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The Chemical Laboratory

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The document discusses various aspects of planning and designing chemical laboratories including space requirements, utility access, equipment needs, and safety procedures.

The document mentions that environmental considerations, relation to other work areas, and utility access should be evaluated when selecting a laboratory location.

The document states that lighting design must consider the type of work conducted as well as effects on vision, health, and safety. It discusses illumination levels and placement of lighting fixtures.


Its Design And Operation
A Practical Guide for
Planners of
Industrial, Medical, or
Education Facilities
Sigurd J. Rosenlund

William Andrew Inc.



A Practical Guide for Planners of
Industrial, Medical, or
Educational Facilities


Sigurd J. Rosenlund


Park Ridge, N_ JersBY, U.s.A.

Copyright 1987 by Sigurd J. Rosenlund

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
without permission in writing from the Publisher.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 86-31183
ISBN: 0-8155-1110-8
Printed in the United States
Published in the United States of America by
Noyes Publications
Mill Road, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rosenlund, Sigurd J.
The chem ical laboratory.
Includes index.
1. Chemical laboratories--Design and construction.
2. Chemical laboratories--Management. I. Title.
[DNLM] : 1. Chemical industry. 2. Facility Design and
Construction. 3. Laboratories--organization &
administration. QD 51 R814c]
QD51.R57 1987
ISBN 0-8155-1110-8


It is my hope that this book will fill a gap on the technical

library shelf by offering help to those involved with either
planning new laboratories or expanding existing ones. It is based
on over thirty years of laboratory experience, including day to
day operation, design of new facilities, supervision of construction, and consultation. I have witnessed the fruits of good
planning and the unfortunate consequences where planning
was inadequate.
Who can profit from such a book? The supervising chemist
who must define the needs of a new laboratory will find many
practical suggestions. So will the administrator looking for
ways to justify a facility that will not become outdated in a
few years. The designer or engineer will be better able to see
things from a client's viewpoint, as will the contractor in charge
of certain aspects of construction. The doctor or dentist
setting up a laboratory facility next to the office will discover
suggestions for making the best use of limited space. The
supplier of laboratory furniture and equipment will find new
ways to advise his customers. Finally, the young chemist who
finds himself charged with starting up a new operation will
have the reference I wished for when I was in that position
many years ago.
Above all, this book is intended to be a practical guide to
laboratory planning. It will not go into the more sophisticated



areas of science and technology, Instead, it will deal with a

broad variety of more common matters, some of which may
be overlooked or underestimated by the laboratory planner.
Perhaps an explanation should be offered here for my use of
"he" throughout the book in referring to the person in charge
of daily laboratory operation. This pronoun is used in its traditional sense to refer to either a man or a woman. The newer
"he or she," while more accurate, considering the many women
in charge of laboratories today, is also more cumbersome and
has been avoided for that reason.
I would like to thank all those who have given their time and
thoughtful comments. Benjamin F. Naylor, chemistry professor
emeritus of San Jose State University, read the manuscript in
its early stages and contributed valuable information on educationallaboratories. Alan C. Nixon, past president of the American Chemical Society, along with other members of Calsec
Consultants, Inc., offered helpful suggestions from their diversified experiences. Numerous laboratory personnel guided me
through their facilities, and distributors of laboratory products
kept me informed about their latest products. Plumbers, electricians, and others in the building trades had many practical
Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Barbara, for her encouragement, suggestions, and countless hours of editing.
Sigurd J. Rosenlund

January 1987

To the best of the Publisher's knowledge the information contained in this book is accurate; however, the
Publisher assumes no responsibility nor liability for errors or any consequences arising from the use of the information contained herein. Final determination of the
suitability of any information, procedure, or product for
use contemplated by any user, and the manner of that use,
is the sole responsibility of the user. The book is intended
for informational purposes only. Expert advice should
be obtained at all times when implementation is being
considered. Due caution should be exercised in the handling of equipment and construction of facilities.



Listing Operations
Estimating Space Requirements
Work Bench Space
Free-Standing Equipment
Arguments for Additional Space
Educational Laboratory Requirements
Fume Hoods
Analytical Balances
Other Equipment
Planning for the Future
Storage Areas
Industrial, Medical, and Research Laboratories
Educational Laboratories
Reagent Storage
Preparation Space
Repair and Maintenance
Equipment Check-Out
Laboratory Location
Safety Considerations
Efficiency Needs
Environmental Considerations





Access to Utilities
Zoning Regulations


Making the Scale Drawing
Room Organization
Work Patterns
Work Bench Dimensions
Bench Configuration
Storage Cabinets and Shelves
Heat-Producing Equipment
Toxic and Flammable Materials
Analytical Balances
Sample Receiving
Office Space
Workers' Area
Supervisor's Area
Furniture Dimensions
Safety Shower
Completing the Layout




Hot and Cold Water

Deionized Water
Distilled Water
Electric Power
Sewer Connection
Compressed Air and Vacuum
Heating and Cooling
Safety Awareness
Sources of Safety Information
Dealing with Authorities
Ventilation Systems
Flammable Materials




Chemical Spills
Safety Shower and Eyewash Station
Chemical Storage
Fire Protection
Earthquake Preparedness
Mechanical Hazards
Utility Failures
Water Pressure
How to Handle Utility Failures
Personal Protection
Safety Glasses
Lab Coats
Foot Protection
Food and Drink
Hair Protection
Safety Signs




Waste Control Regulations
Air Pollution
Liquid Waste
Solid Waste
Waste Collection and Disposal
Disposal Containers
Waste Storage
Waste Disposal Services
In-House Waste Reduction
Disposal of Old Chemicals
Different Laboratories, Different Problems
The illusion of Dilution



Flooring Materials
Rubber Composition



Other Materials
Wall Treatment
Paint Quality
High Resistance Paints
Ceiling Treatment
Interior Decoration for the Laboratory
Color Choices
Cabinet Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wood versus Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assessing Quality
Kitchen Cabinets
Work Bench Components
Work Top Materials
Stone Tops
Cement Composition
Solid Epoxy
Plastic Laminate
Compressed Wood Fiber
Ceramic Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ceramic Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stainless Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Choice Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Work Top Protection
Fume Hoods
Hood Construction
Building a Simple Hood
Ductless Hoods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modular Furniture
Mounting Outlets
Hot and Cold Water
Deionized Water
Sinks and Drains
Compressed Air
Electrical Outlets











Compressed Gases


Checking Final Plans
Expecting the Unexpected
Safeguarding Equipment Information
Equipment Sources
Laboratory Supply Houses
Factory Direct
Mail Order Companies
Science Shops
Hardware and Electronic Stores
Drugstores and Sup~rmarkets
Where to Obtain Information on Suppliers
Selecting Equipment
Selecting Supplies
Cost Estimates
Receiving Equipment and Supplies
Capital Equipment
Equipment Identification





Staffing the Laboratory
Application Forms
Resume or Letter
The Interview
Final Selection
Notifying Applicants
Job Responsibilities
On the Job Training
Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Ordering Supplies
Supply Sources
Dead Files and Old Samples
Laboratory Housekeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Setting the Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115



Janitorial Services
Cleaning Materials
Keeping Track of Cost
Laboratory Ethics



Laboratory Notebooks
Methods of Record Keeping
Research and Development
Analytical Laboratories
Sample Recording
Records of Tests
Industrial Laboratories
Quality Control Records
Product Sample Records
Poor Record Keeping
Purchasing Records
Personnel Records
Maintenance Records
Records of Procedures
Paperwork Reduction
Computerized Records



Value of Laboratory Handyman
Related Experience
Sources of Information
Tools for the Laboratory
Sources of Tools
Tool Storage
Special Purpose Tools
Tool Rental
Routine Maintenance
Sink Traps
Electric Plugs
Light Bulbs
Equipment Maintenance
Major Projects

\ .134



Examples of Laboratory Handiwork

Equipment Rack
pH Meter Stand
Some Negative Examples
Careless Workmanship
Dangling Cords
Poor Quality Materials
Salvaging Fire-Damaged Equipment
Repair Methods
Drying Oven
A Learning Experience



Selecting the Location
Preliminary Planning
Detailed Room Layout
Utility Requirements
Laboratory Benches and Work Tops
Sinks, Faucets, and DI Water
Flooring, Paint, and Ceiling Treatment
Furniture Installation
Equipment and Supplies
Safety Considerations





A laboratory may come in any size or shape. It may be a room in

an industrial plant, a wing of a hospital, or a whole building on a
college campus. All of these present similar problems and decisions at the planning stage. Where should the laboratory be
located? How much space is required? Will a proposed layout
contribute to smooth traffic flow? What utilities are needed?
What safety factors should be built in? These are just some of
the major questions planners must address.
The results of poor planning usually do not show up until a facility has been in operation for some time. By then, correcting them
is invariably expensive. Anyone who has worked in a laboratory
for even a short period has seen some of these problems. There
may be overcrowded workbenches, where permanent equipment and set-ups leave little or no room for non-routine work, or
inadequate wiring which requires the use of cumbersome and
hazardous extension cords on a permanent basis. Poor ventilation is a common problem, causing both discomfort and hazards.
Improperly chosen bench tops may be stained by chemicals or
damaged by heat. Many laboratories have awkward traffic patterns, resulting in wasted time during performance of routine
tasks. Storage areas may be inadequate or poorly located. The
list goes on and on.

The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Many will blame such problems on lack of funds when the

laboratory was built. This may not be the case. A well-planned
and efficient laboratory does not have to cost more than a poorly
planned one. It is mostly a matter of putting the available money
to work where it counts most. This book gives many examples
where money can be saved without causing operational problems later. It also presents cases where additional money spent
at the outset has paid off in a safer and more efficient operation
for years to come.
Who plans and builds a laboratory? In a small facility the whole
job is often handled by in-house talent. I have seen many cases
where such talent was capable of taking on the challenge. I have
also seen numerous cases where professional assistance should
have been employed. This book will help the do-it-yourselfer
decide when such assistance is needed. At the other end of the
spectrum, a design or engineering fl.rn1 may be hired to do the
job on a turn-key basis. Such a fl.rn1 can guarantee professional
results, but will these be specifically tailored to the needs of this
particular laboratory? Examples of both underdesign and
overdesign, usually resulting from poor communication between designer and client, are given.
Throughout the book, the person in charge of day-to-day operations is referred to as the laboratory operator. This is not an administrator or supervisor located in an office down the hall or in
another building. The laboratory operator must be heavily involved in all aspects of planning. Only he can estimate space requirements, check a proposed layout for practical and safe
operation, and recommend allowances for future expansion.
Regardless of the amount of professional assistance available,
the laboratory operator can expect to burn much midnight oil.
During construction he must be available at all times to take
care of those numerous problems nobody had predicted.
This book not only deals with major matters, such as laboratory
size and location, layout, and utilities. It also includes seemingly
minor topics, such as choice of paints and floor coverings, money
saving hints for utility hookups, and types of ceiling treatment.


Safety and waste disposal are treated in detail because of their

ever increasing importance.
Planning and building a laboratory requires a cooperative effort
involving administrators, designers, equipment supply houses,
contractors, and the laboratory operator. A laboratory designed
for efficient operation can be achieved only if all of them work
together with mutual respect and the best possible communication.

Preliminary Planning

Once it has been decided that a new laboratory should be built,

some important basic planning must be done. Whether or not an
architect or designer is to be called in later, those in charge of
the laboratory operation will need to consider questions such as
What types or work will be performed both i.nitially and in the foreseeable future?
Will any of this work create special hazards?
What equipment will be required?
Will any of the work produce excessive fumes,
heat, dust, or noise?
Should any of the jobs be performed in isolated
areas or in separate rooms?
Will any tasks require a controlled environment?
How much room will be taken up by permanently installed equipment?
How much space will be needed for undesignated work areas?
Where should the laboratory be located relative
to other facilities?

Preliminary Planning

Are there any special security requirements?

Facing such questions head-on from the earliest planning stages
and making notes as information is gathered will help to avoid
unpleasant surprises later on.

It is important to make a list of every task that will be performed
in the laboratory, down to the smallest detail. Operations such
as pH measurements, transfer of flammables from safety storage to shelf bottles, or recording observations must not be overlooked. Even in a small laboratory, the number of individual
tasks will be quite substantial.
Each operation on the list should then be evaluated for problems
it might create and for any special requirements. These might
include the following:
Hazards the operation may create and what
precautions must be taken (fume hood, separate
room, etc.)
Non-hazardous nuisance it may cause (odor,
dust, heat, noise, steam, etc.)
Possible contamination of other work being performed.
Vibration or other disturbance of other operations.
Special environment needed (controlled temperature, clean-room conditions, absence of drafts,
Security requirements (controlled access to certain instruments or operations, etc.)
It will take time to come up with all of this information, particularly in cases where new types of work are contemplated. If

The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

a new piece of equipment is to be installed, planners should obtain as much literature as possible from the manufacturer and
make a careful check of procedures for which it ,viII be used. If it
can be arranged, a visit to another laboratory in \\Thich this instrument is already in use will prove very helpful.
It is not only the new work that will need evaluation, however.
Even operations that have been performed for many years
should be reviewed and updated as needed. Safety requirements, for example, could have been changed, as will be discussed in Chapter 4.
A partial check list of operations for an industrial chemical
laboratory is shown in Table 1. The format of a formal list will
vary considerably from one laboratory to another, but with such
an aid, one can easily see which operations are compatible and
then group these together. Those that need special treatment
will readily stand out. The planner will also be able to estimate
the number of rooms required for the total operation. Finally, a
complete list of all laboratory functions will facilitate the next
step, an estimate of space requirements.
A typical laboratory that has been in operation for some time
usually has run out of space for optimum operation. In some
cases, the space may be there but cannot be utilized to full advantage. Work benches gradually get covered with permanent
equipment set-ups, leaving little room for other work. Lack of
storage space for supplies and samples becomes the rule rather
than the exception. Adequate room for a desk, bookcase, or
typewriter has often been overlooked. As more personnel is added, these problems become critical. Overcrowding also has a
serious effect on safety.
Since such conditions are evident so soon in many cases, it is obvious that they could have been avoided by more careful planning. The most important space requirements to consider are

Table 1: Checklist of Operations


Hazards, Problems

Conditions Required













Analytical weighings
Ether extractions
Powder screening
Muffle furnace
Drying oven
Solvent evaporation
Solvent dispensing
Solution preparation
Perchloric acid digestions
Kjeldahl digestions
Desk work, telephone
Vacuum pump
Microscopic work




























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The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

those for work benches, free-standing equipment, office space,

and storage. In addition, due attention must be paid to the fact
that some work areas must be separated to avoid hazards or contamination.
Work Bench Space
The fIrst step in space planning should be to estimate how much
bench space ",rill be required. Benches must accommodate various pieces of permanently installed equipment and still have
room for both frequently performed and special one-time tasks.
Benches may be either installed against the wall or placed back
to back in peninsulas or islands. The exact configuration will be
worked out later. For now, what is important is the total number of running feet of bellch space that will be required.
All bench-mounted equipment should be listed with its dimensions, wllich can be taken from measurements or from catalog
data. It should be noted which instruments may have to be put
at a certain minimum distance from other objects in order to
avoid interference or allow for servicing. Worl{ space should be
allowed next to each instrument for samples, notebooks, etc.
This space may be considerable in case of an analytical instrument on which many samples are to be tested at one time. Space
sharing should be discouraged, with the required work space
next to an instrument reserved for that alone. Sinks and fume
hoods should also be included in this list, with an allowance of at
least 18 inches of free space on each side of a sink.
When all equipment has been listed, the total number of running
feet needed can be added up. How much more will be required?
This will vary from one laboratory to another. In an industrial
laboratory where both routine testing and product development
work are to be performed, this figure can safely be multiplied by
four for a realistic estimate. In some laboratories used exclusively for specific types of work with no other types contemplated,
this figure may be lower. It should be kept in mind, however,
that expanding an existing laboratory is an extremely expensive

Preliminary Planning

undertaking. It is desirable, therefore, to have some unused wall

space and some free floor area when a new laboratory begins

Free-standing Equipment
There is more to a laboratory than work benches and the instruments mounted on them. Free-standing equipment must also be
considered. This includes refrigerators, safety storage cabinets
for chemicals, safety shower, desk space, typewriter stand or
computer terminal, or any other equipment that is not benchmounted. File cabinets, which are real space-robbers, must not
be forgotten. In one laboratory, much space was saved by placing two-drawer file cabinets beneath the large table used for
sorting samples.

Arguments for Additional Space

Careful scrutiny of all these measurements will soon show a laboratory planner that much more space is required than was
originally thought. Next comes the competition for this space, at
which time convincing evidence must be produced. One laboratory manager proudly showed off his new facility, the product of
such a battle. Yes, he had been accused of taking up far more
space than he really needed. He had done his homework, however, and presented management with enough data to convince
them. Although his laboratory had much free floor space and a
whole empty wall, he had looked into future plans and knew
what would be required before too long. He also had spare circuits in the breaker box and plumbing which could readily be expanded.


Figuring space for educational laboratories requires some dif-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

ferent considerations. For a given course, a certain amount of

bench space must be allotted to each student. Only those in
charge of the course are able to make a realistic estimate of this.
In addition, since each work station is used by more than one
student, there should be sufficient space beneath it or close by
for individual lockers or drawers. Organic laboratories usually
require more space per student because of the equipment setups used and the need for separation to avoid fire hazard. The
total amount of bench space thus depends on the number of students each room is designed for.
Fume Hoods
In an educational laboratory, fume hood space requirements are
substantial, since so many students need a hood at the same
time. Many operations that used to be performed on the bench
must now be done in a hood for safety reasons. Inadequate hood
space has caused many problems even in fairly modern university chemistry buildings.
Analytical Balances
Most educational laboratories keep their analytical balances in
separate rooms, which are locked when not in use. Balances less
than three feet apart are crowded, so sufficient space must be allowed. Such rooms will also be useful for other instruments,
such as spectI:ophotometers, that do not give off heat or fumes.
Other Equipment
Large capacity balances, centrifuges, and similar equipment are
generally placed on a separate counter away from the benches.
The size of this counter must be carefully estimated. There must
also be room for equipment and supplies kept in the laboratory
as opposed to the stockroom. Of course, space must also be allowed for a safety shower and eyewash station.

Preliminary Planning


Planning for the Future

There was general rejoicing in a community college chemistry
department a few years ago when funds were granted for a long
desired expensive analytical instrument. Then someone realized
there was really no good place to put it, so a make-shift arrangement had to be made. Planners of this nearly new facility should
have considered such equipment additions in their preliminary
calculations, in anticipation of the day when funds might become

When it comes to laboratory storage, it is safe to say that the
space required is at least twice what a planner would estimate.
Samples, reagents, and spare equipment will pile up at an alarming rate. To this should be added the fact that some items will
have to be stored under controlled conditions and that valuable
iten1s will need to be kept in locked storage. Flammables, even
in moderate amounts, need special storage. Since regulations
vary from one area to another, this matter should be discussed
with local fITe department officials.

Industrial, Medical, and Research Laboratories

A n1anufacturer usually stores samples of both raw materials
and finished products for extended periods of time. He may even
be required to do so by law. Sample storage may present hazards often overlooked. A single bottle of perfume, for instance, is
too small to be considered a fIre hazard, even though the material is quite flammable. Hundreds of these bottles, however,
stored away as retain samples by a cosmetics manufacturer will
become a fIre hazard.
Medical and research laboratories have much the same storage
requirements as industrial laboratories. All need adequate
space for chemicals and supplies, as well as for equipment that


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

may be used only occasionally for special purposes. They also

need space for a rapidly growing number of samples.
Most storage will require shelving. Unless large items are to be
stored, such as instruments not regularly in use, shelves should
be no more than 12 inches deep. A common distance between
shelves is 12 to 15 inches, although this may be less for some
sample storage. Such figures will tell a planner how many feet of
running shelf space is needed. A realistic estimate is an important part of preliminary planning.

Educational Laboratories
Very few educational laboratories that have been in operation
for awhile have adequate stockroom facilities. Every stockroom
supervisor has tales about lack of space.

Reagent Storage. Supplies of reagents are often purchased in

larg~ quantities to last for a semester or an entire year. These
normally need the protected storage of the stockroom. There
must be adequate space for flammables and for materials that
could give off hazardous, corrosive, or unpleasant fumes. Bottles
of hydrochloric or nitric acid often cause corrosion even if reasonably well closed. For some courses, certain reagents are sent
out to the student laboratories for experiments and then taken
back to the stockroom. Leaving them out on a permanent basis
could be both impractical and hazardous. All these materials
should be listed and space requirements estimated.
Glassware. Unlike reagents, glassware can be stored almost
anywhere there is room. Rather than take up valuable laboratory or stockroom space, it may be possible to store full cartons
of glassware in a warehouse or another building and to bring only enough to the stockroom to take care of current needs.
Instruments. Some instruments are checked out to students only a few times each semester. These may include pH meters,
small spectrophotometers, and other items. They are in storage

Preliminary Planning


the rest of the time. Platinum electrodes and other valuables

usually need locked storage.

Preparation Space. The stockroom should have space for preparation of solutions and other items, such as unknowns for
COllrses in qualitative analysis. This requires a regular work
bench with sink. There must also be room for prepared solutions
to be dispensed to student laboratories in bench-sized bottles,
which take up a good deal of space.
Repair and Maintenance. Another job for the stockroom personnel is to do minor repairs and routine maintenance of equipment. Adequate bench space should be set aside for this.
Equipment Check-out. A large table next to the check-out
window can be very valuable. Prior to class, equipment needed
can be taken from the shelves and lined up on the table, ready
for quick delivery to the students. When returned, it is placed on
the table and taken back to storage after the end of the period
rush is over.
The above considerations do not give a direct answer to how
many square feet of space a given laboratory will need. 'They
merely show what has to be accommodated. At this point, a planner may be able to see major discrepancies between allotted
space and required space, which must be resolved before going

The exact location of a laboratory within a building or a complex

of buildings is often the result of a grand compromise. Sometimes the laboratory planner is presented with a location and
must simply make the best of it. If the location is poor, he will
then have to use his best persuasive powers to bring about a
change. What arguments are effective against a poor location? If
insufficient space is the problem, a careful estimate of space re-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

quirements, prepared as described, will help the planner prove

his point. In other cases, the cost of conversion can be presented
as a forceful deterrent. A medical laboratory, for example, is
often located in a multi-purpose suite of a medical center. Such a
suite may not be adaptable for laboratory use without very expensive modification.
Safety Considerations
In disputes over location, safety makes an impressive argument.
For iJlstance, there must be a safe exit through parts of the
building where a fITe is not likely to develop. Unfortunately, this
rule is not always followed in industrial laboratories. Consider
the industrial laboratory which had only one door and no windows. As if this were not enough of a safety violation, the door
was directly across a narrow hall from the boiler room door. A
boiler accident in this building could have entombed the laboratory staff. It is hard to believe this layout was designed by an architect and approved by local building authorities in the 1950's.
While such a design would be unlikely to be approved today,
small industrial laboratories are still sometimes installed without a proper permit. Such installations often violate safety rules
with respect to both location and layout.
Efficiency Needs
Ease of communication between the laboratory and other areas
is important to consider. There should not be a long hike to the
office, processing area, or other parts of the building with which
the laboratory has frequent contact. In one newly built plant,
samples had to be carried down two flights of stairs via heavy
fIre doors at each end, across a busy production area, through
another fire door, and finally to the laboratory. Impractical? Of
course. Yet this layout was made by a reputable engineering
company with long experience in the industrial field. Better
communication between the designer and a knowledgeable company representative could have avoided this inefficient plan.

Preliminary Planning


In another plant, the industrial laboratory was installed close to

the processing area down a short flight of stairs. Before this location was chosen, possible hazards and environmental effects
were studied. Here it took little over one minute to bring
samples to the laboratory or for laboratory personnel to be on
hand to investigate manufacturing problems.

Environmental Considerations
Environmental effects are often underestimated during preliminary planning. Dust or fumes entering the laboratory each time
the door is opened, for example, will certainly create trouble, as
will high temperatures in the area adjacent to the laboratory.

Vibration. A less obvious problem than dust, fumes, or heat is

vibration, which may cause difficulties with some types of laboratory equipment, such as analytical balances. Vibration can also
interfere with microscopic work, particularly if this is combined
with photography. In industrial plants, operation of heavy
equipment may cause considerable vibration and should be considered when laboratory location is determined.
One research laboratory was located on the second floor of a
building in which a diaper laundry occupied the fIrst floor. The
laundry equipment would periodically send veritable shock
waves through the building, making many laboratory operations impossible for a short while. The laboratory workers referred to these annoying incidents as the times when the laundry "dropped its load."
Possible vibration sources outside the building, such as nearby
railroad tracks, should be considered also. In a new testing laboratory, heavy truck traffic immediately outside caused periodic
vibration problems, even though the building sat on a solid concrete slab. Had this laboratory been on an upper floor, the vibration would have been even more severe.

