Quantum Diffusion in Irregular Crystals: Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksirnov
Quantum Diffusion in Irregular Crystals: Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksirnov
Quantum Diffusion in Irregular Crystals: Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksirnov
Quantum below-barrier diffusion of atoms is considered in a crystal with arbitrary shift of the
energy levels. The theory is developed within the framework of the density-matrix formalism with
account taken of static fluctuations as well as of dynamic ones due to interaction with phonons.
Diffusion is investigated under conditions of localization and induced phonon delocalization. A
special analysis is made of quantum diffusion under conditions when the interaction between the
particles ceases to be weak. The low-temperature recombination of atoms in a crystal, when the
kinetics is restricted by below-barrier diffusion of the particles, is considered. A comparison is
made with the experimental results obtained by Katunin et al. [JETP Lett. 34, 357 (1981)jand
Mikheev et al. [Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 8,505 (1982)l.
PACS numbers: 66.30.Dn
trary, eliminate the localization and consequently the localization should increase rather than decrease with T. However, when the scale of the dynamic level shift begins to
exceed the characteristic static shift, the diffusion picture
becomes the same as in the dynamic destruction of the band
of an ideal crystal. The diffusion coefficient now decreases
with increasing T, going through a maximum at a certain
intermediate temperature. The qualitative aspect of this picture can be deduced even from the results of Ref. 4, devoted
to two-well kinetics in a phonon field, and is expounded explicitly in Ref. 5.
We develop in this paper a general theory of quantum
diffusion in nonideal crystal with static level shift. The analysis is based on the formalism of the equation for the density
matrix, a formalism similar to that used earlier in Refs. 2 and
4, with thorough account taken of the distinguishing features of the inhomogeneous problem. Even at this point we
wish to note two results that follow from the general analysis. We find that in a wide range of low temperatures, at an
arbitrary level shift the coherent diffusion is found to be larger (or at least not smaller) than the incoherent diffusion (tunneling with simultaneous excitation of the phonons). According to the second result, at a fixed scale of the level shift,
when the temperature is lowered the two-phonon kinetics
typical of the problem with an extremely narrow band gives
way to one-phonon kinetics, and this entails a radical change
in the dependence of D "Oh on T and SE, and in many cases
also in the very picture of the kinetics.
Among the typical problems of quantum diffusion there
exists a large class of phenomena suggesting that the diffusing particles approach one another to within interatomic distance. In this case the particle must inevitably pass through a
region in which, by virtue of the interaction between the
as the particles
particles, the level shift ~ S E ~ > A
come closer the local diffusion coefficient will decrease
strongly. However, after a certain critical distance r. is
reached, when the level shift S&(r.) exceeds a certain critical
value, the leading role is assumed by one-phonon interaction. The latter, however, is characterized by an increase of
D with increasing SE, meaning acceleration of the diffusion
in the region r < r.. It turns out as a result that the kinetics is
determined by the rate of passage through the critical radius
r., a rate proportional to D (r,). According to the results
above, at low temperature this diffusion coefficient increases
with increasing T. The theory of such a process, which establishes in particular the temperature dependence of the kinetics in this case, is developed in Sec. 5 of the present article.
Recently (see Ref. 6), quantum below-barrier diffusion of
atomic hydrogen in a matrix of molecular hydrogen, with a
power-law increase with increasing temperature, was observed for the first time. The kinetics of recombination of
atomic hydrogen was experimentally investigated in the case
when the limiting process is just the diffusion occurring
when the particles come close together.
A special role is played in the problem of quantum diffusion by the interaction of the diffusing particles with one
another. By virtue of the smallness of A, even at low particle
density conditions are realized when the interaction at an
average distance exceeds A. In the case of random particle
distribution, a level-shift picture is produced similar to that
in the case of point defects, and the band character of the
motion of the individual particles is suppressed. As a consequence, in a defect-free crystal strong localization takes
place as T 4 at a certain particle density x i . The possibility
of collective effects does not negate this statement, since the
transition amplitude for a cluster of n particles inevitably
contains the individual-particle overlap integral raised to the
power n. The elimination of the localization on account of
interaction with phonons should lead in this case to a sharp
increase of the diffusion coefficient with increasing temperature (see Ref. 5). This problem is analyzed in detail in Sec. 4,
with a solid solution of He3 in He4 as an example. In a justpublished paper by Mikheev and co-workers7 are cited results that demonstrate for the first time the localization of
He3at x, 2 4% and the D- T dependence predicted earlier
in Ref. 5.
