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UoG Placements General Information Guide

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12 month Placement 2014-15

General Information Guide for all students

Placements Team
Student Employability

"Experience is not what happens to you,

it is what you do with what happens to you".
Aldous Huxley

Placements Team
Tel: 01242 714316 / 714319

Student Name:
Date Placement Commenced:

Large print copies of this guide can be provided on request. We can also arrange
production of braille or audio versions. Please contact the Placement Team if you
have any special requirements that you would like to discuss.

University of Gloucestershire 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted
in any form or by any means, including but not limited to photocopy, recording, or any
information storage and retrieval system, without the specific prior written permission of
University of Gloucestershire.

Industrial Placement

Table of Contents
Placement Team Contact Details...............................................................Page 1
Introduction................................................................................................Page 2
What do I need to do first?....................................................................Pages 2-3
What are the objectives of placement?................................................Pages 3-4
What tasks do I need to complete whilst on placement?..........................Page 4
What support should I expect from my Placement Provider?..............Pages 4-5
What support should I expect from the University?..............................Pages 5-6
What is expected of me?......................................................................Pages 6-7
What contact do I have with the University whilst on placement?........Pages 7-9
Am I still a student of the University?........................................................Page 9
Do I pay course fees for my placement year?...........................................Page 9
What do I get for my course fees?......................................................Pages 9-10
Can I still apply for my student loan?.......................................................Page 10
My placement is overseas, do you have any extra advice?.............Pages 10-11
What if I have problems with my placement?...................................Pages 11-12
I am an International Student, is there anything I need to know?...........Page 12
Health & Safety Information..............................................................Pages 13-14
Appendices.......................................................................................Pages 15-17
Appendix one: Address Form..........................................................Page 15
Appendix two: Placement Code of Practice.............................Pages 16-17

Placement Team Contact Details

Placement Team
Room Owen 014
The Park
GL50 2RH

Placement Team
Room LC113
Oxstalls Lane, Longlevens

Office telephone:

01242 714316 / 714319

Office email address:

Head of Student Placements and Placement Tutor for AC, BM, CT, MS, MD
Simon Dove
01242 714320
Placements Team Leader
Lynne Salisbury
01242 714318

Placement Coordinators
Beverley Tartaglia
Lucie Perez

01242 715368
01242 714317

Team Assistant
Lily Li

01242 714316

Placement Tutor for School of Leisure
Alan Marvell
01242 714491

Placements Team Leader

Lynne Salisbury
01242 714318

Placement Coordinator
Steve Piper

01242 715240

Team Assistant
Catherine Burton

01242 714319

Other Useful Contacts

Student Helpzones

01242 714444


01242 714544

Student Finance Advice

01242 714535

The period of your work placement is a significant and highly rewarding part of your
studies. Being on placement compared to being in an academic environment is clearly
very different, and inevitably there are areas that may require clarification.
This handbook, in conjunction with the placement assessment guidelines, has been
developed to provide you with all the necessary information to support you whilst on
placement. Many of the questions you may have will be addressed here. In addition
there is information for your Company Supervisor, therefore it is essential that you
read it thoroughly. If there are any issues that are still unclear do not hesitate to
contact the Placement Team.
The aims of this information pack and your module guide are as

To provide information regarding your role on placement.


To provide a timetable of key events.


To enable you to complete the required assessment

during the placement.


To provide information regarding Health & Safety in the

work place, covering employee and employer


To provide a guide to the appraisal of your own

performance during the placement year.


To identify the role of the Company Supervisor.


To identify the role of the Visiting Tutor.

What do I need to do first?

Get your placement validated by the Placement Team
The University has a responsibility to ensure that the placement is an appropriate job
and suitable for your course.
You must inform the Placement Team as soon as a placement offer has been
received and accepted.
The following information will be required:

Name and Address of placement provider.

A contact name, phone number and email address.
A written job description produced by the placement provider
A copy of the letter or email offering you the job.
Placement start date.
Placement end date.
A copy of your Terms & Conditions of Employment, often referred to as the
Contract. Please note that you may not receive this until you start placement.