Sunlight. There is always a question of whether or not a labora-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

tory should have windows. Windows take up valuable wall

space, always at a premium, and should not be counted on for
providing effective ventilation. While sunlight may be a good
morale booster for workers and assist in keeping the building
warm on cold winter days, it is at best a nuisance when it shines
on the work benches. If there are to be windows, they should
preferable face north or east.
Noise. Noise is another environmental factor to be considered.
It does not have to be very loud to seriously affect worker performance if it is persistent. The source of noise disturbance may
be one of many things-plant equipment, heavy traffic outside,
ventilation fans, etc.
Access to Utilities
The ease of access to utilities should also help determine the laboratory's location. Most laboratories will need hot and cold
water, electric power, gas, and sewer connection. The cost of
bringing these to a remote location may be high. The sewer is
often the most problematic. Many a concrete slab has been torn
up at considerable expense in order to install a laboratory sewer.
A building professional should be consulted to give advice in
such cases.
Zoning Regulations
Finally, is it permissible to build a laboratory in the proposed location? Some regulation could make the project impractical or
even impossible. Generally there is little problem getting
permission on a college campus or in an industrial plant,
although this must be checked out with the proper authorities.
The situation becomes quite different if a new building is to be
erected for laboratory use or if an existing building is to be converted. Zoning regulations must be considered and an opinion
from local planning authorities must be obtained before further
planning can take place.

Laboratory Layout

Time has now come to convert the preceding data and ideas to a
workable laboratory layout. In all but the simplest cases this
should be done with the assistance of a contractor, designer, engineer, or other building professional. Many small laboratories
are planned strictly on a do-it-yourself basis in order to save
money. Unless an experienced in-house person happens to be
available, the results are often poor and the savings questionable. In other cases, the whole job is turned over to an architectural or engineering fmn on a turn-key basis with little involvement by the laboratory operator. This sometimes results
in a facility that is not altogether suitable for its intended functions, in spite of a highly professional design. Some designers
tend to rely heavily on standard layouts which they have used
successfully in the past but which may not be suitable for a given
In other words, the laboratory operator is still the key person at
this stage and should be prepared to burn a considerable amount
of midnight oil, even with the best professional assistance. fIe
will be in constant contact with the architect or designer, and
the project will sometimes be like a ball that is tossed back and
forth. In this game, the building professional will have the



The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

knowledge of practical and economical construction methods, as

well as of local building codes. The laboratory operator will be familiar with the work to be performed, often hard to explain in
detail to the designer.


Laying out the laboratory will be accomplished under one of

three conditions. In the first, and most desirable, the laboratory
will be incorporated into a building still in the planning stage. In
this situation, there will be some leeway in organizing the shape
of the area, even though the location and overall space allowance
may already have been determined. Somewhat less desirable,
but quite workable, is placing the laboratory in a partitioned off
section of an existing building. In either of these cases, the laboratory operator, in close cooperation with the designer or architect, will have to spend much time selecting the best room
sizes and dimensions. The greatest challenge comes in the third
situation, in which one or more existing rooms are simply designated by management as "laboratory" and must be utilized to
their best advantage.
Whatever building limitations the planner finds himself working
under, he must make certain that there is indeed enough square
footage available for the laboratory. Ifnot, this is the time to call
for major changes. If the space seems large enough based on
preliminary estimates, planning for the best utilization of this
space may now proceed. Detail drawings will show if not only
the size but the shape of the room will suit the requirements of a


The first step in establishing the layout is to obtain or prepare an

exact scale drawing of the laboratory area. For a building in the
planning stages, the architect's drawing can be used. For an ex-

Laboratory Layout


isting building, any drawing already available should be checked

to see whether aJ1Y changes have been made in the building
since the drawing was made. If no drawing exists, careful measurements must be taken.
A suitably sized drafting board is a good investment, as are
some basic drafting supplies. If a copy service for large size
paper is available at a reasonable price, the drawing should be
done on regular drafting paper, which may be purchased in
either tablet or roll form. Otherwise, the drawing may be made
on several sheets of regular size paper tllat can be reproduced on
an office copier. With accurate registration marks, joining the
sheets after copying is not difficult.
A typical scale for such drawings is 1,4 inch to the foot, but any
convellient scale may be used. On the drawing, all existing details-doors, windows, wall protrusions (common in the popular
tilt-up construction), pipes and conduit on the walls, sewer outlets, utility conllections, etc.-should be noted. It is important
that all details be accurately recorded.
One of the copies should be designated as "master." No item
should be added to this before being finalized. On the other
copies, adding the desired features will be a matter of trial and
error on paper, with many copies ending up in the waste paper


Sketching on copies of the drawing may now start. If walls are to

be put up, a thickness of 6 inches may be assumed, unless special
circumstances are present. The preferable door width is 36
inches, but 30 inches may be acceptable under some local codes.
Installation of large equipment, however, could require larger
(double) doors, generally five feet wide. For safety reasons, a
laboratory must have two exits. When a new laboratory building at the University of California at Berkeley was in the plan-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

ning stage, the building manager discovered that under new

regulations, doors could no longer swing out into a hallway.
They would have to open into alcoves so that the hall would be
unobstructed with all doors open. With a number of rooms
planned for the building, this added up to a significant floor area
that could not be used for other purposes. From the standpoint
of safety, however, it was of great importance.

Work Patterns
Using the space requirements previously developed, tentative
placement of specific pieces of equipment may now be made.
Planners should try to visualize the daily laboratory routine
while doing this. Anything that will save steps and minimize
congestion should be incorporated. The list of operations described in chapter 1 will make it possible to group together compatible tasks for highest efficiency and greatest safety. If planners think in terms of the distance laboratory workers will have
to walk when performing routine duties, a pattern of interconnected work areas will soon begin to emerge. After some trial
and error, a reasonable pattern will be developed. This should
then be presented to the architect or designer, who may'have
some critical comments about lack of practicality from a building
standpoint or conformance to codes. This will mean back to the
drawing board. After several trips back and forth, a workable
plan can be developed and agreed upon.
Typical laboratory benches are 36 inches high and 30 inches
deep when mounted against a wall. This includes the average 7
inches (more or less than this may be required) behind them for
carrying utilities. The actual base cabinet depth is 23 inches,
which makes narrower counters possible in areas where space
for utilities can be sacrificed. If benches are formed into a peninsula or an island, a typical total width is 54 inches. It may be
more if the center part has shelves or extra utilities.

Laboratory Layout


The distance between work benches should not be less than four
feet. In one laboratory an extra bench was fitted into a large
room by decreasing this distance to three feet, but the result
was serious congestion. In educational laboratories, five feet
would be advisable because of heavier traffic.

The shape of the room will determine the location of the work
benches. In a long narrow room, they may be conveniently
placed along the wall, as in a Pullman kitchen. In a wider room,
islands are practical but present special problems. The utility
hookups, for example, may be difficult, particularly in an existing building, unless there is easy access from below. If a sewer
connection is required, it must be made below the floor level. Incoming utilities can be brought in from above the island through
a chimney-type arrangement going to the ceiling.
Peninsulas may be a better solution than islands in rooms that
can accommodate them. In such an arrangement, utilities are
run along the wall and branched off as required. However, if a
regular work bench is installed along this wall also, such a plan
will create large, less useful corner areas. One laboratory solved
this problem by substituting a 12-inch wide work surface along
the wall in place of a bench. Plumbing and wiring were installed
below, and the peninsulas branched out from there. The exposed
utility space was then covered with removable plywood panels
painted to match the furniture. This eliminated wasteful corners, while the narrow work surface proved useful for many
Educatiollallaboratories often have island work benches, generally with a sink at one or both ends. Depending on room size, a
peninsula arrangement could save considerable cost with no loss
in efficiency.
Although they are not too practical as work surfaces, corners


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

can be put to good use accommodating large items, such as drying ovens. There are also fume hoods made to fit into corners.
Since a corner is easily reached from the work areas on both
sides, it can also be a good place for a sink.




Laboratory storage cabinets and shelves are available in different widths and are usually 12 inches deep. A depth of more
than this is not recommended unless large, bulky items are to be
stored. Narrower shelves, six to nine inches deep, have been
found more practical for reagents and other small items. If
shelves and cabinets are to be mounted on \\Talls above work
benches, possible interference with work performed there must
be considered. Three feet or more should be allo\\Ted for aisles.
Some types of equipment give off a considerable amount of heat.
Most planners are aware of this and will provide for appropriate
ventilation, a matter that will be discussed in detail later. Radiant heat, however, is less often recognized as a problem. In a
food laboratory, for example, a six-unit Kjeldarl1 digestion and
distillation apparatus was installed against a wall and the hot air
was drawn off overhead. The heat radiating from 12 flasks and
heaters, however, made the workers on the other side ofthe narrow room very uncomfortable. Another laboratory solved this
problem by installing 12 separate digestion and distillation
Kjeldahl units along the side walls of an alcove, where they
radiated against each other rather than into the room. Even
though it was quite hot for a worker standing between them, the
time spent there was limited and other operations were not affected.
Muffle furnaces also produce radiant heat but only durhlg the
brief periods ,vhen they are open.

Laboratory Layout



Areas for handling toxic or flammables should be segregated. A
chemical like acetone, for example, should never be handled in
the vicinity of an open heat source. Work "rith highly toxic
materials should be strictly cOlrlined to designated areas. Many
operations must be performed in fume hoods. For others, only
improved ventilation may be required.

Analytical balances are among the prima donnas of the laboratory, requiring separate and unequal treatment. They refuse
to cooperate if there is the least amount of vibration and will
quickly expire upon exposure to corrosive fumes. Yet they must
at all times be close to the action, or laboratory workers will
have to do a fair amount of hiking. As a rule, analytical balances
are placed on separate tables, which should be large enough to
also hold a desiccator for samples and the operator's notebook.
The table must be as stable as the rock of Gibralter. In a
teaching laboratory, balances are usually placed in a separate
weighing room, which can be locked when not in use. This can be
located between two laboratories, giving it better accessability.

Analytical laboratories need an area where incoming samples
can be sorted and recorded. The size of this is hard to overestimate. In addition, some laboratories need an area where
samples can be prepared for analysis. A pesticide laboratory, for
instance, may want to set aside a complete room for such work,
since it is often quite messy.

Two types of office space are usually needed. One is the area
\,~here laboratory workers perform calculations, check proce-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

dures, and make up reports. The other is for the laboratory

supervisor to do desk work and hold cOllferences or telephone
conversations, \vhich may require privacy or quiet.

Workers' Area
The laboratory workers' office space should be as close as possible to work areas and to frequently used files. There should also
be room for a type\\TIter, if required. The work may be done on a
separate desk or a section of desk-height work bench.

Supervisor's Area
A supervisor's office may be a separate room, although an area
with partitions extending part\vay to the ceiling is often just as
satisfactory and less expensive. In addition, such partitioniJlg offers the bonus of valuable extra wall space. A large \vindow bet\veen office and laboratory is reconlmended for good supervision of activities. Since books and reference materials are often
kept in this office, adequate space for shelves must be provided.
In a small laboratory \vithout much interference, the supervisor
may simply need a desk in a corner of the room.

Furniture Dimensions
A typical office desk is about 3x5 feet, though another size may
be more desirable. There should be at least three feet between
the desk and the wall for getting in and out of a chair. Typical dimensions for file cabinets are 15x25 inches, but the opened
drawers may increase the total depth to as much as 48 inches.
Bookcases are usually 9 to 12 inches deep and are available in
many widths.

The placement of a safety shower and eyewash station must be

Laboratory Layout


given careful thought. It should be directly accessible and no

more than ten seconds away from any \vork area. In some cases,
it may be placed just outside the laboratory in a spot where it
can also serve other parts of the building. Educationallaboratories or other large, multi-room facilities may need a shower in
each room.


Making the completed layout is much like solving a puzzle where
pieces have to fit together in a certain way. In fact, some planners like to cut out pieces of heavy paper representing the various laboratory components and juggle them around until a reasonable layout is obtained.
Gradually all things that are to go into the laboratory, such as
work benches, refrigerators, safety storage cabinets, floormounted equipment, desks, file cabinets, balance tables, a11d a
myriad of other items, are in place. Now is another good time to
check on traffic patterns. Will a piece of equipment stick out too
far? Will a desk chair cause obstruction? Will the refrigerator
door cause problems when open? These are just a few of the
questions that should be asked again.
Now the exact locations of sinks and places where gas, DI water,
or other utilities will be needed should be marked on the current
drawing, and the location of instruments using electric po\ver
should be shown.
Still another check on safety should be made. Are exits readily
accessible? Is the safety shower easy to reach? Are areas for
handling hazardous materials properly segregated? Are areas of
potential hazards away from important traffic lanes?
When all these questions are answered to the planner's satisfaction, all details can be transferred to the master copy of the
drawing. Even though the architect or designer will not be di-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

rectly concerned \\rith the equipment to be moved in, this should

be shown on the drawing. One way to show this is \\rith dotted
lines. This will also make it easier for the lighting designer, as it
\\rill show up the areas where good light is required and ,vhere
shadows \\;11 be a problem.
The designer will no doubt find flaws here and there. Some objections may be caused by a lack of familiarity with the work to
be performed, a problem which can be solved by good-and frequent-communication.
Based on the material submitted on the master copy of the drawing, the designer will prepare working drawings to be used by
the contractors during construction. The laboratory planner
should not be afraid to ask questions about anything on these
drawings that does not seem absolutely clear. Misunderstandings are common, and this is the point to clear them up.

Utility Requirements

A typical laboratory will require a variety of common utilities,

such as water, gas, and electric power. There must also be sewer
connections and adequate provision for ventilation, as well as
means for heating and cooling the area. In addition, there are
often special laboratory needs, such as compressed air and
At this point of the planning, we are mainly concerned with
quantitative estimates of such utilities and the ease, or lack
thereof, with which they can be brought to the laboratory area.
These considerations have a profound effect on laboratory layout. In laboratories that have been in operation for some time, a
lack of needed utilities is a major problem, particularly when
new procedures are introduced. Estimates should be made by
the laboratory operator in close cooperation with building
professionals and should take future needs into consideration.

Most laboratories have relatively modest requirements for

water, but it must be available in the right places. Some plan27


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

ners find it useful to terminate rough plumbing near a corner of

a room, thereby making it easier to extend the finished plumbing along two walls. Rough plumbing may be run below the
floor, inside the walls, or in the ceiling. Plans for this should be
made in conjunction with the detailed room layout, as described
in the preceding chapter. Determining the number of sinks
needed and their approximate location at this point, moreover,
will be of great help to the designer.
The laboratory operator should be able to assist a professional
estimator determine the water heater size from his knowledge
of work to be performed. It is often practical and economical to
have one heater serve a fairly large area, as long as the distance
from heater to points of usage is not excessive. A testing laboratory which was located in a long, narrow building, on the other
hand, found it more suitable to install two smaller heaters, one at
each end of the building. Insulating hot water lines is highly
In hard water areas, a water softener will increase the life of
water heaters and plumbing fixtures. It must be kept in mind,
however, that a softener does not decrease the total mineral content of water; it merely modifies it.


A still used to be a fixture in laboratories. Older chemists have

unpleasant memories of the occasional cleanouts that needed to
be made. Today laboratories have found that deionized water
will serve most of their purposes just as well at a much lower
cost. Rental-type deionizers are available from several companies, who will install the resin tanks and exchange them as
needed. There is usually an installation charge, a fIXed monthly
charge, and a separate charge each time a tank is changed. The
service company will make an estimate as to what size tank or
tanks a laboratory needs.
The use of two tanks in series is highly recommended. When one

Utility Requirements


gives out, the other will take over until the service company arrives. This avoids annoying delays that are bound to occur
should a single tank stop operating at some crucial moment.
The condition of a DI water tank is indicated by a small neon
light. When the light goes out, the tank is exhausted. Since the
power consumption of the light is very low, it can be plugged in
to any available circuit.
DI water is not equivalent to distilled water in all ways. While
the content of most ionic species is very low, it does contain dissolved gases, such as air and carbon dioxide. The latter caused
problems in one laboratory when DI water was used for diluting
poorly buffered samples for pH measurements. Erratic results
were also reported in another case when DI water was used in
connection with the determination of trace amounts of boron.
The manufacturer explained that when close to exhaustion, the
resin used would no longer be effective in holding back traces of
this element.
Finally, DI water is anything but sterile. In fact, the resin beds
seem to support bacterial growth quite well. In other words, it
does not replace distilled water for all applications, but those
who use it right will enjoy pure water at reasonable prices.
DI water is handled in plastic pipe, generally PVC. For rough
plumbing, it is usually desirable to have the pipe terminate close
to the hot and cold water lines. Tanks should be located where
servicing will be convenient and where minor water spills during tank exchange will cause no problems. One laboratory
placed them in a small closet with a door leading to the outside of
the building, where the service truck could park directly in front
of the door.

There are times when DI water just will not do, as seen in the


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

above examples. Distilled water is then required. A laboratory

may distill some of its DI water, which will give the still a longer
life. On a large college campus, steam was available from the
central heat generating plant, an ideal source of distilled water.
Then there are cases where ultra-pure water is required for
special purposes. This is best produced from previously purified
water in all-glass apparatus under carefully controlled conditions.


For many years, gas was the primary source of heat in the laboratory. Today, although electric heaters have become more common, gas still has some advantages sometimes overlooked. It is a
quick source of heat and very fast to regulate. A gas burner can
be pulled away in a fraction of a secon.d should a distillation or a
reflux operation get out of hand. In case of a spill, a gas burner is
quickly dismantled and cleaned, whereas an electric heating element may have to be replaced. Another advantage is the lower
cost of the gas burners.
Running gas lines into a laboratory is not difficult once it has
been determined where they are needed. It may simplify plumbing installation to have rough plumbing for gas terminate close
to the water lines. When estimating total requirements for gas,
it should be kept in mind that it may also be needed for a water
heater and a heating unit for the building.

In laboratories in operation for some time, there are often not
enough electrical outlets or enough circuits to handle the load.
Retrofitting for more power is very expensive. One laboratory
received several bids for wiring their new facility. The accepted
one was much lower than the others because money was saved
by installing the bare minimum number of circuits and no spare
circuit breakers. Every piece of conduit was jammed full of

Utility Requirements


wires. Within two years, more wiring was needed for new equipment. This very costly expansion would not have been necessary if allowance had been made for future work.
From the list of laboratory operations previously prepared, it
will now be easy to single out the ones that require power. The
manuals for the equipment already on hand and catalog information on items yet to be purchased can provide the power requirements. Compared to what was available some years ago, modern laboratory equipment does not need much power. Exceptions are heating devices and motors, which may be very power
hungry. A list of the wattages involved should be made, noting
which equipment operates on 110 volts and which on 220. Allowance should be made for future purchases of equipment. This information will help the electrical engineer or contractor determine the number of circuits.
Most modern instruments will operate over a wide voltage
range but they may, at the same time, be quite sensitive to voltage variations during use. Such variations often throw calibrations off, as they did in one laboratory where an AA spectrophotometer suddenly began to act up. Investigation showed that
someone had plugged a large hot plate into the same circuit in
another room. As the proportional switch in the plate went on
and off, the circuit suffered enough voltage variation to affect
the instrument. High wattage equipment was from then on kept
off this circuit.
Knowing about this case, another laboratory planner insisted on
a special circuit to be used only for instruments drawing low and
even power. Still another laboratory managed to justify a very
elaborate voltage stabilizing device to feed instruments, which
they felt had paid off.

In a building under construction, connecting a laboratory to a


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

sewer is usually not too much of a problem, but it can be a costly

affair in an existing building. This is especially true in a onestory facility with a concrete floor. Communities with strict
waste water regulations may require a sampling station for laboratory waste prior to the point where it joins the building's sanitary waste. In other cases, they may demand a large underground mixing tank before the point of entrance to the public
sewer. The laboratory operator would do well to personally
check with local authorities on this matter and discuss it with
the designer.


Power requirements for compressors and vacuum pumps must
be considered when wiring plans are made. Both compressed air
and vacuum are frequently used in laboratories. Sometimes
both can be piped to more than one laboratory room from a central location. Air pressure will usually be sufficient for laboratory applications, but vacuum may not always be, in which case a
separate vacuum pump would be required.
Even a small compressor tends to be very noisy and for that
reason should not be in the laboratory proper. Rough plumbing
will carry air to the laboratory area. Since the moisture in compressed air causes rusting, the use of rust-resistant pipe will
substantially lengthen the life of the air filters. Vacuum pumps,
on the other hand, are usually not too noisy to be in the laboratory, although the pump selected should be checked for noise
before such a decision is made.

A well-ventilated laboratory is still not as common as it ought to
be. While local building codes may not require it, any laboratory
should have a well-designed forced ~ir ventilation system. It not
only promotes worker comfort but has a strong effect on safety.

Utility Requirements


Many designers of ventilation systems treat a laboratory like an

office, calculating the volume of the area and using standard
formulas for planning the system. Under some conditions this
works very well and conserves much energy for both heating
and cooling. The typical ventilation system recirculates a major
portion of the air, however, and in many laboratories this is not
acceptable. Even though work creating significant amounts of
hazardous or unpleasant fumes is performed in hoods, many
fumes may still come from the work bench. In addition, non-hazardous amounts of corrosive fumes will in time have their effect
on metals.
The ideal laboratory ventilation system is the once-through
type, where all air is exhausted to the outside after a one-way
trip through the area. It is expensive because it raises both heating and cooling requirements, but it will still payoff. In one laboratory with such a system, small amounts of corrosive vapors,
far from enough to be called hazardous, would occasionally
develop. Mter five years, an expensive analytical balance sitting
in the middle of the room still showed no signs of corrosion.
Balances of the same age in a separate weighing room of a state
university laboratory showed definite marks of corrosion on internal parts. This building, though, had conventional ventilation.
No proposal for a laboratory ventilation system should be requested without a thorough study of the work to be performed.
A once-through system may not always be required. The manager of a research laboratory, working closely with a designer,
discovered that 50% recirculation would be permissible in their
new building. While this is even less than in offices and stores, it
proved to be adequate for their type of work. He would not
recommend this ratio for other laboratories without a careful
When a recirculating system is to serve non-laboratory areas as
well as laboratories in the same building, great care must be
taken. In the chemistry building of a California community col-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

lege, the same system served lecture rooms, offices, and laboratories. Despite the use of fume hoods for unpleasant operations,
freshman chemistry classes still created fumes which would at
times permeate the whole building. While considerably more expensive, a separate system for the laboratories \vould have been
advisable. A split system in this case would have had an additional advantage. During the night, while ventilation for the rest
of the building was shut off, it could have been operated at low
speed in the laboratories to prevent build-up of fumes. This
would have increased safety and minimized equipment corrosion as well.
In another college laboratory building, air intake for ventilation
and fume hood exhaust ducts were placed too close together on
the roof. Under certain wind conditions, unpleasant odors would
fill the whole building, causing many caustic comments.
Close cooperation between laboratory operator and designer
can sometimes bring about savings along with good results.
Once-through ventilation was requested for a laboratory to be
installed in a 30x30 foot building. After a careful study of the
plans, the designer suggested that a separate exhaust fan could
be eliminated at significant savings. He laid out a carefully planned system of intake and exhaust vents in the ceiling. The exhaust air went to the attic, which had large vents to the outside.
The ventilation was good and, in addition, the attic area was
heated in winter and cooled in summer.
A good idea that did not work out was found in a laboratory
where flammables were to be handled. The climate was such
that air conditioning was not felt to be needed. The designer
came up with an excellent ventilation system but, unfortunately, he placed the air intake on the west side of the roof, practically overhanging the wall. During the summer, the prevailing
wind from the northwest would sweep across the sun-baked
parking lot and then contact the hot concrete wall of the building
before entering. This problem could have been avoided had the
intake been placed on the north side of the roof where the temperature was much lower.

Utility Requirements


In a cosmetic laboratory, a recirculating system would have

been adequate except for one very special condition. The
"noses" had to perform their fragrance evaluations in a clean atmosphere. This called for once-through ventilation and included
placing drying ovens under a simple hood extending part way
down from the ceiling. The result was excellent.


A good heating and air conditioning system provides more than
creature comfort for those working in a laboratory. Conditions
of reasonably constant temperature and humidity are important
for the proper performance of many laboratory operations.
Conventional hot-air furnaces, similar to those found in homes,
are often used in laboratories. A university campus or an industrial plant may have steam available, which can be conveniently
put to use for heating.
Air conditioners are frequently combined with heaters. A convenient place must be found for the compressor, generally outdoors. Heat pumps have been used a great deal in recent years
with satisfactory results. In very dry climates, laboratories
often install evaporative coolers because of their reasonable cost
of installation and operation. Their one drawback, sometimes
serious, is that the inside air tends to become uncomfortably
Estimating the amount of heat, cooling, or air flow required is
a job for a skill~d professional. Such an expert should also be
called in when it seems desirable to extend a system to areas
other than those for which it was originally designed.

Laboratory Safety

A safe laboratory is the result of both good design and proper

work rules. The laboratory operator, as the only person fully
aware of the work to be performed, must be involved in all safety planning. He will be the one who can supply the safetyexperts with the information they need.


