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1000 Biker Tattos

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The document appears to be excerpts from a book about biker tattoos, including stories and tattoo designs.

The book explores different motorcycle tattoos, personal stories of people with tattoos, back and body tattoos, and tattoo art.

The authors say that tattoos exist to remind people of their past and help them learn and grow. They also say tattoos are timelines of life events.

er TaTTo


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Sara Liberte

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Chapter 1: Motorcycle Tattoos


Chapter 2: Personal Stories


Chapter 3: Back Pieces and Bodies


Chapter 4: Tattoo Art


About the Authors


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n the conservative stretch of

nothingness west of the 100th
meridian (minus California), Im
often asked, Dont you think that
youll regret your tattoos one day?
Thats a question Ive been asked
as long as Ive had tattoos. Will these
images in my skin damn me to an
eternity of torment and misery?
Will they be cause for infinite despair?
I dont think so. But I always consider what people say,
and I can confidently say that I will never regret a single
one of them. Each tattoo, peaceful or violent, shocking or
alluring, exists because thats where I was at that time in
my life. I wont even regret the bad ones.
Tattoos exist to remind us to think about our past, to
learn something in the present, and to be smarter in the
future. Tattoos are statements, and tattooed bodies are
merely timelines of life events you either loved or hated.
Chad Lemme
The journey of 1,000 Biker Tattoos was a whole new adventure
for me. I felt like Lewis and Clark searching for the
Northwest Passagetearing through different scenery,

visiting with good friends, and meeting an odd array of

people fulfilled me visually, artistically, philosophically, and
emotionally. Just as their stories were permanently inked on
their skin, this journey is permanently inked in my memory.
I simply cannot go any further without sharing some
of the people who were instrumental in the completion of
this book, or without thanking them endlessly. First
and foremost is Darren McKeag of Slingin Ink Tattoo in
Grinnell, Iowa. Id also like to mention those who helped
us immensely on compiling this book, everyone from
tattoo artists, photographers, writers, artists, and even just
ordinary enthusiasts like you and me.
In no particular order, many heartfelt thanks from
the bottom of both of our hearts to Darren McKeag, Paul
Wideman, Terry Meyer, Long Jon and Pinky, George the
Painter, Iliya Hamovic, Kevin Teach Bass, Noah, Scottie B and
Dan of Slingin Ink, Chad and Tim at Ink & Iron Tattoo, Billy
Tinney, Rogue, Willie of Willies Tropical Tattoo, Richie Pan,
Jason Kangas, Kai Morrison, Robert Pradke, Jason Grimes,
Goth Girl, Bart Mitchel, and Tom Tobin. Many thanks are also
due our parents for putting up with our hectic schedules,
incessant traveling, and for always welcoming us in from
the road with good food and the comfort of home.
Sara Liberte

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And behold a pale horse: And his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
And power was given unto them . . . to kill with sword, and with death, and with the beasts of the Earth.
Revelation 6:8

he peaceful and still summer

air is shattered by the
guttural, reverberating
waves of a familiar sound.
A nameless dread ripples
across the hearts and minds
of the squares as the sound
continues its ominous
crescendo, cascading into a
rumbling, resounding thunder so heavy it makes breathing
difficult. It vibrates the ground, throwing you off balance.
And you know theres only one thing it can bethe
unmistakable sound of an American V-Twin motorcycle.
And there, perched atop the terrible beast, the horrid
dirtbag your mother warned you about. These tattooed
mutants, dirtier than the dust-soaked oil leaks streaming
backwards from the warped mating surfaces of a motor
that cant hold back seventy-weight anymore, descend
upon your once-peaceful purview of this crazy world.
Youve heard it all before, and theyll say it til the bitter
end: these external combustion bastards riding internal
combustion bikes care not for society and less for its rules.
And they will swipe your innocence faster than a mongoose
on speed, and ruin you for life, if your life is even spared.

Stereotypes aside, the uninformed perception of

anything outside the nine-to-five straight and narrow is
all too often erroneous and just plain wrong. Hell, even
the label biker has been bastardized into a meaningless
titlesomeone who spends 96 percent of their life
concerned with retirement funds, name-brand home
furnishings, expensive business attire, and low golf
scores shouldnt be labeled a biker. The dude who can
fully disassemble and correctly reassemble his entire
motorbike on the side of the road; the hellion who rides
through wind and rain and snow and hell because he
loves it; the man who would rather sleep under the stars
with his bike, a change of socks, and a half-empty pack
of cigarettes as his only companions than in a plush bed
inside of five thousand square feet of prime real estate
. . . this road warrior has earned the title of Biker. Not
because he looks the part, but because its his life.
And many of the massesthose who think men who
are married to their motorcycles are dirt-heads and
disgusting vagrantscome out in swarms, flaunting
their sleeveless and, no doubt, preworn rally shirts
to feign, if for only one weekend, the look of a real
biker. The sheep might also flaunt their single tattoo,
some bullshit henna or Chinese symbol or their pets

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nickname, also probably located somewhere on their

flabby, underused deltoid.
But whether youre a hardcore biker badass or weekend
wannabe, one thing remains true: the need for escape.
Escape from the mundane office job and the daily perils of
this shitty world. One solution involves sitting on top of a
high-test series of controlled explosions of vaporized fuel at
breakneck speeds; somehow, it seems to make the minutiae
of daily life disappear, makes them flit by like another stripe
on the highway.
A peculiar sort of liberation envelops you when youre
piloting one of these death machines down the dotted
line at a hundred-plus miles an hour, weaving in and out of
traffic while your eyeballs bleed and your teeth rattle loose
from your gums. Its like standing toe to toe with Death,
looking him long in his evil eye, preparing yourself for the

end of your life But when the ride is over, youre

still standingyouve cheated death yet again.
Some are very familiar with this strange
feeling; soldiers often describe something
similar when recounting the heightened
senses, the blood-rage they endure in combat.
Nobody can explain such a feeling unless
theyve stood with their toes hanging over a
mighty precipice, with only their ability to put
fear on the back burner to keep them alive. It
feels as though life is suddenly running in slow
motion. It feels like your basic motor instincts
and emotions are on different planets.
It feels peaceful, oddly enough.
But a soldier in the theatre of war is
reminded on a daily basis exactly where that
tipping point between life and death lies, and
as a result becomes accustomed to it, if not
entirely numb. If youre lucky enough to return
to a life on easy street, it can be very difficult to handle. In
some cases, dangerous decisions ensue: drugs, drinking,
violence, using women . . . all the really fun stuff in life.
But one thing that allows many to copeother than the
aforementioned escapades or any combination thereofis
the motorcycle. It is a whole other drug in and of itself.
But, for the sake of sticking the horse in front of that
proverbial carriage, allow me to back up a ways and recite
some history that Ive strung together like a first-grade
macaroni art project over the years. Readers beware: I cannot
be held accountable for any permanent brain damage you
might suffer from this (my editor regrets the whole thing in
its entirety, I assure you). And with that, were off!
Amid the plethora of misinformation on the intertubes
these days, there are about a thousand false accounts of
the history of motorcycles and tattoos. When it comes


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down to it, motorcycles and tattoos have about as much

in common as basket weaving and monster trucks. It just
so happened that these two very different worlds on their
predestined paths would collide in the early half of the
twentieth century, right here in America. But lets back up
even farther.
Imagine this: an adventurous boatload of Spaniards
explores the oceans of the world in search of the edge
of the earth. They face many seagoing perils: starvation,
bands of deadly pirates, high winds, low morale, even the
mythical Kraken! Now, imagine the Spanish explorers
reach the shores of the faraway tropical island of Polynesia,
where they encounter the indigenous population. The
natives behold foreign visitors in strange clothes, all
speaking an unrecognizable language. The lifestyles
of the islanders seem just as foreign to the Spanish
conquistadors. Yet both sides had something to
gain from each otherthe native Polynesians
might have seen and imagined advanced
weaponry or ship-building. From the natives,
the Spanish picked up one important practice
integral to our story: the practice of tattooing
(not to mention all the natives gold).
At the time, tattooing seemed quite odd
why permanently alter your body in such a
painful way? The novelty of tattooing was so
strange, so new and bizarre and unheard of,
that many native people from island cultures
were put on public display like some sort of
prehistoric saber-toothed unicorn freakshow or
something. Beside the visual mindfuck of seeing
tattooed people for the first time, these displays
caused the equally mind-bending realization of
the grueling, self-destructive process of using a
single needle to poke hundreds of thousands of

ink-laden holes, one by one, for hours and days on end, to

complete the permanent art under the skin.
Naturally enough, the affluent justified tattooing as a
luxury that only they, the preWall Street one percenters
of society, could possibly afford. Ashore, the practice of
tattooing was reserved for the richest seventeenth- and
eighteenth-century monarchs and upper-crust elitist
society hags, but on the sea, rollicking from wave to wave
above the briny deep, tattooing was undertaken by the
sailors themselves. And this practice is still seen today
before motorcycle jockeys, tattoos were most commonly
found adorning the arms and chests of members of the
navy, just like their seafaring forefathers.
Tattoos have been used by every culture in every corner
of the world, throughout all of history. Theyve been used as
signs of pride, as status symbols, and as religious markers.


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Tattoos have also been used as negative labeling tools, such

as in the case of criminals, oppressed peoples, and slaves.
The perception of tattoos and tattooing has varied wildly
from good to bad, and in many cases, both at the same
time. But for us, tattoos have mainly devolved from highsociety emblems to markings that carry (often unfairly)
certain lifestyle connotations.
The reason for this is due in part to the Industrial
Revolution, when the modern, steam-belching machines
of the 1800s turned many a skilled craftsmans difficult
art and livelihood into a simple, mechanized, and
mindless routine that could now be executed by anyone
capable of pulling a lever or pushing a button. In this case,
the tattooing machine was invented; tattoos no longer
required vast amounts of wealth to acquire. Instead,
an artist could now do in a matter of minutes or hours
what would have taken days and weeks to accomplish
before, and for a much, much lower cost. For the first time,
those with a few extra dollars could now appear to be
extremely wealthy.
Once tattoos became more mainstream, the idea
that someone would mutilate themselves permanently
was considered self-destructive, rejected, and ultimately
labeled taboo. Many naysayers regarded anyone who
would do such a thing to themselves as banal and
mentally inferior. But another order rose as well, an
order of people who were entirely fine with permanently
altering their bodies. Some were simply blessed with
extremely high thresholds for pain. Others possessed the
mindset that we are all going to die someday, and that
our bodies, like certain philosophers of the time decreed,
were just vessels for a short time. So who gives a shit
what happens to them, right? So it was that tattooing
became associated with death, and we all know that
people who dont fear death are seen in an entirely


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different light than everyone else, because

death is so terrifying to many. The masses
turned fearfully away from the ritual death
of tattooing, the permanent mutilation of
ones body. Religious institutions naturally
shunned the practice, and many states in
the burgeoning USA banned tattooing for
quite some time. (Religion was, and still exists,
for people who cant handle the thought of
nothingness after life.)
In this atmosphere, tattoo aficionados
and enthusiasts slowly evolved into socially
persecuted, reckless youth, often seen as a
horde of dangerous neer-do-wells incapable
of responsibility, self-discipline, and respect
generally evil people all the way around. Some
rode deadly motorcycles and were branded as
social outcasts and lowlifes who couldnt afford
a car and spurned normal lifestyles. And this
couldnt be farther from the truth.
The truth is that many of the people tattooing
themselves were the same ones who signed up for war,
willingly putting themselves in harms way in the defense
of their country. As recently as 100 years ago, from the
dawn of the twentieth century and through the end of
World War II, sailors, marines, and soldiers alike were
essentially the only group of Americans branding their
hides, with pictures of historical sailing ships, lascivious
(and lovely) pinups, and patriotic, banner-wielding eagles.
After their service, many of these courageous souls
were dumped into an unfamiliar postwar society, and
nobody really thought of the difficulties associated with
this. Men returning home from war often struggled
to adjust to a very different lifestyle. They felt out of
place and bored with lifethings were too easy here in

America, especially when compared to the campaigns

in Europe, with their gruesome warfare in subzero
temperatures. But then the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
Company offered adrenaline-starved junkies the best
fix theyd ever taste: a little two-wheeled blood-boiler
they dubbed the knucklehead. Now the only thing
missing was likeminded people with whom you could
share such an experience as war, and who would also
understand what you were going through.
Thus, the motorcycle junkie was born.
It seemed for many returning veterans that a
significant lack of camaraderie existed among civilian
Americansbrotherhood is a difficult thing to
comprehend when you havent fought for survival or
entirely relied on someone else to keep you alive. In combat,
you prepare yourself to die for the soldiers next to you,

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because they are ready to die for you. Because of this, your
fellow fighters become closecloser than your oldest
friends, and in some cases, even closer than blood ties.
But yanked from the thoroughfares of war, and thrown
back into civilian life, you dont experience that sort of
brotherhood anymore. Your neighbors wouldnt take a
bullet for you. And I doubt you would for them.
So veterans sought out other veterans, people they
knew they could rely on. And life was easier, or at least
easier to handle. And these tattooed men, who spent
all of their time either alone or within small, ostracized
groups of fellow outcasts, were seen as unstable
and degenerates.
Though I wont get into it at all, its worth mentioning
that this is where motorcycle clubs began: with people
who chose to live with their new family on two wheels,


their family that they could rely on without any shadow

of a doubt. And with the newfound, freewheeling spirit
these mutants discovered came the inevitable good time,
and many decided this was how they would live out their
liveson the open road, burnin rubber.
But the times changed. It used to be that you could
go out and have some beers with friends, maybe start a
fight, and scream out a burnout down the street as the
sun rose at your back. Andy Griffith would show up and
tell you to go home. And that was the end of it. Nowadays,
if you get caught with keys in your possession after a
single beer, youre going straight to the slammer for
the night and walking out the next day as a dangerous
criminal. Many young people who wind up getting
caught having a beer under age carry a rap sheet theyll
never be able escape fromtheyre sucked down without
a chance to grow up. And before you know it, theres a
specially mandated helmet for every sport with little
more danger than shuffleboard, hand sanitizer in every
hallway of every commercial building in the northern
hemisphere, and harsh penalties for incorrectly buckling
the secondary five-point restraint system for your child.
(Hell, I didnt even know what a seatbelt was until I was
old enough to drive. Id never seen one before. All reason
has left our daily lives.)
So the times changed to accommodate weak
individuals and give them a fair chance at life, and in the
wake, the good time turned into a serious fucking ordeal.
But just as the those phantom riders on two wheels fought
for our freedoms abroad, we consider ourselves the last
vanguard that continues to fight for freedomlife, liberty,
beer, speed, fast times, and fast rideson the home front.
Instead of surrendering to a safe and censored society, we
resist, and for this were told that were evil. Some even buy
into this idea. But why?


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Bikers are some of the greatest people on the earth,

but John Law and his media whores would have you
believe theyre a bunch of murdering, ravenous thieves
and killers, each and every one of them. But the truth is
that they all have day jobs, just like you and me. Theyre
not drug dealers and weapons runners. They dont
commit heinous crimes or incite outrageous shit. Did you
know the Hells Angels contribute millions of dollars to
childrens health research every year? Ill bet you didnt
people are much too afraid to find out for themselves, so
they just feed the stigma and continue blindly down that
shitty and overly censored path. And we cant do a thing
about it.
Even so, I can say that Im happy tattoos are becoming
more widely accepted and less shunned, and hopefully
Ill see a day when tattoos are not looked down upon by
anyone. It just seems funny how our ancestors viewed
tattooing as such a good thing, and now, just a century or
two later, weve moved from admiration, to sheer disgust,
and all the way back to a nearly unified acceptance for this
strange and commonly taboo practice.
Sara Liberte and Chad Lemme


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I stood in line behind a biker. He was big and wore a lot of leather.
His arms were filled with tattoos, and his hair was in a ponytail. I kept my distance.
VJ Smith, The Richest Man in Town

ikers have tattoos, every tattoo

owns a motorcycle, and every
motorcycle owns a leather
jacksweet Jesus, Im not
making sense.
Theres a common thread
here somewhere, though,
and I believe it to be leather
jackets, motorcycles, and
tattoos. At motorcycle rallies you often hear something
like, Hey, have you seen my friend Joe? Hes tall, wears
a leather jacket, has a beard, and a bunch of tattoos.
Well, that just narrowed it down to every fucking dude
at the rally.
The clichs and stereotypes do exist. Were taught that
stereotypes are bad, but Christ, if it walks like a duck and
talks like a duck, well, then, its probably a duck.
It seems today that everyone who rides has a tattoo,
or two, or three, or an entire sleeve. Its no secret that
motorcycle riders are big on self-expression, proudly
displaying the artwork that carries deep meaning for
them, whether its on their skin or on their bike with
custom paint or parts.
After many years on the road and within the
motorcycle world, weve noticed that there are several
different approaches to biker ink. There are the bikers
who know exactly what they want tattooed; sometimes

these bikers are artists themselves, and even dreamed

up the artwork on their own. Next is the biker whos
going for a certain lookthe art doesnt necessarily hold
much personal significance. Last on the list is the biker
who just strolls into a tattoo parlor, thumbs through
some tattoo flash art (designs readily available for you
to choose from), and makes his or her pick. This biker is
more concerned with having some ink to complete the
process of becoming a bikerthe tattoo becomes a rite
of passage.
We spoke with several tattoo artists, including Pinky
from Sacred Skin Tattoo in Payson, Arizona, who shared a
few ideas on how she breaks down her clients.
Some clients come in with absolutely no art or
design in mind . . . they simply want to go through
the motions of getting a tattoo and have some
ink on their skin. They will look through previous
work we have done or flip through some tattoo
magazines and just randomly pick a design that
looks cool. Now if the client is young I usually try to
talk them out of itask them to really think about
something that is worthy enough to be on their skin
for life. If the client is older, well, I usually chalk it up
to the hope that this person should know better, so
if they want it, they get it.
Sara Liberte


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Brand Loyalty

Finding a biker with a Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield

tattoo is like finding, well, beer in a bottle. Some riders
sport a brand or corporate logo, but it doesnt always
have to do with motorcycles.
Take Lemme, for instance. He was paid by
Advanced Armament to put their logo on his
back. Advanced Armament is just one of many
companies that actually pay you to wear their
tattooed logo on your back, like a living, breathing
biological billboard. More mobile than a billboard,
Lemmes back tattoo is an advertisement for a company
like Advanced Armament; its different, its visible, and to
buy the same space anywhere else is less permanent and
more expensive. It also builds word of mouth, the best
kind of advertisement there isyou cant beat a good
old recommendation from someone you trust. Imagine
seeing a brand logo tattooed on someones bodyyou
have to imagine that person is pretty serious about
liking that brand to go so far as to have it permanently
tattooed on their body, right? Probably might make you
consider that brand when its time for you to make a
purchase. Though its counterintuitive (logos as tats?),
its a genius marketing plan. So genius, in fact, that
some companies will run promotions, like free product
giveaways or free vacations (sometimes even just cold,
hard cash) if you tattoo their logo on your body. HarleyDavidson is one of the most commonly tattooed logos,
but it happens without remuneration from the company.

Thats some serious free advertising Harley-Davidson

is getting from its loyal customers! I often wonder,
what they do for these customers to show their sincere
thanks. Oh yeah . . . they charge big money to attend their
celebration parties every five years in Milwaukee!
Some bikers are flat-out stoked to bear the badge of
a favorite motorcycle. Just as a runner may be loyal to a
certain brand of running shoes, a biker becomes loyal to
a favorite brand of motorcycle. The rider gets to know
every inch of the machine, which eventually becomes an
extension of their body. With such an intimate connection
to the machine, its only logical to have its logo inked onto
your flesh; after all, riding does pretty much make you one
with your machine.
Within one company there are many different logos.
These logos cater to different aspects of the brand. One
logo may be more racy (all about the speed of the brand),
and another logo may be more cultural, showcasing the
casual lifestyle the brand represents. The H-D Motor
Company offers thousands of logo designs to suit every
one of their dedicated enthusiasts. From the race fan to
the weekend warrior cruiser fan, there is a logo design for
everyone to showcase on his or her bicep, back, head, hand,
and heart (well maybe not the heart, but you understand).
So why do these bikers go so far as to brand
themselves? We can break it down to a few different
reasons. Sporting a biker tattoo reveals a membership
in a special cult or groupthe tattoo gives the wearer
Motorcycle tattoos

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a way to bond with others who share the same passion

or values. Another reason is that an image can harbor
special personal meanings; looking at a logo tattoo can
create a powerful recollection of all the positive memories
associated with the brand. I guess another reason could
be to connect with personal ideals or moralsthe tattoo

can remind the wearer of his or her ideal life, and they can
draw inspiration from what it represents to them.
Whatever the reason, the big company is no doubt
laughing all the way to the bank. And for some riders,
thats OK.
Sara Liberte

this tattoo portrays the classic h-d

no. 1 with american flag inlay, and this
fan added a skull with the no. 8 on
the headbandperhaps this is a racing
number. notice the orange accents
classic h-d colors!

above right: this arm tattoo is a

perfect example of a classic harleydavidson tank emblem. the emblems
were metal and used to be bolted to
certain models of tanks.

here is a devoted triumph rider.

love for the brand has left its mark on
the inside of this guys arm, proudly
displaying which make of bike he prefers.


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above left: skulls, roses, h-d Bar &

shieldcan any more be said about the
devotion to harley-davidson than what
is inked on this arm? the detail work
in this piece is very impressive, and was
inked by long Jon at sacred skin tattoo
in payson, arizona.
Gtpknown in the motorcycle
world as George the painterhas his
shovelhead permanently inked on his
back, the perfect canvas for a large
piece such as this. the numbers across
the bottom make up the Vin for the
enginetalk about dedication!

this full-sleeve arm tattoo pays

homage to a certain brand of
motorcycleyes, thats right, its
harley-davidson! Bart Mitchell

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this hand emblem reveals serious

dedication to s&s, a company with
an outstanding reputation for quality
engines and parts made in the usa.

custom motorcycle builder dave

perewitz displays his love of the Motor
company on his full-sleeve tattoo.


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Take a look at the outstanding work

depicting moto-brands and logos by
the highly sought-after motorcycle
lifestyle artist Darren McKeag of
Slingin Ink Tattoos.
Here are more fine examples of the
classic Bar and Shield logo, along with
the eagle and added feathers. These
tattoos scream, Freedom! Artwork by
Joe Delbuono of Willies Tropical Tattoo.

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this sleeve features numerous accolades

to the factory and this riders love
affair with motorbikes, courtesy of
tattoo artist darren McKeag of slingin
ink tattoos, Grinnell, iowa.


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This HUGE logo is part of a bigger piece with plenty of

meaning. Artwork by D.C. of Willies Tropical Tattoo.

Tattoo artist Scottie Bruggeman of

Slingin Ink Tattoos perfected this HarleyDavidson No.1 Americana logo.
A simple Bar and Shield with wings
sits tall on the back of tattoo artist Noah
Ogeen. Steve Sullivan

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Do you have a love affair with your

brand of motorcycle too? A love affair
so torrid that you are willing to endure
hours of pain for it to permanently
become a part of you?

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up in Flames is a good title for this

different take on the classic Bar and
shield tattoo. Bill Tinney

Freedom is the theme of this brand

tattoo. its the classic Bar & shield with
eagle head and feathers, and live to
ride, ride to live is what this biker
tattoo is saying.


in another tribute to the factory,

this classic h-d emblem is part of a
full sleeve.

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having the same passion for a brand

as you do for your country shows diehard dedication. Bill Tinney

dedicating the entire real estate of

your arm to a certain brand is nothing
short of making a statement. i just
hope he doesnt ride an ironheadthe
constant maintenance could change his
love affair real fast, and leave this boy
with a serious case of tattoo regret.

this work in progress features the lettering of harley-davidson beginning to show.

i like the way this brand logo

is worked into the full sleeve. the
blended flames tie it all together.

