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Chapter Two - Physicians and Patients: Compassionate Doctor

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Compassionate doctor
Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc./CORBIS

After working through this chapter you should be able to:
explain why all patients are deserving of respect and equal
identify the essential elements of informed consent;
explain how medical decisions should be made for patients
who are incapable of making their own decisions;
explain the justification for patient confidentiality and
recognise legitimate exceptions to confidentiality;
recognize the principal ethical issues that occur at the
beginning and end of life;
summarize the arguments for and against the practice of
euthanasia/assisted suicide and the difference between
these actions and palliative care or forgoing treatment.

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Medical Ethics
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Case Study #1
Dr. P, an experienced and skilled surgeon,
is about to finish night duty at a mediumsized community hospital. A young woman is
brought to the hospital by her mother, who
leaves immediately after telling the intake
nurse that she has to look after her other
children. The patient is bleeding vaginally
and is in a great deal of pain. Dr. P examines
her and decides that she has had either a
miscarriage or a self-induced abortion. He
does a quick dilatation and curettage and tells
the nurse to ask the patient whether she can
afford to stay in the hospital until it is safe
for her to be discharged. Dr. Q comes in to
replace Dr. P, who goes home without having
spoken to the patient.

Whats Special About the PhysicianPatient Relationship?

The physician-patient relationship is the cornerstone of medical
practice and therefore of medical ethics. As noted above, the
Declaration of Geneva requires of the physician that The health
of my patient will be my first consideration, and the International
Code of Medical Ethics states, A physician shall owe his/her
patients complete loyalty and all the scientific resources available to
him/her. As discussed in Chapter One, the traditional interpretation
of the physician-patient relationship as a paternalistic one, in which
the physician made the decisions and the patient submitted to
them, has been widely rejected in recent years, both in ethics and
in law. Since many patients are either unable or unwilling to make
decisions about their medical care, however, patient autonomy

is often very problematic. Equally problematic are other aspects

of the relationship, such as the physicians obligation to maintain
patient confidentiality in an era of computerized medical records and
managed care, and the duty to preserve life in the face of requests
to hasten death.
This section will deal with six topics that pose particularly vexing
problems to physicians in their daily
practice: respect and equal treatment;
The health of my
communication and consent; decision- patient will be my first
making for incompetent patients;
issues; and end-of-life issues.
Respect and Equal Treatment
The belief that all human beings deserve respect and equal treatment
is relatively recent. In most societies disrespectful and unequal
treatment of individuals and groups was accepted as normal and
natural. Slavery was one such practice that was not eradicated
in the European colonies and the USA until the 19th century and
still exists in some parts of the world. The end of institutional
discrimination against non-whites in countries such as South Africa
is much more recent. Women still experience lack of respect and
unequal treatment in most countries. Discrimination on the basis
of age, disability or sexual orientation is widespread. Clearly, there
remains considerable resistance to the claim that all people should
be treated as equals.
The gradual and still ongoing conversion of humanity to a belief
in human equality began in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe
and North America. It was led by two opposed ideologies: a new
interpretation of Christian faith and an anti-Christian rationalism.
The former inspired the American Revolution and Bill of Rights;

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the latter, the French Revolution and related political developments.

Under these two influences, democracy very gradually took hold
and began to spread throughout the world. It was based on a belief
in the political equality of all men (and, much later, women) and the
consequent right to have a say in who should govern them.
In the 20th century there was considerable elaboration of the concept
of human equality in terms of human rights. One of the first acts of
the newly established United Nations was to develop the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948), which states in article 1, All
human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Many
other international and national bodies have produced statements of
rights, either for all human beings, for all citizens in a specific country,
or for certain groups of individuals (childrens rights, patients
rights, consumers rights, etc.). Numerous organizations have
been formed to promote action on these statements. Unfortunately,
though, human rights are still not respected in many countries.
The medical profession has had somewhat conflicting views on patient
equality and rights over the years. On the one hand, physicians have
been told not to permit considerations of age, disease or disability,
creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race,
sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene
between my duty and my patient (Declaration of Geneva). At the
same time physicians have claimed the right to refuse to accept a
patient, except in an emergency. Although the legitimate grounds for
such refusal include a full practice, (lack of) educational qualifications
and specialization, if physicians do not have to give any reason for
refusing a patient, they can easily practise discrimination without
being held accountable. A physicians conscience, rather than the
law or disciplinary authorities, may be the only means of preventing
abuses of human rights in this regard.
Even if physicians do not offend against respect and human equality
in their choice of patients, they can still do so in their attitudes

