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Freemason Language (1st Edit)

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The document discusses how Freemasonry uses symbols and imagery to manipulate and condition the human mind.

It explains that the layout represents different states of the mind and how beliefs can be influenced, with symbols like the all-seeing eye and sun/moon.

It says Freemasonry aims to transform the natural mind into one that can be easily manipulated, using things like fear of punishment to control thoughts and emotions.

The Language of Freemasonry:

An attempt to convey in simplest terms, how to understand the nature to which Freemasons
perpetuate human rights violations, as explained by their own use of symbolism.
1. Hazing & Manipulation
Starting with the following image:

It appears to be a Masonic temple on the surface, and it is, but it is actually the layout of a
persons psyche. Being the mind of human beings, the images serve to provide instructions on
how to condition a human mind from its natural state, to a state where it is easily manipulated.
The images are meant to be read right to left in separation of the major sections of the
temple/mind, and likewise read from bottom up when considering which section is relevant.
I cut the above picture into different sections so its more easily understood. There are two ways
this picture is to be read:
Intention in intention the picture is to be read from right to left, and it is actually in various

Instruction in instruction the picture is to be read from bottom to top, relative to each section
of instructions.
Layout of the Psyche:
Starting with the general layout of the temple/mind, Ill explain what this picture is telling. The
top section comprised of the all seeing eye, represents the belief and fear of God. It is thus
represented by the all seeing eye, since every person with a belief in God believes that God sees
everything that they do. And further, everyone with a belief in God, perceives there to be a series
of offenses that could incur the anger or punishment from God. This is represented by the ladder
beneath the all seeing eye. Beside that ladder, are the moon on the right, and the sun on the left.
These represent the mind in dormant or oblivious state of ignorance, represented by the moon,
and aware or knowing state, represented by the sun. These symbols explain this since the moon
appears to govern the sky during nighttime, when people typically sleep, and the sun during
daytime while people are typically awake; so these pictures are suiting.
More specifically, the moon represents the mind that believes in a God that sees all things, but
does not perceive God to be paying attention to them, while the sun represents the mind that
perceives God to paying attention to them.

All Seeing Eye represents the fear of God in the mind of the subject
Moon represents the mind that does not perceive God to be concentrating on them.
Sun represents the mind that does perceive God to be concentrating on them.
Beneath those images, is a sphere containing various symbols, and on each side a pillar, and
beyond each of those pillars are sets of symbols. The sphere represents human emotions, which
Ill explain in detail soon. On the right outside of that sphere, the images represent how to
manipulate the human mind that does not perceive God to be punishing them, while on the left
outside of the sphere, the images represents how to manipulate the mind that does perceive God
to be punishing them.
Starting with the right side:

This is the part when the images begin to be read from the bottom up. The stone block on the
bottom with the chisel beside it, represents the intention. The intention is to take the natural
mind of the subject which like an unchiseled stone is perceived to be flawed, and turn it into a
chiseled and polished stone that is perceived to be flawless.

So you can see from that image, that relative to the intention the human mind naturally is
perceived to be flawed to the extent that it can be manipulated, and progressing to the left the
final state is a chiseled and polished stone considered unflawed to the extent that it can be
The bottom of the picture in its intent, is also like that of the top containing the eye, the sun and
the moon; in that the bottom contains symbols of things that the human mind fears on a worldly
level. Fear of God exists within the existential aspect of the human mind, and as told in the
intent of the picture takes its place above all thing; since those believing in God place their belief
and fear of God as above all other things. While beneath all other thoughts of the human mind,
are tangible fears.

Stages of Manipulation:
The bottom of the picture beneath the sphere contains symbols to denote those things that the
human psyche fears in reality. And specifically these are the instructions of how to manipulate
the unchiseled mind that can not be manipulated, into the polished mind which can be
manipulated. The pictures beneath the sphere, each represent one stage of how the sphere of
thought and emotions will be manipulated. For each picture, the emotions and mind of the
subject will be manipulated relative to what is implied by those pictures beneath the sphere.
Each of the symbols is a tool of manipulation, to cause a state of mind and emotions, relative to
what is implied by the symbol. Thus there is a duality in these pictures relative to the intent of
this practice, and also the instruction of this practice.

Shovel represents the human fear of their secrets, or dirt being dug up; the first stage of
manipulating the subjects emotions and mind will consist of this process of digging up their
Hourglass represents the human fear of lost time; the second stage of manipulation consists of
causing the process of making the subject recognize that time has been lost, in the sense of not
Anchor represents the human fear of losing what anchors them; the third stage of manipulation
is relative to employment, livelihood, and success, and causing the subject to fear losing stability.
Heart represents the human fear of losing what they love; the fourth stage of manipulation and
state of mind is the fear of the loss of who they love.
Cross represents the human fear of losing their faith; the fifth stage of manipulation and state
of mind is relative to making the subject fear loss of what they believe in; while the image is a
cross it can be interchanged with any idol representing the religion of the subject, since at the
time these methods were established they were primarily conducted on Christians.
Skull & Crossbones represent the fear of sickness and decay; the sixth stage of manipulation
and state of mind is relative to making the subject fear sickness or mental disorder.
Scythe represents the fear of death; the seventh stage of manipulation and state of mind is
relative to the idea of death in the figurative sense, where the subject becomes essentially dead
These are the seven stages of basic manipulations of fear, for each one of those seven symbols,
the sphere above that represents the human mind and emotions becomes a tool of practicing

those instructions.
Initiation of Manipulation:
This is the right side of the picture, and Ill explain what is being explained here as a process to
manipulate the individual in the initial stages of manipulation. These sets of instructions are to
be read from bottom to top, the right side explaining how to manipulate the subject that is not
conditioned to subservience, while the left side explaining how to manipulate the subject that is
conditioned to subservience. Starting with the subject who is not easily manipulated.

On the bottom is the unchiseled stone with a chisel, representing the psyche/mind that has not yet
been manipulated. Reading upwards you come across the three images in a row, or an ear, a
burning heart, and a bell. The three images are all on the same line so to explain this is one set of
Ear hearing a rumour.
Burning heart the person the subject loves suffering, or being abused, or being exploited, or
yearning, etc
Bell an alarm, or a signal, or notice
The instruction here, is to spread rumour of the person who the subject loves either yearning,
suffering, being abused, being exploited, or anything else that a rumour of heard by the subject
will cause their alarm. It does not actually have to be a rumour, it can simply be a sign of
infidelity, adultery, etc to cause alarm of the subject.

Above these three images is a thermometer, this represents temperature in abstract and relative to
human emotions, particularly anger. The instruction is explaining that the subject who is not yet
easily manipulated, can be stirred to emotional distress by rumours of infidelity, or signs of
infidelity of their lover.
Above the thermometer and descending over it is a protractor. The protractor descends over the
thermometer as an instruction that the two are to be used together, to cause cycles of the
emotional responses. Since the protractor is used to draw perfect circles, it descends over the
thermometer as instructions to incorporate causing cycles of emotional responses at the higher
points of the thermometer symbolizing anger.
Above that, is the spool of thread and a needle, this is to instruct to sow as much as to sew, where
false sanctimony and false comfort are here instructed to quell the angered person in such a way
that they might appreciate the person to blame, for causing themselves to be perceived as the
To consider these instructions in stages, this picture is explaining this process to those who know
how to read it, as it pertains to the initial manipulation of their subjects:
Unchiseled stone the targeted subject can not be manipulated.
Chisel the targeted subject will be chipped away at, or chiseled away at, in the sense of digging
into them.
Ear the hearing of a rumour
Burning heart the loved one who is yearning
Bell alarm or indication of infidelity or adultery
Thermometer measuring emotional response
Protractor causing cycles
Spindle offering false comfort

Pillars of Thought:
Beside the instructions of the initial stages of manipulation, is a picture of a tall pillar with a
globe on it, and likewise on the opposite side. The pillars and globe serve to explain what the
desired goal is. The globe represents the sphere or the human mind and emotions, the pillars
represent what supports the sphere of human thought and emotions. Note that the right side
where initial manipulation begins, the sphere is properly oriented, and the left side where the
desired stages of easy manipulation occur, the globe is tilted and off of its natural axis.

