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Original Research

published: 12 January 2016

doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00286

Mithilesh Kajla1, Kurchi Bhattacharya1,2, Kuldeep Gupta1, Ujjwal Banerjee1,3,

Parik Kakani1, Lalita Gupta1 and Sanjeev Kumar1*
Vector Biology Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India,
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 3Institute of Genetics and Molecular and
Cellular Biology, Illkirch, France


Edited by:
Md. Mozammel Hoq,
Universtiy of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Reviewed by:
Chlo Lahondre,
University of Washington, USA
Andrew Jardine,
Deparment of Health Western
Australia, Australia
Rubn Bueno-Mar,
University of Valencia, Spain
Sanjeev Kumar

Mithilesh Kajla and Kurchi

Bhattacharya have contributed
equally to this work.

Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Environmental Health,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Public Health
Received: 30October2015
Accepted: 21December2015
Published: 12January2016
KajlaM, BhattacharyaK, GuptaK,
BanerjeeU, KakaniP, GuptaL and
KumarS (2016) Identification of the
Temperature Induced Larvicidal
Efficacy of Agave angustifolia against
Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles Larvae.
Front. Public Health 3:286.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00286

Synthetic insecticides are generally employed to control the mosquito population.

However, their injudicious over usage and non-biodegradability are associated with
many adverse effects on the environment and mosquitoes. The application of environment-friendly mosquitocidals might be an alternate to overcome these issues. In this
study, we found that organic or aqueous extracts of Agave angustifolia leaves exhibited
a strong larvicidal activity (LD50 28.27g/ml) against Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Anopheles stephensi larvae within a short exposure of 12h. The larvicidal
activity of A. angustifolia is inherited and independent of the plants vegetative growth.
Interestingly, the plant larvicidal activity was observed exclusively during the summer
season (AprilAugust, when outside temperature is between 30 and 50C) and it was
significantly reduced during winter season (DecemberFebruary, when the outside temperature falls to ~4C or lower). Thus, we hypothesized that the larvicidal components of
A. angustifolia might be induced by the manipulation of environmental temperature and
should be resistant to the hot conditions. We found that the larvicidal activity of A. angustifolia was induced when plants were maintained at 37C in a semi-natural environment
against the controls that were growing outside in cold weather. Pre-incubation of A.
angustifolia extract at 100C for 1h killed 60% larvae in 12h, which gradually increased
to 100% mortality after 24h. In addition, the dry powder formulation of A. angustifolia,
also displayed a strong larvicidal activity after a long shelf life. Together, these findings
revealed that A. angustifolia is an excellent source of temperature induced bioactive
metabolites that may assist the preparedness for vector control programs competently.
Keywords: mosquito, vector-borne diseases, larvicidal activity, plant extract, Agave angustifolia

Mosquitoes are infamous vectors for numerous life-threatening diseases. Synthetic chemicals
(insecticides) are mostly employed to control the vector population. However, the disadvantages
associated with their applications warrant the discovery of environment-friendly approaches to
control mosquitoes at various stages of their development.

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January 2016|Volume 3|Article 286

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

Mosquito developmental stages include both aquatic and terrestrial life. Aquatic life starts after the female lays eggs in moist
conditions. They further develop into four different stages of
instar larvae and then into pupae. Pupa finally turns into a flying
adult. The relatively long, ~810days, aquatic cycle of mosquito
larvae development is considered a potent target for controlling
its population. Synthetic larvicidals are mainly employed to
achieve this goal (1, 2). The use of non-biodegradable larvicidals
is also paralleled by major drawbacks such as killing of beneficial
organisms and biological accumulation through the food chain
that resulted in numerous deleterious effects on ecological systems (3). In addition, the poor human acceptance of insecticide
spray and development of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes are
also major threats in this area (4).
In the context of above facts, secondary metabolites from the
botanical world (called natural phyto-larvicides) may also be
employed for controlling mosquito population. These metabolites are easily obtained at reasonable cost and their intrinsic
biodegradable nature makes them the best suitable for this purpose (5). The crude extracts of several plants in numerous polar/
non-polar solvents, such as water, hexane, methanol, chloroform,
ethanol, and acetone, are reported to exhibit larvicidal activity
(58). However, there are certain limitations in their preparation,
stability, and efficacy against different mosquitoes genera. These
facts warrant the discovery of novel phyto-larvicides that can
efficiently control the population of major disease vectors and
will certainly help in reducing the spread of numerous deadly
infections among humans.
We screened several randomly selected plants to study their
larvicidal properties. Interestingly, one of the plants Agave
angustifolia Marginata also known as Caribbean Agave revealed
a potent mosquito larvicidal activity. A. angustifolia (family
Agavaceae) is a medium-sized monocotyledonous plant with a
dense round rosette atop a very short trunk. This xerophytic plant
is a robust survivor and tolerant to hot and dry environments (9).
The genus Agave has more than 275 species that are globally distributed and A. angustifolia is a common weed or sometime used
as ornamental plant in our region. This plant mostly propagates
through vegetative reproduction, either by rhizomes or by bulbils,
and forms aggregations of individual plants. However, the sexual
reproduction is also reported in this plant (10, 11). In fact, Agaves
are of economic importance as sources of fiber, steroids, spirits,
and other useful products (12).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal nature of A.
angustifolia leaf extracts against three major human disease vectors, namely Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Anopheles
stephensi and understanding the novel features of this plant to
establish its applicability for controlling mosquito population at
grass-root level.

