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Making A Difference - Dossier On Community Engagement On Nature Based Tourism in India

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The document discusses three case studies of community-based ecotourism initiatives in India and presents frameworks for analyzing the environmental, economic, social and cultural impacts of ecotourism.

The main sections are case studies of specific initiatives, backgrounders on related topics like impacts on indigenous communities, and a framework for analyzing context, outcomes and impacts of ecotourism projects.

The document discusses environmental impacts like on natural resources and biodiversity, economic impacts like changes in occupations and incomes, and social impacts like on gender roles and community participation.


Making a Difference.
A dossier on community engagement on
nature-based tourism in India
This publication may be reproduced in whole or
in part for educational, advocacy or not-for-profit
purposes. We would appreciate acknowledging us
as the source and letting us know of the use.

EQUATIONS Research Team

Aditi Chanchani
Saroop Roy B.R.
Shweta Narayan


National Printing Press, Bangalore

EQUATIONS (Equitable Tourism Options)

#415, 2 C-Cross, 4th Main
OMBR Layout, Banaswadi
Bangalore 560043, India
Telephone: +91-80-25457607/25457659
Fax: +91-80-25457665
Dossier on community
engagement on nature
based tourism in India
Introduction ................................... 1
Section A Case Studies
1. At home in the land of high passes
A case study of the Himalayan
Homestays, Ladakh
by EQUATIONS .................................... 4
2. The pot bellied female cat
A case study of the Manas
Maozigendri Jungle Camp, Assam
by Seema Bhatt ................................ 16
3. Daring to Dream
A case study of the Mountain
Shepherds Initiative, Uttarakhand
by EQUATIONS ................................. 24

Section B Backgrounder

Click on titles to browse document 1. Tourism, trade, and globalisation

Impacts on biodiversity
A one act play
by EQUATIONS ................................. 38
2. The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled
Unmasked: reflections on tourism’s impacts
on indigenous communities in India
by EQUATIONS .................................. 48
3. Community-based rural tourism in
developing countries
Some insights and lessons from the
Endogenous Tourism Project in India
by EQUATIONS ................................. 62
4. Perspectives on community
participation, poverty alleviation
and nature tourism
by Dr. B Vijayakumar .......................... 69
5. Ecotourism in India
Policy and legislative frameworks
by EQUATIONS ................................. 74
6. Do we need the International Year
of Ecotourism?
by Anita Pleumarom ........................... 90
7. Ecotourism
An ecological and economic trap
for third world countries
by Anita Pleumarom ........................... 93
8. Ecotourism a framework for analysing
context, outcomes, and impacts
by EQUATIONS ................................. 95
In 2008 through a collaborative project coordinated
by African Safari Lodge (ASL) Foundation looking
at community based efforts in nature based
tourism, EQUATIONS got the opportunity to study
three very interesting initiatives in India. While
each have their unique contexts and histories and
are on different stages of tourism development,
they also have common features. These tourism
initiatives are located in some of the most scenic
and alluring places – Himalayan Homestays in
Ladakh, Mountain Shepherd Initiative in Uttarakhand
and Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp in Assam.

The case studies attempted to understand the

particular context and history of each of these
initiatives – what set of factors led to their
genesis and what they set out to achieve. In each
case, tourism was seen as a means of providing
communities with economic benefits in the form of
supplementary incomes. In all three cases, perhaps
INTRODUCTION not incidental, the element of conservation and care
of natural resources was central to their practices.
The communities involved, as well as those helping
the implementation of these initiatives, were
aware that through the process of communities
shaping the how and what of tourism they would
also feel empowered to charter the course of
tourism on their terms. These terms, as the cases
clearly show, were not about control, but about
visioning principles that were respectful and wise.
The process of engagement and implementation was
slow and complex. Many dilemmas and challenges
came their way. The “balance” between development
of the community and running a successful tourism
venture was one. In case of the Mountain Shepherd
Initiative this is a core issue they are currently
grappling with. Another challenge was building the
necessary skills and capacities. Marketing, speaking
in English, working with computers, management,
learning to interpret and guide, adapting to meet the
needs of the guest in terms of food, housekeeping
– seemingly simple things needed to be learnt
painstakingly. With the decision to employ local
community members, this was an important aspect
of building confidence as well as attracting tourists.
Ensuring widening of local benefits and systems of
equity have also been present to varying degrees.
With increase in tourism came competitiveness
within community members. Their traditional
occupations had encouraged more collaborative
and interdependent ways of living which were
exposed to new ways of behaving and thinking that
tourism brought in. Was greater commercialisation
that tourism brought in, a bad thing? What did
communities feel about the change in traditions
and cultural practices – that may privilege what the
tourist valued? In the case studies, communities
became aware of the need for designing their
own systems of review, checks and balances so
that they could decide if a trend was worrying
and if there was some way to address it.
Another issue for consideration was - how does
one develop tourism that is not necessarily
ambitious in size and scale, but is holistic and
sustainable. In the case studies clear systems of
long term sustainability have not been thought
through – but it seemed clear to them that the
bridge would need to be crossed at some point.
However each of these case studies was clearly
about the desire to Make a Difference - to envision
forms of tourism that would leave both the
visitor and visited enhanced by the encounter.
In this dossier, in addition to the case studies,
we have provided some articles (by EQUATIONS
as well as other researchers) that serve as a
backgrounder to the issues. We also have included
framework for analysis that may be useful for
anyone who wishes to investigate ecotourism /
nature based tourism development issues.
We thank several people in Ladakh, Uttarakhand
and Manas who have helped us in the field visits
and interactions with the local communities.
1. Himalayan Homestays, Ladakh – Team members
at Snow Leopard Conservancy – India Trust and
community members at villages Rumbak and Ulley.
2. Maozigendri Jungle Camp, Manas – Team
members at Help Tourism and members of
the Manas Maozigendri Ecotourism Society
and the Bodo Territorial Council.
3. Mountain Shepherd Initiative, Uttarakhand – Team
members at Mountain Shepherds Initiative and
community members at villages Lata and Tolma.
Seema Bhatt as an independent researcher
wrote the Manas case study and we
are grateful for her contribution
We would like to acknowledge African Safari
Lodge Foundation and Ford Foundation, India for
providing us the valuable opportunity to document
these stories and learn from the exchange.

April 2009

A case study of the
Himalayan Home Stays

Introduction through tourism while protecting their rich natural

and cultural heritage for future generations.
Ladakh ‘the land of high passes’ is located on the
The communities at the villages of Hemis
eastern side of the Indian state of Jammu and
National Park have been provided opportunity
Kashmir spread over 96,701 Sq. km. Ladakh lies
to develop homestays to get an additional
between the Kunlun mountain range in the north
source of income to compensate the livestock
and the great Himalayas in the south. Ladakh is
that have been killed by predatory animals.
a cold desert region subject to extreme climatic
conditions that include severe winters and is. It History
remains land locked for almost seven months
in a year due to the long winters1 . Ladakh is The Himalayan Homestays were first established
divided into two districts - Kargil and Leh. at the Hemis National Park in 2002 by the
SLC-IT. Within the Hemis National Park, which
The high altitude cold desert type of climate of consists of twelve hamlets & villages, homestays
Ladakh supports diverse flora and fauna, being were first set up in Rumbak, an important snow
home to a few of the endangered species such leopard habitat, with visitors coming through
as the snow leopard2. The Hemis High Altitude tour operators in Leh. Subsequently, the homestay
National Park covering 3,350 sq. kms, situated in programme was expanded to other villages in
eastern part of Ladakh, is one of the prime habitats National park as well as other regions. . Today,
of the snow leopard and the only national park in over 100 homestays have been established along
the district of Leh. The area is representative of three trekking routes – Hemis, Sham and Zanskar.
the trans-Himalayan ecosystem that is sparsely
populated and has rocky terrain with a poor The SLC-IT was established in 2000 to promote
vegetative growth. . The park was established in community based conservation of the snow leopard
1981 by protecting the catchments of the Markha and its prey and habitats and support community
and Zanskar valley in the south and Rumbak valley development. The initiative of Himalayan Homestays
in the east3. About 1,600 people live in the park was an outcome of discussions SLC-IT had with the
in more than a dozen settlements. Though the villagers of Hemis National Park in a year to reduce
Markha valley had been famous amongst trekkers the livestock loss of the villagers owing to the snow
since the past 3-4 decades the local communities leopard attacks. The villagers were losing 12% of
have benefitted very little from the tourists who their livestock annually attributable to this cause.
trekked and camped in their areas4. It has been Increasing losses and resulting economic hardship
earmarked by the Central government as a snow increased local community resentment against the
leopard reserve for conservation of this species. snow leopard. This resulted in retribution killings
by local people thus threatening the survival of this
This case study is about the initiatives of the Snow endangered species as well as other predators.
Leopard Conservancy-India Trust (SLC-IT) (www. to conserve snow The initial discussions were on identifying the
leopards in its prime habitat and to generate major hot spots where retribution killings is high,
benefits and opportunities for local communities areas where one needs to be alert while herding,
A case study of the Himalayan Homestays, Ladakh 5

as well as making predator proof pens to prevent benefit from guest houses SLC-IT proposed nature
livestock losses. But on further working it was guides as another option. A workshop followed
realised that reducing losses by making predator in 2001 on Opportunities for Ecotourism in Rural
proof livestock enclosures was not going to make Areas held at Leh, representatives from the villages,
much difference as livestock when free ranging in Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council,
high open pastures would continue to be lost. A TourismDepartmentofLeh-Ladakhandorganisations
snow leopard walking across a mountain is more like World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Ladakh
likely to come across domestic livestock that are Ecological Development Group (LEDeG) and
less alert to predators than Bharal (blue sheep) or facilitated by The Mountain Institute (TMI) and
Ibex (wild mountain goats). Since communities SLC. The villagers from different rural areas defined
are primarily involved in subsistence agriculture what a homestay should be according to them:
when livestock was lost to snow leopards and t 5IFIPNFTUBZTXPVMECFEFWFMPQFEBTQBSUPG
other predators, they also lost sources of income. existing households and a small amount would
be required for renovation of these buildings
In discussions with the villagers at Rumbak in t 5IFIPNFTUBZXPVMETIBSFUSBEJUJPOBM 
Hemis NP, SLC-IT explored various means for local values of the Ladakhi culture
enhancing livelihoods through other opportunities t *UXPVMEPòFSUSBEJUJPOBM-BEBLIJGPPE
if they continued to lose livestock. This attempt and would be based on local décor.
aimed at a positive attitudinal change amongst t *UXPVMECFCBTFEPOFDPGSJFOEMZDPODFQUT
the local communities towards the highly such as –dry compost toilets which would
despised snow leopard so as to promote co- conserve the scarce supply of water in the region.
existence while increasing the value of the
snow leopard in the eyes of the community. Finally the definition evolved as follows:
“A traditional village based Ladakhi Homestay would
Tourism facilities share their traditional way of life and values with
A. Establishment of homestays visitors, provide traditional food, in an eco-friendly
environment that requires little initial investment”
In the discussions with the local community of
Rumbak, the villagers acknowledged the existence of To follow up on the strong desire for homestays, a
beautiful landscape and the fact that a lot of visitors market survey was conducted in 2001 by SLC – IT
passed by and trekked. They noticed that while in collaboration with WWF, LEDeG with over 500
they got some camping fees they didn’t really make visitors trekking through Hemis National Park to
much from it; and it would probably be more useful determine visitor preference for stay, food and
to work as guides. Another idea was to have guest activities. Sixty percentage visitors voted their
houses as in Leh. Since only a few households could preference for homestays against other types

of organized trekking, tented accommodation When the homestay programme was initiated at
and guest houses. Likewise, the interest for local Rumbak in 2001(as a pilot project and officially
food, need for nature guides and dry compost in 2002), four families came forward to start the
toilets were rated high. A small percentage was venture qualifying the above criteria. They got
interested in handicrafts. The following criteria feedback from the visitors on how the homestays
were evolved for the selection of households could be made better. For instance they said the
for the development of homestays with the pillows were rock hard! Based on visitor feed
approval of the village headman (Namnbradar) back training were given particularly on service
t 5IFGBNJMZTIPVMEMFUPVUPOMZPOFSPPNUP and hygiene. The training was onsite. A staff
tourists (since rich families could give more who worked in a hotel in Manali – Holiday Inn
rooms and thus reduce benefit sharing) conducted it. A small session on health issues
t 5IFZNVTUOPUIBWFNPSFUIBOQBDL and Ladakh to English language class was also
animals (an indicator of a family’s economic given. As the participants were able to read and
standard. This criterion was adopted so as to write in Ladakhi, a phrase book on Ladakhi to
ensure the poorer /not so well off sections English was later developed. To help learn English,
of the community was privileged and did not Ladakhi to English cassettes were made since
have to compete with the influential families tape recorders are commonly used by the Ladakhi
from the beginning. The influential and more families. This training in English language was
wealthy families, who wished to be part of the done since there was a lack of confidence amongst
programme were allowed to join in 2 years later) the community members about communicating
5SBEJUJPOBM with the visitors, as they did not know English.
homes used to have only a curtain.
t 4IPVMECFBOFXFOUSBOUJOUIFUPVSJTNTFDUPS With the training on service and hygiene, women
t 3FBEJOFTTUPQBSUJDJQBUFJODBQBDJUZ in the homestays were also encouraged to think
building trainings for running homestays of norms to guide visitors’ behaviour as well as for
t PGUIFNPOFZHFOFSBUFEXPVMEHP themselves to follow as hosts or providers. The list of
towards a conservation fund which would norms was prepared and put up in the homestay5.
be used for village level activities Please:
leopards & other predators would lead to the t %POPUXFBSSFWFBMJOHDMPUIFTTVDI
discontinuation of marketing of that particular as short skirts and sleeveless tops.
homestay / village (This criterion was added t %POPUVSJOBUFPSEFGFDBUF
later to ensure the conservation of predators). near water or in the fields.
A case study of the Himalayan Homestays, Ladakh 7

t %POPUUBTUFGSPNTFSWJOHTQPPOT In order to ensure that all homestay families in

t %POPUTUJDLZPVSöOHFSPSTQPPO the village have the opportunity to benefit from
in cooking or serving pots. the tourists who come to the village on a trek or
t %POPUJOUFSGFSFXJUIDPPLJOH for staying in the homestays, a system of rotation
 has been initiated. Communities are encouraged
t %POPUCBSHBJOPWFSUIF)PNFTUBZSBUFT to decide the best way of involving all homestay
providers in a given tourist season. As a result, in
The homestay providers had to invest around some villages, the communities have appointed a
1500 rupees for the renovation of homestays point person who keeps track of the household whose
and for providing basic minimum facilities like turn it is to receive the visitors. So when the tourists
simple mattresses. While this money was quite come with a voucher of Himalayan Homestays, they
a huge amount for the homestay families, SLC- are directed to the homestay provider whose turn it
IT decided to provide these minimum facilities is to receive the tourists. This is followed in Rumbak.
on a loan rather than giving them for free. In In villages like Ulley in the Sham region, the rotation
addition, the money that was lent by SLC-IT was system has not worked well either due to inadequate
given on the condition that they would return it cooperation within the village in a few cases or the
after one year, after they had enough number of distances between homestays is large and problems
visitors and a substantial profit. The repaid money caused by exhausted tourists who refuse to go to
was put in the Village Conservation Fund. the homestays whose turn it is to receive visitors.
The interest in homestays increased after The system that usually operates is once business
two years and the wealthier families is finalised, the tour operator sends a voucher to
joined in programme in Rumbak. the village and in most cases, the operator does
A Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) exercise was not mention the name of the house. In many places
done in the villages - the village mapping to get the homestays are scattered and the visitors find
the basic facts on where the resources are and it difficult to trek to a place which could be 3km
planning for starting the homestay programme in from the first home they reach in the village. The
other villages. Based on the exercise, in 2002 itself lack of communication facilities between the
the programme expanded from Rumbak to five other remote village level homestays and town based tour
villages in the Hemis National Park and 5 villages operators also complicates matters. There is another
subsequently in Sham region. By end of year two over body - the Youth Association for Conservation and
60 households had joined the programme. In 2008, Development of Hemis NP, which works voluntarily
the concept moved to Zanskar and Lumnag areas. and gives information to tourists as well as arranges

homestays. This is a body of local youth from Markha Israeli tourists sneaked out of a homestay in the
Valley formed by the Department of Wildlife who also early hours of the morning without paying.
organise tours in the Hemis National Park of Markha
Valley. With SLC-IT and the Youth Association B: Nature guides
operating in the same area with a limited number
While homestays were being set up in Rumbak,
of households there are instances of double booking
youth from the village were also provided training
for the same homestay. More recently homestay
to function as nature guides. Since only one or
providers have started making separate rooms for
two households could benefit from guest houses
tourists sent by the Youth Association and those sent
SLC-IT also went in for training for the youth as
by the Himalayan Homestays. SLC –IT is trying to
nature guides. The guides were trained so that
they are also available for the homestay visitors.
than assign more rooms for tourists. This lack of
coordination becomes serious when walk in tourists The first training was given at Rumbak in 2001 in
who land up at the homestay on their own occupy association with TMI (The Mountain Institute) and
a room in the homestay which is also assigned to ICIMOD (The International Centre for Integrated
tourists who follow the channel of the tour operator. Mountain Development) and later this was
As a result the walk in tourists who do not have followed up again at Rumbak and Tangyar in
the homestay voucher issued by the tour operator, Nubra. The second and third training were done
are thrown out of the homestay to make room for in collaboration with the Department of Wildlife
those who have come through the tour operator. Protection Jammu & Kashmir. In the initial year,
15 people were trained and the second year it was
But in some places the rotation system works better
22. The majority of the participants were girls.
with one or two people taking charge in allocating
The participants were given certificates jointly
the houses or the tour operator themselves ensuring
signed by Wildlife Department and SLC-IT.
the process works equitably. There it is the tour
operator who keeps a record of the homestays in The training announcement was given on the radio.
the village which did or did not receive tourists. Training was given at Leh on the flora and fauna,
Thus visitors are sent directly by the tour operator how to brief the tourists, etc. It was a combination
to the household which is due to receive tourists. of classroom teaching and field learning including
a field visit on bird-watching. A check list was also
Payments for homestays go directly to the
prepared and given to them on list of items they
providers to avoid situations where guides or
should have as guides. Later field books on birds
tour operators hold back the money that was
were given at subsidized rates and binoculars were
due to the homestay provider. There have also
given to the youth and the community respectively.
been problems like the case when a group of
A case study of the Himalayan Homestays, Ladakh 9

Later, in 2003 & 2004 SLC-IT in association In some areas parachute cafes are also run on
with –MUSE (an NGO from Spiti) and All Spiti a rotational basis by families from a village.
Youth Association, two additional trainings were This is especially important for those families
conducted in the Spiti district of the state of who are non homestay providers as this helps
Himachal Pradesh. This is another significant snow distribute tourism benefits more equitably. While
leopard habitat where the Homestays were later rotation is encouraged by SLC-IT, whether it
extended through a partnership with MUSE. actually happens depends on the community.
C. Parachute cafe D. Souvenirs and woollen products

The third aspect SLC-IT looked at were the Parachute The other aspect the programme looked into was
cafes, named so because they are made from souvenirs, though this was not a major area of
the discarded parachute materials used by the emphasis. The families were already doing some
army. Parachute cafes were not initiated by the weaving in the winters which they sold to the
programme, but launched earlier through the Leh visitors. They were advised to make light items
Nutrition Project (LNP). The LNP initiative gave that trekkers could carry along on the way. They
incentives to start small businesses to communities made hats, caps, socks and gloves and this was very
in the Hemis NP. SLC-IT noticed that they were popular with the tourists. The homestay providers
just selling tea and beer and thought there could said that they would make these woollen products
be some value addition. The families engaged in and would either sell it in their homes, (they would
the parachute cafe were given training in cooking. display it in their homes) or through the parachute
Solar Parabolic heaters were given to them on a café, where a lot of visitors pass by. In summers
subsidy and encouraged them to boil water, filter the sales are more at the cafes, but in the winters
and give to the tourists rather than selling mineral when tourists come for special snow leopard
water bottles that caused plastic waste in the treks, the sales are more from the homestays.
area. They were also given training on segregating
garbage. The programme’s involvement was limited E. Community solar showers
to training and making it little more responsible SLC-IT has tried to spread the benefits from tourism
than what it was. But despite all the training, the to even those families who do not have rooms to
cafes end up selling noodles and chips based on offer as homestays. Based on visitor feedback from
demand from tourists who do not have enough foreigners who wanted to have a place to bathe
time to wait for other food to be cooked. on reaching the homestays after their treks, SLC-
IT has been encouraging non home stay providers

to set up community solar showers. These families for their services and the remaining amount of
then run the solar showers on chargeable basis. Rs.300 per person per night is paid directly by
They charge Rs. 50 per shower and contribute 5% the visitor to the homestay providers. Sometimes
from the income earned to the conservation fund. when a high end client comes, the tour operator
packages it differently and charges for additional
Even though the showers gave opportunity to services. They may send their own cook or provide
involve families with resource constraints and an their own bed sheets. But this is considered as
effort to evoke people’s ownership of the tourism acceptable as additional service is given.
infrastructure and resources available within
their village this has not been a very successful Many tourists (both domestic and foreign) also
initiative due to lack of visitor demand in Ulley take a jeep safari and to this the component of
and lack of water connectivity in Kaya, the two homestays is also included to cut down on the
villages currently where they have been installed. monotony of road travel and stay at regular hotels.
This provides an opportunity to spread the benefits
Marketing from tour operators and hotel accommodations in
The programme had started involving local tour urban areas to homestay providers in rural areas.
operators right from the beginning. The tour Even remote villages in the Hemis National Park
operators were brought in even when the training which are not reachable by motorable road and thus
was given so that the community could be clear require walking for 2-3 hours are not excluded. This
about the role of the tour operator and of the is called the ‘homestay trek’. Since these villages are
community for mutual benefit and discussing & also sought after amongst tourists for snow leopard
clarifying expectations. The tour operators were sightings, trekking and snow leopard sighting are
encouraged to bring brochures and show how combined. Thus the group canmake use of homestays
they position the homestays in the market. The even aiming primarily for wild life sightings. SLC-IT
component of selling homestays to visitors/tourists has also printed promotional material such as posters
was also a new product for the tour operator as and maps of trekking routes across homestays in
well as an opportunity to tap those domestic and villages which are sold to tourists who trek alone
foreign tourists who preferred to see something without a tour operator. It also contains possible
different-authentic experience. Initially in 2001 itineraries and is aimed at walk-in tourists.
when they started the homestays in Rumbak fliers
were put up all over Leh. SLC-IT has strived to Economic aspects
establish a link between entrepreneurs in travel
and trade and community so as to strengthen The homestays are priced at Rs.350/- per person
the link between tourism and the conservation per day (accommodation plus 3 meals). 10%
agenda. Thus four tour operators from Ladakh of the income earned goes to the conservation
who were sensitive to the community aspirations fund. The income from homestays has more
as well as objectives of the initiative were than doubled especially in villages like Rumbak,
identified to market Himalayan Homestays. Ulley and Sku in the last few years.

For the marketing, the major tool is the website: In some villages, the community provides camping to reach out to sites by fixing tents. A part of the money from
potential visitors online who plan their visit in that also goes to the conservation fund. This is an
advance. Then there are fliers all over popular additional source of income for the community as
restaurants and main corner markets which list well as families in charge of managing the camping
the tour operators. This is meant for those tourists site for a given season. Families manage the camping
who arrive at Ladakh and then look for options. The sites on a rotational basis. For example in Rumbak
tourists can book with any of the four listed tour village three families from the village manage the
operators (Maitreya Tour Operators, Snow Leopard camping site in a given tourist season. They keep
Trails, Golden Peak Adventure, Overland escape). 50% of the income earned and the remaining
Each year, one of the tour operators is designated 50% goes to the village conservation fund. A part
to handle the queries coming through the website. of this money is then also used for management
This designation is based on the performance in of the camping site. Earlier the villagers did not
the earlier years on how many tourists they have charge the tourists and whatever was given by
sent and the success of the existing marketing the camping tourists was accepted graciously.
technique in bringing tourists. The tour operators The guides have also started benefiting from the
charge a nominal amount of Rs. 50 as a commission initiative. Although the idea of training guides
A case study of the Himalayan Homestays, Ladakh 11
Environmental aspects
Initially there was an attempt to take the tourists
to see the Tibetan Argali – a species of mountain
goat, so that the tourists would stay for a longer
period in the homestays. In the beginning two–three
Argalis came to the Rumbak village and there have
been attempts by the poachers to hunt them. The
village people got the hunters arrested. The Argalis
multiplied and now there are around 20-22 of
them. Now the programme is making an attempt to
pressurise the forest department to create a reserve
for the Argalis. Also efforts are there to bring other
stock of Argali, as there is high level of inbreeding
here. In 2007 the villagers of Rumbak and Yurutse
decided they would set aside an area (16 sq miles)
for an Argali reserve where domestic animals will not
be allowed to graze. The programme has involved
the village youth to monitor the Argali population.
In 2004, the community of Rumbak valley, decided
to set aside Husing Valley -a prime snow leopard
habitat, have also set aside an area for the Bharal –
the Himalayan blue sheep, and agreed they would
not take livestock there for grazing. Another such
initiative from Ulley village was in 2006 to invest the
revolving fund in insuring their livestock against kills
by predatory animals. Since its inception the villagers
have successfully claimed 2 separate incidents of
Yak kills by snow leopards through this scheme.
was to make them available for the homestays, An important change has occurred also in
some of them got absorbed by the tour companies. the attitudes of the local community - they
This has resulted in a shortage of guides during have started seeing the “wild animals as
the peak season. But when they are around, the the ornaments of our mountains.” 6
visitors take them during the trek. At the beginning
of the programme, guides used to charge around In initial years of the programme, training was given
Rs.200/- per day; but now that has increased to to the communities on segregating biodegradable
Rs.400- 500/- . There are guides who are fluent and non biodegradable garbage. The garbage used
in English and those more experienced charge to be segregated and money from the conservation
in dollars and are called “dollar guides”. fund was used to hire ponies to bring the non bio-
tin containers and plastics waste down to Leh. They
In the initial year after the 2001 workshop, efforts used to sell it and make some money out of it. Now
were made by LEDeG to develop a pony association, the Wildlife Department is able to get kabadiwalas
but this has not proved very successful. In most treks (one who purchases junk7 ) to collect the garbage
organised ponies are essential for carrying heavy from the villages. Since a lot of tin waste was
luggage across the rugged terrain and high passes. being generated, which also fetches a good price
Currently ponies are arranged by tour operators in the junk market, there is an agreement with the
themselves based on their own contacts. Forming kabadiwala that they would pay the community the
an association would imply standardised rates and same price that they would pay in Leh for the tin
rules for people providing ponies. It could have they collect. The kabadiwala is also contracted to
led to more equitable distribution of benefits to collect the plastic waste but they do not pay for it
local people, and passing of control from the tour but are responsible to bring the plastic waste back
operators to the local association. This is probably a to Leh as well. So now everyone views garbage
reason why this has been difficult to make it happen. as money. Apart from taking care of the waste
generated by the homestays, villagers in Rumbak are
also becoming aware of the garbage left behind by

tour operators. The communities were aware of how premium for insuring their livestock against
only one or two of such operators take back their predator attacks under a community run insurance
tin, plastic waste etc. while many leave it behind. scheme. In Ulley it has also become possible with
They are thinking of prohibiting travel groups from this income to pay an honorarium to volunteers
carrying live hens which used to be killed and served who take the animals to the pastures and stay
to tourists on the trek. The communities also thought there during the entire summers looking after the
of recording the names of the operators who crossed livestock while they graze in the open pastures.
the region and note the plastic bottles they carry These volunteers are also selected on a rotational
inside the national park. If they are found polluting basis from families who are non homestay providers
the area the communities would a file a complaint and paid Rs. 150 per day for two months. Now
with the Department of Wildlife Protection and nearby villages like Himeshupachan approach
would prohibit them from coming into the region. the people of Ulley to take their small animals
like cows or Yak calves to the pastures and pay
Social aspects them for it. They have also been able to make
All the homestays have gas stoves for cooking. predator – proof pens for protecting their livestock
The programme insisted that they did not do away and thus reduced their economic hardships.
with the traditional Ladakhi stoves which use The programme has enabled the villagers to send
shrubs and a mixture of cow and yak dung, while their children to better schools. This is a major
they could continue using their gas stoves. The change from the earlier situation in which people
programme also encouraged that the meals are needed sponsors for funding their children’s
served in the traditional Ladakhi kitchen and Ladakhi education. The women say that they now have cash
seating is used rather than western styled chairs in hand; they don’t have to ask their husbands. Also
so that the tourists could experience this. Those the money from tourism has helped buy household
who were building new houses were encouraged supplies like cooking oil and gas and to upgrade
to have the traditional Ladakhi stove and they home furnishing like pillows, mattresses and bed
have complied. In many villages the money that sheets.Thishasincreasedthedecisionmakingpowers
was set aside for the conservation fund was used of women in economic matters within the household.
in the restoration and white-washing of Stupas8.
Solar showers that were built for tourists are also Another aspect is the role and participation of
being used by the community in some instances. women in the whole initiative. In the initial years
when the planning exercises were done, when the
The income earned from the homestays and the villagers were asked to gather at a certain time, it
conservation fund is also being used to pay the
A case study of the Himalayan Homestays, Ladakh 13
was only men who came. But later on it was the in Rumbak. To deal with it the communities have
women who took the lead in attending the training thought of putting in a clause in the homestays
for homestays and nature guides. They also applied association declaration. They also have a village level
what they learnt in the training to their own lives committee called the Larsisupa who mentioned that
and did not restrict it to tourists. In one of the such things would not be allowed to happen. Even a
feedback evaluations, the women said they now rich person who decides to open a guest house in the
to brush their teeth twice a day. Earlier they used village will not be allowed to run it separately – it is
to do it once a week or often forget to brush! a decision that has been taken by the community.
Though homestay programme have raised the Monitoring and evaluating
standard of living of the families providing tourism impacts
homestays it has also been the cause for conflicts
within the community due to dysfunctional or To initiate the process of monitoring tourism
partially functional rotational systems. This gets impacts, SLC-IT introduced an innovative method
aggravated by visitors who at times are insensitive - photo voice evaluation. Three villages were
to community dynamics when they refuse to go chosen and community members were given
to the assigned homestay, causing one provider to digital cameras. Over a span of few days they
receive more tourists than fellow homestay providers were asked to take as many pictures of what they
and thus leading to disputes. The community then believed had changed since their engagement
faces difficulties to return the loans on the basis with tourism. It could be something they feel good
of not getting enough revenues. On the positive about or something that they feel has changed
side dialogue within communities to resolve this for the worse. After this community members
irregular spread of benefits are taken up at times spoke about the photos they had taken and
by communities themselves. For example in Ulley, discussions were held. This is a creative method to
a family whose homestay is further up in the generate awareness among community members
mountains is unable to get their share of visitors but to initiate the process of monitoring impacts.
the community has decided that since they also have At the end of each year, there is a process of
three pack horses those will be hired for trekkers. evaluation with the villagers – to understand what
With an increase in engagement with tourists, is working and what is not working well. This is
the community has become more commercial. also a review of what was planned in the last year,
Sometimes they expect the local people / students what the conservation fund was used for, social
to pay the same amount as the tourists for stay. impacts etc. This is documented in the annual
An elder from Ulley felt people were becoming report of SLC-IT. This also helps the community
more selfish and only thinking about themselves to decide what norms need to be in place.
and not others, and that this trend was not right. Learnings and challenges
Another critical issue is of land transactions. Ladakh Although tourism has brought benefits to the
is governed under the special status of Article 370 community it has not been as successful in
of the Constitution of India and provides special motivating conservation. For example while
provisions for the state of Jammu and Kashmir Rumbak started with the concept of homestays
under which the Parliament has limited powers to and is also receiving more tourists, it is Ulley,
make laws for the State except on those subjects which is off the main trekking route that has
mentioned in the Union and Concurrent list in undertaken more conservation initiatives. Perhaps
consultation with the State Government. Under the commercial gains that come with tourism
article 370 nobody from outside J&K state can are not much of an incentive for conservation.
come and buy land. That takes the question out
for outsiders buying land here but there will be In recent times SLC - IT has started to think about
prominent business men around Leh or may be in the long term sustainability of the programme and
Kashmir who may want to invest in the concept or the need to plan their own exit. It has already begun
make a nice lodge up there. This might result in stiff phasing out of older areas it started with. But an
competition for the existing homestay providers of institutional process needs to be thought through
the village. Though this has not become a problem and put in place. The formation of an association
till now but the local communities in Rumbak do of homestays is one of the steps towards this
recognize that with increasing popularity of tourism and is in the pipeline. Issues like streamlining the
and money coming in the area there are people rotational system for homestays, formation of the
(outsiders) who would like to purchase land or invest pony association, ensuring the direct payment to

homestays providers, or ensuring the solar showers based tourism, and to mainstream these values
or parachute cafes work better are challenges, but throughout the Ladakh tourism industry.
they are on the radar of the SLC-IT and seem to be
worked at. Homestays have helped communities The Wildlife Department intends to register
meet their daily needs. It will be a challenge in their homestays with the Tourism Department
the coming years to balance community demands and license them, primarily with the agenda
that are defined by the tourism sector with those of conserving the biodiversity of the national
of conservation and community development. parks in Ladakh. Given the intensity and huge
spread of resources they will be able to invest in
New opportunities and concerns tourism, one immediate challenge they will face
is that of determining the carrying capacity of
Recent policies of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill the region, both ecologically as well as socially.
Development Council shows a shift towards
promoting community based rural tourism. With One question is whether the communities will
the popularity of community based tourism become overly dependent on tourism. The fear that
programmes like the Himalayan Homestays on the new alternatives are taking over the main tradition
rise, government departments, especially the Wildlife is not unfounded. With tourism gaining more
Protection Department (Jammu & Kashmir state) in popularity as a means of livelihood it may substitute
addition to the Department of Tourism, are looking the traditional agro pastoralism, and among the
at directing large amounts of funding into scaling up Wildlife Department’s goals are to incentivize
homestay programs in Ladakh, thus multiplying the communities to reduce grazing livestock. Such a
potentialthathomestaysholdforaidingconservation consequence may indeed have positive effects for
while also contributing to local livelihoods. wildlife populations, but the lesson that has emerged
Previously, the Wildlife Protection Department had from Himalayan Homestays is that community
been involved in nature guide training, and had actions are complex, and that commitment to
also been supportive of SLC-IT’s work in Hemis conservation by the community depends not
National Park, for which they freely granted access only on revenue gained from tourism but on
and permission. Now, they will become involved in community dynamics and leadership, as well as a
implementation of homestays themselves, and this host of other factors. The actions the communities
massive effort presents opportunities as well as take will be borne of their own experiences and
challenges, and several useful lessons can be gleaned needs, and for conservation professionals to have
from the current study of Himalayan Homestays. an impact on these decisions requires constant
engagement and dialogue at the village level.
It is clear that scaling up homestays to include
more households, villages, and regions will require The question of how to determine the carrying
a significant investment in developing relationships capacity for tourism and how to implement a cap
with the communities themselves if they are to on the number of visitors to fragile areas has been
ultimately succeed in aiding conservation. This ongoing between tour operators and SLC-IT. As the
challenge can best be taken up by using the expertise debate continues, one of the tour operators points
of local NGO’s whose role should be to engage out that it is the role of the Wildlife Protection
the communities in “bottom-up” participatory Department to decide on the number that can
processes and training that result in successful enter the park. With the Wildlife Department now
homestays. This dialogue will help ensure that the taking the lead to promote homestays, an important
cultural pressures facing homestay communities are question is – how best can they regulate visitation
understood and considered. Such sensitivity will be while also ensuring the sustainability of their own
crucial for ensuring the social and environmental programs? This question presents an enormous
sustainability of the program over the long-term. challenge, but one which can be met with a carefully
designed program that seeks to optimize the
We have learned from this study of Himalayan multiple goals of community based tourism. Careful
Homestays that understanding the needs of management of this process and involvement of
visitors and ensuring a flow of clients will require multiple stakeholders will be key to maintaining
partnership with travel agencies, tour operators, the core agenda of economic benefits, preservation
and the client base itself. One additional benefit of cultural traditions and conservation of natural
of this is that engagement with these sectors heritage that are at the heart of the Himalayan
presents an ideal opportunity for the Wildlife Homestays community based tourism initiative.
Department to also begin to educate the broader
community about conservation and community-
A case study of the Himalayan Homestays, Ladakh 15

We gratefully acknowledge the discussions,
detailed inputs and experiences shared by Mr index.htm
Rinchen Wangchuk and staff at Snow Leopard
Conservancy India Trust, community members at
the villages of Ulley (Sham region) and Rumbak conservation2.htm, data retrieved 25 April 2009
(Hemis National park), Mr Dawa from Maitreya 5.
Tour Operators, Mr. Jigmet Takpa, Conservator ladakpages/tourist-tips.html accessed on
and Regional Wildlife Warden, Department of 24.04.2009
Wildlife Protection, Ladakh, and Mr. Sonam Jorgyes, 6.
Rinchen Wangchuk (2008) Ladakh Himalayan
Director, Ladakh Ecological Development Group. Homestays: For People and Conservation In
Redefining Tourism – Experiences and Insights from
Rural Tourism Projects in India, UNDP, New Delhi
Endnotes 7.
A term in Hindi used commonly to refer to a
1. person who deals with used/ discarded household, data retrieved 25 April objects and exchanges it for money /utensils /
2009 clothing. This junk is usually recycled.
The snow leopard is an endangered species listed 8.
Stupas is a mound-like structure containing
in CITES agreement (Convention on International Buddhist relics, Wikipedia, data retrieved 25 April
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and 2009
Flora, 1977). A highly elusive cat it is found in
the high mountains of 12 - 13 countries of South 9.
Slahuddin Ahmed, Article 370 : Diagnosis And
and Central Asia including in the Himalayas in Prognosis Of The Special Status Of J & K, 9 August
India. Their total numbers are between 4500- 2008, <
7500 only and their traditional habitat is under l248-Article-370.html>, data retrieved 25 April 2009
conflict with agro pastoral land use. (http://www.,
,data retrieved 25 April 2009)


A case study of the
Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp
Manas National Park
By Seema Bhatt1

The Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp (MMJC) is thus named. Perhaps the name also indicates
situated on the eastern range of Manas National prosperity and good health, both important for the
Park at Kokilabari in the Barpeta District of Manas National Park. The MMES runs the MMJC.
Assam and is run by the Manas Maozigendri
Ecotourism Society (MMES). The Park gets its In addition to this, the other tourist lodges
name from the Manas River, a tributary of the include, a tourist lodge of Assam Tourism in
Brahmaputra and part of it extends into Bhutan Bansbari that has been leased out to Jungle
where it is called the Royal Manas National Park. Travels and one more lodge run by Blue Hill.