This serves to represent that the targeted subject begins with their thought and emotions centred
when they are not easily manipulated, and the final outcome is for them to have their thought and
emotions uncentred in such a way they can be perpetually manipulated and exploited. Thus the
original sphere of thought and emotions is depicted as a globe since thought keeps spinning, and
originally the subject thinks normally; after the stages of manipulation the easily manipulated
subject thinks uncentred.
The two pillars are outside of the sphere in the middle, to denote they are two representations of
thought and emotion itself, while the sphere in the middle of the picture, is full of instructions;
the sphere will be conducted as instruction, once for each of the seven stages of manipulation
described beneath that sphere, by those seven symbols explained previously.
Achieved Manipulation:
The far left of the picture describes how to manipulate the subject once they have been
conditioned to be easily exploited and manipulated, and like the image of the right, is to be read
from the bottom up as instructions on how to do this.

Starting from the bottom up, is the finished stone, now chiseled and polished. This represents the
human mind or psyche, that has suffered the stages of manipulation, and is now portrayed as
though flawless. And above this image of the polished stone, just as on the opposite side where
the means of initiating manipulation are described, are three pictures to explain how the mind
now conditioned to easy manipulation can be exploited.
While I cant make out the image on the far left or what it is, I can explain the other two. The
fire cauldron represents that the now conditioned subject, can be manipulated by inducing careful
and controlled suffering, depicted by a boiling cauldron. Now they are easily manipulated in that
the person who has conditioned them can cause them to yearn or suffer in such a way that it is
not visible by others. The tilted globe represents that the now conditioned person will just think
in an off centred way, likely by mental disorder of one kind or another. The point is that now the
person who has conditioned the targeted subject can cause them to yearn just by causing their
thought and emotions to spin off centred.
Above this is a cane, to denote punishment. The now manipulated subject fears a punishment for
not obeying. This instructs that punishing the manipulated subject when they dont obey their
yearnings, will maintain obedience to the person manipulating them.
Above this is a chalkboard, to explain that the now conditioned mind can have instructions given
to it easily, and that the now conditioned mind can be caused to forget whatever the person
manipulating the subject desires. Instructions can be given to the manipulated person in such a
way that the person handling them can simply cause them to forget.
Above the chalkboard is the measuring square, positioned above the chalkboard in such a way
that it instructs that causing a fear of judgment will force their subject to accept and forget

instructions as they are given them.

I cant make out the symbol above the measuring square, but the use of a bell on a string
suggests that the person can be caused to obey by causing simple little alarms. Opposite the use
of the bell to denote causing alarms and desires on the right instruction about initializing the
manipulations, this bell on the left is anchored, in such a way that is instructs the person who has
conditioned the targeted subject, that what they have done to the subject is now permanent.
Again, here are what is instructed by the symbols used:
Boiling cauldron yearning can be induced in controlled manner.
Tilted globe the subjects thoughts are made off centred; implying they now lack better
Third image
Cane punishment; the manipulated person now fears punishment for not obeying the induced
Chalkboard represents instructions and forgetting; the manipulated person can be given
instructions and caused to forget following their instructions.
Sixth image the bell represents that there is a permanent ability to induce attentiveness from the
manipulated person.

The Sphere:
The sphere represents a duality of the subjects thoughts and emotions, and specifically, the
amount of time required for each of the seven stages of manipulations indicated by the pictures
below it.

The sphere of emotions is set to a clock of twelve hours and a compass, and those twelve hours
are the twelve days for each stage of manipulation. The twelve days of these manipulations
occur once for each and every picture below the sphere. While the pictures inside the sphere
indicate the trains of thought and ideas to be strived for in manipulating the targeted subject.
Compass: The compass directions are intended to represent the stages of human emotion.
East represents stability.
North represents elation.
West represents apathy.
South represents depression.
Note that beneath the point of south on the compass is the picture of a casket; this serves to
represent depression in abstract as a state of being depressed and figuratively dead. The other
four points of the compass are likewise indicating either ascending or descending emotions.
Northeast represents rising emotions from stability to a state of elation.
Northwest represents descending emotions from elation to apathy.
Southwest represents descending emotions from apathy to depression.
Southeast represents ascending emotions from depression to stability.
In summation, the four base points of the compass serve to indicate the four base stages of
human emotions, while the four additional direction serve to indicate changes of emotional state.
The desired goal of the person manipulating the targeted subject, is to cause these emotional
states to ascend and descend during a twelve day period, once for each of the seven stages of
manipulation of fear detailed by the seven pictures beneath the sphere itself.
Clock: Having twelve points, the setting of the sphere to the clock is to anchor emotional
changes on a twelve day cycle for each of the seven stages of manipulations, which themselves
are seven states of mind, or seven states of thought.

The clock itself has the picture of a leg vertically, and two arms branching out horizontally. The
legs represent stability and firmity in that the leg is an anchored image; while the arms can move
to indicate changes in mood and state of mind. Each of the pictures inside the sphere represent
manipulations, each is an instruction on how to cause the changes of emotional state.

Starting from the 3 o clock position and the eastern direction, and working counter clockwise:
East: The hand facing east is holding a protractor. The protractor has at its higher point a
yearning heart, and points both above the east and below the east. This represents now the

yearning of the individual rather than the yearning of another, since now the image of the
burning heart is within the sphere representing human thought and emotions. The branch of the
protractor above the east indicates that the subjects yearning causes them elation, while cycles
drawn around that personal yearning can lead to ascending of emotions towards elation, and
separation of their yearning can lead to descending into depression.
Northeast: Above this is a rope tied into a noose. The imagery of the noose is to represent a leash
upon the niche of the person. In traditional poetry, the neck symbolizes the niche. Here the
instruction is to find a means of manipulating the niche of the target subject, being mainly
employment, in such a way that the targeted individual can be manipulated by means of
manipulating their livelihood; since livelihood and success lead to elation, this image is between
east and northeast. The instruction is simply to find a means of controlling the targeted
individuals livelihood, symbolized by a rope tied into a noose, so as to control success as a
means of their achieving elation.
Northeast: Next is the symbol of the open book. The instruction is to cause the targeted
individual to become an open book, and we can understand this in the same context of wearing
your heart on your sleeve, that at times of emotional elation people are often easy to read. So
this instruction relates to the higher point of north east, in that when a person achieves a state of
ascending emotional elation they become easy to read.
North: A three armed candlestick, with a star as the centre. This represents a persons hope, that
at the highest points of emotional elation the subjects hopes are represented by a star as the
pinnacle. A star is in the heavens, just as hope is heavenly, and the symbolism indicates this
instruction. The symbolism of the burning candles associated to the star, is simply light as hope.
Northwest: The instruction is the oil candle. This is instruction concerning the concept of
someone running out of fuel, that what fuels emotional elation begins to run out. The means
by which someone achieves emotional elation and hope, can be reduced by slowly removing
what it is that fuels their hope and elation.
The next symbol is then the ruler, instruction to measure how long it takes for the targeted
subjects means of achieving emotional elation and hope to run out.
Northwest: The blindfold is an instruction to make sure the targeted subject is oblivious to what
the person manipulating them is doing, that in their being oblivious to what is being practiced
upon them, they will blindly descend to a state of apathy.
West: Here the open book with the protractor and measuring square. The instruction is that once
the targeted subject has been reduced to apathy, they are again an open book that can be
observed. The instruction is to cause cycles of these emotional changes as indicated by the
protractor, while measuring their emotional changes and what causes those emotional changes as
represented by the measuring square. Here the tool of measurement is no longer a ruler, and is
now a measuring square, since the measuring square represents a double measuring of both mind
state and emotional state.
Southwest: The two faced envelope is used to instruct sending two faced messages, as
instructions to be kind to the target subjects face, while slandering them with messages behind

their backs; the instruction is to once the target subject reaches a state of apathy, they can be
induced to further descending of emotional state by slanders, defamation, etc
Southwest: The dagger, becomes a symbol of betrayal. At the stage where the targeted subject
has been reduced to apathy, a mere betrayal is instructed to lead to further descending of
emotions from apathy to depression. The instruction is simply to stab the targeted subject in the
back, to induce descent from apathy to depression more permanently.
South: The coffin represents depression as caused by the reduction from causes of hope and
elation, to obliviousness, then judgment, then untrustworthiness, then betrayal, into depression.
Southeast: The wedge represents splitting people apart, from the south pole of
depression to the east pole of stability. The instruction is that splitting people apart,
or splitting people from something they love, or splitting people from livelihood
leads to an ascending degree of emotion leading the targeted subject back to
Southeast: The spade, represents acceptance of a label. The instruction is that the
targeted subject will ascend from depression to stability by accepting a label
assigned to them. The instruction is that the targeted subject achieves a state of
heightening of emotional state elevating their emotions from depression to stability
by acceptance, of some label assigned to them.

