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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)


Development of Zigbee Based Energy Management

Srinidhi G A1, Dr K B ShivaKumar2, Sagar K N3, Dr K A Krishnamurthy4

Department of TCE, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka, India.

Ecolibrium Energy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Principal, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka, India

Abstract: The ZigBee pro was developed to provide low-power, wireless connectivity for a Wide range of network
applications concerned with monitoring and control. ZigBee is a worldwide open standard controlled by the ZigBee
Alliance. ZigBee PRO is an Enhancement of the original ZigBee protocol, providing a number of extra features that are
particularly useful for very large networks (that may include hundreds or even thousands of nodes).
The ZigBee standard builds on the established IEEE 802.15.4 standard for packet based wireless transport. ZigBee
enhances the functionality of IEEE 802.15.4 by providing flexible, extendable network topologies with integrated set-up
and routing intelligence to facilitate easy installation and high resilience to failure [1]. ZigBee networks also incorporate
listen-before-talk and rigorous security measures that enable them to co-exist with other wireless technologies (such as
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) in the same operating environment.
ZigBee's wireless connectivity means that it can be installed easily and cheaply, and its built-in intelligence and flexibility
allow networks to be easily adapted to changing needs by adding, removing or moving network nodes. The protocol is
designed such that nodes can appear in and disappear from the network, allowing some devices to be put into a powersaving mode when not active. This means that many devices in a ZigBee network can be battery-powered, making them
self-contained and, again, reducing installation costs.
Keywords: Zigbee, Zigbee Pro, Wireless nodes.
connector, power amplifier and LNA for extended range.
The modules can implement networking stacks such as
JenNet and ZigBee PRO, as well as customer applications.
ZigBee Network Nodes:
A wireless network comprises a set of nodes that can
communicate with each other by means of radio
transmissions, according to a set of routing rules (for
passing Messages between nodes). A ZigBee wireless
network includes three types of node:
Co-ordinator: This is the first node to be started and is
responsible for forming the network by allowing other
nodes to join the network through it. Once the Network is
established, the Co-ordinator has a routing role (is able to
relay Messages from one node to another) and is also able to
send/receive data. Every network must have one and only
one Co-ordinator.
Router: This is a node with a routing capability, and is also
able to send or receive Data. It also allows other nodes to
join the network through it, so plays a role in extending the
network. A network may have many Routers.

The JN5148-001-Myy family is a range of ultra low power,
high performance surface mount modules targeted at JenNet
and ZigBee PRO networking applications, enabling users to
realise products with minimum time to market and at the
lowest cost. They remove the need for expensive and
lengthy development of custom RF board designs and test
suites. The modules use Jennics JN5148 wireless
microcontroller to provide a comprehensive solution with
large memory, high CPU and radio performance and all RF
components included. All that is required to develop and
manufacture wireless control or sensing products is to
connect a power supply and peripherals such as switches,
actuators and sensors, considerably simplifying product
Three module variants are available: JN5148-001-M00 with
an integrated antenna, JN5148-001-M03[2] with an antenna
connector and the JN5148-001-M04 with an antenna


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

End Device: This is a node which is only capable of sending

and receiving Data (it has no routing capability). A network
may have many End Devices.

means that before beginning a transmission, a node will

listen on the channel to check whether it is clear. If activity
is detected on the channel, the node delays the transmission
for a random amount of time and listens again - if the
channel is now clear, the transmission can begin, otherwise
the delay-and-listen cycle is repeated. Acknowledgements:
Two systems of acknowledgements are available to ensure
that messages reach their destinations.
End-to-End: When a message arrives at its final destination,
the receiving device sends an acknowledgement to the
source node to indicate that the message has been received.
End-to-end acknowledgements are optional.
Next Hop: When a message is routed via intermediate nodes
to reach its destination, the next routing node (next hop
node) in the route sends an acknowledgement to the
previous node to indicate that it has received the message.
Next-hop acknowledgements are always implemented. In
both cases, if the sending device does not receive an
acknowledgement within a certain time interval, it resends
the original message (it can resend the message several
times until the message has been acknowledged)[3].
Frequency Agility: When a ZigBee network is initially set
up, the best channel in the relevant radio band is
automatically chosen as the operating channel. This is
normally the quietest channel detected in an energy scan
across the band, but this may not always remain the quietest
channel if other networks that operate in the same channel
are introduced nearby. For this reason, ZigBee includes a
frequency agility facility, which is a core feature of ZigBee
PRO. If the operating channel becomes too noisy, this
feature allows the whole network to be moved to a better
channel in the radio band.
Route Repair: Networks that employ a Mesh topology have
built-in intelligence to ensure that messages reach their
destinations. If the default route to the destination node is
down, due to a failed intermediate node or link, the network
can discover and implement alternative routes for message
delivery. ZigBee PRO is designed for Mesh networks and
therefore incorporates route repair as a core feature.
Co-existence: The ability of a device to operate in the same
space and radio channel as devices in other wireless
networks (which possibly use protocols other than ZigBee)
without interfering with them.
Interoperability: The ability of a device to operate in the
same ZigBee network as devices from other manufacturers that is, to communicate and function with them
The above reliability measures allow a ZigBee network to
operate even when there are other ZigBee networks nearby
operating in the same frequency band. Therefore, adjacent
ZigBee networks will not interfere with each other. In
addition, ZigBee networks can also operate in the
neighbourhood of networks based on other standards, such
as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, without any interference.

