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Subject: Insurance Law: PROJECT ON: Double Insurance & Re-Insurance - Indian Perspective

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The document discusses the topic of double insurance and re-insurance from the perspective of Indian law. It covers the history of insurance legislation in India, principles of insurance such as utmost good faith, indemnity and proximate cause, as well as concepts of double insurance and re-insurance.

The topic of the document is double insurance and re-insurance from an Indian perspective.

Some of the main principles of insurance discussed are utmost good faith, indemnity, proximate cause, risk transfer and accumulation of funds to meet uncertain losses.



PROJECT ON: Double Insurance & Re-Insurance - Indian Perspective


201293 (SECTION-B)




The insurance idea is an old institution of transactional trade. Even from olden
days merchants who made great adventures gave money by way of consideration, to other
person who made assurance, against loss of their goods, merchandise ships aid things
adventured. The rates of money consideration were mutually agreed upon. Such an
arrangement enabled other merchants more willingly and more freely to embark upon
further trading adventures. Insurance in the modern form originated in the Mediterranean
during 13/14th century. The use of insurance appeared in the account of North Italian
Merchant Banks who then dominated the international trade in Europe and that time.
Marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance followed by life insurance and fire
The term insurance may be defined as a co-operative mechanism to spread the
loss caused by a particular risk over a number of persons who are exposed to it and who
agree to ensure themselves against that risk.
Insurance is a contract wherein one party (the insurer) agrees to pay the other
party (the insured) or his beneficiary, a certain sum upon a given contingency (the insured
risk) against which insurance is required.
Some authors defined insurance as a social apparatus to accumulate funds to meet
the uncertain losses arising through a certain hazard to a person insured for such hazard.
According to J.B. Maclean, Insurance is a method of spreading over a large
number of persons a possible financial loss too serious to be conveniently borne by an
According to Riegel and Miller, Thus it serve the social purpose; it is a social device
whereby uncertain risks of individual may be combined in a group and thus made more
certain; small periodic contribution by the individual providing a fund out of wich those
who suffer losses may be reimbursed.2
The primary function of insurance is to act as a risk transfer mechanism. Under this
function of insurance, an individual can exchange his uncertainly for certainly. In return
1 J.B. Maclean; Life Insurance Pg.01
2 Riegel and Miller; Principles of Insurance and Practice; Pg-10

for a definite loss, which is the premium, he is relieved from the uncertainly of a
potentially much larger loss. The risk themselves are not removed, but the financial
consequences of some are known with greater certainly and he can budget accordingly.
Every subject or discipline has certain generally accepted and a systematically
laid down standards or principles to achieve the objectives of insurance. Insurance is not
exception to this general rule. In insurance, there is a body of doctrine commonly
associated with the theory and procedures of insurances serving as an explanation of
current practices and as a guide for all stakeholders making choice among procedures
where alternatives exit. These principles may be defined as the rules of action or conduct
that are universally adopted by the different stakeholders involved in the insurance
business. These principles may be classified into following categories:

Essentials of Insurance Contract

Specific Principles of Insurance Contract

Miscellaneous Principles of Insurance Contract


Up to the end of nineteenth century, the insurance was in its inception stage in
India. Therefore, no legislation was required till that time. Usually the Indian Companies
Act, 1883 was applicable in business concern; banking and insurance companies New
Indian Insurance Companies and Provident Societies Started at the time of national
movement; but most of them were financially unsound. It was asserted that the Indian
Companies Act, 1883 was inadequate for the purpose. Therefore, two acts were passed in
1912, namely, Provident Insurance Societies Act V of 1912 and the Indian Life Insurance
Companies Act, 1912. These two acts were in pursuit of the English Insurance
Companies Act, 1909.
These two enactments were governing only life insurance. There was no control
on general insurance since such businesses were not so developed. Besides, there were
the following defects of these acts:

The control and enquiry was slight. Non-compliance of rules and regulations was
not strictly penalized.

The foreign companies were to submit report of their total business both in Indian
and outside India. But separate particulars regarding business done in India were
not demanded and the absence of these made it impossible to get any idea of the
cost of procuring business in India for foreign companies and comparing them
with similar data of the Indian companies.

The government actuary was not vested with the power to order investigation into
the conduct of a company even when it appeared that the company was insolvent
under the power of exemption.

Any one can start life insurance business only with the sum of Rs. 25000/-. It was
too law to prevent the mushroom growth of companies. Foreign insurer was not
bound to deposit a certain sum of life policy issued in India.


