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December 2013

Shock to the system

Dealing with falling electricity demand
Tony Wood and Lucy Carter

The housing wed choose

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Grattan Institute Support

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Grattan Institute Report No. 2013-15, December 2013

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Higher Education Program

This report was written by Tony Wood, Grattan Institute Energy Program
Director, and Lucy Carter, Energy Fellow. Cameron Harrison and James Button
provided extensive research assistance and made substantial contributions to
the report.
We would like to thank the members of Grattan Institutes Energy Reference
Group for their helpful comments, as well as numerous industry participants and
officials for their input.

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Grattan Institute 2013

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This report may be cited as:
Wood, T., Carter, L., and Harrison, C., 2013, Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity
demand, Grattan Institute
ISBN: 978-1-925015-50-8
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Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Electricity use in Australia is falling. From the 1960s to the end of
the 20th century, electricity consumption increased at an average
annual rate of six per cent. Investment in power stations and
electricity networks also rose steadily. Since 2009, however,
eastern states electricity production has fallen and in Western
Australia growth has plateaued since 2011.
Yet this extraordinary fall in demand has not led to a fall in price,
as would occur in a conventional market. Since 2006 the average
household has reduced power use by more than seven per cent.
But in that period the average household power bill has risen
more than 85 per cent: from $890 to $1660 a year. One reason is
that Australians are funding billions of dollars of infrastructure that
falling consumption has made redundant. These price rises are
unsustainable, but who will pay for the correction: power
companies, governments or once again consumers?
Falling consumption has several causes. Customers are
responding to high prices by reducing use or switching to a new
breed of more energy-efficient appliances. The cost of solar
energy has fallen: a million households now have solar PV panels
on their roofs. The economy has become less energy intensive as
the manufacturing sector has declined.
The nature of Australias energy market means that these
changes are not leading to lower prices. Electricity generators
operate in a free market: when consumption falls they must
produce power at a lower price in order to sell it, or reduce
production. But network businesses which carry power from the
Grattan Institute 2013

generator to the business or home and which take about

45 per cent of a households electricity bill are regulated
monopolies not subject to market forces.
For years, regulators have allowed these companies to earn
excessive profits by setting tariffs that are too high given the low
risk they face as monopolies. Some states have also allowed the
companies to overinvest in infrastructure. This was less of a
problem when demand was rising and higher costs were spread
over a larger volume of sales. But when electricity use falls, the
high cost of the network is spread over a smaller volume and
customers pay more. Continually rising prices could induce them
to disconnect from the network. Enough disconnections would
trigger a crisis that insiders call the death spiral.
To prevent this from happening governments must:
Ensure that network companies make future investments
that better match future power needs.
Begin the hard task of reforming network tariffs so that
prices companies charge reflect the costs they incur.
Review the value of network assets to decide who should
pay for any write-down of surplus infrastructure.
These solutions are neither simple nor painless. But consumers
deserve a better system. A future Grattan Institute report will
produce recommendations for how that can be achieved.

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Table of contents
Overview ............................................................................................ 1
1. Electricity use is declining ............................................................ 3
2. Bad news for power bills ............................................................ 10
3. The problem for networks .......................................................... 14
4. Policy implications ..................................................................... 21
References ...................................................................................... 26

Grattan Institute 2013

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand


Electricity use is declining


The structure of the electricity industry

Figure 1.1: Electricity market: Power station to end user

Australias electricity system contains four kinds of businesses

that operate in different kinds of markets, as shown in Figure 1.1.
Power stations, owned by generation businesses, produce
Transmission businesses own the high-voltage poles and
wires that carry electricity across large distances to local
Distribution companies carry power across low-voltage
networks to businesses and homes. Transmission and
distribution companies are known as network businesses.
Electricity retailers manage customers electricity accounts
and are responsible for buying enough power from
generators to supply homes and businesses.
The generators and retailers compete for business and are
exposed to risk if the volume or price of electricity falls. In that way
competition protects consumers. But it doesnt make economic
sense to have multiple physical networks competing to deliver
electricity, so network businesses have a monopoly. An
independent regulator sets prices that should be fair for both
network businesses and consumers.

Source: Grattan Institute


Since 2009-10, electricity consumption in Australias largest

interconnected electricity market, the National Electricity Market
(NEM), has fallen by 4.5 per cent. This fall in electricity
consumption is unprecedented.1

Grattan Institute 2013

Trends in electricity consumption

AEMO (2013b)

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

The NEM is an interconnected system of poles and wires that

delivers electricity to users in the southern and eastern states of
Australia. It spans New South Wales and the Australian Capital
Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
Around 26 per cent of this power is sold to households, with the
rest sold to commercial and industrial users.2 Figures 1.2 and 1.3
show total energy supplied to the grid by generators. Electricity
demand in the NEM reached an all-time high of 206,900 gigawatt
hours in 2008-09. 3 By contrast for the year 2012-13, the total
electricity demand was 193,500 gigawatt hours.4
Figure 1.2 shows the fall in consumption by charting year-to-date
electricity use in the NEM. The figure shows sent out electricity,
which is the amount produced by power stations and transported
through the network.
The change in consumption patterns has not been confined to the
NEM. The South West Interconnected System (SWIS) is
Australias second largest network and supplies power to major
population centres in the south-west of Western Australia.

