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Alistair McMonnies
Visual Basic .Net (VB .NET) has been a radical departure from previous versions of Visual
Basic. The language is now fully object-oriented, and can be used either to write
programs, or to create components that fit within the .NET architecture. If you are learning
to program, VB .NET will give you a previously unheard-of mix of power, flexibility and
ease of use.
The book approaches the language from an object-oriented (OO) perspective,
demonstrating that Visual Basic can now be used to develop real industrial-strength OO
systems and software components. It starts by covering OO analysis, design and modelling
using UML, and then moves on to a full discussion of OO concepts. Advanced topics such
as data structures, database applications and software design patterns are also covered.
Throughout, students are shown how to develop short programs in order to illustrate the
fundamentals of algorithm design and structured programming.

Alistair McMonnies is currently a lecturer

in the Computing and Information Systems
department at the University of Paisley. He
teaches software development using Visual
Basic and C++ and is a Microsoft Certified

Alistair McMonnies

Programming in
Visual Basic .NET


Object-oriented programming is placed
fully in the context of the software
development life cycle
Includes a chapter on database
development, covering database design
principles, data access techniques and
presenting data to the user-interface
The book is accompanied by a website
containing code for all programs in the
book, additional program examples and
information on using VB to program
database applications. Instructors
materials include slides, tutorial sheets,
lab sheets and assessment materials,
all with solutions.

Object-Oriented Programming in
Visual Basic .NET

Object-Oriented Programming
in Visual Basic .NET

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Object-Oriented Programming in Visual Basic .NET

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Programming in Visual
Basic .NET
Alistair McMonnies
University of Paisley

Pearson Education Limited

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First published 2004
Pearson Education Limited 2004
The right of Alistair McMonnies to be identified as author of this work has been asserted
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To Jack, Betty and Margaret


Introduction: What is Visual Basic .NET?

1: Software Development and .NET


Software Development
The Life-Cycle Approach
Software Requirements Specification
Visual Basic .NET Projects
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions

2: Software Design

Designing Objects, Classes and Applications

Object Relationships
An Example Class Design
Locating Class Code in VB .NET
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions






3: The Visual Basic .NET Language


The Common Language Runtime

Expressions and Operators
Statements and Blocks
Structured Variables
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activity
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions


4: Objects in Visual Basic .NET


4.1 Classes
4.2 Object-Orientation and Variables
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions


5: Controlling Program Code


Control Structures
Selection Structures
Subs, Functions and Parameters
Errors and Exception-Handling
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activity
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions

6: Data and Object Structures

6.1 Organizing Data




6.2 Arrays
6.3 Other Data Structures
6.4 Choosing Collections
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions

7: Inheritance and Polymorphism


Inheritance in Visual Basic

Code Inheritance
Interface Inheritance
Inheriting Data Structures
Visual Inheritance
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions

8: WinForms Applications

Application Structure
WinForms Basics
User Interface Code and the Form Designer
Tools for Creating a User-interface
Dialog Boxes and Other User-interface Options
Other Form Styles
Controls Collection
Delegates and Event-handlers
Visual Inheritance
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions





9: WinForms Controls in Detail


Windows Controls
Accessing Controls Collectively
Command Controls
Simple Input Controls
List Controls
Manipulating Controls at Run Time
Graphics in WinForms Programs
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions

10: Object Modelling


Application Structure
Modelling Real-World Object Structures
Choices in Modelling Object Relationships
Managing Scarce Resources
Software Patterns
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Anwers to Review Questions

11: Files, Streams and Serialization


Storing Application Data

Computer Files
The Windows Registry
File Storage
Structured Data
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities






Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions


12: Databases in Visual Basic .NET



Object-Oriented Database Systems

.NET Support for Relational Databases
Data Access in a Three-Tiered System
Reading and Writing Data
Data Object Modelling
Review Questions
Practical Activities
Suggested Additional Activities
Solutions to Exercises
Answers to Review Questions





VB .NET Programming without Visual Studio

Visual Basic Style Guide
Application Checklist

Introduction: What is Visual

Basic .NET?

Visual Basic was first released by Microsoft in the early 1990s. At that time, Visual
Basic Version 1 (VB1) was a revolutionary product that introduced a new style of
computer programming to the world.
Previously, computer programs were most commonly written as lines of text
which were instructions to the computer describing how to perform some task.
Every part of a program was written as one or more lines of text that described some
aspect of the task to be performed. This was regardless of whether the program
was created in C, Pascal (popular programming languages of the time) or any other
programming language.
Microsoft had introduced Windows version 3.0 (the first popular version of
Windows) a few years before this, and was determined to make it the standard
operating environment for IBM PC compatible computers. To improve the popularity of Windows, Microsoft knew that a wide range of software products would need
to become available as quickly as possible.
However, it was difficult to write Windows programs because of the complex
ways in which users could interact with them: a good Windows program would
allow the user to control it with a mouse, selecting commands from menus, moving
easily between interactive screen elements and, above all, move between several
programs apparently running simultaneously in a single system. All of these requirements imposed a heavy burden on programmers, who for the first time had to
concede that the user of a program was entitled to exercise a degree of flexibility
and control that was previously not attainable.
Visual Basic was introduced as the saviour of Windows, making it possible to
create programs that reacted to user interactions in a way that was natural for the
programmer to incorporate. Two key elements gave Visual Basic its power and ease
of adoption: the Visual element of the language, which allowed a programmer
to design a user-interface by drawing its appearance on the computer screen and
configure it interactively, and a new model of programming which allowed the
programmer to write scripts, or mini-programs that were activated as a response to
the user interacting with the user-interface.
Over several versions, Visual Basic gradually grew in power and popularity
to become the worlds most widely used programming system. It also became
Microsofts standard scripting language for its range of office products, its web
browser and servers and a number of third party products such as AutoCAD.

Introduction: What is Visual Basic .NET?


By the release of VB6 a few years ago, it was possible to do almost anything in
Visual Basic that Microsoft programmers would normally use Visual C++
(Microsofts industrial strength programming language) for, and in most situations,
Visual Basic was far easier to work with and led to quicker development timescales.
However, Visual Basic has always had its detractors. It was a derivation of
BASIC, an early programming language (circa 1963) developed in Dartmouth Naval
College in the U.S. to teach programming. As such, it lacked the powerful numerical processing capabilities of FORTRAN, and the powerful data storage, retrieval
and manipulation capabilities of COBOL. The development of Pascal and the C
programming language in the late 1960s and their widespread adoption in the 1970s
led to a new model of programming, known as structured programming. Structured
programming features were retro-fitted to BASIC and other languages over the next
few years, but not before C and Pascal became the de-facto programming languages
for systems development. By the introduction of Microsoft Windows, BASIC was
already frowned upon by many programmers due to its lack of power, limited
features and mongrel lineage.
The initial version of Visual Basic was dismissed as a toy language by many
programmers of the time, and the subsequent years of development work that went
into Visual Basic did not do much to change the opinions of a fair proportion of
them. There was also a community of Microsoft detractors who refused to see any
good in anything that Microsoft did, and to these, Visual Basic was just a good
reason for saying I told you so. As new powers and features were added to VB
(as many have come to know it), they would be derided as poor cousins of features
in grown-up languages, poor copies of good programming language practice,
or just another attempt by Microsoft to railroad the development of programming
languages and environments in their direction.
Many of the accusations of these detractors were founded on good points, but it
is fair to say that while Microsoft have never been purely philanthropic in their
motives, they have rarely been the unmitigated devils that many make them out to
be. Most of the software development community would probably agree that Visual
Basic 6 and earlier, for all their faults, did open up Windows programming to a huge
number of people who would never have got on with C or C++. Visual Basic version 6.0 was and remains a highly capable programming environment that any other
software company would be proud of, and is used by a huge community of software
developers who simply could not do what they do without it. Even hard-core C++
programmers can admit that their language has power at the expense of a very steep
learning curve, and that Visual Basic can always be a language for the rest of us.
In 2000, Microsoft announced a new addition to Windows; the .NET software
environment. This was to be the foundation of their new strategy for program development; a software platform that could be tailored to run on a range of different
computers and operating systems and that provided a programming model that could
host many different programming languages seamlessly.
The .NET (pronounced dot-net) environment is effectively a virtual computer
that runs on a real computer, with the advantage that any program written for it will
run on any computer that is running .NET. This is not a new idea, having been
pioneered by UCSD (University of California San Diego) Pascal in the 1970s, and
brought to modern computing by the Java language. However, .NET is different in


Introduction: What is Visual Basic .NET?

that it can support almost any language (to date there are as many as 30 programming languages available for it, most of which were released in its first year of Beta
testing), and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Visual Studio to provide a true
Visual development environment for any of these. It also provides integral services
for database and Internet programming, and can be used to extend the visual model
shipped with Visual Studio without any need for additional tools.
The first version of Visual Studio .NET is without doubt the best programming
environment I have ever worked with, and Visual Basic .NET has finally become a
grown-up language, by anyones measure. If youre learning to program for the first
time, Visual Basic will give you a previously unheard of mix of ease of use, power
and flexibility. Whether you are an expert or among the rest of us, Visual Basic .NET
is a language that you can use to release your full potential as a programmer.


Software Development
and .NET

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:


describe the life-cycle approach to creating software;

outline the main features of object-oriented programming;

describe a specific form of software life-cycle suitable for use in developing objectoriented programs in Visual Basic;

develop a simple software requirements specification;

describe the key features of an algorithm;

decompose a statement of software requirements into a detailed step-by-step task


describe the role of .NET in supporting software and the development process.


Software Development

1.1.1 Learning to program

Learning to use a programming language is not the same as learning to develop software. Well, it is in a way, since when you are developing software you will certainly
have to use a programming language to finish the job. However, there is more to
developing software than writing programs. Most professionally developed software is hugely complex, and as such it has to be constructed in an environment that
takes account of that complexity. No matter who you are, if you are learning how to
program you should be aiming to do it to a professional standard.
Programming, the act of writing computer software to add some function to a
computer system, is one part of software development. However, in many cases it
may be only a small part. The other things that are done during software development are there to support the act of programming in the same way that architecture,
surveying and civil engineering are there to support building. Sometimes, we need
this additional support to make the act of programming safe and accurate. At other
times we do not.
The aim of this book is to show you how to write programs in Microsoft Visual
Basic .NET. If it is successful in this, you may go on to write large, best-selling
programs, but not unless you pick up a lot of other skills as well. Nevertheless, the

Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

subject of this book is programming in Visual Basic .NET, and you can expect the
vast majority of the material in here to be just about those things programming
first, programming in Visual Basic .NET as a close second. However, it would be
doing everyone a great disservice if some time was not spent laying the foundations
for programming.
Probably the first thing that needs to be explained to those new to programming
is that it is never as hard as it seems. It may take you a while to tune into the various bits of vocabulary, the idioms used and even the downright technical stuff, but
nothing hard is ever being done complex in the sense that programming can
involve many different components yes, but not hard. A program is simply a set of
instructions to a very dumb servant (a computer of course) to get it to do something.
Most often, that something is to manipulate information, but there are certainly
some computer systems where manipulating information is just one part of the job.
Controlling an industrial robot, or a car engine, for example, may require a program
to manipulate information, but that is not the goal.
For our purposes in this book, everything we do will be to manipulate information
(it would not be sensible to unleash a novice programmer on an industrial robot
control system or car engine management). The good thing about this is that there is
no danger involved. The really good thing is that when you are learning to program,
there are no simulators you just do it and the results are (normally) immediate.
Your program works, and you go on to the next program, or it doesnt, and you
get to try to find what is wrong with it. Either way you will have learned something
practical. I can think of no other skill to learn where the results are so immediate
and so satisfying (of course the down side of this is that frustration can figure quite
highly as well).

1.1.2 Programming and Complexity

Creating a computer program can be incredibly easy or immensely difficult. The
range of factors that affect this include: the type and size of program to be created;
the skill of the designers and programmers involved in the work; the environment the program will execute on (the platform); the programming language used;
and the way the programming tasks are organized. If you have never done any computer programming, a lot of the job of building a program can look like a mixture
of complex mathematics and black magic. Newcomers to programming are often
bewildered at the apparent complexity of the tasks involved, and this bewilderment
is never helped when those who can already program blandly state that it is easy.
The biggest obstacle barring the path of many newcomers to programming is
the perception that software springs, fully formed, from the typing fingers of programmers. The perception is often that people who can casually work with such
complexity must be very clever. This perception is wrong. Building and Complexity

To understand why this is so, we need only compare the potential range of tasks
involved in software development with that of building. If you were to decide to

1.2 The Life-Cycle Approach

build a shed in the garden, you could probably calculate the amount of wood and
other materials you need on the back of an envelope, go out and buy these and
proceed to build the shed. You might finish the whole job in a weekend.
If instead you decided to build a house, you would have to put a lot more effort
into calculating the materials needed, planning the construction phases so that
the foundations were built before the walls went up, organizing bricklayers and
carpenters and so on. Without detailed plans, it is very likely that there would
be serious errors forgetting to lay drains, omitting to provide access for delivery
lorries and hundreds of other important, but easy to forget requirements.
If you were building a multi-storey block of flats, there is no doubt that a great
deal of effort would have to be put into planning, scheduling, organizing and designing before any building work was done at all, and the overall job would certainly
involve many specialists whose work would have to be carefully coordinated.
The same principles hold for software development. However, since the effects of
the equivalent errors in programming are less visible than they would be in building,
many nave software developers are happy to start the building work almost as soon
as they have a rough idea of what is expected written on the back of an envelope.
For small projects, this approach can work. For larger projects it can seem to work
for a time. An ill-defined system development can continue until so much effort has
been expended that the only realistic way of putting it right is to start again from the
beginning, just as would happen if having just finished the foundations of a house
you discovered that you had forgotten to lay the drains.
In this book on programming, you may consider a whole chapter on the organization of the software development environment and practices to be superfluous.
For most of the programs you will learn to create while reading the book, this
chapter will be superfluous. However, it is as well to realize from the outset that at
some point, programming will become only a minor part of the job that you, as a
programmer, will have to do. Consider this chapter to be an overview of what you
may have to do in the future.


The Life-Cycle Approach

The software development (SD) life-cycle is an idealized model of the processes of
software development. It is used to define the various distinct phases of development, and the sequence in which these are organized. Without a life-cycle approach,
software development is done in a style sometimes called code-and-fix, where a
programmer starts writing program code almost immediately the job commences,
and deals with the problems that occur as they are discovered. This approach can
work for small projects involving one or possibly two programmers, but for large
projects it can involve a lot of wasted time, thrown away work and re-starting
the whole project. Code-and-fix is a development process that has hung-over from
the heroic period in the early days of computer programming when computer and
software systems were small and simple enough to be understood by an individual.
It has no place in the development of large applications involving teams of

Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

There are almost as many variations of the SD life-cycle as there are software
developers. This is less a feature of the richness of the available knowledge about
software development as it is an indication of how immature the field is. As yet,
no one has been able to demonstrate unequivocally that one approach to organizing
the software development process is any better than the many alternatives. The only
real consensus is that software development follows a life-cycle. That is, a software
project is born, goes through a number of distinct stages, and finally comes to an end
(or dies).
Contrary to what you might expect, the act of programming is only a small
portion of the SD life-cycle. Most formal software projects go through a number of
phases before programming begins, and then continue through several other phases
after programming has been completed. Even in an unstructured environment where
undisciplined developers go directly to the programming phase, much of the time
will be spent doing things other than programming. The remainder of the life-cycle
involves activities that are at least as important as, and often more important than,
programming. Most practitioners agree that a life-cycle will involve some or all of
the following phases:

feasibility study/concept analysis

requirements gathering and analysis
requirements specification
software specification
structural design/architectural design
detailed design
implementation/coding and debugging



Some of these phases will contain sub-phases (e.g. testing will often be implemented
as a number of phases: specification testing, unit testing, integration testing,
pre-acceptance testing, acceptance testing). Functionally, the list of phases can be
broken down into five broad steps:

finding out what the software is to do (requirements analysis);

designing a system to do it (system design);
building the system ( programming, or implementation);
verifying that what has been built does what is required (testing); and finally
installing, maintaining and supporting the system during its operational life

Whatever type of software system we develop, and whatever development style we

choose to use, we will have to consider all of these stages in some form or other. It
is the aim of this book to describe object-oriented programming in some detail, and

1.2 The Life-Cycle Approach

to describe enough of an object-oriented design method to allow you to take a

specification and develop software to fulfil it. We should start by putting these activities into a context.

1.2.1 Software Life-Cycle Models

Once we have agreed that software development is a process that involves a number
of activities, we need some way of deciding what each activity will contain and of
organizing the separate activities to make the move from one to the next as effortless as possible. A software life-cycle model is an idealized description of how the
activities relate to each other. We could, for example, decide that the correct way to
develop software is to complete each activity in turn, moving to the next once the
current activity has been completed. A diagram of this might appear as shown in
Figure 1.1.
While this approach would certainly work, it is perhaps not the optimal one. In a
large software project, the people who do the requirements analysis are not usually
the same people who do design, the designers do not implement software, those who
implement the system do not test it and the testers do not perform any maintenance.
It does not make sense to have all but one group of software developers standing
by idle while one group works feverishly. In a large development team, we would
wish to overlap these activities as much as possible, which can usually be done since
any individual stage in the life-cycle can be broken up into sections as shown in
Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.1

A simple software life-cycle

Figure 1.2

A software life-cycle with overlapping phases

Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Neither of these models may be very effective if software development is to be

done by an individual or a small team of multi-skilled individuals who will take part
in some or all of the activities. For one thing, it is very difficult for an individual
to perform more than one of these activities simultaneously. For another, these
life-cycle models are organized to allow the information that has been compiled,
developed or uncovered in each of the phases to be communicated to the developers
who will do the next phase. For a sole developer or a small team, much of this communication would be extraneous.
Instead of concentrating on communications, a small team of developers would
probably find a life-cycle that concentrated on ensuring that software requirements
were correctly interpreted more effectively. This is because determining software
requirements is by far the most difficult and error prone activity. The Evolutionary Prototyping Life-Cycle

In this life-cycle model, the system concept is developed progressively as the
project proceeds. Im suggesting it as a good model for building your first few real
programs (i.e. those you create beyond this book). When you are new to a language
or programming environment, it is a good idea to develop a few prototype programs
to see how everything can fit together. It is also useful to build small example
programs that let you try out various techniques in isolation, since you are less likely
to get bogged down in unnecessary complexities.
As the name of this life-cycle suggests, the software system evolves from a very
primitive version to the final release version. Once the essential requirements of
the software (what it must do) have been determined and the major software components have been identified, development starts by the construction of the most
visible features of the software (e.g. in a database system, you might develop data
input screens), and demonstrations of these to the customer, or testing them to see
if they meet your own requirements. Based on feedback from the customer, or on
whether the software meets your personal requirements, the prototype is developed
and demonstrated, and this continues until the customer agrees that the prototype
system is adequate or you are happy with it. Any remaining work is completed and
the system is handed over to the customer.
This form of development is useful for developing small systems where there is
no great risk to trying out a few ideas, or larger systems where the software requirements are difficult to capture; for example, a transaction management system for a
new type of company, where the actual work to be done by the system has not been
fully defined. It is also useful when a customer is reluctant to commit to any statements of software requirements, perhaps due to them being unable to envisage how
a computer system will be used in their work. Using evolutionary prototyping
(Figure 1.3), the customer can always see the state of progress.
The main disadvantage of this form of development is that it is impossible for the
developer to know how long the development process will take. No price can be
put on the software at the outset. A major risk is that the development can devolve
into code-and-fix. Proper evolutionary prototyping requires proper requirements
analysis, design, well-organized and maintainable program code, etc. The main
differences from the general form of life-cycle discussed earlier are that the work

1.2 The Life-Cycle Approach

Figure 1.3

Evolutionary prototyping

progresses in smaller increments, and that requirements analysis, design and implementation are interleaved within each incremental phase as successive prototypes
evolve into the final product. Factors that Affect the Software Life-cycle

For our purposes, we are interested in planning the life-cycle phases of a system
developed in an object-oriented style in general, and one suited to the special facilities available to Visual Basic in particular. Different forms of life-cycle are used in
different circumstances, the variations being due to a number of factors, including:

the size of the software project;

the number of people involved in the project;
the size of the company employing the developers;
the level of formality adopted by the company;
the type of software being developed;
the expertise and experience of the developers;
the knowledge that the customer or end-user has about software and software

None of these factors will have any great effect on the projects you will work on as
exercises while working through this book, but all have great importance to practising software professionals.
From our perspective, a suitable life-cycle model will have the following features:

support for an object-oriented development model;

support for the Visual development model espoused by Visual Basic (and
several other development systems);
scalability that is, a facility to enable the use of the life-cycle model for projects
in a range of sizes;
ease of use we have no wish to wrap up an already complex task in layers of

Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

best use of the high adaptability and rapid-development features inherent in

object-oriented programming and visual development. Life-Cycle Models in General

Many different forms of life-cycle model have been described in software engineering literature, and even more variations are in use. The product under development
and the experience of the developers generally dictate the style of life-cycle model
used. Large formal projects benefit from a formalized life-cycle. Safety-critical
projects (e.g. aerospace, military or nuclear) require a life-cycle that reduces risk and
favours quality assurance.
While it is true to say that a large number of software development houses use a
seemingly undisciplined form of development we could call code-and-fix, with the
addition of one or two formal stages for requirements capture and final testing, this
should not be treated as an endorsement of a code-and-fix approach. Code-and-fix
is used successfully by small developers working on small projects with little risk,
but this pattern does not translate to larger projects. Big successful software companies use formal life-cycle models; the bigger and more complex the software is to
be, the more important it is to use a standardized development cycle.
Exercises 1.1

1. Any software life-cycle must address the different stages in software development, these being: requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing
and maintenance. Using books or the Internet, find out what is involved in
each of these activities and try to place the following list of terms into the
most appropriate life-cycle activity:
class diagram, use-case, validation, configuration management, structure
diagram, indefinite loop, test-harness, regression test, subroutine, actor
2. Object-oriented programming is a term that has specific implications for
the analysis and design phases of a software project. Look up these other
terms used to describe a style of programming and find out what order they
appeared in the history of programming languages:
visual programming, structured programming, imperative programming,
assembly-language programming, spaghetti programming

1.2.2 Object-Orientation in the Life-Cycle

Object-oriented development involves designing and implementing software systems as an assembly of objects. In this context, an object is a package of program
code which models an item that has specific attributes and capabilities. There are
numerous advantages to be gained using this style of development. At the software
analysis and design stages, it is usually easier to describe a system accurately in
terms of the objects that it is composed of, than to describe it in terms of the processes that it will perform.

1.2 The Life-Cycle Approach

Real-world systems are full of objects that interact to accomplish tasks. For
example, a travel agency office is populated with travel agents, brochures, holidays,
foreign currency, airline bookings, etc. If we were to develop software for managing a travel agency, we would find it natural to describe the software in terms of the
roles that parts of it played; a holiday package, a booking clerk, an airline booking,
etc. It would also be easier to discuss the functions the software will perform with
the customer (the travel agency staff) by describing system components that perform
analogous roles to their real-world counterparts.
Life-cycle models do not usually contain features that make them specifically
object-oriented or not. Object-orientation is an organizational principle rather than
the use of any specific programming tools or management methods. Life-cycle
models are simply used by developers to organize the various development phases.
Any life-cycle model is simply a framework into which we can incorporate any
development style we choose.
All of the life-cycle phases will be influenced in some way by the decision to use
object-oriented design and development techniques. At the requirements specification phase, effort will be concentrated on determining what objects there will be
in the system and which forms of interaction between them we might expect. At the
design phase, how the objects should be connected to each other and the organizational structure will be most under consideration. Implementation will be done in
an object-oriented style (probably using the specific features of an object-oriented
language). System testing will be centred on trying to determine whether the objects
developed behave as they are supposed to. Finally, system maintenance will involve
identifying the objects and services that need to be amended or upgraded, and
working on these.
All of these tasks could be done using a more established style of development,
such as structured system design and development. The life-cycle model would
probably remain the same.

1.2.3 Modelling and Designing Software

Having decided on a life-cycle model to use, we need to adopt a set of tools that,
where possible, will assist us at each phase. The obvious phase in which to employ
a tool is the implementation phase, and here we will use our programming language,
Visual Basic .NET, to create the program code that will be delivered to the customer.
However, within the other phases it would be useful to have tools and techniques to
use to document the system requirements and designs.
Over the years in which software development has grown into a major industry, a
variety of development methods have come into fashion. Many have since gone out
of fashion (who remembers OODLE?) as new, refined methods have been developed.
The Unified Modeling Language or UML is a set of techniques used to develop software and has in recent years gained widespread industrial acceptance. It is now the
industry standard for a wide range of types of software project. The range of methods
that make up UML form a framework that covers the software development lifecycle, providing specific methods for performing all of the necessary analysis,
design, construction and quality-assurance tasks for software projects of any size.


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

UML provides us with five distinct views of a system, sometimes referred to as

the 4 +1 view model.

The use-case view allows us to depict the behaviour of a system from the
perspective of an external observer. It defines the requirements of the system,
and is of particular interest to software analysts, testers and end-users (normally
considered to be the customer we are developing for).
The design view describes the logical structures that support the software
requirements, and consists of class definitions and how classes interact and relate
to each other.
The implementation view describes the physical components of the system, such
as program code files and assemblies, databases and configuration files.
The process view depicts the ways that elements of a software system interact
over time, and gives us a way of modelling the behaviour of a system that dynamically changes its structure as it performs its job.
The deployment view describes how the physical components of a system
(the objects and assemblies of objects) are organized within their physical
environment, such as a computer network, a workstation or the Internet.

UML provides a very detailed description of a computer software system from

every useful perspective. To do this, it employs mainly diagrams, although textual
annotation is used to add detail that would be cumbersome to put into a diagram. The
aim of a UML model of a system is to create a paper (or screen) model of the system that is complete and unambiguous, and in doing so to make it easy to design a
system, communicate the designs to other interested parties (such as co-developers
and end-users) and change the model of the system as anomalies or changes in
requirements become apparent. We will use a subset of UML consistent with the
sizes and types of program we will develop through this book.


Software Requirements Specification

The first real stage of development involves identifying what the software has to do.
This is generally considered to be the most difficult part of software development.
The problem is that programmers and end-users do not speak the same language
even when both speak English. A seemingly simple request, like I would like
to record a log of all of the communication we have with each customer is likely to
be interpreted differently by each software developer that is asked it. The usual way
to overcome this difficulty is to maintain a constant dialogue with the software
end-users or customers. In this way ambiguities can be resolved before too much
development work is done on wrongly interpreted requirements. Evolutionary
prototyping can help here by allowing the end-user to see and work with an early
version of the software and correct any misconceptions.
On the face of it, stating software requirements is a simple process; look at
the work the software is to do, divide it up into statements of specific functions,

1.3 Software Requirements Specification


list these. In practice, the process is strewn with ambiguities, misconceptions, misunderstandings, variations on the use of jargon and even basic vocabulary, leading
to misrepresentation, subterfuge and, in some cases, lawsuits. It is difficult for
technical developers to fully understand a customers description of what may be
the basic tasks of their business every business has its own vocabulary and many
business vocabularies re-use common words to mean different things.
In most cases, it is even more difficult for a customer to fully appreciate what a
software developer is explaining to them. For a start, their immediate concerns are
steeped in their own domain of business, and anything they are told by developers
will be interpreted according to this. The term storage, for example, means filing
cabinets, cupboards and box rooms to most people, and presents a fairly simple
set of concepts to comprehend. To a software developer, storage represents a set of
software and hardware mechanisms involving a complex set of trade-offs between
quantity and speed of access, and in which structure can be paramount. No wonder
communication is difficult.
Of course, it is the job of the software developer to understand the customers
requirements the customer should not have to work too hard to follow the developers explanations. For a big project, this may mean the developers becoming
expert in the customers subject domain many software developers are expert in
accounting, physics, defence models, etc., simply because they have worked in that
area over a long period.
Heres an example of the initial requirements statement for a system:
A new software system for a travel agency is to incorporate facilities for booking
holidays, including accommodation and travel, exchanging foreign currency and
billing customers. Agency workers should be able to record the details of customers and their holiday requirements, book package holidays, individual flights
and accommodation, issue invoices for these to the customers and exchange local
currency for foreign money.
From the outset, developers will know that this feature will have exacting technical requirements. Speed of access will be a factor (quick retrieval of information will
be essential if customers on the phone are not to be kept waiting), as will storage
capacity, integration with the rest of the system and several other factors. However,
at the requirements specification phase, technical constraints are to be actively
ignored; what is to be done is the only question that should be pursued. Otherwise,
the software design will be locked into a number of assumptions that have little to
do with what is required and everything to do with the personal preferences and
technical ability of designers and developers. Other constraints, such as efficiency
in speed and storage, compatibility with other systems, etc. are important, but not
compared to the basic job of finding out what is necessary.
The first stage of requirements specification is simply to list all of the userinteractions that this facility might involve, normally in conference with the
customer (travel agent). In UML, these are referred to as use-cases. For example:
The travel agency system will enable the user to . . .
1. enter details (name, address, phone) of a new customer on to the system
2. enter proposed package holiday bookings


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

3. retrieve bookings information for a package holiday or customer

4. exchange currency
5. generate an invoice for a customers holiday
This first cut at a requirements specification can be used in discussions with the customer, so that points can be corrected, additional requirements inserted, ambiguities
resolved and extraneous features removed. It is normal to take each statement,
or use-case, and expand it into a paragraph that describes a scenario describing how
the user and system will interact to accomplish each requirement. It is easier for an
end-user to understand a use-case explained in this way. For example:
1. To enter the details of a new customer on to the system, the user selects the
New Customer menu item from the main screen and when the customer details
entry screen appears, fills in the customers name, address and telephone
number into the appropriate fields. The user presses the OK button to commit
the new customers details to the system database, or the Cancel button to abort
the operation.
Note that the use-case description starts with the form To . . .. This is normal for
use-cases and is the format that is likely to produce less ambiguous descriptions.
After a few consultations with the customer, the list can be regarded as complete
and clear, and at this point, it is usual and desirable to get the customer to sign
the list off. Any further additions or changes will then be regarded as extra (with a
possible extra development cost).

Exercise 1.2

Read the following description of a systems requirements:

A Driving School booking system is required to enable operators to register
new customers, book customers for driving lessons, practice tests and
tests, calculate and issue customer billing based on lessons taken. Customer
records should include the customers personal information (Name, Address,
Telephone Number, Gender) and details of preferences for instructors (Male
or Female, Standard or Advanced) and car types (Manual or Automatic
shift). Records also need to be kept of lessons taken and the number of tests
taken to date. Lessons and Practice Tests are booked for a specific time, date
and instructor. Driving Tests are booked at a predefined time by the testing
authority (by the customer) and the driving school provides a car for the
customer to be tested in.
Write a list of use-cases for this system.

A use-case diagram is available in UML to depict this information graphically. The

use-case diagram for the travel agency is shown in Figure 1.4. This introduces the
notion of the system (within the box labelled Travel Agency System), and a system
actor (the Travel Agent some external entity that interacts with the system).

1.3 Software Requirements Specification

Figure 1.4


Use-case diagram for a Travel Agency

To refine a systems requirements specification, it is usual to take each use-case

and describe it more fully. This involves adding indications of the source of any data
required, the destination of any results and spelling out details of any processing to
be done (i.e. what is to be done to the data). By the end of this phase, there should
be no doubt what the system will do.
Exercise 1.3

Draw a use-case diagram for the Driving School system from the use-cases you
listed in the previous exercise.

1.3.1 Objects in the Requirements Phase

Software requirements tend to be expressed as operations, since they are descriptions of tasks. In describing the way that an invoice is generated in his or her business, a client will probably set out all of the steps followed in getting the job done.
The people doing the job (such as an invoicing clerk), or the items used in getting
the job done (such as invoice forms, price catalogues, etc.) may be mentioned,
but the emphasis will most likely be on the work done.


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

If we are to design an object-oriented system, our first job will be to express the
system requirements in terms of objects and the services that they provide. These will
either be the actors involved in doing the work (the invoice clerk) or the items used
(the forms, catalogues, etc.). The translation from a description of processes to an
identification of objects can be fairly straightforward or extremely difficult, depending on the system, the client and, most of all, experience of object-oriented systems.
One simple method is to go through the requirements descriptions, identifying the
actors and items. These will usually appear as nouns or phrases describing specific
items in the text. We can start with a rigorous list, taken from each requirement

enter details (name, address, phone) of a new customer on to the system

enter proposed package holiday bookings
retrieve bookings information for a package holiday or customer
exchange currency
generate an invoice for a customers holiday

We would now go through the compiled list of objects, vetting each as candidates
for objects in the system being developed. For example, we could remove those that
did not describe items that had responsibility for specific actions, since these will
probably be attributes of some of the other objects rather than objects in their own
right. Name, address, phone, booking information and customers holiday
would go on this basis. Vague items, such as details, have no place in the final list.
Our refined list would therefore be reduced to:
package holiday
This simple analysis of the initial requirements results in a list of potential objects
that we can validate in consultation with the customer or end-user. By returning to
the initial requirements statements, we can attach responsibilities to each of these
objects. For example, a Package Holiday object must retain details such as destination, date of travel, accommodation type, etc., and must also refer to a specific
customer. Using this combination of items and their responsibilities, we can go on
to construct detailed scenarios that show how objects will be required to interact in
the system and hopefully add more detail to the requirements statements. Once we
have compiled a complete and correct list of objects and their responsibilities, we
have a system specification, which is a full description of what the system must do.
A system specification will probably consist of the details of a large number of
objects and tasks that they must perform. Normally, these are inter-related, in that an
objects task may need to perform some work requiring the information contained in
another object. For example, an insurance record object will be related to some customer object and may need to interact with it in order to process an insurance quote.

1.4 Algorithms

Exercise 1.4


Compile a list of objects that the Driving School system will include. Refine this
list in the same way that the list for the Travel Agency system was refined.

The system architecture indicates how these objects and tasks are related in terms
of the information they must share and the ways in which they affect each other.
However, a more fundamental problem is simply how to encode each task so that it
can be performed by a computer. We refer to this as algorithm design.


Algorithms are at the core of computer programs and software systems. Before an
object can perform a task in a computer program, a designer needs to express the
task in terms of statements in a programming language, and this is one form that an
algorithm can take. Described formally, an algorithm is:
A systematic (mathematical) procedure, which enables a problem to be solved in
a finite number of steps
Key points in this description are that it involves a step-by-step procedure, and
that the number of steps must be finite. From this, we can see that an algorithm is
similar to a recipe; describe an overall task as a sequence of steps leading to its completion. Since its completion is necessary, the number of steps can not be infinite.
You would be hard pressed to find a food recipe that contained an infinite number of
steps, but there is a whole class of mathematical procedures that can be shown to
have no definite ending point, making them computationally useless.
Algorithms are related to objects, since objects have responsibilities, or tasks that
they must be able to perform. Most object-oriented systems are composed of large
numbers of objects, and each object can be responsible for several tasks. Therefore,
an object-oriented program could involve dozens, hundreds or even thousands of
Algorithms can be used to describe any number of processes:
Algorithm for making a cup of instant coffee:
1. Add water to kettle and switch on
2. Add required amount of coffee to a cup
3. Add sugar if required
4. Wait till kettle boils
5. Pour water from kettle into cup
6. Add milk to taste if required
7. Look for Hob-Nobs
Algorithm for finding the greatest-common divisor of two numbers (m & n):
1. Let quotient = m / n, disregarding any fractional part of quotient
2. Let Remainder = m- (quotient * n)
3. Let m = n


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

4. Let n = quotient
5. If Remainder is not zero, go to step 1
6. Greatest-common divisor is m.
Algorithm to calculate fuel use in miles per litre (MPL)
1. Fill the fuel tank
2. Let initial = milometer reading
3. Run the car for a period
4. Fill the fuel tank Let F = amount of fuel in litres
5. Let final = new milometer reading
6. MPL = (final-initial) / F
Note that although all three of the algorithms shown above are step-by-step
procedures, only two of them start at step 1 and continue to the final step without
deviation. The middle algorithm (Euclids algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers) includes a stage that may involve going back to an
earlier step and continuing from there. This iteration is a common feature of many
algorithms where continued processing depends on some condition being met. It is
important in these cases that the algorithm is known to lead to a solution (a finite
number of steps); in this case, Euclids algorithm is well known and guaranteed to
produce a result in a finite number of steps.
Although many algorithms depend on a mathematical process (particularly the
more interesting ones), most algorithms that are incorporated into computer programs are ordinary sequences of steps that are followed by humans in clerical,
administrative and technical tasks. As such, they are easy to identify and easy
to encode as operations performed by objects in computer programs. The vast
majority of computer programming involves directing a computer to perform routine
humdrum tasks that humans find mind numbing (the name computer was first used
to describe humans who performed repetitive arithmetic calculations for the creation
of navigational or ordinance tables). Therefore, most algorithms used in computer
programs are easy to develop. The key requirement is to be able to break down a task
into a sequence of steps (see the first sample algorithm above).
Exercises 1.5

Write algorithms (in numbered step-by-step format):

1. To add sales tax (at 17.5%) to the price of a single purchase (refer to the
price as P)
2. To calculate the cost per person of a meal for 10 where the total price is
150.00 plus sales tax (at 17.5%), including a gratuity of 15%.

1.4.1 Approaches to Task Decomposition

Of course, breaking a task into a sequence of steps may not be as innocuous as it
sounds. Given a complex problem, it is not always a trivial job to deconstruct it into
a sensible sequence of smaller problems. To get around this, software designers tend

1.4 Algorithms


to use well-tried recipes (which are themselves algorithms) for task decomposition.
The two most common approaches are known as top-down decomposition and
bottom-up composition. Top-Down Task Decomposition

Top-down task decomposition is done by examining an overall task and dividing
it into a few (commonly somewhere between two and eight) smaller sub-tasks. It
is also known as stepwise-refinement and top-down design. It is characterized by
a move from a general statement of what an operation is to do towards detailed
statements describing how information is to be processed.
To perform a top-down decomposition of a task:

start with the overall task description and divide this into the first level decomposition by breaking it into a number of steps;

treat each step in the first level decomposition as a whole task, and decompose as
for the top level;
continue this until each step is computationally trivial.

Using this approach, it is possible to make almost any complex task easier to do.
Since programming languages will allow us to perform only relatively simple operations, top-down decomposition is a necessary requirement if we are to do useful
work with them.
During the top-down decomposition process, it is necessary to follow some
simple guidelines to make sure that the task is well defined. Among these are:

steer clear of programming language specific details it is possible to bias a

design towards a particular language simply because of working habits, but this
is not a good design trait, since it limits the range of possible implementations

postpone the working out of details until you have reached the lower levels of the
task description
formalize each level (keeping to well understood conventions of notation and
verify each level (aim to demonstrate that the current level of design is correct, in
that its parts are a true description of the task or sub-task they describe, before
moving on to the next one)

For example, you might consider the overall task of writing a formal letter as being:

write the recipients address at the top-left of the paper

write the senders address at the top-right of the paper
write the body of the letter
write the closure of the letter (e.g. yours truly . . . )

Having created the first level of decomposition, we can then consider each sub-task
separately, and deal with them in a similar way:


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

1. write the recipients address at the top-left of the paper

1.1. write the recipients name
1.2. write the recipients street address
1.3. write the recipients town
1.4. write the recipients post code
2. write the senders address at the top-right of the paper
2.1. write the senders name
2.2. write the senders street address
2.3. write the senders town
2.4. write the senders post code
3. write the body of the letter
3.1. write the introductory paragraph
3.2. write the main content of the letter
3.3. write the concluding paragraph
4. write the closure of the letter
4.1. if this is a business letter, write Yours faithfully
4.2. if this is a personal letter, write Yours sincerely
4.3. if this is a threatening letter, write Or else
4.4. write the senders name
Note that the notation has been consistent throughout a feature that will make this
easier to understand when you return to it at a later date. Note also that some of the
parts of step 4 in the decomposition are conditional, in that one of a number of options
will be taken depending on a certain condition (the type of letter being written).
Software task decomposition continues along these lines until the sub- or sub-sub(or even sub-sub-sub-) tasks are trivial enough to convert directly into program statements. For example, although we could proceed with much of the letter outlined
above, we have not decomposed stage 3 sufficiently to allow us to write the whole
letter. To do this, we would probably have to concentrate on decomposing step 3.2
(to 3.2.1, 3.2.2 . . . , then possibly,, etc.) until the actual information
required to be in the letter was complete. Note that to do this would involve the
introduction of semantic information (meaning) that is not clear from the initial
specification. We would have to return to the task of extracting requirements
specifications from the customer; no amount of computer programming could add
this information. In fact, our inability to complete the letter due to lack of information points to an inadequate requirements specification in the first place.
Figure 1.5 shows pictorially how an overall task (level 1) can be broken down into
successive sub-tasks by top-down decomposition. Bottom-up Task Composition

With top-down decomposition, we worked on an algorithm by breaking it down
into a number of steps until each step could be translated into equivalent program
statements. Sometimes, this approach is so abstract that it is difficult to get started.
In some situations it may be that you have access to a range of ready-constructed
classes of object that you know will be of use in the current project. In these cases,

1.4 Algorithms

Figure 1.5


Top-down decomposition of a major task

the problem is to identify and describe where the existing objects will fit into the
new system. For example, if you are building the communications sub-system of
the previously described travel agents system, you may already have a set of
communications objects to work with, but need to know how they will fit into the
new system.
We could try to use top-down decomposition with the aim of ending up with
low-level sub-tasks that fit exactly with the abilities of the communications objects
we have available, but this can be difficult. Instead, bottom-up composition is a more
suitable approach. The general aim is to start from a number of well-understood
low-level system capabilities or already defined objects, and work up towards the
construction of sub-sub-systems, then sub-systems, etc.
It is unlikely that an entire system design will be done as a bottom-up composition. For one thing, you are very unlikely to have all of the pre-built objects
required to do the job. Top-down is still the preferred method of decomposition,
since it is ideal for developing new algorithms and designing new solutions. Bottomup has some specific features that make it fit well into some problem areas, but these
tend to be few. Bottom-up composition is best treated as a way to get past the initial
hurdle of the top-level of design. Normally, once you have identified several lowlevel objects whose services the system can use, you will be in a more comfortable
position to proceed with top-level design, aiming to meet the parts constructed by
bottom-up composition somewhere in the middle. A typical system would be created
by building application-specific classes or objects and combining these with libraries
of pre-existing objects, as shown in Figure 1.6. Object-Oriented Design and Task Decomposition

It is worth stressing that the task decomposition methods described will involve
objects in many cases. Object-oriented design methods are best used holistically,
rather than piecemeal. Although an algorithm, or an individual task, describes a
process, the task is likely to be accomplished with the assistance of objects doing
some or all of the sub-tasks. This is particularly true when designing for Visual
Basic, where a large number of different types of object are used to allow a program
to interact with the user.


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Figure 1.6

Components of a major task

Figure 1.7

A simple object-oriented interaction

Object-oriented programs are most often designed as assemblies of interacting

objects, where each object has its own area of responsibility, and objects request
services of other objects to work towards an overall goal. A sub-task in a decomposition of some task is likely to be something that some object can do for us.
Objects behave like clients (requesting services) and servers (providing them).
In the simple interaction shown in Figure 1.7, a Bank Account object has access
to a database of bank account details, and can provide account-specific information
as a service to other objects (e.g. the ATM object shown).

1.5 Visual Basic .NET Projects


Object-oriented design is normally conducted using the following steps:


identify the objects and their attributes;

determine what can be done to each object;
determine what interactions each object can be involved in with other objects;
determine the parts of each object that will be visible to other objects which
parts will be public and which will be private;
5. define each objects public interface (the set of procedures that can be called on
by clients of the object).
There is much more to object-oriented design and programming than has been
described in this brief introduction. When we go on in subsequent chapters to learn
the principles of programming, we will work towards an object-oriented style.


Visual Basic .NET Projects

When we come to create software that implements the requirements we have
defined, we need to follow the rules and structure of whatever programming language and platform we are developing for. In the case of VB .NET, applications programs, referred to as solutions, are developed so that the best use of the underlying
.NET architecture can be applied. One specific feature of .NET is that software is
developed in components called assemblies. An assembly can be a whole program,
or a component that can be used by one or more programs, so we can think of
an assembly as a component in a bottom-up task composition. We might depict a
typical .NET application program as shown in Figure 1.8.
As the name assembly might suggest, one is usually made up of a number of items
connected together. These items are referred to as modules, which are separate
files of program code that perform some function within the assembly. It is useful to
create parts of a program in separate modules because we can group thematically

Figure 1.8

A .NET application structure


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

related code together in a way that might be useful to more than one assembly. For
example, within one assembly, we might create code for performing calculations,
displaying data on the screen and collecting and validating input data from the user.
The code that performs calculations or collecting user-input might be useful in other
programs and so developing it as a separate module will make it easy to incorporate
into them. With these two levels of component (modules are combined to make up
assemblies, and assemblies are combined to make up solutions), .NET development
is organized to allow the best possible facilities for re-using the work you do on one
project for other projects.
When you create a Visual Basic project, you are creating a single assembly that
can comprise one or more modules, or files of program code. If the assembly is
an application program, one of the modules will contain executive code that will
define how the program starts up (the entry-point) this is often defined as a sub (or
subroutine or sub-program) called Sub Main, although Visual Basic allows you
to define different entry-points for a program; for example, a Windows program
(called a WinForms application in .NET) will normally start up by the main form (or
Window) appearing on the screen.
Microsoft Visual Studio creates solutions, and as their name suggests, these define
the complete set of software assemblies for a particular application program. A solution can be a single assembly or several assemblies, one of which will be the main
one that contains the entry point. Figure 1.8 depicts the bottom-up composition of a
solution and you should notice some similarity between this and Figure 1.6, which
depicts a more general composition of an object-oriented program. In either case,
the hierarchical structure used promotes flexibility, breaking up the development
work into complete sub-assemblies that could be given to separate programmers and
simplifying the overall programming task.


Software development is often approached as a process with a starting point, an
ending point, and a number of identifiable phases. The organization of these phases
is often referred to as the life-cycle. A number of life-cycle models exist, most of
which define how the various phases articulate to, or connect with, each other. The
different life-cycle models have different advantages and disadvantages, making
them more or less suitable to a project, depending on its size, nature, the experience
of the development team, the requirements information available at the projects
inception, and the available input from the customer or user.
The most important phase of a software project is the requirements specification
phase, since this phase defines what the software will do. Requirements statements
should be as complete, unambiguous and correct as possible, since changes to requirements later in the development process will require expensive reworking through all
of the phases. Requirements are often produced as a structured list of English statements, since in this form the customer can understand them and hopefully identify
any anomalies. Requirements can also be depicted in terms of the identifiable objects
in a system, and the services or operations these objects can provide.

Review Questions


Algorithms are fundamental building blocks of software designs. An algorithm is

a step-by-step description of how to complete a task. Since a software system will
comprise a large number of tasks, its development will involve the encoding of a
large number of algorithms into a programming language. Fortunately, most algorithms are lists of simple instructions for how to accomplish routine operations.
Some algorithms are more mathematical, and it is sometimes necessary to prove that
a proposed algorithm will actually produce a solution in a finite number of steps
(which is a requirement of any algorithm).
In developing an algorithm or a whole software system, it is often necessary
to start with a general description of a task and decompose it into a sequence of subtasks. There are a number of approaches to this process. Top-down decomposition
involves taking the top-level task description (e.g. a requirements statement or a
service) and breaking it down into smaller and smaller parts until it is a trivial
matter to code each in a programming language. Bottom-up composition involves
taking available designs for specific tasks in a system, and combining these into
higher and higher levels of task until the system design is built. In most cases, both
approaches will have a role to play in a software systems development.
Object-oriented development is a way of building systems by breaking systems
down into objects. An object is a component that contains data and is associated with
specific procedures for manipulating it. Object-oriented designs benefit from a tight
association between procedures and data; objects form better models of real-world
objects because of it. Object-oriented design involves creating assemblies and
other associations of objects. Since objects provide specific services to other objects,
the relationship between two collaborating objects is often referred to as a clientserver relationship.
In .NET, a single project defines a program or a major component that can be
used by other programs, and is known as an Assembly. A solution is a project that
can involve one or more assemblies that work together on a task or group of tasks.

Review Questions
1. Indicate which of the following statements about software life-cycles are true and which are

The software life-cycle is a system for describing the life of a computer program.


Most of the phases in the software life-cycle are interchangeable.


The Waterfall life-cycle is based on the creation of documents to ease the transition to the
next phase of development.

d) Code-and-fix is an important life-cycle model.


Life-cycle models are best if suited to the type of software being developed and the experience of the developers.


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

2. Software requirements specification is the most important phase of the life-cycle. Give two
reasons why this is so.
3. Write a simple requirements specification for a four-function (+, , , ) pocket calculator.
Concentrate on what it must do.
4. Write an algorithm for getting cash out of an ATM (i.e. a hole-in-the-wall bank). You should
assume that you are directing someone who has never used one.
5. Write an algorithm for looking up a word in the dictionary.
6. Consider the following tasks, and decide whether you would use top-down decomposition or
bottom-up composition or both to describe them in detail. Your answers should take into account
your experience of the sub-tasks involved. You need not actually create the detailed task

making a cup of tea

b) filling in a tax form


booking a foreign holiday

d) calculating who pays what after a meal in a restaurant.

Practical Activities
At the end of each chapter of this book, you will find one or more suggested practical activities. These are an important part of the book and should not be ignored
if your aim is to learn how to program in Visual Basic .NET. While the body of a
chapter will explain a number of topics and describe how they relate to the overall
skill of programming, the end of chapter activities will give you a chance to put these
topics into practice, experiment with the language and gain essential experience in
the use of Visual Studio .NET and Visual Basic.
In the activities for this chapter, we will examine the Visual Basic .Net Integrated
Development Environment (IDE), homing in on some of the main features and
examining the range of options available for a developer. You will get the most from
them by following through the activities at each stage.
Although you can create Visual Basic .NET programs with no more than a copy
of Windows Notepad (see Appendix 1), Visual Studio .NET is the best environment for creating VB .NET programs since it provides a full IDE. This enables you
to write programs, design user-interfaces, access and extract information from
database and web servers and create complex, multi-assembly projects within a
helpful environment that protects you from the necessary complexities normally

Practical Activities

Figure A1.1


The Visual Basic .NET Start Page

Activity 1: Starting up VB .NET and creating a new

WinForms Project
When you first start up Visual Basic, you are presented with the Start page (in the
centre of Figure A1.1). This shows recently edited projects in a list and gives you
options to start a new project or open an existing project that is not in the list (for
example a project that you have copied to your PC).
To start a new VB project, click on the New Project button. The IDE will respond
by bringing up the New Project dialog box, shown in Figure A1.2.
From this dialog box, you can create a new project using any of the supported languages (Visual Studio .NET can be used to program in Visual Basic, C# or C++) as
well as creating a setup package for installing any project you have completed. For
our purposes, we will always start one of the Visual Basic project types. The default
(for the entire IDE as it is first installed) is to start up a Visual Basic .NET project that
is a Windows application, which, as luck has it, is what we will be doing for the first
of these activities. We can also create Console applications (applications that work
in a Command Prompt window), Class Library projects (for writing code that can be
used by a number of other applications), libraries of new Windows controls to place
on forms, Web applications and services and a number of other project types. We


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Figure A1.2

The New Project dialog

will build a simple Console application later in this group of activities and look into
some of the other options later in the book, but for now we will accept the default
Windows application.
The New Project dialog also allows us to specify the name of the project (recommended, since otherwise it will be given a default name that has nothing to do with
its purpose), and the folder it will be located in. To create a new Windows application project:
Run Visual Basic from the Windows Start button
From the Start button, select Start/Programs/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET/
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Select to create a new Visual Basic project
Press the New Project button on the Start page, and when the New Project dialog
box appears, change the default project name (WindowsApplication1) in the Name
box to Hello. This will create a project named Hello in a folder called Hello in
the default location for Visual Studio projects. We will change this default location
in a later activity, but for this first project, Visual Studios suggested default will
suffice. Press OK to create the project.
There will be a short flurry of disk activity before Visual Studio places you at the
starting point of a new Windows application. The IDE should now appear as shown
in Figure A1.3. The default form of the project is shown in the main application
workspace (where the Start page used to be). Notice that a new tab has been added

Practical Activities

Figure A1.3


A new Windows Application project

to the top of this area specifying the new forms file name (currently Form1.vb)
and the current development mode ([Design]). The Start page is still available by
clicking on its tab, and if we add any other component files to the project, these will
also get a tab here. The tabs at the top of this form are one of the most important
navigational aids in Visual Studio, allowing quick access to forms, code windows
and other designers.

Activity 2: Changing the appearance of the default form

You will notice that the form that has appeared in the design view has certain settings already applied. For example, its caption is currently Form1, it has a grey
background colour and buttons to minimize, maximize and close it in the caption
bar. Generally, we will want to change some of these as well as other settings for the
form, and to do this as the program is being worked on (i.e. in design mode), we use
the Properties window.
Get to the Properties Window and change the forms caption and Name
If Visual Studio still has its default configuration, the Properties window will be to
the right of the IDE (its caption bar is labelled Properties). However, if any changes


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Figure A1.4

The Properties window

have been made, it may be necessary to open and locate the window. If you cannot
see the Properties window, press F4, or select View/Properties Window from the
menus. The window should open displaying a list of all of the properties that are
available in design mode for the form. This is shown in Figure A1.4.
The Properties window will probably have the Text property for the new form
already selected, with the property name on the left and its current setting on the
right. A forms Text property specifies the text that will appear on its caption bar.
Change the current Text property of the form by selecting the current setting
and typing a new value. You can select all of the current setting quickly by doubleclicking on it. Change it to Hello VB .Net. Using the scroll bar on the Properties
window, scroll to the Name property at the top of the list (it appears as third in
the list of properties) and change this to frmHello. When naming items that will be
referenced in program code, it is sensible to follow a naming convention. We will
look into suggested names for Visual Basic objects later in the book.
Add a Button and a Label control to the form
We can change a form in design mode by adding controls from the toolbox and
configuring their properties. To add a new Button control to the form, find the
Button control in the Toolbox and double-click on it. The Toolbox window appears
by default on the left of the IDE and it can be in permanent view, auto-hidden or
closed. If you see a sideways button labelled Toolbox to the left of the Form Design
window, move the mouse over this and the Toolbox window will appear. If you
cannot see the Toolbox at all, select View/Toolbox from the menus. Since we are
building a Windows Application, the Windows Forms page (Figure A1.5) should

Practical Activities

Figure A1.5


The Toolbox, open at the Windows Forms page

already be open, but if not, select this page by clicking on the correct Toolbox Page
The Button control will be easy to find as the controls appear in alphabetical
order. When you double-click on it, a new button will appear at the top left of the
form, as shown in Figure A1.6.
Now add a Label to the form in the same way. Currently both controls will occupy
the same location at the top left of the form. Drag each of the controls to a more central location, with the label near the centre of the form and the button below it.
Configure the Button and Label
As with the form, the Button and Label will both have a number of default settings
that need to be changed to make it appear and behave as you would wish. The
Properties window is again used, but this time, before you change any properties,
you must make sure that the correct control is selected (click on a control and draghandles will appear around it). The currently selected control (or if none is selected,
the form) is the one that the Properties window will interact with. Change the
buttons Name property to btnHello, and its Text property to Hello. Change the
Labels Name to lblHello, and its Text to nothing (i.e. delete the current text
Label1, but do not replace it with any text).


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Figure A1.6

A new Button added to the form

As a final tidy-up, you may wish to get rid of a lot of the dead space occupied
by the background of the form (i.e. areas that are not occupied by controls).
Most Windows users appreciate programs that do not hog screen space unnecessarily. The Label and Button can be moved to occupy a position that will be
roughly central in a much smaller form (simply place the mouse pointer over each
control, press down the left mouse button and drag the control to its new location).
We can then resize the form by clicking on its background (to select the form,
making its drag-handles appear) and then dragging the lower right corner handle to
resize the form.
These actions (dragging to a new position and resizing) also alter properties of the
form and controls (the Top and Left properties of the controls and the Width and
Height of the form). You can verify this by checking these values in the Properties
window before and after the changes. We could also have typed new values into the
Properties window, a useful method if you want to specify an exact size or position
in pixels, but otherwise dragging to move and resize forms and controls is much
easier to do. Once you have changed the size and location of the form and controls,
the Designer window should appear as shown in Figure A1.7.

Practical Activities

Figure A1.7


The form and controls once properties have been set

Save the changes to the project

Select File/Save All from the menus. This will ensure that the project disk files are
up to date with the changes made. In general, you should save files after any
significant change to a project in case anything causes your work to be lost (such as
a power failure or a hardware fault).

Activity 3: Adding program code to the form

Now that the projects form has been configured by changing its properties, all that
remains is to write some program code to make it behave as we wish. Note that, for
most programs, the phrase all that remains is to write some program code . . . is not
really appropriate, since the vast majority of the work required in any real Visual
Basic project will be writing program code. For most projects, a developer will
spend far more time scripting how the program will do its job than laying out screen
forms. However, in this practical session, the main goal has been to gain familiarity
with the VB .NET development environment, and programming will play a relatively
minor role.
In a Visual Basic Windows application, we normally write programs in such a
way that operations are carried out in response to external stimuli, or events, such as
a mouse button being clicked, a key being pressed or some system generated occurrence (such as a clock tick). An event-handler is a program code routine that is executed in response to a specific event. Typically, a Visual Basic program is designed
to respond to a range of events so that a variety of scenarios can be initiated. There
will be event handlers to respond to a program starting up, the user interacting with
it in various ways, other programs or system elements interacting with it and the program closing down.
An event-handler can be anything from a single program statement to thousands
of lines of program code, depending on the complexity of what you wish to achieve
and the way you organize program code. In this activity, we will create a very
simple event handler to illustrate the process. In later activities, more complex
event handlers (and more complex program structures) will be used.
Add an empty Event-Handler to the Form
We will create an event-handler to respond to the user of our program clicking
on the button on the form with the computers mouse. Create an empty-shell


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Figure A1.8

An event-handler for a button-click, generated by the VB IDE

event-handler by simply double-clicking on the button on the form while the

program is in design mode. VBs IDE will respond by opening up a Code window
containing the outline of an event handler as shown in Figure A1.8.
Note I have added line breaks (using the _ line continuation sequence, a space
followed by an underscore character) to reduce the width of the first line of the
event-handler (beginning Private Sub btnHello_Click . . . ) to make the code
easier to read in this form. Visual Basic generated all of the code up to the blank line
before End Sub as a single line of code. We will ignore the apparent complexity
of this code for now, and simply take its operation for granted. By entering one or
more lines of correct program code in the space between the first and last lines
of this event-handler, we get to say what will happen when the user generates the
event (by clicking on the button). In this case, we will perform a short sequence of
actions . . .
1. Ask the user to enter their name.
2. Place a message greeting the user on the screen.
The first of these actions will demand that we have somewhere to store the name the
user enters. In a computer program, short-term storage of information is accomplished by assigning the information to a variable, which is essentially a piece of
computer storage (known as memory, since it performs the same function in a
program that a human memory does). The type of variable we will use (there are
several types, as we will find in later chapters) is a string variable, which can store
a string (or sequence) of text characters. We warn Visual Basic that we need this
storage space by declaring the variable.
We can then ask the user to enter their name, assigning it to this variable, and proceed to the task of displaying the message, including the users name. The appropriate lines of code are shown in Listing A1.1.

Practical Activities


Private Sub btnHello_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnHello.Click
Dim Name As String
Name = InputBox("Enter your name please.")
lblHello.Text = "Hello " & Name
End Sub
Listing A1.1: Code added to the IDE generated event-handler

Enter the three lines of code shown in Listing A1.1

Assuming you have not moved the cursor from where it was placed when you
double-clicked on btnHello, it will be in the correct location for you to just start
typing. If you have clicked the mouse anywhere since the empty event-handler
was generated, click it again in the blank line between the line which starts Private
Sub btnHello_Click and the End Sub line. Now simply type the text exactly as
you see it above. You should notice the VB IDE responding to your typing by
formatting the text as you type (changing its colour and capitalization for some
words) and popping up boxes full of information. For example, when you type
the opening bracket after the word InputBox, a box full of information useful to a
programmer will pop up under the line you are typing on. For now ignore this and
simply continue to type.
Once you have entered all of the program text (be careful with the punctuation in
the last line), the program is complete, and you should again select File/Save All
from the menus or press the Save All button on the toolbar (its symbol is shown to
the left of Save All on the menu).
Test the program
As a final step, you should run the program to test that it behaves correctly. Select
Debug/Start from the menus, and VB will proceed to build an executable program
based on the form design and code provided. If all is successful, the program will
execute and should appear as shown in Figure A1.9.

Figure A1.9

The program as it first appears

Press the Hello button, and a box will pop up allowing you to enter your name
(see Figure A1.10).


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Figure A1.10

The result of the InputBox( ) statement accepting user-input

When you press the OK button on the input-box, the message generated by adding
your name after the word Hello will be displayed on the label control, as shown in
Figure A1.11.

Figure A1.11

The result of assigning a message to a label

You can close the program by clicking on the close-box at the top right of the
form (the small button with a x in it) or by selecting Debug/Stop Debugging from
the menus.

Dealing with Syntax Errors

As you add code to a form, you will occasionally (or frequently if your typing skills
are similar to mine) find that Visual Basic will inform you of a syntax error.
This happens when you enter code that Visual Basic does not recognize as a valid
part of the language for example, by misspelling a name or using incorrect
punctuation. In most situations, VB will be able to tell you exactly what it did not
understand and therefore lead you directly to the source of the problem. Sometimes
though, the error message you get will be difficult to understand, ambiguous or
For now, in these situations you should check what you have typed carefully. This
will in most cases be how you locate errors as you work through the early stages
of learning to program using this book. However, as your knowledge of VB and
its syntax improves, you will eventually learn how to interpret error messages and
trace errors in an efficient and logical way.

Practical Activities


Activity 4: Creating a Console Project

For many of the activities in the book chapters, you will build a Visual Basic console project. Console projects are used to develop programs that use a standard
Console window or Command Prompt window. As Windows programs go, they are
simple and provide only very limited options for the user-interaction, centred on the
keyboard and a simple, text-mode display. For our purposes, console projects allow
us to concentrate on writing programs that define and manipulate objects.
Once you have a good grounding in VB .NET programming, you will almost certainly want to create proper Windows programs, and only occasionally have a need
to write a console program. However, in the early stages of learning to use VB .NET
you may well appreciate the facility to build a program that performs simple functions without having to worry about the additional complexity of forms and controls.
Start a new project
Select File/New/Project . . . from the menus, and from the Visual Basic Projects
group, select a Console Application (you may need to scroll down the list of project
types in the Templates pane of the New Project dialog) (Figure A1.12).

Figure A1.12

Starting a new console project

Enter a name for the project (HelloConsole) and, optionally, browse to a folder
you wish the solution to be created in. Press OK to finalize the project settings and
create the project.
Change the name of the module, and the file the module is stored in as shown in
Figure A1.13.
By default, the new project will contain a code module (a file that is used to store
program code) which will be given the name Module1. This Code window will


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Figure A1.13

The new console project in the IDE

already be open in the IDEs main window area. When the project is saved to disk,
this module will occupy a file called Module1.vb. These names are not ideal, since
they say nothing about the code and will be confused with other modules with the
same name in other projects. We can change these names to make them more consistent with the purpose of the program.
To do this, right-click on the module name in the solution explorer (currently
Module1) and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Change the Assembly
Name entry in the dialog box that appears to Hello. To be consistent, you should
also change the file name to Hello.vb by selecting rename from the same pop-up
menu. Finally, rename the module in the Code window by replacing the name
Module1 at the very top of the file with the name Hello. There is no need for us to
use the same name for the module and its file, but it will be less confusing if we do.
Note that the code in the module already contains the outline of a subroutine,
called Sub Main. This will contain the code that will run to start off our project.
In this case, the program will contain a single line of executable code, which we
will place between the lines Sub Main and End Sub. Enter the statement as shown
in Listing A1.2.
Module Hello
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello VB Console")
End Sub
End Module
Listing A1.2: The code for the Hello console program

Practical Activities


Since that is all the code there will be to this program, save the project to disk by
selecting File/Save All from the menus.
Run the project
When we run a console project, it will normally run to completion within a Console
window, and when it comes to the end, will close the window. If we were to run this
program without the VB .NET IDE, we would not be able to see the output from it
because it would close the Console window down too quickly. Running the program
under the IDE will cause the program to run to completion, but an extra line of text,
Press any key to continue, will be inserted at the end of the output from the program, and the Console window will remain open until we have pressed a key.
Run the program in this mode by selecting Debug/Start without debugging from
+F5). The program will be compiled, and, if there are no
the menus (or pressing Ctrl+
errors, will run in a Console window as shown in Figure A1.14.

Figure A1.14

A running console program

What have we done?

Having completed the activities above and made use of Appendices 1 and 2, you
will have examined some of the features of Visual Basic .NET, and should have

how to create a new project;

how to configure a form by changing its properties;
how to add controls to a form and change their properties;
how to add an event-handler to a form;
how to enter program code;

how to run and stop a program.


We have merely scratched the surface of what we can do in Visual Basic, and as
you continue through the book you will find that we have many options to allow us
to create professional standard Windows programs. You may find the following
additional exercises useful for developing an expertise in using the Visual Basic

Suggested Additional Activities

To expand on the above practical activities, here are some suggested additional


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

1. Change the message displayed

It should be an easy matter to alter the message displayed in the label as the
WinForms program (Activities 13) runs (simply change the text assigned to the
label in the last line added to the event-handler). For example, try changing
the word Hello to Good day. You can also change the order in which the text
is strung together. For example, instead of adding the users name after the word
Hello, you could attach some other message after the users name such as
Alistair, welcome to Visual Basic .NET. Note that in order to do this, we need
to change the order that the text assigned to the label appears in instead
of <Message> & Name, we would use Name & <Message>, replacing
<Message> with whatever text we wanted to add.
2. Change the appearance of the form or controls
While we design a WinForms form visually (before we add any code to it) we
can make any of a wide range of alterations. Try changing the sizes of the controls added to the form or the form itself, or alter other properties. Experiment
with the form in design mode, changing the font and colour properties of the
controls or form.
3. Add new controls
You can add additional controls to a WinForms form, and can assign eventhandlers to these if required. Try adding a second button to the form (call it
btnGoodbye) and configuring it (change its Name and Text properties and
make it a similar size to the first button). You may wish to move the first button
or resize the form to make space for the new one. Once you have done this, add
an event-handler to this button (double-click on it) so that when the user clicks
on it, they are again asked for their name and an appropriate Goodbye . . . message is applied to the label.
Remember to save your work after making any significant change to the program, and especially before you try running the program.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercises 1.1


Life Cycle Terminology

Class diagram: design a class diagram is used to show how various
classes (types) of object will be composed and how they will relate to other
types in a system.
Use-case: requirements analysis a use-case is a description of a scenario
in which an end user of a system interacts with the system.
Validation: testing and maintenance validation is the process of determining whether a system operates as it was specified to do. Validation

Solutions to Exercises


should be performed at every stage of the development process, but it is

often considered to be specifically a testing phase task.
Configuration management: implementation configuration management is an activity in which different versions of the components of a
system are assigned to specific versions of the system (e.g. the English
Language version, the Small Business version, etc.) and the changes in
these versions are managed to ensure that incompatibilities and inconsistencies do not creep into a product.
Structure diagram: design a structure diagram shows how software
components are assembled into sub-systems and systems.
Indefinite loop: implementation an indefinite loop is a software structure
in which a sequence of program statements are repeated until some condition becomes true.
Regression test: testing and maintenance a regression test is a software
test that is done to ensure that changes made to a system do not have any
adverse side-effects on areas that have been successfully tested already.
Actor: requirements analysis an actor is a person or system that interacts
with a software system in a use-case.

A loose chronology of programming languages and styles is:

Imperative programming the basic principle of programming by issuing instructions to a processor.
Assembly-language programming programming by writing symbolic
instructions that are mnemonic names for specific processor instructions.
Spaghetti programming a derogatory term used to describe the almost
chaotic nature of imperative programs written in a high-level language in
which repeated changes and maintenance had made the sequence of
instructions confusing and error-prone.
Structured programming a form of programming introduced in the
1960s (after proposals by Edsgar Dijkstra) to eliminate the confusion
and error-proneness of spaghetti programming. Structured programming
was the first attempt to bring sound engineering principles into software
Object-oriented programming (not asked, but . . . ) a method of programming characterized by the creation of new data types that encapsulate
the attributes and behaviour of specific components of a software system.
Visual programming either programming by creating diagrams that
describe the structure and sequence of a task, or (more commonly) building
software systems by creating parts of them using a graphical form of interaction that can remove some of the drudgery of developing user-interfaces.


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Exercise 1.2

Driving school booking system use-cases:

register a new customer;

book a driving lesson;
book a practice test;
book a driving test;

issue a bill.


Note that this is a full answer to the question, which asks only for a list of usecases. However, descriptions of each use-case will be required for further development (and to make it possible to answer Exercise 1.4.) Therefore, simple
elaborations of each use case are:
To register a new customer: The Booking Clerk selects the New Customer
command and enters the details for a customer record (Name, Address,
Telephone Number, Instructor preferences (e.g. male/female, standard/
advanced) and Car preference (e.g. manual shift/automatic) ). The clerk then
chooses to confirm the new customer entry or to cancel the operation (if the
customer decides not to continue).
To book a driving lesson: The Booking Clerk selects the Book Lesson command and enters the booking details (Customer, Date, Time and Duration, plus
any special instructions for a lesson). The booking is confirmed if the customers
regular instructor is available at that time and date. If not, the Booking Clerk
should offer an alternative Time, Date or Instructor. If the customer accepts
a suggested change, the booking details should be amended to suit and the
booking confirmed. If not the booking should be cancelled.
To book a practice test: The Booking Clerk selects the Book Practice Test
command and then proceeds as for booking a driving lesson.
To book a driving test: The Booking Clerk checks that the customer has
obtained a test date and time from the Licensing authority. If a test date and time
has been obtained, the Clerk selects the Book Driving Test command and then
enters the test date and time. If the preferred instructor is not available for that
time, a replacement instructor is booked for the period of the test.
To issue a bill: The Booking Clerk selects the Billing Status command and
selects the customer to be billed. The Billing System calculates the amount
the customer owes and generates an invoice, detailing the services taken and
charges for them. This is then sent to the customer.

Solutions to Exercises


Exercise 1.3

Figure Ex1.3

Note that the customer is an actor in this system since he/she is responsible for
providing a date and time for an official driving test. This equates to the customer being an external system that provides details necessary for this system
to operate.

Exercise 1.4

An initial list of objects taken from the use-cases of the driving school system is:
Booking Clerk, New Customer command, customer record, Name, Address,
Telephone Number, Instructor preferences, Car preference, new customer
entry operation, Book Lesson command, booking details, Customer,
Duration, special instructions, booking, customers regular instructor,
alternative Time, alternative Date, alternative Instructor, suggested change,
Book Practice Test command, customer, test date and time, Licensing
authority, Book Driving Test command, preferred instructor, replacement
instructor, period of the test, Billing Status command, Billing System,
amount, invoice, services taken, charges.
Vetting these items for viability as objects in the system, we can reduce the list to:
Billing Status
All other items are either synonyms (e.g. Customer Record), properties of existing objects (e.g. Date, Time) or external entities (e.g. Licensing Authority).


Chapter 1 n Software Development and .NET

Exercises 1.5

1. To add sales tax at 17.5% to a purchase:

1. Let P be the initial purchase price
2. Let T (tax) = P * 17.5 / 100
3. Let SP (Sale Price) = P + T
2. To calculate the per-person cost of a meal:
1. Let Total_Price = 150.00
2. Let Sales_Tax = Total_Price * 17.5 / 100
3. Let Total_Price = Total_Price + Sales_Tax
4. Let Gratuity = Total_Price * 15 / 100
5. Let Total_Price = Total_Price + Gratuity
6. Let Cost_Per_Person = Total_Price / 10

Answers to Review Questions

1. Indicate which of the following statements about software life-cycles are true and which are false:

False describes the development of a computer system

b) False


d) False it is not a recommended life-cycle model, but True many software products are
developed in this way. Your answer depends on how you interpret the word important.


2. Software requirements specification is the most important phase of the life-cycle. Give two
reasons why this is so. 1. It is impossible to build a piece of software correctly unless you
have a detailed specification of what it should do. 2. As it is an early life-cycle phase, subsequent phases will depend on its accuracy. Errors made in the requirements phase are
likely to have more impact that those made in later phases and are likely to require more
effort to remediate.
3. Write a simple requirements specification for a four-function (+, , , ) pocket calculator.
Concentrate on what it must do.
1. Allow user to enter first operand
1.1. Reject an invalid entry
2. Allow user to enter an arithmetic operator
2.1 Reject an operator that is not one of +, , * or /
3. Allow user to enter second operand
3.1 Reject an invalid entry
4. Display result of calculation or an error message

Answers tp Review Questions


4. Write an algorithm for getting cash out of an ATM (i.e. a hole-in-the-wall bank). You should
assume that you are directing someone who has never used one.
1. Insert card into ATM
2. Enter PIN code when prompted
3. Select Withdraw cash option when options are displayed
4. Enter amount to withdraw
5. Retrieve card from ATM
6. Retrieve cash from ATM
5. Write an algorithm for looking up a word in the dictionary.

Start by searching the whole dictionary


Open the dictionary to a page about 1/2 way through those pages being searched


Examine the range of words on the pages opened


If the sought word is within this range go to step 7


If the sought word is after this range dismiss all of the pages on the left from the
search and return to step 2


If the sought word is before this range, dismiss all of the pages on the right and
return to step 2


Start at the top of the left-hand page


If the current word is the sought word, go to step 12


Go to the next word


If at the bottom of the right hand page, the required word is not in the dictionary.
Go to step 12


Read the definition of the sought word



6. Consider the following tasks, and decide whether you would use top-down decomposition or
bottom-up composition or both to describe them in detail. Your answers should take into account
your experience of the sub-tasks involved. You need not actually create the detailed task

Making a cup of tea. Normally bottom-up, since you probably know how to fill a kettle,
add ingredients to a cup, and stir the mixture. Each of these is a sub-task in the bottom-up approach.

b) Filling in a tax form. Probably top-down, breaking the overall task into filling in personal
details, employment details, details of income, details of allowances and then continuing by decomposing each of these sections separately.

Booking a foreign holiday Bottom-up is likely, since you may already have experience
of checking passport and visa details, ordering currency, selecting accommodation,
booking flights etc. Any sub-task with which you are not familiar should be
approached top-down.

d) Calculating who pays what after a meal in a restaurant. Either way an individual could
work through the bill, calculating the total for each individual and then summing the
result. Alternatively, each person could calculate their own sub-total and a delegate
could sum the results for the overall total.


Software Design

In this chapter you will learn:


what classes and objects are and how to describe classes of object;

different types of object interactions;

how different classes of object can be related to each other;

how to depict these relationships and interactions in simple diagrams;

suitable structures for Visual Basic applications.


Designing Objects, Classes and

In the previous chapter, we described how the process of software development was
conducted, and looked at ways in which the requirements of a software system could
be stated, decomposed and expressed in a form that made them suitable for rendering in a programming language. We did not consider the actual detailed process of
programming or program design. In this section, we will start from the premise that
we have fully specified a system and need to develop an object-oriented design that
describes how to implement it.
Only the most trivial of computer systems are based on a single type of object or
algorithm many of the early programs you write will implement one type of object,
but this is purely for the convenience of learning what objects are and how they
work. In real software solutions, we need to be able to describe how objects will
interact, sometimes in very complex situations. We will learn how to develop an
object-oriented system, including inter-object interactions, to the point where it can
be coded in a programming language.
Previously, we looked at algorithms as a form of description that was entirely
separate from the way that a computer program would be required to implement it.
The key feature in proposing an algorithm was that it should not be encumbered with
details of how a specific programming language would be used to implement it. At
some point, we need to reconcile the abstract algorithm with the concrete requirements of a computer programming language.
We can picture the development phases of the life-cycle as a progression, from
very abstract specifications, through the design stages to a concrete implementation,
as shown in Figure 2.1.

2.1 Designing objects, classes and applications

Figure 2.1


Progression through the life-cycle development phases

For our purposes, we can consider these steps in the progression to be as follows:

software specification is the identification of the objects required by the system

to do its job and the services these objects must provide;
software design is the development of a plan for how the various objects will cooperate on the overall job being done;
software implementation is the act of realizing a software design as classes in an
object-oriented programming language.

In the previous chapter we saw how a software requirements description could

be analysed so that we could identify the objects required by the system. We can
now go on to learn how the objects might be developed to a stage where we could
implement them in our chosen language.

2.1.1 Class and Object

Our first requirement is to be able to describe an object, in terms of what information it contains, and what operations it can perform. Visual Basic comes complete
with an entire library of pre-defined types of object. Many of these are controls,
another name for user-interface components, but there are also classes for managing
data at run time, dealing with files, 2-D and 3-D graphics, providing services for
database access and Internet communications, managing the execution of programs
and simplifying the use of the system printer and other resources. All of them share
the key characteristics of any software object:

they are defined as members of a class, which is simply another way of saying
that there are different types of object;
they are encapsulated that is, the internal representation of information and
operations are protected from users of the objects behind a public interface;
their capabilities are defined in two ways properties, which are the attributes,
or recognizable features of an object, and methods, which are the operations a
particular class of object can perform.

The notion of a class is one with which you are probably familiar. One very
specific use of the word class is to identify a group of students at the same
approximate level of learning. However, a more general explanation of the term
is that it describes a collection or division of people or things sharing a common


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Figure 2.2

Class and object

characteristic, attribute, quality or property. In terms of object-oriented programming, this description, from the Collins English Dictionary, is ideal.
In object-oriented programming, we aim to develop a program by composing it of
objects working together to do some job. In the majority of cases, several objects
with similar capabilities would be used to divide up the labour and to represent
different, but similar, items. For example, a word processor uses a number of
documents. All of these can be displayed on the screen, searched for specific words
or phrases, printed and stored on a disk.
With this in mind, we can see that it would be very inefficient to develop objectoriented programs by creating each individual object as a separate programming
task. Objects that share capabilities belong to the same class, and the best approach
is therefore to develop classes of objects, rather than the objects themselves. Figure 2.2 shows in diagram form a class and several objects of that class.
A class is a template for any number of objects that share the same general
characteristics and capabilities. When we develop a class, we describe the types
of information that an arbitrary object of the class might contain, and the actions or
operations that it can perform.
This does not mean, however, that all objects that belong to a class are identical.
In the same way that two word processed documents can be operated on in the same
way, even though their text and formatting are completely different, so two objects
of a class can contain different information and yet perform the same types of operation. We can make this distinction by saying that two objects of the same class have
different states. The state of an object is the pattern of data values, or properties, contained in it, so although every object of a class performs exactly the same operations,
the operations will have different outcomes because they work with different data.
An example should clarify this. Lets assume that in a given program, we have
defined a class of objects that can be displayed on the screen of a computer. All of
the objects of the class have the capabilities to display themselves. They all also
have a Colour property that indicates the colour that an object will display in. In the
program, we can create two of these objects, one in white and one in grey, as shown
in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3

Two objects of the same class with a different Colour property

2.1 Designing objects, classes and applications


It should be easy to see that both objects belong to the same class, since they have
the same capabilities and store the same type of information, but that both are also
different, since the colours specified by their Colour properties are different.

2.1.2 Class Notation

If we are to design classes of objects and indicate how they are to be inter-connected,
we need some form of notation to save having to use text descriptions repetitively.
Software developers tend to work with diagrams, since they make very concise
shorthand when describing the structure of systems. Figure 2.4 shows a commonly
used form, a UML class diagram, for depicting classes and objects in a system. This
can be refined to depict not only the class or object, but also the properties and
methods defined for it:

Figure 2.4

Class and object diagrams, showing properties and methods

Figure 2.4 shows a picture of a class (in this case, a generic class class), and of
an object of that class. The class diagram shows the properties and methods of the
class, while the object diagram shows what class the object belongs to and the
specific values taken on by each property. There is no need to indicate the methods
in the object, since methods are defined for a whole class. Note that in this form of
diagram, we show classes in terms of their interfaces. There is nothing in the diagram that indicates how information will be stored in an object of the class, or how
a particular method actually works.
Figure 2.5 shows a specific class (Appointment) and how its interface is defined.
It also shows a specific Appointment object with its property values in place as an
example. Note that there is no need to show the names of the class methods
(AddToSchedule and SetAlarm) on the Appointment instance. Since we know that
the object is a member of the Appointment class, we are allowed to assume that these
methods are available.

Figure 2.5

An Appointment class and object


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Figure 2.6

The ScreenObject class, with a Colour property and a Display method

As object-oriented programmers, we take it on trust that an object will behave as

its interface suggests, and actively avoid bringing in any indication of the detailed
workings when we are describing how objects will interact. At another level, we
must be able to describe the exact composition and workings of a class. At this class
development level, we are interested in the specific algorithms used by class methods
and the raw information that makes up an objects properties. Class development
occurs late in the design phase and in the implementation phase of the life-cycle.
Returning to the example of the objects that can display themselves and have a
specific Colour property, if the method that made an object display itself was to be
called Display, we could depict the class, and objects of it, as shown in Figure 2.6.
Now that we have a notation by which we can depict classes and objects, we can
go on to show how specific object relationships and interactions can be described.
Exercise 2.1

Consider a new class that is to be defined for use in a Personal Information

Manager program: DiaryEntry. Instances of this class will have the following
The class will also have the methods:
Draw a class diagram for this class, and also draw two instances of the class as
diagrams with the following instance data:
25/12/03, 08:00, Open Xmas presents, Yes
1/1/04, 09:00, Start new diary, No

In Visual Basic, a class is created in program code within a code module (Listing 2.1).
Class Appointment
'Class definitions go in here...
'. . .
End Class
Listing 2.1: Visual Basic code to define a class

2.2 Object relationships


Code to define how the class is composed (properties) and how its operations will
work (methods) is placed between the Class and End Class keywords.


Object Relationships
There are several ways in which objects can be related to other objects in programs.
Among these are:

Code inheritance a new class can be based on an existing class so that it inherits all of its methods and properties. New methods or properties can be added, and
definitions of the existing ones changed for the new class. A new class created in
this way is said to extend the existing class on which it is based. This form of relationship is defined when a programmer designs new classes. Visual Basic .NET
is the first version of the language to provide support for code inheritance.
Interface inheritance a class can be defined purely in terms of how objects
would interact with their properties and methods. An interface is empty
devoid of any data or code to implement behaviour. As such it would be functionally useless, but it does provide the facility that other classes can inherit this
interface so that objects of the new classes can be guaranteed to be able to communicate with other objects in the same way as the interface class was designed
to. This feature allows programmers to define ways of using members of classes
that have yet to be created. You could think of the facility as a way of creating
dashboards or control panels for objects that have yet to be fully defined.
Composition in the real-world, most of the things we see around us are assemblies of parts. A spade is a square metal blade attached to a wooden handle; a
table is four legs attached to a top, etc. In object-oriented programming, one frequently used method is to create complex objects by combining assemblies of
simpler ones. The new object is composed of one or more component objects in
such a way that the new object can delegate some or all of its behaviour. Since a
composite object can also be used as a component in an even more complex composite object, and this can also be used as a component, etc., creating classes by
composition is in fact one of the most frequently used and powerful techniques
in object-oriented programming.
Aggregation a member of a class can contain members of the same or other
classes, usually multiple members. Methods and properties defined for the new
class can delegate some or all of their work to the methods or properties of the
collection of objects it contains. Again, the programmer designing a class defines
this type of relationship, but the actual aggregation relationships are typically
formed and modified as a program executes. Visual Basic provides good support
for this form of relationship.
Message passing an object can utilise the abilities of other objects of the same
or a different class (server objects) by passing messages to them requesting data
or services. This is the main communication method used in object-oriented programming, and simply involves accessing the methods and properties defined in
the server object.


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Using one, two or all of these mechanisms, objects of one class can be defined in
terms of objects of existing classes, or can utilise objects of other classes to distribute the work involved in performing a task. The methods define how most of the
interactions that can be implemented in an object-oriented program are implemented.

2.2.1 Code Inheritance

This facility is more correctly referred to as generalization-specialization. An existing class, the generalized class, is used as a starting point when developing a new
class, the specialized class. Specialization can be done by adding new properties
or methods to the new class, or by changing the way that existing properties or
methods work in the new class, or a mixture of both. The new class becomes a
specialized version of the existing one. Figure 2.7 shows the standard UML diagram
style for depicting code inheritance.
For example, if a generalized class describes BankAccount objects which are to
be used for managing the transactions of any type of bank account by electronic
means, it would be normal to create specializations of this class to deal with specific
types of bank account such as investment accounts and cheque accounts. While a
general account would have a simple Withdraw method for withdrawing cash from
it, an investment account would redefine this method so that interest due to the
account could be calculated properly, and a cheque account may need a different
version of the same method to cope with possible overdraft limits. An investment
account would also require the addition of a new method, PayInterest that would be
used to add interest payments to an account, while a cheque account might need the
addition of an AgreeOverdraft method. We see these relationships in Figure 2.8.
This type of relationship between generalized and specialized classes is often
described as an Is A relationship, since the new class is a specialized version of
the existing one. An investment account is a bank account. In another real-world
example, a truck is a vehicle, since truck is a more specialized version of
vehicle. A truck has all of the capabilities of a vehicle, plus one or more additional
facilities (the ability to carry heavy loads).
Most programming languages that support object-oriented development provide a
mechanism that allows new classes to be defined in terms of extensions and alterations to existing classes. This feature allows you to re-use classes you or others

Figure 2.7

Code inheritance

2.2 Object relationships

Figure 2.8


An example of code inheritance

have developed by basing a new class on the code of the existing one. If we have the
class ScreenObject, we can use this as the basis of a new class, say PrinterObject
that defines much of its behaviour in terms of the existing class. In this case, we
would alter the existing method Display so that it sent the picture of the object to a
printer instead of the display screen.
Defining a class with code inheritance is often easier than defining a new class
from scratch, since all of the features of the existing class automatically become features of the new one. The design of the new class is then a matter of adding new
properties or methods to it, or changing some of the inherited features. However,
since the use of code inheritance suggests a strong Is-A relationship, it is important
that the designer ensures that this relationship actually exists between the existing
class and the class he or she intends to create from it.
For example, a nave designer may consider that the relationship between circles
of different colours, as shown in Figure 2.3, is actually an inheritance. We have a
Circle class, and from it we can develop a WhiteCircle class and a GreyCircle
class. This will certainly make it easier to create circles of the specified colour on
demand in a program for a white circle, create an instance of the WhiteCircle class
and for a grey one create a GreyCircle object. However, what if it is later necessary
to add a feature to change the colour of a Circle object? Using the inheritance
scheme, it will now be necessary to destroy one circle and create another to take its
place. Had colour simply been a property of the object as suggested earlier, it could
be changed by simply passing a message.
Code inheritance is a double-edged sword, and many programmers have come to
consider it a feature that should be used sparingly and with great care. Inheritance
relationships are often more complex than as first appears, and while considered use
of the facility can result in classes that are easier to develop, maintain and use, badly
thought out inheritance relationships are likely to produce classes that are difficult to
use and adapt to new circumstances. As an example, consider the inheritance scenario shown in Figure 2.9. Changes to the base class (class A) may or may not affect
classes B to E. This may or may not be the intention of the programmer, and requires
careful design and coding to control. The changes can affect any applications that
use any of the classes, and may introduce subtle errors that are difficult to find.
This problem is not confined to inheritance relationships since it can also affect an
aggregation or a composition relationship. Therefore, even languages that do not
support inheritance are vulnerable to it. However, since an inheritance relationship
is often more subtle, it is more likely that the problem would not be noticed as easily.


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Figure 2.9 Class E inherits from class D, which inherits from class C, which inherits from
class B, which inherits from class A. If a method or property of class A is changed in some
way, will classes B to E still behave as expected?

Code inheritance is a new feature in Visual Basic, and Microsoft has taken care in
its implementation to ensure that programmers using it have control over and are
aware of the possible effects it will have on the classes they develop and those that
inherit from them. Listing 2.2 shows how one class (a ChequeAccount) is made to
inherit from another (the BankAccount class):
Class BankAccount
'Bank account Properties and Methods...
End Class
Class InvestmentAccount
Inherits BankAccount
'Investment account specialist Properties and Methods
'go here...
End Class
Listing 2.2: One class inheriting from another

2.2.2 Interface Inheritance

Interface inheritance is a form of inheritance in which a class can be designed so that
it has an interface that is compatible with some more general class. The difference
in this form of inheritance is that only interface elements are inherited. Since there
is specifically no underlying code for the interface to connect to, all of the inherited
interface properties and methods must be re-coded in the new class no features are
added automatically, and none may be missed out. It may initially seem that interface inheritance is a poor cousin of code inheritance (certainly many C++ programmers among others consider this to be the case). However, interface inheritance is a
simpler mechanism that exhibits none of the possible ambiguities of code inheritance. In this form of inheritance, a class is designed so that it has an interface that is
compatible with some more general class; interface inheritance acts like a standard
plug that enables classes that use it to plug into other software that conforms to the
plugs format.
Interface inheritance allows a programmer to create families of classes that are
compatible with each other, so that you can replace a member of one class with a
member of a compatible one without changing any code that uses the object. This

2.2 Object relationships


facility supports the powerful object-oriented facility called polymorphism. This is a

feature that allows the creation of programs that can make use of any of a range of
compatible classes. Visual Basic is in good company in providing interface inheritance, which is also a key feature of the languages Ada and Java, and the working
principle of Microsofts Component Object Model, which enables polymorphism
between objects from different programs in a Windows environment.
Earlier versions of Visual Basic were considered to be limited by their lack
of code inheritance features, and VB .NET has answered the prayers of many VB
developers who wanted the language to include grown-up features. However, as
we have seen, code inheritance does have its pitfalls. The fact remains that Visual
Basic programmers did not seem to be unduly hampered by the lack of code
inheritance in the past, and it remains to be seen whether its inclusion will be the
godsend that many expect it to be. Inheritance is a facility that is plainly useful in
reducing the amount of work required to build a complex class hierarchy, as we can
see from the entire .NET Common Library Runtime. It is also a feature that can
make programs more difficult to understand, and does not provide many capabilities
that could not be implemented by other means. In this book, we will use both
code and interface inheritance to build class hierarchies. However, they will be used
quite sparingly and other styles of relationship between classes, to be discussed
below, will often play a more significant part.
A Visual Basic .NET interface is composed in a code module as a list of (one
or more) method or property definitions within an Interface..End Interface
block, as shown in Listing 2.3:
Interface Sellable
Property SalePrice()
Sub Sell()
End Interface
Listing 2.3: An interface definition

Any class can be made to conform to this interface by including it in an

implements statement at the start of the class definition as shown in Listing 2.4.

Note that this constitutes a promise by the developer to incorporate definitions of the
SalePrice property and the Sell() method in the new class, and Visual Basic
will refuse to accept a class that contains the initial implements statement but does

not include implementations of the property and method:

Class InsurancePolicy
Implements Sellable
Public Property SalePrice() Implements Sellable.SalePrice
'Property definition goes here...
End Property
Public Sub Sell() Implements Sellable.Sell
'Sell method definition goes here...
End Sub


Chapter 2 n Software Design

'Other class Properties and Methods...

End Class
Listing 2.4: A class that Implements the Sellable interface

2.2.3 Composition/Aggregation
Objects can contain other objects, or references to other objects, and can make use
of the capabilities of the objects they contain. Composition is often used as a way to
create a new class of object that extends the behaviour of an existing class without
the use of code inheritance, which as we have seen, can introduce subtle ambiguities. Aggregation is normally used as a way of assembling complex objects by
adding together the capabilities of a number of more simple objects. For example,
we might decide to provide our ScreenObject class with the ability to display a text
caption in a variety of fonts. If we decided to use inheritance, we could design
ScreenObject as a specialist version of a pre-existing Font class. However, it would
be wrong to do this as we cannot say that a ScreenObject is a Font, since then
we would be limiting future types of screen object by constraining them to behave
like Fonts. We can, however, use composition to make each ScreenObject object
contain a Font object. This type of relationship is referred to as the Has A relationship a ScreenObject has a Font. The relationship is conceptually correct.
A composition relationship is shown diagrammatically as in Figure 2.10. The
diamond is drawn at the side of the composed object and, in this form, indicates
that a ScreenObject object has a Font.

Figure 2.10

An aggregation (Has A) relationship

When one object contains multiple objects of the same type, the relationship is
more normally described as an aggregation. Often, in an aggregation relationship,
we also need to show multiplicity. For example, a car has 4 wheels, and this
qualified aggregation relationship can be depicted as shown in Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11

A qualified aggregation relationship

Other qualifications can be used to indicate different quantities in aggregations.

For example, many trucks have 4 wheels, but some types of truck have more than
4 wheels. This situation can be depicted as shown in Figure 2.12. In a similar way,
0+ is used to indicate zero or more, 1+ as one or more and so on.

2.2 Object relationships

Figure 2.12


A more general qualification

We can use aggregation as an alternative to inheritance when we wish to extend

or in some way alter an existing class. More work is involved, since in an inheritance
relationship, properties and methods in the existing class automatically become
properties and methods in the new class. Using aggregation in lieu of inheritance,
it is necessary to recreate all of the methods in the new class, delegating their work
to the enclosed version of the existing class.
In a Visual Basic .NET project, composition is done by including a reference
variable for an existing type in a new class. A reference variable is a name that we
incorporate in a class to store a particular type of data or a reference to an object.
It is good practice to define the variables that a class is composed of in such a way
that they can not be accessed directly from outside the class the keyword Private
does this; as shown in Listing 2.5.
Class ScreenObject
Private mvarFont As System.Drawing.Font
'Other class Properties and Methods...
End Class
Listing 2.5: The ScreenObject class, including a Font object in its definition

Note that mvarFont (mvar is a common prefix used to indicate that an item is a
Member Variable of a class), having been defined as Private, will only be accessible to code within the classs own methods. We can make it accessible by adding a
definition for a Font property, which will include code to define how the Private
member can be accessed.

2.2.4 Delegation
We can use delegation with composition and aggregation relationships as an
alternative to code inheritance; a class method can be implemented as a call to a
method that performs the same function in one of the objects that make up the
class. For example, in the earlier illustration of the use of inheritance, we decided
that a ScreenObject could be used as the basis of a new PrintObject class. If we
use composition instead of inheritance, then each PrintObject object will contain
a ScreenObject object. Because we are using composition, we will need to recreate
the Colour property and the Display method.
Since the new class completely redefines the Display method, we would treat
this no differently as we would in the inheritance situation. However, the Colour
property will not be automatically available in the new class, and we will have to


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Figure 2.13 The Colour property, delegated by the PrintObject class to be performed
by the enclosed ScreenObject

create a new Colour property that uses the same property in the class inherited from
(see Figure 2.13).
Exercise 2.2

The DiaryEntry class from the previous question is to be used as a component

of a new class, DiaryDay, where one DiaryDay object can contain an unlimited number of DiaryEntry objects. The appropriate aggregation symbol for
this is the infinity symbol . Draw a diagram that shows how the two classes
are related.

2.2.5 Message Passing

The last form of relationship we will consider is where one object accesses the
properties or methods of another by passing a message to it. The idea of passing a
message is mainly conceptual we will find it easier to think of objects as collaborating on a task if we can depict this collaboration in a human-oriented way. In fact,
any program statement in which a property or method of an object is accessed is
considered as passing a message to that object.
Continuing the metaphor, we can think of a class as having a vocabulary, which
is the range of properties and methods defined for it. For example, the ScreenObject
class has a vocabulary consisting of the names of its properties and methods
Colour and Display.
A message is a call to a method in an object of some class. The key distinction
between messages and methods is that the same message can be passed to objects from
any class that is capable of interpreting it. Each class may well do something different
in response to a message; each will have its own method of dealing with it. Classes
that share the same vocabulary, or interface, can all respond to the same set of messages.
Messages drive object-oriented programs. Every interaction with an object as a
program executes involves passing a message. We can consider messages as having
up to three parts. These are:

the name part of the message;

the parameters carried by the message;
the information returned from, or result of the message.

A message is defined for any class of object that has a specific interface. However,
a message is always sent to a specific object, and so there is in fact a fourth, implicit

2.2 Object relationships


part to a message the object to which the message is passed. Not all messages have
all of the parts. For example, our ScreenObject class has a message, Display, which
has no parameters and would return no result. Its job is simply to tell the object to
display itself on the screen, and no other information is necessary. If we have a
ScreenObject whose name is SO, we can send it the Display message with the

The Colour property, on the other hand, defines a message that requires us to pass
a parameter. If we wish to change the colour of a ScreenObject, we will send it
the Colour message, stating what the new colour is to be. To change the colour of
our object SO to red, we use the message:
SO.Colour = Red

The dot operator used between the name of the object and the message we are
sending it is a standard object-oriented way of accessing properties and methods.
Note that we could also define the property Colour to return the current colour of
the object, as shown in the statement:
currentColour = SO.Colour

Properties as supported by Visual Basic are flexible in this respect, in that they can
be defined in several different ways. A property can be defined to pass information
into an object to change it in some way and to retrieve the same type of information from the object, as the current value of the property. Alternatively, we might
define a property in such a way that it is only possible to either retrieve the current
value (a read-only property) or to change the current value (a write-only property).
Properties are defined in terms of two optional parts the Set part of a property
defines how the object will be treated when a statement sets the property to a new
value, while the Get part defines how the actual value of the property will be
retrieved from the object. Missing either part out will make the property read-only
(no Set part) or write-only (no Get part).
We can show message passing in object diagrams by simply using an arrow
to indicate which object sends the message and which receives it. The arrowhead
is at the receiver end. If we have an object, say X that sends a message to a
ScreenObject, SO, to change its colour to red, we can depict this as shown in
Figure 2.14.

Figure 2.14

X sending a message to SO


Chapter 2 n Software Design

The object X could be a form that was being used to edit the ScreenObject.
Note the colon preceding the objects name in this collaboration. The diagram shows
a specific object sending a message to another, rather than the more general depiction of an object of one class sending a message to an object of another. If the
diagram were to involve a number of objects of different classes, the full syntax,
ClassName::ObjectName would be used to clarify matters. If we had wanted the
object X to read the Colour property of the SO object rather than setting its Colour
property to a new value, we would have used the simpler expression Colour to
annotate the message arrow.
Exercise 2.3


A DiaryDay object needs to determine the Time property of a DiaryEntry.

Draw a diagram to show this interaction message.

An Example Class Design

It is worthwhile at this stage to look at an example of a useful class, so that we can try
out the various mechanisms that make it work. Note that we will only be designing
the class for now, although we will go on to implement it in the next chapter.
Lets assume we need a class that we will call BankAccount. This will model a
simplistic bank account and will include facilities for depositing and withdrawing
cash from the account and for determining the current balance. The full requirements
specification is given below.
1. A BankAccount will have an indication of the amount of money currently in
the account the Balance of the account.
2. It will be possible to Deposit additional cash into the account.
3. It will be possible to Withdraw an amount of cash from the account.
3.1. If the amount to be withdrawn exceeds the current account balance, the
withdrawal operation will not be allowed.
We can depict this set of requirements as a use-case diagram, as shown in
Figure 2.15.
This requirements specification is very simple, and would not be adequate for
modelling a real bank account, where each deposit and withdraw transaction would
need to be recorded so that an account statement could be generated. We will address
this more complex requirement in a later chapter. To design the BankAccount class
we start by drawing a class diagram containing the name of the class (Figure 2.16).
We can now go on by adding a property to indicate the account balance, and
methods to allow the deposit and withdrawal of cash (Figure 2.17).
Since this is a simple class, there is no need for aggregation. We will, however,
expect to be able to operate the class by passing messages to it, and so should define
the format of these messages. We can use scenarios, or use-cases to indicate what
each of the properties and methods will be expected to do. Since we only have a

2.3 An Example Class Design

Figure 2.15

A use-case diagram for a simple BankAccount model

Figure 2.16

The BankAccount class

Figure 2.17

The BankAccount class with properties and methods

Figure 2.18

Receiving the balance message


single class, we cannot show collaborations with other objects explicitly, but we can
show the BankAccount end of a collaboration quite easily (Figure 2.18).
Note the use of brackets around the class name to show we have an instance
of the BankAccount class. Note also that the current property value (150.00)
is shown this is not strictly necessary, and can sometimes cause confusion. The


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Figure 2.19

The Deposit and Withdraw methods

Figure 2.20

A BankAccount object and its interactions with an ATM

balance message passed to the account will implicitly retrieve the current account
balance (i.e. the value of that property).
All we have done with these diagrams is to show what messages an object of the
class can respond to, and what information (if any) these messages bring with them.
In the case of deposit and withdraw operations (Figure 2.19), additional information is required to indicate the amount to be deposited or withdrawn. This is, of
course, the Amount parameter, and is indicated by the word in brackets shown next
to the message arrow. We can always describe the action that the messages will have
as a short text paragraph to resolve any possibilities of ambiguity.
In designing a single class as we have done here, it is not possible to show full
interactions between objects. At some later stage, we will have to incorporate this
and other classes into a design diagram that shows the interactions, and shows which
object sends a message and which receives it. Figure 2.20 shows a very simple
example of this, using specific object instances rather than classes. The object that
interacts with the BankAccount object is an Automatic Teller Machine (or ATM).
The interactions shown are very simple examples, since there are only two objects
involved and all interactions are commands directed from the ATM to the
BankAccount object. Most systems will have to support more complex interactions
involving more objects and messages being sent in either direction between them.

Exercise 2.4

Assume the BankAccount class has been extended to include information on

transaction operations. As a part of this, it is now necessary for a BankAccount
to determine the Date and Time that a transaction (deposit or withdrawal) is
being made at. It can do this by sending the Time and Date messages to the
ATMMachine object. Show the interactions that happen during a withdrawal
operation on a diagram.

2.4 Locating Class Code in VB .NET



Locating Class Code in VB .NET

When you create a new Console or Windows application project in VB .NET, it
will be organized so that you will enter program code into a code module, which
is a file for containing program text. In the default module supplied with a new
console project, initially called Module1, you can add new class code by entering
class definitions inside the module code that is, between the keywords Module
Module1..End Module. In this case, you will be creating one or more new classes
that are part of the module definition.
In a Windows application, you will find a form module, initially called Form1
and stored in a file Form1.vb. In this file you will find a class definition for the form
(initially named Public Class Form1). To add a new class to this module, it can be
located either inside or outside the forms class definition.
In either type of project, you can also add class definitions to a project by adding
a new class module to it. Select Project/Add Class.. from the menus, and when the
dialog box appears, enter the name of the new class (to name the file the class code
will be stored in). You can then proceed to add code to the class in the new Code
window that appears. In fact, you can add as many different classes as you like to
this or any other code file.
When we create an object-oriented program or component, where we locate
class code within it is an important issue, since we usually must balance the
competing requirements of encapsulation and availability. Encapsulation, which
requires us to restrict the accessibility of classes and objects that we wish to maintain precise control over, can be enhanced by hiding classes within other classes;
for example, locating a BankAccount class within the class definition of a form
that will be used as a user-interface for manipulating BankAccount objects.
Accessibility means being able to create objects of a class or work with them
from some other code, and this is restricted when we define one class within
Truly independent classes, which can be used from any code in an application
without restriction, are best placed in separate class modules. Maximum independence can be realized by placing each class definition in its own file, but this
would lead to very complex organizations of files within an application. A better
approach is to locate related classes within the same file. For example, we might
create the following module (Listing 2.6) as a class library that could be used by
applications that dealt with vehicles (note that the actual working code has been
omitted from the inside of the definitions).
Public Class Wheel
'Wheel member definitions...
End Class
Public Class Car
Private mvarWheels(4) As Wheel
'Other definitions...
End Class


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Public Class Truck

Private mvarWheels(6) As Wheel
'Other definitions...
End Class
Public Class BigTruck
Private mvarWheels(12) As Wheel
'Other definitions...
End Class
Listing 2.6: A Class Library module with four related classes

In a Visual Basic project, all code is stored in files with a .vb suffix to their name.
In the next chapter, we will look at the syntax rules for Visual Basic .NET, which
govern what you can legally add to code modules.

Review Questions
1. Insert the missing words in the following sentences:

Software ________ is the development of a plan of how objects will interact to accomplish
a task.

b) An ______ is an instance of a class.

c) A _____ is a template for all objects that share the same characteristics.
d) Classes that have the same set of names for all their properties and methods are said to
display _________ inheritance.
e) A class that inherits the implementation of properties and methods from another is said to
exhibit ____ inheritance.

A class that implements a method by calling on a suitable method in a contained object is

using the principle of __________.

g) ___________ is used when an object of a class contains a number of other objects.

h) An inheritance relationship between classes is also known as an ____ relationship.

Objects of classes that are interface-compatible and are therefore interchangeable are said
to have the facility of ____________.


Objects that interact with others by invoking their methods are said to be passing a _______.

2. Distinguish between a property and a method.

3. In an inheritance relationship, also known as a generalization-specialization relationship, which
class (the generalized or the specialized) inherits from which?
4. In terms of classes and objects, how would you describe the relationship between a chapter and
a book? What about a car and its engine, chassis, transmission, and body.

Practical Activities


5. Distinguish between a message and a method.

6. A new class, EmailMessage, has been proposed for use in a desktop communications application. It is to have four properties From, To, Subject and Body and two methods Send
and Display. Draw a class diagram for this class.
7. The MailServer class and the MailClient class interact when an email message is sent. The
interaction involves the MailClient object passing the MailServer object a message, which
involves the passing of additional information an EMailMessage object. Show this interaction
on a diagram.

Practical Activities
In these practical exercises, you will learn how to:

create a new class in VB .NET

add simple properties and methods to the class
use Sub Main() to create an object of the class and test its properties and

The program statements used in this example will be fully explained in the next
chapter, so you should concentrate on following the exercises exactly to gain experience in using Visual Studio to create simple Visual Basic code. Our program will
be created as a console project.

Activity 1: Add a Class to a new VB Project

We will start this practical session by creating a new project and adding a Class
module to it.
Start a new project in Visual Studio
Run Visual Studio, and in the Start page, select New Project. In the New Project
dialog box, ensure that the Visual Basic Projects folder icon is selected in the
Project Types pane, and then select Console Application. Change the Name of the
application to BankProject. You can also at this stage nominate where on your
hard disk you would like the project and solution to be saved, by entering or
browsing to a suitable location in the Location box. I normally save my Visual
Basic projects in a folder on my D: drive (you could use the C: drive instead)
called D:\ Programs\Visual Basic.NET Projects\. Using this folder, the New
Project dialog should appear as shown in Figure A2.1. Press OK to create the
new project.


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Figure A2.1

The New Project settings for this exercise

Add a Class module to the project

By default, the new project will already contain a module with the name Module1.
This module will be the main object in our project. Rename the module by changing the first line in the code window to Module Bank, and rename the module file
to Bank.vb in the Properties window.
When it is complete, this program will create a BankAccount object and send
messages to it to perform various transactions. These messages will be sent from
Sub Main of the Bank module, so the Bank module will act as an executive object,
starting off the process and directing proceedings. However, well start the project
by creating our first class. To do this, select Project/Add Class . . . from the menus.
The Add New Item dialog box will appear (Figure A2.2).
Note that Class is already selected as the type of new item to be added (a consequence of our selecting Add Class . . . from the menus). The Name box at the
bottom of the dialog box gives us an opportunity to name the new module. Type
the name BankAccount and press Open. A new module file, BankAccount.vb,
will be added to the Solution Explorer, and a Code window will open in the main
part of the IDE with the outline of a new class already in place (see Figure A2.3).

Activity 2: Adding code to the class to give it a Property

and Methods
Write the code for the BankAccount class
All the code for the BankAccount class will be added between the lines Public
Class BankAccount and End Class. This code will define the Balance property and
the Deposit and Withdraw methods, plus a special purpose routine, a constructor

Practical Activities

Figure A2.2

The Add New Item dialog box

Figure A2.3

A new class in a Code window and in the Solution Explorer


that will do the job of putting a newly created BankAccount into a well-defined
The full code for the BankAccount class is shown in Listing A2.1. Enter this
code between the existing lines in the Code window (do not duplicate the first
and last line).
Public Class BankAccount
Private mvarBalance As Decimal
Public Sub New(ByVal InitialBalance As Decimal)
mvarBalance = InitialBalance
End Sub


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Public ReadOnly Property Balance()

Return mvarBalance
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Deposit(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
mvarBalance += Amount
End Sub
Public Function Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal) _
As Boolean
If Balance >= Amount Then
mvarBalance -= Amount
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
End Class
Listing A2.1: The BankAccount class

Well go into the details of how all this works in the next chapter. For now, it is
worth knowing that the statement Private mvarBalance As Decimal declares
(i.e. defines) a member variable so that an object of the BankAccount class has
somewhere to store its current balance, the block of code beginning Public
ReadOnly Property Balance () defines the Balance property that allows other
objects to be able to see what the accounts balance is. The two blocks of code
beginning Public Sub Deposit(ByVal Amount As Decimal) and Public
Function Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal) As Boolean indicate the
start of the Deposit and Withdraw methods, and the block of code beginning
Public Sub New (ByVal InitialBalance As Decimal) is the constructor
method that defines how a new member of the class will be created.
To test the class, we will need to write some code in Sub Main of the Bank
module that creates and works with a BankAccount.

Activity 3: Writing client code

Creating client code
The Bank module is a client of the BankAccount class. This simply means that it
relies on the class to perform services for it; in this case, the services of creating and
manipulating a BankAccount object. Once an account object has been created, Sub
Main will send messages to the object to make it perform withdrawals and report on
its balance.
Add the code to Sub Main in the Bank module so that the whole module appears
as shown in Listing A2.2.

Practical Activities


Module Bank
Sub Main()
Dim a As New BankAccount(100)
Console.WriteLine("Current balance : {0}", _
If a.Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal successful.")
Console.WriteLine('Withdrawal not successful.")
End If
Console.WriteLine("Current balance : {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Depositing 80")
Console.WriteLine("Current balance : {0}", _
If a.Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal successful.")
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal not successful.")
End If
Console.WriteLine("Current balance : {0}", _
End Sub
End Module
Listing A2.2: The Bank module, containing client code

What have we done?

In this set of exercises, we have created a class that models a simple bank account.
Specifically, weve:

added a new class to a console project;

added code to the class to provide it with a property and several methods;
added a declaration of a BankAccount object to the Bank module;
written code that defines how the Bank module interacts with the class using
written statements to output object information to the console.

You should bear in mind that our model is limited in a number of ways, not least in
that it does not record the details of any of the transactions (deposits and withdrawals) that are acted on the BankAccount. This would make it impossible for a
statement to be generated for example. In a later chapter well return to the
BankAccount class and extend it so that it provides a more realistic simulation of
a BankAccount.


Chapter 2 n Software Design

Suggested Additional Activities

1. Changing the initial account balance
The first statement within Sub Main in the Bank module sets the initial balance
in the account to 100. Try changing this to other values and view the results by
re-running the program.
2. Adding other bank accounts
The Bank module declares a single BankAccount object (in the statement beginning Dim). There is nothing to stop us having as many bank account objects as
we wished within Sub Main. Simply add another Dim statement for each, giving
each new BankAccount object a distinct name (a is the name used to refer to
the BankAccount in the exercise). We could then go on to refer to the new bank
accounts in the same way as the one in the exercises, sending Deposit and Withdraw messages and querying the balance. Try adding a second BankAccount.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 2.1

Exercise 2.2

Exercise 2.3

Note that Ive shown a specific DiaryDay object (Today) sending the message
to an anonymous (i.e. we do not know or care which) instance of a DiaryEntry
here. An anonymous DiaryDay could have sent the message, and a specific
DiaryEntry (e.g. one called CurrentAppointment) could have received it.

Answers to Review Questions


Exercise 2.4

Note the use of sequence numbers ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) to indicate the order that messages
are sent in. While not always necessary, these can clear up ambiguities in an
object interaction diagram.

Answers to Review Questions

1. Insert the missing words in the following sentences:

Software design is the development of a plan of how objects will interact to accomplish a

b) An object is an instance of a class.


A class is a template for all objects that share the same characteristics.

d) Classes that have the same set of names for all their properties and methods are said to
display interface inheritance.

A class that inherits the implementation of properties and methods from another is said to
exhibit code inheritance.


A class that implements a method by calling on a suitable method in a contained object is

using the principle of delegation.

g) Aggregation is used when an object of a class contains a number of other objects.


An inheritance relationship between classes is also known as an Is-A relationship.


Objects of classes that are interface-compatible and are therefore interchangeable are said
to have the facility of polymorphism.


Objects that interact with others by invoking their methods are said to be passing a

2. Distinguish between a property and a method. A property is value that reflects some part
of the internal state of an object. A method is an operation that an object can perform to
modify its own internal state or return some information about its internal state.
3. In an inheritance relationship, also known as a generalization-specialization relationship, which
class (the generalized or the specialized) inherits from which? The specialized class inherits
from the general or generalized class. (e.g. A truck is a specialized form of vehicle, and as
such inherits all of the traits of a vehicle but adds truck-type specialisms).


Chapter 2 n Software Design

4. In terms of classes and objects, how would you describe the relationship between a chapter and
a book? A book is an aggregation of chapters. What about a car and its engine, chassis, transmission, and body. A car is a composition, since part of its composition is a chassis, engine
and body.
5. Distinguish between a message and a method. A message is a call to an object whose type
may be unknown, resulting in the object executing a method. i.e. a method is a specific
piece of code to do a task, a message is a request to have a task done by any suitable
piece of code.


The Visual Basic .NET


In this chapter you will learn:


how Visual Basic .NET supports different types of information in the Common Type System;

what variables are, and how they can be used in programs;

how different types of variable are used to store different types of information;

the purpose of identifiers in programs;

the use of literals, operators and expressions in program statements;

how blocks of statements behave in a program;

how to create simple structured data types for use in your programs.

If you were a builder you would take the existence of bricks, mortar, plumbing components and electrical supplies for granted. You would also rightly expect to be able
to find tools for doing your job with, and to be able to hire services such as delivery
trucks, earth moving equipment and labour to do the work that you did not intend
to do yourself. As a Visual Basic .NET programmer, you can assume existence of
the equivalent raw materials, components, tools and services.
All of these come as features of the Visual Studio IDE used by Visual Basic programmers. However, much of what you will work with in a Visual Basic project
is also available to programmers who use other languages, such as C# or C++.
Underlying all programs written for the .NET platform is the .NET Common
Language Runtime; an extensive library of data types, classes and pre-built objects
that form the core of all software written for .NET.


The Common Language Runtime

Every computer program has a platform; a type of computer that the program has
been written for and can run on. In some cases, the platform is an actual type of computer, such as an IBM PC compatible machine or an Apple Macintosh. In others, the
platform is an abstraction; a piece of software that acts for all intents and purposes
as a type of computer with very specific features and facilities. Such abstractions are
created so that it is possible to deploy their programs on a range of different types of


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Figure 3.1

The .NET Common Language Runtime environment

Java is a good example of this. Java programs run on the Java Virtual Machine or
JVM. Since the JVM is a software construct, a version of it can be written for any
suitably featured computer, and so a Java program can be made to execute on an
IBM PC compatible, a Macintosh, a micro, mini or mainframe computer running the
Unix operating system or a variety of other platforms. Until the release of .NET, this
was a trick that Visual Basic programs were incapable of. VB programmers wrote
code for the Windows operating system running on an IBM compatible PC and that
was that.
The .NET Common Language Runtime (or CLR, or simply the .NET Runtime)
(Figure 3.1) acts as a hypothetical computer that runs .NET programs. This has
the obvious advantage that once versions of the CLR are developed to run on
Macintoshes, etc., any .NET program will be able to run on these machines. It also
has the major advantage of being a hypothetical computer designed by programmers. This is important, since the programmers who developed the CLR were able
to create an idealized computing platform, providing all the facilities they could
wish for in a computer. All .NET programs, regardless of the language they were
written in, are converted (or compiled) into Microsoft Intermediate Language
(MSIL), which is the native language of the CLR, and can then execute directly on
the CLR virtual machine.
However, the biggest advantage of all provided by the CLR is that it can support
a wide range of programming languages. Since all of the hard development work
has gone into the design of the computing platform itself, and since this has been
optimized to make it an easy target for programming language designers, it is a
simple matter to create new languages to run on the CLR (of course, the phrase a
simple matter is used as a relative term here; I wont be writing any new languages
for the CLR certainly not this week, but for those who find the need to create a new
version of their favourite language, .NET must provide the easiest possible route).

3.1.1 The Common Type System

Part of the CLR is the Common Type System, also known as the Common Type
Library. This is a range of pre-built data types, built using the best object-oriented
programming traditions. The CLR contains fundamental data types for representing
numbers, text, logical conditions, dates and currency values. It also contains more

3.2 Variables


sophisticated data types (classes) for use in developing user-interfaces (windows and
the widgets on these windows), data systems, file management, graphics, multimedia
programs and internet services. Since it is common to all .NET languages, there are
no features that are restricted for the use of C++ programmers only (always an
annoyance in earlier versions of Visual Basic), and it is possible to extend the facilities of the CLR using any .NET language. (The CLR was built using mostly the
C# language, but this does not give C# any additional powers over VB or other
languages.) Programmers in Visual Basic, C#, C++ or any of the other languages
provided for .NET work with variables and objects from the Common Type System,
or with types they have derived from this.


Creating and using variables, named storage elements for data, in a VB .NET
program is direct and simple. In this chapter we will see a lot of program code
examples in which data is created and manipulated, and, to minimize clutter, these
will be parts of console applications. Therefore, a common framework for all of the
code examples and snippets throughout the chapter is shown in Listing 3.1. Refer
back to the practical exercises at the end of Chapter 1 for details of how to create
this framework in Visual Studio.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'Sample code will go here
End Sub
End Module
Listing 3.1: The framework for all code examples in this chapter

A simple program could be created by adding a number of statements (lines of

code) to the framework in Listing 3.1. These statements would be instructions that
would be executed at runtime (i.e. when the program is being run), and declarations
of variables. Variables are pieces of information stored in the computers memory
and made available to a program. Programs need to store information for a number
of reasons:

data that a user enters into a program from the keyboard or mouse is normally
stored until it has been processed;
the results of calculations and other processing are often stored until a suitable
time to display them comes along;
often, calculations must be done in a number of stages, and so intermediate
results must be stored between the stages;
information in data files on the computers disk or a CD-ROM can not be used in
calculations directly, but must first be read into the computers memory;


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

information about the current state of a program (which item in a list is being
worked on, the position a window is to be displayed in, etc.) must be stored if the
computer is not to lose track of the task it is currently working on.

In all of these situations and many more, the easiest way to keep tabs on required
information is to store it in one or more variables. All programming languages incorporate the notion of a variable, and allow us to take some information and store it
in a variable for later use. A variable is simply a named location in the computers
memory into which items of data can be passed and from which the data can later be
retrieved. Storing and retrieving an item of data to and from a variable are the most
fundamental operations that any programming language will provide.
For example, in a small program for calculating the area of a floor given its length
and width (such a program might be useful for someone who has the job of laying
tiles), we might use three variables as shown in Listing 3.2.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim length, width, area As Single
length = 12.5
width = 8.75
area = length * width
Console.WriteLine("Area is {0}", area)
End Sub
End Module
Listing 3.2: A simple program that uses three variables

The first line inside Sub Main in Listing 3.2 declares three variables. The entire
statement (line of code) states that three variables named length, width and area
are to be Dimensioned; that is, space is to be reserved for them.
When a variable is declared, it is given a name (this is often known as its
identifier), a type, which indicates what type of information can be stored in it,
and a scope, which indicates the parts of the program it can be accessed from.
Each of the variables declared here has the same type, Single this indicates that
they can be used to store numbers with a fractional part at single precision, which
allows for up to seven digits of accuracy. We could store other numbers with
a higher precision (Double or Decimal) or with no fractional part (Integer).
Since all three are declared at the top of Sub Main, which is the entry point of the
program (where it starts from), they are all accessible from anywhere in this code
The three lines following the declaration do the work of the program. Simple
numeric values are assigned to length and width, and then the result of multiplying length and width is stored in the variable area. The final line before the line
End Sub displays the result of this calculation on the computers screen.
It is useful to notice that the actual calculation done by the program is almost
incidental; the value assigned to area just happens to be the result of a calculation
(multiplying length by width), and is assigned in just the same way that a simple
numeric value would be assigned. The function we perceive as being important in a

3.2 Variables


computer program (in this case the multiplication) is often trivial compared to the
way we need to wrap it up in program code to make it work.
VB .NET provides us with a rich set of pre-defined types of variable as the
Common Type System. We create and use variables of the supplied types using
statements similar to those used in Listing 3.2. What we do with the variables
depends on the job our program needs to do. What we can do with them depends on
which of the various types of variable we decide to use. For example, we would store
numbers in one of the numeric variable types (Single, Double, Decimal,
Integer, Long), selecting the type most appropriate for the job required (high
or low precision calculations, counting things, storing measurements, etc.). We can
also store text (using a String variable), dates (the Date type), the answers to
Yes/No questions (Boolean variables) and other forms of data.
Exercise 3.1

Write a short program similar to that in Listing 3.2, that will calculate the area
of a circle of a given radius. Define the variables area and radius, and use the
area = 3.14 * radius * radius
to perform the calculation.

3.2.1 Other Simple Variable Types

VB .NET provides us with a wide range of built in types of variable, as Table 3.1
Using the range of simple data types listed in the table, we can develop programs
that can store and manipulate any type of information. In some cases, we may need
to be quite ingenious in the way that we use these types to represent some information. For example, we can represent a colour as three numbers, each an indication of
the intensity of one of the additive primary colours, red, blue and green, that would
be mixed to form the actual colour.
Listing 3.3 shows some examples of various types in use in a program. Note
that lines that begin with a (single quote mark) are comments and are ignored by
Visual Basic):
Sub Main()
Dim Name As String
Dim DateOfBirth As Date
Dim Gender As Char
Dim Age As Integer
Dim Height As Single
Dim Response As String
Dim LicencedDriver As Boolean
Console.WriteLine("ALL ABOUT YOU")
'First ask for and read the user's name...
Console.Write("Enter your name: ")


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Table 3.1

Simple data types in Visual Basic

Type Name




0 to 255

A small number, equivalent to one unit

of storage in computer memory


32,768 to +32,767

A 16-bit signed number with no

fractional part


2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

A 32-bit signed number with no

fractional part


9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to

A 64-bit signed number with no

fractional part


3.402823E+38 to 1.401298E45 for

negative values; 1.401298E45 to
3.402823E+38 for positive values

A single-precision floating-point
number stored in an efficient binary
representation (7 digits of precision)


1.79769313486231E+308 to
4.94065645841247E324 for negative
values; 4.94065645841247E324 to
1.79769313486231E+308 for positive values

A double-precision floating-point
number stored in an efficient binary
representation (15 digits of precision)


with no decimal point;
with 28 places to the right of the decimal;
smallest non-zero number is

A high precision number stored in a

direct decimal representation to
improve the accuracy of calculations
(29 digits of precision)


True or False

Used to store simple true/false, on/off,

up/down or other 2-state values


0 to 65535

Stores a single alphanumeric

character (e.g. the letter x, or a
digit or punctuation symbol)


Up to 2 billion characters

Sequences of text characters, e.g.

names, addresses, paragraphs of a
document, whole documents, etc.


January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999

Dates, times and combinations of

both. A single date variable stores a
point in time (Date and Time)

Name = Console.ReadLine()
'Now their birth date...
Console.Write("Enter your date of birth: ")
DateOfBirth = Console.ReadLine()
'Ask if male of female...
Console.Write("Are you male (M) or female (F):")
Response = Console.ReadLine()
'Just in case convert the response to UPPER CASE...
Gender = Response.ToUpper()
'Ask and read user's height...

3.2 Variables


Console.Write("What is your height in metres:")

Height = Console.ReadLine()
'Ask if user has a driving licence...
Console.Write("Do you have a driving licence (Y or N):")
Response = Console.ReadLine()
'Response is a single letter convert to a Boolean...
LicencedDriver = (Response.ToUpper() = "Y")
'Work out the user's age (from birth date)...
Age = DateDiff(DateInterval.Year, DateOfBirth, Today)
'Now write all this- stuff out to the screen...
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", Name)
Console.WriteLine("Age: {0}", Age)
If Gender = "M" Then
Console.WriteLine("{0} is male", Name)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is female", Name)
End If
Console.WriteLine("Height: {0}metres", Height)
If LicencedDriver Then
Console.WriteLine("{0} is a licenced driver", Name)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a licenced driver",
End If
End Sub
Listing 3.3: Different simple variable types in use

The code in Listing 3.3 shows a number of different types of variable being
used in a number of ways. The statements beginning Console.WriteLine are
used to send text and the contents of variables to the screen. Those that end
in Console.ReadLine() take information from the keyboard and assign it to
the variable named on the left of the line. The other statements use variables in
some way or other.
There are obvious uses, such as a String variable being used to store a name
and a Date variable being used to store a birth date, and there are also some less
obvious uses. A Boolean variable can store any piece of information that can have
only two possible values; in this case, a person can either be a licensed driver or
not, so the two possible values True and False are ideal for indicating which
(we would normally take True as meaning yes, this person is a licensed driver in
this context).
We could also use a Boolean to store someones gender, but this might lead to a
confusing or even contentious usage does True mean Male or Female? Not being
a brave enough soul to decide either way, I always find it easier to cop out by using
a single character (a Char type variable) to store the value M or F, although a
string could always be used to store the whole word Male or Female.
Since a Boolean type will store only the values True or False, we can also use
them to directly store the result of assertions we can make in the program code. For
example, the statement:


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

LicencedDriver = (Response = "Y")

works by evaluating the validity of the expression Response = "Y". This can
only be True (the value stored in the variable Response is "Y"), or False (it is not
"Y"), and so the Boolean variable LicensedDriver will take on one of these
two values.
The variable Age takes an Integer value; it would have been possible to use a
Short value here, or even a Byte, since the possible range for a human being is well
within the range of these types. However, it is quite normal to use an Integer by
default for a non-fractional numeric, since an Integer variable corresponds exactly
to the size of a number as worked on by a 32-bit processor (the current standard
format for microprocessors in desktop PCs). Note that the value in age is calculated
as the difference in years between the users date of birth and todays date, and VB
provides a function called DateDiff() to make this calculation.
Once all the required values have been entered by the programs user, results are
displayed by a sequence of Console.WriteLine() statements. These work by displaying the text inside the brackets, and incorporating the values of variables from a
list after this text if there are any. For example:
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", Name)

will display the text Name : followed by the contents of the first variable in
the list (which in this case is the only one). The sequence {0} is interpreted as
contents of variable number 0, which is the first. If there were three variables to be
displayed, a suitable statement would be:
Console.WriteLine("Three values: {0}, {1}, {2}", X, Y, Z)

which would print the values of the three variables X, Y and Z (X is variable number
0, Y is number 1 and Z is number 2). Note that this scheme of printing or displaying a format string into which actual values will be inserted is a common facility in
the .NET runtime, and will turn up in a number of different forms.
In the final lines of code, Boolean values have been used again to determine which
of two possible messages to display. The statement:
If Gender = "M" Then

is the start of a code structure that decides which of two sections of code to execute,
depending on the outcome of a Boolean assertion. If the value stored in the Gender
variable is "M", the statement:
Console.WriteLine("{0} is male", Name)

will be executed. If not, the alternative statement indicating that the named person
is female will execute. In this case, the assertion Gender = "M" is used directly.
The second such If..Then construct makes use of the Boolean value stored in the
LicensedDriver variable to the same ends.

3.2 Variables

Exercise 3.2


Select variable types from Table 3.1 to suit the following purposes, and write
suitable Dim statements to declare them.

A variable, ProgLang, to store the value Visual Basic .NET.

A variable, Xmas, to store the value 25/12/03.
A variable, Attendance, to store the number of people present at a football match (assume the stadium has a capacity of 10 000).
d) A variable, Attendance, to store the number of students in a classroom
which has a capacity of 25.
e) A variable, Fuel, to store the exact number of gallons of fuel pumped into
a vehicles tank.
f) A variable, Category, to store a value in from the range A, B, C,
D or E.
g) A variable to store the distance in miles from the earth to the moon (approx
250 000).
h) A variable to store the exact time that a customer places an order with an
eCommerce website.

3.2.2 Constants
A constant is a variable whose value can not be changed. What use is that? you
might ask. Well, as it turns out, very useful, since there are often situations when
we want to make use of a value that will be fixed but is difficult to remember or
recognize, or that is generally fixed in a program, but may change infrequently
if the program is changed. We can give a value a name and optionally a type by
declaring it as a constant, using the keyword Const:
Const PI = 3.1415927
Const VATPercentRate = 17.5
Const DatabaseName = "SALES.MDB"

In the three statements shown, PI has been declared a constant since, unless there
is a change in the physical laws of the universe, it will always be this value,
VATPercentRate is a constant because at the time of writing (and for a long
period up till now), Value Added Tax in the UK has been set at 17.5%, and
DatabaseName is a constant because we could be using this file name throughout
an application program we are developing.
However, although we will never change the value of PI, we might wish to update
our application by altering the VATPrecentRate if this is changed in a future
budget, and we might decide to use another name for our database file in the final
release version of the software. Using constants in these situation means that it will
be much easier to find the single declaration in a program and change the value there,
than it would be to have to track down and change every instance of the number or
text it represents throughout a program.


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

3.2.3 Identifiers and Literal Values

Note that when we refer to a string variable in program code, its name is used
directly, as with any other type of variable. However, when we refer to actual text in
code, we must enclose it in double quotes ("). If we did not do this, Visual Basic
would find it impossible to differentiate between an identifier for a variable and a
string. For example, the statements:
Name = Fred

Name = "Fred"

differ in that the first assigns the contents of a variable Fred to another variable,
Name, while the second assigns the text Fred to the variable Name. We dont have
this type of problem when dealing with other data types because numbers, dates and
values like True and False cannot be used as identifiers in program code a rule
defined in the Visual Basic language (and almost every other programming language
as well). Microsoft has defined a number of rules you must follow when declaring
a name for a variable (or anything else that can be named in a program). Every
declared element has a name, also called an identifier, which is what the code uses
to refer to it. An element name:


must not be an existing Visual Basic keyword (normally called reserved

must begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore (_);
must contain only alphabetic characters, decimal digits, and underscores;
must contain at least one alphabetic character or decimal digit it if begins with
an underscore;
must not be more than 16 383 characters long.

Some examples of suitable identifiers in programs are:


While the following are invalid:


(this is a reserved keyword)

(begins with a digit)
(contains a punctuation symbol)
(underscore only not allowed)

3.2 Variables

Figure 3.2


How Visual Basic indicates a syntax error (here, an invalid variable name)

Fortunately, Visual Basic will let you know if a name you apply to something does
not meet these rules, as shown in Figure 3.2.
In a Code window, once a line of code is completed (by pressing Enter), Visual
Basic will mark any words or parts of the line that constitute an error by underlining with a blue wavy line (Figure 3.2). If you float the mouse cursor (an I-bar)
over the marked text, a pop-up hint will be displayed to describe the problem. This
will happen for any type of violation of the rules of the Visual Basic language
(syntax errors).
Since variables are used for storing values, and we must sometimes make direct
assignments of values to variables in code, we will often have to enter these values
directly in code. VB requires us to ensure that these values are easy to tell from the
other bits of text in program code identifiers, and other parts of statements. Due
to the rules for identifiers listed above, this turns out to be quite simple, as shown
in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Rules for literal values in code




Numeric (Byte, Short,

Integer, Long,
Single, Double)

Simply state the value directly



State the value in double quotes

, (comma)


State the value in double quotes

What, me worry?


