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NIV Faith and Work Bible

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The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV
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Foreword by Tim Keller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Essay: Faith and Work by David Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storyline Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Genesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exodus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Leviticus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deuteronomy. . . . . . . . . . .
Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Judges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ruth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Kings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Kings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Chronicles. . . . . . . . . . . .


2 Chronicles. . . . . . . . . . . .
Ezra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nehemiah . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Esther. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Psalms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proverbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ecclesiastes. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Song of Songs. . . . . . . . . . .
Isaiah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jeremiah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lamentations. . . . . . . . . . .
Ezekiel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hosea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Joel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Amos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Obadiah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jonah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Micah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nahum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Habakkuk . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Zephaniah. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Haggai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Zechariah. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Malachi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Hebrews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Revelation . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Romans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Corinthians. . . . . . . . . . .
2 Corinthians. . . . . . . . . . .
Galatians . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Ephesians. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Philippians. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Colossians . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Thessalonians . . . . . . . . .
2 Thessalonians . . . . . . . . .
1 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Titus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Philemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Table of Weights & Measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Essay: The Gospel and Work by Jon Tyson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Essay: Our Need for Theology by Richard Mouw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Essay: Finding Our Story in Gods Story by Nancy Ortberg. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index of Storylines Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index of Doctrines Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index of Deeper at Work Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


By Tim Keller
n n n

hy do we need to understand how to integrate the Christian faith with our daily work? Why is
there a need for a Bible like this? Some would say that it isnt necessary. The job of the church
is to make disciples, not to try to change the culture, they say. I agree with the former, but we need
to be clear about what we mean by the church and by make disciples.
First, what is the church? Theologians and church leaders distinguish between the gathered
church and the scattered church. The gathered church comes together, especially on the Lords Day,
for corporate worship and instruction, and to enjoy the communion of the saints. It is organized
and led by its officers and ministers, and is called to preach the gospel, baptize, and make disciples.
The scattered church is the body of believers any time they are not gathered together in a singular
place, which is undoubtedly most of the time.
Second, what does it mean to make disciples? Does it mean we simply equip Christians to be
Christians within the walls and programs of the gathered church? Or are we, for example, to walk
them through the book of Proverbs and show them how the wisdom of Gods Word can shape
their business practices, civic relationships, use of money, relationships with people of other races
and classes, and with other believers? To make disciples in the gathered church is, then, to make
disciples who also know how to live as the scattered church outside of the Christian community.
Christians do not cease to be the church when the public gatherings are over. They are called to be
the church and to represent their Lord throughout the
week in every area of life, including the workplace. We
The church must help
should not think of Christians out in the world as mereChristians think out the
ly distinct and detached individuals. They are the body
implications of their faith
of Christthinking and working together, banding tofor a host of places and
gether in creative forms, being the scattered church that
relationships in which
the gathered church has discipled them to be.
ordinary Christian beliefs
This distinction between the gathered and scattered
and ethics are now seen as
church is critical for understanding how the church
irrelevant, inexplicable, or
should engage culture. American church history reveals
even dangerous... Normal
the opposing mistakes that can be made. On one hand,
in the 19th century, the particular teachings led many
Christian behavior is now
Southern U.S. churches to support slavery. These churchtruly counter-cultural.
es taught that the church should not get involved in politics nor try to change the culture, but rather should just build up the church. But in this disastrous
move, they failed to disciple people as Christian citizens who could understand Biblical justice and
apply it in society. On the other hand, in the 20th century, many mainline Protestant denominations
became so deeply and institutionally involved in politics that they discarded evangelism and calling
people to conversion and faith in Christ.
The gathered-scattered church distinction helps us maintain Biblical discipleship. A church that
educates and disciples people to act justly in the public sphere has to be sensitive to social issues in

its teaching and preaching. Yet it cannot make the fatal mistake of becoming a lobbying group and
losing sight of its main mission of preaching the gospel and making disciples. The gathered church
is called to disciple Christians to integrate their faith with their public life, and that makes believers
salt and light in society (see Mt 5:1316).
The gathered-scattered church distinction also helps us answer the question What does it mean
to be in the world but not of it (see Jn 17:1418)? Most Christians know this phrase and that it
should be true of them. But they usually dont know what it means for day-to-day Christian life.
Generally, they think it means evangelismsharing ones faith with neighbors and colleagues. The
phrase certainly includes that, but it means so much more. When we think out the implications
the gospel bears on our workhow it changes our motivations for work, relationships at work,
and the way we imagine the work itselfwe are better enabled to live distinctively Christian lives
in the world.
Some people think that we should not put so much emphasis on being Christian in our vocation
that this blunts or de-emphasizes the importance of directly evangelizing and sharing the gospel.
But learning how to be a Christian in our workthat is, learning to work in a Christian manner
by creating more humane workplaces, being more generous in our transactions, treating people as
persons rather than as cogs in a machine, and acting with integrity even when to our personal disadvantage, for examplesubstantiates our personal evangelism. Our coworkers and clientswhoever
we encounter in our workwill be more willing to listen to us and will think us more credible
when we share what we believe. Not only that, they will want to know what we believe.
And so the concepts of the gathered and scattered church help us impress on Christians that they
are always on mission in every area of their lives, not only when they are sharing their faith. It helps
us to overcome clericalism and lay passivity, and to recover the Reformation doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. To be on mission requires that lay Christians be discipled by their churches to
do three things: (1) be a verbal witness to their friends and colleagues; (2) serve the needs of their
neighbors, and especially the poor, whether they believe as we do or not; (3) integrate their faith
with their work and engage culture through their vocations.
While I believe the distinction between the gathered and scattered church has always been valid
and important, it has never been more crucial than it is today. We live in a politically polarized
society. Christians who are committed both to fearless calls to repentance and belief in Jesus as the
only Savior as well as to social justice and the common good do not fit the contemporary categories.
Such Christians are profoundly counterintuitive to American observers, for they do not appear to
be either truly liberal or conservative. I believe that only this kind of church has any chance in
the post-Christian West today. Only this kind of Christianity will get a hearingand it is Biblical
The kind of in-depth discipling that this vision requires is critical. Previously, churches in the
West could function as loose fellowships within a wider semi-Christian culture. Discipling
meant learning some basic doctrine, how to study the Bible, how to pray, and how to serve in the
church. Today, becoming a Christian involves a much more radical break with the surrounding
non-Christian culture. The church must help Christians think out the implications of their faith
for a host of places and relationships in which ordinary Christian beliefs and ethics are now seen as
irrelevant, inexplicable, or even dangerous. Most vocational fields are dominated now by the values
and narratives of therapy, bureaucracy, and consumerism. Normal Christian behavior is now truly
counter-cultural. Navigating a Christian life with integrity in such settings takes a lot of instruction,
reflection, training, and support. Sex and family, wealth and possessions, racial identity and power
must all be conducted and used in ways that fit Biblical themes and values rather than baseline
cultural narratives.

And yet, despite how differently they live, and how weird they will look to many people, Christians must constitute a servant society, sacrificially pouring out their time and wealth for the common good. The sacrificial service of the church will then show the world a third way between
the individualistic self-absorption that secularism can breed on the one hand and the tribal self-
righteousness that religion can breed on the other.
This study Bible is a great step in this direction. Most Christians have not learned to read the
Scriptures while always asking How does this text inform my public life and vocation? Over the
years, some Christians have complained that the Bible doesnt really give much help for how to be
a believer on the job. Within these pages, your eyes will be opened to how Gods Word does give
everything we need for a godly life (2 Pe 1:3). n


By David Kim
n n n

t is easy to say the gospel changes everything. But what does this really mean, especially when it
comes to work?
As the Director for the Center for Faith and Work, I am asked one question time and again by both
Christians and non-Christians alike: How do you integrate your faith with your work? Sometimes I
respond by asking them the same question. It is tough for some to answer, especially those who do not
have an explicit religious commitment. But I try to signal to them that everyone brings faith into their
workwhether they have faith in the work of Christ or faith in their own abilities. We all integrate
faith into our work, but most of the time were completely unaware of what faith underlies our work.
Faith is an indispensable part of work, whether that work is paid or unpaid. All work flows from
some system of belief, and the content of that faith dramatically changes the way we approach work.
For example, philosopher Gary Gutting, in a New York Times article titled What Work Is Really
For, argued a position he attributed to Aristotle: We work to have leisure, on which happiness
depends.1 2 He later stated, Leisure, not work, should be our primary goal.3 Countless people
share his belief: that work has no greater meaning than the paycheck it provides. One ramification
of this thinking is that even mediocre work helps you enjoy your true passions. On the flip side,
if you believe the gospel changes everything, you must wrestle through the implications of what it
means for the gospel to change everything about work.

For many Christians, the practical reality of bringing ones faith into the workplace means that
the emphasis funnels into two main categories: evangelism and ethics. Being a faithful Christian
at work involves looking for opportunities to tell non-Christians about the saving work of Jesus,
and also being a good example of a morally upright person in our daily tasks and decisions. This
approach to work often leaves Christians feeling under pressure, as if they might be labeled a failure
or a hypocrite if they fail to do either well. While Christians should certainly be eager to share their
faith with anyone who asks about it, and while we hope that we as Christians will be known as
trustworthy, ethical people, are there other ways in which the gospel transforms our work?
To answer this question, we need to consider Gods response to the brokenness of our world. As
he unfolded his strategy to renew creation, God chose one seemingly average man, Abram, and
pledged to him a series of promises. Genesis 12:23 outlines Gods three-fold covenant to Abram:
1) to bless him, 2) to make him into a great nation and 3) to bless all the families of the earth
through him. The rest of the Biblical narrative, then, can be viewed as the unfolding fulfillment of
Gods promises to Abraham, which are ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Because of Christ, Gods
grace and power are dynamically at work in transforming individuals, communities and everything
1 Gary Gutting. What Work Is Really For, The New York Times, 8 Sept. 2012:; last accessed
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.


else we know. This means that the gospel is intended to penetrate our motivations, relationships and
the very world we engage with day-in and day-out.
This three-fold expression of motivations, relationships and world broadens our conception of
how God wants to renew not just our world, but also our work. From a distinctly Christian perspective, faith and work integration must encompass all three of these interconnected aspects of life.
Otherwise, we minimize the full scope of the gospels transformative power. This broader conception of the gospel, beyond evangelism and ethics and toward a deeper understanding of our daily,
Spirit-inspired mission, helps us see work in a whole new way, and often gives us fresh hope and
excitement for our calling.

Starting with our motivations, the gospel challenges the reasons why we work. For most people, the
surface-level answer to the question of why we work is to make a living. But in todays Western society, many of us have ability to choose which job to take or which career path to pursue. Our choices,
therefore, reveal our deeper motivations for work. What do we want our work to give us? What do
we believe it must give us? A sense of financial security? A sense of meaning and purpose? Status and
fame? The answer varies from person to person, but each of us has an answer if we dig deep enough.
We were created to work, and this work was meant to be an expression of our bearing Gods image. The work of our hands was intended to display Gods glory. Yet because of the fall (Ge 3:120),
humans were separated from God, the source of our identity. In this alienated state, many of us
now look to work as the source of our identity instead of the expression of it. In our brokenness, we
are motivated to work in order to regain what we lost in the fallthat instinct toward building
meaning and purpose that without Gods direction can only turn inward. Instead of trusting Gods
call upon our lives, in our rebellion we are driven by deep pride and insecurity. In this state, we
attempt to navigate the dizzying choices of life, desperately trying to establish a sense of self-worth
and stability through our own efforts and accomplishments.
The fundamental problem with us is not our abilities or the opportunities we have or dont have. It
is how we have turned away from God to trust in ourselves and not in him. Deep within our hearts,
we fashion our own gods as an expression of our rebellious autonomy and self-sovereignty. But we
have deceived ourselves: We are never really autonomous or sovereign over own lives, and the gospel
exposes our idolatry and false assumptions. Idols such as money, success, power and sex can never
satisfy our deeper hunger for status and security. These idols, and our attempts to feed and keep
them, slowly dehumanize us and often hurt others. We were made in Gods image, which means
we were made to find our deepest contentment and expression in him alone, not in created things.
The good news is that Christ has reconciled humanity to God, and this renewed relationship can
utterly transform our deepest motivations for work. In the gospel, work again becomes an expression of our identity as Gods children. Instead of us trying to earn a sense of worth, security, and
meaning from our work, our work becomes the opportunity for us to demonstrate in big and small
ways the beauty and wonder of what it means to be created in Gods image. To borrow a phrase
from John Calvin, the world is a dazzling theater of Gods glory.4 Work is a stage on which we
can act out the wonder and great privilege of being created in the image of God.
This reality has a profound effect upon our motivations for work. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed the fruit of this transformation when he said, If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he
should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare
wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say,
4 John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559 translation edition (Louisville, Westminster John Knox Press, 1960), 1.5.8.


here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.5 What inspires people to participate in this
kind of work? It is not the result of a motivation to earn a living or to gain some privileged status,
but rather it is the fruit that manifests in our lives when, after our striving for self-worth is exhausted,
we are reunited with and perform our work for the One who has loved us and made us in his image.
The gospel transforms our all of our motivations so that we may work to bring God glory, and
so that when others see the work of our handswhether that be a brilliantly designed spreadsheet,
a perfectly brewed cup of coffee or a well-nurtured childthey might gaze upon and experience a
tangible expression of who God is. Work, therefore, provides an incredible opportunity for us to
share the gospelto name the God to whom this work ultimately points, and to explain the splendor and magnificence of his redemptive work in Christ.

Second, the gospel transforms our relationships in such a way that we can begin to honor everyone
we encounter, knowing that they too are created in Gods image. Many people often feel dehumanized at work, as they are treated as simply a means to an end. We often dont see our colleagues or
co-workers through the lens of the gospel, which reveals Gods immense love for all people, even
though they and we have all rebelled against him.
In his classic work Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer highlights the revolutionary importance of
seeing our relationships mediated through Christ and his love: Human love constructs its own image of the other person, of what he is and what he should become. It takes the life of the other person
into its own hands. Spiritual love recognizes the true image of the other person which he has received
from Jesus Christ; the image that Jesus Christ himself embodied and would stamp upon all men.6
Renewing our relationships at work begins with a transformation of how we view and love those
with whom we work. While we might pause at the notion of expressing Christian love to our coworkers, this transformed perspective is influenced and sourced by Gods love and the profound
wisdom and discernment his loving Spirit brings. The gospel reveals to us the depths of Gods love
even as it exposes how limited our own love is. Christs love compels us to push the boundaries
of what it means to love the people with whom we work, even while respecting the appropriate
boundaries of a workplace relationship. Christs love challenges us to consider what it means to care
for others, seeking their good as well as our own.
As Christians, we are called to see others through Christs eyes and not our own. How unfortunate
that we so often have to remind ourselves that the individuals with whom we work are not a means to
an end. They are not merely fellow employees paid to do work or resources that we can exploit in order
to climb the corporate ladder. Rather, they are fellow image-bearers. Work provides a significant arena
for people to experience what it means to be created in Gods imageto experience the value, dignity,
worth, creativity and imagination inherent in this immense privilege of mirroring who God is.
When people are treated as wonder-filled expressions of God and his immense creativity and
handiwork, then workwhere people spend most of their waking hourscan be transformed to
provide a meaningful context for people to flourish.

This leads us to the third and final perspective of the work. Of the three perspectives, renewal of
our world is often the most difficult for people to grasp. How does the gospel transform the world
through work?
5 Martin Luther King, Jr. What Is Your Lifes Blueprint? lecture at Barratt Junior High School, Philadelphia, (26 Oct. 1967). Seattle Times:
special/mlk/king/words/blueprint.html. Last accessed 9/24/2015.
6 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together (New York: HarperOne, 2009), 23.


Throughout Western history, the church, in caring for its constituents, created new organizations and
moved into new sectors of business and society, from social service nonprofits to healthcare to educational institutions. The formation of hospitals and universities, taken for granted today as indispensable
parts of society, arose in large part because of the churchs call to care for fellow divine image-bearers,
recognizing the full humanity of even those societal outcasts who were perishing with fatal diseases.
Society as we know it today has been shaped and significantly influenced by faithful Christians living
out their faith in their daily work. For many, unbeknownst to them, God has been at work through
them to renew larger societal structures in our world. The church has given rise to entrepreneurs and
innovators who saw particular areas of brokenness in our world and chose to act through the creative
use of resources and talents available to them. The hope of the gospel in the renewal of all things fuels
our imagination to consider how Gods Spirit might be at work in our respective areas of work. The
gospel reminds us of the abundance of Gods grace to counter the prevailing brokenness and injustice
that we experience every day, and to consider what our part might be in that renewal process.
But why would God care about the renewal of this world, including the work of our hands? One
answer to this question goes back to the concept that work is an expression of our identity as people
created in Gods image. As humans are the expression of Gods glory (see 1Co 11:7), our work by extension is also an expression of Gods glory. If this is true, then it is easy to understand why our work
matters so much to God. As God is jealous for his own glory, he desires that our work in all the varying
sectors of society display his manifold glory in concrete ways.
For example, when a person grows up in a society where the legal system affords due process, they
come to know and experience a bit of what it means that God is just. In contrast, an individual growing
up in a totalitarian society where might makes right does not come to experience the glory of Gods
just governance. Likewise, when people live in a society where the arts are valued and flourish, people
are inspired by Gods immense imaginative faculties. When entrepreneurs grow up in a context where
there are efficient and established financial systems, they have access to the kind of capital that enables
them to give rise to something new and create opportunities for others to participate in cultivating this
amazing world God created.
In other words, work allows people to experience the astounding diversity of Gods glory. When
people make this connection between everyday work and Gods glory, our work becomes utterly transformed.
God cares about our work because he cares about his glory. He desires to make known his glory
in this world, and for that reason he will continue to seek those whose eyes are opened to see the
work of his Spirit preserving and renewing every facet of this world that belongs to him. Christians
should be the people who care most deeply about the work they do, because they care deeply about
Gods glory being made known in all the world.
The articles and notes in this Bible are directed toward a faith and work revival that takes seriously
how the gospel actively transforms and renews all three of these areasour motivations for work,
our relationships in work, and how our work renews and impacts this world. The gospel gives us
incredible hope for and in our work. One day, all that we have done in our lives, including our
work, will culminate in the glorious return of Christ, when his bride and the New Jerusalema
city beautifully adorned with the cultivated works of humanityis presented to the Bridegroom.
The treasures that will be brought into this glorious city will be nothing less than the treasures of
the nations (Rev 21:2326). n

n n n

he NIV Faith and Work Bible is a unique and exciting combination of doctrine, application, and
community experience. It is the product of decades of research and development undertaken with
the goal of equipping Christians to meaningfully engage their work with a renewed sense of the power and relevance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These pages are the fruit of real communities that have
wrestled and experimented with the profound question, How does my faith relate to my work?
As you open the pages of this Bible, it may appear similar to other specialty Bibles you may have
seen, but we believe these pages reveal a novel approach to the growing question of faith and work
that takes both doctrine and application seriously.
What you will learn in these pages is not a list of dos and donts for your work; rather, you will
learn theology that will hopefully rewire the way you understand the gospel and how it has everything to do with your work. Once your eyes are open to understanding the connection between
faith and work, the work of Christ will become all the more beautiful and necessary to you.


For Biblical truth to be meaningfully understood, it has to be applied; however, theology is often
presented in a way that makes application challenging. Theological truths are frequently delivered
without a real sense of how they are relevant. A robust yet simple framework is needed to help users
apply the doctrines presented in the Bible. We will explore how Biblical doctrines affect our (1)
motivations, (2) relationships and (3) world.
Another important premise of this Bible is that the gospel is central to all of Scripture. Each
book, each narrative, each verse points us to the person and work of Jesus Christ, and it is this
gospel that alone has the power to transform all of life and all of creation, including our work. The
gospel therefore deeply transforms our motivations for work, our relationships at work, and how
we engage with the world of our work.
Motivation. The gospel changes individuals, and at the core of this change is a new heart motivated by what Christ has done in giving us a new identity. Out of this new identity flows new
desires, the greatest of which are loving God and loving our neighbor. Yet, this profound work of
the gospel can be completely overlooked in the work context. The motivations and reasons behind
why we work can be devoid of the gospels power. We can work to secure a sense of our own identity, worth, security, belonging, and comfort; yet work was never designed to ultimately provide
these things. It is only in Christ that we as individuals can be rightly motivated to work in a manner
that brings full glory to God. This Bible will make its readers more aware of the critical role of our
motivations and desires and how the gospel is able to renew and reorder our desires, freeing us to
work in a manner that releases the power of the gospel.
Relationships. The gospel has profoundly reconciled relationships among human beings because
of the restored relationship between humanity and God. The work of Christ in our lives through
the Holy Spirit enables us to relate differently with all people. Co-workers, bosses, managers and
colleagues are not just people who help us get our work done or who evaluate our work. They are


people created in the image of God, and we are called to love them in ways appropriate to our
workplace context. Relationships at work can often be a source of great discomfort, dysfunction,
anxiety and toxicity. This Bible will help its readers see how the gospel can powerfully shape how
we interact with those in our workplaces to promote healthy, effective workplace environments that
unleash the potential and joy of people working together toward a common purpose.
World. The gospel also changes the world of our work. When people consider the scope of the
gospels impact, often it is limited to individuals and relationships. The narrative of Scripture makes
clear that the work of Christ is making everything new (Rev 21:5) which includes both people
and the initial call of humanity to cultivate and subdue the earth. The gospel is at work to renew
things much larger than communitiesit is able to transform dysfunctional companies, unjust
processes, ineffective systems, broken industries, and directionless spheres of society. This Bible will
help its readers make connections between the world of the Bible and our complex world today so
that they can see what it means to be people called to seek the prosperity of the world around us.
These three perspectives of motivation, relationships and world provide a robust framework that
allows individuals to experience the gospel at different levels. Youll find them in the Core Doctrine
features and also the Deeper at Work notes.

The Centrality of the Gospel. Grasping the gospel of Jesus Christ is the main point of this Bible.
Every page of Scripture points to the significance of the person and work of Christ and how this
gospel renews everything. Yet, we can lose sight of this amazing news if we fail to understand the
overarching narrative of the Bible. It is easy to get lost in the details of each story and each book,
and to lose the big picture that God is faithfully at work to fulfill the covenant he has made with
his people.
Calling and Work: Definitions. This Bible will address both the concepts of calling and work.
It is important to differentiate these concepts because they are often used interchangeably; however,
there is an important distinction to be made. Calling (and its Latin-derived synonym, vocation) is
a larger category describing Gods purposes for humanity. As the Caller, God has given to us a new
identity and a new purpose in the gospel, which is the foundation of our calling. God has called a
people, his church, as people called to follow him. One of the fundamental premises of this book is
that God has in a sense called his people out of this worlda world characterized by sin, disbelief,
pride, self-preservation and other illsso that he can call them back into the world to seek its peace
and prosperity.
This larger call includes but is not limited to the daily work that we do. This work is what we
might call our occupation or jobit is the thing we spend most of our day doing. Maintaining this
distinction between calling and work allows us to understand how our larger calling can powerfully
inform and shape how we approach our work. Our daily work has been significantly impacted by
the fall and its far-reaching effects on our world. This larger calling gives us reason to pursue work
with redemptive hope and meaning. This Bible addresses both the larger concepts of calling and the
more mundane aspects of our daily work.

This Bible features a 31-day journey through the Biblical narrative so that those who have never
read the Bible in its entirety can begin to grasp this incredible story line that ties together these
seemingly disconnected 66 books. The Bible will, therefore, no longer seem to be a mere manual


for Christian living, but rather the revelation of what God has done in history to redeem his people
and his creation.
An introduction to and overview of the 31 Biblical narrative readings can be found on page
XXXX, and a complete index of the readings is located on page XXXX.
Core Doctrines

The end goal of this Bible is to help users deepen their understanding and experience of the gospel,
and to make them excited to engage their work in a new way. It is the work of Christ alone that has
the power to renew our motivations, our relationships and the world.
As we begin to understand the message of the gospel, there still remains the challenge of connecting this ancient story to our daily lives today. There is a significant cultural and historical gap
between the context of the Bible and our modern world that makes meaningful application challenging. Theology embodied in particular doctrines becomes essential to bridging this gap. What
does the death, resurrection and glorification of Christ have to do with my work today?
There are two possible approaches to answering this question. One can start with specific work
situations and try to find verses or passages that seem to apply to the situation. While this approach
can be useful, it is often difficult to find the right passages that seem applicable to the complex
situations in which we find ourselves. The other approach begins with Scripture and seeks to understand significant doctrines that can lead to a growing spiritual discernment. Given the complexities
of our increasingly globalized world, there is a need for rich and robust theology to guide us in
understanding how we might apply the Bible to specific workplace situations.
This Bible features historic doctrines that help connect the Bible to our current work context.
These doctrines are further divided into subtopics that are applied to the areas of motivation, relationships and world. By focusing on these doctrines, you will learn significant theological truths
that provide a framework for deeper understanding rather than simply finding the right Christian
answer. Studying these core doctrines will equip you to meaningfully apply, in a nuanced way, the
gospel to various workplace situations and contexts.
For a complete listing of the historic doctrines that covered in this study Bible, please turn to
page XXXX.
This major feature is designed to guide your study. Each of these 45 features has the following
Deeper in Truth. One of the goals of this Bible is to expose its readers to historic and influential
writings that have shaped key doctrines of the evangelical faith. To that end, the editors of this
Bible have curated a list of excerpts from the works of various writers to elaborate on each doctrine.
Though some of the readings can be a bit challenging, we believe that primary source materials
help clarify the depth of these doctrines. Whats more, the excerpts from these works are meant to
point readers to the larger works themselves, which provide much deeper instruction in each of the
doctrines. Most of these works have withstood the test of time, and their value warrants repeated
Connecting. This brief section helps you connect the excerpt to your life today by highlighting
key ideas and presenting questions that will illuminate its relevance in your workplace.
Deeper at Work. The Bible provides wisdom for all ages and all work. Throughout this study
Bible you will encounter applications that present real stories of people from various vocations and
demographics who have wrestled with the implications of a given doctrine in their work. These
stories are not meant to give you the right answer or model what the ideal Christian looks like;
rather, they highlight real people wrestling with what it means to live faithfully, day by day, in their


work. These are part of the Core Doctrine articles so that you will see the practical application of
the Scripture to the issue at hand.
Deeper at Work Feature

Weve also included more of the Deeper at Work articles outside of the Core Doctrine features
throughout this Bible so that you can see how real-life individuals apply the truths of the Bible to
your life. These Deeper at Work articles will inspire you to see the full range of how the gospel
can be applied, and how it is at work in your work. Here you will be encouraged and challenged to
see the modern-day implications of the Scripture text and to consider how timeless Biblical truths
can be applied in diverse work settings. For a complete index of these additional Deeper at Work
articles, see p. XXXX.

In the front of this Bible is included a thoughtful essay by Dr. David Kim, the General Editor of the
study materials in this Bible (see p. XXXX). Youll also find three more insightful essays that apply
the concepts within the study notes to your daily life in the end matter. The essays in the back of
this Bible begin on page XXXX.
Book Introductions

Introductions for each book of the Bible speak to the many ways that each book is applicable to
the daily work that you engage in. Reading these will give you the perspective that is needed as you
approach each book of the Bible with a view toward the sometimes-daunting task of living for God
in the midst of your workplace.

Our hope and desire is that as you engage with the study materials in this book, you will come to a
deeper understanding of and appreciation for a doctrinal approach that will bring a new perspective
to the way the gospel impacts your daily life. Again, our hope is that once your eyes are open to
understanding the connection between faith and work, the gospel will come alive for you in brand
new ways. We hope that this Bible will make you excited to engage not only your work, but also the
world around you with a renewed sense of purpose, grounded in the unique hope of the gospel. n
David H. Kim
and the editors at Christianity Today

n n n

he Bible reveals the story of this world as seen through the eyes of our Creator. This grand
narrative provides an essential and invaluable context to help us address lifes big questions
perennial issues such as personal identity and the meaning of life. But the Bible is a big book. Many
of us who try to read through the entire Bible often struggle to get through the first five books.
Those who manage to read beyond these books can easily lose sight of the bigger picture or get
distracted by the strange-sounding names and places.
The Story Line feature in this Bible is designed to help you comprehend the whole narrative of
Scripture while keeping you engaged in the Biblical text. By reading these 31 landmark features,
you will journey through the story of the entire Bible. Youll see how familiar Biblical texts take on
heightened meaning as you begin to grasp the overall flow of Gods redemptive plan as it unfolded
in history.
How you approach this feature is up to you. You can read one per day for a month or one per
week, depending on how much time you have and how much of the Biblical text you want to read.
Each is anchored to the surrounding Scripture text and provides an overview to help you understand the context and significance of the chapters at hand, tying together significant themessuch
as covenant, for examplethat run throughout the Biblical narrative.
The Bible has been and continues to be the guiding light for the Christian life. Below each
Story Line you will see either a map or a piece of art that correlates with the events highlighted in
the feature. The maps serve to provide a geographical context for the Biblical narrative, while the
visual depictions offer a sense of how Christians throughout history have understood and interpreted these Biblical passages. These images are intended to stretch your imagination in relation
to these texts.
Behind this grand narrative is a God who wants to reveal not only his purposes but also himself.
The Author of this story has written himself into the narrative, and each page of Scripture points to
the culmination of Gods self-revelation in Jesus Christ. As you read each Story Line, my hope and
prayer is that you become increasingly enamored with the beauty of Scripture and come to realize
more every day how your life fits within Gods story. n
David H. Kim


Genesis 1: Introduction to the Sovereign King

Genesis 3: A Cataclysmic Rebellion
Genesis 6: Judgment and Mercy: Noah
Genesis 12: The Power of Faith
Exodus 13: God Raises a Deliverer: Moses
Exodus 12: The Exodus from Egypt
Numbers 14: Rebellion and Judgment in the Wilderness
Deuteronomy 5: Covenant Renewal in the Next Generation



Joshua 1: Conquering the Promised Land

Judges 2: The Decline of Israel and the Rise of the Judges
1 Samuel 13: The Rise of a New Prophet
1 Samuel 8: Israel Demands a King
2 Samuel 7: Samuel Anoints of King David
1 Kings 3: King Solomon Builds the Temple
1 Kings 11: A Divided and Idolatrous Kingdom
2 Kings 17: Israels Rebellion Leads to Exile
Hosea 11: The Prophetic Voice of the North: Hosea
2 Kings 1820: A Righteous King in Judah: Hezekiah
Jeremiah 1: Judahs Prophet of Judgment and Hope: Jeremiah
2 Kings 25: Judah Is Taken into Exile
Ezekiel 37: Hope in Exile: Ezekiel
Nehemiah 9: Covenant Renewal and the Restoration of Jerusalem
Malachi 3: Words of Hope before Silence
John 1: The Word Becomes Human
Mark 1: Jesus Begins His Public Ministry
Matthew 5: Jesus: True Teacher of the Law
Matthew 27: Jesus Suffering and Death
Luke 24: Christs Resurrection and Ascension
Acts 2: The Giving of the Spirit and Spread of the Gospel
Acts 15: Controversy and the First Church Council
Revelation 21: The Return of the King

n n n

he goal of the New International Version (NIV) is to enable English-speaking people from around
the world to read and hear Gods eternal Word in their own language. Our work as translators is
motivated by our conviction that the Bible is Gods Word in written form. We believe that the Bible
contains the divine answer to the deepest needs of humanity, sheds unique light on our path in a dark
world and sets forth the way to our eternal well-being. Out of these deep convictions, we have sought
to recreate as far as possible the experience of the original audienceblending transparency to the
original text with accessibility for the millions of English speakers around the world. We have prioritized accuracy, clarity and literary quality with the goal of creating a translation suitable for public and
private reading, evangelism, teaching, preaching, memorizing and liturgical use. We have also sought
to preserve a measure of continuity with the long tradition of translating the Scriptures into English.
The complete NIV Bible was first published in 1978. It was a completely new translation made
by over a hundred scholars working directly from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek
texts. The translators came from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand, giving the translation an international scope. They were from many denominations and
churchesincluding Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Brethren, Christian Reformed, Church
of Christ, Evangelical Covenant, Evangelical Free, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Nazarene,
Presbyterian, Wesleyan and others. This breadth of denominational and theological perspective
helped to safeguard the translation from sectarian bias. For these reasons, and by the grace of God,
the NIV has gained a wide readership in all parts of the English-speaking world.
The work of translating the Bible is never finished. As good as they are, English translations must
be regularly updated so that they will continue to communicate accurately the meaning of Gods
Word. Updates are needed in order to reflect the latest developments in our understanding of the
biblical world and its languages and to keep pace with changes in English usage. Recognizing,
then, that the NIV would retain its ability to communicate Gods Word accurately only if it were
regularly updated, the original translators established the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT).
The Committee is a self-perpetuating group of biblical scholars charged with keeping abreast of
advances in biblical scholarship and changes in English and issuing periodic updates to the NIV.
The CBT is an independent, self-governing body and has sole responsibility for the NIV text. The
Committee mirrors the original group of translators in its diverse international and denominational
makeup and in its unifying commitment to the Bible as Gods inspired Word.
In obedience to its mandate, the Committee has issued periodic updates to the NIV. An initial
revision was released in 1984. A more thorough revision process was completed in 2005, resulting
in the separately published TNIV. The updated NIV you now have in your hands builds on both
the original NIV and the TNIV and represents the latest effort of the Committee to articulate
Gods unchanging Word in the way the original authors might have said it had they been speaking
in English to the global English-speaking audience today.

The Committees translating work has been governed by three widely accepted principles about the
way people use words and about the way we understand them.

First, the meaning of words is determined by the way that users of the language actually use them
at any given time. For the biblical languages, therefore, the Committee utilizes the best and most
recent scholarship on the way Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words were being used in biblical times.
At the same time, the Committee carefully studies the state of modern English. Good translation
is like good communication: one must know the target audience so that the appropriate choices
can be made about which English words to use to represent the original words of Scripture. From
its inception, the NIV has had as its target the general English-speaking population all over the
world, the International in its title reflecting this concern. The aim of the Committee is to put
the Scriptures into natural English that will communicate effectively with the broadest possible
audience of English speakers.
Modern technology has enhanced the Committees ability to choose the right English words to
convey the meaning of the original text. The field of computational linguistics harnesses the power
of computers to provide broadly applicable and current data about the state of the language. Translators can now access huge databases of modern English to better understand the current meaning
and usage of key words. The Committee utilized this resource in preparing the 2011 edition of
the NIV. An area of especially rapid and significant change in English is the way certain nouns
and pronouns are used to refer to human beings. The Committee therefore requested experts in
computational linguistics at Collins Dictionaries to pose some key questions about this usage to its
database of Englishthe largest in the world, with over 4.4 billion words, gathered from several
English-speaking countries and including both spoken and written English. (The Collins Study,
called The Development and Use of Gender Language in Contemporary English, can be accessed
at The study revealed that the
most popular words to describe the human race in modern U.S. English were humanity, man
and mankind. The Committee then used this data in the updated NIV, choosing from among
these three words (and occasionally others also) depending on the context.
A related issue creates a larger problem for modern translations: the move away from using the
third-person masculine singular pronounshe/him/histo refer to men and women equally.
This usage does persist in some forms of English, and this revision therefore occasionally uses these
pronouns in a generic sense. But the tendency, recognized in day-to-day usage and confirmed by
the Collins study, is away from the generic use of he, him and his. In recognition of this shift
in language and in an effort to translate into the natural English that people are actually using, this
revision of the NIV generally uses other constructions when the biblical text is plainly addressed
to men and women equally. The reader will encounter especially frequently a they, their or
them to express a generic singular idea. Thus, for instance, Mark 8:36 reads: What good is it for
someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? This generic use of the distributive or
singular they/them/their has been used for many centuries by respected writers of English and
has now become established as standard English, spoken and written, all over the world.
A second linguistic principle that feeds into the Committees translation work is that meaning is
found not in individual words, as vital as they are, but in larger clusters: phrases, clauses, sentences,
discourses. Translation is not, as many people think, a matter of word substitution: English word x
in place of Hebrew word y. Translators must first determine the meaning of the words of the biblical
languages in the context of the passage and then select English words that accurately communicate
that meaning to modern listeners and readers. This means that accurate translation will not always
reflect the exact structure of the original language. To be sure, there is debate over the degree to
which translators should try to preserve the form of the original text in English. From the beginning, the NIV has taken a mediating position on this issue. The manual produced when the translation that became the NIV was first being planned states: If the Greek or Hebrew syntax has a good

parallel in modern English, it should be used. But if there is no good parallel, the English syntax
appropriate to the meaning of the original is to be chosen. It is fine, in other words, to carry over
the form of the biblical languages into Englishbut not at the expense of natural expression. The
principle that meaning resides in larger clusters of words means that the Committee has not insisted
on a word-for-word approach to translation. We certainly believe that every word of Scripture is
inspired by God and therefore to be carefully studied to determine what God is saying to us. It is
for this reason that the Committee labors over every single word of the original texts, working hard
to determine how each of those words contributes to what the text is saying. Ultimately, however, it
is how these individual words function in combination with other words that determines meaning.
A third linguistic principle guiding the Committee in its translation work is the recognition that
words have a spectrum of meaning. It is popular to define a word by using another word, or gloss,
to substitute for it. This substitute word is then sometimes called the literal meaning of a word.
In fact, however, words have a range of possible meanings. Those meanings will vary depending on
the context, and words in one language will usually not occupy the same semantic range as words in
another language. The Committee therefore studies each original word of Scripture in its context to
identify its meaning in a particular verse and then chooses an appropriate English word (or phrase)
to represent it. It is impossible, then, to translate any given Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek word with
the same English word all the time. The Committee does try to translate related occurrences of a
word in the original languages with the same English word in order to preserve the connection for
the English reader. But the Committee generally privileges clear natural meaning over a concern
with consistency in rendering particular words.

For the Old Testament the standard Hebrew text, the Masoretic Text as published in the latest
edition of Biblia Hebraica, has been used throughout. The Masoretic Text tradition contains marginal notations that offer variant readings. These have sometimes been followed instead of the text
itself. Because such instances involve variants within the Masoretic tradition, they have not been
indicated in the textual notes. In a few cases, words in the basic consonantal text have been divided
differently than in the Masoretic Text. Such cases are usually indicated in the textual footnotes. The
Dead Sea Scrolls contain biblical texts that represent an earlier stage of the transmission of the Hebrew text. They have been consulted, as have been the Samaritan Pentateuch and the ancient scribal
traditions concerning deliberate textual changes. The translators also consulted the more important
early versions. Readings from these versions, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the scribal traditions were
occasionally followed where the Masoretic Text seemed doubtful and where accepted principles of
textual criticism showed that one or more of these textual witnesses appeared to provide the correct reading. In rare cases, the translators have emended the Hebrew text where it appears to have
become corrupted at an even earlier stage of its transmission. These departures from the Masoretic
Text are also indicated in the textual footnotes. Sometimes the vowel indicators (which are later
additions to the basic consonantal text) found in the Masoretic Text did not, in the judgment of
the translators, represent the correct vowels for the original text. Accordingly, some words have
been read with a different set of vowels. These instances are usually not indicated in the footnotes.
The Greek text used in translating the New Testament has been an eclectic one, based on the
latest editions of the Nestle-Aland/United Bible Societies Greek New Testament. The translators
have made their choices among the variant readings in accordance with widely accepted principles
of New Testament textual criticism. Footnotes call attention to places where uncertainty remains.
The New Testament authors, writing in Greek, often quote the Old Testament from its ancient
Greek version, the Septuagint. This is one reason why some of the Old Testament quotations in the

NIV New Testament are not identical to the corresponding passages in the NIV Old Testament.
Such quotations in the New Testament are indicated with the footnote (see Septuagint).

Footnotes in this version are of several kinds, most of which need no explanation. Those giving
alternative translations begin with Or and generally introduce the alternative with the last word
preceding it in the text, except when it is a single-word alternative. When poetry is quoted in a
footnote a slash mark indicates a line division.
It should be noted that references to diseases, minerals, flora and fauna, architectural details,
clothing, jewelry, musical instruments and other articles cannot always be identified with precision.
Also, linear measurements and measures of capacity can only be approximated (see the Table of
Weights and Measures). Although Selah, used mainly in the Psalms, is probably a musical term, its
meaning is uncertain. Since it may interrupt reading and distract the reader, this word has not been
kept in the English text, but every occurrence has been signaled by a footnote.
As an aid to the reader, sectional headings have been inserted. They are not to be regarded as
part of the biblical text and are not intended for oral reading. It is the Committees hope that these
headings may prove more helpful to the reader than the traditional chapter divisions, which were
introduced long after the Bible was written.
Sometimes the chapter and/or verse numbering in English translations of the Old Testament differs from that found in published Hebrew texts. This is particularly the case in the Psalms, where the
traditional titles are included in the Hebrew verse numbering. Such differences are indicated in the
footnotes at the bottom of the page. In the New Testament, verse numbers that marked off portions
of the traditional English text not supported by the best Greek manuscripts now appear in brackets,
with a footnote indicating the text that has been omitted (see, for example, Matthew 17:[21]).
Mark 16:920 and John 7:538:11, although long accorded virtually equal status with the rest
of the Gospels in which they stand, have a questionable standing in the textual history of the New
Testament, as noted in the bracketed annotations with which they are set off. A different typeface
has been chosen for these passages to indicate their uncertain status.
Basic formatting of the text, such as lining the poetry, paragraphing (both prose and poetry), setting up of (administrative-like) lists, indenting letters and lengthy prayers within narratives and the
insertion of sectional headings, has been the work of the Committee. However, the choice between
single-column and double-column formats has been left to the publishers. Also the issuing of red-
letter editions is a publishers choiceone that the Committee does not endorse.
The Committee has again been reminded that every human effort is flawedincluding this
revision of the NIV. We trust, however, that many will find in it an improved representation of the
Word of God, through which they hear his call to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and to service in
his kingdom. We offer this version of the Bible to him in whose name and for whose glory it has
been made. n
The Committee on Bible Translation

the Old

Introduction to


enesis, a Greek word meaning origin or beginning, was the title given to this
book by the translators of the third-century BC Greek Old Testament known
as the Septuagint. The first word in the Hebrew text, bereshith, means in [the]
beginning and is the Hebrew name for this book. This book is about many
beginningsthe beginning of the universe, of man and woman, of human sin, of Gods
promises and plans for salvation, and of a special relationship between God and Abraham.
Although this book begins with the creation of the universe, the focal point is the
creation of human beings. As the human race multiplies, the account narrows to specific
individuals and families. The contents of Genesis, divided on this basis, are: the creation
of the heavens and the earth (2:4), the story of the generations of Adam (5:1), of Noah
(6:9), of the sons of Noah (10:1), of Shem (11:10), of Terah (11:27), of Ishmael (25:12),
of Isaac (25:19), of Esau (36:1), and of Jacob (37:2).
The book of Genesis introduces Gods progressive self-revelation to humanity. It is
quoted or referred to more than sixty times in the New Testament, where Gods revelation
culminates in the person of Jesus Christ. In this way, Genesis provides the history of the
beginning of Gods relationship with humankind, and thus the book is essential for a
proper understanding of Gods subsequent dealings with his people.
Genesis is resolutely monotheistic, telling the acts of one sovereign God who created
all that exists. It also begins telling the story of Gods judgment against sin and his plan
to save humanswho he made in his imagefrom the consequences of their rebellion
against him. Finally, Genesis introduces us to the way God initiates a relationship with
humankind and how he remains faithful to his promises.
The major themes in Genesis that we can apply to our work are creation, fall, sin and
faith. As Gods image bearers, we were made to work alongside him in bringing continued
order to creation. However, as a result of the fall, sin has disrupted our relationship with
God, with others and with all creation. Our work to develop and rule over the earth is now
frustrated. Yet in Genesis we also learn about Gods grace and how faith in him is a doorway
to experiencing redemption and peace in every area of our livesincluding our work.

