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Text Struct

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Understanding Text Structure

READHistory Summer Institute

Week 1
Bill Lewis

The Essential Question

How does instruction in text

structure help students to

comprehend written text, and what
strategies are effective for
understanding narrative text?


English Language Arts Standard _________

Students will _________
1. using _____
2. understanding ______
3. integrating _____
4. self-monitoring_____
5. analyzing and evaluating______

Please note these important

words or phrases:

Nuts and wheat
Old stone wall
Cold and hungry
Sunrays and warmth
Colors of the flowers
Painted in the mind


English Language Arts Standard 2

Students will construct, examine, and extend the meaning
of literary, informative, and technical texts through
listening, reading and viewing.
1. using effective decoding and other word recognition
2. understanding vocabulary, including literary devices;
3. integrating prior knowledge with information from
the text (written or oral);
4. self-monitoring comprehension;
5. analyzing and evaluating critically


English Language Arts Standard 4

2. respond to literary text and media using
interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes
a. making inferences about content, events,
characters, setting, and authors purpose;
c. interpreting the impact of authors decisions
such as word choice, style, content, and literary

Understanding Text Structure

Students who are taught to identify the

structure of expository and narrative text
have been found to have better
comprehension than students who have not
received such instruction.
Taylor, 1992

Why Teach It?

How it Helps:
1. Connects incoming
information with
what students already
2. Increases reading
3. Helps students retain
information for

Narrative Text Structure

A key to comprehending narrative is a

sense of plot, theme, characters, and events,
and how they relate.Teaching students to
attend to the organization of a well-formed
storyimproves not only comprehension
but also the quality and creativity of stories
the students compose.
Fitzgerald & Spiegel, 1983


English Language Arts Standard 4: Students will

use literary knowledge accessed through print and
visual media to connect self to society and culture.
1. connect their own experience to those of literary
characters by
a. explaining the reasons for a characters actions;
d. identifying with characters based on a clear
understanding of motivation and situation;

Teaching Narrative Text Structure:

Five Suggestions for Working with
The Story Grammar

Have students identify key aspects of

-Encourage students to find words and phrases
that signal the time and place a story occurs.
-Read the beginnings of stories aloud noting the
clues for time and place but also point out where
authors may deliberately obscure the storys

2. Have students identify

Stop and list main and minor characters,
noting physical and personality traits.
Help students to understand how authors
reveal personality traits through character
thoughts, behavior or language.
Encourage students to identify the main
characters goals and how these goals guide
the story.

3. Help students to identify the

obstacles in the way of character

List obstacles, and guide students in

conversations about the possible ways of
overcoming obstacles. This allows for
better understanding of a story and for the
literature to become a moral laboratory
for students to experiment with their own
decision making.

4. Give students an understanding

of plot.

Make sure to encourage students to look for the

information included in the introduction or
exposition of a story: Time, place, circumstances,
main characters.
Encourage them to look for the series of incidents
where main characters go about achieving goals.
Call attention to how the goals are achieved or not
achieved in the conclusion, and the high point of
the action.
For students who have trouble, encourage them to
make time lines of the narrative structure.

The Big Idea.

Make sure to monitor comprehension by

pausing and asking key questions to help
students reflect on all parts of the story
Attempts and Consequences
Character and student responses to

How to Reveal Story Grammar to

Key Questions
Story Maps
Story Grammar Graphic Organizers
Probable Passages/ Story Impressions
Save the Last Word for Me


English Language Arts Standard 4: Students

will use literary knowledge accessed
through print and visual media to connect
self to society and culture.
4. apply knowledge gained from literature as a
basis for understanding self and society by
a. using literature as a resource for shaping
b. using literature as a resource for
understanding social and political issues.


English Language Arts Standard 4: Students will

use literary knowledge accessed through print and
visual media to connect self to society and culture.
3. demonstrate an appreciation for a broad range of
culturally diverse literary texts and media created by
historical, modern, and contemporary authors through
a. responding to literary texts and media representing
the diversity of American cultural heritage inclusive of
ages, genders, nationalities, races, religions, and

Expository Text Structure

Why Teach It?