This list of requirements is based on what you should expect from a UK, paid
placement. If you are undertaking a voluntary/unpaid placement or working overseas
you may receive different documents from your placement provider. Please check
with the Placement Team if you cannot get any of the required information or are
unsure about what is needed.
For placement opportunities advertised via the University Opportunities Website we
may already have items 1, 2 and 3. Please check with the Placement Team if you
are unsure about what is required.
Successful completion of level 5
You must successfully complete your level 5 (second year) studies before you are
able to proceed onto placement. The Examination Board sits in June and there is also
a referral Examination Board in September. If your academic performance is
unsatisfactory this may have an impact on your placement and your academic
progression. Once the Examination Boards have finalised their decisions you will be
notified. Please read this information carefully as you may have referral work to
complete. If you have any concerns about your eligibility to proceed onto placement
please contact the Placement Team. The current regulations state that students
trailing more than 30 CAT points by the end of level 5 will be unable to proceed onto
Complete your Module Choices
You should already have chosen the placement module as your choice for 2014/15.
If you are on a course with an optional placement you may have also chosen level 6

modules as a back-up. Please remember to delete the unnecessary modules from

your record once you have secured and confirmed your placement.

What are the objectives of placement?

To enable you to:

appreciate a business/organisation, its structure, products and/or services and

how it earns its money and remains viable

make an effective contribution to the organisation and work efficiently as a

team member

have first hand experience of a working environment and in particular the

problems in resource terms, in trying to meet organisational objectives, and
understand how such problems are tackled

demonstrate the ability to understand your role in the work of the organisation

develop the interpersonal, practical and technical skills necessary to the

successful completion of your work, exercising skills of thinking in a practical

consider and discuss with colleagues and supervisors the relationship

between theory and practice

reflect on ways in which this experience may help you plan your future career

make an effective contribution to the learning process within your programme,

developing critical but pragmatic thinking

satisfactorily complete all assessments and demonstrate an ability to appraise

your own performance.

What tasks do I need to complete whilst on


Undertake the assessment detailed in the Module Guide.

Complete the Address Form in appendix one and return it to the Placement
Team within one week of starting your placement.

Enrol with the University, on-line enrolment will open August/September 2014.

What support should I expect from my

Placement Provider?
The role of the Company Supervisor
The existence of the Company Supervisor is a critical factor in making work-based
learning a success. The Company Supervisor provides advice and encouragement to
the student in pursuit of their education and career goals. The Company Supervisor is
responsible for facilitating learning and development by specifying tasks to be
completed, by providing advice and guidance, by allowing access to information and
by offering encouragement and support.
The specific role of the Company Supervisor may depend upon the size and internal
management of an organisation, but the following responsibilities should be common
to most.
They should:

participate in the negotiation of the Learning Agreement/s and offer advice

about the organisation and management of the placement.

ensure that students are provided with appropriate facilities and working
conditions at the employer site and given an adequate induction programme
including a Health & Safety briefing.

provide day-to-day supervision of the placement to see that designated tasks

are properly completed. Also to make sure that students have a clear idea of
what is expected of them and how they should approach their work.

provide students with information about the management and organisation of

the work place and discuss more general issues relating to the
economic/environmental context within which the employer operates.

evaluate the student's performance on placement and provide information that

will contribute to the final assessment of the student's achievement.

Increasingly organisations are allocating placement students a mentor, in addition to

the Company Supervisor. This is usually somebody working in a different area or
department. The role of the mentor is one of support and guidance so that the student
has the opportunity to discuss broader issues outside their immediate area of work.
This is an excellent forum to discuss personal development and gain a wider
understanding about the organisation you are in and is regarded as an excellent
model to assist students.

What support should I expect from the

The role of the University
Whilst you enter into a short-term contract of employment with your placement
provider, you are still regarded as a student enrolled with the University on a
sandwich programme of study. This dual status is important, clearly indicating the
integral nature of work placement in your course. Therefore all the facilities of the
University are still available to you, for example, The Library, Students Union, Finance
Office, student loans, and student support as well as access to academic and other
support staff.
The main point of contact will be with the staff in the Placement Team, which is
open throughout the year. You and your employer are free to contact the Placement
Team for advice or support on any aspect of your placement year. If we cannot
answer your query ourselves we will be able to point you to the correct University
team who can help you.
In addition to being your first point of contact for any questions, issues or problems the
Placement Team is also responsible for:

validating the roles and responsibilities of the student when on placement

seeking confirmation and assurances from placement providers about Health

& Safety issues

ensuring placement assessment is correctly in place

providing support and advice to students whilst away from University

co-ordinating the Visiting Tutor programme

providing advice to placement providers about all aspects of the industrial

placement programme

arranging pre-placement briefings

arranging the Student Placement Conference for placement students to attend

at University.