towards and treatment of patients. The case study described at

the beginning of this chapter illustrates this problem. As noted in
Chapter One, compassion is one of the core values of medicine
and is an essential element of a good therapeutic relationship.
Compassion is based on respect for the patients dignity and values
but goes further in acknowledging and responding to the patients
vulnerability in the face of illness and/or disability. If patients sense
the physicians compassion, they will be more likely to trust the
physician to act in their best interests, and this trust can contribute
to the healing process.
The trust that is essential to the physician-patient relationship has
generally been interpreted to mean that
physicians should not desert patients
in ending a
whose care they have undertaken.
The WMAs International Code of
Medical Ethics implies that the only
be prepared to
reason for ending a physician-patient
justify their decision,
relationship is if the patient requires
to themselves, to the
another physician with different skills: patient and to a third
A physician shall owe his/her patients party if appropriate.
complete loyalty and all the scientific
resources available to him/her.
Whenever an examination or treatment is beyond the physicians
capacity, he/she should consult with or refer to another physician
who has the necessary ability. However, there are many other
reasons for a physician wanting to terminate a relationship with a
patient, for example, the physicians moving or stopping practice,
the patients refusal or inability to pay for the physicians services,
dislike of the patient and the physician for each other, the patients
refusal to comply with the physicians recommendations, etc. The
reasons may be entirely legitimate, or they may be unethical. When
considering such an action, physicians should consult their Code of

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Ethics and other relevant guidance documents and carefully examine

their motives. They should be prepared to justify their decision,
to themselves, to the patient and to a third party if appropriate. If
the motive is legitimate, the physician should help the patient find
another suitable physician or, if this is not possible, should give the
patient adequate notice of withdrawal of services so that the patient
can find alternative medical care. If the motive is not legitimate, for
example, racial prejudice, the physician should take steps to deal
with this defect.
Many physicians, especially those in the public sector, often have no
choice of the patients they treat. Some patients are violent and pose
a threat to the physicians safety. Others can only be described as
obnoxious because of their antisocial attitudes and behaviour. Have
such patients forsaken their right to respect and equal treatment, or
are physicians expected to make extra, perhaps even heroic, efforts
to establish and maintain therapeutic relationships with them? With
such patients, physicians must balance their responsibility for their
own safety and well-being and that of their staff with their duty to
promote the well-being of the patients. They should attempt to find
ways to honour both of these obligations. If this is not possible,
they should try to make alternative arrangements for the care of
the patients.
Another challenge to the principle of respect and equal treatment for
all patients arises in the care of infectious patients. The focus here is
often on HIV/AIDS, not only because it is a life-threatening disease
but also because it is often associated with social prejudices.
However, there are many other serious infections including some
that are more easily transmissible to healthcare workers than HIV/
AIDS. Some physicians hesitate to perform invasive procedures on
patients with such conditions because of the possibility that they,
the physicians, might become infected. However, medical codes of
ethics make no exception for infectious patients with regard to the

physicians duty to treat all patients equally. The WMAs Statement

on HIV/AIDS and the Medical Profession puts it this way:
Unfair discrimination against HIV/
AIDS patients by physicians must
be eliminated completely from the
practice of medicine.

A person who
is afflicted with AIDS
needs competent,

All persons infected or affected by

HIV/AIDS are entitled to adequate
prevention, support, treatment and
care with compassion and respect for
human dignity.

A physician may not ethically refuse to treat a patient whose

condition is within his or her current realm of competence, solely
because the patient is seropositive.
A physician who is not able to provide the care and services
required by patients with HIV/AIDS should make an appropriate
referral to those physicians or facilities that are equipped
to provide such services. Unless or until the referral can be
accomplished, the physician must care for the patient to the best
of his or her ability.
The intimate nature of the physician-patient relationship can
give rise to sexual attraction. A fundamental rule of traditional
medical ethics is that such attraction must be resisted. The Oath
of Hippocrates includes the following promise: Whatever houses
I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free
of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual
relations with both female and male persons. In recent years
many medical association have restated this prohibition of sexual
relations between physicians and their patients. The reasons for
this are as valid today as they were in Hippocrates time, 2500 years
ago. Patients are vulnerable and put their trust in physicians to