Much has been done to improve laboratory safety over the

years. Two examples from the author's early experience can illustrate the lack of precautionary measures as late as the 1940's.
The first is the story of the high school physics teacher who
came down with a strange illness eventually diagnosed as mercury poisoning. The cause? Over the years, minute amounts of
this metal had been spilled in the poorly ventilated lecture room.
The students suffered no ill effects since they spent so little time
there. Fortunately, the teacher recovered, the room was completely refurbished, and strict rules were introduced concerning
the handling of mercury.
The second example, also involving mercury, comes from an

Laboratory Safety


otherwise well-operated brewery laboratory. Periodically, dirty

mercury would be taken from tank manometers to the laboratory for cleaning. It was transported in beer bottles, which had
to be handled with great care to avoid breakage. In the
laboratory, the mercury was placed in a large porcelain dish and
treated with dilute acid, followed by several water rinses. When
the acid and water were decanted into the sink, a little mercury
would go there, too. Final drying of the mercury was accomplished by stirring it with highly absorbent filter paper, hand
held, which then went into the garbage. Finally, the mercury
would be filtered through glass wool into clean beer bottles for
return to the plant. The used glass wool was discarded as regular garbage.
When questioned about the safety of such procedures, the chief
chemist had a quick answer: "We have done it this way for over
20 years and never had a problem." Such handling of mercury
would be unthinkable today.
There are other more recent examples though. In one laboratory, flammable solvents had been used in such small quantities
that they required no special storage. As their use of solvents increased, however, there were eventually five-gallon cans of
ether casually stored in one corner of a room. When a routine inspection by the fITe department uncovered this hazard, the
laboratory was forced to install proper storage.
In a testing laboratory, the regular fume hood was used for performing occasional perchloric acid digestions. As the number of
such procedures grew, no special precautions were taken. Finally a concerned analyst spoke up and insisted that an appropriate
hood be installed for such work. The management grumbled at
the additional expense but, fortunately, recognized the need
before any accidents had occurred.
In another laboratory, the chemist was annoyed by the fact that
so much ether evaporated from containers in hot weather. He
decided to store the ether in a regular household refrigerator


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

ll1ade "safe," he thought, bJ disabling the light s\vitch at the


Eye protection was rarely practiced in older laboratories except

when particularly hazardous work was carried out. Today such
protection is mandatory for practically all laboratory operations.
Older fume hoods were anything but efficient in many cases.
One laboratory had three hoods but only one worked well, and
workers sometimes had to wait for it to become free. Even the
good hood was never checked for face velocity. It just operated
better than the others. The management showed little interest
in repairing or checking the hoods as long as they caused no
serious work delays.
Older laboratory workers could no doubt add many examples of
their own to the list of unsafe practices. Modern laboratory planners and operators, however, are more aware of safety problems, and rules regarding safety have been made much more
strict. It is up to the laboratory operator to become throughly
familiar with such rules in order to organize and operate a safe


Information on laboratory safety is available from many places.

The public library usually has material on federal, state, and
local safety regulations. The Index to Books in Print, also
available at libraries, lists all material published by subject,
author, and title. Scientific book publishers will be glad to add
new names to their mailing lists for announcements of new
publications on safety.
A good place to start looking for information pertaining to a laboratory in the planning stages is a college or university library,
which will have a good collection of books on safety. Some are
general, others quite specific. A careful review will show which

Laboratory Safety


books should be considered for purchase for the new laboratory

library. The publication dates of such books must be noted, since
rules and regulations which may be referred to can change. Permissible exposure limits to chemicals, for instance, are frequently updated.
Professional organizations, such as the American Chemical Society, have published information on safety. Professional journals often carry safety articles, including stories about laboratory accidents of types not formerly experienced.
Material Safety Data Sheets (OSHA Form 20, see Figure 1) are
available from suppliers for every chemical sold. These give valuable information of a specific nature and should be kept on file.
A phone call to the nearest office of the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) of the U.S. Department of
Labor will bring forth more information on safety, both oral and
The local building department will have information on local requirements, and the local fire department will give helpful advice and call attention to special regional restrictions.
Insurance companies also frequently have experts on the staff
from whom valuable knowledge may be obtained. Before writing a policy, they may want to go over the laboratory's operation
with a fine tooth comb.


After informing himself on regulations and other safety information, the laboratory operator will be ready to meet and discuss
plans with the authorities. To many, this is considered at best a
nuisance to be avoided if at all possible. Some think, for instance,
that a call to OSHA for information will alert this agency to the
fact that a laboratory is there and will be followed up by inspection. Likewise, they fear, a call to the local building department


The Chen1ical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Furm Approved
OMY No. UR 111 7


Occupational Sa'8ty and H8alth Adrnini5tration


Required under USOL Saflttv and Health Regulation5 'or Ship Repairing,
Shipbuilding, ~ Shipbreaking (29 CfR 1915, 1916, 1911)




ADDRESS (NlJmb~,. S"ttl. Cil)'. SIIl/t. 1ln.J ZlP CvJt)


















flL.L.ER ....ETAL



















fL.A ......A8L. L'''''TS

C..... hoG .. ..cI1



Figure 1: Material Safety Data Sheet



Laboratory Safety







INCOMPATABIL.ITV (AlIl,uiills,o ImJid)


























Figure 1 : (continued)



The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

about a small laboratory installed iI1 a cor11er of a room could also

put its owner on record as the operator of a laboratory and force
compliance with all kinds of "silly" rules. File cabinets full of accident reports back up the fact that these rules are not so silly.
In fact, discussions with such agencies may make even a highly
experienced laboratory operator aware of hazards he did not
know existed.
Unfortunately, in the minds of many regulators the word laboratory may conjure up visions of fIres, explosions, and highly toxic materials. For that reason, a laboratory planner should be
prepared to present the proposed operation in great detail and
to answer all questions, even those which may not seem relevant. Any work planned for the future should also be discussed,
since the added cost of accommodating for it in the beginning
may be just a fraction of what would have to be paid for later
modifications. All pertinent facts must be revealed; a minor
omission could make a big difference in laboratory safety. A
laboratory operator who has studied the various rules and regulations with care will have no problem handling such discussions.
It should be noted that non-compliance ",ith safety rules would
be held strongly against a laboratory should there be a lawsuit
as a result of an accident.


Laboratory ventilation and fume hoods are discussed in detail

else\vhere in this book. Here the concern is for the safety
The ventilation system must be able to carry away hazardous
fumes that may form during normal work. Monitoring the laboratory atmosphere for such fumes while work is in progress is not
only advisable, but may even be required by law. Monitoring
must be repeated whenever ne\v fume-producing procedures
are introduced or any time modifications are made to the ventilation system. Local health authorities should be contacted about

Laboratory Safety


this. Some laboratories purchase fume detectors from safetJr

equipment suppliers.
Fume hoods must be of a type suitable for the service they are
intended to perform. For many applications, minimum face velocity is specified by regulations. An installer should al\vays check
the velocity \vhen a new hood is placed in operation. It should be
rechecked \vhenever any modification is made to the exhaust
system. It is up to the laboratory operator to make certain that a
hood is not put to ne\\! uses for \\!hich it was not designed.


Storage and use of flammable materials are often not given sufficient consideration. A safe storage cabinet is obligatory if more
than very small amounts of flammables are to be used. These
cabinets come in many sizes and shapes, including wall-hung
models. There are even types large enough to hold a 55-gallon
drum. Cabinets conforming to official specifications are not
cheap, but a planner should not be tempted to get by \\ith one
that seems "just as good." In addition, the cabinet selected
should be large enough to take care of future needs.
Some larger institutions build special explosion-proof rooms for
storage of flammables. These must conform to all official rules
with respect to design, construction, and location.
Work with flammables should be confined to areas where other
work that could cause ignition is not performed. This practice
must be carefully policed. Extra ventilation may be needed for
such an area. Knowing that most flammable fumes are heavier
than air, one laboratory installed an explosion-proof exhaust fan
at floor_level below the bench where flammables were used. To
make the area for working with flammables easier to identify, it
could be marked off with red lines on the floor.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Laboratories working frequently with flammables, such as in

extraction processes, may set aside a separate room for such
work for maximum safety. Ideally, this room should have
explosion-proof electrical equipment and special ventilation.
Rigid work rules should be enforced, such as requiring workers
to leave matches and lighters on a shelf outside before entering.
Installation of conductive flooring should be considered, and
steel tools should be prohibited at times when work is in progress.


Chemical spills in the laboratory may be hazardous, damaging to

flooring and furniture finishes, or simply messy to clean up. Laboratory equipment houses and distributors of safety equipment
carry a variety of clean-up kits made for specific types of spills,
depending on the types of chemicals handled. Generally, the kits
contain absorbents or neutralizers, or a combination of the two,
plus instructions for use. Kits should be stored as close as possible to where spills are likely to occur and not in a remote storeroom. Instructions must be kept with the kits, not in a file cabinet. Quick action in case of a spill is important in reducing both
hazards and damage.
The most common spill on a laboratory floor is water, not generally considered hazardous. It may, however, create hazardous
conditions by making the floor slippery. It is dangerous to walk
on a wet floor with certain types of soles. A wet area should
always be blocked off until it is dry. Mop and bucket should
always be available close by, not in a janitor's closet down the
hall. String mops are superior to sponge mops for getting the
floor dry.
Spills of oily materials will make most floors feel like an ice rink.
A simple wipe-up will leave enough of a film to maintain slippery
conditions. Cleaning must be done with detergent and water,
followed by rinsing.

Laboratory Safety



A safety shower is required whenever there is even the slightest possibility tl1at clothing could catch fIre or where hazardous
chemicals could be spilled on skin or clothing. The use of safety
blankets, though still available, is no longer recommended by
some safety experts. The synthetic fabrics used in today's
clothing, they claim, can melt from the heat and stick to the skin,
thereby creating a secondary problem. In case of spills, of
course, blankets are of no use.
While there may be places where a shower is not needed, one or
more eyewash stations will almost always be required. Some
laboratories, in fact, provide a small eyewash device at every
sink. Combination shower and eyewash units are also available.
Home-made devices are not satisfactory. A standard safety
shower gives off a drenching stream of water of much higher
volume than a home-type shower. An eyewash emits a large
volume of water at a gentle pressure to prevent eye injury.
It must be possible to reach a safety shower within ten seconds
from any area where hazardous conditions exist.

Storage of flammables has been discussed separately, since
these materials present special hazards, but there are many
other materials that must be stored with special care. These
may be toxic or corrosive, or they may be capable of entering into violent reactions if mixed in case of breakage or spills. Some
may give off hazardous fumes even if stored in nominally closed
A few general rules for storing chemicals can be listed here:
Any chemical that may give off hazardous
fumes must be stored in a separate and well
ventilated area. Extra precautions must be


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

taken if fumes from different chemicals are

likely to react with each other.
- Some chemicals may need refrigerated storage
because of high vapor pressure. If the vapors
are flammable, an explosion-proof refrigerator
is mandatory, despite its high cost.
- Large containers of chemicals should be stored
as close to the floor as possible, never on a high
- Storage shelves should not be so deep that one
has to reach behil1d other containers to get the
desired one.
- Chemicals likely to enter into violent reactions
should not be stored close together, since there
is always a possiblity of container breakage.
Additional information had on storage of chemicals from
several sources. Material Safety Data Sheets, for example, have
specific instructions with regard to storage. The local fIre
inspector will have good suggestions, and much can be found in
reference books. Above all, the laboratory operator should
throughly familiarize himself with all chemicals to be used in
order to develop a safe storage system.
When chemicals are purchased in large quantities (as is often the
case in universities), the individual containers \vill arrive in sturdy cardboard or foam plastic boxes which give good protection
against physical damage. They may be left in the boxes and removed \vhen needed to stock the shelves. Of course, different
chemicals must not be kept in the same box.
An efficient storage system may not always be a safe one. In a
large testing laboratory, all reagents had been arranged in
alphabetical order on shelves, making it quick to find any given
material among the hundreds of bottles and jars. This convenient arrangement, however, caused some large containers of
hazardous materials to end up on high shelves, and reagents

Laboratory Safety


likely to react with each other sometimes found themselves side

by side alphabetically. A fIre inspection officer ordered the
reagents stored in a safer manner. Although it now took longer
to find a given reagent, safety was greatly improved.


In a laborator)T, fITe hazard may vary from minimal to severe.

Proper protective measures, though costly, are vlorth the price.
A laboratory must meet local fITe protection standards for industry, which are usually more restrictive than those for a home.
While a fIre department official is not a chemist, given the proper input he will come up \\rith good suggestions. Providing him
\vith the necessary information is an important job for the laborator)T planner.
Problems do occur when a laboratory is installed in an existing
building on a small scale, often without a building permit, or
when an existing laboratory is expanded in a so-called minor
\\1ay. Such situations are common in industry. A prudent laboratory operator should demand complete compliance \\'ith rules in
such cases despite cost, which could be high, particularly when
old mistakes have to be corrected.
If sprinklers are required, or if the sprinkler system is to be
modified, such work should only be performed by a company
certified to do it. Fire extinguishers are almost always required.
The number of them, their placement, and the types needed are
matters to be discussed with fIre officials. Extinguishers should
be regularly serviced by qualified specialists.
Fire drills are very much in order in most laboratories. When
the signal is given, all workers should shut down their equipment and leave in a quick and orderly manner. Some employees
may be assigned to fIre extinguishers or other fIre fighting
equipment. The speed with which this is accomplished is important and may be timed with a stopwatch. After the drill, a supervisor may want to check on how well the equipment was secured


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

in order to minimize hazards and damage. Fire departments are

happy to instruct personnel in fIre safety or to put on demonstrations.

Although earthquakes are more frequent in some areas, such as
California, they can occur almost anywhere. Places with a history of quakes have strict regulations regarding precautions,
but occasionally a jolt in some place like New York reminds us
that a laboratory planner should take them into account.
There are two important safety measures that can be taken at
very low cost. The fIrst is to equip shelves with guard rails to
keep reagent bottles from falling. The height of such rails should
be adapted to the size of the containers. This is a requirement in
California. The second is to fasten tall objects to the wall, a simple and inexpensive procedure. With bookcases, for example,
the books may fallout but the case will stay in position and not
tumble down with the whole load.
Earthquakes may also jam doors, another good reason for having more than one door leading from a laboratory.
Procedures to follow in case of an earthquake or a fIre should be
posted and reviewed with laboratory personnel from time to

Most mechanical hazards in the laboratory can be avoided by
good planning. There must be no obstructions in traffic areas,
particularly those needed for rapid evacuation in case of emergency. Wide hallways may look like good parking places for
movable equipment not currently in use. They may also seem
convenient for storage of reagents and supplies that temporarily

Laboratory Safety


do llOt fit into regular storage places. The use ofpassageways for
storage, even on a temporary basis, is very unsafe.
Waste containers and stools are frequent occupants of laboratory aisles, where they may cause congestion. One answer to
this is to provide a sufficient number of knee-holes in the work
benches to hold them.

Modern equipment is relatively free from mechanical hazards.

For instance, there is always a shield covering drive belts so
that they cannot catch fingers or clothing. Nevertheless, a prudent planner will still place equipment with moving parts in a location where contact with workers is unlikely.
Any piece of equipment under pressure is a potential hazard and
must be properly shielded. Shields of clear plastic, properly anchored, will often suffice. Vacuum has its problems too. More
than one glass flask with an almost imperceptible fault has imploded under vacuum, yvith an effect much the same as an explosion. Here, too, shielding is recommended.

Doors present certain hazards, too, since a collision is likely to

take place when two people approach a door from opposite directions at the same time. Even a small window in every door
makes it possible to observe activities on the other side and prevent such problems. This may not be possible in those few cases
where fIre resistant doors are called for.
Swinging doors are often considered practical, since a person
can walk through with both hands full. Many types, though, will
swing back with a vengeance, causing problems for the next person entering.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Most laboratories depend upon a stead)r supply of electric
po\ver, water, and gas. Very unsafe conditions may develop if
any of these should fail, so precautionary measures must be

Electrical failures are by far the most common. The most important safety measure is the installation of emergency lights,
which \vill go on as soon as the power fails. Their batteries \-vill
automatically be recharged after the power comes back. They
should be installed even in laboratories where "York is normally
performed only during the day. Such units are fairly expensive,
but smaller ones made for home use are now available in hard"rare stores. A check should be made \\rith local authorities as to
whether these are permissible for industrial use.

Water Pressure
Failure of water pressure can spell disaster in laboratories
where some operations, such as distillations, are dependent on
water. Ideally, an audible alarm would indicate the lack of water
pressure. Laboratory supply houses sell water flow indicators
that can be placed in series with the water line to equipment.
When water is flowing, a brightly colored ball in a clear tube will
move or a small propellor will turn. These can be observed from
a considerable distance by watchful laboratory personnel.

A gas failure is rare but could present a serious hazard if it
should occur. Unless turned off, a gas-po\vered piece of equipment "ill pour unburned gas into the room after service has
been restored.

Laboratory Safety


How to Handle Utility Failures

The simplest way to cope with such potential hazards is to

develop a set of instructions about what to do in case of failures.
These could be posted, preferably in a place where they can be
read with the emergency light. As soon as a failure occurs,
laboratory personnel should immediately turn off all affected
equipment. In case of an electrical failure, attention should be
paid to samples that may be giving off hazardous fumes from the
Most electrical failures are caused by external problems, such as
a malfunctioning transformer, a thunderstorm, or a car hitting a
power pole. Gas and water pressure failures are often caused by
problems within the building itself, such as somebody shutting
off a valve in order to make a repair without notifying those concerned. A system must be established whereby all affected by
such a shut-down will be informed well in advance.

Cleanliness comes very close to godliness in the laboratory. A
worker always washes hands before eating or smoking, and
many times in between. One thoughtful laboratory operator
placed bottles of liquid skin cleanser and hand lotion next to all
sinks. Apart from personal cleanliness, there are other important forms of protection for the worker. Most notable among
these is eye protection.
Safety Glasses

Eye protection is mandatory for almost all types of laboratory

work. A ,vide selection of safety glasses and goggles is available
from suppliers of safety equipment, many especially designed
for specific purposes. There are official specifications for such
glasses, and it is un\\rise to buy any ,vhich are claimed to be "as
good as" the ones guaranteed to meet those specifications.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

How much protection does one get from regular prescription

glasses? Actually quite a bit. Current laws require that they
meet impact resistance requirements, except in case of certain
special prescriptions. Such requirements, however, are less
rigid than those for safety glasses. Even the currently popular
large lens glasses lack side shields. Clip-on side shields could
make regular prescription glasses perform as well as many
types of safety glasses.
Contact lenses, on the other hand, must never be worn when
there is even the slightest chance that hazardous fumes could
reach the eyes. The fumes could work their way between the
contact lens and the surface of the eye.
Some laboratory operations require the use ofgoggles, which effectively protect the eyes from splashes or missiles from all
sides, or even complete face shields. The latter are uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time, but they do give superior protection for jobs such as making concentrated solutions
of sodium hydroxide. Many goggles are designed to be worn
over regular glasses and are reasonably comfortable.

Lab Coats
Lab coats do more than protect clothing. They also protect the
wearer against chemical spills and are easily removed if a ~pill
should take place. Cotton fabrics are both the most comfortable
and the most resistant to chemical spills. For certain operations,
disposable protective clothing may be required.

Foot Protection
The last drop from a liquid transfer always seems to find its way
to a worker's toes. The operator of a laboratory where highly
corrosive chemicals v.rere handled declared that only solid top
shoes could be \vorn. This unpopular edict was rehuorced by a
display of his old shoes with many spill marks on the toes.

Laboratory Safety


Food and Drink

Food in most cases should not be in the laboratory, not even candy bars. There is always a chance that food products could
become contaminated by chemicals on the work bench or on unwashed hands. There should be designated areas where food can
be consumed.
Laboratory workers seem addicted to coffee, and in a typical facility coffee cups can be found at every work station. 250ml beakers are almost ideal for coffee, but their use should be discouraged. It is too easy to pick up the wrong beaker on a crowded work bench. One supervisor gained much popularity by
presenting his staff with a set of mugs for Christmas. Despite a
shortage of space, someone found a safe and sanitary place for
storing them. Of course, all food and drink must be banned from
areas where toxic materials are handled.

Smoking must not be permitted in areas where flammables or

toxic substances are used. The laboratory operator should provide for a safe smoking area, generally one where food may also
be consumed. In work areas where smoking is permitted, inexpensive ashtrays should be used. They are more practical than
Petri dishes.
Hair Protection

Long, flo\\ing hair may be glamorous, but it does not belong in

the laboratory, where it may catch fIre or get into moving equipment. Such hair should be rolled up during working hours. Universities are very particular about this, too, but one professor
half-jokingly mentioned his concern over long beards in the
chemistry classes, which might get too close to a Bunsen burner.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Safety signs of approved types, available from laboratory supply houses and safety equipment dealers, should be posted in appropriate spots. The door leading out of the laboratory should be
marked EXIT, while the door to a back room should be marked
NO EXIT. The location of a fITe extinguisher must be clearly
marked. Signs are available for every type of hazard. Homemade signs not conforming to official standards should not be

Every laboratory is different. Standard safety features when
applied to a given situation may be insufficient in some cases, superfluous in others. There will also be times when work is being
done with materials or procedures not covered in available literature. Here the laboratory operator must use a combination of
experience, knowledge, and common sense. The last of these
may often be the most important. Planning a laboratory and
making it operate safely thus becomes a custom procedure.

Pollution Control and

Waste Disposal

Until recent years, little attention was given to pollution control

or waste disposal except when highly toxic or flammable materials were involved. Undesirable fumes, regardless of nature,
were simply sent up the stack until neighbors complained about
obnoxious odors. The remedy? Just make the stack higher.
Anything liquid went down the sink to be flushed away with
water and thereby considered "diluted." Solid waste of all kinds
went into the garbage and got sent to the local dump. Hard to
dispose of chemical mixtures were often taken to an open lot
behind the laboratory and dumped on the ground.


Pollution control and waste disposal are now under strict regulation at federal, state, and local levels. Enforcement of these
regulations has also become more effective. Increased public
awareness and media coverage make it difficult for today's polluter to hide behind a screen of ignorance.
Local regulations are sometimes more restrictive than federal
or state laws and should be carefully studied by a laboratory


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

planner. City and county governments in industrialized areas

are increasingly creating new positions in this field for inspectors, analysts, and related experts. Universities, too, have added personnel to coordinate and direct disposal of their laboratory waste.
Even though the quantity of pollutant or hazardous material
from a laboratory may be small, laws often concern themselves
with quality rather than quantity. Thus the small amount of
sewage from a laboratory may fall under the same rules as the
large flow from an industrial plant as far as pollutant concentration is concerned. Throwing a little prohibited material into a
garbage bin may be as unlawful as disposing of larger quantities.
In fact, even empty containers which once held hazardous chemicals need special disposal. Sometimes inspectors may not seem
to be too concerned about a laboratory since they have to spend
so much time on the larger dischargers, but this is no reason for
neglecting the rules.


Few laboratories have true air pollution problems, but the possibility should always be considered. Some may give off toxic
fumes, which are regulated by law and therefore must be controlled. Others may produce fumes which, though not toxic in
the eyes of the law, may be foul-smelling or irritating. While outside the official reach of regulations, neighbors may eventually
become irritated to the point of instigating legal action.
An example of this type of problem was seen in a laboratory performing macro-Kjeldahl analyses on a large scale. This procedure sent sulfuric acid fumes into the atmosphere through a
stack on top of the building. Usually the fumes did go away with
no problems, but workers in a nearby business building complained about eye irritation when the wind was right. There
were also extensive corrosive effects on the building's roof. Both
problems were solved by scrubbing the fumes with a fine water
spray, but this sent far too much acid into the city sewer. Final-

Pollution Control and Waste Disposal


ly, sodium carbonate solution \vas injected into the \\rater used
for scrubbing, a treatment \\Thich satisfied the local \\Taste \\Tater
Flammable vapors in the amounts emitted from a laboratory are
rarely of much concern, but it is a good idea to make some estimates. Usually these vapors are quickly dispersed in the atmosphere to the point where they cause no problem. Care should be
taken that there are no sources of ignition close to the top of the
exhaust stack.


No liquid waste can be disposed of directly into the environment

or into a storm sewer system. Unless collected and handed over
to a waste disposal company, it goes into the sanitary sewer.
There are specific rules concerning the quality of what may be
disposed of in this manner. Materials that are routinely sent to
the sewer from a home may not be permissible from a commercial source. Normally accepted waste water rules are often made
more restrictive by local ordinance.
Waste water rules have pH limits, a common range being between 6 and 10. There are also limits for fats and oils, solvents,
heavy metals, and a variety of other compounds and ions. The
fact that a compound with possible toxic or otherwise undesirable properties is not on the list does not mean it is permissible.
Such a matter should be discussed with the proper authorities.
The discharged water may also have to pass a test for toxicity to
aquatic animals. As one frustrated manager of a chemical plant
put it: "We can no longer put anything but pure tap water into
the sewer!" Of course, it is not really that bad, but some of the
requirements often come as a surprise.
Waste water rules sometimes require that water conform to the
limitations at all times. Under such rules, surges ofnon-conforming sewage are not permitted. Tests run on composite samples
over a 24-hour period, for example, \\rill then not be acceptable.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Whatever goes to the local sanitary dump will eventually find its
way into the environment. For this reason, materials that are to
be disposed of as garbage from the laboratory should be carefully scrutinized. There are those who feel that traces of hazardous
materials when mixed with large amounts of regular garbage
will somehow disappear. They will not. Worse yet, some materials could react when combined and possibly generate enough
heat to cause fire.
Broken glassware free from hazardous chemicals, paper towels,
empty containers that have not held toxic, flammable, or highly
reactive chemicals are all good candidates for the garbage container. For any other waste material, the laboratory operator
has to make decisions. Filter paper, for instance, could contain
residue that should not be disposed of as garbage. Anything that
contains heavy metals or ionic species that may be termed hazardous must be given special disposal. The same is true for both
organic and inorganic materials from which natural processes,
such as leaching, could extract hazardous substances.


