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Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Management and control is the key

White paper

@ Executive Summary....................................................p 3
@ Purpose.....................................................................p 4
@ Introduction................................................................p 5
@ Electrical energy usage...............................................p 6
@ Electricity generation and distribution .........................p 7
@ Energy efciency.........................................................p 8
@ Managing energy with electricity..................................p 9
@ Managing energy in commerce ................................p 10
@ Managing energy in industry......................................p 12
@ Managing energy in residential properties..................p 14
@ Energy efciency in the public sector.........................p 15
@ Conclusions..............................................................p 15

Executive Summary

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

While there are a number of factors inuencing the attitudes and

opinions towards energy efciency most notably the increasing
cost of energy and a rising social conscience it is likely to be
legislative drivers that have the greatest impact on changing
behaviours and practices. Respective governments internationally
are introducing energy saving targets and effecting regulations to
ensure they are met.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a global target set at the
Earth Summit in Kyoto in 1997 and nally ratied by 169 countries
in December 2006 enabling the Agreements enactment in February
Under the Kyoto Protocol industrialised countries have agreed to
reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2%
by 2008-2012 compared to the year 1990 (however, compared to
the emissions levels expected by 2012 prior to the Protocol, this
limitation represents a 29% cut). The target in Europe is an 8%
reduction overall with a target for CO2 emissions to fall by 20% by
Of the six greenhouse gases listed by Kyoto, one of the most
signicant by volume of emissions is carbon dioxide (CO2) and it is
gas that is mainly emitted as a result of electricity generation and
use, as well as direct thermal losses in, for example, heating.
Up to 50% of CO2 emissions attributable to residential and
commercial buildings is from electricity consumption. Moreover,
as domestic appliances, computers and entertainment systems
proliferate; and other equipment such as air conditioning and
ventilation systems increase in use, electricity consumption is rising
at a higher rate than other energy usage.
The ability to meet targets by simply persuading people to act
differently or deploy new energy saving or energy efcient
technology is unlikely to succeed. Just considering construction
and the built environment, new construction is far less than 2% of
existing stock. If newly constructed buildings perform exactly as
existing stock the result by 2020 will be an increase in electricity
consumption of 22%. On the other hand, if all new construction has
energy consumption of 50% less than existing stock, the result is
still an increase of 18%.
In order to reach a fall in consumption of 20% by 2020 the folllowing
has to happen:
@ All new buildings constructed to consume 50% less energy
@ 1 in 10 existing buildings reduce consumption by 30% each year
Signicantly, by 2020 in most countries 80% of all buildings will
have already been built. The refurbishment of existing building
stock and improving energy management is vital in meeting
emission reduction targets. Given that in the west, most buildings
have already undergone thermal insulation upgrades such as cavity
wall insulation, loft insulation and glazing, the only potential for
further savings is by reducing the amount of energy consumed.

White paper on Energy Efficiency - 3

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key










A minimum renovation of 10% per year

of existing stock is compulsory to reach
less 20%
Renovation = 70% of the savings
New =
30% of the savings

The most important ingredient however, lies with the ability of those
in control of industry, business and government to concentrate
their hearts and minds on making energy efciency a critical target.
Otherwise, it might not be just the Kyoto targets on which the lights
go out.
The message to heed is that if those empowered to save energy
dont do so willingly now, they will be compelled under legal threat
to do so in the future.
Companies such as Schneider Electric have the expertise and
experience to provide the very best advice, backed by the latest
technology to make savings inexpensively, quickly and simply

This white paper demonstrates that energy consumption can be lowered by effective
control and that such measures can signicantly reduce carbon emissions and make a
major contribution towards meeting Kyoto targets.
Energy rst came into sharp focus during the oil crisis in the 1970s following which
some countries adopted energy policies. However, at that time most measures aimed at
addressing building materials, insulation, glazing and heating efciency.
Even today, most people think only of lighting control when electrical energy is considered.
It also remains true that with a few recent notable exceptions (such as Building Regulations
Part L in the UK, and the move towards the European Buildings Directive to rate buildings
CO2 emissions) most regulations address thermal and insulation issues.
Electricity and energy efciency delivers a further benet for industry, business and
government in being perceived by their respective publics as being socially and
environmentally responsible. They will achieve lower energy costs too.

