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Post Partum Depression

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Postpartum Depression Screening: Importance,

Methods, Barriers, and Recommendations for

Dwenda K. Gjerdingen, MD, MS, and Barbara P. Yawn, MD, MSc
Background: Postpartum depression occurs in 10% to 20% of women who have recently given birth, but
fewer than half of cases are recognized. The purpose of this review is to discuss the potential benefit of
mass screening for improving postpartum depression recognition and outcomes.
Methods: A review of the literature was conducted by searching MEDLINE, using the key words depression, postpartum depression, and mass screening. The Cochrane database was also searched
for reviews on depression and postpartum depression.
Results: Opportunities for routine postpartum depression screening include mothers postpartum
office visits and their infants well-child visits. Although several depression screens have been used in
postpartum women, additional studies using large representative samples are needed to identify the
ideal screening tool. Depression screening plus high-risk feedback to providers improves the recognition of depression. However, for screening to positively impact clinical outcomes, it needs to be combined with systems-based enhanced depression care that provides accurate diagnoses, strong collaborative relationships between primary care and mental health providers, and longitudinal case
management, to assure appropriate treatment and follow-up.
Conclusions: Postpartum depression screening improves recognition of the disorder, but improvement in clinical outcomes requires enhanced care that ensures adequate treatment and follow-up. (J Am
Board Fam Med 2007;20:280 288.)

Depression is common and costly, particularly for

women in their childbearing years. The World
Health Organization has identied major depression as the fourth leading cause of burden among
all diseases, and the leading cause of years lived
with disability.1 It is estimated that depression costs
the United States $30 billion to $50 billion in lost
productivity and direct medical costs each year.2 By
2020, depressive illness is expected to be the second
leading cause of disability in the world.3 The burden is greatest for women, with a lifetime risk for
major depressive disorder of 20% to 25%, approximately twice the 7% to 12% rate seen with men.4

This article was externally peer reviewed.

Submitted 27 September 2006; revised 26 December
2006; accepted 4 January 2007.
From the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
(DKG); and Olmsted Medical Center, Rochester, MN
Funding: none.
Conict of interest: none declared.
Corresponding author: Dwenda K. Gjerdingen, MD, MS,
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health,
University of MinnesotaSt. Josephs Hospital Family Practice Residency Program, 580 Rice Street, St. Paul, MN
55103 (E-mail:

280 JABFM MayJune 2007

Vol. 20 No. 3

In the rst 3 months after childbirth, 14.5% of

women have a new episode of major or minor
depression,5 and 10% to 20% of mothers are believed to suffer with depression sometime during
their postpartum course,6 making postpartum depression the most common serious postpartum disorder.
There is some controversy about whether rates
of depression increase after delivery, and whether
postpartum depression is a distinct entity from
nonpostpartum depression. A British case-control
study of mothers from 4 general practices found a
3-fold higher incidence of depression within 5
weeks after childbirth.7 Similarly, a Norwegian
study comparing postpartum with nonpostpartum
women found a 1.8-fold greater risk for depression
in postpartum women.8 However, other researchers have not found the risk of depression to be an
higher in postpartum women, compared with other
young women, suggesting that postpartum depression may not be a distinct condition but merely
major depression recognized at a time of potential
stress.7,9 15 Investigators have also looked for differences in natural history or recurrence rates that
would suggest postpartum depression to be a

unique condition.13 Studies looking for biochemical associates with postpartum depression such as
thyroid antibodies12,16 18 are interesting but seem
to identify only a small group of women who will
develop postpartum depression.12 Estrogen and
progesterone uctuations have not been shown to
predict or follow postpartum depression.12,19 21
Recent studies investigating a broader spectrum of
hormones seem promising,22 but are unlikely to
provide clinically useful biochemical screening or
prediction tools for many years. Whether postpartum depression is a separate type of depression or
simply an important time to identify depression in
women may be of little practical importance.
The clinical presentation of postpartum depression is like that of other major depressive disorders,
with symptoms of depressed mood, diminished
pleasure, marked change in appetite and sleep, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue, feelings
of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt, decreased
concentration, and recurrent thoughts of death or
suicide.23 The presence of maternal depressive
symptoms at a critical time for infant and family has
additional adverse effects, such as marital distress,24
problems with mother-infant interaction and attachment,25 and adverse behavioral and cognitive
effects in the child.26 Although the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)
species that the symptoms of postpartum depression must begin within 4 weeks after delivery,23
many experts believe that women remain at increased risk for depression for up to 1 year after
Children of depressed mothers are more likely
to have delayed psychological, cognitive, neurological, and motor development, and are at higher risk
of avoidance and distressed behavior.2729 In fact,
depressed mothers, compared with nondepressed
mothers, report a 3-fold greater risk of serious
emotional problems in their children and a 10-fold
greater risk of having poor mother-child relations.30 The withdrawn, unresponsive, or negative
behavior of a depressed mother early in the infants
life seems to affect maternal-infant attachment31
and result in fussier infants who vocalize less and
make fewer positive facial expressions than infants
of mothers who are not depressed.27,29,3234 The
abnormal patterns of mother-infant interactions associated with maternal depression have been described as a vicious cycle that increases the likelihood of chronic mental health, emotional, and

doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2007.03.060171

family function problems.35,36 Childrens behavioral difculties associated with maternal depression may continue through at least ages 4 to 8
years.37 40 In addition, these children tend to use
more health care resources for a broad spectrum of
concerns.41,42 Fortunately, remission of maternal
depression is associated with reductions in childrens mental and behavioral disorders.43
Given the potentially serious consequences of
postpartum depression, it is unfortunate that the
rates of diagnosis and treatment of this serious
problem are low,44 46 primarily because of lack of
recognition. This paper focuses on the recognition
of postpartum depression through depression
screening, current screening practices and methodologies, and barriers to postpartum depression
screening and treatment. Recommendations for
postpartum depression screening and future research are presented.

Background for this review was performed by
searching OVID/MEDLINE, using the terms depression, postpartum depression, mass screening, and preventive health services. The Cochrane database was searched for reviews on
depression and postpartum depression, and evidence on a particular topic was summarized by a
published systematic review, whenever possible.

Findings from the literature on postpartum depression screening at postpartum and well-child visits,
postpartum depression screening instruments, and
barriers to screening and treatment are presented
here. These results are synthesized to provide recommendations for practice.
Depression Screening in General Populations
The published data on patient outcomes with
screening for postpartum depression are limited;
therefore, it is useful to review results for depression screening in general populations. In 2002, the
US Preventive Services Task Force recommended
routine depression screening for adults seen in
practices that have systems in place to assure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and follow-up.47
This B-level recommendation was based on a review of 14 randomized controlled trials on depression screening in primary care. Screening with

Postpartum Depression Screening


feedback to primary care physicians increased recognition of depression 2- to 3-fold, but did not
always improve patient outcomes. Studies that included screening plus collaborative or enhanced
care directed at diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up
showed more positive patient outcomes.3
A subsequent Cochrane review reafrmed these
ndings.48 This review included 12 trials (9 of
which had been discussed in an earlier review),3 and
a total of 5693 patients from nonmental health
settings. Excluded from the review were trials with
any modications to usual care except screening.
Screening/case nding instruments slightly improved the recognition of depression by clinicians
[risk ratio (RR) 1.38; 95% CI 1.04 to 1.83]. Case
recognition improved to a greater degree when
clinicians were specically informed of patients
positive screens (RR 2.66; 95% CI 1.78 to 3.96).
Unfortunately, the rate of intervention for recognized depression (eg, prescription of antidepressants) was not signicantly different even with
feedback (RR 1.35; 95% CI 0.98 to 1.85), and 3 of
4 studies reported no clinical effect of screening at
either 6 or 12 months.48
Therefore, primary care research has demonstrated that depression screening alone does not
greatly impact outcomes. However, depression recognition is enhanced when results of positive
screens are communicated to providers, and clinical
outcomes seem improved when depression screening and feedback programs are coupled with systems that ensure accurate diagnosis and effective
treatment and follow-up.3 Such systems require
trained health professionals and ofce staff, collaborative working relationships between primary care
and mental health providers, and case management
that ensures regular follow-up and treatment compliance.
Depression Screening in Postpartum Women
Studies that have addressed postpartum depression
screening demonstrate that screening is feasible in
the outpatient setting and can improve the rates of
detection and treatment.44 46, 49 51 In addition, 2
large studies (n 860, 479) found that the vast
majority of mothers (more than 80%) were comfortable with the idea of being screened for postpartum depression.52,53 However, the rate of current screening in primary care practices is below
50% by even the most optimistic estimates.54 56 A
survey of members of the Washington Academy of