Enclose in quotes to spell out the

date as a string (year part must
have all 4 digits). If omitted, time
part will be 00:00:00

25/12/2003 12:30:00


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Exercise 3.3

Indicate which of the following are legal variable names, and state why the ones
that are not are illegal:
a) My Date Of Birth
b) My-Date-Of-Birth
c) My_Date_Of_Birth
d) 2ndAttempt
e) AttemptNo.2
f) Attempt2
g) _SystemDirectory
h) __SystemFolder
i) .NET_Programmer_ID
j) #_of_Attempts

3.2.4 Initializing Variables

A variable without a value is useless. Whenever you declare a simple variable in a
VB program, it will have a null value assigned to it. For the simple types such as
numbers, dates, etc., this will be the equivalent of a zero value; number variables
start with a value of 0 (or 0.0 for one of the types that supports fractional values),
strings with a value of two double quotes side-by-side signifies the empty string,
or no text), dates with a value of 01/01/0001 00:00:00 (a date value is entered in
a program by enclosing it in double quotes, like a string, and incorporates a time
part) and Booleans with a value of False. More complex variable types are defined
as classes, and for these a null value means no object. We will discuss the
ramifications of this later.
These values are assigned automatically by VB (or, more correctly, by the
Common Type System) to ensure that a new variable will at least take on some sensible and valid value. However, it is often the case that when we declare a variable,
the next thing we will do is assign a specific value to it. Creating a new variable for
a specific purpose is therefore a matter of declaring it (which gives it an identifier
and assigns a specific type) and then initializing it, which assigns a desired initial
value. This can be done using two lines of code:
Dim myName As String
myName = "Alistair"

These individual statements can be one after the other as shown, or a lot of other
program statements can come between the first and the second. Sometimes this can
lead to unclear programming, where you have to search through the subsequent
code to find what value a variable has been initialized to. Visual Basic allows us to
perform this compound task in a single line, as follows
Dim myName As String = "Alistair"

3.2 Variables


This code does not do anything different from the two line version, but by combining
both statements in a single line, it makes it easier to do and therefore less likely that
you will omit the initialization step. Also, by not separating the declaration and initialization, it makes it easier to keep track of what you are doing in the program code.
A great many subtle and difficult to find errors in programs have turned out to be
caused by creating a variable and not initializing it to a known, safe value. Visual
Basic helps to prevent these errors by allowing us to initialize variables before they
are used in programs.
Exercise 3.4

What will be the output of the following Sub Main() in a console program?
Sub Main()
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer = 3
Dim D As Date
Dim XMAS As Date
XMAS = "25/12/2003"
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", X, Y, D, XMAS)
End Sub

3.2.5 Variables and Statements

Variables are used to store pieces of data in programs. There are a variety of ways
to put the data into them in the first place and to subsequently use these values in calculations of other operations, but all come under the general heading of program
statements. A statement is an imperative, instructing the computer to do something,
such as work out the result of a calculation, assign a value to a variable or do something with the value stored in a variable, such as display it or store it in a file.
Statements are therefore the mechanisms that allow us to manipulate variables.
Simple statements in programs can really only do one of three things:
1. assign a value to a variable;
2. execute a subroutine, which is a separately defined block of statements;
3. control other statements.
There is a fourth type of statement, which executes a special type of subroutine called
a function, which calculates some result, and assigns this result to a variable. However,
this is really just a combination of 1 and 2 above, and so I wont count it separately.

3.2.6 Assignments and Expressions

You have already met examples of statements that assign a value to a variable,
in Listing 3.3. Sometimes the assignment is simple and direct, taking a literal value
(like a number) and assigning it directly to a variable:


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Name = "Fred"
DateOfBirth = "22/10/1974"
ShoeSize = 8
Height = 1.85

All of the above are valid assignments of the simplest type. Statements like this
are useful in programs, but do not really do much of the work we would expect a
computer program to do. We normally expect statements in computer programs to
involve calculations, and these again can take the form of assignments:
Sum = 11 + 8
Area = Length * Width
Circumference = 2 * PI * Radius
TotalPrice = Price + Price * VAT_Rate/100
FullName = Name & " Bloggs"

In all of the above, the stuff on the right of the = sign is evaluated and the result
assigned to the variable on the left. Note that such assignment can involve variables,
literal values and a mixture of both. One interesting example is the last of the above
group, where a new string value is calculated by concatenating (adding together) two
other strings. Calculations do not always need to involve numbers.
Using some of the built-in functions in Visual Basic, we can also calculate values
to store in variables:
Square_Size = Sqr(Square_Area)
Age = DateDiff(DateInterval.Year, DateOfBirth, Today)
UpperCaseName = UCase(FullName)

The functions shown above are Sqr(), which calculates a square root,
DateDiff(), which calculates the time difference between two dates, and UCase()
which converts a string into upper case text. The keyword Today is also a function
call, but in this case does not need any value to work on; it simply calculates
todays date.
All of the above examples are examples of assignments to variables. A common
feature is that in every case, the value of an expression is assigned to a variable. An
expression is a combination of literal values, variables and operators that can be
calculated to produce a single value. The simplest form of an expression is a literal
value, such as a number, date or string. More complex expressions involve calculations using arithmetic or some other type of operation (like string concatenation)
or calls to functions, or mixtures of both.


Expressions and Operators

An expression can always be used in the same place as a single value in a statement.
For example, the expression 4 + 3 can be used anywhere we could use the individual number 7 in a program. Since either of the numbers in that expression could also

3.3 Expressions and Operators


be replaced by an expression we can use an expression of any complexity in any

place in a program where a value would do. For example 4 + 3 is the same as
(2 * 2) + 3 and both are the same as Sqr(16) + 3. In fact, a single value is simply
another form of expression.
The notion of an expression in a program is therefore a very powerful thing, since
an expression can be of any complexity, and yet can always be used in any situation
where we might make use of a value. For example, consider the operation of displaying a single value on the screen of a console program. Looking back to any of
the code examples weve seen so far in this chapter, you will see that the general
form for displaying a value is:
Console.WriteLine("Here comes some value: {0}", value)

Console.WriteLine("Here comes some value: {0}", 42)

In the first case, were displaying the current contents of a variable, value. In the
second were displaying a literal value. However, either of these could be replaced
by an expression of arbitrary complexity:
Console.WriteLine("Here comes some value: {0}", _
value1 * value2 + value3 / value4)

(Note, the sequence of a space followed by a _ at the end of a line allows us to

run over on to the next line in a VB program). Replace any of value1, value2,
value3 or value4 by another expression and the whole thing is still an expression. We can also do the same in any other place we would normally use a value.
For example:
y = Sqr(a + b + c)

Here the expression a + b + c is evaluated as a single value, that is then passed

to the built-in Sqr() function. We could even do:
y = Sqr(Sqr(256))

since the expression Sqr(256) evaluates as a single number (16) which can be
passed to the Sqr() function. Overall, that statement has exactly the same result as:
y = 4

Expressions always involve values, either literal ones or values stored in variables. However, they also, except in the case of the simplest expressions (a single
value), involve either functions or operators. Visual Basic contains a large number
of operators for use in a wide range of situations. Table 3.3 shows most of the available operators.


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Table 3.3

Standard operators in Visual Basic




Arithmetic operators (simple calculations)

+, , *, /
Standard arithmetic
i.e. Plus, Minus, Times, Divide
e.g. x = (y * z) / 4 (Note that *, not x, is used for

Integer division

11 \ 3

Division with integer result (i.e. the fractional

part of the result is discarded here result is 3)


Modulus remainder
after division

11 mod 3

Result is remainder of 11\3, or 2



Result is X raised to the power 3

Assignment operators (all assign a new value to the variable on the left)
Simple assignment
Assign a new value to variable X


X += 3

Increases the value of the variable X by the 3



X =3

Decreases the value of the variable X by the 3

Multiply and assign

X *= 3

Multiply the value of the variable X by 3 and assign

the result to X


Divide and assign

X /= 3

Divide the value of the variable X by 3 and assign

the result to X


Integer divide
and assign

X \= 3

Divide the value of the variable X by 3 and

assign the integer part of the result to X


Raise to power

X ^= 3

Raise X to the power 3 and assign the result to X



X &= abc

Attach the string abc to the end of the

string variable X

Comparison operators (all give a Boolean result)

Less than

True if X is less than Y


Greater than


True if X is bigger than Y

Equal to


True if X and Y are equal note, this is

distinguished from the assignment = by context


Less or equal

X <= Y

True if X is not bigger than Y


Greater or equal

X >= Y

True if X is not less than Y

Logical operators (used to combine simple Boolean expressions)

Logical And
X And Y
True if both X and Y are True

Logical Or

X Or Y


Logical inversion

Not X

True if either X or Y is True

True if X is False, False if X is true


Exclusive or

X Xor Y

True if X is True and Y is False or if X

is False and Y is True False otherwise

Concatenation ( joining strings)


S1 & X

Joins any two values or expressions to form a String


Adds two numbers

S1 + S2

Joins two strings

Addition /

3.3 Expressions and Operators


In addition to these operators, various rules apply in Visual Basic regarding how
the operators are applied and the results achieved. In general, an operator is used to
provide a specific type of result (e.g. integer, string) and therefore we need to be
careful what we do with the result. For example, while the & operator and the +
operator can both be used to join strings, sometimes they can produce quite different results when not used with care (Listing 3.4).
Sub Main()
Dim x As Single, y As Single
x = 3
y = 6
Console.WriteLine("x + y gives {0}", x + y)
Console.WriteLine("x & y gives {0}", x & y)
End Sub
Listing 3.4: The + and & operators

The output from the above WriteLine() statements will be different, because
in the first the + operator will add the two values to give 9, and in the second the &
operator will join the 3 to the 6 to give 36. Obviously, this can matter a lot in a program, so it is necessary to be careful about the operators you make use of in statements. A generally good rule to work by is that you should only ever use an operator
that is intended for the variable types it operates on. In the above example, using the
& operator with the two numeric variables directly is considered bad practice. As
we shall see later, Visual Basic provides us with safe ways around this problem.
Exercises 3.5


For each of the following, state the value that will be assigned to the variable
and the most likely type of the variable where this is not already stated.
a) X = 22/11, where X is an Integer.
b) Y = 10/4, where Y is a Single.
c) N = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, CDate("1/12/2002"),
d) C = UCase("x").
e) D = LCase("a").
f) B = 4 = (2 + 2).
g) B = 4 = (2 + 3).
h) Msg = "Welcome " & Name, where Name is a String that contains
your first name.
i) Age += 1, where age originally contains the value 20.
j) P += Q, where P contains 5 and Q contains 3.
k) Price *= Markup, where Price is 10.00, and Markup is 1.10.
l) Message &= Name, where Message is Hello , and Name is


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

m) ChildTicket = Not(Age >= 21), where Age is 25.

n) CanDrive = (Age >= 17) And HasLicence And (Not
HasConviction), where Age is 28, HasLicence is True and
HasConvictions is True.


Write simple expressions that will do the following.

a) Assign the number of hours in N full days to the variable H.
b) Assign the remainder of the division A/B to the variable C.
c) Assign the price including Tax to the variable Price when Tax is
15% and Price currently contains the price before tax.
d) Square the value in variable X, assigning the result to X.
e) Assign True to AdultTicket if Age is 21 or over, False
f) Reduce the value in MortgageRemaining by the amount in
g) Assign the value of the circumference of a circle to C, given its radius
is R.
h) Assign the average of N1, N2 and N3 to the variable N.
i) Assign the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle to H,
where the other two sides are of length X and Y. The function
Sqrt( ) returns the square root.

Statements and Blocks

In most situations, it will not be possible to do the entire work of a program in
a single statement, so we will need to combine multiple statements to get the
desired effect. The rule for combining simple statements to get them to collaborate
on a single task is refreshingly simple: a simple sequence of statements will be
executed in the order in which they appear in the program listing. Note that Ive
said this is the rule for a simple sequence of statements; there are ways of overriding this rule, but well come to them later.
So how would we organize a sequence of statements so that they work coherently
together? The key to this is the use of variables to store the state of a task from one
statement to the next. By the state of a task, we normally mean the current contents
of all the relevant variables in combination, and this is important because the next
state that the task goes into (after the next statement in a sequence is executed) is a
combination of the current state and the effects on it of next statement in the
sequence that will be executed.
An example might help here. Consider the task of calculating the price of an item
inclusive of tax, when you know the pre-tax price and the tax rate. We would use a
sequence of statements to perform this task. These could be executed in the following sequence.

3.4 Statements and Blocks


1. Ask the user to enter the price of the item: store the result in a variable
2. Ask the user to enter the tax rate, say as a percentage: store the result in a
variable Tax.
3. Calculate the total price by applying the expression Price * Tax / 100 + Price:
store the result in a variable TotalPrice.
4. Display the value of TotalPrice.
Now if you examine the sequence closely, you should see that the order in which
some of these statements are executed does not matter too much; for example
statements 1 and 2, but for others, the sequence is crucial. For example, step 4 will
not give the correct answer unless it is the last in the sequence, and it is important
that both steps 1 and 2 are executed before step 3 is.
Once we have a group of steps organized into the correct sequence, we would
want to define the whole group as an operation within a program, or possibly the
whole program. Most programming languages give us the idea of a block of statements; a sequence that is organized to operate as a single, indivisible unit. In VB,
we have many ways in which we can define a block of statements, but possibly the
most fundamental of these is the subroutine, or sub. A subroutine is simply a block
of statements bracketed by the keywords Sub and End Sub and given an identifier,
so that we can refer to it in much the same way we can refer to a variable. You
have already met subroutines in the preceding examples; so far, all of them have
been given the identifier Main. Sub Main takes on the special role of defining the
starting point of a Visual Basic console program (although as well see later, a VB
Windows program normally does not need one).
Lets look at our add-tax task converted into a Visual Basic program (Listing 3.5).
Module AddTax
Sub Main()
Dim Price As Decimal
Dim Tax As Single
Dim TotalPrice As Decimal
Console.WriteLine("Add Tax to Price")
Console.Write("Enter item price: ")
Price = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter tax rate (%): ")
Tax = Console.ReadLine()
TotalPrice = Price + Price * Tax / 100
Console.WriteLine("Price including tax is: {0}", _
End Sub
End Module
Listing 3.5: A block of statements as a whole program

All of the statements between the keywords Sub and End Sub form a block of code
that is also a subroutine. Because this particular subroutine can also be recognized


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

by Visual Basic as the entry point of the program (by its name, Sub Main), it takes
on the significance of being the main or executive block of the program (also, in this
case, the only one).
Most programs will contain more than a single subroutine sometimes many.
This gives us the power to divide up the overall work of a program into a number of
sub-tasks which can be executed in concert. By breaking up the work of a program
into separate, smaller tasks, we make the program much easier to design, create and
maintain, in much the same way that any large and complex task can be divided into
sub-tasks. For example, if you were to build a house, you would normally consider
the laying of the foundations as one task, laying the bricks as another, adding a roof
as another, doing electrical wiring, plumbing as others, etc. Take any of these tasks
and they can again be broken up into a number of sub-tasks. Blocks in programs,
particularly named blocks such as subroutines, allow us to treat the overall work of
a program as separate tasks and solve each separately.
We can sum up the significance of variables, statements and blocks of statements
as follows.

Variables store items of data that are significant to the job that a program does.
Statements can operate on variables, performing calculations with their values
and assigning the result of these to other variables.
Blocks of statements can define operations which can manipulate the values in
variables in a coherent, scripted way. These can do the work of whole programs,
or parts of a program.

We will look into the various ways of creating and organizing blocks of statements
in the next chapter.
Exercise 3.6

Create a sequence of statements for each of the following situations.




Collect values from the console (ReadLine()) into three variables, a, b

and c, and then calculate and display (WriteLine()) their average.
Ask the user to enter their name, address and telephone number (use
ReadLine() and assign to the variables name, addr and tel), and then
display these values in reverse order (use WriteLine()).
Calculate and display the volume of a box, using variables Length, Width
and Height for the dimensions of the box. Ask the user to enter suitable
values using a combination of Write() and ReadLine().

Structured Variables
All the variable types mentioned so far fall into the category of simple data types.
All simple data variables can store a single piece of data; one number, a piece of text,
date or time. In some cases, it may appear as if a simple variable was storing more
than one piece of data (for example, a Date variable stores all the parts of a date and

3.5 Structured Variables


time Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second); however, this illusion is simply a facet of the efficient way that a computer can work with information (a date is
a single point in time and can be stored as such by storing the length of a time interval from some reference point in time the number of seconds that have elapsed
since the start of this century, for example). When we need to store more than one
piece of data, we have a choice; we can either use more than one variable as was
done in Listing 3.2 to store the length and width of a single rectangle in two separate variables, or we can resort to a more complex variable type. The first of these
options was once the only one available to programmers, but as programming languages have become more capable, it is now more normal to deal with multiple
pieces of data which relate to a single thing (such as a rectangle) in a single variable.
Visual Basic and the underlying runtime system give us several ways of organizing groups of variables into coherent assemblies of data. One option provided by the
CLR is that we can create new variable types that can store more than a single value.
For example, we can define a new Rectangle type that is capable of storing both
the Length and the Width of a rectangle in a single variable. Using this, the code
in Listing 3.2 can be rewritten to deal directly with rectangles:
Structure Rectangle
Dim Length As Single
Dim Width As Single
End Structure

In VB .NET, a Structure is a definition of a new type of variable that can

contain any number of component variables. Once it has been defined, variables of
the new type can be declared and used in (almost) the same way as any of the existing types provided by the Common Type System. Of course we need some way of
indicating which component variable we want to refer to when we make assignments
from simple variables or values, or when we wish to retrieve any of the component
values individually. VB provides a simple mechanism using the . symbol (dot
operator) for this purpose. We can now use this new data type to replace the two
separate length and width variables in the earlier program.
Module Module1
Structure Rectangle
Dim Length As Single
Dim Width As Single
End Structure
Sub Main()
Dim myRectangle As Rectangle, area As Single
myRectangle.Length = 12.5
myRectangle.Width = 8.75
area = myRectangle.Length * myRectangle.Width
Console.WriteLine("Area is {0}", area)
End Sub
End Module
Listing 3.6: Making use of the Rectangle type


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Listing 3.6 shows how the new type would be deployed in a program. The
Structure definition that appears first defines the component parts of a
Rectangle each Rectangle has a Length and Width part. Within Main,
the variable myRectangle is of the new type. Once it has been declared, we
can assign values to its component variables (myRectangle.Length and
myRectangle.Width) and later retrieve these values for use in calculations. We
could easily have dimensioned and used several rectangles in this program, since
the structure Rectangle is defined as a new type of variable.
Creating new types of variable like this brings several advantages.

Using structures like this helps us to keep together related items of data, so we
can declare a whole Rectangle variable in a single statement instead of a number of individual ones.
We can declare as many of the type as we need in a program (in the same way
that we can declare many variables of type Single) and assign composite values
from one to the other in a single statement. For example, given two Rectangle
structure variables R1 and R2, we can copy the values from one to the other with
the single statement R2 = R1.
It can be clearer to anyone reading the program code what the intentions of the
programmer are since the name given to a structure is often self-explanatory.
For example, one variable of type Rectangle has a more obvious purpose than
two individuals of type Single.
While we cant often expect a general purpose programming language to provide
us with exactly the range of data types we need to do what we want to in every
program, we can easily build task-specific data types, such as rectangles, into our

There is one aspect where it is necessary to exercise care when creating new structured variable types: Visual Basic does not allow us to initialize the elements of a
structure when it is declared, so for example, you could not do this:
Dim rect As Rectangle = (3, 4) ' This is an error.

In this case, the attempt to initialize the Length and Width parts of a Rectangle
simply causes the compiler to reject the program.

Exercises 3.7

1. It is possible to create a structure that combines variables of different types

(e.g. numbers and dates, strings, etc.). Create structures that could be used
to represent the following.
a) a Person, with Name,
Address, DateOfBirth and
b) a Car, with EngineSize, NumberOfDoors, RegistrationDate
and LicenceNumber;

3.6 Enumerations



a CD recording, with Title, Artist, DistributionLabel,

IssueYear and NumberOfTracks;
a MapReference, with figures for Longitude and Latitude;
a window on a PC screen, with Top, Left, Width and Height

2. For each of the above, write sample statements to declare and then assign
values to a variable of the appropriate type.


Structures are new types that we can define as needed in programs: they give us the
power to create variables that can contain several pieces of related information.
Another way we can define our own variable types is to create variables that have a
restricted range of values. Enumerations are defined as lists of names, each of which
becomes a pseudonym for an integer value. The keyword Enum is used to create one
and Listing 3.7 is an example.
Enum MusicStyles
End Enum
Listing 3.7: An enumeration (Enum)

With this enumeration, we can now create variables that will be restricted to
taking on one of these values and no other. Once an enumeration is defined, Visual
Studio will assist you to assign a value to a variable of that type, as shown in
Figure 3.3.
Each entry in the MusicStyles list is represented by an integer number
starting by default from 0. This makes enumerations very efficient to work with,
since integer numbers are the root of all data in computer programs. In many
enumerations, we do not really care what value is assigned to represent a particular
entry in an enumeration list. However, an uninitialized enumeration variable will
always take on the first value in the range (which will be the zero value).
Enumerations can also be more explicitly defined so that specific entries in the
list take on specific integer values this will affect the default value assigned to an
un-initialized variable. We can use this to make the values assigned to members of
an enumeration list relate to the names used, as shown, for example, in Listing 3.8.


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Figure 3.3

Using the MusicStyles enumeration

Enum SideCount
Triangle = 3
Rectangle = 4
Pentagon = 5
Hexagon = 6
Octagon = 8
End Enum
Listing 3.8: An enumeration with specific values assigned

The SideCount enumeration gives us a list of the names of some 2-D figures, but
also sets specific integer values to each member of the enumeration. This gives us
the normal advantage of an enumeration: we have defined a fixed range of 2-D figure
values that can be applied to a variable by name. However, it also ensures that each
of the named values is the actual number of sides that such a figure will have. Note
that it is perfectly legal to have gaps in the list of values (there is no heptagon
{7-sided figure} in the list). We can use this in program code, since the CInt()
function (Convert to Integer) lets us access the actual value, as follows:
Dim c As SideCount
c = SideCount.Pentagon
Console.WriteLine("Number of sides in a {0} is {1}", _
c, CInt(c))

Executing the above code would result in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4

The SideCount enumeration in use

Review Questions


3.6.1 Advantages of Enumerations

Enumerations are a very useful feature of Visual Basic for a number of reasons.

They allow us to define variable types with restricted ranges of values that can be
assigned to them it is not possible to assign any value other than the named
range. This reduces the possibility of errors in programs dramatically.
They give us easily memorable names to use in programs, instead of magic
numbers. This makes program code more readable.
The pop-up list provided by Visual Studio when assigning a value to an enumeration variable makes writing code that uses enumerations much easier, since it is
not necessary to look up other reference material to discover the legal values that
a variable can take on.
We can easily control the underlying values assigned to the members of an
enumeration, and these can be accessed in code easily. The CInt() function
will always return the underlying value of a member, although the enumeration
variable can be used directly in arithmetic expressions.

These advantages make the use of enumerations in programs very attractive. There
are many different ways they can be applied. Microsoft makes good use of enumerations when defining the values that can be used in calls to built-in functions. This
makes it easier to write calls to these functions without having to refer to manuals or
on-line help.

Exercises 3.8

1. Define an enumeration called Months, that assigns names to month numbers. Define it so that January is month number 1 and December is month
number 12.
2. A motor manufacturers range includes TwoDoor, ThreeDoor, FourDoor
and FiveDoor models. Define a suitable enumeration for use in their
ordering software.

Review Questions
1. The range of built-in data types and classes in .NET programs is defined in:

the Common Language Runtime


the Common Type System

d) Visual Basic


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

2. The numeric data type that stores numbers to the highest available precision is:


b) Double


d) Long
3. An identifier is:

the name given to a variable, structure, enumeration or code block;

b) line of program code that Identifies some result;


a value that uniquely identifies an operation to be performed;

d) a tool in Visual Studio for displaying the names of features.

4. Distinguish between a structure and an enumeration.
5. An expression can be part of a statement or A statement can be part of an expression. Which
is correct?
6. A structure, WageRecord, is defined as shown below:
Structure WageRecord
Dim NormalHoursWorked As Integer
Dim PayRate As Decimal
Dim OverTimeHours As Integer
Dim OverTimeRate As Decimal
Dim Expenses As Decimal
End Structure
A workers wage is calculated by multiplying NormalHoursWorked by PayRate, adding the
multiplication of OverTimeHours by OverTimeRate, and adding Expenses. Given that a
variable of type WageRecord had been declared with the identifier Pay and has had values
assigned to it, write one or more statements that will assign the resulting pay to a variable Wage.
What would be the most suitable type for this variable?
7. Define an enumeration for the units Inch, Foot and Yard so that the size of each (in inches)
is also specified as the enumeration value (12 inches in a foot, 36 inches in a yard).

Practical Activities
This chapter examined the way that variables are defined and used in programs, how
statements are formed and how we can create new variable types by aggregating
existing types. In this practical session, you will use Visual Basic to create a simple
but useful program using variables, sequences of statements and a specially defined

Practical Activities


The Decorators Calculator

The program will help to calculate the amount of materials required to decorate
some of a house. It has several limitations that you should be aware of; it uses the
assumption that all the ceilings will be painted in one colour with one type of paint,
and it repeats this assumption for all of the walls in the house. All of the floors will
be covered in a single size of tile. To make the program more accurate for a real
house, we should allow for different paints for each room, and so ceilings and walls
should be calculated for each room separately. We should also allow for different
flooring materials in each room. As an exercise you could alter the program so that
it works for your own house.

Activity 1: Define the Room structure

All of the calculations in the program are based on a data structure called Room. This
defines a data type with three simple values, these being the Length, Width and
Height of a rectangular room. Create a new console project in Visual Studio, and
add the Room structure to the project by entering code as shown in Listing A3.1.
Module Chapter3
Structure Room
Dim Length As Single
Dim Width As Single
Dim Height As Single
End Structure
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
Listing A3.1: A new project with a structure defined

Activity 2: Defining Materials

The program will calculate the quantity of paint required for walls and ceilings, and the
number of tiles needed to cover the floors. To perform these calculations, well need to
indicate the area we can expect a litre of paint to cover, and the area of a single tile.
Amend the code by adding the following declarations (Listing A3.2) to Sub
Sub Main()
'Start by defining the coverage of paint...
Const PaintCoverage As Single = 12.5 ' Sq. Metres/l
'...and the size of a floor tile...
Const TileSize As Single = 0.24
' Sq. Metres
End Sub
Listing A3.2: Defining constants to specify materials


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Activity 3: Declaring rooms

With an appropriate data type to represent the various sizes of a room, we can
declare variables for the rooms of a house we want to decorate. Well assume were
decorating one bedroom and the living room. We will also need variables to store
the quantities calculated room areas and materials. Amend the code in Sub
Main() as shown in Listing A3.3.
Sub Main()
' Start by defining the coverage of paint...
Const PaintCoverage As Single = 12.5 ' Sq. Metres/l
'. . . and the size of a floor tile...
Const TileSize As Single = 0.24
' Sq. Metres
' Now a variable for each room...
Dim LivingRoom As Room
Dim Bedroom As Room
' Area of ceilings and paint required...
Dim CeilingArea As Single = 0
Dim CeilingPaint As Single = 0
' Area of walls and paint required...
Dim WallArea As Single = 0
Dim WallPaint As Single = 0
' Area of floor and number of flooring tiles required
'(a whole number no fractions of tiles)...
Dim FloorArea As Single = 0
Dim FlooringTiles As Integer = 0
End Sub
Listing A3.3: Defining useful variables

Activity 4: Collecting data

We can now start the process of doing the calculation. The general process is
InputCalculateOutput, so the first stage of the job will be to collect the various
room dimensions from the user (see Listing A.3.4).
Sub Main()
' Variable declarations etc.
Console.WriteLine("Decorator's Calculator")
' Ask the user to enter dimensions for each room.
' Living room first...
Console.Write("Enter the length of the living room: ")
LivingRoom.Length = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter the width of the living room: ")
LivingRoom.Width = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter the height of the living room: ")
LivingRoom.Height = Console.ReadLine()
' Now bedroom...

Practical Activities


Console.Write("Enter the length of the bedroom: ")

Bedroom.Length = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter the width of the bedroom: ")
Bedroom.Width = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter the height of the bedroom: ")
Bedroom.Height = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub
Listing A3.4: Code to collect input data from the user

Activity 5: Doing the calculations

Calculations for this are simple geometry. The area of a ceiling will be Length *
Width of the room, as will the floor area. For the wall areas, the calculation is
Height * Length for each long wall, and Width * Height for each of the other
two walls. We can simplify this as follows:
2 * Height * Length + 2 * Height * Width
= 2 * Height * (Length + Width)

To do the overall calculations, simply add the calculated values for each room to
the appropriate variables. The easiest way to do this is to accumulate these values
using the += operator. This is shown in Listing A.3.5.
Sub Main()
' Existing code.
' Time to do the calculations.
' Ceiling sizes...
CeilingArea = LivingRoom.Length * LivingRoom.Width
CeilingArea += Kitchen.Length * Kitchen.Width
CeilingArea += Bedroom.Length * Bedroom.Width
CeilingArea += Bathroom.Length * Bathroom.Width
' Ceiling paint...
CeilingPaint = CeilingArea / PaintCoverage
' Wall sizes...
WallArea = 2 * LivingRoom.Height * _
(LivingRoom.Length + LivingRoom.Width)
WallArea += 2 * Bedroom.Height * _
(Bedroom.Length + Bedroom.Width)
' Wall paint...
WallPaint = WallArea / PaintCoverage
' Floor sizes (easy same as ceiling)...
FloorArea = CeilingArea
FlooringTiles = Int(FloorArea / TileSize) + 1 'Round up.
End Sub
Listing A3.5: Doing the calculations


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Activity 6: Reporting back the results

The final step is to inform the user of the results of the calculations (Listing A3.6).
Sub Main()
' Existing code.
' Now report this back to the user...
Console.WriteLine("Total materials required")
Console.WriteLine("Ceiling paint: {0} litres.",
Console.WriteLine("Wall paint: {0} litres.", WallPaint)
Console.WriteLine("Floor tiles: {0} tiles.",
End Sub
Listing A3.6: Displaying results

Features worth remembering

In this program we have used a number of simple techniques you might use in any
program. Several of them are useful enough that you might consider using them in
other programs.

When asking the user to enter a value at the keyboard, the prompt message should
use Console.Write() rather than Console.WriteLine(), since the users
input will then immediately follow the prompt on the screen, rather than appearing on the next line.
We can accumulate a value over several stages using the += operator. Recall that
this adds the value of the expression on the right to the variable on the left, and so
by using it a number of times, the variable on the left accumulates a running total.
Assigning a number with a fractional part to an integer variable will effectively
round the value to the nearest integer, e.g. the assignment:
FlooringTiles = FloorArea / TileSize

If the calculation resulted in 22.9 tiles, the value assigned to FlooringTiles

would be 23. However, if the result was 22.1 tiles, the value assigned would be
22. This would leave a 0.1 tile hole in our flooring. We therefore need to make
sure to round any fractional result UP to the next biggest integer. The expression:
FlooringTiles = Int(FloorArea / TileSize) + 1

does this by using the Int() function, which always rounds a fractional
number DOWN to the next lowest integer, and adding 1. In the case where the
division produces an exact integer result, we would of course end up buying one
tile too many (although in a real situation we would always need to buy extra tiles
anyway to make up for odd bits cut off tiles to fit around pipes, etc.).

Solutions to Exercises


Suggested Additional Activity

Using the techniques in this activity, you could create programs that did similar
types of calculations for seeding a new lawn, upholstering furniture or building a
shed or other structure. In each case some of the details may differ, but the overall
approach would be the same.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 3.1

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim area, radius As Single
radius = 8.75
area = 3.14 * radius * radius
Console.WriteLine("Area is {0}", area)
End Sub
End Module

Exercise 3.2


Dim ProgLang As String = "Visual Basic .NET"


Exercise 3.3

Dim Xmas As Date = "25/12/03"

Dim Attendance As Short

'n.b. could be Integer

Dim Attendance As Byte

'n.b. could be

Dim Fuel As Single

'n.b. could be Double

Dim Category As Char

Dim EarthToMoonMiles As Integer
Dim OrderTime As Date

'Stores Date and Time

a) Illegal (contains spaces)

b) Illegal (contains hyphens, interpreted as minus signs)
c) Legal (underscore is ok)
d) Illegal (can not start with a digit)
e) Illegal (decimal point/full stop not allowed)
f) Legal
g) Legal
h) Legal
i) Illegal (decimal point at start)
j) Illegal (# not allowed)


Exercise 3.4

Exercises 3.5

Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

0 3 01/01/0001 00:00:00 25/12/2003 00:00:00





3 (an Integer the number of days)


X (Char a single character)


a (Char)


True (Boolean result of 4 = 2 comparison)


False (Boolean result of 4 = 5 comparison)


Welcome Alistair


21 (an Integer)


8 (an Integer)


11.00 (a Single or Double)


Hello Linda

(a String)

m) False (Boolean result of negating (25 >= 21))


False (Boolean result of an And expression where one of the

operands is False (Not HasConviction))


H = N * 24


C = A Mod B


Price = Price + Price * 15 / 100, or Price *= 1.15


X *= X


AdultTicket = (Age >= 21)


MortgageRemaining -= PaymentsMade


C = 2 * 3.14 * R


N = (N1 + N2 + N3) / 3


H = Sqrt( X * X + Y * Y )


Exercise 3.6

(Mod operator gives remainder)

a = ReadLine()
b = ReadLine()
c = ReadLine()
WriteLine((a + b + c)/3)

Solutions to Exercises


Write("Enter your name: ")
name = ReadLine()
Write("Enter your address: ")
addr = ReadLine()
Write("Enter your telephone number: ")
tel = ReadLine()

Write("Enter the length of the box")
Length = ReadLine()
Write("Enter the width of the box")
Width = ReadLine()
Write("Enter the height of the box")
Height = ReadLine()
Volume = Length * Width * Height
WriteLine("Volume is {0}", Volume)

Exercises 3.7

Structure Person
Name As String
Address As String
DateOfBirth As Date
NumberOfChildren As Byte 'Could be Short or Integer
End Structure

Structure Car
EngineSize As Short
'Allows up to 32Litres
NumberOfDoors As Byte
RegistrationDate As Date
LicenceNumber As String 'Contains letters
End Structure

Structure CD
Title As String
Artist As String
DistributionLabel As String
IssueYear As Short
NumberOfTracks As Short
End Structure


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

Structure MapReference
Longitude As String 'Needed for notation e.g. 1015'W
Latitude As String 'Needed for notation e.g. 5128'N
End Structure

Structure WindowSettings
Left As Short
Top As Short
Width As Short
Height As Short
End Structure

Dim P As Person = ("Fred Bloggs", "1 High St.", _
"12/07/1970", 4)
Dim C As Car = (1600, 4, "11/02/2002", "SB51 GGX")
Dim Album As CD = ("The Old Kit Bag", "Richard
Thompson", _
"Cooking Vinyl", 2003)
Dim Greenwich As MapReference = ("00'W", "5128'N")
Dim WinPos As WindowSettings = (200, 50, 400, 250)

Exercises 3.8

Enum Months
January = 1
End Enum

Enum BodyStyle
TwoDoor = 2
ThreeDoor = 3
FourDoor = 4
FiveDoor = 5
End Enum

Answers to Review Questions


Answers to Review Questions

1. The range of built-in data types and classes in .NET programs is defined in:

The Common Language Runtime


The Common Type System Correct

d) Visual Basic
2. The numeric data type that stores numbers to the highest available precision is:


b) Double

Decimal Correct

d) Long
3. An identifier is:

The name given to a variable, structure, enumeration or code block Correct

b) Line of program code that Identifies some result


A value that uniquely identifies an operation to be performed

d) A tool in Visual Studio for displaying the names of features

4. Distinguish between a structure and an enumeration. A structure is a definition of a package
of variables as a type. An enumeration is a definition of a range of integer values, giving
each a name that describes what the integer represents.
5. An expression can be part of a statement or A statement can be part of an expression. Which
is correct? An expression can be part of a statement.
6. A structure, WageRecord, is defined as shown below:

Structure WageRecord
Dim NormalHoursWorked As Integer
Dim PayRate As Decimal
Dim OverTimeHours As Integer
Dim OverTimeRate As Decimal
Dim Expenses As Decimal
End Structure
A workers wage is calculated by multiplying NormalHoursWorked by PayRate, adding the
multiplication of OverTimeHours by OverTimeRate, and adding Expenses. Given a variable of type WageRecord had been declared with the identifier Pay and has had values
assigned to it, write one or more statements that will assign the resulting pay to a variable Wage.
What would be the most suitable type for this variable?

Dim Wage As Decimal

Wage = Pay.NormalHoursWorked * Pay.PayRate + _
Pay.OverTimeHours * Pay.OverTimeRate + Pay.Expenses


Chapter 3 n The Visual Basic .NET Language

7. Define an enumeration for the units Inch, Foot and Yard so that the size of each (in Inches)
is also specified as the enumeration value (12 inches in a foot, 36 inches in a yard).

Enum ImperialSizes
Inch = 1
Foot = 12
Yard = 36
End Enum


Objects in Visual Basic .NET

In this chapter you will learn:


how to create a new class of objects in a Visual Basic program;

how objects are used in object-oriented programs;

how to use value types and reference types, and how to convert one type to the other;

how to make use of the properties and methods of a variable or object.


A class is a design for a specific type of object. So far in this book, the code
examples have made use of pre-defined object types (such as integers, strings,
etc.) or have defined types that used simple combinations of these (structures).
Classes in Visual Basic (and .NET in general) are the underlying mechanism for
defining new types of object that can inherit from existing types every class in
.NET inherits from the Object class.
Module NewClass
Public Class BankAccount
Public AccountName As String
Private Balance As Integer
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim MyObj As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
End Sub
End Module
Listing 4.1: A class definition, and an object declared in Sub Main()

We can create a class easily in VB. The odd syntax of the only statement in Sub
Main in Listing 4.1 indicates one means that you could use to create an object
of the class BankAccount (or any other class). In this statement, two things are
being done.


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

1. A variable is being dimensioned to hold a member of the class (Dim..As..,

much as for any type of variable).
2. A new object of the class is being created (= New ...), and assigned to the
newly dimensioned variable to initialize it.
This statement points out a fundamental difference between simple variables (value
types) and class objects (reference types). There will be more said about the later in
the chapter.
The first thing to notice about the class itself is the use of the keywords Public
and Private. These are used to indicate the accessibility, or scope, of the class and
the definitions within it. A class definition must be placed within some module of
VB code (a file with the extension .vb). If a class is defined as having Public scope,
like this one, it is available for use by code in another module, so the other module
can declare and use objects of the class. If, however, a class is given Private
scope, it can only be accessed within the module it is defined in. Only statements
in code within the same module would be able to create variables that belong to
a Private class.
The Public keyword applied to the variable AccountName within the class
has a similar purpose, making this variable accessible to any code that has access
to the BankAccount class. However, the Private variable Balance can only be
assigned a value or have its value accessed by code statements inside the class
definition. These scope rules allow us to create classes and exercise complete
control over how objects of the class are used by other program statements. We can
include Private variables to store information that is useful for how the objects of
the class work, but have no significance to other code making use of the class. We
can also include Public variables that will be able to convey useful information to
program statements that use the class.
The term member variable is used to describe the Private and Public variables
declared within a class, and signifies that each member (or object) of the class will
have its own copy of these variables. We access the member variables of a class in
the same way that we access the members of a structure using the dot notation to
indicate which of them we wish to access. Of course, the dot notation will only give
us access to a member variable if we are allowed this access. Consider the following alteration to Sub Main() (Listing 4.2), which adds a couple of statements that
make use of the new BankAccount object:
Sub Main()
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
MyAccount.AccountName = "John Smith"
MyAccount.Balance = 100 'Error; Private member variable.
End Sub
Listing 4.2: Using the class (unsuccessfully)

If you attempt to enter the Sub Main() shown in the same module as the class
definition, two things will indicate that this code is wrong. Firstly, when you enter
the MyAccount. in the last statement, the pop-up list of class members will not

4.1 Classes

Figure 4.1


The error report from trying to access a private member

offer to provide you with the Balance member, indicating that it is not accessible
at this point. If you persist, typing the member name manually, Visual Studio will
underline the statement with a wavy blue line, indicating that this is a syntax error.
A third indication will appear if you try to run the program the error report,
shown in Figure 4.1.
By making the Balance variable in an account object Private, we can control
access to it, which is of course a useful thing to do with the balance of a bank
account, since we can prevent unauthorized access. Of course, if we define a
Private variable in a class, there must be some way of using it if it is not to be
a useless waste of space. For this we need class methods.
Exercise 4.1

Add two new member variables to the BankAccount class: one private
member variable called PIN (short for Personal Identification Number), and one
public member variable called AccountNumber.

4.1.1 Class Methods

Classes (and structures) can contain blocks of program statements, organized as
subs or functions (of which more later). These are collectively known as the classs
methods, and allow us to define how objects of the class can be made to behave in
a program.
We can add a method to a class by adding a new Sub or Function, as shown in
Listing 4.3.
Public Class BankAccount
Public AccountName As String
Private Balance As Decimal
Public Sub Deposit(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
Balance += Amount
End Sub
Public Function GetBalance() As Decimal
Return Balance
End Function
End Class
Listing 4.3: Adding methods to the class

We have added two blocks of program statements to the class. The first of these is a
sub, Deposit, which will add a given amount to the current value in Balance. The


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

amount to be added is named in the brackets after the subs name: this will act as a
placeholder for any amount that is given to the Deposit method. Any statement
calling (executing) the method will have to include an amount, either as a literal
value, or in a variable of the correct type (Decimal). If a call to the method omits
the amount or includes a variable of the wrong type, this will be an error.
The second is a Function, GetBalance, which will Return the current contents
of Balance (i.e. it will, when called, be equivalent to the actual value specified in
the Return statement). A function is a special type of method that returns some
value to the statement that called it. Since a function is evaluated by Visual Basic as
a value of some type (in this case an Integer), we could say that a function has the
facility of making an object appear as an expression. Any method that is defined
as a function within an object can be used in any place a literal value of the same
type could be.
Since these methods have access to the Private variable Balance (it is in their
scope), it is ok for them to change and retrieve its value. Since they have been
defined with Public access, they can be accessed by statements outside the class.
The end result is that these methods provide access to information that is Private
to the class: they are part of the classs interface with the outside world.
We can now use the classs methods in any code that works with the class, as
shown in Listing 4.4.
Sub Main()
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
MyAccount.AccountName = "John Smith"
Console.WriteLine("Account name: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
End Sub
Listing 4.4: Using an objects methods

Running the listing will result in the following console output (Figure 4.2).
Since we were only accessing Public parts of the BankAccount object, the code
runs without error, even though this had the effect of accessing Private class
members via the public methods. This is encapsulation, which is the most important
feature of object-oriented programming. Encapsulation works as a need to know
facility that allows us to maintain control of what is done to the internal state of an

Figure 4.2

The result of running Listing 4.4

4.1 Classes


object. Using this principle, an object can have internal workings that are invisible
to program code that makes use of the objects capabilities. The power of objectoriented programming lies in our ability to provide controlled access to private data
through public methods.
Exercise 4.2

A Person class is to have member variables for storing Name, eMail and
DateOfBirth of an individual. Write code to define this class, and write a
statement in a Sub Main( ) to create an instance of the class (remember to use
New). Add a function method that will return the persons age in years (use the
DateDiff function to return the number of years between DateOfBirth
and the current date, given by the Date function look these up in Help).
Test this method by setting the DateofBirth member to some date and
using Console.WriteLine( ) to display the result of the method.

4.1.2 Class Properties

It is easy enough to create methods for a class so that we can access an object of
the classs internal variables, for example the GetBalance() method of the
BankAccount example class. The immediate advantage is that it is possible to provide limited access to any internal variables an object has. A member function can
be used to return the value of any private member variables in an object. What if
we wanted to make it possible to change the value in a private member variable?
This is an altogether different problem and one that has been tackled in a range of
different ways in different object-oriented programming languages. In the .NET
environment, the mechanism we need to use is to create a property of a class.
A property is a pseudo member variable in a class something that appears to all
intents and purposes as a public member variable like the AccountName member
in the BankAccount example. However, a property is actually a different form of
method: one that can provide access to private member variables so that their value
can be retrieved, changed or both. For example, in BankAccount, we can create a
CurrentBalance property that would access the Balance variable as shown in
Listing 4.5.
Public Property CurrentBalance() As Decimal
Return Balance
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
Balance = Value
End Set
End Property
Listing 4.5: A property definition for BankAccount

As that listing shows, there are two parts to this property (although it is not necessary to create both parts). The Get part defines how the property value will be


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

retrieved. In this case, the value stored in Balance is simply returned, like the result
of a function. The Set part defines how the value in Balance is to be changed.
Program statements that use this property look exactly like the program statements
that would access a public member variable called CurrentBalance:
MyAccount.CurrentBalance = 100

The above statements would assign 100 to the Balance private member variable,
and then get the new value to display on the console. To all intents and purposes,
this is just like making the Balance member variable public. By now you should
be thinking why bother? we seem to have gone to a lot of trouble to create
a Private member variable and make it accessible (under an assumed name)
simply to make it appear as if it was a Public member variable. The answer (to the
question why bother?) is that we can exercise more control on an internal member
variable by hiding it behind a property in this way.
For example, a bank would rightly have a rule that made it impossible for anyone
to simply alter the balance in a bank account; otherwise staff with access to the
accounts software could commit fraud. This could be prevented in our account by
making the CurrentBalance property a read-only property, which the following
code (Listing 4.6a) does not do successfully:
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentBalance() As Decimal
Return Balance
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
Balance = Value
End Set
End Property
Listing 4.6a: Creating a read-only property (not quite there)

By adding the keyword ReadOnly before the Property declaration, we are declaring our intention to make it impossible to use this property name to assign a new
value. However, this has the effect of invalidating the propertys Set part (the blue
wavy underline is, as you may recall, VBs way of indicating that all is not right in
your code). Well, this is only to be expected, since a read-only property should not
have a Set part. If we delete the whole Set part, VB will be happy again and we
will have made the property properly read-only (Listing 4.6b).
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentBalance() As Decimal
Return Balance
End Get
End Property
Listing 4.6b: Creating a read-only property

4.1 Classes


It is also possible to create a write-only property (using the keyword WriteOnly in

place of the current ReadOnly one). By creating a property that is either read/write
(the default), read-only or write-only, we can provide controlled access to private
data members in a class. However, we can do much more with a property than
simply access a single variable. We could, for example, create a property that
accessed the values of several variables (adding them together or combining them
in some other way). A property can also be used to create the illusion of member
variables that do not even exist. Consider the following example class (Listing 4.7).
Public Class Circle
Public Radius As Single
Public Property Diameter() As Single
Return 2 * Radius
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Single)
Radius = Value / 2
End Set
End Property
End Class
Listing 4.7: Creating a property out of thin air

The listing shows the definition of a new class, Circle, which has a single member
variable, Radius. This member variable is public, so we can access the current
value and assign a new value easily. However, a property definition makes it appear
as if the Circle class also contains a Diameter member variable, even though
one does not exist. Since there is a simple relationship between the radius and the
diameter of a circle, we can use this to provide the illusion of a Diameter member
variable. Any code that accesss a circles Diameter will in fact access its Radius,
but the Property Get will double the value to give the Diameter instead. If we
change the diameter, were really changing the radius, and the new value is simply
We could easily do the arithmetic of this trick directly in the program code that
works with a Circle object. However, by making the Circle class appear as if it
has a Diameter member, we are improving the class in several ways.

Users can access and change the value of the diameter easily.
The Radius value can be accessed just as easily as before the Diameter method
was added
Members of the class do not need the extra storage space required for a
Diameter variable. Although this may seem initially to be at best a minor saving one member variable replaced by a chunk of code in most circumstances
the saving will be very real. Each object of the class will save the space the
member variable would have taken up, and yet will require no additional space
for the property, which is part of the class, not its objects. A single class can be
responsible for a great many objects, and therefore a single property can free up
a lot of storage space


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Exercise 4.3

Most importantly, by not storing the diameter as a variable, there is no chance of

the member variables having values that are inconsistent with each other e.g. a
radius of 10 and a diameter of 2.

Return to the Person class written for Exercise 4.2. Delete the Name member
variable, and replace it with two other member variables, FirstName and
LastName. Now create a FullName, read-only property that combines both
first and last names remember to include a space between first and last names.
Test the property in Sub Main().

4.1.3 Constructors
The Circle example class used above provides us with a clear picture of one of the
most important features of object-oriented programming: no matter how the internal
data of a class is organized and stored, it is the public interface that defines how a
user of the class (a programmer) will write code to interact with it. We try to simplify the way objects are used by hiding all of the complex data mechanisms behind
the class boundaries and exposing only those methods that manipulate objects of the
class in such a way as to maintain an internal (and external) consistency.
To make a class truly robust, this consistency must be maintained throughout
the entire period that an object is in use. When we create a new object from a
class using the New operator, it is important that from the word go, the object is in
a valid state. The default state of a new object is for every member variable to
be null; i.e. numbers to have a zero value, strings to be empty, etc. While this is
acceptable for many classes of object, in some situations we need an object to be
in a valid but non-null state from the instant it is created.
For example, if we have a Circle object, it is a null circle immediately after it
has been created. We could say that one essential feature of a circle is that it has a
non-zero radius, since otherwise, it is really a point. However, when we create a
Circle object, we first have to create a circle with a zero radius, and then update
the radius. If we are concerned about objects being used consistently, this poses a
problem, since, for at least a short period of time, every Circle object has to go
through an inconsistent state immediately after creation. If a programmer who is
unfamiliar with the class was to create a new circle and not set its radius to a
non-zero value, this could cause problems.
Visual Basic and .NET provide a way around this possible situation: the class
constructor. A constructor is a method whose purpose is to build an object in a valid
state. Recall that we use the New operator to create a new object of any class. We can
change the way that New works by creating a constructor method for a class. This is
a sub that sets up a new class member into a valid state, and is invoked automatically at the point an object is created. Currently, we create a new Circle object by
using statements like:
MyCircle = New Circle
Circle.Radius = 10

4.1 Classes


By adding a Constructor method to the Circle class, we can improve on this, by

ensuring that it is not possible to insert additional statements in between the creation
of the circle and the statement that sets its radius (and therefore makes it valid):
MyCircle = New Circle(10)

This call to create a new Circle includes an argument, which is a value passed into
a sub, function, or, in this case, constructor, to be used in its code. The argument is
dealt with inside the code by defining a parameter, which is both a statement of the
type of information that can be passed into the code, and an alias for whatever
actual value was passed in. The Constructor method that allows us to work with a
Circle object by accepting an input argument is shown next in Listing 4.8.
Public Class Circle
Public Radius As Single
Public Sub New(ByVal InitialRadius As Single)
'This method executes at the point where New
'creates a Circle (InitialRadius is the Parameter)...
Radius = InitialRadius
End Sub
Public Property Diameter() As Single
Return 2 * Radius
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Single)
Radius = Value / 2
End Set
End Property
End Class
Listing 4.8: Adding a Constructor method (New())

A Constructor method can therefore serve to set up an object into a safe state as soon
as it is created. We can use this facility in the BankAccount class also. In this case,
we could reason that while it is perfectly valid to have a BankAccount with no
money in it, we would never create a BankAccount that did not have an owner. The
constructor should therefore set up the AccountName property accepting a suitable
argument (a name, or a variable that contained a name) by defining a parameter that
could be used to deal with it as shown in Listing 4.9.
Public Class BankAccount
Public AccountName As String
Private Balance As Decimal
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String)
AccountName = Name
End Sub
Public Sub Deposit(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
Balance += Amount
End Sub


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Public Function GetBalance() As Decimal

Return Balance
End Function
End Class
Listing 4.9: Adding methods to the class

Now we can create a BankAccount that belongs to someone immediately:

Dim MyAccount As BankAccount = New BankAccount("Fred

or . . .
CustName = "Fred Bloggs"
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount = New BankAccount(CustName)

Note that we can invoke the constructor in the same statement as we initialize the
reference variable.
We can pass as many arguments as we wish to a constructor, separating each with
commas, so it would be possible to have the BankAccount constructor accept two
values, the Name of the account and its initial balance:
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Initial As Decimal)
AccountName = Name
Balance = Initial
End Sub
Exercise 4.4

The Person class would benefit from a constructor. Create a New() method
for the class, including first and last names, email, and date of birth as parameters. Test this in a statement in Sub Main(). Overloaded Constructors

Overloading is a facility that allows us to define more than one version of a sub or
function, where the different versions were distinguishable by the number or types
(or both) of parameters accepted. We will look at overloading in detail in the next
chapter, but for now, it is worth briefly considering its usefulness for allowing us
to create objects flexibly. The constructors described earlier for creating a new
BankAccount either by name (Listing 4.9) or name and initial balance (above) can
coexist in the same class, so that we (programmers) could then choose from the
available information which one of them to use. Calling a constructor:
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount _
= New BankAccount("Fred Bloggs")

4.1 Classes


would invoke the constructor defined to accept a Name argument, while calling:
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount _
= New BankAccount("Fred Bloggs",100)

would invoke the second version that also accepted a value for the initial balance.
This can greatly simplify the use of a class in programs.

4.1.4 The Class Interface

A class is defined in terms of its members. Member variables, methods and properties are the elements that make up a class. As we have seen, we can define these
to be either Public or Private (there are a couple of other member access
classifications well get to eventually for now, public and private are the significant ones). Since private members are only accessible within the class, and public
members are accessible to any statements that use the class, there are two distinct
views that we can have of a class. The internal view comprises all of the public and
private members (and others). The external view is often referred to as the class
interface. This term is used to acknowledge that the set of public members is the way
in which other objects interact with objects of the class.
Ideally a user of a class (by which I mean a programmer who creates and uses
an object in his or her own code) should have virtually no responsibilities, since the
class itself exercises control over what can be done to an object. On the other hand,
the programmer who creates a class has ultimate responsibility for everything that
happens within the class. If I create a class to, say, model a bank account for use in
a large banking application, and then hackers who manage to access the system are
able to use methods in the class to transfer cash between accounts in the system,
it is my responsibility.
Of course, not every class you create will have the potential to enable misuse that
could result in unauthorized access to bank accounts. In some software, human lives
may depend on the accuracy and dependability of code in classes (although happily
most will be more forgiving than this). The designer of a class sets the rules by
which objects of the class can be used, and is therefore responsible for what these
objects can do. Often, the term business rules is used to embody the various controls
that the methods of a class implement. For example, consider the situation where
someone tries to withdraw 100 from an account that has only 20 in it. As you
might imagine, most banks would not be happy to allow this (at least not without
some overdraft agreement being hammered out first). A Withdraw should allow us
to take an amount from an account provided there is enough in the account to
cover it. This is a simple business rule for the BankAccount class.
In short, whenever you create a class for use in a program, it is essential that
you design it in terms of its interface. As well see later, this will have a happy
consequence (for inheritance), although at the time it may seem like an unnecessary
burden. A class interface defines all of the ways that objects of the class can be used
(or misused).


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

4.1.5 Responding to Conditions

Between the Deposit sub and the CurrentBalance property we have almost all
the functionality we need to control an account (at least in terms of our computer
model) the interface is almost complete. However, we still need some way of
taking money out of the account, and this could be just a little trickier, since there
is an implicit business rule in this operation. We need some way of allowing a user
to withdraw cash only if there are funds in the account to cover the withdrawal.
VB allows us to exercise this type of control by using a Boolean statement. Recall
that a Boolean expression is one that can only take on the values True or False.
VBs If..Then structure makes use of a Boolean condition to control another statement or group of statements if the condition is True, the controlled statements are
executed, if False they are not. Listing 4.10 gives a Withdraw method that makes
use of this:
Public Sub Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
If Amount <= Balance Then
Balance -= Amount
End If
End Sub
Listing 4.10: Adding a Withdraw() method

The first statement in the Withdraw() method acts as the start of a control structure
that governs one or more other statements. If the enclosed condition (Amount <=
Balance) evaluates as True, the controlled statement is executed. If it is False, the
controlled statement is ignored. We will go on to look at control structures in more
detail in the next chapter.

4.1.6 Class Events

In the above code, we have added control to a class method so that it can respond
differently depending on the current circumstances (in this case, the amount being
withdrawn and whether the bank balance can cover it). In situations where code is
able to adapt in this way, it is often useful to build in a facility that lets us decide
later the details of how the different circumstances should be dealt with. In the
BankAccount class, we might require that any withdrawal should simply proceed,
but the bank should be informed if a withdrawal puts the account into the red.
This would then allow the bank to decide how to deal with it. Most banks would be
happier to allow the excessive withdrawal to go ahead and charge the customer for
the overdraft.
We define properties and methods for a class so that we can find out about or
change an objects data, or get the objects to do something for us. These mechanisms
allow us to tell an object to do something or ask it for information. However,
we wish our BankAccount to be able to send a signal that something has happened (an overdraft) and allow the rest of the banking system to deal with it as

4.1 Classes


For this, we can add events to a class. An event is a signal from within an object,
which can be a simple signal that states something happened, or a more informative signal that can also provide some data regarding what has happened. An event
is a bit like a sub call that does not execute any specific code. Program code can be
created to listen for a particular event and respond to it, but there would be nothing
wrong in having an event that was ignored. The designers of the BankAccount
class can decide that an account going into overdraft is something that is important
enough to provide a facility for, but that it should be the responsibility of other
parts of the banking system to deal with it.
We can add an Overdrawn event to the BankAccount class, and modify the
Withdraw() method so that it will send it if a withdrawal results in an overdraft
(Listing 4.11).
Public Event Overdrawn(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
'Other code . . .
Public Function Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
mvarBalance -= Amount
If Balance < 0 Then
RaiseEvent Overdrawn(mvarBalance)
End If
End Function
Listing 4.11: A modified Withdraw() method that makes banking sense

In the listing, an event, Overdrawn, has been declared. It will incorporate an

indication of the amount the account is overdrawn by. When a transaction is made
that will overdraw the account, RaiseEvent causes the signal to be sent to whatever code is listening for it. If the event is not to be ignored, some sub must handle
it. An event handler is a sub that has been set up to respond to a specific event.
When the event occurs, the event handler will execute as shown in Listing 4.12.
Private WithEvents Account As BankAccount
'Other code . . .
Sub DealWithOverdraft(ByVal Amount As Decimal) _
Handles Account.Overdrawn
Console.WriteLine("Account is overdrawn by : {0}", Amount)
End Sub
Listing 4.12: An object WithEvents, and an event-handler

In the listing, a BankAccount object has been declared WithEvents. This lets
the .NET run time know that it must look out for signals from this object. The
first line of sub DealWithOverdraft declares that this sub will handle the
Overdrawn event from that object. This tells the .NET run time to associate the
Overdrawn signal from Account with this sub. The end result is that a Withdraw
operation that takes more than there is in the account Balance will cause the
bank account to Raise the event, and .NET will in turn use this signal to execute
the DealWithOverdraft handler in this case, it writes a simple message on
the console.


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

If at a later date it is decided that an account going into overdraft requires a different type of action, there will be no need to change the coding of the BankAccount
class, only the event handler.
We now have a full implementation for a class that models a simple bank account,
providing methods that allow users of the class to deposit and withdraw money and
determine how much is currently in the account. So that you can see the complete
picture in one go, the full code for this is reproduced in Listing 4.13.
Module Bank
Public Class BankAccount
Public AccountName As String
Private Balance As Decimal
Public Event Overdrawn(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
Public Sub Deposit(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
Balance += Amount
End Sub
Public Function Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
mvarBalance -= Amount
If Balance < 0 Then
RaiseEvent Overdrawn(mvarBalance)
End If
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentBalance() _
As Decimal
Return Balance
End Get
End Property
End Class
Private WithEvents Account As BankAccount
Sub DealWithOverdraft(ByVal Amount As Decimal) _
Handles Account.Overdrawn
Console.WriteLine("Account is overdrawn by : {0}", _
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim Account As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
Account.AccountName = "John Smith"
Console.WriteLine("Account name: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
End Sub
End Module
Listing 4.13: The full BankAccount class and code to test it

4.2 Object-Orientation and Variables



Object-Orientation and Variables

Unlike in earlier versions of Visual Basic, or in languages such as C++ which are
hybrid languages that support object-oriented programming, Visual Basic .NET and
the other .NET languages are fully object-oriented. As such, their core principle is
that everything in a program is an object or part of an object.
Recall that according to the definitions given in Chapter 1, an object is an
assembly of data and operations properties and methods. Whenever you create
a variable from the Common Type System, you can expect it to provide properties and methods and use these to manipulate the object and derive information
from it.
For example, in Sub Main() of a VB .NET console program you can create an
Integer variable and use it as shown in Listing 4.14.
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer = 42
Console.WriteLine("Min value = {0}, Max value = {1}", _
i.MinValue, i.MaxValue)
End Sub
Listing 4.14: Using an Integer variables methods

Run the program and you will see that the Integer variable i has two values associated with it because of the type of variable it is. The Integer type comes along
with the two properties, MinValue and MaxValue, along with a number of properties that allow us to manipulate it in ways specific to all integers. We can now
see that these properties are a result of some code inside the object that has been
given Public scope so that they form part of the objects interface. These specific
properties tell us the minimum and maximum values we can expect any integer to
take on. The properties (and methods) come along as part of the type.
In fact, you will get a strong hint of this relationship between variables and their
properties and methods if you run Visual Studio, create a Console application and
enter the lines shown into Sub Main(). As soon as you enter the . (dot) between
the name of the variable (i) and either of the properties, VS .NET will pop up a list
of object properties and methods as a way of assisting you to write the correct code
(see Figure 4.3).
All of the types in the Common Type System come with a set of properties and
methods, each appropriate to the type it belongs to. Integers have minimum and
maximum values; Strings have a length (number of characters) and methods that
make it easy to convert them to upper or lower case, extract sub-strings, etc.; Dates
have properties to indicate their Day, Month and Year, etc. and to add a time
interval to them to form new dates.
Although everything in VB .NET is an object, you will notice that the objects you
work with in programs fall into two broad categories. With some variables, as soon
as you define them, they will automatically take on a value, which will be zero, or
the equivalent for a non-numeric type (False for a Boolean, and 01/01/0001 for a


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Figure 4.3

Intellisense pop-up code assistance in the Visual Studio IDE.

Date). You can override this zero value by initializing a variable as you declare it,
as with the Integer i in Figure 4.3. However, other variable types you declare will
not behave in such a straightforward way.
If you declare a variable of type Object and immediately try to reference its
GetType method, your program will crash unceremoniously. The first code snippet
shown in Listing 4.15 illustrates this.
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
Dim o As Object
Console.WriteLine(o.GetType())'This line causes an error.
End Sub
Listing 4.15: Wrong use of an Object type

When the console program that contains the above code is executed, the error
message shown in Figure 4.4 is the result. Note that before the error message, the
data type of the integer i is properly reported (System.Int32 is the data type in
the Common Type System that Visual Basic calls Integer).

Figure 4.4

The result of executing Listing 4.15

The error occurs because the variable o is an Object type. This is the base type
of all classes in VB .NET, and the problem occurs because it is necessary to create
a new instance of the class before we can access its methods or properties. The cure

4.2 Object-Orientation and Variables


Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer



Dim a As BankAccount


a = New BankAccount
End Sub
Figure 4.5

A value object (i) and a reference object (a)

for this error is to assign a new object to the variable o before trying to access any
of its properties or methods, as shown in Listing 4.16.
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
Dim o As Object = New Object()
Console.WriteLine(o.GetType()) 'No error; the object
End Sub
Listing 4.16: Proper use of an Object type

The difference is that simple variables (sometimes referred to as the primitive types
or simply primitives) are implemented in such a way that a variable directly accesses
the memory locations at which it is stored, while other variable types (classes) are
used to refer to objects stored separately in an area of memory the CLR reserves
for objects. The first type is called a value type object, while the second is a
reference type.
Value type objects inherit from the System.ValueType class. The key feature of
a reference type is that the variable does not contain the object, but simply knows
where to find it (as shown in Figure 4.5) if one exists. If a reference variable
does not refer to an object, it refers to Nothing, a valid Visual Basic keyword.
Any attempt to access a property or method of a reference variable that refers to
Nothing will cause a NullReferenceException as described in the error
report in Figure 4.4.
Exercise 4.5

Using the Person class you created in previous exercises, amend the code in
Sub Main() so that the keyword New is not used to create a Person object.
Observe the results of this when you attempt to run the code (you should be
expecting an error).


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

4.2.1 Value Types and Reference Types

Every class in the Common Type System (and every new class created in a .NET
program) is derived from the class Object. This class is the fundamental base class
from which all other .NET classes and types inherit. The one method it provides is
GetType(), a function which makes it possible to determine the underlying type
of any variable in a program.
Directly below the Object class in the inheritance hierarchy come the two classes
ValueType and Reference. These provide core definitions of how value and
reference object variables are created and used.
A ValueType variable contains data. The implications of this are profound: every
ValueType variable is independent of every other one, and since the data is tightly
bound to the variable, ValueType variables can be operated on very efficiently.
When a ValueType is created by a Dim statement within a sub definition, the
memory that stores the variables value can be accessed directly by the code in the
sub (see Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.6

A ValueType variable

A reference variable on the other hand is stored in memory that is separate from the
program code that operates on it. Basically, the variable is an indication of where the
data that belongs to it lives its address in memory. To operate on the data,
program code must follow the reference to the object (see Figure 4.7). This takes
time and therefore reference types are less efficient to deal with. The difference in
efficiency is minor, but in a program that deals with a large number of variables,
small time differences can mount up.

Figure 4.7

A reference variable and its object

Why must we have this distinction between value types and reference types? It all
comes down to being able to manipulate variables efficiently in the computers
memory. It is much easier to allocate space to accommodate an object if you know
how much memory space it will occupy. All of the value types numbers, dates,
Booleans, characters and structures that contain only other value types are a predictable size and can therefore be allocated space easily at the point of declaration

4.2 Object-Orientation and Variables


when the program is written. No matter what value is stored in them, their size will
never change.
On the other hand, the reference types objects, strings, arrays and collections
(both of which we will meet in Chapter 6) tend to be unpredictable in size.
Consider a single string. This can be anything from zero to around 2 billion characters in length. When a string variable is declared, the options are to either
allocate enough space for any string (i.e. 2 billion characters worth), or wait until
a string is assigned to it, at which point the required space is known. Over the time
that a single String variable is used, the space required to store it may change
radically. It is therefore much easier to allocate space for it as the program runs, and
change the amount of space allocated to it as necessary.

4.2.2 Manipulating Value and Reference Types

There are several consequences of the distinction between value types and reference
types that affect the way that we can manipulate them in program code.


A value type always has a value from the point of its declaration, since a newly
created value type variable is automatically assigned a zero value if it is not
initialized. Conversely, a reference type is assigned the value Nothing when
it is declared if it is not initialized this effectively means no object.
Value types are processed more efficiently than reference types.
When a value type is copied by assignment, a new, independent copy is made.
When the original value is altered, this has no effect on the copy, which retains
the value first assigned until its value is altered specifically. When a reference
value is copied by assignment, the new variable is made to refer to the same
object as the first. Therefore, any change to either variables object will be
reflected in the other, since there is only one object referred to by two variables.
When we get to the end of the block of code in which a value type is declared,
the variable goes out of scope, which is to say, it can no longer be accessed. When
a reference type goes out of scope, the object it refers to may still exist provided
some other reference variable refers to it.

For example, Figure 4.8 shows a short piece of program code that manipulates two
Integer variables.
In the figure, you can see that the variables X and Y are independent of each
other: I can copy the value stored in X into Y, but this does not make Y in any sense
dependent on X in subsequent code.
In contrast to this, Figure 4.9 shows a similar scenario, but this time using two
BankAccount variables.
First note it is necessary to use the keyword New to create the object the first
of these variables is assigned to. Note also the syntax Dim ObjectVariable As
SomeClass = New SomeClass. In general we create a new member of a class,
and assign it to an object variable. This makes the object variable refer to that object
(not contain it).


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Figure 4.8

Working with two Integer variables (values)

Figure 4.9

Working with two BankAccount variables (references)

When the assignment A2 = A1 is made, the variable A2 now refers to the same
object as the variable A1. Note that the keyword New is not used this time, so no
extra objects have been created. Therefore any change made to the object via A1 will
also be seen as a change to the object referred to by A2, and vice-versa. When
50 is withdrawn from the account via A2, the single account objects balance is

4.2 Object-Orientation and Variables


4.2.3 Distinguishing Value and Reference Types

Obviously with these pronounced differences in behaviour, it is important to know
when you are using a value type and when you are using a reference type. The
following are all value types; everything else is a reference type:

Numeric types (Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Single, Double and


Date variables;

Char variables;

Boolean variables;

structures, either built-in or defined by a programmer;


You may find it odd that the String type is missing from this list, since we dont
need to use the keyword New when we create a new string variable. With all of the
other reference types, we use New to create a brand new instance to assign, and other
assignments need to refer to already existing objects, as in the code in Figure 4.9.
However, Visual Basic strings are a special form of reference type. They are special
in that New is not needed to create a string value; an un-initialized String variable
is given the default value of Nothing. Oddly, this equates to an empty string (),
since the result of:
If "" = Nothing Then
End If

is to display the word equal.

Strings are also special in that when they are manipulated in program code, they
behave like value types. An example is given in Listing 4.17.
Sub Main()
Dim str As String = "Hello World!"
Dim strCopy As String = str
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", str, strCopy)
strCopy = strCopy.ToUpper
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", str, strCopy)
End Sub
Listing 4.17: Manipulating strings reference variables?

According to what we know about reference variables, the second

Console.WriteLine() statement in Listing 4.17 should print out the same
upper case string twice. However, Figure 4.10 shows that this is not the case.
What is going on? According to Visual Basics on-line help, type String is a
class that represents an immutable series of characters. Immutable means cannot


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Figure 4.10

These strings are behaving like value types

1. str is declared and initialized with Hello

World!. Hello World! is the string object


and str is made to reference it.


Hello World!

2. strCopy is declared, and made to refer to

the object that str references

Both reference variables are written out, and so the same object is displayed twice.

strCopy is made to reference the String object that is an upper case version
of the string it currently references. Since a string is immutable, the only way VB can
manage this is to create a new String object, and initialize it to the upper case value

Both reference variables are written out,

this time each referring to a different


Hello World!



String object.
Figure 4.11

Manipulating immutable strings

be altered. What this is saying is that once we create a String object, we cannot
alter it by changing any part of it we cant convert it to upper case, or replace any
characters in it or any other piecemeal manipulation. If we change a string in code,
the whole string gets replaced!
Look back to Listing 4.17 again and we can now see what is going on (Figure 4.11).
So, we can distinguish between value and reference types quite easily by referring
to the list of value types, but it is not such a simple matter to deduce this from the
behaviour of strings at least. Personally, I hate situations like this where we cannot
simply accept that everything of a particular type behaves in the same way, and usually resent having to learn arcane rules simply because it is the way it is!. However,
there turns out to be a whole raft of good reasons why Microsoft have defined strings
as a wild exception in this way, and given these reasons, I cant say that I would have
done things any differently. We simply need to get used to the idea that strings are
reference variables that dont need to be created with the New keyword. Once we
accept this, it is quite easy to forget the details and just get on with programming
with strings (although it is a good idea to keep this difference in the back of your
mind, since there will almost certainly be situations where a string does not behave
as you expect it to in a program).

Practical Activities


Review Questions

Where must code be placed if it is to be able to access a private member variable of a class?


What is the difference between a sub and a function?


How is a property different from a sub or a function?


How do you create a read-only property?


What is a constructor?


How does a constructor differ from a normal sub?


What is wrong with using these two overloaded constructor definitions in the same class?

Public Sub New(CustomerName As String)

'Code omitted
End Sub
Public Sub New(CustomerEmail As String)
'Code omitted
End Sub

How does an event differ from a sub?


What change is needed to the declaration of an object reference variable if the object must be
able to respond to events?


How does a reference type variable differ from a value type variable?

Practical Activities
In this chapter, we looked at the detailed composition of simple classes. At its most
fundamental level, class building is about adding member variables, methods and
properties to classes to provide them with an internal structure (private members)
and an external interface (public members). In addition, Visual Basic classes allow
the creation of events that can act as signals to the clients of classes (i.e. the program
code that creates and uses instances of classes).
In this activity, we will develop a class to do arithmetic a simple four-function
calculator. Although this will be a sledgehammer to crack a nut type of program,
it will give us an opportunity to make use of a number of different types of code
routine. Before we can get involved in creating the program, we need to consider
the details of what the class and system must do.


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Figure A4.1

Use-case diagram for a simple calculator

Requirements Definition
The requirements definitions for a simple calculator can be expressed quickly and
easily by considering the things that you would normally use a calculator to do. We
can express these concisely in the use-case diagram in Figure A4.1.
All four use-cases in the above diagram are similar, in that each follows a similar
scenario, which can be described as follows:
To perform an arithmetic calculation, the user enters a number, then the operator,
then another number. Provided all three entries are valid, we can calculate and
display the result of the operation between the two numbers.
In our program, we will have to accept three inputs and check them for validity. The
first and third input should be numbers: if they are not, we can signal an error. The
middle input must be an operator, and here we can accept the four standard operators +, , * and / (* is used for multiplication and / for divide). Our program will
need to be able to distinguish between the four supported functions, which will
require that we use a little of the conditional logic that we will look at in detail in the
next chapter.
From the use-case diagram and description, we can pick out several items that
could be classes or properties of a class. These are Calculation, Number,
Another Number, Operator and Result. The names of these items are perhaps a
bit odd, and so it would be sensible to change them to Calculation, Number1,
Number2, Operator and Result. Quite often we will find that a use-case has
been expressed in a language that is couched in vernacular, or expressed in a way
that makes perfect sense until we come to analyse it.
Examining the list of items closely, we can see that while Calculation is likely
to be a class, Number1, Number2 and Result will all be simple numbers that
we can express in one of the .NET number classes Integer, Long, Single, Double

Practical Activities

Figure A4.2


The Calculation class

or Decimal. They are also likely to be properties of a calculation. Calculate and

Display are verbs describing the operation of the system, and so can be considered
as the methods of the Calculation class. A Calculate method is likely to be redundant, since Result, the result of the calculation, will wholly depend on Number1,
Number2 and Operator. This suggests that we can make it responsible for performing the calculation as well as returning the result.
In terms of precision, neither Integer nor Long will suit since they do not provide
for a fractional input or result. Single, Double and Decimal are the candidate types,
and of these, probably Decimal is the most likely since we cannot be sure what
precision will be required. The final entity, Operator, is required to store the type
of calculation we will be performing: +, , *, or /. A Char type variable
will hold any of these values.
We can now depict the Calculation class as shown in Figure A4.2.
Since this is a simple class with few properties and methods, we can accept that
this diagram provides us with sufficient information to enable us to complete the
implementation of it. In more complex systems, we would have to consider the ways
that various classes inter-operate and the details of class interfaces in this respect.

Activity 1: Defining the internal class membership

We will need several variables to store the data members of this class:

Number1 a Decimal;

Number2 a Decimal;
Operator a Char; i.e. a single character.

It is tempting to define Result as a member variable as well, since we know that it

will be the result of an arithmetic operation between two decimals, which will in turn
be a decimal. However, if we consider the need for the members of a class to be
consistent with each other, we can see that a Result member variable is likely to be
an error. Consider the situation where Number1 and Number2 are both 1.0 and
Operator is +. Result must be 2 for the class to be consistent, but with a separate
Result member variable, this may not always be the case. An error in our code could
leave some inconsistent value in the Result member variable. The easiest way to
prevent this type of inconsistency is to ensure that the value returned by Result is
calculated as needed.


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

By defining Result as either a read-only property or a function (which are more or

less the same thing), we can ensure that it always returns the true result of the
calculation. This also squares with our decision not to have a Calculate method.
To begin this activity, start up Visual Basic, create a new console project, giving
it the name Calc, and add the following class definition (Listing A4.1).
Class Calculator
Private mvarNumber1 As Decimal
Private mvarNumber2 As Decimal
Private mvarOperator As Char
End Class
Listing A4.1: The member variables of the Calculator class

As private member variables, there is no way that we can access these three members from outside the class. Instead we need to provide some way of passing information into them, and our choices are to provide properties that give read and write
access, or a constructor that will allow us to set the three values in a single statement.

Activity 2: Adding Properties to the class

Recall that properties can be read/write (the default), read-only or write-only. These
three should be read/write, since we will need to use them to set the internal values
(and have no good reason for denying access to the internal values). Listing A4.2
gives the Number1 and Number2 properties:
Class Calculator
Private mvarNumber1 As Decimal
Private mvarNumber2 As Decimal
Private mvarOperator As Char
Public Property Number1() As Decimal
Return mvarNumber1
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
mvarNumber1 = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Number2() As Decimal
Return mvarNumber2
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
mvarNumber2 = Value
End Set
End Property
'Operator property required here . . .
End Class
Listing A4.2: Property definitions for Number1 and Number2

Practical Activities

Exercise A4.1


Define the Operator property for the Calculator class.

Activity 3: Defining the Result method

Now that we have the three input properties, we need to consider the remaining,
Result, property and the Display method. Result is the active centre of the class,
being responsible not only for returning the result of the calculation, but also performing it. We can define it as shown in Listing A4.3.
Public ReadOnly Property Result() As Decimal
If Operator = "+" Then
Return Number1 + Number2
End If
If Operator = "-" Then
Return Number1 Number2
End If
If Operator = "*" Then
Return Number1 * Number2
End If
'Code for Divide operation . . .
' . . .
End Get
End Property
Listing A4.3: The Result property

Were using If..Then statements to decide which operator the calculation should
use; we will look at these in more detail in the next chapter. Here their operation
is quite clear: if the expression Operator = "+" evaluates to True, then the
statement between the corresponding If and End If statements is executed. If there
was more than one enclosed statement, all would be executed. Since there can only be
one operator value, only one of these statements will execute to return the correct result.
Note that as a read-only property, there will only be a Get part. You should also
notice the strong similarity to a function, which suggests that we could easily re-cast
this property as a method as shown in Listing A4.4.
Public Function Result() As Decimal
If Operator = "+" Then
Return Number1 + Number2
End If
If Operator = "" Then
Return Number1 Number2
End If
If Operator = "*" Then
Return Number1 * Number2
End If
'Code for Divide operation . . .
'. . .
End Function
Listing A4.4: Result re-done as a method


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

These are functionally equivalent. Note that in both cases, the code for the divide
method has been omitted.
Exercise A4.2

Add code to the Result property or method to perform the Divide operation.

Activity 4: A simple test bed

There is now enough code in the Calculator class that we can test it out. Add the
following Sub Main() (Listing A4.5) to the module.
Sub Main()
Dim C As New Calculator()
C.Number1 = 10
C.Number2 = 4
C.Operator = "/"
Console.WriteLine("Result is {0}", C.Result())
End Sub
Listing A4.5: Testing the simple calculator

Provided all is correct (including your definitions of the Operator property and
the Result property/method), executing this program should result in the answer
10/4 being displayed in the Console window. If it does not behave, check your code
with the full listing at the end of this walkthrough (Listing A4.8).
You can test the proper operation of the calculator with the other operators by
altering the C.Operator = "/" statement to assign different operators. Of course
this simple test program is not going to satisfy anyone who wants to use the class
for real calculations. For that, we will need to make the calculator interactive.
This can be done very simply by replacing the values in Listing A4.5 with calls to
Console.ReadLine() as shown in Listing A4.6. These will be much easier for a
user to respond to if they inform the user what to enter:
Sub Main()
Dim C As New Calculator()
Console.Write("Enter a number:")
C.Number1 = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter a number:")
C.Number2 = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter an operator:")
C.Operator = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Result is {0}", C.Result())
End Sub
Listing A4.6: The simple interactive version

Our program now uses the Calculator class to perform calculations interactively.
However, I would doubt that any of you would be likely to give up a cheap

Practical Activities


four-function calculator to use this version, even if it does calculate to very high
precisions. One problem with it is that it does the job in very jerky steps. Im sure
if you wanted to multiply 4 by 10, you would prefer to enter a single line: 4*10,
followed by the Enter key, to display the result.
To finish this activity, well have a brief look at making the calculator behave
in a more natural way. First, we need to look at how to take a single string such
as 4*10 and break it up into the constituent parts 4, * and 10.

Activity 5: Parsing an expression string

There are various methods within the String class that allow us to break it into separate sub-strings. The Chars() property is an array of single Char types, and can
be used to access individual characters (such as *). However, we need to know the
index of a particular character to retrieve it. The IndexOf() function can do this
for us. Given the expression 4*10, IndexOf("*") will return 1 (counting from
0 as the first character of the string).
We could therefore use IndexOf() to determine the position of the operator, and
from this extract the characters to the left of it (the first number) and the characters
to the right of it (the second number). However, at the point where we are trying to
determine the position of the operator, we dont know which specific operator will
be in the string. A similar method, IndexOfAny() can solve this problem for us,
since it takes an array of operators, and returns the position of the first occurrence of
any of them.
Given the string expression Expr, containing 4*10, the following statements
(Figure A4.3) will retrieve the two numbers, n1 and n2, and the operator, op:

Figure A4.3

Dim operators() As Char = {"+", "", "*", "/"}

OpPos = Expr.IndexOfAny (operators)
n1 = CType(Expr.Substring(0, OpPos), Decimal)
n2 = CType(Expr.Substring(OpPos + 1), Decimal)
op = Expr.Substring(OpPos, 1)
Breaking up an expression

Note that CType() is being used to convert the number substrings to Decimal
type directly.
The operation of splitting up an expression into constituent parts is called parsing, and is commonly used in programming to break strings into elements that
are easier to deal with individually. Now that we have this ability, we can greatly
simplify the use of a Calculator object by creating a constructor into which we
can pass an expression to be evaluated. This is shown in Listing A4.7.
Class Calculator
Private mvarNumber1 As Decimal
Private mvarNumber2 As Decimal
Private mvarOperator As Char
Public Sub New(ByVal Expr As String)


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Dim OpPos As Integer

Dim operators() As Char = {"+", "", "*", "/"}
OpPos = Expr.IndexOfAny(operators)
mvarNumber1 = CType(Expr.Substring(0, OpPos),
mvarNumber2 = CType(Expr.Substring(OpPos + 1),
mvarOperator = Expr.Substring(OpPos, 1)
End Sub
'Other code for the class...
End Class
Listing A4.7: A constructor for the Calculator class

Now our Calculator class is much easier to use, since we can assign all of the
input expression in a single statement and then simply display the result. The full
listing of the class and a Sub Main() to use it is given in Listing A4.8.
Module Calc
Class Calculator
Private mvarNumber1 As Decimal
Private mvarNumber2 As Decimal
Private mvarOperator As Char
Public Sub New(ByVal Expr As String)
Dim OpPos As Integer
Dim operators() As Char = {"+", "", "*", "/"}
OpPos = Expr.IndexOfAny(operators)
mvarNumber1 = CType(Expr.Substring(0, OpPos), _
mvarNumber2 = CType(Expr.Substring(OpPos + 1), _
mvarOperator = Expr.Substring(OpPos, 1)
End Sub
Public Property Number1() As Decimal
Return mvarNumber1
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
mvarNumber1 = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Number2() As Decimal
Return mvarNumber2
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
mvarNumber2 = Value
End Set
End Property

Practical Activities


Public Property Operator() As Char

Return mvarOperator
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Char)
mvarOperator = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Function Result() As Decimal
If Operator = "+" Then
Return Number1 + Number2
End If
If Operator = "" Then
Return Number1 Number2
End If
If Operator = "*" Then
Return Number1 * Number2
End If
If Operator = "/" Then
Return Number1 / Number2
End If
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim Expr As String
Console.Write( _
"Enter an expression (number op number): ")
Expr = Console.ReadLine()
Dim Calc As New Calculator(Expr)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} = {3}", _
Calc.Number1, Calc.Operator, _
Calc.Number2, Calc.Result)
End Sub
End Module
Listing A4.8: The full calculator program

Features worth remembering

In this program we have used a number of methods for dealing with data that
you might use in any program. You should consider them as additional tools in your
programming tool-bag.

Remember that a function and a read-only property are similar in the way
that they can be used. Often, it is best to consider how you think of the word
being used as the name (e.g. Result) as an indicator of which it should be.
Result, as a noun, suggests a read-only property, but a function with a similar
job to do might be called GetResult, since that is more like a verb and
suggests action.


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Always consider writing a simple test program like that in Listing A4.5 to try
out a class. It is much easier to do this as you go along than to try to locate
problems when you add a complex class to a complex program and something
does not work.
Parsing an expression is a useful technique when it is possible to identify one or
more items that will be used as separators between the parts of it. For example, a
sentence can be split up into words by recognizing that a space character is used
as a separator. Investigate the Split() method of the String class, that will take
a whole string and return an array of constituent sub-strings. The method takes
either one string or an array of strings to define the separators.

Suggested Additional Activities

Several improvements could be made to this calculator program.
1. Currently, the program is not very robust. We will examine ways to deal with
problems that occur due to faulty input in the next chapter. One specific problem is that if the second number in a calculation is 0, the Divide operation will
cause a crash, since N/0 can not be calculated for any N. Try using an additional
If..Then statement to get around this problem. If Number2 has a value of
zero, you could return something other than the result of the division operation
such as 0.
2. It is possible to add other operations to the calculator. Visual Basic supports the
^ operator (above the 6 key on a standard keyboard) to raise a number to a
power, e.g. 2 ^ 3 is 2 to the power 3 or 2 cubed (i.e. 8). It also supports the
\ operator to give an integer result of a division (e.g. 10 \ 3 = 3). Add these to
the set of operators note that you will have to extend the array of operators in
the constructor as well as adding other blocks to the Result method.
3. You can make the entire calculation process repeat by placing the entire
contents of Sub Main() inside a loop structure. We will look closely at loop
structures in the next chapter, but for now, you can try a simple one out. The
'Statements to repeat...

surrounding all of the statements inside Sub Main() will cause them to be
repeated until the program is terminated by closing the Console window. Make
the calculator behave like this.

Solutions to Exercises


Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 4.1

Public Class BankAccount

Public AccountName As String
Public AccountNumber As Long
Private Balance As Integer
Private PIN As Short
'Other code here . . .
End Class

Note that several types could have been used here. A Long integer variable
gives a big enough range to cover a bank account number (an Integer, at
approx 10 digits long may not). Defining the PIN as a Short integer would do
since most bank machines expect a four-digit PIN. However, it could be more
efficient to have PIN as an array of four Chars (Private PIN(3) As Char).

Exercise 4.2

Class Person
Public Name As String
Public eMail As String
Public DateOfBirth As Date
Public Function Age() As Integer
Return DateDiff(DateInterval.Year, DateOfBirth, _
End Function
End Class
Public Sub Main()
Dim P As Person = New Person
P.Name = "Fred Bloggs"
P.eMail = ""
P.DateOfBirth = "22/10/1975"
End Sub

Note the above statements should be placed in a code module to test them.
Create a Console application, and enter the code entirely within the pre-defined
module (adding the code in Sub Main() to the existing empty definition of
Sub Main().)

Exercise 4.3

Class Person
Public FirstName As String
Public LastName As String
Public eMail As String
Public DateOfBirth As Date


Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Public Function Age() As Integer

Return DateDiff(DateInterval.Year, DateOfBirth, _
End Function
Public Property FullName() As String
Return FirstName & " " & LastName
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Sub Main()
Dim P As Person = New Person
P.FirstName = "Fred"
P.LastName = "Bloggs"
P.eMail = ""
P.DateOfBirth = "22/10/1975"
End Sub

Exercise 4.4

Class Person
Public FirstName As String
Public LastName As String
Public eMail As String
Public DateOfBirth As Date
Public Sub New(ByVal FName As String, _
ByVal LName As String, _
ByVal em As String, ByVal DOB As Date)
FirstName = FName
LastName = LName
eMail = em
DateOfBirth = DOB
End Sub
Public Function Age() As Integer
Return DateDiff(DateInterval.Year, DateOfBirth, _
End Function
Public Property FullName() As String
Return FirstName & " " & LastName
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Sub Main()
Dim P As Person = New Person("Fred", "Bloggs", _
"", "12/10/1975")
'As before...

Solutions to Exercises

Exercise 4.5

Exercise A4.1

Simply delete New from the previous solution and run the program.

Add this code within the class...

Public Property Operator() As Char
Return mvarOperator
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Char)
mvarOperator = Value
End Set
End Property

Exercise A4.2

Amend the result method to include the division operator as shown below:
Public Function Result() As Decimal
If Operator = "+" Then
Return Number1 + Number2
End If
If Operator = "-" Then
Return Number1 Number2
End If
If Operator = "*" Then
Return Number1 * Number2
End If
If Operator = "/" Then
If Number2 <> 0 Then
Return Number1 / Number2
Dim Ex As New _
Exception("Can not divide by zero.")
Throw Ex
End If
End If
' Note added a Power function...
If Operator = "^" Then
Return Number1 ^ Number2
End If
End Function



Chapter 4 n Objects in Visual Basic .NET

Answers to Review Questions


Where must code be placed if it is to be able to access a private member variable of a class?
Within the class definition i.e. in a sub, function or property definition inside the class


What is the difference between a sub and a function? A function does some work and then
returns a value to the calling statement. A sub does not return a value.


How is a property different from a sub or a function? A property is defined so that a call to it
appears as if it is accessing a member variable. Properties are defined as two optional
parts one part (the Get) defines how the property returns information from the objects
member variables as a value, the other part (the Set) defines how object member variables are updated when the property is assigned a value.


How do you create a Read-Only property? Delete the Set part of the definition and add
Read Only to the first line.


What is a constructor? A sub that is defined to be called as an object is created, so that the
objects member variables can be put into a well defined state.


How does a constructor differ from a normal sub? A constructor can only be defined for a
class, and can be called within a declaration statement.


What is wrong with using these two overloaded constructor definitions in the same class?:

Public Sub
' Code
End Sub
Public Sub
' Code
End Sub

New(CustomerName As String)
New(CustomerEmail As String)

Both overloaded subs have the same signature, so the compiler could not distinguish
between them (and will reject the second definition)

How does an event differ from a sub? An event is a signal sent from within an object, and
contains no executable code. An event-handler is a sub that is used to define the
response to an event.


What change is needed to the declaration of an object reference variable if the object must
be able to respond to events? The variable should be declared using the WithEvents

10. How does a reference type variable differ from a value type variable? A value type variable
holds a value directly, while a reference type variable provides access to objects that may
hold values. Because of this, assigning a value type to another variable creates a copy,
while assigning a reference type to another variable creates a second reference to the
same object.


Controlling Program

In this chapter, you will learn:


how to use control structures for executing statements conditionally and repeatedly;

the need for and use of class constructors;

how to define and use parameters and arguments;

error management.


Control Structures
In the BankAccount example class in the previous chapter, we made use of a code
control structure to ensure that is was only possible to make a withdrawal from an
account if there was enough of a balance in the account to cover it. This is illustrated
in Listing 5.1.
Public Sub Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
If Amount <= Balance Then
Balance -= Amount
End If
End Sub
Listing 5.1: Extract from Listing 4.10 demonstrating the use of a control

We used this feature again in the Calculator class to decide which operation to
apply to a calculation. The ability to create statements that can govern other statements like this is one of the most powerful features in programming. The general
principle is that a control structure is used to bracket any sequence of program statements that we wish to exercise control over in the above case, the brackets are the
statements If..Then and End If. Using these to surround a section of code (and
replacing the . . . with some Boolean condition), we can make the circumstances
within the program decide whether the statements are executed or not.
Control structures like this are available for exercising different types of control
over program statements:


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code



executing statements only if a specific condition exists (If..Then);

selectively choosing between two sequences of statements, depending on whether
a condition is True or False (If..Then..Else);
choosing to execute one of several groups of statements based on the current
value of a specific variable (Select..Case);
executing a group of statements a given number of times (For..Next);
executing a group of statements repeatedly based on some condition
executing a group of statements for each object in a group of objects (For
accessing a number of methods and properties of the same object (With..End

Between them, these control structures provide us with the tools we need to write
code within a class that adapts to the current state of a program, write small
sequences of statements that can be executed over a number of different sets of data,
and manipulate data items according to the values held in objects. An important
feature of the statements in a control structure is that they perform no useful operation in their own right, but are only useful when they are used to modify the
behaviour of other program statements.


Selection Structures
Visual Basic provides a couple of ways of deciding whether to execute a block of
code, or which block of code to execute. They come under the general heading of
selection structures, and provide the basic mechanisms that can be used to make a
program adapt to the circumstances that change as it executes.

5.2.1 If..Then
There are several forms of If..Then structure to choose from in Visual Basic,
depending on the type of control we wish to exercise. They are all based on one
or more Boolean conditions, that are used to decide which code to execute. The
simplest form is shown in Listing 5.2.
If <Some Condition> Then
<Statements to execute>
End If
Listing 5.2: The If..Then structure

The phrases in angled brackets are used here to indicate that some condition needs
to be inserted and some statements need to be added Im just not being specific
about which. For example, we might create a Boolean condition based on the age of
the computer user (Listing 5.3).

5.2 Selection Structures


If UsersAge < 17 Then

Console.WriteLine("You are too young to drive.")
End If
Listing 5.3: A example If..Then structure

In this case, a user who has previously entered his or her age into the UsersAge
variable will have the message printed if they are younger than 17, and no message
printed if they are 17 or over. The Boolean condition used can be any Boolean
expression. That means we can use a comparison expression as shown above, or
call a function that returns a Boolean result, or even simply use a Boolean variable.
This code (Listing 5.4) does exactly the same thing as the code above:
Dim TooYoung As Boolean
TooYoung = (UserAge < 17)
If TooYoung Then
Console.WriteLine("You are too young to drive.")
End If
Listing 5.4: Using a Boolean variable as a condition

We can of course enclose several statements in the structure (Listing 5.5).

If TooYoung Then
Console.WriteLine("You are too young to drive.")
Console.WriteLine("Will a bicycle do?")
End If
Listing 5.5: Controlling multiple statements

This form of If..Then structure simply allows us to choose whether to execute

some statements or not. We can extend the structure to select between two different
groups of statements (Listing 5.6).
If Hour >= 12 Then
Console.WriteLine("Good afternoon.")
Console.WriteLine("Good morning.")
End If
Listing 5.6: The If..Then..Else structure

Again, each section can enclose a number of statements or a single one. We are also
allowed to continue the structure by introducing other conditions to be evaluated if
earlier ones fail, as shown in Listing 5.7.
If Hour < 12 Then
Console.WriteLine("Good morning.")
ElseIf Hour < 18 Then
Console.WriteLine("Good afternoon.")


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

ElseIf Hour < 22 Then

Console.WriteLine("Good evening.")
Console.WriteLine("Good night.")
End If
Listing 5.7: A multi-way If structure

Note that in this example, the Else part is used as a default, to be executed if none
of the other conditions evaluates as True. In each successive test of a condition,
we have already excluded the previous ones (otherwise, if Hour was 10, we would
receive in sequence the messages Good morning, Good afternoon and Good
evening). The overall result is that only one of the possible messages will be displayed on the console.
Using If..Then structures we can choose to execute any of a range of groups
of statements. However, what if there are a number of conditions that need to be
evaluated before we execute any group of statements. For example, in the UK,
someone can only legally drive if a) they are old enough (17 or over), b) they have
a valid drivers licence, c) their licence has not been revoked for any reason and d)
they are not under the influence of drink or drugs. One way of working to the
dictates of all of these conditions is to nest the If..Then structures that would
control each of them (Listing 5.8).
If Age >= 17 Then
If HasDriversLicence Then
If LicenceIsValid Then
If NotImpaired Then
Console.WriteLine("You can drive.")
End If
End If
End If
End If
Listing 5.8: Combining multiple conditions in a nested If..Then structure

Apart from the first, each of the conditions controlling the above compound structure would be a Boolean variable. For example, HasDriversLicence would have
been set to True if the user had a licence, LicenceIsValid would be set to True
if the users licence had not been revoked, and NotImpaired would be set to True
if the user was not under the influence.
Exercise 5.1

What will happen as a result of the following code?

If X < 5 Then
If X > 5 Then
'Controlled statements.
End If
End If

5.2 Selection Structures

147 Compound Conditions

As you can see from the previous example of the If..Then structure, controlling a
block of code that is governed by a number of different conditions can get quite
complex. Rather than nesting a number of If..Then structures, the meaning of the
code is sometimes clearer if we group all of the conditions together into one overall
complex condition (Listing 5.9). This will save us having to use a lot of individual,
nested If..Then statements:
If (Age >= 17) And HasDriversLicence And _
LicenceIsValid And NotImpaired Then
Console.WriteLine("You can drive.")
End If
Listing 5.9: Combining conditions with Boolean operators

The And conjunction is an operator that joins together two or more Boolean expressions
to create a single Boolean expression. As you might guess, the logic is such that the
first condition and the second condition and, etc. all have to be True for the overall
expression to be True. In the above code fragment, all four of the expressions,
(Age >= 17), HasDriversLicence, LicenceIsValid and NotImpaired will
all need to evaluate to True for the You can drive message to be displayed.
There are other logical operators that can be used to join together Boolean expressions (Table 3.3 in Chapter 3 lists the main ones). As a quick summary:

Using And, all of the individual expressions must be True for the overall condition
to be True.
Using Or, any of the individual expressions being True makes the overall condition
True (or, to look at it another way, all of the individual conditions need to be
False for the overall condition to be False).
Not can be used to negate a Boolean expression, making True expressions
False and False expressions True.
AndAlso can be used instead of And to group logical expressions. Using this
operator, the partial expressions will be evaluated from left to right only until the
overall Boolean result is known. e.g. If (4 < 3) AndAlso (Age >= 17)
Then would never need to evaluate the second (Age>=17) part, since the outcome is already known by the time (4 < 3) has been evaluated to False (since
every part of an And expression needs to be true for the whole thing to be True).
OrElse can be used instead of Or to group logical expressions. This works in a
similar way to AndAlso, in that the compound expression will only be evaluated
as far as necessary to determine the overall condition.
AndAlso and OrElse are collectively known as the short-circuit logical operators, since they act to limit the number of parts of an expression that need to
be evaluated to the minimum required to determine the outcome.

Listing 5.10 gives examples of these.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Module BooleanOperators
Sub Main()
Dim X, Y, Z As Integer
If True And True And True Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will execute (all True=>True)")
End If
If True And True And False Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will not execute (any False=>False)")
End If
If False Or False Or False Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will not execute (all False=>False")
End If
If False Or False Or True Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will execute (any True=>True)")
End If
If Not True Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will not execute (Not True = False).")
End If
If Not False Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will execute (Not False = True).")
End If
If Not (False Or False) Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will execute (Not False = True).")
End If
If Not (False Or True) Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will not execute (Not True = False).")
End If
X = 2
Y = 3
Z = 5
If X > Y AndAlso Y > Z AndAlso X + Y = Z Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will never execute and only X>Y is evaluated.")
End If
If X < Y OrElse Y < Z OrElse X + Y = Z Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"This will execute and only X<Y is evaluated.")
End If
End Sub
End Module

Listing 5.10: Demonstrating the Boolean operators

5.2 Selection Structures


5.2.2 Select Case

In some situations, we might want to select one from a group of blocks of statements depending on a simple outcome typically the value of a single variable.
For example, consider how we might determine how many days are in a given
month (well make it easy to start with and ignore leap years). Using If..
Then..ElseIf..Else could give us Listing 5.11.
If NameOfMonth = "January" Then
Console.WriteLine("31 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "February" Then
Console.WriteLine("28 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "March" Then
Console.WriteLine("31 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "April" Then
Console.WriteLine("30 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "May" Then
Console.WriteLine("31 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "June" Then
Console.WriteLine("30 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "July" Then
Console.WriteLine("31 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "August" Then
Console.WriteLine("31 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "September" Then
Console.WriteLine("30 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "October" Then
Console.WriteLine("31 Days")
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "November" Then
Console.WriteLine("30 Days")
Console.WriteLine("31 Days") 'This must be December
End If
Listing 5.11: A complex multi-way If structure

Whew! Of course we could have shortened that code a bit by using the Or (or
better still, the OrElse) Boolean operator, along the lines of Listing 5.12.
If NameOfMonth = "September" OrElse _
NameOfMonth = "April" OrElse _
NameOfMonth = "June" OrElse _
NameOfMonth = "November" Then
' 30 day months
' ..
ElseIf NameOfMonth = "February" Then
' 28 day month
' ..
' 31 day months
' ..
End If
Listing 5.12: Using Boolean operators to reduce the structures complexity


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

This is much neater, but Visual Basic gives us an even better way to do this. The
code in Listing 5.13 is clearer and so easier to read.
Select Case NameOfMonth
Case "September", "April", "June", "November"
Console.WriteLine("30 days in {0)", NameOfMonth)
Case "February"
Console.WriteLine("28 days in {0)", NameOfMonth)
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("31 days in {0)", NameOfMonth)
End Select
Listing 5.13: The Select Case structure

In this structure, Visual Basic forms implicit expressions using the variable at the
start of the structure (in this example, NameOfMonth) and each of the lists of cases
given. It then selects from these the statement(s) to be executed. The end result is
much more concise.
Given how few lines it has taken to evaluate how many days are in a given month,
we can even consider adding statements to check for a leap year (Listing 5.14).
Select Case NameOfMonth
Case "September", "April", "June", "November"
Console.WriteLine("30 days in {0)", NameOfMonth)
Case "February"
If (YearNumber Mod 100 <> 0 And _
YearNumber Mod 4 = 0) Or _
(YearNumber Mod 100 = 0 And _
YearNumber Mod 400 = 0) Then
Console.WriteLine("29 days in {0)", NameOfMonth)
Console.WriteLine("28 days in {0)", NameOfMonth)
End If
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("31 days in {0)", NameOfMonth)
End Select
Listing 5.14: Combining Select Case and If...Then structures

Note how we work out whether the YearNumber indicates a leap year. Recall that
the Mod operator gives us the remainder of a division, so YearNumber Mod 4 = 0
tells us whether the year number is exactly divisible by 4. You might consider this
to be a leap year (many people do), but for a century year to be a leap year, it must
be divisible by 400. Our condition therefore becomes a compound expression
either it is not a century year And YearNumber is exactly divisible by 4, or it is
a century year And YearNumber is exactly divisible by 400. Note the brackets
used to separate the two groups of compound Boolean expressions; without these,

5.2 Selection Structures


it would be difficult to figure out how we are supposed to combine the individual
Select Case can also be used to select from individual values, ranges of values
and individual Boolean expressions. An example is given in Listing 5.15.
Console.Write("Enter a number:")
ordNumber = Console.ReadLine()
Select Case ordNumber
Case 1, 101, 201
ordinalEnding = "st"
Case 2, 102, 202
ordinalEnding = "nd"
Case 3, 103, 203
ordinalEnding = "rd"
Case 4 To 100, 104 To 200, 204 To 300
ordinalEnding = "th"
Case Is > 300
ordinalEnding = " is too big to bother about."
End Select
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", ordNumber, ordinalEnding)
Listing 5.15: Generating ordinal number endings in a Select Case structure

The Select Case structure above will add an ordinal ending to any integer number
entered (up to but not beyond 300), so 1 will be displayed as 1st, 2 as 2nd, etc. As
you can see, we can include ranges and even implicit Boolean expressions (e.g.
Is > 300) in Select Case, making it a very powerful structure for deciding what
block of code to execute.
Exercise 5.2

Assume the String variable CH contains a single character typed from the keyboard. Write a Select Case structure that will determine whether this character is a vowel (a, e, i, o or u), a digit (0 To 9) or a consonant.
a) Assume only lower-case and no punctuation characters have been typed.
b) Allow for upper and lower-case characters.

5.2.3 Selection Structures within Classes

Of course, the real power of the selection structures, If.. and Select Case..,
comes from our ability to use them to make decisions within a class. Effectively,
we enable objects to decide on which code to execute based on the conditions in
their member variables or elsewhere. The idea is to try to develop classes in such
a way that their objects are as autonomous as possible. An object should never be
able to perform an operation that did anything contrary to the logic of the class it
belongs to.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code Example: The Bank Account revisited

The BankAccount class is a good example of this, ensuring that cash could only
be withdrawn if there was enough in the account to cover the withdrawal. We can
extend this behaviour by allowing an account to go into overdraft provided one
has been arranged with the bank (Listing 5.16).
Module Bank2 ' Updated to allow an overdraft facility
Public Class BankAccount
Public AccountName As String
Public OverdraftAvailable As Boolean
Private AgreedOverdraftAmount As Decimal
Private Balance As Decimal
Public Sub Deposit(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
Balance += Amount
End Sub
Public Sub SetOverdraft(ByVal Amount As Decimal)
If OverdraftAvailable Then
AgreedOverdraftAmount = Amount
End If
End Sub
Public Function Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal) _
As Boolean
If Amount <= Balance Then
Balance -= Amount
Return True
ElseIf OverdraftAvailable Then
If Amount <= _
Balance + AgreedOverdraftAmount Then
Balance -= Amount
Return True
End If
Return False
End If
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentBalance() As Decimal
Return Balance
End Get
End Property
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
MyAccount.AccountName = "John Smith"
Console.WriteLine("Account name: {0}", _

5.2 Selection Structures


Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _

Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
If MyAccount.Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal not allowed")
End If
MyAccount.OverdraftAvailable = True
If MyAccount.Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Balance (with o/d): {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal not allowed")
End If
End Sub
End Module
Listing 5.16: The BankAccount class modified to allow for overdrafts

In Listing 5.16, the Withdraw method has been changed from a Sub to a Function,
so that it can return a Boolean result: True if the withdrawal was successful, False
if not. The code in Sub Main() now makes two attempts to make a withdrawal; one
with no overdraft agreed, and the second, successful, attempt with an agreed overdraft of 100.
Hopefully you can see the power of selection statements, both within a class and
in the code that makes use of objects of a class. The trick of replacing a sub with a
function that returns a Boolean result is useful when it is possible to allow the class
to decide whether or not to perform an operation since, otherwise, the code using the
object would not be aware of whether an operation had been successful or not.
Exercises 5.3



The BankAccount class in Listing 5.16 would benefit from a Report

function that will return a String result based on the following evaluation:
Balance is positive or zero The account is in credit
Balance is negative and there is no agreed overdraft The account is
Balance is overdrawn by no more than AgreedOverdraftAmount
The account is within allowed overdraft limit
Balance is overdrawn by more than AgreedOverdraftAmount
Account withdrawals have exceeded the agreed overdraft amount
Write this function.
Write a function that will return the maximum amount that could be withdrawn from the account without exceeding any overdraft limit that existed.



Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

It is often stated that the real power of computers lies in their ability to perform millions of simple operations flawlessly. With the code we have seen so far, we would
have to acknowledge that this power is offset by the fact that a human programmer
would have to write instructions for these millions of operations; the computer might
not make a mistake, but the programmer almost certainly would if each operation
had to be individually coded.
Since we are able to write a program so that operations will only be performed if
the conditions that govern them are correct, it seems only sensible that we can use
a similar mechanism to allow operations to be repeated, again based on some condition. For instance, we might decide that a particular operation was to be executed
repeatedly until a certain condition was found to be True: a good example of this
would be an operation to locate a specific character within a String variable
(Listing 5.17).
Console.Write("Enter some text:")
s = Console.ReadLine()
position += 1
Loop Until s.Chars(position) = " "
Console.WriteLine("The first word was {0} letters long.", _
Listing 5.17: Using a repetition structure to count the letters in a word

This code contains a Do..Loop that increments a variable until the character at
that position in a string matches a single space. The actual repetition structure is
as shown in Listing 5.18.
'Code to be repeated.
Loop Until s.Chars(position) = " "
Listing 5.18: The repetition structure isolated

It will repeatedly execute the enclosed code until the condition after the Until
keyword becomes True. Note that the Chars() method of the String class
gives us access to individual characters in the string. It is a little odd because
Chars(3) would be the fourth character in the string characters are counted from
position 0 the first letter.
A feature of this type of loop is that a condition is used to determine whether or
not to stop repeating the enclosed statements. Care needs to be taken in using this
type of loop because it is easy to specify a condition that will never become true
in effect the program will repeat the enclosed statements forever (or until you get
bored and stop it, or until something causes the program to crash). Consider what
would happen if the user entered a single word with no following space. Assume the
word is four characters long: when the variable position reaches 5, the specified

5.3 Repetition


Figure 5.1 The error message given when trying to access the fifth character of a four
character string.

condition will try to access the fifth character in a four character string. Visual Basic
will respond as shown in Figure 5.1.
Obviously, we need to be a bit careful when creating program loops.
Visual Basic gives us several ways to repeat, or iterate, a block of code. There are
two general categories.

Indefinite loops, which are structures that will repeat a block of code until some
condition becomes True or False. Since it is always possible for the condition
not to change, this type of loop may never come to an end.
Definite loops, which are structures that will repeat a block of code a number of
times. It should always be possible to work out how many times a definite loop
will iterate immediately before it starts.

The Do..Loop weve already seen an example of is an indefinite loop (we could
have typed in a string that contained no spaces). There are several forms of this type
of loop.

5.3.1 Do..Loops
The exit condition of a Do..Loop can be at the start of the loop (after the word Do)
or at the end (after the word Loop). Exit can be when a condition becomes True
(Do Until..Loop, or Do..Loop Until), or when a condition becomes False
(Do While..Loop, or Do..Loop While). Table 5.1 shows these variations (using
a typical condition X = Y).
A Do..Loop structure can be characterized as performing zero-or-more iterations
if the condition is tested at the beginning (Do While.. or Do Until..), or oneor-more iterations if the condition is tested at the end (Loop While.. or Loop
Until..). One important facet of this type of loop is that the enclosed statements
must be capable of altering the condition. This is important, since if the condition
can not be altered within the loop, it may never exit. For the example structures in
Table 5.1, this means that either X or Y or both must be changed at some point in
the enclosed statements, for an exit condition to be possible. Exiting from a Do..Loop

Table 5.1 lists the ways that the repeated execution of the code enclosed in a loop
can be terminated. Do..Loop structures are organized so that it is possible to exit


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Table 5.1

Do..Loop structures and their operation

Loop Code


When the values in X and Y become the same, the code to repeat will
Do Until X = Y
Code to repeat not execute any more times. If X and Y are equal immediately before
the loop, the enclosed statements will never be executed
When the values in X and Y become different, the code to repeat will
Do While X = Y
Code to repeat not execute any more times. If X is different from Y before the loop,
the enclosed statements will never be executed
When the values in X and Y become the same, the code to repeat will
Code to repeat not execute any more times. Even if X and Y are the same before the
loop starts, the enclosed statements will be executed at least once
Loop Until X = Y
When the values in X and Y becomes different, the code to repeat will
Code to repeat not execute any more times. Even if X and Y are different before the
Loop While X = Y loop starts, the enclosed statements will be executed at least once

from the beginning or the end of a loop, providing for zero-or more, or one-or more
iterations. It is also possible to exit a loop from anywhere in the middle, using an
Exit Do statement. Of course, this is useless on its own, since an unconditional
Exit Do would merely serve to create a loop in which only the code up to the Exit
Do could ever execute (Listing 5.19).
'First part of the enclosed code
Exit Do
'Remainder of the enclosed code (never executes).
Listing 5.19: A Do..Loop with an Exit statement

However, we can enclose the Exit Do statement in an If..Then structure to provide

a condition for getting out of a loop in the middle. This makes it possible to form a
loop structure that will contain some initial code to set up the potential exit condition, and further code to do something with it. An example is given in Listing 5.20.
Console.Write("Enter a number (0 to quit):)")
n = Console.ReadLine()
If n = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
Console.WriteLine("{0} squared is {1}", n, n * n)
Listing 5.20: Controlled exit from a Do..Loop

Note that this loop does not have a normal exit condition either at the start or at the
end the only possible exit is from the middle of the loop. This turns out to be

5.3 Repetition


perfect for this situation a sequence of statements for getting user-input, followed
by the exit condition depending on the user-input, followed by what to do if the quit
condition is not met.
It would be possible to have exit conditions in all three locations: at the beginning
of the loop, at the end of the loop and also in the middle (in several places if necessary). However, structured programming guidelines (programmers rarely think in
terms of rules) are that any loop has a single entry point and a single exit point.
Otherwise, the flow of control through a passage of code can become confusing.
While Im all for reducing the potential for confusion in my programs, I have
often found that an occasional breakage of a guideline is necessary to make my code
less confusing. In some types of loop it seems much more natural to have two exit
conditions, one for normal situations and one for unusual circumstances. Uses for Do..Loops

Often we need to use a condition-based loop in a class to repeat a section of code for
some purpose. For example, we might want to ask a user to enter some data and
make sure it is valid before continuing. We could do a simple If..Then test on the
data to validate it, but if the value entered was not valid, what would we do next?
A Do..Loop Until deals with this nicely (Listing 5.21).
Dim n As Integer
Console.Write("Enter a number between 1 and 10:")
n = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until n >= 1 And n <= 10
'By here, n is in range.
Listing 5.21: Using a Do..Loop to validate user-input

Note that an input error could still occur in Listing 5.21, since the user might enter
a value that was not an integer (possibly not even a number). We can always use
another Do..Loop inside the first one to test whether we have a number before testing whether it was in range, as shown in Listing 5.22.
Dim Input As String
Dim n As Integer
Console.Write("Enter a number between 1 and 10:")
Input = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until IsNumeric(Input)
'By here, we know that Input is like a number.
n = CInt(Input) ' Convert it to one.
Loop Until n >= 1 And n <= 10
'By here, n is in range.
Listing 5.22: More rigorous validation of user-input


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code Example: Calculating an Average

This is a classic example of the use of a loop in programming. We work out the average of a list of numbers by adding them together and dividing the total by the number of numbers in the list. There are various ways of doing this, but a Do..Loop
gives us a nicely elegant solution. As each number is entered, we simply add it to a
running total, and increment a variable that counts the number of numbers entered
so far. When the end of the list is reached (usually the user will be asked to signal
this by entering some distinct value after the last in the list), the result is calculated
by simple division, and displayed.
We can create a class to do this, with a simple method to do each part of the overall task and this is shown in Listing 5.23.
Module Average
Public Class Averager
Private runningTotal As Single
Private countOfInputs As Integer
Public Sub CalcAverage()
'Get a list of numbers and display their avg.
If countOfInputs > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Average is {0}.", _
runningTotal / countOfInputs)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetInputs()
'This method keeps getting input data until
'"end" is entered.
Dim input As String
Dim n As Single
input = GetAnInput()
If input = "end" Then
Exit Do
End If
n = CSng(input)
runningTotal += n
countOfInputs += 1
End Sub
Private Function GetAnInput() As String
'This method returns either a valid number or "end"
Dim rawInput As String
Console.Write("Enter a number " & _
"(or 'end' to end):")
rawInput = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until IsNumeric(rawInput) Or _
rawInput = "end"

5.3 Repetition


Return rawInput
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim avg As New Averager()
End Sub
End Module
Listing 5.23: A class to calculate the average of a list of inputs.

In the Averager class, only the CalcAverage() method has been made public, since
the other methods are only for use within the class. Note how dividing up the functionality of the class in this way makes it easier to understand what is going on, since
each method performs a simple task that is easy to describe (GetAnInput() gets a
valid input from the user, GetInputs() collects input data until the user has entered
all the values, and CalcAverage() calculates the average of a list of input values).
Exercise 5.4


The factorial of a number is defined as the product of every integer from 1

up to that number e.g. the factorial of 3 (written as 3!) can be calculated
as 1 2 3 = 6. Computer programs often use an elegant form of algorithm
known as a recursive algorithm to calculate factorials. However, it is possible to calculate the factorial of a number using a Do..Loop. Write code
that will calculate the factorial of a number N, assuming the number is
more than zero.
b) Write code that will display each character of a string on a separate line of
the console: you can use the Chars() property to determine the character
at any position (Chars(0) is the first character, etc.), and the Length()
method to determine how many characters are to be displayed. While..End While

Visual Basic provides other ways of repeating a section of code. One is the classic
While loop, which was initially proposed as the natural structure for repetition in
structured programming. This has the form shown in Listing 5.2.4.
While <some condition>
End While
Listing 5.24: A While loop

As it turns out, this exerts exactly the same form of control as a Do While..Loop
structure, and has really just been included to keep programmers who are used to that
form of the structure happy. Since the Do..Loop structure does everything that a
While..End While loop can and more, I find it easier just to stick with the
Do..Loop form.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

5.3.2 Definite Loops

Do..Loops and While..End While loops are Visual Basics versions of indefinite
loops (loops which depend on an exit condition that may or may not occur).
However, for years before Do loops and While loops were available in programming languages, BASIC programmers were able to create definite loops using the
For..Next structure. This form of loop structure makes use of a control variable
that it uses to keep count of the number of iterations. The simplest form is the one
shown in Listing 5.2.5.
For index = 1 To 10
'Code to repeat.
Next index
Listing 5.25: A For..Next loop

In this loop structure, the loop control variable (index) is initially set to the first
value in the range given after the = operator. At the end of each pass through
the enclosed code (at the keyword Next) the control variable is incremented
(normally by 1). When the control variable is incremented, if it exceeds the last
value in the range, the loop is finished and control passes to the statement after
the loop. In short, the loop repeats as the control variable counts through the
specified range.
Since the range the control variable is to count through is given at the outset,
we can always work out how many iterations will occur, and so this is a definite
loop. It does not, however, mean that the range to count through needs to be
Dim index As Integer
Dim start As Integer, finish As Integer
Console.Write("Enter the start of the range:")
start = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter the end of the range:")
finish = Console.ReadLine()
For index = start To finish
Console.Write(" {0} ", index)
Next index
Listing 5.26: Using variables to determine the range of a For..Next loop

In Listing 5.26, the For..Next loop counts through the range start to finish,
although the values of these are not known at the time the program was written.
Since the user supplies them, the programmer has no way of knowing how many
iterations the loop will perform. However, the number of iterations that will be made
is known immediately before the loop executes (it is finish start + 1); well,
almost. An Exit For statement can be used to break out of a For..Next loop at
any point, e.g. Listing 5.27.

5.3 Repetition


For index = start To finish

If index = 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Console.Write(" {0} ", 1 / index)
Next index
Listing 5.27: Using an Exit For to jump out of a For..Next loop

At this point, structured programming purists will be throwing up their hands in

horror; pragmatists on the other hand will realize that unusual circumstances occur,
even in the middle of definite loops, and so it is sometimes useful to have the option.
If you tend towards the purist, simply never use Exit For and you need never
acknowledge its existence.
The final statement in a For..Next loop beginning with the keyword Next
marks the extent of the loop. Visual Basic allows us to omit the name of the control
variable in this line, so that the loop above would work just the same if it was
written as in Listing 5.28.
For index = start To finish
If index = 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Console.Write(" {0} ", 1 / index)
Listing 5.28: Omitting the control variables name in the Next clause

This makes no difference to a programmer writing a single For..Next loop like

this, but can make a huge difference to how readable a program is if there are several
For..Next loops in the same block of code, particularly if these are nested as in
Listing 5.29.
For outer = 1 To 10
For inner = 1 To 10
Console.Write(" {0} ", inner * outer)
Next inner
Next outer
Listing 5.29: Using the control variable names to identify loop endings

Without the control variable name, it can be difficult to identify which Next statement goes with which For statement, particularly if the block of code contains a
large number of lines of code. Changing the Increment Value

A For loop does not have to work through a range of values in steps of +1. We might
find it useful to create a For..Next loop that counts down from some value to some


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Table 5.2

Counting Options in For..Next loops

For..Next statement


For x =

0 To 100 Step 2
Code to repeat.

Count x up from 0 to 100 in steps of 2

100 To 0 Step -5
Code to repeat.

Count y down from 100 to 0 in steps of 5

0 To 1 Step 0.01
Code to repeat.

Count z up from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.01

(101 iterations)

For y =
For Z =
For i =

1 To 12 Step 3

Code to repeat.
Limit =
For i =

10 To Limit
Code to repeat.

Count in steps of 3 note that the count will

go 1, 4, 7, 10, but will terminate when i
exceeds 10
Repeated code will never execute, because i
is made to exceed the limit value at the start


smaller value, or one that counts up or down in bigger or smaller steps. To do this
we use the syntax given in Listing 5.30.
For controlVariable = initialVal To finalVal Step stepVal
'Code to repeat.
Next controlVariable
Listing 5.30: Counting in a different increment value in a For..Next loop

In this case, the first pass through the loop will assign the value initialVal
to controlVariable. At the end of each iteration, controlVariable will
have stepVal added to it (if stepVal is negative, the addition will of course
decrease the value in controlVariable). If, when stepValue is added,
controlVariable becomes more than finalVal for a positive stepVal, less
than it for a negative stepVal, the loop will terminate. Table 5.2 gives some example For..Next loops that increment the control variable by values other than one. For..Each loops

Visual Basic provides a variation of the For..Next loop, designed for iterating
through all of the members of a collection or array. It will make more sense to
describe it once weve looked at these things later in the book.

5.3.3 Uses for For..Next loops

You would use a For..Next loop in any situation where you wanted to perform a
series of operations; either setting a variable to each value in a range and performing

5.3 Repetition


an operation, or even accessing multiple variables (more on this when we reach

data structures). For example, we might want to count through a range of values,
operating on each value. One obvious example is a program to generate a times
table, which might be used in teaching children arithmetic (Listing 5.31).
Module TimesTable
Private Class Table
Private mvarTimesTableValue As Integer
Private mvarMaxMultiplier As Integer
Public Property TimesTableValue() As Integer
Return mvarTimesTableValue
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
mvarTimesTableValue = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property MaxMultiplier() As Integer
Return mvarMaxMultiplier
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
mvarMaxMultiplier = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub DoTable()
Dim multiplier As Integer
Console.WriteLine("The {0} times table:", _
'This For..Next loop works out and displays the
'multiples of TimesTable...
For multiplier = 1 To MaxMultiplier
Console.WriteLine("{0} times {1} = {2}", _
mvarTimesTableValue, multiplier, _
mvarTimesTableValue * multiplier)
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim T As New Table()
Dim tbl As Integer
T.MaxMultiplier = 12
'This For..Next loop generates 10 Times-Tables.
For tbl = 1 To 10
T.TimesTableValue = tbl
End Sub
End Module
Listing 5.31: A times table program


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

In this program, a class is used to generate a times table that will display multiplication examples in the following form:
1 times
2 times
3 times
4 times




The class has a pair of properties, TimesTableValue and MaxMultiplier, which

provide for setting up the value of the table to be displayed (TimesTableValue
is 6 in the above example), and the maximum multiplication of it to be shown.
Typically this would be set to 10, although higher numbers can be used to generate
more difficult tables.
The main operation of the Table class is the method DoTable(), which works
through multiples from 1 to MaxMultiplier displaying the arithmetic. In Sub
Main(), a Table object is created and its MaxMultiplier is set to 12. This is
then followed by a For..Next loop that governs the generation of a sequence of
multiplication tables (from 1 to 10).
Exercise 5.5


Write a For..Next loop that will iterate through every allowable value of
Integer (hint look at the available properties for the Integer type)
The Asc(s) function returns the Integer character code of the first (or only)
character in a string s. The Chr(x) function returns the character whose
code is x. Write a For..Next loop containing code that will display the
letters a to z on the console.

5.3.4 The With Structure

Visual Basics With..End With structure is quite different from the other structures weve looked at so far, in that instead of controlling blocks of program statements, it provides us with a shorthand way to access the available members of a class
or structure. In this respect, it is related to the For..Each repetition structure, which
sets a reference variable to refer to each object in a collection of objects in turn.
However, the With..End With code structure operates on a single object reference,
making all of the public members (properties and methods) easier to access. This
ease of access makes it more convenient for the programmer (you), since it removes
the need to enter the name of an object reference explicitly in code. It also makes it
more convenient for the .NET CLR, which needs to locate an object in memory only
once for any number of accesses to properties and methods. For example, consider
the program code written in Sub Main() in Listing 5.16 and reproduced here as
Listing 5.32.
Sub Main()
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
MyAccount.AccountName = "John Smith"

5.3 Repetition


Console.WriteLine("Account name: {0}", _

Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
If MyAccount.Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal not allowed")
End If
MyAccount.OverdraftAvailable = True
If MyAccount.Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Bbalance (with overdraft): {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal not allowed")
End If
End Sub
Listing 5.32: The Sub Main() from Listing 5.16

Almost every statement in this sub makes use of the MyAccount object reference
variable, to the extent where typing the variables name is tedious and repetitious.
The With..End With structure allows us to consider the object reference
MyAccount to be a default object reference, as shown in Listing 5.33.
Sub Main()
Dim MyAccount As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
With MyAccount
.AccountName = "John Smith"
Console.WriteLine("Account name: {0}", .AccountName)
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
If .Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Account balance: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal not allowed")
End If
.OverdraftAvailable = True
If .Withdraw(150) Then
Console.WriteLine("Balance (with o/d): {0}", _


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Console.WriteLine("Withdrawal not allowed")
End If
End With
End Sub
Listing 5.33: The same code, reduced by using a With..End With

In the listing, the amount of code has been reduced by using the With..End
With structure. Within the With MyAccount..End With block, any object
reference that begins with a dot operator on its own is taken to be a property or
method of MyAccount. The result is that the programmer types less code (and in all
likelihood endures fewer typing errors because of this), and Visual Basic does not
have to keep accessing one of potentially many objects to get to its properties and
methods. Within the With..End With block, accesses to this one object are therefore much faster to resolve and the code executes more efficiently.
The With..End With structure can be used in any situation where the dot
operator can be used, so it can also be used with structures and with the built-in
objects provided in the .NET framework.

Exercise 5.6


Using a With..End With structure, display the type, type-code and hash-code
of an Integer variable (these are available via the methods GetType(),
GetTypeCode() and GetHashCode().

Subs, Functions and Parameters

Weve already looked at and made use of subs and functions within class definitions.
We can refer to them collectively as subroutines (Microsoft uses the word procedure to refer to either subs or functions, but years of programming in Pascal
have made me wary of this in Pascal a procedure is the equivalent of a Visual
Basic sub, and as I always remember it that way, I prefer the term subroutine to
refer to both sub and function). Subs and functions can also exist in Visual Basic
outside of a class definition in this case they simply become methods of the overall program.
A sub defines a sequence of statements that define some operation as does a
function, the distinction being that a function returns some value or object as a result.
In themselves, these make important structural elements of a program or a class,
since they allow us to create operations that we can execute by simply invoking their
name, almost as if we had extended Visual Basic to add new commands that were
useful to a class or program.
Subs and functions can optionally be defined so that we can tell them what data
to operate on. Consider the two similar subs in Listing 5.34.

5.4 Subs, Functions and Parameters


Sub SetXToZero()
X = 0
End Sub
Sub SetToZero(ByRef X As Integer)
X = 0
End Sub
Listing 5.34: Two versions of a sub, one with a parameter

The first, SetXToZero, does the simple job of setting a variable to zero. For it to
work, there must be a variable with the name X, and the sub must be able to access
it (it cannot be a Private member variable of a different class, or a variable declared
with the Dim statement inside another sub). This sub has a very limited remit
because of this it can only work on one variable in a program, and only then in a
very pre-defined way. We would call it simply by invoking its name in a statement:
SetXToZero() 'assign zero to the variable X

Note that if it was called and some variable X had not been declared, the subroutine
call would fail and the program would probably crash. What we need is some way
to generalize the subroutine call so that it can act on any suitable variable.
The second sub, SetToZero is defined along with some additional information:
the part, ByRef X As Integer, indicates that the sub expects an Integer variable to be passed to it. ByRef indicates that the variable will be passed in such a
way that the sub will have the power to access it directly and alter its contents. As a
result, the sub SetToZero can be used to zero the value in any Integer variable. We
can call the sub as shown in Listing 5.35.
Dim someNumber As Integer = 50
'someNumber now has a value of 0.
Listing 5.35: Using a ByRef parameter to change a variable

The variable someNumber is initialized to have a value of 50. We then pass it to

SetToZero, and can expect that subsequently it will contain the value zero. During
the execution of the subroutine call, the variable someNumber is referred to within
the SetToZero() sub as X. X acts as an alias for whatever variable we pass to the
sub as it executes.
Note that if we call this subroutine without passing an Integer variable to it, this
will constitute an error. However, in this case, Visual Basic has a way of checking to see whether the routine has been invoked correctly (by checking the actual
variable passed against the type we have defined it to work on). If we pass either no
variable, or a variable that is not an Integer type, Visual Basic will recognize the
error and refuse to compile the program.
So now we can define a sub or function so that we can send data to it for it to
work with. We can even pass a whole list of variables to this sub one at a time
(Listing 5.36).


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Dim list(100) As Integer

'Some code here to change the values in list()
For Each value In list
'All elements of list() are now zero.
Listing 5.36: Using a ByRef parameter to change a number of variables

In this code fragment, list is an array, which is a multiple of individual variables

referred to by a single name (list, in this case). We will have a detailed look
at arrays in the next chapter, but for now it is enough to state that once we have a
number of variables in a structured form like this, it is possible to access them all in
sequence using a For..Next or For Each..Next code structure. In the example
code, each Integer in List is sent as a parameter to the SetToZero() sub in turn,
with the result that all members of the array will be set to zero.
The general name for the variable defined in the first line of the second version of
sub SetToZero() is a parameter. A parameter is a variable used in a sub or function that has been sent to it from the code that calls it (see Figure 5.2). The purpose
of parameters is to generalize subroutines by making them work on the data we pass
to them, rather than some specific variable or variables.

'other code
ByRef X As Integer

Dim someVar As Integer = 1

Sub SetToZero

SetToZero (someVar)

X = 0
End Sub

'other code
Figure 5.2

A reference parameter acts as an alias for a variable

Consider Console.WriteLine(). This is a sub defined within Console, and it

would be quite useless if we did not have the facility to send items of data to it for
display. The statements in Listing 5.37 both make use of Console.WriteLine(),
but each passes a different piece of data to it. This facility is very powerful, since it
allows us to write a generalized subroutine that can act on any data that we decide
to send to it, either passively to calculate results, or more actively to change the data
in some way.
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", MyAccount.AccountName)
Console.WriteLine("Balance: {0}", MyAccount.Balance)
Listing 5.37: Passing data to the Console via the WriteLine() parameters

5.4 Subs, Functions and Parameters


Note that Console.WriteLine() in the statements above accepts more than a

single parameter a comma separates the first parameter (a string such as "Name:
{0}") from the second (in these cases, the name of a variable). Subroutines can have
any number of parameters. A list of parameters defined for a sub or function is
matched up with the list of variables passed to it by their position. The first variable
passed to a routine is passed into the first parameter, the second into the second
parameter and so on.
As an example of how you would define a subroutine with more than one parameter, Listing 5.38 gives a function subroutine that calculates the discounted price
of a purchased item, passing both price and discount rate as parameters:
Function DiscountedPrice(ByVal Price As Decimal, _
ByVal DiscountPercent As Single) _
As Decimal
Return (Price * (100 DiscountPercent)) / 100
End Function
Listing 5.38: A function with two parameters

When this function is called, the first variable in the list passed to it should be the
price; the second should be the percentage discount rate. Regardless of the names of
the two variables passed, or even if either or both are simply literal values, the first
will be referred to within the function as Price, the second as DiscountPercent.
Note that the functions return type (the result passed back to the calling statement)
is defined as being of type Decimal. Since we are calculating a new price based on
an existing price (which is a Decimal variable), this is only sensible.
Exercise 5.7

In Exercise 5.3 a) you were asked to write program code that calculated the
factorial of a number.

Package the code to calculate the factorial of a number as a function that

accepts a single Integer parameter.
Implement the function again, this time using a For..Next loop instead of
a Do..Loop.

