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Cleaning Screws

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A Method for Purging and

Cleaning a Screw and Barrel

Xaloy, Incorporated

When it comes to maintaining screw and
barrels, the most common question asked is,
What is the best method to purge and clean
our screws and barrels?

procedure to include the use of an acetylene

torch. This is the biggest mistake that can
be done which will destroy not only the
metallurgical properties of the base metal
but also affect the closely machined
tolerances of the screw.

Hopefully, this paper will address this very

common question and help companies be
more productive during their production
changeover and routine maintenance
Many times it is more cost effective to pull
the screw out of the extruder or injection
molding machine than to use a purging
compound when it is time to do a product
changeover. For extrusion applications,
typically, for extruders that are 90mm (3.5)
in diameter and smaller, it is often easier to
pull the screw out of the barrel and pristine
the system to insure that there is no
contamination for the next application.
When the process is Injection Molding,
typically, for machines that have screws that
are smaller than 75mm (3.0) in diameter,
these too are easier to remove the screw
from the barrel and clean the components
outside the machine.
What NOT to do!
Plasticating screws are manufactured to very
close tolerances. Most of the tolerances on
the screw are within +/- .025mm (.001),
straight within .1mm (.004) and have a
highly polished finish. Many, many times it
is very common for a companys
maintenance departments screw cleaning

Most screws that are built for extrusion

applications are made of 4140 H.T. steel.
Whenever isolated heat from an acetylene
torch is used to remove plastics from the
root of the screw, it will cause the metal to
expand on that side of the screw and in turn
cause the screw to bend. Once the screw
cools it is very doubtful that the straightness
of the screw will return to what it was
Also, the isolated heat,
especially if the steel is heated to a point
where the isolated area turns to a permanent
blue, will cause metallurgical changes to the
base metal. There have been occasions
where the isolated area actually causes a
delamination of the base metal and a large
portion of steel will separate itself from the
main portion of the screw.
In the case of injection molding screws,
most of these screws are manufactured to

withstand abrasive wear from the resins that

are being processed. The types of steels
used to combat the abrasive wear are
typically various types of tool steels. During
the manufacturing stages of building tool
steel screws, the base metal has to be heat
treated to increase the hardness of the steel.
If isolated heat from an acetylene torch is
used to remove plastic from the root of the
screw, it will definitely anneal the base
metal and reduce the wear resistance in that
area of the screw. Also, annealing the tool
steel with the use of isolated heat will reduce
the yield strength of the steel, and this will
increase the likelihood of screw breakage
due to torque.
Therefore, the basic
statement here is:

system. For example, on a 50mm (2)

diameter screw it will require about 5 kg (10
lb) of material, and on a 90mm (3.5)
diameter screw it may require 15kg (33 lb)
of HDPE material.

Figure 1

Do Not Use Isolated Direct Heat!!!

Purging the Screw
The first step to pristine the plasticating
system is to purge the screw. First, close off
the flow of the resin that is being processed.
This is typically done by closing the slide
gate at the bottom of the resin hopper.
The screw rotational speed needs to be
reduced to approximately 15 to 25 rpm and
operated at this speed until the polymer
stops flowing from the end of the die or out
of the nozzle on an injection molding

Depending on the type of extrusion process,

it may be necessary to remove the die or
head tooling to reduce over pressuring the
end of the extruder. This is why it is very
important during the purging process that
extreme caution be used and two operators
perform this portion of the process. One
operator should be at the control panel (See
Figure 2) to observe the screw speed and
drive load meter to insure that the drive does

All of the barrel zones should be set to about

200C (400F), and the machine needs to
come to this temperature before continuing
the purging process.
Once the barrel zones have reached the
200C (400F) temperature settings, then the
purging process can begin. It is this authors
experience that a fractional melt (.35 MI)
HDPE is used as a purging compound, see
Figure 1. The screw size will determine the
amount of HDPE that is needed to purge the

Figure 2

not overload. The second operator needs to

observe the head pressure gauge to make
sure that the system is not over pressured.
All the while, the screw should be rotating at
about 15 to 20 rpm.

If the process allows the die to remain on the

extruder, then the purging process should
continue until a complete change in the
extrudate is noticed. Figure 3 shows the
changeover from the processing resin to the
HDPE purging resin.

