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On The Design and Analysis of Pre-Swirl Stators For Single and Twin Screw Ships

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Second International Symposium on Marine Propulsors

smp11, Hamburg, Germany, June 2011

On the Design and Analysis of Pre-Swirl Stators for Single and Twin
Screw Ships
Gert-Jan Zondervan1, Jan Holtrop1 (ret.), Jaap Windt1, Tom van Terwisga1,2

Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), Wageningen, The Netherlands

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Fuel saving and emission reduction are two of the main

motivating factors for the current developments in the
improvement of Marine Propulsor Technology. For this
reason, and because of improved design and analysis
tools, we see a renewed interest in Energy Saving Devices
This paper focuses on the pre-swirl stator device
providing the possibility to reduce the rotational losses
incurred by the propeller. The pre-swirl stator gives only
a portion of the total gain to be attained, however.
Additional features could be employed, particularly in
high-block ships, such as a rational Van Lammeren L-J
The general mechanism of pre-swirl stators to reduce fuel
consumption is explained and the design problem is
stated. Subsequently, the tools deployed for analysis and
design of ship configurations fitted with propellers and
pre-swirl stators are discussed with special attention for
viscous effects.
An example of a pre-swirl stator for a single screw
container vessel is worked out using lifting line theory. A
full viscous analysis is illustrated with our RANS code
ReFRESCO. The use of a potential flow BEM code is
then illustrated for a first assessment of propeller-stator
performance. Estimates are also made in the paper for the
energy saving potential of pre-swirl stators applied to twin
screw ships.

Energy Saving, Propulsion, Pre-swirl stator, Upstream

Duct, Efficiency

The combination of a pre-swirl stator and a main

propeller have once been called the poor man's contrarotating propellers as this solution is comparatively
cheap and simple to apply in ship propulsion. Fitting a
pre-swirl stator ahead of a propeller can offer an attractive
saving of fuel in the order of 4 % without the high costs
and other adverse effects associated with the far more
complex real contra-rotating propellers driven by
concentric shafts. Notice that a pre-swirl stator offers only
a part of a total potential gain. Additional devices as

upstream ducts which appear effective in high-block,

single-screw ships may contribute to another 2-5%1 of
fuel saving. A pre-swirl stator can successfully be
combined with an upstream duct such as, e.g., the Mewis
duct, (Mewis 2009, 2011). Alternatively, a large preswirl stator can be combined with an upstream duct
according to the L-J shape proposed by Stierman (1987)
who continued on the early conceptual ideas of Van
Lammeren (1949) who developed and tested upstream
nozzles of non-circular shape.
In an attempt to qualitatively understand how the positive
contribution of the ESDs is attained, it is fruitful to
consider the energy balance about a control volume
containing the ship. If the control volume is taken
sufficiently large, then the energy fluxes leave the control
volume essentially through a transverse plane behind the
ship (also referred to as Trefftz plane). The propeller
losses that can be found here can be identified as axial
kinetic energy losses (typically the largest loss factor and
completely accounted for in the ideal efficiency),
rotational kinetic energy losses, viscous energy losses,
and losses due to the finite number of blades and the
consequent non-uniformity of the generated flow field.
Consequently, ESDs should reduce these losses without
causing additional losses in other categories to exceed the
benefits. Reviews of ESDs as they developed in the past
were given by Muntjewerf (1986) and Blaurock (1990).
The purpose of a pre-swirl stator ahead of a propeller is to
generate a swirling flow opposite to the sense of the
rotation of the propeller. The propeller blades experience
this rotating flow as an additional blade loading, through
which the delivered thrust per unit of power is raised. Of
course, this increase of the propeller thrust should be
greater than the resistance experienced by the pre-swirl
stator itself in order to attain a positive net gain. In terms
of the energy balance, the power saving can be explained
just as easy because the objective of the pre-swirl stator is
to reduce the kinetic rotational energy in the flow behind
the propeller. The pre-swirl stator induces rotation of the