5.4.1 ByVal and ByRef

A parameter acts as a way of assigning a name, or an alias to an input value for use
within the subroutine. That saves us having to use variables with the same names as
the ones defined as parameter names in the subroutine definition, which would be a
serious restriction on the use of a sub or function.
Since the two parameters in Listing 5.38 are passed by value (ByVal), we can be
sure that no matter what is done with them inside the function, there will be no effect
on any variable that is passed as an input they are input-only parameters. The
function simply returns a value calculated from them, e.g. Listing 5.39.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Sub Main()
Dim p As Decimal = 50
Console.WriteLine("Discounted price: {0}", _
DiscountedPrice(p, 10))
Console.WriteLine("Original price: {0}", p)
End Sub
Listing 5.39: A ByVal parameter is not changed by a subroutine

Here, the variable p will not be affected, and so the second WriteLine() statement will show that p still has a value of 50. What this demonstrates is that when a
parameter is passed ByVal (the default), it cannot be affected by the routine it is
passed to. This is a very desirable feature as a default, since we can be sure that a
subroutine with ByVal parameters will not have any side-effects caused by variables
being changed inadvertently. We can always say that ByVal parameters are input
Parameters that are passed by reference (ByRef) can be affected by the subroutine they are passed to. Because of this, ByRef is not the default type of parameter. By using a ByRef parameter, we are indicating that this parameter will act
as an output from the subroutine it is defined for. For example, consider this alternative way of calculating a discounted price (Listing 5.40).
Sub ApplyDiscount(ByRef Price As Decimal, _
ByVal DiscountPercent As Single)
Price -= Price * DiscountPercent / 100
End Sub
Listing 5.40: A ByRef parameter can be changed by a subroutine

Note that in this case, the Price parameter is passed ByRef (it is necessary to type
ByRef when the first line of the sub is entered, otherwise the default, ByVal, will
be used). The DiscountPercent parameter is still defined as a ByVal parameter,
since there is no intention to change this value, either inside or outwith the sub.
Effectively, Price has been defined as an input/output parameter, while
DiscountPercent is purely an input parameter. When the value in Price is
changed by subtracting the specified discount (a percentage of Price), this will
affect the value in any variable passed into the Price parameter. To use this
routine, simply call it passing the price that is to be updated and the discount rate:
ApplyDiscount(p, 10)
Console.WriteLine("Discounted price: {0}", p)

In the above call, whatever value was in p before the subroutine call will have been
reduced by 10% once the subroutine has executed. In this case, p has acted as both
an input to and an output from the sub.
Parameters are a general purpose way of sending variables to subroutines, almost
as if each parameter was an envelope that could be attached to a subroutine call.
Some parameters (those passed by value using the ByVal keyword) act as ways

5.4 Subs, Functions and Parameters


of inputting a value to a sub or function so that it has data to work on. These
envelopes are simply deposited into the subroutine so the data can be worked on.
Others (those passed by reference, using the ByRef keyword) can also take on new
values assigned to them within the sub or function, and so act as carriers for data
passed back from the routine. These envelopes are returned to the sender once
the subroutine has finished executing, with the updated versions of the parameters
Parameters can seem complex at first, but just keep in mind the following simple

Exercise 5.8

Parameters are defined in brackets after the title of a sub or function.

Each parameter has a name and a type.
A subroutine can have multiple parameters, each with its own name, type and
calling style (ByVal or ByRef). When there is more than one parameter, passed
values are associated with parameters by the order in which they appear in the list.
A parameter that is not specified explicitly as ByRef will always be a value
(ByVal) parameter. If you omit it, Visual Studio will insert the ByVal keyword
ByVal parameters are inputs to a subroutine. If the parameters value is changed
within the subroutine, the change will not be reflected in the value of the variable
passed into that parameter.
ByRef parameters are input/output parameters, so any change made to a ByRef
parameter as the subroutine executes will reflect back in the value of whatever
variable was passed into that parameter.
A function can return a single value as a result. However both functions and
subs can be defined to provide any number of outputs by declaring them as ByRef



Write a sub that defines two parameters of type Single. The subroutine
should include code that asks the user to enter values for the Length and
Width of a rectangle, and return these values as outputs. Test the sub.
Redefine the sub from part a) as a function. Leave the parameters as originally defined, but make the function return the Area of the rectangle as its
result. Test the function.

5.4.2 Subroutine Signatures

The combination of a subroutines name, parameter styles and types and, if it is a
function, return type are referred to as its signature. Thinking about it, these are the
essential bits of information we need to know to call a sub or function. For example,
the ApplyDiscount sub has the following signature:
Sub ApplyDiscount(ByRef As Decimal, ByVal As Single)


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

This tells us that we can use the ApplyDiscount routine by passing a Decimal and
a Single parameter respectively, and that the first (Decimal) parameter may be
changed by the call. We dont need to know the actual parameter names to call the
sub (the general case is that variables passed do not match the parameters names
anyway), and so these need not form part of the signature. A legal call to a sub or
function with parameters only requires that an integer value or variable is passed
where an integer parameter is expected, and so on for other data types. Of course,
just because weve used the expected types of parameters in the right place does not
give us any guarantee that we are calling the subroutine correctly; just because your
name and address are both pieces of text, this does not make them interchangeable.
The DiscountedPrice function has this signature:
Function DiscountedPrice(ByVal As Decimal, _
ByVal As Single) As Decimal

This tells us that to use DiscountedPrice, we need to pass two variables or values, the first a Decimal and the second a Single, neither of which will be altered
by the function. The function will return a Decimal result, which we could assign
to a Decimal type variable. If we wanted to use the DiscountedPrice function to
change the value of some variable containing a price, we could call it thus:
ItemPrice = DiscountedPrice(ItemPrice, 10)

This will use the original ItemPrice value in the calculation of the discounted
price, and update it with the new, discounted value on return from the function call.

5.4.3 Overloading Subroutine Names

A subroutines signature makes it distinctive; it is because of this that Visual Basic
can inform you if you have not called a sub or function correctly. This makes it possible to create two subroutines with the same name, provided their signatures differ
in some way for example in the types or number of parameters. For example, we
might use a subroutine to display a persons name on the console. Using overloading, we can provide two versions (Listing 5.41).
Sub DisplayName(ByVal Name As String)
End Sub
Sub DisplayName(ByVal First As String, _
ByVal Last As String)
Console.WriteLine(First & " " & Last)
End Sub
Listing 5.41: Two overloaded subs

Which sub gets called depends on which matches the signature of the function
written in the calling code. For example, a call like:

5.4 Subs, Functions and Parameters


DisplayName("Fred Smith")

Dim N As String = "Fred Smith"

will result in the first version of DisplayName() being executed. However, a

call like:
DisplayName("Fred", "Smith")

Dim F As String = "Fred"
Dim L As String = "Smith"
DisplayName(F, L)

will result in the second version being executed. Overloading subroutines in this way
allows us to provide a variety of ways to call on what is effectively one subroutine;
at least that is the way we should think of it. However, it is easily possible to misuse subroutine overloading to provide a number of subroutines that, while they share
a name, do not do the same job at all, e.g. Listing 5.42.
Function Count(ByVal C As Integer) As String
Do While C > 0
C -= 1
Return "Finished"
End Function
Function Count(ByVal S As String) As Integer
Return S.Length()
End Function
Listing 5.42: Not a good example of overloading

In the code in Listing 5.42, two functions with the same name are written to do
two entirely different jobs. The first writes messages to the console as it counts down
from some number, and then returns a Finished message to the calling code. The
second returns the number of letters in a string passed as a parameter. While both
of these do a job that fits the name of the function perfectly well, the availability of
both in a single program will be confusing. When we overload subroutines, Visual
Basic has no way of checking whether the jobs they do are in any way semantically
related (do they mean the same thing?). It is our job as programmers to ensure that
this is the case.
Bertrand Meyer, one of the pre-eminent gurus of object-oriented programming,
has published a paper suggesting that overloading is in fact a bad principle, and that


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

object-oriented programming is far better without it1. While he is at odds with many
C++, Java, VB. NET and C# programmers, even they would agree that thoughtless
use of overloading would be a very dangerous practice.
The notion of a subroutines signature is important to us as programmers because
we need to be aware of what it expects when we call it. If we get any of the bits
wrong, the call will be an error and the program will not even compile. It is also
important to Visual Basics compiler, which checks all calls to a subroutine against
its signature so that it can check for these errors. Without this information, Visual
Basic would not be able to point out errors in your code, and programs would be
much more difficult to write.
When we get further down the road of object-oriented programming, the idea
of a subroutines signature will become much more important, due to the flexible
way that objects can interact. For now, simply pay attention to the help the editor
gives you when entering subroutine calls in your programs, and particularly the
errors Visual Basic indicates when you are writing or testing a subroutine call (either
to a standard subroutine that is part of .NET, or to any of your own subs, functions
or methods).


Errors and Exception-Handling

We have already covered all of the code structures that you might consider useful in
implementing an algorithm in Visual Basic. However, writing a program is seldom
as simple as directly implementing algorithms; in particular we will always have to
deal with situations in which the program has not progressed as expected i.e. when
errors occur.
As a programmer, you will have to get used to the idea that errors are a fact of life.
You will undoubtedly have already met a number of errors if youve been trying out
the code examples or exercises on your way through this book. Some of them were
possibly simple typing errors, in which case VB would have informed you of the
problem and given you a chance to fix it before it would allow you to run the program. These are syntax errors.
Others may have been due to errors in the logic of the code for example you
might have wrongly used a < instead of a > operator in an If..Then statement: this
would cause the enclosed code to execute under the wrong circumstances. With
errors like these, there is not much you can do beyond testing the program thoroughly
enough for them to show up in unexpected results. These are logic errors.
However, one type of error is unavoidable, and while you can do a lot to prevent
it in the way you write a program, you can never remove the possibility entirely. A
run-time error is an error that occurs while a program is running (obviously) and
typically occurs because some external interaction does not happen as expected. For
example, assume you have the following section of code (Listing 5.43) in one of
your programs.

Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Oct/Nov 2001, Overloading vs object technology

5.5 Errors and Exception-Handling

Figure 5.3


The result of a simple typing error

Dim H As Single
Console.Write("Enter your height in metres: ")
H = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("You are {0} centimetres tall.", H * 100)
Listing 5.43: Code that depends on correct user-input

Provided the user is well behaved (and accustomed to using software), you can
expect that he or she will enter a number (probably somewhere between 1.5 and 2.0)
that will be stored in the numeric variable H. What if the user either deliberately or
accidentally enters something that is not a number? This could be a typing error,
mischief or perhaps the user was trying to be helpful by entering something like
1.8m. Either way, the result will be to try to store a non-numeric value in a numeric
variable, and Visual Basic will respond in the familiar (and heart-sinking) way
shown in Figure 5.3.
Of course this is not a serious problem. The user can re-run the program and enter
1.8 (if they can figure out the bizarre sequence of error messages on the screen). To
prevent the crash altogether, we could make the program more robust by assigning
the users entry to a string and testing whether it was a number, using VBs
IsNumeric() function before assigning it to H. By doing this in a Do..Until loop,
the users input could be checked until it was Ok, as shown in Listing 5.44.
Dim userInput As String
Dim H As Single
Console.Write("Enter your height in metres: ")
userInput = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until IsNumeric(userInput)
H = CSng(userInput)
Console.WriteLine("You are {0} centimetres tall.", H * 100)
Listing 5.44: Validating user-input with IsNumeric()

However, there are likely to be many places in a program where the user could
enter invalid data. To have to protect every one of them in this way would become


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

a heavy burden, and it could easily become very difficult to pick out the actual
algorithm being implemented from the mass of error avoidance code that results.
That last point is a very important one. As programmers, we struggle to write code
that implements an algorithm in as readable a way as possible. Indeed, structured
programming constructs like If..Then..Else, Do..Loop, etc. were initially
proposed as code features that would maximize the readability of a program at the
expense of the freedom of the programmer; it would be a pity to undo all this by
making program code more complex than it had to be to do its job.

5.5.1 Exceptions
VB and .NET provide us with a different way to solve problems like this, in fact to
deal with any run-time error, whether it is due to errors in the users input or other
problems such as off-line printers, missing files or a host of other input/output
related problems. It is direct and elegant implement the programs algorithm
directly, ignoring the potential run-time errors that could occur, but embed it in a
structure designed to deal with any problems that occur.
When the program runs as expected (the normal condition), our straightforward
coding of the algorithm works as we expect. When a run-time error occurs, it is
treated as an exception to normal operation, and special exception-handling code is
executed. The exception-handling code can either report the error to the user, or try
to fix the problem, or simply ignore it and leave it up to the user to deal with.
However, we can ensure that any exceptions to normal operation are dealt with so
that the program does not crash. Listing 5.45 shows an exception-handler defined
to protect user-input from causing a crash.
Sub Main()
Dim H As Single
Console.Write("Enter your height in metres: ")
H = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("You are {0}cm tall.", H * 100)
Console.WriteLine("Error in input.")
End Try
End Sub
Listing 5.45: A simple exception-handler

In Listing 5.45, the code between Try and Catch is the nominal path through the
program. Provided all goes well, this code will be executed and the program will
end without any error conditions. However, if anything goes wrong with this code
(between Try and Catch), the error will be caught by the .NET run-time system,
and control will automatically transfer to the block between Catch and End Try.
In this case, we provide a simple message that something has gone wrong, although
we can provide a number of alternative paths depending on what went wrong.
Consider the example in Listing 5.46:

5.5 Errors and Exception-Handling


Sub Main()
Dim numerator, denominator, quotient As Integer
Console.Write("Enter two numbers separated by ENTER: ")
numerator = Console.ReadLine()
denominator = Console.ReadLine()
quotient = numerator \ denominator
Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}={2}", numerator, _
denominator, quotient)
Console.WriteLine("Error in input.")
End Try
End Sub
Listing 5.46: Code that could cause several types of problem

In the code shown several types of input could cause problems. The user could enter
a number for numerator but a non-numeric value for denominator or vice-versa,
or the user could enter 0 for denominator. The first two problems would cause
errors due to the attempt to enter non-numeric data into a numeric variable. The third
would cause a divide-by-zero error, since in computer terms (as in mathematics) this
is impossible. The way the Catch block is formed in Listing 5.45, the error would
be caught and reported and a crash would be averted. However, we could improve
the error-handling by telling the user what went wrong, as shown in Listing 5.47.
Sub Main()
Dim numerator, denominator, quotient As Integer
Console.Write("Enter two numbers separated by ENTER: ")
numerator = Console.ReadLine()
denominator = Console.ReadLine()
quotient = numerator \ denominator
Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}={2}", numerator, _
denominator, quotient)
Catch invalidEx As InvalidCastException
Console.WriteLine("One entry is not a number.")
Catch div0Ex As DivideByZeroException
Console.WriteLine("Attempt to divide by zero.")
End Try
End Sub
Listing 5.47: Explicit handling of specific exception types

The code in Listing 5.46 recognizes that there are two possible sources of input
error. The first of these is caused by the user entering a non-numeric value into a
numeric variable. This is called an invalid cast error, the name coming from the use
of a variable to perform a role it is not qualified for. A miscast actor is given a role
that is outwith their specialism, like asking W.C. Fields to be a romantic lead. A miscast variable is similarly used to store information it cannot deal with, like passing
a string into a numeric variable.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

The second error the code deals with is the divide-by-zero problem. In either case,
.NET provides a purpose-built Exception class for dealing with it. You can examine
the range of Exception classes provided by .NET by looking up Exception Hierarchy
in the Visual Studio help system.
Exercise 5.9

The activity at the end of Chapter 4 was to build a simple calculator in which
the user enters an expression and this is evaluated. You should now see that
there are several situations in which the program will fail or crash, these being:

non-numeric input from the user;

division by zero;
the user entering an operator that is not supported;
numeric overflow (operation results in a value that exceeds the range of the
variable it is assigned to) or underflow (operation results in a value that is
too small for the precision that the variable it is assigned to can store).

For each of the possible error types above, try to enter data into the program to
find out how the program will react (i.e. whether it will crash or simply provide
a wrong answer). Add exception handling code to cope with the error results.

5.5.2 Structured Exception-Handling

The mechanism used by Visual Basic and .NET to handle run-time errors is known
as Structured Exception-Handling (SEH), since the error-handling code is organized
as a program structure similar in format to the other code structures weve looked at
in this chapter. The general format for an exception-handling structure in Visual
Basic .NET is shown in Figure 5.4.
The general outline of exception-handling shown in Figure 5.4 demonstrates the
main features of SEH.

Code is grouped into blocks in SEH, with specific blocks for code that causes
exceptions, code that handles exceptions and clean-up code.

Code between Try and the first Catch block will execute completely, or until an
exception occurs.
If an exception occurs, .NET will transfer control to the first block that handles
the exception. If no block handles the exception that happened, the program will
behave just as it would have if no exception-handling was used most usually,
it will crash.
If a less specific handler for an exception appears in the code before a more
specific one (e.g. Catch ex As Exception occurs before Catch invalidEx
As InvalidCastException) it will catch the error. Because of this, you must
be careful to list exception handlers in order of their specificness to errors.
If Catch ex As Exception occurs first in the list, none of the others will ever

5.5 Errors and Exception-Handling

Figure 5.4


Outline of the exception-handling structure

A Finally clause can be entered as the last block in a Try..End Try structure.
This will mark the start of code that will always run, regardless of whether an
exception occurred or not. This is useful, since it allows us to insert clean-up
code to perform any program housekeeping that might be necessary. This could
be code to close a file that was opened before the exception occurred, or to return
a result from a function or any other operation that we need to guarantee will be

The terminology used in SEH might at first seem to be obscure or affected.

However, from the standpoint of a programmer dealing with bad things happening
in a program as efficiently as possible, they make perfect sense.
An exception, when it happens, is recognized by the program code running; this
might be because it is something fundamental (e.g. an attempt to pass a string into a
numeric variable) or something specific to your own program code (e.g. an attempt
to withdraw cash from a bank account that has a balance of zero). In either case, the
problem is easily recognized by the code it happened in; the difficult part is normally
figuring out how to proceed once it has happened.
Structured exception-handling is a way of organizing code so that errors can be
dealt with at the most appropriate place in a program, in a way that is best suited to
the applications job and the person using it. At the point an error occurs, the only
available options are to stop the program running because the error is unrecoverable,
to ignore the error or to pass information about the error to the application programmer and allow that programmer to decide how to proceed. If an error occurs in
your code because the user has entered a negative number when a positive one was
expected, you can ask the user to re-enter the number. If, however, the error occurs
in code that your program uses, such as the .NET CLR, the only option is to pass the
error on to you to deal with as shown in Figure 5.5.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Sub Main()
Dim numerator, denominator, quotient As Integer
Console.Write(Enter 2 numbers separated by [Enter]: )

numerator = Console.ReadLine()


denominator = Console.ReadLine()


quotient = numerator \ denominator


Console.WriteLine({0}/{1}={2}, numerator, _


denominator, quotient)


Catch e As Exception


Console.WriteLine(Something bad.)


Catch div0Ex As DivideByZeroException


Console.WriteLine(Attempt to divide by zero.)

Catch invalidEx As InvalidCastException
Console.WriteLine(One entry is not a number.)



(Exception is defined


Exception is
caught here.

End Sub

Figure 5.5

An exception thrown and caught

In .NET, an error that occurs during a call to, say, Console.ReadLine(), causes
an exception to be thrown. That effectively means that it is being passed to whatever
code is prepared to catch it. If no code catches it, the only option left will be for
.NET to terminate the program. However, if you are prepared for some type of
exception, you will have written a Catch block that will prevent the program
from crashing and allow you to try to recover from it. At the very worst case, if you
catch an exception you cannot deal with, you can inform the user with a descriptive
message and allow the program to terminate gracefully.

5.5.3 Throwing Exceptions

Generally when an exception can occur in your code, you should write a handler that
will deal with it. However, in some situations there would be nothing your code
could do with it apart from informing the user and terminating. For example, the
following subroutine (Listing 5.48) has the potential for problems.
Function Divide(ByVal Num1 As Integer, _
ByVal Num2 As Integer) As Integer
Divide = Num1 \ Num2
End Function
Listing 5.48: Potential problems in a function

5.5 Errors and Exception-Handling


We could deal with the possible divide-by-zero error within this function by using
the code shown in Listing 5.49.
Function Divide(ByVal Num1 As Integer, _
ByVal Num2 As Integer) As Integer
Divide = Num1 \ Num2
Catch div0Ex As DivideByZeroException
Console.WriteLine("Error Divide by zero.")
Return 0
End Try
End Function
Listing 5.49: One possible solution not ideal

The problem that this introduces is that we do not necessarily know where this
program code would be called from. The program may not use the console at all
(it could be a WinForms program), or it may not be an interactive program, so there
will be no user to inform. In a situation like this, we can only deal with the error
properly if we know the context of the program it is being used in, so attempting to
recover from the error, informing the user of the error or simply ignoring the error
may all be inappropriate. The thing to do in this situation is to pass the error to the
code that called the function throw an exception. Since we already have a readymade exception (div0Ex), we can simply pass this back. The code in Listing 5.50
re-throws the exception so that it will re-appear in the code from which the function was called. While this may look like we are avoiding the issue, the situation
leaves us with no alternatives, and the code that calls the function is much better
placed to determine an appropriate response to this error. The code calling the
function will of course need to provide an exception-handler, or it will be prone to
Function Divide(ByVal Num1 As Integer, _
ByVal Num2 As Integer) As Integer
Divide = Num1 \ Num2
Catch div0Ex As DivideByZeroException
Throw div0Ex
Return 0
End Try
End Function
Listing 5.50: A more general solution

5.5.4 Exception-Handling Guidelines

Unlike the other program structures that are dictated by algorithm and program
design, exception-handling is more a matter of convention. Most software houses


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

impose certain stylistic guidelines on their programmers so that one programmer can
easily read and understand the work done by another. Exception-handling is a subject
area that different programmers deal with in different ways. However, there are certain aspects of exception-handling that are worth consideration by any programmer.

Exercise 5.9

Vet your code for potential errors, and add exception-handling wherever these
may occur. As you build and test programs, you will be informed by Visual
Studio of errors that caused crashes. When this happens, the name of the exception is provided, and you can use this information to provide exception-handlers.
It is tempting to wrap an entire program up in a Try..Catch e As
Exception..End Try block, since then it will never crash. However, you will
never get to know of specific problems in the code (they will be hidden by the
exception handling) and will not be able to insert code to recover from otherwise
easy to handle errors. Deal with exceptions on a case by case basis; protect blocks
where un-validated user-input is passed into variables, where calculations may
cause overflows or divide-by-zero errors or where any external device such as a
printer or disk drive is used.
Dont use exception-handlers to replace good structured programming. For
example, you might be tempted to use an exception-handler so that you can write
code to attempt to access properties or methods of a reference variable that may
not have an object attached to it. It is much more sensible to test if the reference
variable is null using If Not myObject Is Nothing Then... Exceptionhandlers should not be used to permit bad coding.
You could avoid the issue of error-handling by throwing all exceptions back
to the calling code. Two things should stop you doing this: 1) you cannot do
this from Sub Main () (or an event-handler which acts as an entry point to
a WinForms application the way Sub Main () does to a console program),
since there is no calling code to catch it, and 2) it is lazy and defeats the entire
principle of SEH, which is to deal with errors at the most appropriate place in
program code.
Exception-handling is class-based that is, exceptions are created as objects
in code according to the error recognized at the point things are seen to have
gone wrong. .NET provides a good range of Exception classes to take care of
general problems (e.g. faulty casts, arithmetic problems, bad procedure calls, etc.)
and others to take care of specific problems in user-interfaces (WinForms and
WebForms), databases, Internet applications, etc. You should use these classes
wherever possible, and only derive your own exception classes (by inheritance)
when the exception classes provided are inadequate for the purpose (i.e. rarely).

In Exercise 5.6 you were asked to write a function to calculate the factorial
of an Integer parameter. If you go back and test this function, you will notice
that it is very easy to provide a value that will cause an error the factorial
functions result grows very quickly so that even small input values can cause
an arithmetic overflow.

5.6 Scope





Test the factorial function with a number of values and determine the
exception type that is caused when an overflow occurs (hint try the
factorial of 28).
Change the function so that when an exception occurs, it re-throws it to be
caught by the calling code (see Listing 5.49).
Add exception-handling to Sub Main() so that exceptions in the factorial
function are dealt with properly.

The word scope is derived from the Greek for target, and is sometimes used to
express the meaning range of view. The scope of an identifier in a program (a variable, constant, enumeration, sub, function, structure or class name in a program) is
the range of code that it can be accessed from. Visual Basic and .NET apply very
specific rules to determine the scope of an identifier. If you attempt to access an
identifier outwith its scope, you either get an error or access to something else with
the same name. There are a variety of possible scopes for an identifier, being:

class scope
module scope
namespace scope
block scope

The member variables and methods in a class have class scope, and this is modified
by the visibility modifiers Public and Private (also Friend and Protected,
which well meet in Chapter 7).

5.6.1 Class Scope

Class scope runs from the line immediately following a class identifier (e.g. Class
Rectangle) to the End Class statement. Within this area, all of the members
(member variables, subs, functions and properties) can be accessed directly by code
within the class methods and properties. Outside the class definition, only the members given the Public scope modifier are visible. An example is given in Listing
5.51, in which the members marked Private can be accessed only from code inside
the class methods or properties. The members marked Public can be accessed from
an object of the class using the dot operator, e.g. Listing 5.52.
Class SomeClass
Private internalData As String 'Only in class
Public externalData As String
'Wherever SomeClass
'is in scope


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Private Sub internalMethod()

'Only callable from inside a class method
End Sub
Public Sub interfaceMethod()
'Callable from anywhere SomeClass is in scope
End Sub
End Class
Listing 5.51: Class scope
Dim sc As New SomeClass()
sc.externalData = "Test"
Listing 5.52: Accessing the Public members of a class

All of the above statements are legal within any code to which SomeClass is
accessible. To determine where that is, we need to look at Namespace scope.
Generally, this means throughout a project, although certain modifications can be
applied to hide identifiers that would be in scope within a project from parts of the
project. A namespace is an area of code that has been marked so that other code
must subscribe to it, and for now, we can consider this as being all of the code in any
project that we create, plus System scope, which is applied by default to any new
project you create in Visual Studio. System scope gives us access to the console,
various useful code libraries (such as the primitive data types, collections, strings,
maths libraries, etc.) and some debugging facilities.
The point of class scope is to provide encapsulation in code: the facility to hide
the internal workings of a class and its objects, but to allow access to an interface,
or set of properties and methods that allow us to work with it. Well see later that
we need to modify the simple public/private notion of class scope once we bring
inheritance into the picture.

5.6.2 Module Scope

Module scope is similar to Class scope, in that members declared inside a module
can be accessed by any code within it, but only members declared as Public can
be accessed outwith it. While a class behaves as a template for creating many
individual objects, a module is a one-off construction. When we declare a Public
or Private variable inside a module, we get exactly one set of the variables
declared, rather than one per object as you would expect with a class.
The picture also gets a bit more complex since we are able to create whole
class definitions inside a module. Within the module, the scope rules still apply to
the class private variables are visible only within the class, public ones are available outside the class. However, the scope rules apply so that scope is nested, as
shown in Listing 5.53 which summarizes the scope rules for code in two or more

5.6 Scope


'This first module declares two classes, one Public, one

'Private. We can test the visibility of these to code in
'this module and in other modules . . .
Module ScopeModule
Private Class MyPrivateClass
'Any public member variables, properties or methods
'declared here will be visible to any code in the
'module. Private declarations are visible to the
'class only. Objects of this class can only be
'declared inside the module, since the class is
'Private to this module.
Public ANumber As Integer
Private AString As String
End Class
Public Class MyPublicClass
'Any public member variables, properties or methods
'declared here will be visible to any code where an
'object is visible. Private declarations are
'visible to the class only. Objects of this class
'can be declared anywhere in a program which
'includes this module, since the class is Public.
Public ANumber As Integer
Private AString As String
End Class
'This sub shows which elements of the above classes are
'visible (i.e. in scope)..
Public Sub Test()
Dim Pri As New MyPrivateClass()
Dim Pub As New MyPublicClass()
Pri.ANumber = 2
'OK ANumber is Public
Pri.AString = "Hello"
'Error since AString is
Pub.ANumber = 4
'Also OK
Pub.AString = "Hello Again" ' Error Not possible
End Sub
End Module
'This module shows which elements of the above module are
'in 'project' scope.
Module ScopeTest
Sub Main()
'Declare a member of the Public class . . .
Dim TPub As New ScopeModule.MyPublicClass()
TPub.ANumber = 2
TPub.AString = "Hello"
'ERROR, Member not in
'even though the class is.
'Try declaring a member of the Private class.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Dim TPri As New ScopeModule.MyPrivateClass()

' ERROR this Class is not in scope
End Sub
End Module
Listing 5.53: Scope rules for Module and Class scope

5.6.3 Namespace Scope

A namespace is a unit of organization in a .NET program. Every .NET project
is automatically organized as a namespace with the same name as the project, so,
for example, when you create a new Visual Basic .NET project and leave it with its
default name, it will occupy a namespace called Project1. The entire assembly,
which is all of the files that are component parts of the project, are within the projects namespace. You can also declare other namespaces within a project, which are
nested within the overall project namespace.
By declaring a namespace in a project, you indicate that all of the contents
(modules, classes, variables, etc.) are placed within a scope that can be explicitly
imported so that they can be used easily outside of the namespace. To code outside
the namespace, identifiers declared within it must prefixed with the namespaces name to be valid, unless the whole namespace is subscribed to using an
Imports statement. The Imports statement effectively says I want to incorporate
the declarations within the specified namespace into my program. By importing a
namespace, any public declarations within it are accessible without qualification
to the code that does the importing, e.g. Listing 5.54.
Imports System.Console
Module ScopeModule
Private Class MyPrivateClass
'etc . . .
Listing 5.54: Importing a namespace

The statement immediately before the start of ScopeModule in Listing 5.54

indicates that the declarations within the System.Console namespace are to be
made directly available to the module. Using this statement, all of the declarations
within the console namespace can be accessed without the Console. prefix. For
example, within a sub or function in ScopeModule, it is now possible to write code
like Listing 5.55.
Public Sub Test()
Dim n As String
Write("Enter your name:")
n = ReadLine()
End Sub
Listing 5.55: Using an imported scope (note, no need for Console.)

5.6 Scope


That is, we do not have to explicitly indicate that these methods are in the console
namespace, as we have done previously: Write() and ReadLine() are now valid
substitutes for Console.Write() and Console.ReadLine().
We can create a namespace by simply surrounding the required code by the
namespace declaration, as shown in Listing 5.56.
Namespace MyNamespace
'Whatever we put in here is part of the namespace.
'e.g . . .
Public Class SomeClass
'Class code . . .
End Class
End Namespace
Listing 5.56: Declaring a namespace

Now, whatever declarations we place in the namespace can only be accessed

by prefixing the name with the namespace name, e.g. Dim
MyNameapace.SomeClass, or by importing the namespace, using:
Imports MyNamespace

A namespace does not have to be continuous, which is unusual, since all other code
constructs in VB .NET must be. This allows us to write code like that in Listing 5.57.
Namespace MyNamespace
'First block of declarations
End Namespace
Class NotInNamespace
'This class is not in the namespace, so code using it does
'not require the MyNamespace prefix.
End Class
Namespace MyNamespace
'Next block of declarations
End Namespace
Listing 5.57: A non-contiguous namespace

With the code in Listing 5.57, any declarations within either MyNamespace would
have to be declared explicitly using the MyNamespace prefix. Objects of the
NotInNamespace class can be declared without this. One useful consequence of
this is that we can create a namespace that exists over several different modules
of code, and so can incorporate a number of related constructs (classes, modules,
type definitions and variable declarations) within a single namespace, no matter how
we have chosen to organize the code into separate files.
Namespaces have nothing to do with algorithms, but have a lot to do with organizing program code so that declarations using similar names in different assemblies
do not clash. If we had two namespaces, Namespace1 and Namespace2, and each


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

contained a MyClass class declaration, we would be able to distinguish between the

two same-named classes by the namespace prefix. Note, however, that if we were to
import both namespaces, the declarations would become ambiguous and VB would
not allow the code to be compiled if a declaration of MyClass was used without a
prefix stating which namespace was to be used.

5.6.4 Block Scope

Block scope covers just about every other structural feature of Visual Basic. Recall
that a block is a sequence of program statements that are to be considered as an
indivisible unit. Every statement in a sub or function is collectively part of a block,
as are all the statements inside a If..Then structure, or a loop or With..End With
Visual Basic allows you to declare a variable anywhere you wish within a
sequence of executable program statements. However, once you have declared
a variable, its scope is limited to the block in which it is declared. This has fairly
profound consequences. For example, if I declare a new variable inside a
If..Then..End If structure, I am not allowed to refer to it in any statements
beyond the end of the structure (or before it either, although you might have
expected that). In Listing 5.58, the intention for the If.. statement might have been
to record the fact that X had a value of zero at that point in the program. However,
the variable used to record this fact (XWasZero) would go out of scope as soon
as execution has passed beyond the End If statement, so the variable effectively
would not exist. As a result the code would not compile, except in the circumstances where a different variable with the same name had been declared before the
If..Then block.
If X = 0 Then
Dim XWasZero As Boolean = True
'Other statements . . .
End If
'Other statements (including a scope error) . . .
Console.WriteLine("X was zero: {0}", XWasZero)
Listing 5.58: Misusing a variable declared in block scope (within the
If..Then block)

Block scope can be tricky simply because blocks can be nested to any depth.
In Figure 5.6, there are four levels of block scope. Working from the inside out,
the variable I, declared in block 4 (the With..End With block) is only accessible inside this block, although all of the other variables (X,Y,Z and Q) can also be
accessed in it. Code within the For loop can access Q, declared within the loop, and
also X, Y and Z, i.e. those variables declared in the blocks than enclose the For loop.
The If..Then block (block 2), encloses blocks 3 and 4, so variables defined within
it are in scope to all code in this block. Finally, the variable X, declared at the level
of the whole subroutine, is visible throughout the subroutine.

5.6 Scope


Sub Test()
Dim X As Integer = 0
If X = 0 Then
Dim Y As Integer = 5
Dim Z As Integer

Block 2 (If..End if)

For Z = 1 To Y
Dim Q As String = "Test"

Block 3 (For Loop)

With Q

Block 1 (Whole

Dim I As Integer

Block 4

I = .Length()

(With..End With)

End With
End If
End Sub
Figure 5.6

Block scope

The general rules for Block scope are:

1. a variable declared within a block can only be accessed within it, and is invisible to code outside the block
2. a variable cannot be declared inside a block with the same identifier as one
declared in an outer block
The second rule is important since otherwise it would be possible to inadvertently
hide a variable to an inner block of code. Consider Listing 5.59.
Dim X As Integer = 100
Dim Y, Z As Integer
For Z = 1 To Y
Dim X As String = "Hello" 'Not Legal.
'More code. Note, if this was permitted, X the
'Integer could not be accessed here.
Listing 5.59: Block scope hiding a variable in an outer scope

If this code was legal, statements inside the For..Next loop would never be able
to access the integer X, because the string X would mask it. Other languages, for
example C and C++, permit this and as a consequence programmers must take care
never to use a variable name that is declared further out in the scope hierarchy. The
problem would probably never occur in short code sequences as shown Listing 5.59,
but is easily possible in long sections of code in which many variables are declared
at various levels of Block scope.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Review Questions

How do the statements that form a control structure differ from normal executable statements?


Write If..Then statements that will allow controlled statements to execute only if:
a) a variable, X, has a non-zero value;
b) a variable, X, has a value that is greater than that in a variable, Y;
c) a string variable, S, contains a string representation of a numeric value;
d) a variable, X, gives an integer result when divided by 7 (hint: the Mod operator will be useful here);
e) a date variable, D, contains a date that is before today (given by the system function Date);



a date variable, D, is more than one year ago (assume one year = 365 days);


a string variable, wkDay, contains the name of a week day (i.e. not Saturday or Sunday).

What is wrong with the following block of code?

If X <> 0 And Y/X < 100 Then

Console.WriteLine("<Some Message>.")
End If
How could it be corrected?


Write a Select Case structure that uses the variable dayNumber (range 1 to 7, with 1 =
Sunday) to print out the corresponding day name on the console.
Select appropriate loop structures (between Do..Loop, For..Next and While..End

While) for the following tasks:

a) to keep getting numeric values from the user, processing them in some way until a 0 is
b) to keep asking a user to enter a date until a valid one has been entered;
c) to read items of data from a disk file (using Value = ReadFromFile()) until an item
read can be interpreted as a National Insurance number;
d) to calculate and print out all of the odd numbers in the range up to 1000;
e) to repeatedly halve the value of a variable until it becomes less than 100.

A date variable D holds a specific date. Write a For..Next loop that will assign a sequence
of dates starting from D and counting through one year in one-week intervals to a variable
incD. (Hint: use a Step value in the For..Next loop.)


In Chapter 1 in Section 4.4 on Algorithms, Euclids algorithm for finding the greatest common
divisor of two numbers is given as:

Let quotient = m / n, disregarding any fractional part of quotient


Let Remainder = m-(quotient * n)

Practical Activities


Let m = n


Let n = quotient


If Remainder is not zero, go to step 1

Greatest-common divisor is m.


Implement this algorithm in Visual Basic code in a Sub Main().


Re-implement Euclids algorithm as a Visual Basic function which takes two parameters (m and
n) and returns the GCD as a result. (Call the function GCD.)


Your solution to question 8 should be a function that finds the GCD of two integers. The function can fail if the value passed into the parameter n is zero. Add code to make this function
throw an exception (call it GCDException) if parameter n is zero.

10. Write a Sub Main() that will accept two integer numbers from the console and pass these to
the amended CGD function within a Try..End Try block.

Practical Activities
The activities for this chapter do not make up a single program, unlike those for previous chapters. Instead, each activity gives you a chance to work with a particular
code structure. All of the activities will make use of a program framework in which
the required structures will be used within a subroutine (Sub..End Sub) designed
to demonstrate the operation of that structure. The general format of this will be as
shown in Listing A5.1.
Module CodeStructures
Public Sub SomeStructureDemo()
'Code to demonstrate a specific structure . . .
'. . .
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
Listing A5.1: Template for the activity exercises in this chapter

You will therefore write a sub that demonstrates a specific feature and then change
the single statement in Sub Main() to call this sub. Note that for this set of activities, we will ignore the creation of classes and objects in favour of working through
simple examples with the minimum of framework. It is as well to bear in mind that
as object-oriented programmers, the normal use of these structures will be to provide
control within methods of classes.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Activity 1: Create the project framework

Start up a new Visual Basic console project. Use the name Chapter5 for the
project, and change the name of the default module from Module1 to
CodeStructures. Having done this, right click on the project entry in the Solution
Explorer (Chapter5), select Properties from the Context menu and in the general
section of the dialog box, change the Startup Object setting to CodeStructures
(it will appear in the drop-down list). This project will house all of the activity
exercises for this chapter. The resulting code should appear as shown in Listing A5.2.
Module CodeStructures
'Activity subs go here . . .
'. . .
Sub Main()
'Calls to Activity Subs go here . . .
'. . .
End Sub
End Module
Listing A5.2: The module framework for these activities

To test out this framework, add a simple sub to the module and call it from Sub
Main(), e.g. Listing A5.3.
Module CodeStructures
Sub Test()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")
End Sub s
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
Listing A5.3: A sample activity sub and a call to it

Once you have entered this code, execute the program (Debug/Start Without
Debugging) and make sure it runs properly. In subsequent activities, you will add
other subs and change the statement in Sub Main() to call the ones you add. Do
not delete any existing sub when you add a new one.

Activity 2: Using If..Then structures

The first objective for this activity/exercise is to write a sub that will use an
If..Then structure to differentiate between odd and even numbers. The general
form of the sub will be as shown in Listing A5.4.

Practical Activities


Sub OddOrEven()
Dim n As Integer
Console.Write("Enter a whole number: ")
n = Console.ReadLine()
If <some condition> Then
Console.WriteLine("{0} is even.", n)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is odd.", n)
End If
End Sub
Listing A5.4: Outline of a sub to distinguish between odd and even numbers

Add the code for this sub to the module, and insert a call to the sub in place of the
call to Test() inserted in Activity 1. Note that the If..Then statement is not correct as it stands, since we need to insert a suitable condition between If and Then.
There are several ways of formulating this condition, but the easiest will be to check
whether the number n divides exactly by 2. If it does the number is even, if not, the
number is odd. It is possible to use the Mod operator to determine this.
Exercise A5.1

Insert a condition into sub OddOrEven() that will evaluate to True if n is

even, False if it is odd. A suitable condition will use the Mod operator.
The next objective is to compose a condition that will differentiate between digits
and non-digit characters. We can determine if a Char type is a digit using a compound condition along the lines of:
Ch >= "0" And Ch <= "9"

Enter a new sub, coded as shown in Listing A5.5.

Sub CharOrDigit()
Dim ch As Char
Console.Write("Enter a single character: ")
ch = Console.ReadLine()
If <some condition> Then
Console.WriteLine("A digit")
Console.WriteLine("A non-digit.")
End If
End Sub
Listing A5.5: Outline for a sub to differentiate between alpha characters and
Exercises A5.2

1. Enter the code in Listing A5.4 and insert a suitable condition that will
evaluate to True if ch is a digit.
2. Insert a call to CharOrDigit in Main() and test its operation.


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Activity 3: Using the Select Case structure

In this activity, we will use a Select Case structure to differentiate between various
types of character. Enter the following sub definition (Listing A5.6) into the module:
Sub ClassifyChars()
Dim ch As Char
Console.WriteLine("Enter a single character")
ch = Console.ReadLine()
Select Case ch
Case "0" To "9"
Console.WriteLine("A digit.")
Case "a" To "z"
Console.WriteLine("A lower case letter.")
Case "", "$", "a"
Console.WriteLine("A currency symbol.")
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Listing A5.6: A sub to classify single characters

Note that Select Case allows us to classify items from ranges and lists. Currently
the sub will differentiate between digits, lower case characters and currency
symbols, with every other character type being unclassified.
Exercises A5.3


Add Case clauses to Listing A5.5 to allow classification into upper case
characters (a range), brackets (a list), punctuation (a list) and arithmetic
symbols (a list).
2. Call the ClassifyChars routine from Sub Main() and test its operation.

Activity 4: Iterating with the Do..Loop structure

As the previous exercise has almost certainly made plain, in some circumstances it
is extremely useful to be able to repeat a block of code. In the previous exercise, rerunning the program over and over again to classify different character is tedious.
We can of course use some loop structure to make this a less tedious experience
(Listing A5.7).
Sub Main()
End Sub
Listing A5.7: Repeating a block indefinitely

Practical Activities


Add the Do..Loop structure to Sub Main() in the previous exercise as shown.
Note that as we have defined an indefinite loop, the program will repeat forever.
+ C, so once you
Fortunately, we can terminate a console program by pressing Ctrl+
have checked that the program does indeed repeat indefinitely, terminate it using
this key combination.
Since Ctrl+C is not a particularly obvious way to terminate the loop, we would
be well advised to add some terminating condition. An obvious way to do this would
be to display a message (after the call to ClassifyChars()) to tell the user what
to enter to terminate the program, and then test the users input against this condition. For example, if we decide the user should enter the lower case letter q to
quit, the logic would be as given in Listing A5.8.
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine( _
"Press 'q' to quit, any other to continue.")
Loop Until Console.ReadLine() = "q"
End Sub
Listing A5.8: Using an extra key-press to terminate the loop

While this will certainly work (try it out), it is perhaps a little cumbersome for
the user. One possible alternative would be to amend the ClassifyChars() sub
itself. If we define a parameter for the sub and pass this as the character to be
classified, rather than getting input from the console within it, we can pick up the
character to be classified within Sub Main() itself, and use this after it has been
classified to determine whether to exit to Do..Loop or not. This is shown in
Listing A5.9.
Sub ClassifyChars(ByVal ch As Char)
Select Case ch
Case "0" To "9"
Console.WriteLine("A digit.")
'Other cases of ch to test . . .
'. . .
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Listing A5.9: The ClassifyChars() sub altered to accept and classify a

With this alteration of ClassifyChars(), the code in Sub Main() becomes much
less cumbersome for a user (Listing A5.10).


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Sub Main()
Dim ch As Char
Console.WriteLine("Enter a single character: ")
ch = Console.ReadLine()
Loop Until ch = "q"
End Sub
Listing A5.10: Sub Main() redefined to supply the character for
Exercise A5.4

With the changes made to the ClassifyChars() sub, the quit character,
"q" will also be classified before the program exits. Amend the code within
the Do..Loop so that when the user types "q", this character is not sent to
the sub.

Activity 5: Using the For..Next structure

In this activity, we will use a different type of loop structure, a For..Next loop,
to operate on strings of characters. The key feature of a string of characters that
makes the For..Next structure useful is that a given string has a known number of
characters. For example, the string Hello has five characters. A .NET string is able
to calculate how many characters it has, and we can use this to write code that works
through every character performing some operation.
Breaking up a string
We can work through every character in a string with the For..Next loop in
Listing A5.11.
Sub StringLoop(ByVal s As String)
Dim index As Integer
For index = 0 To s.Length() - 1
End Sub
Listing A5.11: Breaking up a string into individual characters

The sub in Listing A5.10 will print all of the characters of a string on separate lines
of the console. Note that since we count from character 0 of the string, a string of
length 5 will have individual characters (0) to (4).
While this in itself is not very useful, it does give us access to the individual characters of the string and allows us to perform manipulations on them. For example,
we can create a reversed version of a string easily (Listing A5.12).

Practical Activities


Sub StringLoop(ByVal s As String)

Dim index As Integer
Dim newString As String
For index = 0 To s.Length() 1
'Insert the next character BEFORE the previous...
newString = s.Chars(index) & newString
End Sub
Listing A5.12: Reversing a string

Using a similar technique, we could work our way through a string dividing it
up into separate words (start a new word after every space), counting specific
characters or changing the case of specific characters.
Exercises A5.5

1. Write a function that will return an approximate count of the number of

words in a string. This should work by starting a count at 1 and incrementing it each time a space character is encountered as you iterate through the
string. (We are assuming there are no sentence breaks and that there is
exactly one space after each word.)
2. Write a function that will return the average word length within a string,
where words are counted as above. (Hint you know the length of the
string [s.length()] and can work out the number of words as above; the
average should be one less than the average of these [why?].)
3. Write a function that will return a copy of a string from which every space
and punctuation mark has been removed and every alphabetical character
has been converted to upper case. Your solution to the classification
exercise in Activity 3 will be useful here, as will the ToUpper() string

Recall that a For..Next loop can count in steps other than 1 by using a Step
clause, e.g.
For index = 1 To 100 Step 10

This gives us ways to count through a string in a variety of ways, including

Exercises A5.6

1. Write a sub that displays every third character in a string.

2. Write a sub that locates the position of the last space in a string. (Hint: a
For..Next loop can count in negative steps.)


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Features worth remembering


It is easy to classify data of most types using the Select Case structure. This
has uses in analysing user-input.

A Do..Loop is a useful mechanism for repeating a whole operation. Coupled

with simple user-input, one can be used to allow the user to repeat an operation
as often as necessary.

The String class has a range of methods available for finding specific substrings or characters, and extracting sub-strings. These can be used with classifying code for transforming strings into another form (e.g. removing punctuation),
breaking a string up into useful units (like words) and otherwise manipulating

Suggested Additional Activity

The activities for this chapter have been separate and do not combine to make up a
whole program with a single purpose. To execute each exercise you need to continually alter the code in Sub Main() to access a particular subroutine.
Add a code to Sub Main() to act as a menu for the previous activities so that
the user can select which to execute. The general algorithm for this is given in
Listing A5.13.
Display a list of options on the console, giving each
a number to identify it { e.g.
1. Odd or Even
2. Alphabetical or Digit
3. Classify Characters
4. etc.
7. Quit
Read number of user's choice
Select Case number
Case 1
Case 2
Case 7
Exit the do loop
End Select
Listing A5.13: Algorithm for a menu structure in Sub Main()

Solutions to Exercises


Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 5.1

The controlled statements will not be executed under any conditions.

Exercise 5.2

Unless otherwise stated, Ive placed the solution code to exercises into a Sub
Main(). To try them out, start a new console project and copy the statements
within the Sub Main() shown into the Sub Main() in the project.
Sub Main()
Dim CharacterType As String, CH As Char
Console.Write("Enter a character")
Select Case CH
Case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"
CharacterType = "Vowel"
Case "0" To "9"
CharacterType = "Digit"
Case Else
CharacterType = "Consonant"
End Select
End Sub

Sub Main()
Dim CharacterType As String, CH As Char
Console.Write("Enter a character")
Select Case CH
Case "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"
CharacterType = "Vowel"
Case "0" To "9"
CharacterType = "Digit"
Case Else
CharacterType = "Consonant"
End Select
End Sub

Exercises 5.3


This function should be placed within the BankAccount class code

shown in Listing 5.16 (between the end of the property definition for
CurrentBalance and End Class). Note the use of "Case Is..."
to perform an implicit comparison with the case value (Balance). Add a
statement MyAccount.Report() anywhere in Sub Main() where
you wish the status of the account to be displayed:


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Public Function Report() As String

Select Case Balance
Case Is >= 0
Return "Account is in credit."
Case Is < 0 And AgreedOverdraftAmount = 0
Return "Account is overdrawn."
Case Is >= (-AgreedOverdraftAmount)
Return "Account is within allowed overdraft
Case Is < (-AgreedOverdraftAmount)
Return "Overdrawn by more than agreed
Case Else
End Select
End Function


Again, place this code within the BankAccount code, and test by adding
MyAccount.MaxAvailable() at any point in Sub Main():
Public Function MaxAvailable() As Decimal
If OverdraftAvailable Then
Return Balance + AgreedOverdraftAmount
Return Balance
End If
End Function

Exercise 5.4


Factorial calculation:
Sub Main()
Dim n As Integer, f As Decimal, i As Integer
Console.Write("Enter number to get factorial of:")
n = Console.ReadLine()
f = 1
i = 0
Do Until i = n
f *= n
i += 1
Console.WriteLine("{0} factorial is {1}", n, f)
End Sub

Note 1: The result will be very large for all but very small integer inputs,
therefore the variable that will contain the result and intermediate results
should be Decimal. Even with this type, the factorial of a number > 27
cannot be calculated.
Note 2: The initial intermediate result (f) must be set to 1, because otherwise it will be 0 and 0 multiplied by anything is still zero.

Solutions to Exercises



Displaying individual characters of a string:

Sub Main()
Dim Index As Integer
Dim s As String = "Hello Mum"
Do Until Index = s.Length()
Index += 1
End Sub

Exercise 5.5

Sub Main()
Dim index As Integer
For index = Integer.MinValue To Integer.MaxValue
'Do something with Index e.g....
'Note this will take a very long time since
'index goes through a range of more
'than 4 billion.
End Sub

Sub Main()
Dim chCode As Integer
For chCode = Asc("a") To Asc("z")
Console.Write(Chr(chCode) & vbTab)
End Sub

Note that vbTab is the Visual Basic identifier for a Tab character and so the
characters will be displayed spaced out across the Console window.

Exercise 5.6

To read an integer from the keyboard and then display the required values:
Sub Main()
n = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} {2} {3}", n, n.GetType, _
n.GetTypeCode, n.GetHashCode)
End Sub

This would display (for an input of 12, for example):

12: System.Int32 Int32 12


Exercise 5.7

Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code


Factorial function (using a Do..Loop). Note that we can do without the

additional count variable (i, in the first version) because we can simply
count down from N. Since it is a ByVal function parameter, changing its
value will not affect the actual variable passed to it:
Function Factorial(ByVal N As Integer) As Decimal
Dim F As Decimal = 1
Do Until N = 1
F *= N
N -= 1
Return f
End Function

Call this function from Sub Main() as:

Sub Main()
Dim num As Integer
Console.Write( _
"Enter number to get the factorial of:")
num = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("{0} factorial is {1}", num, _
End Sub


Factorial function (using a For..Next loop). The logic of this is more

direct so possibly easier to understand:
Function Factorial(ByVal N As Integer) As Decimal
Dim f As Decimal, Index As Integer
f = 1
For Index = 1 To N
f *= Index
Return f
End Function

(EXTRA) Factorial function (version b, using recursion):

Function Factorial(ByVal N As Integer) As Decimal
If N = 0 Then
Return 1
Return N * Factorial(N - 1)
End If
End Function

Note: This version of factorial relies on the simple fact that the factorial
of any number greater than 2 is that number times the factorial of one less
than that number. e.g. the factorial of 4 is 4 times the factorial of 3.
Mathematically, the factorial of 0 is defined as 1, so the If..Then..Else
condition allows us to use this definition to define the function. Confused?

Solutions to Exercises


Recursion (a function that calls itself) can do that to people and so I wont
be looking at it any further than this example, but try it out and try stepping
through the function calls for, for example calculating the factorial of 3 to
see how it works.

Exercise 5.8


Note that for the parameters to be used as outputs, they must be declared
as ByRef:
Sub GetValues(ByRef Length As Single, _
ByRef Width As Single)
Console.Write("Enter Length of rectangle")
Length = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter Width of rectangle")
Width = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim L, W As Single
GetValues(L, W)
Console.WriteLine("Dimensions are {0}, {1}", L, W)
End Sub


Note that this can work as a function only because the problem has been
redefined to state that the function result is a single value the area of the
Function GetArea(ByRef Length As Single, _
ByRef Width As Single) As Single
Console.Write("Enter Length of rectangle")
Length = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter Width of rectangle")
Width = Console.ReadLine()
Return Length * Width
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim L, W, A As Single
A = GetValues(L, W)
Console.WriteLine("Dimensions are {0}, {1}", L, W)
Console.WriteLine("Area is {0}", A)
End Sub

Exercise 5.9

Running the project developed at the end of Chapter 4 and attempting to cause
errors, you should have found the following.

Non-numeric input for any of the numeric values (e.g. Fred * 3) will cause
a System.InvalidCastException
A division by zero input (e.g. 1 / 0) will cause a


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code


The user entering an unsupported operator (e.g. 12.3 & 5.2) will cause a
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException (since the IndexOfAny()


method of the string class expects to find one of the Operators array
members in the expression
Entering an expression that will exceed the range of a decimal (e.g.
1000000000000000000000 * 10000000000000000) will result in a
System.OverflowException. However, entering an expression that
will result in an excessively small result (e.g. 0.000000000000000000001
* 0.0000000000000000001) simply produces a result of zero.

We could deal with all of these exceptions within either of the methods that they
could happen in : that would mean having exception handlers in Sub New()
to deal with the InvalidCast and ArgumentOutOfRange exceptions and
having others in the Result() function to deal with overflow and divide by
zero. However, we can handle all of the exceptions within Sub Main() within
one Try..Catch..End Try structure:
Sub Main()
Dim Expr As String
Console.Write("Enter an expression
(number op number): ")
Expr = Console.ReadLine()
Dim Calc As New Calculator(Expr)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} = {3}", Calc.Number1, _
Calc.Operator, Calc.Number2, Calc.Result)
Catch ex As System.InvalidCastException
Console.WriteLine("Error in numeric input")
Catch ex As System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Console.WriteLine("That operation is not supported")
Catch ex As System.DivideByZeroException
Console.WriteLine("Can not divide by zero")
Catch ex As System.OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("The numbers entered are too big")
End Try
End Sub

Exercise 5.10


Try it and see.

This will require exception handlers to be added to the factorial function
and the sub that calls it (e.g. Sub Main()):
Function Factorial(ByVal N As Integer) As Decimal
Dim f As Decimal = 1
Do Until N = 1
f *= N
N -= 1

Solutions to Exercises


Return f
Catch ex As System.OverflowException
Throw ex
Return 0
End Try
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim num As Integer
Console.Write( _
"Enter number to get the factorial of:")
num = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("{0} factorial is {1}", num, _
Catch factEx As System.OverflowException
Console.WriteLine("An overflow has occurred")
End Try
End Sub

Exercise A5.1

Sub OddOrEven()
Dim n As Integer
Console.Write("Enter a whole number: ")
n = Console.ReadLine()
If n Mod 2 = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("{0} is even.", n)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is odd.", n)
End If
End Sub

Exercise A5.2

Sub CharOrDigit()
Dim ch As Char
Console.Write("Enter a single character: ")
ch = Console.ReadLine()
If ch >= "0" And ch <= "9" Then
Console.WriteLine("A digit")
Console.WriteLine("A non-digit.")
End If
End Sub

Sub Main()
End Sub


Exercises A5.3

Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Sub ClassifyChars()
Dim ch As Char
Console.WriteLine("Enter a single character")
ch = Console.ReadLine()
Select Case ch
Case "0" To "9"
Console.WriteLine("A digit.")
Case "a" To "z"
Console.WriteLine("A lower case letter.")
Case "a" To "z"
Console.WriteLine("An upper case letter.")
Case "", "$", "a"
Console.WriteLine("A currency symbol.")
Case Else
End Select
End Sub

Sub Main()
End Sub

Exercise A5.4

The easiest solution to this is to modify the Do loop so that an exit can be made
immediately after the character is entered.
Sub Main()
Dim ch As Char
Console.WriteLine("Enter a single character: ")
If ch = "q" Then
Exit Do
End If
ch = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub

Exercises A5.5

1. Word count:
Function WordCount(str As String)
Dim index As Integer, count =
For index = 0 To str.Length()
If str.Chars(index) = " "
count += 1

As Integer

Solutions to Exercises


End If
Return count
End Function

2. Average word length:

Function AvgWordLength(str As String) As Single
Return str.length() / WordCount(str)
End Function

3. In this exercise, we need to categorize the characters in the string as a

space ( ), a lower case character (a to z) or anything else. To create
the result string (output), simply add characters one at a time from
str.Chars() by indexing through the characters. Note the use of the
ToUpper() method, which is a Static method of the Char class.
Function FixString (ByVal str As String) As String
Dim index As Integer, output As String
Dim ch As Char
For index = 0 To str.Length() - 1
ch = str.Chars(index)
Select Case ch
Case " "
' Do nothing
Case "a" To "z"
output &= Char.ToUpper(ch)
Case Else
output &= ch
End Select
Return output
End Function

There is actually a much more efficient way to do this same job, using the
ToUpper() String method (to convert the whole string to upper case)
and the Replace() String method to replace all occurrences of a space
( ) with an empty string (). However this method does not make use of
a loop structure which is part of the exercise. The code for this alternative
method is below:
Function FixString2(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim Output As String
Output= str.ToUpper()
Return Output.Replace(" ", "")
End Function


Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Exercises A5.6

1. Displaying every 3rd character in a string:

Sub DisplayEvery3rd(ByVal str As String)
Dim index As Integer
For index = 2 To (str.Length() - 1) Step 3
End Sub

Note that to display every 3rd character, we need to start with the 3rd
character in the string and continue from there (i.e. the starting value for
index is 2, skipping characters 0 and 1). Had the loop been from 0 to
str.Length() - 1 in steps of 3, we would have displayed the 1st, 4th,
7th etc. characters.
2. Locating the position of the last space character in a string:
Dim i
For i

LastSpace(ByVal str As String) As Integer

As Integer
= str.Length() - 1 To 0 Step -1
str.Chars(i) = " " Then
Return i
End If
Return -1
End Function

Note that the function will return either the location (counting from 0)
of the last space in the string or 1. It is common practice to use 1 as an
indication of no result; since we need to accommodate the possibility that
there will be no space in the string, some value must be used to signal this,
and a zero value (the obvious choice in most situations) would be indicating that there was a space in the first character.

Answers to Review Questions


How do the statements that form a control structure differ from normal executable statements?
They do not have any effect in their own right, but instead serve simply to modify the flow
of execution through other statements.


Write If..Then statements that will allow controlled statements to execute only if:
a) A variable, X, has a non-zero value

If X <> 0 Then . . .

Answers to Review Questions


b) A variable, X, has a value that is greater than that in a variable, Y

If X > Y Then...
c) A String variable, S, contains a string representation of a numeric value

If IsNumeric(S) Then...
d) A variable, X, gives an integer result when divided by 7 (hint: the Mod operator will be useful here)

If X Mod 7 = 0 Then...
e) A Date variable, D, contains a date that is before today (given by the system function Date)

If CType(D, Date) < D Then...


A Date variable, D, is more than 1 year ago (assume 1 year = 365 days)

If D + 365 < Date Then...

g) A String variable, wkDay, contains the name of a week day (i.e. not Saturday or Sunday)

If Not(wkDay="Saturday") And Not(wkDay="Sunday") Then...


What is wrong with the following block of code?:

If X <> 0 And Y/X < 100 Then

Console.WriteLine("<Some Message>.")
End If
If X is 0 (as the first test checks for), we should not perform the second check since it
would result in a divide by zero.
How could it be corrected?
Various ways such as handling a divide by zero exception. However, the most efficient
way is to use AndAlso in place of And between the two Boolean expressions. With this,
if the first expression is False (i.e. X is 0), the second will not be executed.

Write a Select Case structure that uses the variable dayNumber (range 1 to 7, with
1 = Sunday) to print out the corresponding day name on the console.

Select Case dayNumber

Case 1
Case 2
etc, up to . . .
Case 7
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("Not a day")
End Select



Chapter 5 n Controlling Program Code

Select appropriate loop structures (between Do..Loop, For..Next and While..End

While) for the following tasks:

a) to keep getting numeric values from the user, processing them in some way until a 0 is
entered Do..Loop Until
b) to keep asking a user to enter a date until a valid one has been entered Do..Loop

c) to read items of data from a disk file (using Value = ReadFromFile()) until an item
read can be interpreted as a National Insurance number Do Until <Test here for

d) to calculate and print out all of the odd numbers in the range up to 1000 For..Next
e) to repeatedly halve the value of a variable until it becomes less than 100 Do While..Loop

A date variable D holds a specific date. Write a For..Next loop that will assign a sequence
of dates starting from D and counting through one year in 1-week intervals to a variable incD.
(Hint: use a Step value in the For..Next loop).

For incD = D To D+365 Step 7


In Chapter 1 in Section 1.4 on Algorithms, Euclids algorithm for finding the greatest common
divisor of two numbers is given as:
1. Let quotient = m / n, disregarding any fractional part of quotient
2. Let Remainder = m-(quotient * n)
3. Let m = n
4. Let n = quotient
5. If Remainder is not zero, go to step 1
6. Greatest-common divisor is m.
Implement this algorithm in Visual Basic code in a Sub Main()

Sub Main()
Dim m, n, quotient, remainder As Integer
Console.Write("Enter two integer numbers: ")
m = Console.ReadLine()
n = Console.ReadLine()
quotient = m \ n
'Integer division
remainder = m Mod n
'Easier than in algorithm
m = n
n = quotient
Loop Until remainder = 0
Console.WriteLine("Remainder is {0}", m)
End Sub

Re-implement Euclids algorithm as a Visual Basic function which takes two parameters
(m and n) and returns the GCD as a result. (Call the function GCD.)

Answers to Review Questions


Function GCD(ByVal m As Integer, ByVal n As Integer) _

As Integer
Dim quotient, remainder As Integer
quotient = m \ n
'Integer division
remainder = m Mod n
'Easier than in algorithm
m = n
n = quotient
Loop Until remainder = 0
Return m
End Function

Your solution to question 8 should be a function that finds the GCD of two integers. The function can fail if the value passed into the parameter n is zero. Add code to make this function
throw an exception (call it GCDException) if parameter n is zero.

Function GCD(ByVal m As Integer, ByVal n As Integer) _

As Integer
Dim quotient, remainder As Integer
If n=0 Then
Throw GCDException
Return 0
End If
quotient = m \ n
'Integer division
remainder = m Mod n
'Easier than in algorithm
m = n
n = quotient
Loop Until remainder = 0
Return m
End Function
10. Write a Sub Main() that will accept two integer numbers from the console and pass these to
the amended CGD function within a Try..End Try block.

Sub Main()
Dim num1, num2 As Integer
Console.Write("Enter first number:")
num1 = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter second number:")
num2 = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("GCD is {0}", _
GCD(num1, num2))
Catch ex As GCDException
Console.WriteLine("Cannot calculate for a 0 entry")
End Try
End Sub


Data and Object Structures

In this chapter, you will learn:


how to define multiple elements of data in programs;

different ways of organizing data;

how to use arrays and collection classes;

ways of iterating through the elements in a structure;

methods of working with aggregations of data.


Organizing Data
We organize information all the time, often without even realizing it. Organized data
surrounds us: a shopping list, the index of a book, the contents of a filing cabinet
and an entire library are real-world examples of information that has been grouped,
associated, categorized, ordered and cross-referenced. We organize information
according to some principle because this will in some way make it easier to use.
For example:

lists of things allow us to group associated items together, for example a shopping list;

sorting items into order can make it possible to locate a single item from a large
collection more quickly, for example, a number from the phone book;
cataloguing and cross-referencing separate items can make it easy to locate
items by various categories, and to perform open-ended searches among them
without having to go directly to large numbers of individual items, for example
consulting the main catalogue of a library to locate books on Visual Basic
collecting similar items into groups makes it possible to perform batch processing on them, manipulating each in a similar way, for example, generating an
automated mailing list from a list of customers names and addresses;
categorizing items according to one or other of their attributes simplifies the
job of isolating some of them that have something in common, for example,
dental patients who have not been for a check-up for more than six months.

6.1 Organizing Data


To impose some form of organization on a set of data, we need to be able to work

with multiple items collectively. Typically, most computerized forms of data
organization are based on the idea of lists of items. A number of the methods and
constraints we use to organize lists of information work just as effectively in
computer systems.
For example, if we want to be able to find an item from a list efficiently, it can
help if the list is sorted into some order (e.g. the standard phone book does this). On
the other hand, if a list is to be updated frequently, having items necessarily stored
in order can make the task of adding an item to a list difficult. Imagine the problem
of adding a new item to a 1000 element list, where its natural location is second in
the list. Unless some additional free space has been built in to the list, the operation
could involve moving 999 of the current list items to make room for the new one.
Another problem that can upset an otherwise efficient system for storing data is
that of space allocation. The easiest way to store multiple items of data is to create
a slot for each item. For example, we might use pigeonholes on a wall to distribute
items of mail to the staff of a company; each persons mail is placed into a separate
pigeonhole. However, if the company grows unexpectedly, we may reach a situation
where there are more members of staff than there are pigeonholes to store their mail
in. In this case, we are faced with the very expensive prospect of adding new pigeonholes to accommodate the new staffs mail: the analogous computer-based system
in which the number of data items outgrows the number of spaces available can be
similarly expensive.
It seems that whatever strategy we use to organize data will have some drawbacks: storage speed, retrieval speed, the need to correctly anticipate the maximum
number of items; these and other problems make the issue of data organization, and
the data structures this depends on, a central issue in computer programming.
Exercises 6.1

1. The standard telephone book may have more than a million entries in a big
city or area.
a) What feature of it makes it possible for you to look up someones
number in a couple of minutes?
b) What makes it difficult to add or delete an entry in a phone book?
2. Insurance companies, banks and other large service organizations often
identify you as a customer by number (e.g. policy number or account number) rather than by your name. Can you think of two reasons why it is more
efficient for them to do this?

6.1.1 Multiple Data Items Individual Variables

Up till now, every program weve looked at has used individual variables to
store data and provide operations. For example, in the bank account program in
Chapter 4, we used a variable, MyAccount, to allow us to create and work with
one object of the BankAccount class. If we had wanted two BankAccount objects,
we could have declared a second reference variable. Ten accounts would have


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

required ten reference variables, and since each would have to have a distinct
name, would have needed ten sets of similar statements to allow us to manipulate
them. Consider a simple program (Listing 6.1) to create and manipulate ten
Sub Main()
Dim Account1 As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
Dim Account2 As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
' Etc..
Dim Account10 As BankAccount = New BankAccount()
Account1.AccountName = "John Smith"
Account2.AccountName = "Mary Green"
' Etc..
Account10.AccountName = "Billy Brown"
' Etc..
' More operations. . .
End Sub
Listing 6.1: Working with multiple individual variables

Considering the power that a computer has to work tirelessly through hundreds,
thousands or millions of program statements, this way of working with individual
variables seems to be a very limiting constraint. To unleash the full power of computer programs, it would be better if we could work with multiple variables, without
having to deal with them on an instance-by-instance basis. Visual Basic provides us
with a number of ways of doing this. The simplest of these is the array.


An array is a number of individual variables that all share the same identifier (variable name). We declare an array by indicating in brackets how many elements it will
contain, and following this with their type name as if the array was a single variable.
For example:
Dim Accounts(100) As BankAccount

Elements (individual variables) of this array are accessed by combining their name
with an index variable or value in brackets. For example, Accounts(0) would
be the first element of the array of accounts, Accounts(1) would be the second
element, etc. If we think of a variable as a box for storing a piece of data, we might
imagine an array to be a row of boxes, like a single row of pigeonholes, each holding its own piece of data, and each with a number to distinguish it from the others.
This is shown in Figure 6.1.

6.2 Arrays

Figure 6.1


A Single integer variable and an array of integers

The combination of an identifier and an index number gives us a simple and elegant way of defining as many individual variables as we could use in a program
(almost). However, there is a bit of an oddity to contend with. The declaration of
the Accounts array (Dim Accounts(100) As BankAccount) gives us 101
BankAccount reference variables, each of which could refer to an individual object
of the BankAccount class. Why 101? This is an awkward one to explain and retain
any sense of dignity for the computer programming fraternity, but in the C programming language (which we must consider as being the archetype of everything
in .NET) arrays always start at element 0. In C, such a declaration would give us an
array of integers with exactly 100 elements, numbered from 0 to 99. This in itself is
awkward but excusable, because it does at least make it easier to implement arrays
in the C language (this is an odd but consistent feature of C).
In older versions of BASIC and Visual Basic, the same declaration would give us
101 elements because there would be elements 0 to 100 (101 inclusive). My understanding is that most people seeing a declaration of a 100 element array would
expect 100 elements numbered 1 to 100, and the creators of BASIC decided that this
was sensible. Somewhere along the line, the C language went for the pragmatic element 0 approach, and the designers of Visual Basic (and subsequently VB .NET)
decided to hedge their bets and go for both approaches simultaneously. An array
declared like Dim a(<number>) gives us <number>+1 elements, starting from element 0 and going up to element <number>. Im afraid youll just have to get used
to this.
Once weve accepted the odd numbering scheme, working with lots of data
elements opens up a whole new way of programming, in which our declarations do
not need to impose a limit on the number of items we deal with in our programs.
Also, we get to use the arrays we declare very flexibly. For a start, where you would
expect to place an index number to indicate a specific element of an array, you can
instead put a variable! Consider Listing 6.2.
Sub Main()
Dim i(100) As Integer
Dim index As Integer


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

For index = 0 To 100

i(index) = index
End Sub
Listing 6.2: A simple array of 101 elements, and a For..Next loop to
initialize it

What this does is to create a 101 element array of integers, and then place the
index number of each element in that element. i(0) will contain 0, i(1) contains
1, etc. All of a sudden, the For..Next loop takes on a whole new role, as a way of
working through each element of an array, getting the enclosed statements to work
on each element one at a time. One potential problem with this is that we could refer
to an array element using an index that does not exist in the array (e.g. i(101)). To
get around this potential problem, VB gives us an alternative form of For..Next
loop (Listing 6.3).
Sub Main()
Dim i(100) As Single
Dim value As Single
For Each value in i
value = 0.5
End Sub
Listing 6.3: Using the For..Each structure
For..Each simply works through every element in the array, and saves us having
to know what the upper index bound is. In this case, we end up with an array in
which each element is given a value of 0.5. Note that the index variable required by
a normal For..Next loop is always an Integer type, as we are using it to count
through the members, while the iteration variable used in a For Each..Next loop
must be of a type that matches the content of each element of the array: in Listing
6.3, value is a Single, the same type as the elements in the array i.

6.2.1 Initializing Elements of an Array

We can use an alternative type of declaration to initialize the elements of an array of
values (Listing 6.4).
Sub Main()
Dim numbers() As Integer = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}
Dim index As Integer
For index = 0 To numbers.GetUpperBound(0)
Console.WriteLine("numbers({0}) = {1}", index, _
End Sub
Listing 6.4: Initializing an array

6.2 Arrays

Figure 6.2


Executing Listing 6.4

In this case, the number of elements in the array is implied by the list of values provided in braces {} after it. The GetUpperBound() method returns the index of the
last array element (in this case 4). Its parameter (0) specifies the dimension of a
multi-dimensional array, which well look at next in this case it is specifying the
first and only dimension. Executing the code gives a result as shown in Figure 6.2.
Exercises 6.2

1. Create an array that contains the names of the months of the year.
2. Write code to display the names of the months.
3. Create a second array which is related to the first in that it stores the number of days in the corresponding entry in the array of month names (ignore

6.2.2 Dimensions of an Array

In the simple arrays weve seen so far, an array has been a list of values. In programming parlance, they have been 1-dimensional arrays. However, Visual Basic
also allows us to define 2-dimensional arrays, which are like arrays of arrays,
3-dimensional arrays, which are like arrays of 2-dimensional arrays and so on.
While a single-dimensional array can be used as a list of variables, a 2-dimensional
(or 2-D) array would be more like a table, with rows and columns, e.g. Listing 6.5
and Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3

The 2-dimensional array generated by the code in Listing 6.5


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Sub Main()
Dim numbers(4, 5) As Integer
Dim row, column As Integer
For row = 0 To 4
For column = 0 To 5
numbers(row, column) = row * column
For row = 0 To 4
For column = 0 To 5
Console.Write("{0:D2} ", numbers(row, column))
End Sub
Listing 6.5: Creating and using a 2-D array

The first For..Next loop initializes the values of all the array elements to the
product of the row and column number, and the second displays the whole array in
a grid or table-like format. Note the use of a number format specifier ({0:D2})
in the Console.Write() statement. This indicates that each number should be
displayed as a 2-digit number, with leading zeros where necessary. Note also the use
of a Console.WriteLine() statement to force a new line at the end of each row.
The nested For..Next loops are ideal for allowing us to access the array by row
and column.
We can again initialize a 2-D array implicitly, as shown in Listing 6.6.
Sub Main()
Dim numbers(,) As Integer = {{5, 12, 17}, {6, 7, 2}, _
{3, 3, 6}, {4, 11, 12}}
Dim row, column As Integer
For row = 0 To numbers.GetUpperBound(0)
For column = 0 To numbers.GetUpperBound(1)
Console.Write("{0:D2} ", numbers(row, column))
End Sub
Listing 6.6: Initializing a 2-D array

The number of dimensions is indicated in brackets after the array name by a comma
a single comma, as here, shows that two size specifiers are missing, so it is a 2-D
array. GetUpperBound() has been used to determine the number of elements in
each dimension of the array GetUpperBound(0) gives the number of rows and
GetUpperBound(1) the number of columns. Each row of the array is an array as
well, so in the list of initialization values, whole rows are enclosed in braces, just
like the overall array. Of course, using initialization like this for an array can be quite

6.2 Arrays


a tedious and error prone process, so it would normally only be used for quite small
arrays, especially if they have two or more dimensions.
We can also create 3-D, 4-D, etc. arrays, with or without initialization. In theory
we can declare arrays with up to 32 dimensions, although Microsofts Visual Basic
documentation on arrays suggests that arrays with more than three dimensions are
rare. This is probably because most programmers would have trouble trying to keep
track of what they are doing with the elements of, e.g. a 12-D array.
A single-dimensional array is like a list, a 2-D array is like a table, and a 3-D array
is like a 3-D matrix of cells you could picture that as a sort of block of flats
arrangement, where the first dimension indicates the floor number, and the second
and third dimensions indicate the location of a single flat within a 2-D matrix.
However, you might find it difficult to imagine the layout of a 4-D array simply
because you have run out of physical dimensions to imagine; a physicist might get
by imagining the 4th dimension as the same block-of-flats over a period of discrete
time intervals, but by this stage even physicists might have trouble keeping the
picture simple enough to work with.
There is another, more immediate reason why high-dimensional arrays are not
used much in programs. Lets assume a small application that uses arrays needs each
dimension to have 100 elements. For a 1-D array, this is 100 individual variables,
for a 2-D array, 10 000, for a 3-D array, 1 000 000. By the time we get to 5-D, there
are 100 000 000 elements and were getting close to filling up the memory of a PC
with a generous allocation of memory (currently, 256 Mbytes of memory is pretty
normal, and since 100 000 000 integers will occupy 400 000 000 bytes of storage
space, this 5-D array would more than fill the memory of a well-specified PC).
Youll find most of the example programs in this book that use arrays stick
with the 1-D variety. This is partly because the code in such examples is a little
easier, but also partly because we can use classes to manage the complexity of multidimensional data structures. Using objects which encapsulate the functionality of
arrays (or other list-like data structures) is a useful way of managing this type of
complexity, as well see later.

6.2.3 Accessing Array Elements in Real-World Situations

Of course, these code examples show us how to work with an array, and although they
serve to explain something about accessing array elements, it is an unlikely you will
want to do these things in a real program (having an array where each elements
value matches its index position in the array, or each element has the same value, or
each elements value is already known at the start of the program seems a bit of a
waste). On the other hand, Listing 6.7 could be considered useful in many situations.
Sub Main()
Dim names(5) As String
Dim index As Integer
For index = 0 To 5
Console.Write("Enter name:")
names(index) = Console.ReadLine()


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

For index = 0 To 5
End Sub
Listing 6.7: Entering and sorting a list of names

This code asks the user to enter a list of names. By using a Console.ReadLine()
within the loop, we get to assign these with values specified by the user. The next
bit is neat: the Array.Sort() method is used to re-organize the members of
the array into alphabetical order, and these are subsequently displayed with
Console.WriteLine(). An array is an object that has methods associated with
it, so we can expect arrays to be able to sort themselves into order. If we wanted to,
we could increase the array size to deal with tens, hundreds or thousands of items
of data not only names. However, with arrays of non-value types, we need to
exercise a little care.
Exercise 6.3

An office building has two floors (numbered floor 0 and floor 1), each of which
has four offices (numbered 0 to 3). One person occupies each office.

Declare an array that will store the names of occupants of each of the
Store fictitious names in the array declared in a).
Write a short routine (similar to that in Listing 6.6) for printing out the
occupants of each office along with the corresponding floor and office
number (assumes floors 0 and 1, and office numbers 0 to 3).

6.2.4 Arrays of Reference Objects

Returning to our earlier example, an array of BankAccount objects would be
defined as:
Dim Accounts(100) As BankAccount

Of course, this is an array of reference variables, since BankAccount is a class.

We are therefore not entitled to simply start working with elements of the array
immediately, as in Listing 6.8.
Dim Accounts(100) As BankAccount, acc As BankAccount
For Each acc In Accounts
Console.Write("Name of account:")
acc.Name = Console.ReadLine() 'Error no account yet
Listing 6.8: A problem array elements need to be created with New first

6.2 Arrays


The statement that dimensions the array does no more than a normal Dim statement
for a reference variable that does not have an initialization part. Before we can
access any of these account objects, we need to create it with the New keyword. Also
since there are initially no objects in the array, using For..Each could cause problems there may be no object attached to one or more of the reference variables and
this will cause the familiar Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. error message. Well just have
to work our way through the members of the array by index number as shown in
Listing 6.9.
Dim Accounts(10) As BankAccount
Dim index As Integer
For index = 0 To Accounts.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim amount As Decimal
Console.Write("Initial balance:")
amount = Console.ReadLine()
Accounts(index) = New BankAccount(amount)
Console.Write("Name of account:")
Accounts(index).Name = Console.ReadLine()
Listing 6.9: Creating array element objects in a For..Next loop

Since there is no account object until one is created with New, we cant simply
deposit an initial amount into every account in the array. Instead we need to read the
initial balance from the console into a temporary variable (amount) and use this
in the creation of the account with New. Once this step has been dealt with for an
account, we can go on to assign an account name directly. Note that the array size
has been reduced from 101 to 11, to avert the tedium of running this code and then
having to enter amounts and names for 101 separate BankAccount objects.

6.2.5 Making Objects Sortable

There is another problem with an array of objects. We can expect Visual Basic
to know how to sort an array of strings into order, since String is a data type
that VB knows about (the Sort() method sorts an array of strings into dictionary
order). However, it would be presumptuous to expect it to re-order an array of
BankAccount objects without further information: would it be in order of the Name
property, or possibly the Balance in the account? While we humans would probably correctly guess that Name order would be expected, we might be wrong, and
anyway, Visual Basic programs arent allowed to guess. If we dont tell it how to do
it, it cant do it. For now Ill simply demonstrate the solution to this and leave it to
Chapter 7 on inheritance, to explain it in full, gory detail.
To make an array of class objects sortable, we make the class itself implement a
standard interface known as ICompare. This has one method, called CompareTo.
This is a function that returns an integer value: 0 when two compared items are
equal, negative when an item is smaller than the one it is being compared to and positive when an item is larger than the one it is being compared to. Well have a more


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

detailed look into interfaces in the next chapter, but for now Ill simply present the
necessary code for the job. With the BankAccount class, we need to amend its code
as shown in Listing 6.10.
1. Make the class Implement the IComparable interface . . .
Public Class BankAccount
'The following line indicates that elements of this
'class can be compared to each other..
Implements IComparable

2. Create a CompareTo() function that compares a member of an object of the

class with the same member of another object passed to it as a parameter (note
that we do not have to type the long and complex first line of this function, since
Visual Studio will create it if we select the IComparable interface from the
Class Name combo box of the Code window, and the CompareTo() method
from the Method Name combo box)
Public Overridable Overloads Function _
CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) As Integer _
Implements IComparable.CompareTo
'Compare the Name of this object with the Name of the
'Obj parameter...
If obj.Name = mvarName Then
'These are the same...
Return 0
ElseIf obj.Name < mvarName Then
'obj is smaller than (comes before) this one...
Return 1
'This one must be smaller...
Return -1
End If
End Function
Listing 6.10: Making a class sortable

If you add the above code to the BankAccount class, the Array.Sort() method
will have a method it can use to compare two BankAccount objects to determine
the order they should be in, and will therefore be able to sort the array elements into
order (of the Name property). An interesting feature of the CompareTo() function
is that it is unlikely we will ever write any code that calls it directly. The Sort()
method of the Array class will call it however, as it decides how to reorder the items
in the array.

6.2.6 Using Arrays of Objects

Once weve defined an array, we can access any of the elements as if they were
simple individual variables. Therefore, any rules we need to apply to the use of

6.2 Arrays


individual variables will also have to be applied when dealing with any element
of an array. For example, we still need to create an object with New before we
can access it with a reference variable, whether this is an individual variable or a
member of an array of them.
We can use an array to mimic any number of real-world items that deal with
multiple pieces of information: lists, tables, queues, pigeonholes, mailboxes and so
on. Simply consider what type of variable you would use to house an individual
item, and then declare an array with enough spaces to cope with the maximum
number of items needed. Since we can make an array of any type of variable, we can
use any of the pre-defined types, or a structure or class of our own definition. For
example, consider the situation where we need to deal with the names and test
marks of a number of students in a class. An individual item is a student and her
test mark. We could easily create a class to house one set of this information (see
Listing 6.11).
Class Student
Implements IComparable
Private mvarName As String
Private mvarMark As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property Name()
Return mvarName
End Get
End Property
Public Property Mark()
Return mvarMark
End Get
Set(ByVal Value)
mvarMark = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal Mark As Integer)
mvarName = Name
mvarMark = Mark
End Sub
Public Sub Report()
Console.WriteLine("Student: {0} Mark:{1}", _
mvarName, mvarMark)
End Sub
Public Function CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) _
As Integer _
Implements System.IComparable.CompareTo
'It is possible we are trying to compare this
'object with a null reference. The following check


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

'will indicate that 'obj' is less if either its

'value is less or it is null...
If obj Is Nothing OrElse mvarMark < obj.mark Then
Return -1
ElseIf mvarMark = obj.Mark Then
Return 0
Return +1
End If
End Function
End Class
Listing 6.11: A Student class we can create arrays of (note the CompareTo()

We can now go on to write a simple array declaration to define a group of students. It is a good idea to try to apply some order to the declaration since this will
save some work later. The array itself is the only declaration we really need, but
it is useful to keep track of how much of it is in use. Initially, the array as declared
will have elements numbered 0 to .GetUpperBound(0). However, none of these
elements will contain data when the array is initially declared. We can keep track of
how many elements have been filled using a simple Integer variable:
Private StudentList(10) As Student
Private ClassSize As Integer = 0

Note that by initializing ClassSize to 0, we have an indication that there are

currently no assigned elements in the array. Now, to assign a new element, we can
go through the following steps (assume <Name> is a variable containing the new
entrys name, and <Mark> the corresponding mark, in code like Listing 6.12):
'Check there is space in the array...
If ClassSize < StudentList.GetUpperBound(0) Then
'Assign a student to element number ClassSize...
StudentList(ClassSize) = New Student(<Name>, <Mark>)
'Now increment ClassSize to indicate the new entry...
ClassSize += 1
End If
Listing 6.12: Adding a new student to the StudentList array

When we want to do something with each element of the StudentList array, we

can use a simple For..Next loop:
For index = 0 To ClassSize 1

or for an array that we know to be full . . .

6.2 Arrays


For index = 0 To StudentList.GetUpperBound(0)

Listing 6.13: Iterating through the array two ways of getting the upper limit

Listing 6.13 illustrates both methods. Note that we need to make sure not to access
element number ClassSize, since this has not been allocated yet. Either of the
above For loops will iterate from the first occupied element of the array to the last.
Having declared an array of Student object variables and populated at least
some of them with Student objects, we can start to do meaningful operations on
them: for example, finding out the average class test mark (Listing 6.14), or the
students with the highest and lowest marks (Listing 6.15).
'Let's now try to work out a few things about the group.
'First the average mark...
Dim index As Integer
Dim total As Integer = 0
For index = 0 To ClassSize 1
total += StudentList(index).Mark
Console.WriteLine ("Average mark is {0}", _
total / ClassSize)
Listing 6.14: Calculating the average mark

To get the average mark, we use the same method as we would to calculate an average of anything add all the marks together and then divide the overall sum by the
number of values. To find the students with the maximum mark, guess on some entry
as having the maximum mark (usually the first element in the array), and then scan
through the rest of the array correcting our guess any time we meet a higher mark.
The same technique works for finding the student with the lowest mark, and since
the algorithm is nearly the same, we can combine both operations within a single
For..Next loop.
'Find the best and worst students...
Dim min As Integer = 0, max As Integer = 0
'We've started by guessing that StudentList(0) has both the
'highest and the lowest test mark. Now scan through the
'array finding the real highest and lowest...
For index = 1 To ClassSize 1
If StudentList(index).Mark < StudentList(min).Mark Then
'Found a student with a lower mark...
min = index
End If
If StudentList(index).Mark > StudentList(max).Mark Then
'Found a student with a higher mark...
max = index
End If


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Console.Write("Lowest marked student is:")
Console.Write("Highest marked student is:")
Listing 6.15: Finding the highest and lowest marked student

Another useful operation would be to be able to find the mark awarded to a

particular student. The input to this operation would be the students name, and the
output could be either the students mark, or some indication that the named student
was not found (always a possibility, either because the sought student did not exist
in the array, or the students name was misspelled). This is shown in Listing 6.16.
'Find marks for specific students...
Console.Write("Enter student's name (none to stop):")
n = Console.ReadLine()
If n = Nothing Then
Exit Do 'No name entered, so we're done.
End If
For index = 0 To StudentList.GetUpperBound(0)
If Not (StudentList(index) Is Nothing) _
AndAlso StudentList(index).Name = n Then
Exit For
End If
If index > StudentList.GetUpperBound(0) Then
Console.WriteLine("No such student")
End If
Listing 6.16: Looking up a students mark

In the above code we have a pair of nested loop structures. The outer (main) loop
simply iterates the entire process until no name is entered (the exit condition is
within the first If..Then block). The inner loop (a For..Next loop) compares the
name sought with the names of members in the list. Note we need to check that a
StudentList() entry exists at each location in the array before we carry out the
name comparison, since otherwise we would be trying to access the name property
of an object that did not exist. The use of AndAlso ensures that if the first condition
fails (there is no Student object at that index), the second would not be tested,
which would otherwise cause an error (accessing a method of an object that does
not exist).
The For..Next structure controlling the inner loop ends when index exceeds the
upper limit of the loop (StudentList.GetUpperBound(0)). This, therefore,
gives us a way of checking whether the named entry was found, so we can indicate
that the specified name was not located in the list.

6.2 Arrays

Exercise 6.4


Return to the code in Exercise 6.3.


Write a sub that will look-up a persons name and display the floor and
office that person occupies.
Write a function that will take a floor and room number and return the
occupants name.

6.2.7 Encapsulating an Array of Objects

We could go on for some time adding functions to work with this array of Student
objects, and as a result end up with some very complex looking code that does a
lot of simple things. However, the true nature of object-oriented design is to try to
identify types of object that can be encapsulated to make them easy to work with.
Each of the array operations we have created could be given a name (such as
GetAverageMark, GetMaxMarkEntry, GetMinMarkEntry, FindStudentMark,
etc.), and these could become methods of a StudentArray class. We would
then be creating an aggregation, as described in Chapter 1; a class that contained
multiple instances of another type of object.
The aim in creating an aggregation is to simplify the manipulation of individual
elements of the group, and so the various aggregate functions (GetAverageMark,
etc.) will perform operations that will involve more than an individual object. It is
also worthwhile defining a method to handle adding a new member to the group
(Listing 6.17).
Class StudentArray
Private StudentList(10) As Student
Private ClassSize As Integer
Public Function AddStudent(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal mark As Integer) As Boolean
If ClassSize < StudentList.GetUpperBound(0) Then
StudentList(ClassSize) = _
New Student(name, mark)
ClassSize += 1
Return True 'A new student was added
Return False 'There was no space
End If
End Function
Public Function GetMark(ByVal name As String) _
As Integer
Dim index As Integer
For index = 0 To ClassSize 1
If StudentList(index).Name = name Then
Return StudentList(index).Mark
End If


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Return 1

'This indicates the name was not


End Function
Public Function AverageMark() As Single
Dim index As Integer, sum As Integer = 0
If ClassSize > 0 Then 'Check there are marks.
For index = 0 To ClassSize 1
sum += StudentList(index).Mark
Return sum / ClassSize
Return 0
'Saves a divide by zero.
End If
End Function
Public Function MaxStudent() As Student
Dim index As Integer, max As Integer
max = 0 'This is our first guess.
For index = 1 To ClassSize 1
If StudentList(index).Mark > _
StudentList(max).Mark Then
max = index
'This updates the guess.
End If
Return StudentList(max)
End Function
Public Function MinStudent() As Student
Dim index As Integer, min As Integer
min = 0
For index = 1 To ClassSize 1
If StudentList(index).Mark < _
StudentList(min).Mark Then
min = index
End If
Return StudentList(min)
End Function
Public Function SortedList() As Array
'This function returns a sorted array of students.
Dim sortList As Array
sortList = StudentList
Return sortList
End Function
End Class
Listing 6.17: A StudentArray class encapsulating array functionality

In Listing 6.17, all of the previously developed code has been encapsulated into a
new class. In doing so, the code has been adapted slightly to create a class interface

6.2 Arrays


that is easier to use. Every routine has been made a function that returns some value;
this makes it easier to determine if something has gone wrong. For example, an
attempt to add a student to a full class will return a False result; otherwise, a True
result will indicate success.
Similarly, the GetMark() routine returns a 1 result if the name supplied to the
function does not match any names in the list of students. The result here has to be
a number since the result returned for a name that does exist will be a number and a
result of 0 (zero) could just be the mark given to a student who got no right answers;
by choosing 1, weve indicated the functions failure to find the student since no
student will have a mark of 1. Of course, this strategy will only work if it is not
possible to award a mark of 1 for a students test.
Care has to be exercised in the AverageMark method, since asking for the average mark of a class that has no students would cause a divide by zero error. Hence,
we use a If..Then structure to test whether ClassSize is not zero.
The last three routines are different, in that each returns an object of some type
as a result. MaxStudent() and MinStudent() both return a Student object,
since this is the most general result for a function of this type. The question they
will answer is Which student got the lowest/highest mark? rather than What was
the lowest/highest mark?, or What is the name of the student that got the lowest/
highest mark? Note that the answer to the first of these can supply us with the
answer to either of the other two since we can then use the Student objects Name
and Mark properties for these.
The SortedList method returns an array of Student objects. This gives us the
ability to provide a sorted list of students on demand without changing the order of
the internal list in the class.
By building this class, we can now work with lists of Student objects without
having to deal with the problems of arrays becoming full, empty arrays or any of the
other gotchas that might otherwise cause problems in a program. We also get the
ability to work with as many classes of students as we need to, without having
to keep track of multiple arrays. The multiple arrays would still be there, but will
appear as simple encapsulated variables that do as we ask and provide results on
demand. To demonstrate this, Listing 6.18 gives all the code necessary to work with
a class of students, calculating statistics and reporting on all of them.
Sub Main()
'Let's enrol a few students...
Dim Group As StudentArray = New StudentArray()
Dim n As String, m As Integer
Console.Write( _
"Enter student's name (no name to stop):")
n = Console.ReadLine()
If n = "" Then Exit Do
Console.Write("Enter student's mark:")
m = Console.ReadLine()
If Group.AddStudent(n, m) Then
Console.WriteLine( _
"Success adding student {0}", n)


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Console.WriteLine("Class full!")
Exit Do
End If
'Now let's report of the group...
Console.WriteLine("Average mark is : {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("The group in order of marks:")
'Finally, let's see a sorted list...
Dim students As Array
Dim index As Integer
students = Group.SortedList
For index = 0 To students.GetUpperBound(0)
If Not students(index) Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", _
students(index).name, students(index).mark)
End If
End Sub
Listing 6.18: Working with the StudentArray class

Visual Basic provides a somewhat more elegant way to create an encapsulated

array of a specific type of object, based on inheriting the standard array class
and amending some of the methods and members to deal with the specified class.
Well come back to this in the next chapter (on inheritance and other object-oriented
structuring techniques).
Exercise 6.5

(Major programming exercise)



Create a class, Employee, that stores the name and phone number of an
employee, making both accessible as properties. The class should have a
constructor that takes the name and number as parameters.
Declare an array similar in dimensions to that used in Exercise 6.3, but
make it an array of employees.
Create a function to allow an employees phone number to be looked up,
given their name.
Create a sub that will return (in output parameters) the floor and room
number of an employee given their name.

6.2.8 Changing the size of an array

A limitation of the arrays we have seen so far is that they are declared to have
a specific number of elements. If we declare an array for a group of 20 students

6.2 Arrays


in a program and then, while using the program, a 21st student comes along to
join the class, we seem to have a problem. Visual Basic lets us get around this by
re-dimensioning an array as a program runs. Consider the example of a shopping
list whose size we can not predict (Listing 6.19).
Sub Main()
Const initialSize = 5
Const sizeIncrement = 3
Dim list(initialSize) As String
Dim item As String
Dim numItems As Integer
Console.Write("Enter shopping list item:")
item = Console.ReadLine()
If item = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
numItems += 1
If list.GetLength(0) < numItems Then
ReDim Preserve list(list.GetUpperBound(0) + _
Console.WriteLine("List increased to : {0}", _
End If
list(numItems 1) = item
For Each item In list
End Sub
Listing 6.19: Re-dimensioning an array

In Listing 6.19, we start with an array of six strings (Dim list(initialSize)

As String, where initialSize is 5, giving us elements (0) to (5)). Lets assume
that this would be the length of our normal shopping list. Items are added to the list
as normal (collecting the name of the next entry in the variable item, and then
assigning this to the array if it is not an empty string). Provided there are six or fewer
items, this is all that is needed for the data collection step, and we would go on to
print out the list (in the For..Each structure).
If we decide to throw a party, well probably need to increase the length of our
shopping list. The variable numItems is keeping count of the number of items in the
shopping list. We can test whether numItems has reached the maximum the array
can cope with using the GetLength() method of the array class (we could also
have used GetUpperBound(), but GetLength() returns the actual number,
including element 0, so is easier to use in this situation). If the array has no more
space, we resize it:
ReDim Preserve list(list.GetUpperBound(0) + sizeIncrement)


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

The Preserve keyword is optional, and is used to indicate that when the array is
changed to its new size, existing elements are kept in the array. Without this keyword, we would be throwing away the arrays contents each time we altered its size.
In some situations, we might actually want to do that (and the resizing operation is
much faster as a result). Most of the time, when we resize an array, we intend to
either increase or decrease its size, but keep all of the existing members that will fit
in the new size of array.
Note that the array is being resized by three elements at a time. We could have
used any number three was used here simply so that if you try the code out, you
wont have to do much typing to see the effect of resizing. We could have resized
one element at a time, but this is very inefficient, since each addition beyond the initial size will cause a ReDim operation, which will involve moving all of the array
reference variables to a new version of the array and then destroying the old one.
When designing a program that relies on resizing arrays, it is often necessary to
work out what the most efficient increment in size might be. A number of factors are
significant to this: the rate at which the array fills up, how often items are added
to the array compared to how often items in the array are accessed, and the initial
size of the array compared to the amount of memory available to the program. Some
programmers go for a strategy they know has worked in the past for example,
doubling the array size each time it fills up, or adding 10% to its current size. Others
will try a number of different strategies in simulations until they find the most
efficient one for the application under development. Happily, this is not a problem
that you will encounter too often, since .NET provides a lot of other ways of dealing with unknown numbers of data elements. Resizing Multi-Dimensional Arrays

We can also resize arrays with more that one dimension, but in this case, we are
only allowed to change the last dimension if the Preserve keyword is used, e.g.
Listing 6.20.
Dim n(2, 3, 4) As Integer
'Code using array at original size
ReDim Preserve n(2, 5, 6)'Illegal can only change the
'last dimension if using Preserve.
Dim n(2, 3, 4) As Integer
'Code using array at original size
ReDim Preserve n(2, 3, 6)'But this is legal
Listing 6.20: Limitations in re-dimensioning a multi-dimension array

This limitation comes about because it is relatively easy to change the last
dimension of an existing array, but more difficult to change the others (think how
confusing it might be to alter a table of data by adding extra columns to it what
happens to all of the rows that had the original number of columns). Of course, if
we can throw away the contents and start again, resizing any dimension is as easy as
creating the array in the first place.

6.3 Other Data Structures


ReDim cannot be used to change the number of dimensions of an array, but this is
probably a good limitation, since otherwise we could never be sure of the number of
dimensions an array had and we would have problems writing code to refer to array
elements with a variable number of commas.
In general, arrays are good where we can predict the number of items of data we
will have to deal with. In such situations, an array is a very efficient way to manipulate multiple items of data. They are also useful where we may need to deal with a
number of items of data that only changes infrequently compared to the number of
times the existing elements are accessed.


Other Data Structures

Arrays in Visual Basic are powerful mechanisms for dealing with many data items.
However, they have some limitations:

they are created for a specific number of elements, and require extra code to
accommodate situations where the number of elements exceeds expectations;
they provide only a few built-in methods for manipulating the elements for
example, Sort();
they do little to make finding specific items or inserting new items in a particular
order more efficient;
they are generally used to accommodate multiples of a single type of variable or
class of object (there are ways around this, but these require us to get deeper into
object-oriented territory we will get there, but not yet).

Visual Basic and .NET provide between them a powerful range of data structure
types. These are all similar to arrays in that they provide for multiples of an individual variable type, although they all provide alternative methods for organizing the
data. Some of them (Collection and Dictionary) rely on inheritance, which
well look at in the next chapter. The others can be used out of the box, and are
therefore possible substitutes for the simple array. Collectively, they are referred to
as Collection classes see Table 6.1.
Well look into some of these in some detail.

6.3.1 ArrayList
An ArrayList is similar to an array, but there is no need to specify a size. If we do
specify a size, this is used as the initial capacity of the ArrayList. Items are added
to an ArrayList using the Add() method, which accepts any type of object as
a parameter (including another ArrayList). We can use the Count() and
Capacity() properties to determine how many objects there are in the ArrayList
and how many it currently has space for. For efficiency purposes, an ArrayList
whose initial size is not specified starts off with a capacity of 16 items. Whenever


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Table 6.1 Some of .NETs built-in Collection classes (data structures)

Collection Name



This is a smart array that automatically resizes itself as required. We can therefore
declare an ArrayList and add any number of items to it with no additional
programming necessary


This is a specialist array type that can only be used to house Boolean (True or
False) data. Its advantage is that a large number of Boolean values can be
stored in a very small amount of memory


This data structure is used for very fast insertion and retrieval of items where the
overall number of items can be very large. It is used mainly for speed


As its name suggests, this data structure works like a queue items are added
to the end of the queue, and retrieved from the front, so each item in a queue is
dealt with in strict order of arrival at the queue the first added to the queue will
be the first removed. Used typically for implementing algorithms where the
computer is not always able to deal with items at the rate at which they arrive


The Sort() operation of an array is used to rearrange the array into a specified
order. A SortedList works by always inserting new items into the correct
place in the first instance, thereby eliminating the need to sort its contents


Similar to a Queue in that items are added to and removed from an end of a
strictly ordered list. With a stack, the first item added will be the last to be removed


This is used to collect data items of a specific type. The core behaviour for dealing
with multiple items is inherited (from the CollectionBase class) to create a
new Collection type that deals with a specific class of objects

DictionaryBase This data structure provides for pairs of specific types of object (typically, a
user-defined class and a string), where one item (typically the string) is used as
a look-up key for retrieving the other. If you think of how a real-world dictionary
works (a single word is used as the key for looking up its own definition), you wont
be far off. It is necessary to derive application-specific types of dictionary from the
DictionaryBase class using inheritance

the capacity is reached, the next Add() operation will extend the capacity by
doubling it.
Typically, we would use an ArrayList in a situation where we did not know
how many data items were to be accommodated. For example, the earlier shopping
list sample program can be made much simpler using an ArrayList (Listing 6.21).
Sub Main()
Dim l As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
Dim item As String
Console.Write("Enter shopping list item: ")
item = Console.ReadLine()
If item = Nothing Then
Exit Do

6.3 Other Data Structures


End If
For Each item In l
Console.WriteLine("Number of items: {0}", l.Count())
Console.WriteLine("Current capacity: {0}", _
For Each item In l
End Sub
Listing 6.21: Using an ArrayList for a shopping list

Note that we use the Sort() operation very differently with an ArrayList.
Recall that when sorting a simple array, we used the syntax:

where names is the array identifier. This indicates that we were actually passing
our array to a method of the array class (a shared method) for sorting. With an
ArrayList, the Sort() operation is much more straightforward simply execute
the ArrayLists own Sort() method. If we wanted to use an ArrayList to manage items of a user-defined class, we could not assume that it would know what rules
to apply to sort them into order (as with an array of class objects). In this case, the
Sort() method would have to use the classs own CompareTo() method as with
the array sorting example; we would signal this to the ArrayList by passing a
parameter the value Nothing to the Sort() method.
The ArrayList class is a good, general purpose data structure class. Ive found
it useful in situations where the additional coding required to implement resizable
arrays is too onerous.

Exercise 6.6


Amend the Employee class used in Exercise 6.5, so that the class also
stores room number and floor; modify the constructor appropriately.
Create an ArrayList of employees, and provide functions for looking up
phone number, room number and floor number, given the employees name.
Write an AddEmployee function that will accept employee data and create
and store a new employee. Make the function reject new employees where
the supplied phone number, or combination of room number and floor
number clashes with those of an existing employee the function should
return True if the Add operation was successful, False otherwise.


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

6.3.2 HashTables
A HashTable is a form of Dictionary, derived from the DictionaryBase class.
Dictionary collections store pairs of objects, usually referred to as Key and Value
pairs. In the same way that a real-world dictionary provides us with a way to associate pairs of items (a word and its definition or translation), so a Dictionary collection allows us to associate pairs of objects. Normally, the Key object is a value that
would be looked up (like looking up a word in the Oxford English Dictionary) and
the Value object is the object that is returned from the look-up. In this way, we can
build complex structures that allow us to collect pairs of objects, where one is used
as a way of accessing the other.
Typically, the Key of an entry in a Dictionary collection is a string that uniquely
identifies the Value object; for example we could use a persons social security number as the key to an object containing other data referring to the person, or a licence
number as the key to an object containing a lot of data about a specific car.
A HashTable gets its name from the way data is stored and retrieved in it. A
hashing function, or hash function, is a function that takes some data, jumbles it
up and converts it into a number that is seemingly random. This type of function,
fairly useless on its own, is ideal for distributing a lot of key values evenly across a
numeric range.
To see why this is useful, consider the job done by a local post office sorting
office. Mail is arranged into bins, where each bin contains mail for a particular
area. Since the actual areas (normally a postmans walk) can be selected by the
post office, they are organized so that each area (and bin) will be approximately the
same size, and will therefore receive a similar amount of mail. This is organizationally sensible.
Now consider a situation where we cannot predetermine how items would be distributed. Organizing items into bins by the initial letter of someones surname, for
example, would be more haphazard. We call the property or piece of data that we
use to identify an item its key and although the aim is to have an even distribution of
keys, this is unlikely for real-world data. We would not divide the population of a
country into 26 groups, where each group is of people with the same initial letter to
their surname, and expect each group to be the same size.
If we used the initial letter of a surname, for example, we would have 26 bins, one
for each letter A to Z (see Figure 6.4). However, each bin would not be likely to have
to accommodate a similar amount of mail. In the UK, names beginning with certain
letters are quite unlikely (X and Z for example). These two bins would be nearly

Figure 6.4

Organizing items into bins by initial letter

6.3 Other Data Structures

Figure 6.5


Using a hashing function to randomize the distribution of items

empty, and yet the bins for names beginning with the letter S or M would be
overflowing. The end result is that, while it will be quite easy and quick to locate a
specific item of mail for Mr Xiu because there will be few items in that bin, it will
be a much bigger operation to find Mrs Simpsons letter, because the S bin will be
very full in comparison.
A hash table works against the same problem with the aim of making each bin
equally likely (or as near equally as possible) and therefore reducing the time taken
to find an item with a particular value (see Figure 6.5). The hash function takes the
key value of an item and calculates from it a numeric value that indicates the bin
the item is in. The more bins there are, the smaller the number of items that need to
be searched through to find a specific item. Often hash tables are implemented with
many more bins than there are items to put in them, and with each bin being able to
contain only one item. In this case the hash function is designed to operate so that
very similar values might produce very different results; ideally, each item given to
the function would produce a unique result and so no two items would end up in the
same bin. The result is that no searching is necessary to find out where an item is;
simply apply the hash function to the key value of the item you want, and its location
is returned.
While this strategy seems good, there are a number of problems with it.

A good quality hashing function can be difficult to devise, and no matter how
good it is, there is always a likelihood that more than one key value will map to
the same location. Better functions reduce the probability of this, but do not
reduce it to zero.
A hashing function that does work well with one set of data may not work well
with other sets: the nature of a hashing function is to apparently randomize the
keys, but the randomness is an illusion and depends very much on the input key
values. In the worst case, we could be very unlucky and have every key map to
the same location.
We need to accept that in all probability, several key values will cause clashes,
and so our goal of one item per bin is not very realistic unless there are many
more bins than there are items to put in them.


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Lets assume that we have 26 arrays, one array for each initial in the alphabet.
Without hashing, names that we add to this structure will not in general distribute
evenly across the 26 arrays, and there will be certain arrays with many items in them
and others with none. Note that this scheme would, however, still speed up access to
elements, since we can locate an item by first determining which array it belongs to
(using its initial letter), and then searching this array: instead of searching through a
list of all the items stored, we search through a much shorter list of items.
Using a hashing function, the names are used instead to generate numbers that
indicate the array the item will be stored in. With a well chosen hashing function,
there will be a more even distribution of items among the arrays (bins). When we
want to retrieve an item, we pass the key (a look-up key) to the hashing function.
The result of the function identifies the array the item with that key is in. Since the
distribution of items is more likely to be even, there will be comparatively few items
in the bin to search through before we find the required one. A hash table can therefore reduce the amount of time taken to find an item among many other items. Advantage of Hash Tables

If the insertion time of a data structure indicates the amount of time it takes to store
a new item, and the retrieval time is the time it takes to locate an item, the general
rule with simple data structures like arrays is that fast insertion leads to slow
retrieval, and vice versa. If we insert an item into an array by simply adding it to the
end of the array, it will not be in any pre-determined location and so when we want
to retrieve it, we will need to do an exhaustive search, which takes time. If, on the
other hand, we insert items into an array in some order, we will generally need to
reorganize at least part of the array for each insertion. It might be faster to locate the
item, but at the cost of taking time to insert it in the first place.
The more items there are in some data structure types, the more slowly items will
be either inserted or retrieved. However, a hash table pulls off the trick of having a
fast insertion time and a fast retrieval time almost independently of the number of
items in the table. Of course there must be a cost for this; a hash table needs to have
a lot of spare space. Depending on the hash function used and the distribution of
key values, hash tables working efficiently can typically have 50% or more of the
element locations unoccupied.
Hash tables are used in situations where the time taken to add items to a data
structure and retrieve them on demand is paramount. For this to be worthwhile, there
has to be a significant difference in the time taken to store or retrieve an item, compared to the time taken to store or retrieve the same item from an array or other structure. Generally, this is true only for a large number of items, so in many applications
a hash table would be an unnecessarily complex way of organizing data.
For the applications that do benefit from the speed of a hash table, it is a relatively
simple algorithm to implement. In Visual Basic .NET it is even more simple because
HashTable is one of the built-in data collection classes. The various primitive data
types (numbers, strings, dates, etc.) have a GetHashCode() method that returns a
value the HashTable would use to locate an item. We can use any of the existing
data types as a key or can use one of our own classes or structures to provide key
values by devising a GetHashCode() method.

6.3 Other Data Structures

239 Example use of a Hash Table

We can use a .NET HashTable to store more or less any type of object we wish to,
but since any object we add to a HashTable must have a Key value that allows the
hash function to store it efficiently, we would normally use objects that have some
property that can be used as a key. We simply need to ensure that the key we use to
store an item under will be unique to that item typical keys in the real world could
be social security number (guaranteed to be unique for each person), bank account
numbers, car licence numbers, in fact any property that we can say has a unique
value for each item of the type. One suitable example might be a system for storing and retrieving data about employees. Each employee can be given a unique
employee number, which will then be used as the hash key for adding the employee
object to a HashTable. When we retrieve an employees data from the table, the
employee number will provide us with a fast look-up.
First, we need a suitable data type with the following properties.

It should contain an amount of data that is large compared to the key used to store
and locate it otherwise, there will be little point to retrieving the information by
providing a key value.
Each item of the type should have some unique piece of data that can act as a
key property. The test is simple: the key property must be unique to a specific
object, or else it will not be a suitable key value.
In a normal application there should be potentially many items that need to be
stored in a table otherwise, the overhead of using and managing a hash table
will not be worth it.

We can devise a simple Employee class that will embody these properties (although
we will not test the class in a hash table that contains many objects, we will
demonstrate the principle using a few sample objects we can trust that Microsofts
implementation of the HashTable class will scale up to cope with a large number
of objects). The class is shown in Listing 6.22.
Class Employee
Public ID As String
Public Name As String
Public DOB As Date
Public Address As String
Public JobTitle As String
Public Sub New(ByVal ID As String, _
ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal DOB As Date, _
ByVal Address As String, _
ByVal JobTitle As String)
'Note the use of Me here this is used to
'indicate this object's members (ID etc.) to
'distinguish them from the parameters...
Me.ID = ID
Me.Name = Name


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Me.Address = Address
Me.JobTitle = JobTitle
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Key() As String
Key = ID
End Get
End Property
Public Function Value() As String
Return String.Format("{0}" + ControlChars.Tab + _
"{1}" + ControlChars.Tab + "{2}, {3}", _
Name, DOB, Address, JobTitle)
End Function
End Class
Listing 6.22: A class that can be used to demonstrate the HashTable data

Given the class shown in the listing, we can create a hash table that can be used to
store items of this class, as shown in the Sub Main() in Listing 6.23.
Sub Main()
Dim ht As Collections.Hashtable
Dim item As Employee
Dim id As String
Dim name As String
Dim DOB As Date
Dim Address As String
Dim JobTitle As String
'First create the hash table..
ht = New Collections.Hashtable()
'Get an employee ID (a unique number or string)...
Console.Write("Enter ID (none to quit):")
id = Console.ReadLine()
If id = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
'An ID was entered, so get the remaining data...
Console.Write("Enter a name (none to quit):")
name = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter date of birth:")
DOB = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter address:")
Address = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter Job Title:")
JobTitle = Console.ReadLine()
'Create the employee...

6.3 Other Data Structures


item = New Employee(id, name, DOB, _

Address, JobTitle)
'Display the employee data...
'And add the new employee to the hash table...
ht.Add(item.Key, item)
'We can now look-up individual employees by
'employee ID...
Console.Write("Enter ID (none to quit):")
id = Console.ReadLine()
If id = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
'Check the id entered is in the table...
If ht.ContainsKey(id) Then
'Safe to retrieve this employee...
item = ht.Item(id)
Console.WriteLine( _
"Employee {0} does not exist.", id)
End If
End Sub
Listing 6.23: Building and using a HashTable of employees

In Listing 6.23, a HashTable of Employee objects is built up in the first loop, and
we are given the chance to retrieve items from the table in the second loop. The
Employee class has been given a Key property, which is a read-only string. In fact,
the Key property simply returns the employee ID although we could have used any
combination of employee data that would be suitably unique to each employee
using a purpose-defined ID is simply easier. When we create a new employee, it is
added to the HashTable with the statement:
ht.Add(item.Key, item)

The HashTables Add() method takes two arguments: the first is the hash-key to
store the item under, the second the item itself. It is essential that the first parameter
is a data type that provides a GetHashCode() method; otherwise the HashTable
will not be able to accommodate the object. Strings and other in-built data types in
.NET provide this method. If we were to use some alternative (for example, a compound field made up of, say, the Name and PostCode properties of an object), we
would have to provide a GetHashCode() method, although there is an easy way to
do this by simply concatenating both values to form a string.
When we attempt to retrieve an item from the HashTable, it is possible that
we could provide a look-up key that did not exist among the items stored. If this is


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

possible, is it safer to check the key exists in the table first, and we can use the
ContainsKey() method to perform this check. The method returns True if the key
exists in the HashTable and False otherwise.
In retrieving an employee from the table (using the HashTables Item()
method), the Employee classs Value function returns a formatted string of
employee data, using the ControlChars.Tab format character as a separator.
Exercise 6.7



Ignoring the improvement in speed that using a HashTable will bring to a

data structure, state the other advantage that the use of a HashTable will
bring to even small amounts of data (hint think of some of the functions
you had to write in previous exercises using arrays and ArrayLists)?
The StudentArray class defined in Listing 6.17 uses an array of Student
objects as a storage mechanism. This has obvious limitations in that the
class size is fixed and if it were allowed to become large, finding a specific
student could take some time. Amend this class so that it builds and
accesses a HashTable of Student objects instead. You may find it easier
to amend the Student class so that it has a read-only Key property or a
Key() function (in which you can return the students name, which being
a string, already has the GetHashCode() method). You should also note
that no two students with the same name can be added to the collection
because it uses a HashTable.

6.3.3 Enumerators
In the HashTable example, there was no code to display the entire table contents.
The purpose of a HashTable is to allow individual items to be inserted and
retrieved quickly. However, a feature of how it does this is that we cannot simply
step through all of the items in the table using a For..Each loop or a For..Next
loop with an index value. Since a consequence of hash table storage is that items will
not be stored sequentially in adjacent locations, either form of loop would almost
certainly try to access unallocated locations in the table and this would result in a
null reference exception.
To get around this problem, we need some alternative method for iterating over
all of the objects stored in a HashTable. The Collection classes provided in .NET
allow for this by providing an Enumerator object, which is an object that can
traverse all of the objects in a collection. Arrays and all of the Collection classes
listed in Table 6.1 provide the GetEnumerator() method, which returns an object
specific to the Collection class that will iterate through all of the objects stored in the
For arrays of any type, the returned Enumerator object will simply step through
each reference variable in the array, returning its reference in the Current property.
If there are gaps in the array (null references instead of objects), the array enumerator
will return these also, in exactly the same way as using For..Each would. This
could of course lead to code that tries to access null references and consequent errors.

6.3 Other Data Structures


For the more advanced collection types, the enumerator will only return references that have objects assigned to them. They therefore provide safe access to all
of the objects in a collection.
Every enumerator provides one property and two methods to enable you to iterate
through the collection it serves. These are:

Current this property is a reference to the current object in the array or

collection class.
MoveNext this method makes the next item in the collection the Current item.
The MoveNext() method returns a result of True if there was a next item, and
False if not, making it simple to use a Do While..Loop structure to iterate
over a collection.
Reset this method places the enumerator before the first item in the collection.
An attempt to access the Current property immediately after invoking Reset
will cause a run-time error; MoveNext should always be called immediately after
a Reset.

In addition to these properties and methods, enumerators specific to Dictionary

classes support the additional properties Key and Value:

Key this property returns the Key part of the current table entry.

Value this returns the Value part of the object assigned to the table with Key.

The Collection classes based on DictionaryBase store Key/Value pairs, and

so should provide an enumerator that allows access to these for each entry in the
collection. Simple Enumerators

Using these, we can use a bit of standard code to work through every item in any of
the built-in collections.
Dim myEnumerator As IEnumerator _
= myCollection.GetEnumerator()
While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
'Code here can access myEnumerator.Current, but may not
'alter the collection by adding or removing items.
End While
Listing 6.24: Using a simple enumerator

In Listing 6.24, an enumerator is retrieved from the Collection class (which could
be an array, an ArrayList or any other of the built-in Collection classes except
HashTable or a Dictionary class). The IEnumerator reference variable is initialized from the GetEnumerator() method of the array or collection. This method
is responsible for building a new Enumerator object that reflects the current contents
of the collection. If the array or collection is modified by adding new items or


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

removing existing items, this enumerator will fail, causing a run-time error. Typically,
an enumerator is used to display all the items in a collection, copy them to a database
or some other operation that does not affect the membership of the collection.
Problems will occur in the simple enumerator code of Listing 6.22 if the
collection is an array in which there are null references (i.e. if any of the reference
variables in the array have no object assigned to them). In that case, we would have
to check each item returned by the enumerator before accessing it (Listing 6.25).
en = myArray.GetEnumerator()
Do While en.MoveNext()
If Not en.Current Is Nothing Then
'Code here can access en.Current..
End If
Listing 6.25: Safe use of a simple enumerator

Note that this is no different from any code that iterates through every item in an
array, using, for example, For Each or a For..Next loop with an index variable.
Consequently there is no advantage to using a simple enumerator with an array over
using a For..Each loop. Dictionary Enumerator

For the Dictionary classes, including HashTables, the dictionary-specific form
of enumerator is required, since these classes store key/value pairs. As well as providing a Current property, this form of enumerator also provides Key and Value
properties. The equivalent code for enumerating through all of the objects and their
keys for a HashTable (which is based on the DictionaryBase class) is given in
Listing 6.26.
Sub Main()
Dim ht As Collections.Hashtable = _
New Collections.Hashtable()
ht.Add("One", "First Object")
ht.Add("Two", "Second Object")
ht.Add("Three", "Third Object")
ht.Add("Four", "Fourth Object")
ht.Add("Five", "Fifth Object")
Dim dictEnumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = _
Do While dictEnumerator.MoveNext()
Console.WriteLine(dictEnumerator.Key & _
End Sub
Listing 6.26: Using a DictionaryEnumerator with a HashTable

6.3 Other Data Structures


This code is only marginally more complex than the code for a simple enumerator.
Note however that for a HashTable, there is no other simple way to iterate through
its entire collection of objects.
In general, enumerators provide us with a standard way to iterate through all of
the objects referenced by a collection object. In most situations we have no need
to employ them, since For..Each does a similar job. However, in the special case
of a HashTable, we need to use an enumerator to get access to the entire table of
Exercise 6.8

Implement a ClassList() method for the modified HashTable

version of StudentArray from Exercise 6.7. This should use a
DictionaryEnumerator to iterate through the objects in the HashTable
and call their Report() method.

6.3.4 SortedList
As its name suggests, the SortedList class collects objects (actually Key/ Value
pairs of objects) and allows them to be accessed in a specific order without the need
to sort the list (a time-consuming facility in the other collection classes). The penalty
paid for this is that it may take some time to insert an item into a sorted list, since
the correct storage location for the key must be found and the existing list may need
to be reorganized to accommodate it. The advantages we are paying for are that the
list will automatically be in order, which is often necessary for display purposes, it
will take less time to retrieve an item than it would by performing an exhaustive
search on an array, and it will be easier to determine whether an item exists in the
collection, since if it does we will be able to locate it relative to the other items
in the collection (e.g. an entry for Smith will be after an entry for Roberts and
before an entry for Tierney if there are no entries between Roberts and
Tierney, this is no entry for Smith).
Microsofts help pages describe the SortedList class as like a hybrid between
HashTable and ArrayList. When an element is accessed using the Item() property, it is retrieved in the manner of a hash table. When accessed using the
GetByIndex() method, it is retrieved like an element of a sorted array. We can also
use the GetKey() method to retrieve the list of keys in sorted order. The following
Sub Main() (Listing 6.27) demonstrates the use of a sorted list for storing simple
Key/ Value string pairs.
Sub Main()
Dim sl As Collections.SortedList = _
New Collections.SortedList()
sl.Add("Charlie", "First Item")
sl.Add("Delta", "Second Item")
sl.Add("Alpha", "Third Item")
sl.Add("Echo", "Fourth Item")
sl.Add("Bravo", "Fifth Item")
Console.WriteLine("Using Item() hashtable access:")


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Console.WriteLine( _
"Using GetByIndex() sorted access:")
Dim index As Integer
For index = 0 To sl.Count 1
Console.WriteLine(sl.GetKey(index) & ": " _
& sl.GetByIndex(index))
End Sub
Listing 6.27: Using a SortedList

Like a HashTable or any other form of Dictionary collection, it is normal to use

a string as the Key and some other class of object as the Value of each entry. In the
above example, coding is fairly simple because we use strings for both parts and
Visual Basic knows how to deal with strings (sorting them into order and displaying
them). If we were to use an arbitrary class for the Value objects, we would not
expect to be able to display them so easily, and it would be more usual to use the
sorted list as a way of looking up Values in sort order to perform some operation on
or with them.
We might also wish to use some other class, not a string, as the Key part of entries.
In this case, we would need to provide an ICompare Interface and a CompareTo()
method as in Listing 6.9 to properly define the Key class. We will look again at this
issue in the next chapter. Binary Searches

There are a number of reasons why you might want to keep all of the elements in a
list sorted into some order (e.g. alphabetical order), but one of the most compelling
is that it is possible to use a very fast algorithm for searching for an item in the list.
A binary search is a divide-and-conquer algorithm, which works efficiently by
repeatedly splitting the list into two equal halves and discarding the half that obviously does not contain the sought item. Since the items in a sorted list are in strict
order or key, it is easy to determine which half cannot contain the item you are looking for, and therefore ignore it for the remainder of the search. In a way this is analogous to how you might look up a number in the phone book: open the book half
way, check which half the name you are looking up is in by comparing it with the
names at the part you have opened, and then repeat with the half that is left.
A binary search algorithm is built-in to the Array class and inherited by the
SortedList class so that you can perform fast look-ups. Since it is only possible
to do a binary search on a sorted list of items, care is required when using it with a
normal array (typically, use the Sort() method first and then BinarySearch). No
such care is necessary with a SortedList.
For a large list, a call to BinarySearch is not quite as fast as it would be if we
were looking up an entry in a HashTable, but since a HashTable does not provide
a way of retrieving the items in order, a BinarySearch on a SortedList is a good
compromise, giving us a useful combination of ordered data and fast retrieval.

6.3 Other Data Structures


6.3.5 Stacks and Queues

Stacks and Queues are data structures that require that items are added to and

removed from a specific end. Both are useful data structures for managing the
way that objects are dealt with when they cannot be processed immediately for
some reason. Queues
A Queue data structure is sometimes referred to as a first-in-first-out structure, as
this is descriptive of the way that items are added to and removed from it. The most
obvious analogy for a Queue structure is the real queue that you join to receive service at the bank or post office. Every (well mannered) person who joins the line of
customers attaches to the end of the queue, and customers leave the queue to get service only after all of the customers before them have left so that they are at the front.
In a bank or post office, if it is a quiet period there may be no queue, since if a
customer arrives and there is a free service window they can be served immediately.
During busy periods, customers arrive at intervals more quickly than they can be
served and in these circumstances a customer who arrives will join the queue, wait
until all of the queue members in front of them have been served, and then leave the
queue to get service. We can see from this that a queue is a good way of providing
fair access to a limited resource (e.g. a bank teller).
Microsoft Windows uses Queue data structures in several ways most notably
when dealing with user interactions. Consider the action of a Windows PC that is
running several application programs simultaneously. The first thing to be aware of
is that a normal PC cannot do more than one thing at once (you can spend a lot on a
multi-processor PC so that it can do more than one job at a time, but most peoples
needs would not justify this expense). When you see the computer apparently doing
two jobs simultaneously, you are in fact watching it switching so rapidly between
the two tasks that you cannot see the join.
Now think of what happens if you select some time-consuming task for your computer to do, such as saving a long text file, or redrawing a complex graphic. While it
is busy performing this lengthy task, it will probably appear to ignore your commands. For example, if you click on the Start button to start another program up, the
Start menu might not appear immediately. You will most likely notice that after
a delay (once it had completed the time-consuming task) the Start menu will pop
up. In fact, we are so used to this behaviour in Windows that we tend not to notice
unless the delay between initiating some action and the action occurring becomes
very long usually an indication that the computer is stressed.
When you clicked on the Start button, your command was not ignored, but simply placed into a queue until the PC could get round to it. Any other commands that
were in front of it in the queue would be processed before your mouse click, but you
can be quite sure that, failing crashes, Windows will get around to displaying the
Start menu eventually. Typically you will see this behaviour whenever you try to
access a printer, open a network drive or deal with some other slow media devices.
The Windows message queue is central to making a Windows computer usable.
It ensures that commands are processed fairly in the order that they were issued, and


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

ensures that user interactions are not simply ignored if the computer is currently
busy. We can use a short Visual Basic program to simulate this type of behaviour in
a few lines of code (see Listing 6.28).
Sub Main()
Dim q As Collections.Queue = New Collections.Queue()
Dim item As String
Dim command As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Queue size is {0}", q.Count)
Console.Write( _
"Select 1 to add, 2 to remove, 0 to quit:")
command = Console.ReadLine()
If command = 0 Then
Exit Do
ElseIf command = 1 Then
Console.Write("Enter item (a string): ")
item = Console.ReadLine()
ElseIf command = 2 Then
If q.Count > 0 Then
item = q.Dequeue()
Console.WriteLine("Removed item is:{0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Queue is empty")
End If
Console.WriteLine("Invlaid command.")
End If
End Sub
Listing 6.28: A simple queue simulation

In Listing 6.28, once the Queue object has been created, the user is simply given the
choices of adding an item to it, removing an item from it or quitting the application.
Adding items to the queue is a simple matter of executing the Enqueue() method,
which takes a single object as its parameter. If you add a few items in succession,
you will see that the queue size increases (the Count property indicates this).
When you select command 2 to remove an item, the item at the front of the
queue is removed and displayed, and you will see the queue size reduces by one
item. To ensure we do not try to remove an item from an empty queue, a simple
check that the queues Count property is greater than zero is made; this prevents the
program from crashing.
We can make use of a queue to deal with situations where it is impossible for a
program to keep up with the workload all of the time (although in many situations,
the built-in Windows queue will do this for us with no effort on our part). In
general, a queue is useful if the average workload a program has to do does not

6.3 Other Data Structures


overload the system, but occasional gluts have to be dealt with. Database transaction processing, web services and intensive graphics applications are all types of
programs that can benefit from the use of a queue to even out the processing load. Stacks
When you use the word stack in normal conversation, you are probably referring
to a pile of items one on top of the other, like a stack of pancakes. In computer terms,
a Stack is a first-in-last-out data structure; the normal use of the word reflects the
computer version provided we only consider removing one pancake at a time from
the stack (the first one on the plate will be the last one eaten).
A stack turns out to be a useful structure for dealing with interruptions in the processing of tasks. Imagine you are sitting at your desk working on a new Visual Basic
program, when a co-worker arrives to ask you to look over a file they have on a
floppy disk. To make sure you dont lose your place in the VB program, you could
write the line-number you are working at on a post-it note and stick it on your desk.
You then start work on loading and examining the floppy-disk file and have just got
part-way down the first page when an email arrives marked urgent. You quickly
jot down the page location of where you have reached on another sticky note and
place it on top of the first. You read the email, begin a reply and the phone rings
another sticky note with one or two words to remind you of your intended reply and
you answer the phone. When the phone conversation finishes, you can remove the
top sticky note, remind yourself of what you were writing and complete the reply.
Then you can remove the next sticky note, read it, discard it and go back to your colleagues file and finish checking it. Finally you pick up the bottom sticky note and
return to the indicated line of the VB program. You have used a stack of information (the sticky notes) to ensure you did not lose the place in any of the jobs that were
Computers are doing this all the time. When it is in the middle of a job and it has
to suspend it to go off and do a second job, it marks its place by adding status information that indicates where it was in the first job to a stack. That way, when it has
completed the second job it can get back to what it was doing by taking the status
info for the first off the top of the stack and resuming. If in the middle of the second
job, it had to go off to attend to some third task, it could quite safely place status
information about the second job on top of the status information about the first (on
the top of the stack) and go off to do this third task. It is always able to complete
every task that has been interrupted because the appropriate status information
remains on the stack until it is removed.
This type of behaviour is built-in to computer hardware, operating systems and
programming languages. For example, whenever a sub call is made in Visual Basic
(or most other programming languages), information that indicates which line of the
program is next to execute and the values of important variables is placed on the system stack so that when the sub call has completed, it can return to the point if left off.
It is less likely that you will make use of a stack very often in normal programs, although there are certain types of processing that can greatly benefit from
a Stack data structure. Among these are chess playing programs where in order
to evaluate a move, the computer has to look ahead several moves with a number


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

of alternative playing strategies a Stack structure is used to allow it to work

several moves ahead from one move option, rewind back and then do the same for
other move options. In this case, each move option will in turn create a range
of response moves, and these another set of move options, so a stack is an ideal
mechanism to allow the chess program to work its way through the options in a
systematic way.
Card-playing games can also make use of a Stack structure. For example, in
gin rummy discarded cards are left in a stack face up on the table. Cards can be
removed from this stack only from the top (where they are also added). A program
that played or simulated this game would almost certainly use a Stack structure.
Stacks are also useful for implementing various algorithms, such as the next program (Listing 6.29), that is used to reverse the order of words in a sentence.
Sub Main()
Dim s As Collections.Stack = New Collections.Stack()
Dim sentence As String
Dim words As Array
Dim word As String
Console.Write("Enter a short sentence: ")
sentence = Console.ReadLine()
words = sentence.Split(" ")
For Each word In words
Console.Write(s.Pop & " ")
Loop Until s.Count = 0
End Sub
Listing 6.29: A Stack example reversing a sentence

In Listing 6.29, the user is asked to enter a sentence which is then broken up into an
array of individual words (using the String.Split() method the parameter is
the character that will be used to indicate the positions in the string that it will
be broken at). Once the array of words has been created, each is added to a Stack
structure in turn. When we remove the items from the stack they are displayed, with
spaces re-added between them. Since the last word pushed on to the stack is the first
to be removed (popped) from it, we are displaying the sentence from the last word
to the first i.e. in reverse order.


Choosing Collections
As we have seen, Visual Basic and .NET between them provide a wide range of
methods for creating and working with multiple objects, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. This can initially make it difficult to decide which class
to choose when building an application that must deal with many items, although

6.4 Choosing Collections


Table 6.2 Data structure classes advantages and disadvantages

Collection Class




Simple, direct, fast

Need to allocate according to an

expected capacity reallocation is
time-consuming. Initially filled with null
references and so care is necessary
when accessing. No specific ordering.
Items can be located in a sorted array
using a binary search (fast)


Simple to use, capacity

managed automatically,
no initial null reference

No specific ordering. No method to

locate items apart from exhaustive

Custom Array

Tailored to a specific
class, so can be made
very easy to use. Can
provide any combination
of aggregate functions

A lot of work required to create data

structure before it can be used in a
program. May need to change
implementation if collected class is


Simple to add and retrieve

items fast for both

Items appear in random order. Need

enumerator to get access to all items


Simple to add and retrieve

items. Speed of
HashTable for retrieval.
Items can be retrieved in
specified order

Slow to insert items. May need to

define an ICompare interface for
complex keys


Can use arbitrarily

complex Value and Key

Need to inherit from

Stack or Queue Strict control of the order

items are added and

DictionaryBase class, so very

application specific
Normally used only where an algorithm

experience will soon simplify the selection process. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are summarized in Table 6.2.
Nicklaus Wirth, one of the godfathers of structured programming and a key force
in the development of modern object-oriented languages, wrote a book with the title
Programs = Algorithms + Data Structures. In this, he argued convincingly that the
selection of an appropriate data structure for a given purpose is one of the most
important decisions a programmer could make. Visual Basic .NET provides the programmer with a set of powerful pre-built data structures encapsulated as objects,
thereby making the use of data structures simple and robust. Hopefully the examples
in this chapter demonstrate the power and efficiency that a suitably chosen data
structure can give a program.
In the remaining chapters of this book, we will make extensive use of the data
structures provided by .NETs common type library, and, where necessary, devise a
few of our own.


