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Esther Jacobs & Andr Gussekloo
2016 Esther Jacobs & Andr Gussekloo

Cover design
By Levro; Sergey Myshkovskiy (Kyiv, Ukraine), s.myshkovski@gmail.
com, via
Photo Esther: by
Photo Andr: Henco Jonker

Interior design
Marieke Rinzema & Nina Roepers, Fuig text and design,
The Netherlands;

Esther Jacobs:
Andr Gussekloo:

Almondie Shampine,

Self-published; printing on demand via Amazons www.createspace.

Print book ISBN 978-90-6523-128-4

Ebook (ePub/Kindle): ISBN 978-90-6523-138-3
PDF ISBN 978-90-6523-138-3

Ideas and inspiration need to be shared. Anything you like in this
book may therefore be used, copied and shared, as long as you men-
tion this book or as your source.

The authors are not responsible for misfortunes resulting from
reading this book: jet lags, culture shock, broken relationships, lost
jobs, spent pensions, etc. We do like to take credit for new friends,
broadened worldviews, increased happiness, and the like. Also, we
will gladly accept shares in successful digital nomad startups result-
ing from this book

The information in this book is mainly based on our own experiences
and tips from other digital nomads. Contributions and quotes are
properly credited. Some of the more in-depth research was done
via internet. Where possible we mention the source. Getting to the
original source was sometimes difficult, because the same informa-
tion appears on various sites and blogs. So if you feel we might have
used original information from your website or blog and failed to
correctly mention its source, please let us know (as detailed as pos-
sible), and well update and give proper credit.

The secret of happiness

is freedom.
And the secret of freedom
is courage.

Table of contents

Introduction by Chris Guillebeau 12

Welcome to the future! 14

What is a digital nomad? 18

About this book 20


Eight reasons to become a digital nomad 26

1) Break from the template lifestyle 26
2) Live cheaper 27
3) Follow the weather 27
4) Work from inspiring locations 28
5) Travel the world (duh!) 28
6) Meet like-minded people 28
7) Grow! 29
8) Because you can 29

TEST: Are you a digital nomad? 31

Score your test 32
Test results: are you A couch potato, armchair 33
nomad, aspiring nomad or born nomad?

Design your own international 36

master plan & six flag theory
1) Optimize your citizenship & passport for 41
maximum freedom
Passport alternatives 43
2) Strategically choose your residency 45
Immigration by investment 47
Where to register? 47
Dilemma: to be registered or not? 49
Taxes 52
3) Find a business haven that fits your needs 55
What about e-Estonia? 56
4) Safely let your assets work for you 59
5) Pick your playgrounds 60
6) Explore cyberspace 61
Country specific legal and tax information 64

Minimize to the max 73

Reduce your expenses 76
1) Reduce your fixed costs, become less dependent on an 77
2) Choose how you spend your money 78
3) Earn your income in a strong currency 80
4) Find a location with low costs of living 80
5) Bartering and sharing 84
6) Travel smarter and cheaper 85
17 tips for cheaper flights 86
Declutter your life 98
Minimize your stuff 101
Digitize and archive 106
Your house: holding you back, or your ticket to freedom? 111
On the road 114
Packing list 114
Where to stay while you are traveling 122
Insurance 127
Telecommunications 132
Financial tips 137
Visa 140
Dealing with bureaucrats 142
Traveling with kids (or pets) 145
Relationships 153
Safety 155
Travel blues 161

WORK 172

Do what you love 174

Typical online jobs 174
My job is not suitable for a digital nomad lifestyle 175
Work locally/offline 176
Teach what you know 176
Make a career change 176
Find your sweet spot 177

Four ways to make money online 179

1) Get a remote job 180
2) Become a freelancer 182
3) Create a passive income with an online business 191
Natalie Sissons 3 steps to finding your sweet spot 194
(digital products)
Sell in a web shop or on Amazon (physical products) 196
4) Let your money work for you 199

Make clients come to you 202

Show your added value 202
Website 203
Portfolio 203
Social media 204
Email list 205
Its not about you 205
Walk the talk 206
How to present yourself and/or your company 207
Mind your attitude 207
Your location can be a selling point 207
No experience, no problem 208
Dont compete on price 209
Deliver quality 209
Focus on results instead of the process 210
Obtain killer references 210
Take advantage of online platforms 211
Should clients know where you are? 212
Incorporating your company 214
Where to base your company 215
Digital nomad problems 217
How to get paid 218
Set up your financial infrastructure 218
Invoicing 230
VAT 231

Work smart, not hard 223

Minimize the amount of work 226
1) Eliminate 226
2) Simplify 226
3) Automate 227
4) Outsource 229
Focus and productivity 231
Email efficiency 232
Tools we love 233
Coworking offices 237

PLAY 240

Step out of your comfort zone 242

Your Bucket list 245
Hobby or activity 245
Theme 247
A Challenge 249

Giving back/Volunteering 253

Staying fit and healthy 255

Meditating 255
Be kind to your back and neck 255
Bodyweight exercises 256
Flexible gym passes 257
Sightjogging 257
Diets 258
Fight jet lag 259
Morning ritual 259

Digital nomad hotspots - Where to live, 260

work and play?

