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Experimental Characterization of Nonlinear Harmonic Radiation from a Visible

Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission Free-Electron Laser at Saturation
A. Tremaine,1 X. J. Wang,2 M. Babzien,2 I. Ben-Zvi,2 M. Cornacchia,3 H.-D. Nuhn,3 R. Malone,2 A. Murokh,1
C. Pellegrini,1 S. Reiche,1 J. Rosenzweig,1 and V. Yakimenko 2
Department of Physics & Astronomy, UCLA, Los Angeles, California 90095
Accelerator Test Facility, NSLS, BNL, Upton, New York 11973
SSRL, SLAC, Stanford, California 94309
(Received 20 September 2001; published 3 May 2002)
Nonlinear harmonic radiation was observed using the VISA self-amplified, spontaneous emission
(SASE) free-electron laser (FEL) at saturation. The gain lengths, spectra, and energies of the three
lowest SASE FEL modes were experimentally characterized. The measured nonlinear harmonic gain
lengths and center spectral wavelengths decrease with harmonic number, n, which is consistent with
nonlinear harmonic theory. Both the second and third nonlinear harmonics energies are about 1% of the
fundamental energy. These experimental results demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of using
nonlinear harmonic SASE FEL radiation to produce coherent, femtosecond x rays.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.204801 PACS numbers: 41.60.Cr, 41.60.Ap, 41.85.Ja

The explosive growth of synchrotron light source appli- As an electron beam passes through the periodic mag-
cations in the last few decades is due largely to the im- netic field of an undulator, such as in a SASE FEL, spon-
proved brightness of the x-ray beams they produce [1]. taneous radiation is emitted due to the electron beam/
During the same time, high power, femtosecond laser tech- magnetic field interaction. A ponderomotive potential is
nologies have opened new frontiers in spectroscopy and formed by the interaction of this radiation field with the un-
dynamics system studies [2]. The free electron laser (FEL) dulator magnetic field. The ponderomotive potential longi-
is one of the technologies that will bridge the gap between tudinally microbunches the electron beam on the scale of a
laser light (coherent, femtosecond pulse duration at long radiation wavelength, lr . As the beam microbunches fur-
wavelengths) and synchrotron light (incoherent, picosec- ther, the coherent radiation emitted from the beam grows
ond pulse duration at x-ray wavelengths). exponentially through the undulator. At saturation, the ra-
A FEL can operate as either an oscillator or a single- diation field stops growing and an oscillatory exchange of
pass amplifier. For coherent, femtosecond x-ray genera- energy between the radiation field and electron beam con-
tion, oscillators and laser-seeded FEL amplifiers are not tinues until the end of the undulator.
feasible due to the nonexistence of highly reflective mirrors The wavelength of fundamental radiation emitted from
and laser seeds in the x-ray region. All proposed x-ray FEL this process is given by
facilities [3,4] are based on the self-amplified, spontaneous µ ∂
lu K2
emission (SASE) FEL, which is a high-gain, single-pass lr 苷 11 , (1)
FEL amplifier that starts from noise [5,6]. SASE x-ray fa- 2g 2 2
cilities rely on high-brightness, low energy-spread electron where lu is the undulator period, g is the electron beam
beams and novel undulators to achieve saturation within a energy, and K is the undulator parameter. Equation (1) is
reasonable distance. also the period at which the electron beam is longitudinally
One of the natural consequences of the SASE FEL is microbunched, lmb 苷 lr . High-gain SASE FELs have
nonlinear harmonic generation (NHG) [7–10], which oc- been demonstrated from IR to UV wavelengths [12–22],
curs only in the high gain and saturation regime. Com- and saturation of SASE FELs has been observed recently at
pared to other harmonic radiation, NHG is driven by the the LEUTL [19], VISA [20,21], and TTF [22] facilities. In
fundamental mode and has faster growth rates and higher addition, measurements of the longitudinal microbunching
intensities. Both simulation and theory predict the NHG of the electron beam from SASE FELs have been reported
3rd harmonic to be about 1% of the fundamental for an [23,24].
x-ray SASE FEL [9,10]. This is about 8 orders of mag- An electron beam in a FEL near saturation is tightly
nitude brighter than current third generation synchrotron microbunched at the fundamental wavelength. Such a
light sources. NHG is transversely coherent, and it makes strongly microbunched electron beam drives the micro-
the possibility for SASE FELs to have broad spectral cov- bunching at its harmonics [8], lmb,n 苷 lmb 兾n, where n 苷
erage. In addition, NHG is less sensitive to the electron 1, 2, 3, . . . . Since the harmonic microbunching is driven by
beam parameters, undulator errors, and wakefields com- the fundamental (n 苷 1) SASE process, the harmonic mi-
pared to other linear harmonic generation schemes [11]. crobunching grows at a rate faster than the fundamental,