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Review Questions

How many Integer elements can an array defined as Dim A(50) As Integer hold?


Which methods or properties of an array can be used to indicate its size and the index of the
last item?


When iterating through an array of reference objects using For..Each, what precaution is
necessary before calling a method of any of the objects? Why is this not necessary for an array
of value objects?


An array of Strings Dim A(5,5,5) As String needs to be re-dimensioned so that each

dimension has a value of 10. Is this possible using ReDim? Can the Preserve keyword be
used to preserve the current contents?


An array of Integers, Dates or Strings can be sorted into order using the Sort() method. What
must be added to a class so that an array of the class objects can be sorted in the same way?


List the advantages of using the ArrayList class instead of a simple array.


List the advantages and disadvantages of using the HashTable class for storing a list of data


List the properties and methods provided by an IEnumerator interface, and the additional
properties that the IDictionaryEnumerator interface provides.


Is it possible to access items from the middle of a Stack or Queue collection?

10. A program must manage a collection of customer records, with the provisos that an individual
customer record must be quickly retrievable by key (the customer number), but It must also be
possible to access the entire list of customers in order of customer number. Which is the most
appropriate data structure from the .NET collection classes for this purpose?

Practical Activities
The activities in this chapter will work through the complete development process
for a simple card game; 21 or Pontoon. Card games are good examples of real-world
systems that work well as object-oriented programs, since there are a number of
recognizable objects in a card game (Cards, Deck of Cards, Hand of Cards).
Before continuing with the development, we should clearly state the rules of a
game of 21 and figure out what needs to be done:

Game Description
In the game of 21, there is one dealer and at least one other player (we will
confine the game to a single player against the computer as the dealer). The dealer

Practical Activities


deals two cards from the deck to the player and him/herself. Cards count as their
face values (Ace can be 1 or 11, face cards 10), and the value of a hand is the sum
of the cards. The player then decides to either stick with the current hand or to ask
for extra cards (twist), one card at a time until either the hand is satisfactory or
bust, i.e. exceeding a value of 21. If the player is bust, the dealer wins by default.
The minimum a player can stick with is 16.
The dealer must equal or beat a players hand to win, and can take extra cards one
at a time until the players hand is beaten or the dealers hand is bust. If a player
has an initial (2 card) hand of 21 (or Pontoon), the dealer can only win by also
scoring 21 with 2 cards.

We can analyse these rules to determine the objects that will be needed in the program. Picking out the significant nouns:
Dealer, Player, Cards, Deck, FaceValues, Ace, FaceCards, Value (of a hand),
Sum (of cards), Hand
Of these, once we remove plurals and synonyms, we can identify several obvious
objects (Dealer, Player, Card, Deck, Hand), several items that will be properties of
objects (Value of Hand, Sum of Hand), and some that will be simply different values or properties of existing objects (FaceValues, FaceCards). We can also identify
that the Dealer and Player both identify specific Hands (a Dealers Hand and a
Players Hand). The set of classes will therefore be required to represent Cards,
a Deck of cards and Hands of cards. Also, a Deck of cards can expect to be sent
a message asking for a card to be dealt, and a Hand can expect to have to deal
with being dealt a new card. Finally, it might be as well to rename the Hand
class to PontoonHand, since we might eventually want to add PokerHand,
GinRummyHand, etc. The class relationships are shown in Figure A6.1.
Mediating between objects of these classes will be Sub Main() of the Console
application, in response to the users commands. The details of this will need to be
worked out as we decide on the details of the main algorithm for running a game
(which is dictated by the initial game description). For example, a main interaction
within a game will be for the CardDeck to deal a Card to a PontoonHand. Since

Figure A6.1

The class relationships between Card, Deck and PontoonHand


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Figure A6.2

Dealing a card from CardDeck to PontoonHand involves two messages

this interaction will be coded in outwith either class, we will need to depict it as
two individual interactions, as in Figure A6.2 (even though the final operation will
probably end up as a single statement).
The individual workings of each class must be worked out fully. We can reason
out these as follows:

Card Class
A Card must store its value in some way. The most efficient way to do this is to store
a single number (from 1 to 52) indicating the card. We can arbitrarily decide which
number represents which card, so 1 to 13 could be Hearts, 14 to 26 could be Clubs,
27 to 39 could be Diamonds and 40 to 52 Spades (a range of 13 values per suit). This
will make it easy to assign a value to a card, but more difficult to determine its suit,
face value (e.g. Ace) or numerical value (e.g. 10 for a Queen). Even so, these calculations are likely to be simple. The Card class interface is as shown in Table A6.1.
Table A6.1

Card Class Properties and Methods



New (number)

Create a card (number 1 to 52 indicates

the card)

Suit (read-only property): String

The suit of a card (e.g. Hearts)

FaceValue (read-only property): String

Name of card rank (e.g. Ace, 6, King)

Face (read-only property): String

Full name of card (e.g. Ace of Clubs)

Value (read-only property): Integer

Worth of a card (e.g. 1 for ace)

AceHigh (read/write property): Boolean

This indicates whether the value of an Ace

(if the card is an Ace) is 1 or 11. It will modify
the result from the Value method

DeckOfCards class
In this class we need to represent a variable number of cards (from 0 to 52), depending on its state (it has just been shuffled or all of the cards have been dealt). In a deck
of cards, we need to keep track of the remaining cards (those that have not been
dealt) and the next card to be dealt. We must be able to set up a new deck (New),
randomize the order of the cards (Shuffle) and Deal a card from the top of the deck.
This is shown in Table A6.2.

Practical Activities


Table A6.2 DeckOfCards Class Properties and Methods




Create a deck

Shuffle (method)

Randomly mix up the deck of cards

Deal (method/function): Card

Return a card reference from the deck

CardsLeft (method/function): Integer

The number of cards remaining in the deck

PontoonHand class
This class must hold cards that have been assigned to it and be able to calculate their
worth. Additionally, it should be able to determine whether a hand is bust (value
exceeds 21), allowing for Aces in its collection of cards. See Table A6.3.
Table A6.3 PontoonHand Class Properties and Methods




Create a new hand

Count (read-only property): integer

Indicates how many cards in the hand

NewCard (read/write property): card

This can be a read/write property that will

either accept a new card dealt to the hand,
or return a reference to the last card dealt

HandValue (method/function): integer

This should indicate the value of the hand

according to the rules of 21/Pontoon

CheckBust (method/function): boolean

This is probably the most important function

of the class, since it will determine if the hand
value exceeds 21, and we can write it to take
account of and even adjust the AceHigh
property of individual cards to maximize the
hands value

HandView (method/function): string

This will return a text listing of the cards in

the hand, and will simplify the task of
displaying a hand on the screen

There is a large number of read-only properties among these classes. Since a readonly property is identical in the way that it works to a function, it is easier to define
these as functions and will involve less space on the page and less typing.

Activity 1: The Card class

Having fully analysed the game and the classes involved, we can now get on with
the task of coding it. The Card class is quite simple, although we need to exercise
some care in the definition of the methods which evaluate the face value and suit of
a card from its number.


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Create a new console project, give it the name CardGame, and change the name
of the projects module to CardGame. Now add the class code given in Listing A6.1
to the module (above the outline for Sub Main().
Class Card
'First the member variables to store the card...
Private mvarNumber As Integer
'...and whether an Ace is 1 or 11 in value...
Public AceHigh As Boolean
'Creating a new card from its number...
Public Sub New(ByVal number As Integer)
mvarNumber = number
AceHigh = True
'Note, initially Ace is 11
End Sub
'Work out its Suit from its number...
Public Function Suit() As String
Select Case mvarNumber
Case 1 To 13
Return "Hearts"
Case 14 To 26
Return "Clubs"
Case 27 To 39
Return "Diamonds"
Case 40 To 52
Return "Spades"
Case Else
Return "ERROR"
End Select
End Function
'Within a suit, what number is this card (1 to 13)...
Public Function CardNumber() As Integer
Dim cardNo As Integer = mvarNumber
'Reduce this number into a range of 1 to 13
'to get the number of the card within a suit...
Do While cardNo > 13
cardNo -= 13
Return cardNo
End Function
'What type of card is it...
Public Function FaceValue() As String
'What is the card's Face within a suit...
Select Case CardNumber()
Case 1
Return "Ace"
Case 2 To 10
Return CardNumber.ToString()
Case 11
Return "Jack"
Case 12
Return "Queen"

Practical Activities


Case 13
Return "King"
Case Else
Return "ERROR"
End Select
End Function
'How much is it worth...
Public Function Value() As Integer
'What is this card worth...
Select Case CardNumber()
Case 1 'Note, depends on AceHigh property...
If AceHigh Then
Return 11
Return 1
End If
Case 2 To 10
Return CardNumber()
Case 11, 12, 13
Return 10
End Select
End Function
'How would we print it on screen...
Public Function Face() As String
'Full description of the card
'(e.g. Queen of Hearts)...
Return FaceValue() & " of " & Suit()
End Function
End Class
Listing A6.1: The Card class

Now we have a Card class that we can incorporate into the CardDeck and
PontoonHand classes. Before going on to create these classes, it is very worthwhile
writing a little code to check whether the class behaves as we expect. Add the code
given in Listing A6.2 to Sub Main() in the module.
Sub Main()
Dim C As New Card(1)
End Sub
Listing A6.2: A simple test of the Card class

The code in Listing A6.2 should produce the output given in Figure A6.3. on the
It would be worthwhile changing the number passed to the Card constructor
(any value between 1 and 52) and running the test several times, to make sure that
various cards are depicted properly.


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Figure A6.3 The output from a simple test of the Card class

Exercise A6.1

Write code in Sub Main() to create new cards with values 1 to 52 in a loop,
calling the Face() method of each.

Activity 2: The DeckOfCards class

A deck is a simple collection of cards. We could use any of the Collection classes
available in .NET for this, but since we know that there will be a maximum of 52
cards, an array seems ideal. A lot of the hard work has been done in the Card class,
so the DeckOfCards class can take advantage of this. Apart from creating a whole
set of new cards (the numbers 1 to 52 will produce 52 unique cards in the deck), we
need to keep track of how many have been dealt, randomize their order and provide
a way of dealing them. Note that the array is designated as mvarDeck(52) As
Card, meaning there will be 53 cards in total. Partly, this is because it is easier to
think how to deal with cards numbered 1 to 52. However, the spare (0) card will
come in handy in the Shuffle() routine. Listing A6.3 shows the DeckOfCards
Class DeckOfCards
'A deck of 52 cards...
Private mvarDeck(52) As Card
'And how far through it has been dealt...
Private mvarTopCard As Integer
'Set up 52 new cards in order...
Public Sub New()
Dim no As Integer
For no = 1 To 52 'Ignore card 0.
mvarDeck(no) = New Card(no)
mvarTopCard = 0
End Sub
'Randomize the cards...
Public Sub Shuffle()
'The most efficient method is to swap each card
'with a randomly selected one. Therefore all cards
'are in a random location...
Dim no As Integer 'Card we are swapping
Dim swp As Integer 'Card we swap it with

Practical Activities


'A random number generator...

Dim rand As New System.Random()
For no = 1 To 52
'This generates a random number and reduces it
'to the range (0 to 51) + 1 (i.e. 1 to 52)...
swp = rand.Next() Mod 52 + 1
'Now swap them around...
mvarDeck(0) = mvarDeck(no)
mvarDeck(no) = mvarDeck(swp)
mvarDeck(swp) = mvarDeck(0)
'Having just shuffled, we start dealing from the
mvarTopCard = 0
End Sub
'Deal one card...
Public Function Deal() As Card
mvarTopCard += 1
If mvarTopCard <= 52 Then
Return mvarDeck(mvarTopCard)
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Function CardsLeft() As Integer
Return 52 mvarTopCard
End Function
End Class
Listing A6.3: The DeckOfCards class

Have a good look at the Shuffle() routine and make sure you follow it. You
might have thought a suitable algorithm would have been simply to assign cards
randomly to each slot in the Deck array. However, doing this would then involve
checking all of the cards already in the deck before assigning a new one to make sure
there were no duplicates. This would be easy enough for the first few cards, but
as the deck became full, there would be an increasing chance of assigning a card
that was already in the deck and more and more tries to add a card would have
to be made before a suitable random card (number from 1 to 52) was found.
Instead, the Shuffle() method used does more or less what a human shuffling a
deck of cards would do, by swapping the locations of cards already in the deck.
Were making good use of the unused card at position 0 in the array, since swapping
two objects between two reference variables always requires a third reference variable to use as a temporary store (see the code after the Now swap them round . . .
Again, this class ought to be tested before we use it. Two tests seem relevant. The
first will simply create a deck of cards and display them in order (Listing A6.4). The
second will create a deck, shuffle them and display the result (Figure A6.4).


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Figure A6.4

Results of testing the DeckOfCards class

Sub Main()
Dim D As New DeckOfCards()
Dim C As Card
Do While D.CardsLeft > 0
C = D.Deal()
End Sub
Listing A6.4: The first test of the DeckOfCards in order
Exercise A6.2

Listing A6.4 is a simple test of the DeckOfCards class that creates a deck of
cards and then deals cards (into the Card reference variable, C) until there are
none left. To complete testing on it, the Shuffle() method should be checked
out. Amend the code in Listing A6.4 so that the Shuffle() method is called
before any cards are dealt and re-test the class. You should expect to see the list
of cards in a random order as the result of this test.

Now that we have Card and DeckOfCards classes, the final class we need is one to
represent a hand of cards.

Activity 3: The PontoonHand class

The purpose of this class will be to house a collection of cards and collate their
information to provide collective properties for them. The PontoonHand class
(Listing A6.5) is responsible for creating a collection to house individual cards,
knowing how many cards are currently in the hand and their total value, accepting
new cards dealt to it, being able to check whether hand value exceeds 21 (taking
account of the value of aces which may be 1 or 11), and returning a text description
of the entire collection of cards.
Class PontoonHand
'Hand for Pontoon/21/Blackjack...
Private mvarCards As ArrayList

Practical Activities


'Set up a list to hold the cards...

Public Sub New()
mvarCards = New ArrayList(5)
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer
Return mvarCards.Count
End Get
End Property
'Assign a card/return the most recent dealt...
Public Property NewCard() As Card
Return mvarCards(mvarCards.Count 1)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Card)
End Set
End Property
'What is this hand worth...
Public Function HandValue() As Integer
Dim v As Integer = 0, c As Card
For Each c In mvarCards
v += c.Value
Return v
End Function
'The whole hand as a string...
Public Function HandView() As String
Dim S As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim c As Card
For Each c In mvarCards
S.Append(c.Face & Environment.NewLine)
S.Append("Total hand value is : ")
Return S.ToString()
End Function
'Check if hand value > 21, and if so, check
'for Ace-high cards whose value can be reduced...
Public Function CheckBust() As Boolean
If HandValue() > 21 Then
'Check for aces that can be set to low...
Dim c As Card
For Each c In mvarCards
If c.FaceValue = "Ace" And c.AceHigh Then
c.AceHigh = False
Exit For
End If
'Need to check value again...
If HandValue() > 21 Then


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Return True
Return False
End If
End If
End Function
End Class
Listing A6.5: The PontoonHand class

Again, we should test this class before we go on to deploy it in a game. Once we create a hand, a suitable set of tests will be to add cards to it, checking on the count and
value of the cards as we go and whether the hand is bust. We can also display the
hand after each card is dealt. This is shown in Listing A6.6 and Figure A6.5.
Sub Main()
Dim D As DeckOfCards
Dim H As PontoonHand
D = New DeckOfCards()
H = New PontoonHand()
H.NewCard = D.Deal()
Loop Until H.CheckBust()
End Sub
Listing A6.6: Testing the PontoonHand class

Figure A6.5 Testing the PontoonHand class note how CheckBust() has reduced
the value of the Ace in the hand (immediately after the dealing of the 10 of Hearts)

Practical Activities

Exercise A6.3


The current test code for the PontoonHand class adds cards to the hand until
the CheckBust() method returns True; i.e. the hand value exceeds 21. The
rules of 21 state that a player may stop adding cards to the hand once it reaches
or exceeds a value of 16. Amend the exit condition of the Do..Loop in Listing
A6.6 so that the hand test follows this rule; i.e. keep adding cards until the hand
value is 16 or over. Run this test a few times so that you see the result of hands
that are bust and hands that are not.

Activity 4: Playing the game

In this final activity, we will add the code to play a game of 21. A game will involve
two hands, the player and the dealer, and will play by the standard rules: the player
and dealer are both dealt two cards, the player then accepts his/her hand as it is or
takes additional cards until either satisfied or bust. If the players hand is bust,
the dealer wins. If not, the dealer must take cards until the player is beaten or the
dealers hand is bust.
The logic of this game will not require a special class but can be implemented in
a single sub, which we can call Game(). The logic for a game is a little more complex than the logic within the classes, so well go through this a bit at a time.

1. Starting a game
To play a game of 21, we need a DeckOfCards, two PontoonHands and a variable
for collecting the users response from the keyboard since the user will need to
indicate whether or not another card is required. Once the DeckOfCards and
PontoonHand objects have been created, we need to shuffle the deck before beginning the game. The code in Listing A6.7 does this.
Sub Game()
Dim Deck As New DeckOfCards()
Dim Response As Char
Dim Player As PontoonHand = New PontoonHand()
Dim Dealer As PontoonHand = New PontoonHand()
'More code...
End Sub
Listing A6.7: The variables needed to play a game

The next step (Listing A6.8) is to deal two cards to each hand.
Sub Game()
'Existing code...
Player.NewCard = Deck.Deal()


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Dealer.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
Player.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
Dealer.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
'More code...
End Sub
Listing A6.8: Dealing the initial hands

2. The Players game

Before we can go any further, the player needs to see their hand and can then decide
whether to stay with the hand or take another card. Since this step can repeat as
the player takes several other cards, the process should be placed in a loop (Listing A6.9).
Sub Game()
'Existing code...
'Display the hand...
Console.WriteLine("Player's Hand")
'Get player's response...
If Player.HandValue < 21 Then
Console.WriteLine("Twist (T) or Stay (S): ")
Response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower
End If
If Response = "t" Then
'Deal the player's second card...
Player.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
End If
Loop Until Response = "s" Or Player.HandValue >= 21
'More code...
End Sub
Listing A6.9: Allowing the user to collect extra cards

Note that there are two possible exit conditions from this loop. Either the player
has decided not to take any more cards (by pressing s) or the players hand has
a value of 21 (with which the player can win) or over (in which case the player
will lose).

3. Playing the Dealers game

The dealers game is simpler than that of the hand played against it. For a start, if
the other hand value exceeds 21, the dealer wins by default. If the other player has

Practical Activities


a hand that is not bust, the dealer has no choice but to beat this hands value either
with the initial two cards or by adding cards. There is no benefit to adding cards
to the dealers hand once it beats the other players, so a simple loop can add
cards to the dealers hand until either the dealer wins or is bust. Once the dealers
hand has been played, the evaluation for which hand has won is a simple one
(Listing A6.10).
Sub Game()
'Existing code...
'Now play the dealer's hand...
If Player.HandValue > 21 Then
Console.WriteLine("Player is bust Dealer wins.")
Do Until Dealer.HandValue > Player.HandValue _
Or Dealer.CheckBust()
Dealer.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
Console.WriteLine("Dealer's hand")
If Player.HandValue > Dealer.HandValue _
Or Dealer.HandValue > 21 Then
Console.WriteLine("Player wins.")
Console.WriteLine("Dealer wins.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Listing A6.10: Playing the dealers hand and checking which hand has won

4. Final touches
The final step in this program is to call the Game() subroutine from Sub Main().
Testing can be accomplished at this stage by running the game and ensuring that the
play matches the rules of 21 as stated. This final listing (Listing A6.11) is simply a
repeat of all of Sub Game() in one place, and the Sub Main() that calls it.
Sub Game()
Dim Deck As New DeckOfCards()
Dim Response As Char
Dim Player As PontoonHand = New PontoonHand()
Dim Dealer As PontoonHand = New PontoonHand()
'Deal player and dealer two cards...
Player.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
Dealer.NewCard = Deck.Deal()


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Player.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
Dealer.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
'Display the hand...
Console.WriteLine("Player's Hand")
'Get player's response...
If Player.HandValue < 21 Then
Console.WriteLine("Twist (T) or Stay (S): ")
Response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower
End If
If Response = "t" Then
'Deal the player's second card...
Player.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
End If
Loop Until Response = "s" Or Player.HandValue >= 21
'Now play the dealer's hand...
If Player.HandValue > 21 Then
Console.WriteLine("Player is bust Dealer wins.")
Do Until Dealer.HandValue > Player.HandValue _
Or Dealer.CheckBust()
Dealer.NewCard = Deck.Deal()
Console.WriteLine("Dealer's hand")
If Player.HandValue > Dealer.HandValue _
Or Dealer.HandValue > 21 Then
Console.WriteLine("Player wins.")
Console.WriteLine("Dealer wins.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
Listing A6.11: The complete Game() routine

Features worth remembering


The structure of the 21 game relies on using appropriate ways of collecting

objects as necessary. An array of 52 cards makes sense since there are 52 cards
in a deck, but in other situations it might be better to use a more flexible structure
such as ArrayList

Solutions to Exercises


The .NET classes provide simple ways for storing a lot of objects or data values
collectively and retrieving them
While there is a lot of code in this program, breaking it down into easily recognized objects has been central to making it understandable (and was necessary to
make it possible to write in the first place). The implementation required a good
design to work with.

Suggested Additional Activities

1. The program as it stands plays a single game of 21. To play another game, the
program must be re-run. Add a structure to allow the user to choose whether to
play another game or not. This will involve a loop of some sort (probably a
Do..Loop) and some way of asking the user whether or not to play again and
collecting a response.
2. Other card games can be coded using the same Card and Deck classes.
Provided you know the rules, there should be no more difficulty to creating a
PokerHand class, a GinRummyHand class or others. The game rules in each
case will be different (and possibly more difficult). Try creating a card game of
your own choice.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercises 6.1

1. a)

Entries in the phone book are sorted into alphabetical order (using
surname, then first names, then address). This means we can always
work out whether a number being sought is before or after any entry
we look at, and can search accordingly.
b) Because the entries are in strict order, it is not possible to simply add
a new entry at the end. Instead, a new entry has to be added at the
correct place for the ordering, and this may involve moving all of the
entries after it.
2. Firstly, you probably do not have a unique name (very few people do even
with a weird name like McMonnies you will find a good few of them
around the world). Since when you add money to your bank account, you
want to be sure it will go into your account and not that of someone with
the same name as you, an account number is essential. Secondly, if banking/insurance records are stored in order of account/policy number, having
control of the numbering system can make it easy to ensure that records are
in order without having to do a potentially disruptive insert of a new record
between two existing ones. Every new record get the next number in the


Exercises 6.2

Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Dim MonthNames() As String = {"January", "February", _
"March", "April", "May", "June", "July", _
"August", "September", "November", "December"}

Dim month As Integer
For month = 0 To 11

Dim month As String
For Each month In MonthNames

Dim MonthLengths() As Integer = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, _
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}

Exercise 6.3

Private Occupants(1, 3) As String


Either add initialisation code . . .

Occupants(0, 0) = "Bloggs"
Occupants(0,1) = "Jones"
Occupants(0,2) = "Smith"
Occupants(0,3) = "Jackson"
Occupants(1,0) = "Green"
Occupants(1,1) = "Brown"
Occupants(1,2) = "Black"
Occupants(1,3) = "White"

or change the declaration to . . .

Private Occupants(,) As String = _
{{"Bloggs", "Jones", "Smith", "Jackson"}, _
{"Green", "Brown", "Black", "White"}}

Sub DisplayOccupants()
Dim floor, room As Integer
For floor = 0 To 1

Solutions to Exercises


For room = 0 To 3
Console.WriteLine("Floor{0}, Room{1}:{2}", _
floor, room, Occupants(floor, room))
End Sub

Exercise 6.4


This is very similar to the code to display all occupants, but an If..Then
statement ensures that only a matching name is displayed, and the Exit
Sub saves continuing through the entire array:
Fub LookUpOccupant(ByVal Name As String)
Dim floor, room As Integer
For floor = 0 To 1
For room = 0 To 3
If Occupants(floor, room) = Name Then
Room{1}:{2}", _
floor, room, Occupants(floor, room))
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub


Additionally, could add check code to ensure a valid room and floor
number (using If..Then structures):
Function GetOccupant(ByVal floor As Integer, _
ByVal room As Integer) As String
Return Occupants(floor, room)
End Sub

Exercise 6.5

Class Employee
Private mvarName As String
Private mvarPhoneNumber As Integer
Public Property Name() As String
Return mvarName
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mvarName = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property PhoneNumber() As Integer


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Return mvarPhoneNumber
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
mvarPhoneNumber = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal n As String, ByVal p As Integer)
mvarName = n
mvarPhoneNumber = p
End Sub
End Class


Either we need a lot of initialization code, or . . .

= {{New


Employees(,) As Employee
Employee("Smith", 1234), _
Employee("Bloggs", 2345), _
Employee("Jackson", 3456), _
Employee("Jones", 4567)}, _
Employee("Green", 9876),_
Employee("Brown", 8765), _
Employee("Black", 7654), _
Employee("White", 5432)}}

Note, 0 is returned if the employee is not found.

Function LookUpEmployee(ByVal Name As String) As Integer
Dim floor, room As Integer
For floor = 0 To 1
For room = 0 To 3
If Employees(floor, room).Name = Name Then
Return Employees(floor, room).PhoneNumber
End If
Return 0
End Function


Note need to pass floor and room variables ByRef (since they are output
variables). Also, the values of floor and room are set to 1 if the employee
name cannot be found. Otherwise we could conclude that the non-existent
employee was in room 0 on floor 0.
Sub LocateEmployee(ByVal Name As String, _
ByRef floor As Integer, _
ByRef room As Integer)
For floor = 0 To 1
For room = 0 To 3

Solutions to Exercises


If Employees(floor, room).Name = Name Then

Exit Sub
End If
floor = 1
room = 1
End Sub

Exercise 6.6


First the modified class code note that all properties are read-only (saves
space here) and that Floor and Room are also properties now:
Class Employee
Private mvarName As String
Private mvarPhoneNumber As Integer
Private mvarFloor As Integer
Private mvarRoom As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Return mvarName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property PhoneNumber() As Integer
Return mvarPhoneNumber
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Floor() As Integer
Return mvarFloor
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Room() As Integer
Return mvarRoom
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal n As String, ByVal p As
Integer, _
ByVal f As Integer, ByVal r As
mvarName = n
mvarPhoneNumber = p
mvarFloor = f
mvarRoom = r
End Sub
End Class


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures


An ArrayList of these is easy to declare but cannot be initialized in line:

Private EmployeeList As New ArrayList


Now the modified look up functions (much easier):

Function LookUpPhone(ByVal Name As String) As Integer
Dim E As Employee
For Each E In EmployeeList
If E.Name = Name Then
Return E.PhoneNumber
End If
End Function
Function LookUpFloor(ByVal name As String) As Integer
Dim E As Employee
For Each E In EmployeeList
If E.Name = name Then
Return E.Floor
End If
End Function

And similar code for LookUpRoom().


Finally, the AddEmployee function Ive made this return a Boolean to

make sure a new employee is not assigned to a room, floor or phone number that is already occupied:
Public Function AddEmployee(ByVal

Name As String, _
Tel As Integer, _
Flr As Integer, _
Rm As Integer) _
As Boolean

Dim E As Employee
For Each E In EmployeeList
If E.PhoneNumber = Tel Or _
E.Floor = Flr Or _
E.Room = rm Then
Return False
End If
E = New Employee(Name, Tel, Flr, Rm)
End Function

Testing this class and associated functions in Sub Main() is left as an exercise.

Solutions to Exercises

Exercise 6.7



A HashTable includes an automatic look-up method, and so there is no

need to write code to search through a list. The ContainsKey() method
will tell us whether an item exists in the HashTable, and the Item()
property will return an item with a specified key.


First, the redefined Student class:

Public Class Student
Private mvarName As String
Private mvarMark As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property Name()
Return mvarName
End Get
End Property
Public Property Mark()
Return mvarMark
End Get
Set(ByVal Value)
mvarMark = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal Mark As Integer)
mvarName = Name
mvarMark = Mark
End Sub
Public Sub Report()
Console.WriteLine("Student: {0} Mark:{1}", _
mvarName, mvarMark)
End Sub
Public Function Key() As String
Return Name
End Function
End Class

And now, the HashTable class:

Public Class StudentTable
Private Table As Collections.Hashtable
Private ClassSize As Integer
Public Function AddStudent(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal mark As Integer) As Boolean


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

If Table.ContainsKey(name) Then
Return False ' The name was already in the
Dim S As New Student(name, mark)
Table.Add(S.Key, S)
Return True
End If
End Function
Public Function GetMark(ByVal name As String) _
As Integer
If Table.ContainsKey(name) Then
Dim S As Student
S = CType(Table(name), Student)
Return S.Mark
Return 1
End If
End Function
Public Function AverageMark() As Single
Dim s As Student, k As String
Dim sum As Integer = 0, count As Integer = 0
If ClassSize > 0 Then 'Check there are marks.
For Each k In Table.Keys
s = Table.Item(k)
sum += s.Mark
count += 1
Return sum / ClassSize
Return 0 'Saves a divide by zero.
End If
End Function

Function MaxStudent() As Student

s As Student, k As String
index As Integer, max As Integer
= 0 'This is our first guess.
Each k In Table.Keys
s = Table.Item(k)
If s.Mark > max Then
MaxStudent = s
End If
'Note no need for a Return here, as MaxStudent
'(the function name) will implicitly be returned
End Function

Solutions to Exercises



Function MinStudent() As Student

s As Student, k As String
index As Integer, min As Integer
= 0
Each k In Table.Keys
s = Table.Item(k)
If s.Mark < min Then
MinStudent = s
End If
'Note no need for a Return here, as MinStudent
'(the function name) will implicitly be returned
End Function
End Class

Note that there is now no possibility of obtaining a sorted list (sorting a

HashTable is like herding cats i.e. it is not possible).

Exercise 6.8

Best approach for this is to expose the Table member of the StudentTable
class, so that an enumerator can be obtained from it and allowed to work on it.

Change the declaration of the Table member to:

Public Table As Collections.Hashtable


Use the enumerator as for any HashTable, from a sub:

Public Sub ListStudents(ByVal ST As StudentTable)
Dim en As Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator = _
Do While en.MoveNext()
Dim S As Student = en.Value
End Sub

Note that this sub uses a parameter of type StudentTable (our encapsulated

Exercise A6.1

Sub Main()
Dim C As Card
Dim index As Integer
For index = 1 To 52
C = New Card(index)
End Sub


Chapter 6 n Data and Object Structures

Exercise A6.2

Exercise A6.3

Sub Main()
Dim D As New DeckOfCards()
Dim C As Card
Do While D.CardsLeft > 0
C = D.Deal()
End Sub

Sub Main()
Dim D As DeckOfCards
Dim H As PontoonHand
D = New DeckOfCards()
H = New PontoonHand()
H.NewCard = D.Deal()
Loop Until H.HandValue() >= 16
End Sub

Answers to Review Questions


How many Integer elements can an array defined as Dim A(50) As Integer hold? 51,
because A(0) is also a valid element.


Which methods or properties of an array can be used to indicate its size and the index of the
last item? Length() indicates the number of array elements, while GetUpperBound(0)
will return the maximum index value of the zero (or only) dimension of the array.


When iterating through an array of reference objects using For..Each, what precaution is
necessary before calling a method of any of the objects? Why is this not necessary for an array
of value objects? It is necessary to check that the object actually exists, since any element
could be a reference variable with no object assigned to it. A suitable check is "If Not
<Element> Is Nothing Then". This check is not necessary for arrays of value
elements because a value element always exists.


An array of Strings Dim A(5,5,5) As String needs to be re-dimensioned so that each

dimension has a value of 10. Is this possible using ReDim? Can the Preserve keyword be

Answers to Review Questions


used to preserve the current contents? Yes, it can be redimensioned to the new size. No,
Preserve cannot be used if any other than the last dimension is being changed.

An array of integers, dates or strings can be sorted into order using the Sort() method. What
must be added to a class so that an array of the class objects can be sorted in the same way?
The class must implement the IComparable interface.


List the advantages of using the ArrayList class instead of a simple array. No need to
specify a maximum number of elements, supports enumerators, it is possible to add
a group of items in a single call, no need to worry about Nothing references when
using For..Each, has a Contains() method to determine if an object already exists
in the list.


List the advantages and disadvantages of using the HashTable class for storing a list of data
records. ADV: Fast access to objects. Ability to check for the existence of an object. Can
use an enumerator. Can use For..Each on the Keys property. DISADV: Cannot be
sorted cannot retrieve objects in any order. Need to use an enumerator to access all
objects directly.


List the properties and methods provided by an IEnumerator interface, and the additional
properties that the IDictionaryEnumerator interface provides. IEnumerator
provides Current property and MoveNext() and Reset() methods.
IDictionaryEnumerator also provies Entry, Key and Value properties to access
elements directly.


Is it possible to access items from the middle of a Stack or Queue collection? No.

10. A program must manage a collection of customer records, with the provisos that an individual
customer record must be quickly retrievable by key (the customer number), but It must also be
possible to access the entire list of customers in order of customer number. Which is the most
appropriate data structure from the .NET collection classes for this purpose? A SortedList
will provide access to items both in a predefined order and directly by key.


Inheritance and

In this chapter you will learn:


the nature of inheritance in programming;

what inheritance can do for your programs;

the differences between code and interface inheritance;

how you can make classes interchangeable, and how this facility can be put to good use.


Inheritance in Visual Basic

To many programmers, inheritance is the be-all and end-all of object oriented programming, almost as if encapsulation was some way-point on the route to the holy
grail of inheritance. Those programmers would certainly have been disappointed
by, and even disparaging about, earlier releases of Visual Basic. Visual Basic, up to
version 6.0, did not do inheritance.
Or did it? Recall back in Chapter 2, where the various ways that objects could be
related to or interact with other objects, that two types of inheritance were described.
Code inheritance, known simply as inheritance by many programmers, is a facility
which allows you to take an existing class and base a new one on it. All of the properties and methods in the existing class automatically became properties of the new
class, and any changes between the existing and new class were all that it would
be necessary to write code for. Interface inheritance, on the other hand, is a way of
defining a set of properties and methods that any class that implements the interface
must provide versions of. Interface inheritance is like a standard contract that any
subscribers (the implementing classes) must adhere to so that they are acceptable
(to the VB Compiler), but every class must provide a complete implementation of
the code behind the interface.
Visual Basic .NET allows both types of inheritance, but earlier versions of VB
(from V5.0 on) supported interface inheritance. As a result, this made Visual Basic
5.0 and 6.0 capable of creating COM components (COM Component Object
Model, Microsofts prior standard for component-based software). COM was the
software-bus technology that made Microsoft office components like Word and
Excel automatable, and was widely used not only by Microsoft, but by other applications developers to enable the creation of medium and large-scale applications that

7.1 Inheritance in Visual Basic


supported automation, inter-operation of separately developed sub-systems and distributed systems (i.e. systems which are installed and operate across a range of
nodes in a networked environment). Until the upgrade in Visual Basic 5.0 that added
interface inheritance, you needed a black-belt in C++ programming to create COM
components. Visual Basic 5.0 brought this capability to a large number of ordinary
programmers and started an explosion of software functionality for Windows-based
systems that continues today.
Compared to code inheritance as provided in VB .NET, the interface inheritance
provided by earlier versions of VB was more effort to implement and did not allow
you to take easy advantage of work you had already done in classes you had already
created. It did provide a way of creating classes that were able to communicate
in a pre-defined way with other code, and as a consequence of this, allowed VB to
be used to create COM components. Code inheritance has not replaced interface
inheritance in Visual Basic; it is simply a new way of doing things that can in some
circumstances save a lot of development effort.

7.1.1 Inheritance, Extension, Specialization

The name inheritance covers a range of tightly related facilities in programming:
inheritance, extension and specialization. These names describe very distinctive features that just happen to go together well in object-oriented programming. Inheritance
Inheritance itself is a facility that allows you to take an existing class and use it as
the basis of a new class. The name is used to suggest an analogy with genetics: you
inherit certain physical and mental characteristics from your parents, such as the
colour of your eyes or hair, your height and your facility for mathematics, music or
juggling (Im not going to get involved in the nature vs nurture argument here, so if
youre not a believer in the ability to inherit some intellectual capabilities, it is best
to just accept the analogy for what it is).
The analogy with genetic inheritance is not ideal, because genetically you inherit
traits from both your parents, rather than just one of them. This is DNAs method for
keeping the population of the world diverse. If you did inherit from a single parent,
there would be no genetic melting-pot, and you would be more like a clone than an
offspring. In fact this is closer to how inheritance in programming works: a class that
inherits from an existing class gets one of everything that existing class has to offer.
Take the example of the BankAccount class used in several earlier chapters.
Listing 7.1 is an outline definition of a similar class (a constructor, Sub New(), has
been added to the BankAccount code from Chapter 5):
Public Class BankAccount
Public AccountName As String
Public OverdraftAvailable As Boolean
Private AgreedOverdraftAmount As Decimal
Private Balance As Decimal


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Public Sub New()

End Sub
Public Sub Deposit(ByVal Amount As Decimal)

End Sub
Public Sub SetOverdraft(ByVal Amount As Decimal)

End Sub
Public Function Withdraw(ByVal Amount As Decimal) _
As Boolean

End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentBalance() As Decimal

End Property
End Class
Listing 7.1: The BankAccount class defined in Chapter 5

This class is very similar to the one developed in Chapter 5, although a constructor (Sub New()) has been added as a prerequisite for inheritance. We can define a
new class, based on the BankAccount class, as shown in Listing 7.2.
Public Class NewAccount
Inherits BankAccount
End Class
Listing 7.2: Inheriting from BankAccount

Surely, you must be thinking, thats not all there is to it. Well, it is and it isnt.
We can create instances of NewAccount and use them just as we could with
BankAccount. However, instances of the new class will be exactly the same as
instances of BankAccount, which suggests there is not much point in doing it.
Recall the earlier statement that code inheritance is a bit like creating a clone. Well
here it is; a new class that is functionally an exact copy of the one it inherited from.
However, the point to remember is that this new class definition is just a starting
point. To make it worth using, we need to give it some capabilities of its own. Extension
Normally, we create a class that inherits code from another class so that we can
extend the properties or methods of the existing class; i.e. we can add new properties and/or new methods. For example, lets assume that we want to create an
investment account one that pays the owner some interest on the balance in their
account. We can add two facilities to the existing account; an InterestRate
member variable and an AddInterest method (Listing 7.3).

7.1 Inheritance in Visual Basic


Public Class InvestmentAccount

Inherits BankAccount
Public InterestRate As Single
Public Sub AddInterest()
Deposit(CurrentBalance * InterestRate / 100)
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.3: Extending BankAccount

Its probably best to state up-front that this code is not anything like the code your
bank uses to manage interest-bearing accounts, since it deals with the issue of adding
interest in a very nave (not to mention business-bankrupting) way. If you can accept
that for the moment, you can, I hope, see that inheritance has allowed us to do something very useful. The InterestRate member variable stores the percentage rate
on which interest is calculated. The AddInterest() method uses this value to calculate the amount of interest to pay (based on the current balance), and deposits this
amount. These facilities add to the properties and methods already in BankAccount,
so we now have two bank account classes. One has no facilities for dealing with
interest, but instead sets out the core attributes and capabilities of any bank account.
The other is a bank account with all of these core attributes and capabilities, but also
the ability to deal with interest payments.

Exercise 7.1

What do you think would happen if you were to try to access the
InterestRate property of a normal BankAccount object, or call its
AddInterest() method? How does Visual Studio help to prevent you from
doing this in your programs (think of what happens immediately before you
type a method or property name in the Code Editor window)? Specialization
A class that inherits from another can also contain alternative definitions of the
other classs properties and methods. For example, certain types of investment
accounts are organized so that interest is only paid if certain conditions have been
met, such as there having been no cash withdrawn for a specified period. Again,
we need to accept the banking details here are nave, but we could specify a
SpecialInvestmentAccount as one that only allowed authorized withdrawals.
We could have a special version of the Withdraw() method that uses some bank
facility to determine if a withdrawal is allowed and returns a True result if so.
To make this work, we need to modify the Withdraw() method inherited from
the InvestmentAccount class to incorporate logic to check for authorization. We
also need to make a small modification to the BankAccount class that will allow
us to create a specialized version of Withdraw() in a class that inherits from it.
The original BankAccount class needs this change (Listing 7.4).


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Public Class BankAccount

Public Overridable Function Withdraw( _

ByVal Amount As Decimal) As Boolean

End Sub

End Class
Listing 7.4: The BankAccount class defined in Chapter 5

The new account class must alter the current definition of the Withdraw()
method, and to enable this, it is necessary to mark the method as overridable. This
has absolutely no effect on the BankAccount class, but makes it possible for a
class that inherits from it to provide a specialized version of the method. Now we
can create the SpecialInvestmentAccount class (Listing 7.5). For the
example, well use the simple rule that a withdrawal can only be made from
a SpecialInvestmentAccount if the resulting balance is at least 100.00:
Public Class SpecialInvestmentAccount
Inherits InvestmentAccount
' Here is the specialized version of Withdraw...
Public Overrides Function Withdraw(_
ByVal Amount As Decimal) As Boolean
If (Balance Amount) >= 100 Then
Return MyBase.Withdraw(Amount)
Return False
End If
End Function
End Class
Listing 7.5: Creating a specialized version of Withdraw()

Note that the SpecialInvestmentAccount class inherits from the

InvestmentAccount class, since it will still need an interest rate and method
of paying interest. Had it inherited from BankAccount, these facilities would
not have been available. Note also that due to this, there are two levels of
inheritance going on. InvestmentAccount inherits from BankAccount, and
SpecialInvestmentAccount inherits from InvestmentAccount.
One useful feature of inheritance that has been employed here is that our specialized version of Withdraw() has made use of the existing version from the
BankAccount class. The special withdrawal rule has been implemented effectively
as if this withdrawal passes the test for a SpecialInvestmentAccount, go ahead
and make a withdrawal using BankAccounts method. MyBase.Withdraw()
is actually a call to InvestmentAccounts implementation of Withdraw(),
since this is the base class of SpecialInvestmentAccount. However,
InvestmentAccount inherits BankAccounts Withdraw() method, so in the

7.1 Inheritance in Visual Basic


end, the new version of Withdraw() calls on BankAccounts version to do some

of its work.

7.1.2 Vocabulary
We have looked briefly at the three things inheritance brings to object-oriented
1. the ability to create a new class that automatically has all the features of an
existing one,
2. the ability to add properties and methods to a class that inherits from another,
3. the ability to create specialized versions of properties and methods in the new
class that makes it a specialist version of the one it inherited from.
As you might imagine, all this power comes at a price to the programmer, and
that price is the need to learn how to control the capabilities inheritance brings.
As with all things in programming, power comes from the words used and the
syntax they are used with, so, like a trainee sorcerer, you need to learn to use the
spells of inheritance with care.
There are two different vocabularies you need to be concerned about: the general
language of object-oriented programming, which has grown over about 30 years
of use in the computing industry, and the specialized form of this language that
Microsoft uses in Visual Basic. True, both languages are similar, but you should be
aware that Microsoft uses a slightly skewed vocabulary in their documentation on
VB. NET; one that a good few experienced object-oriented programmers do not
agree 100% with. Lineage
Inheritance relationships are discussed using words that would not be out of place
in a genealogists convention. The class that another class inherits from is called
the parent class (no need to distinguish between father and mother, since a class
can only have a single parent). Similarly, a class that inherits from another is said
to be its child. The terms base class (for parent) and sub class (for child) are also
commonly used (at least in Microsoft-speak). The term super class is also commonly used for Parent class.
SpecialInvestmentAccount inherits indirectly from BankAccount) is said to
be a descendant class, while the class it inherits indirectly from is said to be an
ancestor class. We could also use terms like grandfather class (for the parent classs
parent class) and grandchild class (for a child of a child class), but while this is more
precise in indicating a number of levels of inheritance, continuing with that range of
terminology to cover, for example, great-grandfather (or great-grandmother) classes
can quickly become unwieldy. The important relationships are between parent and
child, as shown in Figure 7.1.


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism


Base class of InvestmentAccount

Ancestor of


Base class of


Sub class of BankAccount

SpecialInvestmentAccount Sub class of InvestmentAccount

Descendant of BankAccount
Figure 7.1

Relationships between classes

The term base class, as used by Microsoft, is a bit unfortunate, since at least
some practitioners of object-oriented programming use the term base class to
describe the ultimate ancestor of any class; i.e. the first class that is the start of the
inheritance chain that leads to some class. A little thought tells you that this usage
of the term base class would not be of much use in .NET, since the object class is
automatically the ultimate ancestor of every class in .NET. Microsoft have appropriated the term base class to mean the class that is inherited directly from, so we
would be well advised to stick with that terminology. In fact, VB .NET provides the
keyword MyBase as a direct reference to whatever class is named in the Inherits
statement of a new class.
Inheritance also brings the notion of abstract classes and concrete classes. An
abstract class is one that has been created not to make objects from, but purely to
define core behaviour and members that can be inherited by other classes, usually
several of them. Classes that can be used to create object instances are sometimes
called concrete classes. By using abstract classes, we can define the basic protocol
for passing messages to objects even though we have not yet decided how the
objects will eventually work when implemented in concrete classes.

7.1.3 Advantages of Inheritance

The obvious advantage of code inheritance is that we can create new classes that
contain a lot of properties and methods and yet we do not need to write the code for
these. It is far more efficient to inherit existing code and write only new code that is
necessary for specific purposes. This advantage of code inheritance is obvious, but
it in turn leads to a number of knock-on advantages.
The first of these is that any changes made to a base class will automatically filter
through to its Sub classes. This can be a good thing if, for example, you were to
discover and fix a bug in a base class, since this bug would also be fixed in all of
the classes that inherit from it. The bug might not exist in sub classes if they have
created specialized versions of the method that contains the error (i.e. overridden

7.1 Inheritance in Visual Basic


versions of it), but for any methods that exist unchanged in Sub classes, or any
that are called by overridden versions, the bugs will also be inherited. If an error is
inherited, fixing it in the base class will also fix it in every sub class when these are
next compiled.
Another advantage of inheritance is that a sub class is automatically compatible
with any Ancestor class in its inheritance chain, a feature known as polymorphism.
For example, if I write a sub in some code that defines a BankAccount object as
parameter, then this sub will also automatically accept an InvestmentAccount or
a SpecialInvestmentAccount being passed as an argument, e.g. Listing 7.6.
Sub DisplayBalance(ByVal B As BankAccount)
Console.WriteLine("Balance is " & B.Balance)
End Sub
Sub ShowBalances()
Dim B As BankAccount = New BankAccount(100)
Dim I As InvestmentAccount = New InvestmentAccount()
Dim S As SpecialInvestmentAccount = _
New SpecialInvestmentAccount()
End Sub
Listing 7.6: Sub classes are compatible with their ancestors

In Listing 7.6, the DisplayBalance() sub takes a single parameter, which must
be a BankAccount object. However, ShowBalances() calls this sub three times,
passing a BankAccount the first time, an InvestmentAccount the second time
and a SpecialInvestmentAccount the third. All three calls will be successful,
because InvestmentAccount and SpecialInvestmentAccount are both typecompatible with BankAccount.
Note that this compatibility does not work in the other direction; we could
not pass a BankAccount as an argument to a sub which defined an
InvestmentAccount as its parameter. A moments thought should tell you why
this is so. A sub class is always type-compatible with any of its ancestors because
it inherits all of the necessary behaviour from them. An InvestmentAccount has
a Balance property and Deposit() and Withdraw() methods, so it can properly
replace any code that uses the interface of a BankAccount. However,
a BankAccount does not have either an InterestRate property or an
AddInterest() method. Passing a BankAccount to a sub that expects an
InvestmentAccount can cause an error because that sub might contain code
that accesses the InterestRate property, which the BankAccount does not
have. To prevent this problem, Visual Basic will not compile code when a base
class is used where one of its sub classes is expected.
The inheritance relationship is often referred to as an Is-A relationship.
We can say that an InvestmentAccount Is-A BankAccount, a


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

SpecialInvestmentAccount Is-A(n) InvestmentAccount. However, this
does not work the other way round; a BankAccount is not an

7.1.4 Disadvantages of Inheritance

The use of inheritance can also have a down-side, since a change made to an ancestor class (either to alter its behaviour or to fix a bug) could cause problems in any
descendent classes. If we use encapsulation rigorously, this should not happen; a
class interface should not change just because we have made alterations to the implementation. However, as well see shortly, we do not always base a Sub class on just
the public interface of its parents; sometimes the sub class can have special access
to otherwise hidden class members, and so we could make a change to a base class
that did not affect the interface but did affect members that a sub class had direct
access to. The result could be that the modified internal behaviour of the base class
caused problems with the sub class.
Another problem with inheritance (admittedly, not a very profound problem) is
simply that over time we can create inheritance relationships to such a depth (i.e.
sub-sub-sub-sub . . . -classes) that we could lose sight of the capabilities of the ultimate ancestor class, and therefore lose control of the code. This is a problem that
also exists in structured programming, since we can have a sub that calls a sub that
calls, etc. to a level of nesting that makes it difficult to follow all of the possible consequences. In structured programming the cure is to be careful not to create callstructures of arbitrary depth; the onus is on the person writing a sub to be aware of the
effects of other subs he or she is calling. In inheritance relationships in object-oriented
programming, good use of encapsulation and careful consideration of the level of
access a class has to its base class is important, and the onus is on the designer of the
Base class to provide this. As a developer of a base class, you have a responsibility
to make sure inheritors can only access members it is safe for them to access.
Exercise 7.2

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET provides programmers with sources of information and operational cues to ensure that errors are less likely when using inheritance. Start up VS .NET with a new or existing project and examine the
following features.


Dynamic Help: display the Dynamic Help window (click on the Dynamic
Help tab at the bottom of the Properties window if it is not visible) and then
enter a private, public or Dim statement that creates a reference variable for
an existing class (e.g. DivideByZeroException). Note that a list of help
topics appears in the Dynamic Help window click on one of the top
entries (e.g. the DivideByZeroException members entry) and examine
the consequent help page
Class overview page note that this help page for any class displays an
ancestry chart for that class (always starting from System.Object) and

7.2 Code Inheritance





indicating the class, its ancestors and its descendents (note also the
Implements list, indicating interface classes this class implements)
Class Members page (always at the top of the class overview) go to this
and examine the format that the list of member properties and methods is
shown in. Note that only public and protected (explained later) members
are listed, and make yourself familiar with the various icons used (hovering the mouse cursor over an icon will reveal its description)
Click on a specific class member to go to its definition page. Note that
keywords such as Overridable, MustOverride (described later),
NotOverridable and others are used to describe the possibilities for
using this member in code inheritance

Code Inheritance
Code inheritance is invoked when a class uses the keyword Inherits at the start
of its definition. The Inherits keyword must be followed by the name of a class
that exists in the scope of the module being coded; either a class defined within the
same project or within a project to which a reference has been created. Visual Basic
.NET will not compile a class that tries to inherit from another class that is not in
scope, and Visual Studio will mark the faulty Inherits statement with a blue wavy

7.2.1 Access to the Base Classs members

Once a class is properly inherited from, any of its members (variables, properties,
subs or functions) that are marked Public or Protected can be accessed by the
sub class. Members that are marked Private are hidden from the sub class. The
Friend access modifier can also be used to indicate members that can be accessed
by any code in the same assembly; this is a simple way of defining members that are
accessible in the project you are coding but not from any other project.
The various access modifiers are there to allow you complete control over inheritance, and operate as shown in Table 7.1.
We use the various access specifiers to create encapsulation. By careful use of
these, we can prevent access to sensitive or dangerous members of a class by other
code that uses the class while allowing new classes based on it to control access to
only those members we decide they will need access to. As a class designer, it is
your responsibility to use the encapsulation keywords to protect your code from
unauthorized or erroneous access and yet simultaneously provide access to any class
that might benefit from it by inheritance.
Note that the Protected and Friend keywords operate to allow us to break the
strict use of encapsulation. In an ideally encapsulated class, there should be no need
for any of its subclasses to access Private member data; the entire range of

Table 7.1

Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Access keywords

Scope Keyword


Example of Use


Items marked Private are

visible only to the class or module
they are defined in

Use to hide member variables and

internal-use only subs and functions from
all other code


Items marked Protected are

visible to the class they are
defined in, and classes that
descend from it (i.e. direct
subclasses, and their

Use to create members that are hidden from

code that uses the class or its descendants,
but visible to the descendants


Items marked Friend are visible

to all code within the assembly
(i.e. the current project), but
hidden from code that contains
a reference to it

Use Friend access to create members that

are freely accessible to any and all code in the
current project; this allows, for example, two
separate classes defined in a project to access
each others member variables. Friend
access is the default, so providing no access
specifier for a member is equivalent to giving it
Friend access


Items marked Public can be

accessed by any code, within the
current project and by any other
project that has a reference to it.

Generally, use Public declarations only to

define the Interface for a class or module.
Public access puts no restrictions on access
from code in other classes, modules or even


Indicates a call to one of a base

classs members. The call is only
allowed if appropriate access
(using one of the scope keywords
above) is allowed (e.g. we cannot
use MyBase to call a Private
member function)

The MyBase keyword is used to indicate that

the attached method call is to a method in the
base class, rather than to a method with the
same name in the class being implemented. For
example, a class can use MyBase.New() in
its constructor to indicate that it should perform
the construction work of a base class object as
part of its own construction work

behaviour should be accessible via the Public interface. However, back in the real
world, there are many situations where it is either much easier or more efficient to
allow a sub class to access member data that is otherwise kept hidden.
Listing 7.7 demonstrates the use of various access specifiers.
Class Parent
Public MyInt As Integer
' Available to all
Protected MySingle As Single ' Available to subclasses
Private MyString As String
' Not available outside
' Parent
Friend MyDate As Date
' Available to code in
' project
Public Sub New() ' This sub sets up a new Parent object
MyInt = 0
MySingle = 3.14

7.2 Code Inheritance


MyString = "Parent String"

MyDate = Date
End Sub
Property TheString() As String ' Default Friend access
' Therefore available to
TheString = MyString
' all code in this
' project.
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
MyString = Value
End Set
End Property
' Can only be called by methods in Parent...
Private Function MyFormattedData() As String
Return MyInt.ToString & "/" & MySingle.ToString & _
"/" & MyString
End Function
' Can be called from sub-classes...
Protected Sub ChangeString(ByVal NewValue As String)
MyString = NewValue
End Sub
' Available to all code...
Public Sub ViewData()
End Sub
End Class
Class Child
Inherits Parent
Public Sub New() ' This sub sets up a new Child object
MyBase.New() ' by performing a Parent construction
MyString = "Child String" ' then changing the
' String value
End Sub
Sub UpdateInt()
' Ok since MyInt is Public
MyInt += 1
End Sub
Sub UpdateSingle()
' Ok, since this is a subclass and
' MySingle is Protected
MySingle += 1.0
End Sub
Sub UpdateString()
' Can not access MyString directly (Private), so
' need to use the Protected method...
ChangeString("New String Value")
End Sub


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Sub ChangeDate()
' MyDate is Friend, so no problem...
End Sub
End Class
' This code is part of the module but
Sub Main()
Dim P As Parent
P.MyInt += 1
' Ok
' Ok
P.TheString = "Hello Mum" ' Ok
' Only
' from

not class code . . .

Property is Friend
other thing we can do

Dim C As Child
C.MyInt += 1
' Ok public
' Ok Friend
C.TheString = "Hello World" ' Ok Property is inherited.
' Ok Public
' These are all (default) Friend access from Child...
End Sub
Listing 7.7: Private, Protected, Friend and Public access in code
Exercise 7.3

It is possible to write an entire Visual Basic application without any consideration of scope or the use of the various access keywords; Dim could be used
to declare every variable and subs, functions and properties could be declared
without access being specified.

How would this affect access to classes and members within the same
How would it affect access to classes and members in a different module?
If the project assembly was Imported to a new project, what, if any, parts
of the assembly could be accessed by code in the new project?
How do any of the available access restrictions affect the user of a

7.2.2 Constructors in Inheritance

If we think of Inheritance as a way, principally, of extending a class to add data or
behaviour to it, it is easy to see why class constructors have a central role to play.
Figure 7.2 shows a class inheriting from its base class diagrammatically.
The new class is created by extending an existing class, which suggests that
an object of the new class will somehow contain an object of the existing class.

7.2 Code Inheritance

Figure 7.2


Inheritance Extending a Base Class

There is obviously more to the relationship than this, since the interface of the new
class includes the interface of the base class automatically by default, something
that does not happen if a new class is given a member of an existing class in a
composition relationship. However, it is still apparent that to create an object of
the new class, the system must first build an object of the base class the new class
inherits from.
The role of a constructor is to build a member of a class, and this typically
involves packing data values into member variables and possibly creating additional
objects that the new object is composed of. When we construct a new member of an
inheriting class, much of the construction code has already been implemented in the
inherited object; since we cannot remove any members from a class we inherit from,
we can always start by building a member of the base class. In the .NET framework,
it is a rigid requirement that the constructor of an inheriting class begins with a
call to one of the constructors of the class it inherits from. In the example given in
Listing 7.7, the constructor for class child was as shown in Listing 7.8.
Public Sub New() ' This sub sets up a new Child object
MyBase.New() ' by performing a Parent construction
MyString = "Child String" ' then changing the String
End Sub
Listing 7.8: Constructing an object of a class that inherits from a base class

Every class has a constructor, whether you explicitly define one (or more) or not.
In the absence of a coded constructor for a class, the .NET framework will provide
a default constructor that takes no parameters and that sets all of the classs member
variables up to zero values (i.e. 0, 0.0, or Nothing). It is therefore always possible (and necessary) to call the base classs constructor.

7.2.3 Overriding
Overriding a member of a class is replacing it with a new definition. Only properties
and methods can be overridden, which is sensible since ideally member variables
should all be marked Private to protect them from being misused. The use of
the word method to describe a sub or function becomes clearer once we consider the


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

use of overriding, since we can now think of a particular classs method of doing
some job. For example, the BankAccounts method of doing a withdrawal was
overridden by the SpecialInvestmentAccount class, so while both classes have
a Withdraw function, each had a different method of doing it.
By default, a method in a class can not be overridden. This is a sensible approach,
since it means that we, as designers of a base class, get to say whether any of its
methods can be replaced by alternative code. Since as the designer of a base class
we are aware of its implementation details, there is no-one better placed to decide
whether a particular method can be overridden or not. If we wish to define a method
of a class so that it can be overridden in descendant classes, we use the keyword
Overridable in its definition (Listing 7.9).
Class SomeClass
Public Overridable Sub SomeMethod()
'This method can be redefined in a descendant class
End Sub
Public Sub SomeOtherMethod()
'This method can NOT be redefined in a descendant
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.9: Making a method overridable

Using the code in Listing 7.9 as a base class, we would find that VB would allow
us to override the SomeMethod() sub but would prevent us from overriding the
SomeOtherMethod() sub. Marking a method as overridable is not all that is
necessary to allow us to override it in another class. The methods signature, that
is the combination of its name and list of parameters, must be the same in the
original method and the new method that overrides it. For example, Visual Basic
will not allow this (Listing 7.10).
Class OtherClass
Inherits SomeClass
Public Overrides Sub SomeMethod( _
ByVal SomeValue As Integer)
'This method is not signature-compatible with the one
'it is overriding, so VB does not allow the override.
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.10: Overriding a method requires total compatibility (this code does
not work)

Once we can override a method, we can provide class-specific ways of doing

some job. In our banking example classes, the plain BankAccounts
Withdraw() method was replaced with a more complex method for a
SpecialInvestmentAccount. To allow that to happen, we had to mark the plain

7.2 Code Inheritance


Withdraw() method as Overridable. As a result, each class had the ability to

work out for itself how a withdrawal would be made. This is a goal in inheritance;
delegate work to classes in such a way that they do the work without us worrying
about the details of how they do it.

7.2.4 Abstract Classes

As base class designers, we get to be even more specific about the way a class is
inherited from than simply indicating which methods can be overridden and which
classes or code can access them. We can define a method in a class so that it must
be overridden in a class that inherits from it. Of course, by doing this, we would
also be saying that the class we are defining is not a complete class, since we have
deliberately left a hole where the method that must be overridden is.
Why would we do this? One good reason could be that we wanted to create a
base class that defined the core behaviour of a family of classes. This would be a
class created only for inheritance purposes, and to create it we would also use the
MustInherit keyword as part of the class definition. For example, lets say we
wanted to create a new version of the calculator program developed in the activities
at the end of Chapter 4. The new version is to use inheritance to allow a range of
different types of calculation on pairs of numbers. Every calculation would involve
Number1 and Number2, both of which could be defined as properties or public
member variables of every calculation class. Every calculation would also have a
Calculate() method to make it do its job and return a result. However, at this
stage, were more interested in defining what a calculation does than how it works.
We can define the core behaviour of a calculation class as shown in Listing 7.11.
MustInherit Class Calculation
Public Number1 As Double
Public Number2 As Double
'Here is the function that must be overridden . . .
Protected MustOverride Function Calculate() As Double
Public Overridable Sub DisplayResult()
Console.WriteLine("The result is {0}.", Calculate)
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.11: A class that must be inherited from

The Calculation class shown above cannot be instantiated. We can create a

reference variable for the class, such as:
Dim C As Calculation

but any attempt to actually create an instance will cause Visual Basic to mark
the code as an error and refuse to compile it. Note that the method marked
MustOverride is simply the first line of a method definition and contains no body
and no End Sub. If we must override the method, there is no point in defining how


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

it works since it will always be overridden. The Calculate() method cannot be

called by client code since it is protected, but the DisplayResult() method will
still allow us to show the end result of a calculation.
This class is called an abstract class in object-oriented terminology. Having
defined it, we have the right to use it as a base class for inheritance (Listing 7.12).
Class Add
Inherits Calculation
Protected Overrides Function Calculate() As Double
Return Number1 + Number2
End Function
End Class
Class Subtract
Inherits Calculation
Protected Overrides Function Calculate() As Double
Return Number1 Number2
End Function
End Class
Class Multiply
Inherits Calculation
Protected Overrides Function Calculate() As Double
Return Number1 * Number2
End Function
End Class
Listing 7.12: Three classes that inherit from the abstract Calculation class

The three new classes shown in Listing 7.12 benefit from inheriting from their
abstract base class since they do not have to individually supply member variables
for storing the two numbers to be calculated on or a method for displaying the
result of a calculation; these are available through the inheritance. They also have
the benefit of all being types of Calculation class, and so could be used interchangeably. We could now actually use a reference variable of the Calculation
class (see Listing 7.13).
Dim Calc As Calculation
Calc = New Multiply()
Calc.Number1 = 10
Calc.Number2 = 5
Listing 7.13: Creating an instance of a class that inherits Calculation

In Listing 7.13, we could have used any of the classes shown in Listing 7.12
as the actual object instance assigned to the Calc reference variable. We could
obviously create an abstract class that has many more member variables and fully
implemented methods or properties, making the inheritance much more worthwhile
since we would be inheriting much more ready-built code.

7.2 Code Inheritance

Exercise 7.4


Assume that the code in Listing 7.12 is amended so that the Multiply class is
given a public function called Product that returns the multiplication result.

Do you think this additional method would be accessible in Listing 7.13?

How would you amend Listing 7.13 to make the Product() method

7.2.5 The MyBase keyword

Every class except Object has a base class. Object is the core class developed by
Microsoft as the root for all inheritance, a kind of object-oriented version of Adam
if you like. Of course, there is no equivalent of Eve in this picture, since a class has
only one parent.
The MyBase keyword allows access to any Public, Protected or, in the case
of a class within the same assembly, Friend method of the parent class. It can only
be used within class code, since it is access provided to a class, not objects of the
class. In many circumstances, the MyBase keyword is not necessary since inheritance provides access anyway. However, MyBase lets us get around the problem of
calling a method in the base class that is also defined in the new class that inherits
from it. For example, lets extend the list of classes that inherit from Calculation
to incorporate a Divide class, as shown in Listing 7.14.
Class Divide
Inherits Calculation
Protected Overrides Function Calculate() As Double
Return Number1 / Number2
End Function
Public Overrides Sub DisplayResult()
Console.WriteLine("Division Error")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.14: A further Calculation class

In the new Divide class shown, we have overridden the DisplayResult()

method to get over the problem of what would happen if Number2 had the value 0.
Normally, this would cause a crash, since there is nothing in the base class to cope
with a divide by zero error. However, by placing the code that actually displays
the result inside a Try..Catch..End Try block, we can change the behaviour by
displaying an error if an exception occurs.
Since the base class does the job of displaying the calculation result perfectly
well, we call its method (obviously this facility will be even more useful if the base


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

class method contains a lot of lines of code since calling the MyBase method will
save us from having to repeat all that code. Also, if we decide to change the way the
base class does the DisplayResult() job, the changes will filter through to the
class that inherits the method, which would not happen if we simply did the job
again in the new class.
We have elected to use MyBase.DisplayResult here because it is generally
more efficient. However, you will find one situation where the use of MyBase can
not be avoided. When a class has only constructors (Sub New()) that take parameters, and we inherit from this class to create a new class, Visual Basic will insist
that you create at least one constructor for the new class. It will also insist that you
use MyBase.New as the first statement in the new classs constructor.
This is necessary since we have already told the VB compiler that the base class
must be constructed by passing some data to it. When a member of a class that inherits another is created, the first action must be to create a member of the inner class
that is inherited, and this must be done according to the rules we have set up for that
inner class. This is only necessary when inheriting from a class that does not have
a default constructor, which is a Sub New() that takes no parameters. If this is
a default constructor, Visual Basic does not have to be told how to construct a
member of the inner class. This is illustrated in Listing 7.15.
Class Parent
Public Sub New(ByVal X As Integer)
End Sub
End Class
Class Child
Inherits Parent
Public Sub New(ByVal X As Integer)
'Must call the Base class's constructor...
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.15: A class that inherits from a class with a non-default constructor

7.2.6 Inheritance and Type-Casting

In programming, a type-cast is made when we take an object of one type or class and
try to assign it to an object variable of a different class. Sometimes it is successful
(if I assign the value in an Integer variable to a Double variable, there is no problem since a Double variable can accommodate any value that could be stored in an
Integer), and sometimes the casting fails (because, for example, the resulting type
cannot accommodate all of the information of the original variable e.g. casting a
Double as an Integer).
With inheritance, there is always the possibility of a type-cast. In the calculation
classes, assigning a Multiply object to a Calculation variable (Listing 7.13) performs a type-cast. The code in Listing 7.13 performs an implicit type-cast, so called
because we make no mention of the change of type. This cast works because of the

7.2 Code Inheritance


inheritance relationship between Calculation and Multiply. A Multiply Is-A

Calculation. Whenever we automatically assign a value of one type to a variable
of one of its ancestor classes, we are performing an implicit type-cast.
One problem with implicit type-casts is that it can be difficult to see what is going
on. When we write lines of code such as:
Dim Calc As Calculation
Calc = New Multiply()

were making use of an inheritance relationship that is defined somewhere else in the
code. In the example given with calculation classes, that is not too big a problem.
However, consider the situation when a large number of classes with complex inheritance relationships are used in a program. A type-cast is not always obvious, and
when this is the case, it is best to do the cast more explicitly: we are letting someone
who reads the code know that a) we are aware of the type-cast and it is not simply
an error in our code, and b) there is an inheritance relationship between the classes
that makes a type-cast possible. Instead of the code fragment above, we can use the
CType() function to perform a type-cast:
Dim C As Calculation
Dim M As New Multiply()
C = CType(M, Calculation)

Note that the second parameter in the CType() function is a class name. If this is
not the name of a class that is compatible, Visual Studio will mark the identifier of
the variable we are trying to cast as an error and refuse to compile the code until we
have corrected it.
Type-casting works in either direction. We can easily (and implicitly) type-cast a
Multiply as a Calculation. The Is-A relationship between these classes makes
certain that the cast is always possible. We can also type-cast a Calculation as
a Multiply, but in this case the outcome is not always certain, since the
Calculation could just as easily be an Add, Subtract or Divide object. In this
situation, Visual Studio and the Visual Basic compiler cannot protect us from an
invalid cast. It is our job as programmers to be aware of the possibility of casting to
an invalid type and to try to prevent it in our code.
Exercise 7.5

The ArrayList collection class is defined so that any class of object can be
added to an ArrayList.

Internally, the ArrayList class contains an Array member. What type

is this array?
The Add() method for ArrayList takes a single parameter. What type
is this parameter?
Assume an ArrayList is being used to hold a collection of
BankAccounts. Write the statements necessary to retrieve a
BankAccount from an ArrayList and assign it to a reference variable
of type BankAccount.


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

7.2.7 Shared Members

In Listing 7.3, I show an example of a class inheriting from the BankAccount class
(InvestmentAccount). The code is perfectly acceptable to the Visual Basic
compiler as it stands, but there is a potentially damaging inefficiency. The
InterestRate member variable is an instance variable, which means that every
instance of the InvestmentAccount class will have its own copy. My bank gives
me an interest rate that is the same rate that it gives every other customer with the
same type of account, and Ill bet that your bank does the same.
There are two potential problems with the approach used in InvestmentAccount.
First, each instance of the class contains a member variable that stores the same
value; so many instances of the class will contain many copies of the same number,
wasting space in all but one account. Secondly, if there is a change in interest rate,
it has to be applied to each instance individually, even though only one number has
changed. Failing to do this would result in inconsistent interest rates across all of the
account objects.
VB .NET has a solution to this in the form of shared members. There are two
types of shared members a class can have.

Shared variables are class member variables defined for the class, rather than
individual instances of it. If we declare a variable within a class as shared, then
there is a single copy of that variable that is available to every instance of the
class and also to the class whether it has an instance or not.
Shared methods are methods that exist whether there is an instance of the class
or not.

The value of shared members is that they can provide facilities that belong to
the class itself without need for any instances of the class. We could define the
InvestmentAccount class as in Listing 7.16.
Public Class InvestmentAccount
Inherits BankAccount
Public Shared InterestRate As Single
Public Sub AddInterest()
Deposit(Balance * InterestRate / 100)
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.16: A shared member variable

This simple change to the class (adding the keyword Shared to the declaration of
the InterestRate variable) means that now there will be a single copy of the
interest rate shared among all of the instances of InvestmentAccount, instead
of each having its own copy. We can access the shared variable by using the
class name:
InvestmentAccount.InterestRate = 0.05

7.2 Code Inheritance


at which the interest rate member will be set to 5% for every instance of the class.
Shared variables allow us to store values of significance to the whole class and
all its members. Shared methods allow us to define behaviour that we can call on
whether or not there is an instance of the class. This is useful if you wish to create
a library of subs and functions that are thematically related and where there is no
need of specific instances. For example, we might define a Statistics class to
provide us with a range of statistics functions, even though there is no need for any
Statistics objects (see Listing 7.17).
Class Statistics
Public Shared Function Average( _
ByVal list() As Double) As Double
Dim d As Double, sum As Double
For Each d In list
sum += d
Return sum / list.GetLength(0)
End Function
Public Shared Function Max( _
ByVal list() As Double) As Double
Dim d As Double, mx As Double
mx = list(list.GetLowerBound(0))
For Each d In list
If mx < d Then
mx = d
End If
Return mx
End Function
Public Shared Function Min( _
ByVal list() As Double) As Double
Dim d As Double, mn As Double
mn = list(list.GetLowerBound(0))
For Each d In list
If mn > d Then
mn = d
End If
Return mn
End Function
End Class
Listing 7.17: A class with shared methods

Here we have a class that contains only shared methods, so there would be
no point in creating an instance of the class. We can access all of the methods
by simply preceding them with the class name, so, for example, to perform some
simple statistics on an array of numbers, we could use the code given in Listing 7.18.


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Sub Main()
Dim nums() As Double = {10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0}
Console.WriteLine("Average is {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Maximum is {0}", _
Console.WriteLine("Minimum is {0}", _
End Sub
Listing 7.18: Using the shared members

If we had added some instance variables to the Statistics class, the shared
methods would not be able to access them. The reason for this is simply that since
we can use a shared method without creating a class instance, there would be no way
to guarantee that a non-shared member variable existed during the execution of a
shared method.
However, we can access shared members of a class from any instance of the class.
While there is no sensible purpose in creating an instance of the Statistics
class from Listing 7.15, it is certain that we would want to create instances of
the InvestmentAccount class, and we can access the InterestRate shared
member variable from any instance (Listing 7.19).
Dim i As New InvestmentAccount()
i.InterestRate = 0.035 '3.5% interest rate
Listing 7.19: Accessing a shared member from a class instance

We have looked at two ways we can make use of shared members in

classes. By creating a normal class with some shared member variables and some
instance member variables (declared without the keyword Shared), we can arrange
it so that information that is the same for all members of the class is stored in a
single copy for the whole class. This is good for situations where a value important to a class can vary, but the same value is used for every member; interest
rates, maximum and minimum allowable values for variables, the last time any
object of the class accessed a database or a count of the number of objects of
the class that have been created these are all good uses for a shared member
Shared methods on the other hand are available so that we can use them without
creating a class instance. The most common use for these is in creating libraries
of code organized along thematic lines; the statistics library for example. The
.NET CLR contains a number of libraries organized in this way; good examples of
this are Console, which provides a number of methods for simple screen output
and keyboard input and Math which contains a library of standard mathematical

7.3 Interface Inheritance

Exercise 7.6

The Calculation classes could have been given shared members as the
Number1 and Number2 member variables.



What restrictions would this have placed on the use of the class?
Can you think of a way that the class could be amended so that it could be
used entirely as a shared class (like the Statistics class in Listing 7.17)?

Interface Inheritance
Once you have tried and understood the principles of code inheritance, interface
inheritance can at first seem like a poor cousin in comparison. While code inheritance allows you to reuse an existing class and build on it to create new classes,
interface inheritance makes you do the work of recreating methods defined in an
interface class in any new class that you decide should inherit this interface.
We can already define an interface using code inheritance; the MustInherit
keyword allows us to define a class that cannot be instantiated. Members of this class
marked as MustOverride must be fully implemented in any class that descends
from it. As discussed earlier, using MustInherit and MustOverride allows us to
create an abstract class, which we cannot create instances of. However, unless every
method in an abstract class was marked as MustOverride, a new class would still
inherit the code of any fully implemented methods in the abstract class. An abstract
class that contained only methods and properties marked MustInherit and no
member variables would be a bit like an interface class (Listing 7.20).
MustInherit Class AbstractVehicle
Public MustOverride Property NumberOfWheels() _
As Integer
Public MustOverride Property EngineSize()As Integer
Public MustOverride Sub PayVehicleTax()
End Class
Listing 7.20: A purely abstract class

The abstract class in Listing 7.20 could be used as a base class for a number of
concrete Vehicle classes: Bus, Car, Bicycle, AmphibousLandingCraft, etc. In
each, we would need to provide a full implementation of every property and method
in the base class.
An interface class is similar to this abstract class but with one important difference. Any class can only inherit the code (even abstract code) of a single class
Visual Basic .NET (and .NET in general) provides what is called single inheritance.
However, a class can inherit as many interfaces as the programmer sees fit. This
feature of interfaces makes it possible for us to create classes that can exhibit
behaviour compatible with any number of interface definitions. For example, lets
say we wanted to create a Dwelling class that would represent some form of living


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

accommodation that we could rent out (a house, a cottage, an apartment, a tent, etc.).
We might define it as in Listing 7.21.
Class Dwelling
Public NumRooms As Integer
Public TotalArea As Single
Private mvarOccupant As String
Private mvarOccupiedUntil As Date
Public Sub Occupy(ByVal Occupant As String)
mvarOccupant = Occupant
' Pay the first month's rent...
mvarOccupiedUntil = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, _
1, Date.Today)
End Sub
Public Sub PayRent()
' Pay rent for the next month...
mvarOccupiedUntil = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, _
1, Date.Today)
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.21: A simple Dwelling class

Now lets assume that we have decided to branch out in our business by renting out
motor homes. We could inherit the Dwelling class and add appropriate methods
and properties those of a vehicle, similar to those in the AbstractVehicle class.
However, that would mean recreating a set of methods that have already been
defined as a standard interface in the AbstractVehicle class. Recall that one
reason we would use an abstract class is to maintain code compatibility among a
number of classes anything that inherits from the AbstractVehicle class could
be treated in code as if it were an AbstractVehicle. Its a pity we cant inherit
from both classes; Dwelling and AbstractVehicle, because our alternative
seems to be that we resign ourselves to creating two sets of code for working with
vehicle type objects; one for descendants of AbstractVehicle, and the other
solely for the use of the MotorHome class.
Lets redefine AbstractVehicle as an interface class (Listing 7.22); after all
were not getting the benefit of inheriting any code from it.
Interface IVehicle
Property NumberOfWheels() As Integer
Property EngineSize() As Integer
Sub PayVehicleTax()
End Interface
Listing 7.22: An interface class

In keeping with VB .NET convention, weve given the interface class a name starting with the prefix I. All of the standard interfaces defined in .NET follow this
convention, making it easy to differentiate between a class and an interface in the

7.3 Interface Inheritance


pop-up lists of classes provided by the IDE. The first thing to notice about our new
interface class is that while it provides the same list of abstract (MustInherit)
methods and properties as the AbstractVehicle class, it takes significantly fewer
keywords to do so. Since it is an Interface definition, the MustInherit keyword
is not necessary since it applies for every property and method. Similarly, there is
no need to use the Public keyword (in an interface, everything is public) and
there would be no need for Private or Protected either since these would not be
allowed in an interface. The interface definition simply states the list of properties
and methods that every class that inherits, or implements, this interface must provide.
Now we can define the MotorHome class (as in Listing 7.23).
Class MotorHome
Inherits Dwelling
Implements IVehicle 'The class must conform to this
Public Property EngineSize() As Integer _
Implements IVehicle.EngineSize
'Code required here
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
'Code required here
End Set
End Property
Public Property NumberOfWheels() As Integer _
Implements IVehicle.NumberOfWheels
'Code required here
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
'Code required here
End Set
End Property
Public Sub PayVehicleTax() _
Implements IVehicle.PayVehicleTax
'Code required here
End Sub
End Class
Listing 7.23: A class that implements IVehicle

The MotorHome class inherits from the Dwelling class, so we can automatically
expect that it will incorporate the members (variables, properties and methods)
from that class. It also implements the IVehicle interface, and so must provide
definitions of the EngineSize and NumberOfWheels properties and the
PayVehicleTax method. In the listing, these have not been fully implemented;
comments simply show where you would place the code. Note, however, that the
Visual Studio IDE was able to provide outlines of all of the IVehicle members
automatically the only items of code typed in the methods in Listing 7.23 were the


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Figure 7.3

The Visual Studio IDE providing a list of MotorHome members

As a consequence of using an interface, members of this class will now be compatible with both the Dwelling class and the IVehicle interface. In code that
works with objects of the Dwelling class, it will behave like a Dwelling object
because of its inherited behaviour. In code that works with IVehicle objects, it will
behave like an IVehicle because we have provided it with the members every
IVehicle object provides. VB .NET (and Visual Studio) is aware of both compatibilities. Consequentially, VS can pop up a list of members of MotorHome that
includes the IVehicle interface (see Figure 7.3).

7.3.1 The IComparable Interface

As a concrete example of interface inheritance, recall the example in Chapter 6,
Listing 6.9, in which an earlier version of the BankAccount class was made sortable. The relevant part of the class is reproduced in Listing 7.24.
Public Class BankAccount
Implements IComparable
Public Overridable Overloads Function CompareTo( _
ByVal obj As Object) As Integer _
Implements IComparable.CompareTo
'Compare the name of this object with the
'parameter's Name...
If obj.Name = mvarName Then
'These are the same...
Return 0
ElseIf < mvarName Then
'obj is smaller than (comes before) this one..
Return 1

7.3 Interface Inheritance


'This one must be smaller . . .
Return -1
End If
End Function
End Class
Listing 7.24: Using the IComparable interface to make a class sort-able

In this case, our BankAccount class contains code that makes it compatible with
an interface specially defined to allow any objects that implement it to be compared.
The IComparable interface contains a single method definition (Listing 7.25).
Interface ICompareTo
Function CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) As Integer
End Interface
Listing 7.25: The IComparable interface definition

Any class that implements this interface must provide its own definition of the
CompareTo() method. The reward for this is that an array of objects of the class
will be compatible with the Array.Sort() method, and can be sorted into an order
defined by the programmers implementation of the method. In the BankAccount
example, the Array.Sort() operation would sort an array of accounts into order

of the account name.

The .NET CLR defines a large number of standard interface classes for many different purposes. There is a standard ICollection interface, for creating Collection
classes that are compatible with the standard collections and interfaces to allow you
to define your own encryption classes, connect objects to databases, define new
types of events, create formatting classes, interact with web browsers and even
extend the features of Visual Studio. Code inheritance allows us to re-use code
already written, and therefore put less effort into the development of an application, but interface inheritance is unbeatable as a way of allowing us to hook our
own classes into existing code.

Exercise 7.7



Interface classes have no need for Public, Private, Protected or

Friend access scope keywords or the use of Overridable,
MustOverride or NotOverridable modifiers for member signatures.
Why is this?
A number of classes in a complex business application are to be given the
ability to collect data from a mail-server. An interface, called IMailable
is to define two methods CheckMail, a function that will return a
Boolean result indicating whether mail is available, and GetMailData, a
function that will return an Integer value. Define this interface.



Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Inheriting Data Structures

In the previous chapter on data structures, I mentioned the CollectionBase class
as being the starting point for creating a custom collection; a collection class that
would collect only a specific class of object. Microsoft calls this a strongly typed
collection. The process of creating a strongly typed collection relies on inheritance,
and because of this it is very simple to do. The CollectionBase class is defined
as MustInherit, and includes an internal collection based on a protected
ArrayList member called List. It also provides a public Count property and a
Clear() method to remove all items from the collection. The other methods and
properties necessary for managing a collection Add, Remove and Item must
be implemented in the inheriting class.
As an example, assume we wished to create a strongly typed
BankAccountCollection. The implementation of this is as follows.
1. Create the BankAccount class; preferably in a separate class module (we have
already met several versions of this). We can add the new Collection class to
the same module and therefore guarantee that whenever we use the Collection
class, the objects that it collects are already available.
2. Add a new class to the class module called BankAccountCollection.
This should inherit from CollectionBase, which is found in
Public Class BankAccountCollection
Inherits System.Collections.CollectionBase
End Class

3. Implement a method to add a new BankAccount to the collection. A property

called List is inherited from CollectionBase, and it is this collection that we
add an account to. Note that because the parameter to the Add() method is a
BankAccount, the collection can only accept BankAccount objects (or objects
from a class that descends from this):
Public Sub Add(ByVal Account As BankAccount)
End Sub

4. Implement a method to remove a BankAccount from the collection. The easiest solution is to remove an account by index, since the List member provides
a RemoveAt() method which uses the index of the item to be removed. We
need to cater for the possibility that there is no item at the given index, and do
so in a way that lets the calling code know whether an item was removed or
not. The easiest approach is to implement Remove as a function that returns
True on success:
Public Function Remove(ByVal index As Integer) As Boolean
'Check to see if there is an account at the given index.
If index > Count 1 Or index < 0 Then
'If no account exists, the function failed...
Return False

7.4 Inheriting Data Structures


'We invoke the RemoveAt method of the List object.

Return True
End If
End Function

5. Finally, we need to implement the Item property. If we make this a ReadOnly

property, we will prevent a programmer using the collection from trying to
assign an item to a given index, thereby by-passing the Add() method, which
is what makes sure the collection is strongly typed. One problem is that the
internal List member is not strongly typed (it is our collection code that
imposes strong typing). When we retrieve an item from this, it will be a member of the Object class, but our Item property must return a BankAccount
object. In fact, due to our implementation of Add(), there will only ever be
BankAccounts in List. List stores these as Objects, which is ok since
Object is an ancestor class of BankAccount (and every other class). However, we need to return a BankAccount to do this we type-cast the object
being returned. The CType function takes an object and attempts to cast it
as a specified type in this case a BankAccount:
Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) _
As BankAccount
If index > Count 1 Or index < 0 Then
Return CType(List.Item(index), BankAccount)
Return Nothing
End If
End Get
End Property

Note that if the item does not exist, we return Nothing as a result. We must
expect any code that uses the Item property to check what has come back from
the collection.
As a result of this, we now have a Collection class that is specifically for
BankAccounts. We can easily use the collection in a program to keep references to
any number of BankAccount objects (see Listing 7.26).
Sub Main()
Dim A As BankAccount
Dim Coll As New BankAccountCollection()
A = New BankAccount(200)
A.Name = "Fred Smith"
A = New BankAccount(1000000)
A.Name = "Ritchie Rich"
End Sub
Listing 7.26: Using the new Collection class


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Of course, we can build additional methods and properties into our new
Collection class so that it can perform more type-specific behaviour. For example,
we could give the BankAccountCollection class the ability to return a
BankAccount by name or account number. Normally we would use account
number since someones name is not necessarily unique, but for the purpose of
example, Listing 7.27 shows how we would return an account from the collection given the account name.
Public ReadOnly Property NamedAccount( _
ByVal name As String) As BankAccount
Dim a As BankAccount
For Each a In List
If a.Name = name Then
Return a
End If
Return Nothing
End Get
End Property
Listing 7.27: Adding a NamedAccount property to the

Note that again there will be an implicit cast of the returned object as a
Exercise 7.8


In the previous chapter (on Data Structures), a new class was created as a
collection of students (the StudentArray class). List the advantages that
the method described above gives to the process of creating type-specific

Visual Inheritance
This would not be a complete treatment of inheritance if visual inheritance was not
mentioned. In fact, visual inheritance is a subset of code inheritance, and is only
available through tricks performed by Visual Studio. While we can create Visual
Basic .NET applications that use inheritance using only a simple text editor like
Notepad, we need to use Visual Studio to make use of visual inheritance, since it
contains a set of visual development tools, Form Designer windows and the
Toolbox, that allow us to manipulate components visually.
Visual inheritance is used to create forms or controls (i.e. visual elements that
we can add to and manipulate in a Form Designer window when we are creating
a Windows application or component) based on existing forms or controls. It is
automatically used whenever we choose to create any Windows application or

7.6 Polymorphism

Figure 7.4


The code-view of a new form in a VB Windows application

component, since every form that we create is based on a blank form. When we have
a form in a VB project, it inherits from the System.Windows.Forms.Form class,
which is a standard Windows form with no controls on it. The inheritance is done in
code, as we can see from the code that is automatically generated as the definition
of a new form (Figure 7.4).
Just as we can create our own base classes to inherit from in code, we can also
create our own form designs that can be used as a basis for inheritance. This
would allow us to, for example, place a standard company logo on every form in
an application, or use a standardized configuration of controls and associated code
in every form. The same advantages that inheritance provides to code, reduced
effort to create, update and maintain applications software, are also available
through visual inheritance to simplify our work in user-interface development.
Well go on to look at visual inheritance and its uses in Chapter 8 on WinForms


The term polymorphism is derived from the Greek, and is usually taken to mean
many forms. For example, in chemistry, carbon exhibits polymorphism because it
can exist in three different forms: graphite, diamond and Buckminster-Fullerenes. In
object-oriented programming, polymorphism is used whenever we send a message to
an object reference without knowing exactly what type of object it is. For example,
in the Calculation classes, we could assign either a Multiply, Divide, Add or
Subtract object to a Calculation variable. When we call on the Calculate
method (or, to put it another way, send the Calculate message) of that object, we
need not know what actual class of object is being called on to do the calculation.
Listing 7.28 illustrates this.
Sub Main()
Dim C As Calculation
Dim i As Integer
i = CInt(Int((4 * Rnd()) + 1))
Select Case i
Case 1
C = New Add()


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Case 2
C = New Subtract()
Case 3
C = New Multiply()
Case 4
C = New Divide()
End Select
C.Number1 = 10
C.Number2 = 5
End Sub
Listing 7.28: Being unaware of the class in use

In Listing 7.28, the statement i = CInt(Int((4 * Rnd()) + 1)) generates

a random integer number in the range 1 to 4 (look up Microsofts example in the
Help page for the Rnd() function). Since we are using a random number to determine what class of calculate object is instantiated, we have no way of knowing what
type of object will do the calculation. However, since all of the Calculation
classes conform to the same interface, Visual Basic allows us to do this.
The scenario given above is not a very realistic situation, and apart from games
programming, you would be unlikely to encounter the need for such code. However,
as programmers, we often need to work with objects where their type is uncertain.
We may need to process a Deposit into a BankAccount, without knowing the precise type of account (Deposit, Investment, SpecialInvestment, etc.), or we
might wish to change the font of every control on a Windows form, no matter what
type of control it is.
Polymorphism is the object-oriented way of allowing us to deal with these situations
and many others. The only requirement of any object for it to receive a message is
that it conforms to a given set of interface methods. As weve seen in this chapter, we
have two ways of making that happen: we can either use code inheritance to provide
a new class with an interface that has already been fully coded, or we can use interface inheritance, and implement a required interface. In either case, the result is to
allow us to create classes that are type-compatible. This in turn allows us to substitute
one class for another in a section of code without having to change the code at all.
If you think back to the strongly typed collection class example used earlier, this
is an example in which we deliberately limited the range of classes whose objects
could be added to an instance of the collection. All of the built-in collections in .NET
are widely polymorphic, since they allow us to add objects of any class to them. That
can have its advantages, if we need to be able to deal with objects of any type, but
that would be an unusual requirement. Instead, we typically wish to create and use
a small range of types of object (such as different styles of bank account, or different types of calculation) and use them as flexibly as possible. By creating a strongly
typed collection, we are enabling polymorphism by stipulating that any objects
added to it must conform to a minimum interface (every type of BankAccount provides Deposit() and Withdraw() methods, and Name and Balance properties).
That allows us to do things like iterating through an entire collection of items of different (but related) classes (Listing 7.29).

Review Questions


For Each acc In accountList

Console.WriteLine("Account: {0} Balance: {1}", _
acc.Name, acc.Balance)
Listing 7.29: Iterating through a collection

7.6.1 Programming with Inheritance

In later chapters we will make use of inheritance, both code and interface, to allow
us to reuse our own code and Microsofts, and to create polymorphic families of
classes that will allow us to write generalized code wherever possible. Whether you
inherit from your own classes or those already provided in the .NET common type
system, you will find that much of the power of object-oriented programming comes
not from what you do, but from what you inherited from.

Review Questions

How does inheritance differ from simply adding a reference variable for an existing class as a
member in a new class definition?


Explain how extension differs from specialization as a way of creating a new class with


Which does the MyBase keyword access in an inherited class the immediate ancestor
(parent class) or the ultimate ancestor (i.e. the first class in the lineage)?


A class with a number of methods is given a single MustOverride() method. Which of the
following is true?

It is possible to create an instance of this class and access all of its methods.

b. It is possible to create an instance of the class but you must avoid calling the methods
marked MustOverride.

It is not possible to create instances of this class.

5. Before you can inherit from a class to create a new class, the existing class must have had a
Sub New() constructor defined. True or False?
6. Some programming languages (e.g. C++) provide for multiple inheritance, which allows a new
class to inherit from two or more existing classes. Visual Basic .NET does not support this.
What other facility does VB .NET provide to allow you to create classes based on more than
one class specification?
7. State the rules for overriding a method in an existing class. How does overriding a method differ from overloading a method?


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

8. A class, DataFormatter, is used as the base class for two other classes,
StringFormatter and NumberFormatter. Which of the following are true?

A DataFormatter object can be cast as a StringFormatter object.

b. A DataFormatter object can be cast as a NumberFormatter object.


A StringFormatter object can be cast as a DataFormatter object.

d. A NumberFormatter object can be cast as a DataFormatter object.


A NumberFormatter object can be cast as a StringFormatter object.

Shared methods cannot be accessed from an instance of a class. True or False?

10. Shared methods are able to access shared variables in a class. True or False?
11. Shared methods are able to access instance variables in the class. True or False?

Polymorphism is a facility that allows us to treat an object of a class as a member of a class

that inherits from it. True or False?

Practical Activities
In these activities, we will develop a range of classes for calculating sizes and areas
for simple geometric shapes. While of little practical use (the scenario you will read
shortly is a bit unlikely), the activities will give you a chance to use inheritance in a
fairly obvious way and, hopefully, improve your understanding of it.

The flooring calculator

A company prides itself on being able to provide flooring for any shape of building with a minimum of wastage. It is important that the company can calculate the
materials cost, based on the area of flooring material (times the cost per square
metre of floor) and the perimeter length of the floor (times the cost per linear metre
of edging material), for any shape of floor very quickly in response to a telephone
enquiry, and so a calculator is necessary to do the cost estimation. It is likely that
new shape types will be added to the calculator as these become necessary.
From the above scenario, we can assume that the calculations necessary will be
the area of any shape and the distance around (perimeter) any shape. The cost of any
shape of floor can be calculated as:
area of floor cost per square metre of flooring +
perimeter of floor cost per metre of edging
For example, if flooring costs 12.00 per square metre, edging costs 2.00 per metre
and a square floor of 5 m length is to be covered, the total cost will be:

Practical Activities


Area 12.00 + perimeter 2.00 =

25 12.00 + 20 2.00 =
300.00 + 40.00 = 340.00

Activity 1: The abstract class

For any floor, we will need an area calculation, a perimeter calculation and the
per-unit cost of the two materials. As we are not yet aware of the types of shape we
may need to calculate for, we can create an abstract class that will define the basic
calculations (Listing A7.1).
MustInherit Class Shape
Private mvarFlooringCost As Decimal
Private mvarEdgingCost As Decimal
Public Sub New(ByVal flooringCost As Decimal, _
ByVal edgeingCost As Decimal)
mvarFlooringCost = flooringCost
mvarEdgingCost = edgeingCost
End Sub
Public MustOverride Function Area() As Double
Public MustOverride Function Perimeter() As Double
Public Function TotalCost() As Decimal
Return Area() * mvarFlooringCost + _
Perimeter() * mvarEdgingCost
End Function
End Class
Listing A7.1: The abstract Shape class

The class in Listing A7.1 has been defined as MustInherit, meaning we cannot
create an instance of it. The two methods Area() and Perimeter() are the reason
why we need a MustInherit specification. We cannot code these methods until we
decide on a specific shape to be implemented. The constructor is defined to accept
the per-unit costs of the two materials and pass these into the appropriate member
Note that although the Area() and Perimeter() methods are not defined, we
are still able to use them in further calculations (in the TotalCost() method). This
makes the abstract class more useful than an equivalent interface definition, since no
calculation and no instance variables could have been defined for an interface.

Activity 2: Creating a simple test shape

The next stage in developing an implementation for this problem is to define a concrete
class based on the abstract one: i.e. to create a class that inherits from the Shape
class that we can create instances of. The obvious starting point is a Square class,
since the arithmetic will be simple and easy to verify (see Listing A7.2).


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Class Square
Inherits Shape
Private mvarSize As Double
Public Sub New(ByVal flooringCost As Decimal, _
ByVal edgeingCost As Decimal, _
ByVal Size As Double)
MyBase.New(flooringCost, edgeingCost)
mvarSize = Size
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Area() As Double
Return mvarSize * mvarSize
End Function
Public Overrides Function Perimeter() As Double
Return 4 * mvarSize
End Function
End Class
Listing A7.2: The Square sub-class

We can now see the immediate benefit of the Shape class we have no need to calculate the TotalCost of a square floor in the Square class because this behaviour
is inherited from Shape. We can test this class with the calculation done earlier to
see if the answer agrees with the manually calculated answer (Listing A7.3). This
step will give us the confidence to carry on developing new Shape classes, knowing
that the base class does its job adequately:
Sub Main()
Dim S As Square
S = New Square(12, 2, 5)

'12 per sq.m, 2 per m

'and 5 sq.metres

Console.WriteLine( _
"Total cost of flooring materials is: {0}", _
End Sub
Listing A7.3: Testing the Square class (and the Shape class it is based on)

In Listing A7.3, the numbers assigned are the same as those used for our earlier
manual calculation, so if all is well, we can expect a result of 340.00. Figure A7.1
confirms this.
Now that the general framework checks out, we can go on to create several additional shape classes and demonstrate their operation.

Figure A7.1

Confirmation that our classes are calculating correctly

Practical Activities


Activity 3: Adding to the shape library

Exercise A7.1



The next most obvious shape class to develop would be a Rectangle

class, since most rooms will be this shape. A rectangle will require member variables for Length and Width. You would calculate the Area() of
a rectangle as length width and its perimeter as 2 (length + width).
Create and test the rectangle shape.
A circle shape (for flooring lighthouses and new age properties) would be
useful. A Circle class will need a Radius member variable to store
its size. Area can be calculated as pi radius radius, and perimeter
(circumference) as 2 pi radius. Pi is 3.1415927.

Activity 4: Dealing with complex shapes

Once we have dealt with simple shapes, we can consider extending the system to
cope with almost any shape by considering a shape as the sum of several smaller
shapes. For example, assume we were given the task of calculating flooring costs for
the room shape shown in Figure A7.2.
This shape, although initially appearing complex, is simply the sum of several
simple shapes, as Figure A7.3 shows.
By calculating for a single rectangle of 28 m 20 m, two smaller rectangles of
24 m 2 m and a circle of 10 m radius, we would be calculating for the overall
composite shape. Note there will be a discrepancy due to the additional edging
required for the four simpler shapes (four lengths of 24 m, since two lengths are
required for each side of the junction between the large rectangle and each of the
smaller rectangles), but this will be small compared to the overall cost and the
reduction in overall cost easy to calculate manually.
We can extend our library of shapes by adding another shape class,
ComplexShape, that will allow us to do the cost calculations for shapes such as that
shown above. An interesting feature of this shape class is that it will still be a subclass of the existing Shape base class; we will just need to add a new method to add

Figure A7.2

A complex shape to calculate


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Figure A7.3

The complex shape as the sum of simple shape

individual shapes to a collection of component shapes. The CompositeShape

class is shown in Listing A7.4.
Class CompositeShape
Inherits Shape
Private mvarComponentShapes As ArrayList
Public Sub New(ByVal flooringCost As Decimal, _
ByVal edgeingCost As Decimal)
MyBase.New(flooringCost, edgeingCost)
mvarComponentShapes = New ArrayList()
End Sub
Public Sub AddShape(ByVal S As Shape)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Area() As Double
Dim A As Double = 0
Dim S As Shape
For Each S In mvarComponentShapes
A += S.Area()
Return A
End Function
Public Overrides Function Perimeter() As Double
Dim P As Double = 0
Dim S As Shape
For Each S In mvarComponentShapes
P += S.Perimeter()
Return P
End Function
End Class
Listing A7.4: The CompositeShape class

The code in the CompositeShape class is remarkably similar to any of the individual shape classes. It has its own member variable this time an ArrayList to

Practical Activities


hold the collection of component shapes, and initializes this in the constructor (this
time by calling the ArrayList constructor).
Among its few differences, it must have one additional method (AddShape())
that allows us to add a new shape to the collection, and these component shapes
must be incorporated into the overall calculation, which is easily done with a simple
For..Each loop.
We can test this class for the compound shape in Figure A7.3 (if you have
provided the Rectangle and Circle classes, since these are also involved in
the calculation) Listing A7.5.
Sub Main()
Dim S As Shape, C As CompositeShape
C = New CompositeShape(12, 2) 'The composite shape
S = New Rectangle(12, 2, 28, 20) 'The big rectangle
S = New Rectangle(12, 2, 24, 2) 'One of the smaller
S = New Rectangle(12, 2, 24, 2) 'The other smaller
S = New Circle(12, 2, 10) 'The circle
'Now the composite should work out the overall cost
'for us...
Console.WriteLine( _
"Total cost of flooring materials is:
{0}", _
End Sub
Listing A7.5: Calculating the costs for a composite shape

You may notice one small anomaly with the CompositeShape class, which
is that while each of the component shapes has a flooring and edging cost, the
CompositeShape class also has these. Obviously its per-unit cost values will go
ignored in the calculation. We can carry on adding shape classes to our library for
as many shapes as we can think of, and deal with more and more complex shapes.

Features worth remembering


Inheritance is very useful provided a small amount of ground-work is done.

Before considering implementing an inheritance solution, you should identify
the common features of the objects you wish to relate and try to factor out a set
of core features (such as the per-unit cost variables and TotalCost method
of the Shape class). If these cannot be identified as truly common, the use of
inheritance is likely to lead to a bad solution.


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Consider the use of constructors carefully. Again, core member variables can be
set up in the base class to reduce effort in the inheriting classes.
Test early and often when you are working on an inheritance solution. Errors in
the base class may be difficult to find by the time you have several other classes
based on it implemented.
Not every complex problem demands a solution based on inheritance. In many
cases a simpler solution based on composition, aggregation or simple collaboration between classes will be easier to build and de-bug.

Suggested Additional Activities

1. The activity at the end of the previous chapter was to create a card game.
In those activities, a specific game, 21, was created. However, you should now
be able to identify the common features between that game and other card
games (the Card and CardDeck classes are more or less complete in their own
right and will do fine without any additional work). Try to create a base class
that contains all of the features for a hand of any game. The class is likely
to contain a collection of cards, a method for evaluating a hand, methods for
adding (and possibly removing) cards and a method that will allow a hand to
be compared to another to determine if it beats it. (I doubt that this will be a
trivial exercise, but it certainly has potential for learning more about using
2. One strong feature that inheritance provides is the facility to deal with a range
of different classes as if they belonged to a single class (their base class). This
facility allows us to create strongly typed collections of objects even though the
objects belong to different classes simply find a few common features and
build a base class from there. Consider the following list as possible contenders
for an inheritance tree (and possibly the killer application that will make your
a. A Personal Information Manager (PIM) program typically, a PIM incorporates a diary of appointments, a to-do list, a meeting scheduler, email
items (easily possible from VB .NET) and perhaps even an expenses
b. A program to catalogue a collection of media CDs, vinyl records,
cassettes, video cassettes, DVDs, computer games, etc. Admittedly, you
will probably need to spend some time in Chapters 11 and 12 (on files and
databases) before you do too much work on this program, but the basic
class structure could be mapped out now.
c. Similar to suggestion b, a suitable program for cataloguing a collection of
computer media, such as digital photographs and scanned images, MP3 and
other audio files and even digital video files can be created using a base
class that factors out the common features of these media types and sub
classes to deal with the essential differences.

Solutions to Exercises


Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 7.1

The BankAccount class does not have an InterestRate member or an

AddInterest() method, so trying to access these would be an error. In Visual
Studio, pressing . (the dot operator) after the name of a member variable pops
up a list of the public members of the class the member variable is declared as,
and so these members would never appear in the list. If you were to persist by
fully typing the name of a member that was not in the class, Visual Studio will
by default mark this as an error in your code with a wavy underline.

Exercise 7.2

These are activity type exercises so there is no set solution. However . . .




Exercise 7.3




e.g. with the Dynamic Help pane in view, type Public ex As

DivideByZeroException at a suitable point in a code window and
follow the Members link in the dynamic help links to find out more about
the DivideByZeroException class. This gives us a quick way to
determine the members defined by a class.
Once we have access to help on the class either by following dynamic help
or by placing the cursor on a class name and pressing F1, we can get to the
Class Overview page. The top of this page shows the ancestry of the class
(e.g. the DivideByZeroException class can be seen to inherit from
System.ArithmeticException). Click on any of these classes to get to
their Help page.
Go to the Class Members page to see a list of interface members, organized
as separate lists of properties, methods and events.
Go to the page for a class member (by following a link from the Class
Members page, or placing the cursor on a call in a Code page and pressing
F1) to see comments on its use and parameters and other info.

Using Dim outside a property or method definition will give a member

variable Friend scope, which means that the member will be accessible
anywhere within the project, including the module the declaration is made
in . . .
. . . and any other module within the project.
Friend scope limits access to code within a specific assembly (Project),
therefore Friend declarations in code in an imported assembly would be
invisible in the project they were imported into.
Not at all. Users of a program have no access to variables, properties or
methods, which are for use by programmers only.


Exercise 7.4

Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism


Exercise 7.5



It would not, since it is a method of the Multiply class, and not a method
of the Calculation class that Calc is declared as.
If the first line of Listing 7.13 was changed to Dim Calc As Multiply,
the interface members for the Multiply class would be available.
Listing 7.13 as it is depends on the fact that Multiply inherits from
Calculation, and so all of the interface elements available in
Calculation can be executed for a Multiply object. In this case, if
we want to access an interface element that is specifically a member of
Multiply, it needs to be done through a Multiply interface, which is
part of a Multiply reference variable.
Since we can add anything to an ArrayList, the member array must be an
array of reference variables to class System.Object, since every type and
class in .NET inherits directly or indirectly from this.
Again, System.Object, although it is declared as ByVal Value As
To retrieve a BankAccount from an ArrayList of BankAccounts:
Dim B As BankAccount
B = MyArrayList.Item(0) ' Retrieves first item

Note, however, that this operation performs an implicit cast, equivalent to:
Dim O As Object, B As BankAccount
O = MyArrayList.Item(0)
B = CType(O, BankAccount)

Exercise 7.6



Exercise 7.7


Since the only member variables of the class would now be shared member variables, we would not be able to create any independent members
of the class that would have their own values. Every instance of the class
(no matter how many) would have to work with the same pair of values.
By making both variables (Number1 and Number2) and all of the methods
into shared members, the Calculate class could become a wholly shared
class. However, since we would not be able to add inherited features to
work in the same way, we would have to provide instead a set of function
methods Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide so that the class
instance provided all of the functionality.

The point of an interface class is to define interface (i.e. Public) methods,

so a Private or Protected Interface method would be an oxymoron
(like a true lie). Also, interfaces are specifically defined so that every class
that implements them must be re-coded, so using Overridable,
MustOverride and NonOverridable keywords, which are defined to
control code inheritance, would make no sense.

Solutions to Exercises



The IMailable interface:

Interface IMailable
Function CheckMail() As Boolean
Function GetMailData() As Integer
End Interface

Exercise 7.8

1. The new class is created using much less code using inheritance.
2. The class will have a standard interface that users of the base class or any
of the existing Collection classes will be familiar with.
3. There is less likelihood of an error in the implementation.
4. Changes to the CollectionBase class would automatically propagate
forward to the new class.

Exercise A7.1

Class Rectangle
Inherits Shape
Private mvarWidth As Double
Private mvarHeight As Double
Public Sub New(ByVal flooringCost As Decimal, _
ByVal edgeingCost As Decimal, _
ByVal theWidth As Double, _
ByVal theHeight As Double)
MyBase.New(flooringCost, edgeingCost)
mvarWidth = theWidth
mvarHeight = theHeight
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Area() As Double
Return mvarWidth * mvarHeight
End Function
Public Overrides Function Perimeter() As Double
Return 2 * (mvarWidth + mvarHeight)
End Function
End Class

Class Circle
Inherits Shape
Private mvarRadius As Double
Private Const PI = 3.1415927
Public Sub New(ByVal flooringCost As Decimal, _
ByVal edgeingCost As Decimal, _
ByVal theRadius As Double)
MyBase.New(flooringCost, edgeingCost)
mvarRadius = theRadius
End Sub


Chapter 7 n Inheritance and Polymorphism

Public Overrides Function Area() As Double

Return PI * mvarRadius * mvarRadius
End Function
Public Overrides Function Perimeter() As Double
Return 2 * PI * mvarRadius
End Function
End Class

Answers to Review Questions

1. How does inheritance differ from simply adding a reference variable for an existing class as a
member in a new class definition? When a class is inherited, public members of the inheriting class automatically become public members of the inherited class. If a new class
contains a reference variable to a member of an existing class, an object of the existing
class must still be instantiated, and since its public members can only be accessed
via the new classs interface, interface members must be created in the new class to
delegate to the contained object.
2. Explain how extension differs from specialization as ways of creating a new class with
inheritance. Extension of an inherited class in a new class involves adding new public
members that did not exist in the inherited class to the new class. Specialization involves
re-defining selected methods from the inherited class for the new class.
3. Which does the MyBase keyword access in an inherited class the immediate ancestor
(Parent class) or the ultimate ancestor (i.e. the first class in the lineage)? The MyBase keyword is used to access members of the parent (immediate ancestor) class.
4. A class with a number of methods is given a single MustOverride method. Which of the
following is true?

It is possible to create an instance of this class and access all of its methods. False

b. It is possible to create an instance of the class but you must avoid calling the methods
marked MustOverride. False

It is not possible to create instances of this class. True a class with a member marked
as MustOverride is a purely abstract class.


Before you can inherit from a class to create a new class, the existing class must have had
a Sub New() constructor defined. True or False? False If Sub New() is not defined
explicitly, a default constructor (one that sets all member variables to null or zero values)
is automatically supplied.


Some programming languages (e.g. C++) provide for multiple inheritance, which allows a new
class to inherit from two or more existing classes. Visual Basic .NET does not support this. What

Answers to Review Questions


other facility does VB .NET provide to allow you to create classes based on more than one
class specification? While a VB class can only inherit from a single base class, it can
implement any number of interfaces.

State the rules for overriding a method in an existing class. How does overriding a method
differ from overloading a method? The new class must inherit from the existing class, and
the method that is to be overridden must have been marked as Overridable or
MustOverride. Overloading a method involves providing an alternative version of an
existing method with a different signature (parameter list).


A class, DataFormatter, is used as the base class for two other classes,
StringFormatter and NumberFormatter. Which of the following are true?

A DataFormatter object can be cast as a StringFormatter object False

b. A DataFormatter object can be cast as a NumberFormatter object False


A StringFormatter object can be cast as a DataFormatter object True

d. A NumberFormatter object can be cast as a DataFormatter object True


A NumberFormatter object can be cast as a StringFormatter object False

Shared methods cannot be accessed from an instance of a class. True or False? False

10. Shared methods are able to access shared variables in a class. True or False? True
11. Shared methods are able to access instance variables in the class. True or False? False
12. Polymorphism is a facility that allows us to treat an object of a class as a member of a class
that inherits from it. True or False? False it allows us to treat an object of a class as if it
was a member of the class it inherited from.


WinForms Applications

In this chapter you will learn:


the way a Windows application is organized;

how Form Designer windows and associated Code windows interact;

how to create user interfaces for Windows applications;

how to build dialog boxes for specific types of user-interactions;

the different types of control available for Windows applications;

the event-driven nature of Windows applications;

what delegate procedures are, and how they are used.


Application Structure
Console applications like those weve been working on so far have a simple structure that is ideal for when youre learning to program in a new language. The basic
console structure: get Input, Process it, produce Output, is trivial and easy to imagine as a way of dealing with information. Windows application programs can be
more difficult to develop, since they involve a complex system of interaction and
control, the possibility of a large number of separate modes of input which can interact in subtle and even unexpected ways, and a structure that is almost like several
separate programs simultaneously let loose on a single set of data. By concentrating
on the nature of programming and the structure and organization of objects within a
piece of software up till now, you should find it easier to work with applications
structures of the level of complexity of a Windows program. Graphical user interface software like this can, at its best, create a working environment for the user that
is efficient and responsive in ways console-based software can rarely do.
The first thing to realize about a Windows program is that you, the programmer,
are no longer in the driving seat. When you choose to develop a Windows-based
application, you are effectively saying that the user of the program is in control.
A console program is like a script in which you write statements to say what will
happen and what order it will happen in. If the user is expected to enter, say, a
name, an address and a telephone number for processing, you write statements to
collect the data in this order, or whatever order you dictate, and only after collecting

8.1 Application Structure


the information will you do whatever processing is necessary. In most Windows

programs, the user would decide what order to enter the information into the
program, and would then decide whether to process the information or cancel
the operation.
For a user, this type of interaction is liberating, and provides a more natural and
therefore easier to learn way of working with software; data entry can be made more
like filling in a form, and complex operations such as manipulating graphics or
navigating through a large database can be made more intuitive. For a programmer
it makes it more difficult to maintain control of the way a program works, and
more likely that the user will leave out important pieces of data or try to perform
operations in an order that will not produce the desired result. To write successful
Windows programs, a programmer must learn to impose control on the user in more
subtle ways than simply dictating the order of input.

8.1.1 An Example User-Interface Task

As an example, consider the way you would elicit input data from a user in a program for calculating income tax. A persons tax liability is calculated from several
pieces of information: their annual income, standard tax allowances based on their
family circumstances (marital status, number of dependent children), and extra
tax allowances based on various types of expenditure that can be offset against tax
(professional membership fees, work related purchases, etc.). The actual calculation
is based on rates and amounts that vary from country to country. However, in
general, a number of values must be used to make the calculation possible. Lets
assume the following figures as a basis for tax calculation:

Rates, Limits and Allowances for Income Tax Calculations

(These are not realistic but are for example purposes only)
Single persons allowance: 5000 per annum
Married couples allowance: 8000 per annum
Childs allowance: 2000 per annum per dependent child
Basic tax rate: 20%
Basic tax limit: 20 000 of taxable income
Higher tax rate: 40% (on all taxable income above 20 000)

In a console style program, we might use a class design for objects that can do the
basic calculations, and we would write methods to make sure that all of the necessary data was entered in strict order before using it in the calculation. We would add
another method to the tax calculation object for displaying the result, as shown in
Listing 8.1.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Module TaxCalc
Class TaxCalculator
'Start by declaring the various allowances and rates...
Public Shared SingleAllowance As Decimal = 5000
Public Shared MarriedAllowance As Decimal = 8000
Public Shared ChildAllowance As Decimal = 2000
Public Shared BasicRate As Single = 0.2
Public Shared BasicLimit As Decimal = 20000
Public Shared HigherRate As Single = 0.4
'Now declare the actual values for a calculation...
Public GrossIncome As Decimal
Public Married As Boolean
Public DependentChildren As Integer = 0
Public ExtraAllowances As Decimal = 0
'Methods for the tax calculation...
Public Function TotalAllowances() As Decimal
Dim totAllow As Decimal
If Married Then
totAllow = MarriedAllowance
totAllow = SingleAllowance
End If
totAllow += DependentChildren * ChildAllowance
totAllow += ExtraAllowances
Return totAllow
End Function
Public Function TaxableIncome() As Decimal
TaxableIncome = GrossIncome TotalAllowances()
End Function
Public Function Tax() As Decimal
If TaxableIncome() > BasicLimit Then
Return (TaxableIncome() _
BasicLimit) * HigherRate + _
BasicLimit * BasicRate
Return TaxableIncome() * BasicRate
End If
End Function
Public Function IncomeAfterTax() As Decimal
Return GrossIncome Tax()
End Function
'A method to collect the information...
Public Sub GetData()
Dim response As String
Console.Write("Enter gross income:")
GrossIncome = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Are you married (Y/N)?")
response = Console.ReadLine()
Married = (response = "Y") Or (response = "y")
Console.Write( _
"How many dependent children do you have?")
DependentChildren = Console.ReadLine()

8.1 Application Structure


Console.Write( _
"Enter amount of additional allowances:")
ExtraAllowances = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub
'A method to display results . . .
Public Sub ShowTaxCalc()
Console.WriteLine("Tax calculation results:")
Console.WriteLine( _
"Taxable Income(annual) = {0}", TaxableIncome)
Console.WriteLine("Total tax (annual) = {0}", _
Console.WriteLine(" _
Annual income after tax = {0}", IncomeAfterTax)
Console.WriteLine(" _
Monthly income after tax = {0}",
Format(IncomeAfterTax() / 12, "0.00"))
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim TC As New TaxCalculator()
End Sub
End Module
Listing 8.1: A console program to do tax calculations

Listing 8.1 shows a module of code that contains a new class (TaxCalculator)
and a Sub Main() to create an instance of the class and put it to work. Ive kept the
class code simple by using Public member variables rather than properties not ideal
programming but adequate for this example. While the console-based program shown
would be perfectly simple to use (see Figure 8.1a), most computer users now expect
a more forgiving user interface, such as the Windows form shown in Figure 8.1b.

Figure 8.1a

The console-based Tax Calculator in use


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Figure 8.1b

A Windows Tax Calculator in use

The console-based version is easy to program, but its operation is at best clunky.
However, it does have the benefit of asking for all of the necessary information
before performing a calculation. The Windows version, on the other hand, allows
the user such latitude in its operation that it is possible to cause the program to fail
simply by pressing the Calculate button before all of the necessary information has
been entered.
The code for the Windows version of the application is very different, even
though an object of the same class is used to collect the various bits of information
and do the calculation. It is shown in Listing 8.2.
Public Class frmTaxCalc
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer generated code

Private TC As TaxCalculator 'The TaxCalculator object
Private Sub frmTaxCalc_Load( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
TC = New TaxCalculator()
End Sub
Private Sub txtGrossIncome_Validating( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles txtGrossIncome.Validating
TC.GrossIncome = Val(txtGrossIncome.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub chkMarried_CheckedChanged( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _

8.1 Application Structure


ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles chkMarried.CheckedChanged
TC.Married = chkMarried.Checked
End Sub
Private Sub cboNumChildren_SelectedIndexChanged( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles cboNumChildren.SelectedIndexChanged
TC.DependentChildren = _
CType(cboNumChildren.Text, Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub txtExtraAllowances_Validating( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles txtExtraAllowances.Validating
TC.ExtraAllowances = Val(txtExtraAllowances.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalc_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim report As String
'Show the results of the tax calculations...
report = "Taxable Income (annual) = " & _
TC.TaxableIncome & Environment.NewLine
report += "Total tax (annual) = " & _
TC.Tax & Environment.NewLine
report += "Annual income after tax = " & _
TC.IncomeAfterTax & Environment.NewLine
report += "Monthly income after tax = " & _
Format(TC.IncomeAfterTax / 12, "0.00")
txtResult.Text = report
End Sub
End Class
Listing 8.2: Windows code that uses the TaxCalculator class

Listing 8.2 shows the code behind the Windows form shown in Figure 8.1b. The
first thing I should do here is reassure you by stating that very little of this code
had to be entered manually (12 lines of it to be exact). Most of it was generated by
Visual Studio as the various event-handlers were added to the form. The code
that was entered manually was in fact very straightforward, the main difference
from the Console application being that:
1. the GetData() method was not used since the various bits of the data were
picked up from the various Windows controls individually; and
2. the ShowTaxCalc() method did not need to be called, since instead of providing console output, the results of the calculations were placed into the textbox
immediately above the two buttons on the Windows form.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

In Listing 8.2, each source of user-input that the program is set up to handle has
a separate event-handler. An event-handler is simply a sub that has been connected
by Visual Studio to a signal from Windows. Each control can potentially handle
many events, but only those for which event-handlers have been created have any

Exercise 8.1

From the code in Listing 8.2, you can see that different events were used to
trigger processing from different controls. The list of events available for each
type of control is described in the help pages for each control (accessible via
the Dynamic Help window or by selecting a control and pressing F1). For
most controls, the table listing the available events is quite far down the Help
page. Look up the list of events for several of the WinForms controls and in
particular read the descriptions of the default events such as the Click event
for a button (you can identify the default event for a control by placing the control on a form and double-clicking on it an event-handler for the default
event will be generated in the Code window for the form). The help page for an
event contains a link to a page entitled Consuming Events, which provides
a good overview of events and event handling.

8.1.2 Event-Handling Code

The main difference between the two versions of the Tax Calculator program is due
to the way that Windows handles user-input. In the Console application, the user follows the programmers prompts as defined in GetData() effectively instructions
for how to use the program, including the order that data is to be entered. In the
Windows version, the user is free to enter the input data in any order. There would
be nothing to stop the user from entering the inputs in reverse order, or from entering one piece of data, running the Windows calculator to make some calculations
before entering the next piece, sending an email before entering the remaining pieces
and then finally pressing the Calculate button to get the result.
As you might imagine, this would be quite awkward to organize in a Console
application. However, in the Windows program, it is a natural consequence of
the way Windows deals with input from the keyboard and mouse and any other
potential source of input data. Windows programs respond to events, which are
messages from the operating system indicating that something has happened. In
effect, a specially written sub handles each possible type of event.
Windows itself it smart enough to direct events to the program that they were
intended for, and the .NET runtime library provides enough additional intelligence
to work out which specific control an event was directed at. If the cursor is flashing
in a particular text box and the user presses a key, a number of event messages are
sent to the form that contains the text box and the form in turn invokes an eventhandler that has been created for that text box. If you click on a button, Windows
sends a message to the form which can then invoke the appropriate event-handler
for a click on that button.

8.1 Application Structure


Private Sub frmTaxCalc_Load(...)

End Sub
Private Sub txtGrossIncome_Validating(...
End Sub
Private Sub chkMarried_CheckedChanged(...
End Sub
Private Sub cboNumChildren_SelectedIndex...
End Sub
Private Sub txtExtraAllowances_Validatin...
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalc_Click(...
End Sub
Figure 8.2

Events and event-Handlers

Event-handlers are like little programs. Each event that happens potentially has an
event-handler associated with it. If there is no event-handler, the event is ignored by
the program. If an event-handler has been created for that event, it is executed from
beginning to end. Figure 8.2 indicates how interaction events and event-handlers in
this small application are interrelated.
Outlines for the event-handlers are usually created automatically by Visual Studio
as you add controls to a form and use the Class Name and Method Name combo
boxes in the forms Code window to select events you wish to write response code
for. You can also add event-handlers manually by entering the entire code, including the normally generated first and last line, into the forms Code window.
While this structure makes it easy to see how particular user-input occurrences
will relate to particular pieces of program code, it does leave us with a problem: how
do we do an entire task that would previously have been the work of a program when
it is initiated in lots of little steps, or, more specifically, how do we ensure that all of
the little steps are done in an order that will produce the correct result?
The answer to this is that we need to design the application program carefully
(is there any other way?) and we need to anticipate the users silliest mistakes.
For the Tax Calculation program, we have several options for making sure we get
an answer.

We could allow null or problem inputs, converting each to the most likely value.
For example, if nothing (or nothing valid) was entered into the Annual Income
text box, we could assume an annual income of zero. For zero income you would
pay zero tax, and so the calculations would still come out as correct.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

We could place sensible defaults in each input control. This is already taken care
of with certain controls the default value in the Number Of Children box is zero,
the default marital status is Single, etc. It would not be a good idea to take this
idea too far, since the default salary we place in txtGrossIncome will almost
certainly be wrong and could mislead the user into thinking a sensible value had
already been entered.
We could precede the calculation code with statements to validate each of the
input values. The calculation would only proceed if all inputs were a sensible
value; otherwise, the user would be warned of the input errors.
We could disable the Calculate button until some useful value had been
applied to each of the input controls. Obviously, any value will be ok in both the
check box and the combo box since these limit the possible inputs to valid ones.
However, it would be easily possible to ensure that the user could not press the
Calculate button by disabling it until valid entries were made in the Income
and Allowances boxes. Once both boxes had valid inputs, we could enable
the Calculate button and allow the user to proceed.

Note that no matter what scheme we decide on, there is nothing to prevent the user
from entering perfectly valid but incorrect values. Garbage-inGarbage-out is still
the law whether a program is console-based or event-driven.
Windows programmers tend to favour the last suggestion from the list above.
Good user interface design is about gently guiding the user towards correct usage of
a program, and nothing tells a user they have done something wrong more elegantly
than simply not allowing them to proceed. A user faced with the inability to press
the Calculate button is likely to spot missing or wrong input values quite quickly.
Exercise 8.2

In Listing 8.2 and Figure 8.2, you can see that different pieces of data are
picked up from the form using event-handlers for the various controls (e.g. the
annual income value is collected using the txtGrossIncome_Validating()
event-handler). This data could instead have been picked up in the
btnCalc_Click() event handler, in which case the code for packing the
various pieces of data into the TaxCalc object would have been placed before
the statements that build up the report for display. Write this version of the
btnCalc_Click() event handler.

8.1.3 Increasing Complexity, and Tiers of Software

As a Windows program becomes more complex, the use of a single form for
dealing with all user-input becomes less and less sensible. There are two issues to
consider when creating software that by necessity has a complex user-interface:
the complexity that the user of the software must contend with, and the increased
difficulty in creating the software in the first place.
The usual method of reducing complexity a user perceives in a Windows program
is to partition the user-interface into several forms, each with a specific goal or area

8.1 Application Structure


of the application to deal with. This makes the users job of working with the software easier, and also makes it less cumbersome to create. Visual Studio itself is a
good example of this form of construction, with separate Windows (forms) for providing different views of the current project or parts of it, dialog boxes for printing
and making changes to the settings of parts of Visual Studio, and a Multi-Document
Interface (MDI) so that individual code modules and forms are dealt with separately.
A software developer writing Windows software needs to create not only the
classes and structures that perform the softwares work, but also a user-interface that
makes it easy to use. Because of the way the Visual Studio works, it can be tempting to start with the user-interface and build the code that does the actual work of the
software into that; for example, you could place the code to do the tax calculations
directly into the event-handlers shown in Listing 8.2. This approach can be successful for a while, but should be avoided for all but the most trivial of software, for a
variety of reasons.

A user-interface is developed to interact with the user. Once the actual missions
of an application are built into the user-interface, it becomes difficult to separate
one from the other. Changing the user-interface so that the user interacts with it
in a different way is likely to have an effect on the way the software works and
vice-versa. The ideal is to keep both separate, so that it is possible to change
either the user-interface or the workings of the application without these changes
affecting the other part.

Building the core of the software into the user-interface makes both (software
design and user-interface design) more complex.
If an application does its work successfully as a Windows program, it may be
desirable to implement it as a web-based application (which would use a browser
and Web Forms as its user-interface). If the application software is inextricably
linked with the user-interface design, the only solution might be to build the webbased version from scratch. If a design that kept the application core separate
from the user-interface had been used, it would be possible to reuse the classes at
the core of the application in the web-based one by simply building the webbased user-interface and connecting it to the existing application core.
Building object-oriented software is about creating classes that perform simple
roles in the application well. One obvious simplification of the structure of any part
of an application is to create a class to perform some role, and separately create
a user-interface component class to work with it. The partition between application objects and user-interface objects is simply good object-oriented design.

These general points are well supported by the notion of tiered or layered
software design. A simple two-tier application design is one where the software
missions are performed by a set of application objects, and the user controls these
objects through a set of user-interface objects. Figure 8.3 is a diagram of a simple
two-tier program.
The terms user-interface tier or layer, and business tier or layer are often used to
describe the separation of the two parts of a simple desktop application (a simple
desktop application in this sense is a program that does not utilize connections to


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Figure 8.3

A 2-tier application

software on other computers via a network, such as a database server or Internet

services). The business tier is the part of the software that does the core work of the
application, such as calculating tax; it is the part of the application that specifically
implements the software requirements. The user-interface tier is developed to manage user-interactions. At its simplest, that involves accepting user-input, displaying
results and accepting commands, although user-interface design can involve much
more than this. For example, a well-designed user-interface can display partial
results, record user-interactions to allow them to be undone in the event of an error,
generate graphical representations of application data, anticipate user actions to simplify input (as Visual Studio does with Intellisense), enable and disable commands
as appropriate to reduce the possibility of error and display application status.
One very important benefit to developing the business tier separately is that it
makes the workings of the application easier to test and maintain. By allowing a
number of different designs of user-interface to be used, it is possible to create a
variation of the system where the business model is attached to a very simple userinterface that simply passes established test data into the business tier and examines
the results. Whenever any work is done on the business tier, it can be re-tested
quickly and easily by building a test version of the application and running the tests.
Exercise 8.3

Identify the separate tiers for business processing and user-interface management for the TaxCalc program.


Which objects in the program correspond to which tiers?

How are the two tiers organized in terms of code modules?

WinForms Basics
A WinForms application has a user-interface based around forms, which are objects
of classes that can be either designed for a particular task in a specific application,
or, usefully, designed to perform a common task that might be needed in many
applications. Microsoft provides a number of forms which are standard enough to

8.2 WinForms Basics

Figure 8.4


The Save File common dialog

be built into the Windows operating system. These common dialogs are accessed by
either calling on standard functions that are part of Windows itself, known as API
(Application Programmer Interface) functions or, more usefully from a Visual Basic
WinForms program, by activating them from controls that can be placed on the
main form of the VB application. They are available to perform common tasks such
as getting the user to enter a file-name and location, selecting a file to load, picking
a colour or font, or configuring a printer before a print job is run. Figure 8.4 shows
the FileSaveDialog in action, and Listing 8.3 shows typical code needed to activate
it and collect the file-name entered by the user.
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim fileName As String
With SaveDlg
'SaveDlg is a control on a form
.Filter = "Text Files|*.txt"
If .ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
fileName = .FileName
'Go on to save the file...
End If
End With
End Sub
Listing 8.3: Using the FileSaveDialog

Other forms are either designed specifically for a particular purpose in an application program or designed to be used in a range of applications, in either case using
the WinForms designer built into Visual Studio. When you create a new WinForms
application in Visual Studio, you are automatically given a blank form which you
can then go on to customize by adding controls and setting properties for the form
and added controls. You can also add code to a form in the way we have created
code for Console applications up till now.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Exercise 8.4

Considering how easy it is to display and use an item as complex as, for
example the Save File common dialog, you might think that there would be
more use made of this particular way of writing code to interact with the user.

What prevents Microsoft from providing you with a wide enough range of
common dialog boxes to suit every programming need?
How might you try to use this way of working so that your own forms were
as easy to use in applications?

8.2.1 Controls
The WinForms designer displays a form design that you can configure using drag
and drop to add controls, the mouse pointer to set size and position and the
Properties window to change a wide range of properties of visual controls. As you
manipulate these controls at design time, the Form Designer adjusts the code behind
the form to reflect the changes in settings. Microsoft terminology uses control
to indicate a visible item on a form that can be manipulated at design time, and
component to indicate separately built objects that can be added to a program
and accessed programmatically using their class interface. A control is a special
type of component with a visible design-time presence.
By default, the Form Designer adds controls to a form with Friend scope, so that
the controls can be accessed from any code within the assembly. It is possible to
change a controls scope using the Modifiers property, so that it is Private
(available only within the forms own code), Protected (available in the forms
code or any forms that inherit from it) or Public (available to any code that can
access the form). Typically, Friend access is adequate, although for complex forms
it could be useful to reduce the scope to Private or Protected for certain controls.
As this suggests, a form design is a class and adheres to all of the rules of scope
and inheritance that any other class does. When developing forms for a WinForms
application, it is good practice to apply the same object-oriented programming techniques you would apply to classes that you create in code; always use the minimum
scope for member variables and methods that you add to a form and use meaningful
names for controls, variables, properties and methods.

8.2.2 Windows Focus

All controls in Visual Studio .NET are Windows-based, which means that they can
receive the focus in an application. A control which receives the focus is the currently selected control on a form. A text box shows a flashing cursor when it has
the focus, buttons, check boxes and radio buttons show a dotted-line around their
caption, list boxes and combo boxes highlight the selected item and more complex
controls indicate they have the focus in a variety of ways (see Figure 8.5). In every
case, this indicates that keyboard input will be directed to that control, allowing a
user to access everything on a form without having to use the mouse.

8.2 WinForms Basics

Figure 8.5


Various Windows controls with the focus

Focus is controlled by the user clicking on a control to select it, or by the user
pressing the Tab key to move around the controls on a form, or by program code.
When you design a form, you can set up the order that focus moves in when the user
presses the Tab key. Each control has a TabIndex property which is a number that
indicates what order controls will be selected in using the Tab key; lower numbers
come first. Label controls cannot be selected since they are not regarded as input
controls, so the TabIndex they are given has no effect. If one or more labels are
next in the tabbing sequence, the focus will simply jump past them to the next
selectable control.
A programmer can programmatically move the focus to a specific control using
the Focus() method for that control. This makes it possible to direct the users
input to a specific input control even if it is not the next in the normal sequence,
which is defined by a controls TabIndex property.
Controls are initially given a TabIndex set by the order they were put on the
form: the first control gets 0, the second 1, etc. At design time the TabIndex can be
changed by entering a new number for it in the Properties window select lower for
earlier in the list and higher for later. If you give a control a TabIndex that is the
same as a control already on the form, both controls will share the same TabIndex.
Tabbing order will then be dictated by the ZOrder (or back-to-front order) of the
controls; by default controls that were placed on the form later will be selected first
as they are on top.
This would all make the job of setting the order that controls were tabbed to quite
messy, if it were not for the built-in TabIndex reordering tool. Place controls on a
Tab Order from the menus.
form in any order you wish, and then select View
TabIndex values will appear as little numbers on the controls in the Form Designer
(see Figure 8.6), and you can now set the TabIndex by clicking on them in the order
you wish. This is a huge leap forward from previous versions of Visual Basic where
it was necessary to number the controls individually using the Properties window.
Exercise 8.5

The Windows focus is a very useful mechanism for making the users interactions with a form easier. Can you think of three specific advantages controlling
the input focus might have in simplifying user-interactions? (Hint think of the
order input is collected, what happens when an item of data obviously does not
need to be entered, and what could be done if an input error was recognized).