photoperiod of 12h light/dark cycles following all other standard

rearing conditions (8, 13). In brief, the mosquito larvae were
maintained in plastic trays and fed on a 1:1 mixture of dog food
(PetLovers crunch milk biscuit, India) and fish food (Gold Tokyo,
India). Adults were regularly maintained at 10% sucrose solution
ad libitum. For colony propagation, 3-4 days old females were
starved for 24h and fed on anesthetized mice. These mice were
maintained in a pathogen-free environment inside the animal
facility and all the procedures were followed in accordance with
the research policies that were approved by the organizations
animal ethics committee. The eggs laid by these females in moist
conditions were collected and the hatched larvae were floated in
the water to continue the cycle.

Larvicidal Activity of Agave Leaf Extracts

Agave angustifolia plants growing in the University campus,

roadsides in the nearby locations (geographical coordinates:
28 22 0 North, 75 36 0 East) or potted were used in this
study (representative plants are shown in Figures 1A,B). This
plant is a wild weed and, therefore, no permission was obtained
for their usage. A. angustifolia leaves, freshly excised from the
plants, were used to prepare extracts in different organic solvents,
such as hexane, acetone, ethanol, or aqueous solvents as before
(6). Briefly, the leaves were washed in water, sliced as shows in
Figure1C, and their flesh was finely triturated with the help of a
mortal pestle to prepare a thick paste. Fifteen grams of the paste
were transferred to a 50 ml centrifuge tube and 30 ml solvent,
either acetone, ethanol, hexane, or water was added to the paste
and mixed properly. The tube was rocked for 2h at room temperature (RT), centrifuged at 2300g for 10min and debris-free
supernatant was collected in a fresh tube.
Twenty five to forty 4th instar larvae of A. aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus, or A. stephensi were allowed to float in water cups
supplemented with various doses (20, 50, 100, 200g/ml) of the
leaves extracts that were prepared in either of the solvent. The
solvent alone was added in corresponding amounts to the shamtreated controls. Percentage mortality of the larvae was calculated
in each treatment against their respective controls at the stipulated time (12, 24, and 36h) and represented as meanSD. The
LD50 value was calculated by the probit analysis method as before
(13). Quantitative measurement of the crude extract was carried
after evaporating the solvents in speed vac. Each experiment was
performed in triplicates and repeated at least thrice to confirm
the findings. The statistical significance of the data (where p is
<0.05) was confirmed by t-test (we verified our data for normal
distribution before performing t-test) and one-way ANOVA. The
sigma plot (SigmaPlot 10.0 Systat Software, San Jose, CA, USA)
and sigma STAT plus software (StatPlus v5, AnalystSoft Inc.,
statistical analysis program) were used to prepare graphs and
performing the statistical analysis of data, respectively.


Effect of Environmental Conditions on the

Regulation of Larvicidal Activity in Agave

Rearing of Mosquito Larvae in the Lab


Aedes aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus, and A. stephensi larvae were

reared in an insectory at 28C and 80% relative humidity with a

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To understand the effect of environmental temperature on

induction of larvicidal activity in A. angustifolia, we compared

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Kajla et al.

Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

FIGURE 1 | Representative Agave angustifoliaplants selected for larvicidal activity. Agave angustifolia plants with different heights, which denote their
vegetative growth, were selected for analyzing the larvicidal activity in their leaf extracts. (A) Smaller size plants (12 in height) growing in a pot or (B) a larger size
plants (44 in height) growing in an open field are shown here. (C) Agave angustifolia leaf depicting the pattern of slicing for crude extract preparation. Solid and
dotted vertical lines indicate leaf areas proximal or distal to the stem, respectively. Black arrowheads indicate the height of each plant on an inch scale.

the larvicidal activity in plants those were maintained at different

temperatures in semi-natural environments. For that, individually potted A. angustifolia plants were kept at either 37 or 4C in
plant growth chambers. Except the temperature, all other natural
environmental conditions (light intensity ~1000 lux, humidity
3050% as present in the open environment at the time of study)
for these plants were maintained same. After 2days of incubation,
the larvicidal activities in their leaf extracts were determined.
The plants with similar vegetative growth and growing outside
either in cold or hot weather, respectively, served as controls for
these experiments. Percentage mortality of larvae and statistical
significance of the data were calculated as above.

concentrated ammonium hydroxide was added and the orange

color product was read in a spectrophotometer as mentioned above.