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treat them well. They may feel unable to resist sexual advances of
physicians for fear that their treatment will be jeopardized. Moreover,
the clinical judgment of a physician can be adversely affected by
emotional involvement with a patient.
This latter reason applies as well to physicians treating their family
members, which is strongly discouraged in many medical codes of
ethics. However, as with some other statements in codes of ethics,
its application can vary according to circumstances. For example,
solo practitioners working in remote areas may have to provide
medical care for their family members, especially in emergency
Communication and Consent
Informed consent is one of the central concepts of present-day
medical ethics. The right of patients to make decisions about their
healthcare has been enshrined in legal and ethical statements
throughout the world. The WMA Declaration on the Rights of the
Patient states:
The patient has the right to self-determination, to make free
decisions regarding himself/herself. The physician will inform
the patient of the consequences of his/her decisions. A mentally
competent adult patient has the right to give or withhold consent
to any diagnostic procedure or therapy. The patient has the
right to the information necessary to make his/her decisions.
The patient should understand clearly what is the purpose of
any test or treatment, what the results would imply, and what
would be the implications of withholding consent.
A necessary condition for informed consent is good communication
between physician and patient. When medical paternalism was
normal, communication was relatively simple; it consisted of the

physicians orders to the patient to comply with such and such a

treatment. Nowadays communication requires much more of
physicians. They must provide patients with all the information they
need to make their decisions. This involves explaining complex
medical diagnoses, prognoses and treatment regimes in simple
language, ensuring that patients understand the treatment options,
including the advantages and disadvantages of each, answering
any questions they may have, and understanding whatever decision
the patient has reached and, if possible, the reasons for it. Good
communication skills do not come naturally to most people; they
must be developed and maintained with conscious effort and
periodic review.
Two major obstacles to good physician-patient communication are
differences of language and culture. If the physician and the patient
do not speak the same language, an interpreter will be required.
Unfortunately, in many settings there are no qualified interpreters
and the physician must seek out the best available person for the
task. Culture, which includes but is much broader than language,
raises additional communication issues. Because of different
cultural understandings of the nature and causes of illness, patients
may not understand the diagnosis and treatment options provided
by their physician. In such circumstances physicians should make
every reasonable effort to probe their patients understanding of
health and healing and communicate their recommendations to the
patients as best they can.
If the physician has successfully communicated to the patient all the
information the patient needs and wants to know about his or her
diagnosis, prognosis and treatment options, the patient will then be
in a position to make an informed decision about how to proceed.
Although the term consent implies acceptance of treatment, the
concept of informed consent applies equally to refusal of treatment
or to choice among alternative treatments. Competent patients have

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Competent patients
have the right to refuse
treatment, even when
the refusal will result in
disability or death.

the right to refuse treatment, even

when the refusal will result in disability
or death.

Evidence of consent can be explicit

or implicit (implied). Explicit consent
is given orally or in writing. Consent
is implied when the patient indicates
a willingness to undergo a certain procedure or treatment by his or
her behaviour. For example, consent for venipuncture is implied by
the action of presenting ones arm. For treatments that entail risk or
involve more than mild discomfort, it is preferable to obtain explicit
rather than implied consent.
There are two exceptions to the requirement for informed consent
by competent patients:
Situations where patients voluntarily give over their decisionmaking authority to the physician or to a third party. Because of
the complexity of the matter or because the patient has complete
confidence in the physicians judgement, the patient may tell the
physician, Do what you think is best. Physicians should not be
eager to act on such requests but should provide patients with
basic information about the treatment options and encourage
them to make their own decisions. However, if after such
encouragement the patient still wants the physician to decide,
the physician should do so according to the best interests of the
Instances where the disclosure of information would cause harm
to the patient. The traditional concept of therapeutic privilege is
invoked in such cases; it allows physicians to withhold medical
information if disclosure would be likely to result in serious
physical, psychological or emotional harm to the patient, for
example, if the patient would be likely to commit suicide if the

