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A Big Bag of Tricks to Get Students

Invested Without Breaking Your

Mid-Atlantic Summit
March 7, 2009

Curtisha Travis
Teach For America
’07 Newark Corps Member
• Corps Members will be able to implement strategies to demonstrate
investment in their students.
• Corps Members will be able to implement strategies to motivate their students
and raise investment in their class, the BIG Goal, and in education as a whole.
o Workshop Objectives
o Overview

o What’s Working vs. What’s Not
o Session Expectations

o Importance of Investment
o Doing OUR Part
o Implementation Discussion


o Classroom Culture
o Rewards System
o Implementation Discussion


o Tracking Tr
o Songs, Dances, & Chants
o BIG Goal Competition & Perks
o Implementation Discussion


o Motivational Quotes
o Poster Ideas
o Career Development
o Implementation Discussion


o Create a plan for your students

o Share your ideas
o Feedback & Suggestions

o Q&A
The Investment Process

It starts with YOU!

There will be no significant learning until you have established a
significant relationship with your students. After they see that
you are invested in them
them, then they will naturally become more
invested in your class and the Big Goal.
Orientation Week
During the first week of school (first 3 days if block scheduling), do not teach any content. Instead, use that
time to build relationships with your students. It is well worth the time. Students will not want to learn
anything from you, if they have no connection with you. Here are things that you can do.
• Picture collage – Hang a collage of pictures from your life (it could also be a timeline). Be sure to
include lots of pictures from when you were a baby and around the age of your students. You may also
want to show pictures with you and your family and friends. Students need to see that you are a real
person, too. This can lead to them telling about their families. For homework, have students create
their own collage or timeline and write a paragraph about their future (i.e. what they want to be when
they grow up).
• Class Theme & Motto – Introduce the theme, motto, and expectations for the year
• Student Survey - learn their interests and what they expect of you
• Parent Survey – send a letter and survey home with the parents
• Rules Presentation – allow students to define and interpret the class rules in skits
• Ice-Breakers – simple get to know you activities
• Practice Procedures – allow students a grace period, a time to make mistakes, to learn procedures
before you strictly enforce them

Birthday Calendar
Devote a small section in your room to a birthday calendar. As a Do Now one day, pass around slips of paper
and have your students write their birthdays on the slips and return them to you. Put the birthdates on the
calendar. Buy a big bag of candy and small candy bags (birthday party favor bags). Make a generic birthday
card (or buy pack). Whenever a student’s birthday comes around, fill the small bag with candy and give them
the card in class. Have the class sing Happy Birthday.

Classroom Décor
Make your classroom student friendly. Let them see that you have spent time creating a nice place for them
to learn. Here are a few tips for creating a student-friendly classroom.
• Make it colorful—content specific borders and chalkboard headers make a big difference.
• Make your own posters in black and white. Go to FedEx Kinko’s to get them blown up in black and
white. This may cost about $5-$8 per poster. You can color them in with markers.
• You can create a fun challenge board, a student spotlight board. You may also decide to create a
Student Center with items just for them—a stapler, hole puncher, tissue, hand sanitizer, pencil
sharpener, inbox and outbox, and etc.
• If you don’t have much bulletin board space, that’s okay. You can decorate doors, sections of the
chalkboard, or even walls to look like bulletin boards.

Classroom DJ
Embrace your students’ interests. Buy a cheap set of speakers ($10 at Wal-Mart) that you can use to listen to
an iPod. All of our students’ music isn’t appropriate, so be sure to warn them that if you hear anything
inappropriate, that the class will lose DJ privileges for a month (or however long you decide). Students want
to feel comfortable in your classroom and they want to know that you accept their culture. Allow students to
DJ during independent practice when it’s really quiet in the class. I use it quite often. I have three rules:
(1) No inappropriate music. (2) The DJ must be able to multi-task and also complete his/her class assignment.
(3) Other students cannot bug the DJ. They must accept what the DJ chooses to play.
20 Actions That Let Your Students Know You Care
1. Find a large 12-month calendar and have your students put their birthdays on it. Those students who have birthdays
during holidays can mark a day they would like to use to celebrate the event. On the day, put a "Happy Birthday!"
message on the board. At the beginning of the term you should spend some time at the computer to design a card
for your students. Photocopy these and have them ready for your students.