The Beginning

1:1 aJn1:1-2
bJob38:4; Ps90:2;
In the beg inn ing a God created Isa42:5; 44:24;
the heavens and the e arth.b 2Now 45:12,18; Ac17:24;
Heb11:3; Rev4:11
the e arth was formless and emp 1:2 cJer4:23
ty, darkness was over the surface dPs104:30
of the deep, and the Spirit of Godd 1:3 Ps33:6,9;
148:5; Heb11:3
was hovering over the waters.
3 A nd God said,e Let t here be l ight, 1:5 Ps74:16
1:6 hJer10:12
and there was light.f 4God saw 1:7 iJob38:8Ps148:4
that the light was good, and he 11,16;
1:9 jJob38:8-11;
separ ate d the l ight from the Ps104:6-9; Pr8:29;
dark ness. 5God c alled the light Jer5:22; 2Pe3:5
day, and the darkness he c alled 1:11 Ps65:9-13;

night. And t here was even ing,

and t here was morningt he f irst
6 A nd God said, Let t here be a vaulth
bet ween the waters to separate
water from water. 7So God made
the vault and sepa rated the wa
ter under the vault from the wa
ter a bove it.i And it was so. 8God
called the v ault sky. And t here
was eve
n ing, and there was
morning t he second day.
9 A nd God said, Let the water under
the sky be gathered to one place,j
and let dry g round appear. And
it was so. 10God c alled the dry
g round land, and the gathered
waters he called seas. And God
saw that it was good.
11Then God said, Let the land
produce veget at ion: k seed-bear
ing p
lants and t rees on the land
that bear f ruit with seed in it, ac
cordi ng to t heir various k inds.
And it was so. 12The land pro
duced vegetat ion: plants beari ng
seed according to t heir k inds and
trees bearing fruit with seed in

1:14 lPs74:16



1:16 oPs136:8


Ps8:3; Isa40:26
1:18 rJer33:20,25
1:21 sPs104:2526
1:22 tver28;

it according to t heir k inds. And

God saw that it was good. 13And
t here was evening, and t here was
morning t he t hird day.
14 A nd God said, Let t here be l ightsl in
the v ault of the sky to separate the
day from the n ight, and let them
serve as signs m to mark sacred
times,n and days and y ears, 15and
let them be lights in the vault of
the sky to give light on the e arth.
And it was so. 16God made two
g reat l ights t he greater l ight to
govern o the day and the lesser
ight. He also
light to govern p the n
made the stars.q 17God set them
in the vault of the sky to give l ight
on the e arth, 18to govern the day
and the n ight,r and to separate
light from darkness. And God saw
that it was good. 19And t here was
even ing, and there was morn
ing t he fourth day.
20 A nd God said, Let the water teem
with living creatures, and let
birds fly a bove the e arth across
the vault of the sky. 21So God cre
ated the g reat creat ures of the sea
and every living t hing with which
the water teems and that moves
about in it,s acc ordi ng to t heir
k inds, and every w inged bird ac
cording to its kind. And God saw
that it was good. 22God blessed
them and said, Be fruitful and
inc rease in number and fill the
water in the seas, and let the b
inc rease on the earth.t 23And
t here was evening, and t here was
morning t he f ifth day.
24 A nd God said, Let the land produce
living creatures according to t heir




he first thing we learn about God when we open the Bible is that he is
Creator. As Creator, he is eternal, all-powerful and all-present. Yet the focus
of Genesis 1 is his work of creating through words. And we see that he reveals himself through his action, for everything he creates is good. Creation

is a reflection of his very being, as Paul writes in Romans 1:20: For since the creation of the world
Gods invisible qualitieshis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. All of creation reveals something about who God is, and at
the climax we learn that humans especially reflect Godwe were made in his image (see 1:27).


In his monumental Reformed Dogmatics, Herman Bavinck highlights how all of nature is a tangible
revelation of Gods power and majesty. Creation not only reveals who God is but also finds its goal
in his glory.1 And human beingsGods image bearerswere created to especially reflect Gods
glory. Bavinck explains:
God created man after his image and for his glory (Ge 1:26; Isa. 43:7). He glorified
himself in the Pharaoh of the Exodus (Ex 14:17) and in the man born blind (Jn 9:3),
and made the wicked for the day of trouble (Pr 16:4; Ro 9:22). Christ came to glorify
God (Jn 17:4), and he bestows all the benefits of grace for his names sake: redemption, forgiveness, sanctification, and so forth (Ps 105:8; 78:9ff.; Isa 43:25; 48:11;
60:21; 61:3; Ro 9:23; Eph 1:6ff.).2
According to Bavinck, the final goal of all creation is to give glory to God. Yes, we enjoy Gods
good creation as a gracious gift from him, and he created the world to supply our needs. But that
is not an end in itself. All creatures were made to point to
him and display his goodness. To be sure, God is already Gods creativity has profound
given glory by his people (see Ps 115:1). But, as Bavinck implications for human work.
explains, someday God alone will be great (Isa. 2:222)
and receive glory from all his creatures (Rev 4:11; 19:6). He is the First and the Last, the Alpha and
the Omega (Isa 44:6; 48:12; Rev 1:8; 22:13). Of him, through him, and to him are all things (Ro

Gods creativity has profound implications for human work. Scripture tells us that humans are
a unique expression of Gods glory, being his unique image bearers. Part of bearing the image of
God is reflected in our working. Our God is a working God, and he made us his workers. When
we work, we reflect who God is. Not only that, but our work is also an expression of who we are.
Just as Gods work visibly expresses his nature, so also our work reflects who he made us to be. And
the end goal, of course, is that God will be glorified. For he intended that everything we do will

ultimately point to him. Thus, Gods creativityhis being the Creatoris the starting point for
understanding the dignity and grandeur of human work.
How does seeing yourself as Gods image bearer shape the way you think about work? Do you see
your work as an expression of your identity?




Im a lawyer by trade, but I love working with my hands. I grew up helping my dad on the farm
and in his cabinet shop. Building cabinets and remodeling kitchens and bathrooms taught me how
to use my hands to construct objects and to use my mind to overcome obstacles. Over the years, I
have used these skills in many ways and in different contexts.
My wife of over forty years has come to realize that I will always have a project to work on
whether its adding a feature to our home or buying another house that needs renovating. My latest
project: remodeling our utility room.
I wanted to design and construct a laundry table. My initial concept was simple. I was going
make a basic table on which to fold clothes. My wife, however, would have been satisfied if I had
purchased a plastic fold-up table. Instead, after many hours in the garage, I crafted a piece of fine
furniture with soft-closing drawers for cat food, pull-out laundry racks and a solid-surface countertop. She loves it.
I enjoyed every aspect of designing and building the table. I didnt even mind the hours I spent
on it when I couldve been playing golf. I now find myself turning the lights on as I walk past the
laundry room so I can admire my work, which leaves me wondering, Why does this make me feel
so good?
I realized that this creation, as well as my other projects, is a visible expression of my nature
much like Gods work reflects his nature. Unlike God, however, my resources are limited, and so is
my imagination.
Still, the process of transforming an idea into something concrete that is more beautiful and
useful than I initially imagined, is rewarding beyond measure, especially when its for someone else.
The table is not just an object made from wood, metal and plastic. Its my creation and an expression of my love for my wife. Just as the universe is a revelation of Gods immense love for us, so also
our work can be an expression of our love for God and others.

1. Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics: God and Creation, Vol. 2, ed. John Bolt, trans. John Vriend, (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004), 407.

2. Ibid., 433.

5 | Genesis 1:25

k inds: the livestock, the creat ures

that move a long the g round, and
the wild animals, each according
to its kind. And it was so. 25God
made the wild animalsu accord
ing to their k inds, the livestock
according to t heir k inds, and all
the creat ures that move a long the
g round accordi ng to t heir k inds.
And God saw that it was good.
26Then God said, Let usv make
mank ind in our image,w in our
likeness, so that they may rulex
over the fish in the sea and the
birds in the sky, over the livestock
and all the wild animals,a and
over all the creat ures that move
a long the ground.

Genesis 2:14 | 5
1:25 uJer27:5
1:26 vPs100:3
wGe9:6; Jas3:9
1:27 y1Co11:7
zGe5:2; Mt19:4*;
1:28 aGe9:1,7;
1:29 bPs104:14
1:30 cPs104:14,27;
1:31 dPs104:24

Thus the heavens and the e arth

were completed in all t heir vast

2 By the seventh day God had finished

the work he had been doing; so on
the seventh day he rested from all
his work.f 3Then God b
lessed the
seventh day and made it holy,g
because on it he rested from all
the work of creating that he had

Adam and Eve


is the account of the heavens

and the earth when they were created,
when the Lord God made the earth
and the heavens.
5Now no s
hrub had yet appeared on

27 So God created mankind in his

own image,y
in the image of God he created
male and femalez he created
lessed them and said to
28God b
them, Be fruitf ul and increase in
number; fill the eartha and sub
due it. Rule over the fish in the sea
and the b
irds in the sky and over
every liv i ng creat ure that moves
on the ground.
29Then God said, I give you ev
ery seed-bearing plant on the face
of the whole e arth and every tree
that has f ruit with seed in it. They
will be y ours for food.b 30And to
all the beasts of the earth and all
the b
irds in the sky and all the
creatures that move along the
g round eve ry t hing that has
the breath of life in itI give ev
ery g reen plant for food.c And it
31God saw all that he had
made,d and it was very good.e And
t here was evening, and t here was
morning t he sixth day.

2:2 fEx20:11; 31:17;

2:3 gLev23:3;
2:5 hGe1:11
2:7 jGe3:19
lJob33:4 mAc17:25
2:8 oGe3:23,24;
2:9 pGe3:22,24;
Rev2:7; 22:2,14,19

the earth b and no plant had yet sprung

up,h for the Lord God had not sent rain
on the earthi and t here was no one to
work the g round, 6but streams c came
up from the earth and watered the
w hole surface of the g round. 7Then
the Lord God formed a mand from the
dustj of the g roundk and breathed into
his nost rils the b
reathl of life,m and the
man became a living being.n
8Now the Lord God had planted a
garden in the east, in Eden;o and t here
he put the man he had formed. 9The
Lord God made all k inds of t rees grow
out of the g roundtrees that were
pleasing to the eye and good for food.
In the midd le of the garden were the
tree of lifep and the tree of the knowl
edge of good and evil.q
10A river wateri ng the garden f lowed
from Eden; from t here it was separated
into four headwaters. 11The name of
the f irst is the Pishon; it w
inds t hrough
the ent ire land of Havilah, where t here
is gold. 12(The gold of that land is good;
arom at ic resi n e and onyx are also
t here.) 13The name of the second river
is the Gihon; it w inds t hrough the en
tire land of Cush.f 14The name of the

a26 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text (see Syriac); Masoretic Text the earth b5Orland; also in
verse6 c6Ormist d7 TheHebrew for man (adam) sounds like and may be related to the Hebrew for ground
(adamah); it is also the name Adam (see verse20). e12Orgood; pearls f13 Possibly southeast Mesopotamia


Introduction to the Sovereign King

Read Gods Story: Genesis 1 2; Psalm 8, 104
Key Verse: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

he Bible is fundamentally the narrative of Gods redeeming work in the world. It begins with
creation, revealing the eternal God who existed before anything was made. He is the sovereign
King and Lord of all that exists, and creation displays his glorious character.
Genesis 1 tells the paramount truth that In the beginning God... God created with his words,
and he is dynamically and intimately involved in his creation. Through creation he reveals himself
to be both transcendent (beyond physical human experience) and immanent (operating within
our world), holy and intimate. Although the act of creation is ultimately a mystery we cannot fully
comprehendand discussions of its details often raise controversial questionsGenesis 1 presents
a God who is sovereign over all creation.
At the pinnacle of creation, God created Adam and Eve. Unlike creation accounts from other
religions and cultures, Genesis 1 presents humans not as slaves subject to whimsical gods, but
as bearers of Gods divine image who have inherent dignity. Human beings are called to care for
creation as Gods vice-regents in the world. As a result of this great privilege, humans fulfill their
call when they steward, nurture, protect and cultivate Gods awe-inspiring creation and when they
worship him for his power, wonder, wisdom and love.
The Story continues: Genesis 3, p. 0.


7 | Genesis 2:15

t hird river is the Tig ris;r it runs a long

the east side of Ashu r. And the f ourth
river is the Euphrates.
15The Lord God took the man and
put him in the Garden of Eden to work
it and take care of it. 16And the Lord
God commanded the man, You are
free to eat from any tree in the garden;
17but you must not eat from the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil, for
when you eat from it you will certainly
18The Lord God said, It is not good
for the man to be a lone. I will make a
helper suitable for him.t
19Now the Lord God had formed
out of the g round all the wild animalsu
and all the b
irds in the sky. He b
them to the man to see what he would
name them; and whatever the man
called each liv i ng creat ure, v that was
its name. 20So the man gave n
ames to
all the livestock, the birds in the sky
and all the wild animals.
But for Adama no suitable helper
was found. 21So the Lord God c aused
the man to fall into a deep sleep; and
while he was sleepi ng, he took one of
the mans ribsb and then closed up the
place with f lesh. 22Then the Lord God
made a woma n from the ribcw he had
taken out of the man, and he b
her to the man.
23The man said,

Genesis 3:14 | 7
2:14 rDa10:4
2:17 sDt30:15,19;
Ro5:12; 6:23;
2:18 t1Co11:9
2:19 uPs8:7
2:22 w1Co11:8,
2:23 xGe29:14;
2:24 yMal2:15
zMt19:5*; Mk10:78*; 1Co6:16*;
2:25 aGe3:7,1011
3:1 b2Co11:3;
Rev12:9; 20:2

This is now bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;x
she shall be called woman,
for she was taken out of man.

is why a man leaves his fat her

and mother and is unitedy to his wife,
and they become one flesh.z
25Adam and his wife were both na
ked,a and they felt no shame.

The Fall

Now the serpentb was more crafty

than any of the wild ani mals the
Lord God had made. He said to the
woman, Did God really say, You must
not eat from any tree in the garden?

3:4 cJn8:44;
3:5 dIsa14:14;
3:6 eJas1:14-15;
1Jn2:16 f1Ti2:14
3:8 gDt23:14
3:13 i2Co11:3;
3:14 jDt28:15-20
kIsa65:25; Mic7:17

2The wom
a n said to the serpent,
We may eat f ruit from the t rees in the
garden, 3but God did say, You must
not eat f ruit from the tree that is in the
midd le of the garden, and you must
not t ouch it, or you will die.
4You will not cer
t ainly die, the
serpent said to the woman.c 5For God
k nows that when you eat from it your
eyes will be opened, and you will be
like God,d knowing good and evil.
6When the wom
a n saw that the
fruit of the tree was good for food
and pleasi ng to the eye, and also de
sirable e for gaini ng wisdom, she took
some and ate it. She also gave some to
her husband, who was with her, and
he ate it.f 7Then the eyes of both of
them were opened, and they rea li zed
they were naked; so they sewed fig
leaves together and made coveri ngs
for themselves.
8Then the man and his wife heard
the s ound of the Lord God as he was
walk i ng g in the garden in the cool of
the day, and they hidh from the Lord
God a mong the trees of the garden.
9But the Lord God c
alled to the man,
Where are you?
10He ans wered, I heard you in the
garden, and I was a fraid because I was
naked; so I hid.
11And he said, Who told you that
you were naked? Have you eaten from
the tree that I commanded you not to
eat from?
12The man said, The woma n you
put here with meshe gave me some
f ruit from the tree, and I ateit.
13Then the Lord God said to the
woman, What is this you have done?
The woma n said, The serpent de
ceived me,i and I ate.
14So the Lord God said to the ser
pent, Because you have done this,

Cursedj are you above all livestock

and all wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dustk
all the days of your life.

a20Orthe man b21Ortook part of the mans side c22Orpart



(GENESIS 1:28)

fter God created humanity, he gave them a series of commands: be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion over other
living things. This call to cultivate the world and exercise dominion is
often called the cultural mandate. As Gods image bearers, our vocation is

to reflect his natureas modeled for us in his work of creatingby bringing increased order, structure, vibrancy and flourishing to this world thats so full of potential. God wants us to steward what
he has lovingly given to us as a gift, to responsibly harness natures power and innovate for his glory
and the good of all creation.


When we read that God rested on the seventh day, we shouldnt take this to mean that creation was
entirely finished or no longer in need of development. Rather, he made humans in his image to
continue his work and bring creation to its God-given potential. Albert Wolters explains this in his
book Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview:
Although God has withdrawn from the work of creation, he has put an image of himself
on the earth with a mandate to continue. The earth had been completely unformed and
empty; in the six-day process of development God had formed it and filled itbut not
completely. People must now carry on the work of development: by being fruitful they
must fill it even more; by subduing it they must form it even more. Mankind, as Gods
representatives on earth, carry on where God left off. But this is now to be a human
development of the earth. The human race will fill the earth with its own kind, and it
will form the earth for its own kind. From now on the development of the created earth
will be societal and cultural in nature. In a single word, the task ahead is civilization.1
Creation is not a static quantity. Rather, there is a growing up... an unfolding of creation,2
Wolters explains. This takes place through the task that
people have been given of bringing to fruition the possibilThe Bible says that work is
ities of development implicit in the work of Gods hands.3
good, and the cultural manThis mandate is not reserved for elitespoliticians, pastors, entrepreneurs and so on. No, we allno matter our date reminds us that the work
rank, ethnicity, age or vocationare called to continue we participate in points to
Gods work in bringing order and vibrancy to our world. something far greater than
God has entrusted humans with the inordinate privilege ourselves, even if we cant see
of continuing his work of creation to be Gods helper in the bigger picture.
executing to the end the blueprint for his masterpiece.4

This cultural mandate gives our work incredible significance, since it is meant to be an extension
of Gods work in creation. Still, many of us do not sense that the work we perform each day has a

significant meaning or purpose. Some of us even see work as torment and a curse, an obstacle to
whats really important: whether it be friends, family, hobbiesyou name it. But the Bible says that
work is good, and the cultural mandate reminds us that the work we participate in points to something far greater than ourselves, even if we cant see the bigger picture. Sure, work is tainted now
because of the fall, and we are incredibly limited. But as Gods image bearers, we work to contribute
to human flourishing and the development of the earth.
How does your work bring order and flourishing to your company or community? How does it
contribute to the common good, the well-being of others and the improvement of the world?



City Planner

Im a city planner for New York City. When a developer wants to build something that is not currently allowed, he or she has to submit a proposal to the city. My job is to understand the project,
review the application and sign off on the proposal when its complete.
At a deeper level, though, I want to make good decisions that contribute to the shaloma Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness and welfareof the city, which means I need to
understand Gods original vision for human flourishing. The cultural mandate in Genesis affirms the
importance of cultivating the earth and subduing it for Gods glory. Realizing that Gods vision for
human flourishing includes development, cultivation and order has brought excitement to my work.
In order to determine whether a particular proposal contributes to the welfare of a particular
place, I must look closely at the surrounding communityits people, personality and passions.
Only then can I judge how to best support new investment and development. In theory, my job is
quite simple. Yet in reality I face many competing goals and values that sometimes contradict my
faith. For example, New York City real estate development usually favors people with deep pockets
and impressive platforms. Wealthy neighborhoods have clout and, therefore, the ability to frame
the conversation in their favor. Yet my faith calls me to care for the poor and vulnerable. Working
with this tension frequently challenges me.
I get lost in a world that measures flourishing differently than Christianity does. I cringe on the
inside when I see backroom dealings or bad projects that harm neighborhoods. I know the stakes for
these communities, and most of the time I am powerless to act justly without jeopardizing my job.
At other times, however, my work gives me a glimpse of the coming redemption of place. Recently, for example, after I presented a plan for a large rezoning project, a woman approached me
at a community board meeting. She passionately accused me of being the single most destructive
force in her neighborhood, the harbinger of gentrification and the developer who will cut down
her trees. I then explained the complicated and counterintuitive zoning proposal and reassured her
that I was there to protect, not harm, her neighborhood. We eventually came to a mutual understanding, and then she hugged me.
Im comforted when I remember my individual limitations in altering the landscape of development in the city, yet I realize that this is my role in Gods plan for redeeming creationin which the
cultural mandate plays a critical part. While I cant right every wrong, I can try my hardest, trusting
in Gods gracious involvement in my work.
1. Albert M. Wolters. Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005), 4142. 4344.
2. Ibid., 44.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid

10 | Genesis 3:15

15 A nd I will put enmity

between you and the woman,
and between your offspringal
and hers;m
he will crushb your head,n
and you will strike his heel.
16To the woma n he said,

I will make your pains in

childbearing very severe;
with painful labor you will give
birth to children.
Your desire will be for your
and he will rule over you.o

Genesis 4:12 | 10
3:15 lJn8:44;
Ac13:10; 1Jn3:8
Mt1:23; Rev12:17
nRo16:20; Heb2:14
3:16 o1Co11:3;
3:17 pGe5:29;
qJob5:7; 14:1;
3:18 rPs104:14
3:19 s2Th3:10
tGe2:7; Ps90:3;
104:29; Ecc12:7
3:22 uRev22:14
3:23 vGe2:8


Adam he said, Bec ause you

listened to your wife and ate fruit from
the tree a bout w
hich I commanded
you, You must not eat fromit,
Cursedp is the ground because
of you;
through painful toil you will eat
food from it
all the days of your life.q
18 It will produce thorns and thistles
for you,
and you will eat the plants
of the field.r
By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your foods
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.t

amed his wife Eve,d be

cause she w
ould become the mother
of all the living.
21The Lord God made gar
of skin for Adam and his wife and
clothed them. 22And the Lord God
said, The man has now become like
one of us, knowi ng good and evil. He
must not be allowed to reach out his
hand and take also from the tree of
lifeu and eat, and live forever. 23So
the Lord God banished him from the
Garden of Edenv to work the g roundw

3:24 xEx25:18-22

yPs104:4 zGe2:9

4:2 aLk11:51
4:3 bNu18:12
4:4 cLev3:16
4:7 fNu32:23
4:8 hMt23:35;
4:10 iGe9:5;

a15Orseed b15Orstrike c20, 1OrThe man d20

from w
hich he had been taken. 24After
he d
rove the man out, he p
laced on the
east sidee of the Garden of Eden cher
ubim x and a flami ng swordy flashi ng
back and forth to g uard the way to the
tree of life.z

Cain and Abel

Adamc made love to his wife Eve,

and she bec ame pregn ant and
gave b
irth to Cain.f She said, With the
help of the Lord I have brought forthg
irth to his
a man. 2Later she gave b
brother Abel. a
Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain
worked the soil. 3In the course of time
Cain brought some of the f ruits of the
soil as an offering to the Lord.b 4And
Abel also b
rought an offeringfat
port ions c from some of the firstborn of
his f lock. d The Lord looked with favor
on Abel and his offering,e 5but on Cain
and his offering he did not look with
favor. So Cain was very ang ry, and his
face was downcast.
6Then the Lord said to Cain, Why
are you ang ry? Why is your face down
cast? 7If you do what is r ight, will you
not be accepted? But if you do not do
what is r ight, sin is crouchi ng at your
door;f it desires to have you, but you
must rule overit.g
8Now Cain said to his brother Abel,
Lets go out to the f ield.h W hile they
were in the field, Cain attacked his
brother Abel and k illed him.h
9Then the Lord said to Cain,
Where is your brother Abel?
I d
ont know, he replied. AmI my
brothers keeper?
10The Lord said, What have you
done? Listen! Your brothers blood
c ries out to me from the g round.i
11Now you are under a c
urse and driv
en from the g round, which opened its
mouth to receive your brothers blood
from your hand. 12When you work the
g round, it will no longer y ield its c rops

Eve probably means living. e24Orplaced in front

Cain sounds like the Hebrew for brought forth or acquired. g1Orhave acquired h8 Samaritan Pentateuch,
Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; Masoretic Text does not have Lets go out to the field.


A Cataclysmic Rebellion
Read Gods Story: Genesis 3 4
Key Verse: ...your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing

good and evil.

Genesis 3:5

od intended to share intimate and eternal fellowship with humanity. This plan was traumatically disrupted when Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation to be like God. Their act of
disobedience inflicted unimaginable consequences on all of humanity and the rest of creation. The
wily serpent deceived Adam and Eve into thinking they could prioritize their prideful desires above
Gods commands. As a result theyand all of humanitylost their intimate relationship with
God. Sin settled into Gods created order and eventually led to murder (see Ge 4).
Ever since the fall, sin has distorted and perverted every part of our existence. But God had mercy
on humanity. Despite Adam and Eves rejection of God, he mercifully clothed them through the
sacrifice of an animal. Thus, Genesis 3 establishes the themes of judgment and mercy that reverberate throughout the rest of Scripture.
The Story continues: Genesis 6, p. 0.


12 | Genesis 4:13

for you. You will be a restless wanderer

on the earth.
13Cain said to the Lord, My pun
ishment is more than I can bear. 14To
day you are driving me from the land,
and I will be hidden from your pres
ence;j I will be a restless wanderer on
the earth, and whoever f inds me will
15But the Lord said to him, Not
soa; anyone who k ills Cainl will suffer
vengeance seven t imes over. m Then
the Lord put a mark on Cain so that
no one who f ound him w
ould kill him.
16So Cain went out from the Lords
presence and lived in the land of Nod,b
east of Eden.n
17Cain made love to his wife, and
she became pregnant and gave birth
to E noch. Cain was then building a
city, and he named it after his sono
noch was born Irad, and
Enoch. 18To E
Irad was the fat her of Mehujael, and
Mehujael was the fat her of Met husha
el, and Met hushael was the fat her of
19Lamech marr ied two women, one
named Adah and the other Zillah.
20Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the
fat her of t hose who live in tents and
raise livestock. 21His brothers name
was Jubal; he was the fat her of all who
play stringed instruments and pipes.
22Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain,
who forged all k inds of tools out ofc
bronze and iron. Tubal-Cains sister
was Naamah.
23Lamech said to his wives,
Adah and Zillah, listen to me;
wives of Lamech, hear my words.
I have killedp a man for
wounding me,
a young man for injuring me.
24 If Cain is avengedq seven times,r
then Lamech seventy-seven
25Adam made love to his wife a

and she gave birth to a son and n


Genesis 5:17 | 12
4:14 j2Ki17:18;
Ps51:11; 139:712; Jer7:15;
52:3 kGe9:6;
4:15 lEze9:4,6
mver24; Ps79:12
4:16 nGe2:8
4:17 oPs49:11
4:23 pEx20:13;
4:24 qDt32:35

4:25 sGe5:3 tver8

4:26 uGe12:8;
1Ki18:24; Ps116:17;
Joel2:32; Zep3:9;
Ac2:21; 1Co1:2
5:1 vGe1:27;
Eph4:24; Col3:10
5:2 wGe1:27;
Mt19:4; Mk10:6;
5:3 xGe1:26;
5:5 yGe3:19

him Seth,ds saying, God has grant

ed me another child in p
lace of Abel,
since Cain k illed him.t 26Seth also
had a son, and he n
amed him Enosh.
At that time people began to call one
the name of the Lord.u

From Adam to Noah

This is the written acc ount of

Adams family line.

When God create d mank ind, he

made them in the likeness of God.v
2He created them male and femalew
and b
lessed them. And he named
them Mank ind f when they were cre
3When Adam had lived 130 y
he had a son in his own likeness, in his
amed him Seth.
own image; x and he n
4After Seth was born, Adam l ived 800
years and had other sons and daugh
ters. 5Altogether, Adam lived a total of
930 y ears, and then he died.y
6When Seth had l ived 105 y
ears, he
nosh. 7After
became the fat her g of E
he became the fat her of E
nosh, Seth
lived 807 y ears and had other sons and
daughters. 8Altogether, Seth lived a to
tal of 912 y ears, and then he died.
9When Enosh had l ived 90 years, he
became the father of Kenan. 10After
he became the fat her of Kenan, E
lived 815 years and had other sons and
daughters. 11Altogether, Enosh lived a
total of 905 y ears, and then he died.
12When Kenan had lived 70 years,
he bec ame the fat her of Ma ha la lel.
13After he became the fat her of Maha
lalel, Kenan lived 840 y ears and had
other sons and daughters. 14Altogeth
er, Kenan l ived a total of 910 years, and
then he died.
15When Ma h a l a lel had l ived 65
years, he became the fat her of Jared.
16After he became the fat her of Jared,
Mahalalel lived 830 years and had oth
er sons and daughters. 17Altogether,

Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; Hebrew Very well b16 Nod means wandering (see verses 12 and 14).
Seth probably means granted. e26Orto proclaim
f2Hebrewadam g6 Father may mean ancestor; also in verses 7-26.
c22Orwho instructed all who work in d25




hen Adam and Eve deliberately disobeyed God, they severed their
relationship with him. As a result, their sense of identity, security and
purpose was confused. Their rebellion negatively impacted their relationships and, as a result, creation itself was changed. They no longer

loved God first and foremost. Rather, other desires began to rule over and enslave them. Instead of
loving and serving others, they exploited others, intensifying alienation and estrangement. This is
the case not just for Adam and Eve, but for all humans. Paul tells us that, as descendants of Adam,
we have all sinned in him (see Ro 5:12). We all have forfeited our rightful place as Gods viceregents and have subjected creation to frustration and bondage. Even work, which was originally
intended to give humans purpose and nobility, is marked by toil and pain. The fall of humanity has
corrupted every aspect of our lives and our world.


The Bible teaches that Adam and Eves fall into sin was not an isolated act of disobedience. Rather,
it was an event of catastrophic significance, impacting all of creationboth the human and nonhuman world. The corrosive effects of the fall are inescapable at every levelsocietal, familial, cultural
and individual. As Albert Wolters explains, We discover that the good handiwork of God has been
drawn into the sphere of human mutiny against God.1
Wolters says this distortion of Gods good creation is most obvious in our personal lives, where
the effects of the fall are most readily recognized by Christians. Murder, adultery, theft, blasphemy,
and many other vices are obvious and widespread infringements on Gods creational design for
human life.2 Perhaps less obvious are violations at the emotional and mental levels. [T]hese too,
says Wolters, are distortions of creaturely human functions and participate in the groaning of
creation. The Bible even ties bodily sickness, the causes
of which so often lie outside the sphere of our personal Sin has a remarkable ripple
responsibility, to the root cause of human sinfulness (see, effect, touching those around
for example, 1Co 11:30).3
us and everything we do. That
Humanitys dire situation and all the evil and perversity means sin affects our work.
in the world is ultimately the result of our sinour refusal to live according to Gods good ordinances. Sin and death entered through one man, says Paul
(see Ro 5:12), and all creation groans for redemption (see Ro 8:22).

Many of us tend to think our sin affects only us as individuals. But the Bible teaches that the fall
has vast implications: Adam and Eves sin led to a broken relationship with God and to brokenness
throughout society. No one and no place in our world is unaffected. Even the secret sins we commit are not isolated. Sin has a remarkable ripple effect, touching those around us and everything
we do. That means sin affects our work. Not only is our work marked by toil and frustration as a

result of the fall, it is also tainted by our particular personal sins. Yet because of Christs work, work
will not always be taxing and stressful, corrupted by sin. We still live with the effects of sin, but one
day well be free of them.
How might your sin affect your coworkers, and even the quality of your work? In what ways do you
see Christs redemption in your work, despite the frustrations you experience as a result of the fall?



Civil Service Employee

I work for the federal government on issues concerning threat finance. That means I develop, manage and oversee initiatives that make the government better at combating illicit activities like drug
trafficking and weapons proliferation. In my work, I try to include decision-makers from both the
private and public sectors, who have an in-depth understanding of the threats facing our nation and
possible resolutions to those threats.
I see my work as one way in which God brings justice to the world and provides security for his people. With this perspective, I find my work exhilarating. Yet on a daily basis my work does not always
feel lofty and important. I spend most of the time reading e-mails and talking on conference calls.
I cant tell many stories from my work in great detail, since theyre confidential, but I can say my
work feels most meaningful when the papers and insights I provide produce tangible resultsan
illegal activity thwarted, money for violent activities frozen or a policy changed. At these times, I
feel like Im carrying out Gods will to care for his creation.
Yet I am keenly aware that my job exists only because sinpervasive, predatory and intentional sinexists in the world. The depth of depravity, the unbelievable dehumanization of Gods
image-bearers and the enslavement of those most vulnerable, have grieved me.
While my line of work attempts to find solutions to these enormous problems, no human resolution can ultimately solve our worlds deepest problemsin. We need Christ, for he himself is our
peace (Eph 2:14). Only Christ can break down the dividing wall of hostility that exists between
people groups, because only he can destroy the barrier between us and God.
In one sense, Christ has already done this through the cross (see Eph 2:16). Yet we await the
fullness of Gods kingdom, when nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train
for war anymore (Isa 2:4). This already-but-not-yet tension instills in me a greater passion to see
Christ glorified in my work so that hearts, institutions and nations can find true peacea peace
that points to the redemption of creation.

1. Albert M. Wolters. Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005), 44.
3. Ibid., 4546.

2. Ibid., 45.

15 | Genesis 5:18

Ma ha la lel l ived a total of 895 years,

and then he died.
18When Jared had lived 162 years,
he became the fat her of E
noch.z 19Af
ter he bec ame the father of E noch,
Jared lived 800 y ears and had other
sons and daughters. 20Altogether, Ja
red l ived a total of 962 years, and then
he died.
21When E noch had lived 65 years,
he bec ame the father of Methuse
lah. 22After he bec ame the fat her of
Met huselah, E noch w alked faithf ul
ly with Goda 300 y ears and had oth
er sons and daughters. 23Altogeth
er, E noch lived a total of 365 years.
24Enoch w
alked faithf ully with God;b
then he was no more, bec ause God
took him away.c
25When Met huselah had l ived 187
years, he bec ame the father of La
mech. 26After he became the fat her of
Lamech, Met huselah l ived 782 years
and had other sons and daughters.
27Altogether, Met huselah l ived a total
of 969 y ears, and then he died.
28When La
mech had
l ived 182
years, he had a son. 29He named him
Noaha and said, He will comfort us
in the labor and painful toil of our
hands caused by the g round the Lord
has cursed. d 30After Noah was born,
Lamech l ived 595 years and had oth
er sons and daughters. 31Altogether,
Lamech lived a total of 777 years, and
then he died.
32After Noah was 500 y
ears old, he
became the fat her of Shem, Ham and

Genesis 6:16 | 15
5:18 zJude1:14
5:22 aver24;
Ge6:9; 17:1; 48:15;
Mic6:8; Mal2:6
5:24 bver22
5:29 dGe3:17;
6:1 eGe1:28
6:3 fIsa57:16

6:3 gPs78:39
6:4 hNu13:33
6:5 iGe8:21;
6:6 j1Sa15:11,35;
6:8 kGe19:19;
Lk1:30; Ac7:46
6:9 lGe7:1;
Wickedness in theWorld
When human beings began to in Heb11:7; 2Pe2:5
crease in number on the earthe mGe5:22
and daughters were born to them, 2the 6:10 oGe5:32
6:11 Eze7:23;
sons of God saw that the daughters of 8:17
humans were beaut if ul, and they mar 6:12 pPs14:13
ried any of them they chose. 3Then 6:13 ver17;
the Lord said, My Spirit will not con 6:14 rHeb11:7;
tend withb humans forever, f for they 1Pe3:20 sEx2:3


are mor tal c;g t heir days will be a hun

dred and twent y years.
4The Neph i l im h were on the e
in t hose days a nd also af ter ward
when the sons of God went to the
daughters of humans and had chil
dren by them. They were the heroes of
old, men of renown.
5The Lord saw how g
reat the wick
edness of the human race had become
on the e arth, and that every inc li
nat ion of the t houghts of the human
heart was only evil all the time.i 6The
Lord reg retted j that he had made hu
man beings on the earth, and his heart
was deepl y troubled. 7So the Lord
said, I will wipe from the face of the
earth the human race I have created
and with them the animals, the b
and the creat ures that move a long the
g roundfor I reg ret that I have made
them. 8But Noah found favor in the
eyes of the Lord.k

Noah and theFlood

9This is the account of Noah and his


Noah was a righteous man, blame

less a mong the people of his time,l
and he w
alked faithf ully with God.m
10Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham
and Japheth. n
11Now the e
arth was corrupt in
Gods s ight and was full of violence.o
12God saw how corr upt the earth had
become, for all the people on earth
had corr upted t heir ways. p 13So God
said to Noah, I am going to put an
end to all people, for the e arth is f illed
with violence because of them. I am
surely going to destroy both them and
the earth. q 14So make yourself an ark
of cy press d wood;r make rooms in
it and coat it with pitchs inside and
uild it:
out. 15This is how you are to b
The ark is to be t hree hund red cubits
long, fift y cubits wide and thirt y cu
bits high.e 16Make a roof for it, leaving

Noah sounds like the Hebrew for comfort. b3OrMy spirit will not remain in c3Orcorrupt
Themeaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. e15 That is, about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45
feet high or about 135 meters long, 23 meters wide and 14 meters high


Judgment and Mercy: Noah

Read Gods Story: Genesis 6:5 9:17, 11:1 9
Key Verse: ...every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only

evil all the time.

Genesis 6:5

t this point in history, humanitys sinful nature had become increasingly apparent and destructive. God was so grieved by sin that he decided to exercise his judgment on all of creationwith
the exception of one righteous man, Noah, and his family. In what is perhaps one of the Bibles
most well-known stories, one family was shielded from Gods judgment. Noah and his family were
spared so that they could start a new creation, as it were. Noahs faithful obedience to Godeven
when those who thought he was crazy ridiculed himsaved himself, his family and all the creatures
God placed on the ark that Noah had built at Gods command. When the floodwaters receded, God
made a covenant with this new first family, promisingwith the sign of a rainbowto preserve the
earth from total destruction.
However, the flood was not enough to change peoples sinful hearts. Soon humanitys prideful
nature reemerged, as was seen at Babel (see Ge 11:19). This monumental tower represented humanitys short-sighted desire for glory and independence from God. Yet God responded by once
again bringing judgment on humanitys foolish arrogancethis time by confusing their language
and scattering them across the earth.
The Story continues: Genesis 12, p. 000.

Aerial view of Mount Ararat, the location where Noahs ark settled (Ge 8:4).