4 - White paper on Energy Efficiency



















Action on existing built environment will almost certainly become

compulsory to meet targets xed for the coming years.
As a result, governments are applying pressures to meet the
ambitious targets. It is almost certain that ever more demanding
regulations will be enforced to address all energy uses, including
existing buildings and, naturally, industry. At the same time energy
prices are rising as natural resources become exhausted and the
electrical infrastructure in some countries struggles to cope with
increasing demand.
Technology exists to help tackle energy efciency on many levels
from reducing electrical consumption to controlling other energy
sources more efciently. Strong regulatory measures may be
required to ensure these technologies are adopted quickly enough
to impact on the 2020 targets.


Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

This white paper explores every aspect of the use of electricity and
its impact on the environment. With greenhouse gas emissions
in sharp focus around the world, the time has come for everyone
to take action to economise on energy use by the intelligent
application of technology to bring about energy efciency.
Economies are readily possible in electricity generation and
distribution, in its use and in the way electricity can be used
wisely to make efciencies in the use of other energy. Indeed, the
management and control of other primary thermal energy from
coal, oil and gas is also a key to reducing both consumption and
The technology is available to maximise the effectiveness of
electricity and the way in which it is distributed.
The technology is there to control buildings energy use in lighting,
heating, HVAC, building controls and distribution. Lighting alone
can account for 40% of a typical commercial enterprises electricity
consumption. It is also important to consider that passive energy
reduction measures such as installing insulation, can create
problems if adequate ventilation is not considered at the same time.
In industry there are proven systems to reduce the power
consumed by electric motor systems and to better control the
application of electrical power throughout a plant. Two thirds of
electrical energy used by industry is used powering motors. In most
countries less than 10% of those motors have any kind of control
and therefore cannot be slowed down or switched off automatically.
In the home, new products enable lighting and heating controls that
enhance living standards yet save electricity. In most countries,
every single domestic dwelling (including individual apartments)
contributes about 6.5 tonnes of CO2 each year - or, to put it another
way, enough gas to ll six hot air balloons!
Yet, just switching off lights in unoccupied rooms could save 2.2
tonnes per household.
In short, there is no reason not to be able to save electricity and
other energy, provided there is the understanding of what is at
stake, together with the desire to do something about it.

White paper on Energy Efficiency - 5

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

Electrical energy usage

World energy consumption is projected to rise by 30% by 2020 according to Enerdatas

latest predictions from May 2007. Electricity consumed in 2005 was estimated at 18,140
TWh with 67% of that capacity produced by coal, oil and gas power stations.
It is clear that electrical energy consumption will rise over the coming decades if no action is
taken to economise. This is particularly true in third world and emerging economies where
not only is the use of new electrical equipment growing, but also much of the populations of
certain regions currently without electricity supplies, will subsequently get them.
In ofces, the explosion of information technology has seen huge increases in electrical
consumption, as has the preference for air conditioning systems. The prolic growth of
datacentres and new industries has also contributed to a dramatic rise in electrical power
In industry, automation and the increasing use of electrical power as well as inefcient
hydraulic and pneumatic systems has grown.
In the home, computers, multiple televisions sets, modern electrical appliances, air
conditioning and even outside lighting and powered equipment have seen an exponential
growth in consumption. Indeed, in many western economies, domestic electricity
consumption outstrips even industrial use.
It would be hard for most people to imagine a life without electricity, but that does not mean
consumption cannot be controlled.

World energy consumption gures demonstrate global

reliance on primary fossil fuels.


Quadrillion Btu


Natural Gas

Electricitys Role in Energy.

6 - White paper on Energy Efficiency






Electricity generation
and distribution

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

The debate about how electricity is generated continues to rage and there are strong
arguments for all the technologies that can be deployed. The greatest impact on carbon
reduction would be to see an end to the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation.
However, in developing countries, coal, oil and gas powered stations remain the most
economical. Nuclear power still attracts negative lobbies, but has been shown to be a
clean, reliable source of power. Of the renewable energy technologies, hydroelectric
generation is a signicant contributor where such opportunities exist, while in Europe wind
powered electricity generation is accelerating.
From a consumption perspective, one of the areas in which utility companies can make
a contribution is in the efciency of both their generating systems and their distribution
infrastructure. Higher voltage transmission helps - for example, the UK retains an 11kV
supply whereas most developed countries have adopted a 22kV network - but low loss
transformer technology also needs to be deployed more extensively.
In power generation, better monitoring and control can lead to leaner burning stations.
Equipment powered by electric motors can have speed controls tted to reduce energy
consumption. Equipment maintenance and upgrading can also improve efciency.

