Ordinance No. 998
Ordinance No. 998
Ordinance No. 998
Section 1: That Article 16 of the Municipal Code of the City of Craig, Colorado,
concerning zoning, is hereby amended as follows concerning requirements for medical
marijuana dispensaries, to read in its entirety as follows:
A. Definition. "Medical marijuana dispensary" shall mean and include the use of any
property or structure to distribute, transmit, give, dispense, or otherwise provide
marijuana in any manner, in accordance with Section 14, of Article XVIII of the
Colorado Constitution
2. Written approval from the City of Craig Police Department, as to each of the
a. A business plan for the dispensary to ensure compliance with law. The
business plan must contain the following items:
i. A description of the security provisions and systems;
ii. Hours of operation;
iii. Number of employees;
iv. Lighting plan;
v. A description of any cultivation within the dispensary,
a. where plants are grown
b. the number of plants that will be grown
c. the number of plants within a given stage of growth at
any given time
d. a description of the ventilation system for the premises
e. a description of the lighting system
3. Written approval from the Planning Department that the location requirements
set forth in subsection C below have been met.
2. No medical marijuana dispensary shall be located within 500 feet of any licensed
child care facility, church, or City Park at the time of establishment of the
4. No medical marijuana dispensary shall be located within 500 feet of any halfway
house or correctional facility at the time of establishment of the dispensary.
3. The business may only be open for the sale of medical marijuana during the hours
of 9:00 am to 7:00 p.m.
5. Cultivation of marijuana is only permitted when the premises are equipped with a
ventilation system that filters out the odors of the marijuana so it is not detectable
from the exterior of the business or from within any adjoining premises.
Approval of such system from the Building Department is required prior to the
cultivation process beginning.
6. The sale or consumption of alcohol on the premises is prohibited, except for the
sale of tinctures, which is permitted.
7. All dispensaries shall be equipped with a secure safe that is utilized for the
purposes of storing marijuana not then being actively cultivated when the
business is open.
E. Signage requirements
All signage associated with a medical marijuana dispensary will meet the
standards established in the Craig Municipal Code, Title 16, Article 7 (signs).
Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect ten days after passage, at
which time Ordinance #997(attached) shall be deemed repealed in its entirety.