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Organ Donation Transplantation India: Overview

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ISSN 2394-7438

Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Jan-Apr 2016

Journal of MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences Volume 2 Issue 1 January-April 2016 Pages ?-???


Journal of

Medical Sciences

Special Issue:
Organ Transplant Scene in India

Official Publication
Maulana Azad Medical College

MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences

Review Article

Organ Donation and Transplantation: An Updated Overview

Anika Sulania, Sandeep Sachdeva, Diwakar Jha, Gurmeet Kaur, Ruchi Sachdeva1
Departments of Community Medicine and 1Respiratory Diseases, North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital, New Delhi, India

This article reviews and describes the theoretical concept of organ donation (OD) and transplantation, historical milestones, need, shortage,
status of global activities, health system capacity, survival outcome, and update on legislative environment in India, Central/State contribution
and Nongovernment Organizations actively involved in OD.
Key words: Brain death, cadaver, capacity building, cardiac death, cornea, diabetes, health system, heart, hypertension, kidney, legislation,
liver, living donor, noncommunicable, procurement, program

The consequences of rising burden of noncommunicable
diseases (especially diabetes and hypertension), living geriatric
population, and other risk exposures are propelling the graph
of organ failure across the globe including India. This, in
addition, is causing morbidity, mortality, poor quality of life,
social and financial catastrophe of the health system. Precious
human lives can be saved if ethically good quality organs are
retrieved from individual and transplanted to needed person
in prescribed time frame. However, it is assuming public
health significance due to ever increasing gap between need
and supply of human organs. Dead bodies are being burnt or
buried without even iota of thought being shed on wastage
of such vast natural reservoir. This phenomenon is akin to
scarcity in abundance as there is no lab manufactured
product available until date. Transplantation comprises the
processes of organ donation (OD) and subsequent implantation
or grafting. Organ donation and transplantation (ODT) has
roots in ancient Indian mythology with vivid examples, such
as guru Dadeech and Lord Ganesha, considered epitomes
of our rich culture, tradition, religion, spirituality, charity,
salvation, and science. This article reviews and describes
the theoretical concept of ODT, historical milestones, need,
shortage, status of global transplantation activities, health
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system capacity, survival outcome, central/state contribution,

and update on legislative environment in India. Table 1 depicts
selected modern evolutionary milestone in the field of organ

Global Status of Organ Donation and

Transplantation Activities and Health System
Worldwide, kidneys are the most commonly transplanted
solid organs followed by liver and then heart. Cornea and
musculoskeletal grafts are the most commonly transplanted
tissues; these outnumber organ transplants by more than
tenfold. Nobody knows the actual need of people requiring an
organ transplant. Since the untreated patients die and are not
to be found in the hospital statistics or registries. The patients
who die untreated may not be seen by specialist physicians or
may never be admitted to a hospital; they may, in fact, never
Address for correspondence: Dr. Sandeep Sachdeva,
Department of Community Medicine, North Delhi Municipal Corporation
Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital, New Delhi - 110 007, India.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix,
tweak, and build upon the work noncommercially, as long as the author is credited and
the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
For reprints contact:

How to cite this article: Sulania A, Sachdeva S, Jha D, Kaur G, Sachdeva R.

Organ donation and transplantation: An updated overview. MAMC J Med
Sci 2016;2:18-27.