204801-1 0031-9007兾02兾 88(20)兾204801(4)$20.00 © 2002 The American Physical Society 204801-1


but it starts later in the undulator. The radiation emitted about 2 orders of magnitude) at the SASE fundamental.
from such a bunching process is known as nonlinear har- The resolution of the spectrometer is about 1 nm. Fig-
monic radiation [8 –10]. The experimental investigation of ure 1(a) shows the harmonic wavelengths, decreasing
the nonlinear harmonic radiation at the VISA SASE FEL is according to the following equation:
presented in this Letter. For the first time, the gain lengths
for the three lowest modes of a SASE FEL have been mea- lf
lr,n 苷 , (2)
sured and shown to decrease with the harmonic number, n
n. The measured energies from nonlinear harmonic gen-
eration are shown to agree with both nonlinear theory and where n 苷 1, 2, 3, . . . is the harmonic number and lf is
simulations. In addition, the spectra for these modes have the fundamental wavelength (n 苷 1). The measured fun-
been experimentally characterized. damental wavelength is 845 nm while the 2nd and the
The VISA FEL is part of the research and development 3rd harmonics are 423 nm and 281 nm (n 苷 2, 3), respec-
effort for the proposed LCLS x-ray FEL project [3] and is tively. The spectrum obtained in Fig. 1(a) agrees with
a test bed for both the high-brightness electron beam and Eq. (2) within the resolution of the spectrometer.
SASE FEL physics required for an x-ray FEL. Table I Figure 1 also shows the spectral bandwidth, Dln
summarizes the key design parameters for the experiment. (FWHM), which decreases as the mode number increases.
The VISA experiment was carried out at the Accelerator The bandwidth measured for the fundamental at satu-
Test Facility (ATF) of Brookhaven National Laboratory. ration has been reported elsewhere for VISA [20,21]
The ATF high-brightness electron beam is produced by an and is Dlf 苷 15 nm. Figure 1(b) provides independent
S band, 1.6-cell photocathode rf gun operating in longi- measurements for the 2nd and 3rd harmonics at the VISA
tudinal emittance compensation mode [25]. The electron saturation. The spectral widths (FWHM) for the 2nd
beam is accelerated to 72 MeV by two sections of trav- and 3rd harmonics are Dl2 苷 6 nm and Dl3 苷 3 nm,
eling wave linac. The final match of the electron beam respectively. The above data show the nonlinear harmonic
into the VISA undulator is done by a quadrupole magnet bandwidths, Dln , relative to that of the fundamental
triplet. The VISA undulator [26] is a planar magnet array decrease with an increasing mode number, n. In addition,
with built-in strong focusing. The strong focusing is intro- the relative bandwidths, Dln 兾ln , also decrease with
duced by placing dipole magnets with opposite polarity on mode number, but at a slower rate. Recent studies [29]
either side of the electron beam propagation axis [26]. The of the SASE nonlinear harmonic spectra support this
4-m undulator has a 1.8-cm period and a 6-mm gap. The observation. A double hump was observed in Fig. 1(a)
combination of strong focusing and bright electron beam for the 2nd harmonic. Figure 1(a) was captured when
demands the straightness of the undulator to be better than the nonlinear harmonics were just beginning to grow and
30 mm over one gain length [27]. the double hump is most probably due to the electron
Both SASE and NHG measurements along the undula- beam/harmonic radiation interaction during the SASE
tor are made using eight diagnostic pop-in ports [28] plus NHG start-up process. Figure 1 experimentally confirms
the diagnostic station downstream of the undulator. The that high quality nonlinear harmonic spectra can be
diagnostic pop-in screens inside the undulator are spaced
at 50-cm intervals, the last pop-in being 25 cm from the
exit of the undulator. Nonlinear harmonic growth occurs
primarily in the last quarter of the undulator and can be
measured at the last three diagnostic pop-ins. The fun-
damental SASE radiation can be detected at the last five
diagnostics ports.
The nonlinear harmonic spectral measurements in
Fig. 1(a) were captured in a single shot when high SASE
gain was established. The spectrometer (Ocean Optics)
has peak sensitivity around 300 nm and attenuates (by

TABLE I. VISA FEL design parameters.

Wavelength (fundamental) lf 800 nm
E-beam energy E 72 MeV
Peak current Ip 200 A
Emittance ´ 2 mm ? mrad
Energy spread Dg兾g 0.17%
Power gain length Lg 17.5 cm FIG. 1. (a) Single shot harmonic spectra of the fundamental,
Spot size s 60 mm 2nd and 3rd harmonics. (b) Harmonic spectra independently
measured at peak VISA gain.

