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GE1101E Project Guide 2016

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Semester 2, 2015/2016


Group Project Guide

Writing Format
Title page: With module code and title, your project title (use your imagiation!),
names of group members and tutorial group. You may wish to include a picture(s)
related to your research topic or of your group members.
Introduction: Background to commodity chains or globalisation of
cultures/communities etc. and a brief description of your chosen research topic. You
should demonstrate a sound and convincing connection between your chosen theme
(which may be quite specific) and the Group Project Topic.
Definitions: Your project should make use of specific concepts and key terms as
covered in lectures or readings (please use academic and geographical sources as
far as possible). You are expected to define them and explain how they relate to your
specific topic. Remember to make use of references if you are using ideas or quotes
from particular authors.
Methodology: A brief account of your data collection methods, and describe the
types of primary and/or secondary data sources you have used.
Analysis of findings: Explain and analyse how your research topic relates to
commodity chains or landscapes of globalisation by making use of the data you have
collected. You can offer quotes from interviewees, photographs, personal
observations and secondary data to support your case. Note: this constitutes the
main part of your essay and should therefore be the most substantive. Use subheadings as appropriate.
Conclusion: A short summary of what you have learned about the concept of
commodity chains or globalisation in light of your research topic. You may also
include some personal reflection on how the project has changed your views about
production, consumption, migration, consumption and/or globalisation (whichever is
appropriate for your topic).
References: List all sources that you have referred to in the main body of your
writing. Follow the format given in this Group Project Guide.
Appendix: This part is optional and relevant only if you have conducted field work.
You may list interview questions, provide some background information of the
interviewees and date(s) of interview(s). There is no need to present the entire
interview transcript. You can also include field notes or photographs taken during any
observations/field visits that are not presented within the main write-up.



Semester 2, 2015/2016


Your group project essay should not exceed 2,500 words (excluding references,
footnotes, figures, tables, appendix).
Essays should be of minimum font size 12, with double spacing, leaving generous
margins for comments to be written. Please print double sided.
The deadline for Topic 1 The Commodity Chain Of is on Monday 7 March
2016, 5pm. The deadline for Topic 2 Landscapes of Globalisation is on Monday
28 March 2016, 5pm.
All projects should be deposited into a mailbox labeled GE1101E/GEK1001 opposite
the Department of Geography General Office (AS2 #03-01).
The penalty of late submission is one sub-grade per day (i.e. from A to A- for being
one day late, from A to B+ for being 2 days late etc.).

Data Collection & Field Work

Your research project is based on the analysis of data on your chosen topic. This could be in
the form of primary or secondary data.
Primary data (optional): This refers to data that you have collected personally from the field.
It is not compulsory for you to conduct field work and collect primary data for this group
project, although you are encouraged to do so where feasible. Primary data collection could
take the form of:

Questionnaire surveys
Interviews (in person, telephone or email)
Focus groups
Participant or non-participant observation

Secondary data: This refers to data or findings that have been published or reported by
someone else. Sources of secondary data include:
Academic journal articles and books
Official statistics (published by national departments, programmes of United Nations
e.g. UNCTAD, UNHCR, UNICEF, World Trade Organisation, International Labour
Organisation, or other official bodies)
Trade and industry reports or press releases (e.g. annual reports of corporations,
regular or ad-hoc reports from firms and NGOs)
Archival data (from the National Archives or other archival bodies)
Mass media (newspapers, magazines, television programmes, films)
Note: Be aware and selective when using sources from the Internet. The Internet is a
wonderful resource but needs to be used with care. Wikipedia (and other similar usergenerated content) could be a convenient place to start your initial search and for some
ideas, but should NOT be your sole source of research information. (Please do not cite
Wikipedia follow the source!) Web content published by established and reputable
agencies and organisations are usually more reliable than personal websites or social media
websites (again, apply the rule of reputation and credentials).
Some useful resources
Databases (via NUS Library Portal

Semester 2, 2015/2016

Web of Science
Science Direct
FACTIVA (for current and old newspaper articles)
Google Scholar

Official statistics and reports:

World Bank reports ( - can search by country or
region or sector
ILO publications (
Websites of various United Nations programmes
Department of Statistics Singapore (
News and media:
The Straits Times (and other national newspapers)
The Economist
Wall Street Journal
International Herald Tribune
New York Times


Citations & References

What are in-text citations?

These are references made in the body of the essay or report acknowledging the source of a
certain idea, data or information that you use in writing your essay or report. These are
normally indicated within brackets by the last name of the author(s), followed by year and
page numbers (for direct quotes lifted from a journal or book).
Example 1: Analysing commodity chains brings into view the idea of ethical consumption
(Lai, 2013).
Example 2: It is important to study production and consumption as an interrelated process as
analysing commodity chains brings into view the idea of ethical consumption (Lai, 2013:
Do I need to cite?
When you use someones idea or argument, you should cite them in the body of your essay
or report. Similarly, when you use statistics/tables/figures from a published source, you
should cite that source. Give credit where it is due or you may unwittingly commit
plagiarism. Generally, ideas, data and information are drawn from books, chapters in edited
books, journals, conference papers, government reports, newspaper reports, magazines and
Internet sources. These are known as secondary data.
What are references?
This is a list of the books/journals/web URLs/news articles that you have cited in the body of
your essay or report. This list appears at the end of a report or essay and is arranged in
alphabetical order (based on the last name of authors or organisation).
For example: note the REFERENCES or BIBLIOGRAPHY that appear at the end of each
chapter or journal article in your reading list.


Semester 2, 2015/2016

Do I need to cite primary sources of date?

Yes, you do! You do not list them in the REFERENCES at the end of your report but you
have to cite your sources within the main text.
For survey data, indicate the date or month that the survey was conducted, e.g.
(survey, February 2013).
You should do the same for data collected from personal observations or field visits,
e.g. (field observation, date of observation).
For interview data, either use the persons name if s/he does not mind being named,
or a pseudonym if you have created a name to protect the interviewees identities,
e.g. I love Geography! (Last name or pseudonym, date of interview).
Styles for citations and references
There are many styles for in-text citations and references. The standard referencing style for
the NUS Geography Department is the Harvard Style (i.e. author, year, page no.). You can
check journal articles from The Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography for a sample of
citation/referencing style. The NUS library also offers a citation guide and links to resources
that explain how to cite or reference different types of data (including Internet sources):



Academic achievement is evaluated on the basis of work that students produce

independently. Plagiarism is presenting some other persons work as ones own, which is a
very serious offence in NUS. Depending on the severity of the case, the student may be
assigned zero marks or have a reduction of grades for the assignment, receive a fail grade
for the module, be officially reprimanded with a record in his/her student dossier, or even
suspended from university. If you are facing difficulties with your work, please contact your
tutor or lecture early so that we can help; do not wait till it is too late. Make sure that you
observe the academic conventions of citations and references to avoid being accused of
plagiarism. When in doubt, check with your tutor!
For more information on how the university views plagiarism: (> click to launch the e-module > select Plagiarism from table
of contents)


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