Figure 1.2: NEM 12-month rolling total of electricity demand, 2005

to 2013









Source: AEMO (1998-2013)

Western Australia has been in the midst of a resources boom,

with growth in gross state product increasing at a rate of five per
cent a year over the decade to June 2013.5

BREE (2013)
The decline in total electricity demand exceeds the decline in final
consumption. Electricity demand and final consumption figures may differ due
to transmission and distribution losses and other losses such as the auxiliary
load of power consumed by generators.
AEMO (2013b)

Grattan Institute 2013

Despite this, electricity use in the SWIS has been flat for the past
several years, as Figure 1.3 shows.

ABS (2013a)

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Figure 1.3: SWIS 12-month rolling total of electricity demand, 2007

to 2013

Figure 1.4: Australian consumption of electricity, 1960 to 2012



300 000


250 000


200 000


150 000


100 000


50 000







Source: IMO (2013)

Declining electricity use is new for Australias power sector. As

Figure 1.4 shows, between 1961 and 2002 there was no year in
which electricity consumption declined.

Grattan Institute 2013






Note: BREE estimates of consumption include power supplied through the NEM
and SWIS and from outside these networks. This data provides an indication of
long-term trends in consumption but relies on a number of data sources.
Source: BREE (2013)

Nevertheless, a long-term trend of slowing growth in network

electricity consumption is evident. As Figure 1.5 shows, over the
past 50 years the rate of electricity growth has slowed. If the
historical trend continues, energy consumption will enter a period
of sustained contraction.

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Figure 1.5: Growth in electricity consumption in Australia, 1961 to

Per cent



Growth in energy

Linear trend






Note: BREE estimates of consumption include power supplied through the NEM and SWIS
and from outside these networks. This data provides an indication of long-term trends in
consumption but relies on a number of data sources.

Source: BREE (2013)

The 50-year decline in the electricity growth rate supports the

view that the recent fall in electricity consumption is not simply a
passing deviation from a long-term growth trend.
The recent decline in consumption is a surprise. Even some
market specialists did not anticipate it. The Australian Energy
Market Operator (AEMO) releases annual forecasts of energy
Grattan Institute 2013

But in 2013, AEMO reported that actual consumption for 2012-13

was 188,900 suggesting electricity consumption from the NEM
has actually fallen by about 1.6 per cent a year since 2009-10.7
Forecasting demand is not easy and AEMO was not alone in
failing to anticipate a number of factors that have contributed to
the fall in demand.



consumption. In its 2010 Electricity Statement of Opportunities,

AEMOs medium-case forecast for electricity consumption in the
NEM predicted consumption of 216,600 gigawatt hours in
2012-13.6 The forecast implied an expected annual average
growth rate of about three per cent a year from 2009-10 to

Reasons for falling consumption

A comprehensive analysis of the causes of these electricity

consumption patterns is beyond the scope of this report. Yet
consumption trends need to be understood in order to appreciate
why slow growth and even declining electricity use may be the
new normal for Australias power networks.
In June 2012, Australias Commonwealth Government
implemented an economy wide price on carbon emissions. It was
estimated that the carbon price would increase household
electricity bills by around nine per cent, which would provide


AEMO (2010)
AEMO (2013a)

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

consumers with an incentive to reduce their electricity

However, the declining growth of electricity demand in Australias
power networks predates the introduction of the carbon price. As
such, the trend in falling demand is likely to continue even if, as
promised, the newly-elected Commonwealth Government repeals
existing carbon pricing legislation.
The effect of the carbon price on electricity demand is beyond the
scope of this report. Falling demand is an issue that governments
must address, irrespective of the policy mechanisms that will be
used to meet Australias international commitments to reduce
carbon emissions.
In homes around Australia, electricity consumption has been
declining due to changes in consumer behaviour, more energyefficient appliances, and higher energy efficiency standards on
new homes. Widespread uptake of rooftop solar systems has
reduced the amount of electricity sourced from the power network.
Improvements in the efficiency of appliances - in particular
refrigerators, air conditioners and televisions - have contributed
significantly to households consuming less energy. In part, this
reflects changes in consumer attitudes. Recent increases in
electricity prices, coupled with concerns about the effects of
climate change, have made customers more conservative in their
power use.

For example, the Australian Bureau of Statistics surveyed

households in 2012 and found that 21 per cent intended to make
an improvement to their home to improve energy efficiency. A
year later, a follow-up survey found that 31 per cent of households
had actually made an improvement a higher percentage than
had planned to make an improvement.9
The increasing use of smart electricity meters has also helped
households to manage their power consumption. By providing
consumers with more information on how they use power, smart
meters can empower households to reduce their consumption.
The reduction in household electricity consumption has also been
influenced by government policies targeting the energy efficiency
of appliances (see Box 1.1). For example, the Minimum Energy
Performance Standards program specifies minimum levels of
energy efficiency that appliances, lighting and electrical
equipment must exceed before being offered for sale in Australia.
Mandatory energy rating label requirements assist consumers to
identify more energy efficient products.10 These standards are
regularly reviewed to keep up with advances in technology.
Savings from energy efficient lighting can substantially contribute
to reducing household electricity use. Globally a fth of electricity
use is for lighting households, businesses and other
organisations.11 Old incandescent light bulbs turn only two per
cent of their power into light. Fluorescent lamps improve on the
performance of incandescent globes, but modern LED (light9

ABS (2012)
Equipment Energy Efficiency (2013)
Kramer (2010) cited in Kim, et al. (2012)

Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (2011)

Grattan Institute 2013

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

emitting diode) lights use 80 per cent less power than an average
fluorescent lamp.12
Box 1.1: How changes in television technology cut power use
Five years ago, a household buying a new television may have
purchased a plasma screen television. Since that time the far
more energy-efficient LCD (liquid-crystal display) and LED (lightemitting diode) televisions have become increasingly popular.
In 2009, the Commonwealth Government introduced efficiency
and minimum energy performance requirements for televisions.
Over the first 18 months of that program, the energy efficiency of
new products improved by 20 per cent.
About three million televisions are sold in Australia every year. By
2011, the market was dominated by LCD and LED televisions,
with plasma technology making up only 20 per cent of the market.
As households begin to replace their old televisions, they will
make significant energy savings.
Origin has estimated that households can save up to $149 a year
by replacing their two-star rated plasma TV with a five-star rated
LCD television.
For new homes and renovations, more stringent energy efficiency
standards for building have helped to reduce electricity
consumption. Following changes to the National Construction
Code in 2010, state governments introduced mandatory six-star



Grattan Institute 2013

efficiency ratings for new houses.13 Ratings are determined based

on building materials, glazing and sealing of the building. The
choice of domestic services - hot water, insulation and artificial
lighting - are also considered as part of the rating.14 A house built
to the 6-star standards will use roughly 20 to 25 per cent less
energy on heating and cooling compared to a 5-star rated house
of equivalent size.15
In addition to changes inside the home, a rapid uptake of rooftop
solar systems has reduced demand for electricity from the
network. The number of rooftop solar systems has soared from
about 8000 in 2007 to more than one million today.16 The main
drivers of this rapid growth have been generous subsidies from
state governments and the rapidly falling cost of rooftop solar
Beyond households use, many businesses have also reduced
power consumption in response to the same drivers of rising
power prices and concerns about carbon emissions. Business
leaders recognise that energy efficiency can drive significant cost
savings, particularly in the context of rapidly rising prices.18
Falling electricity consumption has also been the result of
structural changes in the Australian economy. In particular,
structural changes in the manufacturing sector, one of Australias
most electricity-intensive sectors, have contributed to lower

Commonwealth Government Department of Industry (2013)

Australian Building Codes Board (2013)
Western Australia Department of Commerce (2012)
Climate Commission (2013)
Webb, et al. (2010)

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

electricity consumption. In total, the Australian manufacturing

sector grew by 24 per cent between 1990 and 2013, but it did not
keep pace with growth in the rest of the economy. Over the same
period, the share of economic output attributable to the
manufacturing sector declined from 13 per cent to six per cent.19
The reduction of manufacturing output contributed to a decline in
the electricity intensity of the Australian economy. As Figure 1.6
shows, the amount of electricity used per unit of economic output
in Australia reached a peak in the early 1990s and declined
steadily over the two decades since.
Changes in the types of manufacturing occurring in Australia have
also led to the sector using less electricity. Over the past two
decades, the sector has seen a substantial shift from labour
intensive and low-skilled manufacturing, to higher-skilled
sectors.20 This change has involved a shift away from some
industries, such as aluminium production, which are very high
users of electricity.
For example, the Kurri Kurri aluminium smelter in the New South
Wales Hunter Valley closed in 2012. This one facility closure
removed around 300 megawatts of consumption equivalent to
around two per cent of electricity generation capacity in New
South Wales.21 Other industrial plants that had been planned may
no longer go ahead.22 AEMO consumption data suggests that
electricity consumption by large industrial users fell by over four

Figure 1.6: Electricity consumption per dollar of gross domestic

KWh/ GDP ($ 2012-13)









Source: ABS (2013b) and BREE (2013)

per cent between 2011-12 and 2012-13.23 At the same time,

existing manufacturing firms are using less electricity per unit of


ABS (2013b)
Minifie, et al. (2013)
Orchison (2013)
AEMO (2013b)

Grattan Institute 2013


AEMO (2012) & AEMO (2013b)

Grattan analysis based on ABS (2013b) and BREE (2013)

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand


Bad news for power bills

In conventional economics, when demand for a product declines,

the market for that product is left oversupplied. In response, the
price should fall as producers seek to sell their product and
maintain profits.
But the opposite has happened in Australias electricity markets.
As electricity consumption has fallen, electricity prices have
continued to rise. In fact, after they grew in line with the rate of
inflation for several decades, the rate of their growth has
accelerated since about 2007, as Figure 2.1shows.
The result is that users have been using less electricity, but
paying higher bills. Between 2006 and 2013, the average
Australian household reduced power consumption by more than
seven per cent, from 6100 to 5600 kilowatt hours a year. Over the
same period, the average annual household power bill increased
by more than 85 per cent: from $890 to $1660 a year (in real
terms in $2012-13, this is an increase of around 60 per cent from
$1040 to $1660 per household).25

Figure 2.1: Rise in electricity prices in comparison to rise in CPI

Index, September 1980 = 100
Electricity price


CPI, All










Source: ABS (2013c)

Figure 2.2 shows how household power bills in both the NEM and
the SWIS have continued to grow at an average rate of more than
nine per cent a year, even as households have progressively
used less power.

