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International Indexed & Refereed Research Journal, March, 2013, ISSN 0975-3486, (Print), E-ISSN- 2320-5482, RNI- RAJBIL-

2009-30097, VOL- IV * ISSUE -42

Research PaperEconomics

Impact of Dr. B.R. Ambdekar's thoughts

on Indian Economy
* Dr. Jayashri Purushottam Sarode
March ,2013
* Asst. Prof. Economics, H.O.D. Economics, D.D.N.Bhole College, Bhusawal
ceiling Act" Passed after Independance.Consolidation
The impact of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar's economics and increasing size of holding are the primary remedies.
thoughts on Indian economy could be evaluated under But Dr. Ambedkar is opposed to the consolidated
combined joint holdings as they may not be productive
the following main heads:
enough and may be useless", He was of the opinion
1) Agriculture or land reforms.
that size of economic holding should be decided by
2) India's Currency(Monetary) Problems.
productivity rather than by means of livelihood,
3) Problems of Public Finance.
Consumption consideration. Agriculture should be
4) Views of Taxation policy.
perssed as an enterprise, occupation and not morely as
5) Nationalisation of Industries.
a means of livelihood. Efforts should be made to provide
6) Strategy for economic development.
capital and other resources to agriculture to increase
7) Democra state Socialism.
its productivity instead of increasing the size of holding.
8) Miscellaneous economic Problems.
Here lies the real problem off agriculture - utilisation of
(a)Free Enterprises Economy.
increasing labour and unproductive disguised
(b) Population Control - Family Planning
(c) Economic Upliftment of Indian Women.
As remedies to solve this problem Dr. Ambedkar
(d) Concept of Human Capital.
Suggested(1)co-operative or collective farming. (2)
(e)Opposition to Hindu Economy.
Economic holdings (3) Transfer of surplus labour from
Agriculture or land Reforms :Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had made in-depth agriculture to industry (4) Provision of other sources
study of Indian Agriculture, wrote research articles of production (5) Large Scale industrialization (6)
organised Seminars and Conferences in order to Solve Natuionalisation of agriculture (7) Provision of money
the problems of agriculture and farmers, also led farmer's water seeds and fertilizers by government (8) Abolition
movement. His thoughts on agriculture are found in of "Khoti System in Agriculture". (9)Cultivation of
his article "Small Holdings in Indian and their waste land under Cultivation which should be allotted
remidies"(1917)and also in "Status and to the landless labour. (10) Application of minimum
minorities"(1947)and his other writings. The reform's wages to agriculture labour. (11) Protection to tenents
suggested by him are included in the manifesto of the and tillers (12) Increasing supply of capital funds to
"Swatantra Majdur Paksha"and the Scheduled caste agriculture (13) Control of and regulation of private
Federation. He recoginzed that small subdivided and money lenders, pass book to every debtor with entries
fragmented holdings of land is the actute problem of of loan.
According to Dr. Ambedkar centralisation of
Indian agriculture associated with many evil affects.
It has resulted in Various disadvantages, as economic power agriculture land is the root cause of
diffculties in cultivation and utilization of resources all other forms of exploitation. Hence he suggested
increasing cost, low productivity, inadequate income, collective ownership of land as a fundamental right.
Low standard of living etc. According to Dr. Ambedkar Thus Dr. Ambedkar thoughts on agriculture are relevant
Productivity of agriculture is related to not only with even in present circumstances. As the existing laws
the size of holdings but also with other factors such as and reforms land ceiling Act, minimum wages Act,
capital, labour and other inputs, Therefore first of all Distribution of surplus land etc are not effective it is
the concept of "Idea of Economic holdings should be essential to reconsider them in the context of Dr.
made clear". If capital labour etc are not available in Ambedkar's prospective.
adeqaute and quality even a large size holdings may (2) India's Currency (Monetory Problems):Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's Contribution to
become unproductive, or its productivity may be low
on the other hand small sized holding becomes more monetary economics especially Indian currency system
productive if these resources are available in plenty. is evident from his D.Sc Dissertation' " the problems of
These thoughts of Ambedkar are reflected in the "Land ruppee, its origin and solution (1923)and his evidence