2016 MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer -Medknow

Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation

Table1: Historical milestones in the field of ODT



Undertaken by/at


Coinage of the term transplant

John Hunter
Pioneering work on renal transplantation and crossswitched
Alexis Carrol(French surgeon)
kidneys between two dogs
First successful corneal transplant
Eduard Konrad Zirm
First cadaveric renal transplant
Yuri Y Voronoy(Russian surgeon)
Understanding of tissue rejection
Peter Medawar(British zoologist)
Successful living renal transplant
Joseph Murray and John Merrill
Discovery of major histocompatibility complex and HLA
Jean Dausset(French Physician)
First experimental small intestine transplant in dogs
First successful corneal transplant in India(Indore)
First successful cadaveric renal transplant
Joseph Murray and David Hume
First hepatic transplant
Thomas Starzl
First lung transplant
James Hardy
First pancreatic transplant
WD Keely, RC Lilliehei, FK Merkel, and Y Idezuki
First cardiac transplant
Christiaan Barnard
First successful cadaver kidney transplant in India
KEM Hospital, Mumbai
First heart lung transplant
Denton Cooley
Discovery of immunomodulatory property of cyclosporine
Jean Borel(Swiss physician)
First successful heart lung transplant
Bruce Reitz
Successful multivisceral(liver and small intestine) transplant
David Grant, William Wall, and Calvin Stiller
Living donor liver transplant
Christoph Broelsch
Tacrolimusnew immunesuppressive molecule(discovered in 1984)
Food Drug Administration(USA)
approved for use in liver transplant
First Indian cardiac transplant
P Venugopal
Transplantation of Human Organ Rules
Indias first cadaveric liver transplant
Surgeon from Singapore at Apollo Hospital, Chennai
Indias first successful lung transplant
Facial transplant
Bernard Devauchelle, Benoit Lengele, Jean Michel Dubernard
Indias first successful ovarian transplant
PN Mhatre, Mumbai
Transplant of a bioengineered trachea
Paolo Macchiarini
First successful uterine transplant resulting in live birth
First successful penis transplant
South Africa
First neonatal organ transplant
United Kingdom
Amendments/notification of transplantation of human organ and
tissues rules: 2008, 2011, 2014
HLA: Human leukocyte antigens, KEM: King Edward Memorial, NOTA: National Organ Transplant Act, THOA: Transplantation of Human Organ Act

be diagnosed or ever be seen by a doctor in many countries.

In advanced Western economies, however, death certificate
records are one way of assessing the causes of death of the
population, and while they have their weaknesses, these records
can provide reasonable estimates of need.[6]
No country in the world till date collects sufficient organs
to meet the needs of their citizens. Spain, Austria, Croatia,
USA, Norway, Portugal, Belgium, and France stand out as
countries with high rates of deceased organ donors.[7] OD is
popularly reflected as per million population (pmp) and OD
across the world is shown in Figure 1 (deceased OD). Spain
has consistently recorded the highest deceased OD rate of
35.1 donor pmp followed by Croatia, Malta, USA, Austria,
Estonia, etc., while many countries across the world have
been following Spanish model of ODT to increase ODT
activities.[8-11] With regard to living organ donors during 2013,

Turkey recorded the highest living donor rate with 46.6 pmp
followed by South Korea (36.5 pmp), Lebanon (27.2 pmp),
Iceland (24.7 pmp), and USA (18.8 pmp).
During the consultative meet at Madrid 2010, a hierarchical
framework of country capacity[12] was agreed on for ODT,
ranging from the lowest (level 1) with no activity to the highest
(level 5) of well-developed health system [Table 2]. Developing
country like India falls in intermediate stage (level 3). A recent
development of last decade (2007) was starting of the global
observatory on OD and transplantation. According to latest
available (2013) information, approximately 118,127 solid
organs were reported to be transplanted across the globe that is
roughly 2.98% increase from the previous year. These included
kidney (79,325, 67.1%), liver (25,050, 21.2%), heart (6270,
5.3%), lung (4834, 4.0%), pancreas (2474, 2.0%), and small
bowel (174, 0.1%).[13]

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Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation

Table2: Framework of health system capacity for organ

donation and solid organ transplantation in a country
Level 1 No local transplantation activity
Level 2 At least one kidney transplant centerwith the capacity to
perform living donor nephrectomy, kidney transplantation and
post-transplant management of recipientswithin the countrys
borders. No deceased donor activity reported
Level 3 Countries that have commenced deceased donor kidney
transplantation within their own borders. Sufficient local
capacityincluding local medical expertiseexists to perform
kidney recovery surgery from deceased and living donors,
kidney transplantation and recipient management. Activities
may also include liver transplantation and isolated cases of
heart and lung transplantation
Level 4 Deceased donor kidney and liver transplantation have been
performed for at least 5years. Heart and lung transplantation
also available, either locally or via formal international
cooperative organsharing agreements such as Eurotransplant
and Scandiatransplant. Legislation permits and regulates organ
donation and transplantation
Level 5 An established multiorgan deceased donor transplant
program exists that is capable of providing kidney, liver,
heart, lung, and pancreas transplantation either locally or via
formal international cooperative organsharing agreements.
The transplant program has been providing multiorgan
deceased donor transplants consistently for at least 5years,
with an overall rate of transplantation in 2010 above 30 solid
organ transplants per million populations. The country has
a governmentrecognized authority that is responsible for
oversight of organ donation and transplantation activities

Figure 1: Worldwide actual deceased organ donors, 2013 (per million

population). Source: International registry in organ donation and
transplantation: 2013. Available from (last accessed
June 2015)

It is estimated that currently organ transplantation covers

<10% of the global need. Each day, about 60 people around
the world receive an organ transplant, while another 13
die due to nonavailability of organs. Of 194 World Health
Organization (WHO) member countries, 57% were engaged
in some level of solid organ transplant activities and over a
third (36%) reported deceased organ transplantation activity;
62% transplants were performed in high-income member
states, while only 28%, 9%, and <1% were performed in
upper-middle, lower-middle and low-income member states.
The practice of organ transplantation has now diffused
across all income strata and has reached the populations
of Bangladesh, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nepal, and
Tajikistan also.[14]
Unfortunately, India with a 1.2 billion population is lagging
behind in OD with a national deceased donation rate of <1
pmp; however, Tamil Nadu has shown exemplary performance
in OD with 1.3 donor pmp. Although India falls in the second
position with numbers of live donor transplants undertaken
in the world after the USA, but stand nowhere in the list
of deceased donor transplant.[15-17] Country needs 260,000
organs every year; that is, 180,000 kidneys, 30,000 livers, and
50,000 hearts whereas only 6000 kidneys, 1200 livers, and 15
hearts are transplanted annually (National Organ Transplant

Program [NOTP]). India has a fairly well-developed corneal

donation and transplant program; however, donation after brain
death has been relatively slow to take off. In the backdrop of
annual requirement of 100,000 corneas, around 40,000 were
collected (National Program for Control of Blindness) during
past few years yet <25% could be transplanted due to various
administrative, technical, and quality issues.

Until 2007, there were no set definitions and terminologies
of OD and related field. A need for standardization for
uniform collection of data and information was felt for the
global database on donation and transplantation and resulting
collaborative effort of the WHO and Organizacion Nacional de
Trasplantes of Spain resulted in ground-breaking spade work.
Some of the standard definitions are as follows.[18]
Donation refers to donating human cells, tissues, or organs
intended for human applications. The donor is a human being,
living or deceased, who is a source of cells, tissues, or organs
for the purpose of transplantation.
An actual organ donor is deceased or living person from whom
at least one solid organ or part of it has been recovered for the
purpose of transplantation.
Living donor is a living human being from whom cells,
tissues, or organs have been removed for the purpose of
transplantation. A living donor has one of the following three
possible relationships with the recipient:

MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences Jan-Apr 2016 Volume 2 Issue 1

Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation

A = Related:
A1 = Genetically related:
1st degree genetic relative: Parent, sibling, offspring
2 nd degree genetic relative, e.g., grandparent,
grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew
Other than 1st or 2nd degree genetically related, e.g.,
A2 = Emotionally related: Spouse (if not genetically
related); in-laws; adopted; friend.
B = Unrelated

Not genetically or emotionally related.