Manas was declared a wildlife sanctuary in October There is a government tourist lodge in Barpeta
19282. The Manas Tiger Reserve was created in road and another two privately–run initiatives.
1973. The park was declared a World Heritage site
History and genesis
in 1985 by UNESCO. In 1992, UNESCO declared it
as a ‘World Heritage Site in Danger’ due to heavy The 1980s were a turbulent time for Assam as the
poaching and terrorist activities. It is still under movement to demand a separate land for the Bodos
this category. The Park is also an Elephant Reserve began. In the late 80s, the All Bodo Students Union
and a Biosphere Reserve. Manas is known for its (ABSU) and Bodo political parties joined hands
rare and endangered wildlife which is not found to demand a separate state called Bodoland. This
anywhere else in the world. This includes the movement took a huge toll on the national park
Assam Roofed Turtle, the Hispid Hare, the Golden first, since the insurgent groups and militants used
Langur and the Pygmy Hog. The park has listed the forests as hideouts and second because, both
55 species of mammals, 380 species of birds, 50 national and international poaching groups took
species of reptiles, and 3 species of amphibians. advantage of the situation leading to destruction.
The once resplendent park became a mere shadow
Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp (MMJC) of its former self as a result of rampant felling
The camp gets its name from a legend about of trees and poaching of animals. In 2003, an
a king who ruled in this area in the mid 18th accord was signed resulting in the establishment
century. Among his many workers was a short of the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC).
stout female cook, who the king favoured because There was also a realisation then that Manas
of her hard work and dedication. He lovingly needed to be brought back to its former glory.
called her ‘Maozigendri’ (literally meaning pot- Some local youth and activists from the ABSU
bellied female cat). One day, she was washing in decided to take the responsibility for this
the river close by when she collapsed and died. through their local unit of Chapaguri Koklabari
The king was greatly saddened on hearing this Anchalik Committee (CKAC). As a result, the
and declared that the river be called Maozigendri restoration of the park and the endeavour to
after her. Understanding the significance of the make it an important tourist destination was
river for local people, the Society (MMES) was incorporated as a special package in the Bodo
A case study of the Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp, Manas 17

Accord signed in February 2003. It emphasized etc. It was also done for greater credibility of
that participatory tourism should be promoted. MMESas a partner for conservation in Manas.
Under the initiative of the ABSU and CKAC, the The members include ABSU workers, former Bodo
Manas Maozigendri Ecotourism Society was formed LiberationTigers Force (BLTF) members, ex-poachers,
on 13th December 2003. It was given the mandate to ex-timber fellers and local community members from
look after conservation and ecotourism issues in and fringe villages of Manas. MMES is a membership
around Manas. In 2005, Help Tourism stepped in to organization and basically a local, democratically-
facilitate the ecotourism work. MMES was registered run body. MMES has a Board of Patrons and a
in 2006. The then Field Director, Mr.Abhijit Rabha Chief Patron. It also has a Board of Advisers with
invited Help Tourism to be involved. Help Tourism got Legal Advisers as well. The Board of Advisors
involved to use tourism as a tool to accelerate the guide members as and when the need arises.
peace process and support community conservation.
There is a Cabinet Body (of 15 members) headed by a
Help Tourism is an organisation that describes President, followed by a Vice President and a General
itself as, “a tour operator and destination Secretary. There is an Executive Body consisting of 35
management consultant specialising in East- members. On the basis of the activities that MMES
and North East India”. It sees tourism as a tool carries out, there is a Conservation Body consisting
for conservation and sustainable development. of 80 hard-core volunteers and an Ecotourism Body
Help Tourism facilitates the enhancement of consisting of 20 members. Finally, there is a General
local people’s livelihoods through tourism that Body of approximately 200 members. There are
would also serve as an incentive to conserve. different members who coordinate conservation,
tourism and cultural activities respectively. At
Structure of MMES present the ecotourism officer also looks after
MMES hopes, “to bring about sustainable, equitable the cultural aspect of the programme. There is an
socio-economic development of the community overall Public Relations Officer. MMES has two
living in the fringe villages of Manas through accountants, one for conservation related work
sustainable conservation and responsible tourism”3. and the other for the ecotourism related work.
There are women members in sub-committees
MMES is a legally registered society. It was and have the power and capacity to undertake or
much later, at the suggestion of Help Tourism, initiate any activity. Two self help groups of women
that MMES became a legal entity through the members run the handloom and handicraft units.
registration under the Society’s Act. This was to
enable more financial support through grants Help Tourism plays an advisory role. It has also
facilitated capacity building for the staff and

contributed in the development of the infrastructure. on lease by MMES from a local person who had
Help Tourism played a catalytic role when Manas attempted sericulture there and failed. There is
was declared a “World Heritage Site in Danger” no written lease as of now. Help Tourism initially
and mobilised support for the Park. Help Tourism provided tents for tourists and later helped with
encouraged the Bodos to support conservation and the design of the complex. Part of the funds
restore the lost glory of the park. This was done for establishing the complex came from funds
by first initiating the stopping of all poaching in collected during the Park Centenary celebrations.
an area of 250 sq km. Felling of trees and sale Help Tourism initially invested in the upgradation
of wild meat was also prohibited. The hunters/ of the infrastructure. This was adjusted with the
poachers were punished and subsequently funds collected from bookings. Help Tourism
rehabilitated for patrolling and protection. Help also initiated donations from visitors directly to
Tourism has motivated the local people, ensured MMES. Help Tourism also arranged free patrolling
that an appropriate institutional structure is in gear, rain coats, torches, tents etc. for MMES.
place and has facilitated capacity building through
training programmes in the hospitality sector. Help Tourism has contributed the initial funds to
help build this infrastructure. A new dining hall
Tourism infrastructure is in the process of being built on this campus.
Tourism infrastructure at Manas Maozigendri Jungle This has also been supported by Help Tourism.
Camp consists of four cottages and a dining cum MMES carries out what it terms ‘participatory
common room all built with bamboo and other tourism’ where the tourists are encouraged to
indigenous material. Additionally there are three participate in various activities of MMES such
huts with single beds and a two-room set with a as patrolling the park, monitoring and census
single bed each. There are also four rooms available of various faunal species. MMES has developed
in the MMES office in the village and another three types of forms. One to be filled in by tourists
three rooms with a common toilet in the old ABSU that indicate that they have been taken on as
office available to accommodate the tourists. ‘Temporary Conservation Members of the Society.
Overall, there is provision for 20 guests at a time. The other is for ‘Lifetime Conservation Members’
The first investment support came from Ashoka and finally those for the ‘Hardcore Conservation
Holidays at the ABSU complex where a guest Volunteer’. A membership fee of Rs.10/- is taken
house with common toilet was set up. Help from each category of member. Anyone who wants
Tourism supported this through sending tourists to support the conservation efforts of MMES can
here. The land for the present set up was taken become a temporary member. The Cabinet and
A case study of the Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp, Manas 19
the Executive Committee decide and nominate Tourists visit the park and this establishment
members in consultation with local people. from November to March. The camp has received
1270 tourists (domestic and foreign) since its
Tourists can go on treks and walks and also avail of inception in 2005. The year wise break up is
the cultural experience by interacting with the local as follows. In 2005 – 117, 2006 – 246, 2007 –
villagers. Guides do escort tourists. There are four 402 and 2008 – 505 of which 60% are foreign
trained guides at the moment in Maozigendri area and 40% Indians. These include bird watchers,
itself. All of them have received training from experts photographers, butterfly enthusiasts, cultural
on fauna and flora identification; interpretation; tourists, wildlife lovers, conservationists and
basics of wildlife monitoring and management. The documentary film makers. A gross of almost
treks are of varying durations ranging from three Rs.10,00,000/- has been the earning from tourists
hours to seven hours depending on the route and from the time since the camp was established.
are mostly in the Eastern boundary of the Park. This includes donations from tourists as well.
Cultural programmes are organised if tourists are Tourism is being marketed to this location with
interested. The local cultural team managed by the support of Help Tourism that includes this
the Cultural Group performs cultural programmes. in its relevant packages. Both MMES and Help
They perform the traditional war dance, harvesting Tourism have websites where the location is well
dance and songs etc. There are some dance forms documented. The website is a platform for generating
that have been revived as a result of the tourism information about the positive developments
activities. The team consisting of 10-12 performers taking place in Manas and create visitor awareness
earns approximately Rs.2000 per performance. and also to inspire the travellers to become a
There is definitely a very positive influence of being part of this transformation through their visits.
involved in these performances on local people as
they feel proud of their culture. Traditions are being Conservation and awareness
revived as a result of appreciation by the tourists.
One of the most significant mission’s of MMES
MMES has established a small museum in the is to help restore the Manas National Park and
village that displays some traditional Bodo artefacts, to support this it carries out a range of activities.
weapons etc. The entry to the museum is free. MMES with the help of its volunteer work force
has established 12 camps within the park
Benefit sharing mechanisms boundary to help in patrolling and monitoring
against illegal felling and poaching activities. As
There is a pool of 31 local people who manage the late as 2003, wild meat and illegal timber were
tourismactivitiesrangingfromservice,housekeeping, both freely available at the local village market
gardening and maintenance. Members who have the of Lwkhibazar, which has historically been an
skills and propensity towards hospitality and service important trade route between Bhutan and India
were selected for tourism related activities. Income
depends on flow of guests. The entire surplus from MMES started with a house-to-house campaign
tourism goes to the community through various against the killing of wild animals and the illegal
projects run by MMES. At present the number of felling of tress and convinced people to refrain from
tourists coming to MMJC is low and the project these activities. Women were particularly mobilised
has not crossed the break even. Therefore Help to help in this campaign. Those caught poaching
Tourism at present supports the project without were publicly reproved. Ex-poachers were trained to
any monetary benefit and will consider profit help in conservation and a Conservation Task Force
sharing once the number of tourists increases. consisting of ex-poachers and ex-timber fellers was
formed. A total of 47 ex-poachers are now part of
Help Tourism has also helped in the capacity the joint patrolling efforts that have started with
building of the local people handling the tourism the Forest Department. They are also part of the
aspect by organising training in the hospitality MMES. Today, the Forest Department in recognition
sector at its other tourist sites in Darjeeling. About of MMES efforts has officially recognised them as
60% have attended the training programmes. partners in conservation. The ABSU encouraged
the youth to get involved. Bird checklists were
Revenue earned from tourism is directed towards
made and wildlife surveys also carried out. This
conservation activities of the organisation.
has helped in the tourism activities as well. Two
The entire profit is spent for conservation after
wireless sets were given to the youth from the
paying expenses and salary/remuneration.
Forest Department. The Bodoland Territorial Council

(BTC) is also supporting some of the conservation Most of the work within MMES is carried out on a
activities of MMES. 17 villages located on the voluntary capacity and revenue earned individually
periphery of the park are involved in this initiative. is not very significant The biggest challenge being
faced by the Society today is how to keep up with
MMES has been the winner of the prestigious providing food to the volunteers who patrol the park.
Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection
Award, 2006 and the Anirudh Bhargava The Manas initiative needs to be understood in
INTACH Environmental Award for 2005. the context of political strife that the areas have
been subject to. There is also an entire cadre
Capacity building exercises related to waste of people ranging from youth to people who
disposal and water management have been initiated had been involved in the illegal felling of trees
recently There is also an attempt to keep the tracks and poaching of wild animals that now need to
clean and free of wastes and plastics. Rain water focus their energies into something positive and
harvesting is being attempted by digging ponds. constructive. The ecotourism initiative combined
with the conservation and awareness activities of
This is the first conservation-based tourism
MMES have given an appropriate direction to these
initiative that dedicates its entire effort and
people. It has also instilled in them a sense of pride
earnings for revival of Manas and protect its
and purpose to help regain the lost glory of Manas.
wildlife while engaging local communities
The ecotourism initiative in particular has brought
in every sphere of its activities.
to Manas a number of tourists, both domestic and
Discussion foreign giving the local people a further incentive
to protect what is left of the ecosystem. Also,
The ecotourism initiative that is run by the MMES since the activities of MMES are so intricately
is a relatively small component of the larger vision connected, all the stakeholders including tourists and
of conservation of the organisation. Given the volunteers see the connection between the health
scale of operations, the number of tourists visiting of the ecosystem, tourism and the well being of
and the revenue earned, it is very difficult to say the local community. The relevance of the initiative
if this initiative has contributed towards poverty becomes greater since it enhances the pride of the
alleviation in the region. Out of the 60 plus villages community and gives them an incentive to conserve.
in the fringe area of the park, at least 17 are
involved in various activities of MMES. However, Even more significant is the fact that the political
revenue generated from ecotourism activities is system in the form of the Bodoland Territorial
not distributed amongst the local community but Council (BTC) supports this initiative and would be
is routed to help support conservation activities. keen to support many more of this kind. Discussions
A case study of the Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp, Manas 21
with the Deputy Chief of the BTC, Shri Kampa Recommendation
Borgoyary endorsed this. He is eager to support The marketing for this site may need to be
MMES and also indicated an expansion of tourist enhanced. Help Tourism is at present marketing it
facilities at Maozigendri. The MMES has to some through its own packages. The websites also help.
extent also got support from the Forest Department. More effective communication would be needed
for better marketing. Help Tourism has tied up
Key challenges and recommendations
with some overseas operators who promote
1. Limited Wildlife Sightings and support community tourism projects and
The many years of conflict in the region has responsible wildlife holidays. The last few seasons
taken its toll on the forests and wildlife of have registered steady growth and response.
Manas. Protection in the last few years has Better results are expected through these tie ups
helped but there is still a long way to go before
3. Scale of Operations
the Park ecosystem regains its health. As a
At present, the ecotourism set up at Maozigendri
result, wildlife sightings are not that common.
is quite small. If ecotourism is to become a
This has a direct impact on tourism at the
more significant activity of the MMES and the
Jungle Camp. This perhaps is one of the biggest
number of tourist were to grow, then the scale
challenges for this site. The Camp is an ideal
operations would need to grow considerably.
site for serious bird watchers, but the average
However, the caution is that it should also not
tourist who would like to spot at least a few
grow to the extent that it could be detrimental
animal species may be disappointed. Help
to the park itself.
Tourism confirmed this by noting that with
continuous patrolling and monitoring by local Recommendation
conservation volunteers, the wildlife situation in The BTC has indicated that it might help support
Manas is much better now compared to what it a larger establishment at Maozigendri. It must be
was during the political movement. Other than kept in mind that if this does happen, and then
birds, mammals such as Wild Buffalo, Hog Deer, the new establishment is developed in the same
Golden Langur, Asiatic Elephants sightings are style as the present one. Help Tourism is also
common nowadays. Spotting the tiger is always supporting a larger dining room. It might help
a matter of chance as in other protected areas. to carry out a survey with tourists to know what
kind of additional facilities they might like to
have at this site. Help Tourism believes that the
The ecotourism package being offered by MMES
carrying capacity of a particular site should not be
at present is quite varied and offers a range
exceeded, It is developing and encouraging other
of activities. This is a good strategy and needs
community groups to set up similar infrastructure
to be diversified even further. The cultural and
in Central and Western Manas. The Basbari site
rural tourism aspect could be strengthened.
is already operational. Few more sites will be
The central seed farm that is part of the Park
ready by next season in Ultapani and Chakrashila
provides an excellent habitat for the Bengal
Florican (The logo of MMES). This site should be 4. Capacity Building
developed and could be made part of the package. At present the staff at the Jungle Camp is
Sighting of the Bengal Florican would be a great relatively small and Help Tourism has facilitated
attraction for the tourist interested in wildlife. the training of some of the local boys in the
Help Tourism is initiating discussions hospitality sector. However, there needs to
with BTC to declare the seed farm as an be a more professional approach to running
important bird area and ensure that it an establishment of this kind. Although
is protected from various pressures. situated in a remote and rustic setting, tourists
do expect the minimum in hospitality.
2. Accessibility to the Site
At present, the access road to the eastern side Recommendation
of the park where the Jungle Camp is located is Constant reinforcing of guidelines and a
poor and not too many tourists venture towards fairly rigorous enforceable Code of Conduct is
this side. There are two tourism establishments required. A system of monitoring and rating
on the other side of the park at Bansbari and a of services needs to be developed. Cross-site
Forest Department establishment at Mathanguri. visits for the staff may also be considered.
Only a planned package or more effective
marketing will bring more tourists to this camp.
The access road is in the process of being re-done.

5. Sale of Local Products needs to be taken into consideration and all

There is at present, a small weaving outlet run efforts made to ensure that this does happen.
by a Women’s Self Help Group in the village. Help Tourism has been pursuing this since
This is a good place for tourists to come and the inception of the project – mostly on pro-
see the indigenous weaving process and also bono basis. Despite their best effort tourist
buy some locally woven fabric. However, there footfalls (they do not encourage day visitors
is a need to expand the sale of local products. and weekend picnickers) are still very low owing
to many factors such as negative publicity
Recommendation by media, travel warning issued by European
A small shop could be opened on the Jungle countries, Australia and North America. Cross-
Camp premises where the tourists could buy border programme has been initiated by us with
local products. There is a need to expand Bhutan so that cross-border entry and tourism
and diversify local products and ensure the could be established for international travellers
quality and supply of these products. which are producing encouraging results.
6. Development of Communication Material
The MMES has at present (besides the website), a
brochure that describes the ecotourism initiative.
However, what the Jungle Camp itself lacks
is some simple but effective communication
material that explains why this Camp is unique.
There also needs to be some material clearly
spelling out a Code of Conduct for the site.
Simple material needs to be developed as
handouts and even as attractive brochures
to be placed in each room. One Board can be
put up on the site indicating the history and
genesis of the initiative and also highlighting
a Code of Conduct. Help Tourism has limited
financial resources and fund and so printed
materials could not be made available. They
have approached BTC in this matter and a
comprehensive information booklet is being
planned which can be used and displayed in
all the sites. An audio-visual system has been
already financed by Help Tourism which will be
used for film shows and awareness campaigns.
7. Ensure Financial Stability
Since this is a unique initiative where ecotourism
is so closely tied to the protection of the park
and the livelihoods of the people involved in
the protection that it is important to ensure
financial security for this endeavour. It needs
to be highlighted that the people involved in
these activities are ex-poachers and those
formerly part of the timber mafia. It is to their
credit that they have been motivated enough to
become protectors. But it is a thin line that they
are walking. For them to continue working as
protectors there needs to be financial stability.
Ecotourism can assure funding this cadre of
people at least for part of the year, if a certain
number of tourists are assured. This then
A case study of the Manas Maozigendri Jungle Camp, Manas 23

Acknowledgment Endnotes
We would like to express our gratitude to Seema Bhatt was commissioned by EQUATIONS
Mr. Raj Basu, the entire staff of MMES, to do this case study. She is an independent
consultant based in India working on issues related
Shri Mohan Brahma of the Forest Department to biodiversity. She holds a Masters degree in
and Shri Kampaji of the BTC. Environmental Studies from Yale University, USA.
She has served as Senior Programme Officer,
Biodiversity ‘Hotspots’ Conservation Programme
WWF- India. Her particular focus of work is on
strengthening the links between conservation of
biodiversity and livelihoods of local communities.
She views ecotourism as one such link and has
coordinated two projects on ecotourism as the
South Asia Coordinator for the USAID supported
Biodiversity Conservation Network. In 2008
she co-authored with EQUATIONS a book on
“Ecotourism Development in India’ published by the
Cambridge University Press. Seema is at present a
Fulbright Research Scholar based at the Centre for
Responsible Travel (CREST) in Washington DC.
National_Park accessed on 20.04.2009

A case study of the
Mountain Shepherds Initiative


In the fall of 2006, the Mountain Shepherds communities, the arrival of tourists was a bonus for
Initiative, a community owned and operated the shattered economy with many youth getting
ecotourism venture, was formerly inaugurated in jobs as porters and guides. However by 1977 with
the vicinity of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve the high influx of tourists, the region encountered
(NDBR) in the North Indian state of Uttarakhand severe ecological damage. Valuable herbs from the
(Figure 1). The Mountain Shepherds Initiative is born sanctuary were extracted in an unsustainable manner
out of social struggle of the Chipko1 (early 1970s) and waste from several expeditions had started
and Jhapto Cheeno2 (late 1990s) movements and accumulating at an alarming rate. Traffic increased
more recent efforts by the Nanda Devi Campaign in all the newly opened trekking routes, and by
- to reclaim peoples land and forest rights3. 1982, around 4000 travellers and porters were
treading the sanctuary annually. The declaration of
Background the region as a national park was to protect it from
The Mountain Shepherds story begins in Lata, further destruction and allow the ecosystem to heal.
a village situated in the Niti Valley of the High Restrictions were put on the local communities from
Himalayas. The people of the Niti Valley, which forms grazing their herds, harvesting medicinal plants
the Western boundary of the Nanda Devi Biosphere and collecting fallen wood6. Local communities
Reserve, belong to an Indo-Tibetan ethnic group were restricted from taking their herd to Dharansi,
known as the Bhotiya who are further divided into their traditional summer hamlet. Restrictions were
several subgroups with varying degrees of affinity imposed on traditional harvesting of herbs and in
with either Hindu or Buddhist cultures in the region4. practicing their religious rights inside the core zone.

Two seminal events shaped the lives of the Bhotiyas By 1988, the Nanda Devi National Park was
of Niti Valley. The first was the 1962 India-China converted to a Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) extending
war resulting in the closure of the age old cross the park boundaries to encompass surrounding
border trade relationship with Tibet. The second village lands. Although the buffer zones have
was the declaration of Nanda Devi region as a remained open for the survival use by resident
national park in 1982 ending all mountaineering communities, restrictions were imposed on cattle
and trekking expeditions to Nanda Devi, one of grazing in certain additional lands. With diminished
the Himalayas’ highest and most popular peaks5. pastures, overgrazing developed into a serious
problem, leading many shepherds to reduce their
Mountaineering expeditions flock, and consequently wool production in the
villages. Likewise, the reduced availability of fuel,
Mountaineering expeditions to the Niti valley can fodder and other non-timber forest products
be traced back to the late 1930s peaking in the rendered the traditional subsistence-based
70s and 80s. Since 1939, the Nanda Devi game agriculture to an even more precarious state.
sanctuary has attracted international expeditions, Most upsetting was that the reserve was imposed
though activities remained low as access was rarely unilaterally, without community consultation or any
granted because of its proximity with the borders. regard to the consequences for local livelihoods7.
By the 1970s, the sanctuary had become a major From 1998 to the present time, the people of the
tourist attraction for mountaineers. For the local
A case study of the Mountain Shepherds Initiative, Uttarakhand 25

Figure 1: State of Uttarakhand

Niti valley have persisted in their efforts to regain Development, a coalition of grassroots organisations
access rights to the Nanda Devi National Park. that aimed to introduce a strong pro-people and pro-
Statehood place in the new Uttarakhand state. On October
In November 2000, the new state of Uttarakhand 14, 2001, the community members of Niti Valley
(called Uttaranchal between 2000 and 2006) was issued the progressive Biodiversity Conservation and
carved out of the hill region of Uttar Pradesh. Ecotourism Declaration (Annexure 1) to guide its
The people of the Niti Valley looked forward future endeavours and held a workshop elaborating
to statehood to establish for themselves their their community-based ecotourism proposals.
cultural identity, decisions on appropriate The Nanda Devi Declaration attempts to achieve
development and local control of resources. a new relationship between tourists and local
communities based on equity and mutual learning.
Tourism was considered as a key sector for
development. In May 2001, the state government, Initial stages
with the support of the Ministry of Environment In 2003, the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR)
and Forests (MoEF) commissioned the Indian was partially opened, with the government allowing
Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) to determine the 500 visitors to enter a small segment of the park’s
feasibility of reopening the park to limited tourism core zone every year although the peak itself
activity. This came as a bolt for the local communities would remain off limits. The revision called for the
still battling with the ban. They feared that this move employment of local guides and porters, although
would allow national and multinational tourism this was not accompanied by any job training. With
operators to take control of tourism at Nanda Devi. the keen involvement of Alliance for Development
This gave birth to the Nanda Devi Campaign in Lata and the positive inputs received during the 2001
Village. The Bhotiya communities received critical workshop, the community had considered the
assistance from external groups, both in Uttarakhand move an opportunity for economic rejuvenation.
and abroad. Jaanadhar, a forest rights organization In the initial years of 2003-2005, the Campaign
working throughout the state, assisted in launching pioneered several innovative and creative
the Vanaadhikar (rights over forests) initiative to programmes to raise awareness of the Nanda Devi
unite similar communities affected by protected region and about the need for equity in the tourism
areas. It also helped convene the Alliance for industry in general. Conceived and organized by

a consortium of researchers, social activists and focus at this stage was on three critical aspects – to
the Gram Sabha of Lata village, these programmes build capacities of the youth, to develop a product
have embraced everything from artist camps to line and marketing and planning of an event that
raise resources, women’s festivals on Republic Day would draw international attention and formally
and participation in regional and international launch the company. For the latter, the organizers
academic workshops. Also over successive summers, decided to hold the Inaugural Nanda Devi Women’s
student groups from American and Canadian Trek, by reaching out to the world’s women
universities visited Lata village as part of their mountaineers to pay tribute to the mountain goddess
studies in Mountain Geography and sustainable Nanda Devi as well as the region’s women who have
Development. These programmes raised the global played a central role in movements of forest, land,
profile of the region and demonstrated tourism and water rights. This trek was also to commemorate
contribution in helping diversify the community’s the 30th death anniversary of Nanda Devi Unseold.
economic strategies. In 2004, these efforts were In 1976 Unseold and his daughter Nanda Devi were
recognized when the area was selected as a on an expedition to climb her namesake mountain
runner up for Best Ecotourism Destination by Nanda Devi. She died during the climb, which was
Conde Nast Traveller. This was followed in January plagued by accidents and eventual tragedy.
2005 with a full feature article in French travel
magazine GEO that highlighted the pertinent Another reason for the organisers to choose a
issues and concerns raised by the campaign women’s trek was to use the launch event as an
with regard to ecology and cultural survival8. opportunity to position themselves differently.
MSI believes that if it can provide safe trek
An important strategy adopted was the use to a single woman in remote mountain areas,
of technology like the web to aid effective who are otherwise considered vulnerable, then
communication of the campaign as well as market it automatically demonstrates that everyone
the tourism initiative. By 2004 the Campaign will be safe. In fact small women group have
had a significant presence on the internet. actually started visiting the area accompanied
Through the website, queries were received for by trained women guides from the region.
trekking & mountaineering expeditions that
helped generate business on a small scale. On International Women’s Day of the year
applications were invited for a women exclusive
Mountain Shepherd Initiative trek. 64 applications were received from various
parts of the world. Seventeen women from India,
By 2006, a steady stream of people had started the US, Canada, and Taiwan were selected and
visiting the region as a result of the Campaign. The invited to the Nanda Devi region in October 2006.
A case study of the Mountain Shepherds Initiative, Uttarakhand 27
Final choices were based on the candidates’ interest Chamoli, Uttarkashi & Dehradun, with a maximum
and experience in women’s issues, mountain number of youth being from the Niti Valley.
environments, and social justice. The women Those unemployed youth who were already
needed to bear their own expenses until Joshimath involved in tourism and residing in the targeted
(Chamoli district) but the 2 week trek expenses for villages were considered. Criteria were further
the trekkers were borne by MSI. In this endeavour, developed to identify the entrepreneurship,
MSI was greatly assisted by American students discipline, and ability to work in a team.
from the Appalachian State University (North
Carolina, USA), through their successful “Gear for In keeping with the general socio-cultural outlook
Garhwal” project. They had put up donation boxes in of MSI, NIM’s basic curriculum was enhanced in
shopping centres for collecting trekking equipment. consultation with the Principal, Nehru Institute of
A significant amount of high quality mountaineering Mountaineering . Thus in addition to a month of
equipment was then delivered to MSI in May 2006. physically demanding mountaineering training, a
week of lectures were held on topics as diverse as
Unlike the typical high end holiday package to the the special needs of the senior citizens/ disabled
Himalayas, the participatory nature of the tour persons, the culture and history of Uttarakhand,
was emphasized, so that the newly trained guides flora and fauna identification and mountain
and organizers could learn from the trekkers as tourism. Successful candidates made a pledge
well as impart the history, geography, and ecology to the campaign indicating their commitment
of the Nanda Devi region. On conclusion of the to work collectively for the promotion of the
Inaugural Trek, the participants were asked to collective enterprise as well as abide by the
submit their feedback and suggestions to MSI. principles of the Nanda Devi Declaration10.
Capacity building With MSI starting to get regular business, they
requested grants for further training on (advanced,
In October 2004, board members of the USA based method of instruction and mountain search &
Winterline Foundation had visited Lata Village and rescue), which Winterline Foundation offered.
were keen on supporting the Initiative as they saw The training was for 40 more boys and girls
this as an opportunity for the local community to too were encouraged. Currently MSI has over
claim stake and control over tourism development 60 boys and 10 girls who have been trained.
in their region. Until this point the Nanda Devi Most have completed 3-4 courses and are now
Campaign had stayed away from taking donor qualified instructors, certified search and rescue
money as they wished this Initiative to be on their volunteers for accidents in high altitude areas.
own terms and values. Winterline Foundation
helped fund and train the first batch of 40 youth in In addition to the trekking and mountaineering
the basic course in mountaineering. In 2006, MSI courses, youth have also been given training in yoga,
approached the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, cooking, English language and computers. They
Uttarkashi (NIM) for capacity building of the local have been also trained to use the Global Positioning
youth. To accommodate all 40 youth together MSI System (GPS) as part of the documentation training.
without a subsidy purchased an entire course worth
Rs.17,00,000 (US$ 36,500 approx) – Rs 40000/- Product design & marketing
being the expenditure of training one candidate MSI sought to create products that were in tune
The NIM training provided a fresh start to many with and guided by the Nanda Devi Declaration.
of the youth who could not finish school or return They have developed various treks ranging in
to their traditional livelihood. By equipping their length and level of difficulty so as to provide
traditional knowledge with modern techniques, multiple options to clients. Their treks have been
they could access more specialized and therefore designed keeping in mind varied interests so as
higher paying work. Most important was the to attract students, families, the differentially-
increased probability of Himalayan youth abled, women, as well as the seasoned trekker.
finding gainful employment closer home rather “You are a woman and you have a mind of your own.
than in urban centres9 and to become owners You stand up against what is wrong and stand with
of the company rather than employees. what is right. Your ideals match our own — you share
our history. And we have an exclusive invitation for you
The prospective participants for the NIM training
— to be our special guest. There is no package, there are
were selected in consultation with the Gram
no deals. You can come when you want and stay for as
Panchayats and core members of the Nanda long as you want. Your safety is our promise. This is the
Devi Campaign from the districts of Pithorgarh,

land of Gaura Devi. She was the quiet inspiration behind “As we go higher up in the Himalayas there are 2 options
the Chipko movement and is the enduring strength – First option is to take a well cultured, well spoken,
of our community’s many struggles. We invite you to English speaking guide from Delhi. The second option
discover her, somewhere along the banks of the Dhauli is that our boy doesn’t know English though he will
Ganga, or in a brilliant sunrise or in the soft light of the manage to say yes/no and minimum communication.
stars. Or maybe in you.” But if there is a problem our boys being technically
Mountain Shepherds Initiative Website11 qualified and well versed with the terrain can carry you
all the way back. So it is their choice to decide who they
Another area where they see a potential and want to take.
growing numbers is tourists wanting to experience Sunil Kainthola, Director, MSI
village life - to stay in traditional homes and be
part of the daily chores! Some accompany the The Ford Foundation has helped fund 3 components
shepherds when they take their livestock to graze, – developing the product design, documentation
others join the families in the fields while others and reintroduction of vegetable dyes.
go along with the women to collect firewood.
Tourism impacts
A third area is in developing souvenirs, an entire
Economic aspects
component that is overseen by the women. In
every house there is a Khaddi (weaving loom). Key sources of sustenance and income for the
During the non-agricultural season the loom runs community are agriculture (wheat, barley, millet,
in every house and the women are engaged in pulses, grains, kidney beans and potatoes), rearing
carpet weaving. However the quality is inferior of livestock and homespun wool and woollen items.
to what is available in the market. MSI plans to By adopting tourism, the local community now have
reintroduce vegetable dyes and provide design supplementary income avenues - guides, porters,
inputs. While most women weave carpets, as these pony owners, cooks, driving a taxi, homestays,
are fairly large and heavy, most tourists may be crafting souvenirs. With increase in livelihood
unwilling to buy. Therefore smaller mats with opportunities youth who earlier migrated are now
motifs for yoga or meditation are being designed. planing to work in the region. Before joining MSI,
a majority of the youth were engaged in farming
The marketing of MSI is mainly through the website
with an annual average income that varied between
and word of mouth. As of now the website is
Rs.5000/- to Rs.10,000/-. But after having undergone
maintained by volunteers from Canada. MSI also
training as guides they now earn Rs.250/- per
has tie-up with an organisation called Nature Link
day; earning on an average Rs.15,000 - 20000/-
( as their marketing partners.
annually which is like bonus income to the family.
As a marketing strategy MSI plans to have all its Most guides come from low income families.
treks visually documented. The youth have been
MSI works on the model that the youth are paid
trained to use the camera and GPS devices. On any
only if they are actually engaged in a business
new route being taken the guides carry with them
activity. Having invested in training the youth, the
a video camera & shoot, which is then edited into 2
MSI requires them to volunteer time in product
minute film and parked in You Tube (Internet) . Once
design on the days when they are not on a trek. For
sufficient documentation is done, MSI will upload
example a camera, rations, equipment is given and
its redesigned website with the GPS coordinates
travel expenses taken care of to survey and visually
of the trek to give the client a precise route for
document a trek. However if the guide is not engaged
planning their treks. This gives them an added
and they receive a request from other tour operators
advantage over the hundred others promoting treks
/ groups they are allowed to join other groups
in Uttarakhand. Their aim is to cover the entire state
though their first commitment is to the company.
and not just the areas they are currently operating
in. For this they have given themselves 2 years. People engaged in providing homestay facilities
receive between Rs.150 - Rs.250/- per person per
Another important marketing strategy they rely on
day (twin sharing basis), the porter – Rs.250/- and
is the quality of their trained guides. The guides in
the cook Rs.500/-. The pony owner gets Rs.400/-
the process of doing a thorough documentation
per day for a pony. MSI works on the principles of
of all treks – they are required to fill up trek logs
fair wages, good working conditions, top quality
- location coordinates using GPS, water sources,
gear and that income is distributed in an equitable
bridges, zones of rock fall, all this helps in building
manner and amongst as many as possible. For e.g.
collective knowledge. The training and this collective
while a pony is able to carry the load of 4 men and
knowledge is the basis on which MSI is able to say,
A case study of the Mountain Shepherds Initiative, Uttarakhand 29

is much more cost effective, MSI wherever possible, e.g. fuel efficient stoves worth $220 per piece which
chooses to go with porters as this would help 4 were bought were broken in a day or extremely
people benefit instead of one. Also the porters expensive mountaineering rope cut up to tie bundles
MSI engages usually carry less weight compared of grass or catering equipments and plates were
to porters hired by other groups (20 kilograms) as stolen. MSI is putting in efforts to counter this.
they do not want them to be loaded with more
weight in case of an emergency and when trekkers MSI did micro financing for the purchase of
are required to be carried down. Further, there vehicles, where the person from the community
is no discrimination in the food offered to the is the owner. Whenever needed MSI asks for
clients and camp staff accompanying the trek. his services, otherwise he is free to earn an
income out of it by private or commercial use
Apart from the monetary aspects, the accumulation for ferrying local passengers. However people
of specialised man power in these regions in remote who were trusted with loans at times have not
villages is an extremely valuable asset – replacing fulfilled their obligations of paying back.
the need to hire such expertise from cities.
Homestays: Two key motivations for tourists
MSI has ensured through the system put in place visiting the region are religious and adventure. The
that the money earned will stay and trickle down pilgrim and the adventurer do not expect high end
to the community. At the village level they have comforts, but primarily want basic facilities like
developed a rotational method so as to ensure clean accommodation, toilets etc. An extremely
equitable distribution of opportunities. A system innovative idea for solving the accommodation
of backward linkages is in place – for instance if problem, with minimum investment is to use non-
one family is providing homestay facility, another performing assets like properties or bungalows.
family provides food supplies, and from a third Most communities in the region have a summer
the tourist is encouraged to buy souvenirs. and winter home, at a higher and lower altitude
respectively. During summers (also the tourist
MSI has consciously stayed away from a ‘funding & season), the winter homes are vacant which are
project mode’ though items like the mountaineering leased out to MSI. The marketing strategy is to
gear have been received by the community at no attract the tourist coming to Joshimath and give
cost to them. Most villagers on seeing the material them a choice to either stay in a polluted town
believe that it should be distributed amongst all like Joshimath paying Rs1000/- per room or 25
as this is what the Forest Department does. The kms further down in Lata village pay Rs.800/- and
common equipment used to be treated without care get an entire house of a Bhotiya including food.
and also went through a phase of it being stolen. For

