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Prepared Statement of Hon. Alberto R.

Gonzales, Attorney General of the

United States
February 6, 2006
We cannot forget the threat that the al Qaeda terrorist network poses to our Nation.
Long before September 11th, al Qaeda promised to attack the United States. In
1998, Osama bin Laden declared a jihad against our country, and incited “every
Muslim who can do it” “[t]o kill the Americans and their allies—civilians and
military” “in any country in which it is possible to do it.” Statement of Osama bin
Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, et al., Fatwah Urging Jihad Against Americans,
published in Al-Quds al-’Arabi (Feb. 23, 1998). Al Qaeda members and agents have
carried out bin Laden’s orders with a vengeance; al Qaeda attacked the U.S.S. Cole
in Yemen, the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and then, of course,
the United States itself on September 11, 2001.

On September 11th, the al Qaeda terrorist network executed the most deadly foreign
attacks on this Nation’s soil in history. Al Qaeda planners and operatives carefully
selected and hijacked four commercial jetliners, each fully loaded with fuel for a
transcontinental flight. Within hours, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center
lay in ruin. The terrorists also managed to strike the headquarters of the Nation’s
Armed Forces, the Pentagon. And it is believed that the target of the fourth plane,
United Flight 93, was either the White House or the Capitol Building, suggesting
that al Qaeda had sought to decapitate the federal Government. The attacks of
September 11th resulted in approximately 3,000 deaths—the highest single-day
death toll from a foreign attack on the United States in the Nation’s history. These
attacks shut down air travel in the United States, disrupted the Nation’s financial
markets and government operations, and caused billions of dollars in damage.

Our Nation responded by taking up arms against al Qaeda, affiliated terrorist

networks, and the governments that sheltered them. A coalition of our allies has
supported the United States in this war. Indeed, shortly after the attacks, NATO—
for the first time in its 46-year history—invoked article 5 of the North Atlantic
Treaty, which provides that an “armed attack against one or more of [the parties]
shall be considered an attack against them all.” North Atlantic Treaty, Apr. 4, 1949,
art. 5, 63 Stat. 2241, 2244, 34 U.N.T.S. 243, 246.

It has become more clear in the days, weeks, and years since September 11th that
our enemy in this war is no ordinary terrorist organization. Al Qaeda demonstrated
on September 11th that it could execute a highly sophisticated operation, one that
required al Qaeda operatives to live in our midst for years, to transfer money into
the country, to arrange training, and to communicate with planners overseas. And it
has promised similar attacks in the future.

Al Qaeda is not content with the damage it inflicted on September 11th. Since that
day, al Qaeda leaders have repeatedly promised to deliver another, even more
devastating attack on America. See, e.g., Osama bin Laden, videotape released on
Al-Jazeera television network (Oct. 24, 2004) (warning United States citizens of
further attacks and asserting that “your security is in your own hands”); Osama bin
Laden, videotape released on Al-Jazeera television network (Oct. 18, 2003) (“God
willing, we will continue to fight you and will continue martyrdom operations
inside and outside the United States . . . .”); Ayman Al-Zawahiri, videotape released
on the Al-Jazeera television network (Oct. 9, 2002) (“I promise you [addressing the
‘citizens of the United States’] that the Islamic youth are preparing for you what
will fill your hearts with horror.”).

As recently as December 7, 2005, Ayman al-Zawahiri professed that al Qaeda “is

spreading, growing, and becoming stronger,” and that al Qaeda is “waging a great
historic battle in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and even in the Crusaders’ own
homes.” Ayman al-Zawahiri, videotape released on Al-Jazeera television network
(Dec. 7, 2005). And less than three weeks ago, we heard Osama bin Laden warn that
the United States could not prevent attacks on the homeland. He continued:

The proof of that is the explosions you have seen in the capitals of European
nations. . . . The delay in similar operations happening in America has not been
because of failure to break through your security measures. The operations are under
preparation and you will see them in your homes the minute they are through (with
preparations), with God’s permission. Quoted at (Jan. 19, 2006).