In Marine Insurance Act, 1906, Section 17 that provides, A contract of Marine
Insurance is a contract based upon the utmost good faith, and if utmost good faith is not
observed by either party, the contract may be avoided by either party.
Section 18 (1), despite the title of the statute, this section is of general application is
insurance law. Section 18 (1) provides:
Subject to the provision of this section, the assured must disclose to the insurer,
before the contract is concluded, every material circumstances, which is known to the
insured and insured in deemed to know every circumstances which, in the ordinary
course of business, ought to be known by him. If the assured fails to make such
disclosure, the insurer may avoid the contract.
The test for determining the materiality of any circumstances is laid down by
section 18 (2) of the act which provides that, Every circumstances is material which
would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium or determining
whether he will take the risk.

Characteristics of utmost good faith

1. It is an obligation to the parties to insurance contract to make a full and true
disclosure of material fact.
2. The obligation to make full and true disclosure applies to all type of insurance.
3. The duty to disclose continues up to the conclusion of the contract.
4. It covers any material alteration in character of the risk, which may take place
between personal and acceptance.
5. Concealment of material fact on misrepresentation may affect the validity of
the contract.
It is true that the underwriter can have a pre-survey for fire insurance or medical
examination for life or health insurance, carried out, but even then there are certain
aspects of the risk which are not apparent at the time of pre-survey or medical
examination, for example, the previous loss or medical history and so on. Because of the
aforesaid reason the law imposes a greater duty of disclosures on both the parties to an
insurance contract than to other commercial contracts. This is called uberimma fides
(utmost good faith).
Remedies for breath of utmost good faith The aggrieved party has the following

To avoid the contract by either

a) Repudiating the contract void ab initio or
b) Avoiding liability for an individual claim

To sue for damages as well, if concealment or fraudulent misrepresentation is


To waive these rights and allow the contract to carry on unhindered.

The aggrieved party must exercise his option within a reasonable time of

discovery of breach or it will be assumed that he has decided to waive his right. Legal
consequences It is worth mentioning that in absence of utmost good faith the contract
would be voidable at the option of the person who suffered loss due to non-disclosure.

The inadvertent concealment will be treated as fraud and it void Ab-initio. However, as
and when the party not at fault has validated the voidable contract, the contract cannot be
avoided by him later on.
In United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v/s M.K.J. Corporation 3 observed, it is the
fundamental principle of insurance that utmost good faith must be observed by the
contracting parties. It is different than the ordinary contract where the parties are
expected to be honest in the dealings but they are not expected to disclose all the defeats
about the transaction, further observed that it is the duty of the insurer and their agents
to disclose all material facts within their knowledge since obligation of good faith applies
to them equally with the assured.
Burden of Proof In L.I.C. of India v/s Channasbasamma 4, The burden of proving that
the assured had made false representation and suppressed material facts is undoubtedly
upon the corporation.

Indemnity is the controlling principle in insurance law. All insurance policies accept the
life policies and personal accident policies are contract of indemnity. This principle may
be defined as under the indemnity contract the insurer undertakes to indemnify the
insured against the loss suffered by the insured peril. Literally, indemnity is make good
the loss. This principle is based on the fact that the object of the insurance is to place the
insured as far as possible in same financial position in which he was before the happening
of the insured peril under this principle the insured is not allowed to make any profit out
of the happening of the event because the object is only to indemnify him and profit
making would be against the principle. An example If a house is insured for Rs. 10
Lakhs against the risk of fire and is damaged in fire causing a loss of Rs. 1 Lakh only.
Then the insured would be paid only one Lakh because the principle of indemnity is with
3 (1996) 6 SCC 428
4 AIR 1991 SC 392

him. Likewise, this principle also limits the amount of compensation, if the loss caused is
more than 10 Lakh, he cannot recover more than the amount for which the house was
The principle of indemnity has been explained in an English Case Law Castellain
v/s Preston5
Every contract of Marine and Fire insurance is a contract of indemnity and of indemnity
only, the meaning of which is that the insured in case of loss is to receive full indemnity
but is never to receive more. Every rule of insurance law is adopted in order to carryout
this fundamental rule, and if ever any proposition brought forward the effect of which is
opposed to this fundamental rule, it will be bound to be wrong.
The main characteristics of the principle of indemnity are:

That it applies to all contract of insurance except the life and personal accident


That the amount of compensation is restricted to the amount of loss, meaning

there by that the insured can not be allowed to make profit out of it.