Figure1: Star Topology


ZigBee facilitates a range of network topologies from the
simplest Star topology, through the highly structured Tree
topology to the flexible Mesh topology. ZigBee PRO is
designed primarily for Mesh networks.
A Mesh network has little implicit structure. It is a
collection of nodes comprising a Coordinator and a number
of Routers and End Devices, where

Each node, except the Co-ordinator, is associated

with a Router or the Coordinator.

An End Device can only communicate directly

with its own parent.

Each Router and the Co-ordinator can

communicate directly with any other Router or Coordinator within radio range.


IEEE 802.15.4 employs a range of techniques to ensure
reliable communications between network nodes - that is, to
uncorrupted. Corruption could result, for example, from
radio interference or poor transmission or reception
Data Coding: At a first level, a coding mechanism is
applied to radio transmissions. The coding method
employed in the 2400-MHz band uses QPSK (Quadrature
Phase-Shift Keying) modulation with conversion of 4-bit
Data symbols to 32-bit chip sequences. Due to this coding,
there is a high Probability that a message will get through to
its destination intact, even if there Are conflicting
transmissions (more than one device transmitting in the
same Frequency channel at the same time).
Listen Before Send: The transmission scheme also avoids
transmitting data when there is activity on its chosen
channel - this is known as Carrier Sense, Multiple Access
with Collision Avoidance (CSMA-CA). Put simply, this


Access Control Lists: An access control list allows only predefined friendly nodes to join the network.

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

Key-based Encryption: A very high-security, 128-bit AESbased encryption system (built into the JN5148 device as a
hardware function) is applied to network communications,
preventing external agents from interpreting ZigBee
network data. This encryption is key-based. Normally, the
same network key is used for all nodes in the network.
However, it is possible to use an individual link key
between a given pair of network nodes, allowing
communications (possibly containing sensitive data)
between the two nodes to be private from other nodes in the
same network. Keys can be pre-configured in nodes in the
factory, commissioned during system installation or
distributed around a working network from a central Trust
Centre node. A Trust Centre manages keys and security
policies - for example, changing the network key on all
network nodes, issuing link keys for node pairs and
restricting the hours in which certain events or interactions
can occur. Any node can be nominated as the Trust Centre,
but it is by default the Co-ordinator.
Frame Counters: The use of frame counters prevents
sending the same message twice, and freshness Checking
rejects any such repeated messages, preventing message
replay attacks on the network. An example of a replay
attack would be someone recording the open command for a
garage door opener, and then replaying it to gain
unauthorised entry into the property.

to be started and, once powered on, goes through the

following network initialisation steps
a)Set EPID and Co-ordinator address: The Co-ordinator first
sets the Extended PAN ID (EPID) for the network and the
devices own network address: Sets the EPID to the 64-bit
value specified in the Co-ordinators application (if this
value is zero, the EPID will be set to the 64-bit IEEE/MAC
address of the Co-ordinator device) Sets the 16-bit network
address of the Co-ordinator to 0x0000.
Select radio channel: The Co-ordinator then selects the
radio channel in which the network will operate, within the
chosen RF band. The Co-ordinator performs an Energy
Detection Scan in which it scans the RF band to find a quiet
channel[5]. The channel with the least detected activity is
Set the PAN ID of the network: Once the radio channel has
been selected, the Co-ordinator chooses a 16-bit PAN ID for
the network. To do this, it listens in the channel for traffic
from other networks and identifies the PAN IDs of these
networks (if any). To avoid conflicts, the Co-ordinator
assigns its own network a random PAN ID that is not in use
by another network.
Receive join requests from other devices: The Co-ordinator
is now ready to receive requests from other devices (Routers
and End Devices) to wirelessly connect to the network
through it.


