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RHB Equity 360° (Kencana Technical: Maybank) - 20/04/2010

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Market Dateline PP 7767/09/2010(025354)

RHB Research Institute

RHB Equity 360°

20 April 2010 (Kencana; Technical: Maybank)

Top Story : Kencana – Going into IPF Outperform

Visit Note
- While contract flow has been slow since early 2009, the company now expects to be awarded sizeable
contracts given the pick-up in E&P activities stemming from rising demand for energy. Given the orderbook
replenishment of around RM1-1.2bn by 4Q 2010 and burn-rate of around RM300m/quarter, we expect
Kencana’s orderbook to remain above RM1.9bn going into 2011. With the upgrade in the Lumut yard (i.e.
tonnage handling capability increased to 30,000 tonnes from 20,000 tonnes previously) nearing completion,
we believe Kencana stands a good chance of securing higher-margin deepwater jobs.
- Recently, Kencana secured a 1+1 contract worth RM33m to provide an offshore support vessel to Petronas
Carigali Vietnam. We understand that the 8k AHTS (KPV Gemia), which Kencana took delivery two weeks
ago, will be deployed for the contract. The contract sum suggests that an average long-term charter rate of
around US$1.63/HP/day vs. spot charter rates of US$2.1/HP/day.
- Recall in Jan 2010, a US$70m IPF contract was awarded to Global Offshore, in which Kencana is planning
to have 45% equity participation, higher than the 30% local content requirement. We understand that
Kencana is expected to invest around RM63m for the 45% equity stake in Global Offshore which owns the
DLB 264, the pipelay barge that will be used to perform work for the above contract.
- No change to our forecasts. Nevertheless, we highlight potential upside to FY11-12 earnings projections
arising from stronger orderbook replenishment stemming from overseas contracts and demand for
deepwater structures as well as stronger contribution from its marine division.
- Maintain Outperform and fair value of RM1.88.

Technical Highlights

Daily Trading Strategy : Any rebound would likely be capped by the 10-day SMA…
- If not for the mild afternoon recovery in some regional peers, like Hang Seng and a firm start in the early
European markets, the FBM KLCI would probably have closed the day with another bearish candle that
could press the sentiment even more bearish today.
- However, with a potential “hammer” candle recorded yesterday, there is a chance of technical recovery
- But, investors should be aware that the short-term technical outlook has turned negative after the index lost
the 10-day SMA of 1,336 late last week.
- As a result, the rebound, if any, could be brief and a clear resistance can be expected near the key
support-turn-resistance level of the 10-day SMA.
- Surrounded with the probe on Goldman Sachs and potential similar probes in Europe, China’s tightening
moves and fears of economic repercussions from the volcanic ash cloud in European skies, trading
sentiment in the local bourse could remain lukewarm in the near term.
- Without reclaiming the 10-day SMA, the short-term target of the FBM KLCI should stay at the 40-day SMA
of 1,312, a 2.6-pts technical gap near 1,305 and the 1,300 level.

Daily Technical Watch: Maybank – A technical rebound underway, but the cap is at the RM7.50 region …
- 10-day SMA: RM7.492
- 40-day SMA: RM7.328
- Support: IS = RM7.32 S1 = RM6.86 S2 = RM6.26
- Resistance: IR = RM7.70 R1 = RM8.15

