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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Light Reflection
Read from Lesson 1 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevel 1

Place a letter in the blank in order to classify the following objects as being either luminous (L) or
illuminated (I) objects.



Light bulb


These diagrams are intended to represent the path of light from an object to an eye as the eye sights
at the image of the object. Each diagram is incorrect. Discuss what makes them incorrect.




State the law of reflection in the space below.

Consider the diagram at the right in answering the next three questions.
4. The angle of incidence is denoted by angle ____.
5. The angle of reflection is denoted by angle ____.

If an incident ray of light makes an angle of 35 with the mirror surface then the
angle of reflection is _______.


Why do windows of distant houses appear to reflect the sun only when rising or setting? Explain in
words. Use the diagram to help, drawing appropriate light rays on the diagram.

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Use the law of reflection and the embedded protractor in order to draw the reflected ray associated
with the given incident ray for the following plane mirror situations. (Markings are provided at 15


Now for a research question:

In this unit we will often discuss how the reflection of light from a mirror results in the formation of
an image. The term image as used here has an obvious context - physics. But the term image has
numerous other contexts - psychology (a positive self-image), religion (created in God's image),
business (the company's image), medicine (an x-ray image), etc.
Your research question involves finding a dictionary and looking up the definition of the word
image. Write down several meaningful definitions from several contexts in the spaces below. (If
you do not have a dictionary at home then you can use or

10. Now write in your own words a personal definition of what you believe an image of an object is:

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Specular (Regular) versus Diffuse Reflection

Read from Lesson 1 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevel 4


Describe the difference between diffuse reflection and regular (or specular) reflection.


Explain what causes light rays to undergo diffuse reflection.


Which one of the following diagrams depicts diffuse reflection? ________


True or False:
When a beam of light undergoes diffuse reflection, individual rays within the beam do
NOT follow the law of reflection.
Explain your answer.


For each of the five surfaces given below, draw normal lines.


Consider the diagram at the right of five rays of

light approaching a microscopically rough
surface. For each incident ray, estimate the
normal line and draw the corresponding reflected
ray of light.

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Identify whether the following phenomenon are attributable to diffuse reflection (DR) or regular
reflection (RR):

The image of a mountain can be clearly seen in the calm waters of a lake. _______


A lacquered tabletop produces a glare of the lamp bulb in the overhead light. _______


Water is sprayed onto a sheet of paper. A laser beam is directed towards the paper, reflects
and produces a red dot on the ceiling. _______


Light from the overhead lights strikes your body and reflects towards all your classmate's eyes.


A microscopic view of a sheet of paper is shown in the diagram at the

right. Would you expect this sheet of paper to cause light to undergo
regular or diffuse reflection? ____________ Explain.


From what type of surface do you think it would be easier to read?

From pages, which are rough, or from pages which are smooth and
glossy? _________________________ Explain your answer.

A microscopic view
of a sheet of paper.
10. Driving at night offers a great example of diffuse vs. regular reflection. A dry road is a diffuse
reflector, while a wet road is not. On the diagrams below, sketch the reflected light off a wet and dry

Why would the wet road appear to the driver to be darker than the dry road?

11. The diagram below contrasts the reflection of light off a smooth surface (left) with the reflection of
light off a rough surface (right). Compare the two diagrams and explain why the reflected rays for a
rough surface do not result in the formation of an image.

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Image Formation and Characteristics

Read from Lesson 2 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevel 2


An object (denoted by a dark circle) is placed in front of a plane mirror as shown below. Light from
the object emanates in a variety of directions. For each light ray incident to the mirror, accurately
draw the corresponding reflected ray. Use a protractor, straightedge, and the law of reflection.


For each reflected ray drawn in the diagram above, use dashed lines to trace the reflected ray
backwards behind the mirror. If done correctly, all reflected rays should intersect at the same
location; this location corresponds to the image location.


Make measurements on the diagram to compare the object distance (distance from the object to the
mirror) to the image distance (distance from the intersection point or image location to the mirror).
Record the results of your comparison in the space below.