Note that savings mentioned are indicative only. Values

are based on MARIN experience

flow downstream which is absorbed and diminished to a

great extent by the opposite rotation induced by propeller,
thus leaving less rotation in the final slipstream. This is
because, in comparison to a single propeller, less
rotational energy is carried away by the flow passing
through the propeller disc.
Although there is a lot of debate surrounding the energysaving mechanisms of upstream ducts, experience based
on model tests indicates that they affect both the
resistance of the hull with driving propeller (often
expressed in thrust deduction) and the efficiency of the
propulsion. Both the concentration of viscous hull wake
in the propeller disc and the generation of a small amount
of thrust are factors to be considered here. A single screw
ship fitted with a combination of a pre-swirl stator and an
upstream L-J duct is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Illustration of a Bulk carrier fitted with an L-J

duct and pre-swirl stator
2.1 Pre-Swirl

From a hydrodynamic viewpoint, the difference between

the pre-stator propeller combination and counter-rotating
propellers is small. The pre-swirl stator is the frontpropeller of which the rotation is zero.
The numerical scheme of calculations for the combination
of a pre-swirl stator and a propeller can conveniently be
kept the same as that followed for the design of contrarotating propellers. In such computations each of the two
propellers works in an initially unknown flow field. The
entrance velocity of a propeller is determined not only by
the hull wake but also by the flow field induced by the
other propeller. Upstream induced velocities are supposed
to be axially directed because torque cannot be exerted on
the upstream flow if viscosity effects are small. The
velocities induced downstream of a normal propeller can
be decomposed into an axial and a circumferential
component. Upstream velocities are much lower than
those downstream of the propeller. This implies that the
flow though the propeller disc is converging towards a
smaller cross section in aft direction.
A slightly different situation arises in the flow around the
pre-swirl stator. The induced velocities are directed

almost fully in circumferential sense with a comparatively

small component directed forward. The character of the
flow through the stator disc is rather divergent and it lacks
the spiralling nature that is typical of rotating propellers.
Further, in contrast to real contra-rotating propellers and
post-swirl stators, a pre-swirl stator has an average pitch
which is of the same sign as that of the rear propeller. So,
in front of a right-handed propeller a right-handed preswirl stator is to be fitted. It has been observed in all
previous design studies of pre-swirl stators that the pitch
angle of the stator blades in the tip region should
approach 90 degrees. Therefore, it appeared necessary to
expand the applied theoretical vortex model for trailing
vortices leaving the lifting line at extremely large pitch
The optimum diameter of the propeller behind a pre-swirl
stator has appeared to be smaller than that of the open
single propeller in all cases studied by MARIN. These
cases invariably concerned a fixed combination of the
delivered power and the rotative speed of the propeller.
Apparently, by a certain reduction of the diameter a small
but distinct additional gain in viscous losses emerges.
Thanks to the reduction of the optimum diameter, the
required decrease of the pitch to restore the original
combination of the power and rotative speed is quite
modest. This offers prospects to apply pre-swirl stators
successfully to existing ships as a retrofit. The original
propeller can be made to serve again by a combination of
cropping and trailing-edge cutting.
The rudder, which can be considered a two-bladed postswirl stator, will deliver a different longitudinal force
owing to the changed rotation in the flow through the
propeller disc. This change in stator action is not included
in the parameter studies presented here. However,
separate computations of the rudder forces have been
made with the rudder located both in the original
slipstream and in the altered slipstream with the pre-swirl
stator fitted in front of the propeller. From the calculated
rudder forces it was found that this effect amounts to a
reduction of the gain of about 1 %. This figure has been
adopted here as a general correction of the computed gain.
2.2 Stator drag