However most of the houses are in need of repair. leased property, near Joshimath, the closest town to
A part of the profits earned by MSI is reinvested the village as pilgrims may prefer staying in town.
back as micro credit to help owners renovate their
homes, build bathrooms and toilets. This system Social aspects
is being introduced and demonstrated to help the MSI is attempting to create a egalitarian culture by
community become familiar with how it operates. encouraging the guides, porters to move away from
Out of the earnings from the tourists who stay at the ‘sir’ system and address the client by his/her first
their homes, the family will retain 50% and the name. They are encouraged to relate with the client
remaining will be given to the company against the as an equal rather than as the boss, so that if need
advance given. People have been given inputs – a be they can exercise necessary authority (particularly
person was encouraged to use a double glass pane if client’s demands crosses the boundaries of safety
system and cover the windows with wire mesh so or common sense while mountaineering or trekking).
that the flies don’t come in or that the interiors
are refurbished with modern facilities while the MSI has inculcated in the youth a sense of
exteriors are traditional. However this system has cleanliness and hygiene (towels, mirrors, shaving
not been functioning well with the community brush etc are given to all guides and porters)
because people perceive it to be like some kind
of government funding, while it is actually the MSI has invested in life insurance of Rs.10 lakh and
micro finance experimentation with the profits. personal accident insurance of Rs.1 lakh for its youth
This not only increases the bed capacity of the in the core group. 50% of the premium is borne by
village but in turn also promotes better hygiene MSI and the remaining 50% by the youth themselves.
practices among the villagers. However there is Discussions on tourism have taken place in
still a difference in the notion of cleanliness that Panchayat meetings and even amongst women.
a tourist demands and of the community member. Earlier the women and children used to see
It is for this reason that MSI just hires the rooms the tourists as strangers, but now with people
and all the housekeeping is done by MSI staff coming and staying in their houses, the fear
using linen from MSI store. Similarly the meals are and anxiety about a stranger has gone.
prepared and served by MSI so as to be sure that
the food has been prepared in a hygienic manner. Youth who are part of the Initiative have
also become important members of the
Currently in 2 villages (Lata and Tolma) they have community and are now approached by vehicle
initiated the concept and now have a bed capacity owners, pony men, as it is through them that
of approximately 40. MSI has also leased a 5 room business for the others is generated.
A case study of the Mountain Shepherds Initiative, Uttarakhand 31
However while girls have been encouraged to to a given area for tourism purposes and marketing
come forward and undertake training, their it to tourists rather than youth from other areas. In
participation has been low. This is mainly due to turn they would be implementing the “no traces”
the conservative outlook of the community. Also principle with more honesty instead of a guide
with many youth joining MSI (especially from the belonging to Delhi or Rishikesh in the Nanda devi.
Niti Valley) the burden on the women increases as
the tourist season is also the season for farming Though the nature of trekking in mountains followed
and crop harvesting. When the men desert the by MSI is such that the kitchen staff leaves a
village at this labour intensive time to engage with location or a camping site after the tourist has gone
tourism, it leaves a double burden on the women. further. Thus it is difficult to ensure that the garbage
generated at that site is carried back and not left
Practice of caste discrimination remains strong in the behind. The MSI is trying to encourage its youth to
villages. Though attempts have been made to involve carry back the garbage generated during the trek. An
participation of scheduled castes (SC) (marginalised action workshop was organised with EQUATIONS in
community within the social structure) this has been November 2008 along the Kauri Pass Trail to develop
resisted by the upper castes - for example activities strategies for zero waste and no trace principles.
like cooking by SCs are not accepted by upper caste As a result MSI is now working on new packaging
youth. Also many SC youth are not keen to engage systems so that most of the plastics/polythene is
because of the prevailing system of governmental left at the base itself before commencing the trek.
subsidies they receive. Also when MSI talks about
such initiative, they feel that if MSI is paying Philosophy & structure
Rs.40,000/- for training of one youth, then why can’t While the MSI emerged out of the Nanda Devi
they pay them Rs.5,000/- to help when the youth is Campaign, the organisers realised that this needs
away from home on the training and not earning. to move from a campaign mode to a professional
MSI has put strict regulations for the youth group business venture. To make it a successful business
and the tourists during the trek. Youth are strictly model on the grounds of equal opportunity, it
prohibited from consuming alcohol and smoking. was critical to adopt the principals of choosing
When the tourists eat toffee or biscuits then their people on the basis of need, interest and ability.
wrappers are not allowed to be thrown and they are It is hoped that the initiative will serve as a
asked to carry it back. Also when on the path if a prototype of socially conscious and community
villager is coming / going, the tourists are advised owned tourism operations in the region. MSI’s
to move to a side and make way as villagers have emphasis is on developing leadership skills of
the right of way. MSI also ensures that the tourists Himalayan youth, who in turn would eventually
maintain dress codes appropriate to local culture. become the major stakeholders, a new community-
owned and operated tourism company.
There have been stray incidents of tourists behaving
badly. Often tourists become a little fuzzy in their MSI was registered as a private limited company
behaviour when they climb altitudes. But the in February 2008, currently having two directors
youth understand this behaviour and are trained to (Dr. Sunil Kainthola and Mr. Dhan Singh Rana). In
manage these situations. For climbing mountains, the core team there are 7-8 people who have been
acclimatisation is necessary. There was an incident with MSI since the beginning and understand its
where the tourist ascended the peak too quickly purpose and philosophy. The plan for the coming
without adequate acclimatisation. The person years is that the two directors would eventually
felt severe headache after the climb, spent the give up a major part of the company shareholding
night at the top and climbed down the next day to the youth to run and manage the company in
and went away. Instead of paying the Rs.30,000/- the future. Distribution of shares is planned as 40%
that was due he left paying just Rs.7000/-. of the shares to the youth and the remaining 60%
transferred to a trust that will be constituted called
MSI believes that youth who belong to a particular the Nanda Devi Educational Trust. Therefore while
regionwillbeenvironmentallyresponsiblecompared the structure will remain that of a private limited
to youth who do not belong to that region. This company, 40% equity will be distributed to the
is because a boy who belongs to the Nanda Devi community directly. But for youth to get entitlement
knows that his livelihood depends on that area to shares, they will have to exhibit discipline and
and if that area gets dirty then there will be no work towards taking the company forward. Till date
tourism there and so he will not have any source 4 % of the share has been distributed to the first
for livelihood. Thus they involve boys who belong batch of MSI members. Those having shares would

not entitle them to profits earned by the company. t 4FUVQBDIBOUJOHIBMMOBNFE

The profits will be reinvested back - in purchasing Krishna, in Uttarakashi that will
property, buying equipment, training for the youth provide yoga facilities for tourists
and as micro credit loans for renovations of homes. t "OFOWJSPONFOUBMFEVDBUJPODFOUSF
at Bhebra, midway to Dodital focussing
Future plans children. The centre is expected to serve as
Future plans for MSI involves the following currently a source for understanding the cultural and
in progress or in the process of being initiated: environmental biodiversity of the region.
the campaign website and like Rishikesh and Joshimath, to be done in
the newer collaboration with partners and on a franchisee
t 0WFSUIFOFYUZFBSTUPWJTVBMMZEPDVNFOU basis. These offices to serve as outlets – display
possible treks so as to establish themselves and sale of MSI products and souvenirs.
throughout the state and not only in the three t $SFBUFUIFJSPXOCSBOEJODBUFSJOHBUMPDBM
districts they are currently operating in. regional level. Many youth migrate to urban
t .PVOUBJO4IFQIFSETXJMMFWFOUVBMMZQMBOUSJQT centres and work in restaurants along the
directly from arrival in Delhi to Nanda Devi. This is highways, hotels in Delhi, Mumbai for paltry
to ensure that no trip is marred by the incidental wages. MSI plans to do a skill survey of these
horrors that often beset travellers, whether in youth and select 40 for training. A sister company
being overcharged in Delhi to facing harassment is being planned to run the catering division.
in Haridwar, to transportation chaos on the roads. Challenges & conclusion
of vegetable dye-based products in the For MSI there are still many challenges,
area with the involvement of women in 20 developmental lags and sustainability issues that
families and to market it through e-bay. lie ahead. The challenges are related to retaining
With emphasis on training women into the youth, further training in communicative English,
role of master makers or trainers who will briefing them on aspect of hygiene, food & water
be giving quality inputs to other women. safety, trash collection, developing managerial
t 5IFHPWFSONFOUXJMMCFPQFOJOHUIFXBUFST skills and ultimately instilling self-confidence in
of Tehri dam for adventure sports. To train them. The developmental lags that need to be
50 youth from the region in water sports. addressed are sorting inter-village rivalries, bringing
t 5SBJOZPVUIUPUBLFDBSFPGTFOJPSDJUJ[FOT in greater equity and transforming this initiative
needs as they form a large population of from a people’s movement mindset to a business
the pilgrim traffic doing the Char Dham entity. To ensure sustainability of this venture, MSI
yatra. The entire pilgrim emphasis is on plans to recover indigenous knowledge and skills,
infrastructure like hotels, transport but the develop participatory benchmark studies and build in
human element is missing. They believe that monitoring systems to guarantee work which is line
it is important to take special care of senior with the principles of the Nanda Devi Declaration.
citizens. A wing is to be developed within MSI
that looks into the needs of this sector. As MSI is in a nascent stage and business is not
t %FWFMPQCFODINBSLJOHJOEJDBUPSTBOEDPOEVDU guaranteed, regular monthly income is also not
socio economic studies to regularly monitor possible. Many youth trained under the MSI banner
progress and impacts and take corrective action. have moved on and joined other (more steady)
t #VZMBOEJO6UUBSBLBTIJUPCVJMEBUPVSJTU employment. Some leave the job as they are well off
lodge and camping site. This tourist lodge and not interested in this kind of work, some fear
will be made using locally available material working in the high altitudes but a high percentage
based on different state concepts; the move out on account of seasonal opportunities
construction work will be done by youth to which fetch better money. For e.g. - collection of
build a sense of participation and ownership. the herb “kidajadi”12 (Cordyceps sinensis), which is
t .4*JTQSFTFOUMZOFHPUJBUJOHQSPQFSUJFTPO then exported to China. According to the Chinese
the Dodital Trek route in District Uttarkashi the consumption of this in their diet has been the
and working on a legally valid understanding success factor behind the Olympic victories. For the
of location specific profit sharing with the villagers it fetches Rs. 3 to 3.5 lakhs per kilogram.
person selling land to the company.
A case study of the Mountain Shepherds Initiative, Uttarakhand 33

A critical aspect that needs attention is building up

capacities and creating the second line of people
who can manage managerial aspects of MSI. Acknowledgement
Currently there is no qualified manpower to handle The case study has been complied based on
queries, costing, promotion & marketing, accounts the interviews in 2008 with Dr Sunil Kainthola
all of which being handled by Sunil Kainthola. MSI & Shri Dhan Singh Rana (Directors), Govind
is in contact with people who are working in the (Member), Mr Harish Chandola (Journalist),
tourism department and about to retire. They plan community members from Lata and Tolma
to bring that manpower in to handle such roles. villages as well as based on papers written by Mr
Another challenge that MSI as well as the tourism Rajiv Rawat (2008) and the booklet on Cultural
industry will soon face in Uttarakhand is competition Survival & Sustainable Livelihoods brought
from growth in tourism business in Nepal and out by Alliance for Development (2004)
Kashmir, once those regions become politically
more stable. MSI is preparing itself by gearing up
on services, competitive rates and low overheads.
However the biggest challenge is whether they would Annexure 1
be able to go beyond doing business of Rs. 15-20
lakhs annually (which is what it currently stands The Nanda Devi Biodiversity Conservation
at) or whether it will be able to scale up without and Eco Tourism Declaration
compromising the commendable vision & principles October 14, 2001 Gram Sabha Lata
as laid out in Nanda Devi Declaration of 2001. Chamoli, Uttarakhand
MSI is attempting the monumental task of Today on the 14th of October, 2001 in the
establishing a community-owned operation courtyard of the temple of our revered Nanda Devi,
- a future without human exploitation and we the people’s representatives, social workers
environmental degradation. It hopes to implement and citizens of the Niti valley, after profound
its guiding philosophy in all aspects of tourism deliberations on biodiversity conservation and
planning - in making mountain tourism accessible tourism, while confirming our commitment
to all regardless of age, gender, income or ability. As to community based management processes
a model, its success will have an important bearing dedicate ourselves to the following –
on the fate of the Himalayas and its people. 1. That we, in accordance with the resolutions
adopted by the World Tourism Organisation’s

Manila Declaration 1997 on the Social Impact of eliminate the middlemen and endeavour
Tourism will lay the foundation for community to reduce the travel costs of the tourist
based tourism development in our region 8. While developing the tourism infrastructure
2. That in our region we will develop a in our region we will take care of the special
tourism industry free from monopolies and needs of senior citizens and disabled persons
will ensure equity in the tourism business 9. As proud citizens of the land of the
3. With the cessation of all forms of exploitation Chipko movement, we in the name of Gaura
like the exploitation of porters and child labour Devi will establish a centre for socio-culture
in the tourism industry, we will ensure a and biodiversity, for the conservation and
positive impact of tourism on the biodiversity propagation of our unique culture
of our region and the enhancement of the 10. We will ensure the exchange and sharing of
quality of life of the local community experiences with communities of other regions
4. That in any tourism related enterprise we will to develop eco tourism in accordance with the
give preference to our unemployed youth and Manila Declaration of 1997 in those regions
under privileged families, we will also ensure 11. Acknowledging the spirit of Agenda 21
equal opportunities for disabled persons with of the Earth Summit, Rio 1992, the Manila
special provisions to avail such opportunities Declaration on the Social Impact of Tourism 1997
5. That we will ensure the involvement and and the International Year of the Mountains
consent of the women of our region at all and Eco tourism, 2002, we will strive for
levels of decision making while developing and bio diversity conservation and an equitable
implementing conservation and tourism plans economic development within the framework
6. While developing appropriate institutions of the Constitution of the Republic of India
for the management of community based 12. Today on October 14, 2001, in front
conservation and eco tourism in our area we will of our revered Nanda Devi, and drawing
ensure that tourism will have no negative impact inspiration from Chipko’s radiant history we
on the bio diversity and culture of our region, dedicate ourselves to the transformation of
and that any anti social or anti national activities our region into a global centre for peace,
will have no scope to operate in our region prosperity and biodiversity conservation
7. We will regulate and ensure quality
services and safety for tourists and by
developing our own marketing network will
A case study of the Mountain Shepherds Initiative, Uttarakhand 35

1. of the Nanda Devi sanctuary. Compensation
In the 1970s, an organized resistance to the
destruction of forests spread throughout India for their losses and a full accounting of funds
and came to be known as the Chipko movement. spent on their behalf were also requested. The
The name of the movement comes from the word villagers vowed to continue this movement and
‘embrace’, as the villagers hugged the trees, and present their case in various platforms until the
prevented the contractors’ from felling them. The government recognized their claims. (Rajiv Rawat
first Chipko action took place spontaneously in (2004). The Nanda Devi Campaign For Cultural
April 1973 in the village of Mandal in the upper Survival & Sustainable Livelihoods in the High
Alakananda valley and over the next five years Himalayas, Alliance for Development, Dehra Dun)
spread to many districts of the Himalayas in Uttar
Pradesh. It was sparked off by the government’s Rajiv Rawat (2008). The Mountain Shepherds
decision to allot a plot of forest area in the Initiative: Evolving a New Model of Community-
Alaknanda valley to a sports goods company. This Owned Ecotourism In Redefining Tourism –
angered the villagers because their similar demand Experiences and Insights from Rural Tourism
to use wood for making agricultural tools had been Projects in India, UNDP, New Delhi
earlier denied. With encouragement from a local
NGO, Dasoli Gram Swarajya Sangh, under the 4.
leadership of an activist, Chandi Prasad Bhatt and
women of the area, went into the forest and formed 5.
a circle around the trees preventing the men from
cutting them down. In March 1974, women from 6.
Rajiv Rawat (2004). The Nanda Devi
Lata, Reni and other nearby villages led by the
Campaign For Cultural Survival & Sustainable
elderly Gaura Devi protested against men that had
Livelihoods in the High Himalayas,
come to clear cut local forests. The Chipko protests
Alliance for Development, Dehra Dun
in Uttar Pradesh achieved a major victory in 1980
with a 15-year ban on green felling in the Himalayan 7.
forests of that state by the order of Mrs Indira Ibid
Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India. Since then,
the movement has spread to many states in the Ibid
country. (
In 1998, inhabitants of the Niti Valley prepared
for direct action. Many of the same women who 10.
had earlier participated in the Chipko movement options/
were again at the forefront of this new agitation
- Jhapto Cheeno (swoop and grab). Under the 11.
Cordyceps sinensis- scientific name. It is fungus
inspired leadership of the Lata Village Chief, Dhan that is used in Chinese medicines. Its In Chinese
Singh Rana, people from 10 buffer zone villages its name means “worm in winter, plant in summer”,
entered the core zone en masse, presenting a
series of demands to the government for restoration plants/projects-case-studies/AERF%20project/
of their traditional rights and roles as guardians Final-Report-AERF.pdf , data retrieved 27 April 2009

Impacts on biodiversity:
by EQUATIONS a one act play

We present this overview in three parts: propagated with remarkable dexterity and
efficiency to serve their purpose:
Scene 1 Setting the Stage: interrogating the
1. That capitalism and democracy are
assumptions, myths and realities of globalisation
inseparable – in fact two faces of a coin
Scene 2 Writing the Script: exploring the trends 2. That the private sector is inherently
in conservation ideology and its implications more efficient/effective than
government/publicly managed
Scene 3 Enter Tourism: examining how tourism – 3. Wealth created /accumulated
which is emblematic of globalisation – plays its part at the top does trickle down
in this drama – its overt and covert agendas and their 4. (Even if all the above fail) Anyway
implications on biodiversity and people’s rights there is no alternative!
Finally, Curtains: raises some of the dilemmas, Neo-liberal theory best exemplified by the economist
questions and challenges for conservation
Milton Friedman takes the view that individual liberty
researchers, policy makers, international financial
and freedom can best be protected and achieved by
and other global institutions, international
an institutional structure, made up of strong private
and national NGOs and the industry.
property rights, free markets, and free trade. The
Scene 1 implication of that is that the state should not be
Setting the Stage involved in the economy too much, but it should
use its power to preserve private property rights and
Interrogating the assumptions, myths the institutions of the market and promote those
and realities of globalisation on the global stage if necessary. The well known
Globalisation is by no means a recent phenomenon or
liberalism functions by redistributing wealth through
idea – but what is worth focussing on is its modern
a process of “capital accumulation by dispossession”,
avataar – the advance of neoliberal capitalism
rather than generating wealth through processes
or corporate globalisation. Naomi Klein1 a vocal
of accumulation such as by the expansion of wage
and articulate critic of globalisation observed that
labour. In India as well, with the steady increase
“the past 30 years has been witness to the most
in business’s economic and political power over
extraordinarily successful liberation movement of
the past 30 years we can see how this neoliberal
our time – the global movement of the elite and
(market-can-do-it-all) ideology has become
wealthy to liberate themselves of all constraints
firmly entrenched in establishment thought and
and shackles in order to accumulate unprecedented
practice – in think tanks, the Planning Commission,
levels of wealth”. These shackles have been of
academic institutions and in global bodies.
taxes, environmental regulations, trade unions and
other forms of organisation, capital controls, trade Classical free trade theory goes like this: when an
barriers, and publicly owned and controlled services. economy opens up to the rest of the world it gets the
opportunity to specialise in areas in which it has a
This liberation project, she says, has relied
comparative advantage. Needs that are not efficiently
on some core ideas (myths) that have been
Tourism, trade and globalisation: Impacts on biodiversity, a one act play 39
met through domestic production activity are few to the detriment of us all. Furthermore what
satisfied through imports. The question however is has been paid less attention to is the extent to
what the consequences are for economic, social and which the neo-liberal project has successfully
environmental sustainability – do economic, social crept into every aspect of our lives influencing
and environmental indicators improve over time in frameworks and ways of thinking about the world.
a sustainable manner along with growth in trade?
As an example the Confederation of Indian Industries
That “free trade is good” is at the heart of neo- Sustainability Initiative asserts “The fact that rapid
liberal economics and one of its best sold myths. economic growth is the only realistic means to lift
Ha-Joon Chang, the articulate heterodox economist the poor out of extreme poverty and the fact that
in his book “Bad Samaritans2”, provides persuasive most economic activities depend on product and
arguments about the damage that myths about services provided by the ecosystems, necessitates the
free trade have and continue to do to developing ushering of a new business paradigm which enables
country economies. He notes that virtually all rapid economic growth without compromising
successful developed countries since the Second the capacity of the ecosystem to sustain, nurture
World War, initially succeeded through nationalistic and fuel economic development and human well-
policies using protection, subsidies and government being.” When rapid economic growth is determined
intervention. A process he describes as “kicking as the only realistic means to lift the poor it is no
away the ladder they climbed on” they now impose wonder that the winners of the award by the CII ITC
free trade and neoliberal policies on developing Centre for Excellence in Sustainable development
countries, while this is not the method by which for 20083 for sustainability are Tata Steel, JSW
they reached developed status themselves! steel Vijayanagar and Vedanta Sterlite in Goa and
Tutucorin! All companies indicted for unsustainable
Furthermore, it must be recognised that free trade practices and gross human rights violations.
theory is about economic efficiency of resources in
the short run and does not really base itself on or It is very interesting that the current global financial
promise to deliver economic development. This is crisis is being referred to as a financial tsunami –
a rather fundamental drawback. It may therefore this is indeed a very revealing metaphor as it tries to
maximise consumption in the short run – but is propagate the idea that the financial crisis is some
not the best way to develop a countries economy kind of natural disaster – (what insurance companies
in the long run. The developing countries, on the coyly refer to as acts of God). This absolves in one
other hand, are being persuaded that they should stroke the deliberate actions of greed, exploitation,
specialise in labour-intensive production (because and complete lack of controls and accountability that
that is where their comparative advantage lies) have resulted in this and earlier crises and disasters
without any concrete proposals on how to increase that have been wrecked on the world at large!
capital, skills and technology, which is the basis for
their real and continued growth which is distributive The global financial crisis has not shaken these
in terms of increase living standards. Chang argues, steadfastly held myths. If one examines the
for instance, that the current emphasis to get rich responses of our government in the past few
countries to liberalise their agriculture as a way months on FDI, on EIA, on bailouts to the banks
to help poorer countries, is faulty as it fails to see and private sector, on clearances for development
that the quid pro quo is for the poor countries projects, on Satyam, it is life as usual.
to dismantle foreign investment controls, reduce Scene 2
tariffs, and dismantle protection and subsidies and Writing the script
domestic regulation. These policy instruments are
far more core and strategic for poor countries long Exploring the trends in conservation
term development and should not be bartered away. ideology and its implications

So what has all this to do with the topic at hand Conservation frameworks and principles are
– conservation and biodiversity? With the advance increasingly coming under the scanner for
of neoliberal corporate globalisation the greatest various reasons. The link between conservation
causality has been the shrinking of democratic and displacement is the first, particularly the
space to influence domestic policy. In the rush displacement of indigenous people or “conservation
for greater liberalisation and greater “growth” refugees”. Mark Dowie4 observes that with the
the key causalities have been environmental massive political and financial backing that was
deregulation and the indiscriminate use and abuse given to conservation groups, the process of
of use of natural resources for the benefit of a ‘conservation’ through creation of Protected Areas

(PAs), National Parks and Sanctuaries speeded up not been sought to be included in the body of
globally. In 1962, the world had some 1000 official scientific knowledge and project implementation.
PAs, today the number is close to 110000. The area
under protection has doubled since 1990 with 12%
of all the earth’s land (nearly as much as the entire Madhya Pradesh’s Baiga tribals fight
land mass of Africa) is under ‘conservation’. At a forest officials to save jungles
first glance, such land and “nature” conservation
seems good, but when we consider its impacts For hundreds of years, Baiga tribals living in 52
on native people of the world, one realises that forest villages of the Baigachak region, spread over
all land had once been occupied by who now Samnapur, Karanjia and Bajag blocks of the Dindori
constitute the world’s 6 million “conservation district of Madhya Pradesh, had never consciously
refugees”. India has a total of 650 Protected bothered to conserve forests. For this community
Areas5 (96 National Parks, 508 wildlife sanctuaries, of 30,000-35,000 people, it was the forest that
29 tiger reserves, 14 existing biosphere reserves protected people, not the other way round. Non-
and 3 conservation reserves) and an estimated 2 felling of sacred trees and rules about harvesting of
million of the world’s conservation refugees. forest products were ingrained as religious rituals
rather than understood as conservation methods.
This kind of conservation has relied on a contested
set of principles of “wilderness”. Humans have Then came forest officials. The department
been viewed primarily as an invasive species, paid villagers to clear forests for commercially
encroaching on otherwise pristine areas, their valuable sal plantations, and traders paid them to
activities leading inexorably to the erosion of extract fruits like gooseberry (amla) and chaar or
biodiversity. This has mandated the exclusion of chiraunji, and medicinal herbs. “We were told the
humans from biologically diverse landscapes, or forests belonged to the government,” said Nanki
the restriction of livelihoods of local people in Bai, octogenarian matriarch of Pondi village.
such areas. As a result, the role of adivasis in the
protection of nature through symbiotic relationships With the disappearance of beneficial vines and
– religious, cultural, economic and social has not herbs, the community began to grow impoverished.
been studied enough, their histories not documented “We were getting increasingly dependent on the
and their knowledge and active participation has wages paid by the forest department and traders”
Tourism, trade and globalisation: Impacts on biodiversity, a one act play 41

said elderly Fagu Gholu Baiga of Ranjra village. forest, totalling 3,200 hectares, protected by villagers.
The simmering discontent reached a head during “We now find lac, chaar, tendu fruits, musli and
the sal borer epidemic of 1995.According to forest kanda in jungles,” said Charu Singh Nandia of Dhaba.
department records, the epidemic destroyed one- It will take at least two decades of undisturbed
third of the area’s forests. The Baigas, however, tell protection for the forests to regain full health.
a different story. “We were asked to cut healthy
trees as well. Twice as many healthy trees were But disturbance there is. In the past few years,
felled as infested ones,” said Gondi Singh Rathuria several villages have had a faceoff with forest
of Ajgar village “We had never seen felling on that officials over coupe felling—routine tree felling by
huge scale.” Protests flared up in many villages, the forest department to encourage re-growth that
but in most places they were easily suppressed. villagers say is more of a timber-extraction exercise.
In Dhaba, some 4,000 trees were marked out for
Thevillagersbecamecautious.Theybegandiscussing felling in 2004. When villagers demanded they be
the extent and causes of forest degradation. Soon allowed to select trees for felling, the department
they realized what loss disappearance of vines brought labourers from Rajani Sarai, 25 km away.
had caused. “Vines conserve moisture in the soil A revenue official intervened and 200 trees were
and air, provide hideouts to animals, make it felled. In Rajani Sarai, only half the marked trees
difficult to fell trees by covering them, and most were allowed to be felled last year. In Ranjra
important, they make forests impenetrable,” said when the felling of 3,000 trees was announced
Bir Singh Sarodia, an elder vaid (village doctor) of in 2007, people objected. After long and tense
Ajgar, named after pythons found in the dense, negotiations, very few trees were allowed to be
vine-covered forests. Vines like sinhar, kaniyakand, felled. “The timber came to half a truck,” said Lalla
geeth and kirchi provide fruits, seeds, fibre and Singh of Ranjra. Another conflict is on the cards.
tubers, a nutritious substitute for grain. Sinhar Ranjra residents report that in October-November
leaves are used in plate-making and roofing. 2008 officials quietly marked a coupe close by.
Ajgar, Pondi, Chapra tola, Kandawani, Tumatola
Disappearance of vines also led to the drying up and Kanhar also reported clashes over felling.
of swamps in the region. These swamps were
reservoirs of important medicinal plants like tejraj, According to Anil Garg, a lawyer who has
bhograj, kamraj, bada sukhra, hata jodi, aithi, studied forest land records and coupe felling
telia kand, kali haldi, kali bhoolan, satvaar and in the region, the department is continuing
musli. There was a cure for every ailment available with the colonial way of forest management
here. Of the 61 varieties of medicinal herbs once by concentrating on timber extraction. “The
available in the region, only 10-12 are left. working plans of all districts of Madhya Pradesh
have over the years referred to mixed forests as
Other useful plants and trees like gooseberry, harra, ‘inferior forests’,” he said. Officials admit their
surei, doomar, apple stone, mango and bamboo working plan has no provision for the protection
also nearly disappeared, so did some vegetables. of vines and other “inferior” species so crucial to
“Ours were mixed forests,” said Dhansingh biodiversity and the Baiga’s livelihood. Except in
Kusram, sarpanch of Serajhar. “There were about a few biodiversity compartments, the working
50 varieties of large trees, of which just 23 are plan recommends destroying vines and “useless”
left. Of every 1,000 trees, 920 are now sal.” bushes that obstruct the growth of sal and teak.
The next step was framing rules for conservation. Villagers and forest officials also differ on the merits
No felling of live trees or vines, no harvesting of and methods of coupe felling. Officials say it is a
forest produce until it is mature, patrolling to stop scientific activity aimed at inducing growth in the
forest fires and pilferage. Traders were forbidden forest and has nothing to do with timber extraction.
from bringing outside labourers and harvesting “Felling is carried out using silvicultural methods
was done carefully by villagers, who also planted and a detailed follow-up, including dressing of
gooseberry, mango, bamboo and chaar in the forest. trunks to ensure regeneration,” said P G Fulzele,
The results were encouraging. Dhaba, Kanheri and Dindori’s divisional forest officer. The Baigas say
Rajani Sarai villages saw their water bodies revive coupe felling is highly damaging. “When a tree is
within three years of the conservation drive that felled, vines on it die. Falling trees crush herbs and
started in 12 villages in 2001-2002. Disappearing seedlings. It disturbs birds and wildlife and forest
species are reported to be regenerating in patches of regeneration is delayed. Trucks carting timber

case it is reported that when confronted with its

damage small plants, “said Juglal Ningunia, sarpanch ethical choices IUCN did not even put on the veneer
of Ranjra and head of its forest study group. of defending its ability to influence big businesses
to reform. “The core funding (of some 1.2 million
Villagers also contest the criteria for tree felling, US dollars) would be lost”, an internal IUCN paper
one of them being a 120 cm girth for sal trees. reportedly says, should Shell take legal action. “The
According to officials, at this stage the tree stops financialconsequences(forIUCN)areunforeseeable.”
growing and is no more useful. Villagers say sal WWF more recently under the scanner for its role
trees, which reach this size in 25 years, live much in the Round Table for Responsible Soy, Monsanto
longer. “Old trees shelter birds, vines and wildlife,” and Syngenta have been accepted as full members
said Lalla Singh of Ranjra. Sunil Bakshi, director of in the Round Table on Responsible Soy, which anti
the forest department’s human resource centre at GMO activists say, makes this forum an oxymoron.
Chhindwada and a botanist by training, said a sal
tree lives for over 100 years but after it reaches Neither money nor science can claim to be
the girth of 120 cm (35-40 years), its heartwood ideologically neutral. The politics of funding
grows hollow, bringing down its timber value. and the potential influence of those providing
the money for research and advocacy to direct
Afraid of backlash, the Baigas have not challenged positions, is not a concern that should be dismissed
coupe felling in toto, but insist that felling be done easily. E.g While many conservationists in India
according to rules and in consultation with them. have been agitated about the forest rights act
and its implications, they have not demonstrated
Tree is not timber, Aparna Pallavi, Down To Earth
agitation about the ease with which the Ministry of
Vol 17, No 18, 03rd February 2009 (part extract)
Environment and Forests has handed over vast tracts
of critical ecosystems to mining, petro chemical,
plantations and a variety of other big business.
The tiger vs tribal debates exemplify this kind
of dysfunctional thinking in silos. Even more Central government clearance for forest diversion
dysfunctional has been the “activism” of conservation became mandatory under the Forest Conservation
organisations (and the BNHS being one of them) Act 1980. Data8 about Forest Land Diversion for
to challenge the Forest Rights Act through Public non Forest Purposes since 1981 (in hectares)
Interest Litigations in various courts in India
1981-1990 270991 24%
including 2 cases in the Supreme Court. A study of
1991-2000 243245 21%
the petitions will show that many of the arguments
2001-2007 625941 55%
emerge from the “pure wilderness” assumption and,
1981-2007 1140236
even more sadly, from a rather elitist and arrogant
mindset that it is conservation scientists and high The last 10 years has seen 73% of the diversion
officials who know best. The issues of rights and for mining. Diversion of industries has also been
of ethics largely go unaddressed, as well as the high in this period. If this is combined with the
mandate and legitimacy of conservation scientists recent chilling statistics (see box below) about
to take exclusive positions on these issues. the rush of mining projects cleared by the
MoEF following the National Mineral Policy in
The erosion of credibility is another issue.
2008 the situation indeed looks very bleak for
Conservation has always involved big money and is
the future of conservation in the country.
increasingly becoming big business quite literally.
There is an increasing trend of large conservation
organisations in partnership with big business
which is seriously eroding their credibility among A record 441 mining projects cleared
grassroots actors6. Executive officers of corporations in 2008; a rise of 63.94%
that are major polluters serve on the boards of many
Even as agitations over the land for mining
environmental organizations. Friends of the Earth
and other infrastructure projects are gaining
International the world’s largest environmental
momentum; Rajasthan, Orissa, Karnataka, Goa,
grassroots movement has recently withdrawn from
Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and
its membership of the International Union for Nature
Maharashtra continue to be the major destinations
Conservation (IUCN) in protest against IUCN‘s
for mining projects. Ministry of environment
partnership with Shell and Rio Tinto both notorious
and forests (MoEF) has cleared 441 mining
for their unsustainable business practices and human
projects in the calendar year 2008 compared to
rights violations in several countries7. In the IUCN
Tourism, trade and globalisation: Impacts on biodiversity, a one act play 43
now REDD9 – the fundamental belief seems to be
269 mining projects approved in the calendar that once these are embedded in market terms
year 2007, an increase of a record 63.94%. the logic of the free market should take over to
solve environmental problems. This is evident in
Of 441 projects, nearly 369 have been proposed World Bank supported projects like Joint Forest
in the above given eight states. These approvals Management and India Eco Development Project
were granted as per the environment impact and is pushed by several conservation organisations
assessment notification of 2006.The rise in mining as a means to fund conservation efforts. We
approvals is especially due to the Centre’s move, believe that the consequence of such embedded
which has allowed private sector in mining of frameworks by the conservation scientist fraternity
thirteen minerals like iron ore, manganese ore, needs some significant and honest soul searching.
chrome ore, sulphur, gold, diamond, copper, lead,
zinc, molybdenum, tungsten, nickel and platinum Scene 3
group of minerals. Earlier, these minerals were Enter tourism
reserved exclusively for public sector earlier.
Current tourism models & policies and their
Informed sources told FE “The rise in mining implications on biodiversity and people’s rights
approvals is also largely because of the National
Mineral Policy announced by the Centre in 2008. Over the past six decades, tourism has grown to
Besides, the Centre, based on the high power become one of the largest and fastest growing
committee’s report, also plans to revise royalty. economic sectors in the world. From 1950 to 2007,
Mining is an eligible activity for obtaining financial international tourist arrivals grew from 25 million
support from financial institutions. However, to 903 million. By 2010 international arrivals are
so far only those mining projects which have expected to reach 1 billion, and grow 1.6 billion
a substantial component of mining machinery, by 2020.While, in 1950, the top 15 destinations
equipment and buildings are being financed. absorbed 98% of all international tourist arrivals,
in 1970 the proportion was 75%, and this fell to
The government proposes to take steps to facilitate 57% in 2007, reflecting the emergence of new
financing of mine development and also of destinations, many of them in developing countries.
exploration integral to the mining project. Moreover,
the Centre has proposed slew of incentives. Mining Tourism has become one of the major international
being a high-risk venture, access to “risk funds” trade categories. Today, the export income
from capital markets and venture funds will be generated by international tourism ranks fourth
facilitated. Early stage exploration and mining after fuels, chemicals and automotive products.
companies willbe encouraged and differential-listing The overall export income generated by these
requirements through segmented exchanges will arrivals (international tourism receipts and
be explored. Induction of foreign technology and passenger transport) grew at a similar pace,
foreign participation in exploration and mining for outgrowing the world economy, exceeding US$ 1
high value and scarce minerals will be pursued. trillion in 2007, or almost US$ 3 billion a day. The
Foreign equity investment in joint ventures corresponding figures for India are 5.37 million
for exploration and mining promoted by international arrivals in 2008 and forex earnings
Indian Companies will be encouraged. of 11457 million USD (INR 50730 crores)10.

