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Bayes theorem

A blue neon sign, showing the simple statement of Bayes theorem

In probability theory and statistics, Bayes theorem

(alternatively Bayes law or Bayes rule) describes the Visualization of Bayes theorem by the superposition of two
probability of an event, based on conditions that might decision trees
be related to the event. For example, suppose one is interested in whether a woman has cancer, and knows that
she is 65. If cancer is related to age, information about
her age can be used to more accurately assess the proba- P (A|B) = P (B|A) P (A) ,
P (B)
bility of her having cancer using Bayes Theorem.
When applied, the probabilities involved in Bayes theo- where A and B are events.
rem may have dierent probability interpretations. In one
of these interpretations, the theorem is used directly as
P(A) and P(B) are the probabilities of A and B withpart of a particular approach to statistical inference. With
out regard to each other.
the Bayesian probability interpretation the theorem ex P(A | B), a conditional probability, is the probability
presses how a subjective degree of belief should rationally
of observing event A given that B is true.
change to account for evidence: this is Bayesian inference, which is fundamental to Bayesian statistics. How P(B | A) is the probability of observing event B given
ever, Bayes theorem has applications in a wide range of
that A is true.
calculations involving probabilities, not just in Bayesian
Bayes theorem is named after Rev. Thomas Bayes
(/bez/; 17011761), who rst provided an equation that
allows new evidence to update beliefs. It was further
developed by Pierre-Simon Laplace, who rst published
the modern formulation in his 1812 Thorie analytique
des probabilits. Sir Harold Jereys put Bayes algorithm
and Laplaces formulation on an axiomatic basis. Jereys
wrote that Bayes theorem is to the theory of probability
what the Pythagorean theorem is to geometry.[1]

2 Examples
2.1 Cancer at age 65
Suppose we want to know a persons probability of having
cancer, but we know nothing about him or her. Despite
not knowing anything about that person, a probability can
be assigned based on the general prevalence of cancer.
For the sake of this example, suppose it is 1%. This
is known as the base rate or prior probability of having
cancer. Prior refers to the time before being informed
about the particular case at hand.

Statement of theorem

Next, suppose we nd out that person is 65 years old. If

Bayes theorem is stated mathematically as the following we assume that cancer and age are related, this new piece
of information can be used to better assess that persons


risk of having cancer. More precisely, we'd like to know

the probability that a person has cancer when it is known
that he or she is 65 years old. This quantity is known
as the current probability, where current refers to upon
nding out information about the particular case at hand.
In order to apply knowledge of that persons age in conjunction with Bayes Theorem, two additional pieces of
information are needed. Note, however, that the additional information is not specic to that person. The
needed information is as follows:

P(U +)







P(U -)


P(U +)







P(U -)


1. The probability of being 65 years old. Suppose it is

Tree diagram illustrating drug testing example. U, , "+" and
"" are the events representing user, non-user, positive result and
negative result. Percentages in parentheses are calculated.

2. The probability that a person with cancer is 65 years

old. Suppose it is 0.5%. Note that this is greater
than the previous value. This reects that people
with cancer are disproportionately 65 years old.

P (User | +) =

P (+ | User)P (User)
P (+ | User)P (User) + P (+ | Non-user)P (Non-user)
0.99 0.005
0.99 0.005 + 0.01 0.995

Knowing this, along with the base rate, we can calculate

that a person who is age 65 has a probability of having
cancer equal to

(0.5% 1%) 0.2% = 2.5%


It may come as a surprise that even though being 65 years

old increases the risk of having cancer, that persons probability of having cancer is still fairly low. This is because
the base rate of cancer (regardless of age) is low. This illustrates both the importance of base rate, as well as that it
is commonly neglected.[3] Base rate neglect leads to serious misinterpretation of statistics; therefore, special care
should be taken to avoid such mistakes. Becoming familiar with Bayes theorem is one way to combat the natural
tendency to neglect base rates.
Problems using Bayes Theorem are often more easily
grasped by applying the conditions given in the problem
to a large pool of observations. Assume, for example,
that a community consists of 100,000 people. According
to the statement of the problem, 1% of the population, or
1,000 people will have cancer. 0.2% of the population,
or 200 people, will be 65 years old. Of the 1000 people with cancer, only .5%, or 5 people, will be 65 years
old. Thus, of the 200 people who are 65, only 5 can be
expected to have cancer. 5/200 = 2.5%.