diagnosis indicates a terminal illness. This privilege is open

to great abuse, and physicians should make use of it only in
extreme circumstances. They should start with the expectation
that all patients are able to cope with the facts and reserve
nondisclosure for cases in which they are convinced that more
harm will result from telling the truth than from not telling it.
In some cultures, it is widely held that the physicians obligation to
provide information to the patient does not apply when the diagnosis
is a terminal illness. It is felt that such information would cause the
patient to despair and would make the remaining days of life much
more miserable than if there were hope of recovery. Throughout
the world it is not uncommon for family members of patients to
plead with physicians not to tell the patients that they are dying.
Physicians do have to be sensitive to cultural as well as personal
factors when communicating bad news, especially of impending
death. Nevertheless, the patients right to informed consent is
becoming more and more widely accepted, and the physician has a
primary duty to help patients exercise this right.
In keeping with the growing trend towards considering healthcare
as a consumer product and patients as consumers, patients and
their families not infrequently demand access to medical services
that, in the considered opinion of physicians, are not appropriate.
Examples of such services range from antibiotics for viral conditions
to intensive care for brain-dead patients to promising but unproven
drugs or surgical procedures. Some patients claim a right to
any medical service that they feel can benefit them, and often
physicians are only too willing to oblige, even when they are
convinced that the service can offer no medical benefit for
the patients condition. This problem is especially serious in
situations where resources are limited and providing futile or
nonbeneficial treatments to some patients means that other
patients are left untreated.

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Futile and nonbeneficial can be understood as follows. In some

situations a physician can determine that a treatment is medically
futile or nonbeneficial because it offers no reasonable hope of
recovery or improvement or because the patient is permanently
unable to experience any benefit. In other cases the utility and
benefit of a treatment can only be determined with reference to the
patients subjective judgement about his or her overall well-being.
As a general rule a patient should be
involved in determining futility in his or
The physician has
her case. In exceptional circumstances no obligation to offer
such discussions may not be in the
a patient futile or
patients best interests. The physician
has no obligation to offer a patient
futile or nonbeneficial treatment.
The principle of informed consent incorporates the patients right
to choose from among the options presented by the physician.
To what extent patients and their families have a right to services
not recommended by physicians is becoming a major topic of
controversy in ethics, law and public policy. Until this matter
is decided by governments, medical insurance providers and/
or professional organisations, individual physicians will have to
decide for themselves whether they should accede to requests
for inappropriate treatments. They should refuse such requests if
they are convinced that the treatment would produce more harm
than benefit. They should also feel free to refuse if the treatment
is unlikely to be beneficial, even if it
is not harmful, although the possibility
Do patients have a
of a placebo effect should not be
right to services not
recommended by
discounted. If limited resources are
an issue, they should bring this to the
attention of whoever is responsible for
allocating resources.

Decision-making for
incompetent patients
Many patients are not competent to make decisions for themselves.
Examples include young children, individuals affected by certain
psychiatric or neurological conditions, and those who are temporarily
unconscious or comatose. These patients require substitute decisionmakers, either the physician or another person. Ethical issues arise
in the determination of the appropriate substitute decision-maker
and in the choice of criteria for decisions on behalf of incompetent
When medical paternalism prevailed, the physician was considered
to be the appropriate decision-maker for incompetent patients.
Physicians might consult with family members about treatment
options, but the final decisions were theirs to make. Physicians have
been gradually losing this authority in many countries as patients
are given the opportunity to name their own substitute decisionmakers to act for them when they become incompetent. In addition,
some states specify the appropriate substitute decision-makers in
descending order (e.g., husband or wife, adult children, brothers
and sisters, etc.). In such cases physicians make decisions for
patients only when the designated substitute cannot be found, as
often happens in emergency situations. The WMA Declaration on
the Rights of the Patient states the physicians duty in this matter
as follows:
If the patient is unconscious or otherwise unable to
express his/her will, informed consent must be obtained,
whenever possible, from a legally entitled representative.
If a legally entitled representative is not available, but a
medical intervention is urgently needed, consent of the
patient may be presumed, unless it is obvious and beyond
any doubt on the basis of the patients previous firm