Bikes, babes, and boozewhat guy

doesnt love these three things?

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if you like motorbikes, chances are

you have read an issue of Easyriders
magazine. this guy tattooed one of the
older Easyriders logos on his chest.

larry Gregoire of Brooklyn, new

york, has the thrush Muffler logo
tattooed not only on his arm, but
also painted on the tank of his
hardtail sportster.


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Inked dedication to certain models

of bikes isnt rarethis guy just loves
his sportsters.

I see a little love for H-D on this guys fully covered arm.

Ripping flesh shows that deep inside

this soul lives a passion for HarleyDavidson. The artwork is by D.C. of
Willies Tropical Tattoo, Florida.

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Motorcycle Phrases

Bikers have many sayings, mottos, and maxims. In fact,

theyre almost as bad as some of their daughters, who text
them trite statements like OMG (oh my god!), LOL (lots of
laughs!), TTFN (ta ta for now), and ROTFLMFAO (rolling on
the floor laughing my fucking ass off).
How many bikers do you know who say ta ta? Not very
fucking many. And neither should their children!
Vendors, of course, are quick to cash in on these little
biker sayings, with items like stickers, T-shirts, patches,
and more. Bikers, like any serious enthusiast, gobble that
shit right up. Some take these sayings as personal mottos,
while others adhere to them as a serious way of life. Some
mottos or ideas become so sacred to certain bikers, youd
think they were defending quotes from Scripture. Others
prefer to have the words or letters permanently inked
onto their skin as a constant reminder of who they are
maybe as a precaution in case they wake up one day with a
bout of amnesia?
What are some of the things bikers tattoo all over
their bodies? Well, some phrases express the lifestyle
the dirtbag, biker-bum lifestyle. George the Painter, for
instance, proudly displays Livin La Vida Dumbass as a


necklace, and Rat Life for a hand bone tattoo. Out of all of
his tattoos, Id have to say his White Trash Icon arm piece is
hands-down my favorite.
Another popular phrase we see is Choppers, or
Choppers till you die. These guys are expressing their love
for the stripped-down, far-from-the-factory machines that
are ridden hard. They have no love for factory stock models,
and may even sport some lettering tattoos like FTF, which
stands for Fuck the Factory. Speaking of hardcore letter
tattoos, FTW is another popular one. This one usually has
a few different meanings, but the most common ones are
Fuck the World and Forever Two Wheels. The speed guys
might display WFOWide Fucking Openrepresenting
how much they love to roll. The throttle is always on with
these cats.
Regardless of the sayings you find around the
motorcycle world, rest assured that some serious planning
and thought was put into every tattoo, and the phrase
carries strong personal meaning. Much can be told about
someone from word, letter, or phrase tattoos.
Sara Liberte

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dirty Bitch tattoo artist pinky

Barwood, of sacred skin tattoo in
payson, arizona, displays her biker/
gypsy attitude on her arm. dirty
Bitch, she said, it just seems natural.
George the painter says his collar
tattoo sums up his life entirely: livin
la Vida dumbass, it reads, because
thats what im doin.

George the painter again displays

his lifestyle ink: rat life adorns the
top of his right hand. you dont really
need an explanation for that one, he
told us.

above rat life, Georges arm reads

White trash icon. thats what i
am, he said. i live in an rV and move
around, i ride my motorcycle, and live a
white-trash lifestyle.


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Knuckle tattoos are a preferred

place to display words of meaning.
this tattoo is clearly from a dedicated
chopper rider.

lets ride and hold Fast are

(according to my friends) my slogans in
life, so i had these permanently inked
by my tattoo artist, Brian Jones.

choppers til you die says it all for

me, says Mike Grawunder, of ontario,
canada. all of my tattoos relate to
my life.

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this biker pays tribute to his

childhood hero, evel Knievel, a legend
to many motorcycle enthusiasts.

FtW. We see these letters all the time in the motorbike culture, and they can
represent many different things to many different people.


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a script style statement says it all. if you want someone to know what you are about, bare it all in black and white or color.

Fuck the Factory is a saying heard

constantly in motorcycle culture. While
some are dedicated to factory models,
others feel jaded by them, or taken
advantage of by them.

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With high Speed, Low Drag, Charlie the Nomad carries his mantra close to
his heart.

Grease Monkey is a common term

to describe a mechanic who prefers to
work on his or her own cars or bikes.

ride to Live has got to be

the most popular motorcycle phrase
tattooed. this one means business with
that sinister skull. the artwork was
by D.C. of Willies tropical tattoo in

this bikers high-octane lifestyle

prompted him to knuckle-letter his
toes in a clever flip of the usual
knuckle motif.


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a bold statement, especially for a neck tattooit must be your way of life, because
those who live to ride ride to live as well. Bill Tinney

this biker makes an offering to the

God of speed; those crossed pistons
and the number 35 can only point to
one man: this is a tribute to the worlds
fastest indian pilot, Burt Munro.

the best part of a tattoo is the

opportunity for self-representation,
whether its a portrait, an image, or a
nickname like toolman.

live to ride is proudly displayed on

this back piece, as are some pistons and
a spark plug. Bill Tinney

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All Shapes and Sizes

Although bikers are often grouped under one big

stereotypegood for nothing sleazeballthere are
actually many different types or classes of bikers.
Lets cover the main categories. There are gearheads,
who prefer to do their own mechanical work, and weekend
warriors, who just want to get their motor runnin and
head out on the highway! Then you have the speed freaks;
speed freaks are all about trying to race anyone and
anything they can find at a red light. And lets not forget
the dirtbags; these guys ride hard and party harder (dont
worry, they wont be offended by the namethey embrace
it!). We can go even further and break the classes down
into the types of bikes that are ridden: the hardcore, oldengine guys; early knuckleheads and panheads; hardtails;
dressers or baggers; cruisers; sport bikes; and performancegeared chassis like the FXR guys. Whatever their type, their
dedication, passion, and personality can be seen in the ink
they put on their bodies.
So what type of ink do these different types of
bikers get?
Well, the gearheads may choose engine parts, pistons,
spark plugs, or magnetos. The cruiser guys may have eagles,
wings, or anything relating to the feeling of freedom they
get from riding their bike. The sport bike guys might have
racy symbols, or checkered flags and such. The point is that
by looking at an arm of tattoos on a biker, you can get an
idea of what type of biker they are, and maybe a glimpse of
what they deem most important in the biker lifestyle.

the iron cross, the panhead, the skull,

and flamesthis tattoo just sums it all up.
the biker lifestyle is here for all to see.

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the bald eagle is a symbol that seems

to go hand-in-hand with motorcycling
and bikers. as an american symbol of
freedom, eagles are always showing up
on bikers as tattoos.


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the iron cross became popular when

Jesse James of West coast choppers
hit the scene back in 1999 with his
hardcore rigid choppers. it seemed
everyone was wearing a Wcc t-shirt
with the iron cross, and some wanted a
tattoo of the old-world symbol.

a winged wheel on the calf is

all this guy needs to remember his
favorite pastime.

pistons, spark plugs, and pinupsall

symbols of the custom moto-culture
that motorcycling belongs to.

Wings and wheels is a simple

statement of the love of the freedom
obtained from riding. riding is so
much like flying, this biker told us,
there is nothing better and no better
way to describe it.

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We love this play on route 66! its every motorcycle riders

favorite stretch of american blacktop to ride, and this has a
true hardcore bikers twist on itroute 666, satans path to
eternal damnation!

this is a magneto demon, because everyone who owns a

motorcycle with a magneto knows there is a demon living in
that thing.


We like this piston skeleton tattoo

it would also be a cool jockey shift.

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it seems every gearhead gets a piston

on them at some point. Flames are
always great fillers on arm sleeves.

a grease monkey hanging out

against an old gas pump; moto-culture
at its finest.

For Buddy Montgomery, of Kansas city,

Missouri, the knucklehead heart shows
the relationship of the biker and his love.

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nothing says dedication to your

engine like having the Vin tattooed
above your ass. if that isnt proof of
ownership, i dont know what is.

this moto-gypsy belongs to tattoo

artist pinky Barwood of sacred skin
tattoo. My gypsy lifestyle of riding
and traveling is right here in this art of
mine, she says.


this panhead with feathered

wings chest piece is extremely cool;
the detail is amazing, and only the
manifold has color.

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The eagle is a common motif among

motorcycle enthusiasts, although you
dont see many on stomachs. Bill Tinney
The Ratfink is always a clear
giveaway of a moto-culture fan. The
artwork is by Joe Delbuono of Willies
Tropical Tattoo in Florida.

Of course, military history dovetails well with motorcycles

and tattoos. What a bad-ass bike! Bart Mitchell

Intense color work on this back piece is centered around a

shovelhead engine. Bill Tinney

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tattoo artist noah ogeen shows off his ink and this cool shovelhead engine.
Steve Sullivan

this girl no doubt has a love affair

with her V-twin engine. a cool naked
angel with h-d tattooed on her own
back sits on top of it. Bill Tinney

a true motorcycle enthusiast on

the salt at Bonneville. racing is in his
blood and depicted on his flesh. Bart

tattoo contests abound at rallies,

and attendees proudly display their
love of motorcycling on all parts of
their bodies. this guy shows off his skull
pistons and spark plugs, and what looks
like an eagle and wrench can be seen
beneath his shirt. Bart Mitchell


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the lucky no. 13 just screams, i have

had an engine blow up on me.

this young lady has a nice sleeve

with artwork relating to motorcycling.
Bart Mitchell

Whether theyre displayed by themselves or part of an entire

sleeve of moto-culture artwork, spark plug tattoos are found
all the time.

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the powerplant of the motorcycle,

often referred to as the heart of the
machine, is one of the most common
biker tattoos permanently inked into
the skin of the proud owner.

the hot rod culture overlaps with the

motorcycle culture, so symbols of the
Von dutch, ed roth era are commonly
inked on the skins of moto-junkies.

skulls, wings, and flamesall the

necessary components for the perfect
biker full-sleeve tattoo.


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Going for a ride has never been

taken so literally! Here, an engine, skulls,
and a long-legged temptress all make for
the ingredients of a good ol biker tattoo!

An eagle, an American flag, and

some crossed wrenches make it easy to
tell that this guy is a fan of Americanmade power. The artwork is by Joe
Delbuono of Willies Tropical Tattoo in

The pistons connecting rod is cleverly positioned on the elbow of Iliya Hamovic, of
Steelborn Choppers.

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slingin ink owner and specialized

tattoo artist darren McKeag prepares
to lay down the start of a motorcycle
sleeve. this tattoo will be composed of
engine components.


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this arm features another tribute

to biker icon evel Knievel.

What a loaded arm! this guys

colorful limb features, in no particular
order, three h-d tributes, at least two
pretty ladies (see the heel above and
the boot on the right?), an homage to
a woman named rylee alexis, and an
incendiary infernal hellfire billowing
over his elbow; who knows what else
we cant see?

this dedicated h-d biker bicep

features a skull with a motorcycle
helmet, wings, and the flames of hell
igniting his shoulderno question this
guy rides a motorbike and loves it.

this arm features another tribute to

biker icon evel Knievel.

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this guys engine-revvers feature

more top-of-the-hand engine
tattoosa panhead on the right and a
knucklehead on the left. he looks like
a brawlerhis finger ink exclaims say
uncle. shit, these are awesome!
Motorheads are motorheadsthey
like cars, bikes, and anything they can
work on and go fast with. that V8 aint
for tomato juice!

chains, spark plugs, ladies, sprockets,

and skullsmore ingredients to a great
biker tattoo.

route 66 is aflame, along with a

harley-davidson logo, a few wrenches,
and a greasy sparkplug. this sleeve is
dedicated to motorcycling. Bill Tinney


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This full sleeve is full of motorcycle

components. The artwork is by Joe

Though unconventional, the top of the hand is a great place to display an engine.
What else can you spot on this guys sleeve?

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this intricate full-sleeve tattoo has lots

of cool hidden thingsyoull often find
spark plugs, skulls, and spider webs
when scoping out a sleeve.


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Motorheads love moto-culturebut most dont limit themselves to bikes or cars only.
Its common to see both a motorcycle and car (or automotive symbols and subjects in
general) combined on a full sleeve.

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the deltoid is a perfect canvas for an engine tattootheres

plenty of real estate for good detail, which is needed to
accurately represent the complexities within a V-twin engine.


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Many tattoos cannot be completed all

at once. you can see where the artist has
started to create the chrome patina for
this throttle junkies work in progress.

these engine parts are not quite

complete yet.
above and right: skulls and engines
go together like peanut butter and jelly.

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some riders are so committed to a

certain power plant that they have it
tattooed onto themselves. Bill Tinney


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here are some great examples of

full sleeves with intense colors and
vivid pictures, many of which blend
motorcycles with greater automotive
culture. From pistons and blown hot
rods to skulls, spark plugs, connecting
rods, ladies, and more (fish and winged
eyeballs?!), its all in there. If guys like
this are cool enough to let you check
out their art up close, consider yourself
lucky; not only is this great stuff to look
at, the artwork is of high caliber.

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Whats your definition of dedication?

this guy used to lose his parts manual
all the time, and then decided to
just have the exploded engine view
tattooed over his love handles for easy
reference. smart like a fox!

sometimes your ink leads to sweet

dates. Who knows where the day will
lead for this gingham-clad beauty and
her sucker-punch slurpin companion?
savvy readers will spot two things about
her right awaythe flames on her
arm, and the wings peeking above
her waistline!


an armful of tatts is a common sight on many machinists

and mechanics arms. how many parts from his cabinet do you
think are on his arm?

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Motorcycle memorabilia like the

classic Indian oil can and the carburetor
below clearly state this guy is into the
older, more vintage motorcycle culture.

Were pretty sure its safe to say that

this guy had some electrical issues to work
out on one of his motorbikesa gremlin
near a magneto cannot be a good thing!

engine parts, billowing flames, and

greasy motorcycle chain all make for a
great moto-inspired sleeve.

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eagles and motorcycles are both

symbols of freedomthis fresh tattoo
speaks volumes about the biker.

the only thing youll hear if you mess with these guys is a four-knuckled crescendo
of pain! hand bones are great canvasses for these knuckleheads and carburetors. the
bikers father may have been the inspiration for his big twin tattoonothing like
riding with your pops!

For many lifelong bikers, tattoos

are less an aesthetic choice and more a
lifestyle statement.
this guys arm features a motorcycle helmet spewing sparks onto his shoulder. the
artwork here was done by latricia horstman.


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I like this cool green hot-rod monster,

an icon in the hot-rod moto culture.
Steve Sullivan

a take on one of the most favored roads to ride across americaroute 66now
becomes route 666. Steve Sullivan

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Some tattoo artists excel at certain genres subjects, and its clear that D.C. of Willies
tropical tattoo has a thing for V-twin engines. his work is highly detailed.


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A pin-upstyle Statue of
Liberty is a cool take on the
American theme. The artwork is
by Richie Pan of Dark Star Tattoos
in New Jersey.

Motorcycle tattoos

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A different way to show loyalty to a

brand could be a skull wearing an H-D
headband. The artwork is by D.C. of
Willies Tropical Tattoo in Florida.

Another tattoo by D.C. of Willie.


A wheel with wings has been a motorcycle symbol since World War II, and this
beautiful side piece was done by D.C. of Willies Tropical Tattoo in Florida.

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Check out the incredible detail on this

engine back piece by richie pan of Dark
star tattoo in New Jersey.

this cool evo engine features three skulls; the middle one even has a Bar and shield
outline in its head. The artwork is by D.C. of Willies Tropical Tattoo in Florida.

A traditional black and gray tattoo of

a classic engine. The artwork is by D.C.
of Willies Tropical Tattoo in Florida.

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Despite the native south sea tattoos

around his eyebrows, chin, and that
hoop in his ear, this guy features what
could be called a sturgis star right
above his jugular. Shutterstock

this woman of the road has one

sleeve, and the other looks like its a
work in progress. and is that an Indian
larry Question everything tattoo
above her elbow? iStock

ladies can ridethis one has a necklace tattoo beneath her chin, wings around
her neck and shoulders, a sword-and-skull motif on her upper arm, and more intricate
webbing below her elbow. Shutterstock


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a clear blue sky is the perfect backdrop

for this guys inky wingspan. Shutterstock

Who wants a Jesus sandwich? youll find

all kinds at motorcycle rallies. iStock

this biker babe has the stars of sturgis

constellating up her arm. iStock

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another sturgis constellation can be

seen behind this dudes meaty arms.

I dont think this guy and the one

with Jesus on his knuckles would see
eye-to-eye on every issue. Shutterstock

above and right: this guy features

an entire torso of intricate figures;
we cant see it, but his chest features
a V-twin knucklehead below and an
eagle behind his hand. Shutterstock


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this bikers a sinneryou can tell because of the sINNer tattoo. Shutterstock

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sometimes listening to thoreau

is whats best for a biker: simplify,
simplify, simplify with a pair of
shoulder crosses. Shutterstock

that is one big bikerhe features an angel (or possibly his child or lover) on his
upper arm, traditional henna-style tattoos on his chest, and more on both forearms.

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Bikes on Bikers

For some bikers, the best tattoo is of a motorcycle. Its

usually their own bike (or one that was handed down from
generation to generation), and holds a lot of sentimental
value. These are the guys who, when you ask them about
their tattoo(s), tell you a very cool and personal tale. Its
these stories that I lovestories of how a father purchased
a bike brand new as a young man and courted his wife
with rides; stories of how the bike was the only means of
transportation in the family for years, and then how the
bike was handed down to the son; how that son took such
good care of the bike, servicing it in the garage, making
sure it was always in top running condition and started
with just one kick every time. Dad might have taken his
son out for a ride on that bike, as well as the occasional
moonlight ride with Mom on a Saturday night. Tattoos
that reveal personal family history are my favorites.
We also see tattoos of fictional motorcyclesanimated
bikes with animated characters riding the snot out of

them, like the old Ed Rothinspired big green jockey shift

monsters, slamming gears and sliding in sideways! These
are very cool pieces of art, and I enjoy looking at the level
of detail in these tattoos. There is always something cool
hidden in the art that has a personal meaning.
Some motorcycle tattoos are of dream bikes, the one
the wearer covets. The tattoo is a constant reminder
of their goalsomeday the inky engine on the arm
will be a real engine sputtering oil underfoot. Other
tattoos could be the dream bike that slipped through
the bikers fingers, the one that got away. Some regret
their early bike sales of what would later become classic
motorcycles, like early panheads and knuckleheads from
the 1930s and 1940s. We see tons of these tattoos and
listen to the sad stories that go along with them. If only I
had kept that bike . . . Its a story everyone can relate to, a
vision of a dream now past.
Sara Liberte

Who knows what the

creature is riding the bike,
but its pretty badass to be
riding a rigid chopper with
ape hangers!


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Is there anything more badass than a vegetable on a

motorcycle? of course there is. this biker must be from the
Midwesta corn cob screamin down the highway atop a
motorcycle just screams hey, Im from the Midwest, I like corn
and motorcycles. Bart Mitchell

a cool Bettie pagestyle pin-up lady straddles an old

Knucklehead. Bill Tinney

Not only does this bikers arm showcase his love of the biker
lifestyle with a full-size bike on his sleeve, but his cap displays
his favorite brand of beer. Bart Mitchell


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This green and bug-eyed jockey,

shift-riding monster is reminiscent of
the Ed Roth era moto-culture artwork.
The monster was made by tattoo artist
Darren McKeag of Slingin Ink.

This black and gray tattoo shows

an early boardtrack racerits truly an
iconic image.

This could be a tribute to Marvel

Comics Ghost Rider, an infernal
skeleton biker with flames shooting out
of his head. This piece was done by D.C.
of Willies Tropical Tattoo.

Check out this boney skeleton riding

a wishbone chopper in traditional black
and gray ink. This piece is by D.C. of
Willies Tropical Tattoo.

Motorcycle tattoos

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What a crazy hardtail ride tattooed

on this guys arm! this one belongs to
randy Goose stopnik.

a common sight is a hellspawn

skeleton riding a bad ass chopper! It
looks great in black and gray.

this Frankenstein-freak skeleton is

hardcorea set of ape hangers run
through his eye sockets.

this tattoo pays homage to the

artwork of motorcycle artist scott Jacobs.


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The back was the perfect canvas for this stretched-out

chopper tattoo by D.C. of Willies Tropical Tattoo in Florida.

Heres a rare sighta panhead rear cylinder and a

knucklehead front cylinder! These are usually only built by
those with ample patience and dedication.

A V-Twin engine looks awesome in black and gray, and this

one comes with a matching skull air cleaner and cam cover.

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Death or Glory with a set of

z-style handlebars inked across a
jacked bicep; need we explain more?

Its shovelheads for life for this

guylook at that amazing chest piece!

Full sleeves arent just for the guys

many women love to sport them too.


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a deltoid tattoo, a bike, and your

sweet lady to ride withlife doesnt get
any better!

Its not hard to spot a hardcore rider:

check out a) the cool shovelhead, B) the
hair, and C) the tattoos on his arms.

this is another homage to Burt

Munro, the legendary Worlds Fastest
Indian. the artwork was done by
Darren McKeag of slingin Ink.

this rigid panhead is going to be

nothing shy of amazing when it is
completedis that that shadow of the
bike beneath it?

MotorCyCle tattoos

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Nothing like a pretty lady on a bike!

Check out Voodoo Jes as she shows some
leg atop a 1966 royal enfield 750cc
Interceptor. her leg tattoo is by lance at
Milltown Ink tattoo. Christian Rowell

For most guys riding today, the passion

was fuelled by early days of watching the
great evel Knievel.

Googley-eyed monsters riding

motorcycles are inspired by the early hot
rod culture of the ed roth era. I wonder
what hes staring at?


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For bikers who love their rides like others love their children,
theres nothing to do except tattoo it on their arms. this piece
was done by latricia horstman.

the girl riding this killer chop has some awesome ink on her
armslooks like a pinup inked on a pinup! Tom Tobin

Its a match made in heaventwo moto-junkies just covered in tattoos!

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Rally Tattoos

Daytona, Laconia, Sturgis: these are the Big Three of

motorcycle rallies in the United States, and quite the
spectacle for the uninitiated. To be honest, there arent
that many bikers we run into who havent attended at
least one of these rallies. Each rally has its own unique
quality, and everyone enjoys them for one special reason
or another. Some prefer the riding the area offers, some
like the history and racing attached, and others enjoy the
party scene.
Tons of smaller rallies have popped up over the years
and continue to gain recognition in their own right.
Attending one of these rallies can be a memorable moment
in ones lifeyoull see things you never dreamed possible,
or you might partake in activities you never thought were
possible, let alone considering participating in. For some,
its such an experience that they simply must immortalize
the event with a tattoo. This is easy to accomplish because
these events feature myriad tattoo artists, available to help
you savor your experience for a lifetime.
Everyone has their own reason for getting a rally
tattoo. Maybe thats where they met their spouse, or where
they finally found their inner being or true calling in life.
Maybe its where they got so insanely drunk that they


lost all control of their bodily functions and had the most
outrageous time of their life. Whatever the reason, rally
tattoos always have very good stories attached to them.
But not everyone who gets a tattoo at a bike rally is
getting it to commemorate the event; some amazing tattoo
artists travel to bike rallies all around the country, giving
people the opportunity to get some seat time with them
on the road. This is a great way for people to get work from
artists they admire, where otherwise they would have had a
very hard time getting to them for logistical reasons.
We do feel obligated to point out that while you can
get lucky and meet some really talented tattoo artists,
youre just as likely to meet some very terrible ones. You
really need to do your homework to be sure youre getting
the best. We have a section in this book all about tattoo
regret, and the regret is there for life (most of this regret
happens at a rally after a few too many beverages, when
your judgment is impaired). Not only is there regret for
the picture itself, like with misspelled names or names
of former lovers, but theres also regret over picking the
wrong tattoo artist. An impulsive tattoo is always a
bad tattoo once youre shown just how much more an
extremely talented artist can offer.