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The image of an object as formed by a plane mirror is located ____.

a. on the mirror surface
b. in front of the mirror surface
c. behind the mirror surface
d. any of the above, depending on the object's location.


Which of the following statements are true of plane mirror images? List all that apply in
alphabetical order with no spaces between letters.
a. The location of an image is different for different observers.
b. Observers at different locations will sight along different lines at the same image.
c. Every image is located on the mirror surface and at the same location for different observers.
d. Every image is located on the mirror surface, but at a different location for different observers.
e. All observers (regardless of their location) will sight at the same image location.


The diagram below depicts the path of four incident rays emerging from an object and approaching
a mirror. Five lettered locations are shown on the opposite side of the mirror. Which location is
representative of the image location?


The diagram below depicts the path of four reflected rays that originated at the object on the left side
of the mirror and have subsequently reflected from the mirror. Five lettered locations are shown on
the right side of the mirror. Which location is representative of the image location?

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Ray Diagrams
Read from Lesson 2 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevel 3

Four Steps to Drawing Ray Diagrams

Plane mirror ray diagrams show how light travels from an object to the mirror to an eye in order for the
eye to view the image of the object. There are four steps to the construction of a ray diagram.

Draw the image of the object.


Pick one extreme on the image of the object and draw the reflected ray that will travel to the eye
as the eye sights at this point.


Draw the incident ray for light traveling from the corresponding extreme on the object to the


Repeat steps ii and iii for all other extremities on the object.

Locating Images
Locate all of the images for the following objects (labeled "o") as produced by the mirror (labeled
"m"). Consider steps 1 and 2 above.

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors

Drawing Ray Diagrams

Questions #2 - #11 provide a detailed procedure for the completion of a ray diagram.
The diagram at the right shows an arrow (the
object), a plane mirror, and an eye. Use this
diagram and a ruler/straight edge to do the
following steps.
2. Locate the image of points A and B.
Label these points as A' and B'.

Draw in the complete image. Compare

the size of the image to the size of the


If the eye is to see A by looking in the

mirror, then the eye must sight along a
line at the image of A (i.e., A'). Draw
the reflected ray which reaches the eye as it sights at A' . Use a solid line and an arrowhead.


Extend this reflected ray beyond the mirror using a dashed line to show that the eye is sighting
along a line directly at A'.


The light which follows the path shown by the reflected ray originated from point A. Show this by
accurately drawing the incident ray that starts at point A and approaches the mirror. Be sure to use
a solid line and put an arrow upon the ray.


Repeat steps #4-#6 in order to show how light travels from point B to the mirror and reflects
towards the eye as the eye sights along a line at B'.


On the diagram, label the point on the mirror where the incident ray from A reflects from the mirror
with the letter "x".


On the diagram, label the point on the mirror where the incident ray from B reflects from the mirror
with the letter "y".

10. Points "x" and "y" represent the points on the mirror which would be needed to view point A and
point B on the object. Where will any other ray from the object reflect from the mirror before
traveling to the eye?

11. What parts of the mirror could be removed without interfering with the eye's ability to see the entire
image of the arrow? Circle these sections of the mirror.

12. For the following objects, (a) draw the corresponding images, and (b) draw and label the incident and
reflected rays that would allow the eye to view the object in the mirror (labeled "m").

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13. Front row students Al, Bo, Cy, Di, Ed and Fred are
looking into a 4-foot long mirror that the teacher
strategically placed on the demonstration table.
Their positions are shown in the diagram below. In
the diagram, locate their images and complete the
given statements.

Al can see...

Di can see...

Bo can see...

Ed can see...

Cy can see...

Fred can see...

14. The teacher asked the six students to assume different positions in the room. Their positions are
shown below. Determine and label the image locations and complete the given statements.

Al can see...

Di can see...

Bo can see...

Ed can see...

Cy can see...

Fred can see...

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors

15. Consider the mirror and the stick-person shown in the two diagrams below. The distance between
the mirror and the person is different in the two diagrams. For each diagram, accurately draw and
label the image of the stick-person in the appropriate position. Finally, draw lines of sight from the
eyes of the stick-person to the mirror in order to indicate which portion of the mirror is needed to
view the image. Use a ruler/straight-edge and be precise.