Deceased donor is a human being declared, by established
medical criteria, to be dead and from whom cells, tissues, or
organs are recovered for the purpose of transplantation. The
possible medical criteria are:
Deceased heart beating donor (donor after brain death): Is
a donor who was declared dead and diagnosed by means
of neurological criteria
Deceased nonheart beating donor (NHBD) (donor after
cardiac death): NHBD: Is a donor who was declared dead
and diagnosed by means of cardiopulmonary criteria.
Brain death is irreversible cessation of cerebral and brain stem
function characterized by the absence of electrical activity
in the brain, blood flow to the brain, and brain function as
determined by the clinical assessment of responses. A brain
dead person is dead, although his or her cardiopulmonary
functioning may be artificially maintained for some time.
Cardiac death: Death resulting from the irreversible cessation
of circulatory and respiratory function; an individual who
is declared dead by circulatory and respiratory criteria may
donate tissues and organs for transplantation.
Transplantation refers to transfer (engraftment) of human cells,
tissues, or organs from a donor to a recipient with the aim of
restoring function(s) of the body.

What can be Donated by Humans Under What

Nearly, 25 different organs (kidney, heart, lung, liver,
pancreas, uterus, and ovary) and tissues including cornea,
eardrum, bone and bone products, blood transfusion, blood
vessels, islets of Langerhans, heart valves, cartilage, bone
marrow, hand, face, skin, nerve, and tendon can be donated
after medical screening. A donor can live with one kidney
and half of the pancreas and in case a person donates threefourth of his liver, it generates to its original size within 6
weeks. In principle, there is no limitation of age with respect
to organ removal including newborns and children.[19-21]
Absolute contraindications for OD include viral diseases
such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis
B/C, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Ebola virus (EBV), rabies,
syphilis, severe infection/sepsis, active tuberculosis, and
progressive malignancy. In a recent development from
United States of America, HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE)

Act of 2013 has been passed that permits HIV-positive

individual to donate organs to HIV-positive recipients and
utilization of such organs for research purpose.[22] The graft
survival and outcome status have been found to be of similar
order as in HIV-negative individuals.

Reasons for Organs Shortage

The myriad reasons of shortage are administrative, legal,
health system, and knowledge, attitude, and practice gap
of stakeholders. Contrary to many studies, cultural, social,
educational issues, language barrier, and religious concerns
do not play a significant role in the decision for or against
donation.[23-25] Some of the specific reasons for organ shortage
Fear of death and surgical mutilation
Lack of awareness of brain death concept among medical
professionals and public
A misapprehension about brain death
Fear to declare patient dead even before they are actually
Religious fallacies
Out-of-pocket expenses
Lack of system regarding identification and maintenance
of brain dead donors
Socio-cultural beliefs including desire to be buried/burnt
completely and re-birth without a missing organ
Mental non-acceptance of idea living with another person's
organ say kidney
Lack of government support
Public and professionals attitude to brain death and OD
Lack of system transparency and perception of misuse of
Dynamics of decision making for actual donation
Poor funding and budget due to competing need/demand
Inadequate health insurance
Adverse media reporting and negative publicity
Legal, administrative/bureaucratic, and equity issues
Non-availability of trained transplant coordinators/
Hospital infrastructure, logistics, manpower, functional
linkage, and support system.

Commercial Organ Donation

Since demand outstrips donation, there was a spurt of
commercial activities in almost all developing countries
but less than what was prevalent more than two decades
ago. Many nations including India is considered as favorite
destination for international medical tourism due to high
quality medical services at very low cost[34] though there
have been some instances in the past of unethical removal
of organs in this country also. On a positive note, dynamics
have changed in current context due to deterrent legislation.
Countries such as Pakistan and Philippines have facilitated
organ trafficking.[35,36] However, it was mostly related to
kidney donation since a person could survive with one kidney