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the Horseback Street Choppers

magazine host an event called the
smoke out that has been running
strong for 13 years. Most who attend
are hardcore riders dedicated to the
sport of motorcycling. this fan shows
his love for the event with a tattoo in
its honor.

Dan townsend is proud to have

been able to ride his motorcycle to
sturgis for three years in a row; he
has plans to add to this tattoo and his
memories of his sturgis rides (the lady
on top doesnt hurt, either).

the hogs on the high seas rally is

an annual cruise meant to raise money
for kidney dialysis research. While I
personally have not attended a cruise
rally, I have heard the parties on the
ship are quite the spectacle.

the guys who attend the smoke

out rally are your typical hardcore,
dirtbag bikers, and thats not an insult.
trust me, thats what theyre proud
to be!


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I love this girls Da de los Muertos

skull chest piece.
What happens in Vegas doesnt always stay in Vegas. Vegas has a rally thats been
going strong for over 12 years now.

Beautiful girls with full sleeve tattoos

are always a welcome sight for bikers
during bike rallies.

Here is a typical rallygoer with an armful of tattoos camped

out near his trusty steed.

Motorcycle tattoos

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At Mountainfest in West Virginia,

a bunch of typical bikers take a break
from partying to party with me. All sport
some cool ink on their arms, and with
plenty of funny stories to back em up!

Beautiful girls with full sleeve tattoos

are always a welcome sight for bikers
during bike rallies.

Daytona Bike Week brings in tons of

rally riders; this lady biker got herself a
cool beach scene and all the fun Florida
sun Daytona has to offer.


Many bikers agree that Sturgis is

the mecca of all biker ralliesthe big
one, the best one, the one you must
do before you die. Nothing like a classy
Sturgis star to commemorate it.

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Friendly faces
are easy to find all
over sturgis.

Its a customary
gesture to flip the
bird with your
tattooed arm at a
major motorcycle

a typical scene from the early rally daystattooed bikers

mud wrestling!

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at any given motorcycle rally, you

are bound to come across a tattoo of
a do-rag-wearing skeleton. Its just a
simple fact.

this young mom enjoys the biker/

tattoo lifestyle so much she is bringing
her little bundle out to enjoy the scene
as well.

rallies arent just for loners. Many couples decide to get each others names inked on
their bodies during these events.


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tattoo contests are becoming more and

more popular during motorcycle rallies.

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hand and knuckle tattoos peek out as this guy cruises his
aped bike down Main street. Tom Tobin

sometimes just sitting on your bike and watching all the

tattooed bikers and bikes is the best part of a rallythis
woman is certainly enjoying it. Tom Tobin


For some, the rally is the best time to show off their
collection of ink. With the warm weather its the perfect season
to dress light and swap stories with everyone aroundjust
look at that full-body tattoo!

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this guy has no doubt attended many

motorcycle rallies, and you can tell hes
loving it! Tom Tobin

Nothing like taking er easy at sturgis. all this guy

needs is a beer and another tattoono doubt hell
find eager artists all weekend. Shutterstock

Its hard to imagine just how many bikes and bikers (and tattoos) youll find at the major rallies around North america. Shutterstock

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Friends and spouses will often

dress the part at a rallywhat are the
chances she rode in as a passenger on
the back of his bike?

though it may seem hard to take this biker seriouslyare

those flip-flops?hes probably showcasing his legs at a tattoo
competition, another staple of biker rallies. Shutterstock

another pair of knuckle tattoos

emerge from the darkness! Knucks
like these are common at biker rallies,
but hopefully this isnt the last view you
get of em. Shutterstock

Its easy to find tattooed ladies at

biker rallies. Its not easy to find ones
who look this good. Shutterstock


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a couple of bikers goof off for

the camera as they roll down Main
street during Daytona Bike Week.

you can imagine getting a bike week

tattoo during the rally is pretty popular.
For some, there is nothing better than
rally week. this piece was done by D.C.
of Willies tropical tattoo. Bill Tinney

a sturgis cap, a harley-Davidson shirt,

and a screaming eagle on his bicepthis
guy loves the biker culture.

this rallygoer wants everyone to

know that Freedom Is Not Free; soldiers
Die; Governments lie. iStock

MotorCyCle tattoos

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a mass of tattooed
bikers take over the
streets of Daytona
Beach Florida during
bike week.

a common sight
at the rallies these
days is guys sporting
the greaser look:
slicked hair and
plenty of tattoos.

I found these
twins at Willies
tropical tattoo Chopper
show during Daytona Bike


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Im not sure whether this guy is

showing off his tattoos or his battle
scars from a game of paint ball during
Daytona Bike Week.

though the photo is blurry, the

amount of work on this girls back is
evident. as you walk around the rallies,
youre sure to see tons of ink on people
parading about. they usually dress so
the ink shows.

a common sight at a rally is a sea of bikers having a good time and usually covered
in tattoos.

MotorCyCle tattoos

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these are some great example of the

sights to see while walking up and
down Main street during sturgis Bike


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to show off their tattoos, these

guys decided to don some bikinis
and let it all hang out. Who do
you think wins the contest?

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Rally Tattoo Contests

Youll usually find a tattoo contest at any given rally. These

contests often turn into quite an event, drawing a huge
crowd with loud music and lots of alcohol. The contestants
parade across the stage and show what theyve got (this
usually just turns into an opportunity for girls to practice
taking their clothes off onstage). There are, however, plenty
of professionals who enter these contests with amazing
works of tattoo art, and they travel to contests seeking
cash and trophies.
We guess one of the saddest parts of a motorcycle rally
is the assumption that its all about walking down Main
Street and gawking at each other. Some uninformed people
might assume that the bikers arent there to attend races
or visit historical sites, but rather to get loud and drunk,
gawk at insane, nonrideable bikes, and stare at the crazy
get-up-parade of people riding them.

Rallygoers who are fully decorated with tattoos love to

show them off. Its that simplethey dress skillfully and
purposefully so that every inch of their art is visible. These
people are out on Main Street for a mission: to be seen,
and to have their photo taken. They encourage strangers
to walk up to them and inquire about their body art. They
dont mind getting stares because theyre at the rally to be a
spectacle and to interact with other spectacles. If you want
to get a glimpse of biker tattoos, just attend a motorcycle
rally or two. But make sure you go to the rally for the real
reason: to celebrate the sport of motorcycling, to ride new
roads, to see new scenery, to meet new and old friends, and
to create memories to pass on to friends and family.
We like how some rally tattoos become bragging rights,
proof of being thereas if the T-shirt, helmet sticker, and
jacket patches werent proof enough!

MotorCyCle tattoos

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Riding Images

To illustrate just how common tattoos and motorcycles

are, weve assembled a few images that we captured out
and about on the road. These photos showcase almost
every rider with a tattoo or four, or even a full sleeve for
that matter. Motorcycles and tattoos go together like
peanut butter and jelly, like milk and cookies, like ice cream
and cake, beer and chips, whip cream and naked women . . .
you know what we mean.
We also found some cool tattoos depicting people
riding bikes. Some are portraits, others are famous riders,


and others are just cartoon characters made up by a tattoo

artist who was given free range. One very cool tattoo
we found was a self-portrait by tattoo artist Latricia
Hortsman, who tattooed herself.
She wanted to commemorate a wreck she had one
year during Daytona Bike Week; the tattoo is of a pinup girl
skidding sideways, all flat track racing style, with the words
Hold Tight. Though we love this tattoo, Im happier that
Latricia survived the wreck and is able to keep doing what
she does: hitting the road and wielding the tattoo needle!

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almost every bike rider in sturgis

has ink somewhere on their body. here
is sidecar sandy on her shovelhead,
enjoying the great riding sturgis has
to offer.

a sea of bikes is a familiar sight in

Daytona during Bike Week.

Check out this killer rat rod, so

popular in the motorcycle world.
Its great to see these two cultures
combined again.


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there may be a fair amount of alcohol at sturgis, as you can

tell from this photo. at least there are some badass tattoos to
go with it!

Maybe topless women and panheads

are more common than I thought! that
is one lucky bike.

everyone should be as fortunate as

me to one day see a topless pirate lady
riding a panhead chopper.

a group of tattooed bikers enjoys a great day of riding

together on some pretty amazing roads in West Virginia.

MotorCyCle tattoos

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Whats more impressive about

this panhead bikerhis tattoos, or
his beard?

Its a knucklehead riding a

shovelhead! Just kiddingthis is Chad
Lemme, the tattooed dirtbag writing
this book with me.


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a great bunch of riders on a variety of pretty cool bikes enjoys the amazing landscape of sturgis.

Girls have their hair and shoes; guys have tattoos and motorcycles, oh wait, girls have that too!

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Near Willies tropical tattoo, in ormond Beach, Florida, an

epic gathering of tattoos and motorcycles can be seen during
his chopper time show during Bike Week.

this guy is jacked! taking a break on

Main street and letting everyone check
out your tattoos is one aspect of going
to the bike rallies. Tom Tobin

I like this black and gray portrait of a

hardcore riderhelmet, eye protection,
and bandana.


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Its always fun to see the characters who cruise their bikes
up and down Main street. to say these people dont want the
attention is nutsof course they want it! thats half the fun of
owning a great bike and the tattoos to match. Tom Tobin

hanging out at a bike rally is your chance to see, be seen,

and have a good time with others like you. Tom Tobin

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the couple that rides together stays together! this is tattoo artist husband-and-wife
team long Jon and pinky Barwood, of payson, arizona.

heres a typical scene from the side of the roada brothers

bike broke down, and all I can see is ink on the helping hands.


after a crash in Daytona, tattoo artist

latricia horstman gave this to herself as
a reminder to Hold Tight! when things
get sticky.

long front ends, a rigid wishbone frame, a panhead engine,

and tattoos.

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Chad lemme, George the painter,

long Jon, and pinky take a break at a
local watering hole in arizona.

hanging out at a bike rally is your

chance to see, be seen, hang out, and
have a good time with others like you.
Tom Tobin

Chad lemme cruises the amazing

roads of payson, arizona.

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Among the hundreds of tattoos that Ive acquired, Ive got Live 2 Ride, Ride 2 Die tattooed
around my neck. Thats how my parents lived, and thats the way I live. Quitting is not an option for me,
period. And it wasnt for them, either. Im going to ride til I die.
Terry Rogue Meyer

George Frizzell, a.k.a. George the Painter

ell, as usual,
its something
like four in the
morning and
Im enjoying
yet another
helping of
pharmaceuticals (sleep is rarely a consideration anymore).
With my Pfizer breakfast under my belt and Fear and
Loathing in the DVD player, Im now in the right mindset
to assemble words, thanks to the late doctor. Few others
ideas and observations blow my hair back as much as
Hunter Thompsonsexcept for Georges, of course. This
man can write as well as he can paint, and hes one hell of
a painter. (Yeah, its not just a clever name.)
Georges story is an interesting and wild one. Its like a
comedy movie mixed with a graphic novel gone completely
awrysheer madness in every bit of it! His story is like
riding a rocket ship of venereal disease and speedballs
straight to hell. You need nitro-methane just to listen to
itif youve read any of his shit, you understand.
The precious hours Ive spent sitting on the shitter,
contemplating and reading his insanity in the pages of

The Horse Mag, inspired me to do more with my life than

just sit around and try to think of new and interesting
ways to justify being a homeless dirtbag. It was probably
timed right; in our long hours of deep, culturally significant
conversation about how spray paint makes a cardboard
box house waterproof, or where to get the best deal on a
case of SpaghettiOs for the month, I came to realize that
we shared much the same philosophy.
Plato tells us that Socrates once said, The unexamined
life is not worth living. Now that may be true, but in this
day and age, we need a little more than that. Id say that
the life led without drugs and hookers is not worth living,
and Im probably right. And according to Georges endless
stories, I think hed agree.
Anyway, in the early fall of 2012, Sara and I had the
fortunate opportunity to stay in Arizona with tattoo
artists Long Jon, Pinky Pancake, and George. We could
never thank them enough for their generositythey put
us up for damn near a week, and took us on a two-wheeled
tour of the area down there. On top of that, they were
instrumental in helping us assemble this very book, and
youll see plenty of their stuff here as well.
We spent a night in Georges new studio, where the air
was still foggy, and shot some pictures. A single question

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on the meaning of one tattoo led to another set of these

wild stories, and I fired up the tape recorder in hopes of
salvaging a clear memory of these tales. The first tattoo in
question is on the back of Georges head. Here it is.
Chad Lemme
Sara: Whats this little tattoo on the back of your
head about?
George: Well, one night Mike and I were down at the
Banana River Drive in Florida having a few too many beers
and decided to split. We were tear-assin around, headin
to a friends place. On the way was this whole fuckin
SWAT team out on the street that had assembled to kick
the doors in on this Chinese store. They were going in to
[inaudible], it was a drug bust. So when Mike and I rode
past, haulin ass and makin all kinds of noise and peelin
the fuck out of there, the people in the place looked out to
see what all the noise was about, and saw the cops ready
to kick their fuckin door in. So they all split or something
[inaudible], and the fuckin cops took off after us instead!
Well, we fuckin hit it, and we were flyin through peoples
yards and runnin over mailboxes and garden gnomes and
shit, and Mike went straight to the end of the pier and
locked it up and fuckin swan dived over the bars and into
the canal, and he fuckin swam away! [inaudible], called it
in stolen once he got home and went and picked his bike
up from the bastards the next day! But I refused to leave
my bike, so I split off from him and went to the friends
house [inaudible]. They were all laughing. I parked my bike
behind the house and everyone was sitting on the porch
laughing and shit, and the SWAT team came in in full force
and fuckin tackled me . . . I dont know . . . they either kicked
me in the head or I passed out, or something. I woke up in
jail with a terrible headache and blood and shit. Anyway,

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I had all kinds of charges pending for this particular

arrest, so they never even got to the fact that I was fuckin
hammered drunk. Forgot all about it!
So, I went to this friend of mine who was a lawyer
and he looked everything over and said [inaudible] the
bastards wanted to get me for evading, so he told them,
Well, I see here youve charged him with riding without
a mirror, so he never saw you. Then they said that they
had their sirens on, and he said, I see youve charged him
with loud exhaust, so, naturally, he couldnt hear you.
And on and on it goes . . . So I got out of everything. But
then there was this problem of having no money to pay
the lawyer, and I didnt know what I was going to do
about that, but he died a week later, so I got out of that
too! [laughter] Anyway, when the cops showed up at my
friends place and I got arrested, the cop pistol-whipped
me in the back of the head, so I got this tattoo to mark
the occasion. [laughter]
Sara: So how about the VIN numbers?
George: Well, my bike was completely disassembled . . .
[inaudible], so the bike was in a million pieces and I was
vulnerable at the time and this guy offered me forty-five
hundred dollars for the fuckercash. So, I told him to
come pick it up in the morning and I started rounding up
all the pieces and shit, and when he showed up the next
day, I told him, I owe ya forty bucks. He said, For what?
And I showed him that tattoo [the VIN number] that I
went and got after he left. [inaudible] I couldnt sell it, and
I still have it. . . [inaudible] never get rid of it.
Sara: And the Roman numerals?
George: Well, thats how many miles I had put on it [the
Leaky Latowski bike] when I destroyed my back in Florida
and had laid immobile on Roadside [Marty]s floor for what

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seemed like a year [inaudible]. Yes, I had four hundred and

twenty thousand miles on it at that point.
Sara : Okay, how about the back?
George: I had the [inaudible] Dont Panic from The
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy [inaudible] yeah . . . thats
my motor . . .
Sara: How long did it take to . . .
George: Three days. One weekend.
Me: Holy shit! You did that all at once?!
George: Yup. Ten hours a day for three days. [laughter]
They kept giving me painkillers and all kinds of shit, and
I was like, Fuck, these arent even touching the pain, so I
just sat through it and fuckin did it. And the VIN number
I put there because of my frequent run-ins with the law.
See, when they ask me to prove that its my bike . . . cause I
never carry around any paperwork shit for it [inaudible],
so when they ask me to prove its mine, I just turn around
and do this.
Its at this point that George turned around and bent
over while dropping his pants, to reveal a large vehicle
identification number right above his ass while
simultaneously showing the world his fruit basket. It
nearly blinded me, but at the same time, it solidified my
decision to tattoo my ass, just so I could show my smelly,
white ass to every asshole who asks to see it. Its always
more than they bargained for, but I never feel bad for
ruining their day. And I doubt George does either.

George the painters VIN tattoo

is symbolic of his stature in the
moto-culture and his dedication
to biking and inking.

persoNal storIes

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oh, the ironya paramedic who becomes the victim of a

crash! Vernons tattoos tell a tale about his career in eMs as
well as his motorcycle accidents.
above right: lena, from Kissimmee, Florida, chose to have
her motorcycle tattooed along with the names of her son and
daughter. you can see where the motorcycle ranks in lenas
liferight up there with her children.

riding a motorcycle on a 90-degree wooden wall calls for a

tattoo! harry Bostard is a motorcycle stunt rider in Californias
Wall of Death. Most riders of the wall brand themselves with a
tattoo of the accomplishment.


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If you have ever ridden an FXr, you

might tattoo your arm as well. the FXr
is the most favored harley chassis by
hardcore riding enthusiasts.
a day before a bike accident, Jennifer
got a tattoo of a panhead with wings;
sounds a little like an intro to one of
those unsolved mystery tV shows!

persoNal storIes

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We are pretty sure it is safe to say Chris Watkiss is fascinated by Billy lane, Jesse James, and Indian larry. Just an observation.

Memorial tattoos are as popular as moto-culture tatts, like

this one belonging to expert painter robert pradke, honoring
his late father.


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often referred to as the heart of the engine, this piston and

chain is tattooed on Chris Gibbanys rear shoulder. Chris is
passionate about power.

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Iliya hamovic is covered with ink that

has a special purpose on his body
the tree on his arm is mirrored in the
custom work on his motorcycle seat,
which was hand-tooled by paul Cox.

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Matthew smith chose this tattoo

as a constant reminder when he services
his bikeDont forget the drain plug.
emotions surface when talking to
someone about a memorial tattoo they
have, but sometimes its part of the
healing process.

some tattoos are part of a

promotion for a company (or radio
stationBig Jim, 93.3 Classic rock!).
Money, products, or other types of
compensation are usually the incentive
for these tattoos.


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artist Darren McKeag works closely

with clients to help transform their
interests into permanent works
of art, and a first tattoo always has
a personal story attached to it. What
would you put on your shoulder? What
would your first tattoo be?

the horrors of war are manifested

on Chad lemmes hand as a constant
reminder of the great lengths man
endures in order to survive, and the
ironic disposition to destroy himself
as well.

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this arm is full of personal stories, from a first bike and preferred engine to a favorite
band (the Grateful Dead!). tattoos can express so much without saying a word.

heres another drain plug tattoo

some people have a bad memory when
it comes to remembering to put the
drain plug back in.
some tattoos mark an anniversary,
an important date, years of sobriety,
or years committed to a certain
occupation. these tattoos usually only
have special meaning to the person
who wears them.
tattoos and motorcycles go hand-in-hand so well that this young guy had to get
some temporary tattoos to match the chopper he was riding at ohio Bike Week.


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this chest piece reads, If you Want peace, prepare for War.
theres no doubt that this phrase holds very personal meaning
to the wearer.

some tattoos represent an

accomplishment or a milestone
achieved. this tattoo belongs to Wahl
e. Walker, motorcycle stunt rider of the
american Motor Drome Company, who
is no doubt a dare devil for riding his
motorcycle on a 90-degree wooden wall.

this is a stunt cock. In all honesty, Im

not so sure I want to know the personal
story behind this tattoo.

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terry has put more miles on his

bike and accumulated more stories
than anyone could ever dream
of being able to tell in a lifetime.
Terry Meyer


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Terry Rogue Meyer

I woke up on the floor of Pauls shop, smelling like six

different shades of shit and looking even worse. I gathered
my effects and somewhat reassembled myself. And as
I tried to make some sort of sense of the events of the
night before, I heard talking through the office door. I had
to investigate. But I never would have guessed what was
about to transpire.
You meet people at really strange places in life,
and most times youre not expecting it. Lets say
hypothetically, of coursethat you had been hammered
drunk for the past 48 hours on Mighty Whiteys Fightin
Fluid and all kinds of other Missouri moonshine.
Anyway, I was doing my best to stay upright while the
world kept trying to buck me off. Trying to regain my sea
legs, I walked smack into the middle of this amazing and
wild story. Narrating the incredible tale was this dude
with the word Rogue tattooed in big black script on the
side of his skull. I found myself unable to get back to my
hangover. I regret that I didnt walk in sooner to hear the
rest of the story. How much did I miss? Who was this
guy? He carried with him this confidence that Id never
seen in a human before, this middle-aged dude with a
mohawk and the words Ride to Die tattooed on one side
of his neck.
I couldnt tell if he was older than me or not. He looked
like he had endured some seriously rough miles. And I
never could have imagined exactly how rough those miles
were. My mind was reeling just trying to keep up with

this expeditious and incredible story. It was about his

most recent running of the Hoka Hey Challenge, which
is incredible in itself, but he went on to say that he had
crashed something like 12 times, yet still finished near the
front. But let me tell you about the Hoka Hey. In the Native
Sioux language, spoken by Lakota Sioux tribes, hoka hey
means today is a good day to die. Many people think this
was some sort of morbid battle cry, which is entirely false.
What it really means is that you should live your life to its
fullest potential every single day, as though it may be your
last. The theory here is that every day would then be a good
day to die.
The quest is an extraordinarily demanding series of
miles that takes you through nearly all the states, and
sometimes different countries. To stay ahead of the time
limit and win this thing, youd need to ride about 1,000 miles
every 48 hours. In a nice comfy car on the interstate, that
would be no problem. On a motorbike? Well, thats a horse
of a different color. After that much riding for days on
end, you start to see shit like colored horses and unicorns
standing in the middle of the highway. Flying monkeys.
Terrible things.
I thought I heard that last year the grueling race
consisted of most states for something just shy of ten
thousand miles, and failing time was set at nine and a
half days. You must be well rehearsed and well trained
to prepare for that kind of bodily punishment. And most
of these guys do it on quasi-comfortable bikes (with
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suspension, no
less). But not
Terry. He does
it on a damned
hardtail. His
bike is an
rigid FXR, created and fabricated by Paul Wideman at Bare
Knuckle Choppers.
One thousand plus miles a day for a consecutive week
and a half on a rigidwhat a tough motherfucker!
But there was so much more I learned about Terry
other than the travails of his racing. He told me how
hed raced with a catheter to save time from piss breaks,
sometimes sitting in his own soggy piss for days at a time.
He told me numerous stories about crashes, then showed
me the scars from them. He told me about evading police,
passing on the shoulder or the middle line doing well past
100 miles an hour for hours upon days. He told me about
bouncing off guardrails, topping off his gas tank on the fly.
But none of these stories compared to what I heard next
when I asked the question sitting patiently in my mind:
What exactly was meant by the tattoo across his throat,
the one reading, Live 2 Ride, Ride 2 Die?
Only Terry can do his story justiceso buckle up,
because here it comes, in his own words.
The lowest point of my life came when I was 37
years old. My parents had logged hundreds of
thousands of miles together on several Harleys.
They literally lived to ride, and rode together. That
specific afternoon, they were out on their Firemans
Special, enjoying the Illinois countryside, when they


were creamed by a dump truck. The driver wasnt

paying attention and ran a stop sign, killing my dad
instantly. My poor mother was kept on life support
for four days, and when the doctors declared her
brain dead, it was left up to me to pull the plug on
her. It was the hardest thing Ive ever done, and Im
sure that anything else in store for my future will
pale in comparison to that. I felt like I was the one
who was killing her. Live 2 Ride, Ride 2 Die . . . Those
words never seemed more relevant to me.
I try to stay as positive as I possibly can through
anything that life throws at me. Luckily I have a
couple of great friends who didnt turn their backs
on me, because this one brought me down, man
lower-than-whale-shit down. I went through a
chopper-riding, whiskey/pill-slammin stage, and
lost the majority of my friends. Life can be strange.
Getting tattooed became a way for me to kill the
pain, so to speak. The booze and the drugs were just
taking me down a real bad path. Youll never hear a
success story like, Bro, I drank so much Jack and ate
so many OxyContin that Im a fuckin millionaire and
couldnt ask for anything else out of life. I had to find
another way to kill the pain.
Ive got a chest piece with an angel and Mom
and Dad that I get to see every time I look in the
mirror. That piece is dedicated to them. Several of
my tattoos are for them, as a matter of fact. Then I
have others where, instead of getting shitfaced and
high, Id head to the shop and be like, Please, just
do something. Shovel that shit in there and make
me feel it. I love my tattoos. People who dont get
me will ask if I regret getting my cock or my face
tattooed. I just smile and shake my head no, all the
while thinking, Dude, if you walked a mile in my
shoes, you may very well set yourself on fire to beat
the demons back.

