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FM Global

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

April 2012
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Table of Contents
1.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Changes .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 4
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Occupancy ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Transmission Machinery ........................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Coating and Spreading ......................................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Printing and Lithographing .................................................................................................... 4
2.2.4 Mixing and Blending .............................................................................................................. 4
2.2.5 Lacquer and Dopes, Reclamation of Waste ...................................................................... 4
2.2.6 Film Casting and Extrusion ................................................................................................... 4
2.2.7 Solvent Extraction Plants ...................................................................................................... 4
2.2.8 Cleaning Operations .............................................................................................................. 4
2.2.9 Spray Application of Flammable and Combustible Materials ............................................... 5
2.2.10 Textiles ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.11 Plastic Containers and Plastic-Lined Containers ................................................................ 5
2.2.12 Flammable Anesthetic Agents ............................................................................................. 5
2.2.13 Dusts ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.14 Gases .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Electrical .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Bonding and Grounding ........................................................................................................ 5
2.3.2 Humidity Control .................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.3 Ventilation .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.3.4 Static Eliminators ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.5 Clothing ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.6 Container Filling and Discharge ............................................................................................ 6
2.3.7 Static Elimination and Neutralization ..................................................................................... 7
2.3.8 Platforms ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.9 Tables and Bench Tops ......................................................................................................... 7
2.3.10 Piping ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.11 Conductive Bodies ............................................................................................................... 7
2.3.12 Dusts ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.13 Anesthetizing ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.14 Static Testing ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................... 8
3.1 Loss History ..................................................................................................................................... 8
4.0 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 FM Global ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 NFPA Standards .............................................................................................................................. 8
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ........................................................................................................ 8
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................ 8
APPENDIX C INFORMATION ON STATIC .................................................................................................. 8
C.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 8
C.2 How Static Electricity Is Generated ................................................................................................ 9

2002 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
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Static Electricity
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

C.3 Triboelectric Series ....................................................................................................................... 10

C.3.1 Energy in a Static Discharge .............................................................................................. 10
C.3.2 Static Accumulation By Personnel ...................................................................................... 11
C.4 Static Control ................................................................................................................................. 11
C.4.1 Bonding and Grounding ...................................................................................................... 11
C.4.2 Ionization ............................................................................................................................. 12
C.4.3 Humidification ...................................................................................................................... 14
C.5 Control Of Ignitable Mixtures ........................................................................................................ 15
C.5.1 Inerting, Ventilation, Relocation .......................................................................................... 15
C.6 Ignitable Liquids ............................................................................................................................ 15
C.6.1 Free Charges on Surface of Liquid .................................................................................... 16
C.6.2 Storage Tanks ..................................................................................................................... 16
C.6.3 Closed Piping Systems ....................................................................................................... 17
C.6.4 Rubber-Tired Vehicles ........................................................................................................ 17
C.6.5 Tank Cars, Tankers, and Barges ........................................................................................ 18
C.6.6 Container Filling .................................................................................................................. 18
C.6.7 Plastic and Plastic-Lined Containers .................................................................................. 18
C.7 Gases ............................................................................................................................................ 19
C.7.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 19
C.7.2 Air Under Pressure ............................................................................................................. 19
C.7.3 Carbon Dioxide ................................................................................................................... 20
C.7.4 Hydrogen-Air, Acetylene-Air Mixtures ................................................................................. 20
C.7.5 LP Gases ............................................................................................................................ 20
C.8 Dusts And Fibers ........................................................................................................................... 20
C.8.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 20
C.8.2 Ignition of Dust by Static Discharge ................................................................................... 20
C.9 Transmission Machinery ............................................................................................................... 22
C.9.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 22
C.9.2 Flat Belts ............................................................................................................................. 22
C.9.3 Conveyor Belts ................................................................................................................... 22
C.9.4 Pulleys and Shafts .............................................................................................................. 23
C.10 Coating, Spreading, And Impregnating ....................................................................................... 23
C.11 Printing And Lithography ............................................................................................................. 23
C.11.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 23
C.11.2 Paper ................................................................................................................................. 24
C.11.3 Inks .................................................................................................................................... 24
C.11.4 Presses ............................................................................................................................. 24
C.11.5 Mixing and Blending Operations ....................................................................................... 25
C.12 Plastics ........................................................................................................................................ 25
C.12.1 Lacquers and Dopes ........................................................................................................ 25
C.12.2 Film Casting and Extrusion ............................................................................................... 25
C.12.3 Reclamation of Waste ....................................................................................................... 26
C.13 Solvent Extraction Plants ............................................................................................................ 26
C.14 CLEANING OPERATIONS ......................................................................................................... 26
C.14.1 Dry Cleaning ..................................................................................................................... 26
C.14.2 Steam Cleaning ................................................................................................................ 26
C.15 Spray Application Of Flammable And Combustible Materials .................................................... 26
C.16 Textiles ........................................................................................................................................ 26
C.16.1 Cotton Gins ....................................................................................................................... 27
C.17 Flammable Anesthetic Agents .................................................................................................... 27
C.18 Static Detection And Measurement ............................................................................................ 27
C.18.1 Field Mills .......................................................................................................................... 27
C.18.2 Electrostatic Voltmeter ...................................................................................................... 27
C.18.3 Electrometers .................................................................................................................... 28
C.18.4 Handheld Devices ............................................................................................................. 28

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C.18.5 Electroscopes ................................................................................................................... 28

C.18.6 Neon Lamps ..................................................................................................................... 28

List of Figures
Fig. 1. Methods of grounding shafts or metal rollers.
Carbon brush and holder, brass or carbon brush, spring bronze brush. ......................................... 12
Fig. 2. Static collectors. Tinsel spirally wound on wooden bar, crimped bronze wire set in metal back,
and copper or bronze bristles set in twisted wire. ............................................................................ 13
Fig. 3. Static Removal from nonconducting materials. (National Fire Protection Association) ................... 13
Fig. 4. Electrically energized neutralizer. ..................................................................................................... 14
Fig. 5. Filling tank truck through open dome. (National Fire Protection Association) ................................. 17
Fig. 6. Filling or emptying tank truck through a closed connection. (National Fire Protection Association) . 18
Fig. 7. Bonding during container filling. (National Fire Protection Association) .......................................... 19
Fig. 8. Details and location of static comb. .................................................................................................. 22
Fig. 9. Grounding of cloth coating machine (metal frame) showing location of static eliminators.
(National Fire Protection Association) .............................................................................................. 23

List of Tables
Table 1. Approximate Resistivities of Some Pure Ignitable Liquids ............................................................ 16
Table 2. Minimum Electrical Energy (Millijoule) For lgnition of Some Dust Clouds and Layers ................. 21