8.2.3 Events
The form you manipulate at design time and all the objects you place on it provide
events that act as signals sent to activate procedures on the form. That can seem a


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Figure 8.6

Setting the TabIndex values for controls

bit odd, a form sending a signal to itself, but it is this that allows for a forms core
behaviour to be extended so that it can do things never thought of when the original
form class was written by Microsoft. Events are simply notifications from standard
signals that Windows and .NET understand, such as mouse clicks and key presses,
which are used to execute specially formatted subs that you write. A sub that is executed in response to an event is called an event-handler, and it can take zero or more
parameters that give more information about an event. All of the events specified for
the controls in VS .NET pass a pair of arguments, which appear to the event-handlers
as 1) a reference to the object that sent the event and 2) a reference to an EventArgs
object (a member of a descendant of the EventArgs class) that contains more
information about the event. For example, the TextBox control sources a
KeyPressed event, a handler for which appears in outline as shown in Listing 8.4.
Private Sub txtName_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) _
Handles txtName.KeyPress
Dim ch As Char
ch = e.KeyChar()
e.Handled = True
End Sub
Listing 8.4: An event-handler for the TextBox.KeyPress event

When this event fires on a form, the sender parameter will be a reference to the
TextBox object that fired the event. The e parameter contains additional information specific to this type of event. In this case the key that was pressed to fire the

8.2 WinForms Basics

Figure 8.7


Part of the event list for a TextBox control

event (which is being passed into the ch variable within the event-handler), and
a Handled Boolean member variable, which can be used in the event-handler to
indicate that the key-press has been taken care of. The e parameter varies depending on the event and the control that sent it. For example, a MouseMove event,
which is used to indicate that the mouse is moving across a control, passes variables
to give the location and button state of the mouse within the e parameter.
Events are coded into a class design in such a way that the Form Designer is able
to provide a list of available events for an object at design time. You can write code
to add an event-handler to a form manually, but generally you will find it much
easier to let Visual Studio generate the outline of an event-handler for you.
All controls have a default event, which is the one that the Form Designer will
provide a handler for if you double-click on the control at design time. The default
event for a Button is the Click event, for a TextBox the Change event and so on.
However, each control can typically source many different events. To get the form
designer to generate an event other than the default, simply select the control in
the combo box at the top left of the form, and the desired event in the combo box
at the top right (see Figure 8.7).
Once an event-handler outline has been generated for a specific event from a
particular object, whatever code you place inside it will define the procedure that
will be executed in response to the event.
An event-handler can cause other event handlers to fire. For example, several
controls have a . . . Changed event that is caused to fire when the controls content
changes in some way; a TextBox has a TextChanged event and this will change
if, for any reason, the Text in the TextBox changes. Therefore, an event-handler
that contains a line of code like:
Text1.Text = ...

will cause the Text1.TextChanged event to fire. For this reason, the code in
Listing 8.5 can cause a crash.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Private Sub txtResult_TextChanged(ByVal sender As

System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles txtResult.TextChanged
txtResult.Text += "."
End Sub
Listing 8.5: Code that will cause a crash

The intention might have been to tidy up the format of the result by adding a
period to the end of it, but the effect will be to change the text, which will in
turn fire the TextChanged event, which will change the text which. . . . It is worth
watching for this type of cascading event as you write event-handlers.
Exercise 8.6


From the explanation above, it is obvious that altering a controls contents

within a handler for the Changed event can cause problems. Look through the
list of events for a TextBox, and try to identify a more suitable event for performing the task outlined in Listing 8.5. Write the code that would be placed in
the suggested events event-handler.

User Interface Code and the

Form Designer
User-interface development for a Windows-based application can be done entirely
in program code. Listing 8.6 shows a minimal code example of a Console application in which a blank form is created and displayed.
Module SimpleForm
Sub Main()
Dim F As New Windows.Forms.Form()
End Sub
End Module
Listing 8.6: A Console application that displays a Windows Form

If you create and run this application (to do so in Visual Studio, you will need to
create a Console application and then add a reference to the System.Windows.
Forms library to make the form class and the application class available), you will
notice that as a Console application it still displays a Console window on the screen
when it starts up. However, a new blank form is immediately loaded on top of the
Console window, which will then do nothing until you close the form, at which it
will also close. You can get rid of the Console window by going to the Project
Properties dialog box and selecting Windows Application as the Output type.

8.3 User Interface Code and the Form Designer


The difficulty with developing a Windows application in this way is that you
would now have to change the size of the form, add controls to it and associate
them with the form, deal with user interactions and Windows messages and a great
many other things, all in Visual Basic code. Fortunately, Visual Studio provides
us with designers for Windows applications that take care of all of these details and
leave us to get on with writing the application code.

8.3.1 Designer Generated Code

Lets look at a simple Windows form from a new Windows Form application.
Project and selecting to build a Windows Application, you
Selecting File
will get a new project that automatically contains a single empty form. This contains
the code necessary to set up a Windows form and set it running. Near the top of the
forms Code window, you would find a line:

Windows Form Designer generated code

(e.g. see near the top of Listing 8.2). By clicking on the little + sign at the left, you
can open (or unfold) a lot of code that Visual Studio normally hides from you;
shown in Listing 8.7.
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
Public Sub New()
'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
'Add any initialization after the
InitializeComponent() call
End Sub
'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose( _
ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows
'Form Designer


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.

'Do not modify it using the code editor.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Private Sub InitializeComponent()
components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
Me.Text = "Form1"
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
Listing 8.7: Windows Form Designer generated code for a blank form

Apart from inserting a few line-breaks to make this code fit better on the page, Ive
made no changes to it. Reassuringly, there is not much in the way of code that we
have not met in some form before.
The code for the form is a Class definition, and as you might expect it uses inheritance so that standard properties and methods for all Form classes are already
defined. In the earlier example of a simple form, I created an object of the
System.Windows.Forms.Form class, and here, the Windows Form Designer
has created a new Form class by inheriting from the same class. To kick off the
design of a new class, the designer has added a constructor (Public Sub New())
which makes a call to InitializeComponent(). This method is defined later
in the class and has the job of creating a Container component for the form, which
will hold references to any other components added to the form, and setting the
forms caption (the Text property). The only other method defined for the new Form
class is the Dispose() method, which is used to destroy the collection of objects
added to the form (and the form itself) when it is no longer needed in an application.
To keep this code safe from tinkering, Visual Studio places most of it in a code
region which by default is hidden. It is worth examining the contents of the region
after making some changes to a form to see its effect. For example, if I change the
form by adding a Windows control from the toolbox to the form in the Designer
window, a new Button reference variable will be added to the Form class, and the
code in InitializeComponent() will be changed so that the button is properly
set up. The buttons variable is added with the statement:
Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button

Using a Friend declaration for the button makes it accessible by any code within
the assembly, so it is easily possible to change the properties of the button anywhere
in the project. The WithEvents keyword indicates that this control can be a source
of events, which in turn tells the Form Designer that it may need to attach matching
event-handling code to the forms code.
As a consequence of adding the button to the form, the
InitializeComponent() method is changed, with statements added to create
the Button object and set its initial properties (its location, where it occurs in the
tab order of controls on the form and what caption will be displayed on its face).
This is shown in Listing 8.8.

8.3 User Interface Code and the Form Designer


<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Private Sub InitializeComponent()
Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(96, 96)
Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
Me.Button1.TabIndex = 0
Me.Button1.Text = "Button1"
Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 273)
Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() _
Me.Name = "Form1"
Me.Text = "Form1"
End Sub
Listing 8.8: Code added to the form by Form Designer when a button is
placed on it

Note from Listing 8.8 that adding the Button control also makes changes to some
of the forms own properties. AutoScaleBaseSize is set to a value if a control
with text is placed in the forms main area, and allows size calculations to be done
based on the character size of the default font for the form (in this case, the font used
in the buttons caption text). ClientSize is established for the form so that code
can be written to work out the available area for controls and graphics on the form
and the form is given a default name. During these manipulations of the form
(remember that this sub will be executed at run time to set the form and its controls
up), effort is saved in updating the form by calling SuspendLayout(). Once the
components are initialized, ResumeLayout() is called, which allows the operations
that update the visible appearance of the form to be processed.
A double-click on the buttons face in the Form Designer window will generate
an outline event-handler for the button (Listing 8.9).
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click
'Event handling code goes here.
End Sub
Listing 8.9: An event-handler for the button added to the form

Table 8.1 takes the first line of this event-handler step-by-step.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Table 8.1

Breaking down an event-handlers first line

Private Sub

The event-handler is a sub that is private to the Form class i.e. we could
not call this event-handler from code outside the class definition. While
there is nothing to stop us from changing the declaration from Private
to any other access type, it could lead to confusing code


The name generated for the handler is simply formed by adding the name
of the event handled to the name of the control that handles it. We can
change this name if we wish, although generally the name provided is
a good reminder of what this sub is for

ByVal sender As

Sender is a reference variable indicating the actual control that sourced the
event. We can if we wish use the same event-handler to respond to a large
number of possible events by appending them to the Handles list at the
end of the line. This parameter allows us to determine which was the cause

ByVal e As

Any arguments to the event are passed here for example, the current
mouse position for a mouse-related event, the key that has been pressed,
etc. The object referenced by e will often be of a class that descends from
System.EventArgs, since EventArgs has no member fields to
contain event data


This is the actual link to the object firing the event and the event fired. If the
name of Button1 is changed in the Properties window, the object name
here will be changed by the Form Designer, but the sub name will remain
unchanged. The Handles keyword can be followed by a comma separated
list of object events, in which case the event-handler will fire for any of them

In addition to generating code for the form and the objects placed on it, the Form
Designer is also responsible for making code changes to reflect any property
changes you make as you design a form. An obvious example of this happens if
you change the name of a control, since the associated variable declaration must
be changed to match, and the Handles list of any event-handlers associated
with it must also be updated. Other changes to properties will be reflected in the
forms InitializeComponent sub.
As you can see, the Form Designer takes care of a lot of detail when you build
and edit the visual face of a form. While you could do any or all of this coding by
hand, Visual Studio and the Form Designer provide an accurate match between
visual appearance, property settings and the code that would make this a task of
unnecessary drudgery.

8.3.2 Code Attributes

Even for a very simple form with a single button on it, Visual Studios Form
Designer does a lot of work which otherwise you would have to do. As you might
expect, there has to be a strong link between the Form Designer and the code to
allow this to happen, which brings us to the rather odd statement that you can see in
both Listings 8.7 and 8.8:
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Private Sub InitializeComponent()

8.4 Tools for Creating a User-Interface


This statement steps out of the bounds of the Visual Basic .NET language as a plain
programming language and into a whole new arena self-describing program code.
Visual Basic (and the other .NET languages) supports the notion of code attributes,
which are parts added to statements that the .NET compiler uses to control the type
of code that it generates, or to pass on information that will be of use to other software that works with the code. Attributes in Visual Basic .NET are placed in <>
brackets, sometimes at the start of a statement as here, and sometimes within a
statement. A range of pre-defined attributes are available within .NET and Visual
Studio, and you can define your own attributes to add description to code if
you wish. In this case, the System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()
attribute is used to pass on information to the debugger that tells it how to deal
Step Into operation will not automatically stop in this
with this code (a Debug
code unless a breakpoint is placed in it).
Generally, Visual Studio will append one of a range of attributes to code
automatically so that it or other software knows how to deal with the code. You can
ignore these attributes unless you intend to write programming tools. However, you
can devise attributes for your own purposes; for example, to assist in documenting your program code. You will meet attributes again when we come to look at
serialization in Chapter 11.


Tools for Creating a User-Interface

Visual Studio makes building a user-interface as easy as selecting the interaction
methods you wish to add and drawing them on a Form Designer window. Of course
you need to write some code to make the users actions manipulate the business-end
of your application, which ideally should be objects of classes you have developed
for the job, but having created a suitable set of business classes for your application,
connecting them up to a user-interface is a minor task.
Generally, when you create a user-interface, the first problem you have is deciding on the ways you want the user to interact with a form. Windows provides a rich
set of controls for this purpose, and as a user of Windows and Windows software
you already have experience of using these and the kinds of interactions supported.
We can consider a user-interface as having two main jobs to do: accept user input
and display results. Although Visual Basic .NET comes with a large number of
Windows controls as standard, most Windows programs make use of just a few of
these controls to create a user-interface. Of these, the most important are those listed
in Table 8.2.
A wide range of other controls are available to interact with databases, display the
standard Windows dialog boxes for opening and saving files, selecting a font or
colour and setting up the printer, choosing a date from a calendar or creating a
Windows Explorer-like display of the data in a program. In every case, a control
can be configured as you design the form using the Properties window, or certain
properties can be altered as a program runs. All controls can also fire events to cause
code to be executed as the user interacts with them.

Table 8.2

Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Some important WinForms controls



MainMenu control: used to add a structured set of menus to a form, including top-level
(main) menus, sub-menus, sub-sub menus and so on. Menu items allow the user to initiate
a command and provide a limited form of feedback (a menu item can be made invisible,
disabled or a check mark can be placed next to it)
Button control: standard Windows buttons and are used to initiate commands
TextBox: this is used to accept typed user-input and display text over one or several lines
Label: a label control simply displays text in a specific place on a form
CheckBox: a check box displays a little tick mark or not and allows the user to click to
change its state. Typically, the presence of a tick is a reflection of an internal Boolean state
RadioButton: this gets its name from the type of station selector common in older car
radios. Radio buttons are used in groups, only one of which can be selected at a time
PictureBox: displays pictures and can also be used as a drawing area on a form
ListBox, CheckedListBox and ComboBox: these store and display lists of text from
which the user can select items. A ListBox displays the list (or part of it with the ability to
scroll through all of it) and allows for the possibility of a number of simultaneously selected
items. A CheckedListBox is similar to a ListBox but will display a check-mark next to
selected items. A ComboBox displays only one item at a time but allows the user to select
from others in a pop-up list
Timer: this control can periodically fire an event which is useful for updating displays,
checking network connections or acting as a simple stop-watch

Exercise 8.7


Using the Properties window at design time is the normal way of configuring
controls on a form. Can you think of any reasons why you might need to change
the configuration of a control at run time?

Dialog Boxes and Other User-Interface

Perhaps the simplest type of user-interface to deal with is a dialog box. This is a
standard Windows form that provides controls for displaying and/or interacting
with the programs objects and also one, two or more buttons which typically
initiate the actions of a program or part of it, or cancel the operation. For example,
the Tax Calculator form shown in Figure 8.1b is a dialog box which has two buttons;
one to initiate a calculation for which data has been entered and the other to cancel
the operation.

8.5 Dialog Boxes and Other User-Interface Options

Figure 8.8


A class and an associated dialog box

Most Windows users will be happy with the idea of a dialog box, since they are
used throughout Windows and Windows applications. Dialog boxes are generally
used to perform a specific task within an application (for example, adding a record
to a database), in which case the dialog box is called from a menu or button on
another form and, depending on whether the user decides to complete the dialog box
or cancel it, will either initiate some action within the program or not. The facility
to go on or cancel from a dialog box is an important one, both for the user, who
may decide not to complete an operation for any number of reasons, and for the
programmer, who needs some standard way of providing a user-friendly interface
to a complex operation while giving them the option to back-off from completing
the task.
The normal approach is one control per item of data. I work on the principle of a
dialog box for a class in most situations. Having pre-defined a class, it is usually a
simple matter of creating a dialog box by adding a form to the project and using one
control for each property, plus a pair of buttons for OK and Cancel (see Figure 8.8).
Extra buttons or menu items can be used to initiate simple class methods, or additional more complex controls such as list or combo boxes for initiating methods
where one or more parameters are necessary. This style of dialog box can be used
for creating a new member of a class, or for editing an existing object. A bit of
careful design and you can use the same dialog box for both purposes.
The dialog box form can also be used as the entire user-interface of a simple
application whose job is to perform a single task; for example, logging on to a
network or looking up an item of information. In this case, the dialog box will
either collect information from the user and then proceed to do the task, or the user
will decide to cancel. In either event, once the Go or Cancel button has been
pressed, there will be no more interaction with the program.
Visual Basic .NET forms help with the creation of dialog boxes by providing
several properties for setting up dialog box style behaviour in a form. The
FormBorderStyle property can be set to FixedDialog, which ensures that
the user cannot attempt to change its size and removes extraneous buttons from the
forms caption bar. Two additional properties of a form, AcceptButton and
CancelButton, can be set to refer to buttons that will be used to close the form
(removing it from the screen) and return an indication of which button was pressed.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Earlier versions of Visual Basic had no specific way of doing this and so programmers were left to write code that sorted the dialog-style behaviour out, including
having to pass information back to the code that called on a dialog box to indicate
which button was pressed to close it. Now, by simply associating a number of
buttons with a specific dialog box action (OK, Cancel, Abort, Yes, No, etc.), this is
taken care of without the need to create additional variables.

8.5.1 A dialog box example

For example, assume we had the need to ask a user of a Windows Forms program for their personal information: name, address, gender and phone number. This
information could be used to create a new object of a Person class; a simple
person class definition is shown in Listing 8.10. Note the use of an enumeration
to indicate gender, and the use of a constructor (Sub New) for setting up a new
instance of the class. Typically, such a class would probably have several more
methods for manipulating the information.
Public Enum GenderType
gtMale = 1
gtFemale = 2
End Enum
Public Class Person
Private mvarName As String
Private mvarAddress As String
Private mvarGender As GenderType
Private mvarTelephone As String
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal Address As String, _
ByVal isMale As Boolean, _
ByVal phone As String)
mvarName = name
mvarAddress = Address
If isMale Then
mvarGender = GenderType.gtMale
mvarGender = GenderType.gtFemale
End If
mvarTelephone = phone
End Sub
'More methods for manipulating the member data...
End Class
Listing 8.10: A Person Class

A typical way of creating a new member of this class would be to provide a

dialog box that contained controls that would allow the user to enter the information.
A suitable new form design has been given an appropriate name (by changing the

8.5 Dialog Boxes and Other User-Interface Options

Figure 8.9


A Windows dialog box

Table 8.3 The controls on the dialog box in Figure 8.9

Control Type

Control Name




Allow the user to enter their name



Allow the user to enter their address over

several lines of text



Indicates the user is Male mutually

exclusive with . . .



Indicates the user is Female



Allows the user to enter their phone number



Indicates the user has completed the dialog box

(which therefore contains details for processing)



Indicates the user has cancelled the dialog box

(so no details to process)


Label2, etc.

Various on-screen captions to indicate

the purpose of other controls

forms name to dlgPerson in the Properties window). Although frm . . . is a more

usual prefix for a form definition, dlg . . . is a sensible prefix to use in the name of
a dialog box style form, since it will be used in a different way to a standard form
and it is best to make it easy to recognize this in the forms name. The form design
appears as shown in Figure 8.9.
This dialog box contains a number of standard Windows controls which are listed
in Table 8.3. Each of the controls on the dialog box has a specific purpose. All the
Label controls on this form are there purely to indicate the purpose of other controls,
and so are not referred to in program code. Label controls can often take a more


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

active role on a form; for example, displaying status information that will change as
the program executes, in which case it is good practice to provide them with meaningful names. In this example, the labels are not referred to in code, so names need
not be applied to them.
The remaining controls are there to collect information or initiate specific actions.
Each of the three TextBoxes allows the user to enter textual information, which can
then be picked up from their Text property. The two RadioButtons allow the user an
unambiguous way to indicate gender, since only one RadioButton can be selected
at a time. The selected RadioButtons Checked property will be set to True.
The two Button controls are used to indicate that the user has finished with the
dialog box. The forms AcceptButton property has been set to refer to btnOK,
while its CancelButton property refers to btnCancel. Both buttons have been
given a _Click event-handler, each containing the single statement: Me.Hide().
In fact, these two statements are all the code that needs to be manually entered into
the form all of the remaining code is generated by the Form Designer.
We can use fairly simple code to create an interaction between the form and the
Person class. Typically, the interaction would come from another piece of code
intended to create a new Person object for example a menu item or a buttons
_Click event-handler. Using this dialog box from another form is a simple matter,
as shown in Listing 8.11.
Private Sub btnGetInfo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetInfo.Click
Dim d As New dlgPerson()
If d.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then
'We can now pick up the data from the dialog box...
Dim P As Person = New Person(d.txtName.Text, _
d.txtAddress.Text, _
d.radMale.Checked, _
'Would now go on to do stuff with the new instance
'of Person...
'Cancel was pressed...
MessageBox.Show("No name supplied")
End If
End Sub
Listing 8.11: Using the dlgPerson dialog box

A form in the application has a Button control that has been named
btnGetInfo, and the above code is its _Click event-handler. Note that a reference
variable, d, for a dlgPerson object has been declared. Deploying the dialog box
is a matter of calling a standard form method ShowDialog(). This method
optionally takes a parameter, which is a reference to another form that owns the
dialog box. It is a sensible precaution to supply a reference to the owner form if
one exists, since this will be considered a top-level window; if for any reason

8.6 Other Form Styles


the top-level form is destroyed, it would take the dialog box with it, thereby saving
system resources. The easiest way to provide this parameter is to use the keyword Me, which refers to the form that this event handler is part of. If this reference
is not supplied, nothing bad will happen unless the calling form crashes, in which
case, an orphan form will be left in memory until the application ends or the
garbage collector gets it.
The dialog box displays modally; that is, once it has been displayed, the user must
dismiss it by pressing OK or Cancel before anything else will happen in the sub
the dialog box was called from. Modal behaviour is necessary here since once the
dialog box is displayed, we must be sure the user has finished entering information
into it before continuing to process this data.
When the dialog box is closed by the user pressing OK or Cancel, the
ShowDialog() method returns a result which is the DialogResult property
setting of whichever button was pressed. In this case, our call to the method is check
to see if the result was DialogResult.OK. If so, we know we can go on to create
the Person object and continue with any other processing that action requires.
Since all the controls added to the dialog box have been given Friend scope, all
the code in this assembly can access them as if they were properties of the form. We
can therefore pass the appropriate properties of these controls straight into the
Person constructor.
This is a fairly simple example of the type of job a dialog box would be given
to do. We could have effected the necessary interactions in a number of ways;
for example, all of the dialog box code could have been added to a method of the
Person class itself, thereby making the class responsible for collecting its own
information, or we could even have provided the dialog box with a Person reference variable, thereby making the form the master of the object it creates. Well look
into these types of options in the chapter on object modelling.
Exercise 8.8

In the example use of a dialog form in Listing 8.10, the code is executed within
the _Click event-handler for a button. Since it is only possible to have a single
modal form on display at any one time:


how would a second dialog box, say to collect a users employment details,
be dealt with?
how has the form that contains the button that initiates this code been
could the dialog box have been displayed from Sub Main() in a Console

Other Form Styles

Dialog boxes represent an easy way of collecting information for a specific action in
a program. However, a dialog box has a serious limitation in a Windows program,


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

since its modal behaviour means that only one dialog box can be displayed at a time.
Many Windows applications allow the user to display multiple versions of a form,
and in the object-oriented way of doing things, each form would display the data
from a single object. Because of this, a Windows form can also be displayed nonmodally i.e. once it has been displayed on the screen, other things are allowed
to happen.
Without the dialog-style deployment, Windows forms can be more awkward to
use since we have no control over the users interactions with them. Typically,
a form will be used to interact with a specific object or set of objects, and we must
take care to ensure that an object is dealt with by only one form at a time.
The Form.Show() method does the job of placing a form on the screen and then
continuing to process the code following the Show() statement, leaving the form to
process its user interactions from that point on. This is the opposite of the modal
behaviour exhibited by a dialog box. If we were to use two separate forms to access
the same object, it would become difficult to orchestrate the interactions between
forms and object and this would probably result in object data becoming corrupted.
For this reason, it is usually best to keep the relationships between forms and business objects direct and simple. One way of doing this is to impose a rule that only
one form can be used to access an object at any one time.
Apart from trivial objects, I usually work on the basis that any class I use which
requires some form of user-interaction is associated with a specially developed form
that will be responsible for working with it. For example, I might have a class that
represents a Customer object in a database application. It is easy to create a form
that allows us to visualize and interact with a single Customer object (much like the
dlgPerson form used earlier with the Person class). An easy way of managing the
interactions between an object and a form is to make the form wholly responsible for
the object by passing the object to the form in its constructor.
For example, members of our Customer class could be manipulated by building a
frmCustomer form which took a reference to a Customer object in its constructor.
A number of controls on the form would map to the properties of the Customer
class, and various events for these controls could be used to update the properties.
I find it convenient to put the business class and the associated form class into the
same module easiest to add the business class (Customer) to the forms module
once you have added a new form class and its Form Designer. The code might be
something like Listing 8.12.
'This is the code module for the Form class.
Public Class Customer
Private mvarName As String
'More member variables . . .
Public Property Name() As String
Return mvarName
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mvarName = Value
End Set
End Property

8.6 Other Form Styles


'More properties and methods...

End Class
Public Class frmCustomer
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'A Customer reference variable. The object will be
'created in Sub New...
Private mvarCustomer As Customer

Windows Form Designer generated code

'This event handler fires when the user clicks on the

'OK button, indicating that the data entered on the
'form should be passed into the Customer object. The
'handler for the Cancel button would simply not pass the
'data into the object...
Private Sub btnOK_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnOK.Click
mvarCustomer.Name = txtName.Text
'Update other customer properties from their
'Now close the form...
End Sub
End Class
Listing 8.12: A Form module with an added business class

In Listing 8.12, both the Customer class and its associated Form class are coded
in the same module. Since the Form Designer takes over much of the work of coding forms and interactions for us, it makes sense to add the business class to the form
code rather than manually coding the form class in the business classs module. The
form is given a business class reference variable (here it is the declaration Private
mvarCustomer As Customer) and when it is deployed, a Customer object is
passed to this variable.
Each member variable of the business class has an associated control on the form;
for example a text box, txtName, is used to collect and display the customers name.
Code in the _Click event-handler for the OK button does the job of passing data
from the form into the Customer object. The _Click handler for the Cancel button
simply closes the form.
The only remaining change to the Form Designers generated code is in the
hidden region in Sub New(). Since this form is there for the express purpose of
working with a Customer object, we can use its constructor to set up the Customer
object it will work with. The constructor takes a single parameter, which is a
reference to an existing Customer object (the parameter is passed ByRef instead of
the default ByVal). As the form is created, the constructor needs to set the various


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

controls on the form to be a true reflection of the properties of the referred to

customer (Listing 8.13).
Public Sub New(ByRef c As Customer)
'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
'Add any initialization after the
'InitializeComponent() call
mvarCustomer = c
'Need to transfer property values on to the form's
txtName.Text = c.Name
'Other properties can also be transferred here...
End Sub
Listing 8.13: The modified form constructor

We now have a pair of classes that will always go together since they inhabit the
same module. Wherever we make use of a Customer object, we will have access to
a purpose-built form for making it available to the user. There is one final twist we
can add to this (which will simplify coding wherever we use a Customer object)
make the form the responsibility of the Customer object, by adding a method to the
Customer class to invoke the form shown in Listing 8.14.
Public Class Customer
'Existing code...
Public Sub ShowMe()
Dim F As New frmCustomer(Me)
End Sub
End Class
Listing 8.14: Making a Customer object autonomous

The result of adding this final method is that we can forget about the details of
the customers purpose-built Form class altogether. Passing Me to the forms constructor associates the newly created form with this Customer object, which will
ensure that updates made on the form will be reflected back to the object. By simply
invoking the ShowMe() method of a Customer object, it will take care of its own
display and updating (Listing 8.15).
Dim c As New Customer()
c.Name = "Fred Bloggs"
Listing 8.15: The customer does all the work

8.8 Delegates and Event-Handlers


This style of programming with forms will minimize the number of objects you need
to keep track of in an application.
Exercise 8.9

It is suggested above that it can be advantageous to place the code for a business class and its associated user-interface (i.e. the Form class) into a single
module, so that the form is always available when the class is.


Can you see any disadvantage to this approach?

What would the advantages and disadvantages of keeping each of the
classes in separate modules be?

Controls Collection
Controls on a form can also be containers for other controls. These inherit from the
ContainerControl class, and provide a Controls collection which has properties and methods that allow you to add new controls, remove existing ones and
manipulate the contained controls collectively. A form is also a descendant of
ContainerControl, and so the same methods can be used to deal with all the controls on a form. For example, the following snippet of code (Listing 8.16) would
make every control on the form that it belonged to 10 pixels wider.
Private Sub MakeBigger()
Dim c As Control
For Each c In Controls
c.Width += 10
End Sub
Listing 8.16: Resizing all the controls on a form.

Manipulating the controls collection gives us the ability to adapt a form at run-time
to the conditions in a program. For example, you can resize controls as the form
resizes (although there are easier ways to do this), add new buttons, etc. One very
important use for this facility is to add items to a programs menu; something well
look at in detail in Chapter 10.


Delegates and Event-Handlers

Events that originate in controls on a form are dealt with by event-handlers in the
forms code. To make this possible, the Form Designer must be able to generate the
outline of event-handlers that match the events provided by controls on the form.
The .NET type system must provide for the ability of a control to execute a piece of


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

code that has not been written yet and may never be written. For example, when
you click on a button, the possibility is that an event-handler for that buttons
Button.Click event will have to be called, so the designer of the Button class (or
some class in its ancestry) had to provide for the facility to call a sub that may or
may not be written.
In .NET, this is provided for by delegates stand-ins for code that may be
required. The role they play in a program is to define a type of method call, which
can then be used to attach an initially unassigned call to a piece of code that matches
the delegate. In Chapter 4 we saw code that defined a simple event to signal the
occurrence of a particular situation within an object and an event-handler to deal
with it. The event was a BankAccount going into overdraft. This event-handler was
created to match the event generated by the Withdraw() method within the
BankAccount. In fact, the event declaration was a special type of Delegate; one
that is declared especially for inter-object communication mediated by the .NET run
time system.
A Delegate type is declared almost like the first line of a sub call, except that it is
preceded by the keyword Delegate and will contain no body of code. Since it is a
type, delegate variables of that type can now be created. Once a delegate has been
declared, a matching sub can be assigned to it so that calling on the delegate will
actually execute the assigned sub.
A simple example should make this clear (see Listing 8.17).
'Start by declaring the delegate...
Delegate Sub AlarmCall(ByVal AlarmMessage As String)
'Now a class that will use the delegate...
Class AlarmClock
Private myTime As Date
Private myMessage As String
'Here is the delegate declaration...
Private myResponse As AlarmCall
Public Sub New(ByVal AlarmTime As Date, _
ByVal Message As String, _
ByVal SubToCall As AlarmCall)
myTime = AlarmTime
myMessage = Message
'Assign a Sub to the delegate...
myResponse = SubToCall
End Sub
Public Sub Go()
If TimeOfDay >= myTime Then
'A call to the delegate method...
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
End Class

8.8 Delegates and Event-Handlers


'Now for some Subs that all match the delegate's signature.
'This one displays a message on screen...
Sub AlarmMessageBox(ByVal aMessage As String)
End Sub
'This one changes a form's caption...
Sub AlarmCaption(ByVal aMessage As String)
MainForm.Caption = aMessage
End Sub
'This one sends an email...
Sub AlarmEmail(ByVal aMessage As String)
SendMail("", "Alarm", aMessage)
End Sub
Sub Main()
'When we create an AlarmClock object, we use its
'constructor to attach one of the delegate Subs...
Dim AC As AlarmClock = _
New AlarmClock(TimeValue("10:00:00"),_
"Go to airport", AddressOf AlarmEmail)
End Sub
Listing 8.17: A delegate defined and used

In Listing 8.17, a new Delegate is declared. Sub AlarmCall is not a declaration

of a sub (there is no body of code) but of a kind of sub in this case, one which takes
a String as a parameter. Now that the Delegate type has been declared, we can go
on to create a new class, AlarmClock, one of whose members is an AlarmCall
delegate member. Later, an object of the class will be able to use this to indicate
what sub to actually call when an alarm is required.
The classs constructor takes three pieces of data the time for the alarm to go
off, the message that is to accompany the alarm, and the address of the sub that is to
be called. As its name suggests, the address of a sub is where it lives in the computers memory. If we know this, we can call the sub.
The only other class method is called Go(), and this simply executes a Do Loop
that repeatedly checks the current time (TimeOfDay) until it is seen to exceed the
alarm time (myTime); note this is not a good method for dealing with an alarm since
it will hog the PCs processor until alarm time, but it will do for the purpose of
demonstration. When the alarm time arrives, the delegate myResponse is called,
and myMessage is passed to it.
Following the class definition comes three different subs, each of which matches
the signature of the AlarmCall delegate. We can pass the address of any of these
three subs into the delegate via the AlarmClock class constructor. Now in Sub
Main(), we can create an AlarmClock object, tell it when to generate an alarm,
what message to send with it, and what sub to execute.
The point that this simple application is making is that it is possible to call a sub
that has been written some time after the code that calls it. That is exactly what an


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

event-handler on a form does, and as you might guess, the delegate mechanism is
central to the way that event-handlers work.

8.8.1 Wiring up event-handlers

It is now possible to see how the Form Designer does the job of attaching eventhandlers to controls. Recall that a control added to a form is declared using the
WithEvents keyword:
Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button

Also, when you create an event-handler in a form module, the Handles keyword is
added to its declaration to indicate what events it will respond to (Listing 8.18).
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click
'Event handling code goes here.
End Sub
Listing 8.18: A generated event-handler

As you select events within a forms Code window and the Form Designer generates the appropriate outlines for their event-handlers, the code that is generated
automatically inserts the addresses of the event-handlers into the control objects to
ensure the link between control and event is made. Event-handlers are special
Delegate types that are defined for each type of control that can be placed on a form
and for the form class itself.


Visual Inheritance
Weve seen how useful inheritance can be in the creation of new classes that can
inherit the data and behaviour of existing classes. Visual inheritance is analogous to
this in form design. To use it, you first create a Class Library that includes a form design
and compile this (Visual Studio will create a dll (Dynamic Link Library) file. By
then adding this library to a new project, the form design included in the class library
will be available as an inherited form in the new application. Any controls of code
you added to the form design in the Class Library will be present on the inherited form.
For example, you might decide that every dialog box you create in a new application should have an OK and a Cancel button like the ones used in dlgPerson
in Figure 8.9; this is a sensible decision since users will have a consistent way of
dismissing every dialog box that they meet in the application. Instead of having to
add the buttons to every dialog box, set their and the forms properties to configure
them and associate them with the forms dialog actions, and then add click eventhandlers to trigger the closing of the form, we can create a new form design that is
already set up in this way, and inherit from it.

8.9 Visual Inheritance

Figure 8.10


A standard form of Dialog Box

The easiest starting point for a Visual Form design that you can inherit from is
to start a new WinForms project and configure the default form in this to be the
form you will inherit from. The form design shown in Figure 8.10 is that for a
simple dialog box with OK and Cancel buttons.
The required property settings are shown in Table 8.4.
Figure 8.10 shows a standard design for a dialog box. Buttons have been given a
suitable size and position to be OK and Cancel buttons (Windows users expect these
buttons at the bottom of a dialog box, with OK to the left and Cancel to the right),
Table 8.4 Property settings for the frmDialog inherited form






btnOK (Note must add and rename the


btnCancel (Note must add and rename

button before making this setting)
the button before making this setting)



Bottom, Left



Bottom, Right


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

and have had their DialogResult properties set appropriately. The form has been
associated with them by setting its AcceptButton and CancelButton properties
to refer to them. Luckily, controls also have an Anchor property that is used to make
them stay a fixed distance away from two edges of the form they are on: this property, set to Bottom, Left for the OK button, and Bottom, Right for the Cancel
button will make sure the buttons stay in the proper position relative to the form even
when it is resized. Finally, code can be added to the form class to make the buttons
able to dismiss the form from the screen, as shown in Listing 8.19.
Public Class frmDialog
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer generated code

Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnOK.Click
End Sub

Private Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnCancel.Click
End Sub
End Class
Listing 8.19: The code needed for the frmDialog class

Once the form design is complete to your satisfaction, you can test the project to
ensure all is ok. When it runs, you should be able to dismiss the form by pressing
either of the buttons. Now, to convert this into a form that you can inherit, go to
the Project Properties dialog (select the project in the solution explorer and then
Properties from the menus) and in the Common Properties, General page,
change the Output Type to Class Library as shown in Figure 8.11.
Build Solution from the menus) and close
Finally, Build the Assembly (Build
the solution down. You can now test the inherited form by creating a new project
and Inheriting a form.
Create a new WinForms project. To add the inherited form, right click on the pro Inherited Form from the context
ject in the Solution Explorer, and select Add
menu. In the dialog box that appears, make sure Local Project Items is selected
in the left hand pane, and Inherited Form is selected on the right hand one. Give
the new form a name (e.g. dlgTest) and click Open. The dialog box that appears
now may look initially as if you are being warned of an error, but click on its Browse
button and then navigate your way to the folder that contains the project with the
dialog box design choose the DLL file from the BIN folder to reference the Class
Library, and select the form design from that project.
A new form matching the design you saved to inherit from will have been added
to the project. Controls on the form will be marked with a tiny inherited forms icon

8.9 Visual Inheritance

Figure 8.11

Changing the Project Output type

Figure 8.12

An inherited form as seen in the Form Designer


to remind you that you should not try to change them, as shown in Figure 8.12. From
here you can continue to add controls, configure their properties and add code as
with any WinForms form.
Here we have looked at the fundamentals of WinForms modules, their roots in
inheritance and the various mechanisms that the Visual Studio forms designer
uses to manage the interplay between visual design and generated code. In the next


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

chapter, we will go on to look in detail at the range of controls that can be added
to a form, and strategies for creating interactions between controls and objects.
Exercise 8.10

One good use of visual inheritance is to create a standard look among all the
forms in an application e.g. a corporate logo or version message. Create a
new Form class as described above, and add a label that describes it as your
form style. Try it in a test program.

Review Questions

Creating a WinForms application involves writing code to manage more complex interactions
than would be necessary in a Console application. Why is this?


It is often preferable to develop a complex WinForms program as a two-tier application. Name

and outline the purpose of each tier in such a system.


Visual Studio provides a range of common-dialog box forms that can be used in an application. Describe how a typical common dialog form (such as the Save File dialog) differs from a
normal Windows form.


What is a control, and how does it differ from a software component?


What determines the order in which input focus moves around the controls on a form? How can
this order be changed at design-time? How can it be changed at run time?


Often, event-handler code is written with no reference to the parameters passed to a handler.
What are these parameters for? Describe a typical set of information passed in the e parameter of an event-handler sub.


What is the quickest way to generate an event-handler for the default event of a control (e.g. a
buttons _Click event)? How can event-handlers for events that are not the default event be


Much of the code generated to configure a form at design time is hidden in a code region in
the forms Code window. What is the purpose of this code region? Are you allowed to add code
manually to the normally hidden code region?


Describe the purpose of the WithEvents keyword.

10. How does a dialog box form differ from a normal WinForm?
11. How is the result of a dialog box returned to a statement that displays it? What other controls
are involved and how are these configured to interact with the dialog box?
12. What property of a form allows you to programmatically manipulate every control on it?
13. What is a delegate, and what purpose do delegates play in dealing with events on a form?
14. List the benefits of visual inheritance, and describe how it is related to code inheritance.

Practical Activities


Practical Activities
A Words-Per-Minute calculator
In this activity, well get a chance to use some of the more common WinForms controls
to build a small but practical application. The words-per-minute (or WPM) calculator
will time the user as he or she types and produce a continuously updated display of
elapsed time, words typed and approximate words-per-minute typing rate. To do this,
well create a class that will handle the basic calculations and keep track of elapsed
time during a test, and link this to a form that will accept user input and display results.

Activity 1: Starting a WinForms project

The first thing we need to do is to create a new WinForms project. Run Visual Studio
and select File/New/Project . . . from the menus. When the New Project dialog box
appears, be sure to select a Windows application and enter a suitable name and location for the program (WPMCalculator will describe it well). This is illustrated in
Figure A8.1.
Since this will be a single form application, we will add the class code described
in the next section to the form module. The default form will be our user-interface.

Activity 2: The WPMTimer class

Now we need to figure out how to calculate words-per-minute. In theory, this is
very simple, since all we need is a measure of the period of time in minutes and the
number of words typed over that time: divide one by the other and we have the

Figure A8.1

Starting the WinForms program


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

WPM result. In practice, we would need to do a lot of typing to get an accurate

measure because whole minutes are quite long periods of time. The measured WPM
would be zero for the whole of the first minute, and would only be updated at one
minute intervals. To make the calculation provide results in real-time, we can instead
measure the number of words continuously and do the calculation based on the
elapsed number of seconds. WPM would then be calculated as:
(number of words 60) / elapsed time in seconds
This will give us a WPM count that can be updated second by second. The next
problem is how to calculate the number of words typed. Typing into a TextBox
control will give us a single string which we need to break up into separate words.
Recall from the calculator program done as a practical activity in Chapter 4 that we
could use the Split() string method to break up a string into substrings, using
specified characters to indicate the boundaries to break the string up on. In that
exercise, Split() was used to convert an arithmetic expression into separate
numbers and operators. Here, we can use the same principle to break text into words.
We can work out the approximate number of words in a string by performing the
operation shown in Listing A8.1.
Dim words As Array
Dim separators() As Char = {" "}
words = mvarText.Split(separators)
WordCount = words.Length()
Listing A8.1: Working out a word count

Note that we are using a space as the word separator. When there are double spaces
(e.g. after a sentence), this method will produce empty cells in the array that will
count as extra words. The word count will be inaccurate, but not disastrously so.
Exercise A8.1

We can improve the accuracy in calculating the number of words by working

through the words array counting only non-empty word strings. Work out the
code for doing this (hint: a For..Each loop will be useful).
Working out the elapsed time is made simple by the presence of the TimeSpan
class available in the .NET framework. This class describes objects for calculating
the length of a period of time (e.g. the difference between two dates or times), and
so does exactly what we need. The general strategy will be to record the start time
(when typing commences) and then periodically calculate a TimeSpan from this to
work out the elapsed time.
Listing A8.2 shown the class that will do the WPM calculations.
Class WPMTimer
Private mvarStartTime As Date 'Time that calculations start
Private mvarText As String 'Text containing words
Public Sub New()
mvarStartTime = Now
'Record the current time
End Sub

Practical Activity


'Text property contains the words...

Public Property Text() As String
Return mvarText
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mvarText = Value
End Set
End Property
'Work out word count by breaking up the text...
Public ReadOnly Property WordCount() As Integer
Dim words As Array
Dim separators() As Char = {" "}
words = mvarText.Split(separators)
Return words.Length()
End Get
End Property
'Word out how long since this object was constructed...
Public Function ElapsedTime() As TimeSpan
Return Now.Subtract(mvarStartTime)
End Function
'Work out the WPM...
Public ReadOnly Property WPM() As Integer
Try 'Possible divide by zero error here...
Return (WordCount() * 60) / _
Catch ex As OverflowException
Return 0
End Try
End Get
End Property
End Class
Listing A8.2: The WPMTimer class

To perform a WPM calculation, we will simply create an object of the WPMTimer

class as soon as typing commences, and periodically update its Text property to set
the words to count. The ElapsedTime() function and the WordCount and WPM
properties will then return the results we will display.

Activity 3: Designing the form

The main control on the WPMCalculator form will be a TextBox with its
MultiLine property set to True so that it can display a large block of text.
Apart from this, we will need only buttons to Stop and Reset a typing trial,
and some Label controls for displaying results. The form layout is shown in
Figure A8.2.
To create this form, add controls and set properties as shown in Table A8.1.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Figure A8.2

Table A8.1

Form layout for the WPMCalculator

Controls on the WPMCalculator form, and their settings








Programmatic name for the form

Caption on the form



"" <blank>


Top, Bottom,
Left, Right

The users typing area

The initial text when the control is first displayed
Allows text to be entered and displayed
over a number of lines
Sets the edges of the TextBox so
that they stay a fixed distance from the edges
of the form (TextBox resizes with form)









Used to reset the WPM count by destroying

the WPMTimer and disabling the Stop button
Caption on the button



"Time ="

Display element for time

Initial display text



"Words ="

Display element for word count

Display text



"Rate ="

Display element for WPM count

Display text








A Timer control to initiate periodic

WPM calculations
500 milli-seconds, so the timer will fire the
Tick event twice a second
Initially the timer is disabled (default)



Used to stop the timer so that WPM count

does not continue
Caption on the button
Initially disable the button

Practical Activities


Once you have added and set the controls on the form as per Table A8.1, run the
application and make sure the TextBox resizes as you would expect it to (it should
maintain an even distance to all four form edges as the form is resized). Note that
the Timer control is configured to fire a Tick event every half-second. This will
ensure that the seconds count in the elapsed time display is up to date.
We can now go on to the final stage, which is to create event-handlers to perform
the operations necessary to manage a WPM count.

Activity 4: Event-handlers for the form

All of the event-handlers on the form will have some effect on a WMPTimer object,
and so we will need to declare this as a Private form member variable.
Immediately after the class code (i.e. after End Class), add the statement:
Private T As WPMTimer

This will be the reference variable that will allow access to an instance of the
WPMTimer class for performing calculations. All of the manipulations of this object
will be in response to events from the form controls. The events we need to deal
with are:
1. The user presses a key while the TextBox is in focus. This will create a new
WPMTimer object and initiate WPM calculation if the event has not been fired
before. Otherwise, it will do nothing. It is much easier for the user to simply
start counting at the first key-press than to expect the user to press a button and
then start typing. The Stop button should also be enabled so the user can end the
WPM timing and calculation
2. The Timer control fires a Tick event every half-second. This will cause the
WPMTimer object to recalculate elapsed time, word count and WPM values for display on the form. The appropriate values will be transferred to the Label controls
3. The user presses the Stop button. This should disable the timer to stop WPM
calculations from being made and the display from being updated
4. The user presses the Reset button. This should return the program to its initial
state, disabling the Stop button and destroying the WPMTimer object.
Coding for these (and the WPMTimer variable declaration) is shown in Listing A8.3.
Remember that you should not enter the first or last lines of an event-handler, but
simply double-click on the control that is to fire the event, and for non-default events,
select the control and event from the combo boxes at the top of the Code window.
Private T As WPMTimer
Private Sub txtTypeText_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) _
Handles txtTypeText.KeyPress


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

If Not Tick.Enabled Then

T = New WPMTimer()
Tick.Enabled = True
btnStop.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnStop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnStop.Click
Tick.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Tick_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Tick.Tick
T.Text = txtTypeText.Text
lblTime.Text = "Time : " & _
Format(T.ElapsedTime.Minutes, "00") & ":" & _
Format(T.ElapsedTime.Seconds, "00")
lblWords.Text = "Words = " & T.WordCount
lblRate.Text = "Rate = " & T.WPM() & "wpm."
End Sub
Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
T = Nothing
btnStop.Enabled = False
End Sub
Listing A8.3: Coding for the event-handlers for the form

Coding for the form is now complete, and you can go on to test the operation of
the WPM Calculator program. When the program starts up, the cursor should be
flashing in the text box ready for you to type (if it is not, go back to the form in
design mode and rearrange the TabIndex values for the controls using View/
TabOrder from the menus). The TextBox should have the lowest TabIndex value).
As soon as you begin to type, the displays should proceed to update, and will maintain
a reasonable estimate of your WPM typing rate until you either stop typing (at which
the WPM value will decrease as the number of words remains the same while elapsed
time increases) or press the Stop button (at which the various measures displayed on
the form will be frozen). In use, the form should appear as shown in Figure A8.3.
This completes the development of the WPM Calculator. Although simple, it
demonstrates the type of interactions that you will normally create between business
and user-interface objects in an application.

Features worth remembering


Where possible, you should avoid performing calculations in code on forms. This
serves only to tie the functional part of a system to the user-interface, which
reduces the scope for maintenance and upgrading.

Practical Activities

Figure A8.3


The WPMCalculator in use

The Anchor property is a useful tool for making user-interfaces resizable. While
some form styles (particularly dialog boxes) will have no use for this feature,
it will improve the professional appearance of forms where the main display
elements are such that they can be resized.
Enabling and disabling controls as appropriate can make things much easier
for the user. When a button or other control is disabled (by setting the Enabled
property to False), it acts as a cue to the user, effectively saying this option
is not available just now.
Complex calculations, such as the number of words in a string and the time that
has elapsed since a particular event, are easily handled by built-in .NET facilities (the the String/Split() method and the TimeSpan class for these specific
examples). It is well worth becoming familiar with the .NET framework to
identify classes that perform tasks that you might otherwise do by writing a lot
of complex code.

Suggested Additional Activities

1. In Exercise A8.1 it was suggested that you try to write code that would perform
a more accurate word count. Try to incorporate this improvement into the
2. One useful feature would be to record WPM calculations over a session with
the program. There are several ways that this could be done, but perhaps the
easiest would be to modify the WPMTimer class so that it could be stopped
(it would be necessary to record the stop time in a member variable) and then
add the object to a collection. This would provide scope for displaying a series
of WPMTimer objects with settings calculated over a number of trials, and
possibly adding a custom dialog box to display and compare these values.


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 8.1

No set solution for this exercise.

Exercise 8.2

Private Sub btnCalc_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim report As String
'Place the values from the form controls into the
'TC object...
TC.GrossIncome = Val(txtGrossIncome.Text)
TC.Married = chkMarried.Checked
TC.DependentChildren = _
CType(cboNumChildren.Text, Integer)
TC.ExtraAllowances = Val(txtExtraAllowances.Text)
'Now that the TC object has all the relevant data,
'it can perform the calculations.
'Show the results of the tax calculations...
report = "Taxable Income (annual) = " & _
TC.TaxableIncome & Environment.NewLine
report += "Total tax (annual) = " & _
TC.Tax & Environment.NewLine
report += "Annual income after tax = " & _
TC.IncomeAfterTax & Environment.NewLine
report += "Monthly income after tax = " & _
Format(TC.IncomeAfterTax / 12, "0.00")
txtResult.Text = report
End Sub

Note that this approach is much closer to the console programs approach to
calculating tax collect all the data and then process and produce the output.

Exercise 8.3

Exercise 8.4


The form and all the components it contains make up the presentation, or
user-interface tier. The TaxCalc class and the resulting TC object make
up the business tier.


They are organized so that the user-interface tier is responsible for creating
the business tier and initiating all its actions.


It would be impossible for Microsoft to anticipate and provide every

possible form of user-interface that you might need in applications in
fact the entire point of a development environment like Visual Studio is

Solutions to Exercises



that you are given the components to build user-interfaces to your own
specification. Common dialog boxes perform services that are needed in
many applications (i.e. common services hence the name).
The standard common dialog boxes provide a simple and clear interface
to what would otherwise be difficult to develop and used services. By
mimicking the way Microsoft has organized the programmers interfaces for these dialogs, you can develop forms for your own applications
that are similarly easy to use (within limits, since you are more likely to
want to deal with application specific objects rather than simple values
such as colour numbers or file names however, the PrintDialog
behaviour is a good example of providing a simple interface to a complex
user-interface for a complex object).

Exercise 8.5

The windows focus allows a programmer to (1) control the standard order for
entering application data into a user interface (by setting a specific tab-order),
(2) directly manipulate the focus so that a given action can cause the focus to
jump past an un-needed control and (3) cause the focus to return to a control
when an invalid value has been entered into it.

Exercise 8.6

Several events can be used to trigger appropriate behaviour for inputs to a

control. For a text box, the most useful options are (1) the Validating and
Validated events, (2) the LostFocus event and (3) the KeyPressed event,
since in each case, these events can be used to signal that the user has done
something to move from that control to another (Validating is triggered
when the user chooses to exit from a control and allows code to check that
valid data has been entered, Validated is triggered once it has been determined that the data in the control is valid according to the code in the
Validating event-handler, LostFocus triggers when the focus (cursor) is
moved from a control to another control and KeyPressed is triggered by each
key-press while the control has the focus (so individual key-strokes can be
checked). Of these, the Validated event is possibly the most useful, and this
could be coded as:
Private Sub txtResult_Validated(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles txtResult.Validated
txtResult.Text += "."
End Sub

Exercise 8.7

There are several reasons for altering a control as a program runs. For example,
you may wish to enable or disable a control depending on the current state
of data in the program (disallowing an application for an overdraft when a


Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

customer has reached the overdraft limit, for example), alter the colour of a
control to indicate status, change the size of control as the form that contains it
is stretched to a new size etc.

Exercise 8.8


Exercise 8.9

It would have to be displayed and processed after the first modal dialog
has been dealt with.
Since this form is displaying modal dialog boxes, it must have been displayed using the standard Show() method, which is not modal.


Yes it could. It would be necessary to import the Form module in which the
dialog was implemented into the console programs main module, but this
is easily possible.


One disadvantage is that the form code will always be included whenever the business class code is used. Since the business class code can
be used with an alternative user-interface (e.g. a console or web-based
user-interface), this means that the form code may be taking up memory
The main advantage would be that the form class would always be available when the business class was, making it easy to incorporate userinteractions in a WinForms application. However, the main disadvantage
is that the form will take up memory unconditionally (as described in a),
and that this may in turn make it more awkward to make use of an alternative user-interface. Also, a programmer who wanted to use the business
class with the form would need to be aware of the need to reference the
forms module separately.


Exercise 8.10

No set solution to this activity-based exercise.

Exercise A8.1

Dim S As String
WordCount = 0
For Each S In words
If s <> "" Then
WordCount += 1
End If

Answers to Review Questions


Answers to Review Questions


Creating a WinForms application involves writing code to manage more complex interactions
than would be necessary in a console application. Why is this? In a WinForms application,
the user is given the option of which controls to interact with in which order, while in a
console program the programmer can control the order of interactions since effectively
only one input control (the keyboard) is available.


It is often preferable to develop a complex WinForms program as a two-tier application. Name

and outline the purpose of each tier in such a system. User-interface tier: collects and validates user-input, displays output, initiates commands according to users interactions.
Business tier: models the required system features, provides control structure for operations and properties to represent specific system attributes. Also models the structural
relationships between system components.


Visual Studio provides a range of common-dialog box forms that can be used in an application. Describe how a typical common dialog form (such as the Save File dialog) differs from a
normal Windows form. The form is pre-designed and can only manage a set range of


What is a control, and how does it differ from a software component? A control is a component in an application that has some appearance on the Windows display and can
allow the user to interact with it.


What determines the order in which input focus moves around the controls on a form? How can
this order be changed at design-time? How can it be changed at run-time? The TabIndex
determines the sequence that controls are naturally processed in. At design time, it is
possible to edit the tab order by 1) determining the order to place controls on the form 2)
changing the TabIndex property of individual controls and 3) invoking the View-Tab
Order command in the Form Designer.


Often, event-handler code is written with no reference to the parameters passed to a handler.
What are these parameters for? Describe a typical set of information passed in the e parameter
of an event-handler sub. The parameters provide a way for the event code to 1) determine
which control caused the event-handler to fire, and 2) access specific values that accompany an event, such as the code of the key pressed or the position of the mouse cursor.


What is the quickest way to generate an event-handler for the default event of a control (e.g.
a buttons-Click event)? How can event-handlers for events that are not the default event be
generated? Double-click on the surface of the control on the Form Designer.


Much of the code generated to configure a form at design time is hidden in a code region in
the forms Code window. What is the purpose of this code region? Are you allowed to add code
manually to the normally hidden code region? The code in this region defines the controls
on a form (their properties and names) and creates and sets up the form at run-time.
Yes it can be edited and added to, but it is best only to do this advisedly, since otherwise it is possible to break the code.



Chapter 8 n WinForms Applications

Describe the purpose of the WithEvents keyword. This keyword indicates that a specific
object can fire events that may be received by event-handlers in the containing object
(usually a form).

10. How does a dialog box form differ from a normal WinForm? A dialog box is displayed
modally, which means that it must be removed from the screen before processing can
continue beyond the statement that first displayed it on the screen.
11. How is the result of a dialog box returned to a statement that displays it? What other controls
are involved and how are these configured to interact with the dialog box? The result of
the ShowDialog() method indicates which control was used to close the dialog box.
Several controls can be placed on a dialog box and nominated in the forms properties
as generating specific dialog results.
12. What property of a form allows you to programmatically manipulate every control on it? The
Controls property.
13. What is a delegate, and what purpose do delegates play in dealing with events on a form? A
delegate is a place-holder for a method with a specific signature. An event is designed to
call on an as-yet undefined sub by associating it with a matching delegate. At run time
(or in the Form Designer) a real code routine can be nominated to handle a specific event
provided it matches the events delegate.
14. List the benefits of visual inheritance, and describe how it is related to code inheritance. Visual
inheritance makes it possible to pre-define a style of form, with certain controls and code
already in place. This can be used to specify common behaviour for a range of forms. It
is related to code inheritance since the exact same mechanisms are used to create it a
form is visually designed and as a consequence, the Form Designers hidden code region
has code added to it to specify its look and behaviour.


WinForms Controls in Detail

In this chapter, you will learn:


properties, methods and events for the controls you will use most frequently;

how to use WinForms controls for command input and data entry;

helping the user to deal with lists and collections;

how to access the controls on a form collectively;

adding controls as a program runs;

adding event-handlers as a program runs;

how to use graphics in WinForms programs.


Windows Controls
Since version 1 of Visual Basic, a range of standard controls has been available to
allow you to create user-interfaces to enhance the usability of a program. VB has
always had a high profile in this area simply because it was the first development
environment for Windows that allowed a programmer to create the user-interface
graphically; using other programming environments of the time, you would develop
a user-interface by writing lines of code to create controls, set their size and position
on a form and make any settings that altered their appearance or behaviour.
Visual Studio makes Windows controls, now called WinForms controls, available
from the Toolbox, and you normally add them to a form using a drag and drop operation. During the design stages of a WinForms application, you can alter the default
settings for a control using the Properties window, and each type of control has its
own range of property settings that appear in this window, in addition to a range of
settings that are common to most of the WinForms controls you will use.

9.1.1 Common Properties, Methods and Events for

WinForms controls
All WinForms controls have properties, methods and events: you might expect this
since a control is simply a class that has been given extra functionality so that it can


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

be manipulated at design time using Form Designer windows and the Properties
window. Some of the properties, methods and events in a control are specific to that
type of control, such as the Interval property, Start method and Tick event of
the Timer control, while others are common to a range of controls. The most useful
of these are described in Tables 9.1 to 9.3.

9.1.2 Common Properties

Table 9.1

Properties common to most WinForms controls



Typical Setting


This is the key property of any control. A controls

name is used to identify it in program code. Visual
Studio provides a unique default name for each
control as soon as you add it. It is recommended
that you provide controls that you intend to refer
to in code with a name that reflects their meaning

txtUserName (a text box

to accept the users name)
btnCancel (a button that
acts as a cancel button for a
form or cancels an operation)


This very useful property allows you to nominate

which edges of a form the control will maintain a
fixed distance from. It defaults to Top, Left,
but changing the Anchor setting makes
creating a form that resizes nicely much easier.
See also the Dock property

Bottom, Left

Sets the background colour of a control. By

default, most controls have a light grey
BackColor, which makes them match the
default form colour scheme. The property is
a value of type Color, which can be one
of a range of predefined settings or a ARGB
value (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue)


This applies to TextBox, Label and

LinkLabel controls, and indicates how




these will appear on a form




This property allows a right-click menu to be

associated with the control. For example, a
ContextMenu associated with a TextBox
might provide copy, cut and paste

This setting will make sure that

when you resize the form,
the control will stay a fixed
distance from the bottom
and left-hand edge of it
This setting is a predefined
Web Colour. System and
Custom colours can also be

Other possible values are

None and FixedSingle

This is a reference to a
ContextMenu object added
to the form

This property defines the appearance of the

mouse cursor as it moves over the control.
A range of preset types is provided


This property causes a control to attach to the

length of one edge of its container (the form or a
Frame or Panel control) or to fill its containers
area. There are six available options, these being
None, Left, Top, Bottom, Right and Fill.


This setting would be used

with a TextBox control to
make the cursor appear as
an I-beam text cursor
This setting will make a control
dock to the length of the
bottom edge of a container

9.1 Windows Controls

Table 9.1





Typical Setting

Using the Dock property, a control can be made

to resize along with its container





This property sets whether a control will respond

to the users interactions or not. A disabled
control will be greyed out to provide a visual
cue to the user


By default, a control will display text in the same

font as its container. The Font property can be
used to make the text in certain controls stand
out, or simply to change its size or weight. The
Font property has a number of sub-properties;
Bold, Size, etc.

Microsoft Sans
Serif, 8.25pt

This determines the colour that text or graphics

on a control will appear in


This is used to specify a bitmap image (a

Windows bmp file or metafile) to display in the
control. Typically, small bitmapped images are
used to enhance the appearance of a control


The control will respond to the

users interactions

This setting would be made by

setting individual component
properties (Name is Microsoft
Sans Serif, Size is 8.25,
Unit is Point)
This setting indicates that the
control will have a foreground
colour the same as the text on
standard buttons, etc.
(normally Black)
This text will appear in the
Property window for the
Image property alongside a
tiny picture of the image used.

This is a Point type (with X and Y components)

that indicates the position of the top, left of a
control relative to the top, left of its container
(Form, Panel or Frame)

24, 16

This indicates the access specifier used in

declaring a control, and therefore what objects
can see it



This represents the Height and Width of a

control in pixels

75, 23


This indicates the position in the tab order that a

control has. The first control to receive the focus
on a form will have a TabIndex of 0


This indicates whether the control can take the




This is the text that will be shown on the face of

a control



This indicates whether a control will appear on

a form or not, and controls its visibility




The control here would be 24

pixels from the left and 16 from
the top of the client area of the
form it was on
This is the default setting for a
control, so that a control on a
form can be accessed from
any code within an assembly

This setting indicates that the

control will be displayed


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

All of the properties listed above can be set using the Properties window at design
time, and most can also be accessed and changed as a program runs. For example,
the Size property of a control can be set in the Properties window or by statements
in program code, and can also be altered while a program is running to resize the
control. However, while the Font property of a form or control can be accessed by
program code so that we can find out style, point size, etc., the font settings cannot
be changed at run time.
Most controls also have properties that do not appear in the Properties window at
design time, but which can be accessed or altered at run time. There are various reasons why a property might not be available at design time; for example, a TextBox
has a number of properties to do with selected text (text that has been highlighted for
a Cut or Copy operation) that would have no purpose at design time. These properties are there to be manipulated by code in the same way as the properties we have
defined for simple classes. The Name Property

Most of the properties in Table 9.1 have some effect on the appearance of a control
on a form. Some (e.g. Anchor, Dock, TabStop, ContextMenu) will affect the way
a control behaves at run time in some way, while others (Name, Modifiers) are
specifically there to affect the way you write code to interact with the control. A
controls name is the identifier that you use when referring to it in program code,
e.g. Listing 9.1.
Private Sub btnGetData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetData.Click
Dim address As String
address = txtAddress.Text
'go on to process address data
End Sub
Listing 9.1: Accessing a control by name

In Listing 9.1, txtAddress is the name of a TextBox, and the code will assign
the text entered into it to a String variable. While this code would work perfectly
well regardless of the Modifiers setting for the control, the control requires a
setting of Friend or Public to make it possible to access the text boxs text from
another form, as for example in Listing 9.2.
Private Sub btnGetCustInfo_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetCustInfo.Click
Dim f As New frmCustomer()
Dim address As String
If f.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then

9.1 Windows Controls


address = f.txtAddress.Text
'go on to process address data
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.2: Accessing a control on another form by name

The code in Listing 9.2 depends on txtAddress being accessible to another

module. Since controls added to a form have a Modifiers setting of Friend by
default, this is not a problem.
Exercise 9.1



The code in Listing 9.2 retrieves the current text setting from a TextBox
control on a dialog box. Given that the Text property of a TextBox is a
read/write property, how would you go about setting the text in a text box
on the form f to read Hello?
Assume that the String variable address currently holds the value
1 High Street. Based on the code in Listing 9.2, how would you go
about using the dialog box to allow the user to edit this address? Properties useful for giving the user feedback

Various properties can be used to provide the user of a program with a visual or
behavioural cue that indicates whether they are performing an operation properly or
not. This is sometimes referred to as giving the user feedback.
The Enabled property is an important one since it allows you to stop a control
from responding to user interactions (by setting Enabled to False), and changes
the controls appearance to indicate this. This is a rather forthright form of feedback,
but is useful where allowing the user to proceed with an operation would result in
invalid data. Using the Enabled property, you can prevent the user from completing an operation where it would lead to an obvious error; for example, by setting this
property for the OK button in a dialog box to False initially, and to True once the
user has entered data into all of the required input controls, we can ensure that the
user does not miss entering a value in an important field.
Further feedback can be given to the user by changing the Cursor, BackColor
or Image properties of controls on a form. Changing the Cursor property of a control to IBeam, for example, highlights those controls the user is expected to type
information into, while setting the BackColor of a TextBox control to make it
stand out can indicate the presence of an input error. Listing 9.3 shows how you
could program the Leave event of a TextBox to set its BackColor property and the
Enabled property of the OK button on a dialog box to make sure the user has
entered a valid date:
Private Sub txtDate_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles txtDate.Leave


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

'This event fires when the cursor moves out of the

If Not IsDate(txtDate.Text) Then
txtDate.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
btnOK.Enabled = False
btnOK.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.3: Using control properties to indicate an error

There are of course many other ways of validating the information entered into a
control, but this method is simple and gives the user an easy way to identify errors
in input without forcing him or her to correct them immediately.

9.1.3 Common Methods

Table 9.2

Methods common to a number of WinForms controls



Example Call


This method puts a control at

the front of the ZOrder, which
is the setting that indicates
whether a control appears
behind or in front of others


Calling this method from a

control initiates a drag and
drop sequence that will end
when the user releases the
mouse button over another


This method makes a control

invisible and unable to respond
to events



This method returns a

reference to the form that a
control is on

f = txtCustomerName.FindForm
This will set f to refer to the form that the


This sets the input focus to

(or selects) the control if it is
selectable. The input focus of
a control makes it respond to
keyboard events (for example,
placing a cursor in a text box)



This will place an image control on top of

any others at the same location on a form

Starts an operation to drag the text

selected in a text box

Hiding a group box as above will also

hide all the controls it contains

text box is on

This will place a cursor in the text box

9.1 Windows Controls

Table 9.2





Example Call


This will return a reference to

any control that is at the given
point on a container control, or

c = grpDataEntry.
New Point(100,100))
This will set c to Nothing, or make it


refer to the control directly under the

point 100, 100 within a group box
This will return a reference to a
controls container control.
Often this will be the form that
the control is placed on, but
can also be a GroupBox,
PictureBox or Panel that
can contain controls

c = chkOption1.

Causes a Paint message to

be sent to a control (i.e. fires
the Paint event), to force a
redraw. The call can optionally
include an indication of the
area that is to be repainted

frmPaper.Invalidate(New _


These methods will reset the

various settings for a control to
the default value of the setting
(i.e. that assigned when the
control is first created)



This method displays a control,

and is equivalent to setting the
controls Visible property to




This will return a reference to a

GroupBox, Panel, PictureBox or
Form that contains the control

Forces a 50 50 area or the form at

location 100, 100 to be redrawn

This will restore the text boxs

background to white

The button will become visible on a form


These methods are used to

bracket a sequence of updates
to a control to suppress the
controls appearance being
updated multiple times. This
speeds up the updating

For Each C in
This code will add all members of a
collection to a list box with only a single
screen update


Returns a String representation

of an object. If the base
method is not overridden, this
method will return the class
name as a string

txtCustInfo.Text =
This will display information on the
Customer object, C, in a text box. If the
class has not overridden ToString(),
it will display the class name


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Figure 9.1

Using a GroupBox control and the BringToFront() method Controlling a controls visibility

The methods shared by most controls allow us to perform generic operations on all
or some of the controls on a form. We can, for example, set whether any control
is visible on a form by calling its Show() or Hide() method, or alter the way that
controls are stacked on a form using the BringToFront() and SendToBack()
methods. These methods are particularly useful with Container controls (i.e. controls
that can contain other controls) since using Hide, for example, will make the
container plus all of the controls contained by it invisible. This can be used to good
effect to provide alternative sets of input controls depending on some feature
selected by the user. For example, Figure 9.1 shows a very sexist data input form.
GroupBox controls are used to group a number of individual controls together,
both to link them visually on a form, and to make it possible to treat them as a group.
We can create a stack of group boxes on a form, each containing a set of controls
available for various options, by placing them in the same position on the form and
making them the same size. Using the BringToFront method, we can then quickly
bring a specific control to the front. The code to swap between the two GroupBox
controls that are used to contain the ListBox controls shown in Figure 9.1 is short
and sweet (Listing 9.4).
Private Sub radMale_CheckedChanged( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles radMale.CheckedChanged
If radMale.Checked Then
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.4: Switching between two GroupBox controls

9.1 Windows Controls


Note that we only need to bring a group to the front, since any other group will automatically be covered up by it. Controlling updates to the screen

The Invalidate() method forces Windows to redraw a control, which is useful
if for any reason its graphical content is changed, and the SuspendLayout() and
ResumeLayout() methods can be used to prevent Windows redrawing the contents
of a control where a number of changes need to be made. For example, while adding
a large number of items to a ListBox or a lot of items of text to a TextBox, the
normal behaviour of Windows to repeatedly update the controls display can greatly
slow down a program and make it appear clunky. By bracketing the code that adds
the items between SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout method calls for the control displaying the data, the updates can be made more rapidly and will all appear at
once after the ResumeLayout call. For example, we can speed up adding a lot of
file names to a list box using the code in Listing 9.5.
Private Sub ShowFiles()
Dim f As String
f = Dir("C:\WINNT\*.*")
Do Until f = ""
f = Dir()
End Sub
Listing 9.5: Using SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout to speed up updates

Listing 9.5 shows how you would bracket a section of code that performed a large
number of screen updates between SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout to reduce
screen update delays. The Dir() function will return a list of files that match a
specific file name pattern, for example C:\Documents\*.doc for all of the document files in the Documents folder on the C: drive. In the first call to it, the file name
pattern is passed as a parameter, and all subsequent calls (with no parameter)
will return the next file in the list. When the function returns an empty string, there
are no files remaining.
The various ResetXXX methods (ResetBackColor(), ResetCursor(),
ResetFont(), ResetForeColor(), ResetText()) are useful where a controls
appearance is changed at run time to highlight it for some reason, and you then
wish to return the control to its normal appearance. Listing 9.3 shows how this
can be used. Controlling Drag and Drop operations

The DoDragDrop method is used to initiate a drag and drop operation. This is typically used to allow the user to move text or graphics between controls on a form or


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

on different forms. The DoDragDrop method is normally executed on a MouseDown

event of the control form which dragging begins, and the process ends when the
form receives a DragDrop event from the receiving control. For example, the
following code (Listing 9.6) on a form with two text boxes (txtSource and
txtDestination) would allow the user to drag the text from the source text box
to the destination one.
'This defines what happens when something is 'dropped' ...
Private Sub txtDestination_DragDrop( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) _
Handles txtDestination.DragDrop
txtDestination.Text = _
End Sub
'This initiates a 'drag' operation when the mouse button is
'pressed over the text box...
Private Sub txtSource_MouseDown(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles txtSource.MouseDown
End Sub
'This provides user feedback by changing the mouse pointer
'while it is dragging over the text box...
Private Sub txtDestination_DragOver( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) _
Handles txtDestination.DragOver
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
End Sub
Listing 9.6: Controlling a drag and drop operation

In Listing 9.6, the user is given visible feedback (DragDropEffects.Copy)

during the drag and drop operation. While the mouse pointer is being dragged (i.e.
with the left button depressed) over the form background and other controls, it will
appear as a no-entry sign. When it moves over the destination text box, the pointer
will change to a normal pointer with an added + sign to indicate that a drop
can be made here. Note I have used the explicit control names (txtSource and
txtDestination) instead of the event-handlers name for them (Sender) in these
events. Either would work, but since Sender would be a different control in each
event-handler, the controls names are less confusing.
Drag and drop operations are ideal for moving data from one control to another
and can be used between any two controls that support the DoDragDrop() method
(for the source) and DragDrop and DragOver events (for the destination).

9.1 Windows Controls


9.1.4 Common Events

Table 9.3

Events common to a number of WinForms controls


Raised by . . .

Used for . . .


The value in a control changing

Detecting data updates


The user clicking on a control or form

Command actions, such as a

button press or a menu selection


The user clicking twice in rapid succession

within a small area of a control

Short-cuts to default actions (e.g.

used to select a word in a tex tbox)


The user releasing the mouse button while

over a control following a drag operation

Copy, cut and paste operations


The user moving the mouse over a control

during a dragging operation

Providing feedback during a copy,

cut and paste operation


The user moving the focus to a control by

mouse or keyboard

Changing the appearance of a

control while it is in use (e.g. could
change its BackColor to make
the current control obvious)


The user pressing a key and releasing it

Reacting to specific key presses

or ASCII values


The user moves the focus from this control to

another one

Resetting the appearance of a



The user presses on a mouse button

(MouseDown), releases a mouse button
(MouseUp), moves the mouse cursor on to a
control (MouseEnter), holds the mouse
cursor over a control (MouseHover) or moves
the mouse cursor over a control (MouseMove)

Tracking the mouse, e.g. for

drawing operations


Windows raises this event when an area of

display including the control or form needs to
be redrawn (e.g. after a window has been
dragged over it)

Updating the display in program

code as needed


The user changes the size of a form or control,

usually by dragging its border

Changing the size or position of

items on a form


The user is moving the focus to another control

(Validating) or all of the validation actions
performed in the Validating event handler
have completed (Validated).

Checking user input for errors

Every event generated by a WinForms control can be handled by an eventhandler in the forms code, and although most controls are capable of generating any
of a large number of types of event, in most situations we might decide to handle only
one or two of them. Events are most often responses to user interactions, although
a line of code manipulating an object can raise an event (e.g. assigning text to a
TextBox will raise its Changed() event) and the system can also generate events
(e.g. Timers Tick() events).


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail Events from User-Interactions

From the user we can expect events to do with mouse or keyboard interaction,
including events generated by moving a control bar, or pulling down a menu. Mouse
events are typically clicks, selections or drags. A user clicks on a button or a menu
item to select the command it invokes. Clicking on an input control such as a
CheckBox or OptionButton will generally change its selection state, while a click
on a ListBox or ComboBox is usually to select an item from the list.
A drag operation is usually done to move data from one control to another,
either within the same form or from one form to another. However, you can program
a custom type of drag operation to work within a single control, typically a Panel
or PictureBox control, for graphical operations. For example, Listing 9.7 below
will draw circles on a Panel control on a form.
Private Sub Panel1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles Panel1.MouseMove
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
'Draw a circle radius 10 centred on the cursor
Dim g As Graphics = Panel1.CreateGraphics()
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, e.X 10, e.Y 10, 20, 20)
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.7: Using MouseMove as a drag-style operation to create graphics

Strangely, events are not needed for handling normal keyboard input into a control, since TextBox and similar controls will handle all sorts of user-interactions,
including cut, copy and paste, text selection and editing automatically. However, we
often need to use keyboard events to filter or validate a users inputs. For example,
Listing 9.8 shows a TextBox event handler that will ensure that only numbers can
be entered.
Private Sub txtNumber_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) _
Handles txtNumber.KeyPress
If InStr("0123456789-.", e.KeyChar) = 0 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.8: Using\ the KeyPress event

Note how key-presses are treated in Listing 9.8. The e parameter is specifically for
key-press events in this event-handler, and the face value of a key pressed is found
in the e.KeyChar member. Using the InStr() function, which tests for the position of one string or character inside another string, we can test for the existence of
a numeric key. If a key is not a numeric key, a decimal point or a minus sign, it

9.2 Accessing Controls Collectively


is marked as being handled, which stops it from being added to the TextBox.
KeyDown and KeyUp events are similar except that instead of a KeyChar (equivalent to the face value of a keyboard key), the e parameter contains key codes. Since
several keyboard keys do not have face values (e.g. the function keys and the cursor
arrow keys), KeyDown and KeyUp need to be used to detect these.
Exercise 9.2


A TextBox is to be used to accept a users input of their name. Write a

KeyPressed event that will allow only alphabetical characters to be entered
(note that this should include upper and lower case as well as spaces and the
character [e.g. OBrien]).

Accessing Controls Collectively

Controls placed on a form are added to the forms Controls collection. This gives
us a simple way to access every control on the form to perform some operation on
them collectively. For example, we could write code to change the BackColor
setting of all the controls on a form (Listing 9.9).
Private Sub ChangeColour(ByVal newCol As Color)
Dim c As Control
For Each c In Controls
'Change the BackColor setting of each control...
c.BackColor = newCol
End Sub
Listing 9.9: Accessing all of the controls on a form

Note that now we have two ways of writing code to manipulate any control on a
form. We can access individual controls using the name we have given them at design
time (or the default name given when the control was added if we have not since
changed it), or we can access controls as part of the Controls collection. Of course
we can also use selection logic to get the best of both worlds, so that we can choose
which members of the controls collection we want to manipulate (see Listing 9.10).
Private Sub ChangeColour(ByVal newCol As Color)
Dim c As Control
For Each c In Controls
If TypeOf(c) Is Button Then
c.BackColor = newCol
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.10: Accessing particular types of control (including descendants)


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

In Listing 9.10, the TypeOf() function returns a type, which we can test against
a specific type using the Is keyword to determine if an object is a member of, or is
derived from, a given class. This method includes classes related by inheritance
(including interface inheritance), so a new class of button derived from the base
class Button would also have its BackColor changed. If we wanted only to affect
a single class, we could instead use the TypeName() function, which will match a
specific class, but not its descendants (Listing 9.11).
For Each c In Controls
If TypeName(c) = "Button" Then
c.BackColor = newCol
End If
Listing 9.11: Testing for a specific type of control
Exercise 9.3


A subroutine is required to change the foreground colour (ForeColor) of every

control on a form to a specific colour Color.Red. The form is passed to the
sub as the parameter F As Form. Write the sub and test it on a simple form
design (you can call the sub from a button on the form).

Command Controls
The simplest controls for providing a way of issuing a command are buttons and
menus. Typically, we use the Button.Click event to execute an associated command from a button, although these controls also respond to mouse movements, keypresses, drag and drop and other forms of interaction.
One useful way to get the most from a Button control is to make it serve two
related and mutually exclusive purposes. For example, a single button can be used
to start and stop a Timer control. When the timer is currently stopped, the button
caption will only be sensible if it says start. Similarly, once the timer has started,
a suitable caption is stop. The coding for this is simple and is given in Listing 9.12.
Private Sub cmdStartStop_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles cmdStartStop.Click
If cmdStartStop.Text = "Start" Then
cmdStartStop.Text = "Stop"
cmdStartStop.Text = "Start"
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.12: Using a single button for two related commands

9.3 Command Controls

Figure 9.2


A form with a MainMenu component (visible in the component tray)

9.3.1 Menus and Menu Design

Menus are just as easy to deal with, although we first need to be able to design
a menu structure before we can deal with handling the appropriate events. A
MainMenu control is added to a WinForms form in the usual way, by selecting it
from the Toolbox and dropping it on the form or by double-clicking on it in the
Toolbox. Since the MainMenu control is not visible at run time (strictly speaking,
this makes it a component, rather than a control) it appears as an icon in the
Component Tray. Figure 9.2 shows a form design to which a MainMenu component
has been added and the menu editor had been activated.
MenuItems are added to the overall menu structure interactively using the inplace menu editor, and configured using properties as with any control. Designing a
menu structure is now as easy as clicking on the visible menu item on the Form
Designer. It is standard practice to name menu items with a mnu prefix and a name
that reflects the hierarchical menu structure. A top level File menu would be called
mnuFile, while sub-menu items of this would be mnuFileOpen, mnuFileSave,
mnuFileClose, etc. Sub-sub-menus would have names that extend this for
example mnuEditCopyText and mnuEditCopyGraphics might be two sub-menu
items of mnuEditCopy.
In the Form Designer window, you can create a menu structure simply by clicking on a menu item and entering the appropriate menu item caption. While it would
be perfectly functional to simply change the visible captions (i.e. Text settings) for
the various menu items, it is good programming practice to set up the Name and, in
some cases, ShortCut properties. A menus name, like the names of other controls,
gives us access to it in code, so applying a meaningful name according to the scheme
described above is a good idea. A ShortCut setting will provide the user with a
quick way to fire the menus -Click event-handler without pulling down the menu.
Building a menu structure is simple enough, and adding event-handlers to execute
the menu items command is a simple matter of double-clicking on the menu item
in the Designer window. However, proper operation of a menu structure should


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Figure 9.3

Checked and RadioCheck properties in use

also involve enabling and disabling commands as appropriate (using the Enabled
property), and possibly setting the Checked or RadioCheck switches for the menu
item. A Checked menu item typically means that that option is on, and clicking on
it will switch it off, while a RadioCheck indicates that that item is the selected one
of a group. Figure 9.3 shows a menu setup in which the user can switch between
Normal, UpperCase and LowerCase text entry (where only one would be selected)
and can switch ScrollBars on or off for the TextBox control. The code to control
these facilities is shown in Listing 9.13.
Providing feedback for a menu system is simple enough in principle, but it can be
awkward to keep the menu display in synchronization with the settings they control.
One good method of arranging this is to set up the various menu item settings as the
top-level menu item (e.g. Edit and Modes in Figure 9.3) is opened this is signalled
by the top-level menus Popup event. Again, Listing 9.13 demonstrates this for a
simple text editor (examine the mnuEdit_Popup event-handler).
Exercise 9.4


Sub-menu items can be hidden from a menu by setting their Visible property to False. You can tell whether text in a TextBox control has been
selected (i.e. highlighted) by checking the SelectedText property e.g.
Len(txtAddress.SelectedText) will be 0 if no text is selected, >0 if there
is some text selected. Write a Popup event for a menu called mnuEdit which
has sub-menu items mnuEditCut and mnuEditCopy. The Popup event should
contain code to hide the Cut and Copy sub-menus if there is no selected text in
the TextBox txtDocument, and to show them if text has been selected.

Simple Input Controls

The main goal in user-interface design should be to make your program as easy
to use as possible; this ought to be considered above the secondary goals of making
the software easy to develop or making it look good. Most user-interaction with a
program will be about entering data. Sometimes this will be text, sometimes a

9.4 Simple Input Controls


simple selection from a set of options, and sometimes a very simple yes or no type
response. You should obviously select controls that provide the best solution for
a particular type of data entry, and in many cases, the obvious controls such
as TextBox, CheckBox and RadioButton are easiest because the user will be
familiar with their operation.

9.4.1 TextBox Controls

A TextBox is most commonly used for free text entry (i.e. typing) and is the only
type of control suitable for many common data entry tasks, such as name and
address entry, descriptions, titles, etc. TextBoxes are also used for numeric input,
although for some types of number there are better controls to use. The key program
interface elements of a TextBox are:

Text property this provides programmatic access to the text entered into a

Multiline property a Boolean property that is used to set up a text box so that


it can accept a number of lines of text.

Lines property a string array that provides line-by-line access to the Text
contents. Where the Text property of a multi-line TextBox will contain carriage
return characters that indicate where each line ends, the Lines property will
contain only the text of each line.
AcceptsReturn/AcceptsTab properties these set up how a text box treats
presses of the Enter and Tab keys. If AcceptsReturn is False, pressing Enter
while in the TextBox will result in the Default button on a form being pressed;
if True, a new-line will be entered. If AcceptsTab is set to False, pressing
the Tab key will move the focus to the next control in the TabOrder; it True,
the Tab will be entered into the TextBox.
CausesValidation property if this is set to True, the Validating and
Validated events can be used to vet what the user has entered into the
AppendText method this simply adds the string passed in the parameter to the
end of the Text already in the TextBox.
Clear method removes all Text from the TextBox.
Undo method removes the most recent typing changes or clipboard operations
from the TextBox.
Cut/Copy/Paste methods these methods are used to provide the standard cut,
copy and paste operations, using the Windows clipboard as the destination for
cut/copy operations, and the source of text for a paste operation.
TextChanged event this fires when any change is made to the Text in the

Using the listed properties, methods and events along with the generic ones
described earlier allows you to apply full programmatic control to a TextBox.


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Table 9.4

Settings required for the form and controls of the Text Editor

































Upper Case






- (hyphen makes
a separator bar)



Scroll Bars

9.4 Simple Input Controls

Figure 9.4


A Text Editor form with a MainMenu

Although the TextChanged event seems to be the only specifically useful event
defined for a TextBox, the generic KeyPress, KeyUp and KeyDown events are ideal
for controlling user input.
We can demonstrate a number of TextBox features by building a simple text
editor. Figure 9.4 shows a suitably designed form containing a TextBox and a
MainMenu. The settings for the form and controls are shown in Table 9.4, and
Listing 9.13 shows the code necessary to provide full edit control.
Note that some menu items in the above table do not have shortcuts or accelerator keys. It is normal to provide these only for items that are frequently used.
Public Class frmTextEdit
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer generated code

Private Sub mnuEdit_Popup(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuEdit.Popup
'This event occurs immediately before the menu appears.
'It is ideal for setting up the availability of
'menu items.
If txtEditor.SelectedText <> "" Then
'There is text selected, so...
mnuEditCut.Enabled = True
mnuEditCopy.Enabled = True
'There is no text selected...
mnuEditCut.Enabled = False
mnuEditCopy.Enabled = False
End If
If Clipboard.GetDataObject.GetDataPresent( _
(DataFormats.Text) Then


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

'There is text in the clipboard, so...

mnuEditPaste.Enabled = True
'No text in the clipboard...
mnuEditPaste.Enabled = False
End If
If txtEditor.CanUndo Then
'Provide an undo option...
mnuEditUndo.Enabled = True
'No point in an undo option...
mnuEditUndo.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuEditCopy_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuEditCopy.Click
'Copy selected text to the clipboard...
End Sub
Private Sub mnuEditCut_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuEditCut.Click
'Copy selected text to the clipboard...
'and then remove the selected text...
txtEditor.SelectedText = ""
End Sub
Private Sub mnuEditPaste_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuEditPaste.Click
'Paste clipboard contents as the selected text...
txtEditor.SelectedText = _
End Sub
Private Sub mnuEditUndo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuEditUndo.Click
'Perform an undo operation...
End Sub
Private Sub mnuEditFind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuEditFind.Click
'Locate text in the editor...
Static pos As Integer
Static FindText As String
'First ask for text to find (previous entry is

9.4 Simple Input Controls


FindText = InputBox("Enter text to find.", _

"Find Text", FindText)
'Check something was entered...
If FindText <> "" Then
'Try to find it, starting where we left off...
pos = InStr(pos + 1, txtEditor.Text, FindText)
'Did we find it?...
If pos = 0 Then
'No let the user know...
MessageBox.Show("Not Found")
'Yes move the cursor to it and select it...
txtEditor.Select(pos 1, FindText.Length)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuModesScrollbars_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuModesScrollbars.Click
'Sets scroll bars on or off in the textbox...
If mnuModesScrollbars.Checked Then
mnuModesScrollbars.Checked = False
txtEditor.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.None
mnuModesScrollbars.Checked = True
txtEditor.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuModesNormal_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuModesNormal.Click
'Sets the TextBox's character case to normal (mixed)...
txtEditor.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Normal
mnuModesNormal.Checked = True
mnuModesUppercase.Checked = False
mnuModesLowercase.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuModesUppercase_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuModesUppercase.Click
'Sets the TextBox's character case to UPPER...
txtEditor.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Upper
mnuModesNormal.Checked = False
mnuModesUppercase.Checked = True
mnuModesLowercase.Checked = False
End Sub


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Private Sub mnuModesLowercase_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuModesLowercase.Click
'Sets the TextBox's character case to lower...
txtEditor.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Lower
mnuModesNormal.Checked = False
mnuModesUppercase.Checked = False
mnuModesLowercase.Checked = True
End Sub
End Class
Listing 9.13: Event-handler code for the Text Editor form

The purpose and operation of most of the code in Listing 9.13 should be quite
clear. Interactions with the clipboard are a little awkward because the Windows
clipboard can accommodate a range of data types (Text, RichText, Bitmaps, HTML,
Colour Pallets, Audio data and a number of custom formats), and can hold a
number of these types of data simultaneously. To pick up data from the clipboard,
we first have to ask whether it has any data of a suitable format (in this case
DataFormats.Text) and then call the GetDataObject() method specifying the
data format we want.
We can use this to our advantage by managing the menu so that it shows only
commands that are valid to use. If there is no text in the clipboard, there is no point
in making the Paste command available. Similarly, if no text in the text box has
been selected, there will be nothing to copy or paste. The text boxs CanUndo()
method tells us whether there is any typing for us to undo. We can combine all of
these checks, placing them in the PopUp event-handler of the top-level menu item,
and enabling or disabling menu items as appropriate.
The only other tricky code here is that for the Find command. By using static variables to store the text we wish to find (FindText) and the last location where text
was found (Pos), we can use the InStr() function to step through every occurrence
of text we are seeking in the editor. Initially, Pos is 0, and we start looking in the
text box at character number Pos + 1. Subsequently, Pos will contain the last
location that the text was found at, and adding 1 to this will give us the next place
to start looking.
The menu item code for the Modes menu takes a slightly different approach. Here,
the text box is set up as appropriate by each menu item and the corresponding menu
items are Checked. Disappointingly, a menu item with a RadioCheck setting does
not operate as a group with other menu items, so it is necessary to check one item
on and the others off in code (bad marks to Microsoft for this).

9.4.2 CheckBoxes and RadioButtons

Although these controls are similar, they are used for different purposes. A
CheckBox is a single control that works alone to allow the user to indicate the
True/False, On/Off, 1/0 setting for an item with a Boolean value. For example,

9.4 Simple Input Controls

Figure 9.5


Using RadioButtons and a CheckBox

we could use a check box to allow the user to indicate that they wanted a bank
account that pays interest monthly instead of annually (see Figure 9.5).
A check box used in this way allows a user to answer yes or no to a question with
minimum effort. At the same time, the result can be determined unambiguously in
code. For example, the check box setting in the above can be collected from the
Checked property using the code in Listing 9.14.
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnOK.Click
Dim A As BankAccount()
If radCurrent.Checked Then
A = New CurrentAccount()
ElseIf radDeposit.Checked Then
A = New DepositAccount()
ElseIf radInvestment.Checked Then
A = New InvestmentAccount()
End If
A.AccountName = txtName.Text
A.InterestMonthly = chkMonthlyInterest.Value
End Sub
Listing 9.14: Collecting the Checked property of a CheckBox control


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

RadioButtons are used in a different way, even though each RadioButton has
a Checked property that takes on a Boolean value. As their name suggests,
RadioButtons are normally used in a group, where only one member of the group

can be checked at any one time, in much the same way as preset stations are selected
on a radio set (as you select a station by pressing a button, the button that is currently
depressed pops up). If a different member of a group of radio buttons is checked,
either by the user clicking on it, or by setting its Checked property to True in
code, the Checked state of the member that was previously True will automatically
go to False.
One apparent problem with groups of RadioButton controls arises if you need
to have two or more independent groups of buttons on a form. If all of the buttons
for each group are added to a single form, they will in fact be one large group, of
which only one button can be checked. To get around this problem, it is necessary
to place each group in a different Container control. A Panel, GroupBox or
PictureBox can all be Container controls, although the obvious one to use is the
GroupBox, as shown in Figure 9.5. A GroupBox has the added advantage that you
can use its Text property to give each group a caption (like Type of Account in
Figure 9.5).
Note that, unlike a MenuItem with the RadioCheck set to True, there is no need
to write code to turn check marks on and off in RadioButton controls. The normal
user action of clicking on a member of a RadioButton group will turn the checks
of the whole group on and off as appropriate.
Exercise 9.5


Two forms, F1 and F2, both have TextBox controls txtName and
txtAddress on them (each form has both controls). Write statements that
will copy the text in these text boxes on F1 to the corresponding boxes on F2.


F1 contains a CheckBox control, chkUpperCase. If this box is checked,

the text copied to the controls on F2 should be converted to upper case. If

not, it should be left in whatever case it is currently in. Amend your answer
to a) so that this happens (note you can get an upper-case copy of the
contents of a string S using S.ToUpper().


List Controls
A RadioButton group is a good way of offering the user one from a small
range of options, like the type of account options offered in Figure 9.5. However
RadioButtons are limited in that it is impractical to offer a large number of options
using them (think of the amount of screen space 50 radio buttons would take up)
and it is awkward to add to the number of options as a program runs (although
not impossible as we shall see later in this chapter). Instead, we can use one of the
available List controls.
There are three types of simple List control: ListBox, CheckedListBox and
ComboBox. In addition, the Toolbox offers controls that can display lists of complex

9.5 List Controls


items (ListView control), hierarchical lists (TreeView control) and point and click
access to dates and times (DateTimePicker and MonthCalendar controls).

9.5.1 Adding Items to a List control

The simple List controls are programmed in a similar way, so in most cases what
works for a ListBox will also work for a CheckedListBox and a ComboBox. Each
has an Items() property that is a collection of Object type. Since everything in
.NET has the Object class as an ancestor, you can put anything at all into a list box.
This is a significant divergence from earlier versions of Visual Basic, in which the
List controls kept a list of Strings. It is useful in that it allows you to use a
ListBox to manage a collection of any class or even a collection of objects of mixed
classes. However, it does mean that an object placed in a list boxs Items() collection must have a method or property defined that will return the information you
wish to display for that object.
By default, the ToString() method of an object added to the Items() collection in a list box defines what is seen in the list. However, you can set the list
boxs DisplayMember property to a string value that indicates what will be seen.
This seems to work so that items added to the list will show up according to the
current setting of DisplayMember, but the text they show does not change if
DisplayMember is changed; i.e. the setting only affects new members added to
the list. Figure 9.6 and Listing 9.15 show a form and code to demonstrate this.

Figure 9.6

A form to demonstrate adding items to a ListBox

Public Class frmLists

'Form definition code . . .
'. . .
'This class is used to demonstrate how to display
'items in a listbox . . .
Class ListItem
Private ItemName As String


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Private ItemValue As Integer

Public ReadOnly Property Name()
Return ItemName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Value()
Return ItemValue
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal n As String, ByVal v As Integer)
ItemName = n
ItemValue = v
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return ItemName
End Function
End Class
'This will create a new item and add it to the
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim n As String
Dim v As Integer
n = InputBox("Enter item name")
v = InputBox("Enter item value")
Dim LI As ListItem = New ListItem(n, v)
End Sub
Private Sub radNames_CheckedChanged( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles radNames.CheckedChanged
If radNames.Checked Then
'This causes new items added to show the result
'of their ToString() method...
lstDemo.DisplayMember = ""
'This causes them to show the value held in their
'Value property...
lstDemo.DisplayMember = "Value"
End If
End Sub
'End of form class...
End Class
Listing 9.15: A class of items to add to a ListBox, and code to add and

9.5 List Controls


Class ListItem from Listing 9.15 is a simple class with two member variables
a string ItemName and an integer ItemValue. Properties are defined to expose
these members (Name and Value read-only properties) and the class also has a constructor and overrides the default ToString() member to return the ItemName (by
default, the ToString() member of a derived class returns the class name only).
The handler for the Add button asks the user to enter a name and value (e.g.
Ten and 10), and then creates a new ListItem initialized to these. The item
is then added to the ListBox. The two CheckBox controls determine how
newly added items will be displayed. If Display Names is checked, lstDemo.
DisplayMember is an empty string, indicating that the ToString() member of
the ListItem will dictate what is seen. When Display Values is checked,
radNames_CheckedChanged is fired (since its check will be cleared), and
lstDemo.DisplayMember will be set to Value indicating that the Value
property of the ListItem object will be displayed.
Note that in the above example, the ListItem class is defined within the Form
class. It has default (Friend) scope, although it could have Private scope in this
case since the class is only used from form code. Generally you need a good reason
to place one class inside another in this way since we are only able to use the class
prefixed with a reference to the form class (frmLists.ListItem), or not at all if
the scope was made Private. However, it is a perfectly respectable thing to do for
the purpose of this demo, and is a good use of scope where we know that a class will
only ever be used in conjunction with (with Friend scope), or wholly within (with
Private scope) another class or form.
ListBox types can also have items added in bulk, which can be useful in a
number of ways. For example, we can quickly build a combo box to provide the
names of the months of the year (Listing 9.16).
Private Sub FillCombo()
Dim MonthNames() As String = {"January", "February", _
"March", "April", "May", _
"June", "July", "August", _
"September", "October", _
"November", "December"}
End Sub
Listing 9.16: Filling a list or combo box in a single step

Note that in Listing 9.16, the AddRange() method of the Items property is
used to assign a whole array of strings to the ComboBox. A collection object (e.g.
an ArrayList) can also be used to set the contents of a ListBox type, by setting
the Listboxs DataSource property to refer to the collection, as shown in
Listing 9.17.
Private Sub FillComboFromCollection()
Dim DayNames As New ArrayList()


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

cboDays.DataSource = DayNames
End Sub
Listing 9.17: An alternative method for filling a List control

In either case, the text displayed in the list or combo box will depend on either the
ToString() method of the objects added, or the ListBoxs DisplayMember
setting if one is supplied.

9.5.2 Accessing the Selected Item(s)

The purpose of a List control is to allow the user to select an item or text rather
than entering one via the keyboard. Since errors in typing are eliminated, this
makes a List control an ideal way of getting the user to enter information where
the information is an item from a range.
While a ComboBox can only have a single selected item, ListBox and
CheckedListBox controls can be configured via properties so that one or
many items can be selected, using the SelectionMode property. This can
be set to SelectionMode.One (only a single item can be selected),
SelectionMode.MultiExtended (a range of items can be selected if the user
holds down the Shift key on the keyboard after the first selection clicking on a
second item will select all of the items from the first to the second), or
SelectionMode.MultiSimple (many individual items can be selected and deselected by clicking on them). For a List control with the SelectionMode.One
property setting, a selected item can be accessed using the SelectedItem property.
If one of the MultiSelectionMode properties is set, the SelectedItems property
returns a collection containing all of the selected items.
To get the single item selected in Figure 9.7, the following code would suffice:

Figure 9.7

A ListBox with a single selected item

9.5 List Controls

Figure 9.8


A ListBox with several selected items

Dim O As Object
O = lstDemo.SelectedItem

Alternatively, the index of the item selected can be found by:

Dim I As Integer
I = lstDemo.SelectedIndex

Of course, the number returned would be zero-based; the first item has index 0, the
second has index 1, etc.
For a multi-selection ListBox as shown in Figure 9.8, the SelectedItem
property will only return the first of the set of selected items. All of the selected
items can be retrieved as a collection from the SelectedItems property or the
SelectedIndices property. For example, to work through all of the selected items
in a list box:
Dim O As Object
For Each O In lstDemo.SelectedItems
'Code to manipulate O...

or, to work through their indices . . .

Dim I As Integer
For Each I In lstDemo.SelectedIndices
'Code to manipulate indices...

The SelectionMode.MultiSimple and SelectionMode.MultiExtended

settings are not supported by a CheckedListBox control, so although this control
still has SelectedItems and SelectedIndices properties, these will only ever


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Figure 9.9

A CheckedListBox

have a single item in them, and this will match the SelectedItem and
SelectedIndex properties. However, the CheckedListBox has instead
CheckedItems and CheckedIndices properties. These work like the
SelectedItems and SelectedIndices properties. Effectively, a
CheckedListBox is simply a neater version of a standard ListBox with the
SelectionMode set to one of the multi- options, so to iterate through the collection of checked items:
For Each O In lstDemo.CheckedItems
'Code to manipulate O . . .
'. . .

Figure 9.9 shows a CheckedListBox with several items checked.

9.5.3 More Complex List Controls

The ListBox, CheckedListBox and ComboBox controls are all very well for
displaying lists of items, where each item is to be displayed as a single piece of
text, but for items where you need to create a list of more complex information,
they would not be too suitable. For example, lets say we needed to display bank
account details in a list box with the format shown in Figure 9.10.

Figure 9.10

A format for a list of bank accounts

9.5 List Controls


We could easily place this information into a standard list or combo box by
defining a ToString() method for the account as in Listing 9.18.
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Format(Number, "00000000") & vbTab & _
Name & vbTab & Format(Balance, "0.00")
End Function
Listing 9.18: Redefining the ToString() method for the BankAccount

Now, when we add BankAccount objects to a list box, they will be displayed as
formatted in the ToString() method, with a Tab character between the account
number and name, and between the name and balance. However, a standard
ListBox has tabs set up at 10 character intervals, and for information that is more
than 10 characters, it will over-run into the next space. This method can therefore
not be used to display a neat list unless you can guarantee that every piece of text is
less than about 10 characters wide.
If we want to be able to display tidy lists of information, we need to make use of
an alternative control. One of the better ones provided with Visual Studio is the
ListView control. This versatile control can be used to display data in a variety of
formats, and can include icons for the items displayed, display items in a tabular
format (ideal for bank accounts) and sort items based on some key property. The
ListView control is used in Windows Explorer windows, and is responsible for
the variety of views you can have of files in your system (with the options of
Thumbnails, Tiles, Icons, a List or a Details view). For our purposes, it is ideal for
displaying a list of items and sub-items; for example a bank account number and a
number of associated properties (Name and Balance). Listing 9.19 shows how we
can add a simple method to a class (in this case BankAccount) to enable objects to
display themselves in a ListView control.
Public Function LVItem() As ListViewItem
'This method creates a new ListViewItem with sub-items
'to display in a ListView control.
'The Item is the Number of this account . . .
Dim I As New ListViewItem(Number.ToString)
'One sub-item is the account Name . . .
'The other is the Balance . . .
'Finally, we return the main Item . . .
Return I
End Function
Listing 9.19: A method to display an object in a ListView control

Note that the method defined for the BankAccount class returns a
ListViewItem, initializing it with the
accounts number converted to a string. Then add each SubItem to the ListView
ListViewItem. First we create a New


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Figure 9.11

The ColumnHeader editor for a ListView control

using .SubItems.Add() which takes a String parameter. In this case, Ive

decided that the Item is a BankAccounts Number (account number) property, and
so SubItems are simply the other properties (Name and Balance). Finally, return
the newly created and populated ListViewItem.
To set up a ListView control to accommodate this data, add one to a form, and
select the Columns property from the Properties window. This is designated as a
(Collection) property, so click on the little ellipsis button ( . . . ) in the value column
to access the ColumnHeader property editor:
The ColumnHeader editor (Figure 9.11) allows you to add and remove column
headings in a ListView control, each of which will demarcate a single column in
the list of items. Initially there will be no column headings for a new control. Simply
press the Add button for each column you want to add and assign values to the
(Name), Text (the caption at the head of a column) and Width. I find that the
Width property of a ColumnHeader is best determined by trial and error initially.
When you have added all of the necessary columns, press OK to exit the editor
and return to the Visual Studio IDE, where you can examine the results of your
labours. You should see the column headings you have set up and can decide
whether the column widths you chose were suitable (see Figure 9.12).
Given a collection of bank accounts in an ArrayList, we could now add
them all to a ListView control named lvAccounts with the following code
(listing 9.20), which could be called from the Form_Load event-handler or from
some other event.
Private Sub FillListView()
Dim a As BankAccount
'Select the Details view style . . .
lvAccounts.View = View.Details
'Now populate the ListView with account data . . .

9.5 List Controls

Figure 9.12


A ListView control with Columns set up

For Each a In AccountList

End Sub
Listing 9.20: Using the ListView method (lvAccounts is a ListView

This code results in a ListView control populated with data as shown in Figure 9.13. Note that the View property of the ListView control has been explicitly
set to View.Details. Other View options are View.List, View.LargeIcon
and View.SmallIcon, corresponding to the views available in Windows Explorer.
None of these views would display the SubItems added to each Item in the
ListView and so we would not see an accounts Name or Balance.
For even more complex forms of list, typically lists of items, each with a variable
number of sub-items, each of which might have sub-items, etc., we can use the
TreeView control. This control displays items in a hierarchical list. It is again used

Figure 9.13

A ListView control with items added


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

in Windows Explorer, this time to display the list of drives and folders. The coding
for the TreeView control is similar to that for the ListView control, except that
where a ListView has a collection of Items, a TreeView has a collection of nodes,
and each node can also have a collection of nodes. Examples using the TreeView
control to display hierarchical data are given in Chapters 11 and 12.
Exercise 9.6

An ArrayList, PostCodes, contains a list of post code data for a city as

strings. Write code to add these to a list box, lstPostCodes:


in the most efficient way possible;

so that each post code is displayed in upper case, regardless of how it is
stored in the ArrayList.

Manipulating Controls at Run Time

You can add controls to a form as a program executes. There are several reasons why
you might want to do this.

You may want to add RadioButton controls to cover a set of options the number of which may change as the program runs.
You could be designing a form that can be used to collect information for a number of different classes, and this would require a variable number of TextBox
You might want to provide thumbnail pictures of image files (e.g. JPEG files of
photographs) in a folder on your computer, and so need to add PictureBox
controls, one per file, to a form.
You may want to add items to a menu (e.g. a list of recent files).

In these and other situations, the available options are to have a number of
controls of the correct type on a form and make them visible as necessary, or to add
new controls as needed. The first option has the limitation that no matter how many
invisible controls you add to a form, it is always possible that the number you need
exceeds that number. It can also be messy to set up. Since Visual Basic .NET makes
it easy to add new controls at run time, it is the preferred option.

9.6.1 Adding controls as a program runs

Controls in a WinForms application are simply objects that inherit from the
Control class. We can create a new control in the same way that we can create any
type of object as a program runs. The only difference is that there are certain things
we need to do with a control after we create it before it can be useful. To add a
control to a form at run time:

9.6 Manipulating Controls at Run Time


1. Create a control of the required type using the New keyword: the type name of
each control is the name that you see when you hover the mouse cursor over a
Toolbox control.
2. Set the size of the control using the Size property. You can copy the size of an
existing control (e.g. newControl.Size = existingControl.Size), or
can set the Width and Height properties explicitly (e.g. newControl.Width
= 100: newControl.Height = 20).
3. Set the location of the control relative to the top, left of the container. Typically
this will be the top, left of the form, but if you add a control to a GroupBox
or Panel control, it will be the top, left of this. Set either the Top and Left
properties, or create a new location object, assign top and left values to it and
assign this.
4. Set the required BackColor, ForeColor and Font properties. A control will
automatically take on the BackColor, ForeColor and Font of its container,
so you only need to set those properties that you want to be different.
5. Set any Text, Picture, Value or other settings specific to the type of control.
6. Call the controls Show() method to make it visible and activate it.
7. Add the control to a Container control: normally this will be a form, but it can
be a Panel, PictureBox or GroupBox control. No matter which, the container
will have a Controls collection, and the Add() method is used to add the new
8. Optionally, you can add event-handlers to a control so that it will respond to
events by executing a pre-defined sub. The sub must match the signature for the
event-handler added (in most cases, it will require two parameters to indicate the
sender of the event and the event arguments), and the AddHandler statement
is used to match up the objects event with the pre-defined handler.
This makes adding a control look quite complicated, but the code to do this
is quite straightforward for all but the last step. For example, the sub shown in
Listing 9.21. will add a number of RadioButtons to a GroupBox. The number and
text of the options is provided by an array passed to the sub as a parameter.
'This Sub is part of a form class.
'As it is private, it must be called from within the form.
Private Sub CreateOptions(ByVal Options() As String)
Dim item As String
Dim itemTop As Integer = 10
Dim itemCount As Integer, itemSpace As Integer
Dim radItem As RadioButton
'We can work out how much vertical space to give an item
'by dividing the available space by the number of
itemCount = Options.GetLength(0)
itemSpace = (grpOptions.Height 20) / itemCount
For Each item In Options
'Create the new control...


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

radItem = New RadioButton()

'Set up its size...
radItem.Width = 150
radItem.Height = 20
'Set up its position...
radItem.Left = 20
radItem.Top = itemTop
'Set the RadioButton's Text property...
radItem.Text = item
'Make sure only the first one is checked (we
'could leave them all unchecked instead)...
If itemTop = 10 Then
radItem.Checked = True
End If
'Add the control to a container control...
'And update to the top of the next item...
itemTop += itemSpace
End Sub
Listing 9.21: Code to create a group of RadioButtons

In Listing 9.21, an array of strings is passed as a parameter to the

CreateOptions sub. We start by working out how many options there will be. The
GetLength() method of an array does this the parameter to it is the dimension

we want to find the number of items in, 0 for a 1-D array. From this, we can work
out the available space for each item. Obviously, the array could have many more
items than could be comfortably displayed in the space available, but well ignore
this limitation since the worst that can happen is that the items will be squeezed too
closely together.
The next steps set up the size (by setting Width and Height) and location of
the items. Each RadioButton will line up with the others on the left, but they
will be arranged in a vertical column, so when we work out the top of the items, we
will increment by the amount itemSpace as we place each new one. Since the
RadioButton group is created from an array of strings, we can take the text in each
string as the caption for the RadioButton (its Text property).
Normally we display a set of radio buttons with one of them checked. In this case,
the If..Then statement operates to set the Checked property for only the first one.
This is easy to determine from the Top property, although we could have used
various methods to decide which one was checked, or left all of them unchecked.
Now we can add the new control to a group box on the form, and finally, update the
itemTop value so that the next button, if there is one, will be positioned under
the current one.
We could use this sub on any form that had a GroupBox called grpOptions.
Listing 9.22 shows an event-handler for a Button.Click event that sets up a suitable array of strings and calls the sub to create a radio button group. Figure 9.14
shows the result.

9.6 Manipulating Controls at Run Time

Figure 9.14


A group of RadioButtons created at run time

Private Sub btnAddOptions_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAddOptions.Click
Dim a() As String 'This will be our array of strings.
Dim i As Integer
i = InputBox("How many options?")
'Resize the array for the required number of options.
ReDim a(i 1)
'Now collect the text for each option . . .
For i = 0 To a.GetUpperBound(0)
a(i) = InputBox("Enter an option caption")
'Finally call CreateOptions to build a group.
End Sub
Listing 9.22: Calling the CreateOptions routine

With a group of radio buttons like this, we can always find out which option has
been selected by the user by simply examining the Checked property of each. Note
that CreateOptions does not set the Name property of the radio buttons, so we
would have to identify the selected button by its Text property. Code to do this
might be something like Listing 9.23.
Private Sub btnWhichOption_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnWhichOption.Click
Dim C As Control
Dim R As RadioButton


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

For Each C In grpOptions.Controls

If TypeName(C) = "RadioButton" Then
R = CType(C, RadioButton)
If R.Checked Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.23: Identifying which of the new controls is Checked

The code in Listing 9.23 is quite complex because we need to iterate through all
of the controls in the GroupBoxs Controls collection picking out the
RadioButtons. If we know for a fact that there will only ever be radio buttons in
the group, we could simply iterate through all of them with no need for the If
TypeName..Then part. However, here Ive allowed for the possibility of other controls in the group. We iterate through the Controls collection, test each to see
if it is a radio button (checking against its TypeName), and, if it is, assign it to
a RadioButton reference variable. We can now test its Checked property (a
Control is not guaranteed to have a Checked property, so we must know it is
a radio button before doing this test) and, for this example, display its name if it
is checked.
All of this might have been much easier if we could simply have attached an
event-handler to each button. If we used, for example, a CheckedChanged eventhandler, we could immediately find out which option had been selected by the user.
Fortunately, .NET provides for this possibility with the AddHandler statement.

9.6.2 Adding event-handlers as a program runs

Normally we leave it up to Visual Studio to generate the outline of an event-handler
for us at design time, and simply add the code to make it do what we want. However,
we can attach an existing event-handler to an event in code, and since we are now
able to add new controls as a program runs, this is the ideal situation to exploit the
capability. AddHandler is a statement that allows us to associate an event from
a control or other object with a piece of code we want that event to invoke. The
format of the statement is:
AddHandler <EventToRespondTo>, AddressOf <CodeToExecute>

For <EventToRespondTo>, we can specify a generic event-handler that could be

applied to handle any type of event. To create an event-handler for a radio button
that can be added to a form at run time, we define the handler and a routine that will
associate the new button with it. Creating the handler is a simple matter of writing a
sub with the following signature:

9.6 Manipulating Controls at Run Time


Sub RadioHandler(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

The two parameter declarations are very important, since this sub will be expected
to accept the two parameters that accompany any event. For the new radio button,
the .NET runtime will need to call this sub in response to a click, and so it must
match the call. If the handler were added at design time, Visual Studio would work
out the exact parameters necessary for handling a click on a radio button and
specify these as in Listing 9.24.
Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
End Sub
Listing 9.24: an event-handler generated at design time

For one we create at run time, the generic declarations for the sender and e
parameters is easier and would allow us to use the code to handle different types of
event. However, using a generic parameter like this could cause a problem if the
more specific arguments passed to it were not handled properly in the handlers
code. For example, coding this handler to handle a Mouse event would mean that the
e parameter would be set up with X, Y and Buttons properties and our code would
work with these. If we subsequently tried to use it to deal with a KeyPressed event,
the properties passed in the e argument (KeyCode, etc.) would not match and we
would get a run time error.
If you were sure that you wanted to handle only one specific type of event,
you could always copy the signature of one that was generated at design time
(as above), but miss out the Handles clause at the end. Then the mismatched event
problem would be caught by the compiler and the run time error would never
As en example of adding event-handlers at run time, here is the step by step
procedure for adding a group of new RadioButton controls to a group box in
a form and setting up an event-handler that will change the string variable
SelectedButtonText to the label of the selected RadioButton.
1. Declare the variable to be controlled:
Private SelectedButtonText As String

2. Write a generic event handler that will change its contents at run time:
Private Sub RadioButtonChange( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
SelectedButtonText = sender.Text
End Sub


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

3. Write code to add the options to be provided by the RadioButtons. The list
of options can be supplied as an array of strings. The code will need to add
one button for each option, and attach each to the event-handler specified in
step 2.
4. Use an AddHandler statement to add the generic event-handler to controls at
run time. Returning to the RadioButton example in Listing 9.20, we can add
the same event-handler to every radio button created in the CreateOptions
sub by adding the statements set in bold (Listing 9.25):
Private Sub CreateOptions(ByVal Options() As String)
Dim item As String
Dim itemTop As Integer = 10
Dim itemCount As Integer, itemSpace As Integer
Dim radItem As RadioButton
itemCount = Options.GetLength(0)
itemSpace = (grpOptions.Height 20) / itemCount
For Each item In Options
radItem = New RadioButton()
radItem.Width = 150
radItem.Height = 20
radItem.Left = 20
radItem.Top = itemTop
radItem.Text = item
If itemTop = 10 Then
radItem.Checked = True
End If
'This statement assigns an event handler to
'the radio button . . .
AddHandler radItem.CheckedChanged, _
AddressOf RadioButtonChange
itemTop += itemSpace
End Sub
Listing 9.25: Adding event-handlers to a set of option buttons at run time

Note that since we are using a single event-handler to cope with events from a
number of different controls, we would need to use the Sender parameter of the
event-handler to determine the source of the actual event. The short listing under
item 2 above shows this.
Generally, adding controls and associated event-handlers at run time is something
you will not need to do too often. However, there is one situation in which this
technique is commonly used; the addition of new menu items to a menu structure.
Many Windows applications provide a Recent Files list in the File menu. These are
implemented as controls added at run time.

9.7 Graphics in WinForms programs

Exercise 9.7


The following sub has been defined on a form as a generic event-handler for
clicking on a Label control:
Private Sub LabelClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
sender.BackColor = Color.Blue
End Sub

There are two labels on the form Label1 and Label2. Write a sub that can
be called to assign the above event-handler to handle Click events for both of
these label controls.


Graphics in WinForms Programs

One of the great benefits of working with WinForms applications instead of Console
applications is the easy availability of graphics. It is possible to write graphical
Console applications, but to do this requires a good knowledge of the graphics hardware of the PC the program is running on. Windows has always provided an easier
way to work with graphics by having a GDI (Graphics Device Interface), a set
of functions and data structures that provide programmatic access to the graphics
adaptor on a PC. More recently the addition of the DirectX library to Windows has
simplified the use of graphics further by making fairly routine work out of dealing
with bitmaps (the dot-by-dot representation of an image on a graphics screen),
textures, light and shading and even animation. .NET provides through GDI+ (an
upgrade to the earlier GDI) an object-oriented interface to the Windows graphics
system, and so provides one of the most powerful and flexible ways that a programmer can create richly graphical application programs.

9.7.1 Graphics Fundamentals

A WinForms application can contain a number of different types of graphic display.
We can categorize these as follows.

Graphics on standard controls: various standard controls in the Toolbox support

simple graphics, usually by providing the ability to display a simple bitmap.
Many of the standard controls have Image and BackgroundImage properties.
For example, a small graphical item, or glyph, can be set as the Image property
of a standard Button control so that it indicates its purpose with a picture.
PictureBox controls: the PictureBox control is provided to allow simple
display of graphical images (such as JPG photograph files).
GDI+ operations: forms and most other controls have a CreateGraphics()
method that returns a GDI+ device encapsulated as a Graphics object that
can be drawn into. Once you have obtained a Graphics object, you can use its


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

methods to draw lines and shapes, load bitmaps from a variety of file types
(Bitmap/BMP, Jpeg/JPG, Graphics Interchange Format/GIF and Windows
MetaFile/WMF) and perform graphical transformations (scaling, rotating,
skewing and colour operations).
OwnerDraw for List controls: standard ListBox and ComboBox controls have
a DrawMode property that can be set to an OwnerDraw mode. With this setting,
you need to write code that displays each item in the list, making it possible
for each item in a List control to have an icon, or a colour or possibly a font that
is specific to the item in the list.

Using pre-defined graphics to embellish controls, as suggested in the first two items
above is easy. Programming graphics from scratch to create diagrams or vector
graphic drawings is a little more complex (but still quite easy) in VB .NET.

9.7.2 Using Pre-Defined Graphics

In many cases, the graphical effect we want can be created in a drawing program
and saved in a file. VB .NET allows us to load a graphic from a file (usually a Bitmap
file, but other types are supported) into a control to give it a graphical face. For
example, we could create suitable bitmaps as icons to display on the face of Button
controls. Typically, we would use a program such as Microsoft Paint (supplied free
with Windows), Fireworks or Photoshop to create one or more graphic images to use
as icons on the face of buttons. Figure 9.15 shows a suitable image to use as an icon
on a Button control.

Figure 9.15

A bitmap graphic created in Windows Paint

9.7 Graphics in WinForms programs

Figure 9.16


The bitmap image on the face of a Button control

We can use this icon to give a standard Button control a graphical face by
simply selecting the Bitmap file to be the Image property of the control. To make
things as simple as possible, the image can be saved to a bitmap file in the same
folder as the VB .NET project (ClockFace.bmp). It can then be applied to a button
(or any other type of control) by going to the Properties window while the control is
selected and clicking on the ellipsis next to the Image property. Select the files
name in the dialog box that appears and the bitmap will appear on the face of the
Button control (see Figure 9.16). The existing text on the button will overlay the
image, so to improve the appearance, simply delete the Text property.
Displaying static images is a trivial matter as the previous example shows.
However, with a little more work, we can load up a selected graphical file at run time
to provide graphics that change while a program executes. For example, we can
easily create a simple picture viewer. The code in Listing 9.26 shows the code necessary to load a picture into an Image control at run time; to use this code, you need to
place a PictureBox on the form and also a button with the name btnGetPic.
Private Sub btnGetPic_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetPic.Click
Dim dlgOpen As New OpenFileDialog()
'Set up a Filter to allow JPeg, Bitmap, GIF or
dlgOpen.Filter = "Photos|*.jpg|Bitmap Files|*.bmp|" & _
"GIF Files|*.gif Metafiles|*.wmf"
'Show the dialog box and respond if the OK button was
If dlgOpen.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then
'Load the selected picture into the picturebox...
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(dlgOpen.FileName)
End If
End Sub
Listing 9.26: Code to load an image file into a PictureBox control

9.7.3 Drawing on WinForms Controls

Most of the WinForms controls provide a CreateGraphics method that returns a
Graphic object. This object provides programmatic access to the surface of a control, allowing you to draw on it using its range of methods. Using this you can write


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

code that draws the face of a control according to your own specification. While
most of the controls are capable of being drawn on in this way, the most suitable
controls for drawing on are PictureBox controls, Panel controls and the surface
of a Form itself.
To draw on a control, all that is needed is to follow the outline sequence shown in
Listing 9.27.
Sub DoDrawing()
Dim g As Graphics
g = <control>.CreateGraphics
<First in sequence of drawing commands>
<Last in sequence of drawing commands>
End Sub
Listing 9.27: General form of code to draw into a control

One small problem in drawing on the face of a control is that the graphics you
draw will be volatile. That is to say, anything you draw on the surface of a control
will only remain there until that control is obscured, by, for example, another form or
program appearing in front of it. When the control is uncovered, its surface will have
been returned to the state it was in when it was first displayed. For example, Listing
9.28 (_Click event-handler for the Draw button shown in Figure 9.17) draws a
series of circles over the whole area of the Panel control shown above the button.
Private Sub btnDraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnDraw.Click
Dim g As Graphics
Dim x, y As Integer
g = pnlPaper.CreateGraphics
For x = 0 To pnlPaper.Width Step 50
For y = 0 To pnlPaper.Height Step 50
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, x, y, 40, 40)
End Sub
Listing 9.28: Code to draw a grid of circles on a Panel control

Because of the volatile nature of drawn graphics, opening a window that obscures
half of the form and then closing it again results in the display in Figure 9.17.
It is easy to see from Figure 9.17 where a window covered up half of the form:
the Button control has been redrawn (automatically by Windows) but the graphics
on the panel have not. To get around this problem, we need to deal with graphics
drawn into controls in a different way.
Each control that can support graphics also has a Paint event, and the necessary
trick is to do all of the drawing in this event. Windows sends the Paint message to
forms whenever they need to refresh their surface display, and .NET forms pass this
message on as a Paint event for each control. A control will automatically re-paint

9.7 Graphics in WinForms programs

Figure 9.17


A panel with volatile graphics

its standard appearance, for example, the text on the face of a button, but relies on
the Paint event code to deal with any drawn graphics.
As it turns out, this is easy to deal with. Simply place any drawing code into the
Paint event of the control, as shown in Listing 9.29.
Private Sub pnlPaper_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
Handles pnlPaper.Paint
Dim g As Graphics
Dim x, y As Integer
g = pnlPaper.CreateGraphics
For x = 0 To pnlPaper.Width Step 50
For y = 0 To pnlPaper.Height Step 50
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, x, y, 40, 40)
End Sub
Listing 9.29: Moving drawing code to the Paint event-handler

This has the effect of re-drawing the surface of the control any time it is needed. It
also allows us to do away with the Draw button shown in Figure 9.17 since the
Paint event happens automatically.
A variety of methods are available from a Graphics object, for drawing lines,
ellipses, rectangles, arcs curves and pie-segments (segments of a circle) as well as
for filling areas of a graphic with a pattern, selecting colours and patterns, transforming drawn items (e.g. re-scaling them, rotating them and changing the relative
angle between their coordinate axes), filling them with bitmap graphics and writing
text. With so many possibilities, it would be impossible to do full justice to the
graphics capabilities of .NET controls here.


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Review Questions

Which property would you use on a control to make sure that it did not disappear off the bottom
or right edge of the form if the form were resized?


Which property of a control would you alter if you wanted to ensure that the control could
not be accessed from a different form in a program (hint: how would you define a variable on
a form to impose this restriction)?


You have String variables (name, address, postcode) that contain details of a customer,
and a form (frmCustomerData) with text boxes (txtName, txtAddress, txtPostCode)
for displaying and editing this data. The form is currently not being displayed. Outline the code
you would write to allow a user to edit the customer data. You can assume the form has
buttons assigned to its AcceptButton and CancelButton properties and can be used as
a dialog box.


A list box is to have 1000 items added to it from a database. Which methods would you use to
make sure that the update proceeded as fast as possible?


How is the user informed where the drop part of a drag and drop operation can be done on a


What is the purpose of the Sender parameter in a controls event-handlers? What is the purpose of the e parameter?


The Controls collection of a form allows programmatic access to all of the controls placed
on the form. What type of code structure would you use to access each control in turn? How
would you modify this structure so that you only accessed TextBox controls?


What options are there for providing information in a menu item apart from the menu text?


How do the Checked properties of a CheckBox and a RadioButton differ in the way they
are normally used? How does the Checked property of a RadioButton differ from the
RadioCheck property in a MenuItem?

10. How do you set which property of an item in a ListBox is displayed? What are the options
and what is the default?
11. List three ways in which items can be added to a ListBox or ComboBox control.
12. How would you determine the number of a selected item in a ListBox?
13. How does the SubItems property of a ListViewItem object differ from the Items property
of a ListView control?
14. What is a Container control, and how would you add a new control to ones controls property?
What other things would you have to do to the new control before it could be displayed
properly on a form?
15. How is the AddressOf operator used in assigning an event-handler to a control?
16. How do graphics drawn on a control at run time differ from those added (using the Image
property) at design time? What event could we use to change this nature of drawn graphics?

Practical Activities


Practical Activities
A Simple CAD Program
We can use the graphics facilities described earlier to build a program that allows
the user to create drawings on a PC. The Graphics class in VB .NET contains
methods for drawing lines, rectangles, circles and ellipses and curves in a range of
colours and with defined fill-styles. We can add user-interface facilities to allow
the user to select colours from a palette, draw shapes interactively and possibly
even edit the graphics created. First we need a brief description of ComputerAided Drawing (CAD) fundamentals.

CAD and Objects

In computer aided drawing, a user creates shapes on a computer display. We can
create drawings in two distinct ways: using bitmapped graphics, as done in
Windows Paint and Photoshop, or using object-oriented graphics, as done by Corel
Draw and all CAD programs.
Bitmapped graphics are ideal for creating and storing pictures of great complexity, such as photographs and highly detailed images. The reason for this is that each
single dot, or pixel, that makes up a bitmapped picture is an object in its own right,
with its own colour, and so however complex a photograph is, containing however
many separate colours, it can be broken down into a grid of dots and represented as
a bitmap. The quality of a bitmap is determined by its resolution, which is related
to the number of dots in each row and the number of rows of dots that make up the
picture. The limitation of a bitmapped image is that every picture contains a huge
number of dots, but no matter how many dots there are if you move in close enough,
you can see the individual dots.
An object-oriented or shape-oriented picture is made up of simple descriptions of
each figure on it. For example, a picture can be composed of a red circle centred on
location 100, 100 with a radius of 50, and a blue rectangle whose top, left corner is
at location 150, 400 and that is 200 units wide and 150 units high. This type of picture is usually much simpler than a bitmapped photograph, but for some purposes,
illustration and diagrams for example, it is preferable. Pictures like this can be stored
as simple descriptions and drawn as necessary, rather than stored as the colour of
every single pixel in the picture. They can also be more easily edited, so that a shape
can be moved to a different location by changing a number or two, or deleted
entirely without affecting the rest of the picture ( just try removing a person who
strayed into one of your photographs in a program like Photoshop to see how
difficult this can be in a bitmapped image). Finally, we can redraw an object-oriented
picture at any scale we like by changing the numbers that describe the shapes
doubling each number would double the size of each shape as we draw it. If we
try to re-size a bitmapped image like this, each individual pixel must get bigger,
and the picture quality reduces (Figure 9.15 shows how a bitmapped circle drawn
at too large a scale would appear).
A CAD drawing is stored as a list of objects, each of which contains numbers
to specify its location in the picture, its size and its colour. Different shapes are


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

described by different combinations of numbers. For example, we need three numbers to describe the size and location of a circle (where its centre is in the X and Y
directions and what its radius is) but four to describe a rectangle (the location of its
top, left corner, its width and its height). We can use objects to hold the numbers that
describe each shape, and since all shapes will have some things in common (each
will have X and Y coordinates to specify its location, each will have a colour and
each will need to be drawn on a display), we can use inheritance to create a basic
shape and then inherit this in each new shape we decide to support in the program.

Activity 1: Creating the base class for drawing

To build an object-oriented drawing program, we need first to consider what objects
we will want to draw. Inheritance will be a major asset since we can define the core
behaviour that all drawable objects should exhibit, and then specialize this for
specific drawables.

An abstract Shape class

Try any CAD program and you will almost certainly find that you draw shapes interactively by selecting the shape to draw, selecting a colour and fill-style for it, clicking the mouse button and holding it down at the location of the shape, and dragging
the mouse to set the size of the shape. When the mouse button is released, the
size and location of the shape will have been set. Well deal with the problems of
displaying an interactive indication of size and shape later, but for now we need to
consider how such simple operations can be used to determine all of the necessary
information to draw a shape.
Simple geometric shapes can almost always be described by a few numbers. For
a circle we need the location of its centre (two numbers) and its radius. We could
use the same information to draw a square, pentagon, octagon or any other regular
shape. For a rectangle, we need four numbers to give the top, left and bottom, right
corner locations. However, we could also use the same four numbers to draw just
about any regular shape, since we can inscribe almost any shape within a rectangle,
as shown in Figure A9.1.
The core Shape class should therefore store the size and location information for
any shape. It should also contain the data required to describe a shapes outline
colour, internal colour and fill-style, since the .NET graphics class allows for these
settings. Note that using this scheme may require that we transform the location and
size properties of the enclosing rectangle (X, Y, Width and Height) in some way to

Figure A9.1

Various shapes inscribed in a rectangular outline

Practical Activities

Figure A9.2


The shape class an abstract drawable shape

match the shape that it actually contains. For example, a line is drawn between two
points (X1, Y1, X2 and Y2), and so the coordinates of the second point will need to
be calculated (X2 = X1 + width, Y2 = Y1 + height).
When we define the core shape class, we should also consider the core behaviour
that every shape will be required to exhibit. The most obvious method to define will
be a method to draw a shape. Because we will be using a member of the Graphics
class as the venue for a draw operation, the Draw method for a shape will need to
be given a reference to this object. Other methods for manipulating a shape should
be defined to allow it to be moved and resized. Finally, a method that will allow us
to interrogate a shape to see if a specific point is within it will be useful if we want
a shape to be able to react to mouse clicks. The Shape class can be represented as
shown in Figure A9.2.
The Shape class is abstract. That is, we will not be creating any objects of this
class since it is defined only for inheriting from. However, we can create the code
for this class now, and it will be a help in designing the rest of the programs since it
will provide us with a protocol that the concrete shapes will abide by.
Start by creating a new Visual Basic Windows application project with the name
CAD, and add to this a class module with the name Shapes and the file-name
shapes.vb. Add the class code shown in Listing A9.1.
Public MustInherit Class Shape
Private mvarX_Pos As Integer
Private mvarY_Pos As Integer
Private mvarWidth As Integer
Private mvarHeight As Integer
Protected colour As Color
Public Sub New(ByVal xx As Integer, ByVal yy As Integer, _
ByVal wid As Integer, ByVal hgt As Integer, _
ByVal col As Color)
mvarX_Pos = xx : mvarY_Pos = yy
mvarWidth = wid : mvarHeight = hgt
colour = col
End Sub


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Public Property X()

X = mvarX_Pos
End Get
Set(ByVal Value)
mvarX_Pos = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Y()
Y = mvarY_Pos
End Get
Set(ByVal Value)
mvarY_Pos = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Width()
Width = mvarWidth
End Get
Set(ByVal Value)
mvarWidth = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Height()
Height = mvarHeight
End Get
Set(ByVal Value)
mvarHeight = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub MoveTo(ByVal newX As Integer, _
ByVal newY As Integer)
X = newX
Y = newY
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub MoveBy(ByVal dx As Integer, _
ByVal dy As Integer)
X += dx
Y += dy
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub Resize(ByVal dWidth As Integer, _
ByVal dHeight As Integer)
mvarWidth += dWidth
mvarHeight += dHeight
End Sub
Private Function Between(ByVal value As Integer, _
ByVal Lower As Integer, _
ByVal Upper As Integer) As Boolean

Practical Activities


If Upper > Lower Then

Return value >= Lower AndAlso value <= Upper
Return value >= Upper AndAlso value <= Lower
End If
End Function
Public Function Here(ByVal xx As Integer, _
ByVal yy As Integer) As Boolean
'xx, yy is 'Here' if the coordinates are within the
'extents rectangle of the shape . . .
Return Between(xx, X, X + Width) AndAlso _
Between(yy, Y, Y + Height)
End Function
Public Overridable Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)
'Abstract method implementations will draw on the
'device referred by mvarDrawDevice.
End Sub
End Class
Listing A9.1: The Shape abstract class

Most of the code in the Shape class is very simple. The main requirement in
defining this class is to use the correct modifiers (MustInherit, Overridable,
MustOverride, etc.) to ensure that we can use inheritance appropriately.
A constructor (New()) has been added to make creating a new shape a 1-line
operation (passing coordinates, sizes and colour to the new shape). Properties for X,
Y, Width and Height will allow us to find out about a shapes location and size
from its interface. Methods to MoveTo() a specific location and MoveBy() a given
distance will simplify using the shape in an overall drawing, as will the method to
Resize() a shape by adjusting its width and height.
The Here() method returns True if the specified coordinate location is within the
shapes extents rectangle (see Listing A9.1). It relies on the private Between()
function that checks that a single ordinate is between specified limits. Finally, the
Draw() method is purely abstract: we know it will need to be given a reference to a
Graphics object to do its work, but beyond that we cannot yet say how it will work
since there is as yet no shape to be drawn.