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Motorcycle racing is the only thing I know, and

its really the only thing I even want to know. I have
no use for and no interest in anything that doesnt
have to do with racing. If I meet somebody who
seems cool, maybe somebody I could chill with
if youre not a racer or cant identify with my
lifestyle, youre out. Same way with chicks, man. Try
giving me a hard time at the track, or try to tell me
that I read too many magazines or talk too much
about racing, youll find you and your shit out on the
corner so quick it will make my head spin.
Ive been racing since I was eight years old. Ive
won a lot of races, and Ive lost some too. Ive spent
enough money to provide good lives for several
families. I wouldnt do it any other way. Ive never
really considered myself a hardcore street rider. I will
never log the kind of miles that my dad did500,000
pluswow. I had a hardtail that Bare Knuckle in
Hawk Point, Missouri, built me that had about 25,000
on it. The one I have now has 20,000. Im really just
about the racing. Ive ridden the Hoka Hey Challenge
three years in a row for a total of 37,000 miles.
The first one I rode [I] was on my chopper for
9,000 miles. It was pretty brutal. That poor thing was
trying to self-destruct. There was a lot of welding
being done along the way. Id have to say the second
one was the most brutal of the three. The sleep
deprivation alone was enough to make the average
man quit. Throw in sitting in my own piss for days
on end, sun poisoning on my mouth, getting run
off the road several different times, and getting
rear-ended by another competitor somewhere in
Dixieland, among other thingsyeah, the second
one was an eye opener.
Crashes are a part of racing, you know? It really
all depends how you can handle the mental part of
it while youre physically healing. If you heal up great

but are scared to death to get back at it, youre done.

If you wind up a quadriplegic, but your minds right
and youd do anything to get back on a bike, well,
that might even be worse. I hope none of us ever
have to find out that way.
Ive broke my neck, both ankles, both wrists,
fucked my back and hips up. Ive actually been
lucky. I see these poor guys at motocross races in
electric wheelchairs and I instantly have the utmost
respect for them. They love their sport and theres
absolutely nothing that is going to keep them away
from it. Strong-ass dudes in moto, for sure.
And thats where Im at these days. Ive been
racing motocross since my late twenties. Rode
the AMA Supermoto Nationals for five years, and
now were back to moto. Me and my homies will
load up the kids and go anywhere in the country
on any given weekend to ride motocross. Weve
ridden the most bitchin tracks in the country
with some of the fastest dudes in the world. My
buddies kids are going to be national champs and
Im proud to say that Im going to be a part of
their success.
Among the hundreds of tattoos that Ive
acquired, Ive got Live 2 Ride, Ride 2 Die tattooed
around my neck. Thats how my parents lived, and
thats the way I live. Quitting is not an option for
me, period. And it wasnt for them, either. Im going
to ride til I
die. Im not
saying I hope
I can still
be riding a
at a certain
age, Im
saying if

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you know me when Im 95 plus, youre gonna be

saying, That crazy old tattooed motherfucker is still
riding?! Ill turn, give you the finger, and respond,
Youre goddamn right, I am. My eyes are open. Live
2 Ride. Ride 2 Die.
Stop and ask yourself: out of all of these people I know,
how many are really, truly not afraid to die? Do you know
anybody who loves riding enough to stay on a bike for
weeks at a time? Literally? No sleep, no food, piss-soaked
pants, sunburned skin, windburned mouth, bleeding eyes?

Ive always loved bikes

since as far back as I can
remember, says Jason
Cittro. I bought my first
harley in 94, and the
tattoo was just a natural
progression for meI
thought a harley Bar &
shield on the inside of my
arm would just be bad ass
and went for it. this tattoo
was done by Chris Depinto,
of shotsies tattoo, in
Wayne, New Jersey.

How many people rack up 37,000 miles in only three rides?

How many do you know who actually ride to die?
When I learned what that phrase meant to him, I had
chills crawling up my spine, and that lump-in-the-throat
feeling mixed with bewilderment. I know many people who
claim to have a friend, or know someone, or even be the
most hardcore rider out there, and some of their stories
are impressive. But this guy is on a whole other planet that
most couldnt even comprehendTerry redefines the word
hardcore for me.
Chad Lemme

I got this tattoo because my 69 triumph was the first bike

I built, and its also one of the reasons I quit drinking 13 years
ago. Nashville, tennessee

I live in Kitchener, ontario,

Canada. I got this tat because
I really believe riding my
harley and going to Daytona
Bike Week is my freedom
from stress! It really is a true
brotherhood. Biketoberfest
in Daytona rocks! It is like a
reunion every year bonding
with my buddies!
ontario, Canada


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My first street motorcycle was a

47 Indian Chief that I bought as a
basket case when I was 19. I restored it
and still have it today. My first tattoo
was when I was 21, and it was the
laughing Indian. My next Indian was
a 1938 that I started with a frame,
then the motor, and piece-by-piece I
built it. I still have it today. I love the
styling of the 1938 Chief, so Darren
and I decided to do the sleeve. Its
very unique in that we did it part by
part; we didnt lay the entire sleeve
out beforehand. the sleeve just
shows the passion I have for Indian
motorcycles. and since I built the bike
myself, its a daily reminder of how
hard work and passion for something
pays off. Jeff Kelderman, artwork
by Darren McKeag of slingin Ink

all of my ink is due to something that was an unmistakable part of my life. the top
ink is an eMs star of life. although not biker-related, it was there first, and the second
was put there on purpose. I worked for a lot of years in the back of an ambulance as a
paramedic, so that is signifying the years of service and dedication to helping others.
the lower tattoo, after riding many miles, was my first branded logo tattoo. that
was after I had totaled my second motorcycle in my life when I thought that if I
had ridden well over 100,000 miles on harleys and surviveddespite totaling two
of themthere must be someone watching out for me. plus, I think I had earned
a harley tattoo by then. I have the angel wings, the wheel, h-D script, and the
remember banner. We have to remember what we have done, where we have been,
and what direction we are going. otherwise, we are simply lost. Vernon schwarte

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I added this to my sleeve design

because I liked the design, and I love
riding my chopper that was featured
in Cycle Source, as I also enjoy the
magazine the tattoo represents.
Wellsboro, pennsylvania

this tattoo was given to me by tattoo artist seth enslow for my birthday in 2005.
he did this on the third of august in Costa Mesa, California. I arrived in sturgis on my
birthday, august fifth, and that night after our Blood, Sweat, and Gears Tour meeting/
dinner, we all went for a rideBilly lane, aaron Green, paul Cox, Kendall Johnson,
and Mondo porras. I rode with Mondo. Well, Mondo and I ended up crashing! I later
learned that you are supposed to get an engine with wings only after you have
earned them by crashing and surviving. I was given this tattoo two days before my
birthday, for my birthday, and I earned my wings that night on my big day. Mondo
and I joke because I love my birthday road rash.Jennifer santolucito,
tattooed songbird


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I just feel proud that I can and have

ridden to sturgis five times, and three
of them were on a rigid. luckily Im
close enough to ride just eight hours to
get there. Ive never gotten around to
getting an I rode Mine sturgis 2011
tattoo yet, not enough space to tattoo
near the others. Denver, Colorado
all of my tattoos relate to my life. I have triumph choppers, and the CtyD tat says
it all. that is the only style bike for me. It comes from sewn patches and stickers that
have been around since the seventies. lets ride and hold Fast are, according to my
friends, my slogans. Brian Jones is my tattoo artist. ontario, Canada

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I was on my first deployment while

in the navy and we were heading into
our last port [hawaii] after being out
for six months. a group of about 10
of us all agreed that wed get tattoos
together and then take the town.
after everything was done, only two
of us ended up getting work done and
we got screwed. I paid $120 BeFore
tip (I was told to tip by my buddies).
tattoos on the outside of my left calf.
It took him about 15 minutes and he
had a shit-eating grin the whole time.
Its supposed to be a surfer surfing the
high seas of life. My buddy paid over
$300 for a tribal armband that barely
went halfway around his arm.


I am from New york City but

have been living in Charleston, south
Carolina for the past 12 years. When I
first moved to south Carolina, tattooing
was still not legalized yet. a few years
went by and the laws passed, so I rode
my bike to the local shop and wanted
something to tell the world I like to
ride fast and loud and I dont care what
anyone else thinks. and what better
way but to get a FtW tattoo across a
skull and crossbones to show the evil
behind me!

I own a 2010 harley Davidson

sportster Forty-eight that is fully
customized. show bike, but a daily
rider. I got this tattoo because I love
harleys. I am 40 years old and love my
harley! My friend paul Woolworth at
skin addicts tattoo parlor did the
work. he does all my tattoos. My bike
is gonna get featured in American Iron
magazine this coming summer.
Jenison, Michigan

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the tattoo defines the way that I

like to ride. I dont enjoy riding with
groups, especially on longer road trips.
so this represents the way that I enjoy
riding: just myself, my bike, and the
outdoors. of course I do take a bit of
my wife with me; those are her initials
on the front fender license plate. some
folks call me crazy as an eight-ball, so
there is the eight on the air cleaner.

this is on my knee. It is a logo tattoo

for the hogs on the high seas rally,
which is a cruise/motorcycle rally done
every year for kidney dialysis. although
a cruise, it is a rally all the same. Oh,
and I won $500 that year for best hohs
rally tattoo!
the rally has since changed its name
to the high seas rally. harley-Davidson
was trying to sue them for using the
word hogs in their name. Fucking
assbags . . .

I got the tattoo because after

changing my oil I went for a ride about
100 miles round-trip. Upon returning, I
noticed oil pouring out of my bike. as I
was cleaning up the oil in my driveway,
my arm bumped the exhaust, leaving a
beautiful scar. a couple minutes later, I
realized I had only tightened the drain
plug finger-tight. lucky it didnt come
out until I pulled into my driveway. the
tattoo is a reminder to tighten the drain
plug with a wrench.

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Indian Larry Question Everything

Question Mark Tattoo

Making our way from motorcycle rally to motorcycle

had to overcome to get to a place where he could finally be
rally over the last 15 years or so, weve seen one tattoo
comfortable with himself and his work.
that has become increasingly popular. Its not a tattoo
Then in 2001, TV made its way into motorcycle
paying homage to a certain brand of motorcycle, or a
culture and exploited the scene for all it was worth. This
tattoo screaming words of wisdom on two wheels. Its
opportunity made the general public and motorcycle
a tattoo about a philosophy, or a certain way to live life.
enthusiasts aware of Indian Larry. He was featured on
That philosophy belongs to custom
Motorcycle Mania II and those Biker
motorcycle builder Indian Larry.
Build-Off programs. This led to more
Born Lawrence DeSmedt in New
magazine articles and interviews,
York on April 28, 1949, Indian Larry
and gave Larry the chance to speak
began working in motorcycle shops
about his life and his philosophy.
in New York City in the 1980s. For
What he said made sense to fellow
many years, Larry struggled with
motorcycle enthusiasts, and he
alcohol and drugs, but he maintained
struck a chord with thousands of
his focus on motorcycles and the
unknown brothers and sisters
moto hot rod culture, inspired by Ed
on wheels.
Roth and Von Dutch during his years
With all of this exposure, Larry
in California.
was able to tour the country and
His bikes were popular in New
attend many motorcycle rallies,
York, and he had quite the reputation
showing off his creations and
as a wild motorcycle rider, splittin
meeting his fans in person. People
lanes and raising hell in the city
were always excited to meet Larry
streets. When the motorcycle
and catch a closeup glimpse of his
magazines started featuring his
creations, such as Daddy-O (known
creations, thats when things turned
to most people as the Rat Fink bike),
for Larrys career. The articles showed
Wild Child, and Chain of Mystery. It
Bobby heron proudly displays the
all the facets of Larrythe good, the
would have been easier to handle
Indian Larry Question Mark tattoo
a dedication to a legend.
bad, and all the ups and downs he
the passing of a talented custom

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builder if he had been a jerk in real lifeLarry was

anything but.
To this day, Larrys bikes have yet to be surpassed in
terms of craftsmanship. One symbol Larry used over
and over in his branding logo and on his paint jobs was a
question mark. It represented his most prized rule of living
life: Question Everything. Why accept whatevers put in
front of you? Question the shit out of it and enjoy the ride
as much as you can.
Larrys way of life embodied everything the traveling
moto-culture is about. Many of our friends have a similar
tattoo, a mark of respect for Larry. Question Everything,
it reads.
If you see the Larry Question Mark tattoo on a fellow
biker, you know that person has respect for Larry and
all he stood for. It creates instant camaraderie between
fellow bikers that share the question mark tattoo (and
among others who dont, for that matter). Those who
have the tattoo had a personal connection to Larry,
either from working with him, or being in his family, or
from traveling with him on the road. It would appear
that anyone who was touched by Larryanyone who
spent time with him, and shared precious moments
togetherimmortalized this legend by getting the
question mark tattoo.
Whats so great about this tattoo is that there is an
unspoken respect for anyone who bears it. This tattoo
carries meaning, and those who know of its meaning
instantly respect the others marked with it. Practically
every custom bike builder, pro or amateur, has this tattoo.
We see it all the time at rallies and everyone is always
happy to share their personal Larry story with you.
Custom builder Michael lewis shows his respect for Indian larry
with the Question everything tattoo beneath a flaming pair
of dice and a lucky horseshoe.

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Lets see, Larry has always been an

inspiration for me, from the raw style
of his bikes to the way he built them.
thankfully, I got to meet him before his
passing. Let me tell you why I got the
question mark tattoo: I always loved his
logo for his shop, and with him being
such an influence on me, I decided to
have it done back in 2003 by a good
friend of mine, Justin hyde. he was
apprenticing at the time at my friends
shop, Wild Zero studios, and it was his
first tattoo on anyone. rJ powell

anyone who met Indian larry

(center) was immediately impressed
with his down-to-earth personality and
sincerity. he was always happy to meet
anyone who approached him just to
shake hands.

Jay allen is a welcome face at many

rallies, and has been a huge supporter
of all the custom motorcycle builders
over the years. his back piece has
portraits of two famed builders who
left us too earlyJohnny Chop and
Indian Larry.


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Daniel is a custom builder, and after

meeting Larry and spending time
with him, Daniel developed a sincere
appreciation for not only larrys work,
but his genuine persona as well. this
inkers arm features another tribute to
a motorcycle legend.
Jeremy pederson proudly displays
a classic tribute to the custom motoculture on his armBig Daddy roths
bulging-eyed, ravenous critters are easy
to spot, and an Indian Larry tattoo sits
next to the mouse of mayhem. Jeremy
slings paint and pin stripes at relic
Kustoms in austin, Minnesota.

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rob lopezs forearm features another

tribute in ink to ed roth with his
grinning rat Fink character, as well as a
stylized Question everything tattoo
above it.

While some just get the question

mark tattooed by itself, others choose
the version with wingsa tribute to a
fallen builder, brother, and inspiration.
a memorial to a legend.

thick or thin, colored or black, Indian

larry tributes can be found in all shapes
and sizes.


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the tributes to Indian larry are

literally all over the country and even
around the world. this one was done by
Joe Delbuono of Willies tropical tattoo.
Bill Tinney

above left: this forearm features

another larry and rat Fink tattoo side
by side, and this time theyre in color.
larry was a huge fan of ed roth and
Von Dutch.

this is an amazing portrait of Indian

Larry; the resemblance is incredible, and
not just any artist can pull off a tattoo
like this. leave it to richie pan of Dark
star tattoos to nail this one. Bill Tinney

Below left: Custom builder Iliya

hamovic integrated his memorial for a
legend on his full sleeve.

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this young lady shows her love for

Indian Larry with his signature tattoo
on her shoulder.
above right: Goth Girl spent many
hours with Larry on the road, so this
tattoo is much more than a tributeits
a memory of the great times they spent
together, of the great man he was, and
all the wonderful things he shared with
her. Goth holds this memorial tattoo in
the highest regard.

robert pradke (the best custom

painter in the country) knew larry
well, and painted many projects for
him. this tattoo carries much meaning
for robert.


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above left: Its hard to go much

bigger than thisthis fresh chest piece,
emblazoned across this bikers heart, is
an incredible memorial to Indian Larry.
larry Gregoire of Brooklyn, New
york, knew larry as a boythey grew
up in the same neighborhood. sharing
a love of motorcycles, Gregoire pays
tribute to Larrys memory with a
Question everything tattoo, which
rests comfortably between a smirking
popeye and another easily identifiable
iconthe Grateful Dead skull.

paul Wideman of Bare Knuckle

Choppers pays homage to an icon in the
middle of an extremely detailed bicep.

persoNal storIes

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Back Pieces
and Bodies
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Some riders fall in love with an engine (panhead, shovelhead, etc.) and stay dedicated to that engine their
entire life. A marriage in harmony and dedicationjust as some people might tattoo their lovers name on
their skin, some crazed lovers tattoo a complete engine on their back.

he back seems like a perfect

place to spread a gigantic
picture of life, or war, or
Star Wars, or whatever.
Only someone out of
their mind would display
the powerplant of their
beloved motorbike . . . and
many of these half-crazed
motorcycle junkies are just the type of monster to do it.
The surface area of a person closely resembles the
coastline of Norway: numerous fjords make up the largest
coastline in the world, despite the rather small country
its attached to. Similarly, we have all kinds of square
inches to cover with this or that, putting small pictures
in our armpits and down our fingers and so forth. But the
back is one vast, open area, the perfect place for a large,
continuous masterpiece. And its quite a thing of beauty
when properly exploited.
Since truly hardcore motorcycle freaks love their
scooters far more than any person, place, or time in history,
theyll permanently affix things such as VIN numbers and
words showing their love for the machine that matters
most to them in life. This love really shines through when
they go as far as placing a life-sized rendering of a Knuckle
or a shovelhead beneath their dermis for all eternity. I
know a few of these particular mutants, some of which are
pictured here.

Speaking of freaks, let us examine the truly hideous of

the sideshow. These mutant monsters have gone above and
beyond the call of crazy and tattooed their skulls and faces,
along with the rest of their colorful hides. Unfortunately, a
sort of stigma has stuck to this narrow class of courageous
characters willing and able to permanently alter their Mona
Lisas. It used to be that a simple sleeve would guarantee
inevitable stares. But nowadays, with tattooing an entire
arm or two having become common practice, it takes a
little more flare to attract the staresa facial tattoo seems
to fit the bill perfectly.
Its only natural that when you see someone wandering
around with tattoos on their head or their neck or their
face, you look. And you look because its the natural thing
to do in our censored corner of the world. Hell, I look. Some
gawkers will ask questions, but most will just look, too
nervous to inquire about the art at all. Its the people who
are truly frightenedthe ones who pretend not to look,
repeatedly shooting quick glances out of the corner of their
eyewho really crack me up. These people clearly should
never play poker.
The ever-changing nature of history leads one to
believe that someday the taboo behind the tattoo will
vanish. Look at it from a historical perspective: people used
to go to the circus and pay good money to check out the
tattooed savages of Borneo, or whatever little primitive
slice of Pacific island the conquistadors ransacked while
expanding their empire. We may not do that anymore,

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but the curiosity remains when it comes to tattoos on

uncommon areas of the body.
I asked tattoo artist Darren McKeag of Slingin Ink in
Grinnell, Iowa, how he feels about the stares, since hes
almost entirely covered in tattoos, including head, neck,
hands, and face. Heres what he said:
The funny thing is Ive been covered in tattoos for
so long that I dont even realize people stare at me
unless I catch them really staring. Most instances,
its the people with me that notice people staring at
me, and honestly I couldnt care less if they stare or

a lot of ladies choose the lower back to display their artistic

flare or passion; in this case, riding her harley-Davidson is what
inspires this young lady. She chose the classic harley-Davidson
Bar & Shield with hot rodstyle flames to frame what is
commonly referred to as a tramp stamp.


not; it really doesnt bother me. The interesting part

of all this is that the people who arent tattooed are
the ones concerned that I am tattooed.
The other night at a bar this lady with no
tattoos (I know this because she told me) asked me
if I cared that she wasnt tattooed. I told her nope,
and she insisted that I carethat I must give a shit.
I told her no again, and she was pissed that I didnt
care to give her attention, or care that she was
giving me attention. It might not help that I think
most people are stupid.
Sara Liberte

Does it get any more righteous than a skeleton riding a rigid

chopper? It does if you have this tattooed on your back! this
ghostly rider rumbles atop the highway to hell, cruising over
a road of bones and skulls. his bike features a flaming skull
headlamp and bone jockey shifter.

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above right: It appears to be the case for

many motorcyclists that riding a motorcycle
is as close to flying as they can get. Its
very common to see images of wings with
motorcycles or next to motorcycle parts,
such as this laced wheel for this clean back
piece depicting the limitless feeling of
riding. Many people are unaware that the
winged wheel was invented by the Nazis for
their motorcycle corps (but dont make the
mistake that the wearer is, in fact, a Nazi).

: 140

For this rider, his motorcycle is part of

his american heritage. this top back piece
showcases not only the passion for the
brand but a little more americana with the
steer skull and feathers. Its obvious this guy
rides a harley-Davidson Deuce model and is
very proud of it.

Cards, whiskey, a smoke, and your rigid

motorcyclewhat more can a guy ask for?
how about an amazing, beautiful tattoo
artist wife who laid out this portrait of you
riding your bike? this is the back piece of
tattoo artist long Jon Barwood of sacred
skin tattoo in payson, arizona, completed
by artist amanda pinky Barwood.

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some riders fall in love with an

engine (panhead, shovelhead, etc.)
and stay dedicated to that engine their
entire life. a marriage in harmony and
dedicationjust as some people might
tattoo their lovers name on their skin,
some crazed lovers tattoo a complete
engine on their back. this is the back
piece of Moto journalist George the
painter Frizzell. It was completed in
three straight eight-hour days. ouch!
the art was done by richie pan, of
Darkstar tattoo parlor, New Jersey.

Iliya hamovic, of steel Born

Choppers (New york), has one of the
coolest back pieces we came across.
ominous skeletal vertebrae snake from
his hips to his medulla oblongata.

tattoo artists usually have the most

detailed back pieces, and this guy is
no different. a sinister, smoking skull
overwhelms everything else.

this girl sports a set of wings in

progress as she rests at one of the
motorcycle rallies. Tom Tobin


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From this back piece, a panther

explodes, a magic eight-ball predicts the
future, lucky (or unlucky?) 13 sees over
all, an octopus tentacles his right arm,
while a tribute to Mom and Dad sits on
his waistline. Do you think this guy was
really Born to lose? Tom Tobin

the detail on this engine back

piece is simply insane. a bedeviled
porky pig is sitting pretty atop an
intricate V-twin knucklehead. the
Knuckleheads Forever artwork is
by Josh arment of aloha Monkey
tattoo in Burnsville, Minnesota.