Drug testing

Suppose a drug test is 99% sensitive and 99% specic.

That is, the test will produce 99% true positive results
for drug users and 99% true negative results for non-drug
users. Suppose that 0.5% of people are users of the drug.
If a randomly selected individual tests positive, what is
the probability he or she is a user?

Despite the apparent accuracy of the test, if an individual tests positive, it is more likely that they do not use the
drug than that they do. This again illustrates the importance of base rates, and how the formation of policy can
be egregiously misguided if base rates are neglected.
This surprising result arises because the number of nonusers is very large compared to the number of users; thus
the number of false positives (0.995%) outweighs the
number of true positives (0.495%). To use concrete numbers, if 1000 individuals are tested, there are expected to
be 995 non-users and 5 users. From the 995 non-users,
0.01 995 10 false positives are expected. From the
5 users, 0.99 5 5 true positives are expected. Out of
15 positive results, only 5, about 33%, are genuine.
Note: The importance of specicity can be illustrated by
showing that even if sensitivity is 100% and specicity is
at 99% the probability of the person being a drug user is
33% but if the specicity is changed to 99.5% and the
sensitivity is dropped down to 99% the probability of the
person being a drug user rises to 49.8%.

2.3 A more complex example

The entire output of a factory is produced on three machines. The three machines account for 20%, 30%, and
50% of the output, respectively. The fraction of defective items produced is this: for the rst machine, 5%; for
the second machine, 3%; for the third machine, 1%. If
an item is chosen at random from the total output and is
found to be defective, what is the probability that it was


Bayesian interpretation

produced by the third machine?

A solution is as follows. Let Ai denote the event that a
randomly chosen item was made by the ith machine (for
i = 1,2,3). Let B denote the event that a randomly chosen item is defective. Then, we are given the following
P(A1 ) = 0.2, P(A2 ) = 0.3, P(A3 ) = 0.5.
If the item was made by machine A1 , then the probability that it is defective is 0.05; that is, P(B | A1 ) = 0.05.
Overall, we have
P(B | A1 ) = 0.05, P(B | A2 ) = 0.03, P(B | A3 ) =
To answer the original question, we rst nd P(B). That
can be done in the following way:
P(B) = i P(B | Ai) P(Ai) = (0.05)(0.2) +
(0.03)(0.3) + (0.01)(0.5) = 0.024.

Relative size Case B Case B
Condition A








P (A|B) P (B) = ____ ________ = ________
w+y w+x+y+z w+x+y+z

P (B|A) P (A) = ____ ________ = ________
w+x w+x+y+z w+x+y+z
A geometric visualisation of Bayes theorem. In the table, the values w, x, y and z give the relative weights of each corresponding
condition and case. The gures denote the cells of the table involved in each metric, the probability being the fraction of each
gure that is shaded. This shows that P (A |B ) P (B ) = P (B
|A ) P (A ) i.e. P (A |B ) = P (B |A ) P (A )/ P (B ) . Similar
reasoning can be used to show that P (|B ) = P (B |) P ()/ P
(B ) and so forth.