The thrust of the pre-swirl stator is always negative. The

increase of the thrust of the propeller is caused by the
additional loading of the propeller blades. This increased
loading is mainly due to the rotating flow leaving the
stator in opposite sense as the blade rotation, a feature
which is comparable to a (fictitious!) increase of the
rotative speed of the propeller. The stator blades generate
an induced flow which also has a forward axial
component, next to the much larger induced velocity
component in circumferential sense. In the pre-stator
design computations, the sum of the propeller and stator
thrust is maximized, while for reference, the thrust of the
single open propeller without stator is taken. The question
has not yet been resolved if the sum of the propeller,
stator and rudder thrust needs to be the same to attain the

same ships speed. It is quite conceivable that by the axial

redistribution of the thrust, the thrust deduction is slightly

For the design of the pre-swirl stator and propeller

combination, a lifting-line model is used (see Figure 2).
The propeller design module solves the pitch for a certain
type of radial blade loading distribution, and it determines
the induced flow field and the flow curvature due to the
loading. The sectional profiles are determined on the basis
of shock-free entry in the circumferential average flow
conditions. The blade thickness is determined from
strength requirements using a cantilever beam theory. The
blade friction is calculated using a strip-wise approach.
For each strip at a certain radius, the flat plate friction is
determined involving a form factor allowance and effects
of the blade roughness. The resulting forces are
decomposed in thrust and torque contributions. The
induced flow field at the lifting line can either be
determined by the traditional methods of Goldstein,
Lerbs, and Wrench or by integration of the trailing vortex
sheet using the law of Biot-Savart. In the latter case,
effects of rake and skew can be taken into account. The
pitch, acknowledging the specified character of its radial
distribution, is found by an iterative process in which the
average pitch is varied such that the delivered power is
absorbed at the prescribed rotative speed.

Adaptations have been made in the formulation of the

fundamental lifting-line equations which are now no
longer based on the circumferential velocity but on the
axial velocity component. In addition, several other
elements of the method have been adopted to allow pitch
values of +/- infinity to be handled. For the sake of
simplicity, the blade thickness ratio, the chord length ratio
and their radial distributions are fixed values. There is,
however, a major difference with rotating propellers: In
rotating propellers the blades are intended to be perfectly
equal. But here, in the case of the non-rotating pre-swirl
stator, thanks to its stationary character, the stator blades
should be mutually different to accommodate them to the
local flow field governed by the wake distribution and, to
a lesser extent, to the propeller-induced axial flow field.
The blade loading is determined by the circumferential
average flow conditions. For achieving shock-free
conditions for each of the stator blades, the blades should
be tilted by the angle between the local flow vector and
that of the circumferential average flow vector. By this
measure conditions of zero angle of attack are attained
and cavitation and flow separation on the stator blades
can be avoided. These adaptations to the wake can be
accomplished not only by tilting each of the geometrically
identical blades but also by correcting the pitch of the
individual blades at the stations along the span of each of
the stator blades.
3.1 Two design stages

The design process of the stator blades consists of two

stages. In the first stage the solution of finding the best
geometry for the circumferential-average wake field is
determined. The wake data are represented by the radial
distributions of the axial and tangential velocity
components, the latter being zero for symmetric singlescrew ships. By random number optimisation using an
embedded search strategy the best radial loading
distributions and the thrust distribution between the main
propeller and the pre-swirl stator are found. Diameters of
the propeller and the pre-stator can be brought into the
optimisation scheme as well.

Figure 2: Lifting-line model of the pre-swirl stator-propeller


In the design calculations, the magnitudes of the induced

flow fields of both the stator and the propeller are initially
unknown. These induced flow fields are tuned iteratively.
The process starts by the assumption that the propeller
does not have any influence on the flow entering the preswirl stator. The calculated induced flow field
downstream of the stator is added to the wake flow. In
this combined flow field, the propeller is designed and the
upstream induced axial flow field in way of the stator is
computed. Already after three cycles, the induced flow
fields are accurately tuned to each other and calculated
thrust values of the two components do not change any
more. The module in which the pre-swirl stator is handled
is quite similar to that of the rotating propeller.