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horstman is the artist
behind this full back
piece. this demon
rolls toward a purple
witch-tree horizon
as the Night of the
Unborn passes by.

a couple of cool
bikes and a chopped
Chevy say much about
this riders lifestyle.
this piece was also
done by Latricia

this guy has a

thing for Kid rock,
who ranks up there
with harley-Davidson;
he gave his entire back
to them. Bill Tinney

this bold back

piece makes quite
a statement. shut
Up and ride with a
skeleton riding a hog.
Bill Tinney


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Many scattered pieces fill this guys back, arms,

and skull. For some riders, no piece of skin can be
wastedits an open canvass! Tom Tobin
above left: a detailed cross with a skull in the
middle creates an ambiguous aura around this
mysterious rider. Tom Tobin

yamma hamma! this girl is dressed well to

show off her massive underwater scenea manta
ray, jellyfish, and hammerhead shark patrol her
shoulders, while more sinister creatures lurk below.
Tom Tobin

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While the artwork of the handgun on this

back piece is amazing, Im more interested in
knowing if he always wears a black cap over
his face! Tom Tobin

everyone with butt tattoos welds naked,

right? lemmes he-MaN and Beaver
patrol tatoos were the result of a Free
tattoo FrIDay at slingin Ink, where if he
accepted a free tattoo, he couldnt know
what the artist was going to tattoo on him.


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If the writing in this book doesnt tell

you that author Chad lemme (pictured)
is no doubt a Gonzo fan, perhaps this
tattoo will signify it.

so we have a full sleeve, a neck

bone, a necklace, patchy arm work all
around, two hand bones, and a stomach
piece. thats some serious time under
the needle.

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a grinning skull fits perfectly on this

riders shoulder. the depth of the rest of
his arm is amazing; done well, black and
gray tattoos are sights to behold.

hell hath no fury, shakespeare

wrote, like a woman scorned. Who
said bikers dont read? Tom Tobin

I love the location of the connecting

rod on the elbow in this full sleeve.


Not a spare inch is missed on tattoo

artist Darren McKeags body. tattoo
artists always have the most amazing
full body ink.

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the thorns of this shoulder rose creep up, around, and into the armpit, which can be an excruciating place to get tattooed.

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this entire body is themed around

route 66, which must be loaded with
personal memories of amazing trips.
Bill Tinney

tattoo Duke is a tattoo artist with

many years under his belt and almost as
many tattoos on his body. he is a great
guy and a blast to hang withif you
ever run across him at a rally, be sure to
say hi.


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Girls and harleys fill up this guys body of work. Bill Tinney

theres so much to look at on this guy, but I still see some

empty real estate. Im sure he has plans for those small areas.
Bill Tinney

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Charlie the Nomad is fully decorated

with traditional color tattoos, two arm
sleeves, and a full chest piece filled with
personal mantras and symbols.

You have to think about the adventurous life these guys

must have have lived to have so many amazing memories and
moments worthy to be permanently inked on their body.
Bill Tinney

Guess which one is tattoo Duke.

he sports traditional, full color body
tattoos as far as the eye can see.


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Covered in tatts, his old body

nothing but a memory, one wonders
when he decided to proclaim shit
happens for all eternity above his
temple. Tom Tobin

these guys sport a little bit of

everything on their fully covered,
colorful torsos. theyre sharing a story
outside Willies tropical tattoo in
Florida. Tom Tobin

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some people might be scared shitless

seeing a guy like this tearing down the
road, but chances are hes one of the
coolest cats you could ever party with.
Tom Tobin

according to Chad Lemme (pictured),

the sea monster on his jaw was more
painful than the neck bone and
necklace tattoos.


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From an alien to fierce pirate babes,

dragons, and more, this guys back and
head tells quite a tale (im just not sure
what it is). Tom Tobin

another back piece in a tattoo competition at a rally around the country. Shutterstock

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this woman incorporates many

traditional and contemporary forms on
her back mural; how many different
images can you spot? iStock
this guy is well on his way toward
a body full of tatts. the Chevy adorns
his chest, rider Life sits above his
belt buckle. a few demonic skulls lurk
on one sleeve, while a shifty trickster
haunts the other. even his hat looks like
a Big Daddy roth tributewell done,
sir! Tom Tobin


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a sinister spine of spikes anchors this bikers tattoos. Shutterstock

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Famous Tattooed Bikers

When the Discovery Channel started exploiting

the motorcycle industry with its reality shows, custom
motorcycle builders quickly became household names.
Guys that were craftsmen in their own right at metal
fabrication, engine building, bodywork, and paintwork were
now overnight celebrities. These guys were just minding
their business when the fat cats at the television networks
dangled the dollars in front of them, and they gave chase
like an ass in perpetual, hot pursuit of that proverbial carrot
on a stick. For some, it paid off big (if youre okay living the
rest of your life without a soul, anyway).
Those rotten TV execs were ready to cash in on the
biker image to grab the interest of the masses. Even if it
was exploited for all the wrong reasons, the long hair, the
tattoos, the cool motorcycles, the burnouts, the parties
it still made for great television, and it launched the
motorcycle scene into money-making madness, if only for


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a while. Suddenly, custom motorcycle building seemed to

be a glamorous lifestyle; these guys were rock stars with
blowtorches. All the televised appearances, magazine
coverage, and meet-and-greets at motorcycle shows made
it look like these guys were living the life.
Naturally all this media attention paved the way
for the thousands of wannabes suddenly crawling out of
the woodwork. It took time to weed out the posers, but
anyone with a trained eye could tell the real builders from
the hacks without a second glance. Over years of working
in this industry, we have had the opportunity to work
with many of these builders. We saw many of them come
and go, and we remain friends with the right ones still to
this day. I collected images of some of the guys I considered
to be true craftsmen, and as Im sure you guessed, they all
have tattoos.
Sara Liberte

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Jason Grimes
Maine is home to this particular craftsman, owner, and
operator of Northeast Chop Shop in Windham, Maine.
Jason is one of those guys who can do it all. Hes completely
immersed in every aspect of the custom culture, from
fabrication work to bodywork, from welding to painting,
all the way down to folding and hammering different
combinations of steel for his Damascus parts. Having a soft
spot for early Harley-Davidsons, he has his arms loaded
with tattoos depicting parts from early bikes, including
a very cool cutaway of an early external valve train H-D
engine. The rest, consisting of camshafts, early carbs, and
a springer front end, is like a historic motorcycle museum
tattooed right on his arm.
Sara Liberte
Jason had some great tattoos to share with us, and I liked
them all. But I liked the stuff in his shop just as much, and
as a result, we wound up spending the better part of a
day there, which would become a recurring event for us
throughout this book. I remember seeing this short and
narrow Ironhead with mags wrapped in knobies, and a
shortened 39mm out front. This thing looked like it would
be a fucking blast to ride. Short, extremely narrow, light
the perfect recipe for high-speed insanity.
After the extensive tour of the shop (with Jason sharing
his version of the Damascus process), and a perusal of his
painters outstanding pinstriping, we set up the backdrop
and Sara began photographing his favorite tattoos. We
heard stories about them, ogled over them for a while, then
hit the road in the twilight hours, which had snuck up on
us. On our way out, Jason left us with an armful of T-shirts,
hoodies, and other swag, and we cant thank him enough
for it.
Chad Lemme

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Jason Grimes of Northeast Chop shop in Maine has a sleeve

full of motorcycle parts and components. his left arm sports
exploded views of a V-twin engine, as well as many lugs,
bolts, and other parts of the engine, and his right arm is more
dedicated to various symbols of his biker lifestyle.


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Dave Perewitz
Dave is one of the builders whos garnered the most TV
airtime. From it, he earned the title King of Flames for
his custom flamed paintwork. Dave currently resides in
Massachusetts, and has been building bikes for a
few decades now. This guy has been putting time in on
bikes longer than some of the younger builders out there
have been alive, all the while amassing myriad tattoos,
just the same as his never-ending collection of bikes and
parts. Acquiring two full sleeves and several pieces on his
legs, Dave has enjoyed the time hes spent in the chair with
Gabe and Nolan at Acme Tattoo, and looks forward
to more time in the hot seat.
His customs have been through many fads and styles,
from the early rail diggerstyle chops of the early 1970s; to
the fat tire, stretched out, pro-street fad of the 1990s;
to the big front wheel bagger phase of recent times. On
top of it all, he also keeps up with what the younger
builders of today are doing, with the stripped-down
bobbers and skinny stuff. Bikes and tattoos run in the
Perewitz family: Daves daughter, Jody, has stepped up to
the plate to run the business. Shes also building an array
of her own inspired customs, and even putting in time on
the salt flats of Bonneville. Jodys interest in bikes seems to
be growing rapidly, just the same as her interest in tattoos.
She now sports a full sleeve, and when we saw her last, she
was just getting started on the other arm. Shes proud to
be using the same tattoo artist as her father.
Sara Liberte
I had never met Dave and Jody until heading to their shop
to photograph them for this book, but I certainly knew
who they were. As they sat around reminiscing about days
past and other worldly shit, I simply wandered off to gaze
at all the motorbikes adorning their showroom floor.

(This was another case of the motor-induced ADD I get in

such situations.)
But they came and found me, and after shaking me
out of my motorbike-induced trance, Dave showed us
around his entire shop, regaling us with stories about
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every last thing in the place. We met all of his many

employees, who were nice and inviting. He showed us his
projects in the works at the time, showed us where each
differential step of the builds took place, and brought
us through back rooms where personal projects were
coming together.


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Its always a good time, wandering through others

shops and enjoying every little bit of them. Of course, we
shot some pictures of Dave and Jody before we headed on
our way, and we must thank them for their help here as
well. It was truly a pleasure meeting them both.
Chad Lemme

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known as the king of Flames and

an artist himself, its no surprise that
custom bike builder Dave perewtiz has
a full sleeve of artwork.

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Robert Pradke
Robert Pradke is another guy who was able to cash in on
the early televised success of the biker build-offs.
Working alone in his Connecticut shop, Robert is so
highly sought after for his flawless and detailed custom
paintwork that he stays beyond busy year-round. Like
most body guys, Robert was influenced by the real-deal
rodders, the guys who can do all the work themselves.
From metal shaping to fabrication, from bodywork to
paint, from drawing designs to pinstriping and gold leaf,
he is a master. And while he can work in any imaginable
style or design, its apparent that he was influenced by
the custom scene of the early 1950s. It should go without
saying that his tattoos are geared toward these influences,
and all have a very important personal meaning, including
a tribute to his late father.
Visiting Roberts place in Eastford is more like
walking through a museum filled with his amazing work,
collectibles, art, and memorabilia,
rather than a paint booth. The walls
of his office and showroom are
riddled with photos of the amazing
people who Robert had the pleasure
of working with over the years. The
space is filled with inspirations and
special moments in his career. And
his personality is reflected in his
work. He is a truthful and genuine
personno bullshit from this guy.
We could have listened to the
stories of his numerous Biker Build Off
appearances for days on end. Robert
spent hours invested into so many
bikes that have become important
icons in the motorcycle world. We

looked at photos and artwork on the walls and listened

to the stories that went with them. We looked at Roberts
tattoos, and just the same as the photos on his walls, each
tattoo had a special story to go with it. We shouldnt have
expected anything less from such an amazing artist as
Robert Pradke.
Sara Liberte
Roberts place was the one place that I really had a hard
time leaving. There was so much to look at, and all of it
was rich with history, stories, and legends. There were
things built by Indian Larry, pictures and more pictures
of Biker Build-Off work he had done, and with so many
of the top people in the industry. There were projects
in the works, and all of them were unbelievably
amazing in their own right. The flawless perfection
in every little detail of his work, the immeasurable
consistency of his stripes, the mirror finish of the
clearall of it was executed with
a professional perfection rivaled
by none.
He sent us off with a pile of
T-shirts and other things, and its
impossible to show our appreciation
not only for his generosity and
good conversation, but for his
craftsmanship as well. It was truly
an honor to have been invited in and
shown around his shop. Ive kept up
with his work for years and years, and
always held him in the highest regard
as a painter. And after hanging out
and talking with him, I only have
more respect for him.
Chad Lemme

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robert pradkes reputation precedes

him; as one of the best painters in the
country, he proudly displays his many
tattoos. Death is stylized in gothic
script near his left shoulder, sitting
above a nightmare whirlpool of flame;
below that, a fiery she-devil bares her
breasts. on his arm, a gothic money
symbol is skewered by a dripping blade,
possibly to protect the names of his
father and mother, seen above on both
sides of his neck, his love for them
both evident near the top of his spine.

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Iliya Hamovic
Iliya is an anomaly. And not because hes from Croatia, but
because hes very different from any person youll run into
almost anywhere in this country.
It seems that most of the people I know (and everyone I
dont know) boast that they dont care what people think of
them, but Iliya is the only one who means it: he truly doesnt
give a good fuck what anyone else has to say. He does what
he likes and he enjoys every minute of it, as though he
were sitting in the corner laughing at us all having a pissin
contest over whos less insecure.
Hes tougher than a coffin nail. This guy grew up
brandishing an assault rifle while waging war against the
Serbs. Hes got the war wounds to remind him every day
that it could always be worse. It seems that most of us,
in our overly censored and sanitized upbringings, were
raised to believe that the world is beautiful and that peace
can work, which obviously limits us to little more than a
childish nature later in life. But when you grow up in the
midst of war, where youre forced to fight for your life on a
constant basis, you gain a certain appreciation for the little
things. You may say that its unfortunate to be brought up
in a rough time and place, or to have to endure the real
and the evil face of the world, but it does seem to mold
respectable and appreciative people in the end.
Youll never catch Iliya bitching about how tough he
has it, and I truly admire this about him. Ive had the good
fortune to share a nice dinner with him and his lovely girl,
Chrissy, and believe me when I say that they have very good
taste. Not only that, but its extremely difficult to pay the
bill before him.
Iliya and Chrissy dont take much for granted, and
theyll always have my infinite respect for that. And on top
of it all, he is a fucking phenomenal builder. Nothing he
does is short of perfection. He fits in that very high echelon

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of builders like Paul Cox, Indian Larry, and Keino Sasaki, in

the way that every last detail is the highest quality possible;
he would almost rather make a little less money than to
cut a corner for a customer.
Its always fun hanging out with Iliya, because on top
of being well versed in many different facets of life, he
can execute a politically or morally based conversation
without a flaw, all the while leaving the rest of the group
in hysterical laughter. I dont know many people who can
lay out a solid debate riddled with humor and still make
an entirely valid point. Hes an astute observer of the finer
things in this crazy life, yet he still makes damn sure that
hell enjoy every last bit of it. And with that in mind, lets
examine his tattoos, and hear the stories of a few of them.
Now, how anyone can live in a city is beyond me,
especially bigger ones like New York City, which is right
where Iliyas shop, Steelborn Choppers, is located, in the
middle of a mortal mess they call Brooklyn. Each borough
in the Big Apple just kind of turns into the next one, with
no breathing room in between; it seems like the human
interaction never ends. I get claustrophobic in places like
this, but I was raised a hundred miles beyond the middle of
nowheresame planet, different worlds.
But Iliya seems to like it there, and more importantly,
hes in the midst of some of the best builders in the
world, and it shows. That sense of perfection shared
between the top few builders is something you simply
cannot find in other places (not in such close proximity,
anyway). When we arrived at his shop to shoot some
photos, I was distracted by all of the really cool shit in his
place. I think I studied the piece he was working on for
almost an hour, completely unaware that I was holding
up the photography!
Iliyas shop is mind-boggling. He has the biggest, most
fantastic lathe Ive ever seen. And it was one of those

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things that you know for sure made parts for the Allied
war machine back in World War III just wanted to start
turning something down in it, just to be able to stand
in the same place and run the same machine as some
American Allied victory worker back in 1943.
After a good hour-long break from reality, I finally
made my way over to the camera and heard some really
interesting things about his tattoos. For instance, the skull
on his left shoulder is actually an x-ray of his own skull. The
wild part is that in the x-ray photo, you can see pieces of
shrapnel embedded in the bone, separating his brains from
the atmosphere and high explosives. Try to imagine it: this
guy has a head full of explosive fragments left over from
fighting a war while still in his teenage years! That type of
shit makes for one hell of a tough human being. The tattoo
shows the shrapnel just as the x-ray does, and you can also

see the screws spun deep into his skull; these are holding
his top front teeth in their designated places, just as it
appears on the x-ray. Now that shit is tough, in every sense
of the word.
On top of dodging 120mm antipersonnel mortars and
Soviet-designed bullets, he started working on and riding
motorbikes before the age of 12, and was a professional
drummer for 20 years. But in his humble nature, he would
never bring any of this up, nor talk about himself in with
any pretention.
So it was left up to Sara and me to pry that info from
him and share it with the free world. Hes too kind to go
on talking about himself and much more tough, both
mentally and physically, than any of us will ever be, and he
has my eternal respect, for all the right reasons.
Chad Lemme

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iliya hamovic, of steelborn

Choppers, New York City, has an
eclectic collection of tattoos. Like
most craftsmen, iliya thought
long and hard into the art and
location of his work. a skeletal
backbone reminds him that good
work doesnt come easy; his left
arm pays tribute to indian Larry,
a friend and inspiration; and
the filigreed scrollwork of his
right arm matches the intricate
leatherwork of a favorite custom


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Billy Lane
Billy is another builder who is extremely well known for
his incredible fabrication abilities, as well as his stints on
various TV shows. Over the years, he was able to make some
really nice parts available to the free world and beyond as
Choppers INC., and he enjoyed his success for several years.
His dreadlocks and tattoos were his trademark look, and
they gained him tons of attention from female fans in the
motorcycle scene. Traditional black and gray tattoos fill
Billys arms.
In the summer of 2006, while traveling the motorcycle
rallies, I got to spend a bunch of time with Billy. He was
doing his Blood Sweat and Gears tour, and I was traveling
with Samantha Morgan of the American Motor Drome
Co. We seemed to be set up at all the same spots, and Billy
spent some time inside the drome with us. Samantha

taught Billy how to ride the go-kart on the 90-degree

wooden wall of the motor drome, and I was lucky enough
to be there and share the moment.
Billy loved listening to Sams stories of the early wall
days, as we all did. We especially liked the ones about the
Pelequin family having a lion as part of the actthats
right, a fucking lion rode along in a side hack on the wall of
death. We loved hearing these stories and looking at her
early photos. Billy was impressed with Sam, and always
supported her and the American Motor Drome crew. I
captured the moments we shared inside the wall with Sam
and I hold these moments close to my heart. Samantha
passed away a few years ago, and theres not a day goes by
that I dont think of her. One of the best memories is of her
teaching Billy Lane how to ride the Wall of Death.
Sara Liberte
Billy Lane, of Choppers inc., in
Melbourne Florida, has quite
the collection of tattoos. here
is a great photo of Billy with a
pretty lady cruising the beautiful
landscape of sturgis.

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Paul Wideman
Paul is one of the coolest cats Ive ever met, and Im truly
honored to call him my brother. Ive had the fortunate
opportunity to work beside Paul on and off for the last year
and a half or so. I can honestly say that Ive enjoyed every
last minute of itdespite the high-speed madness, and the
complete lack of any good help, we seem to have been able
to wring some fun out of almost every day spent whittling
away at a mountain of orders.
On top of it all, Paul has the greatest family on the face
of the planet, and they have welcomed me in and made
me part of that outstanding clan. No words could possibly
explain these people. They constantly help each other out;
they always strive to be the best humans that they can
possibly be; they appreciate the finer things in life and take
nothing for granted; they have more moral fiber than Lao
Tzu on a wicker swing set; they live by their values; theyre
the last of the true, patriotic Americans; and they live this
lifestyle with a relentless, common sense of humor rivaled
by few and imitated by many.
It quickly became apparent that comedy comes first in
that little slice of heaven down there in Missouri. It seems
like youre constantly laughing about something, and these
words from Paul are a testament to that. When I asked
him to write something about his tattoos, he decided
instead to make some fun of the part-time bikers who
try, and try, and try, but just cant seem to get it figured out.
And with that, heres Paul!
So, I got the killer work on my hands a few years
ago cause I knew itd look badass and my street
cred would go up. One of them is a panhead, cause
my uncle had one in the 1970s. It was the longest
chop in Little Rock! I forgot what the other one
is, and I honestly couldnt even tell you which


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one is the panhead. I just know my uncle swore by

those transmissions.
I got my Mongo tattoo as a way to conquer my
fear of huge, drunken, homosexual mariners, or the
Sexy Sailor, as they are known in some circles. It
was done by an unknown artist at a bike night at
the Hustler Club in Jackson, Mississippi. The artist
converted his Yugo into a half-car, half-RV kind of
thing, and the RV end is where he tattooed. When he
got real busy, hed open up the second station in the
front seat.
I got my Throttle Junkies tattoo after watching
Choppertown. Me and a few brothers decided itd be
cool to start our own chopper club, but not an MC,
cause we didnt want to have to drink and ride, or
be around drugs, or ever have to stand up and fight
for anything. Unfortunately, our interest didnt last
nearly as long as it took to outline the tattoo, which
is why its still unfinished.

paul Wideman of Bare knuckle Choppers has many tattoos

with personal meaning. From bike parts to the indian Larry
Question Mark tattoo, each one has a special meaning for paul.

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My chest piece started as a drawing I did when

I was in rehab for huffing porta-john chemicals
in 1998. My art was the only way for me to express
myself and to keep from going crazy, but in 2002 I
lost it in a late-night bingo game to a Puerto Rican
gambler named Suzie. I met Suzie again in the jail
at Myrtle Beach Bike Week, and he gave me back my


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art. He was finally in AA, and one of the 12 steps was

making amends for old stuff.
Paul Wideman
Bare Knuckle Choppers
Chad Lemme

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riding at sturgis, Motorcycle Gypsy Beanre boasts a broad deltoid tattoo.

Kevin Beanre
This motorcycle gypsy set out to make himself popular
for being a motorcycle nomad, and it worked. He was
featured on a few TV shows and received plenty of
media coverage in magazines for literally being at every
motorcycle rally, every year. Hes got a tattoo, which
solidifies his biker persona. He even has a book out about
his motorcycle travels.
To be honest, I cant remember the first time I met
Beanre, its like Ive known the guy all along, and Ive always
enjoyed the time spent with him. Beanre is one of those
guys whose outlook on life is that its way too short to
worry about little things. He knows that tomorrow is
not guaranteed, so hed better get out there and make
the most of today. And I guess thats probably why hes
so much fun to hang out with. Hes never worried about

anything, and he remains focused on how to make a great

day out of today.
When I travel to different rallies, I try to seize the
opportunity to do whats unique to the area, and ask
myself what can I do here that I cant do anywhere
else? I remember one year at the Ohio Bike Week I was
determined to go to Cedar Point amusement park, because
theres no other rally anywhere close to an amusement
park with roller coasters as big as the ones at Cedar Point.
Beanre was up for it, and we hit the gates running. The
funny part is that the rest of the guys with us were too fat
to get on any of the coasters! They literally couldnt buckle
the seatbelts and had to get off the rides. But Beanre and
I rode every coaster in sight that day, and never stopped
laughing for even a moment.
Sara Liberte
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Kevin Teach Bass

Teach is one of those great humans I was talking about
earlier: one of only a select few who shine as a beacon of
hope, restoring faith in humanity and far too humble to
ever be proud of it; a paradigm of goodness to model if we
want to push humanity forward in a fine direction. Hell,
by the time we finally left his place, we had an armful of
T-shirts, stickers, a hoodie, and some CNC wood-burning art
to boot.
I think we got ahold of him only a few hours before we
landed on his doorstep, and he welcomed us in to his home
and shop like we were family coming home. We sat and

talked about everything and nothing, snapped a few photos,

and once again, I found myself entirely shut off from the
outside world by a blinding case of motorbike-induced ADD.
There was so much cool shit in his place, and Teach happily
went through and showed us every last bit of it.
On top of readily welcoming us and showing us around
(as well as the gifts), we left there with some really cool
photos of him and his tattoos, with his amazing shop serving
as the perfect backdrop. But the tattoos were something
to behold in and of themselves. All work was done by Josh
Arment at Aloha Monkey Tattoo in Burnsville, Minnesota.
Chad Lemme

kevin Bass is loaded with motorcycle

tattoos, including that amazing full
knucklehead back piece. Notice the cool
tattooed pig fetus trophy he won at a
bike showhow many people do you
know have a tattooed pig fetus?


