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Bacarro vs. Pinatacan

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Adm. Case No. 559-SBC. January 31, 1984.

CARMEN E. BACARRO, complainant, vs. RUBEN M.

PINATACAN, respondent.

Legal Ethics; Successful bar candidate; Moral turpitude and depravity

and lack of proper character; Requisite for admission to the Philippine
Bar that applicant must be of good moral character; Purpose of
requirement.One of the indispensable requisites for admission to the
Philippine Bar is that the applicant must be of good moral character. This
requirement aims to maintain and uphold the high moral standards and
the dignity of the legal profession, and one of the ways of achieving this
end is to admit to the practice of this noble profession only those persons
who are known to be honest and to possess good moral character.
Same; Same; Failure to live up to the high moral standard for
membership in the bar arose by respondent having seduced complainant
into physically submitting herself to him by promises of marriage and his
impudence to deny paternity of his child by complainant.We hold that
herein respondent Pinatacan had failed to live up to the high moral
standard demanded for membership in

VOL. 127, JANUARY 31, 1984

Bacarro vs. Pinatacan
the Bar. He had seduced complainant into physically submitting herself to
him by promises of marriage. He even eloped with her and brought her to
another place. He got her pregnant and then told her to have an abortion.
When complainant refused, he deserted her. Complainant had to track
him down to ask him to help support their child born out of wedlock, and
during the few times that she was able to see him, respondent merely
made promises which he apparently did not intend to keep. On top of all
these, respondent had the audacity and impudence to deny before this
Court in a sworn Affidavit the paternity of his child by complainant.
Same; Same; Same; Period of 8 years respondent has been denied the
privilege of being a lawyer well deserved for his acts indicative of his
moral delinquency; Eight-year period could be punishment and
retribution enough, and also his having legally recognized and
acknowledged complainants child and his undertaking to give financial
support to the child; Case at bar.These acts taken together certainly do
not speak well of respondents character and are indicative of his moral
delinquency. All the years that he has been denied the privilege of being a

lawyer were truly well-deserved. Nevertheless, eight (8) years could be

punishment and retribution enough. Moreover, considering that
respondent has legally recognized and acknowledged complainants child
Maria Rochie Bacarro Pinatacan as his own, and has undertaken to give
financial support to the said child, We hold that he has realized the
wrongfulness of his past conduct and is now prepared to turn over a new
Same; Same; Same; Admonition to candidate that his being allowed to
take the lawyers oath and his admission and continued membership in
the Bar dependent on his compliance with his moral and legal obligations
to the child.In allowing respondent to take the lawyers oath, he must
be admonished that his admission to and continued membership in the
Bar are dependent, among others, on his compliance with his moral and
legal obligations as the father of Maria Rochie Bacarro Pinatacan.

ADMINISTRATIVE CASE in the Supreme Court.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
This is an administrative case filed on September 2, 1975 by



Bacarro vs. Pinatacan

Carmen E. Bacarro charging Ruben M. Pinatacan, a 1975
successful Bar candidate, with moral turpitude and depravity,
and lack of proper character required of a member of the Bar.
In her Affidavit, complainant Bacarro averred that she and
respondent fell in love and became engaged while they were
studying at the Liceo de Cagayan in Cagayan de Oro City; that
when she became pregnant as a result of their relationship,
respondent abandoned her and never fulfilled his promise to
marry her; that on December 4, 1971, she gave birth to a baby
girl; that because of respondents betrayal, complainant, her
daughter and her family suffered shame, disrepute, moral
distress and anxiety; and, that these acts of respondent render
him unfit to become a member of the Bar.
Respondent Pinatacan in his Answer by way of a sworn
Affidavit admitted that complainant had been his sweetheart for
several years prior to 1971 but denied that he was the father of
complainants child. He claimed that his relationship with

complainant started to cool down in January of 1971 when, over

her vigorous objection and opposition, he applied for a direct
commission with the Philippine Constabulary. He went to
Manila and stayed there for the greater part of March, 1971, for
his physical examination. He returned to Cagayan de Oro City,
but in June of 1971, he left for his hometown, Jimenez, Misamis
Occidental, and never again returned to Cagayan de Oro City.
On the other hand, as far as he knew, complainant was working
from 1970-1971 in Cagayan de Oro City. Respondent likewise
denied that he ever promised marriage to complainant and that
he ever cohabited with her.
On June 10, 1976, this Court referred this case to the Judicial
Investigator for investigation, report and recommendation.
Subsequently, however, upon complainants request prompted
by financial difficulties on her part, she was allowed on July 27,
1976 to present her evidence before the City Fiscal of Cagayan
de Oro City. Respondent failed to attend the

