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BrownSchindler GeoDenver 2007

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Dan Brown1, Anton Schindler1

ABSTRACT: Drilled shaft foundations on major bridge projects often require the use of
underwater placement of large volumes of concrete through densely placed rebar, with
the cage often made even more congested with the placement of additional tubes for postconstruction integrity testing. Such conditions represent the most difficult circumstances
for constructors in terms of concrete placement to achieve a shaft which is free of defects
or anomalies in the integrity testing. The concept of high performance for drilled shaft
concrete is that the mixture should address the most critical performance requirements
related to workability. This paper describes the important considerations in concrete
mixture design for drilled shaft construction including the use of admixtures and mixture
components associated with self-consolidating concrete (SCC). Some case histories of
difficulties associated with concrete are also described.
Large diameter drilled shafts are becoming increasingly popular on major bridge
projects due to increased availability of drilling equipment and skilled contractors and
inherent advantages of high capacity shafts in supporting axial and lateral loads. Shaft
diameters of up to 4 m (13 ft) and lengths of up to 80 m (260 ft) are no longer unusual.
These shafts often require the use of underwater placement of large volumes of concrete
through densely placed rebar, with the cage usually made even more congested with the
placement of additional tubes for post-construction integrity testing. Such conditions
represent the most difficult circumstances for constructors in terms of concrete placement
to achieve a shaft which is free of defects or anomalies in the integrity testing.
This paper provides an overview of the most important characteristics of concrete
mixture design and construction practices for drilled shaft construction. In drilled shaft
applications, the most critical performance requirements for concrete are related to
workability and thus the concept of high performance material emphasizes the
construction aspects of the mixture in addition to hardened properties required to meet
structural design requirements. Important components of a good mixture design and
installation plan include requirements for workability for the duration of the concrete
placement operations, passing ability, resistance to bleeding, and low heat of hydration.
Strength requirements and aggregate properties that are consistent with these
considerations are important, as are concrete placement techniques used by the
contractor. If any single important issue is not adequately addressed in the mixture
design and placement procedures, placement difficulties and/or anomalies in integrity test
measurements can result.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, AL 36849


Concrete workability levels for large diameter drilled shafts must address issues
relating to underwater placement via tremie, congested reinforcing cages, concrete
pumping operations, and filling ability from a single point tremie discharge into a large
diameter hole. In order to flow laterally from the discharge point and fill the shaft
without entrapment of drilling fluids or laitance from the underwater surface of the fluid
concrete, the concrete must flow smoothly through the reinforcing cage under its own
buoyant weight without piling up near the tremie. A mixture with the desired
workability will not result in more than a few inches of difference in height between the
top of the concrete surface near the tremie and the concrete on the outside of the
reinforcement as shown on Figure 1.
trem ie


C oncrete w ith
inadequate w orkability

C oncrete w ith good

w orkability and filling ability

Figure 1 Concrete Flow in Under Tremie Placement

The inability of the concrete to flow laterally can lead to entrapment of laitance (the
contaminated concrete on the top of the rising column of concrete) and encapsulation of
pockets of low strength as described by Brown (2004) and illustrated on Figure 2. The
photos in Figure 2 were each taken from drilled shafts cast into removable steel liners in a
lake (left is from Texas, right is from Pennsylvania), and the soft pockets of trapped
laitance were exposed upon removal of the form. Yao and Gerwick (2004) describe the
desirability of underwater concrete to flow laterally in a bulged flow pattern with a
relatively flat, smooth top surface rather than as a layered flow pattern which can result
in steeply sloped and rugged top surface that increase the exposure of concrete surfaces to
Deese and Mullins (2005) and Camp et al. (2002) describe relative differences in
concrete levels within and outside the reinforcement that are attributed to the inability of
the concrete to readily pass through the cage. Even if the concrete has adequate
workability, the aggregate size and shape must be such that the mixture passes readily

through the reinforcement. Figure 3 is a photo of a mixture which is workable (as

evidenced by the shovel that was easily placed into the concrete), but which exhibited a
measured difference in concrete level between the inside and outside of the reinforcing
cage of over 1 m (4 ft) due to the close spacing (75 mm opening) of the transverse
reinforcing. Note also that structural designers sometimes include a requirement
(especially for single column shaft foundations in seismically active regions) that the
upper portion of the shaft contain a second inner longitudinal steel cage within the shaft
designed to extend up into the column and thus avoid a lap splice at the column/shaft
joint. This detail creates a condition in which the drilled shaft concrete must flow
through two concentric cages.

