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ENAC Sample Thesis Report AATM-2011-2012 Final

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Advanced Master in Aviation & Air Traffic Management (AATM)

Master Thesis Report

Implementation of Point Merge System (PMS)

at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)


Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Following the end of the war, Kosovo has had the opportunity to enter into a new
process giving the chance to show the world its capacities, possibilities and
commitment to become a stable country by improving social, political and economical
aspects. The Prishtina Airport is the only International airport in Kosovo and as such it
is considered as the symbol of a new born state by continuous improvement. The
continuous development of airport infrastructure and facilities among other things has
led to a constant growth of air traffic moving in and out of Prishtina Airport in the last
decade. Furthermore, a new project has been planned for the construction of a new
passenger terminal, a new apron, a new control tower and RWY extension to be
finished by 2015. It is expected that this project will also contribute substantially to the
growth of air traffic in the years to come.
This important growth of traffic provides the possibility to create new projects in order
to handle the traffic within Kosovo airspace. As Kosovo upper airspace is closed for the
time being, the lower airspace is also quite fragmented and classified as ICAO class D
and F airspace, due to its mix operations of civil and military activities of Kosovo Forces
(KFOR), new project for opening of Kosovo upper airspace is planned to take place May
The necessity to cope and manage the growing traffic and controlling it within Kosovo
Airspace requires reorganisation/reclassification and design of the new procedures. In
order to achieve these results, this study report proposes to use the emerging technique
called Point Merge System (PMS) for the managing and merging the traffic flows
coming from different direction.
Prishtina International airport has one RWY and is surrounded with high terrain
especially in western and southern part. As a consequence the PMS for RWY directions
is established in northern part respectively south- east at around 25 NM from the
thresholds. The technique used in this project is based on the PMS configuration
parallel and full overlap of sequencing legs. This setup of PMS will reduce the flight
time up to 30 min, will address environmental issues by enabling the Continues Descent
Approach (CDA) from the sequencing legs and increase RWY throughput by
sequencing traffic prior final landings on both RWY direction.
This study report is organized in 5 chapters. The first chapter introduces the reader to
the current geo-political situation in Kosovo and main developments related to aviation.
The second chapter gives a detailed description of the PMS technique, its various
configurations and applications as well as examples of simulation results. The third
chapter analyses and proposes a possible airspace reorganization and reclassification
solution. The fourth chapter describes in detail the proposed PMS implantation at
Prishtina Airport, while the fifth chapter provides the associated Safety Analysis.
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the support to complete
this thesis. I want to thank the French Direction Gnrale de l'Aviation Civile, (DGAC)
in particular Mr. Franck Giraud and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of
Kosovo (CAAK) in particular the Director General Mr. Dritan Gjonbalaj that jointly
awarded me a fellowship to commence this thesis.
I would like to express my gratitude to the ENAC administration, in particular Mr.
Corine Primois and Mr. Thierry Miguel for their extensive assistance provided to me,
prior and during my studies in Toulouse.
I am deeply indebted to my course director Mr. Fabrice Fabre from the Ecole Nationale
de lAviation Civile (ENAC) whose help and encouragement helped me all the time
during the study and his guidance enabled me to complete the thesis.
I want to especially thank my mentor, Mr. Arianit Islami, the Head of CAAK/ANS
Department, for the support and the expertise provided in the field of ATM and
Instrument Procedures Design (IPD), throughout the conduct of this thesis. I would like
to also thank Ms. Zana Limani from the ANS Department for the helpful and
stimulating suggestions during the time of the thesis research. Furthermore, I would
like to express my thanks to all colleagues at the CAAK for their help, support,
understanding and patience during my study report.
I would like to thank the Prishtina International Airport (PIA) Adem Jashari, in
particular the Department of the Instrument Procedures Design (IPD), for supporting
the design and charting of the Point Merge Procedures (PMS) with GEOTITAN
Last but not least, I would like to give special thanks to my wife, son, parents, and all
other family members, whose patience and love made possible to study and complete
this work.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Table of figures ............................................................................................................................................. 8
List of Diagrams ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 1 Kosovo Geo-Political Situation, and Current Aviation........................................................... 14
Regulatory and Operational Aspects........................................................................................................... 14


Geo-political situation in Kosovo in the period of pre-independence (1999 - 2008) .... 14


United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).................. 15


ICAO ....................................................................................................................... 15


Kosovo Force (KFOR) ............................................................................................ 18


Military Regulations for the Balkan Joint Operation Area ..................................... 18


Civil Aviation Authorities and Legislation in Kosovo ........................................... 20


Geo-political situation in Kosovo in the period of post-independence (2008 - current) 21


Clarification of Kosovos International Status ....................................................... 21


Ahtisaari Plan .......................................................................................................... 22


Kosovo Declares Independence .............................................................................. 22


Law on Civil Aviation ............................................................................................ 23


Civil Aviation Authority of Kosovo (CAAK)................................................................ 23


Air Navigation services........................................................................................... 24


Flight Safety Department ........................................................................................ 25


Aerodromes ............................................................................................................. 25


Prishtina International Airport (PIA) Operation ............................................................ 26


Current Airport Infrastructure & Limitations ......................................................... 26


Runway ................................................................................................................... 27


Taxiways ................................................................................................................. 27


Apron and Gate Systems ......................................................................................... 28


Passenger Terminal Buildings ................................................................................ 29


Current Airport Frequency...................................................................................... 29


ATM Provision............................................................................................................... 33


ATS Services .......................................................................................................... 33


CNS Equipment ...................................................................................................... 34


Infrastructure development ............................................................................................ 35

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.


New Terminal Building .......................................................................................... 35


New ATC Tower..................................................................................................... 36

Chapter 2 Point Merge System ................................................................................................................ 39


Section 1 ......................................................................................................................... 39


Scope and Objective ............................................................................................... 39


Status of assessment activities and support to implementation .............................. 41


Implementation support .......................................................................................... 42


Section 2 ......................................................................................................................... 42


Operational context ................................................................................................. 42

Section 3 ......................................................................................................................... 44


Current procedures .................................................................................................. 44


Advanced procedures and tools .............................................................................. 45


Continuous descent ................................................................................................. 46


Arrival management (AMAN) ................................................................................ 47


Section 4 ......................................................................................................................... 48


Point Merge System (PMS) Procedures ................................................................. 48


Route structure ........................................................................................................ 48


Operating method.................................................................................................... 50


Main design options and possible combinations .................................................... 51


Combination of Point Merge systems ..................................................................... 52


Departures in a Point Merge environment .............................................................. 54


Expected benefits .................................................................................................... 55


Example: Benefits and Limits of Point Merge defined through the Simulation..... 57


Essential requirements and recommendations ........................................................ 65

2.4.10 Altitude restrictions................................................................................................. 66


Section 5 ......................................................................................................................... 68


Detailed operating method ...................................................................................... 68


Normal mode Main flow ...................................................................................... 69


Scenario talk-through .......................................................................................... 71


Associated fall-back procedures ............................................................................. 74


Enablers................................................................................................................... 82


Ground systems: controller support tools ............................................................... 86


Aircraft perspective and published procedure ........................................................ 88


Section 6 ......................................................................................................................... 90
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.


Link with future concept elements and traceability to SESAR deliverables .......... 90

Chapter 3 Kosovo Airspace ..................................................................................................................... 92


Analysis of the Kosovo Airspace ................................................................................... 92


Global view of the Kosovo Upper Airspace ........................................................... 92


Overflying traffic .................................................................................................... 94


Arrivals/departures to/from Pristina ....................................................................... 95


Current airspace situation and route structure within Kosovo ....................................... 96


ATM Provision ....................................................................................................... 97


Approach Arrival / Departure ................................................................................. 99


Configuration of the Kosovo Airspace......................................................................... 105


Benefits of this system .......................................................................................... 107


Implementation of the CONRNERPOST and Kosovo airspace classification ..... 108


Airspace classification .......................................................................................... 110


RNAV in Kosovo Airspace .......................................................................................... 111


ANSP considerations in Kosovo in regard to RNAV capabilities........................ 111


Communication ..................................................................................................... 114


ATS Surveillance .................................................................................................. 117


Publication ............................................................................................................ 117


Controller Training ............................................................................................... 117


Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 118

Chapter 4 Point Merge System implementation at Prishtina ................................................................. 120

International Airport (PIA) ....................................................................................................................... 120


Point Merge System overview in Kosovo Airspace..................................................... 120


Point merge implementation for RWY 17 ................................................................... 122


Design of the PMS ................................................................................................ 122


Assumption ........................................................................................................... 122


Regulation, references, support and data used ...................................................... 122


Support .................................................................................................................. 123


Aerodrome Data and Navigation / Landing Aids ................................................. 123


Detailed description of the PMS Segments .......................................................... 124


Point merge implementation for RWY 35 ................................................................... 129


Design of the PMS ................................................................................................ 129


Assumption ........................................................................................................... 129


Regulation, references, support and data used ...................................................... 129

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.


Support .................................................................................................................. 130


Aerodrome Data and Navigation / Landing Aids ................................................. 130


Detailed description of the PMS Segments .......................................................... 131

Chapter 5 Safety studies ........................................................................................................................ 137


Functional Analyses ..................................................................................................... 138


Hazard Identifications .................................................................................................. 138


Severity Identification .................................................................................................. 139


Ishikawa Diagram ........................................................................................................ 140


Risk Mitigation Means ................................................................................................. 144


Justification of the risk acceptability............................................................................ 145

Recommendation for the Implementation of PMS at PIA ........................................................................ 147

CAA of Kosovo ...................................................................................................................... 147

ANSP ...................................................................................................................................... 147
Airspace change/reorganization .......................................................................................... 147
PMS implementation .......................................................................................................... 148
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 150
Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................. 151
References ................................................................................................................................................. 154

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.
Table of figures
Figure 1: Point Merge system design with two arrival flows..................................................................... 13
Figure 2: Kosovo Geographical position ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3: Kosovo airspace ........................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4: Kosovo upper airspace closure ..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 5: Air routes from to Prishtina up to 2010 ..................................................................................... 19
Figure 6: Aeronautical actors in Kosovo..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 7: Kosovo CAA Organizational Structure ...................................................................................... 24
Figure 8: PIA Map ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 9: PIA Layout .................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 10: Departure and Arrival Terminals ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 11: Opening of Kosovo Upper Airspace .......................................................................................... 31
Figure 12: Prishtina International Airport in 2015 ................................................................................... 35
Figure 13: PIA New Terminal Building ..................................................................................................... 36
Figure 14 : PIA New ATC Tower............................................................................................................... 37
Figure 15: PMS Example in Approach....................................................................................................... 40
Figure 16: Control phases and sectors for the arrival phase of flight .......................................................... 43
Figure 17: Example of a Point Merge system with two sequencing legs.................................................... 49
Figure 18: Main steps in Point Merge operating method .......................................................................... 50
Figure 19: Options: lateral and vertical design of sequencing legs ............................................................ 52
Figure 20: Multiple Point Merge systems with different symmetrical configuration ............................... 53
Figure 21: Example: options for successive Point Merge systems.............................................................. 54
Figure 22: Example: departure routes ........................................................................................................ 55
Figure 23: Simulated terminal area ............................................................................................................ 58
Figure 24: Typical situations ...................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 25: Repartition of manoeuvre instructions ..................................................................................... 60
Figure 26: Frequency occupancy ................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 27: Geographical distribution of manoeuvre instructions .............................................................. 61
Figure 28: Inter-aircraft spacing ............................................................................................................... 62
Figure 29: Instructions per aircraft at final approach fix ........................................................................... 62
Figure 30: Example of the trajectories flown .............................................................................................. 63
Figure 31: Descent profiles ......................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 32: Example: vertical restrictions in a Point Merge system (level off) ........................................... 66
Figure 33: Example: vertical restrictions in a Point Merge system (gentle descent) ............................... 67
Figure 34: Example: vertical restrictions in a Point Merge system (dissociated legs) ............................... 68
Figure 35 Use of vectors: aircraft turns too early ....................................................................................... 74
Figure 36: Use of vectors: aircraft is vectored along a pseudo leg ............................................................ 74
Figure 37: Use of vectors: aircraft is put back into the sequence ................................................................ 75
Figure 38: Sequencing leg run-off procedure (fly-over).............................................................................. 76
Figure 39: Sequencing leg run-off procedure (fly-by)................................................................................. 77
Figure 40: Missed approach, option 1: back to IAF .................................................................................... 78
Figure 41: Missed approach, option 2a: back to a pseudo-sequencing leg .............................................. 79
Figure 42: Missed approach, option 2b: back to an inner pseudo-sequencing leg .................................. 79
Figure 43: Missed approach, option 3: discrete holding ............................................................................. 80
Figure 44: Use of holding stacks according to operational context (example) ............................................ 81
Figure 45: Cockpit view: example 1 before sequencing leg ...................................................................... 83
Figure 46: Cockpit view: example 1 entering the sequencing leg ............................................................ 84
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.
Figure 47: Cockpit view: example 1 Direct To input ............................................................................... 84
Figure 48: Cockpit view: example 2 before sequencing leg entry ............................................................ 85
Figure 49: Cockpit view: example 2 along the sequencing leg ................................................................. 86
Figure 50: Controller display example 1: four entry points, one runway .................................................. 87
Figure 51: Controller display example 2: four entry points, two runways ................................................ 88
Figure 52: Upper Airspace Map ................................................................................................................. 92
Figure 53: Lower Airspace .......................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 54 ..................................................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 55 ..................................................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 56: Kosovo Current Airspace Classification ................................................................................... 96
Figure 57: Area Chart of Kosovo (CTR, CTZ, etc) ..................................................................................... 98
Figure 58: SID and STAR to/from PIA...................................................................................................... 99
Figure 59: Kosovo Lower Airspace Organization and Holding Patterns ................................................. 100
Figure 60 STAR XAXAN 17a and 17 B .................................................................................................. 102
Figure 61 STAR XAXAN 35A and 35 B ................................................................................................. 102
Figure 62: STAR KUKES 17 A ................................................................................................................ 103
Figure 63: STAR KUKES 35 A ................................................................................................................ 103
Figure 64: STAR 17 MEDUX ................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 65: STAR 35 MEDUX ................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 66: SID SARAX 1A ...................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 67: SID SARAX 1B ...................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 68: HC proposal for Kosovo airspace reorganisation .................................................................... 106
Figure 69: CORNERPOST principles ..................................................................................................... 107
Figure 70: CORNERPOST Implementation in Kosovo Airspace ............................................................ 109
Figure 71: Kosovo Airspace Classification................................................................................................ 110
Figure 72: Kosovo map ............................................................................................................................. 112
Figure 73: Neighbouring VOR/DME and their distances from PRT DVOR/DME .............................. 113
Figure 74: Neighbouring VOR/DME with 62NM range ....................................................................... 113
Figure 75: Airport site FL100 ................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 76: Airport site FL120 ................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 77: Golesh site FL100 ................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 78: Golesh site FL120 .................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 79: Possible solution of PMS implementation .............................................................................. 121
Figure 80: PMS position for RWY 17 in regard of the Minimum Sectoring Altitude (MSA) ............... 124
Figure 81: PMS position for RWY 17 in regard of the Minimum Sectoring Altitude (MSA) ................ 125
Figure 82: Point Merge System for RWY 17 designed by GEOTITAN Software ................................... 126
Figure 83: Point Merge RWY 17 with three holding patterns ................................................................. 127
Figure 84: Possible way of Point Merge System implementation for RWY 17 ........................................ 128
Figure 85: PMS position for RWY 35 in regard of the Minimum Sectoring Altitude (MSA) ............... 131
Figure 86: PMS position for RWY 35 in regard of the Minimum Sectoring Altitude (MSA) ............... 132
Figure 87: Point Merge System for RWY 17 designed by GEOTITAN Software ................................... 133
Figure 88: Point Merge RWY 17 with three holding patterns ................................................................. 134
Figure 89: Possible way of Point Merge System implementation for RWY 17 ........................................ 135
Figure 90: Safety Plan .............................................................................................................................. 137
Figure 91: Ishikawa Diagram - Lateral deviation at sequencing leg run-off ........................................... 141
Figure 92: Ishikawa Diagram - Loss of vertical separation..................................................................... 141
Figure 93: Ishikawa Diagram - Loss of lateral separation ...................................................................... 142
Figure 94: Ishikawa Diagram Lack of appropriate training ................................................................. 142
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.
Figure 95: Ishikawa Diagram - Mixing between PSM and alternate procedures .................................... 143
Figure 96: Ishikawa Diagram - Wake Turbulence ................................................................................... 143

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.
List of Tables
Table 1: Runway Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 27
Table 2: Taxiways Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 28
Table 3: Aprons Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 28
Table 4: Mobile Service ............................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5: Main variants in the operating method vs. Point Merge design options..................................... 69
Table 6: Operating method: Equipped aircraft with level-off, and single level on the legs ......................... 70
Table 7: Hazard Identification .................................................................................................................. 139
Table 8: Risk Classification Scheme .......................................................................................................... 139
Table 9: Severity Identification for each hazard ........................................................................................ 140
Table 10: Corrected Severity ..................................................................................................................... 145
List of Diagrams
Diagram 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 71
Diagram 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 72
Diagram 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 72
Diagram 4 ................................................................................................................................................... 72
Diagram 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 73
Diagram 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 73
Diagram 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 73

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

The objective of this internship thesis report is to give an overview on the possible
implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport
Adem Jashari J.S.C (PIA). This report will give an overview of the Kosovo geopolitical position, current operational and infrastructure of PIA, description on PMS
technique (What is PMS, how does it work, etc.) and will analyse the situation of
Kosovo Airspace in order to find best possible solution to implement the PMS.
This report will also guide Civil Aviation Authority (CAAK), Air Navigation Service
Provider (ANSP) and Aircraft Operators for full implementation of PMS in Kosovo.
Point Merge System (PMS) was developed as an innovative technique aimed at
improving and standardizing terminal area (TMA) operations with a pan-European
perspective (systematic use of precision area navigation (P-RNAV) and Continuous
Descent Approach (CDA) in high traffic conditions).
As it relies on existing technology, it has the potential for implementation in the short
term. Point Merge System is a structured technique for merging arrival flows, derived
from an earlier study on airborne spacing sequencing and merging. It is based on a
specific route structure (denoted Point Merge System) that is made of a point (the
merge point) with pre-defined legs (the sequencing legs) equidistant from this point for
path stretching/shortening (Figure 1).
The operating method comprises two main steps:
Create the spacing by a direct-to instruction to the merge point issued for
each aircraft at the appropriate time while on a leg.
Maintain the spacing by speed control after leaving a leg.
The descent may be given when leaving a leg (and clear of traffic on the other leg). It
should be a continuous descent as the distance to go is then known by the FMS. The
equidistance property is a key parameter for the controller to easily and intuitively
assess the spacing between an aircraft on the leg and the preceding one (on course to
the merge point), with no need for new support tools and solely relying on graphical
markers (range rings).
It should be noted that path stretching is performed without controller intervention by
letting the aircraft fly along the leg to the extent required (the published procedure
coded in the FMS includes the full length of the sequencing leg).

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Figure 1: Point Merge system design with two arrival flows

Even though currently air traffic in Kosovo is not sufficiently voluminous to be merged,
Kosovo should prepare itself for implementing techniques to manage the traffic in an
optimised manner since it is foreseen that the upper airspace of Kosovo will be
operational in the very near future. In addition, it must be taken into account that
Kosovos airspace and high terrain are quite specific.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Chapter 1 Kosovo Geo-Political Situation, and Current Aviation

Regulatory and Operational Aspects
1.1 Geo-political situation in Kosovo in the period of pre-independence
(1999 - 2008)
In order to understand the special circumstances in Kosovo, attention will be given to
the historical and political background of the region.
Kosovo is located in the South East Europe (SEE), in the center of the Western Balkans,
with a territory of 10,908 km. The capital city is Prishtina with a population
approximately 2 millions; ethnicity: Kosovar Albanian 92%, Kosovar Serbian 5%, Other
3%; languages: Albanian, Serbian, and English.
In figure 2, Kosovo is depicted from a satellite image of Google earth in South East


Figure 2: Kosovo Geographical position

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

The former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) was composed of six
republics: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia,
and two autonomous provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina. According to the federal
constitution of 1974, both Kosovo and Vojvodina formally enjoyed substantial
autonomy within Serbia. They were also directly represented in the federal institutions
and had the same status with the republics in terms of voting powers. 90% of the
Kosovo population was ethnic Albanian, which boycotted entirely the Serbian system
installed in Kosovo since 1989, after Kosovo's autonomy was abolished. As a means to
channel their peaceful policy from 1990 to 1997, Kosovo Albanians used a policy of
creating parallel institutions while ignoring those installed by the Belgrade regime. In
Kosovo, the liberation war against the Serbian regime started in 1998. Serbian troops
committed large scale atrocities against the Albanian population, therefore triggering
the humanitarian intervention by NATO which eventually ended the war in June 1999
by expelling the Serbian regime from Kosovo. A United Nation (UN) mission took over
the exercise of sovereign powers over Kosovo, pending the outcome of the negotiations
between Serbia and Kosovo and the future political status of the territory.