Sanjay Jog Financial Express: Feb 05, 2009 While its growth in global economic terms
Mumbai, has undeniably been impressive, the tourism
news/a-record-441-mining-projects-cleared- industry’s claims have been pretentious at best,
in-2008-a-rise-of-63.94/419414/0 and misleading (if not downright untrue), when
it comes to the vulnerability of the sector, its
contribution to stable jobs, its capacity for
poverty alleviation and its green credentials.
In addition to the legitimacy and credibility issues
highlighted above, current conservation frameworks There is virtually no ecosystem on our living
and values seem to be increasingly embedded planet that has not felt tourism’s footprints.
in the neoliberal ethic. The credence and weight While the fact that tourism has negative
given to market based conservation whether it is impacts on the environment and on indigenous
ecotourism, the economic valuing of environmental & local communities is widely acknowledged,
services, carbon sequestration, carbon trading and practically nothing is being done to check these

undesirable impacts. Furthermore, tourism is

increasingly being located in natural areas that Uttarakhand forest department has admitted that
are frontier, inaccessible, ecologically fragile the north Indian Terai stretch, with the densest tiger
and critical in terms of their biodiversity. population in the world, is reeling under a man-
In India, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries animal conflict on a scale that is unprecedented.
have been assiduously promoted as ecotourism “The tiger was declared a man-eater after it killed
attractions. The National Tourism Policy of 2002 a woman who had entered the buffer zone of
clearly states – “wildlife sanctuaries and national the reserve three days ago. It has also attacked
parks need to be integrated as an integral part of the two people who were riding a motorbike. We
India tourism product, and priority needs to be given have all options open to deal with this now. It
to the preparation of site and visitor management may be eliminated if it cannot be caught,” says
plans for key parks, after a prioritization of parks.” Vinod Singhal, director, Corbett Tiger Reserve.
While the Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 does allow But the problem, he admits, is man-made. “This
tourists into Protected Areas, it clearly disallows particular tiger did not tolerate the presence
commercial establishments. The Indian Board for of elephants (carrying tourists) and used to
Wildlife, the apex advisory body in the field of Wildlife charge at them. He gradually lost his fear of
Conservation in the country, in its XXI meeting in humans. Tourism around the park is a problem.
January 2002 resolved “lands falling within 10 km. Ideally, it has to be checked,” he says.
of the boundaries of National Parks and Sanctuaries The Indian Express had earlier reported how
should be notified as eco-fragile zones under section tiger conservation in Corbett is taking a hit
3(v) of the Environment (Protection) Act and Rule 5 with the mushrooming of private resorts
Sub-rule 5(viii) & (x) of the Environment (Protection) around what can arguably be called the
Rules”. Despite this, a rash of tourism establishments most famous tiger reserve in the world.
are found cheek by jowl in the immediate periphery
of every Protected Area of repute like Corbett, Neha Sinha, Feb 09, 2009, http://www.indianexpress.
Ranthombore, Bandhavgarh, Kanha, Rajiv Gandhi – com/news/tiger-declared-maneater-in-corbett-
Nagarahole, Bandipura, Mudumalai and Periyar. forest-dept-blames-tourist-pressure/420907/

Under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, section

2(d), non-forestry activity is prohibited in a forest
Creation of ‘tourism zones’ inside PAs further
area, except with the approval of the Central
intensifies the seeming contradiction between the
Government. Thus tourism enters the forests
aims of conservation and the rights of displaced
though a devious route! In this case, a proviso on
communities. This has lead to the process of
explanation of “non-forest purpose” lays down
legitimising the functioning of presence of a global
that it does not include any work relating to or
industry inside an ecologically sensitive region,
ancillary to conservation. Using the argument
while indigenous people and local communities
that revenues from tourism could potentially be
have been aggressively ejected from their forests.
used for conservation, tourism has pushed itself
This ejection continues as data from EQUATIONS
into forest areas, though it is clearly a non- forest
research in Uttarakhand (Corbett), Madhya
purpose. A growing trend is of forest departments
Pradesh (Bandhavgarh, Pench, Kanha) Karnataka
promoting and implementing tourism – many have
(Nagarhole) and several PAs in Chattisgarh.
eco-tourism cells but very few have clear strategies
or plans for impact assessments of tourism’s Tourism is a sector that is built and relies on natural
implications on conservation or biodiversity. The capital (both human and ecological) and this makes
National Environment Policy 2006 in fact promotes issues of sustainability very critical. Globally, the
ecotourism in many fragile ecosystems and glosses new interest in tourism-environment interrelations
over negative impacts that tourism brings in. is particularly notable with rising concerns on the
links between tourism and climate change. In this
context, an interesting trend is evident when the
Tiger declared maneater in Corbett, notions of sustainability lead to the phenomenon of
forest dept blames tourist pressure the class dimensions of tourism. Under the banner
of sustainability, policy makers clamour for “high-
In Corbett National Park, the repercussions of value low-volume” tourists. This is a recurrent theme
constant tourism activity are beginning to show, in several tourism policy and planning documents
with a tiger being declared a “man-eater”. The in India. This suggests a form of neo-colonialism
Tourism, trade and globalisation: Impacts on biodiversity, a one act play 45
disguised as green, as it links who deserves to travel 1991 (issued under the Environment (Protection) Act,
solely with their ability to spend. In the light of 1986) came from the tourism industry, with repeated
environmental degradation also being a reality, it demands for the relaxation of the “no development
will be important to deconstruct the implications zone”. Subsequently, with over 21 amendments (read
of these terms and nuance how we use them. dilutions), in the battle between development and
the coastal ecology, development won hands down.
On a more global stage, tourism promotion and
industry bodies like the World Travel and Tourism CRZ norms have been flouted blatantly by the
Council and the UN World Tourism Organisation tourism industry in all coastal states including in
(now a UN body – so the UNWTO) have constantly ecologically fragile ecosystems like the Andaman
fallen back on global guidelines and agreements Islands. In Kerala, the vigilance wing of the Local
to showcase their commitment to sustainability Self-Government Department detected 1,500 cases
and to the environment. It is important we take a of unauthorized constructions and CRZ violations in
closer look at these documents as they are quite Vizhinjam Panchayat where the beach destination
educative. The key “global documents” linked to – Kovalam is located. The Comptroller and Auditor
tourism have two core ideas running consistently General of India’s Report on the country’s tsunami
t 5IBUUIFZQSPNPUFUIFQSJODJQMFPG relief and rehabilitation plans have clearly implicated
free market, and protectionism in trade the Ministry of Environment and Forests for
and investment is to be dismantled. failing to ensure the strict implementation of this
t 5IBUUIFJOJUJBUJWFTTIPVMECF regulation and allowing considerable expansion
voluntary and industry led of industrial activity on the country’s coastline
which led to increased losses of life and property
These core principles are at the heart of the as a result of the disaster (CAG, 2006). However
Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism Industry the push to “allow” tourism infrastructure to be
1992 (an offshoot response to the Rio Declaration). built in violation of coastal zoning regulations
They are also at the heart of the UNWTO’s global continues to receive overt support from policy
code of ethics (2001)! This is also the case with makers and planners at the state and centre, with
the Commission on Biological Diversity (CBD) regulations seen as archaic and “anti-development”.
and tourism. The CBD guidelines on Tourism and
Biodiversity approved in the COP in KL in 2004 A classic case of the holiday from accountability
overruling protests from grassroots linked NGOs and is tourism’s exemption from the Environmental
indigenous people’s formations and movements. Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification (also under the
The guidelines continue to view people as threats to Environment (Protection) Act, 1986). EIA for projects
biodiversity. They suggest that generating revenues was made mandatory in India in 1994 with the
from tourism would reduce poverty and therefore objective to predict environment impact of projects,
threats to biodiversity. Restriction of, prevention find ways and means to reduce adverse impacts,
and management of tourism especially in fragile and if these impacts were too high, to disallow such
ecosystems has not been considered. The role of projects. The Ministry of Environment and Forest’s
the private sector and of corporations has been Notification in 2006, removed tourism projects
privileged at the expense of indigenous and local from the mandatory list requiring the conduct of
communities that inhabit biodiversity rich areas. EIA and clearance from the Central Government.
This is a retrograde step, as the negative impacts
Closer home, the Ministry of Tourism has abdicated environmental, social, economic and political of
completely any regulatory role and sees itself tourism projects has been established conclusively.
as organiser of road shows and promotion/ Subsequent to this move trends are visible where
advertisement campaigns. The Ministry of international financial institutions like the ADB are
Environment and Forests’ reputation as a protector sneaking in large infrastructure projects for e.g in the
and regulator is not very credible either. Example North eastern region which will invite less scrutiny
after example has shown that voluntary initiatives because they are termed as tourism projects. This is
and self-regulation by corporations does not work indeed a dangerous trend and needs to be watched.
as they are guided by a self serving bottom line
morality and little else. The tourism industry has Curtains
used an image of relatively green in comparison to
extractives like mining and oil and gas and is the The frameworks and ideological underpinnings of
least regulated industry in the country today. It is neoliberal globalisation that inform much of current
a documented fact that the first push for dilution conservation thinking and action sidelines issues
of the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification (CRZ), of ethics and rights of vast sections of society

who are protectors and dependent on natural

resources and biodiversity. They also sideline
actual impacts on conservation and biodiversity Endnotes
Are conservation scientists ready to walk Naomi Klein is a Canadian journalist, author
and activist well known for her political analyses
across the “barriers” of scientific knowledge,
and critique of corporate globalization
listen to, learn form and dialogue with the
original stakeholders of these resources? 2.
Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the
Secret History of Capitalism, Bloomsbury Press, 2007
Similarly are tourism policy planners, regulators
and implementers willing to do likewise? If not the
possibility of sustainable futures seems dimmer. sustainablity_awards/winner08.htm
Equating sustainability with green concerns is not Mark Dowie, “Conservation Refugees”,
sufficient. It is critical to move from the dominant Chapter 14, Paradigm Wars: Indigenous
Peoples Resistance to Economic Globalization,
orientation of environmental sustainability International Forum on Globalization, 2005.
towards the idea of a just sustainability -
an approach that will focus explicitly on 5.
justice, equity and environment together.
An increasing number of environmental groups
are working closely with the businesses and
industries whose practices they claim they are
trying to reform. (http://www.multinationalmonitor.
Keynote presentation for the session on Tourism
Trade Globalisation: Impacts on Biodiversity, In October 2007, IUCN signed an agreement with
at the International Conference “Conserving oil giant Royal Dutch Shell with the aim of enhancing
the companys biodiversity conservation performance
Biodiversity in a Globalising India 17-19 February and strengthening IUCNs capacity to influence large
2009 Bangalore on the occasion of Bombay corporations into a greater environmental commitment.
Natural History Society( BNHS) 125th year Similar partnerships were signed with Holcim, the
leading global supplier of cement, and Total, the
French oil giant. In the pipeline is an agreement with
Rio Tinto, the worlds largest coal extractor.
Tourism, trade and globalisation: Impacts on biodiversity, a one act play 47
IUCN is the worlds oldest and largest global
environmental network. It is a democratic
membership union with more than 1,000
government and NGO member organizations, and References
almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than EQUATIONS, 2005, “Biodiversity and Tourism
160 countries.The partnership with Dutch company Guidelines in the Convention on Biological Diversity,
Shell was highly controversial from the beginning. A position paper, EQUATIONS, Bangalore.
A coalition of NGOs including Friends of the Earth
International, the Netherlands Society for Nature EQUATIONS, 2007a, “Ecotourism as a Market-
and Environment, the Sierra Club and Dutch- based Conservation Scheme - Existing financial
based environmental and development service incentives for market-based conservation schemes
BothENDS opposed it. According to these NGOs, & impacts on community based conservation
Shells operations have huge negative social and initiatives: How ecotourism development
environmental impacts. Moreover Shell has a highly capitalizes on areas that are conserved at the
controversial reputation in dealing with communities cost of communities in India”, A briefing paper,
affected by oil exploitation, for example in the EQUATIONS, Bangalore.
Niger delta, where Shell continues flaring gas,
EQUATIONS, 2007b, “The tourist welcomed; The
despite several promises to phase out the process.
adivasi exiled…Unmasked: reflections on tourism’s
Shell also rejected plans of the European Union
impacts on indigenous communities in India”,
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by European
EQUATIONS, Bangalore.
companies, is increasingly its investments
in highly-polluting oil sands in Canada and EQUATIONS, 2008a, “Not in my backyard! How
is planning oil explorations in the Arctic. governments and industry have washed their
hands off responsibility in tourism: Exploring Indian
The environmental NGO Kalpavriksh applied the realities”, EQUATIONS, Bangalore.
Right to Information Act to get this data from MoEF
EQUATIONS, 2008b, “No more holidays
9. from accountability! WE NEED STRONGER
Policymakers, conservationists and
scientists have high hopes that REDD, a ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION FOR TOURISM”.
mechanism for compensating countries Statement on World Tourism Day, EQUATIONS,
for reducing emissions from deforestation Bangalore.
and forest degradation, will spur a massive
EQUATIONS, 2008c, “Liberalisation of the tourism
flow of funds to tropical countries, helping
sector through India’s engagements in RTAs and
preserve rainforests and delivering economic
BTAs: examining scope and potential impacts
benefits to impoverished rural communities
(draft)”, mimeo.
Source UNWTO and Ministry of Tourism, GOI

Unmasked: Reflections on
By EQUATIONS tourism’s impacts on indigenous
2007 communities in India

Johar for us in Jharkhand is more expect the locals to entertain them and make only
than just a word in our language… a token payment before moving to the next village.
…Johar is a spirit, an attitude, a feeling In New Zealand, Dikihoro Mulligan, a Maori says:
and an expression of welcome, of gratitude, “We are a god-fearing and relaxed community. Maori
of praise, of togetherness, a salutation… elders are trying to coax the younger generation
to educate themselves in their culture, which has
…It is the word we first use
huge potential. Even many Europeans who have
when we meet one anther for the first time…
lived here for generations don’t know about us.
…We said Johar to you, Today, tourism is helping to create awareness
but our song and dance, our language and folklore about the rich Maori culture and traditions”.
have become just pages in books of libraries
where your anthropologists can debate over.Thus you The indigenous peoples of India, who constitute
have distorted our history. 8.2% of the country’s population2 and live with great
You have misinterpreted our culture, diversity in culture, language, lifestyle and art forms,
and made it a commodity to be marketed are also rising to face the new invasion of tourism.
at your universities and seminars. This paper contextualises the growing debate on
indigenous peoples’ struggles in the country by
We said Johar to you… drawing attention to tourism – as a compelling
factor that has, in tangible ways contributed to
[From the poem “JOHAR” – Manifesto of the
their increasing exploitation, displacement and
Jharkhandis Organisation for Human Rights.]
marginalisation. The paper discusses the issue in
In Hawaii, Craig Chatman, a native1 Hawaiian says, three parts – part one details impacts of tourism
“Indigenous people do not own their own tourism on indigenous communities along three lines of
and culture. The big travel corporations have exploitation, eviction and benefit sharing with
also treated Natives like “wind up the Hawaiian examples of community experiences from India
and let him play music.” We are an Indigenous as well as other parts of Asia, South America and
Zoo and I take extreme offence to that.” Africa. Part two presents an overview of significant
international guidelines that address the issue
In Bali, Tjokorde Raka Kerthyasa says “Some of tourism’s impacts on indigenous communities
tourists and visitors who know nothing (or do not and the ensuing debates. Part three analyses the
want to know) about the meaning and purpose current policy and legal framework in India related
of our customs and religious practices attend to tourism and the extent to which it recognises
ceremonies just for the sake of taking pictures and addresses these concerns and opportunities.
or proving that they have been on a holiday”
In the Amazon, tour guides contract out to tourists to
take them to into the wilds of the rain forest to “go
native”. Tourists follow them into indigenous villages,
demand to stay with local families, eat their food,
The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled - Reflections on tourism’s impacts on indegenous communities in India 49
Part 1 the tribal areas can be an educative and exciting
How tourism has impacted indigenous experience where you share the beauty of their
communities around the world usual customs for that brief moment in time…

The Indigenous on Display “BASTAR: Not Just An Escape – A discovery”

Alerting us to the trend of the targeting of Chhattisgarh Tourism Board (2002)
indigenous homelands for tourism, Deborah
Bastar – Perfect for camping trips, painting holidays,
McLaren wrote a decade back3, “Marketing trends
tribal tours, adventure escapes and motoring tours…
point toward the Amazon, the Himalayas, the hills
of Northern Thailand, the tribal areas in Africa, …No matter where in the district you travel you
and the aboriginal areas of Canada and Australia. cannot fail to see those elegantly clad tribal people
Travel advertisements market the residents of such making their way to the local haat (weekly market).
places as people who are warm, smiling, friendly, Sure-footed, balancing their huge loads, the women
unthreatening; who are servile and welcoming; walk in a single file, baskets on their heads, child
there for the tourist’s pleasure…Tourism markets on their hip, heavily-tattooed old ladies, brightly
cultures – hula girls, wandering tribesmen, Asian dressed young girls…It’s an evocative sight…
mountain folk and Native Americans. Some critics
of tourism suggest that when we travel, we buy …One can combine a trip here with a visit to a
a product, a product that includes people.” Sericulture Farm and the Anthropological Museum
to enjoy a slice of Bastar’s tribal culture…
“Exotic” tourism and ecotourism have drawn wider
attention to the richness and diversity of indigenous (as part of the planned itineraries)
peoples’ cultures, but frequently engage in
…This is a tribal country and we’ve arranged for you
“packaging” and marketing strategies which distort
to meet some of the tribal people in their homes.
cultures, degrade traditional ceremonial practices,
It will be a wonderful opportunity to interact with
and transform indigenous communities into trinket-
them and learn something about their culture…
selling, wage-dependent Hollywood back-lots4.
… After breakfast, a well-versed Palace guide
That tourism in India has put indigenous peoples
will accompany you on an introduction to the
and their culture on display, for sale, is indisputable.
secrets of Kawardha’s little-known natural
A scrutiny of the colourful and attractive
and tribal world. You will meet the gentle and
tourist brochures printed by central and state
friendly Baiga people, the principal indigenous
departments provides ample evidence for this.
forest tribe. Enjoy picnic lunch with them…
…You will also meet some of the local
“Orissa: the Soul of India” Bison-Horn Maria tribe, renowned for their
Orissa Tourism (1998) spectacular ceremonial dancing. You will be
entertained by a performance of the tribal
“The antiquity of Orissa is endorsed by her people before returning to your hotel…
ancient people who continue to inhabit their
traditional dwelling places in remote areas in “India’s Northeast: paradise unexplored”
the deep forests and hilly terrains. Steeped in Incredible India
the mysteries that surround their ancient ways, Ministry of Tourism, India (2005)
the Oriyan tribals continue to be a source of
Arunachal Pradesh: A visit to the Apatani tribal home
deep interest not only for anthropologists and
is a must. The Apatanis are one of the most advanced
sociologists but also for numerous tourists
and intriguing of Arunachal’s tribal people. Both men
who flock to Orissa in search of the exotic
and women tattoo themselves and the women wear
mystique of this relatively unexplored state….
great nose plugs made of bamboo and face tattoos.
…Folk and tribal songs and dances continue to be
Nagaland: Grocery shopping in Kohima is a
an integral part of the Fairs and Festivals and village
treat, visit the wholesale market for a visual
festivities throughout the year in Orissa and visitors
feast of Naga village women wearing their
can see these performed in their original settings…
splendid tribal costumes and gathering to sell
…Orissa has 62 distinct tribal groups who continue farm, field, forest and stream products.
to live in their traditional dwellings amongst
the hills and forests and in a manner they have
been accustomed with for centuries. A trip to

These excerpts from material fashioned to attract The people of Sagada revere their ancestral
the tourist eye, are characteristic of how mainstream lands but curious tourists have invaded the
society, seeking tourism extravaganzas views sacredness and solemnity of rituals celebrating
indigenous people. In addition to the portrayal of the agricultural cycle. Furthermore, their sacred
indigenouspeoplesasproducts,evenmoredisturbing burial sites have been desecrated by tourists
is how the tribal woman is represented as exotic taking away bones of their ancestors as souvenirs
and desirable. Brochures and promotional materials and freely using coffin covers for graffiti6.
are replete with phrases such as “a Reang belle
with traditional jewellery”, “a smiling young Tripura In the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean, the
girl”, “Khasi belle in dance costume” or just “tribal Jarawas are a dwindling tribe with just 250-odd
women”. Colourful photographs of women decked surviving members living in the Islands. In 2002, the
in traditional attire accompany these ‘titles’. Tribal Supreme Court of India passed a set of landmark
villages are depicted as mystical, paradise-like, judgements to protect the Islands’ fragile ecology
intriguing places that provide the viewer a glimpse and its tribal communities. One of the orders was
of mystery, a taste of an alien culture. References to the closure of the Andaman Trunk Road (ATR) – an
tribal culture, folklore, culture and traditional belief arterial road constructed in the 1950s connecting
systems of these ancient people, often border on the South to North Andaman passing right through
arrogance and sometimes ignorance that typifies the Jarawa tribal reserve area. But the Islands’
mainstream thinking. Commodification is evident – a Administration and its industrial lobbies have been
traditional motif becomes an “artefact” or “souvenir”, violating the Court’s orders with impunity. Apart from
traditional dresses and accessories – “costumes” problems of alien food, loss of precious forest cover
and ancestral traditions – an “experience”. and exposure to diseases against which Jarawas have
no immunity, the ATR had also facilitated the rise
World over, commodification of indigenous cultures of a pernicious endeavour, perversely called ‘Jarawa
has taken varied forms through tourism. Countries Tourism’7. Tourists visiting the Islands were being
in the global south are not the only ones affected openly solicited with offers of rides along the ATR
politically by tourism. In the United States, especially and the promise to see stone-age, naked tribes. But,
in Alaska and Hawaii, indigenous people must more recently, with greater awareness and rising
confront the political repercussions of the rapid protests, one at least notices a welcome change
growth of tourism. Jon Goss writes in ‘Seductions in the Administration’s attitude and respect for
of Place’, “‘Aloha’ is perhaps the most complex and these communities with tourism brochures making
certainly the most contested concept attributed to mention of them but clearly stating that interaction
the Hawaiian people. For the visitor, it is typically with or photography of these tribes is prohibited.
glossed as simply greeting and leave-taking, or
more generally ‘love’, but anthropologists discover In India, one sees a growing trend of tribal art being
deeper meanings…”5 With its unwillingness to “mainstreamed” – as one tourist brochure put it
engage in a society and its meaning with any depth – “…Some of the finest works of Bastar crafts are
and its need to create consumerist packages of showcased in some of India’s five star hotel lobbies
nearly everything, the use, and abuse, of language and upmarket urban stores…” While there are
and dialect and symbols is inherent in tourism’s efforts to use tourism also as a means of keeping
exploitation of indigenous culture. As tourism makes local art, culture and handicrafts alive by assuring
its presence felt it is likely that ‘johar’ as the poem a market for them, the fear of commodification
eloquently puts it, has a similar fate in store. and twisting them out of their intrinsic contexts,
meanings and functions is not unfounded. An
The transformation of Mexico’s famed Huichol Art adivasi woman from Chhattisgarh, India, referring
from being a manifestation of religious faith for the to statues of their deities made from traditional
Huichol indigenous community to being a source, an bell metal, spoke of her fear of entering any room
economic gain and sale is yet another example (Cruz, in which they were kept! She said she could not
2002). The Huichol believe themselves to be “mirrors face them inside a room as their gods were always
of the gods” and their art reflects a sacred vision kept outside the village to protect them from harm.
of the world, but tourism and globalisation have In making a popular product, no one asked the
made their art easily available on the internet or adivasi what they thought and how they felt.
reproduced to suit tourists’ preferences for souvenirs.
Displacement of the First People from
In the Philippines, the mountainous province their lands: Tourism Evicts…
of Sagada has gained prominence as a tourist
spot, threatening the survival of the Kankanaeys. Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson, an indigenous
writer says this of the connection of indigenous
The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled - Reflections on tourism’s impacts on indegenous communities in India 51

Source: Russel Barsh, The World’s Indigenous People

Principal Concentration of indigenous peoples
(dark brown) and the world’s critical habitats
people and the land they inhabit – “For indigenous in-hand with conservation but its contribution to
peoples, the Earth and all of its life forms the conservation efforts has been questionable and
fundamental context, the foundation and ultimate empirically unproven yet. The edge to ecotourism
source from which culture emerges.” 8 For, while came with its positioning as a more ‘sustainable’,
the role of big companies in oil, drugs and timber ‘green’ and ‘environment-friendly’ form of tourism
business has pushed people out, the role of global – an imaging that targeted eco-sensitive travellers
“conservation” efforts in creating millions of and worked in favour of the industry but to the
“conservation refugees” is equally insidious.9” detriment of forest dwelling communities10.
In his aptly titled piece “Conservation Refugees”, In Kidepo Valley National Park in Uganda, the
Dowie lucidly observes that with the massive situation of the Ik tribe is dire. Before the creation
political and financial backing that was given to of the Park, the Ik – a hunter-gatherer society -
conservation groups, the process of ‘conservation’ gathered vegetables, roots and berries as they moved
through creation of Protected Areas (PAs), National during their annual nomadic cycle that took them
Parks and Sanctuaries speeded up globally. In through Sudan and northern Kenya. When the valley
1962, the world had some 1000 official PAs, today was declared a National Park, the Ik were forcibly
the number is close to 110000. The area under evicted without warning. The draconian Ugandan
protection has doubled since 1990 with 12% of National Park, which does not allow any form of local
all the earth’s land (nearly as much as the entire utilisation, meant that the Ik were now confined to
land mass of Africa) is under ‘conservation’. At a the inhospitable mountain slopes, unable to follow
first glance, such land and “nature” conservation their previous lifestyle. The Ik had little impact on
seems good, but when we consider its impacts on the wildlife as they hunted only for consumption
native people of the world, one realises that all land but today the park entertains European and North
had once been occupied by who now constitute American tourists who come on hunting safaris11! It
the world’s 6 million “conservation refugees”. is estimated that well over 50 per cent of indigenous
communities in Kenya have experienced some form
Tourism has also played its part in the eviction of land dispossession in the name of ecotourism or
of indigenous people from their ancestral lands other development initiatives (this reaches 60–70
only to then open them up to ‘ecotourism’. All PAs per cent in northern Kenya)12. Communities affected
are irresistible tourism attractions - their evident by exploitation and discrimination, include the
natural beauty, wildlife attractions and wilderness Maasai and the Ogiek in the Southern rangelands;
component have lured visitors in large numbers. The the Endorois, Ilchamus, Pokot, Sabaot, Sengwer
lack of a clear and generally accepted definition is and Turkana in the Rift Valley; the Borana, Ghabra,
probably what has made ‘ecotourism’ both appealing Rendille and Somalis in northern Kenya; and the
and highly dangerous. Ecotourism has come hand- Orma in the wetlands of the Kenyan coast.

