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XSlave Manual

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At a glance
Powered by AI
The software allows users to simulate protocol slave devices communicating with a protocol master over different connections.

The software helps users to easily set up simulations of protocol slave devices, communicate with protocol masters, and test master-slave communication.

Some features include simulating different protocol types, setting up point databases, monitoring communication logs, and simulating digital and analog input/output points.


Data Processing Applications

User Manual


Jason Hua has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this
document. However, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.



Revision Notes
This Manual is for the version of 2.2013.5.15 or higher.


Overview ................................................... 1

1.1 The Directory of Files ..................................... 2

1.2 The List of Files .......................................... 2
1.3 Installation of the software ............................... 2

Preparation for installation ........................... 2


Installation ........................................... 2

Start up ................................................... 3

2.1 Making the registration file ............................... 3

2.2 Running a xSlave ........................................... 4

Administrator & Setup ...................................... 6

3.1 Setup for MB_Slave ......................................... 6

3.2 Setup for LG_Slave ......................................... 8
3.3 Setup for MB_Plus_Slave .................................... 9
3.4 Setup for DNP_Slave ....................................... 10
3.5 The List of TCP/IP Connection ............................. 11

Point Database ............................................ 12

4.1 Point Database of DNP and LG .............................. 13

4.2 Point Database of Modbus .................................. 19
4.3 Processing the Tren-Points ................................ 22

Running and Log Information ............................... 23

Figure 2-1 ...................................................... 3

Figure 3-1 ...................................................... 6
Figure 3-2 ...................................................... 8
Figure 3-3 ...................................................... 9
Figure 3-4 ..................................................... 10
Figure 3-5 ..................................................... 11
Figure 4-1 ..................................................... 12
Figure 4-2 ..................................................... 13
Figure 4-3 ..................................................... 14
Figure 4-4 ..................................................... 15
Figure 4-5 ..................................................... 16
Figure 4-6 ..................................................... 17
Figure 4-7 ..................................................... 19
Figure 4-8 ..................................................... 20
Figure 4-9 ..................................................... 21
Figure 5-1 ..................................................... 23
Figure 5-2 ..................................................... 24
Figure 5-3 ..................................................... 25
Figure 5-4 ..................................................... 25
Figure 5-5 ..................................................... 27

1 Overview
The xSlave is a set of software of Protocol Slave Application that helps you to:
1. Easily and efficiently and quickly set up the Simulation of Protocol Slave devices talking to
the Protocol Master End over Serial Link, MB Plus Network and Ethernet (TCP/IP).
2. Simulate data of Digital Input, Analogue Input and Counter.
3. Monitor control-commands (i.e. Digital Output, Analogue Output, Freezing, etc.) sent by
the Protocol Master End.
4. Record/Log protocol messages.
5. Simulate the PLC program Runtime.
6. Share the point database with Protocol Master Applications to make a PC (Embedded) to
be a RTU.


1.1 The Directory of Files

The directory of files of this set of software (so called as xSlave below) is located at C:\xMaster.

1.2 The List of Files

The list of files of xSlave is as follows.
NO. File Name
*.SDB, *.LDB, *.DAS, *.LGC

The xSlave for DNP3 executable file.
The xSlave for L&G 8979 executable file.
The xSlave for Modbus executable file.
The xSlave for Modbus Plus executable file.
Readme file.
This manual.
Configuration files.
Logs File.
PLC Program Run-time simulator script file.

1.3 Installation of the software

1.3.1 Preparation for installation
Minimum system requirements
Windows XP
You might have to get the Administrator/Boost privileges in order to install and register the xSlave
1.3.2 Installation
You run the installation program: Install_xMasterSlave.exe to install xMasterSlave.