The laboratory operator must make a careful examination of all

wastes that will be generated and, from this, work up a waste
disposal system. Some wastes may be compatible and could be
disposed of together. Others could react and thus cause problems. Flammables must be given special attention. Certain biological wastes may be very hazardous even in small quantities.
Special rules apply to radioactive materials, even in the small
amounts used for investigative purposes.

Disposal Containers
In the laboratory, wastes are collected in suitable containers
placed in convenient locations. Kneeholes in work benches are

Pollution Control and Waste Disposal


good for this purpose, since the containers are then out of the
way. Waste containers must be compatible with \\That is put into
them. Acidic materials, for instance, may quickly damage steel
buckets. Some plastics may not stand up to solvents placed in
them, and so on. Flammables must go into approved safety cans.
Dry waste should be put into self-closing containers designed to
snuff out a possible fITe. Lining solid \vaste containers \vith plastic bags is highly recomn1ended.
All containers must be clearly marked as to contents. Color
coding with wide adhesive tape is one way to do this. Special
warnings should be placed on containers for particularly hazardous materials. A typical example of poor waste management
reported in the press concerned an unmarked waste container in
a university laboratory. When the container showed signs of
heat-producing reaction and began to leak, a professional cleanup team was called in. Although only four gallons of material
was involved, 27 different chemicals were identified in the mixture!

Waste Storage
It is important to keep the amount of potentially hazardous
waste in the laboratory to a minimum at all times. Periodically,
contents of the laboratory waste containers will be transferred
to appropriate containers for final disposal. These must be
stored in a safe location, often outdoors, while awaiting pick-up
by a disposal service. There will be local restrictions for such
storage. A locked storage area may be needed, for example, to
prevent unauthorized access to hazardous materials. The fire
department may set strict limits as to how much flammable material may be present. All containers must be marked with contents, and the storage area will no doubt require warning signs.
Waste Disposal Services
There are no\v n1any companies specializing in \\Taste disposal.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Local ones are listed in the yello\\7 pages of the telephone directory. The laboratory operator should contact more than one for
suggestions and estimates. In such discussions, a disposal service \\rill ask detailed questions as to the exact nature of the
Vlaste and quantities involved. An agreement will be made
about the types of shipping containers to be used. These are nonreturnable. The disposal service may sell suitable containers
and require these for certain types of waste. In other cases, the
laboratory may provide its own. If drums are needed, they are
available from companies engaged in drum reconditioning. Manufacturers of chemicals may have used drums available at reasonable prices, but since these \vill contain residues of their former contents, a check for compatibility must be made before using them.


The cost of waste disposal is significant. Unfortunately, it is

often overlooked in the laboratory budget, a fact which has encouraged unlawful disposal. The laboratory operator should face
this matter head-on, since delaying action will just make the
problems multiply. One possible choice for laboratories producing large amounts ofhazardous or otherwise unacceptable waste
is to look into ways to reduce the volume of such waste or modify
its composition to where it is acceptable for normal disposal.
Strongly acidic or alkaline solutions, for instance, may
sometimes become acceptable as regular waste water after
Some chemicals may be reacted to produce compounds that are
acceptable for regular disposal, but this should be a matter of
discussion \vith appropriate authorities. Solutions of non-volatile
but hazardous materials may be evaporated to low volume,
\vhile volatile solvents could be reclaimed by distillation.
Although organics and biological materials may be incinerated,
just getting a pennit for operating an incinerator is a complex

Pollution Control and Waste Disposal


and time-consulning procedure. Unfortunately, both equipment

and labor for waste reduction are costly, so the resultant savings
may be questionable.


Any laboratory that has been in operation for some years will
have a collection of old chemicals purchased for past projects,
which may have been completed or just abandoned. Even
though they take up valuable storage space, there is a feeling
that they may be useful some day. Over time, however, some
reagents may have picked up enough moisture to be transformed from free-flowing powders to rock-hard substances containing unknown amounts of water of crystallization. Others
may have hydrolyzed to a point where the original analysis is
meaningless. Heat and light may have caused some to break
down, and a few may have become dangerous. For example, a
half-filled can of ethyl ether that has been sitting on the shelf for
an extended period of time is best handled like a potential bomb.
Periodic inventory of chemicals stored in the laboratory is therefore very much in order.
Before demolishing the old chemistry building on its campus, a
university called in a disposal service to get rid of old chemicals
stored here and there. While this was not cheap, it was felt to be
the safest and most efficient way to handle what could have been
a potentially hazardous situation.
A community college had a similar problem when a publicspirited industrial company donated its surplus reagents to the
chemistry department. Some were indeed useful, but others
were not and never would be. They just sat around for years in
boxes and on shelves, posing potential hazards and taking up
space that could have been put to better use.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation


Since pollution control and waste disposal problems vary greatly from one laboratory to another, they have to be handled on a
custom basis. The laboratory operator will no doubt be an expert on the materials used but not on their disposal. It is important for him to stay in touch with people familiar with disposal
and provide them with detailed information.
Industrial laboratories often handle a relatively limited number
of chemicals. Since many of these same chemicals are also used
on a manufacturing scale, their disposal will have already been
planned for by plant personnel. Disposal of chemicals used only
in the laboratory, however, for investigative and development
purposes must also be considered, as well as reagents used for
Laboratories handling biologicals have their own special problems. They often have to dispose of small but significant
amounts of materials that may be very hazardous. Every laboratory procedure must then be scrutinized with this in mind.
University and college laboratories must dispose ofagreat variety of chemicals. Some may even be types for which hazards
have yet to be well defined. Setting up a disposal program then
becomes a complex procedure, calling for cooperation by all concerned. These laboratories also keep a large number of chemicals on their stockroom shelves, making periodic inventory


How much is too much? This question comes up frequently in

discussions about waste disposal. After all, "a little" hazardous
material should not cause much damage or be in violation of regulations. It will simply disappear if sufficiently well mixed with a

Pollution Control and Waste Disposal


large quantit~y of harmless materials. Such thinking might be

called "the illusion of dilution." A good example comes, not from
a laboratory, but from a manufacturer of semiconductors.
At the semiconductor plant, a small amount of hydrofluoric acid
was used in the processing. Mter neutralization, it was discharged into the large flow of water from the plant. When waste
water in the area near the plant showed fluoride levels well in
excess of the permissible 5ppm, the manufacturer became
suspect. Refusing to believe that he could cause such contamination, he called in a consultant, who calculated that the
water from this plant could cOJltain as much as 60 ppm fluoride.
This still sounded impossible to the manufacturer, but analysis
confIrmed the calculated result. Steps were soon taken to correct the situation.
It is always surprising to find hO\\7 even very small quantities of
some chemicals can create contamination or waste disposal
problems. As a result, such matters should be given high priority when planning a new or modified laboratory, purchasing new
equipment, or il1troducing new procedures.

Floors, Walls, and Ceilings

In selecting the finishing materials for floors, walls, and ceilings,

utility and cost are major considerations. The type of work to be
performed in the laboratory, however, will be the determining
factor in making the choice. A planner with ingenuity will find
that esthetic needs can also be satisfied at little or no extra cost.
With the materials available today, there is no need for a laboratory to look drab or austere.

An accomplished architect once recommended a certain type of
rubber tile for a laboratory floor because his data indicated its
superior resistance to acids. He had not bothered to find out
whether or not acid spills would be a problem in this case. They
would not, in fact. Solvent spills, on the other hand, were quite
likely to occur, and the recommended tile had poor solvent resistance. This example illustrates two things: the importance of the
laboratory operator's involvement with details that are sometimes overlooked even by experts, and the need to study each
laboratory's requirements individually.
There is no flooring available with perfect resistance to chemi64

Floors, Walls, and Ceilings


cals, so the choice will in all cases be the result of a compromise.

Flooring manufacturers' data on chemical resistance should be
studied, keeping in mind how the materials offered will stand up
against the types of chemicals which will be most commonly
used in this laboratory.
Vinyl flooring, either in sheet or tile form, has shown good performance in laboratories where it has been installed for several
years. Vinyl exhibits good resistance to most inorganic chemicals and to many aliphatic hydrocarbons. More vigorous solvents, however, especially ketones, will attack or soften it.
Strong oxidizing agents can cause rapid discoloration, and heavily colored organic compounds will often penetrate into the vinyl
flooring and cause permanent stains. Damage in all cases will be
reduced, of course, if the spill is removed at once.
When vinyl is chosen for laboratory floor use, the heavier commercial grade is recommended over the thinner material often
used in homes. The cushioned type, while easier to walk on, does
not have sufficient ability to withstand laboratory wear and
tear. Neither does the no-wax type. Good maintenance should
include regular waxing, which will greatly increase the ability of
any flooring to resist damage from wear and from chemical
Sheet vinyl is best installed by professionals, whereas tiles can
be laid by amateurs if instructions are followed carefully. Sheet
flooring is usually considered more attractive and easier to
maintain. It has few seams to open up in time and become dirt
catchers or entrance points for moisture. In some materials,
seams can be "welded" by heat, thus forming a permanent seal.
Others will in time require additional sealer. Tiles, on the other
hand, can be laid with less waste and also have the advantage of
being replaceable if damaged. Whichever type is chosen, a supply of extra tiles or a few scraps of sheet flooring should be kept
for possible future repairs.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

In one ne\v laboratory, a concrete floor \\~as given a very smooth
finish and then treated \vith a sealer until it lost all porositJl . Several types of concrete sealers are available, some "rith high
chemical resistance. Such a floor is easy to maintain and to repair if damaged by strong chemicals. Rubber or vinyl floor mats,
available from hard\vare stores and other supply outlets in roll
form, can be placed in front of "rork benches and in other traffic
areas. They are comfortable to stand or walk on and have good
chemical resistance. Routine maintenance consists of mopping
and an occasional hosing do"rn outdoors. Such mats might also
be considered for use on other types of flooring. They \vill catch
most spills and are easily replaced "Then worn out or damaged.

Rubber Composition
Rubber is vulnerable to attack by many organics and should be
avoided by laboratories using certain solvents. On the other
hand, it has a high resistance to many inorganic chemicals and is
often preferred in facilities "There such materials are likely to be
spilled. Like vinyl, it is available in both sheet and tile form.

Other Materials
The other usual flooring materials (wood, ceramic tile, etc.) are
rarely seen in laboratories. Planners should be aware, however,
of ne"r developments in this field and investigate them with the
same question in mind: How will this material resist the chemicals to be used in this particular laboratory?
Different types of flooring may be used in different parts of a
laboratory. In a large university chemistry building, one
material was used for the organic laboratories and another for
the inorganic because of the different chemicals handled.
A \\Tord should be added here about laboratories where highly

Floors, Walls, and Ceilings


flammable vapors are present. Conductive flooring can be installed, as it is in hospital operating rooms, to avoid a build-up of
static electricity and subsequent sparks.

Concrete, cement block, and wallboard are the most common
,vall materials found in laboratories. All can be painted after
treatment with an approprite sealer or fIller. The choice of paint
is very important. Both durability and ease of cleaning must be
carefully evaluated. "Bargain" paints are rarely a bargain in the
long run, particularly "Then labor is such a large part of the cost.
Paint Quality
Painting is generally performed by a contractor on a bid basis.
Unless another agreement is made, a contractor will furnish the
lowest priced paint that \\Till do an acceptable job, even though it
may have inferior durability. To avoid this, the contract should
be very specific with regard to the type of paint to be used. It
may even specify a certain brand.
In the laboratory, alkyd paints are preferable due to their durability and cleanability. Although latex paints have come a long
way since their development, they do not measure up to the
alkyd variety in laboratory applications. The popular latex
enamels, in particular, are inferior to a good alkyd enamel. They
are hard to apply smoothl~y and they pick up dirt far too fast.
Semi-gloss (also called satin finish or eggshell) alkyd paints are
the most suitable for laboratory wall application. They have
neither the easy dirt pick-up of flat paints nor the shine of high
gloss enamel. Although flat paints are better able to hide irregularities in the wall surface, this advantage is not enough to recommend them. High gloss paints are best in laboratories where
clean-room conditions must be maintained or where frequent
cleaning has to be carried out.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Prior to painting, wallboard is sometimes given a heavily textured surface. This is impractical in a laboratory since it makes
cleaning more difficult. The smoother stiple finish is attractive
a11d easier to keep clean.

High Resistance Paints

Paints made for high chemical resistance are also available. One
type is similar to regular alkyd enamel but has been modified for
greater resistance. It has proved excellent for many laboratory
applications where regular paints vlould not stand up, but even
this type has its limitations.
When the highest resistance to corrosion and solvent fumes is
needed, catalyzed paints are the answer. These come in two
parts: a clear or colored base finish and a catalyst. Since their pot
life is limited (typically eight hours), they must be mixed just
prior to use. Brochures with information on their chemical resistance can be obtained from companies that sell industrial
finishes. Since the resistance to different chemicals varies from
brand to brand, a planner should study several types to find one
that will best suit the particular application. These finishes are
of the high gloss type. For highest chemical resistance to fumes,
a coat of clear finish should be applied on top of the colored one.
While the vehicle in the finish is very resistant, the pigments
may not be and therefore could discolor.
In one laboratory, an operation that occasionally produced highly corrosive fumes was confmed to an alcove with special ventilation. Some items were treated with a catalyzed finish. After
five years, the finish showed no signs of attack, unlike other
items in the same area that \vere finished in a more conventional
Catalyzed paints, while quite expensive, do have superior coverage as well as excellent protective qualities. They can be used
not only on walls but on work benches, equipment, or any other
paintable surface.

Floors, Walls, and Ceilings


In a testing laboratory \vith a room about 15x30 feet, the ceiling
was painted just like the walls. The result was an acoustical disaster. With the hard floor, hard walls, and solid work benches,
conversation across the room was quite uncomfortable. Over the
phone, a person speaking from this room sounded as if he were
standing in the middle of a cathedral. Another laboratory room
with about the same dimensions had an acoustical ceiling. The
difference was staggering. In fact, the changes that took place in
the room's acoustics from hour to hour during the ceiling installation were dramatic.
Even a small room will benefit from acoustical ceiling treatment.
A veterinarian's examining room \vas only about 7x7 feet, but
with its hard walls and ceiling and no upholstered furniture to
break up the sound waves, conversation \\~as uncomfortable.
Proper ceiling treatment would have made a great deal of difference.
There are many types of acoustical tile to choose from. It is easily applied by a do-it-yourselfer to an existing ceiling. The tiles
must be handled with great care as they are fragile.
In many cases, a suspended ceiling is installed in a laboratory,
since the existing ceiling of an industrial type building may be
higher than needed. The lower ceiling brings about significant
savings in both heating and cooling costs. In addition, it provides
space for bringing in utilities overhead. The suspended ceiling
consists of T-shaped aluminum extrusions holding boards of
acoustical material, usually 2x4 feet in size. Flush mounted
fluorescent light fixtures may be made part of such a ceiling. The
ceiling boards are readily removed for access to utilities.
Acoustical ceilings do have certain dra\\Tbacks. They are fragile,
porous, and attractive to dust. Areas surrounding air intakes
will soon show dust deposits, but periodic vacuuming with a soft
brush attachment \\rill keep a ceiling in good shape for a long


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

The dust-catching properties of regular acoustical materials

make them unsuitable in places \\~here dust may cause problems,
such as where clean-room conditions must be maintained or
where microbiological \\york is perforn1ed. For such applications,
special ceiling boards covered with plastic film are available. The
plastic vibrates \\1"ith the sound and transmits it to the interior,
\\There it is absorbed. The plastic surface is easy to clean by conventional means. A sealing tape is availaqle to prevent dust from
entering along the edges of the boards. The cost of these ceiling
boards is considerably higher than that of the regular 011es.


The installation of appropriate lighting should be considered

part of the ceiling treatment. Planning for this is best left up to a
specialist, who will see to it that work areas receive the proper
amount of light from the right directions.
Fluorescent lights are now used almost universally. They may
be recessed in the ceiling, as they usually are when suspended
ceilings are used. Surface-mounted lights are used on hard ceilings and are considered more efficient.
Bare fluorescent light tubes are likely to cause uncomfortable
glare. This has often been overcome by the installation of transluscent plastic sheets beneath the lamps. Unfortunately, the
sheets may absorb a significant amount of light. In more modern
fixtures, the light is usually dispersed by sheets of molded clear
plastic containing small prisms, which eliminate glare while absorbing very little light.
Fluorescent light fixtures vary in quality. Lower priced ones
often develop an annoying hum after being in operation for a
time, and the transformers may have a limited life span. High
quality fixtures are more expensive but are a good investment.
Fluorescent tubes come in different colors. "Cool white" is most

Floors, Walls, and Ceilings


commonly used in laboratories. "Warm white" is recommended

where fluorescent and incandescent lights are used in the same
room. "Daylight" tubes give off light that is not felt to be comfortable by most workers. The line spectrum of the light emitted
from tubes will distort colors, so another type of light should be
used in areas where color judgments are to be made.


A typical laboratory is often a rather dreary place to work,
which may have a serious effect on worker morale. There is no
reason why this should be. The cost of creating a more pleasant
environment is very reasonable, but it does take some planning
and effort.
Color Choices
Colors in a laboratory should be coordinated, just as in a home. If
pre-finished work benches are to be installed, they might set the
color scheme. While they are available in several colors or combination of colors, the choice is not unlimited. In one case, the
laboratory operator was color blind, so his wife took over the job
as decorator. First, she selected a two-color scheme for the work
benches. Color chips in hand, she then chose a floor covering
from a number of samples submitted. For the wall paint, she
found a standard color of the recommended quality that harmonized with the cabinets. A few appropriate charts and a colorful
cloth wall-hanging of pipes and valves completed the decor. The
result received many favorable comments from visitors to the
The use of light colors on large surfaces improves room light
markedly. A light-colored floor is no harder to maintain than a
dark one, but the difference in appearance is great.
When the \valls of a large laboratory were scheduled to be repainted, the laboratory personnel decided to do it themselves


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

provided they could choose the colors. The department secretary was appointed color coordinator. She came up with a daring
but artistic scheme. Over a weekend, employees moved in with
rollers and brushes, and by Monday morning the laboratory had
taken on a new look. An added bonus was that very little equipment had to be moved off the benches. Knowing which items
were fragile or sensitive, they were able to work around them.
In the corner of another laboratory, there was an unsightly array of pipes and conduit. This was also a dust catcher. It was
easily covered up with plywood panels, which were painted to
match the surrounding walls.
In another case, a wooden structure was built to hold equipment. A paint dealer matched the work bench color, which made
the painted structure look like an expensive built-in.
Some laboratories may even want to consider using wallpaper in
a limited area. An appropriate pattern of solid vinyl wall covering, which is both resistant and very washable, can be a cheerful
addition when used in the right place. Wood paneling in an office
area is another possibility that should not be overlooked. Little
extras like these can make a great deal of difference in comfort
and morale, usually at a modest cost.

Work Benches and Fume Hoods

Work benches and fume hoods constitute a major cost factor in

any laboratory. A careful study of available products and good
planning, however, can bring about significant savings with no
loss in serviceability.

Distributors of general laboratory equipment also offer one or
more lines of work benches and fume hoods, often shown in a
separate catalog. In addition, there are several companies specializing in this field. The annual LabGuide issue of Analytical
Chemistry, published by the American Chemical Society, has a
good listing of suppliers. A laboratory planner should obtain
catalogs from several sources and compare both features and
The supplier should be able to take care of installation or to
recommend a local contractor who can do it. Very simple installations are sometimes performed on an in-house basis.



The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Cabinets come in a variety of units to suit individual needs.
These are then bolted together to make benches. Any combination of drawers, cupboards, and knee-hole units is possible.
Some fume hoods come complete with their own base cabinets.
Where desirable, desk-height units can be integrated into the
system. All units come with legs which can be adjusted for an
uneven floor. Standard installation leaves room behind the
counters or along the middle of peninsulas for utilities. After the
cabinets are installed, counter tops are put in place and benchmounted fume hoods added.
Wood versus Steel
Laboratory cabinets are available in both ,vood and steel. Educational laboratories often use wood, while industrial laboratories usually prefer steel. Wood cabinets do not have the sterile
look of steel, but they are far less resistant to physical abuse.
They come prefinished with a wood stain. A damaged area is not
difficult to refmish. Wood cabinets have no rust problems, but
some users have complained about poor chemical resistance of
the interiors. The quiet operation of doors and drawers "rith no
metallic noises is appreciated by many.
Some wood furniture is now faced with plastic laminate. Its resistance to chemicals is superior to that of most regular finishes,
and color choices are wide. Best of all, such surfaces are very
easy to keep clean. In case of damage, however, repairs can be
Steel cabinets have superior resistance to physical abuse. Refinishing scratched surfaces can often be done "rith a spray can.
Finishes used on steel also have a high resistance to chemicals,
even on the interior parts, but long-term storage of reagents
that give off corrosive vapors "rill eventually lead to rusting.
Gone are the da:ys "Then steel cabinets were available only in

Work Benches and Fume Hoods


gray or olive drab. Some laboratory planners have created interesting color schemes by using one color for cabinets and another
for doors and drawer fronts.
Sound-deadening material is used to make door and drawer operation quieter than formerly. One manufacturer features
drawer fronts of molded plastic, which makes'it possible to have
the handles recessed.
At the University of California in Berkeley, the building manager of Latimer Hall selected wood for benches where inorganic
work was performed and steel for organic work. This decision
,vas based on his experience \Vyith finishes at the time the
laboratories were installed.
In the long run, the choice between wood and steel is usually a
matter of taste. Prices are quite comparable. When asked why
he had chosen wood benches for the recently built chemistry laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey facility in Menlo Park, California, the supervisor simply replied, "Because I like wood!"
Assessing Quality
It is hard for a layman to judge the quality of the various cabinets offered. Much of the quality is hidden beneath the surface
and "rill not show up until the cabinets have been in use for an
extended period of time. Price is only a partial measure of quality. One reason for this is that high style cabinets, offering no
more quality or durability than the regular types, demand higher prices.
When comparing different cabinets, there are a few clues as to
which ones provide the best value. First of all, a manufacturer of
laboratory furniture should have data on the chemical resistance
of finishes used. Even though nobody expects to splash reagents
over the fronts of the cabinets, accidents do happen. Resistance
data should be compared to a list of chemicals to be handled in
the laboratory. A costly finish with outstanding resistance may
not be needed in all cases.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Sturdy door hinges and drawer suspensions are a necessity, and

there is a definite difference between manufacturers here. If a
manufacturer has a display of cabinets, the prospective customer should act like a buyer of a used car, slamming doors and
yanking open drawers. He should then make a careful examination of the various components and compare them with what he
has seen elsewhere.
Most useful of all is to see examples of the furniture under consideration after it has been in use for some time in another laboratory. A sales representative may be able to arrange for this.
This is once again a time for door slamming and asking questions. How well does the finish stand up? What are the comments from those using the furniture? Do doors and drawers
stay shut after closing?
Kitchen Cabinets
Many small laboratories use kitchen cabinets, also available in
wood or steel, and are quite happy with them. Normal prices of
high quality kitchen cabinets are not much lower than those of
the laboratory variety, but special bargains are often available.
They come in far fewer types of units, which make the
laboratory benches less adaptable to specific uses. Finishes are
not made to resist chemicals, and the overall construction is
seldom of the heavy-duty type. In a microbiological laboratory
where they have been used for years, however, workers have
been pleased with them. They were adequate for the light duty
service and were purchased when a local dealer had a clearance
Unfinished wood kitchen cabinets can sometimes be found at attractive prices. Before making a price comparison, the planner
should determine the cost of finishing, which could be considerable. The unfinished cabinets usually come without hardware, which can add a great deal to the price if purchased

Work Benches and Fume Hoods



1'he general layout of work benches, including hoods, was described in Chapter 2. Now comes the decision about where there
should be drawers, cupboards, or other features. Small, shallow
drawers, for instance, are just right for storing hydrometers and
similar pieces of equipment and should be close to where these
are to be used. Burets also need shallow drawers, but they must
be wide. Certain pieces of glassware need fairly deep drawers.
Much equipment calls for cupboards of certain sizes.
Catalog in hand, the laboratory planner places units containing
drawers and cupboards where they should go. The plan should be
marked off with the catalog numbers and will later be given to the
cabinet supplier. Some suppliers offer planning kits to make the
job easier.
A work bench rarely consists of a solid bank of cabinets. So-called
knee-holes are placed in appropriate locations for sit-down work.
Stools can be stored in them when not in use. They are also good
for keeping waste containers out of the traffic pattern.
In one laboratory, an atomic absorbtion instrument was placed on
top of a three-foot knee-hole. Drainage from the instrument's atomizer went into a bottle underneath. Data from this instrument
was recorded on a strip chart recorder placed on a typewriter
stand. When in use, the recorder was at the operator's right,
where it was easy to observe and adjust. When not in use, it was
kept out of the way in the knee-hole, along with the operator's
In another laboratory, a vacuum pump was installed on a shelf
built into a two-foot knee-hole well above the floor level. It was
out of the way, off the floor, and easy to service. Noise was substantially reduced by attaching rubber stoppers to the pump's
base plate as vibration absorbers. Connection to equipment was
through a hole in the work top.
These are just a few examples of creative uses for knee-holes.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

The~y can

be put to n1any other uses, depending on a laboratory's

specific needs. Unfortunately, they too often end up as storage
areas for items that should be stored elsevvhere.