Analysis of Phenols

0.2 ml of ammonium hydroxide solution and 0.5 ml of amyl

alcohol was added to 0.5ml of plant aqueous extract. The mixture
was kept at RT for 30min to react. The spectra were read for the
final greenish-brown colored product as above.

Analysis of Steroids

0.5ml ethanol was added to 0.5ml aqueous extract and mixed

properly. Furthermore, 0.4ml H2SO4 and then 0.4ml of acetic
anhydride was added with continuous mixing. The end product
with greenish-blue color was read.

Larvicidal Activity in Agave Dry Leaf


Analysis of Phlobatannins

For preparation of the dry powder, we took the fresh leaves and
determined the larvicidal activity in their aqueous extract as
mentioned above. A. angustifolia leaves that exhibited strong
larvicidal activity in their aqueous extracts were subjected to
sun-, oven-, or shade-drying process. The dried leaves were
grinded in a mixer and stored as powder in moisture-free
conditions. After 3 months of shelf life at RT, 15 g of powder
was soaked in 30ml water for 2h with continuous rocking. The
tube was centrifuged at 2300g for 10min and powder-free
supernatant was collected in a fresh tube. The powder-free
extract or the powder itself, equivalent to the amount of fresh
leaves, was analyzed for larvicidal activity as before. Percentage
mortality of larvae and statistical significance of the data was
calculated as above.

0.5 ml aqueous extract was incubated at 80C with 0.2 ml of

1% aqueous hydrochloric acid for 10min. The red colored end
product was read.

Analysis of Flavonoids

0.4ml of diluted ammonia solution was added to 0.5ml aqueous

extract. After mixing, 0.050ml concentrated H2SO4 was added.
The end yellowish product was read in spectrophotometer.

Analysis of Saponins

Fifteen milliliters of 20% aqueous ethanol was added to 5g of the

leaves paste and incubated at 55C for 5h with continuous shaking. After incubation, the mixture was filtered and the residue
was re-extracted with 15ml of 20% ethanol. The combined total
filtrate (~30ml) was reduced to 10ml in a water bath at 90C. Five
milliliters of diethyl ether were added to the concentrated filtrate
and vortexed properly. After centrifugation the aqueous layer was
separated and 15ml of n-butanol was added to it. After vortexing, it was centrifuged and the n-butanol layer was collected,
washed twice with 5ml of 5% sodium chloride. The butanol was

Analysis of Secondary Metabolites

Analysis of Alkaloids

0.5ml of aqueous extract was mixed with 1.5ml of 10% acetic acid
in ethanol and allowed to stand for 4h. The mix was filtered and
the filtrate was concentrated to one-fourth of the original volume
(0.5ml now) in a water bath at 80C. Furthermore, 0.025 ml of

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

evaporated in oven and the residual saponins were dissolved in

methanol to read in a spectrophotometer.

their effects against the larvae of other mosquitoes. We found that

A. angustifolia extract in hexane or acetone also killed 100% C.
quinquefasciatus larvae within 12 h (Figure 2B). However, the
ethanol extract killed 903% C. quinquefasciatus larvae in the
same duration. Interestingly, the larvicidal efficacy of A. angustifolia extract in the organic solvents is more pronounced against C.
quinquefasciatus than A. aegypti larvae (Figure2). In addition, we
found that the above-mentioned A. angustifolia organic extracts
also have uniform lethality against A. stephensi larvae (Figure S1
in Supplementary Material).
The use of organic solvents in extract preparations may invite
some issues, such as their incompatibility and toxicity to the natural environment, cost of preparation, and availability for a common
user. Thus, we prepared aqueous extract from A. angustifolia leaves
and estimated its dose-dependent larvicidal efficacy against A.
aegypti larvae. Results presented in Figure3A revealed that 50g/
ml of A. angustifolia aqueous extract is strong enough to kill all
the A. aegypti larvae within 12h. The LD50 value at 12h was estimated to be 28.270g/ml by the probit analysis method (Table1).
Furthermore, 100g/ml A. angustifolia aqueous extract also exhibited 100% killing efficiency against A. aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus
or A. stephensi larvae within 12h (Figure4). These findings are
noteworthy in comparison to other reports where aqueous extract
of many plants demonstrated the larvicidal activity, mostly between
24 and 72h and even later (1820). This least effectual time for A.
angustifolia-mediated larval mortality is a unique feature and to the
best of our knowledge, it is not reported before.