United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)

The United Nations Security Council, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the
United Nations, by virtue of Resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999, authorized the SecretaryGeneral, with the assistance of relevant international organizations, to establish an
international civil presence in Kosovo, known as the United Nations Interim
Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), in order to provide an interim
administration in Kosovo with the mandate as described in the Resolution.
According to the Constitutional Framework, Kosovo was an entity under interim
international administration which, with its people, has unique historical, legal, cultural
and linguistic attributes. The logical legal consequence of this political determination is
that Kosovo had a status legally equivalent to a protectorate.


On 24 December 1999, only few months after the establishment of UNMIK, the
President of ICAO Council, in a letter sent to the then-SRSG, Dr. Bernard Kouchner,
confirmed that the Air Navigation Plan European Region, as relates to the issuance of
aeronautical information for Kosovo is temporarily suspended. Only a week later, in
another letter to the SRSG, the President of ICAO Council, Dr. Assad Kotaite, confirmed
that UNMIKs authority to ensure the functioning of a civil aviation authority including
the promulgation of aeronautical information relating to Kosovo, will continue. At that
time, Kosovo Force (KFOR) was the provider of air traffic control and aeronautical
information services at Prishtina Airport, initially under the delegation of powers by
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

UNMIK, due to lack of trained local staff to discharge these duties, and afterwards on
behalf of UNMIK.
In the meantime, UNMIK made a lot of efforts in training local staff to eventually take
over the responsibilities from KFOR. Sixteen air traffic controllers were trained in Italy,
meteorological staff at the U.K. Met Office, whereas the AIS personnel, airport
operations staff, and technicians received professional training throughout Europe at
prominent training institutions. This was a firm basis for UNMIK and KFOR to sign a
statement of intent dated 12 September 2002, whereby they agreed for the handover of
civil aviation operations at Prishtina airport from KFOR to civilian authorities and
stating that UNMIK is in the process of establishing a civil aviation regulatory office for
Kosovo. The handover became effective on 1 April 2004.
In the latter part of 2002, UNMIK sought assistance from ICAOs Technical Cooperation
Bureau (ICAO TCB) to establish the UNMIK Civil Aviation Regulatory Office (CARO)
for Kosovo and draft appropriate legislation.
After several delays, the Management Service Agreement was signed between UNMIK
and ICAO in January 2003. Negotiations for putting in place this agreement were not
easy. According to ICAO perception of UNSC Resolution 1244 Kosovo airspace is
geographically located in the Beograd FIR.
In the figure 3 taken from EUROCONTOL, Sky View software which is updated on
AIRAC dates we can see how FIRs looks in the SEE. From this figure we can see that
Kosovo is in the Beograd FIR.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Figure 3: Kosovo airspace

The figure 4 shows real airspace situation in South East Europe area and closure of
Kosovo airspace.


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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Figure 4: Kosovo upper airspace closure

Five main air routes in the European Air Navigation Plan are suspended because of the
Kosovo status.

Kosovo Force (KFOR)

As discussed above, UNSC Resolution 1244 (1999) established an international civil and
security presence in Kosovo, under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. A NATO-led
security force, known as Kosovo Force (KFOR), deployed in Kosovo in June 1999 with
a mandate to restore peace and establish a secure environment. Resolution 1244
authorized member states and relevant international organizations to establish the
international security presence in Kosovo with substantial North Atlantic Treaty
Organization participation under unified command and control and authorized to
establish a safe environment for all people in Kosovo and to facilitate the safe return to
their homes of all displaced persons and refugees.
The details of a smooth withdrawal of Yugoslav forces from Kosovo and deployment of
NATO led forces were agreed between KFOR and the Governments of Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia through the Military Technical Agreement
(MTA), signed in Kumanovo, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), on
9 June 1999. According to Article II(3)(c) of the MTA, the KFOR commander controls
and coordinates the use of airspace over Kosovo and the Air Safety Zone. It is, however,
striking to note that this article also provides that control of civil air traffic will be
returned to civilian authorities as soon as practicable.

Military Regulations for the Balkan Joint Operation Area

Kosovo airspace since 1 September 1999 is part of the NATO Balkan Joint Operation
Area JOA, under the operations control of the Combined Air Operations CenterFive (CAOC5). The Balkan JOA is controlled airspace with an air traffic service (ATS)
structure in which portions of the airspace are still under control, and for the sole use, of
NATO. CAOC5 is the Command and Control Centre for all NATO air operations over
Italy, the Balkans, Hungary, and since 29 March 2004, Slovenia. In addition to other
duties, CAOC5 is responsible for the planning and execution of air operations in
support of peace and stability operations in the Balkans. CAOC5/ALE issues a
document which provides regulations and guidance for General Air Traffic (GAT)
operations in the Balkan Joint Operations Area (JOA). These regulations, also known as
SPINS (Special Instructions), are mandatory and apply to all commercial and military
fixed-wing aircraft activities in the Balkan JOA.
The SPINS emphasize that the Serbia & Montenegro Air Traffic Service Agency
(SMATSA) of S&M, also known as Belgrade Control, exercises control authority only
over aircraft flying within Serbia & Montenegro. Any NOTAMS [Notice to Airmen]
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issued by Belgrade Control apply only to the airspace and airfields of Serbia
&Montenegro, and do not apply to the airspace over Kosovo. Procedures to be
followed within the airspace over KOSOVO and at airfields inside Kosovo are issued in
this document and Kosovo AIP. If Belgrade Control issues any NOTAM/AIM for
airspace over Kosovo, it is to be considered invalid. The NOTAMs for Kosovo are
issued by the Aeronautical Information Services at Prishtina International Airport
In this document, the Kosovo Air Safety Zone (ASZ) (see Figure 5 border line marked
with red) is defined as a 25 km deep zone within Serbia & Montenegro along the
Kosovo/Serbia & Montenegro border as defined in the MTA. It has been partially
relaxed and it is available to civil air traffic down to 5 km. Flight into or through the
ASZ is strictly prohibited, except for flights with the approval of the KFOR
Commander. There is also a Kosovo Buffer Zone which is defined as an 8 km deep zone
within Kosovo along the Kosovo/Serbia & Montenegro border. Previously, aircraft
have been prohibited from flying in this area. Since 24 January 2003 this no-fly
restriction has been permanently relaxed.
For non-NATO flights the airspace of Kosovo may be entered only from the south (see
figure 5) through the Prishtina/XAXAN corridor. Inbound traffic to Prishtina is
assigned Flight Level 160 at the XAXAN transfer point. Outbound traffic from Prishtina
has to follow the Prishtina/SARAX corridor, also to the south. Outbound traffic is
assigned Flight Level 150 at the SARAX transfer point. The no-fly rule between Serbia
and Kosovo causes considerable deviation for European air carriers and the extension of
each flight by some 30-40 minutes, which is a tangible economic loss.

Figure 5: Air routes from to Prishtina up to 2010

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Civil Aviation Authorities and Legislation in Kosovo

On 27 January 2003, UNMIK and ICAO signed a Management Services Agreement

(MSA) as a cooperation framework to facilitate the establishment of a Civil Aviation
Regulatory Office for Kosovo, and development of safe civil aviation activities in
Kosovo in compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).
There are three Annexes to the MSA which relate to the development of aviation
legislation, institutional building and development of Prishtina International Airport.
Only on 13 June 2003, four years after the war ended, a Civil Aviation Regulatory Office
(CARO) was formally set up in Kosovo by virtue of UNMIK Regulation No 2003/18.
CARO shall be responsible for regulating civil aviation in Kosovo to ensure that its
activities are safe, efficient and compliant with appropriate international regulations
and, in particular International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and
Recommended Practices. Under Annex 1 to the MSA between UNMIK and ICAO, an
aviation legislation support expert was recruited by ICAO, with a prior UNMIK
approval, to:
Identify ICAO SARPs applicable to Kosovo taking into account its special
political status;

Develop basic aviation regulation appropriate for Kosovo, taking into

consideration its special political status, compliant with international
standards and practices, and to be incorporated in the UNMIK legislative


Develop subsequent supplementary regulations, to be incorporated in the

UNMIK legislative framework, when and if it is promulgated.

The result of the project was a draft Regulation entitled Provisional Regulation of Civil
Aviation in Kosovo, promulgated later by the SRSG as UNMIK Regulation No 2004/5,
and which was instrumental in facilitating the transfer of operational responsibilities at
Prishtina Airport from military to civilian on 1 April 2004.
Being unable to provide any aviation related functions that are reserved to sovereign
states in the sense of the Chicago Convention, UNMIK concluded an agreement with an
ICAO member state, Iceland, to cope with licensing of Kosovar air traffic controllers
and to bring Prishtina International Airport to a standard of ICAO certification.
This agreement was entered in force on 1st April 2004 and ended on 31 December 2008,
which enabled transfer of operational responsibilities at Prishtina Airport from military
to civilian on 1 April 2004. ICAA had a dual contractual role as per the Agreement with
UNMIK. Regulatory responsibility for aerodrome certification and air traffic controller

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licensing and monitoring and responsibility for improvements of Prishtina Airport

services and staff training.
UNMIK signed the ECAA Agreement 9th June 2006 which entered into force in Kosovo
on 10 October 2006, and which creates an integrated aviation market of 35 countries and
more than 500 million people. It extends the application of the complete EC aviation
law to ECAA partners in respect of economic regulation, aviation safety and security,
air traffic management, environmental protection, passenger protection and
competition rules. In consequence, the Agreement will equally lead to harmonized
standards in term of safety and security across Europe.
Kosovo also participated in the Extension of the Single European Sky to South East
Europe, the Functional Airspace Blocks Approach, and the SESAR program for the
improvement and modernization of ATM system in Europe.

1.2 Geo-political situation in Kosovo in the period of post-independence

(2008 - current)

Clarification of Kosovos International Status

The report by the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General, Norwegian Kai Eide,
heralded the opening of the phase of status negotiations in October 2005. In his
comprehensive report on the situation in Kosovo, Eide proposed that, despite the
incomplete implementation of the development standards called for by the
international community, a clarification of Kosovos international status should
constitute the next phase of the political process (Eide 2005). The Secretary-General and
the UN Security Council appointed former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari
Special Envoy for the Future Status Process for Kosovo.
The negotiating team around Ahtisaari and his Austrian deputy, Albert Rohan,
commenced the first direct negotiations on resolving the status question in Vienna on 20
February 2006. Even after a year no agreement could be reached on any of the
substantive issues. After a number of negotiating rounds between leading
representatives of the Serbs and the Kosovo Albanians, the diametrically opposed
positions of the two sides brought Ahtisaari to the conclusion that further talks would
make no sense. As a result, on 2 February 2007, he presented his final report, entitled
Comprehensive Proposal for a Kosovo Status Settlement. On 26 March 2007, the final
document on the solution of the status question, the Final Comprehensive Proposal,
was presented to the UN Security Council in New York, together with the Ahtisaari
report (UN Security Council 2007a, 2007b).

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Ahtisaari Plan

The Ahtisaari plan, which was to serve as the formal basis for independence in 2008 and
as the road map for the subsequent period, envisaged limited independence for
Kosovo. Accordingly, Kosovo should be a multi-ethnic, stable and democratic state
formation that fully respects the principle of the rule of law and guarantees all
internationally recognized human and civil rights. The Kosovo government was to have
the right to conclude international treaties and to apply for membership of international
organizations. Even the creation of its own armed security forces, which would take on
the function of a Kosovo army and would be supported by NATO / KFOR, was
However, Kosovos sovereignty would be limited by means of a new form of
international presence under the leadership of the EU and the continuing authority of a
representative of the international community (International Civilian Representative
ICR). This international representative was to succeed UNMIK in conjunction with the
EU mission EULEX.
After the rejection of the compromise solution based on the Ahtisaari plan presented to
the UN Security Council by Russia and China in July 2007 a last-chance solution was
envisaged in the form of a Troika comprising representatives of the USA, Russia and
the EU. Wolfgang Ischinger for the EU, Frank Wiesner for the USA and Alexander
Botsan-Karchenko for Russia were tasked with resuming negotiations. With the
delivery of the Troikas report to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon on 10 December
2007 the final round of negotiations on the status of Kosovo also ended in failure.

Kosovo Declares Independence

Kosovo Albanian politicians decided to declare independence unilaterally on the basis

of the Ahtisaari plan.
On 17 February 2008, the Kosovo Albanian parliament in Prishtina, after consultations
with the USA and most of the European states, declared Kosovo independent.
Work commenced right away on a constitution, which was adopted by Parliament on 9
April 2008 and came into force on June 2008. Based on the constitution all international
agreements signed by UNMIK on behalf of Kosovo are directly applicable to the new
Republic of Kosovo government and its institutions. European Common Aviation Area
(ECAA) Agreement is one of the agreements which is related with EU aviation acquis.

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Law on Civil Aviation


On 15 Ju
une 2008, Law
/L-051 on Civil
Aviattion entered
d into forcee. Based on
n this
Law, theere are fourr public au
uthorities with
responssibilities an
nd function
ns in the field of
civil aviaation in thee Republic of
o Kosovo as
a hereundeer (se figure 6):

Ministry of Transpo
ort and Com
Civil Av
viation Auth
hority of Kosovo
Ministry of Internall Affairs
utical Accident and Inccident Invesstigation Co

ure 6: Aeron
nautical actoors in Kosovoo

1.3 Civil
ation Auth
hority of Kosovo
i an indep
pendent reg
gulatory ag
gency, self-ffinanced th
hrough a passenger
charge, licensing
nd certificaation fees an
nd charges.. Based on Law
No.03/L-051 on Civil
n, CAAK iss separated from the Air
A Navigattion Servicees Providerr (ANSP) an
nd is
a Nation
nal Supervisory Auth
hority (NSA
A). Tasks off the NSA are perform
med by thee Air
Navigattion Servicces Departtment with
hin the CA
AAK.Government haas approveed a
competiitive salary scheme fo
or CAAK sttaff. This has enabled retention of
o all ex-CA
staff and
d attraction
n of new hig
ghly traineed and dediicated aviattion professionals to work
K. Majority
y of them hold
on related academic
TPL/CPL pilots,
and exteensive profeessional traainings.
CAAK is responsible for th
he regulatio
on of civill aviation safety and
d the econo
on of airports and air
a navigatiion servicees in the Republic
off Kosovo. Civil
n activities in Kosovo air space arre carried out
o in accorrdance with
h the provissions
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of the Law
on Ciivil Aviatio
on, the Con
nvention on
o Internattional Civill Aviation of 7
ber 1944, an
nd the Ag
greement on
o the Estaablishment of a Euro
opean Com
n Area.
Kosovo has the ap
ppropriate legislative frameworrk for aviattion and th
he oversigh
ht of
n activities. Regulation
ns and req
quirements are constaantly being
g developeed to
align Ko
osovos av
viation legiislation and
d procedurres with in
nternationaal requirem
such as the Standa
ards and Reecommend
ded Practicees of the In
nternationall Civil Aviaation
Organizzation and, particularly with EU aviation accquis as parrt of our ob
bligations under
Europeaan Common
n Aviation Agreementt, to which Kosovo is a party.
All these activities CAAK is performing
g thorough its departtmental stru
ucture whiich is
presenteed in the fig
gure below.

Figure 7:
7 Kosovo CA
AA Organizaational Stru

Air Navigation

Air Naavigation Services

ANS) Dep
partment iss responsiible for th
he Regulaation,
Monitorring, Inspeection, Cerrtification and geneeral Safety
y Oversigh
ht of the Air
Navigattion Servicee Providerss (ANSP) within
the Republic of
o Kosovo. It ensures that
safety regulations and stand
dards for ANSPs
aree in line with
ICAO standards and
mended pra
actices, EU aviation acquis,
inclluding EUROCONTR
ROL rules. The
ANS Department
is responsible for Certificattion and subsequently the Saafety
hts of the ANSPs
witthin the Reepublic of Kosovo,
hich include the follow

Air Traffic Control

ation Navig
gation and Surveillanc
e (CNS);
al Informatiion Service (AIS) and
ical Service (METEO).

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The ANS Department is responsible for licensing of the Air Traffic Controllers (ATCO),
their competency and medical fitness.
CAAK is designated as the National Supervisory Authority (NSA) as provided for in
Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10
March 2004, which establish the framework for the creation of the single European sky.
The ANS Department ensures that aeronautical information are published in Kosovo
Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) and are in place for use by air operators
operating in Kosovo airspace.

Flight Safety Department

Flight Safety Department (FSD) within the CAA is composed of Operations and
Airworthiness Sections.
This Department is in charge of certification and supervision in connection with:

flights with airplanes,

helicopters and
other means of air transport.

Also FSD is concerned with the transport of:


dangerous goods,
aerial work,
recreational flying,
flight training organizations, and
regulations relating to safety assessment of foreign aircraft (SAFA).


Aerodromes Department within the CAA is responsible for the regulation of

aerodromes in the Republic of Kosovo and the enforcement of applicable Kosovo laws,
regulations, and associated aerodromes standards of the relevant Annexes to the
Convention on International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
It is also responsible for environmental issues in the vicinity of aerodromes including
wildlife management, land use, noise, and safeguarding of aerodromes.
The role of the Aerodromes Department is to develop aerodrome policy documents
based on relevant national and international standards and ICAO Annexes, develop
and promote internal and industry guidance materials, ensuring aviation safety
environment and leading towards continuous enhancement of aviation safety standards
in the Republic of Kosovo.
Aerodromes department ensures that aeronautical information publication (AIP) reflect
the aerodrome data.
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1.4 Prishtina International Airport (PIA) Operation

Prishtina International Airport (PIA) is the only international airport in Kosovo and
serves as the primary gateway connecting Kosovo to the rest of the world. From an
economical point of view, Prishtina airport is also a very important strategic asset.

Current Airport Infrastructure & Limitations

Prishtina International Airport (PIA) is situated
approximately 20 km southwest of Prishtina, on a
relatively flat area 545 m above sea level with
mountain ranges to the west and south of the
airport. Unfortunately, the site suffers from foggy
weather in the winter months.
PIA currently has a single runway system with a
parallel taxiway. The runway is 2501m long, 45m
wide and oriented in the 17-35 direction as
represented in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. The main taxiway
is 23m wide on the runways full length, but not
constructed with paved shoulders. From this
taxiway, there are two perpendicular taxiway
connections to the aprons in the north. In a general
point of view, infrastructures (runway, taxiways
and apron) are in good conditions since the
renovation in 2008.

Figure 8: PIA Map

Figure 9: PIA Layout

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In order to provide Departure / Arrival, the terminal facilities consist of two separate
buildings: a 1720m arrival terminal and a 4670m departure terminal. The current
capacity is estimated at 500 departing peak hour passengers and 450 arriving peak hour
passengers with a level of service D (adequate).


The runway represents the most important facility on the airfield. After all, one can see
that without a properly planned and managed runway, desired aircraft (A330, A340,
etc.) would be unable to use the airport. Criteria such as PCN, length, width,
orientation, configuration and slope are important for the design of the runway. Of
course, the design and operation of runways are determined in part by the type of
aircraft using the runway.
Nowadays, the current runway characteristics of PIA (see Tab.1) provide a maximum
capacity of 35 aircraft movements per hour. Furthermore, the thresholds on the runway
are not displayed and there are no additional area designed as stop way or clearway.
Declared distances (TORA, TODA, ASDA and LDA) are therefore the same, as shown
in the table below.


176 GEO

of RWY (m)

Strength (PCN &

surface of RWY)

THR elevation

2501 x 45

1789 ft (545.5m)
356 GEO
2501 x 45
1786 ft (544.5m)
TORA = TODA = ASDA = LDA = 2501
Table 1: Runway Characteristics

Other characteristics:

RWY 17 is equipped with ILS Cat II equipment

Separation distance between the runway and parallel taxiway is approximately
RWY 35 has no ILS equipment, but a Cat II lighting system


The major function of the taxiways is to provide access for aircraft between the runways
and the other areas of the airport. Entrances to the taxiways are located near the
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departure ends of runways; exits from the taxiways are located at various points along
the runway to allow landing aircraft to efficiently exit the runway after landing.
In PIA, the runway is served by a main taxiway along the runways full length. The
current taxiway system is compliant with ICAO SARPs for Code C aircraft. The
structural pavement strength and the fillets on the intersections of the taxiway system
can handle code E aircraft, but the taxiway shoulders have 1 m shoulders which is only
adequate for Code C aircraft.
Three taxiways (C1, E1 and F) are connecting the runway with the parallel taxiway.
Existing concrete taxiways near the location of threshold 35 are closed for air traffic. H1
and H2 taxiways serve as access for the military Lima apron (LA). Finally, Taxiways
C2, E2, K, B1 and B2 serve the Juliet apron for General Aviation (GA) (see Tab. 2).