282 JABFM MayJune 2007

Vol. 20 No. 3

Family Physicians showed that postpartum depression was considered common, serious, and treatable. Seventy percent (n 254) of family physicians said that they always or often screened for
postpartum depression at the postpartum examination, while 46% did so at well-child checkups.
However, only approximately 22% overall reported
using a validated tool for screening, indicating that
the majority of providers who said that they
screened for postpartum depression did so with
either unvalidated tools or informal assessments.55 Several studies have conrmed that informal or no assessment of potential postpartum
depression is ineffective, resulting in fewer than
half of cases or potential cases discovered
through formal screening.44 46,51
For clinicians who do screen for depression, the
results are not always used for further documented
assessment or treatment.44,54,56 One study reported
that only 23% of women with abnormal screening
for depression or substance abuse had documentation of further evaluation or treatment,54 while
another study found that 60% of screen-positive
women had follow-up depression evaluations and
35% were reportedly treated.44 Therefore, even
when providers routinely screen for postpartum
depression with validated instruments, they do not
always seem to use that information to guide clinical practice.
Failing a depression screening test should not be
equated with having the condition, as only 50% of
those with a positive screen actually have postpartum depression, depending on the test and cutoff
score used.48 Diagnostic evaluation should always
follow screening to conrm the diagnosis.57,58
Postpartum Depression Screening Opportunities
There are 2 convenient venues for routine depression screening in postpartum populations: mothers
postpartum ofce visits and their infants well-child
visits. Although postpartum visits are generally
conducted by obstetricians, family physicians, and
nurse midwives, well-child visits are usually performed by pediatricians and family physicians
79% and 19%, respectively.59
Postpartum Visits
Postpartum depression screening at postpartum
visits was studied in the primarily Caucasian population of Olmsted County, Minn. Routine screening for postpartum depression with a validated in-

strument, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression

Scale (EPDS), increased the rate of diagnosis of
postpartum depression from 3.7% before screening
to 10.7% post screening, with 19.8% of women
having an abnormal screening test.44 Treatment
rates for postpartum depression also increased after
the institution of formal routine screening.44,60,61
In another study of primarily Caucasian women
from the United Kingdom, 17% (30 of 176) had
positive EPDS screens (score 12), but only 7%
were perceived to be depressed by the primary
health care team.46
Higher rates of depression may be seen in lowincome or ethnically diverse populations. A study
of North Carolina women, 78% of whom received
Medicaid, reported an increase in postpartum depression from 6.3% before routine formal screening to 35.4% using the EPDS and diagnostic evaluation.45 Another study of mostly Hispanic and
black mothers from 2 inner city practices found
22% (27 of 121) of women to have positive EPDS
screens, but without use of the screening tool, providers believed that only 13% of mothers were at
risk for depression.49
One study conducted depression screening both
at 28 to 32 weeks gestation and then again at 6
weeks postpartum. Of the 4038 women who were
screened prenatally, 11.1% were positive (EPDS
12), and of the 520 screened after delivery, 7.3%
were positive. The investigators of this study found
that, because obstetrician/gynecologists were not
comfortable diagnosing and treating depression,
they had difculty implementing postpartum depression screening until a system of referral and
support was in place.62

Well-Child Visits
Well-child visits provide a convenient longitudinal
opportunity to screen for postpartum depression, as
they occur at regular intervals throughout the rst
postpartum year. As with postpartum visits, screening for maternal depression during well-child visits
improves the rate of depressive symptom detection,
from 1.6% to 8.5% in 1 study,50 and from 29% to
40% in another.51 Although experts have long advocated screening for postpartum depression in the
pediatric setting,63 65 most pediatric providers do
not systematically do so, as evidenced by ndings
from the National Survey on Early Childhood
Health, whereas 86.1% of the 2068 parents sur-

doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2007.03.060171

veyed indicated that they had not, but should have

been asked about family or psychosocial risks.66
Providers reluctance to screen for postpartum
depression is probably due to several factors, key
among them being lack of training and experience.
In a national survey of pediatricians, 57% said that
they felt responsible for recognizing maternal depression, but only 32% expressed condence in
their ability to diagnose postpartum depression.58
In another nationwide sample of general pediatricians, 49% reported little or no education on postpartum depression, and a vast majority were unfamiliar with screening tools. Less than one third of
these pediatricians believed that they would recognize postpartum depression.67 Although family
physicians have training and experience with patients of all ages, less than one half (46%) of those
surveyed in the state of Washington said that they
always or often screened mothers for postpartum
depression during well-child visits,55 suggesting
that factors other than training and experience contribute to physicians reluctance to screen for postpartum depression.
Other factors that compromise physicians recognition and management of postpartum depression are the lack of time to obtain adequate history
and to educate and counsel patients.58 This can be
particularly challenging during well-child visits,
when physicians are already expected to obtain expansive histories and provide anticipatory guidance
around numerous health and developmental topics.
Pediatricians face additional challenges, as they do
not typically care for adults, and therefore are not
as equipped to manage adult mental health treatment and referral. Further, given that the depressed parent is not usually under the care of the
pediatrician, the provider may feel awkward and
perhaps legally vulnerable at the prospect of being
involved in the mothers mental health care, particularly if the mother is suicidal.
Parents and clinicians seem to agree that recognizing and dealing with postpartum depression is
important in the context of primary care of the
infant. However, clinicians need to be educated
regarding the potential value of screening for postpartum depression during well-child visits, methods for doing so, and strategies for developing
systems to manage or refer women with positive
screens. Clinicians also need to be reassured that

Postpartum Depression Screening


their participation in postpartum depression diagnosis and care will not have legal repercussions.

Postpartum Depression Screening Instruments

Three separate systematic reviews have been recently performed to evaluate screening tools for
postpartum depression, used either in the prenatal
or postpartum period. In the rst review, 16 studies
that used instruments prenatally to identify women
who may be at risk for postpartum depression
were included.68 Although 16% to 52% of women
in the 2 largest studies screened positive, only 8%
to 35% of these identied women actually developed postpartum depression. Only 4 of the 16 studies had adequate sample sizes (n 1300, assuming
a postpartum depression prevalence of 13%) to
assess the sensitivity and specicity of postpartum
depression screens. Two additional problems noted
were not having validated screens on separate samples (true of 4 of 6 studies with sample sizes greater
than 400), and between-study variability in cutoff
scores, particularly with the EPDS. The authors
concluded that no screening instruments were appropriate for prenatal prediction of postpartum
postpartum depression.68 Although this review addressed the prenatal use of scales for predicting
postpartum depression, these same concerns may
also be applicable to postpartum screening for postpartum depression.
A second review looked at 36 studies of postpartum depression screens that met the criteria of a
self report measure to assess depressive symptoms
after 2 weeks postpartum, with published psychometric data on postpartum women.69 Eight instruments were evaluated: the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and BDI-II, (Bromley Postnatal
Depression Scale (BPDS), Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Clinical
Interview Schedule (CIS), Diagnostic Interview
Schedule (DIS), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
Scale (EPDS), General Health Questionnaire
(GHQ), Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology
(IDS), postpartum depression Screening Scale
(PDSS), and Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
(Zung SDS). Results of this review suggest that the
EPDS is the most extensively studied postpartum
measure with moderate psychometric soundness.
However, most of the studies included in this review had small sample sizes, with only 6 studies
including more than 400 participants, and none