If the stator blades would be designed as geometrically

equal without any tilting of the blades to the local flow
condition, the loading of the blades would differ
substantially owing to the non-uniformity of the hull
wake. As a consequence, also the induced flow field
varies in circumferential direction. This strategy would
lead to a more homogeneous flow field entering the
propeller disc. The heavy loading of some of the nontilted blades might on the other hand easily lead to flow
separation at the stator blades, increased drag and other
unwanted effects as cavitation.
In the second stage of the design process the pitch of the
stator blades is corrected for the difference between the
local flow and the circumferential average flow condition.
The angle between these flow vectors is imposed as a
pitch correction of the stator blades. As a result, the
blades are oriented to the local flow direction and
experience a shock-free entry condition and their

hydrodynamic loading is mutually equal. By a secondary

adaptation of the camber and the pitch, a small additional
power saving and a more homogeneous propeller blade
loading might be attained. Through the latter, the
cavitation on the main propeller could be minimised.
Omitting blades and re-adjusting the angular position of a
few of the stator blades is quite feasible owing to the
stationary character of the pre-swirl stator. When tilt
angles become such that the local pitch angles of the
stator blades are considerably reduced, the effectiveness
to generate the rotational flow diminishes because the lift
vector becomes more and more directed in forward
direction and the drag of the stator blade increases
progressively. Another feature, not yet explored in this
paper, is to control the propeller cavitation by a readjustment of the stator blades near the top-wake peak.
By a local pitch decrease the pre-swirl is then to be
reduced leading to improved propeller cavitation.

The first presented design study focuses on the case of a

typical large container ship originally fitted with a 6-blade
8.75 m diameter propeller. For this ship a model was
available in the stock of MARIN as well as results of
model tests including wake field data.
The propulsion tests on model scale predicted a trial
speed of 25 knots for the ship at the design draught. The
propeller thrust at this speed and draught is 3558 kN.
Full-scale trials, though on a lighter draught, fully
confirmed the model test predictions, both regarding the
ships speed and the propeller RPM.
By variation of the diameter it was confirmed that the
code gives the same optimum diameter.

propeller diameter approximately 0.3 m less than that of

the screw without pre-stator. This is fully consistent with
previous results where invariably slight reductions of the
optimum propeller diameter were found if a pre-swirl
stator is being applied in front of the propeller. From
these calculations the results in Table 1 were obtained:
Table 1: Variation of the number of stator blades
# blades

T-total (kN)






% gain
















It is noted that the choice of the diameter of the stator, in

this case 8.80 m, is based on the observation that preswirl stators that are larger than the propeller tend to give
some extra gain. If the constraint of CL<0.9 would not
have been imposed a 5-blades stator would have come
forward as the best choice. The extremely high lift
coefficients prevent this solution from a practical
viewpoint. From these calculations it follows that the
choice of a 6-bladed stator is not so bad from an
efficiency point of view.
4.2 Pre-swirl stator ahead of a 6-bladed

In the next series of calculations, the diameter of the

stator was chosen as 9.10 m as this is about the maximum
size that can be applied provided that two of the stator
blades are placed in the 5 and 7 o'clock position.
Table 2: Variation of the propeller diameter

4.1 Number of stator blades

In the input of the lifting-line code, the radial distribution

of the blade loading of the propeller is entered together
with ranges of the hydrodynamic pitch angles of the stator
blades at four radial stations. By optimisation and
variation of the hydrodynamic pitch distribution of the
stator blades, the diameters and the type of radial loading
distributions of the propeller are found. In these
calculations only those combinations of diameters have
been considered in which the stator was greater than the
propeller. The choice of a stator which has a greater
diameter than that of the propeller is motivated by
avoiding the interference between tip-vortex cavitation for
the stator blades and the propeller blades. On the other
hand, the diameter difference and also the longitudinal
distance between stator and propeller should not be too
great because then a portion of the deflected flow is
passing along the propeller disc without any contribution
to the total efficiency.
Initial calculations were based on a 6-bladed propeller and
allowing a maximum lift coefficient of C L = 0.9 of the
profiles of the stator blades and a chord length in the
interior of the stator of 0.15 D. The screw diameter has
been put at 8.50 m as a result of a diameter-variation
study (not included). This corresponds to an optimum