1 Records, p. 2.
2 Records, pp. 10-11.
3 Records, p. 14.
4 Records, p. 20.

VOL. 127, JANUARY 31, 1984

Bacarro vs. Pinatacan
hearings conducted by the City Fiscal on August 30 and
September 27, 1976 during which complainant presented her
evidence, both oral and documentary.
In a nutshell, the evidence for the complainant tends to establish
the following facts: After about a year of courtship, she and
respondent became sweethearts on March 17, 1967 while they
were students at the Liceo de Cagayan in Cagayan de Oro City.
They had their first sexual intercourse on March 21, 1971, after
respondent made promises of marriage, and they eloped to Cebu
City where they stayed for about a week. They returned to
Cagayan de Oro and respondent left complainant allegedly to
see his parents in his hometown and make the necessary
arrangements for their intended marriage. Respondent came

back in May, 1971, but only to inform complainant that they

could not get married because of his parents objections. When
complainant told respondent that she was pregnant, he told her
to have an abortion. Complainant refused and they had a quarrel.
Thereafter, she did not see or hear from respondent until after
the birth of their baby girl named Maria Rochie Bacarro
Pinatacan on December 4, 1971. Complainant had no other
boyfriend or sweetheart during the time that she had a
relationship with respondent. In July, 1973, she brought the
child with her to see respondent in Cavite City and the latter
promised to support the child. However, respondent did not
make good his promise of support so complainant went to see
him again, and once more respondent made several promises, all
of which were never fulfilled, until he finished his law course
and married a singer by the name of Annie Sarabillo.
Forming part of the records, aside from complainants
testimony, are the birth certificate of her child, numerous letters
written by respondent covering the period from March 6, 1967
to March 25, 1971 professing his everlasting love for
complainant with assurances of his sincerity and loyalty, a letter
dated January 13, 1975 from a certain Margie whom

5 Report of City Fiscal Francisco X. Velez of Cagayan de Oro City; Records,
pp. 26-27.
6 Transcript of Stenographic Notes.



Bacarro vs. Pinatacan

complainant identified as the sister of respondent, and pictures
of the child Maria Rochie with said Margie Pinatacan.
In a Motion to Dismiss dated February 16, 1977, respondent
argued that based on the evidence adduced by complainant and
even assuming her averments to be true, no case had been made
out to bar him from taking the lawyers oath. The Courts
Investigator, Atty. Victor Sevilla, agreed with respondent in a
Report dated February 24, 1977, stating that the intimacy
between the parties in this case is neither so corrupt or so

immoral as to warrant the respondents permanent exclusion

from the Philippine Bar. Atty. Sevilla recommended that
respondent be allowed to take the lawyers oath.
On December 12, 1977, respondent submitted a Manifestation
stating among others that he is willing to recognize and give
support or financial assistance to complainants child Maria
Rochie although he cannot make assurance that he could give
such support or financial assistance immediately since he is
without a source of income.
Upon being required to comment on the foregoing
Manifestation, complainant submitted a sworn statement
expressing her adamant stand that respondent is unreliable,
untrustworthy, and without a word of honor, not only for what
he has done to me, but on several occasions in the past he had
made the same promise to support our child x x x, he did not
even give something to the child to buy a candy during our
several meetings x x x when I tried to see him every now and
then for the fulfillment of his promise. Moreover, according to
complainant, respondents insistence that the child be aborted
proves his utter disregard of moral values and (C)hristian
doctrines, making him unfit or unsuitable for the legal
profession. Complainant stressed that she was not


7 Folder of Exhibits.
8 Records, pp. 28-32
9 Records, p. 45.
10 Records, p. 84.

VOL. 127, JANUARY 31, 1984

Bacarro vs. Pinatacan
motivated by revenge, for she was aware that whatever fortunes
respondent may have in life would also benefit their child as an
heir, but that after a serious and profound consideration of the
matter, she was of the opinion that respondent would be more
of a liability than an asset to the legal profession.
By Resolution of October 11, 1979, this Court required
respondent, as proof of his sincerity and good faith, to
acknowledge and recognize in a public document duly notarized

and registered in the local civil registrars office his paternity

over the child Maria Rochie and send the original thereof to the
complainant and a duplicate copy to this Court within ten (10)
days after notice hereof. On October 19, 1979, respondent
submitted proof of his compliance with the above Resolution.
From the foregoing narration of the background of this case,
there clearly appears no question that the complainant and
respondent had been sweethearts for several years, that during
the said period they have been sexually intimate with each other,
and that the child Maria Rochie Bacarro Pinatacan is the result
of such pre-marital relations. Respondent, however, maintains
that even admitting the truth of complainants allegations, the
circumstances of their relationship with each other do not justify
his disqualification from the practice of law.
One of the indispensable requisites for admission to the
Philippine Bar is that the applicant must be of good moral
character. This requirement aims to maintain and uphold the



11 Records, p. 89.
12 Records, p. 110.
13 Records, pp. 112-115.
14 Rule 138, Sec. 2. Requirements for all applicants for admission to the bar.
Every applicant for admission as a member of the Bar must be a citizen of the
Philippines, at least twenty-one years of age of good moral character, and a
resident of the Philippines; and must produce before the Supreme Court
satisfactory evidence of good moral character and that no charges against him,
involving moral turpitude, have been filed or are pending in any court in the



Bacarro vs. Pinatacan

high moral standards and the dignity of the legal profession, and
one of the ways of achieving this end is to admit to the practice
of this noble profession only those persons who are known to be
honest and to possess good moral character. As a man of law,
(a lawyer) is necessarily a leader of the community, looked up to
as a model citizen. He sets an example to his fellow citizens
not only for his respect for the law, but also for his clean living.