European Union: Gross Electricity Generation

* Note: Does not include pumped storage presented above

White paper on Energy Efficiency - 7

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

In distribution, losses through transformers and checks on the

integrity of the cabling can make savings. Judicious sizing of
transformers can also maximise the available capacity to the
In fact, the consumption from the generation and transport of
electricity are generally three times the primary energy actually
consumed. Due to the efciency of the whole chain, saving one unit
of electricity in a home or business obviates the consumption of
three times that amount of primary energy at a power plant (this is
true of oil, gas or coal). One unit of electricity saved by an end user
triples the benet - and this is true of all thermal energy!
However, because the issues affecting power generation are still
to be resolved nationally, regionally and internationally, the primary
target remains the quest to conserve what electricity we currently
produce and reduce consumption wherever possible.

Energy efficiency
Responsible equipment manufacturers are continually developing
more efcient products. However, while for the most part the
efciency of the equipment is a fair representation of its energy
saving potential - say, in the example of a domestic washing
machine or refrigerator - it is not always the case in industrial and
commercial equipment.
In many cases the overall energy performance of the system is
what really counts. Put simply, if an energy saving device is left
permanently on stand-by it can be less efcient than a higher
consuming device that is always switched off when not in use.
It is also important that all the elements in a system combine to
bring about the maximum energy efciency possible. For example,
it is well understood that energy efcient (Eff-1) AC electric motors
save signicant amounts of energy. Some argue that such efcient
motors are more expensive, but the purchase price of such
equipment is a very small part of the true costs. For example, the
lifetime energy costs in running an Eff-1 or lower rated AC motor is
often 100 times its purchase price over a lifetime expectancy of 13
years (average). An 11kW motor costing perhaps 400 euros to buy
can consume in its lifetime up to 80,000 euros at current electricity
But, once coupled with a variable speed drive (AC inverter) savings
can be multiplied many fold. Indeed, savings are typically three
times greater for a high efciency motor tted with a VSD rather
than using ordinary xed speed starters.
Adopting Eff-1 motors can be considered a passive response to
energy efciency, while using VSDs represents an active approach.
Whatever the scenario, maximum energy efciency comes from
taking a view of the complete picture.

8 - White paper on Energy Efficiency

Internal Electricity Consumption in Europe 2003 (GWh)

Note: Source ETSO, UCTE online data for 2003,
Nordel annual report 2003, gures are representative
of the 100% internal consumption, comprehensive of
Loses and Pumped Storage power.

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

Managing energy
with electricity

Managing energy is the key to maximising its usefulness and economising on its waste.
While there are increasing numbers of products that are now more energy efcient
than their predecessors, controlling switching or reducing settings of variables such as
temperature or speed, makes the greatest impact.
It is not just by reducing electricity consumption that savings can be made. In fact, the
judicious use of electricity in controlling other energy can bring huge reductions in the use
of fossil fuels, gas, and uid power such as hydraulics and compressed air.

The key to controlling energy is the use of

In commerce, it is estimated that as much as 90% of all building controls currently in use
are decient when it comes to energy efciency.
In industry, some 90% or more of all AC electric motors are totally uncontrolled.
In the home, simple lighting controls, energy saving lamps and better heating controls can
all be installed quickly, simply and cheaply.
In industry and commerce it is not just the equipment that is powered by electricity that
presents opportunities for better management. Power quality issues, such as improving a
sites power factor can make substantial savings. Energy auditing can enable more power
to be usefully deployed from existing infrastructure - overcoming the need for additional
capacity in many instances.
For most commercial and industrial consumers there is a lack of understanding of
how power is used, coupled with general ignorance of what technologies are available
to manage and save energy. Equally true, is the failure to realise that other energy
consumption can be reduced by using electrical control technology. Apart from building
management systems, there are also advanced heating, ventilating and air conditioning
controllers, boiler controls and even lift drive systems that can all contribute to maximising
efciency. Energy audits by qualied experts, however, are readily available. What is
needed is the will to undertake such auditing.
In the home, most people are aware of energy saving lamps, but gures from most
countries suggest that only a small proportion of people use them. Most people do not
realise the simple, but effective control equipment is available or affordable.
The challenge is therefore to build a better understanding among people generally about
what can be achieved and how to achieve it.

