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Slotting Warehouse

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MODERN information management

Resolve to reslot y

Slotting systems can deliver

big results, but are they right
for your operation?

By Bob Trebilcock, Executive Editor



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t your warehouse

lotting your warehouse is

much like a New Years resolution. Its a great idea on
paper, but few warehouse
managers actually follow
through on that resolution
in a disciplined way.
The majority of customers will
tell us they know they should do slotting, says Ron Grove, vice president
of supply chain consulting for
TZA Consulting. But in most
cases, what they have is someone
in inventory control who gets a
report on whats coming into the
warehouse and decides where to
put it.
Slotting is a thankless job,
adds Jeff Wetherell, vice president of systems integration for
SI Systems. People talk about it,
but no one really wants to do it.
The payback for effective slotting, however, can be significant,
especially for end users with large
facilities and lots of stock keeping
units (SKUs). We have one customer that saved $500,000 a year
by keeping their system strategi-

cally slotted, says Wetherell.

Those savings come from improved
worker productivity that allows you to
schedule fewer workers in a manual
picking area or to reduce the number
of shifts you operate. While not everyone will see a $500,000-a-year savings,
averages of an 8% to 15% improvement
in picking and replenishment labor are

You may also see a reduction in

damage, an uptick in accuracy and
some savings in the palletizing area,
says Grove. But, those benefits are
harder to quantify.
As companies become more sophisticated in distribution practices and tie
what happens in the warehouse to the
store, slotting may also deliver cost savings across the supply chain.

Dynamic slotting allows facilities

with high SKU counts and
frequent turnover to fine tune
the slotting in piece- picking
areas on a frequent basis.

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modern information management

a place for everything and

everything in its place.
thats the underlying
philosophy behind slotting
optimization tools.

Some discount retailers,

for instance, slot their warehouses to build aisle- and
that reduce the labor in the
stores. When we did the
cost benefit analysis, slotting
increased the cost of palletizing in the warehouse, but
that was off-set by labor savings in the store, says Peter
Schnorbach, senior director
of product management for
Manhattan Associates.
How slotting works
What is slotting? Think of it as both a
process and a tool.
The process of slotting, or reslotting, is based on the old premise everything in its place and a place for everything. Slotting determines the best
place to store each stock keeping unit
in a facility based on a variety of factors. The objective is to reduce travel
time, increase picking accuracy, eliminate injuries and increase the asset
utilization of both labor and warehouse
space, says Schnorbach.
A slotting tool is a supply chain
execution software application that
uses algorithms to create a slotting plan
based on a variety of factors.
Slotting software can be licensed as
part of a warehouse management system (WMS) provider or as a standalone
application. It can also be offered as
a service. In that model, the end user
provides data and a consultant performs the analysis and makes the recommendations.


In a service arrangement, you work

with the customer to define their system, their inventory, their order information and the rules that govern their
facility, says Wetherell. Then, the
consultant performs the analysis,
makes recommendations on where and
why they should move certain products
and shows the expected savings.
Regardless of the model, the tool
takes into account a variety of factors.
The starting point is travel times
associated with picking the order
based on how often that particular
SKU is picked. The more often an
item is picked, the closer you want it
to the front of the warehouse, says
Schnorbach. In addition, you want
items that are picked often close to one
another; those items should be in the
most convenient levels for picking in
the rack. You want a popular item at
eye level, he says. You dont want it
on the fourth level of the rack and you
dont want heavy items that can cause

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a back or shoulder strain up high, says

Picking frequency is the starting
point. But slotting systems can consider other product characteristics or
picking strategies, such as:
Unit and slot characteristics:
Some items can only be slotted in certain
areas of the facility based on the height
and weight of the item.
Replenishment requirements: The
system can determine the amount of
spaceor the number or size of the slots
allocated to an SKU to minimize how
often that item is replenished. You may
only want to replenish a pick face once
a shift or once a week, depending on the
Families of items: Items that are
often ordered together, like fishing
rods, reels and tackle, may be slotted
next to one another to minimize travel.
Velocity of movement: Storing all
of the fast movers in one aisle in a pick
zone can create congestion. For that