Whilst the Placement Team is always here to help you if you have problems we would
also like you to share your successes with us. Not only can your stories be a great
source of inspiration to the next group of placement students, we would also like to
join you in celebrating your success.


What is expected of me?

Your role on placement
You are first and foremost an employee and will be expected by your employer, and by
the University, to conform to your employer's requirements in the same way as other
employees. At the same time the University still considers you as a student and,
through the assessment to be completed during the placement, will continue to
monitor the evidence of your learning.
Progression to the final year of the programme is not automatic, but you should have
no difficulty if you make a conscientious effort to fulfil your placement responsibilities.
If the placement is not completed satisfactorily the University may require you to
arrange a subsequent placement, this will be your sole responsibility.
Your satisfactory completion of the placement year depends on you carrying out your
roles successfully by:

achieving an appropriate level of performance in your work, as assessed by

the company and yourself

demonstrating your learning over the year through the portfolio submitted in
July 2015.

Now that you are working full-time there are some potential issues that may affect you
during the year. Please ensure you act accordingly.
Your Contract of Employment will provide comprehensive information about the more
formal aspects of your employment and it is important that you understand the
implications of this contract. One area that we would like to emphasise is that of
company confidentiality, only because several students in the past have worked in
areas where the work content has been highly sensitive on grounds of security or
commercial competitiveness. If you ask the company for information and they are
unable to provide it on the grounds of confidentiality then under NO circumstances
must you use information without the explicit approval of the company. You could
cause the company substantial damage by doing so and they may be entitled to take
action against you in line with your contract of employment. If this causes difficulty for
any assessment work then simply state this in the assignment.
Code of Conduct - Professionalism
The vast majority of students are highly successful during their placement. However,
please remember that as an employee, you have a responsibility to your employer
whilst on placement (see the Code of Practice, appendix two). This is a legal
responsibility based on your contract of employment.


Students who act unprofessionally in relation to their employer or the University in the
execution of their placement duties may, in certain circumstances, jeopardise their
right to continue with the placement scheme.
Examples of unprofessional conduct may include:
dismissal due to disciplinary actions by the employer
breach of contract
gross misconduct

What contact do I have with the University

whilst on placement?
By phone and email
The Placement Team will endeavour to contact all students within the first month of
their placement. Generally we will give you a call, if you are overseas and the time
difference makes this difficult we will contact you via email. It is therefore important
you let us know your start date and complete the Address Form (appendix one) so
that we know when and where to contact you.
After the first phone call we will be in touch periodically throughout the year, but
please remember to contact us if you have anything that you need to ask or to inform
us of any changes to your placement.
Please also regularly check your University email account as the Placement
Team will contact you periodically with general information.
Student Placement Conference
Students on placement are required to attend the Student Placement Conference,
which is usually held in February or March (this is not compulsory for students on
placement overseas). You will be informed of the date and details of the programme
as soon as possible, but please ensure your Company Supervisor is aware and the
Company is happy for you to be away from work for a day. Whilst many companies
provide a day off for students to attend the conference, some students may be
required to take a days holiday please remember that the decision is at the
discretion of the employer.
The conference provides an opportunity to discuss with other placement students their
roles and the issues that are affecting them and their organisation. You will also be
able to meet staff, discuss outstanding placement assessment, consider final year
module choices and, where appropriate, discuss the requirements and timetable for
the Dissertation or Investigative Study.