White paper on Energy Efficiency - 9

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

Managing energy in commerce

There are three areas to be addressed in commercial energy use:
@ The planning of energy efcient buildings and systems in new
@ The refurbishment of existing buildings and systems to make
them more energy efcient
@ The use of buildings; and the energy saving regimes of the
owners, tenants or occupiers
There is evidence that new projects are being designed with
energy efciency in mind. Some of this comes from the initiatives
of architects, building services engineers and building owners.
To an increasing extent, particularly where large corporations are
likely to take tenancy of the building, there is a requirement from
the occupiers - who want to exercise corporate governance over
environmental issues.
The extent to which such stakeholders understand energy
management and efciency is variable - some know a great deal,
others know very little. It is beholden on equipment and building
management systems manufacturers to partner closely those with
responsibility for the buildings energy and infrastructure control.
In building refurbishment there is the challenge of communicating
what is possible. Much attention is usually applied to glazing and
insulation in such projects, but energy control and management
must also rank high on the agenda if the modernised building is to
satisfy its potential for energy efciency. Retrottable electrical and
building management systems can be easily implemented during
refurbishment projects, but the stakeholders, such as building
services engineers and facilities managers, must understand what
can be done.
Occupiers of buildings often believe they have little or no control
over the infrastructure of that building. Yet, there are some simple
steps that can be taken to understand their energy consumption
and take steps to reduce usage. One factor that appears to be
a general impediment is the lack of understanding as to where
energy is used and when. Here, simple metering can provide a
wealth of data that can bring about easy changes and huge energy
reductions. Heating, ventilating and lighting unoccupied areas is
very common. Uncontrolled external lighting and lighting internal
spaces even when there is adequate daylight are also frequently
Once identied, excessive or unnecessary energy use is easily
alleviated by simple controls or a more disciplined behaviour among
the occupants of the building. Again, this is an area requiring a
change in the hearts and minds of those in charge of businesses.

10 - White paper on Energy Efficiency

Renovation can yeld up to 30% of
energy savings




Consume 20 % of total energy

3 Key areas: HVAC, lighting &
integrated building solutions
Motors consume 35% +of electricity

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

The diagram below shows gures for ofce buildings produced by the Carbon Trust in
the UK. This data highlights a summary of energy usage that has parallels throughout the
developed world. The potential for savings is immense.

Energy use indices (EUIs) for good practice and typical examples of the four ofces

Energy cost indices (ECIs) for good practice and typical examples of the four ofces

Carbon dioxide emission indices (CEIs) for good practice and typical examples of the
four ofces types

White paper on Energy Efficiency - 11

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

Managing energy in industry

Energy intensive industries such as metals manufacturing, glass and plastics processing
and food and beverage production understand the need for energy management because
their processes involve great amounts of heat. These businesses have traditionally
sought ways to maximise their return on investment from the energy used in their primary
processes. However, even these energy aware businesses often fail to realise how much
more can be saved through building controls and a company wide energy policy.
All industries can benet from energy policy, but it must extend beyond the production
environment and into every aspect of the sites. Ofces, for example, stand to save just as
much as in the commercial sector.
While in many countries industrial energy use has now been slightly outweighed by that
consumed by commercial and residential buildings, it is a fact that industry consumes huge
amounts of electrical power. About two thirds of that is typically consumed powering electric
motors. Of these, an overwhelming majority can be made signicantly more energy efcient
by controlling their switching on and off or by controlling their speed.


Quadrillion Btu



Natural Gas






Natural Gas







Other sectors*

Other sectors*





439 Mtoe

1 239 Mtoe

* Other sectors comprices agriculture, commercial & public services, residential and non-specified

12 - White paper on Energy Efficiency

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

This is a relatively simple task of equipment retrotting, yet it is clear that most
manufacturing and process plants fail to take the step. The reason is often because those
that control the costs of an industrial operation are not communicating with those charged
with the management of the production processes.
For example, if a painting plant uses hundreds of AC motors on fans, pumps and
compressors (continuous duty applications) it could readily benet from the use of
variable speed drives. However, while the plant manager, as an engineer, understands
this, he or she is invariable responsible only for improving productivity or output and not
for the overhead costs. Higher management is concerned with paying the overheads but
remains unaware that such a saving could be made because it is never on the agenda in
engineering meetings.
In industry, senior management and plant engineers must learn to talk if comprehensive
energy efciency is to be achieved. In no other sector is the communication gap wider than
between those charged with making energy decisions in industry, and those who actually
know how energy can be saved.