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expression or conviction that he/she would refuse consent to

the intervention in that situation.
Problems arise when those claiming to be the appropriate substitute
decision-makers, for example different family members, do not
agree among themselves or when they do agree, their decision
is, in the physicians opinion, not in the patients best interests. In
the first instance the physician can serve a mediating function, but
if the disagreement persists, it can be resolved in other ways, for
example, by letting the senior member of the family decide or by
voting. In cases of serious disagreement between the substitute
decision-maker and the physician, the Declaration on the Rights
of the Patient offers the following advice: If the patients legally
entitled representative, or a person authorized by the patient, forbids
treatment which is, in the opinion of the physician, in the patients
best interest, the physician should challenge this decision in the
relevant legal or other institution.
The principles and procedures for informed consent that were
discussed in the previous section are just as applicable to substitute
decision-making as to patients making their own decisions.
Physicians have the same duty to provide all the information the
substitute decision-makers need to make their decisions. This
involves explaining complex medical diagnoses, prognoses and
treatment regimes in simple language, ensuring that the decisionmakers understand the treatment options, including the advantages
and disadvantages of each, answering any questions they may
have, and understanding whatever decision they reach and, if
possible, the reasons for it.
The principal criteria to be used for treatment decisions for an
incompetent patient are his or her preferences, if these are known.
The preferences may be found in an advance directive or may have

been communicated to the designated substitute decision-maker,

the physician or other members of the healthcare team. When
an incompetent patients preferences are not known, treatment
decisions should be based on the patients best interests, taking into
account: (a) the patients diagnosis and prognosis; (b) the patients
known values; (c) information received from those who are significant
in the patients life and who could help in determining his or her best
interests; and (d) aspects of the patients culture and religion that
would influence a treatment decision. This approach is less certain
than if the patient has left specific instructions about treatment,
but it does enable the substitute decision-maker to infer, in
light of other choices the patient has made and his or her approach
to life in general, what he or she would decide in the present
Competence to make medical decisions can be difficult to assess,
especially in young people and those whose capacity for reasoning
has been impaired by acute or chronic illness. A person may be
competent to make decisions regarding some aspects of life but
not others; as well, competence can be intermittent -- a person
may be lucid and oriented at certain times of the day and not at
others. Although such patients may not be legally competent,
their preferences should be taken into account when decisions
are being made for them. The Declaration on the Rights of the
Patient states the matter thus: If a
patient is a minor or otherwise legally
...the patient must
incompetent,the consent of a legally
be involved in the
entitled representative is required
decision-making to
in some jurisdictions. Nevertheless
the fullest extent
the patient must be involved in the
allowed by his/her
decision-making to the fullest extent
allowed by his/her capacity.

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Not infrequently, patients are unable to make a reasoned, well

thought-out decision regarding different treatment options due to the
discomfort and distraction caused by their disease. However, they
may still be able to indicate their rejection of a specific intervention,
an intravenous feeding tube, for example. In such cases, these
expressions of dissent should be taken very seriously, although they
need to be considered in light of the overall goals of their treatment
Patients suffering from psychiatric or neurological disorders who
are judged to pose a danger to themselves or to others raise
particularly difficult ethical issues. It is important to honour their
human rights, especially the right to freedom, to the greatest extent
possible. Nevertheless, they may have to be confined and/or treated
against their will in order to prevent harm to themselves or others.
A distinction can be made between involuntary confinement and
involuntary treatment. Some patient advocates defend the right
of these individuals to refuse treatment even if they have to be
confined as a result. A legitimate reason for refusing treatment could
be painful experience with treatments in the past, for example, the
severe side effects of psychotropic medications. When serving as
substitute decision-makers for such patients, physicians should
ensure that the patients really do pose a danger, and not just an
annoyance, to others or to themselves. They should try to ascertain
the patients preferences regarding treatment, and the reasons for
these preferences, even if in the end the preferences cannot be
The physicians duty to keep patient information confidential has
been a cornerstone of medical ethics since the time of Hippocrates.
The Hippocratic Oath states: What I may see or hear in the course

of the treatment or even outside of the

treatment in regard to the life of men,
which on no account one must spread
abroad, I will keep to myself holding
such things shameful to be spoken
about. The Oath, and some more
recent versions, allow no exception to
this duty of confidentiality. However, other
codes reject this absolutist approach to confidentiality. For example,
the WMAs International Code of Medical Ethics states, It is ethical
to disclose confidential information when the patient consents to it
or when there is a real and imminent threat of harm to the patient
or to others and this threat can be only removed by a breach of
confidentiality. That breaches of confidentiality are sometimes
justified calls for clarification of the very idea of confidentiality.