Wood (2012)

Grattan Institute 2013


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Figure 2.2: Average customer electricity use compared to average

annual customer bill
KWh per year
$ per year
Average customer use (LHS)


Average annual bill (RHS)










2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

of compliance with environmental regulations and climate change

policies), the cost to transport electricity through the transmission
and distribution networks, and a retail margin. The last is the cost
paid to retailers for buying electricity on behalf of customers and
managing customers accounts.
Generators face competition
Electricity generators and retail businesses both operate in
competitive markets. Therefore, the prices these businesses
receive fall in response to falling electricity demand. As
consumers use less electricity, power stations produce less.
Figure 2.3 shows how wholesale price of electricity (the price paid
to power stations) has decreased as electricity demand in the
NEM has fallen.
The biggest losers have been black coal power stations. In the
past few months, two large, state-owned black coal generators in
New South Wales, the Bayswater and Liddell power stations,
have operated at around 60 and 45 per cent capacity,
respectively.26 In 2008-09, their average operating loads were
about 65 per cent of capacity.27

Source: Grattan analysis based on AEMO (1998-2013), IMO (2013), ABS

(2013c) and BREE (2013)


Why are bills rising?

The reason electricity bills have grown in the face of falling

consumption lies in the structure of the electricity market and the
way it is regulated. The final price customers pay for electricity
through their power bills has three parts. Customers pay for the
cost of generating electricity at a power station (including the cost
Grattan Institute 2013


Pitt&Sherry (2013)
Macquarie Generation (2009)


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Figure 2.3: NEM electricity consumption, network revenue per unit

sold, and wholesale electricity price, 2005-06 to 2012-13
Index, 100 = 2005-06

Network businesses do not

Network revenue per unit sold

Real wholesale prices*


capacity.28 When prices fall, leading to potential loss in value of

power stations, it is the asset owners who carry the risk.

NEM consumption

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Note: *Real wholesale prices are adjusted for the carbon price in 2012-13
Source: Grattan Analysis based on AEMO (1998-2013) and regulatory

The cost of such redundant power generation capacity may be

substantial. AGL, a large power retailer and generator, has
estimated that the NEM has more than 9000 megawatts of excess
power generation capacity around a sixth of the market

Businesses responsible for transmission and distribution known

as network businesses - are different. They are regulated
monopolies. A regulator determines how much revenue each is
permitted to earn. In the NEM, that is the Australian Energy
Regulator; in Western Australias SWIS, the Economic Regulation
The regulator determines the revenue the network businesses are
allowed to collect over a five-year period. It makes the calculation
based on the companies existing infrastructure, required
investments in new infrastructure and other operating costs. To
collect the allowed revenue, the businesses set prices, which
generally include both a small fixed charge and a charge that
varies with consumption. When power consumption falls, network
businesses do not drop their prices but may actually increase
them, to ensure they collect the allowed amount of revenue. In
that case, the cost of falling consumption is borne by other users
of the network, not the companies.
For example, if a large industrial customer closes a factory, the
network charges that were being paid by that business would
have to be recovered from other users of the network, who would
pay more.


Grattan Institute 2013

AGL (2013)


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Falling consumption has made a moderate contribution to price

rises in recent years, but its contribution to future price rises could
grow substantially.
A bigger problem over the last decade is that some network
businesses have spent too much on their network assets. At the
same time, their allowed returns have been higher than they
should have been. Grattan Institutes 2012 report, Putting the
customer back in front shows how regulatory incentives for
network businesses have led to excessive investment. 29 Better
incentives, particularly for state government-owned distribution
businesses in New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania,
could lead to lower spending on networks and save household
customers around $100 a year.
In recent years, these factors have combined to drive electricity
cost increases. Figure 2.4 shows how the average amount of
revenue per unit of energy sold in each state has increased, in
real terms, between 2005-06 and 2012-13.
Under the regulatory arrangements governing Australias power
networks, the owners of transmission and distribution businesses
do not bear the risk of falling asset prices as a result of lower
levels of electricity consumption. Power users carry the risk, in the
form of higher bills.

Figure 2.4: Average revenue per kilowatt hour of electricity sold by

state, between 2005-06 and 2012-13 ($2012-13)
Cents per KWh








Note: Caution should be taken when interpreting changes in Tasmania. Due to data
limitations we have assumed constant revenue for Aurora Energy.
Source: Grattan Analysis based on AEMO (1998-2013), IMO (2013) and regulatory
determinations (see References for regulatory determinations)

In other words, the impact of falling electricity consumption on

these regulated businesses is not just a problem for the
businesses themselves. It is a critical issue for keeping power
prices low, and it is therefore a critical issue for governments.

Wood (2012)

Grattan Institute 2013


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand


The problem for networks

The regulations that govern what transmission and distribution

businesses can charge consumers are designed to prevent the
former taking advantage of their position as monopoly
businesses. In the NEM and the SWIS, businesses are allowed to
recover the costs they incur to build and maintain the power
network, plus earn a return on their investment.
Regulated asset owners therefore face very little commercial risk.
Accordingly, the returns they are allowed to earn are low relative
to the returns of businesses that do face commercial market risks.
When electricity use was consistently growing, these
arrangements worked quite well. The value of a network
businesss infrastructure known as the regulated asset base
would increase each year to reflect new investment.
In the past, as electricity use grew, the businesses would build
more assets to accommodate growth. Because this cost was
shared over a higher volume of consumption, there was no real
increase in the price of electricity.
Falling electricity use, however, creates serious problems for the
regulatory model. In particular, the arrangements do not cope well
with the mismatch between rising asset values and falling
consumption. Further, changes in the way that customers are
using electricity mean that some users are not paying a fair share
of the rising costs.