Figure 2 Exposure of Trapped Laitance Attributed to Inadequate Workability

Figure 3 Restriction of Lateral Flow by Reinforcing Cage

Workable concrete for tremie placement in drilled shafts must be a flowable, cohesive,
self consolidating mixture that is easily placed without external vibration. Although the
use of the term self-consolidating concrete or SCC has been used in recent years with
reference to mixtures with ultra workability in conventional concrete applications, drilled
shaft concrete has always been intended as a self consolidating mixture. Traditionally,
drilled shafts have been constructed using slump as the sole indication of workability.
Alternative methods to describe workability may have application in large diameter
drilled shafts.
Concrete slump ranging from 175 to 225 mm (7 to 9 inches) has been found to provide
adequate workability for drilled shafts up to 2.5 m (8 ft) in diameter if the reinforcing
cage has openings not less than 150 mm (6 inches). For mixtures requiring greater
workability, the use of slump flow and/or the L-box (or J-Ring) tests may be more
suitable for assessing the properties of the fresh concrete. Figure 4 provides an
illustration of these control tests, now in routine use for SCC mixtures. The slump flow
is a simple test performed with a conventional slump cone, but measurements are
performed on the diameter of the resulting fluid concrete mixture rather than the height of
the cone. Based on some initial field trials of drilled shaft construction using SCC-type
mixtures (Brown et al. 2005), slump flow requirements in the range of 450 to 600 mm
(18 to 24 inches) appear suitable for drilled shaft construction.

Figure 4 Slump Flow (left) and L-Box (right) Measurements of Workability and
Passing Ability
Concrete mixtures can be designed with high workability by using suitable aggregates
and gradation and the proper dosage of water reducing admixtures. Some of the key
components for high workability drilled shaft mixtures are as follows:
Rounded gravel aggregate sources are much preferred over crushed stone in these
mixtures. Coarse aggregates with a No. 67 or No. 78 gradation have performed
better than a No. 57 in terms of workability.
In general, an increase in the sand content in proportion to coarse aggregate will
provide increased workability and passing ability with less tendency for
segregation; a sand to total aggregate ratio (by volume) from 0.44 to 0.50 has been
found to work well in drilled shaft mixtures.

Water reducing admixtures in current use, include polycarboxylate-based

materials. Many contractors have a reluctance to use super plasticizers as they
are sometimes called because of experiences with flash set. However, these bad
experiences were typically encountered with the older naphthalene-based water
reducers and given the wide range of newer products available nowadays, a water
reducer combined with proper hydration control admixtures can extend the
workability as needed for practically all drilled shaft applications. It must be noted
that hydration control is highly temperature dependent, as will be discussed

For large diameter shafts which can often require 300 to 500 m3 (400 to 650 yd3) of
tremie-placed underwater concrete, retention of workability is critical. The dosage of
retarding or hydration control admixtures must be selected to ensure that the concrete
retains adequate workability to allow the tremie placement to be completed. Loss of
workability will lead to difficulties in maintaining flow through the tremie, with attendant
flaws in the shaft as described above and illustrated in Figure 5.
Trem ie

Fresh,fluid concrete
Trapped Laittance

O ld,stiffconcrete

Figure 5 Effects of Loss of Workability During Concrete Placement

Difficulties with tremie placement associated with loss of workability are illustrated
from a project record of over-water placement of concrete on a bridge project, shown on
Figure 6. In this particular instance, there were difficulties and delays in loading the
delivery barge (denoted as traveling hopper) and the mixture had sufficient retarder to
maintain workability for only about 4 to 5 hours. Approximately 5 hours after the first
concrete was batched, the concrete became stuck in the tremie and the crane operator had
difficulty lifting the tremie (which then suffered a failure of the rigging). When the
tremie was finally pulled free, concrete was unable to flow freely from the tremie and
flow was resumed only after jigging the tremie up and down (see figure 5!). Subsequent
integrity test results revealed poor quality concrete at the elevation corresponding to this
event and expensive shaft repairs were required.