Al Qaeda poses as much of a threat as a traditional nation state, and in many ways,
a greater threat.Indeed, in the time since September 11th, al Qaeda and its allies
have staged several large-scale attacks around the world, including in Indonesia,
Madrid, and London, killing hundreds of innocent people. Al Qaeda’s leaders have
repeatedly made good on their threats, and al Qaeda has demonstrated its ability to
insert foreign agents into the United States to execute attacks.

In confronting this new and deadly enemy, President Bush promised that “[w]e will
direct every resource at our command—every means of diplomacy, every tool of
intelligence, every tool of law enforcement, every financial influence, and every
weapon of war—to the disruption of and to the defeat of the global terror network.”
President Bush Address to a Joint Session of Congress (Sept. 20, 2001). The
terrorist surveillance program described by the President is one such tool and one
indispensable aspect of this defense of our Nation.
The terrorist surveillance program targets communications where one party to the
communication is outside the U.S. and the government has “reasonable grounds to
believe” that at least one party to the communication is a member or agent of al
Qaeda, or an affiliated terrorist organization. This program is reviewed and
reauthorized by the President approximately every 45 days. The Congressional
leadership, including the leaders of the Intelligence Committees of both Houses of
Congress, has been briefed about this program more than a dozen times since 2001.
The program provides the United States with the early warning system we so
desperately needed on September 10th.

The terrorist surveillance program remains highly classified, as it should be. We

must protect this tool, which has proven so important to protecting America. An
open discussion of the operational details of this program would put the lives of
Americans at risk. The need to protect national security also means that I must
confine my discussion of the legal analysis to those activities confirmed publicly by
the President; I cannot and will not address operational aspects of the program or
other purported activities described in press reports. These press accounts are in
almost every case, in one way or another, misinformed, confused, or wrong.

Congress and the American people are interested in two fundamental questions: is
this program necessary and is it lawful. The answer to both questions is yes.

The question of necessity rightly falls to our Nation’s military leaders, because the
terrorist surveillance program is an essential element of our military campaign
against al Qaeda. I therefore address it only briefly. The attacks of September 11th
placed the Nation in a state of armed conflict. In this armed conflict, our military
employs a wide variety of tools and weapons to defeat the enemy. General Michael
Hayden, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence and former Director of
the NSA, recently explained why a terrorist surveillance program that allows us
quickly to collect important information about our enemy is so vital and necessary
to the War on Terror.

The conflict against al Qaeda is, in fundamental respects, a war of information. We

cannot build walls thick enough, fences high enough, or systems strong enough to
keep our enemies out of our open and welcoming country. Instead, as the bipartisan
9/11 and WMD Commissions have urged, we must understand better who the
enemy is and what he is doing. We have to collect the right dots before we can
“connect the dots.” The terrorist surveillance program allows us to collect more
information regarding al Qaeda’s plans, and, critically, it allows us to locate al
Qaeda operatives, especially those already in the United States and poised to attack.
We cannot defend the Nation without such information, as we painfully learned on
September 11th.

As Attorney General, I am primarily concerned with the legal basis for these
necessary military activities. The Attorney General of the United States is the chief
legal adviser for the President and the Executive Branch. Accordingly, the
Department of Justice has thoroughly examined this program and concluded that the
President is acting within his power in authorizing it. The Department of Justice is
not alone in concluding that the program is lawful. Career lawyers at NSA and its
Inspector General office have been intimately involved in the oversight of the
program. The lawyers have found the program to be lawful and reviewed its
conduct. The Inspector Genera’s office has exercised vigorous reviews of the
program to provide assurance that it is carried out within the terms of the
President’s authorization.