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modern information management

reason, a slotting plan may spread the

fast movers throughout the warehouse
to improve the flow of the pick line.
Storage capabilities: In addition to slotting based on the equipment already in a facility, the system
may be able to recommend the racking
and equipment that should be in the
warehouse for optimum efficiency. For
instance, based on changes in order
patterns, a facility may need more
carton or piece picking locations and
fewer rack locations than are presently
in the facility.
In addition, slotting plans may be
created based on historical data or a
forecast of demand. Or, a slotting plan
may be created based on the orders on
hand. Holidays are very important to
one of our food industry customers,
says Tom Kozenski, vice president of
product strategy for RedPrairie. They
will slot their warehouse based on the
history of what they sold last year.
Other customers with more predictable
products may slot based on the orders
they know theyre going to ship in the
coming quarter.
In any of those models, the slotting
tool also takes into account the labor
associated with making those moves
and only recommends moves that can
be justified economically. A good package wont recommend a move that costs
$4 but only saves $3 in picking labor,
says Grove.
Dynamic slotting
A slotting play can cover an entire
facility, or it may focus on an area.
I may only want to reslot the appliance area or the electronics area,
rather than the whole warehouse,
says Kozenski. That way, I can take
an incremental approach to optimizing the facility.
And while slotting is typically done
over a longer period of time, order fulfillment operations that fill direct-toconsumer orders or handle a rapidly
changing inventory may need to reslot
specific areas within their pick zones
more frequently to keep up with chang28

Their warehouses dont grow in size just because

theyre handling more products. The only way to
accommodate all of those products is to reslot.
Tom Kozenski, RedPrairie vice president of product strategy
ing demand. Those could include a
pick-to-light or voice pick area in a
Real-time, or dynamic, slotting
addresses that need. The objective is
to give supervisors the ability to optimize their pick face slotting in real time
if need be, says Lance Reese, technical solutions director for Intelligrateds
order fulfillment group.
There are two components to
dynamic slotting. The first is the initial
slotting when the pick zone is being set
up, such as the start of a promotional
period, the introduction of a new product line, a holiday season or a change
from summer to fall merchandise. In
the initial setup, the system will analyze the dimensions of each SKU that
is inbound for the picking area and
recommend the width of the slot that
is optimal for that product or assign a
slot location.
Once the system is in operation, the
system monitors the activity in the pick
zone and makes recommendations on
what to move and where to move it to
gain efficiencies. This can happen on a
much more frequent basis than traditional slotting.
Typically, the system will make recommendations on the five worst offenders on a daily basis, says Reese. That
way, youre not making massive moves,
but simply fine-tuning the process.
To slot or not to slot
How often then should a facility
reslot? The answer depends on the type
of facility. Companies with seasonal
product changes may only need to slot
when the seasons change. On the other
hand, grocery chains or discount retailers that run weekly or monthly specials
may have to reslot for each promotion.
Food and beverage mixing centers that

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receive a number of brands and products may have to reslot several times
during a shift based on what trucks are
arriving at the dock and the products
that need to be shipped.
Their warehouses dont grow in
size just because theyre handling more
products, says Kozenski. The only way
to accommodate all of those products is
to reslot.
Regardless of how often a facility
reslots, slotting software is often integrated with a warehouse management
system and a labor management system
to get the most out of the tool.
The labor management system can
calculate the cost of the labor associated with the slotting plan based on the
labor standards used for that facility.
That process provides for an accurate
cost/benefit analysis before deciding
whether the gains from reslotting are
worth the effort.
If a warehouse accepts the slotting plan, the warehouse management system executes the plan by
interleaving the reslotting tasks with
other putaway, picking and replenishment tasks that have to be performed during a shift.
And by reslotting in a disciplined
way, it becomes part of the routine.
The key is to treat reslotting like any
other task in the warehouse, says
Kozenski. Then it becomes another
system-directed task and the WMS will
only issue the work when it knows it
wont disrupt picking. M
Companies mentioned in this article
Manhattan associates:
si systems:
tZa Consulting:

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