17 | Genesis 6:17

below the roof an openi ng one cubita

high all a round.b Put a door in the
side of the ark and make lower, mid
dle and upper decks. 17I am going to
bring floodwaters on the earth to de
stroy all life under the heavens, every
creature that has the breath of life in it.
Everyt hing on earth will perish. t 18But
I will establish my covenant with you,u
and you will enter the arkvyou and
your sons and your wife and your sons
w ives with you. 19You are to bring into
the ark two of all living creatures, male
and female, to keep them a live with
you. 20Twow of every kind of bird, of ev
ery kind of animal and of every kind of
creat ure that moves a long the g round
will come to you to be kept a live. 21You
are to take every kind of food that is to
be eaten and store it away as food for
you and for them.
22Noah did everyt hing just as God
commanded him. x
The Lord then said to Noah, Go
into the ark, you and your w
family,y because I have f ound you righ
teousz in this generat ion. 2Take with
you seven pairs of every kind of c leana
animal, a male and its mate, and one
pair of every kind of unclean animal,
a male and its mate, 3and also seven
pairs of every kind of bird, male and fe
male, to keep t heir various k inds alive
throughout the earth. 4Seven days
from now I will send rain on the e arth
for fort y days and fort y n
ights, and I
will wipe from the face of the earth ev
ery living creature I have made.
5And Noah did all that the Lord
commanded him. b
6Noah was six hun
d red years old
when the floodw aters came on the
earth. 7And Noah and his sons and his
wife and his sons w
ives entered the
ark to escape the waters of the f lood.
8Pairs of clean and unclean ani mals,
of birds and of all creat ures that move
a long the g round, 9male and female,
came to Noah and entered the ark,

Genesis 7:23 | 17
6:17 tGe7:4,21-23;
6:18 uGe9:9-16
6:20 wGe7:15
6:22 xGe7:5,9,16
7:1 yMt24:38
zGe6:9; Eze14:14
7:2 aver8; Ge8:20;
Lev10:10; 11:147
7:5 bGe6:22


7:11 cEze26:19
7:12 ever4
7:15 fGe6:19
7:17 gver4
7:19 hPs104:6
7:21 iGe6:7,13
7:22 jGe1:30
7:23 kMt24:39;
Lk17:27; 1Pe3:20;
2Pe2:5 lHeb11:7

as God had commanded Noah. 10And

after the seven days the floodwaters
came on the earth.
11In the six hund redth year of No
ahs life, on the seventeenth day of the
second m
onthon that day all the
springs of the g reat deepc burst forth,
and the floodgates of the heavensd
were opened. 12And rain fell on the
earth fort y days and fort y nights.e
13On that very day Noah and his
sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, togeth
er with his wife and the w ives of his
t hree sons, entered the ark. 14They had
with them every wild ani mal accord
ing to its kind, all livestock accord
ing to t heir k inds, every creat ure that
moves a long the g round accordi ng to
its kind and every bird according to its
kind, every t hing with w ings. 15Pairs
of all creat ures that have the b
reath of
life in them came to Noah and entered
the ark.f 16The ani mals goi ng in were
male and female of every living t hing,
as God had commanded Noah. Then
the Lord shut himin.
17For for
t y daysg the flood kept
coming on the e arth, and as the wa
ters increased they lifted the ark high
above the earth. 18The waters rose and
increased greatly on the e arth, and the
ark floated on the surface of the water.
19They rose greatly on the e
arth, and
all the high mountains under the en
tire heavens were covered.h 20The wa
ters rose and covered the mountains to
epth of more than fifteen cubits.c,d
ery living thing that m
oved on
land perished birds, livestock, wild
animals, all the creat ures that swarm
over the e arth, and all mank ind.i
22Everyt hing on dry land that had the
breath of lifej in its nost rils died. 23Ev
ery living t hing on the face of the earth
was w iped out; people and animals
and the creat ures that move a long the
g round and the birds were w iped from
the earth. k Only Noah was left, and
t hose with him in the ark.l

That is, about 18inches or about 45 centimeters b16 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain.
That is, about 23feet or about 6.8 meters d20Orrose more than fifteen cubits, and the mountains were covered

18 | Genesis 7:24

Genesis 9:5 | 18

24The waters flooded the earth for a 7:24 mGe8:3

8:1 nGe9:15; 19:29;
hundred and fift y days.m

But God remembered n Noah and

all the wild animals and the live
stock that were with him in the ark,
and he sent a wind over the earth,o
and the waters rec ede d. 2Now the
springs of the deep and the floodgates
of the heavensp had been c losed, and
the rain had stopped falli ng from the
sky. 3The water receded steadily from
the earth. At the end of the hund red
and fifty days the water had gone
down, 4and on the seventeenth day
of the seventh month the ark came to
rest on the mountains of Ararat. 5The
waters cont inued to recede unt il the
tenth m
onth, and on the first day of
the t enth month the tops of the moun
tains became visible.
ter forty days Noah opened a
window he had made in the ark 7and
sent out a raven, and it kept flying back
and forth unt il the water had d
ried up
from the e arth. 8Then he sent out a
dove to see if the water had receded
from the surface of the g round. 9But
the dove could find nowhere to perch
because t here was water over all the
surface of the earth; so it ret urned to
Noah in the ark. He reached out his
hand and took the dove and brought it
back to himself in the ark. 10He wait
ed seven more days and again sent
out the dove from the ark. 11When the
dove ret urned to him in the even ing,
t here in its beak was a freshly plucked
olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the
water had rec eded from the earth.
12He waited seven more days and sent
the dove out again, but this time it did
not ret urn to him.
13By the f irst day of the f irst m
of Noa hs six hund red and f irst year,
the water had d
ried up from the e arth.
Noah then removed the covering from
the ark and saw that the surface of
the g round was dry. 14By the twent yseventh day of the second month the
earth was completely dry.
a21Orhumans, for

Ex2:24; 1Sa1:11,19
8:2 pGe7:11

15Then God said to Noah, 16Come

out of the ark, you and your wife and
your sons and their w ives.q 17Bring
out every kind of livi ng creat ure that
is with yout he birds, the animals,
and all the creat ures that move a long
the g roundso they can mult iply on
the e arth and be fruitf ul and increase
in number onit.r
18So Noah came out, together with
his sons and his wife and his sons
w ives. 19All the animals and all the
creat ures that move a long the g round
and all the birdseverything that
moves on landcame out of the ark,
one kind after another.
20Then Noah built an altar to the
Lords and, taking some of all the clean
animals and clean t birds, he sacrif iced
burnt of feri ngs u on it. 21The Lord
smelled the pleasing aroma v and said
in his h
eart: Never a gain will I c urse
the g round w because of humans, even
t hough a every inclinat ion of the hu
man h
eart is evil from childhood.x
And never again will I destroy all liv
ing creat ures, y as I have done.

22 As long as the earth endures,

seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.z
8:16 qGe7:13
8:17 rGe1:22
8:20 sGe12:7-8;
13:18; 22:9 tGe7:8;
8:21 vLev1:9,13;
wGe3:17 xGe6:5;
Ps51:5; Jer17:9
8:22 zGe1:14;
9:1 aGe1:22
9:3 bGe1:29
9:4 cLev3:17;

Gods Covenant With Noah

Then God blessed Noah and his

sons, sayi ng to them, Be fruitf ul
and increase in number and fill the
earth. a 2The fear and dread of you will
fall on all the b
easts of the e arth, and
on all the birds in the sky, on every
creat ure that m
oves a long the g round,
and on all the fish in the sea; they are
given into your h
ands. 3Every t hing
that l ives and m
oves about will be food
for you.b Just as I gave you the g reen
plants, I now give you everyt hing.
4But you must not eat meat that has
its lifeblood s till in it.c 5And for your






he Bible has a lot to say about humanity. It tells us we were made male and
female (Ge 1:27), that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14),
are frail (see Ps 103:1416), that we are sinful (Ps 143:2)the list goes on.
Perhaps the most profound thing it says about humanity is that we all have

been given the unfathomable honor of bearing the image of God (imago dei). When we view another human being, we see God reflected in them. Even after the fall, despite the sin that resides in all
people, humans continue to bear Gods image (see Ge 9:6). And Christthe perfect image of God
(see Col 1:15)came to redeem us so that we might reflect in greater fullness Gods glory.
As divine image bearers, we have a deep sense of purpose in this world: we are called to reflect Gods character and continue his work. This also shapes how we view and treat others. Each
personwhether a stranger, neighbor or co-workermust be given the dignity, respect and love
due them as Gods image bearer.


One way to think about imaging God is to think about a mirror. In his book Created in Gods Image,
Anthony A. Hoekema explains:
As a mirror reflects, so man should reflect God. When one looks at a human being, one
ought to see in him or her a certain reflection of God. Another way of putting this is to
say that in man God is to become visible on earth. To be sure, other creatures, and even
the heavens, declare the glory of God, but only in man does God become visible. [Theologians] speak of Gods general revelation, in which he reveals his presence, power, and
divinity through the works of his hands. But in the creation of man God revealed himself in a unique way, by making someone who was a kind of mirror image of himself.1
But this discussion is only one side to the coin. Humans not only reflect God but also represent
him. Ancient rulers often erected images of themselves in various parts of their realms, to represent
their authority to their subordinates. Thats what we see in Daniel 3, where King Nebuchadnezzar
sets up an imagelikely of himselfand commands his subjects to fall down before it and worship.
We were created in Gods image so we could represent him here on earth, much like an ambassador represents a foreign country. Hoekema further explains:
As an ambassador represents his countrys authority, so man (both male and female)
must represent the authority of God. As an ambassador is concerned to advance the
best interests of his country, so man must seek to advance Gods program for this
world. As Gods representatives, we should support and defend what God stands for,
and should promote what God promotes.2
What a great honor and privilege this is. Through us God works out his purposes on earth. Yet
it is also a great responsibility. When others look at us, they should be able to encounter God, to

hear his word and to experience his love.3 We were created to represent who God is and what he
stands for.

While we all were created to mirror God, not all of us represent God well. In fact, we all do it imperfectly. This is an important distinction that helps us in two ways. First, it helps us understand
how we should view all peopleas divine image bearers,
loved by God. Second, it highlights the challenge we have How does the truth of the gospel and the grace of God help
of representing God in the world.
When you think of your coworkers, do you see them you better represent God to
as people created in the divine imageworthy of digni- those with whom you interact
ty and worth that this reality brings with it? Or do you each day?
see them as merely a pathway to your own personal gain,
even sometimes treating them as sub-human? And how does the truth of the gospel and the grace
of God help you better represent God to those with whom you interact each day?



Pediatric Occupational Therapist

I arrive at the hospital to begin my work day and enter the room of my first patient. She weighs less
than three pounds, and the tubes, wires and hoses connected to her outnumber the days since she
was born. I observe her and notice her rib cage retracting, straining for each breath. She is premature, fragile, not equipped for life outside the womb. I use my hands to provide containment and
flexion. I tenderly reposition and massage her.
I move to my next patient: a teenage girl who is recovering from brain surgery. Part of her brain
was removed in hopes that it would stop, or at least reduce, her epileptic seizures. Her surgery has left
her hemiplegic, unable to use her left side. She is disheartened that simple tasks now take immense
focus and time. I want to make her feel like a normal teenager, so I get several bottles of nail polish,
and we practice coordination tasks by doing something that is both familiar and important to her.
In my work, I arrange brain pathways, promote healing in bones, stretch muscles and calm fears.
And mostly, I play. I am a pediatric occupational therapist, and I play for the glory of God.
Often the world of medical billing and reimbursement favors patients who heal quickly. I see every
child as having been made in the image of God and, therefore, valuable and worthy of respect and
dignity. God did not equate human worth with giftedness. He loved us while we were still sinners
and provided redemption for us, even though we did notand do notdeserve it. Jesus frequently
healed those who were chronically ill. He saw their needs and heard their stories. He gave them
healing and hope. In him, I can follow his example and treat all my patients with respectno matter what their rehab potential may be.
So when I arrive at the end of my day to stretch my little frienda sweet nine-year-old girl who
cant talk, will always be wheelchair bound and has intense difficulty controlling her movementsI
stretch her lovingly. Biomechanically, I am preventing contractures. But theologically, I am affirming her status as Gods image bearer, showing her that she is worthy of my best work.
1. Anthony A. Hoekema, Created in Gods Image (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1986), 67.

2. Ibid., 6768.

3. Ibid., 68.

21 | Genesis 9:6

Genesis 10:1 | 21

lifeblood I will surely demand an ac

counting. I will demand an account
ing from every anim al. d And from
each human being, too, I will demand
an accounting for the life of another
human being. e
6 Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be
for in the image of Godg
has God made mankind.
7As for you, be fruitf ul and increase in

number; mult iply on the e arth and in

crease uponit.h
8Then God said to Noah and to his
sons with him: 9I now establish my
covenant with youi and with your de
scendants af ter you 10and with every
living creature that was with yout he
birds, the livestock and all the wild an
imals, all t hose that came out of the
ark with youevery living creature
on earth. 11I establ ish my covenant j
with you: Never again will all life be
destroyed by the waters of a flood;
never again will t here be a f lood to de
stroy the earth.k
12And God said, This is the sign of
the covenant l I am making bet ween
me and you and every living creat ure
with you, a covenant for all genera
tions to come: 13I have set my rainbow
in the c louds, and it will be the sign
of the covenant bet ween me and the
earth. 14Whenever I bring clouds over
the e arth and the rainbow appears in
the clouds, 15I will remember my cov
enantm bet ween me and you and all
living creat ures of every kind. Never
again will the waters become a f lood
to destroy all life. 16Whene ver the
rainbow appears in the clouds, I will
see it and remember the everlasting
covenant n bet ween God and all living
creat ures of every kind on the earth.
17So God said to Noah, This is the
sign of the covenanto I have estab
lished bet ween me and all life on the
a20Orsoil, was the first b27

9:5 dEx21:28-32
9:6 fGe4:14;
Lev24:17; Mt26:52
9:7 hGe1:22
9:9 iGe6:18
9:11 jver16;
Isa24:5 kGe8:21;
9:12 lver17;
9:15 mEx2:24;
Dt7:9; Eze16:60
9:16 nver11;
2Sa7:13; 23:5
9:17 over12;

The Sons of Noah


sons of Noah who came out

of the ark were Shem, Ham and Ja
pheth. (Ham was the father of Ca
naan.)p 19These were the t hree sons
of Noah, and from them came the
people who were scattered over the
whole earth. q
20Noah, a man of the soil, proceed
eda to plant a vineyard. 21When he
d rank some of its wine, he bec ame
d runk and lay uncovered inside his
tent. 22Ham, the father of Canaan,
saw his fat her naked and told his two
brothers outside. 23But Shem and Ja
pheth took a garment and laid it across
t heir shoulders; then they walked in
back ward and covered t heir fat hers
naked body. T
heir faces were t urned
the other way so that they would not
see t heir fat her naked.
24When Noah awoke from his wine
and found out what his youngest son
had done to him, 25he said,
Cursed be Canaan!r
The lowest of slaves
will he be to his brothers.s
26He also said,

Praise be to the Lord, the God

of Shem!
May Canaan be the slave
of Shem.
27 May God extend Japhethsb
may Japheth live in the tents
of Shem,
and may Canaan be the slave
of Japheth.
ter the flood Noah lived 350
y ears. 29Noah l ived a total of 950 y ears,
and then he died.

9:18 pver25-27;
9:19 qGe10:32
9:25 rver18
sGe25:23; Jos9:23
10:1 tGe2:4

The Table of Nations


This is the accountt of Shem,

Ham and Japheth, Noa hs sons,
who themselves had sons after the

Japheth sounds like the Hebrew for extend.

22 | Genesis 10:2
The Japhethites
10:2-5pp 1Ch1:5-7

2 The sonsa of Japheth:

Gomer, u Magog, v Madai, Javan,
Tubal, w Meshek and Tiras.
The sons of Gomer:
Ashkenaz, x Riphath and Togar
The sons of Javan:
Elishah, Tarshish, z the Kitt ites
and the Rodan ites. b 5(From
t hese the mar it ime peoples
spread out into t heir terr ito
ries by t heir c lans withi n t heir
nat ions, each with its own lan
The Hamites
10:6-20pp 1Ch1:8-16
6 T he sons of Ham:

Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan.a
7 The sons of Cush:
Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah
and Sabteka.
The sons of Raamah:
Sheba and Dedan.

was the fatherc of Nimrod,

who became a m ighty warr ior on the
earth. 9He was a mighty hunter before
the Lord; that is why it is said, Like
Nimrod, a m
ighty hunter before the
Lord. 10The f irst centers of his king
dom were Babylon,b Uruk, Akkad and
Kalneh, in d Shinar. ec 11From that land
he went to Ass yria,d w here he built
Nineveh, e Rehoboth Ir, f Calah 12and
Resen, which is bet ween Nineveh and
Calah which is the g reat city.
13 Egypt was the fat herof
the Lud ites, Anam ites, Leha
bites, Napht u h ites, 14Path r u
sites, Kasluh ites (from whom
the Phi l ist ines f came) and

Genesis 10:30 | 22
10:2 uEze38:6
15 Canaan g was the fat herof
vEze38:2; Rev20:8
don h his firstborn,g and of the
Hitt ites, i 16Jebusites, j Amorites,
10:3 xJer51:27
yEze27:14; 38:6
Girgashites, 17Hiv ites, Ark ites,
10:4 zEze27:12,25;
Sin ites, 18Arvadites, Zema r ites
and Hamathites.
10:6 ver15;
Later the Canaanite k clans scattered
10:10 bGe11:9
19and the borders of Canaanl reached
10:11 dPs83:8;
from Sidon m tow ard Gerar as far as
Mic5:6 eJnh1:2;
Gaza, and then tow ard Sodom, Go
4:11; Na1:1
10:14 fGe21:32,
morrah, Admah and Zeboyim, as far
34; 26:1,8

as Lasha.
20These are the sons of Ham by t heir
clans and lang uages, in t heir ter r ito
ries and nat ions.
The Semites
10:21-31pp Ge11:10-27; 1Ch1:17-27

were also born to Shem,

w hose older brother was h Japheth;
Shem was the ancestor of all the sons
of Eber.n
22 The sons of Shem:
Elam,o Ashu r, Ar phaxad, p Lud
and Aram.
23 The sons of Aram:
Uz,q Hul, Get her and Meshek.i
24 A rphaxad was the fat her ofj She
and Shelah the fat her of Eber.r
25 Two sons were born to Eber:
One was n amed Peleg,k be
cause in his time the earth was
div ided; his brother was named
26 Joktan was the fat herof
Al modad, Sheleph, Ha z ar ma
veth, Jerah, 27Hadoram, Uzal,
Dik lah, 28Obal, Abimael, She
ba, 29Ophir, Havilah and Jobab.
All t hese were sons of Joktan.

10:15 gver6;
Ge9:18 hEze28:21
10:16 j1Ch11:4
10:18 kGe12:6;
10:19 lGe11:31;
13:12; 17:8 mver15
10:21 nver24;
30The re
10:22 oJer49:34
g ion w
here they lived

sha toward Sephar,
10:23 Job1:1
10:24 rver21
in the eastern hill count ry.

a2 Sons may mean descendants or successors or nations; also in verses 3, 4, 6, 7, 20-23, 29 and 31. b4Some
manuscripts of the Masoretic Text and Samaritan Pentateuch (see also Septuagint and 1Chron. 1:7); most
manuscripts of the Masoretic Text Dodanites c8 Father may mean ancestor or predecessor or founder;
also in verses 13, 15, 24 and 26. d10OrUruk and Akkadall of them in e10That is, Babylonia
f11OrNineveh with its city squares g15Orof the Sidonians, the foremost h21OrShem, the older brother of
i23 SeeSeptuagint and 1Chron. 1:17; Hebrew Mash. j24 Hebrew; Septuagint father of Cainan, and Cainan was
the father of k25 Peleg means division.

23 | Genesis 10:31

Genesis 11:26 | 23


10:32 sver1
11:2 uGe10:10
11:3 vEx1:14
32These are the c
lans of Noa hs 11:4 xDt1:28; 9:1
sons,s according to t heir lines of de yGe6:4
scent, within t heir nat ions. From t hese Ge18:21; Ex3:8;
the nat ions spread out over the eartht 19:11,18,20
11:7 bGe1:26
after the flood.
11:8 dGe9:19;
The Tower of Babel
Now the
w hole
w orld had 11:9 eGe10:10

are the sons of Shem by

t heir clans and lang uages, in t heir ter
ritories and nat ions.


one lang uage and a common

speech. 2As people moved eastward, a
they f ound a p
lain in Shinarbu and set
tled there.
3They said to each other, Come, lets
make bricksv and bake them thorough
ly. They used b
rick instead of s tone,
and tarw for mortar. 4Then they said,
Come, let us build ourselves a city,
with a tower that reaches to the heav
ens,x so that we may make a namey for
ourselves; otherw ise we will be scat
tered over the face of the w
hole earth.z
5But the Lord came downa to see
the city and the tower the people were
buildi ng. 6The Lord said, If as one
people speaking the same lang uage
they have beg un to do this, then noth
ing they plan to do will be impossible
for them. 7Come, let usb go down and
conf use t heir lang uage so they will not
understand each other. c
8So the Lord scattered them from
there over all the e arth,d and they
stopped building the city. 9That is
why it was c alled Babelcebecause
t here the Lord conf used the lang uage
of the w
hole w
orld. From there the
Lord scattered them over the face of
the whole earth.

From Shem to Abram

11:10-27pp Ge10:21-31; 1Ch1:17-27
10This is the ac
c ount of Shems
family line.

11:12 fLk3:35
11:20 gLk3:35
11:24 hLk3:34
11:26 iLk3:34

a2Orfrom the east; or in the east b2That is, Babylonia c9

Two y ears after the flood, when

Shem was 100 years old, he became
the fat herd of Arphaxad. 11And after he
became the fat her of Arphaxad, Shem
lived 500 y ears and had other sons and
12When Ar
phaxad had lived 35
years, he became the fat her of Shelah.f
13And after he bec ame the fat her of
Shelah, Arphaxad lived 403 years and
had other sons and daughters.e
14When Shelah had lived 30 years,
he became the fat her of Eber. 15And
after he bec ame the father of Eber,
Shelah l ived 403 years and had other
sons and daughters.
16When Eber had l ived 34 y
ears, he
became the fat her of Peleg. 17And af
ter he became the fat her of Peleg, Eber
lived 430 years and had other sons and
18When Peleg had l ived 30 years, he
became the father of Reu. 19And af
ter he became the fat her of Reu, Peleg
lived 209 y ears and had other sons and
20When Reu had l ived 32 y
ears, he
became the fat her of Ser ug.g 21And af
ter he became the fat her of Ser ug, Reu
lived 207 years and had other sons and
22When Ser ug had l ived 30 years, he
became the fat her of Nahor. 23And af
ter he became the fat her of Nahor, Se
rug lived 200 years and had other sons
and daughters.
24When Nahor had lived 29 y
he became the fat her of Terah.h 25And
after he became the fat her of Terah,
Nahor lived 119 y ears and had other
sons and daughters.
26After Terah had l ived 70 years, he
became the fat her of A
bram,i Na hor j
and Haran.

That is, Babylon; Babel sounds like the Hebrew

for confused. d10 Father may mean ancestor; also in verses 11-25. e12,13 Hebrew; Septuagint (see also Luke
3:35, 36 and note at Gen. 10:24) 35 years, he became the father of Cainan. 13And after he became the father of Cainan,
Arphaxad lived 430 years and had other sons and daughters, and then he died. When Cainan had lived 130 years, he
became the father of Shelah. And after he became the father of Shelah, Cainan lived 330 years and had other sons and

24 | Genesis 11:27

Abrams Family
27This is the account of Terahs fam

ily line.

Terah became the fat her of A

Nahor and Haran. And Haran became
the fat her of Lot.k 28While his fat her
Terah was still a live, Haran died in Ur
of the Chaldea ns, l in the land of his
birth. 29Abram and Nahor both mar
ried. The name of A
brams wife was
Sarai, m and the name of Nahors wife
was Milkah; n she was the daughter of
Haran, the fat her of both Milkah and
Isk ah. 30Now Sarai was childless be
cause she was not able to conceive.o
r ah took his son A bram, his
grandson Lot son of Haran, and his
daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his
son Abram, and together they set out
from Ur of the Chaldeansp to go to Ca
naan.q But when they came to Harran,
they sett led there.
32Terah l ived 205 years, and he died
in Harran.

Genesis 12:20 | 24
6Abram traveled t hrough the landy
11:27 kver31;
Ge12:4; 14:12; 19:1;
far as the site of the g reat tree of Mo
rehz at Shechem. At that time the Ca
11:28 lver31;
naanites a were in the land. 7The Lord
11:29 mGe17:15
appeared to A bram b and said, To
your offspring c I will give this land.c
11:30 Ge16:1;
So he b
uilt an altar t here to the Lord,d
11:31 pGe15:7;
appeared to him.
Ne9:7; Ac7:4
8From t here he went on toward the
12:1 rAc7:3*;
h ills east of Bethele and pitched his
tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on
12:2 sGe15:5;
here he b
uilt an altar to the
17:2,4; 18:18; 22:17; the east. T
Dt26:5 tGe24:1,35 Lord and c

the name of the
12:3 uGe27:29;
Ex23:22; Nu24:9
9Then A
vGe18:18; 22:18;
bram set out and cont inued
26:4; Ac3:25;
toward the Negev. f
12:4 wGe11:31
Abram in Egypt
12:5 xGe14:14;
12:10-20Ref Ge20:1-18; 26:1-11

The Call of Abram


The Lord had said to Abram,

Go from your country, your
people and your fat hers household to
the land I will show you.r
2 I will make you into a great nation,s
and I will bless you;t
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.a
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.vb

bram went, as the Lord had

told him; and Lot went with him.
A bram was sevent y-five y ears old
when he set out from Harran.w 5He
took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all
the possessions they had accumulated
and the peoplex they had acquired in
Harran, and they set out for the land of
Canaan, and they arrived there.

12:6 yHeb11:9

zGe35:4; Dt11:30

12:7 bGe17:1;
18:1; Ex6:3
cGe13:15,17; 15:18;
17:8; Ps105:9-11
12:8 eGe13:3
12:9 fGe13:1,3
12:13 gGe20:2;
12:17 h1Ch16:21
12:18 iGe20:9;

10Now there was a fam

i ne in the
land, and A
bram went down to E
to live t here for a while because the
famine was severe. 11As he was a bout
to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sa
rai, I know what a beaut if ul woma n
you are. 12When the Egyptians see
you, they will say, This is his wife.
Then they will kill me but will let you
live. 13Say you are my sister,g so that I
will be treated well for your sake and
my life will be s pared because of you.
14When Abram came to Egypt, the
Egypt ians saw that Sarai was a very
beaut i f ul woma n. 15And when Phar
aohs offic ials saw her, they p
her to Pharaoh, and she was taken into
his palace. 16He treated A
bram well for
her sake, and A
bram acquired s heep
and catt le, male and female donkeys,
male and female servants, and camels.
17But the Lord inf licted ser ious dis
eases on Pharaoh and his householdh
bec ause of A
brams wife Sarai. 18So
Pharaoh summoned A bram. What
have you done to me?i he said. Why
d idnt you tell me she was your wife?
19Why did you say, She is my sister,
so that I took her to be my wife? Now
then, here is your wife. Take her and
go! 20Then Pharaoh gave orders a bout

a2Orbe seen as blessed b3Orearth / will use your name in blessings (see48:20) c7Orseed


The Power of Faith

Read Gods Story: Genesis 12:17, 15, 17, 22:119
Key Verse: ...all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

Genesis 12:3

he story of Abram reveals Gods desire to bless the world through a nation, and ultimately
through one personthe Messiah, Jesus Christ. God called Abram to be the recipient of his
blessings, with the intention that these blessings would flow to the surrounding nations and, in
time, to all the earth. Abram demonstrated remarkable faith in Gods promises: He obeyed when
God told him to leave his homeland; he trusted God despite having doubts and fears regarding the
future; he was even willing to make an unthinkable sacrificegiving his only son, Isaac, as an offering to God. God commended Abrams faith and made a covenant with Abram (whose name means
father of nations), promising to bless the entire world through him. As part of this covenant,
God changed his name to Abraham (father of many nations). As Gods plan unfolded, Abraham
became the father of a great nation: Israel.
The Story continues: Exodus 1, p. 0.

Se ean

















To E

200 km.
200 miles




Ur of the

Possible routes of
Abrams journey
Map by International Mapping. Copyright by Zondervan. All rights reserved.

26 | Genesis 13:1

Genesis 14:8 | 26

bram to his men, and they sent him

on his way, with his wife and every
thing he had.

Abram and Lot Separate


So A
bram went up from Egypt
to the Negev,j with his wife
and everyt hing he had, and Lot went
with him. 2Abram had become very
wealthy in livestock and in silver and
3From the Negev he went from place
to place unt il he came to Bethel,k to the
place bet ween Bethel and Ai where his
tent had been earlier 4and where he
had f irst built an altar.l T here Abram
called on the name of the Lord.
5Now Lot, who was moving a
with A
bram, also had f locks and h
and tents. 6But the land c ould not sup
port them w
hile they s tayed together,
for their possessions were so g reat
that they were not able to stay togeth
er.m 7And quar reli ng n a rose bet ween
Abrams herders and Lots. The Ca
naanites and Peri zzites were also liv
ing in the lando at that time.
Abram said to Lot, Lets not
have any quarreling bet ween you and
me,p or between your herders and
mine, for we are c lose relat ives.q 9Is
not the w
hole land before you? L
part company. If you go to the left, Ill
go to the r ight; if you go to the r ight, Ill
go to the left.
10Lot looked a
round and saw that
the whole plain of the Jordan toward
Zoarr was well watered, like the gar
den of the Lord,s like the land of
Egypt. (This was before the Lord de
stroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.) t 11So
Lot chose for himself the w
hole p
of the Jordan and set out toward the
east. The two men parted company:
12Abram l ived in the land of Canaan,
w hile Lot lived a mong the cities of
itched his tents near
the plain u and p
Sodom. v 13Now the people of Sodom
were wicked and were sinning greatly
against the Lord.w
a15Orseed; also in verse16 b1

13:1 jGe12:9
13:3 kGe12:8
13:4 lGe12:7
13:6 mGe36:7
13:7 nGe26:20,21
13:8 pPr15:18;
20:3 qPs133:1
13:10 rGe19:22,30
sGe2:8-10; Isa51:3
tGe14:8; 19:1729
13:12 uGe19:17,
25,29 vGe14:12
13:13 wGe18:20;

14The Lord said to Abram after Lot

had parted from him, Look a round
from where you are, to the north and
south, to the east and west.x 15All the
land that you see I will give to you and
your offspring a forever. y 16I will make
your offspring like the dust of the
earth, so that if anyone could count
the dust, then your offspring could
be counted. 17Go, walk through the
length and b
readth of the land,z for I
am giving it to you.
Abram went to live near the
g reat t rees of Mamre a at Hebron,b
where he pitched his tents. T here he
built an altar to the Lord.c

Abram Rescues Lot


13:14 xGe28:14;
13:15 yGe12:7;
13:17 zver15;
13:18 aGe14:13,24;
18:1 bGe35:27
14:1 dGe10:10
14:2 eGe10:19
14:3 gNu34:3,12;
Dt3:17; Jos3:16;
14:5 hGe15:20;
Dt2:11,20 iDt2:10
14:6 jDt2:12,22
lGe21:21; Nu10:12
14:7 m2Ch20:2
14:8 nGe13:10;
19:17-29 oDt29:23

At the time when Amraphel

was king of Shinar,bd Arioch
king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer king of
Elam and Tidal king of Goyim, 2these
k ings went to war against Bera king of
Sodom, Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shi
nab king of Admah, Shemeber king of
Zeboy i m, e and the king of Bela (that
is, Zoar).f 3All t hese latter k ings joined
forces in the Valley of Sidd im (that
is, the Dead Sea Valleyg). 4For t welve
years they had been subject to Kedor
laomer, but in the thirteenth year they
5In the four
teenth year, Kedorla
omer and the k ings allied with him
went out and defeated the Repha itesh
in Ashteroth Karnai m, the Zuzites in
Ham, the E
mitesi in Shaveh Kiriat ha
im and the Hor itesj in the hill coun
try of Seir,k as far as El Paranl near the
desert. 7Then they turned back and
went to En Mishpat (that is, Kadesh),
and they conquered the whole terr i
tor y of the Ama lekites, as well as the
Amor ites who were liv ing in Hazezon
Tamar. m
8Then the king of Sodom, the king
of Gomorrah,n the king of Admah, the
king of Zeboyim o and the king of Bela
(that is, Zoar) marched out and drew
up their battle lines in the Valley of

That is, Babylonia; also in verse9

27 | Genesis 14:9

Siddim 9against Kedorlaomer king of

Elam, Tidal king of Goyim, Amraphel
king of Shinar and Arioch king of Ella
sarfour k ings against five. 10Now the
Valley of Siddim was full of tar pits, and
when the k ings of Sodom and Gomor
rah fled, some of the men fell into them
and the rest fled to the h
ills.p 11The four
k ings seized all the goods of Sodom
and Gomorrah and all t heir food; then
they went away. 12They also carried off
Abrams nephew Lot and his posses
sions, since he was living in Sodom.
13A man who had es
c aped came
and reported this to A
bram the He
brew. Now A
bram was living near
the g reat t rees of Mamreq the Amo
rite, a brothera of Eshkol and Aner,
all of whom were allied with A
Abram heard that his rela
tive had been taken capt ive, he c alled
out the 318 t rained men born in his
household r and went in pursuit as far
as Dan.s 15During the night Abram di
vided his men to attack them and he
routed them, pursui ng them as far as
Hobah, north of Damasc us. 16He re
covered all the g oods and b
back his relat ive Lot and his posses
sions, together with the women and
the other people.
ter A
bram returned from de
feating Kedorlaomer and the k ings al
lied with him, the king of Sodom came
out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh
(that is, the K ings Valley).t
18Then Melc hizedek u king of Sa
lemv brought out bread and wine. He
was priest of God Most High, 19and he
blessed Abram, w say ing,
Blessed be Abram by God
Most High,
Creator of heaven and earth.x
20 A nd praise be to God Most High,y
who delivered your enemies into
your hand.
Then A
bram gave him a tenth of ev
eryt hing. z

Genesis 15:8 | 27
14:10 pGe19:17,30
14:13 qver24;
14:14 rGe15:3
sDt34:1; Jdg18:29
14:17 t2Sa18:18
14:18 uPs110:4;
Heb5:6 vPs76:2;
14:19 wHeb7:6
14:20 yGe24:27
zGe28:22; Dt26:12;

21The king of Sodom said to A

Give me the people and keep the
goods for yourself.
22But Abram said to the king of Sod
om, With raised handa I have sworn
an oath to the Lord, God Most High,
Creator of heaven and earth, b 23that I
will accept nothing belonging to you,c
not even a t hread or the s trap of a san
dal, so that you will never be able to
say, I made A
bram rich. 24I will ac
cept nothing but what my men have
eaten and the share that belongs to
the men who went with meto Aner,
Eshkol and Mamre. Let them have
t heir share.

The Lords Covenant With Abram


After this, the word of the Lord

came to Abramd in a vision:

Do not be afraid,e Abram.

I am your shield,bf
your very great reward.c

14:22 aEx6:8;
Da12:7; Rev10:5-6
14:23 c2Ki5:16
15:1 dDa10:1
26:24; 46:3;
2Ki6:16; Ps27:1;
2Sa22:3,31; Ps3:3
15:2 gAc7:5
15:3 hGe24:2,34
15:4 iGal4:28
15:5 jPs147:4;
Jer33:22 kGe12:2;
22:17; Ex32:13;
Ro4:18*; Heb11:12
15:6 lPs106:31;
Gal3:6*; Jas2:23*
15:8 mLk1:18

Abram said, Sovereign Lord,

what can you give me s ince I remain
childless g and the one who will inher
itd my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?
A bram said, You have given
me no child ren; so a servanth in my
household will be my heir.
4Then the word of the Lord came to
him: This man will not be your heir,
but a son who is your own flesh and
blood will be your heir.i 5He took him
outside and said, Look up at the sky
and c ount the s tarsji f indeed you
can count them. Then he said to him,
So shall your offspringe be.k
6Abram bel ieved the Lord, and he
credited it to him as righteousness.l
7He also said to him, I am the
Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the
Chaldeans to give you this land to take
possession ofit.
8But Abram said, Sovereign Lord,
how can I knowm that I will gain pos
session ofit?

a13Ora relative; or an ally b1Orsovereign c1Orshield; / your reward will be very great d2Themeaning
of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain. e5Orseed

28 | Genesis 15:9

Genesis 16:14 | 28

9So the Lord said to him, Bring me 15:10 nver17;

a heifer, a goat and a ram, each t hree

years old, a long with a dove and a
young pigeon.
10Abram brought all t hese to him,
cut them in two and arranged the
halves opposite each other; n the b
however, he did not cut in half.o 11Then
birds of prey came down on the car
casses, but Abram d
rove them away.
12As the sun was set
t ing, A
fell into a deep sleep,p and a t hick and
dreadful darkness came over him.
13Then the Lord said to him, Know
for certain that for four hundred yearsq
your descendants will be strangers
in a country not t heir own and that
they will be enslavedr and mist reated
t here. 14But I will punish the nat ion
they serve as slaves, and afterw ard
they will come outs with g reat posses
sions.t 15You, however, will go to your
ancestors in peace and be buried at a
good old age.u 16In the fourth genera
tion your descendants will come back
here, for the sin of the Amor itesv has
not yet reached its full measure.
17When the sun had set and dark
ness had fallen, a smoking firepot with
a blazi ng torch appeared and passed
bet ween the pieces. w 18On that day the
Lord made a covenant with A
and said, To your descendants I give
this land,x from the Wadia of Egypty to
the g reat river, the Euphrates 19the
land of the Ken ites, Kenizz ites, Kad
mon ites, 20Hit t ites, Per i zz ites, Reph
a ites, 21Amor ites, Canaanites, Girga
shites and Jebusites.

Jer34:18 oLev1:17
15:12 pGe2:21
15:13 qver16;
Ex12:40; Ac7:6,17
15:14 sAc7:7*
15:15 uGe25:8
15:16 v1Ki21:26
15:17 wver10
15:18 xGe12:7
16:1 zGe11:30;
16:2 bGe30:34,910

Hagar and Ishmael


Now Sarai, Abrams wife, had

borne him no child ren.z But
she had an Egypt ian slavea named Ha
bram, The Lord
gar; 2so she said to A
has kept me from having child ren.
Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can
build a family t hrough her. b
Abram agreed to what Sarai said.
3So af
ter Abram had been living in
a18Orriver b11

16:3 cGe12:5
16:5 dGe31:53
16:7 eGe21:17;
22:11,15; 31:11
16:10 gGe13:16;
16:11 hEx2:24;
16:12 iGe25:18
16:13 jGe32:30

Canaan c ten years, Sarai his wife took

her Egypt ian slave Hagar and gave her
to her husband to be his wife. 4He slept
with Hagar, and she conceived.
When she knew she was pregnant,
she began to despise her mistress.
5Then Sarai said to A bram, You are
responsible for the w rong I am suffer
ing. I put my slave in your arms, and
now that she k nows she is pregnant,
she despises me. May the Lord judge
bet ween you andme.d
6Your slave is in your h
Abram said. Do with her whatever
you t hink best. Then Sarai mist reat
ed Hagar; so she fled from her.
7The angel of the Lorde found Ha
gar near a spring in the desert; it was
the s pring that is beside the road to
Shur.f 8And he said, Hagar, slave of
Sarai, where have you come from, and
where are you going?
Im runn ing away from my mis
tress Sarai, she answered.
9Then the angel of the Lord told her,
Go back to your mist ress and submit
to her. 10The angel added, I will in
crease your descendants so much that
they will be too numerous to count.g
11The angel of the Lord also said to
You are now pregnant
and you will give birth to a son.
You shall name him Ishmael,b
for the Lord has heard of your
He will be a wild donkey of a man;
his hand will be against everyone
and everyones hand against him,
and he will live in hostility
c all his brothers.i

gave this name to the Lord

who spoke to her: You are the God
who sees me, for she said, I have now
seend the One who sees me.j 14That is
why the well was c alled Beer Lahai
Roie; it is still t here, bet ween Kadesh
and Bered.

Ishmael means God hears. c12Orlive to the east / of d13Orseen the back of
Beer Lahai Roi means well of the Living One who sees me.

29 | Genesis 16:15

Genesis 17:27 | 29

Hagar bore Abram a son,k and

A bram gave the name Ishm ael to
the son she had borne. 16Abram was
eighty-six years old when Hagar bore
him Ishmael.

16:15 kGal4:22
17:1 lGe28:3;
Ex6:3 mDt18:13
17:2 nGe15:18
17:4 oGe15:18
pver16; Ge12:2;
35:11; 48:19
17:5 qver15;
The Covenant ofCircumcision
Ne9:7 rRo4:17*
17:6 sGe35:11
When A
bram was ninet y-nine tMt1:6
years old, the Lord appeared to 17:7 uEx29:45,46
him and said, I am God Alm ightya;l Ro9:8;
17:8 wPs105:9,11
walk before me faithfully and be xGe23:4; 28:4;
blameless.m 2Then I will make my cov Ex6:4 yGe12:7
17:10 zver23;
enant bet ween me and youn and will Ge21:4;
greatly increase your numbers.
Ac7:8; Ro4:11
3Abram fell facedown, and God said 17:11 aEx12:48;
to him, 4As for me, this is my cov Dt10:16
enant with you:o You will be the fat her Lk2:21


of many nat ions.p 5No longer will you

be called Abram b; your name will be
Abra ham, cq for I have made you a fa
ther of many nat ions.r 6I will make you
very fruit f ul; s I will make nat ions of
you, and k ings will come from you.t 7I
will establish my covenant as an ever
lasting covenant bet ween me and you
and your descendants after you for the
generat ions to come, to be your Godu
and the God of your descendants af
ter you.v 8The whole land of Canaan,w
where you now reside as a foreigner,x I
will give as an everlasti ng possession
to you and your descendants after
you;y and I will be t heir God.
9Then God said to Abraham, As for
you, you must keep my covenant, you
and your descendants after you for
the generat ions to come. 10This is my
covenant with you and your descen
dants after you, the covenant you are
to keep: Every male a mong you s hall
be circumcised. z 11You are to undergo
circumcision, a and it will be the sign
of the covenantb bet ween me and you.
12For the generat ions to come every
male a mong you who is e ight days old
must be circumcised, c including t hose
born in your household or b
with money from a foreigner t hose
who are not your offspring. 13Whether
a1Hebrew El-Shaddai b5

17:14 dEx4:2426
17:16 eGe18:10
fGe35:11; Gal4:31
17:17 gGe18:12;
17:19 hGe18:14;
21:2 iGe26:3
17:20 jGe16:10
17:21 mGe21:2
17:24 nRo4:11

born in your household or b

ought with
your mone y, they must be circ um
cised. My covenant in your f lesh is to
be an everlasting covenant. 14Any un
circumcised male, who has not been
circ umcised in the f lesh, will be cut
off from his people;d he has broken my
15God also said to Abraham, As for
Sarai your wife, you are no longer to
call her Sarai; her name will be Sara h.
16I will bless her and will surely give
you a son by her.e I will bless her so
that she will be the mother of nat ions;f
k ings of peoples will come from her.
h am fell face
d own; he
laughed g and said to himself, Will a
son be born to a man a hundred y ears
old? Will Sara h bear a c hild at the age
of ninet y? 18And Abraham said to
God, If only Ishmael might live under
your blessing!
19Then God said, Yes, but your
wife Sara h will bear you a son,h and
you will call him Isaac.d I will estab
lish my covenant with himi as an ever
last i ng covenant for his descendants
after him. 20And as for Ishmael, I have
heard you: I will surely b
less him; I will
make him fruitf ul and will greatly in
crease his numbers.j He will be the fa
ther of t welve rulers,k and I will make
him into a g reat nation.l 21But my
covenant I will establish with Isaac,
whom Sara h will bear to you by this
time next year.m 22When he had fin
ished speaking with Abraham, God
went up from him.
23On that very day Abrah am took
his son Ishmael and all t hose born in
his household or b
ought with his mon
ey, every male in his household, and
circ umcised them, as God told him.
24Abrah am was ninet y-nine y ears
old when he was circumcised,n 25and
his son Ishmael was thirteen; 26Abra
ham and his son Ishmael were both
circ umcised on that very day. 27And
every male in Abrahams household,

Abram means exalted father. c5 Abraham probably means father of many.