Thus, becoming a lawyer is more than just going through a law

course and passing the Bar examinations. One who has the lofty
aspiration of becoming a member of the Philippine Bar must
satisfy this Court, which has the power, jurisdiction and duty to
pass upon the qualifications, ability and moral character of
candidates for admission to the Bar, that he has measured up to
that rigid and ideal standard of moral fitness required by his
chosen vocation.
In the two consolidated cases of Bitangcor vs. Tan and Peredo
vs. Tan against successful 1971 Bar examinee Rodolfo M. Tan,
it was held that therein respondent had fallen short of the
requisite morality for admission to the Bar for violating the
honor of two women. Tan had sexual relations with both
complainants without marriage and had sired a daughter by
complainant Bitangcor.
As in the Tan cases, We hold that herein respondent Pinatacan
had failed to live up to the high moral standard demanded for
membership in the Bar. He had seduced complainant into
physically submitting herself to him by promises of marriage.
He even eloped with her and brought her to another place. He
got her pregnant and then told her to have an abortion. When
complainant refused, he deserted her. Complainant had to track
him down to ask him to help support their child born out of
wedlock, and during the few times that she was able to see him,
respondent merely made promises which he apparently did not
intend to keep. On top of all these,

15 Martin, Ruperto G., Legal & Judicial Ethics, 5th ed., p. 15, citing In Re
Parazo, 82 Phil. 230.
16 Blanza vs. Arcangel, 21 SCRA 1, 4.
17 Martin, supra, p. 36.
18 Adm. Cases Nos. 528-SBC and 529-SBC, Feb. 25, 1982.

VOL. 127, JANUARY 31, 1984

Bacarro vs. Pinatacan
respondent had the audacity and impudence to deny before this
Court in a sworn Affidavit the paternity of his child by

These acts taken together certainly do not speak well of

respondents character and are indicative of his moral
delinquency. All the years that he has been denied the privilege
of being a lawyer were truly well-deserved. Nevertheless, eight
(8) years could be punishment and retribution enough.
Moreover, considering that respondent has legally recognized
and acknowledged complainants child Maria Rochie Bacarro
Pinatacan as his own, and has undertaken to give financial
support to the said child, We hold that he has realized the
wrongfulness of his past conduct and is now prepared to turn
over a new leaf. Likewise, We reiterate what had been stated in
Barba vs. Pedro that in offenses of this character, the blame
hardly belongs to the man alone.
In allowing respondent to take the lawyers oath, he must be
admonished that his admission to and continued membership in
the Bar are dependent, among others, on his compliance with his
moral and legal obligations as the father of Maria Rochie
Bacarro Pinatacan.
WHEREFORE, respondent Ruben M. Pinatacan is hereby
allowed to take the lawyers oath.
Fernando, C.J., Aquino, Concepcion, Jr., De Castro,
Plana, Escolin, Relova and Gutierrez, Jr., JJ., concur.
Teehankee, J., took no part.
Makasiar, J., Oath-taking should be deferred until 1985.
Abad Santos, J., I vote that action be deferred until 1985.
Melencio-Herrera, J., I vote to deny respondents
admission to the Bar.


19 Affidavit of Respondent Ruben M. Pinatacan dated October 18, 1979;
Records, p. 114.
20 Adm. Case No. 545-SBC, December 26, 1974, 61 SCRA 484, 488.



Senseng vs. Ga
Respondent allowed to take the lawyers oath.
Notes.An unmarried attorney, 28 years of age, who had

sexual intercourse with a woman 30 years of age in view of their

being sweethearts, and who later marries another woman is not
guilty of gross immorality as to warrant his suspension or
disbarment. The case is a product of indiscretion between two
consenting adults. (Radaza vs. Tejano, 106 SCRA 246.)
Refusal of lawyer to marry complainant is not so corrupt nor
unprincipled to warrant his disbarment. (Arciga vs. Maniwang,
106 SCRA 591.)
The answer to the disbarment charge being based on lack of
knowledge, the Court deemed it best to order an investigation.
(Ocampo vs. Dominquez, 100 SCRA 308.)
The power of the Supreme Court to disbar a lawyer should
be exercised with caution because of its serious consequences.
The burden of proof rests upon the complainant and the case
against a respondent must be established by convincing
evidence. (Abdigar vs. Paz, 93 SCRA 91.)
Willful failure by attorney to attend hearing of disbarment
proceeding against him deemed a waiver of his right to present
evidence. (Gonzales vs. Parrenas, 94 SCRA 48.)

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