16. Compare the height of the stick-person to the length of mirror needed to view the stick-person.
Make some measurements (from the diagram above) and record below.

17. Does the distance from the stick-person to the mirror seem to affect the amount of mirror that the
person needs to view the image? ________ Explain and support your answer using numerical
values taken from question #15 above.

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Curved Mirrors and The Law of Reflection

Read from Lesson 3 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevel 5

The diagram below depicts a concave mirror with its principal axis and its center of curvature (C). Five
incident rays are shown traveling parallel to the principal axis.
1. Construct normal lines for each of the five incident rays. (Geometry Review: A line which passes
through the center of a circle will be perpendicular to the circle at its point of intersection. Thus, the
normal line for each of these incident rays passes through C.)
2. Measure the angle of incidence and use the law of reflection to construct five reflected rays at the
appropriate angle of reflection.
3. Construct two more incident rays parallel to the principal axis that strike points 6 and 7. Draw the
normal line and use the law of reflection to draw the corresponding reflected rays.


Label the focal point (F) on the diagram above.


Propose your personal definition of the focal point: The focal point is ...


Make some generalized statements about rays 1-5 and about rays 6-7. How are they similar and
how are they different?

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors

The diagram below depicts a convex mirror with its principal axis and its center of curvature (C). Five
incident rays moving parallel to the principal axis are shown.

As on the front side, construct normal lines for each of the five incident rays. (Geometry Review: A
line which passes through the center of a circle will be perpendicular to the circle at its point of
intersection. Thus, the normal line for each of these incident rays passes through C.)
Measure the angle of incidence and use the law of reflection to construct five reflected rays at the
appropriate angle of reflection.
For each reflected ray, construct extensions of the rays backwards behind the mirror until they
intersect the principal axis.

10. Make some generalized statements about rays 1-5 to describe how they reflect.

Propose a rule of reflection for both concave and convex mirrors that would describe how incident rays
parallel to the principal axis would behave upon reflection.

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Spherical Mirrors
Read from Lesson 3 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevel 5

A spherical mirror has a shape that is a

section of a sphere. Consider the concave
spherical mirror shown at the right.
Label the following on the diagram:
the principal axis (a line) as PA
the focal point (a point) as F
the center of curvature (a point) as C
the focal length (a length) as f
the radius of curvature (a length) as R


Explain why concave mirrors are

sometimes called converging mirrors.


Explain why convex mirrors are sometimes called diverging mirrors.


The diagrams below show three incident rays. For each diagram, draw the three corresponding
reflected rays on the diagrams. Place arrowheads upon all your rays. (Study the ray diagrams in
your textbook carefully to answer these questions.)

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


State the three rules which describe the predictable reflection of three rays of incident light for a
concave mirror. (See question #4.)


Light from a distant star is collected by a concave mirror. How far from the mirror do the light rays
converge if the radius of curvature of the mirror is 150 cm?


Suppose your teacher gives you a concave mirror and asks you to find the focal point. Describe the
procedure you would use to do this.


The image location is the location in space from

where it would seem to every observer as though
reflected light is coming from. The diagram at the
right shows an object and a concave mirror. Four
rays of light from the object approach the mirror.
Note that ray 1 and ray 4 are two of the three
principal rays whose behavior is described in
question #5 above. Reflect each ray (starting with
rays 1 and 4) and determine the image location.
Put a dot at the image location and label it image.


Consider the diagram at the right of an object, an

image, and a concave mirror. On the diagram,
show the path of light from object to the mirror to
the eye as the eye sights at the image.

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Ray Diagrams for Concave Mirrors

Read from Lesson 3 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevels 5 and 6

For the following mirrors and corresponding object positions,

construct ray diagrams. Then describe the Location of the image,
Orientation (upright or inverted) of the image, the relative Size of
the image (larger or smaller than object), and the Type of image
(real or virtual). For Case 4, merely construct the ray diagram.
NOTE: 1) All light rays have arrowheads that indicate the direction of travel of the ray.
2) Always draw in the image once located (an arrow is a good representation).
3) Exactness counts. Use a straightedge and be accurate.
Case 1: If the object is located "beyond" the center of curvature.