2 Start up
2.1 Making the registration file
If it is the first time to run the xSlave program on the current PC, you will be asked to register the
xSlave software and send the registration file: "software.aut" to the xSlave developer. And the
xSlave developer will send you back two files: "software.aut" and "software.key". You should copy
them into the directory "c:\xMaster". The register window is shown in the screenshot Figure 2-1.
Max. Length =50

Max. Length=60

Figure 2-1

If the xSlave fails in checking the register file, it alerts you that the current installation of
xMasterSlave software has not been registered.


2.2 Running a xSlave

Running xSlave
Press the button of
[xxx Slave] to run
xSlave software, which
can simulate Slave
protocol/device (i.e.
IED, etc.). You can add
xSlave application line
into the list by press
the button of [Add].
Note: you have to save
the xSlave
configuration in xSlave
application by press
the button of [Save

Multi-instances of xSlave cannot share the same serial port.
xSlave can handle all polling from via the same comm port (incl: multi-drop -- RS422/RS485 link)
within ONE session.
xSlave can handle all polling from the LAN with sessions (up to 200 DNP server TCP/IP sessionsconnections using same IP port i.e. 20000 -- only in the embedded pc version) respectively.
xSlave can be running multi-instances as many as the PC can handle (if over the LAN TCP/IP,
cannot use the same IP Port, i.e. 20000 for DNP, 502 for Modbus. It means that only one can use
Each xSlave instance can be respectively tied/bonded IP address assigned in the same PC. You can
assign 200 IPs in a PC to simulate up 200 DNP Slave IEDs.
If you minimize the xSlave window, the window will disappear and you can find it on the task bar
and will appear again after a double-click on it. Refer to the following screenshot.

double-click to
open it.

For LAN (TCP/IP) connection:

Assign Multi-IP address

to the current computer
NIC to simulate MultiSlaves over the
In the Tab of [Local IP List]
in xMaster window:
Add all slave IP address
here directly (if OS is
Window XP) or press the
button of [LAN Connection]
(if OS is Win7/8) to get into
the window of Network
Interface Card (NIC)
Properties TCP/IP
Advanced IP Settings

Press this button to

open LAN connection

Select the NIC Name and

modify the IP Address.
Tip: to add IP address x.x.x.11,
12, , to 208, 209, you can just
type x x x 11-209


You can select the current

IP address and press the
button of DNP Slave/MB
Slave/MB+ Slave/LG Slave
to run a xSlave bonded with
the current IP address.

3 Administrator & Setup


Setup for MB_Slave

The screenshot Figure 3-1 is the window of Administrator & Setup of MB_Slave.
You can set up either the serial link
based, or TCP/IP link based
communication between the slave end
and the master end.

You can save the current settings

(including settings of point
database. Refer to the section 4)
and load the existing settings.

Run the PLC Simulation Runtime. Refer to the xMaster

software manual.

The password is xslave

Start the run-time of xSlave.

You cannot close xSlave
when it is running.
Enable sharing points with
the Shared-HMI-Point-Pool.
Refer to the section 4.

Monitor and Record control commands

Figure 3-1

If the IP Port is 502 and 300-3099, the MB_Slave runs the protocol of Modbus TCP/IP, otherwise
runs Modbus RTU protocol over TCP/IP.
In MB/MBP Slave you have an option to configure how to form 32bit data. [X]Modbus 32Bit Data
If checked, the 2nd Word(16bit) is the Bit31-24 of 32bit data, otherwise is Bit15-00 of 32bit data.


The data of 1x001 - 1x0ddd is assigned to the data of 3x001 - 3x0(ddd/16). e.g. if 1x001-1x0160 is
assigned, 3x001-3x010 stores the data of 1x001-1x0160 by default.



Setup for LG_Slave

The screenshot Figure 3-2 is the window of Administrator & Setup of LG_Slave.

For L&G system, you may

have to set up the FC31
Table. The max. of chassis
is 7.

You can select the Card

Code by clicking on the
cells with Left-Key of
mouse first, and the RightKey after.

Figure 3-2



Setup for MB_Plus_Slave

The screenshot Figure 3-3 is the window of Administrator & Setup of MB_Plus_Slave.