If there are more than one insurer for the property, if destroyed, the amount of loss
could be recovered from any of them but not from all of them, and


The insurers takes all the rights that the insured hard, after the payment of
How Indemnity is provided?




Merits of the principle of indemnity The principle of indemnity offers the following

5 1883 2 Q B 380


The principle of indemnity is an essential feature of an insurance contract, in

absence where of this industry would have the hue of gambling and the insured
would tend to effect over-insurance and then intentionally cause a loss to occur so
that a financial gain could be achieved.


This principle helps in avoidance of anti-social act.


The principle of indemnity helps to maintain the premium at law level.

There are certain obvious exceptions to the indemnity principle; life insurance is

one of them. No money value can be placed on human life and therefore the insurer
undertakes to pay a fixed or guaranteed sum irrespective of the loss suffered. A life
insurance contract comes near to guarantee than to indemnity.


The maxim as it runs is, Causa proxima non remote spectator, which means, The
immediate, not the remote cause In order to pay the insured loss, it has to be seen as to
what was the cause of loss. If the loss has been caused by the insured peril, the insurer
shall be liable. If the immediate cause is an insured peril, the insurer is bound to make
good the loss, otherwise not.
In an English Case Pawsey & Co. v/s Scottish Union and National Insurance Co.
(1907), The Proximate cause has been defined to mean the active and efficient cause that
sets in motion a chain of events which bring about a result without the intervention of any
force started and working actively from a new and independent source.
Perils relevant to an insurance claim can be classified under three headings:

Insured Perils Those named in the policy as insured example fire, sea, water,
lightening, storm theft etc.


Excluded Perils Those stated in the policy as excluded either as causes of

insured perils e.g. riots, earthquake, war etc.



Uninsured Perils Those perils not mentioned in the policy at all as insured and
excluded perils. Smoke and Water may not be excluded nor mentioned as insured
in a fire policy.
Need for the principle of proximate cause When the loss is the result of two or

more causes operating simultaneously or one after the other in succession.

In an English Case Cox v/s Employers Liabilities Assurance Corporation 6, An
army officer visiting sentries posted along the railway lines was accidentally run over by
a passing train and killed. The policy excluded death or injury directly or indirectly
caused by war etc. The place of accident was dark due to blackout. The passing of train
was held to be proximate, efficient and effective cause of the accident but the indirect
cause was the war because war was the reason for the presence of the officer on the spot.
The claim was rejected on the ground that the death of the officer was not directly but
indirectly, result of the war.
In recent case Kajima Daewoo Joint venture v/s New India Assurance Co. Ltd. 7. In this
case, numbers of machines were employed in constructing a power project, which were
duly insured. One such machine was TIL excavator that was insured for site, the machine
burst as the lubricating system failed with much effort the machine was lifted to a safe
place otherwise that 30 ton machine would have fallen much below causing a total loss to
it. The main damage was caused to the engine of the machine that was reported beyond
repairs. A claim was preferred where as the surveyor was deputed for the assessment of
the loss/damage. The claim was repudiated on the ground inter-alia that the machine did
not suffer any external impact and damage to the engine was mechanical on account of
seizure of the engine on account of starvation of lubricant oil, which was not within the
preview of the policy. The commission observed entire material on record and reached
the conclusion that the mechanical failure of the machine was due to its slipping on the
hilly terrain and the accident was the proximate cause of the mechanical failure.
Therefore it was well covered under the policy.

6 (1865) LR 1 CP 232 : 14 WR 106

7 (2005) 1 CPJ 534 Uttranchal State Commission


In New India Assurance Co. Ltd. v/s Vivek cold Storage8, divided by the National
Commission on 15/04/1999, The Comprehensive policy (Fire Insurance Policy) had
covered fire risk as well as other risks to Building, machinery etc. and also deterioration
of stocks of potatoes stored in the complainants cold storage The accident clause covered
the breakdown of machinery due to unforeseen circumstances. There was leakage of
ammonia gas and therefore the plant was closed causing loss to the stock of potatoes in
the godown. The Insurance Co. denied the claim as their was no breakdown of the plant
and machinery. This contention was negative and it was held that as plant and machinery
of cold storage developed leakage and ammonia gas escaped the plant had to be
shutdown for repairs of the leak, which resulted in damage to the stored potatoes. Thus
the Insurance Co. was held liable.
1.It is the responsibility of the assured to prove, in case of loss that the loss was caused by
insured perils.

