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Robust Adaptive Control of A Sucker-Rod Pumping System of Oil Wells

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Recent Advances in Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing

Robust Adaptive Control of a Sucker-Rod Pumping System of Oil

University of Beira Interior
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Electromechanical Engineering Department
Centro de Capacitaca o Tecnologica
Covilha (phone: +351 275 329 707)
em Automaca o Industrial (CTAI)
Rua Aristides Novis, n 02, Escola Politecnica
segundo andar, 40.210-630, Salvador, Bahia
Abstract: Several studies have shown that the satisfactory oil well operations with sucker-rod pumps is attributed
to the techniques and methods which are able to control the performance of the well. However, the presence of
uncertainties in the sucker-rod dynamical models or parameter variations may jeopardize the desired performance
of the control system and the rod pump system productivity. These parameters are normally related to, for example,
fluid characteristics in the well, environmental properties at the bottom of the hole, electrical components and
mechanical assembly. The purpose of this paper is to use a robust adaptive controller (called IVS-MRAC) to
deal with some uncertainties in the system model, unmodelled dynamics, parameter variations, and the presence
of perturbations in the automatic level control system of the annular well. The results obtained in simulated
environment have shown that the adaptive controller is able to deal satisfactorily with uncertainties and variations,
such as for instance, in the pumped fluid composition (water, oil and/or gas), a very common situation in real
production fields. The fast transitory with no oscillations (typical characteristic of variable structure systems) is
also observed in the plant output and control effort signals. The results are also compared with a conventional PID
KeyWords: Adaptive control, Control applications, Oil industry, Process automation, Production control, Robust
control, Sucker-Rod pump systems.


In terms of production control of the pump unit,

the presence of uncertainties in parameters, parameter
variations, unmodelled dynamics, and perturbations
are challenges to the control system and they can jeopardize the good performance of a conventional controller, PID.
The aim of this paper is to use an Indirect Variable
Structure Model Reference Adaptive Control (IVSMRAC) based on [6] to deal with the challenges into
the automatic control of the fluid level in the annular well. The negative effects caused by parameter
variations and perturbations are related to some physical parameters of the system or faults of electrical
and mechanical components. These effects may risk
the satisfactory operation of the pump controller with
consequences in the system oil productivity.

The sucker-rod pump system is the artificial lift

method most used in the current on-shore petroleum
industry due to the simplicity of its equipments and
facilities [1]. This method is also considered as the
first technique used to lift oil up from wells. Studies
have shown that its popularity is related to low cost of
investments and maintenance, deep and outflow flexibility, good energy efficiency and the possibility for
operating in different fluid compositions and viscosities in a wide range of temperatures [2].
Although this lift method is already well-known
and widely used, there are still some circumstances in
which improvements in the operational conditions are
still possible, especially when dealing with production control strategies of the pump unit for increasing
the system productivity. The development of low cost
sensors turned possible the measurement of bottomhole variables that assists the production monitoring,
application of new control strategies, and enhancement of the process automation [3, 4, 5].

ISBN: 978-1-61804-164-7

The Sucker-Rod Pump System

In this artificial lift method a rotary movement of

prime mover (either an electric or a combustion mo-


Recent Advances in Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing

The pumping cycle generated by the relative

movement of the valves have repercussions on the bottomhole pressure. The oil production is controlled by
varying the prime mover velocity, which implies in
the manipulation of the pumping speed, measured in
cycles per minute (CPM). In this control strategy the
variable speed drive (VSD) technique is used. That allows to adjust the pumping speed through a frequency
inverter device [7, 8]. It is important to remark that the
production performance is associated with the annular
fluid level, and the operation with the minimum possible annular level (minimum bottomhole pressure) the
reservoir oil outflow is maximized [9]. The control
objective is to increase the oil production avoiding the
effects caused by uncertainties in parameters, parameter variations, unmodelled dynamics, and perturbations. They are normally related to fluid characteristics in the well, environmental properties at the bottom
of the hole, electrical components and mechanical assembly, for example.

tor) localized on the surface of the pump unit is converted in alternative movement of the rods column.
This same column transmits the an alternative movement to the pump components that are located at the
bottom of the well, that are responsible to elevate the
fluid from reservoir up to the surface. The sucker-rod
pump system could be divided in downhole and surface elements (see Fig.(1)).


