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DOW Low Density Polyethylene Resins

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Product Safety Assessment

DOW Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Resins

Select a Topic:
Product Overview
Manufacture of Product
Product Description
Product Uses
Exposure Potential
Health Information
Environmental Information
Physical Hazard Information
Regulatory Information
Additional Information


CAS No. 9002-88-4

DOW low density polyethylene resin
Low density polyethylene resin

Ethene, homopolymer
Ethylene, homopolymer

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Product Overview

DOW low density polyethylene (LDPE) resins are polymers made from ethylene (ethene).
These resins have good clarity, good moisture and gas barrier properties, can be heat-sealed,
and are strong and flexible. For further details, see Product Description.
DOW LDPE resins are manufactured as odorless white pellets or granules. The pellets are
used in industrial fabrication processes such as blown and cast film, extrusion coatings, and
injection molding. The resins are mainly used to manufacture films for packaging applications.
Fresh milk and juice cartons are made with paperboard coated with LDPE film, making the
cartons leak-proof. LDPE resins are also molded into durable products from power cables to
toys. For further details, see Product Uses.
Eye contact with low density polyethylene resins or dusts may cause irritation or corneal
injury due to mechanical action (scratching). Vapor from the heated resin may cause mild
discomfort and redness of the eyes or respiratory irritation. These resins are often processed
as molten polymer at elevated temperatures. Contact with the heated resin may cause
burns. For further details, see Health Information.
Because LDPE resins are used extensively in food packaging and consumer products,
consumer contact is likely. Resins used for food contact are in compliance with applicable
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations and European Union (EU)
directives/regulations. Workplace exposure is also possible. For further details, see Exposure
Spilled LDPE resins can create an industrial slipping hazard. For further details, see Physical
Hazard Information.

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Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) or an affiliated company of Dow

Revised: February 25, 2014

The Dow Chemical Company

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Product Safety Assessment: DOW Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Resins

Manufacture of Product4

Capacity The 2006 world production of LDPE was estimated at 38.1 billion pounds (17.3
million metric tons). Dow manufactures LDPE at facilities in Freeport and Seadrift, Texas;
Plaquemine, Louisiana; Bahia Blanca, Argentina; Leuna, Germany; Tarragona, Spain; and
Terneuzen, The Netherlands.
Process Two types of reactors are used to produce DOW LDPE resins; the continuousflow stirred autoclave, and the tubular reactor. Pure ethylene gas is reacted under high
pressure in the presence of a peroxide reaction initiator. Ethylene reacts with itself forming a
polymer and generating a large amount of heat. The molten polyethylene is cooled and
extruded to form pellets.

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Product Description2,5
DOW LDPE resins are odorless white pellets or granules. These resins are thermoplastics
made from ethylene with the repeating unit (CH2CH2)n. They are stiff plastics but lack
hardness and brittleness and have a somewhat waxy feel. LDPE resins are characterized by
molecular weight, density, and melt index (MI, a measure of flow rate under prescribed conditions
of temperature and pressure). DOW LDPE resins can be blended with linear low density (LLDPE)
or high density polyethylene (HDPE) resins to tailor the physical characteristics for specific
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Product Uses6,7,8

U.S. Consumption of LDPE Resin (2006)7

DOW LDPE resins are used in

the following industrial fabrication
Film (blown and cast)
Blow molding
Applications include food
packaging (baked goods,
dairy products, frozen food,
produce, meat and poultry,
candy, and cookies); and
nonfood packaging (industrial
Wire, cable
liners, heavy-duty sacks,
multi-wall sack liners, pallet
stretch- and shrink wrap,
bundling and over-wrap, grocery sacks, merchandise bags, and garment bags). Films used
for food packaging applications are compliant with U.S. Food and Drug (FDA) and European
food contact regulations. Typical non-packaging uses include household wrap and bags,
garbage bags, industrial sheeting and roll stock, agricultural film and disposable diaper
Extrusion coatings the coating of paper and paperboard products for packaging liquids
such as milk and juices, the coating of foil to provide a heat-seal layer, and the coating of
paper and woven cloth to provide a moisture barrier.
Injection molding Applications include toys, housewares, and lids, caps, and closures for
Wire and cable Applications include insulation and jacketing for a variety of wire and cable

Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) or an affiliated company of Dow

Revised: February 25, 2014

The Dow Chemical Company

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Product Safety Assessment: DOW Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Resins

Adhesives and sealants Specialty formulated products such as adhesives, cosmetics,

textile coatings and finishing agents, inks, polishes, and polymer processing aids are made
using LDPE.
Blow molding Squeeze bottles for adhesives, toiletries, and personal-care products;
household chemical containers; liquid food bottles; industrial drums; toys; and pharmaceutical
containers are made from molded LDPE.
Sheet Rigid and flexible sheeting used to line sanitary or water-retention ponds;
thermoformed and vacuum-formed products; and laminated paper, textiles, and films are
made using LDPE.