Students must have knowledge of how

information is organized and presented
through different expository text structure.
Understanding text structures provides a
way of identifying which information is
most important and which presents
supporting details. (vanDijk and Kintsch,

Why Teach It?

Students gain more information from

expository text than from other media when
the text is assigned as a primary source of
information and the teacher provides
instruction in how to comprehend it.
(Chall, Jacobs & Baldwin, 1990)

"(S)tudies in the 1980s and 1990s have suggested that there is little reading
comprehension instruction in schools.... We desperately need to understand why
many teachers do not focus directly on comprehension strategies and routines,
and we need to learn more about how to help teachers provide good
comprehension instruction."
"The early work documented the significance of attention to text structure,
pointing out that students who aremore knowledgeable about text structure
recall more textual information than those less knowledgeable.... It also
suggested that knowledge is not enough; students must actually follow the text's
structure in building their recall in order for the effect to be realized; not
surprisingly, more good than poor readers are inclined to do so."
(Duke, Nell and Pearson)

Turns this.

Into this.

Copyright 2002-2004 R. David Middlebrook, Terms of Use:


The Process

First..make your scrolls.

Whats the use of having a midget if he isnt going to

do chores?! Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond.
Utilize students to perform the one heavy lifting aspect
of this strategy.

Second.determine your goal for

Intro. and preview new content.
Model reading and study strategies.
Review content previously covered.
Test your students knowledge of
what they read.

Next, identify text features that are important to
your reading goal. These features are:
-Headings and Subheadings
-Bold faced areas


Mark these features- Particularly the headings and



Mark the areal boundaries of each of these text


Then have students mark other sections of

the text
Identify what parts of written text are related to
graphs, illustrations, photos etc.
Write questions,circle key words and ideas,
Have students express delight by marking ideas
that are interestingi.e. : Wow!
Mark transition words- Thus, consequently,
however, etc.

After mapping, have students

compare/contrast with other groups or
Discuss the individual textmaps as a whole
group with a master map on the board.
Create graphic organizer based on the

Copyright 2002-2004 R. David Middlebrook, Terms of Use:


The Benefits of Text Mapping

It is explicit-allowing teachers to model

comprehension strategies to kids.
Teaches students to be strategic readers-gives
them a view of the whole text and the
relationships between structure, organization, and
Encourages active reading.
A textmap is a visual record of an individuals
thought process.
Accommodates a wide range of learning styles
and effective for students with LD or ADD

Review of the Activity

Create and hand out the scrolls.
Identify the text features.
Mark headings and subheadings.
Mark areal boundaries.
Mark rest of text and how the elements
Review as a class.

Think about how to use this

strategy with other
comprehension strategies
SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite,


Survey what you are about to read

-Think about the title
-Glance at the headings and skim first
-Look at illustrations
-Read the first paragraph
-Read the last paragraph


-Turn the title into a question, the purpose
for reading (essential question for lesson).
-Write down questions.
-Turn headings into questions.
-Turn subheadings, illustrations, graphics
into questions.
-Write down unfamiliar vocabulary.

Read actively- Searching for answers to
questions, reacting to passages, etc.
Recite- Look away from the answers and
the book to recall what was read, recite
answers to questions, reread for questions
not answered.
Review- Answer the purpose question,
organize information, summarize with a
graphic organizer, discussion, writing

Think about how to address text

structure of information text
Sequence Pattern
Listing Pattern
Descriptive Pattern
Comparison-Contrast Pattern
Cause-Effect Pattern
Problem-Solution Pattern

Sequence/Chronological Pattern

Causes of the Revolution

Listing/ Descriptive Pattern

Descriptive PatternCentral ConceptConcept

C o n c e p tC o n c e p tC o n c e p tC o n c e p tC o n c e p tC o n c e p tC o n c e p t


D e t a i l sD e t a i l sD e t a i l sD e t a i l sD e t a i l sD e t a i l sD e t a i l s

Comparison Contrast PatternTopic How alike?TopicHow Different?Topic

T o p i c

Problem Solution Pattern


I s s u e s :

A Alternative



Problem-Solution Pattern


G o a l sP o s s i b l e

S o l u t i o nP o s s i b l e

S o l u t i o nC o nP r oP r oC o nD e c i s i o nR e a s o n

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