Activity 2: Creating a concrete shape and testing

Before we get too far ahead in this program, it would be a good idea to run a simple
test to ensure that the Shape class behaves as expected. To do this, we will need to
define a concrete Shape class and test it in a very simple application.
A simple Line class (Listing A9.2) will act as a non-threatening inheritor of
the Shape base class and allow us to test both classes easily. It can go into the
shapes.vb class module alongside the Shape class.


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Public Class Line

Inherits Shape
Public Sub New(ByVal xx
ByVal wid As
ByVal col As
MyBase.New(xx, yy,
End Sub

As Integer, ByVal yy As Integer, _

Integer, ByVal hgt As Integer, _
wid, hgt, col)

Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)

gr.DrawLine(New Pen(colour), X, Y, X + Width, Y +
End Sub
End Class
Listing A9.2: The Line shape class

Defining the Line class is refreshingly simple since we have done all of the
groundwork in the Shape class. All of the properties are inherited, and the only
methods we need to define are the constructor (every class has its own constructor
definition) and the Draw() method, since this is bound to be different for every
shape. We need, of course, to define the Draw() method as Overrides, but forgetting that would not cause a problem since the compiler would refuse to accept
the code until this modifier was added. To draw a line on a Graphics object,
the DrawLine() method takes five parameters the colour to draw it in, the coordinates of the top, left corner (X, Y) and the coordinates of the bottom right
corner (X + Width, Y + Height).
To test the class, we need a simple form definition with two controls: a Panel
object to act as the Graphics drawing surface, and a button to allow us to create a
shape and initiate a draw operation. We can use the default form (Form1) of the
Windows application project.
Create the form as shown in Figure A9.3. Change the forms name to frmCAD and
add a button and a panel to it, arranging them approximately as shown opposite. The
Line button should have the name btnLine. The control that shows as a simple rectangle is Panel control, and should be given the name pnlOutput. Now doubleclick on the button to generate the framework for the following event-handler, and
add the code shown in Listing A9.3.
Private Sub btnLine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLine.Click
Dim L As Line
Dim g As Graphics = pnlOutput.CreateGraphics()
L = New Line(50, 50, 200, 200, Color.Blue)
L.Move(50, 100)
End Sub
Listing A9.3: An event-handler to test the Shape and Line classes

Practical Activities

Figure A9.3


A simple form for testing the Shape class

The code in Listing A9.3 is a very simple test of whether we can create a
graphics shape and draw it. Because the object variable (L) goes out of scope at
the end of the event-handler, we cannot test the interactive Here() method (to determine whether it can tell if a shapes coordinate location is within its extents rectangle), but a test of Draw() and Move() does at least give us the confidence to
continue with other classes and the rest of the application. Note how the Graphics
object for pnlOutput is created and used. This represents a GDI+ drawing surface
and provides a rich set of methods for drawing into a control.

Activity 3: Drawing a shape interactively

Drawing interactively will be necessary if the program is ever to become usable,
since no-one would spend much time with a drawing program that required you
to calculate and enter drawing coordinates. For the interactivity to be successful,
the user must be able to see the location and size of the figure being drawn, and
this requires us to draw a shape in a rubber-band mode.
A drawing action will be made up of:
1. selecting the shape to be drawn (for now, a line will have to do);
2. pressing the mouse button at the location of the top-left corner of a rectangle
that would enclose the shape;
3. dragging the shape out to the required size (keeping the mouse button pressed),
and . . .
4. releasing the mouse button to create the final shape.


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Figure A9.4

Dragging out a shape on the form

During this, we should see the shape drag out to its final size as the mouse moves,
as shown in Figure A9.4.
Dragging out a shape on the screen requires us to perform the following sequence
of operations.
1. When the mouse button is first pressed (signalled by a MouseDown event fired
by the Panel control), the X and Y coordinates of its current location are
recorded in two pairs of variables: startX, startY will indicate the location
of the top, left of the shape to be drawn; mouseX and mouseY will indicate the
current mouse location. Since both pairs of coordinates are the same, they will
record the same pair of values.
2. The current state of the graphics inside the panel is recorded as a bitmap. This
will be our reference bitmap that we will use to continually return the image
on the panel to its initial state during the dragging operation to remove the
rubber-band drawing of the shape before replacing it with a new one. The illusion
of moving a shape on the display is accomplished by clearing the shape off the
display and re-drawing it in a new location. The reference bitmap will allow us
to return the display to the way it was before the new shape was drawn
3. As the mouse pointer is dragged across the screen (causing a MouseMove
event), we continually update the mouseX and mouseY coordinates. This keeps
track of the other corner of the rectangle in which a shape will be drawn. We
also draw the shape we want on the panel in its new position, using its Draw()
method and using the reference bitmap to remove it from its previous position
4. When the mouse button is released (causing a MouseUp event), the reference
bitmap is copied back to the display for the last time and the shape is drawn on
it. We can then destroy the reference bitmap, since having finalized the shape

Practical Activities


the whole drawing now includes it. When another shape is drawn interactively,
a new reference bitmap, including the shape we have just drawn, will be used.
All of this behaviour will be triggered by events from the Panel control that houses
the graphics. During the drawing operation, we will need to keep track of the first
and current mouse locations within the panel, the Shape object being drawn, and the
reference bitmap that remembers the state of the drawing before the draw operation
started. We will also need to be able to indicate whether we are currently in a drawing operation, since otherwise any time we drag the mouse cursor over the panel will
result in a lot of unnecessary work. These values must be available to all of the
event-handlers involved in the draw operation, so should be declared as form-scope
variables, as shown in Listing A9.4.
Public Class frmCAD
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer generated code

Private mouseX, MouseY As Integer
Private startX, startY As Integer
Private s As Shape
Private background As Bitmap

Private Drawing As Boolean

Private g As Graphics

'Current mouse
'Initial mouse
'Reference to
'current shape
'Copy of the
'being drawn into
'Indicates whether
'in a
'drawing operation
'Graphic 'device' in

End Class
Listing A9.4: Form scope variables for the CAD form

With the data members declared in Listing A9.4, we will need to do a number of
housekeeping operations to keep a drawing up to date and allow rubber-band style
drawing of a shape. We will define these as private subs within the form.

SaveBackground(): as soon as a drawing operation commences, we will use

this sub to take a snapshot of the current drawing as it appears on the panels
Graphics object. To do this, well create a new bitmap, background, the same
size as the panel, create a Graphics object for it (like the panels), and draw into
it. This will then be an exact copy of the display at the moment drawing started, and
will allow us to replace the display with the snapshot in a single, fast operation.
ReplaceBackground(): every time a MouseMove event is fired from the panel,
we will need to restore the panels graphics to the state before drawing started.
This sub will overwrite the current state of the panels graphics with the copy
stashed by SaveBackground().


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

DoPaint(): we will need to be able to draw graphics shapes, not only on the
panels graphics, but also into the bitmap stashed by SaveGraphics(). This sub
will be used to do the drawing into either object passed as a Graphics parameter.

frmCAD_Load(): this event is fired immediately after the form has been created,
and so is a good place to create the Graphics object for the panel. It will be
saved into the form-scope variable, g.

These operations are shown in Listing A9.5.

Public Class frmCAD
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Existing code...
Private Sub DoPaint(ByVal gr As Graphics)
End Sub
Private Sub ReplaceBackground()
'Draws the current graphical state back into the
g.DrawImage(background, 0, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub SaveBackground()
'Create a bitmap to match the panel...
background = New Bitmap(pnlOutput.Width, _
pnlOutput.Height, g)
'and draw into it...,
End Sub
Private Sub frmCAD_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
g = pnlOutput.CreateGraphics()
End Sub
End Class
Listing A9.5: Housekeeping operations for interactive drawing

Now for the actual drawing operation code: pressing a button to select a shape
(for now, were only dealing with a single line shape) will initiate the operation by
creating the appropriate Shape object and assigning it to the Shape variable, s.
Note that this is polymorphism in action. We will be drawing a line shape, but as far
as the actual drawing code will be aware, it is simply a shape that knows how to
draw itself. The panels MouseDown event will set the initial coordinates and call
SaveBackground(), MouseMove will continually clear and redraw the shape in
its new size, and MouseUp will complete the drawing operation. This is shown in
Listing A9.6.

Practical Activities


Public Class frmCAD

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Existing code...
Private Sub btnLine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnLine.Click
'Assign a new Line object as the current Shape...
s = New Line(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.Black)
End Sub
Private Sub pnlOutput_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles pnlOutput.MouseDown
If Not s Is Nothing Then
startX = e.X
'Record current coordinates
startY = e.Y
mouseX = e.X
mouseY = e.Y
s.X = startX
'transfer the mouse position
s.Y = startY
'to the new shape
s.Width = 0
'currently is it 0 size
s.Height = 0
'now draw the shapes
Drawing = True 'and flag that we're in a
drawing op.
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlOutput_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles pnlOutput.MouseMove
If Drawing Then
mouseX = e.X 'Get the new size
mouseY = e.Y
s.Width = mouseX startX 'Transfer to the shape
s.Height = mouseY startY
'draw new rubberband...
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlOutput_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles pnlOutput.MouseUp
If Drawing Then
'The interaction is done...
Drawing = False
'So no need to keep the background...
background = Nothing


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

'Draw the final shape...

s = Nothing
End If
End Class
Listing A9.6: Events for drawing a shape interactively

If you test the application at this stage, you should find that you can draw a single
line on to the panel, but this will disappear as soon as you start to draw a new one.
As you draw a line, it should appear interactively, anchored at the point where you
first click on the panel, and stretching out to follow the mouse pointer as you drag it
out to define the length and orientation.

Activity 4: Building a Shapes collection

We now need to add the capability to draw more than one line. To do this, we will
need to add some form of data structure to store all of the drawn objects, and amend
the DoPaint() code to enable it to draw the whole collection. Whenever a drawing operation ends, the new shape will be added to a collection of shapes and
DoPaint() will be called to draw the whole collection.
First the collection: we will use an ArrayList() to hold all of the shapes, so this
will have to be declared as a form-scope variable and created in the forms Load
event (Listing A9.7).
Public Class frmCAD
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Existing code...
Private colShapes As ArrayList
'Existing code...
Private Sub frmCAD_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
g = pnlOutput.CreateGraphics()
colShapes = New ArrayList()
End Sub
End Class
Listing A9.7: Creating the Shapes collection

Now we can amend the DoPaint() code and arrange for each new shape to be
added to the collection (Listing A9.8).
Public Class frmCAD
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Existing code...

Practical Activities


Private Sub DoPaint(ByVal gr As Graphics)

Dim s As Shape
For Each s In colShapes
End Sub
Private Sub pnlOutput_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
Handles pnlOutput.MouseUp
If Drawing Then
'The interaction is done...
Drawing = False
'So no need to keep the background...
background = Nothing
'Add the final shape to the collection...
'and draw the lot...
s = Nothing
End If
End Sub
'Existing code...
End Class
Listing A9.8: Building the Shapes collection

The application is now capable of dealing with as many shapes as you want to draw
on it, but at the moment, any shape as long as it is a line is a good description of
its capabilities. We should now deal with adding to the Shapes library.

Activity 5: Providing more shapes

As you saw in Activity 2 and Listing A9.2, providing a new Shape sub-class is a
simple matter. For each shape we wish to add, we only need to provide a constructor and a Draw() method. We will also need to work out how any particular
shape would be drawn given the limitation that the draw operation will need to
draw the shape from the sizes of its enclosing rectangle.

Circles and Ellipses

The GDI+ facilities in the .NET framework do not distinguish between circles and
ellipses in drawing operations. A circle is simply an ellipse which has equal major
and minor axes (see Figure A9.5).


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Minor Axis

Minor Axis

Major Axis
Figure A9.5

Major Axis

A circle is just a specialized ellipse

Fortunately for our application, drawing an ellipse fits in well since the
DrawEllipse() method of the Graphics class takes as parameters the position,

width and height of the rectangle that would enclose an ellipse. This matches the
Shape class definition perfectly, and means we will not need to work out any
transformations to do the drawing. The Ellipse class is shown in Listing A9.9.
Public Class Ellipse
Inherits Shape
Public Sub New(ByVal xx
ByVal wid As
ByVal col As
MyBase.New(xx, yy,
End Sub

As Integer, ByVal yy As Integer, _

Integer, ByVal hgt As Integer, _
wid, hgt, col)

Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)

gr.DrawEllipse(New Pen(colour), X, Y, Width, Height)
End Sub
End Class
Listing A9.9: The Ellipse class

Add Listing A9.8 to the shapes.vb class module. All that will then be required
is to add a button to the main form that will create a new Ellipse object and
assign it to the forms Shape variable s. Everything else should be taken care
of by the framework we have already built. Creating the new Ellipse shape
will take just a single line of code, almost exactly the same as for the Line class
(Listing A9.10).
Private Sub btnEllipse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnEllipse.Click
s = New Ellipse(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.Black)
End Sub
Listing A9.10: Event code for the button to add an ellipse

Exercise A9.1

Add a Rectangle class to the application, and add a Rectangle button to the
form to create new rectangles in a drawing.

Practical Activities


Polygon Classes
A polygon is a closed shape made up of straight lines, for example a triangle,
rectangle, hexagon and octagon are all polygons. We will need to deal with shapes
like these differently (except of course rectangles, which are special cases and
handled as such in GDI+). To draw a triangle, we will need to draw three straight
line segments that join up. Since the shape must also fit snugly in an enclosing
rectangle if we are to create the shape interactively, we will need to take that
into account.
There are lots of different types of triangle, but if we stick with regular triangle
shapes, we can define a subset that we can add to our shapes library. The two most
obvious ones are right-angled and isosceles triangles, which are the two rightmost
shapes in Figure A9.1. To draw a right-angled triangle:
Draw a line from (X, Y) to (X+Width, Y+Height)
Draw a line from (X+Width, Y+Height) to (X, Y+Height)
Draw a line from (X, Y+Height) to (X, Y)

For an isosceles triangle:

Draw a line from (X+Width/2, Y) to (X+Width, Y+Height)
Draw a line from (X+Width, Y+Height) to (X, Y+Height)
Draw a line from (X, Y+Height) to (X+Width/2, Y)

Since these algorithms are the basis of the Draw() method for each of the two
triangle types, we can create a class for each type. Listing A9.11 gives the
RightTriangle class.
Public Class RightTriangle
Inherits clsShape
Public Sub New(ByVal xx
ByVal wid As
ByVal col As
MyBase.New(xx, yy,
End Sub

As Integer, ByVal yy As Integer, _

Integer, ByVal hgt As Integer, _
wid, hgt, col)

Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)

gr.DrawLine(New Pen(colour), X, Y, X + Width, _
Y + Height)
gr.DrawLine(New Pen(colour), X + Width, _
Y + Height, X, Y + Height)
gr.DrawLine(New Pen(colour), X, Y + Height, X, Y)
End Sub
End Class
Listing A9.11: The RightTriangle class

You can again test the new class in Listing A9.10 by adding a button to the form
(btnRightTriangle) and coding its -Click event-handler as in Listing A9.12.


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Private Sub btnRightTriangle_Click( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnRightTri.Click
s = New RightTriangle(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.Black)
End Sub
Listing A9.12: Drawing a RightTriangle

One thing to note about the RightTriangle class is that although we have
defined a right-angled triangle that is drawn in a particular orientation (with the right
angle at the bottom-left), we can draw one in any orientation by simply changing the
direction the mouse is dragged in after the initial point has been set.

Exercise A9.2

Create the IsoscelesTriangle class, defining the Draw() method as

described. Add a suitable button to the form and test its operation.

We can continue adding Shape classes in this fashion for as many different shapes
as we can imagine. You should try adding other shapes to increase the flexibility
of the program (e.g. diamond shapes, hexagons, octagons, etc.).
The last embellishment to this program that well do as an activity will be to add
controls to allow colour to be defined for each shape.

Activity 6: Colour
At the moment, colour is hard-coded into the event-handlers that create the initial
shapes. Note that each call to a shapes constructor contains Color.Black as its last
parameter. We can make it easy to apply any colour we like to a shape by having a
CurrentColour variable that can be used instead of Color.Black. The obvious
control for setting the CurrentColour value is a ColorDialog. We can place a
ColorDialog control on the form and use it to get the user to pick a new colour as
shown in Listing A9.13.
Public Class frmCAD
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Existing code . . .
'. . .
Private CurrentColour As Color
'Existing code . . .
'. . .
Private Sub btnColour_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnColour.Click
If ColorDlg.ShowDialog() Then

Practical Activities


CurrentColour = ColorDlg.Color
btnColour.ForeColor = CurrentColour
End If
End Sub
End Class
Listing A9.13: Defining a CurrentColour and code to select it

To complete the application (as far as it will be taken here), you will need to replace
the setting of Color.Black with CurrentColour in each of the Shape selection
button event-handlers, as in Listing A9.14.
Private Sub btnEllipse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnEllipse.Click
s = New clsEllipse(0, 0, 0, 0, CurrentColour)
End Sub
Listing A9.14: Assigning the CurrentColour to a new shape

Features worth remembering

We have covered a lot of ground in this chapter and the end of chapter activities.
While different controls will all have their own idiosyncrasies, there are a few
general lessons to be learned.

Always try to find a meaningful name to assign to any control added to a form
that will be referred to in text. A three-letter prefix should be used to indicate the
type of control (e.g. txt for a text box, lbl for a label, btn for buttons, etc.)
and the remainder of the name should indicate its purpose (e.g. btnColour,
lblCustomerName, txtAddress, etc.).

Using the Enabled property to disable controls whose use does not make sense
in the current state of a program is an easy way to lead the user away from
making impossible choices or inappropriate operations.

Where possible, let a user choose from a list or group of options rather than
having to type data into a program. Mistyped entry will only cause problems
and it can take a great deal of code to validate data entered from the keyboard.

Most controls have dozens of events associated with them. While some of these
are for exotic uses, many are sensibly provided to allow you to detect changes as
they happen to the program. Learn the main events that each control can raise and
try to make use of them.

Use the Dock and Anchor properties to make controls adjust properly when a
form resizes.

The complex List controls (ListView, TreeView) can be used to display

information about whole objects. Build support into classes for these controls
by providing methods to return ListViewItem and TreeNode objects.


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

Suggested Additional Activities

1. In the activities for this chapter, we worked through the core of an objectoriented graphics program. You can extend this in several ways adding new
Shape classes, extending the drawing facilities to handle filled shapes (note the
number of Graphics methods that begin with Fill..) and the user-interface
to allow the selection of fill styles and colours.
2. At present, editing the output of the drawing program is not possible. What is
needed is a method to select a shape to be deleted or changed. The Shape classs
Here() method is a start in this direction, since you can iterate through each
shape to determine which was under the mouse pointer when a click on the
panel occurs. Having selected a shape, a dialog box could display its details
(coordinates, size and colour) and the user could be allowed to alter any or all
of them.
3. In Chapter 11, we will look at methods of saving data to and retrieving it from
files. Consider coming back to this application to allow a drawing to be saved
to a file and loaded from one.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 9.1


Simply assign it, as in:

f.txtGreeting.Text = "Hello"


To do this, we need to assign the value in address is assigned to the

text box before the dialog is displayed, then display the dialog and
finally copy the updated value back to address one the form has been
Private Sub btnGetCustInfo_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetCustInfo.Click
Dim f As New frmCustomer()
Dim address As String
f.txtAddress.Text = address
If f.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then
address = f.txtAddress.Text
'go on to process address data
'. . .
End If
'By here the address will have been edited.
End Sub

Solutions to Exercises

Exercise 9.2


Private Sub txtName_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) _
Handles txtName.KeyPress
If InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'-", _
Char.ToLower(e.KeyChar)) = 0 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub

Note that by comparing a lower-case version of whatever character was

typed (using Char.ToLower()), the handler will allow both upper and lower
case characters. Ive also provided for a hyphen to deal with names like

Exercise 9.3

Public Sub ChangeForeColours(ByVal F As Form)

Dim c As Control
For Each c In F.Controls
c.ForeColor = Color.Red
End Sub

Note that this sub can be placed in a code module and called simply by name
(ChangeForeColours(MyForm)). If however it is a public method of a
form, it would have to be prefixed with the forms name (frmUpdateUI.
ChangeForeColours(MyForm)), unless it was called to change the form it
was a public method of (ChangeForeColours(Me)).

Exercise 9.4

Private Sub mnuEdit_Popup(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuEdit.Popup
If txtDocument.SelectedText = "" Then
mnuEditCut.Visible = False
mnuEditCopy.Visible = False
mnuEditCut.Visible = True
mnuEditCopy.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

Note Ive used txtDocument.SelectedText = "" instead of checking the

length of the selected text. Both methods are valid.

Exercise 9.5

F2.txtName.Text = F1.txtName.Text
F2.txtAddress.Text = F1.txtAddress.Text


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

If F1.chkUpperCase.Value Then
F2.txtName.Text = F1.txtName.Text.ToUpper()
F2.txtAddress.Text = F1.txtAddress.Text.ToUpper()
F2.txtName.Text = F1.txtName.Text
F2.txtAddress.Text = F1.txtAddress.Text
End if
Exercise 9.6


Assign the ArrayList directly to the DataSource property:

lstPostCodes.DataSource = PostCodes


Here we need to convert each post code to upper case, so members of the
ArrayList must be dealt with one-by-one:
Dim PC As String
For Each PC In PostCodes

Exercise 9.7

AddHandler Label1.Click, AddressOf LabelClick

AddHandler Label2.Click, AddressOf LabelClick

Exercise A9.1

Note that the class is little different from the Ellipse class since an ellipse is
drawn in a Windows graphic control by specifying the rectangular outline it is
inscribed in.
Public Class Rectangle
Inherits Shape
Public Sub New(ByVal xx As Integer, ByVal yy As
Integer, _
ByVal wid As Integer, ByVal hgt As Integer, _
ByVal col As Color)
MyBase.New(xx, yy, wid, hgt, col)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)
gr.DrawRectangle(New Pen(colour), X, Y, Width,
End Sub
End Class

The button code to create and add a rectangle is then simply:

Private Sub btnRect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnRect.Click
s = New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.Black)
End Sub

Answers to Review Questions

Exercise A9.2


Public Class IsoscelesTriangle

Inherits clsShape
Public Sub New(ByVal xx As Integer, ByVal yy As
Integer, _
ByVal wid As Integer, ByVal hgt As Integer, _
ByVal col As Color)
MyBase.New(xx, yy, wid, hgt, col)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)
gr.DrawLine(New Pen(colour), X+Width/2, Y, _
X + Width, Y + Height)
gr.DrawLine(New Pen(colour), X + Width,
Y + Height, _ X,
Y + Height)
gr.DrawLine(New Pen(colour), X, Y + Height,
X+Width/2, Y)
End Sub
End Class

And the code for the button:

Private Sub btnIsoscelesTriangle_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnIsoscelesTri.Click
s = New IsoscelesTriangle(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.Black)
End Sub

Answers to Review Questions


Which property would you use on a control to make sure that it does not disappear off the
bottom or right edge of the form if the form were resized? Either the Dock property (to fix the
control to specific form edges) or the Anchor property (to fix specific edges of a control
to remain set distances from a forms edges.


Which property of a control would you alter if you wanted to ensure that the control could not
be accessed from a different form in a program (hint: how would you define a variable on
a form to impose this restriction)? The Modifiers property can be set to Private to
prevent external access to a control.


You have String variables (name, address, postcode) that contain details of a customer,
and a form (frmCustomerData) with text boxes (txtName, txtAddress, txtPostCode)


Chapter 9 n WinForms Controls in Detail

for displaying and editing this data. The form is currently not being displayed. Outline the code
you would write to allow a user to edit the customer data. You can assume the form has
buttons assigned to its AcceptButton and CancelButton properties and can be used as
a dialog box. Create the form, place the variables on to the appropriate controls on the
form, show the form as a dialog and then, if the dialog result was OK, copy the values on
the controls back to the appropriate variables.

A list box is to have 1000 items added to it from a database. Which methods would you use to
make sure that the update went as fast as possible? Either set the DataSource property of
the list box to an ArrayList that contains the data (or a specific column in the database
see Chapter 12), or move the data into an array and use the AddRange method of the
list box.


How is the user informed where the drop part of a drag and drop operation can be done on
a form? The mouse cursor changes as it moves over controls that can be dropped on
this is controlled by setting the Effect property of the DragEventArgs argument
in a DragEvent.


What is the purpose of the Sender parameter in a controls event handlers? What is the purpose of the e parameter? The Sender parameter indicates which control raised the event
(e.g. which button was pressed). The e parameter provides access to further information,
such as the mouse cursor location, key pressed or whatever.


The Controls collection of a form allows programmatic access to all of the controls placed
on the form. What type of code structure would you use to access each control in turn? How
would you modify this structure so that you only accessed TextBox controls? For Each is
the most efficient. You could place an If..Then block inside the For..Each and check
the Type or TypeName of each control, accepting only TextBox controls.


What options are there for providing information in a menu item apart from the menu text? A
menu item can be greyed-out (using the Enabled property), made invisible (using the
Visible property), checked or made a visible member of a group of menu options.


How do the Checked properties of a CheckBox and a RadioButton differ in the way
they are normally used? How does the Checked property of a RadioButton differ from the
RadioCheck property in a MenuItem? A CheckBoxs Checked property indicates a true
or false value that is independent of other controls. In a group of RadioButtons, the
Checked properties are interdependent. In a menu item, the RadioCheck property is not
interdependent with other menu items and must be switched on and off in code.

10. How do you set which property of an item in a ListBox is displayed? What are the options
and what is the default? Set the DisplayMember property of the ListBox to nominate
a property of items added to the list, or leave this property blank and the list box will
display the result of an objects ToString() method. The ToString() method is the
11. List three ways in which items can be added to a ListBox or ComboBox
control. Individually, using the Items.Add() method, in batches, using the

Answers to Review Questions


Items.AddRange() method, or by setting the DataSource property to indicate an

ArrayList or an ArrayList property of some object.
12. How would you determine the number of selected item in a ListBox? Using the Count
property of the SelectedItems property i.e. ListBox.SelectedItems.Count.
13. How does the SubItems property of a ListViewItem object differ from the Items
property of a ListView control? Each ListViewItem can have a list of SubItems.
SubItems cannot.



Object Modelling

In this chapter, you will learn about:


ways of organizing the objects in an application for flexibility and ease of maintenance;

3-tier application structures;

the role that collections play in applications;

how objects are disposed of;

class interface design principles;

software patterns.


Application Structure
An object-oriented program can involve many classes and many objects of these
classes. Each class is a design for objects that have a role to play in the final application. However, in a complex system, the large number of objects in memory at
any one time can easily get out of hand. A developer needs some organizational
principles to apply to simplify the job of making objects fit together in a way that
works and is maintainable.
There are almost as many application structures as there are application programs
in use. In some respects, the structure of an application, which is simply the way that
the objects fit together to do the work, is what makes it unique. However, we have
a limited range of tools to apply to design an application structure, and so we can
generally factor out some common design principles. When we approach the design
of a new application, we must consider several areas of concern.

What form will the application take? Will it be a WinForms application, in which
there can be several user-interface elements driving the objects, or a Console
application with more simple interactive input and output, a simple command
driven system or perhaps even a web-based system?
What is the natural logical structure that associates the main objects in the system
with the way that they are processed? For example, a program might be required
to deal with a number of independent documents simultaneously, or may allow
the user only to work on documents one at a time. In the first of these, the best

10.1 Application Structure


structure could be to manage a collection of independent objects, each with its

own user-interface (Microsoft Word works like this); the second is more easily
implemented since there is no need to determine which document is currently
What is the composition of the main objects in the system? We can think of a
document as a collection of sections, each of which is a collection of paragraphs,
each of which is a collection of sentences, etc. However, a CAD system may be
better organized as a single collection of draw-able objects (circles, rectangles,
lines, etc.) or as some form of network structure in which the connections
between objects define their structural relationships.
How long will the information contained in the objects be expected to exist?
Simple programs may simply accept input, process it, display results and then
forget it all. However, you would be rightly upset if your word processor (or even
Visual Studio) were to behave like this. Normally, we expect a program to be able
to save data to a more permanent storage device (like a disk drive) and be able
to retrieve it again later. Depending on the complexity of the information and
our needs for accessing it, we may have to save all of the objects to a disk file
when a program ends and retrieve them all when it is used again, or we may
save individual objects to a database and retrieve them on an as-needed basis.
How will the user of an application choose which objects to work with? Is their
some logical structure that can be mirrored in the applications user-interface
(e.g. a spreadsheet is organized as a matrix of cells, and the user selects a cell
by clicking on it and entering data or a formula) or will it be necessary to come
up with some novel method that allows objects to be manipulated (e.g. a 3-D
drawing program will require some way of allowing the user to select a viewpoint
from which to see the objects)?

These and other factors could be thought of as individual problems to be dealt with
when creating an application. However, it has long been recognized that designing a
suitable structure for modelling the information in an application is the key to success
in its implementation. Whole libraries of books are dedicated to the subject of datastructures in software. In object-oriented design, we more correctly speak of objectstructures when we consider how the objects in an application are made to fit together.

10.1.1 2- and 3-Tier Application Structures

In the chapter on WinForms applications, we briefly looked at the idea of a 2-tier
structure, where the business layer of the program was developed independently
of the presentation or user-interface layer. In fact this is a simplification of what
happens in most real-world applications, where the 2-tier structure would not be
adequate because of the need to make objects persist over time.
In a simple application, we may have no need to store data for later retrieval (for
example, calculating someones tax), and so a 2-tier structure would be suitable for
this. However, in most applications we need to store object information from one run
to the next (for example a word processor); in such applications, it is possible to use


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Figure 10.1

3-Tier Application Services Structure

a 2-tier structure by making objects responsible for the storage and retrieval of their
own data, but it is sometimes organizationally preferable to introduce a 3rd tier to
take care of the storage and retrieval of objects. In most business applications, we
need to work with a persistent store of object information which may contain the
data of thousands or millions of objects (for example, a banking system), and in this
case it is necessary to introduce a 3rd tier, responsible for storing and retrieving
objects on demand.
Microsoft promotes the idea of services in application design, where three distinct
application tiers are responsible for user services (i.e. the user-interface), business
services (i.e. the main logic of the application that models the actual requirements)
and data services (responsible for storing object data in a database and recreating
objects from this data as necessary). Figure 10.1 shows this diagrammatically.
In a Visual Basic .NET application, these services are usually developed as separate modules (possibly many in each tier). User services are normally realized as
Form classes, possibly with some additional classes to support operations that are
only relevant to the job of presenting data (for example, objects that can format data
for easier presentation). Business services perform the main work of the application,
and are normally realised as classes that define individual business objects (e.g. an
email, a customer record or a bank transaction) and Collection classes that organize

10.1 Application Structure


these into meaningful groups (e.g. an email in-box, a list of customer invoices or all
of the transactions in a bank account). Data services may be implemented by standard classes that know how to store data in and retrieve data from a database system
(e.g. ADO .NET, which is a set of classes for working with many different forms of
database), or custom-built classes that will take care of converting raw data into
business objects and storing business objects as raw data.
We will be examining database interactions and the ADO .NET database classes
in Chapter 12. For now, it will be enough to accept that a database is a way of storing information with a regular structure that you might conveniently think of as lists
of items.
Exercise 10.1

An application program manages multiple bank accounts for multiple users. To

create and manage this application, two ArrayList collections, colAccounts
and colUsers are instantiated on the Main form of the program and given
Public scope:

Which tier have these collections been allocated to?

Which tier do you think they actually belong in?
Given that the two collections are only ArrayList instances, can you
think of a better approach to creating and maintaining them so that they fit
better into the tier they belong in?

10.1.2 Appointing Responsibilities

One approach to designing object models is to concentrate on the responsibilities
of the objects in the system. In a 3-tier system, we can divide an applications
responsibilities as follows. The User-Interface Tier

The very specific requirements for this tier are:


accept user input to the system (e.g. information to send to a database, or a

request for information from a database);
validate user input to prevent passing on of obviously wrong data to the business
layer (e.g. invalid date entries, numbers with alphabetic characters in them, etc.);
present the user with formatted views of data in the system (e.g. tables of data,
bar charts derived from data, forms for data entry or display, etc.);
provide the user with access to a suitable set of commands and system queries;
perform all processing that is purely to do with presenting data in some format. The Business Tier

This tier has the following requirements:


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

to enforce the business rules regarding the way that information is used and
updated in the system for example, it should not be possible to raise an invoice
for a customer who does not have an account record;
to provide a standard programmatic layer to which a number of different user
interfaces can be interfaced for example an application program for inventory
updates, a web browser for customers to examine products, and a WAP phone
interface for sales personnel to receive up to date price information from;
to simplify the development of operations that interact with the corporate
to provide different levels of access to different types of user for example,
customers, managers, shop-floor workers, etc. The Data Access Tier

This tier provides the following services:


secure access to data services;

coherent data updates (for example, to ensure that rules for data integrity are
access security, via, for example, user identification and verification;
efficient retrieval of data based on business requirements;
facilities for data replication (for example, for mobile computer users), data
backup and data transformation (e.g. for long-term off-line data storage, sometimes known as data warehousing).

By developing an application as a set of tiers that can perform in these three main
areas, we may make it initially more complex, since we will need to deal with three
separate sets of class interfaces, and will often need to separate out parts of an operation that might naturally be done together more efficiently. However, the three-tier
structure is less about simple expediency in developing a program, and more about
planning for expansion and maintainability. Problems in a system can normally be
quickly traced to one or other tier by their nature, and the job of fixing a problem is
therefore much less difficult when the possible source has been reduced to a single tier.
Changes in an application will be more likely to be required in one or other tier
rather than across the board; for example, business rules may change, there may be
need for a database system that can cope with a higher volume of data, or it may be
necessary to introduce a web-browser based user-interface. All of these situations
(and the vast majority of others you can think of) can be dealt with by fixing or
upgrading one tier rather than a whole application.

10.1.3 Object Lifetime

One distinguishing feature of object-oriented programming is the way that objects
come into existence, are used and destroyed as an application runs. It is useful to

10.1 Application Structure


Presentation Tier
User requests service


User dispenses
with object
(service done)

Business Tier
Business Object

requests data
from data
service tier

Business object
performs service
interactively using
presentation tier)

Data Access Tier

Data service tier
retrieves data and
returns it to business

Figure 10.2

Interactions between service tiers

consider an objects lifetime in an application when designing a structure, since

different tiers will be more or less important in different stages of the objects time
in the computers memory.
Figure 10.2 shows a typical sequence of interactions between a user and a system.
Note that there is a specific point in the sequence when an object is created (system
executive creates business object) and another point in the sequence when the object
is destroyed (user dispenses with object). From a purely programming point of view,
we need to ensure that an object has been created before we can use it; typically, we
create a new object immediately before we send the first message to it. From a
design point of view, it is also useful to be aware when that object will cease to exist.
Objects that take up memory space can become a drain on the system; they will certainly occupy memory and may also take up processing time if they receive events
or are included in a search. .NET automatically takes care of objects that we are
done with through a process called garbage collection. As the name suggests, this
involves throwing discarded objects out of memory and so reclaiming their space.
All of the users interactions (including the creation and destruction of an object)
are mediated through the presentation tier, all database interactions are done through
the data access tier, and the business tier acts as a middle-man, interpreting and
executing the users requests and asking for data as necessary.
This picture might change slightly from application to application, but it is easily
possible to use this diagram with minor variations to describe a wide range of software systems. You can take almost any piece of software you are familiar with and


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

consider how this diagram describes its way of working. The business object
could be a word processed document, someones bank account or a CAD drawing: Figure 10.2 would require little or no change to depict the objects pattern of
creation, use and destruction. As a software designer, you will need to be able to
create this and similar application structures for a range of types of system.
Exercise 10.2


Look back at any of the Practical Activity exercises from previous chapters and
identify the various stages depicted in Figure 10.2. Where and when are objects
created, what interactions do they receive while they are in existence, and when
are they discarded?

Modelling Real-World Object Structures

In an ideal world full of ideal programming languages and environments, you would
create software that followed the logical structure dictated purely by the software
requirements alone. As we dont inhabit an ideal world and there are no ideal programming languages, we are normally left with the need to implement the idealized
application structure in a physical language and environment that imposes its own
requirements on the eventual implementation. One approach that is almost universally applicable is to start with the data structure.
The data in an application program always has an ideal logical structure, dictated
purely by what the software is required to do with it. In most situations, the logical
data structure is a version of the organization of information or entities in the
real-world situation that the software is being designed to fit into. For example, consider the Bank Account model that we have used at various points in this book as a
platform for describing object-orientation and software. The model used in previous
chapters has been a seriously flawed one that no real bank could ever use. The problem with it is due to the very simplified way that deposits and withdrawals are
recorded. Simply adding an amount to or subtracting an amount from the account
balance is not adequate if, as for any real bank account, it is necessary to provide an
audit trail or statement. Have a look at any real bank account statement and you will
see that the bank has provided it by keeping a record of every single transaction
how much it was for, what date it was made, what type it was (e.g. deposit, withdrawal, interest payment or charges) and some description of it. A typical bank
statement may appear as shown in Figure 10.3.

10.2.1 Example: A Class Model for a Bank Account

The bank statement shown in Figure 10.3 can be analysed to give us a clear picture
of the structure of a real bank account. The information at the top (Account Number
and Account Name) is items of data that would have to be held for any account,
and so we could consider these to be properties of a bank account. However, the


10.2 Modelling Real-World Object Structures

Account Number: 1234567890

Account Name: Mr Wombat Snodgrass






Carried Forward




ATM: York Petergate





Cheque: 0001046





DD: Home-care Insurance





Overdraft Charges







ATM: Glasgow W. Nile St

Figure 10.3

A bank statement

Figure 10.4

A class model for a more functional bank account





remaining information is actually a list (which could be of any length) of other items
that belong to the bank account. Each line in the table in Figure 10.3 represents a
transaction on the bank account, and so a better representation of structure of a bank
account would be that shown in Figure 10.4.
Figure 10.4 shows a class model for a more realistic bank account than those we
considered in earlier chapters. You can see that an aggregation construct (indicated
by the diamond symbol) has been used to show the relationship between an account
and its transactions: a bank account has-a collection of transactions. The collection
appears in the diagram as a property of a bank account, along with AccountName
and AccountNumber. Methods for the account include four separate methods for
creating a transaction (Deposit, Withdraw, AddInterest and MakeCharges
each constitute a form of transaction) plus methods to calculate the account balance
(now a more complex operation) and generate a statement.


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

A Transaction has properties to indicate the Date and Type of transaction

(which will be Deposit, Withdrawal, Interest or Charges), a textual
Description of the transaction (important for a statement) and the Amount of the
transaction. Note that the single Amount property takes the place of separate properties for credit and debit, since a positive number will be a credit and a negative
number a debit. Note also that a transaction does not include an indication of the
account balance, even though the balance is shown at the end of each transaction line
in the statement. It is better to calculate the balance for each line of the statement
than to store any indication of account balance, especially within a transaction object,
since this should not be responsible for information that belongs to the whole account.
If we were to go on to implement this new model of a bank account, we would
have to consider how to manage the collection of transactions, since these are
central to the accounts operation. Referring back to Chapter 6, in which we looked
at the various data structures available within .NET, we might decide that an
ArrayList would be a good structure class to use for this purpose, since:

We do not need to specify a maximum capacity, as we would with a simple array:

in fact, specifying a maximum capacity would simply place a limit on the number of transactions that an account could support, which could cause problems.
Entries in the ArrayList are stored in the order in which they are added and can
easily be retrieved in that order: there is no need for the list to be organized in any
other order, or for individual transactions to be retrievable by some key value,
such as a HashTable or Dictionary would provide.
ArrayList is a computationally cheap structure to deal with, which is essential
since our banking application may have to deal with a great many accounts, and
therefore a lot of ArrayLists, simultaneously.
The coding for working out aggregates (i.e. the account balance and statement) is
simple with an ArrayList: simply iterate through the transactions computing
their collective effect by addition (of amounts or strings of text). A For..Each
loop will easily do this.

The methods of both classes are quite simple to implement purely because the
object model is a good logical picture of the structure of an account; it would have
been impossible to generate a statement from our previous model of an account. The
single method for a transaction, GetStatementLine, simply packs the transaction
information into a single string with suitable formatting. This in turn simplifies
the GetStatement() method of the Account class, since it can do the hardest
part of its work by asking each Transaction object in turn to provide a line of
the statement.
The account balance is simply calculated by iterating through each
Transaction, adding positive transactions (deposits and interest payments) and
subtracting negative ones (withdrawals and charges) to form an overall sum. Note
that using this method, the actual account balance is never stored in the account, but
instead is calculated as needed; this prevents the record of account balance getting
out of step with the transaction records, which would otherwise be possible if there
were coding errors.

10.2 Modelling Real-World Object Structures


10.2.2 Bank Account Classes

We can now go on and implement the improved BankAccount class model, starting with the Transaction class (Listing 10.1).
Friend Class Transaction
'This will allow us to specify the type of
Public Enum TransactionType
Deposit = 0
End Enum
'Here are the member fields...
Private mvarDate As Date
Private mvarType As TransactionType
Private mvarAmount As Decimal
Private mvarDescription As String
'Here is the constructor...
Public Sub New(ByVal TrDate As Date, _
ByVal Type As TransactionType, _
ByVal Amount As Decimal, _
ByVal Description As String)
mvarDate = TrDate
mvarType = Type
mvarAmount = Amount
mvarDescription = Description
End Sub
'All of the properties can be read only...
Public ReadOnly Property TrDate() As Date
Return mvarDate
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Type() As TransactionType
Return mvarType
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Amount() As Decimal
Return mvarAmount
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Description() As String
Return mvarDescription
End Get
End Property


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

'Finally a function to format the transaction

'for a statement...
Public Function GetStatementLine() As String
Dim trType As String
Dim len As Integer
'Specify the transaction type in a string...
Select Case mvarType
Case TransactionType.Deposit
trType = "Deposit
Case TransactionType.Withdrawal
trType = "Withdrawal "
Case TransactionType.Interest
trType = "Interest
Case TransactionType.Charges
trType = "Charges
End Select
'Add all the transaction data into one big
'formatted string..
Return String.Format("{0} {1} {2,8:0.00} {3}", _
mvarDate.ToShortDateString(), _
trType, mvarAmount, mvarDescription)
End Function
End Class
Listing 10.1: The Transaction class code

This listing shows all of the code for the Transaction class. We will never need
to change the various values within a transaction, since a fundamental principle of
financial accounting is that accounts data should never be altered in any way. This
makes it sensible for us to store the transaction data in Private member variables and
publish them as ReadOnly properties.
The class has a constructor even though this is not indicated in the class diagram.
Any class that contains data that cannot have a default value should have a constructor, since this will make objects of the class easier to create. Sub New() takes
four parameters, these being the date of the transaction, the type of transaction it is,
the amount it is for and a text description.
Finally, the sole method (apart from the constructor), GetStatementLine()
does the simple job of packing the transaction data into a formatted string that will
represent the transaction on a single line of a statement. Note the way the Format()
method of the String class has been used. This is similar to the way a format can
be applied to console output, with the data items indicated by replaceable parameter
brackets. Note particularly how the Amount field is dealt with: the format string
{2,8:0.00} indicates that data value number 2 (3rd in the list) will be given
a range of eight character slots (2, 8) and that its format will incorporate a pound
sign (), at least one digit before the decimal point and two digits after the decimal
point (0.00).
The Transaction class performs all of the storage and data manipulation that we
will need for an individual transaction. The remaining functionality resides with the
BankAccount class. Listing10.2 gives the BankAccount code.

10.2 Modelling Real-World Object Structures


Imports System.Text
'This must be the first line in the module (before the
'Transaction class. It is needed to allow us to use a
'StringBuilder object(see the GetStatement() method.)
'Transaction class code goes here.
'. . .
Public Class BankAccount
Private mvarTransactions As ArrayList
Private mvarAccountName As String
Private mvarAccountNumber As Long
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal number As Long)
mvarAccountName = name
mvarAccountNumber = number
mvarTransactions = New ArrayList()
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property AccountName() As String
Return mvarAccountName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property AccountNumber() As String
Return Format(mvarAccountNumber, "0000000000")
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Deposit(ByVal TrDate As Date, _
ByVal Amount As Decimal, _
ByVal Description As String)
Dim T As Transaction
T = New Transaction(TrDate, _
Transaction.TransactionType.Deposit, Amount, _
End Sub
Public Sub Withdraw(ByVal TrDate As Date, _
ByVal Amount As Decimal, _
ByVal Description As String)
Dim T As Transaction
T = New Transaction(TrDate, _
Transaction.TransactionType.Withdrawal, Amount, _
End Sub
Public Sub AddInterest(ByVal TrDate As Date, _
ByVal Amount As Decimal)
Dim T As Transaction
T = New Transaction(TrDate, _
Transaction.TransactionType.Withdrawal, _
Amount, "")


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

End Sub
Public Sub MakeCharges(ByVal TrDate As Date, _
ByVal Amount As Decimal, _
ByVal Description As String)
Dim T As Transaction
T = New Transaction(TrDate, _
Transaction.TransactionType.Charges, Amount, _
End Sub
Public Function GetBalance() As Decimal
Dim T As Transaction
Dim Bal As Decimal = 0
For Each T In mvarTransactions
If T.Type = Transaction.TransactionType.Deposit _
Or T.Type =
Transaction.TransactionType.Interest _
Bal += T.Amount
Bal -= T.Amount
End If
Return Bal
End Function
Public Function GetStatement() As String
Dim T As Transaction
Dim stmt As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
stmt.Append("Bank Account Statement" & _
stmt.Append("Account Name: " & _
mvarAccountName & Environment.NewLine)
stmt.Append("Account Number: " & _
mvarAccountNumber & Environment.NewLine)
For Each T In mvarTransactions
stmt.Append(T.GetStatementLine & _
Return stmt.ToString()
End Function
End Class
Listing 10.2: The BankAccount class code

Again, the member variables of the BankAccount class have been properly
defined with Private scope, meaning that they will only be visible within the
class code. The class constructor has a little more to do in this class, since in
addition to initializing the individual member variables mvarAccountName and

10.2 Modelling Real-World Object Structures


mvarAccountNumber, it also has to create an ArrayList object to accommodate

the list of transactions.

The four methods for adding new transactions, Deposit(), Withdraw(),
AddInterest() and MakeCharges(), have parameter lists that will accept
enough information to create each type of transaction. Note that while a deposit, a
withdrawal or making charges each require a description parameter, this has
been omitted from the AddInterest method, since the transaction type name,
Interest, is quite self-explanatory. In a real bank statement, deposits, withdrawals
and charges all require some further descriptive text. Note also that there is no need
to indicate the transaction type among the parameters since this is implicit in the
actual method (a Deposit operation creates a Deposit transaction).
The most interesting code in the class appears in the last two methods, where a
balance is calculated and a statement is generated. To calculate the balance of an
account, simply work through all of the transactions, adding those credited to the
account (deposits and interest payments) and subtracting the debits (withdrawals
and charges). A For..Each loop is the ideal way to work through the list of transactions for this.
To create all of the text for a statement, we perform a similar operation, this time
starting with the simple account information (name and number) and then appending all of the statement lines (generated by each Transaction object) and inserting
a new line character (Environment.NewLine) between each. This text manipulation for this could become a very inefficient operation were we to do it by adding
String objects together since .NET strings are immutable; for each operation where
we appended one string to another, .NET would have to create new strings and throw
away the previous ones. However, the StringBuilder class comes to the rescue here,
since it operates in a far more efficient manner, putting strings together by packing them
into a single sequence of characters. Using StringBuilders Append() method,
all of the transactions, the new line characters and the statement header are packed
into a single object which is finally returned as a String at the end of the function
(using the ToString() method). The use of StringBuilder is the reason that the
namespace System.Text had to be imported at the beginning of the module.
Our BankAccount class is now a much more realistic model of a bank account,
even though it is no more difficult to use than the simple Bank Account models we
created in earlier chapters. The key to this is the way that information has been
hidden within the class. A user of the BankAccount class need not be aware of the
Transaction class at all (which explains why it has been declared as a Friend
Class, accessible from within this assembly but not from any code that imports
the assembly). By simply using the Public methods of the BankAccount class,
transactions will be created and managed automatically.

Exercise 10.3

The structure of the BankAccount class shown above is much more complex
than the previous versions we have worked with. Do you think that as a consequence it will be more difficult to use in a program? As an exercise, try to adapt
one of the earlier BankAccount programs to use the classes described in
Listings 10.1 and 10.2.



Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Choices in Modelling Object

The BankAccount code shown in Listings 10.1 and 10.2 is a good example of an
Aggregation structure. The implementation is straightforward because of the availability of the ArrayList class, which takes care of the multiplicity of transactions
owned by a bank account. In general, we can form composition and aggregation
relationships between objects by simply providing one of the objects with one or
more reference variables to which other objects can be attached.
In many situations, there can be some doubt about how best to implement a relationship. A common flaw is to use an inheritance relationship instead of a simpler
composition relationship. For example, lets say in a real banking system, each
account had a corresponding Customer object which contained the owners
details name, address, etc. We might compose a BankAccount class with this
relationship (see Figure 10.5).

Figure 10.5

A BankAccount class that uses composition

The simple 1:1 composition allows us to use a Person object as a member field
of a BankAccount object. In code, it would appear something like Listing 10.3.
Public Class Person
Public Name As String
Public Address As String
End Class
Public Class CustAccount
Private AccountNumber As Long
Private Customer As Person
Public Sub New(ByVal Number As Long, _
ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal Address As String)
AccountNumber = Number
Customer = New Person()
Customer.Name = Name
Customer.Address = Address
End Sub
'More methods...
End Class
Listing 10.3: Code for the composition structure

10.3 Choices in Modelling Object Relationships

Figure 10.6


BankAccount re-modelled for joint accounts

If we were now to go on to define a JointAccount class, the temptation would

be to say that since this is a specialized form of account, we should inherit
BankAccount and add in the additional member. However, inheritance is computationally costly in a number of ways, and if we can legitimately avoid using it
our program will be more efficient.
The question to ask is whether any of the operations for a BankAccount will
need to be significantly changed for a JointAccount. I would answer no to this
question, since all of the main operations of an account could deal with either one or
two account signatories without any need for inheritance. Instead, the composition
relationship could be extended as in Figure 10.6.
Now the code for BankAccount will have to become a little more complex, since
we will need to provide a method to optionally add in a second customer, and
we will also have to check for a second customer when generating a statement.
However, we have saved having to use inheritance, a benefit in itself, and more
importantly, we have made it possible to convert any BankAccount into a joint
account by simply adding a second customer at any time.
Using inheritance, converting from a standard account to a joint account would
have involved a nightmare of code to create the new type of account, copy all of the
existing data over to it (including all of the transactions), add in the second customers information and then destroy the original account. Instead we have replaced
an inheritance relationship with a much simpler (and computationally cheaper)
composition one. Of course if an unlimited number of signatories were to be
possible, we would need to deal with an aggregation of account names, and this
might make it worth creating a new class that inherits from BankAccount.
In designing class models, there are always likely to be possible alternative implementations of the ideal situation. The best choice of data structure (e.g. between an
ArrayList, a HashTable and a Dictionary) is not always obvious. Similarly,
the choice between a simple composition (using reference variables in a class
definition) and an aggregation (using one of the Collection class objects) is usually
not clear cut. While the best solution is often to choose the most simple and direct
approach (e.g. having the space for two Customer objects in a bank account),
sometimes this approach can impose a limitation on a class design that will only be
apparent later.
Software design is as much an art as a science, and while learning to use the
facilities of a programming language is a relatively simple matter, learning how
and when these facilities should be employed is much more difficult and comes
only with experience. Examining program code, whether from books like this,
magazines, journals or on-line is valuable; working with code by copying and


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

modifying is much more valuable. Even then, experienced programmers frequently

get it wrong.
Very few programmers invent a technique. Most learn their craft by emulating
what other programmers have done and developing a mental catalogue of programming examples and techniques. We will return to this theme when we go on to look
at Software Patterns later in this chapter.
Exercise 10.4

The revised BankAccount class in Listing 10.3 allows an account to have one
or two customers. Rewrite the GetStatement() method from Listing 10.2 to
take the variable number of customers into account.

10.3.1 Application Structure and .NET

The aim of software development is to implement the requirements of a system, discovered during the analysis phase at the start of a project. It should always be your
aim to start by creating a system design that is purely logical; this is to say that the
tools you use and the platform you are writing for influence the design as little as
possible. However, it would be folly to think that you can develop whole software
systems that are not in any way influenced by these: in the .NET platform, Visual
Studios features and the Visual Basic language itself will all have some bearing on
what you finally create.
The object model you design when working on a Visual Basic .NET project is
almost certain to contain certain features that were convenient to use because .NET
supports them or even provides them. For example, the class model for a bank
account discussed earlier in this chapter made use of the ArrayList class. While
most programming languages and environments will provide some way of organizing an unknown number of objects into a list, they will not all do it this way. The
language and environment will influence the design in a number of subtle and
not-so-subtle ways.
The .NET environment imposes several design features on an application program. For a start, a .NET application must be an object-oriented program; this
should not be a problem for us but it could be a problem to someone who had
experience of programming in C or some other structured programming language.
Also, any .NET application may automatically incorporate certain parts of the .NET
framework: a WinForms application will include the Forms classes plus other
components that are expected to be used in that environment; an ASP .NET Web
Application will include and require the use of a number of components that interact with a web server, etc. It is usually most efficient to create applications that
make the best use of the structural elements imposed by the environment.
For any application, we need to consider a number of things.

How does the application start? In a Console application this is always Sub
Main(), but with a form-based application, the main or start-up forms constructor will be the entry point. This is important, because there will always be a
number of things we have to do when an application starts creating collection

10.3 Choices in Modelling Object Relationships


objects, setting up status variables, etc. This is often referred to as initialization,

and can be thought of as the essential groundwork that the rest of the application
will expect to have been done. In a Console application, all this work would be
done in Sub Main(), while in a form-based application, it could be done in the
main forms Form.Load event-handler.
What is the main object in the application? An object-oriented program makes
use of objects which collaborate on performing the overall task. These need to be
created as needed by the application, they need to be sent messages asking them
to do work, and the results they produce need to be collated. There should be
some executive object in control of this; it can be the start-up form of the application, or where we have a Sub Main() defined, it is the application itself.
(Microsoft has fudged this a little in Visual Studio. Using the Project Properties
dialog box, you can set the start-up object in the project to be any form in a
WinForms project or Sub Main(). Sub Main() is a procedure, not an object,
and what Microsoft has omitted to tell us is what class/object this belongs to. I
like to think of Sub Main() as a method of the whole program, and so consider
a Console application to have an executive object with a Sub Main() method).
What information should be globally available? If a project is stand-alone, then
everything in it with a Friend declaration can be considered global. If, however, a project is being built as a component or library that can be used in
other projects, only reference variables marked as Public will be visible to the
applications that use the project. Good software design suggests that we should
have as few global variables (or objects) as possible in a program.
What are the ownership relationships between objects? For example, a
BankAccount with a number of transactions can be said to own the transactions,
since without the BankAccount, there would be no transactions. An object that
owns other objects will have certain responsibilities for them creating them
either when it is created or on request, and disposing of them cleanly when it is
Which classes in a project are product classes, and which are system classes?
A Product class is a definition for the business objects of an application, while
the classes that are developed purely to aid in their manipulation (such as userinterface classes, collection classes, utility classes) are system classes.

Answers to these questions will strongly suggest the best ways of organizing the
objects in a running application, and will therefore influence the classes developed
for it.

Exercise 10.5

Go back to look at some of the programs you have created as exercises (look at
both console and WinForms programs):

Can you identify the first line of code to be executed in each case?
Is it always this line that is executed first?
How do user-interactions affect the order that things are done in?


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

10.3.2 System and Product Classes

Simply put, the business objects (those that collectively make up the business tier)
in an application are product classes. These classes and the objects that they produce
will make up the logical structure of the application; the idealized assembly of
objects that will come out of analysing the use-cases defined at the requirements
specification stage. We can call them Product classes because they are the ultimate
product of the application. In a sales-ordering system, they will be classes that
represent customer, orders, products, order-lines, and invoices. In a CAD system,
they will represent drawable objects, and in an email system, they will represent
emails and entries in the address book.
System classes are all of the other classes that are not specifically product classes.
These will be form designs, controls on forms, collection classes, data access tools
and any class that does not fit nicely into the logical model of the application.
Typically, these classes will form the top and bottom tiers of a three tier application,
although some system classes will occupy the middle, business tier as well.
No matter whether a class works as a product or a system service, it is necessary
to consider its lifetime within the application. When will it be created and when will

Figure 10.7

Lifetimes of product and system objects

10.4 Managing Scarce Resources


we be able to dispense with it? Typically, product classes are created on demand
(e.g. by the user clicking on a menu item or other control) and are destroyed when
the user no longer needs them or when the program ends. System classes will normally either be created when an application starts and destroyed when it ends (e.g.
a collection, a database connection or the main user-interface) or will be created to
perform a specific task and discarded when the task is completed. Figure 10.7 shows
this diagrammatically.


Managing Scarce Resources

Objects take up memory, memory is a limited resource, and the .NET framework is
designed to make sure that once we are done with an object, it will be cleanly
removed from memory and the space it occupied restored to the heap of available
memory in the system. For most applications, we can simply create objects as and
when they are needed and leave it up to .NET to deal with clearing up after them.
Microsofts guidelines on this are pretty specific. To quote the help page: For the
majority of the objects that your application creates, you can rely on the .NET
Frameworks garbage collector to implicitly perform all the necessary memory
management tasks.
However, some resources that we can make use of in programs cannot be automatically cleaned up by the .NET runtime system. These are called unmanaged
resources. Say, for example, you have a class in which each object creates and opens
a disk file as it is constructed, and writes data to this file throughout its lifetime.
Pretty obviously, when you are done with this object the disk file should be closed;
it is an unmanaged resource because the .NET framework will not automatically
close the file as the object that uses it is destroyed.
In a C++ program that contained an object like this, you would create a class
destructor, which as its name suggests is a routine that undoes what the constructor
did. In the destructor, you would place code to close the file and therefore release the
scarce resource that would otherwise be a drain on the operating system. In Visual
Basic .NET, the nearest we have to a destructor is the Finalize() method. If a
class is given a Finalize() method, it will be called automatically when the object
is destroyed. This would be the place to put the code to close the file the object was
holding open.
However, in a C++ program, the programmer must explicitly call on a classs
destructor by deleting the object (actually, this is only necessary for non-local
objects declared outside any function, but we dont need to bother about these details
here), whereas in Visual Basic .NET, we are warned (by Microsoft) to ignore the
Finalize() method and leave it up to the garbage collector to call it for us.
Thats right; the part of the system that deals with discarded objects is called the
garbage collector, and it acts like its namesake in that it has the job of collecting
together all of the discarded objects and reclaiming their memory: it is more like a
recycler really. While it is doing its job, if it clears up any objects that have a
Finalize() method defined, it executes this method. We are therefore guaranteed
that the file held open by our object will eventually be closed.


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

There is a limitation to the effectiveness of the garbage collector; it decides when

to compact the memory taken up by discarded objects (collect the garbage) based on
the amount of available space left, how frequently objects are being created to fill
it up and other factors. In some systems with a lot of memory, it could take hours
for the garbage collector to decide a tidy-up was necessary, and during this time,
our objects file will remain open. Leaving a file open for a long time beyond the
time we need it for is not good practice. If the system crashes, someone trips
over the computers power cord or some other spanner falls into the works, the file
will be corrupted and probably its contents will be lost for good.
For similar reasons, there are a number of resources that you might use in a program that it would be best not to trust to the unpredictable operation of the garbage
collector. Leaving a modem connection open, not freeing the system printer after a
printing session or hanging on to a connection to another program after data has been
transferred to it are all situations where a program can hog a scarce resource and
cause system problems. The upshot of this is that, like in a C++ program, we need
to take care of our own resources if they are not managed by the .NET run-time
system for us.

10.4.1 Garbage Collection

Every object that you create in a program occupies some system memory. Objects
are created in an area of memory called the heap, which, as its name suggests, is a
fairly unorganized section of memory. We create objects and assign them to reference variables so that we are able to access their properties and methods, and these
reference variables act as our link to objects in heap memory.
When an object is created, .NET must first request the memory it will occupy
from the operating system. When the request for memory has been granted, .NET
will then call the objects constructor which will store the objects data in the memory, and return the reference to the object to be assigned to a reference variable
in your program. Figure 10.8 shows a number of objects referred to by reference
variables in a program.
The heap is a block of memory allocated to an application for storing objects in.
When a new object is created, the CLR allocates some space in the heap by simply
taking the next free area beyond the space it allocated to the previous object. Pretty
obviously if a program runs for long enough and creates new objects periodically
as it does, the heap will eventually fill up. However, during the period the program
has been running, objects will also have been discarded by the program, and the
space that was taken up by them will be holes in the area of the heap assumed
to be in use.
Garbage collection takes place periodically so that the CLR can reclaim all of the
discarded blocks of memory that were once objects (e.g. objects 9 and 10 in Figure 10.8). Once the garbage collector has worked on the heap, all of the objects still
in use occupy one contiguous block of memory. The memory that was once occupied by discarded objects has been collected into a single block so that the free heap
space is also collected together. The result is that the heap once again has a large
contiguous block of free memory from which it can allocate space for new objects.

10.4 Managing Scarce Resources


Program Memory
Structured Memory

Objects in Heap Memory


Area: contains
Global variables and


references to main
objects (Forms, etc.)


Figure 10.8



References to objects in heap memory

The main benefit of garbage collection is that you, the programmer, do not have
to worry about the way you use and discard objects because an invisible servant
follows you around clearing up the mess you have made. Since the collection of
discarded memory into easily usable blocks is automatic, your program will generally run more efficiently without you having to do anything.
The down-side of this is that the garbage collector takes time to do its work, and
when it does your application will be put on-hold while it does it. This can appear
as an unresponsive user-interface, or even, for some types of resources (e.g. a
database connection), act as a block on further processing. However, unless you
write memory hogging programs which allocate lots of objects only to discard them
shortly afterwards, or which allocate very large objects (e.g. to store pictures or
video clips) frequently or make use of very scarce resources, you are unlikely ever
to experience a garbage collection delay.
From a programming perspective, an object is discarded whenever the link
between the object and the reference variable that refers to it is broken. There are a
number of ways in which the link to an object in heap memory can be broken.

The reference variable referring to the object may be a local variable in a sub or
function. At the end of the sub or function, the values or references in local variables are discarded. Therefore, if a local variable holds a reference to an object in
the heap, the link to that object will be lost. In Figure 10.8, if the variable RefA
goes out of scope, the link to object 1 in the heap will be lost, e.g.
Sub W()
Dim RefA As SomeClass = New SomeClass() 'Object 1
'Object is used...
End Sub 'RefA out of scope here, so Object 1 is lost.


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

We can assign a new object to a reference variable that currently refers to an

already existing object in the heap. The reference to the new object will replace
the reference to the existing object, and so the link to that object will be lost. If
RefD in Figure 10.8 has a new object assigned to it, the link to object 8 will be
lost, e.g.
Sub X()
Dim RefD As SomeClass = New SomeClass() 'Object 8
'Object 8 is used...
RefD = New SomeClass() 'Discards Object 8
'New object is used...
End Sub

We can deliberately assign the value Nothing to a reference variable that

currently refers to an object in the heap, and so the link to the object to be lost.
If Figure 10.8, assigning Nothing to any of the reference variables will cause the
link to the associated object to be lost. Note that the object will only be destroyed
if there are no other references to it in the program (for example, if it had been
added to a collection, it would not be destroyed), e.g.
Sub Y()
Dim RefA As SomeClass = New SomeClass() 'Object 1
'Object 1 is used...
RefA = Nothing 'Discards Object 1
End Sub

If an object in the heap references another object in the heap, and the link to the
first object is destroyed by one of the above methods, then the link to the object
it references will also be destroyed
Sub Z()
Dim RefC As SomeClass = New SomeClass() 'Object 6
RefC.SomeObject = New SomeOtherClass() 'Object 7
'Combination of objects is used...
RefC = Nothing 'Now Objects 6 and 7 are both
End Sub

In all of these cases and many other situations, losing the last reference to an object
means that the object can no longer be reached by any program code. .NET is smart
enough to realize whether an object is reachable or not and when its garbage collector runs it clears up these unreachable objects. If the garbage collector finds an
unreachable object, it marks it for removal and subsequently returns the memory it
occupied to the operating system. Pre-empting the Garbage Collector

Garbage collection is built into the .NET framework. It kicks in periodically when
an applications heap memory is becoming scarce and new objects are being

10.4 Managing Scarce Resources


allocated at a frequency that will make it run out soon. New objects are allocated
space from the block of memory that does not contain either current or discarded
objects, and as an application runs, this block is continually reducing in size.
In effect the garbage collector has two jobs to do. Its primary job is to figure out
which memory blocks are no longer in use and mark these as available for use. Once
it has done this for every block in heap memory it can get on with its second job,
which is to shuffle all of the memory blocks still in use into a single, contiguous area,
thereby freeing up the memory for use by new objects. Since the garbage collectors
work can be intensive, we can assume it will not be brought into action more often
than is necessary.
We can make use of the garbage collectors knowledge of every objects
Finalize() method. This protected method is defined in the object class, which is
the ultimate ancestor of all classes in .NET. When we allocate an unmanaged
resource such as opening a file or database connection to an object in its constructor, it is recommended that we make sure that it is de-allocated (i.e. closed) in
the Finalize() method. However, the Finalize() method should never be
called directly. Microsoft suggest that if you define one you should give it protected
scope to prevent other users of your class from calling it directly, and also that you
should never call it directly yourself. If you do, you run the risk of the garbage
collector calling it again to free up resources that have already been freed, and
thereby causing a run-time error.
Here is our dilemma:

we can de-allocate scarce resources in the Finalize() method, which we are

not allowed to call directly, and so must then leave their de-allocation up to when
the garbage collector gets around to doing it for us potentially a long time;
alternatively we can de-allocate resources in some other sub (e.g. a public sub
called Close() or Deallocate()), and leave it up to the user of the class to
call it when resources are no longer needed.

The first alternative gives us the certainty that resources will be freed, at the price
of not knowing when. The second would make it certain that resources would be
freed in a timely manner, but only if we remembered to use it. Ideally, we could do
with the best of both. The Dispose() Method

The Dispose() method provides us with a way out of this dilemma. Finalize()
is a protected method and so cannot be called directly. If we want to be able to
invoke it, we can define a Public Dispose() method that can be called by code
in our application when we know the object can be dispensed with (see Listing 10.4).
Class SomeResourceUsingClass
'Other class code...
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
'Put code to release any resources here.
'e.g. Close files, network connections, Database


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

'connections, unload forms, or release memory

'resources like graphic bitmaps.
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.4: The Finalize() and Dispose() methods

In Sub Dispose(), we need to do two things: firstly we need to tell the garbage
collector that it should not call Finalize() because we will do it in our own code,
and secondly, we must then call Finalize(). The overall result of this is that we
will have released scarce resources earlier than the garbage collector would have
done most of the time. We can now arrange that when an object of a class has
done its job, we can release it and any resources it makes use of immediately. For
example, suppose we needed to implement a Data Logging class that keeps a
file open to write data to frequently. The Finalize() and Dispose() methods
would be responsible for ensuring the file is closed.
Class DataLogger
Dim F As IO.StreamWriter
Public Sub New(ByVal LogFileName As String)
F = New IO.StreamWriter(LogFileName)
End Sub
Public Sub WriteLog(ByVal Message As String)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.5: Using the Dispose() method to clear objects out of memory

The class in Listing 10.5 makes use of a StreamWriter object that can send text
to a file in the computers hard disk. There will be a full explanation of files and the
associated classes in Chapter 11. For now, you simply need to be aware that while a
file is open, it is using a scarce system resource.
If we remember to call Dispose() once we are done with a DataLogger object,
the file will be closed. If we dont, the garbage collector will do it for us eventually.
Note that the space occupied by the DataLogger object will still need to wait for
the garbage collector to reclaim it.

10.4 Managing Scarce Resources


One final warning on the use of Finalize(). You might assume from the explanation above that Finalize() is an important method and therefore you should
define it for every class along with a Dispose() method. However, the garbage
collector has to do extra work in dealing with a class that has a Finalize() method
other than the default one inherited from the object class. While the garbage
collector can deal easily with objects that rely on the object classs version of
Finalize(), it must take extra care in getting rid of objects that use any other
Finalize() method, and so will not destroy the object the first time it meets it.
Objects from classes with a non-default Finalize() method therefore hang around
for longer. Therefore, you should only ever define Finalize() and Dispose() for
a class where you know it is necessary.

10.4.2 Managing Ownership Relationships

You should now see that the way that relationships between objects are implemented
can have an impact on the efficiency of an application and on how easy it is to
maintain it. Possible relationships between objects in a running application are:

an object owns other objects (composition or aggregation);

an object is owned by another object, or is a member of an aggregation owned by
another object;
an indirect ownership relationship can exist e.g. an object owns another object
which owns a third object;
an object collaborates with other objects via messages.

The key to managing these relationships is in being aware of where responsibilities should lie. An ownership relationship suggests that the owner object is in some
way responsible for the owned objects. Normally this is implemented so that the
owner object is responsible for creating the owned objects and disposing of them,
although garbage collection is normally used to take care of disposal automatically.
By implementing Finalize() and Dispose() methods for a class, we are taking
responsibility for clearing up unmanaged resources. An object that owns other
objects can dispose of them when they are no longer needed. For example, consider
an application that uses two classes, DataLogger and DataLoggerCollection.
The DataLoggerCollection class has a collection of DataLogger objects, each
of which hangs on to an unmanaged resource. We might implement the ownership
relationship by giving the DataLoggerCollection class a method to create a
DataLogger object on demand, in which case, it should also be responsible for
getting rid of the collection of DataLogger objects.
Public Class DataLogger
'See listing 10.5 for definition.
End Class
Public Class DataLoggerCollection
Private Loggers As ArrayList 'A collection of owned


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Public Sub New()

'Constructor creates the
Loggers = New ArrayList() 'collection
End Sub
Public Sub Add(ByVal fileName As String)
'Add a DataLogger
Dim Logger As = New DataLogger(filename)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() 'Finalize destroys the
'owned objects
Dim L As DataLogger
For Each L In Loggers
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.6: An owner-owned relationship

The object model in Listing 10.6 shows how you would define product classes in
a program so that they could be disposed of automatically. However, unless explicit
use is made of the Dispose() method of the DataLoggerCollection class, this
work will still be left up to the garbage collector. To manage the disposal of the collection of objects on demand, we need to call the Dispose() method explicitly,
which means we need to be aware when the DataLoggerCollection and its
collection of DataLogger objects is no longer needed. In a WinForms application,
we might make use of the DataLoggerCollection and its collection in one
particular form. We can therefore use the Form.Load event-handler to create the
owner and Form.Close to dispose of it. This is shown in Listing 10.7.
Private DataLoggers As DataLoggerCollection
Private r As Random
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
DataLoggers = New DataLoggerCollection()
r = New Random()
End Sub
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim FileName As String
FileName = "C:\LogFiles\Log" & r.Next().ToString() &
End Sub
'Code here to write text to log files in the collection...

10.5 Software Patterns


Private Sub Form1_Closed(ByVal sender As Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed
End Sub
Listing 10.7: Using the Dispose() method in a form

It is worth emphasizing that you can leave all of this work to the garbage collector provided the objects in your application program do not make use of any
limited resources such as database connections, files, forms, etc. It is possible to
impair the efficiency of a program by giving the garbage collector extra work to do.
Exercise 10.6

The Finalize() method is a good tool for informing you when objects are
actually destroyed in a VB .NET program. Go back and add the following
Finalize() method to some classes in programs you have written (note you
can only add it to a class definition, not as a separate method in a code module):
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
MessageBox.Show("I've been finalized.")
End Sub

Now run the program and create and use objects. It may be useful to also
display some data from the object that youve given the finalize method to, so
you can identify exactly which object has been finalized.


Software Patterns
Objects give us the ability to create new types of variable and use them in a range
of applications. Object structures add the facility to create collections of objects
organized to optimize aspects of efficiency such as speed of access. We can deal
with individual entities and collections of similar entities using the techniques
described so far in this book.
However, applications programs are rarely composed entirely of homogeneous
collections of objects that can be modelled in a single collection or hierarchy. When
developing a collection, we are more likely to be confronted by the need to connect
together a wide variety of objects in a less orderly way. This can lead to the belief
that each application has a unique structure that must be crafted individually. In
particular, we can be left with the impression that re-use of program code is an
ideal that can only be realized for individual classes and very simple structures.
One aspect of why we still find it difficult to re-use elements of programs we
created last week in new programs this week is that object-oriented programming
can only partially address the problem of structure in programs. Structure is the
framework of software, and, in most cases, goes beyond what can be accomplished
by a single object or class, or by a specific form of collection. If we wish to build an


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

application that models a complex view of reality in software, we will probably

need to model the interconnections between all of the components of the real-world
system (i.e. the objects) as much as the software components themselves.
Object-oriented programming shows us how to create classes and collections of
objects, but we are left to assume that these alone will form the basis of our software
model of a real world system. Software design patterns, or simply patterns, provide
the next step. Once we have a methodology for constructing models of the components of the world we wish to model, we have need of a model for connecting
them together in assemblies, and this is provided by patterns.
Christopher Alexander proposed the idea of design patterns in a book in 19771. To
quote a passage of this, Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and
over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that
problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without
ever doing it the same way twice. In Alexanders discipline of architecture, the patterns were structures such as entrances, mezzanines and town squares. In software,
we can use much the same approach to generalize the design of specific algorithms,
ways of constructing objects and data structures. The core text in this area is
Software Patterns, by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides, and this has become a
key text in computer science since its publication in 1994.
In this chapter, we will examine specific examples of software patterns and
implementations of them in Visual Basic. Gamma et al. divides software patterns
into three groups: Creational Patterns, Stuctural Patterns and Behavioural Patterns.
These describe ways of creating objects in programs, ways of forming connections
and collaborations between objects and organizations of objects that define operations or algorithms. We have already used some of these patterns in the example
programs of earlier chapters, so the key point of this chapter is that we should be able
to recognize a pattern and therefore apply it to a variety of situations. The important
feature of using patterns is the philosophy, which takes us a step beyond objects and
into the next phase of software development.
Exercise 10.7

In previous chapters we have examined the idea of structures in object-oriented

software: Data structures and Object structures. How do you think the idea of
software patterns differs from a structure?

10.5.1 Creational Patterns

This type of pattern is used to generate objects conforming to a specific super-class
or interface. It allows us to separate the mechanism used to create objects from the
logic of the application in which they are created. A typical non-pattern method of
doing this is to have a separate method defined to create each type of object e.g. in
an event-handler on a form. This is then used to create a specific class of object (the
product class) given a specific cue (e.g. a button press, menu or Toolbar selection).
(Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King and
Shlomo Angel, A Pattern Language)

10.5 Software Patterns

473 The Factory Method Pattern

Our simple CAD program in the previous chapter used an event-handler for each
type of drawn object to be created, as shown in Listing 10.8.
Private Sub btnLine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnLine.Click
s = New Line(0, 0, 0, 0, CurrentColour)
End Sub
Private Sub btnEllipse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnEllipse.Click
s = New clsEllipse(0, 0, 0, 0, CurrentColour)
End Sub
Private Sub btnRightTri_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnRightTri.Click
s = New RightTriangle(0, 0, 0, 0, CurrentColour)
End Sub
Listing 10.8: Several methods for creating a shape object

As an improvement to this way of doing things, we can define a Factory Method

function, that will create an object based on some other cue from the user-interface.
Normally, this function is created as a method of a Factory class (Listing 10.9).
Public Class ShapeFactory
Public Shared Function NewShape( _
ByVal ShapeName As String, _
ByVal col As Color) As Shape
Select Case ShapeName
Case "Line"
Return New Line(0, 0, 0, 0, col)
Case "Ellipse"
Return New Ellipse(0, 0, 0, 0, col)
Case "Right Triangle"
Return New RightTriangle(0, 0, 0, 0, col)
End Select
End Function
End Class
Listing 10.9: A ShapeFactory

The NewShape() method in the ShapeFactory class is a function whose job is

to create objects. We pass the function a value that indicates the type of object we
want, and it returns an object of the required type. This function is known as a
Factory Method and is one of the standard patterns described by Gamma et al.
In a call to the shared NewShape() method, ShapeName is a string that indicates
the name of the class that is to be instantiated. This could be the text of a menu item,


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

the caption of a button or the selected item in a ListBox, and so it can be made
very easy to extend the user interface to deal with new shapes as they are added.
The event-handlers that created instances of the Shape objects were, in the CAD
application, subs in the user-interface form. However, it would be better practice
to place the factory code in the separate module with the Shape classes, since
whenever we add a new Shape class, we will want to amend the Factory Method to
be able to deal with it.
The Factory Method pattern has the following benefits.

Objects are created at a central location (the Factory Method) of the application,
and so object creation and the user-interface operations that lead to object
creation are kept distinct. This makes the user-interface and object creation
features easier to test in isolation.

We can add new product types (e.g. new Shape classes) to the application more
easily, since apart from the new class, we simply need to amend the Factory
Methods NewShape() function.
Use of the Factory Method enforces polymorphism, since the method has only a
single return type (Shape), and so all classes of object that it can return must
inherit from the Shape class.
We can use the Factory Method to perform some other useful tasks in setting up
a new object once it has been created but before it is returned to the application.

The Factory Method is a useful pattern in programs where a variety of product

objects of compatible types are required. By centralizing the creation of the various
product classes, we can simplify the development and maintenance required by the
program and improve its logical structure. The Prototype Pattern

The Factory Method used in the CAD example still requires a certain amount of the
main application logic to be altered. It is not possible to leave main application logic
untouched entirely when adding new product classes, since we would need to amend
the way that the type of new product objects are selected by a user. In the CAD application as it was, we would need to add a new Button control to the form for each new
product class, for example Rectangle, and provide an event-handler so that the
type identifier could be set to indicate that type (ShapeName = "Rectangle").
In this type of application, it would not be too difficult a task to provide this.
However, it should always be a design goal to minimize the number of changes
required in an application when we augment its functionality. Typically, new product
classes need to be linked into an application and routes to their constructors provided.
Using the Factory Method, it is necessary to update the code in the NewShape()
function whenever a new product class was introduced to the application. It is
also necessary to add control methods to allow us to choose instances of the new
classes to instantiate. Although not a particularly onerous set of requirements for the
provision of an extensible range of products, it is always worth looking for ways to
reduce the update burden.

10.5 Software Patterns


The Prototype pattern has a similar objective to the Factory Method pattern;
allowing us to delegate the creation of new objects to a structure that is well suited
to the job. However, it is often the case that the best way of creating a new object
is to copy an existing one. The Prototype pattern hinges on a requirement that all
objects of product classes are able to clone themselves. Clones are autonomous
copies of objects of their own class. The cloning process creates an exact copy of the
prototype in the state it is in at the point of creation.
We could make use of this facility in the CAD application as a way of encapsulating the colour and fill style of an object. Using the Factory Method explained
previously, a shape is created by a statement like: Return New Line (0, 0, 0, 0, col),
where col is the colour of the shape. To make shapes more varied, it would be
better to include in each a set of outline and fill specifications that incorporated outline line style, width and colour and internal fill style and colour. Ideally, we would
define a class to store these settings, and add to each Shape object an instance of
this class (Listing 10.10).
Public Class DrawStyle
Private mvarOutline As Pen
Private mvarFill As Brush
Public Sub New()
mvarOutline = New Pen(Color.Black)
mvarFill = Brushes.White
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal P As Pen, ByVal B As Brush)
mvarOutline = P
mvarFill = B
End Sub
Public Property Outline() As Pen
Return mvarOutline
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Pen)
mvarOutline = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Fill() As Brush
Return mvarFill
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Brush)
mvarFill = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Function Clone() As DrawStyle
Dim MyClone As New DrawStyle(Outline, Fill)
Return MyClone
End Function
End Class
Listing 10.10: DrawStyle settings for a Shape object a Prototype class


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

The first thought when looking at this class is that it is bound to increase the
complexity of the CAD application hugely, since each shape will need to have
an individual member of the class, and this would have to be set up at the point
where a shape were created. However, this class has been specially created to
implement the Prototype pattern, and as such is designed to minimize the effort
required to create many objects of the class.
To start with, the changes required in the Shape classes are minor. In the Shape
class itself, replace the declaration of the mvarColour variable with one for a
DrawStyle member, mvarDrawStyle. Now amend the constructor of every
Shape class to accept this as a parameter (you could use Edit/Find and Replace to
do this), as shown in Listing 10.11.
Public Sub New(ByVal xx As Integer, ByVal yy As Integer, _
ByVal wid As Integer, ByVal hgt As Integer, _
ByVal style As DrawStyle)
mvarX_Pos = xx : mvarY_Pos = yy
mvarWidth = wid : mvarHeight = hgt
mvarDrawStyle = style
End Sub
Listing 10.11: Amending the Shape constructor to accept a DrawStyle

Finally for the Shape classes, amend the Draw() methods of all the closed shape
classes (rectangles, ellipses, etc.) to use the appropriate FillXXX() method to fill
the shape that has just been drawn. This should only be done for closed shapes.
For example, to draw filled rectangles, the Draw() method of the Rectangle class
becomes the code shown in Listing 10.12.
Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)
gr.DrawRectangle(mvardrawstyle.Outline, _
X, Y, Width, Height)
gr.FillRectangle(mvardrawstyle.Fill, _
New Rectangle(X + 1, Y + 1, Width 2, Height 2))
End Sub
Listing 10.12: Drawing a filled rectangle

Note that the FillRectangle() method of the Graphics object is given the
position, width and height of a rectangle that is inside the outline rectangle (X + 1,
Width 2, etc.). Otherwise, the filled rectangle will draw over the left and top lines
of the outline.
Now to implement the Prototype pattern, we can have a single DrawStyle object
variable declared and instantiated on the main form, and use its Clone() method to
create new instances for each shape we draw. Any change we make to the colour,
line style or fill style of this object will be reflected in the clones it creates. The CAD
applications main form code is as shown in Listing 10.13.

10.5 Software Patterns


Public Class frmShapes

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Other member variables...
Private CurrentDrawStyle As DrawStyle
Private Sub frmShapes_Load(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
'currentColour = Pens.Black.Color
Dim P As Pen = New Pen(Color.Black)
Dim B As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Color.White)
CurrentDrawStyle = New DrawStyle(P, B)
grGraphics = pnlOutput.CreateGraphics()
End Sub
Private Sub btnColour_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnColour.Click
With colDlg
.Color = CurrentDrawStyle.Outline.Color
CurrentDrawStyle.Outline.Color = .Color
btnColour.ForeColor = .Color
End With
End Sub
Private Sub btnFillColour_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnFillColour.Click
With colDlg
.Color = CurrentDrawStyle.Fill.Color
CurrentDrawStyle.Fill.Color = .Color
btnFillColour.BackColor = .Color
End With
End Sub
Private Sub NewShape(ByVal ShapeName As String)
s = ShapeFactory.GetShape(ShapeName, 0, 0, 0, 0, _
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.13: Using the Prototype pattern to simplify drawing settings

Beyond declaring the reference variable for the DrawStyle object, we need to
create an instance of the class (in Form_Load()), provide user-interface methods to
change its settings (btnColour_Click() and btnFillColour_Click()) and


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

amend the code used to create a new shape so that it uses the Clone() method of
the DrawStyle instance to generate a new DrawStyle object for each shape
created (NewShape()).
We could also have used the Prototype pattern to create the Shape objects in
the first place, by using a collection of prototype shapes in conjunction with a
Factory Method. A major advantage of this is that instead of a case statement that
would need to be updated with the addition of each new type of Shape object, we
could keep a collection containing one of each concrete Shape class and use the
Factory Method to iterate through the collection until it finds a matching prototype
to identify itself (Listing 10.14).
Public Class ShapeFactory
Private Shared colPrototypes As
System.Collections.Hashtable _
= New System.Collections.Hashtable()
Public Sub AddPrototype(ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal Proto As clsShape)
colPrototypes.Add(Name, Proto)
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetShape(ByVal ShapeName As String, _
ByVal X As Integer, _
ByVal Y As Integer, _
ByVal Width As Integer, _
ByVal Height As Integer) _
As Shape
Dim Prototype As Shape
If colPrototypes.ContainsKey(ShapeName) Then
Prototype = colPrototypes.Item(ShapeName)
Return Prototype.Clone(X, Y, Width, Height, _
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function PrototypeList() As String()
Dim Keys() As String
colPrototypes.Keys.CopyTo(Keys, 0)
Return Keys
End Function
End Class
Listing 10.14: Using the Prototype pattern in a Factory Method pattern

Now, instead of having to amend the Factory Method code whenever we add
new prototypes, we can simply add the prototype to the collection (using
AddPrototype()). Note, however, that a new method would have to be added to
the Shape class. The ShapeName() method would be required to return unique
identifier, in this case a string that was different for each class that implements

10.5 Software Patterns


the interface. Note also that the ShapeFactory class now provides a
PrototypeList() method that returns the keys of all of the prototypes as an array
of strings. This would make it a trivial matter to add a list of available prototypes
to a list box or some other user-interface element (see Listing 10.15).
Dim S As String
For Each S In ShapeFactory.PrototypeList
Listing 10.15: Adding a list of prototype names to a listbox

Now whenever we wish to amend the range of Shape classes that can be used, we
can leave the code on the user interface unaltered and make the changes in the
module that contains the class definitions and the class factory. Other Creational Patterns

Gamma et al. specify five creational forms of pattern. In addition to those described
here, there are:

Abstract Factory, which provides an interface for creating families of related or

dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes;
Builder, which separates the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can generate different
Singleton, which ensures that only a single instance of a class can be created and
provides a global point of access to it.

In all but the last of these, the specific goal is to separate the creation of product
objects from the application in which they are managed. This allows the use of polymorphism to be maximized. The Singleton pattern is used when only a single object
of a class can be allowed. For example, Visual Basic provides a PrintDocument
class. Typically you would want to limit the number of PrintDocuments to one,
since usually there is a single system printer.
Exercise 10.8



Creational patterns are used in programs where objects are created interactively by the user. Explain the key feature that a creational pattern would
bring to the design of this type of application.
How does a Prototype pattern differ from a Factory Method?

10.5.2 Structural Patterns

Structural patterns are concerned with the mechanics of building complex structures in software while maintaining the general goal of promoting reusability and


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

abstraction. This can be used to allow incompatible classes to inter-operate, complex

hierarchical structures of objects to be maintained uniformly within an application,
or for a variety of other reasons where the clean structure of an application would be
compromised by a proliferation of classes or objects. The Adapter Pattern

A typical use of structural patterns would be to integrate an existing class into an
application where a similar but different class would fit more easily. For example,
we could have a class that accepts a member of the ArrayList class as a parameter perhaps to perform some calculation on the values of all its members.
Assume the class contained a member function with the following signature:
Public Function CalculateTotal(ByVal A As ArrayList) As Decimal

We need to pass an ArrayList to this method. Now assume we need to be able

to pass some other collection of items to this method an array, the Items()
property of a ListBox or ComboBox or some custom collection based on
the CollectionBase class. The only option would seem to be to create a new
ArrayList object and add all of the objects in the incompatible collection to it.
However, the ArrayList class provides a shared method, Adapter(), which will
take almost any collection object and make it work like an ArrayList. Its use is
shown in Listing 10.16.
Dim AR() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
Dim AL As ArrayList
AL = ArrayList.Adapter(AR)
'We can now go on to work with AL as if it was an
Dim T As Integer
T = CalculateTotal(AL) 'AR has been made to look like
'an ArrayList
Listing 10.16: Using an Adapter()

Microsoft has incorporated the Adapter pattern into the .NET framework because
it is the ideal way to deal with this particular situation. The Adapter pattern is used
to make a member of one class appear as if it was a member of another class. Since
the class interface is an all-important feature of object-oriented programming, and
since we spend so much time making sure that interfaces will only accept objects
of a particular type to make classes robust, the Adapter pattern comes along as a
particularly useful feature when we need to create inter-operations between objects
of two incompatible classes.
In general, the Adapter pattern allows us to mix and match objects of classes from
a wide range of applications and interfaces, without the need to make any alterations
to any of the existing classes.

10.5 Software Patterns

Figure 10.9


A drawing made up of composite elements The Composite Pattern

This pattern allows us to work with complex hierarchical structures of objects in the
same way that we would work with single objects. It is based on a hierarchical tree
In the earlier example of a graphics application, we may decide to implement
a Group command so that we can compose a number of graphics primitives into a
single object. The resulting complex object should be addressable as a single object
for the purposes of editing, moving deletion, copying, etc. The structural requirements are shown in Figure 10.9.
Items in this drawing structure are either primitives or groups. However, we will
be making the drawing and editing code in the application unnecessarily complex
if we make it necessary to distinguish between these two types of drawn item.
The Composite pattern allows us to avoid making the distinction by preserving the
compatibility of both single items and groups. We can do this by sub-classing
the Shape class to create a shape that can contain other shapes, as shown in
Listing 10.17.
Public Class CompositeShape
Inherits clsShape
Private mvarChildren As ArrayList
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New(0, 0, 0, 0, New DrawStyle(Pens.Black, _
End Sub
Public Sub AddShape(ByVal S As clsShape)
'We should only create the ArrayList if it is needed.
'If a Shape has no Children, the ArrayList object
'would just take up memory unnecessarily
If mvarChildren Is Nothing Then
mvarChildren = New ArrayList()
End If
'To make the composite object include S, we will


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

'need to ensure that the enclosing rectangle

'includes the size and location of S...
Me.X = Math.Min(S.X, Me.X)
Me.Y = Math.Min(S.Y, Me.Y)
Dim X1, Y1 As Integer
X1 = Me.X + Me.Width
Y1 = Me.Y + Me.Height
X1 = Math.Max(X1, S.X + S.Width)
Y1 = Math.Max(Y1, S.Y + S.Height)
Me.Width = X1 Me.X
Me.Height = Y1 Me.Y
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(ByVal S As clsShape)
Dim Item As clsShape
For Each Item In mvarChildren
If Item Is S Then
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetChild(ByVal Index As Integer) As
If Index <= mvarShapes.Count 1 Then
Return mvarChildren.Item(Index)
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal g As Graphics)
Dim S As clsShape
For Each S In mvarChildren
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.17: The Composite pattern added to the abstract Shape classes

Since a CompositeShape is a shape by inheritance, we can add CompositeShape

objects to a CompositeShape, which results in a very flexible way of creating and
manipulating complex assemblies of Shape objects. We can create a composite
shape by grouping other shape items together, or by deliberately assembling them in
code (see Listing 10.18).
Public Function NewTriangle() As Shape
Dim C As CompositeShape
Dim L As Line
C = New CompositeShape()
L = New Line()

10.5 Software Patterns


L.X = 500
L.Y = 0
L.Width = 500
L.Height = 1000
L = New Line()
L.X = 0
L.Y = 1000
L.Width = 1000
L.Height = 0
L = New Line()
L.X = 0
L.Y = 0
L.Width = 500
L.Height = 1000
Return C
End Function
Listing 10.18: Creating a CompositeShape

Of course, the method shown above for creating a new triangle shape is not very
useful, since it is not interactive. However, by allowing multiple items to be selected
and the selected items to be grouped, we could provide a way for user-defined
composite shapes to be built as the CAD program runs.
The Composite Pattern is used extensively in CAD, but is also a feature of many
types of interactive software. For example, multiple documents can be combined to
form composite documents, and groups of database records can be formed so that a
common operation can be performed on each member. Other Structural Patterns

The set of structural patterns described by Gamma et al. covers the range of
possibilities for building flexible software structures and maximizing the use of
object-oriented programming principles. Among these are:

Bridge, that allows us to use a range of abstractions (e.g. abstract base classes)
with a range of implementations (concrete classes) in such a way that a given
concrete class can be appointed a different abstract class. In effect, two separate
class hierarchies are maintained: one for abstractions and another for concrete
implementations. By enclosing a member of the base implementation in the base
abstraction, it becomes possible to make generalized changes to the abstract
classes that proliferate throughout the implementation classes.
Decorator, that allows us to extend an object dynamically, by attaching a member of a helper class. The Decorator pattern allows us to avoid sub-classing in the
case where we wish to extend the functionality of specific objects. The example
given in Gamma et al. is the addition of Border and Scrollbar objects to a


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Exercise 10.9

plain TextViewer. By creating Border and Scrollbar as Decorator classes,

we can avoid having to create a sub-class of the TextViewer class, and also have
the ability to apply Decorator objects to other viewer classes.
Faade, which allows us to provide a single uniform interface to a complex set
of interfaces. For example, we might consider a Visual Basic form with added
properties to access the data in controls as a Faade pattern.
Flyweight, which allows a large number of small items to share a single object.
An example of this is the use of Flyweight objects to represent any of a large
number of characters in a word processor. Each character has font, size, style,
colour, etc. attributes, but instead of occupying an object each, a single flyweight
object can act as the interface to a large number of characters.
Proxy, which is a way of making one object act as a surrogate for another to provide control access. For example, we could use a proxy instead of dealing directly
with a Printer object. Since the Printer object may have to access the network and verify the on-line, etc. status whenever it is accessed, the proxy could
be used to maintain a copy of the printer status and allow us to control the printer.
Meanwhile, the proxy would only contact the real Printer object when it was
necessary for printing.

In almost every case, the structural patterns described result in code that has a
more complex structure than you might have used to do the same job. Why is
this and what advantage do the structural patterns bring to software (you may
be able to think of several)?

10.5.3 Behavioural Patterns

So far, we have examined patterns that provide for the flexible creation of objects
and optimization of software structures. Behavioural patterns are about the generalization of algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities among objects. The
behavioural patterns codify how objects communicate with each other in a way that
can assist our understanding of control flow in a program. Instead of managing control flow, you deal with object inter-connections; this in turn manages control flow.
Behavioural patterns are the most diverse group. This is probably because the history of computing has concentrated more on algorithms than on structures. Structure
is a feature that supports good algorithms, but algorithms make the data work. The Observer Pattern

This is also known as Subject-Observer, since it allows us to define the interaction
between an object (the subject) and another object that is interested in its state (the
observer). The purpose is to set up an automatic interaction between subject and
observer so that updates need not be performed by the application code. Visual Basic
is particularly suited to the pattern because a number of the built-in user-interface
controls are potential subjects or observers.

10.5 Software Patterns


Assume, for example, that we wish to make sure that all of the controls that
are currently displaying state information about a specific object are kept up to
date. We might, for example, have displayed two or more forms, each of which
displays specific properties of an object, and these forms might also allow us to
edit the object.
The Observer pattern allows us to keep the two or more observer forms in synch
with the current state of the object by providing a Notify() method. The subject
class keeps a list of all of its current observers, and dispatches the Notify() message to each whenever its state changes. The end result is an automatic update of
all observers, without any need to code the updates into the application program.
For example, a simple Subject class is shown in Listing 10.19.
Public Class Subject
Private mvarWidth As Integer
Private mvarHeight As Integer
Private mvarGraphicFile As String
Private mvarObservers As ArrayList

'Width of an image
'Height of an image
'Picture file name
'The list of observers

Public Sub New(ByVal W As Integer, ByVal H As Integer, _

ByVal F As String)
'Set up the sizes and picture file...
mvarWidth = W
mvarHeight = H
mvarGraphicFile = F
'And create the observer collection...
mvarObservers = New ArrayList()
End Sub
Public Property Width() As Integer
Return mvarWidth
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
mvarWidth = Value
Update() 'Update Width in all observers
End Set
End Property
Public Property Height() As Integer
Return mvarHeight
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
mvarHeight = Value
Update() 'Update Height in all observers
End Set
End Property
Public Property GraphicFile() As String
Return mvarGraphicFile
End Get


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Set(ByVal Value As String)

mvarGraphicFile = Value
Update() 'Update file in all observers
End Set
End Property
Public Sub AddObserver(ByVal Obs As ObserverForm)
'Add a new observer to the list...
'Update it...
End Sub
Private Sub Update()
'Update all observers...
Dim Obs As ObserverForm
For Each Obs In mvarObservers
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
'Object is going, so destroy all its observers...
Dim Obs As Form
For Each Obs In mvarObservers
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.19: A Subject class part of the Subject-Observer pattern

With the Subject class able to maintain a list of observers (in this case forms,
but an Observer object does not need to be visible), we can now turn to the creation of Observer objects. The only pattern requirement for these is that they must
implement a Notify() method and have some way of accessing the subjects state.
With that in mind, it is a good idea to create an abstract base Observer class that
we can use to define the Notify() method protocol (see Listing 10.20).
Public Class ObserverForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Public Overridable Sub Notify(ByVal S As Subject)
'Base class declares the Notify method.
'Sub-classes must define how they behave.
End Sub

End Class
Listing 10.20: An Observer base class a form

10.5 Software Patterns

Figure 10.10


The TextObserver form, with controls to display the subjects data

Note that the Observer base class above was created by adding a form to a
WinForms project, and adding the empty Notify() method. No controls were
added to the form, although any controls added would have been inherited by classes
that inherited this form and this may have been useful in some circumstances.
Ideally, ObserverForm would be abstract (defined with the MustInherit keyword), and Notify() would be defined as MustOverride. However, changing the
definitions to make this so upsets the Form Designer and so we must simply remember to override the Notify() method for each observer (with a proper abstract class,
the Form Designer reminds you and will not compile code in which abstract
methods have not been property overridden).
With a form definition to inherit from, the next step is to create some concrete
observer forms. You can either build the assembly as it is (without any concrete
observers) to enable visual inheritance, or simply change the inherits statement at the
top of the new forms to reference ObserverForm. I find this was much faster and
easier. To demonstrate the principle, we need two observer forms, since the point of
the Observer Pattern is that the subject only needs to know there is an observer, not
how it does its job. The first will display the subject information as text in three text
boxes (txtWidth, txtHeight and txtFile) Figure 10.10 and Listing 10.21.
Public Class TextObserverForm
Inherits ObserverForm

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Public Overrides Sub Notify(ByVal S As Subject)
txtWidth.Text = S.Width.ToString()
txtHeight.Text = S.Height.ToString()
txtFile.Text = S.GraphicFile
End Sub

Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.21: The code behind the TextObserverForm


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Figure 10.11 The GraphicObserverForm, with a PictureBox to display the subject

The second observer will display the picture in the specified picture file at the
specified Width and Height, so it will only require a PictureBox control to do
this Figure 10.11 and Listing 10.22.
Public Class GraphicObserverForm
Inherits ObserverForm

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Public Overrides Sub Notify(ByVal S As Subject)
If Not picObserver.Image Is Nothing Then
End If
picObserver.SizeMode = _
picObserver.Width = S.Width
picObserver.Height = S.Height
picObserver.Image = New Bitmap(S.GraphicFile)
End Sub

Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.22: Code behind GraphicObserverForm

The Notify() code in GraphicObserverForm makes sure that the

PictureBox control will resize the picture to fit its specified dimensions
(PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage) and load the specified image file into it.
Note that in each observer, we simply pass a reference to the subject directly to the
observers Notify() method. However, this may require us to break encapsulation

10.5 Software Patterns

Figure 10.12


The main form to control the observer demonstration

in some cases, and then more specific parameters would need to be defined for the
Notify() method.
As a final step, we need some way of creating a subject and adding observers to
it. We can return to the default form of the WinForms application (renamed as
MainForm) and add a few buttons to it, as shown in Figure 10.12.
Code on this form (Listing 10.23) does as it says on the button captions.
Public Class MainForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Private S As Subject
Private Sub btnCreate_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnCreate.Click
S = New Subject(0, 0, "")
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSubject()
If Not S Is Nothing Then
S.Width = InputBox("Enter width of subject", _
"Picture Width", 100)
S.Height = InputBox("Enter height of subject", _
"Picture Height", 100)
Dim dlg As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
With dlg
.Filter = "JPeg Files|*.jpg|All Files|*.*"
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
S.GraphicFile = .FileName
End If
End With
dlg = Nothing
End If
End Sub


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As

System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnUpdate.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnAddObserver_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAddObserver.Click
Dim F As ObserverForm
If MessageBox.Show("Text Observer?", _
"New Observer", _
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then
F = New TextObserverForm()
F = New GraphicObserverForm()
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnDestroy_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnDestroy.Click
S = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
Listing 10.23: Code behind the main form creates subject and adds observers

Note that to save duplicating code, a sub, UpdateSubject(), has been defined.
This lets the user change Width and Height (using InputBox() calls) and provides a OpenFileDialog() so the user can select a new graphic file. It is called
from both the Create Subject and Update Subject buttons.
The end result is that we can now create as many observer forms as we wish
(multiple copies of each type is perfectly acceptable), and all will stay in step
with changes to the subject (see Figure 10.13).
Subject-Observer is a very simple method for keeping a number of objects in
synchronization. In Visual Basic, it is ideal for providing a number of alternative
views of a single object or structure, but it can also be used as a method for keeping
objects in touch with each other. The Iterator Pattern

This pattern exists to allow us to work our way through the items in a collection
without knowing or caring what form the collection takes. We met the Iterator pattern in Chapter 6 on Data Structures, although there it was called an enumerator.

10.5 Software Patterns

Figure 10.13


Two observer forms and the main form in operation

Regardless of name, an iterator/enumerator is useful for stepping through all of the

members of a collection. Using an iterator/enumerator allowed us to use a standard
code structure to access each object in a collection (see Listing 10.24).
Dim myEnumerator As IEnumerator = myCollection.GetEnumerator()
While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
'Code here can access myEnumerator.Current, but may not
'alter the collection by adding or removing items.
End While
Listing 10.24: Using an Iterator to step through a collection

The advantage of using an Iterator Pattern is that the same code structure can be
used to step through all of the objects of any type of collection. If you decided to
change a collection in an application from, say, an array to a HashTable, then the
usual For..Each loop you might have used would not work and you would need
to recode these. If an enumerator-based loop was used, then the code structure for
stepping through the collection could stay the same.
As usual with a pattern, the software you write is slightly more complex than
the most obvious method, but is worthwhile for keeping solutions as general as
possible. The Iterator pattern is one that .NET provides for specifically because of
this advantage. Other Behavioural Patterns

The behavioural patterns section of the Gamma et al. book is the richest collection.
These patterns are there to simplify and generalize algorithms in some way, and are


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

all recognizable as ways of keeping to the abstract solutions devised for a system
design during the implementation stages. The remaining ones are:

Exercise 10.10

Chain of Responsibility, which separates an operation from the request for it,
thereby providing for a range of possible operations in response. The example
given by Gamma et al. is of a context-sensitive help system, in which a request
for help starts at the specific context of the request and works up a hierarchy until
the most specific available level of help is found.
Command, which encapsulates a request for an operation as an object, thereby
allowing the request to be parameterized with respect to client, stored or logged.
Interpreter. This pattern allows the grammar of a language to be represented so
that syntax can be easily maintained.
Mediator, which is a pattern for defining the interactions between different
objects, thereby removing the need for the interacting objects to refer explicitly
to each other. This preserves the independence of either end of the interaction.
Memento, which is a way of keeping a snapshot of an objects internal state
without violating its encapsulation.
State, which is a pattern for allowing an object to vary its behaviour when its
internal state changes. The object appears to change class depending on its state.
Strategy. This pattern allows a range of algorithms to be used interchangeably,
allowing different algorithms to be used in different situations.
Template Method, which defines skeletal algorithms, steps of which are delegated
to sub-classes to enable an algorithm to be used in a wider range of situations
without change.
Visitor, which represents a generalized operation to be performed on the elements
of an object structure. The operation can be changed without changing the class
of the elements operated on.
Behavioural patterns allow us to encapsulate algorithms within re-usable
classes. How do such patterns differ from subroutines and functions that allow
us to implement an algorithm in code?

Review Questions

What are the three tiers in a 3-tier application?


What does Microsoft call the tiers in an application?


Which tier in a 3-tier application would have the responsibility of validating input data?


Which tier would provide different levels of access for different types of user?

Practical Activities



In a program that is used for cataloguing music CDs, three classes are used. The Track class
stores data about and performs operations on individual tracks on a CD, the CD class stores
data about the CD and performs operations related to CDs and collections of tracks, and the
Catalogue class keeps track of a collection of CDs and performs operations on the collection. Identify the classes that should be made responsible for: a) calculating the length of a
whole CD; b) adding a CD to the collection; c) indicating who wrote a particular track; d)
searching for a song when you know the title but not the CD it appears on.


List the situations in which an object would be marked for destruction by the garbage collector.
Does setting an object reference to Nothing always cause the object to be destroyed?


When should you define a Finalize() method for a class? What can you do to prevent
a discarded object hanging on to a resource while it waits for the garbage collector to call its
Finalize() method?


What is the purpose of the Prototype pattern? What makes it more useful than a constructor in
some circumstances?


If, in a program, it was necessary to add a Fish object to a collection that was designed
to accept only objects based on the Mammal class, what pattern could you use to make this
possible? How would the pattern do this?

10. What is the other name for the Observer pattern, and how is this name more descriptive of the
overall patterns operation? Which class in the Observer pattern implements the Notify()

Practical Activities
In this activity, we will build a program that produces a number of different types
of clock faces. Since there is only one correct time (at least in a given time zone),
there will be only one timekeeper, which will be an instance of the Singleton pattern
(which provides for only one object of a class). The Timekeeper class will also be
the subject of an Observer pattern (so that it will be able to keep each ClockFace
instance up to date). Creating a new clock face will involve instantiating a new
object of one or other class, and the Factory Method pattern will be useful for this.
More that anything else, this activity will be an exercise in connecting objects
together in established patterns (subtext it will be of little real use apart from
providing examples of the patterns it demonstrates).

Activity 1: Creating a Timekeeper class

The main requirement of this class will be to provide a point of access for the time
of day. It will implement the Singleton pattern for this, which allows for only one


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

instance of the class (since there is only one time of day), and will also implement
the subject end of the Subject-Observer pattern, so that observing ClockFace
objects can be notified of the current time.
We will also need to implement the observer end of the Subject-Observer pattern
so that there are objects to notify that the time has changed. These will be forms,
although they could be of any type of class. Since we wish all the observer forms
to conform to the observer side of the pattern, we could use code inheritance to
create a common interface. However, each clock face (observer) will implement
the Notify() message in a different way, so code inheritance will not save us from
doing any work. Instead, we will use interface inheritance: each form (or other class)
that implements the ITimeObserver interface can be added to the timekeepers list
of observers.

The Timekeeper Class

There is no need to wear two watches provided they are both set to the same
time zone. Similarly, there will be no need for there ever to be more than a single
Timekeeper object. This will simply check the time periodically and broadcast this
as part of the Notify() message to update any observers.
The Singleton pattern is easy to implement in Visual Basic .NET. Having developed a class that performs some useful function, we simply add a small amount
of code to it to prevent there ever being more than one instance of it. There are a
number of ways of doing this, but the most common solution is to keep a single
Shared Instance variable within the class. To prevent any external code from creating its own objects of the class, we can make the constructor a private member (in
most circumstances, this would be weird behaviour since it prevents members of the
class from being created in this case, that is what we want). Since we need a way
of getting to the single instance of the class, we provide an Instance() method,
which creates the single instance if it has not been created already, and returns it to
the caller. The code (Listing A10.1) is easier to follow than the abstract explanation.
Public Class Timekeeper
'A Single instance of this class...
Private Shared theInstance As Timekeeper
Private mvarObservers As ArrayList
Private t As System.Threading.Thread
Private Sub New()
'This is for the collection of Observers...
mvarObservers = New ArrayList()
End Sub
'This function implements the Singleton pattern.
'Since the constructor is private, this is the only
'way to create an instance of the class, and it will only
'create a single instance...
Public Shared Function Instance() As Timekeeper
If theInstance Is Nothing Then
theInstance = New Timekeeper()

Practical Activities


End If
Return theInstance
End Function
'More code to come...
Listing A10.1: Code for the Singleton pattern

The first member variable in Listing A10.1 is the variable that will refer to a single
instance of the class. The constructor does its normal work (in this case preparing
a new ArrayList for use by the Observer pattern), except that it is Private. If
external code wants access to the Timekeeper object, it does so by calling the
Instance() shared method, which returns a reference to mvarInstance. Note
that the code here checks whether mvarInstance currently refers to a Timekeeper
object, and will only create one if it does not.
Client code wishing to use a Timekeeper object simply uses the call:
TK = Timekeeper.Instance()

and can continue to use its methods and properties as usual.

The timekeeper must implement two methods to fulfil its duty as a subject in the
Subject-Observer pattern (Listing A10.2).
'Update all observers...
Public Sub Update()
Dim o As ITimeObserver
For Each o In mvarObservers
End Sub
'Add a new observer...
Public Sub AddObserver(ByVal o As ITimeObserver)
End Sub
Listing A10.2: The timekeeper methods for implementing Subject-Observer

The Update() method simply sends the Notify() message to each observer
in the collection. If there are no observers, Notify() will never be called.
AddObserver() can add any object that implements the ITimeObserver interface
(defined later).
The remainder of the Timekeeper class is involved with keeping track of and
reporting the time and updating itself periodically. Keeping track of the time is
straightforward enough (see Listing A10.3).
Public Function TheTime() As String
Return DateTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss")
End Function


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Public Function DateTime() As Date

Return Now
End Function
Public Function Hour() As Integer
Return DateTime.Hour()
End Function
Public Function Minute() As Integer
Return DateTime.Minute()
End Function
Public Function Second() As Integer
Return DateTime.Second()
End Function
Listing A10.3: Timekeeper methods for returning the time of day

By providing the time both as a string (TheTime) and as separate integer values for
Hour, Minute and Second, we will make it easier to implement any style of
observer we wish. We now need to consider how to update the observers at regular
intervals. The most simple (but flawed) approach would simply be to call Update()
in a loop, as shown in Listing A10.4.
Listing A10.4: Not a good way of updating observers

While this approach would work, it would waste all available processor time, since
the loop never gives any other processing a chance to happen. At worst, this would
lock up the system. If the Timekeeper class were a Form class, we could use
a Timer control to call Update() at defined intervals. We could also do this by
creating a Timer control in code. However, this approach would involve setting
up an event handler for the Timer control we created not difficult, but there is a
better approach, using the .NET Thread class.

Threads a word of warning

A thread is a separate processing path that can run concurrently with others on a
multi-tasking computer system. Generally, concurrency is considered one of the
black arts of programming, and rightly so since misusing concurrency can create
problems that are difficult to diagnose and can cause a system to lock up or crash.
The problem stems from two separate pieces of code executing more-or-less simultaneously (in fact they execute one at a time in turns, but the change from one
section of running code to another is performed so rapidly that it appears that they
are executing side by side). If both pieces of code operate using only variables and
resources they have exclusive access to, there is usually no problem. If, however,
both threads of execution try to change the value of a shared variable, the outcome
is unpredictable and could leave a variable in an unknown state.

Practical Activities


Various strategies can be used to allow simultaneous threads of code to

access shared data, but these introduce their own problems. Whole university
courses are run on the subject of concurrency in computer systems because of the
subtle pitfalls that can occur. The upshot of this is that when programming with
threads, it is a very good idea to take great care to follow approaches that you are
confident in, and usually this means using techniques that have been well tried by
many people.
In the Timekeeper class, using a thread does not pose any particular problem
because we will not be sharing a set of data between two or more threads. The entire
purpose of a thread in this class is so that we can set it up to call the Update()
method periodically. Even so, take care that you follow the code and explanations
carefully before you try this for the first time, and always save your project before
trying to execute the program.
With a thread, we have three things to consider: starting it, giving it a job to
do periodically, and stopping it. Giving it the job to do periodically is simple
(Listing A10.5).
Public Sub TickTock()
End Sub
Listing A10.5: The code to update observers, controlled by a thread

The TickTock() sub is almost the same code as Listing A10.4. The variable
t was declared at the top of the Timekeeper class (Listing A10.1) as
System.Threading.Thread. This is the Thread object, and its purpose here is to
go to sleep, or lie dormant, for 1000 milliseconds (1 second). This is not a statement
that says do nothing for 1000 mS. Rather, it says dont take up any processor time
for 1000 mS. During this time, other programs and threads can continue doing their
work with no hindrance. Getting the thread started in the first place is only a little
trickier (Listing A10.6).
Public Sub Go()
t = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf Me.TickTock)
End Sub
Listing A10.6: Starting up a thread

The Thread object is created as usual with a call to its constructor. However, the
parameter we pass to Sub New() uses the AddressOf operator. This, as its name
suggests, tells us the location of the TickTock() method (Me.TickTock() since
it is a sub in the same class), and this we pass on to the Thread object. Knowing


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

where it lives, the thread is now capable of calling TickTock() for us. This we then
instruct it to do by calling the threads Start() method. From here, the thread
will execute separately from the rest of the program. Since whenever it calls
TickTock(), it is then sent to sleep for a second, we can be sure that TickTock()
will not be executed during this time since it is being executed on the thread that has
just gone to sleep.
The overall result of this is that all observers of Timekeeper will be updated once
a second or so (1 second of sleep time plus the tiny amount of time that it takes to
Notify() all the observers). The final thing we need to do is to make sure we can
stop the clock ticking. Left to its own devices, the thread will continue to execute
forever, until the computer is shut down, or more likely, until it tries to interact
with an object that no longer exists (which it will do when it calls notify if the rest
of the program has stopped running). Stopping a thread is as simple as calling its
Abort() method, but since the thread is a resource, we will need to make sure there
are no circumstances where Abort() is not called (or is left up to garbage collection to be dealt with). To deal with this, we can implement a Dispose() method
for the Timekeeper class that takes care of stopping the thread. This is shown in
Listing A10.7.
'Existing code...
Public Sub StopClock()
t = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
Dim o As ITimeObserver
For Each o In mvarObservers
o = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
Listing A10.7: Stopping the thread and cleaning up
StopClock() simply ends the thread, and so TickTock() will not be called
again once this has happened. To get rid of the timekeeper we should stop the
clock and get rid of all of the observers. Since an observer can be any class, we
need to make sure the appropriate action is taken, whatever that action is. For a
form observer, we would close and dispose of it, for other Observer objects we
might want to dispose of them or simply disconnect them from the subject. To
make sure some appropriate action is taken, Sub Kill() has been added to the
ITimeObserver interface.
The ideal place for this interface is in the same class module as the Timekeeper
class, since it would never be used without a Timekeeper object. The interface is
simple (Listing A10.8).

Practical Activities


Public Interface ITimeObserver

Sub Notify(ByVal T As Timekeeper)
Sub Kill()
End Interface
Listing A10.8: ITimeObserver Observer objects will need to implement

All that this interface does is to ensure that any class that implements it must have a
Notify() method and a Kill() method with matching signatures.

Activity 2: Implementing TimeObservers

From here we simply need to create one or more classes that implement the above
interface and display the time notification sent by the timekeeper. A digital clock
is very easy to create. Add a new form to the project, give the file the name
DigitalTimeObserver.vb, and set it up as shown in Figure A10.1 and Table A10.1.

Figure A10.1

DigitalTimeObserver an observer for the Timekeeper class

Table A10.1 Property settings for the DigitalTimeObserver








The name we will address the form by in code



The forms caption



The label that will show the time of day



Make sure the label text appears central

Choose any you like

The text appearance


Removes any buttons from the forms caption.

This prevents a user from closing the form

This setting will allow you to adjust the font

size of the label for best appearance

The DigitalTimeObserver form contains a single Label control, lblTime

which has been given a size and font that will make it display the time of day clearly.
Note that several settings have been applied to the Form and the Label.
Code for the digital clock simply implements the two ITimeObserver()
methods as necessary (see Listing A10.9).


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Public Class DigitalTimeObserver

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Implements ITimeObserver

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Public Sub Notify(ByVal T As Timekeeper) _
Implements MultiClock.ITimeObserver.Notify
lblTime.Text = T.TheTime()
End Sub
Public Sub Kill() Implements
End Sub

End Class
Listing A10.9: Code for the digital clock form

Start by adding the Implements statement near the top of the code listing
(Implements ITimeObserver). You can then add the Notify() and Kill()
methods that define how the form does the jobs specified in the interface.
The Notify() method takes the string returned by the timekeepers TheTime()
method and places it in the labels Text property. Since it has been formatted by the
Timekeeper object, there is only a simple assignment required. The Kill()
method closes then disposes of the form. Note that when you add these implementations of the ITimeObserver interface, Visual Studio will write the first and
last line of each for you. Simply select ITimeObserver from the Class Name
drop down box at the top-left of the forms Code window, and each method in turn
from the Method Name box at the top right, as shown in Figure A10.2.

Figure A10.2

Adding the interface methods

Practical Activities


Testing the Observer class

We can now test the Observer (and the Subject class, timekeeper). First, go to the
main form in the project, i.e. the default form that was created with the new project
and give it the name frmMain (if you changed the original main form to make it the
DigitalTimeObserver form, simply add a new form and name it frmMain before
proceeding). Now add a single instance variable to the Form class (Listing A10.10).
Public Class frmMain
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Private TK As Timekeeper

End Class
Listing A10.10: Adding a timekeeper to frmMain

Add a form_load event-handler to create the single instance of timekeeper (doubleclick on the background of the form to generate the outline) (Listing A10.11).
Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
TK = Timekeeper.Instance()
End Sub
Listing A10.11: Creating the timekeeper instance

Now add a button to the main form, and give the button the caption Digital Clock
and the name btnDigital. Code the _Click event-handler shown in Listing
A10.12 for it.
Private Sub btnDigital_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnDigital.Click
Dim face As New DigitalTimeObserver()
End Sub
Listing A10.12: Creating and adding an observer

Run the program and press the button. A new form displaying a digital clock should
appear and continue to update. Press the button a few more times, and each press
should create an instance of a digital clock. The important feature to remember
is that all of the clocks are getting the time from the Timekeeper object via


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

When the main form is shut down, the digital clock faces should close also.
However, you will find that the program is still running, since the Timekeeper
object has not been destroyed. Shut the program down by selecting Debug/Stop
Debugging from the menu. We can fix this by calling timekeepers Dispose()
method as the form closes. Add the code shown in Listing A10.13 to the main
forms Closing() event-handler.
Private Sub frmMain_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Closing
End Sub
Listing A10.13: Disposing of the timekeeper cleanly

We now have a fully working Subject-Observer based clock. However, we are not
constrained to having only one implementation of the ITimeObserver interface.

Activity 3: Creating alternative observers

Add another form to the project, giving it the name AnalogTimeObserver. Make
the form roughly square in shape, remove its control buttons by setting the
ControlBox property to False, and add a single Panel control to the form. Name
the Panel control pnlClock, and, instead of changing its size, set its Dock property to Fill (the middle setting in the drop down box in the Properties window).
Again this form will need to implement the ITimeObserver interface, so add
the appropriate Implements statement. Implement the methods using the code in
Listing A10.14.
Public Class AnalogTimeObserver
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Implements ITimeObserver

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Public Sub Notify(ByVal T As Timekeeper) _
Implements MultiClock.ITimeObserver.Notify
UpdateFace(T.Hour, T.Minute, T.Second)
End Sub
'This is called in response to
Public Sub UpdateFace(ByVal hh
ByVal mm
ByVal ss
Dim hAngle, mAngle, sAngle
Dim hX, hY As Single
Dim mX, mY As Single
Dim sX, sY As Single
Dim cX, cY As Single

a Notify message..
As Integer, _
As Integer, _
As Integer)
As Single

Practical Activities


Dim hLength, mLength, sLength As Single

'Calculate the lengths of the hands...
hLength = pnlClock.Width * 0.35
mLength = pnlClock.Width * 0.4
sLength = pnlClock.Width * 0.45
'Work out the angle
hAngle = (Math.PI /
mAngle = (Math.PI /
sAngle = (Math.PI /

for each hand...

2) ((hh / 6) * Math.PI)
2) ((mm / 30) * Math.PI)
2) ((ss / 30) * Math.PI)

'Work out the end-points of the hands...

sX = sLength * Math.Cos(sAngle)
sY = -sLength * Math.Sin(sAngle)
mX = mLength * Math.Cos(mAngle)
mY = -mLength * Math.Sin(mAngle)
hX = hLength * Math.Cos(hAngle)
hY = -hLength * Math.Sin(hAngle)
'Get the centre of the Panel...
cX = pnlClock.Width / 2
cY = pnlClock.Height / 2
Dim gc As Graphics = pnlClock.CreateGraphics
Dim r As New Rectangle(0, 0, _
pnlClock.Width, pnlClock.Height)
gc.DrawEllipse(New Pen(Color.Black, 2), r)
'Draw the second hand...
gc.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black, 1), cX, cY, _
cX + sX, cY + sY)
'Draw the minute hand..
gc.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black, 2), cX, cY, _
cX + mX, cY + mY)
'Draw the hour hand..
gc.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black, 4), cX, cY, _
cX + hX, cY + hY)
End Sub
Public Sub Kill() Implements MultiClock.ITimeObserver.Kill
End Sub
'This is needed to ensure the clock face stays square...
Private Sub AnalogTimeObserver_Resize( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Resize
'Need to keep a square aspect...
If Me.Width > Me.Height Then
Me.Width = Me.Height
Me.Height = Me.Width


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

End If
End Sub
End Class
Listing A10.14: An observer with an analogue clock face

Most of the code in Listing A10.14 simply works out the sizes and positions of the
clock hands. Most computer languages (including VB .NET) have a geometry system
that calculates angles in radians. 0 radians is at 3:00, and angles increase in an anticlockwise direction. Therefore 12:00 is at an angle of +90% or PI/2 radians. Working
out the angle of an hand is a matter of working out how much of a rotation it has gone
through (2 * PI is a full circle) and subtracting this from PI/2. For example, 6:00 is
6/12ths of 12 hours (since 12 hours make a full rotation) and the angle is (PI/2)
(6 * 2 * PI)/12 = PI/2 = PI = PI/2. In general, any given hour will be at an angle of:
(PI / 2) ((hour / 6) * PI)
A given number of minutes will be at:
(PI / 2) ((mm / 30) * PI)
and the same calculation for seconds. Calculating the end positions of hands from
these angles is a matter of a bit of trigonometry. Once all these calculations have
been made, it is a matter of creating a Graphics object for the panel, and using the
various Draw() methods to draw a clock face. All of the code to do this is in the
UpdateFace() method, which is called from the Notify() method. The only
remaining routines are one to implement the Kill() interface method (exactly as
for the digital form) and a Resize() event-handler that will keep the form roughly
square in shape.
Exercise A10.1

Add a new button to the main form, give it the name btnAnalog and
the caption Analog Clock. Now add code to cause it to create an
AnalogTimeObserver and attach it to the Timekeeper object (the code
will be very similar to the code to attach the digital clock).

Activity 4: Anything that ticks

Just for fun, the code shown in Listing A10.15 can be placed on another form that
has controls and properties exactly like the AnalogTimeObserver (remove the
control box from the form, give it a name (BlobTimeObserver), and a panel with
the name pnBlobs, and set its Dock property to Fill. It will produce an unusual
clock face for anyone who is bored with easy time-telling. Having added the form,
remember to add a button to create instances of it.
Public Class BlobTimeObserver
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Implements ITimeObserver
Private x_6 As Integer, x_2 As Integer, x_5_6 As Integer
Private y_2 As Integer

Practical Activities


Public Sub Notify(ByVal T As MultiClock.Timekeeper) _

Implements MultiClock.ITimeObserver.Notify
Dim hourBlob As Rectangle, hourSize As Size
Dim minBlob As Rectangle, minSize As Size
Dim secBlob As Rectangle, secSize As Size
Dim xs, ys As Single
xs = x_6 * T.Hour / 12
ys = y_2 * T.Hour / 12
hourBlob = New Rectangle(x_6 xs, y_2 ys, _
xs + xs, ys + ys)
xs = x_6 * T.Minute / 60
ys = y_2 * T.Minute / 60
minBlob = New Rectangle(x_2 xs, y_2 ys, _
xs + xs, ys + ys)
xs = x_6 * T.Second / 60
ys = y_2 * T.Second / 60
secBlob = New Rectangle(x_5_6 xs, y_2 ys, _
xs + xs, ys + ys)
Dim g As Graphics = pnlBlobs.CreateGraphics()
Dim drawFont As New Font("Arial", 16)
Dim drawBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Black)
Dim textRect As New RectangleF(x_6 20, _
y_2 10, 40, 20)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, hourBlob)
g.DrawString(T.Hour.ToString("00"), drawFont, _
drawBrush, textRect)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, minBlob)
textRect.X = x_2 20
g.DrawString(T.Minute.ToString("00"), drawFont, _
drawBrush, textRect)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, secBlob)
textRect.X = x_5_6 20
g.DrawString(T.Second.ToString("00"), drawFont, _
drawBrush, textRect)
End Sub
Private Sub SetSize()
x_6 = pnlBlobs.Width / 6
x_2 = pnlBlobs.Width / 2
x_5_6 = pnlBlobs.Width x_6
y_2 = pnlBlobs.Height / 2
End Sub
Public Sub Kill() Implements MultiClock.ITimeObserver.Kill
End Sub
End Class
Listing A10.15: Another ITimeObserver form


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Figure A10.3

One timekeeper, several observers

The resulting application is shown in Figure A10.3, with four observer instances in

Features worth remembering

In this chapter, weve looked at a range of areas that broadly address the ideal of
building object models. In programs that you go on to create, you should consider
the following.

Patterns are templates for code devised by experts. On your way to becoming an
expert, you should always be on the lookout for established ways of doing things.
The book on patterns mentioned earlier in the chapter is an important resource to
very many professional programmers, and there are lots of websites which now
contain material specifically on patterns in Visual Basic.

The code in an application will only be as good as the structure it is applied to.
While it is possible to create a program that has a badly thought out structure
and get it working, it will always be much more difficult to maintain that type of
program. Learn the established structures and what situations they are used in.
Managing resources in .NET is easier than in most programming environments,
since garbage collection takes care of most of the objects you will ever create.
However, you should be aware that some resources (usually external resources
such as files, database, network connections, etc.) are not managed by .NET and
you should keep the general approach to the Dispose() method in your armoury

Solutions to Exercises


for when you need to release resources in a timely manner. Beware though, that
you should not normally deal with managed resources in this way since that could
make your application less efficient.

Suggested Additional Activities


The activities in this section were to introduce you to design patterns. You
should consider looking back through the programs earlier in the book and identifying situations where patterns would be useful.
Look up some components you have used in .NET programs in the help system
(e.g. ArrayList), and read the section on Thread Safety. Look up the Thread
class and read the help pages on that. Be aware that threads are there to improve
the overall throughput of information in programs, but in most software will
simply be an unnecessary and dangerous addition. Look up a some Internet
resources on concurrency and find out what the good and bad features are.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 10.1



Exercise 10.2

The business tier.

Here we need to distinguish between colUsers a collection of bank
account User objects or account holders and application users, who would
communicate with the business objects using the presentation tier. It would
be feasible to create ApplicationUser objects which managed purely
user-interface data and interactions and place these in the presentation tier,
although even here, these objects would probably need to manage some
aspects of the business rules of the application, such as security access
rights, and so might be better placed in the business tier. However, the bank
account User objects stored in colUsers are certainly implementations of
business rules for bank account management and so undoubtedly belong in
the business tier.
A better approach to constructing and managing collections of business
tier objects in an application would be to build a strongly typed collections,
as described in the chapter on inheritance, using CollectionBase as a
starting point.

For example, we can look at the CAD program done in the practical activity
at the end of the previous chapter. Objects are created in response to eventhandlers (button clicks) in the presentation tier. Once an object is created, it is
positioned and sized in response to user-interactions in the presentation tier,
although the actual re-sizing and positioning is done in methods of the drawn


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

objects i.e. in the business tier. Objects are finally destroyed in response to the
main form closing down a presentation tier event. In this application, as in
many highly interactive programs, the interactions between business objects
and user-interface objects make the division of the application into specific tiers
complex. However, the identification of tiers is straightforward enough drawn
objects and the collections they are managed in form the business tier, and the
user-interface and associated event-handlers are the presentation tier.

Exercise 10.3

Because of the care taken to preserve the class interface of the earlier forms
of bank account, using this more complex form of account will be no different
and in fact illustrates one of the most significant benefits of object-oriented

Exercise 10.4

Public Function GetStatement() As String

Dim T As Transaction
Dim stmt As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
stmt.Append("Bank Account Statement" & _
stmt.Append("Account Name: " & Customer1.Name)
If Not (Customer2 Is Nothing) Then
stmt.Append(" and " & Customer2.Name)
End If
stmt.Append("Account Number: " & mvarAccountNumber & _
For Each T In mvarTransactions
stmt.Append(T.GetStatementLine & _
Return stmt.ToString()
End Function

Exercise 10.5

There is no set solution to this exercise. You can find the first statement
executed in an application by stepping into the application using Debug
Into instead of the Run command in the IDE.

Exercise 10.6

There is no set solution to this exercise. It is worth performing the activity on a

range of programs to discover how and when objects are disposed of.

Exercise 10.7

Structures in software indicate how objects are connected together (e.g. to form
lists, collections or compositions). Patterns in software are less specific, in
that they can indicate elements of structure, algorithms or simply well tried
techniques and methods.

Solutions to Exercises

Exercise 10.8




A creational pattern is used to decouple the application logic from the

creation of objects (particularly business objects) to simplify or make
routine the way that objects are created in response to user-interactions.
Generally, it is used to remove any need to deal with the complexities of
how objects can be brought into existence.
A Factory Method is a function call that returns an object of a class
(specified in a parameter of the method). The Prototype pattern is based on
giving each class a facility to allow objects to create clones of themselves,
and tends to be more suitable to use when objects with a predefined state
are needed, since a generator object can be placed into a specific state
immediately before the cloning process. The Prototype pattern can be used
within the Factory Method pattern.

Exercise 10.9

Patterns are used to make the wealth of experience of programmers available

in a recipe-like way. Solutions based on patterns are therefore more likely to
be robust and simpler to incorporate into an application, even though they
themselves are more complex. Advantages include routine implementation
of complex facilities in programs, patterns are well known and other programmers are more likely to be able to understand the implementation, less
likelihood of fundamental problems due to proven design, easier adaptation.

Exercise 10.10

An algorithm based on a pattern is never likely to be implementable as a single

sub or function in such a way that it will be generally useful. Behavioural
patterns tend to incorporate data structures (that will exist outwith any specific
sub or function), and interactions that go beyond a single routine process.

Exercise A10.1

Private Sub btnDigital_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnDigital.Click
Dim face As New AnalogTimeObserver()
End Sub


Chapter 10 n Object Modelling

Answers to Review Questions


What are the three tiers in a 3-tier application? Presentation, business and data access
(covered in Chapter 12).


What does Microsoft call the tiers in an application? Services or service layers.


Which tier in a 3-tier application would have the responsibility of validating input data? The
presentation tier.


Which tier would provide different levels of access for different types of user? The presentation tier.


In a program that is used for cataloguing music CDs, three classes are used. The Track class
stores data about and performs operations on individual tracks on a CD, the CD class stores
data about the CD and performs operations related to CDs and collections of tracks, and the
Catalogue class keeps track of a collection of CDs and performs operations on the collection. Identify the classes that should be made responsible for: a) calculating the length of
a whole CD, b) adding a CD to the collection, c) indicating who wrote a particular track,
d) searching for a song when you know the title but not the CD it appears on. a) CD class,
b) Catalogue class, c) Track class, d) Catalogue, CD and Track classes together
(Track allows name to be matches, CD gives access to a list of tracks, Catalogue provides access to all CDs.