India has a total of 650 Protected Areas13 (96 website claims – “When you holiday in Kanha you
National Parks, 508 wildlife sanctuaries, 29 tiger will feel as if you are entering the pages of this
reserves, 14 existing biosphere reserves and 3 unforgettable book and you’re likely to hear Sher
conservation reserves) and an estimated 2 million Khan the tiger roar in the jungle…17” They obviously
of the world’s conservation refugees14. It comes as make no mention of the voices of evicted adivasis.
no surprise these national parks, wildlife sanctuaries A similar fate met the tribals living inside the Pench
and biosphere reserves are also the homelands National Park, also situated in the same forest ranges
of tribal populations for whom the forests are of Madhya Pradesh and declared the country’s 19th
the basis of habitat, survival and history. But Project Tiger Reserve in 1992. With the launch of
British colonisation followed by a colonisation the World Bank’s Eco Development Project18 in
effected by the government of independent India, 1995, several villages within and in the periphery of
produced a new understanding of forests, which the sanctuary began to be systematically displaced.
was to sound the death knell for the country’s Fifteen Gond families who had traditionally lived
tribal communities. Firstly this understanding was on the banks of the Pench River were displaced
based on the Western notion of ‘wilderness’ – an from their village of Alikatta and forced to resettle
expanse of greenery devoid of all human habitation. in Durgapur19. They were told they had to move
The second was a reformulation of ‘conservation’ because a National Park was being created. Villagers,
which implied the de-legitimisation of forest who had fertile, cultivable land in Alikatta, today
dwellers and part of the of the forest habitat, de- don’t cultivate or go into the forest anymore
recognition of traditional rights and exclusion and for fear of being arrested. The Gond culture and
eviction of tribal communities from forests15. identity took a back seat in the face of establishing
In India, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries the Park, and relations between villagers and the
have been assiduously promoted as ecotourism Forest Department have deteriorated. It is not even
attractions. The National Tourism Policy of 2002 clear if wildlife is being adequately “protected”
clearly states – “wildlife sanctuaries and national when the sanctuary was opened to tourists.20
parks need to be integrated as an integral part of the
The Nagarhole National Park is located in the Kodagu
India tourism product, and priority needs to be given
and Mysore districts of the state of Karnataka. A
to the preparation of site and visitor management
total of about 32000 adivasis reside in and around
plans for key parks, after a prioritization of parks.”
the National Park. Tribes of the area are mainly
The aspect of eviction of indigenous people from
the - Jenukurubas (honey gatherers), Bettakurubas
their traditional lands for the cause of ecotourism
(Hill Kurubas), Yeravas, Soligas and sub castes of
development and its consequent impacts does
Yeravas i.e. Panjeri Yeravas and Pani-Yeravas. The
not find adequate mention in these policies.
adivasis of Nagarahole were first displaced by the
The Kanha National Park sprawls over a wide area same controversial Eco Development Project of the
in Mandla and adjoining Balaghat districts of the World Bank, which placed severe restrictions on
state of Madhya Pradesh and is in the forest belt them including bans on cultivation, hunting and on
of the Satpuras and the Vindhyas that stretch for collection of forest produce. Notwithstanding this
almost 500 km east to west. This rich forest is the injustice, the government of Karnataka awarded a
ancestral home of the Baiga and Gond tribals. The contract in 1994 to Gateway Hotels and Getaway
tiger is undoubtedly Kanha’s main tourism attraction Resorts (a subsidiary of the Taj Hotels group) to
and in 1974, the government declared the area as run India’s first eco-friendly resort within the
a “Tiger Reserve”. Today, tiger conservation efforts Nagarahole National Park. Strong resistance to
have displaced 26 tribal villages (comprising 1217 this move by local groups and adivasi rights’
families covering a displaced area of approximately organisations, supported by legal interventions that
5431 sq. kms)16. Tribal villages that used to sustain were upheld both at the High Court and Supreme
life with cultivation and collection of minor forest Court level finally resulted in stalling construction
produce are today displaced and prohibited from of the resort and a strong indictment of the role
collecting forest produce. Efforts have been made to of the state government in this sorry affair. The
resettle them into nearby areas but without providing Nagarhole judgement set precedence for the use of
adequate title deeds for their lands. While life is protected areas and national parks for eco-tourism
tough and sustenance nearly impossible, harassment development but the fate of the adivasis continues
by forest officers is a common occurrence. But to hang in balance. The region continues to have
today, Kanha is one of the most popular National a growing number of tourist resorts mushrooming
Parks of India. An official tourism promotion around the Park periphery which have lead neither to
protection of forest land nor to adivasi wellbeing.21
The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled - Reflections on tourism’s impacts on indegenous communities in India 53
These cases are emblematic of the growing tension community mourning. Similarly in East Singhbhum
between communities and government policy in Jharkhand, adivasis worship Gorang, Dorang and
privileging a certain understanding of conservation in Buchiwudi - gods and goddesses whose abode are
India. Creation of ‘tourism zones’ inside PAs further the hills, rivers and forests, making these sacred.
intensifies the seeming contradiction between the
aims of conservation and the rights of displaced Moti Ram Baiga from Daldali, Chhattisgarh says:
communities. This has lead to the process of “We worship our mountains, trees and rivers. Our
legitimising the functioning of presence of a global Devi Devta (deities) “Kher mata”, “Khunt Paat”,
industry inside an ecologically sensitive region, “Thakur devta” or “Nanga Baiga” live in these forests
while indigenous people and local communities and mountains. They protect us from all evils.”
have been aggressively ejected from their forests. Communities that share such a strong bond
When the United Nations declared 2002 as the with nature, whose religious beliefs and social
International Year of Ecotourism (IYE), it was customs are oriented to protect nature from over
met with vociferous protest primarily from the exploitation, are now being termed ‘encroachers’ in
world’s indigenous peoples. Indigenous groups, their homelands. States like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh
summarising the fundamental problems they and Orissa which have abundant forest, water and
face from tourism, warned against the large scale mineral resources have witnessed several cases
unrestrained promotion of ecotourism without of marginalisation of communities by modern
an adequate assessment of the nature of the development. Industrialisation, mining, dam and
industry and its effects on the environment and other big infrastructure projects have led to large
people.22 It would, they said, lead to disruption scale displacement of indigenous communities,
of local economies by displacement of activities affecting their livelihood and socio-cultural milieu.
that previously served to carry self-reliant and Tourism seen as gentler, more sophisticated and
sustainable community development. Physical green, if not unmasked, can prove to be the uninvited
infrastructure to provide tourists access to and exploitative guest into their homelands.
remote areas would expand and this would lead Indigenous Communities’ share of
to increasing damage to the environment and the pie: Tourism Benefits?
local communities. Several years later, these fears
and concerns are proved to be not unfounded. While there is growing resistance by indigenous
communities to exploitative forms of tourism, there
Thepreservationofbiologicaldiversityisundoubtedly are many who are keen to explore how they can
urgent. The point however, is to revisit its benefit from tourism. But do current models of
fundamental principles.23 In India, the National Park tourism development provide scope for community
Management concept is a blind copy of the American involvement and community control and do
experience based on wilderness. Citing studies, they materialise in community benefits? How do
Gadgil and Guha in their book – “This Fissured current forms of tourism also engage with issues
Land” state that the – “…highest levels of biological of culture and identity of these communities?
diversity are found in areas with some (though not
excessive) human intervention… the dogma of total New forms of eco-travel profess to save the planet
protection can have tragic consequences.” Mark and create economic advantages for local people.
Dowie provides a thought provoking statement But do they? Research by NGOs and even by the
that he believes is receiving acceptance, albeit World Bank point to the fact that Park Management
hesitatingly, from various parties to the debate strategies have not met with much success in terms
that – “Indigenous Peoples’ presence, it turns out, of local economic development.25 Even at highly
may offer the best protection that protected areas “successful” parks like the Khao Yai National Park in
can ever receive’24. This is, in fact, a position that Thailand, where tourists bring in nearly USD 5 million
indigenous people have maintained all along. annually, the surrounding communities remain
poor. Ecotourism revenues in Rwanda support park
Notions of ‘conservation’ in India have also failed to management but have not been able to translate into
acknowledge the role that adivasis have played in economic alternatives for local people. Developers
protection of nature and its diverse forms through often overlook the critical aspect of benefit sharing
the symbiotic relationship their share. Adivasis in that is intrinsic to the definition of ecotourism.
various states have religious beliefs, prohibitions
and taboos to the access and use of natural The more disturbing issue is the denial of indigenous
resources. In Kalahandi, Orissa, the tiger is treated peoples’ rights in the context of tourism. According
as a brother and if a tiger dies, the adivasis observe to International Tourism Rights International, “prior

informed consent” is crucial; its absence has been villagers. In Australia, the Mutawintji National Park,
at the heart of most conflicts which indigenous Historic Site and Natural Reserve in New South
communities face from the outside world. This Wales were returned to aboriginal ownership in 1998
includes: access to all information (negative and and is now run by the Mutawintji Local Aboriginal
positive) concerning proposed tourism activities Land Council.29 The organisation is in charge of all
as well as access and participation in policy tours to the Park and has licensed their operators.
making that affects them, official support for In Africa, to garner greater local benefit from
tourism models developed by indigenous people tourism, San community members from Botswana,
themselves and the absolute right to say “no”. Namibia and South Africa approached organisations
Alison Johnston opines – “If the ecotourism industry to support them in initiating community-owned
wants to engage Indigenous Peoples in a way that joint venture tourism projects.30 The movement has
naturally draws community support, it must be spread to San communities in other regions who
willing to learn who it is talking to, what these have felt encouraged to start their own tourism
people’s experiences and aspirations are and why ventures not only for economic gain but also to
the right to self-determination is so passionately inform tourists about San culture and traditions.
defended. Companies need to learn how to
approach business as a HOLISTIC relationship.26” In few states of India, attempts have been made
where civil society and local people have played a
Demands for benefit sharing in tourism by indigenous role in deciding the nature and form of tourism in
people come in different forms and are not always their areas. In 2003, a group of people in Jharkhand,
directly associated with a tourism project. In the mostlybelongingtovariousindigenouscommunities
Andes, indigenous people demand compensation from different districts of the State, evolved the
for having their photographs taken. A woman in “Jharkhand Peoples’ Policy on Sustainable Tourism”.
Otalavo exclaims – “We see our and our children’s The inspiration to develop such a people’s policy
photos on postcards. We do not benefit from our came from the people of Pan Sakam, a village near
photos being taken, a tourist does. We demand the famous Dasam waterfall of the region, as adivasis
part of the profits.” In the mountainous regions of this village had taken control of the waterfall
of northern India, hill communities supplement after a prolonged fight with the Forest Department.
their incomes by allowing tourists to briefly adorn The peoples’ policy includes benefit sharing of
their traditional dress and be photographed. Tribal resources, access to natural resources and provision
communities in Mexico are now getting more worldly of core team formed by communities, looking
wise and demanding royalty for use of their motifs after planning, implementation and monitoring.
and art forms on tourism promotional material. This policy was presented to the state tourism
department, but so far no action has been taken
There are also few international initiatives, which by the government to incorporate its suggestions.
are quoted as having moved from the “community-
based” forms of tourism to being genuinely Similarly, in Kataki village of Araku panchayat
“community-owned” by indigenous people. The (Andhra Pradesh), there is a small waterfall on the
Toledo Ecotourism Association (TEA) in Belize– is a Gostani River. The Gram Sabha has taken steps
community-ownedorganisationownedandoperated to develop this as a tourist attraction and has
by an association of Mopan, Kek’chi and Garifuna created basic infrastructure like pathways and
villages.27 The objective of TEA is to share the stairs and a check post. It also collects toll from
benefits of tourism as widely as possible throughout tourists and allows them to visit the waterfall.
each participating village. Guides, food providers and But as this spot has gradually become popular
entertainers are rotated among seven to nine families among tourists who visit the nearby Borra caves,
in each village. A parallel programme is succeeding in realising the revenue potential, the Andhra Pradesh
Ecuador. Ricancie (Indigenous Community Network Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC) has
of the Upper Napo for Intercultural Exchange now planned to develop the waterfall area as a
and Ecotourism) was founded in 1993 by several tourism product. If not opposed, such a move will
Quichua communities living in the Napo province of lead to transfer of control and benefits moving
Amazoinian Ecuador.28 Their goal is to improve the from the Gram Sabha to the state owned APTDC.
life of nine Quichua villages via a community-based
ecotourism project. Prior to this, tours in the region Experiments and models in India privileging
wereconductedbyforeigntouroperatingcompanies, indigenous ownership and control of tourism
which provided little benefit to the villages. Ricancie are yet nascent.31 But with growing interest in
has been able to change that by adopting a self- responsible tourism in India, policy makers need
determined path where all decisions are taken by to study these initiatives for promoting a tourism
The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled - Reflections on tourism’s impacts on indegenous communities in India 55
that is community-led, owned, and implemented. their own priorities for the process of development
Many indigenous communities hope that tourism as it affects their lives, beliefs, institutions and
will offer an alternative to more destructive forms spiritual well-being and the lands they occupy
of “development” in their regions such as logging, or otherwise use, and to exercise control, to the
mining and other extractive industries. They are extent possible, over their own economic, social and
alert to and some even welcome ecotourism cultural development.” Only 13 countries have thus
projects that can help conserve their natural far ratified ILO Convention 169; India is not one of
environments and provide alternative sources them. These ILO clauses have significant implications
of livelihood. There are no ready models or easy when applied to tourism and can be effectively used
answers to these aspirations, but what seems to promote participation of indigenous communities
essential is that alternatives, best practices and in tourism in deciding its forms and priorities and
new models be evolved by and with them. prevent undesirable forms of its development.
Specifically on tourism, the most universally known
set of guidelines for tourism development is the
UNWTO Global Code of Ethics that received official
Part 2 recognition by the UN General Assembly on 21
International guidelines addressing issues December 2001. Clause 1 of Article 1 of the Code
of tourism and indigenous peoples articulates: The understanding and promotion of
Recognition of tourism issues in the indigenous the ethical values common to humanity, with an
peoples’ debate has found place in many attitude of tolerance and respect for the diversity of
international guidelines. Many of these guidelines religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, are both
and codes have developed in response to the foundation and the consequence of responsible
powerful resistance by indigenous groups to tourism; stakeholders in tourism development and
impacts of tourism development on their lives, tourists themselves should observe the social and
cultures and regions. While they are not legally cultural traditions and practices of all peoples,
binding, they form a useful guiding framework including those of minorities and indigenous peoples
to governments and policy makers on the and to recognize their worth. It further states in
issue of indigenous people and tourism. Article 2 “…tourism activities should respect…the
individual rights of the most vulnerable groups,
One of the first institutions to put in place notably children, the elderly, the handicapped,
progressive conventions respecting indigenous ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples.”
communities’ traditional rights was the International
Labour Organisation. The ILO Convention on The Oaxaca Declaration of the International Forum
Indigenous and Tribal Populations, 1957 (No. 107), on Indigenous Tourism, adopted in 2002 is another
recognises indigenous peoples’ ownership of the landmark declaration recording the impacts of
lands they occupy. It was ratified by 27 countries, tourism on indigenous communities. Issued by
mainly in Latin America. India has also ratified the representatives of indigenous communities from
Convention. In 1989, the ILO revised this Convention, 13 Western Hemisphere countries at the time
making it much stronger. ILO Convention No. 169 of the IYE, the Declaration stated – “We register
(1989) provides generally that “special measures our profound disagreement with the IYE’s and
shall be adopted as appropriate for safeguarding ecotourism’s most basic assumptions that define
the persons, institutions, property, labour, cultures Indigenous communities as targets to be developed
and environment” of indigenous peoples, and and our lands as commercial resources to be sold on
that “such measures shall not be contrary to the global markets. Under this universalistic economic
freely-expressed wishes of the peoples concerned.” framework, tourism brings market competition,
Convention No. 169 is a comprehensive instrument appropriates our lands and peoples as consumer
covering a range of issues pertaining to indigenous products, and renders our traditional knowledge
and tribal peoples, including land rights, access to vulnerable to bioprospecting and biopiracy.” It
natural resources, health, education, vocational goes on to reject the IYE to be used as a space
training, conditions of employment and contacts to legitimise the takeover of indigenous lands
across borders.32 It also has strong clauses in relation by “sustainable development”. The Declaration
to seeking prior informed consent from indigenous articulates several pertinent points with regard
people before undertaking development activities to how indigenous people are viewed in tourism.
in their regions. It further states that – “indigenous Primary among these is the need to recognise that
peoples concerned shall have the right to decide indigenous peoples are not “stakeholders” but
“internationally-recognized holders of collective

and human rights, including the rights of self- An intensive debate has been ensuing internationally
determination, informed consent, and effective in the context of the Convention on Biological
participation.” It particularly addresses governments, Diversity’s (CBD) tourism guidelines. When in 2004,
private developers, conservation and ecotourism the CBD’s seventh Conference of Parties (COP7)
NGOs, development agencies and specialists. planned to finalise and adopt the draft tourism
It asserts “Tourism is beneficial for indigenous guidelines, many indigenous groups wrote in
communities only when it is based on and enhances stressing that the adoption be stalled, as indigenous
our self-determination. Outside “experts and people had not been party to its formulation. The
assistance” are useful to us only if they work statement from the International Indigenous Forum
within frameworks conceptualized and defined on Biodiversity (IIFB) to the Chairman of the COP
by our communities. Therefore, tourism projects stated – “We are dismayed to learn that draft
must be undertaken only under the guidance and guidelines on tourism are being considered for
surveillance of an Indigenous Technical Team, adoption here in Kuala Lumpur. The draft guidelines
and only after a full critical analysis of the long- focus on vulnerable ecosystems. This causes great
term pros and cons of tourism development.” In anxiety. Globally, it is the Indigenous Peoples’
addressing the United Nations, the Declaration ancestral territories that are most vulnerable to
appeals for devising a transparent and honest process the so-called ‘eco’ tourism industry. This sector
that allows for indigenous peoples participation has a documented standard of abuse. Again,
directly in tourism development. It demands we must stress that worldwide the vulnerable
that national governments implement laws and areas in question are Indigenous territories.”
regulations pertaining to the environment and
indigenous peoples and urges for the development Additionally, the lack of cultural sustainability and
of ecotourism guidelines that can regulate visitation diversity in the Guidelines is an equally serious
in conformance with local culture and sensitivities. matter of concern. The IIFB rejected the process
and content of the CBD’s tourism guidelines on
Another process in motion has been with the grounds of the disregarding and non-representation
Draft UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous of indigenous peoples. Indigenous people’s
Peoples. On Thursday 29 June 2006, the Human representatives had urged that the matter of
Rights Council adopted the Declaration on the adoption of the draft tourism guidelines be deferred
Rights of Indigenous Peoples and recommended to COP 8, two years later in 2006. However, despite
its adoption by the General Assembly33. The these appeals, the CBD went ahead and adopted the
Declaration was one of the chief outcomes of the Tourism Guidelines that are now formally part of the
United Nations’ International Decade of the World’s CBD. For indigenous people, the guidelines continue
Indigenous People (1995-2004)34 initiative with to disregard issues of cultural sustainability and use
the main objective of strengthening international of indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands by tourism.
cooperation for the solution of problems faced by It is held as a travesty of the process of democratic
indigenous people in such areas as human rights, consultation that institutions like the CBD are
the environment, development, education and meant to stand for. In her analysis of these events
health. This Declaration, which is pending adoption surrounding the CBD, Alison Johnston observed –
by the General Assembly, it is hoped, gives wider ““In UN forums, Indigenous Peoples have observed
publicity and endorsement to rights of indigenous mounting apprehension among world governments
communities. While it does not mention tourism towards their submissions – particularly on ancestral
specifically, its applicability would definitely extend title, which entails customary law for sustainability.
to situations of tourism infringing indigenous rights. World governments know that Indigenous rights and
In the words of the UN’s Permanent Forum on international environmental standards are routinely
Indigenous Issues35 - “When adopted, it will likely overridden. They want to look forward to profit, not
be the most comprehensive statement of the rights become mired in present or past issues like liability
of indigenous peoples ever developed: the draft and compensation. Thus, as the CBD process on
declaration foresees collective rights to a degree tourism progressed, it became evident that many
unprecedented in international human rights law. feared the Indigenous Peoples’ analysis. There was
Adoption of this instrument will give the clearest a level of protectionism which had no rational
indication yet that the international community is explanation other than the corporate bottom line.36”
committing itself to the protection of the individual
and collective rights of indigenous peoples.” These international guidelines do provide a useful
framework that national governments may choose
But not all UN processes have received the to adopt. However, processes like the CBD are
endorsement of indigenous communities. indicative of the fact that even at the global
The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled - Reflections on tourism’s impacts on indegenous communities in India 57
level, there remains a challenge in ensuring the indigenous areas. The X Five Year Plan’s chapter on
meaningful and rightful participation of indigenous tourism does not make any references to concerns
peoples in processes that deeply impact them. regarding indigenous communities but, like the
NTP, asks governments to focus on ecotourism
promotion. Laying the foundation for the next five
Part 3 years, the report of the Tourism Working Group
An overview of tourism policies for the XI Five Year Plan places high emphasis on
in India in the context of the promotion of heritage and culture tourism along
indigenous peoples’ debate with ecotourism but yet again, fails to take notice of
the need to regulate tourism such that indigenous
Tourism came on to the radar of Indian policy communities are not adversely impacted.38
makers during the sixth five-year plan period
(1977-1982) when the country’s first tourism The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) - Government of
policy was introduced. Soon after, in the 1985- India launched its Ecotourism Policy and Guidelines
90 period, tourism was elevated to the status of in 1998. These guidelines have been formulated
an industry that gave it access to institutional “to ensure regulated growth of ecotourism with
financial support, infrastructure support and a its positive impacts of environmental protection &
rationale for rationalisation of taxes applicable community development”. The Ecotourism Policy
to the sector. The post liberalisation period from of 1998, issued by the Ministry of Tourism, is based
1991 witnessed further opening up of natural on several international guidelines and frameworks
and biodiversity-rich areas in the country for prepared by various tourism industry associations.39
tourism. Ecotourism was the new buzzword and But with a focus on environmental conservation,
the focus was on forests, coasts, hills, mountains the policy fails to acknowledge the cross linkages
and other biodiversity-rich regions. Many state between ecotourism and the social, cultural,
governments began exploiting the ‘market’ potential economic and institutional processes of the
of tourism by actively promoting ecotourism, indigenous and local communities. By identifying
culture and heritage tourism, deregulating coasts indigenous and local communities as “stakeholders”
and opening up forests for investment in tourism. and not “rights holders” who have knowledge of the
National Policies on Tourism localenvironment,thepolicymakesthemsubservient
to a process where environmental protection is
The National Tourism Policy (NTP) 2002 has beyond their control and is being pursued for
identified ecological sustainability, judicious use the sake of supporting economic enterprise.40
of natural resources and tourism as a means to
alleviate poverty as some of its basic principles. Mentioning the need for involvement of local
The policy recognises lack of community community, recognition to local livelihood and
participation as one of the factors contributing to tourism that is compatible with environmental
increasing conflicts in tourism areas and therefore, and socio-economic characteristics of local
emphasises greater community participation, role community gives a false sense that the policy
of panchayats and other local bodies especially privileges community based and sustainable
in ecotourism and adventure tourism activities. tourism principles. But when it comes to the actual
role to be played by these communities in need-
But although certainly progressive compared to based planning for physical infrastructure, zoning
earlier policies, the NTP fails to clearly identify exercises, evolving tourism management plans,
and provide guidelines to work with some of and impact assessment, the policy goes silent.41
tourism’s adverse impacts. In relation to indigenous
communities, the policy only makes two cursory State Tourism Policies
references to indigenous and tribal communities37. Several states have evolved their own policies
The policy emphasises ecotourism but yet does not on tourism, and these have not necessarily been
even highlight the need for caution while promoting inspired by the broad principles of the national
tourism in areas where indigenous communities policies. What remains common is that state policies
live. The adverse impacts of tourism on adivasis too have failed to address tourism from a peoples’
including issues of commodification of culture, perspective and thus their tourism policies read more
land alienation, denial of access to resources like investment and marketing strategy papers.
and exploitation are not acknowledged. Other
important policy documents on tourism have also Madhya Pradesh, one of the first states in the
overlooked the critical need to regulate tourism in country to announce a tourism policy (1995), has

identified promotion of ecotourism and adventure of adivasi culture is evident through proposals like
tourism as one of the key objectives. Cashing in on - “a museum of tribal art and artefacts will be set
its 31% forest area, in 2001-02, the Department up in different tribal regions at Bhubaneswar to
of Tourism, Government of Madhya Pradesh bring tribal life and culture alive for the tourists.”
formulated an Eco and Adventure Tourism Policy
for the state. The background note to the policy Current tourism and ecotourism policies that actively
states - “Today’s tourist is not content with cultural promote forms of tourism in adivasi-populated
or religious tourism alone- the tourist today looks areas of the country will only intensify inequities.
for some thrill, fun, adventure and something The growing trend towards declaring areas as
other than routine. In keeping with this change National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries and up-
in attitude of tourists, the State Government has gradation of forests within the broad category
decided to actively promote Eco-Tourism and of ‘Protected Areas’ in the country is disturbing
Adventure Tourism. In order to popularize and from the perspective of adivasis. In 1935, after the
develop these forms of tourism, Government is enactment of Indian Forest Act 1927, there was
for the first time, seeking participation of private only one national park in the country - Jim Corbett
investors.” The other key points of the policy National Park. In the 35 years hence, i.e. up till 1970,
include measures to involve private participation. only 5 more were added to this list. However, the
1972 Wildlife Protection Act, Project Tiger initiated
But in a state with 23% proportion of its population in 1980, Forest Conservation Act 1980 and several
as adivasis, the government’s priority seems to be legislations have been instrumental in identification
to satisfy the changing demand of tourists, rather and up-gradation of forest areas into protected
than address the livelihood concerns of local areas, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. As
communities. Forest eviction due to declaration a result, by 2004, India had 92 declared national
of national parks and sanctuaries is rampant in parks and several others are in pipeline. Similarly,
Madhya Pradesh, with Kanha and Bandhavgarh the declaration of more areas under reserved
as glaring examples. The state tourism policy does and wildlife sanctuary categories means further
not appear to take cognisance of these problems. deprivation of adivasi rights over forests.
Neighbouring Chhattisgarh is no different. Legal Safeguards and provisions that could
From the 2006 tourism policy, it is clear that be applicable to tourism as well
tourism promotion and marketing of the state
as a tourist destination are the clear focus areas The 73rd and 74th Amendments, 1993 to the Indian
of the state government. It mentions principles Constitutionwerelandmarklegalprovisions,allowing
like sustainability, community participation greater peoples’ participation in planning and
and environmental conservation without the decision making. Initially, the Amendment was valid
wherewithal to ensure that these principles are for all parts of India, including Schedule V Areas. But
implemented. It talks of decentralised tourism as traditional tribal institutions were still functional
development and local community participation and required legal legitimacy to their self-governing
but these seem merely lip service as the same systems, several activists and groups challenged the
policy has made the state-government managed implementation of 73rd Amendment in Schedule
Chhattisgarh Tourism Board as the nodal agency Areas. In 1996, based on the Bhuria Committee’s
for all tourism-related development! The policy recommendations, the PESA Act was enacted that
also makes some ludicrous propositions to ease went one step further to the 73rd Amendment by
tourist connectivity like proposing helicopter acknowledging the rights of adivasis to plan and
facilities into interior inaccessible areas - areas decide the course of development in their regions
where tribal and indigenous population lives. Its by empowering the Gram Sabha to have a say in the
focus on “Ethnic tourism” is strong and the policy nature of development, land acquisition and also
states that it will attempt at showcasing the state’s in resettlement and rehabilitation measures in the
rich cultural heritage and monuments, which region. The Gram Sabha and Panchayat have also
will be integrated into the ecotourism circuit. been given the power “to prevent alienation of land
in the Scheduled areas and to take appropriate action
Orissa launched its tourism policy in 1997 and to restore any unlawfully alienated land of Scheduled
this is also no different from other state policies. Tribe”42 Along with these important clauses on
In the state’s tourism policy, Ganjam, Kalahandi, people’s role in decision making, PESA also gives
Kandhamal,Deogarh,Dhenkanal,Angul,Keonjharand rights over minor water bodies and minor minerals.
Mayurbhanj proposed for wildlife tourism, all have
significant adivasi population. The commodification Orissa has diluted its Gram Panchayat Act, while
Jharkhand’s Panchayat Act is not in accordance with
The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled - Reflections on tourism’s impacts on indegenous communities in India 59
the central legislation. States like Madhya Pradesh Closing Thoughts
and Chhattisgarh who adopted PESA provisions are
bypassing their own state laws in favour of private This paper has put forth arguments and cases,
companies while in Andhra Pradesh, the government drawing from international and national experiences
machinery is influencing the gram sabha’s decision to tourism’s increasing role in the indigenous
on transferring land to mining companies. The peoples debate. But as we acknowledge that
clause empowering the grama sabha to monitor land tourism indeed is contributing to the displacement,
acquisition and alienation is particularly important exploitation and marginalisation of indigenous
in the light of the nature of tourism development communities, there is also the hope that it might
in these areas and the need for regulation. While transform itself into a tool for benefiting these
examples abound of disregard and violation of the communities – economically and culturally – without
PESA in the context of extractives-linked industries, being exploitative. When confronted with highly
we begin to see a similar trend in the context of destructive forms of “development” like mining,
tourism. In Anantgiri mandal of Andhra Pradesh, dams and extractives, indigenous communities are
which is a Scheduled Area, the last few years have pinning their hopes on tourism – that it can be a
seen several new resorts and hotels come up in tool for their collective economic empowerment, and
the Araku valley. Similarly, areas around the Kanha a means for promoting greater understanding and
National Park in Madhya Pradesh have about 30- respect for their identities, culture and traditions.
35 resorts that have come up. In most of these But will tourism development in India respond to
aforesaid cases, tourism developed mostly without this call? Will tourism which by its very nature is a
consultation or consent of the grama sabhas. human space - be more human and ethical? Will it
be guided by its responsibility to be a steward of the
Another historic development in the legislative peoples, cultures, and natural environment that it so
space is the Scheduled Tribes and other traditional benefits by? Will its relationship with communities
Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act it depends on, be respectful and harmonious or
2006. Reserved and protected forests, sanctuaries, predatory and exploitative? Is it willing to be
national parks and other protected areas have been unmasked and respond to the adivasi’s johar?
given the status of “community forest resources”
by this Act and therefore, rights of tribal and other
forest dwelling communities extend over these
areas. Important community rights recognised
include: the right to live in the forest land, right
of ownership; access to collect, use and dispose
minor forest produce; rights of fishing and grazing,
rights for conversion of pattas or leases, right to
conserve and right to enjoy customary rights. While
the rules and detailed implementation guidelines
of the Act are being negotiated and drafted, it
can only be hoped that the principle and spirit
of this legislation is retained and that adivasi
communities will be able to use it for what it is
meant to be – a tool to ensure that their lives,
practices and culture are not subservient to the
market and to powerful commercial lobbies.

Id 10
Endnotes Pradip Prabhu, “Tribal Forest Interface – Logic
of Survival”, Combat Law, Volume 2 Issue 5,
1. December – January 2004, p 5-18.
Usage Note: When used in reference to a
member of an indigenous people, the noun 16.
native, like its synonym aborigine, can evoke Data collected from primary field investigation
unwelcome stereotypes of primitiveness or cultural by Souparna Lahiri and Devjit Nandi for NFFPFW,
backwardness that many people now seek to avoid. India.
Despite its potentially negative connotations, native 17.
is enjoying increasing popularity in ethnonyms such
as native Australian and Alaska Native, perhaps
due to the wide acceptance of Native American as
a term of ethnic pride and respect. natives. www. 18.
In 1995, the World Bank launched the The American Heritage® Dictionary ecodevelopment project with the Indian
of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton government. Pench Tiger Reserve in Madhya
Mifflin Company, 2004. http://dictionary.reference. Pradesh was eventually selected as one of the loan
com/browse/natives (accessed: July 04, 2007). In recipients. The general objectives of the project
this paper we prefer to use the term indigenous were to protect biodiversity and ecosystems in India
people/tribals/ adivasis. by motivating villagers in the buffer zones around
2. the national parks to reduce their dependence on
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, 2001 census
the forests for survival. The World Bank designed a
“Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel: the paving of program based upon an understanding that human
paradise and what you can do to stop it,” Deborah populations living in wildlife conservation areas have
McLaren, Kumarian Press, 1998. a negative impact on the delicate plant and animal
ecosystems; they must therefore be resettled
4. outside the boundaries of the wildlife reserves
Russel Barsh, “The World’s Indigenous Peoples”,
Department of Native Studies at the University of and encouraged to survive without entering the
Lethbridge, Canada. (year unknown). forests. This course of action, it was felt, will protect
villagers and their crops from wild animals and will
Jon Goss, “The souvenir and sacrifice in the protect wild animals and plant species from human
tourist mode of consumption” from the “Seductions encroachment.
of Place: geographical perspectives on globalisation
and touristed landscapes,” edited by Carolyn The park is in a designated V Schedule Area –
Cartier and Alan. E. Lew, Routledge, 2005. Areas identified by the Constitution of India with
high percentage of tribal populations that are to
Joan Carling, “Tourism Impacts on the Indigenous be administered differently in recognition of tribal
People of Cordillera”, Contours, Volume 8 No ¾, institutions and governance.
Ecumenical Coalition on Third World Tourism,
November 1998. Id 16
7. 21.
“Questions about a Road”, Panjaj Sekhsaria, This case is drawn from “adivasis, rights
Down to Earth, May 31 2007. and tourism: an assertion from Nagarahole”,
Terri – Lynn Williams-Davidson, “Sacred Objects,
Art and Nature in a Global Economy”, Paradigm Refer the Declaration of the International Forum
Wars: Indigenous Peoples Resistance to Economic on Indigenous Tourism, Oaxaca, 2002 issued in
Globalization, International Forum on Globalization, response to IYE
2005. 23.
“Creating voice for Indigenous People”,
9. published by National Advocacy Council for
Mark Dowie, “Conservation Refugees”, Chapter
14, Paradigm Wars: Indigenous Peoples Resistance Development of Indigenous People (NACDIP) in
to Economic Globalization, International Forum on association with PREM-Orissa and ITWWS – Tamil
Globalization, 2005. Nadu, December 2002.
10. 24.
“Mixed Promises of Ecotourism”, Susanne Id 12
York, International Forum on Globalization as part 25.
of “Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance to Economic “People and Parks: Linking Protected Area
Globalization”, published by IFG, 2004 Management with Local Communities”, World
Bank, 1992.
“Trouble in Paradise: tourism and indigenous 26.
land rights: towards ethical solutions”, Briefing, Alison M. Johnston, “Is the Sacred for Sale?
Minority Rights Group International, January 2007. Tourism and Indigenous People”, Earthscan
Publication, 2006.
Ibid 27.
Id 11
Wildlife Institute of India, June 2007, http://www. 28. Id 11
The tourist welcomed; the adivasi exiled - Reflections on tourism’s impacts on indegenous communities in India 61
29. 39.
Id 11 According to the 1998 Ecotourism Policy,
it is based on Guidelines for the development
“Tourism and the SAN in South Africa”, of National Parks and Protected areas for
Contours, Ecumenical Coalition on Third World Tourism developed by the UNWTO , PATA
Tourism, Volume 8 No ¾ November 1998. Code for Environmentally Responsible Tourism,
31. Environmental Guidelines of the World Travel and
There are a few initiatives in progress in India Tourism Council, the Himalayan Code of Conduct
that are beginning to orient tourism development prepared by the Himalayan Tourism Advisory Board
towards indigenous community needs with some and Ecotourism Guidelines by Ecotourism Society.
even being community-owned and initiated.
These include the UNDP and MoT’s Endogenous 40.
Ecotourism as Market Based Conservation
Rural Tourism Project where few sites work with Mechanism, briefing paper, EQUATIONS, 2006
indigenous communities, work of NGOs in East and
Northeast India towards striking a balance between “Globalisation, Governance & Grassroots:
cultural, ecological conservation and tourism The case of ecotourism and its impacts in tribal
and few village-level initiatives like in Khonoma, dominated areas in India”, EQUATIONS, November
Nagaland. 2006.
32. 42. Section 4 (m (iii)) of PESA
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights: References
1. Barsh, Russel - “The World’s Indigenous
On 22 December 2004, the General Assembly Peoples”, Department of Native Studies at the
adopted Resolution A/RES/59/174 for a Second University of Lethbridge, Canada. (year unknown).
International Decade, which commenced on 1
January 2005. The Under-Secretary-General for 2. Cartier, Carolyn (ed) and Lew, Alan A. (ed) -
Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. José Antonio “Seductions of Place: geographical perspectives
Ocampo was appointed Coordinator for the Second on globalization and touristed landscapes”, Critical
Decade. The goal of the Decade is the further Geographies, Routledge, 2005.
strengthening of international cooperation for the 3. “Contours” - Volume 8 No ¾, Ecumenical
solution of problems faced by indigenous people Coalition on Third World Tourism, November 1998
in such areas as culture, education, health, human
rights, the environment and social and economic 4. Johnston, Alison M. - “Is the Sacred for
development, by means of action oriented Sale? Tourism and Indigenous People”, Earthscan
programmes and specific projects, increased Publication, 2006.
technical assistance and relevant standard setting
5. McLaren, Deborah - “Rethinking Tourism and
activities. The theme of the Decade is: “Partnership
Ecotravel: the paving of paradise and what you can
for Action and Dignity”.
do to stop it,” Kumarian Press, 1998.
6. Prabhu, Pradip - “Tribal Forest Interface –
The Permanent Forum was established by Logic of Survival”, Combat Law, Volume 2 Issue 5,
the United Nations Economic and Social Council December – January 2004, p 5-18.
(ECOSOC) resolution 2000/22 on 28 July 2000. In
this resolution the UNPFII was given a mandate 7. “Trouble in Paradise: tourism and indigenous
to “discuss indigenous issues within the mandate land rights: towards ethical solutions”, Briefing,
of the Council relating to economic and social Minority Rights Group International, January 2007.
development, culture, the environment, education,
8. “Creating voice for Indigenous People”,
health and human rights.”
published by National Advocacy Council for
Development of Indigenous People (NACDIP) in
Id 26 association with PREM-Orissa and ITWWS – Tamil
Nadu, December 2002.
The two references are: “The railways have a
9. Paradigm Wars: Indigenous Peoples’
special fascination for foreign tourists who wish to
Resistance to Economic Globalization”,
experience the country both at leisure and close
International Forum on Globalization, Committee on
personal contact with the indigenous people…”
Indigenous Peoples, 2005.
and “…ecotourism must help in… in encouraging
tribal and local crafts and in improving overall
environment and facilitating growth of a more just
and fair social order”, National Tourism Policy,
Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Government of
India, 2002.
XI Five Year Plan, Tourism Working Group
Report, 2007

by EQUATIONS Some insights & lessons from the
2008 Endogenous Tourism Project in India1

The Endogenous Tourism Project- Rural Tourism reader to refer to the detailed review report titled
Scheme (ETP-RTS) is a collaborative effort between Sustainability in Tourism – Rural Tourism Model.
the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India (MoT)
andUnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme(UNDP) Globally, community based tourism is increasingly
initiated in 2003 and being implemented currently receiving attention as tourism initiatives combine
at 36 sites across the country. While the primary aspects of community development, poverty
objective of the project is to focus on sustainable alleviation, cultural heritage, and conservation.
livelihoods, it extended beyond the achievement Community based tourism lends itself as a window
of mere economic objective of employment and to achieving broader development goals at national,
income augmentation, putting it on a much larger regional and local levels. In developing countries
canvas of community based action. The project aims this tends to inevitably be located in rural areas.
at a convergence of issues -sustainable livelihoods, Community involvement in tourism has been widely
gender equality, empowerment of women, youth supported as being essential for sustainability. It is
and other disadvantaged sections and working emphasisedfromequity,developmentalandbusiness
towards cultural sensitivity and environmental management perspectives. The positives of this form
sustainability. It goes on to suggest that if tourism of tourism are - community ownership, livelihood
is to fulfil its promise of being a transformative security, minimal leakages & backward linkages,
agent, capable of changing the minds, values and efficient conflict resolution, increases in the local
behaviour of the tourists and the local citizen alike population social carrying capacity, and improved
– as well as of providing a broad impetus to local conservation. Revenue from tourism reaching the
economies throughout India, then tourism needed communities is distributed by them, in accordance
to be “radically altered in design and concept”. with their wishes; either split between all the
The ETP in many ways has been a total shift from inhabitants equally, or invested in infrastructure such
the standard tourism projects implemented by as schools, roads, and clinics (Spenceley, 2008)2.
the Ministry of Tourism in the past that were Broadly the costs associated with community
infrastructure-centric and infrastructure-heavy. based tourism projects include that they generate
It has an overall framework which is ambitious, high expectations which may not be feasible, new
emphasising processes rather than products, conflicts may arise as marginal groups become
and placing at the centre the notion of local more empowered while elites gain greater benefits
communities taking the decisions related to through networks. In addition, despite attempts
tourism. Thus a unique feature and indeed core to empower communities to benefit from tourism,
principle of the ETP is to examine and take further they are frequently unable to provide the standard
the links between tourism and development. of service the tourists require (Spenceley, 2008).
This paper attempts to “put together” some of The level and distribution of benefits depends
the insights and lessons that emerge from the on many factors including the attractiveness
ETP. The insights are generalised to apply to rural of the tourism asset, the type of operation, the
tourism projects in developing countries. For nature and degree of community involvement,
examples and details from the ETP, we urge the
Community-based rural tourism - insights and lessons from the Endogenous Tourism Project 63
and whether earnings become private income or structures that the project deliberately introduces
are partly or wholly channelled into community as part of its agenda of social change and the
projects or other benefit-spreading mechanisms. resultant forces that are then unleashed.
Juxtaposing tourism and development The dilemma always exists about the extent to
which it can really address, challenge and transform
Development planning acknowledges that macro deep rooted social inequities. The objective of
economic growth is no guarantee of human livelihood promotion and human development of
development. The need for public policy to rural community, especially the disadvantaged,
specifically address strategies for elimination women and youth, helps focus on what is their
of human poverty and inequalities remain ‘own’, i.e., their skill in traditional arts and crafts,
significant challenges. Greater accountability their cultural heritage, community or private land,
of public policy implementation bodies, natural resources (flora and fauna) and environment
gender equality, capacity building to ensure of the area. The attempt to promote what is their
greater decentralization and empowerment of ‘own’ obviously leads to addressing what is their
marginalized groups are key to these objectives. ‘due’, i.e., their right to the wealth generated by
Many rural tourism projects and the ETP in particular, tourism in the given locale and the right to decision
are conceived as a means to rural development. In making about its creation and equitable distribution,
the backdrop of increasing rural crisis in developing on the one hand, and the right to protect and
countries, providing social and economic justice to preserve what is their ‘own’, on the other.
the vast segments of the masses who have been It is not uncommon in rural tourism projects to
persistently deprived of livelihood, basic services like see funds, institutional arrangements, designed
healthandeducation,remainsthegreatestchallenge. to benefit the poor being passed on to the not
Rural tourism cannot be a one stop solution for so poor. The absence of a critical analysis of the
ensuring goals such as equity and empowerment. community and segregating it in terms of poverty
However this component is a valuable and critical - of who have not been involved and why would
one if one were to aim at people centred tourism. highlight these exclusions and disparities. Poverty
The ETP was conceptualized with development is seen as homogenous, but it is a fact that there
and tourism as twin goals. The implementers were are some people in each community who barely
faced with the challenge of devising ways by manage to break even with consumption and
which the tourism product gets a “value addition” production. For them to have a choice of livelihood
because it is tightly integrated with development options, the opportunities are few. Those who
processes (of empowerment, asset generation, are the current gainers of the existing tourism,
enrichment equity etc). In the ETP development is or those powerful ones who aspire for gaining
not a side agenda but the co-agenda in order to out of the project often try to dominate. In their
add value to the tourism process. This was unusual presence the weaker sections of the villagers and
as compared to many other rural tourism projects women find it difficult enjoy equal status and
and threw up its own significant challenges. equal say in the functioning of the project.