Monitor the MB+

network of Slave End.

Figure 3-3

You have to ensure that MB+ Card driver works and is set up accordingly for MB+ network. You
can use CONCEPT, the MB PLC programming tool, to connect to MB+ network and verify the
existence of MB+ Master End or MB+ Network.



Setup for DNP_Slave

The screenshot Figure 3-4 is the window of Administrator & Setup of DNP_Slave.

Setup the communication

For link over RS232:
Step1: check [X] Protocol over Serial
Step2: select the comm port.
Step3: setup comm port parameters to
match with the existing communication
link between the DNP Master and the
Double-Click on the settings of Serial com
port (Protocol over Serial Port) to popup
Windows Device Manager.

DNP_Slave can share the realtime database of the Data

Acquisition of MB_Master. It
allows the MB_Master to act as
the DNP-MB protocol convertor.
Refer to the xMaster software
manual. The DNP Slave End can
forward controls sent by the
DNP_Master to the slave end of
the MB_Master, which is
Modbus Slave End. It means
DNP Master can control Modbus
device(s) indirectly.

For link over LAN:

Step1: check [X] Protocol over Network
Step2: Setup the IP port. For DNP3, the
port number usually is 20000.
Step3: Setup your PC local LAN IP
Address that can be recognized
(reachable) by the DNP Master. If the
DNP Master IP is, for
example, your PC LAN IP address can
be 10.100.7. 102 the existing DNP
Slave device IP address and must
disconnect the existing LAN connection
before the setting.
Figure 3-4

There is an option [ ]Auto-Abort to

enable/disable terminate the LAN
TCP/IP socket connection if the Master
End is silent for a while (TO=Timeout
setting X 100).
If want to response only for a specific
slave address check it and define the
current slave device address/node. Its
for multi-drop link over serial (incl.
Modem) connections.

- 10 -


The List of TCP/IP Connection

The screenshot Figure 3-5 is the List of Client Connection over TCP/IP Link.
xSlave can support up to 32
connections. A special version for DNP
Slave (dnp_slave_200.exe) can
support up to 200 connections

If the xSlave is connected over the LAN, you can

check the all TCP/IP LAN connections by
pressing the button of [Show Links]. All
connections share the same point database.
Double-click on it to expand/restore the table.

Figure 3-5

TCP Connection Silent Timeout is 10 times the setting of Timeout. It means that the TCP/IP
connection between the slave and the master will be terminated after xx minutes the master still
does not talk to the slave.
Right-Click on the current session/connection to determinate how to connect the Slave Point Database. The default is
all Slave sessions/connection share the same point database. You can have the current session/connection link not to
reply any data changes ([Disconnect from Database (Reply with Data-Zero)]) and the rest sessions still share the point
database. You also can have the current session is the only one connected to the point database ([Connect Database
exclusively]) and the rest sessions reply polling with Data-Zero only.
Note: If the current session/TCP IP connection is disconnected you have select another alive session to be connected or
[Restore Database connection for ALL].
EP: Event Poll Interval/ How often the Master End Poll Class 1/2/3.
IP: Integrity Poll Interval/ How often the Master End Poll Class 0.
To expand/restore the window of LAN(TCP/IP) Link-Clients, you can double-click on the "Clients".

- 11 -

4 Point Database
You can set up a default point database after setting the total points of DI/DO/AI/AO/COUNTER.
Refer to the section 3, you can click on the button of AutoConfig DB, which sets the default
actions for DO/AO.
Note: All sessions of xSlave share the same point database. You may save the settings of total
points of DI/DO/AI/AO/COUNTER. Refer to the section 3.1: buttons of Load/Save Config. And
you should enable settings by clicking on the button of Set DB Point.
You can check whether the current point is sharing the data with others. Refer to the screenshot
Figure 4-1.