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

This data sheet describes how static electricity is generated in commercial and industrial operations where
it is a potential fire and explosion hazard. The methods used for preventing its accumulation so as not to
cause ignition are discussed. It also covers the control of static electricity in areas where flammable anesthetic
agents are used, and where a potential explosion hazard may exist.
1.1 Changes
April 2012. Terminology related to ignitable liquids has been revised to provide increased clarity and consistency with regard to FM Globals loss prevention recommendations for ignitable liquid hazards.
2.1 Introduction
To protect against the static hazard involved with the following processes or occupancy, the numbered
recommendations as listed below under 2.3 Electrical should be applied as indicated.
2.2 Occupancy
2.2.1 Transmission Machinery Preferably employ antistatic belts made of conductive materials. Grounded metal combs or tinsel bars should be applied on ordinary belts where the belts leave the
pulleys as illustrated in Figure 1. If materials on a conveyor carry a charge that may be troublesome where they spill off the end of a conveyor belt into a hopper or chute, bond the belt support and terminal pulleys to the hopper or chute. Also
apply Recommendations 1a to f, whichever are suitable.
2.2.2 Coating and Spreading Apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.5 and in 2.3.7; and recommendations
2.2.3 Printing and Lithographing Apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.5 and recommendations and
2.2.4 Mixing and Blending Apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.5 and recommendation Where flammable mixtures are likely to be present above the liquid surface in a container, inert gas blanketing may be
employed. See Data Sheet 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations.
2.2.5 Lacquer and Dopes, Reclamation of Waste Apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.3. Use conductive solvents if available, or
add conductive agents.
2.2.6 Film Casting and Extrusion Apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.4.
2.2.7 Solvent Extraction Plants Apply Recommendations in Section 2.3.1, and bond together all tanks, vessels, motors, pipes, conduits, and building frames within the process.
2.2.8 Cleaning Operations For plants handling ignitable liquids with flash points at or above 100F (38C), apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.5 and and Where steam cleaning is a hazard, bond
steam pipes or nozzles to object being steamed.
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2.2.9 Spray Application of Flammable and Combustible Materials Apply Recommendations in Section 2.3.1 for all spray booths, exhaust ducts, solvent tanks, and piping
conveying ignitable liquids. For airless spray systems, bond the airless equipment to the object being sprayed
if the latter is conductive. The handle of the spray gun on electrostatic hand spraying equipment should be
grounded to prevent the accumulation of a static charge on the operator. (See Data Sheet 7-27, Spray Application of Flammable and Combustible Materials.)
2.2.10 Textiles Apply Recommendation
2.2.11 Plastic Containers and Plastic-Lined Containers If a plastic container is used in a flammable atmosphere, apply Recommendations and
through, and ground nearby conducting objects.
2.2.12 Flammable Anesthetic Agents See NFPA Standard No. 56A. Apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.1, 2.3.5, 2.3.8 and 2.3.14.
Provide a patient grounding point and a room grounding point as required by the National Electrical Code,
Article 517, Health Care Facilities, 1981 edition.
2.2.13 Dusts Apply Recommendations,,,,, and See Data Sheet
7-75, Grain Storage and Milling.
2.2.14 Gases Apply Recommendations in Section 2.3.10.
2.3 Electrical
2.3.1 Bonding and Grounding Bond and ground all conductive objects. This is frequently the least expensive method of preventing the accumulation of a static charge. Make sure bond wires are mechanically strong. They need not have large current carrying ability,
as the currents involved are minute. Uninsulated bonding and grounding conductors are preferred because
their condition is easily determined by a visual inspection. The resistance of the ground connection should not exceed 106 ohms. Ground electrodes used for
lighting or power circuits or for lightning protection are more than adequate for static grounding purposes.
Other grounding methods such as connecting to a sprinkler system, electric conduit system, and the steel
frame of a building also are acceptable. Shafts, metal rollers, or similar moving parts on a machine should be grounded as illustrated in
Figure 1. All isolated metal parts of the equipment should be bonded and grounded. Shafts that turn at high speeds should be bonded to the journal housing.
2.3.2 Humidity Control Maintain a relative humidity of 60 to 70% or more, wherever possible. Local humidification by means
of steam jets installed at the points of static generation is an acceptable method in some applications.
2.3.3 Ventilation Provide ample forced ventilation in the process area and around the equipment where flammable
vapors are produced. The ventilating equipment should be interlocked with the process controls so that the
process cannot be operated unless the ventilating system is functioning.

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Where a normally flammable mixture is contained within a small enclosure such as a processing
tank, an inert gas may be used effectively to bring the mixture well below its flammable range. (See Data
Sheet 7-59, Inerting and Purging of Tanks, Process Vessels and Equipment.) Where an uncontrollable static hazard exists, it is sometimes practical to direct the air flow in such
a manner that flammable vapors or dusts cannot approach the operation. Wherever possible, move static generating equipment to a safe location rather than rely on methods
of static mitigation. Solvent containers such as hoppers should be enclosed and filled through a closed piping system.
2.3.4 Static Eliminators Provide static eliminators or neutralizers. They should be firmly fixed, well grounded, properly adjusted,
and kept clean of foreign accumulations.
2.3.5 Clothing Employees working on hazardous processes or equipment that generates static should wear conductive footwear and stand on conductive floors or platforms. The use of rubbers, rubber boots, rubber soled
shoes, or boots with nails or metal heel or toe guards should be prohibited. Soles of shoes and conductive floors and working platforms should be clean and free of any insulating
substance. Avoid the use of garments made of silk, wool, and synthetic materials unless the garment is in close
contact with the body. People with unusually dry skin should not work with hazardous processes because they accumulate
static more readily than others.
2.3.6 Container Filling and Discharge When filling metal containers (pails, drums, tanks, or tank trucks) with ignitable liquids having flash
points below 100F (38C), or above 100F (38C) when heated above its flash point, conductive fill pipes or
nozzles should be used, they should make good contact with the container opening or otherwise be bonded
to the container. See Figures 6 and 7. Bonds should be attached before the tank is opened and not removed
until it is closed. Extend fill pipes for large storage tanks or trucks to the bottom, and arrange to discharge the liquid horizontally to eliminate splash filling and reduce turbulence. If bottom loading is used, splash deflectors should
be installed to prevent upward spraying of the liquid. The linear velocity of the liquid entering the tank should be kept low, about 3 ft/sec (0.9 m/s), until
the inlet pipe is submerged. Overshot splash filling should be prohibited. Water should be kept out of the incoming stream. If there possibly is a layer of water in the bottom
of the tank, avoid agitating so as not to break the surface. Avoid pumping of entrained air or gas into a tank that has a vapor space that can generate charges
at the free liquid surface. Tanks previously used for storing ignitable liquids should be ventilated to at least 50% of the lower
flammable limit before pumping in a high flash point static-generating liquid. Gauging or sampling of large tanks through roof openings should be avoided for a definite period
of time after filling has been completed. Care should be taken to prevent any ungrounded floatable object from getting into the tank. Metal storage tanks should be grounded if the resistance to earth exceeds 106 ohms.

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2.3.7 Static Elimination and Neutralization All metal parts of machinery or process equipment involving ignitable liquids or combustible dusts
should be in good electrical contact with the grounded machine frame or well bonded to it. This includes the
feeder device, spreader knives, doctor blades, metal rolls and containers for the ignitable liquids, conveyor systems, ductwork, mills, and associated equipment. Spray booths, exhaust ducts, and piping should
be similarly bonded and grounded. Install Approved static eliminators or neutralizers close to the points where the static is generated.
These include areas where the material being processed is unwound, or after it passes under a doctor blade
or spreader knife, or passes over a flowing roll, squeeze roll, calendar roll, impression roller, and similar parts
of the machine, in addition to any belts and pulleys associated with the machinery. Apply Recommendation Do not use electrically energized static eliminators in hazardous areas unless specifically Approved
for the hazard. Open gas flames should not be used for neutralizing a charge on paper if ignitable liquids are used
in the process. Where they are used, the gas supply should be interlocked with the process so that the flame
is extinguished if the process is stopped. Static collectors or neutralizers should be kept about 14 (6 to 13 mm) to 12 in. away from moving
2.3.8 Platforms Working platforms provided around machines processing combustible materials should be constructed
of conductive materials or covered with a conductive flooring and grounded. Also apply Recommendations
in Section 2.3.5.
2.3.9 Tables and Bench Tops Cover tables or bench tops on which ignitable liquids are used with sheet metal and ground them.
Also apply Recommendations in Sections 2.3.5 and 2.3.8.
2.3.10 Piping On closed piping systems, bonds should be provided around those joints in which the contacting
surfaces are made of nonmetallic insulating material. In areas where flammable vapor-air mixtures may exist, electrically isolated sections of metallic piping should be bonded to the rest of the system, or grounded, to prevent external sparks, which might cause
2.3.11 Conductive Bodies Conductive bodies in a hazardous location that may become charged due to exposure to a stream
of gas contaminated with solid or liquid particles should be grounded or bonded to the discharge pipe.
2.3.12 Dusts Where combustible dusts or powders are handled or processed, metal and other conductive material
should be used in the design of components to facilitate bonding and grounding. Processing equipment
should be dust-tight. Where bonding and grounding of all conductive parts may not prevent a static charge on dispersed dust or powder, static neutralizers also may be needed.
2.3.13 Anesthetizing Anesthetizing areas and corridors and rooms that communicate directly with them should have
conducting floors and metal furniture, and personnel in these areas should wear conducting footwear. Accessories such as operating tables, stretcher pads, sheeting, pillows, and cushions should be of conductive
materials. Woolen and synthetic blankets should not be used. Outer garments worn in these areas should

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets

be made of antistatic materials. Silk, wool, or synthetic textiles, except rayon, should not be permitted except
for underclothing where the entire garment is in close contact with the skin.
Flexible parts of the anesthesia machine such as tubing, inhalers, rebreathing bags, headstraps, face masks,
etc. that are interconnected should be of conductive material so that there is a low resistance electrical path
of 1 ohm between them.
The electrical installation in these areas should comply with the requirements specified in Article 517 of the
National Electrical Code, NFPA Standard No. 70, 1981 edition.
2.3.14 Static Testing When testing for static in areas containing flammable atmospheres, care should be taken that the
instruments or testing techniques that are employed will not cause ignition.
3.1 Loss History
A study of fires and explosions caused by static electricity, for the ten-year period 1969 through 1978 in
FM Global insured properties, showed that 233 losses occurred.
4.1 FM Global


7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations.

