes
and you have to practice this. Because you have to have this model in your mind.
So that when you're writing code, this has to happen automatically. You shouldn't
have to think explicitly about it. Because if you do, you're not going to do it.
For the else, shouldn't it be W tim-- I mean, it would be called W times not L times?
Because you want to look at the outer loop and not the inner loop? So it can-- you
call all-- once at the end of the total-- the inner for. Right? So, so it could be-happen W times, maximum, not L times. 'Cause the L is the for loop that the else
coincides with. And the else would only happen once for every total iteration of that.
So I could say, hey, it runs, at most, once for outer loop. So it's, at most, W times.
This is a nice, easy argument. We have a bound. L is a tighter bound. And when I
got L, what happened here was the same kind of thinking that you did earlier to get
this. So this bound is good, this bound is tighter. This bound is good, this bound is
tighter. And the argument behind this one is that, hey, this else only happens for
new words. If there's no new-- if the word that I looked at is old, then break is going
to execute. And else is not going to execute. So that's why I can say L.
The beauty of asymptotics is that I can use either of the bounds and I'll still get the
correct running time. So I'm not going to fuss over it too much. I like the tighter
ones, because it means you guys are thinking. And you're looking at the algorithm,
and you're understanding it. But if you don't have them, you'll still get the correct
running times. So I think that's nice.
OK, let's get the running time for everything. Can someone do it in one step? Then
let's do it step by step. So let's compute partial products. What are they?
W minus L. W. L, L, 1.
OK, so if I add them up, this is all asymptotic. So the biggest one will dominate. In
general, I can just take a max instead of doing actual addition. So who dominates
Fourth-- OK. Yep. So line 5 is the biggest time consumer in this algorithm. And I
know it's W times w-bar. So now I'm going to copy it here. What did I say I'll do
when I'm copying it here?
Instead if you look at total time, you'll see that the worst function is-- surprise,
surprise-- get words from line list. So 5 lines to look at-- hey, there's a plus there. I
remember from lecture that plus copies over lists, and it's kind of slow, so maybe I
should use something else.
Does d remember what else we should use? We talked about that last recitation.
Extend. Document distance 2 . The only difference between it an document
distance 1 is get words from line list, line 5. That plus turned into an extend. One
character turned to six, so about eight keystrokes, 30% runtime improvement. Very
good return on investment. Everything else is going to be harder.
So let's look at that line, because that line dominated the running time of get words
from line list. And think what's, then, your running time for it now that I have extend?
Does anyone remember what get words from line list does?
OK . It gets the word out of the document. So it reads a document that looks like a
regular text file, and it gets this out of it. The way it does that is it goes through each
line, reads the line as a string, breaks up the string into a list of words, and then
combines all those lists of words together. Get words from string, line 4, returns the
number of words in a line. Sorry, the list of words in the line, and then extend
combines the lists together. Let's add some constants that we had last time.
I think we had that K is the number of words per line. And Z is the number of total
lines. So this K is actually-- W over Z. No, I don't like that. That's work. So Z is K W
over K. And we argued that we're not going to talk about K too much, because a
document needs to fit on a screen or needs to fit on a piece of paper. So the line
length has to be finite, right? Otherwise, if I have a document that has 10,000
character lines, I can't even write it on this board. Even though it's really long. So K,
the number of words in a line, is going to be finite. But we'll need it for this analysis.
So line 4 returns a list with the words on a line. How many elements in that list? This
returns a list with how many elements?
So even if I ask easy questions, you guys have to answer. Because otherwise I'll
stall until you do. So 4 gives me a list with K elements, and 5 appends that small list
to the big list of words in the entire document. Before I used plus and that did
something bad. Now I'm using extend. What's the cost of one extend called?
Constant? Order of K?
If Python did it like a linked list , like doubly linked lists, could be order constant?
I like your question. So if Python lists were actually linked lists-- so if the name
wasn't confusing-- then yes, merging two lists would be constant. But then
accessing one element in the middle of a list would not be constant anymore. Say I
want to access element number 200 in a list of 10,000 elements. I have to go
through 200 elements. We didn't do linked lists when we ran it, so don't worry about
So they decided that it's less confusing to have lists actually be arrays. So Python
lists, array in CLRS.
So when you copy, why can't you copy a block? Why do you have to access each
other? Does that make sense?
So, you can copy a block, but in order to copy a block, you still have to move
everything. So if your block is 10,000 elements, you still have to move 10,000 bytes
times element size. And the CPU works on 4 bytes at a time or 8 bytes at a time.
OK. But this is the right kind of thing to be thinking about when you're doing the cost
model. And this is what you want to have in your head when you're writing Python.
Very good. So what is the total running cost of the algorithm if this is the line that
dominates? I don't want to do every other line, so I'll promise that this is the line that
dominates. What is the total running time?
OK. Very good. K times L. And that is? Oh, K. So I shouldn't have said K times L,
sorry. L is not the number of lines. L is the number here, so Z is the number of lines.
So it's K times Z. Which means I'm using bad letters, so please bear with me. We'll
forget about them in a minute. So K times Z equals?
OK. Good. Very good. What do I write here? Word frequencies from file.
W L.
W 1.
OK, do we? Well, the-- No. W, you want to always be bigger than L. I hope.
OK, the algorithm for inner product that we talked about last time was, go through
each element in one of the vectors, find an element with the same word in the
second vector, and if you can find it, then take the number of times the words show
up and multiply them. So here I have a 3, 2. I would find this element here that has
3, 1. I have these everywhere. And I take the 2 and the 1 and I multiply them. So
the 3s have to be the same, then I think the 2 and the 1, and I multiply them. And
for all the elements where that's case, I add up the results of the multiplication.