And this is what is instructed within the sphere of this picture, which represents the human
psyche. These instructions are advised by this picture to be carried out over a twelve day cycle,
for each of the seven symbols beneath the sphere and its instructions.

In Summation:
Again, this picture serves to provide an intent, and instructions on how to achieve that intent

through the use of symbols. Once you understand the symbols and how intent and instruction
are being conveyed through those symbols, you begin to understand what is practiced by this
fraternal cult. And hopefully, it loses its effect on those victimized by this illegal practice,
employing what is legally classified as criminal harassment, to reduce a targeted victim to a state
of subservience, to anyone who knows how to manipulate such victims.
2. Apprentice to Master
The freemasons in their pictorial descriptions of their intents and instructions evidently have
some detailing how to pass from apprentice to what they call a master, also through pictorial
explanation of intent and instruction. And while it likely hardly negates the psychological
damage of what they have done to themselves and to others, the following depiction appears to
instruct how a hazed and twisted freemason becomes by their standards corrected.

At first glance it appears almost identical to the original depiction I used an example of how they
communicate. But upon closer look you can see that reading this image right to left, it appears to

tell an opposite story to the one depicting how Masonic hazing begins; regardless if it is done to
their own or to an outsider victim of their fraternal practices.
Note that the spheres atop the pillars are opposite to the first example explaining the instruction
and intent on how to brainwash people.

In the above example the spheres which represent human emotional thought atop the pillars,
begin level and properly oriented, and reading right to left become tilted and warped as the
desired result of Masonic hazing and manipulation. While the depiction we are examining now,
shows them beginning tilted and warped, and ending level.
Looking at those pillars isolated and read right to left, we can see how the depiction we are
examining now differs in intent to that first example understood.

So you can see that almost identical symbols are being used here, except the intent is opposite to
that depicted in the first explanation. Here the subject begins with a mind state already tilted and
warped, and is being conditioned back to being upright and level.
Looking at the sky that represents enlightenment, we can see the same trend of reversal appears

The symbols as we understand them now are read as:

Moon represents obliviousness, or cognitive slumber.
Sun represents awareness, or enlightenment.
Eye represents the fear of God; specifically the fear of God watching you.
Stars represent causes of enlightenment; there being seven likely reflects awareness or
enlightenment concerning the seven deadly sins.
The general depiction of the sky itself in this picture, suggests that there is a process of
conditioning used by freemasons, to readjust the mind that has been hazed and manipulated, to
return to its normal state; or at least as normal of a state of adjustment that a victim of their styles
of manipulation can hope to return to. The transition reading right to left, just like the first
picture describing intent and instruction, provides a reversal of intent; where the first example is
used to detail how to condition someone to be easily and repeatedly manipulated, this one
evidently explains how freemasons conditioned their hazed members to a state of somewhat
It begins with the state of obliviousness represented by the moon, to a period of fearing God is
watching represented by the eye, which overlooks the seven stars being recognition of personal
guilt of the seven deadly sins, followed by the shining sun representing enlightenment and

This same intent is apparent in the depictions of the pillars beginning right to left.

Looking at how this instruction begins on the right, with the two spheres tilted and warped,
supported by the two pillars, it through this transitional process of conditioning becomes level
and stabilized. It can be fairly assumed that this specific example of Masonic intent and
instruction, is designed to condition the subject to perceive their manipulations as deserved,
characterized by the seven stars meant to imply recognition of guilt of sin leads to enlightenment.
Starting with the pillars on the right, we can see the presence of the pentagram with a G
contained within. This represents the concept of judgment being a source of enlightenment.
Above this is a statue holding an anchor. The suggestion is that judgment leads to
enlightenment, exists beneath an anchor of statute.
Statue a statute of character.
Pentagram though separated in five sections, this still just represents enlightenment, and
appears to be segmented so it can contain the letter G.
G represents the numerical value of 3, and judgment or persecution; specifically the
implication is that three persecutions lead to enlightenment.
So we can see how the pillars in this picture contrasted to the picture detailing how to
accomplish conditioning someone to be easily and repeatedly manipulated differs in purpose;
while maintaining the same orientation of how it is to be read.
The exact instructions on how they evidently accomplish this, is found within the symbols more
central to the picture.

And we can see again that the picture reads not only left to right, but bottom to top as well. Here
the presence of the coffin indicates that the transition freemasons use to correct each other from
being easily manipulated begins with an emotional death of some sort, characterized by the
coffin. The instruction suggests that the first stage is an emotional death, followed by an
ascension of six stages, characterized by the six steps. And we can also note that just as there are
six steps leading from the coffin to the book, there are six symbols on either side of the book.
The book itself represents the book of judgment, characterized by the protractor and measuring
square over the opened book, which a candle to indicate enlightenment is expected from being
judged. The checkered floor indicates a pattern of both light and darkness exists in the mind
between emotional death and the enlightenment characterized by the book of judgments.
We have to read the symbols from bottom to top, and right to left to understand what is being
explained here. This is also indicated by the way the flames of the candles in the picture point
left, to suggest its orientation of reading right to left, characterized by the suggestion of wind
from the right blowing the flames of the candles.
The symbols of initiating the process are as follows:

Spade indicates a label of some kind.

Ladder indicates ascension.
Y indicate praise; note that it is shaped like the house imagery that freemasons perceive the
mind to be.
Candle indicates enlightenment; its flame points left to indicate being read right to left.
Plume/feather indicates personal characteristics.
Tic-tac-toe indicates the concept of due enactment, better understood as tit for tat; this is
Masonic Nemesis, or cause and consequence.
In all the story being told is as follows; that to transcend from being a victim or subject of
manipulation to being in self control again, a series of six stages of emotions are enacted. This is
characterized and explained by the staircase of six steps leading to the book of judgment, just as
the six symbols are to be read from bottom to top and right to left. Again the two clues to
identifying this are the stairs leading upwards having the same amount of steps as there are
symbols on either side, and the flames of the candles blowing to the left to indicate reading right
to left.
The first stage is evidently, some acceptance of a label of some kind. Followed by an ascension
of persecutions based on that label. The ascension of those persecutions culminate in praise due
for acceptance of the ascensions of persecution based on that label.
This is followed by such acceptance becoming a source of personal enlightenment, characterized
by the candle.
And acceptance is characterized by some recognition that the enlightenment of those
persecutions is based on those persecutions and labels being something deserved; here the antiChristian element of freemasonry becomes increasingly apparent, in that persecution for sin is
championed as opposed to admonished.
This culminates in the centre stage, of the book of judgment. The book represents a persons
character at this point being essentially, an open book. And that open book is covered by cycles
of persecution. Isolating the part of the picture which best explains this helps to understand how
the instructions are being explained.

We can see how reading from bottom to top, a persons nature being an open book and source of
cycles of judgment, is depicted as leading to enlightenment for acceptance of guilt of sin as
existing beneath the fear of God. This incidentally, is why belief in a supreme being is required
to become a freemason; their psychological conditioning does not work unless the victim or
subject has a fear of God; specifically the fear of a supernatural being seeing everything that they
Which then leads to the left half of the instructions as depicted below.