7-27, Spray Application of Flammable and Combustible Materials.
7-75, Grain Storage and Milling.
7-59, Inerting and Purging of Tanks, Process Vessels and Equipment.
7-88, Storage Tanks for Ignitable Liquids.
7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable Containers.
7-55/12-28, Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires.
7-96, Printing Plants.

4.2 NFPA Standards

NFPA Standard 99 Standard or Healthcare Facilities
National Electrical Code, Article 517, Health Care Facilities
NFPA Standard 70 National Electrical Code
NFPA Standard 77 Recommended Practice on Static Electricity
This document does not have any defined terms.
April 2012. Terminology related to ignitable liquids has been revised to provide increased clarity and consistency with regard to FM Globals loss prevention recommendations for ignitable liquid hazards.
September 2000. This revision of the document has been reorganized to provide a consistent format.
This document does not have any revision history.
C.1 General
The nature and origin of static charges and general methods of static mitigation are discussed in detail in
NFPA Standard No. 77. They also are discussed in somewhat less detail in this data sheet.
The generation of static electricity cannot be prevented, but dangerous accumulations can be avoided by
conducting the electric charges away as fast as they are produced.
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If static electricity is not neutralized or eliminated as rapidly as it is produced, the charge builds up and will
eventually develop energy enough to jump as a spark to some nearby grounded or less highly charged
object. The spark can ignite nearby combustible materials or vapors.
Methods of preventing the charge buildup include bonding, grounding, ionization, and humidification. They
will be described in more detail later in the text. These methods may be used singly or in combination, and
will help to prevent a spark discharge by allowing the separated positive and negative charges to recombine harmlessly.
Some of the more common processes in which static charges are produced are as follows:
1. A rapidly moving belt running over a pulley.
2. Paper or cloth passing through a machine and over rollers or under a doctor blade.
3. Nonconducting liquids flowing through a pipe or hose, or falling through the air in drops or as a spray.
4. Agitation of nonconducting liquids in tank or when air or other gases bubble through them. Petroleum
solvents, benzine, ether, and carbon bisulphide readily produce and accumulate static charges.
5. Gas issuing from a nozzle at high velocity, especially when carrying liquid or solid particles.
6. Movement of stock in grain handling and storage plants.
7. Processing plants for feed, seed, spices, sugar, starch, cocoa, resin, and similar materials.
8. Manufacture of metal powders, aluminum, etc.
9. Powders and granular materials falling through pipes or dropping off the ends of conveyors.
10. Paper passing through a printing press.
11. Dry cleaning processes employing nonaqueous liquid solvents.
12. Mixing, grinding, screening, or blending operations with solid non-conductive materials.
13. Moving vehicles.
14. Pulverized materials passing through chutes or pneumatic conveyors.
15. Aircraft in flight or on the ground.
Most methods for preventing static accumulations provide a means whereby the charges that have become
separated will recombine harmlessly before sparking potentials are attained.
C.2 How Static Electricity Is Generated
Static electricity is caused by the movement of electrons when two dissimilar substances in contact are separated. While they are in intimate contact, a redistribution of the electrons is likely to occur across the interface, and as equilibrium is achieved, an attractive force is established. When the two substances are
separated, work must be done in opposition to these forces. The expended energy reappears as an increase
in voltage between the two surfaces.
When an electric charge is present on the surface of a nonconductive body from which it cannot escape,
that charge is called static electricity. Likewise, if the body is conducting, but the charge cannot escape
because it is in contact only with other nonconductors, that charge is also called static electricity. The charge
may be either positive or negative, depending on an excess or a deficiency in electrons. For example, a surface that has an excess or a deficiency of one electron in every 100,000 atoms is very strongly charged.
A body that is charged is one in which an electrical imbalance exists. The charge is on the surface. If it is
a conductor, it is free to move over the surface under the influence of charges on nearby bodies. If the charges
are the same, they will be repelled; if they are unlike, they are attracted. If the charge is on a nonconductor, it is stationary and would remain indefinitely if the body is a perfect insulator. However, since a perfect insulator is non-existent from the practical standpoint, a charge on the surface will remain but a fraction of an
hour at most. If there is a conducting path between the separated charges, they will reunite immediately. If
there is no such path available, a potential of several thousand volts can develop.
When static electricity is generated by the separation of two dissimilar substances, at least one of them is usually an insulator. The creation of a static potential immediately causes a flow of current, which permits the

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separated charges to reunite following any available conducting paths. If the two charged bodies are highly
insulated from each other because the conducting paths are of high resistance, a potential of several thousand volts may develop before the discharge rate equals the rate of generation. If under these conditions the
two bodies are brought close together, the potential may be sufficiently high to produce a visible spark. In
the presence of combustibles, such sparks are a potential ignition hazard.
A charge on the surface of an insulated conductive body is free to move. The entire charge can be drained
off by a single spark. But a charge on the surface of an insulator is relatively stationary, and a spark from
its surface will release the charge from only a small part of the surface. It will usually have insufficient energy
to cause ignition.
A charged object has a strong influence on nearby objects. If the latter is a conductor, it will experience a separation of charges by induction. Induced charges may be more dangerous than the initially separated charges
because a repelled charge is free to give or receive electrons. If another conductor is moved nearby, the
transfer may occur by means of a spark. Likewise, sparks may occur when the inducing charge is moved
away from the insulated conductor.
C.3 Triboelectric Series
Materials differ in their ability to attract or lose electrons when they are in contact with one another. They
are so different that the various materials can be listed according to their ability to acquire electrons, as shown
in the following list known as the Triboelectric Series. Each of the materials listed will become positively
charged when in contact with any material lower on the list.
Triboelectric Series
Cat fur
Woods, Iron
Sealing Wax
Nickel, Copper, Silver, Brass
Platinum, Silver
India Rubber

C.3.1 Energy in a Static Discharge

Static electricity is a source of ignition when a spark discharge has sufficient energy to ignite nearby combustible materials. The minimum ignition energy varies for different combustible mixtures. Energy in a spark
discharge is equal to 12 CV210-9, where the energy is in millijoules (mj), C is the capacitance in micromicrofarads (picofarads), and V is the potential in volts. The energy in a static spark is also influenced by
the electrodes (objects) between which the spark takes place. All sparks do not have the same ignition capability even though they contain the same amount of energy. Fast sparks do not transfer the heat to the entire
mixture, and slow sparks result in a cold discharge. Metal-to-metal discharges usually provide a hot spark
capable of ignition.
Voltages on objects may vary from a few volts to several hundred thousand volts. A potential of 10,000 volts
could be expected under average conditions. This voltage would be hazardous in the case of an isolated
object the size of a baseball with spark electrodes of almost any shape.