How to meet other nomads 265

Online COURSES & forums 268
Conferences 268
Workations & Retreats 269
Co-living projects 271
Cruises 272

About the authors 279

digital nomad stories
Motivational speaker Esther Jacobs (1970) got 34
fired from her country for traveling too much.
The Netherlands de-registered her, because her
way of life did not fit the system, even though
she owned a house, paid taxes, and ran her own
business. Esther managed to turn this into an
opportunity, and is now an advocate for the digi-
tal nomad lifestyle. The Dutch government now
even seeks her advice on the topic!

Rob Greenfield (1986) is an American adven- 54

turer, environmental activist, and an entrepre-
neur on a mission to entertain, educate, inspire,
and give back to the world. He traveled through
the USA without a penny. He explains why its OK
not to pay taxes.

Co-author Andr Gussekloo (1980) and his girl- 57

friend Marta took their laptops and their cat on
a trip to Thailand. The experiment proved suc-
cessful, so they also traveled through Central
America. They now live on Lanzarote with their
baby boy, but still like to escape for a few months
a year.

Freelance translator Martina Russo (1989) from 70

Italy worked from the Galapagos Islands, and
other unusual places. She loves to immerse her-
self in nature and likes to do extreme sports
wherever she travels.

digital nomad stories
Daniela Ramos (1994) is a blogger and copywriter 96
from Mexico. She has lived in the US and the UK
and writes mainly in English. By camping, staying
with friends, and hitchhiking, she manages to cut
costs and visit many countries per year.

Jacob Laukaitis (1994) is an online entrepreneur, 120

avid traveler, SEO specialist, and an occasional
tech writer. Originally from Lithuania, he learns
something new in every country he visits, and he
is always looking for business opportunities.

The Kortman family traded their house for life 148

on the road. Since March 2014, the family of six
has been traveling around the world, moving
every three months or so. Dad sustains their fam-
ily (and three full-time employees) with a digital
marketing business.

Tal Gur (1975) created financial freedom in one 157

year after being in $34,000 of debt. He now helps
others to achieve the same freedom. Originally
from Israel, hes lived, worked, and traveled in
over 50 countries across six continents. His main
focus is personal development.

Vera Ruttkowski (1980) is a virtual assistant from 169

Germany. She lived on Tenerife for two years, and
is now exploring Asia for a taste of the digital
nomad life.
digital nomad stories
Laura Viviana (1983) traveled a lot in her early 186
twenties, and then found a dream job as a copy-
writer on Wall Street. So how did she end up
across the table from Esther in Southeast Asia? In
this interview, Laura openly shares her journey,
ups and downs and learnings. And indeed, she
has a way with words...

Hilda and Bas from the Netherlands sailed with 244

their small kids to and through the Caribbean.
At first the project seemed too big and bold and
was doomed to remain a dream. But when they
made a hypothetical plan, it suddenly seemed
realistic and they decided to just do it.

Half Spanish, half Dutch Sylvia Lorente van 251

Bergen Henegouwen (1976) is as European as
they get. She studied in France, lives in Germany,
and has helped develop over 400 mobile apps.
She took a sabbatical from her job as a startup
mentor to travel to 12 world cities in 12 months.

Marcus Meurer (1977) and Feli Hargarten (1981) 275

run a German travel blog and organize digital
nomad conferences and digital nomad work-
ations around the world.

Introduction by Chris Guillebeau

Something strange happened a dozen years ago: the world split

open. In a short period of time, a large group of people began mak-
ing a living (and crafting a life) very differently than anyone had ever
done before. They forged new lives without a fixed address. They
set out to become intentionally homeless. Without much in the way
of planning, they ventured to new lands and set up shop, only to
leave again and move somewhere else.

Sure, there have always been traders and nomadsjust look at the
merchants of Libya or China from centuries ago. But those mer-
chants didnt have MacBooks. They traveled and traded only with
people they met along the way. If they wanted to journey long dis-
tances, it required a great deal of time and money.

These days, being a digital nomad presents countless opportuni-

ties that the merchants of old didnt have. From the pulse of your
phone or laptop, you can connect with people all over the world. You
can earn an income in one country and spend it in another. And as a
bonus, you no longer have to travel by camel.

Theres just one small challenge. Becoming location independent

is highly possible (and many, many people have done it), but its not
always easy. Youll want to follow the age-old advice from Seneca:
before beginning, prepare carefully.