Industry & infrastructure

Average facility can reduce
consumption by 10 to 20%



A 25% savings would save 7% of the

world electricity
The largest consumer, motors account
for over 60% of electricity usage

B. Type

A. Subsector
Chemicals &


Fossil Fuel



Industry 21%
Iron & Steel
Rest of Global
GHGs 79 %


Food & Tobacco 5%

Other Industry 24%

Paper, Pulp
& Printing

Electricity &
Heat (CO2)


Process Emissions
High GWP Gases 6%

Sources & Notes: EA, 2004. Absolute emission in this sector, estimated here for 2000, are 8.156 MtCO2

GHGs from Industry

White paper on Energy Efficiency - 13

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

Managing energy in residential

The residential sector breaks down into three distinct areas as far
as electrical energy efciency is concerned:
b Private home owners/tenants
b Builders/architects/developers
b Public and residential social housing
Private occupiers of houses and apartments represent the market
pull through on electrical energy efciency. This group makes its
own decisions on whether or not to buy energy efcient lamps and
tubes, or to install lighting controls and so forth.
Home buyers and tenants will become an increasingly inuential
group if people begin to demand energy efcient homes or houses
with better controls. Until such time, the quest is to ensure that the
public is informed as to where technology can play apart in saving
Builders, architects and surveyors have a direct inuence on the
electrical energy efciency of the dwellings they build. However, as
in the commercial sector, most attention has focussed on thermal
measures such as insulation and glazing. In most regions, builders
will only invest in features within their properties that will enable
them to sell or be rented quickly. Hence, the greatest investment
in enhanced living tends to be the installation of luxury kitchens
and bathrooms, rather than in practical energy efciency systems.
This group needs to understand that if presented to the public
attractively, the benets of, for example, zone or occupancy lighting
controls can be great.
Those responsible for the building and refurbishment of social
residential housing should, one might expect, be aware of electrical
energy efciency. However, again there appears to be widespread
lack of knowledge of the controls available and the relatively low
cost of installing them.
In all cases in the residential sector, the need for builders, landlords
and tenants to understand all the ramications of electrical energy
efciency is a priority, if targets for emissions reductions from the
sector are to be realised.
A. Residentiel


B. Commercial




Residential 65%
Buildings 15%
Rest of Global
GHGs 85 %

Dist. Heat 12%

Dist. Heat 4%

Commercial 35%

Direct Fuel
Combustion 45%

Sources & Notes: EA, 2004. Absolute emission in this sector, estimated here for 2000, are 6.418 MtCO2

CO2 from Building use

14 - White paper on Energy Efficiency

Direct Fuel
Combustion 31%

Energy Efciency products may
save 10 to 40% in electricity




20 to 25% of the consumed energy

(EU & US)
Heating is 30% of energy usage
Lighting & appliances are over 40%

Unlocking Energy Efficiency

Mangement and control is the key

Energy efficiency in the public sector

Given that governments are driving energy efciency measures forward, one can imagine
that the public sector must be leading by example. Within the public sector are schools,
colleges, hospitals and health estates, police, military and both national and local
government. One might imagine that this sector above all others is energy astute and
efciency aware. This is rarely true.
While public buildings are an obvious demonstration for the public to see its authorities
putting into practice what they preach, this is rarely the case. Again, this is largely because
of a lack of understanding of what can be achieved and how much it costs - budgets are
frequently the excuses given for lack of action in the public sector.
For example, attention is often paid to heating and thermal management, but lighting is
ignored. Outside, car parks are maintained, but lit for far longer than necessary.
In many large public buildings there is enormous scope for intelligent building controls
that can impact substantially on energy consumption. This is particularly true in hospitals,
schools and colleges - all of which have many areas unoccupied for example at any given
Depending on the country or region, the spheres of inuence in energy efciency decision
making can be highly complicated and often disjointed. The need is for a coherent and
holistic understanding by all the stakeholders in the public building sector to understand the
broadest possibilities for electrical energy conservation and management.

There is not a single person that can afford to ignore the potential for saving energy particularly electrical energy.
There is no option; if individuals, organisations and management do not act now, they will
be forced to act with no control over timescales or requirements. The fact is that there is
available expertise through the likes of Schneider Electric and there are easily affordable
technology investments that can be made simply and payback quickly.
In most cases however, there is still the battle to win the hearts and minds of people to
focus on energy and think about it differently.
Few people fully appreciate how much energy they use, how and where they use it and
how much they actually need. This is possibly even truer of those in industry and commerce
than for the general public.
In many cases there is a lack of understanding about how energy can be managed and
how energy efciency can be achieved.
Those with the expertise, experience, knowledge and technology must concentrate their
efforts on educating, informing, inuencing and persuading people to conserve electrical
energy. Everybodys futures depend on it.

White paper on Energy Efficiency - 15

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2008 Schneider Electric - All rights reserved

Schneider Electric SA

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