Tremie Placement
Loading Traveling Hopper # 1

Concrete Volume (CY)




Waiting Period
12:05 AM: tremie stuck, rigging failure resulted
12:30 AM: tremie re-rigged, pulled free.
12:35 AM: tremie over-flowed , pour stopped,
cable up and down.
12:40 AM: flow resumed, but last 10CY in
hopper would not come out,
sprayed and wasted.
1:00 AM: new hopper, flow resumed.

5 hrs 34 min.



7:00 AM

6:00 AM

5:00 AM

4:00 AM

3:00 AM

2:00 AM

1:00 AM




9:00 PM

8:00 PM

7:00 PM

6:00 PM

Figure 6 Placement Difficulties Associated with Loss of Concrete Workability

For drilled shafts with such high workability requirements, a mixture with low
bleeding is necessary. Mixture characteristics relating to bleeding are also closely related
to those affecting segregation, and a concrete mixture with a very high workability
requirement is more susceptible to bleeding and/or segregation concerns. Ground
conditions also play a role; low permeability cohesive soils are more conducive to
bleeding concerns than sandy soils which allow excess water in the mixture to escape.
The worst conditions for bleeding occur when there is a long steel casing that prevents
excess water in the concrete from escaping into the surrounding soil.
The hydrostatic pressure of fresh concrete in a shaft that is 60 m (197 ft) or more in
length is substantial and can contribute to bleed water channels along the longitudinal
reinforcement or permanent casing. Often, bleed water tends to follow the location of the
tremie pipe in the fresh concrete, leading to bleed water channels in the center of the
shaft. Bleed water channels within the shaft or near integrity test tube locations can result
in anomalies in integrity test results (most often consisting of crosshole sonic logging or
gamma-gamma testing). One such example is shown on Figure 7; this core was taken
from a shaft that exhibited low CSL velocities within this range (F&ME 2004).


Figure 7 Crack Within Drilled Shaft Revealed by Coring

Another illustration of internal bleed water channels is shown on Figure 8 from an
exhumed shaft that had been cut using a wire saw (Brown et al, 2005). The lower part of
this photo is a cut which is transverse to the shaft axis and about 4m (13 ft) from the top
of the 1.8m (6 ft) diameter shaft. The upper part of the photo is a cut through the center
of the shaft parallel to the shaft axis. The cracks appear to correspond to the path of the
tremie pipe. These internal bleed water cracks or channels may or may not have any
detrimental effect on the performance of the drilled shaft, but anomalous low velocity
zones revealed by CSL testing can result in expensive and time consuming delays while
the nature of the anomaly is investigated.


Figure 8 Bleed Water Channels on Exposed Surface of a Drilled Shaft

Where bleed water results in channels adjacent to a removable liner, surface

irregularities can result as shown in the photo of Figure 9. Although these irregularities
may be shallow, they reduce the effectiveness of the concrete cover over the reinforcing
and can lead to future durability problems. Even where concrete will not be exposed,
excessive bleeding can result in weak concrete near the top of the shaft which will require
time consuming chipping with hand tools to ensure a sound connection to the pile cap or