204801-2 204801-2

expected for future short wavelength SASE FELs driven the harmonic energy as a percentage of the fundamental.
by high-brightness electron beams. It can be seen from Table II that not only is there signifi-
The nonlinear harmonics as a function of distance for cant UV (281 nm, 3rd harmonic) energy, but there is also
the three lowest SASE FEL modes were measured using comparable energy in the green (423 nm, 2nd harmonic).
factory-calibrated Molectron joulemeters. Two bandpass The relatively large amount of 2nd harmonic energy from
filters were placed before the joulemeter for each harmonic a planar undulator is due to the low electron beam energy
measurement. Each filter attenuates the fundamental signal used in this experiment. The 2nd and 3rd nonlinear har-
by at least a factor of 1000; thus combining two filters leads monic energies are related by [30]
to 6 orders of magnitude attenuation outside of the pass- µ ∂2 µ ∂2 µ ∂2
band. Figure 2 shows a log-linear plot for fundamental, K K2 b2
E2 艐 E3 , (4)
2nd and 3rd harmonics vs distance along the second half gku sx K3 b3
of the 4-m VISA undulator. The deviation of the last two where K 苷 1.28 is the undulator parameter, g is the beam
points from exponential growth for the fundamental mode energy, ku is the undulator wave number, sx is the rms
demonstrates SASE saturation. The fundamental satura- beam size, and bn are the harmonic bunching parameters.
tion length is about 3.8 m. Kn are the coupling coefficients [30]:
A fundamental gain length of Lg 苷 19 cm is obtained
from Fig. 2. To obtain the harmonic gain lengths, Lg,2 Kn 苷 K共21兲共n21兲兾2 关J共n21兲兾2共nj兲 2 J共n11兲兾2 共nj兲兴 ,
and Lg,3, the data in the linear harmonic region are ex-
cluded. The 2nd harmonic gain length is measured to be n 苷 1, 3, 5, . . . , (5)
Lg,2 苷 9.8 cm. Because of the limited number of diagnos- 共n22兲兾2 Ø
Kn 苷 K共21兲 关Jn兾2 共nj兲兴, n 苷 2, 4, 6, . . . ,
tic pop-ins, only two points for the nonlinear 3rd harmonic
regime could be used to estimate the gain length. Multiple where j 苷 K 2 兾共4 1 2K 2 兲 and J共nj兲 is the Bessel
measurements resulted in a 6-cm average growth rate, function.
which is consistent with the gain length relation quoted Using the parameters in Table I, GENESIS [31] simula-
in Eq. (3) below. Figure 2 shows the nonlinear harmonic tions produce harmonic bunching parameters of b2 苷 0.47
radiation grows faster compared to the fundamental. Our and b3 苷 0.28 near saturation. Inserting the GENESIS re-
measurements confirm nonlinear harmonic generation the- sults into Eqs. (4) and (5), NHG theory predicts that the
ory [8–10], in which the gain length decreases with the 3rd and 2nd harmonic energies should be 1% and 1.6%
harmonic number, n. of the fundamental, respectively. The measured 3rd and
2nd harmonics are 0.8% and 1.8% (Table II) of the funda-
Lg,n 苷 . (3) mental, with the ratio E2 兾E3 苷 2.3.
n The slight discrepancy between the measured and cal-
Finally, the energy for each mode was measured down- culated energy ratio could arise from two sources: First,
stream of the undulator. Table II shows the nonlinear har- for each harmonic measurement, the signal passes through
monic energies measured at the end of the undulator and two narrow band filters. The errors in calibrating the trans-
mission coefficient for such filters is one possible source,
especially for the 3rd harmonic where each filter attenuates
the desired signal by 80%. Second, the VISA beam profile
monitors have a resolution no better than 15 mm. An er-
ror in spot size measurements of this order could account
for the remainder of the discrepancy described above since
the energy ratio given in Eq. (4) strongly depends on the
ratio of the wiggle amplitude to the transverse spot size,
K兾gku :sx .
The on-axis radiation is dominated by the odd harmon-
ics for a planar undulator. If the off-axis radiation is col-
lected, the even harmonic is observed to be quite significant
and comparable to the odd harmonic for the VISA FEL.

TABLE II. Measured harmonic energy for fundamental, 2nd

and 3rd harmonics.
Mode n 1 2 3
Wavelength (nm) lf 845 423 281
FIG. 2. Energy vs distance for the fundamental, 2nd and 3rd Energy (mJ) En 52 0.93 0.40
harmonics. The gain lengths for these are 19, 9.8, and 6.0 cm, % of fundamental energy En
3 100 1.8 0.77

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