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Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation

followed by parts of liver and pancreas which all can be

harvested from living donor in exchange of lump sum money.
In Pakistan, 4050% of residents of some villages have only
one kidney because they have sold the other for a transplant
to a wealthy person, probably from another country. In the
current context, any kind of payment or reward for OD is
banned throughout the world with the notable exception of
Iran.[37,38] As of 2005, it was estimated that 10% of organ
transplants performed worldwide involved these unacceptable
activities leading to a resurgence of transplant tourism.[39] In
a few countries such as China, approximately 1.5 million
patients need transplants each year but only 10,000 organs
are available, organs were even harvested from executed
prisoners; however, this practice was banned recently in

Strategy of Voluntary Donation

Types of Donors

The potential donor can also approach OD agencies for a donor

card which is available free of cost. During lifetime, a person
can pledge for OD by filling up a donor form in the presence of
two witnesses, one of whom shall be a near relative. Although
not legally binding, the donor card is a means of expressing
ones willingness to donate organs and make family more
understanding towards the cause. However, the prerogative
on the decision eventually rests with the next of kin of the
deceased after expressed written consent. If a person expires
without registration, the family members can donate his/her
organs. For this they need to sign a consent form, which is
provided at that time and organs are harvested within a few
hours. The family of the donor does not face any difficulty
or extra burden upon them. The transplant coordination team
carries out the entire process till the relatives receive the body
of the deceased. The deceased body is given back to the family
in a dignified way with no disfigurement. The body can be
viewed as in any case of death and funeral arrangements
need not be delayed.[48] Living donation entails undertaking
formalities with transplant centres directly.

Living donors
Deceased donors

Both kinds of donation are now recognized as critical to

the capacity of nations to develop self-sufficiency for ODT.
Deceased (erstwhile cadaveric heart beating or non-heart
beating) donors account for the majority of organ sources,
but this source is heavily constrained by the willingness
of donation. Recent years have seen a steady increase
of living (related or un-related) donors partly due to
medical professions consensus that this option provides a
comparative improved medical outcome over deceased donor
Living donor kidney transplantation is taking on a more
predominant role than ever. According to the Donor
Nephrectomy Outcomes Research Network, nearly 40% of
all kidney transplants worldwide are derived from living
donors.[44] Currently, kidneys from living donors account for
over 95% in India, 41.5% in the USA, 29% in Scandinavia,
while only 8% of transplant in Belgium.[45] In China, nearly
80% of the organs came from voluntary OD after citizens
death in 2014. [46] The waiting time for receiving organ
transplantation vary significantly based on severity of illness
and other factors e.g. median national waiting time for kidney
is nearly 4 years and 1.5 years for liver in United States of
America.[47] Most of cadaver transplanted kidneys are obtained
from brain dead donors with functional circulation. Brain
death can occur due to spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage,
head trauma, cerebral ischemia, or primary cerebral tumors.
Corneal transplant, simplest of all transplants can be
undertaken on retrieval of the cornea from deceased person
only. OD can be considered when there is a beating heart
which supplies blood and oxygen to the vital organs and this
situation can occur in-case of hospital death only. If someone
dies outside of the hospital/at the accident site or home, OD
is not an option but tissue donation is still possible depending
upon time of death.


The goal of voluntary OD could be achieved through a system

Opt-in-where the donor/legal guardian gives consent at
the time of donation
Opt-out-where anyone who has not refused is considered
as a donor (presumed consent).
In India, we have opt-in system, while many western countries
with high organ transplant activities practice opt-out system.

Process of Organ Donation and Registration

There are two ways to donate organs:
1. By pledging for OD when a person is alive
2. By consent of family after death.

Types of Transplant
Different types of transplant are as follows:
Autograft: A transplant of tissue from the person to oneself
(e.g., skin grafts, vein extraction for coronary artery
bypass graft, etc.)
Allograft: A transplanted organ or tissue from a genetically
non-identical member of the same species
Isograft: Organs or tissues are transplanted from one to
genetically identical other person (identical twin)
Xenotransplant: When transplantation is performed
between different species e.g., animal to human.