The symbols of this section appear to explain what the freemason who passes these tests is taught
as a member, the book now becomes a practice taught to the inductee, and becomes characterized
by the symbols used to explain this transition.
Bow with a ribbon indicates the person is now a gentleman or man of honour and is rewarded
in some way; in Masonic customs this is usually sex with someone elses wife, or a child.
Sword indicates the person is now able to use words to manipulate and harm others;
specifically those passing these stages of manipulations are taught how to induce operant
psychological trauma.

Candle indicates that enlightenment occurs with the ability to verbally and socially manipulate
subjects and victims.
Bell indicates that the freemason is now capable of eliciting specific desires in a subject or
Level indicates that the freemason is now capable of causing a targeted victim or subject to
sway emotionally, or adjust them to emotional balance.
Top symbol - is too difficult to interpret since I cant make out what it is. It looks like the
symbol from the first picture.

But its shape and presence above the level seem to suggest it having similar role to the symbol of
the first picture we examined, which appears to be a fixture with a bell on it. At this stage the
freemason is likely able to manipulate targeted victim by an incorporation of the principles
taught by those three symbols together; again being read from bottom to top.
And the summation of these hazing practices evidently lead to the freemason becoming
stabilized themselves, characterized by the level and non tilted spheres atop the pillars on the left
side of the picture. The presence of the boathouse appears to as in the first picture we examined,
suggest the freemason becomes at a state of emotional comfort with their ability to manipulate
In summation just as the first picture examined explains how hazing of a new initiate begins, and
how victims and subjects of these illegal conditioning practices are manipulated, this one appears
to explain how someone entering the fraternal cult of freemasonry goes from an apprentice to
what they call a master. It appears that the title of master is applied to a freemason once they
accept their own persecutions and are then taught how to manipulate others. Again the first
picture examined, appears to explain how that manipulation occurs.

3. Emotional Manipulation

Another Masonic picture, detailing some aspect of their methods of psychological manipulation.
Without knowing what degree or rather, amplitude, or psychological manipulation each picture
denotes, its difficult to tell from quick glance what its purpose is. However, all of these uses of
incorporated symbols appear to tell a story of still, both intent and intention.

As with those previously examined, this likewise appears to describe a method of psychological
conditioning. Perhaps just a condensed version of that one first examined, but since the layout is
different, careful examination will let us know if this is the same passage of amplitude of skills
of manipulation as previously looked at, or if it represents another amplitude on its own.
Being contained within a circle, we can fairly assume that this refers to manipulations of a
subject or victim based on manipulation of social circles. Looking at the spheres atop the pillars
can let us know what the intent is. Reading right to left, we can see that the sphere on the right
begins level and untilted, and on the left appears titled and off centred.
The book of judgment within, being the suggestion of a person being easily measured is
evidently supported above a small ladder of three rungs, on its side. This is just a means of
determining what orientation to read the picture on, that the information is meant to be
interpreted from one side to another.
As with the last example, we can deduce from the symbols in the sky what is likely to be
intended here. That an enlightened mind is manipulated from that of hope, through acceptance
of guilt of all seven sins beneath the fear of God, it becomes oblivious or dormant from
Reading from right to left, we encounter some of the same symbols we have looked at before.
Reading from bottom to top and right to left, they are:
Ruler crossed with a hammer implies that some means of measuring, or more fittingly sizing a
subject or victim up, is achieved by a driving force, in the sense of spurring someone.
Spade spurring that subject or victim, will result in some aspect of their character being
revealed that allows a label to be assigned to that person.

So the instruction is simply to spur someone, or drive someone, in such a way that they are
observed, and measured up, or sized up in more modern euphemism, for the purpose of
assigning a label to them. This if equated to simple situations, would be the equivalent of simply
pressing someones buttons until an aspect or side of their personal character becomes apparent.
Then the instigator simply measures the results of their spurring.
This leads to the centre depiction of the open book with a protractor and measuring square facing
each other. The instruction is simply that a person spurred to reveal one aspect or another of
their character, can be readily labeled based on that character aspect revealed by the spurring.
This makes them an open book, to which persecution by that label can be perpetuated; as
indicated by the protractor which signifies causing cycles, facing the measuring square with
allows judgment, over the open book to which the victim or subject is because of succumbing to
The ladder with three rungs indicates to do this three times.
After which that victim or subject is then tilted or off centre emotionally, allowing them to be
manipulated. This is instructed by the symbols on the left of the picture.
They begin with the symbol of the thermometer and the measuring square, suggesting that
judgment can fuel changes of emotions, which can be measured by the instigator. This leads
upwards to the symbol which appears like an instrument for planning or making level an object
that is being carved.
In summation, the picture above simply describes a systematic means of learning how to
manipulate someone by instigating them to emotional reaction. If this picture were described in
point form the intent and instruction would read as follows:
Emotional manipulation.
1) Instigation.
2) Measurement, recordation, or observation of emotional reaction to instigation.
3) Assignment of a label from the emotional reaction to instigation.
4) Use the observations of emotional reaction, and cause cyclical persecution by instigation of
the label.
5) Create the illusion that God is observing and persecuting the target for guilt of sin.
5) Create three angles, or three aspects of manifestation of the persecutions.
6) Measure emotional changes caused by persecutions.
7) Manipulate as per observations.
And that is a fair and accurate interpretation of the above depicted system of psychological
abuses. This particular picture likely represents one degree or amplitude of Masonic mastery of
manipulation and exploitation of other people.
4. The Freemason Apron

The freemason ceremonial apron, tells a perspective. Understanding what the perspective is, is
relevant to how freemasons interpret the human mind. Like a house. And the story behind each
of the Masonic depictions is relevant to their ceremonial use of those depictions. In this part its
the apron worn by freemasons.
In more archaic times, this apron would be called a lamen, a cloth wrapped around the
midsection of a rabbi during ancient sacrifices of lambs or other animals deemed as sacrifices to
God. Though in Masonic practice, their manipulation of the human mind is what they perceive
to be God.
Ill explain using the following picture of a Masonic apron.

The first part of understanding what is explained in perspective here, is first done so by
recognizing the purpose and function of an apron. An apron is worn around the waist, to protect
from blood splattering on the clothing of the person wearing it. Likewise, freemasons mould the
psyche of their subjects, while in an abstract sense protecting themselves from criminal charges,
by what is described by the perspective of the apron.
Now, the human psyche is not a house, nor is it in any logical way comparable to a house. But to
Masonic practices, all of which are illegal, the psyches of their subjects are treated as though
houses. And their intent is basically, to dwell within the psyche of their subjects, as a person
dwells within a house.
In the above picture of the apron, the shape of a typically drawn house is obscured by the fact
that the part which would be the roof is folded downwards. Consider looking at the above apron
more similar to the picture below.

The folded down triangular part of the apron appears more like a roof of a house or a steeple of a
temple when flipped proper ways up, as required to interpret what is being explained by the
layout and depictions of imagery on the apron designs of freemasonry. To see it a little better the
picture below should be helpful.