Set the size of the point

Refer to the RTU point assignment
or DNP Device Point List.
Step1: Setup Total DI Point(s).
Setp2: Setup Total DO Point(s).
Setp3: Setup Total AI Point(s).
Setp4: Setup Total AO Point(s).
Setp5: Setup Total Counter Point(s).
Setp6: Presses the button of Set DB
Points. Click on [NO] to define a
default database.
Note: Support Points up to 8192
per instance of Slave Application.

Figure 4-1

- 12 -


Point Database of DNP and LG

The screenshot Figure 4-2 to 4-6 is the Point Database of DNP and LG.
The page of DI - Digital Input is shown as follows:
Set up the number of DI point in the Point
Database. You should enable settings by
clicking on the button of Set DB Point.

Set the state of DI by

clicking on the column of

Set the state of DI by clicking on it.

Double-Click on the DI
points to toggle the state

Set DI Object
ONLINE/OFFLINE by clicking
on the column of Online.

Figure 4-2

Note: the number of points in DNP and LG is starting from 0. But the number of points in DI/DO modules (LED lights
panel) and Modbus is starting from 1.

- 13 -

The page of DO - Digital Output is shown as follows:

Set up the number of DO
point in the Point Database.

The details of Control Command on

the current DO point.

Figure 4-3

Monitor and Log Control


You can setup actions after controls by the configuration of the column of Action. Click on the
button of HelpOnAction to get help how the Action works. The default action of DO Control is that
the state of DI OFF/ON is set by the DO control commands of ON/OFF or OPEN/CLOSE.
The 24-Bit Binary Output is sharing with SBO/DO/Pulse Output. It means that Binary-Output
Point/Block #1 uses DO Point #1 to #24, Binary-Output Point/Block #2 uses DO Point #25 to #48,
and so on. The current DO-Script/Control-action will be blocked when its flag of OFFLINE is ON.

- 14 -

The page of AI - Analogue Input is shown as follows:

Set up the number of AI

point in the Point Database.

You can set up a watchdog timer by

setting the point number and the timer
in seconds. If the point number is 0,
there is no watchdog timer.

First please select the current point. You can

edit/input the value for the current point. The
data format can be in the formats of Integer,
Hex (i.e. 0xAA55) and 32Bit Integer (i.e.
1234567L) and floating (i.e. 23.45F). You
can edit the value by clicking on it. If you
want to change 32-bit integer back to 16-bit
integer, you input a data within -32768 to
32767 and followed by S (i.e. 1234S).
Press the key of Enter to confirm the value
you input. It also applies when you edit/input
the value for other data.
Figure 4-4

- 15 -

The page of AO - Analogue Output is shown as follows:

Set up the number of AO
point in the Point Database.

Figure 4-5

You can setup actions after controls by the configuration of the column of Action. Click on the
button of HelpOnAction to get help how the Action works. The default action of AO Control is that
the Value of AI is set by the Setpoint of AO.

- 16 -

The page of Counter is shown as follows:

Set up the number of

COUNTER point in the
Point Database.

You can set the value of the

current Counter by click on the
column of Value/State.

Figure 4-6

- 17 -

For DNP Slave, the following is the supported Object/Variation:



Qualifier (8/16-Bit Start/Stop)


DI Events, with T-Stamp
DO Status
DO Control
Counter 16/32-Bit
Counter Events, with T-Stamp
Frozen Counter
Frozen Counter Events
AI 16/32-Bit(floating)
AI Events, with T-Stamp
AO Status
AO Controls
Class data (Event-Poll)

The current Counter object var#2 (16-bit) can be changed to var#1(32-bit) when you input the data
string with a suffix:"L".
[ ] Obj_2_1_For_IntegrityPoll
Default is Unchecked. If Checked, the DNP Slave replies the integrity-poll with Obj1-Var2 instead
of Obj1-Var1.
[ ] Enable_DNP Remote Forced Bit
Default is Unchecked. If Checked, the DNP Slave sets the bit of Remote Force when you change
the value of the current point manually.
[X]Enable Frozing Command in DNP Slave so that the DNP Object #20 and #21 can be read
[ ] Sync AutoTest with Event-Poll
[ ] LocalForce Generates Events
DNP Muli-SBO points command (multi-points in the same DNP protocol frame - Select &
Operation) is allowed.