Thats how this book will help you. Its designed to be accessible and
practical. You can read it in a day, but it can be your guide for a com-
plete lifestyle change.

What does this mean for you? It means its your turn to join the club.
If youve been looking in from the outside, eager to choose your own
adventure, you now have two important tasks to complete. The first
task is to turn the page. The second task is to begin packing your

Chris Guillebeau
Portland, Oregon

Chris Guillebeau is the New York Times bestselling author of The

Happiness of Pursuit, The $100 Startup, and other books. During a
lifetime of self-employment, he visited every country in the world
(193 in total) before his 35th birthday. Every summer in Portland,
Oregon he hosts the World Domination Summit, a gathering of crea-
tive, remarkable people. Connect with Chris on Twitter, on his blog,

or at your choice of worldwide airline lounge.

Once in a while it really hits people that they dont have to experi-
ence the world in the way they have been told to.
Alan Keightley

Welcome to the future!

Not too long ago, companies needed their employees in one loca-
tion to enable full-scale industrial production. But today, theyve
begun to understand that as long as employees deliver results, their
physical location and work hours dont matter.

As a result, a new class of employees has emerged; people whose

work is completely location and time-independent. They spend their
time traveling while working taking freelance assignments from
the tropical island of Aruba, running their own businesses from Ber-
lin or working for an employer in California from Buenos Aires.

My grandparents, who were born and raised in the Soviet Union, had a
very simple idea of success. They wanted to find one job, and do it for
the rest of their lives. For them, this was ideal because it allowed them
to stay firmly inside their comfort zones. They wanted life to be uncom-
plicated and predictable: go to the office at 9 am, make sure you look

like youre busy all day, stay under the radar, and leave at 5 pm. Two
generations and a few decades later, much has changed. I hate simple
and predictable; I dislike offices; I dont want to stay under the radar;
and I love being outside my comfort zone.
Jacob Laukaitis

People are much happier when they spend their time doing things
theyre passionate about while living where they want. As a digital
nomad, you can do just that. If you like to play golf, you can travel
from one famous golf course to another. If youre into sailing, you
can charter a yacht in Turkey and sail to Croatia with your friends.

Dutch nomad Pieter Levels figured
out how important factors like
travel time, expenses, cost
of living, Wi-Fi, safety, cli-
mate and entertainment
are when deciding on your
next destination. He created, which is an
overview of the best cities to
live and work remotely, as well
as the chat community #nomads
( and Nomad- Pieter is pioneering the new
lifestyle. He only communicates through Twitter (professing that
email is dead), and he has very specific ideas on how remote work
and digital nomads will evolve in the next 20 years.
Pieter Levels predictions for 2035:
60% of the working population will be freelancing; there will be
far less people in corporate jobs.
1 out of 3 freelancers will be digital nomads. It will be more com-
mon to find jobs that you can do from wherever you want. As a
result, people will not only be able to work from home or while
traveling, but also from small villages if they prefer that lifestyle.
Depending on your definition, there will be about 1 billion digital
nomads. A real remote generation.
Internet speed will increase up to 6G. This will make speed basi-
cally irrelevant.
Big cities are going to claim more power. (They might even intro-
duce city tax...) Cities are going to compete to attract digital
nomads, for example by offering green cities, fast internet, and
other perks.
The price of flights will drop dramatically and new planes will be
much faster. It will be super cheap and will only take a couple of
hours to fly anywhere.

Due to these lifestyle changes, marriage rates will continue to
drop, and there will be fewer house ownerships and mortgages.
More connected people worldwide and more traveling would
also mean more international friendships, more online dating,
and mixed race relationships.
Children wont need to go to school (because they can learn
online), resulting in an increase in homeschooling.
Universities will offer more online courses, combined with on-
site working sessions.

Basically, we are still at the start of a work revolution, but the digital
nomad era is already taking shape. The pioneers of this lifestyle are
no longer seen as outcasts, but are admired and copied. More and
more people consider these pioneers role models, paving the road
for the next generation.

With the publication of Timothy Ferrisss The
4-Hour Workweek, in 2009, it became cool to
Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New
Rich. His bestseller is sometimes nicknamed
the digital nomad bible.

Chris Guillebeau visited all 193 countries in the

world before his 35th birthday. He turned this
lifestyle into a business by writing a number of
bestsellers, such as The $100 Startup. He cre-
ated The Art of Non-Conformity, a travel blog,
initiated the Travel Hacking Cartel, and organ-
izes the annual World Domination Summit; a
worldwide gathering of remarkable people.

Natalie Sisson left New Zealand in 2006, trav-

eled the world, and lived out of her suitcase.
She wrote her bestseller, The Suitcase Entre-
preneur, and now runs an online business that
allows her to be location independent while
generating a six-figure income. She is an inspir-
ing example to her army of freedom fighters.
The digital nomad lifestyle has even become
a status symbol. Tim, Chris and Natalie have
many followers who are trying to design their
own dream life. Some nomads gather their own
following by sharing their experiences, choices,
and inspirations.