Isaac means he laughs.

30 | Genesis 18:1

i ncluding t hose born in his household

or b
ought from a foreigner, was cir
cumcised with him.

The Three Visitors


The Lord appeared to Abra

ham near the g reat trees of
Mamre o while he was sitt ing at the en
trance to his tent in the heat of the day.
2Abrah am looked up and saw t hree
menp standing nearby. When he saw
them, he hurried from the ent rance of
his tent to meet them and bowed low
to the ground.
3He said, If I have
found favor
in your eyes, my lord,a do not pass
your servant by. 4Let a litt le water be
brought, and then you may all wash
your feetq and rest under this tree. 5Let
me get you somet hing to eat,r so you
can be ref reshed and then go on your
waynow that you have come to your
Very well, they ans wered, do as
you say.
6So Abraham hurr ied into the tent
to Sara h. Quick, he said, get t hree
sea hs b of the finest f lour and k nead it
and bake some bread.
7Then he ran to the herd and select
ed a c hoice, tender calf and gave it to a
servant, who hurried to prepare it. 8He
then b
rought some c urds and milk
and the calf that had been prepared,
and set t hese before them.s W hile they
ate, he stood near them under a tree.
9Where is your wife Sara h? they
asked him.
There, in the tent, he said.
10Then one of them said, I will
surely ret urn to you a bout this time
next year, and Sara h your wife will
have a son.t
Now Sara h was listeni ng at the en
trance to the tent, which was beh ind
him. 11Abraham and Sara h were al
ready very old,u and Sara h was past
the age of childbearing.v 12So Sara h
laughed w to herself as she thought,
a3Oreyes, Lord b6

Genesis 18:25 | 30
18:1 oGe13:18;
18:2 pver16,22;
Ge32:24; Jos5:13;
18:4 qGe19:2;
18:5 rJdg13:15
18:8 sGe19:3
18:10 tRo9:9*
18:11 uGe17:17
18:12 wGe17:17;

After I am worn out and my lordx is

old, will I now have this pleasure?
13Then the Lord said to Abraham,
Why did Sara h laugh and say, Will I
really have a child, now that I am old?
14Is anyt hing too hard for the Lord?y I
will return to you at the appointed time
next year, and Sarah will have a son.
15Sara h was a
fraid, so she lied and
said, I did not laugh.
But he said, Yes, you did laugh.

Abraham Pleads for Sodom


18:12 x1Pe3:6
18:14 yJer32:17,27;
Zec8:6; Mt19:26;
Lk1:37; Ro4:21
18:17 zAm3:7
18:18 bGal3:8*
18:19 cDt4:9-10;
6:7 dJos24:15;
18:21 eGe11:5
18:22 fGe19:1
18:23 gNu16:22
18:24 hJer5:1
18:25 iJob8:3,20;
Ps58:11; 94:2;
Isa3:10-11; Ro3:6

the men got up to leave,

they l ooked down toward Sodom, and
Abrah am w alked a long with them
to see them on t heir way. 17Then the
Lord said, Shall I hide from Abra
hamz what I am about to do?a 18Abra
ham will surely become a g reat and
powerf ul nat ion, b and all nat ions on
earth will be b
lessed through him.c
19For I have chosen him, so that he will
direct his children c and his household
after him to keep the way of the Lordd
by doing what is right and just, so that
the Lord will b
ring about for Abraham
what he has promised him.
20Then the Lord said, The outc ry
against Sodom and Gomorrah is so
g reat and t heir sin so grievous 21that
I will go downe and see if what they
have done is as bad as the outcry that
has reached me. If not, I will know.
22The men t urned away and went
h am re
tow ard Sodom, f but Abra
mained standing before the Lord.d
23Then Abra
h am approached him
and said: Will you s weep away the
righteous with the wicked?g 24What if
t here are fift y righteous people in the
city? Will you really sweep it away and
not spare e the place for the sake of the
fift y righteous people in it?h 25Far be
it from you to do such a t hingto kill
the righteous with the wicked, treating
the righteous and the wicked a like. Far
be it from you! Will not the J udge of all
the e arth do right?i

That is, probably about 36pounds or about 16kilograms c18Orwill use his name in
blessings (see48:20) d22 Masoretic Text; an ancient Hebrew scribal tradition but the Lord remained standing
before Abraham e24Orforgive; also in verse26

31 | Genesis 18:26

Lord said, If I find fift y righ

teous people in the city of Sodom, I will
spare the w
hole p
lace for t heir sake.j
27Then Abra
ham s poke up a gain:
Now that I have been so bold as to
speak to the Lord, t hough I am noth
ing but dust and ashes,k 28what if the
number of the righteous is five less
than fift y? Will you destroy the whole
city for lack of five people?
If I find fort y-five t here, he said, I
will not destroyit.
a gain he spoke to him,
What if only fort y are found there?
He said, For the sake of fort y, I will
not doit.
30Then he said, May the Lord not
be ang ry, but let me speak. What if
only thirt y can be found there?
He answered, I will not do it if I find
thirt y there.
31Abraham said, Now that I have
been so bold as to speak to the Lord,
what if only twenty can be found
He said, For the sake of twent y, I
will not destroyit.
32Then he said, May the Lord not
be ang ry, but let me speak just once
more.l What if only ten can be found
He answered, For the sake of ten,m
I will not destroyit.
33When the Lord had fin
i shed
speaking with Abraham, he left, and
Abraham ret urned home.

Genesis 19:15 | 31
18:26 jJer5:1
18:27 kGe2:7; 3:19;
Job30:19; 42:6
18:32 lJdg6:39
19:1 nGe18:22
19:2 pGe18:4;

Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed


The two angels arr ived at Sod

omn in the even ing, and Lot
was sitt ing in the gateway of the city.o
When he saw them, he got up to meet
them and b
owed down with his face
to the g round. 2My lords, he said,
please turn a side to your serv ants
house. You can wash your feetp and
spend the n
ight and then go on your
way early in the morning.
No, they answered, we will s pend
the n
ight in the square.
a14Orwere married to

19:3 qGe18:6
19:5 rJdg19:22;
Isa3:9; Ro1:2427
19:6 sJdg19:23
19:8 tJdg19:24
19:9 uEx2:14;
19:11 vDt28:2829; 2Ki6:18;
19:12 wGe7:1
19:13 x1Ch21:15
19:14 yNu16:21
zEx9:21; Lk17:28

3But he in
sisted so strongly that
they did go with him and entered his
house. He prepared a meal for them,
baki ng bread without yeast, and they
ate.q 4Before they had gone to bed, all
the men from every part of the city of
Sodomboth young and oldsur
rounded the house. 5They c alled to
Lot, Where are the men who came to
you ton ight? Bring them out to us so
that we can have sex with them.r
6Lot went outside to meet thems and
shut the door beh ind him 7and said,
No, my friends. Dont do this wick
ed t hing. 8Look, I have two daughters
who have never slept with a man. Let
me bring them out to you, and you can
do what you like with them. But dont
do anything to these men, for they
have come under the protect ion of my
9Get out of our way, they replied.
This fellow came here as a foreigner,
and now he w
ants to play the judge!u
Well treat you w
orse than them.
They kept bringing pressure on Lot
and moved forward to break down the
10But the men ins ide r
eached out
and p
ulled Lot back into the h
and shut the door. 11Then they struck
the men who were at the door of the
house, y oung and old, with blindnessv
so that they c ould not find the door.
12The two men said to Lot, Do you
have anyone else heresons-in-law,
sons or daughters, or anyone else in
the city who belongs to you?w Get
them out of here, 13because we are go
ing to destroy this place. The outcry to
the Lord against its people is so g reat
that he has sent us to destroyit.x
14So Lot went out and s
poke to his
sons-in-law, who were pledged to mar
rya his daughters. He said, Hurr y and
get out of this place, because the Lord
is a bout to destroy the city!y But his
sons-in-law t hought he was joking.z
15With the comi ng of dawn, the an
gels u rged Lot, saying, Hurr y! Take

32 | Genesis 19:16

your wife and your two daughters who

are here, or you will be s wept awaya
when the city is punished.b
16When he hes
t at
e d, the men
g rasped his hand and the h
ands of
his wife and of his two daughters and
led them safely out of the city, for the
Lord was mercif ul to them. 17As soon
as they had brought them out, one of
them said, Flee for your l ives!c Dont
look back,d and dont stop anywhere in
the p
lain! Flee to the mountains or you
will be swept away!
18But Lot said to them, No, my
lords, a please! 19Yourb serv ant has
found favor in yourb eyes, and youb
have shown g reat kindness to me in
spari ng my life. But I c ant flee to the
mountains; this disaster will overtake
me, and Ill die. 20Look, here is a town
near e nough to run to, and it is small.
Let me flee to itit is very small, isnt
it? Then my life will be spared.
21He said to him, Very well, I will
g rant this request too; I will not over
throw the town you speak of. 22But
flee t here quickly, because I cannot do
anyt hing unt il you reach it. (That is
why the town was c alled Zoar.c)
23By the time Lot r
eached Zoar, the
sun had risen over the land. 24Then
the Lord rained down burning sulf ur
on Sodom and Gomorrah ef rom the
Lord out of the heavens.f 25Thus he
overt hrew t hose cities and the ent ire
plain, destroying all t hose living in the
cities and also the vegetat ion in the
land.g 26But L
ots wife looked back,h
and she became a pillar of salt.i
l y the next morning Abra
ham got up and ret urned to the place
where he had stood before the Lord.j
28He l ooked down toward Sodom and
Gomorrah, toward all the land of the
plain, and he saw dense smoke risi ng
from the land, like s moke from a fur
29So when God destroyed the cities
of the plain, he remembered Abraham,

Genesis 20:2 | 32
19:15 aNu16:26
19:17 cJer48:6
19:24 eDt29:23;
Isa1:9; 13:19
fLk17:29; 2Pe2:6;
19:25 gPs107:34;
19:26 hver17
19:27 jGe18:22
19:28 kRev9:2;

and he b
rought Lot out of the catast ro
phel that overt hrew the cities w
Lot had lived.

Lot and His Daughters


and his two daughters left

Zoar and sett led in the mountains,m
for he was a fraid to stay in Zoar. He
and his two daughters l ived in a cave.
31One day the older daughter said to
the younger, Our father is old, and
t here is no man a round here to give
us child renas is the custom all
over the e arth. 32Lets get our fat her
to drink wine and then s leep with him
and preserve our fami ly line t hrough
our fat her.
33That n ight they got t heir fat her to
d rink wine, and the older daughter
went in and s lept with him. He was not
aware of it when she lay down or when
she gotup.
34The next day the older daughter
said to the younger, Last night I slept
with my fat her. Lets get him to d
wine again tonight, and you go in and
sleep with him so we can preserve our
family line t hrough our fat her. 35So
they got t heir fat her to d
rink wine that
n ight also, and the younger daughter
went in and s lept with him. A
gain he
was not a ware of it when she lay down
or when she gotup.
36So both of L ots daughters became
preg nant by t heir fat her. 37The older
daughter had a son, and she n
him Moabd; he is the fat her of the Mo
abites n of today. 38The younger daugh
ter also had a son, and she named him
Ben-Ammie; he is the fat her of the Am
monitesfo of today.

Abraham and Abimelek

20:1-18Ref Ge12:10-20; 26:1-11
19:29 l2Pe2:7
19:30 mver19
19:37 nDt2:9
19:38 oDt2:19
20:1 pGe18:1


Now Abraham m
oved on from
t here p into the reg ion of the
Negev and l ived bet ween Kadesh and
Shur. For a while he stayed in Gerar,q
2and t here Abraham said of his wife

a18OrNo, Lord; or No, my lord b19TheHebrew is singular. c22 Zoar means small. d37 Moab sounds
like the Hebrew for from father. e38 Ben-Ammi means son of my fathers people. f38Hebrew Bene-Ammon

33 | Genesis 20:3

Sara h, She is my sister.r Then Abim

elek king of Gerar sent for Sara h and
took her.s
3But God came to Abim
elek in a
ight and said to him,
d ream t one n
You are as good as dead because of
the woma n you have taken; she is a
married woman. u
4Now Abimelek had not gone near
her, so he said, Lord, will you destroy
an innocent nat ion? v 5Did he not say
to me, She is my sister, and d
she also say, He is my brother? I have
done this with a c lear conscience and
clean hands.
6Then God said to him in the d
Yes, I know you did this with a clear
conscience, and so I have keptw you
from sinning against me. That is why I
did not let you t ouch her. 7Now ret urn
the m
ans wife, for he is a prophet, and
he will pray for youx and you will live.
But if you do not ret urn her, you may
be sure that you and all who belong to
you will die.
8Earl y the next morn i ng Abimelek
summoned all his off icials, and when
he told them all that had happened,
they were very much a fraid. 9Then
Abimelek c alled Abraham in and said,
What have you done to us? How have
I w ronged you that you have brought
such g reat g uilt upon me and my king
dom? You have done t hings to me that
should never be done.y 10And Abim
elek asked Abraham, What was your
reason for doing this?
11Abrah am replied, I said to my
self, There is surely no fear of Godz
in this p
lace, and they will kill me be
cause of my wife.a 12Besides, she real
ly is my sister, the daughter of my fa
ther t hough not of my mother; and she
became my wife. 13And when God had
me wander from my fathers house
hold, I said to her, This is how you can
show your love to me: Everywhere we
go, say of me, He is my brother.
14Then Abimelek brought sheep and
catt le and male and female slaves and

Genesis 21:11 | 33
20:2 rver12;
Ge12:13; 26:7
20:3 tJob33:15;
Mt27:19 uPs105:14
20:4 vGe18:25
20:6 w1Sa25:26,
20:7 xver17;
1Sa7:5; Job42:8
20:9 yGe12:18;
26:10; 34:7
20:11 zGe42:18;
Ps36:1 aGe12:12;

gave them to Abraham,b and he re

turned Sara h his wife to him. 15And
Abimelek said, My land is before you;
live wherever you like.c
16To Sara h he said, I am givi ng your
brother a thousand shekels a of silver.
This is to cover the offense a gainst you
before all who are with you; you are
completely vindicated.
17Then Abra
ham p
rayed to God,d
and God healed Abimelek, his wife
and his female slaves so they could
have child ren again, 18for the Lord
had kept all the women in Abimeleks
household from conceiving because of
Abrahams wife Sara h. e

The Birth of Isaac


Now the Lord was gracious to

Sara h f as he had said, and the
Lord did for Sarah what he had prom
ised.g 2Sara h became pregnant and
bore a sonh to Abraham in his old age,i
at the very time God had promised
him. 3Abraham gave the name Isaacbj
to the son Sarah bore him. 4When his
son Isaac was e ight days old, Abraham
circumcised him,k as God commanded
him. 5Abraham was a hundred years
old when his son I saac was born to him.
6Sara h said, God has brought me
laughter, l and everyone who hears
about this will laugh with me. 7And
she added, Who w
ould have said to
Abraham that Sara h would nurse chil
dren? Yet I have borne him a son in his
old age.

20:14 bGe12:16
20:15 cGe13:9
Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away
20:17 dJob42:9
20:18 eGe12:17
8The c
hild grew and was w
21:1 f1Sa2:21
gGe8:1; 17:16,21;
and on the day I saac was weaned Abra
ham held a g reat feast. 9But Sarah saw
21:2 hGe17:19
iGal4:22; Heb11:11 that the son whom Hagar the Egypt ian
had borne to Abrahamm was mocking,n
21:3 jGe17:19
21:4 kGe17:10,12; 10and she said to Abraham, Get rid of
that slave woman and her son, for that
21:6 lGe17:17;
womans son will never share in the in
21:9 mGe16:15
heritance with my son Isaac.o
11The mat ter dist ressed Abra ham
21:10 Gal4:30*
21:11 pGe17:18
greatly because it concerned his son.p

That is, about 25 pounds or about 12 kilograms b3 Isaac means he laughs.

34 | Genesis 21:12

God said to him, Do not be so

distressed about the boy and your slave
woman. Listen to whatever Sarah tells
you, because it is through Isaac that
your offspring a will be reckoned.q 13I
will make the son of the slave into a na
tionr also, because he is your offspring.
14Early the next morni ng Abraham
took some food and a skin of water
and gave them to Hagar. He set them
on her shoulders and then sent her off
with the boy. She went on her way and
wandered in the Desert of Beersheba. s
15When the water in the skin was
gone, she put the boy under one of the
bushes. 16Then she went off and sat
down a bout a bowshot away, for she
t hought, I cannot w
atch the boy die.
And as she sat t here, sheb began to sob.
17God heard the boy crying,t and
the angel of God called to Hagar from
heaven and said to her, What is the
matter, Hagar? Do not be a fraid; God
has heard the boy crying as he lies
t here. 18Lift the boy up and take him
by the hand, for I will make him into a
g reat nat ion. u
19Then God opened her eyesv and
she saw a well of water. So she went
and f illed the skin with water and gave
the boy a drink.
20God was with the boyw as he grew
up. He lived in the desert and became
an archer. 21While he was living in the
Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife
for himx from Egypt.

Genesis 22:5 | 34
21:12 qRo9:7*;
21:13 rver18
21:14 sver31,32
21:17 tEx3:7
21:18 uver13
21:19 vNu22:31
21:20 wGe26:3,24;
28:15; 39:2,21,23
21:21 xGe24:4,38
21:23 yver31;

Abraham Tested


The Treaty at Beersheba


that time Abimelek and Phi

col the commander of his forces said
to Abraham, God is with you in ev
erything you do. 23Now s wear y to
me here before God that you will not
deal falsely with me or my child ren
or my descendants. Show to me and
the count ry w
here you now reside as
a foreigner the same kindness I have
shown to you.
24Abraham said, I s wearit.
25Then Abra
h am complained to
Abimelek about a well of water that
a12Orseed b16

Abimeleks servants had seized. z 26But

Abimelek said, I d
ont know who has
done this. You did not tell me, and I
heard about it only today.
27So Abrah am b
rought sheep and
catt le and gave them to Abimelek, and
the two men made a treat y.a 28Abra
ham set apart seven ewe lambs from
the f lock, 29and Abimelek asked Abra
ham, What is the meaning of t hese
seven ewe l ambs you have set a part by
30He replied, Acc ept t hese seven
lambs from my hand as a witnessb that
I dug this well.
31So that place was called Beershe
ba,cc because the two men s wore an
oath there.
32After the treat y had been made at
Beersheba, Abimelek and Phicol the
commander of his forces ret urned to
the land of the Philist ines. 33Abraham
planted a tamar isk tree in Beersheba,
and t here he c alled on the name of the
Lord,d the Eternal God.e 34And Abra
ham stayed in the land of the Philis
tines for a long time.

21:25 zGe26:15,
21:27 aGe26:28,31
21:30 bGe31:44,
21:31 cGe26:33
21:33 dGe4:26
22:1 fDt8:2,16;
22:2 gver12,16;
Jn3:16; Heb11:17;
1Jn4:9 h2Ch3:1

Some time lat

e r God test
edf Abraham. He said to him,
Here I am, he replied.
2Then God said, Take your song,
your only son, whom you love
Isaaca nd go to the reg ion of Mor i
urnt of
ah.h Sacrif ice him t here as a b
fering on a mountain I will show you.
3Early the next morning Abraham
got up and loaded his donkey. He took
with him two of his servants and his
son Isaac. When he had cut e nough
wood for the b
urnt offering, he set out
for the p
lace God had told him a bout.
4On the t hird day Abraham l ooked up
and saw the place in the distance. 5He
said to his servants, Stay here with
the donkey w
hile I and the boy go over
there. We will worship and then we
will come back to you.

Hebrew; Septuagint the child c31 Beersheba can mean well of seven and well of the oath.

35 | Genesis 22:6

took the wood for the

burnt offering and placed it on his son
Isaac, i and he himself carr ied the fire
and the k nife. As the two of them went
on together, 7Isaac s poke up and said
to his fat her Abraham, Fat her?
Yes, my son? Abraham replied.
The fire and wood are here, I saac
said, but where is the lambj for the
burnt offering?
8Abra ham ans wered, God himself
will prov ide the lamb for the burnt of
feri ng, my son. And the two of them
went on together.
9When they r
eached the p
lace God
had told him about, Abraham built
an altar t here and arranged the wood
on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid
him on the altar,k on top of the wood.
10Then he r
eached out his hand and
took the k nife to slay his son. 11But the
angel of the Lord called out to him
from heaven, Abraham! Abraham!
Here I am, he replied.
12Do not lay a hand on the boy, he
said. Do not do anyt hing to him. Now
I know that you fear God,l because you
have not withheld from me your son,
your only son.m
13Abraham looked up and t here in
a thicket he saw a rama caught by its
horns. He went over and took the ram
and sacrif iced it as a burnt offering in
stead of his son.n 14So Abraham called
that p
lace The Lord Will Prov ide. And
to this day it is said, On the mountain
of the Lord it will be prov ided.o
15The angel of the Lord c
alled to
Abraham from heaven a second time
16and said, I s wear by mys elf,p de
clares the Lord, that because you have
done this and have not withheld your
son, your only son, 17I will surely bless
you and make your descendantsq as
numerous as the stars in the skyr and
as the sand on the seashore.s Your de
scendants will take possession of the
cities of t heir enemies, t 18and t hrough

Genesis 23:9 | 35
22:6 iJn19:17
22:7 jLev1:10
22:9 kHeb11:1719; Jas2:21
22:12 l1Sa15:22;
Jas2:21-22 mver2;
22:13 nRo8:32
22:14 over8
22:16 pLk1:73;
22:17 qHeb6:14*
rGe15:5 sGe26:24;
32:12 tGe24:60

your offspring b all nations on earth

will be blessed,cu bec ause you have
obeyedme. v
19Then Abra
ham returned to his
servants, and they set off together for
Beersheba. And Abra ham stayed in

Nahors Sons
20Some time lat
er Abrah am was
told, Milkah is also a mother; she has
borne sons to your brother Nahor:w
21Uz the first
born, Buz his brother,
Kemuel (the fat her of Aram), 22Kesed,
Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph and Bet huel.
23Bet huel became the fat her of Rebek
ah.x Milk ah bore t hese eight sons to
Abra hams brother Na hor. 24His con
cubine, w hose name was Reum ah,
also had sons: Tebah, Gaham, Tahash
and Maakah.

The Death of Sarah


22:18 uGe12:2,3;
Ac3:25*; Gal3:8*
22:20 wGe11:29
22:23 xGe24:15
23:2 yJos14:15
zver19; Ge13:18
23:4 aGe17:8;
23:6 bGe14:14-16;
23:8 cGe25:9

Sara h lived to be a hund red

and twent y-seven years old.
2She died at Kir
iath Arbay (that is,
Hebron) in the land of Canaan, and
Abraham went to mourn for Sarah and
to weep over her.
3Then Abrah am rose from bes ide
his dead wife and spoke to the Hit
tites.d He said, 4I am a foreigner and
stranger a a mong you. Sell me some
propert y for a buria l site here so I can
bury my dead.
5The Hitt ites replied to Abrah am,
6Sir, listen to us. You are a m
prince b a mong us. Bury your dead in
the choicest of our tombs. None of us
will refuse you his tomb for burying
your dead.
7Then Abra
ham rose and b
down before the people of the land, the
Hitt ites. 8He said to them, If you are
willing to let me bury my dead, then
listen to me and intercede with Ephron
son of Zoharc on my behalf 9so he will
sell me the cave of Machpelah, which

a13 Many manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint and Syriac; most manuscripts of
the Masoretic Text a ram behind him b18Orseed c18Orand all nations on earth will use the name of your
offspring in blessings (see48:20) d3Orthe descendants of Heth; also in verses 5, 7, 10, 16, 18 and 20

36 | Genesis 23:10

belongs to him and is at the end of his

f ield. Ask him to sell it to me for the full
price as a buria l site a mong you.
10Ephron the Hit
t ite was sitting
a mong his people and he replied to
Abraham in the hearing of all the Hit
tites who had come to the gated of his
city. 11No, my lord, he said. Listen
to me; I giveae you the f ield, and I givea
you the cave that is in it. I givea it to
you in the presence of my people. Bury
your dead.
12Again Abraham b
owed down be
fore the people of the land 13and he
said to E
phron in t heir heari ng, Lis
ten to me, if you will. I will pay the
price of the f ield. Accept it from me so
I can bury my dead there.
14Ephron ans wered Abra h am,
15Listen to me, my lord; the land is
worth four hundred shekels b of silver,f
but what is that bet ween you and me?
Bury your dead.
16Abra h am a greed to E phrons
terms and weighed out for him the
price he had named in the heari ng of
the Hitt ites: four hund red shekels of
silver, g according to the weight cur
rent a mong the merchants.
17So Ephrons f ield in Machp el ah
near Mamre hboth the f ield and the
cave in it, and all the t rees within the
borders of the f ield was deeded 18to
Abraham as his propert y in the pres
ence of all the Hitt ites who had come
to the gate of the city. 19Afterw ard
Abraham buried his wife Sara h in the
cave in the field of Machpelah near
Mamre (which is at Hebron) in the
land of Canaan. 20So the f ield and the
cave in it were deededi to Abraham by
the Hitt ites as a buria l site.

Isaac and Rebekah


Abraham was now very old,

and the Lord had blessed him
in every way.j 2He said to the senior
servant in his household, the one in
charge of all that he had,k Put your

a11Orsell b15


Genesis 24:14 | 36
23:10 dGe34:2024; Ru4:4
23:11 e2Sa24:23
23:15 fEze45:12
23:16 gJer32:9;
23:17 hGe25:9;
49:30-32; 50:13;
23:20 iJer32:10
24:1 jver35
24:2 kGe39:4-6

24:2 lver9;
24:3 mGe14:19
nGe28:1; Dt7:3
24:4 pGe12:1; 28:2
24:7 qGal3:16*
rGe12:7; 13:15
24:9 tver2
24:11 uEx2:15
vver13; 1Sa9:11
24:12 wver27,
42,48; Ge26:24;

hand under my t high.l 3I want you to

s wear by the Lord, the God of heav
en and the God of e arth,m that you
will not get a wife for my sonn from the
daughters of the Canaanites, o a mong
whom I am livi ng, 4but will go to my
count ry and my own relat ivesp and get
a wife for my son Isaac.
5The serv ant a
sked him, What if
the woma n is unw illing to come back
with me to this land? S hall I then take
your son back to the count ry you came
6Make sure that you do not take my
son back t here, Abraham said. 7The
Lord, the God of heaven, who b
me out of my fat hers household and
my nat ive land and who spoke to me
and promised me on oath, saying, To
your offspring cq I will give this landr
he will send his angel before yous so
that you can get a wife for my son from
t here. 8If the woma n is unw illing to
come back with you, then you will be
released from this oath of mine. Only
do not take my son back t here. 9So the
servant put his hand under the t hight
of his master Abraham and swore an
oath to him concerning this matter.
10Then the servant left, taki ng with
him ten of his masters camels load
ed with all k inds of good t hings from
his master. He set out for Aram Naha
rai m d and made his way to the town
of Na hor. 11He had the camels k neel
down near the wellu outside the town;
it was tow ard even ing, the time the
women go out to draw water.v
12Then he prayed, Lord, God of my
master Abra ham, w make me success
ful today, and show kindness to my
master Abraham. 13See, I am standing
beside this s pring, and the daughters
of the townspeople are comi ng out to
draw water. 14May it be that when I say
to a young woma n, Please let down
your jar that I may have a d rink, and
she says, Drink, and Ill water your
camels toolet her be the one you

That is, about 10 pounds or about 4.6 kilograms c7Orseed d10 That is, Northwest

37 | Genesis 24:15

have chosen for your servant Isaac. By

this I will knowx that you have s hown
kindness to my master.
15Before he had finished praying,y
Rebeka h z came out with her jar on her
shoulder. She was the daughter of Be
thuel son of Milkah,a who was the wife
of Abra hams brother Na hor. b 16The
woma n was very beaut if ul, c a virg in;
no man had ever slept with her. She
went down to the spring, f illed her jar
and came up again.
17The serv ant hurr ied to meet her
and said, Please give me a litt le water
from your jar.
18Drink,d my lord, she said, and
quickly lowered the jar to her h
and gave him a drink.
19After she had given him a d
she said, Ill draw water for your cam
els too,e unt il they have had enough to
d rink. 20So she quickly empt ied her
jar into the t rough, ran back to the well
to draw more water, and drew enough
for all his camels. 21Without sayi ng
a word, the man w
atched her closely
to learn whether or not the Lord had
made his journey successf ul. f
22When the cam
els had finished
drinking, the man took out a gold
nose ringg weighi ng a bekaa and two
gold bracelets weighing ten shekels.b
23Then he
a sked, Whose daughter
are you? P
lease tell me, is t here room
in your fat hers h
ouse for us to s pend
the night?
24She an
s wered him, I am the
daughter of Bet huel, the son that Mil
kah bore to Nahor.h 25And she added,
We have plent y of s traw and fodder,
as well as room for you to spend the
26Then the man bowed down and
worshiped the Lord,i 27saying, Praise
be to the Lord,j the God of my master
Abraham, who has not abandoned his
kindness and faithf ulness k to my mas
ter. As for me, the Lord has led me on
the jour ney l to the house of my mas
ters relat ives. m

Genesis 24:41 | 37
24:14 xJdg6:17,37
24:15 yver45
24:16 cGe26:7
24:18 dver14
24:19 ever14
24:21 fver12
24:22 gver47
24:24 hver15
24:26 iver48,52;
24:27 jEx18:10;
Ru4:14; 1Sa25:32
kver49; Ge32:10;
Ps98:3 lver21

24:29 nver4;
24:31 oGe26:29;
Ru3:10; Ps115:15
24:32 pGe43:24;
24:35 qver1
24:36 sGe21:2,10
24:37 uver3
24:38 vver4
24:39 wver5
24:40 xver7
24:41 yver8

28The young woma n ran and told

her mothers household about t hese
t hings. 29Now Rebeka h had a brother
named Laban, n and he hurr ied out to
the man at the spring. 30As soon as he
had seen the nose ring, and the brace
lets on his sisters arms, and had h
Rebeka h tell what the man said to her,
he went out to the man and found
him standi ng by the camels near the
spring. 31Come, you who are blessed
by the Lord,o he said. Why are you
standing out here? I have prepared the
house and a p
lace for the camels.
32So the man went to the house, and
the camels were unloaded. Straw and
fodder were b
rought for the camels,
and water for him and his men to wash
t heir feet. p 33Then food was set before
him, but he said, I will not eat unt il I
have told you what I have to say.
Then tell us, Laban said.
34So he said, I am Abrahams ser
vant. 35The Lord has blessed my mas
ter abundant ly, q and he has become
wealthy. He has given him sheep and
catt le, silver and gold, male and female
servants, and camels and donkeys.r
36My masters wife Sara h has borne
him a son in her old age,s and he has
given him everyt hing he owns.t 37And
my master made me s wear an oath,
and said, You must not get a wife for
my son from the daughters of the Ca
naanites, in whose land I live,u 38but
go to my fat hers family and to my own
clan, and get a wife for my son.v
39Then I a sked my master, What
if the woma n will not come back
40He re
plied, The Lord, before
whom I have w alked faithfully, will
send his angel with youx and make
your journey a success, so that you can
get a wife for my son from my own clan
and from my fat hers family. 41You will
be released from my oath if, when you
go to my clan, they refuse to give her to
yout hen you will be released from
my oath.y

That is, about 1/5ounce or about 5.7 grams b22 That is, about 4 ounces or about 115 grams

38 | Genesis 24:42

I came to the spring to

day, I said, Lord, God of my master
Abraham, if you will, please g rant suc
hich I have
cessz to the journey on w
come. 43See, I am standing beside this
spring. a If a y oung woma n comes out
to draw water and I say to her, Please
let me d rink a litt le water from your
jar,b 44and if she says to me, Drink,
and Ill draw water for your camels
too, let her be the one the Lord has
chosen for my masters son.
45Before I finished praying in my
heart, c Rebeka h came out, with her jar
on her shoulder.d She went down to
the spring and drew water, and I said
to her, Please give me a drink.e
46She quickly lowered her jar from
her shoulder and said, Drink, and Ill
water your camels too.f So I d
and she watered the camels also.
47I a
sked her, Whose daughter are
She said, The daughter of Bet hu
el son of Nahor, whom Milkah bore to
Then I put the ring in her nose
and the bracelets on her arms,i 48and
I b
owed down and worshiped the
Lord.j I praised the Lord, the God
of my master Abraham, who had led
me on the right road to get the grand
daughter of my masters brother for his
son.k 49Now if you will show kindness
and faithf ulness l to my master, tell
me; and if not, tell me, so I may know
which way to turn.
50Lab an and Bet hue l ans wered,
This is from the Lord;m we can say
nothing to you one way or the other.n
51Here is Rebeka h; take her and go, and
let her become the wife of your masters
son, as the Lord has directed.
52When Abra h ams ser v ant heard
what they said, he bowed down to the
g round before the Lord.o 53Then the
serv ant brought out gold and silver
jewelr y and ar t icles of clothi ng and
gave them to Rebeka h; he also gave
cost ly g ifts p to her brother and to her
a55Orshe b63

Genesis 24:67 | 38
24:42 zver12
24:43 aver13
24:45 c1Sa1:13
dver15 ever17
24:46 fver1819
24:47 gver23
24:48 jver26
24:49 lGe47:29;
24:50 mPs118:23
24:52 over26
24:53 pver10,22

mother. 54Then he and the men who

were with him ate and d
rank and
spent the night there.
When they got up the next morning,
he said, Send me on my wayq to my
55But her broth
er and her moth
er replied, Let the young woma n re
main with us ten days or so; then youa
56But he said to them, Do not de
tain me, now that the Lord has grant
ed success to my journey. Send me on
my way so I may go to my master.
57Then they said, Lets call the
young woma n and ask her about it.
58So they c alled Rebeka h and a sked
her, Will you go with this man?
I will go, she said.
59So they sent t heir sister Rebeka h
on her way, a long with her nurser and
Abrahams servant and his men. 60And
they b
lessed Rebekah and said to her,
Our sister, may you increase
to thousands upon thousands;s
may your offspring possess
the cities of their enemies.t
61Then Rebeka h and her attendants

24:54 qver56,59
24:59 rGe35:8
24:60 sGe17:16
24:62 uGe16:14;
25:11 vGe20:1
24:63 wPs1:2;
77:12; 119:15,27,
48,97,148; 143:5;
24:67 xGe25:20

got ready and mounted the camels

and went back with the man. So the
servant took Rebeka h and left.
Isaac had come from Beer
La hai Roi, u for he was living in the
Negev. v 63He went out to the field
one even ing to meditate, bw and as he
looked up, he saw camels approach
ing. 64Rebekah also looked up and saw
Isaac. She got down from her camel
65and a
sked the servant, Who is that
man in the f ield coming to meetus?
He is my master, the servant an
swered. So she took her veil and cov
ered herself.
66Then the ser
v ant told Isaac all
he had done. 67Isaac brought her into
the tent of his mother Sara h, and he
married Rebeka h. x So she became his
wife, and he l oved her;y and I saac was
comforted after his mothers death. z

Themeaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

39 | Genesis 25:1

The Death of Abraham

Genesis 25:28 | 39

25:2 a1Ch1:32,33
25:5 bGe24:36
25:1-4pp 1Ch1:32-33
25:6 cGe22:24
Abra ham had taken another 25:8 eGe15:15
wife, w
hose name was Ketu fver17; Ge35:29;
rah. 2She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, 49:29,33
25:9 gGe35:29
Medan, Midia n, Ishbak and Shua h. a hGe50:13
3Jokshan was the fat her of Sheba and
25:10 iGe23:16
Ded an; the des cend ants of Ded an 25:11 kGe16:14
25:12 Ge16:1
were the Ashurites, the Let ushites and lGe16:15
the Leu mm ites. 4The sons of Midia n 25:16 mGe17:20


were E
phah, E
pher, Hanok, Abida and
Eldaa h. All t hese were descendants of
Ket urah.
5Abraham left everyt hing he owned
hile he was s till living,
to Isaac. b 6But w
he gave g ifts to the sons of his concu
binesc and sent them away from his
son Isaac d to the land of the east.
h am lived a hund red and
sevent y-five years. 8Then Abraham
breathed his last and died at a good
old age,e an old man and full of years;
and he was gathered to his people.f
9His sons Isaac and Ishm ael buried
himg in the cave of Machpelah near
Mamre, in the f ield of Ephron son of
Zohar the Hit t ite, h 10the field Abra
ham had bought from the Hitt
T here Abraham was buried with his
wife Sara h. 11Af ter Abra hams death,
God blessed his son Isaac, who then
lived near Beer Lahai Roi.j

Ishmaels Sons
25:12-16pp 1Ch1:29-31
12This is the account of the fami ly
line of Abrahams son Ishmael, whom
Sara hs slave, Hagar k the Egyptian,
bore to Abraham.l

are the n
ames of the sons
of Ishmael, listed in the order of t heir
birth: Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishma
el, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 14Mishma,
Dumah, Massa, 15Hadad, Tema, Je
tur, Naphish and Kedemah. 16These
were the sons of Ishmael, and these
are the n
ames of the t welve tribal rul
ersm according to their settlements and

camps. 17Ishmael lived a hundred and

thirt y-seven years. He breathed his last
and died, and he was gathered to his
people. n 18His descendants sett led in
the area from Havilah to Shur, near the
eastern border of E
gypt, as you go to
ward Ashur. And they l ived in host ilit y
toward b all the t ribes related to them.o

Jacob and Esau


is the account of the family

line of Abrahams son Isaac.
Abraham became the father of I saac,
Isaac was fort y y ears oldp when
he marr ied Rebeka h q daughter of Be
thuel the Aramean from Paddan Aramc
and sister of Labanr the Aramean.
21Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf
of his wife, because she was childless.
The Lord ans wered his p
rayer,s and
his wife Rebeka h became preg nant.
22The babies jost led each other withi n
her, and she said, Why is this happen
ing to me? So she went to inquire of
the Lord.t
23The Lord said to her,

Two nationsu are in your womb,

and two peoples from within you
will be separated;
one people will be stronger than
the other,
and the older will serve the

the time came for her to

25:17 nver8
give b
irth, t here were twin boys in her
25:18 oGe16:12
womb. 25The first to come out was red,
25:20 pver26;
Ge26:34 qGe24:67 and his w
hole body was like a h
airy gar
w so they n
d 26Af

25:21 s1Ch5:20;
2Ch33:13; Ezr8:23; ter this, his brother came out, with his
Ps127:3; Ro9:10
hand grasping Esaus heel;x so he was
25:22 t1Sa9:9;
named Jacob. ey Isaac was sixty years
old when Rebekah gave birth to them.
25:23 Ge17:4
27The boys grew up, and Esau be
Mal1:3; Ro9:1112*
came a skillful hunter, a man of the
25:25 wGe27:11
open count ry, z while Jacob was con
25:26 xHos12:3
to stay at home a mong the tents.
25:27 zGe27:3,5 28
who had a taste for wild game,a
25:28 Ge27:19
loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob. b

a10Orthe descendants of Heth b18Orlived to the east of c20That is, Northwest Mesopotamia d25

may mean hairy. e26 Jacob means he grasps the heel, a Hebrew idiom for he deceives.


40 | Genesis 25:29

when Jac ob was cooking

some stew, Esau came in from the
open count ry, famished. 30He said to
Jacob, Quick, let me have some of that
red stew! Im famished! (That is why
he was also c alled Edom.a)
31Jacob replied, First sell me your
32Look, I am a
bout to die, Esau
said. What good is the birthright
33But Jacob said, Swear to me f irst.
So he swore an oath to him, selling his
birthright c to Jacob.
34Then Jacob gave Esau some b
and some lentil stew. He ate and
drank, and then got up and left.
So Esau despised his birthright.

Genesis 26:20 | 40
25:33 cGe27:36;
26:1 dGe12:10
26:2 fGe12:7; 17:1;
18:1 gGe12:1
26:3 hGe20:1;
28:15 iGe12:2;
22:16-18 jGe12:7;
13:15; 15:18
26:4 kGe15:5;
22:17; Ex32:13
lGe12:3; 22:18;
26:5 mGe22:16
26:7 nGe12:13;
20:2,12; Pr29:25

Isaac and Abimelek

26:1-11Ref Ge12:10-20; 20:1-18


Now there was a famine in

the landd besides the prev i
ous fami ne in Abrahams timea nd
Isaac went to Abimelek king of the
Phi l ist ines in Gerar. e 2The Lord ap
pearedf to Isaac and said, Do not go
down to Egypt; live in the land where I
tell you to live.g 3Stay in this land for a
while, h and I will be with you and will
bless you. i For to you and your descen
dants I will give all t hese landsj and
will conf irm the oath I swore to your
fat her Abraham. 4I will make your de
scendants as numerous as the stars in
the skyk and will give them all t hese
lands, and t hrough your offspringb all
nat ions on e arth will be blessed,cl 5be
cause Abraham o
beyed mem and did
everyt hing I required of him, keeping
my commands, my decrees and my in
struct ions. 6So I saac stayed in Gerar.
7When the men of that place asked
him about his wife, he said, She is
my sister, n bec ause he was a fraid
to say, She is my wife. He t hought,
The men of this p
lace m
ight kill me
on account of Rebeka h, because she is
beaut if ul.