Figure 9 Bleed Water Channels on Exposed Surface of a Drilled Shaft

Low bleeding can be obtained by using more cementitious materials and by using
viscosity-modifying admixtures (aka, anti-washout admixtures). ASTM C 232 is an
available test method to assess potential bleeding in a concrete mixture, and drilled shaft
concrete should exhibit little to no bleeding in this test. This test method is unable to
subject the concrete to high pressure conditions present in deep shafts, however.
Considerations of workability dictate that there is water in a mixture that exceeds the
amount of water needed to hydrate the cementitious materials. Reduction in the water-tocementitious materials ratio will reduce bleeding, but mixtures that are exceptionally high
in cement content can have other problems related to heat of hydration and set time. The
total cementitious content can be increased without increasing net portland cement
content by using more fly ash or ground-granulated blast furnace (GGBF) slag. Viscosity
modifying admixtures (VMA) can be effective at binding up free water prior to setting of
the concrete.
When high dosages of fly ash or GGBF slag are used, the strength development will
be slower when compared to mixtures with only portland cement. However, when cured,
these mixtures may exhibit higher long-term strengths. In these cases it is advisable to
test the specified compressive strength at 56 or 91 days in lieu of the normal 28 day
specified strength for conventional concrete.
Control of temperature is very important for drilled shaft concrete in order to control
setting time and the heat of hydration. Excessive concrete placement temperatures will

accelerate the rate of hydration significantly and reduce the concretes workability. This
effect is nonlinear and rate of hydration increases dramatically with temperature in excess
of 70F. The measurements presented on Figure 10 demonstrate the effect of initial
temperature on the heat generated within the concrete as a function of time. This
generated heat produces more rapid setting in the mixture and a significantly higher heat
of hydration in mass concrete.

T0 = Initial Temperature
T0 = 90 F

= 28.0 hrs
= 1.50
u = 0.850

G enerated H eat(W /cm )

T0 = 80 F

T0 = 70 F

T0 = 50 F









C oncrete A ge (hours)

Figure 10: The effect of different initial mixture temperatures on the temperature
development during adiabatic conditions (Schindler 2002)
Besides the concern about setting time, high heat of hydration is a potential concern
for drilled shaft concrete. Shafts larger than about 1.2 m (4 ft) diameter have
characteristics of mass concrete in which the heat of hydration can feed on itself and
generate large temperatures within the shaft. Recent measurements in Florida (Mullins,
2006) have shown temperatures within the interior of 3 m (10 ft) diameter shafts as high
as 180F. Concrete members made with plain portland cement that reach temperatures
above 158F may exhibit delayed ettringite formation (DEF). DEF can significantly
reduce long term durability of the hardened concrete. The temperature development of
an in-place mixture within an actual shaft can be evaluated on test specimens by using
adiabatic or semi-adiabatic calortimery (Schindler and Folliard 2005).
In-place temperatures can be controlled by: 1) limiting the total cementitious materials
content , 2) controlling the fresh concrete placement temperature, and 3) proper selection
of the cementitious material types.
The amount of total cementitious materials has implications relative to design
compressive strength. However, concrete design stresses are often quite low in drilled
shafts and so it is prudent that the mixture design requirements not exceed the actual
performance requirements for design. Because of concerns for setting time and heat of
hydration, the use additional portland cement to accommodate an unnecessarily high