2 Joining a Network (Routers and End Devices): Routers

and End Devices can join an existing network already
created by a Coordinator. The Co-ordinator and Routers
have the capability to allow other nodes to join the network
through them. The join process is as follows:
Search for network: The new node first scans the channels
of the relevant RF band to find a network. Multiple
networks may operate, even in the same channel, and the
selection of a network is the responsibility of the application
(for example, this decision could be based on a pre-defined
Extended PAN ID).
Select parent: The node now selects a parent node within
the chosen network by listening to network activity. The
node may be able to 'hear' multiple Routers and the
Coordinator from the network. Given a choice of parents,
the node chooses the parent with the smallest depth in the
network - that is, the parent closest to the Co-ordinator
(which is at depth zero).
Request joining: The node sends a message to the desired
parent, asking to join the network.
Receive response: The node now waits for a response from
the potential parent, which determines whether the node is a
permitted device and whether the parent is currently
allowing devices to join. To determine whether the joining
node is a permitted device, the parent consults the Trust
Centre (if it is not the Trust Centre itseIf). If these criteria
are satisfied, the parent will then allow the node to join the
network as its child. In its acceptance response to its new
child, the parent will include the 16-bit network address that
it has randomly allocated to the child.If the potential parent
is unable to accept the node as a child, a rejection response

In a ZigBee network, each node must have a unique

identification. This is achieved by means of two addresses:
IEEE (MAC) address: This is a 64-bit address, allocated by
the IEEE, which uniquely identifies the device, no two
devices in the world can have the same IEEE address. It is
often referred to as the MAC address and, in a ZigBee
network, is sometimes called the extended address [4].
Network address: This 16-bit address identifies the node in
the network and is local to that network (thus, two nodes in
separate networks may have the same network address). It is
sometimes called the short address. In ZigBee PRO, the
network address of a node is dynamically assigned as a
random 16-bit value by the parent when the node first joins
the network. Due to the randomness of the address
allocation, this is known as stochastic addressing. Although
random, the parent ensures that the chosen address has not
already been assigned to one of its neighbours. In the
unlikely event of the address already existing in the network
beyond the immediate neighbourhood, a mechanism exists
to automatically detect and resolve the conflict. The
allocated network address can be retained by the joining
node, even if it later loses its parent and acquires a new
parent. The Co-ordinator always has the network address
0x0000. While an application on a node may use
IEEE/MAC addresses or network addresses to identify
remote nodes, the ZigBee PRO stack always uses network
addresses for this purpose.
Network Creation:
1. Starting a Network (Co-ordinator):The Co-ordinator is
responsible for starting a network. It must be the first node

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

will be sent to the node, which must then try another

potential parent (or another network).
Learn network Ids: The new node learns the PAN ID and
Extended PAN ID of the network, as well as the network
address that it has been assigned. It will need the PAN ID
for communications with the network and will need the
Extended PAN ID if, at some point in the future, it needs to
rejoin the network (it will also be able to reuse its network
address if it later rejoins the network). A Router or Coordinator can be configured to have a time-period during
which joins are allowed, controlled by its permit joining
status. The join period may be initiated by a user action,
such as pressing a button. An infinite join period can also be
set, so that child nodes can join the parent node at any time.