2. Praise and reward your students often as individuals and as a class.

3. Use your very best manners in dealing with your students. Insist that they do likewise.

4. Pay attention to your students' health. When a child seems ill, send that student to the nurse. If a child has to miss
several days of school, call home to see how he or she is doing. When homebound work is requested, be prompt in
sending it out and include a get-well card.

5. Speak to your students when you see them in the hall or in the neighborhood. Often their social skills won't be up to
yours, so take the initiative to be friendly.

6. Ask after their family members. If you have taught brothers or sisters (or even a parent) of one of your students, ask
about them. If you know that a family member is ill, show your concern.

7. Use a simple sentence—such as "What can I do to help you?"—that projects a caring attitude.

8. Send home a note when good things happen to a student in school. Share your pride with the family.

9. Write notes to your students. Write on their papers and use plenty of stickers.

10. Take photographs of your students and put them on the wall for all to see.

11. Be accessible to help your students before or after school. Offer student help sessions on a specific day each week.
You don't have to stay for a long time, but you can help those students who may be struggling.

12. Tell your students that you like them. Take a few moments after a long week to recount all the good things they
have done. This simple action will increase the likelihood of having another good week.

13. Seek their opinions. Give your students lots of opportunities to share their ideas with you.

14. Attend school events. If your students are playing in a football game or performing in a band concert, go to show
your approval and appreciation for their hard work.

15. If a student is featured in the newspaper for something good, clip out the article and post it for everyone to see.

16. Lend materials for those students who have accidentally forgotten theirs.

17. Ask your students to tell you about their weekends or holidays. This is easier if you ask them to write about it.

18. Allow your students to have a voice in the classroom. Listen to them. It's easy to provide opportunities for this. For
example, you could give them a choice of due dates or a choice in types of test questions.

19. Notice and compliment changes in personal appearance. Be sincere even if the change is not to your personal taste:
"That third nose ring really adds something to your face” or "Green hair doesn't work for everybody, but it is
becoming on you."

20. Set responsible behavior limits for everyone and be fair in expecting everyone to abide by them. This "tough love"
approach to classroom control will set a positive tone that underlies all other discipline actions that you take.

From the Discipline Survival Toolkit for the Secondary Teacher by Julia G. Thompson
Building a Classroom Culture
Time and time again people who have risen from the depths of poverty and adversity have credited their success to the
importance that school played in their lives when they needed guidance. School provided them with the hope of a
future away from the misery of their daily existence.

While the circumstances for your students may not be as extreme, there are students in your class who need support
and guidance in their lives. One way to provide this for them is create a classroom culture that supersedes the various
other cultures in the room.

In a classroom culture the teacher and students develop a sense of loyalty to the class and to the group that results in a
positive and productive atmosphere. Students in this kind of classroom act as if they are in one large family of mutually
supportive friends. The teamwork skills that your students will learn in a classroom culture are ones they will use later in
their workplace experiences.

There are many ways to create a successful classroom culture. Pick those strategies from the following list that will best
fit your teaching needs.

1. When a new student enters the class, have the other students write quick notes of welcome and advice on how to
succeed in the class.

2. Have all students take part in determining the class rules by encouraging their active participation through class

3. Involve students in the daily tasks of the classroom. They can and should be responsible for a variety of tasks such as
cleaning up, passing out papers, taking care of shared materials, running errands, and tutoring each other.

4. When there seems to be a conflict between what you want and what the group wants, allow students to speak up to
present their side of the story through a spokesperson. This is an activity that would be appropriate only if the
situation is one where you are willing to compromise, such as changing the due date of a term paper. It is also an
activity that makes students feel you value their opinions when they are expressed clearly and logically.

5. Encourage students to help each other in understanding their lessons as often as possible. Students who take the
time to tutor or assist each other with assignments not only learn the material better themselves, but they form a
helpful bond with the students they are helping.

6. Keep a chart of the good things you see your students doing and post this chart in a prominent place to remind them
of their successes.

7. Put students in charge of shared materials. They will take better care of equipment and books if they are the ones
responsible for them.

8. Use plural possessive pronouns often. Saying "our" room, "our" books, and "our" desks is much more friendly and
inclusive than "mine, mine, mine."