26:10 oGe20:9
26:11 pPs105:15
26:12 qver3;
26:13 rPr10:22
26:14 sGe24:36
26:15 uGe21:30
26:16 wEx1:9
26:18 xGe21:30
26:20 yGe21:25

8When I saac had been t here a long

time, Abimelek king of the Philist ines
looked down from a window and saw
Isaac caressing his wife Rebeka h. 9So
Abimelek summoned Isaac and said,
She is really your wife! Why did you
say, She is my sister?
Isaac answered him, Bec ause I
thought I m ight lose my life on ac
count of her.
10Then Abimelek said, What is this
you have done to us?o One of the men
m ight well have slept with your wife,
and you would have brought g uilt
11So Abim
elek gave orders to all
the people: Anyone who h
armsp this
man or his wife shall surely be put to
12Isaac plante d c rops in that land
and the same year reaped a hun
dred fold, bec ause the Lord blessed
him.q 13The man bec ame rich, and
his wealth continued to grow until
he became very wealthy.r 14He had so
many f locks and herds and servantss
that the Phil ist ines env ied him.t 15So
all the w
ellsu that his fat hers servants
had dug in the time of his fat her Abra
ham, the Philist ines stopped up,v fill
ing them with earth.
16Then Abim
lek said to Isaac,
Move away from us; you have become
too powerf ul forus. w
17So I saac moved away from t here
and encamped in the Valley of Gerar,
w here he set t led. 18Isaac reopened
the wells x that had been dug in the
time of his father Abrah am, w hich
the Philistines had s topped up af
ter Abraham died, and he gave them
the same n
ames his fat her had given
19Isaacs serv ants dug in the valley
and discovered a well of fresh water
t here. 20But the herders of Gerar quar
reled with those of Isaac and said,
The water is ours!y So he n
amed the
well Esek,d because they disputed with

a30 Edom means red. b4Orseed c4Orand all nations on earth will use the name of your offspring in
blessings (see48:20) d20 Esek means dispute.

41 | Genesis 26:21

him. 21Then they dug another well,

but they quarreled over that one also;
so he named it Sitnah.a 22He moved on
from t here and dug another well, and
no one quarreled over it. He n
amed it
Rehoboth,b saying, Now the Lord has
given us room and we will flourishz in
the land.
23From t here he went up to Beershe
ba. 24That night the Lord appeared to
him and said, I am the God of your
fat her Abra ham. a Do not be a fraid,b
for I am with you; I will bless you and
will increase the number of your de
scendants c for the sake of my servant
25Isaac b
uilt an altare there and
called on the name of the Lord. There
he p
itched his tent, and t here his ser
vants dug a well.
26Meanw hile, Abimelek had come
to him from Gerar, with Ahuzzath his
persona l adv iser and Phicol the com
mander of his forces.f 27Isaac asked
them, Why have you come to me,
since you were host ile to me and sent
me away?g
28They an
s wered, We saw clear
ly that the Lord was with you;h so
we said, There o
ught to be a s worn
agreement bet ween us bet ween us
and you. Let us make a treat y with you
29that you will do us no harm, just as
we did not harm you but always treat
ed you well and sent you away peace
fully. And now you are b
lessed by the
30Isaac then made a feastj for them,
and they ate and d rank. 31Early the
next morning the men swore an oathk
to each other. Then I saac sent them on
t heir way, and they went away peace
32That day
Isaacs serv ants came
and told him about the well they had
dug. They said, Weve found water!
33He c
alled it Shibah,c and to this day
the name of the town has been Beer
sheba. dl


Genesis 27:14 | 41
26:22 zGe17:6;
26:24 aGe24:12;
Ex3:6 bGe15:1
cver4 dGe17:7
26:25 eGe12:7,8;
13:4,18; Ps116:17
26:26 fGe21:22
26:27 gver16
26:28 hGe21:22
26:29 iGe24:31;
26:30 jGe19:3
26:31 kGe21:31
26:33 lGe21:14

26:34 mGe25:20
nGe28:9; 36:2
26:35 oGe27:46
27:1 pGe48:10;
1Sa3:2 qGe25:25
27:2 rGe47:29
27:3 sGe25:27
27:4 tver10,25,31;
Ge49:28; Dt33:1;
27:6 uGe25:28
27:8 vver13,43
27:11 wGe25:25
27:12 xver22
27:13 yMt27:25

Jacob Takes Esaus Blessing

Esau was fort y years old,m
he mar r ied Jud ith daughter of Beer i
the Hitt ite, and also Basemath daugh
ter of Elon the Hitt ite.n 35They were a
source of g rief to Isaac and Rebeka h.o
When Isaac was old and his
eyes were so weak that he could
no longer see,p he c alled for Esau his
older son q and said to him, My son.
Here I am, he answered.
2Isaac said, I am now an old man
and dont know the day of my death.r
3Now then, get your equip
your quiver and bowa nd go out to
the open count rys to hunt some wild
game for me. 4Prepare me the kind of
tasty food I like and b
ring it to me to
eat, so that I may give you my blessingt
before I die.
5Now Reb ek a h was list en i ng as
Isaac s poke to his son Esau. When
Esau left for the open count ry to hunt
game and b
ring it back, 6Rebeka h said
to her son Jacob,u Look, I overheard
your fat her say to your brother Esau,
7Bring me some game and prepare
me some tasty food to eat, so that I may
give you my blessing in the presence of
the Lord before I die. 8Now, my son,
listen caref ully and do what I tell you:v
9Go out to the f lock and b
ring me two
choice y oung g oats, so I can prepare
some tasty food for your fat her, just the
way he l ikes it. 10Then take it to your
fat her to eat, so that he may give you
his blessing before he dies.
11Jacob said to Rebeka h his mother,
But my brother Esau is a h
airy manw
while I have smooth skin. What if my
fat her touches me? x I would appear
to be tricking him and would bring
down a c urse on myself rather than a
13His mother said to him, My son,
let the c urse fall on me.y Just do what I
say;z go and get them forme.
14So he went and got them and
brought them to his mother, and she


Sitnah means opposition. b22 Rehoboth means room. c33 Shibah can mean oath or seven.
Beersheba can mean well of the oath and well of seven.

42 | Genesis 27:15

prepared some t asty food, just the way

his father liked it. 15Then Rebeka h
took the best c lothesa of Esau her older
son, w
hich she had in the h
ouse, and
put them on her younger son Jacob.
16She also covered his hands and the
smooth part of his neck with the goat
skins. 17Then she handed to her son
Jacob the t asty food and the bread she
had made.
18He went to his fa
t her and said,
My fat her.
Yes, my son, he answered. Who
19Jacob said to his fat her, I am Esau
your firstborn. I have done as you told
me. Please sit up and eat some of my
game, so that you may give me your
blessing. b
20Isaac asked his son, How did you
find it so quickly, my son?
The Lord your God gave me suc
cess,c he replied.
21Then Isaac said to Jac ob, Come
near so I can touch you,d my son, to
know whether you really are my son
Esau or not.
c ob went c lose to his father
Isaac, who touched him and said,
The v oice is the v oice of Jacob, but the
hands are the hands of Esau. 23He did
not recognize him, for his hands were
hairy like t hose of his brother Esau;e so
he proceeded to b
less him. 24Are you
really my son Esau? he asked.
I am, he replied.
25Then he said, My son, b
ring me
some of your game to eat, so that I may
give you my blessing.f
Jacob b
rought it to him and he ate;
and he brought some wine and he
drank. 26Then his fat her I saac said to
him, Come here, my son, and kissme.
27So he went to him and
k issed
himg. When I saac caught the s mell of
lessed him and said,
his clothes, h he b
Ah, the smell of my son
is like the smell of a field
that the Lord has blessed.i

Genesis 27:38 | 42
27:15 aver27
27:19 bver4
27:20 cGe24:12
27:21 dver12
27:23 ever16
27:25 fver4
27:27 gHeb11:20

27:28 jDt33:13

kver39 lGe45:18;

Nu18:12; Dt33:28
27:29 mIsa45:14,
23; 49:7,23
nGe9:25; 25:23;
37:7 oGe12:3;
Nu24:9; Zep2:8
27:31 pver4
27:32 qver18
27:33 rver29;
Ge28:3,4; Ro11:29
27:34 sHeb12:17
27:35 tJer9:4; 12:6
27:36 uGe25:26
27:37 wver28

28 May God give you heavens dewj

and earths richnessk
an abundance of grain and
new wine.l
May nations serve you
and peoples bow down to you.m
Be lord over your brothers,
and may the sons of your mother
bow down to you.n
May those who curse you be cursed
and those who bless you be
30After Isaac finished blessi ng him,
and Jacob had scarcely left his fat hers
presence, his brother Esau came in
from hunt ing. 31He too prepared some
tasty food and brought it to his fat her.
Then he said to him, My fat her, p
sit up and eat some of my game, so that
you may give me your blessing.p
32His fat her I saac asked him, Who
are you?q
I am your son, he answered, your
firstborn, Esau.
33Isaac trembled violently and said,
Who was it, then, that hunted game
and brought it to me? I ate it just before
you came and I blessed himand in
deed he will be blessed!r
34When Esau
heard his fathers
words, he burst out with a loud and
bitter cry s and said to his fat her, Bless
meme too, my fat her!
35But he said, Your brother came
deceitf ully t and took your blessing.
36Esau said, Isnt he rightly named
Jacob a?u This is the second time he
has taken advantage of me: He took
my birthright, v and now hes taken my
blessing! Then he a sked, Havent you
reserved any blessing forme?
37Isaac an
s wered Esau, I have
made him lord over you and have
made all his relat ives his servants, and
I have sustained him with g rain and
new wine.w So what can I possibly do
for you, my son?
38Esau said to his fat her, Do you
have only one blessing, my father?

Jacob means he grasps the heel, a Hebrew idiom for he takes advantage of or he deceives.

43 | Genesis 27:39

Genesis 28:15 | 43

27:38 xHeb12:17
27:39 yver28
27:40 z2Sa8:14
Your dwelling will be
27:41 cGe37:4
away from the earths richness,
away from the dew of heaven
27:43 gver8
hGe24:29 iGe11:31
40 You will live by the sword
27:44 jGe31:38,41
and you will serve your brother. 27:45 kver35
27:46 lGe26:35
But when you grow restless,
28:1 mGe24:3
you will throw his yoke
28:2 nGe25:20
from off your neck.b
28:3 oGe17:1
d Ge17:6

less me too, my fat her! Then Esau

wept aloud.x
39His fat her I saac ans wered him,

Esau held a g rudge against Jacob

because of the blessing his fat her had
given him. He said to himself, The
days of mourninge for my father are
near; then I will kill my brother Jacob.f
42When Re
b eka h was told what
her older son Esau had said, she sent
for her younger son Jacob and said to
him, Your brother Esau is planning to
avenge himself by killi ng you. 43Now
then, my son, do what I say:g Flee at
once to my brother Labanh in Harran.i
44Stay with him for a whilej unt il your
brothers fury subsides. 45When your
brother is no longer ang ry with you
and forgets what you did to him,k Ill
send word for you to come back from
t here. Why s hould I lose both of you in
one day?
46Then Rebeka h said to Isaac, Im
disg usted with living because of t hese
Hittite women. If Jacob takes a wife
from a mong the women of this land,
from Hitt ite women like t hese, my life
will not be worth living.l
So Isaac c alled for Jacob and
blessed him. Then he com
manded him: Do not marr y a Ca
naanite woma n. m 2Go at once to
Paddan Aram, a to the house of your
mothers fat her Bet huel. n Take a wife
for yourself there, from a mong the
daughters of Laban, your mothers
brother. 3May God Alm ightybo bless
you and make you fruitfulp and in
crease your numbers until you be



come a commun it y of peoples. 4May

he give you and your descendants the
blessi ng given to Abra ham, q so that
you may take possession of the land
where you now reside as a foreigner,r
the land God gave to Abraham. 5Then
Isaac sent Jacob on his way, and he
went to Paddan Aram,s to Laban son
of Bet huel the Aramean, the brother of
Rebeka h, t who was the mother of Ja
cob and Esau.
6Now Esau learned that Isaac had
blessed Jacob and had sent him to Pad
dan Aram to take a wife from t here,
and that when he blessed him he com
manded him, Do not marr y a Ca
naanite woman, u 7and that Jacob had
obeyed his fat her and mother and had
gone to Paddan Aram. 8Esau then re
alized how displeasing the Canaanite
women v were to his fat her I saac;w 9so
he went to Ishmael and married Maha
lath, the sister of Nebaiothx and daugh
ter of Ishmael son of Abraham, in addi
tion to the w
ives he already had.y

Jacobs Dream at Bethel

28:4 qGe12:2,3
28:5 sHos12:12
28:6 uver1
28:8 vGe24:3
28:9 xGe25:13
28:10 zGe11:31
28:12 aGe20:3
28:13 cGe12:7;
35:7,9; 48:3
eGe13:15; 35:12
28:14 fGe26:4
gGe13:14 hGe12:3;
18:18; 22:18; Gal3:8
28:15 iGe26:3;
48:21 jNu6:24;

10Jacob left Beersheba and set out

for Harran. z 11When he reached a cer
tain p
lace, he s topped for the n
because the sun had set. Taking one
of the stones t here, he put it under his
head and lay down to sleep. 12He had
a d ream a in w
hich he saw a stairway
resting on the e arth, with its top reach
ing to heaven, and the angels of God
were ascendi ng and descendi ng on
it.b 13There a bove itc stood the Lord,c
and he said: I am the Lord, the God
of your fat her Abraham and the God of
Isaac.d I will give you and your descen
dants the lande on w
hich you are ly
ing. 14Your descendants will be like the
dust of the e arth, and youf will s pread
out to the west and to the east, to the
north and to the s outh.g All peoples on
earth will be b
lessed t hrough you and
your offspring. dh 15I am with youi and
will w
atch over youj wherever you go,

That is, Northwest Mesopotamia; also in verses 5, 6 and 7 b3Hebrew El-Shaddai c13OrThere beside him

d14Orwill use your name and the name of your offspring in blessings (see48:20)

44 | Genesis 28:16

and I will b
ring you back to this land.
I will not leave youk unt il I have done
what I have promised you.l
16When Jacob awoke from his sleep,
he t hought, Surely the Lord is in this
place, and I was not a ware of it. 17He
was a fraid and said, How awesome
is this p
lace!m This is none other than
the h
ouse of God; this is the gate of
18Early the next morni ng Jacob took
the s tone he had placed under his head
and set it up as a pillarn and poured
oil on top of it.o 19He c alled that place
Bethel, a though the city used to be
called Luz. p
20Then Ja
c ob made a vow,q say
ing, If God will be with me and will
watch over mer on this journey I am
taking and will give me food to eat
and clothes to wear 21so that I ret urn
safely s to my fat hers household, then
the Lordb will be my Godt 22andc this
stone that I have set up as a pillar will
be Gods house, u and of all that you
give me I will give you a tenth.v

Genesis 29:19 | 44
28:15 kDt31:6,8
28:17 mEx3:5;
28:18 nGe35:14
28:19 pJdg1:23,26
28:20 qGe31:13;
Jdg11:30; 2Sa15:8
28:21 sJdg11:31
28:22 uGe35:7,14
29:1 wJdg6:3,33
29:4 xGe28:10

Jacob Arrives in Paddan Aram


Then Jacob continued on his

journey and came to the land
of the eastern peoples.w 2There he saw
a well in the open count ry, with t hree
f locks of sheep lying near it because
the f locks were watered from that well.
The stone over the m
outh of the well
was large. 3When all the f locks were
gathered t here, the shepherds would
roll the stone away from the wells
mouth and water the sheep. Then they
would return the stone to its place over
the m
outh of the well.
cob a sked the shepherds, My
brothers, w
here are you from?
Were from Harran,x they replied.
5He said to them, Do you know La
ban, Nahors grandson?
Yes, we know him, they answered.
6Then Ja
c ob a sked them, Is he

Yes, he is, they said, and here

c omes his daughter Rachel with the
7Look, he said, the sun is
high; it is not time for the f locks to be
gathered. Water the sheep and take
them back to past ure.
8We c ant, they replied, unt il all
the f locks are gathered and the stone
has been rolled away from the mouth
of the well. Then we will water the
9While he was s
till talking with
them, Rachel came with her fathers
sheep,y for she was a shepherd. 10When
Jacob saw Rachel daughter of his uncle
Laban, and Labans sheep, he went
over and rolled the stone away from
the m
outh of the well and watered his
uncles sheep.z 11Then Jacob k issed Ra
chel and began to weep a loud.a 12He
had told Rachel that he was a relat iveb
of her fat her and a son of Rebekah. So
she ran and told her fat her.c
13As soon as Laband heard the news
about Jacob, his sisters son, he hur
ried to meet him. He embraced him
and k issed him and brought him to
his home, and t here Jacob told him all
these things. 14Then Laban said to him,
You are my own f lesh and blood.e

Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

29:9 yEx2:16
29:10 zEx2:17
29:11 aGe33:4
29:12 bGe13:8;
14:14,16 cGe24:28
29:13 dGe24:29
29:14 eGe2:23;
29:18 fHos12:12

After Jac ob had s tayed with him

for a w hole month, 15Laban said to
him, Just because you are a relat ive
of mine, should you work for me for
nothing? Tell me what your wages
16Now La
ban had two daughters;
the name of the older was Leah, and
the name of the younger was Rachel.
17Leah had weakd eyes, but Rachel had
a lovely figure and was beaut if ul. 18Ja
cob was in love with Rachel and said,
Ill work for you seven years in ret urn
for your younger daughter Rachel.f
19Laban said, Its better that I give
her to you than to some other man.

a19 Bethel means house of God. b20,21OrSince God... fathers household, the Lord c21,22Orhousehold,
and the Lord will be my God, 22then d17Ordelicate

45 | Genesis 29:20

Stay here with me. 20So Jacob served

seven years to get Rachel, but they
seemed like only a few days to him be
cause of his love for her.g
21Then Jac ob said to Laban, Give
me my wife. My time is completed,
and I want to make love to her.h
22So Laban b
rought together all the
people of the p
lace and gave a feast.i
23But when even ing came, he took his
daughter Leah and b
rought her to Ja
cob, and Jacob made love to her. 24And
Laban gave his servant Zilpah to his
daughter as her attendant.
25When morning came, t here was
Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, What
is this you have done to me?j I s erved
you for Rachel, d
idnt I? Why have you
deceivedme? k
26Laban replied, It is not our custom
here to give the younger daughter in
marriage before the older one. 27Finish
this daughters brida l week;l then we
will give you the younger one also, in
return for another seven years of work.
28And Jacob did so. He finished the
week with Leah, and then Laban gave
him his daughter Rachel to be his wife.
29Laban gave his serv ant Bilhahm to
his daughter Rachel as her attendant.n
30Jacob made love to Rachel also, and
his love for Rachel was greater than his
love for Leah.o And he worked for La
ban another seven years. p

Genesis 30:13 | 45
29:20 gSS8:7;
29:21 hJdg15:1
29:22 iJdg14:10;
29:25 jGe12:18
29:27 lJdg14:12
29:29 mGe30:3
29:30 over16
29:31 qDt21:15-17
rGe11:30; 30:1;
29:32 sGe16:11;
31:42; Ex4:31;
Dt26:7; Ps25:18

29:33 tGe34:25;
29:34 uGe30:20;
29:35 wGe49:8;
30:1 xGe29:31;
Jacobs Children
31When the Lord saw that Leah was 30:2 Ge16:2;
not loved,q he enabled her to conceive,r 30:3 aGe16:2
but Rachel remained childless. 32Leah c30:4 ver9,18
became pregnant and gave b
irth to a 30:6
son. She n
amed him Reuben, for she 43:1; La3:59
said, It is because the Lord has seen eGe49:1617
my misery. s Surely my husband will 30:8
love me now.
30:9 hver4
33She conc eived a
gain, and when
30:13 jPs127:3
she gave b
irth to a son she said, Be kPr31:28; Lk1:48
cause the Lord heard that I am not lGe49:20

loved, he gave me this one too. So she

named him Simeon. bt
34Again she con
ceived, and when
she gave b
irth to a son she said, Now at
last my husband will become attached
to me,u because I have borne him three
sons. So he was named
35She con
ceived a gain, and when
she gave b
irth to a son she said,
This time I will p
raise the Lord. So
she named him Judah.dw Then she
stopped hav ing children.
When Rachel saw that she was
not bearing Jac ob any chil
dren,x she became jealous of her sis
ter.y So she said to Jacob, Give me
children, or Ill die!
2Jacob bec ame ang ry with her and
said, Am I in the place of God, who
has kept you from having children?z
3Then she said, Here is Bilhah, my
servant. Sleep with her so that she can
bear child ren for me and I too can
build a family t hrough her. a
4So she gave him her servant Bilhah
as a wife.b Jacob slept with her,c 5and
she became pregnant and bore him a
son. 6Then Rachel said, God has vin
dicated me; d he has listened to my plea
and given me a son. Because of this
she named him
7Rachels ser vant Bilhah conceived
again and bore Jacob a second son.
8Then Rachel said, I have had a g
strugg le with my sister, and I have
won.f So she named him Naphtali.fg
9When Leah saw that she had
stopped having children, she took her
servant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob
as a wife.h 10Lea hs ser v ant Zilpah
bore Jacob a son. 11Then Leah said,
What good fort une!g So she named
him Gad.hi
12Lea hs ser v ant Zilpah bore Jacob
a second son. 13Then Leah said, How
happy I am! The women will call mej
happy. k So she named him


Reuben sounds like the Hebrew for he has seen my misery; the name means see, a son. b33 Simeon
probably means one who hears. c34 Levi sounds like and may be derived from the Hebrew for attached.
d35 Judah sounds like and may be derived from the Hebrew for praise. e6 Dan here means he has vindicated.
f8 Naphtali means my struggle. g11OrA troop is coming! h11 Gad can mean good fortune or a troop.
i13 Asher means happy.

46 | Genesis 30:14
14Dur i ng

w heat har vest, Reuben

went out into the fields and found
some mand rake plants, m w hich he
brought to his mother Leah. Rachel
said to Leah, Please give me some of
your sons mandrakes.
15But she said to her, Wasnt it
enough n that you took away my hus
band? Will you take my s ons man
drakes too?
Very well, Rachel said, he can
sleep with you ton ight in return for
your sons mandrakes.
16So when Jacob came in from the
f ields that even ing, Leah went out to
meet him. You must sleep with me,
she said. I have h ired you with my
sons mandrakes. So he slept with her
that night.
17God lis
tened to Leah,o and she
bec ame pregnant and bore Jacob a
f ifth son. 18Then Leah said, God has
rew arded me for giving my serv ant
to my husband. So she named him
Issachar. ap
19Leah con
ceived again and bore
Jacob a sixth son. 20Then Leah said,
God has presented me with a pre
cious gift. This time my husband will
t reat me with honor, because I have
borne him six sons. So she n
him Zebu lun. bq
21Some time later she gave b
irth to a
daughter and n
amed her Dinah.
22Then God remembered Rac hel; r
he listened to her and enabled her to
conc eive. s 23She bec ame preg n ant
and gave b
irth to a sont and said, God
has taken away my disg race.u 24She
named him Joseph, cv and said, May
the Lord add to me another son.w

Genesis 30:38 | 46
27But Laban said to him, If I have
30:14 mSS7:13
30:15 nNu16:9,13

favor in your eyes, please stay.
30:17 oGe25:21
learned by divinat ion that the
30:18 Ge49:14
30:20 qGe35:23; Lord has blessed me because of you.z
49:13; Mt4:13
28He added, Name your wages,a and I
30:22 rGe8:1;
will pay them.
29Jacob said to him, You know how
30:23 tver6
I have worked for youb and how your
uIsa4:1; Lk1:25
livestock has fared under my care.c
30:24 Ge35:24;
37:2; 39:1; 49:22-26 30The litt le you had before I came has
increased greatly, and the Lord has
30:25 xGe24:54
30:26 Ge29:20, blessed you wherever I have been. But
30; Hos12:12
now, when may I do somet hing for my

Jacobs Flocks Increase


Rachel gave b
irth to Joseph,
Jac ob said to Laban, Send me on
my wayx so I can go back to my own
homeland. 26Give me my w ives and
children, for whom I have served you,y
and I will be on my way. You know how
much work Ive done for you.

30:27 zGe26:24;
30:28 aGe29:15
30:29 bGe31:6
30:30 d1Ti5:8
30:32 eGe31:8,12
30:35 fGe31:1

own household? d
31What shall I give you? he asked.
Dont give me anyt hing, Jacob re
plied. But if you will do this one t hing
for me, I will go on tending your f locks
and watchi ng over them: 32Let me go
t hrough all your f locks today and re
move from them every speckled or
spot t ed s heep, every dark-colored
lamb and every spotted or speckled
goat.e They will be my wages. 33And
my honest y will test if y for me in the
future, whene ver you c heck on the
wages you have paid me. Any goat in
my possession that is not speckled or
spotted, or any lamb that is not darkcolored, will be considered stolen.
34Agreed, said Laban. Let it be
as you have said. 35That same day he
removed all the male goats that were
streaked or spotted, and all the speck
led or spotted female g oats (all that
had white on them) and all the darkcolored lambs, and he placed them in
the care of his sons.f 36Then he put a
t hree-day journey bet ween himself
and Jacob, while Jacob cont inued to
tend the rest of Labans flocks.
37Jac ob, howe ve r, took f resh-cut
branches from poplar, almond and
plane trees and made w hite stripes
on them by peeling the bark and ex
posing the w
hite inner wood of the
branches. 38Then he placed the peeled
branches in all the wateri ng t roughs,
so that they w
ould be directly in f ront

a18 Issachar sounds like the Hebrew for reward. b20 Zebulun probably means honor. c24 Joseph means may
he add.

47 | Genesis 30:39

of the f locks when they came to d

When the flocks were in heat and
came to d
rink, 39they mated in f ront
of the branches. And they bore y oung
that were streaked or speckled or spot
ted. 40Jacob set a part the y oung of the
f lock by themselves, but made the rest
face the streaked and dark-colored
animals that belonged to Laban. Thus
he made sepa rate f locks for himself
and did not put them with Labans
animals. 41Whenever the stronger fe
males were in heat, Jacob w
ould p
the branches in the t roughs in f ront of
the ani mals so they w
ould mate near
the branche s, 42but if the anim als
were weak, he would not place them
there. So the weak animals went to
Laban and the strong ones to Jacob.
43In this way the man grew exceedi ng
ly prosperous and came to own large
f locks, and female and male servants,
and camels and donkeys.g

Genesis 31:24 | 47
30:43 gver30;
Ge12:16; 13:2;
24:35; 26:1314
31:3 hver13;
Ge32:9 iGe21:22;
26:3; 28:15
31:5 jGe21:22;
31:6 kGe30:29
31:7 lver41;
Job19:3 mver52;
Ps37:28; 105:14
31:8 nGe30:32

Jacob Flees From Laban


Jacob h
eard that Labans sons
were saying, Jacob has taken
everyt hing our fat her owned and has
gained all this wealth from what be
longed to our fat her. 2And Jacob no
ticed that Labans att it ude toward him
was not what it had been.
3Then the Lord said to Jacob, Go
backh to the land of your fat hers and to
your relat ives, and I will be with you.i
4So Jacob sent word to Rachel and
Leah to come out to the f ields w
his f locks were. 5He said to them, I see
that your fat hers att it ude toward me
is not what it was before, but the God
of my fat her has been with me.j 6You
know that Ive w
orked for your fat her
with all my strength,k 7yet your fat her
has cheated me by changing my wag
es ten times.l However, God has not
allowed him to harm me.m 8If he said,
The speckled ones will be your wages,
then all the f locks gave birth to speck
led young; and if he said, The streaked
ones will be your wages,n then all the
a18That is, Northwest Mesopotamia

31:9 over1,16;
31:11 pGe16:7;
31:12 qEx3:7
31:13 rGe28:10-22
sver3; Ge32:9
31:15 tGe29:20
31:18 uGe35:27
31:19 wver30,32,
34-35; Ge35:2;
Jdg17:5; 1Sa19:13;
31:20 xGe27:36
31:21 zGe37:25
31:24 aGe20:3;

f locks bore streaked young. 9So God

has taken away your fat hers livestock
and has given them tome.o
10In breedi ng season I once had a
d ream in w
hich I looked up and saw
that the male goats mating with the
f lock were streaked, speckled or spot
ted. 11The angel of Godp said to me in
the d
ream, Jacob. I answered, Here I
am. 12And he said, Look up and see
that all the male goats mating with the
f lock are streaked, speckled or spot
ted, for I have seen all that Laban has
been doing to you.q 13I am the God of
Bethel, r where you anointed a pillar
and w
here you made a vow to me. Now
leave this land at once and go back to
your nat ive land.s
14Then Ra
c hel and Leah replied,
Do we s till have any s hare in the in
heritance of our fat hers estate? 15Does
he not regard us as foreigners? Not
only has he sold us, but he has used up
what was paid for us.t 16Surely all the
wealth that God took away from our
fat her belongs to us and our children.
So do whatever God has told you.
17Then Jac ob put his child ren and
his w
ives on camels, 18and he d
all his livestock a head of him, a long
with all the goods he had accumulat
ed in Paddan Aram,a to go to his fat her
Isaac u in the land of Canaan.v
19When La
ban had gone to s hear
his sheep, Rachel stole her fathers
household gods. w 20Moreover, Jacob
deceived x Laban the Ara mea n by not
telling him he was runn ing away.y
21So he fled with all he had, c rossed
the Euphrates River, and headed for
the hill count ry of Gilead.z

Laban Pursues Jacob


the t hird day Laban was told

that Jacob had fled. 23Taking his rel
at ives with him, he pursued Jacob for
seven days and c aught up with him
in the hill count ry of Gilead. 24Then
God came to Laban the Ara mea n in
a d ream at n
ight and said to him,a

48 | Genesis 31:25

Be caref ul not to say anyt hing to Ja

cob, eit her good or bad.b
25Jacob had pitched his tent in the
hill country of Gilead when Laban
overtook him, and Laban and his rela
tives camped t here too. 26Then Laban
said to Jacob, What have you done?
Youve deceived me, c and y ouve car
ried off my daughters like capt ives in
war.d 27Why did you run off secretly
and deceive me? Why d
idnt you tell
me, so I c ould send you away with joy
and singing to the music of timbrelse
idnt even let me
and harps? f 28You d
kiss my grandchildren and my daugh
ters goodbye.g You have done a fool
ish t hing. 29I have the power to harm
ight the God of your fa
you;h but last n
theri said to me, Be caref ul not to say
anyt hing to Jacob, eit her good or bad.
30Now you have gone off because you
longed to return to your fat hers house
hold. But why did you s teal my gods?j
c ob answered Laban, I was
a fraid, because I t hought you w
take your daughters away from me by
force. 32But if you find anyone who has
your gods, that person s hall not live.k
In the presence of our relat ives, see for
yourself whether t here is anyt hing of
yours here with me; and if so, take it.
Now Jacob did not know that Rachel
had stolen the gods.
33So Laban went into Jac obs tent
and into Leahs tent and into the tent of
the two female servants, but he f ound
nothing. After he came out of Lea hs
tent, he entered Rachels tent. 34Now
Rachel had taken the household gods
and put them inside her camels sad
dle and was sitting on them. Laban
searched l t hrough everyt hing in the
tent but found nothing.
35Rachel said to her fat her, Dont be
ang ry, my lord, that I cannot s tand up
in your presence;m Im having my peri
od. So he searched but could not find
the household gods.
36Jacob was ang ry and took Laban
to task. What is my crime? he asked

Genesis 31:49 | 48
31:24 bGe24:50
31:26 cGe27:36
31:27 eEx15:20
31:28 gver55
31:29 hver7
31:30 jver19;
31:32 kGe44:9
31:34 lver37;
31:35 mEx20:12;

31:37 nver23
31:39 oEx22:13
31:41 pGe29:30
31:42 rver5;
Ex3:15; 1Ch12:17
sver53; Isa8:13
31:44 vGe21:27;
26:28 wJos24:27
31:45 xGe28:18
31:49 yJdg11:29;

Laban. How have I w ronged you that

you hunt me down? 37Now that you
have searched t hrough all my g oods,
what have you found that belongs to
your household? Put it here in f ront of
your relat ives n and mine, and let them
judge bet ween the two ofus.
38I have been with you for twent y
years now. Your sheep and goats have
not miscarried, nor have I eaten rams
from your f locks. 39I did not b
ring you
animals torn by wild b
easts; I bore the
loss myself. And you demanded pay
ment from me for whatever was stolen
by day or n ight.o 40This was my situ
at ion: The heat consumed me in the
daytime and the cold at n
ight, and
sleep fled from my eyes. 41It was like
this for the twent y y ears I was in your
household. I w
orked for you fourteen
years for your two daughtersp and six
years for your f locks, and you c hanged
my wages ten t imes.q 42If the God of
my fat her, r the God of Abraham and
the Fear of Isaac,s had not been with
me,t you w
ould surely have sent me
away empt y-handed. But God has seen
my hardship and the toil of my h
and last n
ight he rebuked you.
43Lab an ans wered Jac ob, The
women are my daughters, the children
are my children, and the f locks are my
f locks. All you see is mine. Yet what
can I do today a bout t hese daughters
of mine, or about the child ren they
have borne? 44Come now, lets make a
covenant, v you and I, and let it serve as
a witness bet weenus. w
45So Jacob took a s
tone and set it up
as a pillar.x 46He said to his relat ives,
Gather some s tones. So they took
stones and p
iled them in a heap, and
they ate there by the heap. 47Laban
called it Jegar Sahadut ha, and Jacob
called it Galeed. a
48Laban said, This heap is a wit
ness bet ween you and me today. That
is why it was c alled Galeed. 49It was
also called Mizpah, by because he said,

a47TheAramaic Jegar Sahadutha and the Hebrew Galeed both mean witness heap. b49 Mizpah means

49 | Genesis 31:50

May the Lord keep w

atch bet ween
you and me when we are away from
each other. 50If you mistreat my daugh
ters or if you take any w
ives besides my
daughters, even t hough no one is with
us, remember that God is a witnessz
bet ween you andme.
ban also said to Jacob, Here
is this heap, and here is this pillara
I have set up between you and me.
52This heap is a witness, and this pil
lar is a witness,b that I will not go past
this heap to your side to harm you and
that you will not go past this heap and
pillar to my side to harm me.c 53May
the God of Abrahamd and the God of
Nahor, the God of t heir fat her, judge
bet weenus. e
So Jacob took an oathf in the name
of the Fear of his fat her I saac.g 54He of
fered a sacrif ice t here in the hill coun
try and inv ited his relat ives to a meal.
After they had eaten, they spent the
night there.
l y the next morning Laban
k issed his grand

c hil
d ren and his
lessed them. Then
daughters h and b
he left and ret urned

Genesis 32:19 | 49
31:50 zJer29:23; meet you, and four hund red men are
with him.q
31:51 aGe28:18
7In g reat fearr and dist ress Jacob di
31:52 bGe21:30
cver7; Ge26:29
vided the people who were with him
31:53 dGe28:13
into two g roups,d and the f locks and
herds and camels as well. 8He t hought,
If Esau comes and attacks one g roup,e
31:55 hver28
the g roup e that is left may escape.
iGe18:33; 30:25
9Then Jacob prayed, OGod of my
32:1 Ge16:11;
2Ki6:16-17; Ps34:7; fa
t her Abrah am, God of my father
91:11; Heb1:14
Isaac, s Lord, you who said to me, Go
32:2 kGe28:17
back to your country and your rela
32:3 mGe27:41-42 tives, and I will make you prosper,t
nGe25:30; 36:8,9
10I am unwort hy of all the kindness
32:5 oGe12:16;
and faith f ul ness u you have shown
your servant. I had only my staff when

Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau


Jacob also went on his way,

and the angels of Godj met
him. When Jacob saw them, he said,
This is the camp of God!k So he
named that place Mahanaim. cl
3Jac ob sent mess engers a head of
him to his brother Esaum in the land
of Seir, the count ry of Edom.n 4He in
structed them: This is what you are to
say to my lord Esau: Your servant Ja
cob says, I have been staying with La
ban and have remained t here till now.
5I have catt le and donkeys, sheep and
goats, male and female servants.o Now
I am sending this message to my lord,
that I may find favor in your eyes.p
6When the mess eng ers ret urned
to Jacob, they said, We went to your
brother Esau, and now he is coming to

32:6 qGe33:1
32:7 rver11
32:9 sGe28:13;
31:42 tGe31:13
32:10 uGe24:27
32:11 vPs59:2
32:12 xGe22:17
Hos1:10; Ro9:27
32:13 zGe43:11,
15,25,26; Pr18:16
32:18 aGe18:3

I c rossed this Jordan, but now I have

become two camps. 11Save me, I pray,
from the hand of my brother Esau, for I
am afraid he will come and attack me,v
and also the mothers with t heir chil
dren.w 12But you have said, I will sure
ly make you prosper and will make
your descendants like the sandx of the
sea, which cannot be counted.y
13He s
pent the night t here, and from
what he had with him he selected a
giftz for his brother Esau: 14two hun
dred female goats and twenty male
goats, two hund red ewes and twen
ty rams, 15thir t y female camels with
t heir y oung, fort y cows and ten b
and twent y female donkeys and ten
male don keys. 16He put them in the
care of his servants, each herd by itself,
and said to his servants, Go a head of
me, and keep some space bet ween the
17He instructed the one in the lead:
When my brother Esau meets you
and asks, Who do you belong to, and
where are you going, and who owns all
t hese ani mals in f ront of you? 18then
you are to say, They belong to your
ser vant a Jacob. They are a gift sent to
my lord Esau, and he is coming be
19He also instructed the second, the
t hird and all the others who followed

In Hebrew texts this verse (31:55) is numbered 32:1. bIn Hebrew texts 32:1-32 is numbered 32:2-33.
Mahanaim means two camps. d7Orcamps e8Orcamp

50 | Genesis 32:20

the herds: You are to say the same

thing to Esau when you meet him.
20And be sure to say, Your ser
Jacob is coming beh ind us. For he
t hought, I will pacif y him with t hese
g ifts I am sending on a head; later,
when I see him, perhaps he will receive
me.b 21So Jacobs g ifts went on a head
of him, but he himself spent the night
in the camp.

Genesis 33:13 | 50
32:20 bGe33:10;
32:22 cDt2:37;
3:16; Jos12:2
32:24 dGe18:2
32:25 ever32
32:26 fHos12:4
32:28 gGe17:5;
35:10; 1Ki18:31
32:29 hJdg13:17
iJdg13:18 jGe35:9
32:30 kGe16:13;
Ex24:11; Nu12:8;
Jdg6:22; 13:22

Jacob Wrestles With God


n ight Jacob got up and took

his two w ives, his two female servants
and his eleven sons and crossed the
ford of the Jabbok.c 23After he had sent
them across the stream, he sent over
all his possessions. 24So Jacob was left
a lone, and a mand wrest led with him
till daybreak. 25When the man saw
that he c ould not overpower him, he
touched the socket of Jacobs hipe so
that his hip was w renched as he wres
tled with the man. 26Then the man
said, Let me go, for it is daybreak.
But Jacob replied, I will not let you
go unless you b
27The man a
sked him, What is your
Jacob, he answered.
28Then the man said, Your name
will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,ag
because you have strugg led with God
and with hum ans and have over
29Jac ob said, Please tell me your
But he replied, Why do you ask my
name?i Then he blessedj him there.
30So Jacob c alled the place Pen iel, b
saying, It is because I saw God face to
face,k and yet my life was spared.
31The sun rose
above him as he
passed Pen iel, c and he was limping
because of his hip. 32Therefore to this
day the Israelites do not eat the ten
don attached to the socket of the hip,
because the socket of Jacobs hip was
touched near the tendon.

33:1 lGe32:6
33:3 mGe18:2;
33:4 nGe45:1415
33:5 oGe48:9;
Ps127:3; Isa8:18
33:8 pGe32:14-16
qGe24:9; 32:5
33:10 rGe16:13
33:11 t1Sa25:27

Jacob Meets Esau


Jacob looked up and t here was

Esau, coming with his four
hundred men; l so he div ided the chil
dren among Leah, Rachel and the two
female ser vants. 2He put the female
servants and t heir child ren in front,
Leah and her child ren next, and Ra
chel and Joseph in the rear. 3He him
self went on a head and b
owed down
to the g roundm seven t imes as he ap
proached his brother.
4But Esau ran to meet Jacob and em
braced him; he t hrew his arms around
his neck and k issed him. And they
wept.n 5Then Esau looked up and saw
the women and child ren. Who are
t hese with you? he asked.
Jacob answered, They are the chil
dren God has grac iously given your
servant. o
6Then the fe
m ale servants and
t heir children approached and bowed
down. 7Next, Leah and her child ren
came and bowed down. Last of all
came Joseph and Rachel, and they too
bowed down.
8Esau a
sked, Whats the meaning
of all t hese f locks and herds I met?p
To find fav or in your eyes, my
lord,q he said.
9But Esau said, I already have plen
ty, my brother. Keep what you have for
10No, p
lease! said Jacob. If I have
found favor in your eyes, accept this
gift from me. For to see your face is like
seei ng the face of God,r now that you
have received me favorably. s 11Please
accept the present t that was brought to
you, for God has been gracious to meu
and I have all I need. And because Ja
cob insisted, Esau acceptedit.
12Then Esau said, Let us be on our
way; Ill accompany you.
13But Jac ob said to him, My lord
k nows that the child ren are tender
and that I must care for the ewes and
cows that are nursing their y oung.