Grattan Institute 2013


Peak demand and the risk of redundant assets

If electricity consumption is falling, then some of the assets that

network businesses have built to meet past usage needs may
become redundant.
The capacity of a network is the amount of electricity it can carry
at any point in time. Because networks do not store electricity,
they must have sufficient capacity to deliver power to meet
customers needs at the point when electricity use is at its highest.
This point is called peak demand, and it is critical to the running
of the electricity system.
If the network has insufficient capacity to meet peak demand, the
system is likely to fail and cause blackouts. Blackouts are
expensive, and extremely unpopular with businesses and
residential customers. They damage the reputations of power
companies. Because they are most likely to occur at times of peak
demand, the electricity network must be built to deliver power at
any moment through the year as if it were the annual half hour of
peak demand.
In most Australian states, that half hour comes on a hot weekday
evening in summer, when factories and businesses have not yet
shut for the day, people are switching on air conditioners and
other appliances, and output from rooftop solar systems is low.
(An exception is Tasmania, where milder summers and colder
winters mean that peak demand usually occurs in winter, when a
lot of users are simultaneously running heaters.)

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Peak demand defines how much infrastructure - poles, wires,

transformers and transmission stations - a network business
needs to install. This, in turn, is a major determinant of the amount
that a network business must spend, which in turn determines the
prices charged to customers.
In each state of the NEM, peak demand levels reached historical
high points at some time between 2008-09 and 2010-11, and
declined by 2012-13. In Western Australia, peak demand grew
until 2011-12, but declined in 2012-13
Figure 4 shows how peak demand for the 2012-13 year compares
to historical peaks in each state of Australia. The fall in peak
demand ranged from three per cent in Western Australia to more
than ten per cent in Tasmania.
Analysing peak demand patterns is harder than analysing
consumption trends. Peak demand occurs at different times in
different locations and this has different implications at different
levels of the network. While transmission businesses only need to
equip their big power lines to carry enough power to meet the total
level of peak demand, distribution businesses must ensure that
they can deliver a peak load to every street in the network.
Also, because peak demand is typically recorded on one day in
summer, data can be strongly influenced by extreme
weather - unusually hot temperatures in a given year can distort
the data. Yet it is unlikely the decline in 2012-13 can be attributed
to an abnormally cool summer period. Each of the three summer
months from December 2012 to February 2013 recorded

temperatures above the long-term average and January 2013 was

the hottest January on record.30
Figure 3.1: Shortfall in 2012-13 peak demand levels, relative to
historical peaks











Per cent

Source: Grattan Analysis based on AEMO (1998-2013) and IMO (2013)

The problem with falling peak demand is that it may leave

networks with excess capacity. The current value of regulated

Bureau of Meterology (2012); Bureau of Meterology (2013a); Bureau of

Meterology (2013b)

Grattan Institute 2013


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Box 3.1: Using the network more efficiently: why electric
vehicles could be a game changer
Peak demand is a major driver of network costs. Network
businesses must build enough assets to supply every home and
business on the day of the year when electricity demand is at its
maximum. This means that the network must build assets that
will be surplus to requirements for 364 days of the year.

giving owners of electric vehicles incentives to charge

vehicles at off-peak times - such as overnight could lead
to a higher volume of electricity sales but have a much
smaller impact on the level of peak demand. 31 This could
drive down electricity prices.

For this reason, technologies that help to reduce peak demand

can materially reduce the amount that needs to be spent in the
network. Further, if electricity consumption increases during offpeak periods, these users can share the cost of paying for the
network, without increasing the cost to build and maintain it.

There is also potential to use electric vehicles to actively

reduce peak demand levels. Electric vehicles that are
connected to a charging station during a peak demand
period could have their batteries drawn down to help
provide power to the network. Having this capacity could
reduce the need for network businesses to expand the
electricity network to cope with high usage periods, which
could also help to lower power prices.

While the widespread take-up of electric vehicles might seem a

long way away, they have an enormous potential to help
network operators use our power system more efficiently. This
could be a game changer for Australias power system.
The first benefit of electric vehicles would come from shifting
energy consumption from liquid fuels to electricity. This could
reverse the trend of falling electricity consumption. As well,
assets in the NEM and the SWIS is around $86.9 billion. If the fall
in peak demand in each state is applied to the value of assets, it
suggests that our major power networks may already contain
around $4.9 billion in excess assets.


It is difficult to predict if or when consumers may use

electric vehicles in sufficient quantities to help manage peak
demand. Accordingly, governments cannot rely on this type
of technology to resolve the issues associated with falling
These assets are neither wanted nor needed, but they are costing
consumers about $444 million a year.

Cain, et al. (2010); ibid.