Agave Leaf Extracts Proficiently Kill
Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles Larvae

The larvicidal properties of A. angustifolia were analyzed against

A. aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus, and A. stephensi larvae. For that
the crude extracts from the fleshy leaves were prepared in different
organic solvents as described for other plants (68, 1316). Since,
the polarity of organic solvent is important for the extraction of
plant metabolites, we used three different organic solvents, such
as hexane, acetone, and ethanol, for this purpose as discussed
in Section Materials and Methods. We adopted the simplest
method of crude extract preparation so that a common user can
effortlessly prepare it.
We analyzed the larvicidal activity of the organic crude
extracts against A. aegypti larvae under standard lab-rearing
conditions. The larval mortality in controls or those exposed to
100ppm crude extract are presented in Figure2A. These results
revealed that A. angustifolia crude extract in either of the organic
solvents is effective to kill A. aegypti larvae in a time-dependent
manner. The acetone extract is most effective and killed all the
larvae within 12h of exposure. Ethanol extract of A. angustifolia
demonstrated the same effect at 36h (100% mortality), however,
it killed 612% larvae in 12h. Moreover, the hexane extracts
revealed intermediate larvicidal activity and likewise the mortality increased consistently (772% to 100%) with time (1236h)
Several studies reported that organic extracts prepared from
other plants exhibit larvicidal activity only against one genus of
mosquito (68, 13, 1517). Thus, to understand the broad larvicidal spectrum of A. angustifolia organic extracts, we analyzed

TABLE 1 | Probit analysis of Agave angustifolia larvicidal activity against

Aedes aegypti larvae.

LD 50


30 28.270
30 19.157


CL (95%)



Chi-square p-value



FIGURE 2 | Larvicidal activity in the organic extracts of Agave. The extracts of Agave angustifolia leaves were prepared in different organic solvents, such as
acetone, ethanol, or hexane. (A) A. aegypti or (B) C. quinquefasciatus larvae were treated with 100ppm dose of these organic extracts separately. The percentage
of larval mortality in each extract exposure was calculated against the sham-treated controls and represented as the meanSD of triplicates.

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

FIGURE 3 | Effects of seasonal variations on Agave-mediated larvicidal activity. A. aegypti larvae were exposed to various doses (0200g/ml) of aqueous
extracts prepared from the plant leaves that were growing outside in an open area during (A) summer or (B) winter season. The percentage mortality of larvae at
each time point was calculated against the sham-treated controls (0g/ml) and represented as the meanSD of triplicates.

FIGURE 4 | Agave aqueous extract effectively kills mosquito larvae.

A. aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus, or A. stephensi larvae were sham treated (no
extract, controls) or exposed to 100g/ml aqueous extract of Agave
angustifolia. The percentage mortality of larvae at each time point was
calculated against the controls for each genus individually and represented as
the meanSD of triplicates.

FIGURE 5 | Agave aqueous extract-mediated larvicidal activity is

highly thermostable. A. aegypti larvae were exposed to 100g/ml Agave
angustifolia aqueous extracts that were pre-incubated at different
temperatures for 1h. Percentage mortality of larvae was calculated at each
time point against the sham-treated controls and represented as the
meanSD of triplicates.

Agave Larvicidal Activity is Highly

Thermostable, Inherited, and Independent
of Plant Vegetative Growth

50C killed 866 and 800% A. aegypti larvae, respectively,

in 12h (Figure5, p=0.2). However, the extracts pre-incubated
at 75 or 100C killed 58 8 and 60 0% larvae, respectively,
in 12 h (p = 0.007 between RT and 75C incubated extracts).
Importantly, the larvicidal effects of all these pre-incubated
extracts are similar at 24h (Figure5, p=0.1 between RT and
100C pre-incubated extract-mediated larval lethality). This
heat-resistant larvicidal activity of A. angustifolia extract may
be useful to control mosquito population in natural warmhot

In our region or other parts of the world, the environmental temperature reaches up to 50C during summer. Because A. angustifolia is a drought deciduous plant, thus, we postulated that its
larvicidal activity must be mediated by heat-resistant secondary
metabolites. To demonstrate that, we pre-incubated the aqueous
extract for 1h at different temperatures before performing the
larvicidal assays. Prior incubation of aqueous extract at RT or

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

Agave angustifolia is generally a medium-sized plant (~48 in

height). Flowering occurs around 10years of age or much later
(9). The plant we selected for larvicidal assays were approximately
44 in height and, thus, we considered them mature (Figure1B).
To determine the intrinsic larvicidal nature of A. angustifolia,
we compared the larval lethality in the aqueous extracts of
juvenile and mature plants as represented in Figures1A,B. We
found that 100g/ml aqueous extract of mature or juvenile plant
killed 98 1.4 and 93 4% A. aegypti larvae, respectively, at
12h (Figure6, p=0.075). On the other hand, we also analyzed
the larvicidal activity in other mature and juvenile A. angustifolia
plants (height ranges from 4 to 50) collected from different
nearby locations and all revealed similar results (Figure S2 in
Supplementary Material). This indicates that the larvicidal nature
of A. angustifolia is not only inherited but also independent of its
vegetative growth.