3.1 Bayesian interpretation

In the Bayesian (or epistemological) interpretation, probability measures a degree of belief. Bayes theorem then
We are given that B has occurred, and we want to calcu- links the degree of belief in a proposition before and aflate the conditional probability of A3 . By Bayes theorem, ter accounting for evidence. For example, suppose it is
believed with 50% certainty that a coin is twice as likely
to land heads than tails. If the coin is ipped a number
P(A3 | B) = P(B | A3 ) P(A3 )/P(B) =
of times and the outcomes observed, that degree of be(0.01)(0.50)/(0.024) = 5/24.
lief may rise, fall or remain the same depending on the
Given that the item is defective, the probability that it was
For proposition A and evidence B,
made by the third machine is only 5/24. Although machine 3 produces half of the total output, it produces a
P (A ), the prior, is the initial degree of
much smaller fraction of the defective items. Hence the
belief in A.
knowledge that the item selected was defective enables us
to replace the prior probability P(A3 ) = 1/2 by the smaller
P (A |B ), the posterior, is the degree of
posterior probability P(A3 | B) = 5/24.
belief having accounted for B.
Hence 2.4% of the total output of the factory is defective.

Once again, the answer can be reached without recourse

to the formula by applying the conditions to any hypothetical number of cases. For example, in 100,000 items
produced by the factory, 20,000 will be produced by Machine A, 30,000 by Machine B, and 50,000 by Machine
C. Machine A will produce 1000 defective items, Machine B 900, and Machine C 500. Of the total 2400 defective items, only 500, or 5/24 were produced by Machine C.

the quotient P (B |A )/P (B ) represents

the support B provides for A.
For more on the application of Bayes theorem under the
Bayesian interpretation of probability, see Bayesian inference.

3.2 Frequentist interpretation

In the frequentist interpretation, probability measures a

proportion of outcomes. For example, suppose an experi3 Interpretations
ment is performed many times. P (A ) is the proportion of
outcomes with property A, and P (B ) that with property
The interpretation of Bayes theorem depends on the B. P (B |A ) is the proportion of outcomes with property
interpretation of probability ascribed to the terms. The B out of outcomes with property A, and P (A |B ) the protwo main interpretations are described below.
portion of those with A out of those with B.

P(R P)

P(A B)







P(A B)





P(A B)





P(C P)

Tree diagram illustrating frequentist example. R, C, P and P

bar are the events representing rare, common, pattern and no
pattern. Percentages in parentheses are calculated. Note that
three independent values are given, so it is possible to calculate
the inverse tree (see gure above).

P(B A)



P(|) P() = P( ) = P(|) P()




P(A B)

Use Bayes' Theorem to convert between diagrams

Knowledge of any
3 independent values
is sucient to deduce
all 24 values

P(R P)


P(C P)



Knowledge of one
diagram is sucient
to deduce the other






P (Rare | Pattern) =
P(B A)

P(B A)

P (Pattern | Rare)P (Rare)

P (Pattern | Rare)P (Rare) + P (Pattern | Common)
0.98 0.001
0.98 0.001 + 0.05 0.999


P(B A)

Illustration of frequentist interpretation with tree diagrams.

Bayes theorem connects conditional probabilities to their inverses.

4 Forms
4.1 Events
4.1.1 Simple form

For events A and B, provided that P(B) 0,

The role of Bayes theorem is best visualized with tree
diagrams, as shown to the right. The two diagrams partition the same outcomes by A and B in opposite orders,
P (B | A) P (A)

to obtain the inverse probabilities. Bayes theorem serves P (A | B) =

P (B)
as the link between these dierent partitionings.
In many applications, for instance in Bayesian inference,
the event B is xed in the discussion, and we wish to consider the impact of its having been observed on our belief
in various possible events A. In such a situation the de3.2.1 Example
nominator of the last expression, the probability of the
given evidence B, is xed; what we want to vary is A.
An entomologist spots what might be a rare subspecies Bayes theorem then shows that the posterior probabiliof beetle, due to the pattern on its back. In the rare sub- ties are proportional to the numerator:
species, 98% have the pattern, or P (Pattern|Rare) = 98%.
In the common subspecies, 5% have the pattern. The
P (A | B) P (A) P (B | A) (proportionalrare subspecies accounts for only 0.1% of the population.
ity over A for given B).
How likely is the beetle having the pattern to be rare, or
what is P (Rare|Pattern)?
In words: posterior is proportional to prior times likeFrom the extended form of Bayes theorem (since any lihood.[4]
beetle can be only rare or common),
If events A1 , A2 , ..., are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, i.e., one of them is certain to occur but no two can
occur together, and we know their probabilities up to proportionality, then we can determine the proportionality


