Abnormal Essay
Abnormal Essay
Abnormal Essay
Bam 13A
care, hold down a job and interact meaningfully with others. A case study from Rosenhan
and Seligman, 1989 lists the characteristics of a person that could possibly be considered
as abnormal. For example, being maladaptiverness, causing danger to themselves,
showing vividness and unconventionality, violates moral, unpredictability and loss of
The limitation to this is that the behaviour, which might be considered a failure to
function adequately in one culture, might be viewed as functioning adequately in another
culture. For instance, in most culture, the game of dominoes is a very quiet affair,
however, in West Indian culture, the game is wild and loud where other culture would
considered it as bizarre. Therefore, cultural relativism means that we have to be careful
before we label bizarre to other peoples behaviour.
Lastly, abnormal can be define as a deviation from ideal mental health. In this case,
abnormality is possessing characteristics the mentally healthy person should not possess,
or not possessing characteristics of a mentally healthy person. The characteristics of an
ideal mental health by Maria Johoda, 1958 are the capability for growth and
development, positive view of the self, accurate perception of reality and positive
friendships and relationship, for example.
This can be limited by cultural relativism as different cultures have different ideals. What
is considered to be healthy in one culture is not necessary considered healthy in another.
Even within a culture, healthiness is determined by the context in which a behaviour
occurs. For instance, when a person takes off clothes in order to get into the bath is
healthy thing to do, however, taking clothes off to go to shopping is not. Additionally,
other cultures may disagree with the ideals of autonomy and independence, and view
other characteristics as more important.
These definitions are useful and can be applied to many cases. Nonetheless, there is no
general agreement on which is right and is the best one. Therefore, they use a multiple
perspectives approach where they use all the definitions to make a decision whether a
behaviour is abnormal or normal. Still, the main limitation to this is the idea of cultural
relativism, what may be considered as perfectly normal in one culture can be seen as
abnormal to other cultures.