A1; A2; A3; A4; B1; B2;C1; C2; E1; E2; F; K

PCN 70/F/B/X/T


H1; H2

PCN 65/F/B/X/T


Table 2: Taxiways Characteristics


Apron and Gate Systems

The apron and gates are the locations at which aircraft park to allow the loading and
unloading of passengers and cargo, as well as for aircraft servicing and preflight
preparation prior to entering the airfield and take-off. Individual gates and apron
parking spaces are determined by the size of aircraft and more especially their lengths
and wingspans.
The size of any given aircraft parking area is also determined by the orientation in
which the aircraft will park, known as the aircraft parking types: angled nose-in,
angles nose-out and parallel. PIA apron characteristics are represented in Tab. 3.



Delta Apron


PCN 70/F/B/X/T


Lima Apron

PCN 65/R/C/W/T


Juliet Apron

PCN 70/F/B/X/T


Table 3: Aprons Characteristics

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Passenger Terminal Buildings

The airport terminal area is a vital component to the airport system, i.e. a vital link
between the airside and the landside of the airport. The terminal area provides the
facilities, procedures and processes to efficiently move crew, passengers and cargo onto
and off, of commercial and general aviation aircraft.
Nowadays, airports terminals have become very complex systems, incorporating
necessary passengers and baggage processing services, as well as a full customer service
with food, beverage and other facilities to make the passengers transition between the
airside and the landside components of the airport system as pleasant as possible.
For airport management, airport terminal areas, when properly planned and managed,
have provided significant sources of revenue from airline leases to retail concessions.
Airport terminals have also become a sense of pride for communities in general, as they
are typically the first impression that visitors get of their destination city and the last
experience they get before leaving.
In PIA, terminal facilities have the particularity to be split up in a departure and an
arrival building, as shown in Figure 10 below.

Figure 10: Departure and Arrival Terminals


Current Airport Frequency

It is in the 1980s that Prishtina airport started operating some international flights and
more especially to/from Switzerland and Germany.

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Passsenger Trafffic from 20000 to 2011

ng the end of the Koso
ovo War, th
he apron an
nd the passeenger termiinal of Prish
airport were reno
ovated. How
wever, onee can obseerve on Grraph.1 that the traffiic of
ger was low
w between 2000
and 20001.
In 2002, with the expansion
o the apron
n and the passenger
d an imporrtant increaase of passsenger trafffic (100%). During 7 years,
it caan be
seen thaat the trafficc increase remained steady.
oreover, Priishtina airp
port reached
d the
barrier of
o 1 000 000
0 passengerr in 2008 an
nd thats wh
hy in 2009, a second expansion of
o the
apron an
nd passeng
ger terminall was madee.






















Since 20009 and unttil now, thee traffic of passengers

s is growing
g constantly
y. Based on
n the
studies taken
m the concesssioner of th
he Airport Operator it
i is expecteed that by 2015,
the num
mber of passsengers willl reach 2 000 000. In this
respectt the concesssioner is in
n the
process of building
g a new term
minal, expeected to be finished
y 2015.

Grraph 1: Passsenger Traffiic (current situation andd prevision)

Fliight Movemeent from 20000 to 2010

The end
d of the Warr allowed Kosovo
to open
its frontier to thee entire worrld. Thats why,
new airrlines saw in Pristinaa a new ecconomical market. Ass a conseq
quence, Pristina
airport observed
a constant in
ncrease of th
he flight mo
ovements since

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Howeveer, the open

ning of Serb
bia and Mo
ontenegro borders
willl allow new
w shorter ro
to be op
pened, and consequen
ntly increasse the air trraffic throu
ugh the possible routees as
shown in
n Figure 11

Figure 11: Openingg of Kosovo Upper Airsppace



















Moreoveer, the new

w terminal and the im
mproved inffrastructuree will enab
ble a substaantial
increasee of flight movements
s. The expeected num
mber of fligh
ht movemeents by 20115 is
shown in
n Graph 2.

Grraph 2: Flighht Movemen
nts Forecast

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Passsenger by Air
A Carrier

The im
mportant in
nvestment of the airport
infrrastructuree in orderr to help the
reconstrruction of th
he country, brought success
h the award of the Beest Airport 2006
Award. Pristina aiirport was selected fo
or excellencce and achieevement accross a rang
ge of
nes including airporrt develop
pment, opeerations, security an
nd safety, and
customeer service. One
O can un
nderstand why,
there is
i an imporrtant intereest from varrious
airlines such as Au
ustrian Airliines, British
h Airways, Easyjet, etcc. (see Grap
ph. 3).
more, otherr airlines, especially
low-cost, co
ould becom
me interesteed in openiing a
route to Prishtina airport.



Aiirlines comp
A Carrier
Grraph 3: Passsengers by Air

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Passsenger by Country

The grap
ph below shows
statisstics of passsenger bassed on the passenger
n and
origin. Itt can be seeen that larg
gest share iss divided beetween Swiitzerland an
nd German
UK, 3.11%

her, 3.07%

Italy, 3.84%
Hungary, 4.3


Slovenia, 6.4


Gerrmany ,

Austria, 9.36%

4: Passsengers by
y Country

1.5 ATM

ATS Services

on of the ATS
Servicees is done by the Priishtina Inteernational Airport
Jashari J.S.C. Upp
per airspacee of Kosovo
o is under NATO CA
AOC 5, and it is not in
n use
for comm
mercial trafffic. Lowerr airspace, below
FL 2990, is contrrolled by Prrishtina Airrport
which provides
serrvices for tw
wo differen
nt Airports:

Prishtina Intternational Airport an

Millitary Airpo

The trafffic is contro

olled by tw
wo units, Priishtina APP
P and Prish
htina TWR. All commeercial
air traffiic to/from Prishtina use only
y two corrid
dors SARA
AX and XA
AXAN (arriival ,
Note: More
d informatioon on the current
M provision
n in the Koosovo airspaace is
describedd under chap
pter 3 of this report.

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CNS Equipment

The Airport of Prishtina is equipped with the following CNS equipment:

Communication (for details frequencies see Tab.4, below)

Radio Communication Services:
Very High Frequency (VHF)
Voice Communication Switching System (VCSS)
Voice Recording System (VRS)
ILS Cat I & II for RWY 17
DVOR/DME (113.30 MHz; CH 80X)
DME (CH 38X)
Primary Radar : Pristina Approach operates terminal area surveillance
radar station at Pristina location 424344 N 0210145 E. The radar
coverage for primary radar is 60 NM (reduced to the West below FL 120
due to high terrain).

Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR): The SSR is co-located with Primary

Radar. The secondary coverage is 180 NM.

119.175 MHz
118.775 MHz


246.100 MHz
120.125 MHz

122.100 MHz
315.075 MHz


244.825 MHz
118.0 MHz


121.5 MHz
243.0 MHz


132.00 MHz


Table 4: Mobile Service

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1.6 Infrastructure development

Prishtina International airport is recognized as a strategic public asset for the Republic
of Kosovo and an attractive new gateway for travellers and airlines from Balkans to all
around the world.. The aim of this new gateway is to provide a landmark, innovative,
sustainable and functional airport in strict compliance with internationals norms and
standards with adequate quality of service levels.
The traffic and market forecast show that Prishtina International airport will need a
development of infrastructure with the creation of new passenger terminal and ANSP
facilities (tower and etc.) as represented in Fig.13.

Figure 12: Prishtina International Airport in 2015


New Terminal Building

The particularity of this new terminal, with a floor area of 25 031 m2, is to be compact
and to have Arrival and Departure in the same terminal as shown in Fig.13.

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Figure 13: PIA New Terminal Building

1.6.2 New ATC Tower

In order to improve the safety, a new air traffic control tower with ATC building will be
built on the west side of the runway. The new location will provide a clear view on all
operational airfield surfaces. For instance, controller will have a clear view on the apron
and the runway. At 27 m tall, the new control tower will be in compliance with the
minimum sight angle requirement from ICAO. (See Fig.14)
The meteorological equipment consist of barometers, wind force and direction meters, a
thunderstorm detector, Runway Visual Range (RVP), Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR), and
the Satellite Distribution System (SADIS) (First generation).

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nternational Airport (PIA
m Jashari J.S

14 : PIA
P New AT
TC Tower

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Chapter 2 Point Merge System

This chapter describes the Point Merge System in 6 Sections, focusing mainly on the
operation aspects and different modes of operations. It will also show some examples
of point merge System implementation and relationship with future operational
concepts and SESAR activities.
The material is based on the EUROCONTROL Experimental Center (EEC) document
named Point Merge Integration of Arrival Flows Enabling Extensive RNAV
Application and Continuous Descent - Operational Services and Environment
Definition version 2.0, date 19th July 2010.

2.1 Section 1

Scope and Objective

This section will detail the scope and objective of the considered operational service, as
well as its maturity and the status of related assessment activities.
Point Merge is an innovative technique developed by the EUROCONTROL
Experimental Centre, and designed to improve and harmonize arrival operations in
terminal airspace with a pan-European perspective. It is a structured technique for
merging arrival flows derived from an earlier study on airborne spacing sequencing
and merging.
It is based on a specific route structure (denoted Point Merge System) that is made of a
point (the merge point) with pre-defined legs (the sequencing legs) equidistant from
this point for path stretching/shortening (Figure 1). The operating method comprises
two main steps:

Create the spacing by a direct-to instruction to the merge point issued

for each aircraft at the appropriate time while on a leg.
Maintain the spacing by speed control after leaving a leg.

The descent may be given when leaving a leg (and clear of traffic on the other leg). It
should be a continuous descent as the distance to go is then known by the FMS. The
equidistance property is a key parameter for the controller to easily and intuitively
assess the spacing between an aircraft on the leg and the preceding one (on course to
the merge point), with no need for new support tools and solely relying on graphical
markers (range rings). It should be noted that path stretching is performed without
controller intervention by letting the aircraft fly along the leg to the extent required (the
published procedure coded in the FMS includes the full length of the sequencing leg).

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An example of dimensions in approach is (see figure 15): merge point at 6,000 ft,
sequencing legs at FL100-FL120 and 20NM from the merge point. An example of
staffing is: approach controller in charge of creating spacing (direct-to), and final
director responsible for maintaining spacing (speed control) and giving the descent

Figure 15: PMS Example in Approach

A short-term application with the potential for future improvements
Point Merge is supported by existing technology, i.e. the use of a dedicated RNAV route
structure, and formally corresponds to a P-RNAV application usable in high, medium
or low density terminal airspace. It is therefore expected to be deployable from the 2012
timeframe and fits in SESAR early operational improvements (IP1 Implementation
Package 1,). It also fits in:

The early steps of the Airspace Strategy and Navigation Strategy for the
ECAC area;
The European Joint Industry CDA Action Plan.

It is also expected to form a sound foundation to support future developments towards

the SESAR target concept. It thus fits in the SESAR roadmap as a building block for
future operational improvements (IP2 and IP3 Implementation Packages 2 and 3).
Among these are:

Advanced continuous descent approaches (towards 3D);

Improvement of spacing accuracy with adapted ground tools;

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Use of pre-defined RNAV routes (ultimately allocation thereof) with

advanced ground support/decision tools;
Airborne Separation Assistance Systems sequencing and merging (ASAS
Trajectory-based operations (towards 4D trajectory management,
including adherence to an agreed or constrained time of arrival).
Status of assessment activities and support to implementation

Generic validation

The Point Merge procedure has already been studied and found feasible and beneficial
in various generic environments in Approach, notably with two, three or four entry
points; one or two runways; and in different TMA sizes.
Under this generic validation thread, activities carried out between end 2005 and 2008
include ground prototyping sessions using real-time human-in-the-loop simulations,
flight deck simulations, and model-based simulations.
Validation has shown in particular that, in addition to enabling extensive P-RNAV
application, the systematization of continuous descents from typically FL100 would be
possible with the new procedure, subject to local constraints. In addition, specific
configurations may enable continuous descents from closer to the cruise level.
A Point Merge Procedure Design and Coding Assessment has also been conducted in
2007, involving a verification of conformance of the Point Merge procedure to existing
international standards, and identification of areas where there may be issues. Point
Merge has been deemed very well suited to RNAV operations, and present very few
obvious critical issues (special attention areas when designing and charting the
procedure, or coordination with navigation database providers and FMS data houses).
An initial safety assessment has been conducted (including a safety workshop with
candidates ANSPs, and an initial FHA/PSSA) and would have to be formalized
through the production of safety requirements and related evidence to support the
development of preliminary safety case.
Finally, regarding the application of Point Merge to extended TMA (i.e. before the IAF,),
a joint study has been conducted with DSNA (the French air navigation service
provider) in 2009 with more than 40 controllers exposed.
This study showed that Point Merge is easy to learn and reduces both workload and
communications. Point Merge has substantial potential to improve safety and increase
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capacity without increasing distance flown. Further studies would be necessary to

confirm the applicability of Point Merge on other types of sectors and with full scale
arrival manager operations.

Implementation support

The EUROCONTROL support to Point Merge implementation started in 2007 with

three candidate ANSPs:

AVINOR (Oslo Gardermoen, planned implementation date: 2011);

IAA (Dublin, considered implementation date: 2012);
ENAV (implementation considered in Rome Fiumicino).

This activity encompassed:

support to Point Merge procedure design;

a large scale assessment carried out successfully for Oslo in 2008/2009
through fast time simulations at the EUROCONTROL Central European
Research, Development and Simulation Centre (CRDS), and controllers real
time simulations at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC);
an initial real-time simulation conducted at the EEC for Dublin in 2007,
followed by a second simulation in 2010 looking at the expected Dublin TMA
2012 environment including Point Merge and CDAs;
an initial real-time simulation conducted at the Rome ACC in 2008 and
focusing on the TMA, followed by larger scale simulations involving ACC
sectors and arrival manager, conducted at ENAV premises in 2009.

2.2 Section 2
This section defines the considered operational context in terms of airspace and control
phases, as well as air traffic control tasks

Operational context

Airspace and control phases

The procedures described in this report are concerned with the arrival phase of flights,
typically starting when aircraft leave their cruise level in En-Route having reached
their Top of Descent (TOD), and ending when aircraft reach the FAF or are transferred
to the Tower.

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This phase mainly relates to Terminal Airspace and includes the Terminal Manoeuvring
Area (TMA), and Approach control. Although it is a rather specific notion, an Extended
Terminal Area (E-TMA) may also be introduced to handle high-density managed
airspace dealing with traffic inbound to one or several major airport(s).
E-TMA could be considered as a transition between En-Route and TMA sectors,
generally corresponding to delegated airspace from En-Route and covering the control
phase of flights that are already in descent or about to start descent, leaving the EnRoute network but have not entered the TMA yet.
Consequently, for the purpose of this report, as depicted in Figure 16 below, and
although the TMA formally encompasses the Approach, we will consider for arrivals in
terminal airspace the succession of E-TMA, TMA and inside TMA, the Approach:

E-TMA/TMA, including ACC terminal interface sector(s) and/or possibly

TMA sector(s), typically between the TOD and the IAF;
Approach airspace / Approach control phase, corresponding to Approach
(APP) arrival sectors, typically between the IAF and the FAF or transfer to
the Tower.

Figure 16: Control phases and sectors for the arrival phase of flight
Note: in practice, depending on the local organisation:

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TMA sector controllers, when TMA sectors exist, may actually be either
co-located with ACC terminal sector controllers, i.e. within an ACC, or colocated with APP sector controllers;
The IAF, and associated holding stacks when defined, may be within the
area of responsibility of a TMA sector, or (as depicted above) of an APP
E-TMA, when defined/applicable, corresponds to ACC Terminal
Interface sectors depicted above.

2.3 Section 3
This section gives an overview of the current procedures (vectoring and P-RNAV)

Current procedures

Conventional operating methods

The progressive merging of arrival flows into a runway sequence is often performed in
current day operations through the use of open-loop vectoring when path
stretching/shortening is required. In case of high traffic, air traffic controllers typically
issue a large number of heading, speed and FL/Altitude tactical instructions. This
method is highly flexible; however it results in high workload both for flight crews and
controllers, and in an intensive use of the R/T.
Indeed, it generally requires numerous actions to deviate aircraft from their most direct
route for path stretching and later put them back towards a waypoint(e.g. the IAF) or
the runway axis for integration.
Additionally, it is not efficient for the flight crew or the operation of the aircraft
(especially as regards vertical profiles): with open-loop vectors, flight crews situation
awareness is poor, while some FMS functions become unavailable (such as maintaining
the distance to go). The use of open-loop vectors also causes inefficiency in the ground
system: ground-based tools involving trajectory prediction (e.g. conflict detection tools,
AMAN) cannot be updated appropriately since the time when/location where aircraft
will resume their normal navigation is not known.
In case an AMAN is used, the sequence manager may not be fully aware of other
controllers intentions when they are vectoring aircraft. In E-TMA/TMA sectors, where
a route structure is generally defined, controllers give speed and/or heading/direct-to
instructions as needed to separate and/or meter (pre-regulate) arrivals towards TMA
entry points or IAFs.
Holding stacks may be used, subject to local practices, when the TMA capacity is
exceeded at peak times, or more systematically to maintain the pressure at the
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runway. In the Approach phase (i.e. generally after passing the IAF), in the absence of a
route structure, controllers further vector the aircraft to fine tune the arrival sequence
and integrate traffic flows from different IAFs to the runway axis.
In dense and/or complex environments, controllers tend to follow a strategy giving
themselves more time and margins to implement and fine tuning the sequence. This
often results in aircraft flying low and slow. In addition, the lack of a 2D structure
generally leads to a tactical management of conflicts with other flows, inducing
intermediate level offs.

Advanced procedures and tools

RNAV arrival procedures

Today, Precision Area Navigation (P-RNAV) arrival procedures have been defined in
the vicinity of some European airports, aiming at airspace capacity, workload,
efficiency, predictability and/or environment-related benefits. These procedures have
been designed with the goal of replacing open-loop vectors in Approach for arrivals,
and allowing revisiting associated working methods.
However, it shall be remarked that maximum benefits in all of these areas cannot
generally be achieved through a single procedure, and trade-offs may have to be
considered, or focus put on certain Key Performance Areas (KPAs), according to local
For instance, RNAV procedures providing the most direct routes to final have been
defined e.g. in Stockholm to support flight-efficient descents (see continuous descents
below). However these procedures are not meant to provide capacity and are generally
used only in low traffic density.
On the other hand, in order to integrate arrival flows in dense traffic situations,
trombone shaped RNAV transitions have been in use in Mnich or Frankfurt for a
significant period of time now. These procedures roughly replicate typical vectoring
patterns. They include a set of regularly spaced waypoints defined in the downwind
and final approach segments, aiming at supporting path stretching/shortening through
route changes, while normally keeping the aircraft on lateral navigation.
This design has proved an effective way of systemising the traffic flows to the runways.
It results in a significant path stretching capability to the extent of available airspace.
However, such RNAV procedures are generally fully applied only under low to
medium traffic loads; according to EUROCONTROL Guidance Material for the Design
of Terminal Procedures for Area Navigation (DME/DME, B-GNSS, Baro-VNAV &
RNP-RNAV), Ed. 3.0, March 2003
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The main disadvantage of RNAV procedures is that they reduce the flexibility that
radar vectoring affords the controller and experience has shown that, without the help of
a very advanced arrival manager, controllers tend to revert to radar vectoring during the
peak periods.
Further, according to TMA2010+,
In recent times, Precision Area Navigation (P-RNAV) applications in the terminal area
have not realised all the anticipated benefits of reduced cost, improved environment and
increased capacity. PRNAV procedures can be integrated with conventional procedures
and can bring environmental, financial and operational benefits in light and medium
traffic loads. However, at high traffic loads, the controllers inevitably revert to radar
vectoring in order to maximise capacity.
The reasons for these limitations are that:

The discontinuity of lateral alterations of trajectories through pre-defined tactical

waypoints does not enable controllers to easily 'fine-tune' spacing between
successive aircraft. This is especially the case during periods of high traffic load,
where it is common practice for controllers to use radar vectoring techniques
between downwind and final to ensure runway throughput is optimised by
reducing spacing between aircraft to the extent possible.

Route changes with a large set of available waypoints may require lengthy
manipulation in the cockpit, possibly resulting in a long reaction time when a route
change is instructed, and risk of confusion/errors.

Finally, whilst trombone shaped RNAV transitions may simultaneously offer a large
path stretching capability and allow maintaining runway pressure and offer high
flexibility in filling the gaps in the sequence (e.g. in case of go-around), such flexibility
requires anticipating on path shortening, hence early descents, and non-optimal vertical
Again, the notion of a trade-off between some KPAs, as opposed to maximum benefits
in every KPAs, has to be considered.
2.3.3 Continuous descent
Regarding vertical profiles, currently Continuous Descent Approach procedures (CDA)
are used in some European TMAs and consist in:

Either the use of dedicated RNAV procedures (STAR-based CDA)

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generally only possible in low traffic density situations, e.g. at night;

Or the tactical provision of distance to go (DTG) information by ATC in a

vectoring environment (Radar-based CDA), often from lower altitudes e.g.
from about 6000ft in London Heathrow, with partial benefits

Arrival management (AMAN)

What is AMAN?