Tutor Visits
The Visiting Tutor plays an important role in not only providing the link between the
University, your Company Supervisor and yourself, but also ensuring that the
placement year is beneficial to all parties.
You will have the opportunity to discuss any aspects of the placement you wish with
the Visiting Tutor. Indeed, it is in your interests to give the Tutor as complete a picture
as possible of your work and your reactions to the placement experience.
Your Visiting Tutor should contact you by the middle of November to arrange a visit. If
you have not heard from your Tutor by then please contact the Placement Team. Your
Tutor will expect you to make arrangements for the visit by ensuring that you are
available and that your Company Supervisor is also informed and is able to set aside
some time to meet your Tutor. You must, of course, make sure that you have your
Module Guide with you, and that the required assessments have been completed by
the time of the visit. There will also be a check on the progress you have made
towards your portfolio.
The meeting is an informal discussion in which you should provide information about
your roles and responsibilities, your performance and development and the pastoral
aspects of your year out. In the vast majority of cases students meet or exceed
employers expectations, however if you have any concerns then it is important that
you raise these with the Tutor in the first instance, or contact the Placement Team.
Visiting Tutors are allocated to students in close geographical proximity in order that in
any one day a number of students can be visited. Therefore to assist your Visiting
Tutor please can you ensure that the following points are addressed where applicable:

Map and instructions of your location forwarded to your Tutor.

Make arrangements for a private meeting room.

Check arrangements for car parking and the organisations security

arrangements prior to visit.

The timing of visits for students on placement overseas will be co-ordinated to fit in
with the commitments of the Tutor, Student and Company Supervisor. Typically this
visit will fall between December and March. Ensure you are in contact with the
Placement Team early in your placement year to confirm all is going well.


Am I still a student of the University?

Enrolment with the University
As you are undertaking the placement as part of your degree, you are required to
enrol for academic year 2014/15, at which point you will be liable for the years fees.
You would normally receive notification from the University reminding you of this in
late August, so please ensure that your contact details are correct on Student
Records. Enrolment will be available from August/September 2014, and reminders
will also be posted on the Student Home page. Failure to enrol will mean that you will
be assumed to have withdrawn from the course and you are likely to lose the right to
graduate with a degree, and relevant funding authorities will be notified.
Module Registration
All students must register for the relevant placements module. Module registration is
via your online Student Records.

Do I pay course fees for my placement year?

Yes, the course fees for placement in 2014/15 are 1000 for students paying home
fees and 2500 for students paying international fees.

What do I get for my course fees?

Below is a list of the services and assistance provided by the Placement Team much
of which you will have had the opportunity to use prior to starting your placement.
1. Preparation for placement activities, which includes:
the briefings held throughout level 5
1 to 1 meetings with the Placement Team
advice on CVs
interview advice and practice
general placement search advice
the Placement Search Guides
Access to the available jobs database
Presentations from Placement Providers (UK and overseas)
2. Validation of your Placement.
3. Health & Safety checks on placement providers.
4. The Student Placement Conference.
5. Tutor visits whilst on placement.
6. Ongoing pastoral care before and during placement.
7. The Placement Module Guides.
8. Support for and marking of your portfolio.
9. A successful placement and satisfactory portfolio will give you 120 CATS


All placement students have the opportunity to access all of the above, it is up to you
how much you use the services and assistance offered to gain your value for

Can I still apply for my student loan?

Student loans are available for students at a reduced rate whilst they are on
placement. Students should apply as normal prior to the start of their placement. For
academic year 2013/2014 reduced rate loans are set as follows.
Where residing for majority of term


At parental home


Away from home, in London


Away from home, in UK not London


Away from home, outside UK


If you have any queries about these loans please contact the Money Advice Team on , or 01242 714535.

My placement is overseas, do you have any

extra advice?

It is the students responsibility to ensure he/she has the correct visa when
working abroad, however The Placement Team will be able to provide
assistance in obtaining them.

Students undertaking placement overseas must ensure that they have taken
out appropriate travel insurance. It is strongly recommended that you
purchase your insurance through the University. The cover provided is very
generous and has very few restrictions. You will be covered for personal
effects and business equipment (up to 10k) and will have medical cover up to
10 million and cancellation/rearrangement cover up to 7,500. Personal
travel insurance purchased elsewhere is unlikely to provide the same level of
cover and will probably be more expensive. In 2013/14, the cost of University
travel insurance for placements was 5 per month or part month for Europe

and 10 per month or part month for the rest of the world (prices to be
reviewed for 2014/15). For full details of, or to purchase your travel insurance
please contact
Elaine Barwell (Insurance Manager)
Tel: 01242 714166 | Email:

Please ensure you take all your documentation with you for immigration
checks. It can be extremely difficult to get replacement passports and visas so please make sure that they are kept securely.