Cropped propellers




















































% gain







These calculations (see results in Table 2) show that in

this case it is worthwhile to crop the current propeller to
restore the combination of power and rotative speed. It
also appears that the optimum reduction of the diameter
achieved by cropping is not sufficient to preserve the
original power-rotation rate combination. So, an
additional measure, such as trailing-edge cutting", will
be necessary.



For a twin-screw vessel with controllable-pitch propellers

on exposed shafts that are supported by shaft brackets,
calculations were made for pre-swirl stators to be fitted
just ahead of the propellers. The CP-propellers of the ship
are 4-bladed and have a diameter of 5.6 m. The thrust
produced by the original propellers in their design pitch
P/D=1.57 is 1380 kN at a ship speed of approximately 26
Two of the pre-swirl stator blades are supposed to be the
arms of the shaft brackets, while the other 3 or 4 blades
are supposed to be fitted to the shaft bossing, see Figure
3. So, the bracket arms need to be given a special shape
and twist to make them work efficiently as pre-stator
From the calculations for the configuration without preswirl stator it became evident that if the diameter of the
propellers would have been optimised for the design
rotative speed without any space restriction, a diameter
much greater than 5.6 m would emerge.
From the initial calculations involving the pre-swirl stator
it became clear that a 5-bladed stator would be just a little
better than a 6-bladed one. The required lift per blade is
greater in 5-bladed stators but since the maximum lift
coefficient Cl of 0.84 for a 5-bladed stator is not regarded
as imperative, a 5-bladed stator was adopted for the other
The influence of the diameter was investigated as well. It
appeared that the optimum diameter of the propellers with
pre-swirl stators fitted would be a little greater than the
maximum diameter of 5.6 m. By variation of the stator
diameter it was found that a greater diameter than that of
the propeller would be beneficial. Given the limited
space, and the desire to fit the best possible pre-swirl
stator the diameter was put at 5.9 m. It is not known at
this stage if by this combination the propeller will just be
free of the cavitating tip vortices shed from the stator
blades. The thrust for the design condition with the same
power absorption and rotative speed is predicted to be
1445 kN for each of the propellers. This corresponds to
thrust gain of 4.7 %. If we would consider conditions of
equal total thrust and if we would take into account the
changed rudder effect, we conclude that a power saving at
equal speed of almost 5 % would be feasible here. It is
noted that a part of this gain is due to the far more
optimum combination of propeller diameter, power and
rotative speed in the case of the configuration with the
pre-swirl stator.
Finally, by variation it was examined if a more favourable
radial distribution would offer a higher efficiency gain. It
appeared that by applying propellers with more heavily
loaded tips a distinct gain could be achieved. Given the
restricted tip-hull clearance and critical situation as
regards vibration and cavitation, propeller configurations
with more heavily loaded outer sections have not been
evaluated further.

