The Marriage Liturgy FINAL
The Marriage Liturgy FINAL
The Marriage Liturgy FINAL
Candle Sponsors
Officiating Minister
Best Man
Groom Parents
Principal Sponsors
Veil Sponsors
Cord Sponsor
Groomsmen and Bridesmaid
Bible Bearer
Ring Bearer
Coin Bearer
Maid of Honor
Brides Mother
Flower Girls
And the Lord said, It is not good
for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for
him. And the rib which the Lord had taken from the
man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Then the man said, This is now bone of my bone and
flesh of my flesh; She shall be called woman.
Pastor: Brethren, we are assembled here in the
presence of God, and in the sight of these witnesses, to
unite this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony.
The Bible teaches that marriage is to be permanent
relationship of one man and one woman, freely and
totally committed to each other as companions for life.
Our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ declare that man
shall leave his father and mother and unite with his wife
in the building of a home, and the two shall become one
Marriage , therefore, is not by any to be entered into
unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly,
advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God.
Into this holy estate, these two person present,
come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause,
why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him
now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.
There being none, the wedding ceremony shall
Do you give your blessing to Karl and Jane,
in their new relationship? Do you support them with
your love and wisdom? At the same time, do you
promise to allow them the freedom to grow through
their own experiences?
Mother of the Bride:
I do. Karl, I commit Jane my
beloved daughter, in your love and care. May God bless
your marriage richly from this day onward.
Mother, thank you very much for your trust
and in giving to us your blessing. With the help of God, I
will love and care for her as you do.
(Groom takes the bride and proceed to their seats.)
Scripture Reading
1 John 4:16
Our Father
I now charge both of you, as you stand in the
presence of God, to remember that true love and the
faithful observance of your marriage vows are required
as the foundation of a successful marriage and the
establishment of a happy and enduring home. Without
these, there can be no real marriage and the home which
you will endeavor to establish will be a vain effort. Keep
the solemn vows you are about to make. Live with
tender consideration for each other. Conduct your lives
in honesty and truth, and your marriage will last and your
home will endure. The marriage bond will be a blessing
to you, and you will be a blessing to others. This should
be remembered as you now declare your desire to be
You, Karl Duane and Devie Jane; Having
come to me signifying your desire to be lawfully joined
together in Holy Matrimony, and being assured that no
legal, moral, or religious barriers hinder this proper
union, I request you both to face each other and join
your hands and give heed to the questions now I ask
Pastor to groom:
Karl, do you take Jane to be your
lawful wedded wife? Do you commit yourself to her
happiness and her self-fulfillment as a person; and to her
usefulness in Gods kingdom as you both shall live?
Groom: I do, with the help of God.
Pastor to bride: Jane, do you take Karl to be your lawful
wedded husband? Do you commit yourself to her
happiness and her self-fulfillment as a person; and to her
usefulness in Gods kingdom as you both shall live?
who hopes that you will care for the children, whom our
Almighty Creator will bless you and that you will rear
them in the faith to be able them, by the grace of God to
come join in the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior and to become a law abiding citizen?
Groom and Bride:
(Giving the Bible) Karl and Jane, accept the
living Word of God. May Gods Word constantly
permeate your endeavor for the rest of your married life.
Groom and Bride:
We accept Gods Word with all
humility and with a fervent prayer that God will reign in
our marriage, in the family we will raise together, in the
home, we will build together.
(Groom and Bride hands over the Bible)
Heavenly Father, bless Karl and Jane to be true
believers and adherents to Your Holy Word; the only all
sufficient manual for them to find grace, peace, joy and
productive, meaningful Christian life. This I pray, In the
most precious name of Jesus, Amen.
The ring is a material symbol that has been
designed to illustrate spiritual truth.
A ring has two characteristics which make it
suitable as reminders to us of the importance of keeping
Christ in our marriage.
First, the ring is a circle. Circle never ends.
Christian marriages should never end. They should last
and last and last. Difficult times will come but their
marriage goes on forever. The ring which is a circle is a
reminder of that never ending commitment.
Second, ring is made out of precious metal,
usually silver or gold, which has the unusual quality of
getting better and more valuable of age. Instead of
wearing out and deteriorating, we pray for your love to
grow and improve with age. This is the ring without end.
(Ephesians 5:31)
Bless Oh Lord, these rings so that Karl and
Jane, who would wear it may be reminded always of
Christ s supreme love to his bride, that they may ever
live in mutual love and unbroken loyalty, through Christ
our Lord, Amen.
Jane, wear this ring as a sign of myself to
you, in love and loyalty, all the days of my life. Let this be
the symbol of our commitment, of our love to God, the
church, and the community. In the name of Father, of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen!
Karl, I accept the ring of love. Wear this
ring as a sign of myself to you, in love and loyalty, all the
days of my life. Let this be the symbol of our
commitment, of our love to God, the church, and the
community. In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, Amen!
Pastor :
Bless Oh Lord our God, Karl and Jane with
material possessions which this coin symbolizes to meet
their daily needs and other necessities in life that may
arise as they build a home for their family. In the name
of Jesus we pray, Amen!
Jane, I give this coin as a pledge of my
dedication to your welfare and the welfare of our
children. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit, Amen!
Karl, I accept this coin and I promise to be
your partner in the rightful use and disposition, and
stewardship of all material blessings God shall grant us in
our life together. In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen!
Prayer of Dedication
- Pastor John Paul Dayagdal
Closing Prayer
Flower Girls
Bride and Groom
Bride and Groom
Bride and Groom with:
Officiating Ministers
Principal Sponsors - Ninang
Principal Sponsors - Ninang and Ninong
Principal Sponsors Ninong
Secondary Sponsors (Candle, Veil, Cord)
Mother of the Bride
Mother of the Bride and Grooms Parents
Mother of the Bride and Brothers, In-laws
Brides Family with Grand Parents
Relatives of the Bride
Grooms Parents
Grooms Parents, Brother, Sister, In-law
Groom s Family with Grand Parents
Relatives of the Groom
Southern Baptist Church Family
Fun To Learn Family
DepEd Friends
DepEd Sison
Brides Friends
Grooms Friends (Classmates, TriSur, etc)
Other Friends