We suggest you take a photocopy of your passport & other documentation

(stored in a separate place) in case of loss. It is also a good idea to take a
credit card with you useful for emergencies.

Leave your passport and visa details with a parent/carer or trusted third party
in case you lose the original and copy.

If you take prescription medication, it is advisable to take enough supply for

the whole period you are away as drugs can be very expensive or in some
cases unavailable in certain countries.

It is vital that you check the GOV.UK website regardless of the country you are
visiting and follow the advice given there. The University reserves the right to
refuse to validate a placement in a country or region deemed as dangerous
or unsuitable. Please ensure you check with the Placement Team PRIOR to
making any arrangements.

As with UK placements, you will pay taxes whilst working. Depending on the
country, these may include state and federal taxes. When you are on
placement it is a good idea to speak with a human resources / payroll advisor
to find out if you may be eligible to claim some of the tax back at the end of the
financial year.

Lastly, give yourself time to settle in and dont be surprised if you feel a bit
lost or homesick for a month or so. This is normal and will pass. By the end
of the placement year you may not want to come back and you will have
forgotten how you felt at the beginning. Most students who work overseas say
it was the best experience of their lives!

What if I have problems with my placement?

Dealing with problems
On rare occasions students encounter difficulties whilst on placement. You must firstly
consider if it is a genuine problem, are your expectations reasonable? If so you must
make your Company Supervisor aware of the problem so they can help you sort it out.

If, however, you have a serious problem and it cannot be resolved with your Company
Supervisor you must contact the Placement Team. We will deal with such
conversations in confidence and help you to resolve the problem.
What to do in case of illness?
Your placement provider will have a procedure for staff absence. You must follow
normal procedures in reporting illness as an employee at your placement. In addition,
where illness is longer than one week, you must notify the Placement Team.

I am an International Student, is there anything I

need to know?
If you are an International student you may have additional limitations in terms of
employment and placement. Students that have been categorised by the UK
Borders Agency (UKBA) as Tier 4 are entitled to go on placement but there will be
additional information and assurances that may be required from your placement
provider. You should discuss this with a member of the Placement Team before
you go on placement.
The University has an obligation to check that you are attending your placement on a
full-time basis and therefore we will be required to ensure that your placement
provider is fully aware you are an international student and understand their role in
visa monitoring.
You are responsible for contacting the Placements Office on a monthly basis,
preferably by telephone.
Your Placement Team contact is:
Lynne Salisbury
Placement Team Leader
+44 (0)1242 714318
This contact must be made even if you are outside of the UK for your placement. It
will ensure that the University can continue to sponsor your visa.


Health & Safety Information

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 , also referred to as HSWA, HSW Act or
HASAWA, is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety
in Great Britain. Outlined below are the key areas of responsibility and during the
initial stages of your placement you must make yourself aware of the pertinent issues.
All workers have a right to work in places where risks to their health and safety are
properly controlled. Health and safety is about stopping you getting hurt at work or ill
through work. Your employer is responsible for health and safety, but you must help.
What employers must do for you
1. Decide what could harm you in your job and the precautions to stop it. This is
part of risk assessment.
2. In a way you can understand, explain how risks will be controlled and tell you
who is responsible for this.
3. Consult and work with you and your health and safety representatives in
protecting everyone from harm in the workplace.
4. Free of charge, give you the health and safety training you need to do your
5. Free of charge, provide you with any equipment and protective clothing you
need, and ensure it is properly looked after.
6. Provide toilets, washing facilities and drinking water.
7. Provide adequate first-aid facilities.
8. Report major injuries and fatalities at work to our Incident Contact Centre:
0845 300 9923. Report other injuries, diseases and dangerous incidents
online at
9. Have insurance that covers you in case you get hurt at work or ill through
work. Display a hard copy or electronic copy of the current insurance
certificate where you can easily read it.
10. Work with any other employers or contractors sharing the workplace or
providing employees (such as agency workers), so that everyones health and
safety is protected.
What you must do
1. Follow the training you have received when using any work items your
employer has given you.
2. Take reasonable care of your own and other peoples health and safety.
3. Co-operate with your employer on health and safety.
4. Tell someone (your employer, supervisor, or health and safety representative)
if you think the work or inadequate precautions are putting anyones health
and safety at serious risk.