International Indexed & Refereed Research Journal, March, 2013, ISSN 0975-3486, (Print), E-ISSN- 2320-5482, RNI- RAJBIL- 2009-30097, VOL- IV * ISSUE -42

before the "Hilton Young commission" Which shows

his foresightness. 8 years before the establishment of
the R.B.I., Ambedkar elucidated credit supply and
restrictions on it. In this book he affers an excellant
exposition of Indian Currency both as a medium of
exchange and equality in terms of gold and silver. He
focuses attention on the currency crisis, i.e the pure
gold standard. The pecularity of Dr. Ambedkar was
that studying these complicated problems he wrote a
research thesis on it. He tried to search out why the
purchasing power of indian rupee was failing. Crossing
swords with keynes he argued that gold exchange
standard does not have the stability. The developing
countries like India can not afford it, Besides it is a two
edged weapon resulting in unlimited risk of unbridled
inflation and price-rise unbridled growth of currency,
governments deficit and automatic molestation should
be regulated. Money in transacution should have a
circular flow. Then only prices would remain constant
and the economy would be sound. He suggested that
more attention should be given to price stability than
exchange rate stability. Dr. Ambedkar Showed with
statistics than Indian Rupee has lost its purity with
gold hence its purchasing power is failing.Though the
context and setup of Indian economy has changed the
essential message of Ambedkar remained Surprisingly
the same and timeless. He opined that international
exchange rate will not always be equated with the
internal price level in the country.
(3) The Problems of Public Finance :The thoughts of Dr. Ambedkar on Public
Finance can be studied in his M.Sc Thesis "The
evaluation of Provincial Finance in British India", from
the discussion of article 227 and 277 of the Indian
constitution; the taxation policy in the manifesto of
"Swatantra Majdur Paksha"and his lectures and views
on budgetary policy and property tax. He has classified
provincial finance in there categories imperialistic
provincial finance in there categories imperialistic
provincial and local critising the Decentralization Report
of the Royal Commission, Dr. Ambedkar argued that
due to the provincial autonomy political power would
be concentrated in the hands of the previledged few
instead of common people.
Dr. Ambedkar Ph.D Dissertation represents a
major contribution to the history of Indian Public
finance. In this thesis he elaborates centre-provincial
relationship from 1833 to 1921. He provides a detailed
and insightful historical perspective and shows how
cetralization of government finance was a failure due to
faculty fiscal system. The Contemporary relevance of
Dr. Ambedkar's contribution to public finance is that
first of all it is a poineering work. According to Seligman
his guide and world famous economist" it is objective


recitation of facts and impartial analysis of the centre

- state relationship in British India". It has a great
historical significance. Second and more importantly it
provides groundwork for centre - state relationship in
modern India. It has been the guiding spirit behind the
reports of the successive Finance commissions in
Independent India. The credit for establishment of the
Finance commission and the R.B.I. goes to Dr.
Ambedkar's views.
4) Views on Taxation Policy :Dr. Ambedkar expressed views on taxation in
the Manifesto of the "Statantra Majdur Party"(1396).
He was opposed to Land Revenue its system and other
taxes as their burden fell heavily on the poorer section
of the society. He enunciated the principles of taxation
as following.
(a) Tax Should be imposed according to the payer's
capacity and not on income.
(b) The Tax should be progressive being less on the
poor and more on the rich.
(c) Tax exemption should be given up to certain limit.
(d) The land revenue tax should be more flexible.
(e) There should be equality between different sections
in tax imposition.
(f) The tax should not lead to lowering of standard of
living of the people. Dr. Ambedkar suggested that land
Revenue Tax should be progressive. It is unjustifiable
to levy Land Revenue Tax on Agriculture income. He
advocated abolition of article 107 of the L.R. code and
bring Land Revenue Tax in the fold of Income tax. He
argued that Indian Tax System is faculty. In Indian
Budgets certainly, the most important criterion of
taxation is not followed. For Example - There is large
scale variability in production taxes, and Land Revenue
Tax and excise duty. The Indian tax system is based on
discrimination and inequality.
5) Nationalization of Industires :Dr. Ambedkar was of the opinion that fast
development of India is impossible without widespread
industrialization according to him creates large-scale
employment produces essential consumption goods
for mass consumption, along with capital goods, Saves
foreign exchange, utilises raw materials on proper and
optimum scale offers security to labour enhances
Swadeshi Movements, which ultimately leads to all
round development of a country, But the private sector
industries are unable to perform this task satisfactory
for want of large - scale investment secondly They may
create monopoly and centralization. There fore
government should come forward and start large scale
industries of social and national benefits. The small
rural and cottage industries should be kept in the private
sector. The insurance and transport companies should
be nationalised. Rights to strike should be given to


International Indexed & Refereed Research Journal, March, 2013, ISSN 0975-3486, (Print), E-ISSN- 2320-5482, RNI- RAJBIL- 2009-30097, VOL- IV * ISSUE -42