Figure 3: Illustration of typical twin screw vessel with preswirl stator


To analyse the pre-swirl stator design in detail, viscous

flow calculations have been performed with MARINs inhouse viscous flow solver ReFRESCO (Vaz, Jaouen &
Hoekstra 2009).
Here we present preliminary results for the flow around
the container ship fitted with the 6-bladed pre-swirl stator.
Wave making is neglected, i.e., we performed double
body calculations using symmetry conditions at the water
surface. This simplifies the calculation and, hence, avoids
additional inaccuracies due to the free surface with
respect to the prediction of the resistance of the ship and
stator. All calculations were done for a ship speed of 18
knots which gives a Reynolds number of 1.35107 and
2.65109 for model- and full-scale, respectively. To avoid
a non-physical flow around the bow, due to the double
body conditions, we used a deeper draught of 14.0. All
calculations were done using the k - turbulence model
of Menter. To incorporate the propeller action, an actuator
disk model is used, with a thrust coefficient equal to
0.636 and 0.703 for the bare hull and hull fitted with the
pre-swirl stator respectively.
The computational mesh was built with the commercial
package Hexpress, which generates full hexahedral
unstructured meshes with a proper boundary layer
insertion. To examine the quality of the resistance
predictions, a limited grid study was performed. The total
number of hexahedral elements ranges from 6.5 million to
13.3 million elements.
The calculations for the bare hull at model-scale show
that the predicted wake field agrees well with
experiments. The predicted resistance at model scale
(54.9 N) is quite insensitive to the number of cells: A
doubling of the number of elements (from 6.5 to 13.3
million) decreases the total resistance 0.25%. At full
scale, however, (1064 kN), the resistance reduces with
nearly 1%, which is quite high in view of the expected
gains of only a few per cent. To minimise errors, we used
a similar grid density at the hull for the situation with and
without the stator. For the pre-swirl stator, we only
discuss results obtained with a rather coarse grid
consisting of 10.6 million cells. The grid density on the
hull was comparable to the 6.5 million cells bare hull

The preliminary results show that all blades of the stator

are well aligned with the flow. At full-scale, no flow
separation is predicted, except on one blade close to the
hull. At model scale however, all blades show flow
separation close to the trailing edge. This is as expected
because scale effects on the lift and drag of the relatively
small stator blades are significant: The Reynolds number
on model scale, based on the ships speed and the diameter
of the stator is equal to 4105. An example is given in
Figure 4 for the blade at the 7 oclock position looking
from behind.

Figure 4: Limiting streamlines on the suction side of the

blade at the 7 oclock position. Left figure: full-scale; right
figure: model-scale.

The calculated forces on the blades show that the

contributions of the separate blades to the total resistance
of the stator differ significantly. From 1 oclock, 3 o
clock to the 11 oclock position: 18%, 35%, 20%, 14%,
6% and 7%. For model scale conditions, these
percentages are comparable.
Figure 5 shows the calculated axial wake field at model
and full-scale.

A potential flow panel code (PROCAL, see, e.g., Vaz &

Bosschers (2006) and Bosschers et al (2008)) has also
been used for the analysis of the propeller-stator
This code can be used for a first assessment of the statorpropeller configuration, or for a final performance
assessment of the propeller that operates in the distorted
wake of the pre-stator. In the latter case, one can choose
between the RANS computed wake in the propeller plane
and the BEM computed wake. A cavitation and pressure
pulse analysis can then subsequently be conducted with
6.1 Modelling of propeller-stator in PROCAL

The interaction between the stator and the propeller is

accounted for through the mutually induced velocities.
First, a stator analysis is made with the stator in its correct
axial position, where the effective wake field at the
propeller position is used. For the present case, the stator
is positioned half of the propeller diameter upstream of
the propeller reference plane.

Figure 5: Axial wake field at the propeller plane. Top figure:

model-scale; bottom figure: full scale.

At this stage this distance is sufficiently small to neglect

changes in the wake field. The stator induced velocities
are computed in the propeller reference plane, and
superimposed on the effective wake distribution. The
resulting total field is then used for a renewed propeller
analysis, which then includes the effect of the stator.
Because the upstream influence of the propeller on the
stator only goes through axially induced velocities, it is
expected that the induced effect of the propeller on the
incoming velocity field is sufficiently well addressed
through the use of an effective wake field for the stator.
Another issue is the modelling of the trailing vortex
system leaving the stator blades. No good empirical
models are currently available and an iterative wake
alignment appears the best solution here. For the current
computations, the initial wake leaves the trailing edge
with a pitch that is the average of the pitch at 70% radius
and the advance ratio at zero iterations.
6.2 Validation of PROCAL for performance

The performance prediction of the propeller-stator

configuration has been validated with experiments for the

Table 3: Comparison of propeller stator performance

computed by PROCAL with experimental results. All
comparisons made at equal ship speed.