Many aspects of quantum diffusion in irregular crystals
were clearly revealed recently in experiments on depolarization ofp+ mesons in matter (see,e.g., Refs. 8,9 and 10).The
comparatively small mass of the particles made it possible to
observe quantum diffusion in metallic matrices with large
potential barriers (Coulomb interaction) and to observe the
manifestation of both localization and motion under conditions of strong static and dynamic level shifts and finally,
pure band motion. We shall not discuss these experiments in
the present article. A partial analysis can be found in Ref. 5.
in which the "collision matrix" is a linear functional, nonlocal in time, o f j (see, e.g., Refs. 2 and 11):
Here H, = H + HphgPh-exp( -pH,,, ),,8 = 1/T; the index ph pertains to the phonon subsystem;the supmation Sp,
extends over all the states of the Hamiltonian H,. Here and
elsewhere fi = 1.
The interaction Vof the particle with the phonons, after
separating the polaron effect (which can be taken into account in the definition of the parameters of the particle Hamiltonian) is assumed weak, and it is this which enables us to
confine ourselves in the collision matrix (2.3)to an approximation quadratic in V. We retain in the expression for Vonly
the one-phonon and two-phonon interactions. It is convenient then to write the one-phonon interaction in the form
Here and elsewhere a cubic symmetry of the crystal is assumed for simplicity.
In this model, the irregularity of the crystal reduces
only to a dependence of the energy E , on the particle position.
The basic interaction oQhe particle with the phonons is
that part of the interaction V (2.4)which is independent of
the overlap integral, is diagonal in the site number, and is
responsible for the shaking of the level. In this case
(r 1 Aq 1 r') =Aq (0)eiq'6rr.r
We emphasize that all the matrix elements in these expressions correspond to the site representation. The formula
for Jta'[or J ( * ) ]is the result of the correction (2.22)to the
first (or second) factor in J (0).
For the intra-site interaction (2.14) of a particle with
phonons, J'O', J'"), and J'b)
are equal to
Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksimov
E {fry(~r,r+g)
1 7
The kinetic equation (2.2) takes in the site representation the form
= 1[O (E., B) O ( E +~ O,r)]. Substituting this
expression in (3.2)we obtain the diffusion equation
Here a,, is the frequency, averaged over the band, of the
scattering by the static inhomogeneities of the medium. The
frequency of the damping of the off-diagonal elements of the
density matrix is now equal to the sum L?= O,, + a,, and
the mean free path (3.12) changes correspondingly. If it is
assumed that the condition (3.11) is satisfied for the renormalized value ofO, we can still neglect (3.4)and the diffusion
coefficient is given by Eq. (3.10) with
So far, we have paid no attention to the sign of the interaction of the particle with the defect. At the same time, in the
case of attraction or of alternating-sign attraction (that depends on the direction relative to the crystallographic axes)
there will exist in the system, even at T - 4 , besides the strong
elastic scattering, also a channel of weak inelastic scattering
that leads to capture by a "trap." (The kinetics of motion
towards such a trap is considered in Sec. 5.) The expressions
given above then again describe adequately at x < xc the diffusion motion on a scale of the order of the so-called diffusion length.
) a small-scale
In those cases when the level shift ~ ( rhas
character with a correlation length of the order of the atom
size, we have for a,, an expression different from (3.16). If
denotes the mean square level shift, aim
described by an expression of the form (3.16)with
f f a z ( / ~ ) 2 x=l.
Q.(O, T) -1OB.
J do (o/wD)'N(r) (I+N(o)),
At low temperatures T < 0.1w, we have
PI1 (0, T)m1OeBcon(T/oo)O,
7x1(0, T) Z~O'B~OD
Here Bc and 3, are constants of the order of unity.
The quantities O,, (E,T) and y,, (E,T) satisfy the detailed-balancing principle. In particular, at IE I < T we have
QI, (E,
density is obtained from the condition that there be an overlap of spheres of radius R ;, defined by the conditionS
where the form of ~ ( ris) set by expression (3.18).
