Center Maryland Exclusive - Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller JR.: Criminal Justice Reform & The State's Budget
Center Maryland Exclusive - Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller JR.: Criminal Justice Reform & The State's Budget
Center Maryland Exclusive - Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller JR.: Criminal Justice Reform & The State's Budget
their tuition if they are searching for jobs. He also introduced two other bills to offer families
tax credits for any money used for community college and to split the cost of community
college between the state and local governments. (Wash. Times)
security after a coalition of city activists demanded his firing for what they considered
"offensive" tweets posted to his personal Twitter account. The activists said Lt. Victor
Gearhart's tweets "prove embedded racism" within the police department, and both
department and union officials were quick to disavow his comments. Police Commissioner
Kevin Davis, who has said improving police-community relations is one of his top priorities,
took to Twitter himself Monday to say the comments "do not reflect the values" of the
department or "our great City." On Tuesday, Davis ordered Gearhart's reassignment, effective
Wednesday, according to a document obtained by The Baltimore Sun. (Balt. Sun)
Invitation to recovery
What if instead of arresting heroin addicts and throwing them in the clink, police offered
them a bed in a treatment center where they could begin the long road to recovery as soon as
they walked through the door? It's an idea once considered unthinkable by law enforcement
officials, who traditionally haven't thought of themselves as social service-providing
members of the helping professions. (Balt. Sun)
service payments for each test or doctor's visit. A recent report in the New England Journal of
Medicine showed Maryland's experiment has resulted in a 26 percent drop in infections,
surgical errors and other preventable conditions. The model's success is counter-intuitive and
throws into question our belief that more medicine means better health. (Balt. Sun)