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Exposure Potential2
DOW LDPE resins are not sold directly to consumers, but are used extensively in consumer
and industrial products. Based on the uses for these resins, the public could be exposed through:
Workplace exposure Exposure can occur in a manufacturing facility that makes these
resins or in fabrication facilities that use these resins. Those working with LDPE resins could
be exposed during maintenance, sampling, testing, or other procedures. Good housekeeping
practices and control of resin dust are necessary for safe handling of these products. Each
facility should have a thorough training program for employees and appropriate work
processes and safety equipment in place to limit unnecessary exposure. See Health
Consumer exposure to products containing LDPE LDPE resins are fabricated into many
consumer products as well as packaging. It is likely everyone uses plastic products or
handles packaging made with LDPE or LDPE blends daily. Plastics can contain residual or
unreacted quantities of monomers and process additives such as antioxidants. These
materials are tightly controlled to maintain levels below regulatory limits. The U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) as well as European Union food-contact regulatory authorities,
recognizing the potential for small amounts of substances used to make plastics to migrate to
food, closely regulate the substances used to make plastic containers and materials like
wraps that come into contact with food. During the approval process, these authorities
consider the migration of substances added to regulated plastics and their toxicological
properties to assure that the use is well within the margin of safety. The authorities evaluate
plastics and the additives used in them at the temperatures under which containers or wraps
made from the plastic are likely to encounter during ordinary use. This would include
temperatures expected during the use of materials to heat or reheat food in microwave ovens.
For more information on the use of plastics in microwave ovens please visit the Microwaving
with Plastics, section of the Plastics Division of the American Chemical Councils
10 website. See Health Information.
Environmental releases Products made from these resins are plastics that are expected
to be inert in the environment. Industrial spills or releases are infrequent and generally
contained. In the event of a spill, the focus is on containing the spill to prevent contamination
of soil, ditches, sewers, waterways, or groundwater. If a large spill does occur, contain the
spilled material if possible. Sweep up and collect the recovered material in suitable and
properly labeled containers. Use appropriate safety equipment. Consult the relevant Safety
Data Sheet for more information.

In case of fire Keep people away and deny unnecessary entry. Wear positive-pressure,
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective firefighting clothing. If protective
equipment is not available, fight the fire from a protected location or safe distance. Use water
fog or fine spray, dry-chemical or carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers, or foam. Do not use a

Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) or an affiliated company of Dow

Revised: February 25, 2014

The Dow Chemical Company

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Product Safety Assessment: DOW Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Resins

direct water stream on molten material. Cool surroundings with water to localize the fire zone.
Follow emergency procedures carefully. See Environmental, Health, and Physical Hazard
For more information, see the Safety Data Sheet.
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Health Information2
DOW LDPE resins used for food-contact applications are in compliance with applicable U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations and EU directives/regulations for consumer
Eye and Skin Contact Eye contact with LDPE resins or dust may cause irritation or corneal
injury due to mechanical action (scratching). Vapor from the heated resin may cause mild
discomfort and redness of the eyes. Prolonged skin contact is essentially nonirritating. These
materials are often processed as molten polymers at elevated temperatures and skin contact with
the heated material may cause burns.
Inhalation No adverse effects are anticipated from a single exposure to dust. Vapors or fumes
released during thermal processing may cause respiratory irritation.
Ingestion These materials have very low toxicity if swallowed. However, the granules may
represent a choking hazard.
For specific health information, review the Safety Data Sheet.
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Environmental Information2
LDPE resins are expected to be inert in the environment. They float on water and are not
biodegradable. They are not expected to bioconcentrate (accumulate in the food chain) due to
their high molecular weight. LDPE pellets or granules are not expected to be toxic if ingested, but
may represent a choking hazard if ingested by waterfowl or aquatic life.
Additional environmental information is available on the Safety Data Sheet.
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Physical Hazard Information2