There are many different types of work tops available for laboratories with prices varying over a wide range. The important point
is to select a material that will stand up under the conditions in a
given laboratory, since replacement is very costly and repairs
often next to impossible.
At one time, tops were made from solid hardwood and impregnated with a material that would seal the smfaces and provide
good chemical resistance. Many recipes were given for such treatment. The 1959 edition of CRC's Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics showed recipes containing ingredients such as coal tar
pitch, phenol, and "good fresh aniline oil." In all fairness, it must
be said that those tops stood up quite well. Their heat resistance
was poor, but burn marks did not show too readily on the black
smface. In addition, they could be sanded and refmished in case of
damage. They were also gentle on glassware.
Stone Tops
Tops made from slabs of Alberene stone have enjoyed a great
deal of use despite their high cost. Their temperature resistance
is excellent, and so is their resistance to chemicals. Their main disadvantage is porosity. Spilled liquids are readily absorbed and the
results are quite unsightly. Various top dressings have been recommended to reduce this problem, but they must be applied at
regular intervals.
Cement Composition
Cement composition tops have about the same properties as
natural stone but at a lower cost. They have a more even appear-

Work Benches and Fume Hoods


ance, lacking the veins found in stone. In these, too, porosity may
be a problem. Treatment with vinyl and similar plastics works
well against porosity and many chemicals but is not effective
against stronger solvents. Pressure treatment with epoxy compounds, on the other hand, has produced tops with outstanding
properties. Though costly, such tops have become very popular.
Solid Epoxy
Tops made from solid epoxy compounds are resistant to just
about any kind of chemical abuse but are very expensive. They
are often sold with an integral backsplash and curved junction,
which makes cleaning easy. They are much easier on glassware
than either stone or cement composition.
Plastic Laminate
Extensively used in kitchens, plastic laminates have found wide
application in the laboratory. Their main advantage is comparatively low cost. Their main disadvantage is poor heat
resistance, coupled with the fact that repairs are difficult to make.
On the other hand, their chemical resistance is surprisingly high.
Heavily colored organics, though, must be quickly removed. If
allowed to penetrate into the material, they may cause permanent stains. Some manufacturers feature a special laboratory
grade plastic laminate for which detailed information on chemical
and heat resistance is published. Some of these are not much
higher priced than the kitchen variety. Most laminates today
have a satin fmish, as opposed to the high gloss used in the past.
This minimizes the visibility of smface scratches at the cost of
slightly poorer cleanability.
Compressed Wood Fiber
Countertops of compressed \\7ood fiber have the advantage of low
cost. Although their resistance to chemicals and some liquid spills


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

is very poor, they could be considered for areas where no liquids

are handled.
Ceramic Sheets
Ceramic in sheet form is a spin-offfrom the space program, where
materials capable of resisting extreme conditions are required.
Its cost is high, but so is its resistance to both heat and chemicals.
Laboratories often employ it in areas where other materials will
not stand up. This material is similar to that used in solid kitchen
cook tops.
Ceramic Tile
In European laboratories, ceramic tile is very popular, but it is
rarely seen here. The cost is well below that of monolithic slabs
but considerably higher than that of plastic laminate. Its resistance to both chemicals and heat is outstanding. In case of damage, single tiles may be replaced. Modern materials used for
grouting are also very resistant to chemicals. The slightly uneven
smface does not seem to cause any complaints among users.
Stainless Steel
Easy cleaning and sanitizing make stainless steel popular in food
or biological laboratories. Contact with strong mineral acids, however, will show that it is not quite "stainless." An abrasive is required to remove such stains. While resistant, a steel top will temporarily bulge when exposed to heat, which sometimes can interfere with the alignment of equipment set-ups.

Some laboratory planners insist on using the same type of work
tops throughout. Like the Mikado, a prudent planner will"let the
punishment fit the crime" and thereby cut costs substantially. In

Work Benches and Fume Hoods


one laboratory, the center work table, where heavy-duty work

was carried out, was covered with an expensive monolithic slab.
The rest of the tops were covered with much less expensive
plastic laminate. Of course, work rules had to be established as to
what types of work could be performed where, but this was a
minor inconvenience. Years later, the tops showed no signs of
In another facility, bench tops in the main room were covered
with epoxy-treated monolithic material to resist the hard wear
anticipated. The side room, where instrument work was to be carried out, was equipped with tops of plastic laminate. This resulted
in substantial savings. Somehow it was difficult to convince the
engineering fIrm in charge of building the laboratory that monolithic material, which they had recommended throughout, was
not necessary everywhere.
In a case where a fume hood was to be placed on a portion of
counter faced with plastic laminate, the planner found an economical solution. Since the plastic laminate was not suitable for use
with a fume hood, he ordered a sheet of monolithic material lA
inch thick and had it cut to the exact dimensions of the hood. The
cost was just a fraction of that of a full thickness top. The sheet
was put in place and the edges were treated with a silicone compound. This treatment stood up against highly corrosive
materials as well as heat for many years.
Delivery schedules must also be considered. Monolithic sheets
are generally cut to exact size at the factory. Depending on the
laboratory's location, delivery may be slow or occasionally go
wrong altogether. Half of the tops destined for a new laboratory
in California went to Alaska, while the Alaska tops ended up in
California. This caused serious delays in two building projects.
The other types of tops are fabricated locally, although the specified material may not be available locally. There are also tops sold
in standard lengths and cut to size on location. It takes considerable skill to make smooth joints in such tops.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation


Contact \\rith even quite mild chemicals over a long period of time
will damage most counter tops. Drips running dO\\TJ1 the sides of
reagent bottles have left rings on many laboratory shelves, and
drips from burets containing IN acids and alkalies have eventually etched ceramic tile. A prudent laboratory operator can prolong
the life of any \vork top, however, b~y taking a few precautions.
Inexpensive plastic dishes can be placed under reagent bottles.
There should be beakers beneath burets when they are not in use.
Some laboratories cover their reagent shelves \\rith thin sheets of
ribbed polyethylene, \\rhich is available in rolls at a reasonable
For the ultimate protection from chemicals, certain work areas
may be covered with thin sheets of self-adhering Teflon, available
in roll form. One version is sandwiched with a thin sheet of
aluminum foil, which increases heat resistance by conducting heat
away from high temperature spots.


Before selecting a fume hood (appropriately called "stink hood" in

old chemistry books), a laboratory planner must study performance requirements. What types of fumes are to be removed?
Smoke, unpleasant odors, water vapor, flammables, corrosives,
toxics, or strong oxidizing agents? The hood must be designed to
handle the most hazardous or corrosive materials anticipated,
even though these will be present only rarely. Catalogs give good
information about the capabilities of the various types of hoods.
Federal, state, or local legislation may also dictate hood requirements for certain kinds of hazardous work. A company selling
hoods should have information available on this but will require
detailed information about the work to be performed from the
laboratory operator.

Work Benches and Fume Hoods


Hood Construction

Traditionally, hood interiors were made from asbestos sheets,

which had both good chemical and good heat resistance. Their
main problem was that they absorbed any liquid that was spilled
on them. Asbestos has now lost its favor because of its toxic properties. Modern hoods usually have interiors of highly resistant
plastic, often fiberglass reinforced. Such surfaces are easy to keep
clean, but their temperature resistance may be limited.
Most hoods come with sash-type doors that move vertically, exposing the whole opening when they are open. Some have doors
that move sideways, which allows them to be only half open at
any time. Traditionally, doors have been made of shatter-proof
glass, but heavy clear plastic is now common. Although this has
the advantage of high impact resistance and light weight, its temperature resistance is inferior. Also, the plastic is subject to attack by some organic vapors.
Hoods usually have a light built into a sealed opening, making it
explosion-proof for use with flammables. Fans used for flammables must also be explosion-proof. Those used for corrosive
fumes must be made of material resistant to such fumes. The
ductwork must also be corrosion resistant, a matter often overlooked. Built-in exhaust fans make iJlstallation and servicing easy,
but some tend to be noisy. Remotely installed fans are generally
quieter and may serve more than one hood. The chief problem
with fans is that they are often improperly serviced. Lubrication
and belt tightness must be checked as specified by the manufacturer, or costly repairs will result.

Installing a hood with its own fan against an outside wall rather
than in the roof could result in considerable savings. The exhaust
must then go through the wall in a place where it will not be objectionable in the area outside the building. Not all odors are unpleasant, of course, as workers in an industrial laboratory next to a


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

potato chip factory discovered. Every time the wind blew from
the south, they were treated to tantalizing aromas. They threatened to demand free handouts if the situation was not corrected.
Even when a hood has an hltegral fan with guaranteed performance, the installer will check the face velocity. For some types of
work, laws may require minimum velocities. A highly visible
draft gauge should be installed on a hood to inform personnel
about its operation. This is especially important where remote or
very quiet fans are used.

Building a Simple Hood

A laboratory can sometimes save money by building a simple
hood where no hazardous, flammable, or corrosive fumes are involved. In one case, a hood was needed solely for drawing off unpleasant fumes from a muffle furnace and water vapor. A carpenter constructed a plywood box which reached from counter
top to ceiling and had a large opening in the front. This was painted with a resistant paint, primarily to seal the surfaces and make
them easy to clean. An inexpensive fan exhausted the hood to the
outside. This simple hood worked for many years.
There is one problem with that type of hood, however. Some day
a worker will want to use it for work it should not handle, such as
evaporation of flammables. The laboratory operator must set
strict rules as to its use. "Insignificant" amounts of materials that
could be potentially hazardous may in time become substantial
amounts when new types of work are added.

Ductless Hoods
Ductless hoods are equipped with built-in fans and filter systems
which trap the volatiles being removed. In this manner, the spent
air can be returned to the laboratory, thereby eliminating the
need for exhaust ducts. The filter system must be tailored to the
types of fumes to be removed. Its use is therefore limited and

Work Benches and Fume Hoods


must be strictly controlled. Since it is independent of a permanently mounted duct system, a ductless hood can be moved to
a new location in the laboratory if required. Its mobility also
makes it well suited for use with modular laboratory furniture.

Several manufacturers now offer modular furniture. Each module is complete with base cabinet, work top, and utilities, such as
sinks and electrical outlets. The modules can be placed in banks as
required and then hooked up to rough plumbing and wiring. With
modular furniture, it is easy and inexpensive to change a laboratory arrangement as requirements change. They are most often
seen in research laboratories for that reason. Their main disadvantage is their high cost.
A less expensive variation of modular furniture is in use in some
European laboratories. The bench frames are built ofpermanently installed steel channels complete with tops. Modules containing
combinations of drawers and cupboards can be hooked into the
system and changed as needed, but utility outlets are fIXed.

Utility Outlets

Bringing in the various utilities, such as water, gas, and electric

power, has been discussed in Chapter 3. While the work benches
are being installed, the utilities will be hooked up to suitable outlets, or inlets in case of the sewer. This is another area where good
planning can produce significant savings with no loss in performance or durability.

Utilities may be mounted behind work benches and brought
through the tops where needed, or they may be mounted above
the benches. The fIrst method conceals wires and pipes, which
gives a neat and uncluttered appearance. Its disadvantage is that
repairs and modifications may be difficult. In one laboratory
building at a large state university, some of the base cabinets did
not have removable backs, so a hole had to be cut in order to
repair a water leak. The building manager now insists on having
all utility outlets mounted above the work benches whenever any
of the laboratories are being remodeled. Even though most
laboratory benches do have removable backs, work on utilities
mounted behind them still takes some crawling and handling of
tools in cramped spaces.

Utility Outlets


This problem can be avoided by mounting utility outlets above

the work benches. This method also has the advantage of keeping
the benches clear of obstructions and easy to clean. Of course, exposed water pipes and electrical conduit do not have much esthetic value, and they are dust catchers as well. A coat of paint, however, both improves their appearance and makes cleaning easier.
An even better solution is to box them in and cover them with
removable panels.
In an educational laboratory such overhead mounting must be
planned with care. The typical work benches here are either peninsulas or islands where the utility box would go down the center with a shelf on top. The total height must be such that the instructor is able to look over the shelf in order to supervise a class.
To complicate matters, there may be a waste water trough along
the center of the bench which requires some free space above it.
These multiple requirements present a challenge to the designer.


Laboratory supply houses have faucets of high quality and durability that are able to stand up under heavy duty conditions. They
require little service and their chrome plating will take considerable punishment. The main disadvantage is their high cost. If the
faucet is mounted on the countertop, a goose-neck tube will bring
the outlet high above the sink to facilitate rinsing of tall glassware. Good quality kitchen faucets have done well in many laboratories but are often too low when mounted on a countertop.
Mixing faucets are very convenient, though some laboratory
workers prefer separate faucets for hot and cold water. Many like
the aerators commonly used in kitchens, while others prefer faucets equipped with rubber or plastic hose.
One laboratory operator installed faucets with long handles for
easy control, the type commonly seen in hospitals. These proved
very popular with the staff.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Regular washer-type faucets are hard to control for low water

flow, such as required by condensers. For these purposes, needle
valves are recommended. They give excellent control, and flow
rate does not change as long as the pressure remains constant.
The inexpensive plug-type valves are rarely adequate for laboratory water service.
The local plumbing code may require that laboratory faucets be of
the anti-siphoning type, which prevent water from being drawn
back into the system in case the pressure should fail. This type is
standard in home washing machines and dishwashers.
One laboratory used industrial-type brass valves for many of
their water outlets, rather than the more expensive chrome
plated ones available from the laboratory supply house. While
their appearance was different, their performance was the same.
To make the valves look better to both laboratory workers and
visitors, the manager would occasionally treat them with metal
As any home owner knows, no water faucet or valve is maintenance free. A laboratory operator should for that reason have
repair parts and proper tools available at all times.

As mentioned in Chapter 3, DI water has now replaced distilled

water for most laboratory purposes. PVC f)ipe, which is both
inexpensive and easy to install, is normally employed to carry the
water to points of usage. It is very important that the lines do not
have "dead legs" where water is allowed to stand, since this could
encourage bacterial growth. In cases where sterile water is needed, special steps must be taken. The water may be boiled, which
also drives out dissolved gases, or ultraviolet radiation may be
employed, a common method in the cosmetics industry. Membrane filters will also effectively remove bacteria. Laboratories
needing sterile water often use two bacteria removal systems of

Utility Outlets


different types mounted in series. Any such system must be

mounted as closely as possible to the point of water usage.
Laboratory supply houses feature sink-mounted faucets heavily
plated with inert metals for DI water. Less expensive plastic
valves, available from plumbing supply houses, may be used as
long as they contain no metal parts. Self-closing valves, while
more expensive, will substantially reduce DI water consumption.
Another way to reduce consumption is to install a pressure reducer ahead of the DI water tanks. This will also reduce wear on DI
water valves.
It should be noted that plastic pipes and valves used for DI water
have limited structural strength and must be well supported by
straps and brackets.


Manufacturers of laboratory equipment feature special sinks and

drains with high chemical resistance. Sinks made from slabs of
Alberene stone, which were popular for many years, often had
traps made of lead. The softness of lead made the traps hard to
clean out, and the job required tender loving care with a wrench
of just the right size.
Plastics have now taken over. Polyethylene sinks are quite popular, although some users have reported their tendancy to crack.
The more expensive solid epoxy sinks have performed very well.
In one laboratory doing cryogenic work, however, workers felt
their resistance to temperature shock could be better.
Sink traps of resistant plastic are now well accepted. They are
easy to install and also easy to clean. Drains of glass pipe are
sometimes seen in special installations. Some laboratories install
regular thin-walled sink traps designed for kitchen use. The
author's experience with them, even in the home, has been poor.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Heavy-gauge brass traps are also available, sometimes on special

order. They deliver quite good service. For most uses, however,
plastic drain s~ystems seem to \vork best.
The need for good chemical resistance is no longer as great as it
used to be. Under current waste water rules, most powerful
chemicals may no longer be disposed of in a sink. Good resistance,
however, will be needed in cases where sinks do not drain to the
sewer but to a waste holding tank which is pumped out by a waste
disposal service.
With this exception, regular enamel sinks, preferably of the cast
iron type, are satisfactory for most laboratory use. They should
be mounted in such a manner that they may be removed and replaced in case of physical damage. Sooner or later somebody will
drop a heavy object into the sink and crack the enamel. These
sinks are very resistant to staining and easy to keep clean.
Stainless steel sinks, which are often seen in laboratories, can
take considerable physical abuse without damage and, as mentioned earlier, are easier on glassware than most other materials.
Even small amounts of some chemicals, however, such as dilute
mineral acids, will stain them. The stains can be removed with an
abrasive cleaner.
Laboratory sinks should be deeper than those commonly used in
kitchens in order to make glassware rinsing easier and to minimize splashing. A trip to a nearby plumbing supply house will reveal a large variety of sinks available.
Flush-mounted cup sinks are commonly used to receive small to
moderate amounts of water. These are often made of polyethylene. They can be made from 3-inch PVC pipe cemented in flush
with the countertop. A reducing adapter will bring the diameter
down to the standard drain pipe size.
Drain troughs are often put along the center of the island or
peninsula type work benches, sometimes with water outlets

Utility Outlets


directly above. This arrangement is good in educational

laboratories because it keeps the students from having to leave
their work stations each time they need a sink.
Traditionally, sewer drain pipes have been made of cast iron. It
has a surprisingly high resistance to corrosive chemicals and has
stood up well for many years, even before the days of strict waste
water regulations. Where permissible under local codes, plastic
drain pipes are popular today. Their price is reasonable and so are
installation costs. Their resistance to inorganic chemicals is very
high, but even small amounts of some organics may be absorbed
and cause weakening, leakage, or other problems.

Inexpensive plug-type valves may be use for hook-ups to appliances that have their own gas flow adjustment. For those that do
not, needle valves are recommended for precise control.

Compressed air is often required in the laboratory. In some cases,
it comes from a compressor beneath the work bench, while in
others, the compressor may be at some remote location in the
Compressed air invariably contains water and usually oil from the
compressor. It is also likely to pick up dirt and rust from the distribution line. For use in the laboratory, the air must be clean,
particularly if it is to be used in instruments. One laboratory operator suggested the use of corrosion resistant pipes for the air distribution system in a building. This was turned down because of
its high cost. The result was a heavy load of rust which began to
accumulate in air filters after only a few months of operation.
Another laboratory cleaned the air in two stages. First, it went
through an inexpensive commercial filter with easily replaceable


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

cartridges. This took care of the bulk of the contaminants. It was

then sent through special filters specified by equipment manufacturers, which were expensive but seldom needed changing
because of the previous filtering.
One laboratory had surprisingly few problems with its instrument air, which was supplied from a commercial compressor with
no special equipment. This laboratory was on the second floor of a
building, while the compressor was at ground level. The air was
taken upstairs through a pipe much larger than would ordinarily
be used for such service. Since the air velocity was therefore very
low, the pipe acted like a rectifier column and sent most of the contaminants back to the compressor air tank. As a result, the instrument filter needed very infrequent servicing.
In a less fortunate situation, air for the laboratory instruments
came from an overhead distribution system, often with high air
velocities which carried along contanlinants. Servicing of this air
cleaning system was both frequent and costly.
A compressed air line generally terminates with a valve and a
pressure regulator. Such regulators are available from laboratory
supply houses, but less expensive ones from stores selling welding supplies may often be acceptable.

Electrical outlets can be installed in one of several ways. Small
pedestals holding two or more outlets are often placed along the
rear of wall-mounted work benches. They may also be put along
the center of peninsulas or islands. Wiring is from below the
countertop, which makes modifications difficult, just as with
plumbing. While easy to reach, pedestals clutter the top and
interfere with cleaning.
Some benches have an integral lo\\r shelf to the rear along the
wall. The solid front of such a shelf is an excellent location for out-

Utility Outlets


lets. Wiring can be serviced or modified by removing the top

Some laboratories have installed outlets on the front of work
benches, just below the top. Dangling wires from such outlets are
at best a nuisance and could also be hazardous. This method of installation is not recommended.
Nonnally, outlets are not placed inside fume hoods, where they
may suffer from corrosive effects or present an explosion hazard.
Many hoods will permit outlets to be mounted on either or both
sides of the exterior, somewhat above bench level.
Surface-mounted outlet strips may be mounted on the wall above
a work bench or along the center shelf of an island or peninsula.
With this system, one box for rough wiring will serve a number of
outlets. Outlets are at regular intervals, such as 12 or 18 inches. In
one case where such outlet strips were installed along two walls of
a room from the same box, two circuits were put into it, feeding alternate outlets. This made it possible to supply power-hungry
equipment from adjacent outlets. It should be noted that the
finish used on some of these strips may have a poor resistance to
even mildly corrosive fumes, so a protective fmish might be advisable.

Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrous oxide, acetylene, or other compressed
gases are often used for laboratory instruments. If a gas is used in
only one location, the cylinder is usually brought to that spot.
However, there are many cases ,"There a gas is required in more
than one room. It \\ill then be more practical to distribute it from
one central location, preferably close to a building entrance. It
must be where the cylinders will not block an emergency exit in
case of an accident. One large laboratory had a separate room
with direct access to the outside for gas cylinders. A ventilation
fan kept air circulating in the room at all times.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Local building codes should be consulted with regard to safe

storage and use of compressed gases. Pressure regulators must
be compatible with the type ofgas being handled, and distribution
lines must be made of materials that will not corrode or otherwise
be damaged by the gases they carry. Lines must be carefully
pressure tested before being placed in service. If at any time one
type of gas is to replace another in a line, the line must fIrst be
throughly bled. It must also be ascertained that the new gas is
compatible with the line materials.
At the end of each work day, one person in the laboratory should
have the responsibility for turning off the main cylinder valves for
all gases.
The laboratory operator is offered many choices in selecting utility outlets. A careful study will need to be made in order to select
those that give the best combination of performance, durability,
safety, and cost for service in a particular laboratory.

Final Plans and Construction

Time has now come to transform the preceding plans into reality.
All ideas and suggestions have been turned into drawings and
specifications from which the laboratory can be built. Or have
they? This is up to the laboratory operator to determine by carefully checking over all details so that corrections can be made
before construction starts. Since the typical laboratory operator
will usually not be familiar with many of the architectural terms
and symbols, he should ask questions whenever something is not
quite clear. No detail must be taken for granted. The case of the
suspended ceiling will illustrate this:
In order to provide easy access to overhead utilities for repairs or
modifications, the laboratory operator had specified a suspended
ceiling, which to him meant one with large pop-out panels. On the
plans, the designer defrnitely indicated a suspended ceiling, but
the matter was never discussed in detail. When the ceiling was installed, the laboratory operator was out of town on other
business. Upon his return, he found a solid ceiling anchored to a
steel grid, which, though suspended, allowed no access. Five
months later, it had to be torn into in order to modify the ventilation system. Such misunderstandings are not uncommon, even
among professionals of the highest caliber.



The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation


When the architect or designer presents the final drawings, the
main layout and all details must be checl{ed against earlier plans
and instructions. All dimensions must be in agTeement with those
specified. Slight cliscrepancies in door and windo\v locations, for
instance, could have serious consequences. Any item which can
be identified by catalog number, brand nrone, etc., should be so indicated on the drawil1gs or in the \vritten specifications.
There are two words to watch out for: or equivalent. What is
called equivalent by a designer or contractor may not be
equivalent to the laboratory operator. Sometimes this problem
arises when a specified item has been superseded by a "new and
improved model." However new or improved the new model may
be, there could be some reason why it would not be right for a particular application. Any substitution must be viewed as suspect.
It is always wise, of course, to listen carefully to all suggestions
from building professionals and evaluate the reasons they give for
a proposed change, but nothing should go unquestioned.
Even the most reliable contractor or subcontractor may not be familiar with the requirements of a laboratory. He bases his bid on
standard materials and procedures that he is accustomed to using
for general construction. On the other hand, he may also throw in
sophisticated and costly extras that are not required. It is for
these reasons that everything must be well defined and crosschecked. Specifying materials and components by trade name is
recommended. In many cases, of course, other brands could be acceptable, but it should be agreed that a switch can not be made
without the laboratory operator's knowledge and approval.
Two examples will show how carefully plans must be studied. In
one case, a stipple finish was requested for the laboratory walls.
Althoug'h this had been put in writing, the memo slipped through
the cracks along the way and never reached the drawings. The
walls ended up with a heavily textured fmish, the painting contractor's standard treatment for commercial walls.