So, if youve ever dreamed of exploring the world, this is the time
to do it. It wont require sacrificing your career, on the contrary; it
might even boost it!

What is a digital nomad?

The first digital nomad was probably writer Steve Roberts, who
started his journey through the United States in 1983. During his
eight-year road trip, Roberts equipped his recumbent bicycle with
more and more gadgets: a radio connection, a mobile telephone, a
battery, a computer, and a keyboard that consisted of four keys on

each side of his handlebar.

At the time, digital nomads werent called as such. Instead, the term
technomad was used by Roberts and those he inspired. Even today,
there are still self-proclaimed technomads, most of whom are US
citizens and drive around the Americas in RVs or campervans.

Digital nomads are individuals who use telecommunications technolo-

gies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their life in a nomadic

manner. Such workers typically work remotelyfrom home, coffee
shops, public libraries, and even recreational vehiclesto accomplish
tasks and goals that traditionally took place in a single, stationary
Wikipedia (

Defining the term digital nomad is a challenge. Take a look at the

situations below. Would you consider someone a digital nomad who:

works online and travels twelve months per year?

works online and travels three months per year?
travels twelve months per year but makes only a small part of
their money online?
is based in one spot, but makes a lot of trips, always taking their
work with them?
changes countries every six months, living in long-term rentals?

As you can see, its hard to draw the line between a settled and a
nomadic life. And its equally hard to decide when someone is digi-
tal enough to be deemed a digital nomad. Thats why we wont
spend too much energy on defining what a digital nomad is. Instead,
we propose that anyone may call himself or herself a digital nomad.
Thats right you too. Now lets get to work, shall we?

About this book

This book is an example of what digital nomads can do. We, Andr
and Esther, had never met when we decided to write this book. It
was completed in different parts of the world, in different time
zones, and with only two real life meetings.

In 2014, Esther published her Handbook for World Citizens about

her struggles with the Dutch bureaucracy, forcing her to adopt
the digital nomad lifestyle (more on page 34). She got so many
questions and reactions, also from aspiring nomads outside of the
Netherlands, that she decided to address an international audi-
ence. Merely translating the book was no option, however, because
much of Esthers experiences were based on Dutch laws. Also, the
developments in the digital nomad world were accelerating at such
a pace that translating the 2014 book would only result in outdated
information. So, she endeavored on a completely new book, Digital
Nomads, and announced her new project on Facebook.

Andr already ran the successful Dutch website www.werkenvan- (the URL translates as working from abroad)
and was considering an international version of the platform. When
we exchanged ideas on Facebook, the idea of writing the book
together popped up. In a few emails, we found our shared passion
for the digital nomad lifestyle and decided to go ahead. Without any
formal meetings, financial or legal agreements, any paperwork or
other hassle, the project was created. The first thing we wrote was
the back cover text. This forced us to decide how we would struc-
ture and present the book. Then we had the cover designed through
a contest on; a first for both of us. More than 50
designs were submitted, and together we coached the winning one
to its current form. We collected useful websites, quotes and arti-
cles in Evernote and Dropbox. Then we used Scrivener to outline and
write parts of the book. We edited in Google Docs until everything
came together.

We got to know each other a bit through occasional Skype sessions.
Andr was mainly in the Canary Islands, because his son Diego was
born there, about halfway through the book. Esther commuted
between a rural farm in Mallorca and different friends houses in
Amsterdam at first and then cruised to South America on the first
nomadcruise (more info on page 273).

We first met for real in Barcelona (a bit weird, because wed
already been working together for a few months). During the first
DNX Global Conference in Berlin, we had some time to really work
together, interview other nomads, and finally sync our Scrivener and
Dropbox files (which got hopelessly messed up again afterwards,
because Esther was rarely in a place with fast internet). So, we can
assure you that during the writing of this book, we experienced all
digital nomad problems (see page 161) firsthand.

We divided this book into three parts trying to fit all information
and tips about the digital nomad lifestyle in: LIVE, WORK, and PLAY.

How to make it possible. Commitment. Habits required to become a
digital nomad. How do you prepare for life on the road? Strategically
design your international life. Minimize to the max.

How to finance your life. Purpose. Whats it like to work remotely?
What kind of jobs can you do? How can you increase your productiv-
ity to gain more freedom?

How to enjoy. What to do with your new-found freedom. Where to
go. How to meet other digital nomads. Mini retirements, workations
and repositioning cruises. Giving back, sharing. What is it that you
really live and work for? How to link LIVE, WORK and PLAY and put
it all together.

Throughout the book, various digital nomads share their experi-

ences, eye-openers, tips and successes.