Bulletin Board

Co/Sector News Impact Recom

Insurance The government is looking at limiting the liability Although this appears to be positive, we believe OW
of motor insurers to third party claimants to insurance companies are looking for lower limits
RM2m, with insurers and the government acting to reduce their losses. In any case, the issue is
as co-owners of a new company (newco) that will still at the proposal stage and is expected to be
underwrite third party injury risks. (Business implemented by third quarter of this year.
Timber The Sarawak Timber Association (STA) and Negative, as South Korea is a significant market N
Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corp for Malaysian timber products, with Sarawak
(STIDC) will jointly refute the accusation made by exporting >530k m3 of plywood products worth
the Korean Trade Commission (KTC) that eight RM570m in 2009. If Sarawak timber players are
plywood exporters from the state were dumping not able to prove these allegations are untrue,
their products in South Korea. The KTC alleged the possible consequence is that South Korea
that nine Malaysian plywood suppliers (eight in would ban imports of Malaysian plywood. We
Sarawak and one in Peninsular Malaysia) had believe there could potentially be a
been selling their products at about 88% below misconception that dumped plywood products
the local market price. (The Star) are coming from Malaysia, as we understand
from the latest ITTO that exports from Indonesia
to South Korea had more than doubled in the first
two months of 2010, which could indicate that the
dumped products are from Indonesia.
Nevertheless, we note that the companies under
our coverage which would be affected by a
potential ban of exports to South Korea include
Jaya Tiasa (UP) and WTK (OP).
Sime Darby Sime Darby has finally completed that acquisition Positive, as Sime would finally be able to utilise OP, FV =
of Ramunia’s assets for purchase price of Ramunia’s assets and bid for larger-scale RM9.85
RM515m, upon the completion of the asset Petronas fabrication projects with the enlarged
tagging exercise. (Bursa Malaysia) yard capacity post-completion of the acquisition.
Note that post-acquisition, Sime Darby’s yard
capacity will rise by 190% to 105,000 tonnes.
TNB TNB is undertaking studies to expand the Just assuming the only new additional capacity OP, FV =
capacity of its coal-fired plant in Manjung over the next 5 years comes from the Ulu RM9.90
(currently 2,100MW). This is in anticipation of the Terengganu (250MW) and Ulu Jelai (372MW)
possibility that power generated from Bakun may hydroplants, we estimate the reserve margin
not arrive in Peninsular Malaysia by 2015. could fall to 20-21% by 2015. With the 1st
(StarBiz) generation PPAs also close to their expiry by
then, more plant-ups may be required.
Alternatively, a short-term measure may be to
extend the 1st generation PPAs.
Affin Affin does not rule out the possibility of making a As highlighted previously, a key question, in our MP, FV =
bid for EON Cap if the opportunity arises. At this view, is whether Affin’s financials would be able RM3.03
stage, however, the group has not yet sought to digest the acquisition. Just assuming Affin
BNM’s approval. Affin is also targeting loan matches HL Bank’s cash offer, we estimate that
growth to improve to 13-15% this year, from Affin’s Tier-1 capital ratio could fall to 3% from
12.7% last year. (Business Times) 12%. In order to boost this up to, say 8%, Affin
may need to raise as much as RM3.3bn in terms
of Tier-1 capital. As for its loan growth target, this
is stronger than our 8.3% net loan growth
projection. Execution would be key but for now,
we are keeping our numbers unchanged.

Important Dates

Company Entitlement details Ex-date Payment date

New entitlements
Genetec Technology Bonus issue on the basis of 1-for-1 29-Apr-10 -
Malaysia Smelting Corp Final dividend of 3 sen less 25% tax 10-May-10 28-May-10
WCT Final dividend of 5 sen less 25% tax 14-May-10 1-Jun-10
Pos Malaysia First and final dividend of 12.5 sen less 25% tax 18-May-10 11-Jun-10
United U-Li Corp Final tax exempt dividend of 1.5 sen 24-May-10 18-Jun-10
Lii Hen Industries Final single tier div of 1.5 sen and special single tier div of 3 sen 25-May-10 10-Jun-10
White Horse Final tax exempt dividend of 5 sen 21-Jun-10 8-Jul-10
Aeon Credit Service (M) Final dividend of 12 sen less 25% tax 25-Jun-10 13-Jul-10

Going “ex” on 21 Apr

SLP Resources Bonus issue on the basis of 1-for-6 21-Apr-10 -
SLP Resources Share Split 1-into-2 21-Apr-10 -
NCB Holdings Final div of 10 sen less 25% tax + special div of 11 sen less 25% tax 21-Apr-10 7-May-10
YTL Cement 9th Interest Payment on ICULS 2005/2015 21-Apr-10 10-May-10
MY E.G. Services First interim tax-exempt dividend of 0.5 sen 21-Apr-10 21-May-10

...For more details, see individual reports attached


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The recommendation framework for stocks and sectors are as follows : -

Stock Ratings

Outperform = The stock return is expected to exceed the FBM KLCI benchmark by greater than five percentage points over the next 6-12 months.

Trading Buy = Short-term positive development on the stock that could lead to a re-rating in the share price and translate into an absolute return of 15% or more over a period of three months, but fundamentals are not
strong enough to warrant an Outperform call. It is generally for investors who are willing to take on higher risks.

Market Perform = The stock return is expected to be in line with the FBM KLCI benchmark (+/- five percentage points) over the next 6-12 months.

Underperform = The stock return is expected to underperform the FBM KLCI benchmark by more than five percentage points over the next 6-12 months.

Industry/Sector Ratings

Overweight = Industry expected to outperform the FBM KLCI benchmark, weighted by market capitalisation, over the next 6-12 months.

Neutral = Industry expected to perform in line with the FBM KLCI benchmark, weighted by market capitalisation, over the next 6-12 months.

Underweight = Industry expected to underperform the FBM KLCI benchmark, weighted by market capitalisation, over the next 6-12 months.

RHBRI is a participant of the CMDF-Bursa Research Scheme and will receive compensation for the participation. Additional information on recommended securities, subject to the duties of confidentiality, will be made
available upon request.

This report may not be reproduced or redistributed, in whole or in part, without the written permission of RHBRI and RHBRI accepts no liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect.

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