9. Take their help when they offer it. If a student wants to help you carry something or run an errand, accept.

10. Display their work. Few things increase a student's sense of pride than seeing his or her project displayed for all to

11. Take photographs of your students and display them. Make lists of your students in each class and display that with
the photos to show your pride in each one. You can use computer calligraphy or other special effects to make the list
and the photographs as attractive as possible.
12. Create a "wall of fame" to showcase the good things your students accomplish.

13. Have a class goal for your students to work towards. They might all work to improve their behavior so that they
could have a class outing or go on a field trip, for example. The emphasis here should be on the things they can do as
a group to improve their behavior so that they can all share in the reward that they have worked to earn.

14. Teach your students the importance of saying kind things to each other. Picking on each other and saying insulting
things is something that is too easy for many of our students to do. Steer them towards being as complimentary to
each other as possible in an effort to get along with every member of the class.

15. Play ice-breaking games with your students so that they know each other well enough to learn to like each other.
Make sure they know each other's names and a little bit about each other at the beginning of the term.

16. Ask their advice and opinions. Students often have useful insights to problems that perplex adults.

17. Use your sense of humor and encourage them to use theirs to have shared jokes and other friendly connections.

18. Celebrate birthdays and silly events as well as every success that you can.

19. Stress the importance of courtesy as a mark of respect to each other, the class, you, and to themselves.

20. Help students to be successful at the start of the term or of a unit of study so that they will want to continue with
this success.

21. Help students develop goals for their lives and for school success so that they work with a purpose.

From the Discipline Survival Toolkit for the Secondary Teacher by Julia G. Thompson

To build a classroom culture, teach students the concept of Ubuntu (oo-boon-too). According to Wikipedia,
Ubuntu is an ethic or humanist philosophy focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. It is
a traditional African concept which praises unity. You may choose to teach a mini-lesson on Ubuntu and
reinforce it with a call and response.

STUDENTS: because we are.

You may use it when you want to get your students attention or when you want them to be on one accord.
You can also create a unity poster with the words “I am because we are” and have each student sign it. You
should also sign it.


Create fun challenges that engage students in learning outside of the class period. Some are content specific,
but you can get ideas from them and modify for your content. Here are a couple websites with ideas.
I use this bulletin to highlight students making improvements or
students who consistently do well. I choose one student from each class
to highlight every two weeks. You can change the name to “Student
Spotlight” or something that fits your students. I use “Doin’ it BIG” to
reinforce our BIG Goal.

MATERIALS: Bulletin board, camera, color printer (or Kinko’s)

1. Announce to the class the student who is “Doin’ it BIG.”

2. Take the students’ picture.
3. Have the student write words of advice.
4. Upload the picture to your computer.
5. Paste the picture to a word document. Type the student’s
name, accomplishment, and words of advice.
6. Save the file and print it out in color on Laser Jet paper. OR
Go to FedEx Kinko’s and have them print it out (≈$3.00)
7. Update every two weeks.

Scholar dollars may be used to motivate students to do a variety of things. All you have to do is copy them on
green paper, cut them out, and you’re ready to go. Here are ways that you can use them.
1. To get students to come to class on time, award the first five students with a scholar dollar each day.
Students will actually run to get to your class.
• You can also allow students to choose Scholar Teams. Instead of awarding the first five
students with scholar dollars, award the first team to get all members to class. This will make
students encourage each other to come to class on time.
2. To get students to participate in class, award students with scholar dollars when they volunteer to
work out a problem at the board or offer their explanation to a concept. When you feel like a student
has contributed something great to the class, award them with a scholar dollar.
3. To get students to be more courteous to one another, award good behavior and helpfulness with a
scholar dollar.

Here are ways that students can use scholar dollars. You may choose to add some of your own.
• 1 scholar dollar = 1 extra credit point on a quiz or test
• 1 scholar dollar = 5 extra points on a homework assignment
• 1 scholar dollar = 1 ticket in a classroom raffle
• 1 scholar dollar = a pencil
• 1 scholar dollar = a sheet of paper
• 2 scholar dollars = a pen
• 10 scholar dollars = 1 extra point to the marking period grade
• 20 scholar dollars = a homework pass
Create a BIG Goal poster and place it in a prominent place in our classroom. You can create it in a word
document (outline) and get it blown up at FedEx Kinko’s and then color it in.