AMAN is an automated application that supports Air Traffic Control flight data
operations for En-route (ACC), Approach (APP) and Tower (TWR) control functions.
Furthermore, AMAN provides a plan for runway use set by tower controllers, which
can be used as input to mixed mode runway planning and take off sequences, or as
demand input for gate and stand planning by the airport.
AMAN determines the demand of the runway (s) and determines an optimized
sequence for each runway based on the airspace configuration, actual location and
flight plan of each aircraft. Once the sequence plan is known, advisories to achieve the
sequence are presented to the controllers to execute the sequence plan.
In a number of busy European TMAs, Arrival Management tools (AMAN) have been
deployed to support the planning and building of the arrival sequence(s). Due to
uncertainties on aircraft trajectories (including the case of short haul flights), and
sometimes airspace boundaries issues, these tools are offering at best an operational
horizon in the range of 35 minutes before touchdown.
However in some of the busiest TMAs (e.g. Paris or Frankfurt), the use of an AMAN
has proven useful to support the sequence optimisation and implementation, including
traffic pre-sequencing (metering towards the IAFs) through coordination between the
ACC and the Approach.
As an conclusion there is obviously a trade-off between flexibility and predictability
regarding procedures for arrival flows integration. Current vectoring procedures offer
high flexibility, but on the other hand, predictability is low and the corresponding tasks
are quite demanding for air traffic controllers and for the aircrew.
Another, trade-off between the individual flight efficiency (especially regarding the
possibility to fly the best individual vertical profile involving e.g. a continuous descent)
and overall system capacity. With open-loop vectors, there are some overlaps in task
allocation between controllers regarding the sequence building and maintenance.

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Depending on local practices, controllers in successive Terminal and Approach sectors

can all make decisions on sequence order. They work in a highly co-operative manner
to build the sequence order and achieve the proper spacing on final. This is done in a
progressive way, and plans can change quite late. Airspace permitting, there may
remain some freedom to amend the sequence order until aircraft turn to join the
runway axis.

2.4 Section 4
This section describes the Point Merge procedure through:

an overview of its principles and constituents i.e. route structure and operating
the main procedure design options and an analysis of their possible
the detailing of expected benefits, anticipated constraints and human factors;
the identification of essential requirements and recommendations, including

Point Merge System (PMS) Procedures

The new procedure, called Point Merge, is a P-RNAV application based on two
constituents intrinsically linked:

A specific route structure with an inherent converging geometry and an

embedded path stretching capability;
An associated systemised operating method enabling extensive use of RNAV
with a built-in continuous descent.

Route structure

The route structure supporting Point Merge is denoted Point Merge System (PMS). A
PMS may be defined as an RNAV STAR, transition or initial approach procedure, or a
portion thereof, and is characterised by the following features:

A single point denoted merge point, is used for traffic integration;

Pre-defined legs denoted sequencing legs, iso-distant and equidistant from
the merge point, are dedicated to path stretching/shortening for each inbound
flow. These legs shall be separated by design vertically, laterally or both.

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Iso-distant means that the distance to the merge point shall remain the same all along
a given leg. Strictly speaking, this would be achieved with an arc centred on the merge
Equidistant means that distinct legs shall be designed at the same distance from the
merge point.
In practice, PMS design may (and generally will) involve approximations in at least one
of these two design requirements, while still adequately supporting the operating
method. For instance, sequencing legs may be segmented to approximate iso-distance,
and a lateral distance may be introduced between two parallel sequencing legs,
resulting in approximate equidistance. Considering a simple configuration with two
inbound flows, Figure 17 below provides a typical example of a Point Merge system
with two sequencing legs that are:

Parallel (approximating the equidistance requirement with e.g. 2nm lateral

distance), of opposite directions and vertically separated;
Segmented, forming quasi-arcs centred on the merge point (approximating the
iso-distance requirement).

Figure 17: Example of a Point Merge system with two sequencing legs
The resulting envelope of possible paths towards the merge point is contained in a
triangle-shaped area.

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There are actually many other possible PMS design options, as depicted in 2.4.5,
however the single merge point and iso-distance/equidistance property of sequencing
legs to the merge point are key and invariant aspects of the procedure.

Operating method

The Point Merge operating method aims at integrating inbound flows, using a PMS
route structure, and comprises two main phases:

Create the spacing through:

path stretching without ATC intervention by leaving aircraft fly
along the sequencing leg, followed by
a direct-to instruction to the merge point, issued when the
appropriate spacing is reached with the preceding aircraft in the
Maintain the spacing through speed control after leaving the legs.

The normal procedure only involves one ATC lateral intervention i.e. the direct-to
instruction. As this is a closed loop intervention, aircraft remain under lateral guidance
by the FMS all along the procedure. This direct-to instruction is key to the operation
of Point Merge as it creates both the sequence order and the initial longitudinal interaircraft spacing in the sequence. This property makes it also pivotal when considering
how Point Merge relates to phases in sequence management.
Nevertheless, alternate procedures in the frame of Point Merge may involve the use of
open-loop vectors e.g. for non-equipped aircraft or to deal with unexpected events. The
normal procedure also only involves one ATC vertical intervention i.e. a descent
clearance that may be given after the direct-to, when clear of traffic on the other leg(s).
Subject to design options, this may happen at different stages in the procedure. The
descent profile can be optimised accordingly, at least from the sequencing legs
altitude/level, in the form of a Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) as the distance
to go is known by the FMS. Figure 18 below shows the main steps in the Point Merge
operating method (the detailed operating method is provided in Section 5).

Figure 18: Main steps in Point Merge operating method

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Thanks to the iso/equidistance property in the route structure, during the path
stretching phase the controller can easily and intuitively assess the spacing with the
preceding aircraft in the sequence (already on course to the merge point), and therefore
determine with sufficient accuracy the appropriate moment to issue the direct-to
instruction, without requiring the support of any new ground tool.
Importantly, as stated above, this remains possible even with approximation in
equidistance; it is actually the case in the example shown here, where sequencing legs
are designed 2NM apart.

Main design options and possible combinations

Identification of main options

As stated in above, the sequencing legs shall be separated in at least one dimension:
laterally or vertically. The same dimension may be used all along the legs or a
combination of both (e.g. lateral separation in some parts, vertical in others).
Non laterally-separated legs are assumed to be parallel and of same shape (i.e.
approximating arcs of circles in the same way), due to iso-distance/equidistance
requirements and for the sake of simple/intuitive working method. Vertical separation
between legs can be achieved through either levelling off or a constrained descent.
Consequently, the three main options are (Figure 19):

parallel legs with full overlap, with level off (constrained descent all along the
legs may also be possible);
parallel legs with partial overlap, with constrained descent for the overlapping
part(level off is also possible);
non parallel legs with no overlap(dissociated), with an unconstrained descent
(however a vertical separation may be required between the ends of legs in case
of leg run-off, subject to further safety assessment).

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Figure 19: Options: lateral and vertical design of sequencing legs

Considering the three steps of the operating method (before, during and after merging),
the three main options only apply to the first step (before, i.e. create spacing through
path stretching along the legs) and do not affect the other two. Indeed, the direct-to
instruction has an invariant and pivotal role in Point Merge as it triggers the actual
merging of flows. Subsequent spacing maintenance through speed control is also
Regarding entry conditions, traffic may not be pre-sequenced and in particular not
longitudinally separated. In case of level-off, this may be catered for by the use of
multiple level(s)/altitude(s) on the leg(s), typically two or three. In order to further
facilitate adherence to entry conditions (traffic de-confliction and descent), the
controller may tactically send aircraft to intermediate points on the legs. For instance,
within a given inbound flow, the controller would alternatively give to some aircraft a
direct to the second or third point of the leg.
2.4.5 Combination of Point Merge systems

Single or multiple Point Merge system(s)

Considering the integration of a number of arrival flows through multiple entry points
(typically more than three), it may be envisaged to combine multiple Point Merge
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systems, i.e. each with one merge point, but all having a common exit point. Figures 20
below illustrates a possible route structure involving two Point Merge systems in a
different symmetrical configuration, supporting the integration of four arrival flows to a
single runway.

Figure 20: Multiple Point Merge systems with different symmetrical configuration
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Successive Point Merge systems

Due to the progressive nature of the integration of arrival flows, it may be envisaged to
design successive Point Merge systems in the route structure. These could reflect
specific constraints in the Approach, or a use of the Point Merge technique with a split
between E-TMA/TMA and Approach, as illustrated in Figure 21 below. Note however
that such configurations have not been tested and thus are not considered mature yet.
In particular, the implications in terms of metering constraints at the exit of upstream
systems (i.e. taking account of other flows), as well as spacing criterion to trigger the
Direct To, would need to be assessed.

Figure 21: Example: options for successive Point Merge systems


Departures in a Point Merge environment

The design of departure routes in a Point Merge environment for arrivals shall follow
the same principles as per EUROCONTROL Airspace Planning Manual Volume 2, in
particular regarding the strategic separation of routes. Due consideration shall be taken
of aircraft climbing performances in the departure phase. For instance, depending on
the distance between the downwind arrival legs and the runway axis, departure flows
may pass above or below these legs.
This could in turn impact on the possibility to combine continuous climb departures on
the one hand, and CDAs from prior to the entry of sequencing legs on the other hand.
Figure 22 below provides an example of RNAV SIDs in a configuration with 4 IAFs, 1
runway. As is already the case today, subject to local practices/conditions, some
flexibility in the management of departures may be introduced by either letting aircraft
follow the entire SID, or shortening their path by instructing a Direct to the exit point.
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Figure 22: Example: departure routes


Expected benefits

Benefit mechanisms

High level benefits and constraints mechanisms can be directly inferred from the
possible variations in Point Merge route structure design parameters:

Capacity: linked to the dimensioning of the route structure i.e. the length of
sequencing legs (directly related to delay absorption capacity through path
stretching), and the distance between the legs and the merge point (considered
jointly these two parameters influence the maximum number of aircraft in the
system at any given time);

Fuel efficiency and environmental impact: linked to the distance between the
sequencing legs and the merge point, along with the vertical dimensions of the
route structure. These parameters relate to the ability to fly continuous descent
approaches; in addition, the overall dimensioning of a Point Merge system is
directly related to the containment of trajectories dispersion;

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Predictability: reflected by the ratio between the distance from the sequencing
legs to the merge point, and the length of legs (the latter represents the maximum
uncertainty in actual trajectory flown under nominal conditions).

Enabling the maintenance of FMS lateral navigation, with continuous descents from the
legs, even in high traffic density, has the following consequences:

Level off or less optimum descent along the sequencing legs;

Path stretching capability and runway pressure not simultaneously maximised.

Subject to local constraints, the flexibility offered in the adjustment of Point Merge
design parameters is expected to enable achieving performance trade-offs according to
specific operational objectives.
More generally, it shall be kept in mind that maximum benefits in all Key Performance
Areas are generally not obtained simultaneously through a single P-RNAV procedure.
The Point Merge route structure itself actually exhibits direct links with KPAs, and
related trade-offs.

Point Merge expected benefits

Point Merge inherits from general P-RNAV improvements, and is also expected to
bring the following specific benefits:

Maintain current runway throughput, during longer periods and with high
accuracy (i.e. making full use of available runway capacity at main airports
during peak periods) with the potential to match future runway capacity
Maintain, or possibly increase terminal airspace capacity (through a reduction in
controllers workload and in radio-telephony channel occupancy);
Improve flight efficiency and predictability (through extensive RNAV
application and use of FMS lateral guidance even in high traffic);
Minimise the environmental impact or optimise it in respect of defined target
levels (by enabling more systematic implementation of continuous descents and
containing 2D footprint);
Address staffing and qualification (with standardised and streamlined controller
working methods);
Improve safety (through all of the above).

Point Merge is actually expected to enable a trade-off between these individual

improvements, accounting for local constraints.
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Point Merge aims at optimising the use of airspace for the integration of flows in busy
traffic situations, in terms of capacity, predictability and environmental aspects, but also
where possible in terms of track miles flown. All other things being equal, itis indeed
not expected that Point Merge would result in longer distances or larger time flown
than with current procedures.
2.4.8 Example: Benefits and Limits of Point Merge defined through the
The 7thUSA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007
performed some series of small-scale experiments through simulation to investigate the
new working method (Point Merge System) and to perform an initial assessment of its
benefits and limits.

Simulated environment

The simulated airspace consisted of a TMA with two entry points (IAFs) and a single
landing runway. The TMA had two arrival positions (frequencies): approach controller
(APC) and final director (FIN). The APC handled the traffic received from en-route
arrival sectors (e.g. via IAF) and then transferred it to the FIN. Today, he/she is
typically in charge of stack management and initial vectoring to delay traffic or create
gaps between flows. This position is often referred to as pick-up or in the US as
feeder. The FIN handled the traffic received from APC and then transferred it to the
tower. Today, he/she is typically in charge of integration onto final approach and axis
interception. This position is often referred to as feeder or in the US as final.
The third controller was acting as a planning controller for the APC. For the baseline,
the TMA had a radar vectoring area with two initial magnetic routes (after MOTAR and
SIMON) as shown in Figure 23, on the left. For point merge, the TMA had two parallel
sequencing legs (SIMON-TOLAD and MOTAR-NADOR) and a merge point (LOTAM)
as shown in Figure 23, on the right. The legs were vertically separated by 2000ft to
provide a spare level in case of unexpected event. The flight level constraints at IAFs
were identical in both conditions.
Although no departure traffic was simulated, an altitude constraint was applied (FL100
at SIMON) in both conditions to strategically segregate arrivals on the downwind leg
from departures to the South. Traffic samples with 40 arrivals per hour (including 20%
of heavy aircraft) were used. Each team of controllers played the same traffic in both
conditions. A complete phraseology was used including announcement of ILS,
indication of atmospheric pressure value (QNH). The analysis period was 45 minutes
from the first aircraft reaching the FAF.

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Figure 23: Simulated terminal area


The main results are presented in five parts:

Human factors,
Controller activity,
Quality of service and

Human factors

In the baseline, the APC prepared the sequence which was then achieved by the FIN.
The FIN had to issue many time critical instructions (heading and speed) to sequence
the aircraft close to the ILS and to the sector boundary (in the real environment, there is
another airport located North). The workload was reported as high. With point merge,
the working method was found totally feasible and not more difficult than todays
method. Even under strong wind conditions (35kt on the ground, 50kt at FL100, parallel
or perpendicular to the sequencing legs), it was found not more difficult than today
with similar wind.
The method is however considered as less flexible than todays method: the sequence
order has to be decided earlier and, when the integration is performed (i.e. when on
direct course to the merge point), only speed adjustments should be used to maintain
the sequence. Controllers reported a reduction of workload especially for FIN), fewer
messages than today and no saturation in spite of a complete phraseology. The working
method allows a clear and better tasks distribution between APC and FIN. Compared to
the baseline, the workload were better distributed between both positions and provided
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more availability, hence better anticipation and monitoring. With point merge, the task
of the APC essentially consisted in achieving homogeneous speeds when aircraft join
the sequencing legs (e.g.220kt), refining the sequence order (proposed by the planning
controller), handling the integration with a direct route to LOMAN (with the support of
concentric circles displayed on the radar screen to estimate the spacing), and
transferring the aircraft to the FIN. The task of the FIN consisted in giving the descent
while maintaining spacing with speed instructions, and transferring the aircraft to the
tower once established on ILS.
Typical situations are shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24: Typical situations

In the baseline, because the aircraft were flying on various headings, the speed vectors
were not displayed as not really useful and cluttering the radar screen. In contrast, with
point merge, the speed vectors were helpful to monitor the spacing for aircraft on the
same leg as well as when converging to the merge point, and did not cluttered the
display as the route structure induced an orderly traffic. The concentric circles were
centred on the airport in the baseline, and on the merge point with point merge.

Controller activity

The controller sequencing activity was assessed essentially through the analysis of
manoeuvre instructions. With point merge, a decrease in the number of instructions
can be observed (Figure 25), more important for FIN than for APC (respectively 57%
and 29%). This is in line with controller feedback.
For the APC, the reduction came from a drastic reduction in number of level
instructions. In the baseline, the APC sometimes gave an intermediate level to facilitate
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integration by the FIN. This was no longer necessary with point merge as the
integration was performed by the APC at redefined flight levels.
For FIN, the reduction is due to a reduction of level instructions (no need to give
intermediate flight levels to provide separation) and almost the disappearing of heading
instructions (aircraft were already on direct course to the merge point).

Figure 25: Repartition of manoeuvre instructions

The analysis of the frequency occupancy is consistent with the analysis of the number of
instructions and with controller feedback. It confirms the reduction for APC and FIN
(more important for FIN) with point merge. It also confirms the better task distribution
between APC and FIN (Figure 26). Whereas the frequency occupancy was similar for
APC and FIN with point merge (approximately 45%), FIN had a higher occupancy
than APC in the baseline (80% compared to 50%).
The analysis of the geographical distribution of manoeuvre instructions provides an
objective assessment of the impact of the condition on the sequencing activity (Figure
27). In the baseline, the majority of the instructions were given in the second part of the
TMA near the ILS (from 30 to 10NM to the FAF). This reflects the late integration
performed on the axis by the FIN.
The speed and heading instructions given in the first part of the TMA (from entry until
approximately 45/40NM) correspond to the preparation of the integration by the APC.
In contrast, with point merge, the task repartition was clearly defined and can be
inferred from the type of instructions used: the APC performs an early integration with
direct-to instructions at around 35/40NM to the FAF. Then, from 25NM until transfer to
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the tower, the FIN was giving the descent and maintaining spacing with speed

Figure 26: Frequency occupancy

Figure 27: Geographical distribution of manoeuvre instructions

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The effectiveness was assessed in terms of inter-aircraft spacing. The objective was to
achieve 4.5NM at final approach fix between aircraft at 180kt (or 6NM for a medium
behind a heavy). The spacing accuracy was similar in both conditions when looking at
average and standard deviations as shown in Figure 28 (for a required spacing of 6NM,
the value was normalised at 4.5NM). Minimum values revealed some tight situations in
the baseline that might have resulted in a go-around.

Quality of service

According to previous results, point merge provided a global reduction of the number
of instructions. We analysed the number of instructions per aircraft to assess whether
the reduction was equally shared among the aircraft.
Whereas the first result corresponds to a controller perspective, this one corresponds to
a pilot perspective. A reduction can be observed (Figure 29): on average, every aircraft
received more than 10 instructions in the baseline, compared to slightly less than 6
instructions with point merge. Moreover, the larger standard deviation observed in
the baseline shows that some aircraft received more than 12 instructions in the TMA.
In the baseline, each aircraft received on average three heading, three speed and three
level instructions. With point merge, each aircraft still received three speed
instructions, but only one level instruction (4000ft) and exactly one direct-to instruction.

Figure 28: Inter-aircraft spacing

Figure 29: Instructions per aircraft at final

approach fix

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As anticipated, the analysis of trajectories shows a clear impact of the condition (Figure
30). In the baseline, the dispersion area is close to the ILS and to the adjacent sector.
With point merge, the dispersion is contained within a pre-defined triangle located
upstream of the ILS. Although the flown trajectories are completely different in both
conditions, distance and time flown are very similar: aircraft flew 70NM during 18
minutes on average in the TMA.
The analysis of descent profiles shows an impact of the condition (Figure 31). With
point merge, aircraft remained slightly higher in the final part, when leaving the legs
at about 25NM until FAF. This is due to a better predictability of aircraft trajectories
(same distance to go when leaving the legs) and an increased availability of the FIN to
give the descent at appropriate time. Knowing the distance to go would give the
opportunity to the flight crew to better manage his/her descent, which should benefit
to environment (noise and fuel consumption). Furthermore, controllers mentioned that
the route structure could be improved with higher altitudes on the legs. The routes have
been redesigned to optimize both climb and descent profiles, which would allow
aircraft to perform a continuous descent from FL100 or FL120 until the ILS. This was
explored during subsequent experiments.

Figure 30: Example of the trajectories flown

Figure 31: Descent profiles

Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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The overall feeling on safety was an improvement in particular by providing more

anticipation, decreasing workload and reducing the risks of misunderstanding (less
communications). The dispersion of trajectories was more structured, which should
contribute to safety in reducing the number of potential conflict and de-cluttering the
approach area. From a controller perspective, this should contribute to improve
situation awareness, better predictability of aircraft path, better monitoring.
From a pilot perspective, as aircraft remain on lateral navigation, situation awareness
should also be improved. The analysis of number of losses of separation shows that out
of the 264 aircraft controlled, the two losses of separation occurred in the baseline.