So step one, go through each element in a vector. That's not going to get faster if
this other vector is sorted, right? But the step of looking up the second element can
be sped up. The first and easiest way I can speed this up is, hey, this is sorted. If
I'm looking up three, why not do a binary search? What would be the cost if I do
So here I have L1 element, here I have L2 elements. What's the cost of doing one
binary search here?
Log of L2?
So if I go through each element here and I do a binary search, which is a nice and
easy algorithm that I can explain in 10 seconds, I'm already faster than L1 L2. So
it's worth sorting. Now, the algorithm that we use in class takes time proportional to
L1 plus L2. So that's even trickier, and it's going to take a bit more time to explain.
Does-- did anyone understand the algorithm for class and wants to help me explain
it? Didn't think so.
OK. So idea is that both of these vectors are sorted. So if I have a 3 here and I
found my 3 here, next time when I get to 4, I know for sure that 4 is not going to be
anywhere here, because this vector is sorted. Say I couldn't find 4, then I go to 6. If
6 is here, when I have to look for 8, I know for sure that 8 is not going to be
anywhere up here.
So what I do is, I have a pointer here that remembers, where's the last element that
I have seen? Does this make sense to people? So when I start here and I look at 3,
I have a pointer here that says, I didn't see anything here. I look at 2, it's not 3. It's
smaller. I look at 3. I found it, good. I do my product. Then I go look for the next
element here, 4. I look at 6. 6 is bigger than 4. So I know for sure that nothing below
it is going to be 4. So I can stop right here and keep my pointer here.
Then I go to 6 here. And I look here. Where did I stop? I stop here. This element
matches this. I do my product. Keep it in. Now I go to 8 here. I was at 6. 6 is smaller
than 8. 7 is smaller than 8. 8 is equal to 8. I found something. Sweet. I do a product.
And then I stop. And I look at the next element. I know for sure that nothing here is
going to be 9, so I can keep looking down. I hit the end of my list. OK. Whatever I
have down here-- it's going 9, 10, 11, 12-- is not going to be in this list, because it
was sorted. So I can stop.
How do you keep going-- What algorithm so you use to keep looking down on L2?
Plus 1.
So what if--
9,000, what?
So I'm not incrementing the number I'm looking at. Here, I looked at 6. Then I'm
looking for 8. And after I found 8, I'm looking for 19,000. So I'm going to go down,
either until I find 90,000 or until I stop.
Because if I do a binary search, the analysis that says it's fast is not going to work. It
turns out that this gives me the optimal running time. If I do a binary search,
suppose I have a list that's like this. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, all the way down to 10,000. Ugh, I
can't write. And I have another list that's like this- 1, 2, 3, 4, all the way down to
10,000. 1, 1. I do a binary search, takes log N. I look at 2. I do a binary search,
takes almost log N. I look at 3, do a binary search, takes almost log N. So on, so
forth. So this is--
Yes. Well, this algorithm takes N time, even if I have to list like this. It takes 10,000
plus 10,000 time. Whereas this algorithm will take time that's actually proportional to
10,000 log 10,000. You believe me. So, a way to look at this is to do bounds and
say, for the elements 1 through 5,000, it's going to do a binary search for more than
5,000 elements. So, the time-- the running time is definitely bigger than N over 2 log
N over 2. Constant. This becomes log N minus 1 and log N.
That is a good question. I wondered about that the first time I saw merge-sort too.
And I was thinking, hey, I'm going to do a binary search here because it's faster,
and I'm going to make a faster algorithm than anyone has ever seen. Well, if you do
the analysis, not so much. But you need to think about it, and you need to know why
that's true or that's not true. So I like your question. Thank you.
So now let's get down so the plain old merge-sort that everyone-- sorry, merge that
everyone knows. So if we go through these one by one, how many times am I going
to be advancing this pointer? In total?
L2 times. So this pointer can only go down, right? So worst case is going to go down
L2 times. And then I'm done with the list, return. How many elements am I going to
look through? So how many times does this pointer going to advance?
This one.
Oh, right. OK, never mind. The reason I said L2 was because--
You're thinking after I'm going through this list, I'm out, right?
So, your answer works if this list, say, has 10 elements and this has 10,000. And I
go through this one really quickly. But if this list has 10 elements and this list has
10,000, and they both start with 1 through 10, I have to say a 1 because that's a
better bound. So I have to say this.
Could you say the opposite value of the difference between the two of them?
Because if you're going to stop at 1 has 10 and the other one has 10,000, and let's
say that only the first ten are actually equal, then you're going to go through that list,
find all 10, and you stop. That would be 9,000--
I could say about that if I'm looking at one case, but the magic trick is-- let's-- we're
looking at the worst case. So worst case, if I have 10 elements, they'll be all the way
down in the other list. Or they won't be there at all. And I have to go down through
all the list.
So worst case, L1 plus L2. Let me see if I have any time left. Nope. So, what I would
like you to do is go through insertion sort. Insertion sort matches the textbook. Look
at the definition in the textbook, look at the code, convince yourself it's the same.
Look at the running time, convince yourself it's N squared. Then look at inner
product and convince yourself that this is what it does.
Go through this line by line, see where they match, put the cost on. Make sure that
the cost is L1 plus L2. And last, go through merge-sort and notice that merge in
[INAUDIBLE] 6 is exactly the same as inner product. So this pointer magic that I did
here is exactly what's happening inside merge. And understand merge-sort. Look at
the textbook, look at the notes, and see how they match. OK. Thanks, guys.