Create a simple chant for your Big Goal. I use “Big Goal: B or Better! Be your best and nothing less.” Practice
the chant with your students. You can do it everyday, as your call and response to get their attention. You
can also do it before tests and quizzes or before and after mastery reflections. You can get creative and
download a rap beat (or another genre) and have your students create a Big Goal song. Make it a privilege to
create the song. I allow the whole class to participate in the chorus, but only the students who have a B or
Better can create their own verse. Students really love this.

Mastery Quizzes & Tests

Group questions on your quizzes and tests by objective. This makes sure you adequately test each objective
and it also makes mastery much more visible t students. It’s also easier to track.

Mastery Reflection
After each test or quiz, have students complete a mastery sheet, where they write they calculate their mastery
and reflect on how they will improve.

Bi-Weekly Progress
Give students bi-weekly progress slips. Our students value grades more than mastery. So, you have to make
them see that mastery affects grades. Give them an update on their grade every two weeks. This will give
them urgency to mastery objectives and improve their grade. You can also write comments to each student
on their slip. They love the feedback.

Marking Period Reflection

We must teach our students the art of reflection. At the end of the marking period, have students complete a
guided reflection on their progress during that marking period. Then, set up times for individual conferences
with students. Make it mandatory for students with C’s D’s and F’s and optional for students who have an A
or B for their report card grade.

Class Mastery Competition

Students love competition. Track progress for each class on a bulletin board. Create a competition between
the classes. Award the class with the highest mastery (or average). It can be a free 15 minutes on a Friday and
a snack. You may want to create a bigger prize for classes who meet the Big Goal (i.e. a pizza party or ice
cream party).

Scholar Team Competition

If you are like me, you may have classes who always have the highest average, like an honors class. This
sometimes discourages the other classes, making them think that they cannot compete. So, you can create
Scholar Teams within one class. The teams can consist of 4-5 students. The team with the highest average
will receive a reward similar to the Class Mastery reward. You can also create another reward for the teams
who meet the Big Goal.
Name _________________________________________ Period ________ Date ___________________


SWBAT identify the nucleus and the three subatomic particles, their charges, sizes and locations. [10 pts]

1 – 9. Fill in the chart below.

________ / 10 = ________ %


1 Amu 0
Outside of the nucleus

10. Which of the following is incorrect?

A) Protons have a mass of 1 Amu. D) Protons have a charge of +1. C) Neutrons have a mass of 1 Amu.
B) Electrons have a mass of 1 Amu. E) Electrons have a charge of -1.

SWBAT calculate the charge and mass of an atom and recognize ions and neutral atoms. [10 pts]

11 – 19. Fill in the chart below.

________ / 10 = ________ %


4 5 6
12 8 12
16 17 15

20. When is an atom neutral?

A) When it has an overall charge of zero. C) When it has no electrons.
B) When is has the same number of protons and electrons. D) A and B

SWBAT distinguish between an atom, an element, and a compound. [10 pts]

21-30. Identify each of the following as either an element or a compound. Designate your
________ / 10 = ________ %
answer choice by writing either an “E” or a “C” on the line next to each substance.

______ C ______ KH ______ Co2O3 ______ Mn ______ LiSO4

______ NH3 ______ NaCl ______ Cd ______ Sg ______ Cu2Se

SWBAT determine the number of atoms of each element in a compound. [10 pts]

31-40. Calculate the number of atoms of each element in the following three compounds? ________ / 10 = ________ %

3Na2SeO3 2Fe(CO)5 4Zn(CN)2

Name __________________________________ Period _______ Date _________________________


In order to reach our BIG Goal of B or Better, we must master ALL of our objectives. That is, you must know
80% of all of our objectives. Your task today is to find out which objectives you have mastered on our last quiz.

The following are the levels of mastery:

80% - 100% = Mastered!
60% - 79% = In Progress towards Mastery
Be your best and nothing less!
0% - 59% = Need Tutoring to Master

Calculate your mastery percentages using the steps below.