The initial assessment of the benefits and limits of the proposed method is very
positive. The method was found comfortable, safe and accurate, even under high traffic
load, although less flexible than today with heading instructions. From a controller
perspective, compared to today, it provided a reduction of workload and
communications, more predictability and anticipation, a clear and better tasks
repartition between controllers. Under strong wind conditions, the method was found
totally feasible and not more difficult than today with similar wind.
From a pilot perspective, in addition to the reduction of communications, aircraft
remained on lateral navigation as heading instructions were no longer used. Even
under high traffic load, the inter-aircraft spacing on final was as accurate as today
(runway throughput maintained), while descent profiles were improved with a
potential for continuous descent from FL100. The flow of traffic was more orderly with
a contained and predefined dispersion of trajectories.
All these elements should contribute to improving safety. Except P-RNAV capabilities,
no specific airborne functions or ground tools are required. The benefit airborne spacing
brings compared to the sole of the route structure is a more accurate inter-aircraft
spacing on final, which could lead to an increase of runway throughput. A secondary
benefit is a further reduction of controller workload, to be balanced with the
introduction of a new task for the flight crew.
The method and the associated route structure could not only be seen as a preliminary
step to prepare the implementation of airborne spacing, but also as a transition towards
an extensive use of P-RNAV, and as a sound foundation to support further
developments such as continuous descent (CDA) and target time of arrival (4D).

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Essential requirements and recommendations

Further to this report essential requirements and recommendations for Point Merge will
be provided, that are related to the core principles and high level description of the
procedure, and applicable to the main design options (identified in 2.4.4 above).

Separation between sequencing legs

1. As a general rule, the design of the route structure shall enable segregation between
arrivals from different flows (in addition to strategic de-confliction between arrivals
and departures), before the sequence is built. In particular, sequencing legs shall be
appropriately separated in the lateral and/or vertical planes.
2. In case of parallel sequencing legs, due consideration shall be given to the following
aspects regarding their lateral separation:
- they shall not be located too far apart in the horizontal plane, so as to comply
with the requirement to be approximately at the same distance from the
merge point, and thus gain some precision on inter-aircraft spacing when
applying the procedure. From this perspective, it is recommended to avoid using
a large lateral distance between parallel legs (e.g. equal to, or larger than the
required separation);
- on the other hand, the legs should not be designed too close to each other in
order to avoid display cluttering on the controllers radar screen.
Therefore a trade-off has to be found, e.g. sequencing legs 2nm apart (which,
assuming a 3nm separation standard for instance, also requires the sequencing legs
to be vertically separated as stated above).
3. Regarding vertical separation between the sequencing legs, due consideration shall
be given to the following aspects:
- differences in levels/altitudes used along the sequencing legs shall not be too
large; this is due to the need to keep aircraft at compatible speeds for sequence
building/maintenance, and in view of their descent for reaching the same
altitude at the merge point while ensuring longitudinal separation;
- parallel sequencing legs shall on the other hand be vertically separated e.g.
each assigned with a different published level/altitude (i.e. at least 1000ft apart),
or using appropriate vertical restrictions; consequently, again, in that case a
trade-off has to be found.
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2.4.10 Altitude restrictions

1. In order to ensure that there is no inadvertent descent while aircraft are flying along
the sequencing leg, the minimum altitude for the leg should be published as an at
or above altitude restriction (or an altitude window) at its last waypoint.
2. It is further recommended that an appropriate altitude restriction in the form of at
or above or vertical window is defined at the exit of the Point Merge system and/or
at its merge point. This will help to influence the vertical profile calculations once
the aircraft has been cleared inbound.
3. In case it is considered necessary to keep the aircraft at a specific level/altitude
when flying along the sequencing legs (e.g. parallel legs with levelling-off), then at
altitude restrictions should be defined for the start and end point of these legs.
Furthermore, if the parallel legs are of opposite direction, these published vertical
restrictions will probably be required in order to minimize ACAS alerts.
4. Safety recommendation: in case of parallel sequencing legs, in order to mitigate the
risk of an aircraft still being in descent whilst entering the sequencing leg (and
therefore allow some time for ATCO to detect a potential level bust), it is
recommended that the level restriction be published on a point ahead of the
sequencing leg, ensuring that the aircraft levels off prior to entry.
The figures below provide examples of published altitude restrictions for a Point Merge
system in Approach airspace, in case of close parallel sequencing legs with level-offs,
parallel legs with gentle descent, or dissociated sequencing legs. In this first example,
the aircraft are required to level off along the parallel sequencing legs so as to ensure
vertical separation. At vertical restrictions are published at the start and end points of
the legs.

Figure 32: Example: vertical restrictions in a Point Merge system (level off)
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In this second example, vertical restrictions are set on the parallel legs so that aircraft
from IAF1 will remain below aircraft from IAF2 while along the legs. In both cases
however, they may follow a gentle descent.
Such design may provide a seamless transition between:

situations where traffic load still enables to follow an efficient vertical path
(aircraft do not fly a long distance along the sequencing legs and do not need to
level off),
and situations where the traffic load is such that the need to achieve a safe and
efficient runway sequence does not allow anymore the systematic optimisation
of individual vertical profiles (aircraft fly longer distances along the legs and
reach a point where they may need to level off).

Figure 33: Example: vertical restrictions in a Point Merge system (gentle descent)
In this third example, legs are dissociated and aircraft from IAF1 and from IAF2 may
follow independently optimised vertical profiles. There is an uncertainty on the
distance to go until aircraft turn Direct To the merge point, at which time the aircrew
can adjust the rate of descent according to the actual remaining distance to touchdown.
Vertical restrictions may be published as pictured here at the first point of each leg
so as to ensure that aircraft turning immediately to the merge point will be able to
descend with a shorter DTG.

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Figure 34: Example: vertical restrictions in a Point Merge system (dissociated legs)

2.5 Section 5

Detailed operating method

As describe in section 4, Point Merge basically consists in combining an RNAV route,

and a closed-loop vector in the form of a direct-to instruction to the merge point. The
present section gives a more detailed description of the operating method. Two main
modes are considered for this purpose: normal and abnormal.
The normal mode(i.e. in the absence of failures) comprises:

A main flow for the nominal case, describing the core operating method and its
main options for equipped aircraft;
And alternative flows for specific variants, covering special/non-nominal cases
(still normal i.e. not involving any particular failure) such as non-equipped
aircraft, sequencing leg run-off or missed approach, and inducing alternative
sequences of actions.

The abnormal mode corresponds to exception handling or service failure cases, such as
loss of RNAV capability.
Based on the main options identified in 2.4.4 (with, or without levelling-off along the
sequencing legs, and use of a single or multiple level(s)/altitude(s) for each leg), the
main flow of the normal mode consists of the following cases:

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Table 5: Main variants in the operating method vs. Point Merge design options
For each of the cases in Table 5 above, the steps to be performed by ATC and flight crew
are detailed for a particular aircraft when it progresses from the entry to the exit of a
Point Merge system. In addition, a high level scenario is provided for the first case,
illustrating in a more dynamic way the application of the procedure to a sequence of
Finally, the alternative flows of the normal mode, as well as the abnormal mode,
because they may have a more limited impact on the route structure or operating
method, are defined in terms of differences with the main flow. When needed, specific
impact on the route structure requirements and/or on steps in the procedure are
complemented by fall back procedures that may be common to various alternative
flows and/or abnormal cases.
2.5.2 Normal mode Main flow

Operating method:

Table 6 below provides the high level description of the new operating method for an
equipped aircraft in the normal mode, in the form of successive steps to be
implemented as it progresses into the Point Merge system. It also provides a mapping
onto the high level tasks identified, i.e. planning, building and maintaining the
The description of the Point Merge operating method is valid here whether the
preceding aircraft in the sequence is equipped or not. This compatibility is made
possible by the fact that non equipped aircraft are expected to be vectored along the
normal Point Merge procedure. Some lower level tasks or sub-tasks are not explicitly
mentioned in Table 6, although they are expected to be implemented as today. In
particular, monitoring tasks involved in various steps are not detailed, and separation
assurance remains a controller task but aspects thereof that are not specific to
the Point Merge operation are not explicitly mentioned in Table 6.
Finally, diagrams in the last column in Table 6 are only provided for illustration
purpose. Although they represent a particular instance of a Point Merge system, they
are not meant to specifically favour its geometry.
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Table 6: Operating method: Equipped aircraft with level-off, and single level on the legs

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Scenario talk-through

This section provides an example dynamic scenario description of Point Merge

application to a sequence of aircraft, for separation purposes. The structure diagram
below represents a Point Merge system scenario with delivery of eastbound and
westbound metered traffic flows towards two parallel sequencing legs with entry
points (A & B) iso-distant from the merge point (M).

Diagram 1
In this scenario the sequencing legs are laterally separated by 2nm and opposite
direction flights are vertically separated, only one flight level/altitude being used on
each leg. Aircraft remain in level flight on the sequencing legs with the outer leg
nominally 1000ft below the inner leg. The range rings between the sequencing legs and
the merge point indicate 5NM intervals. Clearly, the technique described below will
have been used for preceding aircraft in the sequence, but for the purposes of this
scenario talk-through, the explanation will focus on the operational handling of the
Grey, Green, Gold and Blue aircraft.

Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Diagram 2
Diagram 2 shows a busy flow of traffic to the merge point with spacing based on WTC
criteria for a mixed sequence of (depicted by 2-engine) and Heavy (depicted by 4engine) aircraft. The air traffic controller checks the sequence order (e.g. as provided by
AMAN) and confirms that the Gold aircraft on the outer sequencing leg will follow the
Grey heavy jet on the inner sequencing leg. The Gold aircraft will be followed in
sequence by Green and Blue aircraft in turn. Appropriate speed control instructions to
ensure separation/spacing along the sequencing legs will be implemented if and when
In diagram 3, when the Grey heavy jet commences the turn to the merge point, the
controller determines when to issue the direct to merge point instruction to the Gold
aircraft to ensure that the required WTC spacing behind the preceding aircraft will be
achieved (although WTC spacing has to be achieved at a later stage at runway
threshold, spacing maintenance and refinement relies on speed control only. Therefore,
a spacing margin has to be included when issuing the direct-to instruction, accounting
for WTC criteria).

Diagram 4

Diagram 3
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In diagram 4, the controller issues the Turn left direct to merge point instruction to
the Gold aircraft using the range ring arcs to assess the appropriate WTC spacing from
the Grey aircraft. It is important to note that in cases (such as this) where descent
clearances are required following exit from the sequencing legs, particular
consideration should be given to ensure safe separation from traffic on parallel
sequencing legs.
The same techniques are repeated for the Green aircraft in diagram 5 and Blue aircraft
in diagram 6.

Diagram 6

Diagram 5

Diagram 7 shows the final appropriately constructed sequence with all aircraft
proceeding directly to the merge point with appropriate spacing.

Diagram 7

Impleementation of
o the Point Merge Systeem (PMS) at Prishtina In
nternational Airport (PIA
m Jashari J.S


Assocciated fall--back proceedures

This section detailss possible faall-back pro

ocedures co
ng to variou
us situation
ned above.

Usse of radar veectors

In orderr to recoverr from a vaariety of un

nexpected situations,
i may be necessary
o use
radar veectors for on
ne or more otherwise suitably eq
quipped aircraft in the sequence, for a
limited period
of tiime. The geeneral prin
nciple in thaat case is to
o avoid glob
bal reversio
on to
ng in so far as
a possible,, and follow
w two stepss:
1. p
put the conccerned aircrraft out of the
t sequencce and vecttor it/them
m by followiing a
parallel to the seq
quencing leg
g (i.e. using
g a virtual inner sequ
uencing leg));
2. when
opriate (i.e. when the required sp
pacing with
h the preceeding aircraaft in
he sequencce is reacheed), put it/
/them back
k into the sequence, by issuing
g the
Direct To in
nstructionss to the merrge point, hence
ming lateral navigation
ng this meth
hod allows the controlller to visuaally distinguish the prroblem airccraft
from thee other aircrraft in the sequence.
35, Fiigure 36 an
nd Figure 377 below sho
such an example affter blue aiircraft turn
ned too earlly towards the merge point,
green aircraft.

3 Use of veectors: aircraf

aft turns too
Figure 35

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Figure 36: Use of vectoors: aircraft is

vectoredd along a psseudo leg

Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Figure 37: Use of vectors: aircraft is put back into the sequence

Sequencing leg run-off

In case no Direct to merge point instruction is received when reaching the end of the
sequencing leg, flight crews shall follow the procedure depicted in Figure 38 below, i.e.
continue the route by automatically turning towards the merge point and maintaining
the level used along the legs (or descend according to published vertical restrictions).
This makes Point Merge a closed procedure.
ATC may then:
- clear the aircraft for the descent and adjust speed as described in diagrams 5 and
6 ; or
- delay descent and instruct the aircraft to maintain current level;
- optionally (may not be suitable to all environments) instruct the aircraft to hold
(e.g. just after the merge point), until it can be re-integrated in the sequence.
Similarly to the use of radar vectors to recover from unexpected situations, this
procedure also allows the controller to visually distinguish the problem aircraft from
the other aircraft in the sequence.

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Figure 38: Sequencing leg run-off procedure (fly-over)

As illustrated above, it is recommended using a fly-over waypoint as the final waypoint
on the sequencing leg, followed by a Computed track Direct to a Fix(DF) path
terminator to the merge point so as to enable keeping the aircraft on the leg up to this
final waypoint, providing the controller with unambiguous turning point and ensuring
maximum time to manage the traffic.
Safety recommendation:
1. In order to mitigate the risk for lateral deviation at sequencing leg run-off (too
early, too late, wrong waypoint), with e.g. potential for loss of separation or
adjacent airspace penetration, it is recommended to make the end of leg
waypoint a mandatory reporting point.
2. Alternative designs might be envisaged, such as using an additional fly-by
waypoint after the last point of the leg to ensure trajectory containment when
turning Direct to the merge point (Figure 39).

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Figure 39: Sequencing leg run-off procedure (fly-by)

Radio failure

The sequencing leg run-off procedure shall be the basis for radio failure procedure for
equipped aircraft. The radio failure procedure should in addition contain some
guidance for the descent (e.g. in the form of level restrictions embedded in the
procedure). The recommended use of a fly-over waypoint as final waypoint of the
sequencing leg will also provide the controller with an unambiguous turning point in
that case for lost comm aircraft while ensuring maximum time to manage the traffic.
For non-equipped aircraft, a radio failure procedure shall be defined relying on
conventional navigation aids, taking account of local constraints, while minimising
interferences with the aircraft following the P-RNAV procedure. This has to be defined
on a case-by-case basis.

Missed approach

This procedure is specific to the application of Point Merge in Approach.

Currently, missed approaches are designed as conventional procedures. In the case of
Point Merge, the missed approach may be conventional (for both non-equipped and
equipped aircraft), with radar vectoring to place the aircraft back into the arrival stream.
Alternatively, the operation may envisage the Point Merge system with lateral
navigation to be re-used following a missed approach (for equipped aircraft only), in
which case it should be recognised that it will be necessary to reload the arrival
procedure in the FMS.
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The following options can be envisaged for a missed approach procedure, providing an
easy reintegration in the Point Merge system; the choice will be motivated by local
operational or environmental constraints.
Option 1: the procedure brings the aircraft back to the IAF. This option has the
following drawbacks:
1. it may result in a long distance flown before re-integrating the approach
procedure however vectoring remains possible at any time for early reinsertion into the sequence (with appropriate co-ordination);
2. it might not be suitable in a high density environment (i.e. result in interactions
with other flows) or interact with a segregated area.

Figure 40: Missed approach, option 1: back to IAF

Option 2: the procedure brings the aircraft back to a point where the trajectory will
follow a pseudo-leg at the same distance as the standard one, partly eliminating the
drawbacks of option 1 above. The procedure would allow joining one sequencing leg or
the other (the level assigned for the missed approach will ensure vertical separation).
Re-integration into the sequence would be easier.

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Figure 41: Missed approach, option 2a: back to a pseudo-sequencing leg

However it may still require to use additional levels e.g. below the actual sequencing
legs which may induce some confusion. Alternatively, as a variant for option 2, and
actually the preferred option when feasible, it may be envisaged to join an inner
pseudo sequencing leg, i.e. parallel to the sequencing legs and inside those, resulting
in an even shorter procedure:

Figure 42: Missed approach, option 2b: back to an inner pseudo-sequencing leg
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Option 3: the missed approach procedure design options 1, 2 and 3 depicted here above
involve creating a gap in the sequence, hence penalising other flights especially under
high traffic load.
To circumvent this issue, another option may be envisaged: using a discrete holding
area, so as to re-insert aircraft in the sequence when possible after a go-around, while
minimising the penalty on other flights.

Figure 43: Missed approach, option 3: discrete holding


The Point Merge procedure is reducing the need for hold, but may not replace it.
Holding stacks should be established prior to the sequencing legs to cater for e.g. traffic
peaks beyond upstream traffic metering capability, missed approaches and LVP
operations. Where possible, the holds should be positioned to:

feed the aircraft onto the sequencing legs (e.g. having the lowest level of the
holding identical to the sequencing leg entry level or 1000 above), and
when needed, allow ATC to vector an aircraft reaching the end of the opposite
direction leg directly to the hold, in the event of a temporary runway closure, for

Note: There is currently no provision for specific holding criteria for P-RNAV
procedures, therefore holds may be designed either conventionally or RNAV.
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Figure 44 below provides an example of holding patterns designed prior to the

sequencing legs in order to accommodate either a situation where the inbound flows
temporarily exceed the Point Merge system capacity (left hand side diagram), or the
worst case where aircraft flying along the sequencing legs have to eventually hold as
well, due to a shortage in downstream resources (right hand side diagram e.g.
temporary runway closure).

Figure 44: Use of holding stacks according to operational context (example)

Low performance aircraft

In case the traffic includes low performance aircraft (e.g. slow aircraft / general
aviation), it may be necessary to define a specific procedure to integrate such aircraft in
the sequence (i.e. specific routes, or lower flying aircraft to be integrated later in the
sequence upon approaching the merge point). Low performance aircraft that are not PRNAV approved would then have to be vectored along the specific procedure.
Note: formally, this means that ATC could then have to deal with:
a) aircraft with standard performance, that are P-RNAV approved: follow the
nominal P-RNAV procedure;
b) aircraft with standard performance, that are not P-RNAV approved: vectors
along the nominal PRNAV procedure;
c) low performance aircraft, that are P-RNAV approved: follow the dedicated low
performance P-RNAV procedure;
d) low performance aircraft, that are not P-RNAV approved: vectors along the
dedicated low performance P-RNAV procedure;
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This may become a human factors issue in case of a significant proportion of low
performance and/or non P-RNAV approved aircraft. However, in practice, it is not
expected to be the case at main airports.


This section details the functional capability requirements for both air and ground.


Air-ground communications using radio-telephony will adequately support the

proposed procedure. Where air-ground data link will be deployed, it is not expected to
meet the time criticality requirements associated with the new procedure and/or
considered airspace, even as regards the transmission of such messages as route


Airborne capabilities shall at least include the following functions:


lateral navigation,
a Direct-to capability,
navigation database requirements (i.e. memory capacity on older aircraft may be

Moreover, it is expected that the (re-)design of route structures in terminal airspace, in

order to support the proposed procedure will require the definition of new points, with
sufficient design flexibility (e.g. for the merge point(s)). Such flexibility will generally
not be brought by relying on conventional navigation; area navigation (RNAV) will
thus be required. P-RNAV fits all these requirements with a +/- 1nm navigation
accuracy. At this stage it is not expected that additional airborne functions such as
aircrew alerting will be required (although in the future it may be possible to design
more efficient lateral or vertical profiles with the advent of PBN).
It is thus anticipated that in order to fly a Point Merge procedure, State regulators will
require P-RNAV approval, which includes:

airworthiness compliance statement, through e.g. TGL-10 compliance statement

by Original Equipment Manufacturer, for the aircraft type with delivered
navigation system;
navigation database integrity, in accordance with ED76;
compliance with operational requirements (procedures, crew training, etc..).
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Consequently an equipped aircraft in the frame of this report designates an aircraft

that is P-RNAV equipped and for which the operator has obtained P-RNAV
airworthiness and operational approval from the State Regulator.
Example 1: Cockpit standpoint in sequencing legs with level-off
The following pictures were taken during a simulation of a Point Merge procedure on a
B737 Full Flight Simulator. In this example, there is a levelling off constraint along the
sequencing leg, as it is part of a Point Merge system with two parallel legs.
Figure 45 shows the Point Merge procedure as displayed on the ND before the aircraft
enters the sequencing leg. The merge point is MERGO; the sequencing leg comprises
points DW011 to DW015, and is at FL070 (note the FL070 constraint displayed on

Figure 45: Cockpit view: example 1 before sequencing leg

Figure 46 shows the ND and PFD as the aircraft enters the sequencing leg, having
passed the first point (DW011), and is level at FL070.
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Figure 46: Cockpit view: example 1 entering the sequencing leg

Finally Figure 47 shows the ND display when the pilot inputs the Direct To MERGO,
having been instructed to do so by ATC shortly after passing DW022 on the sequencing

Figure 47: Cockpit view: example 1 Direct To input

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Example 2: Cockpit standpoint in sequencing leg without level-off

The following pictures were taken during a simulation of a Point Merge procedure on
an A330/340 Full Flight Simulator at Technische Universitt Berlin. In this example, the
sequencing legs are dissociated and aircraft can be in descent at all times. There is a
vertical restriction at the first point of the sequencing leg so as to ensure that even an
aircraft turning immediately to the merge point will be able to descend with a short
distance to go then.
Figure 48 shows the point Merge procedure as displayed on the ND and PFD before the
aircraft enters the sequencing leg. The merge point is CADDY2; the sequencing leg,
comprises points EC120 to EC122. A vertical restriction (FL120) and a speed restriction
(250kt) have been defined on the first point of the sequencing leg. The aircraft is about
to pass FL140in descent.