The terrorist surveillance program is firmly grounded in the President’s

constitutional authorities. The Constitution charges the President with the primary
responsibility for protecting the safety of all Americans, and the Constitution gives
the President the authority necessary to fulfill this solemn duty. See, e.g., The Prize
Cases, 67 U.S. (2 Black) 635, 668 (1863). It has long been recognized that the
President’s constitutional powers include the authority to conduct warrantless
surveillance aimed at detecting and preventing armed attacks on the United States.
Presidents have repeatedly relied on their inherent power to gather foreign
intelligence for reasons both diplomatic and military, and the federal courts have
consistently upheld this longstanding practice. See In re Sealed Case, 310 F.3d 717,
742 (Foreign Intel. Surv. Ct. of Rev. 2002).

If this authority is available in ordinary times, it is even more vital in the present
circumstances of our armed conflict with al Qaeda. The President authorized the
terrorist surveillance program in response to the deadliest foreign attack on
American soil, and it is designed solely to prevent the next al Qaeda attack. After
all, the goal of our enemy is to blend in with our civilian population in order to plan
and carry out future attacks within America. We cannot forget that the September
11th hijackers were in our country, living in our communities.

The President’s authority to take military action—including the use of

communications intelligence targeted at the enemy—does not come merely from his
constitutional powers. It comes directly from Congress as well. Just a few days after
the attacks of September 11th, Congress enacted a joint resolution to support and
authorize the military response to the attacks on American soil. Authorization for
Use of Military Force, Pub. L. No. 107-40, 115 Stat. 224 (Sept. 18, 2001)
(“AUMF”). In the AUMF, Congress did two important things. First, it expressly
recognized the President’s “authority under the Constitution to take action to deter
and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States.” Second, it
supplemented that authority by authorizing the President to “use all necessary and
appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines
planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks” in order to prevent
further attacks on the United States.

Accordingly, the President’s authority to use military force against those terrorist
groups is at its maximum because he is acting with the express authorization of
Congress. Thus, under the three-part framework of Justice Jackson’s concurring
opinion in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 635-38 (1952)
(Jackson, J., concurring), the President’s authority falls within Category I, and is at
its highest. He is acting “pursuant to an express or implied authorization of
Congress,” and the President’s authority “includes all that he possesses in his own
right [under the Constitution] plus all that Congress can” confer on him.

In 2004, the Supreme Court considered the scope of the AUMF in Hamdi v.
Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 (2004). There, the question was whether the President had
the authority to detain an American citizen as an enemy combatant for the duration
of the hostilities. The Supreme Court confirmed that the expansive language of the
AUMF —“all necessary and appropriate force”—ensures that the congressional
authorization extends to traditional incidents of waging war. See also Curtis A.
Bradley & Jack L. Goldsmith, Congressional Authorization and the War on
Terrorism, 118 Harv. L. Rev. 2048, 2092 (2005). And, just like the detention of
enemy combatants approved in Hamdi, the use of communications intelligence to
prevent enemy attacks is a fundamental and accepted incident of military force.

This fact is amply borne out by history. This Nation has a long tradition of wartime
enemy surveillance—a tradition that can be traced to George Washington, who
made frequent and effective use of secret intelligence. One source of Washington’s
intelligence was intercepted British mail. See Central Intelligence Agency,
Intelligence in the War of Independence 31, 32 (1997). In fact, Washington himself
proposed that one of his Generals “contrive a means of opening [British letters]
without breaking the seals, take copies of the contents, and then let them go on.” Id.
at 32 (“From that point on, Washington was privy to British intelligence pouches
between New York and Canada.”). And for as long as electronic communications
have existed, the United States has intercepted those communications during
wartime, and done so, not surprisingly, without judicial warrants. In the Civil War,
for example, telegraph wiretapping was common and provided important
intelligence for both sides. In World War I, President Wilson authorized the military
to intercept all telegraph, telephone, and cable communications into and out of the
United States; he inferred the authority to do so from the Constitution and from a
general congressional authorization to use military force that did not mention
anything about such surveillance. See Exec. Order No. 2604 (Apr. 28, 1917). So too
in World War II; the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt
authorized the interception of all communications traffic into and out of the United
States. The terrorist surveillance program, of course, is far more focused, since it
involves the interception only of international communications that are linked to al