Grattan Institute 2013


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand


The need for new assets

A further challenge for networks is that at the same time as

electricity consumption is declining, a number of changes to the
network may force network businesses to invest more.
In response to the 2009 bushfires, the Victorian Government
established the Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce to address
the risk of bushfires being ignited by faulty power lines. In
December 2011, the state government accepted a package of
recommendations from the taskforce that is expected to cost
about $700 million over ten years.32 The risk of fire must be
addressed, but replacing electrical protection devices and power
lines will add to the costs that network businesses pass on to
Other costs are also driving up network businesses prices. The
Victorian governments rollout of smart electricity meters was a
significant upgrade of metering infrastructure but cost consumers
more than two billion dollars.33
Increased uptake of solar systems also means that some
distribution businesses may need to modify or upgrade equipment
to deal with power flowing from homes to the power system at
certain times, rather than the other way around.
The legitimate need for network upgrades creates a challenge for
the governments and policymakers that must approve the funds.
While upgrades and improved safety standards may be needed,

SP AusNet (2012)
Australian Associated Press (2011)

Grattan Institute 2013

money spent on the network must be recovered from a

diminishing pool of electricity sales.


Problems with cross-subsidisation

Finally, falling demand poses a challenge for the way that

distribution and transmission businesses charge customers for
use of their power networks.
The spending on assets of distribution and transmission
businesses is closely tied to the level of peak demand in the
network. Yet most customers are not charged a tariff that reflects
how much they contribute to the networks peak demand level.
For many years some large commercial and industrial customers
have paid a significant portion of their bills based on their peak
use, to account for the large load they put on the network.
Residential customers bills, however, are almost entirely charged
at a variable rate. That is, customers pay a set price per kilowatt
hour of electricity they use throughout the year. The bill is
calculated by multiplying this price by the customers total
electricity consumption.
So while the cost of the network is driven by peak demand,
consumers share of the cost is based on consumption. Therefore
they have little incentive to use less power at peak times, which
would help networks manage costs.
In the past, the types of electricity meter that were installed at
customers homes made it necessary to charge customers based
on consumption. Older style meters were not able to measure a

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

households peak consumption level. It was also implicitly

assumed that all households had similar electricity use patterns,
making a households use a good proxy for its peak demand.
Now, improvements in electricity meters make it possible to
charge customers based on how much they contribute to peak
load. Further, recent developments in residential electricity
consumption are making it increasingly necessary to charge
customers based on peak demand.
How air conditioners changed the game
Air conditioners were the first technology to dramatically change
how different households contribute to peak energy costs. They
are not used often, but their use on hot summer afternoons can
add significantly to peak load. That means a lot of households
installing air conditioners can add substantially to the peak
demand of a network, and therefore to its cost.
However, these households do not pay the full cost of their
contribution to peak demand because a household installing an
air conditioner only increases its overall electricity consumption by
a relatively small amount. As a result, the amount the consumer
adds to network costs can far exceed the cost of the appliance. A
report by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia
noted that air conditioners purchased for $1,500 frequently
impose a $7,000 cost on the energy system when their
contribution to peak demand is factored in.34

About a decade ago, a rapid decline in the cost of air conditioners

substantially increased their uptake and contributed to increases
in peak demand.35 In the decade to 2008, the rate of air
conditioner ownership in Australia doubled to about 65 per cent of
The rise of rooftop solar
More recently, increasing use of rooftop solar generators has also
exacerbated the problem of using variable charges to recover
network costs. A high penetration of rooftop solar systems can
affect the amount of electricity flowing through a local network, as
Figure 3.2 shows for a residential area in Queensland.
The problem is that high penetration of rooftop solar systems
reduces consumption of electricity from the network but may not
reduce use at the peak times that drive the cost of the network.
This means higher costs for customers.
Consider the example of the Queensland local network shown in
the chart above. The total amount of energy supplied to
customers through the network has decreased substantially over
the past five years. Yet the daily peak demand the high point
that occurs around 6 oclock in the evening has not fallen.
The result is that owners of rooftop solar are able to reduce the
amount they pay for network charges, because they reduce their
overall electricity use.


CEDA (2012)

Grattan Institute 2013


EnergyConsult (2010)
Energy Efcient Strategies (2008)


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Figure 3.2: The electrical current flowing through a Queensland

feeder in an area with increasing rooftop solar penetration
Feeder Load Current (amps) - October

The structure of variable charges means that rising prices will

prevent households that install solar panels from saving as much
money as they had expected to save. But other users of the
network will be hit harder. They will be forced to pay higher prices,
without having the same means as solar panel owners to reduce
their consumption.



In effect, because networks are allowed to charge revenue based

on a fixed cost but individual residential consumers pay at
variable rates, rooftop solar systems implicitly receive a subsidy
on their network costs from other power users. This subsidy is on
top of explicit subsidies that solar system owners may also
receive, such as solar feed-in tariffs.
















Time of day


Note: The current on this electrical line was measured each year for five consecutive years
on the second Tuesday in October.
Source: Energex (2013)

Yet the network businesses costs will not fall because the peak
demand level has not changed. In fact, the costs to service this
area may actually increase as infrastructure upgrades may be
required to accommodate the flow of electricity from solar systems
back onto the network.

Grattan Institute 2013

In this case, the network business is still able to recover its costs
under existing regulatory arrangements. But someone must pay.
Power prices will go up to account for the fall in total energy
consumption and cover the cost of required network upgrades.


The risk of a death spiral

In the short run, power users have limited capacity to reduce their
consumption. A household can buy more efficient appliances and
use them less often. A business can adopt best practice
approaches to reducing power use. But beyond these measures,
it is difficult to reduce consumption further with current technology.
Over the longer term, the rising cost of electricity and expectation
of even higher prices in future will drive more consumers to buy
more energy efficient televisions, refrigerators or air conditioners
when their appliances need to be replaced, or to install home


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

insulation to reduce heating and cooling costs. People are also

likely to build more energy efficient houses.37

disconnect from the network. In that case the whole funding

model of Australias regulated power networks is under threat.38

Because of the way Australias power networks are allowed to

recover their costs, such efficiency measures can actually
increase the price of power. As consumers reduce their electricity
use, the same amount of revenue is recovered over fewer units of
electricity being sold. Therefore, prices must rise.