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Although the capacitance of an object depends on its physical dimensions and its nearness to other objects,
most pieces of machinery have a capacitance from one hundred to a few thousand picofarads. Capacitance of the human body is estimated to be about 200 picofarads. Assuming an insulated object is charged
to 10,000 volts, the energy in the spark discharge would be about 50 mj from a machine or about 10 mj
from a person. These energies are sufficient to ignite many combustibles.
In general, hydrocarbon gases and vapors require about 0.25 mj of energy for ignition with air. Acetylene is
a notable exception; in air it needs about 0.02 mj. The minimum energies for bituminous coal and cornstarch dust clouds are about 60 and 30 mj, respectively.
Accordingly, a spark from a charged conducting object the size of a large man may be hazardous if the
potential is a little more than 1500 volts and the spark occurs between small electrodes.
In the case of a 10,000 volt spark in a combustible mixture of hydrocarbon and air, the capacitance of a
charged conductor would have to be less than 5 picofarads to be safe. On the other hand, an isolated object
the size of a baseball charged to the same voltage could be hazardous with spark electrodes of almost any
shape. Similarly a 20,000 volt spark would need a capacitance of 1.25 picofarads or a charged electrode
about the size of a large marble or a 20 penny nail. Such a spark in air would be at least 14 inch (6 mm) in
When some portion of a large nonconductive surface, such as an oil surface or power belting, acquires a
charge density of 310-9 coulombs per cm2, the potential gradient will exceed the dielectric strength of air,
which is about 30,000 volts per centimeter. Small brush discharges or corona may appear, making the region
conductive. With an adequate charging process, a spark from this conductive surface area may have enough
energy to ignite a flammable vapor-air mixture.
C.3.2 Static Accumulation By Personnel
The human body may frequently accumulate a dangerous static charge by contact of shoes with floor coverings or by working close to machinery that generates static electricity. However, the shoes and clothing
of workers may be moist enough to drain away static charges as fast as they are generated. In dry weather
or in rooms where humidity is low, static charges may accumulate on the bodies of workers to a potential
of several thousand volts, which can cause ignition in hazardous locations.
C.4 Static Control
C.4.1 Bonding and Grounding
In hazardous locations, all isolated metal parts of machines that may produce static electricity should be
bonded and the machine grounded. Bonding is the act of electrically connecting two or more conducting
objects with a conductor. Grounding is the process of electrically connecting one or more conducting objects
to ground. In some countries grounding is referred to as earthing.
The main purpose of bonding and grounding is to minimize potential differences between the metallic objects
and between the objects and the ground. Bonding keeps two objects at the same potential; thus, no spark discharge can occur. Grounding the conducting object drains away the static charges as rapidly as they are produced. Thus, the threat of sparks is eliminated because there is no longer a difference in potential between
the charged object and other nearby objects.
The currents found in the bonding and grounding connections are measured in microamperes. Because of
the small currents involved, ground connections of low resistances are not essential. It is only necessary to
have sufficient conductivity to carry off the charges before they build up to sparking potentials. A ground resistance as high as 1,000,000 ohms is usually adequate for static grounding. Methods of grounding shafts and
metal rollers are illustrated in Figure 1.
Some objects such as a large steel tank resting directly on the ground need no special ground connection
as they are inherently grounded.
Conductive Floors. In some hazardous locations, an electrically conductive floor or floor covering may be
needed to ground persons and conductive objects.
Hospital operating rooms are examples of locations where conductive floors are used to prevent hazardous accumulations of electrostatic charges. The floor serves as a means of connecting the persons and
objects together electrically to minimize the chance of a spark discharge.

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Fig. 1. Methods of grounding shafts or metal rollers.

Carbon brush and holder, brass or carbon brush, spring bronze brush.

It is recommended that electrical apparatus energized from a grounded system not be used or operated
by persons standing on the floor.
The resistance of a conductive floor, as determined by special measurements, should between 25,000 and
1,000,000 ohms. (See NFPA Standard No. 99.) The higher limit is adequate for static charge dissipation;
the lower limit gives protection to personnel against electrical shock.
Personnel and objects in the area should be in good electrical contact with the floor. Conductive footwear
and metal frames or movable equipment that make contact with the floor directly or through conductive rubber
tips or casters can be used.
The test procedure for determining if the resistivity of a conducting floor is within acceptable limits is described
in NFPA Standard No. 99, Annex 2.
C.4.2 Ionization
When static charges are produced on nonconducting materials, such as paper, cloth, rubber, or leather, it
is not possible to drain off the static electricity or neutralize it by ordinary grounding or bonding methods. If
it is impractical to increase the conductivity of the material so that the static charges will be conducted to
a grounded metal roll or other machine parts, other static corrective measures such as ionization are
If a nonconducting charged object is brought into contact with ionized air, the static charge is dissipated.
The charge is either conducted to ground through the ionized air, or the static charge on the object attracts
a sufficient number of oppositely charged ions from the air to neutralize it.
Air can be ionized by heat, high voltage, ultraviolet light, or radioactivity. Ionization overstresses the air molecules, and electrons are separated from the molecules. The electrons are negatively charged, and the molecules that have lost them become positive in polarity. If an object has a negative charge, the positive ions
in the air are attracted to it. If there are enough positive ions in the surrounding air, the negative ions on the
object will be neutralized and a static charge will not accumulate.
Heat. Ionization by a row of small gas flames is sometimes used on printing presses to eliminate static electricity on the paper.
Static Collectors or Neutralizers (Non-electrically Energized Type). Ionization of the air near a charged object
can be accomplished by non-electrically energized static collectors or neutralizers. When an object charged

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with static electricity is brought near a sharply pointed, grounded metal object, an electrostatic field is set
up between the two objects. The field produces a voltage on the points and when the static charge is above
a certain minimum value, spontaneous ionization of the air occurs.
One of the more common non-electrically energized static neutralizers employs a metal bar with numerous
grounded brass, bronze, or copper wires having sharp points. Other static collectors are made of metallic tinsel surrounding a metal wire or wound on a wood spar and grounded (Fig.2).

Fig. 2. Static collectors. Tinsel spirally wound on wooden bar, crimped bronze wire set in metal back, and copper or bronze
bristles set in twisted wire.

The various unenergized static collectors have about the same degree of effectiveness since they operate on
the same principle. They are low in cost and economical to install. See Fig. 3 for typical applications.

Fig. 3. Static Removal from nonconducting materials. (National Fire Protection Association)

Electrically Energized Neutralizers. Static charges on certain materials may be neutralized by passing the
charged material through an alternating field of positive and negative ions. Electrically energized neutralizers produce such a field between electrified points and a grounded member, which may be a part of the neutralizer. By locating the neutralizer where the static charges are accumulating, the air is ionized by the highvoltage field and the charges are neutralized.

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This principle of increased ionization of the air by sharply pointed conductors connected to a high-voltage electric supply is employed in several makes of static neutralizers. One type is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Electrically energized neutralizer.

Static neutralizers of this type employ rows of pointed electrical conductors connected to the high-voltage
secondary of a small step-up transformer, usually supplied from a 110- or 220-volt circuit. Although the potential is several thousand volts (about 5,000 to 12,000), conductors are well insulated, the points well guarded,
and the current capacity limited.
Static neutralizing and air-cleaning assemblies also are available. This equipment reduces the hazards or
the nuisance of static charges by directing an ionized air stream from an ionizing air gun or nozzle onto the
material being air-cleaned. It is intended for cleaning surfaces to which dirt and dust are electrostatically
attracted, or for separating sheets of plastic, paper, and similar materials. The equipment also may be used
for dusting objects before painting them. With the electrostatic charges neutralized by the ionized air, dust
and dirt are more easily removed by the air stream and are not re-attracted to the material being cleaned.
Radioactive Static Neutralizers. Air also can be ionized by radioactive materials. Either radium or polonium is
used to emit alpha particles, which ionize the air between the neutralizer and the charged object.
As no external power is required, these neutralizers do not constitute an ignition hazard and they can be
used in hazardous locations. The fabrication and distribution of radioactive static eliminators is licensed by
the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (or Agreement State Licensing Agency) which is responsible for the
health and safety of the general public.
C.4.3 Humidification
Artificial humidification is an effective means of preventing accumulation of static charges on some nonconducting bodies and materials. The humidity provides a minute film of moisture over material, thereby
increasing conductivity and providing a suitable path to ground for any charge that develops. In some cases
high humidity may adversely affect the quality or the appearance of a manufactured product and other methods of static neutralization may be necessary.