labourers. All these provisions have been included in

the directive Principles of state policy in the constitution
processing industries should also be developed Dr.
Ambedkar Stressed Rural Industrialization. The
industrial policy of the Indian government is in keeping
with Dr. Ambedkar expectation.
6) Strategy for Economic Development :Dr. Ambedkar belived that the strategy for
India's Economic development should be based on
Eradication of property elimination of inequities and
ending exploitation of massess. He accepted Marxian
view in this respect. Yet did not favour the Marxian
paradigm of development. Dr. Ambedkar views on
communism are presented in his essay "Buddhism and
communism" Unlike Marx he did not accept economic
relationship as the be-all and end-all of human life. He
emphasized expbitation has many dimensions Infact in
the Indian Context social or religious exploitation is no
less Oppressive than economic exploitation.
Dr. Ambedkar rejected Violent and totalitarian
directship methods of communism. He belived in a
clasless but not a stateless Society. He perceived an
active but well defined role for state in Economic affairs.
He concept of democratic state socialism is based on
(a) State ownership of agriculture and key industries
(b) Maintenance of productive resources by the state
and (c) a just distribution of Common produce among
different people without caste or creed.
7) Democratic State Socialism :Dr. Ambedkar Presented to the constitution
committee a dissertation namely "States and minorities"
in which was included his Democratic State Socialism
The main points of it may be summarized as
1) All basic industries should be own and run by state.
2) Insurance and agriculture should be nationalized
and managed by the state.
3) Maintenance of Productive resources by state.
4) Just Distribution of Common produce.
5) Provision for compensation of land or industry
acquisiton in the form of bonds.
6) The distribution of village and among the families in
a village for collective farming
7) No discrination as landlord, tenants and agriculture
8) All agriculture input like capital, seeds fertilisers etc
would be provided to collective farming by the
9) Distribution of agriculture income only after payment
of land revenue tax.
10) Punishment according to rules who do not follow
the rules.
Dr. Ambedkar wanted this state socialism to be
inculded in the constitution so that no legilature could
change or reject it. But it could not come into existance

as the constitution committee rejected it.

8) Miscellenous Topics :(a) Free Enterprises Economy :Surprising enough Dr. Ambedkar had advocated
free economy, globalization, liberalization and
privatization as early as in 1923, Recently India has
adopted this policy In this repect Dr. Ambedkar was a
century a head but he stressed that the value (Price)of
a rupee must be kept stable if the policy of free economy
is to be successful.
(b) Concept of Population control :Dr. Ambedkar said that in the absence of
population control, the control of the conuntry's
economy is impossible. Hence he forcefully argued for
population control and family planning in India. Later
on in keeping with his views the govenment of India
has adopted family planning as a national policy.
(C) Economic upliftment of Indian Women :Dr. Ambedkar's contribution to economic
development and progress of women is note worthy, as
that of the down trodden women's participation in
economic activities and economic empowerment
according to him is impossible without improving their
social status and equality. Women have immense power
to contribute to economic development But India's
Economic progress is hampered due to bad social
economic conditions of women - hence it is essential
to improve their economic condition and to give them
equal economic rights like right to wealth equality of
opportunity freedom of occupation.
(d) Concept of human Capital :Dr. Ambedkar argued that concept of human
capital in the indian context is useless the poorer and
down trodden untouchable dalits are recognized by
other classes as human being with equal social prestige
and religious basis. It is therefore impossible to use
this human capital in the economic development of
(e) Opposition to Hindu Economy :Dr. Ambedkar denounced the Indian economy
as Hindu dominated economy in which Hindu religion
is the end and individual its means. He came out with
hard hitting critique of this Hindu economy He showed
logical flaws in it. Caste System is not merely the
division of labour bur a division of laboures also. It is
not based on natural aptitudes or skills. It is a major
abstacle to economic development. It reduces mobility
leading to inefficient production. Untouchability is
worse than slavery. It is a system of exploitation.
The main Points of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's
impact of economic thoughts on the Indian economy
may be summed up as following



International Indexed & Refereed Research Journal, March, 2013, ISSN 0975-3486, (Print), E-ISSN- 2320-5482, RNI- RAJBIL- 2009-30097, VOL- IV * ISSUE -42

(1)Dr. Ambedkar viewed agriculture as an enterprise

and not only as a means of subsistence. Hence how
suggested agricultural and land reforms some of which
have been implemented after Independence except
nationalisation of agriculture.
(2) Dr. Ambedkar's contribution to India's currency,
public finance and taxation policy is valuable. His
message remained timeless. According to him price
stability is more important than exchange rate stability.
In his opinion centralisation of government finance is
a failure due to taulty tiscal policy.
(3) In taxation he opposed burden on the poor; he
suggested taxation reforms such as tax should be
progressive, as per capacity, certain and flexiable.

(4) According to Dr. Ambedkar fast industrialisation is

essential for rapid economic development.
(5) Dr. Ambedkar's model of economic development is
based on peaceful eradication of poverty, inequalities
and exploitation. His consept of Democratic State
Socialism, is not accepted.
(6) Dr. Ambedkar was a proponent of free enterprise
economy and globalisation, rencently accepted by the
government of India, but he was squarly opposed to
the Hindu dominated economy - His concepts of family
planning uplittment of women and human capital are
important contribution to the development of the Indian


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