strength requirement can have other implications on mixture performance. When it

comes to cement content, more is not always better!
The data from Figure 10 demonstrate the benefits of controlling the fresh concrete
placement temperature in terms of controlling heat of hydration. Temperature controls at
the batch plant can be achieved by substituting some of the mixing water with ice, or with
liquid nitrogen thermal probes that are used to cool the concrete in the truck.
The use of Type II cement and high dosages of either Class F fly ash or GGBF slag
are often the best options to control heat of hydration. Concrete mixtures with high
dosages of fly ash or GGBF slag will tend to generate less heat of hydration and are also
less prone to DEF; temperatures up to about 178F can be tolerated without significant
concerns of DEF.
Drilled shaft concrete for large diameter shafts requires careful consideration of the
special concrete requirements for this application. The authors propose that the concept
of high performance concrete should be applied to drilled shaft mixtures to incorporate
critical performance requirements related to workability.
Specific performance
requirements that are particular to drilled shaft applications are described, including
workability for the duration of the placement operation, passing ability, resistance to
bleeding, and low heat of hydration. Some of these requirements have common
characteristics with those associated with self-consolidating concrete or SCC, but many
are specific to drilled shaft applications. This paper has included an overview of many
strategies that might be employed to achieve a concrete mixture that is well-suited to
drilled shafts, including:
Use rounded gravel aggregates rather than crushed stone
Use No. 67 or 78 aggregate gradation rather than No. 57
Use sand to total aggregate ratio in the range of 0.44 to 0.50
Use water reducing and hydration control admixtures
Use fly ash and/or slag to increase cementitious materials content and reduce
the portland cement content
Use 56 day or 90 day strength specifications in lieu of 28 day for concretes
with high dosage of fly ash or GGBF slag
Use viscosity modifying admixtures (VMA) as needed to help control bleeding
Consider the temperature of the mixture when selecting admixture dosages to
meet workability requirements and delay setting time and use adiabatic or
semi-adiabatic curing of specimens to evaluate temperature development of inplace mixtures
Control the fresh concrete placement temperature to less than 80F (and
preferably 75F)
Utilize Type II cement along with fly ash or slag to control heat of hydration
and reduce potential for delayed ettringite formation
Of course these suggestions are general guidelines with varying degrees of relevance
to each specific project. Perhaps the most important guideline is that each drilled shaft

project should have a specific mixture developed to meet the requirements for that
project. Fresh concrete performance grades, as proposed for hardened properties
(Goodspeed, Vanikar, and Cook 1996) should be established for drilled shaft concretes.
By preselecting the required performance grade for each fresh property, this will enable
designers, contactors, and concrete suppliers to communicate the specific unique
requirements of the concrete placement before bidding of the project costs. A single
mixture design cannot be simply transferred from one locale to another without
consideration of the specific source materials and project requirements.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Joe Bailey of Applied
Foundation Testing, Prof. Gray Mullins of the Univ. of S. Florida, Billy Camp and Aaron
Goldberg of S&ME, Charleston, Jeff Sizemore of SCDOT, Mark McClelland of
TXDOT, and Steve Dapp of Dan Brown & Associates.
Brown, D., (2004). Zen and the Art of Drilled Shaft Construction, GeoSupport 2004,
ASCE, GSP 124, pp. 19-33.
Brown, D., Bailey, J., and Schindler, A. (2005). The Use of Self-Consolidating
Concrete for Drilled Shaft Construction: Preliminary Observations from the Lumber
River Bridge Field Trials, Proc, Geo Construction QA/ QC Conf, ADSC: The Intl
Assoc. of Foundation Drilling, Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX, pp. 437-448.
Camp, W., Brown, D., and Mayne, P. (2002). Construction Method Effects on Axial
Drilled Shaft Performance, Deep Foundations 2002, ASCE, GSP 116, pp 193-208.
Deese, G., and Mullins, G. (2005). Factors Affecting Concrete Flow in Drilled Shaft
Construction, Proceedings, Geo Construction Quality Assurance / Quality Control
Conference, ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling, Dallas/Ft.
Worth, TX, pp. 144-155.
F&ME Consultants (2004). Report of Drilled Shaft Coring Unpubl Report to SCDOT
Goodspeed, C.H., Vanikar, S., and Cook, R.A. (1996). High-Performance Concrete
Defined for Highway Structures, Concrete International, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 62-67.
Holland, T. and Gerwick, B. (1983). Cracking of Mass Concrete Placed Under Water,
Concrete International, April, pp. 29-36.
Mullins, G. (2006). Personal communication.
Schindler, A.K. (2002). Concrete Hydration, Temperature Development, and Setting at
Early-Ages, Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas.
Schindler A.K., and Folliard K.J. (2005). Heat of hydration models for cementitious
materials, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 102, No. 1, 2005, pp. 24-33.
Yao, S. and Gerwick, B. (2004). Underwater Concrete, Concrete Intl, Feb., pp. 77-82.

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