Random variables

constant by using the fact that their probabilities must add In the special case where A is a binary variable:
up to one. For instance, for a given event A, the event A itself and its complement A are exclusive and exhaustive.
P (B | A) P (A)
Denoting the constant of proportionality by c we have
P (A | B) =

P (B | A)P (A) + P (B | A)P (A)

P (A | B) = c P (A) P (B | A) and P (A |
B) = c P (A) P (B | A)
4.2 Random variables
Adding these two formulas we deduce that
+ fX,Y(x,y)

Strip volume
= P(Y=y)

Strip volume
= P(X=x)


P (A) P (B | A) + P (A) P (B | A)



Alternative form
P(Y=y|X=x) =

P(X=x Y=y)


P(X=x|Y=y) =

= P(X=x Y=y)

P(X=x Y=y)

Another form of Bayes Theorem that is generally enP(X=x)
countered when looking at two competing statements or
hypotheses is:
Diagram illustrating the meaning of Bayes theorem as applied

P (A | B) =

P (B | A) P (A)

P (B | A)P (A) + P (B | A)P (A)

to an event space generated by continuous random variables X

and Y. Note that there exists an instance of Bayes theorem for
each point in the domain. In practice, these instances might be
parametrized by writing the specied probability densities as a
function of x and y.

For an epistemological interpretation:

Consider a sample space generated by two random variables X and Y. In principle, Bayes theorem applies to
the events A = {X = x} and B = {Y = y}. However,
P(A),the prior probability, is the initial degree of beterms become 0 at points where either variable has lief in A.
nite probability density. To remain useful, Bayes theo P(A), is the corresponding probability of the initial rem may be formulated in terms of the relevant densities
(see Derivation).
degree of belief against A: 1 P(A) = P(A)

For proposition A and evidence or background B,[5]

P(B | A), the conditional probability or likelihood, is

the degree of belief in B, given that the proposition 4.2.1 Simple form
A is true.
If X is continuous and Y is discrete,
P(B | -A), the conditional probability or likelihood,
is the degree of belief in B, given that the proposition
P (Y = y | X = x) fX (x)
A is false.
fX (x | Y = y) =
P (Y = y)
P(A | B), the posterior probability, is the probability
for A after taking into account B for and against A. If X is discrete and Y is continuous,

Extended form

P (X = x | Y = y) =

fY (y | X = x) P (X = x)
fY (y)

Often, for some partition {Aj} of the sample space, the

event space is given or conceptualized in terms of P(Aj) If both X and Y are continuous,
and P(B | Aj). It is then useful to compute P(B) using the
law of total probability:
fY (y | X = x) fX (x)
fX (x | Y = y) =
fY (y)

P (B) =
P (B | Aj )P (Aj ),

4.2.2 Extended form

P (B | Ai ) P (Ai )
P (Ai | B) =

P (B | Aj ) P (Aj )

A continuous event space is often conceptualized in terms

of the numerator terms. It is then useful to eliminate the


+f Y (y|X=x)

Area = 1, x

+f X(x)

P (B | A) =


P (A B)
, if P (A) = 0,
P (A)

P (A B) = P (A | B) P (B) = P (B | A) P (A),
P (A | B) =


Area = 1


P (B | A) P (A)
, if P (B) = 0.
P (B)


5.2 For random variables

Diagram illustrating how an event space generated by continuous
random variables X and Y is often conceptualized.