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A relative humidity of 60 to 70% will generally produce enough moisture on material to prevent accumulation
of static. Even though static electricity is generated, the charge usually leaks away and no accumulation
Low relative humidity promotes static generation. Most static electricity fires occur in the winter when the
indoor relative humidity is 30% or less and when there is little or no surface moisture on the materials in
When high humidity is maintained over a large area, it does not always follow that the same degree of humidity prevails at all parts of the process. If parts of machines are operated at high temperatures, the relative
humidity near the heated parts may be low and local humidification or some other method of removing static
charges may be needed. Unless automatically controlled, the humidity should be checked periodically. Local
humidification, such as by steam jet, may satisfactorily prevent the accumulation of static charges.
C.5 Control Of Ignitable Mixtures
C.5.1 Inerting, Ventilation, Relocation
There are many operations and processes involving ignitable liquids and combustible dusts in which the
generation of static can cause fires or explosions, but they do not lend themselves to the usual methods of
static mitigation. In these cases this hazard can usually be controlled by one or more of the methods
described in Section 2.3, Electrical. Also see Data Sheet 7-59, Inerting and Purging of Tanks, Process Vessels and Equipment.
C.6 Ignitable Liquids
Static electricity can be generated when ignitable liquids are being handled or stored. It can occur when
the liquid is discharged from a pipe or a hose, transferred from one container to another, or agitated, mixed,
or pumped. A spark from a static charge accumulated during such operations can ignite a flammable vaporair mixture that may be present.
Ignitable liquids can hold a static charge. The ability of the liquid to retain a charge depends to a large extent
on the resistivity of the liquid. If the liquid has a resistivity of less than 1010 ohm/cm, any charges that are generated will generally be neutralized and will not accumulate to a dangerous potential. A liquid having a resistivity greater than 1010 ohm/cm may accumulate a charge. Thus, a nonconducting ignitable liquid can
accumulate a dangerous charge on its surface.
Under some conditions water is a good generator of static electricity, but because of its low resistivity and
wetting properties, charges leak away as rapidly as produced and electrification is not observed.
Experience indicates that crude oils do not produce static ignitions.
In general, when a liquid is handled at a temperature such that the vapor-air mixture at the liquid surface
is approximately midway between the upper and lower flammable limits, conditions are optimum for ignition. These conditions occur when the liquids are handled at temperatures that are slightly above their flash
points; as the handling temperature increases or decreases, the probability of ignition decreases.
Ignitable liquids with flash points below 100F (38C) present the most serious static electricity hazard. This
also applies to ignitable liquids with flash point at or above 100F (38C) when heated above their flash point.
Static control measures are not needed for unheated ignitable liquids with flash points at or above 100F
The amount of charge on the surface is governed by the rate of charge entering and being separated in
the tank, compared with the rate at which the charge reunites with its opposite sign. The reuniting, in turn,
is controlled by the dielectric constant and the resistivity of the liquid. With a high charge concentration on the
surface of a liquid, an electrostatic field is produced in the vapor space. This field can have sufficient potential gradient (30,000 volts/cm) to ionize the vapor and provide a low-resistance conducting path over which
a spark may jump. The time for these charges to reunite or relax may last from a fraction of a second to a few
Antistatic additives are sometimes added to a petroleum liquid to increase its conductivity. This method of minimizing the generation of static electricity is not yet used to any extent. Even if antistatic additives are used,
it is advisable to retain other measures for lessening the static hazard.

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Table 1 gives the approximate resistivities of some pure ignitable liquids. These values alone are not reliable
for predicting the static hazard because test methods differ and fuels are rated in different orders.
Table 1. Approximate Resistivities of Some Pure Ignitable Liquids
Acetic acid
Acetic anhydride
Ethyl acetate
Ethyl alcohol
Methyl acetate
Methyl alcohol
Methyl ethyl ketone
n-Butyl alcohol
n-Octadecyl alcohol
n-Propyl alcohol
Sulfuric acid

Resistivity, ohm-cm

Source: British Industrial Solvents Division Distillers Company Ltd. Interim Report on the Mitigation of Static in Storage Tanks, and Table
of Resistivities of Some Pure Liquids, by N. MacDonald, Shawinigan Resins Corp., September 22, 1955.
Note: Resistivities of commercial products may differ from the above.
Note: Reported values of some petroleum products range from 108 to 1016.

C.6.1 Free Charges on Surface of Liquid

If an electrically charged liquid is poured, pumped, or otherwise transferred into a tank or container, the unit
charges of similar sign within the liquid will be repelled from each other toward the outer surfaces of the liquid. The surfaces in contact with the container walls and the top surface adjacent to the air space, if any,
will receive the charge. It is this latter charge, often called the surface charge, that is of most concern.
If the potential difference between any part of the liquid surface and the metal tank shell should become
high enough to cause ionization of the air, electrical breakdown may occur and a spark may jump to the shell.
This spark across the liquid surface is in an area where flammable vapor-air mixtures are normally present. Bonding or grounding of the tank or container cannot remove this internal surface charge.
Further generation or separation may occur within the container in several ways to produce a surface charge:
1. Flow with splashing or spraying of the incoming stream, often called splash filling,
2. Disturbance of a water bottom by the incoming stream,
3. Bubbling of air or gas through a liquid, or
4. Jet or propeller blending within the tank.
Surface charges can be rendered harmless by inerting the vapor space, by displacing part of the oxygen
with a suitable inert gas, or by increasing the concentration of flammable gas in the vapor space to above
the upper flammable limit with a gas, such as natural gas.
C.6.2 Storage Tanks
Storage tanks are of two general types: those having a vapor space and those having substantially no vapor
space. A cone-roof tank is an example of the former, and a floating-roof tank is an example of the latter.
(See Data Sheet 7-88, Storage Tanks for Ignitable Liquids.)
When cone-roof tanks, or other spaces that may contain flammable mixtures of vapor and air, are filled with
static-generating liquids, one or more of the protective measures specified under Recommendation

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may be used, depending upon the characteristics of the liquid handled. However, no special precautions
are necessary on floating roof tanks once the roof becomes buoyant.
C.6.3 Closed Piping Systems
Flow through metallic piping generates static, but experience has indicated closed piping systems present
no static hazard. This also applies to glass and plastic piping systems. (See Data Sheet 7-32, Ignitable Liquid
Bonding is not needed around flexible metallic piping or metallic swing joints even though lubricated.
C.6.4 Rubber-Tired Vehicles
Vehicles equipped with pneumatic rubber tires sometimes accumulate a charge of static electricity from rolling
contact of tires on the pavement, or filling fuel and cargo tanks.
Static from vehicle motion is generated at the point of separation of the tire from the pavement. It becomes
significant only at high speed operation when tires and pavement are dry and hence, good insulators. Drag
chains (drag straps) as a means of bleeding the static charge back to the road as fast as generated are
ineffective and unnecessary.
During filling the fuel tank or cargo tank of automotive equipment with a product having static-generating
ability, a charge is carried into the tank and will produce a charge on the vehicle. The total charge depends
on the generating characteristics and the total quantity of the product delivered. The generation rate is thus
a function of delivery rate.
If the vehicle were perfectly insulated from ground, the voltage produced for any given delivery would be
determined by the capacitance of the vehicle. Since the tires are not perfect insulators, some leakage occurs,
which limits the peak voltage the vehicle may acquire.
When loading tank trucks through open domes at rates of 100 gpm (3801 lpm) and upward, a significant
potential may develop between the vehicle and the grounded piping system, and a spark may jump between
the edge of the tank opening and the fill pipe.
Proper bonding between the fill pipe and the tank as illustrated in Figure 5 will prevent sparking at this point.
Such bonding is not required: (1) when loading vehicles with products not having static-generating abilities,
such as asphalt and crude oil; (2) where tank vehicles are used exclusively for transporting ignitable liquids
with flash points at or above 100F (38C), loaded at racks where no ignitable liquids are handled with flash
points below 100F (38C); (3) where vehicles are loaded or unloaded through closed connections; or (4)
where ignitable liquids are unloaded into underground tanks as shown in Figure 6. A closed connection is one
where contact is made before flow starts and is broken after flow is completed.