In whole, the depiction of the layout is intended like all other Masonic depictions, to represent
two things; first an intent, and secondly an instruction. The intent as described by the aprons
layout is manipulation of the psyche of a subject or victim. The instruction is detailed by proper
understanding of what the apron explains.
The portrayal of these instructions as an apron, a piece of clothing used to protect a priest during
sacrifice of a victim, is the intent of freemasons to have some protection when manipulating a
subject or victim. That is the intent.
The instructions are detailed in the symbolism. The triangle shape contains the all seeing eye.
Having in previous lessons explained that the all seeing eye serves to represent the fear of God,
and specifically the fear of God watching the subject or victim, it being contained within the
shape of a triangle likewise provides instructions.
As having explained previously, the depiction of a symbol within a triangle, represents the
meaning of that symbol being contained in the mind of the subject or victim, by three aspects of
their lives. The three primary aspects of a human mind that freemasons strive to manipulated
against their subjects and victims, are their livelihood, their social lives, and their personal
relationships. The instruction as explained that freemasons adhere to for protection in their
criminal activity, is that those three aspects of their subject and victims lives are being used to
elicit a fear of God.
Within the body that is square which serves to describe a persons psyche as a house or temple,
are found in the centre the Masonic symbol of a letter G between a protractor facing down, and a
measuring square facing up.
The G signifies judgment and the number three. Three aspects of life or thought will be
manipulated, induced, or exploited at any given time.
The protractor explains to cause cycles of judgment and persecution.
The measuring square explains to cause judgment; though often enough it is likewise relevant to
the concepts of sizing someone up.
While the two tassels dangling from the top, suggest the very same two pillars of thought as
explained in other depictions of the intent and instructions of Masonic practice.
The layout of a freemasons apron, describes how they should manipulate a persons
environment of employment, social life, and relationship, by inciting a fear that God is watching
or punishing their intended victim or subject, before conducting exploitation of that person.
To summarize this in simple explanation of both purposes of the layout of the apron, again
separated by intent and instruction.
Intent: the intent is simply to cause their victims to fear being observed by God, and incite fear of
Gods judgments, by eliciting or exploiting the assistance of people in all three aspects of the
victims life; being their livelihood and employment, their social circles of family and friends, and

their personal relationships.

Instruction: the instruction is simple that having achieved surrounding their victims and subjects
by persecution or judgment from all three aspects of their lives; the freemason is then protected
by that previous manipulation and exploitation of those three aspects of their lives, while
conducting exploitation.
That exploitation when women, or children, or adolescents are the victims, is usually of a sexual
nature, and most often equates to a means of eliciting prostitution, sexual favours, or sexual
promiscuity. When males it is most often for the purpose of simply destroying a life, or
neutralizing a competitor, or silencing a critic or threat to their secrecy.
The abstract connections that are depicted in the layout of the apron, are found in figurative
representation. An lamen is an apron worn in ancient times by priests when sacrificing lambs
and other innocent animals; much like masonic customs of exploiting the environment of a
victim serves to protect them from criminal charges when they harm those who they exploit. A
roof serves to protect the contents of a house, church, or temple; much like the customs
explained in depiction here serve to conceal what is within the mind or psyche of the victims of
This should be a clear enough explanation of what the Masonic apron details in both intent and
instruction. I'll be working on their other depictions of intent and instruction.

5. The Masonic Arch

The Masonic Arch and the 15th day of death. As I understand, most of the victims of Masonic
manipulation and hazing die inside by the 15th day. I understand the reason is this is the day
when the cycle becomes renewed. The clues to understanding this are found in the following
picture of the Masonic arch, and the sphere of emotional changes found in the other more
detailed depiction of Masonic intention and operation.

If you look at the picture, the arch consists of fifteen sections. The first has the measuring square
pointing upwards, the eight with a Masonic ring of Hebrew letters, and the fifteenth having the
protractor. Now comparing this to the sphere of emotional stages and emotional states of
previous explanations, you might see the correlation.

The correlation is that the symbol in the fifteenth stage of the arch, is the protractor, which is the
same as the fifteenth of emotional stages of the sphere of mind. In both diagrams, the fifteenth
stage is denoted by a protractor; a symbol of recurring cycles. And the symbol of recurring
cycles, begins the first day following two weeks. Two weeks represents two cycles of normal
life, and the symbol denoting recurrence of emotional stages, begins on the that first day
following two complete cycles of normal life.
It seems that Masons in this practice exploit the natural perception of the human mind to
recognize a week as a cycle, and in this way two cycles of normal life have completed, at the
stage that their emotional manipulation of a person begins anew. The victim on some level likely
recognizes that the beginning of another cycle of suffering, is beginning on the first day of a new
The victim would by this point in time, on a subconscious level, recognize the suffering
beginning anew at the same time as a normal week, and on some level incorporate that suffering
as part of a natural cycle of normal life.
The two angels facing each other with two arms out and curved wings, means that either
conflicting or recurring messages are being sent to the victim, through two means. The two arms
symbolize two means of delivering the message; left arm a message from a friend, ally, lover,
etc while the right arm indicating a message from an opponent, enemy, adversary, competitor,
etcTraditionally the left arm signifies allegiance, friendship, love, etcwhile the right arm
signifies hostility, conflict, hatred, adversity, etc
Each section of the arch represents one day, the first section has an upside down measuring
square, because judgment begins in ascension and escalation from that day onwards, culminating
on the eighth day in fear, and then descending until the fifteenth day when a cycle of judgment
will be perpetuated again as a form of suffering or persecution.

The two angels represent this, that the messages sent will be perpetuating anew at a culmination
every fifteen days. A completed arch representing two of these fifteen day cycles would appear
as a mirror image of each other.

The fifteen days of judgment and suffering, are represented by one angel, which faces itself to
indicate a mirrored sequence of events. Two cycles of the judgment and suffering equal thirty
days, and likely occur as a reflection in sequence also.
For example, the causes of emotional manipulation if numbered based on their occurrence may
occur either perpetually forwards; or forwards and then reverse, then forwards, then reverse. If
we assigned a numerical rank to the events of emotional and psychological abuse, then the
mirrored arch would look as follows:
A) If occurring perpetually forwards two cycles of events would be:

Sequence 1:
Sequence 2:
The sequence of those events if assigned numbers based on their order of occurrence would if
beginning anew at the end of each cycle occur as:
B) If perpetually reflecting each other two cycles would be:
Sequence 1:
Sequence 2:
The sequence of those events if assigned numbers based on their order of occurrence would if
reflecting each other be retrograde as:
In all likely the cycle begins anew, seeing as the way the protractor faces down in the fifteenth
stage suggests an end to a cycle and a beginning to a new one, while the measuring square facing
up in the first stage suggests an end to an old cycle and a beginning to a new judgment.
And the manipulation would continue in this way, either deliberately perpetually, or the victim is
likely to on some subconscious level develop habits which cause them to independently
perpetuate a cycle of self abuse, self deprivation, diminishing of self-esteem, or self-sabotage.

The symbol in the centre of the picture is a triple Tau, three letter Ts within a triangle and within
a circle. The T is used for its alpha-numeric value of 9, and used to denote the number of angles
of persecution the freemason has mastered inciting and manipulating. It merely as a letter stands
to represent three letter Gs. The presence of a T merely indicates that the freemason has
mastered causing three sets of persecutions, each of three sets of judgments or persecution.
The triple Tau within a triangle, represents that those three sets of triple judgment or persecution,
are contained by a manipulation of three aspects of their subjects life; these can be employment,
relationship, family, friends, etc.
And the presence of a triple Tau within a triangle within a circle, indicates this is being
accomplished by a manipulation of their subjects social circle. The circle represents a circle of
social activity. This can be peers in employment, peers in social life, peers in family, etc
In summation, its symbolic role in the above picture, denotes that the freemason achieving this
degree has mastered using the social circle of their intended subject/victim, as a means of
encompassing their subject to suffer perpetual persecutions. The triangle within the circle,
indicates that the circle of peers are being used as a means of encompassing or surrounding their
subject from three aspects of their lives; and most often those three aspects are employment,
friendships, and relationships. The triple Tau within the triangle indicates that three sets of three
persecutions are being conveyed by each side/aspect of their subject/victims lives.
To explain more clearly:
Tau three persecutions each of three judgments has been established.
Triangle three aspects of the subjects lives are being used to facilitated persecutions.
Triple Tau within the triangle each aspect of their subjects lives is being manipulated to
surround their subject with three sets of three judgments or persecutions, by each of those three
aspects of their subjects lives.
Triple Tau within a triangle within a circle a social circle of peers is being used to encompass
or surround the victim and subject to continuously suffer three aspects of their lives being
manipulated to facilitate those means of persecution and judgment.
This symbol takes its place central within the picture, and beneath the arch, because it is by
mastering this method of manipulation that the cycle of inner death or despair becomes possible
to cause by the freemason achieving this degree.
And this is why the subject dies inside, emotionally, every fifteenth day. The freemason
mastering this level of exploitation and manipulation, has mastered spreading deceits to such a
degree, that they manipulate the social surroundings of their victims in such a way that
persecution becomes part of their lives, and having conducted their methods of doing so in such
a sequence that the day where spiritual death occurs is at the start of a new cycle of a new week,
they have conditioned their victims through perpetual reinforcement of the grief and suffering
they cause, to become accustomed to this on a bi-weekly cycle. The victim then perpetuates the
cycle of emotional death or depression every fifteenth day.