List the situations in which an object would be marked for destruction by the garbage collector.
Does setting an object reference to Nothing always cause the object to be destroyed?
Object is attached to a Local variable which goes out of scope, object is attached to an
object (including collections) that is destroyed, object is explicitly set to Nothing. No
Nothing is assigned to a specific reference variable. If the object is also referenced by
one or more other references (including membership of a collection), it will not be marked
for destruction.


When should you define a Finalize() method for a class? What can you do to prevent a
discarded object hanging on to a resource while it waits for the garbage collector to call its
Finalize() method? When an object holds on to a resource such as a file, network or
database connection which must be released. Provide a Dispose() method.


What is the purpose of the Prototype pattern? What makes it more useful than a constructor in
some circumstances? Create new objects that are exact copies of a prototype object. It is
sometimes easier to create a new object in a specific state if a prototype can be used as
an indicator of the required state.


If, in a program, it was necessary to add a Fish object to a collection that was designed
to accept only objects based on the Mammal class, what pattern could you use to make this
possible? How would the pattern do this? The Adapter pattern. By providing a Mammal class
wrapper that contained (by Composition) a Fish reference variable.

10. What is the other name for the Observer pattern, and how is this name more descriptive of the
overall patterns operation? Which class in the Observer pattern implements the Notify()
method? Subject-Observer. The Subject class.



Files, Streams and


In this chapter you will read:


why persistence is an important issue in programming, and why .NET provides so many
competing persistence mechanisms;

how to store application settings or data into the Windows Registry;

what files are and the core mechanisms that a programmer can access to deal with file
storage and retrieval;

about different types of file and ways of creating, writing to and reading from files;

what a stream is, and how objects can be serialized on to a stream for storage or

what XML is, why it is a central mechanism that .NET relies on, and how to create, read
and write XML data.


Storing Application Data

11.1.1 Off-Line Storage

Computers would be reduced to the level of mere machinery if it were not for the
availability of off-line storage, the mechanisms that allow programs to be stored for
later use and the mechanisms for storing their data to and retrieving it from storage
devices. Computer main memory, the type that programs run in, is volatile. If the
computers power is switched off, it forgets everything in its main memory (in
almost all computers, a small amount of memory, no more than a few variables
worth, is used to store settings that must persist while the power is off).
When you use a word processor or a spreadsheet program, you expect that the
documents you created yesterday will be available for editing and printing. In fact
all but the most trivial programs that you use would be completely useless were it
not for the facility to retrieve data that you had previously created, or move data
from another source on to your computer.
A generic name for the facility to store data off-line (i.e. while the computer is
switched off) and retrieve it again is persistence, and in a modern PC there are often
several mechanisms that make this possible. The PC I am working on as I write this
has a floppy disk drive that can accommodate a fairly small amount of data by


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

todays standards, a fixed disk drive (or hard disk drive) that can cope with a huge
amount of data (which in a few years time will almost certainly be considered to be
a trivial amount), and a CD read/write drive that allows me to store significant
amounts of data on to removable media. It also has a small memory-card reader that
I use to transfer photographs from my digital camera, and I use a small data-pen
type device to make quick backup copies of documents Im working on to transfer
to a laptop PC.
While these devices are based on widely different storage technologies, my PC
recognizes all of them as file-storage devices and mostly treats them as equals in
terms of how to read data from them and write data to them. Obviously, the computers operating system is doing a lot of work on my behalf to make it as easy as
possible to store data off-line and retrieve it again.
A program often needs to store several types of data to do its work. A quick look
at Visual Studio should convince you of that. Every program that you create will
occupy several files on your computers hard disk drive. These files will hold the
program code and form designs, translated versions of these for use by the .NET
framework, plus any settings that have been made for the program, such as the name
of the start-up form. In addition, Visual Studio stores data for its own purposes; how
you have set up VS in the Tools/Options dialog box, which add-ins have been made
available, how you have the various windows organized on the screen, etc.
Any non-trivial program that you write will create data that you will need to store
off-line to save the user having to re-enter it the next time the program is run. All
of this data can be saved in files, and can be retrieved either automatically or on
demand when the program is run at a later date.


Computer Files
The word file is heavily overloaded in the English language. Look it up in a
dictionary, and you will find several definitions:

a folder or box used to keep documents or other items in order;

the documents kept in this way;
documents or information about a specific subject;
a line of people in marching formation;
any of the eight vertical rows of squares on a chess board;
a block of data that can be accessed . . . from a storage device.

Version 4 in the above list is of interest because it tells us something about the way
things are organized in files. A file of any type of items will be organized so that the
items occur in some order. The order could be alphabetical, or by number or even
random, but the order of items within the file stays the same unless the file is deliberately altered in some way. If a line of soldiers on a parade ground is set to march
around the ground, the person at the front of the line will always be at the front of
the line unless the line is reorganized. Files in a filing cabinet are placed in a specific

11.2 Computer Files


order so that it is easy to find them again. Computer files are sequences of data items
that are written to a storage device in a particular order. When a computer file comes
to be read into a program, the order that the items are read will be the order that they
were first written in.
This feature of files, that they maintain the order originally applied to them, is
important, because it allows us to store quantities of data in such a way that they can
be retrieved predictably. If you consider how your local telephone directory is
ordered, and how the alphabetical index of names makes it possible for you to look
up someones telephone number from among several hundred thousand in around
two minutes, you can see that ordering data is a powerful technique that can have
many uses in data manipulation and management.
There are four specific operations that a program can perform on a file.
1. A file can be opened to make its contents available to the program: there is some
overhead in computer memory and time to opening a file, so the natural state
of a file is closed, reducing the load on the computer. A file is also vulnerable
to corruption while it is open, so files are only opened when access to their
contents is required.
2. An item of data can be read from a file: typically, the item read is the next
available item, and the act of reading it will make the following item become
the next available item.
3. An item of data can be written to a file: normally, the item written will be placed
at the end of the file.
4. A file can be closed: this frees up computer memory and places the file into a
state that is much less vulnerable to corruption.
These four operations are fundamental to any file-storage system. In all of them, the
computer operating system does the majority of the work and so the operations are
very easy to do in a program. File handling in a program is usually more about
organising the information, so that it is stored in a sequence that makes it easy to
work with.

11.2.1 Application Settings

Application settings are the incidental pieces of information that govern how the
program operates. For example, I find it easier to work with a program if when I
run it its main form appears on the screen at the same size and position that it had
the last time I was using it. The four numbers that determine the forms size and
position (width, height, top and left) can be stored off-line when the program exits,
and retrieved when the program starts up again, therefore saving me having to drag
the form to its usual position and resize it to the size I normally prefer.
Other information, such as the most recently used files, my preferences for font or
colours, or even personal data such as my name, address or email address can be
stored as application settings so that I do not have to type them in each time I use a


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Generally, I consider the facility to save application settings in a program I use as

a convenience. While this facility does not have a big effect on what the program
can do, it does pre-dispose me towards a program so that, all other facilities being
equal, I prefer it over other programs that do the same job but do not save settings.

11.2.2 Object Model Data

This is a much bigger subject area than the simple storage and retrieval of application settings, and will occupy most of this chapter and all of the next one. The objectmodel within a program holds the main data. Typically, this data is the reason
the program is there in the first place. Word-processed documents, spreadsheets,
computer-aided drawings, photographs, and Visual Basic Program Code are all
things that a user would consider to be the core data of their respective programs,
and in an object-oriented world, would reside in the object-model of the program
as it executed. A user will rightly expect the programs to allow their object-model
data to be stored off-line so that the object-models can be recreated during a subsequent run.
Some programs, such as word processors, spreadsheets, programming languages
and drawing programs will need the ability to create any number of files so that the
user can work on different documents at different times. Other programs, such as
address-book software, web browsers and games may only work with a single file or
set of files, storing the latest state of the object model whenever they are shut down
and retrieving it the next time they are run. In either case, the ability to save to and
retrieve from a file will be similar.
The significant difference between these types of program is in whether the users
are given the option to create new files or not. In a program that allows the user
to create new files and store them by name, we think of the program as being a
producer of documents.


The Windows Registry

The Windows Registry is a repository of information necessary for the correct operation of the operating system and application programs that must maintain settings
over a period of time. Since it contains data for just about every program you will
use on a regular basis, you can rightly expect that the registry takes up a lot of space
and that the smooth running of a computer depends on it.
This makes it unsuitable for storing large amounts of data from any single program. For example, it would not be sensible to store your entire address book in the
registry, since if every program decided to store that level of information, the
registry would become excessively large with the result that operations to retrieve or
store data in it would take too long to process.
Therefore, the registry should be used for storing a few application settings,
rather than the information contained in a whole object model. The .NET framework
includes classes that make it easy to write data to and restore data from the registry,

11.3 The Windows Registry


as the example (Listing 11.1) to persist the size and position of a form between runs
of the program demonstrates.
Public Class frmRegistry
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer generated code

Private Sub frmRegistry_Load( _

ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Left = CInt(GetSetting("RegDemo", "Position", _
"Left", CStr(Me.Left)))
Me.Top = CInt(GetSetting("RegDemo", "Position", _
"Top", CStr(Me.Top)))
Me.Width = CInt(GetSetting("RegDemo", "Size", _
"Width", CStr(Me.Width)))
Me.Height = CInt(GetSetting("RegDemo", "Size", _
End Sub
Private Sub frmRegistry_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As
System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Closing
SaveSetting("RegDemo", "Position", "Left", _
SaveSetting("RegDemo", "Position", "Top", _
SaveSetting("RegDemo", "Size", "Width", _
SaveSetting("RegDemo", "Size", "Height", _
End Sub
End Class
Listing 11.1: Saving an applications setting in the registry

All data stored in the registry is textual (i.e. data that would normally be stored in
a String variable). Listing 11.1 shows how the Form_Load and Form_Closing
events can be used to save application settings in the registry. Form_Load is likely
to be the first event processed by a form, and Form_Closing will be one of the last
events it will process, so between them these event-handlers are ideal for saving
form data and restoring it again. The program introduces two new functions for saving settings to and retrieving settings from the Windows registry. GetSetting()
takes three or four arguments, all strings, as follows:
<Value> = GetSetting(<AppName>, <SectionName>, <KeyName>, _


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

The <AppName> argument is the name given to the application, and is included
so that all of the settings that belong to one program are situated in one part of the
registry (this makes it easy to find and extract all of the settings for a program). The
<SectionName> argument is a string that indicates the section or category
under which you want the information to be stored. In Listing 11.1, there are two
sections, "Position" and "Size". <KeyName> is the name given to a specific
setting. Since the registry is not guaranteed to have a value stored for any particular setting, the final argument, which is optional, is a string that indicates the
value to be returned if a value is not found in the registry matching all of the
<AppName>, <SectionName> and <KeyName> parts. The function returns a string
that is either the value for the specified key, or the default value, or, if no default
value is provided, an empty string ().
SaveSetting() takes four string arguments:

which correspond to the application name, section, key name and the value for that
key. Note that the code used in Listing 11.1 converts all values passed into both
GetSetting() and SaveSetting() to strings if necessary, and that the values
returned from GetSetting() must be converted to a suitable data type (Integer
for the individual position and size values of a form). You can examine the values
stored in the registry using the Windows Registry Editor (RegEdit.exe) and using
the EditFind menu item to locate the <AppName>, as shown in Figure 11.1. Note
that using the Registry Editor on a casual basis is not recommended because it is
possible to corrupt the registry files and therefore cause the operating system to
be corrupted.

Figure 11.1

The registry editor (RegEdit.exe) showing the settings made in Listing 11.1

Using the registry like this, we can save any type of data belonging to an application provided it can be converted to a string for saving and converted back from a
string to its normal type on retrieval. As mentioned earlier, the limitation is that it is
not sensible to store a large number of values (or indeed a single large value like a
picture or a very long string) in the registry, since it is a resource that many applications use; a greedy application that stores a lot of data in the registry will simply
slow things up for the operating system and other applications.

11.4 File Storage

Exercise 11.1



Many Windows programs save the names of the last few files accessed as a
Most Recently Used, or MRU list (e.g. Word, Visual Studio [see File/Recent
Files and Recent Projects on the menus), Excel, etc. Assume you are working
on a program, called LetterWriter, and wish to store the two most recently
used file names (stored in variables File1 and File2) when the program closes
down and retrieve them to add to the File menu when the program re-starts.
They are to be kept in a section called Recent Files under the names MRU1
and MRU2. Write a sub that will store these file names (available in String
variables mruFile1 and mruFile2). Also write the sub to restore the setting
into their variables. Default names (for if there are no entries under these
settings) are both (none).

File Storage
The registry is good for saving a small amount of data from an application.
Typically, it is used for values that will provide the program with some long-term
memory, such as a number of the most recently used file-names, the location of
windows or various other configuration settings. The actual data created in a program is likely to be more than a few simple values, and it is therefore necessary
to look to some other method that will not cause the registry, which is a central
operating system resource, to become overfilled with information.
Visual Basic has always had the capabilities necessary for saving information directly into files and retrieving it again. It has also always had ways to make it easy
for the user to identify an existing file for loading information from, and to specify a
name and location for a new file that a program will create. In the .NET environment,
these facilities have been greatly improved over previous versions of Visual Basic.

11.4.1 Streams
A stream is a class of object designed for reading data from and writing data to a
storage device. In .NET, a characteristically flexible interpretation is applied to this
since a storage device can be a disk file, a large string, the Internet or even an area
of the computers main memory. The name stream comes from the way that data
flows into and out of it. If you drop a number of (floating) items off a bridge into a
stream or river, they will flow downstream in the order in which you drop them.
If someone at the next bridge along picks the items out of the stream, they will be
picked out in exactly the order you dropped them in.
In a similar way, data items sent to a stream from a program will arrive at its
destination in the order they were sent in. If another stream is used to retrieve the data,
the data will arrive in the order in which they were originally sent into the first stream.
The support for streams in .NET is strong, with a number of classes defined to
deal with streaming data to and from storage devices: look up Streams, Fundamental


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Operations in the help index for details and descriptions of these. In most cases, you
will use the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes to get data from and send
data to a stream. As their names suggest, these provide methods for reading data
from and writing data to a stream. By using them in conjunction with the File class,
it is a simple matter to store and retrieve information. All three classes exist in the
IO namespace. The first example program (Listing 11.2) shows how the contents of
a TextBox can be sent to a file using a StreamWriter.
Sub SaveText()
'In this sub, the text in the text box txtFileInfo
'is saved to a text file...
Dim fileName As String
Dim outStream As IO.StreamWriter
fileName = "C:\Data\TextFile.txt"
outStream = New IO.StreamWriter(fileName)
End Sub
Listing 11.2: Writing text to a file using a StreamWriter

In Listing 11.2, the first step is to define a file-name. In this case, the full path of a
file is given so that the file, named "TextFile.txt", will be saved in a folder
called "Data" on the C: drive. This is fine for a simple test program but we will
examine some better solutions for deciding where a file should be stored later. Note
that this step was not strictly necessary, since we could instead have simply passed
the literal file-name in quotes to the StreamWriters constructor. Declaring a
fileName variable like this can make it easier to write code that adds flexibility to
the operation of opening a file, which well look at later.
Once we have a file-name, creating the file is a simple matter: create an instance
of a StreamWriter, passing the file-name as an argument. Note that if this file does
not already exist, it will be created; if it does exist, it will be replaced with a new
version. For this reason, it is important to take care not to use the name of a key system file or some other file you would not want to have overwritten. Now that the file
has been created or opened for writing, a single Write statement will take care of
the entire contents of the text box. Since a TextBox with its MultiLine property
set to True can display and accommodate up to 2 GBytes of text, the single write
statement can deal with as much text as you might want to save in one go.
The final step is to call the StreamWriters Close() method, which will place
the file into a safe state. If a file is not properly closed once all the information has
been written to it, it may remain open until the program exits. Since this could be a
long time, the file is more likely to be corrupted; you could, for example trip over
the computers power cord, lightning could strike at your electricity supply or some
key computer component could fail. With operations for reading and writing files,
the accepted safe practice is to have as short a time as possible between opening and
closing a file.
Reading the text back from a file into a text box is almost as simple, as shown in
Listing 11.3.

11.4 File Storage


Sub LoadText()
'In this sub, we check whether a file exists.
'If it does, the file is loaded as a block
'of text into txtFileInfo...
Dim fileName As String
Dim inStream As IO.StreamReader
fileName = "c:\data\TextFile.txt"
If IO.File.Exists(fileName) Then
'Open the file...
inStream = New IO.StreamReader(fileName)
'Read contents as a block and add to text box...
txtFileInfo.Text = inStream.ReadToEnd()
MessageBox.Show(fileName & " does not exist.")
End If
End Sub
Listing 11.3: Reading text from a file using a StreamReader

In addition to the steps of getting a file name and creating a StreamReader

object, we have one other check to perform if the program is to be robust. While
a StreamWriter will create a new file if one does not exist to write to, a
StreamReader expects the file-name passed in its constructor to be the name of an
existing file, and the code will cause a crash if this is not so. The File class gives
us a method for checking to see if the named file exists before the StreamReader
is constructed. If the Exists() method of the File class (all of the methods of this
class are Shared, so we do not need to create an object) returns True, we can go on
and create the stream. If not, a suitable error message can be displayed.
The ReadToEnd() method of the StreamReader class will return the entire contents of the file, which can be passed directly to the Text property of the TextBox.
Again, the stream is closed immediately to place the file into a safe state.

11.4.2 Safe File Operations

All operations that deal with bringing data into a program from some device or writing data to a device are likely to cause problems. When a program tries to read from
a device, the device name could be wrong, the device might not exist, or might be
switched off, or the information on the device might be in a different format from what
is expected; all situations that will cause the read operation to fail. Similarly, an
attempt to write data to a device can fail because the device is missing, or cannot be
written to, or has failed in some other way. Compared to moving information around
inside a program, moving data to or from a storage device is fraught with danger.
When writing code to interact with some storage device, it is necessary to be
aware of the potential pitfalls, and optimally, to deal with them when they arise.
Fortunately, the .NET framework gives us a catch-all way of dealing with such problems; exceptions, described in-Chapter 5, are tailor-made for coping with the types
of run-time error that can occur while trying to move data to or from files.


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Recall that run-time error-handling is about stopping a program from crashing

simply because some situation that cannot be dealt with in the normal flow of an
algorithm arises. For example, we might try to open a file and read data from it. If
it all works, the program can continue to do its nominal work. If, however, the file
fails because it is corrupt or because of some other physical problem, the default
behaviour of a VB. NET program is to exit with a terse error message. If we were to
deal with the unavailable file safely, we might inform the user that the expected data
was not available, and try to tidy up before continuing without the expected information. Generally it is a good idea to try to close a file, and perhaps even provide
some default information to take the place of what we expected to read from the file.
In VB. NET, we can use a Try..Catch..Finally block to provide a safety net
(Listing 11.4).
inStream = New IO.StreamReader(fileName)
txtFileInfo.Text = inStream.ReadToEnd()
Catch ex As Exception
If Not inStream Is Nothing Then
End If
End Try
Listing 11.4: Using a Try..Catch..Finally block to deal with file errors

Now, if the stream object cannot gain access to the named file for any reason, the
Catch block will tell the user and the Finally block will ensure that the stream is
not left open.
It is important to be aware that every file operation involving opening, reading or
writing has the potential to cause a program to crash, and so every file operation
ought to be enclosed in an exception-handling structure in this way. Later in this
chapter we will look at more structured files and this will introduce a whole new
category of potential problems to deal with exception-handling will save us from
becoming bogged down in code written solely to work around the potential problems
that might occur.

11.4.3 Interacting with the File System

In many of the programs you write, you will want to give the user the opportunity to
provide a file with a meaningful name, in much the same way as Word, Excel and
even Visual Basic do. We could simply expect the user to type the fully qualified file
name, such as:
c:\ Documents and Settings\ Default User\ My Program\ My Data.dat
into a TextBox control or an InputBox statement, but this is error prone and is not
the Windows way of doing things. Where possible, the user should be able to select

11.4 File Storage


a file for input, or select a folder to write a file to. The SaveFileDialog and
OpenFileDialog controls exist to give us this capability with only a small amount
of programming. Both are available as controls from the WinForms Toolbox in
Visual Studio. However, both can also be used very easily by writing a few lines of
code within an event or a sub on a form. For example, the code in Listing 11.5 will
load a file that the user chooses from the file system in response to a click on the
File/Open menu.
Private Sub FileOpen()
Dim dlgOpen As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
dlgOpen.Filter = "Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*"
dlgOpen.InitialDirectory = Application.ExecutablePath
If dlgOpen.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
fileName = dlgOpen.FileName
'Open and read file here...
End If
End Sub
Listing 11.5: Using the FileOpen dialog box

In this code, we first create a new OpenFileDialog object (not necessary if you are
using an OpenFileDialog control from the Toolbox), set its filter so that it will
show only Text files (with the file extension .txt) or any file (.*) depending on
which the user chooses from the Files Of Type: combo box, and then show it
as a dialog box.
Note the format of the Filter property. This is organized as pairs of sub-strings
separated by the | character (shift+\ on my keyboard). The first substring in a pair
is the name of the file type (e.g. Text files) and the second is a wildcard description
of the file type that the operating system will understand. We can specify any text
file as *.txt, meaning a file whose name ends in the extension .txt. Any file is
*.*. If the user selects a file and presses the OK button we can then retrieve the
file-name from the control and go on to open it.
Note that Ive used a bit of sleazy code in Listing 11.5, by setting
the InitialDirectory property of the OpenDialog control to be
Application.ExecutablePath. Strictly speaking, this is the full path to and
file-name of the executable program (e.g. c:\VBNETPrograms\FileDemo\bin\
filedemo.exe) and so includes a name for a file. However, the OpenDialog
control expects only a directory, and will simply ignore the file name part,
returning c:\VBNETPrograms\FileDemo\bin\ or whatever folder the program is
running from. I find it much easier to store the files belonging to an application
in the applications own folder, since if I ever decide to move the program,
I can move the folder and the files will come too. If youre slavishly following
Microsofts guidelines on where to store data files, the Application property to
use in place of ExecutablePath is one of:


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

both of which will return a folder in the My Documents area of the main disk drive
that Windows is installed on.
Saving a file to a chosen location is very similar to Listing 11.6.
Private Sub FileSaveAs()
Dim dlgSaveAs As SaveFileDialog = New SaveFileDialog()
dlgSaveAs.Filter = "Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*"
If dlgSaveAs.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
fileName = dlgSaveAs.FileName
'Open and save the file...
End If
End Sub
Listing 11.6: Using the SaveFileDialog dialog box

Note that in a program that allows the user to choose the name to save a file as, there
are normally two menu options for saving, as shown in Figure 11.2.

Figure 11.2

File saving options

The File/Save menu item behaves in one of two ways: if the current document
has already been saved under a given name, it will be saved again with the same
name, overwriting the previously saved version. If it has not been saved, the user
will be given the FileSaveAs dialog box so that a name can be specified. The
File/SaveAs . . . menu item will always ask the user to enter a file-name, so that
the current document can be saved under a new name leaving the first saved
version undisturbed. Coding for this (Listing 11.7) is very simple from the _Click
event-handler of the mnuFileSave menu item.
Private Sub mnuFileSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuFileSave.Click
'fileName is a module-scope variable...
If fileName = "" Then 'Save the file with a new name...
Else 'Save the file with the existing name...
End If
End Sub
Listing 11.7: Coding the Save menu option to ask for a file name if necessary

11.5 Structured Data

Exercise 11.2


Write a short sequence of statements or a sub that will use an OpenFileDialog

to ask the user to specify a file name and location. The dialog box should open
in the programs My Documents folder, given by the application setting:


Structured Data
As you can see, the actual operation of saving any amount of text in a string to a file
is almost trivial. For more complex organizations of data, we have to do a bit more
work, but the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes weve already used to
load and save text are still up to the job. Remembering that the desirable feature
of a stream is that data that goes into it in a set order will also come out of it in
that order, we can send complex sequences of data into a stream and, provided we
are careful to read the individual items back in the same order that we sent them into
the stream, can reconstruct the original data from it.
There are a number of ways we can use to send sequences of variables into a text
stream, but all of them involve being able to disentangle the individual variables
when we read them back. For example, if we were to write the contents of five
integer variables with the values 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 to a stream one after the
other, they would end up as a sequence of digits 1020304050. This could be interpreted as one big integer (just over 1 billion), or 10 single digit integers.
To make it possible to separate the original items back out of a stream, it is
normal to send a delimiter character between each item. A comma (,) is most commonly used, resulting in a file format known as Comma Separated Variable, or CSV.
However, we could easily use a space, a semicolon, a carriage return or just about
any other character or control code we choose. For example, the five numbers we
wished to store could be stored in a CSV file, which, if we opened it using a plain
text editor such as Windows Notepad would appear as:
The only limitation of this scheme is that normally we should not include the delimiter character (a comma) in the data we wished to store. Consider the situation
where we use a CSV file to save someones name and address, where the actual data
being stored is:
Name: Joe Bloggs
Address: 25 High St., Sometown
PostCode: SO1 1AA
Note the presence of the comma between the street name and the name of the town.
We would save this data into a comma delimited file as:
Joe Bloggs,25 High St., Sometown,SO1 1AA


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

The additional comma in the address will certainly confuse the operation that would
be used to read the data back from the file, since it now appears that the data has four
distinct variable values instead of the three that were originally saved.
We can get around this problem by replacing any instances of the delimiter in the
original data with some other character that will not appear in it, but now we have
simply substituted some other character so that we cannot use it instead. In most cases
this will not be a problem. Ive been known to use a tilde character (~) as a delimiter
simply because I know there is no chance of it appearing anywhere else in the data
that Im saving to a file can you think of a situation where this might appear in data
in a program that you have written? If the choice of delimiter is likely to be a problem,
we can get around it by replacing any instance of the delimiter character with two
delimiters in a row, and watching for this when we read the data back from a stream.
Listing 11.8 shows how a sequence of names and addresses (stored in two string
arrays) would be saved to a CSV file. The assumption is made that while no-ones
name is likely to contain a comma, addresses may well do so.
Private Sub SaveList(ByVal fileName As String)
Dim names() As String = {"Fred Bloggs", "Mary Green", _
"Peter Jones", "Linda McCabe"}
Dim addresses() As String = {"1 High St.", _
"15 Bishop's Close, Meadow", _
"5 Clive Way", _
"77 Foundry Lane, Lampton"}
Dim index As Integer, address As String
Dim outStream As IO.StreamWriter
outStream = New IO.StreamWriter(fileName)
For index = 0 To names.GetUpperBound(0)
address = addresses(index).Replace(",", "~")
'~ is unlikely to appear in an address
outStream.WriteLine("{0},{1}", names(index), _
End Sub
Listing 11.8: Saving data into a comma delimited file.

The code in Listing 11.8 uses the format string "{0},{1}" to indicate how the
two variables following it will be written to a file with a comma delimiter between
them. Because we expect a comma could occur within an address, the Replace()
method of the String class is used to replace , with ~ (a tilde character),
therefore storing a modified version of an address in the variable address. The data
written to the file is:
Fred Bloggs,1 High St.
Mary Green,15 Bishops Close~ Meadow
Peter Jones,5 Clive Way
Linda McCabe,77 Foundry Lane~ Lampton

11.5 Structured Data


Note that there are actually two delimiters used in this file. A comma is used to separate a name and address in a single line of the file, but each entry of a name and
address pair has a line to itself because weve used a WriteLine() statement.
The lines in a text file are separated by carriage-return line-feed sequences in a
Windows PC. We can ignore the details of this since the WriteLine() method
that was used to write out each name and address pair automatically includes this.
The StreamReader class gives us a method (ReadLine()) to read the data back
line by line.
When we read this data back from the file, commas will separate a name from
an address, and tilde characters will represent what were originally commas. We
can therefore retrieve the original data, as shown in Listing 11.9.
Private Sub LoadList(ByVal fileName As String)
Dim names(3) As String 'We know there are 4 entries
Dim addresses(3) As String
Dim index As Integer, buffer As String, data() As String
Dim inStream As IO.StreamReader
inStream = New IO.StreamReader(fileName)
For index = 0 To 3
buffer = inStream.ReadLine()
data = buffer.Split(",")
names(index) = data(0)
addresses(index) = data(1).Replace("~", ",")
'We would now go on to use the data...
End Sub
Listing 11.9: Recovering data from a comma-delimited file

Note that the most straightforward way of reading comma-delimited text from
a stream is to read the stream a line at a time, and then break up the line at points
indicated by the commas. The Split() method of the String class performs this
operation for us, returning the separated parts of the line as a string array: data(0)
will contain the first part (the name) and data(1) will contain the second (the
address). We again use the Replace() string method to translate tilde characters
back into commas.

Exercise 11.3

A text file contains two lines of text. The first is a list of the names of the days
of the week. The second is a list of the names of the twelve months. Both lines
use a semicolon character (;) as a delimiter. Write a sub that takes the name of
the file as a parameter and reads the data into two arrays Weeks() and
Months() both of which are the correct size for the number of data elements
they will store.



Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Of course, as object-oriented programmers, we will rarely need to persist individual
variable values as weve seen done in the previous examples in this chapter. We will,
however, need to be capable of sending whole objects to a stream at will, and, just
as importantly, we will need to be able to bring them back in one piece. The process
of taking a whole object model and sending it to a storage device or across a communications network (which, like a file, will only accept data a byte at a time) is
called serialization.
We are lucky since the .NET framework provides an in-built mechanism that
makes trivial work of this. However (working on the adage no pain, no gain), we
should first have a look at how serialization works at a fundamental level. Then,
if things go wrong in the automated Microsoft way of doing things, we will be
better placed to discover what the problem is.
In essence, serialization involves sending an object model that may include large
data items (strings, arrays and collections of other objects) across a narrow channel
by deconstructing the object model into a sequence of bytes (the fundamental storage element of a PC). Not only that, but we also need to be able to reconstruct the
original model, in all of its complexity, from a serialized stream of bytes at the other
end. As far as PC architecture is concerned, the byte is the fundamental unit of communication and so memory, storage devices (disks) and communications devices
(modems and networks) all deal with bytes of data. Although the true fundamental
unit of data is the binary digit, or bit, personal computers have always been built
around hardware that groups these into bytes. Fortunately, we will never even have
to consider the bytes that make up an objects data members, and will be able to deal
with the various data types directly (Integers, Doubles, Strings, etc.).
When we serialize an object model, we are really only interested in the data members of all of the objects in the model. The code that defines the various objects
methods exists in class modules and compiled byte-codes, and we assume that these
will be available at both ends of the channel. For persistence, the channel will
usually be a stream, at either end of which is a copy of the program sending or
receiving the serialized data. This can be two programs running simultaneously, one
transmitting and one receiving the data, or one program at different times, having
sent the serialized data to storage at one time and retrieved it an another.
As with the data file of names and addresses previously, our program or the .NET
framework will need to be able to separate out the parts of an object sent across a
stream. In Figure 11.3, these are the two strings that make up the name and address

Figure 11.3

Serializing an object

11.6 Serialization


members of a person object. Again, delimiters can be used, but with an object model,
things can get much more complicated. For a start, individual member variables in
an object can be strings, numbers, dates or even any type of object an application
already knows about, so placing a comma between these items might not be enough.
Secondly, we might want to serialize an object that contains a collection of other
objects (e.g. a BankAccount and all its Transactions). Working out where one
object ends and the next starts can be a bit of a problem.
There are two ways around this. We can use delimiters between objects and
between the member variables within each object, much as was done with the name
and address data, where a comma separated a name from an address and a carriagereturn line-feed sequence separated the different entries. We could call this coded
serialization since the job of inserting delimiters at one end and extracting the separate member variables from the stream at the other end must be done entirely in
code we write for a class. While this is easy to do, it does require that the builder of
a class model takes care in how data is interleaved with delimiters and how it is
reconstructed at the other end. In some situations this is a perfectly reasonable way
to go, but can involve quite a lot of effort on the part of the programmer.
Alternatively, we can send a header before each item of information to identify
its type and, if necessary, its size. This is the method that .NET uses when automatically serializing data. For each item that is serialized to a stream, .NET first sends
a block of descriptive information that effectively says the next thing you will read
will be a string of 57 characters (for example). The headers are in a standard format
that guarantees the .NET will not get them tangled up with the data itself, and since
the .NET framework has access to information that describes the detailed format of
every class, even those that you have written, the entire process can be automatic.

11.6.1 Coded Serialization

As an example of this, well return to the BankAccount classes; specifically the
BankAccount object model in which a BankAccount incorporates an aggregation
of Transaction objects described in the previous chapter. To serialize this object
model, we can use the algorithm in Listing 11.10.

Send BankAccount member variables to the stream

Send the count of Transactions belonging to this account
For Each Transaction in the Account
Send Transaction member variables to the stream *

Listing 11.10: Serializing a BankAccount

De-serializing this object model is only a little more complex (Listing 11.11).
1. Retrieve BankAccount member variables from the stream
2. Retrieve the Count of Transactions this account should have
3. For Index = 1 To Count


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization


Create a New Transaction object

Retrieve its member variables *
Add this Transaction to the Banks Transactions collection

Listing 11.11: De-serializing a BankAccount

The two statements marked with an asterisk in Listings 11.10 and 11.11 are of
interest because there are two ways we could go about doing this. We could have a
line of code in the BankAccounts serialization method that saved off the member
variable values contained in each Transaction object, and a couple of lines in the
de-serialization method that retrieved these values and passed them into a new
Transaction object. However, this approach breaks encapsulation (a class should
not need to know the internal composition of another class to work with it) and
leads to inelegant code that is awkward to maintain. If, for example, we decided
to change the way a transactions date was stored, we would need to change the
Transaction class, and also the BankAccount class responsible for serializing
and de-serializing it.
The second, and better approach, is to give each class that will be serialized a pair
of methods, one to serialize it and the other to de-serialize it. In deference to years
of programming habit, I usually call these methods Save() and Load(), although
Serialize() and DeSerialize() would probably be more appropriate. Listing
11.12 gives the part of the Transaction class that includes its member variable
declarations and its Save() and Load() methods. Note that Ive omitted exceptionhandling code in this to make it easier to follow generally, you should always
include exception-handling when dealing with files.
Class Transaction
'This allows us to specify the type of transaction...
Public Enum TransactionType
Deposit = 0
End Enum
'Here are the member fields...
Private mvarDate As Date
Private mvarType As TransactionType
Private mvarAmount As Decimal
Private mvarDescription As String
'Here is the normal constructor...
Public Sub New(ByVal Type As TransactionType, _
ByVal Amount As Decimal, _
ByVal Description As String)
mvarDate = Now
mvarType = Type
mvarAmount = Amount
mvarDescription = Description
End Sub

11.6 Serialization


'This second constructor lets us create a Transaction

'directly from a stream...
Public Sub New(ByRef R As StreamReader)
End Sub
'Missed out code Property definitions etc.
Public Sub Save(ByRef W As StreamWriter)
Dim Data As String
Data = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", _
mvarDate, _
CType(mvarType, Integer), _
mvarAmount, mvarDescription)
End Sub
Public Sub Load(ByRef R As StreamReader)
Dim Data As String
Dim members() As String
Data = R.ReadLine()
members = Split(Data, ",")
mvarDate = members(0)
mvarType = CType(members(1), TransactionType)
mvarAmount = CType(members(2), Decimal)
mvarDescription = members(3)
End Sub
End Class
Listing 11.12: The Transaction class, with methods to Save to and Load
from a stream

Note that a second constructor has been added to the Transaction class. This
takes a reference to a StreamReader as a parameter, and calls the Load() method.
We can use it from the BankAccounts Load() method to combine the separate
actions of creating a new transaction and retrieving its member variables. The
Save() code depends on being passed a stream that is ready to have a transaction
serialized into it, and the Load() code depends on being passed a stream that is
positioned at the start of a serialized Transaction object. The corresponding
code in the BankAccount class takes care of these requirements, and is shown in
Listing 11.13.
Public Class BankAccount
'Here are the member fields...
Private mvarTransactions As ArrayList
Private mvarAccountName As String
Private mvarAccountNumber As Long
'This is the normal constructor for a new account...
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal number As Long)


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

mvarAccountName = name
mvarAccountNumber = number
mvarTransactions = New ArrayList()
End Sub
'This to retrieve one from a stream...
Public Sub New(ByRef R As StreamReader)
mvarTransactions = New ArrayList()
End Sub
'Missed out code Property definitions etc.
Public Sub Save(ByRef W As StreamWriter)
Dim T As Transaction
For Each T In mvarTransactions
End Sub
Public Sub Load(ByRef R As StreamReader)
Dim T As Transaction
Dim Count, Index As Integer
mvarAccountName = R.ReadLine()
mvarAccountNumber = R.ReadLine()
Count = R.ReadLine
For Index = 1 To Count
T = New Transaction(R)
End Sub
End Class
Listing 11.13: The BankAccount class with serialization code

Again an overloaded constructor is used to pass a StreamReader to a new

Account object, which then calls Load() to de-serialize the object model.
This is an example of how you might use serialization in an application in which
we are only interested in persisting the data from a single object model. The main
form that starts up the BankAccount object model has the Form_Load() and
Form_Closing() event-handlers shown in Listing 11.14.
Private Sub frmBank_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
Dim fileName As String = "c:\Data\Account.dat"
If File.Exists(fileName) Then
Dim R As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fileName)
Account = New BankAccount(R)

11.6 Serialization


End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmBank_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Closing
Dim fileName As String = "c:\Data\Account.dat"
Dim W As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(fileName)
End Sub
Listing 11.14: Using the BankAccounts overloaded constructor

An advantage of using code like this to serialize an object-model is that it results in

a text file that a human can read without difficulty. Figure 11.4 is an example of the
file resulting from a test run of the above code.

Figure 11.4

Serialized output from the BankAccount model

The above file text has the account name on the first line and the account number
on the second. This is followed by the number of transactions (8), and then a line per
transaction, containing the date and time, the transaction type (0 is Deposit, 1 is
Withdrawal, etc.) and the description.
We could continue to use this strategy to deal with a hierarchy of any size. For
example, a bank can have many branches, a branch many customers, a customer
many bank accounts and a bank account many transactions. Provided we are careful
to provide suitable Load() and Save() methods for each class, remembering that
a class that contains objects or a collection must also serialize\de-serialize these
(using almost identical code to that used in the Load() and Save() methods of
BankAccount), the strategy will work perfectly well.


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

11.6.2 .NET Automated Serialization

Having closely examined the carefully coded method of serialization in the previous
example, we can now go on to look at the .NET automated version of the same
approach. Well use the same BankAccount class model.
<Serializable()> Class Transaction
'This will allow us to specify the type
'of transaction...
Public Enum TransactionType
Deposit = 0
End Enum
'Here are the member fields...
Private mvarDate As Date
Private mvarType As TransactionType
Private mvarAmount As Decimal
Private mvarDescription As String
'Code continues here, but there are no Save()/Load()
'methods defined and no constructor that works with a
'StreamReader object.
End Class
<Serializable()> Public Class BankAccount
Private mvarTransactions As ArrayList
Private mvarAccountName As String
Private mvarAccountNumber As Long
'Code continues here, but again no Save()/Load()
'methods defined and no constructor that works with a
'StreamReader object.
End Class
Listing 11.15: BankAccount classes marked as <Serializable()>

In Listing 11.15, the most surprising feature is that no special code is added
to save or load a bank account or transaction to or from a stream. In fact, .NET
serialization requires no extra code to deal with persistence. The only change to the
original class described in the object-modelling chapter is the addition of the two
class attribute markers, <Serializable()>. An attribute in the .NET framework
is a marker that you use to describe some aspect of your code to the run-time
system. Attributes can be used to describe types, member fields, properties, specific
methods or whole classes as here.
When an attribute is used with code, it allows the .NET runtime to interact with
the code in ways that are not specifically built in to the language you are using
(Visual Basic in this case). The <Serializable()> attribute is used to mark
classes that we want the run-time system to be able to persist for us. You might think

11.6 Serialization


that rather than use a special purpose attribute for this, it would be easier just to build
the feature into every class. However, there will generally be a lot of information in
a program that you would not want to persist from run to run, and there are certain
types of information that cannot automatically be persisted by the .NET run time
(for example, data that comes from software components not developed in a .NET
language such as old-style Visual Basic components from an earlier version). There
is also an overhead in that a serializable class must incorporate extra code. It is
easier to allow a programmer to opt-in to a scheme than to have to opt-out of all
the ones that will not be used, so serialization must be specifically chosen by the
programmer. When you see the reduction in the amount of work you have to do,
I think youll agree it is a good deal.
To serialize the whole object model, we simply add some code to an object best
placed to serialize and de-serialize it at run time; typically one that will be available
as soon as a program starts to execute. Normally, this will be the start-up form, so
we would write the code shown in Listing 11.16.
Private Sub frmBank_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Closing
Dim fileName As String = "c:\Data\BinAccount.dat"
Dim str As New IO.FileStream(fileName, _
Dim b As New _
b.Serialize(str, Account)
End Sub
Private Sub frmBank_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
Dim fileName As String = "c:\Data\BinAccount.dat"
If IO.File.Exists(fileName) Then
Dim str As New IO.FileStream(fileName,
Dim b As New _
Account = CType(b.Deserialize(str), BankAccount)
End If
End Sub
Listing 11.16: Serializing a serializable class model

The key to serializing an entire class model like this is the BinaryFormatter class,
found in the RunTime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary namespace.
Basically, this classs Serialize() method stores each member variable of the
specified object (Account here) in turn as a binary image of its data in memory.
Where a member variable is in fact a non-value member, it stores an image of each
member variable of that owned object and so on until the entire object model has


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Figure 11.5

Data serialized by .NET

been persisted. For it to be able to do this, every class in the object model must be
marked with the <Serializable()> attribute. Fortunately, most of the .NET collection classes (including ArrayList, used here) are already marked as serializable,
and so our entire object model was. The result is a file of binary data that can be used
to reconstruct the object model. Unlike the data saved by the manually coded version, most of this data will not be readable by humans (although as you can see from
Figure 11.5, you can still pick out the text strings from among the other data).
When bringing an object model back from serialization, the .NET runtime will
happily reconstruct all of the data that was the original object model, placing it back
into memory in its original format. However, we need to cast the resulting object
model to the correct type to complete the de-serialization operation, which is why
the CType() call was necessary before assigning the result of b.Deserialize()
back to the Account variable.
To recap, serialization in this way is only possible if:

the top-level object passed to the BinaryFormatter object is from a class

marked as serializable;
all of the member variables included in the top-level object are also from classes
marked as serializable, and all of the member variables of these classes and so on;
every variable that you want to include in the serialization is reachable from the
top-level object.

Since almost every class that is part of the standard .NET framework meets these
criteria, we only need to be careful to mark our own classes as serializable and to
call the serialization method passing an object that includes in its object model all of
the other objects to be serialized.
As you can see, this scheme makes it easily possible to make any information in
a running program persist until the program is run again. Very little effort is required

11.7 XML


to implement this form of serialization, but if for some reason the serialized data was
to become corrupted, there would be little you could do to recover it.
Exercise 11.4


Given the simplicity with which new .NET classes can be made serializable,
why would it still be useful to create serializable classes by writing the serialization code, as in Listings 11.12 to 11.14?

The serialization examples weve been looking at so far have been ideal ways of saving data that a single program or a set of related programs is able to retrieve. These
programs store their data in a proprietary format, so the data saved is stored or transmitted efficiently, using a small amount of disk space or bandwidth and taking little
time to retrieve it. However, it is often the case that data that originates in one program
may need to be loaded into a different one. For example, we might want to store
sales data accumulated in a program used as a point-of-sales terminal and retrieve
it into a different program that does financial analysis for accounting purposes.
Using the schemes weve looked at so far, this is possible, but would involve placing compatible load and save code in both applications. This in turn suggests that
both programs originate from the same source (for example a software company or
an in-house IT department). Moving a set of proprietary data between two applications that come from different sources is more awkward, since the application that
originates the data needs to make its format known to the other one. This difficulty
has hampered the easy movement of data between applications for almost the entire
history of electronic data storage.
The eXtensible Mark-up Language, or XML, is a development designed to eliminate these problems. It does this by storing data in a text format, in which each piece
of information is enclosed by a pair of markers, or tags, that describe it. For example,
Figure 11.6 shows a part of a XML document that contains information about a

Figure 11.6

A part of a XML document


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

customer of some company. Even if you have never met XML before now, I would
bet that you can figure out what information about this customer has been included:
All information in a XML document is either enclosed in pairs of descriptive tags
whose name appears in <> brackets, or is a named attribute appearing in quotes
within an opening tag. For example, the ID number of customer Fred Bloggs is
12345. This attribute value must appear enclosed in quotes (single or double).
Each opening tag must end with a matching closing tag which has a / prefix to the
name given in the opening tag. If a tag is empty, this can be relaxed so that a single
tag is used to indicate an empty item, for example, <email />, indicating the
customer data does not include an email address: <email /> and <email></email>
are equivalent. We refer to a pair of tags and its contents as a node.
There are five simple rules that dictate what makes a proper XML document.
1. Each opening tag must have a matching closing tag, or a single empty tag must
be used if there is no data.
2. Opening and closing tags must be properly nested so that one tag pair is completely enclosed by another (e.g. <A><B> . . . </B></A>, not <A><B> . . .
3. Apart from a standard XML document header and comments, an XML document, no matter how complex, must appear as a single element, called the root
element, and must be enclosed in a single tag pair. Within the root element,
a document can contain any number of tag pairs. The XML document in
Figure 11.6 is the entire <customer> .. </customer> tree.
4. XML tags are case-sensitive. <doc> and <DOC> are treated as two different
5. attributes within an opening tag must be given a name and the associated value
must appear in single or double quotes.
If a document adheres to these rules, it is said to be well-formed, and will cause
no problems with any program designed to cope with XML. Specific types of XML
document in which certain tags are required are governed by a XML schema, which
is a XML document that describes the tags and attributes used, and the way they can
be combined. A document that meets the requirements of a given schema is said
to be a valid XML document. A XML schema is also a valid XML document.
The .NET framework incorporates XML, which is used extensively within all
.NET programs for storing and communicating application information, transporting
information to and from sites on the World Wide Web, and even to provide descriptive information about classes within a .NET assembly. We can therefore expect that
the .NET framework will include XML management classes that we can use within
our own programs.

11.7.1 XML Structured Data

The key factor that indicates how useful XML will be in an application is structure.
XML was developed to deal with information that had an inherent structure, and this

11.7 XML


Table 11.1 A set of student data



Subject Code




James Smith


Introduction to Programming
Information Tools
Internet Information Gathering



Liz McCabe


Introduction to Programming
Database Fundamentals
Data Analysis
Introductory Spanish



Alex Farlowe


Database Fundamentals
Data and Abstraction


is guaranteed by the five rules described above. XML can be written by an application program using the XmlTextWriter class, which takes care of the wellformedness of a document. As a programmer, you are required to ensure that each
opening tag has a matching closing tag, but the XmlTextWriter will take care of
tag names and formatting.
As an example, consider a program that manages the assessment data for a list of
students. A student has a Name and a Matriculation number. Each student can attend
several classes (Ill refer to them as Subjects to save confusion with Visual Basic
Classes), and each Subject has a Title, a Code and the students Mark. The data for
a group of students might appear as in Table 11.1.
In XML this data would appear as in Listing 11.17.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Student Matric="js021234">
<Name>James Smith</Name>
<Subject Code="COMP1014">
<Title>Introduction to Programming</Title>
<Subject Code="COMP1102">
<Title>Information Tools</Title>
<Subject Code="COMP1122">
<Title>Internet Information Gathering</Title>
<Student Matric="lm023311">
<Name>Liz McCabe</Name>


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

<Subject Code="COMP1014">
<Title>Introduction to Programming</Title>
<Subject Code="COMP1332">
<Title>Database Fundamentals</Title>
<Subject Code="COMP1822">
<Title>Data Analysis</Title>
<Subject Code="LANG1103">
<Title>Introductory Spanish</Title>
<Student Matric="af013341">
<Name>Alex Farlowe</Name>
<Subject Code="COMP1332">
<Title>Database Fundamentals</Title>
<Subject Code="COMP2011">
<Title>Data and Abstraction</Title>
Listing 11.17: The XML version of Table 11.1

Examining the listing, you can see that there are two XML components. The first is
the single line:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

which specifies the XML version used and the text encoding method. This makes
the document recognizable to different operating systems and even different (e.g.
later) versions of XML. The second is the entire data hierarchy, between the toplevel tags <Students> and </Students>. Within this, each next-level tag pair
(<Student> . . . </Student>) encloses the data for a single student, which is the
name and a list of subjects taken by that student. The matriculation number (matric)
for a student is specified as an attribute within the opening <Student> tag since this
is the key identifier for a specific student (students need not have unique names, but
must have a unique matriculation number).

11.7 XML


The repeated list of <Subject> and </Subject> tags is enclosed within a single
tag pair <Subjects> and </Subjects>, just as was done for the list of students.
Again, each <Subject> opening tag has an attribute, the subject code, which
uniquely identifies a class.
This structure could be repeated up to a higher level (for example, all of the students within a course group) or down to a lower one (for example each individual
assessment for a particular subject) by simply extending the same encoding scheme.
The end result is a document structure that is self describing (you can always figure
out what a particular data element is), highly structured, and, most useful to us,
simple to produce from a computer program and easy to read into a computer program. Listing 11.17 could easily be the output of a simple program that contained
a collection of Student objects, where each student had a collection of modules.

11.7.2 Generating XML in code

We will now go on to construct this program, using methods very similar to
those that allowed us to serialize an object model. The System.Xml namespace
contains a number of classes to make working with XML documents simple.
The important class for creating (writing) a XML document is the XmlWriter
class, which includes methods to create the start and end of a compound
node (WriteStartElement(), WriteEndElement()), to add an attribute
to a node (WriteAttributeString()), to write simple elements
(WriteElementString()), add comments to a document (WriteComment())
and to write the XML header node (WriteStartDocument()). An algorithm
for writing out a whole XML document of the Students object model is:
1. Open a new XML document for writing
2. Write the document header
3. Write the start of the Students node
For Each Student in the Students collection
Write the start of a Student node
Write the Students Matric attribute
Write the Name element
Write the start of the Subjects node
For Each Subject in the Students Subjects collection
Write the start of a Subject node
Write the Subjects Code attribute
Write the Title element
Write the Mark element
Write the end of a Subject node
Next Subject
Write the end of the Subjects node
Write the end of a Student node


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Next Student
19. Write the end of the Students node
20. Close the XML document
To read the XML document created by the above algorithm and reconstruct a
Students object model, the corresponding algorithm is:
1. Load the XML document
2. Create a Students collection (a HashTable will allow us to us the Matric as
a key)
3. Extract the Students node from the document
4. For each Student node in Students
Read the Students Matric attribute
Extract the Name element
Create a new Student object, using Matric and Name values
Create a Subjects collection (an ArrayList will do here)
For Each Subject node in Subjects
Read the Subjects Code attribute
Extract the Title element
Extract the Mark element
Create a new Subject object, using Code, Title and Mark values
Add the Subject to the Subjects collection
Next Subject
Add the Student to the Students collection
17. Next Student node
Note that the algorithm to read back data from a XML document to an object-model
contains fewer steps. This is simply because while writing XML it is necessary to
finish a compound element by writing its closing tag, while in reading the XML
back, an entire node, including its closing tag, is extracted in one step.

11.7.3 Coding XML operations in Visual Basic

While the above algorithms are perfectly straightforward, you could not always
expect to write or read an object-model in such a small number of steps; the more
complex the object-model, the more complex the code to write or read it in
its entirety. However, we have already seen that we can deal with this type of
complexity within an object-model by observing the principle of encapsulation. To
create one lump of code that was able to write out the entire hierarchy of a complex
object-model, we would have to give every member variable of every class Public
or Friend scope. This would not be good encapsulation (it would not be encapsulation at all). As usual in this situation, a better approach is to make each class
responsible for its own management, including methods to write an object into a
XML stream and to extract a new object from a XML node.

11.7 XML


The Subject class shown in Listing 11.19 is XML stream aware, having a
constructor to create an object from a XML node, and a method to write member
variables into an XmlWriter stream.

11.7.4 The StudentModel Module

We can put the entire class model into a single VB module. This will accommodate the subject class, the Student class and code to manage a collection of
Student objects.
All of the code for dealing with subjects, students and a collection of students will
need access to the System.Xml namespace, so this must be imported to the module
using the code in Listing 11.18.
Imports System.Xml

'Makes the XML classes available.

Module StudentModel
'Here we'll add classes, instance variables
'for the collection, and code for managing
'the collection
End Module
Listing 11.18: A module for accommodating the Student object model

11.7.5 The Subject Class and XML awareness

We start as usual with the smallest item (i.e. the one lowest in the object model
hierarchy), which is the Subject class. This class needs to be able to generate
XML descriptive data from an object, and build an object from an XML node. It is
shown in Listing 11.19.
Class Subject
'Member variables for a subject...
Private mvarCode As String
Private mvarTitle As String
Private mvarMark As Integer
'Normal constructor for a new subject...
Public Sub New(ByVal code As String, _
ByVal title As String, _
ByVal mark As Integer)
mvarCode = code
mvarTitle = title
mvarMark = mark
End Sub
'Construct a subject from a XML node...
Public Sub New(ByVal subjectNode As XmlNode)
Dim Code As String, Title As String, Mark As Integer


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

'Can add a new order to the customer...

mvarCode = subjectNode.Attributes("Code").Value
mvarTitle = subjectNode.Item("Title").InnerText
mvarMark = _
CType(subjectNode.Item("Mark").InnerText, Integer)
End Sub
'Return a TreeNode of this Subject's data...
Public Function TreeItem() As TreeNode
Dim item As New TreeNode(mvarCode)
Return item
End Function
'Write out this subject to a XML stream as a XML node...
Public Sub WriteXML(ByVal writer As XmlWriter)
With writer
.WriteAttributeString("Code", mvarCode)
.WriteElementString("Title", mvarTitle)
.WriteElementString("Mark", _
End With
End Sub
End Class
Listing 11.19: The XML aware Subject class

All of the member variables in a Subject object are simple value members. The
WriteXML method inserts these values with suitable tag names ("Code", "Title"
and "Mark") into a stream by using the XmlWriters methods. An object of the
class will become an entire XML node, for example:
<Subject Code="COMP1014">
<Title>Introduction to Programming</Title>
WriteStartElement() starts a new node and gives its tag the specified title
("<Subject>"), while WriteEndElement() automatically closes off the most
recently started element with a matching closing tag ("</Subject>"). Between
these calls to open and close a new XML node, we use WriteAttributeString()
and WriteElementString() to fill the node with encoded data.
WriteAttributeString() inserts an attribute name and value pair into the
nodes opening tag; we use the subject "Code" value since this is a good member
for identifying a specific subject. WriteElementString() is used to insert the
remaining values. These must be strings, and so the ToString() method of any
numeric, date or other type should be used.
Going in the other direction to create a new subject from a XML <Subject> node
is best done by creating a constructor to which we pass the node. The constructor

11.7 XML


code simply has to unpack the member variable values from the node using attribute
values and the InnerText() values from any simple nodes. Where the information
returned from the inner text of a node (the text between its opening and closing tags)
is not to be a string, we can use the CType() function to cast the data to the appropriate type; for example the "Mark" sub-node of a subject has its value cast back to
an integer before it is assigned to the class member variable:
mvarMark = CType(subjectNode.Item("Mark").InnerText, Integer)

Note that Ive also added a TreeItem() method to the class so that it can return
a TreeNode object containing a copy of the objects data. A TreeView control
displays TreeNode items in a useful hierarchical way (like the left-hand pane of
a Windows Explorer window), and we will be able to make use of this to provide
a flexible user-interface for the Student/Subjects object model.

11.7.6 The Student class and managing a compound XML Node

The Student class is created similarly, except that since a student is composed of
its own member data plus a number of instances of the Subject class, the operations to write an object as a XML node and to construct a new student by extracting
object data from a XML node are a little more complex similar to the tasks of
sending a compound object to a stream or retrieving one from a stream. However,
using the methods already described for the encapsulated subject class limits the
complexity of these operations. The Student class in shown in Listing 11.20.
Class Student
'Member variables for a student...
Private mvarMatric As String
Private mvarName As String
'Must include the collection of subjects...
Private mvarSubjects As ArrayList
'Normal constructor...
Public Sub New(ByVal matric As String, _
ByVal name As String)
mvarMatric = matric
mvarName = name
mvarSubjects = New ArrayList()
End Sub
'Construct a student from a XML node...
Public Sub New(ByVal studentNode As XmlNode)
mvarMatric = studentNode.Attributes("Matric").Value
mvarName = studentNode.Item("Name").InnerText
mvarSubjects = New ArrayList()
'Now extract the Subject nodes and add them to
'the mvarSubjects collection...
Dim subjectNode As XmlNode
Dim subjectCollection As XmlNode
subjectCollection = studentNode.Item("Subjects")


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Dim S As Subject
For Each subjectNode In subjectCollection.ChildNodes
S = New Subject(subjectNode)
End Sub
'Write a whole student out into a XML stream...
Public Sub WriteXML(ByVal writer As XmlWriter)
Dim S As Subject
writer.WriteAttributeString("Matric", mvarMatric)
writer.WriteElementString("Name", mvarName)
For Each S In mvarSubjects
End Sub
'Return a TreeNode of this student, including the
'collection of subjects...
Public Function TreeItem() As TreeNode
Dim item As New TreeNode(mvarMatric)
Dim S As Subject
For Each S In mvarSubjects
Return item
End Function
'Add a new subject from data...
Public Sub AddSubject(ByVal Code As String, _
ByVal Title As String, _
ByVal Mark As Integer)
Dim S As New Subject(Code, Title, Mark)
End Sub
'Add a new subject object...
Public Sub AddSubject(ByVal S As Subject)
End Sub
'Property definitions...
Public ReadOnly Property Matric()
Return mvarMatric
End Get
End Property
End Class
Listing 11.20: The XML aware Student class

11.7 XML


The WriteXML() method for a student does all of the same things that the
subjects version did, except that when dealing with the contained subjects collection, it must write an enclosing tag pair (<Subjects>...</Subjects>) and
insert each Subject node between these. Inserting a Subject node is now trivial,
since each member of the Subject class makes use of the classs WriteXML()
method. Note that the Students WriteXML() method ends with two
WriteEndElement() calls, the first to close the <Subjects> node and the second
to close the <Student> node.
The XML aware constructor for the Student class takes a whole Student node
of the form:
<Student Matric="af013341">
<Name>Alex Farlowe</Name>
<Subject Code="COMP1332">
<Title>Database Fundamentals</Title>
<Subject Code="COMP2011">
<Title>Data and Abstraction</Title>

and extracts a Student object hierarchy from it. As with the Subject class, first
we extract the nodes attribute ("Matric") and then the value from the Name
element using the InnerText() property. Beyond this, we need to deal with
the complex <Subjects> node, by extracting this entire node in one step
(studentNode.Item("Subjects") does this). This node has a number of child
nodes (i.e. nodes entirely within an outer node), and we can iterate through these
with the For..Each structure:
For Each subjectNode In subjectCollection.ChildNodes
'deal with subjectNode...

From here it is again trivial, since we can send each subjectNode directly to the
Subject constructor to retrieve an instance of the class, and then simply add this to
the mvarSubjects collection.
The class has also been given an overloaded pair of AddSubject() methods, one
to add a subject constructed from raw data (code, title and mark) and the other to add
an instance of the Subject class to the collection (the latter makes it easier to add
a subject that has been constructed from a XML node). Again, a TreeItem()
method has been defined to make it easy to display the whole of a students information, including each subject, in a TreeView control.


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

11.7.7 Managing the collection

The overall result of this is that an entire collection of Student objects can be
easily passed to a user-interface element for navigation and view. Both of these
classes have been added to a new class module, where their default Friend scope
will make them accessible to forms and other code within an assembly. However,
we will need code for adding a student, storing the whole collection (in XML form)
and retrieving the collection from a XML document.
First we need a suitable collection for students; a HashTable is useful, since
we can retrieve individual students from this by key (their matriculation number).
An individual Student variable will also be useful:
Private students As Hashtable
Private currentStudent As Student

Next, we will need methods to write an entire collection to a XML document, and
to populate a collection from a XML document (see Listing 11.21).
Friend Sub WriteXmlStudentData(ByVal fileName As String)
'Need to use the XmlTextWriter class...
Dim writer As XmlTextWriter = _
New XmlTextWriter(fileName, Nothing)
Dim S As Student
'This will make the document easier for
'a human to read...
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
'Write the document header...
'Start the main node...
'Then write out each Student...
For Each S In Students.Values
'Then close the main node...
'This will ensure that all data is written...
End Sub
Friend Sub ReadXMLStudentData(ByVal fName As String)
Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Dim studentCollection, studentNode As XmlNode
Dim name As String, matric As String
Dim S As Student
'The first (0) node is the XML header, so the whole
'collection of students is element(1)...
studentCollection = doc.ChildNodes(1)

11.7 XML


students = New Hashtable()

'Now can iterate through students...
For Each studentNode In studentCollection.ChildNodes
Dim subjectCollection, subjectNode As XmlNode
'Create a student from a XML Node...
S = New Student(studentNode)
'Add the new student to the collection
students.Add(S.Matric, S)
End Sub
Listing 11.21: Subs for writing and reading the collection in XML

Weve already done most of the work necessary to display students in a

TreeView control, but a sub (Listing 11.22) is needed to display the entire collection.
Friend Sub DisplayStudentCollection(ByVal tv As TreeView)
'The HashTable stores generic Objects...
Dim o As Object
Dim s As Student
'Start by emptying out old content...
'Now iterate through the objects in the HashTable...
For Each o In students.Values
'Need to cast each back to a student type...
s = CType(o, Student)
'And can now add them to the TreeView...
End Sub
Listing 11.22: A sub to display the entire collection in a TreeView control

Lastly, there should be methods to add a new student to the collection, and to add a
new subject to a student, given the students identifying matric number. This is given
in Listing 11.23.
Friend Sub AddNewStudent()
Dim S As Student
Dim n As String, m As String
n = InputBox("Enter student's name:")
m = InputBox("Enter student's matriculation number:")
S = New Student(m, n)
Students.Add(S.Matric, S)
End Sub
Friend Sub AddSubject(matric As String)
Dim t As String, m As Integer, c As String
Dim CurrentStudent As Student
c = InputBox("Enter subject code:")


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

t = InputBox("Enter subject title:")

m = CType(InputBox("Enter mark:"), Integer)
CurrentStudent = Students(matric)
CurrentStudent.AddSubject(c, t, m)
End Sub
Listing 11:23: Code to extend the Student/and Subject collections

11.7.8 Providing a User-Interface for the Object Model

We now have all of the code in place to perform operations that will allow us to work
with the Student object model, adding new students, appending subjects to a
student and persisting the entire collection in XML format. The last stage ought
to be trivial since the object-model has been developed to take care of all the hard
work of collection management and XML persistence. First, the design for the form
(see Figure 11.7).
The form shown has been given the name frmXMLStudents. It includes only
four controls (Table 11.2).

Figure 11.7

A form for managing the Students collection

Table 11.2 Controls and properties on the student form

Control Type





New Student
Add Subject


11.7 XML


As well as responding appropriately to clicks on the various buttons, we also need

to provide code to respond to the form being loaded (to load up data from a XML
stream) and the form closing (so that the up to date collection can be persisted to
XML). The entire form code is shown in Listing 11.24.
Public Class frmXMLStudents
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

Private Sub frmXMLStudents_Load( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
'First work out a file path and name...
fileName = Application.ExecutablePath
fileName = fileName.Substring(0, _
fileName.LastIndexOf("\")) _
& "\Students.xml"
'Reconstruct the object model from XML...
End Sub
Private Sub frmXMLStudents_Closing( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Closing
'Write the new version of the XML document...
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnNewStudent_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnNewStudent.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnAddSubject_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAddSubject.Click
'First establish that a node has been selected...
If tvStudents.SelectedNode Is Nothing Then


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

MessageBox.Show( _
"Need to select a student first.")
'Get the selected node...
Dim n As TreeNode = tvStudents.SelectedNode
'The user could have clicked on any item in
'the treeview, so if necessary, work up to find
'the top level node...
Do Until (n.Parent Is Nothing)
n = n.Parent
End If
End Sub
End Class
Listing 11.24: Form code for working with the Students collection

Most of the code in Listing 11.24 is pretty self explanatory since mostly it calls
on the module code for managing the collection. The method of working out a
file-name for the XML file (in frmXmlStudents_Load) is a little different.
Application.ExecutablePath was used earlier to prime the FileOpenDialog
control with a start-up location. That worked because the control was smart enough
to work out the location from the full file-name and path. Here, we need to provide
our own code to remove the file-name from the end of the string returned by
Application.ExecutablePath so that we have the name/location of a disk
folder, and then append the actual file-name.
We start this by getting the full path and name from the Application object, and
then removing everything from the last \ character. The String.LastIndexOf()
method will return the last position in a string where the given character occurs.
Using this with the String.SubString() method, we can extract everything up
to the last backslash character, and then simply append a file-name:
fileName = fileName.Substring(0, _
fileName.LastIndexOf("\")) & "\Students.xml"

The only other odd code occurs in the _Click() event-handler for the Add Subject
button. After a check to see if any node in the TreeView control has been selected,
we need to find the student that a new subject is to be added to. However, as you can
see in Figure 11.8, the selected node could be any node, from the top-level (matric)
down to one of the details of an individual subject.
The AddSubject() method needs to pass the matric value of a student, which is
always a top-level node in the TreeView. The code:
Dim n As TreeNode = tvStudents.SelectedNode
Do Until (n.Parent Is Nothing)
n = n.Parent

11.7 XML

Figure 11.8


The TreeView control with a detail selected

starts at the selected node and, if necessary, works up from node to node in the
hierarchy using the Parent property of a node until the node has no parent, at
which point it must be a top-level node. The required matric value is then the Text
property of this top-level node.
There are still many features that could be added to this application to make it
genuinely useful, such as the ability to edit a student or a subject or make deletions.
However, it is more likely that you would want to re-use the methods used here in
other applications, and particularly the ways of handling XML. Because of the way
the classes have been built using encapsulation, it would be no more difficult to
extend the hierarchy further to produce very complex data models and stream these
to and from XML documents.

11.7.9 XML vs simple serialization

As you have seen, XML is simply a format that is useful because the values stored
in a document are accompanied by their own descriptions. In this respect, they are
an improvement on straightforward serialized object data since it will always be possible to examine a XML document and work out an appropriate object-model.
However, the penalty for this is that a XML document is much bigger than one saved
to a binary stream due to the overhead of the tags. It is quite common for a XML
document to be several times the size of the same information serialized as plain text
or binary data.
For this and other reasons, XML is most useful for moving data between systems
rather than as a way of storing data. In fact, all forms of serialized data (in which we
can include XML) have one very serious limitation. When we de-serialize data from
a storage device, it is normally an all or nothing operation. It is usually quite awkward to read only a part of a XML document or any serialized data, because these
storage methods rely on a structure that involves a whole hierarchy. While for many


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

types of application, this is a perfectly acceptable limitation, there are many more
applications where the data stored is the most important and biggest component.
We may create a XML document that represents a single class of students in a
college, but we would be less likely to write a single document that contained all
the data for every student, subject and exam result for a whole college. Working
with objects in memory on that scale is neither efficient nor desirable; it would be
a bit like taking an entire row of filing cabinets home because you want to work
on one customers sales records.
Once we start needing to work with large data sets, thousands of students, tens of
thousands of customers or millions of orders, the methods weve examined in this
chapter will all run out of steam. The larger the data set, the more likely that the computer we are using will not be able to cope with all of it in memory at one time, and
the less likely that we would want it to. In the next chapter, we will go on to look at
the subject of databases and how Visual Basic .NET can be used to work with them.
Exercise 11.5



The very first example program in this chapter showed how to store the size
and location of a form in the Windows Registry. Write this code so that
instead, it stores size and location in a XML document stored in the file
FormData.xml in the executable applications folder. Also write the code
to read the data back from XML.
Why do you think that it would be a bad idea to store the Windows Registry
in XML format?

Review Questions

What do you need to do before reading data from a file or writing data to a file?


List the four parameters of the GetSetting() function. Which of these may not be needed?
What is returned from the function?


What test would you perform before trying to open a file to read data from it in a program
given the file-name? Why is this test unnecessary if the file-name has come from an


What do you call the character that is used to indicate the end of one data item and the beginning of the next in a file? Why can this sometimes cause a problem?


How do you enable a class you have written to be serialized by serialization classes in the
.NET framework? Why might this not work properly?


What two things are wrong with this XML node: <Data ID=1234>Fred Smith</data>?


What class is used to write data into a XML document?

Practical Activities



A persons name, date of birth and social security number is being read from an XML document into Visual Basic variables of the most appropriate types. Explain what may have to be
done to the data as it is extracted from the XML document.


What is the main limitation of XML as a format for storing large amounts of data?

10. Where does Microsoft suggest you save application data files on a Windows computer? What
are the alternatives?

Practical Activities
A Photograph Album
In this activity we will make use of a variety of Windows controls and a couple of
classes to create a Photograph Album. This could be used to catalogue and display
your collection of digital photographs, and we will add facilities to allow descriptive
text to be added to a picture and pictures to be grouped into related categories;
holiday snaps, pictures of your relatives, landscapes, etc. The overall aim will be to
produce an application in which data is persistent using one or more of the methods
described in this chapter.

Analysis and design details

As a starting point, we should decide what facilities we need to provide in the program, what information we will need to incorporate and how we will organize the
classes to make it all work. Typically, a catalogue of items contains references to the
items rather than the items themselves. For example, an old-style library catalogue
normally contains small index cards containing the details of books in the collection
(Title, Author, Publication Date, Publisher, etc.) and an indication of where to find
them (which room, rack, shelf, etc). Our picture catalogue will also work this way,
containing whatever descriptive details of photographs we decide to store plus an
indication of where it is on the computers hard disk. As a first cut at the things we
want this catalogue to do, we can start with a use-case diagram (Figure A11.1)
describing the operations it will support.

From the use-case diagram in Figure A11.1, we can create a scenario description for
each individual use-case, and from there determine the object we will need.

Add picture to catalogue: the user selects the option to add a picture, and then
must indicate the picture to be added by choosing a picture file on the systems
hard disk. Having selected a picture file, the user should give the picture a title,
category name, a description of the picture. This data will then be added to the
catalogue along with a reference to the picture


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Picture Catalogue
Add Picture to

Picture from


Edit Pictures

Figure A11.1

A use-case diagram for a simple picture catalogue

Remove picture from catalogue: the user selects a picture from the displayed list
of pictures in the catalogue, and selects the option to delete it. After confirmation,
the picture is removed from the catalogue
Display picture: the user selects a picture from the list of pictures in the catalogue
and selects the option to display it on screen
Edit pictures details: the user selects a picture from the list of pictures in the
catalogue and selects the option to edit the details for it stored in the catalogue.
After being presented with the details for editing, the user confirms to update the

There are possibly more use-cases that could be described for this system to add
detail, but as we implement these fundamental ones, we can adapt our decisions to
take into account any features whose usefulness may become apparent. Note that
there are no use-cases describing the saving and loading of data to and from files.
The user need not be aware of these operations even though they are central to the
proper operation of the program.

Classes and Properties

From the elaborated use-cases above, we can identify a number of potential classes
and properties of them.

Picture: an obvious class, this should contain the catalogue details for a picture
Picture file: this is the data that a Picture object must store to keep track of a
picture on the systems hard disk. As a file-name and location can be stored in a
simple string, this will be a property of the Picture class.

Practical Activities



Title, category name, description: like Picture file, these are properties of the
Picture class.
Catalogue: this is the overall program, but could also refer to the overall collection of pictures, in which case it is a collection of Picture objects. We can use a
Dictionary class to allow pictures to be listed by Title or some other attribute.
Reference to the picture: a synonym for Picture file.
Displayed list of pictures: we will need to provide a method for the user to
identify a picture in the catalogue. A list of titles may suffice. Since .NET is well
equipped with methods of displaying lists of information, this class is likely to
turn out to be one of the built-in list mechanisms.
Picture details: this is simply a collective name for the individual properties
already identified for a Picture.

Although not mentioned in any of the use-cases, a rudimentary knowledge of

digital imaging tells us that each digital photograph has a date and time stamp that
indicates when the picture was taken. We can incorporate this information into the
Picture class and this may allow us to do sophisticated searches or filtering of the
catalogue list. From this information, we can create a class diagram for the system
(see Figure A11.2).

Figure A11.2

A class diagram showing properties and methods

Operations and Methods

To add more detail to the class diagram, we need to consider the operations required
by the program, and decide which class should be responsible for them.
The Picture class
We need to be able to create a Picture, add information to it, display it, save the data
to file (not the picture, since this will already be stored in a file in some location of
the systems hard disk) and load the data back from file. In creating a picture, we
will need to locate the actual image file and store its name and path within the object.
The user will need to add Title, Category and Description, but the TimeStamp
member can be determined from the date and time on the Picture file.
The Catalogue class
The Catalogue will require methods to add a picture, remove a picture, retrieve a
Picture object from the collection (by Title), and load and save the whole collection.


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Figure A11.3

The class diagram with methods

File formats
There are several formats we could use in this application, but XML is likely to be
a good choice since it is human readable, and flexible enough that if our application
outgrows serialized file storage, we will be able to import the data into a database.
From this information we can create the more detailed class diagram shown in
Figure A11.3.

The User-Interface
It would be as well to have some notion of how the user will interact with the
catalogue when it is up and running. A simple drawing of a suitable user-interface
(Figure A11.4) can get us started by becoming the basis for the prototype of the
real one.

Figure A11.4

The main application form

Practical Activities


The simple drawing of the main form indicates key features of how the user will
interact with the program. Selecting a picture from the list on the left will make that
picture appear in the preview panel on the form. The various buttons will allow us
to Add new pictures, Delete existing ones, display the current one Full Size (or as
large as the PC screen can accommodate) and Edit the various descriptive fields
associated with a picture.
From the class diagrams, we can also see how these will interact with the objectmodel. For example, the Add button will need to initiate two consecutive operations,
one from the Picture class and the other from the Catalogue: create a Picture
(which will involve finding a picture file-name and adding other information) and
add it to the Catalogue. The Delete button will remove a picture reference from the
Catalogue, etc.

Activity 1: Creating the Picture class

Since most of the Picture properties are text, it presents little difficulty. For
now, well provide an Edit() method that simply asks the user to respond to
InputBox() calls. Later we can add a custom form for the class. Listing A11.1
shows the Picture class.
Imports System.Xml
Public Class Picture
Private mvarTitle As String
Private mvarFile As String
Private mvarCategory As String
Private mvarDescription As String
Private mvarDateStamp As Date
Public Sub New(ByVal FileName As String)
'FileName refers to a JPG picture file...
mvarFile = FileName
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal pictureNode As XmlNode)
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Title()
Return mvarTitle
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Category()
Return mvarCategory
End Get
End Property


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Public Sub Edit()

'For now, we'll use a clunky InputBox method...
mvarTitle = InputBox("Enter a title:", _
"New Photo", mvarTitle)
mvarCategory = InputBox("Enter a category name:", _
"New Photo", mvarCategory)
mvarDescription = InputBox("Enter a description:", _
"New Photo", mvarDescription)
If IO.File.Exists(mvarFile) Then
mvarDateStamp = IO.File.GetCreationTime(mvarFile)
MessageBox.Show("Image file missing")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Display(ByVal P As PictureBox)
If IO.File.Exists(mvarFile) Then
P.Image = New Bitmap(mvarFile)
MessageBox.Show("Image file missing")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub WriteXML(ByVal writer As XmlWriter)
With writer
.WriteAttributeString("Title", mvarTitle)
.WriteElementString("File", mvarFile)
.WriteElementString("Category", mvarCategory)
.WriteElementString("Description", _
.WriteElementString("DateStamp", _
End With
End Sub
Public Sub ReadXML(ByVal pictureNode As XmlNode)
mvarTitle = pictureNode.Attributes("Title").Value
mvarFile = pictureNode.Item("File").InnerText
mvarCategory = pictureNode.Item("Category").InnerText
mvarDescription = _
mvarDateStamp = _
CType(pictureNode.Item("DateStamp").InnerText, Date)
End Sub
End Class
Listing A11.1: The Picture class

Note that whenever an operation involving the actual Picture file is used, were
checking that the file actually exists. This is always a potential problem with an
application of this type, since the catalogue refers to Picture files that can be deleted

Practical Activities


or moved to a different folder from Windows Explorer, so that an entry in the

catalogue no longer exists where it is expected to be. The class has two constructors,
one of which creates a new catalogue entry while the second reconstructs an entry
from an XMLNode. The Title and Category properties have been defined
as ReadOnly. Title will be needed by form code when adding a picture to the
HashTable collection, since this will be the collections Key property. Category
may be useful if we decide to expand the program to allow categories of pictures to
be displayed independently. All other data will be managed entirely within the class.

Activity 2: Creating the Catalogue class

The Catalogue class is simpler than the Picture class, since its main purpose
is just to manage the collection. The WriteXML() and ReadXML() methods are a
little more tricky because of the structured XML and the use of a HashTable, but
not significantly different from Listing 11.21 earlier in this chapter. Listing A11.2
shows the Catalogue class.
Public Class Catalogue
Private mvarPictures As Hashtable
Public Sub New()
mvarPictures = New Hashtable()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal fileName As String)
mvarPictures = New Hashtable()
'Now load it all up...
End Sub
Public Sub Add(ByRef P As Picture)
mvarPictures.Add(P.Title, P)
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(ByVal Key As String)
End Sub
Public Function Retrieve(ByVal Key As String) As Picture
Return mvarPictures.Item(Key)
End Function
Public Sub ListCatalogue(ByRef L As ListBox)
Dim Key As String
Dim P As Picture
Dim dictEnumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = _
Do While dictEnumerator.MoveNext()
End Sub


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Public Sub WriteXML(ByVal fileName As String)

Dim writer As XmlTextWriter = _
New XmlTextWriter(fileName, Nothing)
Dim P As Picture
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
'Then write out each Picture.
'Note, as it is a hashtable, we need to use a
'DictionaryEnumerator for this (see Chapter 6 and
'Chapter 10)...
Dim dictEnumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = _
Do While dictEnumerator.MoveNext()
P = dictEnumerator.Value()
End Sub
Public Sub ReadXML(ByVal fileName As String)
Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Dim pictureCollection, pictureNode As XmlNode
Dim reader As XmlNodeReader
Dim P As Picture
pictureCollection = doc.ChildNodes(1)
mvarPictures = New Hashtable()
For Each pictureNode In pictureCollection.ChildNodes
Dim subjectCollection, subjectNode As XmlNode
P = New Picture(pictureNode)
mvarPictures.Add(P.Title, P)
End Sub
End Class
Listing A11.2: The Catalogue class

We can now get on to the job of building the user-interface and testing our classes.
We can start with the main form (Figure A11.5), since this will allow us to check all
of the main functionality of the class model.
The form layout is more or less as designed. One useful feature of .NET forms
and controls is the Anchor property, which allows controls to be attached a distance
from any or all of the form sides. Once the controls are laid out, anchors are set
to make resizing easy: the list box anchors to the Top, Left and Bottom, so will
resize in height with the form, the buttons anchor to the Bottom and Right, so will
stay along the bottom of the form, and the picture box anchors to all four sides, and
so it will resize along with the form.
Property setting for the controls are shown in Table A11.1.

Practical Activities

Figure A11.5


The PictureCatalogue form

Table A11.1 Control settings for the PictureCatalogue form







Picture Catalogue

Name to refer to it by in code

The forms caption



Top, Left, Bottom


Top, Left,
Right, Bottom

Resizes the picture to fit the box

The picture box grows with
the form


Add Picture

Add a picture to the catalogue



Delete Picture





Full Size


Edit Picture




Keeps the list box snug along the

left of the form

Allows the picture to be displayed

as big as possible
For editing the picture data


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

The code for the form is shown in Listing A11.3.

Public Class frmCatalogue
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'The picture catalogue object...
Private Cat As Catalogue
'Create a catalogue, and read the XML data file if
'one exists...
Private Sub frmCatalogue_Load(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Load
Cat = New Catalogue()
If IO.File.Exists(FileName) Then
End If
End Sub
'This works out the filename for a data file in the same
'folder as the program. See text explaining listing
Private Function FileName() As String
Dim fn As String
fn = Application.ExecutablePath
fn = fn.Substring(0, fn.LastIndexOf("\")) & _
Return fn
End Function
'Add a picture...
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAdd.Click
'Get a picture file using the OpenFileDialog...
Dim dlg As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
dlg.InitialDirectory = "d:\Media\Photos"
dlg.Filter = "Photographs|*.jpg|All Files|*.*"
If dlg.ShowDialog() Then
'A picture has been selected.
'Create it..
Dim P As New Picture(dlg.FileName)
'Display it...
'Get the user to edit details...
'Add it to the catalogue...
'And update the list...
End If
End Sub

Practical Activities


'The user has clicked on an item in the list box.

'Display this picture...
Private Sub lstPictures_SelectedIndexChanged( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles lstPictures.SelectedIndexChanged
If lstPictures.SelectedItem <> "" Then
Dim P As Picture
P = Cat.Retrieve(lstPictures.SelectedItem)
End If
End Sub
'The user has chosen to delete the current selection...
Private Sub btnDelete_Click( _
ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnDelete.Click
If lstPictures.SelectedItem <> "" Then
If MessageBox.Show( _
"Delete the current picture?", _
"Delete Picture", _
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = _
DialogResult.Yes Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'Closing now, so write out the data file...
Private Sub frmCatalogue_Closing( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Closing
End Sub
End Class
Listing A11.3: The code for the PictureCatalogue form

Features worth remembering

In this exercise, weve used a number of different techniques for file handling and
user-interface creation.

The Anchor property is very useful for allowing forms to be easily resized without controls disappearing or going into odd configurations

IO.File.Exists() can be used to stop problems happening because an

expected file has been deleted or moved. Check for it, then open it


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

Structured XML is best dealt with from a structured collection of objects. Each
object can deal with its own instance data, while the collection manager simply
calls on them to load and save
There are a range of ways for persisting data, some are better suited to particular
purposes than others. Always consider the wider implications of a format you
decide to use can it be repaired if it becomes corrupted? (difficult with .NET
streams), is it easy to pass into other software? (XML is ideal), etc.

Suggested Additional Activities

1. There are a number of glaring omissions in this application while the core of it
works adequately. A full-size picture view will require you to create another
form with a picture box and load the picture into it. If you set the picture boxs
SizeMode setting to AutoSize, the picture box will grow to fit the image. You
can then use its Resize event to change the size of the form to either the full
picture size or the screen size, whichever is smaller.
2. The Category property of the Picture class is currently unused, but
could be used to allow groups of pictures to be displayed. Examine the
ListCatalogue() method of the Catalogue class. This can be amended to
include a given category name as a parameter so that only the matching pictures
were added to the list.
3. The picture data really needs a custom form for entering picture details. A call
to this form would be placed in the Edit() method of the Picture class pass
the details to controls on the form, show the form (as a dialog), and retrieve the
details when the dialog is closed.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 11.1

Sub SaveMRU()
SaveSetting("LetterWriter'', "Recent Files", _
"MRU1", File1)
SaveSetting("LetterWriter", "Recent Files", _
"MRU2", File2)
End Sub
Sub LoadMRU()
File1 = GetSetting("LetterWriter", "Recent
File2 = GetSetting("LetterWriter", "Recent
End Sub

Files", _
Files", _

Solutions to Exercises

Exercise 11.2


Private Sub FileLoad()

Dim dlgLoad As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
dlgLoad.Filter = "Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*"
dlgOpen.InitialDirectory =
If dlgSaveAs.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
fileName = dlgSaveAs.FileName
'Open and load the file...
'. . .
End If
End Sub

Exercise 11.3

Sub ReadWeeksAndMonths(ByVal FileName As String)

Dim Days(6) As String
Dim Months(11) As String
Dim buffer As String, data() As String
Dim index As Integer
Dim inStream As IO.StreamReader
inStream = New IO.StreamReader(FileName)
buffer = inStream.ReadLine()
data = buffer.Split(";")
For index = 0 To 6
Days(index) = data(index)
buffer = inStream.ReadLine()
data = buffer.Split(";")
For index = 0 To 11
Months(index) = data(index)
For index = 0 To 6
For index = 0 To 11
End Sub

Exercise 11.4

As demonstrated, the file that is created as a result of .NETs built-in serialization is a binary file. This format is efficient in storage terms and speed of operation, but does make the data impossible for a human to read. While text-based
serialization is much less efficient, this is often not an issue where small
amounts of data are concerned, and the readability of the data can make the file
more accessible to other programs, and the software easier to debug.


Exercise 11.5

Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization


These subs could be placed in a code module so that they could be used by
a form in any application. Note that if more than one form was to be saved,
it would be necessary either to use a separate file per form or to provide
another level of hierarchy in the XML file so that each form had its own
XML node (which could be identified by form name):
Sub WriteXmlWindowSettings(ByVal fileName As String, _
ByVal F As Form)
Dim writer As XmlTextWriter = _
New XmlTextWriter(fileName, Nothing)
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
writer.WriteElementString("Left", _
CType(F.Left, String))
writer.WriteElementString("Top", _
CType(F.Top, String))
writer.WriteElementString("Width", _
CType(F.Width, String))
writer.WriteElementString("Height", _
CType(F.Height, String))
End Sub
Sub ReadXmlWindowSettings(ByVal FileName As String, _
ByVal F As Form)
Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Dim Reader As XmlNodeReader
Dim XmlSettings As XmlNode
XmlSettings = doc.ChildNodes(1)
F.Top = CType(XmlSettings.Item("Top").InnerText, _
F.Left = CType(XmlSettings.Item("Left").InnerText, _
F.Width =
CType(XmlSettings.Item("Width").InnerText, _
F.Height = CType( _
XmlSettings.Item("Height").InnerText, Integer)
End Sub


The Windows Registry is a very large database of entries which are stored
in a proprietary binary format for efficiency. Using XML as a file format
for the registry would lead to a much larger set of registry files that would
take much longer to process. It would also make it difficult for the
Windows system to access individual settings in the registry.

Answers to Review Questions


Answers to Review Questions


What do you need to do before reading data from a file or writing data to a file? A file must be
opened before it can be read from or written to.


List the four parameters of the GetSetting() function. Which of these may not be needed?
What is returned from the function? ApplicationName, SectionName, KeyName and
DefaultKeyValue. Of these, the DefaultKeyValue will not be necessary if the Key is
known to exist in the registry. The value that was stored for a specific key (setting), or the
default value if none was.


What test would you perform before trying to open a file to read data from it in a program
given the file-name? Why is this test unnecessary if the file name has come from an
OpenFileDialog? You should check that the file exists (using the File.Exists()
method). The test is unnecessary for a file-name returned from an OpenFileDialog
because either the user has selected a file (which must exist) or, if no file has been
selected, the file name will be an empty string.


What do you call the character that is used to indicate the end of one data item and the beginning of the next in a file? Why can this sometimes cause a problem? A delimiter. If
the delimiter character or code is used within the data items in the file, there can be a
problem since it will appear to the program as if an extra piece of data (for each stored
delimiter character or code) is in the file.


How do you enable a class you have written to be serialized by serialization classes in the .NET
framework? Why might this not work properly? Mark the class with the <Serializable>
attribute. If a class that has been marked as serializable contains member objects (in a
composition structure) which are not themselves serializable, the serialization process
will fail.


What two things are wrong with this XML node: <Data ID=1234>Fred Smith</data>?
1) The attribute value (1234) is not enclosed in single or double quotes and, 2) The
closing tag name does not match the opening tag name (XML tags must match exactly
including character case).


What class is used to write data into a XML document? XMLWriter


A persons name, date of birth and social security number is being read from an XML
document into Visual Basic variables of the most appropriate types. Explain what may have to
be done to the data as it is extracted from the XML document. As data is extracted from the
XML document, it may have to be cast to an appropriate type (e.g. Date for the date of
birth value), since XML contains only text data.


What is the main limitation of XML as a format for storing large amounts of data? The main limitation is that in many situations, an entire XML document must be read into memory,
even if there is only a small amount of data required from it. Also, XML data is space
inefficient because of the amount of text in the tags. (Note that it is actually possible to


Chapter 11 n Files, Streams and Serialization

partially read a XML document, using an implementation of XML known as SAX (Simple
API for XML). However, this still requires that a XML file is read up to the point where the
required data has been found, and this is a severe limitation compared to other available
10. Where does Microsoft suggest you save application data files on a Windows
computer? What are the alternatives? Application.CommonAppDataPath or
Application.ExecutablePath, or a custom folder (e.g. D:\MyData) to store data in.



Databases in Visual Basic


While streams are a perfectly good persistence mechanism for saving and restoring
the complete state of an object-oriented system, this is often not required, and for
some systems may not be possible. Consider, for example, the database system for
a large company. It is likely that there will be millions, or even billions of records of
data, each of which corresponds to the state of a single object. To load the state of
the entire system into an object-model would require a huge amount of computer
memory, and would probably take a very long while to do. Systems of this scale tend
to work on the basis of manipulating single data records, small sets of data records
or aggregate information about a lot of data records (for example the total number
of customer accounts, or the average of all todays customers total purchases).
We would neither be able to nor wish to develop a system that would create an
object model of the entire system in cases like these. Database systems work with
large amounts of information, most of which is stored off-line, on a disk or some
other form of permanent storage. Information is brought into main memory to be
processed, and then sent back to off-line storage. New data records are created in
main memory and sent to disk when their data has been entered in full.


Object-Oriented Database Systems

In contrast, objects are kept in the computers main memory, and so far, we have
only considered permanent storage to be a useful way of keeping information when
a program is not actually running. However, there is an entire class of objectoriented program that is required to work with larger amounts of data than could be
maintained as an on-line object model. These object-oriented database programs
work on the principle that an object is reconstructed from a disk record if and when
it is required. Matters get complicated when the objects in the object model in use
are highly interconnected. In this case, reconstructing an object from a disk record
may then have the knock-on effect of forcing the reconstruction of all of the objects
that the first refers to, and in turn all of the objects that they refer to, and so on.
Various strategies are used to minimize the impact of these types of interconnections
in object databases.
Object-oriented databases tend to be large and complex systems purpose-built
for strategic purposes: large-scale Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
(CAD/CAM) systems, telecommunications data management systems and similar
applications with massive data requirements. We will not consider them further here.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

12.1.1 Relational Database Systems

The most common way of storing and maintaining medium or large sets of data for
use by one or more programs is a relational database. There are a variety of these
available, from the simple desktop variety like Microsoft Access or Borland
Paradox, to major systems that can be accessed simultaneously by many users in a
networked environment such as SQL Server, Oracle and DB2. Visual Studio .NET
in the Professional and Enterprise versions is supplied with a size-limited version of
SQL Server called the Microsoft Database Environment or MSDE for short. MSDE
is also shipped along with Microsoft Office Professional and Microsoft Access.
The .NET framework includes classes for working with most of the available
database types including Access, Oracle, SQL Server, MSDE and others. Currently,
the components provided for working with SQL Server and MSDE are favoured
since they have been developed to connect to these database types in a more direct
way than the generic components that allow connection to the other types. It is
expected that this will change as other manufacturers develop their own classes
for establishing a direct connection between a .NET application and their database
The System.Data namespace in the .NET framework contains a number of
classes that we can use to write coded methods for getting data from and inserting
data into a database. Visual Studio .NET also contains components for accessing
databases, tools for examining the content of database servers, wizards for generating forms for accessing data and controls to make the presentation of data on a form
a simple matter. Before we go on to look at these, we should have a look at the
underlying theory of databases and relational databases. Flat-File Databases

In the previous chapter we used streams to move data from object models into
files. In one example, information was stored in a comma-delimited file as rows
of information. Each row had a similar composition (e.g. a name, address and telephone number) so that the data stored in the file was effectively a table.
A flat-file database is similar to this with one necessary exception. Since it is
important that a database system can retrieve an item of information as quickly as
possible, it is important that each row in the data table takes exactly the same amount
of storage space as every other row. Then, an operating system feature that makes it
possible to jump directly to any location within a file and read the data from that
point on can be used to gain direct access to any record in a table.
For example, Table 12.1 shows data that could be stored in a flat-file database. In
the table, each row (apart from the first, headings row) contains a record of data.
Each column specifies a field, which is an atomic item of data (one that contains a
single piece of information in the context of the record). During the specification of
a table, each field is described in terms of the type of data it may contain (number,
textual characters, date, etc.), and its format or maximum size (e.g. numeric floating
point, numeric integer, maximum of 40 characters, etc.). Since this type of decision
fixes the amount of storage space that a field will fit into, it has the advantage of
making a table of data a very efficient structure to store and to work with.


12.1 Object-Oriented Database Systems

Table 12.1 A table of data






Date of Birth

Joe Bloggs
Annette Curtin
Neil Doon

1 Acacia Ave.
2 High St.
3 Low Rd.


G11 3XX

041 123 4567

123 5678
234 4567


Table 12.2 Field structure for the table in Table 12.1



Date of Birth


Size in bytes

For example, assume that the fields in Table 12.1 are organized as shown in
Table 12.2.
Each record in the table will take exactly 173 bytes of storage space, found by
adding together the byte size of each of the fields. Note that the size of each character field would be chosen by a database developer, while the date size is standard
for a given database engine. Given the fixed record size, a routine to access it will
be able to do its work very fast. Record 1 will occupy bytes 1 to 173, record 2 bytes
174 to 346 and so on. For example, the 31st record of data will be located from byte
number (30 * 173 + 1) to byte number (31 * 173) in the file. Any computer-based
random-access filing system (such as the Windows FAT or NTFS filing systems) can
access and return this information very quickly.
The limitation is of course that every record must take up exactly the same amount
of space. If someones name is only 10 characters long, 50 characters of space will
be wasted. If they have only one line of address, the entire field for the second line
will be wasted. The most obvious alternative scheme of placing a marker at the end
of every field in the table (for example, a comma) will allow data of any size to fit
snugly in a field but would slow things up by forcing the filing system to count
through each marker of each record to access a particular record, since no simple
calculation could work out where a given record started.
Using a system like this, a flat-file database can store and retrieve simple
information quickly. Provided care has been taken in deciding on the length of the
variable-width fields (usually strings), the system can also be acceptably efficient in
its use of space. Given the current standard of multi-gigabyte disk drives, the wasted
space can be considered to be trivial.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Table 12.3 A Flat-File Orders Database















1 Acacia Ave . . .
1 Acacia Ave . . .
1 Acacia Ave . . .
5 Main St . . .
5 Main St . . .
5 Main St . . .
11 High St . . .
15 River Ave . . .
15 River Ave . . .
15 River Ave . . .
15 River Ave . . .
15 River Ave . . .
5 Main St . . .


1/2 Bolt
6ba Wingnut
6 Driver
1/2 Bolt
100cl Oil
Circlip 100
1/4 Bolt
4ba Wingnut
6ba Wingnut
6 Driver
Rubber feet
2.5mm cable




Exercise 12.1

Using Table 12.2 as an example, define a flat-file structure for a table of

BankAccount transactions. You should aim to use the most suitable field
types from Character, Date and Number for each field, and should carefully
consider the best size for any text fields you define. Limitations of Flat-File Databases

The flat-file storage system can easily be applied to simple data systems. However,
a limitation soon becomes apparent; in the real world, few systems contain information of only one type. For example, consider a simple ordering database system. This
will contain information on customers, products for sale, items ordered and invoices
for billing purposes; a minimum of four separate types of information. To create a
flat-file database from this information would involve constructing a large table in
which each row would contain all of the information for any single purchase. An
example of this is shown in Table 12.3, and will be referred to later in the section on
Relational Database Principles.
The first thing to notice about the table is that each row contains data on each of
the different types of information; it should actually be four tables rather than one (a
table for customers, one for orders, one for ordered items and one for products). The
second thing to notice is that various records (rows) contain repeated groups of
information. For example, in the first three records, the first four fields contain the
same data. This is confirmation that there is more than one table of data here. It is
also an indication of data redundancy. To improve on this, we need to move to the
relational database model. Relational Database Principles

The problem with flat-file databases is that they are no more than a conversion of a
good model for storing data manually (e.g. in card indexes) to a computer format.

12.1 Object-Oriented Database Systems


Computer systems can deal with this model with no trouble, but many of the possible advantages that could be gained from using a computer model cannot be fully
realized, due to the deficiencies of the model.
Take the example of a card index system that you might use to catalogue your
tapes or CDs. If each card represents a musical artist or group, there will be a maximum number of albums that could be fitted on a card. Say each card has space for
15 lines of text. One line each for the artists or groups name and some comments,
plus one line per CD, allowing a maximum of 13 titles (ok, it is possible to use the
back of the card, but the argument remains with just some changes in the numbers).
If we now wanted to list all of the tracks on each CD there would only be room for
one, or at the most two albums per card.
One way around the physical limitations of the card formats would be to have two
sets of index cards, one containing artist details and the other containing CD details.
To match artists to CD, it would be simple to add a cross-reference on each CD card,
giving the name or even just a number that refers to the matching artist card. We
could take this a stage further, by creating a card index for record companies, with
each artist card referring to the appropriate company card. An example of this
scheme is shown in Figure 12.1.
Note that there is an immediate improvement in efficiency, both for storage and
for insertion, the act of adding a new CD to a database. In storage terms, each artist
card does not need to have the name of the record company explicitly on it, so there
is more room for artist information. If an artist changes record companies, it will be
a simple matter to update the cross-reference on the card (although this can cause an

Figure 12.1

Relational Structure applied to a Card Index


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

awkward anomaly as well see later). Insertion wise, adding a new record for a CD
by an artist for whom there is an existing card will involve only listing the album
specifics Name, Artist Reference Number, Date, Tracks.
Of course, adding a new CD by an artist who is not already listed will involve
completing two new cards, one with CD information and one with artist information.
If the record company were not already listed, a third new index card would be
necessary. However, even having to add all three cards for a new entry does not have
many overheads compared to writing the same information on a single card. Also,
we would normally hope that this type of operation would be the exception.
Where inefficiency creeps in is in retrieving the information about a specific artist
or CD, since we will now have to search through several card indexes to find all of
the relevant information. However, this is what computer database systems excel at,
particularly where some system of indexing has been set up for a table of data.
It is worth noting that there is a severe flaw in the above representation of a structured tape and CD index card database. What if an artist, after releasing several CDs
on one label, changed record companies? If we were to update the artist card with
the number of the new record company, then it would look as though all of the
artists CDs were released under the new label. This would complicate matters if you
were to give this information to someone who wished to place an order for a copy
of one of their earlier CDs.
A more efficient way to structure this database would be to refer to the record
label on each CD card, rather than on the artists. This type of problem occurs often
in databases (think of a customer/order database where a customer changes their
billing address using this scheme would make it look as if all orders ever sent to
the customer went to the new address before they even occupied it), and often results
in structural changes to an entire database system being made at great effort and cost
to the developers. Database design takes care, effort and experience. Relational Database Theory: E.F. Codd

The cross-referenced storage format proposed in the above example is the essence
of relational databases. A true relational database will have a data structure created
following a number of rules designed to maintain the integrity of the database (i.e.
prevent the cross-referencing system from failing) and to eliminate redundancy.
These rules were first proposed by Dr E.F. Codd, who developed a relational
calculus as a formalized mathematics for the creation and manipulation of relational
database structures. Central to his proposals for relational databases was the use of
a RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System), which would act as a layer
of software hosted by an operating system that allowed tables to be created, updated,
queried, altered and destroyed.
The paper, Is Your DBMS Really Relational? by Dr Codd, explains 12 rules that
govern a RDBMS1. Many so-called relational database systems ignore the majority
of these rules, but use the tag relational anyway. In fact few of the large number of

These rules can be found in various websites.


12.1 Object-Oriented Database Systems


available relational database systems are truly relational, in that they break some
or many of Codds rules. However, the power of the relational database model
shines through, even in products, which have compromised the rules. In most cases,
the rules have been side-stepped for purely pragmatic reasons. A Relational Example

Going back to the customer/orders database originally depicted as a flat file in
Table 12.3, we could structure this database as a set of four tables as shown in
Figure 12.2.
Note that each Invoice belongs to one Customer and is made up of a number of
Orders. Each Order is for a quantity of a particular Item. In general, cross-references
direct from the detail end to the master end. Therefore, Orders contain a reference
to Items (since one type of item can appear on many orders) and to Invoices, since
one invoice can have a number of orders on it. Customers contain a reference to
Invoices, since one customer can have any number of invoices.
Note also that each table has one or more particular columns that have been highlighted. This column or columns contains values that are unique to each record in the
table. For example, we can arrange it so that each Customer, Invoice and Item in
their tables are given a unique ID number; one that we can guarantee not to use in
any other record in the same table. In the Orders table, the two fields Invoice-No and

Figure 12.2

The Customer-Orders system from Table 12.3 as a relational database


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Item-Code will be a unique combination for each order (since an invoice will contain a list of orders for different items). We call this field or combination of fields the
primary key of a table, since it can be used to unambiguously identify each record in
the table. If we refer to Item-Code 0006, it can only ever be a reference to a 1/4" bolt.
Similarly, Customer no 0035 is always Brown of 5 Main St and Order 0123-0082
will always refer to an order of 80 6ba Wing-Nuts on an Invoice for Customer no
0011 generated on 12/02/03.
Primary keys make cross-referencing between tables possible and efficient. The
value of a primary key should never change, since that would break the integrity of
the database by breaking the link between the record whose primary key it is and
other records in other tables. When a cross-reference in made by inserting the
primary key field from one table into another table, it is referred to as a foreign key
or secondary key in the other table. Relationships
A relationship is a link between one item in a table and another item in the same or
a different table. We describe the relationships between items in terms of how many
items there can be at either end. For example, a single customer can have a number
of invoices (as shown for Customer no 0035 in Figure 12.2), which we would call a
one-to-many relationship. Similarly, one invoice would normally contain more than
one employee (e.g. Invoice-No 0126). However, if we included a table of credit limits into our orders database, one customer would be related to one credit limit record,
and vice-versa a one-to-one relationship.
There is a third form of relationship, in which many items in one table can be
related to many items in another. This form of relationship does not come up too
often, but needs to be catered for in some circumstances. For example, a publishers
database could contain a table of Authors and a table of Books. One author could be
responsible for writing any number of books, but also a single book could have been
written by a number of authors (computer books are often written in this way).
Unfortunately, this form of relationship cannot be dealt with by having the relationships directly between the two tables, since a relationship is always a one-way link.
We can add an AuthorID column to the Books table and a particular authors id
could appear in any number of rows to show what books that author had written, but
if we try to reverse the relationship so that a BookID could appear in a number of
author entries, the picture gets confused: has the author written the one book whose
ID is in his table entry, or the many that have his ID in the Books table?
The way around this to create true many-to-many relationship is to add a third
table, which holds only links between authors and books. For example, the table
excerpts shown in Figure 12.3 are from Microsofts Biblio database, supplied as an
example database with copies of Access, SQL Server and MSDN. Three tables itemize authors (Authors), books (Titles) and the many-to-many link between authors
and books (Title Author). The link table in the middle shows that the author with
AuthorID 2340 has contributed to two books (in fact many more than this) since that
authors ID appears in two rows. The book with ISBN 0-2011173-4-7 was written
by two authors (2340 and 7707). The result is that the link table can be used to relate
many items in one table with many items in another.

12.1 Object-Oriented Database Systems




Shelly, Gary B.
Garrison, C.









Author Table


Book Title

Inductive Logic
dBASE III: Ready
Reference Manual

Title (Book) Table

Link Table (Author Title)

Figure 12.3

A table set showing a many-to-many relationship

Tables and relationships are the defining components of a relational database, and
every database system benefits from the meticulous design of these. By carefully
considering the entities that appear in tables (rows), and the primary as foreign key
fields required to relate them appropriately, a developer can create a foundation that
will support a complex data management system through many different versions of
the operating software.
Exercise 12.2

Devise a table structure for dealing with bank accounts and transactions, using
the descriptions given in Chapter 10. You will need select or provide a primary
key field and a foreign key field for creating the link between the tables. Normalization
Given a well-organized table structure with key fields to define relationships
between records as discussed in the previous section, we can quite easily build up a
database system. It should be obvious that a certain amount of optimization can be
performed on a set of data to minimize the amount of space used and to improve its
logical structure (and thereby simplify any changes that may need to be imposed on
it in the future). Working from a set of entity descriptions, and carefully checking to
ensure that there are no hidden relationships between values in fields (attributes)
can result in a well-organized structure. Many database designers and programmers
work out a table structure for a database almost intuitively, and manage to produce
totally logical and maintainable structures in this way.
However, it is difficult to teach this approach to database design since generally
it is based on experience gained over a long period in database development. This
usually includes much experience gained by doing it wrong and having to apply a
lot of effort to recover from a structural disaster (possibly the most effective form of
experience). It also depends on the designer being able to work from the ground up,
allocating descriptions for the items that will appear in the database and assigning
fields to tables as necessary. Often, data already exists and a suitable structure must
be created to fit it.
There is a more realistic approach to database design which, with a little effort,
will generally lead to an optimal data structure. The process is known as normalization, and involves organising existing data into optimal table structures by grouping


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

attributes to form entities of an efficient size and composition. The eventual goal
of this is to eliminate the storage of duplicated information and to create the best
structure for accommodating future changes to the data. A full description of normalization is beyond the scope of this book. Almost any decent book on database
design (e.g. Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation
and Management, by Connolly and Begg) will describe the technique more than

12.1.2 SQL: An Implementation of Relational Calculus

There are many DBMS systems in operation in the world, and many of these
use proprietary languages for creating databases, populating them with data, and
extracting specific sets of information from them. Most use the notion of sets of data
explicitly, and these languages are therefore characterized as set-oriented. Of all of
the available languages for RDBMS operation, Structured Query Language (SQL),
originally defined by IBM in the 1970s is regarded as a standard; the lingua franca
for relational database management.
SQL was developed from Sequel, IBMs first attempt at a RDBMS language.
There are two distinct parts to SQL, both of which are necessary to form a
language that obeys Codds rule 5, which relates to the facilities necessary for a
RDBMS. These parts are a Data Definition Language (DDL), which allows the
structure of databases to be defined and altered, and a Data Manipulation Language (DML), which allows data to be entered into a database, altered and extracted
from it.
Using the two components of SQL, a database developer can construct SQL
statements to manipulate the structure or content of a database. SQL can be used
to perform three types of operation:
1. queries can return views of a database (DML);
2. SQL updates can update a database contents (DML);
3. other SQL statements can modify the structure of a database (DDL).
Of these, the query is the type of SQL statement that is used most often. SQL has
been implemented in one form or another by just about every software company that
has claims to producing DBMS systems. Some products have only a DML component while others incorporate both components. Some with a DML component
only usually make use of some form of Graphics User Interface (GUI)-based data
definition tool for defining and altering tables.
Few of the available implementations of SQL are fully compatible with the standard language. (A definitive version was published in 1992 by two related authorities; a 580 page specification published by ANSI as American National Standard
X3.135-1992 and one by ISO/IEC as International Standard 9075:1992. The two
specifications are word-for-word identical.) A command-line environment (Oracle,
Ingres) fronts some SQL implementations. These usually include optional GUI
tools. Others are implemented as embedded languages, which are hosted by other

12.2 .NET Support for Relational Databases


programming languages. As we shall see, the .NET framework takes this approach,
while Visual Studio .NET incorporates functional GUI tools as well. The Structure of a SQL statement

A SQL statement is made up of three parts:
1. a verb, such as CREATE, MODIFY, SELECT, INSERT or UPDATE;
2. a predicate part that specifies a field set to the query (e.g. *, Titles.Au_ID);
3. a prepositional clause that indicates the tables involved (e.g. Authors,
Typical queries are . . .
SELECT * FROM Authors;
INSERT INTO Customers SELECT [New Customers].* FROM
[New Customers];

The .NET framework does not specify or preclude any specific form of SQL, since
it is an express requirement that any database format can be used with it. The various database drivers available to a Visual Basic program define how the program
communicates with a database, and any specific SQL that a programmer needs to
embed in a piece of Visual Basic code must conform to that which the database
expects. For many, probably most, .NET database programs, this will be TransactSQL, the implementation used by Microsofts SQL server and MSDE.

12.1.3 Relational Databases and Object-Orientation

From our perspective as object-oriented programmers, a relational database is made
up of tables, each of which can contain the member data for all of the objects of a
specific class. Compared to a true object-oriented database, this is an inadequate
system since each classs methods have been separated from the object data in a
very non-object-oriented way. However, we can make use of a relational database
as a persistence mechanism. Provided we use the information in tables as simply the
data from which objects can be reconstituted, the relational database model works
well in supporting object-oriented systems, particularly those in which objects are
not required to be available on-line at all times.


.NET Support for Relational Databases

Microsoft provides in the .NET framework a solid object hierarchy for the management of relational databases. The range of classes for database work is found in the
System.Data namespace. For classes which must deal directly with a database


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

server (a program that manipulates a database on behalf of other programs), there are
currently two categories; those that are optimized for use with SQL Server and
MSDE, and those that can use Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) via Object
Linking and Embedding (OLE) to provide access to a wide range of other database
types including Microsoft Access, dBase III and IV, Oracle, DB2 and Paradox.
These are differentiated by a prefix, either Sql or OleDb in the class name.
Classes in the System.Data namespace without either of these prefixes can be used
for working with data from either version.
A few classes are used to establish access to databases to support database
working sessions (SqlConnection, OleDbConnection) while others provide
ways of sending commands to a database server and retrieving the results
(SqlCommand, OleDbCommand). Also important are the classes that encapsulate
information retrieved from a database (SqlDataReader, OleDbDataReader)
and those that allow that information to be updated (the SqlDataAdapter,
OleDbDataAdapter and Dataset classes). These are backed up by a range of
classes that provide detailed access to tables (DataTable), rows (DataRow),
columns (DataColumn) and relations (DataRelation). The on-line help provided
with Visual Studio .NET is a comprehensive guide to these classes and their use.

12.2.1 Three-Tier Application Support in .NET

Recall that the components of an application can be usefully organized into three
separate tiers or layers. This organization provides a good solution to the compromises often encountered in complex application design when considering the
sometimes conflicting goals of organizational complexity, application flexibility,
component re-use and maintenance.
We can build application-specific and user-interface specific code on top of the
standard database classes to make it easy to manage data in programs. The result is
a three-tier application, the tiers being:

The data-access layer, that deals with forming a connection with and
getting information to and from the actual database. Typically, the Sql/
OleDbConnection classes, the Sql/OleDbDataReader classes and the
Sql/OleDbDataAdapter classes perform this function.
The business-object or business-logic layer that forms a set of business-objects
from the information in the database so that certain business rules can be imposed
on the way the information is handled. An object model tailored to the system
requirements is the most likely form of this layer.
The user-interface, or presentation layer, that deals with presenting the business
objects and allowing the user to interact with them. Forms and controls are used
to implement this layer.

This three-tier approach gives us a very flexible way of presenting a database to a

user while imposing business rules on the way that the database is used. The benefits
of this approach are the same benefits that object-orientation can provide to any type
of application, but have additional purchase in database style applications.

12.2 .NET Support for Relational Databases


Objects can be used to manage all of the database-specific operations within

the application, thereby making the application code itself easier to create and
maintain. These are the data access objects that make up the data access layer.
Changes to the underlying database need not affect the application code since
they can be made to the classes that provide database access.
Changes to the business rules can be localized to the business-object layer, so
that it is often possible to avoid making changes to the database structure or
access layer.
The way that the information in the database is used and updated can be tightly
controlled by the middle, business-logic layer. The business objects in this layer
know how to interact with the data-access layer but impose rules as to how this
data can be used and changed, from the perspective of the environment they are
used in. For example, business rules, such as a rule that makes it impossible for
a customer to withdraw money from a bank account that has a zero balance,
would be coded in this layer.
We can make the information in a database appear as though it was a simple
object model to the user-interface. Data access and business logic can be given an
interface that provides apparently continuous access to every element in a large
database even though only a few objects may be in memory at any one time,
thereby simplifying the design of the user-interface layer. This layer simply
handles events from the user and presents information from the lower layers.
Once the two bottom layers are built, we can create a range of applications
based on the same database and object model. This makes it possible to develop
applications that are optimized for particular users within a larger organization.
For example, applications for data entry and recall might be important in the
front office of a company, while others might provide for the analysis of all of the
information in the database to enable executives to make strategic decisions.

By developing an object model to act as an access layer between the application

and the database, we will effectively be making on-the-fly translations from the
relational data model to an object model and back again, as shown in Figure 12.4.
In object-oriented programming terms, most of the classes in System.Data
would be used in only the data-access layer of an adequate object-oriented database
solution. However, the DataSet class is powerful and flexible enough that it has
functions to offer both the data-access layer and the business layer.
Generally, a complex database application will benefit from the separation of
data access and the implementation of business rules, and normally we would encapsulate the business rules in a business-objects layer. However, for many systems the
business rules may be simple enough that we can create a DataSet that will implement them, in which case there may be no need for a separate object model to build
around the business rules. Of course for system engineered around highly functional
classes that interconnect in complex ways, a proper object model will still provide
the best solution. The deciding factor should be based on whether the data in
database tables is simply stored and updated as a form of record-keeping system, or
whether that data is to be used to reconstruct an object model that does significant
work in its own right.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Figure 12.4


Three tiered application structure

Data Access in a Three-Tiered System

Since database design and development is a major undertaking that would at present
get in the way of our real goal of developing Visual Basic .NET code to access
databases, we will make use of one of Microsofts existing database examples to
describe a three-tiered approach to database applications programming. The Biblio
example database has been provided with versions of Microsoft Access, Visual
Studio and Visual Basic over several versions, the most recent being Biblio2002 (see
Figure 12.5). This is a database containing related tables of Publishers, Authors and
books (Titles), and includes one link table (Title Author) to take care of the manyto-many relationship between authors and books (one author can have written many
books, one book can have many authors) as described earlier (see Figure 12.3).
If you have installed a version of MSDE then you will be able to access this
database using the classes in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace. If not, you
should have the Access equivalent database file (Biblio2002.mdb). Alternatively,
almost any earlier version of the Biblio.mdb Access database should be adequate for
the program examples here.
One useful thing to notice about Figure 12.5 is that although it was drawn to show
the relationships between database tables in the Biblio database, it is in fact a UML
class diagram and can be used to infer the class model of an application program
for working with this database. When we come to writing code to manipulate the
database later in this chapter, we will create a rationalized version of this model
(there will be no need for a link table in the object-oriented world). Before that, we
should have a look at a simpler situation where we can access the information in one
of the tables.

12.3 Data Access in a Three-Tiered System

Figure 12.5


The structure of the Biblio (Biblio2002) database

12.3.1 Connections and Connection Strings

The first requirement to enable us to access a database from a .NET program is
to establish a connection to it, for which we use a connection class. Version 1.0
of Visual Studio .NET provides two types of connection class: SqlConnection
and OleDbConnection. The first is for use with Microsoft SQL server and
MSDE database environments and provides a very efficient connection to either
of these database servers. The second type is a generic database connection class
that uses OleDb, which stands for Database Object Linking and Embedding. OleDb
is an earlier database connection model used extensively in Visual Basic 6.0
programs to access database engines. Because the OleDb connection class must
connect to a database using an additional layer of code running in a separate process,
it is far less efficient than the direct access route that the SqlConnection class
To create a connection, the Connection object must be given a connection string.
The connection string is simply a piece of text that contains the database access
details. For a SqlConnection, this includes the name of the server, the catalogue
(database) to open, the security protocol by which the object is to be granted access,
the name of the workstation from which the database program is running, etc. A
connection string for an OleDbConnection will vary in format depending on the
database server that it is to access. A connection to an Access database file can be
quite simple compared to some of the server-based variants. A typical connection
string (the one that connects to the example databases on my laptop PC) is shown
broken into sections in Table 12.4. Note that the sections shown would be joined into
a single string, with semicolon delimiters between sections.
Creating a connection string can be a complex business if you want to write it
yourself, but fortunately Visual Studio gives us an easy way to generate one. Using
the Server Explorer window (which normally inhabits the same location in the
Visual Studio IDE as the Toolbox, on a separate tab) you can drill down to a
specific server and drag the required database element on to a form. This will
create two components in the forms component tray: a Connection object and a
Data Adapter object. You can then determine the connection string from the properties of the connection. Appendix 2 shows you how to create connections and


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Table 12.4 A connection string deconstructed

Connection string section


data source=CIS-LAP2002;

The name of the database server


initial catalog=Biblio2002SQL;
integrated security=SSPI;
persist security info=True;

The database to connect to.

workstation id=CIS-LAP21;

The workstation used to access the


packet size=4096

The maximum number of bytes extracted

per access.

The data access security model used.

Whether a secured connection will work
over multiple operations.

connection strings for SQL Server and OleDB databases, and how to manipulate
these in code.
Exercise 12.3


If you have an available database system installed on a PC, use the guidelines
in Appendix 2 to create a connection string for it (you would need a separate
connection string for each database, so select one). Once you have created a
suitable connection string, copy it and paste it into Windows Notepad or some
other text editor, and save it to a file on your PC (use a memorable name, such
as BiblioConnString.lnk). Using the .lnk file-name extension will make it
easier to make use of this connection string in database programs.

Reading and Writing Data

Having connected to a database, the next obvious requirement is to access the data.
Reading data from a database is relatively simple and can be done using a number
of different classes. Writing data back to a database generally involves a little more
effort, and provides more scope for errors. We will look at how to read data first.

12.4.1 The DataReader Class

As you might expect, a class whose name includes the term DataReader is
tailor-made for the purpose of reading information from a database. It is used in
a situation where we want to examine the data of an entire table or a subset of
this data but have no need to update it. The DataReader classes provide very fast
read-only access to sets of data. There are presently: SqlDataReader (from the
Data.SqlClient namespace) and OleDbDataReader (from the Data.OleDb

12.4 Reading and Writing Data


We use a DataReader object to extract information from a database, but in

order to do so we must first establish a connection to the database (using either the
SqlConnection class or the OleDbConnection class) and issue a command
that says what data we want to access (using either the SqlCommand or the
OleDbCommand class). One or other version of the code in Listing 12.1 can be called
from the Form_Load event-handler for a form or anywhere we want to get read-only
access to the contents of the Titles table of the Biblio database.
Private Sub ReadTitles()
Dim dbConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim dbCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim DataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim SQLText As String = "Select * From Titles;"
'The next line uses a connection string stored in
dbConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQLText, dbConn)
DataReader = _
'We would now go on to display data from DataReader.
'For example . . .
With DataReader
Do While .Read()
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", _
.Item("Title"), _
.Item("Year Published").ToString(), _
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ReadTitlesOleDb()
'These are OleDb versions of the Connection,
'Command and DataReader objects . . .
Dim dbConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbCmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim DataReader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Dim SQLText As String = "Select * From Titles"
dbConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SQLText, dbConn)
'From here, code is the same . . .
End Sub
Listing 12.1: Using a DataReader (2 versions for Sql and OleDb connections)

The code in Listing 12.1 looks imposing, but a step by step explanation should
make its operation clear. We need a Connection object (dbConn) to form a connection to the database server (in the first sub, this will be either SQL Server or MSDE,
since we are using the SqlConnection class, using the second sub, it would be an


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Access database), and this is instantiated passing a connection string to it. We also
need a Command object (dbCmd) to indicate what information we want the database
to provide. The SqlCommand constructor used takes a string containing the SQL text
that specifies what data to extract, and a Connection object that gives it access to the
database server. The data to be extracted is specified in the SQL statement "Select
* From Titles", which says Retrieve every row of complete records (*) from the
Titles table.
Having set up a connection and command, the connection is opened, and then a
DataReader object is created by calling the commands ExecuteReader() method.
This is set by the CommandBehavior.CloseConnection parameter to run so that
once the data has been read the connection will automatically be closed. Alternatively, the connection could be left open so that you could issue other commands
after this one (CommandBehavior.Default). Various other settings can be applied
to ExecuteReader() to achieve different ends; see the on-line help for details.
The DataReader object will now provide access to rows of data from the Titles
table. Each Read() operation makes the next row available as the Item() property
and returns True until after the last item has been read, when a False result is
returned. To access any column in the current row, we simply pass the column name
into the Item() property.
In this example, the database information is simply printed in the Debug window,
but with a very small amount of effort we can add the rows of data to a list box or,
even better, to a ListView control. If we add a ListView control to the form
and give it the name lvAuthors, we can display the entire table with the code in
Listing 12.2.
'Clear out the current ListView stuff . . .
'Set it to show details in columns . . .
lvAuthors.View = View.Details
'Add and configure three columns: we need to specify a Title,
'Width and Alignment for each column . . .
lvAuthors.Columns.Add("Au_ID", 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
lvAuthors.Columns.Add("Author Name", 150, _
lvAuthors.Columns.Add("Year Born", 80, _
'Now read the data and add it to the ListView . . .
With DataReader
Dim lvItem As ListViewItem
Do While.Read()
lvItem = New ListViewItem(.Item("Title"))
End With
Listing 12.2: Displaying retrieved data in a ListView control

12.4 Reading and Writing Data

Figure 12.6


The result of the code in Listing 12.2

This code results in a table-style view of the entire contents of the Authors table
(see Figure 12.6), including a scroll bar for access to items far down the list. One
useful feature of this is that if a row of the ListView is selected by clicking
on it with the mouse cursor, the SelectedItems() property will include it
(SelectedItems() is a collection property). If a single row is selected,
SelectedItems(0).Text will return the value in the left-hand column, which for
the view shown is the primary key column of the table. This will be useful when
dealing with related tables (for example, if we wished to add a new item to a table
related to this one).
Exercise 12.4


Create a sub to display every title in the Biblio database using a

DataReader object


Amend the sub so that it saves the list of titles to a text file using a
StreamWriter object


Amend the sub to add the list of titles to a ListView control.

12.4.2 Gaining read-write access to data

The DataReader control does not allow changes to be made to data. Its purpose is
to collect a set of data as rapidly as possible and return it to a program. As soon as
you want to apply changes to the data, you are left with a choice: whether to work
in SQL directly or to use a DataSet. The DataSet class allows you to extract an
entire set of data from multiple tables, specify relationships between the data in the
tables, add new rows, delete rows or edit the existing data, and then write all of the
changes back to the database. As you might expect, a DataSet object is complex,
can contain large amounts of interrelated data and involves quite a bit of programming effort. Before we go on to examine the DataSet class, well have a look at
some much simpler ways of changing the content of a database.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET Using SQL Commands directly

Using the SQL INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE commands, we can make changes
to database tables quickly and with minimum use of the systems resources. To do
this of course, we need knowledge of SQL and this takes time to develop. Ill give
a short example here (Listing 12.3) of an INSERT command to add a new record to
the Authors table of Biblio, using data picked up from text boxes (txtAuthor,
txtBorn) on a form.
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAdd.Click
If txtAuthor.Text = "" Or txtBorn.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Need to enter name and year of birth.")
'First define the command text...
Dim Sql As String = _
"INSERT INTO Authors(Author, [Year Born])" & _
"VALUES (@Author, @Year);"
'Declare and create Connection...
Dim dbConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
dbConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(CONNSTR)
'Declare and create Command object...
Dim dbCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(Sql, dbConn)
'We need to add a parameter for each value inserted.
'The Author's name...
dbCmd.Parameters.Add("Author", txtAuthor.Text)
'... and year of birth...
dbCmd.Parameters.Add("[Year Born]", _
CType(txtBorn.Text, Integer))
'Open the connection and execute the command...
'Refresh the ListView so we can see if the insertion
'has worked...
End If
End Sub
Listing 12.3: Inserting a record into a table

As you can see, inserting a new record can be quite involved. However, the programmer has more control over the process, and it represents the most efficient way
of adding data to a database. You may be wondering why only two of the fields of
the Authors table have been given values (Figure 12.6 shows it has three fields).
The reason for this is that the Au_ID field of the Authors table in Biblio has
been designated as an Identity field (in Access, it is called an AutoNumber field).
With this type of field, each new row added gets the next number in the sequence
automatically. This guarantees that each row of a table will have a different value
in this field, and so it is suitable to use as a primary key field. The results can be

12.4 Reading and Writing Data

Figure 12.7


After adding a new record to the Authors table

seen in Figure 12.7, where Ive added my own details to the table (well, Im writing
this book!). SQL Commands and Parameters

Using SQL commands (passed to the database using a Command object) is the most
direct and efficient way of updating a database. However, it can take a lot of coding
to build the appropriate commands and populate them with data. In particular,
setting up the parameters for a command, as in the code segment in Listing 12.4, can
be tedious and therefore error-prone.
'These statements create the basic SQL command...
Dim Sql As String = _
"INSERT INTO Authors(Author, [Year Born])" & _
"VALUES (@Author, @Year);"
Dim dbCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(Sql, dbConn)
'But we still need to add a parameter for each value
'The Author's name...
dbCmd.Parameters.Add("Author", txtAuthor.Text)
'... and year of birth...
dbCmd.Parameters.Add("[Year Born]", _
CType(txtBorn.Text, Integer))
Listing 12.4: Code to insert parameters into a command

The block of code in Listing 12.4 is an extract from Listing 12.3, and is required
because of the use of place markers (@Author, @Year) in the SQL command for the


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

data we wish to insert. If we entered the SQL directly into a command line for a
database server, and wished to add the same data, the command would be simply:
INSERT INTO Authors(Author, [Year Born])
VALUES('McMonnies', 1955)

An alternative method to do this in Visual Basic code would be to build the command
string above by joining the contents of the text boxes to the basic command. We
could define a function to return the result of joining all of the necessary fragments
of text together. Within the function, the String.Format() method would be ideal
for doing the job of concatenating the parameter values and punctuation required. Coding SQL Parameters

Private Function AddCommand(ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal YearBorn As Integer) As String
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "Insert Into Authors(Name, [Year Born]) "
SQL &= String.Format("Values('{0}', {1})", _
Name, YearBorn.ToString)
Return SQL
End Function
Listing 12.5: Generating a SQL string to insert data

In Listing 12.5, note how the Name parameter was enclosed in single quotes (string
delimiters in SQL). Generally, we need to exercise care in this type of code to make
sure that all the necessary opening and closing marks are put in the right place. There
is no such requirement for the integer value YearBorn. We could now use this to
create a much less complex sub for inserting data from text boxes into the table (see
Listing 12.6).
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAdd.Click
If txtAuthor.Text = "" Or txtBorn.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Need to enter name and year of birth.")
Dim Sql As String = AddCommand(txtAuthor.Text, _
Dim dbConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
dbConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(CONNSTR)
Dim dbCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(Sql, dbConn)
End If
End Sub
Listing 12.6: Using the generated SQL text (see Listing 12.5)

12.4 Reading and Writing Data


Other types of SQL commands (SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE) can be built and
deployed using the same techniques. However, if we are coding a large and complex
database with many tables, the use of these techniques can require you to write
a great deal of program code. The DataSet class contains a few tricks that can
simplify much of this.
Exercise 12.5

The SQL DELETE command uses a Where clause to indicate the record(s) to
delete. Normally this would use the primary key as an identifier, and a typical
SQL delete would be of the form: "DELETE * FROM SomeTable WHERE
PrimaryKey=1234". Write a sub that will execute the SQL DELETE command on an author, given the authors primary key value was available in the
parameter AuID (a Long integer).

12.4.3 Using a DataSet

The DataSet class allows multiple tables of related data to be manipulated
simultaneously. It does this by providing two internal collections, Tables and
Relations, which are used to hold individual tables of data and relationships
between them. Microsoft describes the DataSet class as a class for managing an
in-memory cache of data.
Working with a DataSet usually involves three steps.

a DataSet is created, filled with tables from DataAdapters that are connected
to the database, and has Relations defined to indicate how the tables are
linked. It then disconnects from the database.
2. The user views, adds to, deletes from and edits the data in the DataSet. During
this stage, the DataSet can be persisted to XML and reloaded without reference
to the actual database so that there can be breaks in working on it.
3. DataAdapters connected to the database are updated, using the altered tables
in the DataSet, and this passes any updates back to the database.
For example, using the Biblio database, we could create a DataSet object and populate it with each of the four tables (Publishers, Authors, Titles and [Title Author] )
and four relation objects to describe the links between them (Publishers to Titles,
Publishers to Authors, Titles to [Title Author] and Authors to [Title Author] the
last two of these form the many-to-many link between Authors and Titles). Having
done so of course, we would have a DataSet object that contained all of the data
for an entire database, which is not a very desirable thing (remember we are using a
database to save having to store an entire object model in memory at one time).
Much more useful would be to load smaller subsets of data from the database for
off-line working; a table containing a single Publisher row and another containing
all of the Titles published by that publisher, or a table containing all of the Titles
published in 2002 and another containing only the Publishers of these titles. SQL
is easily capable of extracting subsets of database tables like these and so we can
create a DataAdapter to bring these into our DataSet.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET Filling a DataSet

DataAdapter objects are used to quickly connect to a database, fill a DataSet with

data from the database and then disconnect from the database. For example, assume
we needed to display all of the Publishers listed in Biblio, and for each publisher,
a list of Titles they have published. The GetDataSet() function in Listing 12.7
builds and returns a Publishers/Titles DataSet.

CONNSTR = "..."
'Code omitted see Appendix 2.
dbConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
ds As DataSet
daTitles As SqlDataAdapter
daPublishers As SqlDataAdapter
pubMover As CurrencyManager

Private Function GetDataSet() As DataSet

Dim sqlPub As String = _
"Select Name, PubID From Publishers"
Dim sqlTitles As String = _
"Select Title, ISBN, PubID From Titles"
'Create the connection and adapters...
dbConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(CONNSTR)
daPublishers = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlPub, dbConn)
daTitles = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlTitles, dbConn)
'Create a new datset...
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
'Fill the dataset with tables...
daPublishers.Fill(ds, "Publishers")
daTitles.Fill(ds, "Titles")
'Now configure the dataset's relationships...
Dim dcPublishers, dcTitles As DataColumn
Dim dr As DataRelation
dcPublishers = ds.Tables("Publishers").Columns("PubID")
dcTitles = ds.Tables("Titles").Columns("PubID")
dr = New Data.DataRelation("PubsTitles", _
dcPublishers, dcTitles)
Return ds
End Function
Listing 12.7: Filling a DataSet with data, using DataAdapters

In Listing 12.7, we necessarily use a lot of objects to build our DataSet. The first
requirement is simply to extract the necessary data from the database, for which we
make use of a connection and two DataAdapter objects. A DataAdapter object
is used whenever we wish to get data from a database into a DataSet, or send
updates from a DataSet back to the database.
Each DataAdapter is constructed from a SQL query string that describes the
data we want and the connection, which says where it comes from. Note that instead
of grabbing the entire table, the SQL queries in this example specify only the

12.4 Reading and Writing Data


columns that are required. As a result, the queries will execute and return data much
more quickly, and will not return any data that would take up space but go unused.
The DataAdapter.Fill() method does the job of extracting the data as a table
and adding it to the DataSets Tables collection.
The data retrieved, we now go on to tell the DataSet how the two tables are
related. The Publishers table has a column, PubID, which acts as its primary key.
The Titles table also has a PubID column, which is the foreign key that indicates
which item in the Publishers table describes the books publisher. To build the
relationship, we need to identify these columns:
Dim dcPublishers, dcTitles As DataColumn
dcPublishers = ds.Tables("Publishers").Columns("PubID")
dcTitles = ds.Tables("Titles").Columns("PubID")

and then create a DataRelation object, giving it a name ("PubsTitles") and

indicating the column in the master table (Publishers) and the related one in the
detail table (Titles):
Dim dr As DataRelation
dr = New Data.DataRelation("PubsTitles", _
dcPublishers, dcTitles)

Finally, the DataRelation is added to the DataSets Relations collection:


Now our DataSet contains two tables of data and an object that indicates how they
are related, as shown in Figure 12.8.