Figure 48: Cockpit view: example 2 before sequencing leg entry

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Figure 49 shows the ND and PFD as the aircraft flies along the sequencing leg at 220kts
IAS, passing an intermediate point, and FL114 in descent having already been cleared
to the ILS interception altitude (4000ft).

Figure 49: Cockpit view: example 2 along the sequencing leg


The proposed procedure will be supported by radar surveillance (classical secondary

surveillance, or Mode S elementary surveillance); no additional surveillance capabilities
are required.

Ground systems: controller support tools

As far as ground systems are concerned, the main enabler foreseen at this stage is a predefined set of range rings, or markings, displayed on the controllers working position,
e.g. centred on the merge point. Such markings could be part of the CWP video map,
and thus may not require new capabilities for the ground system.
A clear indication of aircraft RNAV equipage/capability will also be needed on the
controllers display, or on paper strips, based on flight plan data. (Note: this is already
provided for by the requirement for the insertion of the letter P in the FPL denoting
that a particular aircraft is P-RNAV approved.). However in practice, it is not expected
to be the case at main airports
Example 1: Ground Standpoint of four entry points, one runway
In this example, four entry points are feeding one runway using two Point Merge
systems (North and South) and two merge points before joining a common point.
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A lateral offset has been introduced between the two Point Merge systems; however the
whole system still has the required built-in symmetry (i.e. the distance to go is the same
from the northern legs or the southern legs) so that the controller can easily assess the
spacing between two successive flights that would be located indifferent Point Merge
systems, using the graphical markers on his/her display.
In this configuration, traffic was managed by an approach executive controller and a
final director, before hand-off to the Tower. Finally, it should be noted that the
sequencing legs are parallel with a levelling-off constraint, but a continuous descent is
already possible from the sequencing legs (i.e. ~FL100).

Figure 50: Controller display example 1: four entry points, one runway
Example 2: Ground Standpoint of four entry points, two runways
In this example, four entry points are feeding two independent parallel runways in
segregated mode. Each runway is associated with a Point Merge system comprising two
close parallel sequencing legs with a levelling-off constraint.

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The two merge points are NATAR and STELA. In this configuration, traffic in each
Point Merge system is managed by an approach controller and a final director, before
hand-off to the Tower. A continuous descent was already possible from the sequencing

Figure 51: Controller display example 2: four entry points, two runways

Aircraft perspective and published procedure

From an aircraft perspective, the FMS route associated with the supporting RNAV
procedure will:

only include one merge point;

correspond to the long route (for safety reasons e.g. in case of RT failure), that is
to say:
include the full length of the sequencing leg;
include a sequencing leg run-off procedure as described in Figure 12

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Example: AIP publication for Oslo/ Gardermoen (sample chart). It illustrates an

example with the publication of altitude and speed restrictions

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2.6 Section 6
This section provides links of Point Merge with future concept elements and traceability
to SESAR deliverables. As part of the EUROCONTROL Terminal Airspace
Improvements Programme, Point Merge is integrated into the SESAR (IP1) timeframe.
2.6.1 Link with future concept elements and traceability to SESAR

Link with future concept elements

The Point Merge method can also be considered as:


A transition towards extensive use of Performance Based Navigation capabilities

and 2D Trajectory Management;
A sound foundation to support further developments such as advanced
continuous descent approaches (3D) and constrained time of arrival (towards
A step towards the implementation of airborne spacing (ASAS).

In addition, Point Merge is expected to have the potential:


For matching future runway capacity increases

Towards 2D Trajectory Management and Advanced Continuous Descent
Towards 4D Trajectory Management
Towards Airborne Spacing applications

The SESAR deliverables below shows the relationship between points identified in
SESAR D1 (The Current Situation) and the Point Merge integration of arrival flows.

SESAR Definition Phase - Deliverable 2, The Performance Target

SESAR Definition Phase - Deliverable 3, The Target Concept
SESAR Definition Phase - Deliverable 4, The ATM Deployment Sequence
SESAR Definition Phase Deliverable 5, The SESAR Master Plan

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Chapter 3 Kosovo Airspace

This chapter describes the overall current Kosovo Airspace, future developments and
Reconfiguration of the Kosovo Airspace.

3.1 Analysis of the Kosovo Airspace


Global view of the Kosovo Upper Airspace

As stated in Chapter 1 of this report, Kosovo upper Airspace is currently closed for the
commercial air traffic. This situation can evolve in very near future, since it has been
temporarily delegated to the HUNGAROCONTROL Air Navigation Service Provider,
to provide services over Kosovo Airspace.
In order to perform real analysis of the Kosovo airspace the global approach shall be
taken. EUROCONTROL conducted an assessment on the re-opening of the Kosovo
upper airspace taking into account the the geographical situation of Kosovo and
existing route structure that were operational up to 1999.
The maps below show the current airspace structure over the Kosovo airspace, as as it
was agreed in the context of the EUROCONTROL Route Network Development SubGroup. On the first map (Figure 52) showing the upper airspace, the grey routes
indicate the routes that were published and suspended.

Figure 52: Upper Airspace Map

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Ono the second map (Figure 53), the segments LONTA DOLEV BEDAK of L608 and
MODRA MEDUX KOGAT of M867 are available today but only for NATO flights.

Figure 53: Lower Airspace

According this assessment re-opening of the Kosovo Airspace must be seen from two
Overflying traffic
Arrivals/departures to/from Pristina

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3.1.2 Overflying traffic

The map below indicates the main impact of the closure of Kosovo airspace for
overflying traffic:

Figure 54
The availability of the new routes will permit the shift of flows between NW/SE Europe
as indicated in the map. The current ATS route network is designed to exactly avoid the
airspace of Kosovo, the continuation of the routes being close to the optimum.
For SE Europe, the current route extension compared to the Great Circle is 3.2%. The reopening of the Kosovo airspace will bring this down to 3.14%. This must be compared
with the current route extension at European ATS route network level that is 3.46%. In
terms of benefits, it is expected that approximately 425 flights will benefit daily from the
opening of Kosovo airspace.
For these flights, the following daily savings are expected:
3400 NMs, i.e. 8 NMs/flight
23 tons of fuel
72 tons of CO2
Per traffic flows, the savings are as follows:
UK/Belgium/The Netherlands/Germany to Turkey approx. 10 NMs/flight
UK/Belgium/The Netherlands/Germany to Cyprus approx. 4 NMs/flight

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Cyprus/Greece/Turkey to UK/Belgium/The Netherlands/Germany approx.

10 NMs/flight

Arrivals/departures to/from Pristina

The map below indicates the main impact of the closure of Kosovo airspace for
commercial traffic arriving/departing to/from Pristina:

Figure 55
The availability of the new routes will permit more direct options for
arrivals/departures to/from Pristina, similar to the ones available today for military
traffic. The impact of then on-availability of the airspace is significant for these flights.
In terms of benefits, it is expected that approximately 28 flights will benefit daily from
the opening of Kosovo airspace. For these flights, the following daily savings are
3700 NMs, i.e. 132 NMs/flight
20 tons of fuel
65 tons of CO2
The savings for 28 flights will be higher than for the entire overflying traffic. Per traffic
flows, the savings are as follows:

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Flights to/from Croatia/Slovenia/Hungary/Austria approx. 200

Flights to/from other destinations in Western Europe approx. 100

The re-opening of these routes will allow a better balancing of the traffic flows in South
East Europe, hence decreasing ATC workload. This impact is quite significant. While
solutions for the ATS route network already exist, the issue of the provision of ATS has
been temporarily solved by temporary delegation of above mentioned airspace to the

3.2 Current airspace situation and route structure within Kosovo

Kosovo airspace is classified in accordance with the ICAO classes of airspace
classification as shown in the diagram below. The main airspace used by commercial
air traffic is classified as class D airspace.

5000 ft


Prishtina CTA

Prishtina CTR
Figure 56: Kosovo Current Airspace Classification

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ATM Provision

ATS Service

Air traffic services are provided for aircraft arriving and departing the aerodrome
within Pristina CTR/CTA and along SID/STAR. The following types of services are
Aerodrome Control Service provided by Tower Control (TWR) with a call
sign Pristina.
Approach Control Service provided by Approach Control (RADAR/APP)
with a call sign Pristina Approach.
Radar Control provided by Approach Control (APP).
Flight Information Service (FIS) and Alerting service (ALRS).
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS).

IFR/VFR aircraft flying outside Pristina CTR/CTA and SID/STAR are to remain in
VMC at all times and Pilots have to remember that they are responsible for terrain
clearance and avoiding other aircraft.

Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)

The Aeronautical Information Service in Kosovo ensures the flow of information

necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air navigation within
the area of its responsibility.
The aeronautical information is provided in the form of the Integrated Aeronautical
Information package consisting of the following elements:

Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).

Amendment service to the AIP (AIP AMDT).
Supplement to the AIP (AIP SUP).
NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB).
Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC).
Checklists and summaries.

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Figure 57: Area Chart of Kosovo (CTR, CTZ, etc)

ATS Airspace Classification

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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Approach Arrival / Departure


Pristina International Airport (PIA) is providing all Air Traffic Services for
aircraft arriving and departing the aerodrome, within the Pristina CTR/CTA,
and along SID/STAR.

Air Traffic Services are provided to general air traffic in accordance with ICAO
Annex 2 and 11, Doc 4444, applicable for aircraft (A/C) and with Doc 7030, and
Prishtina Manual of the Operations (MANOPS).

VFR/IFR aircraft flying outside Prishtina CTR/CTA and SID STAR are to
remain in VMC at all times and pilots are responsible for terrain clearance and
avoiding other aircrafts.

The communication failure procedure is in accordance with standard ICAO

Kosovo general operations:
In Kosovo, due to political and geographical reasons, only 2 corridorsare currently in
use for commercial air traffic. The southern route (in red) named XAXAN for arrivals
and SAXAN for departures. The northern routes are generally used by military only,
but as mentioned before it is expected that these routes will be open for commercial
traffic pending the reopening of Kosovo airspace.

Figure 58: SID and STAR to/from PIA

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Fig. 58 represents the current 2 commercial routes with entry/exit points SARAX and
XAXAN and 3 holding patterns as presented in Fig. 59.

Figure 59: Kosovo Lower Airspace Organization and Holding Patterns

New commercial route:
The existing military route (from the north) can be open to commercial route in coming
years and so, one can imagine an improvement of the traffic from north as presented in

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h 5: Influencce of a New Commercial
Route on thhe Aerial Traf
The app
proach and departure procedures
s for these routes
and for
f the existting ones arre
describeed in the pa
ages below.

Appproach Proccedures STA


The figu
ures bellow
w shows an example of
o arrival fo
or RWY 17 and RWY 35 to Prish
Airport from entry
y point of XA
As it can
n be seen frrom the figu
ures aircraffts intendin
ng to use RY
YW 17 for landing
ve to
fly aroun
nd 30 NM until
VOR/PRT then heading no
orth at arou
und 20 NM
M, make left turn
to joins ILS
I axis aro
ound 10 NM
M, and then
n another around
20 NM
N until to
ouchdown. The
g mileage for
f the trip
p made by the aircrafft from enttry point un
ntil landing
g (in
nominall conditionss), is approx
ximately arround 80 NM.
uation will be
b for the RWY
35. Due
D to high
h terrain on
n the
Approxiimately thee same situ
south most
of the aircraft neeed to perfo
orm procedu
ure sierra 355 (undergo a track racce to
lose the height) in
n order to achieve
quired altitude to land safety on
n RWY 35. The
actual caalculated mileage
for an
a aircraft is
i around 50 NM.

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Figure 60 STAR XAXAN 17a and 17 B

Figure 61 STAR XAXAN 35A and 35 B

The STARS presented below are not operational.

On the other hands, the figures below (Figure 62 and 63) show an example of arrival
route for RWY 17 and RWY 35 to Prishtina Airport from entry point of KUKES
(bordered with Albania).
Aircrafts intending to use RYW 17 for landing have to fly around 33 NM until
VOR/PRT, then heading north at around 20 NM, make left turn to joins ILS axis around
10 NM, and then another around 20 NM until touchdown. The resulting mileage for the
trip made by the aircraft from entry point until landing (in nominal conditions), is
approximately around 83 NM.

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Approximately the same situation will be for the RWY 35. Due to high terrain on the
south most of the aircraft need to perform a track race to lose the altitude in order to
achieve required altitude to land safety on RWY 35. The calculated mileage for an
aircraft is around 50 NM, without performing holding to lose altitude.

Figure 63: STAR KUKES 35 A

Figure 62: STAR KUKES 17 A

The figures below shows an example of arrival route for RWY 17 and RWY 35 to
Prishtina Airport from entry point MEDUX (bordered with Montenegro).
From the figures below aircrafts intending to use RYW 17 for landing have to fly
around 25 NM until 22.5 PRT, Radial 2810 PTR than make left turn to joins ILS axis
around 20 NM, and then another around 15 NM until touchdown. The resulting
mileage for the trip made by the aircraft from entry point until landing (in nominal
conditions), is approximately around 60 NM.
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Figure 65: STAR 35 MEDUX

Figure 64: STAR 17 MEDUX

Departure procedures SIDS:

The figures below shows an example of departure form RWY 17 and RWY 35 to exit
point of SARAX and XAXAN.
Note: XAXAN is arrival route; however, under ATC discretion it can be used also as a SID.
As it can be seen from the figures aircrafts intending to use RYW 17 for departure have
to fly around 30 NM until exit point SARAX heading south. For the aircraft taking off
from RWY 35, the actual calculated mileage is around 45 NM.

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Figure 67: SID SARAX 1B

Figure 66: SID SARAX 1A

3.3 Configuration of the Kosovo Airspace

As mentioned in the beginning of this Chapter, reopening of the Kosovo Airspace might
happen in near future, with HUNGAROONTROL (HC) temporary designated to
provide ATM services over Kosovo airspace. To this end, HC has submitted the
proposal on provision of the ATM Services, to NATO and the Republic of Kosovo. Their
proposal among other aspects provides a possible solution to reconfigure the Kosovo
airspace as per figure below.

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Figure 68: HC proposal for Kosovo airspace reorganisation

Description of the possible division levels

Thessaloniki is far enough to descend from above FL 285

Over flight traffic may require vertical separation and descend below FL 290
generating extra coordination and frequency change
For safety reason less coordination and less frequency changes are proposed
managing the traffic to Skopje if division level is FL 135

This proposal is quite general and needs to be explained further for the purpose of this
report. As we saw earlier in this chapter airspace classification and flight levels of the
Prishtina TMA are quite complex. The highest usable FL is 285 and no other division is
made, while classification of ICAO classes F and D are mostly used. To optimise the
current airspace, a proposal will be presented in this report regarding the Kosovo
airspace optimisation. This proposal will be further used as the basis for the
implementation of the PMS.

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This proposal is intended to tackle two aspects, airspace classification and TMA
optimisation by introducing the system of CORNERPOST, which is wildly used in the
US airports. An example of this system is shown in the figure below.

Figure 69: CORNERPOST principles


Benefits of this system

The benefits of the system are the following:

Dividing up of arrival and departure flows

Numerous independent routes for departures
Smooth strategically and balanced dividing up of traffic in airspace
Easier dynamic management of traffic flows, with traffic balance views

From the figure above, it can be noticed that arrivals are entering through the corners
(e.g.NE/SE/SW/NW corners for EW or NS RWY), while departures exit via the
sides (e.g.N/E/S/W sides EW or NS RWY).
This concept of operation for TMAs has been accepted after favourable simulations.
Also, the independ routes are based on the number of SIDs per each cardinal direction
adapted to the power of the flows, and the separation in altitude for jet aircraft and
propeller aircraft is more easily done.
While smooth strategically and balanced dividing up of traffic in airspace, allowing a
very good feeding and use of airspace is done by:
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Creation of En Route and Approach sectors having working airspaces adapted to

their functions.
A good traffic balance between various control sectors, for a safer and more
efficient management of traffic flows.

Dynamic management of traffic flows, with traffic balance views is also possible with
the system, in nearly all flight phases, starting form En-Route, Approach and
En-Route: If arrival flow coming through a corner post is very high, the up-stream En
Route centres can reroute part of the flights through another corner post.
Approach: In the Approach airspace, arrival balance to the various runways can be
done thanks to the entries serving the base legs.
Departure: Departure traffic balance on the runways is done via straight ahead flows.
3.3.2 Implementation of the CONRNERPOST and Kosovo airspace
Based on the system principles and description of the CONRNERPOST, the figure
below describes its potential implementation in Kosovo airspace. The CORNERPOST in
the figure is organized in such a way in order to cope with the traffic on the existing
arrivals and departure routes, with an altitude at FL 120, transitional altitude 10000.
It can be noticed that arrivals from northern part (Serbia and Montenegro), will enter
the TMA form the existing BLACE respectively DOLEV routes, while the arrivals from
southern part will enter TMA form XAXAN (Macedonia) and from KUKES (Albania) at
FL 120.
The departures will use SARAX route (Macedonia) in southern part, JAKOV (Albania)
and MEDUX (Montenegro) in western part and in northern part BLACE (Serbia) at FL
110, as per existing Minimum Vectoring Altitudes (MVA) Maps.

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Figure 70: CORNERPOST Implementation in Kosovo Airspace

The benefits will be that the arrivals and departures will be strategically separated due
to the fact that routes for arrival and departure are separated geographically and
vertically, thus making the possibility to divide traffic dependent on the RWY
As an example when RWY 17 is in use due to wind direction, all the traffic coming from
north and south will use the northern part of TMA to land on RWY 17 (opposite wind).
That means that, arrivals path from RWY 17 will not interfere with the departure path
since departures also will need to take off on the opposite direction of the wind.
Approximately same situation will be for RWY 35.

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Airspace classification

The current Kosovo airspace classification due to its mixed operation (military NATO
(KFOR) and civilian air traffic movements), is classified as class D and F mainly. With
the assumption made in the beginning of this chapter that Kosovo upper airspace is
going to be opened next year, it is an imperative to reclassify the whole airspace.
The figure below gives an overview of a potential option for Kosovo airspace
reclassification. The Kosovo airspace is generally divided into Upper and Lower
airspace as per EC regulation 551/2004, Organization and use of airspace in the Single
European Sky, at division level of FL 120.
However, due to complexity of the operations with military NATO (KFOR) movements,
and interaction of these activities with GJAKOVA AIRPORT (military) from ground up
to 5000 ft, the Kosovo airspace remains as ICAO Class D airspace, whereas from 5000 ft
up to FL 660 is classified as ICAO class C.
For the purpose of this report this airspace classification and configuration will be used.
FL 120

Prishtina TMA
5000 ft G


Prishtina CTR

Figure 71: Kosovo Airspace Classification

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

3.4 RNAV in Kosovo Airspace

Earlier in this report more specifically in Chapter 2, the Point Merge System, design and
requirements for its implementation were described. As depicted in this chapter, Point
Merge basically consists in combining an RNAV route, and a closed-loop vector in the
form of a direct-to instruction to the merge point.
In order to implement the PMS in Kosovo airspace, a careful look shall be given to the
RNAV aspect. However, the study on the RNAV over Kosovo airspace was performed
by a colleague of CAA in 2006-2007 academic year, on his internship work for
Advanced Master Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Satellite Application
for Aviation, in ENAC Toulouse. The report produced as a result of this internship
contains detailed explanation regarding the operational and technical infrastructure
necessary for the provision of RNAV capabilities within Kosovo Airspace. For the
purposes of this report a summary of the main conclusions regarding RNAV aspects
will be presented in this section.

ANSP considerations in Kosovo in regard to RNAV capabilities

This section will look into navigation aids, communications, surveillance equipment,
other documentary requirements, and ATCO training which will be needed for the
implementation of RNAV.