Process of Transplantation
Deceased donor:
1. Potential donor identification and screening of individuals
with brain death

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Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation


Consent, administrative, legal, and social formalities

Organ removal, preparation, preservation, and packaging
Recipient preparedness
Allocation and transplantation within stipulated time
6. Transplant care and follow-up [Figure 2].

Cost and Survival Outcome

The cost of organ transplant varies across the globe, but
most common kidney transplant can range from as low
as $5,000 (India), $70,000 (China) to $100,000 (USA).[49]
Another recent report is referring to estimated billed cost per
member per month in the USA depicts that transplantation is
indeed a costly affair cornea ($28,000), kidney ($300,000)
and liver ($700,000).[50] Even in the government sector in
India, the renal transplant may incur personal expenditure
ranging from Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 100,000/- depending on
the availability of sophisticated investigations; cornea
(Rs. 8000/-), liver transplant (AIIMS, New Delhi: Free

Figure 2: Cold-chain maintained box for transportation of donated organs

of cost; PGI Chandigarh: Rs. 7/-Rs. 8/-lakhs, ILBS New

Delhi: Rs. 12/-Rs. 14/-lakhs) while in private sector renal
transplant may range from Rs. 3.5 lakh to 15 lakh depending
on compatible or non-compatible blood group transplant;
cornea (Rs. 35,000/-Rs, 65,000/-), liver (Rs. 1830 lakh),
and heart transplant may cost ranging from Rs. 10 lakh to Rs.
20-lakhs (Times of India). Contrary to general perception, the
long-term cost of renal transplantation is lower compared to
hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.[51,52] Even the quality of
life and survival are reportedly better among renal transplant
Survival outcome is dependent on many factors such as
status of disease pathology/concomitant illness, operative
risk, graft rejection, infection, posttransplant care, nutrition,
adverse effects of immunosuppressive therapy, and very small
additional risk of malignancy development. The patient and
graft survivals are similar with donation after circulatory death
as compared to conventional deceased donor transplantation.
Five-year survival rates for most organs are now at least
70%.[53] More than 1 million people worldwide have received
an organ transplant, and some have already survived more than
25 years. The top runners in patient survival are recipients of
live-donor kidneys, with 95% surviving for at least 1-year
and 65% for 10 years, heart and liver recipients have survival
rates of 85% for 1-year and 70% for 5 years. Lung recipients
show similar results at 1-year but only 55% surviving beyond
5 years [Figure 3].[54]
Globally, organ donors are never told of the identity of
the recipient but many federation in USA, UK, Canada,
Sweden, Singapore, Austria, Holland, and Australia to
name a few countries have been organizing transplant
games to increase public awareness and thereby increase
OD rates, as well as promote full rehabilitation and wellbeing of participants and inter-alia have brought donors/
recipients, their families, medical and transplant teams on
a single platform.[55,56]

Table3: Available information on number of solid organ transplantation undertaken by states in India

Tamil Nadu

Andhra Pradesh

-: Information: Not available













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Uttar Pradesh

West Bengal




Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation

Figure 3: Global transplant outcome in terms of graft survival over time


Developments in India
Central level

An ambitious start was made with announcement of NOTP in

the year 2009; however, its current budget has been scaled down
to one-tenth of the initial proposal due to other present and clear
challenges with the onus now on states to take leadership in ODT
activities. National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization
(NOTTO) situated at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi has been
commissioned and has two divisions: (1) National Human
Organ and Tissue Removal and Storage Network (2) National
Biomaterial Centre (National Tissue Bank).[57] Regional/
State level organ and tissue transplant institutions would be
established in a phased manner at Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai,
Chandigarh, and Guwahati in addition to six cities where AIIMS
are established. The NOTTO website has become functional
and operational guideline of NOTP has been released in 2015.
A call center is being set up which will set up contact between
donors and people in the waiting list, on a real-time basis.
Indian OD day is observed every year, since 2010. Department
of Health Research under the government of India is boosting
funding for research activities including molecular and transplant
immunology, stem cell, and genomics.[58] With the objective
of learning, sharing, and emolliate best practices in ODT, a
memorandum of understanding is expected to be signed with
Spain.[59] Many of such practices though have been articulated
and reflected in the legislation and executive orders; however,
these need to be implemented in an environment of mutual
trust in letter and spirits. Country has well developed accredited
training system for capacity building of health workforce.

