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ACD Guidelines For Product Information File (PIF)

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ASEAN PIF Guidelines

13 June, 2007


ASEAN Cosmetic Directive

Guidelines for Product Information File (PIF)

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ASEAN PIF Guidelines

13 June, 2007

Table of Content


Introduction and Objective ................................................................................................3

PIF Organization................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Information Required under ACD......................................................................3
2.2 Recommended PIF format ...............................................................................................3
Part I: Administrative Documents and Product Summary.................................................4
Part II: Quality Data of Raw Materials ..............................................................................5
Part III: Quality Data of Finished Product.........................................................................5
Part IV: Safety and Efficacy Data......................................................................................5
3. Who is responsible to keep the PIF....................................................................................6
4. PIF Audits ..........................................................................................................................6
4.1 Types of audits:................................................................................................................6
4.2 Documents to be made readily available: ........................................................................7
4.3 Documents to be made accessible to Authorities within reasonable time:......................7
4.4 Background or supplementary documents:......................................................................7
4.5 Document media: .............................................................................................................7

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ASEAN PIF Guidelines

13 June, 2007

1. Introduction and Objective

The ASEAN Cosmetic Directive (ACD) requires persons or companies placing a
product on the market to keep a product information file readily accessible to the
regulatory authority of the Member State concerned at the address specified on the
label in accordance with article 6 of this Directive.
The main objective of this ASEAN Product Information File (PIF) Guideline* is to
provide companies placing a cosmetic product in the market recommendations on
how to organize and compile the PIF based on a recommended PIF format. This
document also provides guidance on who is responsible to keep the PIF and some
guiding points for PIF audits.
*This is not a legal document and as such, compliance is not a mandatory

2. PIF Organization
2.1 Product Information Required under ACD
Article 8 of the ACD spells out the list of information required in the PIF:
a) The qualitative and quantitative composition of the product, in case of
perfume compositions, the name and code number of the composition and the
identity of the supplier;
b) Specifications of the raw materials and finished product;
c) The method of manufacture complying with the good manufacturing practice
as laid down in the ASEAN Guidelines
d) Assessment of the safety for human health of the finished product, its
ingredients, their chemical structure and level of exposure;
e) Existing data on undesirable effects on human health resulting from use of the
cosmetic product; and
f) Supporting data for claimed benefits of cosmetic products should be made
available; to justify the nature of its effect;
Article 9 of the ACD requires the company to provide information on the method of
analysis to the regulatory authority:
a) The available methods used by the manufacturer to check the ingredients of
cosmetic products corresponding with the Certificate of Analysis; and
b) The criteria used for microbiological control of cosmetic products and
chemical purity of ingredients of cosmetic products and/or methods for
checking compliance with those criteria
2.2 Recommended PIF format
In view of the above ACD requirements, companies placing products in the market
need to organize the PIF in such a way that it meets the requirements and be easily
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ASEAN PIF Guidelines

13 June, 2007

consulted by the Authorities. It is recommended that the PIF be organised into 4

parts as follows:
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Part IV:

Administrative Documents and Product Summary

Quality Data of Raw Material
Quality Data of Finished Product
Safety and Efficacy Data

A Table of Contents should be provided for each of the 4 parts.

Part I: Administrative Documents and Product Summary
The first part of the PIF contains the administrative documents and key summary
information that are specific to a single product; i.e. this part would provide an ample
overview of the finished product.
A. Administrative documentation
- Copy of the Notification form bearing the acknowledgement receipt from
the Authorities; this will include the identity of the product, the address of
the manufacturer, assembler, importer and company placing the product in
the market;
- Authorisation letter by product owner or agreement letter related to the
product, if required by the legislation of the Member Country;
- Any other relevant administrative documents that may be prescribed by
the local Authorities e.g. Licence to Operate, Certificate of Incorporation of
the Company;
B. Qualitative and Quantitative formula of the product (INCI or other ACD approved
reference names and corresponding concentrations of the ingredients):
For fragrance materials, name and code number of the composition and
the identity of the supplier;
C. Product presentation and label, including:
- Outer and inner labels (photographs and/or drawings will be useful);
- Consumer information leaflets and instruction for use if part of the product
as sold to the consumer;
D. Manufacturing Statement:
A statement by the manufacturer or company that the product was
manufactured according to the ASEAN GMP Guidelines or any ACC
approved equivalent GMP Guidelines;
Provide the batch coding system/ key of the product;
E. Safety Assessment (summary) as per the ASEAN Guidelines for the Safety
Assessment of a Cosmetic Product:
Safety statement (signed statement of opinion, including the name and
qualifications of the safety assessor);
F. Confirmed undesirable effects on human health (summary);
G. On-pack product claim support (summary):
- Summary report of the Efficacy Assessment of the product, based on its
composition or on tests performed;
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ASEAN PIF Guidelines