Figure 12.8

A DataSet with tables and a relation


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Having built our DataSet, we can manipulate the information in it directly. This
has a major advantage in that making changes to the DataSet does not involve
the database which is currently disconnected from the program (note that there is
no dbConn.Open() statement in Listing 12.7. The DataAdapter.Fill() calls
opened the connection to get the data and then closed it again). We can add records
to tables, delete records from tables and edit records to update their content. Any
changes made can be sent to the database via the data adapter by calling its
Update() method, provided an appropriate command to perform the operation has
been defined for it. DataSet Flexibility

Using a DataSet is complex because it is much more than a simple embodiment of
data tables. During much of the time a DataSet is in use, it is disconnected from
the database. This can have huge advantages in performance (no constant traffic of
data to and from a server across a network), convenience (having filled a DataSet
with the required subset of a database from whatever source, the data can be viewed,
edited, added to and deleted from entirely in the memory of a PC before being
written back to the database in a single operation) and flexibility (a DataSet can
be saved as a XML document in local storage on a laptop, so that it can be worked
on over a period when the laptop is unable to access the server).
This flexibility is why setting up a DataSet is such a complex business. With
no on-line database to work with, all of the information in the DataSet has to be
organized to mimic its structure (or at least the structure of the part of the database
that is currently in the DataSet). Viewing data from a DataSet

A DataSet that contains one table is no more difficult to deal with than the data
returned from a DataReader. We can easily extract a table from a DataSet to display in a ListView control as we did with the DataReader. For example, using the
DataSet created in Listing 12.7, we can populate a ListView, lvPubs, as shown
in Listing 12.8.
Dim r As DataRow
Dim item As ListViewItem
lvPubs.View = View.Details
lvPubs.Columns.Add("Name", 160, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvPubs.Columns.Add("PubID", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
For Each r In dsBiblio.Tables("Publishers").Rows
item = New ListViewItem(r.Item("Name").ToString())
Listing 12.8: Displaying a table from a DataSet in a ListView control

12.4 Reading and Writing Data


If, however, we wish to display related data from a DataSet, we will need to
make use of more flexible controls or combinations of controls. The TreeView control is ideal, since we can use it to show up a master-detail structure (for example,
Publishers and each Title published by them). The code in Listing 12.9 fills up the
TreeView control tvPublishers.
Private Sub FillTree(ByVal d As DataSet)
Dim pRow, tRow As DataRow
Dim Publisher, Title As String
Dim PubID As Integer
Dim n As TreeNode
For Each pRow In d.Tables("Publishers").Rows
Publisher = pRow.Item("Name").ToString()
PubID = CType(pRow.Item("PubID"), Integer)
n = New TreeNode(Publisher)
n.Tag = PubID
For Each tRow _
In pRow.GetChildRows _
(d.Relations ("PubsTitles"))
End Try
End Sub
Listing 12.9: Displaying master-detail information from a DataSet

The outer loop in the listing (For Each pRow In d.Tables("Publishers")

.Rows) is similar to any loop you would use to iterate through the rows of any
DataTable. We use this to pick up Publisher information ("Name" and "PubID")
and insert it into TreeNode objects instead of ListViewItem objects. A TreeNode
is a line in a TreeView control that has its own collection of TreeNodes (each of
which in turn can have its own collection of TreeNodes and so on). Note the way
data has been added to the TreeNode for each publisher:
Publisher = pRow.Item("Name").ToString()
PubID = CType(pRow.Item("PubID"), Integer)
n = New TreeNode(Publisher)
n.Tag = PubID

Having created a new TreeNode, using the text we want it to display as a parameter to its constructor, we can use the Tag property to store another, related object.
We can use this property to store the primary key of the publisher row ("PubID"),
which will be useful if we need to add another title to this publishers node.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Each Publisher row in the Publishers table (pRow) has associated with it a
number of rows from the Titles table. This is as a result of adding the relation to
the DataSet that indicated how the two tables were linked. To populate each
Publishers node in the TreeView with sub-nodes (one for each of the Titles
published), the inner loop makes use of the publisher DataRows GetChildRows()
property. This returns a collection of rows related to the publisher, and we can
iterate through these in a second, inner loop:
For Each tRow In pRow.GetChildRows(d.Relations("PubsTitles"))

The variable n is the TreeNode that holds the publisher information, so we add
to its own Nodes collection a node that contains the title published. Finally, this
node is inserted into the TreeView control (tvPublishers.Nodes.Add(n))
before looping back to deal with the next publisher and its titles. Note that all of the
code that adds information to the TreeView control is bracketed between calls to
the TreeViews BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate() methods. This suppresses
screen updating while the data is being added, since otherwise, the face of the
TreeView would be redrawn at each addition of a node, which would be grossly
inefficient. Note also the use of a Try..Finally block to make sure that whatever
happens, the TreeView control is eventually updated on the screen. The result of all
of this code is a TreeView control that contains a list of publishers, each of which
has a list of Titles (see Figure 12.9).
Note that the form shown in the figure contains a group of controls for adding
a new Title to the DataSet. The operation to insert a new record or row into a
DataSet is described next.

Figure 12.9

The TreeView of Publishers and Titles built by Listing 12.9

12.4 Reading and Writing Data

597 Binding data to controls

The TreeView built in Listing 12.9 allows us to display an entire DataSet, but has
no direct connection to the actual tables and rows in the DataSet. To gain more
direct access to the data in a DataSet, we can bind the information from the tables
to individual controls. For example, by binding the Name column of the Publishers
table in the DataSet to the Text property of a text box, txtPublisher, we can use
the statement:
txtPublisher.DataBindings.Add( _
New Binding("Text", ds, "Publishers.Name"))

The Binding object added to the txtPublisher controls DataBindings collection is constructed using the name of the host controls property that is to display
the data ("Text"), the data source to be used (the DataSet ds in this case) and
the data member to be displayed (using a string "TableName.ColumnName"). We
can bind several controls to various columns in the DataSets tables to provide
a view of whole or partial records (rows) in the set. As a result, information in a
row/column will be displayed in the control and if the control is editable (e.g. a
TextBox), changes made will be reflected in the DataSet. Navigating and the (oddly named) CurrencyManager

Of course, columns bound to controls like this can only display the value in one
record at a time, so to make the bound controls usable we need to provide some way
of moving from record to record (row to row). For this we need to make use of the
bizarrely named class, CurrencyManager. Ill freely admit here that when I first
encountered this class, I assumed it was something to do with monetary values: perhaps some smart foreign currency exchange calculator or interest evaluator. In fact,
the CurrencyManager class is used to select and indicate the current record or
row of a table in a data source (hence its name). Fortunately, it is very easy to set
up and use.
We need to declare a CurrencyManager reference variable for use throughout
a form, create the CurrencyManager configuring it for the correct data source
and table, and then provide event-handlers (usually button .Click() events) to
move to the first, last, next and previous positions in a table. Associating the
CurrencyManager with the data source and table requires the use of the forms
BindingContext property, which will return a CurrencyManager object given
the name of the data source and table to be navigated. This is shown in Listing 12.10.
'Declare a navigation manager for access within this form...
Private pubMover As CurrencyManager
Private Sub LoadDataSet()
'Code to load up a dataset (ds)...
'Create and set up the navigation object...
pubMover = Me.BindingContext(ds, "Publishers")
End Sub


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

'Four navigation buttons...

Private Sub btnFirst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnFirst.Click
pubMover.Position = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnLast_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnLast.Click
pubMover.Position = pubMover.Count 1
End Sub
Private Sub btnPrev_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnPrev.Click
pubMover.Position -= 1
End Sub
Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnNext.Click
pubMover.Position += 1
End Sub
Listing 12.10: Setting up navigation with a CurrencyManager Viewing the master-detail relationship

Given the ability to bind data from a table in a DataSet to one or more controls
and to navigate through rows in the table, there is one further requirement that we
need to deal with for viewing this DataSet. Navigating from publisher to publisher
will be more effective and useful if we can view the titles published by each
publisher we navigate to. We have already seen code to display a collection of rows
in a ListView control. Now we simply need to provide this facility for the set of
child rows owned by each Publisher row (Listing 12.11).
Private Sub DisplayTitles()
Dim pubRow As DataRow
Dim pubView As DataRowView 'As returned by a
pubView = pubMover.Current 'Currently visible item
pubRow = pubView.Row
'The associated row
lvTitles.View = View.Details
lvTitles.Columns.Add("ISBN", 80, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvTitles.Columns.Add("Title", 250,
Dim tiRow As DataRow
Dim item As ListViewItem
For Each tiRow _
In pubRow.GetChildRows(ds.Relations("PubsTitles"))

12.4 Reading and Writing Data


item = New ListViewItem(tiRow.Item("ISBN").ToString())

item.Tag = tiRow 'Useful for updates.
End Sub
Listing 12.11: Displaying the (detail) Title records associated with a (master)

Note that the Tag property of each ListViewItem is set to refer back to the
DataRow that populated it. The Tag property is very useful for stashing a piece of
information that might be of use later, and in this case is ideal for keeping a reference to a DataRow that we might want to refer to later. Now, whenever we change
the CurrencyManagers Position property, we simply call DisplayTitles()
to update the associated titles in a ListView, as shown in Figure 12.10.

Figure 12.10

A master-detail view Inserting new data into a DataSet

Adding a row to a table in a DataSet is a three step process.

Call the DataTables NewRow() method. You can access the DataTable as a
component of the DataSet (DataSet.Tables(TableName)) or assign a
table to a DataTable reference variable and use it.
2. Assign the various values to the Item() properties of the DataTable.
Item(ColumnName) references a specific column.
3. Call the DataTables Rows.Add() method.
The danger here is in step 2, since it is necessary to make sure that the data assigned
is of the correct type for the column it is added to. Data picked up from text boxes,
list boxes or most of the WinForms controls is likely to be in the form of a String,


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

so it is usually necessary to use the CType() function to convert this to an appropriate type.
For example, to add a new Title to the Publishers/Titles DataSet, we will
need to add values for the Title, ISBN and PubID columns. Title and ISBN will be
supplied by a user (the details of the new book entry), while PubID would be the
currently displayed publisher (in the form shown in Figure 12.10). It is sensible to
do the update in a sub (see Listing 12.12).
Private Sub AddTitle(ByVal Title As String, _
ByVal ISBN As String, _
ByVal PubID As Integer)
'Insert this data into the Titles table...
Dim tbl As DataTable, newRow As DataRow
tbl = ds.Tables("Titles")
newRow = tbl.NewRow()
newRow.Item("Title") = Title
newRow.Item("ISBN") = ISBN
newRow.Item("PubID") = PubID
End Sub
Listing 12.12: Adding a new Title into the DataSet

We can call this sub from an event-handler (e.g. for the New Title button shown in
Figure 12.10), and this is illustrated in Listing 12.13.
Private Sub btnNewTitle_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnNewTitle.Click
Dim pubRow As DataRow
Dim pubView As DataRowView
Dim pubID As Integer
'First identify the correct publisher ID
'(from the CurrencyManager's current record)...
pubView = pubMover.Current
pubRow = pubView.Row()
pubID = CType(pubRow.Item("PubID"), Integer)
'Now get the remaining data...
Dim t As String, isbn As String
t = InputBox("Enter the new title:")
isbn = InputBox("Enter the new title's ISBN number")
AddTitle(t, isbn, pubID)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Listing 12.13: Calling the AddTitle sub and updating the display

12.4 Reading and Writing Data


This listing contains rudimentary exception-handling so that we are informed if the

insertion to the table has gone wrong in any way. Note that while Title and ISBN are
collected using InputBox() calls here, we would normally use a custom form or
additional controls on the form containing the data-bound controls. PubID is collected as previously by retrieving it from the CurrencyManagers current rows
Item() collection. Care is necessary in that it has to be cast to an Integer since the
data values in the Item() collection can be of any type. Deletions and edits

Deleting a row from a table in a DataSet, or changing some of the details in one
are both simpler operations than adding a new one. To delete a row in a DataSet,
we simply need to get a reference to it and call its Delete() method. If you refer
back to Listing 12.13, you will see that the code to fill the TreeView with Title data
included a line to store a reference to each title in the ListViewItems Tag property. We can use this to enable a delete or an edit. For example, the code in Listing
12.14 will delete all titles selected in the ListView control.
Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim item As ListViewItem
For Each item In lvTitles.SelectedItems
Dim tiRow As DataRow
tiRow = CType(item.Tag, DataRow)
End Sub
Listing 12.14: Deleting titles selected in the ListView

Note the necessary cast of the selected items Tag property to a DataRow; without
this, the call to Delete() would cause an error. Listing 12.15 shown how to edit a title.
Private Sub btnEdit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnEdit.Click
If lvTitles.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("You need to select a Title to edit")
ElseIf lvTitles.SelectedItems.Count > 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("You can only edit a single title.")
Dim tiRow As DataRow
tiRow = CType(lvTitles.SelectedItems(0).Tag, DataRow)
tiRow.Item("Title") = InputBox("Enter new title:", _
"Edit Title", tiRow.Item("Title").ToString())
'Could edit other items but this would mess with
'data integrity
End If
End Sub
Listing 12.15: Editing a title


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Note that in the listing we are allowing a single selected title to be edited. It would
probably not be wise to edit multiple selections, and if no item was selected there
would be nothing to edit. Again we rely on casting to retrieve the appropriate
DataRow and in this example only the Title column is being offered to be edited.
The InputBox() call here sets the default to be the existing title, since with this a
simple spelling mistake could be edited without typing the entire title again. The
only other columns in the Titles data table are the ISBN and the PubID, both of
which relate to other tables, so it would generally be considered very wrong to allow
a user to change these. Committing changes to the database

Although we can insert new rows into the DataSet, delete rows and edit the values
in existing rows, there is currently no provision for reflecting these changes back
to the database. What we are doing is modifying the in-memory dataset, and
to make the changes permanent, we will have to provide the code to enable
the DataAdapters for Titles and Publishers to write these changes back.
DataAdapters do not come pre-configured with the ability to do this for a number
of reasons. We might not need to pass changes back to the database at all since we
may be using a dataset purely as a way of viewing complex information while
we are disconnected from the database. We might only be interested in editing existing records, or deleting records from the set, in which case the additional code to
add new records is unnecessary. Finally, the database updates could be much more
complex than simply adding new records to a table. In many database systems,
an insertion operation must insert records into more than one table, perhaps to
perform some form of security or cross-referencing, or perhaps because the tables
we have in memory in the DataSet are an amalgam of two or more tables in the
real DataSet.
For all of these reasons, DataAdapters do not come fully equipped with facilities for sending changes back to a database, but we can add these easily, using a
CommandBuilder object. We can add simple commands to INSERT new records,
DELETE existing records and UPDATE any changes to records individually, so that
the DataAdapter contains only the required facilities. The best time to do this is
when the DataAdapter object is first created (i.e. within the code in Listing 12.16):
'Create and configure a DataAdapter...
daTitles = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlTitles, dbConn)
'Create a CommandBuilder for configuring this...
Dim cmdBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(daTitles)
'And add only the required commands these are new lines.
'Add an Insert command...
daTitles.InsertCommand = cmdBuilder.GetInsertCommand()
'And a Delete command...
daTitles.DeleteCommand = cmdBuilder.GetDeleteCommand()
'And an Update command...
daTitles.UpdateCommand = cmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand()
Listing 12.16: Adding database update commands to a DataAdapter

12.4 Reading and Writing Data


If we had any complex requirements for sending data back to the database, we would
not use the CommandBuilder but would instead develop Command objects incorporating SQL command strings to deal with them. For insertions to a single data
table, this is not necessary.
With fully equipped DataAdapter objects, we could now easily send changes to
the DataSet back to the database either on demand (at the press of a button or click
of a menu item), or when the form closes or even when the application terminates,
using the code in Listing 12.17.
Private Sub frmSqlDataset_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Closing
Dim dsChanges As DataSet
dsChanges = ds.GetChanges()
If Not dsChanges Is Nothing Then
Try 'data update
daTitles.Update(dsChanges, "Titles")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Listing 12.17: Committing changes in the DataSet (Titles table only) to the

Listing 12.17 is the Closing() event of the form that contains the DataSet and
related declarations, this being a good place to perform database updates. We first
check whether there have been any changes to the database, since otherwise we
would be performing an unnecessary connection to the database (managed automatically by the daTitles DataAdapter. GetChanges() will return a new DataSet
from an existing one, containing only indications of alterations to the original
DataSet. If there are none, GetChanges() will return nothing and we can use this
to decide whether we need to issue an update at all. The Try..Catch..End Try
block will simply inform us if the update operation did not work, which could be
for various reasons such as the database server being off-line.

Exercise 12.6



Create a form for displaying Author details from the Biblio database. In
this, use a DataSet to create an internal data model containing the Authors
table and the [Title Author] table.
Use a CurrencyManager to allow backwards and forwards movement
through the Author details.
Add code to display the ISBNs of each title written by an author in a list



Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Data Object Modelling

In all the code examples so far, we have been using the DataSet class as a pre-built
object model. In fact most database applications will use this strategy, since data
storage, retrieval and simple editing are the bread and butter operations of the vast
majority of database programming. However, if we want to build an object-oriented
application in which a database is used for persistence of a more functional object
model, we necessarily will have more work to do. The object model we create will
be the business layer, and ideally we would build it so that persistence was automatic
and did not need to be considered from the presentation layer.
Of course an application of this type can become very complex if we consider
high degrees of interconnection and object interactions. Each interaction with an
object could change its state, and the change in state would need to be reflected
back to the database.
We could use any number of strategies for doing this, but two obvious ones are:

make each individual class responsible for the retrieval of object member data
from and update of object member data to the database;
retrieve objects from and return objects to a DataSet.

The first strategy has the advantage of being simple and direct and, working on
an object-by-object basis, retrieving only the required data from the database and
sending it back again. However, it may be inefficient, requiring many round-trips
to the database to fetch individual objects. The second has all the advantages of
DataSets; disconnected operation and persistence to XML while the database is
unavailable, in-memory editing and built-in relationships. Also, a DataSet can
be created that holds the member data values for many objects using a minimum
number of database accesses.
As an example of the first type, assume you needed to be able to work with
individual Book objects, where the Book class retrieved the associated object from
the database as required and updated changes to the database when required. The
Book class ought to contain relationships with members of an Authors class and a
Publishers class to persist the database model fully, but that can be managed by
storing only primary keys for these items. Listing 12.18 is a simplified Book class
where Ive missed out much of the detail data.
Public Class Book
Private mvarTitle As String
Private mvarYearPublished As Integer
Private mvarISBN As String
Private mvarPubID As Integer
Private mvarAuthors As ArrayList
Private mvarChanged As Boolean = False
Private mvarBrandNew As Boolean = False
'Properties for Title, YearPublished, ISBN (read-only)
'PubID and the Authors collection go here...

12.5 Data Object Modelling


'This is a 'nearly new' book retrieved from the database...

Public Sub New(ByVal ISBN As String)
mvarAuthors = New ArrayList()
Dim r As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
r = GetReader("Select * From Titles Where ISBN = '" _
& ISBN & "';")
mvarTitle = r.Item("Title")
mvarYearPublished = r.Item("Year Published")
mvarPubID = r.Item("PubID")
r = GetReader( _
"Select * From [Title Author] Where ISBN = '" _
& ISBN & "';")
Do While r.Read()
mvarChanged = True
mvarBrandNew = False
End Sub
'This is a 'brand new' book not yet in the database...
Public Sub New(ByVal ISBN As String, ByVal Title As String, _
ByVal YearPublished As Integer, _
ByVal PubID As Integer)
mvarAuthors = New ArrayList()
mvarTitle = Title
mvarYearPublished = YearPublished
mvarPubID = PubID
mvarChanged = True
mvarBrandNew = True
End Sub
'As it is an Authors collection, need to be able to add
Public Sub AddAuthor(ByVal Au_ID As Integer)
mvarChanged = True
End Sub
'Call this sub when the object is no longer needed...
Public Sub UpdateDatabase()
Dim updSQL As String
If mvarBrandNew Then
'Add a new database record . . .
updSQL = String.Format( _
"Insert Into Titles(Title, " & _
"[Year Published], ISBN, PubID) " & _
"Values('{0}', {1}, '{2}', {3})", _
mvarTitle, mvarYearPublished, _
mvarISBN, mvarPubID)


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

If CType(ExecuteCommand(updSQL), Integer) = 0 Then

MessageBox.Show("Insert Title did not work.")
End If
Dim A As Integer
For Each A In mvarAuthors
updSQL = String.Format( _
"Insert Into [Title Author] " & _
"(ISBN, Au_ID) " & _
"Values('{0}', {1})", ISBN, A)
If CType(ExecuteCommand(updSQL), Integer) _
= 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Insert Author #" & _
A.ToString() & " did not work.")
End If
ElseIf mvarChanged Then
'Update data fields in existing record...
updSQL = String.Format( _
"Update Titles Set Title='{0}', " & _
"[Year Published]={1}, PubID={2} " & _
"Where ISBN='{3}'", mvarTitle, _
mvarYearPublished, mvarPubID, mvarISBN)
If CType(ExecuteCommand(updSQL), Integer) = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Update command did not work.")
End If
End If
End Class
Listing 12.18: The Book class, incorporating database persistence

The proper working of the Book class relies on two external functions (they are
not part of the class because they will be of use to any class that uses the database
in a similar way e.g. Authors and Publishers). GetReader() is a function that
takes a SQL Select string and returns a data reader with the corresponding data from
database tables. We can retrieve all of the information from a row of the Titles table
with the SQL query:
Select * From Titles Where ISBN = <some ISBN string>

The GetReader() function creates and opens a database connection and retrieves
the DataReader so that individual columns can be extracted from it.
The ExecuteCommand() function is used to execute a SQL command on
the database. Typically this will be used for non-query commands (INSERTS,
DELETES and UPDATES), although the function can also execute a SQL Select
command and return a result. Two different ways are used to execute the command,
depending on whether it includes the word Select or not. If there is no Select part
to a command, the ExecuteNonQuery() method is used since this will return a
count of the number of rows in the database affected by the query. If there is a Select
part to the command, it should be sent by the ExecuteScalar() method, which

12.5 Data Object Modelling


can return a single item of data. This is useful if we are executing an INSERT command where there is an identity field in the database, since an added Select statement
(shown later) can return this. The result (if the SQL string is properly constructed)
is an update to the database and a single Object result, which must be cast to a
type that matches the type of data you expect to be returned. GetReader()
and ExecuteCommand() are as shown in Listing 12.19.

CONNSTR = "<usual connection string stuff>"

dbConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
dbCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
dbRdr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

Function GetReader(ByVal SQL As String) _

As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim rd As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
dbConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQL, dbConn)
rd = dbCmd.ExecuteReader( _
Return rd
End Function
Function ExecuteCommand(ByVal SQL As String) As Object
Dim result As Integer
dbConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQL, dbConn)
If InStr(SQL, "Select", CompareMethod.Text) > 0 Then
result = CType(dbCmd.ExecuteScalar(), Integer)
result = dbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
End If
Return result
End Function
Listing 12.19: Functions for fetching and storing data

The Book class has two constructors. The first takes an ISBN string and uses
it to retrieve the corresponding books record. Ive omitted any error-handling code
for clarity but there should certainly be some, at the very least to indicate where a
supplied ISBN string is not in the database. Code in this constructor would be very
simple but for the need to retrieve a possible list of Author identifications from the
[Title Author] table. Note the use of the AddAuthor() method to append the author
ids to an ArrayList of authors.
The second constructor is simpler, since it just takes the supplied parameter data
and assigns it to the various member variables. Note that author ids are not included
in this list since we would never know how many to deal with (Ive seen some
computing books with more than a dozen authors names on the jacket). Each author
is added individually using the AddAuthor() method.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Having been the product of one of these two constructors, a Book object would
now be used normally, assigning and retrieving values from the properties and
executing methods as required. When the object has fulfilled its purpose, the
UpdateDatabase() method should be called. Its purpose is to send only new or
changed information back to the database. To help it decide whether the data is
unchanged, altered or new (to the database), two member variables, mvarChanged
and mvarBrandNew, are used to track any changes to the object. mvarBrandNew is
only set to true from the second constructor.
Adding a new Title to the database requires that a row is inserted into Titles,
plus one row for each author into the [Title Author] table. SQL queries are built to
do the inserts (using the String.Format() method, which is ideal for inserting
variable values into an otherwise literal string). The SQL strings used for these
inserts are:
Insert Into Titles(Title, [Year Published], ISBN, PubID)
Values('<>', <>, '<>', <>);

Insert Into [Title Author](ISBN, Au_ID) Values('<>', <>);

The String.Format() method simply makes it easier to handle the lists of variable names, inserting quotes ( ) around the string fields.
Using a Book object from a form is a simple matter, as the code to retrieve a
Book object from the database using a ISBN entered into a text box (Listing 12.20)
Private Sub btnGetBook_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetBook.Click
If txtISBN.Text <> "" Then
Dim B As New Book(txtISBN.Text)
txtTitle.Text = B.Title
txtYear.Text = B.YearPublished
Dim A As Object
For Each A In B.Authors
End If
End Sub
Listing 12.20: Retrieving a books data from the database

Inserting a new book is similarly trivial (see Listing 12.21).

Private Sub btnAddBook_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnAddBook.Click
Dim B As Book

12.5 Data Object Modelling


B = New Book(txtISBN.Text, txtTitle.Text, _

CInt(txtYear.Text), CInt(txtPubID.Text))
Dim A As Object
For Each A In lstAuthors.Items
B.AddAuthor(CType(A, Integer))
End Sub
Listing 12.21: Inserting a new Book object into the database

Note that the various member fields for the new book have been entered into text
boxes and converted as necessary. Author ids have been taken from a list box.
We can do the same for the Authors table so that an author can be retrieved from
the Au_ID number and information updated as necessary (Listing 12.22).
Public Class Author

mvarName As String
mvarAuID As Integer
mvarYearBorn As Integer
mvarChanged As Boolean = False
mvarBrandNew As Boolean = False

'Properties for Name, YearBorn, AuID(read-only)

'go here...
Public Sub New(ByVal AuID As Integer)
mvarAuID = AuID
Dim r As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
r = GetReader( _
"Select * From Authors Where Au_ID = "& _
AuID & ";")
mvarName = r.Item("Author").ToString()
mvarYearBorn = Val(r.Item("Year Born").ToString())
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, _
ByVal YearBorn As Integer)
mvarName = Name
mvarYearBorn = YearBorn
'To get a AuID value, we'll need to send this to the
'database now...
Dim Sql As String
Sql = String.Format("Insert Into Authors(Author, " & _
"[Year Born]) Values('{0}',{1});", _
mvarName, mvarYearBorn)
'We need a Select part to this query to retrieve the
'AuID value...
Sql &= "Select Au_ID From Authors " & _
Where (Au_ID = @@IDENTITY)"
mvarAuID = ExecuteCommand(Sql)
End Sub


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

Dim s As String
s = mvarName
'Best to account for null birth year values...
If mvarYearBorn > 0 Then
s &= ", " & mvarYearBorn.ToString()
End If
Return s
End Function
'Other methods here...
End Class
Listing 12.22: The Author persistent class

As a result of these two classes and the associated database functions, we can easily work with persistent Book and Author objects that can be sent to and retrieved
from the database at will. Use the code in Listing 12.23 to retrieve a Book and details
of its authors.
Private Sub btnGetBook_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetBook.Click
If txtISBN.Text <> "" Then
Dim B As New Book(txtISBN.Text)
txtTitle.Text = B.Title
txtYear.Text = B.YearPublished
Dim A As Object
For Each A In B.Authors
lstAuthors.Items.Add(New Author(A).ToString())
End If
End Sub
Listing 12.23: Using the Book and Author classes

The main problem with the approach used in these listings is the inefficiency of
forming and closing database connections on an object-by-object basis. The code
could be altered to maintain a single, shared connection for use by the class, but this
could result in a database connection being held open over a long period of time
whether or not it was necessary.
One approach to a strategic solution would be to implement the classes to work
with a DataSet, since the normal working mode would then be disconnected.
However, using and defining a DataSet would bring its own problems: how to
determine how many records to retrieve and which ones, how to deal with multiple
objects accessing the same DataRows, etc. The techniques shown here do no
more than provide an example of how you would create and use an object model
with database persistence, and they need to be applied with care to make the most
effective use of the database.

Review Questions

Exercise 12.7



Create a Publisher class (ignore most of the fields, implementing only the
PubID and Name members as properties). Add code to Listing 12.23 so that the
Publishers name will appear on the form when a title is clicked on.

In this chapter weve covered a lot of ground, from database and relational database
theory to database facilities in .NET, using connected and disconnected databases and database-persistent object modelling. The more you look into .NETs
database support, the more you find and the more ways you can think of using it. If
it all seems complex and confusing just now, it is worth remembering that databases
and Visual Basic has always been more complex than Visual Basic itself. However,
with .NET, the database facilities are now logical and comprehensive.

Review Questions

A flat-file database manager is able to go directly to any record in a database given the record
number. What prevents us from implementing the same type of mechanism in a commadelimited file of the type we looked at in Chapter 11?


What is a field that is used to store a reference to a record in a different table called?


How is a many-to-many relationship created in a relational database?


What is the language used to alter the structure of a database called?


How does a SqlConnection object differ from a OleDbConnection object?


Which type of Connection object (from Q5) would you use to connect to a MSDE database?


Which class of object is used to send SQL strings to a database?


What type of SQL query is used to change the values in existing records in a database table?


What class of object is used to get data into a DataSet object? Which method of the class is
used to get data into the dataset?

10. List the three steps necessary to add a new item to a DataTable inside a DataSet.
11. What is a CurrencyManager?
12. It is necessary to add commands to a DataAdapter to enable changes made to a DataSet
to be sent back to the database. Which class of object can be used to generate simple,
single-table commands?


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Practical Activities
While concentrating on code for manipulating databases in this chapter, weve
missed out on perhaps one of the most useful features of Visual Studio .NET in its
relation to databases. The Data Form Wizard is a built-in utility that will automatically generate a form for accessing a database, including the code required to perform
common operations. By answering a few questions about the database to access and
the data you want to manipulate, Visual Studio can quickly create a new form class
that will be an instant user-interface to the selected data, providing view, add, delete
and update facilities with code that is robust and well organized.
In general, this approach can be used to create standard forms for data access,
and can allow you to rapidly put together a user-interface to demonstrate the capabilities of a prototype application, or even a final version of a simple application.
The code is not organized into individual tiers, and the user-interface is based on
standard controls; no ListView or other exotic user-interface elements, so in many
cases the resulting form would be used as a starting point for an application.
In particular, breaking the functionality of a Wizard-designed form into separate
presentation, business and data-access tiers could end up being a complex and
messy business.

Activity 1: Getting the database

Again, we will make use of the Biblio sample database, since this is widely available and properly structured as a relational database. Which version you use will
depend on which copy of Visual Studio you have installed and whether you also
have SQL Server version 7.0. If you do have SQL Server V7.0 installed either on
your development PC or somewhere on a network that you are connected to, you
will already have a copy of Biblio. If not, you have the options of either installing
MSDE, or making use of Biblio.mdb, Biblio2000.mdb or Biblio2002.mdb, the
Microsoft Access versions of this database. In general, you should opt for a SQL
Server or MSDE version if possible, because these offer greatly improved performance over the Access version.

Installing MSDE
If you have a purchased copy of Visual Studio .NET Professional, setup files for
MSDE will have been copied to your system by default when you installed Visual
Studio. On my system, these were installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio .NET\Setup\MSDE. If you chose to install Visual Studio to a different
location, you will find the setup files in a different location. If you chose not to
install the SQL Server Desktop Engine, you will need to go through the Visual
Studio .NET process again to install them. To install MSDE, find Setup.exe in the
\Setup\MSDE folder and execute it. It will install several databases, including
Biblio. Checking for the existence of Biblio will be different for different versions
of Biblio.

Practical Activities


Locating Biblio for MSDE or SQL Server

If you have installed SQL Server or MSDE on your computer (hereafter, Ill just say
SQL Server to cover both of these products), it will be best to use this version. To
check for this on SQL Server:



Open the Server Explorer and click on the Services sub-tree to open it. At the
bottom of the list of services, you should find SQL Server (it will be named this
whether you are using the actual SQL Server or the free MSDE version). If not,
SQL Server is not installed on your machine. You can install a copy of MSDE
from your Visual Studio Professional CDs, or from a copy of the Microsoft
Office Professional CD, the Microsoft Access CD or some earlier versions of
Visual Basic, Visual Studio or Office Professional, or you can skip to the next
section to check for the Access version.
Biblio2002 should be visible as a node when you open the SQL Server
sub-tree. If your copy of SQL Server is currently running, this will be displayed as a little database icon with a connection (plug and cable) as shown
in Figure A12.1. If it is not, it will be displayed as a database icon with a red
cross (as shown for some of the other database icons).
You should be able to drill down to show tables, and further to show the
columns in each table.

To check for an Access version of Biblio:


Go to the Windows Start button, select Search, and choose For Files and
Folders . . . In the box Search for files or folders named, enter Biblio*.mdb.

Figure A12.1

The Server Explorer, with the SQL Server version of Biblio open


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

The asterisk at the end of Biblio serves as a wild-card so that Biblio.mdb,

Biblio2000.mdb and Biblio2000.mdb will all be found. Press Search Now and
wait to see whether any copies of the database turn up. If any results do appear
in the Search Results window, take a note of the path to the file (on my system,
Biblio.mdb and Biblio2000.mdb both appear in a folder: C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98)
If you have neither version of Biblio available on your system, all is not lost.
Microsoft provides some versions as a free download from their developers

Visit, enter Biblio.mdb into the Search box, and select
Downloads from the combo box below this. The resulting page will contain a
link to allow you to download a copy of the Biblio.mdb access database


Press the link to download, fill in any information that Microsoft asks you for,
and when the Download box appears, browse to a folder to save the downloaded
version of Biblio in. I would suggest a folder inside the folder where you keep
your .NET programs.

Activity 2: Creating the application

Now we can start putting together an application for accessing this database. Since
we may eventually create several database access forms, it will be a good starting
point to build a simple shell application that we can add the forms to later.
Create a new Visual Basic .NET project.

Run VB .NET and choose New Project from the Start page, or
File/New/Project from the menus.


Enter or browse to a suitable folder for the project files, enter the project name
(BiblioSystem) and press OK.


When the new project appears, rename Form1 to frmMain and rename its file
to frmMain.vb. Change the Text property so that the forms caption shows as
Main Form.


Add a single button to the form, give it the name btnPublishers, and
change its caption (Text property) to Publishers. Later, we will add code to
use this button to open the Publishers form that we build using the data form


Save the project files before proceeding to Activity 3.

Activity 3: Generating a master-detail form

We can now use the Data Form Wizard to create a table for accessing the set of
Publishers and the books they publish.

Practical Activities

Figure A12.2

Starting the Data Form Wizard

Figure A12.3

creating a new DataSet



Select Project/Add Windows Form from the menus, choose Data Form
Wizard, and enter the name frmPublishers.vb in the Name: box. Click on
Open. The process is shown in Figure A12.2.
2. The Data Form Wizards welcome page will appear, and from here you will be
directed through the various stages to specify the data you want the form to
access. Press Next.
3. In the first page, you are given the options to create a new dataset or to select
an existing one. The option to select an existing one will be disabled since your
project does not yet contain a dataset. Enter a suitable name for the dataset
(PublisherTitles will be an accurate description), being careful not to have
any spaces in the name. Press Next. This is shown in Figure A12.3.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET


On the next page, you can select from existing connections (as you add new
connections, they will be added to this list so that they can be reused) or press
the New Connection . . . button to create a new database connection. Press
New Connection and the dialog box in Figure A12.4 will appear:

Figure A12.4


The New Connection dialog box

The New Connection dialog box will open at the second page ready for you to
select a server (it has assumed you are using SQL Server). If you are using a
version of SQL Server, press the Refresh button, pull down the combo box list
to the left of it and then choose SQL Server. If you are not, go to Step 9.
6. You can choose either Windows NT Integrated Security or to use a specific
user name and password from the combo boxes below the server name. The
first option will then use your Windows NT login to authenticate access to
the database (which is the most secure option), the second will expect to
find the user name and password provided specified in the connection string.
For this simple demo, either will do.
7. Select the Biblio database from the Select the database on the server combo
box this could be called Biblio, Biblio2000, Biblio2002 or another, similar
name for a later version.
8. Finally, press Test Connection. A message box should appear indicating the
success of the connection. Now go on to Step 13.
9. If you are using an Access copy of Biblio, press the Provider tab at the top, left
of the dialog box. When the list of providers appears, choose the Microsoft Jet
4.0 OLE DB Provider (this is the most up to date version for Access databases
on my system you may have a later version) and press Next. This is shown
in Figure A12.5.

Practical Activities

Figure A12.5

Choosing the Access (JET) Provider

Figure A12.6

Specifying the location of the Access database file




In the Connection page, press the Ellipsis ( . . . ) button to the right of the
database name box and browse to the folder you found in Activity 1 as the
location of the Biblio database file, and select the file. Press Open.
Leave the user name as Admin and leave the Blank password box checked
(see Figure A12.6).


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Figure A12.7

Selecting database tables

Figure A12.8

Creating the relationship between tables


Finally, press Test Connection to check that everything is ok with the

database connection. A Success message should appear.
13. Press Next to step on to the page for selecting database tables. In this box,
select both the Publishers and Titles tables, pressing the > button after each
selection (see Figure A12.7).
14. Step on to the next page by pressing Next. This page allows you to set up a
relationship between the tables selected. Enter a name for the relationship
(PublisherTitles), select the Parent table (Publishers) and the Child table
(Titles), and select matching key fields in the top two boxes of Keys (PubID
for both). This is shown in Figure A12.8.

Practical Activities

Figure A12.9


Choosing a layout for the form and database controls


Finally, press the > button to establish the relationship, and press Next (note
that the > button is disabled unless a suitable name (with no spaces) is
entered for the relationship).
16. Choose the tables and fields you wish to appear on the form. The default of
both tables and all fields is fine. Press Next.
17. The final page of the Wizard lets you choose how the master-detail data will be
displayed. The main choice is between all the master records in a grid or on separate controls. A grid will display a number of rows of the master table, while
individual controls will show only one record at a time. Choose individual controls. The child records in the Titles table can only be displayed in a grid format.
18. You can select only the additional controls you need on the form these allow
records to be added, deleted, etc. (see Figure A12.9) Leave the default (all
additional controls selected).
19. Press Finish, to complete the Wizard. It will now go on to create the form and
populate it with code (see Figure A12.10).
This form is fully functional and so can be integrated immediately with other
forms in the project. To do this, we need to add only the two statements in
Listing A12.1 to the btnPublishers (added in Activity 2) event-handler.
Private Sub btnPublishers_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnPublishers.Click
Dim F As New frmPublishers()
End Sub
Listing A12.1: Code to load the Publishers form


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Figure A12.10

The Wizard-build data access form

Test the program at this stage and you should find that once the main form has
loaded, pressing the Publishers button will load the Publishers DataForm. You need
to press Load to show the DataSet, but having done this you will be able to skip
from record to record using the navigation buttons added to the form.

Activity 4: Changing the master-detail form

The Wizard-generated form is fully functional, but the design is not ideal. For one
thing, the default sizes of the master tables TextBox controls for viewing are
mostly too small. You can resize these but will also need to resize the form to
accommodate them. The grid at the bottom of the form is also too narrow to show
the child records. It is also a bit unnecessary to have to press the Load button to load
up the DataSet since having opened this form, its only purpose is to view data. The
easiest fix for this is to cut the code from the Load buttons event-handler and paste
it into a Form_Load() event-handler.

Double-click on the forms background to generate a Form.Load() eventhandler.

2. Locate the btnLoad_Click() event-handler and select all of the code within
it (but not the first and last lines). Cut this code from the event-handler (press
3. Go back to the Form_Load() event-handler, place the cursor between the first
and last line, and paste the code into it (Ctrl+

Practical Activities



You can now remove the Load button, and the vestiges of its -Click eventhandler sub.
5. Rearrange the other controls on the form to be less wasteful of space having
removed the Load button, the Update and Cancel buttons can be moved to
occupy less space; the text boxes can be widened and the label controls reduced
in width to give them space.
6. Set the Anchor property of the grid control to Top, Bottom, Left, so that it
resizes with the form without covering the other controls. The re-shaped form
could appear as shown in Figure A12.11.

Figure A12.11

The re-organized form

Note that the form will take a little longer to open now because the data loading
stage is included as it opens. This completes the activities for this chapter and
the book.

Features worth remembering


The Data Form Wizard produces a lot of code as well as laying out a form to
provide access to a set of data. It is worth examining this code, since it will be
robust (Try..Catch..End Try is used copiously) and can suggest ways that
you can add your own database code to forms.
You can mix and match an application with custom, hand-designed forms and
Wizard-generated ones to provide the best set of features for your applications.
The Practical Activities concentrated on the use of a Wizard, so remember that
this does not generate an ideal design where the system is organized as separate
tiers for presentation, business and data services. Since generating data forms by
Wizard is so quick and easy, it is as well to use it to develop rapid prototypes. In
the end though, the power and flexibility of object orientation make it sensible to
work using tiered application design and, particularly, business classes, since the
result will be to create an application based on flexible and re-usable components.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Suggested Additional Activities



Create additional Wizard-generated forms for Titles alone and Authors and
Titles (more complex because of the many to many join). These can be wired
up to the main form via a pair of additional buttons and will provide a fully
usable application for managing the Biblio database. You can apply the same
techniques to your own databases.
Try incorporating a different set of data viewing controls into a Wizardgenerated form. Once the form has built all of the data access components, you
can use the techniques outlined in the chapter to place master-detail data sets
into a TreeView control for example.

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 12.1




Long Integer

Size in bytes

Note guesses must be made for the maximum number of characters that might
appear in Name, Address and Description fields. The sizes chosen are adequate
for most situations in the UK, but may be totally inadequate in other locales.
The Transaction Type field is set as a single character, since we can use D for
Deposit, W for Withdrawal, C for Charges and I for Interest. Note that
the Numeric format chosen has been Long Integer for an account number and
Decimal for cash values, since these match the .NET data type most commonly
used to represent primary keys and monetary values. However, a database
environment is likely to have its own numeric formats, and Number, plus some
indication of precision is more normal.
Exercise 12.2

Account table:



Long Integer


Solutions to Exercises


Transactions table:

Long Integer




Note that the AccountNumber field is a suitable primary/foreign key to match

accounts with transactions.
Exercise 12.3

No set solution to this exercise.

Exercise 12.4


The following code places the list of titles into a ListBox control,
Private Sub ReadTitles()
Dim dbConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim dbCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim DataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim SQLText As String = "Select * From Titles;"
'The next line uses a connection string stored in
dbConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQLText, dbConn)
DataReader = _
'We would now go on to display data from DataReader.
'For example...
With DataReader
Do While .Read()
End With
End Sub

Private Sub ReadTitles()
Dim dbConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim dbCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim DataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim writer As IO.StreamWriter
Dim SQLText As String = "Select * From Titles;"
'The next line uses a connection string stored in
dbConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQLText, dbConn)
DataReader = _


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

writer = New IO.StreamWriter("d:\Titles.txt")

With DataReader
Do While .Read()
End With
End Sub

Private Sub ReadTitles(ByVal lv As ListView)
Dim dbConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim dbCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim DataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim lvi As ListViewItem
Dim SQLText As String = "Select * From Titles;"
'The next line uses a connection string stored in
dbConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQLText, dbConn)
DataReader = _
With DataReader
Do While .Read()
lvi = New ListViewItem(.Item("Title")
lvi.SubItems.Add(.Item("Year Published"))
End With
End Sub
Exercise 12.5

Private Sub DeleteAuthor(ByVal ID As Long)

Dim SQL As String
Dim dbConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(Sql, dbConn)
SQL = "DELETE * FROM Authors WHERE Au_ID = " & ID
dbConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(CONNSTR)
dbCmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(Sql, dbConn)
End Sub

Solutions to Exercises

Exercise 12.6


'Note, this code should go on a form, and the form should

'Import the System.Data.SqlClient library.
Private ds As DataSet
Private dbConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection
Private auMover As CurrencyManager
Private Sub CreateDataSet()
Code to create the DataSet (ds, declared above)...
Dim sqlAuthors As String = "Select * From Authors"
Dim sqlTitles As String = _
"Select * From [Title Author]"
Dim daAuthors As SqlDataAdapter = _
New SqlDataAdapter(sqlAuthors, dbConn)
Dim daTitles As SqlDataAdapter = _
New SqlDataAdapter(sqlTitles, dbConn)
Dim ds = New DataSet()
daAuthors.Fill(ds, "Authors")
daTitles.Fill(ds, "Titles")
Dim dcAuthors, dcTitles As DataColumn
Dim dr As Data.DataRelation
dcAuthors = ds.Tables("Authors").Columns("Au_ID")
dcTitles = ds.Tables("Titles").Columns("Au_ID")
dr = New DataRelation("AuthorsTitles", _
dcAuthors, dcTitles)
Code to set up a CurrencyManager (auMover)...
auMover = Me.BindingContext(ds, "Authors")
End Sub
'b)contd. Four navigation buttons...
Private Sub btnFirst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnFirst.Click
auMover.Position = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnLast_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnLast.Click
auMover.Position = auMover.Count 1
End Sub
Private Sub btnPrev_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnPrev.Click
auMover.Position -= 1
End Sub


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET

Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnNext.Click
auMover.Position += 1
End Sub
'c) Code to display all titles for an author in a ListBox.
' Note this is called each time the CurrencyManager
' moves our view to a new Author...
Private Sub DisplayTitles()
Dim auRow As DataRow
Dim auView As DataRowView 'As returned by a
auView = auMover.Current 'Currently visible item
auRow = auView.Row
'The associated row
Dim tiRow As DataRow
For Each tiRow _
In auRow.GetChildRows(ds.Relations("AuthorsTitles"))
End Sub

Exercise 12.7

Public Class Publisher


mvarName As String
mvarPubID As Integer
mvarChanged As Boolean = False
mvarBrandNew As Boolean = False

'Properties for Name, PubID(read-only)

'go here . . .
Public Sub New(ByVal PubID As Integer)
mvarPubID = PubID
Dim r As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
r = GetReader( _
"Select * From Publishers Where PubID = " _
& PubID & ";")
mvarName = r.Item("Publisher").ToString()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String)
mvarName = Name
Dim Sql As String
Sql = String.Format( _
"Insert Into Publishers(Publisher)" _
"Values({0});", mvarName)
Sql &= "Select PubID From Publishers " & _
Where (PubID = @@IDENTITY)"

Answers to Review Questions


mvarPubID = ExecuteCommand(Sql)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return mvarName
End Function
'Other methods here...
End Class
'Amending listing 12.23...
Private Sub btnGetBook_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnGetBook.Click
If txtISBN.Text <> "" Then
Dim B As New Book(txtISBN.Text)
txtTitle.Text = B.Title
txtYear.Text = B.YearPublished
Dim A As Object
For Each A In B.Authors
lstAuthors.Items.Add(New Author(A).ToString())
Dim P As Publisher = New Publisher(B.PubID)
'P object now has all of the Publisher properties...
lblPublisher.Text = P.Name
End If
End Sub

Answers to Review Questions


A flat-file database manager is able to go directly to any record in a database given the record
number. What prevents us from implementing the same type of mechanism in a commadelimited file of the type we looked at in chapter 11? Records in a comma-delimited file are
likely to be different lengths, and so no simple algorithm can calculate where a specific
record will begin.


What is a field that is used to store a reference to a record in a different table called? A Primary
Key field.


How is a many-to-many relationship created in a relational database? An extra table is

created which has two columns one for the primary key of the Master table, another for
the primary key of the Detail table.


Chapter 12 n Databases in Visual Basic .NET


What is the language used to alter the structure of a database called? The Data Definition
Language or DDL.


How does a SqlConnection object differ from a OleDbConnection object? A

SqlConnection object is optimized to create a connection to a SQL Server or MSDE
database. OleDBConnection can form a connection to any database which has a (standard) ODBC driver, and so is used to access non-native databases. OleDbConnection
technology is much slower in operation.


Which type of connection object (from Q5) would you use to connect to a MSDE database?
SqlConnection .


Which class of object is used to send SQL strings to a database? A Command object either
SqlCommand or OleDbCommand .


What type of SQL query is used to change the values in existing records in a database table?
An Update query.


What class of object is used to get data into a DataSet object? Which method of the class
is used to get data into the dataset? A DataAdapter object (SqlDataAdapter or

10. List the three steps necessary to add a new item to a DataTable inside a DataSet. Call the
NewRow() method, set the various Item() values, and then call the Rows.Add()
method, passing the new row object as a parameter.
11. What is a CurrencyManager? An object that is used to update Form controls to show
the values of current row in a DataSet.
12. It is necessary to add commands to a DataAdapter to enable changes made to a DataSet
to be sent back to the database. Which class of object can be used to generate simple,
single-table commands? A CommandBuilder object.


VB .NET Programming
without Visual Studio

Visual Studio includes a comprehensive set of programming tools that provides a

deluxe environment for programmers. As well as hosting the various .NET language
compilers (Visual Basic, C#, C++ and other, add-in languages), it contains a tailored
code editor, a Visual Form Designer for Windows and Web applications, the Server
Explorer for creating links to databases and other server-based components, tools to
configure an application and create links between components and other utilities and
features almost too numerous to list.
However, it is possible to build Visual Basic (and C#) projects without a copy of
Visual Studio installed. The .NET Framework, which must be installed on a computer before you can run any .NET programs, comes complete with compilers for
Visual Basic .NET and C#. A compiler is a tool that translates source code, the text
form of a computer program which is what a programmer writes, to object code, the
program in a form that can be executed on a computer. Once a Visual Basic program
is written in text format, it is saved to a file (normally one with a .vb extension on
the end of its name). This file-name is then given to the compiler, which produces a
new file, one with a .exe extension, that can be executed on the target computer.

The .NET Framework

This is freely available from Microsoft, and can be downloaded from the website. It has also been distributed as a cover mount disk by
a number of programmers journals and magazines, and by Microsoft at publicity
events. Check the website and look up .NET Framework
for instructions on how to obtain a copy. If you have a broadband Internet connection, you can download the framework from the site, but if not you can order a copy
from Microsoft (any charge made will be purely for copying and distribution costs).
Once you have the .NET Framework, either as a download or on CD, you can
install it on your PC and begin Visual Basic or C# programming immediately. It is
worthwhile keeping a copy of the most up to date release of the framework to hand,
because you will have to install it on any computer you intend to run your programs
on. Microsoft intends to incorporate the framework in future versions of Windows,
starting with a service release of Windows XP. However, early versions of XP, all
versions of Windows 2000 and Windows 98 and Millennium-based computers will
need to have the framework installed to make .NET programs work.



Creating a .NET programming

To create .NET programs, you must have one of the following operating systems
installed on your PC:

Windows XP Home, Professional or Server edition

Windows 2000 Professional or Server edition
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 98
Windows ME

In addition, you must have the .NET Framework installed. Beyond this, your
only crucial requirement is a text editor. Both EDIT.COM (a clunky but perfectly
workable DOS-mode editor) and Notepad are installed on every Windows system by
default. However, most programmers prefer to work with a text editor designed
specifically for programmers, of which a huge number are available. Several very
good programmers (and web-designers) editors are available as freeware. Among
these, my favourite is the excellent PFE (Programmers File Editor), developed
by Alan Phillips of Lancaster University. To obtain a copy of PFE, visit, from where it can be downloaded.
Once you have installed the .NET framework on a suitable PC and chosen and
installed a suitable editor, there are a few configuration tasks you should perform to
create a well-organized programming environment where the tools work easily and
seamlessly together. The first thing that is necessary is to set up the .NET compilers
so that they will work on your program files wherever they are on your system.
Typically, programmers need to be able to invoke the compiler and any other
required tools from a folder that does not contain the tools. One way of doing this is
to include in the statement that executes the compiler its location on the computer.
The Visual Basic compiler is in a file called VBC.EXE, and this is normally
installed in the following location on a Windows PC in which the .NET Framework
has been installed:


depending on your operating system. Note the version number, that is the name of
the folder the compiler is found in, will change from version to version of the
If I have Visual Basic .NET program code in a file called Test.vb in the Programs
folder of my C: drive, and wish to compile it into a Visual Basic executable, I can
execute the command:



C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\VBC Test.vb

(on a Windows 2000 or NT system). Note, we can miss out the .EXE extension to the
file-name. Having to include the full path to the compiler is not only tedious, but also
error-prone and does not make for a streamlined programming session since I may need
to compile a file many times to eliminate bugs and make changes to the way it works.
There is an alternative to this, which is to set up the PATH environment variable
on your system to include the folder that contains the Visual Basic compiler.
Environment variables are like variables in a program, in that they are names given
to areas of memory that store data. These, however, are available to the operating
system and are used to configure various aspects of it. The PATH environment
variable contains a list of paths to folders which you would like the operating system to look up whenever you enter a command or the name of an executable file.
We can add the location of the .NET tools to the PATH environment variable using
the following command-line statement (in a Command Prompt window):

The %path% at the start is the existing value of the PATH environment variable,
and the addition of the .NET Framework folder is made after a semicolon. Now, to
compile the same Visual Basic program file, simply enter the command:
VBC Test.vb

Since we would want to use both the compiler and the editor in the same way (entering just the name of the program to execute it), you can either copy your editor
to the .NET Framework folder, or can include it in your PATH setting by adding
another path= statement:
path=%path%;C:\Program Files\PFE

Now, both edit commands (PFE32 Test.vb) and compile commands (VBC Test.vb)
will work from any folder in the computers hard disk. Since these commands to set
the environment variables are themselves long and arcane, it would be better if we
could store them somewhere in the computer so that they could be replayed at will.
For this, we can create a batch file that we can then invoke by double-clicking on it.
A batch file is simply a text file that contains commands you would normally type
into a Command Prompt window. The batch file listed in Figure Appx1.1 can be
typed into Windows Notepad or another text editor and will set up a Command-line
environment for programming with Visual Basic .NET or C#, incorporating the PFE
editor as a command tool.
Note that two additional statements have crept into the batch file. The statement
beginning CD is a Change Directory command, and is being used to change the
Command Prompts current working directory to the one named (C:\VB.NET
Progs), which is where I keep all of my Visual Basic .NET programs written in this
way. The last line opens a Command Prompt window, ready for me to start work in.



Figure Appx1.1

A Notepad file (VBNET.BAT) that sets up a command environment for

Create this batch file tailored to your own system and tools (you may need to
change the folder locations in the PATH commands, and the name of the folder you
will use for your Visual Basic programs) and save it as VBNET.BAT in a suitable
folder on your computer (in the .NET Framework folder beside the compiler is
ideal). Then open Windows Explorer, locate the file and, using the right mouse
button, drag it to your desktop or the Windows Start button. When you release it,
select Create shortcut(s) here from the context menu. Now, when you want to start
a programming session, you can simply double-click on the batch file to get going.

Writing a Visual Basic .NET Program

Having set up a programming environment, we are now ready to begin programming. As usual, the first program I would write in this environment is one that
displays a Hello World message on the terminal, since if this works I can be
confident that the system is behaving properly. The simplest option is to create a
console program.
Double-click on the VBNET.BAT shortcut on your desktop to get started. You
should have a Command Prompt window on your screen as shown in Figure

Figure Appx1.2

A Command Prompt session


Figure Appx1.3


Creating and moving to a new folder, ready for a new program

To start programming, I simply need to invoke the editor and enter code.
However, it is good practice to create each new project in a separate folder, so
I would normally start by entering a couple of commands to create and then move
into a new folder (Figure Appx1.3).
Now, it is time to start the editor and create the program. To run Notepad and
create the new program file, enter the command Notepad Hello.vb. You will be
asked if you want to create a new file (Hello.vb) to which you should answer
Yes. Now enter the code in Listing Appx1.1.
Imports System
Module Hello
Public Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
End Sub
End Module
Listing Appx1.1: The full code of the Hello.vb program

Select File/Save from the Notepad menus to save the program file. If you have a
different editor, e.g. PFE, the only real difference should be in the command that
you enter to begin editing a file. For PFE, the command is PFE32 Hello.vb.
Now you can try compiling the program. Note that there is no need to exit from
Notepad or PFE or any other editor to do this. Simply enter the compile command:
VBC Hello.vb, and wait for a second or two while it does its job. If the compilation is successful, you will see the Microsoft trademark and copyright messages
on the screen and nothing else. If there is an error in your code, you will get a
detailed description of the error and its location in the file. For example, missing
the closing bracket from the WriteLine() statement results in a display like that
in Figure Appx1.4.
Once you have compiled the program successfully, the final stage is to try it out.
To run the program resulting from a source code file with the name Hello.vb,
simply enter the first part of the name (you can if you wish tack a .exe on to the
end of the file-name, since the actual executable file created will be Hello.exe).
This is shown in Figure Appx1.5.



Figure Appx1.4

The Visual Basic Compiler issuing an error message

Figure Appx1.5

Executing a compiled program

Writing a Windows Program

The process for creating a Windows program is the same in almost every respect
to that of creating a console one. Of course, it is necessary to incorporate all
of the usual Windows object instances into the program, and import the
System.Windows.Forms.Form namespace, but the actual code and compile
process is almost exactly the same.
As an example, enter the short Windows program shown in Listing Appx1.2.
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Form
Module WinProg
Public Sub Main()
Dim F As Form
F = New Form()
F.Text = "Hello Windows"
End Sub
End Module
Listing Appx1.2: The full code of a simple WinForms program

We need to do a little extra to compile this program, because the compiler

needs to be made aware of the library files that it will find the various component classes in. We get a big clue from the Imports statement at the top of the


Figure Appx1.6


Compiling a WinForms program

listing, since System.Windows.Forms is located in the library file

System.Windows.Forms.dll (dll stands for Dynamic Link Library). We also
need to incorporate the System.dll library. These are added to the compilation using
the /r (reference) switch as shown in Figure Appx1.6.
If you compile then execute this program for the Command Prompt window, it
will behave as you expect. However, if you find the executable (HelloWin.exe) and
double-click on it, you should notice that the program executes as normal, but that
a new Console window opens behind it, and stays on the screen until the Windows
form is closed. To get around this, you need to compile with the /target:winexe,
or /t:winexe switch, as shown in Figure Appx1.7. This contains an implicit
instruction to the compiler not to generate code to open a Console window:

Figure Appx1.7

Compiling a Windows-only executable (note the /t:winexe switch)

With the tools and configuration described above, you can write any Windows
program that you could with Visual Studio, although in most cases it would involve
a huge amount of additional effort since there is no Intellisense pop-up help, you
cannot use the Windows Forms Designer, etc. In the end, most programmers would
go for the more expensive but convenient route of using Visual Studio, but the free
availability of the .NET Framework is a boon to learners or those who would like to
dip their toes in the water of .NET programming.



Making a Connection to a Database

This operation will be similar whether you connect to a server-based database
system like SQL Server or Oracle, or a file-based system like Access or Paradox.
The first requirement is that you know what database you intend to connect to, for
which you can use the Server Explorer.
Figure Appx2.1 shows the Server Explorer window in Visual Studio .NET.
Typically, this will show all of the servers (network, mail, database, etc.) that the PC
currently has access to. In the case of the explorer shown, the PC is a laptop that is
not currently connected to a network and shows that there are two sources of data.
At the bottom of the tree view is the CIS-LAP21 SQL Server (which is actually
an installation of MSDE). This provides access to a number of databases, and the
screen-shot shows that the Bank, Biblio2002, master and tempdb databases are
live, having been accessed in the current session. The others are marked with a (red)
cross which indicates that they are currently off-line.

Figure Appx2.1

The Server Explorer


Figure Appx2.2


Adding a database connection to a form

To create a connection to any of these databases from a Visual Basic WinForms

program, you need to drag a database resource from the Server Explorer to a form.
Open up any of the database nodes to access the resources. If, for example, I wished
to use the Authors database table from a Visual Basic form, I could simply drag it
from the explorer and drop it on the form, as shown in Figure Appx2.2. This has the
effect of adding a Connection object and a DataAdapter object to the hidden
controls tray for the form, as shown.
We could now go on to use the Connection and the DataAdapter from code within
the form. The drag and drop operation also instantiates a number of Command objects
for use with the database. Command objects allow us to perform operations on the
database, and individual commands are instantiated and set up to allow selections,
insertions, updates and deletions to be made to the database table dropped on the
form. These objects will also be linked into any data-aware controls that are added to
the form to create interactions between the controls and the database automatically.

Connecting to an Access Database file

At the top of the Server Explorer window in Figure Appx2.1, you can see that Visual
Studio has also been connected to an Access database (the full path and name of the
database is too long to display in the window at its current width, but this is not
important since it will be different for different databases). The server-based
databases are added to the Explorer window automatically when you run Visual



Figure Appx2.3

Connecting to an Access database file

Studio, but an Access-based one must be connected to explicitly, using the

Tools/Connect to Database . . . menu item. This menu item allows you to connect
the Server Explorer window to a specific Access database file using the dialogue box
shown in Figure Appx2.3. Note that this is a multi-tabbed dialog box, and it should
first appear with the Connection tab selected.
To make a connection to an Access database:
1. Select the Tools/Connect to database . . . menu item.
2. Click on the Provider tab and select one of the entries for a Microsoft Jet
Provider (JET is Joint Engine Technology, the name Microsoft gave to the
Access database engine that provided the facility to connect to a wide range of
different underlying database software. The Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider is the
most up to date Access database connection and should be selected unless
you have good reason to choose an earlier version of the driver).
3. Press Next to move to the Connection page of the dialog box.
4. Using the small ellipsis button under the label 1.Select or enter a database
name, locate and choose a suitable database.
5. Press the Test Connection button to check that the options you have chosen are
valid. You will be informed of any problems, or, provided all is ok, that the connection succeeded.
Visual Studio .NET version 1.0 provides very few Access Database files and these
are intended to demonstrate web access to databases. The Biblio database is available as an Access file (Biblio.mdb, Biblio2002.mdb) supplied with earlier copies of



Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, Visual Studio and Microsoft Office Professional.
It may also be available as a download from Microsofts website. Examples in
Chapter 12 use the Biblio database, either as an Access database or from MSDE.
Once you have connected to an Access database, you can proceed to work with it
just as if it was a SQL Server or MSDE database. There is a penalty in performance
due to the OleDb connection and the fact that Access is not designed for clientserver operation. There will also be some limitations on the code that you can
write for accessing the database and the database facilities you can expect
(Access does not support Stored Procedures for example), but for many applications,
these will not be serious limitations. For all of the examples shown in Chapter 12,
an OleDbConnection to an Access database will behave no differently to a

Extracting and Manipulating a

Connection String
Ultimately, the actual database connected to and the form of the connection (what
types of commands it will allow and how it will convey security information to
the database server) is embodied in the ConnectionString property of the
Connection object. We can copy this string and paste it into a VB class, form or code
module, to allow us to create a connection programmatically. We can even store it
in the Windows registry, or a file in plain text or XML form so that the connection
details are not hard-wired into a database program; this would allow us to alter the
connection setting without having to change the program at all.
We can retrieve the connection string from a Connection object (either
SqlConnection or OleDbConnection) from its ConnectionString property,
shown in Figure Appx2.4.

Figure Appx2.4

The ConnectionString property of a database connection



To extract this as text, click to the left of the start of the string (the words data
source) and select the whole line (hold down the Shift key and press the End
+ C) and you can paste it into
key on the keyboard). Now copy the text (Ctrl+
a code module or a text editor such as Notepad. I would normally place the
ConnectionString text into a string constant at the top of a code module or
near the top of a Form class. In Listing Appx2.1 shown below, Ive broken the
string up into separate lines, adding quotes, string concatenation operators (&)
and line continuations so that all of it is visible but this is unnecessary: a typical
connection string will disappear off the right of the code window but will still work
perfectly well.
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Const CONNSTR As String = "data source=CIS _
LAP21;" & _
"initial catalog=Biblio2002SQL;" & _
"integrated security=SSPI;" & _
"persist security info=True;" & _
"workstation id=CIS-LAP21;" & _
"packet size=4096"

Windows Form Designer Generated Code

End Class
Listing Appx2.1: Placing a ConnectionString in a string constant

Listing Appx2.2 shows a ConnectionString for an OleDbConnection to an

Access database added to a Visual Basic module. Note that to make it more generally useful a Friend declaration is used, and so I would be able to make use of it
from any part of the VB application. The ConnectionString shown in Listing
Appx2.1 would be usable only from that form.
Module Module1
Friend Const CONNSTR =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=D:\Programs\Databases\Biblio2002.mdb;"
End Module
Listing Appx2.2: A ConnectionString for an Access database

By storing only part of this connection string as a constant and adding the location
of the database file to it at run time, it is possible to make the program connect to the
database even when you are not aware where it will be stored on the system that an
application will be deployed on. While this is less useful for server-based databases
(a database server is accessed via the servers name, not the location of a file on a
disk), it is ideal for Access databases that you want to distribute with an application.



Place the Access file in the same folder as the executable program, and form the
connection string as shown in Listing Appx2.3.
'This part of a connection string indicates the database
Private Const CONNSTR = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
'This function adds the location of the Access file...
Friend Function DbConnectionString() As String
Dim fileName As String
fileName = Application.ExecutablePath
fileName = fileName.Substring(0, _
fileName.LastIndexOf("\")) _
& "\Biblio2002.mdb"
Return CONNSTR & fileName
End Function
Listing 3: Building a connection string at run time

Once you have retrieved or built a connection string (or added a Connection object
to a form as described earlier, gaining access to data from a database is simply a
matter of using the correct classes. See Chapter 12 for details on the various database classes in .NET.


Visual Basic Style Guide

Style may seem like a bizarre word to apply to the coding of a computer program,
but one of the key factors that makes the work of one programmer unintelligible and
another readable is the style in which the program code is written. Most software
houses require a set of stylistic conventions from their programmers; naming conventions for variables and components, standard forms for the layout of program
code and specifications for in-program comments. By imposing the use of these conventions, companies are making sure all the programmers in a team can read each
others code. This makes it easier to change or debug software, even in the absence
of the original programmer. It also makes it easier to introduce new programmers to
the projects a team is working on.
Rigorous use of a well-thought out programming style has other benefits. In many
projects, particularly in sub-contracting work, customers may well look through the
code to get a feel for its quality. Consistent code looks professional and looks as
though it has been the product of a mature and stable life-cycle. Code that is written
to a well-defined style can also be easier to construct analysis tools for, often a key
component of a quality assurance programme. Finally, well-written program code
tends to be self-documenting, requiring less in the way of additional explanatory text
to expose its algorithms, assumptions and limitations.
In this appendix, I will describe a small number of conventions that can be applied
to the creations of program code. One point that will hit you in the eye a number of
times as you read through it is that I am not very diligent at following my own style
guide. From this you can conclude either that I am a bad author, or a hypocrite, or,
I hope, that programming in a professional environment must be different from the
work of creating small example programs for educational purposes. While writing
this book, I did frequently agonize over the way that code was being laid out.
The main requirement was to demonstrate programming techniques in a way that
would encourage new programmers. While I have used several of the techniques
described here in the program examples in the book, I shied away from several of
them simply because they might make the code look more technical and therefore
less clear to non-programmers. Maybe as an exercise you could go through the book
marking my code examples.



General Principles
Several things you should always aim for when writing program code:

Apply your chosen formatting rules as you go along writing code with the
intention of going back over it to make it look nice later is never satisfactory
because in general you are unlikely to go back over it immediately, and when (if)
you do get around to it, you may already need the extra help the nicely formatted
code gives you to be able to read it.
Try to get it right first time. As an adage we would all like to adhere to always,
this might seem a tall order. However, code that you lash up to do a quick fix or
experimental code may just end up becoming the core of the final version. If you
skimp at the point where you create code, that code will be harder to convert into
well-formed code later. If the code you write does not end up in a final version,
nothing has been lost, and you might thank yourself for making it easy to read
when you go back to borrow from it later.
Develop a coding style that you are comfortable with if you have to struggle
to remember how to apply a naming convention or look up a manual to see how
you are supposed to format the heading comments for a procedure, you are more
likely not to do it.

Elements of Program Style

There are three major elements that make up style in program code:
1. the way the code is laid out;
2. the choice of identifiers for constants, variables, subs, functions, objects and
classes, and the way they are typed;
3. the use of comments as in-code documentation.
None of these elements will make any difference to the way that the code works. If
you choose to give all variables a single letter name and never add any comments,
the program will in theory work exactly the same. In practice, humans write program
code and less than perfect humans (i.e. all of us) need to be able to read what they
write before adding to it, changing it or using it in another context.

Laying out Program Code

There are several aspects to this.

Indenting making the structure of your code visible by varying the left margin
of passages of it. This is a trivial thing to get right if you are using Visual Studio



.NET, because it indents code as it is entered. If you are working without the
benefit of Visual Studio, either by choice (because you prefer your own code
editor) or for some other reason, you will need to take care of this aspect as you
type code.
Including extra spaces blank lines make code more readable by making
logically separate groups of statements distinct.
Breaking up long lines apart from saving the reader from having to scroll a
Code window to the right to read long statements, this also has the benefit of
preparing code for hard copy, since code that goes beyond the right-hand margin
of a printed page will automatically wrap to the start of the next line making a
mess of any other formatting you have carefully applied.

The general principle here is to show which lines of code are enclosed or governed
by which others by offsetting their left margin. Visual Studios Smart indentation
is quite standard in its approach to code layout. One extra level of indentation is
added for each level of enclosure, highlighting the following code constructs.
Subs and Functions
Every statement in a sub or function or property is indented.
Public Sub SomeSub()
Dim someVariable As Integer
End Sub
Private Function MyFunction() As Integer
Dim MyLocal As Integer
End Function
If..Then and If..Then..Else blocks
Indent the statements controlled by an If..Then or If..Then..Else block.
If x = 0 Then
End If
If name = "" Then
End If
Select Case blocks
Everything between Select and End Select is indented so that all of the lines that
begin with the Case keyword are indented and their contents are indented one more



level. In earlier versions of Visual Basic, my preference was to indent the Select
Case and End Select statements to the same level as the Case labels, reasoning
that the extra level of indentation added to each Case label (and on to further indent
the statements for each Case) led to code that disappeared too quickly off the right
hand edge of the Code window. Visual Studio is to my mind over-enthusiastic in this
respect, but with no choice, we will just need to put up with its version.
Select Case customerCreditLevel
Case 0
Case 200
Case 1000
Case Else
End Select

For, While and Do loops are treated the same as with If..Then..Else blocks.
For count = min To max
While someCondition
Loop Until someCondition

Multiple Level Indenting

Indentation is hierarchical. Where one enclosing structure appears within another
(a For loop inside a sub, for example), its contents are indented to two levels, and
so on. This can lead to heavily indented lines of code where structures are nested
to several levels deep. However, it is a good idea to try to break up code into subprocedures before you get to too many levels of structure, so very heavily indented
lines might just be an indication of over-complex code that should be redesigned.
You can control the amount of indenting that pressing the Tab key introduces
in Visual Basic by changing the Tab Size and Indent Size settings on the
Tools/Options/Text Editor/All Languages dialog box setting, as shown in Figure
Appx3.1. The standard setting is 4, where a single tab press moves in four spaces,
but I have found 2 to be adequate, 3 to be optimal. You can use the Text Editor/All
Languages page of the Tools/Options dialog box to control indenting, choosing
to turn it off (None), choose Block indentation (which will simply make each new
line indent automatically to the same level as the previous one so that you need
to press Tab to indent a level), or Smart (which automatically indents language



Figure Appx3.1

The Text Editor/All Languages page of the Tools/Options dialog box

Introducing Extra Space in Code

White space is a very valuable commodity in program code. It can be used to visually indicate the logical sub-divisions of an algorithm or to highlight certain sections,
as well as to simply make the code look neater. Visual Basic will automatically
introduce extra spaces in lines of code (for example, on either side of a = sign), and
will also resist any attempt you make to add or remove any of the spaces within a
syntactically correct line of code. It will also, if set to Smart indenting (see above),
insert white space at the start of each line (indent it) to indicate code structure. It has
its own opinion of how space characters in code should be used, and in this, we can
assume it knows best. However, when it comes to the amount of space between
lines, you are in control.
I have generally skimped on blank lines in the exercises in the book, since every
blank line is a bit of a page than could be used to add explanatory text. In production code, I am lavish with extra blank lines.
It is sensible to leave at least one blank line between each sub or function in a code
module (oddly, the Visual Basic editor does not enforce this automatically), but
extra blank lines within subs should be used to indicate logical groupings.
Use blank lines to separate:

The declarative statements at the beginning of a procedure and the executable

statements in it:
Public Sub MySub()
Dim myInteger As Integer
myInteger = GetInteger()
Print myInteger
End Sub



Logical sections of a procedure:

Sub LoadText(ByRef T As TextBox)
Dim dlgOpen As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
'In this sub, we check start by getting a file name...
dlgOpen.Filter = "Text Files *.txt All Files *.*"
dlgOpen.InitialDirectory = Application.ExecutablePath
If dlgOpen.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
fileName = dlgOpen.FileName
'We now know the file exists, and its location.
'Open it and read its contents into the specified
'text box...
Dim inStream As IO.StreamReader
inStream = New IO.StreamReader(fileName)
T.Text = inStream.ReadToEnd()
'Something went wrong...
MessageBox.Show("Error reading " & filename & ".")
End If
End Sub

Logical groups of variable declarations in the General Declarations section of a

Option Explicit
Private dataFileName As String

' Variables for file

' handling

Private dataFileHandle As Integer

Private dataPath As String

dataElements() As Double
dataCount As Integer
dataMin As Double
dataMax As Double

' Data variables

Private lastDataError As ErrObject ' Error reporting

Private errorCount As Integer

Any sections of code that you wish to distinguish from others.

Breaking Up Long Lines

Long lines are almost inevitable in program code. Definitions of and calls to subs
and functions that take a number of parameters will often go beyond the width of a
Code window, even when it is maximized. Statements that combine a number of logical sub-expressions using AndAlso and OrElse tend to get lengthy, as do statements containing complex arithmetic. Very long lines are an annoyance because
they cannot be viewed without scrolling on a screen, and they do not print properly.
Apart from this, it is often difficult to follow the logic of a single line that is made
up of a number of terms, while one that has been broken down into logical units can
be perfectly clear in its intentions.



For these reasons, Visual Basic Code windows allow the use of the line continuation sequence; a space followed by an underscore, _, to allow a line of code
to be broken and continued on the next screen line. As diligent coders, it is up to
us to make sure that lines are broken at an appropriate point and that subsequent
lines are indented to best indicate the logical flow.
Breaking up lines that define a procedure and its parameters
The most effective format for this is easy to deal with:
Public Sub myProcedure(ByVal

intParameter As Integer, _
strParameter As String, _
dateParameter As Date, _
numParameter As Double, _
curParameter As Currency)

Breaking up this type of line as shown above brings the advantage that all of the
parameters and their types appear as columns in a table an immediate boon to readability. This format also makes it possible to add end-of-line comments to indicate
the purpose of the parameters:
Public Function LoanPayments(ByVal capital As Currency, _
'Amount borrowed
ByVal term as Integer, _
'No of months
ByVal interest As Single, _
'Rate of loan
ByVal frequency As Integer, _ 'Payment interval
) As Currency

A function definition line written in this way is its own documentation. By aligning
the left of each column, we again produce a tabular and easy to read structure.
Breaking up lines that contain long combinations of numbers or strings
This type of line breaks up naturally:
errorMessage = "Error: " & ex.Message & _
Environmant.NewLine & _
"Location: " & ex.Source & _
Environmant.NewLine & _
"Do you want to try to recover?"
diagonal = Sqr((right left) * (right left) + _
(top bottom) * (top bottom))

Breaking up lines containing a long procedure call

Some of the visual basic graphics methods (for PictureBoxes and Forms) can get
quite long due to the large number of potential parameters:
With pnlOutput.GetGraphics()
.DrawPie(Pens.Blue, _
pieX, pieY, _
pieWidth, pieHeight

' Colour of graphic

' top-left of box.
' Size of pie chart




' Starting angle

' Size of pic-slice

End With

By combining these techniques for adding readable space to programs, it is very

possible to write code that is both easy to read and professional in appearance.

Choosing Identifiers
All truly professional programming teams use naming conventions. They clarify
program code in a way that no other formatting measure can, turning lines that are
intended to be followed by a dumb machine into expressive statements of the intention of programming code. Read the following block of code:
If (a < 65) Then
Y = 65 a
Y = 0
End If

To know what is happening here, you need to be aware of what the identifier a
represents, the relevance of the number 65 and the purpose of the identifier y. It is
so much easier to interpret:
If (age < RETIREMENT_AGE) Then
yearsStillToWork = RETIREMENT_AGE age
yearsStillToWork = 0
End If

Basically, you should not use a single letter variable or an obscure combination of
letters and numbers in place of a meaningful term. The only time an exception
should be allowed is when a single letter or abbreviated variable name is used frequently enough that it will not be misunderstood. For example, using the letter i as
a counter in a For..Next loop, or the identifier msg to hold a message string. Keep
to a well-defined set of these standard identifiers and no-one will be surprised
by them. The rule should be, if anyone who needs to read the code has to have it
explained, it should not be used.
Beyond this obvious simple rule, several equally obvious conventions can be

Use the names that are used in the application domain

If you are writing code for a user who refers to his customers as Clients, use
Client instead of Customer. Years ago I had to write a database application for a
driving school proprietor who referred to his clients as pupils. I decided this



sounded silly and used the term Student in the database. At a later date the driving
school proprietor introduced me to a new requirement he was introducing a
student discount scheme to encourage new young drivers. This caused so many
misunderstandings as we discussed the new requirements that eventually I had to
give up and replace all instances of the word Student with the word Pupil. In
situations like this, the customer is always right and his or her terminology is the
best terminology to use.

Avoid abbreviations
Some programmers and designers still advocate the use of whole words with all of
the vowels removed as variable names. I was even party to a book that made this
suggestion in the early 1990s although it was for C++ programmers who never use
three keystrokes when two will do. Even so, I am now ashamed of the suggestion
and my association with it. It is generally a bad idea, since code written in this way
is difficult to read out loud and can lead to an ambiguous situation if two such abbreviations clash. Write your code so that if you need to, you can read it to a colleague
over the phone. Remember that on todays hard disks, the extra space taken up by
additional characters is virtually free.

Break up words with Capitals

Using more than one word squashed together to form a variable, sub or function
name is almost essential to get meaning into the identifiers you use. Unaided, this
can result in identifiers that need to be decrypted laboriously by the reader. For
Private datatablename As String
Public customeridentitynumber As Long
Public customercreditlimit As Currency
Public Sub Enrolnewcustomer()

These long and tortuous sequences of characters can easily be made readable by the
strategic introduction of capitals at the start of each new word:
Private dataTableName As String
Public customerIdentityNumber As Long
Public customerCreditLimit As Currency
Public Sub EnrolNewCustomer()

Its not that it is very difficult to read the first version; just that it is so much easier
to read the second. Note that I use a starting capital for a procedure name, but start
variable names with a lower case letter. This can be a matter of choice, since it does
not affect the way that capitals break up the words within an identifier. However,
more and more programmers are using this convention so it probably makes sense to



conform. One very persuasive reason for using this convention in Visual Basic is that
the editor will make sure once you have introduced an identifier for the first time that
every subsequent time you use it, the case will automatically be made to match the
first use. Essentially, type it right the first time and ignore the shift key from then on.

Use Plurals
Arrays and collections exist to keep several things of a similar type together. For
Private Cards(1 To 52) As Card
Public Players As ArrayList

You should always use the plural form for these, and for any classes or types that
you create that manage more than one of anything. For example, the user-defined
type . . .
Structure InvoicePrintSettings
LeftMargin As Single
RightMargin As Single
TopMargin As Single
BottomMargin As Single
LinePitch As Single
End Structure

. . . contains, not an array, but a number of related items that will be dealt with in the
plural, so it makes sense to make the type name a plural.

Use UPPERCASE to define constants

C programmers have used this convention successfully for many years. It pays to
be able to pick out constants from other identifiers, since otherwise you might
be tempted to try to assign values to them. Refer back to the RETIREMENT_AGE
code fragment for an example.

Program code is the culmination of the development life-cycle, of which the only
other evidence that exists is the documentation specifications, diagrams, etc. As
you will probably have noticed throughout this book, program code can be expressive, but still tells only part of the story. While a subroutine can be written in a style
that spells out quite clearly what is happening, there are other aspects that go beyond
the code: the assumptions that have been made, the conditions under which the code
can be expected to run (and fail), the place a piece of code has in the grand scheme
of things.



To make a piece of code tell the whole story, extra documentation is necessary.
Within a program, this comes in the form of comments.

What Comments are used for

Comments in program code play several distinct roles:
1. to state the purpose of a class or routine in plain words;
2. to describe the conditions required for a routine to run properly;
3. to indicate the effects that a procedure will have on variables and objects within
its scope;
4. to state any known limitations of a piece of code;
5. to describe significant changes that have been made to program code;
6. to indicate who has written a module or procedure and when.

Styles of Comment
I tend to use three forms of comment in test and production code. These are:

in-line comments, placed at the end of statements to further describe their

single-line comments, normally placed immediately before a statement or block
of code I wish to clarify;
block comments, normally placed at the start of a module, before blocks of variable declarations, at the start of a procedure (sub, function or property) and in
front of any passage of code that I think needs significant clarification.

In-line comments are placed at the end of a line to explain it:

Private Sub mnuFileSave_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles mnuFileSave.Click
If fileName = "" Then 'fileName is a module variable.
FileSaveAs() 'Save the file with a new name.
'Save the file with the existing name.
End If
End Sub

Single line comments are used to describe the following section of code:
'Then write out each Student...
For Each S In Students.Values



Block Comments are used to provide a heading for a significant structural

item, a class, Sub, Function or Property:

this sub, we check whether a file exists.

it does, the file is loaded as a block
text into txtFileInfo...
Dim fileName As String
Dim inStream As IO.StreamReader
fileName = "c:\data\TextFile.txt"

Commenting out blocks of code

You can temporarily remove a block of Visual Basic code from a program by commenting it out preceding each statement with a comment character (apostrophe).
You can either do this laboriously a line at a time, or use the Comment Block command, available only from the Edit toolbar (select View/Toolbars and check the
Edit toolbar). Select the text you want to temporarily disable and press the Comment
Block button (hover the mouse pointer over buttons to see their names). All of the
selected lines will be preceded with a comment character. To remove the comments
and restore the code, select the commented out lines and press the Uncomment
Block button.

General Commenting Principles

Use comments to spell out your intentions
Describe your intentions for a procedure in comments, and then fill in the program
code, leaving the comments in place. For example:
Sub LoadText(ByRef T As TextBox)
'Get the file name from an OpenFile dialog box
'Open the file and read the contents
'Close the file and transfer the contents to the text box
'If something goes wrong, report it
End Sub

Now that the required process has been adequately described, it is a simple matter to
fill-in the blanks and create the sub, either immediately or at a later date:
Sub LoadText(ByRef T As TextBox)
Dim dlgOpen As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
'Get the file name from an OpenFile dialog box
dlgOpen.Filter = "Text Files | *.txt | All Files | *.*"
dlgOpen.InitialDirectory = Application.ExecutablePath
If dlgOpen.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
fileName = dlgOpen.FileName



'Open the file and read the contents

Dim inStream As IO.StreamReader
Dim fileText As String
inStream = New IO.StreamReader(fileName)
fileText = inStream.ReadToEnd()
'Close the file and copy the contents to the text
T.Text = fileText
'If something goes wrong, report it
MessageBox.Show("Error reading " & filename & ".")
End If
End Sub

Do not simply repeat the code in comments

If comments do not add something to the expressiveness of your code, there is no
point in having them. Avoid comments such as:
' Add 1 to x...
x = x + 1
' Get the first character of customers(x)...
ch = Left(customers(x), 1)

Instead, try to use comments to describe what you are actually doing:
' Move to the next customer and get the initial...
cust += 1
ch = Left(customers(cust), 1)

Write comments in the active voice

Program code is an active medium as a programmer, you do not have things done
to your variables; you do things to them. e.g.:
'Close the file and transfer the contents to the text box
T.Text = fileText

and not:
'The file is closed and the contents moved to the text box
T.Text = fileText

Keep comments and code in synch

Finally, the most heinous crime imaginable is to change program code without
updating the comments that describe it. This looks shoddy when it is obvious, and
can cause a lot of wasted effort when it is not.


Application Checklist

If you are writing a program for a customer, it pays to apply a little quality assurance to the job before you finally deliver it. The code will look better, you will find
it easier to change and fix, and if the customer does look at it, you will be making a
much better impression. You can apply the following checklist to almost any program to produce an objective measure of how well written it is, both stylistically and
technically. Each No answer indicates a shortfall in quality.
Routines (Subs and Functions)


Does each routines name describe exactly what it does?

Does each routine perform a single, well-defined task?
Have all parts of each routine that would benefit from being put into their own
routines been put into their own routines?
Is each routines interface obvious and clear?
Have functions been used when a routine has a useful result?
Do the routines in a module perform related tasks?

Data names

Are type names descriptive enough to help document data declarations?

Are variables meaningfully named?
Are variables used only for the purpose for which theyre named?
Are loop counters given informative names (i.e. not i, j, n)?
Are well-named enumerated types used?
Are named constants used instead of magic numbers? (e.g. 3.1415926 is a magic
number PI is a good identifier).


Have classes been used to model real-world objects in the application domain?

Have the relationships between real-world objects in the application domain been
modelled in the program?




Are class interfaces defined to expose only necessary interface properties and
Has inheritance been used appropriately (can you say that a sub-class object
Is-A(n) instance of a super-class object)?
Are method names action words?
Do property names describe attributes of the class?
Do parameters have descriptive names and appropriate types?

Data Organization

Are extra variables used for clarity when needed?

Are references to variables close together and to the variable definitions?

Are data structures simple so that they minimize complexity?


Is complex data accessed through abstract access routines (abstract data types
or classes)?


Is the nominal path through the code clear?

Are related statements grouped together?

Have relatively independent groups of statements been packaged into their own

Does the normal case follow the If rather than the Else in an If..Then..Else

Are control structures simple so that they minimize complexity?

Does each loop perform one and only one function?

Is nesting minimized?
Have variable expressions been simplified by using additional variables, Boolean
variables and Boolean functions?


Does the programs layout show its logical structure?

Are blank lines used to indicate logically distinct segments of code?
Are long lines broken in suitable places so that they can be read easily on-screen
and in hard copy?


Is the code straightforward and does it avoid cleverness?

Are implementation details within a routine or class hidden as much as possible
from statements that use the routine or class?



Is the program written in terms of the problem domain (e.g. finance) as much as
possible rather than in terms of computer-science or programming language



Does each module have a headline comment block that describes its overall
Does each sub and function have a heading comment to describe its purpose?
Are necessarily complex algorithms adequately described in comments?
Are comments used to describe the purpose of all significant public, private and
local variables?
Are all comments up to date with the program code?


. (dot operator), 57, 91, 121

_ (line continuation sequence), 85
{}, values in format string, 78
~, as file delimiter, 524
, SQL string delimiters, 590
0+, aggregation, 54
1+, aggregation, 54
32 (maximum array dimension), 219
4+1 view, model in UML, 10
abbreviations, avoiding, 650
abort() (thread class), 498
abstract algorithm, reconciling with requirement,
abstract class, 284, 293, 313
using code inheritance, 301
example, 294
shape example, 313
specifications, 44
Abstract Factory
in CAD exercise, 422
and the composite pattern, 482
pattern, 479
AcceptButton (form property), 347, 360
example setting, 350
AcceptsReturn (TextBox property), 391
AcceptsTab (TextBox property), 391
access, to base class members, 287
access specifiers, demonstrated, 288
accessibility of class, 108
accumulate (result), 100
active voice (in comments), 654
activities (in software life-cycle), 5
actors, 14
Ada, interface inheritance in, 53
adapter (pattern), 480

Adapter() (method of ArrayList), 480


method of ArrayList, 233

method of HashTable, 241
Add New Item (dialog box), 65
AddAuthor() (method of example Book class), 607
AddHandler, 412, 414
AddRange() (list control method), 401
address, in memory, 124
AddressOf (operator), 356
assigning process to thread, 497
AddSubject() (method of Student class), 545
ADO .NET, and data services, 447
aggregation, 49, 54
as alternative to inheritance, 55
in bank account model, 451
object structure, 227, 458, 469
serializing, 527
AlarmCall (example delegate), 356
Alexander, Christopher, 472
algorithm, 15, 16, 44
ambiguities, resolving in requirements, 10
AnalogTimeObserver (concrete class), 502
analysis, in life cycle, 4
ancestor, of a class, 283
Anchor (property of control), 360, 621
And (Boolean operator), 147
AndAlso (short-circuit logical operator), 147, 226
anticipation of user-input errors, 331
Append() (method of StringBuilder class), 457
AppendText() (TextBox method), 391
checklist, 655
domain, names from, 649
object, 333, 521
settings, storing, 513
structure, 324, 444


Application Programmers Interface, and common

dialogs, 335
application programs, the Windows registry, 514
Appointment (example class design), 47
architectural design, in life-cycle, 4
arguments, 115
class compatibility with parameters, 285
passed to event-handler, 338
arrays, 214
advantages and disadvantages, 251
changing size of, 230
of objects, 220, 222
Sort() method, and CompareTo(), 305
ArrayList (class), 233
Adapter() method, 480
advantages and disadvantages, 251
of authors in the Book class, 607
described, 234
of transactions, 452
As (keyword), 125
assemblies, 21
namespaces and, 186
of objects in object-oriented programs, 20
assembly name, changing, 36
examples, 84
of values to variables, 32, 81, 83
assumptions, in software design, 11
attributes, 344
identifying in object-oriented design, 21
of objects, 14
XML, 536
audit trail, in banking systems, 450
AutoNumber field, of a data table, 588
average, calculating, 158, 225
Averager (class), 158
BackgroundImage (property of control), 415

example of code inheritance, 50

example of serialization, 527
example class design, 58
inheriting from, 280
object, 20
use-case diagram, 59
BankProject, practical activity, 63
base class, 283
access to members, 287
for CAD exercise, 422
Microsoft usage, 284
responsibilities of designer, 286


batch file, setting up a programming environment,

batch processing (items in a collection), 212
BeginUpdate() (method of TreeView), 596
Behavioural Patterns (Gamma et al.), 472
behavioural patterns, 484
locating, 613
sample database, 582, 612
binary data, of serialized objects, 534
binary search (algorithm), 246
BinaryFormatter (class), 533
passing an object to, 534
binding, data to controls, 597
object, 597
BindingContext (property of
CurrencyManager), 597
bins, organising items, 236
BitArray, 234
bitmap, 416
individual dots in images, 421
resizing, 421
resolution limitations, 421
BlobTimeObserver (concrete class), 504
comments, 652
scope, 183, 188
of statements, 88, 89
Book (class), 606
Boolean, 75, 143, 146
Borland Paradox (desktop database), 570
bottom tier, of 3-tier application, 462
bottom-up composition, 17, 18, 19
breaking long lines to improve layout, 644
Bridge (pattern), 483
BringToFront() (control method), 382
for selecting between groups of controls,
Builder (pattern), 479
compared with programming, 2
and complexity, 2
business applications, and persistence, 446
business layer, 445, 580, 604
business logic, 580
business rules, 581
business services, 446
business tier
of application, 333
responsibilities, 447
and testability, 334



buttons, as command controls, 388

ByRef (parameters), 167, 169, 170
byte size, of data fields, 571
ByVal, 169
C#, 25
and the CLR, 73
C++, 25
and the CLR, 73
CAD see computer aided design
CAM see computer aided manufacture
Calculation (example class), 293
cancel button (dialog box), 347
CancelButton (form property), 347, 360
example setting, 350
CanUndo() (TextBox method), 396
Capacity (ArrayList), 233
capitalization in identifiers, 650
caption, changing, 27
Card (example class), 254
carriage-return line-feed (in text files), 525
cascading events, 340
case-sensitivity, in XML, 536
named in Connection, 583
of CDs, example, 573
of items in a data structure, 212
Catch 176
block (in exception handling), 177, 180
CausesValidation (TextBox property),
CD Read/Write drive, 512
Chain of Responsibility (pattern), 492
cascading events and, 339
TextBox event, 385
Chars() (property of string class), 135, 154

control, 396
using to accept a yes/no input, 397

MenuItem property, 390

property of radio button, 350, 398
CheckedIndices (CheckedListBox property),
CheckedItems (CheckedListBox property),
CheckedListBox (Control), 399
checklist, 655
child class, 283
CInt() (function), 94

class, 107
and class design, 48
in the CLR, 73
defined, 45
definitions in a code module, 61
deriving within another class, 401
events, 118
interface, 117
library, 25
locating code, 61
methods, 109
and object, 45
in photograph album exercise, 554
class model, for bank account, 450
class module, adding to a project, 64
class scope, 183
class-specific methods, 292

member of ArrayList class, 306

TextBox method, 391
client code, writing, 66
clipboard, accessing data in, 396
Clone() (method of prototype pattern), 475
Close() (method of StreamWriter), 518
CloseConnection (CommandBehaviour
setting), 586
event of form, 603
file, 513
closing tag
of compound XML element, 540
in XML, 536
CLR, 71, 72
and garbage collection, 464
and structured types, 91
Codd, E.F., 574
12 Rules governing a RDBMS, 574
development style, 3
devolving into, 6
popularity of, 8
code attributes, 344, 345
code inheritance, 50, 52, 278, 287
compared to interface inheritance, 301
defining a class with, 51
new to visual basic, 53
object relationship, 49
code region, and generated code, 342
code window, in the IDE, 64
coded serialization, 527
CodeStructures (practical activity), 192


coding style, maintaining, 643

collection, 49, 234
base class, 233
choosing, 250
and serialization, 527
collection classes (in business service layer), 446
CollectionBase (class for inheritance), 306
colour (example of property), 46
ColumnHeader (collection editor for ListView
control), 406
Columns (ListView property), 406
COM, 278
ComboBox (control), 399
Comma Separated Variable (file type), 523
comma-delimited files (format), 570
Command (pattern), 492
command controls, 388
command line, 630
Command Prompt (project), 25, 35, 631
CommandBuilder (class), 602
commenting-out code, 653
in programs, 75
styles of, 652
commit changes to a database, 602
common dialogs, 335
common framework, for console examples, 73
Common Language Runtime, 71
Common Type Library, 72, 75
CommonAppDataPath (property of Application),
devices, and bytes of data, 526
in life-cycle, 6
CompareTo() (method of IComparable), 221,
246, 246
for sorting, 235, 305
of class interfaces, 52
of inheriting classes, 285
in programming, 2
reducing using encapsulation, 540
definition, 336
distinction from control, 389
variables, in a structure, 91
Component Object Model, 278
basis in interface inheritance, 53
Composite (pattern), 481
composite shapes (in flooring calculator), 315


CompositeShape (class), 316

composition, relationship, 49, 54, 469

compound conditions, 147
Compound XML nodes, managing, 543
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
and object databases, 569
and objects, 421
practical activity, 421
Computer Aided Drawing, 421
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and
object databases, 569
concatenation of strings, 84
concept analysis (in life-cycle), 4
concrete class, 284
concrete implementation (development phase), 44
concurrency (warning), 496
concurrent processes, and threads, 496
in algorithms, 16
in a class, 118
in repetition structure, 154
conditional decomposition, 18
configuring controls, 29
between objects, 445
to database server, 583, 636, 638
page of Data Form Wizard, 617
connection object
added to form, 637
creating a connection, 583

building at runtime, 641

placing in a string constant, 640
property of Connection, 583, 639
in code, 642
and properties, 114
Console Application, 61, 444
creating in Visual Studio, 35, 63
project, 25, 35
and Sub Main(), 461
console class, and shared methods, 300
Console.ReadLine(), 77
Console.WriteLine(), 77
Const (keyword), 79
constants, 79
constraints in software design, 11
constructor, 114, 115
added to a class, 64
of customer class, 353
for deserializing an object, 529



constructor (continued )
role in inheritance, 290, 291, 296
overloaded for XML, 542
overloading, 116
ContainerControl (ancestor of form class), 355
ContainsKey() (method of HashTable), 242
contiguous, heap memory, 467
Control (Class), 408
control structures, 143
control variable (in For..Next loop), 160
ControlChars.Tab, 242
controlled exit, from a loop, 156
controls, 335
accessing collectively, 387
manipulating at run time, 408
as objects in the user-interface, 45
controls collection, for iterating through controls,
Copy() (TextBox method), 391

property of ArrayList, 233, 306

queue property, 248
counting down (in a For..Next loop), 161
craft of programming, 460
crash, due to null object reference, 122
CreateGraphics() (control method), 415, 417
file, 518
object with a dialog box, 347
Creational patterns (Gamma et al.), 472
cross-references in relational data, 212, 575
CSV, file type, 523
Ctrl+C, To terminate a program, 195
CType() (function), 135, 297
casting deserialized data, 534
casting XML data, 543
using to assign correct data type to a new row,
CurrencyManager (class), 597
Current (enumerator property), 242
current value of a property, 57
custom array, advantages and disadvantages, 251
custom collection, 306
example class, 352
requirements, 11
Cut() (TextBox method), 391
data access
in a 3-tiered system, 582
in .NET, 580

objects, 581
performing data interactions, 449
tier, responsibilities, 448
Data Adapter, 583
Data Definition Language (in RDMBS), 578
Data Form Wizard, example, 612
Data Manipulation Language (in RDBMS), 578
Data Object Modelling, 604
data services, in application design, 446
data structures
choosing between, 459
and inheritance, 306
starting with, 450
data types, and serialization, 526

enabling write-back of changes, 602

filling a DataSet with, 592
object, added to form, 637
data-aware controls, 637
databases, 569
and application structure, 445
application, use of DataSet, 604
design, of relational tables, 574
servers, connection from Visual Studio, 570
Wizards, in Visual Studio, 570
DataBindings (collection of control), 597
DataColumn (class), 580
DataFormats.Text (clipboard format), 396
DataLogger (example class), 469
Dispose() method, 470
example collection, 469
data-pen, storage device, 512
DataReader (classes), 584
DataRelation (class), 580
DataRow (class), 580
Dataset (class), 580, 587
adding a new row, 600, 602
as business layer, 581
filling, 592
inserting new data, 599
simplifying updates, 591
using, 591
viewing data with a ListView, 594
DataSource, for adding to a list control, 401
data-structures, 445
DataTable (class), 580
Date (variable type), 75
DateDiff() (function), 78, 84
DB2, clientserver database, 570
DDL, 578


Deal() (DeckOfCards method), 254

debugging, in life-cycle, 4
Decimal (variable type), 74
DeckOfCards (example class), 254
declarations of variables, 73
declarative statements, and blank lines, 646
arrays, 215
namespace, 187
variables, 32, 74, 82, 188
decomposition of tasks, 17
Decorator (pattern), 483
decorators calculator, programming activity, 97
constructor, 296
event, for a control, 339
for input values, 332
value of an enum, 93
definite loop, 155, 160
delegates, 355, 356, 358
delegation, in a composition relationship, 49, 55
DELETE, SQL Command, 588
adding using CommandBuilder, 602
Delete(), method of DataRow, 601
delimiter in file storage, 523, 527, 583
deployment view, in UML, 10
Dequeue() (Queue method), 248
descendant of a class, 283
of classes, 9, 47, 444
principles, for application, 444
Design mode, 27
design-time, 336, 378
design view (UML), 10
destructor, in C++ programs, 463
design, in life-cycle, 4
end of data relationship, 575
in plans, need for, 3
records, displaying, 599
in workings, avoiding in class development, 48
diagrams, for classes, 47
dialog box
for a class, 347
style of user-interface, 346
in Visual Studio, 333
DialogResult (property of button), 360
Dictionary (class), 233, 236
advantages and disadvantages, 251
enumerator, 244
DictionaryBase, 234, 236


DictionaryEnumerator, use in photo-album

exercise, 560
digital photographs, 512
cataloguing and displaying, 553
DigitalTimeObserver (concrete class), 499
dim , 74, 125
of an array, 217
variables, 108
Dir() (function), 383
direct access, to members of a base class, 286
DirectX (in Windows), 415
disabling Windows controls, 332
discarded, objects, 465
disk drive, and application structure, 445
disk file, and application structure, 445
Display (example method of Appointment
class), 48

changing at run time, 399

property of list control, 399
Dispose(), 467
knowing when necessary, 469
method of DataLoggerCollection, 470
method of Timekeeper class, 498
divide-and-conquer algorithms, 246
divide-by-zero (error), 177, 229
DivideByZeroException, 181
dlg, prefix for dialog name, 349
DML, 578
Do Until..Loop, 156
Do While..Loop, 156
Do..Loop, 155
uses for, 157
Do..Loop Until, 156
Do..Loop While, 156
documentation, in-code, 651
dot operator, 57, 91, 121
double, variable type, 74
double-clicking, to generate an event handler, 32
operation, moving data with, 386
server explorer item to a form, 637
drag and drop, in form design, 336
controlling, 383
DragDropEffects, for feedback during drag and
drop, 384
Draw() method, for Shape classes, 423
drawing, on controls, 417
interactively, 427
drawn graphics, volatile in Windows, 418



DrawStyle class, and Prototype pattern, 475

drill-down, feature of Server Explorer, 613

EDIT.COM, Windows program, 630

editing, an object with a dialog box, 347
elements of an array, 214
Else, 146
ElseIf, 145
embedded (SQL), 578
empty tag (in XML), 536
enabled (property for providing feedback), 379
encapsulation, 45, 110, 278
use of access modifiers, 287
of arrays of objects, 227, 230
reducing complexity by, 540
and serialization, 528
in a VB .NET module, 61
enclosed statements, in a loop structure, 155
enclosing rectangle, for geometric shapes in CAD
exercise, 422
End If, 143
End Try, 176
EndUpdate() (method of TreeView), 596
Enqueue() (Queue method), 248
entry-point, of a program, 22
Enum (keyword), 93
enumeration, 93
advantages, 95
for gender, 348
for HashTables, 242
as Iterator pattern, 490
Environment.NewLine, 457
error-handling code, omitted for clarity, 607
errors, 174
avoidance, in code, 176
reported by compiler, 633
Euclids algorithm, 16
EventArgs, parameter of event handler, 338
event handler, 31, 119
adding at run time, 412
adding to a form, 31
defined, 338
described, 329
generated in Form Designer, 329, 355
matching parameters, 413
for WPMCalculator project, 367
events, 31, 118, 329, 337
common, 385
fired by controls, 345
for interactive drawing, 432

evolution in life-cycle, 6
evolutionary prototyping, 6, 10
disadvantages, 6
Excel, automation, 278
Exception (class), 178
exception handling, 174, 176
Guidelines, 181
use in file handling, 519
Exception Hierarchy (in Visual Studio Help),
executable program, 33
ExecutablePath (property of Application),
ExecuteNonQuery() (method of Command
class), 606
ExecuteReader() (method of DataReader),
ExecuteScalar() (method of Command class),
executive code, 22
executive object, in a code module, 64
exhaustive search, 238
Exists() (file method), 519
Exit Do, 156
Exit For, 161
exiting from a loop, 155
experience of object-oriented systems, 14
expertise of developers, 7
expressions, 83
extensible mark-up language, 535
extension, 279, 280, 290
extents rectangle, in CAD exercise, 425
F4, key in IDE, 28
Faade (pattern), 484
factorial, calculation (exercise), 159
Factory Method (pattern), 474
False (Boolean value), 77
from a menu system, 390
providing, in Windows applications, 379
field, defined, 570
file, 512
Class, 519
saving options, 522
used by Visual Studio, 512
file name pattern, and the Dir() function, 383
file storage, 517
devices, 512
leName (variable), 518
FileSaveAs (menu option), 522



FileSaveDialog (control class), 335

Game() (method in playing cards example), 265

filing cabinet, order in, 512

Fill() (DataAdapter method), 593
filter, property of OpenFileDialog, 521
Finalize(), 467
knowing when necessary, 469
and object destruction, 463
Finally, 179
first-in-first-out, structure, 247
first-in-last-out, structure, 249
fixed disk drive, 512
FixedDialog (form style), 347
data format, 570
database, 570
limitations, 572
for quick storage and retrieval, 571
Flooring Calculator, practical activity, 312
floppy disk drive, 511
Flyweight (pattern), 484
focus, in Windows programs, 336
Focus() (method), 337
Font, property, 378
For..Each, iterating through an array, 216, 221
For..Next, loop structure, 160
foreign key, in data table, 576
form design
stored in files, 512
in WinForms designer, 336
Form Designer
adding controls, 336
providing list of available events, 339
and user-interface code, 340
form module, class definition, 61
Form Styles, 351
Form.Show() (method), 352
Form_Closing (event), 515
Form_Load, 515
using to fill a ListView, 406
formality in life-cycle, 7
formalizing, top-down decompositions, 17
format string, 78, 454
Format() (method of String class), 608
formatting rules, applying, 643
FormBorderStyle (form property), 347
free heap space, and garbage collection, 464
Friend (modifier), 183, 287, 378, 640
friend scope, default in Form Designer, 336
frm, prefix for form name, 349
function, 110, 109, 166
built-in, 84

Garbage collection, 449

Garbage collector, 463, 464
pre-empting, 466
Garbage-In-Garbage-Out, 332
GDI, 415
GDI+, use in .NET, 415
drawing rectangles, 435
gender, storing as Boolean, 77
general declarations, and blank lines, 647
generalization-specialization (class relationship),
generalized class, 50
generated code, by Visual Studio, 329, 341
genetic, analogy for inheritance, 279
geometric shapes, representing numerically,
Get (part of property), 57, 133
GetByIndex() (SortedList method), 245
GetChanges() (method of DataAdapter), 603
GetDataSet() (example function), 592
GetEnumerator() (collection method), 242
GetHashCode() (object method), 238
GetKey() (SortedList method), 245
GetLength() (array method), 410
GetSetting() (function), 515
GetType() (method), 124
GetUpperBound() (array method), 218
glyph, for a control, 415
GraphicObserverForm (example observer
class), 488
graphics, 415
depiction of use-cases, 12
GDI+ object, 415
Graphics Device Interface, 415
graphics object, 419
drawing a line, 426
drawing a clock face, 504
groups, in a Composite pattern, 481
GUI Tools, in RDBMS, 578
Handled (property of KeyPressed event-handler

argument), 339

keyword, 358
list of event-handlers, 344
Has-a, relationship, 54, 451
hash function, 237
hash key, 239
hash table, operation, 237
advantages, 238



HashTable, 234, 236

advantages and disadvantages, 251

examples, 239, 559
headers, for serialization of objects, 527
heap, 463
height, property, 30
Hello.exe, sample program, 633
heroic period in computer programming, 3
Hide(), control method, 382
hierarchical structure
composite pattern and, 481
of a .NET project, 22
high-dimensional arrays, 219
human-readable (text files), 531
IComparable, Standard interface, 221, 246, 304
IDE, 24
idealized application structure, 450
identifiers, 74, 80
choice of, 643, 649
identity field, of a data table, 588
IEnumerator, interface, 243
If..Then, 143
use of, 133
Image (property of control), 415, 417
immutable strings, 127
of interface, 278, 303, 500
in life-cycle, 4, 9
in UML, 10
Implements (keyword), 53, 303
implicit cast, of item returned from a custom
collection, 308
importing, a namespace, 186
Imports (keyword), 186, 634
imposing control, on the user, 325
in-code documentation, use of, 643
inconsistencies, preventing in classes, 131
increment, in a For..Next loop, 161
indefinite loop, 155
Indent Size (editor option), 645
indenting, in code layout, 643
of an array, 215
of a book, 212
in For..Next loop, 160
of relational data, 574
index cards, and catalogues, 553
IndexOf() (method of string class), 135
IndexOfAny() (method of string class), 135
information, manipulating, 2

Ingres, 578
inheritance, 278, 279, 284, 286, 280
appropriate use, 425
array class, 230
bugs, 285
computational cost, 459
complexity of, 51
data structures, 306
in the Form Designer, 342
inherited form, adding to project, 360
Inherits (keyword), 280, 287
initial requirements statement, 11
InitialDirectory (property of
OpenFileDialog), 521
initialization, 461
a 2-D array, 218
elements of an array, 216
object, 116
variable, 83
InitializeComponent(), in a forms code, 342
in-line comments, 652
in-memory cache, description of DataSet, 591
InnerText(), XML elements, 543
in-program comments (conventions), 642
input controls, simple, 390
input parameter, 169
InputCalculateOutput, process, 98
InputProcessOutput, model of programming,
InputBox(), 33, 520
adding using CommandBuilder, 602
SQL Command, 588
data into a database, 570, 609
improved efficiency in relational model, 573
installation, in life-cycle, 4
instance, of a class, 59
instance variable, 298
InStr() (String method), 386
integer, variables, 74, 121
Integrated Development Environment, 24
integrity, of relational data, 574
between objects, 21, 44
between user and system, 449
in design diagrams, 60
interactive, drawing, 427
application, 444
classes compatibility with, 52
Visual Basic .NET construct, 53


interface, 110, 117, 221

depicted in UML diagrams, 47
inheritance, 52, 278, 301
and multiple inheritance, 301
naming convention, 302
inter-object interactions, developing, 44
inter-operation, and COM, 279
Interpreter (pattern), 492
Invalid cast (error), 177
Invalidate() (control method), 383
InvestmentAccount (inheriting class), 281
invoke (constructor), 116
class relationship, 50, 285
and type casting, 297
IsNumeric(), function, 175
DataReader property, 586
property of collection class, 307
property of CurrencyManager, 601
property of HashTable, 242, 245
property of list controls, 399
in algorithms, 16
in polymorphic collection, 310
variable in For..Each, 216
Iterator (pattern), 490
IVehicle (example interface), 304

Java, 53, 72
Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 72
dictionary property, 243
property, 239, 241
property of HashTable, 236
of registry setting, 516
Key/Value, pairs, 245
keyboard input, to the control with focus, 336
KeyChar (member of KeyPressed event
arguments), 386
KeyPressed (event), 338
Kill() (method of ITimeObserver interface),
label, adding to a form, 29
laptop PC, transferring data to, 512
large data sets, limitation of serialization, 552
layout of code, 643
leap year, correct evaluation of, 150
Left (property), 30


legal (subroutine call), 172

life-cycle, 3, 5, 8
factors affecting, 7
feasibility study, 4
programming and, 4
in software development, 3
lifetime, of objects in an application, 462
of data structures, 233
of flat-file databases, 572
of resources, sharing access to, 247
line continuation, sequence in VB Code, 32,
lineage of classes, 283
Lines (TextBox property), 391
links in many-to-many relationship, 576
data structures, 212
implemented as 1-D array, 219
of items, 213
member of ArrayList class, 306
list controls, 398, 404
ListBox (control), 399
ListView (control), 405
adding rows of data to, 586
deleting selected items, 601
setting up for table-style display, 406
ListViewItem (class), 405
literal values, 80, 85
Load() (method), 528
local variable, discarding, 465
LocalUserAppDatPath (property of
Application), 521
location of control, setting, 409
location box, in new project dialog, 63
logic errors, described, 174
logical structure, between objects, 444
loop, 154
low-level sub tasks, in decomposition, 19
LVItem(), method for display in ListView
controls, 405
main form, in a Visual Basic project, 22
main object, in an application, 461
MainMenu, adding from Toolbox, 389
maintainability, and structure, 444
maintenance, 4, 9
many forms see polymorphism
many-to-many, relationship, 576
link in DataSet, 591
master, end of data relationship, 575



data viewed in TreeView, 595
form, generating using the Data Form Wizard,
relationship, viewing, 598
Math class, shared methods, 300
matriculation number, of student in XML
example, 538
maximum, finding, 225
MDI, 333
Me, object self-reference, 351
meaningful names, for WinForms controls, 336
Mediator (pattern), 492
member variable, 55, 66, 108, 113
members, of a class, 45
Memento (pattern), 492
and bytes of data, 526
function of variable, 32
memory-card reader, 512
menus, 388
design, 389
MenuItems, adding to a MainMenu, 389
messages, 56
in object interactions, 49
passing, relationship, 56
of a class, 45, 56, 121
code in classes, 49
common, 380
in photograph album classes, 555
Meyer, Bertrand, 173
Microsoft Access, desktop database, 570
Microsoft Database Environment, 570
Microsoft Office Professional, inclusion of
MSDE, 570
Microsoft Paint, 416
Microsoft Word, application structure, 445
minimum, finding, 225
mnu, prefix for menu name, 389
modal, and dialog boxes, 351
modal behaviour, of dialog box, 351
modelling, 9
interconnections, 472
bytes of data, 526
connection, and finalization, 464
modifiers, property of control class, 336, 378
modifying the structure, of relational data, 578
modules, 21
scope, 183

Module1, in new project, 35

MouseDown (event in drawing operation),

MouseMove (event in drawing operation),

MouseUp (event in drawing operation), 428
MoveNext (enumerator method), 243
MSDE, 570, 612, 636, obtaining the .NET
framework, 629
Multi-Document Interface, 333
multi-level indenting, 645
Multiline (TextBox property), 391
multiple data items , dealing with, 213
MustInherit, 293
keyword, 284, 295, 301
modifier in Shape class, 425
MyBase.New(), in inheriting constructor, 296

convention, 28, 642
convention for MenuItems, 389
part of message, 56
property, 27, 28
named attributes, in XML, 536
Namespace, 184
scope, 186 8
If..Then structures, 147
tags in XML, 536
application design features and, 460
creating environment, 630
registry access classes, 514
serialization, 532
support, for relational databases, 579
virtual machine, 72
networks, and bytes of data, 526
New, 108, 114, 123
instance of a class, 122
unnecessary for strings, 128
New Project
button in IDE, 25
dialog box, 25
NewRow(), method of DataTable, 599
NewShape(), ShapeFactory method, 473
Next (keyword) 160
node in XML, 536
nominal path, through code, 176
normalization of relational data, 577
Not (Boolean operator), 147


for classes, 47
consistency in top-down decomposition, 18
Notepad, Windows program, 630
Nothing (keyword), 125
setting reference to, 466
Notify() (method of Observer pattern), 485,
nouns, in requirements descriptions, 14
NTFS, random-access filing system, 571
Null, 114
null reference
and enumerators, 242
error prevention, 182
null values, assigned to variables, 82
NullReferenceException, 123
danger with For..Each, 221
number formatting, 218
as clients, 20
implicit part of a message, 57
lifetime, 448
in object-oriented development, 8
of Observer pattern, 484
relation to algorithms, 15
in the requirements phase, 13
root class in .NET, 295
sending to a stream, 526
as servers, 20
stored in main memory, 569
types, 107
Object Linking and Embedding, and ODBC, 580
object model, sending to a stream, 526
dealing with complexity, 540
serializing, 526
in a 3-tier application, 581
object orientation
databases, 569
design, and task decomposition, 5, 19, 44
development model, support for, 7
in the life-cycle, 8
as an organising principle, 9
relational databases and, 579
style, 21
system design, 14, 44
object-oriented programming, 4, 111
aims of, 46
in .NET, 460
structure, 444
terminology, 283


object-structures, 445
base class, 486
pattern, 484
testing, 501
ODBC, 580
off-line storage, 511, 569
OK button, of dialog box, 347

performance penalty, 639

prefix in data classes, 580
OleDbCommand (class), 580
OleDbConnection (class), 580, 583
OleDbDataAdapter (class), 580
OleDbDataReader (class), 580
one-to-many, relationship, 576
on-line object model, 569
open, a file, 513
Open Database Connectivity, 580
one-dimensional arrays, 217
Open(), method of Connection class, 594
OpenFileDialog (class/control), 521
opening tag, in XML, 536
operating system, and the Windows Registry, 514
operations, 13
in photograph album, 555
operators, 84
rules for applying, 87
Or (Boolean operator), 147
Oracle, 570, 578
orders database, example, 572
ordinal, ending to integer, 151
OrElse, short-circuit logical operator, 147
of data, 212
in software development, 3
organizational principles, 444
outline event-handlers, in Form Designer, 343
outlines, of event handlers, 331
output parameter, 170
output type
changing in Project Properties, 340
of project, 360
overhead, of serialization code, 533
overlapping activities, in life-cycle, 5
overloading, 172
constructors, 116, 530

keyword, 282, 292

method, 282
modifier in Shape class, 425



overriding, 291
OwnerDraw (in list controls), 416
owner-owned, relationship, 470
ownership, and class relationships, 458, 461
paint event, for creating drawn graphics, 418
parameters, 115, 166, 168
in class diagram, 60
in Command objects, 588
of an event-handler, 338
part of message, 56
parent class, 283
parsing expressions (in the Calculator project),
partitioning, complex user-interfaces, 332
passing a message, object collaboration, 56
Paste() (TextBox method), 391
PATH, environment variable, 631
patterns, 471
permanent storage devices, and application
structure, 445
persistence, 511, 610
and serialization, 526
Person, example class, 348
PFE, freeware editor program, 630
phases, of a life-cycle, 4, 22
Photograph Album, Practical Activity, 553
picture class, in photo album exercise, 557
PictureBox, for displaying image files, 415
pigeonholes, for organizing data, 213
planning, for expansion and maintainability, 448
platform, for computer programs, 71
plurals, removing from specification, 253
in identifiers, 651
polymorphism, 53, 309, 310
by code inheritance, 285
illustrated in CAD exercise, 430
Pontoon, card game, 252
PontoonHand (example class), 255
PopUp event, of top-level menu, 390
Position, property of CurrencyManager, 599
practical activities, explained, 24
predicate, in SQL, 579
prepositional clause, in SQL, 579
presentation layer, 445, 449, 580
Preserve (keyword), 231
primary key
of data table, 576
stored within an object model, 604
primitives, 123
in a Composite pattern, 481

PrinterObject (example of class inheritance),

Private, 55, 108, 112, 117, 183, 287, 456

procedure, Microsofts usage of, 166

process view, in UML, 10
processes, described by algorithms, 15
product classes
in an application, 461
in creational pattern, 472
program code, stored in files, 512
Programmers File Editor, freeware editor
program, 630
programming, 1, 4
in life-cycle, 4
language, 1
project, and assembly, 22
project properties
for a class library, 360
setting the Output Type of Windows
Application, 340
of class, 111, 121
code in classes, 49
common, 376
definition, 113
in photograph album exercise, 554
Properties Window, 27, 375
for changing TabIndex, 337
proprietary formats, for data communication,
Protected, modifier, 183, 287
pattern, 474
programs, 6
Proxy (pattern), 484
Public (keyword), 108, 117, 183, 287
public interface, of an object, 45
purpose-built form class, 354
qualified aggregation, in a class diagram, 54
quality, of program code, 642
query, 574
data operation, 578
advantages and disadvantages, 251
described, 234, 247, 248
/r (reference flag), 635
radians, angle calculations, 504
radio buttons, group, 398
automatic update of check marks, 398



RadioButton (control), 396


adding a group at run time, 409

RadioCheck (MenuItem property), 390
random-access filing system, for flat-file access,
randomness, of a hash function, 237
RDBMS, 574
Read(), DataReader method, 586
from a database, 584
from a file, 513
ReadLine(), Stream method, 525
ReadOnly (keyword), 112, 133
read-only access, provided by DataReader, 584
read-only property, 57
compared to functions, 132
and private members, 454
ReadToEnd(), file method, 519
Read-Write access, to data, 587
ReadXML(), method of Picture class, 559
real-world systems, and objects, 9
reconstructing, object model from a stream, 526
records, 570
rectangle, example structure, 92
recycler, operation of garbage collector, 463
ReDim , 231
limitations, 233
resizing array, 232
re-dimensioning, arrays, 231
eliminated in relational data, 574
in flat-file database, 572
manipulating, 125
and strings, 128
types, 108, 124, 127
reference bitmap, used to create rubber-band
drawing, 428
reference objects, arrays of, 220
reference variable, 55
class compatibility, 294
discarding, 466
refined list, of objects, 14
Registry Editor, 516
relational calculus, 574
relational data, example, 575
relational database
for large sets of data, 570
as persistence mechanism, 579
principles of, 572
Relational Database Management System, 574

adding a DataRelation to, 593

property of DataSet, 591
between data tables, 576
between objects, 49, 604
in Biblio sample database, 582
repeated groups, in a flat-file table, 572
repetition, 154
Replace(), string method, 525
replaceable parameters, formatting console
output, 454
ReplaceBackground(), for interactive drawing,
required inputs, ensuring, 379
requirements analysis, in life-cycle, 4
requirements definition, of Calculator project, 130
requirements description, 45
requirements specification
first cut, 12
in life-cycle, 4
and object-orientation, 9
refining, 13
reserved keywords, 80
Reset, enumerator method, 243
Resize(), a shape in CAD example, 425
resizing, multi-dimensional arrays, 232
of class designer, 287
of a form for an object, 354
of objects, 447
restricting range, using an enumeration, 93
of a function, 112
part of message, 56

control method, 383

used by form designer, 343
retrieval speed, and data structures, 213
retrieving data
from a database, 570, 608
inefficiency in relational data, 574
return type, of a function, 169
reversing, a sentence, 250
Rnd(), function, 310
Room structure, in Decorators calculator, 97
root element, of XML document, 536
round-trips, to database, minimizing, 604
rubber-band, drawing mode, 427
rules of relational data sets, 574
Run (project), 37



run-time, 73
errors, 174
errors in file handling, 519
safe file operations, 518
safety critical projects, and life-cycle, 8
Save All, command, 33
Save(), method, 528
SaveBackground(), for interactive drawing, 429
SaveFileDialog (class/control), 521
SaveSetting(), function, 516
saving data, and application structure, 445
scalability, of life-cycle model, 7
scenarios, use cases as, 58
scope, 183
of class, 108
of variable, 74

composition example, 54
example of class inheritance, 51
sending the Display message, 57
scripting, a programs job, 31
SD (software development) life-cycle, 4
secondary key, in data table, 576
Select Case

flexibility, 151
structure, 148
SelectedItems(), property of ListView

control, 402, 587

control, Windows focus and, 336
of file for input, 521
of node of TreeView control, 550
structures, 144, 151
of text, run-time properties of, 378
SelectionMode (list control property), 402
self-describing, nature of XML, 539
self-describing program code, and attributes, 345
self-documenting, program code, 642
Sender, parameter of event-handler, 338, 414
message, and polymorphism, 309
diagram, 57
SendToBack(), control method, 382
Sequel, 578
execution order, 88
of information in a file, 513
in software development tasks, 3
of statements in a block, 89
of steps, as an algorithm, 16

<Serializable()>, attribute, 532

BankAccount object model, 527
code attributes and, 345, 526
Serialize(), method of BinaryFormatter,
server, named in connection, 583
Server Explorer, 583, 613, 629
services, 446
of data, 578
part of property definition, 57, 112
set-oriented, nature of SQL, 578
stored in files, 512
storing in registry, 514
Shape sub-classes, 433
shape types, in the flooring calculator, 312
ShapeFactory (class), 473
shapes collection, building, 432
instance, use in Singleton pattern, 494
keyword, 298
methods, 298, 519
methods in File class, 519
variables, 298
SEH, 178
purpose of, 182
Short-circuit logical operators, 147
ShortCut (menuitem property), 389
Show(), control method, 382
ShowDialog(), form method, 350
Shufe() (DeckOfCards method), 254, 259
signature of a subroutine, 171, 292
simple software life-cycle, 5
single inheritance, in .NET, 301
single-line comments, 652
single quotes, SQL string delimiters, 590
single, variable type, 74
Singleton (pattern), 479, 494
of project, 7
property, 378, 409
Sleep(), method of Thread class, 497
smart indenting, in Visual Studio, 644
software, 1
design, step of the life cycle, 45, 459
design patterns, 472
implementation, step of the life cycle, 45
life-cycle, models, 5
patterns, 460, 471


software (continued )
specification, 4, 10, 45
standard text, 472
software development
communicating and, 11
defined, 1
life-cycle, 3
need for planning, 3
Solution Explorer, files in, 64
solutions, 21, 22

array method, 220, 221

method, 222, 235
sortable objects, 221
sorted list, 213, 229, 234, 245
advantages and disadvantages, 251
sorting items into order, 212
SpecialInvestmentAccount (inheriting class),
specialization, 279, 281
specialized class, 50
Split() (String method), 250, 364
spreadsheet, need for persistence, 511
SQL, 578
Commands, for writing data, 588
parameters, 589
queries to limit data retrieved, 592
select statement, 586
statement structure, 579
Sql, prefix in data classes, 580
SQL Server, clientserver database, 570
direct connection from .NET, 570
SqlCommand (class), 580
SqlConnection (class), 580, 583
SqlDataAdapter (class), 580
SqlDataReader (class), 580
Sqr(), function, 84
stack, 234, 247, 249
advantages and disadvantages, 251
standard controls, in Windows applications, 375
start page, of Visual Studio, 25
an application, 460
without debugging, menu command, 37
state (pattern), 492
of a program, 74
of a task, 88
statement, 83, 88
from bank account, 450
controlling execution, 145
statistics class, example of shared methods, 299


status information, displaying, 350

stepwise-refinement, 17
devices, and bytes of data, 526
procedures, not supported by Access, 639
and retrieval, of objects, 446
space, and properties, 113
speed, and data structures, 213
term and usage, 11
for minimizing impact of interconnections in
object databases, 569
for serializing an object hierarchy, 531

class, 518, 519

loading structured data, 523
streams, 517
and storage, 517
for data storage, 570

class, 518
saving structured data, 523

parsing, 135
as reference type, 127
storage in the registry, 515
type, 32, 75, 121
String.Format(), for inserting SQL
Parameters, 590
StringBuilder (class), 457
strongly-typed collections, 306
structural design, in life-cycle, 4
structural patterns, 472, 479
structural relationships, between objects, 445
of application, 324
keyword, 91
of SQL statement, 579
structured data, 90
saving and loading, 523
in XML, 536
Structured Exception Handling, 178
structured programming, guidelines, 157, 161
Structured Query Language see SQL
System.Text (namespace), 457
StudentModel (XML example), 541
students, XML example, 537
conventions, in software houses, 642
in program code, 642
Sub, 22, 89, 66, 109



sub class, 283

Sub Main(), 460
of calculator, 134
as entry point, 22, 74
SubItems(), property of ListViewItem, 405
Subject-Observer (pattern), 484
in MultiClock practical exercise, 494
sub-phases, of life-cycle, 4
subroutine, 22, 89
sub-tasks, in a program, 90
super class, 283
SuppressFinalize(), method of garbage
collector, 468

control method, 383

used by form designer, 343
synonyms, removing from specification, 253
syntax error, 34, 81, 174
system classes, 461, 462
system design, in life-cycle, 4
system executive, creating business objects, 449
system printer, and finalization, 464
system specification, 14
System.Collections (namespace), 306
System.Console (namespace), 186
System.Data (namespace), 570, 579
System.Data.SqlClient (namespace), 582
System.IO (namespace), 518
System.Windows.Forms (namespace), 309, 634
System.Xml (namespace), 539
tab key
for moving focus, 337
in Visual Studio IDE, 27
Tab Size, editor option, 645
TabIndex, property of control class, 337
implemented as 2-D array, 219
in a relational database, 572
Tables(), property of DataSet, 591, 599
property of ListViewItem, 599
property of TreeNode, 595
in XML, 536
/t (target flag), 635
task decomposition, 16
TaxCalc (example program), 326
class as, 46
pane in New Project dialog, 35
Template Method (pattern), 492

in life-cycle, 4
and object-orientation, 9

property, 28
of a TreeNode, 551
TextBox (control), 391
TextChanged (TextBox event), 391
thread, 496
three-dimensional matrix, 219
three-tier applications, 445, 580
throwing exceptions, 180
Tick(), timer event, 385
tiers in an application, 332
tilde, use as file delimiter, 524
Timekeeper class, in MultiClock practical
exercise, 493
TimeObservers, implementing, 499
TimeOfDay(), function, 356
times table, example, 163
To . . . , use-case description form, 12
Toolbox, of Visual Studios form designer, 375
Tools/Options, dialog, 645
Top, property, 30
top tier, of a 3-tier application, 462
top-down decomposition, 17
top-down design, 17
top-level object, for serialization, 534

method for display in list control, 399, 401

use to create multi-column list, 405
use with XML classes, 542
in a bank account, 452
class, 454
serializing, 527
Transact-SQL, 579
travel agency example, 9, 11
TreeNodes(), collection in TreeView, 595
TreeView (control), 407
for viewing relational data, 595
publishers-titles example, 596
True (Boolean value), 77, 146
Try, 176
Try . . . Catch . . . End Try, example use, 295
Try . . . Catch . . . Finally, use in file
operations, 520
Try . . . Finally, ensuring EndUpdate() is
called, 596
Twenty-One (card game), 252
two-dimensional arrays, 217


two-tier application, 334, 445

of object, identifying, 227
of variable, 74, 92
type-casting, in inheritance, 296
object returned from a custom collection, 307
TypeOf(), function, 387
use with Is keyword, 388


UML, 9
class diagram, 47
class diagram, of Biblio, 583
Undo() (TextBox method), 391
Unified Modelling Language see UML
unique value of key, 239
unique IDs, in relational data, 575
unmanaged resources, and the .NET runtime,
update, relational data, 578
UPDATE, SQL Command, 588
UPDATE, adding using CommandBuilder, 602
Update(), method of DataAdapter, 594
UpdateFace (method of
AnalogueTimeObserver), 504
uppercase, for constants, 651
use-case, 12
diagram, in requirements specification, 58
for photograph album, 553
in UML, 10, 11
user-interactions, in the user-interface tier, 334
avoiding applications based on, 333
code, and the form designer, 340
design for photo album, 556
element, passing objects to, 546
for individual objects, 445
layer, 445, 580
objects, in object-oriented design, 333
tools for creating, 345, 375
user-interface tier
of application, 333
responsibilities, 447
user services, in application design, 446

variables, 73
assigning a value, 32
in object-orientation, 121
and program state, 74
variable-width fields, in flat-file databases, 571
.vb (file name suffix), 62
VB .NET, naming convention for Interfaces, 302
VBNET.BAT, batch file, 632
verb, in SQL, 579
ListView property, 407
of relational data, 578
View.Details, setting for ListView, 407
of control, methods for controlling, 382
of identifiers, 183
Visitor (pattern), 492
Visual Basic
and the CLR, 73
creating a class in, 48
designing for, 19
inheritance support, 278
Visual Basic .NET Projects, 21
Visual Basic 5.0, addition of Interface
inheritance, 279
Visual Basic 6.0, limited inheritance in, 278
Visual Basic compiler, rejecting incompatible
classes, 285
Visual Basic Language, 71
visual controls, 336
visual development model, support for, 7
Visual Form Designer, in Visual Studio, 629
Visual Inheritance, 308, 358
Visual Studio
creating a new project, 26
and files, 512
generating code, 329
tools for generating a connection string, 583
Visual Studio .NET, inclusion of MSDE, 570
of a business, 11
of a class, 56
for inheritance, 283
volatile data in computer memory, 511

Valid, XML documents, 536

validating, user-input, 157
dictionary property, 243
property of HashTable, 236
value types, 108, 124, 125, 127

wavy blue line, indicating syntax error, 109

Web Application, project, 25
Web Service, project, 25
Web-based application, 444
well-defined state, constructor and, 65
well-formed, XML documents, 536

UCase(), function, 84



well-organized programming environment,

creating, 630
While..End While, 159
white space, in code layout, 644, 646

write only property, 57


WriteElementString() (method of

ColumnHeader property, 406

property, 30
applications, 25, 61, 324
controls, 375
project, 25
Windows API, and common dialogs, 335
Windows FAT, random-access filing system,
Windows Form Designer, generated code, 341
Windows Registry, as persistent storage, 514
application, 335, 444
basics, 334
controls, 375
project, starting new, 363
projects, 22
Wirth, Niklaus, 251
With (structure), 164
With..End With, 164
WithEvents (keyword), 119, 358
Word, automation, 278
Word Processor, need for persistence, 511
Words-per-minute calculator, Practical Activity,
WPM Calculator, practical Activity, 363
WPMTimer, class in practical activity, 363
to a file, 513
statement, 518

WriteAttributeString() (method of
XmlWriter), 539, 542
WriteComment() (method of XmlWriter), 539
XmlWriter), 539, 542
WriteEndElement() (method of XmlWriter),

539, 542, 545

WriteLine() (stream method), 525
WriteOnly (property), 113
WriteStartDocument() (method of
XmlWriter), 539
WriteStartElement() (method of
XmlWriter), 539, 542

method of Picture class, 559

method of Student class, 545
to a database, 584
a VB.NET program, 632
XML, 537
XML, 535
compared with serialization, 551
generating in code, 539
persisting a DataSet to, 591
use in photo album exercise, 556
XML Document
relative size of, 551
rules, 536
XML Schemas, 536
XmlTextWriter (class), 537
XmlWriter (class), 539
ZOrder, of a control, 337

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