If a message sent from one node to another needs to pass
through one or more intermediate nodes to reach its final
destination[6][7] (up to 30 such hops are allowed), the
message carries two destination addresses: Address of the
final destination, Address of the node which is the next hop
ZigBee PRO is designed for Mesh networks in which the
message propagation path (the route) depends on whether
the target node is in radio range:
If the target node is in range, only the "final destination"
address is used.
If the target node is not in range, the "next hop" address
is that of the first node in the route to the final
The next hop address is determined using information stored
in a Routing table on the routing node (Router or Coordinator). An entry of this table contains information for a
remote node, including the network addresses of the remote
node and of the next routing node in the route to the remote
node. Thus, when a message is received by a routing node,
it looks for the destination address in its Routing table and
extracts next hop address from this table to insert into the
message. The message is then passed on and propagation
continues in this way until the target node is reached.
Route Discovery: The ZigBee stack network layer supports
a route discovery facility which finds the best available
route to the destination, when sending a message. A
message is normally routed along an already discovered
mesh route, if one exists, otherwise the routing node (Router
or the Co-ordinator) involved in sending the message
initiates a route discovery. Once complete, the message will
be sent along the calculated route.
The mechanism for route discovery between two End
Devices has the following steps:
A route discovery broadcast is sent by the parent of
the source End Device, and contains the
destination End Devices network address.
All routing nodes will eventually receive the
broadcast, one of which is the parent of the
destination End Device.
The parent of the destination node sends back a
reply addressed to the parent of the source node.
As the reply travels back through the network, the
hop count and a signal quality measure for each
hop are recorded. Each routing node in the path
can build a Routing table entry containing the best
path to the destination End Device. The choice of
best path is usually the one with the least number
of hops, although if a hop on the most direct route
has a poor signal quality (and hence a greater
chance that retries will be needed), a route with
more hops may be chosen.
Eventually each routing node in the path will have
a Routing table entry and the route from source to
destination End Device is established. Note that the
corresponding route from destination to source is
not known - the route discovered is unidirectional.
A source Router implements route discovery in a

An application may need to obtain information about the
nodes of the network in which it runs, There are three
mandatory descriptors and two optional descriptors stored in
a node. The mandatory descriptors are the Node, Node
Power and Simple descriptors, while the optional
descriptors are called the Complex and User descriptors For
each node, there is only one Node and Node Power
descriptor, but there is a Simple descriptor for each
endpoint. There may also be Complex and User descriptors
in the device.
Node Descriptor: The Node descriptor contains information
on the capabilities of the node, including: Type (End
Device, Router or Co-ordinator), Frequency band in use
(868 MHz, 902 MHz or 2400 MHz), IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
capabilities - that is, whether: The device can be a PAN Coordinator, The node implements a Full-Function or
Reduced-Function IEEE 802.15.4 device, The device is
mains powered,The device is capable of using MAC
security, The receiver stays on during idle periods,
Manufacturer code.
Node Power Descriptor: The Node Power descriptor
contains information on how the node is powered: Power
mode - whether the device receiver is on all the time, or
wakes up periodically as determined by the network or only
when an application requires (e.g. button press). Available
power sources indicates whether the mains supply, or
rechargeable or disposable batteries can be used to power
the device, Current power sources - indicates which power
source (mains supply, or rechargeable or disposable
batteries) is currently being used to power the device,
Current power source level - indicates the level of charge of
the current power source.
Simple Descriptor: The Simple descriptor for an application
The endpoint on which the application
communicates, The Application Profile that it implements,
The Application Profile device identifier and version,
Whether there are corresponding Complex and User


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

similar way to the above except the Router

broadcasts its own route discovery message
(without needing its parent to do this). Similarly,
the Co-ordinator broadcasts its own route
discovery messages.


Yuan-Yao Shih, Wei-Ho Chung, Pi-Cheng Hsiu and

Ai-Chun Pan, A Mobility-Aware Node Deployment
for ZigBee WirelessNetworks, IEEE Transactions of
Vehicular Technology, Volume 62, Issue 6, pp. 27632779, (2013).
[2] Hirakata Y, Nakamura A, Ohno K and Itami M,
using ZigBee wireless
sensornetwork for parking,
12th International
Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), pp.
[3] Bunyai D, Krammer L,and Kastner W, Limiting
constraints for ZigBee networks, 38th Annual
Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ,
pp. 4840-4846,(2012).

The ZigBee standard builds on the established IEEE
802.15.4 standard for packet based wireless transport.
ZigBee networks also incorporate listen-before-talk and
rigorous security measures that enable them to co-exist with
other wireless technologies (such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) in
the same operating environment. ZigBee enhances the
functionality of IEEE 802.15.4 by providing flexible,
extendable network topologies with integrated set-up and
routing intelligence to facilitate easy installation and high
resilience to failure.
ZigBee's wireless connectivity can be installed easily and
cheaply, and its built-in intelligence and flexibility allow
networks to be easily adapted to changing needs by adding,
removing or moving network nodes. The protocol is
designed such that nodes can appear in and disappear from
the network, allowing some devices to be put into a powersaving mode when not active. This means that many devices
in a ZigBee network can be battery-powered, making them
self-contained and reducing installation costs.


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