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Health Benefits of

"Liquid" Zeolite vs Powder
Health Benefits From Zeolite
Zeolite Studies and
About Dr.Peiper
To Go To The Zeolite
Manufacturer that I
Recommend - Click Here
 Zeolite with a unique formula that has
been proven to absorb the toxins, free
radicals, and metals from your body, as
well as boost the immune system. This
mineral has been shown to balance the
body’s pH. Foreign cells can not grow in
a balanced pH environment.
 This mineral has been shown in
independent studies to be effective
fighting certain types of cancer.
Purification, Detoxification, and Purging
with Zeolite
Build-ups of waste products, acidosis and
heavy metals can damage our
bodies.Unbalanced diets, pollution and food
additives can all cause waste products and
heavy metals to build up in our bodies. This
often leads to acidosis causing "clogging" of
the cell membranes. In other words, our cells
slowly suffocate. Build-ups of heavy metal
toxins (especially cadmium, mercury and
lead) are the cause of many serious medical
Zeolite is effective in helping to combat
The particles of Zeolite are so fine that they
can actually pass in between the body's cells.
Due to its extraordinary adsorption and
selection capabilities Zeolite binds with waste
products, toxins and, most importantly,
harmful heavy metals, allowing these
substance to be easily eliminated from the
body. Zeolite is often used to eliminate heavy
metals like lead and cadmium and to remove
build-ups of mercury (used in dental
amalgam fillings). Due to Zeolite alkaline
properties (buffer action) it is also possible to
properly regulate the body's pH balance. But
Zeolite can do a lot more! It is also a highly
effective antioxidant, which means it
neutralizes free radicals.

Zeolite is the Super Detoxifier

     Toxic chemicals, including poisonous
heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, and
cadmium, are the worst problem faced by all
life as we know it. We literally live in a
chemical soup. The chemicals come into our
bodies through the food we eat, the water we
drink, and the very air we breathe. This
situation actually threatens our survival.
     Until recently, the only sure way to
remove the most destructive heavy metals
and toxins from our bodies was through I.V.
chelation, a process both invasive and
horrendously expensive. And even if we spent
hundreds of hours and thousand of dollars on
chelation treatments, the toxins would start
going right back in with our next breath, our
next meal, our next beverage.
     But the solution is at hand. It’s a miracle
mineral called zeolite, and it is perhaps one of
the most important substances on Earth

Medical Uses of Zeolite

     Studies have shown that zeolite has a
high affinity for trapping lead, cadmium,
arsenic, mercury and other potentially
harmful metals. Through the process of cation
exchange, zeolite can lower overall heavy
metal exposure in individuals. This would
have a dramatic effect in the risk reduction of
certain cancers and heart disease.
     Zeolite buffers the system towards slight
alkalinity by establishing pH levels of 7.35 to
7.45 which is the optimum pH for the body.
The body’s pH level influences both immunity
and brain function. An acid blood pH (7.34 or
lower) creates a precondition for cancer. In
an acid environment, brain cell function can
also be impaired, causing depression,
anxiety, stupor, paranoia, delusions or
     Zeolite is a unique antioxidant. A
traditional antioxidant works by absorbing
excess free radicals into its system because it
has an impaired electron. In contrast, zeolite
traps free radicals in its complex structure,
inactivating and eliminating them.
        Other benefits from taking zeolite are:
*   Stops acute and chronic diarrhea
*   Raises the body’s antioxidant levels
*   Binds mycotoxins, forming stable
*   Reduces side effects of
*   Stabilizes and regulates immune system

Click Here To Go To The Zeolite

Manufacturer That I Recommend

Humic Acid is the Anti-Viral Answer

     Viruses. Those enigmatic, perplexing and
often lethal microbes cause a vast number of
human illnesses from the common cold to
epidemic diseases. New and changing viruses
are appearing at an all too alarming rate and
we need an effective way to control their
influence on our body.
     Referred to as the “missing link” to
optimum health and nutrition by leading
scientists throughout the world, humic acid is
a health miracle .Medical studies now show
that it has the ability to significantly change
our life for the better. It is so safe, powerful
and effective that healers around the world
have used it for hundreds of years with
amazing results.
     In agriculture, there are many studies that
point to a pattern of serious deficiency of
humic acid to commercial livestock. When the
deficiency is alleviated, phenomenal results
are achieved, including resistance to disease,
increased growth, and improved general
     Similarly, human dietary supplementation
with humic acid is bringing about life
changing results for so many!
So what exactly is this miraculous substance?
     Scientists have most appropriately
referred it to as the Anti-Viral Answer. Humic
acid is the smallest, most complex, most
highly refined naturally occurring water-
soluble substance on Earth. Tiny amounts
remarkably transform the molecular structure
of water, making it intensely more active and
penetrating. Humic acid then assists water in
its job of dissolving and transporting. It helps
carry nutrients into the cell and waste
products away from the cell, while also
helping to neutralize toxins and invaders.
     Humic acid has the dramatic ability to
even penetrate deadly ultra-microscopic
viruses. Viruses are super small, and live
deep inside the cells of plants, animals and
humans. Viruses even live inside other
microscopic disease causing organisms,
where they “hitch-a-ride.” Viruses
encapsulate themselves within an
impenetrable protein barrier where defense
mechanisms cannot get them. Humic acid
puts a coating around the viruses so the
viruses are not able to adhere to a healthy
cell, therefore preventing the viruses from
reproducing. The agents for this are called
Viral Fusion Inhibitors (through a special
proprietary process, humic acid is specially
treated and sterilized.  Humic acid with Viral
Fusion Inhibitors is the only kind I
recommend.) The viruses are then vulnerable
to attack by the immune system. Yet this is
only the beginning, humic acid also has the
amazing ability to alert the immune system to
the virus or disease invader and to regulate
and give strength to the immune system.
     Other benefits obtained from taking humic
acid include:
*   Provides increased resistance to colds and
flu, infection and disease (including Herpes,
     Hepatitis, HPV, West Nile Virus, Cancer
*   Supercharges our immune system
*   Assists in purging parasites, pathogens
and viruses from our body
*   Creates a feeling of well being
        There is a product that has combined
these two magical substances. It is called
ZEOLITE-AV by ZEO Health Ltd.
( and it is the only one I
Dr. Howard Peiper, N.D., nominated for a
Pulitzer Prize, has written many best-selling
books on nutrition and natural health
including, “Zeolite, Nature’s Heavy Metal
Detoxifier” and Viral Immunity with Humic
Acid”. His website is:

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