Some have suggested that the AUMF did not authorize intelligence collection inside
the United States. That contention cannot be squared with the reality of the
September 11th attacks on our soil, launched from within the country, and carried
out by sleeper agents who had lived amongst us. Given this background, Congress
certainly intended to support the President’s use of force to repel an unfolding
attack within the United States. Congress also must be understood to have
authorized the traditional means by which the military detects and responds to such
attacks. Nor can this contention be squared with the language of the AUMF itself,
which calls on the President to protect Americans both “at home and abroad,” to
take action to prevent further terrorist attacks “against the United States,” and
directs him to determine who was responsible for the attacks. Such a contention is
also contrary to the long history of wartime surveillance, which has often involved
the interception of enemy communications into and out of the United States.

Against this backdrop, the NSA’s focused terrorist surveillance program falls
squarely within the broad authorization of the AUMF even though, as some have
argued, the AUMF does not expressly mention surveillance. The AUMF also does
not mention detention of enemy combatants. But we know from the Supreme
Court’s decision in Hamdi that such detention is authorized even for U.S. citizens.
Justice O’Connor reasoned: “Because detention to prevent a combatant’s return to
the battlefield is a fundamental incident of waging war, in permitting the use of
‘necessary and appropriate force,’ Congress has clearly and unmistakably
authorized detention in the narrow circumstances considered here.” 542 U.S. at 519
(plurality opinion).

As Justice O’Connor recognized, “it is of no moment that the AUMF does not use
specific language of detention” or even refer to the detention of U.S. citizens as
enemy combatants at all. Id. Nor does it matter that individual Members of Congress
may not have specifically intended to authorize such detention. The same is true of
electronic surveillance. It is a traditional incident of war, and, thus, as Justice
O’Connor said, it is “of no moment” that the AUMF does not explicitly mention this
activity. Congress has “clearly and unmistakably authorized” it.

These omissions are not at all surprising. In enacting the AUMF, Congress made no
attempt to catalog every aspect of the use of force it was authorizing. Instead,
following the model of past military force authorizations, Congress—in general, but
broad, terms—confirmed the President’s authority to use traditional and accepted
incidents of military force to identify and defeat the enemy. In doing so, Congress
must be understood to have endorsed the use of so fundamental an aspect of the use
of military force as electronic surveillance.

Some contend that even if the President has constitutional authority to engage in the
surveillance of our enemy during an armed conflict, that authority has been
constrained by Congress with the passage in 1978 of the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (“FISA”). Generally, FISA requires the Government to obtain an
order from a special FISA court before conducting “electronic surveillance.” 50
U.S.C. §§ 1803-1805 (2000 and Supp. II 2002). FISA defines “electronic
surveillance” carefully and precisely. Id. § 1801(f). And, as confirmed by another
provision, 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f) (Supp. II 2002) (carving out from statutory
regulation the acquisition of intelligence information from “international or foreign
communications” and “foreign intelligence activities . . . involving a foreign
electronic communications system” as long as they are accomplished “utilizing a
means other than electronic surveillance as defined” by FISA), and by FISA’s
legislative history, Congress did not intend FISA to regulate certain communications
intelligence activities of the NSA, including certain communications involving
persons in the United States. See, e.g., S. Rep. No. 95-604, at 64 (1978). Because I
cannot discuss operational details, for purposes of this discussion, I will assume that
intercepts of international al Qaeda communications under the terrorist surveillance
program fall within the definition of “electronic surveillance” in FISA.