Figure 1: Components of a sucker-rod pump system.

Adaptive Controller

In systems that are assembled with sucker-rod pumps,

often it is desired that an operation range is very close
to the pump inlet level. This operation range is characterized by the complete pump filling with the least
bottomhole pressure possible. That provides the minimum back pressure on the production zone of the
reservoir and, in turn, it increases the oil production
In this work a robust adaptive controller (called
IVS-MRAC) is applied to a sucker-rod pump. It could
be also desired that the controller operates inside the
range. Moreover, the controller must be able to adapt
the parameters and show robustness in case of process changes, uncertainties, variations, unmodelled
dynamics, and perturbations in the system.
The IVS-MRAC was initially proposed in [6], and
appears as an alternative project to the direct approach
called VS-MRAC [10]. The stability analysis and its
proof in presence of unmodelled dynamics and perturbation, for the case of relative degree one, can be
found in [11]. A simplified version with practical application of the IVS-MRAC to the speed control of a
three-phase induction can be found in [12].
The base that this technique was developed is the
indirect MRAC. By using the sliding mode control
based on VSC (Variable Structure Control) [13], the
MRAC is associated with faster transitory and robustness to the parameters uncertainties, variations, and
perturbations. The IVS-MRAC could estimate the

The rods column is the link between the pump

unit localized on the surface and the bottomhole
pump. The bottomhole pump is a kind of alternative pump of positive displacement of simple effect, in
other words, the fluid is displaced in a one way direction of the alternative movement. The function of the
bottomhole pump is providing energy to (increasing
the pressure of) the fluid from reservoir [1]. In Fig.(2)
the bottomhole scheme is presented. The annular well
and pump inlet level are also shown.

Figure 2: Bottomhole scheme with sucker-rod pump

ISBN: 978-1-61804-164-7

The Control Technique


Recent Advances in Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing

plant parameters instead of using the controller parameters.

This adaptive controller provides a straightforward design for the relays amplitudes used in switching laws of the controller algorithm [12], since these
relays will be directly associated with the plant parameters. These parameters, in turn, represent the relationships among the physical parameters of the system such as the resistances, capacitances, moments of
inertia, friction coefficients, etc., that have more easily known uncertainties. The block diagram shown
in Fig.(3) may illustrate the general idea of using the

np (s) = sn1 +


i sn1i ,



dp (s) = sn + 1 sn1 +


i+1 sn1i .



The desired response given by the transfer function of the model reference signal could be written as
ym (s)
nm (s)
= M (s) = km
dm (s)


where ym is the model reference output. It is assumed

the reference input r is a part-continuous signal and
uniformly bounded. The polynomials nm and dm are
similarly defined as the polynomials of the plant

nm (s) = s



m,i sn1i ,



dm (s) = sn + m,1 sn1 +


m,i+1 sn1i . (6)


The vector of plant parameters, supposed known,

is set as,
p = [kp , T , 1 , T ]T ,

Figure 3: The general idea of the IVS-MRAC.



contains the elements of i (i = n
1, . . . , 1), i R is the element 1 in (3), Rn1
contains the elements of i+1 (i = n1, . . . , 1) in (3),
and, in the same way, one sets m , m,1 and m , in
(5) and (6). When the plant parameters are unknown
or known with uncertainties, the estimated vector is
given by,

The model plant P (p ) is parametrized in relation with the vector p . An estimator generates p (t),
by processing the input signal u and the output signal y. The estimate p (t) specifies a model characterized by P (p (t)) that, for the purposes of controller
design, is treated as the true model of the plant at
the instant t. The latter is used to calculate the controller parameters c (t) by using the algebraic equation c (t) = f (p (t)). The calculation of the control law C() and the equation c = f (p ) are made
to meet the performance requirements for the model
P (p ).


p = [kp , T ,
T ]T .