In certain limited
circumstances it is not
unethical to disclose

The high value that is placed on confidentiality has three sources:

autonomy, respect for others and trust. Autonomy relates to
confidentiality in that personal information about an individual
belongs to him or her and should not be made known to others
without his or her consent. When an individual reveals personal
information to another, a physician or nurse for example, or when
information comes to light through a medical test, those in the know
are bound to keep it confidential unless authorized to divulge it by
the individual concerned.
Confidentiality is also important because human beings deserve
respect. One important way of showing them respect is by
preserving their privacy. In the medical setting, privacy is often
greatly compromised, but this is all the more reason to prevent
further unnecessary intrusions into a persons private life. Since
individuals differ regarding their desire for privacy, we cannot
assume that everyone wants to be treated as we would want to

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be. Care must be taken to determine which personal information a

patient wants to keep secret and which he or she is willing to have
revealed to others.
Trust is an essential part of the physician-patient relationship. In
order to receive medical care, patients have to reveal personal
information to physicians and others who may be total strangers
to them---information that they would not want anyone else to
know. They must have good reason to trust their caregivers not to
divulge this information. The basis of this trust is the ethical and
legal standards of confidentiality that healthcare professionals are
expected to uphold. Without an understanding that their disclosures
will be kept secret, patients may withhold personal information. This
can hinder physicians in their efforts to provide effective interventions
or to attain certain public health goals.
The WMA Declaration on the Rights of the Patient summarises
the patients right to confidentiality as follows:
All identifiable information about a patient's health status,
medical condition, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment
and all other information of a personal kind, must be
kept confidential, even after death. Exceptionally, the
descendents may have a right of access to information that
would inform them of their health risks.
Confidential information can only be disclosed if the patient
gives explicit consent or if expressly provided for in the law.
Information can be disclosed to other healthcare providers
only on a strictly "need to know" basis unless the patient
has given explicit consent.
All identifiable patient data must be protected. The
protection of the data must be appropriate to the manner of
its storage. Human substances from which identifiable data
can be derived must be likewise protected.

As this WMA Declaration states, there are exceptions to the

requirement to maintain confidentiality. Some of these are relatively
non-problematic; others raise very difficult ethical issues for
Routine breaches of confidentiality occur frequently in most
healthcare institutions. Many individuals physicians, nurses,
laboratory technicians, students, etc. require access to a patients
health records in order to provide adequate care to that person and,
for students, to learn how to practise medicine. Where patients
speak a different language than their caregivers, there is a need
for interpreters to facilitate communication. In cases of patients
who are not competent to make their own medical decisions, other
individuals have to be given information about them in order to make
decisions on their behalf and to care for them. Physicians routinely
inform the family members of a deceased person about the cause
of death. These breaches of confidentiality are usually justified, but
they should be kept to a minimum and those who gain access to
confidential information should be made aware of the need not to
spread it any further than is necessary for descendents benefit.
Where possible, patients should be informed that such breaches
Another generally accepted reason
for breaching confidentiality is to ...physicians should
view with a critical
comply with legal requirements. For
eye any legal
example, many jurisdictions have
requirement to breach
laws for the mandatory reporting of
confidentiality and
patients who suffer from designated
assure themselves
that it is justified
diseases, those deemed not fit to
adhering to it.
drive and those suspected of child
abuse. Physicians should be aware of
the legal requirements for the disclosure
of patient information where they work. However, legal requirements

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can conflict with the respect for human rights that underlies medical
ethics. Therefore, physicians should view with a critical eye any
legal requirement to breach confidentiality and assure themselves
that it is justified before adhering to it.
If physicians are persuaded to comply with legal requirements to
disclose their patients medical information, it is desirable that they
discuss with the patients the necessity of any disclosure before it
occurs and enlist their co-operation. For example, it is preferable
that a patient suspected of child abuse call the child protection
authorities in the physicians presence to self-report, or that the
physician obtain his or her consent before the authorities are notified.
This approach will prepare the way for subsequent interventions. If
such co-operation is not forthcoming and the physician has reason
to believe any delay in notification may put a child at risk of serious
harm, then the physician ought to immediately notify child protection
authorities and subsequently inform the patient that this has been
In addition to those breaches of confidentiality that are required
by law, physicians may have an ethical duty to impart confidential
information to others who could be at risk of harm from the patient.
Two situations in which this can occur are when a patient tells a
psychiatrist that he intends to harm another person and when
a physician is convinced that an HIV-positive patient is going to
continue to have unprotected sexual intercourse with his spouse or
other partners.
Conditions for breaching confidentiality when not required by law
are that the expected harm is believed to be imminent, serious (and
irreversible), unavoidable except by unauthorised disclosure, and
greater than the harm likely to result from disclosure. In determining
the proportionality of these respective harms, the physician needs
to assess and compare the seriousness of the harms and the