States level

Tamil Nadu is the model state for ODT in India with OD of

1.3 pmp (India: 0.050.08) because of mandatory executive
actions, public-private partnership, good coordination and
added facilities, the number of cadaveric transplant increased
drastically in the last decade.[60,61] This model also takes care
of the poorer section of society by conducting ODT through

government run public facilities free of cost. Other leading

states in ODT activities are Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala,
Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh. Available
details of solid organ transplant undertaken by selected states
during last decade are shown in Table 3.[62] Pioneering work
has been undertaken by large number of Nongovernment
Organizations (NGOs) such as Multi Organ Harvesting Aid
Network, Chennai; Foundation for Organ Transplantation and
Education, Bangalore; Delhi Organ Procurement Network
and Transplant Education, Delhi; Organ Retrieval Banking
Organization, New Delhi; and Deceased Organ Retrieval
Sharing Organization, Delhi in contributing immensely on
community and health staff awareness, training of transplant
coordinator, monitoring, evaluation, and coordination. Selected
list of government agency/active NGOs is shown in Annexure 1
with their website.

Health education

Government of India through various institutions/agencies

undertakes specific OD awareness generation activities
including release of postal stamp. National Program for
Control of Blindness (NPCB) under the government of India,
observes eye donation awareness fortnight from 25th August
to 8th September every year throughout the country with the
help of state authorities and NGOs. Recently, social and print
media have started undertaking online awareness generation
activities; 13th August is being observed as OD day. Successful
OD by deceased family member is highlighted as case-study
in various media. Various studies conducted in India indicate
reasonably high awareness on organ/tissue donation. However
this heightened awareness is not getting translated into actual
donation, probably motivation/training of health personnel is
also required along with appropriate linkage.


Since health is a state subject, there is no central collation

of data with regard to solid ODT; however, the government
of India is planning to start online-registry. Indian transplant
registry started in the year 2005 by the efforts of the Indian
Society of Organ Transplantation [63] and provides a fair
collation and reflection of data of participating center on
trend, state, and gender related information of kidney and liver
transplant. NPCB provides funds to states/NGOs for corneal
disease management, training, development of eye-banks/eye
donation center, and salary component of grief (eye) counselor,
hence there is central collation of data related to corneal
donation.[64,65] There were 400 eye banks in India at one point
of time; however, due to non-donation of corneas/eyes after
death, significant proportion have become nonfunctional with
only 250 at present. The majority of solid organ transplants
done in India are living related or unrelated transplants with
approximately 200 transplant centers in the country mostly
led by private players and NGOs.


In spite of the existence of Transplantation of Human Organ

and Tissues Act since the year 1994, the journey of ODT

MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences Jan-Apr 2016 Volume 2 Issue 1

Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation

continues to be in the infancy stage. On a positive note, there

have been recent amendments with the view to enlarge its scope
and promote cadaver OD. Some of the broad areas included
in recent amendments are:[66-68]
1. Provision of registration and renewal of retrieval and
transplant centers
2. Definition of term near relatives to include grandparents
and grandchildren
3. Removal of eyes/corneas permitted by a trained technician
4. Brain death certification board has been simplified so as to
enable a surgeon/physician and an anesthetist/intensivist
to be included in the medical board in the event of nonavailability of a neurosurgeon/neurologist for certification
of brain death
5. Authorization committee to be hospital based if number
of transplants undertaken is 25 or more in a year at the
respective transplantation centers, and if the number are
<25 in a year, then the state or district level authorization
committee would grant approval(s)
6. Medical practitioner involved in transplantation team will
not be a member of authorization committee
7. It is mandatory for the intensive care unit (ICU)/treating
medical staff to request relatives of brain dead patients
for OD
8. Swap donations of organs between near relatives allowed
9. Procedures for foreign nationals notified if they happen
to be donor or recipient
10. Detail procedures notified to prevent commercial activities
and exploitation of minors
11. Establishment of a National Organ Retrieval, Banking,
and Transplantation Network
12. Maintenance of registry of donors and recipients waiting
for organ transplants
13. Mandatory position of a transplant coordinator in all
hospitals registered for ODT
14. Every authorized transplantation center must have its own
website. The identity of the people in the database shall
not be in public domain
15. The authorization committee is required to take a final
decision within 24 hr of holding the meeting for grant
of permission or rejection for transplant. The website of
transplantation center shall be linked to state/regional/
national networks through online system for organ
procurement, sharing, and transplantation
16. The cost for maintenance of the cadaver (brain-stem
dead declared person), retrieval of organs or tissues, their
transportation and preservation, shall not be borne by the
donor family and may be borne by the recipient or institution
or government or NGO or society as decided by the
respective state government or union territory administration
17. Detailed procedures regarding quality assurance, donor
screening, qualification and experience of doctor/
transplant coordinator, laboratory investigations,
equipment, documentation, other requirements, etc.,
should be notified.

At any given time, every major city would have 810 brain
dead patients in various ICUs with 46% of all hospital deaths
being brain death. In India, road accidents account for around
1.4 lakh deaths annually and of these almost 65% sustain
severe head injuries as per a study carried out by AIIMS,
Delhi, meaning that there are almost 90,000 patients who may
be brain dead.[69] It is not that people do not want to donate,
but that there are no mechanisms in hospitals to identify and
certify brain deaths. It may also be pertinent to mention that
no one empowers the relatives of a brain dead person to save
lives of other people by donating their relative organs. Most
importantly young deaths occurring either due to road traffic
accidents or cardiovascular phenomenon provide the best
option of yielding high quality organs but also requires air and
road linkage (popularly known as dedicated green corridor)
with appropriate trauma and transplant hospitals. There is no
second thought that there are other imminent public health
challenges being faced by country and ODT may not receive
priority attention in the current socioeconomic and political
scenario. However, with each passing day, growing need and
demand, technological advancement, and spirits are taking
this movement forward. In our opinion, the day is not far
off in future when WHO declares OD as a theme for World
Health Day (7th April) to generate global interest, awareness,
and preparedness. To conclude, in an environment of flexible
bureaucratic procedures, system readiness, technical knowhow, and abundance of organs linked with high motivation,
positive attitude of health staff, transparent communication,
counseling and functional coordination of different institutions/
units will lead the graph reversal from low to high ODT
activities in India and may offer another functional model to
the world.

Annexure 1: Selected list of government agency/active

NGOs involved in OD
Name of agency


NOTTO(Central Agency)
Mohan Foundation(Chennai)
Gift Your Organ(Karnataka)
Narmada Kidney Foundation(Mumbai)
Apex Kidney Foundation(Mumbai)
TANKER(Tamil Nadu)
NOTTO: National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization,
ORBO:Organ Retrieval Banking Organization, DORSO: Deceased Organ
Retrieval Sharing Organization, TANKER: Tamil Nadu Kidney Research,
ZTCC: Zonal Transplant Coordination Committee, ZCCK:Zonal
Coordination Committee of Karnataka, NGOs: Nongovernment
Organizations, OD: Organ donation

MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences Jan-Apr 2016 Volume 2 Issue 1


Sulania, et al.: Organ Donation and Transplantation


Dean, North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College

and Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi - 110 007 for constant
encouragement, advice, and guidance.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

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