6. The Eastern Star

The Masonic order of the eastern star, is the chapter of their fraternity open to wives, daughters,
and all other female relatives. It appears to be a means to instilling and perpetuating misogynist
principles by freemasons within their female relatives. And as is typical, the symbols of its
creation denote both intent and instruction.

The shape of upside down five pointed star, in this case it is actually a pentagram since it has
divisions by lines drawn through it, denotes female membership into their rites and practices,
since by typical Masonic misogynist views, perpetuating those views from Judeo-Christian

doctrines, they perceive females to be sources of evil and grief. So the symbol denoting female
membership, is the upside down pentagram.
Within that pentagram, a pentagon is formed. While obviously done so to house five different
symbols, each of those symbols being associated to females in some aspect, either in function or
role in affiliation to freemasonry, it also creates the symbol of the upside down house.
The purpose of this, would simply be that Masonic practice while inviting females within, places
the female psyche opposite what it should be. To understand that, consider why any female
would want to belong to an order of misogyny. Thus in order for females to have membership in
affiliation ot a Masonic fraternity, their minds must be upside down. This is denoted by the
upside down pentagon within the upside down pentagram.
We can see this clearly just by considering what a males mind is portrayed as and flipping that
image upside down to understand the mental requirements for female membership.
A male mind, portrayed as a house by freemasonry.

A female mind as an upside down house.

Further cause to recognize that female affiliation to freemasonry requires the female to have an
upside down, or backwards frame of mind, is evident by the inscription of fatal at the centre of
the emblem/symbol.

It can be fairly presumed that a female entering this affiliation of freemasonry, is expected to be
dead inside in order to do so. The central symbol of the eastern star, is the pedestal with an open
book on it. This as we understand by now, denotes the mind of the subject or victim as being
easily read, like the euphemism of being an open book. Evidently being manipulated to a
point of emotional death for te purposes of being easily manipulated, is denoted by the upside
down house/temple which characterizes the human mind, containing the open book which

characterizes the mental nature of the subject or victim, while the inscription fatal indicates
emotional death has already been achieved.
Since the orientation of the inscription reads clockwise from the twelve oclock position, we can
assume the symbols contained in the outer sections of the pentagram are likewise intended to be
read in that same order.

1) Chalice a tool for drinking; in Masonic practice it is likely to suggest ingestion in the
abstract sense, the taking in of something.
1b) Red a colour that to freemasons indicates fire; in Masonic practice fire denotes suffering
and pain.

1c) Chalice surrounded by red together the colour and object indicates that initiation begins
with the taking in of suffering. The female being indoctrinated into the order of eastern, in all
likelihood suffers some hazing practice of taking in or ingesting something that causes burning,
in the abstract sense of emotional pain and suffering.
2) Sword a tool for combat; in Masonic practice it signifies the use of words as weapons.
2b) Blue a colour that to freemasons indicates supremacy; in Masonic practice supremacy
denotes the perceived right of an individual to induce or condition subservient in another
2c) Sword surrounded by blue together the colour and object indicate that second stage of
initiation involves being verbally abused by someone in a position outranking the subject or
victim, to condition the notion of subservience to that person.
3) Bushel of wheat a group of blades of wheat; in Masonic practice this indicates that the
subject is grouped together with others during initiation and not individually. The concept
expressed here is farming, to produce a source of food, not individually but as a group.
3b) Yellow a colour that to freemasons indicates knowledge; in Masonic practice it indicates
some form of knowledge.
3c) Bushel of wheat surrounded by yellow together the colour and object indicate that a group
of initiates are taught some knowledge not as individuals, but as a group.
4) Scepter & crown a tool used to denote punishment or governance over something, and a
crown denoting rank.
4b) White a colour that to freemasons indicates purity; in Masonic practice a person easily
manipulated by having been conditioned through fear to subservience is portrayed as being pure.
4c) Scepter & crown surrounded by white together the colour and symbols indicate that at this
stage of hazing or indoctrination, the subject or victim accepts punishment from those of greater
rank, perceiving submissiveness and subservience to indicate purity.
5) Candleholder a tool used to support a candle; in Masonic practice the presence of the candle
holder without a candle, indicates the initiate is a source to support enlightenment of others, but
not themselves.
5b) Green a colour that to freemasons denotes perpetuality.
5c) Candleholder surrounded by green the colour and symbol together indicate that the
indoctrinated member is perpetually someone who allows or supports the enlightenment of
others, but not themselves.
In summation, the order of the eastern star is the symbol denoting female membership into
affiliation with freemasonry, reserved for female relatives of its members. The symbolism
employed serves to advise how females can be conditioned to subservience and submissiveness
to males within freemasonry. The symbols read from the eleven or twelve oclock positions
clockwise indicate the emotional death of the females indoctrinated through five stages of hazing
practices, inscribed with fatal. The purpose is to make the female members easily interpreted
for the purposes of ease of manipulation.

It is possible that the first stage of the hazing initiation and manipulation is denoted by the sword
in blue, so Ive listed in point form the five stages of intent and instruction.
A) Reading clockwise from eleven oclock position:
Conditioned subservience.
1) Surrounding initiate with misery, suffering, anguish, etc
2) Subjecting initiate to verbal abuse.
3) Teaching subjects as a group some knowledge to create a sense of belonging and false
4) Subjecting subjects to punishments from superiors in rank to induce obedience.
5) Subjects are conditioned to fulfill supporting roles.
B) Reading clockwise from one oclock position:
Conditioned subservience.
1) Subjecting initiate to verbal abuse.
2) Teaching subjects as a group some knowledge to create a sense of belonging and false
3) Subjecting subjects to punishments from superiors in rank to induce obedience.
4) Subjects are conditioned to fulfill supporting roles.
5) Sustenance is derived from subjects anguish, suffering, yearning, etc
Since the beginning of the inscription of fatal begins between the two points of the top of the
pentagram, it is a little difficult to determine which symbol denotes the beginning of the hazing
and manipulation processes. Only those indoctrinated into the Masonic order of the eastern star
would know for certain whether ingestion of anguish preceded verbal abuse, or if being a source
of sustenance through their yearning was the end result from a process initiated with verbal

7. Freemason Symbols
What it comes down to, is understanding how the technology of communication has evolved
over the course of centuries and millenniums, that we dont really learn in school, and that we
dont think about.
A letter is just a picture of a sound. A word is just a picture of a group of sounds. A sentence is
just a picture of a group of groups of sounds. You get the idea.
An in ancient times before letters, there were pictures for language. Like hieroglyphics were
pictures that expressed ideas, and just like south east Asian languages still use pictures rather
than letters to convey ideas as words. Pictures convey an idea, letters convey a sound. Like
ancient Futhark, where every letter was also a word. Just like ancient Hebrew where every letter
has a name with a meaning instead of just the sound it makes.
And this is what it comes down to with freemasonry. Because they emerged in the late 17th
century in England, they existed in a world where language was written with pictures that denote
sound, not ideas. So they incorporated the concept of language through pictures and ideas, to
conceal what it is they do, and what it is they say to one another. This is typical of Masonic
customs; they simply find some means of communicating that is either outdated by centuries or
so ambiguous that unless youre actually trained to interpret them, they would seem to make no
sense, or have no set structure to their expression. However, poets and other artists versed in
varying means of expression have an advantage in being able to read languages that are based on
varying forms of expression, other than just the mundane means of expression taught in schools.
G the Hebrew letter is gimmel. Freemasonry is likely to associate the meaning of gimmel in
some arbitrary way that adds to their means of assigning their own meaning to symbols. In all
likelihood, there is a perverse association between gimmel and the name Gamael from Jewish
books. The name Gamael is a cognomen of Daniel, both mean judged and judgment. The G
symbol of freemasonry simply stands for judgment. And this is essentially what makes them an
antichristian cult, in that their fraternity practices methods of arbitrary judgment of their
members and everyone else; which is opposite to the purposes of Christianity. Thus freemasons
are antichristian by practice and beliefs, and never by supernatural value.
T the letter Tau. Freemasonry picks and chooses one meaning for a letter from one alphabet or
another, lacking consistency as a way of preventing their means of expressing intent and
instruction from being easily interpreted by outsiders, by being deliberately obscured and lacking
any systematic consistency. In the case of the letter T, it is merely that the Hebrew numeric value
of the T is 9. The significance is that the triple Tau is used to symbolize a triple angle of triple
Y by its Hebrew name Yod meaning praise; in Masonic symbolism the shape itself implies
praise, but will most often be an outline used to house other associations into praise.