likelihood of their occurrence. In cases of doubt, it would be wise for

the physician to seek expert advice.
When a physician has determined that the duty to warn justifies an
unauthorised disclosure, two further decisions must be made. Whom
should the physician tell? How much should be told? Generally
speaking, the disclosure should contain only that information
necessary to prevent the anticipated harm and should be directed
only to those who need the information in order to prevent the harm.
Reasonable steps should be taken to minimize the harm and offence
to the patient that may arise from the disclosure. It is recommended
that the physician should inform the patient that confidentiality might
be breached for his or her own protection and that of any potential
victim. The patients co-operation should be enlisted if possible.
In the case of an HIV-positive patient, disclosure to a spouse or
current sexual partner may not be unethical and, indeed, may be
justified when the patient is unwilling to inform the person(s) at risk.
Such disclosure requires that all of the following conditions are
met: the partner is at risk of infection with HIV and has no other
reasonable means of knowing the risk; the patient has refused to
inform his or her sexual partner; the patient has refused an offer of
assistance by the physician to do so on the patients behalf; and the
physician has informed the patient of his or her intention to disclose
the information to the partner.
The medical care of suspected and convicted criminals poses
particular difficulties with regard to confidentiality. Although
physicians providing care to those in custody have limited
independence, they should do their best to treat these patients as
they would any others. In particular, they should safeguard
confidentiality by not revealing details of the patients medical
condition to prison authorities without first obtaining the patients

and Patients
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Beginning-of-life Issues
Many of the most prominent issues in medical ethics relate to the
beginning of human life. The limited scope of this Manual means
that these issues cannot be treated in detail here but it is worth
listing them so that they can be recognized as ethical in nature and
dealt with as such. Each of them has been the subject of extensive
analysis by medical associations, ethicists and government advisory
bodies, and in many countries there are laws, regulations and
policies dealing with them.
Contraception although there is increasing
international recognition of a womans right to control her
fertility, including the prevention of unwanted pregnancies,
physicians still have to deal with difficult issues such as
requests for contraceptives from minors and explaining the
risks of different methods of contraception.
Assisted reproduction for couples (and
individuals) who cannot conceive naturally there are various
techniques of assisted reproduction, such as artificial
insemination and in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer,
widely available in major medical centres. Surrogate or
substitute gestation is another alternative. None of these
techniques is unproblematic, either in individual cases or
for public policies.
Prenatal genetic screening genetic tests are
now available for determining whether an embryo or foetus
is affected by certain genetic abnormalities and whether it
is male or female. Depending on the findings, a decision
can be made whether or not to proceed with pregnancy.
Physicians need to determine when to offer such tests and
how to explain the results to patients.

Abortion this has long been one of the most divisive

issues in medical ethics, both for physicians and for
public authorities. The WMA Statement on Therapeutic
Abortion acknowledges this diversity of opinion and belief
and concludes that This is a matter of individual conviction
and conscience that must be respected.
Severely compromised neonates because of
extreme prematurity or congenital abnormalities, some
neonates have a very poor prognosis for survival. Difficult
decisions often have to be made whether to attempt to
prolong their lives or allow them to die.
Research issues these include the production of new
embryos or the use of spare embryos (those not wanted
for reproductive purposes) to obtain stem cells for potential
therapeutic applications, testing of new techniques for
assisted reproduction, and experimentation on foetuses.
End-of-life Issues
End-of-life issues range from attempts to prolong the lives of dying
patients through highly experimental technologies, such as the
implantation of animal organs, to efforts to terminate life prematurely
through euthanasia and medically assisted suicide. In between these
extremes lie numerous issues regarding the initiation or withdrawing
of potentially life-extending treatments, the care of terminally ill
patients and the advisability and use of advance directives.
Two issues deserve particular attention: euthanasia and assistance
in suicide.