Final Plans and Construction


The other example concerns the installation of separate faucets

for hot and cold water when mixing faucets had been requested.
The laboratory operator would have caught this had he checked
faucet model numbers on the drawings.
Sometimes the designer or architect goes overboard on extras. In
one laboratory where the fIre hazard was low, the operator had
asked for doors with small windows between rooms. Instead,
solid UL-rated doors were installed, even though they were not
required by local building codes. Worse yet, the doors were self..
closing, a feature neither required nor desirable in this situation.
What all this means is that the laboratory operator must examine
all plans and specifications with the greatest care and ask a multi..
tude of questions, no matter how minor they may be or how stupid he feels they may sound. It has been said that the only stupid
questions are the ones that are never asked. This would certainly
apply here.

Construction will be supervised by the architect, designer, engi..
neer, or general contractor. This does not mean that the laboratory operator can now relax or take a vacation. On the contrary, he
must be available at all times, ready to handle the crisis of the day
and send out distress signals whenever something does not seem
to be right. To some, this may seem as if he is interfering with the
work of building professionals, but he is really not. After all, he is
the person who is going to live with the laboratory when it is
firtished and be criticized for anything that does not turn out as it

It must be pointed out that problems are rarely caused by people
not doing their jobs right, but rather by misinterpretation and
lack of communication. Many unexpected details will come up as


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

construction progresses which require consultation among the

concerned parties.
Take the case of the laboratory planner who specified that a shallow hood should be placed above a bank of drying ovens to carry
away fumes. What he had in mind was a simple sheet metal box
extending about two feet down from the ceiling. The designer, in
turn, specified a much costlier pyramid-shaped affair, which was
his concept of a hood. Fortunately, the sheet metal contractor
questioned the design as he was getting ready to build the hood.
Mter discussion with the laboratory operator, he built a simpler
one at significant savings.
In the above case, the laboratory operator had given the designer
oral instructions for the hood but did not see the sketch the
designer made later for the sheet metal contractor. If the laboratory operator had put his instructions in writing or made a rough
sketch, there would have been no misunderstandings.

Expecting the Unexpected

There are sometimes cases where space requirements, in spite of
the most careful planning,just do not come out the way they look
on paper. This can often be the result of last minute revisions. It
may be discovered during construction, for instance, that it is impossible to fit utility connections into a tight space allotted to
them. Any changes required must be scrutinized by the laboratory operator, since they may have to be made in a certain way in
order to accommodate future operations.
Ceiling construction in one laboratory was such that the contractor wanted to move light fIXtures slightly for more economical
wiring. Before giving his approval, the laboratory operator insisted on having the lighting designer check the new plan for
possible interference with light distribution in the room.
Many surprises surface when a laboratory is being installed in an
existing building or when it is being remodeled. Even when exist-

Final Plans and Construction


ing facilities have been taken into account, some things do not
show up until construction is under way. A concealed pipe, for example, which is shown on the original drawing of the building,
may not be there. There might also be good news, such as in one
laboratory where the sewer pipe was in the "wrong" place, which
made it possible to connect it to two sinks instead of one. It even
had a capped-off T just where it was needed. Such a discovery
could not have been made until after work actually had started.
Sometimes unused electrical conduit has been found inside walls,
resulting in savings on installation cost. On the negative side,
things such as leaking water pipes and heavily corroded sewer
lines have also been found on occasion.
Safeguarding Equipment Information
Some contractors do not leave behind the information packed
,vith equipment they install. Mter all, they probably think, what
use will the laboratory people have for installation instructions?
This material, often separate from use and maintenance instructions, will be very helpful down the line when repairs or modifications have to be made. The laboratory operator should collect all
such information and file it away with care. He may never look at
it again, but there could be a day ",~hen it will be urgently needed.
An installer may even inadvertently toss away warranty information that comes with a piece of equipment. In one such case, an air
conditioner broke down less than one year after installation. It
took phone calls to the designer, the general contractor, and the
sub-contractor to get matters straightened out. Meanwhile, the
July weather was getting hotter by the day.
In conclusion, it may be said that the laboratory operator must be
on deck at all times during construction. No matter how good the
architect, designer, or contractor may be, when construction
begins, Murphy's Law will surely prevail: Anything that can go
,wong, will.

Equipment and Supplies

The laboratory is built, work benches are in place, and utilities are
hooked up. All is now in readiness to receive the equipment and
supplies to begin operation.

Laboratory equipment and supplies are available from several
sources, such as laboratory supply houses, manufacturers' representatives, mail order houses, and local retail stores.

Laboratory Supply Houses

A supply house, which generally represents several manufacturers, may be nationwide, regional, or local. Many offer a broad
range of supplies, while others specialize in certain fields, such as
medicine or education. A supply house usually has a "will call"
desk, where an urgently needed item may be picked up within
hours after the order is placed.

Factory Direct
Much equipment is now sold directly by the manufacturer


Equipment and Supplies


through a network ofrepresentatives. This is particularly true for

high priced instruments. Such items may also be offered on a
lease basis.
Mail Order Companies
Mail order companies often offer excellent service. Their catalogs
sometimes list specialty items not sold elsewhere, such as unique
pH electrodes or plastic products. Both laboratory supply houses
and mail order companies may sell popular types of instruments
under their o\\~ private labels at substantial savings.
Science Shops
Small retail stores called "science shops" are found in many larger cities. While their prices may be on the high side, they offer
over-the-counter service for many items needed in a hurry. They
will also sell glassware by the piece rather than by the case, a service often desirable for small laboratories.
Hardware and Electronic Stores
Local suppliers of hardware and electronic parts often offer many
items useful in the laboratory at very competitive prices.
Drugstores and Supermarkets
At large drugstore chains and supermarkets, the operator of a
laboratory can fmd great bargains on items such as paper towels
and cleaning products when they are on special sale.


Scientific and technical journals carry advertising by laboratory
supply companies. Many have reader service cards that can be


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

mailed in for further information. Since service may be slow,

some of the advertisers have toll-free phone numbers for quick
response to questions. Local supply houses are listed in the
yellow pages in the phone directory. All it takes is one call, and
the sales representative will show up, catalogs in hand. As
already mentioned, tl1e annual Lab Guide, published by the
American Chemical Society, is also an excellent source ofinformation on suppliers.
Selecting equipment for a new lab~ratory calls for a careful study
of catalogs and many discussions With sales representatives. As a
rule, each item considered will have its good and its less desirable
points. Choosing the most suitable ma~e and model for a specific
laboratory will often involve a compromise.
If a sales representative offers to arrange for a visit to a laboratory where equipment of the type being considered is in use, such
an offer should not be turned down. A discussion with an actual
user will be very fruitful. Some manufacturers show their equipment in display rooms, giving the prospective buyer a chance for
true "hands-on" experience.
Electronic developments have revolutionized many types of laboratory equipment. Few instruments with dials are seen today,
for instance. Digital readouts have taken over. While easier to
use, estimating the amount of fluctuation of unstable signals is
more difficult on a digital readout. There are also cases where an
instrument's readout is more sensitive than its detection device,
thereby causing unstable readings. For certain applications, a dial
instrument may still be preferable. Electronic balances are now
the rule rather than the exception. They are not only easy to use,
but they generally require less service than mechanical ones.
Prices have been considerably reduced in recent years.
Power supplies to instruments have come a long way since the old

Equipment and Supplies


days of the electron tube. Solid state devices develop very little
heat, \vhich \vas a problem in older equipment. However, many
solid state devices are sensitive to sudden voltage fluctuations, or
they may suffer damage if the line po\ver fails and suddenly
comes on again. Much of the newer equipment may be connected
to data processing systems, very important \\There a high volume
of \vork is performed.
Selecting the right equipment has become quite difficult today because of the tremendous variety available. In addition, the planner must look into the future. Will a certain piece of equipment be
suitable for future work? Here is a typical example: A forwardlooking laboratory operator insisted on p1ITchasing a pH meter
that also could be used for specific ion determinations, even
though such work was not being done at the moment. It took
some time to get management approval for this more expensive
instrument, but within 6 months specific ion determinations were
started. A study of catalogs will show new trends in equipment
design, which will soon make older types obsolete, even though
they have not yet been discontinued.

A new laboratory will need a start-up supply of a variety of consumable items. How much should be purchased? While it may be
tempting to buy large amounts of items such as glassware and reagents while managment is still in a spending mood, it may also be
unwise. First of all, there is storage to consider as well as the fact
that many reagents have limited shelf lives. On the other hand,
prices at start-up could be very favorable, since supplies will come
as part of a general bid. Such pros and cons must be carefully
weighed. Note also that management may have definite limits on
inventory of supplies.

Starting up a new laboratory means preparing a long and detailed


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

shopping list. Everything, down to the smallest spatula and hose

connector, must be listed. This takes time and much attention to
detail. Again, the check list of laboratory operations in Chapter 1
comes in handy. For each operation, everything that is needed
should be listed down to the size and type of filter paper. Then the
list is consolidated, since many items are used for more than one
kind of work. Sometimes buying a different size or model of an
item will make it do double duty.
What will it cost? A laboratory operator should be very careful
about discussing figures with management until estimates have
been made. Prices given in catalogs may not be current and
should always be verified. Possible discounts from regular prices
should not be taken into account unless they are guaranteed.
Some instruments may require certain accessories that are sold
separately. One laboratory, for instance, almost overlooked
ordering the ultrasonic cleaner needed for periodic servicing ofan
instrument component. In another case, special glassware was
needed for the operation of an instrument. The cost of minor
items, such as reagents, glassware, and thermometers, adds up
faster than most planners realize. The idea is to present management with a realistic start-up budget. Adding items after a
budget is approved will involve a good deal of persuasion.


The manner in which orders are placed varies from one laboratory to another. In a large organization, the laboratory operator
will prepare a requisition, which goes to the purchasing department, often via a department head for approval. Copies of the requisitions should be kept in the laboratory, which should also
receive copies of actual purchase orders. In a small laboratory the
operator may do the ordering himself.
Obtaining bids from two or more suppliers is highly recommended for larger orders at start-up. The prices quoted may come as a
pleasant surprise, since a supply house will put its best foot forward when bidding on equipment for a new laboratory. If they

Equipn1ent and Supplies


get the business, they will have a foot in the door when it comes to
orders for future day-to-day supplies, which is their bread and
butter. Bids should be gone over in detail, not only for correctness, but also for possible substitution of some items.
A laboratory supply house will require credit information before
accepting an order from a new customer. This is generally a simple procedure.


One laboratory operator said that it felt like Christmas when
equipment and supplies for his new facility began to arrive. It was
like a reward for all those hours spent selecting the right items
and justifying their purchase. But receiving large amounts of
equipment all at one time is a great deal more work than opening
With each shipment comes a packing list with reference to a purchase order. The laboratory copy of the purchase order, a copy of
the requisition, and the master list of all equipment and supplies
must be on hand. The packing list is usually a copy of the acknowledgement of the order. All the items on an order may not be
shipped together. Some may be back-ordered, while others may
be shipped from a different location.
The fIrst step is to examine the exteriors of all cartons and packages for signs of damage in transit. Then, everything is opened
and examined, including items that will not be used for some time.
If there should be any claims for damage in transit, these are
generally sent to the freight forwarder, not the supplier, within
the time limit for filing complaints. Fortunately, such damage is
Every item is checked off on the packing list, which will become
an authorization for payment, and also on the master list. Usually,
the packing list is sent to the purchasing department after an authorized person has signed it.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

The purchase price of some instruments may include set-up and

check-out by a manufacturer's representative. In such cases, the
laboratory operator should only check for physical condition of a
shipment and call the representative about its arrival. Other
equipment will generally be set up at its permanent location as
soon as it is unpacked and checked. Supplies will be taken to their
designated storage areas. The accompanying warranty cards
should be filled out and mailed as soon as possible.
Equipment instructions must be properly and promptly filed. A
separate file should be set up for each piece of equipment and
should include the smallest note packed with it. A lack of such files
is an invitation to future problems. In one instance, a strip chart
recorder that had not been used for several years seemed just
right for a procedure but needed some minor repairs and parts.
Mter a couple of hours of diligent search, the instruction book
was finally found tucked away in a drawer. It could easily have
been missed. In other less fortunate cases, it took time-consuming
correspondence with the manufacturers to produce information
that should have been immediately available in the fIle cabinet.
For some instruments, the manual may be needed with the instrument for proper operation. This is particularly true in educationallaboratories. In such cases, the manufacturer will generally
be happy to supply extra copies, or the significant parts of a
manual may be copied on the office copy machine. In all cases, the
original manual and instructions must be properly filed.

As equipment and supplies arrive, the laboratory operator will be
contacted by the accountant, who will want to know which items
are to be capitalized and how they are to be amortized. This is
very important for tax purposes. Rapid amortization will usually
offer many advantages, but IRS will question write-offs that
seem to be too quick.
Capital equipment is durable and not consumed during operation.

Equipment and Supplies


In time, of course, it will suffer wear and tear and eventually become unusable. Its life will also be shortened by obsolescence, a
very important factor. A 50 year old two-pan analytical balance,
for example, may be in perfec.t working order, but its value is only
that of an antique. The cost of equipment will also determine
whether or not it should be capitalized. Rules for this will vary
from one laboratory to another.
It is up to the laboratory operator to estimate the effective life of a
piece of equipment. He must be able to justify such an estimate in
case of a challenge from IRS. This calls for detailed knowledge of
the equipment and its use, plus some idea of how soon it may become obsolete.
All laboratory equipment of any appreciable value should carry
some type of identification. This should be arranged for as soon as
the equipment arrives. It is particularly important for capital
equipment in order to keep accounting records straight. Permanently attached metal tags with numbers are often used but may
be hard to attach to some types of laboratory equipment. Smaller
items of relatively low value could also carry some type ofidentification. They are easily marked with an engraving tool available
from hardware stores. Many police departments will loan engraving tools at no charge as part of their theft prevention program.
Laboratory equipment is sometimes stolen. Most popular are
smaller items of relatively high value, such as electronic balances.
Permanent identification marks definitely discourage theft. One
stolen microscope was quickly returned to its owner when it appeared on the used equipment market. It was easily identifiable
because its owner had engraved marks not only on the body, but
also on objectives and eye pieces. The thief, fortunately, had ignored them.

The Laboratory in Operation

Construction has been completed and equipment is coming in

waiting to be set up, but the most important elements of the laboratory are still missing. Nothing can be done until people are
present to run the equipment, interpret the tests, and write the
reports. At this point, some time before the laboratory is scheduled to begin operation, important personnel decisions must be


A laboratory is only as good as the people who work there. Choosing the right workers and giving them proper training is of the utmost importance. Qualified personnel may be found in several
By advertising in the newspaper classified section.
By listing the job openings with an employment
By placing a notice in professional publications.
By notifying college placement services.

The Laboratory in Operation


By word of mouth.
A newspaper ad, particularly in a paper with wide circulation, will
no doubt reach the most people. In this or the other written job
announcements, the employer should al\vays give name and address along with a brief job description. Sometimes, for one
reason or another, a company chooses not to reveal its identity.
Such blind ads, however, usually have the effect of discouraging
the best qualified applicants. This practice is frowned upon by the
American Chemical Society and most newspapers. Listing a
phone number, where one can call for an application or further information about the job, will help screen out most unqualified applicants.
If the position is listed with an employment agency, the agency
personnel should be given as many details about the job qualifications as possible and be instructed not to send people for interviews who do not meet the requirements.
For professional level positions, a professional journal is a good
place to advertise nationally. A notice can also be placed with a
local or regional division of the society.
Universities and colleges operate placement services for their
graduates, usually at no charge. College science students also
mal{e excellent temporary or part-time laboratory workers while
still going to school. They are eager to get experience in the field
which will help them get a permanent job when they graduate.
Some of the best job openings never reach a newspaper or employment agency. These are the ones spread by word of mouth
from one laboratory to another or by people who have heard of
the new laboratory about to open.
Application Forms
Larger companies have their own application forms, carefully
edited to meet all legal requirements. An applicant must not, for


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

instance, have to reveal age or ethnic origin. As everyone is

aware, of course, a form which asks for an applicant's date of
graduation from high school is just as revealing of age.
Smaller organizations may want to use standard application
forms from stationery stores, although these often have too little
space for all important information.

Resume or Letter
An applicant with some experience may prefer to supplement the
form with a resume. Even an inexperienced applicant should be
required to write a letter accompanying the application fonn. The
way in which such a letter is written will give a prospective employer a better idea about the applicant. It should be noted that
reasonably good writing ability is needed for almost any job. Professionally written resumes are easily spotted by a person going
through a stack of applications. What would such a person have
written by himself or herself?

The Interview
An interview must be conducted privately in a relaxed atmosphere. It takes skill to conduct a good interview. A typical applicant may be quite nervous. In a larger organization it is often performed by the personnel department in the presence of the potential supervisor. At the end of the interview, the applicant should
have a chance to ask questions about the job and the employer.
A promising applicant should be given a tour of the facility. During such a tour, he or she will be introduced to current workers,
whose comments should not be overlooked.
Details about salary, benefits, and vacation policy must be carefully explained. In a larger company, these may be discussed in a
brochure. Some companies offer profit sharing plans and retirement plans, which may be attractive to many applicants.

The Laboratory in Operation


Final Selection
After reading applications and conducting many interviews, the
laboratory operator faces the crucial decision. He checks references, but they may only shed partial light on an applicant. After
all, one will only give references that will be favorable. Checking
with past employers may bring about interesting information,
but it may be misleading. There was the case when an employee
was fIred for drinking. Feeling sorry for him, tJle employer gave
him good recommendations.
Credit references could be very informative when evaluating a
prospective employee.
Final selection is the result of weighing many factors. First of all,
the qualifications must be right. Will the applicant fit into the atmosphere of the laboratory? Is there evidence showing that he or
she will get along with the existing staff? Finally, does the applicant want a permanent position or just a stop-gap proposition?

Notifying Applicants
The successful applicant will, of course, be notified by mail or
phone about the decision. All the others must also be told as soon
as possible. A simple form letter is all it takes. An applicant goes
through much work preparing an application and deserves the
courtesy of a reply. Far too many employers, often smaller ones,
ignore this. Often such a letter includes the sentence: "Your application will be kept on file in case future openings should materialize." Such encouraging words should not be used unless the
employer really means them. If an employer indeed does keep an
active fIle of applications, the letter should clearly state the length
of time such applications will be held.

Job Responsibilities
Each laboratory worker should be clearly instructed as to duties
and responsibilities. A written job description outlining such mat-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

ters in detail may be very desirable. However, it must be amended in writing should any changes come up. CertaiJl menial tasks
which must be performed should be everlly distributed.
Staggered working hours may often be of advantage, provided
that this does not cause undue hardship on workers. If an employee prefers to come in early and leave early, such a request should
be taken advantage of, as it will extend the laboratory's effective
working day.

On the Job Training

There is often work in a laboratory for which no previous training
or experience is needed. For these entry level jobs, the laboratory operator will be the instructor. Even people with experience
in other laboratories, though, will need some training in the
specific aspects of a new job. Sometimes poor work habits will
have to be corrected. More details on training will be found in the
chapters on laboratory records and safety.

A typical laboratory will produce many types of reports. If a computer is available, these will come forth almost automatically. If
not, they will have to be typed. In a typical case, an analysis report, for instance, will be written up by hand, taken to the office
for typing, and returned for checking and signature. Typing a report in the laboratory will save time and effort but, unfortunately,
many professionals consider it beneath their dignity to operate a
typewriter, though not a computer, which uses essentially the
same techniques. Longer reports will usually be typed by a
secretary, often from hand written notes.

Ordering initial equipment and supplies has already been de-

The Laboratory in Operation


scribed. Policies for re-ordering of supplies consumed in daily

operations vary greatly. In a large company, a requisition goes to
the purchasing department, which does the actual ordering, often
after the laboratory operator has discussed the matter with the
supplier by phone. A top limit is usually set for orders that can be
placed without special approval. Many companies also have a
lower limit for purchase orders since the office work required is
the same regardless of order size.
Under more informal conditions, the laboratory operator will obtain a purchase order number, call the supplier to place the order,
and then send the information to the office.
Many laboratories have a "want book" in which workers list
items that are in short supply before the shortage becomes critical.

~-'or day-to-day supplies, a good relationship must be established
with a supply house, preferably a local one. If one company does
not handle all the items needed, more than one will have to be
used. A long-term relationship with supply houses offers many
advantages. First of all, significant discounts may be offered. An
outside salesman will drop by periodically and become familiar
with the laboratory's operation. Based on such information, he
may be helpful with r~commendations.

An alert salesman will keep tabs on what a laboratory buys,

noting, for instance, frequent repeat orders for a certain reagent.
In such cases, he might suggest ordering in large quantities less
often at a lower price. However, it should be noted that management may be sensitive to having a large inventory of supplies on
A good salesman will also keep his customers informed of new
products related to specific types of work performed. He should
not present items that are not needed just because they are new.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

The author had a pleasant experience with a distributor he had

worked with for many years. Authorization had been given for
the purchase of a new muffle furnace. Calling the inside salesman,
it was established that the selected model was in stock, ready for
immediate delivery. Then the salesman said: "But I won't sell it
to you!" The reason? Scanning his computer, he discovered that
they had one left of an older model, which they were willing to
part with at a much lower price. It was perfectly adequate for the
intended purpose. The laboratory operator was praised by management for the savings, but it was really the effort of a salesman
who wanted to maintain a long-standing relationship that made
the bargain possible.


File drawers become overcrowded much too fast. Periodic cleanout of active flies is a necessity, but very time consuming. Inexpensive cardboard file boxes are good for permanent storage of
dead files.
Sample shelves also become overcrowded quickly, but it is often
required to keep samples for extended periods of time. Older
samples can be stacked into cardboard cartons, clearly identified
by laboratory project references or quality control numbers, and
stored at a convenient location away from the laboratory. Periodically they should be inspected and the out of date ones eliminated. One word of caution, however. Under current pollution control rules, laboratory samples may not be indiscriminatly disposed of as garbage. The laboratory operator should call in a
waste disposal service when in doubt.

A clean and orderly laboratory improves performance and productivity. It also enhances morale and has a beneficial effect on
safety. Unfortunately, housekeeping in many laboratories leaves

The Laboratory in Operation


much to be desired. Dirty glass\vare, for example, is often left on

the countertop until someone has to clear it away because the
space is needed or because no clean glassware is left.

Setting the Rules

The laboratory operator should establish the rules for housekeeping and set a good example for all who work there. When working
on a project, he should put all reagents and equipment back into
proper storage. It is a great morale builder when workers see
that the boss cleans up his own mess. Besides, they will quickly
come to his assistance should he be in a bind. Far too many laboratory supervisors will routinely walk away from the debris of an
experiment or a test and expect others to clean it up.
A good rule in the laboratory is that everything must be cleaned
up at the end of each day. Glassware should be washed and placed
on a drying rack. Reagents should be put on the shelves where
they belong. Equipment not needed the next morning should be
placed in proper storage. Coming into a laboratory in the morning
and finding the previous day's dirty glassware all over a work
bench is as inspiring as walking into the kitchen the morning after
a dinner party.

Janitorial Services
A large organization will have its own in-house janitors. For
smaller facilities, janitorial services will usually be taken care of
by a contractor. The exact work to be done by such a contractor
should be spelled out in writing, where no details must be left out.
Unfortunately, the degree of cleanliness is hard to define in exact
Usually, a new janitorial service will start work over a weekend.
On Monday, everything shines. In many cases, the quality of
work will gradually taper off. One laboratory had to change services twice during one year for this reason. A potential contractor


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

should give references, which must be checked out, and show evidence of liability insurance.
A janitor surrounded by sensitive instruments may be like a bull
in a china shop. In one laboratory, the janitors were not allowed to
clean anything above floor level, including windows, without supervision by laboratory personnel. Janitors should not be allowed
to handle containers of flammable or hazardous waste. Laboratory personnel should clear the floors completely when the janitor
announces that it is time for floor waxing.

Cleaning Materials
A distributor of laboratory supplies will offer a number of cleaning products. For most jobs, however, home-type cleaners are satisfactory and lower priced. In some cases, though, an instrument's warranty may be voided if the cleaning materials
recommended by the manufacturer are not used.
Abrasive cleaners are often needed for laboratory jobs, such as
removing pencil markings from etched spots on glassware. No
glassware should be put away with such markings. Liquid cleaners of this type may not be as effective as powders, but their
gentler abrasives are less likely to cause scratching.
Self-adhering labels are often used for temporary identification.
They are easy to peel off but may leave a sticky residue. This is
easily removed with isopropyl alcohol.
Cleaning brushes of all sizes and shapes are found in catalogs
from laboratory supply houses. A generous supply of the types
needed should be kept on hand.