Most topics are specific to (aspiring) digital nomads, but many tips
are also interesting for more sedentary readers or couch nomads.
For example, by minimizing your expenses, possessions, and work,
you can create more time, energy, and freedom, which you can then
spend any way and any place you like, even at home.

You can read everything in the order presented, but you can also
pick and choose the parts that are relevant to you right now, and
come back to the rest later.

We wish you a lot of fun reading, preparing, traveling, and sharing

with others.

January 2016

PS: The world is our playground; lets take good care of her!

To travel
is to live
Hans Christian Andersen

Eight reasons to become a digital nomad

Why would you become a digital nomad? We have all been asked this
question when we declared our location-independence. Your par-
ents, your boss, or your best friend; they all wonder why you would
want to trade your comfortable life back home for a succession of

The less they have traveled themselves, the more likely they are to
resist and question your new lifestyle. Some will project their fears
onto your situation. This can be frustrating, but there is no way you
can change their mind, just like they cant change yours. Youve got
your reasons for your decision and theyve got their reasons to be
insecure. Whether its for your or their sake, weve compiled a list of
eight common motives:

1) Break from the template lifestyle

The universal recipe for success seems well defined: study hard, get
a respectable job, buy a house, get married, have a family, save up for
your kids studies, retire, and maybe, just maybe, make that round-
the-world trip. It has, sort of, worked for the generations before, so
why change or even doubt this template?

Times have changed. Jobs-for-life are a thing of the past. Houses

arent the sure-fire investment they used to be. Divorce rates surge.
Pensions and life-long jobs arent safe or guaranteed anymore. A
career is no longer the ultimate goal in life. Lack of freedom is mak-
ing us unhappy and restless. No wonder why more and more people
wake up and question the status quo. We are the first to admit that
digital nomad life may not provide all the answers, but it sure makes
a lot more sense to follow your own bliss than someone elses.

Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving
through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to
the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you
leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
Ellen Degeneres

2) Live cheaper
How does living in a villa with a swimming pool sound? How much
healthier would you eat if you didnt have to cook your own meals or
live on fast-food? How much time could you free up if someone else
washed and ironed your laundry and did your cleaning? Would you be
more fit if you could afford a personal trainer? Chances are, there is
a cheaper place on the planet than the country you are currently in.

Making money in a relatively strong currency say, dollars or euros

enables you to live like a king or queen in countries with a weaker
currency. When you move to a place with lower costs of living, you
can change your lifestyle to suit your goals. Timothy Ferriss, author
of the famous 4-Hour Workweek, called this geo-arbitrage.

Since the cost of living is lower, you can choose to work less. Or you
can work as much as you did back home and save up for your travels.
Another possibility is to indeed live a lot more luxuriously than you
were used to. Many nomads who chose to work from Thailand report
eating out all the time and taking daily foot massages; this is only
one of the many destinations where your dollar or euro stretches
further than back home.

3) Follow the weather

Whether you are from Tel Aviv or Trondheim, chances are youd love

to escape the local climate from time to time. You dont have to be
a snowboarder to appreciate the snow or a surfer to stick to tropical
beaches. When your work makes you location-independent, you get
to escape the smog, traffic, heat or cold, and travel to wherever you
feel best. And when the weather (or your mood) changes, you just
pack up and go again.

One thing is sure about my future travel plans: avoiding the winter, fol-
lowing the sun, and spending as much time as possible at the beach, is
what makes me happy.
Vera Ruttkowski

4) Work from inspiring locations
You can work from anywhere, as long as you can find an internet
connection. You are not bound to your rental apartment (or villa,
for that matter), but you can choose any location that best matches
your state of mind or activities. For informal brainstorming sessions,
go to a busy coffee shop. For fast Wi-Fi, hire a desk at a coworking
office. For maximum concentration, visit the local library. You could
even work poolside if you wanted to although it wont take long
before you find out that pools and beaches make for photogenic,
rather than productive, workplaces.

5) Travel the world

Maybe you are one of many who feel most alive when theyre on
vacation. Fortunately, you were born in the internet age where,
instead of alternating months of work with a week-long vacation,
you can be exploring new destinations permanently.
Lets be realistic, though; you will be working a lot of the time. But
instead of spending your afternoons watching TV and your week-
ends in the local pub, you can spend your free time diving, surfing,
hiking, meeting new people, or simply lazing by the beach.

So why postpone your round-the-world trip until youre too old to

enjoy it? You better start making your bucket list of countries to
visit, because youll soon be able to travel there.

6) Meet like-minded people

You may have heard the saying that in many ways you are the average
of the five people you spend the most time with. If you usually sur-
round yourself with people who are stuck in the location-dependent
9-to-5 rut, chances are that you are severely limited in your think-
ing and your possibilities. By moving to places where digital nomads
are working, living, and playing, you will notice how your conversa-
tions change, opening your mind up to the boundless possibilities of
online entrepreneurship and cultural diversity.

