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C1 Revision Notes

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Pure Maths Revision – P1


ab  ac = ab+c

ab  ac = ab-c

a0 = 1

a-m = 1 / am

a1/m = ma

an/m = man

(am)n = amn

Quadratic Equations

x = -b (b2 - 4ac)

Discriminant = b2 – 4ac
If Discriminant > 0 there are 2 solutions
If Discriminant = 0 then the roots are coincident
If Discriminant < 0 there are no real solutions

Remainder theorem (for dividing polynomials)

Function (x)
Divisor (x-2)
Put the value that makes the divisor = 0 (in this case 2) into the function (x)
If a number is produced then this will be the remainder if the function is divided by the
divisor. If 0 is returned, then the divisor is a factor of the function (x).

Co-ordinate Geometry

To find the length of a line AB.

AB = ((x2-x1)2 + (y2-y1)2)

To find the midpoint of the line AB.

Mid(AB) = x1+x2, y1+y2
2 2

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To find the gradient of the line AB
Grad(AB) = y2 – y1
x 2 – x1

As the gradient is constant along the length, to find the equation of the line AB. (where
y1, y2, x1, and x2 are the co-ordinates of 2 points on the line. x and y are the general case.
y – y1 = y2 – y1
x – x1 x2 – x1

Or if the gradient is already known, then only one point on the line is required (used for
finding equations of tangents and normals to a point on a quadratic or polynomial graph.
See Differentiation)
y – y1 = Gradient
x – x1

Vertical line gradient = 

Parallel lines have the same gradient.
If two perpendicular lines have gradients g1 and g2 then:
g1g2 = –1

Equations of lines

Straight Line:
y = mx + c
ax + by + c = 0

y = ax2 + bx + c
(ax + b)(cx + d) = y


Sin = Opp/Hyp
Cos = Adj/Hyp
Tan = Opp/Adj

SinA = SinB = SinC

a b c

Area = ½ abSinC

Degrees 360o = Circle

Radians 2 = Circle

CosX = Cos(360-X) or Cos(2-X)

Cos(-X) = CosX

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Period = 360 or 2

SinX = Sin(180-X) or Sin(-X)

Sin(-X) = -SinX
Period = 360 or 2

Tan(-X) = -TanX
Period = 180 or 


M is a constant in degrees

Sin(X+M) shifts graph M degrees LEFT

Sin(X-M) shifts graph M degrees RIGHT
Sin(MX) decreases period of graph by a factor of M (E.G. if M = 3 then the period is now
1/3 of the original period, 120o as opposed to 360o)
Sin(X/M) increases period of graph by a factor of M (E.G. if M = 3 then the period is
now 3 times the original period, 1080o as opposed to 360o)
MSinX increases amplitude of graph by a factor of M (E.G if M = 3 then the amplitude is
now 3 times the original, 3 as opposed to 1)
(SinX)/M decreases the amplitude of the graph by a factor of M (E.G. if M = 3 then the
amplitude is now 1/3 of the original, 1/3 as opposed to 1)
SinX + M shifts the graph M places UP
SinX – M shifts the graph M places DOWN
-SinX inverts the graph about the Y-axis. (E.G. when SinX = 1 the graph shows –1)

Tan = Sin

Sin2 + Cos2 = 1


Multiply by the index, and then subtract one from the index. See Indices section at
beginning to ensure that the equations are always in the form axb and there are no roots or
algebraic fractions (eg 1/xb).

y = axb
/dx = abxb-1

Function Derived/Gradient Function Second Derivative
(x) (x) (x)
dy d2y
y /dx /dx2

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Use differentiation on an equation for a graph to get an equation for the gradient at any
point, then substitute in the x value for the point to get the gradient at that point. You can
then use Co-ordinate geometry to find equations for tangents and normals (the normal
being perpendicular to the tangent). When finding the equation for the normal, first
calculate the gradient of the normal, and then use the equation.

To find stationary values (maximum/minimum/turning points on the graph) differentiate

the equation of the graph to get the gradient function and where the gradient = 0 will be
where the max/min/turning points are. Set gradient function = 0 and solve for X. (gives x
co-ordinate of stationary points, then you can put this x co-ordinate into the original
equation to get the y co-ordinate).

A point of inflection is where the graph has two turning points in the same place, both a
maximum and a minimum (E.G y = x3 at x = 0).

There are 3 methods to determine the type of stationary point.

1. Look at the y-values at the point and adjacent to the point. If both adjacent points are
lower then it is a maximum, if the adjacent are both higher then it is a minimum, if
one is higher and one is lower then it is a point of inflection.
2. Find the gradient (dy/dx) close to the point (One before, one after).
Gradient Before = Gradient After  Point of Inflection
Gradient Before –ve, Gradient After +ve  Minimum
Gradient Before +ve, Gradient After –ve  Maximum
3. Find the second derivative (d2y/dx2) (Differentiate the gradient function). Substitute in
the x-value for which dy/dx = 0 (the x value for the stationary point).
/dx2 Positive  Minimum
/dx2 Negative  Maximum
/dx2 = 0  Method Fails 

When sketching graphs work out where they cross the x-axis and where the stationary
points are, and what kind they are.

If asked to find the angle between the x-axis and the tangent/normal remember the
gradient is rise over run. From this you can produce a right angled triangle with the x-axis
as the adjacent with a length of 1, the tangent as the hypotenuse, and the opposite with a
height equal to the gradient of the tangent. As the adjacent is the run and its value is 1, so
the gradient of the tangent will be equal to the length of the opposite. Tan-1 of the
gradient can then be used to calculate the angle.


Convergent, Periodic (where is cycles through a set of results), Oscillating (where it is

periodic but the difference between the values increases), and Divergent.
Sequence – commas separate the terms.
Series – the terms are added together.

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Arithmetic Progression
a = First Term
d = Common Difference
l = Last Term
n = nth Term

Sequence Definition – Un = a + (n – 1)d

Series Definition – Sn = ½n(2a + (n – 1)d)

Geometric Progression
r = Common Ratio

Sequence Definition – Un = arn-1

Series Definition – Sn = a (1 – rn)

Integration is the reverse of differentiation. Add one to the index and divide by the new
index. See Indices section at beginning to ensure that the equations are always in the form
axb and there are no roots or algebraic fractions (eg 1/xb). However an integration
constant must be added because differentiating a constant removes it, so an unknown
must be added to every intergral.

(xn)dx = xn+1 + C


Use integrals to find the area under a curve, between two points. If two definite points are
specified (E.G. x = 0 and x = 2) then NO constant is required.
0 (xn)dx = xn+12

If asked to find the area enclosed between two curves or a curve and a line.
1. Find the points of intersection. (E.G. y=2x and y=x2 Therefore 2x=x2 will solve to
find the x co-ordinates of the intersection. So x2 – 2x = 0, then x(x-2) = 0, meaning
the points of intersection are x = 0 and x = 2).
2. Sketch the curves.
3. Integrate both functions between +ve intersection x-values to get the areas under the
curve, (if one is negative then integrate that separately between +ve and 0 and
between –ve and 0) and subtract one from the other, using the sketch to work out

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