Israel probably means he struggles with God. b30 Peniel means face of God. c31Hebrew Penuel, a
variant of Peniel

51 | Genesis 33:14

If they are driven hard just one day,

all the animals will die. 14So let my
lord go on a head of his servant, w
I move a long slowly at the pace of the
flocks and h
erds before me and the
pace of the child ren, unt il I come to
my lord in Seir.v
15Esau said, Then let me
some of my men with you.
But why do that? Jac ob a sked.
Just let me find favor in the eyes of my
16So that day Esau start
ed on his
way back to Seir. 17Jacob, howe ver,
went to Sukkoth,x w here he built a
place for himself and made shelters
for his livestock. That is why the place
is called Sukkoth. a
ter Jac ob came from Paddan
Aram,by he arr ived safely at the city
of Shechem z in Canaan and camped
within sight of the city. 19For a hun
dred pieces of silver,c he bought from
the sons of Hamor, the fat her of She
chem,a the plot of g roundb where he
pitched his tent. 20There he set up an
altar and c alled it El Elohe Israel.d

Genesis 34:21 | 51
33:14 vGe32:3
33:15 wGe34:11;
47:25; Ru2:13
33:17 xJos13:27;
33:18 yGe25:20;
28:2 zJos24:1;
33:19 aJos24:32
34:1 cGe30:21
34:6 dJdg14:25

Dinah and the Shechemites


Now Dinah,c the daughter Leah

had borne to Jacob, went out
to visit the women of the land. 2When
Shechem son of Hamor the Hiv ite, the
ruler of that area, saw her, he took her
and r aped her. 3His heart was drawn
to Dinah daughter of Jacob; he loved
the young woman and spoke tenderly
to her. 4And Shechem said to his father
Hamor, Get me this girl as my wife.
5When Jacob heard that his daugh
ter Dinah had been def iled, his sons
were in the fields with his livestock;
so he did nothing about it unt il they
came home.
6Then Shec hems fat her Ha m or
went out to talk with Jacob.d 7Mean
while, Jacobs sons had come in from
the f ields as soon as they heard what

34:7 eDt22:21;
Jdg20:6; 2Sa13:12
34:10 gGe47:6,27
hGe13:9; 20:15
34:12 jEx22:16;
Dt22:29; 1Sa18:25
34:14 kGe17:14;
34:15 lEx12:48
34:19 mver3
34:20 nRu4:1;

had happened. They were s hocked

and fur ious, bec ause Shechem had
done an outrageous t hing ine Israel e
by sleepi ng with Jacobs daughtera
t hing that should not be done.f
8But Hamor said to them, My son
Shechem has his heart set on your
daughter. Please give her to him as his
wife. 9Intermarr y with us; give us your
daughters and take our daughters for
yourselves. 10You can settle a mong
us;g the land is open to you.h Live in it,
t radef in it,i and acquire propert y init.
11Then Shechem said to Dinahs fa
ther and brothers, Let me find favor in
your eyes, and I will give you whatever
you ask. 12Make the price for the bridej
and the gift I am to b
ring as g reat as
you like, and Ill pay whatever you ask
me. Only give me the young woman as
my wife.
13Bec ause t heir sist er Di n ah had
been def iled, Jacobs sons replied de
ceitf ully as they s poke to Shechem and
his fat her Hamor. 14They said to them,
We cant do such a t hing; we c ant give
our sister to a man who is not circum
cised.k That would be a disgrace to us.
15We will enter into an agreement with
you on one condition only: that you be
come like us by circumcising all your
males. l 16Then we will give you our
daughters and take your daughters for
ourselves. W
ell sett le a mong you and
become one people with you. 17But if
you will not a gree to be circumcised,
well take our sister andgo.
18Their pro
posa l s eemed good to
Hamor and his son Shechem. 19The
young man, who was the most hon
ored of all his fat hers family, lost no
time in doing what they said, because
he was del ighted with Jacobs daugh
ter.m 20So Hamor and his son Shechem
went to the gate of t heir cityn to speak
to the men of t heir city. 21These men
are friendly toward us, they said. Let
them live in our land and t rade in it;

Sukkoth means shelters. b18That is, Northwest Mesopotamia c19Hebrew hundred kesitahs; a kesitah
was a unit of money of unknown weight and value. d20 El Elohe Israel can mean El is the God of Israel or mighty
is the God of Israel. e7Oragainst f10Ormove about freely; also in verse21

52 | Genesis 34:22

the land has plent y of room for them.

We can marr y their daughters and
they can marr y ours. 22But the men
will agree to live with us as one people
only on the cond it ion that our males
be circ umc ised, as they themselves
are. 23Wont t heir lives tock, t heir
proper t y and all t heir other animals
become ours? So let us a gree to t heir
terms, and they will sett le amongus.
24All the men who went out of the
city gateo agreed with Hamor and his
son Shechem, and every male in the
city was circumcised.
25Three days later, while all of them
were still in pain, two of Jacobs sons,
on and Levi, Di
n ahs broth
ers, took t heir s wordsp and attacked
the unsuspect i ng city, killi ng every
male.q 26They put Hamor and his son
Shechem to the sword and took Dinah
from Shechems house and left. 27The
sons of Jac ob came upon the dead
bodies and looted the city w
herea t heir
sister had been def iled. They seized
their flocks and h
erds and donkeys
and everything else of theirs in the
city and out in the f ields. 29They car
ried off all t heir w
ealth and all t heir
women and child ren, taki ng as plun
der everyt hing in the houses.
30Then Ja
cob said to Simeon and
Levi, You have brought trouble on
me by making me obnoxiousr to the
Canaanites and Perizzites, the people
living in this land.s We are few in num
ber,t and if they join forces a gainst me
and attack me, I and my household
will be destroyed.
31But they replied, Should he have
treated our sister like a prost it ute?

Jacob Returns to Bethel


Then God said to Jacob, Go up

to Bethel u and sett le t here, and
build an altar t here to God, who ap
peared to you when you were fleei ng
from your brother Esau.v

a27Orbecause b7

Genesis 35:15 | 52
34:24 oGe23:10
34:25 pGe49:5
34:30 rEx5:21;
1Sa13:4 sGe13:7
1Ch16:19; Ps105:12
35:1 uGe28:19

35:2 wGe18:19;
Jos24:15 xGe31:19
35:3 zGe32:7
35:4 bJos24:2526
35:5 cEx15:16;
23:27; Jos2:9
35:6 dGe28:19;
35:7 eGe28:13
35:8 fGe24:59
35:9 gGe32:29
35:10 hGe17:5
35:11 iGe17:1;
Ex6:3 jGe28:3;
48:4 kGe17:6
35:12 lGe13:15;
28:13 mGe12:7;
35:13 nGe17:22
35:14 oGe28:18
35:15 pGe28:19

2So Ja
cob said to his householdw
and to all who were with him, Get
rid of the foreign godsx you have with
you, and purif y yourselves and change
your clothes.y 3Then come, let us go up
to Bethel, w
here I will b
uild an altar to
God, who answered me in the day of
my dist ress z and who has been with
me wherever I have gone.a 4So they
gave Jacob all the foreign gods they
had and the r ings in t heir ears, and Ja
cob buried them under the oak at She
chem.b 5Then they set out, and the ter
ror of Godc fell on the towns all around
them so that no one pursued them.
6Jacob and all the people with him
came to Luzd (that is, Bethel) in the
land of Canaan. 7There he built an al
tar, and he c alled the p
lace El Bethel,b
because it was t here that God revealed
himself to hime when he was fleeing
from his brother.
8Now Debor ah, Reb ek a hs nurse, f
died and was buried under the oak
outside Bethel. So it was n
amed Allon
Bakuth. c
9Af ter Jacob ret urned from Paddan
Aram,d God appeared to him again
and b
lessed him.g 10God said to him,
Your name is Jacob,e but you will no
longer be c alled Jacob; your name will
be Israel. fh So he named him Israel.
11And God said to him, I am God
Almightyg;i be fruitf ul and increase in
number. A nationj and a communit y of
nations will come from you, and k ings
will be a mong your descendants.k
12The land I gave to Abraham and I saac
I also give to you, and I will give this
land to your descendants after you.lm
13Then God went up from himn at the
place where he had t alked with him.
14Jac ob set up a stone pillar at the
place where God had talked with him,
and he p
oured out a d
rink offering on
it; he also poured oil on it.o 15Jacob
called the place where God had t alked
with him Bethel.hp

El Bethel means God of Bethel. c8 Allon Bakuth means oak of weeping. d9 That is,
Northwest Mesopotamia; also in verse26 e10 Jacob means he grasps the heel, a Hebrew idiom for he deceives.
f10 Israel probably means he struggles with God. g11Hebrew El-Shaddai h15 Bethel means house of God.

53 | Genesis 35:16

The Deaths of Rachel and Isaac

35:23-26pp 1Ch2:1-2

they moved on from Bethel.

hile they were s till some distance
from Ephrath, Rachel began to give
birth and had g reat dif f ic ult y. 17And
as she was having g reat diffic ult y in
childbirth, the midw ife said to her,
Dont despair, for you have another
son.q 18As she breathed her lastfor
she was dyingshe named her son
Ben-Oni.a But his fat her named him
Benjamin. b
19So Ra
chel died and was buried
on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethle
hemr). 20Over her tomb Jacob set up a
pillar, and to this day that pillar m
Rachels tomb. s
21Israel moved on again and pitched
his tent beyond Migdal Eder. 22While
Israel was living in that reg ion, Reu
ben went in and slept with his fat hers
concubine t Bil hah, u and Israel heard
Jacob had t welve sons:
23 The sons of Leah:
Reuben the firstborn v of Jacob,
Simeon, Levi, Judah, w Issachar
and Zebu lun. x
The sons of Rachel:
Josephy and Benjamin. z
25 T he sons of Ra
c hels ser
v ant
Dan and Naphtali. a
26 The sons of Lea hs servant Zilpah:
Gadb and Asher.c
These were the sons of Jacob, who
were born to him in Paddan Aram.

Genesis 36:12 | 53
35:17 qGe30:24
35:19 rGe48:7;
Ru1:1,19; Mic5:2;
35:20 s1Sa10:2
35:22 tGe49:4;
1Ch5:1 uGe29:29;
35:23 vGe46:8
35:24 yGe30:24
35:25 aGe30:8
35:26 bGe30:11
35:27 dGe13:18;
18:1 eJos14:15
35:28 fGe25:7,20
35:29 gGe25:8;
49:33 hGe15:15

36:1 jGe25:30
36:2 kGe28:8-9
lGe26:34 mver25
c ob came home to his father 36:4 no1Ch1:35
36:6 Ge12:5
Isaac in Mamre, d near Kiriath Arbae 36:7
(that is, Hebron), w
here Abrah am 17:8; 28:4
and I saac had s tayed. 28Isaac lived a r36:8 qDt2:4
hund red and eighty years. f 29Then 36:11
he b
reathed his last and died and was Job2:11 tAm1:12;
gathered to his people,g old and full of Hab3:3u
36:12 Ex17:8,16;
years. h And his sons Esau and Jacob Nu24:20; 1Sa15:2
buried him. i

Esaus Descendants
36:10-14pp 1Ch1:35-37
36:20-28pp 1Ch1:38-42


This is the account of the fam

ily line of Esau (that is, Edom).j


took his w ives from the

women of Canaan: k Adah daugh
ter of Elon the Hitt ite,l and Ohol
ibamah daughter of Anah m and
granddaughter of Zibeon the Hi
vite 3also Basemath daughter
of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth.
4Adah bore El
iphaz to Esau,
Basem ath bore Reue l, n 5and
Ohol iba mah bore Jeu sh, Ja lam
and Korah. T
hese were the sons
of Esau, who were born to him in
6Esau took his w ives and sons
and daughters and all the mem
bers of his household, as well as
his livestock and all his other an
imals and all the goods he had
acquired in Canaan, o and moved
to a land some distance from his
brother Jacob. 7Their possessions
were too g reat for them to remain
together; the land w
here they
were staying c ould not support
them both because of t heir live
stock.p 8So Esauq (that is, Edom)
sett led in the hill count ry of Seir.r

is the account of the family

line of Esau the fat her of the Edomites
in the hill count ry of Seir.
10 T hese are the names of E saus
Eliphaz, the son of Esaus wife
Adah, and Reuel, the son of
Esaus wife Basemath.
11 The sons of Eliphaz:s
Teman,t Omar, Zepho, Gatam
and Kenaz.
12 E saus son Eliphaz also had
a conc ubine n amed Timn a,
who bore him Ama lek.u T hese
were grandsons of Esaus wife

Ben-Oni means son of my trouble. b18 Benjamin means son of my right hand.

54 | Genesis 36:13

13 The sons of Reuel:

Na hath, Zerah, Sham mah and
Mizzah. These were grandsons
of Esaus wife Basemath.
saus wife Oholi
14 T he sons of E
bam ah daughter of Anah and
granddaughter of Zibeon, whom
she bore to Esau:
Jeush, Jalam and Korah.

Genesis 36:38 | 54
36:15 wEx15:15
springs c in the desert while he
was grazing the donkeys of his
36:16 yver12
fat her Zibeon.
36:17 z1Ch1:37
25 T he child ren of Anah:
36:19 aGe25:30

36:20 bGe14:6;
Dt2:12,22; 1Ch1:38 Dis hon and Ohol ib a m ah

daughter of Anah.
26 The sons of Dishond:
Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran and
27 The sons of Ezer:
Bilhan, Zaavan and Akan.
28 The sons of Dishan:
Uz and Aran.
29 These were the Horite chiefs:
Lot an, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah,
s hon, Ezer and Dishan.
T hese were the Hor ite c hiefs,
according to t heir div isions, in
the land of Seir.

were the c hiefsw a mong

Esaus descendants:
The sons of Eliphaz the firstborn
of Esau:
Chiefs Teman, x Omar, Zepho,
Kenaz, 16Korah, a Gatam and
Ama lek. T hese were the chiefs
des cende d from Eliphaz in
Edom; they were grandsons of
The sons of Esaus son Reuel:z
Chiefs Nahath, Zerah, Sham
mah and Mizzah. T hese were
the chiefs descended from Reu
el in Edom; they were grand
sons of E
saus wife Basem
saus wife Oholiba
18 T he sons of E
Chiefs Jeush, Jalam and Korah.
These were the c hiefs descend
ed from E saus wife Oholiba
mah daughter of Anah.
19These were the sons of Esau (that
is, Edom),a and t hese were t heir chiefs.

The Rulers of Edom

36:31-43pp 1Ch1:43-54
31These were the k ings who reigned


were the sons of Seir the

Horite,b who were living in the reg ion:
Lot an, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah,
s hon, Ezer and Dishan.
T hese sons of Seir in Edom
were Horite chiefs.
22 The sons of Lotan:
Hori and Homam.b Timna was
Lotans sister.
23 The sons of Shobal:
Alv an, Mana hath, Ebal, She
pho and Onam.
24 The sons of Zibeon:
Aiah and Anah. This is the
Anah who discovered the hot

36:31 cGe17:6;
36:34 eEze25:13
36:35 fGe19:37;
Nu22:1; Dt1:5;

in Edom before any Israelite kingc

32 Bela son of Beor became king of
Edom. His city was named Din
33 W hen Bela died, Jobab son of Ze
rah from Bozrahd succ eeded
him as king.
34 W hen Jobab died, Husham from
the land of the Temanitese suc
ceeded him as king.
35 W hen Husham died, Hadad son
of Bedad, who defeated Midian
in the country of Moab,f suc
ceeded him as king. His city
was n
amed Avith.
36 W hen Hadad died, Samlah from
Masrek ah succ eede d him as
37 W hen Samlah died, Shau l from
Rehoboth on the river succeed
ed him as king.
38 W hen Shau l died, Baal-Han an
son of Akbor succeeded him as

Masoretic Text; Samaritan Pentateuch (also verse11 and 1Chron. 1:36) does not have Korah. b22Hebrew
Hemam, a variant of Homam (see 1Chron. 1:39) c24 Vulgate; Syriac discovered water; the meaning of the
Hebrew for this word is uncertain. d26Hebrew Dishan, a variant of Dishon

55 | Genesis 36:39

39 W hen Baal-Hanan son of Akbor

died, Hadad a succeeded him
as king. His city was named
Pau, and his w
ifes name was
Mehetabel daughter of Mat red,
the daughter of Me-Zahab.

were the c hiefs descended

from Esau, by name, according to t heir
clans and reg ions:
Timna, Alvah, Jet heth, 41Ohol
ibamah, Elah, Pinon, 42Kenaz,
Teman, Mibzar, 43Magdiel and
Iram. T
hese were the c hiefs of
Edom, according to their set
tlements in the land they occu

Genesis 37:20 | 55
37:1 gGe17:8
37:2 iPs78:71
jGe35:25 kGe35:26
37:3 mGe25:28
37:4 pGe27:41;
49:22-23; Ac7:9
37:5 qGe20:3;
37:7 rGe42:6,9;
43:26,28; 44:14;

This is the family line of Esau, the

fat her of the Edomites.

Joseph Sold by His Brothers

Josephs Dreams



Jacob lived in the land where

his fat her had stayed,g the land
of Canaan. h

ily line.

is the account of Jacobs fam

Joseph, a y oung man of seventeen,

was tending the f locksi with his broth
ers, the sons of Bilhahj and the sons
ives, and
of Zilpah, k his fathers w
he b
rought t heir fat her a bad reportl
about them.
3Now Israel loved Joseph more than
any of his other sons,m because he had
been born to him in his old age;n and
he made an ornateb robeo for him.
4When his brothers saw that t heir fa
ther l oved him more than any of them,
they hated himp and could not speak a
kind word to him.
5Joseph had a d ream,q and when he
told it to his brothers, they hated him
all the more. 6He said to them, Listen
to this dream I had: 7We were binding
sheaves of g rain out in the f ield when
suddenly my sheaf rose and stood up
right, w hile your sheaves gathered
around mine and b
owed down toit.r

8His brothers said to him, Do you

intend to r eign over us? Will you ac
tua lly rule us? s And they hated him
all the more because of his d
ream and
what he had said.
9Then he had another d
ream, and
he told it to his brothers. Listen, he
said, I had another d
ream, and this
time the sun and moon and eleven
stars were bowing down tome.
10When he told his fat her as well as
his brothers, t his fat her rebuked him
and said, What is this d
ream you
had? Will your mother and I and your
brothers act ua lly come and bow down
to the g round before you?u 11His
brothers were jealous of him,v but his
fat her kept the matter in mind.w

37:8 sGe49:26
37:10 tver5 uver7;
37:11 vAc7:9
37:14 xGe13:18;
37:17 y2Ki6:13
37:18 z1Sa19:1;
Mk14:1; Ac23:12

his brothers had gone to

g raze their fathers flocks near She
chem, 13and Israel said to Joseph, As
you know, your brothers are grazing
the f locks near Shechem. Come, I am
going to send you to them.
Very well, he replied.
14So he said to him, Go and see if
all is well with your brothers and with
the f locks, and b
ring word back to me.
Then he sent him off from the Valley of
When Joseph arr ived at Shechem,
15a man f ound him wanderi ng a
in the f ields and a sked him, What are
you looking for?
16He re
plied, Im looking for my
brothers. Can you tell me w
here they
are grazing t heir flocks?
17They have moved on from here,
the man answered. I heard them say,
Lets go to Dot han.y
So Joseph went after his brothers
and found them near Dot han. 18But
they saw him in the distance, and be
fore he r eached them, they plotted to
kill him.z
19Here comes that dreamer! they
said to each other. 20Come now, lets

a39 Many manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, Samaritan Pentateuch and Syriac (see also 1Chron. 1:50); most
manuscripts of the Masoretic Text Hadar b3 Themeaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain; also in
verses 23 and32.

56 | Genesis 37:21

kill him and throw him into one of

t hese cisterns a and say that a ferocious
animal devoured him. Then w
ell see
what c omes of his dreams.b
21When Reuben h
eard this, he t ried
to rescue him from t heir hands. Lets
not take his life, he said.c 22Dont
shed any b
lood. T
hrow him into this
cistern here in the wilderness, but
dont lay a hand on him. Reuben said
this to rescue him from them and take
him back to his fat her.
23So when Joseph came to his broth
ers, they stripped him of his robet he
ornate robe he was weari ng24and
they took him and t hrew him into the
cistern. d The cistern was empt y; t here
was no water init.
25As they sat down to eat t heir meal,
they looked up and saw a carav an
of Ishmaelites comi ng from Gilead.
Their camels were loaded with spices,
balm and myrrh,e and they were on
t heir way to take them down to Egypt.f
26Judah said to his brothers, What
will we gain if we kill our brother and
cover up his blood?g 27Come, lets sell
him to the Ishmaelites and not lay
our hands on him; after all, he is our
brother, h our own flesh and b
His brothers agreed.
28So when the Midia nite i merchants
came by, his brothers pulled Joseph
up out of the cistern and sold him for
twent y shekels a of silver to the Ishma
elites, who took him to Egypt.j
29When Reu
ben returned to the
cistern and saw that Joseph was not
t here, he tore his clothes.k 30He went
back to his brothers and said, The boy
isnt t here! W
here can I turn now?l
31Then they got Jo
s ephs robe,m
slaughtered a goat and d ipped the
robe in the b
lood. 32They took the
ornate robe back to t heir fat her and
said, We f ound this. Examine it to see
whether it is your s ons robe.
33He recogn ized it and said, It is
my sons robe! Some ferocious animal n

Genesis 38:11 | 56
37:20 aJer38:6,9
37:21 cGe42:22
37:24 dJer41:7
37:25 eGe43:11
37:26 gver20;
37:27 hGe42:21
37:28 iGe25:2;
Jdg6:1-3 jGe45:45; Ps105:17; Ac7:9
37:29 kver34;
Ge44:13; Job1:20
37:30 lver22;
37:31 mver3,23
37:33 nver20

has devoured him. Joseph has surely

been torn to pieces.o
34Then Jacob tore his clothes,p put
ourned for his son
on sackclothq and m
many days.r 35All his sons and daugh
ters came to comfort him, but he re
fused to be comforted. No, he said, I
will cont inue to mourn unt il I join my
son in the g rave.s So his fat her wept
for him.
36Meanw hile, the Mid ia n ites b sold
Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, one of
Pharaohs off icials, the captain of the

Judah and Tamar


37:33 oGe44:20,28
37:34 pver29
37:35 sGe42:38;
37:36 tGe39:1
38:2 u1Ch2:3
38:3 vver6;
Ge46:12; Nu26:19
38:7 wver10;
Ge46:12; 1Ch2:3
38:8 xDt25:5-6;
38:10 yGe46:12;
38:11 zRu1:13

At that time, Jud ah left his

brothers and went down to
stay with a man of Adullam named
Hirah. 2There Judah met the daugh
ter of a Canaanite man named Shua.u
He married her and made love to her;
3she became pregnant and gave birth
to a son, who was n
amed Er.v 4She
conceived a gain and gave b
irth to a
son and named him Onan. 5She gave
birth to still another son and named
him Shelah. It was at Kez ib that she
gave b
irth to him.
6Jud ah got a wife for Er, his first
born, and her name was Tamar. 7But
Er, Judahs firstborn, was wicked in the
Lords s ight; so the Lord put him to
8Then Jud ah said to Onan, Sleep
with your brothers wife and fulfill
your duty to her as a brother-in-law to
raise up offspring for your brother.x
9But Onan knew that the c
hild w
not be his; so whenever he slept with
his brothers wife, he s pilled his semen
on the g round to keep from prov iding
offspring for his brother. 10What he did
was wicked in the Lords sight; so the
Lord put him to death also.y
11Judah then said to his daughterin-law Tamar, Live as a widow in your
fathers household until my son Shelah
g rows up. z For he t hought, He may

a28 That is, about 8ounces or about 230 grams b36 Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac (see
also verse28); Masoretic Text Medanites

57 | Genesis 38:12

die too, just like his brothers. So Tamar

went to live in her fathers household.
12After a long time Judahs wife, the
daughter of Shua, died. When Judah
had recovered from his g rief, he went
up to Timnah,a to the men who were
shearing his sheep, and his f riend Hi
rah the Adullamite went with him.
13When Tam ar was told, Your fa
ther-in-law is on his way to Timnah
to shear his s heep, 14she took off her
widows clothes, covered herself with
a veil to disg uise herself, and then sat
down at the ent rance to Enaim, which
is on the road to Timnah. For she saw
that, t hough Shelah b had now g rown
up, she had not been given to him as
his wife.
15When Judah saw her, he t hought
she was a prost it ute, for she had cov
ered her face. 16Not rea lizing that she
was his daughter-in-law,c he went over
to her by the roadside and said, Come
now, let me sleep with you.
And what will you give me to sleep
with you? she asked.
17Ill send you a young goatd from
my f lock, he said.
Will you give me somet hing as a
pledge e unt il you send it? she asked.
18He said, What
pledge should I
give you?
Your sealf and its cord, and the
staff in your hand, she answered. So
he gave them to her and slept with
her, and she bec ame pregn ant by
him. 19After she left, she took off her
veil and put on her widows c lothesg
20Meanw hile Judah sent the y
goat by his friend the Adullamite
in order to get his p
ledge back from
the woma n, but he did not find her.
21He a
sked the men who lived t here,
Where is the shrine prost it uteh who
was beside the road at Enaim?
There h
asnt been any s hrine pros
tit ute here, they said.
22So he went back to Judah and said,
I d
idnt find her. Besides, the men

Genesis 39:4 | 57
38:12 aver14;
38:14 bver11
38:16 cLev18:15;
38:17 dEze16:33
38:18 fver25
38:19 gver14
38:21 hLev19:29;

38:24 iLev21:9;
38:25 jver18
38:26 k1Sa24:17
38:27 mGe25:24
38:29 nGe46:12;
Ru4:12,18; 1Ch2:4;
38:30 o1Ch2:4
39:1 pGe37:36
39:2 rGe21:20,22;
39:3 sGe21:22;
26:28 tPs1:3

who lived there said, There h

been any shrine prost it ute here.
23Then Ju
dah said, Let her keep
what she has, or we will become a
laughingstock. After all, I did send her
this young goat, but you didnt find her.
24About t hree months later Jud ah
was told, Your daughter-in-law Tamar
is g uilty of prost it ut ion, and as a result
she is now pregnant.
Judah said, Bring her out and have
her b
urned to death!i
25As she was bei ng brought out, she
sent a message to her fat her-in-law. I
am pregnant by the man who owns
t hese, she said. And she added, See
if you recogn ize whose seal and cord
and staff t hese are.j
26Judah recogn ized them and said,
She is more righteous than I,k since I
wouldnt give her to my son Shelah.l
And he did not s leep with her again.
27When the time came for her to
give birth, t here were twin boys in her
irth, one
womb.m 28As she was giving b
of them put out his hand; so the mid
wife took a scarlet t hread and tied it
on his w rist and said, This one came
out f irst. 29But when he drew back
his hand, his brother came out, and
she said, So this is how you have bro
ken out! And he was n
30Then his brother, who had the scar
let t hread on his w rist, came out. And
he was named

Joseph and Potiphars Wife


Now Joseph had been taken

down to E
gypt. Potiphar, an
Egyptian who was one of Pharaohs
offic ials, the captain of the g uard,p
bought him from the Ishmaelites who
had taken him there.q
2The Lord was with Jo
s ephr so
that he prospered, and he l ived in the
house of his Egypt ian master. 3When
his master saw that the Lord was with
hims and that the Lord gave him suc
cess in everything he did,t 4Joseph
found favor in his eyes and became his

Perez means breaking out. b30 Zerah can mean scarlet or brightness.

58 | Genesis 39:5

attendant. Potiphar put him in charge

of his household, and he ent rusted to
his care everyt hing he o
wned.u 5From
the time he put him in c harge of his
household and of all that he owned,
the Lord b
lessed the household of
the Egypt ian because of Joseph.v The
blessing of the Lord was on everything
Potiphar had, both in the house and in
the f ield. 6So Pot iphar left every t hing
he had in Josephs care; with Joseph
in c harge, he did not concern himself
with anyt hing except the food he ate.
Now Joseph was well-built and
handsome, w 7and after a w
hile his
masters wife took not ice of Joseph and
said, Come to bed withme!x
8But he re
f used.y With me in
charge, he told her, my master does
not concern himself with anyt hing in
the h
ouse; everyt hing he owns he has
entrusted to my care. 9No one is greater
in this house than I am.z My master has
withheld nothing from me except you,
because you are his wife. How then
could I do such a wicked t hing and sin
against God?a 10And though she s poke
to Joseph day after day, he refused to go
to bed with her or even be with her.
11One day he went into the house to
attend to his dut ies, and none of the
household ser vants was inside. 12She
c aught him by his c loakb and said,
Come to bed with me! But he left his
cloak in her hand and ran out of the
13When she saw that he had left his
cloak in her hand and had run out of
the house, 14she called her household
serv ants. Look, she said to them,
this Hebrew has been b
rought to us
to make s port of us! He came in here
to s leep with me, but I s creamed.c
15When he h
eard me s cream for help,
he left his cloak beside me and ran out
of the house.
16She kept his cloak beside her un
til his master came home. 17Then she
told him this stor y:d That Hebrew
slave you b
rought us came to me to
make sport of me. 18But as soon as I

Genesis 40:8 | 58
39:4 uver8,22;
39:5 vGe26:24;
39:6 w1Sa16:12
39:7 x2Sa13:11;
39:8 yPr6:2324
39:9 zGe41:33,40
aGe20:6; 42:18;
39:12 bPr7:13
39:14 cDt22:24,27
39:17 dEx23:1,7;

s creamed for help, he left his cloak be

side me and ran out of the house.
19When his master h
eard the stor y
his wife told him, saying, This is how
your s lave treated me, he b
urned with
anger.e 20Josephs master took him and
put him in prison,f the place where the
k ings prisoners were conf ined.
But while Joseph was t here in the
prison, 21the Lord was with him; he
s howed him kindness and granted
him favor in the eyes of the prison
warden. g 22So the warden put Joseph
in c harge of all t hose held in the pris
on, and he was made responsible for
all that was done t here.h 23The warden
paid no attent ion to anyt hing under
Josephs care, because the Lord was
with Joseph and gave him success in
whatever he did. i

The Cupbearer and the Baker


39:19 ePr6:34
39:20 fGe40:3;
39:21 gEx3:21
39:22 hver4
39:23 iver3
40:1 jNe1:11
40:2 kPr16:14,15
40:3 lGe39:20
40:4 mGe39:4
40:5 nGe41:11
40:7 oNe2:2
40:8 pGe41:8,15

Some time later, the cupbear

erj and the baker of the king of
Egypt of fended t heir master, the king
of Egypt. 2Pharaoh was ang ry k with
his two of f icials, the chief cupbearer
and the c hief baker, 3and put them in
custody in the h
ouse of the captain of
the g uard, l in the same prison w
Joseph was conf ined. 4The captain of
the g uard assigned them to Joseph,m
and he attended them.
After they had been in custody for
some time, 5each of the two ment he
cupbearer and the baker of the king
of Egypt, who were being held in pris
onhad a dream the same night, and
each dream had a meaning of its own.n
6When Jo
seph came to them the
next morning, he saw that they were
dejected. 7So he asked Pharaohs of f i
cials who were in custody with him in
his masters h
ouse, Why do you look
so sad today?o
8We both had d reams, they an
swered, but t here is no one to inter
pret them.p
Then Joseph said to them, Do not
inter pret at ions belong to God? q Tell
me your dreams.

59 | Genesis 40:9

the c hief cupbearer told Jo

seph his d ream. He said to him, In
my d ream I saw a vine in f ront of me,
10and on the vine were t hree branch
es. As soon as it budded, it blossomed,
and its clusters ripened into g rapes.
11Pharaohs cup was in my hand, and
I took the g rapes, squeezed them into
Pharaohs cup and put the cup in his
12This is what it means,r Joseph
said to him. The t hree branches are
t hree days. 13Within t hree days Phar
aoh will lift up your head and restore
you to your posit ion, and you will put
Pharaohs cup in his hand, just as you
used to do when you were his cupbear
er. 14But when all goes well with you,
remember mes and show me kindness;t
ment ion me to Pharaoh and get me out
of this prison. 15I was forcibly carr ied
off from the land of the Hebrews,u and
even here I have done nothing to de
serve being put in a dungeon.
16When the c
hief baker saw that Jo
seph had given a favorable inter pre
tat ion, he said to Joseph, I too had a
d ream: On my head were t hree bas
kets of b
read.a 17In the top basket were
all k inds of baked goods for Pharaoh,
but the birds were eati ng them out of
the basket on my head.
18This is what it
means, Joseph
said. The three baskets are three
days.v 19Withi n t hree days Pharaoh
will lift off your headw and impale
your body on a pole. And the b
irds will
eat away your flesh.
20Now the t hird day was Pharaohs
birthday,x and he gave a f east for all his
eads of the
off icials.y He lifted up the h
chief cupbearer and the c hief baker in
the presence of his off icials: 21He re
stored the chief cupbearer to his posi
tion, so that he once again put the cup
into Pharaohs handz 22but he im
paled the c hief baker,a just as Joseph
had said to them in his interpretat ion.b
23The chief cupbearer, however, did
not remember Joseph; he forgot him.c
a16Orthree wicker baskets

Genesis 41:15 | 59
40:12 rGe41:12,
15,25; Da2:36; 4:19
40:14 sLk23:42
40:15 uGe37:2628
40:18 vver12
40:19 wver13
40:20 xMt14:6-10
40:21 zver13
40:22 aver19
40:23 cJob19:14;

41:1 dGe20:3
41:2 ever26
41:8 gDa2:1,3;
4:5,19 hEx7:11,22;
Da1:20; 2:2,27; 4:7
41:10 iGe40:2
41:11 kGe40:5
41:12 lGe40:12
41:13 mGe40:22
41:14 nPs105:20;

Pharaohs Dreams


When two full

y ears had
passed, Pharaoh had a dream:d
He was standing by the Nile, 2when
out of the river t here came up seven
cows, s leek and fat,e and they g razed
a mong the reeds. f 3Af ter them, seven
other cows, ugly and g aunt, came up
out of the Nile and s tood beside t hose
on the riverbank. 4And the cows that
were ugly and g aunt ate up the seven
sleek, fat cows. Then Pharaoh wokeup.
5He fell
a sleep again and had a
second d ream: Seven heads of g rain,
healthy and good, were growi ng on a
sing le stalk. 6After them, seven oth
er h
eads of g rain sproutedt hin and
scorched by the east wind. 7The thin
heads of g rain swallowed up the sev
en healthy, full heads. Then Pharaoh
woke up; it had been a dream.
8In the morni ng his mind was trou
bled,g so he sent for all the mag iciansh
and wise men of Egypt. Pharaoh told
them his dreams, but no one c ould in
terpret them for him.
9Then the c hief cupbearer said to
Pharaoh, Today I am reminded of my
shortc om i ngs. 10Pharaoh was once
ang ry with his servants,i and he im
prisoned me and the c hief baker in
the h
ouse of the captain of the g uard.j
11Each of us had a d ream the same
n ight, and each d ream had a mean
ing of its own.k 12Now a y oung Hebrew
was there with us, a serv ant of the
captain of the g uard. We told him our
d reams, and he interpreted them for
us, giving each man the interpretat ion
of his dream.l 13And t hings t urned out
exactly as he interpreted them to us: I
was restored to my posit ion, and the
other man was impaled.m
14So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and
he was quickly brought from the
dungeon. n When he had shaved and
changed his clothes, he came before
15Pharaoh said to Joseph, I had a
d ream, and no one can interpret it.

60 | Genesis 41:16

But I have heard it said of you that

when you hear a d
ream you can inter
16I cannot do it, Joseph replied to
Pharaoh, but God will give Pharaoh
the answer he desires.p
17Then Phar
aoh said to Joseph,
In my d
ream I was standing on the
bank of the Nile, 18when out of the
river there came up seven cows, fat
and sleek, and they g razed among the
reeds. 19After them, seven other cows
came upscrawny and very ugly and
lean. I had never seen such ugly cows
in all the land of Egypt. 20The lean,
ugly cows ate up the seven fat cows
that came up first. 21But even after
they ate them, no one could tell that
they had done so; they looked just as
ugly as before. Then I wokeup.
22In my d ream I saw seven heads
of g rain, full and good, growi ng on a
single stalk. 23After them, seven other
heads sprouted w ithered and thin
and scorched by the east wind. 24The
thin heads of g rain swallowed up the
seven good h
eads. I told this to the
mag icians, but none of them could ex
plain it tome.q
25Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, The
d reams of Pharaoh are one and the
same. God has revealed to Pharaoh
what he is about to do.r 26The seven
good cowss are seven y ears, and the
seven good heads of g rain are seven
years; it is one and the same d ream.
27The seven lean, ugly cows that came
up afterward are seven years, and so
are the seven worthless heads of g rain
scorched by the east wind: They are
seven years of famine. t
28It is just as I said to Pharaoh: God
has shown Pharaoh what he is about
to do. 29Seven y ears of g reat abun
danceu are coming throughout the
land of Egypt, 30but seven y ears of
famine v will follow them. Then all the
abundance in Egypt will be forgotten,
and the famine will ravage the land.w
31The abundance in the land will not

Genesis 41:44 | 60
41:15 oDa5:16
41:16 pGe40:8;
Da2:30; Ac3:12;
41:24 qver8
41:25 rDa2:45
41:26 sver2
41:27 tGe12:10;
41:29 uver47
41:30 vver54;
Ge47:13 wver56

41:32 xNu23:19;
41:33 yver39
41:34 z1Sa8:15
41:35 bver48
41:36 cver56
41:37 dGe45:16
41:38 eNu27:18;
Job32:8; Da4:89,18; 5:11,14
41:40 fPs105:2122; Ac7:10
41:41 gGe42:6;
41:42 hEst3:10
41:43 jEst6:9

be remembered, because the fam i ne

that follows it will be so severe. 32The
reason the d ream was given to Phar
aoh in two forms is that the matter has
been firmly decided x by God, and God
will do it soon.
33And now let Pharaoh look for a
disc erning and wise many and put
him in c harge of the land of E
34Let Pharaoh appoint comm issioners
over the land to take a f ifthz of the har
vest of Egypt during the seven years of
abundance. a 35They s hould collect all
the food of t hese good years that are
comi ng and store up the g rain under
the aut horit y of Pharaoh, to be kept in
the cities for food.b 36This food s hould
be held in reserve for the count ry, to
be used during the seven years of fam
ine that will come upon Egypt,c so that
the count ry may not be ruined by the
37The plan s
eemed good to Pharaoh
and to all his off icials.d 38So Pharaoh
asked them, Can we find anyone like
this man, one in whom is the spirit of
39Then Phar
aoh said to Joseph,
Since God has made all this k nown to
you, t here is no one so discerning and
wise as you. 40You shall be in charge
of my palace, and all my people are to
subm it to your orders.f Only with re
spect to the throne will I be greater
than you.

Joseph in Charge of Egypt

41So Pharaoh said to Joseph, I here
by put you in charge of the whole land
of Egypt. g 42Then Pharaoh took his
sig net ring h from his finger and put it
on Josephs finger. He d
ressed him in
robes of fine linen and put a gold c hain
around his neck.i 43He had him ride in
a chariot as his second-in-command, b
and people shouted before him, Make
wayc!j Thus he put him in c harge of
the w
hole land of Egypt.
44Then Pharaoh said to Jos eph, I
am Pharaoh, but without your word no

a38Orof the gods b43Orin the chariot of his second-in-command; or in his second chariot c43OrBow down

61 | Genesis 41:45

one will lift hand or foot in all E

gave Jo
s eph the name
Zaphenath-Panea h and gave him As
enath daughter of Pot iphera, priest of
On,a to be his wife.l And Joseph went
throughout the land of Egypt.
46Joseph was thirt y years oldm when
he entered the serv icen of Pharaoh
king of Egypt. And Joseph went out
from Pharaohs presence and traveled
throughout Egypt. 47During the seven
years of abundance the land produced
plent i f ul ly. 48Joseph collected all the
food produced in t hose seven years of
abundance in E
gypt and s tored it in
the cities. In each city he put the food
g rown in the fields surrounding it.
49Joseph stored up huge quant it ies of
g rain, like the sand of the sea; it was so
much that he s topped keeping records
because it was beyond measure.
50Before the years of fami ne came,
two sons were born to Joseph by As
enath daughter of Pot iphera, priest of
On.o 51Joseph named his firstborn p
Manasseh b and said, It is bec ause
God has made me forget all my trouble
and all my fat hers household. 52The
second son he named Ephrai mcq and
said, It is because God has made me
fruitf ul r in the land of my suffering.
53The seven years of abundance in
Egypt came to an end, 54and the sev
en years of fami ne began,s just as Jo
seph had said. There was famine in all
the other lands, but in the whole land
of E
gypt t here was food. 55When all
Egypt began to feel the famine,t the
people cried to Pharaoh for food. Then
Pharaoh told all the Egypt ians, Go to
Joseph and do what he t ells you.u
56When the fami ne had spread over
the w
hole count ry, Joseph opened all
the storehouses and sold g rain to the
Egypt ians, for the faminev was severe
throughout Egypt. 57And all the w
came to Egypt to buy g rain from Jo
seph,w because the famine was severe

Genesis 42:15 | 61
41:44 kPs105:22 Josephs Brothers Go toEgypt
41:45 lver50;
When Jacob l earned that t here
41:46 mGe37:2
g rain in Egypt,x he said to
n1Sa16:21; Da1:19
41:50 oGe46:20; his sons, Why do you just keep look
ing at each other? 2He cont inued, I
41:51 pGe48:14, have heard that t here is g rain in Egypt.
Go down t here and buy some for us, so
41:52 qGe48:1,5;
that we may live and not die.y
50:23 Ge17:6;
3Then ten of Jo
28:3; 49:22
s ephs broth
e rs
41:54 sver30;


Ps105:11; Ac7:11
4But Ja
c ob did not send Benjam in,
41:55 tDt32:24
brother, with the others, be
41:56 vGe12:10
was a fraid that harm m
41:57 Ge42:5;
come to him.z 5So Israels sons were


42:1 xAc7:12
42:2 yGe43:8
42:4 zver38
42:5 aGe41:57
bGe12:10; Ac7:11
42:6 cGe41:41
42:7 ever30
42:8 fGe37:2
42:9 gGe37:7
42:13 hGe37:30,
33; 44:20

a mong t hose who went to buy g rain,a

for there was famine in the land of Ca
naan also.b
6Now Joseph was the governor of the
land,c the person who sold g rain to all
its people. So when Josephs brothers
arrived, they bowed down to him with
t heir faces to the g round.d 7As soon
as Joseph saw his brothers, he recog
nized them, but he pretended to be a
stranger and spoke harshly to them.e
Where do you come from? he asked.
From the land of Canaan, they re
plied, to buy food.
8Alt hough Jos eph reco g n ized his
brothers, they did not recognize him.f
9Then he re
membered his d
about them and said to them, You are
spies! You have come to see where our
land is unprotected.
10No, my lord, they an
s wered.
Your servants have come to buy food.
11We are all the sons of one man. Your
servants are honest men, not spies.
12No! he said to them. You have
come to see w
here our land is unpro
13But they replied, Your serv ants
were t welve brothers, the sons of one
man, who l ives in the land of Canaan.
The youngest is now with our fat her,
and one is no more.h
14Joseph said to them, It is just as I
told you: You are spies! 15And this is how
you will be tested: As surely as Pharaoh

a45 That is, Heliopolis; also in verse50 b51 Manasseh sounds like and may be derived from the Hebrew for
forget. c52 Ephraim sounds like the Hebrew for twice fruitful.