NAVAID Infrastructure

In Kosovo there is one Doppler VOR collocated with DME, situated at Prishtina airport
with coordinates (423421N; 0210153E) which were installed in year 2000. DVOR is Racal
DVOR Mk III with output Power of 50W/100W, whereas DME is Fernau Avionic DME
2020 with output Power of 1 kW. Frequency of DVOR is 113.30MHz and frequency of
DME is 1.167GHz and identification is PRT. Due to high terrain bearing errors may be
observed in sector 250 to 275 in lower levels.
This DVOR/DME is used as terminal DVOR/DME and not as en-route NAVAID
equipment due to political problems.. According to EUROCONTROL, VOR/DME
within 62NM range can meet the accuracy requirements for RNAV. According to ICAO
manual (Performance Based Navigation Manual) VOR accuracy can typically meet the
accuracy requirements for RNAV 5 up to 60NM from the navigation aid and Doppler
VOR up to 75 NM.
Figure 72 is prepared by Air Traffic Control Services (Procedure and Design
Department). In this regard through their calculation distances from PRT DVOR/DME
to extreme points in the Kosovo border and they have also laid down a circle from
DVOR/DME with 62NM range.
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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33.6 N

4 6.


46.2 N

Figure 72: Kosovo map

From this figure we can see that circle with 62NM from DVOR/DME location, shows
that Kosovo NAVAID infrastructure meet the accuracy requirement of NAVAID for
RNAV airspace.
Furthermore, there is a need for flight check to determine minimum flight level
coverage, in order to prepare adequately RNAV routes in Kosovo airspace.
Additionally, the periodic flight checks on the NAVAIDS will also check the coverage of
All NAVAID equipment have monitoring antennas, and should the monitoring
antennas detect any fault in the system, the NAVAID equipment will automatically
switch itself off. ATCO will be notified immediately since they have display in their
position which shows condition of DVOR/DME. We can say that integrity is met, since
aircraft will not be misled while using this equipment.
Figure 73, is taken from EUROCONTROL Sky View software. This software is updated
on AIRAC dates. The figure shows neighbouring VOR/DME and their distances from
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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84.6 NM










Figure 73: Neighbouring VOR/DME and their distances from PRT DVOR/DME
Fig 74 shows circles laid down from each neighbouring VOR/DME with 62NM range.

Figure 74: Neighbouring VOR/DME with 62NM range

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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From the above picture we can state that in case of failure of PRT DVOR/DME, Kosovo
has sufficient coverage for availability and continuity from neighbouring VOR/DME.
Furthermore we refer to EUROCONTROL-Demeter 2000 studies which states that for
most of Europe the availability and continuity of VOR and DME are considered to be
capable of meeting the requirements of the en-route phase of operations. Having in
mind that during this study PRT DVOR/DME was not taken into account we can
conclude that availability and continuity of VOR and DME is capable even in case of
failure of PRT DVOR/DME.


This section explains that Kosovo ANSP is fulfilling requirements for RNAV airspace
for direct pilot to ATC (voice) communication for en-route phase. Also some
explanations on radio coverage from Kosovo ANSP are given. Presently there is only
one antenna site, which is located at Prishtina Airport tower with two separate
antennas. Coverage of Radio Frequency from this location is sufficient for traffic and
routes for the actual situation. Prishtina International Airport / Air Traffic Control
Services (Communication Department) are using Radio Mobile Software to check RF
coverage of Kosovo airspace in different flight levels. Terrain data are taken from (data has been made available by NASA). To verify those data
they have performed manual checks, where they would send one team in different
location in Kosova to confirm RF communication.
In the figure 75 we see simulation of RF coverage from actual antenna site in FL100.
From this picture we can observe that in Southern part of Kosovo there may be some
problems with RF coverage due to mountains.

Figure 75: Airport site FL100

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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In the figure 76 we can see simulation of RF coverage from actual antenna site in FL120.
In this fig we can observe that in Southern part of Kosovo signal strength may be low
but there is no grey area in the fig, which means that there is sufficient RF coverage just
strength of signal is different. That is the meaning of different colours used in the fig.

Figure 76: Airport site FL120

In order to enhance Radio Frequency for direct pilot ATC (voice) communication
PIA/ATCS (Communication Department) have made calculation and they are planning
to locate another antenna site at the top of Golesh mountain in the Airport vicinity..
We will see the differences in coverage in same flight levels (100 and 120) in comparison
with actual antenna site. From the figures below figure 77 (FL100) and figure 78 (FL120)
we can observe simulation of RF signal from Golesh antenna site.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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Figure 77: Golesh site FL100

Figure 78: Golesh site FL120

In the figures above we observe that RF coverage for En Route phase of flight is
satisfactory. Furthermore with the installation of another antenna site in Golesh then we
can see that the requirement for direct pilot ATC (voice) communication is fulfilled.
Furthermore, recommendation derived from this study to install new radio antennas at
Golesh sight, is already implemented, thus, eliminating all doubts for radio coverage in
Kosovo airspace at different flight levels.
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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ATS Surveillance

Having in mind the requirement that where reliance is placed on the use of ATS
Surveillance to assist contingency procedures, its performance should be adequate for
that purpose and the ATS resources should be sufficient for the task.
In 2006 Prishtina International Airport commissioned an Approach Radar, Selex SI
made in Italy. Pristina Approach operates terminal area surveillance radar station at
Pristina airport, location 423444N 210145E. The radar coverage for primary radar
is 60NM, reduced to the west below FL 120 due to high terrain. The SSR coverage is


The AIP should clearly indicate that the navigation application is RNAV.
The requirement for the carriage of RNAV equipment should be published in the AIP.
The route should rely on normal descent profiles and identify minimum segment
altitude requirements.
The navigation data published in the AIP for the routes and supporting navigation aids
must meet the requirements of ICAO Annex 15.
All routes must be based upon WGS 84 coordinates.

Controller Training

It is recommended that air traffic controllers providing control services in RNAV

airspace should have completed training in the following areas:
Core training
a) How area navigation systems work (in context of this navigation specification)

Include functional capabilities and limitations of this navigation

ii. Accuracy, integrity, availability and continuity
GPS receiver, RAIM, FDE, and integrity alerts;
b) Flight Plan requirements
c) ATC Procedures

ATC contingency procedures

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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Separation minima
Mixed equipage environment (impact of manual VOR tuning)
Transition between different operating environments

In conclusion to this chapter, we can say that Kosovo airspace has sufficient coverage of
NAVAID, Surveillance and Radio Frequency, therefore we can conclude that Kosovo
Airspace is RNAV capable.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Chapter 4 Point Merge System implementation at Prishtina

International Airport (PIA)
This section will describe the implementation of the Point Merge System at Prishtina
Airport as proposed in this report, under the assumption that the upper airspace will be
open and the northerner routes will be used for the traffic coming from the north and
An additional assumption was made that a Letter of Agreement (LoA) covering
operational and legal aspect, is established between Kosovo aviation authorities, and
other neighbouring ATC centres, considering the the small size of Kosovo airspace.

4.1 Point Merge System overview in Kosovo Airspace

The design of the point merge system for the RWY 17/35 is based on the point merge
system design and procedures as described in Chapter 2 of this report. The RWY
direction and the environmental characteristics dictate the possibilities for the design
and configuration PMS.
Having in mind the size of the Kosovo airspace, a design of the PMS system for the
small TMA shall be taken into consideration.
Thus, the following PMS dimension including flight levels, holding patterns, distances,
etc. were used for the design:

Sequencing legs, flight levels (FL) is FL90 respectively FL80 for both RWY sides,
Sequencing legs 20 NM long,
Each sequencing legs is composed of 5 waypoints with distance of 5 NM ,
Each end of the sequencing leg is marked as mandatory reporting point,
Point merge for RWY17 is placed at the altitude of 5200ft,
Point merge for RWY35 is placed at the altitude of 5300ft,
Distance between the PM and the Sequencing legs is 15 respectively 16 NM,
Distance from the PM and RWY threshold: 8 NM in north part of the RWY 17,
and 10 NM in south east part of the RWY 35 due to high terrain in south.,
Three holding patterns at each PMS (RWY 17 and RWY 35).

The figure below shows an overview of the possible solution for the Point Merge
implementation technique for the Prishtina Airport.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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Figure 79: Possible solution of PMS implementation

Also the figure shows the entry points of traffic as per CORNERPOST technique
described in chapter 3 of this report.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

4.2 Point merge implementation for RWY 17

This section will describe the implementation of the Point Merge System for RWY 35,
based on the GEO-TITAN Software version 2.0, certified by French national institute of
geography which is operational at Instrument Procedures Design (IPD) Department
within Prishtina International Airport (PIA). The work done for designing and
producing the charts are performed by staff of the IPD department.

Design of the PMS

For the design of the PMS on RWY 17 the following standard parameters were used:

Magnetic Variation
The 3.27E (3E) dated from 2005 magnetic variation is used.
The standard ISA+15C temperature is considered.
For calculations, all bearings are referred to true north.
Standard Over ground vegetation: 15 m
High terrain and Gjakova airspace operations.

Note: The PMS procedure is designed to be used for Aircraft category A B C D.



The following assumptions were made:

The data provided, presents the best known data environment available for
procedure design.
Airspace structure has been taken as described above with the CONRNERPOST
technique and airspace classification.
Radar separation Minima 5 NM.


Regulation, references, support and data used

Page 122 of 154

Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Point Merge Integration of Arrival Flows Enabling Extensive RNAV Application

and Continuous Descent - Operational Services and Environment Definition
version 2.0, date 19th July 2010
ICAO PANS-OPS DOC 8168 VOL II Fifth edition 2006 criteria were used as base
design criteria.
ICAO Annex 4


GeoTITAN version 2.11.0 has been used as main support tool (an ICAO Doc. 8168
based software certified by French national institute of geography).
A 25m and 75m Digital Terrain Model were used to provide the elevation data.
A set of scanned and geo-referenced maps were used for obstacle assessment.

Aerodrome Data and Navigation / Landing Aids

Aerodrome data and navigation / landing aids were taken from the Kosovo AIP.

Aerodrome Elevation: 1788.1ft

ARP: 4234'22.00000"N 02102'09.00000"E

THR 17 Elevation: 1788.1ft

THR 17: 4235'07.00479"N 02102'04.58350"E
THR 35 Elevation: 1785.2ft
THR 35: 4233'46.58066"N 02102'12.77821"E

Frequency: 113.30 MHz
WGS 84 coordinates: 4234'21.00000"N 02101'53.00000"E

Frequency: 110.10 MHz
WGS 84 coordinates: 4233'31.00000"N 02102'14.00000"E

Frequency: 334.40 MHz
WGS 84 coordinates: 4234'59.00000"N 02102'11.00000"E

Frequency: CH 38X
WGS 84 coordinates: 4234'59.00000"N 02102'11.00000"E
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Impleementation of
o the Point Merge Systeem (PMS) at Prishtina In
nternational Airport (PIA
m Jashari J.S


Detaiiled descrip
ption of thee PMS Seg

As desccribed in paragraph
the PMS
distancces for sm
mall TMA were
used. The
segmentt from RWY
Y 17 THR to Point Meerge is 8 NM
M and is thee same segm
ment as currrent
ure for ILS 17. That means
that Point Merg
U) is located
d in the currrent
Final Ap
pproach Fix
x (FAF), in sector D wh
hich is from
m 0 to 10 NM in radius, in true veector
223/0188, with Miinimum Ob
bstacle Cleearance (M
MOC) of 375m,
Obsttacle Clearrance
Altitudee (OAC) 5115ft,
Miinimum Obstacle
Cllearance Altitude
MOCA) 52200ft.
Publisheed altitude in this secctor is 52000ft.The tablle and Figu
ure 80 below represen
nt an
overall position
of the PMS fo
or RWY 17 in regard with
w the Minimum Secctoring Altiitude

Firrst Segment and Sequencce Leg of PM

MS for RWY
Y 17

As show
wn in the fig
gure below
w, the start and
a the end
d of the firsst sequenciing leg (in blue)
for RWY
Y 17 is in the
t sector A of 7700ftt published
d altitude, with
10 to 25 NM rad
525m MOC,
7681ft OCA, and 7700ft MOCA, at the altitude
of 9000ft.
The firsst segment of PMS sttarts at thee point merrge (PRELU
U) and end
ds at wayp
PR104 with
ng of 292 (15NM
disttance from the Point Merge).
R100 and PR
nt the first and
a the lastt waypointt in the firstt sequencin
ng leg of thee PMS for RWY
17. The geograph
hical coordiinates and the deno
omination of
o the way
ypoints in this
sequenccing leg are shown on the table beelow:






420 52 63 N
210 06 18 E
420 58 46 N
200 59 58 E
420 57 02 N
200 53 84 E
420 54 30 N
200 47 41 E
420 50 77 N
200 43 84 E

for RWY
17 in regard of thee Minimum Sectoring Altitude
Figuree 80: PMS position

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Impleementation of
o the Point Merge Systeem (PMS) at Prishtina In
nternational Airport (PIA
m Jashari J.S


Seccond Segmeent and Sequuence Leg off PMS for RW

WY 17

Same ass first sequeencing leg th

he second one,
starts and
a ends (in
n red) is in the sector A,
A of
7700ft published alltitude, with 10 to 25 NM
N radius,, 525m MO
OC, 7681ft OCA,
and 77700ft
MOCA, but not in
n the same altitude. The
T second sequencing
g leg is loccated at 800000ft
The seco
ond segment of PMS starts at th
he point meerge (PREL
LU) and en
nds at wayp
PR200 with
w headin
ng of 15 . PR
R200 and PR204
repreesent the firrst waypoin
nt in the seccond
sequenccing leg off the PMS
S for RWY
Y 17. Thee geograph
hical coord
dinates and
d its
nation of th
he waypoin
nts in this seequencing leg
l are show
wn on the table






420 59 51 N
210 06 18 E
420 59 93 N
200 59 09 E
420 58 36 N
200 52 07 E
420 55 66 N
200 46 77 E
420 49 87 N
200 40 62 E

Figuree 81: PMS position

for RWY
17 in regard
of thee Minimum Sectoring Altitude

o the deetailed exp

planations given abo
ove the deepartment of Instrum
Based on
ures Design
n (IPD), at Prishtina
nternationaal Airport, has design
ned a samp
ple of
the PMS
S for the RW
WY 17. All the necessaary aspectss were takeen into conssideration, such
as misseed approach
h procedurees, RWY clo
osures, rad
dar failure, radio
failurre etc.
The figu
ure 82 below
w shows th
hat the PMS
S for the RW
WY 17 willl serve to merge
the trraffic
flows from all direections (norrth, west, south
and east).
In ord
der to merg
ge the trafffic in
safe and
d efficient manner
this PMS posseesses three holding paatterns.
First ho
olding patttern is locaated in no
orth east with
the holding
fix (HF) LAU
phical coordinate 420 57 17N
N; 210 11 06E and
d serves as
a Intermed
Approacch Fix 1 (IAF
1) for traffic co
oming from
m north, east
CE) and south
N). The trafffic arriving at this po
oint (LAUS
SH) which is around 4 NM from
m the
point PR
R100 of thee sequencin
ng leg, is req
quired to be
b at FL 1000 or above,, with indiccated
d of max 22
20Knots, in
n order then
n to continu
ue to the firrst point of the sequen
leg (PR1100) at 9000
0ft or above.
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Figure 82: Point Merge System for RWY 17 designed by GEOTITAN Software
Second holding pattern is located on the west of PMS, with holding fixes (HF) RUNIK,
geographical coordinates 420 44 47N; 210 35 21E and serves as Intermediate
Approach Fix 2 (IAF 2) for traffic coming from north, west (MEDUX) and south
These two holding patterns may be used as a closed loop for traffic already entered in
sequencing legs, in case of RWY closure or traffic overload.
From the figure can be noticed that both ends of the sequencing legs respective PR104
and PR204, are marked as mandatory reporting point, in order to avoid sequencing leg
Third holding pattern is located just after Point Merge (PRELU), and serves traffic
which cannot reach required altitude at PM to continue for final approach and in case of
missed approach.
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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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Figure 83: Point Merge RWY 17 with three holding patterns

Depending on the aircraft performance and the altitude, in case of missed approach
procedures aircrafts have three possibilities re-join the traffic.
Aircrafts may continue to climb on their left side up to FL 100, reach the IAF 1
LAUSH, continue descent to the sequencing leg and then through Point Merge
PRELU to final approach.
Aircrafts may continue to climb on their left side up to 8000ft altitude, when
reaching 18 NM PRT/DME turn left, join the pseudo sequencing leg and then
through Point Merge PRELU to final approach.
Aircrafts may continue to climb on their left side up 5200ft altitude at Point
Merge PRELU, (in case no traffic in conflict at that time), and continue descent
to final approach.
All these three possibilities have to be executed in close coordination with ATC, in
order to avoid any conflicting traffic already entered in the segueing legs or has started
the descend from the sequencing legs direct to the Point Merge.
For more detailed explanations on the safety aspect refer to the chapter five of this

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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Figure 84: Possible way of Point Merge System implementation for RWY 17

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

4.3 Point merge implementation for RWY 35

This section will describe the implementation of the Point Merge System for RWY 35,
based on the GEO-TITAN Software version 2.0, certified by French national institute of
geography which is operational at Instrument Procedures Design (IPD) Department
within Prishtina International Airport (PIA). The work done for designing and
producing the charts are performed by staff of the IPD department.

Design of the PMS

For the design of the PMS on RWY 35 the following standard parameters were used:

Magnetic Variation
The 3.27E (3E) dated from 2005 magnetic variation is used.
The standard ISA+15C temperature is considered.
For calculations, all bearings are referred to true north.
Standard Over ground vegetation: 15 m
Very High terrain and Gjakova airspace operations.

Note: The PMS procedure is designed to be used for Aircraft category A B C D.



The following assumptions were made:

The data provided, presents the best known data environment available for
procedure design.
Airspace structure has been taken as described above with the CONRNERPOST
technique and airspace classification.
Radar separation minima 5 NM

Regulation, references, support and data used

Reference :

Page 129 of 154

Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Point Merge Integration of Arrival Flows Enabling Extensive RNAV Application

and Continuous Descent - Operational Services and Environment Definition
version 2.0, date 19th July 2010
ICAO PANS-OPS DOC 8168 VOL II Fifth edition 2006 criteria were used as base
design criteria.
ICAO Annex 4


GeoTITAN version 2.11.0 has been used as main support tool (an ICAO Doc. 8168
based software certified by French national institute of geography).
A 25m and 75m Digital Terrain Model were used to provide the elevation data.
A set of scanned and geo-referenced maps were used for obstacle assessment.

Aerodrome Data and Navigation / Landing Aids

Aerodrome data and navigation / landing aids were taken from the Kosovo AIP.