Solve for percentage mastery by following these steps:

1. Looking at the questions listed in Column 2, add up the points that you earned for each objective.
2. Write down the number of points that you earned as the numerator in Column 3.
3. Use your calculator to divide the numerator by the denominator found in Column 3; write down the
decimal in Column 4.
4. Turn the decimal from Column 4 into a percentage by moving the decimal 2 spaces to the right; write
down your mastery percentage in Column 5.
5. Mark an X in either Column 6, 7, or 8 depending on your mastery percentage from Column 5.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8

DECIMAL PERCENT 60%-79% 0%-59%
1. Identify the nucleus and
the three subatomic
particles, their charges,
1-10 /10 %
sizes and locations.
2. Calculate the charge and
mass of an atom and
recognize ions and
11-20 /10 %
neutral atoms.

3. Distinguish between an
atom, an element, and a 21-30 /10 %

4. Determine the number of

atoms of each element in 31-40 /10
a compound.
After you get your mastery percentages, complete the following reflection.

1. How many objectives did you master? _________

2. How many objectives are you in progress towards mastering? _________

3. How many objectives do you need tutoring to master? _________

4. Thinking about this data and thinking about your habits leading up to the quiz (homework completion, time devoted to
studying, time spent at tutoring, class participation, and any other habits that affect your academic achievement), what will you
do to ensure high objective mastery on the upcoming test?




NAME: Daniel Abotchie PERIOD: 2 DATE: 1/23/09 AVERAGE: ________ % GRADE: ________
NOTES: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: ____________________


PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: ____________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: _____________

Would you like to speak with Ms. Travis regarding this report?  YES  NO

If so, please provide a valid telephone number: (____________) ______________-____________________

NAME _______________________________ PERIOD ________ DATE ___________________________

Self Reflection & Goal Setting

It’s time for reflection. Cycle II has ended and the school year is half over. Let’s take a look back at several factors that
influenced your grade for the 2nd Marking Period.
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF and ANSWER HONESTLY so that you may have a positive forward motion lending to your academic
success for this course!

GRADE _______ % _______ MISSING WORK? _______ ABSENCES? _______ TARDINESS? _______

Keep in mind the following factors contributing to your grade as you answer
the questions.
 Quizzes  Binders  Missing Work
REFLECTION  NEWS Reports  Class Work
 Homework  Attendance


1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses with regards to being successful in the components indicated above.

2. Are you satisfied with the grade that you earned? Why or why not?


1. Understanding our goal is to pass Chemistry with a “B or Better”, what methods and behaviors will you employ for
the 3rd and 4th marking periods? Be specific and realistic.
1. On a scale from 1-10, how proactive were you in Chemistry this marking period? Explain your rating.

2. Were there ever topics or concepts that you had trouble learning? What did you do in these situations?

3. Use the scale to rate your activities with regards to resources available to you this marking period.
Never Rarely Sometimes Often
(0 times) (1-4 times this MP) (1 time/week) (2-4 times/week)

I attended tutoring. (Lunch or after school)    

I visited Ms. Travis’ webpage to check for homework
and get missing assignments.    
I visited Ms. Travis’ webpage to engage in web links
and online tutorials/learning activities.    
I emailed Ms. Travis for help.    

4. Use the scale to rate your activities with regards to support available to you this marking period.
Never Once Twice
I retook my quiz to improve my grade.   
I turned in my NEWS report early for feedback.   
I redid my NEWS report to improve my grade.   
1. Indicate at least THREE (3) specific, measurable and attainable goals that you will set, monitor and
meet from this point forward. (For example, I will attend tutoring 2 times a week. I will do my homework every
day. I will earn at least an 80% on every assessment.)

Turn on your brain for an amazing experience!! 

Motivational Quotes
You can always Google to find quotes or use some of your personal favorites. I put up some of my favorite
quotes in my classroom. I also asked my students for quotes that inspire them. I printed each quote on
colored paper and posted them around the classroom. You could also just devote a bulletin board to quotes
or create an “Inspiration Corner” in your classroom where you fill the wall with motivational quotes. To make
it really fun, have students create raps or chants from the quotes. They like this and they never forget them.

“Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.” (Unknown)

“I think, therefore I am.” (Rene Descartes)

“We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true
education.” (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

“I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” (William Ernest Henley from Invictus)

“If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” (Bruce Lee)

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
(Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles)

“You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” (Wayne Gretzky)

“We do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do.” (The Great Debaters)

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't
mind.” (Dr. Seuss)

“Trying is failing with honor. Take the word ‘try’ out of your vocabulary. You either do it or you don’t.” (James
Arthur Ray)


“Live, Love, Laugh, Learn.” (Kori Williams)

“It’s not who you are, but who you are destined to be.” (Takiyah Gooden)

“Choices. Life is about choices. I’m trying to make the right choice because I believe in myself and I am
somebody. It’s not about where I’ve been. It’s not about where I’m from, but where I’m trying to go. I am. I
can. I’m gong to make the right choices.” (Jada Gonzalez)

“The only person who can define your success is you.” (Samad Reed)

“Laziness is a first class ticket to failure, but determination and motivation is a private jet to success.” (Jessica

“What you do for yourself dies with you. But what you do for others never dies; it becomes immortal.”
(Mishena Dent)
Poster Ideas
1 million athletes desire to get into the NBA or WNBA.
There are 100,000 new high school positions.
There are 4,000 new college positions.
There are 35 new NBA/WNBA positions.
There are 7 new starting positions.
The average NBA/WNBA career is 4 years.

Rich rappers
1 million CDs sell for $18 = $18 million
Distributors get 50% = $9 million
Producers get 40% = $7.2 million
Studio and video costs = $800,000
IRS gets 50% = $500,000
Rapper buys Bentley for $500,000.
Rapper ends up with $0.

The Real
A high school dropout earns $6.00 per hour.
A high school graduate earns $8.00 per hour.
A college graduate earns $20.00 per hour.
A graduate degree holder earns $40.00 per hour.

Career Development
Ask your students what they want to be when they’re 30 years old. Write down the careers next to their
names in your record book. Refer to your students by their career for the rest of the school year (Pilot Jones,
Dr. Smith, Attorney Bailey). Have your students create a career profile for themselves in their career choice.
Make sure the profile has their picture on it. Post them around the school.

You may want to have a “Hot Jobs” section in your classroom where you post information about hot careers in
your content area. Sometimes I do career presentations, where I highlight certain careers. There are websites
with tons of career resources and videos. Students love the videos. Here’s a website with career information
geared toward students and young adults:
Intrinsic motivation is the most effective stimulus to student achievement because its effect lasts much longer. Tangible
rewards tend to be short-lived and not very useful once the student has or has not won a prize. For a long-term,
fundamental change in students; intrinsic motivation has been proven to be successful over and over again.

There are many ways to include intrinsic motivation techniques in a lesson. Many effective teachers seem to do this
instinctively by using a variety of strategies to sustain their students' interest in each assignment. All of us who want to
motivate our students to achieve more or to perform at higher levels of success will follow their example and include
more strategies for intrinsic motivation in our own lessons.

To boost your students' interest and desire to work productively, experiment with the following techniques that will
help you build intrinsic motivation into your assignments. Try to include more than one in each lesson.

1. Stimulate your students' curiosity by making your lessons suspenseful and novel. Most teens are interested in the
new and different. Use this inclination to make a mystery out of old material. Have students solve puzzles or create
solutions to problems. The anticipatory set component of your lesson plan is the ideal place to capture their
curiosity with an intriguing question or brief puzzle.

2. Teach students to evaluate their own progress throughout a unit of study. Begin or end class by asking them to tell
you what they have learned, what skill they have mastered, or what they have accomplished. You can even say to
them, "You'll know you're on the right track when . . ." and have them finish the statement.

3. Don't work against the nature of your students. Instead, adapt their interests, hobbies, concerns, experiences,
dreams, and cultural backgrounds into lessons as often as you can in order to make the material compelling for

4. Use your students' competitive instincts to your advantage. Instead of putting one student against another, though,
try putting students into teams to oppose other teams of students. The best sort of competition to foster, however,
is the effort that a student can make to improve his or her own performance. Get students into the habit of asking
themselves how they can improve each assignment so that it is better than the previous one.

5. When there is sufficient intrinsic motivation in an assignment, teachers do not have to answer the question we all
dread, "Why do we 'have to learn this?" By making sure that our students have a real-life purpose for learning the
material we teach, we will make them want to learn. As often as possible, our students should be engaged in real-
world activities that will improve the skills they will need as adults.