Bond wire fastened

to fill pipe or metal
rack electrically
connected to piping


Battery clip or
special connector
attach before
opening tank

Fig. 5. Filling tank truck through open dome. (National Fire Protection Association)

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Conducting or
non-conducting hose
Bonding by contact
no other bond


Fig. 6. Filling or emptying tank truck through a closed connection. (National Fire Protection Association)

Switch loading is a term used to describe a product being loaded into a tank or compartment that previously held a product of different vapor pressure. Switch loading present a static hazard when low vapor pressure products are put into a cargo tank containing a flammable vapor from previous usage, e.g., furnace
oil loaded into a tank that last carried gasoline.
C.6.5 Tank Cars, Tankers, and Barges
When loading or unloading tank cars through closed connections, no protective measures need be taken.
The resistance of tank car to ground through the rails and the resistance of piping, flexible metallic joints, or
metallic swivel joints are low enough to protect against static electricity. When loading through open domes,
however, the precautions for tank trucks should be observed.
The loading and unloading of steel tank ships and barges does not require special measures to protect against
external static sparks. The hull of the vessel is inherently grounded by virtue of its contact with the water.
Loading or discharging liquids from vessels through closed systems in adequate contact with the earth will prevent external static sparks. Even in the unlikely event that an external static spark did occur, it would also
be unlikely that this would occur in the presence of a flammable vapor-air-mixture.
Bonding cables, which are often used between ship and shore are sometimes erroneously referred to as
static cables. The purpose of such cables is to prevent arcs caused by stray electrical currents.
C.6.6 Container Filling
Filling portable containers is analogous to filling tank vehicles. See Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable Containers.
Experience indicates that when filling containers up to and including 55 gallon (208.2 liter) drums, the downspout need not extend to the bottom. Containers of glass are usually filled without special precaution.
Bonding is not required where a container is filled through a closed system. When the transfer of liquids is
not through a closed system, methods of bonding the containers are shown in Fig. 7.
C.6.7 Plastic and Plastic-Lined Containers
Plastics, because of their high volume resistivity, retain static charges that are generated by various means.
Tests have shown that when flammable materials of high resistivity, 1010 ohm/cm and above, are handled
in polyethylene containers of 6 and 20 gallon (23 and 75 liter) capacity, the containers can become charged.
This happens when they are filled with a charged liquid or solid material or by rubbing the surface with some
other material. Larger plastic containers such as 55 gallon (208.2 liter) drums are also potentially hazardous when being filled. Charges are generated on the contents by triboelectric mechanisms, which are trapped
internally and cannot dissipate to ground.

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Fig. 7. Bonding during container filling. (National Fire Protection Association)

Filters and insulated pipes in the outlets from the filling system are conducive to static generation. Bottom filling with a grounded lance will help to relax the charge. A grounded band surrounding the drum is helpful
in reducing the electric field at the surface of the liquid, which is the most vulnerable location.
External metal near the containers or the drum can become charged by induction and should be grounded
if in a hazardous atmosphere.
Polyethylene liners for fiber drums filled with finely divided combustible organic salts or similar free flowing
granular or powdered materials may accumulate static charges sufficient to cause ignition of the powder. Static
accumulation can be controlled by the use of static-resisting polyethylene liners.
C.7 Gases
C.7.1 General
Gases not contaminated with solid particles have been found to generate little, if any, electrification in their
flow. When the flowing gas is contaminated with metallic oxides or scale particles, etc., or with liquid particles or spray, electrification may result. A stream of such particle-containing gas directed against a conductive body will charge the latter.
When any gas is in a closed system of piping and equipment, the system need not be electrically conductive or electrically bonded.
C.7.2 Air Under Pressure
Compressed air containing particles of condensed water vapor often manifests strong electrification when

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C.7.3 Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide, discharged as a liquid from orifices under high pressure (where it immediately changes to
a gas and snow), can result in static accumulations on the discharge device and the receiving container. This
condition is like the effect from contaminated compressed air or from steam flow where the contact effects
at the orifice play a part in the static accumulation.
C.7.4 Hydrogen-Air, Acetylene-Air Mixtures
Hydrogen-air and acetylene-air mixtures may be ignited by a spark energy of as little as 0.017 millijoule.
Static charges are not generated by the flow of pure hydrogen. Gaseous hydrogen flowing through pipelines, discharging through valves at filling racks into pressure containers, or flowing out of containers through
nozzles may contain particles of oxide carried off from the inside of pipes or containers. Contaminated hydrogen gas may generate static.
C.7.5 LP Gases
For liquefied petroleum gases (LP gases), bonding is not required where vehicles are loaded or unloaded
through closed connections. (See Data Sheet 7-55/12-28, Liquefied Petroleum Gas.) There is no release of
vapor at a point where a spark should occur, whether the hose or pipe used is conducting or nonconducting.
C.8 Dusts And Fibers
C.8.1 General
Dust explosions are possible wherever materials that give off combustible dusts are handled, stored or
manufactured. (See Data Sheet 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of Combustible Dust Explosions and Fires.)
Electrostatic charge generation in moving dust cannot normally be prevented. High humidity or grounding
of the surface from which dust is dispersed will not eliminate the charge generation.
C.8.2 Ignition of Dust by Static Discharge
The voltage developed by dispersion of dust from a surface is proportional to the quantity of dust dispersed.
The maximum voltage developed depends on the leakage resistance in the system and corona or spark
Dust clouds and layers of many combustible materials (with or without a volatile constituent) have been ignited
experimentally by energies typical of those found in a static discharge.
At minimum dust concentrations, a relatively high energy is required for ignition. At higher dust concentrations (5 to 10 times the minimum), the energy required for ignition is at a minimum.
In all instances in which static electricity was authentically established as the cause of ignition, the spark
occurred between an insulated conductor and ground.
The minimum electrical energies required to ignite some dust clouds and layers are listed in Table 2. (Also,
see Data Sheet 7-76, Table 2.)

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Table 2. Minimum Electrical Energy (Millijoule) For lgnition of Some Dust Clouds and Layers
Allyl alcohol resin
Aluminum stearate
Aryl sulfonyl hydrazine
Cellulose acetate
Coal, bituminous
Dimethyl terephthalate
Dinitro toluamide
Methyl methacrylate
Nut shell
Phenolic resin
Phthalic anhydride
Seed (clover)
Stearic acid
Urea resin
Vinyl resin
Wheat flour
Wood flour

Dust Cloud

Note: Data from U.S. Bureau of Mines.

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C.9 Transmission Machinery

C.9.1 General
Some types of power transmission machinery frequently exhibit static generation, which may or may not
warrant corrective measures depending on circumstances.
C.9.2 Flat Belts
Rubber or leather flat belts running at moderate or high speeds may generate sufficient static electricity to
produce sparks several inches long. Such belts are usually dry and good insulators because friction causes
them to operate at temperatures higher than the surrounding atmosphere. Generation occurs where the belt
leaves the pulley as a result of the separation. It may occur with either conducting or nonconducting pulleys.
Static generation may be minimized by employing antistatic belts, which are made of conductive materials.
It also may be minimized by applying a special type of conductive dressing to the belt. The antistatic belts
are preferred because their conductivity is more permanent, while the dressings must be renewed frequently to be reliable.
A grounded metal comb with sharp points, placed with the points close to the inside of the belt and a few
inches away from the point where it leaves the pulley, will be effective in draining off most of the static (Fig. 8).
Such devices may sustain mechanical damage, and are seldom used on power equipment, although this
same principle is electrically equivalent to the tinsel bars that are often used on paper handling machinery
(Fig. 2).

Fig. 8. Details and location of static comb.

V-belts are not as susceptible to hazardous generation of electric charge as flat belts. Under certain
conditions of temperature and humidity, however, a V-belt drive may generate a significant quantity of static
electricity. Where flammable vapors may be present, it is good practice to use V-belts of the static conducting type.
Conducting type V-belts should be kept free of accumulations of nonconducting material.
C.9.3 Conveyor Belts
Belts used for the transportation of solid material that move at low velocity are not normally static generators. However, if the materials transported are heated or are very dry, or if the belt operates in a heated atmosphere or moves with high velocity, generation might be significant. Materials spilled from the end of a
conveyor belt into a hopper or chute may carry a static charge.