The following assumptions regarding the plant

and the reference model are made: [12]:
A1 the plant is completely observable and controllable with degree (dp ) = n and degree (np ) =
n 1, where n is known;

Mathematical Description

Based on [6], the mathematical development will

be presented to obtain the IVS-MRAC. The transfer
function of the plant could be described as follow,
P (s) = kp

np (s)
dp (s)

A2 sgn(kp ) = sgn(km ) (positive, for simplicity);

A3 np (s) is Hurwitz, i.e., P (s) is the minimum


A4 M (s) has the same relative degree of P (s) and

is chosen to be Strictly Positive Real (SPR);

where kp is the high frequency gain and for the case

of relative degree one (n = 1), np and dp are monic
polynomials set as,
ISBN: 978-1-61804-164-7


A5 upper bounds for the nominal plant parameters

are known.

Recent Advances in Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing

For a first-order system, the vector of the estimated parameters could be rewritten as,
p = [kp ,
1 , ]T .

In the present work, the Matlab Simulink was used to

simulate the proposed controller for the level control
of the fluid in the annular well of a sucker-rod pump
From [14] one has the SISO transfer functions of
the plant dynamical system and its reference model,


The error equation between the plant response

and the reference model output (desired response) is
given by,
e = y ym .


If the previous assumptions are satisfied, one has

the matching condition, i.e., y ym . The control law
u could be rewritten as,
u = n y + 2n r ,

1 m,1
n =
2n =



Reference Model



where sgn is called signal function and 1 is an auxiliary signal. In this work this signal is defined as
1 = y. The values of kpnom , k p , and 1 are constants. The values k p and 1 are associated with the
relays sizing in the switching laws in (14) and (15).
From (14) the presence of kpnom (positive and nominal
value of kp ) is justified to prevent that the estimate of
the high frequency gain of the plant kp becomes negative, situation that would violate the assumption A2.
Finally, the sufficient conditions to design the relays
amplitudes and, in turn, to obtain the sliding mode,
k p > |kp kpnom | com kpnom > k p ,


1 > |1 | .


The argument va v in (14) is a mean-value-firstorder-filter with a time constant and that it is sufficiently small (i.e., 0). It could be seen here as an
inherent unmodelled dynamics that could influence in
the system stability. The stability proof of the IVSMRAC that considers this fact can be found in [11].
The function va v, therefore, could be set as,
s + 1
where v is an auxiliary signal defined as v = e0 uc .
vav =

ISBN: 978-1-61804-164-7

m (s)
M (s) = km ndm
(s) =


In these models the level in the annular well (measured in meters) is considered as the process variable
(PV), and the pumping speed (measured in cycles per
minute - CPM) as the manipulated variable (MV).
The plant parameters kp and 1 used in the simulations are with 10% of uncertainties around the
model reference parameters. The initial conditions of
the plant and the reference model were different to facilitate the observation of the tracking properties. The
simulations were performed regarding the reference
input r, a set of step signals. It was adopted kpnom =
3, 522 105 and k p = 7, 044 107 . The value
of 1 is chosen from the value |1 | = 6, 973 104 .
It was adopted 10% plus of uncertainty and the value
was 1 = 7, 671 104 . The time constant was adjusted along the simulation. It was adopted = 0, 01.
In Fig.(4) the compared response between the reference model output and the plant output is presented.
In Fig.(5) and Fig.(6) show the error signal (in meters) and the control effort (related to the variation of
the CPM - in percent).
It could be observed in Fig.(4) that the reference
model (desired response) output given was tracked by
the plant output. The process variable (fluid level in
the annular well) could be observed in Fig.(4) with
no oscillations in transitory and stable in steady state.
The error in steady state is small and bounded according to Fig.(5) and the control effort is also bounded
in Fig.(6). However, Fig.(6) indicates an input usage
for the proposed controller that in some cases would
be considered unacceptable. Thus, some strategies for
alleviating the chattering phenomenon [12] should be
further studied.
A new set of simulations is performed to compare the IVS-MRAC designed with a conventional
PID controller. By this time the objective is to evaluate the robustness and adaptation properties of the