In the case of a small-scale spread of the levels, the
strong-localization condition coincides in fact with the localization condition
FIG. 1.
Under conditions of strong localization, the diffusion coupling of the sites r and r g is governed by the probability
If the level shift is due to point defects separated by
distances I>a, the value of SE changes little over a distance
-a. This makes it possible in principle to go over in (3.6)to
the differential form (at T >SE)
a j f div j=O,
8 re
f Vuj
We note that the "hydrodynamic" term in the current ensures evolution to thermodynamic equilibrium and has at
T >SE little effect on the diffusion process.
To describe particle diffusion over macroscopic distances it is necessary to change from the local tensor Dd to
the macroscopic diffusion coefficientD. The problem of diffusion under conditions of a strong shift reduces in fact to the
problem of percolation on a three-dimensional regular grid
with diffusion bonds (3.7) distributed in accordance with a
definite law. It is clear that, just as in the classical percolation problem, we are interested in the minimum value of SE*
corresponding to an infinite cluster with SE*2 ISEI.
We consider now the temperature range SE*(T(O,. In
this region, the incoherent diffusion is small compared with
the coherent one, and we shall confine ourselves to an analysis of just the coherent diffusion. The character of the averaging of D "h depends substantially on the investigated problem. A number of general considerations can be advanced,
however, from the very beginning.
The most radical change in the behavior of the diffusion
coefficient takes place at sufficiently low temperatures,
when a,, <SE*. In this case, in contrast to (3.9),expression
Obviously, this temperature dependence is directly transferred to the macroscopic diffusion coefficient D regardless
of the character of the averaging. In a matrix of cubic symmetry, the macroscopic diffusion coefficient is
(68') '.
Similarity considerations for the law (3.18)lead to the
Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksimov
extremal value
T=Ta,, T a p(oD6e/30)'.
In a system with a broad distribution of the level shifts,
at a given temperature, the hops between sites with level
shifts exceeding S Eare
~ of the one-phonon type, while those
with SE<SE= are of the two-phonon type. Bearing in mind
the extremal character of the transport picture, it can be
assumed that the diffusion in the crystal is determined by
two-phonon processes at T > T *, where T *=T,,. , and by
one-phonon processes at T < T *.
At T < T * the temperature dependence of the local diffusion coefficient (3.36) takes in place of (3.38) the linear
~ : ; ~ o : i (Ge,
2 ~ T)/6e2aTGeZ,
where SE = lad~/drl.A fundamental circumstance is that
now the diffusion coefficient is proportional to
and consequently the transport accelerates with increasing level
shift. Consequently the diffusion picture changes at T < T *.
The particles move primarily towards larger shifts, up to
z T, after which, according to (3.7)
shifts of the order of [SE~
becomes significant in W , ,+
and (3.42), the sign of E,,,
and an important role is assumed in the expression (3.35)for
the particle flux by the "hydrodynamic" velocity (3.37).Under these condition the diffusion proceeds in different manners, depending on the character of the interaction between
the particle and the defects.
If the defects act as repulsion centers, we again encounter in the calculation of the macroscopic diffusion coefficient
the problem of percolation of an infinite cluster with
IS&\> a&**,but now already with the maximum permissible
&**(a&*<SE** < T), SO that
D=i/,za2Ao'(613.') 'T/~D'.
With further lowering of the temperature, the value of SE**
FIG. 2.
The function Q (x,) vanishes at x, = xi, and it is just its
behavior which ensures a critical behavior of D (x,) of the
form (3.22)at T = 0. With increasing difference x, - x i the
function Q reaches rapidly its limit, equal to unity, and (4.2)
goes over into a formula that describes the band motion. At
x, > x i the diffusion coefficient takes on the value (3.49),as it
should. It is important that when the dynamic level spread
becomes predominant, i.e., at L?,, > 6 ~,.and f2,, > 4, Eq.
(4.2)takes at arbitrary x, the form (3.9),(3.10)which is typical of the diffusion of isolated particles, a behavior with a
Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksimov
lucid physical meaning. Thus, relation (4.2) provides a reasonable description of the coherent quantum diffusion coefficient on the entire plane of the parameters x, and T.