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Jason Kangas
I remember the first time I met J. I went in to inquire about
a possible painting position, but was hired as a chassis
fabricator that same day. He brought me inside to show
me around real quick, and there were people everywhere! It
looked like a party, and there were cameramen following
Jason and fellow crew member Kai Morrison through
the necessary steps of building what was to become the
Shovelhead Kill Machine, and the eventual winner of the
Biker Build-Off on the Discovery Channel.
Back in 2008, when the idiots in the top tier of this
country fraudulently wasted the economy for us all, scores
of hacks and television-motivated builders started to
fold. Only the select few, true professionals weathered
the storm, and they are the same people who were
on the summit of the custom motorcycle world before

then. Twisted Choppers was one of those few shops.

But they had an extra, special bonus: the two dumbass
pencil jockeys in charge of their books and billing were
defrauding the shop in the same way those rotten
bastards on Wall Street were stealing from the country. It
took years to rebuild after that. Jason and Kai sold all their
shit, got regular jobs, and put in the hours at night just to
keep it going.
But the shop is up and running strong again, just like
it used to, for the last couple years. The only difference is
that Jason and Kai have parted ways to each concentrate
on their own thing, and I wish the best for both of them. If
not for these two, I wouldnt even be here writing this book,
and I wouldnt be sitting next to Sara right now. So I guess I
owe them a rather substantial thank you!
Chad Lemme

Full-color tattoos cover the arms of Jason kangas of twisted Choppers (sioux Falls, south Dakota). the artwork is by Darren Mckeag
of slingin ink.

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Kai Morrison
Kai is a custom motorcyclebuilding extraordinaire, and
professional hair farmer, and he was my boss for the
longest time. But he never saw it that way. As far as he was
concerned, we were just a bunch of idiots helping each
other build motorbikes for fun. I guess he looked at it like
he was just another employee and operated on the same
level as all of us.
Kai is also humble in the way he enjoys other peoples
stuff and is never afraid to say how other professionals
have influenced him. Billy Lane is one for sure, as you

can see in some of Kais fuel tanks. But hes got his own
interpretation of things, and proudly makes the internal
strength and rigidity of the bike his number one goal.
That focus shows in his work with heavy-duty parts,
solid mounting and bracketing, and in his use of the best
products on the market.
Kai is on his own and has a shop in Sioux Falls where
he continues his art of custom building. His shop is Kais
Kustoms, and its already piled up with work. And I cant
wait to see what comes out of that place in the near future.
Chad Lemme.
Custom bike builder kai Morrison smirks
while displaying his full-sleeve tattoos,
replete with motorbike and hot rod
culture up and down both arms (and on
his chest too).


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Johnny Chop was an extremely talented builder, one of

the few who could do all the work involved on his own.
From engine work, to fab work, to body and paint, this guy
was one of the true gems of the motorcycle builders. And
Johnny was not just a builderhe was also a true artist,
and he enjoyed everything related to art and tattooing.
Johnny was covered in traditional, colored, hot rod culture
tattoos. Full sleeves, hand tattoos, neck tattoosJohnnys
ink was part of his look, and because of it many labeled him
as the stereotypical tough guy and tattooed biker. But, as
someone lucky enough to get close to Johnny, I can tell you
that he was farthest from it. He had a heart of gold, and I
enjoyed any time spent with him. Johnny passed away in
2006 from heart complications.
Hanging with Johnny was like hanging with someone
you grew up with. You never ran out of things to talk
about, and you never felt that you had to have useless,
bullshit conversations just to fill in some awkward silence.
We talked about things we enjoyed, like motorbikes, cars,
artwork, photography, dogs, and making fun of people.
Im not ashamed to say we made fun of people walking
around at bike-related events. Hell, I think everyone does.
People love going to Main Street at a rally to make fun of
everyone wandering around in all their craziness. No one
wants to admit it, but I will. And the best part was that
we didnt give a shit. I still dont give a shit, and I know
if Johnny was still around, wed still meet up, talk about
mutually interesting things, and then find a bike or some
crazy get-up to laugh at!
Sara Liberte

the late Johnny Chop, taken too early in life, was one of
the most innovative builders in the industry; he was a true
craftsman. Bill Tinney

a personal friend taken from us too soon, a genuine artist,

and a craftsman with much to offer, Johnny Chop had some
very cool tattoos with equally cool stories.

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Johnny Chop

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Russell Mitchell

russ Mitchell and russ Marlow, both known for building

beautiful custom motorcycles, relax on a bike in Daytona.
From exile Cycles in California, russ Mitchell is covered
in traditional Japanese-style tattoos. this is another highly
stylized shot from the author sara Libertes collection.


Russell hails from England, but he made his way to

California where he created, owns, and operates Exile Cycles.
His minimalist, stripped-down black bikes took hold of the
motorcycle scene and helped curb the fat-tire, Easter egg,
custom fad that prevailed during the late 1980s through the
1990s. Usually sporting a bleached mohawk and covered in
traditional Japanese-style colored tattoos, Russell Mitchell
is always noticed; hes been featured in magazines along
with a bunch of television shows. Russell is still working out
of California, and Exile is still going strong.
I remember the first time I met Russell. We were both
at the Corbin press party in Sturgis around 2004. I had
some artwork hanging up during the party, and he was
staring at a piece from my Woman and Machine series. It
has a womans body with a motorbike running through
it. But the bike had an Exile Sprotor, and he didnt think I
knew that it was his parts on the bike in my image. So he
introduced himself and began to tell me all about his parts.
I told him that I already knew that it was his part on the
bike because not only was I the photographer, but I built
the bike as well. We struck up a friendship right away, and
he later invited me out to California to photograph him for
my builder and machine series.
Sara Liberte

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Jeff Cochran
I dont look up to very many of the builders in our industry,
but Jeff Cochran is one of them. The best example of his
talent is the swing-arm bike that he piloted in Daytona. It
must have been Bikefest 2012. Ive never really seen a plain
swing-arm, external suspension, shovelhead chassis that I
truly liked (save for the FXR, of course). Theres something
weird about how square the back half of the frame is, and
how it seems to abruptly stop right after the trans.
But this thing was entirely different. I mean, it stood up
nicely, looked and felt comfortable and agile, and it ran like
a champ. It was short and narrow, and, most importantly, it
looked like it would be a blast to ride. And Jeff so effortlessly
nailed the aesthetics on top of it all, like its just some sort of
byproduct of a solid and reliable vehicle. This is the difference
between the amateurs and the master craftsman.
Since then, Ive wanted to build another bike for myself
modeled off of that fine piece of machinery he had in

Daytona. The real kick in the face is that he apparently built

the thing in something like eight days, only to load it up
and head for the beach.
But the best part about Jeff is that hes such a genuinely
kind person. Hes helped me a few times before, always
willing to answer my questions when Im stumped, and
that is a far cry from the majority of assholes in the world,
who would just tell you to get fucked. Hes also one of the
few of our generation who weathered the economic storm
several years ago. The recession really weeded out the
hacks from the pros, who took their livelihoods much more
seriously, and the true professionals persevered.
In all sincerity, I must thank him for the great photos
and the help with this book. Hes one hell of a photographer.
Lets just assume hes good at everything, and sit back and
enjoy his fantastic work.
Chad Lemme

Bike builder, photographer, and allaround skilled artist, Jeff Cochran has
some great tattoo artwork. here, he
cruises through sturgis.

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Not many motorcyclists today actually live the true biker
lifestyle, riding all over the country, putting on miles and
miles, and standing up for bikers rights along the way. But
motorcycle photographer and journalist Rogue does, and
he has been not just for a few years, but for a few decades.
This guy is the real-deal biker. Working for Easyriders
magazine over the years, Rogue has built a solid reputation
as a freedom fighter, standing up for bikers rights and
going all the way to Washington for the fight. His Freedom
Fighter Hall of Fame tattoo is his badge of honor, and he
proudly displays it on his bicep to remind him that all the
hard work he put into fighting for bikers rights over the
years has been fought for good reason. Later, his work was

acknowledged when he was admitted into the biker hall of

fame in Sturgis, South Dakota.
If you have an interest in motorbikes, or the corresponding lifestyle, you know who Rogue is. Youve seen his photos
here and there, and youve read about his crusades over the
years. When I was first introduced to Rogue, I was extremely
humbled to discover that he was aware of my work as a
moto-journalist. I couldnt believe it! During the V-Twin Expo
in Cincinnati, we spent hours talking and getting drunk
together. Many talented people in the motorcycle industry
surrounded us, and it was all kind of surreal.
He told me tales of the political fights back in the
1970s; he told me about his efforts to get helmet laws
repealed; he told me several crazy and wild stories about
his journeys riding motorbikes across the country. I
distinctly remember him sharing his insight on the
people in this industry with me, and advising me not be
discouraged when the inevitable backstabbing happens. I
always thought those words of advice were kind of weird,
and that no one in the motorbike world would stab me in
the back. I remember thinking this was a community of
people who valued their word, valued their friendships, and
most importantly, valued their brotherhood.
His words came reeling back on the first stabbing.
Unfortunately, those words keep echoing in my head as the
years fly by, filled with more and more frequent stabbings.
As a result, Im no longer even surprised when this
happens. Im not sure there is such a thing as brotherhood.
Regardless, Ive sincerely appreciated Rogue looking out for
me over the years, and sharing all his infinite wisdom to
boot. This is what a true inspiration does for you.
Sara Liberte
Freedom fighter for bikers rights since the 70s, rogue is one
biker who demands respect. hes a true biker in every sense of
the word.


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Billy Tinney
When I started this project, I knew I couldnt do a biker
tattoo book without getting in touch with photographer
Billy Tinney. Billy has been with Easyriders magazine for
41 years. His career started in the early 1960s after he
traded a sawed-off shotgun for a 35mm camera. When he
noticed an ad in the magazine looking for an avid biker
and photographer, he jumped on that grenade without
a thought. Billy was ready to submit his photographs to
the publication.
He rode to Daytona, shot 100 rolls of film, and left the
entire Easyriders staff in complete awe as to how he didnt
get killed capturing some of the images he did, especially
because of who some of the riders in the photos were.
This started the relationship between Billy and
Easyriders. Over the years, Billy focused on shooting bikes,
girls, and tattoos. Fast-forward to 1976, Houston, Texas, for
the first world tattoo convention, comprised of names like
Dave Yurkew, Mr. Tramp, Randy Adams, and Crazy Ace. All
of these people helped Billy merge his motorcycle career
with his love of tattoos. Later, in 1980, Tattoo magazine
was born, and half of the publication consisted of Billys
images. The magazine was a little too cutting edge for its
time, and because of that, it didnt really have a place on the
newsstands. The right to the publication name Tattoo was
lost, but a guy named Bob Bitchen ran nine issues with it.
It wasnt long before Easyriders bought back the title, and
Tattoo magazine was finally on its way.
Over the years, Billy hung out with some of the best
and most widely known biker tattoo artists, such as Gil
Monty and Brian Everett. At every event in Daytona, these
guys set up an underground tattoo shop across the street
from the Boothill Saloon. Billy often built a makeshift

studio down there to shoot the work these guys were

putting out.
Four decades and a lifetime of work later, Billy can say
that he has been with Easyriders magazine the longest. As
well as being a staff photographer, he is also editor in chief
of Tattoo magazine, which celebrated its 25th anniversary
in 2012. He is also one hell of an awesome guy and an
inspiration to someone like me.
Sara Liberte

photographer Billy tinney has been a longtime contributor to

the biker culture. hes lost none of his touch (nor his hair!), and
were proud to feature him in 1,000 Biker Tattoos.

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i have no idea who this man is, but he

just had a great rider look to him
this guy would never drag his chopper
behind on a trailer to a rally halfway
across the country.


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Other Tattooed Bikers

Charlie is a long-haired stunt rider

in the american Motor Drome (and its
hard to spot his tattoos as he whips by!).

above left and left: Motorcycle

stunt riders the starr Boyz are tattooed

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keeping the famous name alive, Bobby seeger owns indian Larry Motorcycles.


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tattoo Duke rests under a tent with

Goth Girl at a motorcycle rally.

Featured in the Discovery Channels Motorcycle Women,

Goth Girl has some amazing ink. she sports an indian Larry
tribute tattoo, as she was a close friend to Larry.

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From soCal speed shop, Jimmy shine

has plenty of tattoos with personal
meaning. this stylized shot is from
the author sara Libertes personal
art studio.
above right: Jerry Covington is a
custom bike builder and tattoo fan. Check
out the winking skull on his forearm.

riding in sturgis, Bill Dodge of Blings

Cycles cruises down the road.


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scott Webster sends some love with

a full sleeve of tattoos as he chills with
pre-tattoo sleeve Jody perewitz during
Daytona Bike Week a few years ago.
Bike builder, designer, leather
worker, writer, and incredible artist,
author Chad Lemme is adorned with
some amazing ink. anything less
than amazing is not an option for
this perfectionist.

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Unusual Tattoos, Murals, and More

As we were hanging out one night discussing full-sleeve

tattoos (along with neck and hand tattoos), we noticed
a rant about this exact topic on Facebook from a mutual
friend of ours. We contacted him and asked him if we could
include his thoughts in this book; it was too perfect not to
share with everyone. Jed went off, jabbering on about the
exact shit we were talking about at that moment, and it
basically hit home with everyone we interviewed. From
tattooed people, to tattoo artists, and everyone in between,
they all pretty much shared the same sentiments as Jed.
Here he is.
Maybe Im just getting old, but I keep seeing these
damn kidsand grown-ass men as well, I suppose
getting tattooed ass backwards. Starting with a huge
neck/throat piece, then they do their fucking hands
up. So, you see these dudes with a flannel buttoned
up, and they look fully tattooed. Then they take off
the shirt, and they dont have a single piece on em.
What the fuck? Im all for tattooing the shit out of
yourself, but come on, guys! That shit is weak as hell.
When I was growing up, the neck and hands
were usually the last things you got done once you
had a good amount of ink. Now it seems like its all
up front. The shits so watered down. Getting a huge
piece on your throat or neck, and every inch of your
hands, doesnt mean shit. Its not about the art or
meaning of the tattoo anymore, its about covering
your real estate as fast as possible. Maybe its the

evolution of the art form or some shit, but when I

got my first tattoo it was important to me. In fact,
every one of my tattoos tells a story or represents a
memory from my life so far.
I just dont see how these young kids can slap
down Moms credit card, or hit the trust fund to
get their fucking full sleeves done in one or two
sittings! It doesnt mean anything to em! Do they
bring in a magazine and tell the artist, I want it
just like this, but different? All the personal time
spent thinking out each piece, and really figuring
out what you want to be on you forever, is long
gone. Man, now its just cool to get covered as fast as
possible, starting with the spots youre most likely
to regret, or catch hell for later in life. I dont regret
a single tattoo, but that doesnt mean that I dont
have a few ghetto ones.
But that used to be part of the process
getting a homemade or impulsive tattoo when it
meant everything to you. Now, Ill admit, if I had
a disposable income, rich folks, or a trust fund of
some sort, Id have a lot more tattoos than I do now.
One thing that I have noticed is the quality of work
out there has gotten way better. These artists today
are unbelievably talented, and are pushing the
envelope and raising the bar every day. The tattoos
look better, but the meaning is so much less than it
used to be. Now, the guy at the party with no ink is
the one standing out; hes the one looking different.
Its a strange evolution.
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I remember back when it was almost impossible

to find a shop that would do facial tattoos. Even
hands and the high neck area were a big deal. It was
a major decision. Oh well, Im done with my rant.
But I must say, get tattooed. Get drilled on. Cover
yourself head to fucking toe if you want! But for
fucks sake, think about the meaning behind the
tattoos. Do they tell a story? Do they tell the story
of your life? Do they show your experience and the

Forever Two Wheels; diehard

enthusiasts live by this moto. here, its
scrolled across the back with a wicked,
winged skull and riding cap.

a home-based garage usually

looks something like thisparts
everywhere, and the owner/mechanic
covered in tattoos.


things that make you a unique person? Or are you

just getting work done to shock people? Or are you
getting tattoos because its cool, and cool kids have
tattoos? Too many cool kids doing the same shit
fucks up a cool thing by definition.
Jed Kemsley
Heavily Tattooed in
Port Townsend, Washington
Sara Liberte

this hellrider burns away the past as

he rockets down a country road. You
can tell this biker is far from home, but
that it probably rests easy in his heart.

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Jody perewitz, known now for setting

land speed records on the Bonneville
salt Flats, has put in many hours
creating this full sleeve.

George the painters amazing back

piece is a closeup shovelhead engine.
the artwork was done by rickie pan.
another adoring fan stands nearby.
Jody has begun work on her other arm, stenciling in a gypsy-like companion.

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Jeff kelderman had this entire sleeve done in tribute to early

indian motorcycles, some of his very first bikes. the artwork is
by Darren Mckeag of slingin ink. Crazy Asian Photography


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this chest piece mural is awesome

high speed, Log Dragbut damn,
i cant help but look at the snake
through Charlie the Nomads tongue
piercing hole. Wow.
No snake here, but its easier to see
Charlies spark plugs and wrenches.

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Custom bike builder Dave perewitz

has tattoos on this full sleeve dating
many years back. No matter how far
you cast back, tattoos and moto-culture
are inextricably entwined.

Daves leg has some ink with an

aquatic mural showcasing his love for
the sea life.


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Custom painter robert pradke has an

arm filled with objects with special
meaning: an airbrush, some hot rods,
flames, and a tribute to indian Larry,
a true inspiration to all craftsmen. his
other arm features a grinning devil,
and a tempting mistress!

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Darren Mckeag lays out some

artwork for a mural all about
engine parts.

Many people bring friends along

for the ride as they sit in the chair for a
new tattoo. sometimes friends provide
moral support, but more often theyre
just there to have someone to talk to. if
the artist is talented, maybe theyll have
gained another customer.


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Now this is a motorbike muralthe

entire arm is covered in h-D logos,
flames, and other symbols.

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i like this muralits got all kinds

of surprises scattered throughout,
including a spark plug, a chain, some
shells, skulls, and more.
above right: i like the placement of
the sprocket around the elbow with the
motorcycle chain leading back up the
armvery cool and inspired mural work.

Find the magneto on this arm

could prove challenging, as its
wedged in the middle of many other
intriguing components.

how cool is a skull top piston? id

say its totally awesome, and its a killer
piece in this arm mural.


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this mural is loaded with lots of

motorbike goodies, including engines,
logos, flames, hot rods, lightning bolts,
spark plugs, and a bedeviled porky pig.
this mural literally has it all.

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this mural features traditional coloring and typical motorcycle themes, including pistons, wings, flames, hot rods, and skulls. the fine
line detail work is amazing, and the coloring makes this an outstanding full sleeve. It was done by Darren McKeag of Slingin Ink.


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a very cool rat rod is perfect for this

forearm mural.
this hand bone mural features a cool
split rocker shovel.
Below right: like the creepy green
skull with the red hot devil lady
intertwined on this mural piece. Skulls
and women go together well on a
bikers arm!

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heres another full color mural loaded

with automotive and motorcycle icons.
Some of it is still a work in progress, but
that is the best part of doing a mural
the excitement of being able to add to it.


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neck tattoos are becoming more

popular; years ago, you never would
have seen a waiter or waitress covered
in tattoos. In many of todays coffee
shops, bistros, pizza parlors, and more,
much of the staff are sporting tattoos.
Many young people today sport
mural tattoos. they may not ride, but
they certainly enjoy the ink.

Usually feared by those who dont know, graybeards

with tattoos are more times often than not the most awesome,
kind, and caring bikers of them all.

I dont know whats more impressivethis guys full sleeve

or his full beard.

Bright and colorful, this young lady stands out at Daytona

Bike Week for her super bright mural artwork.


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one of the coolest mural pieces

we have come across belongs to Jeff
Kelderman. this one was done by
Darren McKeag of Slingin Ink.

tattoo artist Latricia horstman has a rockin full sleeve tattoo. here, she hangs with
good friends in Sturgis, South Dakota.

this is a great portrait of ed roth,

and features amazing detail work by
Darren McKeag.

two full tattoo sleeves, a yellow street glide, and a matching

yellow python: just another day at ohio Bike Week.

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Left and below: Girls with full sleeves

and panheads are extremely popular
with the biker boys!

rockabilly music is huge at

motorcycle rallies, and the musicians
are usually motorcycle riders
themselves, often covered in tattoos.


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Jimmy Shine of So-Cal Speed Shop

has some cool murals on his arms.

This was too cool not to feature! A bleeding heart gives way to
veins and arteries branching into a symbol of freedomthe eagles
wingsbefore the mural continues in the flesh, sinews, and bones
of his right arm. Shutterstock

Heres another full sleeve loaded with cool things to

explore. Bill Tinney

Back Pieces and Bodies

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It looks like many personal memories

fill this full sleeve. Bill Tinney

Its always great to really check out a full sleeve, to find all the small details, and to listen to the personal stories that go with the
art. Bill Tinney


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I love the black, gray, and red ink on

this full sleeve dedicated to the moto
culture. Bill Tinney

Artist D.C. of Willies Tropical Tattoo put some hours into the
start of this full sleeve.

This is a cool mural of an engine blowing up with parts flying everywhere and lots
of flames. Bill Tinney

Back Pieces and Bodies

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Tattoo Regret

When you hang out at many of the motorcycle events

across the country, youre in the perfect position to see
thousands and thousands of tattoos. In some instances
youll find some truly amazing workpossibly the best
youve ever seen. But youll most certainly find some of the
worst too! And sometimes you sit and you wonder, what in
the fuck was that guy thinking when he got that?
First on the list of reasons for tattoo regret is the
artist. More often than not, the client chooses a shitty
artist based on price. And it goes without sayingyou get
what you pay for. This couldnt be any truer than when it
applies to tattooing. You most certainly get what you pay
for in this field.
The second foul face of tattoo regret is shown on the
customers themselves. For example, he or sheoften
in a drunken stuporchose some dreadful design to
have tattooed on their hides, thinking they were ready
to take on the world. And even if they werent drunk, it
was probably still a spur-of-the-moment thing. Tattoo
regret often appears on a bicep or leg as the name of a
fling the client thought they were in love with at some
point or another.
On the arms, legs, and backs of many misled clients,
weve seen twisted and warped bikes with three legs,
some with five legs, and motorcycles so out of proportion
they look like a childs rendition of a Hot Wheels set. The
worst thing about this part of tattooing is just how many
mislabeled artists have no shame for their lack of talent,

and no remorse for permanently fucking up some poor

guys real estate.
Sara Liberte
I look up to a very small niche of artists, and I constantly
study their work. I try to learn as much as I can from them,
and I distinctly remember my brother Darren, upset about
a second really bad tattoo that he had to fix that same day,
going off to several of us hanging around his shop. He is
often saddened when hacks are allowed to ruin peoples
skinpeople like the rotten bastards who earn their
apprenticeship in prison using ashes and a guitar string
from atop a cell shitter.
Even worse yet is the fact that local people often go
to these neighborhood shops because theres absolutely
nothing good to compare them to; they base their
assessment of tattooing on the crap displayed. Making
matters worse is all of these tattooing shows on TV giving
the no-talent shitbags the awful idea of setting up shop
and raking in the money in the first place. No education,
no talent, and nothing good to come of it.
My brother Willie in Daytona used to run the only
place in the area to get a tattoo. Shows start airing on
TV and suddenly theres dozens of shops all crammed
into one area, and they all do shit work for cheap. Now
not only are the true professionals fucked, but worst
of all, these bastards are giving the entire industry a
bad name.
BaCK pIeCeS anD BoDIeS

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Some tattoo regret stories are hilarious, though. Think

of the idiot tattoo artist tattooing an idiot client who cant
spell, or when either one or the other of the idiots is drunk.
Imagine some misfortunate cretin wandering into a tattoo
shop, wanting the name of his new wife (who he just met in
Vegas last night) tattooed on his face.
A motorcycle rally is the perfect place to gather all of
these tattooed and sun-soaked sasquatches with no more
intelligence than a shovelhead. And if you look in the right
direction, at the right time, with a heavily trained eye,
youre certain to see something ridiculous.

hanging out at Slingin Ink

(Grinnell Iowa) is the perfect remedy
for tattoo regret.