The controller parameters are updated by using

the estimates of the plant parameters, characteristic of
the approach of IVS-MRAC. The estimates, in turn,
are obtained according to the original laws proposed
in [6],

1 = 1 sgn(e0 1 ) ,


km = 3.874 105 ; m,1 = 7.671 104



n (s)

P (s) = kp dpp(s) =

kp = 3.522 105 ; 1 = 6.973 104


kp = kpnom k p sgn(vav ) ,

Simulations and Analysis Results


Recent Advances in Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing

Fig.(7) and Fig.(8).

Figure 4: Comparison between the desired response

(reference model signal) and plant response.
Figure 7: IVS-MRAC with variation in the parameters
and perturbations.

Figure 5: Error signal.

Figure 8: Conventional PID with variation in the parameters and perturbations.
It could be seen in these new simulations that the
references are tracked by the controllers. However,
in the control system with conventional PID (Fig.(8)),
the parameter variations and perturbations cause a performance loss deviating the plant output in relation
to the reference and the desired operation range. In
the Fig.(7) there is no performance loss and the IVSMRAC shows robustness. It is important to remark
that outside the operation range the oil production is
lower. This deviation in the plant output can also
cause a fluid pound [9]. The fluid pound phenomenon
occurs due to entry of air in bottomhole pump, that is
caused when the fluid level is below the pump inlet
level. This phenomenon has influence on the oil production and the maintenance costs. The mechanical
fatigue of the pump components is also increased by
the fluid pound occurrence. The parameter variations

Figure 6: Control effort.

controllers. It is introduced a 15% of variation in the
parameters kp and 1 and a step perturbation of 20%
on the MV and PV variables. The results is shown in
ISBN: 978-1-61804-164-7


Recent Advances in Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing

introduce in kp and 1 can be related to changes in

fluid composition (water, oil and/or gas), a very common situation in real production fields. The perturbations on PV may be associated to faults on the power
supply of the frequency inverter. Perturbations on MV
may be related to the leaking in the travelling and/or
standing valves [14].

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[9] B. Ordonez, A. Codas and U.F. Moreno, Improving the operational conditions for the sucker-rod
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[10] L. Hsu and R.R. Costa, Variable Structure Model
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[13] V.I. Utkin, Sliding Modes and Their Application
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In this paper a robust adaptive controller (called IVSMRAC) was applied to a sucker-rod system of oil
wells. It could be observed through the simulations
and analysis results that the desired response given by
the reference model was tracked by the plant response.
The error signal could be seen bounded and small, and
the control effort could be seen also bounded, though
alleviating the chattering should be further studied.
The results also show that the adaptive controller is
able to control satisfactorily the fluid level in the annular well, in spite of the presence of model uncertainties, unmodelled dynamics, parameter variations, and
perturbations. Moreover, the results reveal that the
control technique could increase the production performance and diminishes the maintenance costs (for
example, by avoiding the fluid pound). For future
work is being considered the implementation of this
adaptive controller in a real physical system.
Acknowledgements: The research was supported by
the CTAI (facilities and infrastructure) at the Universidade Federal da Bahia and CAPES (financial support).

[1] W.L. Lake, Petroleum Engineering Handbook,
2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, USA.
[2] G. Takcs, Sucker-Rod Pumping Manual, 2002,
PennWell Books, Tulsa, USA.
[3] G.V. Moises, T.A. Rolim and J.M. Formigli,
Gedig: Petrobras corporate program for digital
integrated field management, in Proc. of SPE
Intelligent Energy Conference and Exhibition,
2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN: 9781-55563-166-6.
[4] B. Smith, M. Hall, A. Franklin, E.S. Johansen and H. Nalmis, Field-wide deployment of in-well optical flow meters and pressure/temperature gauges at buzzard field, in
Proc. of SPE Intelligent Energy Conference and
Exhibition, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
ISBN: 978-1-55563-166-6.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-164-7


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