If theres a problem
1. If you are worried about health and safety in your workplace, talk to your
employer, supervisor, or health and safety representative.
2. You can also look at our website for general information about health and
safety at work.
3. If, after talking with your employer, you are still worried, you can find the
address of your local enforcing authority for health and safety and the
Employment Medical Advisory Service via HSEs website:
Fire safety
You can get advice on fire safety from the Fire and Rescue Services or your
workplace fire officer.
Employment rights
Find out more about your employment rights at:
(Source: Health and Safety Law, What you need to know. Published by the Health and Safety
Executive 02/12)


APPENDIX ONE - Address Form

A downloadable version of this form (Microsoft Word format) is available on Moodle.
Name of Student:

Student Number:


Placement Start Date:

End Date:

Placement Job Title:

Company Name:

Accommodation Address Whilst

on Placement:

Company Address:


Home / Contact Telephone

Your Direct Work Telephone
Your Home Email Address:
Your Work Email Address:
Name of Supervisor:

Supervisors Position:

Supervisors Email Address:

Supervisors Telephone No:

Office Use:

in office

Added to Students Record


APPENDIX TWO Placement Code of

Our Placement Code of Practice aims to:
explain in simple terms what all of our students can expect from the university
outline what is reasonably expected of students by the university.

Ultimately students are responsible for securing their work placement

The Placement Team will provide support to students in their search for a
suitable placement.


You can expect:
Support from the Placement Team in all aspects of your placement search,
including interview and application advice, one-to-one meetings with the team,
placement briefings, access to a database of placement opportunities and adhoc advice when needed.

The Placement Team to coordinate and arrange any interviews where the
employer chooses to recruit this way, and keep students informed of progress
and feedback

The Placement Team to liaise with employers on their behalf in order to find
new placement opportunities and promote our students.

We expect you:
To secure your placement yourself the Placement Team will not place you
into a role.

To make full use of all placement activities, resources, briefings and

opportunities provided by the Placement Team, including the opportunity to
meet with the Placement Team for one-to-one meetings and regular updates.

To make a suitable amount of well-researched and thoroughly-prepared

applications, ensuring that all communication with employers and the
Placement Team is professional and timely, particularly when confirming
interviews or rearranging appointments.

To recognise that once you have verbally accepted an offer, it is extremely

unprofessional to withdraw at a later date you must speak to the Placement
Team immediately if you find yourself in this situation.

To inform the Placement Team of any placement offers as soon as possible,

and to provide all of the required information to ensure your placement is

validated promptly.
You can expect:
To be briefed by the Placement Team via a Final Placement Briefing on all key
aspects of your placement including assessment work, health and safety
requirements and what support you can expect from the University whilst on

To be allocated a Visiting Tutor who will visit you at least once during your
placement year.

The Placement Team to keep in touch with you via email, social media or
telephone to check in with your progress and keep you updated with any
relevant information.

Your Placement Portfolio to be assessed and returned to you in a timely

manner in accordance with assessment requirements and procedures.

Year-long access to the Placement Team for advice, support or information.

We expect you:
To confirm that the Placement Team has received all necessary
documentation to validate your placement before you start work, and to keep
us updated on any changes to your placement or contact details throughout
the year.

To attend the compulsory Final Placement Briefing before you start your

To ensure you have met the academic requirements in order to progress to the
placement module.

To behave in a professional manner with your employer, adhering to the terms

in your contract and complying with all reasonable requests, recognising at all
times that you are an ambassador for the University.

To keep up to date with your Placement Portfolio assessment work, and hand
it in on time.

To organise your meeting with your Visiting Tutor directly, arranging a time to
suit you, your Tutor and your manager.

To inform the Placements Team of any issues or problems on your placement

that cannot be resolved by first speaking to your Manager or Supervisor.


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