13 June, 2007

Part II: Quality Data of Raw Materials

The second part of the PIF should include full technical information on the quality of
the raw materials/ ingredients:
A. Specifications and test methods of raw material/ ingredients:
- Specifications of each ingredient including water specification, if
- Method of analysis corresponding to the specifications for each ingredient,
including identification of the ingredients;
- For fragrance materials, specify the name and code number of the
composition, name and address of the supplier, certificate of compliance
with the latest IFRA guidelines;
B. Data on the safety of the raw materials based on data from the supplier, on
published data or on reports from Scientific Committees like the ASEAN
Cosmetic Scientific Body (ACSB), the EU Scientific Committee on Consumer
Products (SCCP) or the US Cosmetic Ingredient Review Board (CIR);
Part III: Quality Data of Finished Product
The third part of the PIF supplies the detailed technical information on the quality of
the finished product:
A. Qualitative and Quantitative formula of the product (INCI or other approved ACD
reference names and corresponding concentrations of the ingredients):
- The formula should specify the functions of each raw material/ ingredient;
B. Manufacturing:
- Manufacturer contact details: name, country and address of manufacturer,
assembler and packager;
- Summary of the Manufacturing Process;
- Additional detailed information on the manufacturing process, quality
controls and related manufacturing documents should be made available
upon request by the Authority;
C. Specifications and test methods of the finished product:
- The criteria used for microbiological control of cosmetic products and
chemical purity of ingredients of cosmetic products;
- Method of Analysis corresponding to the specifications for checking
D. Product Stability Summary Report, if the product durability is below 30 months:
- The stability testing data and report or stability assessment to support the
expiry date;
Part IV: Safety and Efficacy Data

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13 June, 2007

The fourth and final part of the PIF provides detailed information on the safety
assessment and data of the finished product and also relevant efficacy data to
support any claims made on the product.
A. Safety Assessment:
- Signed assessment report of the safety for human health of the finished
product based on its ingredients, their chemical structure and level of
- Curriculum Vitae of the safety assessor;
B. The latest compiled report on confirmed or recorded adverse events or
undesirable effects on human health resulting from use of the cosmetic product:
- The adverse event report in the PIF is expected to be updated by the
company on a regular basis;
C. On-pack product claim support:
- Full signed report of the Efficacy Assessment of the product, based on its
composition or on tests performed;
- Supporting data including literature review for claimed benefits of cosmetic
products should be made available to justify the nature of its effect;

3. Who is responsible to keep the PIF

Article 8 of the ACD states that the company or person responsible for placing the
cosmetic product in the market shall keep the PIF readily accessible to the regulatory
authority at the address specified on the label, which, according to the labelling
requirements [Appendix II, C (e)] is the name and address of the company or
person placing the product on the local market. The definition of such has been
given in the Guidance document on product notification to the Regulatory Authority
as the local company responsible for placing the cosmetic product in the market,
which may be a local manufacturer or an agent appointed by a manufacturer to
market the product or the company that is responsible for bringing in the product for
sale in the country, etc. This clearly refers to a company or person having an
address in the local market, and to the company or person responsible for bringing in
the product into that market; whether this is an importer, a manufacturer or a
It is recommended that the PIF is kept for a minimum period of 3 years after the
product is last placed in the market.

4. PIF Audits
4.1 Types of audits:
Since the PIF must be at the address specified on the label, Authorities can audit the
PIF at that address. There are 2 possibilities:

Routine audits: The Authorities will announce these audits in advance. It is

recommended that the audit be announced sufficiently in advance (i.e. at least
1 month) for the company to prepare for the audit;
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13 June, 2007

Ad-hoc audits: these may be triggered by results found on samples from the
market, by consumer complaints, etc. It is recommended that the audit be
announced at least 48 hours in advance. Of course, in case of extreme
urgency the auditing can take place without announcement;

4.2 Documents to be made readily available:

While the whole PIF should be available, in order to facilitate the preparation of the
industry, in particular the SMEs as well as the importers/ distributors, the documents
in Part I of the PIF should be made readily available especially for initial investigative

4.3 Documents to be made accessible to Authorities within reasonable time:

Upon specific request from the Authorities, documents, detailed information or
reports in other parts of the PIF should be available and made accessible to the
Authorities within an agreed upon timeframe: within 15 to 60 calendar days or
shorter, depending on the urgency of the audit.
Noting that due to trade secrets, the product owner may not disclose all the product
information to the distributor/importer, the person or company placing the product in
the market will need to make their own arrangements with the product owner to
provide the relevant and necessary information directly to the Authorities upon

4.4 Background or supplementary documents:

In general the information provided in the PIF should be sufficient for review to
ensure the safety, quality and claimed benefits of all cosmetic products marketed in
ASEAN as specified in article 1(a) of the ASEAN Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory
However, in some specific cases, other background or supplementary information
supporting the PIF documents (e.g. product experience, microbiological challenge
tests, additional confirmatory test methods, production records, etc.) may be
necessary. The company or person responsible for placing the product in the market
should then make all efforts to provide the requested information to the Authorities.

4.5 Document media:

There are no specific requirements on what media type the PIF documents should
be presented. Hence the company may choose any suitable media i.e. paper,
electronic, etc. provided they are convenient and could be easily consulted by the

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