However in the drive to “implement” rural projects Communities expectations and

one can easily slip into project based mode, products community choice:
and results get privileged and timelines are collapsed. A question of social agency
Thus important development goals of equity, gender, In ‘choosing sites’ for a rural tourism project, the
empowerment and social transformation, all of choice of sites are made primarily on the basis
which require time and effort, get sidelined and the of there tourism potential. The social capital, the
tourism product part of the project gets privileged. informed choice of the communities and their
Rural tourism projects are essentially a social and readiness, is usually not taken into account. In
economic intervention in rural areas and it is quite many rural tourism projects, when communities
likely that several conflicts surface. Some of these are faced with the prospect of a project which
may not be inherent to a tourism project, but promises huge economic benefit and that
simmering or underlying conflicts and tensions in money would be spent in their village it is very
the society which exist anyway and come to the unlikely that they would reject such a project!
fore when a project like this is introduced. Others A system prior to finalization of a site that would
could be attributed particularly to the challenges help in understanding the social criteria and for
to status quo or social orders or existing power the community to make an “informed choice” on

whether they wish to engage on a project of this sites depending on their situation may choose to
nature is important. Tools like the participatory engage in a process in which a very small section
rural appraisal (PRA) exercise can help communities engages others in which this a significant section
to understand the implications of tourism and of the population of the village. How much of
contribute to their choice and decision to engage the village overall economy is reliant on tourism
in tourism. Also key questions like what kind of will also vary. The time they will need will also
institutions already exist, their functions, quality be different. The pace will also be different.
of processes, degree of decision-making, whether
the community was divided / fragmented on lines Rural tourism projects should be customized to
of religion, caste, class, what were the other kinds each sites particular characteristic. The tendency
of inequalities and inequities, were there more of tourism to go through a life cycle of exploration,
pressing development issues that needed to be consolidation and decline is well known. Equally
addressed-poverty,education,health,indebtedness, well known is the inadvisability of over dependence
sanitation and access to water, what were the on tourism. Policy makers tend to oversell the
occupational patterns, cultural traditions and benefits of tourism and there is not enough of
sensitivities of the community - these and other substantiation or research data on the distributive
questions of this nature must be discussed and justice of tourism as a development tool.
debated amongst the community. The reason to Marketing an “experience”:
do this ground work before selection is that firstly, The tourism product and its promotion
the community is facilitated to take ownership of
a process and it becomes the basis of their right For creating a rural tourism experience the natural,
even to say no to tourism. Secondly, only when cultural, human or capital resources indigenous to
certain basic ‘other’ factors are in place are the the rural area would have to be attractive to tourists.
chances higher for tourism to function smoothly. Key factors in relation to competitive advantage are
the attraction (including its authenticity), quality of
The site selection criteria and process is a critical service and facilities, the destination’s accessibility
factor for success. Where these have been and pricing (perceived as value for money). Unless
diluted or short circuited the impacts on the we are able to change the way tourists perceive
form and progress of the project is evident. The / experience tourism in a rural scenario all these
experience of the ETP indicates that sites which aspects will be critical from a tourist’s point of
relied on more organic processes to develop the view. Many of these are also aspects that should
rural tourism product were more “successful”. be basic to people’s lives- particularly basics such
There is a need for constant dialogue to hear from as a clean environment, hygiene and sanitation.
the community on how they perceive the project, However it must remembered that we need to create
what are the changes they wish to see. It is also an environment that will help the tourist experience
important to keep the dialogue open on what rurality and not rush to create urban comforts in
this project may be able to achieve and what it a rural setting, because that is what the “tourist
will not be able to achieve. It is often when the will want”. Ultimately with the combination of the
project objectives are not stated and understood Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and competitive
clearly that the expectations of the community advantage the community will need to learn and
rise. Too many hopes are pinned on the project compete within the bounds of the market.
and when it does not materialise, there is a slump Often in the case of marketing of a rural
and a stage of being demoralised – from which tourism product, the emphasis is on marketing
it becomes very difficult to start up again. an experience. This is not as simple as creating
When communities engage with tourism it must attractive advertisements and has many layers
be recognized that the scale at which a particular – imaging, ethics and knowing what sells.
site engages will and should vary depending on a Marketing involves product/service development,
set of contextual factors - intrinsic and external. place (location and distribution), pricing and
Tourism cannot and will not be the solution to promotion. It defines the market and the customer
the rural crisis – and the introduction of tourism and makes the match between beneficiary,
must not be seen as a substitute for more stable the “product” they design and offer and its
and sustainable livelihood options. This is critical match to customer needs and expectations.
particularly as tourism is an activity that is based
on consumption, and it seeks to substitute in the While meeting the needs of the market is certainly
rural context, livelihoods based on production. Some an important goal from a commercial viability
Community-based rural tourism - insights and lessons from the Endogenous Tourism Project 65
perspective, the dilemma also is about how such Many rural tourism projects have the idea of
a project can help preserve traditions in their homestays as a central part of the tourism
‘pure’ form. Here we do not mean to suggest that product on offer. There are both opportunities
traditional crafts have not evolved and have not and dilemmas related to homestays in a rural
responded to changing times and changing needs. setting. On the one hand homestays allow for
This perhaps has been the greatest strength of our more decentralised benefits both in terms of
artisans and our crafts and one of the main reasons economic benefits and in terms of varied and
why they have survived. However it is factors and more authentic experiences for tourists. What is
spaces like tourism that are increasingly playing interesting is that the rural communities in the
the role of ‘the new patrons’ of such skills and ETP seem to be demonstrating a preference for
traditions. In such a case it is not enough for rural centralized accommodation option rather than the
tourism projects to see how the artisans can fit authentic homestay. Would the homestay option
into the market but also to be able to play the be the preferred choice if community members
important role of a patron - which is to appreciate, had an opportunity to economically benefit from
preserve and support art and skill for its own sake. a centralized accommodation option? It must be
acknowledged that the jury is still out on this
It is important also to understand the form and aspect. There are many social, cultural and economic
content of promotion that will be attempted for reasons why homestays will not work or work in
these sites. The philosophy of the project, how a a limited manner. Culturally – “hospitality as a
marketing firm sees and portrays this - is it just commodity” - the idea that one’s guest pays for
a pretty picture postcard or should the marketing staying in one’s home is difficult to accept. Also
be positioned differently? Highlighting the modes of interaction and the behaviour of the
community based and community led aspect of tourist are criterion (some community members
tourism at these sites could be a way of educating reported foreign tourists as being more at home
tourists and not just attracting them. There is than domestic tourists). Policy makers have been a
nothing inherently wrong in attracting tourists, vigorous promoter of the homestay idea – seeing
but this is also an opportunity to present a more it as an answer to the tourist accommodation
authentic and holistic aspect of the place and deficit. This may work in urban areas – but a strong
contextualise the tourism experience in it. pursuit of this strategy in rural areas may not be
Imaging is what exists between marketing advisable, without more feedback and research.
and aesthetics. It includes aspects of As the USP and competitive advantage has very
t 1SPDFTTPGTUFSFPUZQJOHTUBOEBSEJTJOH strong links to the tourist profile - how the possible
t $SFBUJOHDPOTUSVDUTBOEDBUFHPSJFT experience /product is presented to the potential
t 1PMJUJDTPGUIFQSPDFTToXIBUHFUT tourist, how it has been positioned and marketed,
put in, what gets left out – resulting in what have been the strategies to ensure success.
a set of communication products This needs an additional layer of positioning
t 3FDPHOJUJPOUIBUUIFSFTVMUPGBMMUIJTJTGPS (presenting the product) and marketing to ensure
‘consumption’ and when it hardens, slowly moves success. Clear business plans and marketing
into the ‘non-negotiable’ – which is often a strategies to ensure commercial viability of these
process that happens by a subtle consensus ventures are critical. It is equally important to be
One of the core understandings of the ETP was to able to define the tourist profile, set up a system
create a unique rural experience for the tourists, for capturing and verifying this data (based on
to move away from infrastructure centred form who actually comes) and then feed this back into
of tourism. While this outlook is commendable promotion, marketing and product development.
and recommended, it is not easy to achieve. Much Another aspect is the links of tourist profile to
more thought needs to then be put in as to how undesirable impacts of tourism. How can we ‘filter
one sees, builds on, and creates opportunities for out’ tourists who might have an adverse impact on
tourists to experience ‘authentic’ rural life in a way the host community’s culture and values?” Could a
that it transforms their mindsets. It is often the combination of pricing, positioning and experience
tangible /physical that will attract and bring the be designed to narrow the appeal to a specific tourist
tourists, but the intangibles of a place that will profile? The suggestion that the tourist be “screened”
be remembered, which make or break the tourist’s is not accompanied by a practical way of going about
experience. One may very well ask the question this. There is also an element of risk about a stranger
– can/should there be rural tourism at all?! coming in and living in one’s home or in one’s village.
Research on tourism in rural areas of Goa, Kerala and

Orissa have reported clear links between child sexual community institutions that therefore did or did
abuse and home stay and or easy access to children. not evolve and impacts in terms of community
benefits and “successful” tourism in the long run.
It would be important from a policy perspective
to approach some of these aspects of positioning In the ETP the idea of introducing the capacity
vis-à-vis local cultures more cautiously, as the building agenda into the Rural Tourism Scheme
risks, levels of comfort and willingness of the was a significant intervention and contribution of
communities to embrace this option must be UNDP. The aim was to help the community build
studied with a sense of openness and objectivity. their capacities, to benefit from the ownership and
control of assets that were to be created, modified,
Building local institutions and or renovated for their use. The capacity of community
capacities to implement rural tourism members by conducting training was on varied issues
Institutions are primarily holders of ideas. When - awareness, tourism linked skills and livelihood,
rural tourism projects builds institutions to take this alternative livelihood and institutional management.
different idea of tourism forward within existing Capacity building often led to acquiring specific
structures of the rural society – two things may skills, but could also be seen as creating the space
happen – the new structures may be challenges or for building or articulating perspectives. e.g There
they may be compatible with the existing structures. is not much awareness amongst the community in
many sites in the ETP to why there is such a great
Working with the twin objectives of development emphasis on vernacular architecture. Their reflection
and tourism itself offers a significant challenge is limited to an extent that ‘tourists want to stay
and would require timeframes that in all cases in accommodation which resembles and suits the
would go beyond the typical timeframes of policy rural ambience’. The broader vision of use and
makers for rural tourism projects. To setup norms relevance of local materials, providing opportunities
and evolve a common vision, to ensure they work to local vendors and benefiting the local economy
in tandem with one another and in alignment as a whole is also part of capacity building.
with an over arching purpose is an institution
building challenge. It involves consultations with All sites in the ETP attempted building an apex body –
the stakeholders to identify key participants and the Village Tourism Committee (VTC). There have been
opinion leaders and facilitate the work towards two different approaches to the formation of the VTC.
a common vision. Understanding of formal and One, the membership of the VTC was confined to the
informal ways of working together towards a people who were thus far excluded from or exploited
common purpose that is beneficial for everyone, under the existing tourism industry, namely, the
forms the stable basis for institution building. artisans, the craftsmen, the women, the youth and the
other weaker sections of the village community. The
Apart from this, even from just a tourism perspective capacity building programme was designed for their
alone, to achieve some degree of stability, to get skill formation, value addition to the old products and
the institutions working, building them strong to the creation of new products. Since the objective is
servicing the tourist, will need time and will only to empower the powerless and marginalised, the VTC
come with tourist interaction. Time frames should was a potential space to challenge existing power
also have a bottom-up approach rather than top- structures. The other approach was to open up the
down. In the structure and formalizing of institutions doors to all: the rich and the poor, the powerful and
we saw many examples of them being formulated the weak. In some sites this was believed to be a more
on the basis of trust– which was not given time pragmatic and effective method - to leave the choice
to actually develop and solidify. As a result many of selection to the community-and aim to avoid social
crisis and grid locked situations developed. There tensions in the process of implementation the project.
is need for proper documentation of contracts
and taking care of statutory and legal aspects of Given that a commonly held vision clarity, positive
institutions especially as business models, assets social dynamics, capacity building and handholding
and the shift in power structures are involved. over time are the basic requirements of strong
institutions - institution building is inevitably a
Various entrepreneurship models – private- slow and complex process. Furthermore, given
community partnership, community-credit the early stage of actual engagement with
institution, community–tourism network, PRI tourism at many rural tourism sites, it is very
integrated tourism planning development initiative difficult to hazard a guess about the sustainability
emerge. It would be valuable to understand the links of the institutions that are being promoted
between the emerging entrepreneurship models, and this will need to be studied further.
Community-based rural tourism - insights and lessons from the Endogenous Tourism Project 67
Tourism impacts environmental resources at the cost of the local needs
is to be monitored at regular intervals. It is very rare
Any tourism, endogenous or otherwise, has the that reliable and valid data is captured and analyzed at
potential to cause social, cultural and environmental the level of the site in order to find out what was the
damage, if left unregulated to market forces real progress and benefit of the project is to various
and social power structures. The success of a sections. A site level system of collecting and analysing
rural tourism project should not be judged by data related to benefits and impacts is essential.
the economic gains alone but by the level of
improvement of the social justice and growth of The system developed must collect and analyse the
social capital as well. Even and equitable distribution information regarding tourism related activities at the
of the economic gains among all the participating sites. Communities should be empowered and their
communities and individuals needs to be ensured. capacity should be built for this activity. This set of
Communities are usually quite unaware of caveats statistics collected on site should become a tool to be
and negative impacts that inevitably accompany used by community to understand and review their own
tourisms growth. With tourism coming in, the risk progress and also to be used across the entire project
of commodification of culture and traditions is sites as a whole to plan and make course corrections.
there. One hopes that community control will avert
This should also be seen as an important and
this inevitable impact but as of now there are no
integral part of the monitoring & review process.
particular safeguards to avert this phenomenon, or
Sites should be encouraged to develop baseline
significant discussions on the issue in most sites.
data through a PRA. Implementing agencies should
Common property resources are often privatized be well trained in PRA. This is critical as PRA is
by tourism as its property and this must be checked. an important tool for data generation, group
In India, lack of waste management and garbage were mobilization, as well as a way to generate the sense
universally visible and acknowledged as a serious of motivation and ownership about the project.
issue. The aspect of sanitation often is addressed 1. There could be a system of consistent and
only to the extent of acknowledging the need to simple data collection formats and systems
provide clean toilets for tourists. It is really sad that developed at the local level - tourist arrivals,
in many of these “picture postcard” destinations basic their profiles, requirements, demands, what
sanitation does not exist for those who live there - they spend on, levels of satisfaction, how
open drains, no public or community toilet facilities. they learnt about the destination etc.
Touristic artefacts like decorative gates or car parks 2. Income and impacts should be disaggregated
seem more important than basic sanitation, drinking by development and tourism objectives – gender,
water, primary health or hygiene, electricity and basic poverty, caste, marginalization, livelihoods,
transportation and connectivity for the community. economics and distribution of benefits.
3. A participatory community based impact analysis
Through the charter/codes of conduct evolving can then be done to find out. e.g:
process the community needs to decide what - How many people have moved from the
kind of tourism they want, what they allow, low income to middle income groups after
what they disallow, what makes them proud, being associated with the project?
what they want to offer? This has the possibility - Gender impact - change in the roles
therefore of not being a mechanical exercise but of women engaged with the project
a powerful process of helping them to search for - Employment generation
and articulate their identity. Where communities - Increased ability of the less powerful
have come up with their own charter which has and marginalized to participate (e.g
clear defined lines as what tourist’s should not do having home stay facilities, engaging
in their village, it has increased their feeling of directly in service provision, crafts etc)
belonging and responsibility. Charters and guidelines
would help ensure the meaningful participation of The generation, consolidation, and analysis of this
these marginalised sections, backward castes and data is essential for a factual assessment of the
classes, women and poor to a certain extent. project impacts at local level and consolidated
across sites. It will help policy makers test their
Awareness building through the development of hypothesis that tourism can indeed be a relevant
community-based tourism impact assessment is one development intervention in the rural setting.
way of doing this. Tool kits need to be prepared and
shared with the communities once such an initiative Many rural tourism sites have in their plans a building
is taken. An impact on local livelihood and access to / space that will work as the tourist information /

interpretation centre – but this often not been the contrary, they find it far more enriching and
conceptualised very clearly as to what the function personally fulfilling. This offers the possibility to
of such a centre will be. It would be useful to reconceptualise ‘tourism’ as a ‘cultural exchange’
see if these centres could be spaces for local framed within a developmental ethos, driven by both
communities to present their own histories in the agent communities and facilitated by the NGO/
creative and local ways. It could also be conceived state/other intermediaries. Recent trends towards
as useful spaces to handle data generation and travel philanthropy and responsible and ethical
impact, gather information about tourist profiles tourism are also aiming to address these issues.
and have rudimentary tourism impact assessment
cells running out of these collective spaces. Basic The design, implementation and promotion of the
information technology based resources such rural tourism projects should encourage potential
computers / internet facilities could be manned by tourists to “see” more than just the product or the
village youth for bookings etc. It could also serve wonderful view but actually be willing to experience,
collective village needs and not only serve tourism. be impacted, and even a little changed by the
The youth in the village could be trained to run this. experience of engaging with the rural community.
Rural tourism projects need to be designed so that
Transforming tourism, the community participate in the entire process from
transforming tourists the very outset, and be made aware of the pros and
cons involved – well before the project is initiated.
The complex part of marketing rural tourism sites If we accept rural tourism as a developmental
in developing countries is that it is not just about project, we must accord the community agency
being happy or grateful about any tourist coming to actively participate in and give shape to it.
in – but about communicating what the experience Community engagement in the process of decisions
of that site could potentially be and attracting on infrastructure (what, why, where, design – how
those tourists who are looking for that. In that was it taken, how much money has been spent on it)
sense it is also very much about empowering the have been low. Often the views of the community are
communities to think, choose and shape what kind not been sought and in many instances the process
of tourist destination they wish their village, their has been top down. Empowering the communities
home and their locality to be. This aspect is rarely to think, choose and shape what kind of tourism
dwelt on, in the general anxiety that “somehow and tourist image they wished their village, their
we must get tourists in”. Such an approach would home and their locality to be is a central aspect.
be respectful both of the visited and the visitors as
the ‘psychological contract’ as well as the contract This provides a rare opportunity to try and transform
about what is on offer would match. Thus position the nature of tourism – from its mass consumptive
and promotion should be people centric and not nature to something which had the elements of
only market centric. Given the increasing interest in interaction, learning and human contact as well.
many community based and rural tourism promoters
and sustainable tourism they must recognise the
ethical and developmental position on this issue. Endnotes
Rural tourism is also a powerful opportunity to 1. This article was written for and published in
impact and change the minds of tourists. This idea UNDP (2008). Redefining Tourism - experiences
transforming the tourist is crucial to achieving the and insights from rural tourism projects in India
developmental objectives aimed for. How tourists 2. Spenceley, Dr. Anna (2008), Practical initiatives to
could become active participants and partners in the responsible tourism in destinations: Community and
process, and ways by which they could be enabled nature based tourism in South Africa, Presented
and facilitated to do so are important questions. at the 2nd International Responsible Tourism
Conference at Kochi (Kerala), 21-24 March 08
Relegating the tourist to a passive consumer, an
extrinsic agency is equally disempowering, and will
adversely impact its success. There is a flourishing
of all sorts of ethical/responsible tourism groupings
worldwide. They regard actively engaging with
and contributing to local developmental processes
as intrinsic to their tourist experience. In other
words, they see no diminishing of their ‘value
for money’ by virtue of this engagement – on

By Dr. B Vijayakumar2 ALLEVIATION & 1
Introduction Community participation
The diverse consequence of tourism on economy, Much has been debated on the concept of
society and environment has been a subject of community participation. A typology of participation
serious debate across the world during the last two illustrated by France L (1998) shows that community
decades. By augmenting the process of resource participation in development projects can be
exploitation, tourism has been occupying a pride of ensured at different levels. The way in which and
place in the GDP of many countries. Experiences have the magnitude at which community participate in
shown that, in general, the poor local community decision making process determine the sustainability
and natural endowments are the causalities of of the project. In the context of tourism, by
tourism development. The much expected trickle community participation, we presume the ability
down effect of tourism development is practically of a community to influence the decision making
not experienced in most destinations. Though in process. Once community participation is ensured
the theoretical paradigm, provisions are made for in tourism, it can work as the guide and guardians
resource conservation, regional development and of the industry. Generally, tourism businesses at
economic benefit to poor in tourism, little progress destinations are controlled by the rich and elite
has been made so far in this regard. Realizing the leaving a message that the poor has little to do with
ability of tourism to eliminate poverty through tourism development. Quite often the destination
community participation, efforts are being taken in people are alienated from the industry causing
identified destinations that are known for nature / dire consequences to the future of the industry.
eco tourism all over the world. Any attempt to make Considering this, policy makers and the proponents of
this venture a success should strictly adhere to local the sustainable development strongly advocate local
specific specialties, while framing programmes. / community participation in tourism. The guidelines
A major strategy adopted in Kerala for poverty for participation in community tourism in South
alleviation is the promotion of micro enterprises Asia states that in tourism local residents (often
through self help groups known as Kudumbasree rural, poor and marginalized) are active participants
units. But the activities of these units are largely as land managers / users, entrepreneurs, employees
confined to identify areas of operations where decision makers and conservators, rather than just
tourism finds no place of its own. How to take the community co – operative running camp sites. The
existing institutional arrangements, organizational aim is for residents to have a say in decision over
structure and the social empowerment acquired by tourism development in their area and work with
the SHG members for developing micro enterprises other stake holders to develop opportunities for
related to nature tourism is the question that employment, enterprise, skilldevelopment and other
needs to be addressed seriously. With this in view, improvements in local livelihoods. Same actions
an attempt is made to make a SWOT analysis such as participation in planning may be done by
through focus group discussion among the SHG’s communities acting collectively and some such as
to prepare an action plan for implementation in enterprise development by local, individuals and
Thirunelly Panchayat of Wayanad district in Kerala. families. The advantage of community participation
includes protection of people, land and culture from

exploitation. It balances visitor entertainment and kilometers is reserved forest. The climate is fairly cool
creates tourism programmes where financial, social that suits varieties of temperate crops. During the
and environmental benefits flow to community. cold season temperature drops to less than 15˚ C. The
In this context, it is worthwhile to examine the district accommodates majority of tribal population
social representation and tourism community of the state. Scheduled Tribes (ST) population comes
relationship discussed by Molotch (1976), Murphy to 17.43% of the total population of the district.
(1983), David (1988), Pearce (1989 ), Allan (1993), Simous (1994), Howard (1994), Thirunelly grama panchayath (Study area) in
Madrigal (1995) etc. Community based tourism is Wayanad ranks first in ST population in Kerala.
more sustainable development than conventional According to 2001 census 41% of total population
mass tourism as it allows communities to break of this panchayath belongs to Scheduled Tribes and
away from the hegemonic grasp of tour operators majority of the people consist of poor farmers. The
and the oligopoly of wealthy elites at the national intervention of state poverty alleviation mission,
level (Filton, 1996). Community involvement in namelyKudumbasreehasresultedinestablishing257
the benefits of tourists is also widely discussed self help groups in Thirunelly grama panchayath, and
(Brohman 1996, Daliles1997, Smith 1998, Schvens of which 64 are Tribal units each having 16 members
1999, Timothy 1999 etc). The role of tourism in on an average. The economic activity of these groups
development and its theoretical framework is is mainly confined to farming and animal husbandry.
provided in detail by Richard Sharpley (2002) But most of these are not focusing on tourism which
has got immense potential for development in the
The concept of community participation in decision district. Compared to other districts in Kerala, the
making process of tourism planning is viewed association of local people to tourism activity in
as central to the success of sustainable tourism Wayanad is very meager. However, the association
development initiation. It enables more equitable of poor and marginalized women in self help group
distribution of economic benefits to the society. It has enriched their understanding on organizational
is suggested that the benefit is achieved through arrangements and institutional operations which in
a reduction of leakages between tourism and turn resulted in confidence building to work in unison
related industries with import of goods within with main stream economic activity of the state.
the destination area. Further benefits that are
deemed include such factors as the improvement Tourism and poverty alleviation
of host – guest interaction to their mutual benefits. Wayanad, the green village in Kerala is well known
Therefore, community participation is viewed as for nature tourism in Kerala. Since there is ample
a means of challenging the prevailing tourism scope for the local people to include directly as well
development paradigm which typically minimise as indirectly in tourism activities without eroding
the tourism infrastructure of the developing world their cultural base and at the same time protecting
controlled by the powerful multi nationals of the natural environment, any mechanism to integrate
the developed nations. However, considering the tourismwithKudumbasreewillbringhomeeconomic
geographical, demographic and ethnic diversity, benefits to the marginalized communities. Activities
appropriate strategies have to be adopted for will definitely bring home additional income to the
destination to promote community participation. local people especially the poor. With this in view,
In this backdrop an attempt is made to how focus group discussions were organized among the
communities perceive participation in tourism self help groups associating the male members of
development in the tribal dominated district in their family (The Kudumbasree SHGs consist only
Kerala, India. For case analysis the focus is on women) to elicit various information for enabling
Thirunelly Panchayat in Wayanad district. them to participate in income generating activities
Wayanad related to tourism in Wayanad. The information
thus gathered were discussed with community
Wayanad, the loveliest hill station, lies at a height leaders and elected representatives of the local self
of 700 – 2100 meters above mean sea level on the government to form the basis for SWOT analysis.
northern part of Kerala. Wayanad lies between 11˚ The various strengths, weakness, opportunities
20’ and 11˚ 58’ north latitude and 75˚ 47’ and 70˚ and threats received by the group members in
27’ east longitude. For revenue purpose the district associating with tourism activities are discussed.
is divided into three taluks. There are three block
panchayaths and 25 grama panchayaths and one SWOT Analysis
municipal corporation in the district. The total area SWOT analysis is done for identifying the strength,
is 2131 square kilometers, of which 544 square weakness,opportunityandthreatconnectedwiththe
Perspectives, participation, poverty allviation & nature tourism 71
performances of the identified SHGs unit. This will get due rewards. The major reason for this state of
enable to make suitable programme for the future. affairs is that the local community who comes from
true agrarian background does not have the skills or
Strength sophisticated technologies to market these products.
Unlike other parts of Kerala, Wayanad is bestowed More over the mainstream population could have
with rich variety of natural resources and indigenous all these items in their households also and thus
skill and technology that are part of the terrain and denied the opportunity to sell them in local markets.
tribal population. Modernization and urbanization The bulk of demand comes from hotels, restaurants
has intruded in the traditional living and the and from outside, could not be tapped properly by
displaced were neither able to stick on their own SHGs. Lack of network for collection and marketing
footing nor able to cope with modernization. often contributes to the poor performances of
Majority of tribals and marginalized –non tribals SHGs. More over since the tribal population
are in urgent need of reasonable income for their is not accustomed to these type of activities
sustenance. As far as the women of SHGs are – commercialization schemes and marketing
concerned most of them work as housemaids or part technologies, a natural lethargy creeps in. From the
time servants. They were paid more in kind than discussion, it is revealed that any programme will
in cash. Work force wiling to do job is available succeed provided it is moulded from the society
in anticipation of a reasonable income. The on imbibing their natural and cultural identity.
going micro enterprises activities are confined to A proper identification of the weakness of
goat rearing, cattle rearing and poultry which are the community will enable us to find out
unable to bring reasonable income. Wayanad is appropriate solution. The perception of the tribal
bestowed with wide variety of non-wood forest population towards life is entirely different. By
products and seasonal fruits. These provide rich nature they are least interested in savings and
raw material source for starting enterprises having accumulation. The other marginalized too, due
more indigenous base. More over, the skill and to the prevailing environment, lack motivation to
knowledge of the local people especially that launch new programmes. In other words, lack of
of tribal population add strength for producing motivation works as a major hurdle against good
cost effective environment friendly and homely entrepreneurship. To crown this the performance of
products. The need for collective action is nurtured the on going projects are not up to the mark. Hence
by Kudumbasree and there is an organizational it could not even be able to give a ray of hope for
set up for running micro enterprises. The members better performance. More over many of the products
are aware of the procedures and hurdles. The fund of SHGs lack standardization and quality assurance
earmarked for the tribal development add strength and the existing projects are designed by out side
for forming new enterprises, imparting training agencies too. The SHG members are destined to
programmes etc and the climate at Wayanad is also execute externally designed programmes which
conducive for the production of Wayanad special ultimately fail to sustain. The scope of using the
products. All this along with the need for viable indigenous skill and technology are too limited giving
income generating programme from the local add no incentive to promote indigenous talent. The major
to the strength for forming new micro enterprises. weakness are summarized as lack of motivation,
The major strengths are identified as availability of failure of on going projects, lack of standardization
man power, existence of non wood forest products, and quality assurance, lack of network in marketing,
indigenous knowledge and skill, organizational project proposals by outside agency, limited
setup – kudumbasree – SHGs, demand for income scope for using local skill and knowledge and
generating programme, funding from central and lack of commitment of implementing agencies.
state governments and salubrious climate.
All the above weakness does not mean that there
Lack of adequate marketing channels for products is no scope for promoting SHGs in Thirunelly. The
and reasonable price stand as barrier for the smooth discussions among the group and the suggestions
performance of these enterprises. It is observed that made by the tribal people substantiate this feeling.
cattle rearing, goat rearing and poultry are the major They have identified a good number of items which
activities under taken by these enterprises. Though they are interested to collect from the forest and
seemingly all these items are much demanded locally, suburbs and process it for making final products.
nationally and internationally, the SHGs in Thirunelly But in general they are not interested to do this in
have not succeeded to market them properly and a massive scale and mass production and marketing

is alien to them. Still most of them are satisfied beauty and climate, changing trends in tourism
with a sustenance living. If we are able to identify and demand for authentic and ethnic products.
young educated youths from among the tribes and
succeed in getting the cooperation of the tribal Threat
leaders more programmes having indigenous basis Lack of infrastructure facility is the major threat
can be framed. By and large these programmes suggested by most of the group members. Since
relate to non wood products including medicinal no mechanism for standardization and quality
plants and indigenous technology. The non tribe assurance exists, they fear that their product will
population who constitute the general category of not be totally accepted by the market. More over
SHG can also be promoted by designing programmes the high income brackets in the society do not
that can be interwoven with their daily life and want to support this activity as they fear that
household surroundings. As SHGs lack infrastructure there will be an erosion of labour supply. More
facilities any programme that can be linked to over, any programme that is being implemented
their household activities can be successfully through an external agency w ill not succeed and
implemented. Collection of fruits, preservation of hence the need of the hour is to evolve programme
fruits, cultivation of medicinal plants, procurements, from their own ambience. The major threats can
processing etc. are suggested by members in FGD. be summarized as vested interest of high income
The discussions held among the elected groups, lack of commitment of implementing
representatives and NGOs, throw more light and agency, operations by outside agency. Inadequate
opportunities. The ongoing agricultural practices patronage to indigenous skill and lack of adequate
in certain parts of Wayanad also enabled the local involvement in decision making processes.
group members to share this view. The growing The information thus collected along with the
concern towards environment is considered as a suggestions made by elected representatives,
good quality opportunity for local products. The kudumbasree officials, NGOs and tribal leaders
demand for organic farm products is growing more were put together to frame suitable action plan
internationally. The scope for developing organic that can be implemented in Wayanad with
farming is very high in Wayanad not only to meet particular focus to Thirunelly Panchayat.
increased international demand but also due to the
fact that classified hotels and tourist resorts are also Conclusion
looking for these products. This factor strengthens
local market organic farm products. Besides this, In the back drop of the performance of SHGs and
the nostalgia and resilience to nature by man the information gathered from the focus group
also accelerated the demand for herbal products discussions and personal interviews with voluntary
both for medicinal purpose and cosmetic use. The organizations like Uravu, Wayand Social Service
opportunity for tapping this on a commercial base society, elected representatives of the local bodies
is very high as it can fetch sustainable income to and age old leaders of tribal community an action
stakeholders. The ongoing process of urbanization plan was prepared for linking local people with
and modernization has virtually resulted in the nature tourism business. The broad areas identified
disappearance of most local/rural/indigenous by the community related to tourism includes agri-
projects. It is widely acknowledged that rural tourism, medicinal plants and health products,
products are much demanded in cities and towns. non timber forest products, food processing,
A concerted effort to make available these will handicrafts, souvenirs, tourist guides, eco lodges,
definitely bring prosperity to all those involved. way side amenities and ethnic shops. The major
idea behind this action programme is to restructure
All the above factors are directly and indirectly the existing self help group by offering new
related to modern tourism also. The global trend programmes which will enable them to produce
in tourism is towards nature tourism/ecotourism. varying products to cater the needs and requirements
Wayanad is well known for its natural cultural of tourism industry directly or indirectly.
attraction and authentic indigenous products. Ethnic
products form part of modern tourist attractions.
The scope for designing and developing destination
and attraction for modern tourist are very high
in Wayanad. The opportunities emerged from the
discussions are growing environmentalism, demand
for organic and herbal products, urbanization and
gradual disappearance of traditional products, scenic
Perspectives, participation, poverty allviation & nature tourism 73

This paper written in April 2009 is a modified
version of the paper “Tourism in a decentralised
framework - a model for community participation”
presented at the International Conference “A
decade of decentralisation in Kerala” organised
by Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi from
7th - 9th October 2005 at Thiruvananthapuram.
Dr. B. Vijayakumar is currently the principal of Kerala
Institute of Tourism & Travel Studies (KITTS). and.
Following his doctoral degree from the University of
Kerala on Sustainable development of Ecotourism
in Kerala, has long years of teaching experience
at post graduate level and conducting research.
He specializes in designing training modules and
programmes for various stakeholders in tourism.
As Chairman of Board of Studies (UG), member
of Board of Studies (PG) and member faculty of
Social Sciences, University of Kerala, he is actively
involved in curriculum development. He is honorary
professor of Indian Institute of Human Rights and
editor of ‘Green portal’, a biannual tourism journal.