- 18 -


Point Database of Modbus

The screenshots Figure 4-7 to 4-9 is the Point Database of Modbus.

The page of DI - Digital Input -- 1xxx is shown as follows:

You can define the first

point number. The default is

Figure 4-7

- 19 -

The page of DO - Modbus Coil -- 0xxx is shown as follows:

You can define the first

point number. The default is

Figure 4-8

- 20 -

The page of AI/AO/COUNTER - Modbus Hold Registers -- 4xxx is shown as follows:

Note: By double-clicking on the label of [MB4x Start Address], the mapping table window will

You can define the first point

number. The default is 4x001.
Double click on it to open a
window where you can define
(Enable/Apply/Save/Load) a table
of mapping 4x registers between
the Modbus Master Polling
Address and the (local) Slave
Responds 4x data address.

Click on this Col you can

edit/define AO controlAction/Script, which can transfer
Modbus Preset command to DNP3
control points that is
defined/assigned in a DNP Master
application. It means you can
transfer/send a Modbus control
command to a DNP3 device.

Figure 4-9

- 21 -

4.3 Processing the Tren-Points

The xSlave has the capability to process tren point and feed them into slave point database.
The file of Settings is xxxxx_tren_settings.txt. The contents of the file are described as follows:
A String: TheTrenPointFileName
A String: TheTrenPointFileSmpName
A String: TheTrenPointReadingProgram
A String: TheTrenPointReadingAckProgram
A DWord: TheTrenPointInterval (disable when 0)
A DWord: TrenPointOfflineTimeout (disable when 0)
A bool: NeedToDeleteTheTrenPointFile (enable when DELETETRENFILE)
If both files TheTrenPointFileName and TheTrenPointFileSmpName exist the
TheTrenPointFileSmpName (and TheTrenPointFileName, if enabled) will be deleted after
processing TheTrenPointFileName.
The following is a sample:
The file of Tren Point Setup is xxxxxx_setup.txt.
The format of the file of Tren Point Setup:
The format of the file of Tren Point Data:


Where [TAB] is the key of TAB and [*] is the Key *. DateTimeString is the time
stamp referring the sample 11/9/2007 8:46:37 PM
Note: above prefix of the file name is defined by the current xSlave configuration file name that is created
when you press the button of [Save Config]. For example, if you save the current configuration into
(c:\xMaster\xSlaveAppl\)ABCD.DAS, the xxxxx_tren_settings.txt will be ABCD_tren_settings.txt and the
xxxxxx_setup.txt will be ABD_setup.txt. The files of Tren-Points are text-based file. User has to create/edit it
manually (i.e. by using NotePad.exe, etc.). It will be loaded/detected/processed by xSlave automatically after
*.DAS/*.SDB is loaded. User program now can run and generates the TheTrenPointFileSmpName
(C:\xMaster\xSlaveAppl\dnpslave_tren_smp.txt) after the TheTrenPointFileName
(C:\xMaster\xSlaveAppl\dnpslave_tren_point.txt) is created. The xSlave will read the data of Tren Point from
dnpslave_tren_point.txt when dnpslave_tren_smp.txt is found and delete dnpslave_tren_smp.txt. User
program start preparing/updating the Tren Point data file when finds dnpslave_tren_smp.txt is deleted. Again
user program creates a new dnpslave_tren_smp.txt when finishes a new data file for all Tren Points.

- 22 -

5 Running and Log Information

You can Load/Save the

Using *.SDB (a Text based file)
is Recommend.
The name of the Slave
Configuration file (not including
Ext.) will be used for other
options/feature files (i.e.
*.DAS.*.LDB, *.SWR, Tren, etc.)
These files will be loaded
automatically when the current
Slave configuration file is loaded.