Even with FISA’s careful carve out for certain NSA signals intelligence activities as
they existed in 1978, the legislative history makes clear that there were concerns
among Members of Congress about the constitutionality of FISA itself if construed
to be an exclusive means for electronic surveillance. See, e.g., H.R. Conf. Rep. No.
95-1720, at 35 (“The conferees agree that the establishment by this act of exclusive
means by which the President may conduct electronic surveillance does not
foreclose a different decision by the Supreme Court.”). The FISA Court of Review,
the special court of appeals charged with hearing appeals of decisions by the FISA
court, stated in 2002 that “[w]e take for granted that the President does have that
[inherent] authority” and, “assuming that is so, FISA could not encroach on the
President’s constitutional power.” In re Sealed Case, 310 F.3d at 742. It is a serious
question whether, consistent with the Constitution, FISA may encroach upon the
President’s Article II powers during the current armed conflict with al Qaeda by
prohibiting the terrorist surveillance program. Fortunately, for the reasons that
follow, we need not address that difficult question.

FISA allows Congress to respond to new threats through separate legislation. FISA
prohibits persons from intentionally “engag[ing] . . . in electronic surveillance under
color of law except as authorized by statute.” 50 U.S.C. § 1809(a)(1) (2000)
(emphasis added). For the reasons I have already discussed, the AUMF provides the
relevant statutory authorization for the terrorist surveillance program. Hamdi makes
clear that the broad language in the AUMF can satisfy a requirement for specific
statutory authorization set forth in another law.

Hamdi involved a statutory prohibition on all detention of U.S. citizens except as

authorized “pursuant to an Act of Congress.” 18 U.S.C. § 4001(a) (2000). Even
though the detention of a U.S. citizen involves a deprivation of liberty, and even
though the AUMF says nothing on its face about detention of U.S. citizens, a
majority of the members of the Supreme Court nevertheless concluded that the
AUMF satisfied the statutory requirement. See Hamdi, 542 U.S. at 519 (plurality
opinion); id. at 587 (Thomas, J., dissenting). The same is true for the prohibition on
warrantless electronic surveillance in FISA.

FISA also expressly allows the President to conduct warrantless surveillance for 15
days following a congressional declaration of war. 50 U.S.C. § 1811 (2000). That
provision shows that Congress understood that warrantless surveillance would be
essential in wartime. But no one could reasonably suggest that all such critical
military surveillance in a time of war would end after only 15 days. Instead, the
legislative history of this provision makes clear that Congress elected not to decide
how surveillance might need to be conducted in the event of a particular armed
conflict. Congress expected that it would revisit the issue in light of events and
likely would enact a special authorization during that 15-day period. H.R. Conf.
Rep. No. 95-1720, at 34. That is exactly what happened three days after the attacks
of September 11th, when Congress passed the AUMF, authorizing the President to
employ “all necessary and appropriate” incidents of military force—including the
use of communications intelligence activities targeted at the enemy. Some have
argued that Title III (the domestic law-enforcement wiretap provisions) and FISA
are the “exclusive means” for conducting electronic surveillance as defined by
FISA. It is true that section 2511(2)(f) of title 18, U.S. Code, provides that the
“procedures in [Title III] . . . and [FISA] shall be the exclusive means by which
electronic surveillance . . . may be conducted.” But, as I have said before, FISA
itself prohibits the Government from engaging in electronic surveillance “except as
authorized by statute.” 50 U.S.C. § 1809(a)(1). It is noteworthy that FISA does not
say that “the Government cannot engage in electronic surveillance ‘except as
authorized by FISA and Title III.’” Instead, FISA allows electronic surveillance that
is authorized by statute—any statute. And, in this case, that other statute is the

Even if some might think this is not the only possible reading of FISA and the
AUMF, in accordance with long recognized canons of construction, FISA must be
interpreted in harmony with the AUMF to allow the President, as Commander in
Chief during a congressionally authorized armed conflict, to take the actions
necessary to protect the country from another catastrophic attack. So long as such
an interpretation is “fairly possible,” the Supreme Court has made clear that it must
be adopted in order to avoid the serious constitutional issues that would otherwise
be raised. See, e.g., INS v. St. Cyr, 533 U.S. 289, 299-300 (2001). Application of
the canon of constitutional avoidance is particularly appropriate here. As noted,
Congress recognized in 1978 that FISA might approach or exceed its constitutional
authority. Since FISA’s enactment, the means of transmitting communications has
undergone extensive transformation. This technological change substantially altered
the effects of FISA’s careful definition of “electronic surveillance” and has resulted
in increased and unintended interference with some of the activities Congress
decided to exclude from regulation in 1978.