284 JABFM MayJune 2007

Vol. 20 No. 3

reaching or exceeding the sample size of 1300 participants recommended by Austin and Lumley.68
A third review was conducted by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality and the Safe
Motherhood Group, to determine in part the accuracy of different screening tools for detecting
depression during the perinatal period.5 Ten studies reporting test characteristics for English-language screens were reviewed (6 of the studies had
been included in the second review discussed earlier, but none had been included in the rst). Again,
the sample sizes were typically small (only 2 had
sample sizes greater than 400), and external validity
was often poor to fair (eg, most participants were
white). For each of the depression screensEPDS,
BDI and BDI-II, PDSS, and CES-Dspecicities
were high, but sensitivities were variable. Although
the EPDS and the PDSS seemed to have higher
sensitivities than the BDI (with estimates ranging
from 0.75 to 1.0 at different thresholds), it is difcult to know whether these are completely accurate, given the wide CIs and small sample sizes in
several studies. It was recommended that future
studies on perinatal depression screens must be
designed with adequate sample sizes and should
provide a more representative racial and ethnic
A newer screening tool that has gained popularity in studies on general depression, but has not yet
been adequately studied in postpartum depression,
is the Patient Health Questionnaire, 9-item depression module (PHQ-9), which consists of the actual
criteria on which the diagnosis of major depression
is based. Because of its brevity, relatively high positive predictive value (55% in primary care settings), and ability to provide information about
both diagnostic criteria and depression severity, the
PHQ-9 is thought by some to be the best available
depression screening tool for primary care.70 Although there are no readily available published
reports on the validity of the PHQ-9 in screening
for postpartum depression, the PHQ-9 has been
effectively used as a screen in obstetrics/gynecology
practices that include both women of childbearing
age and older women.71 The 2-question screen,
consisting of the rst 2 questions of the PHQ-9
(regarding mood and pleasure), has been advocated
as a quick screen. It was studied on 6000 patients in
8 primary care clinics and 7 obstetrical/gynecology
clinics, where construct and criterion validity were
found to be very good, and sensitivity and specic-

Table 1. Summary Recommendations


Level of Evidence

Adult patients should be routinely screened for depression in those

practices that have systems in place to assure accurate diagnosis,
effective treatment, and follow-up.
The EPDS is the most extensively studied postpartum depression
screen, but no ideal postpartum depression screen has yet been
identied, and additional studies with representative, adequately
sized samples are recommended.
Screening for postpartum depression can be performed at
postpartum or well-child visits, with well-child visits providing
more screening opportunities.

ity high (83% and 92%, respectively).72 Some researchers recommend a 2-stage screening process,
whereby patients are initially screened with the
2-question screen, and those who respond positively to either or both questions are then given a
longer instrument.70
Although several currently available depression
screens have been used to identify postpartum depression in research and practice, additional studies
with large, representative samples are needed to
help identify the ideal postpartum depression
screening tool. The ideal screening tool should
be brief, inexpensive, easy to administer, possess a
high sensitivity and good specicity, and contribute
toward improved clinical outcomes.48
Barriers and Opportunities
Previous research on depression in primary care
practices has identied 3 general types of barriers
to effective depression diagnosis and treatment: patient-centered, physician-centered, and systems
barriers.73 Patient-centered variables include cost
and lack of insurance coverage,71,74 77 time constraints,71,77 social stigma,71,75 nonadherence to depression treatment,75 lack of follow-through with
mental health referrals,75 and lack of access to care
for various reasons.75 Physician centered variables
include lack of time,58,74,76 managed care policies,74
competing demands,75 insufcient training/knowledge,58 insurance or payment problems, and fear of
legal repercussions. Systems based variables also
play a role and include infrequent follow-up visits
for mothers, lack of objective, proactive monitoring
of recovery, and separation of primary care and
mental health services.75
In addition, mothers of infants may experience
barriers that are unique to the postpartum or early
child-rearing period, such as need for childcare
during mental health visits,78 concern about med-

doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2007.03.060171



5, 69

44 to 46, 49, 50, 51, 60 to 62

ication effects on nursing infants,79 and fear of

judgment and referral to child protection.80
Despite these numerous barriers, the opportunities afforded by postpartum depression screening
and treatment are potentially vast and include not
only improving the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression, but also enhancing the new mothers ability to parent, and her ability to continue to
actively participate in a marriage or relationship.
Recognizing and treating postpartum depression
provides opportunities to decrease divorce rates,
improve rates of normal child development and
lower suicide and infanticide rates.26,28,40,81 86

Summary and Recommendations

In summary, postpartum depression is a serious
problem that affects many mothers of infants. Although effective treatment is available, fewer than
half of cases are recognized. Although mass screeningperformed either at postpartum or well-child
visitswould probably improve postpartum depression diagnosis rates, it may not impact clinical
outcomes unless systems are in place to ensure
effective treatment and follow-up. Studies using
large, representative population bases are needed to
identify a valid, efcient postpartum depression
screen and to assess the impact of such a screen,
together with enhanced care, on clinical maternal/
infant outcomes. Finally, we need to make every
effort to reduce patient-, provider-, and systemsbased barriers to effective diagnosis and treatment
of postpartum depression. Summary recommendations are presented in Table 1.

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