You can set up Slave Address if

you want just this Slave to be
active (i.e. Talking and connecting
to the point database.).

Click on [Slave: STOP] (in

green) to start the xSlave
Run-Time (changed to
Slave: RUNNING in red).

You can set xSlave running

in local mode to block all

Figure 5-1

To only monitor the polling and control

commands from the xMaster (i.e
DNP_Master or MB_Master) over a serial
communication link by using 2-wire
RS232 cable (Rx and GND), you can
check [X] Monitor Messages from Master.
In this case xSlave wont response and
polling/control command.

There is an option to force replying all polling

with ALL Points in the current point database. if
Auto-Test is checked, all DI data will be toggled
and all AI data will be increased by ONE.

- 23 -

You can check the log information in the

tab of Logs.
You can check [X] Enable Logging All
Messages to display all communication &
protocol activities.
You can check [X] RxTx Log Enable only
to display the RAW protocol frames/bytes.
You can check [X] Block Display Loginfo to
block logging.
The log-display area at the bottom is to
display the control commands from the
master end in the format of the protocol
Message. Double-Click on the ControlCommands log window to change the size
of Font 8 <--> 12.
You can find the Slave/Master Address,
Communication Rx/TX, Port, etc.

Figure 5-2
Double-Click on the Control-Commands log window to change the size of Font 8 <--> 12.

- 24 -

You can press this button to

learn how to set a ControlAction (script)

You can go to the tab of DO to monitor the control

command in the DO point database. You can find the Control
Code, Count, OnTime and Offtime.
Similarly you can go to the tab of AO to monitor the AO
command (the AO Setpoint).

Figure 5-3

- 25 -

If want to be hand-free testing, you can

check [X] Auto Test. The interval of
changing the state of DI points must at
least TWO times of the master end polling.
It is usually 4 seconds. Once it is checked,
the software will automatically and
continually toggle the state of all DI points
one by one starting from the point you

You can simulate the data of DI.

You can select the current DI point and
double click on the DI-LED to toggle
the state of DI point.
Note: the point number is starting from
0 at the point database, from 1 at the
DI-LED area.
Also you can change the
ONLINE/OFFLINE for the current point
by clicking on the Online then change
it from drop list box

Figure 5-4

- 26 -

Delta data

If fully simulate the DNP slave device, you

can simulate the data of AI. You can
select the current AI point and input the
data directly.
Or you can Right-Click on Value/State to
popup a window to continually change the
value of the current AI point,
Also you can change the ONLINE/OFFLINE
for the current point by clicking on the
Online then change it from drop list box.
Tip: you can input raw data range and
space and engineering data range and
enter to calculate the fact.
X[32767 30]=xxxxxxx hit Enter key you can
get 32767/30=1092.2333
Select the current point first (by clicking on the
Col/Cell of Value) and then a Right-Click on
DI/AI/CNT Value/State cell in the String Grid
to open the window of Simulation.-updatingDI/AI/Counter.

Figure 5-5

You can preset the

value for the AI points

with either ALL-SAME,
Increased by 1, or
RANDOM. You may have
to set up the starting
value. The default is 1 as
shown. You can change
to 1000, for example, you
select [INC+1], then the
AI#0 is 1000, AI#1 is
1001, AI#3 is 1002 and so

You can double-click on

the editor of Data Value to
open a Bit-Based Data
Preset window where you
can click on a bit-button to
change the value of data
by a bit. Click on the
button of [Set] to preset
the data.

Here is to define the data type as follows:

I: is to define an Integer (16Bit).
L: is to define a Long Integer (32Bit).
F: is to define a Floating (32Bit).
Note: if Delta (Inc/Dec) data is 0, the data of
the current point will be changed by random
+/- 5% of the value in the field of [Data=].

The Simulation Window can be registered/removed/saved (*.SWR). It can be loaded automatically

when the current Slave Configuration file (*.DAS or *.SDB) is loaded.

- 27 -

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