Agave Larvicidal Activity is Induced

Exclusively During Summer

FIGURE 6 | Agave larvicidal activity is independent of the plants

vegetative growth. A. aegypti larvae were exposed to 100g/ml aqueous
extract prepared from the leaves of a mature (~44 in height) or juvenile (~12
in height) Agave angustifolia plants. Percentage larval mortality at each time
point was calculated against the sham-treated controls and represented as
the meanSD of triplicates.

We experienced a surprising outcome regarding the larvicidal

nature of A. angustifolia. Aqueous extracts prepared during
summer (AprilAugust, when outside temperature rises up to
45C or higher) from the plants that were growing in the open
field demonstrated a dose-dependent larvicidal activity against
A. aegypti larvae (Figure3A; Figure4). However, the aqueous
extract prepared from the same plants revealed reduced and
delayed larvicidal activity during winter (DecemberFebruary,
when the outside temperature falls between 4 and 10C or lower).
Results depicted in Figure3B revealed that 100g/ml aqueous
extract killed 0 0% A. aegypti larvae in 12 h and likewise
increased to 682% at 36h of exposure. This larvicidal activity
is significantly reduced as well as delayed in comparison to the
summer activity (Figures 3A,B). These observations indicated
that A. angustifolia metabolite(s) mediating larvicidal activity
in aqueous extract is/are induced by the environmental conditions, at least the higher temperature. This may be due to the
specific physiological role of these metabolite(s) under given

larvae at 12h of exposure. However, the similar control plant

growing outside in the cold weather killed 1.6 2.8% larvae
in same time (p = < 0.001). In addition, we also performed
the similar experiment during summer and shifted the plants
from outside hot to 4C, keeping rest conditions similar to the
natural environment, and performed larvicidal assays. The
results illustrated in Figure7B revealed that the plants growing
outside in hot summer conditions killed 87 5% and those
maintained at lower temperature killed 295% A. aegypti larvae at 12h (p=<0.001). This indicated that, at least, one of the
abiotic stress factors (i.e., increased temperature) stimulates the
production of those secondary metabolite(s) in A. angustifolia
that exhibit(s) larvicidal activity. Overall, these results demonstrated that the A. angustifolia is equipped with active larvicidal
metabolites mostly during summer; however, the semi-natural
warmer environment under the laboratory conditions can also
replicate the same effect.
Our results confirmed that the larvicidal activity in A.
angustifolia is induced at least by environmental temperature
(Figures7A,B). Thus, we hypothesized that abiotic stress, i.e.,
temperature may alter the composition of metabolites and due to
the production of specific compound(s) A. angustifolia exhibits
distinct larvicidal activity. To demonstrate this, we analyzed and
compared the levels of various secondary metabolites in those
plants that are discussed in Figure 7A. The plant maintained
in warm environment has elevated levels of several secondary
metabolites, such as flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, phlobatannins, and steroids in comparison to the plant growing at a low
temperature (Figure7C). In addition, when we analyzed these
metabolites in plants as mentioned in Figure 7B, their levels
also revealed similar patterns (Figure S3 in Supplementary
Material). These findings correlated an association between

Manipulation of Environmental
Temperature Modulates Agave Larvicidal
Activity and Profiling of Secondary

Our results indicated that environmental conditions seem

to be influencing the larvicidal properties of A. angustifolia
(Figure 3). We hypothesized that during winter if A. angustifolia plants are maintained under warm conditions, their
larvicidal activity may be induced. We tested this fact after
swapping juvenile plants ~12 in height (Figure1A) growing
in individual pots from outside cold winter environment to
37C in a plant growth chamber and compared their larvicidal
activity to those growing outside. The aqueous extract from the
plants maintained under warmer conditions revealed stronger
lethality against A. aegypti larvae than the plants growing outside in winter (Figure7A). Aqueous extract prepared from the
plants that were maintained in a warm incubator killed 903%

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January 2016|Volume 3|Article 286