For two continuous random variables X and Y, Bayes theorem may be analogously derived from the denition of
denominator using the law of total probability. For fY(y), conditional density:
this becomes an integral:

fY (y) =


fX (x | Y = y) =

fX,Y (x, y)
fY (y)

fY (y | X = x) =

fX,Y (x, y)
fX (x)

fY (y | X = ) fX () d.

Bayes rule

fX (x | Y = y) =

Main article: Bayes rule

Bayes rule is Bayes theorem in odds form.

fY (y | X = x) fX (x)
fY (y)

6 History

Bayes theorem was named after the Reverend Thomas

Bayes (170161), who studied how to compute a distribution for the probability parameter of a binomial diswhere
tribution (in modern terminology). Bayes unpublished
manuscript was signicantly edited by Richard Price before it was posthumously read at the Royal Society. Price
P (B | A1 )
(A1 : A2 | B) =
edited[6] Bayes major work An Essay towards solving
P (B | A2 )
a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances (1763), which
is called the Bayes factor or likelihood ratio and the odds appeared in Philosophical Transactions,[7] and contains
between two events is simply the ratio of the probabilities Bayes Theorem. Price wrote an introduction to the paof the two events. Thus
per which provides some of the philosophical basis of
Bayesian statistics. In 1765 he was elected a Fellow of the
Royal Society in recognition of his work on the legacy of
P (A1 )
O(A1 : A2 ) =
P (A2 )
The French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace reproP (A1 | B)
duced and extended Bayes results in 1774, apparently
O(A1 : A2 | B) =
quite unaware of Bayes work.[10][11] Stephen Stigler sugP (A2 | B)
So the rule says that the posterior odds are the prior odds gested in 1983 that Bayes theorem was discovered by
times the Bayes factor, or in other words, posterior is pro- Nicholas Saunderson some time before Bayes; that in[13]
terpretation, however, has been disputed.
portional to prior times likelihood.
O(A1 : A2 | B) = O(A1 : A2 ) (A1 : A2 | B)


For events

Bayes theorem may be derived from the denition of

conditional probability:

P (A | B) =

P (A B)
, if P (B) = 0,
P (B)

Martyn Hooper[14] and Sharon McGrayne[15] have argued

that Richard Price's contribution was substantial:
By modern standards, we should refer to
the BayesPrice rule. Price discovered Bayes
work, recognized its importance, corrected
it, contributed to the article, and found a use
for it. The modern convention of employing
Bayes name alone is unfair but so entrenched
that anything else makes little sense.

See also
Bayesian inference
Inductive probability


[1] Jereys, Harold (1973). Scientic Inference (3rd ed.).

Cambridge University Press. p. 31. ISBN 978-0-52118078-8.
[2] Stuart, A.; Ord, K. (1994), Kendalls Advanced Theory of
Statistics: Volume IDistribution Theory, Edward Arnold,
[3] Daniel Kahneman (25 October 2011). Thinking, Fast and
Slow. Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4299-6935-2. Retrieved
8 April 2012.
[4] Lee, Peter M. (2012). Chapter 1. Bayesian Statistics.
Wiley. ISBN 978-1-1183-3257-3.
[5] Bayes Theorem: Introduction. Trinity University.

See also: Laplace, Essai philosophique sur les probabilits (Paris, France: Mme. Ve. Courcier
[Madame veuve (i.e., widow) Courcier], 1814),
page 10. English translation: Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace with F. W. Truscott and F. L.
Emory, trans., A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities (New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons,
1902), page 15.
[11] Daston, Lorraine (1988). Classical Probability in the Enlightenment. Princeton Univ Press. p. 268. ISBN 0-69108497-1.
[12] Stigler, Stephen M (1983). Who Discovered Bayes Theorem?". The American Statistician 37 (4): 290296.
[13] Edwards, A. W. F. (1986).
Is the Reference in Hartley (1749) to Bayesian Inference?".
The American Statistician 40 (2):
[14] Hooper, Martyn (2013).
Richard Price, Bayes
theorem, and God.
Signicance 10 (1): 3639.