Description of Image:
O: Upright or Inverted

S: Magnified or Reduced

T: Real or Virtual

Case 2: If the object is located at the center of curvature.

Description of Image:
O: Upright or Inverted

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S: Magnified or Reduced

T: Real or Virtual

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors

Case 3: If the object is located between the center of curvature and the focal point.

Description of Image:
O: Upright or Inverted

S: Magnified or Reduced

T: Real or Virtual

Case 4: If the object is located at the focal point.

No Description Required
Case 5: If the object is located between the focal point and the mirror.

Description of Image:
O: Upright or Inverted

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S: Magnified or Reduced

T: Real or Virtual

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Ray Diagrams for Convex Mirrors

Read from Lesson 4 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevels 8 and 9

For the following mirrors and corresponding object positions,

construct ray diagrams. Then practice the LOST art of image
description. Identify the Location of the image, Orientation (upright
or inverted) of the image, the relative Size of the image (larger or
smaller than object), and the Type of image (real or virtual).
NOTE: 1) All light rays have arrowheads that indicate the direction of travel of the ray.
2) Always draw in the image once located (an arrow is a good representation).
3) Exactness counts. Use a straightedge and be accurate.
Case 1: Object is Relatively Close to Mirror

Description of Image:
O: Upright or Inverted

S: Magnified or Reduced

T: Real or Virtual

Case 2: Object is Relatively Far Away from Mirror

Description of Image:
O: Upright or Inverted

The Physics Classroom, 2009

S: Magnified or Reduced

T: Real or Virtual

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors

Mathematics of Curved Mirrors

Read from Lessons 3 and 4 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevels 7 and 10

Use the mirror equation and the magnification ratio to solve the following problems. PSYW
1. Bobby places a 4.25-cm tall light bulb a distance of 36.2 cm from a concave mirror. If the mirror has
a focal length of 19.2 cm, then what is the image height and image distance?


Van Itee, quite concerned about the pimple on his chin, is looking into a concave mirror with a focal
length of 33.6 cm. Determine the image height and image distance of the 2.50-mm sized pimple
when placed 25.2 cm from the mirror.


Al Wayscurious is intrigued by the reflective abilities of his family's soup ladle. The ladle acts as a
concave mirror with a 2.59-cm focal length. Determine the image size of Al's 24.8-cm tall face when
placed 12.8 cm from the ladle's surface.


Mr. H splurged when he bought his Yugo and ordered the side mirror option. The mirror has a
focal length of -88.4 cm. What is the image height of a 4.59-meter tall truck when located 12.6 meters
away from the mirror?


A Christmas tree ornament with an 8.64-cm diameter serves as a convex mirror surface. Determine
the image size and the image distance of a 4-foot tall child standing a distance of 2.65 meters away.

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Object-Image Relations
Read from Lesson 3 of the Reflection chapter at The Physics Classroom:
MOP Connection:

Reflection and Mirrors: sublevels 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11

A 10.0-cm tall object is placed in front of a concave mirror with a focal length of 20.0 cm. For each
object distance, calculate the image distance, magnification, and image height. Sketch a ray diagram
showing the object in the appropriate location and the image with the proper location, orientation
and relative size.

50 cm


40 cm


30 cm


20 cm


10 cm


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Ray Diagram Sketch

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Light, Reflection and Mirrors


Arrows numbered 1-8 represent object locations for a concave mirror. For each of these objects, use
your understanding of image characteristics to determine the corresponding image location,
orientation and relative size. Since these diagrams have not been created to scale, do NOT use ray
diagrams to determine your answers.






Arrows numbered 1-4 represent object locations for a convex mirror. For each of these objects, use
your understanding of image characteristics to determine the corresponding image location,
orientation and relative size. Since these diagrams have not been created to scale, do NOT use ray
diagrams to determine your answers.




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