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

FIGURE 7 | Manipulation of environmental temperature induces Agave-mediated larvicidal activity. The effect of environmental temperature on the
induction of larvicidal activity in Agave angustifolia was analyzed against A. aegypti larvae. For that, the larvicidal activity in 100g/ml aqueous extract was
compared from the plants that were growing or maintained in two different environmental conditions. The comparative larvicidal activities are shown here in those
plants that were growing (A) outside in the cold environment during winter season and similar plants maintained at 37C in a plant growth chamber or (B) outside in
hot environment during the summer season and similar plants maintained at 4C in a growth chamber as discussed in Section Material and Methods. The
percentage mortality of larvae at each time point was calculated against the sham-treated controls (not shown here) and represented as the meanSD of
triplicates. (C) The relative levels of various secondary metabolites were compared in the aqueous extracts of Agave angustifolia plants maintained at 37C in a plant
growth chamber or growing in external environment during cold season as mentioned in the panel A. The values represent absorption maxima (A) in visible range for
each metabolite separately.

against A. aegypti larvae as mentioned in Section Materials

and Methods. We found that the powder-free extract from
sun-, oven-, or shade-dried leaves exhibited 201.4, 00, and
100% larval mortality, respectively, after 12h (Figure8), which
was remarkably less in comparison to the original leaf extractmediated anti-larval activity (Figure 4). Furthermore, these
extracts could increase the larval mortality to 604, 554, and
452.5, respectively, at 36h (Figure8). Interestingly, the sunand oven-dried leaf powder itself killed 800 and 553.5%
larvae, respectively, in 12 h that increased gradually to 100%
mortality at 24 h (Figure 8). However, the powder prepared
from shade-dried leaves revealed minimum mortality (100 to
702.5%) with time (1236h). In conclusion, dried leaf powders
have slightly delayed larvicidal activity against the original leaf
extract. Interestingly, the dried leaf powder-mediated larval
lethality is dependent on the method of drying the original leaf

the external environment-induced production of secondary

metabolites and larvicidal activity in A. angustifolia aqueous

Agave Dry Leaf Powder Formulation Also

Exhibits Strong Larvicidal Activity

The larvicidal activity of A. angustifolia is although inherited, but

appears to be prominent exclusively during summer (Figure3).
This limited duration of available A. angustifolia larvicidal activity in natural conditions impedes its utilization throughout the
year. To overcome these limitations, we assumed that the leaf with
larvicidal activity (Figure4) could be dried and stored as powder
for future usage. We prepared the powder from sun-, oven-, or
shade-dried leaves and after 3months of shelf life, the larvicidal
activity was analyzed in the powder or powder-free extract

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

only against selected genera of mosquitoes. The variations in

the larvicidal efficacy of plant extracts are highly dependent on
the type or the polarity of the solvent employed for extraction
purpose (5). Therefore, the solvents with varying degree of
polarity, such as hexane, petroleum ether, methanol, benzene,
ethyl acetate, methanol, chloroform, and acetone, are generally used for this purpose (5, 15, 16, 21). The use of unrelated
solvents for the preparation of plant crude extracts sometimes
reveals that the extraction efficiency of one solvent is superior
over the other solvents (16, 18). Surprisingly, we found that
the crude extracts of A. angustifolia in individual solvents of
varying polarity (ethanol and hexane) have more pronounced
larvicidal effect against C. quinquefasciatus than A. aegypti
larvae (Figure 2). These findings support the previous studies where lethal doses of Eichhornia crassipes and Artemisia
nilagirica plant extracts vary for two different genera of the
mosquitoes (7, 8). This may be due to the presence of diverged
bioactive compounds in Agave or the varying solubility of
the same compound in different solvents. In this condition,
preparing the plant extract in a mixture of two or more solvents may enhance its mosquitocidal activity (16, 18). In our
experiments when we employed similar strategies to prepare A.
angustifolia extract by using a mixture of solvents, we did not
find any additional effect on its larvicidal properties (Figure
S4 in Supplementary Material). This simply may be due to the
limitations of our extraction methodology.
In general, the organic solvents used for plant extraction
might have a concern for cost of preparation and may end up in
escalating the chemical burden or toxicity in the natural environment as well. Their incompatibility to the aqueous environment
is also an associated concern. Therefore, we planned to analyze
the larvicidal activity in a simply prepared aqueous extract of A.
angustifolia, which satisfies all the concerns related to organic
solvent extractions. Interestingly, the aqueous extract of A. angustifolia also exhibited a strong larvicidal activity against A. aegypti,
C. quinquefasciatus, and A. stephensi larvae (Figure4). This is in
contrast to some other reports where organic extracts from plants
exhibit strong larvicidal activity; however, their aqueous extracts
remain inactive (22).
While planning strategies to apply plant extracts for controlling the larval population especially in warm countries, it may
be worthwhile to identify those biolarvicides that exclusively
withstand the environmental temperature. In other words,
the discovery of temperature-resistant biolarvicides may be
helpful in this direction. Although many of the plants have
larvicidal activity in their aqueous extracts; however, this
activity is lost with time and/or increased temperature (19,
23). On the contrary, we found that A. angustifolia aqueous
extract-mediated larvicidal activity was mostly retained in
the crude extract after heat treatment (Figure5), which may
signifies its advanced usage in controlling mosquito populations in the natural environment of tropical countries. These
findings also highlight that it will be important to investigate
the mechanism by which A. angustifolia acquires heat-resistant
larvicidal activity.
The world of plants is unique in terms of producing different
compounds or metabolites that may be directly linked to their

FIGURE 8 | The larvicidal activity of Agave dried powder formulation.