62 | Genesis 42:16

lives,i you will not leave this p

lace un
less your youngest brother comes here.
16Send one of your number to get your
brother; the rest of you will be kept in
prison, so that your words may be test
ed to see if you are telling the truth.j If
you are not, then as surely as Pharaoh
lives, you are s pies! 17And he put them
all in custodyk for three days.
18On the t hird day, Joseph said to
them, Do this and you will live, for I
fear God:l 19If you are honest men, let
one of your brothers stay here in pris
on, while the rest of you go and take
g rain back for your starving house
ring your youn
holds. 20But you must b
gest brother to me,m so that your w
may be verif ied and that you may not
die. This they proceeded todo.
21They said to one another, Surely
we are being punished because of our
brother. n We saw how distressed he
was when he pleaded with us for his
life, but we w
ould not listen; t hats why
this dist ress o has come onus.
22Reuben replied, Didnt I tell you
not to sin a gainst the boy?p But you
wouldnt listen! Now we must give an
account i ng q for his blood.r 23They
did not rea li ze that Joseph could un
derstand them, since he was using an
24He turned away from them and
began to weep, but then came back
and spoke to them again. He had Sim
eon taken from them and bound be
fore t heir eyes.s
seph gave orders to fill their
bags with g rain,t to put each mans sil
ver back in his sack,u and to give them
prov isions for t heir journey. v After this
was done for them, 26they loaded t heir
g rain on t heir donkeys and left.
27At the place w
here they stopped
for the n ight one of them opened
his sack to get feed for his donkey,
and he saw his silver in the m
outh of
his sack.w 28My silver has been re
turned, he said to his brothers. Here
it is in my sack.
a34Ormove about freely

Genesis 43:2 | 62
42:15 i1Sa17:55
Their hearts sank and they t urned to
42:16 jver11
other trembling and said, What
42:17 kGe40:4
is this that God has done tous?x
42:18 lGe20:11;
29When they came to their father
42:20 mver15,34;
Jacob in the land of Canaan, they told
Ge43:5; 44:23
42:21 nGe37:26- him all that had happened to them.
28 oHos5:15
They said, 30The man who is lord
42:22 pGe37:21over the land s poke harshly to usy
22 qGe9:5
and treated us as t hough we were spy
2Ch24:22; Ps9:12 ing on the land. 31But we said to him,
42:24 sver13;
We are honest men; we are not s pies.z
32We were t welve brothers, sons of one
42:25 tGe43:2
fat her. One is no more, and the youn
gest is now with our fat her in Canaan.
33Then the man who is lord over
42:27 wGe43:2122

42:28 xGe43:23
42:30 yver7
42:31 zver11
42:33 aver19,20
42:34 bGe34:10
42:35 cGe43:12,
42:36 dGe43:14
42:38 eGe37:33
fver4 gGe37:35
43:1 iGe12:10;

the land said to us, This is how I will

know whether you are honest men:
L eave one of your brothers here with
me, and take food for your starving
households and go.a 34But bring your
youngest brother to me so I will know
that you are not spies but honest men.
Then I will give your brother back to
you, and you can t radea in the land.b
35As they were emp
t y
i ng their
sacks, t here in each m
ans sack was his
pouch of silver! When they and t heir
fat her saw the money pouches, they
were frightened. c 36Their father Ja
cob said to them, You have deprived
me of my child ren. Joseph is no more
and Simeon is no more, and now you
want to take Benjamin.d Everyt hing is
37Then Reuben said to his father,
You may put both of my sons to death
if I do not bring him back to you. En
trust him to my care, and I will bring
him back.
38But Jac ob said, My son will not
go down t here with you; his brother
is deade and he is the only one left. If
harm comes to himf on the journey
you are taking, you will b
ring my gray
head down to the g raveg in sorrow.h

The Second Journey to Egypt


Now the famine was still se

vere in the land.i 2So when
they had eaten all the g rain they had

63 | Genesis 43:3

rought from E
gypt, t heir fat her said
to them, Go back and buy us a litt le
more food.
3But Judah said to him, The man
warned us solemnly, You will not see
my face a gain unless your brother is
with you.j 4If you will send our broth
er a long with us, we will go down and
buy food for you. 5But if you will not
send him, we will not go down, be
cause the man said to us, You will not
see my face again unless your brother
is with you.k
6Isr ael a
sked, Why did you b
this trouble on me by telli ng the man
you had another brother?
7They replied, The man quest ioned
us closely about ourselves and our
family. Is your fat her still liv i ng? l he
asked us. Do you have another broth
er?m We simply ans wered his ques
tions. How were we to know he would
say, Bring your brother down here?
8Then Judah said to Israel his fat her,
Send the boy a long with me and we
will go at once, so that we and you and
our child ren may live and not die.n 9I
myself will guara ntee his safet y; you
can hold me personally responsible for
him. If I do not b
ring him back to you
and set him here before you, I will bear
the b
lame before you all my life.o 10As
it is, if we had not delayed, we c ould
have gone and ret urned twice.
t heir father Israel said to
them, If it must be, then do this: Put
some of the best products of the land
in your bags and take them down to
the man as a giftp a lit t le balm q and
a litt le honey, some spicesr and myrrh,
some pistac hio nuts and almonds.
12Take dou
ble the a mount of silver
with you, for you must ret urn the sil
ver that was put back into the m
of your sacks.s Perhaps it was a mis
take. 13Take your brother also and go
back to the man at once. 14And may
God Alm ighty at g rant you merc y be
fore the man so that he will let your
other brother and Benjam in come
a14Hebrew El-Shaddai

Genesis 43:27 | 63
43:3 jGe42:15;
back with you.u As for me, if I am be
I am bereaved.v
43:5 kGe42:15;
15So the men took the g ifts and dou
43:7 lver27
ble the amount of silver, and Benjamin
also. They hurriedw down to E
43:8 Ge42:2;
and presented themselves x to Joseph.
16When Jo
43:9 oGe42:37;
seph saw Benjam in with
44:32; Phm1:1819
them, he said to the stewa rd of his
43:11 pGe32:20;
Pr18:16 qGe37:25; house, y Take t hese men to my house,
Jer8:22 r1Ki10:2
slaughter an animal and prepare a
43:12 sGe42:25
meal;z they are to eat with me at noon.
43:14 Ge17:1;
17The man did as Joseph told him
28:3; 35:11

and took the men to Josephs h

the men were frighteneda when
they were taken to his h
ouse. They
thought, We were b
rought here be
cause of the silver that was put back
into our s acks the f irst time. He w
to attack us and overpower us and seize
us as s laves and take our donkeys.
19So they went up to Josephs stew
ard and s poke to him at the ent rance
to the house. 20We beg your pardon,
our lord, they said, we came down
here the f irst time to buy food.b 21But
at the place w here we stopped for
the n ight we o
pened our s acks and
each of us found his silvert he ex
act weightin the mouth of his sack.
So we have brought it back with us.c
22We have also brought add it iona l sil
ver with us to buy food. We dont know
who put our silver in our sacks.
23Its all r ight, he said. Dont be
a fraid. Your God, the God of your fa
ther, has given you treasure in your
sacks; d I received your silver. Then he
brought Simeon out to them.e
24The stew
a rd took the men into
Josephs house, f gave them water to
wash t heir feetg and prov ided fodder
for t heir donkeys. 25They prepared
t heir g ifts for Josephs arr iva l at noon,
because they had heard that they were
to eat there.
26When Jo
seph came home, they
s ent
e d to him the giftsh they
brought into the
house, and
they b
owed down before him to the
g round. i 27He a sked them how they

43:14 uGe42:24
43:15 wGe45:9,13
zver31; Lk15:23
43:18 aGe42:35
43:20 bGe42:3
43:21 cver15;
43:23 dGe42:28
43:24 fver16
gGe18:4; 24:32
43:26 hMt2:11

64 | Genesis 43:28

were, and then he said, How is your

aged fat her you told me about? Is he
still living? j
28They replied, Your serv ant our
fat her is still a live and well. And they
bowed down, prost rat i ng themselves
before him. k
29As he looked a
bout and saw his
brother Benjam in, his own mothers
son, he asked, Is this your youngest
brother, the one you told me a bout?l
And he said, God be gracious to you,m
my son. 30Deeply moved n at the s ight
of his brother, Joseph hurried out and
looked for a place to weep. He went
into his private room and wepto there.
31After he had w
ashed his face, he
came out and, controlling himself,p
said, Serve the food.
32They s
erved him by himself, the
brothers by themselves, and the Egyp
tians who ate with him by themselves,
because Egypt ians could not eat with
Hebrews, q for that is detestable to
Egypt ians. r 33The men had been seat
ed before him in the order of t heir ages,
from the firstborn to the youngest; and
they looked at each other in astonish
ment. 34When port ions were served to
them from Josephs table, Benjam ins
port ion was five t imes as much as any
one elses. s So they feasted and drank
freely with him.

Genesis 44:18 | 64
43:27 jver7
43:28 kGe37:7
43:29 lGe42:13
mNu6:25; Ps67:1
43:30 nJn11:33,38
45:2,14,15; 46:29
43:31 pGe45:1
43:32 qGal2:12
rGe46:34; Ex8:26
43:34 sGe37:3;
44:1 tGe42:25
44:4 uPs35:12

A Silver Cup in a Sack


Now Joseph gave these in

structions to the stewa rd of
his house: Fill the mens sacks with
as much food as they can carr y, and
put each m
ans silver in the m
outh of
his sack.t 2Then put my cup, the sil
ver one, in the mouth of the youngest
ones sack, a long with the silver for his
g rain. And he did as Joseph said.
3As morni ng dawned, the men were
sent on t heir way with t heir donkeys.
4They had not gone far from the city
when Joseph said to his stewa rd, Go
after t hose men at once, and when you
catch up with them, say to them, Why
have you repaid good with evil?u 5Isnt

44:5 vGe30:27;
44:8 wGe42:25;
44:9 xGe31:32
44:12 yver2
44:13 zGe37:29;
Nu14:6; 2Sa1:11
44:14 aGe37:7,10
44:15 bver5;
44:16 cver9;
Ge43:18 dver2
44:18 eGe18:30;

this the cup my master d rinks from

and also uses for divinat ion?v This is a
wicked t hing you have done.
6When he caught up with them, he
repeated t hese words to them. 7But
they said to him, Why does my lord
say such things? Far be it from your
servants to do anyt hing like that! 8We
even brought back to you from the
land of Canaan the silver we found in
side the m
ouths of our s acks.w So why
would we s teal silver or gold from your
masters house? 9If any of your servants
is f ound to have it, he will die;x and the
rest of us will become my l ords slaves.
10Very well, then, he said, let it be
as you say. Whoever is f ound to have it
will become my slave; the rest of you
will be free from blame.
11Each of them quick
l y lowered
his sack to the g round and o
it. 12Then the stewa rd proceeded to
search, beg inning with the oldest and
ending with the youngest. And the cup
was found in Benjam ins sack.y 13At
this, they tore t heir c lothes.z Then they
all loaded t heir donkeys and ret urned
to the city.
14Joseph was s
till in the h
ouse when
Judah and his brothers came in, and
they t hrew themselves to the g round
before him. a 15Joseph said to them,
What is this you have done? Dont
you know that a man like me can find
t hings out by divinat ion? b
16What can we say to my lord? Ju
dah replied. What can we say? How
can we p
rove our innocence? God has
uncovered your servants g uilt. We are
now my lords slavescwe ourselves
and the one who was found to have
the cup.d
17But Joseph said, Far be it from me
to do such a t hing! Only the man who
was f ound to have the cup will become
my s lave. The rest of you, go back to
your fat her in peace.
18Then Judah went up to him and
said: Pardon your servant, my lord, let
me s peak a word to my lord. Do not be
ang ry e with your servant, t hough you

65 | Genesis 44:19

are equal to Pharaoh himself. 19My

lord asked his servants, Do you have
a fat her or a brother?f 20And we an
swered, We have an aged fat her, and
t here is a y oung son born to him in his
old age.g His brother is dead,h and he
is the only one of his mothers sons left,
and his fat her l oves him.i
21Then you said to your serv ants,
Bring him down to me so I can see
him for myself.j 22And we said to my
lord, The boy cannot leave his fat her;
if he leaves him, his fat her will die.k
23But you told your serv ants, Unless
your youngest brother comes down
with you, you will not see my face
again. l 24When we went back to your
servant my fat her, we told him what
my lord had said.
25Then our father said, Go back
and buy a litt le more food.m 26But we
said, We cannot go down. Only if our
youngest brother is with us will we go.
We cannot see the mans face unless
our youngest brother is withus.
27Your servant my fat her said to us,
You know that my wife bore me two
sons.n 28One of them went away from
me, and I said, He has surely been
torn to pieces.o And I have not seen
him since. 29If you take this one from
me too and harm comes to him, you
will bring my gray head down to the
g rave in misery. p
30So now, if the boy is not with us
when I go back to your servant my fa
ther, and if my father, w
hose life is
closely b
ound up with the boys life,q
31sees that the boy i snt t here, he will
die. Your servants will b
ring the gray
head of our fat her down to the g rave
in sorrow. 32Your ser vant guara nteed
the boys safet y to my fat her. I said, If
I do not b
ring him back to you, I will
bear the b
lame before you, my fat her,
all my life!r
33Now then, p
lease let your ser
vant remain here as my lords slaves in
place of the boy,t and let the boy return
with his brothers. 34How can I go back
a7Orsave you as a great band of survivors

Genesis 45:11 | 65
44:19 fGe43:7
44:20 gGe37:3
hGe37:33 iGe42:13
44:21 jGe42:15
44:22 kGe37:35
44:23 lGe43:5
44:25 mGe43:2
44:27 nGe46:19
44:28 oGe37:33
44:29 pGe42:38
44:30 q1Sa18:1
44:32 rGe43:9
44:33 sGe43:18

44:34 uEst8:6
45:1 vGe43:31
45:2 wGe29:11
xver16; Ge46:29
45:3 yAc7:13
45:4 aGe37:28
45:5 bGe42:21
cGe42:22 dver7-8;
Ge50:20; Ps105:17
45:7 e2Ki19:4,30,
31; Isa10:20,21;
Mic4:7; Zep2:7
fEx15:2; Est4:14;
45:8 gJdg17:10
45:9 iGe43:10
45:10 jGe46:28,34;
45:11 kGe47:12

to my fat her if the boy is not with me?

No! Do not let me see the misery that
would come on my fat her.u

Joseph Makes Himself Known


Then Joseph c ould no longer

cont rol himself v before all his
attendants, and he c ried out, Have
everyone leave my presence! So t here
was no one with Joseph when he made
himself k nown to his brothers. 2And
he weptw so loudly that the Egypt ians
heard him, and Pharaohs household
heard aboutit. x
3Joseph said to his brothers, I am
Joseph! Is my fat her still livi ng?y But
his brothers were not able to ans wer
him,z because they were terr ified at
his presence.
4Then Joseph said to his brothers,
Come close to me. When they had
done so, he said, I am your brother
Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt!a
5And now, do not be dist ressedb and
do not be ang ry with yourselves for
selling me here,c because it was to save
l ives that God sent me a head of you.d
6For two
years now there has been
famine in the land, and for the next
five y ears t here will be no plowing and
reapi ng. 7But God sent me a head of
you to preserve for you a remnante on
earth and to save your l ives by a g reat
deliverance. af
8So then, it was not you who sent
me here, but God. He made me fat herg
to Pharaoh, lord of his ent ire house
hold and ruler of all E
gypt.h 9Now hur
ry back to my fat her and say to him,
This is what your son Joseph says:
God has made me lord of all Egypt.
Come down to me; dont delay.i 10You
shall live in the reg ion of Goshenj and
be near meyou, your child ren and
grandchildren, your f locks and herds,
and all you have. 11I will prov ide for
you t here, k because five y ears of fam
ine are still to come. Otherw ise you
and your household and all who be
long to you will become dest it ute.

66 | Genesis 45:12

can see for yourselves, and

so can my brother Benjamin, that it is
really I who am speaking to you. 13Tell
my fat her a bout all the honor accorded
me in Egypt and about everyt hing you
have seen. And b
ring my fat her down
here quickly. l
14Then he t hrew his arms a round
his brother Benjam in and wept, and
Benjam in embraced him, weepi ng.
15And he k issedm all his brothers and
wept over them. Afterward his broth
ers t alked with him.n
16When the news
reached Phar
aohs palace that Josephs brothers
had come,o Pharaoh and all his off i
cials were p
leased. 17Pharaoh said to
Joseph, Tell your brothers, Do this:
Load your animals and ret urn to the
land of Canaan, 18and bring your fa
ther and your families back to me.
I will give you the best of the land of
Egypt p and you can enjoy the fat of the
19You are also directed to tell them,
Do this: Take some c artsr from Egypt
for your children and your w
ives, and
get your father and come. 20Never
mind about your belongings, because
the best of all Egypt will be yours.
21So the sons of Israel did this. Jo
seph gave them carts, as Pharaoh had
commanded, and he also gave them
prov is ions for t heir journey. s 22To
each of them he gave new clothing,
but to Benjam in he gave t hree hun
dred shekels a of silver and five sets of
clothes. t 23And this is what he sent to
his fat her: ten donkeys loaded with the
best t hings of E
gypt, and ten female
donkeys loaded with g rain and b
and other prov isions for his journey.
24Then he sent his brothers away, and
as they were leavi ng he said to them,
Dont quarrel on the way!u
25So they went up out of E
gypt and
came to t heir fat her Jacob in the land
of Canaan. 26They told him, Joseph
is still a live! In fact, he is ruler of all
Egypt. Jac ob was stunned; he did

Genesis 46:11 | 66
45:13 lAc7:14
not believe them.v 27But when they
45:15 mLk15:20
him everyt hing Joseph had said
to them, and when he saw the cartsw
45:16 oAc7:13
45:18 pGe27:28;
Joseph had sent to carr y him back,
46:34; 47:6,11,27;
the spirit of t heir fat her Jacob rev ived.
28And Israel said, Im conv inced! My
45:19 rGe46:5
son Joseph is s till a live. I will go and
45:21 sGe42:25
see him before I die.
45:22 tGe37:3;
45:24 uGe42:2122 Jacob Goes to Egypt


45:26 vGe44:28
45:27 wver19
46:1 xGe21:14;
28:10 yGe26:24;
28:13; 31:42
46:2 zGe15:1;
aGe22:1; 31:11
46:3 bGe28:13
cGe12:2; Dt26:5
46:4 eGe28:15;
48:21; Ex3:8
46:5 gGe45:19
46:6 hDt26:5;
Jos24:4; Ps105:23;
Isa52:4; Ac7:15
46:7 iGe45:10
46:8 jEx1:1;
46:9 k1Ch5:3
46:10 lGe29:33;
Nu26:14 mEx6:15
46:11 nGe29:34;

That is, about 71/2 pounds or about 3.5 kilograms

So Israel set out with all that

was his, and when he r eached
Beersheba,x he offered sacrif ices to the
God of his fat her Isaac.y
2And God spoke to Israel in a vision
at night z and said, Jacob! Jacob!
Here I am,a he replied.
3I am God, the God of your fat her,b
he said. Do not be a fraid to go down
to E
gypt, for I will make you into a
g reat nat ion c t here. d 4I will go down to
Egypt with you, and I will surely bring
you back a gain.e And Josephs own
hand will close your eyes.f
5Then Jac ob left Bee rs heb a, and
Israels sons took t heir fat her Jacob
and t heir child ren and t heir w ives in
the c arts g that Pharaoh had sent to
transport him. 6So Jacob and all his
offspring went to Egypt,h taki ng with
them t heir livestock and the posses
sions they had acquired in Canaan.
7Jacob b
rought with him to E
gypt his
sons and grandsons and his daugh
ters and granddaughtersa ll his off
8These are the n ames of the sons
of Israel j (Jacob and his descendants)
who went to Egypt:

Reuben the firstborn of Jacob.

9 The sons of Reuben:k
Ha n ok, Pal l u, Hez r on and
10 The sons of Simeon:l
Jemuel, m Jam in, Ohad, Jak in,
Zohar and Shau l the son of a
Canaanite woman.
11 The sons of Levi:n
Gershon, Kohath and Merari.

67 | Genesis 46:12

12 The sons of Judah:o

Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez and Ze
rah (but Er and Onan had died
in the land of Canaan).
The sons of Perez:p
Hezron and Hamul.
13 The sons of Issachar:q
Tola, Puah,ar Ja s hub b and
14 The sons of Zebu lun:s
Sered, Elon and Jahleel.
15These were the sons Leah bore
to Jac ob in Paddan Aram,c besides
his daughter Dinah. T hese sons and
daughters of his were thirt y-t hree in

Genesis 47:2 | 67
46:12 oGe29:35
p1Ch2:5; Mt1:3
46:13 qGe30:18
46:14 sGe30:20
46:16 tGe30:11
46:17 vGe30:13;
46:18 wGe30:10
46:19 yGe44:27
46:20 zGe41:51
46:21 bNu26:3841; 1Ch7:6-12; 8:1

16 The sons of Gad:t

Zep hon, d u Hagg i, Shun i,
Ezbon, Eri, Arodi and Areli.
17 The sons of Asher:v
Imn ah, Ishv ah, Ishv i and
Beria h.
Their sister was Serah.
The sons of Beria h:
Heber and Malk iel.
18These were the child ren born to
Jacob by Zilpah, w whom Laban had
given to his daughter Leahxsixteen
in all.
19 The sons of Jacobs wife Rachel:
Jos eph and Benjam in. y 20In
Egypt, Manasseh z and Ephra
ima were born to Joseph by As
enath daughter of Pot iphera,
priest of On.e
The sons of Benjamin:b
Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera, Naa
man, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Hup
pim and Ard.
22These were the sons of Rachel who
were born to Jacobfourteen in all.
23 The son of Dan:
24 The sons of Naphtali:
Jahziel, Guni, Jezer and Shillem.
25These were the sons born to Jacob

46:25 cGe30:8
46:26 ever5-7;
Ex1:5; Dt10:22
46:27 fAc7:14
46:28 gGe45:10
46:29 hGe45:1415; Lk15:20
46:31 iGe47:1
46:33 jGe47:3
46:34 kGe45:10
lGe43:32; Ex8:26
47:1 mGe46:31

by Bilhah, c whom Laban had given to

his daughter Rachel d seven in all.
26All t hose who went to Egypt with
Jac obthose who were his direct
descendants, not counting his sons
w ives numbered six t y-six persons. e
27With the two sonsf who had been
born to Joseph in E
gypt, the members
of Jacobs family, which went to E
were sevent y g in all.f

Jacob sent Judah a head of

him to Joseph to get direct ions to Go
shen.g When they arrived in the reg ion
of Goshen, 29Joseph had his char iot
made ready and went to Goshen to
meet his fat her Israel. As soon as Jo
seph appeared before him, he t hrew
his arms a round his fat herh and wept
for a long time.h
30Isr ael said to Joseph, Now I am
ready to die, s ince I have seen for my
self that you are still alive.
31Then Joseph said to his brothers
and to his fat hers household, I will
go up and s peak to Pharaoh and will
say to him, My brothers and my fa
thers household, who were living in
the land of Canaan, have come to me.i
32The men are shepherds; they tend
livestock, and they have brought a long
t heir f locks and herds and everyt hing
they own. 33When Pharaoh c alls you
in and asks, What is your occupation?j
34you s
hould ans wer, Your servants
have tended livestock from our boy
hood on, just as our fat hers did. Then
you will be allowed to sett le in the re
gion of Goshen,k for all shepherds are
detestable to the Egypt ians. l
Joseph went and told Pharaoh,
My fat her and brothers, with
t heir f locks and herds and everyt hing
they own, have come from the land of
Canaan and are now in Goshen.m 2He
chose five of his brothers and present
ed them before Pharaoh.


Samaritan Pentateuch and Syriac (see also 1Chron. 7:1); Masoretic Text Puvah b13 Samaritan Pentateuch
and some Septuagint manuscripts (see also Num. 26:24 and 1Chron. 7:1); Masoretic Text Iob c15 That is,
Northwest Mesopotamia d16 Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint (see also Num. 26:15); Masoretic Text
Ziphion e20That is, Heliopolis f27 Hebrew; Septuagint the nine children g27 Hebrew (see also Exodus
1:5 and note); Septuagint (see also Acts 7:14) seventy-five h29Hebrew around him

68 | Genesis 47:3

Genesis 47:24 | 68

3Pharaoh asked the brothers, What 47:3 nGe46:33

47:4 oGe15:13;
is your occupat ion? n

Your servants are shepherds, they

replied to Pharaoh, just as our fat hers
were. 4They also said to him, We
have come to live here for a while,o be
cause the famine is severe in Canaanp
and your servants f locks have no pas
ture. So now, please let your servants
sett le in Goshen. q
5Pharaoh said to Joseph, Your fa
ther and your brothers have come to
you, 6and the land of E
gypt is before
you; sett le your fat her and your broth
ers in the best part of the land.r Let
them live in Goshen. And if you know
of any a mong them with special abil
it y,s put them in charge of my own
7Then Jo
s eph brought his father
Jac ob in and presented him before
Pharaoh. Af ter Jacob blessed a Phar
aoh,t 8Pharaoh a sked him, How old
are you?
9And Jac ob said to Pharaoh, The
years of my pilg rimage are a hundred
and thir t y. u My y ears have been few
and dif f icult, v and they do not e qual
the years of the pilg rimage of my fa
thers.w 10Then Jacob blessed b Phar
aohx and went out from his presence.
11So Jos eph sett led his fat her and
his brothers in E
gypt and gave them
propert y in the best part of the land,
the dist rict of Rameses, y as Pharaoh
directed. 12Joseph also prov ided his
fat her and his brothers and all his fa
thers household with food, according
to the number of t heir children.z

Dt26:5 pGe43:1
47:6 rGe45:18
47:7 tver10;
47:9 uGe25:7
47:10 xver7
47:11 yEx1:11;
47:12 zGe45:11
47:13 aGe41:30;
47:14 bGe41:56

Joseph and the Famine

13There was no food, however, in the

hole reg ion because the famine was

severe; both Egypt and Canaan wasted
away because of the famine.a 14Joseph
collected all the money that was to be
found in E
gypt and Canaan in pay
ment for the g rain they were buying,
and he b
rought it to Pharaohs palace.b

47:15 cver19;
47:17 dEx14:9
47:22 eDt14:2829; Ezr7:24
47:24 fGe41:34


the money of the people of

gypt and Canaan was gone, all E
came to Joseph and said, Give us food.
Why should we die before your eyes?c
Our money is all gone.
16Then bring your livestock, said
Joseph. I will sell you food in ex
change for your livestock, s ince your
mone y is gone. 17So they brought
t heir livestock to Joseph, and he gave
them food in exchange for t heir hors
es,d t heir sheep and goats, t heir catt le
and donkeys. And he brought them
through that year with food in ex
change for all t heir livestock.
18When that year was over, they
came to him the following year and
said, We cannot hide from our lord
the fact that since our money is gone
and our livestock belongs to you, t here
is nothi ng left for our lord except our
bodies and our land. 19Why s hould we
perish before your eyeswe and our
land as well? Buy us and our land in
exchange for food, and we with our
land will be in bondage to Pharaoh.
Give us seed so that we may live and
not die, and that the land may not be
come desolate.
20So Joseph b
ought all the land in
Egypt for Pharaoh. The Egyptians,
one and all, sold t heir f ields, because
the famine was too severe for them.
The land became Pharaohs, 21and Jo
seph reduced the people to serv it ude,c
from one end of E
gypt to the other.
22However, he did not buy the land of
the priests, because they received a
reg u lar allot ment from Pharaoh and
had food enough from the allotmente
Pharaoh gave them. That is why they
did not sell t heir land.
23Joseph said to the people, Now
that I have bought you and your land
today for Pharaoh, here is seed for you
so you can p
lant the g round. 24But
when the crop c omes in, give a f ifthf
of it to Pharaoh. The other four-f ifths
you may keep as seed for the f ields and

a7Orgreeted b10Orsaid farewell to c21 Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint (see also Vulgate); Masoretic
Text and he moved the people into the cities

69 | Genesis 47:25

as food for yourselves and your house

holds and your children.
25You have s aved our lives, they
said. May we find favor in the eyes
of our lord;g we will be in bondage to
26So Joseph est ablished it as a law
conc erni ng land in Egypt still in
force todayt hat a fifth of the pro
duce belongs to Pharaoh. It was only
the land of the p
riests that did not be
come Pharaohs. h
27Now the Israelites sett led in Egypt
in the region of Goshen. They acquired
propert y t here and were fruitf ul and
increased greatly in number. i
28Jac ob l ived in E gypt j sevent een
years, and the years of his life were
a hund red and for t y-seven. 29When
the time drew near for Israel to die,k
he called for his son Joseph and said
to him, If I have found favor in your
eyes, put your hand under my t highl
and promise that you will show me
kind ness and faith f ul ness. m Do not
bury me in Egypt, 30but when I rest
with my fat hers, carr y me out of E
and bury me w
here they are buried.n
I will do as you say, he said.
31Swear to me,o he said. Then Jo
seph s wore to him,p and Israel wor
shiped as he leaned on the top of his

Genesis 48:15 | 69
47:25 gGe32:5
47:26 hver22
47:27 iGe17:6;
46:3; Ex1:7
47:28 jPs105:23
47:29 kDt31:14
lGe24:2 mGe24:49
47:30 nGe49:2932; 50:5,13;
47:31 oGe21:23
48:1 rGe41:52
48:3 sGe28:19
tGe28:13; 35:912
48:4 uGe17:6

Manasseh and Ephraim


Some time later Joseph was

told, Your father is ill. So
he took his two sons Manasseh and
Ephra i m r a long with him. 2When
Jacob was told, Your son Joseph
has come to you, Israel rallied his
strength and sat up on the bed.
c ob said to Joseph, God Al
mightyb appeared to me at Luzs in the
land of Canaan, and t here he b
met 4and said to me, I am going to
make you fruitful and increase your
numbers. u I will make you a commu
nity of peoples, and I will give this

48:5 vGe41:50-52;
46:20 w1Ch5:1;
48:7 xGe35:19
48:9 yGe33:5
48:10 aGe27:1
48:11 cGe50:23;
48:13 dPs110:1
48:14 eGe41:51
48:15 fGe17:1

land as an everlasting possession to

your descendants after you.
5Now then, your two sons born
to you in E
gyptv before I came to you
here will be reckoned as mine; Ephra
im and Manasseh will be mine,w just
as Reuben and Simeon are mine. 6Any
children born to you after them will be
yours; in the territor y they inherit they
will be reckoned under the names of
their brothers. 7As I was returning from
Paddan, c to my sorrow Rachel died in
the land of Canaan w
hile we were s till
on the way, a litt le distance from Eph
rath. So I buried her t here beside the
road to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem).x
8When Israel saw the sons of Joseph,
he a sked, Who are these?
9They are the sons God has given
me here,y Joseph said to his fat her.
Then Israel said, Bring them to me
so I may blessz them.
10Now Israels eyes were faili ng be
cause of old age, and he c ould hardly
rought his sons close
see.a So Joseph b
to him, and his father k issed themb
and embraced them.
11Israel said to Joseph, I never ex
pected to see your face again, and now
God has allowed me to see your chil
dren too.c
12Then Joseph removed them from
Israels k nees and bowed down with
his face to the g round. 13And Joseph
took both of them, Ephraim on his
right toward Israels left hand and Ma
nasseh on his left toward Israels right
hand,d and brought them close to him.
14But Israel reached out his r
ight hand
and put it on Ephrai ms head, t hough
he was the younger, and crossi ng his
arms, he put his left hand on Manas
sehs head, even though Manasseh
was the firstborn.e
15Then he blessedf Joseph and said,
May the God before whom
my fathers
Abraham and Isaac walked

a31OrIsrael bowed down at the head of his bed b3Hebrew El-Shaddai c7

That is, Northwest Mesopotamia

70 | Genesis 48:16

the God who has been my

all my life to this day,
16 t he Angel who has delivered me
from all harm
may he bless these boys.h
May they be called by my name
and the names of my fathers
Abraham and Isaac,i
and may they increase greatly
on the earth.

Genesis 49:11 | 70
48:15 gGe49:24
48:16 hHeb11:21
48:17 jver14
48:19 kGe17:20
48:20 mNu2:18
nNu2:20; Ru4:11
48:21 oGe26:3;
46:4 pGe28:13;
48:22 qJos24:32;
Jn4:5 rGe37:8
49:1 sNu24:14;

17When Joseph saw his fat her plac

ing his right hand on Ephraims headj
he was displeased; so he took hold
of his fathers hand to move it from
Ephraims head to Manassehs head.
18Joseph said to him, No, my fat her,
this one is the firstborn; put your r ight
hand on his head.
19But his father refused and said,
I know, my son, I know. He too will
become a people, and he too will be
come g reat. k Never t heless, his youn
ger brother will be greater than he,l
and his descendants will become a
g roup of nat ions. 20He b
lessed them
that day and said,

Jacob Blesses His Sons

49:1-28Ref Dt33:1-29


Then Jacob c alled for his sons

and said: Gather a round so I
can tell you what will happen to you in
days to come.s

3 Reuben, you are my firstborn,u

my might, the first sign of my
excelling in honor, excelling in
4 Turbulent as the waters,w you will
no longer excel,
for you went up onto your fathers
onto my couch and defiled it.x
5 Simeon and Levi are brothers
their swordsd are weapons of
6 Let me not enter their council,
let me not join their assembly,z
for they have killed men in their
and hamstrung oxen as they
7 Cursed be their anger, so fierce,
and their fury, so cruel!
I will scatter them in Jacob
and disperse them in Israel.b

In youra name will Israel

pronounce this blessing:
May God make you like
Ephraimm and Manasseh.n
So he put Ephraim ahead of Manasseh.
21Then Israel said to Joseph, I am
about to die, but God will be with
youbo and take youb back to the land
of yourb fat hers. p 22And to you I give
one more r idge of landcq than to your
brothers, r the r idge I took from the
Amorites with my sword and my bow.

2 Assemble and listen, sons of Jacob;

listen to your father Israel.t

49:2 tPs34:11
49:3 uGe29:32
vDt21:17; Ps78:51
49:4 wIsa57:20
xGe35:22; Dt27:20
49:5 yGe34:25;
49:6 zPr1:15;
Eph5:11 aGe34:26
49:7 bJos19:1,9;
49:8 cDt33:7;
49:9 dNu24:9;
Eze19:5; Mic5:8
49:10 fNu24:17,19;
Ps60:7 gPs2:9;

8 Judah,e your brothers will praise

your hand will be on the neck of
your enemies;
your fathers sons will bow down
to you.c
You are a lionsd cub, Judah;e
you return from the prey, my son.
Like a lion he crouches and lies
like a lionesswho dares to
rouse him?
10 The scepter will not depart from
nor the rulers staff from between
his feet,f
until he to whom it belongsg shall
and the obedience of the nations
shall be his.g
He will tether his donkey to a vine,
his colt to the choicest branch;

a20TheHebrew is singular. b21TheHebrew is plural. c22 TheHebrew for ridge of land is identical with the
place name Shechem. d5 Themeaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. e8 Judah sounds like and
may be derived from the Hebrew for praise. f10Orfrom his descendants g10Orto whom tribute belongs; the
meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain.

71 | Genesis 49:12

he will wash his garments in wine,

his robes in the blood of grapes.
12 His eyes will be darker than wine,
his teeth whiter than milk.a
13 Zebulunh will live by the seashore
and become a haven for ships;
his border will extend toward
14 Issachari is a rawbonedb donkey
lying down among the sheep
W hen he sees how good is his
resting place
and how pleasant is his land,
he will bend his shoulder to the
and submit to forced labor.

Genesis 49:31 | 71
49:13 hGe30:20;
49:14 iGe30:18
49:16 jGe30:6;
49:17 kJdg18:27
49:19 mGe30:11;
Dt33:20; 1Ch5:18
49:20 nGe30:13;
49:21 oGe30:8;
49:22 pGe30:24;
49:23 qGe37:24

16 Dandj will provide justice for his

as one of the tribes of Israel.
17 Dank will be a snake by the
a viper along the path,
that bites the horses heels
so that its rider tumbles

27 Benjaminx is a ravenous wolf;

in the morning he devours
the prey,
in the evening he divides the

18 I look for your deliverance, Lord.l

19 Gadem will be attacked by a band
of raiders,
but he will attack them at their
20 Ashersn food will be rich;
he will provide delicacies fit for
a king.
21 Naphtalio is a doe set free
that bears beautiful fawns.f
22 Josephp is a fruitful vine,
a fruitful vine near a spring,
whose branches climb over
a wall.g
23 With bitterness archers attacked
they shot at him with hostility.q

24 But his bow remained steady,

his strong armsr stayedh limber,
because of the hand of the Mighty
One of Jacob,s
because of the Shepherd, the
Rock of Israel,t
because of your fathers God,u who
helps you,
because of the Almighty,i who
blesses you
with blessings of the skies above,
blessings of the deep springs
blessings of the breast and
26 Your fathers blessings are greater
than the blessings of the ancient
j the bounty of the age-old
Let all these rest on the head of
on the brow of the prince amongk
his brothers.w


t hese are the t welve t ribes of

Israel, and this is what t heir fat her said
to them when he b
lessed them, giving
each the blessing appropriate to him.
49:24 rPs18:34
Isa1:24; 41:10
49:25 uGe28:13
49:26 wDt33:1516
49:27 xGe35:18;
49:29 yGe50:16
zGe25:8 aGe15:15;
47:30; 50:13
49:30 bGe23:9
49:31 dGe25:9

The Death of Jacob

29Then he gave them t hese instruc
tions:y I am about to be gathered to
my people. z Bury me with my fat hersa
in the cave in the f ield of Ephron the
Hitt ite, 30the cave in the f ield of Mach
pelah, b near Mamre in Canaan, w
Abraham bought a long with the f ieldc
as a burial place from Ephron the Hit
tite. 31There Abra ham d and his wife
Sarahe were buried, t here I saac and his
wife Rebekahf were buried, and t here I

a12Orwill be dull from wine, / his teeth white from milk b14Orstrong c14Orthe campfires; or the saddlebags

Dan here means he provides justice. e19 Gad sounds like the Hebrew for attack and also for band of raiders.

f21Orfree; / he utters beautiful words g22OrJoseph is a wild colt, / a wild colt near a spring, / a wild donkey on

a terraced hill h23,24Orarchers will attack... will shoot... will remain... will stay i25Hebrew Shaddai
j26Orof my progenitors, / as great as k26Orof the one separated from

72 | Genesis 49:32

buried Leah. 32The f ield and the cave

in it were b
ought from the Hitt ites.a
33When Jac ob had finished giving
instruct ions to his sons, he drew his
feet up into the bed, b
reathed his last
and was gathered to his people.g
Joseph threw himself on his
fat her and wept over him and
k issed him. h 2Then Joseph directed
the physic ians in his serv ice to em
balm his fat her Israel. So the physi
cians embalmed him,i 3taking a full
fort y days, for that was the time re
quired for embalming. And the Egyp
tians mourned for him sevent y days.j
4When the days of mourning had
passed, Joseph said to Pharaohs court,
If I have found favor in your eyes,
speak to Pharaoh for me. Tell him,
5My fat her made me s wear an oathk
and said, I am about to die; bury me in
the tomb I dug for myselfl in the land of
Canaan. m Now let me go up and bury
my fat her; then I will ret urn.
aoh said, Go up and bury
your father, as he made you s wear
7So Joseph went up to bury his fa
ther. All Pharaohs of f icials accompa
nied him t he dignitaries of his court
and all the dig n it ar ies of Egypt
8besides all the members of Josephs
household and his brothers and t hose
belong i ng to his fat hers household.
Only their child ren and their f locks
and herds were left in Goshen. 9Char
iots and horsemen b also went up with
him. It was a very l arge company.
10When they reached the threshi ng
f loor of Atad, near the Jordan, they la
mented loudly and bitterly; n and t here
Joseph observed a seven-day per iod o
of mourning for his father. 11When
the Canaanites who lived there saw
the mourning at the threshing f loor
of Atad, they said, The Egypt ians are
holding a solemn ceremony of mourn
ing. That is why that place near the
Jordan is called Abel Mizraim. c


Genesis 50:24 | 72
49:33 gver29;
Ge25:8; Ac7:15
50:1 hGe46:4
50:2 iver26;
50:3 jGe37:34;
Nu20:29; Dt34:8
50:5 kGe47:31
Isa22:16 mGe47:31
50:10 n2Sa1:17;
Ac8:2 o1Sa31:13;

Joseph Reassures His Brothers


50:13 pGe23:20;
50:15 qGe37:28;
50:18 rGe37:7
50:19 tRo12:19;
50:20 uGe37:20
wRo8:28 xGe45:5
50:21 yGe45:11;
50:22 zGe25:7;
50:23 aJob42:16

a32Orthe descendants of Heth b9Orcharioteers c11


That is, were counted as his

12So Jacobs sons did as he had com

manded them: 13They carr ied him to
the land of Canaan and buried him
in the cave in the f ield of Machpelah,
near Mamre, w hich Abrah am had
bought a long with the f ieldp as a burial
place from E
phron the Hitt ite. 14After
burying his fat her, Joseph ret urned to
Egypt, together with his brothers and
all the others who had gone with him
to bury his fat her.

Josephs brothers saw that

t heir fat her was dead, they said, What
if Joseph holds a g rudge against us and
pays us back for all the w
rongs we did
to him?q 16So they sent word to Jo
seph, saying, Your father left these
instruct ions before he died: 17This is
what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you
to forg ive your brothers the sins and
the w
rongs they committed in treating
you so badly. Now p
lease forg ive the
sins of the servants of the God of your
fat her. When t heir message came to
him, Joseph wept.
18His brothers then came and t hrew
themselves down before him.r We are
your slaves, s they said.
19But Jos eph said to them, Dont
be a fraid. AmI in the place of God?t
20You intended to harm me,u but God
intended v it for goodw to accomplish
what is now being done, the saving of
ont be a fraid.
many lives. x 21So then, d
I will prov ide for you and your chil
dren.y And he reassured them and
spoke kindly to them.

The Death of Joseph

22Jos eph

s tayed in E gypt, a long

with all his fat hers fami ly. He l ived a
hundred and ten yearsz 23and saw the
t hird generat ion a of Ephraims chil
dren. Also the child ren of Mak irb son
of Manasseh were placed at birth on
Josephs knees. d
24Then Joseph said to his brothers,

Abel Mizraim means mourning of the Egyptians.

