Children's Books 8
Children's Books 8
Children's Books 8
New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books. This is a wellresearched introduction to ancient African empires.
Hru, D. (1993). Joshuas Masai mask. New York: Lee and Low Books, Inc. Joshua learns a
lesson about the value of his own identity.
Kurtz, J. (Illustrator). (2004). Goldilocks and the three bears. New York: Jump at the
Sun/Hyperion Books for Children. Dive into this African-American version of a favorite
childrens story to learn about hard work, sharing and good manners.
Lee, S., & Lee, T.L. (2002). Please, baby, please. New York: Simon &
Schuster Books for Young Readers. Director and producer Spike Lee, with
his wife Tonya Lewis Lee, team up with award-winning artist Kadir Nelson in
this playful glimpse at one day in the life of a rambunctious
New York:
a retelling of
Black Sambo
beautiful photographs, this book emphasizes that just because individuals all
have the same racial label does not mean they are the same; rather, every person is unique.
Price, L. (1990). Aida. New York: Harcourt Brace. What a fortuitous moment it was when
Leontyne Price, the opera star, and Leo and Diane Dillon, artists, combined their superb talents
to produce the lush Aida, one of Verdi's most exotic but tragic operas. The paintings are stylized
but powerful in keeping with the Egyptian setting and the love and death theme.
Rapppaport, D. (2001). Martins big words: The life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. New York:
Hyperion Books for Children. This picture book biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. brings
his life and the profound nature of his message to young children through his own words.
Schroeder, A. (1996). Minty: A story of young Harriet Tubman. New York: Dial
Books for Young Readers. This is a part-fiction, part-fact journey into Harriet
Tubmans childhood.
Shange, N. (1983). Ellington was not a street. New York: Simon & Shuster
Books for Young Readers. In a reflective tribute to the African-American
community of old, noted poet Ntozake Shange recalls her childhood home and the
close-knit group of innovators that often gathered there. Illustrations by Kadir
Nelson are absolutely stunning.
a child confused about the fence someone else has built in her
yard and the racial tension that divides her world.
Wyeth, S.D. (1998). Something beautiful. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing
Group, Inc. After discovering several disheartening images, a little girl seeks to find something
beautiful in her neighborhood.