7) Grow!
Self-development is one of the beneficial side effects of traveling.
When you leave your trusted environment, you open yourself up
to new experiences. Some will be great; others will be challenging.
These challenges are what make you grow as a person. Learning new
languages, meeting people from different cultures, and visiting or
living in remote places, will give you new tools. Having to manage
yourself workwise, deal with distractions, find focus amidst chaos,
decide where to go, when and with whom to go, will shape your
character. Warning: you will never be the same and you can never go
back to who you were before.

8) Because you can

We live in exciting times. None of the generations before had the
opportunity to travel as fast and as cheap as you can. None of your
parents, grandparents or great-grandparents could do their work
on laptops, let alone surf the web. Every day, new apps, gadgets,
and other technology and jobs are invented that make life and work
even more easy and more fun. So why wouldnt you take advantage
of this incredible freedom? Were not saying you owe it to previous
generations, but they would probably do the same if they were in
your shoes.

The measure
of intelligence
is the ability
to change.
Albert Einstein

TEST: Are you a digital nomad?

The digital nomad lifestyle may sound cool and exclusive, but in fact
anyone could live like this thats one of the reasons we wrote this
book. At its most basic level, all you need in order to be location-
independent is a laptop and a way to make money on the internet.
But thats not all. Your attitude may be your most important asset.
Take the test. Do you have what it takes to be a digital nomad?

Applies to me yes maybe no

Its easy for me to make new friends.

I love coming home after my vacation.
I dont like surprises.
I have or want children.
Wherever I am, I ask for the Wi-Fi password.
Its not where you are; its who youre with.
I prefer a clear distinction between my work and my private life.
25 days of vacation a year is more than enough.
I can focus very well, and am not easily distracted.
A steady job is what gives me the most security.
Cities or beaches? Its hard for me to choose.
Im good at managing deadlines and appointments.
Im very attached to my material possessions.
My suitcase is always too heavy when I travel.
I always see business opportunities.
Im a control freak. I like things to be safe and predictable.
Home is where the laptop is.
Im always looking for new inspiration and experiences.
I dont see problems, but rather I see challenges.
The idea of leaving everything behind freaks me out.
Im ready for adventure!

Calculate your score on the next page.

Score your test

Applies to me yes maybe no

Its easy for me to make new friends. 2 1 0

I love coming home after my vacation. 0 1 2
I dont like surprises. 0 1 2
* I have or want children. 0 0 0
Wherever I am, I ask for the Wi-Fi password. 2 1 0
Its not where you are; its who youre with. 2 1 0
I prefer a clear distinction between my work and my private life. 0 1 2
25 days of vacation a year is more than enough. 0 1 2
I can focus very well, and am not easily distracted. 2 1 0
A steady job is what gives me the most security. 0 1 2
Cities or beaches? Its hard for me to choose. 2 1 0
Im good at managing deadlines and appointments. 2 1 0
Im very attached to my material possessions. 0 1 2
My suitcase is always too heavy when I travel. 0 1 2
I always see business opportunities. 2 1 0
Im a control freak. I like things to be safe and predictable. 0 1 2
Home is where the laptop is. 2 1 0
Im always looking for new inspiration and experiences. 2 1 0
I dont see problems, but rather I see challenges. 2 1 0
The idea of leaving everything behind freaks me out. 0 1 2
Im ready for adventure! 2 1 0

* This question does not earn any points. Many nomads travel with
kids. Having a family does NOT prevent you from traveling (see page

Test results
So, where do you stand? How do you score on the nomad scale?

0-10 points: Couch potato

How did this book ever find its way to your hands? Having scored 10
points or less, it looks like the only nomading youll ever be doing is
between the fridge and your TV.

11-20 points: Armchair nomad

You have found your perfect place, and you feel at peace with your
job. Vacations are fun, but you love returning home. Youd do best
to spend your energy optimizing your current lifestyle. If you do
choose to experiment with the digital nomad lifestyle, youll prefer
spending longer periods in one spot, allowing your destination to
grow on you. And if this way of life still isnt for you, dont worry
your home is just a flight away.

21-30 points: Aspiring nomad

Youd love to explore the world, but some things are holding you
back. In this guide, you will find inspiration and practical tips to help
you jump those hurdles, whether its friends and relatives, work,
material possessions, or fear of the unknown. A good solution for
you may be to take shorter trips while keeping your home base. But
be warned: you might get addicted to the lifestyle.