73 | Genesis 50:25

I am about to die.c But God will surely

come to your aidd and take you up out
of this land to the lande he promised
on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.f
25And Joseph made the Israelites swear
an oath and said, God will surely come

Genesis 50:26 | 73
50:24 cGe48:21
eGe15:14 fGe12:7;
26:3; 28:13; 35:12
50:25 gGe47:2930; Ex13:19;
Jos24:32; Heb11:22
50:26 hver2

to your aid, and then you must carr y my

bones up from this place.g
26So Jo
seph died at the age of a
hund red and ten. And after they em
balmed him,h he was placed in a coff in
in Egypt.


Approximate Approximate

Biblical American Metric

Equivalent Equivalent
talent (60 minas)
75 pounds
34 kilograms

mina (50 shekels)
1 1/4 pounds
560 grams

shekel (2 bekas)
/5 ounce
11.5 grams

pim ( /3 shekel)
/4 ounce
7.8 grams

beka (10 gerahs)
/5 ounce
5.7 grams
gerah 1/50 ounce
0.6 gram
daric 1/3 ounce
8.4 grams

18 inches
45 centimeters

9 inches
23 centimeters

3 inches
7.5 centimeters

stadion (pl. stadia)
600 feet
183 meters


Dry Measure
cor [homer] (10 ephahs)
6 bushels
220 liters

lethek (5 ephahs)
3 bushels
110 liters

ephah (10 omers)
/5 bushel
22 liters

seah (1/3 ephah)
7 quarts
7.5 liters

omer (1/10 ephah)
2 quarts
2 liters
1 quart
1 liter

cab (/18 ephah)

Liquid Measure
bath (1 ephah)
6 gallons
22 liters

hin (1/6 bath)
1 gallon
3.8 liters

log (1/72 bath)
/3 quart
0.3 liter
The figures of the table are calculated on the basis of a shekel equaling 11.5 grams, a cubit equaling 18
inches and an ephah equaling 22 liters. The quart referred to is either a dry quart (slightly larger than
a liter) or a liquid quart (slightly smaller than a liter), whichever is applicable. The ton referred to in the
footnotes is the American ton of 2,000 pounds. These weights are calculated relative to the particular
commodity involved. Accordingly, the same measure of capacity in the text may be converted into
different weights in the footnotes.
This table is based upon the best available information, but it is not intended to be mathematically
precise; like the measurement equivalents in the footnotes, it merely gives approximate amounts and
distances. Weights and measures differed somewhat at various times and places in the ancient world.
There is uncertainty particularly about the ephah and the bath; further discoveries may shed more light
on these units of capacity. n

Jon Tyson
n n n

ave you ever arrived at the end of an exhausting week at work and asked yourself what it was all
for? Have you ever neglected your relationships so you could accomplish more at work? Have
you ever let the pressure and pace of life drown out the quiet longings of your soul? Or have you
ever been to church with these questions weighing on your mind only to leave feeling guilty and
confused, with no answers in sight? If so, youre not alone.
Dorothy Sayers famously said, How can anyone remain interested in a religion which seems to
have no concern for nine-tenths of his life?1 Many of us sense a disconnect between the good news
we hear at church and what we do all week. Sure, we hear that our sins are forgiven, and that we anticipate life with God in eternity. But what does the gospel have to do with God in the workplace?
How does the atonement impact office culture? How does regeneration impact the way we think
about revenue? What does it mean to be great in the kingdom by becoming a servant, yet bear the
responsibility of leading a firm?
I felt this tension early in my faith journey. I became a Christian at a Pentecostal revival when I
was 16. I sensed that God was doing something powerful and unique at the time. The church services were electric. I felt Gods presence so tangibly that I did not want to leave. I was transformed
by the gospel and I wanted the whole world to know.
My world, however, did not reciprocate. I had recently dropped out of high school to work as a
butcher in a meat factory, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt get any of the other butchers to
come to church. After months of pleading with them, I became deeply discouraged. What was my
value in the world if I wasnt winning souls? Why did I even bother having a job if I couldnt recruit
people to come to church? This kick-started my theological journey to try to understand how the
gospel and work connect with each other.

In Colossians, Paul says, God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in [Christ], and through
him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace
through his blood, shed on the cross. (1:1920). What God was doing in Christ impacts, and
draws into redemption, every aspect of human life. Paul Marshall says,
The gospel is for all things, and he makes a threefold statement about the Lordship of Christ. Everything was made by and for Jesus Christ. Everything holds together in Jesus Christ. Everything will
be reconciled by Jesus Christ. The everything that is reconciled is the same everything that was
made. The scope of redemption is the same as the scope of creation. The Creator and Redeemer are
one and the same. Things in heaven, things in earth, things visible and invisible, dominions, and
authorities will be reconciled by the cross of Jesus Christ.2
1 Dorothy Sayers, Creed or Chaos? (Manchester: Sophia Institute Press, 1974), 106.
2 Paul Marshall, Heaven Is Not My Home (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1999), 46.


The apostle Paul says elsewhere that the reason for Christs ascension was to fill the whole universe (Eph 4:10). Christ not only saves us from sin; he also saves us for his mission of renewal and
redemption, so that the universe may be filled with the beauty of Christ. This means that our jobs
are key to the way we live out the gospel and advance Gods kingdom.
The gospel informs our work by giving us a context for the work we do. Scottish philosopher
Alasdair MacIntyre said, I can only answer the question What am I to do? if I can answer the prior
question Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?3 4 In order to understand how the gospel
relates to our work, we need a broad theological base that is grounded in Scripture. Much of evangelical theology starts with sin and ends with salvation. We start with Genesis 3 and end with Revelation
20. This is like entering a movie 15 minutes late and leaving 15 minutes early. As a result, we struggle
and strain to makes sense of what is happening in the overall story. Knowing that we were created in
the image of God and given dominion over the earth helps us see work as central to what it means to
be human. As Steve Garber has said, Vocation is integral, not incidental, to the missio dei.5
The gospel calls us not to retreat from the world into the church, but to embody the values of
Gods kingdom wherever we are, especially in the workplace.

The gospel also gives us a new, secure identity in Christ. So much of what happens in the workplace
is driven by competitiveness and people trying to prove their worth. Locating our identity in our
performance can get exhausting. People are only as secure as their current results. People living in
this way are following what Richard Rohr calls the winners script.6 The winners script demands
that we raise ourselves up out of nothing and make ourselves into something to which the world
aspires and that it envies. Thus, life becomes as a series of straining for vocational accomplishments
that will move us toward us acceptance and worth in the eyes of those around us.
The winners script has at times crept into the church. We often desire to win the esteem and
praise of others. But in so doing, we construct fragile identities for ourselves and tire out our souls.
The gospel liberates us from the winners script. We do not have to build our own identity in our
work. Rather, our work stems from our identity in Christ.
Think about the order of the life of Jesus. If our modern society wrote the gospel, it would order
it as follows: Christ would live his life of compassion and love. He would confront the Pharisees,
teach his disciples, cast out demons, heal the sick and then go to the cross. After his victory, he
would rise in glory and restore his disciples. And right at the moment of his ascension, the heavens
would open and the Father would say, This is my son, whom I love. With him I am well pleased.
In other words, Gods approval would come as a result of Jesus work.
But that is not the gospel. Before Jesus does any of these things, the Father announces his love for
him. Jesus is given his baptismal identity before he begins his ministry, not after he accomplishes it.
And in a similar way, in Christ God accepts us as his children, not on the basis of our works but on
the basis of Christs redeeming work on our behalf.
In Christ, every spiritual blessing is ours. We therefore can be freed from the impulse to prove
or impress others, because we know that God has already accepted us. So instead of using our jobs
to prove our worth, we can use our jobs to love, serve and bless others. Our identity does not stem
from the size of our portfolio, the impressiveness of our job description or the quality of our peer


Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue, Third Edition (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007), 201.
Steven Garber, Vocation is Integral, Q Ideas:, last accessed 9/2/2015.
Steven Garber, Vocation is Integral, Q Ideas:, last accessed 9/2/2015.
See Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life (Jossey-Bass, 2001).


reviews. And our identity is not destroyed by the loss of a job, the decline of our accounts or the lack
of recognition. Knowing we are secure lets us work for Gods glory and serve others.

The gospel reveals Gods glory. Not only do we come to know Gods gloryhow awesome he is
by being in relationship with him, we are also called to seek Gods gloryhis honorin everything
we do. Paul urges, So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God
(1Co 10:31). But how do we approach this challenge? Are some areas of life more God-glorifying
than others? Are some things sacred while others are secular?
The Jewish Rabbis used to teach that the key to glorifying God in the world was through the
power of holy intent. This practice was called kavanah. Abraham Heschel says, Kavanah is direction to God and requires the involvement and redirection of the whole person. It is the act of
bringing together the scattered forces of the self; it means the participation of heart and soul, not
only of will and mind.7
One of the meanings of the word glory is weight or significance. When we take our ordinary,
everyday work and with holy intent seek to make it an act of worship before God, the mundane
is transformed into something weighty and sacred. We infuse the ordinary stuff of life with holy
intent and so make even the most trivial tasks artifacts and objects of glory.
Martin Buber articulates this vision well. He quotes a Hasidic anecdote and points out the interrelation between direction and redemption:
Enoch was a cobbler, and with every stitch of his awl that drew together the top and bottom of the
leather, he joined God and the Shekinah.... Man exerts influence on the eternal, and this is not
done by any special works, but by the intention with which he does all his works. This is the teaching of the hallowing of the everyday. The issue is not to attain to a new type of acting which, owing
to its object, would be sacred or mystical; the issue is to do the one appointed task, the common,
obvious tasks of daily life, according to their truth and according to their meaning.8

One of the congregants in my church used to work as a barista in a coffee shop. For him, this was
a temporary job that caused him to wrestle to find meaning and joy in his work. But the concept of
redeeming the ordinary through holy intent deeply inspired him. One day, I got a coffee from him,
and instead of my name written on the cup, the word kavanah was written. He smiled and told
me, When I place the cup on the lid, I consciously do it as an act of worship and blessing, and it
has transformed what I do here. Imagine if Christians had this vision of glory in every part of life.
Buildings would be designed with holy intent, food would be cooked with holy intent, children
would be taught with holy intent and court cases would be tried with holy intent. And slowly but
surely, in every sphere of our world, life would take on a new weight and significance as the stuff of
life became the stuff of glory.

The gospel is also about redemption. Despite our rebellion against him, God has redeemed and restored us. He has liberated us from sin and called us his children. Not only that, but he has also redeployed us into the world as his laborers, who work with him to usher in the redemption of all things.
First, he redeems our hearts. He gives us new life and reorients our desires so that we now seek to

7 Quoted in Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch, The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission fro the 21st-Century Church (Nashville: Hendrickson Publishers,
Kindle Edition, 2009), 129.
8 Quoted in Frost and Hirsch, The Shaping of Things to Come, 130.


please him and advance the spread of his kingdom. This isnt simply a personal matter. God wants
the change we experience inwardly to flow out to the world around us. As Henry Van Til has said,
culture is religion externalized.9 This means that God is not just about the redemption of our hearts
alone, but also the entire worldand he wants to use us in his plan to do that.
James K. A. Smith put it well: Redemption includes the reorientation of our culture-making
capacities.10 Our world and culture is in desperate need of redemption. It is broken. What we do
in our work can have a significant impact not only on those we work with but also in the world. We
can contribute to either renewal or decline. In our work, we can participate in Gods plan to move
the world toward its intended end.
What would the world look like if Wall Street had people working according to Biblical stewardship rather than greed? If the people in fashion worked to reveal true beauty rather than surface-
level exploitation? If food was processed for health rather than convenience? If educators prepared
students for real-life flourishing rather than tests?
I remember when I first started to grasp the link between the gospel and my work. Instead of
seeing the butcher shop as an outgrowth of the curse, plagued by thorns and labored in sweat, I
began to see it as a place of opportunity. I began to see it as a place for formation, contribution and
worship. I would go into work early, and get down on my knees and silently hold my knives up
to God. With holy intent, I would ask him to use them for his glory, and my life for his kingdom,
so my small part of the world could move toward redemption. And over the course of time, by
Gods grace, it did. I cant help but imagine how things would change in the world if this became a
common practice. What if seamstresses and restaurant servers, analysts and artists, mechanics and
moms all saw their work as sacred, and held it to God with holy intent, and did things for his glory
so that the mundane became miraculous because it all played a part in the story of redemption?
So at the end of your next work week, rather than questions, may you find hope. And as you find
your place in the story of God, serve from a secure identity, work with holy intent and seek redemption where you are. May you savor the joy of joining with God as he is making all things new. n

9 Henry R. Van Til, The Calvinist Concept of Culture (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2001). 42.
10 James K. A. Smith, Discipleship in the Present Tense: Reflections on Faith and Culture (Grand Rapids: Calvin College Press, 2013), 5.

Richard Mouw
n n n

he Imitation of Christ, written by Thomas Kempis in the fifteenth century, is a spiritual classic.
I have read it several times, always to my spiritual profit.
There is one point in the book, however, where the writer makes me uneasy. In arguing that an
intellectual understanding of some basic Christian teaching does you no good unless that teaching
is an integral part of your personal relationship with God, Kempis uses the doctrine of the Trinity
to bring home his point. What use is it to you to argue loftily about the Trinity, he says, if by
your lack of humility you are displeasing to the Trinity? For lofty words make no man holy or just;
but a life of virtue endears a man to God.
Its not that I disagree with the basic point he is making. Kempis is certainly right to impress
upon us the need to live in ways that please the triune God. This means that simply being able to say
some true things about the Trinity doesnt do us any spiritual good unless we also have a heartfelt
personal relationship with God.
My uneasiness has to do with the either/or manner in which he argues his case. It is dangerous,
I think, to pit personal spirituality over against doctrinal formulation. My own view is that a vital
relationship with the triune God has to be grounded in a solid understanding of the doctrine of
the Trinity. Not that every lover of the Trinity must be skilled in theological argumentation. But a
healthy Christian community will want to be sure that our spiritual devotion is supported by sound
Actually, it is significant that Kempis uses the Christians relationship to the Trinity as his example
in making his point. The Bible itself never uses the word Trinity. Theologians invented the term to
capture the sense of the Bibles portrayal of the God who calls us to a life of obedience. If you see the
Bible as nothing more than a book of disconnected sayings or laws, you might get the impression
that there are three different gods: one who created the world, one who came into the world to die
on the cross and rise to life again, and one who arrived later as a spirit who empowers believers to
do important spiritual and religious things.
But, as the great theologians of the church throughout the ages have argued, the Bible does not
present us with three different gods, each doing his own thing. Nor does the Bible allow us, on the
other extreme, to conclude that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are simply three different names
for one divine person. We have not understood the overall message of the Scripture, Christian
theologians tell us, unless we see that there is one God in three Personsa blessed Trinity to whom
we direct our worship and service.

Doctrines are important. While they are not more important than our lives of spiritual devotion,
they play a vital role in helping us understand not just who we are, but also what truths are necessary to guide us in living lives that please the Lord.


A doctrine is fundamentally a teaching. It is often said that the Bible is not a textbook of doctrines, and that is correct. The Bible contains many writings that are not in themselves teachings:
prayers, dreams and visions; accounts of battles and journeys; letters; proverbs; poems and hymns;
and genealogies.
However, it is important for us to ask what the Bible intends to teach us in its various modes of
expression. Isaiah 11:12, for example, says that the earth has four quarters, or corners. It may say
that, but it does not intend to teach that. The real point of that verse is not to tell us something
important about the shape of the earth, but rather that God will gather together again his people
who have been scattered in many different nations after a period of exile. The teaching here is that
God is faithful to his promises.
There have been many arguments about doctrine throughout church history. Christians have
not always treated each other with love, grace and respect while engaging in theological arguments.
The history of our doctrinal disputes has been characterized by much mean-spiritednessand even
worse, the differences sometimes have led to actual wars and persecutions. But the arguments have
often been about extremely important matters.
Take, for example, the questions about Christs divinity that led up to the famous Council of
Nicea in 325, where the great Nicene Creed was formulated, and which continues to be a key doctrinal reference point for traditional Christianity. Some Christian thinkers had begun to teach that
Christ was not fully God. He was, to be sure, a savior who came from heaven to accomplish our
redemption. But he was not fully divine like the Father. He was more like a highly exalted angel
much greater than a human being but not quite up there with the Father.
Gifted theologians saw this as a serious deviation from Biblical teaching, and church leaders
gathered at Nicea to settle the dispute. In reflecting on the many things the Bible actually says about
Jesus, they decided that it was necessary, if Jesus was able to accomplish what the New Testament
says he accomplished, that Jesus beand this is the great passage on the subject from the Nicene
CreedGod from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten, not made, of one
Being with the Father.
In one sense, of course, that wonderful formulation went beyond the actual words of the Bible.
And it had to do so, because it was giving authoritative guidance in a situation where people had
gotten into a lengthy argument about how to put togetherinto one coherent understandingthe
core meaning of a variety of verses in the Bible that talk about the person and work of Jesus. Beyond
all the many things the Bible says about Jesus, Nicea tells us what the Bible teaches.

This Bible on faith and work highlights for us many doctrinal emphases and themes that are important for understanding Gods call to us to serve the goals of his kingdom in our daily lives. The
kinds of doctrinal emphases spelled out in these pages have meant much to me in my own journey
of discipleship.
In the kind of evangelicalism in which I was raised, when preachers and Bible teachers used the
word world, they typically were referring to something dangerous. We were warned against worldliness. Out therebeyond the walls of the churchthere were forces at work in the world that
were bent on destroying our faith.
And the folks who spoke in this way could easily find Bible verses to support their point. The
apostle John told the early Christians that they ought not love the world or anything in the world
(1Jn 2:15). Jesus himself is recorded as warning his disciples that since they do not belong to the
world they should not be surprised if the world hates you (Jn 15:19). And in one of the most
poignant asides in his epistles, Paul tells us that his friend Demas had deserted me and has gone to


Thessalonica because he loved this world (2Ti 4:10).
The fact is, then, that you can find condemnations of worldliness in the Bible, even from Jesus
himself. Of course, there is also a sense of world in the Bible that does not have that negative
connotation. When people talked in my youth about sending out missionaries, they would point
to Jesus command that we are to Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation (Mk
16:15). That was a more neutral sense of world, referring to the vast geographic expanse of the
planet we inhabit.
The bad sense of world nagged at me as I grew older because there were so many things in the
larger culture, beyond the walls of churches, that I became convinced God cared about: novels
written by non-Christians, Hollywood films, chamber orchestras, race relations, the environment.
Was all of that the stuff of the world that God wanted me to avoid?
One of my most important discoveries on this subject was that in John 3:1617, verses that I
knew well as an evangelical, the word for world in the Greek was kosmos, which referred to the created order. God loved the original created order so much that he sent his only Son into that creation
to save sinners. But there was more: verse 17 tells us that Jesus came into the cosmoscreation
not to condemn the cosmos, but that the cosmos might be saved through him.
That opened up a whole new world for methe world, the original creation, that God still
loved so much that he sent Jesus into that world to reclaim it. And that idea fit nicely with the
opening verses of the Bible. In Genesis 1, God creates many things before he gets around to creating
human beings. And each time he creates something, he sees that it is good. LightThats good!
Rivers and creeksThats good! Birds and insectsThats good! Chipmunks and otters
Thats good!
And then, when the Lord God gets around to creating human beings, his first instructions to the
man and the woman are that they take care of all of those good things on his behalf. Human beings
are given the assignment in the creation to be caretakers of all the wonderful things that the Lord
God has made (see Ge 1:2628).
Of course, sin messes that up in significant ways. But when God calls Israel to be his special
people, he gives them detailed instructions about how to farm, how to deal with finances, how to
engage in family life, how to do politics, music and art. God still cares about how human beings
take care of the world that he originally made and declared good.
To be sure, those negative teachings in my youth about the world still make good sense. We
are to avoid the world, in the sense of the sinful rebellious way of living in Gods creation. But
we ought also to do our part to honor Gods continuing purposes for the good creation that Jesus
came to reclaim.
Thinking about what the Bible teaches us about the world means not just focusing on a particular verse in which world appears. It means getting the overall sense of what the Bible says on the
subject. Gods original purposes for creation have become corrupted and distorted as a result of our
sinful rebellion. To love that disordered world is to be attached to those things that are, from the
perspective of Christs kingdom, transitory and illusionaryit is to adopt the values of the sinful
social order.
But God himself is still a lover of the world as he originally fashioned ita place of goodness and
beauty. So he now sends us into the sinful order, not to conform to it, but to confront its rebellion.
As Jesus prayed to the Father on behalf of his disciples, My prayer is not that you take them out of
the world but that you protect them from the evil one (Jn 17:15). God wants us to identify with
all that is good in the cosmos, the good creation. The psalmists proclamation was not limited to a
specific period of time: The earth is the Lords, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in
it (Ps 24:1).


I love the opening words of the Westminster Shorter Catechism in this regard: Our chief end as
human beings is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. That is rich doctrinea good capturing
of an important teaching of Scripture. We were created to honor Gods creating purposes for the
world that he declared to be good. We are to enjoy himand all that he enjoys. This is the vision
informed by sound doctrinesthat should inspire us in relating our faith to our daily work. n


Nancy Ortberg
n n n

he Bible is far more than a collection of stories. That may seem obvious, but it is an important
aspect for us to grasp, and it is often overlooked. Weaving together what can seem like a collection of random stories, teachings, propositions and other kinds of literature in an overarching
narrative is critical to understanding Gods revelation of himself in Scripture, as well as our own
sense of calling. And the story of God is the thread that ties all of our stories together.
Sitting cross-legged on a braided rug in Sunday school, I was captivated by the storyand
storiesof Scripture. Whether on a flannelgraph, through a song or simply by the telling of Mr.
Yarborough, these stories enthralled me. And I saw the truths and values conveyed in them being
lived out in the lives of the seventy-some folks who made up Pioneer Baptist Church. Over time,
I began to understand that the stories of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Miriam,
Deborah, Samuel, David and so many others all anticipated Jesus. They were the prequel, as it
After Adam and Eve disobeyed God and subjected our world to sin and death, God promised a redeemer (see Ge 3:15). With Abraham, God began to form a nation of people. He gave Abraham the
land of Canaan, the eventual promised land and place where the Savior of the world would be born.
When I went to seminary, I was in danger of thinking that a more doctrinal or systematic framework was what I needed to truly understand Scripture. While I certainly needed those, I quickly
realized that those perspectives served to help me understand the story of Scripture. Taken all
together, the accounts, teachings, propositions and other forms of literature communicate a grand
narrative that many are surprised exists in the Bible.
While in seminary, I found it interesting that three-point and expositional sermons were the
model that my instructors prescribed for us. But when I read and re-read the Gospels, I realized
that the literary tool of story was Jesus consistent go-to for communicating to his listeners about
the kingdom of God.
All of the various forms of literature in the Bible impact us in different ways. But of all of them,
story often does more to capture our imagination. It challenges our mind and touches our heart. It
forces us to integrate the message of God with our lives.
To be sure, the systematic and doctrinal approach to Scripture study helps us to draw critical
elements and principles from the story. But I find it is the overall story of Scripture that connects
most deeply with us in our current situations. Stories tend to linger with us longer, and they shape
and transform us.
I learned many important truths from my grandmother, but what remains with me most was her
story. Similarly, truths about God are important to know and teach. But I feel that truths about
God stick with us and impact us most deeply when we encounter stories of how those truths were
manifested in history, in our world and in our lives.



Gods story starts with the intersection of creativity and work: the creation of all things. And this
story sets into motion the human epic. God creates humanity to participate in his storyto work
alongside him in cultivating the earthwhich is both a gift and a responsibility. It is a way of continuing and developing the story of God that has already begun.
Often when were introduced to new characters in this grand story, we learn about their occupation soon after we learn their name. Time and again Ive heard people say they wish conversations
with people theyve just met didnt begin with the question What do you do? I understand that
these sorts of interactions can quickly devolve to subconscious and comparative assessments of
How important are you? But in fact what we do says a lot about who we are.
Jesus spent 33 years, give or take, on earth to do what he came to do. And he probably spent
all but the last three years under his parents roof, and much of his adulthood working alongside
Joseph as a carpenter. His story means something for our story. In the incarnation, God the Son
embraced all of humanity in order to redeem it. If it was fitting for him to embrace ordinary and
often mundane human work, then its fitting for us, too. He affirmed the goodness of human work.

I started college as a laser-focused pre-med major and kept on that track through my sophomore
year. But as a junior, I changed my major to nursing and picked up a minor in speech communications. I was planning to start my seminary education part-time while I worked as a nurse.
After college, I began working as a nurse at a large Catholic hospital 30 minutes from where I
lived. Since I was new to the profession, I was watched very closely. I was placed in a three-month
apprentice program and was never let out of sight of my mentor. I worked the day shift so they
could watch me even more closely. I had classroom experience, but they wanted to ensure I could
do real work on real peopleand that I didnt accidentally kill someone.
Toward the end of my three-month program, I knew that I would be placed on either the second
or third shift for my permanent position. But that didnt present a problem for me. My then-
boyfriend was still in school, and I wouldnt see him till Christmas break. My biggest dilemma,
however, was asking the director of nursingwho was also a nun, a formidable one who caused the
neurosurgeons to scramble and hide when they saw her walking down the hallwayif I could have
a two-week extension on the day shift so I could spend time with my long-distance boyfriend in
the evenings during his break. I practiced my speech, and it took me several attempts to approach
her, but I finally mustered the courage to intercept her and mutter, Sister Judy, my name is Nancy
Berg, and I work on 3East. You dont know me, but... and then she interrupted me: I know
who you are.
Really? I thought to myself.
She continued, From the reports Ive received, Im guessing we will consider you for a head
nurse position in the next year if you continue learning and working like you are.
I was shocked. And she graciously approved my request. But after all these years, what has stood
out to me most is that phrase: I know who you are. Every day when I showed up to work as a
new and terrified young nurse, learning the ropes from a mentor, the director of nursing was paying
attention. That knowledge deeply impacted my work from then on, and to this day it has shaped
my work ethic and my own leadership.
Can you imagine a phrase more poised to locate you in Gods own story? I know who you are.
God knows who we are, individually, and he wants us to participate in his story.
When I feel alone, even at work, I am reminded by the gospel that I am not actually alone. When
I need help, I know I can turn to the One who knows me much more completely than I know


myself. Jesus embraced our humanity in its fullness and can relate to us no matter where we are or
how we feel. My relationship with God is not based on fear or even obedience. It is based on his
knowing me and accepting me.

Four years into my nursing career, I took a position in the hospital emergency department. Late one
night, I was assigned a new patient just before my shift ended at 11:30 p.m. I was tired and I did
not want a new patient. Taking a new patient meant adding 20 to 30 minutes to my shift before
I could hand her over to the nurses coming in. Additionally, the attending physician had ordered
some preliminary lab work, which meant that I would need to stay until those results came back.
I dont think I let my unhappiness leak out, but I was fairly cursory in my questions, not paying
much attention to my new patient. And it seemed to me that she had the flu. I wondered to myself,
Who comes to the ER for the flu? Just wait until the morning and go see your doctor. This is the
ER, where people with serious conditions are treated.
As I recorded her vital signs, she talked to me even though I wasnt asking her many questions.
She had been feeling weak and achy for a few days. Her husband and her two young children had
left the day before for a vacation in Tahoe. She was planning to meet them in a day or two, after
she had finished a work project. But tonight she felt weird. She couldnt pinpoint exactly what
she was feeling, so she thought she had better get examined before she left for Tahoe. I smiled and
nodded at her as she told me this, but inside I thought again, Why couldnt you have waited until
the morning to see your primary doctor? This doesnt seem like an emergency to me.
I quickly recorded her blood pressure, pulse and temperature. I helped her change into a hospital
gown, instructed her to give us a urine sample and then left the room. On my way to hand over her
chart to the nurse who would be taking over, I tore off the incoming lab reports.
I scanned the numbers and remember feeling like I had walked in to a brick wall. Her blood
count results looked like a ridiculous mistake and made no sense at all after my initial read. Then as
my brain frantically started registering what I saw, the doctor, who was reading over my shoulder,
told me, Set up a bone marrow biopsy tray. It appeared that she had Leukemia. In a moment, I
was setting up a tray without telling my patient what the procedure was for or what it would be like.
I then thought to myself, Do I know who she is?
In the next 30 minutes, before the doctor would arrive at her bedside to do the painful biopsy,
I pulled up a chair so I was eye level with her. I then asked her some questionsabout her family,
where she grew up, her job and so on. She was intermittently animated and nervous, but she didnt
have a clue as to what was going on.
Six weeks later she died. She never left the Intensive Care Unit room that we sent her to later
that night.
That night, I stayed at her bedside until 3 a.m., after clocking out much earlier, not getting paid
for this volunteer time. I stayed with her during the procedure and when the doctor explained the
most likely diagnosis. I stayed with her when she asked me to dial a phone number that woke up
her husband in Tahoe.
I stayed with her as we wheeled her on a gurney up to the ICU, with an oxygen tube in her nose,
an IV in her arm and an electrocardiogram monitor beeping away.
I visited her almost daily. I was with her when her husband burst through the curtain to see her,
and later that day I brought their two little girls in, against ICU rules, to see their momma.
I watched her body bloat and turn dusky, and become unresponsive to any treatment. And I
watched as her body began to shut down, system by system, and eventually die. I watched two little
girls and a crushed husband weep over her.


By the end of those six weeks, I knew who she was.
Our jobs, as Dallas Willard was fond of saying, are our primary places of discipleship.1 Joining Gods creative work in this world means we not only participate in what he is doing, but also
are known and shaped by him. My skills and my impatience, my contributions and my pride are
all part of my story. And when it intersects with Gods story, I can truly delight in my skills and
contributionsfor I know he does.
Every one of the 66 books of the Bible tells Gods story of I know who you are. He is the Creator of all that is, and he knows us intimatelybetter than we know ourselves. He sent his Son to
be with us and die for us because he knows us and wants us to know him. This truth helps us not
only understand Gods Word but also who we are and how our work fits into his grand story. n

1 Dallas Willard, The Gentle Art of Disciplemaking, The Burner, June 27, 2012,

n n n



Genesis 1: Introduction to the Sovereign King

Genesis 3: A Cataclysmic Rebellion
Genesis 6: Judgment and Mercy: Noah
Genesis 12: The Power of Faith
Exodus 13: God Raises a Deliverer: Moses
Exodus 12: The Exodus from Egypt
Numbers 14: Rebellion and Judgment in the Wilderness
Deuteronomy 5: Covenant Renewal in the Next Generation
Joshua 1: Conquering the Promised Land
Judges 2: The Decline of Israel and the Rise of the Judges
1 Samuel 13: The Rise of a New Prophet
1 Samuel 8: Israel Demands a King
2 Samuel 7: Samuel Anoints of King David
1 Kings 3: King Solomon Builds the Temple
1 Kings 11: A Divided and Idolatrous Kingdom
2 Kings 17: Israels Rebellion Leads to Exile
Hosea 11: The Prophetic Voice of the North: Hosea
2 Kings 1820: A Righteous King in Judah: Hezekiah
Jeremiah 1: Judahs Prophet of Judgment and Hope: Jeremiah
2 Kings 25: Judah Is Taken into Exile
Ezekiel 37: Hope in Exile: Ezekiel
Nehemiah 9: Covenant Renewal and the Restoration of Jerusalem
Malachi 3: Words of Hope before Silence
John 1: The Word Becomes Human
Mark 1: Jesus Begins His Public Ministry
Matthew 5: Jesus: True Teacher of the Law
Matthew 27: Jesus Suffering and Death
Luke 24: Christs Resurrection and Ascension
Acts 2: The Giving of the Spirit and Spread of the Gospel
Acts 15: Controversy and the First Church Council
Revelation 21: The Return of the King


Genesis 1: Introduction to the Sovereign King

Genesis 3: A Cataclysmic Rebellion
Genesis 6: Judgment and Mercy: Noah


Genesis 12: The Power of Faith
Exodus 13: God Raises a Deliverer: Moses
Exodus 12: The Exodus from Egypt
Numbers 14: Rebellion and Judgment in the Wilderness
Deuteronomy 5: Covenant Renewal in the Next Generation
Joshua 1: Conquering the Promised Land
Judges 2: The Decline of Israel and the Rise of the Judges
1 Samuel 13: The Rise of a New Prophet
1 Samuel 8: Israel Demands a King
2 Samuel 7: Samuel Anoints of King David
1 Kings 3: King Solomon Builds the Temple
1 Kings 11: A Divided and Idolatrous Kingdom
2 Kings 17: Israels Rebellion Leads to Exile
2 Kings 1820: A Righteous King in Judah: Hezekiah
2 Kings 25: Judah Is Taken into Exile
Nehemiah 9: Covenant Renewal and the Restoration of Jerusalem
Jeremiah 31: Judahs Prophet of Judgment and Hope: Jeremiah
Ezekiel 37: Hope in Exile: Ezekiel
Hosea 11: The Prophetic Voice of the North: Hosea
Malachi 3: Words of Hope before Silence
Matthew 5: Jesus: True Teacher of the Law
Matthew 27: Jesus Suffering and Death
Mark 1: Jesus Begins His Public Ministry
Luke 24: Christs Resurrection and Ascension
John 1: The Word Becomes Human
Acts 2: The Giving of the Spirit and Spread of the Gospel
Acts 15: Controversy and the First Church Council
Revelation 21: The Return of the King

Cataclysmic Rebellion, A: Genesis 3

Christs Resurrection and Ascension: Luke 24
Conquering the Promised Land: Joshua 1
Controversy and the First Church Council: Acts 15
Covenant Renewal and the Restoration of Jerusalem: Nehemiah 9
Covenant Renewal in the Next Generation: Deuteronomy 5
Decline of Israel and the Rise of the Judges, The: Judges 2
Divided and Idolatrous Kingdom, A: 1 Kings 11
Exodus from Egypt, The: Exodus 12
God Raises a Deliverer: Moses: Exodus 13
Giving of the Spirit and Spread of the Gospel, The: Acts 2
Hope in Exile: Ezekiel: Ezekiel 37
Introduction to the Sovereign King: Genesis 1
Israel Demands a King: 1 Samuel 8
Israels Rebellion Leads to Exile: 2 Kings 17
Jesus Begins His Public Ministry: Mark 1


Jesus Suffering and Death: Matthew 27
Jesus: True Teacher of the Law: Matthew 5
Judah Is Taken into Exile: 2 Kings 25
Judahs Prophet of Judgment and Hope: Jeremiah: Jeremiah 31
Judgment and Mercy: Noah: Genesis 6
King Solomon Builds the Temple: 1 Kings 3
Power of Faith, The: Genesis 12
Prophetic Voice of the North: Hosea, The: Hosea 11
Rebellion and Judgment in the Wilderness: Numbers 14
Return of the King, The: Revelation 21
Righteous King in Judah: Hezekiah, A: 2 Kings 1820
Rise of a New Prophet, The: 1 Samuel 13
Samuel Anoints King David: 2 Samuel 7
Word Becomes Human, The: John 1
Words of Hope before Silence: Malachi 3

n n n


Genesis 1:1: GodCreator

Genesis 1:28: HumanityCultural Mandate
Genesis 3:6: HumanityThe Fall
Genesis 9:6: HumanityImage of God
Leviticus 23:3: HumanitySabbath
Joshua 7:2023: HumanitySin
1Kings 5:112: ChurchCultural Engagement
Esther 4:1416: GodSovereignty
Job 19:2527: RedemptionFaith
Job 33:4: Holy SpiritCosmic Pneumatology
Psalm 45:1617: HumanityVice-Regents
Isaiah 6:3: GodGlorious
Isaiah 44:24: GodCreation
Jeremiah 17:9: ChurchAntithesis
Ezekiel 37:114: RedemptionRegeneration
Habakkuk 3:1719: GodPrayer
Matthew 5:45: ChurchCommon Grace
Mark 1:10: GodTrinity
Luke 24:3334: Christs Resurrection
John 1:14: ChristIncarnation
John 13:34: ChurchCommunity
Acts 1:9: ChurchAscension
Acts 7:56: ChristThe Son of Man
Romans 1:20: GodSphere Sovereignty
Romans 3:24: RedemptionJustification
Romans 6:11: RedemptionVivification
Romans 8:1417: RedemptionAdoption
Romans 15:19: Holy SpiritEmpowerment
1 Corinthians 2:13: Holy SpiritDiscernment
Ephesians 1:3: RedemptionUnion with Christ
Ephesians 4:1: HumanityCalling
Ephesians 4:22: RedemptionRepentance
Philippians 2:1213: RedemptionSanctification
Colossians 3:5: RedemptionMortification
2 Thessalonians 2:15: RedemptionPerseverance
2 Timothy 3:16: GodScripture
Titus 2:13: RedemptionGlorification


Hebrews 4:14: ChristHigh Priest
Hebrews 11:1: HumanityImagination
James 3:16: HumanitySin and Disordered Desires
1 Peter 1:1: ChurchExile
1 Peter 2:9: ChurchPriesthood of all Believers
2 Peter 3:1013: FutureLast Judgment
1 John 4:8: GodLove
Revelation 21:2: FutureNew Jerusalem

ChristHigh Priest: Hebrews 4:14

ChristIncarnation: John 1:14
ChristResurrection: Luke 24:3334
ChristThe Son of Man: Acts 7:56
ChurchAntithesis: Jeremiah 17:9
ChurchAscension: Acts 1:9
ChurchCommon Grace: Matthew 5:45
ChurchCommunity: John 13:34
ChurchCultural Engagement: 1Kings 5:112
ChurchExile: 1 Peter 1:1
ChurchPriesthood of all Believers: 1 Peter 2:9
FutureLast Judgment: 2 Peter 3:1013
FutureNew Jerusalem: Revelation 21:2
GodCreation: Isaiah 44:24
GodCreator: Genesis 1:1
GodGlorious: Isaiah 6:3
GodLove: 1 John 4:8
GodPrayer: Habakkuk 3:1719
GodScripture: 2 Timothy 3:16
GodSovereignty: Esther 4:1416
GodSphere Sovereignty: Romans 1:20
GodTrinity: Mark 1:10
Holy SpiritCosmic Pneumatology: Job 33:4
Holy SpiritDiscernment: 1 Corinthians 2:13
Holy SpiritEmpowerment: Romans 15:19
HumanityCalling: Ephesians 4:1
HumanityCultural Mandate: Genesis 1:28
HumanityThe Fall: Genesis 3:6
HumanityImage of God: Genesis 9:6
HumanityImagination: Hebrews 11:1
HumanitySabbath: Leviticus 23:3
HumanitySin: Joshua 7:2023
HumanitySin and Disordered Desires: James 3:16
HumanityVice-Regents: Psalm 45:1617
RedemptionAdoption: Romans 8:1417
RedemptionFaith: Job 19:2527


RedemptionJustification: Romans 3:24
RedemptionRegeneration: Ezekiel 37:114
RedemptionUnion with Christ: Ephesians 1:3
RedemptionVivification: Romans 6:11
RedemptionRepentance: Ephesians 4:22
RedemptionSanctification: Philippians 2:1213
RedemptionMortification: Colossians 3:5
RedemptionPerseverance: 2 Thessalonians 2:15
RedemptionGlorification: Titus 2:13

n n n


1 Kings 5:18: ChurchCommon Grace

1 Chronicles 29:11: FutureNew Jerusalem
Ezra 3:7: ChurchCultural Engagement
Job 38:4: GodCreator
Psalm 22:28: GodSovereignty
Psalm 24:7: GodGlory
Psalm 73:2728: ChurchAntithesis
Psalm 100:3: HumanitySin and Disordered Desires
Proverbs 17:24: Holy SpiritDiscernment
Ecclesiastes 3:11: HumanityImage of God
Isaiah 1:17: HumanityImage of God
Isaiah 11:89: HumanityVice Regents
Jeremiah 29:47: ChurchExile
Lamentations 3:40: RedemptionRepentance
Ezekiel 36:26: RedemptionSanctification
Daniel 1:17: ChurchExile
Mark 15:16: HumanityCultural Mandate
John 15:13: ChristSacrificial Love
1 Corinthians 4:5: FutureFinal Judgment
1 Corinthians 15:1228: ChristResurrection
2 Corinthians 12:10: HumanityCalling
Galatians 4:7: HumanityAdoption
Ephesians 6:1018: RedemptionFaith
Colossians 3:5: RedemptionMortification
1 Thessalonians 5:17: HumanityPrayer
Hebrews 7:3: ChristHigh Priest
James 1:12: RedemptionPerseverance
James 5:16: RedemptionFreedom from Sin
2 John 56: GodLove
Revelation 5:10: Priesthood of All Believers

ChristHigh Priest: Hebrews 7:3

ChristResurrection: 1 Corinthians 15:1228
ChristSacrificial Love: John 15:13
ChurchAntithesis: Psalm 73:2728
ChurchCommon Grace: 1 Kings 5:18


ChurchCultural Engagement: Ezra 3:7
ChurchExile: Daniel 1:17
ChurchExile: Jeremiah 29:47
FutureFinal Judgment: 1 Corinthians 4:5
FutureNew Jerusalem: 1 Chronicles 29:11
GodCreator: Job 38:4
GodGlory: Psalm 24:7
GodLove: 2 John 1:56
GodSovereignty: Psalm 22:28
Holy SpiritDiscernment: Proverbs 17:24
HumanityAdoption: Galatians 4:7
HumanityCalling: 2 Corinthians 12:10
HumanityCultural Mandate: Mark 15:16
HumanitySin and Disordered Desires: Psalm 100:3
HumanityImage of God: Ecclesiastes 3:11
HumanityImage of God: Isaiah 1:17
HumanityPrayer: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
HumanityVice Regents: Isaiah 11:89
Priesthood of All Believers: Revelation 5:10
RedemptionFaith: Ephesians 6:1018
RedemptionFreedom from Sin: James 5:16
RedemptionMortification: Colossians 3:5
RedemptionPerseverance: James 1:12
RedemptionRepentance: Lamentations 3:40
RedemptionSanctification: Ezekiel 36:26

n n n

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