In this scenario, falling demand keeps pushing up power prices.

At the same time, new technologies provide consumers with
alternatives to using power from the networks. For example,
customers could install larger rooftop solar systems and battery
storage systems that allow them to disconnect entirely from the
power network.

Some large industrial users are also consuming less energy. The
closure of large industrial plants the Kurri Kurri aluminium
smelter in 2012, for example means that other users must pay
more in power charges to allow network businesses to earn their
For residential customers, rapid uptake of air conditioners has
increased peak load on the network and pushed up prices for
other users. By allowing some users to reduce the amount they
pay in network charges without reducing the costs they impose on
the network, rooftop solar has also pushed up prices.

As growing numbers of users disconnect, consumption would fall

and prices rise further, and the vicious circle this creates would
increase the incentive for other users to leave the network.
Networks could be left with billions worth of unused assets.
Governments would face intense pressure to help bear the cost
and consumers would face the cost and inconvenience of
managing a stand-alone power system in their business or

All these changes give customers even more incentives to reduce

consumption. The possible long-term result is a death spiral.
The death spiral is a term used to describe the situation where
declining demand, technology changes and rising prices may
interact in a way that induces large numbers of consumers to


Garnaut (2011)

Grattan Institute 2013


Simhauser and Nelson (2012)


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand


Policy implications

The death spiral is not inevitable. Rather, it describes what could

happen if the way electricity networks are priced and regulated
does not change.


Ensuring cost efficient power networks

Preventing the death spiral is in the interests of all parties. For

networks, it is critical to the viability of their business models.

Lowering network costs to economically efficient levels would

reduce price pressure on businesses and households. By making
power from the network cheaper, it reduces the incentive for
customers to disconnect.

For consumers, network costs have been the major cause of high
electricity bills. A death spiral could lead to even higher electricity
bills in the short term as the fixed cost of the network is spread
among fewer users. In the longer term, large-scale disconnections
from the network could lock in a higher overall cost for electricity
than could be supplied through an efficient network.

Grattan Institutes 2012 report, Putting the customer back in front,

examines four policy priorities that would, on average, save
Australian households about $100 per year by reducing the
element of their bills paid to distribution businesses.39 Falling
electricity demand makes the need for these reforms even more

In that scenario, policy makers would be caught in the middle. On

the one hand, loss of asset values could mean pressure on
governments to compensate network owners.

The report recommends that to reduce electricity charges driven

by the high cost of distribution services, governments should:
Empower the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to set the
rates of return earned by network business at a lower level, to
better reflect the low levels of risk faced by these businesses.

On the other hand, the cost of an asset write-down would be

borne by taxpayers where governments own the business and by
shareholders where they have been privatised. Neither party
would welcome this result.

Transfer responsibility for setting reliability standards from

state governments to the Australian Energy Regulator, and
make improvements to network reliability subject to a cost
benefit test.

Policy reforms in three areas are required to prevent the death

spiral from occurring and to produce more efficient outcomes for
the electricity system. The first two seek to stop matters from
getting worse. The last considers what to do about redundant
assets created by falling demand.

Grattan Institute 2013

Wood (2012)


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

Reduce the risk of overinvestment in network assets through

implementing annual reviews of distribution businesses
capital expenditure forecasts.
Improve the corporate governance of government-owned
network businesses, or privatise these businesses, to ensure
they operate as efficiently as those that are privately owned.
In the past year some progress has been made on these issues.
The Australian Energy Regulator has released new guidelines for
setting fairer rates of return under its Better Regulation reform
program. The program is also running work streams to assess
some of the issues leading to overinvestment in networks.
The program, however, does not address the fact that network
businesses have little incentive to reduce their investment in
response to falling peak demand. This is important because these
businesses are best placed to forecast future demand
requirements and invest in new infrastructure accordingly.
Under current regulations, network businesses have the incentive
to build more infrastructure assets, and the customer bears all the
risk if they become redundant. If companies carried some of the
risk of falling demand, however, they would have stronger
incentives to avoid over-building. In exchange, companies may
expect the rate of return on these assets to be adjusted to reflect
a higher level of risk. Regulators should explore this trade-off.
In relation to the second priority reform set out in Grattans 2012
report, in September the Australian Energy Market Commission
released a Review of the national framework for distribution
reliability. In the past governments have intervened to ensure that
Grattan Institute 2013

state-owned network businesses deliver power at levels of

reliability that no serious cost-benefit analysis can justify. The
result is higher power bills. The Review recommends a
cost-benefit test for reliability improvements, and separating the
bodies responsible for providing reliability from those responsible
for setting reliability targets.40
More recently, the Commonwealth Government has revived
discussion about the privatisation of electricity networks by
offering state governments financial incentives to privatise these
All these steps could improve the governance and regulatory
arrangements of network businesses. Yet regulatory reform can
be slow. Regulators and policy makers must focus on delivering
results, and not get embroiled in managing the process.