What does it cost to run the laboratory? The laboratory operator
will be required to know this. He will also probably be required to

The Laboratory in Operation


submit annual budget requests and be expected to stay within the

budget. On the other hand, he will also have to answer many
questions should his estimates sound too high to those in charge.
Some costs are easy to estimate, such as wages and salaries or
utilities. The cost of equipment service is often overlooked, as is
the cost of replacement parts. Lamps for atomic absorption instruments, for example, have finite lives and are quite costly to
replace. Electrodes for pH meters and other instrument components all need periodic replacement.
The cost of reagents should remain essentially constant if the laboratory keeps performing the same type of work. Unavoidable
glassware breakage should not change too much from year to
year. Prices of all these items have risen substantially over the
years, so allowance for price increases must be made. Anyone
who has been ordering silver nitrate for some period of time has
seen an extreme example of this.
In educational laboratories, the consumption of supplies per student should be quite predictable for any given course. The cost of
equipment maintenance and replacement, however, is often underestimated. Unfortunately, in a college budget system, the reward for saving money one year may be a reduced budget the following year.
In a research laboratory, expenses are quiet unpredictable. One
never knows just where a project will go and what may be needed. When a project budget is required, making it up may be a formidable task which calls for both extensive knowledge in the field
and diplomatic ability.
Establishing a budget is simpler in a testing laboratory. When the
cost of a certain analysis is calculated, however, some items are
often overlooked. Of course, it will include man-hours needed. If
an instrument is used, the cost of its amortization and
maintenance must be figured. If the analysis is non-standard,
there is the cost of developing the proper method. The cost of


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

reagents and supplies is easier to establish. If a client requests

that a report be prepared in a special way, this will be an extra
cost item.
A manufacturing company approached the cost of quality control
in a realistic manner. Before a quotation was made for a new product, the control chemist submitted an estimate of the time required for running the necessary tests. An hourly charge was established for laboratory operation, and the cost of quality control
could thus be established. The sales department did not like the
arrangement because the cost was very much the same whether
they sold 200 or 2000 gallons of a product.
It is up to the laboratory operator to make such realistic cost estimates. If he does not, he will sooner or later find himself in a serious bind. The main challenge is to make practical estimates of
those hidden costs and distribute them in the proper manner.

Anyone working in a laboratory will have access to information
that is not public. If the employer is engaged in development
work, for instance, news of such work should be confidential. A
new employee may be required to sign a secrecy agreement
under which all developments made by the employee become the
company's exclusive property. When signing such an agreement,
the author made certain that some formulation principles which
he had developed prior to employment with that company were
In an analytical laboratory, there must be complete confidence
between laboratory and client. All results belong to the client and
must not be disclosed to others. There was a case, for instance,
where some special methods were developed in connection with a
nutritional study. This involved an analysis of monkey feces. The
laboratory did not announce that it had newly developed methods, since these really belonged to the client.

The Laboratory in Operation


Medical laboratories, of course, must never disclose any results

except to the patient or the doctor in charge of a case.
An analytical laboratory receiving samples of products under development by a client wIll ofte11 become aware of what the client is
working on. Secrecy is mandatory in such cases. In fact, having a
secrecy agreement \\iill usually be preferable. Both client and laboratory personnel \viII then be able to discuss the project freely
among themselves.
There is always the possibility that there may come a time when a
laboratory discovers itself doing work in connection with illegal
activities, such as drug manufacturing. Here is where the whistle
must be blown. If the case is not reported to authorities, the laboratory could become a co-defendant in a prosecution.
As a rule, analytical laboratories will not reveal the names of clients unless authorized to do so. Notebooks and samples should
not be kept where visitors are likely to see them.

Laboratory Records

A few years ago, a customer filed suit against a nationally known

manufacturer of automotive brake fluid for supplying faulty merchandise. When the company's control chemist went before the
jury with his detailed quality control records, he was able to
prove that the allegedly faulty batch made two years earlier met
all the requirements established for this product. The plaintifflost
his case.
The importance of good laboratory records is hard to overestimate. Everything must be recorded in a permanent manner and
preserved so that it can be retrieved months or years later when
the information may be badly needed.
The increasing use of computers has made record keeping less of
a chore than it once was. Even in laboratories with computerized
records, however, there is still need for some written record
keeping. The same kinds of records must be kept regardless of
the method used.

The use of loose sheets of paper for even minor observations or


Laboratory Records


calculations must not be permitted. In a typical laboratory, each

worker should have a personal work book where all operations
are recorded and all calculations shown. The books should be hard
bound and have numbered pages. Tearing a page out of a laboratory notebook or making an entry illegible, no matter how useless
it may seem, must be considered a cardinal sin. The size of the
pages and the number of pages should be such that the notebook
can be conveniently carried from place to place. Most users prefer
lined pages, but others may want squares or even blank pages.
Each entry must be dated. This not only makes it easier to retrieve information in the future, but it makes it possible to reconstruct the chronology of work performed and correlate it with
other activities. In an allalytical laboratory where a customer
alleged that a sodium thiosulfate reagent solution used in a titration had been improperl~r prepared, the date reference made it
possible one year later to tie the sample in question to a specific
batch of reagent. This careful record prevented a threatened lawsuit.
When filled to the last page, notebooks must be filed in a safe
place for posterity. In some laboratories, they are even locked


The way records are kept varies from one laboratory to another,
depending on the type of work performed.
Research and Development
Special care must be taken with notes regarding development
work that could lead to a future patent. A patent attorney should
be contacted about such matters and his recommendations followed to the letter. In general, all details must be recorded, including experiments that did not work out. There are many cases
where exciting developments have come as a result of something


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

going "wrong." However, there may be a considerable time

lapse, or the worker who performed the experiments may no
longer be around. Good records make it easy to resurrect the old
In one such case, the author was saddled with the job of reviving
an old project because the person in charge of it no longer worked
at the laboratory. However, he had left behind volumes of notes,
complete with a sprinkling of profanity indicating where things
had not worked out. With such information, the project was
quickly completed.
Laboratories working on products that eventually will need approval by a government agency, such as FDA, would do well to
consult the agency in question about its latest requirements. If
the request is made in writing, this can be of great help in case of
an argument later on.
All samples and specimens from development work must be accurately labeled and cross-referenced to the laboratory notebooks,
in which materials used are identified not only by chemical names
but also by manufacturers' trade names. The author had a
frustrating" experience while developing a cleaning product. The
original work had been performed a few years earlier and then
the project had been dropped. For some reason, the old results
were not reproducible. Old samples and records were recovered
from the archives and examined. A phone call to the manufacturer of the key ingredient uncovered the problem. A slight
change had been made in this ingredient which actually created a
purer material. Without the old impurity, however, the product
did not perform. The problem was solved in hours instead of days
or weeks b~y adding the missing impurity.

Analytical Laboratories
A typical analytical laboratory handles a large number of samples, usually for routine tests. Keeping track ofthese samples is of
major importance. Reporting results for the wrong sample could

Laboratory Records


result in anythh1g from the loss of a good client to a liability suit.

Recording each sample before any work can be started is essential.

Sample Recording. A good way of recording is to keep all incoming samples on a designated table until they can be properly
marked. Materials requiring refrigeration or freezing can be put
into special sections of the refrigerator or freezer where nothing
else should be kept. A note left on the sample table will assure
that the refrigerated or frozen sample will not be overlooked.
Each sample must be given an identification number, which will
be used in all analytical records. Self-adhering labels or labeling
tape are commonly used. The ink should be waterproof. Regular
masking tape works well for this purpose and is inexpensive. Labels with pre-printed numbers may also be obtained. Mter labeling, samples are duly recorded in the main record book, which is a
running account of all work performed in the laboratory, or they
may be recorded in a computer. The record must completely identify the sample, its origin, and what tests are to be performed.

Records of Tests. Either of two methods may be used for recording routine test results. In the fIrst, measurements and calculations are recorded in the individual worker's notebook and then
transferred to the main record book. In the second method, a separate work book is kept for each routinely performed test. Whoever does the testing enters the results in the book and initials it.
The pages should be lined with columns to suit each test's requirements.

By reviewing the Inain record book (referred to in one laboratory

as the "Good Book") at least once a day, a laboratory manager can
keep track of how work progresses.
Industrial Laboratories
The most common duties performed by an industrial laboratory
are testing of raw materials and testing of finished products.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Many laboratories find it practical to keep separate records for

these, which means that the sample numbering system for raw
materials must be different from that used for fInished products.
Other laboratories lump everything together for the purpose of
record keeping but have separate storage areas for the t\\TO types
of samples.
Quality Control Records. Accurate quality control records are
of utmost importance and may be required by law, as in the pharmaceutical industry. A few years ago, mandatory "Good Manufacturing Practices" \vere proposed for the cosmetic industry.
Although the proposal \\Tas later dropped, many manufacturers
go by the rules worked out at that time for laboratory testing and
record keeping. The food industry also requires extensive testing
and record keeping.
Product Sample Records. Many industrial laboratories prepare
samples of proposed products for customers to test. These are
often not well recorded or identified. There have been many cases
where it was impossible later on to say which version of a proposed product had been submitted. Every sample of this kind
should carry both a date and a reference number. For the sake of
simplicity, the number can be the page number from the appropriate work book. With such a system, all pertinent information
regarding a sample can be quickly retrieved when needed-during a telephone discussion, for example.
Poor Record Keeping. Unfortunately, many small industrial laboratories have inadequate records. This can have unpleasant consequences. In one case, the manufacturer of an alcohol solution
was challenged by a customer about meeting specifications set
forth in the contract. For his defense, he had not retained samples
that could be traced to the disputed deliveries, and his only written information consisted of scribbled notes on loose sheets of
paper from his desk drawer. He lost the contract. An independent
investigation indicated that he had probably done his job right,
but he had no way to prove it.
Not all small manufacturers keep poor laboratory records,


Laboratory Records


ever. One very small cosmetics maker keeps elaborate records on

par with the best systems seen anywhere. He claims that it gives
him peace of mind and also makes a favorable impression on his

In a small laboratory, purchasing records will usually be kept in
the general office files. In a larger organization, they will probably
be kept in the purchasing department. In either case, there
should be copies in the laboratory, where they can serve many
purposes. Reference to an old purchase order, for instance, will
often make re-ordering quicker and simpler. At budget time, records of past purchases enable a laboratory operator to estimate
future supply needs, making allowance, of course, for changing

In a large organization, personnel records are kept in the personnel department files. In a small laboratory, they may be somewhere in the general files. Such information should be considered
confidential, with steps taken to limit access.

Laboratory equipment has to be maintained on a regular basis. A
record should be kept of the date and the type of maintenance
performed. This should be placed in the file for the instrument involved. If the maintenance is done on an in-house basis, the report
should be initialed by the person who performs it. If done by a factory representative, there will be a receipt which should be filed.
More than once, good maintenance records have saved an analytical laboratory from litigation when a client claimed that its results
were incorrect.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Procedures used in a laboratory must be recorded for easy reference, down to the smallest detail. An analytical laboratory will
often use standard procedures from official publications, but to
these must be added references to specific types of equipment
used. As a result, a laboratory needs its own procedure manual to
use in day-to-day work. Every operation should be described in
detail, with references made to official methods where applicable.
It takes thought and skill to write such a manual in a manner that
will make is useful to all workers. Safety measures, where needed, must be included. Simple operations, such as the preparation
of reagent solutions, should be specified.
Many laboratories use a numbering system for their procedures
for easy reference. Procedures should always be dated, since they
will son1e day be superseded by new versions. At that time, the
outdated ones should be carefully filed. There may be cases
where reference will have to be made to them in the future. One
person should be in charge of the methods books and make sure it
is kept up to date.
A suitably sized ring binder with a sturdy cover is recommended,
preferably covered with plastic. This procedure manual must be
kept where all who use it will have easy access to it. More than
one copy may be needed in a large laboratory. Just in case an accident should take place, an extra copy must be kept in a safe spot.
For durability and protection from spills each page can be inserted in a vinyl sheet protector. No pages must ever be "borrowed"
from the book even on a temporary basis.


It becomes evident from the above that even a small laboratory

will have a fair amount of time-consuming paperwork to take care
of. More than one researcher has complained about the fact that
record keeping interfered with creative work. Fortunately, there
are ways to simplify the process.

Laboratory Records


Analytical laboratories may have the greatest amount of paperwork. Samples come in, are recorded and analyzed, and reports
must go out. Copies must be kept of all reports. Billing information or reports on time charges for in-house work must be generated.
In one company's quality control system, one piece ofpaper served
many purposes. A copy of a purchase order went to the receiving
department. When merchandise arrived, it would be physically
checked and the copy would be signed by a receiving clerk. The
material would then be placed in quarantine, and the copy would
be forwarded to the laboratory as notification that something had
arrived. The laboratory would perlorm the required sampling
and testing and then enter results in its own records. The purchase order copy would be signed by an authorized person in the
laboratory and then go to the warehouse, thus authorizing the removal of the material from quarantine for transfer to the regular
storage area. Finally, the copy would go to the office for processing by accounting a11d inventory control. All this with one piece of
The only problem with this system was in cases where partial deliveries were made. For such situations, special paperwork had to
be generated, but it was rarely necessary.
In a manufacturing company, the laboratory was responsible for
generating manufacturing instruction sheets for all batches to be
made. The sheet would go fIrst to inventory control, where it
would be ascertained that all ingredients were on hand. Ifnot, the
sheet stopped there and was held until the situation was corrected. It then went to the manufacturing department, where it was
used as a work sheet. Finally it was submitted to the laboratory
with a sample of the finished product. After testing, the
laboratory would sign the sheet and release the batch. Again, all
on one piece of paper. Afterwards, it went back to inventory control for posting of withdrawals and to cost accounting. It finally
ended up in the production manager's files.
In another industrial laboratory, the company required a sepa-


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

rate analysis sheet for every sample tested. The control chemist
of a branch plant saw his files increase in volume by the day.
Finally, he devised a report form which would hold data for about
twenty samples. Besides reducing paper volume, this system
made it possible to scan a large number of samples for trends in
analytical results by looking at a small number of sheets of paper.
In an analytical laboratory, two copies of each report went to the
laboratory manager. On this, he would show the charges to be
made for the \vork done. He alone was able to justify extra
charg-es for some samples and reduced charged for others. One
copy \vas retained for the laboratory files and the other was used
for billing-. The notations with regard to charges were easily
blocked out should more copies of a report be needed.

In laboratories today, computerized records are common, particularly where large scale analytical work is being performed. Many
instruments are designed to \vork with computers but may require interfaces, which are sold separately. One laboratory doing
a large amount of commercial analysis work is now feeding all instrument data into its computer, which does all the calculations,
even though this meant replacing an expensive instrument that
\vould not feed into a computer. All reports from this laboratory
are printed out by the computer in the form requested by the individual clients. The manager, though, insists on keeping a human
touch. Each report is personally signed by the authorized person
with a blue pen to make the signature stand out from the computer print-out.
For many P1U1loses, high speed dot-matrix print-out is satisfactory. In other cases, such a presentation may not be proper.
Letter-quality printers are now available for computers at affordable prices. In addition, many newer typewriters may be hooked
up to computers for high quality print-outs. These may be slower
than the computer printers, but the cost of such a typewriter is

Laboratory Records


considerably less than that of an individual typewriter plus a

computer printer.

No attempt has been made in this chapter to report the many
ways a computer may serve in laboratory record keeping. What
has been shown here are some of the types of records required in
various kinds of laboratories and suggestions for han'dling them.
Above all, the message of this chapter is a call for unfailing accuracy in keeping laboratory records, regardless of the method

The Laboratory Handyman

Among the many hats worn by the laboratory operator is sometimes that of general handyman. This is often true in a small laboratory, where assigned repair and maintenance personnel are
not available. Here the operator soon becomes an electrician, a
plumber, a painter, and an equipl~ent rebuilder. In a larger institution, union rules may prohibit a laboratory worker from touching even the simplest hand tool. In cases, though, where union
technicians are unfamiliar with the peculiarities of the laboratory
equipment, an agreement is sometimes made under which nonunion laboratory personnel may perform certain types of specialized repair work that would otherwise require an outside contractor. If properly done, such in-house work can save substantial
amounts of money over a short period of time.

A good handyman must be able to recognize his limitations and
employ professional assistance for work he is not completely familiar with. In the long run, this will prove less expensive. Too
many hazardous wire connections and improper plumbing repairs
have been observed in laboratories. One OSHA inspection of a


The Laboratory Handyman


large testing laboratory uncovered a myriad of electrical problems, which were corrected only at considerable cost. In another
case, an improperly installed sink drain caused flooding of the laboratory and a potentially hazardous situation.


On the positive side, many cases can be found where laboratory
personnel have installed and maintained equipment at the highest
professional level and have even developed useful devices not
commercially available. Their intimate knowledge of the equipment paid off in superior results from an inventive approach.
Often there is hidden talent amont the laboratory staff. One worker, for instance, had electronic testing equipment at his home
which he brought in and used as required at no charge. A young
analyst who had done woodworking with her husband at home
turned out to be an expert at handling this type of equipment during a laboratory remodeling job.

There are no college courses on how to be a handyman. This is
learned through experience, often in connection with a hobby,
such as woodworking or electronics. Many times it is acquired
through repair and maintenance tasks performed around the
house. Such experience is directly transferable to the laboratory,
although some repair practices that may be acceptable in the
home are not permissible in the laboratory. This is particularly
true in case of wiring. All laboratory equipment, for example,
must be connected with a grounded wire and a three-prong plug.
Most building codes require metal conduit for industrial \\Tiring,
whereas nonmetallic cables are considered satisfactory for most
home use. The common, though unsafe, home practice of patching
a damaged cord must never be resorted to in the laboratory. Likewise, many home-type plumbing repairs may not stand up under
the heavy-duty requirements of the laboratory.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Where does one obtain infonnation on adapting handyman expertise to the more rigid requirements of the laboratory? For the
simpler jobs, the public library has many books of the "how-to"
type. Such a reference could also be purchased, making a useful
addition to the laboratory library. Local fIre and building departments are more than willing to pass on infonnation regarding
their requirements, which vary from one community to another.
Equipment manufacturers, too, often have special instructions
pertaining to repairs and maintenance not found in the regular
operator's manual.


If laboratory personnel are expected to perform repairs and
maintenance, the proper tools must be available. This is particularly true in an educational laboratory, where stockroom personnel have a multitude of repair and maintenance jobs to perform.
Only the highest quality tools should be purchased, as they will
cost less in the long run. A cheap screwdriver, for instance, will
soon begin to wear and damage screws that are hard to replace. It
may even slip and cause injury. An "almost right" wrench will
damage nuts beyond use. A cheap wire cutter may leave a few
strands of wire uncut, an annoying and possibly hazardous condition.
Sources of Tools
Where are quality tools available? Laboratory supply houses sell
handy tool kits for normal repair and maintenance jobs. They may
come in compro:tmented boxes or pouches that are easy to carry
to where they are to be used. Such organization also makes it simple to spot a tool left behind on ajob. Unfortunately, kits are often
quite expensive and may contain some tools that will never be
needed, or they may lack tools required in a certain laboratory. In
such cases, tools are best obtained separately from hardware

The Laboratory Handyman


stores or electronic supply houses. Since prices for high quality

tools can vary considerably, it pays to do some shopping. So-called
"bargains" should be carefully scrutinized for quality.

Tool Storage
Tools have a habit of "\valking away." This may not mean somebody has stolen them. They could have just been left at the point
where they \\tere last used. Replacing a lost or missing tool, even
an inexpensive one, could mean costly do\vn-time for an instrument. To avoid such problems, there must be some kind of system
whereby it can be ascertained that all tools are returned to proper
storage immediately after use. A formal check-out system is
recommended in any situation where more thaI1 a very small
number of workers will have access to tools. BOITo\\wg tools for
weekend use at home should be prohibited or at least carefully

Special Purpose Tools

Some instruments come with special tools for adjustment or routine maintenance. These should normally be kept with their instruments for ready access. Using them for other purposes in
other locations should be discouraged. In an educational laboratory, such tools should be labeled and kept in the stockroom unless absolutely needed during routine work.

Tool Rental
If the laboratory lacks the right tool for a one-time highly specialized application, it would be impractical to buy it. There are tool
rental firms which have just about anything that might be needed: heavy duty sanders, large capacity drills, power saws, electrical conduit benders-the list goes on and on. Best of all, the prices
are quite reasonable. Such services should certainly be considered.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Maintenance is a never-ending task. Equipment manufacturers
are normally very specific about periodic care of the products
they sell, but many maintenance tasks are similar to those performed around the home. Minor repairs done in time will often
prevent the development of unsafe conditions, as well as keep
equipment in good working shape.

Even the best water faucet will eventually start to leak. Repairs
are usually quite simple, requiring parts available at the nearest
hardware store. Caution n1ust be exercised in tool selection, however, since the improper wrench will damage chrome plating,
while the wrong size screwdriver will ruin the screw holding the
new washer in place.

Sink Traps
Disassembling a sink trap may require a special wrench. It also
requires caution, as the trap might contain toxic or corrosive materials or small pieces of broken glass. More than one lost item,
such as a magnetic stirring bar, has been found during this process. If even the slightest sign of corrosion or other physical
damage is discovered, the trap must be replaced.

When damage to a wire is close to the end, the wire can simply be
shortened. Otherwise, any damage to the insulation calls for replacement of the wire. The new wire must have the same or higher current capacity and an equivalent type insulation. Connecting
a ne\\l wire to an instrument is an interesting project vvhich requires careful attention to detail. No shortcuts are permissible.

The Laboratory Handyman


Electric Plugs
When there is an electrical malfunctioning, a faulty plug is often
the culprit. It should be replaced 011ly by a plug able to stand up
under industrial use. A clamp should be used to hold the plug to
the \\ This \\rill avoid strain on the connection in case the plug
gets pulled out by the wire. If possible, \\tire ends should be coated \\ith solder before beh1g attached.

Light Bulbs
Replacing a light bulb is a simple task, but it should be noted that
the ne\\T bulb must 110t be of higher wattage. When replacing fluorescent tubes, special care must be used, since serious injury
could result from breakage. It is not advisable to mix tubes of different colors \\Then replacement becomes necessary.

No laboratory equipment is maintenance free. Some requires regular servicing by the factory representative or by an expert with
special tools or skills. Much maintenance, though, can be performed on an in-house basis by carefully following the instructions
given in the manufacturer's manual. This would include jobs such
as cleaning, lubrication, adjustments, and replacement of fuses,
lamps, or switches. The slightest malfunctioning of an electrical
switch, for example, calls for immediate replacement. All drive
belts, such as those found on vacuum pumps, must be regularly
inspected for signs of failure and for proper tightness. The
vacuum pumps themselves need periodic oil changes, and many
motors require lubrication, some with a specific lubricant recommended by the manufacturer. In fume hood fans, the most common cause for failure is lack of lubrication. All of these are important tasks that can be performed by laboratory personnel

A tour of laboratories will reveal much ingenuity on the part of


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

laboratory operators and workers. Sometimes there is home-built

equipment constructed at a fraction of the cost of what is available
commercially. Sometimes there is equipment not even manufactured commercially at any price. Unfortunately, such equipment
does not always measure up to professional standards. Safety features may have been neglected, poor quality materials may have
been used, or professional type finishing touches may be missing.
No major in-house project should be undertaken before ascertaining that both talent and tools are available for obtaining results
which will be completely professional in all respects.
Examples of Laboratory Handiwork

The follo\ving projects may serve as inspiration to those who

want to improve their laboratories on a tight budget.
Equipment Rack. One laboratory needed a rack along the center
of a free-standing work bench for supporting condensers and
other equipment. Mter checking the prices of 1/2-inch aluminum
rods from laboratory supply houses, the laboratory operator discovered such rods were available for less in a hardware store.
These were easily cut to length with a hacksaw and the cut ends
were made smooth with a few strokes of a file. The rods were
then attached to the countertop and ceiling with suitable fasteners ordered from a laboratory supply catalog, along with some
standard clamps for attaching a variety of equipment.
pH Meter Stand. An otherwise satisfactory pH meter had one
fault: it could be read only when in a straight vertical or horizontal
position. A small box was constructed to hold it at a 45-degree
angle for easy adjustment and reading. The material used was a
piece of plywood left over from a home project. The box was carefully sanded, spackled, and primed. For a professional look, it was
then given a coat of hammertone paint, followed by a clear finish.
Incubator. When laboratory work required an incubator with an
internal electrical outlet for a mixing machine, such a thing could
not be found in the catalogs. Even if it had been available" the

The Laboratory Handyman


price \vould have been \vay outside the budget. Fortunately, the
laboratory operator el1joyed \voodworking as a hobby. He went
to \vork building a double-walled cabinet with insulation between
the "ralls. An appliance parts house furnished a heating element
of the right size, a laboratory equipment supplier a thennostat,
and an electronic parts supplier a quiet and efficient circulating
fan. The rest, including a fuse holder and an on-off indicator light,
came from a hardware store. Both exterior and interior surfaces
of the cabinet were carefully f1l1ished \vith paints ofgood chemical
resistance for a professional look. This was a lengthy project, and
the builder's impatient \vife "ranted to know how soon the
"monster" \vould get out of the house. It frnally did go to the laboratory, "There it performed well for many years, retaining the
name "Monster" forever after.

Some Negative Examples

On the negative side, some poor examples of laboratory handiwork have been seen. In most of these cases, a little extra work 011
the part of the handyman could have elevated the results from
just passable to excellent.