Angel - meaning messenger; in Masonic practice an angel is merely someone capable of sending
a message (see "wings").
Cross an idol, a false god; in Masonic practice it serves to represent a symbol of religious
belief and can be interchanged with any other idol or false god relative to the religious practices
of the person whos mind is being manipulated; but serves specifically as an instruction to cause
excruciation in the form of emotional and psychological suffering.
Crown a symbol of rule, law, governance, or authority; in Masonic practice the presence of a
crown indicates some role of authority in judging over others.
Eye of Horus the all seeing eye; in Masonic practice represents the fear of God, in that all who
believe in God fear that God can see everything they do.
Forget Me Not a flower; in Masonic practice, particularly Canadian freemasonry, it indicates
Moon crescent a symbol of a partial cycle of the moon; in Masonic practice it represents the
mind that is partially aware, and partially oblivious.
Moon full a symbol of dormancy representing the darkness of night; in Masonic practice it
represents the mind that is oblivious.
Sun a symbol of light; in Masonic practice it represents the mind that is aware.
Sun shining a symbol of hope; in Masonic practice it represents the mind that is enlightened.
Skull & Crossbones a symbol of poison, despair, ill will, etc.; in Masonic practice it
represents something designed to poison or cause permanent despair on an emotional or
psychological level.
Star a symbol of the heavens; in Masonic practice the upright star represents hope,
enlightenment, and sometimes knowledge.
Star within a star a symbol of hope, enlightenment, etc contained within another hope,
enlightenment, etc
Star upside down a symbol of evil; in Masonic practice it represents despair.
Wings a symbol of flying; in Masonic practice it represents a messenger, someone capable of
delivering messages through some medium. This medium can be singing, authorship, policing,
journalism, etc
Body parts:
Arm a limb and appendage that can move; in Masonic practice an arm represents a means of
action, or causing action.
Ear a symbol of hearing and awareness; in Masonic practice it merely represents the notion of
hearing a rumour, a message, etc
Hand an appendage to an arm; in Masonic practice it represents a role, like the saying to have
a hand in it, it denotes participation.
Finger an appendage to a hand; in Masonic practice it indicates specific action, specific
instruction, and usually in their customs it represents accusation.
Heart a symbol of love; in Masonic practice it represents someone or something loved, being a
person, an object, a product, etc
Heart burning represents yearning and suffering; in Masonic practice it is used in duality both

for individual desire and yearning, and also to suggest the suffering, or desire, or yearning of
someone who is loved.
Leg a limb and appendage that can move and supports a body; in Masonic practice a leg
represents some source of grounding or stability, in the sense of what supports a person; this can
be a marriage, an education, employment, etc
Anchor a tool used to stabilize; in Masonic practice it represents what stabilizes a person to
someone or something else, such as a marriage, relationship, employment, etc.
Bell a tool used to send an alarm; in Masonic practice a bell signifies a cause for alarm, a
warning, and more specifically an incitement, in more specific practice the bells signifies what
incites a female to spite, adultery, malice, etc
Blindfold a tool used to prevent visual observation; in Masonic practice it represents
unawareness of a person to what is being done to them, or around them, or concerning them.
Candle an object that allows light; in Masonic practice the candle represents a source of fuel
for emotional enlightenment.
Candlestick a tool used to support candles; in Masonic symbolism it represents the source of
stability for what fuels a persons enlightenment, hope, etc
Cane a tool of punishment; in Masonic practice it represents punishing someone with
emotional or psychological stress, fear, or suffering.
Cauldron a tool used for cooking and stewing; in Masonic practice it represents containing the
emotional and psychological suffering of a person, in the sense of making someone stew or
dwell on something in such a way that it is contained.
Chalkboard a tool used to send temporary messages, that those messages can be erased; in
Masonic practice it serves to represent the same idea of brainwashing, the practice of assigning
instructions and giving instructions that can be erased and forgotten by the person manipulated.
Chisel a tool used for shaping and sculpting; in Masonic practice it represents sculpting a
human mind.
Clock a tool used for measuring time; in Masonic practice it represents the time used to cause
emotional manipulation; hours are days.
Compass a tool used to measure directions; in Masonic practice it represents stages of
Dagger a tool used for murder and assassination; in Masonic practice it serves to represent the
concept of betrayal.
Envelope a tool used to send a written message; in Masonic practice it represents the
conveyance of a message.
Envelope with two faces in Masonic practice it represents a person being two-faced, and
conveying messages, rumours, or instructions in the sense of betrayal, facelessness, etc
Hammer a symbol of power; in Masonic practice it represents a driving force, a spurring, a
striking, etcimplying the spurring of issues, or striking the mind of someone.
Hourglass a tool used to measure a passage of time; in Masonic practice it represents
specifically the human fear of time, in the sense of the fear of lost time.
Ladder a tool used for escalating; in Masonic practice indicates stages of escalating activities.
Level a tool used to establish level and flat surfaces; in Masonic practice it represents an ability
to cause or corrupt emotional and psychological balance.
Measuring square a tool used for measuring angles; in Masonic practice it represents

judgment on two levels, or in two methods.

Measuring square facing up - in Masonic practice it indicates that judgment is
Measuring square facing down - in Masonic practice it indicates that judgment is
ending or renewing.

Noose a tool used to break a neck of a person; in Masonic practice the poetic portrayal of the
neck representing a niche, a milieu, a talent, etc is associated to the noose to represent
instruction to ruin the niche, milieu, talent, etc of the person.
Oil lamp a tool used for holding fuel to burn for light; in Masonic practice it represents the
consumption of what fuels hope, enlightenment, emotional strength, etc
Protractor a tool used for drawing perfect circles. In Masonic symbolism the protractor
represents causing cycles.
Protractor facing up in Masonic practice indicates that a cycle is beginning.
Protractor facing down in Masonic practice indicates that a cycle is ending or renewing.
Ruler a tool used for measuring; in Masonic practice it represents judging.
Scythe a symbol of death and murder; in Masonic practice it represents killing a person on an
emotional scale.
Shield a tool used to defend against attacks; in Masonic symbolism the shield represents
defense against something.
Shovel a tool used for digging through dirt; in Masonic practice it represents digging up
secrets, issues, etc of a human being.
Spade a small tool used for digging up dirt; in Masonic practice it becomes a symbol of
labeling and assignment, in that they use the symbol of the shovel to indicate digging up secrets,
the spade simply is a symbol of labeling or assignment of some value or another.
Spindle & Needle tools used in sewing and stitching; in Masonic practice it represents a
continuous occurrence.
Sword a tool used for combat; in Masonic practice it serves to represent the use of words,
word play, and specifically what would be described in our times as psychological warfare, to
cause conflict against emotional and psychological states.
Thermometer a tool to measure temperature; in Masonic practice it represents emotional
stages relative to anger, temper, rage, calmness, coldness, etc
Wedge a tool used for separating objects; in Masonic practice it represents forcing a separation
between a human mind and something else. This can be forced separation of human emotions
from another person, employment, product, etc or it can represent forced separation of human
emotions from one stage to another.
Wheel a tool used for conveyance and movement; in Masonic practice the wheel represents a
means of conveyance, in the sense of perpetuation.
Tools In Combination:
Hammer & ruler in Masonic practice it represents a means of inciting, spurring, or driving for
the purposes of judging.
Protractor & measuring square a combination of tools, one used to draw circles over one
used to measure angles; in Masonic practice it represents causing cycles of judgment.
Protractor & measuring square over a book in Masonic practice it is instruction to cause
cycles of judgment over what is easily understood or interpreted about a person.