In case the insurer gives the argument that the loss was caused by excluded perils
and not by insured or proximate perils he is to prove.


According to conditions of many insurance plans the losses caused directly or

indirectly due to certain reasons are kept outside the provision of insurance
policies. In such a case, the losses caused by such reasons are not the liability of
the insurer.


It is the duty of the assured to prove that the loss was not caused by excluded
perils but the loss was caused by itself without the interference of excluded perils.

Double Insurance is possible in all types of Insurance Contracts. A person can
insure his life in different policies for different sums. In life insurance the assured can
claim the sum insured with different policies on maturity on to his nominee after his
death. This becomes possible in life insurance because life insurance is not indemnity
insurance. Where risk connected with a particular subject matter is insured under mare
8 (1999)2 CPJ 26


than one policies taken out from different Insurance Co., it is called Double Insurance.
Double Insurance may not be of much advantage in case of indemnity insurance because
insured can recover only one amount which is equal to his loss and not more than that.
Same Risk

Same Insured

Different insurance Companies

In New India Assurance Co. Ltd. v/s Krishna Kumar9, In this case the truck in
question was purchased by the complainant after obtaining loan from the Bank in return,
the truck was hypothecated with the Bank. The complainant insured it with Oriental
Insurance Co. Ltd. for one year, no information given to the finance (the Bank) and the
financer also got the same truck insured. Fortunately no untoward incident happened
during the period of insurance. After the expiry of the period of insurance, the
complainant allegedly discovered about the Double Insurance and a filed a complaint for
the return of the premium. The commission while dismissing the complaint observed:
It would see that there was a communication gap between the respondent and his
financing bank for which obviously enough the appellant Insurance Co. cannot and
There are some rules with respect to the concept of double insure, they are here under.
Actual loss recovery: The insured can enter into contract of insurance with any number
of insurers. When the loss occurs, the insured can claim only the loss amount. The
insured cannot claim the sum more than the occurred loss.
Excess recovery and the trust: The insured in any case collects or recovers excess sum
from the insurers, that is more amount collected than the actual loss, the excess sum shall
be held in trust and the insured is the trustee.

9 (1994) 1 CPR 731 Haryana State Commission


Insurers liability: The insured can enter into contract of insurance with many insurers.
When the loss occurs, the insurers are liable to the insured and all the insurers must pay
the assured sum proportionately. If any insurer pays more than the assured sum payable,
that insurer has every right to collect the same from the co-insurers who actually paid less
assured sum.
The most common double insurance clauses include one or a combination of the

"Notification" clauses: These are clauses providing that unless the insured gives
a written notice to the insurer about the existence of a second insurance covering
the same risk, the policy will be void. Typical wording would be: "No claim shall
be recoverable if the property insured be previously or subsequently insured
elsewhere, unless the particulars of such insurance be notified to the company in

"Rateable proportion" clauses: Such clauses have the effect of preventing an

insured from claiming his full loss from one insurer. Instead they provide that
each insurer will be liable for a rateable proportion only. Typical wording would
be: "If at the time any claim arises under this policy there is any other existing
insurance covering the same loss damage or liability the company shall not be
liable to pay or contribute more than its rateable proportion of any loss damage
compensation costs or expense."11

"Escape" clauses: The effect of these clauses is to relieve the insurer from any
liability under the policy in the event of double insurance. Typical wording would
be: "We will not pay any claim if any loss, damage or liability covered under this
insurance is also covered wholly or in part under any other insurance except in
respect of any excess beyond the amount which would have been covered under
such other insurance had this insurance not been effected."12

10 The Australian Agricultural Company v Saunders (1874-75) L.R. 10 C.P. 668

11 Austin v Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co Ltd (1944) 77 Ll L Rep 409
12 National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Ltd v HSBC Insurance (UK) Ltd [2010] EWHC 773


"Excess" clauses: The effect of these clauses is to turn the policy into an excess
insurance whereby it will only come into play if the loss exceeds the limit of the
other insurance. Typical wording would be: "If at the time of the occurrence of
any injury, loss, or damage, there shall be any other indemnity or insurance of any
nature wholly or partly covering the same, the underwriters shall not be liable to
pay or contribute towards any such injury, loss or damage except in excess of the
sum or sums actually recovered or recoverable under such other indemnity or

Key principles of contribution

Some difficulty with the above provisions often arises where the wordings of two or more
policies are in competition with each other. The following key principles have been
established in this respect:

Two "notification" clauses: Each insurance policy will become void if the
insured fails to notify the insurer of the existence of the other insurance. However,
if the insured fails to notify the second insurer, and that policy becomes void, then
the first insurance will be valid as there will be no other valid insurance to provide
notification of.