Many people ask why the President elected not to use FISA’s procedures for
securing court orders for the terrorist surveillance program. We have to remember
that what is at issue is a wartime intelligence program designed to protect our
Nation from another attack in the middle of an armed conflict. It is an “early
warning system” with only one purpose: to detect and prevent the next attack on the
United States from foreign agents hiding in our midst. It is imperative for national
security that we can detect reliably, immediately, and without delay whenever
communications associated with al Qaeda enter or leave the United States. That may
be the only way to alert us to the presence of an al Qaeda agent in our country and
to the existence of an unfolding plot.
The optimal way to achieve the speed and agility necessary to this military
intelligence program during the present armed conflict with al Qaeda is to leave the
decisions about particular intercepts to the judgment of professional intelligence
officers, based on the best available intelligence information. These officers are best
situated to make decisions quickly and accurately. If, however, those same
intelligence officers had to navigate through the FISA process for each of these
intercepts, that would necessarily introduce a significant factor of delay, and there
would be critical holes in our early warning system. Importantly, as explained
below, these intelligence officers apply a probable cause standard. The critical
advantage offered by the terrorist surveillance program compared to FISA is who
makes the probable cause determination and how many layers of review must occur
before surveillance begins. Some have pointed to the provision in FISA that allows
for so-called “emergency authorizations” of surveillance for 72 hours without a
court order. There is a serious misconception about these emergency authorizations.
We do not and cannot approve emergency surveillance under FISA without
knowing that we meet FISA’s normal requirements. In order to authorize emergency
surveillance under FISA, the Attorney General must personally “determine[] that . . .
the factual basis for issuance of an order under [FISA] to approve such surveillance
exists.” 50 U.S.C. § 1805(f). FISA requires the Attorney General to determine in
advance that this condition is satisfied. That review process can, of necessity, take
precious time. And that same process takes the decision away from the officers best
situated to make it during an armed conflict. Thus, to initiate surveillance under a
FISA emergency authorization, it is not enough to rely on the best judgment of our
intelligence officers. Those intelligence officers would have to get the sign-off of
lawyers at the NSA, and then lawyers in the Department of Justice would have to be
satisfied that the statutory requirements for emergency authorization are met, and
finally as Attorney General, I would have to be satisfied that the proposed
surveillance meets the requirements of FISA. Finally, the emergency application
must be filed “as soon as practicable,” but within 72 hours.

A typical FISA application involves a substantial process in its own right: The work
of several lawyers; the preparation of an application and related legal papers; the
approval of a designated Cabinet-level officer; a certification from a designated
Senate-confirmed officer; and, finally, of course, the approval of an Article III judge
who sits on the FISA Court. See 50 U.S.C. § 1804. Needless to say, even under the
very best of circumstances, this process consumes valuable resources and results in
significant delay. We all agree that there should be appropriate checks and balances
on the Branches of our Government. The FISA process makes perfect sense in
almost all cases of foreign intelligence monitoring in the United States. Although
technology has changed dramatically since FISA was enacted, FISA remains a vital
tool in the War on Terror, and one that we are using to its fullest and will continue
to use against al Qaeda and other foreign threats. But as the President has explained,
the terrorist surveillance program operated by the NSA requires the maximum in
speed and agility, since even a very short delay may make the difference between
success and failure in preventing the next attack. And we cannot afford to fail.
Finally, the NSA’s terrorist surveillance program fully complies with the Fourth
Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fourth
Amendment has never been understood to require warrants in all circumstances.
The Supreme Court has upheld warrentless searches at the border and has allowed
warrantless sobriety checkpoints. See, e.g., Michigan v. Dept. of State Police v. Sitz,
496 U.S. 444 (1990); see also Indianapolis v. Edmond, 531 U.S. 32, 44 (2000)
(stating that “the Fourth Amendment would almost certainly permit an appropriately
tailored roadblock set up to thwart an imminent terrorist attack”). Those searches do
not violate the Fourth Amendment because they involve “special needs” beyond
routine law enforcement. Vernonia Sch. Dist. v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646, 653 (1995).
To fall within the “special needs” exception to the warrant requirement, the purpose
of the search must be distinguishable from ordinary general crime control. See, e.g.,
Ferguson v. Charleston, 532 U.S. 67 (2001); City of Indianapolis v. Edmond, 531
U.S. 32, 41 (2000).