Sometimes I wonder how many of them regret the

whole thing. Its nearly impossible to pinpoint whos to
blame for some of this shit. Of course, nobody wants to
take the blame. So what often happens is the squatch
blames the artist and the artist blames the squatch.
For some, the only way to avoid tattoo regret is to not
get a tattoo. Heres some food for thought along those lines.
Chad Lemme

I think this is supposed to be a tattoo

of ace Freeley of KISS, provided ace
were a woman.

never tattoo someones name on

yourself. this guy learned his lesson
the hard wayelizabeth is his ex-wife.
Fortunately, its not too noticeable
. . . right?


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What is that on top of the deer skull?

a yarmulke?

nothing like a tattoo to

commemorate the time you got drunk,
hit the pavement, got pulled over, then
failed the walk the line test.

Sometimes a tattoo seems like a great

idea at the moment, but the decision
often turns into tattoo regret. Is that
thing even symmetrical?

BaCK pIeCeS anD BoDIeS

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Usually the tramp stamp goes on the back of the body. Do you think she simply forgot to turn over?

the only redemption from tattoo regret is if you find a great

coverup artist who can remedy your mistake.


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Sometimes going small is a good way

to be conservative if youre not sure
you want to commit to something very
big. But its better to go through with it
than to half-ass it, as this guy did!

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a tramp stamp usually screams I like to

party, and some guys get a huge kick
out of these wherever they can find
them. Many women enjoy them when
theyre young, but good luck getting
that thing removed later.

BaCK pIeCeS anD BoDIeS

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Tattoo Art
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Tattooing always exposes you to a huge variety of people from all professions and lifestyles.
You hear the most fantastic and unbelievable stories, sometimes without even asking. People really
trust in you and open up about their lives. You can make friends for life.

Tattoo Artists

any tattoo artists

specialize in biker
tattoos, but only a
select few are truly
sought out by bikers.
This is mostly due
to word of mouth,
as compared to
mainstream media
advertising. If one of your brothers recommends a
tattoo artist, youre much more apt to go to that artist.
Its common practice to take the word of your best biker
brother over just blindly picking out an artist on your
own when it comes to having something permanently
embedded in your skin.
When trying to find the best of the best in a tattoo
artist, you must first consider what your idea or design
will be. Some artists are best at portraits, some are best
at lettering, and some are best at freehand designs. And
even if some are the best at what they do, some bikers
use several tattoo artists to embroider their bodies. For
example, they would have one artist solely for portraits,
and one whos better at the freehand stuff for other art. If
you find a talented artist in all venues, book earlyjack-of-

all-ink artists have incredibly long waiting periods, often

over a year out.
We spoke with many bikers and artists to find out who
the most sought-after tattoo artist is among bikers today.
We couldnt narrow the list down to just one name, since
too many people were repeatedly being mentioned. So we
compiled a list of artists with the best reputations among
bikers today, and here they are.

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Darren McKeag lays down some color on this arm piece.

Darren McKeag,
Slingin Ink tattoo
Grinnell, Iowa

Darren is the kind of guy who volunteers to dive headfirst

into underground tunnels with nothing more than
a flashlight and a .45 to hunt down and eliminate the
remaining Viet Cong forces burrowed deep inside whatever
hill they had just shelled or scorched with napalm. Hes the
guy who audibly farts in the middle of a wedding service,
just for something to laugh about, and still goes home with

a bridesmaid. Hanging out with him is always a story in

and of itself, and if I were to share a few of them, Im sure
we could land ourselves in jail for quite a stretch.
I remember going to a swap meet just down the road
from Darrens place on a Sunday afternoon with the hopes
of securing a random part or two. We wound up in this
massive bar brawl a few hours later, blind drunk, and not
a single part to go home with. Dozens of people, some
we had only met an hour or two before this, just fucking
demolishing the place. There were three or four women in

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other artists working in the shop

occasionally swing by to check on a
tattoo in progress.
artist Darren McKeag (right) is always
a welcome sight at a motorcycle rally.
Bart Alan

a first-aid kit is never far at a

tattoo parlor. Where do you think this
ones from?

When visiting a tattoo shop for the

first time, look for awards, recognitions,
magazine articles, and other accolades
these all show the shop has good
credentials with talented artists.

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Settling into a groove, Darren plugs

away at this tattoo with his reference
taped to the arm for visual guide.
Darren McKeag begins the first step
in creating an original tattoothe
drawing phase.


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once the design and template is complete, it is placed

on the intended body area, and if the placement is good to go,
the inking process begins.

Darren McKeag is renowned for his amazing detail work.

the mix! One took off after me with a fucking Taser while
I was teeing off on her husband, and some random arm
came flying out of left field and knocked her out cold just
a split second before she blasted me with hundreds of
thousands of volts of pissed-off electricity. The last time I
got thrashed with one of those things, I lost control of my
bowels and couldnt use my right leg for almost a week.
But this is what happens when you hang out with
Darren. Its inevitable. I remember heaving what mightve
been a motorcycle over the side of a bridge on A1A in
Daytona one morning. We stripped down naked and
walked in front of Willies surveillance cameras like a couple
of bareassed Sasquatch, only to find there were fucking
alligators wandering around the area that night. Later,
we came under heavy fire while cruising the back roads
of Pensacola, searching for a baby alligator to bring home.
This was all within 48 hours! And it goes on and on and on,
every damn time.
But, aside from operating motorcycles far beyond
the manufacturers specified recommendations (or just
outright blowing the poor things up), and aside from
breaking things that were supposed to remain intact, and
burning things that were supposed to remain unburnt,
and unclothing people who should forever remain clothed,
Darren is one hell of an artist. He can pinstripe and paint
with the best of em, but its his tattoo work thats a marvel
to behold. Ive always looked up to him as an artist, as well
as a person, and have spent days of my life studying his
work. I could only dream of being as good as he is.
Many people work hard for an entire lifetime and still
pale in comparison to him. And theres clear proof of this
with every new tattoo he rolls out at his shop. I feel very
fortunate that I get to call him my true brother; its an
honor to simply know him. Hes the real deal. Hes not one
of these assholes who pretends to be a tough guy or boasts
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Darren McKeag is the highly sought owner of Slingin Ink, in Grinnell, Iowa. he is renowned for his amazing
detail work.

artist alex Vance of Slingin Ink works on a full stomach piece.


Scott Bruggeman of Slingin Ink draws a tattoo for his next

client. this is often the first step for many artists.

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the artists of Slingin Ink tattooDarren, Scottie B, alex, and Dan.

about his mileshe runs a beefed-up chop 110 miles

an hour the entire way, blasting through traffic like a
fuckin squirrel shot out of an industrial-sized water
balloon launcher.
He lives in a garage and on the road. He brings a
feeling of envious bewilderment to weekend warriors.
He lives the life every dude dreams about, and if given

the opportunity to try it, these guys claiming to be all

hardcore and tough as .50 barrels would fold after only
a few days, if that. He lives it. If you set your sights on
insanity, and damn the torpedoes, you just might find him,
haulin ass through destruction, cause he came to offend
and destroy.
Chad Lemme

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Long Jon and Pinky

Sacred Skin tattoo
payson, arizona

One of the first shops we visited to start work on this

project was Sacred Skin Tattoo in Payson, Arizona.
Sacred Skin is run by husband-and-wife duo Amanda
Pinky and Jon Long Jon Barwood. Both of these
artists ride motorcycles and even travel to motorcycle
rallies with a kickass mobile tattoo studio/trailer.
Theyve built a solid reputation based on amazing
artwork within the motorcycle/tattoo scene. This
talented couple walks the walk. They live the lifestyle
that they cater to, and are true artists of their craft,
and its an honor to call them friends. They welcomed
us with open arms to not only their shop, but also to
their home. These two are in the upper echelon of the
few great humans left on this earth.
We asked Pinky to tell us about her life (one that many
dream of living). And in her humble way, she shared this
with us.
One of the best parts of my life is my job. I dont
think many people would say that, but for me its
very true. I decided to become a tattoo artist about
seven years ago; I have always been an artist, so it
was a logical choice for me, given my love for art,
people, and cultures on the fringe of society. I also
love being tattooed, and having the opportunity to
tattoo others is a real gift.
My husband, Long Jon, is a tattoo artist as well,
and we met when I was seeking an apprenticeship
at Sacred Skin Tattoo. He chose to mentor me, and
teach me what I needed to know to become a tattoo
artist. It took about a year and a half to complete
my apprenticeship, at which time I began my
professional tattooing career.

About three years after I started working for

Sacred Skin, Long Jon and I decided to take the show
on the road. We remodeled a new fifth-wheel into
a tattoo studio, complete with living quarters. For
two summers, we traveled all across the country
doing tattoos. We worked at family reunions, fullscale bike rallies, and everything in between. We
found our niche with the biker events.
Not only do we tattoo, but we ride motorcycles
as well. It just made sense. As much fun as it is to
travel, tattoo, hear the bands, and see the madness
that tends to ensue, there is a lot of pressure
being on the road. The clients can be less than
clean, having slept in the dirt. Not to mention the
drinking! Drunken people are unavoidable in some
situations and are extremely difficult to work with.
The tattoos we do on the road tend to be more
of a novelty to commemorate an experience, or
small enough to do in one sitting. We were often so
overwhelmed with business that we would miss
whole events without coming out of the trailer, and
before we knew it, it was time to leave for the next
event. All that being said, there is no way to describe

amanda pinky Barwood of Sacred Skin tattoo in payson, arizona,

whips up a custom creation for a client at her drawing desk.

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pinky lays down some ink on a new client.

the world that opened up to us because of our trade

and our choice to travel.
Tattooing always exposes you to a huge variety
of people from all professions and lifestyles. You
hear the most fantastic and unbelievable stories,
sometimes without even asking. People really trust
in you and open up about their lives. You can make
friends for life. We got to know so many people
who ride, or build motorcycles. Some make custom
goods, or art. Some are performers, photographers,
or journalists. Some were just attending the
event and would never see us again, but made an
impression in their own way. To this day, we can go

almost anywhere and find a friend who is willing to

entertain us or put us up for the night.
But, as much fun as we had on the road, the two
of us wanted a slower pace. We wanted to be able to
spend more time with our clients ,working on larger
custom artwork. We also wanted to be able to travel
for recreation so that we could actually spend some
time with all of the great folks we met. As a result,
we opened Sacred Skin in Payson, Arizona.
We love living in a small town and having the
opportunity to ride out of here when we need a
change of pace. Now that we have been in our home
studio for a while, I have had time to focus on doing
tattoo art

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Long Jon takes a rest before the next

client arrives for her new custom ink.


Long Jon Barwood of Sacred Skin tattoo

in payson, arizona, does some research in his
office for a clients custom tattoo.

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art that I love. I really enjoy doing portrait-style

tattoos, large custom neo-traditional tattoos, and
anything to do with nature. I like experimenting
with really bright colors and flow patterns with a
lot of movement.
In my free time, I try to paint and draw as much
as I can, or do something creative every day. There is
no greater satisfaction than loving what you do for
a living. Being able to get out there and actually live
your life is priceless.
Pinky is one of those people you cant help but admire.
Not only because of the life she leads, but also because
shes aware of it. She enjoys the moment and appreciates
it all. Shes not bogged down by the humdrum worries
that society so easily places on people trying to get ahead
in the rat race. Shes an amazing artist and even more
amazing person.
Of course we wanted to hear Long Jons take on how
he got to be where he is as a highly sought-after tattoo
artist. He has an outstanding reputation among bikers as

a great tattooist and an even greater reputation as a solid,

stand-up guy. Heres what he has to say:
I am a biker, and Im proud to use that term. I
am also a tattoo artist. I earned the right to call
myself that by serving a proper, traditional tattoo
apprenticeship almost twenty years ago. Choppers
and ink have been the focus of the entirety of my
adult life, and theyre both attributes that my
parents fucking hate. To them, its a loud, raucous,
rebellious, dirt-encrusted lifestyle; to me, those are
the aspects that so perfectly illustrate freedom.
If you dont automatically know what Im talking
about, you are reading the wrong book.
I wasnt always Mr. Artist Person, or Mr. Biker
Dude, for that matter. In fact, I grew up quite the
opposite. But somehow, I morphed into a tattoo
artist and a biker, allowing life to lead me down
the road.
I scored my first bike in the late 1980s and
have never been without at least one since. Harley
panhead choppers are my idea of the perfect
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collision of function and form. I went to college

in Southern California and majored in magazine
journalism. I was lucky enough to write for
various tattoo and motorcycle lifestyle magazines
throughout the 1990s.
I stumbled upon the chance to take a tattoo
apprenticeship in the middle of back-woods
Tennessee in 1995. Since learning my trade, its the
only thing Ive done for a living, and Ive worked
literally all over the country while owning/operating
several tattoo studios throughout the years.
Currently, I hang my hat in a little mountain
town called Payson, Arizona, where I live with my
beautiful tattoo artist wife, Pinky, three dogs, a
stable of motorcycles and cars, and a cat named
Jesco. We operate Sacred Skin Tattoo Studio and
absolutely love it. We have a mobile tattoo studio
also, and have spent summers past traveling our
beautiful country and tattooing on the road to
finance our adventures.


I have had the good fortune to live like others

vacation, and that to me is quality of life. I owe
virtually all of the quality in my life to tattoos and
motorcycles in some very basic manner.
Like we said, these two are the real deal, living the life
and enjoying every minute of it, and never taking one
second for granted. We got to experience watching people
come into Sacred Skin and get tattooed, and it was an
incredible experienceyou can almost feel the good intent
and positive vibes behind the efforts of both Pinky and
Long Jon. We enjoyed speaking with their clients, who were
all completely stoked about the new art they just received.
Long Jon and Pinky are incredible people, and were
definitely honored to call them our friends. They have an
outlook on life that we rarely see; you could try a lifetime to
be as humble and as positive as they are, and never come
close. They have our eternal respect, and we cant thank
them enough for their kindness.

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Long Jons lays down the gun and applies

some fresh ink on this young girl. Most
times clients come in with an idea, then
its then up to the artist to turn it into a
design that will look as good or better
on the fresh canvas of skin.

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Tim Jewell &

Chad Kirschenmann
Ink & Iron tattoo
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

tim Jewell of Ink & Iron tattoo

(Sioux Falls, South Dakota) lays down
some work.

Chad Kirschenmann, owner of

Ink & Iron, works on some original
tattoo designs.

a chilly day at Ink & Iron tattoos

in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.


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Richie Pan
Dark Star Tattoo
Toms River, New Jersey

Heres more work from

Richie Pan. I cant say much
about it except that its
Dark Star Tattoos in New
Jersey is the home of wellknown biker tattoo artist
Richie Pan.

Rich Panarra, aka Richie Pan, was born in July of 1965, in

Elizabeth, New Jersey, across the water from New York
City. Richie told me that his art career started at a young
age. I was never good with school, so I turned to art. Then,
motorcycles became my second passion when I figured out
that I wasnt making any of the sports teams, he said.
Near the age of 10, Richie had a neighbor nicknamed
Spider. Spider was a dirty old biker with tattoos, he said,
who built bikes and hot rods in his garage. I would make it
a point to find my way over to his house as often as I could.
He had a large impact on my lifestyle. It was also this time
when I got turned on to biker artist David Mann, who I
would say is another influence on me, between my art and
my bikes.
In 1978, Richies parents moved the family out of
Elizabeth and into a town in the suburbs named Howell.
I had to say goodbye to Spider, who turned me on to
bikes and hot rods, and I ended up saying hello to my new
neighbor, Danny Wolf. Lucky for me, I wound up with a new,
cool neighbor.
Danny was the owner of Wolfs Den Tattoo Shop
and was the person Richie would have to thank for
getting him turned on to tattoos. Other than my greatgrandfather, who was a sailor during the first war, his
[Wolfs] tattoos were the first I ever remember seeing. It
was funny how two neighbors had such an impact on
me: Spider got me hooked on bikes, and Danny got me
hooked on tattoos.
It wouldnt take long for Richie to start riding bikes. I
started riding bikes when I was 17, but didnt own a Harley
until I was 21. My first bike was a 1980 Sportster, and the
next thing I know, Im into panheads, and I never looked

TaTToo arT

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backhence the name, Richie Pan. I have been riding for

close to 30 years, and been tattooing for over 20 years.
Danny gave me my roots, and the Piperato Brothers gave
me my first job.
The Piperato Tattoo shops were hardcore biker tattoo
shops back in the day. These guys had shops like what I
think every shop should be, the kind you would be afraid
to walk into. And not like todays hipster shops that sell
panties, pocketbooks, and tattoos. Tattoo shops were a
place where you lost your panties and pocketbook. Man,
has this business gotten soft! I worked for different shops

Willie Jones
Willies tropical tattoo
ormond Beach, Florida

When talking about bikers and tattoos, theres one name

that could never be overlooked: Willy Jones, owner and
operator of Willies Tropical Tattoo in Ormond Beach,
Florida. Not only is Willies a great place to get a quality
tattoo, but its an iconic destination of Bike Week and
Biketoberfest in Daytona. With so much to talk about, it
made sense to start at the beginning, so Willie filled us in
on how it all went down.

in New Jersey, right up until 11 years ago when I opened my

own place: Dark Star Tattoo, in Toms River, New Jersey. And
no, we dont sell panties, and were not that hip!
Biker tattooists dont get any more real than Richie Pan.
He lives the life, and has put in the hours over the years
to earn the respect and credit he deserves. You have to
love how he remembers the guys that who such a strong
influence over him when he was young. The impressions
these guys made helped mold him into the amazing artist
he is today, and you cant help but respect someone who
knows where his roots are.

Ive seen the changes during Bike Week over

the years, and it continues to change. When I was
younger, I met a guy named Mo. He was a mechanic
over at the bike shop on Beach Street, and he was
the biggest influence on me. Mo took me under his
wing, taught me lots about bikes and tattoos. He
was covered with tattoos, and started to tattoo
himself. He taught me almost everything I know.
Mo never got to be a big-time tattooist, but he
meant lots to me.

I was born in Daytona and grew up in Fort Pierce. I

lived close to a bike shop and was interested in bikes
ever since. We moved back to Daytona, and I bought a
Harley Sportster when I was 15 years old. And I couldnt
even legally own the bike, but I have been with a bike
ever since. I spent some time selling auto parts and
got to hanging out with the mechanics I sold parts to.
All of these guys had bikes, and of course being from
Daytona, we had plenty to do around bikes.

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Snow is something not to worry

about at Willies tropical tattoo near
ormond Beach, Florida.
ohio Bike Week is a busy time for
tattoo artists.

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In the 1980s, I owned a bike shop with three

other guys. We mostly worked on older bikes like
pans and shovels, and we stayed busy. My goal was
to open a tattoo shop, and around the early 1990s,
the opportunity came up, and I bought the shop.
Willies Tropical Tattoo was one of the only shops in
Florida at the time, and was the most sought-after
tattoo shop in the southeast. That was until the TV
shows came along, and Miami Ink made its mark.
During the 1990s, tattoos were still taboo, and we
had a hell of a time keeping the shop open. I had to
hire lawyers and fight to keep from being outlawed.
We asked Willie to tell us about his Chopper Time
show, the bike show held on Thursday during Bike Week,
right in the parking lot of the tattoo shop. Its been a
tradition for more than 13 years.


Basically I started doing the show because of all of

the guys working for me. I would have like 15 guys
working at the shop during Bike Week, and they
would get mad that they had to miss out on all of
[the] Bike Week happenings. Working the hours we
were putting in, wed be tattooing till like six in the
morning. So I thought wed bring some of Bike Week
to the shop. And besides this, guys were already
starting to meet up at my shop on Thursdays
anyway, so it just made sense.
From traveling around to other rallies and
meeting other bikers, whenever these guys rolled
into town for Bike Week they would swing by the
shop to say hi. A tradition kind of started with me, Jeff
Cochran, Donny Loos, and Adam Chandler. They would
roll up to the shop on Wednesday afternoon and we

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would all take a ride to Lollipops. Next thing you know,

they would all swing by on Thursday just to hang out.
At this point I met this cat named Roadside
Marty, and asked him to man the mic, and to make
the announcements of the winners for the show.
Marty told me he didnt know anything about
doing something like that, but man hes perfect
at it, and has been doing it ever since. I always ask
builders to make some cool trophies for the prizes,
and the show has become kind of a place to meet,
to get inspired, and check out some amazing bikes.
Now everyone knows that this is the place to be on
Thursday during Bike Week.
We also asked Willie to tell us just how busy the shop
gets during Bike Week.

Willie Jones and Darren McKeag are two amazing tattoo shop

You know, its different these days. Bike Week

is different, and the people getting tattooed are
different. We used to get a ton of walk-ins who just
wanted flash art tattoos that would take a few
hours. They would pick something out off the wall.
But today, more and more people want customcreated artwork that takes time. You cant just walk
in and get a custom-created tattoo in 30 minutes
like you see on TV. So these days, people come in and
make appointments, meet with the artists, and get
the project rolling.
I have about 10 guys working for me now. DC
came to work here in the 1990s. He likes to travel
around to other shops and is always riding. Hes got
a reputation with bikers, and is always at the bike
events. One of my other artists, Joe DelbuonoI
actually sold him a bike when he first came to town,
and he has been working for me ever since. He rides
all over as well, and hits up the other bike events too.
Got some great guys working for me. Like Clay. He is
my right-hand man, rides a panhead, and Ive never
seen him in a car. Just on that old bike. We have been
friends since the 1970s.
We could have kept the conversation going and going
indefinitely, and I love the stories from back in the day, but
we decided to end by asking Willie about his thoughts on
the tattoo reality TV showsI hate them. Reality shows
are a lot like politics: full of shit.
If you havent been to Willies Tropical Tattoo, make sure
you stop by and tell them Lemme and Sara sent ya. They
are amazing people and have a really cool shop.

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Jim Frizzell,
Some-fucking-where, USa

In the early morning hours, facing a bout of insomniainduced boredom, I focused my attention to the important
task of examining the Book of Faces; to the bewilderment
of my prying eyes, I stumbled across an amazing and
terrifying thing: the existence of one James Frizzell, brother
of the infamous white-trash icon and original American
motherfucker, George the Painter. And I remember thinking,
Mother of God! Theres two of these fuckin guys?!
Curiosity mixed with fear. Then I caught a glimpse of
a passing photo bearing some type of mutant teddy bear
octopus thing slithering its way across a plain white T-shirt.
I scrolled back. What I saw was disturbing and amazing all
at once. So I asked George if it was in fact his brother, and
my suspicions were confirmed.
Luckily, George sleeps the same hours I do, which consist
of little more then a short nap right before the sun comes
up. He told me about the numerous T-shirts while I looked
through them. They were all one-off, hand-drawn designs,
created on the fly, and he did them all with a fucking
ballpoint pen. Saying that these things were amazing is an
understatement. Ive never seen such dimension, or depth,
or whatever these crazy artists call it.
In an extremely intelligent conversation with George,
I learned that his brother Jim is also a tattoo artist. Well,
paint my ass blue! The fact that I knew absolutely nothing
about him seemed to be an issue. All I could write about him
was his name. Id never talked to him before. I didnt even
know what he looked like.
So, on yet another shitty, sleepless night, I called up
George and asked him if he would be willing to write about
his brother for me. And he complied. And I was scaredif
youve ever read the things George writes down, youd
understand where Im coming from. I cant imagine whats

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rolling around in that guys head that he wont write down.