Ruler & thermometer in Masonic practice represents judging the emotional reactions and
responses of a person.
Shield with protractor & measuring tool in Masonic practice it symbolizes Freemasons
using their ability to cause cycles of judgment as a means of defending themselves; this equates
to pride in fraternal membership, and their methods of social slanders and inciting social
judgments as a means of protecting themselves.
Shapes & Objects:
Boathouse a home that floats on water; in Masonic practice it symbolizes a person at a state of
emotional or psychological comfort despite grief and misery; where water symbolizes grief and
Bow indicates something presentable; in Masonic practice this indicates someone who has
accepted persecution and is thus a presentable or honourable person.
Circle indicates a surrounding, and specifically a social circle.
Coffin represents death also; in Masonic practice it represents depression.
Globe sphere of the Earth; in Masonic practice represents the human mind in the context of
Globe & pillar an object used to support a globe; in Masonic practice it represents the
perception of a human mind relative to its sources of emotional and psychological grounding,
firmity, and stability, etc
Globe & pillar tilted in Masonic practice it represents a warped, tilted, or off balanced
perception of a human mind relative to its sources of emotional and psychological grounding,
firmity, and stability, etc
Open book in Masonic practice it represents a mind that is easily read, interpreted, understood,
etcessentially it denotes someone who wears their heart on their sleeve.
Pillar an object used to support other objects; in Masonic practice represents the concepts of
grounding, firmity, stability, etc
Ribbon indicates an award or a reward.
Sphere a three dimensional circular object; in Masonic practice indicates the human mind of
thought and emotions.
Statue represents a stature of character; in Masonic practice it indicates a firmity of that
Staircase for climbing up and down; in Masonic practice indicates ascending and descending
or emotions.
Stone a solid object; in Masonic practice the stone represents the human will, or character, or
nature, or spirit.
Stone Polished in Masonic practice represents a persons character, nature, or spirit, in an
unnatural state that is easily manipulated.
Stone Unchiseled in Masonic practice represents a persons character, nature, or spirit in a
natural and unmanipulated state.
Triangle in Masonic practice represents three aspects of a persons life; this is typically
livelihood or employment, family and friends, and personal relationship.
Complex Symbolism:
G in between a protractor & measuring square the G represents judgment and the numeral 3

from the Hebrew alpha-numeric alphabet. This symbol represents a duality in that persecution
will be carried out beginning with judgment as indicated by the measuring square facing up, and
in cycles as indicated by the protractor facing down; likewise the numeral of 3 is significant,
since Masonic practice always practices 3 angles of persecution at any given time,
simultaneously. Persecution by freemasons never occurs in only one form at any given time, but
always as three forms of persecution, or persecution from three different angles at once. This is
the standard symbol of Masonic practice, because it is their basic motif operandi; three angles of
persecution at once.
Angel with curved wings indicates a medium of delivering a warped or curtailed message.
Angels with curved wings facing each other - indicates the delivery of conflicting messages
through a medium; in Masonic practice the angel represents the message itself, if its wings are
curved or arched, it means the message is curtailed, warped, etc...; while the two angels facing
each other means a reflection or perpetuation of events.
Bow with a ribbon indicates someone who passing the tests and acceptance of judgment and
persecution, in Masonic practice, becomes by their practices a gentleman or someone having
honour; to which a reward of some kind is presented.
Caduceus (staff with two intertwined serpents facing each other with wings atop the staff)
indicates that a body of authority delivers messages through perpetuating clandestine methods.
The staff represents an authority in conveyance of messages; the two intertwined serpents
represent hidden or clandestine functions facing each other to indicate perpetuation, with wings
to indicate a means of conveyance of those clandestine functions.
Coffin with skull & crossbones indicates that a state of emotional death or severe depression
was successfully caused by emotional, social, or psychological poisoning.
Ring around the sun with protractor and measuring square the sun represents hope and
enlightenment, the ring around the sun represents constraining that hope and enlightenment, and
the ring is in four section like the four main directions of a compass to indicate emotional
manipulation to constrain that hope or enlightenment, while the protractor and measuring square
indicate that cycles of judgments allow for emotional manipulation which constrain the hope or
enlightenment of the targeted subject.
Star with a G in the centre the G represents judgment, the association is that judgment is a
cause for hope, enlightenment, etc
Statue holding an anchor represents an permanent stature of character, relevant to some
source of stability.
Statue holding a cross represents a permanent stature of character, relevant to having crossed
some barrier.
Tau within a triangle represents that the freemason in question has mastered how to surround
a subject from three sides, each with a triple persecution of triple persecution. What it means in
simplest terms, is that the freemason achieving the degree associated with this symbol, has
learned how to surround a person from three sides or three aspects of their lives, to cause three
persecutions each of three persecutions. This is denoted by the use of the Tau having numerical
value of 9, it acts as a summation of the angles or degrees of manipulation, judgment, or
persecution they have mastered.
Triple Tau within a triangle within a circle This symbol within a circle, means they are using
a social circle to accomplish this; be it a circle of peers, or circle of friends, or circle of relatives,
this symbol explains the freemason has learned how to manipulate the social circle of their
subject as a means of perpetuating the subject being abused from three sides of their lives,

perpetuated by a three persecutions, and each of those three persecutions being comprised of
three judgments or persecutions.
Triangle with an all seeing eye - indicates that three aspects of a target subject or victim's life
have been exploited to induce a fear of God; and specifically three aspects of the target victim's
life have been exploited to create a fear within the victim of God watching everything they do
Winged Compass - indicates that a medium is used for perpetuation of messages relevant to
causing emotional stage or state, or psychological stage or state.
Winged Forget Me Not - indicates allegiance from another medium capable of
conveying messages.
Winged Wheel - indicates that a medium is used for perpetuation of a conveyance
of a message.

Y with an eye in the centre - the Y represents its Hebrew name of "Yod" meaning "praise",
while the object within it is something suggested to be an object of praise. In the case of the all
seeing eye within the letter Y, the association is that a fear of God is something to be praised.
Y with an eye and protractor and measuring square the Y represents praise, while the
protractor and measuring square represent cycles of judgment, which are beneath the all seeing
eye; to freemasons this establishes that causing cycles of judgment is something to be praised,
and that the fear of God seeing everything you do is something to be praised over the ability to
cause cycles of judgment. It teaches freemasons that fear of God seeing everything, is the reason
they are able to cause cycles of judgment; and to praise these concepts.

Brian Samuel Williams 2/20/77

Written April 2011

Special Note:
If you have been victimized by freemasonry and/or freemasons, there is something to always
keep in mind.
No person can be in your head. A person may be on your mind, but not inside it. This is
actually an important consideration, should you ever find yourselves victimized by a freemason
and/or their lodge.
The human mind is essentially a series of electrical circuits, as all thoughts in your mind are
likewise, neurological synapses.
The human mind does not have chambers, nor rooms, nor levels/stories, nor sections. There are
no washrooms in your mind. Your mind does not have a first, second and third story. Your mind
does not have a garage, nor a rumpus room, nor a kitchen.

Your mind is merely the abstract product of the physical anatomy of your brain.
Freemasons while abusing and manipulating their victims, will cast those ignorant and perverse,
easily psychotic, perceptions, beliefs and practices of theirs upon their victims.
Freemasonry is the equivalent of adopting psychosis as a school of thought, and human rights
violations as custom and habit.

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