6. Help students make a personal connection to the lesson. They should be able to identify with the people in the
material under study. One simple way to do this is to use their names when creating worksheets or questions.
Another is to use the writing-across-the-curriculum strategy of having students involve themselves in the material
through a written response. An example of this strategy in a history class, for instance; would be to have students
describe how they would find food, shelter, and clothing if they were to find themselves suddenly transported to
ancient Greece. In written responses such as these students are forced to deal with compelling concerns rather than
dry facts.

7. Surprise them. There are many things you can do that will make your students sit up and pay attention to the
lesson. Try some of these just to get started:
• say something startling
• wear a costume
• provide costumes for them
• stage a reenactment
• have them role play
• hold up a message in a bottle
• videotape them
• give them something to eat
8. Make sure students know how they can apply the information they are learning. End class by asking them how to
apply the information they've learned in your class to another class they are currently taking.

9. Issue a challenge. Ask them to beat their personal best on a test or other assignment. Or tell them that they must be
finished by a certain time and then start watching the dock. Try telling them what a great student in the past has
done well as a criteria for success on an assignment and challenge them to exceed that previous success.

10. Include assignments that require higher-level thinking skills. When students are asked to evaluate or judge material,
they are doing much more interesting work than those students whose teachers only ask them to comprehend
information. Open-ended questions arc inherently interesting because they also do not risk a student's self-esteem.
Students who are afraid of failure will be able to complete these questions successfully.

11. Expand on your students' previous learning. You could open class with an anticipatory set that will help students
recall their previous knowledge about the new topic. Once you have done this, it shouldn't be too hard to help them
move on to the new learning you want them to master.

12. Use a variety of media when you want to galvanize your students into paying close attention. Adapt these to the
needs of your students: newspapers, advertisements, music, T-shirt slogans, cartoons, 3-D material, movies, art,
computers, television, magazines, radio, and videos.

13. Play games with your students. There are many different kinds of games your student will enjoy playing in class. You
could use sophisticated computer games or the dozen; of low-tech ones that have been popular with students for

14. Put students who are in teams in charge of the successful learning of their teammates. A successful team project
involves giving each student part of the information that they will all need to know. After each person has presented
his or her part to the rest of the group, the entire group will benefit from the successful teaching by their

15. Make one assignment dependent on the successful completion of another. Tell students they won't be able to move
on to the next project until they have acquired the learning they will need from the first assignment.

16. Be enthusiastic and project that enthusiasm to your students. Never admit that you find an assignment dull or that
you fear they will find it less than intriguing or exciting themselves. Do all that you can to get students excited about
what they have to learn. Hold a pep rally before a quiz if that is what it takes to generate enthusiasm.

17. Arrange for students to have a close, structured, and positive working relationship with their peers. Promote a team
spirit in your class through such activities as creating a class motto or having students work together in study teams.
Students who feel they are an important part of a learning community will feel encouraged to do their work well.

18. Show your students how to do their work. Often students do not know where to begin to manage their study time,
organize their notes, or work efficiently. You can have students write detailed proposals for assignments or long-
term projects. Some of the questions you should help students answer might include:
• What steps do they need to take to get started?
• What materials will they need?
• How long will each step take?
• What extra work can they do to make sure the project is a success?
• How do they plan to get each part accomplished?

19. Include plenty of opportunities for discussion in your class. Students love to discuss issues and to debate topics of
interest. One successful way to manage this is to have students work in teams to prepare for the discussion so that
everyone's ideas will be included.

20. Remember the old saying, "Nothing succeeds like success." Design lessons that are easier at the beginning of the
term so that your students can experience immediate success in your class. This will be much more effective than if
they do poorly at first.
21. Hone your questioning techniques so that the oral drills and review sessions you conduct will engage every student.
Some advice on this topic is included in Section 5 in "Perfecting the Art of Questioning."

22. Include opportunities for your students to use their imagination and to indulge in fantasy in your class. The
enormous success of computer simulation games should show educators the power of our students' imaginations.
Even in classes that don't appear to lend themselves to this type of work, a creative teacher will find a way. For
example, in math class, teachers could ask students to imagine holding a conversation with Archimedes, Pascal, or
Euclid and then write about it.

23. Have older students serve as mentors to younger ones. Either older students could mentor your students or yours
could mentor younger students or, hopefully, both. What mentors do that is successful is show students what they
need to know in order to succeed in school. In order to make good life choices for themselves, students need
to see that others have done it and that they can, too.