Euthanasia means knowingly and intentionally performing

an act that is clearly intended to end another persons life and
that includes the following elements: the subject is a competent,

and Patients
Medical Ethics
of Medical



informed person with an incurable illness who has voluntarily

asked for his or her life to be ended; the agent knows about
the persons condition and desire to die, and commits the act
with the primary intention of ending the life of that person; and
the act is undertaken with compassion and without personal

Assistance in suicide means knowingly and intentionally

providing a person with the knowledge or means or both
required to commit suicide, including counselling about lethal
doses of drugs, prescribing such lethal doses or supplying the

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are often regarded as morally

equivalent, although there is a clear practical distinction, and in
some jurisdictions a legal distinction, between them.
Euthanasia and assisted suicide, according to these definitions,
are to be distinguished from the withholding or withdrawal of
inappropriate, futile or unwanted medical treatment or the provision
of compassionate palliative care, even when these practices shorten
Requests for euthanasia or assistance in suicide arise as a result of
pain or suffering that is considered by the patient to be intolerable.
They would rather die than continue to live in such circumstances.
Furthermore, many patients consider that they have a right to die if
they so choose, and even a right to assistance in dying. Physicians
are regarded as the most appropriate instruments of death since
they have the medical knowledge and access to the appropriate
drugs for ensuring a quick and painless death.
Physicians are understandably reluctant to implement requests
for euthanasia or assistance in suicide because these acts are
illegal in most countries and are prohibited in most medical codes

of ethics. This prohibition was part of the Hippocratic Oath and

has been emphatically restated by the WMA in its Declaration on
Euthanasia, that is the act of deliberately ending the life of a
patient, even at the patients own request or at the request of
close relatives, is unethical. This does not prevent the physician
from respecting the desire of a patient to allow the natural
process of death to follow its course in the terminal phase
of sickness.
The rejection of euthanasia and assisted suicide does not mean
that physicians can do nothing for the patient with a life-threatening
illness that is at an advanced stage and for which curative measures
are not appropriate. In recent years there have been great advances
in palliative care treatments for relieving pain and suffering and
improving quality of life. Palliative care can be appropriate for
patients of all ages, from a child with cancer to a senior nearing the
end of life. One aspect of palliative care that needs greater attention
for all patients is pain control. All physicians who care for dying
patients should ensure that they have
adequate skills in this domain, as well
...physicians should
as, where available, access to skilled
not abandon dying
consultative help from palliative care
patients but should
specialists. Above all, physicians
continue to provide
should not abandon dying patients compassionate care
but should continue to provide even when cure is no
longer possible.
compassionate care even when cure
is no longer possible.
The approach of death presents many other ethical challenges
for patients, substitute decision-makers and physicians. The
possibility of prolonging life through recourse to drugs, resuscitative
interventions, radiological procedures and intensive care requires

and Patients
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of Medical



decisions about when to initiate these treatments and when to

withdraw them if they are not working.
As discussed above in relation to communication and consent,
competent patients have the right to refuse any medical treatment,
even if the refusal results in their death. Individuals differ greatly
with regard to their attitude towards dying; some will do anything to
prolong their lives, no matter how much pain and suffering it involves,
while others so look forward to dying that they refuse even simple
measures that are likely to keep them alive, such as antibiotics for
bacterial pneumonia. Once physicians have made every effort to
provide patients with information about the available treatments and
their likelihood of success, they must respect the patients decisions
about the initiation or continuation of any treatment.
End-of-life decision-making for incompetent patients presents
greater difficulties. If patients have clearly expressed their wishes in
advance, for example in an advance directive, the decision will be
easier, although such directives are often very vague and need to be
interpreted with respect to the patients actual condition. If patients
have not adequately expressed their wishes, the appropriate
substitute decision-maker must use another criterion for treatment
decisions, namely, the best interests of the patient.

Back to the Case Study

According to the analysis of the physician-

Back to the Case Study

According to the analysis of the physician-

patient relationship presented in this chapter,

Dr. Ps conduct was deficient in several
respects: (1) communication he

made no attempt to communicate with the

patient regarding the cause of her condition,

treatment options or her ability to afford to
stay in the hospital while she recovered;
(2) consent he did not obtain her
informed consent to treatment:

(3) compassion his dealings with her

displayed little compassion for her plight.

His surgical treatment may have been highly

competent and he may have been tired at the

end of a long shift, but that does not excuse
the breaches of ethics.

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