The terrorist surveillance program fits within this “special needs” category. This
conclusion is by no means novel. During the Clinton Administration, Deputy
Attorney General Jamie Gorelick testified before Congress in 1994 that the President
has inherent authority under the Constitution to conduct foreign intelligence
searches of the private homes of U.S. citizens in the United States without a
warrant, and that such warrantless searches are permissible under the Fourth
Amendment. See Amending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Hearings
Before the House Permanent Select Comm. on Intelligence, 103d Cong. 2d Sess. 61,
64 (1994) (statement of Deputy Attorney General Jamie S. Gorelick). See also In re
Sealed Case, 310 F.3d at 745-46.

The key question under the Fourth Amendment is not whether there was a warrant,
but whether the search was reasonable. Determining the reasonableness of a search
for Fourth Amendment purposes requires balancing privacy interests with the
Government’s interests and ensuring that we maintain appropriate safeguards.
United States v. Knights, 534 U.S. 112, 118-19 (2001). Although the terrorist
surveillance program may implicate substantial privacy interests, the Government’s
interest in protecting our Nation is compelling. Because the need for the program is
reevaluated every 45 days and because of the safeguards and oversight, the al Qaeda
intercepts are reasonable.

No one takes lightly the concerns that have been raised about the interception of
domestic communications inside the United States. But this terrorist surveillance
program involves intercepting the international communications of persons
reasonably believed to be members or agents of al Qaeda or affiliated terrorist
organizations. This surveillance is narrowly focused and fully consistent with the
traditional forms of enemy surveillance found to be necessary in all previous armed
conflicts. The need for the program is reviewed at the highest levels of government
approximately every 45 days to ensure that the al Qaeda threat to the national
security of this Nation continues to exist. Moreover, although the Fourth
Amendment does not require application of a probable cause standard in this
context, the “reasonable grounds to believe” standard employed in this program is
the traditional Fourth Amendment probable cause standard. As the Supreme Court
has stated, “The substance of all the definitions of probable cause is a reasonable
ground for belief of guilt.” Maryland v. Pringle, 540 U.S. 366, 371 (2003) (internal
quotation marks omitted) (emphasis added).

This Administration has chosen to act now to prevent the next attack with every
lawful tool at its disposal, rather than wait until it is too late. It is hard to imagine a
President who would not elect to use these tools in defense of the American people
—in fact, it would be irresponsible to do otherwise. The terrorist surveillance
program is both necessary and lawful. Accordingly, as the President has explained,
he intends to continue to exercise this authority as long as al Qaeda poses such a
grave threat to the national security. If we conduct this reasonable surveillance—
while taking special care to preserve civil liberties as we have—we can all continue
to enjoy our rights and freedoms for generations to come. I am attaching for the
record both the Department of Justice’s paper of January 19, 2006, setting forth the
Department’s analysis of the legal basis for the terrorist surveillance program, and
the previous Letter for Hon. Pat Roberts, Chairman, Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence, from William E. Moschella, Assistant Attorney General, Office of
Legislative Affairs (Dec. 22, 2005). I am also attaching my detailed responses to
questions previously posed by Chairman Specter.


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