24. Help students set goals for themselves and work towards the achievement of those goals. The smaller goals they set
for themselves each week should be ones that enable them to work towards accomplishing the larger goals for their

25. Invite community leaders to speak to your students as part of a unit of study. When other adults—coaches, other
teachers, youth leaders, government officials, or counselors—talk about the importance of success in school, your
students will be encouraged to stay focused on worthwhile goals.

26. Use plenty of models and examples when you show students how to do something. Your students need to know
what you want for them to do and how you want them to do it.

27. Keep parents or guardians involved in class activities. Make sure you inform them of due dates for big projects and
other information that will help them encourage their children to do well in your class.

28. Have students list on posters the reasons why school is important. Display these to remind students why they should
strive to succeed in class.

29. Make sure the appreciation you show your students is focused on the positive qualities you observe about their
work habits or their assignments. If they know exactly what they have been doing right, students will be encouraged
to keep trying to do well.

30. Encourage open-mindedness and tolerance in your students so that they won't be afraid to take intellectual risks.
Many students are so afraid of failure and rejection that they are not willing to share their ideas and expertise with

31. Pace your lesson delivery so that time doesn't drag for your students. Move quickly from one point to the next in a
smooth flow of assignments so that students don't waste time.

32. Involve your students in projects of all types—simple and complicated, long-term and short-term.

33. Project an air of confidence in your students. They should feel you have unshakable faith in their ability to succeed
at every assignment.

34. Too often students are kept in the dark about the "big picture." They don't understand how one assignment will lead
to others. They don't see why they should learn certain skills or material. Combat this fragmented approach to their
education by giving each one a course outline and by using a syllabus.

35. Be explicit about the criteria for success on each assignment so that students know what it is they have to do to be

36. Break larger assignments into manageable amounts of work with clear deadlines. Provide checklists or other graphic
organizers to help students stay focused. When students see each assignment as part of a progression of work, they
will be more inclined to complete each assignment.
37. Include a variety of learning styles and modalities in each assignment. Students who are encouraged to learn in a
variety of ways will be more successful than those who aren't.

38. Use a variety of assessment techniques so that if a student fails at one evaluation, he or she won't quit trying
because of one low grade.

39. Give daily feedback to students. Return papers promptly. Monitor progress by staying on your feet and interacting
with your students. Teach students to give each other feedback by proofreading or double-checking each other's

40. Reward effort. Not every pupil will master every lesson to your satisfaction, but you should recognize those who try
their best.

41. Hold periodic conferences with your students. Make it a point to reach everyone through these conversations;
where you can offer individual help and encouragement.

42. Have each student bring in a blank audio cassette tape. Use this tape to record comments to your students about
their work. Students can also use the tape to respond to your comments and to ask questions.

43. Provide many opportunities for students to display their work and to be recognized for their accomplishments. This
will keep them focused on the important things in class, not on misbehaving. This technique is especially effective
for the troublemakers in your class who have grown accustomed to attention for the wrong reasons.

44. Hold your students accountable for their work. Use graphic organizers such as check lists, charts, and calendars.
Have them assess their own progress and determine what they need to do to stay successful.

45. Assess progress frequently. If you only assess progress with a few large assignments, then students who are
experiencing difficulty will be too discouraged to try their best. A daily quiz will keep students on their toes.

46. Get students involved in instruction. They can teach part of a lesson, design test questions, or offer helpful

47. Inspiring messages, banners, posters, and "thoughts of the day" mean more to most students than we can ever
imagine. You never know when the right words will help a struggling student.

48. Listen to your students and remain flexible. Students should have a strong voice in the classroom. Teachers who are
able to successfully respond to student concerns will create the class climate where students are motivated to do
their best.

49. Make sure the homework assignments you give are important to your students. Make them relevant, interesting,
and based on higher-level thinking skills. An example would be not just to have students review for a test; instead,
require that they prepare a review sheet of the 20 most relevant facts from the material that will be covered by the

50. Use technology. Computers are inherently interesting to most students who may quickly grow bored with applying
pen to paper. Using technology can make even mundane tasks easier and more interesting.

From the Discipline Survival Toolkit for the Secondary Teacher by Julia G. Thompson

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