Ensuring efficient network tariffs

Consumers are faced with an increasing array of choices for how

they source and consume electricity. These include the option to
generate electricity on-site, rather than sourcing it all through the
The combination of rising prices and increasing use of smart
electricity meters are giving consumers both the incentive and the
means to better manage their electricity consumption. Consumers
are increasingly empowered to make informed trade-offs. For
example, to save money on running costs, a household may

AEMC (2013)
Australian Associated Press (2013)


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

decide to spend more money to buy an energy efficient

refrigerator, air conditioner or television.
Policy makers cannot predict how technology will change
electricity markets in the future. Battery storage, electric vehicles
and smart appliances that change their usage patterns in
response to the needs of the electricity system are all on the
Consumers should be given more ways to manage their electricity
use. But policy makers should address deficiencies in existing
tariff structures that enable and encourage some customers to
reduce their electricity costs at the expense of others.
The introduction of tariffs that more accurately reflect the cost of
building and running the system will lead to more economically
efficient decisions by consumers. Grattan Institute Energy
Programs next report will make recommendations on how this
objective can be achieved. Two broad avenues, set out here, will
be considered.
Network tariffs linked to peak demand, or peak customer use
Ideally, customers tariffs for using the power network would
reflect their use at the time of peak demand, rather than their
overall level of consumption. This type of peak demand charge
would make customers bills more reflective of the costs they
impose the network and provide an incentive to reduce
consumption at peak times. However, while theoretically the most
attractive option, this type of charge could be prohibitively difficult
to implement.

A simpler alternative, which reflects but does not fully capture the
costs of peak demand, would be to charge users based on their
own peak level of energy use.
A move to demand-based tariffs would be a big change for
consumers. Those who installed rooftop solar systems or large air
conditioners may regard such tariffs as unfair because they would
lead respectively to either lower savings or higher bills. Yet this is
the inevitable and correct answer to the current subsidy problem.
Clearly, demand-based tariffs will require electricity meters that
can measure a households peak demand.
Network charges geared to peak demand would also reduce the
incentive for customers to reduce their overall power consumption
during non-peak periods. This could encourage customers to use
more power, and slow the trend of falling electricity demand. As a
consequence, this could increase carbon emissions from the
electricity sector, which have been declining since 2009.42
However, high electricity prices are a blunt tool for reducing
carbon emissions. A more efficient strategy for managing
emissions is through a carbon price that encourages lower
emission electricity generation and the adoption of less
emission-intensive industry practices.
Increased use of location-based pricing
The value of certain types of technologies may be greater in
different locations. Consider a household in a growing suburb

Grattan Institute 2013

CCA (2013)


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

where the peak demand period occurs during daylight hours. In

this area, having a group of households install rooftop solar
systems could be of value to the power system, as it could reduce
pressure to build more poles and wires to meet the growing peak
demand requirement.
Conversely, for a household in an established area with falling
peak demand and a peak demand period that typically occurs
after nightfall, rooftop solar would be of little value to the network.
The presence of location-specific incentives is not reflected in
existing network tariff structures. Their use could encourage
customers to make more efficient decisions about how they
source and use electricity. Again, the benefits and costs need to
be fully explored.


Writing down network values

Keeping down network costs will help to keep electricity prices low
and improve the competitiveness of electricity supplied through
power networks against technologies that could allow consumers
to bypass the network. Making tariffs reflect the cost of peak
demand would provide the right pricing signals for consumers to
change their electricity consumption.
However, these measures may not be enough.
The amount consumers are charged for using Australias
regulated power networks reflects the cost of previous
investments. At present, consumers have no choice but to pay for
these assets. However, in future they may have means to avoid
doing so through disconnecting from the network and installing
Grattan Institute 2013

rooftop solar combined with battery storage, for example. If

networks were to lose significant numbers of customers in this
way, spiralling prices would make their business unsustainable.
A better alternative would involve writing down the value of
network assets. This would mean recognising the need for
networks to compete with non-network alternatives and reducing
the value of the regulated asset base accordingly.
If this were to occur, governments would need to decide who
would pay for the asset write-downs. This is not a simple decision,
and one that could be faced on multiple occasions in a range of
jurisdictions. Consumption and peak demand are likely to
continue to fall, and with them the value of the network assets.
The cost of asset write-downs will be borne by one of three
Consumers, already paying for overvalued networks through
high electricity tariffs, could pay even more. In the first
instance, they would pay through higher prices. If prices
reached unsustainable levels, customers disconnecting from
the network could also be forced to pay substantial
disconnection charges. This would cover the cost of network
assets that may be made redundant as a result of a large
number of disconnections, but such charges would highly
Private owners of network businesses in South Australia and
Victoria could be forced to write down the value of their
regulated assets. Existing regulatory frameworks do not
envision this prospect, and the risk may not be reflected in the

Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

rates of return paid to the businesses. Such write-downs could

be seen as a real sovereign risk and deter future investment in
Australian infrastructure. It could also greatly increase the
price that would have to be paid to attract investors.
Governments that own network businesses in New South
Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia could
be forced to write down the value of their regulated assets. In
Victoria and South Australia governments could pay
compensation to privately owned businesses. In either case,
taxpayers would bear the cost.
Whatever solution is found, implementing changes in a timely
manner will help to manage the transition and ultimately reduce
the cost of any fall in the carrying value of assets.
Future Grattan Institute research will explore the relative merits of
alternatives with a view to providing policy recommendations.

Grattan Institute 2013


Shock to the system: dealing with falling electricity demand

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