Hot gloves
Brass putty knife
Brass gauze
A round wire brush about the
diameter of the barrel bore mounted
on long rod
Stearic acid flake
Electric drill
Several cotton rags

Figure 4
Figure 3
Purging should continue until the extrudate
has completely transformed from the
processing resin to the purging resin.
Once the die has been completely purged,
the screw rotation can be completely
stopped so that the die on the extruder or the
endcap on the injection molding machine
can be removed and the end of the screw can
be exposed.
With the die or endcap
removed, the screw can be restarted and
rotated at about 10 rpm to allow the
remaining HDPE purging resin to be
pumped out of the remaining portion of the
Tools and Cleaning Materials (Figure 4)
The tools and cleaning materials needed to
pristine a screw and barrel are very few and
simple. They consist of the following:

Stearic acid is used as an ingredient in

making candles, plastics, dietary supplements, oil pastels, and cosmetics; for
softening rubber; and to improve the fusion
of PVC. It is also used to harden soaps,
particularly those made with vegetable oil.
Cleaning the Screw
Once the resin has stopped extruding from
the screw, then the screw needs to be
removed from the machine. For an extruder
using a screw cooling system, needs to be
removed, see Figure 5, before installing the
screw extraction components.

With the first portion of the screw exposed,

now the HDPE resin can be cleaned from
the channels of the screw as shown in Figure
8, using the brass putty knife and brass wire

Figure 5
Once the hoses, rotary union, and piping are
removed from the back of the extruder, the
screw extractor mechanism can be attached
to the extruder gearbox. Using the screw
extractor, the screw can be pushed down
most of the distance of the barrel. (See
Figure 6)

Figure 8
As the exposed portion of the screw has the
HDPE removed, then another 4 to 5 turns of
the screw can be pushed forward using the
screw extractor, and the cleaning process is
Once the large amounts of HDPE are
removed with the brass putty knife and wire
brush, the stearic acid should be sprinkled
onto the root of the hot screw, and the brass
gauze should be used to remove the
remaining HDPE residue. (See Figure 9)

Figure 6
The screw should now be pushed forward
until about 4 or 5 turns of the screw can be
exposed for cleaning. (See Figure 7)

Figure 9

Figure 7

Once the entire screw has been polished

using the brass gauze, a final clean-up can
be done using a soft cotton rag. In Figure

10, the screw channels and flight outside

diameter can be cleaned to the pristine
condition to insure that there is no
contamination in the next production run.

plastic, but also very good for protecting the

screw when it is being stored between uses
in production.
Cleaning the Barrel
Cleaning the barrel is much easier than the
cleaning of the screw but just as important.
(See Figure 12)

Figure 10
Once the screw has been completely cleaned
it can be set aside (Figure 11) until the barrel
Figure 12
With the barrel temperatures still set at the
purging temperatures, the barrel is ready for
its cleaning process.

Figure 11

The first step of the barrel cleaning process

is to assemble the round wire brush, the long
extension rod, and the electric drill as a
complete assembly. Once these components
have been assembled, the copper gauze (See
Figure 13) can be wrapped around the
outside diameter of the wire brush.

has been cleaned, or it can be placed on the

screw rack until it is needed for the next
production run requiring its use. If the
screw is place on the storage rack, then it
should be sprayed and wiped down with a
light oil, such as WD-40 or PB Blaster in
order to prevent rusting of the base metal to
Also, it is good to mention, that chrome
plating is not only an excellent surface
coating which will help in preventing
plastics from building up on the root of the
screw and also improve the feeding of the

Figure 13

Before inserting the brush/gauze assembly

into the bore of the barrel, a handful of
stearic acid can be thrown into the bore of
the plasticating barrel. Stearic acid can also
be sprinkled over the copper gauze before
the brush/gauze assembly is inserted and
then pushed into the bore of the barrel. (See
Figure 14)

the barrel clear of the HDPE and stearic acid

residue. After the rags have been passed
back and forth several times and return
totally clean, the barrel cleaning process is
By following the procedure described in this
paper, the entire screw and barrel assembly
will be totally pristine and ready for the next
production run.

Figure 14
Once the brush/gauze assembly is inserted
into the bore of the barrel, the electric drill is
used to rotate the brush/gauze assembly in
and out of the barrel bore until the
brush/gauze assembly moves easily in and
out of the bore. It may be necessary to use
additional stearic acid before the bore
cleaning process is thoroughly completed.
Once the brush/gauze assembly is removed
from the barrel bore, a bundle of cotton rags
needs to be pushed back and forth the (See
Figure 15) length of the barrel bore to swab

Figure 15

Many times it can be much more effective

and efficient to do a total cleaning process as
described here versus using a commercially
available purging compound. Sometimes
the plasticating process prohibits cleaning
the screw and barrel described here; these
are processes, such as large blow molding
equipment and extremely large cast film or
laminating lines.
If the proper equipment is used, screws and
barrels up to 150mm (6) in diameter can be
thoroughly cleaned in one to two hours and
save enormous amounts of time and
materials that it would take otherwise.

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