31-40 points: Born nomad

You are a real citizen of the world. Not bound to one place, you feel
at home wherever you are. You are not too attached to your belong-
ings, and you dont mind being alone. When you do get together
with others, you feel most at ease with other free spirits. You may
already live on the road. But if you are still stuck in one country,
now is the time to spread your wings. Yes, youre real digital nomad

digital nomad stories

Motivational speaker Esther Jacobs

(1970), got fired from her country
for traveling too much. The Neth-
erlands de-registered her, because
her way of life did not fit the sys-
tem, even though she owned a
house, paid taxes, and ran her own
business. Esther managed to turn
this into an opportunity and is now an
advocate of the digital nomad lifestyle. The
Dutch government now even seeks her advice on the topic!

Originally from the Netherlands, I have always traveled a lot. Curios-

ity, a sense of adventure and a strong need to learn, guided my trips
to over a 100 countries. I have been to places as diverse as Haiti,
Transnistria (a non-existing country!), Madagascar, French Guiana,
and Colombia. No matter where I traveled however, after a few days,
weeks or months, I always returned to the Netherlands.

In the past 5-10 years, my needs changed. I did not want to be on the
road so much, or travel so fast anymore. Instead of trying to see it all,
I preferred to stay longer in one place, to feel at home there, rather
than be a visitor. I alternated among a few locations I had grown fond
of: my home near Amsterdam, my fathers place in Miami, my ex-boy-
friends house on the Caribbean island of Curacao, and a small farm
we were restoring in the heart of Mallorca. Still I was restless and was
not able to stay in one place for more than six weeks at a time.

One day, when I went to get a new passport in the city hall in my
hometown of Amstelveen, they refused to extend my passport.
Apparently, there is a law that states you are only allowed to reg-
ister in the Netherlands if you stay at least four months per year
at one address. According to the government, I traveled too much.
I was told that I could no longer use my address as my official resi-
dence. But it is my own house! I objected. This is the only fixed-
base that I have; I dont live anywhere else. My protests went all

the way to the Minister of Internal Affairs, and later to the national
media. But the rule was applied strictly. We are sorry, this is the law.
The system is just not fit for mobile citizens like you, was the final
comment of the Dutch Government.

As a result, I was de-registered from my own house, I could not

extend my passport, I lost my voting rights, and my right to social
security, a pension, and all other privileges Dutch citizenship offers.
I also got kicked out of their health insurance, without any alterna-
tive. For lack of an official address, my company could no longer be
registered at the Chamber of Commerce, and I nearly lost my bank
accounts and mobile phone number. The only official institute that
still considered me as a Dutch citizen was the IRS (Dutch Tax). They
still wanted me to pay taxes!

That was the last push I needed to truly become a global citizen or
digital nomad, however you want to call it. I rented out my house to
expats (providing me with a modest income), registered a company
on the British Virgin Islands (no taxes, so no need to keep track of
expenses), and decided to focus on my opportunities instead of the

As a motivational speaker, I only need to be at a specific location when I

am booked for a presentation. As an author, I can work from anywhere.
All my archives are digital, so I always have access to my documents, pic-
tures, etc. My website and social media can be updated from anywhere.
As long as I have Wi-Fi, I can choose to be wherever I like; sometimes in
a city, on a beach, in a spring-like climate or in a ski resort.

It takes patience and creativity, but there is a solution for everything.

I found a way to renew my passport. There is a special window for
homeless people in the Netherlands. (Guess I am the only one with a
house and company). And IKEA Family, in Spain, offers cheap world-
wide health insurance, even if you are not a citizen of Spain.

Design your own international
master plan & six flag theory
Are you not completely happy with:
Your current work/life balance?
The mentality of the people around you?
The climate at your location?
The politics of your country?
The price level in your country?
The tax climate of your government?
The traffic?
The work ethics?
The amount of freedom or privacy you feel?
The (lack of) adventure in your life?

Then why dont you choose the countries or locations that fit best
with your ideals? It doesnt have to be just one country or city; you
can mix and match as you please, since your new life as a digital
nomad is based on complete freedom. Literally anything is possible.
Your life will definitely become more interesting, and possibly even
cheaper. But in order for this to work long term, you need a smart

six flag theory

Not too long ago, 99% of people worked, lived, married, and eventu-
ally died, in the same country they were born in. Apart from a few
weeks of holidays or an occasional year abroad, most of a persons
life was spent in that one country. Institutions and rules are based
on this premise. Bank accounts, businesses, insurance, taxes, laws
and regulations all assume we have a home country or place of per-
manent residence.

But so many things have changed. Nowadays you can be born in

country A, have a passport from country B, own a house in C, work
in D, register your company in E, invest in F and host your websites
in G, while you live in/travel to countries H - Z. If you make smart,
informed choices of what you do where, you can benefit in multiple

The Flag Theory calls to arrange different facets of your life to fall
under the jurisdiction of separate countries or flags. Most countries
treat foreigners far better than their own citizens. PTs (Perpetual
Travelers, Permanent Tourists or even Previous Taxpayers) struc-
ture their paperwork in a way that all governments regard them as
tourist or traveler. The idea behind the original Three Flags Theory
by Harry Schultz, the Five Flags Theory by W.G. Hill, and the more
recent Six Flags Theory by Bye Bye Big Brother, is that smart, free-
dom-seeking individuals should not be bound in their allegiances to
just one government.