Stator-Propeller / Propeller



KT Stator-Propeller / KT propeller



n Stator-Propeller / n propeller



T stator / T stator-propeller


A comparison of the PROCAL computed results with the

experimentally obtained results reveals a fair
correspondence. It is noted that the predicted gain for this
stator design is approximately 2-3%. The increase in
thrust coefficient is significant (some 13% at equal ship
speed), whereas the computations showed an increase in
KT of even about 22% at equal advance ratio (which
doesnt, however, correspond to the working point of the
propeller-stator combination behind the ship). The
difference between the predicted rotation rate reductions
is about 2%, the computations predicting a 6% lower
propeller rotation rate.
6.3 Results from PROCAL in comparison to

To get an impression of the agreement of the BEM

computations with the RANS computations, the relative
contribution to the drag force for all six stator blades is
given in Figure 6.

observation follows from a comparison of torque

contributions of the stator blades (
Figure 7).

Percentage Torque Contribution

pre-stator configuration described by Hooijmans et al

(2010). This stator design was tested under the same
container vessel as is used for the current case (where for
this new stator no experimental results are available yet).
A review of results from this validation study is given in
Table 3.


Stator Blade No.

Figure 7: Relative contribution of stator blades to total

stator torque

This figure shows that the stator blades which are

essentially outside the wake peak contribute almost
equally to the total torque of the stator. Only the stator
blades inside the wake peak (blade 1 in 1 oclock position
and blade 6 in 11 oclock position) contribute
approximately 60% of the other contributions. This equal
distribution of torque on the stator confirms the intended
equal loading distribution of the stator blades, as designed
with the lifting line code.
Further work will consist of a validation of the cavitation
extent and dynamics from PROCAL with experimental
results. Using calculated pressure distributions (see, for
example, Figure 8) and cavitation patterns on the
propeller behind the stator, the propeller-stator
combination can be further tuned to obtain acceptable
cavitation and pressure fluctuations on the hull.

Percentage Drag Contribution



ReFresco Kt[%]


Stator Blade No.

Figure 6: Relative drag contribution of stator blades.

Comparison of PROCAL (BEM) with ReFRESCO (RANS)

It is seen that there is a fair correspondence in the relative

drag contribution of the stator blades between both codes.
A noticeable difference occurs for blade 5 (9 oclock
position) where PROCAL predicts a thrust force, whereas
ReFRESCO predicts a drag for all blades. It is noticed
that both contributions are small however. The total
stator drag predicted by PROCAL agrees fairly well with
the drag in the lifting-line model. Another interesting

Figure 8: Illustration of pressure distribution on Pre-Stator

as computed with PROCAL, three blades showing pressure
side and three blades showing suction side distribution. X
directed upstream, Z upward.

Pre-swirl stators mounted in front of the propellers can

bring a substantial energy saving of up to 5 % for both
single and twin-screw ships as well. For high block ships

an additional saving in the order of 2-5% is to be attained

by, e.g., an upstream nozzle as the Van Lammeren L-J
shape nozzle. As shown in this paper, with the
hydrodynamic advantages well considered, a successful
design of the propeller-stator combination can be made
using an effective combination of traditional lifting-line
theory, an unsteady BEM code and fully viscous flow
simulations using a RANS code. Optimisation of major
design parameters using the lifting-line model has turned
out quite successfully. Since a serious scale effect on the
stator action is bound to be present in model experiments,
CFD computations are important to assess these scale
A reliable procedure for designing and optimising
propeller-stator combinations includes both the
application of numerical methods as well as validation of
the results by means of dedicated model experiments.
Since serious scale effects on the performance of stators
on model scale should be reckoned with a strict
geometrical similarity might have to be sacrificed (see
Schuiling et al (2011)).

The authors are indebted to the support of many of their

colleagues, in particular to Johan Bosschers for his advice

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