[6] Richard Allen (1999). David Hartley on Human Nature.

SUNY Press. pp. 2434. ISBN 978-0-7914-9451-6. Retrieved 16 June 2013.

[15] McGrayne, S. B. (2011). The Theory That Would Not Die:

How Bayes Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down
Russian Submarines & Emerged Triumphant from Two
Centuries of Controversy. Yale University Press. ISBN

[7] Bayes, Thomas, and Price, Richard (1763). An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chance. By
the late Rev. Mr. Bayes, communicated by Mr. Price,
in a letter to John Canton, A. M. F. R. S. (PDF). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 53
(0): 370418. doi:10.1098/rstl.1763.0053.

9 Further reading

[8] Holland, pp. 467.

[9] Richard Price (1991). Price: Political Writings. Cambridge University Press. p. xxiii. ISBN 978-0-52140969-8. Retrieved 16 June 2013.
[10] Laplace rened Bayes theorem over a period of decades:
Laplace announced his independent discovery of
Bayes theorem in: Laplace (1774) Mmoire
sur la probabilit des causes par les vnements,
Mmoires de l'Acadmie royale des Sciences de
MI (Savants trangers), 4: 621656. Reprinted
in: Laplace, Oeuvres compltes (Paris, France:
Gauthier-Villars et ls, 1841), vol. 8, pp. 2765.
Available on-line at: Gallica. Bayes theorem appears on p. 29.
Laplace presented a renement of Bayes theorem
in: Laplace (read: 1783 / published: 1785) Mmoire sur les approximations des formules qui sont
fonctions de trs grands nombres, Mmoires de
l'Acadmie royale des Sciences de Paris, 423467.
Reprinted in: Laplace, Oeuvres compltes (Paris,
France: Gauthier-Villars et ls, 1844), vol. 10, pp.
295338. Available on-line at: Gallica. Bayes theorem is stated on page 301.

Bruss, F. Thomas (2013), 250 years of 'An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of
Chance. By the late Rev. Mr. Bayes, communicated by Mr. Price, in a letter to John Canton, A. M. F. R. S.' ", DOI 10.1365/s13291-0130077-z, Jahresbericht der Deutschen MathematikerVereinigung, Springer Verlag, Vol. 115, Issue 3-4
(2013), 129-133.
Gelman, A, Carlin, JB, Stern, HS, and Rubin, DB
(2003), Bayesian Data Analysis, Second Edition,
CRC Press.
Grinstead, CM and Snell, JL (1997), Introduction
to Probability (2nd edition)", American Mathematical Society (free pdf available) .
Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), Bayes formula,
Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN 9781-55608-010-4
McGrayne, SB (2011). The Theory That Would Not
Die: How Bayes Rule Cracked the Enigma Code,
Hunted Down Russian Submarines & Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy. Yale
University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-18822-6.

Laplace, P (1774/1986), Memoir on the Probability of the Causes of Events, Statistical Science
Lee, PM (2012), Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction, Wiley.
Rosenthal, JS (2005), Struck by Lightning: the Curious World of Probabilities. Harper Collings.
Stigler, SM (1986). Laplaces 1774 Memoir on Inverse Probability. Statistical Science 1 (3): 359
363. doi:10.1214/ss/1177013620.
Stone, JV (2013), download chapter 1 of Bayes
Rule: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis, Sebtel Press, England.