Careless Workmanship. One laboratory operator combined a variety of equipment for a distillation procedure and finally came up
with something that met his needs. In other words, it worked
-but he had a tangle of wires, water hoses, and blocks of scrap
wood for support. With less than one day's additional work, he
could have improved both performance and safety features.
Dangling Cords. In another case, a "temporary" light duty extension cord was used to hook up a new piece of equipment with
an adapter to by-pass the three-wire grounded outlet. A year
later, the equipment was still there and so was the cord, now
hanging from a hook in the ceiling.
Poor Quality Materials. One laboratory built an extension to an
existing work bench. The idea was both logical and practical. But
why did they use the cheapest grade lumber available, full of


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

knots and-knot holes? For this type of project, the extra cost of
good materials would have been minimal. The addition was left
unfinished, making it look still worse. A little spackle, sandpaper,
and paint would have given the project a finished look.


Fire damage may present the biggest challenge of all to a laboratory handyman. One night, part of an industrial building containing the laboratory burned. It was quickly declared a complete
loss, but was it really? The laboratory manager and his assistant
sifted through the debris. Yes, much could be salvaged, but not
without a great deal of work. Everything that looked recoverable
was placed in cartons and put in a warehouse. Then replacement
costs were determined. These came as a shock; the answer was to
rebuild as much as possible.
Repair Methods
All equipment that could stand such treatment was soaked in
dilute sodium hydroxide, which removed both fire deposits and
old finish. All wiring and switches were removed, regardless of
apparent condition. One by one, the pieces of equipment that
were deemed salvageable went to the laboratory operator's
home for rebuilding. Metal parts were finished with a resistant
paint, actually superior to that used originally. Solder joints damaged by heat were repaired and all cooling water connections
carefully pressure tested. Brighter indicator lights than those
originally furnished were used. Fuses of just the right size
were installed to minimize damage in case of shorts. Duplicating the special wires and switches proved to be the most difficult and time-consuming part of the job, but even that was
finally accomplished with some perseverance.
Drying Oven
A drying oven looked hopeless after the fire, at least on the out-

The Laboratory Handyman


side. HO\\TeVer, the insulation had protected the interior parts,

including the thermostat. With the outer metal shell cleaned
and painted and the insulatio11, \\:iring, s\\ritches, and door
gasket replaced, the oven looked and performed like new
A Learning Experience
The money saved by restoring this equipment was not the only
reward. An added bonus was that the laboratory operator had
become throughly familiar with his equipment. Sources of future malfunctioning could be quickly located and repair would
be inexpensive and fast. This would save both money and costly down-time in the future.
Even if he does not do all the \vork himself, a true handyman is
a valuable member of the laboratory staff. He is able to spot the
source of a problem and suggest repair methods. He is also able
to come up with better ideas for handlh1g laboratory modification or expansion.

A Case History

This is the step by step history of the planning and building of a

medium size industrial laboratory. The progress and problems involved in this typical case history will serve to illustrate many of
the more general or theoretical examples given in previous chapters.
The company was a private label manufacturer of home maintenance and personal care products. Its laboratory would be involved with new product development, evaluation of raw materials, testing of competitive products, and quality control. Laboratory personnel would also be responsible for chemical safety in
the plant and for proper waste disposal.


The company had taken over an empty industrial building. A section of the building close to the production area was chosen for the
laboratory. Communication would be easy and interference from
heat, noise, fumes, and vibration was judged negligible. This area
had no utility connections, however, so another area closer to utilities had also been considered but was dismissed as being too far
away from both office and production areas. Since utilities were


A Case History


required for use in the nearby production area, installation in the

laboratory would not be too costly. The laboratory was to be a
building within a building, with the "roof' creating a large mezzanine for storage under the much higher plant ceiling.

The planning and design were carried out by the engineering frrm
who also built the plant and who had on its staff a designer \vith
long experience in laboratory planning. They worked in close cooperation with the laboratory operator.
The total floor area available was a little under 1500 square feet,
part of which would be taken up by a fIrst aid room and by a stairway and hallways. This would leave about 1250 square feet for the
laboratory itself.
The laboratory operator's estimate of bench space needed showed
that the space was adequate. Twice as much space as that needed
for fIXed equipment was requested, but it took time to convince
management that this was in no way extravagant.
It was then decided that there should be a large main room and
two smaller rooms, one for instruments and another for future microbiological work. The latter was hard to justify to management,
so it was planned as a utility room for testing laundry products
and working with dusty samples. It could be converted if the
microbiological work came about. Meanwhile, the room was
there, complete with utilities. In addition, there was to be an office, a closet area, and the fIrst aid room mentioned above.
Many different arrangements were considered and rejected
before a plan was developed that would be both practical and economically feasible.
Room dimensions finally settled upon were roughly as follows:
Main room

22x37 feet


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Utility room

llx14 feet

Instrument room



9xll feet

First aid room

8xll feet

The rest of the area was made up of hallways, stairways, and a

large size closet. Stairs to the mezzanine were designed to be
wide enough for carrying large equipment up for storage. The
main door to the laboratory opened into a small hall at the stairs,
not directly into the plant, in order to avoid collisions with moving
plant equipment.
The laboratory operator laid out work bench areas to suit jobs to
be perl'ormed. Several changes were made in order to facilitate
utility installations.
It was decided to give the large room a 9 foot ceiling, while ceiling
height in the other rooms would be the standard 8 feet. Adequate
space would be allowed above the ceilings to carry overhead utilities and air ducts.


Supplied with scale drawings of the proposed rooms, the laboratory operator began work on bench layouts in close cooperation
with the designer. The desigl1er made many practical suggestions, such as moving one of the sinks a short distance to simplify
the plumbing. The large room was to have a work bench along
most of one large wall, leaving space for the main door. Work benches would cover one of the short walls entirely and about 25%-1 of
the other long wall. The rest of this wall space would be used for
doors to the instrument room, office, and the fIrst aid room, and
for a table for an analytical balance. The other short wall was
left clear for a refrigerator and shelving for salnple storage.
The large room would also have a center \vork bench. Utilities

A Case History



















Figure 2: Laboratory floor plan as submitted to engineering firm.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

\vould come to it from overhead, and the planned se,ver ,vould be

directly underneath.
There was also to be room for a large table where incoming samples for analysis could be unpacked, sorted, and recorded. A suitable size was judged to be 4x8 feet. In addition, there should be
room for a small desk at the end of the center table.
The instrument room \\ras planned for \\rork benches covering
roughly 60% of the \vall area. One "rall ,vas left free for bookcases.

The laboratory needed the usual hot and cold water, electric
power, gas, and sewer. In addition, there would be a need for DI
water. Plant equipment was serviced with clean compressed air,
which could be piped into the laboratory and be used with only
minor further purification.
Except for the sewer, all utilities could be easily piped into the
area. A water heater would have to be istalled, however, since the
nearest one in the building was some distance away and already
used to capacity. The concrete floor would have to be broken up to
accommodate the sewer. A sewage mixing tank would be installed beneath the floor with access for sampling by a waste
water inspector.
The building had an ample supply of electric power. It was just a
matter of bringing the right amount to where it would be needed.
The laboratory operator made careful estimates of what was
needed and submitted his figures to the electrical designer, who
added what was required for other items, such as lighting, and
came up with a recommended number of circuits. The laboratory
operator then added to this a separate circuit to be used exclusively for instruments using low but steady power, a matter the
designer had not considered. In addition, the laboratory operator
requested a breaker box that could accommodate several more

A Case History


circuits for possible future expansion. In the eyes ofmanagement,

this was felt to be extravagant, but it was approved .after some
arguments. Most work areas would be supplied with power from
wall-mounted strip-type outlets, but in some areas benchmounted pedestals had to be used.

The laboratory area had no ventilation, and the system used elsewhere in the building was unable to handle the extra load. As a
result, a separate system had to be installed. At the laboratory
operator's insistence, this was to be a system with no recirculation of air. There was considerable resistance from management
due to the higher cost for both installation and operation. To make
matters more difficult, the heating engineer had never seen a
need for such a system on previous jobs. One argument finally
settled the situation. It was pointed out that fragrance evaluations would often have to be performed as part of product evaluation. This would be difficult if much of the air were recirculated.
There were plans to build a small office for production personnel
on part of the mezzanine, so the system had to be able to handle
this, too.
The engineer recommended a heat pump for both heating and
cooling mounted on the building's roof. To augment the heat
pump in cold weather, electric heaters were installed in the ducts.
The laboratory operator requested an on-off switch for the system with a pilot light mounted directly inside the laboratory door.
Instead, a cumbersome timing device was mounted on the mezzanine, a "standard" procedure. It would have to be set for manual
operation whenever somebody came in on a weekend. Nor was
provision made for slow speed ventilation at night, as requested.
In retrospect, it can be said that the system had more than its
share of problems. First of all, management refused a request for
a maintenance contract, arguing that this system would work for
a long time without maintenance. It did not. Mter about one year,


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

the crucial reversing valve broke down. The unit was still under
warranty, but this covered only parts. Labor charges were substantial. Two years later, the valve broke down again, but management still refused to consider a maintenance contract. Finally,
one of the two fan motors ceased to operate, possibly because of
lack of maintenance. This resulted in another big bill. On the
positive side, it must be said that the thermostat system worked
very well, although the installation of electric duct heaters may be
questioned. They were probably not required in the mild California climate.

A designer of lighting systems was called in. He recommended
surface mounted fluorescent fIXtures, which he considered more
efficient than the recessed ones. The laboratory operator scanned
all work areas with a light meter after the j ob was completed. The
light was even and well within recommended levels. Furthermore, there were never any problems with the fixtures themselves, except for an occasional change of tubes.


The laboratory operator had a preference for steel furniture,
which the engineering fIrm shared. Rather than accept their recommeJldation for a manufacturer, however, the laboratory operator accumulated a stack of catalogs and studied them carefully.
There was a substantial price difference between brands and
their features varied. One maker seemed to offer the right combination between price and desired features. The sales representative arranged for the laboratory operator's visit to where this
furniture had been in service for about two years. It was carefully
inspected with slamming of doors and opening of drawers.
Although the frnish had at times been exposed to chemicals, it had
held up well. Best of all, the work benches were available on short
notice. After much deliberation, a cheerful two-color scheme of

A Case History


yellow cabinets and orange doors was selected. Installation by an

independent contractor was included in the price.
In the main room where a large variety of \vork would be performed, bench tops with good resistance to chemicals and heat
would be needed. In the instrument room, where strong
chemicals would not be used, such tops would not be needed. The
engineering frrm, which had never built a laboratory where all the
tops were not of the same type, was surprised at the laboratory
operator's suggestion to use different materials for different
work areas. Having just visited several quite sophisticated
laboratories in Europe where ceramic tile was used, the laboratory operator was convinced that tile might be the most costeffective option for the main room. Quotations were obtained
from local frrms. While much more expensive than plastic laminate, tile was far less expensive than monolithic composition tops.
Furthermore, it was available from local suppliers on short
notice. The engineering frrm turned the idea down, however, and
convinced management that the epoxy impregnated slabs were
the only thing to use in the main laboratory room.
They did compromise by using laboratory grade plastic laminate in
the instrument room, where chemical spills were rare. It proved to
have a higher resistance than anticipated. The monolithic tops, as
expected, took a great deal of punishment with no damage. The
laboratory operator, though, would have settled happily for the
far less expensive ceramic tile.


For the three sinks, the laboratory operator suggested standard
enamel sinks. The more expensive epoxy sinks, however, were
chosen by the engineering fIrlll because of their high resistance to
chemicals. The fact that the city had very strict regulations with
regard to discharge of chemicals did not seem to alter their recommendation. The plumbing contractor presented several types
of sink traps, from which the laboratory operator picked the one
he felt was most easily serviced.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation










VL 1720
VL 1840








VL 1900
VL 1840







VL 1900
VL 1840












Figure 3: Plan for main laboratory room showing furniture modules with
catalog numbers.

A Case History


Faucets chosen by the engineering fIm1 were equipped with antisiphoning devices. The laboratory operator had specified their locations but had failed to check whether the local code required the
expensive anti-siphoning type. The bench-mounted outlets installed for use with condensers and similar devices, however,
were not of the anti-siphoning type, even though in this particular
laboratory, the latter would be far more likely to draw water back
into the system in case of pressure failure.
The engineering frrm insisted on heavily plated metal valves for
DI water. They had never used plastic, which the laboratory
operator had successfully employed in a previous installation.
Management agTeed with the engineers. The water was distributed to all sinks by standard PVC pipe, which worked very well
after thorough flushing.
Two DI units were employed in series and placed in the large
closet next to the main laboratory room, where the indicator
lights could be easily observed. This location was poor, since service personnel had to wheel replacement tanks through the laboratory, and mopping up was always required after exchanging
tanks in the cramped quarters. Ideally, they should have been
placed in the plant area with remote indicator lights mounted on
the laboratory wall. At the time, such remote lights were not offered.


After some deliberation, sheet flooring was chosen rather than
tile. Commercial grade vinyl was used in a color which harmonized with the laboratory furniture. The flooring was installed before any furniture arrived. While this called for more material,
labor cost was much less. A sealer was applied to all seams.
Although it stood up quite well, flooring with welded seams, not
mentioned by either engineer or contractor, would no doubt have
been more desirable.
The laboratory operator specified semi-gloss alkyd paint, despite


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

the fact that both the engineering fUin and the painting contractor claimed that a latex paint "ras \vhat the~y al"rays used for such
applications. He also gave the painting contractor a narro\v choice
of high quality brands. While the job ,,as undenvay, one of the
painters remarked that it \vas nice to ,,;-ork \vith a good paint for a
Acoustical tile \vas specified for all ceilings, \\;th the engineering
fIrm selecting the appropriate t)rpe. PerfOlinanCe \\as good, the
tiles seemed to have a lo\\? dirt pick-up, and dust deposits near the
ventilation outlets "Tere minimal.

The installer engaged by the furrliture supplier did a truly professionaljob. It was finished sooner than expected. There was some
fear that the monolitllic countertop slabs, which were pre-fabricated at the factory, might have size discrepancies. They did not,
due to very careful measurements taken when the order was
placed. The plumbing contractor chosen by the e11gineering fIrm
did excellent work. The electrical contractor was pleased with the
way circuits had been planned, and the planner in turn was highly
satisfied with his installation. At the laboratory operator's request, all information regarding installation and maintenance was
saved and later filed. The contractors admitted that this was not
their common practice, but they were all in favor of it.


Two large distributors were considered for providing equipment
and supplies. It soon became apparent that neither could provide
all the items needed, so it was decided that the order should be
It was an agonizing job to make up lists of everything needed,
down to tweezers and filter paper, but the laboratory operator

A Case History


\\'as a\\Tare that prices \vould be more favorable in such package

deals. He also knew that mal1agement \\Tould be opposed to buying forgotten start-up supplies later on, usually at higher prices
and \\rith funds coming out of the operating budget. At the same
time, he had been instructed to keep quantities of consumable
materials to a reasonable level.
Eventually shopping lists were fmished and sent out for quotations, which came as a pleasant surprise. Prices were well below
those shown in the catalogs because of quantities ordered. Since
the laboratory had not yet been finished, delivery dates were coordinated with estimated requirement dates. Manufacturers'
representatives, from whom information on instruments had
been requested, were quick to show up. This resulted in many
free lunches, but not one representative resorted to what is usually called "hard sell". They were all very professional.
The large (4x8 feet) sample sorting table was custom made in the
laboratory operator's carport. It was built to hold standard twodrawer file cabinets below. The top laboratory grade plastic laminate was procured from a local countertop fabricator. The file cabinets were spares from the office. A large office desk for the laboratory operator was obtained as part of the company's new office
furniture. A small desk needed in the main laboratory room was
purchased from a used office furniture dealer at a good price. The
top was perrect, the drawers worked well, but the drab grey finish was scratched. A local paint store quickly matched the two
colors of the laboratory furniture. There was a spray gun available at no charge. On a Saturday morning, the laboratory operator set up his paint shop in the plant area and went to work on
the desk and the file cabinets. On Monday morning, the masking
tape was removed and everything went back to the laboratory. It
was well worth the modest investment in time and materials.
Since the company was getting new typewriters for the office, an
older model electric machine was to be discarded. It was just
right for the laboratory, but the laboratory operator insisted on
having it serviced before taking it over.


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Several home-type appliances \vere required, including refrigerator, dishV\Tasher, washing machine, and dryer. A local appliance
store provided them at a good price, much lower than if they had
been purchased individually.
The company had declared surplus two secretary chairs because
they did not match the decor of the new offices. They were in excellent condition and very comfortable. One V\ras placed at the analytical balance, the other at the desk in the main room.

In case of an emergency, there were t\VO ways to escape from the
laboratory: through the main door or through the fIrst aid room.
The main dra\\rback of this arrangement was that both doors
opened into the same plant area. A better choice would have been
to have installed a door from the instrument room to the office
Work areas were laid out in such a \\ray that flammables would not
be handled near either door. Upon arrival, cartons containing
samples or supplies went \\rhere they would not interfere with
traffic. Approved warning signs \vere posted where needed.
A combination safety shower and eye wash station was installed in
the laboratory. Although the engineering company recommended
a very expensive chrome-plated unit, a much lower priced one
which used plain galvanized pipe was chosen. Its perfonnance
was the same. The pipe was later primed and painted to match
the laboratory furniture, another Saturday job for the laboratory
The building's sprinkler system, already in place, was extended
to the laboratory area by a properly certified contractor.
The fIre department was consulted with regard to the proper
number and placement of fITe extinguishers. They were most

A Case History


happy to cooperate and had some good suggestions. Management

agreed to a service contract for the extinguishers.

As with any other project, there were things that could have been
done differently and better a second time, but overall it must be
said that, in spite of occasional differences of opinion, this laboratory installation worked out well. It was the cooperative effort of
'tnany people, each one doing his or her best with an eye for the
future. No dramatic changes had to be made as work began or
when new assignments came in. The laboratory became a place
where creative and productive work could be performed with minimum interference.


chemical spills - 44
electrical hazards - 93, 135137
emergency treatment of - 45
legal aspects of - 42
mechanical hazards - 48-49
Air conditioners - 35
American Chemical Society
LabGuide - 102
safety publications of - 39
supplier listing - 73
Balances, analytical
in educational laboratories 10
mounting of - 23
Building regulations
for anti-siphoning devices - 88
for compressed gas storage 94
for doors - 19-20
for plastic drains - 91
for safety measures - 39, 42
acoustical treatment of - 69
suspended - 69

Chemicals, resistance to
of flooring materials - 64-66
of paints - 68
of work tops - 79-82
Cleaning (see also Housekeeping)
materials for - 116
services, janitorial - 115-116
Clean-up of spills - 44
chemical spills on - 45
protective - 52
agreements with - 118-119
development work for - 121124
Colors, choice of - 71-72, 75
Communication, importance of
between laboratory and other
facilities - 14
between planners - 3
during construction - 98
Compressed air - 32, 91-92
Computers 120, 128-129
in compressed air pipes - 91
in fume hood systems - 83
paints resistant to - 68
ventilation, importance of - 33


as location choice factor - 14
of operation - 116-118
of start-up - 103-105
Cup sinks - 90
Customers (see Clients)
Doors - 19, 49
Drains - 89-91
Drying ovens - 22
Earthquake preparedness - 48
failure of - 50-51
outlets for - 92-93
requirements for - 31
repair and maintenance of 134-135
Emergencies (see also Accidents)
Chemical spills - 44
earthquakes - 48
equipment for - 24-25, 45
fire - 47-48
utility failures - 50-51
Equipment - 6-11,100-107
(see also individual items)
check-out of - 13, 133
fire damaged, salvaging of 138-139
heat producing - 22
identification of - 107
installation instructions for 99
laboratory-built - 84, 136137
maintenance of - 125, 134135
mechanical hazards of - 49
space requirements of - 6-11
warranties for - 99
Ethics, laboratory - 118-119
Expansion, planning for - 8-9,
Eye protection - 51-52
Eyewash station - 45


for compressed gas cylinders 93
for fume hoods - 83
Faucets - 87 -88
Files, storage of - 114
Fire doors - 20
Fire drills - 4 7 -4 8
Fire hazard - 58
Fire regulations - 41-42
disposal of - 59
handling of - 23, 43
storage of - 43
Flooring materials - 64-67
Food, contamination of - 53
Fume detectors - 42-43
Fume hoods
construction of - 82-85
corner-fitted - 22
in educational laboratories - 10
electrical outlets for - 93
space requirements of - 8
for toxics and flammables - 23
air polluting effects of - 56
monitoring of - 42-43
paints resistant to - 68
Furniture, laboratory
cabinets - 74-76
chemical resistance of - 75
modular units - 85
plumbing for - 30, 91
pressure failure - 50
Gases, compressed - 94
mechanical hazards of - 49
storage of - 12
Government agencies, records
for - 122
Government regulations for
waste - 55-63
Hair protection - 53


The Chemical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

Hazards, electrical - 93, 135137

Heat-producing equipment - 22
Heat pump - 145
Heating and cooling - 35
Housekeeping - 115
Instruments (see also Equipment)
electronic developments in 102
installation of - 105-106
operation manuals for- 106
price of - 106
storage of - 12
Labeling of samples - 122-123
Laboratory, layout of - 17-26,
Laboratory operator
definition of . 2
involvement of - 64, 97, 99
role of -17-18
Laboratories, educational
budget for - 11 7
space requirements of - 1213
Laboratories, industrial
record keeping in - 123-125
Laboratories, medical
location of - 14
Laboratories, research
budget for - 11 7
furni ture for - 85
record keeping for - 121-122
Laboratories, school (see
Laboratories, educational)
Legal aspects
for analytical work - 125
of released fumes 56
of record keeping - 120-121
reporting illegal activities 119
of safety rules - 42
Lighting - 25-26, 70-71

Location selection
environmental considerations
of - 15-16, 140
relation to other work areas 14
utility access - 16
zoning regulations - 16
Maintenance and repair - 13, 117
contracts for - 145
of equipment - 134-135
of fire damaged equipment 138-139
records of - 125
Material Safety Data Sheets - 3941
Needle valves
for gas flow adjustment - 91
for low water flow - 88
Noise, effect of - 16
Notebooks, laboratory - 120-121
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), 39,46
Office space - 23-24
Operations, listing of - 5-6
Ordering supplies and equipment 104-105,112-113
Packing list - 105
Paints - 67 -68
Paperwork reduction - 126-128
Peninsulas - 21-22
records for - 125
selection of - 108-111
training of - 111-112 (see
also Record keeping)
Planning (see also Laboratory,
layout of)
case history - 140-153
catalog numbers - 77
preliminary - 4-16
Pollution, control of - 55-63

Plumbing (see also Sinks)
access to - 16, 28
for compressed air - 32, 91
for deionized water - 29
fixtures - 87, 134, 147
for gas - 30, 91
placement of outlets - 86, 91
for sewer connection - 31-32
Procedures manual - 126
Purchasing, records of - 125
Quality control, records of - 124
Reactions, chemical - 45-46
disposal of - 61
storage of - 12-13, 48
Record keeping - 120-129
Reports - 112
Research and development,
records for - 121-122
Safety - 36-54,152
check of completed layout 25
conductive flooring - 66-67
housekeeping, effect of 114
information sources - 38-39
as site selection factor - 14
ventilation, effect on - 32
Safety shower
in educational laboratories 10,25
location of - 24-25
standards for - 45
Safety signs - 54
disposal of - 114
labeling of - 122-123
receiving of - 23
storage of - 114
Scale drawing - 18-19
Sewage mixing tank - 144
Sewer connection - 31-32
corner fitted - 22


materials for - 89-91

numbers needed - 28
space requirements of - 8
Smoking - 53
Space requirements, laboratory 6-11
Spills, clean-up of - 44
Sprinklers - 47
Staff, laboratory (see Personnel)
Stockroom - 13
of chemicals - 45-46
of compressed gases - 93-94
of dead files - 114
of samples - 11, 114
of tools - 133
of waste materials - 59
Storage cabinets - 22
of laboratory equipment - 73,
relationship with - 113-114
Supplies - 100-107
ordering of - 112-113
receiving of - 105-106
sources of - 100-103, 113-114
cost of - 117
records of - 123-124
Tools - 132-133
Toxic materials
disposal of - 58-59
food contamination - 53
handling of - 23
Traffic patterns - 20, 25
Utilities (see also individual
access to -16, 59
fail ure of - 50 -51
outlets for - 86-94
requirements - 27 -35, 144
Vacuum pumps - 32, 77
Vapors, flammable - 57, 66-67


The Chenlical Laboratory: Its Design and Operation

safety aspects of - 42-43
systems - 32-35, 145
Vibration - 15
Warranties - 106
Waste disposal - 55-63, 114
Waste holding tank - 90
Wastewater regulations - 57
Water, deionized
outlets for - 88-89
placements of units - 149
properties of - 28-29
Water, distilled - 29-30

Water, hot and cold - 27 -28

Water, soft - 28
Water, sterile - 88-89
Water heaters - 28
Water pressure - 50
Windows - 15-16
Work benches - 73-85
dimensions of - 20-22
materials for tops of - 78-81
selection of - 80-81, 146
space requirements of - 8-9
Work patterns (see Traffic

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