Spilled LDPE resins can create an industrial slipping hazard. Pneumatic conveying and other
mechanical handling operations can generate combustible dust. Prolonged exposure to elevated
temperatures can cause these resins to decompose. At temperatures exceeding melt
temperatures, polymer fragments can be released. Fumes can be irritating. Decomposition
products include aldehydes, alcohols, organic acids, trace amounts of hydrocarbons, and other
Additional physical hazard information is available on the Safety Data Sheet.
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Revised: February 25, 2014

The Dow Chemical Company

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Product Safety Assessment: DOW Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Resins

Regulatory Information
Regulations may exist that govern the manufacture, sale, transportation, use, and/or disposal of
LDPE resins. These regulations may vary by city, state, country, or geographic region.
Information may be found by consulting the relevant Safety Data Sheet, Technical Data Sheet, or
Contact Us.
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Additional Information

Safety Data Sheet (Safety Data Sheet Search)

Contact Us (
Technical Data Sheet ( select the desired geographic area and the
relevant product using the product finder)
Borruso, Andrea V., Low-Density Polyethylene Resins, Marketing Research Report:
Chemical Economics Handbook, SRI Consulting, October 2007
DOW Polyethylene 722 Technical Data Sheet (extrusion coating), The Dow Chemical
Company, Form No. 305-01135-0805X, August 2005 (DOW Low Density Polyethylene
(LDPE) Resins)
LDPE Resins: Proven Resins for Consistent, High-Quality Extrusion Coatings, The Dow
Chemical Company, Form No. 305-02758-0600X SMG, June 2000
Understanding Plastic Film: Its Uses, Benefits and Waste Management Options, Headley
Pratt Consulting for the American Plastics Council, December 1996

For more business information about DOW LDPE and other polyethylene resins, visit the Dow
Plastics website:
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Dow Plastics North America Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Resins website:
Polyethylene 722 Low Density Material Safety Data Sheet, The Dow Chemical Company, ID
No. 79684/1001
Borruso, Andrea V., Low-Density Polyethylene Resins, Marketing Research Report: Chemical
Economics Handbook, SRI Consulting, October 2007, page 9.
Borruso, Andrea V., Low-Density Polyethylene Resins, Marketing Research Report: Chemical
Economics Handbook, SRI Consulting, October 2007, pages 6, 1718, and 2324.
Borruso, Andrea V., Low-Density Polyethylene Resins, Marketing Research Report: Chemical
Economics Handbook, SRI Consulting, October 2007, page 15.
Borruso, Andrea V., Low-Density Polyethylene Resins, Marketing Research Report: Chemical
Economics Handbook, SRI Consulting, October 2007, pages 9, 2729, and 3243.
LDPE Resins: Proven Resins for Consistent, High-Quality Extrusion Coatings, The Dow
Chemical Company, Form No. 305-02758-0600X SMG, June 2000, pages 12.
Dow Plastics North America Markets & Applications website:
FDA Consumer. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, November/December 2002
Plastics Division of the American Chemical Council, website: Microwaving with
accessed June 5, 2009.

Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) or an affiliated company of Dow

Revised: February 25, 2014

The Dow Chemical Company

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As part of its 2015 Sustainability Goals, Dow has committed to make publicly available safety
assessments for its products globally. This product safety assessment is intended to give general
information about the chemical (or categories of chemicals) addressed. It is not intended to
provide an in-depth discussion of health and safety information. Additional information is available
through the relevant Safety Data Sheet, which should be consulted before use of the chemical.
This product safety assessment does not replace required communication documents such as
the Safety Data Sheet.
The information herein is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving same will make
their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. In no event will Dow be
responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon the
information herein or the product to which that information refers.
Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product, process,
equipment or formulation in conflict with any patent, and Dow makes no representation or
warranty, express or implied, that the use thereof will not infringe any patent.
Dow makes no commitment to update or correct any information that appears on the Internet or
on its World-Wide Web server. The information contained in this document is supplemental to the
Internet Disclaimer,
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Form No. 233-00587-MM-0214X

Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) or an affiliated company of Dow

Revised: February 25, 2014

The Dow Chemical Company

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