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C.9.4 Pulleys and Shafts

Metal pulleys will pick up a charge equal and opposite to that carried by a belt that runs over them. They
will communicate this charge to the supporting shaft, and thence through bearings to the equipment frame
and the earth. Generally, machinery frames are sufficiently conductive so that there are no isolated metal parts
capable of holding a static charge.
While either ball or journal bearings are sufficiently conductive to carry off static charges from shafts and
other rotating equipment, it has sometimes been found that the flow of static electricity across the oil film has
resulted in roughening or pitting of bearing surfaces sufficient to adversely affect bearing life.
Shafts that are turning at very high speeds also may be troublesome if the rate of charge generation is high.
The leakage resistance across the bearings in such cases may be sufficient to prevent the charge from draining off.
C.10 Coating, Spreading, And Impregnating
Coating, spreading, and impregnating operations are quite similar in that they each involve the application
of solutions such as paints, lacquers, rubber compounds, dopes, and varnish to fabrics, paper, or other
materials. Various methods of applying the coating or impregnating material are employed. These include
a doctor blade or knife, flowing roll, squeeze rolls, or calendar rolls. Fig. 9 shows a typical cloth coating

Fig. 9. Grounding of cloth coating machine (metal frame) showing location of static eliminators.
(National Fire Protection Association)

In each of these operations, the material to be processed usually is unwound from a roll at the feed end of
the machine. It passes over a series of rollers under a spreader or doctor knife where the coating material is applied, or through an impregnating tank between squeeze rolls. It then goes under a doctor knife, over
a steam table or through a drying oven, and is finally wound up on a reel or laminated on skids. Static charges
are often produced in each of these operations.
Electrification depends to a considerable degree on the materials of which the rollers are made.
Where ignitable liquids are employed, adequate forced ventilation for the area and the equipment is of primary importance. If humidification is not injurious to the process, a relative humidity of 60% or more will be
helpful in reducing static accumulations. In those areas where high relative humidity can be maintained and
adequate forced ventilation is provided, static eliminators may not be needed.
C.11 Printing And Lithography
C.11.1 General
In the printing and lithography industries, static electricity is a frequent source of trouble from the production standpoint. Where ignitable inks and solvents are used in the process, static may create a fire or explosion hazard. (See Data Sheet 7-96, Printing Plants.)

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Sheets charged with static electricity have an attraction for other objects. This often causes difficulty in controlling the sheets or webs and sometimes tearing of the webs. It also may cause an increase in offset, due
to more intimate contact of the surfaces of the sheet in the delivery pile or from the attraction of the ink to
the underside of the overlying sheets. The printed image also may be damaged by the attraction of dust particles and loose paper fibers to the paper.
C.11.2 Paper
The character of the paper surface has a great deal to do with the amount of static generated. The rougher
surfaced papers generate more static than the smooth-calendered type.
However, the process of calendering paper is, in itself, a source of static generation which, when added to
the static generated by the paper passing through the air, will often result in the highly polished calendered
paper having a higher charge than the rough surfaced paper. Paper will acquire static charges in the following processes: folding machines, die cutting, eyeletting, deckling, pebbling and roughing, laminating, perforating, stapling, and tipping.
The hygroscopic quality of the paper is also determined to some extent by the character of the surface of
the paper. The more water content in the paper, the less static generated. The difficulties in processing
cellulose acetate sheets that are moistureproof is an excellent example.
For paper at a relative humidity of 60% or more, there is little need for other means of static control. Other production problems are sometimes introduced by increasing the moisture content. Paper will change in dimension and flexibility with changes in moisture, and registration defects may result.
C.11.3 Inks
Ordinary inks used in the letterpress and lithograph presses have flash points in the 300 to 400F (154204C) range. They present little fire or explosion hazard. High speed printing on rotogravure presses and
flexograph presses, however, requires the use of fast drying inks containing low flash point solvents (20120F) (-6-49C) such as naptha, xylol, toluol, or ethyl alcohol. These inks present a potential fire and explosion hazard because of the possibility of ignition of flammable vapor-air mixtures by sparks or other ignition
C.11.4 Presses
The types of presses used in printing plants include letterpress, lithograph, rotogravure, and flexograph. The
different types of presses and their hazards are described in detail in Data Sheet 7-96.
Static is generated by the paper running through the press when it is pulled from a roll or stack, when it touches
the roll or feeder device that carries it to the printing surface during the actual impression, or in any of the handling equipment provided.
Flexograph presses are widely used for printing on plastics, vinyls, and other synthetic materials. These materials cause more static problems than printing on paper.
The most common method of removing static electricity from presses is by grounding, although grounding
the framework in itself is frequently not sufficient protection against static. Static collectors or neutralizers are
commonly used in close proximity to the paper. Because static can be generated in many parts of the process, neutralizers may be necessary at a number of locations. Draining the charge from one side of a web
of paper does not always drain the charge from the opposite side.
When tinsel bars are used, it is necessary to replace tinsel when it is damaged or when it becomes coated
with wax, oil or lint. Static collectors are frequently attached to the fly to assist in removing static from the
delivered sheets.
Humidification is one of the most successful methods of controlling static electricity. The amount of moisture required and the method of introducing it in the air differs somewhat with the paper being run and local
pressroom conditions. Usually a range from 45 to 60% relative humidity is most practical. Humidification
can be accomplished through plant ventilating systems or by steam jets.
Open gas flames can be used in presses using high flashpoint (>300F [149C]) inks. The open flame is
placed across the press at the delivery end. The paper quickly passes through or very close to the flame.

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In every case where a gas flame is used for static elimination, the burner should be interlocked with the press
so that the flame will be out when the press is stopped.
Electrically energized neutralizers are frequently used for static elimination on presses, especially rotary type
presses. (See C.4.2, Ionization.) Ink spray from the ends of the rolls tends to accumulate on the ends of
the neutralizers and heavy deposits may cause failure.
Higher operating speeds have resulted in the development of the enclosed ink fountain which provides a
much safer press. The elimination of the flammable vapors by proper local ventilation is probably the best solution to eliminating fires on these presses. Conditioned air is conducted to the presses and exhausted from
the paper as it passes from the printing cylinder. This not only assists in the rapid drying, but keeps the vapor
concentrations below the lower flammable limits.
Slow speed presses do not present the fire hazard problem of high speed presses because inks used on flatbed presses are usually high flashpoint. However, the static electricity problem from the production standpoint still exists. One of the most satisfactory treatments for adhesions to the tympan is the use of glycerine
and acetic acid to dampen it.
A rotogravure press is an ideal static generator. A rubber roll is pressed with as much as four tons of pressure against a copper etched roll, which revolves in a heavy volatile ink. The paper passes between the
two rolls. In a multicolored press there is a similar arrangement for each color. At high speeds the presses
will often accumulate static charges sufficient to ignite flammable vapors over or near the ink fountains, if
adequate ventilation is not provided.
The generation of static can sometimes be reduced by reducing the pressure between the rolls and changing the angle at which the paper enters the rolls to lighten its contact with each roll. Increasing paper and
ink conductivity and pressroom air humidification also are effective in reducing static effects on rotogravure
presses. For more complete control, however, a static eliminator or neutralizer, covering the full width of the
web at the delivery side of each impression roller, is usually necessary.
C.11.5 Mixing and Blending Operations
Mixing, grinding, screening, or blending operations with solid nonconductive materials can generate static
electricity. The pneumatic transport in ducts of finely divided nonconductive materials also can produce static.
The degree of static hazard depends on the materials and the capacity of insulated conductive parts of the
machines and ducts to accumulate sufficient charge to cause an incendive discharge.
Ignitable liquids, some having flash points of 100F (38C) or less, are mixed in churns, autoclaves or other
vessels with various pigments, resins or similar materials in the manufacture of chemicals, paints, varnishes, lacquers, printing inks, and similar products. High speed agitation with solvents of high resistivity can
produce high static potentials. These processes can be a severe fire and explosion hazard, depending on
the flash point of the solvents, the amount involved, method of handling, the amount of ventilation and other
factors. Static electricity is a potential ignition source and should be guarded against as described in
Section 2.3, Electrical.
C.12 Plastics
C.12.1 Lacquers and Dopes
In the manufacture of lacquers and dopes, plastic powders or pellets are dissolved in solvents. The plastic
materials and the solvents are usually nonconductive, but in the blending and mixing operation, static generation can be high, especially at the start of the operation. The charge generation can be reduced by using
conductive solvents or by the addition of a conductive agent to nonconductive solvents.
C.12.2 Film Casting and Extrusion
In the manufacture of thin films the generation of static charge may be appreciable, especially when nonconductive dopes are employed. When conductive dopes are used, the hazard increases as the solvent is
evaporated from the product, unless the finished product also is conductive. The static charge on the product can be reduced by ionizing the air in the immediate vicinity.