Agave angustifolia leaves with active larvicidal activity were either sun-, oven-,
or shed-dried and the powder was prepared. The powder was stored at
room temperature under moisture-free conditions for 3months (the shelf life
of the powder). A. aegypti larvae were exposed to the powder-free aqueous
extracts or powder directly added to the water in the amount equivalent to
the fresh leaves exhibiting the larvicidal activity as mentioned in Figure4. The
percentage mortality of the larvae at each time point was calculated against
sham-treated controls (not shown here) and represented as the meanSD
of triplicates.

and sun-dried leaf powder could reveal stronger larvicidal effects

among others (Figure8). The inability of powder-free aqueous
extract to kill larvae may be due to inadequate extraction of active
larvicidal compounds from the powder due to the limitations
of our extraction methods. Furthermore, the larvicidal activity
in powders itself may be due to time-dependent leaching of
larvicidal components into the water and that may explain those
slightly delayed killing effects (Figure8).

Crude extracts prepared from the whole plant or specific parts of
the plant, such as leaf, stem, fruit, and root, have been reported to
exhibit potent lethality against insect larvae (5, 6, 15) and, hence,
we termed them phyto-insecticides. These phyto-insecticides are
biodegradable and reduce the environmental chemical burden as
posed by the synthetic chemicals. In this study, we found that
the crude extract prepared from A. angustifolia by a simple,
least labor-intensive and cost-effective method exhibits strong
larvicidal activity against A. aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus, and A.
stephensi larvae within 12h (Figure4). This is the minimum time
reported for a plant crude extract to kill all the larvae of medically
important mosquitoes and upholds a promising future to control
vector population.
Larvicidal properties of natural compounds vary from one
plant to another and may have a low degree of effectiveness

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal

stages of vegetative development, environmental conditions,

or geographical locations (24). Previous reports suggested that
the larvicidal efficacy of phytochemicals varies with plant age;
young tissues have greater larvicidal activity than the older
ones or sometimes may be viceversa (5). Thus, a consistency
of larvicidal activity in the plant is an important concern in
this field. We analyzed different sized A. angustifolia plants,
which denote their levels of maturity and vegetative growth,
and found that the larvicidal activity is exhibited by all of
them (Figure 6 and Figure S2 in Supplementary Material).
These findings clearly indicated that the larvicidal nature of
A. angustifolia is an inherited feature and that is independent
of its vegetative growth. These findings are not in agreement
with the other reports where only the mature plants exhibited
the larvicidal activity (5). In addition, geographical location
of the plant also seems to be affecting its larvicidal properties.
In case of Annona squamosa, the plant leaves collected from
different eco-zones possess various compositions of secondary metabolites and exhibit differential larvicidal activity
(24). However, when we collected A. angustifolia samples
from different nearby areas, they resulted in similar larvicidal
activity against mosquito larvae (Figure S2 in Supplementary
In addition, some published reports indicated that another
species Agave sisalana also exhibited positive larvicidal activity (25, 26). In the first study, waste residues after sisal fiber
separation from A. sisalana leaves were found to be effective
in killing A. aegypti or C. quinquefasciatus larvae within 24h.
However, the effective lethal dose of these fiber residues against
A. aegypti larvae was almost twice to that of C. quinquefasciatus larvae (25). In the second study, the liquid waste of A.
sisalana killed 100% A. aegypti larvae within 24h at 20mg/ml
concentration and the LC50 value was found to be 5.9 mg/ml
(26). Interestingly, a study was performed directly from the A.
sisalana leaves extracts and found that 2% dilution of the extract
revealed 100% mortality against A. stephensi larvae, however,
1% dilution exhibited same results in case of C. quinquefasciatus
and A. aegypti larvae (11). It is also noteworthy to mention
that the leaf extract prepared from one more species of Agave,
Agave americana also revealed 100% mortality against fourth
instar larvae of Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex mosquitoes at a
concentration of 0.08% within 2448 h (27). In nutshell, all
these studies indicated that although other species of Agave
also exhibit larvicidal activity, however, their larvicidal efficacy
is variable against different mosquito larvae. Interestingly, our
study revealed that a single dose (100 g/ml or 0.01%) of A.
angustifolia extract killed Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles larvae in
a short duration of 12h (Figure4).
The environmental conditions sometimes have a direct effect
on plant physiology and behavior. Plants frequently encounter
adverse abiotic conditions, such as salinity, drought, freezing, and
elevated environmental temperatures. Stress responses in plants
are dynamic and engage complex crosstalk at different regulatory
levels. Plants might overcome these stresses through avoidance or
tolerance, which includes metabolic adjustment through alteration of compatible solutes or secondary metabolites (28, 29). Our
observations regarding the induction of A. angustifolia larvicidal