External links

Bayes theorem at Encyclopdia Britannica

The Theory That Would Not Die by Sharon Bertsch
McGrayne New York Times Book Review by John
Allen Paulos on 5 August 2011
Visual explanation of Bayes using trees (video)
Bayes frequentist interpretation explained visually
Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of
Mathematics (B). Contains origins of Bayesian,
Bayes Theorem, Bayes Estimate/Risk/Solution,
Empirical Bayes, and Bayes Factor.
Weisstein, Eric W., Bayes Theorem, MathWorld.
Bayes theorem at
Bayes Theorem and the Folly of Prediction
A tutorial on probability and Bayes theorem devised
for Oxford University psychology students
An Intuitive Explanation of Bayes Theorem by
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky



Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



Bayes theorem Source:{}_theorem?oldid=707492466 Contributors: AxelBoldt, Zundark, The

Anome, Taw, Ap, Fcueto, Miguel~enwiki, DavidLevinson, Heron, Stevertigo, Michael Hardy, Eliasen, Chinju, Dcljr, TakuyaMurata,
Karada, Alo, Snoyes, Randywombat, Cherkash, EdH, Lancevortex, Hike395, Bjcairns, Charles Matthews, Timwi, Dcoetzee, Jitse Niesen,
Colin Marquardt, Doradus, Jogloran, Schutz, Henrygb, Academic Challenger, Bkell, Josh Grith, Spellbinder, Paul Murray, Wile E.
Heresiarch, Snobot, Giftlite, WiseWoman, Lupin, Dratman, Rick Block, Duncharris, Maroux, Geni, Pcarbonn, Ja malcolm, MarkSweep,
DragonySixtyseven, Maximaximax, Sam Hocevar, Tietew, Urhixidur, Vsb, Sonett72, Guppynsoup, Guanabot, Antaeus Feldspar, Bender235, El C, Chalst, Kwamikagami, Marco Polo, 3mta3, Landroni, Abstraktn, Terrycojones, Monado, InBalance, Oleg Alexandrov,
Splintax, Kzollman, Duncan.france, Facetious, Btyner, RichardWeiss, Stoni, Graham87, BD2412, MauriceJFox3, Rjwilmsi, Billjeerys,
FlaBot, Mathbot, Narxysus, GJ, Jameshsher, Gurch, Quuxplusone, Fresheneesz, Rrenner, Sodin, Marlow4, Butros, CiaPan, Jmorgan,
Chobot, YurikBot, Wavelength, Hairy Dude, Petiatil, Ogai, Makana, Pseudomonas, Ritchy, Terra Green, NawlinWiki, ENeville, Yserarau,
Dysmorodrepanis~enwiki, Calumny, Trovatore, Aldux, Conradl, Shotgunlee, Ajarmst, Smaines, Xabian40409, Arthur Rubin, Drallim,
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File:Bayes{}_Theorem_2D.svg Source: License:

CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Original artist: Qniemiec
File:Bayes{}_Theorem_MMB_01.jpg Source:
01.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work by <a href='//' title='User:
Mattbuck'>mattbuck</a>. Original artist: <a href='//' title='User:Mattbuck'>mattbuck</a>

File:Bayes_continuous_diagram.svg Source:

License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Gnathan87
File:Bayes_icon.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: <a
href='//' data-x-rel='nofollow'><img alt='W3C' src='
Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg/88px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png' width='88' height='30' style='vertical-align: top'
176px-Valid_SVG_1.1_%28green%29.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='91' data-le-height='31' /></a>iThe source code of this SVG is <a
data-x-rel='nofollow' class='external text' href='//
Original artist: Mikhail Ryazanov
File:Bayes_theorem_drugs_example_tree.svg Source:
example_tree.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Gnathan87
File:Bayes_theorem_simple_example_tree.svg Source:
simple_example_tree.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Gnathan87
File:Bayes_theorem_tree_diagrams.svg Source:
diagrams.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Gnathan87
File:Bayes_theorem_visualisation.svg Source:
svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Cmglee




File:Continuous_event_space_specification.svg Source:

space_specification.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Gnathan87
File:Fisher_iris_versicolor_sepalwidth.svg Source:
sepalwidth.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: en:Image:Fisher iris versicolor sepalwidth.png Original artist: en:User:Qwfp (original); Pbroks13 (talk) (redraw)


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