Aerodrome Elevation: 1788.1ft

ARP: 4234'22.00000"N 02102'09.00000"E
THR 17 Elevation: 1788.1ft
THR 17: 4235'07.00479"N 02102'04.58350"E
THR 35 Elevation: 1785.2ft
THR 35: 4233'46.58066"N 02102'12.77821"E

Frequency: 113.30 MHz
WGS 84 coordinates: 4234'21.00000"N 02101'53.00000"E

Frequency: 110.10 MHz
WGS 84 coordinates: 4233'31.00000"N 02102'14.00000"E

Frequency: 334.40 MHz
WGS 84 coordinates: 4234'59.00000"N 02102'11.00000"E

Frequency: CH 38X
WGS 84 coordinates: 4234'59.00000"N 02102'11.00000"E
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Impleementation of
o the Point Merge Systeem (PMS) at Prishtina In
nternational Airport (PIA
m Jashari J.S


Detaiiled descrip
ption of thee PMS Seg

As desccribed in paragraph
the PMS
distancces for sm
mall TMA were
used. The
segmentt from RW
R to Point Merge
is 10
1 NM and
d is the sam
me segmen
nt as
current procedure
for VOR/D
DME 35.
That meeans that Point
ge (FERIZ) is located
d 10 NM close
to thee current Final
Approacch Fix (FAF), in secto
or E which
h is from 0 to 10 NM
M in radius,, in true veector
123/2233, with Miinimum Ob
bstacle Cleearance (M
MOC) of 525m,
Obsttacle Clearrance
Altitudee (OAC) 6752ft,
Miinimum Obstacle
Cllearance Altitude
MOCA) 68800ft.
Publisheed altitude in this secttor is 6800ftt. For the purpose
of this
report Final
Fix (FAF
F) will be the
t located just 2 NM
M form the Point
ge FERIZ at around 8 NM
form thee RWY 35 THR.
The tablles and figu
ures below
w represent an overalll position of
o the PMS for RWY 35
3 in
regard with
w the Miinimum Secctoring Altiitude (MSA

Firrst Segment and Sequencce Leg of PM

MS for RWY
Y 35

As show
wn in the fig
gure below
w, the start and
a the end
d of the firsst sequenciing leg (in blue)
for RWY
Y 35 is in the
t sector C of 5400ftt published
d altitude, with
10 to 25 NM rad
375m MOC,
5319ft OCA, and 5400ft MOCA, at 90000ft.
The firstt segment of
o PMS starrts at the point mergee FERIZ and
d ends at waypoint
with heaading of 60 (15NM distance from
m the Pointt Merge). PR300
and PR304
the first and the la
ast waypoin
nt in the firrst sequenccing leg of the
t PMS fo
or RWY 35.. The
phical coord
dinates and
d denominaation of the waypoints in this seq
quencing leg
g are
shown on
o the tablee below:






420 13
1 10 N
21 18
1 59 E
420 17
1 13 N
210 23
2 35 E
42 21
2 41 N
210 25
2 44 E
42 26
2 20 N
210 22
2 59 E
420 30
3 11 N
21 24
2 38 E

Figuree 85: PMS position

for RWY
35 in regard of thee Minimum Sectoring Altitude
Pagge 131 of 154

Impleementation of
o the Point Merge Systeem (PMS) at Prishtina In
nternational Airport (PIA
m Jashari J.S


Seccond Segmeent and Sequuence Leg off PMS for RW

WY 35

Same ass first sequeencing leg th

he second one,
the staart and the end
e of the first
leg (in reed) for RW
WY 35 is in th
he sector B of 10600ft published altitude,
with 10 to 255 NM
radius, 600m
C, 10598ft OCA,
and 100600ft MOC
CA, at 8000fft.
ond segmen
nt of PMS starts
at the point merg
ge FERIZ, geographica
al coordinaates
The seco
420 24 37
3 N 210 22
2 02 E and
d ends at waypoint
R400 with heading
of 130
1 0. PR4000 and
PR404 reepresent th
he first wayp
point in thee second sequencing leeg of the PM
MS for RWY
Y 35.
The geographical coordinates
s and its den
n of the way
ypoints in this
leg are shown
on th
he table bellow:






42 30
3 11 N
210 28
2 38 E
420 26
2 39 N
21 27
2 17 E
420 21
2 32 N
21 27
2 03 E
420 16
1 50 N
210 24
2 46 E
42 13
1 25 N
210 21
2 19 E

Figuree 86: PMS position

for RWY
35 in regard of thee Minimum Sectoring Altitude
Based on
o the deetailed exp
planations given abo
ove the deepartment of Instrum
ures Design
n (IPD), at Prishtina
nternationaal Airport, has design
ned a samp
ple of
the PMS
S for the RW
WY 35. All the necessaary aspectss were takeen into conssideration, such
as misseed approach
h procedurees, RWY clo
osures, rad
dar failure, radio
failurre etc.
The figu
ure 87 below
w shows th
hat the PMS
S for the RW
WY 35 willl serve to merge
the trraffic
flows from all direections (norrth, west, south
and east).
In ord
der to merg
ge the trafffic in
d efficient manner
this PSM posseesses three holding paatterns.
safe and
First ho
olding patttern is locaated in no
orth east with
the ho
olding fix (HF) ART
phical coordinate 420 37 31N
N; 210 22 02E and
d serves as
a Intermed
Approacch Fix 1 (IAF 4) for traffic com
ming from north
and east (BLAC
CE). The trraffic
g at this po
oint (ARTA
AN) which is around 5 NM from
m the poin
nt PR400 off the
sequenccing leg, is required to
o be at FL 100 or abo
ove, with indicated
of max
220Knotts, in orderr then to co
ontinue to the first po
oint of the sequencing
g leg (PR4000) at
8000ft orr above.

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Figure 87: Point Merge System for RWY 17 designed by GEOTITAN Software
Second holding pattern is located on the west of PMS, with holding fixes (HF) KAQAN,
geographical coordinates 420 12 41N; 210 11 29E and serves as Intermediate
Approach Fix 2 (IAF 3) for traffic coming from north, west (MEDUX) and south
These two holding patterns may be used as a closed loop for traffic already entered in
sequencing legs, in case of RWY closure or traffic overload.
From the figure can be noticed that both ends of the sequencing legs respective PR304
and PR404, are marked as mandatory reporting point, in order to avoid sequencing leg
Third holding pattern is located just after Point Merge (FERIZ), and serves traffic which
cannot reach required altitude at PM to continue for final approach and in case of
missed approach.
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Figure 88: Point Merge RWY 17 with three holding patterns

Same as for PMS RWY 17, depending on the aircraft performance and the altitude, in
case of missed approach procedures aircrafts have three possibilities re-join the traffic.

Aircrafts may continue to climb on their right side up to FL 100, reach the IAF 4
ARTAN, continue descent to the sequencing leg and then through Point Merge
FERIZ to final approach.
Aircrafts may continue to climb on their right side up to 8000ft altitude, when
reaching 15 NM PRT/DME turn right, join the pseudo sequencing leg and
then through Point Merge FERIZ to final approach.
Aircrafts may continue to climb on their right side up 5300ft altitude at Point
Merge FERIZ, (in case no traffic in conflict at that time), and continue descent to
final approach.
All these three possibility has to be executed in close coordination with ATC, in order to
avoid any conflicting traffic already entered in the segueing legs or has started the
descend form the them direct to the Point Merge.
Furthermore, more detail explanations on the safety aspect refer to the chapter five of
this report.
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Figure 89: Possible way of Point Merge System implementation for RWY 17

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Impleementation of
o the Point Merge Systeem (PMS) at Prishtina In
nternational Airport (PIA
m Jashari J.S

Chapteer 5 Safety studiess

The pressent chapteer provides an initial analysis of safety
and operational
l aspects. Th
analysiss are carried
d out to support an in
nitial safety
y assessmen
nt, focussin
ng on the saafety
ng to natio
onal and in
nternationall regulation
ns, a safety study is reequired forr any
changess in ATM.
on of the Po
oint Merge System is a change th
hat has its associated
The imp
which need
to be id
dentified an
nd the mitigation meaasures havee to be taken
n to meet saafety
ds required
d by the reg
The safeety of a sy
ystem dep
pends on the period in which it is studiied. The saafety
nts related
d to the ph
hase of imp
on may nott be the saame during
g the
on phase orr the operattion phase. For this reaason, the stteps represeented below
w are
used (seee figure 84)) to study im
mpacts of the
t change.

Figure 90: Safety Plan


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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
Adem Jashari J.S.C.

5.1 Functional Analyses

The functional analyses in this chapter, will take into account three levels of analysis,
aiming at giving complementary views on:
a concept level analysis, based on the key principles of the new procedure;
a task level analysis, based on ATC tasks in terminal airspace;
a state and transitions analysis, based on sequence of steps in the operating

These three views are consolidated into a set of potential hazards, and apply to the
Prishtina TMA and the particular design option chosen for Prishtina TMA, involving
parallel sequencing legs vertically separated with level-off.
This consolidation of analyse is structured to take into account consequences that are
mainly, although not exclusively, related to safety and operability (which were the
initial focus of the analysis).

5.2 Hazard Identifications

In this report, we considered that the implementation of the Point Merge System should
not prevent the operations at Prishtina International Airport (PIA). In order to achieve
this, I have organized a brainstorming session at PIA, Safety and Quality Department
(QSD) trying to identify all potential hazards and see their level of severity.
In this session participated: Head of QSD, Chief Air Traffic Controller (CATCO), Head
of Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS), Head of Aeronautical Information
Services (AIS), Head of METEO Services, myself and two colleagues from CAAK/ANS
The hazard identification was focused on the four aspects as detailed in the table below:

route structure,
operating method,
human factors and
system support

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Hazard identification on route structure

Lateral deviation at sequencing leg run-off (too early, too late, wrong
Loss of vertical separation
Loss of lateral separation
Hazard identification on operating method
Inability to follow PMS procedure
RWY closure
High traffic volume
Wake turbulence
Hazard identification on human factors
Lack of appropriate training
Frequent switching to alternate procedures
Repetitiveness of controller tasks
Confusion between traffic under normal procedure and traffic under
alternate procedure.
Hazard identification on system support
Complete radar failure
Cluttering of controllers display along sequencing legs.
Radio failure

Table 7: Hazard Identification

5.3 Severity Identification

The severity level of a hazard represents the impact of the hazard on the safety and
service provided. To determine the severity level, the Risk Calcification Scheme (RCS)
was used as per Safety Management Manual (SMM) at PIA as presented in table 8.
Hazard effect/Effect on


PROPABILITY per flight/hours

Monthly Yearly
Once 10
Once 100





Serious Incident

Major Incident

Significant Incident

No immediate effect

Table 8: Risk Classification Scheme

When using this table risks will be classified in one of the following categories:

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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A = Unacceptable risk. Risk mitigation shall be attempted.

B = Acceptable if risk has been reduced as far as reasonable practicable.
C = Acceptable risk. Risk Mitigation should be attempted if possible.
D = Acceptable risk.
Each risk identified shall be approved or rejected following this list of responsibilities:
Category D: Regular approval process (ASC/QSD)
Category C: The Heads of Departments/Units can approve
Category B: The CEO can approve.
Category A: Totally unacceptable
Based on the RCS above (table 8) the severity of the hazards identified in the table 7 was
measured and presented in the table below.

Hazard identification on route structure

Lateral deviation at sequencing leg run-off (too early, too late, wrong


Loss of vertical separation

Loss of lateral separation
Hazard identification on operating method
Inability to follow PMS procedure


RWY closure
High traffic volume

Wake turbulence
Hazard identification on human factors
Lack of training for new procedures.
Frequent switching to alternate procedures


Repetitiveness of controller tasks.

Confusion between traffic under normal procedure (PMS) and traffic
under alternate procedure.


Hazard identification on system support

Complete radar failure.


Cluttering of controllers display along sequencing legs.

Radio failure


Table 9: Severity Identification for each hazard

5.4 Ishikawa Diagram

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Adem Jashari J.S.C.

After determining the level of gravity, the Ishikawa diagrams were established for all
the hazards identified. The Ishikawa diagram allows us to identify all possible causes of
each risk in order to see how to mitigate the severities that are less than 4. However, not
all of the hazards are presented in the in the figures below.



Lateral deviation
at sequencing
leg run-off
Pilot error
Controller error


Figure 91: Ishikawa Diagram - Lateral deviation at sequencing leg run-off


by air crew

FMS failure

Loss of vertical

Pilot error
Controller error


Figure 92: Ishikawa Diagram - Loss of vertical separation

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by air crew

FMS failure

Loss of lateral

Pilot error
Controller error


Figure 93: Ishikawa Diagram - Loss of lateral separation



Bad Phraseology

Lack of

Lack of refresher

Error of


Figure 94: Ishikawa Diagram Lack of appropriate training

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Lack of
Bad Phraseology

PMS and
The pilot does not
follow the instructions
of the controller

Error of


Figure 95: Ishikawa Diagram - Mixing between PSM and alternate procedures



Lack of
Bad Phraseology


The pilot does not

follow the instructions
of the controller

Error of


Figure 96: Ishikawa Diagram - Wake Turbulence

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5.5 Risk Mitigation Means

The table below represent the corrected severity, derived after the Risk mitigation
means were proposed to be implemented.


Risk Mitigations Means on route structure

Last waypoints on the sequencing legs shall marked as

mandatory reporting points.


Published vertical restrictions before leg entry (possibly

complemented by vertical rate

Special attention on altitude monitoring

(monitoring aids may be considered;
Definition of spare level(s) for sequencing
Lateral distance between parallel legs
(although no lateral separation objective);
Controllers and pilots training, awareness
Descent instruction delayed after (i.e.
systematically dissociated from) the direct-to so
as to ensure separation from aircraft on other
Introduce spacing margin when issuing the
direct-to instruction



Risk Mitigations Means on operating method


Definition of and controller training to alternate



Define holding stacks just prior entering the sequencing

legs, to hold traffic in the closed loop along the
sequencing legs.


Define holding stacks when entering the Kosovo

Define the wake turbulence requirements for each
aircraft and distribute this requirements to ATCOs

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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Risk Mitigations Means on human factors


Train the controllers for the new procedure before the

PMS operation.
Controllers recurrent training.

Pilots and controllers training, awareness campaigns,

and/or safety management system with monitoring of


System support to highlight traffic under alternate

procedure (reminder, transfer,




Risk Mitigations Means on system support


Switch to back-up procedures, (used STARS)



Lateral distance between the sequencing legs.

Use emergency radios (controllers), follow the
sequencing leg until the last point and precede direct
to Point merge.


Table 10: Corrected Severity

5.6 Justification of the risk acceptability

The obtained severity levels are projected in the matrix below. The study objective is to
ensure that hazards will be in green or white areas.
Quantitative targets



Level of



Not Accepted

The justification of the acceptability of risk is based on the severity level. The severity level is
less than 4, so there is a need to conduct a full scale safety case.

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Adem Jashari J.S.C.

Recommendation for the Implementation of PMS at PIA

The following recommendations are aimed at the Kosovo CAA, the Prishtina ANSP, as
support to the implementation of the Point Merge System that is proposed and
described on the above chapters. The implementation of these recommendations will
improve the efficiency, safety and the capacity of the system and will contribute to a
sustainable development.

CAA of Kosovo
Recommendations for the Kosovo CAA:

Examine the safety study documents (Safety CASE) provided by the ANSP in
accordance with the SMS procedures and Manual of Procedures for ANSP,
before the commissioning.
Assist the ANSP and the airport operator with regards to the obstacle limitations
Assess the environment issues (noise and local air quality) for the
implementation of Point Merge System or ask for this study to be done by the
ANSP in order to define appropriate measures as regard to sustainable
development challenges.
Create an audit programme for the new system to establish that the equipment,
procedures and people continue to support and maintain a safe system at all

It is recommended that Prishtina ANSP perform a full scale safety case since it has to
deal with major changes. In this safety case two aspects need to be addressed:

Airspace change/reorganization and

PMS implementation.
Airspace change/reorganization

In accordance with NSA Manual, in cases when the change has to do with airspace
change a document called AIRSPACE CHANGE PROPOSAL (ACP) shall be submitted
to the NSA by the ANSP. This document shall include as minimum the following;

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Objectives of the Proposal

Airspace Description
Operational Impact
Economic Impact.
Justification of Change and Analysis of Options
Safety Assessment.
Supporting Infrastructure /Resources
Letter from relevant Military authorities, stating no objection for
Proposed Change
Airspace and Infrastructure Requirements
Supporting Maps, Charts and Diagrams


Map showing Current Airspace and Routings

MAP showing Proposed Change and Reporting Points
RTF Coverage Plots
Radar Coverage Plots
Navigational Aid Coverage
Draft AIP changes required
PMS implementation

In accordance with the NSA MANUAL, since the PMS implementation is a major
change, the procedure for the Major changes shall be followed by the ANSP as per
below requirements:
Major change
This will normally involve a major change to the ANS system that could introduce new
hazards that have not been previously assessed. A full systematic safety assessment is
necessary. This may involve extensive liaison with the providers Project Safety
Manager resulting in the delivery to the NSA of a project safety case which will include
the provision of some or all of the following documentation:

An Operational Concept
A safety plan;
A method of performing hazard identification, the hazard identification
itself, the risk assessment and the risk mitigation strategy;
A transition plan for the implementation of the change.

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Also the following aspects need to be taken into account by the ANSP:

The topography of Kosovo when designing new PMS procedures.

Necessary training for air traffic controller to ensure that they are able to fully
apply the PMS procedures.
NOTAM (Notice to AirMen) publication,
Change publication in the AIP,
Verification and Validation (V&V) activities defined in the life cycle, by using
means such as Flight Checks/Monitoring of occurrences, analysis and

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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The possible implementation of Point Merge System is needed in order to cope with the
constant growth of air traffic demand in order to manage and integrate it, in a more
efficient and safety manner. This project represents a challenging mission that has to
deal with various constraints and more especially:

The presence of mountain stretched on the south and west side of the airfield,
The environmental aspect
The operational constraints (ATC, Aircraft, wake turbulence, etc.).

All these constraints have been identified in order to define an optimal solution of PMS
implementation. Standards such as safety, capacity and environmental issues have been
taken in consideration.
The scenario chosen to be implemented proved satisfaction of safety, cost efficiency and
environmental issues with current objectives and constraints, especially PMS for RWY
17. When a/c are using this RWY direction the difference in mileage compared to the
existing procedures is around 10 to 20 NM shorter, depending on the route from which
a/c are entering. However, the PMS for RWY 35 is not placed in best possible position
to merge traffic from different routes due to terrain constrains on the southern part of
the RWY. This may cause extra mileage for a/c entering via DOLEV (Montenegro),
nevertheless it is quite convenient for a/c entering Kosovo from the other points and
also improves the handling capabilities for high load traffic compared with the existing
procedures. Overall, the PMS implementation for both RWY directions improves the
traffic efficiency and enhances safety.
Through a safety study, some of possible risks were assessed towards route structure,
operating methods, human factors and system support and some risk mitigation means
basically in terms structure and trainings and procedures were proposed. However, as a
result of the safety study, it is recommended that a full scale safety case should be
developed by the ANSP prior PMS implementation, covering all aspects of Airspace
change/design and PMS implementation.
To conclude, some recommendations were proposed, directed towards the main
stakeholders in order to improve the safety, efficiency and the capacity of the proposed
system during its life cycle and to contribute to a sustainable development.

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A/C, a/c
Airborne Collision Avoidance System
Area Control Centre
Advanced Continuous Descent Approach
Aeronautical Information Circular
Aeronautical Information Publication
Arrival Manager
Air Navigation Service Provider
Approach Centre / Control
Agency Research Work Plan
Airborne Separation Assistance System
Air Traffic Management
Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control Officer
Basic Continuous Descent Approach
Basic Area Navigation
Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Kosovo
Continuous Descent Approaches
Collaborative Decision Making
Controlled Flight Into Terrain
Communication Navigation Surveillance
Controlled Time of Arrival
Controller Working Position
DF Direct To Fix (RNAV path terminator)
Direction des Services de la Navigation Arienne
Decision Support Tool(s)
Distance To Go (distance from touchdown)
European Civil Aviation Conference
EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre
EUROCONTROL Headquarters
Ente Nazionale di Assistenza al Volo
Estimated Time of Arrival
Extended TMA
Estimated Time Over
EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
Executive Controller
Functional Airspace Block
Final Approach Fix
Final Approach Course Fix
Flight Data Processing System
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NM, nm

Flight Management System

Flight Level
Flight Plan
Human Machine Interface
Irish Aviation Authority
Initial Approach Fix
Indicated Air Speed
International Civil Aviation Organisation
Instrument Landing System
Implementation Package (SESAR)
Key Performance Area
Lateral Navigation
Letter of Agreement
Low Visibility Procedures
Monitoring Aids
Navigation Display
Non Governmental Organisation
Nautical Mile
Network Operations Plan
Operational Improvement
Operational Services and Environment Definition
Prishtina International Airport
Performance Based Navigation
Pilot Flying
Planning Controller
Point Merge system
Pilot Not Flying
Precision Area Navigation
Resolution Advisory
Reference Business Trajectory
Area Navigation
Required Navigation Performance
Radio Telephony
Sequencing Leg
Single European Sky ATM Research
Sequence Manager
Standard Instrument Departure
Standard Arrival Route
Traffic Collision Avoidance System
Terminal Manoeuvring Area, or Terminal Control Area
Top Of Descent
Trajectory Prediction
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Temporary Segregated Area

Target Time of Arrival
Vertical Navigation
Work Package
Wake Turbulence Category

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Implementation of the Point Merge System (PMS) at Prishtina International Airport (PIA)
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1. EUROCONTROL document Point Merge Integration of Arrival Flows
Enabling Extensive RNAV Application and Continuous Descent - Operational
Services and Environment Definition, Version : 2.0 final, date : 19th July 2010,
Status : Released Issue, Class : Public
2. EUROCONTORL document Guidance Material for the Design of Terminal
Procedures for Area Navigation (DME/DME, B-GNSS, Baro-VNAV & RNPRNAV), Edition : 3.0, Edition Date : March 2003, Status : General Public, Class :
Released Issue.
3. EUROCONTROL Manual For Airspace Planning, Edition : 2.0, Edition Date :
22/10/03, Status : Released Issue, Intended for : EATM.
4. ICAO Doc 8168, Aircraft Operations, Construction of Visual and Instrument
Flight Procedures, Volume II, Fifth edition 2006.
5. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Brtigny-sur-Orge, France, Models of
Air Traffic Merging Techniques: Evaluating Performance of Point Merge
6. EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Bretigny-sur-Orge, France, Merging
Arrival Flows Without Heading Instructions, 7th USA/Europe Air Traffic
Management R&D Seminar, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007.
7. Master theses report Preparation of Kosovo Airspace for RNP 5 (B-RNAV),
prepared by Arianit Islami, in 2006-2007 academic year, for his internship work
on Advanced Master Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Satellite
Application for Aviation, in ENAC Toulouse.

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