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C.12.3 Reclamation of Waste

The process of reclaiming many types of waste or scrap material is similar to that of manufacturing lacquers
and dopes. Similar methods as described previously may be used to reduce the hazard of static discharges.
C.13 Solvent Extraction Plants
The extraction of animal and vegetable fats by the use of hydrocarbon solvents creates severe fire and
explosion hazards.
Safeguards against static electricity should be provided in the bulk solvent and unloading areas and the
extraction building as detailed in Section 2.3, Electrical.
C.14.1 Dry Cleaning
The dry cleaning process consists of removing dirt, grease, and other stains from wearing apparel, textiles,
fabrics, and rugs. This process is accomplished by the use of ignitable or nonignitable nonaqueous liquid solvents. For the purpose of static electricity hazards, consideration need only be given to ignitable liquids with
flash points at or above 100F (38C). Use of ignitable liquids with flash points below 100F (38C) is prohibited.
Commercial dry cleaning is done in closed machines (except for spotting operations). The cleaning operations are all likely to produce static charges on the insulating surfaces of the materials involved. These operations include immersing fabrics, some of them highly insulating, in various solvents, stirring and agitating
them, and removing them from the solvent bath. The solvents themselves are good insulators and good generators of static electricity. These handling operations are also true of home dry cleaning. Methods of dry
cleaning also include brushing, scouring, or spotting. As the cleaning solvents are conducive to static generation, appropriate safeguards are required.
The accumulation of static electricity on pulleys and belting and metal tops of spotting tables is also a potential hazard in this occupancy.
A free charge may exist on the surface of the solvent when in equipment such as washers or extractors (See
C.6.1, Free Charges on Surface of Liquid.) Therefore, special consideration should be given to the generation and accumulation of static electricity in the handling of the fabrics, especially where fabrics are transferred from one piece of equipment to another.
Personnel performing dry cleaning operations also can accumulate a static charge. Control of such static
is discussed C.3.2, Static Accumulation by Personnel and Section 2.3.5, Clothing.
C.14.2 Steam Cleaning
Wet steam escaping into the atmosphere can generate static electricity. Surfaces on which steam condenses
may accumulate static, which can result in ignition if flammable vapor-air mixtures are present.
C.15 Spray Application Of Flammable And Combustible Materials
Ignitable solvent base coatings, water base coatings, and powder coatings are applied by a number of different methods employing electrostatic spray as described in Data Sheet 7-27, Spray Application of Flammable and Combustible Materials. With the exception of the airless spray system, there is little hazard from
static discharges involved with these systems. The chief hazard from static discharges is associated with the
improper handling of ignitable liquids employed with these systems. With the airless spray system static can
accumulate both on the object being sprayed and on the spray gun.
C.16 Textiles
In the textile industry, the generation of static is mainly controlled by maintaining high relative humidity in
the process areas, and grounding machinery. These methods are not wholly effective with synthetic fibers
such as acetate yarn, nylon, orlon, dacron, vinyon, and others. These fibers are high dielectric and have low
regain in moisture. Little friction or pressure is required to develop static. Rayon retains a higher percentage of moisture under similar conditions than cotton and wool.

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The generation of static electricity in some cotton processes is primarily a production problem, which impairs
the quality of the finished product, and causes an increase in waste and a reduction in output. Humidification at 50 to 60% is the most common and effective means of preventing unwanted electrification.
C.16.1 Cotton Gins
Experience has shown that the energy released by sparks from static accumulations has not been of sufficient
magnitude to ignite loose lint, dust, or the cotton.
When the static charge on the cotton is of sufficient magnitude, the cotton will ball up in the gin stands and
equipment. This results in a production problem and friction heat in the equipment. Fires due to friction are
more likely and hot spots can cause fires in the bales.
The bonding and grounding of cotton gin equipment will not prevent or remove the static accumulation from
the cotton being processed, although the generation of static may be minimized by the introduction of moisture or an anti-static agent.
C.17 Flammable Anesthetic Agents
Although nonflammable inhalation anesthetics are generally used today, cyclo-propane, divinyl ether, ethyl
chloride, ethyl ether, and ethylene are still used occasionally in hospital operating rooms, emergency rooms,
delivery rooms, and similar areas, to produce anesthesia. When mixed with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide,
the mixture is easily ignited and can produce a violent explosion. A common source of ignition is the spark discharge from static accumulations on people or objects.
A patient grounding point should be provided in each anesthetizing area. This is a jack or a terminal bus
installed on the wall near the head of the operating table. It provides a low impedance path and serves as
a collection point for grounding the anesthetic machine, the surgical table, and other electrical appliances serving the area surrounding the patient.
A room grounding point also should be provided. This should consist of a highly conductive bare metal bar containing one or more Approved terminals for grounding each patient grounding point, the conductive floor,
and all exposed metal structural surfaces in the room, such as gas pipes, water pipes, heating pipes, metal
window sash, etc. The purpose of the room ground point is to ensure that all electrically conductive surfaces within reach of a patient are at the same electrical potential, not to exceed 5 millivolts.
C.18 Static Detection And Measurement
There are several devices available for detecting and measuring the magnitude of a static charge, including the field mill, electrostatic voltmeter, and the electrometer. There also are hand-held devices that indicate the presence of a static charge on objects at which they are pointed.
C.18.1 Field Mills
The field mill is a device containing a rotating shutter that alternately exposes a sensing electrode to the
electrostatic field and to a field-free region. An alternating charge is induced on the electrode, amplified in
an electronic circuit and shown on a meter. It is also known as a field intensity meter, electrostatic field meter,
and generating voltmeter.
This device does not require contacting the charged object. Consequently, the field mill measures the field
strength at its face only in volts per unit distance. It does not measure the voltage or field strength at a distant location. Accordingly, the meter reading may not accurately indicate the degree of hazard, since the
field strength at the meter may be quite different from the field adjacent to the static charges.
C.18.2 Electrostatic Voltmeter
This instrument is used to measure the potential on a charged object to which it must be connected. It operates
by electrostatic attraction between movable and stationary metal vanes. No current is passed to maintain
deflection because one set of vanes (usually the stationary set) is highly insulated. Portable, accurately calibrated instruments are available in several ranges from 100 to 10,000 volts and more.

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C.18.3 Electrometers
These instruments often are used for laboratory and field investigations of static electricity. They incorporate special input stages, which provide the high input resistance of 1014 ohms or more needed to avoid dissipation of the measured charges. Equally important, they have very low bias current (i.e., a self-generated
current at the input which is typically less than 10-14 amperes). Although the maximum full scale range of
the electrometer is usually only 10 or possibly 100 volts, static potential in the kilovolt range can be measured by attaching a calibrated high resistance voltage divider to the input. Electrometers can also measure charging current or integrated charge by means of suitable resistors or capacitors across the input or
in a feedback configuration.
Electrometers are basically designed to contact the object being measured and of necessity draw some
charge from the measured object. However, it is possible to make measurements without making contact
by means of a probe, which acts as a capacitive divider and exposes the input terminal of the instrument to
the electrostatic field of the charged object. It is not suited to continuous monitoring, but may be used for
spot measurements.
C.18.4 Handheld Devices
There are several hand held instruments available. When pointed at a charged object, a meter on the
instrument calibrated in volts will indicate the voltage of the charge on the object.
C.18.5 Electroscopes
The leaf deflection electroscope is a simple and sensitive device that demonstrates the presence or absence
of a static charge by the repulsion of its leaves when the device is charged. Only units intended as portable
dosimeters for ionizing radiation and one or two classroom demonstration models are available.
C.18.6 Neon Lamps
A small neon lamp or a fluorescent tube will light up feebly when one terminal is grounded (or held in the
hand) and the other makes contact with any surface that carries a potential of 70 volts or more. The lamp will
glow as the surface is discharged through the lamp.

FMELPC Oct 1980

2002 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

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