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activity, exclusively during summer, might be an example of

environmental abiotic stress. We believe that the plant might be
producing some specific metabolites to counteract those stresses
and some of these metabolites are also mediating larval lethality
(Figures4 and 7).
Variations in the temperature, an abiotic environmental
factor, also alter the composition of plant metabolites. Studies
showed that the plant Panax quinquefolius growing just at the
difference of +5C contains a higher concentration of storage
root ginsenosides than the ones growing at lower temperature
(30). Metabolic profiling of Arabidopsis indicated that 143
and 311 metabolites were altered in response to heat and cold
shocks, respectively. Interestingly, the comparison of these
heat- and cold-shock responses revealed that the majority of
heat-shock responses were shared with cold-shock responses
(31). However, in case of A. angustifolia, this may not be true
as the metabolites exhibiting strong larvicidal activity seems
to be induced exclusively during summer but not in the winter
Our study revealed that the levels of flavonoids, phenols,
alkaloids, phlobatannins, and steroids are higher in those A.
angustifolia plants that were maintained in warmer environments (Figure 7C and Figure S3 in Supplementary Material).
This profiling of secondary metabolites correlated the observed
larvicidal activity in these plants (Figures 7A,B). These results
are in agreement with other studies where several compounds,
such as terpenes, flavones, xanthones, steroids, resins, flavonoids,
alkaloids, anthroquinones, anthocyanins, terpenoids, glycosides,
phenols, and saponins are mostly responsible for mosquitocidal
activities either individually or in combinations (5, 13, 20, 32).
In our study, we did not find any significant difference in the
levels of saponins in these plants (Figure 7C and Figure S3 in
Supplementary Material). Further studies are required to isolate
and identify the active principles involved in A. angustifoliamediated larvicidal activity and their mode of action. Our group
is actively engaged in that direction.
Larvicidal activity in A. angustifolia is not perquisite for all
seasons (Figure 3). However, the plant leaves with larvicidal
activity may be stored in the form of dehydrated powder to avoid
the fermentation of its active components, easy transportation,
and for future applications. Our study found that A. angustifolia
powder-free aqueous extract exhibited low larvicidal activity
in comparison to the powder itself, which may be due to inadequate extraction of larvicidal metabolites in our preparations
(Figure 8). In addition, powder-mediated larvicidal activity is
highly dependent on the process of drying the wet leaves. This
may be due to the quantitative/qualitative alteration of the active
larvicidal metabolites during drying-mediated osmotic stresses
as reported in other plants where air- or sun-drying markedly
affected the levels of both primary and secondary metabolites (33,
34). We look forward for A. angustifolia dry powder formulated
preparations to enhance its potency and stability with minimal
adverse effects on the environment. This could help to design
efficient strategies for A. angustifolia extract-mediated mosquito
In conclusion, the plants displaying larvicidal activity portray
a noteworthy attention over the synthetic chemicals due to their

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Agave as Potential Mosquitocidal


biodegradable nature. A. angustifolia aqueous extract that was

prepared by the least labor-intensive and cost-effective method
display a strong larvicidal activity against three major human
disease vectors A. aegypti, C. quinquefasciatus, and A. stephensi
within a short exposure. Interestingly, the larvicidal activity of
A. angustifolia is heat-resistant and induced under the defined
conditions, therefore, it may be easily applicable at grass-root
levels to control mosquito population.

We sincerely thank our laboratory staff for maintaining the

insectory and Institute administration for providing all other
facilities to accomplish the research. Basic Science Research
(BSR) fellowship from the University Grants Commission
(UGC), India was received by MK and KG. PK would like
to acknowledge the Department of Science and Technology
(DST), Government of India for providing the fellowship.



MK and KB equally contributed to this work. MK carried and

analyzed thermostability, metabolic profiling, and seasonal
variations study. KB initiated the work, standardized the protocols, and analyzed the activity and dose kinetics of various
extracts against different larvae. KG, UB, and PK established
plant maturity and activity relationship and helped in seasonal
variations studies. LG, PK, and SK performed dry powder formulation studies, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript
with input from all authors. All authors read and approved the

This research received no specific grant from any funding agency

in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. However, this
study was supported by the Institutional Special Contingency for
faculties given to SK.

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at


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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Copyright 2016 Kajla, Bhattacharya, Gupta, Banerjee, Kakani, Gupta and Kumar.
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