Policy and legislative frameworks1


The term ‘ecotourism’ was coined by a marketing and the present] found in these areas is defined as
agency that was promoting Costa Rica as a ecotourism. An optimum number of environment
rainforest destination and since then it has been friendly visitor activities, which do not have any
seen as a niche market by the World Tourism serious impact on the ecosystem and the local
Organisation, as it uses resources that are linked community and the positive involvement of the local
to the biodiversity and cultural pluralism of third community in maintaining the ecological balance
world societies or countries, which have been are some of its key elements (UNWTO, 20022).
forced into tourism as a core competency area by
inter-governmental agencies for development. Key components of Ecotourism from various
ecotourism as: “... Is environmentally responsible t #FOFöUJOEJHFOPVTMPDBMDPNNVOJUJFT
travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural t .JOJNVNDPOTVNQUJPOPGSFTPVSDFT
areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature t "EESFTTTJUFTQFDJöDJTTVFT
(and any accompanying cultural features - both t 4USFTTVQPOMPDBMQBSUJDJQBUJPO PXOFSTIJQBOE
past and present) that promotes conservation, business opportunities
has low negative visitor impact, and provides for t $BUFSUPTNBMMHSPVQTCZTNBMMTDBMFCVTJOFTTFT
beneficially active socio-economic involvement t *ODMVEFBOJOUFSQSFUBUJPOBXBSFOFTT
of local populations.” [IUCN, Tourism, Ecotourism experience
and Protected Areas, Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996] t *OWPMWFSFTQPOTJCMFCFIBWJPVSPOUIF
part of tourists and tourism industry
The travel industry defines ecotourism as “purposeful
travel that creates an understanding of cultural and Status of ecotourism
natural history, while safeguarding the integrity of
the ecosystem and producing economic benefits that Ecotourism is now a much-contested term
encourage conservation . . . The long-term survival ecologically, economically and politically. It
of this special type of travel is inextricably linked to has been used by proponents of ecotourism
the existence of the natural resources that support comprising practitioners from government
it” (Bandy, 1996 quoting: Ryel and Grasse 1991:164). departments and industry to open up new areas
for tourism. It has unfortunately opened avenues
The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) for the tourism industry to promote initiatives
defines ecotourism as, “responsible travel to that have had a profound impact on people and
natural areas that conserves the environment the environment in the name of ecotourism.
and improves the welfare of local people”.
Each player has tried to define it to its advantage.
According to the World Tourism Organisation For the hotel industry, it is adopting environmental
[UNWTO] tourism that involves travelling to relatively friendly practices like recycling, alternative
undisturbed natural areas with the specified energy usages, adopting local architecture and
objective of studying, admiring and enjoying the providing employment to the local people. For
scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well the tour operators, it is identifying newer areas
as any existing cultural aspects [both of the past
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 75
for the promotion of ecotourism, away from tourism development. The industry vouches its ability
the run of the mill tourism destinations. to boost the economic potential of these natural
resources, which were otherwise what the industry
There is little or no consensus over the definition of and tourism proponents describe as ‘idle’ resources
ecotourism. Communities have accused ecotourism, and the economic potential had remained untapped.
and consequently its definition and concept, of It is evident that the concept of ecotourism is not
being largely industry driven and developed through limited by the so called notion of conservation and
non-consultative processes. The voices of concerns community benefits, but is determined by the market
raised during the International Year of Ecotourism factors. Innovations are made to the existing systems
in 2002 and processes that lead to it, including the of practices to entertain the tourists and aspects of
World Ecotourism Summit are testimony to this. conservation and community benefits are brought
Many organisations reiterated the need for assessing in to call it as ecotourism products. For example
what ecotourism is or what it could be made out to night patrolling in forests has been a routine work
be and not a promotional event for governments, of the forest department and now it has become
tourism sector and recipients of development aid. The an ecotourism product where the tourists are taken
Rethinking Tourism Project (now Indigenous Tourism along with the forest guards on their night beats.
Rights), based in Minneapolis USA, raising similar
concernsasmentionedaboveonbehalfofindigenous The high demand of tourists to visit protected
and community based organizations, further added areas has resulted in shifting the role of the forest
that most ecotourism projects were not community department from conservation and forestry activities
based and were developed on the basis of top- to promotion of tourism. Let us take the example
down approaches. There were no critical analyses of Kerala Forest Development Corporation.
or assessments conducted to assess long-term
impacts of such developments. Concerns were raised
that what is presently considered as ecotourism is Kerala Forest Development Corporation Ltd. (KFDC)
intended to “benefit investors, empower managerial
specialists, and delight tourists, not enhance the The National Commission on Agricultural (NCA)
economic, social and ecological health of the host has suggested setting up of Forest Development
communities” (Rethinking Tourism Project, Letter to Corporation in every state which will be able to
UNEP, 27 October 2000) and the communities are raise institutional finance for raising man-made
left with negative impacts and very marginal profits. forests so as to meet the domestic and industrial
needs of Forest produce and re-clothe the degraded
The term ‘ecotourism’ is now generally used in the forest areas and bring them under productive use.
context of tourism in ecologically sensitive areas
like protected areas. It has evolved from nature- Core Activities of KFDC Ltd.
based tourism and is also sometimes referred to 1. To acquire, purchase or take over on lease
as nature-tourism (Bandy, 1996). The tendency to or otherwise reserved forest, unreserved
qualify tourism in natural and undisturbed areas, vested forests and other lands form Kerala
like forests and islands, as ‘ecotourism’ or ‘nature Government and others either with tree
tourism’ is too vague a terminology. The very reason growth or not and to develop such areas
why the tourism industry opted for this terminology and raise plantations of industrial use.
was because wherever tourism is practiced, it has 2. To cultivate plantations of rubber, pepper,
proven detrimental to the environment and the cashew, cocoa, cardamom, etc. and to buy, sell,
social fabric and promoted dehumanising situations export, import, process, distribute, deal in all kinds
like displacement, marginalisation, siphoning off of forests plants, trees, and agricultural crop.
of natural resources and violation of basic human 3. To acquire, purchase or take over or lease
rights of indigenous peoples & local communities. or otherwise and manage forests to maximize
production of timber and other produce.
Discussions on ecotourism development in a country 4. To carry on business of foresters, planters,
like India need to be seen in the context of what cultivators, sellers, dealers in timber and
attracts tourists and tourism industry. The rich industrial woods, firewood, charcoal,
natural heritage and biodiversity hotspots spread out etc. and to manufacture and dispose
along the coasts, backwaters, forests and mountain of, sell and deal in forest produce.
regions are the major tourist attraction on which the
tourism industry banks in the name of ecotourism.
Even the Protected Areas (PAs), which previously had
seen limited tourist activities, are targets of intensive

Legislative frameworks & regulations

KFDC Board has now approved the following, as its relevant to ecotourism in India
core activity
National environmental laws and policies
“To carry on Tourism activities including Eco Tourism, While tourism policies at national and state
Farm Tourism, Forest Tourism, Health Tourism levels are increasingly promoting development of
etc. and to establish necessary infrastructure ecotourism, policies and laws for environmental
such as Hostels, Hotels Tourist Houses, Museum, protection are inadequate to regulate its extensive
Zoo, Hospitals, Health Clubs etc. for the purpose development. Some important environmental laws
and to act as travel agents, tour operators and notifications are discussed below. At the national
etc for promotion of tourism activities”. level, there exist legal and policy frameworks that
have the potential to regulate ecotourism. However,
there are problems with these as in some cases, like
The market demands infrastructures to be developed the Forest Act, 1980 where they have been misused
to entertain the tourists in protected areas. Luxury for the sake of promoting ecotourism and in others,
oriented and resource intensive accommodation like the National Environment Policy, where there are
infrastructure is being set up in sensitive & fragile deliberate moves to open up areas for ecotourism.
ecosystems, and even around many protected What is important to note is that both the central
areas in the country. Periyar Tiger Reserve in and state policies and plans take no account of these.
Kerala has three hotels with boarding and lodging
Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, Amendment 1993
facilities owned by the Kerala Tourism Development
and 2002
Corporation (KTDC) inside the Reserve, which is also
The word tourism occurs just once in the Wild
a wildlife sanctuary. Although the lease period for
Life (Protection) Act 1972 in Section 28(d) and
KTDC hotels was over in 1996, the Forest Department
the permission to tourist entry rests totally with
still finds it difficult to remove these hotels from the
the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State. Tourism
sanctuary premises. The situation is same all over
has come a long way since the time these laws
India as we see safari lodges and parks are being
were framed. The present forms of tourism
created with luxury facilities as in the case of Taj
practices are clearly detrimental to the well being
Safaris Wildlife lodges at Mahua Kothi (Bandhavgarh
of biodiversity in the PAs, as compared to what
NP) and Baghvan (Pench NP). Two more new safari
was practiced in the 70s. Therefore, there is an
lodges are being opened up at Banjaar Tola (Kanha
urgent need to make amendments in the clause
NP) and Pashan Garh (Panna NP) by the Taj Group.
or at least bring out elaborate set of guidelines
We need to understand that this infrastructure that define tourism and the way it should be
compete with indigenous & local communities carried out in and around protected areas.
for use of natural resources. The indigenous &
The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
local communities have been living in these
Although the Act has the potential to regulate
areas for a long time and are dependent on the
tourism development in forest areas, there are two
ecosystems for their day-to-day needs without
loopholes in the Act that have been used for large-
causing significant impacts, which is not the
scale promotion of ecotourism in both protected
case with other forms of infrastructure like
and reserve forest areas. Protected areas come under
tourism infrastructure and tourist activities.
the jurisdiction of the Wild Life (Protection) Act,
The protected areas have been a major reason 1972 and are designated as wildlife sanctuaries and
for evicting indigenous people from their original national parts whereas reserve forests are forests
homelands, and other local communities, as these that are not designated as protected areas. They are:
people came to be recognised as a ‘pressure’ on the a. Use of the term “non-forest purpose” – the Act
protected areas in India. Creation of ‘tourism zones’ does not recognise tourism as an activity that is
inside PAs further intensifies this discrimination. non-forest related. On the other hand, state forest
This has lead to the legitimised presence of a global departments that have been actively pursuing
industryaroundandsometimesinsideanecologically development of ecotourism have interpreted
sensitive area. While many a time indigenous it as a “forest related activity” that is related
and local communities have been displaced from to or ancillary to conservation. This has been a
forest areas, tourism is aggressively promoted. major factor for the spread of mass tourism in
the garb of ecotourism in many forest areas.
b. Section 2(iii) that any forest land or any
portion thereof may be assigned by way of
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 77
lease or otherwise to any private person or Reduction in the No-Development Zone for
to any authority, corporation, agency or any promotion of tourism
other organisation not owned, managed or - The first amendment to the Notification was
controlled by Government– when linked to the made because of pressure from the tourism lobby.
above, leaves space for the entry of tourism and - The amendment was vide notification
tourism related operations into forest areas. no. S.O. 595(E) dated 18th Aug 1994 on
recommendations of the Vohra Committee,
Hence there is an urgent need to clarify these which was constituted on 1st Jan 1992 and
matters in the context of implementation of this Act. report submitted on 31st Dec 1992. The issue
The Biological Diversity Act 2002 dealt with was tourism. The reason for the
As part of India’s endorsement of the UN Convention constitution of the committee was that there
on Biological Diversity, the Biological Diversity Act was intense pressure from the hotel and tourism
came into being in 2002. The Biological Diversity lobby on the Government of India (GoI) stating
Act 2002 is a law meant to achieve three main that the said notification was very stringent and
objectives: a) conservation of biodiversity; b) their work was severely restricted by the CRZ.
sustainable use of biological resources and c) equity - OneoftherecommendationsoftheCommittee
in sharing benefits from such use of resources. was reduction of distance of the No Development
Zone (NDZ) in selected coastal stretches for
The Act does not explicitly mention tourism. promoting tourism. The Ministry amended the
However, tourism could actually play a significant CRZ Notification, 1991 on 18th Aug 1994,
role as an activity related to the sustainable, non- reducing the NDZ area all along the coast from
consumptive use of biological resources. There is also 200m to 50m. The amendment also permitted
the role of the community when it comes to the use construction in NDZ thus giving expansive
of these resources. Ecotourism in particular could powers to the central government to permit
benefit from this Act, if specifically recognized as such constructions on the landward side within
an activity where resources are used and benefits 200m from the HTL according to its discretion.
from this use equitably distributed. Article 37 of the - Although the Supreme Court (SC)
Act deals with the issue of declaring a Biodiversity quashed the amendments later.
Heritage Sites. However, it is not clear whether - The NDZ reduction was eventually reduced
tourism is an activity that will be allowed within to 50m in the case of Andaman and Nicobar
these areas and what role the local communities IslandsandLakshadweepfortourismdevelopment
would play in the management of these areas. through amendment of S.O.838 (E), 24th July
2003 against the directives of SC in 2002, which
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 were based on Shekhar Singh Committee report.
Under the implementation of this Act, there are The relaxation was based on identification of
two very important Notifications that are closely areas in NDZ by the Integrated Coastal Zone
linked to the development of ecotourism. These Management Plan study conducted by the MoEF.
are the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,
1991 and Environmental Impact Notification, Environmental Impact Assessment Notification 1994
1994. The crux of the Act and its Rules is that it and 2006
empowers the Ministry of Environment and Forests Environmental Impact Assessment for projects was
(MoEF) with substantial power to take action made mandatory in India in 1994 by the Ministry
“for the purpose of protecting and improving of Environment and Forests vide the Environment
the quality of the environment and preventing, Impact Assessment Notification no. S.O. 60(E), dated
controlling and abating environmental pollution.” 27/01/1994 under the Environmental (Protection)
Act, 1986 with the following four objectives:
Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 - Predict environmental impact of projects
The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 - Find ways and means to reduce adverse
(CRZ) under the Environment (Protection) Act impacts
1984 was issued on 19th February 1991. It is the - Shape the projects to suit local environment
most significant and specialised legislation guiding - Present the predictions and options to the
anthropogenic activities along the coast. But since decision-makers.3
1991, there have been 20 amendments and 3
corrigenda (up to January 2005) to the provisions of The Ministry of Environment and Forests, which
the Notification. Each of these amendments dilutes is the central agency for providing EIA clearances
and introduces newer clauses that complicate and for projects, has brought out a new notification
render many of the protective clauses meaningless. on 14 September 2006, which has significantly

changed the approach to EIA processes in India. National Tourism Policy 2002
In the original EIA Notification of 1994, tourism The National Tourism Policy (NTP) – 2002 is
(including hotels, beach resorts) was considered as considered the result of long deliberations and
a Category 1 project. That is, projects where EIA discussions among all groups related to tourism.
is mandatory and requires clearance from Central The NTP aims to develop ecotourism in priority
Government for: all tourism projects between 200m regions like the Himalayas, Northeast, Western
- 500 metres of High Water Line and at locations Ghats, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands;
with an elevation of more than 1000 metres and make it a community-based movement.
with investment of more than Rs.50 million were
included in Schedule 1 of the EIA Notification4. The policy envisions the environmental impacts
However, the new Notification has totally neglected of tourism but has not clearly stated what it
Environmental Impact Assessments for tourism proposes to do about it. The efforts of the NTP at
projects and mentions tourism only in passing. realizing sustainability as an important objective
are commendable. However the policy does not
Current national policies and ecotourism go far beyond stating it as an objective and
therefore in terms of actual policy measures,
The National Environment Policy 2006 leaves much to be desired. In support of the above
The National Environment Policy (NEP) has statement the following critique is presented:
been formulated keeping in mind the need for a
comprehensive policy statement on environment National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
in India. The NEP while promoting ecotourism in (NBSAP)
many fragile ecosystems overlooks tourism as an The NBSAP deals primarily with gross impacts of
impacting agent. The Policy accuses poverty as the tourism activities in major ecosystems identified in
main factor behind use of natural resources and India. It also tries to focus on principles in relation
turns a blind eye on the wasteful expenditure of to tourism and biodiversity, and not detailed
resources by affluent sections of the society - urban aspects like ecotourism initiatives in a particular
and semi-urban, across the country, and resource area. The section on ecotourism has been included
intensive activities like tourism The Policy does because of the fact that tourism in/around PAs
not provide a regulatory framework for tourism and in eco-sensitive areas is being promoted
development in PAs/ non-PAs and any other healthy, as ecotourism by many agencies; governments,
fragile, vulnerable or sensitive ecosystems. The tourism industry and communities themselves.
commercialization of environmental services as
suggested by the Policy would open up a host of Ecotourism in India – Policy and Guidelines –
problems, as these are vulnerable to manipulations Ministry of Tourism – Government of India, 1998
and distortions. Assigning an economic value to The Ministry of Tourism considers the policy and
wildlife for instance, as has been done in the case of guidelines for the development of ecotourism in India
indigenous cultural aspects, would mean neglecting a result of its initiatives in pursuance of Government
their roles in the intangible benefits that they provide policy to achieve sustainable tourism development.
and to make them objects for tourism purposes. These guidelines have been formulated to ensure
The result is opening more areas for more tourism. regulated growth of ecotourism with its positive
The Policy recommends that forest and wildlife impacts of environmental protection and community
areas be targeted for promotion of ecotourism. development.Thepolicyandguidelinesareaddressed
This could potentially lead to the degradation of to all state governments, industry associations
these areas while depriving many other ecosystems and those involved in tourism development and
such as deserts for potential development. preservation of environment and natural resources.

The National Forest Policy 1998 The policy draws heavily on the definition provided
The National Forest Policy, 1998 focuses on by the UNWTO and enlists the key elements of
addressing community rights over forest for access ecotourism as being: natural environment as
and use of resources. Where it can contribute is prime attraction, environment friendly visitors;
strengthening community rights over forest and activities that do not have a serious impact on
thereforesubjectingthetourismdevelopmentprocess the ecosystem and positive involvement of local
to local decision-making. The Policy recognizes community in maintaining ecological balance.
education as an important aspect that can help in The policy pans all ecosystems of India and
conservation of forests. Therefore this provision of the considers these as major ecotourism resources.
Policy would be important in making interpretation The resources, the policy assumes, have been well
activities an integral aspect of ecotourism. protected and preserved. The indication of the
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 79
policy that all of these ecosystems are potential Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks are a
ecotourism destinations is a matter of concern as major attraction. It has several virgin attractions in
tourism has the propensity to cause, and in fact has protected areas such as Kanger Valley National Park,
caused undesirable impacts in many ecosystems. Barnawapara, Sitanadi, Udanti and Achanakmar
Sanctuaries. Mainpat (Surguja), Keshkal valley
The policy identifies all seven Biosphere Reserves (Kanker), Chaiturgarh (Bilaspur), Bagicha (Jashpur),
as ecotourism resources. Of these, two Biosphere Kutumbsar caves, Kailash caves, Tirathgarh
Reserves, Nilgiris and Nanda Devi have confronted falls, Chitrakot falls (Bastar) are all exhilarating
pressures due to tourism development. In fact destinations being promoted for nature and wildlife
tourism has been one of the major factors for tourism.Wildlifeareas,campinggroundsandtrekking
degradation of ecosystems in these two biosphere facilities would be few of the prime attractions”6.
reserves. Great Nicobar is presently difficult to
access due to regulations on movement of people With a focus on ecotourism in the protected areas
by the Andaman and Nicobar Islands administration. of the State, the policy gives an impression that
Sundarbans was the site of a mega tourism entertainment activities within the pristine and
project, which was eventually blocked in the ecologically sensitive areas are ecotourism. The
basis of a national campaign. The Gulf of Mannar policy also states that natural attractions are being
has become the site of tourism development, promoted withincreasedlocalparticipation. Thelevel
especially after the Tsunami of 26 December 2004, of participation in the process and mechanisms of
when the Department of Tourism, Government benefit sharing are not clarified. The policy stresses
of Tamil Nadu has planned activities here. on encouragement to herbal gardens and natural
health resorts. When the traditional knowledge
The policy states that a selective approach, of the indigenous and local communities is being
scientific planning, effective control and continuous exploited for tourism purposes, no clear plans have
monitoringarerequiredforecotourismdevelopment. been stated to benefit them from these activities.
This is positive step, however reconciliation
between aspects highlighted earlier such as the Himachal Pradesh
opening of new areas and recognition of existing The ecotourism policy of Himachal Pradesh has
tourism impacts etc, also need to be factored in. been formulated in 2005 by the State Forest
Department7. The purpose, as stated in the policy,
State Tourism / Ecotourism Policies is: “to bring the wilderness of Himachal closer to
Andaman and Nicobar Islands the tourism visiting the State and at the same time
The Tourism Policy for the Andaman and Nicobar attempts to put in place adequate safeguards and
Islands is a rather simplistic document serving systems leading to the preservation of these natural
very little of its purpose of providing guideline resources. By involving the local communities,
and principles for implementation. The one-page the policy would help improve their prosperity
document simply states its vision to develop through increased livelihood opportunities. It
the Islands: ‘…as a quality destination for eco- would also ensure adequate economic returns to
tourists through environmentally sustainable the State which would be ploughed back into the
development of infrastructure without disturbing environmental system for its proper upkeep and
the natural eco-system with the objective of maintenance”. It hopes to achieve this by 2010 and
generating revenue, creating more employment make Himachal the leading ecotourism destination
opportunities and synergies and socio-economic of the country. To be able to meet this goal, it has
development of the island’ (Directorate of proposed the establishment of a “special purpose
Information, Publicity & Tourism 2003). vehicle” (SPV) and setting up partnerships between
the SPV and civil society (including communities,
Chhattisgarh NGOs, academic institutions, private enterprises/
The State of Chhattisgarh does not have a businesses) and State (forest, tourism departments).
ecotourism policy. Information on ecotourism
sites is provided on the official website5 which Some of the key objectives of the Policy are to:
states that one of the major objectives of the - Community based ecotourism has
policy is to promote economically, culturally and been identified for promotion and benefits
ecologically sustainable tourism in the State. of income and employment be made
available to the local communities
Under the section ecotourism it has been - Actively promote home-stays in rural areas
emphasized that “with 12% share of India’s - Create education and awareness, and emerge
forests, Chhattisgarh’s 3 National Parks and 11 as a resource centre for the natural heritage

of Himachal and Greater Himalayan Region Kerala Tourism focuses on the conservation of ecology
- Ensure environmental safeguards to reduce the negative impact of tourism on the
environment and intends to promote development
Overall, the policy sounds more progressive to the of tourism based on the carrying capacities of
ecotourism / tourism policies of other states. the destination. The development of the tourist
Jharkhand destinations will be controlled and regulated
In Jharkhand, in the absence of a separate policy based on the guidelines formulated through Area
on tourism and / or ecotourism, tourism has been Development Plans to have a planned development”.
included in the State Industrial Policy of 2001. This is a welcome approach provided there is a
Chapter No. 12: Tourism states “priority shall be realistic stock taking of current practices and
accorded to develop ecotourism”. No inferences lessons learnt from the ground to realise what
can be made from such a plain statement8. What aspects have contributed to ‘non-sustainable
can be assumed, however, is the importance development of destinations’. However, it must be
accorded to ecotourism development. kept in mind that ‘carrying capacity’ is only one of
Karnataka the components for sustainable and eco-friendly
Karnataka does not have an ecotourism policy but it tourism. Other components also need to be explored.
has a Wilderness Tourism Policy9, which it brought Madhya Pradesh
out in 2004. The policy states that wilderness tourism The Government of Madhya Pradesh has resolved
is a constituent of ecotourism. The assumption is that to make the promotion of ecotourism in the State
wilderness tourism has been gaining importance in a priority area. The focus shall be on conservation
the State and hence it is imperative “to formulate a of natural resources through awareness building,
policy to encourage, guide, direct and regulate it in diversification of tourism activities and destinations,
such a manner that it grows in the desirable way.” and local community participation. This Policy is
The reason for encouraging and permitting aimed at informing and sensitizing the general
wilderness tourism is for furthering the cause of public and related Government Departments towards
conservation through appreciation, respect and ecotourism and laying down the framework for
enjoyment by the public. Hence specified areas of its growth in the State in an environmentally,
national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and forests will socially and economically sustainable manner.
be opened. Casual tourists will be discouraged. The guiding principle states that promotion of
It is further stated that wilderness tourism should ecotourism will happen in strict conformance with
benefit the local community, especially tribals. the provisions of the existing environmental law of
The Forest Department will work out ways and the country, especially the Wildlife (Protection) Act,
means by which such benefits are accrued. the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and the various
directives and guidelines issued by the Government
On the whole, the policy seems to have been from time to time. Since there are loopholes in the
formulated for the sake of propagating wildlife above two acts, aggressive promotion of ecotourism
tourism in protected areas and forests of activities in protected areas could be expected.
Karnataka. It touches the aspects of conservation,
benefits to local communities and regulation; Tamil Nadu
it does so at a superficial level and is silent on The tourism policy note of 2005-2006 of the Tamil
the mechanisms of achieving these aspects. Nadu Government demands the implementation
of various ecotourism development schemes under
Kerala the Development of the Ecotourism Circuit in the
The defining framework for ecotourism in the ecologically sensitive areas of Point Calimere Wildlife
state of Kerala is the Kerala Tourism Vision, 2025 Sanctuary, Muthupet Mangroves and Pichavaram.
formulated in 2001. The reference to ecotourism
is made where the Vision10 states as one of its The development of ecotourism has been referred
objectives, “To promote sustainable and eco- to in the vision document 2002, the policy note
friendly tourism in the State based on the carrying of the Tourism Department for the year 2003-
capacity of the destinations. The strength of Kerala 2004 and 10th Five year Plan (2002-2007)
Tourism is its excellent natural resources in the document. It was therefore proposed to establish
form of backwaters, hill stations and beaches. an Ecotourism Circuit covering Point Calimere in
Having understood the need for looking into the Nagapattinam District, Muthupet in Thiruvarur
sustainable development of these destinations, District, and Pichavaram in Cuddalore District.
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 81
The components of the ecotourism projects are: The action plan to develop nature and ecotourism
Eco Tourism at Point Calimere Wild Life Sanctuary at is through their optimal development as a
a cost of Rs.21.20 million; Providing interpretation thrust area. Thus the activities enlisted are13:
center; Provision of tented accommodation; Erection
of publicity boards; Dubbing of wild life films in Botanical gardens cum heritage centres and theme
local language; Improvement of the tourist track parks will be established in order to highlight the
inside the sanctuary; Creation of nature trail; biodiversity of Uttaranchal; Integrated eco-tourism
Renovation of Poonarai Illam rest house; Providing projects will be developed and established and
compound wall to forest lodge; Children’s park; steps will be taken to promote eco-friendly tourism
Parking lot; Creation of infrastructure facility in activities like jungle safaris, nature walks, mountain
Thambusamy illam rest house; Providing approach treks, camping, etc. in a manner that also promotes
road to the sanctuary; Development of eco-tourism awareness and sensitivity towards environment
at Muthupet mangroves in Thiruvarur District at a conservation. Tree plantation as a tourism-linked
cost of Rs. 5.15 million; Creation of a visitor’s center; activity will be given special attention. Action will
Providing power boats; Construction of visitor’s be taken in a planned manner to deal with the
rest shed; Raising observation towers; Creation of problem of non-bio-degradable wastes. Intensive
bio-diversity spots; Providing wooden board walks; campaigns to regulate plastic waste will be launched
Publicity and awareness; Development of ecotourism with the assistance of the private sector and non-
in and around Pichavaram (covering Portnova, MGR government organisations. The use of earthquake
Thittu and Chinna Vaikkal) at a cost of Rs. 10.45 resistant technology and techniques in construction
million; Construction of jetty; Construction of of buildings, and use of local materials will be
cottages; Construction of restaurant; Construction of promoted and encouraged. Special attention will
waiting shed; Construction of pre fabricated toilets, be given to the aspect of carrying capacity while
urinal blocks, sales counter, water tank, benches; preparing tourism development plans. On the whole,
Providing interpretation center; Purchase of boats. the policy comes across as a business model.

The ecotourism development plans of the Procedures for ecotourism development

Department of Tourism, Govt. of Tamil Nadu are In the absence of adequate environmental laws
not even remotely close to ecotourism concepts to regulate an activity like ecotourism and to
of conservation and community benefits. These check its undesirable fallouts, there is a need
plans are only masquerading mass tourism models for ecotourism proponents to adopt a few self
as ecotourism in ecologically sensitive areas. regulatory practices/ procedures that would help
Uttaranchal to reduce their ecological footprint. This could be
Uttaranchal does not have a separate ecotourism continued till and beyond such time when gaps in
policy but the development of ecotourism has environmental laws can be plugged and policies
been included in the tourism policy of the are made to regulate rather than aggressively
state11, which was formulated in April 2001. promote such activities. Some relevant procedures
are discussed below. However, the need is to factor
The Policy’s vision is to elevate Uttaranchal into in principles of sustainable tourism keeping in mind
a major tourist destination both nationally and that ecotourism is a sub-component of sustainable
internationally and make Uttarnachal “synonymous tourism. While the imperativeness of community
to tourism”. It wishes to develop this sector in an level decision making prior to establishment of an
“eco-friendly manner, with the active participation of ecotourism project or plan cannot be understated,
the private sector and the local host communities.” the procedures discussed below would help
during the planning and execution phases.
Ecotourism has been considered as an asset and
strength; the policy states12: Social and environmental impact assessment
Social and environmental impact assessments
“Uttaranchal has a rare diversity of flora and fauna. are the first step in any ecotourism development
This makes it an ideal area for developing ecotourism, process, post the decision making phase. It has
projects and activities like jungle safaris, trekking been recognized that tourist - local community
on mountain and forest trails, nature walks, catch interactions not only have an effect on the host
and release angling for Mahaseer and other fish country and its communities, but also on tourists.
species. All these activities have to be conducted in The cross pollination of concepts, beliefs and
a manner that promotes awareness of environment traditions, while conducive to fostering respect
and helps maintain the fragile ecological balance”. and appreciation of diverse cultures, can also

be detrimental and insensitive when carried out another impact of could be the compaction of
in an atmosphere which is inherently unequal, soil on the trails that lead to increased erosion.
both economically and socially. It gives rise to
the imposition of the values and behaviours of Conducting an environmental impact assessment of
the stronger community on the less powerful a tourism project involves a series of steps. Of course
one and brings with it a host of socio-cultural these stages are not rigidly predetermined. They
changes that are not sustainable. Keeping the usually vary from project to project and from region
adverse impacts of tourism in view, it is important to region and allow for inclusions of intermediary
to develop tourism in an appropriate way. stages that are location of situation specific. The
Therefore, for minimizing the adverse impacts ecosystem under study, the details available, and the
of tourism on local society and economy, the associated development as a composite scenario are
impact assessment exercises are suggested. all determinants in the EIA. The legal instruments
governing this process in a given country normally
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool define the format and contents of an EIA.
that uses defined indicators to identify and predict
impacts of tourism on the total environmental.
EIA warns of adverse environmental changes
The Khonoma Green Village Project in Nagaland
that are always more expensive to correct than
attempted an environmental and social impact
prevent. It obtains a comprehensive view of the
assessment (E/S-IA) by the community.
impact and costs of such projects within the
framework of environmental conservation and The Environmental Impact Assessment Intervention
sustainable development. Thus an EIA serves to: was designed to:
t JEFOUJGZUPVSJTNFòFDUTPOUIFCJP • To identify tourism locations in Khonoma and
geophysical resources, including flora and surrounding areas.
fauna, abiotic factors like soil, air etc., state • To identify and structure possible tourism
and natural flux of these natural resources itineraries in Khonoma, and evolve product
t JEFOUJGZFòFDUTPOSFTPVSDFT development and marketing aspects for tourism
from increased usage • Create a body of baseline data, which will
t JOUFSQSFUBOEDPNNVOJDBUF be used to form educational, and interpretation
information about such impacts modules in the Interpretation Center.
t XPSLPVUQSPKFDUBMUFSOBUJWFT • Provide conceptual clarity on mapping exercise
involving various stakeholders for Khonoma Village and surrounds including
t QSPQPTFNFBTVSFTUPNJUJHBUFOFHBUJWF Khonoma Nature Conservation and Tragopan
consequences on environment and community Sanctuary
t QSFEJDUQSPCBCJMJUZPGTJHOJöDBOU • Contribute to the formulation of Code of
adverse environmental effects after Tourism Ethics and Sustainable Tourism Guidelines
mitigation measures are implemented for tourism development in Khonoma Village.
t EFWJTFDPOUJOHFODZQMBOTGPSFWFOUVBMJUJFT • Creation of baseline data for furthering
with unforeseen adverse environmental effects research and monitoring of socio-
economic and environmental aspects of
The assessment of tourism impacts is based
the Khonoma Village and surrounds.
on the important concept of carrying capacity.
Carrying capacity is defined as the maximum The EIA Study has helped community members
population of species and interacting structures in compiling and analyzing the information on
that can be supported indefinitely in a defined Khonoma.
habitat without undermining or damaging the In the course of EIA study, number of discussions and
functioning and productivity of that habitat. interviews were held with the community members
and their views and aspirations were incorporated.
Carrying capacity
Carrying capacity can be estimated on the basis
of the ecological parameter under stress and the
data available on the amount of change it has, Code of Conduct / Environmental Guidelines
and ideally can undergo. For instance if the stress An ecotourism tourism initiative being different
factor is increased visitation in a section of the from other tourism endeavours, also has as a
forest over the year, then the possible stress factors component of a ‘Code of Conduct’ or Guidelines,
could be the disturbances caused to birds during which dictate tourism development and tourist
their daily activities such as feeding or foraging; behaviour at a particular tourist destination.
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 83
This includes a set of guidelines indicating cuisine and architecture. Hence certification
why the particular place is of interest and should be carefully thought through and may
reminding tourist of certain ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’. not be applicable to all situations at all times.
Visitor Survey Training and Capacity Building
It might be important to consider what tourists Training and capacity building needs to become an
expect when an ecotourism initiative is being inherent part of any ecotourism initiative. It is unfair
planned. A visitor survey could be a good way to to expect local communities to handle ecotourism
gauge this and a survey like this is very important to initiatives without adequate training. Training needs
determine what kind of facilities could be developed could be varied and very site specific and could
at the site. This could be through questionnaires range from training in house keeping, catering and
or interviews to understand the tourist profile and finally monitoring of tourism related activities.
what the tourists’ expectations of hospitality are.
Education and Awareness
Certification Important for a tourist destination and particularly
Certification is a procedure (generally, voluntary) that for a place of conservation significance, is the need
assesses, monitors, and gives written assurance that for good communication to convey to tourists the
a business, product, process, service or management ecological and cultural significance of the place. This
system conforms to specific requirements. It could be done through a variety of communication
awards a marketable logo or seal to those that tools and techniques. Posters, written and audio-
meet or exceed baseline standards, i.e. those that, visual material are some common tools. An
at a minimum, comply with the national and Interpretation Centre is probably an excellent way
regional regulations, and, typically, fulfill other to communicate a variety of issues to visitors.
declared or negotiated standards prescribed by
the programme. Sustainable tourism certification Cross-Site Visits
is a programme or scheme that measures a range Stakeholders in any such activity often learn
of environmental, socio-cultural and economic a lot from other sites where similar activities
equity issues both internally (within the business, are being carried out. There is much to learn
service or product) and externally (on the from visiting new sites or sharing experiences
surrounding community and physical environment). with others from different regions. This is
In other words, a programme or scheme that an important component that needs to be
includes a set of principles that tour operators built into the sustainable tourism plan.
can subscribe to (Ecoworks Foundation 2003). Monitoring and Adaptive Management: Indicators
For ecotourism initiatives, such a certification (This section is extracted from White paper on
could be thought of in the long run. Certifications Ecotourism Policy July 2006 Centre for Conservation
of various kinds are available the world over. Governance and Policy & Ashoka Trust for Research
However, it might be more feasible to develop a in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)
‘home grown’ scheme in the Indian context. No activity is complete without a monitoring
Whereas certification may aid the tourism industry component built into it. Tourism is an activity
to create niches for itself in the tourism market, where constant monitoring is necessary. Monitoring
it should really aim at regulating operations and for an ecotourism initiative would involve the
improving the accountability of the tourism industry monitoring of the ecological, social, cultural
to the local community and environment where and economic aspects of this activity. Relative
it is located. That the consent of the community importance of the first two over the Economic
to permit such an operation exists should be a criterion is probably justified by the fact that in
key component of the certification process. certain models, the Economic criteria needs to have
a commercially viable score; while in others like that
However, what needs to be kept in mind is that of a community model, it just needs to be positive.
where communities are taking initiatives in The rationale is that for community ecotourism
ecotourism, certification may not work in their enterprises like home-stays, it is a supplementary
favour. This is mainly because communities may livelihood and not an exclusive source of income/
lack the resources to go in for a certain kind of profit. Profits are essential for these ventures but
certification process. Further, certification may are not at all sufficient or even priority criteria14.
bring in standardization which would in turn
lead to a dilution of local aspects like hospitality,