The strategy is to use different governments, or flags, for different

parts of your life:
Passport and citizenship in a country that gives you optimal
freedom to travel.
Residency in a country that does not tax money earned outside
the country (tax haven). Note that this legal official residence is
not necessarily where you physically spend your time.
Business haven (where you earn your money): base your busi-
ness and speculations in stable countries, with low corporate tax

Asset haven (where you keep your money): a money manage-
ment or offshore banking center, ideally somewhere with low
taxation of savings, interest, and capital gains.
Playgrounds (where you spend your money): live like a tourist in
countries with low consumption tax, VAT, and low cost-of-living
in general.
Electronic haven in cyberspace: a virtual country where your
servers and websites are located. Ideally somewhere safe, with
low regulation.

Reasons to structure your life along two or more flags

There can be various triggers or considerations to structure your life
this way. Esther found out the hard way that many laws and regula-
tions have not yet been updated to include digital nomad lifestyles.
Many digital nomads pioneer in the field of (inter)national laws,

which can sometimes get so tiring and difficult that stepping out of
the system seems the only option.

Others are motivated by adventure and/or price differences

between different parts of the world. It is nowadays possible to
make your money in euros or dollars and spend it in a country with
a favorable exchange rate or lower cost-of-living, resulting in less
need for work, and/or a more luxurious lifestyle (see page 83). Some
seek adventure and variety; they need a change of scenery, want to
travel, explore, meet new people, while discovering their own limits
in the process. They consider the world to be their playground. (See
PLAY page 260).

Another breed of digital nomads is mainly lured by sovereignty.

They desire a life with minimal (preferably zero) governmental inter-
ference. They achieve their ultimate freedom - self-ownership by
checking out of the system. Privacy can be a concern, too; Big
Brother is watching you! (Orwell, 1984). By traveling so much and
living outside of the system, no government will have access to the
full picture. Tax savings might also be a trigger; moving between
countries on a regular basis may legally reduce or eliminate your tax
burden. By lacking a legal, permanent residential status, some seek
to avoid the legal obligations that may accompany residency, such as
social security contributions, jury duty, and military service.

Yet others are seriously concerned about current events in the

world, and are looking for economically and/or politically-resilient
countries; locations that are better able to cope with the changes
that are happening right now. Author Neil Strauss is one of these
people. He started a search for a safe country to survive in case
everything we know falls (further) apart after the last few years of
violence and terror, of ethnic and religious hatred, of tsunamis and
hurricanesand now of world financial meltdown. Strauss wrote the
book Emergency about this journey of discovery.

Emergency by Neil Strauss
Learn to be self-sufficient and survive with-
out the system. Ive started to look at the
world through apocalypse eyes. As the eco-
nomic downturn, continuing climate change,
and the prevailing terrorist threat prove that
the dangers facing our world loom larger
than ever, Strauss decides hes had enough.
But rather than watch helplessly, he decides
to do something about it. Soon, he is inves-
tigating ways of getting second citizenship
on the island of St. Kitts, protecting his assets offshore, and making
friends with an elite group of billionaires who are thinking exactly
the same thing.

With the same quick wit, and eye for cultural trends that marked
The Game, The Dirt, and How to Make Love Like a Porn Star, Emer-
gency traces Neils white-knuckled journey through todays heart of
darkness, as he sets out to move his life offshore, test his skills in
the wild, and remake himself as a gun-toting, plane-flying, govern-
ment-defying survivor. Its a tale of paranoid fantasies and crippling
doubts, of shady lawyers and dangerous cult leaders, of billionaire
gun nuts and survivalist superheroes, of weirdos, heroes, and ordi-
nary citizens going off the grid. Its one mans story of a dangerous
worldand how to stay alive in it.

Before the next disaster strikes, youre going to want to read

this book. When The Shit Hits The Fan, it might just save your life.
Because tomorrow doesnt come with a guarantee. (Strauss, 2009)

It may sound difficult, complicated, or expensive to design your own
international master plan, but it is not. In the next chapters well give
you some ideas and guidelines.
Most people dont want or need to become full-fledged PTs. Pick
and choose what feels good to you, what fits your situation best.
Just remember, every person, situation, and country is different, so
interpret the information in your own way. You may even decide it
makes more sense to stay registered in your own country and keep
things the way they are. At least youll have an idea of the alterna-
tives. Also, we recommend you invest in an international tax con-
sultant to make sure youre playing by the rules. And definitely get
good legal advice, because laws differ a lot between countries and
they change constantly. Usually its good to keep things as simple as

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