"Rateable proportion" clauses in property insurances: If the sums insured are

the same and cover the same risk, each insurer will be liable for an equal part of
any claim for loss. If the sums insured are different but cover the same risk, each
insurer will be liable for the proportion of the loss based on their insured sum. For
example, if the first insurance covers Rs. 10,000 and the second insurance - Rs.
20,000, the first insurer will be liable for 1/3 of the loss and the second for 2/3
of the loss).

"Rateable proportion" clauses in liability insurances: Each insurer is liable

independently of the existence of double insurance. If the first insurance covers
Rs. 10,000 and the second insurance Rs. 20,000, and the loss are Rs. 5,000, then
each insurer will be independently liable for the full amount and they will share it
equally. If, however, the loss is Rs. 20,000 (an amount exceeding the limit of the

13 Austin v Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co Ltd (1944) 77 Ll L Rep 409


first cover), the first insurer will only be liable for Rs. 10,000 and the second
insurer will be liable for Rs. 20,000. Thus, the first insurer will bear 1/3 of the
claim, the second 2/3.

Two "escape" clauses: Where both policies contain "escape" clauses, they have
the effect of cancelling each other so that each insurer is liable for an equal
proportion of the loss claimed.

Two "excess" clauses: Where both policies contain "excess" clauses, they have
the effect of cancelling each other so that each insurer is liable for an equal
proportion of the loss claimed.

A further difficulty arises in situations where there is a combination of different

clauses for example an excess clause in the first insurance and a ratable proportion
clause in the second. The way in which this situation is to be interpreted has been
illustrated in the case of National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Ltd v HSBC
Insurance (UK) Ltd14 The case concerned a dispute between two insurers over insurance
in relation to damage caused by fire to a property, which was subject to a sale contract.
The fire occurred 17 days after the exchange of the sale contracts but before completion
of the sale. At the time, the property was the subject matter of buildings insurances taken
out independently by the seller and the buyer. The seller had insured the property with
HSBC. The buyer had insured the property with the NFU.
The HSBC policy contained an "excess" clause providing that HSBC would not pay any
claim if any loss, damage or liability were covered under another insurance policy,
"except in respect of any excess beyond the amount which would have been covered
under such other policy had this insurance not been affected".
The NFU policy contained a "ratable proportion" clause providing that in case of "other
insurance" covering the same accident, illness, damage or liability, they would only pay
their share.
Upon review of the respective policy wordings, the judge held that the HSBC policy
operated only as an excess policy to the NFU policy. Since the NFU policy provided
14 [2010] EWHC 773 (Comm).


cover for the same risk, the excess clause was triggered and the HSBC policy did not
cover the buyer. Accordingly there was no "other insurance" within the scope of the NFU
ratable proportion clause and the NFU was liable for the loss in full.
This decision confirms the importance insurers understanding the implications of their
policy clauses. Determining whether or not there is double insurance, and if so, how
much is each insurer liable for, will largely depend on interpreting the policy wording in
any particular circumstances.

Re-Insurance is a contract between two or more Insurance Company by which a
portion of risk of loss is transferred to another Insurance Company This happens only
when an Insurance Company has undertaken more risk burden on its shoulder than its
bearing capacity. In the words of Riegel and Miller Re-Insurance is the transfer by an
Insurance Company a portion of its risk to another Company.
According to the Federation of Insurance Institute, Mumbai. Re-Insurance is an
arrangement where by an insurer who has accepted an insurance, transfers a part of the
risk to another insurer so that his liability on any one risk is limited to a figure
proportionate to his financial capacity.
A Re-Insurance does not affect the contract between the original insurer and the
assured. Re-Insurance contracts are contract of indemnity, even though the original policy
may not the one of indemnity, such as a life or personal accident policy. Re-Insurance is
dealt within section 101-A of the Insurance Act, 1938. Chapter II of the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority (General Insurance Re-Insurance) Regulation,
2000 prescribes procedure for Re-Insurance section 3 read as under:
Section 03: (1) The Re-Insurance program shall continue to be guided by the
Following objectives to:

Maximize retention within the country;


Develop adequate capacity;


Secure the possible protection for the Re-Insurance cost incurred;



Simplify the administration of business;

(2) Every insurer shall maximum possible retention commensurate with its
financial strength and volume of business. The authority any require an insurer
to justify its retention policy and may give such directions as considered
necessary in order to ensure that the Indian insurer is not merely fronting for a
foreign insurer;
(3) Every insurer shall cede such percentage of the sum assured on each
policy for different classes of insurance written in India to the Indian ReInsurance as may be specified by the authority in accordance with the
provision of Part IV-A of the Insurance Act, 1938.
Characteristics of Re-Insurance
(i) It is an Insurance contract between two Insurance Company.
(ii) The insurer transfers the risk beyond the limit of his capacity to another
Insurance Company.
(iii) The relationship of the assured remains with the original insurer only. The Re
Insurance is not liable directly towards the assured.
(iv) Re-Insurance does not affect the right of insured.
(v) The original insurer cannot do Re-Insurance more than the insured sum.
(vi) Re-Insurance is a contract of indemnity.


1) Double Insurance is the method by which an insured purchases different policies
against the same subject matter. Where as in Re-Insurance an insurer obtain ReInsurance with another insurer.
2) In Re-Insurance, relationship exists between the Original Insurer and the ReInsurer. The insured has no relationship with the Re-Insurance with the ReInsurance but in double insurance always a relationship between insured and


3) In Double Insurance, every insurer is bound to contribute in properties to the

policies on happening of losses. In Re-Insurance the insurer is required to
contribute in proportion to the amount of Re-Insurance.
4) In Double Insurance, the insured the insured has the right to claim from every
insurer subject to the limit of actual loss. In the Re-Insurance the insured can
demand compensation from the original insured only.


In India, insurance sector, moved from being an unregulated sector to a
completely regulated sector to partly deregulated sector now. India being a developing
country and one of the least penetrated insurance markets in the world, there is
tremendous scope of growth for insurance and reinsurance business. Since the
reinsurance business involves managing risks of the entities that themselves manage
risks, it involves not only immense expertise but also huge amount of capital to run the
business profitably for a considerable amount of time. It is these risks and the expertise
required that makes it very difficult to become profitable. Presently, India has only one
specialized reinsurer General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC Re). Besides GIC
Re, other Indian insurance companies or foreign reinsurers enter reinsurance contracts.
Furthermore, the attempt by the IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority) regulations to retain maximum reinsurance business in India mandates
insurance companies to try to offer these products to other Indian insurance companies
first and then to foreign reinsurers. Rather than this, attempt should be made to
appropriately capitalize Indian reinsurance sector by easing FDI limits from existing
26%. Even though the proposed Insurance (Amendment) bill plans to increase FDI limits
to 49% only, it would be even better if this limit were increased to 74% or 100% for
specifically reinsurance service providers due to huge amount of capital requirements for
that sector. This would lead to reduce dependence of insurance companies on the
obligatory services of GIC Re and unregulated foreign reinsurers.
Even though foreign reinsurers should enjoy a rating of at least BBB (with
Standard & Poor) or equivalent rating of any other international rating agency before any
business is placed with them, it would still be a wise idea to collect some amount in the
nature of security from them as mentioned above. Furthermore, some slight regulations
on their operations with regard to Indian businesses are needed except just a mere review
of the reinsurance treaty between insurer and reinsurer by IRDA.


Important Reference Books:
1. Singh, Bridge Anand, New Insurance Law (2000) Union Book Publisher,
2. Ivamy, Case Book on Insurance Law (1984), Butterworths
3. Ivamy, General Principles of Insurance Law (1983), Butterworths

John Brids, Modern Insurance (2003), Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

5. Murthy & Sharma, Modern Law of Insurance (Fourth Edition), Lexis Nexis,
Butterworth Wadhwa, Nagpur
6. Srinivasan, M.N., Principles of Insurance Law (2006), Wadhwa & Company,
7. Mishra, M.N., Law of Insurance (2006), Central Law Agency, Allahabad
8. Jaiswal , J.V.N., Law of Insurance (2008), Eastern Book Company, Lucknow
9. Singh, Avtar, Law of Insurance (2008), Eastern Book Company, Lucknow
10. Mathew, M.J., Insurance : Principles & Practice (2005), RBSA Publishers, Jaipur.

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