Its a frightening prospect.
But, George got me in touch with Jim, and wrote a
bit about him for your reading pleasure or discontent,
depending on who you are. And without further ridicule,
I present to you, through the words of George the Painter,
Jimmy Frizzell.
Chad Lemme
George the Painter on his brother, Jimmy:
There is a hidden state of discontent burrowed
and hidden from prying eyes [so] as to fit in with
the nine-to-five working stiffs, hiding behind
groomed lawns and perfect houses, sheltering
what is presumed to be the American dream. Here
lies the omnipotent agenda that all good citizens
are expected to strive for: the white picket fence;
the nice, safe minivans; and the obligatory nod
to the neighbor you spend your life trying not to
offend. The pathetic life of your average good
American; the proper stereotype, the good
neighbor, the upstanding citizen.
Sometimes, however, you meet someone who
just doesnt give a fuck and wouldnt put out a
burning infant without taking pictures first. A
day without someone darting out of his way as he
intentionally (and with great natural finesse) creates
or preforms disturbances, just for the sake of waking
the lulled masses out of their comas.
Dangerous cars, loud bands, and images not
designed to rest comfortably on the pallet if ingested
by health-conscious, safety-first modern Americana.
Random acts of chaos just for the sake of cheap
thrills and big noises, some of it even able to be
viewed rather than endured. Art for arts sake, or at
least a mess for the fuck of it all.

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I cant really say much about the

artwork of Jim Frizzell in that it
speaks for itself; his detail work is

TaTToo arT

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Jimmy King Shit Frizzell has been steppin on toes

and screamin in the face of all things acceptable since
he has been old enough to barf at the dinner table.
Whether he is planting his six-foot-nine frame
in front of a microphone heading another doomed
band, racing his motorized deathtraps headlong
into disasters unforeseen, or leaving his vision on
scraps of paper or rattle-canned onto anything that

happens to be within the reach of his unstable need

to create the unsettlingart for arts sake, or just
making a mess, its as satisfying to him as a junkies
long-anticipated pinprick. Nothing goes unmodified.
Good or bad, no project goes unnoticed. Through
all his exploits into the creative, particularly
regarding his ability to wield a ballpoint pen or
Sharpie, his sketches have continued unwavering,

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seems to be just a bit too catchy to describe what he

doesfalls short, if you absolutely have to put a label
on it. Labeling what he does would be a fruitless
endeavor. From the start, he has turned his back
on convention, and convention would be the only
reason to pigeonhole what he does as second nature.
Unrestricted creativity has come from a lack of
any urge to become a professional artist. Without
the need to be accepted, or bask in unending
accolades, he has been able to do whatever the fuck
he wants for as long as he has been doing it.
Recently, he has been causing a bit of a dustup
as he has started to show a bit of what he has been
doing for years. Seemingly an overnight sensation, he
has continued with his nine-to-five, refusing to put
any pressure on something he does simply as a relief
valve, rather then something considered important.
But, with no urge to make any kind of a
statement, or wade through the horseshit
that makes up the structured art world, he
just continues doing what he has always done:
perfecting the art of the ludicrous, annoying the
straights, and making his neighbors lawn die. Just
doin his thing and smellin like a fish. King Shit is still
King Shit!

usually unnerving the viewer or unsuspecting

passerby. Stacks upon stacks of past sketches and
finished drawings litter the confines of his lessthan-humble abode, most with no actual intent or
destination. Its just something he is driven to do even
if he has no idea why or any reason to figure it out.
Being categorized is a bullet that King Shit has
been lucky enough to dodge. Lowbrow a term that
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Tattoo Artwork

Its no secret what our society has turned into: disgustingly

disposable. Everything is disposable. No one fixes anything
anymore. If something is down, the norm has become to
simply throw it out and purchase a new onecars, lawn
mowers, televisions, appliances, and so on. Hell, look at how
we consume beverages, all in throwaway cups. Trash is
always filled with paper or plastic cups. God forbid people
use mugs and bring them home and wash them to use
again. Nothing is kept forever anymore.
One thing that is kept forever, though, is a tattoo.
Sure, laser tattoo removal can take it away, but its very
expensive, very painful, and most people dont usually go
through this procedure unless its a huge mistake they
need erased from their skin sketchbook. The process of
deciding on artwork can be more painful than the act of
getting tattooed itself. It takes a very disciplined person
who knows exactly who they are, and what they stand
for, to make a sound decision on what will be there for a
lifetime. Many factors come into play in this process. For
the well disciplined, its not a hard process at all. These
people are at a different place in life. They have a certain
confidence about themselves and know what they want to
experience every day. But for those lacking self-discipline,
the decision process can be rather lengthy. There are many
things to consider:


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Will this artwork reflect you personally?

Will this artwork impose problems on your social life,
career, or family?
Where will you put this artwork on your body?
Is this something that you are OK with having for the
rest of your life?
Good tattoo artists try to steer clients in the right
direction. They avoid the drunk, Were in love, lets tattoo
each others names on our asses type of clients. This can
be one of the most challenging aspects of being a tattoo
artist: trying to do right by your client, to help them
with such a big personal decision, and to provide
them with the artwork that will make them happy
every day without regret.
Tattoo artwork is usually broken down into three
1. Original art drawn by the artist
2. Flash
3. Custom art from the customer
Flash art is usually displayed on poster-sized boards
hanging on the walls of tattoo shops. Not all tattoo shops

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display flash, however. The true and talented custom

artists usually dont like to offer premade tattoo designs.
They prefer to create their own designs, or take direction
from the client and create something very specific and
unique. These shops specialize in original artwork. Most

of the shops we visited had tattoo artists who create their

own art and stay clear of flash. The artists we spent time
with all enjoy the challenge of compiling client ideas and
assembling them into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

Stencils for biker tattoos. Many

designs stem from the clients, and it
is up to the artists to turn them into
artwork. these are by Long Jon, of
Sacred Skin tattoo, in payson, arizona.
above right: here are more designs
based on ideas from clients by Long
Jona classic eagle and h-D logo,
V-twin skulls, and a biker crew cruising
route 66.

Some clients bring inspiring photos

or illustrations from their favorite
magazines. It is up to the tattoo artist
to tweak it.


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Some artists are more prone to

certain ideas or images than others. no
matter the detailwolves, women, or
wargsLong Jon puts a bike in em all.
What would you call this? a V-twin
she-devil? a motor mistress?

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You cant be a tattoo artist without an arsenal of

motorcycles in your repertoire.

the famous Question everything logo is the trademark of

Indian Larry, and almost every biker tattoo artist has drawn this
up for a client.

occasionally artists take a photo from

a client and work in what the client
wants added to the image.

Betty Boop can ride! Skeletons too.

Its fun to mix and match different styles
and eras.


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Skulls are probably the most tattooed

imagethey became popular from
the counterculture of the midtwentieth century and fit just about
anywhere around a bike.

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Designs for Gearheads

Many gearheads have an engine tattooed on them somewhere. Some guys are diehards when it comes to certain types of engine.


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of all the brand logos available, harley-Davidson is hands-down the most popular. all tattoos by Long Jon of Sacred Skin tattoo in
payson, arizona.


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the second most popular tattoo among bikers is just about anything with an eagle attached to it, wings spread and looking to the
horizon. Nothing says ride free like an eagle. artwork by Long Jon of Sacred Skin tattoo in payson, arizona.


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there are endless variations on the popular h-D

Bar & Shield tattoo.

tattoo artists often hang their original drawings at their

stations for works in progress.

artists display recent work for you to flip through to help you decide which artist
(and art) is the right one for you.

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recently deceased tattoo artist

hank Bertka throws some ink on Jesus
in this portrait.

here, a common symbol is re-working

and customized; number 1 gets a new
meaning from the Wonder twinarmed
and hammered!

Some artists have professionally

bound books to showcase their work.
this book is filled with art from alex
Vance of Slingin Ink.

Many jokers twist a popular brand or

logo to undermine its original meaning.
this guy must have had a bad time on
a Sportster.


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Darren McKeag creates all kinds of

original artwork. Some are for tattoos,
others for company logos, shirt designs,
or stickers.

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any artist who counts clients as

bikers becomes quite good at drawing
different types of engines, like this
knucklehead by Darren McKeag.


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Lettering and scroll work are also important skills to have for any tattoo artist. art by Darren McKeag.

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animated characters are popular requests for tattoo artists. Darren McKeag has perfected that as well.


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I cant get over the detail in this magneto by Darren McKeag.

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Designs for Gearheads


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Darren McKeags quick sketch of author

Chad Lemme, the other half of the
Wonder twins.

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Darren McKeag designs


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these sketches are all in various stages

of design from Darren McKeag. Some
are done in ink, others in red pencil,
colored pencil, or standard pencil, some
on tracing paper, others on Bristol
boardlike any other art, the vision
often dictates the materials.

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Darren McKeag designs


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Darren McKeag designs


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Darren McKeag designs


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Darren McKeag designs


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Darren McKeag designs


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Darren McKeag designs


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Darren McKeag designs


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Ink & Iron (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)

has a huge collection of vintage flash
tattoo art.


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Vintage flash art is great to decorate

the walls of a tattoo studio, to inspire
tattoo artists, and also to ignite ideas in
the minds of the clients.

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Modern tattoo flash racks can usually

be found in tattoo parlors. Some clients
prefer to flip through flash to find what
they are looking for in a tattoo, while
others use it as a starting point to spark
their own ideas.

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this is a montage of original work

from tim Jewell of Ink & Iron tattoo.

Just the type of sign you want to see

in a tattoo shop!


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I cant really say much about the artwork of Jim Frizzell in that
it speaks for itself; his detail work is unbelievable.

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The Tattoo Process

Did your tattoos hurt? Will this hurt? What does it

feel like?
The dreaded questions of the first-timers; it seemed
that in every shop, talking with every artist, this topic came
up more than once. Some of the responses were insanely
funny. No, this wont hurt a bit. Its just a little needle
jammed into your skin at about 300 strokes per minute.
And when we use a seven-liner, thats 2,100 holes hammered
into your skin per minute. Its virtually unnoticeable.
Once the initial 50-question gauntlet has been run,
and all the intellectual questions have been answered (as
well as a decision on the artwork), the fun part begins. A
few different methods can be performed to get the initial
outline of the artwork onto the client. This serves a few
purposes. First, it helps positioning, and ensures the client
is happy with the location on the body. Second, it serves as
a guide for the artist. Some of the more talented artists
simply use a Sharpie marker and make up the outline
sketches as they go along, but most artists make a carbon
transfersomething like a photocopy of the design
transferred onto the skin.
This is all done after the area has been shaved and
wiped down with antiseptic to ensure a clean surface and
to prevent potential sickness. The artist will already have
his or her work area set up with the necessary tools. The
color inks are laid out in cups next to a few cups of water
for diluting ink, a glob of ointment, a stack of paper towels,

needles of various size for lining and shading, and the most
important partlatex gloves.
Recently, most tattoo equipment has shifted to onetime use rather than constant sterilization of a single
piece of equipment. Not only is it much less of a headache,
but it ensures the absence of spreading disease. In the
past, multi-use equipment was kept sterile by means of an
autoclave, a machine that pressurizes steam at incredible
temperatures to kill bacteria, fungus, and other fun
things of that nature. However, it is not entirely fail-proof.
Disposable equipment eliminates the possibility of disease.
The client is kept comfortableand by comfortable,
I mean not comfortablein a regular chair, a reclining
chair, or on a massage table, depending on where the
tattoo is going on the body. The client is asked to sit or
lay motionless, so as not to interrupt the artist or create
movement and jeopardize the outcome of the artwork.
Some tattoo artists will charge extra if you pick up your cell
phone while in the seat.
Depending on the size of the design, you could sit for
10 minutes or eight hours. Also, the clients pain threshold
will help dictate the amount of time in the chair. When
finished for the day, the artist will wipe the tattoo down,
maybe spread some ointment on the area, and cover it up
with clear wrap to protect the area from germs. Air drying
is recommended for follow-up care, along with ointment
dressing for a few days.

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once the artwork is transferred to

the skin, its time to take the gun in
hand and start the inking process.
Darren McKeag

the design is transferred to skin

and cleaned up for easy-to-see outlines
for the artist to follow. Darren McKeag

after the artwork has been

transferred to the skin, the client and
artist can accurately measure location,
angle, size, and more, before making it
permanent. Darren McKeag


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here, pinky at Sacred Skin runs some artwork through the

transfer machine.

the artwork is turned into a transfer, allowing the client to

check its placement before the art is permanent.

these custom designs must pass through the transfer

machine in order to make the template for the skin.

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after the transfer is applied to the

client, the client gets a chance to check
it in the mirror before giving the tattoo
artist the official oK to proceed with
making the art permanent.

pinky starts with the outlines

and then colors in the marked or
shaded areas.


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above right: pinkys husband Long

Jon lays down some ink on this client.
a clean and sanitized workspace is
the first indicator of a reputable
tattoo parlor.
an observer checks the progress of
the new tattoo.

Darren McKeag of Slingin Ink goes

to town. Different-sized needles are
used for different areas of the work,
and a well-lit workspace is key.

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Make sure you look around the

tattoo shop before jumping in the chair.
Look at the work of the artists, as well
as any awards, trophies, or recognition
of good work on the walls. also look
for magazines with write-ups featuring
the shop or artist.

heres a good look at how an artist

creates shades. Ink cups begin with the
blackest of blacks, then black ink drops
are added to water to create varying
degrees of gray.


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again, good lighting for the artist is important. artists work with sterile gloves and a paper towel in hand to wipe away excess ink
in order to see the outline.

the process always begins with any lines or major definite borders. then the shading begins, working in either grays or colors.

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a cup of water is always handy to

thin out your colors.

the tattoo machine (absolutely not

a gundo not call it a tattoo gun) lays
down the ink.
here, Darren mixes shades of gray as
he begins to fill in the design.


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Wiping down excess ink reveals all

the work thats been done . . . and all
theres left to do!
Sometimes the best part of getting
a tattoo is the moment when the ink
has been cleared away, and the artwork
seems to magically appear.

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a tattoo studio should be clean, but also filled with action and an artist at work.

the area to be inked gets a clean

shave and wash with soap and water to
ensure a clean canvas.


If the location allows, the artist might

tape the reference art above the area
for easy reference.

If not working freehand, the artist will

transfer a line drawing template onto
the skin for reference lines to follow.

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Both artist and client look at the location to assess final

approval before the inking starts.

Darren McKeag loads a needle in the tattoo machine to start

this piece.

the reference art is taped to the arm

so Darren doesnt have to keep turning
his head to look at it.

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and the tattoo process begins! this is when people become the most nervous, especially if it is their first tattoo. they worry about
how bad it will hurt and how it will look. this guy has had plenty of work done by Darren, so he know exactly what he is in store for.


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Working with color is the same

process as working with black inkthe
area must be wiped once in a while to
clear excess ink.

the work is very clear after being

wiped down.

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the sketchstep onethe client

gives to the artist starts as an idea of
what they would like, and it is up to the
artist to interpret it.

Scottie B of Slingin Ink places his

artwork on a clients arm for location
approval. once the location is good,
he will transfer the outlines and begin
the process.


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as he sets up the work station,

Scottie keeps the reference art close by.

With the ink process underway, the client is encouraged to get comfortable and
relax. the artist doesnt want (or need) any sudden movements while he is working.

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at last, the final product and one very happy client is

revealed! Kudos to Scottie B on a great job.


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Darren from Slingin Ink starts

another project for a client.

alex Vance from Slingin Ink puts

in hours upon hours on this huge
stomach piece.

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tim Jewell of Ink & Iron works on a

chest piece.

Depending on what area gets

tattooed, you may be sitting in a
chair or reclining on a massage/
dentist-type table.


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after the artwork is

transferred to the skin, the
artist may make a few more
prominent lines in marker.

tattoo artists use many

drawing tools to get their
sketches just rightrulers,
circle stencils, and a compass
are a few they keep handy
in their lineup.

the pallet is set with ink

and water.

Its common to see tattoo

artists use a tool box as the
chest for tools, needles,
and more.

the tattoo machine is

ready to dip into the first
color for the artwork.

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again, a clean, well-lit area is a good indication of a quality tattoo parlor. Shutterstock

heres a collage of work station,

sketch, the art in progress, and the
finished piece of this ed roth portrait
by Darren McKeag.
relax, get comfortable, this wont
hurt a bit are words every tattoo artist
knows. here, Darren McKeag works on
a chest piece.

of course, another indication of

a quality parlor is quality ink on the
tattoo artist. It means his standards are
as high as yours. Shutterstock


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this top-down view showcases

a clean palette for a true artist.

part of getting a tattoo is also is

being comfortable with yourselfor in
this case, with the giant, shirtless tattoo
artist. Shutterstock

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Some shops are more creative than

others. this one features a motorcycle as
a table for the actual inking. Shutterstock

tattoos can hurt, but that sleeve speaks

volumes about her past. Shutterstock


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an eagles flaming wings can be seen on this womans back as the tattoo artist continues to fill in the lines. Shutterstock

heres a close-up
of an important
aspect of a tattoo
artists work. a
painter cant paint
on a flimsy canvas
any more than a
tattoo artist can ink
on flabby skin; here,
the artist presses the
skin tight with one
hand while the other
wields the tattoo
machine. Shutterstock

heres another view of the new flaming eagle tattoo. Notice

how meticulous the work can bethe careful inking, the
rubber gloves, the bloody wipe. the best tattoo artists and
parlors will take every precaution to ensure a good experience.

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Tattoos have been around since the time of the first

humans. Throughout history, weve seen images of flesh
etched by the crudest of tools. Some frightening examples
range from old nails, to sharpened bamboo sticks, to shark
or animal teeth. The ink could have been sugar cane juice
mixed with burnt wood ash. Regardless of the method used
to make the mark, the important part is the meaning of
the tattoo.
Over the years, the tools have been improved upon
immensely, and for the last one and a quarter centuries,
the tattoo machine has been the trusted instrument of
tattoo artists.

a tool chest stacked full of tattoo ink and other various tools
of the trade.


Never call it a tattoo gun. It is not a gun. It is a machine. Call

it a tattoo machine.

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above left: a stainless steel tray is

where many artists place their needles,
water, ink, and Vaseline or a&D
every color under the sun is available.

heres another work station ready to

goit features the artwork, black ink
cups, water, Sharpies, needles, and the
tattoo machine.

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Different needle gauges are used in every machinetattoo artists are meticulous about making sure the needle matches the art.

Darren inks in the borderlines first.


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everything is wrapped in plastic to keep the area clean. after

each client, the plastic is removed and everything is sanitized
and rewrapped with fresh plastic.

Look how disposable (and more sanitary) the tattoo process

has becomealmost everything is one-time-use only.

Darren shows the client how to place

a needle inside a tube before the inking
process starts.

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the work station light is one of the

most important parts of a good station.

Brilliant hues always win over dull

ones in the land of colored tattoos.

Various types and sizes of tattoo

tubes hold the needle in the machine.


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a chest of tattoo machines, all

laid out perfectly, some are chosen for
certain jobs.
Shop owners know how to protect
themselves from would-be robbers.

the tattoo machine continues to evolve from its humble roots.

Well-loved and cared for machines becomes pieces of art in their own right.

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heres another complete work

station; that device in the lower
left corner is the power unit of the
tattoo machine.

an extra supply of needles in every size is

always necessaryyou never know who (or
what) might walk in!

the larger needles are used for shading,

and the finer ones used for fine line and
detail work.

Some artists just draw directly on the client,

and when they do, they usually use Sharpies.

almost everything in the tattoo application

process is disposable. Clients need not worry
about infection at reputable shops.


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a supply of rubber gloves and

plastic cups are always in stock at a
professional tattoo shop.

each artist sets up his or her work station differently. there really is no right or
wrong way in this business, as long as its clean and it works.
above right: Is that an amp, or a power supply for a tattoo machine?

elastic is used to keep the proper

amount of tension on the needle.

tattoo art

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the Authors
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About Chad Lemme

About Sara Liberte

By Sara Liberte

By Chad Lemme

Never have I met such a multifaceted man; Chad is a true

renaissance man, and I dont use that term loosely. Skilled
in multiple fields and disciplines, he has an amazing broad
base of knowledge, and I am thrilled and fortunate that
he shares it with me. Chads quest for knowledge started
at an early age as he learned about farming, land, life, and
religion from his family and grandfather in South Dakota.
In his teens, he learned about the automotive industry,
and soon gleaned all he could about woodworking from
his father and medicine from his mother. In the army, he
learned the cruel lesson of life, death, and war in combat.
After returning home from war, he began studying
history, philosophy, and geology. Before long he was
perfecting engineering, design, fabrication, and motorcycle
assembly. Hand-tooling leather was next, and perfection
of that soon followed (Im surprised he hasnt picked up
a tattoo machine yet, and perfected that as well). I am
continually in awe of his accomplishments as an artist,
writer, and designer.

You know when youre evading rebel guerillas through

the jungles of Nigeria to the border of Cameroon for
exfiltration, and you have no coms, no night vision, no food
or water, and youre beyond exhausted due to having been
operating for the last one 123 consecutive hours?
Of course you do. Weve all been there before, right?
Thats what writing this book was likea high-speed
chase across the country and back again, in search of
fantastic tattoo work, for better or worse. And we found
plenty of tattoos, both beautiful and terrible in kind. And
in the midst of the hundred-plus miles an hour lifestyle Ive
been living for the last several years, I met Sara, and we just
kept running into each other at the motorbike events and
wound up where we are now.
Shes such a great chick, and I am so grateful for her.
You cant take anything for granted, and she doesnt. Shes
passionate about everything in her life; I could fill an
encyclopedia with the things I love about her. Im certain
there is no better woman in the world, so that makes me
the luckiest guy in the world. Im truly fortunate.

Sara and Chad doing a

self portrait in the mirror
at Slingin Ink Tattoo.

TaTToo arT

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First published in 2013 by Motorbooks, an imprint of MBI

Publishing Company, 400 First Avenue North, Suite 400,
Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA
2013 Motorbooks
Text and photography 2013 Sara Liberte unless otherwise
All rights reserved. With the exception of quoting brief
passages for the purposes of review, no part of this
publication may be reproduced without prior written
permission from the Publisher.
The information in this book is true and complete to
the best of our knowledge. All recommendations are
made without any guarantee on the part of the author
or Publisher, who also disclaims any liability incurred in
connection with the use of this data or specific details.
We recognize, further, that some words, model names, and
designations mentioned herein are the property of the
trademark holder. We use them for identification purposes
only. This is not an official publication.
Motorbooks titles are also available at discounts in bulk
quantity for industrial or sales-promotional use. For details,
write to Special Sales Manager at MBI Publishing Company,
400 First Avenue North, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Library of Congress
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Liberte, Sara, author.
1000 biker tattoos / by Sara Liberte.
pages cm
ISBN 978-0-7603-4435-4 (softcover)
1. Tattooing--Social aspects--United States. 2. Motorcyclists-United States--Social life and customs. 3. Tattoo artists-United States. 4. Tattooing--Social aspects--United States-Pictorial works. 5. Motorcyclists--United States--Social life
and customs--Pictorial works. I. Title.
GT2346.U6L54 2013

Editor: Jordan Wiklund

Design by: Diana Boger
Cover Design by: John Barnett/4Eyes Design
Cover Illustration by: Darren McKeag
Printed in China
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

To find out more about our books, visit us online at
Digital edition: 978-1-6105-8854-6
Softcover edition: 978-0-7603-4435-4

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#175 DTP: 216 Page: 4

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