At x, close to xi (xi - x, > 0) the dependence of D "Oh
on T, as follows from (4.2),takes the form shown by curve 4
of Fig. 2. It is interesting that with increasing x, the role of
the interaction with the phonons varies continuously even in
the subcritical region, from the onset of additional resistance
(curves 1 and 2) to the formation of parallel channels of motion (curve 4). Equation (4.2) is least accurate, in all likelihood, when going from one regime ofx, to another. We note
that although the second term in (4.2) differs from zero in
only a very limited interval xi - x, > 0, the quantity a in
relation (3.40)for 6 ~(x,)
. is not universal and can vary in this
interval. It must be taken into account here, however, that
(Se.),, = A , The reason is that the second term pertains to
configurations on which the band character of the motion is
suppressed. We note also that in a solid solution of He3 in
He4 the difference between x i and xz (see the preceding section) is not very pronounced.
The form of the function Q (x,) can be established from
the D (x,) dependence at T = 0. A general form of this dependence is shown in Fig. 3.
The change from the l/xp law to a sharper decrease
with concentration near xz is due to destruction of the band
motion on the average and to the progressive decrease of the
number of configurations on which the remnants of such a
motion are still preserved. In this sense is clear that the plot
of D wh(T)will be close in this case to that of the diffusion
coefficient near xc in the case of level shifts on account of
static defects. At the same time one cannot exclude the possibility that in a system of interacting diffusing particles there
will remain, in a certain interval x, > x i , a small tail (dashed
line in Fig. 3) due to the weakly pronounced effects of the
collective motion.
In a just-published interesting paper by Mikheev and
co-workers,' quasilocalization of He3 atoms in an He4 matrix was observed in experiment (xi 2 4%) and it was confirmed that phonon localization obeys the law (4.1).
the condition T > To is violated and the one-phonon interaction becomes decisive.
by 0,(3.42)we obtain
Replacing in (5.1) a,,
Wr.r + g z A o 2 ( E ,r+g) Z T / o ~ 4 (5.3)
It is seen therefore that with further decrease of r the hopping probability increases rapidly. Thus W(r) behaves as
shown in Fig. 4a, with a very sharp minimum at the point
r = r.. Indeed, if the level spread depends on r like
SEa r - " - ' ( ~ ( r=
) u,(a/r)",n>3), then
FIG. 4.
just the motion in this region, and for the reciprocal capture
time we have approximately
W'=103 A , ~ T J / ~ ~ R .
This expression is valid at sufficiently low temperature,
when the inequality &&(re)
< T is satisfied (see (5.2)).
When moving in the region r < r., the particle ends up
under conditions of so strong a shift, that SE> T. In this case
the subsequent motion depends substantially on the sign
Er.r+g and in final analysis on the sign of ~ ( r )At
. ~ ( r<)0 and
6.5 < T the probability of a one-phonon hop towards the center ceases to depend on the temperature [see (3.42)] and a
really irreversible capture takes place, at a rate limited by
expression (5.5).At e(r)> 0, further motion to the center has
an activation dependence on Tand the time of capture by the
center is determined by the competition between the time of
passage through the bottleneck and the activation region.
The character (5.4)of the behavior of W leads in fact to a
homogeneous distribution of the particles in the region
r > r.. In the case of attraction to the center the gradient of
the distribution function is directly concentrated near the
bottleneck on a scale that is most frequently of the order of
interatomic, and the time of capture by the center can be
estimated at
l / z = 4 n (r,/a)ZW*x,o:
It is interesting that a direct estimate of the tunnel exponential, which takes into account the obtained values of the activation energy for classical diffusion (E, 100 K, Ref. 6) and
the geometry of the crystal matrix, yields values that lie inside this interval.
We note in conclusion that at the obtained scale of A, a
pure band diffusion would yield for the estimate of the recombination time a value smaller by many orders of magni-
tude than observed in experiment. In this case the experiment reveals very vividly the peculiarities of quantum
diffusion in an inhomogeneous system, when the delocalization exists at all only to the extent that there is interaction
with phonons.
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Translated by J. G. Adashko