Score of any indicator = Value * Weightage particular destinations. The sample score tables
provided here just demonstrates the process. The
Value: is the measure of impact on the numbers are only indicative, in the absence of
various parameters by the model based on a serious participatory quantification effort.
observations and calculations. The value here
is taken as ranging from -3 to 3. These values Ecological indicators (see Table 1 for scores)
can be given appropriate weightage as their 1. Topography- alterations of the
importance varies depending on the immediate physical landscape during the inception
environment and operational conditions. and operation of the model
2. Air quality- activities like burning inorganic
Weightage: is site specific; models compared waste, fuels like kerosene, petrol, diesel etc
here belong to different sites and hence are not 3. Noise-resulting from the use of generators,
weighted. But weightage is crucial when one impact motors, engine, transport vehicles etc.
can have severe consequence eg: water pollution 4. Water quantity- per capita consumption
by houseboats can be weighed more than the of water and water conservation
use of imported material in boat construction. measures like rainwater harvesting
Ranges of values for an indicator taken in 5. Water quality- activities like garbage
the score tables below are as follows: disposal, runoff and wastewater
+3 = major positive impact discharge in local water bodies
+2 = improvement in status quo 6. Solid waste management- scientific collection
+1 = potential improvement in status quo and disposal methods for solid waste
0 = no change/status quo 7. Terrestrial flora - introduction of invasive
-1 = major negative impact species eg: lantana, excessive lighting, trekking
-2 = negative change (trampling) etc which affects the local flora
-3 = potential negative change to status quo 8. Terrestrial fauna- activities like
excessive lighting, fire, smoke and
Monitoring the socio-ecological indicators noise, which affects the local flora
is important for the sector not only in terms 9. Aquatic flora and fauna- activities like
of assessing the impact but also for financial angling, boating, fishing, water sports etc,
sustainability, as in many cases; the demand which affects the aquatic biodiversity
is related to factors like biodiversity (Naidoo 10. Conservation efforts- reporting illegal
and Adamowicz, 2005). For any enterprise a activitiesto police, patrolling, energyconservation
score table in the manner discussed below can methods and generating awareness among locals
be prepared. This can also be used to draw
inputs for identifying successful models in

Table 1 : Sample scoring of ecological indicators

Criteria Indicators Unweighted score across models

Homestay Public Co-managed Community
Sector owned

Ecological Topography 0 0 0 -1
Air quality -1 -1 -1 -1
Noise -1 -2 0 -1
Water quantity -1 -1 -1 -1
Water quality 0 -1 0 0
Solid waste management 2 1 -2 0
Terrestrial Flora -1 -1 -1 -1
Terrestrial Fauna -1 -2 0 0
Aquatic flora & fauna 0 -1 0 0
Conservation efforts 1 1 2 1
Total -2 -7 -3 -4
Source: White paper on Ecotourism Policy July 2006 Centre for Conservation Governance
and Policy Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 85
Socio-cultural indicators (see Table 2 for scores) 6. Education and awareness of guests -
1. Design - Habitat/tradition friendly on local resources by way of literature
design and material in construction. handouts, interpretation etc.
2. Local art forms - support to local art 7. Employment - number of
forms like folk dance, music, theatre employees per bed/cottage
etc arranging performances etc. 8. Leakages - benefits flow to outside
3. Local handicrafts - promotion of communities eg: purchases of commodities
local handicrafts by establishing gift or services from outside the locality
shops or other types of promotion. 9. Multiplier effect on local economy -
4. Local cuisine - Emphasis on ethnic menu, using activities resulting indirect generation
locally produced and indigenous ingredients of benefits like taxi/auto, shops etc.
5. Culture - impact of the activity on the 10. Equitable distribution of benefits
overall living style of the local community, among the stake holding communities
change in values and traditions 11. Proportion of domestic
tourists to foreign visitors

Table 2 : Sample scoring of socio cultural indicators

Criteria Indicators Unweighted score across models

Homestay Public Co-managed Community
Sector owned

Socio Cultural Design 2 0 2 2

Local art form 0 0 1 0
Local handicrafts 1 0 0 0
Local cuisine 0 0 0 1
Culture 1 0 1 1
Education/ Awareness 2 1 1 1
Employment 1 3 2 1
Leakages -1 -2 3 2
Multiplier effect on
local economy 0 1 1 1
Equity in benefit sharing 0 0 2 0
Domestic tourist 1 1 1 2
Total 7 4 14 11
Source: White paper on Ecotourism Policy July 2006 Centre for Conservation Governance
and Policy Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)

Table 3 : Sample scoring of economic indicators

Criteria Indicators Unweighted score across models

Homestay Public Co-managed Community
Sector owned

Economic Profit 1 3 2 2
Gestation period 2 1 1 2
Occupancy 1 3 2 1
Living standards 1 1 2 1
Competition 0 1 2 0
Total 5 9 9 6
Source: White paper on Ecotourism Policy July 2006 Centre for Conservation Governance
and Policy Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)

Table 4 : Consolidated scores for demonstration

Criteria Homestay Public Sector Co- managed Community owned

Ecological -2 -7 -3 -4
Socio cultural 7 4 14 11
Economic 5 9 9 6
Total 10 6 20 13

Economic indicators (see Table 3 for scores) under economic, environmental and socio-cultural
1. Profit (% of average annual profits) dimensions. In this process, what we often overlook
2. Gestation period- no. of years to break even is the political motivation and support that plays a
3. Occupancy- average occupancy/ year crucial role in achieving developmental goals and
4. Living standards- change in objectives. The principles and values of sustainability
public health, literacy etc too can be mapped using these five broad categories.
5. Competition- number of
competitors in the vicinity Political
Democratisation is a process of creating and
Scores for the three criteria can be compared supporting spaces where informed consensus
between enterprises or models in and across any site. building and decision-making can materialise. In
The decision on the cut-off level for each criteria the realm of collective decision-making in tourism,
and the relative importance of any of the criteria information collection and dissemination hold
for making a decision on any venture needs to be the key to making informed decisions. The two
discussed by concerned stakeholders in the specific components involved in the process include –
context as discussed in the previous section. Table 4 firstly, information regarding new projects, plans,
provides the consolidated scores for demonstration. policies, procedures, legislations and agreements
that are directly or indirectly related to ecotourism
Role of Economic criterion is only in ensuring that development, which must be disseminated by
ET is not a loss making enterprise. Once this is the tourism industry and government to local
ensured this criterion need not be instrumental in stakeholders; and secondly - information on the
making a choice between enterprises or models. impacts and effects of ecotourism (both positive and
Community Institutions negative) that could be researched and monitored
collectively (involving industry, government,
For an ideal ecotourism initiative the presence of academia, civil society, local bodies and concerned
a community institution is important. Ideally, it is individuals) but must be disseminated to the relevant
best to build upon an existing institution. However, decision-making bodies at the local, regional,
if none exist then the process of establishing national and international level. Participation in
such an initiative could be facilitated. Community decision-making spaces and seeking accountability
institution would help in the management of the are integral part of good governance practices.
tourism initiative; facilitate the equitable sharing
of benefits and also help resolve conflicts if any. As a process, democratisation could be achieved
on an issue-specific basis as well, where the tenets
Environmentally sound practices of democratic-decision making and participation
t JOGSBTUSVDUVSF are applied to specific areas affected or involved
t FOFSHZVTF in ecotourism. Socially, democratisation could
t VTFPGOBUVSBMSFTPVSDFTMJLFXBUFS stand for involving vulnerable groups (like women,
t SFEVDJOHDBSCPOGPPUQSJOU children, indigenous people) in decision-making
t XBTUFNBOBHFNFOU process and empowering them through it.
Bringing Principles and Values of Ecotourism should constitute the components
Sustainable Tourism in Ecotourism of meaningful and informed participation of
local people and local political institutions’- i.e.
In India, tourism is viewed and promoted as a Panchayats in decision-making spaces that
‘development paradigm’ and a major engine for in effect influence the course of functioning
growth.Developmentaldebateisbroadlycategorised of the tourism and related industries.
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 87
Building stable partnerships and empowering rational natural resource utilisation for resource-
local communities are prerequisites for intensive activities. Requisite regulatory frameworks
sustainability of tourism. Local self-governments for resource use and control of exploitation and
and tourism administrations should engage in generation of pollution need to be formulated
dialogue with multi-stakeholder processes and and implemented in association with local self-
evolve destination management strategies and governing bodies. The regulatory framework may
practical responsible tourism guidelines. draw from various international and national
guidelines / charters pertaining to sustainable
Economic development and conservation of the environment.
A prerequisite of ecotourism is to minimise negative
economic impacts on local communities and set Apart from the international and national guidelines
in place a model where the main beneficiaries / charters, the basis of the participatory approach
are the local community. This can be realized by for the sustainable development of tourism is the
ensuring that hotels and related tourism services 73rd and 74th amendment to the Constitution
are encouraged to strengthen the local economy, of India, which accords rights to local governing
employ local people and wherever ecologically bodies, the Panchayats, brining into their
sustainable, source raw materials from the local jurisdiction matters related to subjects of land,
market. This can be done by promoting linkages water, socio-economic development, infrastructure
between tourism and the other economic sectors development, social welfare, social and urban
(like agriculture and fisheries, hospitality education forestry, waste management and maintenance
colleges), promoting a broad network of small and of community assets. Tourism development falls
medium-sizedlocalentrepreneurswhichmultiplythe under the purview of these subjects and therefore
economic spin-offs of tourism, extend the number participation from the Panchayats is important.
of available small-scale services, and actively and The Panchayats should be involved in all level of
beneficially integrate the local population. Such sustainable tourism development from approval
yardsticks to measure the economic benefits of of the tourism project, to planning, implementing,
tourism are far more useful than the conventional development, marketing, evaluating, monitoring,
growth in visitor numbers. We also need to ensure and research. The Panchayats have the right to
responsible actions on the part of the tourists in formulate regulatory frameworks and the onus of
privileging locally owned and run enterprises. ensuring this and its compliance from the tourism
industry would rest on the State government and is
Environmental drawn from various international policy guidelines.
Ecotourism development needs to incorporate
principles of conservation of natural resources and Social and Cultural
biodiversity; rational utilisation of resource: land, Ecotourism development has undeniable social
water, conventional and non-conventional energy dimensions and when unregulated its social costs
sources, for creation and maintenance of tourism are high. Two dimensions to socio-cultural impacts
infrastructure and facilities that are in coherence of tourism, which must be addressed are the
with the needs of local environment and culture. inability of the current tourism model to develop
It should ensure conservation of biodiversity and into an economically and socially viable option
natural resources in their pristine forms through for local communities and secondly, the denial
low resource utilisation and substantial contribution of its adverse social impacts by government and
of benefits by all stakeholders and beneficiaries. industry alike. There are instances where ecotourism
Ecotourism also needs to ensure responsible actions has commodified and standardised original forms
on the part of the tourists as well as the tourism of music, dance, and ceremonies, adapting to
industry in working towards the conservation accommodate tourist demands leading to a loss of
and enhancement of resources in the region they authenticity of these cultures. Over time, this can
visit / set up commercial activities. The key to create social change resulting in culture clashes
this is through information dissemination. Also between local communities and the tourists.
with increase in tourist activity caution needs
to be heeded that access to and use of common Ecotourism needs to address these adverse impacts
property resources to local community are not by providing a base for social and cultural exchanges
being restricted to benefit the tourists / industry. to take place between the local communities and
the tourists on an equal platform without the
Environmental management systems need to former feeling inferior and taking pride in their
be put in place to monitor, evaluate and ensure culture and traditions. Tourists when visiting places
minimum ecosystem degradation as an indicator of need to be sensitive to local traditions and values,

as also the tourism industry when promoting the Implementation of international initiatives like
same by not commodifying art forms. When local Agenda 21 guidelines can aid such a process.
communities respect and protect their social and
cultural values, others too learn to respect it. Regulatory framework
The continuance of democratic systems and
Reorienting processes to contribute towards procedures so that its values are defended through
sustainability in tourism time can be ensured only by internally strengthening
We have seen that there have been lacunae in the systems of governance and regulation. Multiple
existing policies and legal frame works. A possible governing bodies with overlapping jurisdictions,
way to achieve this is through a reform in the process contradicting legislation and an incipient regulatory
of policy-making, making tourism development framework make monitoring and regulating tourism
people-centric and ensuring the continuance a difficult task. Given its important socio-cultural,
of the democratic process by strengthening environmental and economic dimensions, concrete
the institutional framework for tourism. regulations and safeguards must be put in place and
adhered to by developers to ensure the sustainability
The way forward is to involve all stakeholders of of tourism. In most countries experiencing severe
tourism such as local governments and communities, adverse impacts of tourism, regulatory failure has
departments of tourism, culture, social welfare, been a main contributing cause to the process.
environment & forests, commerce and industry, In India, the decimation of the coastline along
women and child and Panchayati Raj, tourism several stretches is largely attributable to the poor
industries, civil society groups that have a role to implementation of the Coastal Regulation Zone Act,
play in bringing about the notions of sustainability a piece of legislation aimed at preserving coastal
in tourism. Democratisation involves creating spaces ecosystems by managing development activities.
for the conduct of such meaningful dialogue and
policy-making is one such space that can be used Bringing in sustainability in tourism is continuous
more effectively to achieve this end. In all sectors involving and integrating all stakeholders who
as in tourism, policies are directives that guide benefit and will be affected by tourism development.
and regulate development activities nationally and This process poses a challenge to governments
regionally. We have seen in the past that inadequate as they must review not only external influences
consultation has resulted in poor implementation and policies but also reform and amend their own
of policy objectives like ensuring environmental internal systems to direct tourism development
protection and the non-inclusion of sustainability towards sustainability. It also involves challenging
concerns in the country’s international trade mainstream ideas, notions and definitions of tourism
commitments in tourism. For policy to become advocated by the WTO-OMT and WTTC when they
an effective tool for change, the policy-making are in opposition to grassroots perspectives.
process needs to be reformed so that the product
is the outcome of a process of consultation.
Strengthening institutions
A necessary step towards pursuing ecotourism in a
sustainable manner is to constitutionally empower
local governments as primary decision-makers
on matters regarding tourism development. Also
one needs to ensure that they are empowered –
politically and financially, to function independently
and responsibly. Empowering institutions of local
self-government to be the pillars of democracy
would involve engaging them in multi-stakeholder
processes, ensuring sustainable tourism within local
frameworks with the requisite financial back-up,
enforcing code of ethics, transparency in information
sharing, taking punitive action against violators
and evolving micro-level destination management
strategies. Social audit and collective accountability
must be made a standing principle of all government
activity whether at the local or national level.
Ecotourism in India - Policy and legislative frameworks 89

This is a discussion note compiling some of the
issues related to policies and legislations on the
theme of ecotourism.
Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, 2005.
“Revised Policy on Development of Eco-Tourism in
Himachal Pradesh”.
Ibid. _asset.html
Ibid. _action.html
Source: This section has been quoted from
White paper on Ecotourism Policy July 2006 Centre
for Conservation Governance and Policy & Ashoka
Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment

By Anita Pleumarom1

The first flush of ecotourism is running into trouble. Programme (UNEP) and the UN-affiliated World
Claims that we can protect nature, benefit local Tourism Organization (WTO) are to organize
communities and also bring national revenues to activities and projects around the event, and one
the South are faced with a different reality on highlight will be the World Ecotourism Summit,
the ground. From Thailand to Belize, ecotourism to be held in Quebec, Canada, in May 2002.
has opened the doors to more forest destruction.
Indigenous peoples in affected areas have been Critics argue the UN has given approval and is
forced out of their traditional lands in some cases. making preparations for the Ecotourism Year,
Reports are also growing that such “tourists” are without proper examination of the nature of
illegally collecting forest plants with potential the ecotourism industry and its many negative
medicinal value for the biotechnology industry. impacts on the tourist destinations. A letter to
UNEP’s tourism programme coordinator, Oliver
So when the United Nations proclaimed 2002 as Hillel, signed by more than 20 groups from the
International Year of Ecotourism, many NGOs who South and North, says, “Too often, international
have been monitoring tourism impacts went on the agencies have used the South for misguided and
alert. In October this year, an international coalition outright destructive development experiments,
of environmental, human rights and indigenous and … we oppose the idea that the International
peoples groups launched a call for a fundamental Year of Ecotourism serves as an instrument for
reassessment of the UN Ecotourism Year 2002. They ecotourism experiments in developing countries,
also denounce the lack of transparency and failure which are likely to cause more harm than good.”
to meaningfully involve indigenous peoples and
Southern organizations in ongoing preparations. The coalition letter vigorously questions claims that
the ecotourism approach rectifies the economic
“We are extremely concerned that this UN inequalities, social injustices and ecological
endorsement of ecotourism in light of all the problems associated with conventional tourism.
fundamental problems related to the industry - Rather, it warns, such developments have “opened
in many cases another greenwash - will destroy opportunities for a whole range of investors
more biodiversity and harm even more local to gain access to remote rural, forest, coastal
communities,” said Chee Yoke Ling, a representative and marine areas”, and “more encroachments,
of the Third World Network based in Malaysia. illegal logging, mining and plundering of
biological resources occur, including biopiracy
“I really think this is going to be worse than the by unscrupulous and corporate collectors.”
launch of package tours to the Third World,”
commented Nina Rao from India, Southern co- In the letter, the groups also point out that
chair of the NGO Tourism Caucus at the UN “governments are utterly ill equipped for the
Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD). International Year of Ecotourism” and often
“promote all forms of rural and nature tourism
The UN General Assembly had adopted a resolution as ecotourism, while frameworks to effectively
(A/Res/53/200) in November 1998 to prepare scrutinize, monitor and control developments
for Ecotourism Year 2000. The UN Environment are poorly developed or non-existent.”
Do we need the International Year of Ecotourism? 91
Ecotourism promoters primarily target indigenous wave are likely to make matters worse. It
peoples and their lands, ecosystems and cultures, states, “As supranational institutions such as
and this has especially attracted criticisms the World Bank, the IMF and the World Trade
from indigenous and Southern rights activists. Organization are pressuring developing countries
Deborah McLaren, the coordinator of the US- towards trade and investment liberalization,
based Rethinking Tourism Project that works for national and local governments are increasingly
protection and preservation of indigenous lands disabled to plan and manage tourism - and
and cultures expressed worries, “that much of ecotourism - on their own terms.”
what passes as ‘ecotourism’ is designed to benefit
investors, empower managerial specialists, and It emphasizes that local concerns are at odds with
delight tourists, not enhance the economic, social the interests of “the corporate tourism industry,
and ecological health of the host communities.” (which) aggressively pushes for non-intervention in
companies’ decision-making processes to expand
Rodney Bobiwash, director of the Forum for their business and maximize their profits.”
Global Exchange’s Center for World Indigenous
Studies stressed the need for a broader vision “As nature-based tourism is presently seen as one
of indigenous concerns: “More than anybody, of the most lucrative niche markets, powerful
indigenous people realize that the discussion of transnational corporations are likely to exploit the
tourism must be situated within a larger discourse International Year of Ecotourism to dictate their
encompassing the discussion of environmental own definitions and rules of ecotourism on society,
and habitat protection, sustainable development, while people-centred initiatives will be squeezed
traditional knowledge, intellectual property out and marginalized,” says the coalition letter.
regimes, biological diversity, access and benefit With the services sector under tremendous pressure
sharing, biopiracy and cultural property.” in the World Trade Organization to be opened to
“Any discussion carried on without consideration foreign corporations, there are signs already that
of the cumulative impact of all of these tourism in the South, a major service industry, is
processes will not only lack credibility but will eagerly targeted by transnational corporations.
also limit the opportunities for indigenous Meanwhile, the NGO coalition’s concerns have
participation in the discourse,” he said. also been discussed within World Bank circles.
The Ecotourism Year is clouded with questions One official, Kreszentia M. Duer, acknowledged
and doubts since its priorities and objectives are that “if we don’t take a strategic position on
far from clear. Critics ask, for example, what will tourism development…, small-scale efforts
happen if this initiative suggests that all UN member for community-based tourism will always be
countries should encourage ecotourism projects overwhelmed by the powerful interests of big
in rural and natural areas and many thousands of business and the enticements of the big pay-
communities around the world end up competing offs they can offer to government officials.”
with each other for a share of the tourism market? “Without organizational efforts…and a multi-
“…who will take responsibility, when ecotourism pronged, strategic approach, community-based
initiatives make investments based on miscalculated tourism will tend to remain ad hoc, piecemeal, and
demand and later face decline, local businesses micro,” she concluded, adding, “The ‘International
go bankrupt and entire communities are pushed Year of Ecotourism’ will be little more than rhetoric,
into crisis?” ask the groups in the letter to UNEP. unless these challenges are addressed directly.”
Another scenario is that the event will encourage The debates around the Ecotourism Year have been
all holiday-makers to become ecotourists, resulting heavily overshadowed by politics and a serious
in hordes of travellers invading villages and conflict of interests has evolved. Critical NGO
protected areas, rather than staying in the existing observers complain that corporate industry and
tourist centres. Surely, such development could large nature conservation/ecotourism organizations
not be called “sustainable” and would have more have colluded to lobby for the UN endorsement
undesirable impacts to add on to the vast problems of ecotourism and now want to exploit it for
already found in existing organized tourism. self-serving purposes (e.g. to get free promotion
The letter goes on to warn that ecotourism or funding for their projects), while voices that
programmes that are promoted as part of question the interests of the protagonists are
the economic liberalization and globalization excluded or given only cursory treatment.

It is conspicuous, they point out, that only certain

environmental NGOs and The International
Ecotourism Society (TIES) have been allowed Endnotes
to play a key role in the preparations - exactly 1. Anita Pleumarom works with Tourism
those organizations that have been strongly Investigation & Monitoring Team (tim-team) based
criticized by grassroots-oriented and indigenous in Bangkok. Tim-team is a research & campaigning
groups for ignoring local people’s concerns. organisation working on the impacts of tourism.

“In our experience, large nature conservation and

development organizations do not respect (local
people’s) right,” says a statement presented by a References
spectrum of indigenous peoples representatives
and NGOs to more than 150 governments at a
meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity
in Nairobi, Kenya, last May. “For example, several
activities undertaken by the Ecotourism Society,
Conservation International and IUCN do not
respect the rights and interests of Indigenous
Peoples and local communities, particularly in
regard to Year of Ecotourism activities, and often
threaten cultural and biological diversity.”
Initially, the UN invited all concerned parties “to
exert all possible efforts on behalf of the success of
the Year” (Resolution 1998/40). But the question
arises, success for whom? If the charges turn out
to be true that only certain parties will reap the
major benefits of the Ecotourism Year, the UN’s
integrity and its proclaimed mission to primarily
work for the well-being of the world’s poor and
disadvantaged will surely be put in doubt.
Given the great contradictions and ironies
surrounding this UN programme, the already shaky
image of ecotourism may further deteriorate, to the
point that the grandiose Ecotourism Year scheme
collapses like a house of cards. Is it worth all the
energy and money that the UN can ill afford?

By Anita Pleumarom2

For many years, tourism experts have sought to Since the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis
develop viable alternatives to mass tourism, to at with its volatile effects on the global market
least mitigate the negative impacts on society and economy, tourism growth is more than ever
the environment in destinations. Some communities, considered as crucial to developing nations’
resisting development impositions on their lives, survival, while environmental objectives are
have also experimented with small-scale, locally receding. Often, tourism is seen as the only
controlled and sustainable tourism activities on industry apart from exports generating the revenue
their own. Yet, all these initiatives have certainly needed to pay back the huge foreign debts owed
not posed a real challenge to the status quo. to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the
World Bank and other international creditors.
Since the 4th Meeting of the Conference of Parties
(COP4) to the Convention on Biological Diversity In Southeast Asian countries, eco-tourism is
(CBD) in Bratislava last year, efforts have intensified increasingly being made a flagship project to
at the international level to develop tourism attract hard currency for economic recovery and
programmes that match with the three objectives to help communities ride out of the crisis. In
of the CBD, contained in Article 1, “the conservation Thailand alone, thousands of villages are newly
of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its targeted for tourism development. According to
components and the fair and equitable sharing of the an article in the Bangkok newspaper The Nation (7
benefits.” But these noble intentions, emerging from Apr.1999),acomprehensivecommunitydevelopment
a spirit of international good will, are by necessity programme, initiated by His Majesty the King in
abstract and vague. At the grassroots level, the the midst of economic woes, aims to develop eco-
new-found attention to sustainable or eco-tourism tourism - along with other economic activities
development appear to cause more harm than good. such as farm produce processing, medicinal herb
planting and traditional Thai medicine – in 15,223
Critics charge attempts to rearrange conventional villages, involving more than 300,000 families and
tourism activities towards sustainable tourism to a population of more than 700,000! This raises the
reduce pressures on ecologically fragile areas and question of oversupply in the face of unpredictable
develop local communities are doomed to failure. demand, a common hazard in the tourism industry.
Observation over recent years has confirmed that
opening up new biodiversity-rich areas for so- But ironically, to set up such tourism projects
called tourism-cum-conservation projects only and to establish the necessary infrastructure to
add to the multi-dimensional impacts of mass service tourists, more and more foreign loans are
tourism. Countries embarking on strategies to needed, which just add to the already overwhelming
transform their last “unspoilt” territories into tourism financial burden of countries. Meanwhile, many
attractions risk that their remaining patches of case studies show that the economic benefits
natural forests will be sacrificed for commercial from eco-tourism have been highly overrated,
purposes; marine, coastal and watershed areas and there is simply not enough money for the
get exposed and polluted; and already depleting conservation of natural and cultural heritage
biological resources further threatened. and the improvement of public services.

In Thailand, the World Bank agreed in 1998 to as forecasted, other countries in and outside
provide a US$300 million loan for a social investment the region offer more attractive eco-tourism
project (SIP) aimed at tackling the problems of destinations, or consumers change their taste
unemployment, loss of income and the higher and turn to other fashionable tourist products?
cost of social services arising from the economic
meltdown and the crippling structural adjustment These issues are rarely considered in the
programme (SAP) prescribed by the IMF. A major set conceptualization of international sustainable
of government programmes under SIP was directly tourism policies. Rather, it is suggested that all
related to (eco-)tourism development, including nations in the world should implement community-
beautification projects, the installation of bi-lingual based tourism projects for nature conservation
signs and the construction of toilets for tourists in and economic development as soon as possible.
rural areas. According to the SIP mission report, During Asian boom times, speculative investments
these tourism projects to be coordinated by the created a serious oversupply of hotels, resorts,
Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) would promote golf courses, shopping and entertainment centers
“new approaches and procedures, for example, in popular tourist spots, causing environmental
incorporating more local community participation.” destruction and undesirable changes in community
However, social activists argued the idea of making life. While many of these establishments are
tourism a major component of the World Bank-led now empty and more or less ruined in crisis-hit
SIP were deceptive because such activities were destinations, the danger is real that in future, an
primarily to boost earnings for debt servicing, and oversupply of eco-tourism facilities will be created,
local communities had other, more immediate which is undoubtedly to the detriment of the
needs in this time of hardship. In addition, an commitments to achieve sustainable development.
eco-tourism project in Northern Thailand to be In fact, there is a strong case to warn against
managed by the Forest Industry Organization with inflationary eco-tourism policies, as they may
a SIP loan from the Japanese Overseas Economic push even more rural and indigenous people into
Cooperation (OECF) provoked protests from economic despair, while the high-flown goals of
indigenous Karen people who saw their traditional biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of
livelihoods, culture and environment threatened. biological resources can not be fulfilled. In view
Academics also came out to criticize that the funds of this, the deliberations of the Subsidiary Body
and loans granted to villagers under the national on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
social plan to invest in business activities at the (SBSTTA), the Inter-Sessional Meeting and COP5
grassroots level were destroying communities’ of the Convention on Biological Diversity present
initiatives to build up their own self-reliant and a crucial opportunity for a comprehensive and
sustainable local economies. Community researcher public assessment of the claims and underlying
Pitthaya Wongwol told a seminar at the Social premises on sustainable, “biodiversity-friendly”
Institute of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok: “A or eco-tourism. The decision of the UN General
new bubble economy is emerging in villages because Assembly to proclaim 2002 as the International
now a lot of money is being handed out by the Year of Eco-tourism should also be viewed with
government for people to run their own businesses… caution and be subjected to broader debate.
All these budgets come with the wrong policy of
attracting and urging people to do the same thing
nationwide within a short period… How can they sell
the same thing, and who will buy their products?
There is an oversupply and people will lose out soon.” Endnote
This paper was presented in June 1999 in
Pitthaya raised the example of some 5,000 preparation of the 5th meeting of the Conference
communities in Thailand producing herbal of Parties [COP5] to the Convention on Biological
shampoo, processed banana and other items in Diversity [CBD]
the absence of sufficient demand. Similarly, the 2.
question arises what will happen if thousands of Anita Pleumarom works with Tourism
Investigation & Monitoring Team (tim-team) based
villages, now being encouraged to develop eco- in Bangkok. tim-team is a research & campaigning
tourism, begin to compete with each other to organisation working on the impacts of tourism.
lure visitors and their money? And what are the
consequences if the tourists stay away because
the macro-economic situation does not improve


Conceptual framework
1. What was the set of factors leading to the decision to introduce ecotourism?
Who are the actors?
2. What was the process of arriving at a definition or introducing ecotourism to
communities? What are the components?
3. Who is promoting ecotourism? Who is branding, developing products? What
are the values, agenda, goals? What is being promoted as ecotourism?
4. Larger players Agenda? Methods?
5. Who are the smaller players? What are the financing options?
6. What are the products and where is ecotourism being located?
7. What are the laws and policies related to ecotourism development and
8. Are there charters, guidelines, self regulation by communities or industry?
9. What are the various business models - entrepreneurship, partnership,
cooperatives, others?
10. Are there accreditation or certification systems in operation or on the cards?
Who influences and controls?
11. How is ecotourism being taught?
12. Who are involved on ecotourism research?
Research framework for ecotourism
1. Tourism related
1.1 Documentation of how ecotourism developed in the area
1.2 No. of establishments, history of growth
1.3 No. of private, government establishments; local community owned;
partnerships if any
1.4 Profile of tourism establishments – investment, area, ownership
1.5 Profile of tourists
1.6 Tour operators and travel agents; local and non-local
1.7 Tourism activities – products – USP
1.8 Tourist’ requirements
1.9 Tourism in protected areas
1.9.1. numbers, profile of tourists
1.9.2. activities (trekking, safaris etc) and the way it is done
1.9.3. accommodation facilities provided by forest departments
1.9.4. opportunities for local people

1.9.5. closure periods, if any

1.9.6. any cases of accidents, e.g. wild animal attacks on tourists
1.10 Business Models
1.11 Product development and Marketing (what to put out and what not to put out?)
1.11.1. list of tourism products; USP
1.11.2. promotional material; developed by
1.11.3. what is marketed?
1.11.4. main ways of marketing
1.12 Branding
1.12.1. usage of certification, accreditation processes by tourism establishments
1.13 Partnerships - Various kinds of partnerships that are currently operational at a more broader
levels e.g. donor interventions, foreign investments
1.14 Seasonality of tourism
2. Environmental impacts
2.1 Status report of environment of the location
2.1.1. forests, biodiversity, protected areas
2.1.2. land use
2.1.3. other development activities happening in the vicinity
2.1.4. nature of human-animal conflict
2.1.5. natural resources
2.2 Use of Minor Forest Produce / Non-Timber Forest Produce by the local community
2.2.1. before and after ecotourism
2.2.2. has there been a loss of access?
2.3 Protected areas –
2.3.1. local use vs. tourism use
2.3.2. community based conservation measures – community conserved areas and
conservation areas – distinguish and describe; community involved
2.3.3. traditional conservation activities, measures
2.3.4. community involvement in conservation activities
2.3.5. specific impacts on women, other marginalised groups
2.4 Availability of natural resources, e.g. water, local building material etc – before and
after ecotourism
2.5 Pollution parameters
2.6 Waste management
2.6.1. methods adopted by tourism establishments
2.6.2. methods adopted by responsible authorities
2.7 Usage of energy e.g. solar
3. Economic impacts
3.1 Traditional and contemporary occupations; shifts if any
3.2 Average annual income, what is the difference that tourism has made
3.3 Land use – traditional, tourism
3.4 Land ownership – tenures
3.5 Employment of local community in the tourism sector (disaggregated men –women)
3.5.1. in tourism establishments - profiles
3.5.2. services – guides, tour operations,
3.5.3. self-employment opportunities
3.5.4. scale of wages
3.6 Impacts
3.6.1. price rise of commodities, land
3.6.2. procurement of raw materials in tourism establishments
3.6.3. migration of youth
3.6.4. rise in income level
3.6.5. shift in traditional occupation
3.6.6. linkages & leakages
3.6.7. which are the sections that do not engage?
A framework for analysing context, outcomes and impacts 97
3.7 What are the revenues that each stakeholder gets from ecotourism – private establishments,
governments, local governments?
4. Social impacts
4.1 Demographic data
4.2 Displacement
4.3 Crimes linked to tourism
4.7.1. drug abuse/alcohol
4.7.2. trafficking; prostitution
4.7.3. bio-piracy
4.4 Gender issues
4.4.1. gender roles – quantum of work for women
4.4.2. employment of women in the ecotourism sector; departments, levels of work (skilled,
unskilled), differential wages (women get less than men) - economic
4.4.3. role of women in decision making processes in the context of tourism
4.5 Caste
4.6 Other marginalised groups and their engagement in tourism
4.7 Common community benefits; expenditure of surplus income – individual, community
4.8 Community’s expectation/s from tourism and whether they are getting it
4.9 Experiences with home stays (impacts, interactions, dynamics of castes, class)
4.10 What are the capacities that were built for communities to engage with ecotourism?
5. Cultural impacts
5.1 Interaction of community and tourists on local art and culture, festivals (special shows)
5.2 Changes from traditional forms, patterns or return to it
5.3 Demonstration effect
6. Education & interpretation
6.1 Interpretation centres
6.2 Awareness building activities
6.3 Information centres, run by whom
7. Institutional arrangements
7.1 Role of LSGIs in ecotourism development. Level of awareness
7.2 Tourism in gram sabha meetings
7.3 Rights of LSGIs and ecotourism development
7.4 Decision making processes; discussions
7.5 New institutional mechanisms with representation of various stakeholders and right holders
7.6 Institutions built for tourism
7.7 What is the level of engagement of other government departments – tourism, forest?
8. Policy & plans
8.1 Are there ecotourism policies, regulations and guidelines at state level, location level?
8.2 When did ecotourism commence?
8.3 What was the motivation for setting up ecotourism project?
8.4 Was there tourism happening before ecotourism?
8.5 What are future plans? – areas, infrastructure, leasing land for private developers
8.6 Any support for community based initiatives?
8.7 Guidelines for tourism operations, tourists if any
8.8 Shift in role of forest department from conservation to promotion of tourism
9. Charters and guidelines
9.1 Formulated by
9.2 Level of implementation
9.3 Process of formulation
9.4 International conventions like UNESCO (biosphere reserves) and other multilateral
environmental agreements

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